#I don’t think Damian will tell his family aside from Alfred
dclovesdanny · 3 months
Dc x dp prompt
Dead serious 4/4
Damian did not plan to participate in the idiotic ‘school musical’. The only reason he was participating was because Jon and Colin were both preforming in it, and the two numb skulls had dragged him into it.
Danny had only transferred to Gotham Academy that year. After his parents found out he was a halfa, they accepted him, but needed time. So Jazz took him with her to Gotham, while she went to college. Participating in the school musical would get him some extra credit, some that he could desperately use.
Okay I have two ideas first the musical for this one.
1) Shrek the musical! Danny as Shrek and Damian as Fiona! That would work so well, and I feel like they would kill ‘I think I got you beat’. Also, both of them feel like monsters at times, and Fiona adds an extra layer of reality, being sometimes human and sometimes not. Jon would probably be Donkey, with Colin as Pinocchio. He would kill ‘Freak Flag’.
2) The lightning Theif Musical! Damian as Annabeth and Danny as Percy! You can’t tell me Damian wouldn’t relate to ‘My grand plan’ on a spiritual level. Danny would kill it as Percy, especially in ‘Good Kid’. I think Jon would be Grover and Colin would be either Luke or The Oracle. From what I know about them, they would kill it!
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dcxdpdabbles · 1 month
Are you going to make another part for the Angel and Demon Brat? If you do, please have them fumbling and Damian + Danny taking full advantage. Also, could you do something about Cujo please? I don’t think Danny would move without him
Danny will admit that he is having a little too much fun with his birth father's family. But could one blame him? They made it all too easy. Also, he was starting to see why Damian had been a bit hesitant to tell them about him.
It was not that they threatened him in any way, but he could see how hard it was for them to have a normal relationship with anyone. Just his small forms of affection made a lot of the Waynes' skin crawl.
They still gave in regardless. Danny worries it's the most hugs any of them have gotten in years. It couldn't be mentally healthy. Or could it? Some people didn't like to be touched, and that was fair.
He did have to play a careful balance.
He knew that if the League of Assians found out about Damian caring for him, Danny would go from being a Lost sibling to a Dead sibling. The Waynes on the other hand were under the impression that denying him anything would cause Time to erease him- not that Clockwork would dare. Who would try his spicy salsas then?- so they were much more careful in how they handled him.
Tim was his favorite. Danny could tell the other boy really liked being acknowledged, and unlike Dick, who thrived on being the center of attention, Tim struggled to let people know.
So Danny had small ways to give him what he desperately craved and had a little fun with it.
He carefully knocks on the boy's door room, clutching his pillow and blanket. There was a small pause where he could hear Tim scruffling around, likely trying to hide the coffee maker under his bed. Danny didn't have the heart to tell him the whole mansion but Alfred and Bruce knew about his bedroom coffee maker.
Maybe he should hint about it tomorrow at breakfast? Watch Tim sweat?
He shifts his face into an innocent expression when Tim opens the door. The other squints at him, likely catching his more mischievous expression but unwilling - or unable- to call him out on it.
"Angel Brat?" Tim says weary. The nickname rolls off his tongue so easily that one would think Tim has always called him that. Danny applauds his acting ability.
"Hi, Tim! I'm here for our bi-weekly ritual," he chirps, pushing the confused teen aside to step in. He gently rolls his heart pump behind him, mindful of the wires. It's on top of his gas tank, which he chose to wear so he could breathe some clear ectoplasm.
Gotham's ectoplasm was polluted with negative emotions, and it was giving him a headache.
None of the machines was actually doing anything—his heart rate will never be regulated due to his powers—but it was the perfect excuse for why Danny wasn't seen that often in public.
Barbara had gone back into Gotham gossip rags, publishing fake articles and small rumors on the internet that dated to the first day Damian arrived. This gave him some proof of existing before, but with the "timeline reset," it would make sense why no one could recall Danny.
As far as the Gotham citizens were concerned, Danny was an unproven rumor at best. People were asking about him but weren't daring enough to demand who Danny was.
Barbara was the best like that, and Danny should convince Damian to give her and her dad an even longer, all-expenses-paid vacation. She deserved it.
"Our bi-weekly ritual. Of course. Must have have slipped my mind." Tim carefully articulates. His words are clipped enough Danny can tell he's confused. Danny beams at him nonetheless, sitting on the ground carefully after he finishes adding his pillow and blanket to Tim's bed.
He leans his back against Tim's beg, crosses his legs underneath him, and takes a deep breath of ectoplasm.
Tim pauses for only a moment before walking over and sitting cross-leg in front of Danny. The younger boy pays him no mind while fumbling with the bag he brought along.
Danny began pulling out all his needed supplies. Five candles- each with a different color flame are left in a small circle. Five bottles sealed with wax and labeled with different named potions are carefully added to the center of the circle- he makes sure that the glitter liquid inside does not shake too much less the small surprise is noticed.
Then he pulls out a large book, with the image of a screaming skull on the cover. It's large enough that he has to set it on the ground, a thump produced from the weight.
He then carefully claps his hands four times, switching Tim's lights off so the only glow is the green, blue, pink, purple, and yellow light of the candle.
Tim looks a bit distressed. likely thinking Danny was about to start practicing the Black Magic or something. It's hard to keep a straight face as he fights off a giggle at the expression being aimed his way while he flips through the pages.
Tim carefully taps his hand against a bracelet on his wrist, which connects to the Bat's communication lines. The rest of the Bats are probably thinking that Tim is in danger even though he was supposed to be on rest duty and have tuned into the conversation. Danny isn't supposed to know that, though, since he is not "healthy" enough to be a vigilante, so he ignores it.
"Alright, should I start or you?" Danny asks when he lands on the page he was looking for. It's in Latin, which he knows Tim can read but that doesn't stop it from being creepy.
"You can start first."
"Really? You never let me go first in the bi-weekly ritual!" Danny cheers, leaning down to the page. From the corner of his eye, he can see the distress blooming more on Tim's face.
"I'm feeling...generous. I think you're old enough to start our bi-weekly ritual that requires colorful candles, a large black skull book in Latin, and five colored potions." Tim says obviously repeating the materials to the eavesdropping Bats.
"Thanks, Tim! Okay, here we go." Danny holds out his hand above the book muttering in Latin.
"Oh great, Clockwork, master of time, head my call and tell me the answer to my inquiry." Danny quickly switches to English as he grabs the potion in pink glitter. Giving it a good shake, he continues. "Does Kon-El think Tim is cute?"
The glitter shifts until a dice appears with the words- More likely than you think is visible. Danny squeals showing Tim, "Omg Tim, you have a chance!"
Tim's face falters and then turns an alarming shade of red. "What?!"
"Wait the following questions!" Danny reaches for the remaining bottles, making sure to go in the color order of the candles. Will Kon ask Tim to marry him? Yes! Where will they live? A mansion. How many kids will they have? fifteen! What will Tim's future job be? A photographer!"
Danny flips the page over to a table of data, squabbling down the answers. "Okay, you're going to get married to Kon, live in a mansion, have fifteen kids, and be a photographer. This is the third time in a row that Kon has married you. I think Clockwork is on your side for this one, Tim. It's my turn!"
Danny pretended he couldn't hear Jason laughing his ass off in Tim's earpiece or Dick's voice cry out. "No fair! I want to play spooky MASH on a bi-weekly basis."
Tim is beet red, fumbling with his hands. "Who-i-what-?"
Danny frowns. "Are you okay Tim? Should we skip Bi-boys night?"
"Bi-boy night?!" Tim squeaks.
"Yeah! I thought I would give our hang-out night a nickname, and since we mostly end up talking about cute girls and boys, I thought we could name it bi-boy night. You know since you're the only one in the family that's bi like me? I know no one will want to date me. I'm too sick...but it's nice to have a brother who gets crushes."" Danny hunches his shoulders a little ignoring the way Tim's eyes widen a bit with affection. He's touched that Danny came to him for this. Fool. "We can skip my turn. It's not like I'll have someone anyway."
Jason has stopped laughing, and Steph softly whispers. "That's so cute and sad. Who's been hurting our baby?"
Tim swallows. "No. We are not skipping your turn. We are going to play this game because anyone would be tripping over themselves for you."
"Really?" Danny smiles hopefully at Tim. Tim nods firmly, then narrows his eyes.
"No dating until you are sixteen."
"I know." Danny rolls his eyes "You've said that before."
"But I can still have crushes right? Because I have one on Jon."
"Jon Kent?" Tim asks at the same time Bruce growls the name.
"You won't tell Dad will you?" Danny asks after nodding and blushing. Damian told him yesterday that Jon pissed him off, and with the power to heat up his ectoplasm just behind his checks, causing them to flush, he thinks he just found a good way to make the super regret upsetting his brother.
Nothing like an overprotective Bat clan to dish out vengence.
"No," Tim says, grinding his teeth. "No, I won't tell. But since I already got married to Kon maybe we can try someone else."
Danny's eyes sparkle with barely concealed glee. "Okay, let's use my second crush! He's super cooler anyway"
"Of course, what's his name?" Tim asks picking up the pink bottle.
"Your friend Bernard," Danny says, knowing Danm well, Tim had an undiscovered crush on the guy. He watches with glee as Tim chocks on his spit.
"Yeah, he's got muscular arms, and he can cook," Danny sighs dreamily. "Damian thinks he's hot too."
"No." Tim gasps.
"I do," Damian says over the cons to the collective shock of everyone. "Dowd has a fine physique. He's also great with animals. I approve of Daniel's involvement with him."
Danny's lower lip wobbles. "No? I can't play the game?"
Tim takes one look at him before caving. "Does Bernard Dowd think Danny is cute......it says no."
"Oh. If Clockwork doesn't think so, then I guess it's not meant to be," Danny sighs.
"Who is Clockwork?" Tim asks, placing the potion down.
Danny blinks. "You don't remember Clockwork? Lately, everyone has been forgetting important things around here. Is something wrong?"
Danny allows his body to flicker a bit with his powers, acting as if he didn't notice as Tim grows alarmed.
"I'm joking! It's a joke! Of course, I know Clockwork! Ha ha ha! Why don't we do the next thing on our Bi-Boy Night!? Want to watch a movie?!" Tim practically leaps out of his seat racing to TV. "What are you in the mood for? Comedy or horror?"
"A musical!"
"A musical!?"
However, Damian has to stop on a roof to laugh into the concrete as he listens to Drake- an active hater of musicals- try to sing along to something called High School Musical and act like he loves it as Danny sings with him. He can hear Drake's blood pressure rise with every new line
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makethatelevenrings · 11 months
Rest // D. Grayson x gn!reader
Requested? Yes!
Warnings: illness, mentions of child assassins, not Titans!verse I just think Brenton is pretty
Summary: You’re feeling sick but refuse to admit you are. Damian intervenes and makes sure Dick is aware of the problem.
This is apart of Assassin!verse that you can read here
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You had been shot, stabbed, poisoned, thrown through windows, and broken numerous bones, but for some reason, this sore throat was going to be the end of you. When you woke up that morning, it started as a simple scratchy throat that had bloomed into some demonic rash of pain that coated your throat and made every swallow feel like knives scraping against your skin.
“You are unwell,” Damian observed. You ignored him in favor of jabbing the small needle through the taut fabric and tugging it down. Cass had recommended embroidery as a hobby you should try out and you found that it was soothing, fun, and an outlet for you. After spending years surrounded by silence and met with anger if you spoke out of turn, sometimes you needed to retreat from the constant noise of the Wayne Manor.
While you had your apartment in Bludhaven, some problems in Gotham required the both of you, and Haley of course, to stay at the Manor for a few days.
Where two of the family members attended school and the others interacted with the public every single day.
So, of course, you got sick.
You stabbed the point into the fabric once more and pulled it taut. You hoped that Tim would like the screaming possum design you were making for him. He loved sending you those memes and delighted in the fact that he gets to teach you about memes and pop culture.
“I’m fine.” You internally winced at how rough your voice sounded. Nothing screamed “picture of health” more than sounding like you were choking on gravel. Your head pounded, the ache radiating at your temples and along the sides, and your nose felt like cotton was shoved up there. All in all, you felt miserable. All you wanted to do was go back to the queen sized mattress shoved in Dick’s old bedroom and sleep for a thousand years.
But Dick, Bruce, and Tim were all making appearances at a gala to collect intel and you needed to stay awake so you could assist if something happened. What if the gala was under attack? Or what if they needed a quick getaway? Or what if-
The couch dipped as Damian crawled onto the cushion next to you. He settled in comfortably, Alfred the cat resting comfortably in his arms, and blinked up at you with those wide eyes of his. You set your embroidery down and gave him your full attention.
While Dick was your closest friend, companion, and lover, Damian understood you better than anyone aside from Cass. Damian knew what it was like to be trained from a young age. When Dick first brought you to Wayne Manor, bloodied and weak and still as fiercely on guard, Damian was the first person to gain your trust aside from Dick. And if this kid was your boyfriend’s brother, then dammit, he was your little brother too.
“When I first came to live with Father, he sat me down one day and told me that it is one thing to know when to be on guard and ready. But it’s another thing to live your life always on edge waiting for the next attack. Father helped me realize that I was living my life feeling like I was never safe made me sure that I would never be safe. He assured me that he and the family would never let anything happen to me.”
Your mind was cloudy with fatigue and fever, but you nodded slowly as you tried to grasp what he meant. “Okay…?”
Damian turned to face you fully, the little tuxedo cat in his lap snuggling in closer to his owner’s arms. “We would never let anything happen to you or to one another. You can rest.”
You swallowed painfully against your aching throat and offered him a tight smile. “Thank you, Dami. I’m fine.”
He huffed and climbed off the couch. “You’re not fine. I am telling Pennyworth.”
“Don’t!” The exclamation left you so quickly that he looked at you with more concern than before. “He’s busy right now. He doesn’t need to be bothered with a little sniffle. Please don’t tell him. I swear I’m fine.”
He stared at you, doubt written all over his face, and then sighed. “You are more stubborn than Richard. It’s a miracle the two of you get anything done.”
With that, Damian and Alfred the cat exited the room. Silence fell over the leather furniture and aging books once more. You inhaled deeply, fighting against the stabbing pain of your sinuses, and focused on your embroidery once more.
It wasn’t a half hour before the door to the library flew open. Dick strode in, impeccably dressed in a perfectly tailored tuxedo. Damian. That little rat.
“I’m fine!” you insisted. Damian peeked out from around the doorframe and you, the adult, stuck your tongue out at him. He merely smirked and disappeared, probably to go find his next victim.
“Richard, I am fine,” you snapped. He ignored your protests and laid the back of his hand against your cheek before doing the same to your forehead. You shuddered at the cool touch of his skin against yours and he immediately stepped back.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Dick demanded.
“Because I knew you would blow it out of proportion and make a big deal out of nothing,” you retorted.
“You’re burning up. And Damian said your lungs rattled a bit when you took a breath.”
“Damian’s a trained liar.”
“Stop with the bullshit!” His outburst caused you to pause. It really wasn’t that big of a deal. You had been in much worse condition than a little cold.
“I don’t understand what I did wrong,” you said quietly. Therapy with Dinah was helping you express your emotions, as she said. It helped in times like this. Dick’s face crumpled and then he pulled on the mask of assuredness that you were used to seeing. He crouched down so you were face to face rather than him towering over you.
“You don’t have to act like everything is fine, Buttercup. You’re allowed to let your guard down. You’re allowed to get sick.”
“But I can’t,” you blurted out. “If I’m sick and you or one of the others needs me-”
“We have legions of people that can help us,” he interrupted. Dick reached up to gently cup your cheek in the palm of his hand. “You are allowed to rest.”
“My head hurts,” you admitted.
He smiled that crooked grin of his and you shut your eyes, inhaling deeply. He stroked gentle lines across your face and of course he was still there once you opened your eyes once more.
“I’m tired.”
He stood, his hand falling from your cheek and entangling itself with your free hand. You set the embroidery down on the coffee table and stood. Before you could take one step, Dick swept you into his arms and started down the hall towards the bedrooms.
“You realize that I’m going to coddle you until you’re back to normal?”
You tightened your grip on his neck and grinned. “Can we watch Riverdale?”
“I’m going to throw Timmy off of a fucking roof for introducing you to that show.”
Tag List: @someoneimsure​ @perpetual-fangirl900​ @visagebrise​ @cursedandromedablack​ @alexxavicry​ @the-wayward-daughter​ @raging-trash-of-mind​ @bunny-kawa​ @khaylin27​
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thesuperiorrobin · 2 years
Damian Wayne, the blood son of playboy billionaire Bruce way. Damian Wayne doesn’t live up to the playboy title like his father back in the day
After the fourth bullet there’s a cut
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-Damian, for the first few months, denies that he likes you in the first place. It takes him a while to own up to his feeling for you. Seeing as he was taught to push his own feeling asides and to never show them because it’s a sign of weaknesses.
-but eventually he surpass that mindset, and just let his feelings all out. With the help of his best friend, Jon Kent, of course. Wouldn’t admit it but he would rather die then tell any of his family members about you or his feelings. (Well not dead. He just isn’t really ready to tell them yet 💀)
-when you two start dating, he will keep you a secret. He will keep you away from his family. Not because he’s a possessive type or anything he’s just embarrassed. And he knows for a fact this his family will take you away from him. So he just wants you all to himself for a little bit until he actually has to introduce you to them.
-since he’s keeping you a secret for a while that means no public dates. Because the paparazzi and the media are quick. Heck the minute you and Damian are out in public holding hands you won’t even get five steps in before you get a notification of the Gotham news on your phone with a picture of you and Damian. The paparazzi is scary.
-and honestly you don’t mind being a secret, cause you keep Damian a secret from your parents too. I doubt they’ll be happy when they hear that their child is dating the famous billionaire playboy’s son. Parents first impressions matter too💀. And Bruce Wayne didn’t leave a good one at all.
-so your dates are in school during lunch. Where you two will sneak out of the cafeteria and sneak out of school make your way to the back where no one will bother you except for the janitors and old cafe ladies you tend to smoke their problems away. You two don’t mind and neither do they, since you are keeping it a secret about their little smoking habits since no smoking is allowed on school property. It’s only fair they do the same.
-when you eventually find out Damian Wayne is Robin. The dates change too. I mean you’ll still end up having your little lunch dates but now. You see him in the middle of the night, in his Robin uniform, and in your room. Apparently you know have a thing for guys who wear mostly leather uniforms and fight bad guy out in the night. I mean who knew.
-now you’re parents are wondering why you’re always falling face first into your morning breakfast. They threatened to take your phone away because they think that electric of yours is the main cause for it in the first place ;)
-you are the first to tell your parents about the two of you. They aren’t really happy about the whole idea of you saying a Wayne, but they can see how much you like Damian. When they meet Damian in person your mom is thrilled. And Y’know first impression count so he brought flowers for your mom. He was being shut a suck up to her the entire day. Your dad took him longer to like him, mostly because he was a Wayne.
-you dad was very happy when he was leaving tho.
-and when you do meet his family. Lets just say it’s chaotic. Damian is full on embarrassed at this family, especially Grayson. No DONT even get me started on him. The only person in the manor that he wasn’t mad/embarrassed about, was pennyworth 7-7
-but overall his family loves you. That includes his animals.
-Speaking of animals Titus and Alfred LOVE you. Damian gets jealous because his trusted pets are taking your attention away from him. You and Damian are now parents of the many animals Damian keeps in the manor. That includes the cow too.
-he absolutely will keep you a secret from the press tho. Because he knows how scandalous and horrific they can be. And he doesn’t want them to be the main cause for a future break up all because they don’t know how to mind their own business.
-Damian Wayne is a touch starved person. There I said it. Growing up the only touch he ever got was a pat on his head by his mother when he did something good when he was living with the league of assassins. Other then that that’s it. But after living with Bruce he’s gotten some hugs here and there by him and his siblings.
-he doesn’t like to ask for a hug or any form of affection, after all he is still getting used to the whole dating thing so you’ll normally have to make the first move. And Damian love loves loooves cuddling with you. He doesn’t ask for it of course but you can tell when he needs one. He either sigh very loudly to get your attention or stays quiet for the rest of the day.
-absolutely hates the fact that his brother tease him for being soft with you. It can either go with you trying to stop Damian from slicing them up or it can have you laughing while Damian pay no mind to them.
-hates it even more when you spend time his siblings and not him. Oh! You can over the manor to hang out with him? No, Grayson just asked you to come over so you two can go watch that new romance film Damian refused to watch with you. He thinks your there because you want his help? No you came to see Tim to help you with your science and math homework. Want to have a nice day together? No your hanging out with Jason and enjoying h the r he’ll out of Damian for the day. But despite the fact that you love hanging out with his sleeping at the end of the day you’ll always go back to him for cuddles.
-you were the first person to say ‘I love you’ after he had sneaked into your room late at night after a bad patrol. The villains he had to deal with got him good this time. You two had a bad argument about it and then it just slipped.
-now Bruce Wayne is juts happy his son found that makes him happy. He’s glad his son didn’t follow in his playboy title. He thanks the lord everyday🙄. He even thanks you in private for dating Damian and he’s glad your able to deal with him since he can be such a pain in the ass most of the time 💀
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reveluving · 2 years
How about Batmom being his wife’s work, people can see there are atracttion , but they never do something about it.
And the kids are tired, because SHE is their mom even when Bruce insist she is a friend and his assistant. Like if there is a mothers day’s event she is the one there.
And of course she give hints, but Bruce make everything hard dating other womens, and Batmom just get tired. So she still remain in contact with the boys, but stop waiting for Bruce
If he realised that he is gonna lost her, on her wendding day with a guy that the kids like even when they don’t want to, is gonna be the cherry in the top.
"Where are you going kids? And in Tuxedos?"
"God, you never listen anything!"
"To Y/n’s Wedding, Jason is gonna give her"
And the man is just so shocked to talk
Damn. I was not expecting an angsty one??? But screw it, here we are! (For the sake of this piece, this is NOT related to 'A Mother's Touch' series, obv!)
Thanks, anon! ❤
You're right about one thing; the kids may not like the idea of giving away what could've been their mother, but they sure as hell hate seeing Bruce not appreciating you the way they do. You were not only his rock during his lowest, but each and every Batkid in the picture.
So keeping you around was their way to cope with the shit in Gotham.
They wouldn't be able to forgive themselves for being selfish and keeping you here any longer. Not when they know Bruce isn't going to do anything about it. The dejection, the fake smiles you'd put on for the sake of his happiness. It was too much, even for Bruce.
So, the kids let you go. With a heavy heart, of course. Telling you that you deserved better. You didn't want to believe it, but you knew they were right. You knew Bruce felt the same way, but that ego of his was unshakeable.
As soon as you resigned from Wayne Enterprises, they knew it was over. The only thing that kept you all together was the group chat they made. Bruce, too, his heart dropped at the news, but there was a voice at the back of his mind; "I told you so." But he tried to think nothing of it, maybe you wanted to work somewhere else but still keep in touch, right?
He wished.
He should've figured out when he saw Tim, Duke and Damian talking about suit colour they should wear and Cass twirling in a dress in front of her mirror. It wasn't until he finally opened the pretty looking letter on his desk that he's kept aside for so long that he realized why.
He knew he had no business raising his voice when two of his eldest boys came to pick up the rest. Jason was seconds away from giving the man a black eye, but he had a better idea.
"You're lucky that I can't beat the shit out of you. Wouldn't want to ruin this suit when I give ma away," None of them waited for his answer, not when Bruce himself didn't know what to say.
You didn't invite him out of spite or revenge. He was the reason why you've found your beloved, so, if anything, it was a 'thank you'. Though, you had a feeling that he wouldn't attend, and you were right.
Unbeknownst to you, that man you once thought was your one and only never stopped looking at the wedding photos Jason spammed on his phone. Your contagious smile, absolutely stunning in white, in the arms of another. Most importantly, that one big family photo he knew Jason sent with a wicked smile.
You, your new husband, and all of the Batkids. Together.
Alfred could only watch his master with both pity and disappointment.
Bruce never stopped wishing that man of yours was him.
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Tada! Not the best in angst so this was the best I could do! Ask box is open for your Batmom thoughts; preferably soft or smutty tho because my heart can't handle too much angst 🤧 But thanks again, dear anon!!
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avelnfear · 1 year
Chapter Nine
Danny had just finished getting things set up for dinner that night when there was a knock on the door. It was odd because Ellie had a key, and Jason would either call out while knocking or just break in through the window. Something in the air told them that they wouldn’t be back to enjoy dinner, so they sighed as they started putting everything away.
After that was done, they marched to their door and yanked it open. Standing in the doorway, looking slightly awkward about it, was one of his oldest friends. They hadn’t started as friends in their first lives, and they never even met in their second. This life, though, Clockwork had sent them to meet them with some time travel shenanigans. 
“Hey… Can I come in?” She had her hair brushed in front of her face, and she was wearing a simple pair of grey leggings with an oversized long sleeve shirt with a cartoon ghost on it. It was an outfit he’d bought and hidden for her when it became clear she didn’t have some of the common comforts normal people did.
“Hey yourself.” His smile was surely a mixture of sad and nostalgic, but they’d promised long ago not to lie to each other. Instead of saying more words, he stepped to the side and gestured into his apartment with a sweeping motion of his arm.
When they were both situated on the couch, Talia smiled at him with a sad smile of her own. “Thanks… How’ve you been?”
Danny narrowed his eyes at her. “You’re dilly dallying. You, almost as a rule, don’t do that. What aren’t you telling me? We’ve never lied to each other, don’t start now.”
Talia’s eyes narrowed in return. “You remember.” The smile grew into a smirk of sorts. “I’m here because Father did something stupid. Something I had no real way to entirely stop if I wanted to take over the League and stop him completely. Elle won’t be coming home, nor will any of the Bats aside from Alfred, Father took them to get to you. He thinks he can control you through them, but I know better. Before I left to come here, I activated a plan that cleared my people out of the base except for those who are protecting Damian in my quarters. I’m here to ask you to let me help you fight your way through the base and to ask you to let me be the one to kill Father, if only so that you can claim your retribution long afterwards.”
“You remember too.” Danny went silent, thinking things through. As he came to a conclusion, a horrible, terrifying smile that was a bit too wide for his face appeared. “That sounds like it will be purr-fect. After all,” His voice had dipped into a purr that screamed danger, “I don’t let anyone get away with messing with my people.”
The grin Talia gave him in response was downright deadly. Danny was sure the result of all of this was going to be an absolute bloodbath, but he couldn’t quite find it in himself to care. They had decided to mess with his family, so he was going to mess with what they cared about right back. Ra’s would rue the day that he’d decided to mess with Danny.
Tim came into consciousness slowly, with all the creeping slowness of waking from sedatives. As soon as his brain processed what he was seeing, he struggled to stand, not managing it due to the chains and magic that surrounded him in the room that housed the Lazarus Pit. His eyes darted around, noting the placement of his family, a girl that looked eerily like Danny, and, the one he’d been looking for all along, Ra’s al Ghul.
“It seems you are all awake now, good.” Ra’s was smiling in a way that meant he thought everything was going according to his plan, and it seemed like an even more disgusting plan than usual, Ra’s didn’t usually include civilians.
“What do you want?” Bruce’s voice was gruff and tense, and Tim could tell there was even more tension and anxiety in Bruce than was being shown in his voice or body language. “Where’s Damian?”
Tim’s eyes widened as Bruce’s words made him look over the room again, revealing that Damian really wasn’t with the group of hostages. Tim and his family exchanged glances with each other, expressing the horror and worry they all felt as they all ran through all the horrible reasons for Damian not being tied up with the rest of them.
“Do not worry about him, he’s with his mother. Worry for yourselves and your purpose here.” The smile on Ra’s face got even more disgusting, somehow. Tim found it a little insulting that Ra’s said that.
Tim was worried. He was worried about Gotham and the people they weren’t there to protect, Danny in particular. He was worried about Conner and the rest of the Supers when they heard that the Bats had all been kidnapped. He was worried about whatever plot was happening this time. He was worried about Damian, who had been separated from the group for whatever reason. He was worried about what Danny would think when they all simultaneously disappeared. He was worried about how disgusting and self-satisfied the smile on Ra’s face was.
“B already asked you what you want.” Dick’s voice was dark yet still cheerful, likely for the purpose of giving Ra’s a false reason to blab his plot. Ra’s knew that Dick was always cheerful unless all hope was lost, and he thought that all hope should be lost, thus he would explain more that they could then, hopefully, use to escape.
Ra’s laughed a dark laugh. “You won’t get out of those chains without my express permission, so there’s no harm in telling you. I want the connections that I can get once I get my hands on Daniel Fenton. Once I have those connections and weapons, I will be able to live forever with such power at my hands that the world will finally fall into my rightful, ruling hands.”
Tim’s expression hardened. “That won’t work out in your favor.” He didn’t fully understand what Ra’s said, but he knew that it wouldn’t work out, call it instinct.
“On the contrary, it will. See, he’s the least dangerous one.” Ra’s was about to continue when Jason snorted. With a glare at Jason for interrupting him, Ra’s continued on, “He’s the civilian friend to a family of Bats.” A chuckle burst from Jason’s lips, and everyone in the room looked confused at that reaction, even Jason. After a moment more of confused staring, Ra’s got back into his swing and went on, “By taking all of you first, we’ve left him without any support thus making it easy to deal with him.” Jason let out a short laugh this time, and Tim was getting concerned about how confused Jason seemed to be about his own behaviour. Was this another side effect of the Lazarus Pit? Was- Ra’s broke through Tim’s spiraling thoughts with a sharp, “What are you laughing about?”
Jason couldn’t seem to answer him, every time he opened his mouth more chuckles spilled out. The confusion and horror on his face as it seemed like he couldn’t even stop himself from laughing unnerved Tim more than just the plain laughter would have. It was almost like Jason was under the effects of Joker Venom. Tim exchanged glances with the rest of the hostages, except for the girl who looked like Danny, this wasn’t normal.
“What do you find so funny?” For all the confusion in the tone, Ra’s voice was still sharper than a League member’s katana. “You’ve just been informed that your closest civilian friend will be under our control through you and your little group being used as hostages. We even have preparations made to stop any of the super powered friends of your little group from rescuing you. What. Is. So. Funny?”
Abruptly, Jason’s laughter cut off, further unnerving everyone in the room. Jason had just barely subtly signed the word “instinct” to the rest of them before he was leaning forward in his chains with a cocky smile on his face, although Tim could see the confusion hidden deep within his eyes. “I don’t find it funny.” He paused likely for dramatic effect, because Jason was a dramatic little fuck like that. “I find it fucking hilarious.” The room sat in stunned silence as Jason leaned backwards, looking ridiculously at ease for being chained to the floor in the same room as a Lazarus Pit except for the fact that Tim could see conflicting emotions hidden deep within his eyes and posture.
“Wha-” Ra’s began only to be interrupted.
“You think he’s the civilian among us.” He chuckled a little. “You think that capturing us was anything but putting a fancy signature on your death certificate, and I mean your final death certificate. You think he’s the least dangerous one. You think your people can do a single fucking thing to him? You think he needs our help. You think you’ll be able to control him. You think you’re safe. You think you’ve won.” Jason’s tone was the same as the one a parent uses to explain to their child that the square peg won’t ever fit in the circular hole about five hours into that conversation.
“You-” Ra’s once again got interrupted.
Jason scoffed. “Me? Well I’m just waiting. Waiting for that gorgeous expression you’ll make when you realize how extremely,” Jason pronounced every syllable of that word with sharp carefulness, “wrong you are. Your wonderful fucking strategy is an absolute shitshow of misinformation. If I were you, I’d starting fucking praying. I’m talking hands and knees, tears running down your face, wailing at the sky, rocking on the ground, don’t give a shit except about being granted a positive answer praying. Because I really doubt that any god will answer you with anything but a negative, they wouldn’t want to anger the one you call a civilian.” The grin that took over Jason’s face was sharp and mildly unhinged, but the confusion still rested heavy in his eyes.
The girl look-a-like of Danny burst out laughing, drawing the confused attention of the rest of the room. “He’s so very right, ya know. I don’t think he knows how right he be, but sweet baby Ancients is he correct. You wanted to use Danny’s loved ones as a controlling mechanism? Translated that equals you wanting to learn why death is not a mercy, it’s a sentence. Pa is going to rip you limb. from. limb. at the very least, but don’t worry, you’ll feel it all. Every. Last. Bit. Of. It.” The girl’s voice was dark, sharp, and targeted towards the end, losing the mirth that had colored it when she first started speaking.
Ra’s walked over to the girl, stiff with anger and slapped her hard, right across the face. The girl’s only response was to start laughing once again. Ra’s growled in growing anger. “Little girl, you should stop laughing because you don’t know who you’re messing with.”
That got her to stop laughing, but the expression on her face sent chills down Tim’s spine. It wasn’t particularly terrifying for any reason he would usually give, but it was far too calm for someone who’d just gotten slapped hard enough to be rocked backwards. “I know exactly who you are, Ra’s al Ghul. I know all about your twisted rap sheet. To be frank, I expected you to hit harder. I mean, come on, I’ve been hit harder by literal toddlers. You should reevaluate your life if you think that you are dangerous to me.” 
Ra’s stiffened even further, and the girl, for some reason, found that so hilarious that she burst into laughter once again. This only served to piss Ra’s off even more. Tim, and his family which he saw whenever he managed to drag his eyes away from the horror show in front of him, could only watch as Ra’s proceeded to beat the girl up as she laughed the whole while.
Finally, when the girl had blood freely flowing from her broken nose on top of more invisible injuries, Tim couldn’t take it anymore. “Are you such a wimp that you have to beat up a girl to make yourself feel better?” Tim felt the words were a bad idea as they slipped out, but he was already doing it. Ra’s turned with a look so full of anger Tim questioned if he’d ever see another one like it. He had just managed to brace himself when the slap hit, shifting with it to lessen the blow even though that barely helped.
Over the ringing in his ears, he heard a massive boom coming from the direction of the big double doors. The boom repeated twice more, almost like a slow and steady knock. “What?!” Ra’s snapped out, although Tim didn’t think his voice was loud enough to be heard beyond the door. Three more of the slow booms resonated throughout the room from the doors. “What?!!” Ra’s shouted, this time actually being loud enough that Tim thought it could be heard through the door.
A final massive boom echoes as the doors are blown open, revealing a small pile of assassins that appear to have been beaten into unconsciousness denoted by the bruises spreading across a lot of the visible skin, some of the bruises were already turning purple. Tim might be having issues seeing because of the reflexive tears from the slap, but he swore he could see some bones poking out of skin. The area past the pile was darker than it should be, the only light seeming to be from the room itself. That wasn’t normal, the base was usually well lit, especially in frequently used areas. What was going on?
Jason was alternating between looking at the pile in shock and glaring at Ra’s for his actions. Nellie had done nothing to him other than pointing a couple of things out though Tim had, admittedly, antagonized Ra’s to get his slap. However, Jason’s blood was boiling as he watched a little bit of red leak out of Tim’s nose, the slight swelling already happening by his eye, and the blood starting to bead at the split in Tim’s lip. The odd orb in his chest that had prompted his strange speech was howling like a hurricane in his chest, roaring in a way that he almost understood.
“Who’s out there?” Ra’s yelled out, tone arrogant and demanding in a way Jason knew wasn’t going to end well, although he wouldn’t be able to give a concrete answer as to why he knew that with such surety.
The only answer from the darkness beyond the door was a long sigh followed by something being thrown into the room. It clearly wasn’t going to reach them, not with its size or trajectory, so no one did anything to try and get out of the way. Ra’s just watched the thing with dark eyes. The thing landed, revealing itself to be an assassin who was folded in on themselves, pinned in place by their own broken bones. Something darkly satisfied and knowing settled a large portion of the hurricane in the orb in his chest, calming it to merely a raging windstorm.
Danny walked in calmly, in the same style he did when entering the store on their grocery runs, like nothing was wrong. Despite the fact that there was no weapon anywhere to be seen on Danny, and none in the pile of assassins, there was blood splashed all over Danny’s face and clothes. His hands were clean, but there was no totally clean spot other than that.
“Hello Ra’s al Ghul, how are you today?” His voice was cheerful, but his eyes promised pain as they stared into Ra’s own.
“You-” Ra’s was once again interrupted, giving Jason an odd sense of pride-joy-funny that he couldn’t quite place.
“Da!!” Nellie’s voice was full of relief and joy along with a fair bit of pain. “It’s so good to see you!”
Jason watched as Danny looked over to them all and froze. His face closed off and became harder than steel as his eyes locked with the wounds on Nellie and Tim. There was no massive shift in the way Danny stood, but something about him now screamed dangerous in a way that Jason definitely found attractive.
“I was going to let you live for a while, seeing as I hadn’t heard from you. But, sugar, I think you need to learn your lesson. Those are my people, and they do not belong here. You are lucky that I was alerted of this now because my patience can only last for so long. You are a lucky son of a chocolate ice cream cone because if I kill you here and now then I won’t be able to do everything I want to. Thankfully, for me, not for you, I have an old friend of mine with a bone or twenty to pick with you, so she’ll be the one to kill you so that I can properly punish you after your death. You’ll have to deal with being beaten by a girl while you dance around acknowledging the fact that you done messed up. Don’t worry, you’ll never have the chance to do so again once it’s my turn.” Danny’s tone was even icier than it had been when Dick got chewed out for sparking the panic attack of Tim that one time, it was harder than it had been in the few times gangs had tried to rob them on their grocery trips, and it was so incredibly attractive to see how protective Danny was over the people that he cared about.
Danny walked forward to the point where no one could see his face other than Ra’s, and while he did that, Talia walked in behind him with an oddly proud look on her face. Jason didn’t have long to study her expression though because Ra’s suddenly let out a cry filled with fear. Looking back, Jason saw that Ra’s was kneeling before Danny, staring up at their face with a look so complicated that Jason couldn’t read it.
“Is it my turn to deal with the pathetic old man, my friend?” Talia purred out, everything about her radiated satisfaction and pride.
“Go ahead. Just remember what you need to do once he’s dead.” Danny’s voice was starting to warm up again, less like an ice age and more like a heavy blizzard.
Jason heard the sound of Talia fighting and taunting Ra’s, but he only had eyes for Danny as they checked over Nellie and Tim to make sure they were mostly okay, even giving Nellie a pill that seemed to fix most of the wounds she’d gained from the lunatic. Talia sounded like she was wrapping things up as Jason watched Danny study the magic and the chains as though looking for a way to free them all. They’d managed to get the chains to let them go when the magic disappeared. Finally looking away from Danny, Jason saw that Talia had killed Ra’s and was pointing a weird metal cylinder built like a thermos at his corpse. Jason tilted his head slightly in confusion as Talia just stood there, waiting and watchful like a big cat with eyes on its prey.
A green mist started forming above Ra’s corpse, the color only slightly different than the Lazarus Pit behind it. “May you never be reborn again, in this life or the next.” Talia said in a soft voice that was surprisingly open for the assassin she’d always appeared to be. As the last echo faded and the mist started to take form, she pushed a button on the odd thermos and a blue light shot out, wrapping around the shadowy green form that was taking the same shape as Ra’s. When the blue light retreated into the thermos, it took Ra’s soul with it, leaving only his corpse behind.
Jason, and the family he could see out of his peripheral vision, watched carefully as Talia sauntered over to Danny, clipping the thermos to his belt as she flung an arm around his shoulders and leaned into him in a way Jason was sure she’d never done with anyone before. There was a gasp from the doorway and suddenly Damian was throwing himself into Talia, who let go of Danny to wrap her son in a hug.
Danny retreated to where their group was sitting, stunned into being statues, with a fond look on his face. Turning to them, he spoke, “Ask your questions after we get everyone back home, I’m sure Alfred is worried about you all.” Danny’s voice brokered no arguments, as did his actions as he swept Tim up into his arms while Nellie attached herself to their back. “I’ve got the injured ones, let’s get going.”
The Bats could only trade glances as they unfroze to follow behind the assassin and the assistant head guard. The glances told Jason that none of them knew what was going on, but they were all determined to find out. Jason felt an intense need to know why Talia was acting so out of character and why he had a strange orb filled with foreign emotions and sensations. As he walked with the group, following a path out of the base that was littered with unconscious or dead assassins, he swore he could see flashes of another person where Danny should be. One with white hair, a cape, and a pair of heeled combat boots. It faded quickly, and as soon as they left the base, the flashes disappeared like they were never there. Jason put it out of his mind, he could worry about it after making sure his family was okay.
Taglist: @blacksea21090 @chrysanthemum9484 @samgirl98 @may-rbi @justwannaseesomebrozawa @serasvictoria02 @treepainting @fluffykster @enderglace @sigdexae @persephoneblackrose @angelofsongsoteira @lazy-bouqet @littlefeather345 @icedbluesoul @autumnwulf @thefearfullone @alixanterm @skulld3mort-1fan @dulceringo @vidimirrayne @betinaplayingwriter @the-legal-shipper @currant-owo @crystalqueertea @fisticuffsatapplebees @bugaboo25 @dannyphantomphan @botwadtict @kyrianclawraith @mnemovoid @lyra689 @demiourgias @d4ydr34min9 @idontgetpaidenoughforthisshit @emeraldcorpral @bobred18 @emergentpanda-blog @apointlessbox @pastalavistamf @v-inari @shadow-otaku20 @hellomygay 
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fantomette22 · 11 months
Hey, I heard you did like the idea about Henriett and Yurie relation? Orphanage stuff aside, how do you feel about the idea that they were Damian's daughters? o: Like maybe he even had to leave them at some point because School of Mensis was too dark path to thread for them in his eyes and whatnot? ok ok ok in general, what are your thoughts about these girls?
Mouahahahahah i see i am converting people with my ideas?! 👀
Hm ok more seriously. I don’t think Alfred and Valtr have any family link or smt just because they’re blond (sorry Crow 💔)
(I mean they don’t really look alike no? But who knows…you could tell me that Damian and the girls might not be link too but it’s different!! They have the healing church and Byrgenwerth in common! Source : myself)
Ok so about the girls like you mentioned they looks really similars (face) + with the data we know Yurie/Julie is supposed to be blonde too. (posting your image btw) They looks really alike and we need more siblings lol.
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Pretty sure Yurie grow up inside the healing church/orphanage she became a member from the choir and is one of the last one alive. Still I think she might have perhaps part way with the church to come back to the roots of byrgenwerth and found stuff there + secure Rom (&willem) souls in the lake.
For Henriett well I won’t be surprised if originally she was supposed to be a part of the church with the black garb and all a doctor or a religious but wasn’t as efficient as Yurie. The choir is the elite after all (and probably know many dark secrets…) But perhaps she discover things and decided to quit (like that ALL clerics beasts were clerics, maybe she killed one too) and decided to come back to the roots of the hunt as a hunter ! (Not from the church)
As for Damian well he’s blond too (kinda) and have the same lashes and eyes color.
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For me I like to imagine Damian as being like the most normal dude ever. Where everything and everyone are quite unusual if not a bit crazy and he's just the normal guy x) I headcanon he had a normal family, ok parents, no tragic backstory, or really big problems in his life, average results at Byrgenwerth + is kinda strong too (great fighting ability).
Also of course the game is never gonna tell us but I won’t be surprise if a few characters you know had period in their life where they were happy, got married, had children (and not just Gascoigne lol) Some 10mins oneshots AUs & original characters exclude I headcanons only a few bloodborne characters having kids depending the interpretations too. Damian not the one I first thought off to XD
But yeah just to say he’s really like the typical dude in this who happen to be too close to the main protagonist XD (without being a rando who could died either or a figurant, it’s Damian come on!). Like you have the charismatic Laurence, Gehrman, Maria, Caryll, Rom, Ludwig, freaking Mico, Willem, Dores etc and Damian who's freaking "normal" in all this mess and wonder what in the great ones he is doing here XD (he looks so tired too ;-;)
So I guess if he ever had kids he had to probably leave them (at least at beginning he probably just leave them during day or night time at the church daycare XD) but perhaps had to put them somewhere safe after Mensis (and Mico) began their descent in hell and madness. And he realized that if he did something wrong or if the menses scholars thought he was devoted enough to the cause they could hurt or take away the one close to him!
Also while typing this i just had an enlightenment!!! Another idea! (Help)
WHAT IF! What if, actually Amelia and Henriett are the ones who are siblings! (No link with Yurie but Damian being her dad still work!)
Amelia don’t have a face data sadly but she’s blond right? She was probably in the healing church since little too? (I hc that the precedent Vicar, the white church doctor in the nightmare in the 2nd cathedral praying could be her mother? + she kinda looks like henriett too 💀)
Plus we can fight Amelia with Henriett (summon) imagined THE DRAMA!!
So in the end idk i’m not settle but i don’t need to right now. I’m to focus on the old hunters era anyway xD and like you know I hc that almost 3 generations pass since the beginning of all this mess at Byrgenwerth. (So yeah clearly Amelia, Henriett, Yurie, Edgar Iosefka... were not born yet in my main version/fic verse at the time anyway).
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marsrize · 2 years
SURPRISE! [Part 5 of 5]
Part 1: Here | Part 2: Here | Part 3: Here | Part 4: Here
Summary : Jason tells Marinette the truth. 
Chapter 5: My life is a joke 
It was Sunday, early in the morning. It was time for the meeting between the members of the Bat-clan and especially between the siblings. Well, with the older ones. Damian and Marinette were far too young, so they had stayed with Alfred. Damian had protested vehemently, but surprisingly (for him at that time), Marinette was the one who made him submit.
"I'm blood, you have no right to exclude me I'm not a child!"
Dick was trying to calm Damian down, when Marinette spoke up.
"Damian... Can't you shut up a little?"
"If you don't want to be treated like a child, then don't act like one."
Damian stared at her, then gritted his teeth in obvious anger. He was about to retort, but Alfred cut the conversation short.
Bruce had left a will. He'd had one prepared for a long time in case something happened to him as Batman. The will had been changed many times by Bruce, with his adopted children being added as they came along.
Thus, each of them had received a share of the Wayne legacy (yes, even he had a share, which shocked him to no end). And Jason discovered that Bruce was actually planning to tell him the truth. How? Each of them had also received a letter. In his letter, Bruce explained his exchange with Sabine's mother, as well as some detailed research he had done on the origin of the Cheng Family. Jason sighed after reading the letter. He had opposite feelings. He was relieved to know that Bruce had never intended to hide this truth from him. Angry that he hadn't done it sooner... Lost too... What to do now?
He finally sighed.
Jason needed to be honest with himself. While everyone went to the cave, Jason took Dick aside and whispered a few words in his ear.
"I want to... try to get to know her a little... Give me a week to get to know her, I'll make my decision then."
"Are you sure, Jay?"
"I don't know. We'll see."
That was how Jason forced himself to stay at the Manor.
He'd started by trying to talk to her a little bit, though he wasn't the best at building a relationship with people, especially not with a child. And even less with the child who didn't know they were related. It was afternoon and Alfred had prepared a snack.
Damian was busy practicing in the Cave with Cass.
Dick was present and eating an apple.
Marinette was eating a bowl of fruit. There was orange, kiwi, pieces of banana, apple and other fruits...
"Hmm... So, Marinette, what do you want to be later?"
She looked up from her bowl at him. She smiled at him.
"I'm going to be the Knitting Fairy."
He blinked several times.
"The Knitting…… Fairy...?"
"Yes. That way I can create lots of clothes with my superpower."
" .............................."
"And I could work with the Tooth Fairy! And Santa Claus!"
" .... I see..."
He had not expected this answer and had no idea how to react. He glanced at Dick. He motioned him to NOT disagree with her. He glanced to the side where Alfred was squeezing an orange to make juice. Their eyes met. Jason swallowed and then remained silent.
He discovered that day that she was still an innocent little girl...
And that wasn't the only thing he was wrong about.
     Marinette was in reality a little angel.  
The girl was very respectful. Jason realized that she regularly helped Alfred and had a talent for baking. She was very quiet and actually spent a lot of time in her room playing with her legos, doing puzzles or drawing... She also liked to read a lot, so she spent some time at the library. Alfred told her that she had recently started taking sewing classes because she wanted to make her own clothes... (to become the knitting fairy... Because "fairy" was a profession in Marinette's head...).
He eventually confronted Dick.
Jason felt like he had been openly mocked.
"Dick, what is this sh*t? Why is everyone spouting crap about the kid?! She thinks fairy is a job. She's so quiet I sometimes forget she's there. I've never seen her get into trouble with anyone, I can't say the same about Damian. Explain yourself!!!"
"I... I was surprised too Jay... I don't come to the Manor that often, you know it. The thing is, every time I came, Bruce had done something new and crazy... I assumed it was her asking but Alfred told me that Bruce actually tended to exaggerate things when it came to Marinette."
" ... "
After his conversation with Dick, Jason was left alone in his room.
Jason was sitting alone on his bed. He held his head in his hands.
He seriously felt like shooting himself somewhere.
Why had he believed those fools when they told him that Marinette was a spoiled brat?
 The end of the week had arrived.
Jason had made the decision to take Marinette with him. Dick was already too busy with Damian and his role as Batman. It wasn't really the kid's fault, the league of assassins had destroyed him completely. Damian needed time and exclusive attention to be reintegrated into society. Tim had taken the CEO position temporarily, but Dick still had to help him. In other words, Dick didn't have time to take care of Marinette. And to be honest, that wasn't his role, since the child's biological father was alive and well.
Marinette was also small and needed attention. And Jason had time to take care of her.
Dick offered to come with him, not to talk, but to provide moral support. The three of them sat down together around the kitchen counter.
Jason then took his courage in both hands to announce the news to Marinette.
"Marinette, there's something I want to talk to you about."
"Here goes... Bruce is... Bruce isn't your biological father. It's a bit of a long and complicated story but, to sum it up I... I am your father."
Marinette blinked several times. Then she looked at him strangely, as if he were a complete idiot.
"Yes, I know."
Jason blinked repeatedly.
"You... already knew?"
Jason stood there, completely frozen. Dick's mouth was open like a fish. He wouldn't be of any help.
" Papa told me about it a long time ago... Why?"
Jason still didn't know what to say, his brain working at full speed. Bruce had told Marinette the truth, but hadn't seen fit to tell him? The prime subject in this story?
"...You didn't know?..."
" ........... "
"Jason...I send you a Father's Day message every year...well especially the last three years."
" ....Wait a minute. That's why you're sending me "happy day" in June?! I thought you had the wrong date!!"
Marinette looked at him this time with a clear poker face. She then turned to Dick who had remained silent during the exchange. He too seemed to be just as shocked as Jason.
"Is stupidity transmissible by DNA? I'm starting to fear for my future..."
Jason was starting to feel the urge to cry.
Dick burst out laughing.
 Marinette moved in with Jason that same week.
Thanks to everyone who followed this little story! Without the support, I probably wouldn't have continued. Thanks again♥ 
Tag list : @ prettylittlebutterflie,@ mic-is-dead , @ ouch-whytho , @ yurijay , @ unoriginalmess , @ vroomtaka , @ khneltea , @ starling218 , @ throneoffirebreathingbitchqueen , @ lunabey2sky, @ kking13 , @ literaryhiraeth , @ frieddonutsweets , @ depressed-bitchy-demon , @ yasmin-rdz , @ laurcad123 , @ toodaloo-kangaroo , @babylovebug18
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stoptellinglieslois · 11 months
Principal of pleasure Prelude
Hello everyone this is my first fic the pairing is Superman x Nightwing. They fall in love and have an affair keeping it a secret from their families and loved ones. The story takes place during Christmas time The confession turns into something more and snowballs into a slow affair.
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As I drive my hand squeeze the steering wheel it’s been months since I’ve seen Dick. I haven’t been honest with myself for years about him I kept brushing my feelings aside to keep denying myself of what I truly wanted.
Lois Jon and I are going to the Wayne manor for Christmas Bruce invited us at first I thought wow this is great.
But I as I’m thinking in the car with Lois how is talking the phone and Jon dosing off I’m not sure this is a good Idea.
I never said anything to him or let on I had any feelings for him.
 Bottled up inside of me festering I married Lois it felt right at the time it was what we both wanted. 
But Dick was all ways on the back of my mind every step I took in every journey did I persuaded him taking the name Nightwing telling him stories of Krypton, My heart thunder when he agreed and took on the name.
As we got closer to Gotham the icy road snow falling I could hear his heart beat  faster like he is anticipating something.
We drove into the city now as we got closer to the manor it was after seven pm on December twenty-fourth I wonder what would await me. I shouldn’t be thinking these thoughts with my family in the car it’s so hard to think as I’m getting closer to manor it was getting more and more taxing I can’t breath in this box I put myself in all these years.
We drove up to the driveway of Bruce place I opened the door it was ice cold No humans with no clothes on would ever be able to resist this type of brisk cold.
We walked up the snowy steps Jon rang the doorbell bouncing on the ball of his feet wanting to see Damian.
The three of us waited for only a few minutes Lois was still on the phone with her sister.
Alfred opened the door to let us in as we walked in the place smelled like rich burning wood and pine perfuming the air. 
He took our coats and hats and I scanned the room and walked towards the living room, My mind was telling me why are you walking off so quickly who are you looking for your family is right here you don’t need to wonder off like your being summon by a forbidden angel.
That’s what my mind was telling me but I could hear his heart beating hard faster it’s like he knew I was coming I have know idea we’re that thought came from.
I hesitated by the door a bit the heavy old wood doors as Lois hustled me in she pushed the heavy doors opened it and Chaos of bickering and loud voice talking over each other.
And that’s when Dick and me locked eye contact neither wanted to break the gaze I didn’t want to  his eyes are like the blue sky on a sunny day. 
I knew I was staring I couldn’t help it he was so... like a spell was put on me or a curse I could never shake off.
It took Jason to pull me out of my trance he said something to me. “I’am sorry.” I replied.
“Do you want something to drink you look like you need one.” I stared at him and blinked. “Oh yes I would like a drink.” He smiled there was something about his smile a bit wicked like he was going to pull something.
While he went off to get my drink my eyes wonder where Dick was his arm around Barbra shoulder and rubbing it.
A ping in my chest I ignored it for now Jason came back with my drink he had a drink as well he handed it without a second thought I took a big gulp of the eggnog lace heavily with whiskey.
It was strong and it went down smoothly I wasn’t expecting the whiskey I don’t want to drink but as I watch Dick with Barbra in his arm I didn’t protest Jason by giving me the drink.
Jason looks at me and says. “He got engaged last week.” I turned to look at him we we’re far away from the others. “Oh that’s great I’m glad for them.” I said my voice sounded rough and drank down the rest of the eggnog. “ Can I get you another one.” Jason is studying my face intently.
“Yes please Jason another one please and thank you.” I breathed and closed my eyes disappointment and sadness came and rested on my soul as I stared at them unhappily.
As the evening went on and I wasn’t sure but I think this was my third cup of eggnog.
Supper came around we all sat at the dinner table I sat in front of Dick and Barbra Lois sat beside me and Jason sat on the other side of me.
Tim was talking about how great it was his new trip to England he was going after the holiday’s I wasn’t listening much I was to distracted with Dick and the revelation that was just told to me not to long ago.
“So Uncle Clark how’s the daily planet I heard Lex dropped by not to long ago what did he want.” I was taking aback with Tim asking anything I was not feeling myself the eggnog was hitting hard.
“Lex came to the planet and tried to get Superman to convince Metropolis to vote for him for the mayor position thinking he could get me to interview him to be televised. I took a leave absence and he found someone else to interview him.” My face flush I picked up a glass of red wine and took a long swig.
“Clark I have never seen you drink before like this.” I blush because Dick eyes fell on mine I shifted in my seat the spot light was on me I didn’t want that at all tonight.
“It was my fault I thought he could use one.” Jason came and interjected as if nothing was wrong with what he was doing.
“It’s the holidays.” 
“Yes but he do’s not drink like this.” Jason shrugged his shoulder.
“Yeah let it go.” I pipe in and said looking around Dick still watching me expression was silent and reserved he is usually always so chatty.
“Fine Clark I was just asking.” Bruce resolved and he didn’t push it as I thought he would prob more.
Good I thought and ate peas and steamed baby corn. “I just need to take this.” Lois said as she walked out of the room cellphone in hand. 
Jon and Damian finished their Dinner long ago and took off somewhere in the mansion.
So it was just us now sitting as we bantering throughout supper picking at each other when Tim says something about Dick engagement.
“Dick is getting engaged.”
“No no no why are you talking dweeb are you getting married ”Jason said throwing a pea at Tim. “No.” Tim answered his feathers are ruffled.
“Then shut up.”
“What ? I was just saying that it was great to have  Dic..” Jason cut him off.
“You nerd stop being a nerd it’s not you ok shut it down or else.”
“You weasel I’m not getting why would you block me from celebrating my own brother’s engagement this is good news your just jealous.” I shot up wobbly and raised a tossed red wine spilling from my glass. “Easy big guy.” Jason said as he got up and tried to steady me.
“On Dick life journey and hoping he could find true happiness and joy in his life with Barbra.” Dick got up. “Clark I think your drunk gets some water in you here let me pour a glass.” For the first time since I got here he said something to me we never even said hello when I arrive and that was odd all on it’s on.
“I don’t want water Dick I’m toasting why would you stop me from doing that.” I said a little bit upset but I didn’t know why.
“Clark maybe we could just take you to the rest room and sober you up just a little.” Dick said he extended his hand to me everyone sat there watching in silence.
“I’am coming with you we need two people to help him.” They took either side of me and we left the dining room.
I stumbled as we three walked up the long steps of the manor.
We reached a massive bathroom and  there was running water coming out of the faucet. “Splash some on your face please Clark.” Dick says his hand resting on my shoulder rubbing it I felt every digit of his finger massaging me.
I did what I was told letting the water spray my face.
“Why did you give him liquor Jason.”
“I gave it to him because he needed it. I could tell he wanted something hell I would have wanted something.”
“You ask him Dick not me I’ve watch you and him for years and years interacting with each other.” Jason was mad but not at me and not even at Dick.
“What are you saying Jason.” Dick said I was still tipsy holding on to Dick to balance myself.
“You can’t marry her Dick not what I’m seeing with my own eyes it would be a disaster.” Jason said it was nice to be looking out for his big brother.
“Just say it.” I said butting in the conversation that was clearly about me.
“You have feelings for each other and you are making a mistake in marrying the wrong person.” We went silent as Jason confess what was inside of me for years.
“God Jason.” I said loud enough that everyone could hear.
“Be quiet.” Dick put his hand over my mouth  I crave this attention I needed no want his touch.
Jason's hand was on the knob before opening the door and leaving he stated. “Don’t stay here to long I don’t want anyone wondering around here looking for you both I don’t want you to end up like me and Roy.” He said not leaving just yet.
“I will leave here whatever happens when I close the door is your choice,  You chose to do what you want to do with what I just said.” Jason left me and Dick alone.
 We stared at each other this was not how I wanted the trip to Gotham to go down at all I did not want my feelings to come out at all for Dick. I was to live with this for the rest of my life like this not showing him any sign of anything I would stay like this fighting my emotion all the time and pretend that I wasn’t in love with him, And let it eat me alive thinking about him wondering what it would feel like to be with him.
“You are with Lois and you have Jon.” Dick rubbed his face I didn’t see his usual smile like he all ways had this time I knew tonight was that kind of night of no return, A line was cross and I didn’t know who step out of the line I think Jason pushed us there.
“Yes I do you have Barbra and you want to marry her don’t you.” Dick stared at me and I could see him think about my question. “Dick you want her right.” He looked at me and nodded his head robotically like he knew he wasn’t sure about his choice that he made.
“That do’s not sound like you are sure Dick.” I said a knock at the door stopped me from saying anything further.
“Clark they said you are drunk in there what’s gotten into you open this door.” The door opened I sober up quickly when she came in.
“I’m fine Lois Dick was just helping me I was really not feeling swell I need a drink of water I’ll be fine Lois.” Dick made an exit as I watched him leave he didn’t close the door.
“Are you sure you're all right,” She said looking at me with a bit of air of exasperate she didn’t want to deal with a drunken Superman ruining the holidays. 
“I’m fine I told you let’s just go back and join the others.” We left the luxurious bathroom and went to join the others I kept my distance that night not telling him a thing about what just transpired earlier, I even avoided a conversation with Barbra and just stayed silent letting what just happened wash over me. 
The next day everyone opened their present we all ate breakfast and went to the massive yard and threw snowballs at each other and building snowmen. we all stayed out enjoying a day off from god knows what.
I see Dick edging closer to me little by little till he was by my side. “Merry Christmas Clark.” I didn’t say anything to him we stayed in silent just watching the seen around us Jon and Damian building a fort now and Jason chasing Tim torturing him and stuffing snow inside his coat. 
“Merry Christmas Dick.” I inched closer to Dick Lois was inside she wanted no part in the outdoor activity.
“You have my cell number text me or call we can’t talk here to many ears it’s not safe for the both of us.” Dick said talking low and not trying to make too many movements not to draw any attention towards us. 
“What are you saying Dick.” I said not letting my voice out either Bruce wasn’t around he was inside good I didn’t want him out here either.
“I’am saying I want to go out for a cup of coffee or dinner with you I’am saying we need to talk privately.” Dick was serious and so was I. We both did not in any way shape or form should ever be trying to make some sort of date. 
We are both unavailable so I thought but that’s not how I feel I should feel ashamed but I wasn’t. “Ok then when.” I said to him.
“When ?”
“Yes when can we meet.”
“I didn’t think this through Clark I just thought about this right now.” Dick was nervous rubbing his hands together. “How about new years eve.” He said his black hair fell to his shoulders snow falling on it I wanted to touch it and dust it off it was an urge I needed to squash quickly.
“I’ll text you all the information then we go and meet up and ugh..” Dick got hit with a snowball at the back of the head.
Tim laughed and stuck out his tongue at us that moment we had was broken because of Tim and his foolishness.
As Dick looked at me and marched over to Tim picked up snow and smashed it on his face.
I took a shower and wondered what to do next as I was trapped in the manor knowing what I understood that Dick about I but what would become of it really we both do this but where would it lead us.
I knew it would lead us somewhere but it was a dark and rocky road it would not go well for the both of us we would be.. “Clark lunch is ready.” Lois exclaimed.
I didn’t know what to do here but go forward. “Coming Lois.” I cut the shower head and got out and wrapped a towel around my waist and walked out Lois already left for lunch I sat on the bed my cell on the night stand.
I grabbed it no I shouldn’t do this right now not when everyone having lunch. I knew if I did this it would mean I would kick start everything.
Then that’s when I decided to say yes to all of it I text him a simple hi and I put the cell down drying myself off and my cell buzzed.
I hesitated and picked up my cell with a smiley face and a hi he sent me and texting me that they are having lunch and wondering where I was.
I told Dick I got out of the shower and would be joining them soon. 
I could tell he was texting and erasing it he was thinking what to say next Dick did this a few times and then he wrote back. {Don’t say that.}
{What} I said.
{I’m having bad Images of you their all not.. Clark hurry up and get down here I don’t want people to know I’m texting right now.} Dick texted me I breathed god I knew where this would take us I needed to feel good I wanted to feel that I haven’t felt like that in a forever it was wrong what I just confessed to myself and throw everything down the drain for Dick.
{I’m coming Dick.} 
End of prelude.
Thank you for reading !
Next chapter will be chapter 1
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
Make All The Cookies
Batmom x Batfamily One-Shot
Word Count: 1.5K Warnings: Explicit Language
Author's Note: Edited and titled changed! Enjoy! -Thorne
The manor was quiet as he walked through it, making his way to the bedroom from the cave. His sons had gone off to bed in the earlier hours after they’d gotten home from patrol, his wife kissing his cheek and going off to bed as well, too tired to deal with whatever he was still working on—Bruce could tell she was overworked by the way she had tiredly told him goodnight and wandered up the stairs, leaning on her eldest sons the entire time.
He rolled his shoulders as he reached the stairs to the second floor, and as he put his foot on the first one, he stilled his movement, the sound of metal clanging together coming from down the hall in the kitchen. He frowned, mind shooting out different scenarios of who could be in the kitchen. One of the boys getting up for a snack? Alfred preparing something for breakfast the night before?
Unsure of which one it was, and he turned, feet carrying him to the breakfast room. The closer he got, the more sounds he could hear, and he wondered what exactly was happening inside. He turned the corner, expecting to see one of his sons raiding the fridge of all the sweets or fruits, but was greeted by the sight of his wife stirring something in a bowl, leaning against the island whilst humming some song she’d heard on the radio.
A small smile graced his lips as he watched her pick up a bag of chocolate chips and pour a handful into her mouth before she tipped the bag and poured them into the bowl. She went back to mixing, still oblivious to him until he stepped inside and up behind her. “What are you doing up so late, sweetheart?”
She spun around with a sharp curse, one hand clutching the bowl to her chest, the other pointing the spatula at him. As she realized who she was staring at, she heaved a sigh, setting down the bowl and tossing the spatula in it. “Jesus Bruce, you scared the shit out of me.”
He grinned and wrapped an arm around her waist, resting his chin on her shoulder. “Sorry (Y/N), wasn’t my intention to.” She hummed at him absentmindedly, pulling the pan towards her and starting the process of rolling the cookie dough. Bruce shifted, wrapping his other arm around her waist, his chest pressed to her back. “You never answered my question.”
(Y/N) rolled a ball of dough between her hands. “Couldn’t sleep.”
“Is something bothering you?” Bruce asked, pressing his lips to her shoulder.
She shrugged, placing the dough on the cookie sheet before grabbing more. “It’s not important dear…just work stuff.”
“If it’s important to you, it’s important to me.” He shifted, nuzzling her neck and quipping, “And if it’s work stuff, it involves Wayne Enterprises…what’s going on?”
(Y/N)’s hands stilled, and after a moment, she leaned back into his chest, her head dropping to rest back against his shoulder. “I’ve got three board meeting before this weekend, I have a meeting about the modeling line on Saturday, I’ve got a meeting with Damian’s teacher about a kid he’s been arguing with all week, and to top it off—”
She pointed at the refrigerator and griped, “Some turd-nugget used the rest of the salted butter and I had to use unsalted for the cookies.” She gestured to the bowl. “You don’t put unsalted butter in cookies! You use salted because it gives more flavor! How am I supposed to make my famous chocolate chip cookies without the correct ingredients?”
Bruce observed her for a moment before shifting an arm, picking up a ball of cookie dough and popping it into his mouth, much to (Y/N)’s irritation. He chewed and swallowed, then shrugged. “Tastes fine to me. Can’t even tell the difference.”
(Y/N) narrowed her eyes at him and picked up the spatula, pointing in his direction. “You do that again and I’m gonna smack the shit out of your hand, clear?”
Bruce smiled at her and wrapped his arm back around her waist. “So, why don’t you just let Lucius handle the board meetings sweetheart?”
She scoffed, hands rolling another ball. “And dump more work onto him than he already handles? No, I need to do my part too.” She jutted her chin out to a glass across the island. “Hand me my water, please.” Bruce obliged, picking her water glass up and handing it to her; she took a sip before setting it down and telling him, “Wash you hands and help me roll the rest of these cookies, please.” He nodded, moving to the sink and rinsing his hands before walking back over.
They worked in silence, and before they knew it, (Y/N) was popping the cookie pan in the oven and setting the timer. They rested against the kitchen island, (Y/N) resting her head on his arm. She watched the oven for a moment, then sighed, “I can’t believe my immediate reaction to stress is to bake cookies.”
Bruce snorted at her. “At least you don’t stress clean like Jason does.” (Y/N) nodded in agreement, shifting and burying her face in his chest, feeling his arms rest across her back. Bruce leaned down, lips brushing just beside her ear. “You don’t have to take on the world, sweetheart…it’s okay to take a moment for yourself.”
She nodded against his chest, turning her head so that she could see him. “I don’t really want to do the meetings this week.”
“Then call Lucius and ask him to cover for you, and I’ll handle the modeling agency and Damian’s teacher…sound good?”
(Y/N) nodded, closing her eyes and breathing deeply. “What about my cookies?”
Bruce chuckled lowly. “I’m afraid that ship’s already sailed, sweetheart.” Before she could respond, the timer beeped and Bruce said, “Speaking of ship, looks like it’s found a harbor.”
(Y/N) rolled her eyes, pulling away and putting on an oven-mitt, opening the oven and pulling out the pan. She set it on a trivet and pulled the mitt off, tossing it aside and moving back into Bruce’s arms. “I need to make more cookies…I’m still stressed.”
Bruce hummed, reaching up and massaging her shoulders. “How about we stress eat these cookies you just baked?” He tipped his head back and asked, “Does that sound like a better idea?”
Whatever response she had was cut off as four boys stumbled into the kitchen. “We smell cookies.”
Bruce and (Y/N) looked over to see Dick and Jason standing there, Tim and Damian wrapped around their backs; (Y/N) huffed a laugh at the sight. “They just came out of the oven, so they’re still hot.”
Jason stepped forward, leaning over and plucking one from the pan and holding it up. “Hot or not, they’re cookies…we’ll take ‘em.” He waved the cookie. “Oi, Timberly.” He glanced back and sighed, shaking his shoulders. “Timmy, wake up, I’ve got a cookie for you.”
Tim stuck out a hand, sleepily responding, “Gimme.” Jason handed it to him, and he held it, head dropping back against his shoulder. Dick laughed and picked two up, handing one to Damian, keeping the other for himself. The two parents watched their sons descend on the freshly baked cookies, smiles on their faces.
Jason looked up from his and said, “These are good, mom.”
The others, save Tim who’d fallen back asleep, nodded, and (Y/N) smiled at them. “Thank you, baby.”
Footsteps came from down the hallway, and they all turned to see Alfred stepping in the kitchen. He gestured to the kitchen and the family eating cookies. “What on earth has happened to my kitchen! And are you eating before breakfast!”
No one said a word, too afraid to until (Y/N) stepped forward, pointing at the others. “Alfred, I woke up and came in here and they were eating cookies. I told them that you would be angry if you came in here, but they didn’t listen.” The others gave shouts.
“That’s not true!”
“You’re the one who made the cookies, (Y/N).”
She turned to her husband, a smirk on her face. “No, I’m not. I only use salted butter in my cookies.” (Y/N) plucked the empty butter box from the counter. “Whoever made these, used unsalted butter.” Bruce’s face morphed in shock and she turned back to Alfred. “I think it’s safe to say that you can handle their punishments, Alfie?”
He nodded, crossing his arms across his chest. “Of course, Missus Wayne.” He glared at the others. “I can certainly handle it.”
(Y/N) smiled as she grabbed one of the cookies, pressing her lips to Bruce’s cheek and whispering, “Thank you for handling my affairs, husband. You’re such a dear.”
He glared as she pulled away and hissed, “And you’re a witch. A temptress of a witch whom I love, but a witch nonetheless.”
(Y/N) winked as she backed out of the kitchen. “Goodnight boys! Have fun cleaning up the kitchen!”
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bigskydreaming · 3 years
Hi, I was reading your post about Jason punching Dick in the face when Dick revealed he fake his death was bullshit ( which it was) and it reminded me of an issue/question that has bothered me for sometime.
Why did people believe Dick was actually dead?
I’m not the most avid comic reader so maybe I missed something but it was always weird to me that everyone just accepted this especially given how Bruce was acting or should I say wasn’t acting.
This is a man when his child died another child had to come along and told him sir you are being too violent and emotional you need supervision. When his other child died he went all over the universe to bring him back to life because he knew it was possible ( which was happening at the same time), so why didn’t anyone think it was weird he wasn’t doing that for Dick. Can you imagine Dick really dying that soon after Damian it would be injustice Batman Version. You are telling me that Tim, Jason or Barbara didn’t think it was weird that Bruce didn’t also bring Dick’s corpse to the bring Damian back to life mission or mention it to themselves. Like what more likely Dick dead and Bruce is handling it well or that he fake his death to do something stupid and Dangerous after his partner/brother/ little bit my son the feelings are complicated died after he was knocked out and woke up to his corpse.
Oh man, this is like, the entire nature of my beef?
(Slight derail just to emphasize the fact real quick that Dick DID actually die, he was just revived quickly, but like, the trauma of his death was very real and its not like anyone was clued into Luthor having a resurrection backdoor built into his literal murder of Dick in the actual moment of it happening. So Dick’s death wasn’t fake, and additionally, he didn’t have anything to do with like, telling people about it, because he was literally comatose in the cave and recovering while Bruce was telling people....by the time Dick woke up in the cave, we already know that Alfred at least had already been convinced by Bruce that Dick was dead, so I have a kneejerk need to pushback against the Dick faked his death narrative by reminding people wherever possible that Dick had no agency in the spreading of that narrative. 
It happened without him being involved, and the only actual contribution he ever made to it was just not revealing he was alive before Grayson #12, after Bruce like.....emotionally, mentally and physically badgered him into accepting that doing so would be directly harmful to his family and he didn’t want to be the reason more people died when like, people had just died because he ‘let’ himself be captured and interrogated by Power Woman’s Lasso of Submission, did he?
SORRY TO BE PEDANTIC, just wanted to start this off on a clarification, even though I know the aim of your ask was very much in tune with the rest of my response. A lot of people don’t read the actual comics, so like, I’m never gonna skip over an opportunity to emphasize that the shorthand people use to refer to Dick’s death and the year he was with Spyral, is like, literally just shorthand for describing it. Its not actually an accurate description of how all that went down and who had the most hand in it).
Okay so like, not only was the entire family and Bruce himself giving Dick shit for his death and Spyral, like, PAINFULLY egregious because it was literal victim blaming in every possible sense of the word....
None of it made a LICK of sense with ANY of their characterizations, and they ONLY all accepted it on face value because the Plot Demanded It, and when you're like, no, as a reader I say The Plot Demanded It is not a good enough reason for me to be like well sure, that makes sense......looking at the characters ACTUAL actions at face value pretty much just makes them all look like assholes?
Like, Tim has never gracefully accepted anyone's death. Ever. This is core characterization for him. He will go to the ends of the earth for his loved ones and to bring them back, prove they're not dead, refuse to let death be the final verdict for them. He was tempted to use the Lazarus Pit to bring his parents back to life. He refused to accept Bruce was dead long before he had any proof whatsoever of that theory. He tried to clone his BFF/future-husband Kon in his fucking basement like, dude was two whole inches away from going Full Dark Side in his quest to bring back a lost loved one no matter WHAT the cost.....and then you've got Dick unmasked onscreen, killed offscreen, and Bruce then reporting to the rest of them with zero inflection 'oh Dick's dead now. Its very sad' and Tim's just like, sure. Sounds legit.
I mean?!?!
And you're SO RIGHT ABOUT THE DAMIAN THING! Bruce LITERALLY LITERALLY LITERALLY went BEYOND the ends of the Earth, like, he full on chartered a fucking space ship to fly his whole family out to APOKOLIPS to bring Damian back from the dead by going to EXTREME lengths.....WHILE everyone else thought Dick was dead....
And not a single person looked at Bruce and was like, okay, not that we're not down to do this for Damian because we miss Stabby Smurf something fierce ourselves, but.....what the fuck is UP with you dude? Why aren't you displaying ANY hint of this same kind of energy in regards to your eldest son that you said you watched die right in front of you?
Like....I don't know that we were actually ever told that Dick's coffin was empty or had a fake in it, but like....this family of detectives who refuse to accept death, defy death, COME BACK FROM THE DEAD....not a single one of them said like, okay, if I'm gonna like, ACCEPT accept that Dick is dead and gone for good, I need to at least just see him one last time? That's literally all it would have taken for someone to realize hey something's a little wonky here. Where's the dead body, Pops?
Since when has Jason ever missed an opportunity to prove Bruce is a) full of shit, b) acting like an emotionless robot and all his kids deserve better especially when they've just like....died, c) just factually incorrect and wrong and jumped to a conclusion before it was conclusively proved, d) lying like a liar or e) all of the above?
Nobody even ASKED if Dick's body could be put in a Lazarus Pit? Yeah, Jason wouldn't necessarily recommend it himself, given what it put him through, but actually fuck that, I take that back, because I'm NOT actually of the opinion that Jason full on hates his life and actively spends every second of every day wishing he hadn't been resurrected, even if it had come with a huge buffet of additional trauma and pain.
And that's kinda what's implied when people just take it for granted that he would never be on board with any scenario involving using a Lazarus Pit to bring Dick back, because it suggests that based even just on his own experiences and feelings, he honestly believes Dick would prefer being dead and not have ANY further opportunities to be with his loved ones, his friends, help save the damn world again at some future point.....that Jason, projecting based just off himself, legit feels Dick would rather be dead than have another shot at life even WITH the downsides of Lazarus Pit usage? Nope. Sorry, I don't buy it.
Speaking of not buying it.....you know what was missing from all those soliloquies the others monologued at Dick about how they felt and were hurt and just devastated by his death, to such a point they can't seem to muster a single shred of happiness that he's NOT dead still -
(seriously, Damian was the ONLY person in ALL THE LANDS OF EMOTION-HAVING who expressed ANY kind of positive reaction to having Dick back. We were so fucking cheated of like.....ANY opportunity to have the characters show just how much they valued him by just being fucking HAPPY he was alive, no matter what else was involved....and then most of fandom compounded that by for years being like mmmm, no, Dick didn't get yelled at enough by his family for what HE put THEM through. Needs more yelling. More punching too. Bad Dick. Bad. This is the only way you'll learn not to die and get shipped off on a mission that you don't want but at least is to protect your family after being beaten into it by your dad whilst victim blaming you for dying in the first place. WHEN WILL YOU LEARN TO THINK ABOUT OTHER PEOPLE AND THEIR FEELINGS FOR A CHANGE, DICK?!?)
- But like, BUT I DIGRESS aside....you know what was missing from all those monologues about how hard DICK'S death and ensuing year of basically exile from his loved ones was for EVERYONE BUT HIM?
We never got a single line of explanation as to what everyone else officially thinks even happened to him in the first place?
Like, did Bruce straight up just say oh bad news kids, your brother umm. Expired. Spontaneously. There's no one to blame, he just keeled over, its all very sad.
Is that how that went down?
You're telling me that the explanation of Dick's death didn't come with a single pointed finger at someone for this family of blame-happy vigilantes to like, BLAME for the loss of this brother they all mourned oh so much, they just couldn't help but blame him for all the hurt it caused them?
The family that in every other fic is like OBSESSED with avenging and being avenged and all things vengeful and even tangentially vengeance-y....like didn't ask for a single detail on whomst the fuck deprived us of our brother-having?
Where were the attempts on Luthor's life by Jason (who I mean, yeah I know it was in a previous continuity, but erasing that timeline doesn't erase my awareness of the time Dick killed Jason's murderer so like.....mmm, just saying, woulda been nice)....where was the rage directed at the Crime Syndicate and references to how seriously and personally the Batfam took making sure that they were PUNISHED for all this and would never be free to wreak havoc on their world or their family again? What did they tell Damian when he came back to life, and how are you going to tell me that this fraternal little ball of fury didn't aim himself like a cannonball at whomever the fuck had DARED take HIS Batman from him when Damian wasn't around to have his back?
Not only does everyone else's desire to be avenged start falling really flat the second you factor in hey maybe Dick feels "mmm what about MY avenging" sometimes, and why doesn't anyone ever care about doing that for him.....but also, y'know what REALLY sucks about the ONLY person we actually SEE being blamed for Dick's death and ensuing absence being like....Dick himself?
Not only were his family all super keen on making all of this HIS fault and HIM the bad guy because of how it made them all feeeeeeel (and meanwhile fuck his feelings, am I right Batfam hfaklshfklahfkla).....
They somehow found a way to justify prioritizing this OVER ever even getting around to blaming some villain for his death in the FIRST place, in the entire year or so they thought he was still dead!
Like, you couldn't come up with a single target in all that time, but Dick's back two seconds, and you don't even give him a chance to EXPLAIN before you're punching him, shutting him down with 'I expected better from you' and turning away with 'I don't want to hear it, why am I surprised Dick Grayson disappointed me again'?
Make it make sense!
And like, it won't, cuz it doesn't, and it never will, and like I said at the top, the ONLY reason it all played out this way is because DC doesn't give a fuck about character development and deemed it necessary to go down this way for the sake of the plot (which was totes worth it, I mean, glad we sacrificed characters for this A+ plot which was clearly the greatest plot of all time and definitely justified every story choice made or not made around it loooool).
The problem isn't JUST that DC is stupid, even though that is an eternal mood and quite the problem.
Its that the SECOND large parts of fandom decided to play along with DC and just accept the story at face value, only add to it and play into it exactly as it happened in canon with no significant deviations, and like, heaping on the LITERAL abuse from Dick's siblings while ignoring the LITERAL abuse from his father....
THAT....is when all of this becomes relevant.
Because the second people decided TO engage with the reasoning DC gave for what Bruce did and how and what Dick did and how and just not mess with any of that and have it all play out exactly like that...
The second people are like, okay we're FINE with not just dismissing this story as OOC writing that doesn't make any sense, and actually VALIDATING it to various degrees by engaging with it as is....
That's when 'OOC writing' stops being an excuse or explanation for alllll of the above gaps in character logic and actions.
Because its like, when you had abundant chance to REJECT this story and say nope, this was bullshit from start to finish and I'm not here for it, when you were just as capable of transforming literally ANY aspect of this story you didn't like into something that made more sense to you....
And you chose not to.
That's.....accepting it as valid writing. You were like, okay, I'm game to just treat this as a thing that happened, just like they said that happened.
For the chance to give Dick shit for it, see. For the angst, see.
And that's when I'm like okay cool, so when engaging with this story as is and accepting it on face value and just delving into the characters as they were SHOWN interacting with and around these events......for the angst or whatever....
You guys just all decided en masse to just hop, skip and jump over allllllllll the opportunities for angst inherent in examining even ANY SINGLE ONE of the above lapses in judgment or hypocrisy on the parts of the characters (who don't get to be excused by OOC writing if you're not going to call the story an example of OOC writing, whoops).
And its just like, uh, what's up with that?
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artxyra · 3 years
Damian Acting Like A Teenager? Impossible.
When Damian entered the halls of Gotham Academy, the first thing he notices was the change in the dark atmosphere. It felt oddly kinder and more lighthearted. Everywhere he turns, there are whispers focus around the new girl. At first, he didn’t care about the gossip, well, that was until he met her.
It was an unusual encounter, something that he would look down on.
It was the passing period, and she was running down the halls in a hurry as he was walking to his next class, one that he didn’t particularly care for; they bump into each other, causing a standstill in the halls. Everyone wondered how the dark prince would react to their newly dubbed princess of sunshine. They expected a yelling match, which, of course, occurred, but what they didn’t expect was an eventual best of the worst of alliance ever made.
Several months passed since the two had met and several weeks since the blooming of Damian and Marinette’s friendship, and not a single student could say that there weren’t surprised.
The moment Marinette had broken down any (and all) walls that the boy had placed, she was able to make the stoic teen become his age. It started small with a joke here and there; then it progressed into card games followed by video games. To this day, Damian swears that he’ll beat her at a shooting game at one point, to which Marinette would respond with a laugh and an over-the-shoulder wink. The young Wayne swears that he has never blush a day in his life, but the photographic proof on Marinette’s phone says otherwise.
The school soon became accustomed to being Daminette’s playground. At first, the teachers were opposed to the idea, but after seeing how slightly more open Damian has become, they slowly agreed to the concept of allowing the duo to have less strict rules. That and they didn't want to be sued by the Wayne family.
Which now brings us to this moment: Marinette swings on a swing set while Damian practices his form with a katana; don’t ask how he managed to get it past security-- cause there is no answer.
“You know, maybe we should do something wild?” Marinette thinks aloud, looking up to the sky with a mischief smirk on her lips.
Damian doesn’t turn to her; he only sets the blade down to his side. “What mayhem do you have in mind?”
Marinette giggles uncontrollably.
Let’s assume that whatever Marinette had in mind would rule the yearbooks for years to come.
Since his partnership with Marinette, Damian has been hiding his characteristic change at home. Surprisingly, it was simple. A few death threats here and there, maybe sneaking out moments every so often. No one at the Wayne cared enough to pay any attention to it. It only then became a shock when Damian left for school along the lines of being late. Alfred had offered to take him to school to which Damian declined and got onto his “normal” motorcycle and speeds off.
“Does anyone else seem to think that Damian is acting strange?” Dick asks, pipping his head down from the ceiling. He’s on the chandelier again. Poor Alfred, maybe Dick should dust the chandelier for him as an apology.
Tim walks in with a large, filled to the brim, coffee mug in hand, “Which one?” He absently wonders, taking a long sip. The dark circles and bags around his eyes explain it all.
“I do concur with Master Richard; the young master has been acting somewhat strange for quite some time now.” Alfred appears out of nowhere, thus starting an array of concerns.
It wasn’t long before Jason came in shouting demands with the head of the household trailing behind him. Alfred reprimands Jason for the yelling as he hands Bruce a cup of coffee.
Not caring enough about the conversation and looking like a madman, Jason shouts, “Look, I can’t explain it, but we’re going to need Demon Spawn for something huge.”
“Uh, why would we need Baby Bird?” Dick asks, dropping onto the floor and twisting his body. “Not that I don’t mind getting Damian involved.”
“Look, there’s no time to explain,” Jason facepalms and begins to push everyone towards the door despite the lack of proper wear they have on.
After several protests and one change of clothes, the Wayne household now stands in front of the gates of Gotham Academy.
“Is it me, or does this place look less you know Gotham-y and full of life?” Tim ponders, narrowing his eyes, as he takes a long sip from a to-go coffee cup with Red Robin’s emblem.
“No, no, Timmy, I see it too.” Dick whispers as Jason struts past the gates and onto the school’s property like a man on a mission.
Bruce sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose, “Come on, let’s go get your brother so Jason can stop being Jason.”
Tim shrugs before passing the gates himself, with Dick following him.
Upon entering the school, they could immediately see that it was either a passing period or free time from the number of students in the halls. Some student dared to pull out their phones while other whispers amongst themselves.
Bruce makes his way to the attendance office, where the attendance assistant, Joyce, resides sitting at the desk.
“Hello Joyce, I’m here to pick up Damian. He has a, uh, dentist appointment this evening.” Bruce speaks, hoping that she wouldn’t catch the lie.
“Well Mr. Wayne, Damian is, uh…” After lingering in her thoughts, Joyce turns to someone besides her. “Do you know where Damian Wayne would be at today?”
“Try the art room.” A feminine voice answers, followed by a series of typing noises.
Joyce turns back to the Wayne family and smiles, “He should be in the art room; it’s down the hall to your right, you should not miss it, as it’s in the only hallway that has a series of artwork posted on the walls. Before you go, please sign here."
Joyce hands Bruce a sign-out sheet, to which the man signs and ushers his wards to search for his youngest.
“They’re so screwed.” The same feminine voice speaks, causing Joyce to break out laughing.
It took a total of four different locations for the men to find the youngest Wayne.
First, they went to the art room like Joyce’s co-worker told them to do.
When they got there, Damian wasn't there, but the teacher did show Bruce a couple of Damian's artworks. Bruce couldn't help but feel proud.
While looking around the room, one of the art students told them they last saw Damian playing Pokémon Go near the gym; he was trying to catch a legendary Pokémon that spawned there.
So, of course, after an awkward eye contact with one another, they walk to the gym. Once again, Damian wasn’t there but a different student in his stead. He tells them that Damian was making ice sculptures out of ice cream at the cafeteria. The student then goes on to explain that Damian had some wicked skills with a knife.
Jason, with wide eyes, practically shouted at the student that he was crazy and that Damian would never, and he means NEVER would do something that stupid. The student shrugs it off like it was an everyday occurrence. It was Dick that had to hold Jason back from thrashing the teen. Bruce then apologizes to the instructor for their disturbance, as Tim walks casually behind Dick carrying Jason.
By the time they got to the cafeteria, it was damn near empty aside from a few students still eating. There were no signs of ice cream or the tools that would go into making an ice sculpture. Tim had to ask a few students to see if Damian was in here at some point in time. One of the workers overheard the question and answered him. Evidently, Damian was there earlier making sculptures out of ice cream before handing it out to students.
When they asked the question that has been slowly driving the four insane, the worker replies with: “Upstairs racing on these old colorful scooter board down the halls."
After three locations and no Damian, Tim wanted nothing more but to have a mental breakdown, and he would have if it wasn’t for Bruce holding him up and taking his coffee away.
So, they quickly found themselves on the second level of the school. There was no sight of Damian Wayne, though there were wheel tracks smudged into the flooring.
“Are you kidding me?” Jason shouts out into the ceiling. Thankfully, there were no students in the halls to hear it. Well, that might have been the case if it wasn’t for a teacher to open their door and shh the male. It took every bone in Jason's body not to show the teacher his middle finger.
After a beat of silence and walking down the hall, they overhear a familiar voice.
“Angel, you are desperately in the wrong here. The bear only wears one color, so it has to the color red.” Jason stops dead in his tracks and turns to railings.
The voice was too good to be true.
Looking over the staircase, they find an alcove, and sitting in it is none other than Damian Wayne himself, but he’s not alone.
“I’m telling you, Wayne. Pooh’s favorite color is yellow.” The female answers before taping her fingers as she makes her points, “He loves honey, which is by default a yellow color. He's never seen with a yellow background, and if yellow didn't clash with his fur, he would definitely be wearing it.”
“I disagree. Winnie the Pooh has been drawn on numerous of occasions with red items, not yellow. Case in point, the red balloon, his shirt." He counters. The conversation continues with banters and statements; whether it was true or false is up to debate.
This was not happening.
Tim.exe has stopped working.
Jason.exe has stopped working.
Jaws dropped, a low groaning sound.
They cannot be witnessing this. The most deadliest of the Wayne’s is currently arguing about Winnie, the motherfucking, Pooh’s favorite color.
Bruce has no words. He's practically in the same stance as his middle children. Dick, on the other hand, pulls out his phone and begins to record what remains of the conversation.
No one dares to move or utter out words. This version of Damian is the apocalypse. Nothing in the world is okay.
Slowly, the four Waynes exit the school; no one saw them leave.
Legend has it that Damian never went home that day despite being excused from his classes. When he had returned home, his family didn't utter a word to him. He was meet with either a profusely blinking, unwanted hug or laughter, as they were still in shock at what they just encountered. It wasn’t until a couple of months later that all hell breaks loose. Damian had introduced the family to Marinette.
A retouch version of Request #2
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iliumheightnights · 3 years
The batfam reacting to batdad defending them/kicking ass when the manor get's attacked.
How could this happen? The Mansion was supposed to be the most protected place, especially when you were there. Bruce told you he wanted to train you but you simply waved him off, he should have taught you anyways. He rushed to where you were and was ready for the worst, however he was shocked when he saw his husband absolutely kicking ass with one of the many staffs the family had. “W-how?” “Not now! I got them! You protect our sons!” Of course Bruce doesn’t listen and helps you take out the attackers just to make sure you’re okay and you go to find your kids together.
“So now are you going to tell me where you learned to fight like that?”
“The training montage from Mulan.”
It had been a good day, nothing had gone wrong. That’s what should have been the worrying sign, that nothing had gone wrong. Now the mansion, their home was being invaded. Dick’s first thought of course went to you. You weren’t like the others in the mansion, everyone had SOME sort of training and protection, even Alfred. You didn’t. He would make sure after you were safe and it all ended he’d teach you some. 
So imagine his surprise when he found you going HAM on the invaders with a baseball bat. He almost found it scary how different you looked swinging it around. But he had to push that aside and got right in the fight. “Don’t worry I’m here! I got you!”
Once they were dealt with He quickly hugged you. “I was so scared.”
You were quick to hug him back. “Hey it’s okay. You’re old man isn’t going down without a fight.”
“You’re not old, you’re my dad.”
Afterwards he still wanted to give you pointers and more training, in case it happened again and theirs never enough training. He’s already lost two parents, his isn’t about to lose another one.
He was going to actually kill anyone who touched you. Screw Bruce’s rule, who cares when YOUR life is at stake. You’re his dad and he isn’t about to let you get hurt. He was fully prepared to kill some bastards but when he arrived found them all knocked out with you leaning against a bookshelf.
“Huh. I honestly thought you’d get here quicker.”
“W-what?” His voice actually cracks. He wasn’t expecting that.
“Dear, you didn’t actually believe I couldn’t defend myself?”
“Maybe a bit.”
“I literally married a man who runs around in a batsuit fighting crime, you should now better.”
Jason wants to slap himself. Of course you know self defense, you know EVERYTHING!
He blames himself for the attack on the mansion itself. He had rebooted the defense system to upgrade some of the aspects and it was in that time it all happened. Now anything that happens will land on his shoulders and he couldn’t handle thinking that he caused your death.
That is until you pull him aside before any of the invaders find you. His first instinct is to get you out of their but you shush him with your finger before pressing a button. Next is the sound of screaming and electric zaps.
When it goes quiet and you two get up, he finds all the invaders knocked out. “Electric shock, will have em knocked out for at least 24 hours.”
“When did you have time and how did you do this?”
“Tim. I have my brains just like you have yours, plus maybe I’ve been waiting for something like this to happen so I could zap a bitch and protect my kids.”
“Oh yep, sorry. Don’t cuss.”
You and Damian may not have had a great start when he got there, but damn it your his dad now too! He couldn’t live with himself if anything happened to you! Especially after you defended him from Talia, you were an actual parent to him than she was.
He didn’t care about Bruce’s rule much like Jason, he’d kill whoever to protect you. He was going through the mansion when he was attacked by one of the invaders. The intruder had knocked his weapon away from him and he prepared to block whatever blow came but it never did. Instead the man let out a shout as he was shocked and knocked out. You were standing there with Dick’s batons. “Get your hands off my son.”
Damien totally didn’t hug you. Not at all. And you TOTALLY didn’t hug him tight and tell him how much you loved him.
“So..where’d you get his batons papa?”
“What, he’s got like 20 pairs in this mansion alone.”
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toomanyrobins2 · 3 years
Those Four Words Pt. 1
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Summary: an escalating fight between Jason and his girlfriend leads to a tense two weeks in Wayne Manor
Pairing: Jason Todd x Reader
Word count: 2.1k
Warnings: language, mentions of sex and excessive drinking, mentions of character death
masterlist // next part
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Jason Todd was in a terrible mood, having just got into an argument with Bruce. He decided to go up to his girlfriend’s studio to get away. She had been hard at work the past couple of days and he was getting needy. He came up behind her on the floor and pulled her into his lap. She tried to wiggle out of his arms. “Jay, I'm trying to do something right now.
He tried to snuggle closer to his girlfriend, “I deserve some of your time too.
“Deserve? You’re especially demanding today. What did you do?” Jason scoffed and pulled away. “What has crawled up your ass?”
“You did.”
She managed to escape and turned to look at her boyfriend, “I did? Huh, I think I would’ve remembered such a disgusting journey into your body.
“Dammit, Y/N! Enough with the sarcasm! You know what I’m saying.”
She sighed at Jason’s attitude, “I don’t understand what you’re doing right now, but you are starting a fight just for the sake of an argument. I’m sorry, but I can’t give you what you want right now.”
“I don’t want anything from you,” Jason was standing over his girlfriend, his whole body tense, “From any of you.”
“Why are you being like this? What happened?”
“What? You thought the minute we started dating all of our problems would magically disappear? Are you really that naive?”
Y/N put her brushes down and stood. She tried to walk closer, but he matched each step, moving away from her. “Jason, where the hell is this coming from? I thought we had got past this. Even you and Bruce are in a better place.”
“You think I'll ever forget you abandoned me. You all did!”
“Abandon you! What have you been smoking? We thought you died!”
“You replaced me!”
Now, Y/N was angry too and it was rare that anyone saw her this way. She was deadly calm, but the fire was roaring in her eyes, “I did not replace you.”
“That’s right, you were too busy whoring yourself around Gotham to even think about me.”
“That is not fair and you know it. I mourned you. We all mourned your arrogant ass. I never stopped missing you.”
“I saw the articles, Y/N! Don’t pretend you were mourning me. You were too busy whoring yourself around Gotham.”
Her mind went back to three years ago. Jason had died in an explosion set up by the Joker. She was sixteen and her best friend had died, and she hadn’t handled it well. What started as a way to get out of the house with friends, had led to this wild, secret life. Y/N had snuck out at night and used Bruce’s name to get into clubs. She drank anything she could get her hands on and had gone home with multiple men, trying to forget her pain. Once, Bruce had found out, her world had imploded. He sent her away and finally got her the help she should have received when her parents had passed. The only reason Y/N had moved back to the manor was that Jason had been found. She couldn’t believe that he was trying to use her moments of weakness against her, “How dare you throw that back on me. I was just trying to numb the pain. It wasn’t like I was celebrating the fact that you were gone.”
“Yeah, it really looked like you missed me.”
“God Dammit, Jay!” she stamped her foot, knowing it was childish, “If you would just listen to me!”
“Oh fuck off, Y/N! If I had known I was ever going to be stuck with you and your nagging, I wouldn’t have come back.”
“I wish you hadn’t!” The minute the words left Y/N’s mouth, she gasped and slapped her hands over her mouth. Jason’s emotionless mask slammed into place, and suddenly he was as blank as the day Bruce had found him. He turned to walk out and Y/N chased after him, “Jay, wait! I’m sorry!” He jumped onto his motorcycle and was out the door before she could stop him. She slammed her fist into the wall and cursed in frustration and pain. No one would see either of them for the rest of the day. Y/N stayed in her studio, wondering how they got to the point of shouting such hurtful things at each other.
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The next day, they had both shown up for Friday night dinner, as was expected of them. Neither spoke, and the tension was too thick to be cut with a knife. Y/N had tried to pull him aside and apologize after dinner, but he had shot her with a cutting glare and stalked away. The other could tell that something had happened, but no one had the details. Tim wandered into the library after patrol that night, to find her in a chair tucked into the corner. “What are you doing here (Y/N/N)? Isn’t it a movie night with Todd?” He noted the tear tracks down her face but knew she hated showing weakness, so he said nothing about them.
“I wasn’t feeling up to it, so I canceled. I think I’ll head to bed now. Night, Timmy.” Y/N went to her room and cried herself to sleep, the guilt overwhelming her as she played the argument over in her head. If only she had just taken a break, maybe the whole situation could have been avoided. She woke up multiple times in the night, crying out Jason’s name after seeing him and the Joker over and over again. Finally, around 3 in the morning, she gave up on sleep and went to the kitchen to pour herself coffee. She decided to keep busy and started making breakfast for the family.
Alfred was the first to appear in the morning, as usual. Y/N tried to pretend that everything was normal, but nothing could be hidden from the family’s butler. He noted the dark circles under her eyes and the tremors in her hands from over-caffeination. The boys slowly started to emerge, and Alfred started to bring out all the food she had made. She made two plates out of habit and headed for the dining room. Y/N started to hand Jason his breakfast as she had every morning for a year, but suddenly she remembered and pulled her hand away. Jason didn’t even bother to look at her, and her heart clenched. She placed the plate on the table and walked back into the kitchen. “Sorry, Alfred, I’m not hungry. I think I’ll go paint.” She placed the plate she had made for herself on the counter and left.
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Y/N’s studio had been a safe space since she had first moved into the manor. She had hidden away when she first arrived at Wayne Manor, unused to such an active family. Bruce had called workers to the manor and redid the room when she had told him she liked art. Now, after years of work, canvasses filled the room on all sides. Some paintings, others photos, she had accumulated in the three years. They hung on the walls and were laid across the floor. She flooded the room with Swan Lake, her sad music, and started to mix her colors. The music she played had become an easy way for the others to discern her moods since she hadn’t spoken to anyone except Fallon, Bruce’s wife, when she first came. Bruce and Dick had installed a speaker system in her studio to drown out the noise when she was overwhelmed, and everyone in the Manor could hear it if she turned it on loud enough. When the first notes hit their ears, all eyes in the dining room turned to Jason. He refused to look up and make eye contact, instead, he stared at the breakfast that had been abandoned on the table. Once everyone had averted their gaze, he pushed away from the table and disappeared.
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This led to one of the most uncomfortable weeks in the Manor ever. Y/N barely left her studio and no one saw Jason for three days before he returned. When he did, he started to act as if nothing had happened. The music had eventually stopped playing altogether, so they had no idea what kind of mood she was in. Finally, Damian was the one to gather everyone else together, “Y/N/N has not come out of her studio in a week. Since Buckethead has just decided to pretend nothing has happened. We need to fix this.”
Bruce spoke up first, “Jason and Y/N are both adults. They are both being immature, and it will eventually work itself out.
“How can we fix this when we don’t even know what happened?” Tim looked up from his laptop, “I’ve been checking in on Y/N on the cameras. All she does is paint, and the most she’s slept in days is when she falls asleep accidentally. That never lasts long, and she cries. A lot.”
“Why did Fallon have to leave! We need to fix this, or the family vacation is going to be the worst!” Dick collapsed on the couch. Fallon had finally convinced Bruce that the family needed a vacation, but two weeks before they were supposed to leave, her sister had had a baby. She decided to go help her out and just meet them at the resort. They now had a week left, and it was not looking good. No one wanted to bother their mother since she very rarely took time for herself and was enjoying time with her family. They decided Alfred would be the one to try and convince Y/N to leave the studio at least and eat something.
He appeared in the doorway and watched silently as Y/N worked on a large canvas. He walked over and saw that it was a portrait of the family. “This is beautiful, Miss Y/L/N.”
“Thank you, Alfred,” her voice was hoarse from disuse.
“What is the plan for this one?” Alfred sat down next to her on the floor.
“Everyone hates photos, but Fallon wanted a family portrait for the sitting room. Since no one can sit still long enough I decided to paint one and give it to her for her birthday,” she slowly sucked in a breath, “Plus they only have the old one, and J--some people-- are missing from it.” Tears started to well up again in her eyes. Alfred wrapped an arm around Y/N and just sat with her for a moment.
“I’ve kicked the boys out of the kitchen. Do you think you could come down and eat something? For me?” She only nodded and they both stood. Y/N sat on a stool and silently ate the soup Alfred had laid out for her. She barely tasted anything, and she was starting to feel dizzy. Her vision started to blur, and the next thing she knew, she was waking up on the floor and had five heads floating above her.
“Hi, guys. Thought the floor looked lonely.” She tried to sit up but was cut off.
“That is it,” Bruce spoke firmly, “You are going to bed, and you are sleeping. I thought you were mature enough to deal with this but I see I was wrong.” He picked Y/N up and noticed she had lost weight. He carried her up the stairs and before he had reached her bedroom, she was already asleep again. Bruce turned to the boys. “At least one of you is staying in here with her and making sure she sleeps.”
Tim volunteered for the first shift and settled into her desk with his laptop. Y/N had barely been asleep an hour before she woke up from a nightmare of Jason dying. She shot up and shouted out his name, before bursting into tears. Tim -- being the awkward person he is -- was ill-prepared to deal with the crying Y/N. The only solution he could think of was to climb into bed with her and pull up a movie. She slowly fell asleep again and clung to Tim like a starfish. When Dick came to relieve Tim and saw that he was unable to leave, he climbed into bed with the duo. Anytime Y/N would start to become distressed, they would calm her down. Eventually, Damian and Titus joined the cuddle pile, the former somewhat reluctantly, grumbling about how he was only doing this for Y/N. Little did the Bat-Family know, Alfred had called Fallon and told her about the situation and she had rushed home.
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Home Alone
I think we all wanted to see this.
Wayne Manor stands tall, as it has for hundreds of years. Weathered against storms and crisis and generations of children, the building had many stories to tell, not one exactly like the last. The most recent occupants are proof enough of that. The unending chaos filling the halls remains priceless among the artifacts and paintings. Each piece as unique as the members of the family, but they have a price to them.
And, now empty of the usual occupants, perfect for robbing.
“Shut yer yaps!” The leader snarls as the five men sneak through the house.
“Why? No one’s home—“
“Dami?” A little girl steps into the hall behind them. Dark curls fall into pupiless green eyes. She takes them in with a curious head tilt. “No Dami.”
“Who are you?” The robbers whirl around. A little boy, no older than 10, with a plate of fruit glares at them. “You don’t belong here.”
“….Jimmy, you said the family was gone!”
“They’re supposed to be!” Jimmy protests.
“Doesn’t matter.” One of them pulls a gun out, pointing it at the little girl. “You two are going to do exactly as we say.”
Usually the gun works. But she doesn’t even flinch at the weapon aimed at her head.
“I’m going to say this once.” The little boy’s sharp voice chills the robbers to the bone. “Leave now or face the consequences.”
“Kid, I don’t think you understand the position you’re in. Now you two sit quietly or we hurt—”
“Hey!” The robber holding the gun yells, flying past his gang. Looking it over, the little girl scowls.
“No like.” Her impossible green eyes turn bright purple. Twisting the metal like wet clay, she tosses it aside, “Dami? Bad men?”
A low whistle has the men whip back to the boy. He’d drawn the sword on his back—fuck is it real???— and two dogs come to his sides, teeth bared and haunches raised. Dami narrows his eyes at the men, “Bad. Men.”
The yell comes from her this time. Flames dance through her dark curls. She takes one step, then another, and then she’s floating off the ground.
The men start running.
If there was only way to get rid of all this paperwork. Bruce sighs as he fills out another form, at least knowing he’s doing some good. Another foundation in his father’s name to help those with medical debt. Not much, but hopefully it makes a difference. Tomorrow he’ll attend a ceremony for the opening of a children’s library in his mother’s name. Jason had sworn to be there, but that remains to be seen.
His ringing phone breaks through any further thoughts on his late parents. “This is Bruce.”
“Damian?” Bruce checks his watch. Too early for him to complain about his brothers, they’re all out for the day, “Is everything okay?”
“Yes. There are intruders in the house. Mar’i and I have it handled.” Click.
“Damian? Damian?!” Bruce redials the manor number, getting no answer. Rushing to the door, Bruce sends a message to Barbara. His phone rings before he’s at the elevator.
“Bruce? Is everything—“
“Intruders at the Manor. Mar’i and Damian there—“
“Is Alfred with them? Do I need to call—?”
“They’re the only ones there.”
“Oh. OH!”
He can hear Barbara’s fingers fly across her keyboard as he waits for the elevator.
“Alright, everyone’s headed to the manor—wait, Dick’s here—“
“Is she okay?! Is Mar’i alright?!”
“I don’t know.” Bruce answers honestly. “Damian only said there were intruders and they’d handle it.”
“Bruce, if anything happens to her—“
“Just get to the manor. I’ll see you there.” Bruce steps into the elevator, “They’re going to be okay. They have to be.”
To say the Batfam got back to the Manor quickly would be an understatement. In less than 15 minutes, most of them have arrived. Dick barely stops his car before racing to the door, Bruce and Selina on his heels.
Please be okay. Please be okay. Please be—
“Hi, Daddy!” Mar’i’s bright voice echos across the foyer. “We stop bad men!”
She and Damian sit on the stairs, snacking on sliced apples. Ace rests his head at Mar’i’s feet, Titus sitting behind Damian. Five men, the would-be robbers, struggle on the foyer ground, fire pokers wrapped tight around their bodies. Rushing to his daughter, Dick finally manages to breathe.
Crack! Without breaking stride, Dick slams his boot into the other man’s face, breaking his nose and shutting him up in the process. Mar’i jumps off the stairs and into her daddy’s arms, seemingly oblivious to her family’s relief at their safety.
Bruce checks over Damian, ignoring the impatient noises the boy makes, “Are you two okay?”
“-tt- of course, Father.” He huffs, allowing his stepmother to hug him tight. A siren sounds, not too far away, “We even called the police.”
“Damn shame.” Jason tuts, kneeling beside the criminals, “Would have loved some time with these fuckers.”
“Shoulda done worse to the little whore! Make the little bastard watch!” One spits at Jason. The second eldest wipes his face, leaning in close.
“Threaten my goddaughter or my little brother again,” He growls, “And there’s not a cage in the world that’ll keep you safe from me.”
Gotham PD has seen their share of weird crimes. Attempted robbery? That’s the least insane thing they can deal with. Attempted robbery at Wayne Manor? Okay, little weirder, but not the weirdest it could be.
Attempted robbery stopped by a little girl wrapping wrought iron around grown men? Yeah, that’s their brand of weird. It’s hard to imagine the little girl, emphasis on little, hanging off Cassandra’s back is capable of something so…powerful.
Jim Gordon’s getting Damian’s statement when a young badge walks over, scratching the back of his neck, “Hey, boss, we’re probably going to have to call the fire department. These pokers are on them tight.”
“I help!” Mar’i drops off her aunt’s back.
“Er, I don’t know think a little girl—“ The young cops voice dies as Mar’i flies over to the ‘bad men.’ Small hands wrap around the first bar, metal groaning as she bends it. In the matter of minutes, the men are handcuffed and being led away, pokers laying twisted on the ground. They fight the officers, which annoys the young girl.
“Behave!” She orders. The biggest makes a threatening move at her, but her eyes glow purple and matching flames dancing in her curls. Chipper voice hardening, she snaps, “Prax zal’tral, Behave!”
The man steps back and stumbles into his accomplices. Sticking her tongue at them, she flies to her father, wrapping her arms around his neck. Jim Gordon sighs, closing his notebook. “I take it she’s yours?”
“Yessir.” Dick kisses Mar’i’s cheek. “Mar’i, this is Jim Gordon—“
“Aunt Babsy Daddy?”
Jim nods, offering Mar’i his hand, “Nice to meet you, Mar’i.”
The little girl tilts her head, then looks at her father, “Sem kran tchraxel s’tral, Daddy.”
“We practiced this, remember? Handshake?” Dick notices the commissioner’s bewildered expression, “Er, She’s not from Earth…”
“….Only you, Dick. Only you.”
“Mar’i!” Damian shouts, “I am taking the dogs back inside—“
“Puppers!” Mar’i flies away, humming a strange song to herself. Bruce walks over to the commissioner and his oldest son, ducking as his granddaughter flies over him.
“Jim, I take it you’ve all finished up your questions? It appears the children are getting restless.”
“We are, just wanted to check if you want to press charges?”
Bruce and Dick glance at each other. Then over at Mar’i and Damian. The young pair bicker with each other, neither speaking English, Mar’i floating upside down. Both too young to fully realize how bad things could have been. They were lucky this time, but next time…
Both fathers nod.
“We’ll get them booked as quick as we can. Hopefully they take some deal with the DA. Keep those two from reliving it.” Jim starts to leave then turns to Dick, “Been waiting years to say this: may that little girl be exactly like you.”
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robinrequiems · 2 years
i answer the demands, age reversal: jon kent babysitting Jason p01. this is kinda just reasons why jason is a menace to jon. background hahaha
jason: 10. damian & jon: 19
Jon loved kids, don’t get him wrong, but Jason.. jason just.. he was an adorable kid. to Damian and Bruce. but with Jon? no he was a menace. jason didn’t like jon, why? well, Damian sometimes ditched jason to go hang out with Jon. that made him pouty
Today. Today, Damian was supposed to hang out today with him, but- here jon was. at the front door. jason immediately shut the door on him. abs then it reopened thanks to alfred.
“hey! dames came and asked me to hang out with you today since he had to go help Maya with stuff!” jason didn’t like that.
there are a few more reasons jason hates jon. he remembers Damian crying behind a door and stephanie was there, telling him to go to bed.
( jason had finally realized the time, it was late, but he was immersed in a book he had gotten into earlier into the night. he knew bruce would be mad or upset that he had stayed up this late.. but as jon made it up the stairs, he heard the distant sounds of.. crying? that’s weird. barely anyone in the manor cried out loud unless someone died or they had a bad nightmare. it was weird and freaked jason out, jason was awkward about emotions, you had to be in the batfam.
jason headed up the stairs, listening til he reached Damian’s door, his fingers hovering over the doorknob before a hand was placed on his shoulder, “yoy shouldn’t be up this late, kid, don’t you have school, hmmm?” stephanie, stephanie brown. the emotional support of the batfamily ( Jason’s eyes narrow as he thinks about if anyone has ever comfort her? maybe cass..? has jason ever seen her cry? or seen her with any face other than a bright smile to cheer anyone up? the thought makes him shudder, but he pushes it away. )
“uh.. I- I was—“ jason stuttered out, stephanie just offered him a small smile before pushing him off into the direction of where his room was, “go, sleep, you’re a growing boy! you’ll be short forever if you don’t get your rest!” “I’m not short!” jason went to bed, thinking about the odd dynamics of the family and the roles assigned. it made him uncomfortable. damian; the oldest carrying the weight of his family on his shoulders and the next to be batman. stephanie; the one who was always happy and happy to help everyone else before herself. cass; the quiet one who holds herself back, but loves her family so much. duke; the chill big brother and the one underestimated due to living in the shadow known as damian wayne. tim; the one striving for Bruce’s attention by overworking himself and obsessing on cases til he solved them. and jason.. the street rat. he decided to push those thoughts aside before they overwhelmed him. jason later figures out what happened abs why damian was crying from eavesdropping a conversation with stephanie and Damian. of course stephanie went and comforted him.. it was expected. but apparently jon ( jason at the time didn’t know who jon was to Damian. he heard of him, but hadn’t met him ) was leaving- to the future? huh. what. )
jon however didn’t know why jason hated him.
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