#I am a feral child now feral adult
blackbackedjackal · 1 month
I've been watching this whole thing unfold from the sidelines and saw the long post by Tek (hopefully got the name right) as well. I just wanted to say that the situation is wild and what ultimately gets me is not just the sheer level of nuclear vitriol in that verbal abuse, but also the absolute immaturity; specifically, the use of her issues as a shield for said immaturity and unprofessionalism on Dog's part. It isn't acceptable for someone to behave in this manner (and for this long...). Guess she missed the memo that mental illness isn't an excuse to be abusive. Many people with the same stuff aren't abusive at all! As someone who was severely abused in person by people using their issues an excuse to be abusive, it really does enrage me to see it. I am sorry you and others had to go through this, it's absolutely vile behavior. DogBlud abusing people and behaving like a Lycanthropic Rage Karen is not something I expected to see, but here we are. I just hope that maaaaayyyybbbeee she reflects and gets therapy or something about that pathological, self-destructive abuse cycle she throws around towards people who are supposed to be friends. She needs it badly. Up to her if she actually considers growth but the bar isn't high for her there. Love June btw!
The thought "huh she's reminding me of my abusive ex," popped into my head a couple of times, and I was like oooooh, that not good. So I just handled it the same way I did with him, locked her in circular arguments to frustrate her and keep her at a distance mentally, while letting her talk till she confessed to her toxic behavior. When you think you're the smartest person in the room, eventually, the smartest person will tell you to shut up (which Rex and I did teehee).
We had several people come forward to me and trashasaurusrex telling us about bits of her toxic behavior, but tek was the last person she collaborated with. Dog used to talk MAD shit about tek in my server, and I was like "tek either be a literal demon by the way you're describing her or, you, Dog, are a liar." As it turns out, tek is infact VERY NICE and I got angry that Dog dared to take advantage of her kindness in such a horrid way.
The thing is, I've barely touched on the stuff she did to me. I wrote up my testimony the day after I kicked her from my server to a neutral third party who was working on a collaborative project with her at the time. I wanted to give it some warning in case Dog tried to pull the same shit in that server, and around the same time tek and I started talking and comparing notes. Like the screenshots of her convos with tek literally parallel mine at some parts.
Anyway just, yeah I agree with you 100%. She's a serial abuser and manipulator with a mountain of evidence as proof. I haven't even gotten to the 34 minute phonecall like lord that's gonna be a doosey to explain.
She can grow all she wants from this. I hope she does get help, apologies, and, finally, and does better. But she has to PROVE that to me and Rex before she comes back on my block. Neither of us are in any position to be willing to forgive her for the shit she put us through.
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puppetmaster13u · 6 months
Who wants a prompt entirely in memes.
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i-am-3mm3t · 1 year
... So. I am not all that hungry anymore. But, um. The train to northeastern Nimbasa may be down for a few hours. For. Repairs.
I can't explain it. Not very well. Just. Look.
[A flash picture of an otherwise completely dark conductor's car. The wiring and panel from an upper corner has completely torn away across an entire wall where it connects to the ceiling. Most of it lies on the floor of the car, the other end hanging by a thread to the ceiling. All the lights are out, and half of them are shattered, with glass scattered across the seats and floor of the car.]
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gffa · 7 months
It is still absolutely a marvel to me how much BATFAMILY fic I have been reading and enjoying, it's been awhile since I've gone at such a sustained fever pitch so consistently, which is because this fandom keeps putting out fic that makes me fall in love all over again, along with all the comics I've been reading and enjoying. I am so delighted by how I can bounce around various eras or characters (well, let's be fair, I still have a Dick Grayson Problem That I Am Making Your Problem Too) and there's so much to read that I'm having trouble keeping up!
Join me in having the best problem: Too much good fic to read, because I swear that even when I'm crying because fic has punched me in the feelings, I'm still having a great time and it's definitely not a trap to lure you all into crying with me. Well, unless you're into that. And, in that case, READ AND CRY AND/OR MELT INTO GOO WITH ME, BECAUSE FANDOM IS PROVIDING.
BATFAM FIC RECS - BABY DICK IS THE CUTEST FERAL ROBIN I'M NOT HEARING ANY ARGUMENTS: ✦ Step One: Learning to Catch by TheBlueMoo, dick & bruce, 2k     “Okay, now extend your arms.” It was jarring, Bruce reflected, to be taking instructions from his nine-year-old ward. He was trying to think of it as receiving lessons from an expert gymnast instead, but it wasn’t really helping. or Dick freaks out during training one night, and Bruce isn't entirely sure why ✦ the quiet noise by orphan_account, dick & clark & jim (& bruce), 3.4k     When Batman is in surgery after a stab wound to the lung, Commissioner Gordon sits with Robin at the hospital as they wait for someone from the league to arrive. ✦ The art of falling in the rain by Bob_the_bastard, dick & bruce & alfred, 3.4k     Ordinarily it wouldn’t have been an issue, ordinarily Bruce would have taken a few steps back, caught his breath and continued on. But that night wasn’t normal. ✦ Our roots will not whither away by KrazySuperGirl, dick & bruce & alfred & cast, 6.4k     Bruce and Dick return to Gotham. There are plenty of problems and plenty of good days. ✦ Will Protect You From All Around You by zombiesbecrazy, dick & bruce, 3k     Bruce has always expected that one day he'll wake up and feel like a Real Adult, but it hasn't happened yet. Why had he thought that this parenting thing would be easy? ✦ Fly South by SonoSvegliato, dick & bruce & alfred, 1.9k     Birds fly south in winter. Robin leaves in the summer. ✦ Vertigo by tinycrown, dick & bruce & ollie & cast, 1.8k     After being ambushed by Count Vertigo's men, Batman's partner isn't doing so well. Green Arrow observes. ✦ Friends by mx_chrx99, dick & bruce & alfred, 2.3k     The manor loomed large, surrounded by acres of manicured grass and trees bursting with autumnal colors that made Dick feel like he was gazing at a forest on fire. He was distantly aware that the scene in front of him was incredible, something out of a storybook. He should have been amazed and even grateful, but all he could think was, 'Mom would have loved this.' ✦ There For You by Val_Creative, dick & bruce & cast, 2.4k     Snapshots of how Robin came to be Batman's trusted partner and how Dick became Bruce's beloved son. /Standalone. No pairings. ✦ tummy troubles by brandywine421, dick & bruce & alfred, 1.5k     Bruce sat down on the edge of the bed and warily pulled back the covers. Dick blinked at him with wide, sad blue eyes. "What's wrong?" "Don't feel good," he murmured, scowling when Bruce curled his hand against his cheek. "My stomach hurts." ✦ Stay a Child by ijustwanttodestroy, dick & bruce & alfred, 2.2k     “Redo it,” Bruce orders. “Aw, come on!” Dick dares to pout — a thing that he uses often, and would work on anyone but Bruce and Alfred. Sometimes. Bruce gives him a look. “I’m not going to do it for you.” “I’m going to misdo it until you do,” Dick threatens. ✦ Whole, but not hale by Fae_Winter, dick & bruce & alfred & clark, 1.5k     Bruce was never listening to Clark again, damnit ✦ Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes by catboysam, dick & bruce, 1k     Bruce wishes, as he has wished every minute of every day for nearly 20 years, that things were different for himself. But now he also wishes that for Dick. No child should have to experience what they have. But he really is selfish, it seems, because at the same time, how could he possibly want to give up a single second with this little miracle in his arms? ✦ yet to be friends by rxsecret, dick & bruce & clark & cast, 2.3k     It's the annual Wayne Gala, and one of the few reporters allowed at the event just so happened to be from Metropolis. ✦ And I’ll look into your eyes to find out if I’m real by Fleur_de_Violette, bruce & dick, 1.6k     Bruce wants a lot of things. A bath. Seeing his family. Not having been missing for a whole year. He wants Dick to wake up and realize he’s not a hallucination.
BATFAM FIC RECS - ADULT BATSON AND BATDAD ARE MY KRYPTONITE, I FOLD LIKE WET CARDBOARD FOR THEM: ✦ medicine by daringyounggrayson, dick & bruce, ~1k     “We have to get out of here,” Dick says, trying and failing to sit up. “Before, before they get back.” “Dick, listen to me. You’re sick,” Bruce says, running a hand through Dick’s hair. “You’re in an isolation unit at the Watchtower’s medical bay.” Dick shakes his head. That can’t be right. “They’re trying to, to poison me.” ✦ Someday All Of This Will Go Away by WanderIntoFics, dick & bruce, alternate version character death, 2.3k     Bruce never stopped telling Dick he loved him. It takes a heart-wrenching and terrifying experience with an alternate future Bruce for Dick to realize that maybe he stopped being able to hear it. ✦ vacation town by daringyounggrayson, dick & bruce, 1.6k     Normally, Dick wouldn't enjoy recovering from a stab wound from a poisoned knife, but he has to admit, it's nice to be home. ✦ all i can by emavee, dick & bruce, 1.7k     Whatever they injected Dick with is taking away his senses. Bruce tries to hold on for both of them. ✦ my arms will hold you, keep you safe and warm by emavee, dick & bruce, 5.6k wip     Five times Dick held Bruce's hand, and one time Bruce held his. ✦ Moving on by Fleur_de_Violette, dick & bruce & cast, 2.7k     When he’d been called to Gotham, Dick had expected to do the job and then get moving to the next thing, and then the next, and then the next. An abrupt meeting with the side of a building interrupts his plans.
BATFAM FIC RECS - EVERYBODY LOVES DICK: ✦ Chatterbox by Ptelea, bruce & dick & jason & tim & damian & donna & roy & cast, 24.7k     "Yeah, I'm fine," Dick said. Then he frowned, because he had not just meant to say that. Or: Eight times that spells or serums affected Dick's ability to speak and / or their aftermath. ✦ Misremembered and Misnumbered by miss_aphelion, bruce & dick & jason & clark & diana, 1.9k     Dick may not actually be quite as old as he told everyone he was. In his defense, it wasn't so much lying as that he sort of just forgot. ✦ WE'LL LIVE IN SPACES BETWEEN WALLS. by orpheusaki, bruce & dick & jason, time travel, 4.6k     (Something is different about Dick. Bruce notices.) ✦ Tonight Will Be a Memory Too by Sohotthateveryonedied, dick & cass & bruce, 1.2k     They don’t happen often—once a month or so, with varying degrees of spottiness. Sometimes Dick will walk into a room and forget what he’s there for. He’ll forget the locations of things, like where he left his keys or where the refrigerator is. Once he forgot his own name. Even if the episodes don’t occur often, that doesn’t make them any less terrifying. ✦ Can I Sleep With You? by Lady_of_Lorule, dick & bruce & damian & titans & cast, 2k     “Dick? What is it? Are you okay?” he asked. “‘Had a nightmare,” the boy murmured, wiping at his nose quickly, then sending a darting look at Bruce. “Can I...can I sleep with you?” ✦ Broken Silence by Geeves, bruce & dick & cast, 1.3k     Bruce reflects on how quiet the manor used to be. It could be painful at times, but it's not like that anymore. ✦ the care and keeping of your baby talon by quandaries_and_contradictions, dick & bruce & jason & tim & damian & duke & alfred, reverse robins, talon!dick, 6k     In which everyone is more than a little cautious about the talon Duke brought home. Featuring chandelier swinging, Secret Garden reading, ill-advised sleuthing, and more. ✦ One, Two, Buckle My Shoe by Anonymous, bruce & dick & jason & tim & damian & alfred & cast, 11.3k wip     Dick was twenty-eight. The boy in the mirror most certainly was not. ✦ Iron Bound by coyote_nebula, bruce & dick & jason, 3.1k     Batman never ran out of solutions. He just ran out of ideal solutions. Nightwing finds himself in a tight spot involving a compact car-sized paper roll. ✦ The Mantle by ValleyOfKings, dick & clark & diana & justice league (& bruce) & cast, 2.9k     Batman ‘dies’ and Dick must takes his place. He doesn't want the job but he knows that it is what he must do. He must accept the mantle and protect Gotham. The Justice League must also accept their new Batman. It might have helped if they knew that Batman didn't work as alone as they had once thought. ✦ Bravery, and everything that looks like it by Fleur_de_Violette, bruce & dick & steph, 3.4k     Bruce had promised Dick a fun and chill weekend. Instead, they find themselves in the middle of a burning chemical facility. When he thinks everyone should have been evacuated, Nightwing finds a scientist trying to secure some sort of container. She’s either very brave, or she has a death wish.
BATFAM FIC RECS - JASON TODD IS AN ASSHOLE CAT, I'M GONNA THROW HIM AT DICK BECAUSE IT'S FUNNY (AND MAYBE SOME OF HIS OTHER SIBLINGS TOO): ✦ Superhero: Dick Grayson by batmoniker, dick & jason & cast, 5.3k     In which Dick shows up at the school to pick Jason up after he gets into a fight. ✦ Homecoming by sElkieNight60, dick & jason & bruce, 1.2k     Jason's doped up on pain-meds. Dick's holding his hand while he's bedside monitor. Bruce probably wishes he had a camera. ✦ I do not have wings love (I never will) by dizarys, dick & jason & bruce, 2.5k     Jason Todd was alive. He was also bleeding out on Dick Grayson’s apartment floor. How 'Under the Red Hood' might have ended if Dick was at Bruce and Jason's final warehouse confrontation.
BATFAM FIC RECS - BATKIDS ALL HAVE MANY SIBLINGS AND THEY'RE ALL PETTY ASSHOLES AND/OR WONDERFUL BABIES AND I LOVE THEM WITH MY WHOLE BEING: ✦ cashmere-soft and irresistible by victoria_p (musesfool), cass/steph, ~1k     Cass and Steph and dumplings and lipstick. ✦ Picking Up Pieces by Cephalogod, bruce & steph & dick, 4k     “Bruce!” Steph called as she approached, weaving between people. His head snapped towards her, and the stark relief in his expression almost stopped her in her tracks. That was just...wrong. Bruce wasn’t supposed to be relieved to see her. He was supposed to be annoyed or resignedly amused, not looking at her like a life raft in the ocean. ✦ Make an Ass of U and Me by Huntress79, Sevidri, bruce/clark & dick, 11.2k     Bruce neglects to explain exactly who the attractive young man that seems to know him so well is, and what their relationship entails. Naturally, there are some misunderstandings. ✦ Presque Vu by PechoraFlow, bruce & dick & jason & tim & damian & cass & steph & alfred & cast, 17.4k wip     Bruce gets amnesia and the Batfamily conspires to keep their vigilante side secret from him. They were just trying to keep him home, safe until he recovered. They expected that Bruce would pick up on clues and put together The Batman secret on his own. They didn't expect him to form a different picture entirely. They didn't expect Bruce Wayne would come to hate the Batman.
BATFAM FIC RECS - I CUT MY TEETH ON DICK & TIM AS CLOSE BROTHERS AND NO ONE WILL NOT TAKE IT FROM ME: ✦ spread your wings by wingedgrace, dick & tim, 2.1k     “Why did you give Robin to Damian?” Dick pinched his nose. He’d started to pick up some of Batman’s habits, whether he realized it or not. “Tim, we’re not talking about this again. We’re talking about how you’re off on this… quest, to prove that Bruce is still alive. And I just want to talk. Come home.” ✦ Time Loop vs Ethiopia by AJElementus, dick & tim (& bruce & jason), 9.1k     In one universe, Jason died while Dick was on a space mission with the Titans. In another? There’s a time loop. In which Jason doesn’t die, Tim joins the family early, and Dick... well... Dick's just trying to figure out what's going on! ✦ so won't you stay, won't you stay (with me?) by dizarys, dick & tim, 1.3k     Tim's having a hard night. So where else does he go but to his big brother's apartment? ✦ under the wing by acrobats, dick & tim & cast, 1.4k     “Sometimes being a brother is even better than being a superhero.” – Marc Brown
BATFAM FIC RECS - I WILL DIE ON THE HILL THAT TIM DRAKE'S TRUE LOVE INTEREST IS CONNER KENT AND NOBODY CAN STOP ME, NOT EVEN GOD: ✦ buy back the secrets by sundiscus, tim/kon & bruce & clark & jason & cast, 71k wip     He takes a long, slow breath. Ignores the glares from the other students. “Superboy,” he murmurs. “It’s me. If you’re listening, I could use some help.” Or: 5 times Superboy saves Tim Drake, and one time Tim Drake saves Superboy. ✦ Can't Shake the Feeling by Hayleythewriter, tim/kon & tim/bernard & cassie & bart & dick & damian & cast, 17k     Tim introduces his boyfriend to his friends. Almost everyone likes him. ✦ The Electric Pull of Spring by Merelymine, tim/kon, nsfw, 4.3k     "I feel fine," Kon says, breathing deeply. He leans towards Tim and takes an even deeper, longer breath. "I feel really, really good, actually. And you smell—you smell really good." ✦ A No Good Very Bad Day by mademoisellePlume, tim/kon & jason & lois, read the tags, 3.7k     You’d think drugging a half-Kryptonian into sleep would be half as easy as taking a full Kryptonian out of commission. But no, life couldn’t be that simple for Jason, could it? He watched Superboy stumble down the hallway in his pyjama pants, eyes half-lidded and sweating like Two-Face when a flipped coin balanced on its edge. ✦ Pandora's Other Box by FridaysChild, tim/kon & dick & bart & kate & ma kent, 2.5k     Prompt: "Kon and Tim identify as straight. After realising their mutual attraction, they both freak out in different ways."
BATFAM FIC RECS - I SAY THIS IS A BATFAM REC LIST BUT SOMETIMES YOU JUST GOTTA SHOVE THOSE ASSHOLES OUT OF THE WAY AND READ SOME SUPERFIC: ✦ Adoptions by Kannika, clark & conner & cast, 2.7k     Clark prepared for a lot of things, getting closer to Conner. This is not one of them. ✦ Aftershock by sElkieNight60, clark/lois & conner & jon, 13k wip     He knows this is awkward for Clark. It’s awkward for them both. They were gonna start slow. Warm up to each other. Maybe go apple-picking in the summer. A movie, a restaurant, bowling, or something. But a sleepover, really? That wasn’t going slow. ✦ IS IT JUST YOU AND ME IN THE WRECKAGE OF THE WORLD? by orpheusaki, clark & conner & bruce & diana & jason & cast, 2.2k     "You look happy, Kal." She's right, Clark is overjoyed. In between shopping for children's clothes with Lois (after she'd gotten over the shock of it all, which was surprisingly quick. Clark thinks Lois might prefer Conner to him now, not that he blames her for it) and wandering around the Fortress of Solitude with a small palm tucked into his own, Clark hasn't stopped grinning, "Superman is no longer the only Kryptonian alive." (Clark saves Conner from CADMUS as a child AU.)
BATFAM FIC RECS - TAKE THE ANGST DIAL, TURN IT UP TO ELEVEN, AND BREAK THE KNOB OFF, THAT'S WHAT I'M HERE FOR: ✦ oh but if I could choose, I would choose not to feel by dizarys, bruce & dick & donna & cast, 1.4k     His eyes flicked over the long room, evaluating and searching. When he finally spotted him, Bruce’s heart plummeted. Dick Grayson was slouched at the crumb flecked bar counter, staring blankly into a barely touched pint with a hand twisted in his hair. Misery personified. ✦ batman by hellsreluctantheir, dick & jason & tim & bruce, 57.3k     Dick came back from a trip to space to a dead father figure, a grieving, guilty little brother, and a legacy waiting for him. Suddenly he's moving back to Gotham, playing Bat, trying to keep Jason from spiraling, trying to keep himself from spiraling, with the added bonus of a kid stalking him at the grocery store. It takes two years before things start to feel like they're getting better. Which is right about when the Red Hood comes to town. ✦ Day 3 - Nightmares (2.2) by fanfictiongreenirises, bruce & dick & tim, 3.3k     Bruce is resigned to the nightmares after their most recent kidnapping. But that doesn't mean they don't have an impact on him. ✦ My Brother's Keeper by Chemical_Processes, dick & damian & tim & cast, 6.2k     Tim gets hit with Fear while on a league mission, and it's Damian's job to get him home in one piece. ✦ Pale Reflections by BearlyWriting, bruce & dick & jason & tim & cast, 2.6k     ‘Bruce blinks again. A chill breeze brushes against him, searching for a way through his uniform. Concrete, Bruce tells himself, it’s concrete, not sand. It’s water, not blood. It’s Dick. And yet, he’s as still as Jason was then, as lifeless. Bruce moves without thinking. He isn’t thinking. His mind is utterly blank, a void in his head.’ ✦ love brought weight to this heart by dizarys, bruce & dick & john & mary & damian & duke, 1.9k     Of course Dick came by every time Haly’s was in town. But he loved when his family was able to join him. And now, with lights illuminating the big top, performers streaming into the ring with flashy costumes, and his family enthralled, Dick felt at peace. Both sides of his life were together. It should’ve been perfect. And looking back, he still wasn’t sure what pushed it off course. But it might have been the fire. ✦ what's in a name by envysparkler, bruce & dick & jason, 4.5k     Kidnappers strike at a gala and abduct two of Bruce Wayne’s sons. Or at least that’s what they think. ✦ I’m gambling with the sun (on which one of us dies young) by dizarys, dick & jason & donna & roy & tim & damian & cassandra & cast, 6.9k     The Justice League have been wiped from existence by Pariah, leaving Nightwing to once again navigate the death of Batman. But this time, even with his siblings and friends rallying around him, the cracks start to show ✦ (someone told me) love would all save us by YouAreTheBrightest234 (TransLucas), bruce & dick & tim, 1k     Dick is floating in an abyss of black. It is not peaceful, yet not malicious. It simply is. ✦ Slipping 998° by CKBookish, bruce & dick & tim & cast, 2.5k     When a house fire turns deadly Bruce wonders if he will be too late... again.
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evilminji · 19 days
As I have recently discussed, with the ESTEEMED Quirk Scholar @mayfay !
Suprise Quirk Accident Babies! Gotta love um!
They're the, ironically enough, love child of "suprise child acquisition" and "suddenly pregnant" troupes! But SPEEDRUN! Because THAT IS A TODDLER/BABY! Right here. Right now!
And now YOU! Yes, YOU! Get to deal with it. All those vague "do I want to be a parent someday? Would it be SAFE? I am READY?" Questions AND MORE! Suddenly NOT SO VAGUE.
Suddenly VERY RELAVENT. Immediate. People are asking you questions you are GOING to need to answer. And?
You are not the only parent.
You might be JUST out of fucking high-school. Staring down a top lister, high 20, maybe TOP TEN, Hero. Who is society gonna choose here? Your barely adult ass... or them? You might never see your kid again if they decide to take them. Decide to be an asshole.
They have enemies, too.
Can... can you HANDLE those enemies? To protect your kid?
It's been less then fifteen minutes. Fight has barely ended and your sitting under a shock blanket. Decisions are going to have to be made. And all you can think is the sound of your own panicked screaming. Static white noise. The reporters and shady Goverment officials already circling like sharks. Gotta make a decision. Gotta make a decision. Gotta....
It is? The BEST.
The more unlikely the combos the better! My asexual ass is thriving! Fuck yeah! Free baby, no sex!!! You can have platonic child rearing shenanigans! Interesting Self Insert Setups! New OCs! Character dramas! Or romance, if your into that sorta thing!
But you know what I think would be funny as hell?
The continued bloodline curse of AfO being so Platonicly Yandere at his own kin that they go Rabidly Feral Wet Cat and try to claw his throat out, bare minimum! Because obviously HE isn't the problem here! No, no, it's everyone ELSE that caused the issues last time! He doesn't have to learn from past mistakes! He's perfect! (Spoken by the world's most delusional man)
He ALSO has lost track of how many minor quirks he has shoved in metaphorical pockets at the moment. As he is, as always, a kleptomaniac. The way the react to each other? Cascade and shift? React to OTHER outside quirks?
Ha! He's never fucking studied that. Why would he study that!? He has power to steal.
So... set the scene~
Toshinori v. Afo: Kamino Ward.
Make the changes you please, add or subtract Heros, but the BIG TWO are there. They clash. Like Titans. Like GODS. AfO getting frisky with his quirk use, throwing everything at the wall. But?
Oh. This time. THIS TIME, you bastard! Toshinori is NOT ALONE!
The power of community, of an ARMY, is not to be underestimated. They make be struggling. Have broken bones and worse. But they know he just... just needs ONE shot! They... they can give him one shot.
Even if it's the last thing they ever do.
Because? They are god damned HEROES.
AfO feels his legs rip out from under him, just as he's about to dodge. It's going to be a killshot. He may... potentially... THEORETICALLY... conceivably... possibly... panic... just a bit. MAYBE. A microscopic amount.
He lashes out.
With everything.
And he DOES mean everything. Yes, including that "grow flowers" and the "summon apples towards you"Quirk, for all the good THOSE would have done.
Something? Happens.
The blast hits the Oaf infront of him... and? Resonates. Like the striking of a great clear bell. It RINGS. Deafening. Without noise. The damn brat...rewinds? No. He's not younger. He RESETS! OH YOU MOTHER FU-!
Something sliding off him. Like dust. From the reset. Drifting towards other dust.
Swirling. Some merging, like planets forming. Most not enough. Turning grey and falling to the ground. But... but he can SEE it. A whisp of white hair gets in the way. HIS hair. Ha. Ha ha hA HA HA HA HA!!! Reset! NOT JUST YOU, ALL MIGHT!
The heroes are getting up. It doesn't matter. He'll just put them BACK on the ground.
INTO it this time.
But then?
The dust from him, all might, so many others. Solidifies, compresses, the pops like a firework. Dumping a very started black hair, blue eyed, toddler on the ground.
AfO connects the dots first. He has AfO hair texture. Quirk weirdness just happened and their is ALWAYS a cost or drawback to Quirks. Such as... any overflow creates an infant? Did he just make his own child?
Not risking it.
He lunges.
All Might lunges for the simple reason of "oh GOD SUPERVILLIAN AND A BABY!" D:> same as every other hero there.
Meanwhile DANNY? Retired Halfa Superhero, Zone Councilman, and LATE to his DnD night... is beginning to suspect THIS is what Clockwork meant when he said "some roads take longer to get home".
Was that that a "Lol good luck buddy"!?
@mutable-manifestation @babbling-babull @legitimatesatanspawn @hypewinter @hdgnj
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jolenes-doppelganger · 2 months
hiii, i was wondering if you’d be willing to do a continuing of your rose the hat one shot, maybe where reader pays off her debt? ;) or literally anything with rose / rebecca, i’m sooo obsessed with her and ur fic made me go feral it was amazing !!
[Hi Anon! I originally didn’t consider making a second part to the fic, (I just like the vagueness of one shots), but I am happy to write a second story involving similar themes. We’ll call it a multiverse addition. :3 Thank you for the request!]
Belligerent Collector
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Rose the Hat x Fem! Reader
Summary: A chance meeting at a supermarket with a specialized clairvoyant brings Rose more than she could ask for. A little too much. [Shifting POVs].
Warnings: Depictions of straight sex between Rose and Crow (oral M and F receiving/giving, 69), one slap (R receiving), choking, depictions of attempted SA, overly emotional for a smut fic, lesbian smut (oral R receiving, strap on use, strap sucking R giving, forced deepthroating, Rose uses a set of vibrating panties to get off), a wee bit dub-con for good measure
A/N: Author pushes her writing boundaries in the name of character authenticity!!! No I’ve never had straight sex, no I don’t want to have straight sex, but boy oh boy, Rose has and will continue to fuck our little corvid boy, and you bet the mattress has some stories to tell. (I promise it ties in!!! It’s very brief!!!).
Word Count: 5.6k
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Waking up in a foreign environment had always felt strange. Waking up in a foreign environment in a dream, only to wake once more in reality made realities blend together. Were you really in the rundown motor home of your Grandma’s in Dallas or were you in the divinely furnished home of some elite posing as a trailer park beauty? Then memories… Oh fuck, the memories.
“Rosie, the kid is barely even a kid, not worth eating at this point.” Crow lamented.
“Oh, for fucks sake, she’s not a kid, she’s an adult, let’s just call her that.” Rose spit back, crossing her arms over her bra covered breasts.
“Okay, fine. The adult-kid, this little overgrown shrimp, can see us coming from miles away. We wouldn’t even know about her if you hadn’t brushed her hand in a supermarket.”
Rose rolled her eyes, or more so you felt the motion of her rolling her eyes. These were her memories after all, and you were living them through her eyes.
“The rube brushed my hand, and she brushed right through my train of thought. She skimmed my mind, Crow! She skimmed my mind!”
Rose felt many things in this particular memory. Anger, a sense of deep humiliation, or more so violation. Rose felt that she had been violated by the little bitch child, a half-adult. The little half-ling had brushed her hand reaching for a lane divider for the conveyor belt of the grocery store, and had managed to skim her mind doing so. Like it hadn’t even been a forethought. She read the inner monologue of Rose the motherfucking Hat like it was as simple as brushing her hand in the first place!
“I want her dead.” Rose blurted. “Not just because she’s a little steamier than normal for her age, but because she read my mind. And now she knows who I am, she knows what I do, and she’s an adult, Crow!”
“-And since she’s an adult she has the authority and the ability to cause more problems than a kid, blah, blah, blah, I get it!” Crow cut her off.
Through Rose’s eyes, the bare-chested man was neither handsome nor appealing. He was a fucking vermin. One that had been latching on to Rose like an overgrown calf, sucking her dry; patience, charity, her damned sex drive all dried up like a desert.
The memory ended there, and with it came a brief reprieve, but brief. Another one of Rose’s memories slammed right into your head, the intensity of it hitting you hard. The last memory had been triggered by the touch of the sheets under your fingertips. This memory by the weight your body exerted on the mattress.
I need to breathe, oh fuck I need to breathe-
“Rosie baby, you taste so fucking good.” Crow moaned, sliding up, his dick sliding out of Rose’s mouth.
Rose sputtered, taking in mouthfuls of air. She laughed once she could, wiggling her hips enticingly. A mouth came down on her open entrance once more, tongue rolling wet circles over it; the way she liked it best. It was a 69, Rose was on the bottom because they were trying something new. Rose opened her mouth again, breathing in deep before guiding Crow’s hips down again.
The angle forced her to deepthroat him in his entirety, without exerting too much pressure on her uvula. She felt him licking and kissing her open pussy, moaning into her as she swirled her tongue at the base of his dick. It was the closest to breath play Rose was willing to go, and even as tears streamed down her cheeks, jaw aching at the stretch and gag reflex struggling against her higher will, it was fun.
The memory was ripped away, and you shot up as fast as you could, desperately trying to get away from the unwelcome memories that kept springing upon you. Never before in your life had someone's memories been so vibrant, so stubborn to be heard. You felt humiliation, no, violation. These mental images springing upon you without warning, without a trigger other than touch were akin to being violated. Usually you had more control over your abilities, you didn't have the ability to so easily peruse someone's mind, but with Rose it was like you weren't even trying. Well you weren't. Clairvoyance was an entirely conscious effort, at least it always had been. But Rose? Her mind and memories jumped open. It wasn't like a book sliding off a shelf, or a book falling open, no. It was like the books were violently flying off the shelves, ripping themselves open and shoving your face into them.
"Didn't I tell you to get out already?" Rose sighed, setting the book down she'd been reading.
Andy appeared, worrying her lip like a frightened child. Well... Hadn't she been a teen? Rose couldn't remember, age was pointless anyways. Whether she was 32 or 15, she'd look young with a fresh batch of steam in her.
"But.. I thought-"
"It was a one-time thing. My man is coming home today, and I'm not in the mood to pull apart a cat fight." Rose huffed.
This was the morning after she'd turned Andy, the night after she'd eaten the little blonde's pussy again and again until the young woman's body gave up on pleasure entirely. And waking up after that power trip, that victory for the Knot, it put things into perspective. But regardless, she was being a little too harsh on the newcomer.
"Put your clothes on, and come over here."
The blonde wasn't special, like Rose thought. A glorified pillow princess. And the blonde did have an ability that would benefit the Knot, but Rose was hungry now. She'd given Andy her own damn steam, her own life force. Sure, it had been fun, but not fulfilling.
"Why?" Andy whispered, sliding into Rose's open arms.
Rose groaned, sliding her hat over her head. She had her pair of two day old panties on, nothing else. She looked good, as always, but she was tired.
"Because it just can't. It was fun, it was something we could share, but I'm not available. I can get away with one night, one little welcome for the newbie, but I can't justify more than that to my Crow Daddy." Rose sympathetically explained. "You'll find another, there's plenty of youngins in the Knot still. Silent Sarry, for one."
Andy stared down at her feet. Rose watched her large brown eyes fill up with tears. Then she jerked her head, willing them away. A tough cookie, Rose thought. She'd get over this.
"Can I hug you goodbye, at least?" Andy whispered, looking at the floor still.
Rose chuckled at this, pulling the girl in for a gentle hug, followed by the softest kiss she was capable of giving.
"There. Now chin up, go have breakfast with the others. You're True now, you're family."
As Andy gently closed the door behind her, Rose let out a soft sigh, drawing patterns over the floor with her toe.
You dropped to your knees, clutching your head. It was painful, exerting this much energy into viewing her memories, even if it was completely against your will. You'd been in and out of consciousness for... You couldn't be sure. Time had lost all meaning. You were bombarded by memories until your body succumbed to exhaustion, only to wake up and be subjected to more memories. Rose's memories.
You knew her better than yourself at this point.
"Ah, you're actually conscio-"
Rose carried the little rube to her trailer, smirking as the girl twitched spasmodically.
"Bit off more than you can chew there, huh? Too greedy? Viewed too many memories at once?" Rose taunted, watching the young woman as she continued to twitch, her eyes wildly fluttering as her eyeballs roved around beneath her closed eyelids.
"God, she's like the dying." Barry the Chunk commented.
Rose laughed at that. Her fingers were frozen in twisted shapes, like the claw of the arthritic hands of the elderly. It was nothing like Grandpa Flick's nasty rheumatoid arthritis, but it was comparable.
"Well, that's what happens when someone gets too big for her britches." Rose smirked, hauling the girl right atop her bed. "She'll stay here under my watch until she can maintain conscious-
"Oh god, make it stop!" you cried out, clutching your head as it throbbed dangerously.
You were so tired, so hungry, and thirsty beyond belief. Nothing about this place was welcoming enough to allow you even a split second of rest and relaxation. Out of the corner of your eye, a ring covered hand came forward, reaching out to touch you.
"Don't touch me!" you shouted, voice dry and ragged.
Rose raised an eyebrow, looking at you quizzically. It was one of the few times you'd seen her. And unlike the mirrored effect you were used to viewing her in, the only perspective of herself she had, you were looking at her in the present, through your eyes.
"So now you're calling the shots? Oh, well excuse me." Rose let out an annoyed laugh.
You were scared to breathe, waiting for another memory to suddenly implode over you, but none came.
"I just... I'm tired. And if I move, if I shift my weight over the damn floor I might get another memory."
Rose cocked a brow.
"Get another memory? What, you can sense the memory of objects?"
You hesitantly nodded. Rose let out an intrigued sniff, but that's the only reaction she gave. You had been in her head long enough to understand what her different mannerisms meant. It gave you an advantage, being able to read her so.
"So... You've been reliving whose memories?" Rose asked, brow raised in that calculating critique.
Stern, that's what she was. This was Rose being stern.
"Yours. Only yours."
Rose's nose twitched in immediate disgust and disgraced anger.
"Not by choice," you butted in, trying to calm the storm before it began to brew much farther, "I keep passing out from exhaustion because I can't figure out how to stop viewing the memories. I'm tired, I've had enough of your thoughts and memories and..."
You cut yourself off. The next words out of your mouth would have been 'hedonistic escapades', or worse, 'sexcapades'. Rose eyed you dangerously, neither really believing or listening to your plight.
"Too big for my britches, crude violator, shrimp, halfling, rube, bitch-child," you listed, "I know. And I know too much. I don't want to know, I-"
You cut yourself off, pausing before you reenacted Irina Spalko's inversed lament. This could be something out of an Indiana Jones movie, you supposed. Rose had the special, magical hat after all.
"So, what. I don't care if you do or don't want to read my thoughts-"
The slap that landed across your cheeks stung, and for the first time since meeting Rose, you were stunned. Slapping someone wasn't something the woman did. She was zealously cruel, calculatingly wicked, manipulating, hateful, over-indulgent and sadistic, but the woman didn't hit people. To lose herself in such a motion would surely seem overdone, by her standards.
"Shut your mouth." Rose seethed.
It was anger. Pure, unbridled, raging fury that caused her hands to shake. You'd never gotten a memory from Rose where she was so angry. Her trailer wasn't a place where she let negative emotions hang about, and that's why it was her safe place.
"You have the audacity to interrupt me when I'm speaking to you? You've been leaching off of me for weeks while I tracked you, reading not just my thoughts, but re-living my memories, and you have the fucking gall to interrupt me?" Rose spit, hands reaching up and choking, squeezing your windpipe.
It was an ego wound, you realized. She was bitter because her ego was being trodden all over by someone who'd been in her head for as long as you had. It was simple, in essence. You knew her. Intimately. More intimately than anyone else. In all of Rose's glory and power, you were interrupting her like any other individual regardless of the fact that you knew her. Knew what she could do, knew what she was.
"I don't even want your steam anymore, I just want to watch you die."
Your stomach lurched, and a memory slammed so violently into your skull that it didn't have somewhere else to go. You grabbed onto Rose's wrists, pulling her down the rabbit hole with you.
"Fucking Rube!" Malte wheezed, hands clinging to Rose's wrists.
Rose was shaking, her hands were shaking. The man beneath her wiggled like a squirrel caught in a trap, his eyes bulging violently, the whites of them rolling wildly. Rose was scared shitless, squeezing harder on instinct, even as the man beneath her slapped at her arms, trying to pull the young teen's hands off him.
He'd tried to rape her. He'd lured her into a street corner, promising her cash if she hiked up her skirts for him. She'd agreed to do so, she needed the money to feed her family. But she'd misheard him, or more accurately, had misunderstood him. The English these American foreigners spoke didn't cling to her Irish tongue easily. That and the structure of the English language was hard. It didn't match up with her native tongue. Combined with a day working in the filthy factories of Jersey had rubbed her hands and mind raw, so "Lift your skirt" meant to quite literally lift your skirt, no other motive or hidden arrangement. She was tall for a fourteen-year-old girl, but he had been stronger. Malte, the son of the factory owner, descended from Dutch immigrants who settled in Delaware, well before it was called Delaware had his eye on her. And he'd shoved her up against the brick wall of the factory, pawing at the front of his trousers, trying to bury himself between her legs as she tried to politely get him to stop.
But Rose was tired. And there was no direct translation for 'no' in her native language, and she couldn't remember the English word for it, so all her words were mixes of jumbled Irish phrases, none of which he interpreted correctly until she struck him between the legs.
His mouth was starting to froth. And the more pressure she exerted on his neck, the more afraid she got. If she killed him, oh god, if she killed him she could ruin her own life, the life of her family. They'd starve, they'd have nothing left to eat. She reached for the first strewn article of clothing she could grab. A top hat, the expensive satin lined kind, one that could fetch enough food for her family if she sold it. Food, eat, live long, stay young... Eat well, live long, stay young...
Rose was crying. Sobbing like a fourteen-year-old child all over again. And the body underneath her was seizing, twitching and letting out garbled sounds. Rose grabbed the body, hugging it to her chest with possessive neediness. She needed physical contact, she needed that reassurance. The memory viewing had ended there, but Rose's memories filled in afterwards. She'd run home, falling into her overburdened mother's arms, sobbing and whimpering like her infant brother, still latched on her mother's breast. Her father had been furious, her mother scared. They were all scared in the perpetual twilight of Rose's memory.
Malte had never pressed charges. Whether it was pride or some other vice that compelled him to stay silent about the assault, he never did speak a word of it to anyone. But Rose found that her hours were cut back, her position was regularly filled before she had made it to her station. She looked for other work, worrying over the little bump that grew inside her mother. Worrying about food, about money, about the things that they needed to stay alive, let alone stock up to build their American dream.
"Tá brón orm." she sobbed into the girl's hair. "I'm sorry." she repeated.
Because Rose wasn't holding the rube girl anymore, she was holding a mirror of her younger self.
Waking up for the upteenth time was more exhausting than being awake itself. Your head swum with too many thoughts, the mind's way of catching up after being unconscious. Someone was petting your hair, little strokes and teases that pulled at your scalp menacingly.
"We have a debt." Rose murmured. "My people are hungry, and they're going to go hungry because you're not on the menu any longer."
Her words rolled over your head in weary waves, peddling meanings over the valleys of your brain until they slowly sunk in, stringing together cohesive ideas once more.
"And why does that mean I have a debt with you?"
Rose gave the hairs at your scalp a tug, raising an eyebrow as she looked at you seriously.
"Because what I say goes, honey pie."
You closed your eyes, nodding in defeat. The light hurt, everything hurt.
"Got any more memories to view? I have millions, my mind is a cathedral."
You fought back the urge to mouth the words along with her. You knew her little cliches too well.
"I don't think so. The last memory was pushing others out of the way until it could be seen."
The logic behind that theory was imbued with a hidden clarity that had come from somewhere in your unconscious mind. The memories would stop jumping in front of your eyes again.
"Okay, well, you owe me. I'm keeping you alive because you're useful. Clairvoyance is a gift, we don't have a lot of True with such wide sensors as you."
Leaning forward felt like the next best thing with your head throbbing so violently. A soft little 'mmph' left your lips as you did so.
"You're not listening..." Rose said in sing-song fashion.
"Brain hurts."
Rose snorted at this.
"So eloquent. Truly, you should write novels with your linguistic prowess."
You let out another grunt in response.
"Its like talking to a caveman." Rose muttered.
She brought a cup of something to your lips. Tea. You drank it, not really caring that it was lukewarm and half full. It was liquid.
"Not picky. I'll add that to your list of positives."
You eyed her wearily.
"And let me guess, all the negatives include the fantasies of me you can't have because I know you too well."
Rose cocked an eyebrow, momentarily stunned.
"Well. I do have plans for you in the physical department. Crow and I are fizzling out, it might be time to break in a new lover."
She said it so confidently, in a fashion that made it almost unbearably flirtatious.
"You're wondering how good my head game is."
Rose laughed, a stunned kind of bark that caused her chest to jiggle, the swell of her breasts unencumbered beneath her t-shirt.
"Oh god, you're hysterical. I mean yes, but you make me sound so blunt. So, collected." Rose snickered. "I can be blunt, and I certainly try to be..."
Rose trailed off, eyeing you carefully.
"Kiss me."
It was a command that cut through your tired brain. She caught your head as you leaned in, pressing her lips against yours, one hand tangled in your hair, the other resting on your back. Rose pulled away after the short kiss, seemingly a little vexed by something.
"How much... How much experience do you have? You kiss like a petrified boy."
You blushed profusely, even though embarrassment in your exhausted state was difficult to even feel.
"I'm tired. Not in the mood."
Rose sighed, nodding at that statement.
"Fine. We'll nurse you back to health before the turn, get you all spick and span. But right before then... You and I are going to sort out this little debt situation we have going on. And then we'll see if you survive the turn."
The thought made your stomach queasy. You were between hell and a hard place. Become like her or die.
"What if I'd prefer being on the menu?"
"Not a lesbo?" Rose teased.
"Not a child eater."
Rose rolled her eyes, leaning in closer as she gripped your hips tight. She kissed your neck chastely.
"Eat well, live long, stay young."
You found yourself looking up at the ceiling, almost willing another memory to intrude, an excuse to pull away from this aggravating situation, but nothing.
"I'd like the luxury of just being normal."
Rose laughed at this, a genuine laugh.
"Whoever told you reading minds was normal. God, you're positively hysterical. I want to make a miniature you and stick her in my hat."
You crossed your arms, perusing the trailer for any signs of food, like a mouse. A little mouse caught in the cat's trap.
"I'll feed you, but first you need to give me a proper kiss." Rose whispered, breath tickling your earlobe.
As if you had anything on your mind other than food. Rose was pushing at your boundaries, playing with you and molding you into a state somewhere between desperate and stubbornly defiant. You leaned in, but you paused. You were coming on too strong. This needed to be natural, not forced. But it was forced, that was the paradox. Leaning in again, slowly, you met her grey eyes, taking a deep breath in. Your hands you drew up to her face, thumbs gently rubbing over the hollow of her cheeks. Rose leaned in, eyeing you with predatory intent.
"Good." she whispered. "You're getting somewhere."
You leaned in even further, pressing a teasing kiss to the corner of her lip, catching her gaze with hers. It was a game of both movement and eye-lines. Each of you would rove your eyes up and down the other, trying to catch the opponent in the act, making that split second of contact before drawing away to brush noses, to shift grip slightly. You weren't kissing yet, no, this was all about will. Who could tempt the other into making the first move.
"I believe I asked you to give me a kiss." Rose whispered, growing a bit bored of the game.
The softest brush of your lips over hers, making that eye-contact.
"Is that what you want?" you asked.
Rose's eyebrow quirked, and then she leaned in, pressing her lips to yours in response. The kiss wasn't as soft as you would have made it had you been administering the kiss. Rose kept you steady with a hand on your hip, a hand in your hair, her mouth occupied with yours. You forced yourself to be more engaged, even with how hungry and weak you felt. She tasted of mint tea, an undercurrent of something sour clinging to the edge of your tastebuds. It was the product of your clairvoyance, surely. Rose didn't taste quite right, a fact that lingered in the peripherals of your thoughts as you leaned into the kiss. She pulled away after a moment, seemingly amused.
"You're so chaste with your kisses. Or perhaps neat is the correct word. It's entertaining to see you so careful and focused."
Rose leaned back, dropping her hands. She easily maneuvered you out of her way, walking towards a fridge on the side of her camper. She wasn't wearing any pants, just too tight lacy panties. Her long legs were on full display, bare feet padding across her wooden floors. Her motions were all so elegantly careless, like she didn't much care what kind of gesture she made, so much as things landed in their respective places.
"Eggs alright with you?" she sighed.
"Yes, thank you."
Rose hummed in reply, starting up her gas powered stove top. She cracked open three eggs, reaching into the fridge for chives, cheddar cheese and bacon bits. It smelled good.
"You're pale, drink this."
A glass of orange juice appeared in front of you, and Rose looked down at you with some amusement.
"Like a startled lamb, freezing up in front of a newcomer." she laughed.
You drank the juice, grateful for the liquid. You weren't really paying attention to where your eyes rested as you drank, you were too tired to focus on much else other than the motion of your throat as you drank down the juice.
"I look that good do I?" Rose teased, grabbing your chin and angling it up.
You'd been staring at her upper thighs. Being so tall, Rose's legs filled much of your central and peripheral vision as you spaced out. The couch was low to the ground, and her stance gave a clear view of her inner thighs and the patch of dark hair that clung around her bikini line.
"Sorry, spaced out." you blushed, face going hot with the weight of your embarrassment.
Rose chuckled, squishing your face in soft teasing. She took the glass out of your hand, returning to the stove top. She came back with three eggs piled with cheese, chives and bacon. An American breakfast classic. You ate quickly, and the miserable tightness of your stomach gradually subsided.
"Perhaps you'd like to lay down on the bed and take a nap." Rose suggested.
You nearly choked on your bite of egg. The memory and the feeling of being forcefully deepthroated through Rose's eyes still clung to the back of your mind.
"Uhh, no. Not the bed. Couch is fine."
Rose cocked an eyebrow, taking away the plate of food you were still working on.
"Why? My hedonistic escapades still haunt you?" Rose threw your earlier internal monologue right back at you. "My sexcapades?"
You looked up at her in pure disbelief and jaded embarrassment. Rose wore a shit eating grin, leaning in as she grabbed your chin.
"Poor thing, thought you were the only one with the ability to skim someone's foremost thoughts, huh?" Rose cooed. "Maybe that's what we'll do.. Re-enact that little fixation of yours, get it out of your system."
You found yourself shaking your head and stuttering, hands searching for something to grab onto.
"Mhm, oh you're getting all flustered just thinking about it." Rose grinned cruelly, pulling you up to her feet. "What a perfect way to settle our debt, huh? We'll re-enact one of the memories you collected."
This time, you ardently shook your head, getting over your momentary bout of shyness.
"No, I didn't have control over what I was seeing, I didn't want to-"
"Shush, honey pie." Rose cut you off, pushing you to sit on the bed. "It'll be fun, we'll go slow-ish."
Rose stretched, settling on the bed beside you. She dusted off her hat, gingerly setting it off to the side. Hands looped around your waist, drawing you in.
"You'll like it, I promise." Rose whispered, leaning in to nip at your jaw and ear.
As she placed little love bites over your face and neck, her hands massaged slow patterns on your waist and back. You let out a soft sigh, leaning into her little nips and kisses.
"There you go, warming up to me perfectly." Rose cooed. "Touch me."
Your hands obeyed, cupping her lower face and neck. She placed a slow kiss in the crook between your jaw and neck, opening her lips to suck softly at the skin there. A soft moan broke out of your throat, to which Rose replied with her own throaty hum. One of your legs crept up to straddle her, and a hand from your waist quickly caught your leg, aiding the motion.
"Oh, good girl." Rose whispered. "Warming up nicely."
You smiled shyly, brushing your nose against hers. Her lips caught yours in a kiss, her tongue sliding out to caress your lip. You met her tongue with yours the longer the kiss went on, teasing her with your tongue. Rose's hands slid down your back, taking handfuls of your ass and massaging slowly. You moaned immediately, allowing Rose to slip her tongue into your mouth. Your hands were in her hair, playing with the half-braided strands that clung to the base of her scalp.
"Ready for more?" Rose rasped, one hand gripping your rear, the other drawing patterns down your spine.
"Yes." you found yourself saying.
Rose pulled off her top, freeing her breasts entirely. She brought your hands to them, biting her lip playfully.
"Touch, squeeze."
You did as she asked, to which she rewarded you with a sinfully teasing kiss.
"Lay down, top off."
You did as directed, pulling off your shirt, and the loose sports bra she'd found you in. Rose rummaged around in a drawer near the bedside for a moment, grabbing several Items. You watched as she slipped off her underwear, pulling a plain looking black set over her thighs again. A remote, which she clicked just twice. Rose bit her lip immediately, wiggling her hips a few times. A fake dick, a harness. You blushed as you realized just what she was going to do.
"I've never... I can't suck dick." you blurted out.
Rose laughed, sliding the harness over her hips.
"Too bad. You're gonna. And if you leave teeth marks on my nice silicone cock I'll throttle you."
Rose settled between your thighs, dragging your leggings and underwear down in one motion. She spread your thighs, eyeing the glistening folds of your inner labia. Taking a moment to gather saliva in her mouth, Rose leaned down, spitting on your red, erected clit.
"There's something you can focus on while I stretch your throat."
Rose crawled over you in a traditional 69, slapping the silicone dick on your chin.
You could see the soft blur of the panties as they vibrated, producing a noticeable wet spot on the black fabric. Opening your mouth as wide as you could, you were careful not to graze the silicone with your teeth. The saliva Rose had placed on your clit slowly began to drip down and cool, producing a maddening sensation. Leaning forward all the way, Rose propped herself up on her elbows, holding your thighs open.
"Breathe through your nose, deep breath, now relax."
Rose pushed her hips down, forcing the silicone past your molars, past your uvula and down into the hollow space of your throat. You gagged, grabbing at her hips and thighs, desperately trying to push away the weight on your head that bore down. Rose laughed as she heard you gag and choke, letting up after fifteen seconds. You sputtered, nose running and eyes blurry with tears.
"Catch your breath, I'll give you fifteen."
Fifteen seconds felt more like five, and the silicone was back down, further this time. You couldn't breathe through your nose, and the burn of your lungs mixed with the stretch of your throat was both terrifying and maddeningly difficult to get away from. Rose let up after a moment, and you were quick to breathe in through your nose, filling your lungs as rapidly as you could, exhaling shortly thereafter. The next time, you breathed in through your nose as the dick slid down your throat, forcing the muscles of your throat to relax. Rose hummed in approval, pressing a soft kiss to your clit.
"Good girl. Now I'm going to rock. If you absolutely cannot manage to get any air in, two taps to my hips, got it?"
Rose didn't wait for you to make any sort of noise or gesture in understanding, she just undulated her hips slowly. You exhaled with every thrust out, inhaling as she thrust in. Your lungs slowly began to accommodate the lack of air, your throat muscles relaxing. Rose kissed your clit again, humming carefully as she rolled her tongue in slow circles over your clit. You found yourself getting the hang of things, more focused on the sensations between your legs than the burn of your throat. Rose's own stimulation was heightened by the pull and stretch of the vibrating panties that shifted with every movement of her hips. You moaned as she licked down into your entrance, and Rose let out a breathy hum in response.
Her mouth settled at your entrance, licking and probing gently. You gripped her hips, helping to support her thrusts. Overtime, your nose brushed her clothed clit as the base of the strap met your lips, adding direct pressure to the vibrating panties. Rose moaned loudly at this sensation, fervently kissing and licking your open pussy. Your lower abdominal muscles coiled rapidly, and by the way Rose was growing sloppy with her thrusts, she must have also been close.
Warm tingles slid up your spine as you climaxed, and your moans were muffled by the strap. Rose slipped the silicone dick out of your mouth, allowing you to gasp and moan through your orgasm without threat of suffocation. Still relatively aware, you had the forethought to find her clit through the panties and rub circles over the vibrating fabric. Rose let out a series of breathy whimpers, pushing her hips back into your thumb until she too climaxed. In need of a place to rest her weary hips, Rose sat back, resting on your face. A mouthful of panty-clad pussy and an eye-full of ass was all you knew for a good fifteen seconds.
"Fine then." Rose sighed, sliding off of you after you tapped the side of her ass twice.
Rose looked down, eyeing your puffy, tear and snot covered face. She smirked, reaching for something on her bedside table. A polaroid camera, one that had to be from the 90s. She snapped a photo of your frazzled state, taking out the photo produced and grabbing a pen.
"What shall we name this one? 'Belligerent collector', perhaps."
Rose gave an evil grin, sliding off the vibrating panties and casting them aside. She swung one of her legs over your face, angling her still wet core over your mouth. Another snap of the camera, capturing your mortified eyes as your mouth was obscured by her vulva.
"And this one we'll title 'debt settled'."
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“Psst. Shiro. Shiro. You awake? Shiro?”
If there is anyone, out there, who has just had their car stolen by a punk kid who reminds them to much of themselves, Shiro would like them to know:
Do not adopt the punk kid. The punk kid will grow into a punk young adult who does not know boundaries and loves to bother you in the dead of the fucking night, because heaven forbid he solve his own problems.
“Keith. I am going to kill you.”
“I have a question,” Keith insists, entirely unafraid of Shiro’s very real and very genuine threat.
Shiro groans loudly, grabbing a pillow and shoving it over his head. Maybe if he holds it steadily it will suffocate him to death. “Fuck off. Please.”
Ignoring him even further, Keith climbs over Shiro’s body, kneeing him in the spleen, like a cat perhaps, and settling down next to him. “I have a question,” he says again.
He has his stubborn voice on, because of fucking course he does. Shiro is not going to be successful in ignoring him.
He groans again, much louder this time, and drags himself out from under the blankets. He glares at his brother as nastily as he can, seriously considering beating him to death with his pillow. Keith must read the look in his eyes, because he scooches back slightly.
“Did I ever tell you that you’re a punk fucking kid?“
“More times than I can count physically,” Keith says pleasantly. “You may have called me that more than my name, actually. I have a lot of intense psychological trauma about it.”
Shiro laughs despite himself, breaking the unspoken game between them. The smile finally breaks free on Keith’s face, wide and boyish and frustrating.
Shiro has to give him a noogie. Like, contractually.
“Aw, Shiro, fuck off! You’re gonna mess up my hair!”
“Can’t mess up the already messy,” Shiro taunts, making sure to cause at least three tangles. Keith makes a freaky growling noise, like one of those little rat dogs that feels it has been wronged, and the next thing Shiro knows he’s being bitten.
“Jesus — ow, Keith! Unclamp! Bad feral desert child! I’m going to get the fucking spray bottle!” Shiro finally manages to wrestle his arm back, kicking Keith right off the bed and holding a pillow in front of him for protection. “Gollum ass bitch!”
“My precious,” Keith hisses in response, muffled from his place on the floor.
Both of them are silent for a moment, desperately trying to muffle their panting so the other doesn’t know how out of breath the wrestling made them.
God, Shiro wouldn’t give up his punk fucking kid for the world.
“Why did you wake me up, you brat?”
“The team is panicking and I’m not allowed to tell you about it,” Keith explains easily.
Shiro leans over the side of the bed, quirking an amused eyebrow. “So why are you telling me about it?”
Keith shrugs. “Because they’re being stupid! Don’t bother Shiro, Lance says. It’s supposed to be a surprise, Lance says.” Keith scoffs. “I don’t get it. We’re struggling, we need help. Who the fuck else would we ask?”
Shiro opens his mouth, then closes it again. His eyes well up.
“Oh, Shiro, don’t start,” Keith groans, smacking his palm to his forehead. “Dude, come on, it wasn’t that big of a deal —”
“I’m your backup plan,” Shiro wails, trying and failing to contain himself. He buries his face in his hands, shoulders shaking with the force of his cries.
“Aw, you big loser.” Keith crawls back up on the bed, throwing an arm around Shiro’s back and patting gently. He lets Shiro cry himself out for a few minutes, hand rubbing constant circles on Shiro’s back, and then he freezes.
Mischief is suddenly in the air.
“After all,” Keith says, and Shiro can hear the glee in his voice. “you’re six whole years old, today. Practically a grown-up!” His voice gets high-pitched, condescending. “Are we having some big boy feelings there, sport? Are we —”
“I am going to kill you now,” Shiro announces pleasantly, and it’s the only warning Keith gets before he’s tackled to the ground.
“I can’t believe you actually tried to kill me,” Keith pouts. He pokes at a bruise on his arm and then looks at Shiro, expression as pitiful as he can make it. “You’re abusive. A bully.”
“Mhm. Shut up.” Keith grumbles when Shiro throws his arm over his shoulders, guiding them down the hallways, but allows it. “You said you had a question, when you woke me up in the dead of the night like a particularly annoying mosquito.”
Keith brightens considerably. “Oh, yeah! Happy birthday. The team is trying to plan you a super secret birthday party, but you usually plan the team birthday parties, so it’s fallen into chaos. Lance keeps trying to climb the cabinets in the kitchen to hang things from the ceiling. When I left Hunk was threatening to shove him in the oven.”
Shiro can’t help his smile, big and wide and goofy. “Is Pidge panicking and reorganizing the kitchen based on a convoluted colour-coding system?”
“Allura’s smuggling gigantic bottles of glitter into the room and trying to put it everywhere for ‘festive joy and sparkles’?”
“Coran is trying to stop her but keeps getting distracted and pulled onto the side of the glitter?”
“Absolutely. She bribed him with orange glitter and he dropped off the rational side immediately.”
��Excellent. Hopefully she’s managed to cover things in pink.”
“Oh, she brought in extra just for you.”
Shiro sniffles again. His arm tightens around his dorky brother, who rolls his eyes at the sound but doesn’t tease him again. “And Hunk? How many people have been smacked with the Spoon of Doom for trying to eat the cake?”
Keith’s shiftiness startles the tears right out of him, and he laughs loudly. “How many times have you been smacked, you sugar fiend?”
“He made you triple chocolate cake!” Keith defends. “I just wanted to quality check!”
“You should tell Hunk you want to ‘quality check’ his stuff. I’d really enjoy seeing him throw you bodily down the hallway.”
“Say, has anyone given you your birthday beats yet? You’re six years old, and there are six of us, so that means you get to get thirty-six —”
“Keith! Shiro!” They’re not even fully in view of the doorway when Lance calls out to them — those freaky bat ears of his, goddamn — and jumps off the counter, just barely managing to not trip and brain himself to death on the floor. He runs over to them, hugging them tightly and then dragging them towards the rest of the team.
“Interesting how you were the first one he called out to,” Shiro mutters, wiggling his eyebrows.
Keith scowls. His ears are red. “Shut up.”
“First one he hugged, too.”
“Interesting, because it’s my birthday.”
“It’s going to be your last birthday if you don’t shut the fuck up.”
“Is he sparkling? He looks like he’s sparkling. Only when he looks at you, though.”
“Shiro, if you don’t fucking —”
“Everyone! The birthday boy is here!” Lance announces, saving Shiro’s life.
The team greets him enthusiastically, beams and hugs and kisses and, in Allura’s case, a baptism of pink glitter.
“Thank you,” Shiro tells her solemnly. “Both for the glitter shower and for not letting anyone tell you not to. Stick it to the man.”
Allura laughs brightly. “Of course not! The room needs to shine as brightly as you, Shiro darling!”
She sits Shiro down at his seat, everyone taking their seats around him. Hunk brings over the beautiful cake he made, deep and dark and chocolate and no doubt beyond delicious.
There are six and three quarter candles in it.
Shiro glances at his team flatly. “Really?”
“It’s the first of thirteen age related jokes,” Pidge says, grinning. “We each came up with one, and then Keith came up with seven more.”
“Shocking,” Shiro says drily. He shakes his head, unable to fight his smile. “All of you are ungrateful brat children. Even you, Coran.”
“I have forgotten more about being alive than you will ever know, child.”
“Is it because I’m only six?”
Coran claps his hands delightedly. “Yes! That is my joke! Did you like it?”
“I’m going to blow on my candles and wish you were all less annoying,” Shiro says.
He blows out his candles to the backdrop of his heckling team, squeezing his eyes shut. He keeps them closed for a moment, trying to think of something to wish for. He peeks one eye open, taking in his dorky team, wrestling and teasing each other. Pidge is looking dangerously close to grabbing a handful of cake with her bare hands and shoving it in Lance’s hair, because he’s poking her relentlessly over something ridiculous. Hunk is trying to pull him away, poorly concealing his own laughter. Allura and Coran are throwing handfuls of glitter in the air. Keith — that punk kid, Shiro’s best friend and better — has his chin in his hands, staring at Lance and pretending he isn’t.
Shiro smiles, soft and happy and satisfied.
He lets his wish evaporate into the atmosphere.
There’s nothing he wants that he doesn’t already have.
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gentrychild · 1 year
so like, in the anyone AU where izuku can see the vestiges, how much screaming was there during the tartarus break in? and then in the later scene where afo makes breakfast? do any of them like... point out to izuku that this is not regular "afo to ofa holder" behaviour..?
Okay so you have to understand that as annoying as the vestiges are in this AU, they shut up when Izuku is working as a vigilante in order not to distract him when he is doing dangerous stuff and not endanger anyone's lives.
Tartarus was the exception.
"The situation is under control!"
"All part of the plan!"
"I am starting to believe you're acquainted with the gentleman... Ah, nevermind, he apparently knows I'm an OFA holder. Quite moving to finally see someone acknowledging that."
"Tell me, child, will he mourn you?"
"And just like that, my trust in an adult figure is once again broken."
"I can't believe you gave me every reason under the sun to return that quirk back to All Might but you somehow forgot to mention the creepy guy who killed all of you."
"In our defense, we thought Eight had killed him."
"Now I am disappointed in All Might. I know he can do better than that."
"I'm a good person. I don't deserve this."
"You're not a good person. But I was in the back room so tell me what he did this time."
"He hugged me."
"You're right. No one deserves this."
"Thank you, Second."
"Alright, I am going to ask you a serious question and I expect a serious answer because I am self aware enough to know that I don't have the best sense when it comes to judging what's normal: should I give any credence to Todoroki's powerpoint?"
"Well, since we have been together for a while and a lot of us have gotten fond of you (you're like that feral cat who keeps trying to bite us and wouldn't hesitate to maul us for quirks treats), I believe we have to tell you the truth-AAAAH"
"Yeah, Ninth, as Hisa... I mean, All for One's little brother, I can confirm that he is creepy with everyone and not to pay any attention to that powerpoint. But if you want to call me Uncle, you can definitely do it."
"Thank you, First."
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jeannineee · 11 months
Only Cassian is missing to complete the batboys then… What would it be like to be in a relationship with Cass?
Being in a relationship with Cassian would include…
a/n: requests are open!!
nsfw under the cut (18+ please)
There will not be a single day that he doesn’t make you laugh
There will also not be a single day that he doesn’t do dumb shit
You have this male WHIPPED.
He’s very protective of you, but also knows when to let you handle things on your own.
Now I HATE when people call him a himbo, because this mf is the GENERAL OF THE NIGHT COURT’S ARMIES. He is not stupid or dumb. He is very smart, he just doesn’t have to boast about it.
But going off of that, his treatment as a child, and even as an adult (due to him being a bastard), makes him think that he’s not good enough for you.
So he craves reassurance, even though he won’t ask for it.
His love language is quality time. He loves being in your presence, and doing things with you. Bathing, training, flying, cooking, etc.
He’s a GREAT listener. He will listen to you rant about something that pissed you off. He’ll let you soak his shirt with tears when you’re sad. He’ll listen to you explain the book series that he knows nothing about. For hours, and not interrupt you once.
Despite the whole “Illyrian Brute” thing, he’s a very soft lover.
Now, he might be soft outside of the bedroom, but that doesn’t always translate in the bedroom.
He loves rough sex. Biting, scratching, spanking, etc.
Doggy is his favorite position when he’s feeling dominant.
“Hold onto the headboard.” Need I say more?
Praises you endlessly.
“Such a good girl for me.”
“You always take my cock so well.”
“You look so pretty when you come for me.”
Also looooves when you praise him. Tell him how good he feels, how much you love having him inside you. Especially when he’s in a more submissive mood.
Speaking of sub!Cassian…
Too proud to admit it, but you have him WRAPPED around your finger within .2 seconds when you domme him. Call him a ‘good boy’ and he’ll turn to mush.
You’ll tie his wrists above his head, and even though he could easily snap out of them, he plays nice because he just wants to be good for you.
I need him fr.
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auspicioustidings · 7 months
Now I believe I yeeted this into either Nicole's or Bunny's inbox (honestly must have been one of them because who the fuck else am I going to go feral about a breeding kink to?) but hear me out:
Simon Riley does not necessarily have a breeding kink and you certainly didn't think you had one right up until you come across a little lost kid who is crying and scared. Simon is great with kids, he was the best uncle on the planet, so he is so gentle with this little thing. Focuses 100% of his attention on calming them down and getting them safely back with their parents who are also in absolute hysterics when they are reunited. Like think Gordon Ramsey with adults versus with kids, he is like this whole different person.
Explicit bit beneath the cut!
And my God you have never wanted someone to put a child in you before now but you are dragging him into the nearest bathroom and sucking his soul out through his dick before practically begging him to fuck you raw and cum inside you :) Which sets him off because oh no, this sure has awakened something in him. He's fucking you like a feral animal and holding your stomach the entire time and going between growling absolute filth and cooing the sweetest praises into your ear. He's talking about how if he goes deep and hard enough no amount of birth control is going to stop his babies taking root in you. And if they don't he'll just need to keep fucking trying won't he?
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padawansuggest · 2 years
Fic where deaging happens and suddenly sunshine 9 year old Anakin is clashing with angery bb 13 year old Obi-Wan (ages chosen for maximum angst of course 🥰) and Ahsoka is like ‘am I???? The stable one in this lineage????’ And the clones are like ‘OH NO THEYRE SO LITTLE AND WEIRD WHAT DO WE DO?????’ And it’s just delightful.
They call Plo, obviously. Wolffe is a lil pissed at having to share his Buir, but Kenobi’s feral attitude and biting habits are pretty fuckin adorable, and Plo is probably the only Jedi who can handle all these kids at the same time. Rex keeps trying to dissect how Anakin ended up all evil like he is now (before Ani starts off on what it’s like living as a slave on Tatooine and Rex is all ‘ahhh. Trauma. Got it.’) but Cody is 100% adamant that the ONLY difference between adult Obi-Wan and child Obi-Wan is that adult Obi-Wan eats meditation instead of food, but child Obi-Wan will settle for nothing less than the flesh of his enemies and those who try to wake him from naps. He’s got a slightly larger vocabulary as an adult too, he guesses :/ little Obi mostly just growls and speaks in dead tongues. Big Obi growls and speaks probably all the alive tongues. Cody sees no difference. Cody is trying to sell Obi-Wan to Wolffe since they act so much alike. Wolffe has been guilted by TinyWalker into refusing to agree to blatant slavery in public. Rude.
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slashingdisneypasta · 2 years
Non / Disney Villains x Reader || Headcanons
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Topic: SMUT!!
Warnings: Its definitely not 'disney'... There are dark and taboo themes (Though some are much darker then others), mask kink, roleplay where you don't know eachother, rough/feral sex, innocence/corruption roleplay, gloves, seduction, dub-con, cumming-in-pants, accidental condom breaking, breeding kink, asshole-ary, blow jobs, sexual favours/deals, age difference, feelings?, oral sex in general, degradation, masturbation, cunt warming, foot grinding, hate sex and shame, destruction of property, period sex, praise, unintentional temperature play, getting burned (guess who, haha), public sex, feelings again?, ego-inflation, orgasm denial, domination, first lesbian experience, boss/employee, prostitution, thigh-riding, stealing you from someone else, and over-stimulation. Something for almost everyone, hopefully!
Includes: I wanted to include them all but I ran outta steam 😅 Bill Sykes, Robert Callaghan (Yokai), Professor Ratigan, Alameda Slim, Captain Hook, Chick Hicks, Rothbart, Dr Facilier, Clayton, Cruella De Vil, the Evil Queen, Gaston, Greasy Weasel, Hades, Hans, the Horned King, Jafar, Judge Claude Frollo, Lady Tremaine, Long John Silver, Commander Lyle Rourke, Maleficent, and Mother Gothel+The Stabbington Brothers.
Its possibility that one day I will make a part 2 with the rest of the DV's (And some Non-DV's). But i am OUT OF HORNY right now. Haha 😅
Sykes can satisfy you perfectly fine with one finger, but 2 really puts you over the edge (JUST LOOK AT THEM??) and he just loves watching you writhe and struggle between not being able to fit all of it but wanting him to continue, desperately wanting to stretch. Usually this is happening either in the back of his car, you laid out along the back seats with your legs in his lap, lifting your hips into his torture, or in his office with you sit pretty on his desk with your legs spread open for his attentions.
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Mask kink with Callaghan? Yes. You pretend you don't know him when he strides towards you, having entered your apartment through the balcony. But its not long before you're pressed between his emotionless façade/his body in a sexy long coat, and the the wall with his hips hammering repeatedly, insistently into you. Points if you're exposed and vulnerable but he's fully clothed, fully masked up, fully in control. You cant tell how he's feeling because of the mask, but you can tell he wants to use you and you're more than happy to let him- as long as he likes. Then he guides you to bed and leaves without a damn word
Letting Ratigan take his frustration out on you, just letting him go feral on your cunt/cock. He has you with your legs over his shoulders and his mouth all over you, with your legs wrapped around his waist as he pounds away, with your legs spread over his chest as he breeds you thoroughly, on your knees with your mouth stuffed with him- whatever position he can get you in. If you're not a drooling, limp mess by the time he's done then he was holding back.
Slim likes roleplay. Call him Yancy O' Dell, give him those big eyes and let him 'corrupt you'. Let him sweet talk you and promise you you're gonna be a star so long as you stick with him, and lead you away to a dark corner where he can dip his gloved fingers into you. Tell him you've never done this before. Get down on your knees.
Being a 20 year old that Peter mistook for a a child (It was the light) and brought over the Neverland, and catching sight of Hook. You want him immediately and intend to seduce him. He's got a serious case of one-track-mind though and he's been away from other adults so long that he's totally forgotten what lust looks like- so getting him to see you want him to dick you down is harder then you thought. You have to be shameless, you have to be blunt. You have to trail your fingertips up his thigh and practically rub him off before he finally realises what's happening- by which time he's ready to bust a nut in his pants. Lucky for you though, he's got super endurance, so just tell him that you're more than happy to lick him clean, and he's raring to go all over again.
Chick breaks the condom with his excitement about ramming into you but doesn't stop until he's spilling hot, sticky seed inside you. 'A thank you', he calls it. 'For a good time', he says. 'Now you'll have my baby and get famous- you're welcome!'. He's such a dick about it (Whether you're going to take the morning after pill or not), you cant help catching his stupid mouth with yours and fucking him all over again.
Making a deal with Rothbart that if you suck him off, he'll take care of your debts. You end up liking it though?? And getting super turned on??? Was he always this hot or are you just in a slutty mood now? Once he's spent you slowly press kisses on different parts of his body, leading up to his mouth, where you glance slowly into his eyes, looking for his reaction, and when you find arousal?? You kiss him on the lips. He leads you to the ground and you start by grinding against each other, but its not long before you're fucking like desperate, horny teenagers.
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Making a deal with Dr Facilier. He takes your soul once you die, and he makes you famous. The two of you slowly grow feelings, but he's too much of a gentleman to make a move on you- you're young, you're beautiful, and you're naked in his squalid apartment. What!? You make your move, and its a success, he shows you pleasures you never experienced before that night, using his tongue as if it were his cock; No one's ever done that to you before, tasted you, but he does it with pleasure and then thanks you.
You go out scouting the area alone with Clayton, disappearing into the jungle, and you decide this is the perfect time to show him that you're not the innocent, shy creature he thinks you are. When you're leaving hot, open mouthed kisses over his clothed cock he certainly realises his mistake, and when his thick hand is lost in your hair as your tongue slithers all over his painfully hard length he calls you a whore. How do you respond? You slide your hand down your pants and start taking care of yourself, too.
Cruella's into degradation. Calls you are a crack-whore, a slut, her bitch (As in dog) with her talons buried knuckle deep inside you/wrapped around your twitching dick. She'll smirk and tell you that you look like a disgusting mess over there, ask you what on earth made you such a desperate sycophant, how you allow your boss to defile you? use you like a mindless sex doll this way?, etc.
The Evil Queen likes to have you under her desk warming her cunt with your mouth while she does miscellaneous paperwork- for hours. Your jaw is going to ache at the end and your own area is going to be aching for attention she may not be bothered to even give back by the end. Good news though? She likes it if you touch yourself. Do struggle to get yourself off, do desperately roll your own meat/push multiple fingers into yourself and moan into her pussy, do grind yourself against her foot. It'll make her smirk and slick some more under your tongue.
Hate sex with Gaston??? YEAH! He's an asshole and you're decidedly 'not belle' and therefore 'not good enough', but he's undeniably hot and you drive him mad not being into him like everyone else in the village and that, inevitably, leads you to be slammed onto a kitchen table. His equipment is ridiculous, its just as monstrous as you might imagine, and he's as strong as an ox with the endurance of an Olympic athlete. You pull his hair and make him growl, and he stretches your thighs painfully far apart so they bruise with his finger marks and the two of you together break that table. Its not the only time it happens and its not even the only table and it is greatly shameful.
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Greasy is all over you on a regular day, right? But when you're on your period?? When he can smell the blood and he knows you're weak?? That's when he really goes mad. He knows getting taken care of helps you to not be in pain, too, which just means to him that you're all-the-more likely to let him do whatever he deems fit. He'll fuck you slow and deep, pressing warm kisses everywhere he can reach, and have his fingers at work at the same time, bringing you to a fricken life-changing orgasm. Then he'll do it again. And again. Until you're both exhausted enough to just drop right off to sleep.
Contrarily to Cruella, Hades likes praise. Giving, and receiving. He'll call you his pretty pet, his little princess/prince, fucking perfect, whatever he feels. And in return he likes you to say - whine, scream, moan, cry, - how much better he is than his brother. How Zeus couldn't ever fucking compare, how crazy you are about him, how much you want him. And he'll really respond to that kinda thing, too, fire flickering a hot orange, body getting boiling hot and singing the sheets, getting over-excited to the max. You're gonna end up a sweaty mess, probably with burns on your body, after sleeping with Hades.
Hans likes to make it risky. Public sex is what I'm saying, yeah. He's fucked you missionary under the dinner table with his family literally eating and talking just above him, on the wall just around the corner from the main event at a ball, he's touched you with his hand til you came in your undergarments in a crowded room, and he's even done you in your own bed while a maid was in there cleaning and had to avert their eyes, etc. Yes he just gets worse every time. And when someone actually sees, like that maid or someone heading past you to the bathroom he'll let out the lewdest, most guttural groan yet and cum instantly. Then he's all affectionate with you, asking if you're good and smirking because its almost worse- having someone see the soft stuff afterwards.
Pledge your loyalty to the Horned King and you'll get him so pleased! He'll want you to be his, be his partner. Be with him forever- to love and care for him, to be his person, to take his frustrations out on when he's mad. When this happens you know because his eyes glow a brighter, deeper red and he cant stop glancing over to you, wanting you. Then when you finally get to be alone he's running his hands all over you, and he's gentle- he just wants to know that you're there, with him. When you finally get to the main event, he'll actually guide your hands up to his horns because he knows you like them.
Imagine Jafar shedding his serious, mature, sophisticated persona when he's finally alone with you. That dirty smirk slides across his face and you know he's got plans. He'll say you've been running amuck in his thoughts all day long, now what are you going to do to make it up to him? Hm? You're in for a long dirty night, starting with having his mouth all over you, pressing kisses everywhere through your clothes before he has his tongue at work drawing an orgasm out of you (If anyone on this list genuinely likes how you taste, its Jafar), and ending with you perched in his lap worshipping him. Call him your majesty, call him powerful, inflate his ego and his cock is sure to follow.
(Also side note for Jafar- a thought i've had. Have we considered Naga!Jafar... you know, with two dicks? Okay I'm going to move on now bye- )
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Frollo offers you the same deal he offered Esmerelda- except you, accept. Yes, you'll be his dirty little secret hidden away at home. If he wants to go around pretending to be oh-so-holy, and then come home to you and your plans for him- that's fine. You'd love to make this horrible, uptight old man go nuts. Lose his damn mind for your pussy/cock. You'll suck him masterfully for hours, stopping when you know by how hard and hot his length is that he's about to cum, you'll slide your pussy/dick just over where he needs you until he feels crazy, you'll press maddeningly gentle little kisses all over his neck until he's rutting against you. Just, in general? You're going to make him your damn toy.
Being the maid in the Tremaine household and being the Lady's first experience with a female. You were just tidying up her room one evening, after the girls all went to bed, and she was drinking her evening tea watching you. The two of you strike up conversation, which is odd considering the fact that she is a stone cold bitch and oftentimes doesn't even acknowledge your existence in the home. Anyway long story short- you somehow end up straddling her and making out with the older woman. You know you should stop, you should leave, but she's so domineering and her fingers are sliding up your thigh underneath your skirts and you find yourself reaching down to pull her hand right to your private place because you have no self control?? She's not perfect but she has you grinding into her palm in no time, then cumming on her blankets. The next day she acts like nothing happened at all, before telling you that you'll need to do her room again- tonight.
Out of all those losers at the brothel tonight you're really glad you got picked by the old cyborg. This is not 'Silver's' first visit here so you've heard from others that he's kind- and not inexperienced. You're surprised, though, when he really is kind and experienced! The first thing this man does when you get somewhere private is take care of you, dining on your cunt/cock until you keen into his mouth and clutch the bedsheets like they're your lifeline (And that's not easy to do to you). Then he has you on his lap, straddling a thick thigh and asking you to move for him. He calls you love, doll, lass, beautiful and sweetheart. By the time you're done with eachother he tips heavily, winks, and tells you he'll be back for you.
Rourke's favourite thing about you is your legs, and he loves manhandling them. Kicking them apart from behind, stretching one straight up over his shoulder while the other is set to the side so he has room to piston into your dripping entrance, having them hooked over his hips, holding onto your thighs whenever he can, etc.
(Inspired by 'Boyfriend' by Dove Cameron) Maleficent leading you away from your boyfriend, and literally into the woods, to have her way with you. After all, she can tell you're neglected. He's such an oaf, such a sweaty beast. You need a release, and whats more? You deserve one. She'll take so much better care of you. She'll do things he never does, and she'll do them better then he ever could. She'll take care of you, and she'll enjoy every delicious moment of it. You have a her word, so... come on dear. This way. Just take her hand.
Gothel likes you to be all fucked out, destroyed, by the time she has her turn. Say, by... the Stabbingtons?? Yeah, she'll let them take turns pounding wildly into you, making you Y/N-coloured mush with an about 8 orgasm count already for the night having been taken missionary, from the back and spit-roasted by the behemoth men before she comes and shoos them away. I hope you had your fun, she'll say softly, brushing your hair. But not too much... She adds. Then touches your much-too-over-stimulated body until she can say, thoroughly, that she does what she must to keep her Lovely satisfied.
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gffa · 1 year
You would think, after a month of voracious reading of BATFAMILY fic, that I would at least begin to slow down, because I still primarily read I’m Having Dick Grayson Feelings And I’m Making That Everyone Else’s Problem, but I have also discovered that I have Jason feelings, I have Tim feelings, and I have Damian feelings. Which of course I knew before, but what I really learned is that other people have made this my problem now, too. And by that I mean that there’s amazing fic on all of the Bat babies and I am not immune. So, you may still have to scroll a bit, but if there’s an idiot badass with black hair and blue eyes, you’ll hopefully find something here to cry about with me, because what are any of us even in this fandom for, if not for the Feelings Hell About Vigilantes With Emotional Problems? BATFAM FIC RECS - BABY DICK IS THE CUTEST FERAL ROBIN I’M NOT HEARING ANY ARGUMENTS: ✦ it is with my whole life by dustorange, dick & bruce, 2.2k      Nine-year-old Dick’s been kidnapped. Bruce tries not to fall apart. ✦ World’s Finest: Lake Weekend by WingFeathers, dick & bruce & clark (& clark/bruce), 10.3k      Bruce and Dick invite Clark to the lakehouse for a long weekend around Rosh Hashanah, but Dick has trouble sleeping outside the Manor, and Bruce isn’t as available as he should be. And all of this brings up a question: what exactly are the three of them, a bat-vigilante and his ward and his superhero boyfriend? Could they be something like a family? (And how will they eat with Alfred not taking care of them?) ✦ Revision by takadainmate, dick & bruce, 3.8k      New to Bruce Wayne, new to being Robin, new to being alone, Dick didn’t believe there would ever be anyone there for him again. ✦ count the stars by emavee, dick & bruce, 3.7k      He doesn’t know what to do. It’s not like he can stop the storm. If he could wave a magic wand and make the sky clear—or even if he could call up someone from his large contact list full of metas who could control the weather—he would. He would honestly disrupt Gotham’s weather patterns if it meant Dick would stop crying. Or: Dick doesn’t like thunderstorms, so Bruce takes him somewhere where they can’t touch him. ✦ cautionary tale by drakefeathers, dick & bruce & young justice, 11.4k      Q: “Why did Queen Bee want Robin taken in alive in Bereft?” A: “Think of Speedy as a cautionary tale.” ✦ batman & robin by chickenmuffinsoup55555, dick & bruce, 4.8k      The Batman has a shadow. A shadow clad in reds and greens with a smile like sunshine. Bruce is adjusting. ✦ five times someone told Bruce he was a good dad… by emavee, dick & bruce & clark & selina & cast, 10.3k      …and one time it mattered ✦ Phobias by RascalJoy (DarkQuill), dick & bruce & alfred, 18.4k wip      It was stupid. It was irrational. Dick knew that. There was no good reason for him to be afraid; he had been doing this for most of his young life. And yet… Five times Dick fell, and the one time Robin didn’t. ✦ I Hate Dick by JeanjacketCarf, dick & bruce & talia, 3.7k      “Robin wrapped his legs around the Bats’ neck and rested his head on top of the cowl. Then he stuck his tongue out at Talia. Talia felt her face growing hot with anger. She tried to restrain it. The Bat loved this child for some unholy reason.” ✦ shades of blue by thatsveryambitiousofyou, dick & bruce, 2.4k      Dick Grayson has blue eyes. Or the one where Bruce tries harder BATFAM FIC RECS - ADULT BATSON AND BATDAD ARE MY KRYPTONITE, I FOLD LIKE WET CARDBOARD FOR THEM: ✦ Withdrawal by Sohotthateveryonedied, dick & bruce & cast, 1.8k      It’s been six hours since he got dosed. The green ring around his eyes has been faded since dawn. It won’t be long before the withdrawal hits him in full force. ✦ The Post-Mission Ponderings of Brucerman and NightBunny by Ptelea, dick & bruce, 4.8k      This is just sheer (metaphorical) fluff to follow up on the (somewhat more literal) fluff of Wayne Family Adventures, season 2, episode 54, S'tel ees a cigam wohs! Heavy on the puns, even heavier on Bruce being struck by amazement at how much he loves his oldest son. ✦ gotta make a stand (but I am just a man) by CaptainOzone, dick & bruce & alfred, 2.3k      Bruce makes it back to the Cave, injured and exhausted, but remarkably alive. He expects Alfred to meet him. He meets someone else. Or: a third credit scene in which Nightwing makes an appearance. ✦ The Hand in My Hand by audreycritter, dick & bruce, 4.4k      Dick offers himself in exchange for some hostages and it does not go as planned. ✦ Yesterday by I_Have_To_Get_Off_This_Planet, dick & bruce, 1.5k      Dick was pretty sure this was what dying felt like. He was curled up, almost in fetal position, on his bed in the Manor. He was there for the holidays, and he had been looking forward to their entire family being together for once. Even Jason had agreed to come. And now he was gonna die before Christmas even arrived. ✦ I Bet On Losing Dogs by Anonymous, dick & bruce, 2.5k      (Or; Bruce’s relationship with his oldest and how it slowly starts to mend, with only a little push from his friends.) ✦ You can pick your battles but you can’t pick your poison by woodenwashbucket, dick & bruce, 1.8k      “Hey, am I bleeding a lot somewhere?” Nightwing asked. Batman gave him an unimpressed look, but Nightwing shook his head. “Seriously. I feel off.” Nightwing wobbled. Batman grabbed him by the shoulders before they could find out if he would have fallen, and Nightwing met his eyes with undisguised alarm. “Ok, maybe worse than off,” he said. BATFAM FIC RECS - EVERYBODY LOVES DICK: ✦ what’s past is prologue by Icestorm238, dick & bruce & jason & damian, time travel, 18.1k      Dick Grayson, bestowed with the memories of an alternate life, decides that things are going to go better this time. Priority number one: preventing Jason’s death. ✦ exactly how this grace thing works by irnan, dick & bruce & barbara & jason & cast, de-aged!dick, 22.7k      Dick gets de-aged. You’d think this would be a routine thing. ✦ sick day by daringyounggrayson, dick & roy & titans, 1.2k      Dick tries to power through a cold and lead a training session with the Teen Titans. It doesn’t exactly work out. ✦ The Gravity of Tempered Grace by CamsthiSky, dick & bruce & jason & tim & damian & selina, 10k      He’s sick, he finally catches on, and at that moment, a cough builds up in his chest, and he barely has enough energy to sit up enough to let his lungs work properly. A coughing fit later, and Dick’s breaths are making a horrible wheezing sound that makes him sound like one of Titus’ chew toys. That’s bad. He’s pretty sure that’s bad. ✦ you swallowing matches by torielle, roy/dick & bruce, NSFW, 8.2k      A month after being fired as Robin, Dick is forced to attend a Wayne gala, and is grateful for a particular friendly face. ✦ The Shape Of You (Was Jagged And Weak) by WinterSky101, dick & bruce & slade & jason & tim & damian & batfam, 40.6k      Six months ago, Nightwing died. They never found the body. Last week, Deathstroke arrived in Gotham. He brought a partner with him. ✦ You say you wanna stay by my side (Darling, your head’s not right) by wlwintersoldier, roy/dick & lian & donna, 2.5k      Dick is stupid and reckless on a mission, whats new, and Roy deals with the fallout ✦ Laundry Mishaps by JeanjacketCarf, dick/babs & jason & tim & damian & cass & steph & duke, 3.5k      Dick’s siblings often show up unannounced and take his stuff without asking. It’s how they show their love. Or Dick’s washing machine is commandeered for Steph’s laundry, his clothes disappear, he goes to girl’s night, has brunch, gets a little shot, and picks his baby brother up from school in about a week and a half while the secret group chat has a grand old time. BATFAM FIC RECS - JASON TODD IS AN ASSHOLE CAT, I’M GONNA THROW HIM AT DICK BECAUSE IT’S FUNNY (AND MAYBE SOME OF HIS OTHER SIBLINGS TOO): ✦ Two Dead Birds by InsaneTrollLogic, jason & dick & tim, time travel, 29k      There’s some lunatic in a red helmet running through Jason’s territory. He wants to think it’s a copycat. He’s wrong. BATFAM FIC RECS - DICK AND DAMIAN WERE THE BEST BATMAN & ROBIN, I’M NOT HEARING ARGUMENTS ABOUT THAT EITHER: ✦ Won’t You Stay A While? by fishfingersandjellybabies, dick & damian & cast, 2.8k      Ric did not expect to find a child sitting on the hood of his cab. Damian did expect to get his brother back. ✦ birdgrief by windupclock, dick & bruce & damian, 1.5k      How could you? Dick doesn’t say. Get out of my sight, Dick doesn’t say. What the hell is wrong with you? Dick doesn’t say. Tim storms out. Dick is left to deal with Damian. ✦ we’re like long lost brothers who found each other (and love each other like family) by drakefeathers, dick & damian, 9.3k      ongoing collection of scenes set when Dick is Batman and Damian is his Robin, ranging from cute to sad (hopefully not too sad). not chronological. ✦ I’ll Carry You by BrickSheep, dick & damian & bruce & tim, 2.1k      Dick Grayson will take every opportunity he can just to carry Damian in his arms. ✦ in my own imperfect way by notquiteaghost, dick & damian & bruce, 1.8k      Dick jokes, a lot, about being the only reason Bruce still remembers how to talk to people. About breaking him in for everyone else. He was Robin first, and he was Robin longest, and he’s why Bruce took in the others, he’s why Bruce isn’t dead in a ditch somewhere. And the jokes are funny! He’s never trying to be passive aggressive, or guilt trip, or whatever else. He and Bruce have spent enough time, now, pointedly not actually looking at each other, pulling words out in painful fits and starts. Dick knows where they stand. They’re good. But. ✦ (Un)Fortunate Son by Syl, dick & damian & bruce & cast, 26.1k wip      Bruce reaches a decision about Damian. Dick disagrees and decides to do something about it. BATFAM FIC RECS - BATKIDS ALL HAVE MANY SIBLINGS AND THEY’RE ALL PETTY ASSHOLES AND/OR WONDERFUL BABIES AND I LOVE THEM WITH MY WHOLE BEING: ✦ Overcoming Our Antecedents by Batbirdies, jason & bruce & dick, 31.4k      Bruce swallows, closing his eyes for a brief moment before he takes another, steadying breath and presses both hands to his face. He just needs a moment. Needs to remember where he is, what year it is, that Jason is not actually fifteen, he only looks like he is. This is temporary. This is just a temporary problem that needs to be contained until they can change Jason back. This is not a repeat of events already passed. This is not a second chance. ✦ what’s past is prologue by Icestorm238, dick & bruce & jason & tim & damian & barbara & steph & cast, time travel, 84.9k      Dick Grayson, bestowed with the memories of an alternate life, decides that things are going to go better this time. Things take a few unintended turns, and the consequences of his actions ripple through his family. ✦ And the Scene Slips Away (To the Evenness I Fake) by Kirazalea, bruce & dick & jason & tim & damian & cass & duke & alfred & cast, rape aftermath/read the tags, 37k      One mistake is all it took to force Jason back into the wonderful world of the Wayne family. Now publicly and legally alive once more, he’s forced to spend the next two weeks of his life stuck in the Manor with the whole family. This leads to several strengthened relationships and the realization that maybe he’s missed a few things over the years. Things that he’s now determined to get to the bottom of. ✦ now the clock is melting (so’s my mouth and so’s my mind) by SilverSkiesAtMidnight, tim & bruce & dick & cast, 4.1k      The League’s base is not built to welcome strangers. Bruce is not a stranger. ✦ what catches and who holds by victoria_p (musesfool), dick & cass, 3k      Dick never wanted to be Batman. Cass always did. ✦ Bet on it by Lysical, jason & damian & jon, 2.4k      Even Damian could admit that his older siblings occasionally had their uses. “I need your assistance,” Damian said, voice low and tense. “No,” Jason replied, and hung up. ✦ a soft place to land by unchosenone, dick & tim, 3k      Tim rubs the back of his head, trying to affect a joking tone. “I knew I should’ve just gone for the new escrima sticks.” Dick is ready to be a good big brother to his grieving little bro. Tim flips the script. ✦ Consanguineous Ministrations by Briarwitched, bruce & kon-el & clark & dick, 23.9k      “Who gave you a baby?” Dick demanded, the instant Bruce opened the front door, eyes drawn immediately to the sobbing infant on Bruce’s hip that he gently bounced to no avail. At the same time, Bruce muttered, “I told you, it’s fine, you didn’t have to come.” Alternatively titled, “Let’s give Batfleck alien baby problems”. ✦ The League of Extraordinary Bowling Bats by chibi_nightowl, dick & jason & tim & damian & bruce & alfred & cassandra & stephanie, 5k      “What did Dickiebird do? Steal all your other shirts?” The shirt is bright green with wide yellow stripes pretending to be a pin stripe running vertically across it. On the back, in bright red letters, “Timmy” is spelled out. “You’re next,” he spits out, shooting Jason the worst glare he could muster. “He’s got one for you too.” ✦ a cheese raspberry flavored void (except not really) by dottie_dc (dottie_wan_kenobi), Marzue, SilverSkiesAtMidnight, Squintyfist (ErzasCake), dick & jason & tim & damian & bruce & alfred & cast, 3k      “Jason.” Dick walks up to the desk, suspiciously peering around. Jason jerks and attempts to get in his way, but Dick is quick and fully willing to vault over his brother. Only, Jason immediately latches onto him, and the momentum sends them stumbling back, knocking into the desk. It’s a good thing Jason stopped him, for right behind the desk, where Dick would’ve landed, is a swirling void. ✦ The Talk by InsaneTrollLogic, dick & bruce & jason & tim & damian, 2k      Bruce never gave Dick the Talk. Dick was grateful for that right up until the time Damian sat through his first health class and started asking questions. ✦ Brothers in War by IaMcHrIsSi, jason & dick & cast, 3.2k      Jason, Cass and Damian ran from the League. In Bludhaven, they run into Dick. Literally. Dick just wanted to get breakfast. ✦ Baby I’m Bi Bi Bi by Sohotthateveryonedied, dick & steph, 1.5k      Dick catches her staring. “Oh, yeah. Forgot I had that. I bought it for when Wally, Donna and I were planning to go to Gotham Pride last year but a Joker thing came up and I didn’t get to go. You can just toss it. I have a ton of other bi merch and I only bought that one because Donna pressured me into it, anyway.” Steph looks down at the t-shirt and bites her lip. “Actually…I think I’ll keep it, if you don’t mind.” ✦ two attempted robberies too many by tsuchann, dick & bruce & jason, 2.2k      Dick could have knocked out the man before he had the chance to blink let alone pull the trigger, but he wasn’t dumb, and he worried his reaction would have caused the other robbers to shoot, because in the bank, at the middle of it all, with a gun pressed to his head, was Dick’s little brother. ✦ That the Ripest Might Fall by Ellegrine, TheFightingBull, dick & jason & tim & damian & bruce, reverse robins, 2.4k      Jason stared at the fallen chandelier. The priceless, fallen chandelier. They were dead. They were so, so dead! ✦ the butler’s neighbor by deargalileo, tim & alfred & bruce, 16.6k      it starts with a baseball, thrown onto the wayne’s property. it’s alfred’s job to deal with such happenings, of course. but over tea and galas, it turns into so much more. after all, why should bruce be the only one allowed to adopt any child that he finds? ✦ the straw drawer by deargalileo, dick & bruce & jason & tim & alfred, 7.4k      sometimes, love is stored in the straws. a story about family, traditions, and gifts, through the medium of crazy straws. (a companion piece to the butler’s neighbor, so i would suggest reading that first) ✦ you gotta push all the doubt to the side of your mouth by danishsweethearts, dick & stephanie & cast, 1.7k      Steph practices mindfulness. BATFAM FIC RECS - DICK/BABS FOREVER AND YOU CAN SHUT IT IF YOU DISAGREE, THEY’RE ADORABLE TOGETHER: ✦ Crime and… by Ladymercury_10, dick/babs, 1.7k      “Are you punishing me with glitter? That’s not a very good punishment, Babs.” ✦ the dickbabs baby au. by thychesters, dick/babs & batfam, 49.1k wip      Telling Dick she’s pregnant is much more stressful than she was hoping it would be. Them telling the rest of their families and friends? Yeah, easier said than done. BATFAM FIC RECS - I WILL DIE ON THE HILL THAT TIM DRAKE’S TRUE LOVE INTEREST IS CONNER KENT AND NOBODY CAN STOP ME, NOT EVEN GOD: ✦ buy back the secrets by sundiscus, tim/kon & bruce & clark & jason & cast, 48.1k wip      He takes a long, slow breath. Ignores the glares from the other students. “Superboy,” he murmurs. “It’s me. If you’re listening, I could use some help.” Or: 5 times Superboy saves Tim Drake, and one time Tim Drake saves Superboy. ✦ Grevious Misuse of TTK (or, Alternate Uses for TTK) by Cfae8, tim/kon, NSFW, 1.4k      Tim wakes up to someone touching him. But Kon’s hands haven’t moved. ✦ The Lost Art of Minding Your Goddamn Business by JpegDotJpeg, tim/kon & jason, 2k      Tim just sputtered, looking thoroughly scandalized for someone standing in the middle of the irrefutable evidence of his own fornication. If the furniture looked this bad, Jason couldn’t imagine that little Timmy had escaped Superboy’s super cock completely unscathed. “It’s not that bad,” Tim said, gesturing to the carnage, but he didn’t even sound convinced of his own words. “It looks like the fucking honeymoon scene from Twilight in here.” ✦ Practice Makes Perfect by rotasha, tim/kon & jason, NSFW, 18.3k      Kon is trying to seduce someone – he won’t tell Tim who – and he enlists Tim’s help to try to hone his flirtation skills. This surely won’t end in disaster for Tim, who’s had a thing for Kon practically since they met. BATFAM FIC RECS - TAKE THE ANGST DIAL, TURN IT UP TO ELEVEN, AND BREAK THE KNOB OFF, THAT’S WHAT I’M HERE FOR: ✦ Wait, What? by PandasandDucks13, dick & bruce & titans, 2.4k      Dick Grayson finds something interesting while applying for college. On a side note: He should really evaluate how many felonies he commits on a regular basis ✦ Dawn Breaks Through the Window by sElkieNight60, dick & bruce & jason & tim & damian, depression/read the tags, 14.7k      Without realizing it, Dick has fallen into a listless apathy, but when an incident cuts a little too close, Bruce and his brothers are there to remind him just how loved he is. ✦ Wisdom Always Chooses These Black Eyes and These Bruises by audreycritter, dick & bruce, 3.2k      After a severe, life-changing injury, Dick and Bruce have an epic fight and then fall back together. Sometimes, family hurts you the most, but that doesn’t stop how much you need them. ✦ your continental divides by isawet, reisling, dick & bruce & damian & barbara & cassandra & stephanie & donna & roy & wally & artemis & cast, rape aftermath/read the tags, 26.7k      When running doesn’t work and working doesn’t work, home is the place you go where they have to take you in. Dick’s home has never been Gotham; it’s always been the people.
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stiltonbasket · 2 months
Shen Yuan followed by Luo ducklings during walks, taking a nap in a Luo kittens pile, teaching sword forms with Luo tiger cubs, teaching Luo songbirds music.
I just want our dearest Shen Yuan to always be surronded by children that may as well be his, with how much love I know is between them.
The next chapter is mostly a flashback reel (cough Bingge searching Shen Yuan's dreamscape for evidence of an affair cough), so we won't see much more of the Bingbaos until chapter 4! But never fear, Empress-Mother Shen Qinglan and his clingy adopted babies will return soon enough. <3
Re: Shen Yuan and Bingge's children, all four of the kids were very much loved and doted on before SY showed up. Ning Yingying, Liu Mingyan, and the Little Palace Mistress are all devoted to their respective children, and Sha Hualing (while often physically absent, because of her duties as one of Bingge's generals) is fiercely protective of her son.
Bingge is also a fairly decent dad—he's genuinely fond of all his children and makes sure to spend time with them, cook for them, etc. on a semi-regular basis. The Bingbaos are just used to having multiple mother figures, so they saw Shen Yuan, went "Hm. That's mother-shaped," and never looked back. XD
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donkeys-waffles · 7 months
The new leaks are just so interesting!!! I kinda like how he did their backstories, it makes sense for All for One to be the way he is... I don't believe he was just born evil, since we've seen that he is capable of some sort of love or care, example being his reaction to his brother's death.
I think the reason he seems so dark, and evil is because that's how you survived back then. I always thought the fall of society was when the two were teenagers, maybe even adults. But the idea that they were born into a society in shambles without parental love or guidance, makes sense why the bastard man was a feral child coveting the feeling of unconditional love, killing the glowing baby because he, from what I can gather, was the only truly accepted one by society while the rest were seen as monsters needing extermination. He had to fend for himself, he had to teach himself to read and speak normally, he never had a parent tell him no. And in a time like that, I'm sure people weren't keen on being kind and gentle towards each other, I believe at best they were ignored because they were children. But no one picked them up or treated them gently out of fear they may possess meta-abilities, it was almost a 'kill or be killed' mentality. He reacts like a normal child in a situation with no guidance at all.... He acts feral because that's how the adults around him have taught him to react. He's still not a good person for a multitude of reasons. But ugh, I am just so curious about how he became the person he is now, from a small feral child to a calculating, manipulative adult. He knows how to twist and turn people to his whims.
The spoilers also show a little bit of his possessiveness, he views things he loves as possessions.... Which isn't shocking.... I've heard a lot of people mention this debunking the DFO theory... First off, how? If you observe the details of the chapter, you can easily deduce that AFO cares for Yoichi. He kicks him, but I really think that's just a result of having no parental figure, if you think about it. Children often hit other children when they feel strong negative emotions, they start off with little to no emotional regulation or intelligence, because they're children. That's what good parents are for, we don't just adopt moral codes on our own. It's our parents and society in general that teaches what's appropriate and inappropriate. And we obviously know that AFO and Yoichi didn't have a parental figure, or at least a stable one (if they were picked up along the way after their mothers' death.) The only thing teaching these children, particularly AFO, how to act is what's going on in society. What the adults around them are doing, and we can obviously tell there's a lot of mistrust, judgement, and violence being exhibited. Baby AFO is bound to catch on and adapt to survive... Our natural instincts are to survive, which explain why baby AFO was sucking his mother's breast, which is very normal, considering its our natural instincts to survive. Some people are saying that he was born evil because of this... No, it's a newborn, a fucking newborn trying to survive. Which during those early ages, that's all we really think of is our pleasure complex and survival instinct. Mother's normally feed their children within the first hour of childbirth, that's what's recommended from the American Academy of Pediatrics, so instinctually it makes sense for the baby to try to find that nutrients on its own if it's not provided.
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cerealboxlore · 9 months
deaged billy who is actually his usual age just in his mortal form is talked about a lot, but what about actually deaged billy
i’m thinking he first gets deaged to when his parents were still alive and he was happy and healthy, an image of caps childhood that the league would expect
then for him to jump up in age to when his parents had just died and he still lived with ebenezer, mourning and in pain. while this age he might be worried about mary if he thinks she’s been left with ebenezer, and freaking out a lot
then to early in his homeless life (like first month early), maybe still has a bit of trust for authorities/adults
then later in his homeless life (pre-captain marvel), zero trust, absolutely feral, if he thinks you hurt your kids he will find a way to end your existence
idk what else to add on but i think that’d be fun, cereal
OHHHH??? 👀 I am absolutely down with this idea of yours and the story branches it could lead into let's goooooo!!!
First, let's settle on a main base of the de-aging cause/plot. Now, this is just an idea of mine, but what if during an intense battle with Dr. Sivana and the Monster Society of Evil against Cap and the Justice League, Dr. Sivana lets loose an experimental fragment explosion of suspendium, one that's never been tested before, so why not unleash it on some heroes?
EXCEPT. This batch of suspendium doesn't stop time on a person/freeze them, no, in fact, it can alter the aging process in a person at an alarming and chaotic rate, with no way of controlling it. I imagine Cap wasn't the only one hit, but he definitely took the biggest hit of it.
Suspendium is one of the few things that can actually stop him, so I suspect that a messed up version of it would have some...interesting effects. Striking him out of his champion form, for example, and changing him back to good ol Billy Batson. Good ol little baby Billy Batson.
Who isn't Captain Marvel yet. Who doesn't have any trauma yet. Who has no idea what's going on when he's suddenly surrounded by a concerned JL team (along with a de-aged Green Arrow and Flash, just for funsies :D )
Oh dear.
The plot from there goes as you described, and it is filled with such magnificent angst and loads of hurt comfort situations for all those affected by the messed up suspendium batch. Just. 👌 my compliments to the chef for cooking this one up (you).
The JL seeing the Captain as young Billy, with him flash forwarding through his youth, finally getting some insight on him as a person and his past. I'm kicking my feet in the air this is so cool! They start out seeing what they expected from the Captain, a happy and boy scout attitude little boy, then immediately getting a 180 when he ages up again in a snap and is the complete opposite of the sunshine child they saw just a few minutes ago.
They're left with even more questions about what the Captain's childhood might have been like for him to have been this way, and much more stumped when they don't know how such a sad and negative kid turned into the happy go lucky captain marvel they know.
Maybe someone (Guy Gardner) walks in expecting the Captain to be the same as a kid as he is an adult and ruffles his hair, being rude, and then gets the surprise of his life when little Billy kicks him in the groin. Hard.
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