ace-exploring · 21 hours
I want to make it clear that not feeling sexual attraction doesn't mean you can't or aren't allowed to participate in sex.
I think that too many people get hung up on 'asexual' to mean 'sex-averse' and yes, my fellow aces exist on a spectrum from sex-averse to sex-favourable, but also...
You don't need to feel attraction to someone to have sex with them.
I think the thing that confuses allos is that they are primarily driven by sexual attraction. They are sexually attracted to more than just the person they might be in a relationship with, so they have a hard time understanding that some people just... don't.
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genderqueerdykes · 3 months
happy international asexuality day!
April 6th marks International Asexuality Day, a day meant for recognizing, validating, educating and embracing the asexual umbrella of identities, including, but definitely not limited to asexual, aroace, demisexual, greyasexual, aceflux, pomosexual, quoisexual, and other aspectrum identifying people.
i began identifying as asexual as well as aromantic in the early 2010s before silently dropping the label as tensions around whether or not asexual people were "truly" queer/lgbt rose. i felt ashamed of that part of me and stopped talking about it, but as time has passed, the asexual community has started to rebuild, and the entire queer community owes it to the asexual community to help us rebuild and establish ourselves.
we have been the butt of many jokes for years and its time to get rid of the stigma this identity has once and for all and accept that in a society that demands sexuality from each and every person, asexuality is undoubtedly queer. to stand in the face of a society that barrages you with sexuality and sexual imagery, innuendo and conversation almost 24/7 and say that it is not for you, or that you do not approach sexuality in the same way as it has been forced upon you is extremely queer.
cishet or not, every asexual spectrum person falls neatly into the queer community. throwing us under the bus isn't acceptable. we struggle in cisheteronormative society just as much as other queers and it's time to acknowledge and embrace that. it was safer and easier for me to talk about being a gay man than it was for me to talk about being asexual. it was easier for me to talk about being transgender than it was for me to talk about how i don't like having sex with people and don't experience sexual attraction very often and when i do, i have no plans to follow through with it unless it is to meet the other person's needs in a logical fashion.
i have been guilted and forced into sexual relationships that i did not enjoy multiple times over the years. i do not enjoy having sex with people. it's not for me. i've done it many, many times and the conclusion i come to every time is that i don't enjoy it and i come out the other side feeling worse than if i just hadn't done it at all.
i don't really experience the drive to do it in the first place, so why should i force myself to? even if i occasionally find people attractive, if i don't want to follow through on it, i shouldn't have to. nobody should have to engage with sex at all if they don't want to. sex is morally neutral, but it can be very bad for some people to interact with, and this is okay.
whether you're sex repulsed, neutral, favorable, or something else, happy international asexuality day to you! be proud to be yourself, there's no shame in being asexual or asexual spectrum. let's get rid of the stigma around aspec identities once and for all
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heymrstargazer · 5 months
wishing every aspec person who has sat through a "but if you liked people" interrogation a hot drink, an aspec bestie, and the power of a thousand suns
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traceyshortfilm · 3 months
Hi all, thank you SO MUCH for staying tuned! 💜 I know we haven't been as active as usual on this account, but even though life has gotten extremely busy, we still have been planning behind the scenes, and monitoring all the news in the Ace community. 💖
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lgbt-tiktoks · 1 year
[The video shows two people, Divinity (left) and Nik (right). Text above their head says "Happy Aromantic Awareness Week". Their socials are also above their heads, with "@/officiallydivinity" and "@/nikhampshire (ig)". Divinity has the label "Aromantic/GreyAce" under her and Nik has "AlloAromantic".
Divinity: "What's up potatoes, it's Divinity."
Nik: "I'm Nik Hampshire."
Divinity: "Some of you may know it's Aromantic Awareness Week and we're both aromantic. We wanted to do a fun little video of some things we may find repulsive or that we may be into as romantic repulsed aromantics."
Nik: "True."
Divinity: "So we just wrote down a couple of things and we actually don't even know each other's answers yet, so this is gonna be fun. Hand holding. One, two, three."
Both of the hold up a thumbs down.
Divinity: Same! Cuddling. One, two, three.
Both hold up a thumbs up.
Divinity: (laughing) Yes!
Nik: Non-holiday gift giving. One, two, three.
Divinity holds a thumbs up. Nik holds a thumbs down. He switches to a thumbs up.
Nik: Nah. Like it depends who it is though. Like if its somebody that I-
Divinity: It depends what it is as well.
Nik: That too, yeah. So really there's like a lot of context that comes into that.
Divinity: If it's a funko pop, I- I want it. If it's flowers for no reason...
Nik: And it's like if we don't know each other, if we're just hanging out as like we're hooking up or it's just something casual and you start giving me gifts. I'm like... nah.
Divinity: That's suspicious. Nicknames. One, two, three.
Both give a thumbs down.
Divinity: No! Do not call me babe!
Nik: Pop Ins. One, two, three.
Both of them give a thumbs down.
Nik: Don't come by my house.
Divinity: You better text, call, send a smoke signal.
Nik: Don't call, don't call either- Good morning/good night text. One, two, three.
Divinity keeps her thumb sideways while Nik gives a thumbs down.
Divinity: I'm indifferent! (laughing) It just depends on who it is.
Nik: True.
Divinity: PDA. One, two, three.
Both give a thumbs down. Nik moves himself out of frame completely.
Nik: Uh, playing with a partner's hair. One. two, three.
Divinity gives a thumbs up and Nik gives a thumbs down. He switches it up and down a few times.
Nik: Eh, kinda depending on context.
Divinity: I mean it's a wig, you wanna wear it. You know. Cooking for someone. One, two, three.
Both give a thumbs up.
Divinity: I love cooking!
Nik: I love to eat.
Divinity: I love cooking!
Nik: Covering the bill. One, two, three.
Divinity gives a thumbs up. Nik hesitates before giving a thumbs up.
Nik: Uh yeah it depends.
Divinity: I like to go dutch though because if someone is paying for everything I start to feel like-
Nik: Yeah that's kinda how I feel.
Divinity: It just feels so much like a date.
Nik: So I go halves.
Divinity: Yeah, I'm a halfsies...
Nik: Again, until there's like a repertoire and we know we're friends then I'll cover-
Divinity: Yeah.
Nik: That being said, obviously what is and isn't romantic is subjective per person and even per incident. Like sometimes with the same person something might feel romantic at one point, it might not feel romantic at the next. So it's up to you guys.
Divinity: Never let what the appearance of what something looks like stop you from enjoying the activity with someone because you're afraid of being "perceived" as something.
The text "Bloopers" appears on screen, showing parts they messed up on.
Divinity: All that being said, I forgot what I was about to say (laughing). That's what she said, I'm sorry. That being said I hope that you all know romantic gestures- what are they?
Nik: Gestures.
Divinity: Yeah.
End Transcript]
Note: This video is at least a year old (maybe 2??) but it's been in my drafts forever so better late than never! Also happy aromantic spectrum awareness week (I'm so late I'm sorry)!!!
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fun-gay-stuff · 10 months
I love being Greyace!!
I love it because, (even though there is a more defined definition for it), it describes my attraction perfectly: a confusing grey blob of attraction lol.
I contain acespec multitudes!! I can relate to so many acespec labels!! Aceflux? For sure! Demi? Indeed! Allo? Oh yeah i occasionally feel like it! Aego? Definitely for some things! Sex repulsed? Yup yup!
Anyways shout out to my follow acespecs! I love you! You are amazing!! <3
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pride-flag-planets · 3 months
Bisexual, Demigirl, Greyace
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vixi-art-2000 · 8 months
For this year's Asexual Awareness Week, my dear friend @gardeninthevoid asked that I draw his OC. But since I also have an ace OC, I thought "Hey, why not draw them together?" And that's how this came to be!
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A little about the girls in the drawing: On the left is Pandora, @gardeninthevoid's baby, a rock musician werewolf. She's hot-headed, rebellious, and tries to seem badass and intimidating (and usually succeeds), but in reality, she's quite a bit of a disaster. Besides music, her main hobby is getting into fights with random strangers. She's a gray asexual, bisexual trans woman, and her feelings about sex change a lot, but she's very into her girlfriend. Said girlfriend is the leader of their pack, but what she doesn't know is that Pandora will usurp her one day. She was initially created as a sim soon after TS4 Werewolves came out. On the right is Serena, my baby, an extremely extroverted half-mermaid who refuses to put on dresses and skirts. She's insanely charismatic and friendly and constantly forgets that personal space is a thing. She studies fashion design and plans to help her father be seen as the great tailor that he is. She's asexual, biromantic, and doesn't really have an opinion on sex. She forgets that it's a thing as often as the fact that not everyone likes surprise hugs. She never really thinks about it, but wouldn't mind pleasing someone she loves deeply. I made her years ago, and she has gone through so many revisions and changes, and her current form has to be my favorite. She's been with me for so many years, and she will stay for many more.
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 Aromantic | Demisexual | Greyromantic
Asexual | Demiromantic | Greysexual
Originally I wanted to do just the ace one to give to a friend but then I remembered @internet-ghost did a thingy where fae drew a bunch of different prideflag ghosts which was a pretty fun project apparently so this is a collab now. There might be more pride flag cake slices in the making i don’t know yet we’ll see.
If there’s any specific flags you’d like to see as cake slices let me know and I’ll pass it on
Because this is a sideblog I can’t respond to your comment directly but yes @castiel-holmeshasthephonebox you can totally use one of these as your icon if you want to
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aroaceconfessions · 11 months
What the fuck even is sexual attraction. Like what am i even trying to parce here. Has the one singular event of ‘wow i might be attracted to this person actually’ ive experienced been genuine sexual attraction or am i just being emotionally attached to my close friends again. Like how many times do i have to think that about this person before it starts tipping into probably being true
I understand that human experience does not fit into neatly divided boxes and i get that its a good thing but it would be soooo much fucking easier if i could just read a checklist and get told if im ace or gray or demi or whatever the fuck is going on with this whole mess
Its been literal years. The entirety of figuring out where i am in regards of gender and romantic shit took mere months, and its been over three FUCKING years. Simply is not fair
The worst part is im not comfortable with just slapping an ‘acespec’ on there and going, no, because i dont care about the actual label, i just want to understand how my own fucking emotions work >:/
Catch me desperately clinging to ‘non-sam aro’ like a lifeline so i dont have to figure out how my sexuality works ever
Submitted June 18, 2023
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lunarhorrors · 1 year
hello!! i made these two flags to use as alternatives for the greyromantic and greysexual flags! feel free to use them :)
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ace-exploring · 6 months
"You just have to find the right person."
I FOUND my person. I moved heaven and earth to marry him. We're still together after 17 years.
I'm still ace.
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theinfantboiler · 10 months
ficto/aegosexual sounded cringe to me at first, until i realized interacting with actual people is like licking a gas station toilet for 12 hours straight, and then it made perfect sense—
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intersexfairy · 1 year
what does it feel like to drink ace respect juice and have so much swag
it feels so great i love being acespec and respecting my ace peers <3
and i am also arospec and respect my arospec peers!
and! and! aspecs who arent acespec or arospec! i see you and i respect you! <3
(click here to see some examples of non aro/ace aspec orientations!)
*the asocial page doesnt define antisocial well.
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traceyshortfilm · 2 months
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Credit: mumastsi
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kikithefox231 · 6 days
Some LGBTQIA+ headcanons for my blorbos! :3
I made these using this tutorial!! Highly recommend Bebbls Crafts’ work!!! ^^
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From top down:
Huo Huo - Aromantic Marcy 7th - Transgender Fluttershy - Greyasexual Marcy Wu - Greyromantic Chat Noir - Asexual Ladybug - Bisexual Yae Miko - Lesbian Star Butterfly - Pansexual Tulip Olson - Aroace Lake - Agender Anne Boonchuy - Demiromantic (used alt. flag since it's easier for editing) Miko Kubota - Bisexual
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Alt. version for Anne bc this lil doodle from the show is so cute and goofy <3
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Also did another one for Huo Huo since I love her and I also headcanon her as ace <3
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All of these are f2u!!! Just credit me in your bio/post or tag me if you'd like!
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Credits for transparents used:
♡ Huo Huo ♡ Fluttershy ♡ Marcy Wu ♡ Yae Miko
Dividers from here
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Transparent versions I made in case you want to use them below:
Just credit me in your bio/post if using! ^^ (Also sorry some of them aren't the best bc I got tired :')
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