#I got away before anything bad happened and I did walk away pretty much unscathed
littlebirdy0301 · 11 months
Trauma’s weird cause you can go Many Years thinking something was just a bit unfortunate but not out of the ordinary, like any other character-building but not Wrong negative experience. Just to one day think about it a little more critically & go “oh. oh that person did a fucked up thing. that should not have happened to me”
#I spent so long?? Thinking it was this nuanced situation where we both were somewhat at fault#And it’s probably still slightly nuanced cause I highly doubt they realized the red flags of it all and I do think intent wasn’t like Evil#Because I also know that they had some real real serious mental health issues that were largely untreated at the time#But intent doesn’t erase that they made wrong decisions and their behavior was unacceptable and in no world was it okay#I got away before anything bad happened and I did walk away pretty much unscathed#So finally figuring it out has been weird because I didn’t have any horrible long lasting results from the situation-#so it’s just been a weird shock realization#but it I am able to reframe what happened better in my mind with much less confusion now#Before it went from “I am at fault” when it first happened then to “we were both wrong” & then “I’m making a mountain out of a molehill”#With other slight variances in between#But for a while it’s been packed away as “not a big deal. Nothing of much weight”#So sometimes I didn’t *really* know why I’ve held this insistence that it didn’t count as a relationship#And I wouldn’t ever count them when talking about number of partners I’ve had/relationships I’ve been in#And I always count the relationship after that as “my first relationship” instead of that one#So I’ve wondered: if it wasn’t a big deal then why do I delete it from my dating history? Why don’t I count it?#It’s not the seriousness of it or how long it lasted#Because the one after it wasn’t very serious and lasted like a week or 2. But that’s the one I say was my first partner. Not the one before#But. It’s because that one simply shouldn’t have happened. Because I should not have been pursued by them. So they don’t get to count.#A relationship with them could never have been truly consensual because I was young and immature and didn’t know jack about shit#An age gap when you’re 14 just translates to a power imbalance#Even though nothing physically happened to me it was still a situation I never should have been in#I always felt some guilt looking back on it because I was like halfway there- I knew it was wrong that they asked me out at their age#But I felt that my behavior wasn’t right either. That I had shown reciprocated interest which gave them permission to pursue me romanticall#And that they couldn’t have been all that bad because they respected my asexuality and hadn’t shown signs of disrespecting those boundaries#But even without anything physical in the picture it’s still a form of emotional manipulation & lines that shouldn’t have been crossed ther#So now finally seeing it clearly for what it was: any self blame that I once felt is completely gone#I always felt a little weird and confused about it all#And now I know why#tw trauma dumping#trauma vent
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darling-i-read-it · 3 years
Kaz Brekker x fem!reader
Word Count: 1.2k
Warnings: injury, stabbing,
Author’s Note: man...Kaz Brekker dudes...Kaz Brekker…
I hope you like it lovely because I quite liked how it ended up!
Requested: by anon, Thank you for the Kaz fic!!! It was so wholesome and tender and perfect!!! 🥰🥰 May I make another request (last one I'll bother you with, I promise, I've run out of ideas now lol)? May I request a Kaz x fem!reader, of which I have no idea what happens really except that it ends with Kaz getting frustrated and trapping the reader against a wall, hands on either side of her head (so he's not touching her) and he mutters something about how frustrating she is before kissing her (but a tiny kiss because of his aversion, which is still wild for him lol) ???? Pretty please, if its not too much or too specific?
Summary: the request
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director/creator
(not my gif) (yes me using this gif for the third time because theres like three whole gifs to choose from)
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Kaz was already having a bad day. He hated having bad days because usually it messed with his planning which isn’t something he could afford to lose. He had both of his hands on his cane as he looked at Inej. She had a slash over her arm. She was tending to it quietly, not making a big fuss but he could tell that it was hurting her. Her climbing would more than likely be hindered for the time being.
The boat rocked underneath them. Jesper was sitting alone as well, something he didn’t do often. But he was clearly shaken. He had a gunshot graze his arm but it didn’t make contact with anything important. He held his arm, looking out at the water. He was looking like he might be sick.
Then there was you, who wasn’t on the deck. A medic was tending to you inside one of the rooms below deck. You hadn’t been hurt that badly but you were the worst of the four. You had been stabbed in the shoulder. Kaz was sure it hadn’t gone that far into your skin but he hadn’t got conformation yet.
His crows.
All broken up and hurting, on his account.
Damn this job. Damn this life.
Someone was speaking to him but he hadn’t been listening. His mind was still on you. He wanted to see you but it was his fault you were hurt. This was all his fault.
“Brekker?” He looked over at the man who was speaking.
“As I was saying, the guards have abandoned their search. They aren’t going to travel international waters for you, no matter what it is that you stole,” he said, voice heavily accented. Kaz nodded.
“Good. Any word on Y/N?”
“Not yet.” The man left him. Kaz glanced at the door to go under deck. He then looked back at Inej who had eyes on him. She stood up, trying not to show her injury to Kaz. It stood out like a sore thumb to him as she approached.
“You have to see her,” Inej said. He didn’t show any emotion on his face. Instead he just looked at her. Inej let out a quick sigh. “She’ll hate you if you don’t.”
“I can live with that.”
“Kaz,” she chastised. “This isn’t your fault.”
“You’re right. It’s hers and my fault.” He walked away from Inej before she could protest anymore. He walked through the door to below deck and stepped down below.
The job had been going well until you were hurt. Kaz was so sure that everyone would come out unscathed that he had almost not registered your pain. But when he did, he had gone completely still. He couldn’t tell if the stabbing had been fatal. All he could tell was that you had gotten hurt and you could be gone if he didn’t act fast.
He never wanted to expect that one of his crows would get hurt. He rarely ever planned for it. He should have but he didn’t. Kaz hadn’t done his job because he was distracted by you. You hadn’t your job because you had blocked a stab that came for him.
Kaz tried to put the job out of his mind. He could hear your light wincing around the corner.
“You’ll be perfectly alright,” the medic was telling you.
“Thank you. Can you please tell Kaz to come down on your way up?” you asked. The medic hummed in agreement. Kaz turned the corner to look at you. Your eyes met. Your gaze softened but his only hardened. .
The medic could sense the tension. They quickly left the room.
You stood up. You had a bandage wrapped around your shoulder that wrapped around your chest. Silence hung in the air for a moment before he spoke pointedly at you.
“You shouldn’t have moved from your post,” he finally said. You scoffed.
“A thank you would suffice Kaz.”
“No,” he said quickly, pointing at you. “You shouldn’t have moved from your post. You moved and then Inej was hurt, Jesper was hurt, you were hurt.”
“And I would do it again! I’m sorry that Inej and Jesper had to be caught up in our distraction but come on Kaz, I wasn’t going to let you get hurt,” you said.
“You shouldn’t have put yourself in harm's way!”
“Well then you shouldn’t have been in harm's way!”
He scaled the room in only three large steps and raised his arms, placing them on either side of your head. Your eyes went wide. His face was so close to yours. Locks of his hair fell in front of his face. Beads of sweat went down his forehead as he stared you directly in the eyes.
“Why must you be so frustrating?” he whispered. Before you could answer he kissed you.
Kaz had never kissed you before. You didn’t even think he could. You knew of his touch aversion and had gotten used to it. His lips lingered for a few moments and then he pulled away. It took you a moment to open your eyes again.
He took a gloved hand and put it on your chin, rubbing his thumb across your bottom lip. You shivered.
Kaz backed away.
“That was quite a reward for doing the wrong thing,” you breathed.
“It was to make sure you healed quickly,” he said curtly. The side of your lips tugged up a bit and you nodded a bit.
“I think I’ll heal just fine with that encouragement.” You leaned against the wall. “For what it’s worth, I will protect you with myself as many times as I need Kaz Brekker.”
“Damn your stubborn self,” he muttered. “Then I’ll just expect it to happen.”
“There. Perfect. Come along, we should check on Inej and Jesper.”
“You rest. I’ll check on them.” He gestured to the small bed you had been sitting on. “I’ll want you ready for the next job soon.”
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sixeyesgojo · 3 years
I’ll Be Your Enemy
Summary: Gojo Satoru is willing to do anything for you. As long as it helps you heal from what haunted your night.
Pairing: Gojo x Reader
Word count: 2,019
Content warning: implied but unspecified mental illness, mentions of self-harm (scratching), mentions of character death
A/N: Kind of stumbled upon this masterpiece of a song and I thought it would be ideal for some Gojo HURT. This entire thing takes place after the Cursed Womb Arc, so to say: after Yuji dies.
Song: Be Your Enemy by Taemin ft. Wendy
PREQUEL HERE: Pictures of You
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Quickly, quickly. The key was inserted into the keyhole and turned. The door lock clicked faintly, signaling that the door has been unlocked. Satoru made sure to open and close the door softly as he entered the familiar apartment. Putting the spare key into his pocket, he slid out of his shoes. Usually he would have made some big noise to ‘announce his arrival’ but not this time. He left his shoes neatly at the genkan of the residence and slipped into the white slippers that always stood by the wooden door, an extra pair just for him.
23 minutes ago. “Hello?” Satoru had picked up the phone. “Gojo-san! Finally the call went through. I’m glad I am able to reach you now,” the voice on the other end said. “Yo, Ijichi, what’s up?” Satoru greeted. He had been sent to a pretty rural area of Japan to get rid of some pesky curses and the cell phone reception was poor in that place, so it wasn’t surprising that calls didn’t go through at times. In addition to that, some curses that manifested had an electrical ability, which impaired the cell towers at place even more. Almost as if planned. “Gojo-san, I think you need to come back as fast as you can,” the man with glasses on the other end of the line stated calmly. “Why?” was the only thing the white-haired sorcerer said in response. Somehow, he had a strange feeling in his gut. The tone in Ijichi’s voice didn’t do anything to calm this odd feeling either.
“It’s L/N-san. Something horrible happened and I don’t think she is taking it well. I did my best to calm her but I’m at wits’ end too…” Ichiji explained vaguely. Satoru was experiencing a feeling he hadn’t felt in a long time - his stomach churned, it felt like his guts were wrenching inside him - at the mention of your name. “Ijichi,” he said in a relatively calm voice. He was lucky his voice wasn’t betraying him by showing what he truly felt in that moment. Satoru’s feet were set in rapid motion. “Stay calm. I need you to explain to me what exactly happened.”
Gojo Satoru might be many things. A tease, a teacher (supposedly), a cruel man, a strong sorcerer, a crazy coach, a walking menace to some, protective, an inspiration to a handful, a venti-sized manchild, idiotic, a sweets maniac, a lifelong student to Yaga, playful, a pillar of the Jujutsu world… but most importantly, he was a caring person. This goes without saying for his students and especially his loved ones. What Ijichi just said on the phone had left his heart stinging in his chest. He was in the kitchen, leaving the bag he brought with him on the table.
“Alright. I will tell you what happened, Gojo-san.” “I am listening.” “I am not sure if you are aware that this happened,” the suit-clad man began, “but one of the missions that was originally assigned to you - a case of utmost priority of a cursed womb - was suddenly taken off of your pile and reassigned…” Satoru’s eyes narrowed underneath the black fabric. The beginning already left a bad taste in his mouth; missions assigned to him were usually first grade or even special grade and he knew all too well that there were nowhere enough first grade, let alone special grade, sorcerers around. So who had it been assigned to? “...to your three first-year students,” Ijichi finished with a sigh. The sickening hotness of rage filled Satoru’s whole body. Already having realized the scenario that must have taken place, he still asked for confirmation, “What grade?” “...Special grade. One casualty.” The picture that you had taken of him, his first years and yourself (so carefully hung up on your wall at home) flashed in front of his inner eye. He clenched his teeth so hard as he wordlessly hung up; it hurt. It hurt so badly.
Such an atrocious inhumane act coated in malice. He was going to kill these dirty-playing bastards. However, that would have to wait until later. Much later. Satoru couldn’t leave you to your own devices, not in this state. The scenario he concluded for himself earlier replayed in his mind several times as he made his way through your completely dark apartment. His heart stung with each beat. It was almost as if someone drove a blade through his chest repeatedly.
When he stood in front of the closed door of your bedroom, he heard soft sobs coming from inside. Should he knock to let you know someone came? He wasn’t sure what to do. He gave the door two soft knocks and entered the room. It was your hunched form on the bed, no doubt. Satoru could not see your face with the way your back was facing him. Slowly he made his way to your bed and crouched down to face you. Your face was swollen and tear-stained, a sight he didn’t see often. His large hand rested on your shoulder and gently rubbed it, a silent question hung in the air.
Finally, you looked at him with your swollen eyes. Almost instantly, your sobs got louder and you reached out for the tall sorcerer. “S-Satoru…” you hiccuped in-between sobs. “Yeah. I’m here, I’m here,” he reassured you and stroked the wet hair out of your puffy face as you threw yourself around him, relentlessly crying into his broad shoulders. The white-haired man enclosed his arms around you but it wasn’t to hug you for comfort.
He scooped your delicate frame up and wrapped a warm blanket around you before leaning your body against the headboard of the bed. He sat next to you on the bed and guided your head onto his shoulders. Your violent sobbing stopped but tears were still flowing freely. 
If there was someone who understood the agony, bitterness and distress someone in this line of work had to face, it was Gojo Satoru. The path of a Jujutsu Sorcerer was painted black and red by trials and tribulations. This was why Satoru was so hell-bent on resetting the world he called his obligation. “If you feel exhausted, just lean on me for a second,” his calm voice sounded through the room. There was no answer from you. Even if there was silence, your feelings reached his heart and he spoke again. “Do you want to tell me about it?” he asked gently. Let it go with me. It’ll be easier to shake this burden off and share it, he thought. Of course, he would never dare force you. You nuzzled into his shoulder, as if to get even closer physically.
Ultimately, the woman sucked in a breath and with a shaky voice and recounted everything in her point of view. “I-I.. was on a mission when I… got a call from Ijichi. ‘Something wasn’t right’, he said and… t-told me about the cursed womb. As soon as I heard… that they sent y-your students there, I rushed to the location but…”, you hiccuped, “...I was too late… Y-Yuji, he-” You sobbed hysterically into his shoulder. Satoru turned to you to wipe away the tears and snot with a tissue. “Shhh, I’m here, I’m here”, he reassured once again, “I’ll fix it somehow.” It was just as he thought: those damned higher ups.
“H-How? This is not… something… you can f-fix, Satoru… not even you,” you continued bawling into his shoulders. I’ll kill all the higher ups, he thought to himself. “I don’t know but I’ll be damned if I can’t do something to change this detestable, loathsome and bloody world we live in,” his voice seethed with anger but it quickly died down as he re-focused on the main topic at hand, “there has to be something I can do, I’ll even drag out Sukuna myself if I have to.” “Please, Satoru…” Your whisper was faint and weak, “I… saw Yuji’s corpse... on the ground... I just want to see him one last time…”
Being a Jujutsu Sorcerer undoubtedly put a heavy strain on your mental wellbeing; nobody was spared from it, not even the great Gojo Satoru. Unfortunately, you were one of the people who were much more affected by incidents like these. He realized how badly it hurt your heart, he knew how much all the students meant to you and he knew just how much more fragile you were than you let on in front of other people. Where there is light, there must be shadow. It wasn’t like he was left unscathed by it either but right now, his utmost priority was you.
“Right,” the male sorcerer murmured more to himself. He still had to check something. “I want you to show me your arms, please.” If this had been a command, it had to be the gentlest one you had ever heard. Maybe it was the fact that there was a hint of pain infused in the way he spoke to you just now that made you show your arms so willingly, or maybe it was the fact that he always sounded so earnest when he took care of you like this. He genuinely cared; it was something you shouldn’t be surprised about, considering how long the two of you have known and cared for each other, but it never ceased to leave you in awe. You held out your arms for him to see.
As carefully as possible, the man examined your arms, his touch ghosting over your skin. It was a good thing he came prepared. The angry red lines, dry blood and broken skin on both of your forearms seemed to scream at him: you hurt yourself again. Without a doubt, he felt guilty. “I’ll be right back,” he announced as he slipped away from the bed after fixing your position and stroking your hair tenderly. A few moments later, your tall friend was back with a few medical supplies. Sitting back on the bed, he started to clean and treat your injuries. Besides a few hiccups and whimpers from your side, silence befell the room.
“Don’t you want to curse and insult me?” His eyes were still fixed on bandaging your arms. “No,” was all you said in response, fearing that your voice would give in. “You should though. After all, it was technically my fault...” Even though you were hurting, you knew Satoru was hurting all the same deep down in his heart, seeing that his precious students were the victims in this case. Satoru really treasured disciples. You took a few deep breaths before you replied, “Please don’t ever blame yourself for this… I know you wouldn’t have… let this shit happen. I know how much you adore them.”
“If it makes you feel better... if it can help you heal, I’ll take it. Any words are fine. I can deal with all the painful words…” Strong arms wrapped around you and pulled you to his chest. It was rare but his voice… unmistakably cracked for a second. A shaky chuckle left your lungs, “Please Satoru,” you wrapped your arms around him as well and nuzzled into his shirt again, “I could never treat you like that. You are everything to me but an enemy. Have always been.”
“I’ll be anything you need. I’ll even be your enemy if you ask me to… so please tell me, so that it doesn’t hurt you anymore…” he said shakily. The blindfolded man had masked his pain up until now, for your sake. It was your time to comfort him. Giving him shelter, like he had done for you. He had already experienced far too much hurt.
“Satoru, all I’ll ever need you to be in my life… is the important and comforting presence you have always been. Don’t change. If things are too much, too overwhelming and you become tired, you can lean on me too. I will never leave you.”
There was nothing left to say, no need. It was enough for both of you to be in each other’s comforting presence.
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Taglist: @gojos-mochi​ @megumifushi @bleueluna
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miridiums-writing · 3 years
Barbarian Bakugou x Plus-sized!Villager!Reader
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Summary ; reader loves in village that is ravaged by bararians, bakugou catches them and finds out they are mates
Warnings ; violence, there is implied sexual assault but it never happens kinda like a passing thought. I never actually state gender though reader does wear a dress, so if your someone who doesn’t like wearing dresses then you might have trouble fitting into the narrative. REMEMBER ANYONE CAN WEAR A DRESS, I WILL HYPE YOU UP. They eat in it, also they eat meat so if you’re vegetarian or anything of the sort you probably won’t relate, Bakugou yes he is a warning, swearing it is Bakugou after all.
AUTHORS NOTE ; ill have part 2 out hopefully in a few days, ill link both the petite reader version and the plus-sized reader to each other so whichever suits you better you can read.
Tag list : @squishytenya
Petite!reader version part 1
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The village was alight, red ran rampant through the streets, the screams of young and old mixing to create a noise that would give anyone a headache. You were running as fast as you could, no shoes on, trying to pick up your skirts as you ran. You had been woken by a scream and hadn’t thought to put on shoes before you ran to escape the sea of arrows shot at your home. People dragged younger ones through the wreckage, others cried, others shouting for loved ones. Nobody seemed to be left unscathed.
Your feet were in tatters at this point, having ran through rocks and glass to get here. Your only motivation that got you this far, even with the pain you were in, was the orphanage at the top on town. On a slight hill further away from the village, secluded in a way. You hoped against hope the children were ok. You dodged through fire, adrenaline coursing through your veins. You had to make it. You had to keep them safe. Though in your blind panic you didn’t notice the figure stealthily following after you.
You were running up the hill now, twigs that littered the woods floor poking into your poor feet, causing you to slow slightly, but your determination kept you from walking. Just as the orphanage came into sight arms wrapped around your waist. You kicked in attempt to get away, hoping against hope you could escape, get to them. Those kids did nothing to deserve the pain. Your attempts did nothing but tire you more, your hope of escape starting to slip from your grasp. “Stay still dammit” a gruff voice stated. He moved you both back, further into the woods, blocking your view of the orphanage and kept you still.
“Oi Kirishima! Keep those idiots away from the orphanage” He called out further into the woods, not second later a muscular man with spiky hair and even spikier teeth seemed to appear in an instant and disappear just as quickly. With the disappearance of the other man he moved you so you could finally see his face, though his grip on you never loosened. If you were honest with yourself, he was rather pretty. Hard red eyes stared into yours and seemed to judge your appearance as you gaped at him. His blonde locks spiked out, much more naturally than the other mans, he had a defined jawline, and a look that screamed danger. In your curiosity you failed to notice how odd this whole situation was. Here you were being held down by an intimidation and rather frightening man, but you felt no fear towards him.
“Found you” he said, looking at you with a smirk as his face moved closer to yours. Just as you thought he was going to kiss you his face moved lower to your neck and started to pepper kisses and nips into the sensitive skin. You tensed in his hold, not sure what he was about to do, and scared for the outcome that seemed inevitable. Just then he roughly bit into your neck, causing you to shriek at the vast difference from what he was doing before and the pain that started to thump against your neck like a drum. When he was satisfied, he started to lick at your neck, no doubt cleaning up the blood. “There, now that’s sorted time to clean you up and get moving” He tightly grabbed a hold of your hand, pulling you close to his body. “If you try and run you wouldn’t like to know the fate of those kids you so wish to protect so behave.” You didn’t want to know what he could to, so you allowed him to pull you away from the orphanage.
He pulled you both down the hill and towards the town, he hadn’t told you his name and didn’t seem in the mood for light conversation, so you stayed quiet, not wanting to anger the man further than he already seemed to be. When you both got back to the village it was silent. A stark difference between the village you had left behind, and it set you on edge. He must have noticed how you had started to shake a little, though he didn’t say anything on it. “Hide you face into my back, quickly” he said, his voice slightly softer than earlier, though it didn’t stop the unease. Just as you opened your mouth to question it, he gave you a glare that made you close it instantly. You ducked your head down into his back behind him and tried to ignore the strares, questions swarming your mind. “right let’s move out” he shouted, his voice seeming even more loud now you were against his back, making you cringe slightly. With one hand now taking your weight he hoisted onto a horse, repositioning you in front of him to lean against his chest. “Get some sleep, its gonna be a long ride teddy bear”
When you woke you were still in his arms, though you were now wrapped up in a fur coat, keeping you warm from the wind. If you didn’t think about the fact he basically kidnapped you it could almost be sweet. He had positioned you in a way that meant the brunt of the wind was hitting against the fur coat, keeping you toasty warm. He was looking ahead, no doubt keeping control of the horse, though you did notice how he would glance down at you. Due to your position you couldn’t really see anything, giving in to the temptation of going back to sleep for now, who knew when you would be able to sleep again, you let your eyes closed and allowed yourself to relax, your head snuggling into his warm chest.
Your eyes fluttered open at a loud shout, startling you from the fragile sleep you had managed to get. “We’re almost there” He claimed, glancing down at your sleepy form curled into him. Cute. The thought was a fleeting one, but it made him freeze up slightly, he hoped you didn’t notice. This mate stuff was making him soft. The horse abruptly came to a stop and the man carefully gave you his hand to help you jump down. You noticed almost immediately this was much gentler than he had been previously, and honestly threw you for a loop. On one hand this was much nicer treatment than previously, even if he hadn’t been particularly bad, on the other hand what does this entail, does he want something in return? The man pulled you inside what looked like a large tent and pointed towards the bed to sit down, it was covered with fur blankets and looked rather nice and warm to cuddle up in.
“Look here’s the deal,” he said, sitting down on the floor before you, making your face in line with his. “You’re my mate, kinda like a soulmate, I guess. It’s a feeling. My name’s Bakugou Katsuki by the way. Call my Katsuki though, it’ll just piss me off if you call me anything else. Just, listen to what I say. Ill go get you some food, you look like you need it.” As Katsuki walks away you could hear him mutter under his breath “Skinny as anything” When he had officially left, and you decided he was far enough away you started to look around. The tent was rather spacious, but not to the point it was cold. If anything, it was so warm in here. Like an invisible fire was somewhere in the room keeping it warm. The tent itself smelled like wood pine and honeysuckle, and a hint of caramel, it felt more homely than your old village ever did. You knew you had to think through what he had told you, but you didn’t want to even think about it. Taken away from your home after it having been destroyed by them and he tells you you’re his soulmate and you need to listen him.
When Katsuki got back you were cocooned in the blankets, sure the room was warm, but as the night air drew in the rooms temperature seemed to drop drastically, so you had taken it upon yourself to collect all the blankets and pile them onto of yourself. Katsuki stood at the entrance dumbfounded at the sight, as in comparison he stood tall in his trousers and fur coat, with his necklace and earrings to adorn the look. He wasn’t used to feeling cold. He would need to thank his parents later for getting on at him to make sure he had enough blankets for his mate when it got cold. He placed the food down on the table and started picking apart the blankets until he revealed you, cuddling into yourself. “Look, I know its cold but you gotta eat, come on” He allows you to get yourself up, though you take one of the smaller blankets with you to combat the cold.
The meal itself wasn’t anything special. A meat of some kind with potatoes and asparagus. You were so hungry you ate it without question, too hungry to care. He watched you from the other side of the table, it made you slightly self-conscious but brushed it off as his thing, he had a habit of watching you. When you finished you made sure to tidy up your area as best as you could, not wanting to seem impolite. This made Katsuki scoff at you, your insecurity coming back quickly.
“Bed time” was all he said, even though you had been sleeping most of the day, the thought of curling up into the blanket seemed heavenly. As you climbed into the bed, securing yourself under the furs Katsuki came in behind you. He simply brought your body to his, circling his body around yours in a protective manner. With him so close to you, you found it hard to fall asleep. Though Katsuki seemed to find it easy, simply snuggling his face into your neck and falling asleep. You decided to go through your options. Option one, stay still and go to sleep unknowing to what could happen tomorrow, though by his current attitude and behaviour you now highly doubted it being too dangerous, or option two, somehow manage to escape his iron grip and run out of the tent, with no knowledge of where you were, how far from home, or what could be outside the tent. The thought of meeting something worse than Katsuki made you shiver and slightly move closer to him. At least you knew what he was capable of, plus you had the added protection that he claimed you as his mate, those usually ended happily. No one wanted to endanger their mate, it went against Barbarian law. Something you vaguely remembered researching when you were young and curious. With those thoughts in mind you allowed yourself to succumb to the warmth Katsuki provided and fall into a broken sleep.
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Pedro Pascal and Lena Headey
Head to head interview
Hunger Magazine, Issue 6. Released December 28, 2014. Photoshoot October 15, 2013.
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Thirteen million. That's the number of people, on average, who tuned into each episode of the third season of Game of Thrones. Among them was Chilean actor Pedro Pascal, who was as enthralled by the sex and slaughter as the rest of us. But little did he know that within a few months he'd be pitching up on the shores of Belfast to join the cast as Oberyn Martell, affectionately known as the Red Viper. Sound ominous? It is. The Red Viper is GoTs newest anti-hero, “sexy and charming but driven by hate”. Sounds like he'll be right at home.
Pedro, on the other hand, though he looks good on paper, wasn't the obvious choice for the role. Expecting a big name to ride into King’s Landing, the show's fans took to forums to express their concerns as soon as the news broke. So is he worried? Like hell he is. “The fans had the part cast in their minds already. They knew who they wanted and it certainly was not me. But I'm not stupid, | presumed that people were going to say ‘who the fuck is this guy’. Since I anticipated the reaction it didn't throw me off.”
“There are so many different ways to go into battle with yourself when you're trying to get a job. I felt a certain amount of pressure because I wanted to make everyone happy. The fan base is so specific and, as a fan myself, I understand the relationship that they have with the show. The Red Viper is the best part I've ever played, and in season four shocks come at the most unexpected times. You might think you know, but you have no idea,” he explains.
Looks like the Red Viper could be in line to fill a Walter-White-sized-hole in television, but to test the theory we pit Pascal against Lena Headey, aka the Queen. Because if you can come away from Cersei unscathed, you can handle anything.
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LH: So, Pedro, you come into Game of Thrones in season four, playing a pretty major character. Does that fill you with joy or dread?
PP: I'd say it fills me with joy because it’s a really fucking fun part. He’s a badass. He comes up against a lot of the main characters in the show. I'm very aware of the show. I watch it like a fan.
LH: Were you a fan before you arrived in Belfast?
PP: Yeah, I was a proper fan. I was caught up in the drama of it before I even auditioned for the part. I was already up to speed.
LH: I remember meeting you and thinking, “he fucking loves the show’.
PP: I kissed your ass.
LH: Well, it worked. We're friends now.
PP: I was like a tourist visiting the set, and yet I had to act with you and be in a scene with the characters that I had such a specific association with already.
LH: So you’re saying it’s boring?
PP: No, it wasn’t boring at all. It was extremely, relentlessly surreal.
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LH: And who were your favourite characters up until that point?
PP: Not you.
LH: I realise that!
PP: There are too many characters to have a favourite, but I was fascinated by the Lannisters because they're so frightening. They scared me and then you would come in and pull sympathy from your audience somehow, and I found that rather fascinating. The Northerners were so easy to like or get behind, but it was quite something to see people sympathise with a Lannister, after you made people see things from their perspective.
LH: Speaking of being slightly ambiguous as a character, you come in as a major player and a very well-loved character in the eyes of people who read the books, and he’s somewhat of an anti-hero. Did you base him on anyone?
PP: What does an anti-hero mean exactly?
LH: It means he doesn't wear deodorant, doesn't it? [Laughs]. Someone you shouldn't champion, but you do, like Walter White in Breaking Bad.
PP: No, | didn’t really base him on anyone.
LH: Did you take anything from classic movies that you thought you could use and spin to your advantage playing the Red Viper?
PP: God, that’s a good question. I probably did subconsciously. Now I feel under the spotlight because I need to think of somebody, and I have so many in my mind! I think that’s something that is happening a lot in TV today: the anti-heroes are central to these television shows, and people are really getting behind them, even though they're not necessarily the most moral characters. So I'd say that ‘ve become more familiar with the character who's obviously very flawed but gets you on their side — you have complicated feelings about them. But I think I saw the story too much from this character's perspective to perceive any flaws.
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LH: He has some.
PP: I know, from the outside. But I don't see any of them. What are his flaws?
LH: His flaws? He's a dirty bastard!
PP: Why is he a dirty bastard? He likes to fucking fight, for sure.
LH: Back to you as an actor. You've done it for a long time and, as we all know, the path is not always golden, and sometimes you think, “fuck it” and you want to leave it and do something else. Have there been moments where you wanted to give up?
PP: Yes, there have been moments where I came very close to giving up. But I never had anything to fall back on. I think you can understand that.
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LH: Because were stupid?
PP: We're stupid.
LH: I can't even make pizza!
PP: We don’t have any other skills.
LH: None at all!
PP: And that’s the odd conundrum. You get to a point where you think, “This isn’t going to happen. This isn’t sustainable. I'm too exhausted, and it can't be good for me.” There were moments where I truly did try to formulate an idea of what I'd do. I thought I'd go back to school, start pre-med again and go to medical school or something like that.
LH: But that didn't happen, you just thought about it?
PP: Yes, I'd have thoughts, but it was still fantasy really. But at the time it felt like a practical life plan. Do you know what I mean?
LH: Yeah of course, you need to pay the fucking rent.
PP: Exactly. You just try to escape from the chaos of what you're feeling by trying to create order in your life. Order seems like a solution to save you from the pain of acting!
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LH: It's a mental pain. Who was the first person you called when you got the role?
PP: My sister.
LH: Does she watch the show?
PP: Yes, she does.
LH: Pedro Pascal... or Pablo as I called you when I had too much wine, which was deeply insulting.
PP: Even family members have done that to me! Do I look more like a Pablo? Because it happens with about ninety-five percent of the people I meet.
LH: No, I think I’m just an ignorant drunk person.
PP: No, you were an ignorant drunk person that night is what you're saying.
LH: And now I’m educated.
PP: [Whispers] But | want you to call me Pablo.
LH: Ok, Pablo! When you first arrived on set in Northern Ireland, what was your feeling showing up to a bunch of British actors? Did it feel different to doing an American project?
PP: Yes, but I loved it. It wasn’t intimidating. I found it surreal because I’d watched and loved the show. I hadn't had the opportunity to work on something that I was really familiar with before, so it was overwhelming. But it was far more delightful than intimidating. Also you guys were really cool. Everyone was friendly.
LH: Oh, that’s just fake.
PP: Well, you guys were good at it!
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LH: We know Game of Thrones is very popular obviously. Do you have any thoughts, or fears, about what this is going to bring you in terms of exposure?
PP: I have hope.
LH: Oh, God. I don’t mean to shatter that, but give it up.
PP: I don’t know really. It’s all been filmed, and now I'm back to my normal routine, so I haven't really thought about it. I remember when we finished filming and we were on our way to the airport, you asked me, “How does it feel you're all done?” and I couldn't really answer.
LH: You were quite emotional that day.
PP: I was very emotional because I’d had such an amazing time doing the part. Also just being there immersed in the experience... You described it to me best. You told me how I'd be feeling.
LH: We don't know your character's backstory when you enter the show, and you have some rather brutal scenes. Anyone who has read the books will know what I’m talking about.
PP: My character comes in, he stirs a bunch of shit up, and then he makes this fucking enormous exit. Now can | ask you a question?
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LH: What is it? I’m not going to sleep with you. Give it up.
PP: Oh, come on! This has gone to shit and it’s your fault, so good luck to whoever has to edit it! But anyway, sometimes I'd hang out with the cast members and we'd go to dinner and they would get stopped constantly. There was no denying who they played because they were so recognisable, but you got away with it because you have this beautiful blonde wig on in the show, and in real life you are...
LH: Grey?
PP: {Laughs] No! You have beautiful chestnut hair! Is it liberating to not be recognised the way some of the other cast members are?
LH: Yes, it is liberating.
PP: Liberating being able to walk down an alley in Dubrovnik without being stopped?
LH: Yes, except sometimes | get recognised in the weirdest places. A woman was emptying my bag at Heathrow Airport's security gates and just went, “Are you the Queen?” while rummaging through my underwear. It was so fucking weird.
PP: It seems they're more respectful to you?
LH: Because they're frightened. Wait until they meet the Viper.
PP: Well, that covers it.
LH: I think we're going to get our own show out of this, you know
Interested in learning more about Pedro? Check out Pedro Pascal Unofficial on Pinterest!
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dreamkidddream · 3 years
Hello! Congrats!! Well deserved omg! Could you write the quote number 8 for Kunikida please? This man deserves so much more love! (but if it's already taken, then quote number 5) Take care! <3
Thank you!!! I hope you’re staying safe and doing well ☺️ Kunikida deserves so much more love than he gets and I will forever stand by that (there will be NO Kunikida slander here 😤😤) and this was so cute. Reader is gender neutral!
TW: small spicy/suggestive mention, but it’s nothing graphic or extreme (literally just one small mention of undressing, but nothing graphic)
Prompt: “Is that my shirt?” with Kunikida!
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You cannot remember anything from last night.
Okay maybe you’re exaggerating just a bit, but you can’t remember the whole night. You remember celebrating a case well done at the agency, having more than just a few drinks, and then the night became blurry after that.
So waking up in a room that isn’t yours, in a bed that isn’t yours, just about gave you a heart attack. But, you didn’t wake up next to someone, and you still had your same clothes on, so you felt somewhat relieved. You weren’t handcuffed, and you still had all of your limbs intact, and the room wasn’t a dungeon or someone’s basement, so that was a plus sign.
The room looked rather plain, not much hanging on the walls and only having the bare necessities in there. You can see a nightstand, a decent sized TV, along with a bookcase filled with different sized novels and textbooks. When you did get up (really when your head stopped spinning) to take a closer look, you could also see...notebooks?
You picked one up, really focusing on it, and now that you’re up close, these look like the ones that Kunikida use-
Oh no.
Oh nonononono-
This is Kunkida’s room? You’re at his place?! Oh, you could just pass out right now, and you would have crawled back in bed and go back to sleep if it was your bed and not his! Oh, this is just mortifying-
A knock on the door resounded in the room
“(Y/N)? Are you awake yet?”
You choked on your spit, and dropped the notebook, the thud echoing in the room. Damnit!
You heard him sigh through the door, just picturing the irritation growing on his face. “I’m assuming that you are. Well make yourself decent and come out. We have some things that we need to discuss.”
You wanted to bang your head on the wall, but you know that it would just prolong confronting him (and make your headache worse). You couldn’t hide in there forever, but after catching a huge stain of whatever on your shirt, you would feel even more embarrassing going out there with it on (not to mention that you look and feel absolutely filthy, you wanted a shower more than anything!). So, you just so happened to fall upon a black dress shirt that was neatly folded on the nightstand next to you, you took the initiative and changed into it.
Did Kunikida purposely leave that out for you? You assumed so, you know how organized the man is, and it wouldn’t make sense why he would just leave it out if he didn’t. You won’t lie, the action made your heart flutter (even more than it already does when you’re around him), and you felt a little giddy knowing that you could wear one of his shirts, despite under the current circumstances.
You still had your bottoms on, which were left unscathed and clean somehow, and you took a breath.
You couldn’t hide forever, and with that, you opened the door.
The first thing your eyes landed on was Kunikida already dressed, furiously writing in his notebook, glasses perched on top of his head, pacing back and forth while mumbling to himself. You took the time to scan his apartment, being just as plain as him room but still having a type of charm to it (a charm that only Kunikida can have). It wasn’t until you cleared your throat that he froze. He snapped his head up at you, and you just mentally prepared yourself for getting chewed out.
“Well, glad to see that you’re finally up. Have a seat”, he lead you to sit at his kitchen table, him pulling a chair out for you and taking a seat across. “How’s your head?”
“Oh it’s...fine?”
“Are you sure?”
Okay, he’s not fussing at you yet, which is a good sign. The tension that you felt in your body slowly started to ease away, your shoulders being relaxed again.
“Yeah. If anything, my throat’s a little dry-”
“Because I would think after acting like a reckless party animal with no self control would leave your head anything but fine.”
Oop, you spoke too soon.
“Do you have any idea to how you acted last night?! In front of the President no less!”
“Erm, uh-”
“I would expect this from morons like Dazai but not from you! Not to mention how much you could have been put in danger if I wasn’t there!”
While he’s disciplining you like a parent would to a young child, you just pretty much sit there and take it. You somewhat deserve it, you probably messed up his schedule that he meticulously wrote in his notebook. So you’ll listen, but at the same time, you could only take your stomach growling so much, and you wouldn’t mind having at least a glass of water-
“And another thing! What if you would have gotten alcohol poisoning?! You’re old enough to control- wait.” He leaned closer, his green-gray eyes glistening in the sun rays peeking through his blinds.
“Is-is that my shirt?”
“Huh? Oh...yeah?”
His eyes widened, then he went quiet. He promptly leaned back into his seat and coughed in his hand, which is conveniently trying to cover the red dying his face (and failing).
“Just-just be careful next time. I’ll get started on breakfast.”
Whatever thought he had stopped at the tip of his tongue, and he got up from the table, leaving you somewhat confused. Maybe you weren’t suppose to wear the shirt like you thought...
So you got up too, and starting making your way back into his room to your discarded shirt. “Hey, if it makes you uncomfortable, I’ll change back into my-”
“N-NO! I mean- don’t worry about it. I-I don’t mind. I know your clothes aren’t clean, and I’ll take you home after so that you can get properly changed.”
You didn’t believe him. He couldn’t even look you in the eyes, how can you? Even looking at him from over here, you can see how red his ears are. But, maybe he wasn’t used to this? Your heart would be racing too if the roles were reversed. While handling a drunk Kunikida made you chuckle, you really appreciated his efforts. He dealt with all your antics while you were drunk, gave you his own bed to sleep in while he bunked on his own couch, and now he’s even cooking you breakfast. And he didn’t have to do any of that!
This man is a keeper, you swear.
So you have to repay him back somehow, and you will. You hugged him from behind before he could say anything, and gave him a peck on his cheek (or that’s what you were aiming for, but ended up kissing behind his ear).
“Thank you, Kunikida”, your voice was muffled from hiding your face in his back, but the message still got across. “I really do mean it. Thanks.”
He practically short circuited, words jumbling together to form some type of “you’re welcome”. Stepping back, you gave him a smile and offered to help with breakfast, which lead him to sending you to the bathroom to clean up a little more (which you reasoned was to help get himself together and not look like a bumbling fool in front of you).
Kunikida watched you walk from the corner of his eyes, hiding his own smile from you.
“So, how come you didn’t just take me home? I can’t imagine how annoying I probably was last night. Scratch that, I can”, you chewed on pancakes, happy that your stomach and throat were finally satisfied.
“Well, I did, but you left your keys at the agency, and thought we were playing ‘I Spy’ when I kept asking you where the spare was when we got to your apartment.”
“Oh...yikes. Well, thanks for letting me crash here, and letting me borrow your shirt. It’s really comfy too!”
He cleared his throat, “It’s not a problem. Just be more responsible next time you’re drinking, I’m not your personal babysitter you know!”
You just laughed and nodded your head, cheeks full of food.
Kunikida didn’t lie, you really did leave your keys at the office, but he didn’t have it in him to tell you that he was fine with that. He didn’t feel okay leaving you by yourself at all last night. You didn’t stay in a bad part of town necessarily, but what if he left and you forgot to lock the door, and someone walked in behind him? Not to mention the killer hangover you would have to face when you woke up.
He remembers that you always say that you trust him with your life, so he took you to his place, fed you some food, washed your face, and laid you on his bed (all the while you acted like a clingy kid, refusing to let him go the whole time).
He took out his shirt with the intent to change, but decided against it. He didn’t want you to wake up and think you got taken advantage of, that he’s some kind of creep!
Plus, he only wanted to undress you when you two are actually together and reach that point in your relationship, not while you’re in this state, even if it’s to do something as innocent as changing your dirty shirt.
So he just tossed it aside, tucked you in, and admired you from the door once everything was done. Sleeping on the couch wasn’t very ideal, but he’s fine with it if it means that you’ll be safe and comfortable in his bed.
He would do anything for you, and while he may complain, if it means that you’re safe and happy, then he’ll make sure that it gets done.
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Sit by the fire until... Chapter 2
ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/25870150/chapters/81650737
Here’s the thing they don’t tell you when you get magically transformed into a bunny rabbit against your will by the corrupted darkness of the Sacred Realm: somethings, unfortunately, tend to stick.  
Now, Legend isn’t saying that he’s hiding a cotton tail under his tunic or that his soul secretly aches to frolic in meadows or spend his time sleeping in holes or whatever else it is that rabbits do when they're not busy being very confused and scared twelve year old Hylians.
But that doesn't mean he was left unscathed by having his entire anatomy re-written in less than an instant.
Because of course he wouldn’t. Goddess forbid he ever catch a break for once in his life.
He was still pretty young when it happened, so Legend can’t remember if his teeth had been quite so bucked before the incident. Regardless if they were or not, they sure as Hylia are prominent now. Then there's also the fact that he never really grew into his ears, the damn things always just a shade longer than they should be for a regular Hylian.
Before he joined this wild cucco chase masquerading as an adventure, Legend would sometimes catch himself looking at Ravio wondering, Is that how I would have looked? Besides the hair and eyes, the merchant was supposed to be his mirror image after all. Zelda and Hilda were, so it stood to reason that he and Ravio should be the same.
In which case, the bucktooth thing was going to be a problem regardless.
The ears, on the other hand, are a completely different story. From the quick glances Legend has managed to steal of Ravio’s side profile, the merchant has relatively short ears himself, which just make the Veteran’s own look comically long when the two stand side by side.
And ugh, and that wasn't even touching on his… less physical changes.
 Namely, his cravings.
Noshing on some leafy greens while home alone doing some chores? A-Okay.
Getting caught by Warriors and Twilight absentmindedly chewing on the hay he was supposed to be feeding the horses? Ehhh, not so much.  
Goddesses, his ego still hasn’t recovered from the amount of jokes the Pretty Boy had made at his expense. And that’s not even mentioning the veritable mountain of carrots he found in his bedroll, no doubt courtesy of that flea bitten farmhand.
Regardless of the less than natural way he got these… attributes, Legend couldn’t say they were all bad. ‘Cuz sure, his ears were a bit longer than average, but he could also hear better than most of his companions, able to catch the sound of crunching leaves above even their loud bickering. Like wise, his eyes were sharper than others in the low light of dawn and dusk, allowing him to see things others would miss.
Frankly, both skills had helped keep him alive during his quests. He was thankful for them in a weird huh, guess that works kinda way, but thankful all the same.
But sometimes Legend wanted to wring the goddesses necks because really? Being turned into a rabbit couldn’t have fixed this particular problem?
This particular problem being his absolutely horrible pollen allergies.
“ A-A-A!”
Each rapid, involuntary inhale feels like a simultaneous punch to the gut and a gasp for breath, the air yanked into his body and then stoppered up. It leaves the veteran in a state of limbo as a paralyzing calm falls over him; lungs full of air, shoulders hiked up, muscles tensed.
For a second, everything feels lodged in place, frozen, like the Champion had used his stasis rune on him.
Legend clamps his mouth shut and tucks his face into his elbow just as tension snaps and–
“- acheew! ”
Nothing but a soft, cut off sneeze slips past his lips, yet, the force of holding it back  still sends Legend bowing over. He stays there, hunched over for a breath as his body recovers, before he straightens back up, sniffing irritably as he tries to ignore the itch prickling at his eyes and the congested pressure throbbing behind his sinuses.
A chortling huff sounds next to him and when Legend glances down he can see Wolfie– or should he say, Twilight– peering up at him, mouth open and tongue lolling in a doggy grin, but icy blue eyes too pointed, too teasing, to be anything but human.
Legend's nose twitches tellingly as it begins to tickle again and the wolf gives another stuttering huff. A laugh. Legend can practically hear Twilight’s twangy, Awww. You sneeze like a bunny.
The bastard.
“Yeah, yeah, laugh it up, dog boy,” Legend grumbles, wiping harshly at his face in an attempt to stave off another sneezing fit. “Don't you have trees to piss on or something?”
That earns him peeled back lips and a growl, but Legend just sends the other a responding sneer as strides past the grumpy wolf and out into the rolling field of tulips that stands in front of them.
Another huff, this one more annoyed than amused, sounds behind the veteran before the wolf streaks past him, loping through the flowers with his nose down and tail high.
Legend rolls his eyes.
Twilight loves to show his teeth, but the farmhand is quite literally all bark and no bite.
And besides, they both have better things to do than needle one another. If Legend is going to be miserable, he may as well take steps to make that misery as short as possible.
Afterall, they aren't out here swanning through a meadow of flowers for pleasure.
The last Dark Portal they had all walked through had, once again, separated them. Legend and Twilight were lucky enough to find one another quickly, though, now that Legend thinks about it, it probably had less to do with luck and more to do with Twilight’s nose.
After regrouping, they had tried to search for the others more that day, but a storm had them holed up in a cave overnight to wait out the deluge. They had gotten up early to start their search again today, but so far they had no such luck in finding any of the others in the forest.
Which just left the inexplicable meadow of tulips surrounding the wood.
Legend had been hoping that the rain would keep some of the pollen at bay, but nooo that would be too merciful, wouldn’t it?
If anything, the rain just made this whole experience more aggravating. Now, along with stinging eyes, a running nose, and a throbbing head, Legend also had the delightful honor of feeling the tulip stalks and leaves and petals sliding wetly across his skin, the annoying slap of his tunic smacking his thighs as it got more sodden by the second, and the disgusting squish of water between his toes with every step he took through this Wind Fish damned field.
And sure, maybe it was worth it to reunite with the other heroes, but really, would it kill the goddesses to make his life just a little bit easier.
A bark pulls Legend from his miserable musings. Twilight's dark tail stands out among the ocean of pastel pinks and yellows and oranges, wagging frantically twenty meters away. It disappears after a second, replaced by a muzzle and expectant eyes.
Twilight barks at him again.
He must have found something.
Finally, Legend thinks as he begins to make his way over toward the other, hopefully a reason to get out of this floral hell hole.
“What is it, boy?” Legend asks, voice going high and mocking as he takes delicate care stepping on as many flowers as possible, “Little Time-y fall down the well again?”
Instead of a growl for his effort, Legend gets a flurry of black flecks falling upward, like pieces of reverse snow, in his peripheral vision.
“You know,” Twilight says as he straightens to his full height, eyes half-lidded. Unamused, “You’re really not as funny as you seem to think you are.”
And before Legend can interrupt that– No, actually, you just have a dog shit sense of humor. Literally– Twilight continues, “I can smell the smithy all over this thing.” He nods down at a small tree stump breaking through the tide of flowers. “The scent is a bit old, probably from sometime before last evening, but still traceable. I should be able to find him from here.”
Legend eyes the stump for a moment, peering into the cracked hole in the top of the wood. Inside, he can see the round, red caps of several toadstools sprouting.
He can also sense magic. Close to that of the fairies– natural and glittering and smelling of moss– but not quite the same.
The Smithy’s doing?
Or a natural occurrence?
“Welp,” Legend says, straightening up, “Let's go find him. Couldn’t have gotten far on those little legs of his.”
“Again,” Twilight huffs, the black fractals already consuming him once more as he transforms, “You’re not as funny as you think...”
His voice distorts and fades into nothing as the magic swallows him whole, leaving Legend once again having a conversation with a very unimpressed looking wolf.
“I like you better when you can’t talk,” Legend tells Twilight as the other sets off, snuffling at the ground.
The other pauses to give Legend a look that would be more at home on a disapproving mother’s face, before continuing his tracking.
He also whaps Legend in the leg with his tail.
The prick.
They continue on their trek together like that for a while, Twilight occasionally pausing to shove his nose into the dirt some more as he decides which direction to follow as Legend trails behind, keeping his eyes peeled for a quadripartite tunic and a head of straight, gold hair.
It isn't long before the farmhand turned canine breaks off into a light trot and then a jog, and then a full on sprint.
And stops just as suddenly.
Legend is out of breath by the time he slides to a stop behind the farmhand, but from a cursory glance around, there doesn’t seem to be a short, mouthy smithy anywhere in the vicinity.
“What happened?” Legend asks, still searching, turning circles as he cranes his neck, “Did you lose the trail?”
Twilight gives a light whine, grabbing Legend’s attention.
Then he does two full spins and sits primly, looking up at Legend.
“The hell is that supposed to mean?” Legend crinkles his nose at the canine. “Use your words.”
Wolfie rolls his eyes in a way that Legend didn’t think was possible for dogs and then stands.
The canine stares at him intently, as though making sure Legend’s eyes are locked with his own. And then he flicks his eyes over the yellow tulip he is sitting next to meaningfully. Then back to Legend. Back and forth back and forth, his eyes go for a full minute before he stops and stares at Legend once more.
Legend feels as his face wrinkles in confusion.
It's just a regular tulip, just like the thousands currently around them. Pretty enough, he supposes. The bulb seems to be a little wilted, like it's been weighed down by rain water perhaps, but other than that, nothing to sneeze at.
Or everything to sneeze at, if you’re Legend.
Legend gives the flower one more skeptical glance before turning to look at Twilight once more, brow raised.
“Pretty,” he assures the other. “Not sure how it helps us find Four.”
Twilight heaves another too human sigh.
And then he reaches up,  takes the sleeve of Legend’s tunic between his teeth, and yanks.
“Hey!” Legend yelps as he’s dragged down into the dirt, “Watch the teeth! The embroidery on this thing took forever to do and even longer to enchant!”
Twilight pays him no mind, pulling him down and forward, closer to his chosen tulip.
Legend tries his best to keep his face away from the damn thing.
“I swear on The Three, if your slobber stains–”
Legend’s words crumple up and die in his throat.
There’s something in the tulip.
At first glance, Legend would identify it as the Smithy's earring. The small feathered one that he takes special care of. The one that Four refuses to tell Legend the origin of, besides his cryptic, “From a friend.”
Legend would say that it was just the earring, but… but it isn’t.
Rather than being completely red with a white tip, Legend can see that this little feather is only mostly red. Right before the tip, a darker red plumage takes over, followed by purple and blue and green.
Also, rather than being attached to the small, golden chain and stud Four uses to fasten the jewelry to his earlobe, it’s attached to a body.
A very, very small body.
By now, Twilight has let go of his sleeve, but Legend both doesn’t notice and doesnt care, all of his attention fixed on the little creature before his eyes.
From what he can tell, the little creature is asleep, curled up in the bulb of the flower, his feather tail tucked up near his nose for warmth. Looking past the plumage, Legend can see that the little guy has a very rat-like face, complete with a small, twitching pink nose, long whiskers and–because the creature is shivering– long, chattering rodent incisors. Oval shaped ears stick out from the creature's head, a mix between mouse-like and Hylian.
And framing those ears is shoulder length, soaking wet blonde hair.
Blonde hair held out of the little guy's face by a green headband.
And he’s wearing the smithy’s tunic?
“... Four?” Legend whispers in amazement.
And just saying the other’s name out loud is like a spell because suddenly Legend can see all signs. The little guy has Four’s bag over his shoulder and the Four Sword at his hip. That same magic that was by the stump– the not-fairy, fairy magic– completely surrounds him, dusting him in the same way he is currently dusted in yellow pollen.
“Is that you, Smithy?” Legend asks a little louder.
But rather than startle awake, the small creature– Four, Legend reminds himself– simply hunkers down more fully into the flower, curling up more fully as his shivers increase.
“He must have transformed in order to speak with the Minish around here.”
Twilight’s voice, even though it is a whisper, gives Legend a start. He hadn’t realized the other had transformed, nor had he seen the farmhand crouch down by his side.
The other isn’t looking at him as he speaks, cool blue eyes instead locked on the fitfully sleeping smithy, face concerned.
“He once told me that the Minish are insatiable gossips. He must have transformed to try and find us.”
The concern on the farhand’s face darkens the longer he stares.
“He must have been caught out in the storm,” Twilight says grimly.
Legend tries to imagine what that would be like. To be the size of a mouse and out in a storm. Tries to imagine what it would feel like for gale force winds to pull at drag at him, crushing him into the dirt one moment and yanking off his feet the next. Tries to imagine dodging back and forth between tulips, avoiding the head sized, stone cold rain drops pelting down from the sky
It's not a pretty pictograph, he’ll admit.
And ugh, Legend really isn't a fan of what it's making him consider.
He spares another glance at Four.
And fuck, the little guy shivers and shivers and shivers until the fower he is sleeping in is shaking with it.
And then, he sneezes, the sound coming out tiny and squeaky and weak.
Son of a bitch.
With a sigh that is as weary and reluctant and annoyed as he can possibly force it to be even though the vetran is feeling none of those things, Legend takes hold of the flower near its stem. As gently as possible, he digs his nails into the soft green there, cutting the flower from the ground while keeping it intact.
He hands it to Twilight, who takes it from him with gentle, if slightly confused hands.
With one hand, Legend flips open his shoulder bag. With the other, he rips his hat from his head with a motion probably a tad more violent than is really called for. He arranges the hat inside the bag, making sure to cover his items with the soft fabric while also shaping a soft bed.
Without looking up from his work, Legend extends a hand out to Twilight.
Makes a grabbing motion when what he wants isn't immediately in his hand.
After a second, Twilight slowly places the stem of the flower back in Legend’s hand and the Veteran gently lowers it in the small nest he had created, making sure the bulb sits in a place both shielded from the sun and extra comfortable thanks to the extra fabric padding beneath it.
In one smooth motion, Legend takes a hold of the strap of his bag, pulls it carefully off of his shoulder, and places it on the other side of Twilight’s neck.
And then, he reaches down and touches the dark stone hanging from the necklace around the farmhand’s throat, letting the darkness flock around and consume him.  
When Legend blinks open his eyes, Twilight is looking down at him smugly.
He is looking down farther than usual.
Also looking smugger than usual.
“Shut up,” he grumbles, shaking out his fur before hopping on all fours to get closer to the bag.
“I didn’t say anything,” Twilight replies, not bothing to wipe the smug look off his stupid face even as he lowers the bag to the ground for easier access.
“Yeah you did,” Legend hisses quietly as he clambers carefully into the satchel, settling down the nest of leather and items and hat.
He pulls the flower closer to his side where it is warm.
Inside, he can feel as Four’s shivers begin to lessen.
"Cute," Twilight laughs from above them.
"Fuck you," Legend whisper spits, though he makes no move to push Four's flower away. If anything, he pulls it closer when he hears the smaller hero start to make small, chittering snores, surprised the smithy could sleep through such a racket.
Twilight, thankfully, doesn't comment, instead pulling the top of the bag loosely closed to give them some shade. Then, Legend feels as he gently lifts the satchel back up, slings it slowly over his shoulder as to not disturb the contents inside, and begins walking, hopefully back in the direction of the forest.
Legend can still hear the farmhand laughing to himself from within the bag, but without the others' eyes on him, he finds he doesn't care.
The pollen still itches at his eyes and nose and Legend can still feel the pound of his sinuses even now.  But something about the shade and warmth and soft rocking of the bag makes it hard for him to mind.
Four gives a harty twitch, kicking a petal directly into Legend’s face.
And even that doesn't dissuade the veteran from his task.
Instead, Legend sighs and pulls Four even closer, relaxing despite the discomfort.
He’s got dirt on both Twilight and now Four, the two heroes with sticks most firmly inserted into their asses. He can get out of whatever chores and lectures they try to pin him with.
Yep, he thinks , distantly. That's why he did this.
For the blackmail.
And no other reason.
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mymoonagedaydream · 4 years
Not sure what kind of AUs you write, but could you possibly do a Mob!Bucky x Soft!reader? And by soft!reader I mean she’s generally very kind, gentle, and cutesy, the “wouldn’t hurt a fly” type, except when defending those she cares for, then it’s like someone flipped a switch and she’s hell on wheels lol
All Bark and No Bite
Summary: When you fell on hard times, comfort came from the very last place you expected
Pairing: Mob!Bucky x Soft!Reader
Word Count: 2.2k
Warnings: Language, intimidating behaviour
Author’s Note: I really loved this request :) thanks so much anon
Approaching the front door of your apartment, you heard low talking coming from inside. Your dad hadn’t mentioned anything about having guests over, but you were making his favourite spaghetti for dinner, so maybe he’d just invited a friend over to try it.
He loved showing you off to people, and you loved the proud smile he wore whenever he did.
You turned the key and pushed open the door, seeing your father in the front room, sitting beside a youngish man you didn’t recognise. Clean shaven with neatly slicked back hair and a pretty expensive-looking suit, he was absolutely nothing like the friends who were usually brought home for dinner.
As soon as your father saw you he jumped up from the couch, looking a little antsy. ‘Hi sweetie. This is Bucky, a friend from work.’ He walked over to you and gave you a kiss on the cheek, before turning round to look back at his friend. ‘This is my daughter, y/n.’
You gave Bucky a warm smile. ‘Nice to meet you.’
‘You too darlin.’ He had a thick, deep Brooklyn accent that made your stomach tingle.
‘Are you staying for dinner? I’m making spaghetti.’
Bucky sent a nervous look towards your father, who seemed to be attempting a very subtle head shake, hoping you wouldn’t notice. There was definitely something weird going on, you could’ve cut the tension in the room with a knife.
‘That’s alright.’ Bucky eventually replied. ‘I should get going soon.’
There was a slightly uncomfortable silence as you took your coat off and hung it by the front door. Only when you walked through to the kitchen did you hear the deep mumbling start again, far too quietly for you to make out any of the words.
You heard the front door open and close, then you heard your dad quickly shuffle into his bedroom.
An hour after the guest had left, dinner was ready, but your father was still locked away. You walked to his bedroom and timidly knocked on the door, inching it open to see him sitting on the edge of his bed, head in his hands.
‘Dad? Is everything alright?’
He looked up, you could immediately tell he’d been crying. He sighed and patted the bed, inviting you to sit by him.
‘I sorry, sweetheart.’ He reached out for your hand and squeezed it. ‘You know we’ve been struggling a bit lately and, well, I owe some money to some bad people.’
‘That man, who was here earlier?’
‘He’s one of them, but he was here to try and help me out. If they found out he could get into a lot of trouble.’
His grip on your hand was tightening, almost to the point of being painful, but if that’s what he needed to do to keep him grounded then you were happy to let him.
‘How bad is it?’
He turned to look at you, tears welling in his eyes. ‘We could lose everything.’
That hit you like a punch in the gut. He looked absolutely devastated. You hadn’t seen him like this for years, not since you lost your mother.
You moved your arms to circle his shoulders, giving him a tight hug.
‘It’s okay dad. We’ll figure it out.’
The next day, while your father was out at work, you were woken by aggressive banging on your apartment door. You considered ignoring it, but they didn’t let up, almost thudding the door off of its hinges.
Opening it cautiously, you saw two burly, intimidating guys staring down at you, and Bucky stood slightly behind them looking a little sheepish.
‘Hey there sweet thing.’ The one at the front said, his alcoholic breath washing over your face. ‘Is your daddy home?’
‘No, he’s not.’ Bucky’s face dropped slightly, obviously shocked by your firm tone.
‘Can you tell me where he is sugar?’
Bad breath gave a low, sinister chuckle before stepping forward and lowering his face to level with yours. ‘I really think you should. We don’t want to have to do this the hard way.’
You were probably being stupid and reckless, but no way were you going to be intimidated into compromising your dad’s safety. You leaned in even closer to your unwelcome guest, leaving barely an inch between your forehead and his.
‘If you so much as touch me, I’ll scream this fucking building to the ground.’
It took a second, but he eventually backed up. ‘I like you, kid. I’ll be seeing you. Soon.’
He turned and walked away, the other man you didn’t recognise following him closely. Bucky hesitated for a second, staring at you while his mouth curled into an impressed smile. He grabbed a cigarette from behind his ear and put it between his lips, winking at you before finally following his colleagues down the hallway.
After firmly pushing the door closed and sliding the chain across, you squeezed your eyes shut and let out a few shaky breaths, thankful that you’d come out of that interaction unscathed.
You never told your father what had happened. He had enough to worry about.
A few days later, you were working a double shift at the diner, trying to earn as much money as you could to help your dad out. You’d been on your feet for thirteen hours straight but, thankfully, it was pretty late, so the place was almost completely dead.
You were filling up the coffee machine with beans when you heard the bell above the door go. Turning your head, you saw Bucky saunter in, eyes glued to the newspaper in his hands.
He took a seat at the counter. You wiped your hands on your apron and went to stand opposite him.
‘Hi there.’ He seemed to recognise your voice, his head snapped up as soon as you spoke.
‘Hey.’ A wide smile spread across his face. ‘I’ve never seen you in here before.’
‘I don’t usually do the graveyard shift. Just, y’know, trying to earn some extra money.’
His smile dropped slightly after hearing the exhaustion in your voice.
You hadn’t intended to make him feel guilty. If anything, you owed him your gratitude, cause knowing that there was someone else helping your father out made you feel so much better about this shitty situation.
‘Coffee?’ You chirped, trying to lighten the mood a little.
‘Great, thanks.’ You grabbed him a mug and started pouring. ‘I, uh- I’m really sorry about the other day. Doorstep intimidation was really unwarranted, I tried to convince them out of it.’
‘It’s okay, it wasn’t your fault.’
He smirked slightly. ‘You handled it well enough. I was impressed.’
‘Oh I’m definitely all bark and no bite.’ You passed him his coffee and gave him a warm smile. ‘But keep that to yourself.’
Pottering around behind the counter for a while, you felt his gaze on you whenever you passed by him. It was actually quite nice, having this devilishly handsome man show some interest, so you found yourself coming up with as many excuses as possible to walk in front of him.
Ten-or-so minutes after he’d arrived, you had to duck into the kitchen briefly, and when you came out you found yourself pretty disappointed to see that he’d left.
You trudged over to his empty coffee mug, picking it up and double-taking when you saw that it’d been sitting on top of a fifty dollar note.
He must’ve left it by accident, surely? Fifty dollars is a ridiculous tip for a cup of coffee.
You slid it into your apron, figuring you’d give it back next time you saw him. You could even use it as an excuse to get your dad to invite him back to the house, but you hoped you wouldn’t have to resort to that- you hoped that maybe he’d come around by choice.
It’d been a week since you’d seen Bucky at the diner, the fifty dollar note was still sitting in your bedside dresser. Your father had been going downhill, getting worse everyday, and the temptation to give the money to him was getting more and more difficult to resist.
Coming back from the grocery store, you climbed the stairs of your apartment building and turned into your hallway, the sight that greeted you making you stop dead.
Bucky was sitting outside your apartment, leaning against the door, looking like he’d just been in a horrific car crash. As soon as he saw you he struggled up onto his feet, the full extent of his injuries becoming apparent as you got closer.
‘I’m really sorry y/n, I didn’t know where else to go.’
‘God Bucky, what happened to you?’
‘They found out what I’ve been doing.’
Your eyes widened in shock. ‘They did all this just because you helped my dad out?’
‘Not exactly.’ He winced as he limped out of the way of your door. ‘I haven’t been playing ball with them for years, I’m tangled up in more shit than I can keep track of.’
It was definitely a stupid idea to let a guy being chased by the mob into your home, you knew that, but you were really struggling not to feel sorry for him. He looked completely broken.
‘My dad’s gonna be out all day.’ His dejected nod at that was the final straw, you knew you had to help him. ‘But I’ll clean you up.’
You gave him a reassuring smile as you let him through the door. He steadily lowered himself onto the couch while you fetched a bowl of warm water and a clean cloth. You didn’t really know what you were doing, but you figured at the very least you could give him a bit of comfort and wipe all the dried blood off his face.
You took your makeshift first aid kit into the front room and sat next to him.
‘Look at me.’ He shifted his face towards you. You wrung out the cloth and gently pressed it to a deep gash above his eyebrow, making him wince. ‘I’m really sorry this happened, you didn’t deserve it.’
He chuckled lightly. ‘You gotta teach me how to do that.’
‘Do what?’
‘Flick between the nicest and the scariest person I’ve ever met.’
You gave him a faintly amused smile. ‘We lost my mom when I was a kid, my dad needed all the kindness he could get.’ Bucky looked a little shocked at your honesty. ‘But he’s also stupid as hell, so he needs defending pretty often.’
‘He’s lucky to have you.’
Your eyes flicked to meet his, sensing a hint of sadness behind his words. ‘Do you have anyone?’
‘If I did, I probably wouldn’t have ended up beat to shit and on the run.’
You sighed and nodded, dropping the cloth back into the bowl and scanning your eyes over his face again. ‘That’s about the best I can do. You’ve stopped bleeding, but you won’t be winning any beauty contests for a while.’
He chuckled and ran his hand over his hair, taking a deep breath.
You were really conflicted about what to do next. Having him here could put both you and your father at risk, but were you really just going to throw him back out on the street? Anything could happen to him out there, you’d never forgive yourself if he would up in an even worse state.
‘Bucky, you’re welcome to stay here as long as you need.’
‘Thanks.’ You could almost see a wave of relief passing over him. ‘I don’t think my place is safe at the moment.’
You reached out for his hand and squeezed it tight, a calm silence falling as your eyes locked together. He slowly moved his free hand up to brush a strand of hair away from your eyes, then letting it come to rest at your jawline, gently cupping the side of your face.
You closed your eyes and settled further into his hand, almost feeling yourself melting under his soft touch. Between working and looking after your father, you’d never really had the chance to get close to anyone like this, so these sensations were pretty new to you.
You felt his body shift slightly, and a second later felt his lips press against yours. It was unexpected, shocking you a little at first, but it didn’t take long before you relaxed completely and returned the kiss. It felt like there was electricity flowing through your body, making all your hairs stand up and your stomach do flips.
Getting a little carried away, you lifted your hands up to hold his face to, completely forgetting his extensive bruising. He winced slightly and pulled away.
‘Oh god, sorry I forgot.’
‘S’alright.’ He flashed you a wide smile. ‘I knew you had some bite in you.’
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hournites · 3 years
I have a potential prompt for a one shot if you are interested.
Would you write a fic where Rick (and the rest of the JSA) are worried about Beth but she finally shows up safely? Everyone is so relieved, especially Rick... so much so that he goes to hug her but he forgets that his hourglass hasn't completely run out yet and squeezes her too tight. Beth is all like "Uhh, Rick? I can't breathe!" So he quickly (and awkwardly) lets her go.
I think it could be slightly angsty but also cute.
The Disappearing Act
They meet back up behind the garage as planned. Yolanda slinks in from above a roof with Courtney blazing in on the seat of her staff behind her, not nearly as concerned for stealth.
Rick shakes his head at the two. “Where’s Jennie and Beth?”
“I’m here!” They all raise their heads up at the sound of her voice floating in the air.
"Wait." She quickly powers down, setting down her lantern as she shakes out her hand. “Where’s Beth?”
“What do you mean?” Rick questions. “She’s supposed to be with you.”
Jennie glances up from her ring with a sharp breath and glowing eyes. “No, she left me to find Courtney after you called.”
Courtney swerves around. “Me? I didn’t call her!”
Yolanda raises an eyebrow. “What call? I was with Court the whole time, she didn't call.”
“I don’t know, she got it through her goggles, so she left.” Jennie took a step back. “I would’ve gone with her, but we were meeting up here now anyway. I thought she’d be here.”
“So Beth’s gone?” Courtney cries. The cosmic staff flares up as she gets more agitated. “How could you lose Dr. Mid-Nite?”
“I didn’t lose her, Courtney, I trust Beth to make her own decisions. This isn’t my fault!”
“Alright!” Rick snaps, stepping between the two of them before things get out of hand. “It’s only been five minutes. How about we try actually calling her?”
Yolanda’s already on it, pressing a hand to the side of her helmet to get a signal through the coms as she stalks. “Dr. Mid-Nite, It’s Wildcat--Do you copy? Or hear me? Anything? Mid-Nite? Beth? Hellooo?”
Rick pulls down his hood and rakes his hand through his hair. “Where were you when this happened, Jennie?”
Jade light leaves Jennie’s eyes as she backs against a wall, holding herself stiffly. “I-I don’t remember."
"Well." Rick gives her five seconds. "Think harder."
"Okay! Okay! Um...I think we were near the office building for The American Dream.”
“Was anyone suspicious with you? Or around you?”
“What kind of question is that? Why would Jennie be with anyone suspicious?”
Courtney rolls her eyes. “I meant did she notice anything?”
“Beth this is Yolanda, this isn’t funny anymore. I’m serious, please say something....”
“No! I don’t think so!”
Rick spins on his heel.
“Where are you going?” Courtney yells after him. “We can’t split up now! What if there’s actually a villain out there?”
“That’s exactly why we need to find her instead of wasting more time.” Rick flips his hourglass. “You get Pat. I’m going to the American Dream with Jennie.”
“I’ll stay here,” Yolanda tells them. She whacks the side of her helmet again. "Dr. Mid-Nite, do you read me?"
Courtney points out her helmet isn’t broken. It’s just Beth not answering, which doesn't get well received by any of them.
"Geez!" Courtney hugs the staff to her chest, with a grimace, properly scolded. “Get Pat and shut up. I got it!”
Pat jogs out of the Pit Stop, wiping his sweaty brow with a rag when he hears the loud noise coming in from outside. “Did you find her?”
Rick kicks at the garbage cans lined up at the curb.
“I know you’re stressed.” Pat surveys the trash now littered along the sidewalk. “But you’re picking that up. And replacing those bins.”
"Fine!" Rick kicks another one.
Pat’s mouth thins into a straight line, evidently not being listened to.
“That would be a no,” Yolanda fills in with a frown. “Courtney’s circling around her neighbourhood. Pat checked the school. I’m still not getting anything from the coms.”
Rick lists off his search efforts in anxious detail, counting them out on his gloved fingers. “I tried the tunnels since her goggles don’t work down there. The ISA lair was empty. The cells were unlocked. I knocked down Grundy’s old cage, nothing.” He's frantic, tugging at the base of his hourglass, as though getting choked by his remaining time. “There’s nothing! I thought I could find that her goggles fell off or one of her gloves, anything—”
"Dr. Mid-Nite? Please answer. Make a noise if you can hear this. This is Wildcat, are you okay? Dr. Mid-Nite?"
“And I went back to the last place I saw her.” Jennie wilts, sinking down to sit on the steps. She wraps her arms around her knees, the lantern firmly placed at her feet. “This is my fault.”
Yolanda gives up on reaching Beth for a moment, taking a seat beside Jennie to console her.
“I should’ve paired with her,” Rick mutters, just barely loud enough for the others to hear. “We always do these stupid patrols together.”
“The patrols are not stupid!” Courtney butts in with a scoff. The Cosmic Staff charges at Rick in her defense. Unthinking, he swats it away with his strength, sending it flying out in the other direction.
“Hey! Don’t hurt the staff!”
“Whatever, Court!” Rick snaps. “Beth is actually missing and none of us have a clue as to where she is, we’re not going to be talking about your staff’s feelings—”
Yolanda wrings her hands and gets up abruptly. “Maybe the goggles malfunctioned again and she got lost somewhere.”
“She’s literally biked to every square foot of this town.”
“The goggles malfunctioning is a good theory, Yolanda.” Rick opens his mouth to retort and Pat continues before he can start another fight, “I’ve already given Barb a call in case she calls our house. Girls, why don’t you check your cell phones?”
The girls file back into the Pit Stop. Rick hovers by the door, reluctant to go in with them.
“Pat? Why aren’t you worried?” The tone borders on accusatory. Rick’s face is still covered by the dark mask, blending into the dark night, but his concern is transparent through his eyes.
Pat sighs. “It’s only been 2 hours. Beth is a smart girl.”
“She’s a smart, small, pretty girl in Blue Valley. A town full of murderers.”
“I’m well aware of that, Rick.” He pulls the rag out to wipe his face again. “But freaking out and hurting people’s feelings isn’t going to help anybody find her.”
“But—” Rick turns his face away, twisting the chain hanging from his neck again. “Sitting here isn’t helping either!”
We’re gathering clues and searching the town. I didn’t say we’re giving up.” Pat takes his time. “Look, I know you care about—”
“I just don’t know what I’d do if something bad happens to her!” He gestures at himself. “Or if this runs out and I can’t help her. It isn’t like Beth to….go silent.”
Pat claps a hand over the shoulder of Rick’s golden cape. “I know.”
“Pat!” Yolanda bursts out through the side door. Courtney and Jennie quick at her heels. “She’s okay! I heard her voice through the helmet! She’s on her way back!"
“What?” Rick shot up. “Where?”
Though he doesn’t have to look far. She’s at the corner, stumbling in her haste to get to them in the dark. The girls all scream and run and fly out to her, ignoring Pat’s insistence that Courtney and Jennie should at least try to conceal themselves in the middle of the road.
Rick sits back down heavy on the step, flooded with relief.
When Beth makes her way over, Pat checks to make sure she’s not wounded, but she waves him off, yanking down her green cowl. “I’m fine, Mr. Dugan. Just thirsty.”
“I’ll get you water!” Jennie practically shouts, rushing to the kitchenette inside the garage. “We’re never splitting up again!”
“What happened?” Pat exclaims. “We’ve searched the whole town!”
Her eyes slide to Rick and the glowing sand in his hourglass.
“You were all looking for me?”
“Yeah,” says Rick. “I was about to throw up.”
“Someone hacked into my goggles and faked Courtney’s call.” Beth cringes. “The Shade uh...wanted to talk?”
“The Shade?”
Courtney's curls whipped back violently. “He WHAT?”
“I’m okay!” Beth reassures them all again when they panic. “He messed up my goggles so I couldn’t use them until he finished what he had to say. He even dropped me off in his car by Richie’s when we were done talking.”
Courtney prompts, impatient, “And he talked to you about…?”
Beth sighs. “He’s giving Barbara an ultimatum about the Zarick artifacts.”
Yolanda grips onto her arm. “He kidnapped you to make a business arrangement?”
“He let me go afterwards!” Beth drops her gaze to her brown boots, feeling a bit embarrassed now that she sees how long she’s been gone. “He really wants that wand, Mr. Dugan.”
“I’m sure,” Pat says, rolling his eyes. “Barb and I will worry about the Zarick stuff tomorrow. We’re glad that you’re safe.”
Jennie returns with water and a snack. Beth takes a sip then excuses herself to change out of her Dr. Mid-Nite costume. When she returns, she settles next to Rick, who hasn’t said a word since their short exchange.
“So…” she starts timidly. “You were gonna throw up?”
Rick pulls her in for an embrace. She gasps. “Only you could have a whole civil conversation with a supervillain and walk out unscathed.”
“Rick! You’re crushing me!”
“Shit!” He lets go immediately when he feels the hard edge of the hourglass glowing in the wedge between them, reminding Rick his hugs right now would hurt. “Shit! Sorry! God, I’m sorry. I just didn’t—”
“It’s okay.” Beth throws her arms around his neck, squeezing tight. Rick closes his eyes, eased. He’ll let her do the holding. “I thought you were going to be mad.”
“What?” He turns to look at her. She’s so close, still hugging him, he has to look away. “No, I was worried. I turned the tunnels upside down for you.”
“Oh.” Beth lets go, but taps on the glass as the final grains of sand slide through the pinhole. “Really?”
“I’d do it again.” He clears his throat and adds, “For all of you, I mean. If you disappeared, um…” He trails off, unsure of why he’s feeling so awkward.
But Beth merely nods, seeming to understand. “Thank you. That means a lot to me.” They both look down at his chest, watching the hourglass to power down. Beth shoots him a timid smile. “Want to try that hug again?”
“Sure.” He stands up and extends out a hand, reeling her in.
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snowrobin-133 · 3 years
A Happy Ending Yet to Happen
Characters: Xiao x F!Reader (Y/N), implied traveler x Xiao at end, ft. Venti and Paimon Fandom: Genshin Impact WC: 8.2k words Tags: character death, immortal(?) x mortal, grief, sadness, tears, angst, spoilers for Xiao’s voice lines and stories, Xiao might be slightly OOC in some scenes A/N: I’m pretty sure you can’t call Xiao an immortal since yakshas can die and stuff but like they live a long time so it sorta works HAHA. Also this hasn’t really been beta read and so there’s probably a couple of mistakes, sorry about that!
[EDIT] I FORGOT A PART FLIP- anyways yeah I accidently deleted a part somehow while it was in the doc??? Idk what happened but it’s back slkasdjasldaj
In the center of Mondstadt’s square stood a fellow clad in green, playing a lyre as he weaved a tragic tale of an adepti and a mortal. The fellow first introduced himself as Venti before starting the tale to curious onlookers that stopped to listen.
Many centuries ago, a young girl, in her twenties perhaps, clad in strange attire, arrived in Tevyat, injuries scattered across her body. She was somewhat near the Liyue Harbor of that time and the millileth found her, quickly bringing her to the doctor where she was treated. The injuries were severe as if she had been slammed with a heavy rock that flew out of nowhere. With some healing and herbs, the doctors managed to save her life.
After a couple of days, she awoke. The millileth arrived and they asked her many questions.“Where did you get those injuries? What were you doing out in the wild? Where did you come from?”
Every question they asked was either given vague responses or a simple “I don’t know”. It seems that she had lost her memory. The millileth was in a tight spot. They then asked her one last question, hope shining in their eyes, “What is your name?”
The girl looked down at her lap, searching through the hazy memories in her mind. One word stuck out to her, perhaps that was her name. After a few more seconds of pondering, she answered with, “Y/N.”  
After a couple of weeks, Y/N was released from the hospital. She was given a home to stay in and got a job as a waitress in one of Liyue Harbor’s most popular restaurants. She quickly fit in with the atmosphere of the city and got along with the city folk, a drastic change from when she first appeared in Liyue.
After some time, Y/N decided to take a couple of weeks off to travel around Liyue, although not all of it, just to places she had heard of from customers and colleagues. Her first stop was near Dihua Marsh. According to what Y/N was told, on an islet of the marsh stood a stone pillar with a large golden-leaved tree sitting on top of it. There were also rumors of a young man, called the Conqueror of Demons, that would be seen in the area. There was little to no details of the man other than that he seemed to hold an anemo vision and fought with a polearm. 
Y/N was slightly curious about this man but thought little of him, being distracted with simply trying to get to the area unscathed first. The monsters that stood in her way were rather easy to trick and avoid. Some were slightly persistent but she managed to shake them off after a couple of minutes. Although she lacked her memories, she, strangely enough, seemed to remember some pointless, or in this case, useful survival tips. 
After a couple of days, Y/N arrived at the islet as the sun began to set. She decided to look around to set up camp but was quickly interrupted by the growls and yells of hilichurls. Looking around, she quickly spotted them, getting into a position to run if needed. Y/N then paused, noticing something sinister coming from them. 
“There’s something different about these hilichurls…” she murmured to herself, attempting to back away quietly and hide. Thankfully, they didn’t seem to notice her movement and she hid behind some bushes nearby. She noted that they seemed to be walking towards her and she quickly put a hand over her mouth and nose, muffling her breathing as she hoped they wouldn’t notice her.
Before they got too close though, something suddenly came out of the sky, slamming down into the ground with green-colored spears shooting out of the ground. The force of whatever had slammed into the ground nearly blew Y/N away but she thankfully only fell on her butt.
She quickly regained her balance and watched the scene unfold in front of her. As the dust cleared, she could see a young man with black and teal hair and green tattoos standing straight with a polearm in hand. 
He was a somewhat distance from her with his back towards her but his head then turned around, making eye contact with Y/N. She flinched at his piercing gaze but he quickly turned away. Y/N was unable to think more of it as the young man started fighting the hilichurls. As she watched him fight, a sudden bad feeling started to stir up in her stomach. With the bad feeling in mind, she decided to back away a bit more as the fighting got more and more intense. 
The young man handled the hilichurls quickly, treating them as if they were ragdolls. Y/N watched in awe and slight terror at his strength. In just a few minutes, the hilichurls laid on the ground, not moving at all, and the man stood over them with cold gazes. He then whipped around and walked towards Y/N.
Y/N flinched at the sudden attention and leaned back as the young man loomed over her. His glare pierced through her, making her sweat bullets, “I- uh...thank you…!” she squeaked out under his intense gaze. 
He scoffed before speaking, “Night. When the darkness comes to envelop you, Don’t stay outside,” he turned around, preparing to leave.
“W-wait! What’s… What’s your name?” she stuttered out.
He looked at her, pausing before saying, “Adeptus Xiao,” and seemingly evaporated as he looked away.
Y/N sat on the ground, frozen, as she attempted to comprehend what just happened. After a couple of minutes, she snapped out of her daze and decided to heed Xiao’s words. 
Venti hummed a bit before speaking, “After that first meeting, the girl and the Adeptus would run into each other many more times. Each run-in brought the two closer and closer, far more than they would realize” he smiled mischievously.
The first run-in with each other happened only a couple of months after they first met. Y/N hadn’t seen Xiao once since the incident and returned to Liyue Harbor with little trouble. She attempted to look up some more information on him but came up empty. The only thing she managed to find out was that he was a Yaksha, an adepti that protects Liyue from demons and mutants that appeared when gods fell during the Archon War. She figured that the hilichurls she saw Xiao defeat that day were likely mutants. 
I’m glad I didn’t get involved with them at all… Y/N thought to herself as she set up some tables early in the morning.
“Ah, Y/N!”
Y/N turned around to see her boss, “Ah, Zhang Wei*. Do you need something?”
“Yes, is it fine if I trouble you to find some of these ingredients for me? I’ll give you a couple of weeks off to do so!” He handed her a small piece of paper with a list of ingredients with locations listed next to the names.
“Ah… Sure,” Y/N took the piece of paper from him. 
“Thank you so much! I’ll be sure to pay you double for this!” Zhang Wei smiled.
Y/N nodded, her mind focused on the location next to Horsetail. Dihua Marsh. Y/N wondered if she would see Xiao again.
She decided her first stop would be Dihua marsh, hoping to see the young adepti once again. Y/N doubted she would see him again, but why not try?
Y/N looked at herself in the mirror of her small home, she wore simple clothes that would make traveling easier, and over her shoulder was a satchel to put the ingredients in. Double-checking that she had everything, Y/N put on her shoes and left her home.
Y/N finally arrived at Dihua Marsh, although she was on the ground and out of breath. She had already grabbed some horsetail just moments earlier but then a group of hilichurls came up. They were different from regular ones though and she noted that they were similar to the hilichurls she had seen when she first met Xiao. After a while, she finally managed to lose them by hiding in some large bushes.
She threw her head back, taking a large breath of air. “Damn those hilichurls, huff… Why must they all be so… persistent…!” she muttered.
“You’re lucky they didn’t find you out.”
“Yeah… Wait-!” Y/N jolted and whipped around, seeing the familiar cold stone face of Xiao standing behind her.
He closed his eyes and sighed, “It seems I’ve caused you trouble again. I apologize.”
“...Huh? How did you cause me trouble?”
“That is because the changes that occurred in those hilichurls came from me, or more precisely, from the karma I’ve accumulated.”
“Ah...but you just killed those monsters, right? So if anything, you did me a bit of a favor,” Y/N laughed quietly and smiled at him.
He scoffed, “Anyways, there will likely be more of these monsters, so you best watch out,” he then turned to leave.
Y/N jumped up, “Ah! Wait!”
“Can you, uh, act like a guard for me? I doubt I’ll be able to avoid those monsters like normal ones…” Y/N laughed awkwardly, scratching the back of her neck.
“Huh? Why should I?” Xiao asked coldly, crossing his arms.
“I have no way of protecting myself and like I said, I doubt I’d be able to avoid those monsters like normal ones…”
“Hmph… You’re quite bold to ask me that.”
Y/N clasped her hands together, “Please~! Just for a couple of days! That’s all!”
Xiao stayed silent for a few minutes before speaking, “...Fine.”
Her head shot up as she looked at him in hope. Before she could speak though, Xiao spoke again. “But don't think about getting close, and stay out of my way, or all that awaits you is regret,” he warned.
Y/N looked at him in surprise and slight confusion before nodding, “Oh, alright. Thank you so much though! Oh! By the way, I’m Y/N”
Xiao didn’t understand why he was agreeing to protect this feeble girl. There was nothing special about her, no vision, no special aura, nothing. So why is he even wasting his time with her? He sighed as he watched the girl gather more horsetails in the area. “Reduced to being a guard for a feeble girl, how pathetic,” he muttered under his breath, yet he kept his guard up and watched out for her.
After Y/N gathered enough horsetails, the duo made their way to Quince Village to gather jueyun chilis. Night soon arrived and Xiao decided for them to rest, gruffly claiming “You humans barely have any stamina.” 
After a bit of searching, the two found themselves in front of some ruins by Wuwang Hill. As Y/N began setting up a camp, Xiao jumped up, landing on top of one of the ruined structures, “Go and rest. I'll be here,” and sat down.
Y/N tilted her head, “Aren’t you going to sleep as well?”
Xiao glared at her, “You think I sleep? You have no respect for the ways of the adepti!”
She flinched at his sudden outburst, “Ah, sorry…”
His hard glare softened into a cold gaze, “...Just go rest,” and turned away, looking out into the wilderness.
Y/N’s lips curled into a soft smile, He’s harsh… but I think he has a good heart she thought and quietly giggled, settling down into the makeshift bed she made and watched the night sky. 
The two continued to journey for another week before separating. Y/N arrived back in Liyue Harbor with all the ingredients collected feeling a bit more giddy than usual. Her friends in the city all noticed, asking who the lucky fellow is. Y/N simply laughed, telling them that she made a new friend.
The next meeting was when Y/N was exploring around Mt. Tianheng as the sun hung low in the sky. She had finished work and decided to walk around. On impulse, she decided to go off the road and was walking past a waterfall when she noticed something in the grass. Raising an eyebrow, she decided to walk closer, only to see the familiar hair and clothing of Xiao. 
Y/N’s eyes widened in shock at the sight of blood and quickly looked over his unconscious body. She hurriedly opened her bag and searched through it, eventually finding a pouch of first aid items.
“I’m glad I had the foresight to pack first-aid items,” she sighed in relief and began to apply first aid. Y/N was surprised with how natural it felt to apply first aid as if she had done it countless times before. Perhaps she was some kind of doctor in the life she no longer remembered. Y/N quickly pushed the thoughts to the back of her mind and focused on the injured man in front of her. 
After some time, she had patched up all of the severe injuries and she looked over the rest of his body as Xiao awoke.
“Ah! You’re awake! Phew…”
“... What are you doing here…?” he asked groggily.
“I was taking a walk, and anyways, I should be asking you that!”
He attempted to sit up but flinched and Y/N quickly went to help, “Don’t touch me.”
“Huh? But you’re hurt and-”
Xiao quickly cut her off, “Prolonged interaction with adepti will become dangerous, as your souls are not as robust as ours are.”
Y/N glared at him, “We’ll worry about that later! Can you move a little at least?”
“Hmph, of course I can.” 
“Then let’s get you out of the open, it looks like it’s about to rain soon.”
“... Fine.” Xiao finally allowed her to help him up and to lead him away from the open. They decided to take a rest in the cavern behind the waterfall, rain beginning to fall as they neared the cavern. 
As Xiao settled down against the wall, Y/N noted that it was colder thanks to the mist flowers that grew nearby. Standing up, she took off her coat, passing it to Xiao. “Here, it’s cold.”
“My body is used to these temperatures. Your body is not.”
Y/N sighed, “And who exactly is the injured one out of us?… Just take it,” she dropped the coat on his lap before turning away to set up a fire. Xiao sighed, too exhausted to argue.
As the fire blazed alive, Y/N asked, “... What exactly happened to leave you passed out in the grass?” 
“... It’s none of your concern,” Xiao answered coldly.
Y/N sighed, “...Alright.” 
Xiao paused before speaking, “In the thousands of years that have passed, I have taken countless wraiths. If you want no trouble, stay away from me.”
Y/N looked at him in surprise, “... Like I’m gonna do that,” she stuck her tongue out at him and he scoffed in response. Y/N sighed, opting to not say anything more, and turned her attention back to the fire as she began to make something with what little ingredients she had.
After ten or so minutes, she decided to speak up, “... Is there anything troubling you, Xiao?”
“Trouble..? Hmph.. trouble means nothing to Adepti. There is no trouble that can last for a thousand years” Xiao glanced at her from the corner of his eye.
“...Don’t worry needlessly about me, as I said, you should stay away from me instead of getting closer.”
“You’re still going on about that, huh? Well, guess what! I’m just as stubborn as you so I’m not gonna leave you alone!”
Xiao sighed, “... What a menace…” he muttered.
Y/N pouted in response as she handed him a plate of Almond Tofu, “Here, eat up.”
“...Isn’t this a dessert?”
“Haha, yeah it is… but the ingredients it needed are the only things I had on me that I could turn into a meal, and besides it’ll boost your strength!”
Xiao sighed, “Human meals are rarely ever good.”
“Just try it, Xiao, you need food to get back on your feet y’know!” 
“I’m an Adeptus, my body does not follow the same rules that your bodies do,” he scoffed yet reluctantly put a spoonful in his mouth. 
Y/N pouted in response and turned away, preparing a dish for herself.
Xiao swallowed down the spoonful before speaking, “... dreams.”
“It tastes like the dreams I once devoured.” 
Y/N paused before staring at him as if he had grown two heads, “... I, uh… Is that a good thing…?”
Xiao opted to not answer, instead, he ate another spoon of the almond tofu. Y/N sighed, deciding that it would be useless to try and pry further. The two ate in silence, listening to the rain pitter-patter outside of the cavern.
Y/N cleaned up the area a bit before leaning against the wall, putting a distance between her and him, and relaxed. Her head turned to the cavern’s entrance, making note of the heavier rain, “It looks like the rain won’t let up anytime soon…” and closed her eyes, falling asleep.
After a couple of minutes, Y/N’s breathing had become slow and steady. Xiao wondered if this was because of the prolonged contact between him and her. 
Once confirming she was asleep, Xiao stood up and walked towards her. He wrapped the coat she had given him around her, whispering a quiet “thank you”. He raised his hand, tucking a stray piece of hair behind her ear before standing up. His eyes remained on her as he made a conscious decision to avoid her as much as he could. The more contact she had with him, the more danger she would be in. Gazing at her for a few more seconds, he turned around and disappeared. 
Y/N awoke late at night, quickly noting that there was a warm weight on her. As the grogginess wore off, she noticed that the weight was the coat she had given Xiao. Speaking of Xiao, he was no longer where she last saw he was. 
“Ah… he must’ve left already… He better not have reopened his wounds.”
The next meeting was several months after that incident. Even after traveling to Dihua Islet several times, Y/N did not see Xiao once, even if she had brought almond tofu with her. Y/N wasn’t completely sure if he did actually like her almond tofu but she was going to take any chances to get to see him. Thinking back to their time in the cavern, Y/N wondered if he was trying to distance himself because of the energy situation. She could understand the reason but still couldn’t help but miss the yaksha.
Y/N stared at her cup of tea, lost in thought wondering where Xiao was, as she hung out with three of her friends. They were talking about some kind of gossip when one of them noticed her silence and smiled mischievously, “Y/N~?”
Y/N quickly snapped out of her thoughts and looked at her friend with a hum, “Yes?”
“Just what are you thinking so deeply about? Ever since you went on that journey of yours, you’ve been staring out into space way more than usual~” she teased.
Y/N flinched at her observation and laughed, “I’m not sure what you’re talking about…”
Her friend pouted, “Oh don’t be like that Y/N~! Tell me! Please?” By now, the other two had noticed and began joining in.
Y/N simply laughed with a shake of her head, “No way!”
“A shame…” her friend hung her head and so did the others as they sighed dramatically, albeit did nothing in changing Y/N’s mind. It’s not likely that they would believe in her tale of becoming (sort of) friends with an adepti, a yaksha that vanquishes demons at that. Anyways.
“At least tell us if you’re thinking about a guy !” one of her friends leaned on her as she laughed, deciding to cave in a bit.
“Alright, alright,” at that, her friends perked up immediately, all eyes on her as she looked away, slightly blushing, “... it is a guy.”
They all gasped dramatically, “Oh my! What’s he like?!” they all asked excitedly.
Y/N decided that it wouldn’t hurt to tell them a small bit, “Hm… he’s a jerk that’s cold and rough,” she giggled at her description of him, “…but he’s still a caring person underneath it all.”
Her friends shared a knowing look with mischievous smiles, “It sounds like you got a crush, Y/N~” one of them teased.
Y/N laughed, “Even if I do, it’s not like I’d tell the three of you.”
“A pity.”
“So when are we gonna meet him?”
Y/N smiled at them, “never,” and sipped her tea. 
“Oh come on~ Whyy?” they whined. Y/N only laughed, not answering any more of their questions about Xiao. After a couple of minutes, they gave up on trying to pry answers out of her and moved onto other topics. 
Y/N walked home, humming to herself, planning her next trip to Dihua Islet, “Hm...I wonder if I should bring something else other than almond tofu…”
“Stick with the almond tofu. Other mortal foods are things I can’t stomach.”
“Huh, is that so- wait-” Y/N whipped around to see the familiar face of Xiao leaning against a pillar with his arms crossed, wearing his signature frown. She quickly gasped, “Xiao! I was so worried about you! But wait, what are you doing here in the harbor?!” Y/N remembered the journey he had accompanied her on, how he had mentioned hating crowded and loud places. Although the area they were in at the moment was deserted and quiet, the noise of the marketplace could still be heard.
“The constant offerings of Almond Tofu and notes were beginning to get annoying,” he remarked bluntly, making Y/N flinch.
“A-ah, sorry,” Y/N laughed as she scratched the back of her neck.
He glanced at her and sighed, before tossing an item to her. Y/N quickly caught it with both hands, looking at her hands in surprise. “...What’s this?” she asked as she took a look at the item, seeing that it was a butterfly made of leaves.
“... It’s an adepti amulet I made. It staves off evil.”
Y/N eyes sparkled in awe as she looked at the beautiful details of the amulet, “Thank you… but why?”
“You mentioned your day of birth was near this time,” Xiao bit his lip, deciding not to mention that he thought the celebration of someone’s birthday was something he considered redundant. Why he kept his thoughts to himself would be a mystery to himself, but perhaps it had something to do with her happy expression.
Y/N glanced at him in surprise, “Oh wow! You remember that?!”
“Hmph, I was simply reminded of it from that last note of yours.”
“Geh-!” Y/N flinched as the memory of writing her last note to him flashed by, “... I forgot I wrote that…” she looked away with an awkward grin.
“Hmph, I will take my leave now.”
“Ah! Wait!”
Y/N looked at him from head to toe, “How are your injuries?”
Xiao sighed, “They’ve healed already, you need not worry.”
Y/N pouted at him, “How am I not going to worry? You disappeared for countless months without letting me see you once!”
“Did you forget what I had said? Mortal souls are-”
“Are not as robust as yours are,” Y/N finished with a sigh, “Even so, can’t we just meet up regularly? Like every couple months or so!”
Xiao stared at her pleading expression and sighed, “It is not wise to do so.”
Y/N sighed, “Ok then… let’s exchange letters!”
“Yeah! We can talk regularly without any physical interaction!”
Xiao sighed and attempted to answer, but was quickly cut off with a pang in his head. He grimaced as he flinched and held up a hand to his temple.
Y/N drew closer at his pained expression, “Are you ok?” she asked, panicking.
“Their voices... I can always hear them. Their screams, their cries, demanding more death... This is my burden to carry. It has nothing to do with you.”
“...But I’d like to at least help,” she smiled sadly at him.
“And just how do you plan to do that?”
“Umm…” Y/N then raised her hands to his face, stopping as he flinched away, “ah, sorry, uh, can I?”
“... Fine,” Xiao muttered, a faint tint of red on his cheeks, and leaned forward, flinching slightly at the feeling of Y/N’s hand on his face. “... Just how is this helping?” his body rigid in her hold.
Y/N pouted, “I’m trying my best! And anyway, just try to relax,” she murmured, avoiding his piercing gaze as her thumbs began rubbing circles on his cheeks.
Xiao sighed, pulling away, “This isn’t really helping me.”
Y/N pulled her hands away with a sigh, “that’s a shame…” she muttered. She then brightened as she thought of something, “Oh! Maybe we can make some kind of potion or medicine that’ll help!”
“...I understand your intentions, but mortal medicine has no effect on Adepti.”
“Wait, seriously?!” Y/N slumped over with a groan, “I’m sorry…”
“As I said, this has nothing to do with you, you do not need to spend your time helping me.”
Y/N looked down, “... Even though it has nothing to do with me… it still hurts to see you in pain as well.”
“...You better not be pitying me.”
“Of course not! I’m being empathetic!” “Huh? Isn’t that the same thing?”
“No! Of course not! Pity and empathy are two different things!” Y/N then went on a rant about the differences as Xiao sighed. Yet he didn’t feel annoyed, instead, there was a warm fuzzy feeling that replaced it. If he hadn’t noticed it, he would’ve let a small smile slip as well.
Like Y/N had proposed, the two began exchanging letters. Her letters were usually long-winded and filled with emotions while Xiao’s were short and blunt, reflecting his personality, which amused Y/N. They only exchanged a few letters due to Y/N being unable to go out of Liyue Harbor often, but within those few letters, they found their attraction to each other growing.
Y/N stared out the window in a daze. In front of her was some paperwork from the restaurant, albeit she paid no mind to them. Instead, she found herself thinking about Xiao. She was quickly snapped out of her thoughts as she noticed a light in the sky. It was far in the distance but Y/N quickly realized that it was a lantern.
“Right, it’s almost time for the lantern rite… I wonder if I can convince Xiao to come by…” With a sigh, Y/N returned to the papers in front of her, making a note to ask him later.
Sometime later, Y/N finally finished the letter. Written in it was the general stuff she normally wrote with updates on her life and some interesting trivia she learned recently. At the end of the letter, she made sure to mention the lantern rite. “By the way Xiao, did you know the lantern rite’s coming up? You should come by to watch the mingxiao lantern! I heard it’s super amazing!” 
With a smile, Y/N closed the letter and prepared to leave the harbor. As she was preparing, a sudden and small thought popped up in her mind. I wonder what Xiao looks like smiling…. Y/N blushed as soon as the thought registered in her mind and shook her head. 
Quickly she set out for the designated area that they left their replies. Dihua Islet. Xiao often wandered in that area which made it an area that they would both find the replies easily. Silently, Y/N hoped that she would also get to see him once she arrived there.
Surprisingly, her small wish would come true. As she arrived at Dihua Islet, Y/N’s eyes were quickly caught by the familiar figure of Xiao sitting on one of the boulders on the islet. A smile appeared on her features as she quickly called out his name, “Xiao!”
Xiao turned at the familiar call of his name, greeted with the sight of Y/N rushing towards him with the oh-so-familiar smile that made his stomach turn in knots. He nodded as a greeting and he jumped off the boulder, meeting her halfway.
Her grin grew in size at the acknowledgment, even though butterflies began to flutter in her stomach. She quickly rummaged through her bag and took out the letter, handing it to him. “By the way… The lantern rite is coming up,” she informed him.
“The lantern rite? The time for humans to discard their glowing trash into the sea has returned, how childish…” 
Her smile quickly dropped, “... You really think that?”
“I do… the hatred and residual energy of the dead gods from some centuries ago sometimes erupt, and they often erupt in a large scale during this troublesome festival.”
“...And so you’re the one that’s fighting every time, right?”
“Yes.” “... It doesn’t happen every lantern rite though, right?”
Xiao glanced at her and sighed, “...No.”
“Then could you at least stop by to watch the mingxiao lantern? It’ll be worth your time! I promise!”
Xiao watched her as she stared at him with desperate eyes. He did not wish to admit it, but he knew deep inside that he couldn’t say no, and eventually gave in, “...If you insist, I will go with you.”
Y/N’s expression quickly lit up with a smile and she cheered, “Yay! I know a great place outside of the harbor that we can meet at to watch it!”
Xiao watched as she grabbed a map of Liyue out of her bag and began pointing at areas where they could watch it. Although he didn’t say it out loud, he was grateful that she was picking areas where there wouldn’t be many people. Nor would he say that he was growing nervous at how close she was, or how he was looking at every detail of her delicate face, or...
After a couple of minutes, they made arrangements to meet and watch the mingxiao lantern. As she walked away after (reluctantly) saying their goodbyes, Y/N internally celebrated with glee, a light pink blush tinting her cheeks.
The day finally came, the night of the Lantern Rite and when the large mingxiao lantern would be released into the sky. Y/N spent the first half of the day serving customers at the restaurant before returning home to prepare for her meeting with Xiao. She had everything in her bag but was quickly distracted when she noticed a food stall. Although Xiao couldn’t stand most human foods, this particular food stall was selling Almond Tofu. With a smile, she quickly bought some almond tofu as well as food for herself before setting off to find Xiao.
As Y/N arrived at the meeting place, she quickly spotted the lonesome figure of Xiao, standing at the ledge. She quickly called out his name and jogged up to where he was, handing him the almond tofu.
“... why did you get me this?” He asked, although took the plate.
Y/N smiled, “Because the lantern rite isn’t just about the lanterns! Plus I was hungry…” she quietly admitted the last part with a pout. Xiao released a huff of air and the two ate in silence, waiting for the time that the mingxiao lantern would be released. 
After some time, Y/N figured that it must be getting close so she gave him a piece of plaustrite and a carving tool as she took out two xiao lanterns.
“What are these for?” Xiao asked, motioning to the plaustrite and carving tool.
“We carve our wishes on these, then we stick it into the lanterns and let them float away!” she explained to him.
Xiao took the plaustrite and carving tool with a huff, “How exactly will these grant our wishes?”
“Hm… I’m not sure,” Xiao looked incredulously at her as she laughed. He sighed and glanced at the plaustrite sitting in his hand.
Y/N calmed down before she thought about what to wish for. A wish then popped up in her mind after a few seconds, “I wish to spend more time with Xiao”. She blushed at the wish, but deep inside, she knew it was the one thing she wanted more than anything. Steeling her resolve, she quickly carved the wish into the plaustrite with a faint blush on her cheeks. 
Xiao finished carving and glanced at Y/N before quickly looking back down at his own piece of plaustrite. He didn’t write a wish for himself since he didn’t have any wishes or desires. So, he decided to go with a statement, a promise. “If she finds herself clinging onto the past, reluctant to move on, I shall quietly remember the memories in my heart for her”. 
The two placed the plaustrites into their own respective lanterns before letting them fly into the air. They stood close to each other, their hands brushing against each other, as they watched their lanterns fly mingle in the air with the many other lanterns. 
After a couple of minutes, Y/N glanced at Xiao from the corner of her eye, spotting a small smile of awe appearing on his face. Her eyes widened at the sight of the rare smile and blushed before quickly looking away and into the sky. Tightening her jaw, she made the risky move of interlocking her pinkie finger with his. Y/N expected him to pull his hand away, and he did, yet he quickly returned his hand to interlock his slim fingers with hers. Y/N’s eyes widened again, a deep blush spreading across the rest of her face, as she looked down and squeezed his hand. Unbeknownst to her, painted on Xiao’s face was also a deep red blush.
----------------- [Edit: this is a part that got deleted accidently but it’s back lol]
Xiao found himself puzzled. Recently, a strange mortal had been hanging around him, wanting to get closer to him. Even stranger was that he felt the same way, wanting to get closer to them. The feeling and fluttering in his chest and stomach were foreign and even a tinge disgusting. Yet he seemed to crave more, more of their smile and expressions, more of the peace that surrounds them. He knew better though. Yet he found himself persisting against the knowledge of the mortal soul.
Xiao found himself falling deeper into the rabbit hole. Perhaps he could find momentary peace with the mortal. 
Y/N was traveling to Dihua islet, wanting to check if Xiao had left a reply to her previous letter, as well as a chance to actually see him in person. If he didn’t, then she had a letter to put in its place. On her journey, she encountered a traveler, who had told her that there was a group of treasure hoarders camping by the main road. She was told to either go back and or to take a detour. Y/N was confident in her skills though and decided to continue traveling through the main road.
What a bad decision that was.
As Y/N passed some ruins, a small blade flew past her face, barely grazing her nose. She gasped, slapping a hand over her nose as she stepped back. Quickly checking her hand, she sighed in relief at the lack of blood before looking up.
Stepping out of some bushes was a small group of men dressed in the clothing of the treasure hoarders. Y/N eyes widened, cautiously taking a step back.
One of them snickered, “Scared little girl? No need to be. We only want one thing.”
Another threw their shovel over their shoulders, “Right, just give us your stuff and we’ll leave you alone.”
Y/N glared at them, pushing her bag to rest on her back instead of the side, “Like I’m giving you all the stuff I worked my butt for.”
“Hmph, you’ve got a pretty face but a pretty bad sense of danger. Fine, we’ll just take it from you with force.”
Y/N tensed, preparing to run as the treasure hoarders came after her. Quickly turning around, she attempted to make a run for it. Before she could even lift her leg, an arrow pierced her calf, with a scream. Blood splattered onto the ground and she collapsed, “Ack-!”
Pain seared through her from her leg up and sat up with a groan. Shadows loomed over her and Y/N whipped around, seeing the Treasure hoarders smirking above her.
The one with the crossbow grabbed her by the wrist, “If you don’t want to get even more hurt then hand over your stuff.”
Gritting her jaw, Y/N twisted her hand around to grab the man’s wrist, twisting it to release her. He yelped in surprise before being pulled to the ground. Y/N stood up while she could in the shock of the moment and attempted to run. The arrow stuck in her calf made it difficult to run but the adrenaline rushing through her numbed the pain. 
Before she could even get far, a barrage of arrows flew towards her, multiple hitting her and throwing her to the ground. With a screech of pain, she collapsed, arrows sticking out from many limbs of her body.
As she laid on the ground, her mind wandered to Xiao’s smiling face. It was merely a glimpse into his softer side, but she remembered that that mere glimpse was enough to make her fall even deeper into the abyss of love. As her consciousness began fading in and out, she whispered his name, “Xiao…”
The treasure hoarders that stood over her were suddenly thrown to the ground, skidding away from the force that had crashed into them. Y/N squinted up, spotting the familiar black and teal hair of the young yaksha. “I’m here,” he announced, glancing at her.
“Mhm…” She smiled as tears clouded her eyes.
To the yaksha, seeing the state Y/N was in as she laid on the ground brought the deepest depths of his fury to the surface. He turned his gaze to the treasure hoarders, tightening his grip on his polearm before bringing swift justice to them, albeit not killing them. The treasure hoarders laid on the ground, groaning and moaning in pain. 
“Worthless,” Xiao muttered coldly, allowing his polearm to disappear. Xiao turned around and walked towards the injured Y/N. He knelt beside her, picking her up gently, a stark contrast to his hard glare, and avoiding the arrows that stuck out of her.
Feeling the warmth of Xiao, Y/N smiled, snuggling into him as she tried to ignore the pain of her wounds. “Thank you...Xiao,” she whispered. 
Xiao didn’t reply but he tightened his grip on her. He then spoke, “If you awake to a knife at your throat, if monsters dig their claws into you, if death comes knocking at your door, call out my name. Adeptus Xiao. I will be here when you call.”
Y/N pulled away slightly and met his strong gaze. As his words registered in her mind, she could feel her eyes start to water again, and whispered his name, resting her head on his chest “...Xiao.”
Xiao’s strong gaze softened at the whisper, “I’m here.”
The tears clouding Y/N’s vision began to fall as she whispered his name many more times, fisting his clothes and burying her face into his chest. Xiao tightened his hold on her comfortingly, replying every time she whispered his name. 
Some time passed and Xiao had taken Y/N somewhere safer. Dihua Islet. Where he treated her injuries. Due to the amount of blood and tatters on her, Xiao had thought she was more severely injured, but thankfully, none were severe.
Y/N sat on the ground, trying to stay still as Xiao treated the injuries on her arm. She stayed quiet before her eyes wandered to Xiao’s stern expression. Her eyes then fell to his lips, finding herself wondering what it felt like to kiss them. Her eyes widened as she realized what her thoughts were and quickly shook her head, a raging blush on her cheeks.
Xiao glanced up, an eyebrow raised at her sudden outburst. He dropped back down to her arm before speaking, “...It's too late now, you know. The connection between us is too strong. Even if you wanted to, it's too late to sever it.”
Y/N shook out of her flustered state, glancing at him, “Huh? Why would I do that?”
Xiao raised his head in surprise, “... You've never thought to sever it?” he paused and sighed, “This eternal dance of demon subjugation... My fight goes on… But… I would like to know more about you.”
Y/N stared at him in surprise, before her features softened into a small smile, “I want to know more about you too, Xiao…”
The two fell further into the rabbit hole. Deciding to risk everything for the peace they found in each other.
Time passed and Y/N’s memory came back in small pieces, but they were enough for her to know a general amount of her past. She came from far away, perhaps a different world, that was far more advanced than the places here in Tevyat. The clothes she first arrived here in as well were similar to what the people wore in her memories as well.
After remembering more and more of her past, she decided to look into the other 7 nations of the continent, hoping to find her home. She brought home some books on the other nations to her house. After only a couple of hours, Y/N figured out that her home didn’t belong to any of the 7 nations. Many were far from advanced than the places she remembers in her memories. 
“I guess I am really in another world…” she spoke to herself quietly. Y/N wasn’t sure what to make of this. Perhaps she had a happy life in her original world, happily living with people that she no longer knew. But now this world had also become a home to her. At the thought of home, her mind flashed to Xiao.
Her cheeks heated up and she rested her head in her arms, warm feelings bubbling up within her. Xiao had only held her for less than an hour when she had been attacked, yet the warmth and gentleness of his hold were addicting. Y/N missed it. She glanced out the window, finding that the night was rather lonely.
After the incident with the treasure hoarders, Xiao decided that he would come to her instead of Y/N coming to him at Dihua Marsh. Y/N first protested, bringing up his distaste of crowded areas, but the yaksha was stubborn. Eventually, she relented, but she came to enjoy the monthly visits of the Yaksha. 
She perked at the knocking sound of the door to the balcony. With a smile, Y/N stood up and walked to the door, seeing the familiar Yaksha leaning against the railings of the balcony. Opening the door, she grinned, “Hey, Xiao.”
Xiao simply nodded but didn’t come inside. Y/N crossed her arms behind her, contemplating a slightly bold question. He noticed her contemplating gaze, throwing a gruff “What is it?” at her.
Y/N tilted her head, “... Can I hug you, Xiao?”
Xiao jumped at the question, his eyes wide and a blush beginning to adorn his cheeks, “Just what are you asking? Do you have no respect for the adepti?”
Y/N giggled quietly, “It’s a yes or no question, Xiao.” Xiao grumbled, not replying. Y/N giggled again, holding her arms open, “Well?”
Xiao sighed, holding his arms slightly open as well, unable to find it within himself to refuse her. Y/N giggled, walking towards him and wrapping her arms around his slim waist. Xiao tensed at the touch but slowly relaxed in her warm embrace. Within a couple of minutes, he wrapped his arms around her as well and rested his head in the crook of Y/N’s neck. Y/N glanced at him in surprise at how quickly he relaxed in her embrace but smiled. Her arms tightened around him, smiling at the familiar warmth of his embrace.
The unspoken words of “I love you” were stuck in both of their throats, yet pushed it down so as to not break the peaceful atmosphere of the hug. Xiao found that all of the yelling and screaming of the voices within his head would quiet down while Y/N found warmth and comfort on a lonely night. Neither wished to let go so they didn’t, enjoying the peace in each others’ presence.
It was unfortunate that the peace they found in each other would disappear as fast as they had first discovered it.
Y/N was feeling great and energetic, but that mood quickly went sour as she collapsed. Kneeling on the floor, a series of loud coughs shook her body. As her hand drew away from her mouth, Y/N's eyes widened in shock at the sight of red liquid, dribbling down her palm. She was unable to think further about it as her arms gave out, falling on her side with the cold tile.
People around her panicked, yelling for healers, doctors, anyone that could help her. Their yells were quickly drowned out though, as Y/N succumbed to sleep.
The week that passed was nothing but a blur to her. Only remembering different people doing different things to her. They tried speaking to her, asking her about how she felt. Y/N could only mutter incomprehensible words in reply.
As the middle of the second week arrived, the healers and doctors deemed that she was beyond saving. Her friends came to see her, although Y/N could barely pay attention to them as her vision blurred. 
Before the healers and doctors retreated back to their offices riddled with guilt, they provided Y/N with painkillers, hoping that it would save her from further pain. As they closed the doors, they could hear the pitiful girl mutter out one word, 
The door closed with a loud echo and Y/N succumbed to sleep once more.
Y/N awoke to a hesitant and rough, yet gentle, touch to her forehead. She could recognize that touch from anywhere after countless hugs despite the warnings. She leaned into his touch. The touch of the one she found herself growing to love. Y/N opened her eyes slowly, meeting the familiar golden eyes of Xiao. She smiled weakly, softly whispering his name.
He lifted his hand, a bitter and heartbroken expression crossing his face. He bit his lower lip before he found himself revealing all of his guilt to the frail one under him.
"Why...why must a foolish mortal like you continue to be around me…? You are only like this because your soul cannot handle being around adepti like me…I told you that, yet you continue to be near me, and now, here you are, dying."
He drew his hand away, the radiating warmth of his fading away. Y/N weakly reached for his hand, grasping it weakly. "...I stayed, beside you because, because I… I love you, Xiao," they whispered.
Xiao's jaw tensed, "Don't be foolish, us adepti would never be able to understand you mortals' emotions."
Instead of pouting like they normally would, Y/N simply laughed weakly, "You're right… but that doesn't... stop me from loving you, Xiao…"
Xiao growled quietly, and sharply took back his hand from the weak grip of Y/N, turning around to the window to leave. Barely getting more than five steps away, he heard a large collision to the floor. Whipping around in alarm, he saw Y/N attempting to sit up.
Without realizing it, Xiao took a few large strides, kneeling down next to them and helping them up. Although as soon as his hand had come into their sight, they quickly grasped his hand. Slowly lifting their head up, Xiao was taken aback to see tears falling down their cheeks. Before he could scold them, Y/N weakly began to speak.
"It's… it's fine, if you...if you don't like me back… but please, please don't leave me alone," They rested their head against Xiao's chest, clinging to his shirt now, "Please, please don't let me die all alone again…"
Xiao was tempted to take their hands off of his shirt but was taken aback at their last sentence. Although confused, he gave in after a few minutes of silence, awkwardly resting his hands on top of their head and back as Y/N cried into his chest. He didn't understand what they meant, but it didn't matter. Because he's known for a long time by now that he could never say no to Y/N.
“...You’re a foolish mortal, Y/N,” he gruffly whispered as Y/N calmed down. They froze at the whisper of their name coming from his lips, realizing it was the first time Xiao has ever said their name. Finally processing what he had said, Y/N smiled weakly.
“I guess I am.”
Xiao shifted and maneuvered their body so that he was holding them in his arms. He stood up slowly, and placed them back into their bed, tucking them in. Y/N allowed themself to soak in the gentleness and comfort of Xiao’s touch.
They turned to their side, resting their right hand on top of Xiao’s hand. He flinched at their touch but made no move to remove his hand from theirs. Her eyes shifted from their hands to his golden eyes as he stared outside the window. Xiao’s golden eyes were always beautiful, but the beauty couldn’t hide the spark of sadness and guilt in his eyes. Y/N wanted to wish those emotions in his eyes away, wishing that she could’ve made her wish about wanting him to always be happy instead of wanting more time with him. 
Y/N snapped out of her thoughts at the sound of Xiao’s voice, “...You should rest,” his eyes shifting to her own.
“Sleep. I will be here when you awake,”
Both of them knew Xiao was lying, a lie to bring her comfort in her final moments. 
Y/N wanted to stay awake, to continue being with Xiao for as long as she could. As she struggled to stay awake, Xiao shifted his hand and interlaced his fingers with hers.
“There’s nothing to fear, I will keep you safe while you sleep.”
Y/N wanted to argue, wanted to tell him that she’s not sleepy, but is unable to even speak as Xiao uses his free hand to close her eyes. “Geh-”
“Don’t fight and waste your energy, Y/N.”
Y/N used the last of her strength to force a pout but smiled at his awkward attempt of showing that he cared for her. Before allowing herself to slip into the depths of sleep, she whispered.
“I...I love you, Xiao.”
Xiao stayed quiet as the hand intertwined with his hand started to grow limp before falling out of his grasp completely. Tears were welling up in his eyes, but he refused to let them fall. The breathing and movement of her chest came to an eventual stop and he held back a hiccup. 
Xiao leaned down, pressing a gentle kiss to the fading warm lips of the girl below him. He pulled away after a few seconds, whispering the three words she never got to hear. “I love you too… Y/N”
By the time the moon rose to its peak, the adepti was gone from the scene. The only evidence of his presence was the wet patches on the sheets and the qingxin flower that rested on the girl’s chest.
Xiao stood at the base of Dihua Marsh, watching the moon rise with a sad expression, before placing his mask on and disappearing from view.
Venti finished his story with a beautiful but sad song note and the crowd before him had tears welling up in their eyes. Despite the sad note, they applauded him and tipped him with mora. As the crowd dispersed, a couple of children came up to him. “Venti! Venti! Why didn’t they get a happy ending?” they whined.
Venti smiled sadly, “Although those two didn’t have a happy ending, it doesn’t mean that the story ends there.”
“Does that mean the adepti will find someone else to love?”
Venti laughed, “I’m sure he will.”
Meanwhile, in Liyue, a floating pixie sneezed as she talked with her companion. 
“Paimon, are you sick?” her companion asked.
“Paimon never gets sick!” the pixie rebuked, resting her fists on her hips.
The companion simply laughed in response and Paimon pouted. The two were in Dihua Marsh near the Wangshu Inn as they spoke. Paimon quickly brought the both of them back to the previous topic, “Anyways, isn’t that Xiao over there?” and pointed in a direction.
The traveler looked in the direction Paimon was pointing at, seeing the familiar yaksha, sitting before a formation that looked similar to that of a grave.
“What is he standing in front of?” the traveler murmured as they observed the yaksha.
“How about we check it out?” Paimon suggested and the traveler nodded.
They approached the adepti but the traveler froze in their tracks as they noticed a slightly transparent figure next to Xiao. The figure was in the shape of a young woman, softly smiling down at the adepti.
Paimon also saw the figure, quickly freaking out, “Gah-! Is… is that a… a ghost?!”
The shrieks of fear from Paimon quickly alert the figure and Xiao. As Xiao turns around, the figure disappears, and Xiao sighs at the sight of the pair.
“You two. What are you doing here?”
“A-ah… we just saw you, so uh…” Paimon tried speaking but was still frozen in place after the sight of the figure.
The traveler sighed, before continuing for her, “And we wanted to see how you were doing.” 
Xiao sighed and crossed his arms, “You need not be concerned about that. But why were you shrieking?” The traveler and Paimon exchanged glances before replying, “Uh… well Paimon saw what looked like a… a ghost, next to you!”
“A ghost…?” Xiao echos, pondering over it, “...I see.”
“...Do you know that ghost, Xiao?” the traveler asked.
“...It’s not of any importance,” he replied and turned around, “I must get going now.”
Before the traveler or Paimon could ask, the yaksha disappeared in a cloud of smoke.
“Sheesh!” Paimon crossed her arms, “why is he so rude sometimes?!”
The traveler smiled at Paimon’s whining before turning to look at the makeshift construct before them. Paimon follows their gaze, “Oh! We should check that thing out! We might get some clues!”
“...I feel like we’re intruding on his privacy by doing this,” the traveler mumbled as they followed Paimon. They stopped in front of the formation, noticing very little of any unique details. As they observed it, the traveler froze, sensing a presence behind them. Sharply turning around, they saw the figure of the young woman once again. 
“Huh? Is something wr-” Paimon quickly cuts herself off with a shriek as she turns around, seeing the ghostly figure as well. She quickly floated over to the traveler, hiding behind them, quivering in fear.
Taking out their sword, the traveler got into a fighting stance but was interrupted as the figure’s mouth moved. Although unable to hear it immediately, the words it spoke floated upon the wind, reaching the ears of the traveler with a tickle.
“...Take care of Xiao, please…” it whispered with a sad smile.
The traveler stares in confusion but is unable to speak further as the figure fades away.
*this isn’t an actual character in the game, I just searched up Chinese names and got this lol
Anyways I hope everyone likes this!
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blu-joons · 3 years
Lucky Escape ~ Lee Donghae
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With bated breath, Donghae impatiently waited to hear the sound of your voice, only for the call to go through to voicemail once again. Scenes of the crash by the shopping mall continued to play on the small television in the building of SM, almost as if they were teasing him, reminding him of exactly where you’d planned to be today.
“Is she still not picking up?”
Donghae’s head shook as Hyukjae took a seat beside him, passing a bottle of water across in the hope that it would help calm him down. Donghae only shook though, pressing on your contact on his phone once again in the hope that by some luck you’d end up picking up.
He could still remember the conversation that you’d had that morning, excitedly telling him your plans to head out with your friends and get ready for the summer. With it still only being the early hours of the afternoon, Donghae knew you’d be there still, but whether you were safe or not was only an unanswered question for him.
His heart pounded as once again his call went straight through to voicemail, only adding to his anticipation. With a light sigh, he turned across to look at his best friend helplessly, failing to figure out what to do, or how to ease his mind.
“Is your car nearby?” He questioned Hyukjae, slipping his phone into his pocket.
Within minutes, the two of them were down in the parking lot, racing towards Hyukjae’s car. Donghae was clueless, with no idea of your whereabouts, but as he began to fear the worst, he knew that there was only one place for him to check.
“She’ll be alright,” Hyukjae tried to comfort as the two of them pulled away from the building, glancing across at his frantic best friend. “She could be helping someone or anything, she might have even lost her phone, you know what she’s like.”
Donghae tried to keep himself positive, nodding his head gently. You did have a habit of losing your phone, but you also had a habit of making sure you picked up every one of his calls.
After a few moments, Donghae looked across to Hyukjae nervously. “What if something has happened though? What if we get to the hospital and things turn out to be much worse than we think they are?”
“You can’t think like that,” Hyukjae quickly reminded him, “I know it’s easy for me to tell you to think positively, but that’s what you have to do right now, just try not to fear the worst over all of this.”
“I just hope she’s alright,” he whispered, allowing his eyes to close, trusting Hyukjae to get him to the hospital in one piece, hoping that when he got there, you’d be there, and alright.
As the two of them reached the hospital, Donghae ran straight for the front desk, calling out your name. When one of the nurses read out a suite, he felt his heart sink knowing that somehow, you’d been involved in the crash.
Luckily, Hyukjae was there to quickly pick him up and push him in the direction of your suite. He stood back as Donghae opened up the door, letting go of a gasp as he came face to face with you, struggling to come to terms with what he saw before you.
“Talk about wrong place wrong time,” you chuckled, waving across to him.
He took small steps towards you as he studied the few small scratches you had on your face and the bandage that was around your wrist. “Y-you weren’t picking up your phone Y/N, I thought you were dead or something when I saw about the crash.”
“Sorry,” you whispered, inviting him to take a seat beside you, noticing Hyukjae stood in the corridor, only for him to quickly walk away, giving you both some space. “I think my battery died when I was trying to call for an ambulance.”
Your slightly less damaged hand reached out to take a hold of his, flinching under his shaking touch. The colour had completely drained from his eyes as he looked at you, shaking his head in disbelief at how little you were hurt.
“Donghae, I’m fine,” you quickly reminded him as you sensed the panic still inside of him. “I’ve just got to take it easy for a few days, so I hope you’re ready to look after me.”
His head nodded, “of course, anything that you need. I’ll take the best care of you.”
His heart continued to pound, struggling to calm himself down, despite the relief he felt to see how relatively unscathed you were. His mind still pictured machines, tubes, silence, doubting whether you would even still be with him. It was a far reality from what was really in front of him, but it still left him terrified.
He wasn’t quite sure whether to be angry or glad that your phone was dead, although he hated it for preventing him from being able to get in touch with you, he knew that you’d used it to be able to help someone else and fix the situation.
Slowly, his grip on your hand began to tighten as he tried to push aside the many negative thoughts that filled his mind. “I really thought for a moment on the way here that I was never going to get to see you again Y/N.”
“I’m sorry, I can’t begin to imagine how scary it must’ve been for you.”
“No, it’s fine,” he smiled, trying to keep himself together, “I’d much rather have gone through all of that and arrive here knowing that you’re alright then for all of those thoughts that I had to really come true. I’m just struggling to comprehend it all.”
“I understand, it was pretty scary for me too,” you comforted, “I’m still not sure how the serious injuries were, but there were plenty of others who have little scratches like me from all the shrapnel that flew around.”
His body flinched just thinking about the scene of the crash. “I thought maybe you were the one in the car, I kept thinking about how you said Y/F/N would be driving you there.”
“I know she’s a pretty bad driver,” you chuckled softly, agreeing with him, “but even she’s not bad enough to cause a crash, she’s just got a few scratches like me too.”
“I hope you know I’m never letting you out of my sight again,” he warned, meeting your soft eyes, “I’m not risking anything like this happen again, my heart can’t take it.”
Your head shook as finally Donghae began to relax himself, although it would take a little while for the panic to subside, you were safe. The scratches and your wrist would heal in time, a lot quicker than he thought you might’ve ended up healing just a short while ago.
With your eyes still staring across at him, Donghae gently nudged your side. “Stop worrying about me, you’re the one who deserves the attention right now.”
“I know, but I can tell how shaken up you are too. I guess all of this just goes to show how much we really need one another.”
“It does, I know now more than ever, you’re the only one I’m ever going to need.”
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Miscellaneous Batfam headcanons
He’s really the only person in the family who can get away with getting out of hostage situations because of his job as a police officer
… but he doesn’t
Yes he uses this as an excuse to hug his family
No he doesn’t feel bad about it
He’s a good actor, he has to be with his job, so if there’s other civilians around or the tied up henchmen are still conscious… well, what kind of asshole wouldn’t hug a sobbing civilian?
Clings to whichever unfortunate sibling is closest when he’s let go
Just… no shame whatsoever
Yeah, the family is more than a little hesitant to help him
Unfortunately for them Dick is pretty much the entirety of the family’s emotional support system
So, eventually, someone caves and goes to rescue him
(Also, one time they didn’t, and he was insufferable for months, and they don’t want a repeat of that)
This makes getting around her… difficult
One time she decided to make everyone get over their unhealthy habits
She was mostly just concerned about everyone’s habit of substituting sleep with coffee
They'd done everything to keep Babs from finding out
Checked everywhere for bugs, made sure she wasn’t home, bought new phones, EVERYTHING
And yet when they snuck to the kitchen for food…
The phone started ringing
Cue screaming
They only got back their unhealthy habits by begging… and considering they're the bats…
Well, let’s just say it took a while
He regularly kidnaps his siblings
It’s a love language, okay?
He might not be good at emotions like Dick is
But he WILL break into everyone’s safehouses, grab them by the back of their shirts, and drag them out for joyrides and ice cream
And that’s just as important, really
The bats are terrible with dealing with emotions and he is perfectly happy to help them avoid their problems
His services also extend to stealing them away from Dick when he’s attempting to get them to open up before they're ready
One text and he’s there
There’s two older siblings, one of them has to be bad, it’s called balance
The only time he sleeps is when Bruce is attempting to lecture him
Of course, he didn’t start out that way
He’s Tim Drake, after all, he has a duty to be perfect at everything he does
But… there’s only so many times you can listen to the ‘Don’t do reckless stuff’ speech before you can recite it from memory
At this time, lecture time has been changed into nap time
Bruce has started to use this to his advantage
When he notices that Tim hasn’t slept in days he starts lecturing him
One time he had a dream where he was getting the lecture and he had to wake up
Bruce had to scramble to start lecturing again
Tim figured out what was going on after that
But the other option is to listen to the lecture all the way through so he accepts that he has to sleep
I see your “Jason Todd/Damian Wayne are the embodiment of the Cain Instinct(™)” posts and raise you Stephanie-fucking-Brown
The Wayne Love Language is almost murdering each other and it really shows
Steph walks into a room and it is On Sight
Who punches first? Who knows
(It’s usually Steph)
It’s a smack or be smacked world and Steph is just living in it
No one is safe
At least they get a lot of sparring practice
You would think that having Cass around as a lie detector would be a good idea
And, on paper, you’d be right
She can tell when everyone is lying before they even open their mouths
She’s a little bit more petty than people give her credit for
She Remembers Everything
She ranks siblings in her head based on who has the most indiscretions
Whoever is at the top of the list when something bad happens is the one she will point out as the culprit
And if nothing bad happens? Don’t worry about that, she’ll make something happen
He definitely gets teased the most because he just happens to be really young
(Doesn’t help that he’s so tiny)
But the moment someone has the audacity to make a joke about him or agree with one of his siblings?
Let’s just say the bats reconsider their No Killing Rule
Damian mentions someone at school being a little snot? Tim and Jason aren’t above throwing hands with children
A teacher gives an unfair grade to him on an assignment? Hope they weren’t expecting to get saved in the next Rogue attack
And god forbid someone call Damian a slur in front of his siblings
He's the baby of the family. What else is there to say?
He used to be annoyed that he got the reputation as the person in the family with common sense
He’s done so much stupid and dangerous stuff but nooo he’s the sane one
(Granted, he kind of is. It’s not a high bar to meet. Still, he’d like some recognition that he is also completely batshit insane.)
But now…
He realizes there are benefits
Like how he can prank his siblings and no one will ever think he did it
And when no one fesses up because they didn’t do anything? Prank wars ensue
And Duke? Duke gets by unscathed because everyone agrees he wouldn’t be stupid enough to do any of the pranks
He has an adoption problem, we all know this
The man practically has adoption papers in his utility belt at this point
The moment a new kid appears in Gotham the batkids all start a betting pool on how long it’ll take him to adopt this one
Most of the time the kids don’t even realize they’re being adopted until it’s too late
“B caught me crying on a rooftop and he disappeared and I was like ‘wow, rude’ but then he came back with some car keys and it may not have fixed my trauma but damn did it feel better to cry in a sports car than on a random gargoyle”
“B gave me an allowance? I was going to say something but this is rent for three months so I guess I’m a bat now?”
Does he even know which kids are his and which aren’t?
(No. He treats every child that frequents his house the exact same because he can’t remember which ones are his and which ones aren’t.)
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miridiums-writing · 3 years
Barbarian Bakugou x Petite!Villager!Reader
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Part 2
Summary ; reader lives in village that is ravaged by bararians, bakugou catches them and finds out they are mates
Warnings ; violence, there is implied sexual assault but it never happens kinda like a passing thought. I never actually state gender though reader does wear a dress, so if your someone who doesn’t like wearing dresses then you might have trouble fitting into the narrative. REMEMBER ANYONE CAN WEAR A DRESS, I WILL HYPE YOU UP. they eat in it, also they eat meat so if you’re vegetarian or anything of the sort you probably won’t relate, Bakugou yes he is a warning.
AUTHORS NOTE ; if you want a part 2 let me know, also if you want a part with a plus sized reader instead of a petite reader let me know. Reading @thetrashywritingwitch gave me inspiration so definitely check them out
Word count : 2k
Barbarian!Bakugou x plus-sized!reader part 1
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The village was alight, red ran rampant through the streets, the screams of young and old mixing to create a noise that would give anyone a headache. You were running as fast as you could, no shoes on, trying to pick up your skirts as you ran. You had been woken by a scream and hadn’t thought to put on shoes before you ran to escape the sea of arrows shot at your home. People dragged younger ones through the wreckage, others cried, others shouting for loved ones. Nobody seemed to be left unscathed.
Your feet were in tatters at this point, having ran through rocks and glass to get here. Your only motivation that got you this far, even with the pain you were in, was the orphanage at the top on town. On a slight hill further away from the village, secluded in a way. You hoped against hope the children were ok. You dodged through fire, adrenaline coursing through your veins. You had to make it. You had to keep them safe. Though in your blind panic you didn’t notice the figure stealthily following after you.
You were running up the hill now, twigs that littered the woods floor poking into your poor feet, causing you to slow slightly, but your determination kept you from walking. Just as the orphanage came into sight arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you off the ground. You kicked in attempt to get away, hoping against hope you could escape, get to them. Those kids did nothing to deserve the pain. Your attempts did nothing but tire you more, your hope of escape starting to slip from your grasp. “Stay still dammit” a gruff voice stated. He moved you both back, further into the woods, blocking your view of the orphanage and kept you still.
“Oi Kirishima! Keep those idiots away from the orphanage” He called out further into the woods, not second later a muscular man with spiky hair and even spikier teeth seemed to appear in an instant and disappear just as quickly. With the disappearance of the other man he moved you so you could finally see his face, though his grip on you never loosened. If you were honest with yourself, he was rather pretty. Hard red eyes stared into yours and seemed to judge your appearance as you gaped at him. His blond locks spiked out, much more naturally than the other mans, he had a defined jawline, and a look that screamed danger. In your curiosity you failed to notice how odd this whole situation was. Here you were being held down by an intimidation and rather frightening man, but you felt no fear towards him.
“Found you” he said, looking at you with a smirk as his face moved closer to yours. Just as you thought he was going to kiss you his face moved lower to your neck and started to pepper kisses and nips into the sensitive skin. You tensed in his hold, not sure what he was about to do, and scared for the outcome that seemed inevitable. Just then he roughly bit into your neck, causing you to shriek at the vast difference from what he was doing before and the pain that started to thump against your neck like a drum. When he was satisfied, he started to lick at your neck, no doubt cleaning up the blood. “There, now that’s sorted time to clean you up and get moving” Rather than letting you walk with him he picked up and set you on his hip, like a child. “If you move or cause trouble ill carry you in a more uncomfortable fashion got it” At his threat you tensed once more and nod in agreement. You had no idea what he could do to you and honestly, you didn’t want to find out.
He carried you both down the hill and towards the town, he hadn’t told you his name and didn’t seem in the mood for light conversation, so you stayed quiet, not wanting to anger the man further than he already seemed to be. When you both got back to the village it was silent. A stark difference between the village you had left behind, and it set you on edge. He must have noticed how you had started to shake a little, though he didn’t say anything on it. “Hide you face into my shoulder, quickly” he said, his voice slightly softer than earlier, though it didn’t stop the unease. Just as you opened your mouth to question it, he gave you a glare that made you close it instantly. You ducked your head down into his neck and froze against his side, questions swarming your mind. “right let’s move out” he shouted, his voice seeming even more loud now you were against his neck, making you cringe slightly. With one hand now taking your weight he hoisted onto a horse, repositioning you in front of him to lean against his chest. “Get some sleep, its gonna be a long ride princess”
When you woke you were still in his arms, though you were now wrapped up in a fur coat, keeping you warm from the wind. If you didn’t think about the fact he basically kidnapped you it could almost be sweet. He had positioned you in a way that meant the brunt of the wind was hitting against the fur coat, keeping you toasty warm. He was looking ahead, no doubt keeping control of the horse, though you did notice how he would glance down at you. Due to your position you couldn’t really see anything, giving in to the temptation of going back to sleep for now, who knew when you would be able to sleep again, you let your eyes closed and allowed yourself to relax, your head snuggling into his warm chest.
Your eyes fluttered open at a loud shout, startling you from the fragile sleep you had managed to get. “We’re almost there” He claimed, glancing down at your sleepy form curled into him. Cute. The thought was a fleeting one, but it made him freeze up slightly, he hoped you didn’t notice. This mate stuff was making him soft. The horse abruptly came to a stop and the man carefully picked you up into his arms bridal style. You noticed almost immediately this was much gentler than he had been previously, and honestly threw you for a loop. On one hand this was much nicer treatment than previously, even if he hadn’t been particularly bad, on the other hand what does this entail, does he want something in return? The man carried you inside what looked like a large tent and placed you down on a bed covered with fur blankets and looked rather nice and warm to cuddle up in.
“Look here’s the deal,” he said, sitting down on the floor before you, making your face in line with his. “You’re my mate, kinda like a soulmate, I guess. It’s a feeling. My name’s Bakugou Katsuki by the way. Call my Katsuki though, it’ll just piss me off if you call me anything else. Just, listen to what I say. Ill go get you some food, you look like you need it.” As Katsuki walks away you could hear him mutter under his breath “Skinny as anything” When he had officially left, and you decided he was far enough away you started to look around. The tent was rather spacious, but not to the point it was cold. If anything, it was so warm in here. Like an invisible fire was somewhere in the room keeping it warm. The tent itself smelled like wood pine and honeysuckle, and a hint of caramel, it felt more homely than your old village ever did. You knew you had to think through what he had told you, but you didn’t want to even think about it. Taken away from your home after it having been destroyed by them and he tells you you’re his soulmate and you need to listen him.
When Katsuki got back you were cocooned in the blankets, sure the room was warm, but as the night air drew in the rooms temperature seemed to drop drastically, so you had taken it upon yourself to collect all the blankets and pile them onto of yourself. Katsuki stood at the entrance dumbfounded at the sight, as in comparison he stood tall in his trousers and fur coat, with his necklace and earrings to adorn the look. He wasn’t used to feeling cold. He would need to thank his parents later for getting on at him to make sure he had enough blankets for his mate when it got cold. He placed the food down on the table and started picking apart the blankets until he revealed you, cuddling into yourself. “Look, I know its cold but you gotta eat, come on” He allows you to get yourself up, though you take one of the smaller blankets with you to combat the cold.
The meal itself wasn’t anything special. A meat of some kind with potatoes and asparagus. You were so hungry you ate it without question, too hungry to care. He watched you from the other side of the table, it made you slightly self-conscious but brushed it off as his thing, he had a habit of watching you. When you finished you made sure to tidy up your area as best as you could, not wanting to seem impolite. This made Katsuki scoff at you, your insecurity coming back quickly.
“Bed time” was all he said, even though you had been sleeping most of the day, the thought of curling up into the blanket seemed heavenly. As you climbed into the bed, securing yourself under the furs Katsuki came in behind you. He simply brought your body to his, circling his body around yours in a protective manner. With him so close to you, you found it hard to fall asleep. Though Katsuki seemed to find it easy, simply snuggling his face into your neck and falling asleep. You decided to go through your options. Option one, stay still and go to sleep unknowing to what could happen tomorrow, though by his current attitude and behaviour you now highly doubted it being too dangerous, or option two, somehow manage to escape his iron grip and run out of the tent, with no knowledge of where you were, how far from home, or what could be outside the tent. The thought of meeting something worse than Katsuki made you shiver and slightly move closer to him. At least you knew what he was capable of, plus you had the added protection that he claimed you as his mate, those usually ended happily. No one wanted to endanger their mate, it went against Barbarian law. Something you vaguely remembered researching when you were young and curious. With those thoughts in mind you allowed yourself to succumb to the warmth Katsuki provided and fall into a broken sleep.
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Please reblog, it helps my tumblr grow and makes me wanna write more
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morizoras-cave · 4 years
Kid problems (Request)
MCU cast x child!reader, mostly Scarlett Johansson x reader and Mark Ruffalo x reader
Genre: angst, fluff
Request Description: Please may I request a mcu cast x child!reader where the kids the daughter of a new female superhero actor (made up) and the cast finds up she’s been verbally/ physically abusive so the kid and confront the lady about it and comfort the kid? You don’t have to if this makes you uncomfortable though!
Warnings: physical and emotional child abuse, language, mean insults, bad mom
(A/N): i thought i wasn’t going to write today but i had a (not so) busy day and i fell asleep for like three hours and now i cant sleep, so here we are! ya’ll i feel like this one kinda sucks but lets not talk about it. not proofread as always
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“Stay quiet and be polite, and for God’s sake, don’t be so clumsy like you always are!” your mother spoke roughly, eyes on the road in front of her. “Knocking things over and ruining everything..”
“I won’t,” you mumbled quietly. 
She had recently made her big break as an actor, landing the role as Abigail Brand in the Marvel universe. As far as you understood, she had met her coworkers a few weeks ago and it had went well. 
Now, she was bringing you to meet them, because apparently they had spoken about how it was cool for kids to see a movie set, and your mom had run out of excuses not to bring you.
You were determined to be quiet and polite and to not be clumsy. All you wanted was to please your mother and make her proud. She just always seemed so angry. But that was your fault.
“Alright, we’re here,” your mother sighed. She exited the car and opened your door, practically dragging you out of the vehicle and into the filming area. You didn’t really understand anything or what anything was, so you just stayed quiet and stayed close to your mother, although avoiding touching her. She was always extra violent after you did so.
“M/n! You’re here, and with this little nugget?” a man with a funny beard and cool sunglasses came up to you. He smiled and then crouched down to your level. Your mom laughed awkwardly. “What’s your name?”
“Uh, Y-Y/n.” 
The man smiled at you and you smiled back cautiously, looking to your mom to see if it was okay. She seemed annoyed like always. 
“She’s shy, huh?” the man joked, and got up again. You watched, anxious to mess up. Maybe this time you could finally satisfy your mother and stop being such a useless child.
“Yeah, she is. I try to tell her to be more talkative, but she’s just naturally like this,” your mom smiled warmly at the man. Now you were even more confused. Did she want you to talk more? No, right?
You were introduced to the rest of them. Their names were Robert, Mark, Chris, Chris (again), Jeremy and Scarlett. They were very nice to you. They were very careful and caring, and it made you wish your mom was like that. 
You mostly just watched them work and talk. Eventually you sat down drawing, because you were bored.
“Can I see that?” Scarlett asked, gesturing to the drawing you were working on. You shyly nodded and stopped drawing, putting the crayons down. “Woow, that’s so pretty!” 
You shook your head, “no, it’s not.” Scarlett looked at you in confusion. 
“Why would you say that?” she asked, caressing your arm carefully. 
“My mama says my drawings are bad,” you mumbled. Scarlett looked up at your mom in confusion. Your mom was already dashing over to you, having heard the conversation.
“She means her nana, I call my mom mama and so she calls her mama.. My mom is not very good around kids,” your mom explained away. You furrowed your brows. You didn’t mean nana? You and mama stopped talking to nana long ago. 
Scarlett, who had previously tensed up, relaxed and let out an understanding laugh, “oh! I got worried there for a second!”
Your mom made a strained smile and then looked down at you. She had that glint in her eyes, although her face was friendly, you could tell she was disappointed. You teared up right then and there, so tired of disappointing her.
“Alright, Y/n, let’s go to the bathroom,” she grabbed your small hand roughly, and pulled you away from the nice adults. Tears rolling down your face, as your mom brought you into the women’s bathroom. 
“You little-” she cut herself off, gritting her teeth and checking if there were people in the stalls. There weren’t and she turned back to you with that angry face. 
“How dare you? Can’t you ever just stay quiet like I tell you to? You useless child! You were a mistake!” she hissed. It hurt you so bad, it felt so bad, and your crying worsened as you attempted to stammer out an apology. 
Your mother slapped you across the face. “Stop crying, you nuisance,” she said and indeed you forced yourself to stop crying. You held it in, trembling. 
Meanwhile Scarlett and Mark had been walking past the bathrooms, when they heard the slap. Of course, to them it could’ve been a lot of things. They exchanged glances, and Scarlett had said that she’d check it out. 
She walked quietly into the echoing bathroom, stopping when she heard the sound of angry and aggressive whispers.
“You’re so stupid and useless. You have no talent. Just stay quiet from now on! Shut the fuck up.” 
Scarlett was shocked to hear your mother’s voice. It took a moment for Scarlett to realize who she was talking to, and the thought drew a very real gasp out of her. Now, not giving two shits, she stepped away from the wall to see your mother crouched down in front of you, an almost animalistic expression on her face.
“M/n! How dare you!” was all she could say. Her instant reaction was to simply walk over to you, and get you away from your mother, but as she tried to your mother grabbed your arm. The both of them tugged at you.
“Get away from my baby!” your mom yelled. The commotion drew Mark to enter the bathroom, bewildered at the situation. Your mom and Scarlett both tugging at you, and you in the middle, red face and puffy eyes, conflicted as ever.
“What’s going on here?”
Mark’s sudden presence startled your mother, and in a moment of surprise, she let go and you fell into Scarlett’s grasp. She picked you up in her arms, and just started walking out of the bathroom.
Mark followed, looking between you and your mother. Scarlett didn’t know where she walking, but far from that witch. 
“M/n was- she was saying these horrible things to Y/n. Like, seriously horrible things,” Scarlett said. Meanwhile she rubbed your back and held you close, something that made you feel so nice inside. Your mother never did that. 
“I think what we heard was- Like, a slap?” Scarlett said, and when she met Mark’s eyes, he too had gotten a serious and worried look in them. He turned to you, resting on Scarlett’s chest.
“N/n, uh, did your mom hurt you, by any chance?” he asked and you stirred from your resting place.
“Like, hit you in any way?” 
“Mhmm,” your simple hum, like it was the most normal thing in the world, made the two adults’ hearts sink. 
“ScarJo, Ruffalo!” Chris (Hemsworth) greeted, but his cheerful welcome, did nothing to cheer up the two shaken adults. 
“Downey, you gotta call the Russos and tell them to get another Abigail Brand,” Mark instructed, while Scarlett put you down on the couch and then looked down the hallway to see if your mom was running after you. Ominously, she was nowhere to be seen. Scarlett couldn’t decide what was worse: if she had run after you, or the fact that she just left you. 
“What? We’re weeks into filming?” Chris (Evans) exclaimed. Him and Jeremy were sitting by a table behind Robert and the other Chris. 
Scarlett gave them knowing look and pulled up the sleeve of your small, purple sweater. Your tiny arm was littered with bruises, now and old. The others’ eyes widened, and there was a moment of silence where everyone looked at each other in confusion, anger and hurt. 
“I’ll go talk to them,” Downey said, smiling to you softly, before disappearing to somewhere else on set. 
“Where is M/n now?” Chris (Evans) asked. Him and the other two, Jeremy and Chris (the other one), seemed much angrier (not that the others weren’t but perhaps a different type of angry).
“I don’t know, I think she left in the opposite direction,” Scarlett murmured and Mark nodded. Without a word, Chris, Chris and Jeremy stood up and started walking down the hallway to find your mom.
You just watched in confusion mostly, as everyone scattered purposefully. Mark and Scarlett then finally turned to you. 
“Where’s mama?” you asked innocently. The two shook their heads.
“Your mom isn’t good for you..” You furrowed your brows. 
“What do you mean? Does she not want to be with me anymore? Can you tell her I’m trying really hard? I don’t why, but I keep messing up,” you said, your lip trembling. You could cry again. Was your mother leaving you, disappointed in your work at being a good daughter? 
“No, no.. Your mom is the one is that wasn’t good enough for you. Moms shouldn’t hit and yell at their kid like that..” Scarlett sighed, holding your hand comfortingly. 
“Oh..” was all you said. Your mom was fired and the proper authorities were called. You didn’t really know what happened, but somehow your entire day-to-day changed. You started talking to a nice lady, who was trying to explain to you why your mom was bad. You still didn’t understand it, but hopefully you would in the future.  
You were adopted by some very nice old people. The adults from that day stayed in touch with them, and sometimes some of them came over with their kids and you played together. 
The day you met them, changed your entire life, and when you did grow up, and you realized why your mom was ‘bad’, you felt eternally grateful to them, for putting your life on a better course. And you made sure to let them know, when you did meet them every once in a while. They were just happy to see that you were seemingly unscathed by this, and that your mom’s evil actions hadn’t ruined you in any way. You were happy and bright and you could thank it all to them. :)
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@hera-the-writer​ @marvel-madness​ @40srogcrs​ @whatthefuckimbisexual​ @ireadfanficforfun
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mieohmy · 3 years
𝖢𝗈𝗇𝖼𝗎𝗌𝗌𝗂𝗈𝗇𝗌 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝖢𝗋𝖺𝖼𝗄𝖾𝖽 𝗁𝖾𝖺𝖽𝗌 | 𝖫𝖾𝖾 𝖳𝖺𝖾𝗒𝗈𝗇𝗀
PAIRING: schoolnurse! lee taeyong x topstudent! reader
GENRE: fluff, humor, small angst, rivals-to-kinda-lovers!, high school au
WC: 3.9k
NOTES: mentions of injury (concussions um) slight cursing, violence, kinda bullying?
SUMMARY: being one of the top students of your school, you should’ve known getting hit in the head four times would eventually lead to a visit to the school nurse. and maybe you also should’ve known the very nurse was somehow the one person you hated? 
The first time you got hit was an accident. Scratch that- technically all four times you got knocked in the head were an accident, and you were honestly getting worried about the amount of brain cells you were losing.
You will admit that the very first was your fault. You weren’t paying attention in gym, and the volleyball smacks you (rightfully so) in the side of the head. You’re pretty sure you just sadly crumble to the ground in surprise. Well, and a teensy amount of pain. 
Who are you kidding- a lot of pain.
A clamor of voices follow, most of them ‘are you okays?’ and ‘shoot, my bad”. Luckily, you’re able to get out mostly unscathed, and the whole thing becomes a faint memory buried in your brain somewhere. 
Until you get hit a second time. This couldn’t be a coincidence, right? It happened in the gym, again. Except you were fully paying attention. This time you were just being dumb.
You think since you were one of the top students in the school, you wouldn’t be dumb enough to stand right underneath a basketball hoop. Sadly, you were. 
Someone had gotten the ball stuck between the hoop and the board (that one annoying spot), leading to several people attempting to hit the ball out. And you standing underneath the hoop, obtaining and giving other people’s balls back to them and also attempting to get that one stupid basketball unstuck. 
Frowning, you look straight up at the hoop. “Doyoung, a little more to the left-“ And then you saw it (and maybe also heard a watch out!). The unmistakable shape of an orange circle. A firm, striped one that was definitely getting closer and closer to your face. 
You only get the chance to open your mouth before it thuds off your forehead -you’re pretty sure you hear a firm thunk!- and it bounces off into the distance. 
There’s about two seconds of silence before you groan in pain, clutching your head and hearing the oofs and questions. You insist you’re fine, still.(really, though?)
It wasn’t serious enough to get a trip to the nurse, just a sad time-out on the benches.
This time had to be the last. I mean, at least it wasn’t a ball...
But was a metal locker door any better?
It occurred a couple weeks after the last ....incident. Yuta follows you out of the classroom, walking over to where his locker was. 
As he puts his books in, you lean back on the lockers next to his, huffing in annoyance. “-I mean, why does he even care about bonus points? It was just two more, anyways!” 
Yuta looks at you, unamused. “Why do you even care about him caring?” 
“I don’t! It’s just annoying! He’s annoying!” You turn to face him, side now pressing against the locker. And just as you’re about to continue, you hear an angry groan and a locker springing open from behind. 
You never hated top lockers more than at that moment.  
The door flies open, effectively pounding the back of your head. The impact somehow hard enough to leave the locker door shaking. 
The rattling metal echoes through the hall as you grab your head in distraught. Yuta watches you with a shocked expression, and you whip around to see who the culprit was. 
You wouldn’t say you were angry, just..... irked.
And behold, an extremely apologetic looking Jungwoo. He explained, “I was just super frustrated and took it out on my locker. I swear I didn’t see you right there!!”
You blamed getting the second-highest test grade in the class on him. At that point, it really seemed like getting hit in the head was affecting you and your perfect grades. But you still refused to go to the nurse, why?  I mean, you could still function properly, so there was no need... right?
If the locker door wasn’t bad enough, the last straw that caused the whole mess was by an elbow. Specifically Johnny’s elbow, you later found out. 
He was holding something in his hands, elbows pointing out, you weren’t sure what it was exactly. How funny it was that you forgot how tall Johnny really is. So as you snuck up behind him, he quickly turns his upper body around. 
Which meant his sharp elbow came in contact with your head. 
It wasn’t even that hard but apparently hard enough to cause you to blackout. (And perhaps the three previous times didn’t quite help either. )
When you finally come about, you see a crowd hovered over you, concerned and some panicking. And that’s how you figured you probably passed out in the middle of the gym. 
No lie, you felt horrible. Like someone who just woke up from a hangover. Apparently, you were only out for a couple of seconds, but people still assisted you up, insisting you needed help. 
So why were you still surprised to find out you couldn’t name the months of the year in order?
“Y/n-no, October comes after September.” 
Huffing, you allow Johnny to drag you to the nurse's office. “Whatever, what does this have to do with concussions, again??”
“You’re literally one of the top two students in the school, and you can’t name the months of the year in order? Spells it right out for me.”
As he opens the door, you both clumsily shuffle in, looking for the nurse. 
...ha. That’s funny. Nudging Johnny, you whisper not so loudly. “I know I may have a concussion, but does the nurse kinda look like freakin’ taeyong or- ?”
You feel two pairs of eyes on you. Johnny ignores you, setting you down in a chair. “Hey, Taeyong. Got someone special for you.” 
You shoot him an incredulous look. “Lee Taeyong? The school nurse? Pffft. Like he could ever take care of others.” 
A voice cuts in. “Johnny, why did you bring them here?” You turn and immediately squint. Is that really him? 
It’s like he reads your mind, stating, “Yes, it’s me y/n. Not sure why you’re here, but it explains all your issues I guess.” 
Slowly raising a finger to point at him, you narrow your eyes. “I have no issues, thank you very much.” 
Standing up, you’re about to walk out when you stumble, and Taeyong catches you. 
His sharp eyes glare down at you, causing you to scrunch your face up in disgust. “Let go of me.” 
Taeyong rolls his eyes, not so softly placing you onto the chair. “Thanks, Johnny, I’ll take it from here.”
Before he leaves, you plead at him with wide eyes, ones screaming don’t leave me here with this ******. 
He grins and leaves anyway, and so you’re forced to be stuck alone in a room with taeyong.
Lee Taeyong, one of the top students of the school and apparently the school nurse too? Was he even qualified??? The top student next to you, that is. It was always the two of you competing. To be number one. Always comparing grades and test scores.
It was strange, at first. When you met him, you actually liked him. I mean, with his good looks and seeming perfect personality and all. Then people started to notice you and your high grades, comparing it with his. 
You didn’t really care about it, but apparently, Taeyong did. That started the bickers, then the arguments and resentment. 
And it led to what you two were now. Rivals competing for the top spot. 
“-I’m guessing you hit your head??”
You blink. “Eh?” 
“Huh, is it that bad?” he mutters. “Does your head hurt?” 
You shrug. “Well, Johnny said I probably have a concussion but I feel okay?” What a lie.
“Well then why are you here?” he deadpans. 
You roll your eyes. “Can you just like, do your job and not talk back for once? Just make sure I’m okay or whatever..”
He sighs, moving to stand in front of you. You furrow your eyebrows. “What are you doing?” Taeyong doesn’t say anything, instead suddenly grabbing your face with his hands. His hands were surprisingly warm, touch soft.
Panicking, you attempt to remove his hands, but his glare forces you to freeze. “Stop moving.” 
Then he pulls out a black object.  Oh, it’s a.... flashlight? “Don’t look straight into it,” he says quietly. 
The bright light blinds you at first, but after adjusting, your eyes focus on the only thing in your field of vision.  Him.
And for some reason, you take to chance to just... look at taeyong. His eyes are a deep, warm brown, focused on your face and much different from the usual dirty looks he would send your way. 
Of course, he was extremely handsome, but you would never say or admit that. You felt.... warm, the way his face was so close to yours-closer than it had ever been. there were no insults, just you and him. 
The light abruptly turns off with a click. And for some reason, you don’t move. Taeyong doesn’t either. His eyes make contact with yours. It was weird how the first thought that came into your head was that his eyes were really pretty. Too pretty.
He blinks. “I think you should be okay, just get some rest for the next couple of days or whatever. Don’t strain yourself too much. And no gym for the rest of the week either.” 
You slowly nod, making your way out of technically his office. After getting a considerable distance away, you take a moment to just think. It was different. He was different. Different from the usual snarky remarks and gloating. Nurse Taeyong, you almost laugh. 
Immediately straightening up, you squeeze your eyes shut. 
Tch. What were you thinking? You still couldn’t believe taeyong was the actual school nurse. Seriously, an annoying student like him? The school couldn’t even get a real one? And not to mention his fangirls. They probably came to visit him every day, taking over the whole place. 
You felt jealous. The fact that he took care of students every day and still was able to maintain his amazing grades. But even worse, you also felt admiration. Or at least you thought so, a tiny feeling blooming in your stomach. 
The topic of him comes up again one day at lunch. You were sitting at lunch with Ten and Yuta when the thought pops into your head.
“Hey, did you guys know that taeyong was the school nurse?” 
They both nod. You scoff. “Am I the only one who didn’t know?” Ten shoots you a look. “Maybe if you weren’t too busy flirting with him you would know.”
“I do not! He’s the one who likes to constantly compare our grades, and I just can’t let him win.” Yuta joins in. “Seriously y/n, you talk about him a lot. No matter if you say you hate him, it’s like you two are obsessed with each other.”
Shaking your head, you say, “No... I won’t ever like lee taeyong.” You miss the look Yuta and Ten share. 
You got detention. With said person. Maybe it was your fault. Or maybe it was his.
I mean, if you were called up to solve a problem and he kept making dumb remarks while you were writing, was it that unreasonable of you to call him a very school inappropriate name?
He sighs next to you, and you glare at him. “Sigh one more time and the files aren’t the only things that are getting shredded.” He scoffs. “What can you even do? You can’t even solve a simple calculus problem.” 
A wave of something intense, you can’t tell what it is, flows through you, and you angrily grab his collar, face inches from yours.
You’re not sure what it was, maybe hormones, who knows?, that caused you to simply say, “Well, I can do this,” and smash your lips onto his. 
He’s shocked at first, frozen, but surprisingly melts into it.
And just as he brings you closer, you break the kiss. You stare at each other for a couple of seconds before you abruptly turn and walk out, leaving him to do the rest of the work.
The next day, week, he actually doesn’t bring it up. The kiss, or you leaving him behind. You’re not even sure why you did it.
But things definitely changed. The looks he would send you and the comments. You wouldn’t say they got worse, actually the opposite. His comments were less harsh-just as frequent- but there was something else, hidden deeper, whenever you would meet his eyes.
You might’ve jammed your finger on a basketball. But you didn’t want to admit it(more like you were too lazy to do anything about it). Or maybe you were just too stubborn and didn’t want to go to the nurse. But it constantly bothered you throughout the whole day, so you went anyway. For some reason, you were nervous, thinking you were gonna have to face taeyong again. 
As quiet as possible, you twist the door open, creeping inside. Surprisingly, it’s empty. Frowning, you look around. There’s no one here?
You think you feel disappointed? but you laugh, instead just brushing it off. Muttering, you turn around to leave when you notice Taeyong. Standing in the doorway, looking confusedly at you. “Why are you here again?” 
Awkwardly coughing, you mumble, “I jammed my finger or something, I don’t know... C-Can you check it?” 
He sighs, gently taking your hand and leading you over to the bench. You watch as he examines it, making a small noise of pain when he touches it. He looks up, “what did you do?” 
You glance away sheepishly, “...basketball??” “Well, you probably sprained it. I’ll tape it. Does it hurt?” Slowly, you nod. 
As he deftly wraps your finger, you stare at him. His eyes, nose, lips. And after he looks up, an irritating knowing expression on his face, he still holds onto your hand. “Miss smarty pants finally stopped talking, huh?”
You blink. “-what? Uh,, I’m going... Thanks, I guess,” you barely finish your sentence. Slipping your hand away from his grip, he watches as you quickly whisk out from the office. 
It wasn’t even a week later. Your next visit. Except girls were visiting him- you could tell they obviously didn’t have a reason for going. That was a lie, their reason was him. Trying to flirt their way in, you thought with a tsk! Their heads turn to look at you, taeyong included. 
You could easily tell the look on his face- annoyed,  exasperated but still trying to hide it. You suddenly felt bad for him- it was probably tiring to have girls all over you all the time. Clearing your throat, you send a fake smile to them. 
“Are you guys finished?” They share a look before brushing past you. 
You hear a cough, turning towards the sound. Taeyong stands up from the desk, muttering thanks. You almost forgot why you were here. 
Plopping into one of the chairs, you stare up at the ceiling. “I’m missing something.” You can sense his confusion even when you’re not looking. “What?” 
Your head lolls toward him. “Here,” you casually point to your head. “I can’t focus in class today.” 
He frowns. “So what do you want me to do about it?” Humming, you reply, “Nothing. You’re not leaving for class now, right?” 
“No, why?” You sigh. “Let me just stay here. You don’t have to do anything, just don’t make me go back to class.” 
“Y/n. What’s going on? You’re missing your lesson, and I know you would never miss a chance to study more than me.” 
After a pause, you look at him. “Let’s not talk for like five minutes, alright?” He abruptly stands up, walking over to you, legs dangling off the sides of the chair. 
Taking your face in his palms, he examines you. “What’s wrong? Did you eat something bad? How much sleep did you get last night?”
Blushing, you slap his hands away. “Nothing’s wrong !! Can’t I just be here if I want?” 
Taeyong squints. “Four hours?” Rolling your eyes, you get up to leave, but his hand catches your uninjured one. “Stay.” You huff, about to snatch your hand away, but his grip tightens. “I want you to.” 
Normally, taeyong wouldn’t allow anyone to just hang out in the office, but for some reason, he just blurted that out. 
Your eyes widen, stopping your struggle.  “w-why are you suddenly saying that?” He mutters you can barely understand. “It gets lonely in here..” 
You try to fight the smile growing onto your face. He was a lot cuter when he was shy like this.
“ I lied. The real reason I came was for you to take this tape off my finger. I didn’t know how long I was supposed to keep it on, and then I kinda forgot about it.” Letting the grin breakthrough on your face, you continue. “But I didn’t know I would be getting more.”
You notice his flushed face and red ears. But what you don’t notice are the girls watching through the window. 
Cue the jealous confrontation. Frankly, you kinda forgot about the whole ordeal- exams were coming up, and just because Taeyong helped you didn’t mean you were gonna let him win. 
Page 534. That’s the page you were on before rudely being interrupted by a bunch of lowerclassmen. It’s confusing at first, but you stupidly agree to follow them outside to an empty hallway. There were still some lingering effects of that concussion, huh.,,,
You couldn’t tell earlier, but now facing them, their faces seemed annoyed? Angry? 
“Are you dating Taeyong?” you’re guessing the leader of the ‘gang’ demands. You squint in confusion. “What?-no! Why are you asking?” 
The girl scoffs. “Then why are you always flirting with him?” She moves closer, to the point where her face is right in front of yours, causing you to raise an eyebrow. “Just know, he’ll never date someone like you alright? So back off.”
You laugh, eyes glittering in amusement, but the tone in your voice says otherwise. “Who says I have to listen to you? Even if I was flirting with him- which is none of your business- I can do whatever I want.” 
There’s a lot of emotions swirling inside you. Shock, irritation, anger. For someone like taeyong, his fangirls were a lot different. 
“If you’re going to waste my time, I’m leaving.” 
You feel as if someone lit a match within you, but you turn to leave before it gets out of control. 
A hand grabs yours. Hard. Before spinning you around until you feel it. A hard slap leaving tingles on your cheek. And then, of course, a harsh tug on your hair, pulling you closer to that wretched face.
You can’t even think, process anything- it was too shocking. “This is a warning. Stay away from Lee Taeyong. Or next time it’ll be worse.” That’s all it takes for you to move once more. 
You slap her wrist away from your hair, emotions boiling. You enjoy the split second where her face shows fear, but it quickly changes back. She raises her arm again, and you do the same. No way in hell are you letting her touch you again. 
It almost feels like slow motion, both of your arms hovered in the air until a voice cuts through. 
And then everyone freezes. You recognize his voice immediately. Taeyong’s standing at the end of the hallway, eyes wide and body tense. 
Hilarious how fast the whole group changes. Two-faced little- “Taeyong!!! We-we were just trying to get to class, and all of a sudden they- they attacked us! Please-!”
Scoffing, you’re about to just walk away, but Taeyong rushes to you. “Are you alright? Did you get hurt?” His eyes search your whole body, panicked.
Maybe your cheek was stinging pretty bad, but it was nothing compared to the raw satisfaction from those looks on the girls' faces. You don’t even spare a glance back as Taeyong drags you to the nurse's office. 
He sits you down in a chair, wasting no time in grabbing medicine. No words are exchanged. 
“Where did they hit you?” You couldn’t form the words to question how he knew. Swallowing, your hand raises to your cheek. 
You can’t tell if you hate or love the way he looks at you -concerned, tenderly. 
Even the way he speaks so softly. “It’s bruised...” Taeyong takes a glob of some white cream, making you wince when he makes contact with your cheek. His whisper of an apology tickles your face. 
It’s silent as he tends to you. The only thing you can hear is your thudding heartbeat. 
“I-is there more? Did they hit you anywhere else?” “No... thank you though.” As he cleans up, you really don’t have anything to say. 
“Will you at least tell me why they did that? You wouldn’t provoke anyone, I know.” You bite the inside of your cheek, debating. 
He sits in front of you, pleading. “Please?” You’re bewildered as to why he wants to know so bad, but you answer anyway, speaking quietly. “Your fan club-whatever, fangirls. They were jealous of me, apparently. It was stupid of me to follow them, and it was stupid of me to cause a scene.” 
He takes your hand, and you’re surprised at the anger on his face. “No. It wasn’t. They were out of control. It’s my fault since you said they were my-uh fans... I just didn’t know they would do such a thing. Seriously, I’ll tell them to stop completely.” 
“It’s fine,” you sigh, just wanting to go home and sleep. Taeyong’s grip on your hand tightens. 
“It’s not fine!” He objects, voice getting louder. 
You’re startled at his outburst. “Why do you care?”
“Will you stop getting hurt??” 
You frown. “That’s not what I asked. Why are you getting so angry?” You realize how close your faces have gotten, and he must’ve too, considering the sudden red cheeks. A lightbulb goes off in your head. 
Moving in more to bring your face even closer to his, you examine his reaction. Watching as his eyebrows raise before swiftly moving backward. 
A mischievous grin finds its way onto your face. You pretend to tap your chin before asking, eyes glinting, “so? why do you care so much?” 
Taeyong huffs, fiddling with the hem of his shirt. “It’s just cause I won’t have anyone to compete with anymore if you’re always hurt. Don’t get any ideas... and stop coming to the nurse’s office!! Just go out with me outside of school,” he grumbles. "-and where no one can hurt you," he adds.
You pout, “I like visiting you.” Both of you falling back into a comfortable silence as you nod decisively. “Alright, since it’s nurse’s orders. But.....”
He glances at you, waiting for you to continue. 
Your face turns serious, and so does his. Facing him, you hold your pinky out in front of you, staring him in the eye. “Promise me.” 
“Promise you what?” 
“That you’ll take care of me. Whenever I’m hurt.” 
And you enjoy the moment when his pinky comes up and wraps around yours.
     A/N: I wrote these situations as a joke, but If you ever get hit in the head and it seems ‘more than harmless’ , please get it checked out ! (I would know from experience ...!)  
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kurt-nightcrawler · 4 years
Decay: part II
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐧 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐭𝐨𝐧 𝐈𝐈𝐈 𝐱 𝐌𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐍𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞! 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
Warnings: this talks about alcoholism, implications of sex, mentions of technical assault (Jessie kissed Warren while he was drunk and she made him think she was Mother Nature!), also we get into Warren’s backstory a bit. I’m not trying to make anyone out to be a villain, but the story overall is much more upsetting than usual.
Word Count: 5.4K
A/N: I hope you guys enjoy! Not exactly the mood needed right now— I am very sorry, but I’m working on a much happier piece for Mother Nature and Warren! I’ll try to have it out before the end of the month!
Part 1 if you need a refresher!
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Warren didn’t want to tell anyone about what happened. He wanted to pretend it never happened. To just hole up the memory of the night deep into his mind. He always hid and pushed away trauma. Why should this be any different?
His friends wanted to get Alex or maybe even Charles involved, but he protested. 
“It’s my word against her’s.” 
“Yeah, but everyone’s going to support you, and Jean and Charles are telepathic—”
“What can I really do? Press charges? If I do that then and use Jean or Charles to back me up, it becomes a whole mutant’s rights issue. It’s not worth it.” 
(Y/N) hated seeing Warren look so defeated. Jessie going about Xavier’s unscathed by everyone who wasn’t close with Warren, and him thinking it was his fault. 
(Y/N) had said she must have eaten something bad at the Halloween party, causing her to feel sick and sprout poison ivy. Also why all the plants died. 
If Hank and Charles could tell she was lying, they didn’t say anything. 
Rumors started amongst students about what had happened at the party— if Warren had actually cheated on (Y/N), if he did something to Jessie, or if Jessie forced herself onto him. 
Warren didn’t like the rumors involving (Y/N) in the mess. He didn’t like the stares and whispers they got when people saw them together. 
“Poor girl, staying with him even after he cheated.”
“Maybe she’s too naive to realize.”
“I knew they’d never work out— (Y/N)’s too good for him.”
“I bet he forced her into going out with him.” 
“I mean… he’s not ugly—”
“Yeah, but he’s not a good person and (Y/N) is!”
It made him sick to his stomach. Warren didn’t force her into anything— and he thought he had changed, that people were finally trusting him. 
Guess he was wrong.
Warren wasn’t even paying attention in his environmental sciences class. They were watching a video on how a plant species can be invasive, required to take notes on it. 
Warren was texting (Y/N), phone brightness turned down all the way. He just wanted to go to bed for a while and ignore the real world.
When the bell rang, dismissing students, Alex told everyone they’d finish the video, next class. 
Warren got up to leave, but Alex stopped him. 
“You doing alright?” 
“Uh, yeah.” He lied. “I’m not in trouble am I?” 
Alex hesitated to answer. 
Warren nodded, noticeably nervous. 
“There’s a rumor going around saying you assaulted Jessie Rowe.”
Warren’s heart fell into his stomach. “I didn’t.”
“Okay… But something happened, didn’t it?” 
Warren didn’t respond.
“Warren, you have to tell me what happened.” 
“I got tipsy and she kissed me. I thought she was (Y/N), but then (Y/N) walked in and Jessie tried to act like I tried to kiss her.”
 Warren’s eyes were pleading— pleading for Alex to not get mad at him for drinking, or mad at him for not speaking sooner. 
“Um, no one got hurt, and now there’s just a rumor going around, so you can like, give me detention for drinking or whatever it’s fine—”
 “I’m going to have to tell Professor Xavier,” Alex told him. 
“Please don’t tell him I was drinking! I can’t— I won’t—”
Alex could see the desperation in his eyes. Warren had nowhere else to go. He, like many other students, depended on Xaiver’s entirely.  
“You’re a good kid Warren— you’ve opened up to others, you were sober for almost six months, you have a good group of friends and even a girlfriend— Charles isn’t going to punish you. I just don’t want you to spiral down and lose all the progress you’ve made…” 
“I just,” Warren rubbed his eyes. “Don’t wanna make a big deal about it. I’d rather it just blows over. Everyone will eventually forget about it anyway.” 
“Are you aware of the rumors involving (Y/N)?” 
“Okay, so, this involves her and Jessie. I know—” 
Alex and Warren turned their heads to the door. Someone was opening it. 
(Y/N) stepped inside. Warren hadn’t shown up to the library during their shared free period like he said he would, so she was worried about him. Plus, he hadn’t been doing too well since the Halloween party…. Neither of them had been. 
Her eyes were pink and purple— she was full of worry for her boyfriend. 
“Oh!” She gaped, soon as she saw Warren and Alex sitting at his desk, in the middle of what looked like an important conversation. 
“Sorry, am I interrupting?” She asked. 
“No. You can stay.” Warren told her. (Y/N) dragged a chair over and sat next to him.
“Right, as I was saying, Charles isn’t going to expel you, but he might want to make a police report. I’m not sure what good it will do, but—”
“I don’t want to. It’s not going to do anything but cause problems.” 
(Y/N) was immensely confused. She had no idea what they were talking about. 
“We’re gonna talk to Jessie, maybe a few of your friends, and knowing Charles, he won’t expel either of you. We’ll do everything we can to get the rumors to stop…” 
Oh! It finally clicked in her mind. 
It was about the party. 
“Okay… Thank— thank you, Alex.” 
“Yeah, we should go to Charles’s office— what class do you guys have next?” 
“I have lunch.”
“AP art.”
“That’s… Ms. Burnwood, right, (Y/N)?” 
She nodded.  
“I’ll make sure your absence is excused.” 
Alex took them up to Charles’s office. Warren then explained everything that happened, while trying to not get his friends in trouble for also drinking. 
Jessie was brought up to Charles’s office and questioned. She caved pretty easily, with (Y/N) glaring at her the whole time, and amid their telepathic principal, lying wouldn’t do her any good. 
Jessie was “grounded”— she couldn’t leave campus during the semester until after Thanksgiving break— she was also to stop encouraging the rumors, and had to talk with one of the school counselors once a week until they deemed it no longer necessary. Jessie’s parents weren’t in the picture, so notifying them wouldn’t do any good. 
Warren’s punishment was less severe, he couldn’t be out later than nine on weekends, (just until Thanksgiving break) and he was required to go to group therapy to help him deal with his former alcoholism and past traumas, for the rest of the school year.  
“You don’t have to tell me what goes on at group therapy.” (Y/N) told him. 
“I know.” 
“You don’t have to tell anyone.” 
Warren smiled a little, “I know.” 
“Okay…” (Y/N) kisses his cheek. 
Warren wrapped his arm around her shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze. “I hope it goes well… it should.” 
(Y/N) nodded, “Yeah… Here,” Her hand was in a fist. When she opened it, she revealed a daisy and a four-leaf clover. 
“You don’t really need luck or anything but, um, I thought, you know—“ 
Warren accepted the small gift, taking it from her hand. “Thanks, baby. I love it.” 
Group therapy was awkward. Warren hated it. He knew it would be good to talk about… well, everything, probably, but he had a hard time opening up to total strangers. 
“Alright, in case you’re new or don’t remember, my name is Allison… We have a new member with us today, he’s going to be with us for a while.” Allison looked at Warren. “Why don’t you introduce yourself?”
“Okay… Um, my name is Warren.”  
Everyone replied with, “Hi, Warren.” 
“And um, I’m a mutant.” 
Allison smiled, “That’s great! Do you go flying a lot? 
“Uh, yeah.”
“What kind of metal are your wings made of?” A girl with washed-out blue hair asked.
“Titanium, I think.” 
“Well, Warren, welcome to the group,” Allison interjected, trying to steer the conversation elsewhere. “Now, we’re going to do an ice breaker of sorts, and then just have like, regular conversation. We can all go around and say our favorite color and why.” 
Warren blinked. He didn’t— he didn’t have a favorite color. 
“And don’t say you don’t have a favorite color. If you can’t pick a favorite, choose one you hate the least… We can start with Trey.” 
Warren thought of color options—
Black?  No. Black wasn't his favorite, despite being 95% of his wardrobe. It absorbed the most light, helping him blend in with the darkness and look tough, something he needed in Germany. 
Blue— The color of Kurt— his roommate and friend, who he tried to kill. Twice. Something he still felt remorse over. And Apocalypse. The man who gave him the metal wings and tattoos, forcing him to aid in mass destruction, only to leave him for dead when he was no longer useful.
Red— the color of Alex’s plasma beams. And how the Horsemen were a result in him almost dying.
White and Silver— the colors of his wings. Past and present. How each reflected hardships from Warren’s life. How he hated them and a child and almost resorted back to that self-deprecation when they shifted into metal and the consequences finally sank in. 
But what about green? The color of healthy plants that thrive. The color of (Y/N)’s eyes when she’s happy.
Warren liked the color, despite (Y/N)’s eyes rarely being green around him. However, it didn’t mean she was unhappy with him.
Her eyes were pink around him. A way of saying “I love you” without actually saying it. The pink meant she cared about him more than most people— that she trusted him, accepted him for who he was despite his past, and that she would be there for him when he needed her. 
Not many people could say they would do those things for Warren, or that they had.
His father cared more about the family name and how his son couldn’t possibly be a freak. His mother didn’t want his wings to tarnish her image, and while she was still his mother, she left him on his own most of the time. 
And how all his past relationships and flings— they didn’t have much meaning. There was never any real affection behind them. They saw the cage fighting king and wanted a piece of that. 
(Y/N) looked past all of that. She saw how he responded to what life threw at him. She saw the tough guy act, the big softie, the broken boy who ran away in fear, the man who thought he wasn’t good enough— she brought out his good side, making him realize he deserved happiness, love, and a home, that when you hit rock bottom, you can only go up from there. 
He decided pink was his favorite color, because it showed someone cared for him in ways he wasn’t used to. He would do anything to keep it around forever.
“Warren, what’s your favorite color?” 
He got a few funny looks. They were probably expecting him to say black, based on his general aesthetic. 
“And why is that?”
“Um, it’s my girlfriend’s eye color… she’s also a mutant.” 
Allison smiled, “That’s very sweet.” 
She moved on to the next person, “Rose, what’s your favorite color?” 
She said, “Green.” But Warren wasn’t paying attention to why. 
The ice breaker eventually ended, and Allison shifted the discussion to other things. 
“Now Warren, since you’re new, usually new members spend most of their first meeting talking about themselves. Just so we can get to know you and whatnot.”
“Okay… um… anything specific you want to know?” 
“Why don’t you start from the beginning?” 
“Okay… So, I was born into a really small family. Just me, my mom, my father, and his brother. I don’t really know what happened to my grandparents. I never asked... 
When I was three we moved from Westminster to Centerport.”
“Where’s that located?”
“Oh, uh, Westminster’s close to London.” 
Allison looked impressed. 
“I went to a private all-boys school when I was little. I don’t remember the name of it though.” 
“Were you born with your wings?” Allison asked.
“No.” Warren responded. “They started to grow when I was eleven… I was terrified. I spent almost every day trying to rip them out… but once all the feathers are gone, you’re left with nothing but bone. It hurt like hell, but I used a pocket knife and a razor to try and cut them or at least file the bone down.” 
“It wasn’t hard… but it hurt a lot. I spent so much time worrying about my wings and if people would discover them, that I started to fall behind in school… I wasn’t like failing or anything, I had access to all kinds of tutors and everything, but my parents quickly found out I was falling behind. My father was barely aware, telling my mom to ‘deal with it.’ She tried her best, but I was so scared of them discovering my wings…”
   Warren sighed, “My parents had a beach house in Italy, and we were supposed to go there for my fall break. I was so terrified. I couldn’t go swimming, they’d see my wings… But I couldn’t find a way out of the trip. I was twelve at the time and my mom… She saw my back when I came out of the shower...”   
“She screamed, and my father came running to us. When he saw my back, he was disgusted. The look on his face was drilled into my skull for years. And it wasn’t even that bad, they were just growing back after being cut, so they weren’t even that big… but I just remember how scared my mom was, and how disgusted my father was… I just started crying and apologizing, but it didn’t do anything.” 
“We left our trip four days early and I was pulled out of school. My parents decided to homeschool me, which basically meant, cut all contact with everyone from school and have a few tutors come to the house.” 
“Did you have contact with anyone outside of your home?”
“I saw some family friends, and one or two kids of my parent’s friends… my parents hired countless doctors and all kinds of people, doing tests on me, trying to find a “cure”. Every time they failed my parents just got more upset— I was becoming a waste of time and money. They were becoming more distant and cold, wrapping themselves up in their work, and I was locked up.”
“What happened to your wings?”
“My mom said the scars they would leave were ugly, but I was forced to let them grow out.” 
“My parents were arguing a lot, always sad or angry… mostly because of my wings… I was getting tired, tired of hiding, tired of the arguing, I wanted it all to stop…”
“Can you please stop?” Warren thought he was going to cry. 
His father glared at him, disgusted by the wings, and how his son was on the verge of tears. 
Warren could hear his parents arguing from down the hall. That’s all they seemed to do when they were home— fight. 
Warren blamed himself. If he was just normal. If he didn’t have those damn wings!
He wanted them to stop. He’d do anything to make them stop. 
Warren thought about getting on to the roof and jumping. Not even flying down, just falling to his end. His end of suffering, and his loveless, lonely existence. 
“Are you going to do it?” 
Warren looked over his shoulder to find his father standing behind him. Watching him peer out the highest window in the house. 
“No! I— I’m sorry! I wasn’t—”
His father scoffed. “Did I raise a coward?”
Warren couldn’t look him in the eyes. “No sir.”
“I’ve scheduled for you to have spinal surgery next week. Your doctor is coming to prep and evaluate you for it. This surgery should fix you.”
Warren’s eyes were closed, trying not to imagine the pain, trying to not cry in front of his father. 
“Or you can fall out the window… in a freak accident.” 
“So I jumped out the window. I didn’t fall to my death as he had hoped, but I flew. I flew far away. I flew across the Atlantic for a few hours before I started to get tired. I spotted a ship and I got close. It was a fishing boat, a large one. The crew let me stay for the night until they went back to land… After that, I flew from São Miguel to Cascais. From there I just kind of fucked around Europe.” 
Warren sighed. Allison told him to take all the time he needed and he could stop if he wanted for the day. Let someone else talk. 
Warren nodded and kept quiet for the rest of the meeting. 
Alex picked him up when the meeting ended. Alex didn’t ask about the meeting. It wasn’t his business and he knew Warren would talk when he was ready. 
“Where do the others think I went?” Warren asked. 
“Training. They’re busy anyway, most didn’t notice you were gone.” 
Warren silently nodded. 
Alex pulled into Xavier’s garage, parking and letting Warren slip out and go up to his room. 
Warren kicked his shoes off and laid on his bed, putting in his earbuds and playing some soft songs. 
(Y/N) was heading up to Warren’s room to use his shower. She was covered in paint, for she helped clean up after the fourth graders used the art room. 
(Y/N) knocked on the door, making sure no one was there before she entered. 
Warren didn’t hear her and (Y/N) almost didn’t notice him laying on the bed. When she did, however, her entire demeanor changed. 
“Hi, Angel!” She went over to practically smother him in light kisses. 
Warren pulled out his earbuds and smiled. “Hi, Flower.”
“When did you get home?” She asked, scooting over to the open side of the bed. 
“Like ten minutes ago. What have you been up to?” 
“I got paint all over me,” (Y/N) frowned. “I was going to take a shower and wash it off.” 
“You can do that. I was just kind of laying here.” 
(Y/N) bit her lip, unsure of how to handle the situation. 
“If you disassociate your whole day will feel off. You should take a nice relaxing shower with me, instead.” 
Warren chuckled. 
“Not like that, Bird brain!” She exclaimed. “We can use one of my lush bath bombs and my rose-scented exfoliator.” 
“Are you saying I smell?” Warren joked. 
“Eh,” (Y/N) shrugged before slipping her bra off and throwing it in the hamper. 
Warren scoffed and wrapped his arms around (Y/N), peppering her neck in kisses. “How dare you!” He teased. 
“Ah!” (Y/N) laughed. Warren’s lips on her neck tickled her skin. “That’s why I’m going to bathe.”
“Fine, fine. I’ll join you.” 
(Y/N) hummed in victory, wiggling out of Warren’s grip, and headed into the bathroom to grab her stuff. 
The last time she used the girls’ communal showers was before they were even dating. (Y/N)’s toothbrush made its way into Warren and Kurt’s bathroom, then her shampoo and conditioner, and then eventually most of all her other hygiene products. 
(Y/N) set her soap and other things on the edge of the tub and drew up warm water, filling the bathtub up about halfway. 
She sprinkled in rose petals and got Warren into the bathroom. They both stripped off their clothes and stepped in the tub. A bit difficult, for Warren had to fold his wings back and get in first, with (Y/N) practically sitting in his lap, face to face, but they made do. 
(Y/N) dropped an orange bath bomb in the water and grabbed her jar of exfoliating scrub, rubbing it on her arms and legs to help remove the paint. 
Warren closed his eyes and rested his chin on her shoulder. 
“How’d it go today?” (Y/N) asked as she grabbed a bar of soap and rubbed it onto her skin. 
He didn’t respond. 
“I’m sorry…” She murmured. 
“Don’t apologize. It wasn’t terrible… I talked a little bit about my parents.” 
(Y/N) nodded as she applied her rose exfoliator onto Warren’s skin. 
“I’m really sorry…” Warren let out. He sounded as if he was on the verge of tears. 
“Baby,” (Y/N) looked into his eyes. “it’s okay.” 
“I— I just—“ Warren hiccuped, letting out a choked sob and releasing some tears from his eyes. 
(Y/N) rubbed his back, avoiding the tender spot around his wings, whispering, “Let it out, it’s okay, Angel.” 
Warren silently cried into (Y/N)‘s shoulder. Her arms wrapped around him in comfort. The emotions he felt almost made him sick— love and affection— and a lot of it too. He couldn’t remember a time before when he felt like that. He never wanted to leave (Y/N)‘s embrace. 
Warren lifted his head up and wiped his eyes with the back of his hand. 
“Sorry— um—“ 
“It’s okay.” (Y/N) cupped his face in her hands, leaving a kiss on each cheek. “Want me to wash your hair?” 
Warren nodded. 
“C’mere—” (Y/N) grabbed the shampoo from the bathtub ledge, pouring some in her hands, and then lathering it into Warren’s mop of curls. 
Her hands gently massaging his scalp felt like a touch of heaven to Warren. He didn’t want to cry again, but he couldn’t help himself.  (Y/N) was heartbroken at her boyfriend’s demeanor, but it was good he was letting it all out.  
She finished washing his hair and drained the tub— them both getting out— Warren holding onto (Y/N) as she gently dried them both off. 
“Thank you, He mumbled.
“Of course, Baby…”   
Most of their dates shifted to either being at the mansion or during the day. Warren felt bad, having to limit things for them, but (Y/N) didn’t care. 
“We can do more stuff during the day… And at night all our friends will be gone… We’ll be all alone…” (Y/N)’s tone was almost teasing. Warren had to chuckle to himself, she was doing her best to make the situation work.
His second group meeting was set a bit later in the day, around 6 pm on a Saturday. Warren told (Y/N) he probably wouldn’t be back until after dark. 
“Call me if you need me. I’ll be here—” She motioned to her empty bedroom. 
“Don’t have too much fun without me,” He teased.  
“You too, Baby.” 
Warren drove himself to his second group therapy meeting. Alex offered to drive again, but Warren felt bad having him taking time out of his day to drive him to group therapy. 
Not everyone who was at the first meeting was at the second one— but Warren saw some familiar faces. 
“Hey, Warren! Welcome back,” Allison greeted him. 
He took a seat near a guy in a grey hoodie with an eyebrow piercing. 
“Alright everyone, we’re going to go around, say our name, and if we have any pets. If you don’t that’s okay! You can say, what kind of animals you’re interested in. Let’s start with Collin…”
Warren zoned out for a bit until it was his turn. He didn’t have a pet, and he didn’t really have an interest in a specific animal. People made jokes about him being a bird, but he didn’t necessarily have a connection with them. 
“I don’t have a pet… My girlfriend has a lot of plants though…” 
“Ooo! What kind?” 
“Um… Almost all kinds— her mutation helps grow them and stuff…”
“That’s cool.” Someone commented.
Warren awkwardly nodded. The ice breaker continued around the circle, and when finished, Allison had some people give updates on how they had been since the last meeting, others talked about how they were feeling in general. 
“Yeah?” He asked. 
“Do you want to continue talking from where you left off last week?”  
“I can, sure.” 
The floor was given to him, and Warren continued his “backstory”. 
“I ended up in Germany. Messing around, staying overnight on stranger’s couches. I tried to find work, but it was hard being almost 15 at this point and no papers… I ran into muggers and they tried to, well, rob me, but I fought back. I wasn’t very good but it got them off and away from me… I ended up in a bar… The last thing I remember was falling asleep and then waking up in a locker room of sorts. A bunch of men shouting in German, um, some in English, but basically I was told to go out into ‘the ring’. People were watching— shouting and cheering, for the other guy in the ring. He was kind of short and hairy, but he had these claws, and he could really kick ass. I barely made it out of there— I didn’t win— but I didn’t die. People enjoyed watching us. They cheered, calling him Wolve-something, and they called me, Angel.” 
“I wanted to leave, but the people running the ring gave me some money and I found a place to stay for the night… the job offers weren’t exactly lining up… so I agreed to more fights. I got really good, fighting other mutants, probably in the same situation as me, but I quickly realized, kill, or be killed…” 
Warren quickly realized people had very concerned looks on their faces. “I didn’t kill anyone! But I did beat them up pretty badly— the more fights I won the more money I got— and it was that or die… I did it for about two years before I met someone… 
I was alone at a bar, I was bruised and a bit bloody, and this girl with purple hair came up to me. She was one of the guards in the fight club— she worked for some guy named Caliban, I think. I don’t remember… Anyway, her name was Betsy. She said she’d been watching me for a while, saying my fighting was impressive but could be improved… Uh, She offered to help me out, and we went back to her place. She helped clean up the blood on me, and um, then we made out, and I spent the night… This went on for a while, she’d watch me fight and give me tips and pointers, and we’d make out and stuff…”   
“How long is, awhile?” Allison asked.
“Um, Like two-ish years? I don’t know— but um, we had this like thing going on, and I thought we were maybe dating? I dunno. But whatever we had I fucked up.”
Warren groaned as Betsy aggressively pressed her mouth against his. He had just won another fight and went back to her place to “celebrate”. 
“God, B… I love you...” 
 Betsy froze, her body tensing up. 
Warren panicked, her face did not seem pleased. “It slipped out— I’m sorry—”
“No… You don’t mean it… We can’t be together.”
“What do you mean?” He asked. “I thought we were together.” 
“Angel— this isn’t a relationship— we just fuck while I give you some pointers on your punches.”
“I know this isn’t traditional, we don’t go out on dates—”
“You don’t love me! We’re too young— I’ll lose my job. I spend all this time one you so I don’t lose my job, you’re the best fighter—”
“You keep me trapped here?” Warren asked, slowly piecing things together. 
“It’s not like that—” She tried to explain. 
“I’ve tried to quit fighting for almost a year now! I told you I wanted to leave, and this whole time you’ve been keeping me here?” 
“You’re young and naive, and I’d lose my job, everything—” 
Warren stood up, ignoring Betsy’s excuses. 
“Where are you going?” 
“Away. Since we’re not together and I don’t love you.” Warren slammed the door behind him and headed back to the ring. He needed to let out his anger. 
Warren went on a winning streak— he won ten fights in a row— the feeling was borderline euphoric, the crowds cheering for their champion, Warren getting to sink someone’s teeth in or watch them fall to the ground. 
Warren was amped up for his eleventh fight— the announcer was talking about his next opponent— 
“The Incredible Nightcrawler!” 
A lanky, devil looking, blue boy fell out of a cage onto the floor of the ring. Warren circled him for a moment before meeting him on the ground. 
He wasn’t fighting, just teleporting around the cage in small bursts. 
“Fight!” Warren yelled at him. “Or they’ll kill us both!” 
The blue boy looked terrified, but he fought back when Warren attacked him. 
At one point he managed to drag Warren against the side of the electric cage, burning his wing. 
“Ah!” Warren cried out in pain. Suddenly he saw the blue devil escape from the bottom, so in a risky move, he flew up and ripped off the upper walls of the cage, and flew out. His flying was wonky and jagged for one of his wings was broken.
Warren had nowhere to go, so he went back to the one place he shouldn’t have— 
Betsy’s place. 
“I was drunk as shit and angry and this blue wrinkly man came with Betsy and some other girl I didn’t recognize, and he just held his hand out and metal grew out of my back and on top of my wings. I was healed, in a way, but also it kind of ruined my life. The blue man also just held his hand  out and gave me these tattoos…”
“You weren’t one of the horsemen with Apocalypse, were you? Like last spring I think… Out in Cario?” One girl in the circle asked.
“Yeah… Um, I never killed anyone, and I don’t do that anymore. The X-Men took me in and I’m trying to get my shit together.” 
“We don’t judge here, and from what I’ve heard, the X-Men do great things! Like the Fantastic Four and Spider-Man.” Others in the group murmured in agreement. 
“You’re built like a transformer dude,” The guy sitting next to him commented. 
“I think you can do a lot of good, Warren. You’ve spent a lot of time running from your problems, but you seem like you’re grounded now… I was told you came here because you relapsed.”   
“It was an accident— I haven’t drank since.” 
“And that’s good! It can be really hard to open up and talk about your past, but you did it…”
Warren nodded along to what Allison said. 
“I think you can do even better if you acknowledge your mistakes and learn from them… and don’t be afraid, don’t push them into the back of your mind… I think— if you haven’t already— talk to your girlfriend about some of this. Doesn’t have to be a lot or all at once, but being open and honest does good in relationships.”
“Yeah, um, sounds good.” Warren’s heart fell into his stomach. He was terrified to talk about all of this with (Y/N).
She didn’t deserve the burden. (Y/N)  was this innocent, happy, light in his life. Warren didn’t want to ruin that. 
He thought (Y/N) was too good for him, and she would eventually realize that and leave him.  
But he trusted her. He trusted (Y/N) with his life. Perhaps a bit foolish, but he rarely ever felt sure about those types of things. He decided to trust his intuition.
Warren drove home in silence. 
He pulled into the garage and put the keys on the key rack before heading up to (Y/N)’s room. 
He didn’t even bother knocking on the door. He just walked right in and flopped onto the bed, in (Y/N)’s lap.
She was surprised, but she quickly came to her senses and tried to figure out what happened. 
“Baby?...” (Y/N) looked down at Warren’s face as she tucked a piece of his hair behind his ear. 
“I…” Warren burst into tears, all his bottled up emotions coming out at once. 
“Hey, hey, it’s okay.” Warren sat up and (Y/N) hugged him tightly. 
“I have… things… I want to tell you… about my past…” Warren scrunched his nose. 
“My parents and other stuff… but I’m scared.” He admitted.  
“Warren, baby, I’m not going anywhere. Tell me whatever you need to, whenever you feel ready, okay?” 
He slowly nodded, still crying. 
(Y/N) kissed his forehead and rubbed his back, being silent and supportive. 
“Can… Can you promise me… Promise me you won’t leave because of my past. I’ve done really bad shit and—” 
“I promise I’m not going anywhere. I mean it.” She reassured him.  
Warren wiped his nose with the back of his hand, his tears slowing down.
“Thanks…” He mumbled.
“Of course, anything for you, Angel.” 
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