#I hide a lot of stuff in the tags to be fair
randomyuu · 1 year
the way it follows you home, the stories i never told
My guy Vox once again graced us with lovely Goyuu fanfics, and the way it follows you home, the stories i never told, made me go FERAL.
Time travel? Two Gojou Satorus? Double affection for our sunshine Yuuji? Yuuji sandwich? What feels like possible continuation of (you'll whisper, serpent tongue) what you fear you have become???
I need to stop indulging my imagination too much. I should’ve been content with writing long-ass comments but noooooo, my brain goes “you gotta draw it”. DAMMIT VOX, YOU AND YOUR DELICIOUS WRITINGS HHHHHH
So… usually I should’ve picked a favourite scene that is within my drawing capability, but I just… love all three chapters??? So I made a questionable time investment? I can’t stop??? Help???
This is probably the most ambitious fanart project I’ve ever done so far. Fair enough, considering I might combust if I keep these welled-up emotions inside from reading Vox’s Goyuu fics. Fuck.
Fic info:
Title: the way it follows you home, the stories i never told
Author: @voxofthevoid
Pairing: YuuGoGo. Future!Yuuji, Future!Gojou, Teen!Gojou
(idk why I laugh writing YuuGoGo. I’m beyond help)
Currently, it is 3 chapters out of 8. And it’s gonna be NSFW chapter 4 onwards, so don’t forget to read the tags first, folks!
The drawings are under Read More, because I have lots of thoughts surrounding each chapter and drawings. It’ll be hella long if I didn’t hide it here. It was a mess down there. A combination of hours before, during, and after I read said fic. I’d say good luck finding the art among the sea of jumbled words but… you’ll find them easily. Don’t worry about it haha
SPOILERS FOR ALL 3 CHAPTERS! I highly recommend reading those first before diving into these drawings!
Also for the comics, read from right to left please!
From here on, I will be referring to the Future!Gojou as Gojou and the teenage one as Satoru.
Overall, drawing all these is fun! Really fun! This project pushed me quite hard, forcing me to test my limit (because I rarely draw this much back to back). Since this is a combination of drawings and comics, the coloring style will not be consistent. In a way, I want to try some brushes I never get to use, as well as try out my new graphic tablet. Drawing these got me giggling because I was finally able to let loose during line art. It's much easier to do so, and sometimes I just get to reread the fic and giggle to myself for the nth time.
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Whooo. Whooooooooo—
Ok, ok, the premise is just that good. It intrigued me, fascinated me, and I just… oomph. I cannot refuse a Time Travel Yuuji Sandwich. Sign me up.
Honestly, there are two scenes that are just… a bit too clear in my mind when reading this chapter. That would be the one I drew above, and the other is when Yaga called Gojou to come outside of the class. I love, loooove how Vox wrote Satoru’s POV. And when Yuuji fucking giggles?
I lost it.
Can you imagine, drawing Yuuji grins, with shiny stuff, maybe some sunlight, just purely happy and indulging Gojou?
Help me, for I am drowning in my love and adoration for Yuuji.
Page 2 is an experiment on using harsh black as shading (kind of?). I really enjoyed colouring Yuuji, and drawing those buffalo skulls! I wish I can grasp the concept of contrast a bit better tho :v
This is probably the only chapter where I picture still images instead of comic panels. A bit like those cool chapter covers in mangas. The one I really, really want to draw is the scene with Satoru on the table. Can’t pass the opportunity to highlight Satoru being a brat, albeit a really cool brat.
Cool idea drawing always proves to be a challenge, because of course my artistic skill just so happens to be below the requirement. Thank you, Sketchfab, for the chair and desk’s perspective otherwise I’m screwed lmao
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The second scene that I want to draw the most is this:
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Gojou is one step away from climbing Yuuji. Also, I have a bit of a problem picturing a man pouting that makes him look crazy instead, so please have Gojou pouting adorably instead. Because, as Yuuji said (with love), Gojou is (also) a brat.
This is possibly my favorite art in this project, after Yuuji's in Chapter 1 page 2. It's clean because I don't have to draw background, and I was having a fun time drawing Yuuji. And Gojou's squishy cheek as well.
Oh, actually, there is a “manga” scene in this chapter. It’s when Yuuji said, “I love Satoru.”
I just—
AAAAAHHHHH YUUJIIIIIII YOU AND VOX ARE GONNA BE THE DEATH OF ME. That secure relationship between Yuuji and Gojou? Satoru’s description of how Yuuji’s smile could blot out the sun??? Not me screaming 💀 I also see bits of hints of possible co-dependency, though I could be reading those wrong, but either way I’m good. Secure and possessive relationships are fun to consume hhhhhh
But yeah. There are too many wholesome Yuuji smiles in this fic, and I… I am not confident enough to draw genuine happiness. It’s too much for me ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
For this chapter, another reason why I chose these two scenes is just because I want to try and draw cover-worthy pictures of Yuuji and Satoru, and Yuuji and Gojou (cough)
We start the chapter with Nanamin. Ah, Nanamin. I forgot what his teen self looked like and was surprised to see his design again lmao
I want to draw Yuuji and Nanami scene because… I just want to, I guess. I have never drawn him before (Yaga as well) so that's an interesting challenge. I got two ideas on how I want to draw it. One is a bit painting-esque, and the other one is like another chapter cover. In the end, I chose the cover one because I want to emphasise the difference between teen!Nanami and the Nanami from Yuuji’s original timeline, and how the watch feels like a connection between the same (yet not) person. It’s a bittersweet feeling? In a way?
I’m not really good at explaining my intention ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
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I love Yuuji’s answer to Nanami's question.
A Yuuji SandwichTM scene.
And oh B O I do I love it. Have I told you I like every chapter? I probably have. But this one? Satoru’s curiosity, Yuuji’s on-brand self-deprecation, and Gojou come strolling down to show more of Yuuji to his mini-self. I want to draw this whole scene, from Gojou finding them, feeding Yuuji snacks, bitch-slapping Satoru into the backroom, to Yuuji growling. Them trying to hide a boner from Yuuji’s growl got me cackling so hard I LOVE IT 😭
I love it all. Please love Yuuji in my stead, Satoru and Satonyan :3
Oh! Also! 40-finger Yuuji sounds really, really cool! I’ll be happy with whatever Vox will give us in future chapters, but 40-finger Yuuji… possible scene with this timeline’s Sukuna… my god. The action! The drama! The bloodshed! One can only hope.
However, as much as I love that whole scene, it’s still too much for me :”) I’m still not yet confident in delivering the humour and action. Also my already-long drawing plan had my brain groaning in protest so I can’t push my luck :'D
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When Gojou said "He looks sweet, but he's a bit of a beast", I kept picturing Yuuji staring innocently, but there was an edge to his look. As if the moment Satoru looks away, he will pounce. But in the end I just stick with innocent-looking Yuuji because I accidentally drew his eyes that way and I want to keep it in lol
Since Satoru points out how soft and cuddly Yuuji is, I also want to draw soft Yuuji :v
And the last one… is the last scene. For some reason, I read that both Gojou and Satoru share Yuuji’s lap and was having a frustrating yet fun time figuring out how it’s… physically possible, without having their butts on the ground because they both are not small at all. As I lined the art, I reread it again and… perhaps I read it wrong? Satoru is beside Yuuji, and not on his lap? So yeah, this one might be the least accurate, but hey, at least you can view it as a crack drawing or something :v
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Have I told you I love this fic?
…I probably have.
Have an amazing week (❁´▽`❁)*✲゚*
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kaiasky · 1 year
Complete-ish Guide To Settings You Might Want to Change
These instructions will be for desktop, because the settings are easier to find there. You can do the same on mobile, but it might be in different places.
Dash settings
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Your dashboard is broken down into several feeds, including "Following" and "For You".
"Following" is primarily the posts of people you follow, "For You" is algorithmic.
If you just joined, "For You" is default, if you're a longtime user it's "Following". You can change this in the settings on the right
A lot of longtime users will tell you that the Following feed is where we spend most of our time. But try out all the feeds, and see what you like most.
The settings that are settings:
To start, click the settings gear under the account icon (the abstract person head).
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This should take you to the General tab. Key settings:
Community Labels: By default anything NSFW is silently hidden. You can change how each subtype is handled.
Hide Additional Mature Content: If you have an iPhone disable this or it'll hide every post from you on the off-chance it contains porn.
If you're under 18 as determined by the birthdate you entered on signup, you can't change these. (If you want them on, you'll have to make a new account and lie)
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Under the "Dashboard" tab, you can enable timestamps, which is mostly just nice information to have. sometimes a post is from 2010 and you can be like wow.
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The next four probably have the biggest impact on your tumblr experience, so I'm gonna do a breakdown.
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Best Stuff First reorders your "Following" to have popular posts at the top. Disabling it makes your feed chronological. I like it off, but up to you.
Include Stuff In Your Orbit and Based On Your Likes put various content from "For You" into "Following". Personally, I disable them to keep "Following" purely posts by people I follow, and then switch between feeds to get what I want.
Followed Tag Posts will put content from the "Your Tags" feed into your "Following" feed. Since you can go to the separate tags feed, I usually turn this off (it tends to show me a lot of duplicate posts), but up to you.
Under the "Notifications" tab you can tell Tumblr to stop sending you emails.
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I'd recommend disabling all the emails--if you get a bunch of replies, Tumblr will happily send you dozens of emails, and you don't need that.
Notifications is the push-notifications in-app/in-website. The mobile app, for some reason, has a much better interface for controlling these, including the option to only get activity-notifications for mutuals. You can leave these on, or turn them off if you find the flood of notifications is distracting.
Tumblr News is a newsletter, it usually just has content from @fandom and the other staff-run recap blogs.
Conversational notifications sends you more emails.
Under the "Tumblr Labs" tab you can enable a bunch of cool beta tests.
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I particularly suggest Reblog Graphs, What you Missed tab, & Popular Reblogs tab, but they're all fun to try out. A lot of these are honestly better than the For You dashboard.
For each blog you have, you can customize it's Blog Settings. Beyond things like setting an avatar or description, there's a few settings that are fun.
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Custom Theme gives you your own subdomain at [blogurl].tumblr.com.
This makes your blog easier to search, and a lot of 3rd party tools depend on you enabling it. It also makes it easier to link your posts to people who don't have tumblr accounts.
You can completely customize the CSS/HTML/Javascript. you can go legitimately crazy. It's not a requirement, but if you want unlimited flexibility, go wild.
On the contrary, if you wanna run a more private blog, you can disable this and then hide your blog from search results/non-registered users.
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Likes and Following are public by default. I like to turn these off so I don't have to worry about like, "what will people think if they see i'm following [...] or liking [...]". But it's also fair to keep them public if you'd like.
The other Blog Settings are important but pretty self-explanatory I think.
Finally, there's some useful tools I like:
XKit Rewritten - A bunch of scripts (like RES for Reddit). The one I really like is "mutual checker", which shows at a glance which blogs you are in mutuals with. Which is such a good feature it's included in the mobile apps by default i think.
siikr.tumblr.com - Tumblr search is bad, and google's indexing of tumblr blogs is worse. Siikr will find any post you've made on your blog. Because disk space is limited, only use it to search your blog, and if you're tech savvy consider running a local copy from source.
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catacombbee · 3 months
school bus graveyard headcanons because im thinking about them
and because im projecting
just general / random headcanons
Tyler has arachnophobia and entomophobia. creepy crawlies are a HARD NO for Mr. Hernandez. Jackass bullies? No problem. Phantoms trying to eat him? Easy. Tree? Been there, done that. Fucking spiders? get it the FUCK away. mans has a visceral skin crawling reaction to even SEEING something creepy crawlie. it's one of the only things that makes him seriously panic other than yk someone being hurt
Ashlyn has autism yes this is basically canon i think. BUT Ashlyn has a lot of texture sensitivities both with clothes and with food. itchy scratchy clothes are a no. she cannot stand t-shirts keeping their tags they rub and scratch her neck and it makes her want to scream. she cuts the tags out before wearing anything. and food she can't have anything too squishy or tough or else she just loses her appetite entirely.
^^ to build on the clothing tags. everyone else in the group cuts the tags out of their jackets/hoodies and some shirts so if Ashlyn wants to borrow something she can be comfortable
Aiden is down bad for someone wearing his clothes. this can apply to any ship you want, i like him with Ashlyn Tyler or Logan (ive like never seen any talk abt Aidgan? Loden?) but regardless. whoever it is Aiden likes he gets so giddy butterflies giggly seeing someone wear his clothes. this is moreso for Ashlyn or maybe Logan because Ashlyn is so much smaller than Aiden that his sweatshirt would probably hang off her and Aiden would just abdjshfkefbns she's so cute!! this is mostly an Aidlyn hc for me but Logan would also be cute in anyone else's sweatshirt
uh if it's not clear by now im a multishipper ive said it before BUT i like Tyben a lot. they find calm and quiet in each other and bond through expressing themselves through something much healthier: music. i adore Tyben. AND because of Ben in the canvas webtoon: Tyler calls him ladybug. "Hey ladybug" "It's okay ladybug ive got you" "ladybug, you okay?"
kinda related to previous one but like blush hc. Ben does not blush. maybe a little pink on his cheeks. but his EARS. his ears get so RED when he's angry or when he's flustered. his face might be 😐 but you look at his ears and they're red you know he's flustered
ALSO everyone learned ASL for Ben so he didn't have to just use notes n stuff. Aiden was already learning but everyone else picked up on it
Logan likes compact spaces, they male him feel safe and secure. Like the tire! He feels very nice and snuggly in his tire. But also like. under beds. in closets (haha). one time they played hide and seek in Aiden's house and Logan won because he fell asleep curled up in an empty cabinet. Logan loves being little spoon because he just fits snugly in everyone's arms
it's been mentioned Tyler plays guitar, but i hc that he's also a really good artist. because he got into baseball for a scholarship he's kinda dropped both art and music, but in getting to know the others and especially Ben he gets back into playing music which leads to him drawing again. he doodles pictures of his friends and they realize what a good artist he is. that's how he realizes he actually has passion for creativity and decides he wants to be a tattoo artist.
(i was writing a tyden tattoo artist Tyler au on a reblog draft from a post @\the-killies made and like forgot abt it. someone peer pressure me if you think that sounds like snth you wanna read. it was probably over 1k words by the time i forgor)
Taylor likes mechanics (cus. the club) but she also knows some programming. this is solely because I think Taylor would like making little robots just for fun. Aiden would beg her to make him a little robot like that one companion toy robot Cosmo
in canvas sbg Logan brought a bunch of clothes for them to wear in the pictures/videos they took. so. Logan likes cosplay and renn faires. History is one of his favorite subjects (the other being science. english/literature is a very close third. he doesn't dislike math just isn't his favorite) so he has a lot of clothes from different time periods because of the renn faires he's been to.
This is a really unhinged headcanon and isn't something ive ever thought about before but thinking about Logan having outfits and stuff made me think who would be the most likely to be a furry. and no not Logan. it would be Aiden. hes rich enough to splurge on his fursuit. THIS IS A JOKE I DONT HC HIM AS A FURRY THIS IS A "WHOS MOST LIKELY TO" PLEAS
Aiden's favorite subject is history, he likes reading about wars but he also enjoys learning about other cultures and differences from how we live in modern day America. Aiden would probably study anthropology just for the fun of it. he and Logan bond over their love of history. Aiden can't remember what he had for lunch yesterday but he can tell you every little detail he knows about the Civil War start to finish, dates and names and locations and all.
this is a really weird hc but. Ashlyn is an amazing rapper. there was a karaoke night and one song someone did had a rap part coming up and they were like ahaha it's too fast for me and Ashlyn just stood up. took the mic. and fucking blew everyone's minds. and then she sat down like she didnt just rock their world
this last bit is self indulgent. assuming the phantom world things don't last forever, the kids get therapy eventually :D
^^ building on that, Ben specifically, he lives in my head rent free. i love him sm. Ben gets therapy for not just the phantom world things but everything beforehand. slowly and surely, starting with Aiden and Lily and maybe whichever person he's shipped with, he starts talking again. Some days are better than others, sometimes he gets quiet again, other times he goes for days talking as much as anyone (except aiden he yaps.) everyone almost cries when Ben is doing something and begins singing to himself because they realize he's better
im gonna do like gender & sexuality headcanons too,,, maybe later. might do silly ship hcs too cus i ship so many pairings here
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ssruis · 1 month
Re: “don’t people make fun of Tsukasa. Even a little bit”
I’m also guilty of forgetting that tsukasa is generally pretty well liked regardless of his freak behavior and obnoxious personality. However. KAITO comments on his natural charisma in his Kamiyama Fes story:
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And bear in mind, this is when he’s directing a play with his classmates as actors so he’s in his True Freak Element.
In Tsukasa’s Kamiyama Fes card story he shows them Romeo Battle Royale which they all think is Dumb As Hell (fair), but they also think it’s funny & that this is deliberate. They’re not laughing *at* him or mocking him, they’re assuming - incorrectly but he does not gaf - that they’re laughing with him.
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& later on in the card story you, even though they thought he was a weirdo initially, they had fun under his direction and even compliment him.
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Which is kind of a running theme with a lot of his interactions with new people. “This guy is an egotistical weirdo” -> “This guy is an egotistical weirdo but he’s also genuinely nice and a decent guy” -> “He’s a freak but he is also my friend & I have fun with him.” & this has been true from a young age, as you can see in Pandemonium:
Tsukasa: When I first proposed the idea, everyone booed me for not choosing between tag or hide and seek and rattling on about this "show" business...
Tsukasa: However, after I began performing, they quickly followed suit. Through my show, we all had a chance to play both games!
Tsukasa *is* self centered, and he does have a high opinion of himself, but he’s not interested in putting other people down to make himself feel better. In fact, he also has a pretty high opinion of others and isn’t shy about making that known, which contributes to his likability.
(Outside of the main WxS story. Him yelling at Nene there was more out of frustration towards himself and the failed show, but that’s a different and lengthy discussion I don’t wanna get into here. It is important to keep in mind that he definitely became less “I’m the only one who matters here” and more “I’m great but so are other people” after it, though.)
You can see more clear examples of this in Nene’s earlier card stories as her opinion of him shifts to be more positive. From her initial 2*:
Nene: Rui has taken Robo-Nene for upgrades...
Nene: And once they're complete, I'd like to perform together with her.
Nene: (Tsukasa will probably shoot down my suggestion because he wouldn't want Robo-Nene to steal his spotlight.)
Tsukasa: Okay, so we'd be using Robo-Nene for our next play. But what sort of performance do you have in mind?
Nene: Huh?
Nene: (That...was a more positive reaction than I was expecting.)
Nene: Well that... That depends on what upgrades Rui is going to give her...
Rui: If I might offer my suggestion, the play could begin with only Robo-Nene on stage...
Emu: Hmm, yeah! That's cool! Let's tumble with this idea!
Tsukasa: It's let's roll with, not tumble!
Tsukasa: Anyhow, I like the novelty of it. You got me on board.
Nene: That's...cool.
And from her Kamiyama Fes card story:
[After Nene gives her idea for their next show’s plot]
Nene: Um... We're really doing this?
Tsukasa: Hey, what's this now? It was your own suggestion!
Tsukasa: Okay, we've got the basics down. Now to hammer out the details!
Nene: (Th-They're really going with my suggestion...)
Nene: (It might be even more fun if you could get different stuff each day or week...)
Tsukasa: Nene, do you have anything you'd like to add?
Nene: Huh?
Tsukasa: Don't be shy. It's your story after all!
Nene: Um... I-I was just about to say something, okay?
Tsukasa: Nene! I'm going to start writing the script. I need some more input from you.
Nene: Huh? But I already told you everything.
Tsukasa: That couldn't have been everything! This is your chance to make yourself heard and create your very own play. Don't pass it up!
Nene: (What happened to his overblown ego? He's always so pushy about putting what he wants in the script.)
Nene: Fine, I'll see what else I can think of... But you need to contribute too, okay...?
Rui also echos what KAITO said in Kamiyama Fes later in Nene’s Gleaming Stars side story:
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& you can see that this is true with how well he gets along with the other people in the workshop in his own Gleaming Stars card story.
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In Pandemonium, he also gets along well with his own group in his card story despite being very… himself. And trying to make a star shaped cup on a spinning pottery wheel.
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And in the second part of that card story, 1) we learn that he frequently talks with them, and 2) Rui’s group reveals that Tanaka, Yamaguchi, and Fujiwara are all considered popular and cool.
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…which is something Tsukasa evidently does not pay attention to or care about. Guy who is immune to the high school social order because he just treats all his peers equally. They’re all future fans friends to him.
From his Kamiyama Fes card again:
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I think that even if he notices people laughing at him/thinking he’s bizarre, he views it with this mindset and brushes it off pretty quickly. He’s very confident in himself! He likes himself! Why would he pay attention to any negativity aimed towards something he has no desire to change (his personality)? His loved ones (saki, toya, wxs) all like him just the way he is, so he likes himself just the way he is, and that’s all there is to it.
^ That ofc depends on whether or not he even realizes people aren’t singing his praises. Also from is Kamiyama Fes card story:
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Akito & Mizuki are like wow he just said something kinda smart & Tsukasa’s immediate reaction is “they admire me so much I must give them a token of appreciation” (which he also did in Akito’s initial 3 star (?) where he gave Akito & Toya PXL tickets despite Akito pretty clearly not wanting them).
He’s kind of the opposite of Nene, in that Nene enters just about every social interaction going “they’re gonna think I’m so weird what do I even say they don’t want to talk to me at all (spiraling)” & Tsukasa enters every social interaction going “I am so great I bet they’re happy to talk to me (regardless of how they act) and they are enjoying this conversation.” He doesn’t take it seriously when someone like Shiho or Akito are like “🙄 oh great it’s this guy”, and he esp doesn’t take it seriously when wxs poke fun at him.
As readers/viewers who see A Lot of him, it’s pretty easy to go “he is so fucking weird. How do people like him,” but that ignores that most characters find his antics pretty entertaining. Take Mizuki as an example, because even after knowing him for a short period of time she was like “oh this dude is a riot I love it.” As for the characters who found him obnoxious at first, after spending enough time around him to see that he’s a nice guy underneath the ego and attitude, he wins them over (Nene). That, or he earns their respect (Shiho and Akito) which later leads to actual friendship once they’ve built up a tolerance to his personality through repeated exposure.
1) Other characters find Tsukasa funny/entertaining and are able to see that he’s a genuine and kind guy underneath the ego.
2) He’s very extroverted and has zero issues striking up a conversation with literally anyone, whether they’re very popular or someone who doesn’t socialize at all. He treats his peers equally.
2.5) this, coupled with the fact that he’s very friendly, makes people enjoy talking to him and view him as a friend pretty quickly (gesturing at the fact that he still talked to Asahi after Curtain Call and how quickly Bakuno opened up to him).
3) Self confidence will get you everywhere, and he has a lot of that. Some would say too much.
4) Even if someone doesn’t like him very much, he either doesn’t notice or doesn’t give a fuck. People are laughing at him? Well, they’re having a good time and that’s what matters. Denseness + self love is an incredible shield.
Tsukasa is like if you combined a jester/clown with a very extroverted friendly dog. Yes Kamiyama students/fellow actors/his friends/etc think he’s an egotistical weirdo, but he’s THEIR egotistical weirdo, and they (for the most part) enjoy his freak behavior.
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rainbowsuitcase · 6 months
To everyone wanting censorship on AO3: Wattpad fucked me up more
cw: mentioning a bunch of sentivie topics, not going into details about any of them
I think I can, in some ways, be considered someone who grew up on the internet. Granted, my internet looked different than it does today and I spent most of my time on game sites made specifically for kids, but I also spent a lot of nights on Wattpad.
Sure, I read the normal stuff that a 12 year old would. Horse girl stories and jokes and shitty poetry and a bunch of fanfiction for media I never heard of, just because it was cute.
You know what I also read? BDSM and kink. Rape and kidnapping and stockholm syndrome and incest and romanticized abusive relationships. And you know why? Because none of it was tagged.
Wattpad has censorship. Wattpad deletes stories that don't follow its guidelines and so the people writing them are trying to hide from the system by not tagging properly and not describing their stories accurately.
Sure, AO3 does not have censorship, so we can probably assume it has more of these "problematic" stories, but you know what all of them are? Tagged.
Sure, I've scrolled past some rape stories, and incest and romanticized abuse, but I have never clicked on one thinking it was something it wasn't.
The only time I read something I didn't want to on AO3 was when I forgot to filter its tag out completely and didn't see it in the tags of the fic.
Granted, I wasn't on AO3 when I was 12 years old. But even if I was, you know what AO3 has always had that Wattpad doesn't? Age rating and a disclaimer.
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(To be fair, apparently Wattpad has a Mature rating now, but from what I've heard, it's not exactly reliable.)
All banning and censoring things does is force people to come up with ways to get around it. That will always happen. That is inevitable. And that does nothing to protect the kids.
I know that, because I was one of those kids.
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clockwayswrites · 2 years
Hollowing Bones Prequel Bit
Aka: Danny is not a necromancer, he swears.
The small skull clattered as it tumbled across the scattering of stone. The toe of his boot must have caught it as he walked through the secluded jungle. The rest of the skeleton, long decayed of any flesh, half peaked out of mud.
Danny crouched, cradling the skull in his hand. It was so small in the curl his palm, nestled there as it stared up at him with hollow eyes.
It watched him.
Danny scoffed, closing his fingers over the skull. ‘Necromancer’ they called him, spat at him. Usually the word came with color additions and none of them favorable. Sometimes, sometimes, it was Psychopomp or Speaker instead. But if he pissed other occult people off (which, to be fair, he did a lot), it was ‘evil necromancer’. It made Danny want to crush the tiny skull cradled in his hand.
He wouldn’t, of course he wouldn’t. It was this little one’s fault. He twisted towards the rest of the skeleton, brushing away the leaves and muck. It was a lizard of some sort— gecko maybe? It was hardly longer than his hand, tail and all.
Gently, Danny placed the skull back down in it’s resting place.
He couldn’t actually be a necromancer, could he? Sure, death magic sung at his fingertips He could feel it even now, humming under the skin and scars and tattoos of his left hand. His fingers twitched and green shimmered between the digits like a hand held aurora.
He could try.
He’d know if he tried. He’d know what he really was now.
(How much of a monster he’d become.)
Danny tilted his head, listening for any sounds of people around. Not that there would be. Danny came here specifically to get away from people. He may have not had Constantine’s talent with portals, but with enough time to set up, he could go anywhere in the world. (Just not back to where he really wanted to be.)
Bird songs and wind rustled leaves were all that answered him.
The tiny skull stared up at him from the rich brown earth.
It was easy to imagine the life the little lizard must have had, here in the jungle that was teaming with life. He could picture the lizard— gecko. Bright green like the others Danny had spotted on his walk. He could picture it scurrying up the side of trees and hiding under leaves. They would have stalk bugs and beetles slowly and carefully with their tiny blue feet. They would have drank from water pooled in a leaf as the world around them was dripped in rain. They would have feasted on fallen, fermented fruit on the forest floor.
They would have lived.
A gasp— soft, fragile, full of life— spilled from Danny’s lips as a sensation ripped down his arm. He doubled over at it, bending just enough that his fingers and the auroras that clung to the tips brushed over the tiny skull.
Danny came too staring up at a forest canopy lit golden with sunset. Everything hurt. Pinpricks of pain shot down his arm, along his Lichtenberg scars. Something was crawling on his left hand.
Slowly, hesitantly, Danny raised his arm.
Laying over it was the gecko skeleton.
The little skull tilted— looked at him with eyes that weren’t there.
The skull was moving all on it’s own.
Danny giggled, a small, hysterics tinged laugh.
Guess they were right.
He was a necromancer.
Well, fuck.
AN: Since you all had such a positive reaction to the post about Squiggles, meet the (re)birth of the little dear!
Danny is having a real time of it.
This is a bit of a prequel for Hollowing Bones (snippet 1 and snippet 2), so part of the Salt in the Bones AU that @mokulule and I are doing together. Or the "Danny is totally not a necromancer, back off Constantine" AU. (Endgame dead on main.) This was supposed to be part of a fic about Danny's tattoos, but Squiggles might get their own little fic at this rate to explain where they came from!
Tag list ye be warned, this is one I'll be sharing bits of entirely out of order as I'm just working on it around other stuff. LBFD and Shadow of a Bat are still priority. And Specter of Starlight will prob come before this series too- at least befor the Big Part. If that might bother you/you want to read it in order and want off the list or on the tag list when it goes love in ao3, just let me know!
@apointlessbox | @asphyxia778 | @crystalqueertea | @seraphinedemort | @meira-3919 | @mnemovoid | @mj-arts-n-stuff | @v-inari | @my-perfect-storybook-love | @satanicrutialspecialist | @avelnfear | @saltyladynightmare
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transmascaraa · 8 months
Is it okay for gaming babysitting a child reader? If you have the time ofc!
( this is totally not the person who requested early mornings with gaming) :D
babysitter!gaming headcannons!
he takes care of you while your parents went out to watch a movie...
babysitter!gaming x child!reader(around 6/7 years)
author's note: THAT IS SUCH A CUTE IDEAAA‼️ idc if it's your first or hundredth time requesting i will always reply and do my best to make something for any of you😭🫶 i kinda rarely get any good ideas for content, so it's usually from me reading other stuff, but when you guys started requesting i was flabbergasted by how much you like my content😭 thanks for reading this rant lol anyway and i hope this is good enough for you<3
"found you!"
Tumblr media
-your parents went out to watch some boring romance-musical that lasted for 5hours...
-and they left a babysitter with you!
-he was a "famous" one, known for being really good with kids! (i see him being so good with kids i swear HAVE YOU HEARD HIS VOICELINE ABOUT QIQI???)
-he played with you, wether it was hide and seek, truth or dare, with barbies or with cars, he was with you!
-he made you laugh and smile, there was not a single frown caused by him, other than the one you would have on your face when your parents came back.
-so, the first game of the night that you suggested, was tag.
-you were running around the house, acting as if running for you life, but laughing.
-he was running a bit slower on purpose, he wanted you to win.
-after a while, he sighed dramatically.
-"ah, i'm so tired... you're too fast, are you like- sonic or something-?!" he "breathed heavily" and then chuckled at you acting all proud and confident.
-"well, i'm not, i'm just fast! and your slow! a slowpoke!" you laughed at him, turning around, almost knocking over a very expensive vase.
-the vase then started rocking from side to side, but then...
-gaming "calmed" the vase, and hugged you from behind.
-"caught you!" he laughed teasingly, tickling you.
-"no fair!" you giggled yourself, being extremely ticklish.
-"well, do i get a break, or?" he asked, exhaling.
-"no, hide and seek time, i will hide!" you exclaimed. always having energy.
-"alright, sure. i'll go count to 100 while you hide, okay?" he requested.
-"yes!" you smiled widely.
-and with that, he closed the door to your parents' room, and started counting loudly.
-you ran to the kitchen, hiding in a cabinet near the sink.
-after reaching 100, he started looking for you.
-he was walking around the messy house, saying phrases like "where could you be?" randomly, just to keep you entertained.
-he heard your quiet giggles, and immediately knew where you were, but played along anyway.
-gaming checked the bathroom, your bedroom, behind the tv, behind the couch, but you weren't there!
-then, your parents rang the doorbell.
-you jumped out of your hiding spot, rushing to the door.
-"found you!" he said, running towards you.
-"aaah!" you screamed, a scream mixed with laughter.
-jumping onto him, making him fall to the floor with you.
-"get up! chuckle your parents will-" the door unlocked, opened, and their mouths were slightly open.
-shock in their faces.
-"yayyy! you're both back!" you said, getting up and hugging both of them.
-he sure has a lot of explaining to do...
this was so fun to write frfr!!!!!!!!!!
first time writing platonic hcs and I LOVE THEMMM
honestly i wish i thought about this myself lol
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deathsimage · 1 year
Group “therapy” session
!! 18+ only !!
Haven’t really had time to write or post so sorry if this is messy, I’m way too exhausted to look over it but I wanted to post something so here we go. I hope you lot enjoy. 🫶🏻
Also too tired to add all the tags so feel free to tag more stuff
Warnings: sexual language and descriptions (all consensual)
Content: milking kink, group masturbation, cum shots, light bondage, m/m, strong language
Featuring: Captain John Price, Sergeant John Soap Mactavish, Lieutenant Simon Ghost Riley, Sergeant Kyle Gaz Garrick, Alejandro Vargas, Rodolfo Parra, Alex Echo Keller, Colonel König
Pairings: poly 141, AleRudy, GhostKonig, GazAlex, SoapPrice, GhostPrice, GazPrice, AlePrice, RudySoap (just a bunch of sluts tbh)
It began as a somewhat innocent- hah, yeah no…it began as an idiotic young male conversation like most things boys get into. Alex, Gaz, and Soap giggling and snickering as they tried to say who could last longer in bed. Somehow the conversation drug Ghost and Price into it, how Alex assumed they would last longest, seeing how they had such a sense of self control, while Gaz and Soap wouldn’t last a minute because they were, as Alex quoted, “whiney and breedable.”
Now it somehow ended up as a bet…but they still had to convince Price and Ghost to join the bet…
Price was surprisingly amused with the bet and decided he would join rather quickly. Ghost on the other hand…he only agreed when he was told he was the most probable to win so now he had something to prove. Now they had to get help.
Alejandro was a bit too excited to contribute, and Rudy was just happy to be involved. König didn’t know what to think, his mind practically shut down at the question of if he would help jerk off one of the 141 in an attempt to see who could last the longest before cumming.
It was in motion now. All four of the special task force men were tied at the wrists from the ceiling, each standing in just their boxer briefs with their arms suspended above their heads. Price was now beginning to wonder what the hell he had gotten himself into, and Ghost was just ready to prove he was the better amongst the rest of them. Soap, he was excited for completely different reasons. So was Gaz.
The other four men who weren’t standing half naked were discussing who they were going to ‘take’ for the challenge. Ending up with Alex refusing to let anyone else have Gaz, and König sheepishly requesting Ghost or Soap. Alejandro took the ‘big man’ being Price, with a smirk on his face as he winked at Price and gave his ass a slap. Rudy was happy to take Soap so that left König with his first choice of Ghost. Everyone was happy.
Alex pulled out a duffle bag, having the clear open ended masturbation sleeves, and vibrators.
“Hey that’s not fair!” Soap pouted, but his squirming just at the sight told a different story.
Each of the 141 was now being stripped of their boxers and stepping out of them. Alex immediately took Gaz into his mouth, seeming more eager than anyone there just to have a reason to fuck around with Gaz. Gaz threw his head back at the sensation of Alex taking his cock nearly completely down his throat. Soap looked over at Gaz with a smirk, biting his lip as Rudy spit in his hand and began to stroke Soaps cock, bringing a breathy whimper from Soaps lips. Alejandro pressed his thumb firmly against Prices tip, bringing a groan from Prices chest as Alejandro rubbed the precum over Prices slit. König sat kneeled in front of Ghost, looking up at him as if waiting for permission to touch him. Ghost simply looked down at König and gave a small nod, giving König the go ahead to touch him. König brought his hand up to Ghosts cock, his other hand moving his mask up above his nose to lick at Ghosts tip, making a deep breath escape his nose. Clearly Ghost was trying to hide his pleasure, but Königs kitten licks were something he wasn’t expecting.
Now that each member of the 141 was prepped and properly hard, the lube and toys came out. Alex grabbing a cock sleeve and stroking Gaz at a fairly quick pace, leaving his tongue out to lick at Gaz’s tip every time it was exposed. Rudy grabbed a sleeve and a vibrator for Soap, slowly shucking the sleeve up and down Soaps cock as he held the vibrator against him, making Soaps hips buck and his legs shake as his moans overtook the sound of the vibrator. Alejandro took a vibrator and rubbed it up and down the underside of Prices cock, his free hand massaging Prices balls.
“Mm, fuck-“ Price spit out as he arched his back, making Alejandro grin as if he had won something.
König wasn’t sure what to do…just looking up at Ghost with embarrassment.
“Do what feels natural. Don’t worry about what they’re doing..” Ghost reassured König. König nodded and took Ghost back into his mouth, sucking till his cheeks hallowed out, bringing a loud groan from Ghost that no one expected. König looked up at Ghost with his cock still sucked into his lips, beginning to bob his head as his large hands gripped Ghosts thighs.
Sounds of moans, vibrations, lewd wet slick smacking sounds, accompanied by cursing and groaning filled the room. It didn’t take long honestly, only about 10 minutes before the first loser came.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck! Rudy! Please!” Soap screamed. If it wasn’t for the restraints holding him up his knees would’ve given out long ago. Rudy moved the vibrator around to Soaps asshole so he could shuck the sleeve faster on Soaps cock, making his entire body shake and twitch as he climaxed, cumming so hard it splashed on Rudy’s face and dripped to the floor.
“First loser!” Alex chimed out while shucking the sleeve on Gaz’s cock. Rudy untied Soap and helped him regain his composure before taking him to go clean up, leaving the others to finish off their session.
Alejandro was sucking on Prices balls like his life depended on it, his hand still running the vibrator over Prices cock, pressing it against the tip, causing Price to groan and shake, standing on the tips of his toes as he arched his back and pulled against his restraints that were suspending him from the ceiling.
König looked up at Ghost and pulled back off of his cock. “May we…try something else Lieutenant?”
“Whatever you want to do is fine.” Ghost reassured him. This made König feel much more at ease about what he had in mind. König stood up and cut Ghosts restraints, letting his arms come down to his sides.
“Hey that’s not fa-AIR-“ Gaz tried to choke out
“Don’t worry sergeant, I assure you it will be” König got down on his hands and knees in front of Ghost, pushing his pants down to his knees, bending over and reaching back to spread himself open for Ghost. “I would be honored if you…if you had your way with me Lieutenant…” König spoke softly. Ghost groaned and immediately dropped to his knees behind König, not even caring if this would make it more difficult than the others. Ghost spit in his hand and spread the slick over Königs hole, sliding a finger inside of him to prep him, eventually entering another finger to stretch him. After pulling his fingers out, Ghost lined his cock up with Königs prepped hole, slowly pushing into him. Königs precum leaked to the floor as he moaned with Ghost as their bodies connected. Ghost very soon bottomed out into König, not taking a moment to waste before beginning to roughly snap his hips into König.
“Ah! Ah yes! Danke Lieutenant!!” König yelled, drooling on the floor as his face was pressed down.
Watching Ghost fuck König so desperately in front of them made it even more difficult for Price and Gaz to hold out.
“Wait, we’re allowed to do that?” Alex looked up at Gaz. Gaz was moaning too much to respond, just nodded. Alex stopped shucking Gaz and stood up, going around behind him and pushing his own pants down before putting some lube on himself. Gaz arched his back to push his ass up to Alex, giving Alex all he needed to push his cock into Gaz’s tight clenching hole.
“Mm, fuck~” Alex moaned, leaning in and muffling his sound’s against Gaz’s skin.
“Bloody hell-“ Price choked out, watching the other two fuck was what pushed him over the edge. Not many people knew that was one of his favorite things. Price surprisingly was the next to cum, his cock twitching as Alejandro kept the vibrator against Prices balls to make sure every drop was out. Now it was Alejandro’s turn to take Price to clean up and rehydrate.
Alex reached up and untied Gaz, but only to press him against the wall behind them. Alex was fucking Gaz into the wall, gripping Gaz’s hips as Gaz gripped onto Alex’s hands. Gaz was quickly approaching his climax, fully prepared to finish Alex off but-
“Fuck Gaz, I’m cumming- please let me cum in you!” Alex whined. Gaz nodded and reached a hand back to grip Alex’s hair as Alex bit and sucked on the skin of Gaz’s shoulder, leaving hickeys behind to remember tomorrow. “Yes, yes please cum in me Alex!” Gaz moaned. Once given the okay, Alex let himself spill inside of Gaz, the feeling of the warm sticky cum filling him up pushed Gaz over the edge, feeling marked and owned by Alex. His legs shook as his cum spilled into the floor beneath them. Both of them breathing heavily, staying out for a few moments before they were able to slowly make their way to go clean themselves up and rest. Leaving the winner, Ghost.
Ghost was still pounding König into the floor, one hand pressing Königs face against the floor, the other hand gripping Königs hip, clearly leaving bruises. “Yes, yes yes! Ghost!” König panted and moaned, letting Ghost use him as his personal cock sleeve. It wasn’t too much longer before Ghost pulled out and came on Königs hole, using his thumb to rub it in, making König squirm and whimper. Ghost was finished, but he knew König wasn’t, and he wasn’t about to just leave him like that.
“Roll over.” Ghost commanded. König swiftly obeyed and rolled onto his back. Ghost finished pulling Königs pants off and pushed his legs back. Ghost bent over to begin sucking off Königs cock, two of his fingers entering Königs used and cum covered hole. König arched his back, cursing in German at the dual sensation of being fucked from both ends.
Keeping a good rhythm with both his mouth and his fingers, Ghost was quick to finish König off. König had never cum this hard in his life…and he prayed it wasn’t the last time.
It definitely wouldn’t be the last time.
Turns out nobody knew what they’re were even betting for. They had all forgotten it was a bet by this point anyway.
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abibeur · 7 months
So. I played Side Order (or rather I finished Side Order, aside from a few completion marks that doesn't offer any spoiler stuff!).
I've been seeing stuff on Tumblr, on Discord servers, on YouTube comments by people who were… Not entirely happy with it. Or rather disappointed. "They could have done more…", "This character was underused…", "I preferred the Octo Expansion…", "Let's re-write it for something better…". And let me tell you, I was (and still am) infuriated when reading these. Not because those comments and posts and messages were unfair, unjust and idiotic or anything (well maybe the re-writing thing was uncalled for), but because I actually loved that DLC. I think that's pretty normal to be angry with seeing a thing you love being shit on, even if I get what all of you meant. But I still wanted to share my own thoughts (because why not, I like saying what I think).
First and foremost, let me just say that I have a pretty different relation with Splatoon than most people. I was in since the release of the first game. I didn't play it due to a lack of Wii U, but I watched a lot of videos. And I liked it! I even had Splatoon OCs, I could be considered a fandom veteran at this point! But after some years, I put it at the back of my head as something I loved. When the Switch came out, I didn't have the money for it and no one would buy me one, so I continued to be a PC gamer. And when I saw the news of a Splatoon 2, I dismissed it like it was something silly, "what can you say more about Splatoon!?" I knew there was some new idols, some stuff about a DLC, Callie being kidnapped, but that's all. I dismissed all of this, and as a result I don't have much of an attachment for it. But in 2021, when I saw the news about a third game, I was ecstatic again. And in 2022, when I finally could afford it, I bought a Switch. Not just any Switch, the Splatoon themed one, and I pre-ordered the game. And when it came out, I spent less than a day to finish the story mode, and it was one of the best day of my life, I played Splatoon for 16 entire hours. Splatoon 3 is now my most played game on the Switch, more than 300 hours (that can seem not that much for some of you, but I'm a casual gamer, I don't play every day, so that's still a lot!). I even bought Splatoon 2 and the Octo Expansion after that. Splatoon 2 story mode was incredible, because that's the game I never got to play but more mastered. Octo Expansion was incredible, because it was… incredible. But I still liked Splatoon 3 story mode better. Is it because I've played it before? Because I hadn't the one year of unskippable Off the Hook news to make me like them before the DLC (to be fair I didn't know much of Deep Cut too!)? Because it clicked more on me? Honestly I don't care. It's not important, because it's still my preferences. But let met tell you, when the news of Splatoon 3 DLC dropped, I was roaring. Every crumbs of news and trailers widened my life expectancy. I was finally sharing the hype that you felt for Octo Expansion. And…
Two days ago, I played it. And I loved it. Why? Why did I love it where so many people seem disappointed? This will not be an analysis, I'm not good at those, just… Here's how I see things. Also there will be huge spoilers so if you haven't censored the tags for whatever reason, I will hide it beneath a read more because I'm nice.
First, the gameplay. When I heard it was going to be a roguelite, I was intrigued, because it seemed interesting. I was wondering how it was going to play out, more like The Binding of Isaac, or like Hades… Okay I only played those two. And it was like Hades. But I think the best thing to come out of this gameplay is… Well, the fact is every mission from all other story modes (including octo expansion) are pretty much the same in that they have an intended way to be beaten. Sure, for OE and S3 you have a choice of weapons, and there's probably unorthodox ways to finish them (including speedruns), but it's still organised around a specific way to deal with the levels. You go at one point and there you're done. And that's why I will never re-play the story modes I already finished. I know the ropes, so… Why? But here… The gameplay itself doesn't change much. It's an amalgamation of most Splatoon gameplay since now, Salmon Run, Ranked Match, Octo Expansion levels… But the way you APPROACH this gameplay is different and that's why every thing changes. Because you are now free to choose. You don't want a stage? Choose another one, the cost of a good chip and membux not being that punishing, you want a specific type of chip? Go for it! There is so much fun combos to do, I have fun at every run! They told us it was going to be replayable. And they haven't failed to give. Because when I want to replay a game, then I know it's good. Aside of multiplayer games and games made to be replayable (TBOI, Dishonored…), some of favourite games are Half-Life 2 (my favourite game in general), Hollow Knight and Mario & Luigi Bowser's Inside Story. Once you've finished exploring it all, well there is nothing else. But I still want to experience it again. And again. I have tens and even hundreds of hours on each of them. So yeah. If a game makes me want to replay it, I like it! And also… The final fight. The "phase 2" of the final fight. It was probably the most satisfying gameplay in all of Splatoon. Every path you took? Every path you didn't take? It was there. And you could experience it all together and finally finish your first run, empowered by it, in-game and outside. This was so good. I really wish we will get updates like more stages, bosses or even chips, because wow.
Secondly, the atmosphere. This point will be much shorter, but holy shit this game was incredible to be immersed into. The cold and sanitised atmosphere of the Spire? Amazing. Obvious Portal and liminal spaces vibes, but hey. And the music… Really the music makes a lot of it. The final fight music is absolutely incredible, one more time, and the credits theme is probably my favourite credits theme of every Splatoon game and DLC (that VIOLIN, that heckin' VIOLIN). I wouldn't be able to say which one of Octo Expansion and Side Order's atmospheres was my favourite. I guess I'm less sensitive to childhood memories and such but hey. Both DLC's atmospheres were incredible good.
Finally… The sore point of everything I guess, the story. I guess we expected more. Even myself, I expected something darker, deeper, more mysterious and esoteric… Have I been disappointed. No. I understand that some people were, but I am not. And frankly, I feel like I don't have to be. Like what do we really wished for? More octoling lore? Marina's past uncovered? Mature themes and dark atmosphere? I am just describing Octo Expansion. We didn't need Octo Expansion 2.0. Every theme that I've seen wished for? Octo Expansion tackled them, greatly even. So did we really need to do the same thing again? I feel like Splatoon 3 was the great conclusion of the other games' story modes, where all marine life finally united against the common enemy: mammals, the past of Earth's life coming back for its great revival. And it was a spectacular conclusion. And Side Order was Octo Expansion's conclusion. But it wasn't that bombastic, it was more of a calm conclusion, an epilogue of some sort. Marina wasn't in great danger or anything (well she was but less than we expected), we didn't need to expand the damsel in distress role for confirming Marina and Pearl's relation (which was pretty much hinted on greatly without it lmao), we already knew that. We didn't need some dramatic story about Marina's departure's effect on the one she was close to, like some people predicted for Acht. I think some fan comics explored this way better and Nintendo telling their own version would have been disappointing either for it or for the fan comics' versions! We didn't need more insights on Eight, because once again Octo Expansion ALREADY did this. Eight seems happy with their new name and identity, so why should we uncover more? They already won a lot with Octo Expansion and their sacrifices would have been dull if there were reveals on "who they really are".
Nah. Side Order, how I see it, is a story about fixing the damage made in the Octo Expansion. It's a story about recovery. About finally confirming your place in the world and accepting that everything will not be like you think it will. Acht is not there to expose Marina's errors, Acht is there to show how this recovery can work. She symbolises every octoling Marina left when she quit the army and ESPECIALLY every octoling she swore to help. And she's also there because it would have been less interesting to see an octoling we've never seen before, especially since she is an octoling we knew got Kamabo Co.'d! Every palette is someone we already know, an anchor to the world of Splatoon, and for Eight, an anchor to their memories, as the locker was their palette. As they know more and more people, they know more and more where their place in the world is. And the end of your first run? The start of the final boss phase 2? Yeah the music is Pearl, Marina and Acht's. But it is Eight's pulse that got everything back together. Their heart beating made the world beating again. They found freedom, now they found their place in the world. They're finally complete. Like you complete your palette with every chips at once. Octo Expansion final fight was their last fight for freedom. But I think this was their last fight for identity.
But outside of that, I think Order/Smollusk is more than that. More and more we advance through completing the palettes, we learn that Smollusk is the result of Marina's wish for order in her life (and her fellow octolings') and especially the other octolings developers dreams. And I think that's really important, because after that, we learn that why Smollusk still fights us is because it's… alone. And Acht seemingly understands that. You know why this is? Why it doesn't understand Marina's intentions by "betraying" it? Because Marina, as opposed to the other developers and Acht, found someone. She found her partner for life, the love of her life you could say, she found someone else that could offer her something great. And I think the other developers didn't find that companionship, so they had other goals with the Memverse, and Acht, left behind by Marina, felt this loneliness too, taking refuge in music, so that's why she understood what Smollusk felt. I think Splatoon story is a lot about isolation, solitude and loneliness. The (Inkadian) octolings were chased from the surface, living in the underground, isolated and forced into military life. When they risked survival, they stole the great zapfish and we sent then back into the dark. So they retaliated by stealing it again and also kidnapping Callie, separating Marie from the person she holds dearest (while Callie thought she could offer them company and finally uniting back the two people). Octo Expansion was also about isolation from the surface, for everyone involved and Tartar… Well the mammal (and adjacent) survivors don't really have it well, huh? Judd was made immortal, a great lonely situation for one of the last mammals, even if the professor give him Lil Judd for that (isolating the latter from self expression, oops!), Tartar wanted finally someone who could understand the knowledge he was bearing, and in his final instants was longing to return to the professor and for Grizz… We saw what happened in the logs! But this is not where it ends. The first final Splatfest was literally choosing between the Squid Sister, separating one from the other. And when the Splatocalypse happened, we thought it would be the same, that both option were going to be negative. A endless world of anomy where nothing makes sense against a cold and dystopic dictatorship. But we saw Chaos rather meant a world of differences where anyone can be what they want to be and still be reunited with people. So now we see what Order meant: reuniting people by putting them on equal terms. And at the end, that's what you and Smollusk agreed on! He'd be a difficult final boss and you'd be a formidable opponent for him! Splatfests weren't meant to be divisive or anything, it's just a fun way to see what do people choose in their life. So to face loneliness and meet new and fun people, what will you choose? Chaos or Order?
I guess I understand if it wasn't the story you wanted to see. But I liked it either way, as I also struggle with loneliness and finding my place in the world. And as I also like roguelites!
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asfateentertwines · 11 months
idk if you like this ship, but Nocorro headcanons?
Hi sorry for the delay, I went on a Nocorro tail spin for this
Neteyam hides his feelings for Spider when they're young because he is worried about his moms feelings but has always been gentle with him and secretly enjoyed his company
They got along but just weren't overly close
Spider always was jealous of Neteyam for being everything he couldn't be - Na'vi, loved, strong, respected, etc. But always admired him just as much
Their relationship would start secret - on the downlow for the sake of their own anxieties - and would start due to their common denominator - Lo'ak
As his big brother and his best friend respectively, they always seemed to be the ones at the end of his messes. For Neteyam, it was cleaning them up or talking him out of it and for Spider, it was tagging along before inevitably just trying to keep them both alive
It's my thought that Lo'ak is the one that considers Spider's humanity the least and sees him the most as just Spider, even moreso than Kiri, and so he accidentally gets him hurt a fair amount - hence, Neteyam has to patch him up
This time is where they bond a lot - venting, mocking one another, but also eventually devolving into the fear, insecurity, etc they each feel
They would be the couple that goes through all of the 'new' stuff (i.e the awkward and honeymoon phases) by themselves while no one knows yet about their relationship so that by the time they get together publicly, everyone thinks of them as the old married couple of sorts
They equal one another out in a lot of ways and meet one another's insecurities - each is everything the other wants with the added consequences they didn't see coming
While it takes vulnerability that neither is prepared for, they come to be the same space for one another they each need and become a big part in one another's healing
They're both emotional protectors to the other as no one ever filled the roles for them and for once, they both get to be someone's priority
Its the story of the oldest son and forgotten child
They're two sides of the same beat up coin
Neteyam is protective and takes after his mom in being a guardian but is more reserved and takes social cues into account - he is aware of his mates vulnerability and protects in a lot like how his parents do - meanwhile, Spider is just fucking feral
It takes a long time to teach Spider that he can't just go in like he has nothing to lose - there's a lot of self-worth arguments
However, this comes to head with neither being sure where they stand to announce the relationship. I imagine it wouldn't come out until it had to
in canon, this is the RDA capturing Spider
The RDA taking Spider is what ends with their relationship becoming public
Neteyam has to see his parents as mortal and imperfect while Spider is faced with the doubts on his self-worth and position in the family
Neither knows how to proceed but they fight like hell with something more to fight for than the original canon offers
Neteyam loses it when Spider is taken, he goes feral, fighting with all of Neytiri's spirit, and relies heavily on his parents and the childish belief that they can somehow fix it
I don't think he would realize there's no fixing it until they're with the Metkayina and Ao'nung is courting him
He would lose it, acting more and more like Lo'ak while being lost in his own internal whirlpool of self-doubts and questioning
If war didn't make him grow up then this does
He doesn't think he'll get Spider back until he sees him on the deck but at this point, he's just blindly following Jake - he's unanchored and confused and it is still Lo'ak who ultimately is the reason Spider comes home
As for his fate, I think Spider would have been closer to him. Neteyam would have grabbed him on instinct and been ducking lower to guard the more vulnerable of the two and missed the shot
Them getting home is like recovering from a breakup though
Spider spent the months more convinced than ever that he is unwanted and left astray
But he is also more aware of the emotional manipulation and more at peace with his dynamic with the Sullys so Quaritch doesn't have as much success with him
Despite his doubts festering, it's a sort of resignation that the things they felt for him isn't enough - not that they don't exist
Neteyam would have given him hope that he is a part of the family and made him feel something worth cherishing
Then the RDA comes and it's the resignation that everything is over and he's not going home
He's a lot more grim here
But the upside is that Nocorro is a lot of healing
They're with the Metkayina and helping one another remember their value - Spider in the family and Neteyam as his own person
They both need to be reminded that they're worthy of loving and that's what the months following ATWOW is filled with
Consequently, it's also how the duo become legitimate threats to the RDA
The protective rage they both feel with what was taken from them means they're ruthless - they become a lot more empowered to protect their homes and focus on building some place safe for their family
Ultimately they are a very love and family driven couple with the other slowly becoming their other half, they operate like an extension of themselves with a level of understanding no one else would have
Post-war would take a long time for them to settle but I think they both have similar desires again in just having a loving, safe place for their family to grow and to heal together
Honestly this couple is just very soft and very old married couple, like think the gays from The Last of Us that die together bro
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ladykailitha · 2 years
A Valentine’s Day to Remember Eddie’s POV Part 1
This technically part 2. It will help to read this first. There are three parts like with the first story and will be put up once a day. I will tag for future parts if you want to be tagged, let me know. Preferably in the comments (I might miss them if you hide them in the tags ;) )
And the last part WILL be spicy. I will put the +18 under the cut so you know when it starts.
The Corroded Coffin boys were getting tired of Eddie mooning over Steve fucking Harrington. They didn’t have a problem with the guy himself. He had been a little douche-y in high school but they were so beyond the realm of King Steve that they weren’t even on the fucking map.
The problem was how Eddie kept talking him up.
“Dude,” Brian sighed. “Just ask him out. You know he’s bi. You know he hasn’t dated in months. Just...something. Please, you’re killing us.”
Eddie growled. “It’s fine for you lot. You’ve all got girlfriends. You know, people you can actually take out in public and be all over without people throwing bricks at you.”
Jeff raised a single eyebrow at him.
Eddie deflated. “I know it’s hard for you and Kelsey, too. But of the two of us, I am more likely to get beaten to death for loving a boy then you are for dating a white girl.”
Jeff cocked his head to the side and then nodded. “Fair enough.”
“So go out of Hawkins for your date,” Gareth suggested. “Take him somewhere that even if people saw two dudes, they wouldn’t immediately clock you as couple.”
Eddie sighed. “This is King Steve with all the Harrington moves and shit. In what world would I be able to take him out on a date that he hasn’t been on a dozen times before.”
The other boys shared glances and grimaces. Eddie had a point.
Brian clapped Eddie’s shoulder. “You’ll come up with something. You always do.”
Eddie walked into Family Video to return a tape and chat with his two favorite employees.
They weren’t at the front so he wandered around trying to find them when he heard Steve whining to Robin: “I’m just going to work and then hide in my room until the fifteenth and hope to hell not too many couples come in looking for a romantic movie to ignore after fifteen minutes while they make out.”
Holy shit. This was perfect.
So Eddie did the smart thing and offered to take Steve out. Create the perfect date. Because from what it sounded like, everyone wanted the Harrington ExperienceTM but not actually Steve. And that was positively heartbreaking.
But now he had to plan. And one week to do it in. Eddie wasn’t worried, though. He had put together a four hour one-shot in thirty minutes. He just needed to do a little research first.
First stop: Nancy Wheeler
When Nancy came by after Hellfire Club to pick up Mike and Will Eddie pulled her aside for a moment.
“Hey, soo...” he hummed. “Not be all awkward or anything, but I’m taking Steve out for Valentine’s day and I kinda wondered...”
Nancy folded her arms and huffed. “You want to know what our dates were like?”
Eddie nodded shoving his hair in front of his face.
“Just normal date things,” she said. “Dinner and movies and stuff like that.”
Eddie frowned. “You didn’t do anything fun?”
“It was fun,” she insisted. He raised a questioning eyebrow. “It was! Though, I think a couple of previous girlfriends broke him of doing spontaneous stuff like picnics and bowling.”
“That’s really depressing, Wheeler,” Eddie said softly.
Nancy sighed. “Yeah, it kinda was. He liked that sort of thing, but I think the girls were expecting to be wined and dined because his parents were rich.”
“Noted,” he said. “Thanks.” He patted her on the shoulder and smiled.
She cocked her head to the side as he walked away. ‘You don’t want to know things like his favorite color or favorite dish or anything like that?”
Eddie turned around and grinned. “Where’s the fun in that?”
She threw her arms in the air in frustration as he just skipped away.
His first stop after talk with Nancy and finding out Steve’s favorite flower, was the florist.
The little bell chimed over head as he walked in.
A very harried looking woman at the counter looked up at him in dread. “If you want roses you’re shit out luck. There is no place in the surrounding area that has them. Please don’t ask.”
Eddie grinned. “Then you, fair lady are in luck. Because I’m not looking for roses.”
She eyed him skeptically. “Yeah? What are you looking for then?”
He pulled out the piece of paper Steve had given him. “All-strow-mary-ahs?”
Her face cleared of fatigue and she blinked. “Alstroemarias?”
Eddie beamed. “That’s the one. I’m looking for six pink and six red.”
“Come with me,” the florist said waving him to follow her to the back room. Eddie bounced up to her and let her lead him to the cooler that held all her remaining flowers. The biggest section held these small lilies of every color. Orange, purple, blue, white, pink, red, even some with multiple colors.
“Are you sure you just want pink and red?” she asked, waving her arm at her selection.
“All these are al-alstr-” he stammered.
“I just call them alstroes,” she said taking pity on him. “It’s easier.”
Eddie sighed in relief. “So all these are alstroes?”
She nodded. “Pretty flower.”
He could only agree. The red ones were bright and not dark the way roses tended to be and the pink ones were the color of the blush on Steve’s cheeks when Eddie told him it was a unique choice. He loved them.
Eddie hummed. “Yup, just the two colors, please.”
The florist smiled. “When do you want them delivered?”
He blinked. “Um...would it…I mean, I would like to pick them up myself, if that’s okay.”
She shrugged. “Sure. People just prefer to get them delivered because the store could be pretty hectic that day.”
Eddie sighed in relief. “No, no. I want to hand them to them directly.”
If she noticed the absence of any gendered pronoun she wisely said nothing. “You can also write a card to go with if you’d like. Or you can choose a standard greeting.”
Eddie pursed his lips together and licked them nervously. “I’d like to write it myself.”
She handed him the card and a pen. He carefully wrote out the note, blushing darker than flowers he was about to buy.
He handed her the card back, shoving hair into his face.
The florist looked at the card and smiled. “The language of flowers. So that’s why you wanted the specific colors.”
Eddie nodded. “I got a book out from the library. Wanted to make Valentine’s day extra special.”
She filled out the order form and using a paper clip added the card to the front of it.
“When would you like to pick up the flowers?” she asked.
She wrote it down. “All right that will be $3.95.”
Eddie pulled out his wallet and paid the amount. This was the hardest part. Spending the money to make Steve happy. Not that he thought he had to spend a lot on Steve. No, the problem was that Eddie wanted to. But he also knew he had to keep to a budget as to not completely blow this out of proportion.
Whenever Eddie needed to know something over the course of the week, he would just ask Steve. Because just because his favorite color was green two years ago didn’t mean that it was still his favorite color. Which coincidentally it wasn’t.
Steve had called it baby blue but it was more cerulean. It was a pretty color blue if Eddie was pressed. It certainly brought out the hazel in his brown eyes.
Which was not a thing Eddie noticed. No. Nope. Nope. Not at all.
He called the florist to update the order to new color of tissue paper to wrap the flowers in. The florist nearly sobbed in relief when he said he didn’t want pink, red, or white.
Eddie had agreed to take his sheep to the arcade because he was going to be busy on Saturday. He knew that realistically that most of them had dates anyway, and wouldn’t want play that day either, but it was still something he could do for them instead of DMing that week.
“Look, man,” Eddie was complaining to Dustin, “I have a budget for this shit, I can’t just go to the fanciest restaurant in town and drop $20 on dinner. Not to mention this late in the game, there is no way I’m even going to get a foot in the door let alone get a reservation.”
They were waiting in the Wheeler’s front room on Mike, who was taking forever.
Nancy’s eyes narrowed.
“I’m coming with you to drop the kids off,” she announced just as Mike walked out.
“What? Why?” Mike asked.
“Because I need to go to the store, and Eddie can take me,” she said in the tone that booked no argument.
Eddie shrugged. “There’s plenty of room, I don’t see why not.”
She smiled, wrinkling her nose and Eddie gulped.
Eddie picked up the rest of the gremlins and dropped them off at the arcade. He turned to Nancy and said, “So what’s this really about?”
She smiled sweetly. “I’m going to teach how to make Steve’s favorite dishes and then you can decide candlelit dinner at your place or a picnic. I don’t really care which.”
Eddie blinked and then eyed her suspiciously. “Why are you helping me?”
Nancy sighed. “The one Valentine’s day Steve and I had together, I spent looking into Barb Holland’s death.” She looked down at her hands. “She was my best friend and I hated not knowing what happened to her. Steve was supportive. Because of course he was. But I threatened him that if he bought me so much as flowers or chocolates, I was going to shoot him.”
Eddie winced. “And then the last two Valentine’s days were just shit for the guy...”
She nodded. “I don’t think Steve’s had a good Valentine’s day since elementary.”
Eddie chewed his lip. “All right let’s do this. What all do we need?”
Nancy’s smile was sweeter as she patted his cheek.
Part 2 Part 3
Tag List: @zerokrox-blog @bidisastersworld @swimmingbirdrunningrock @madamonsieur-silvrene @artiststarme @samcoxramblings @maya-custodios-dionach @bejeweledbaby @spreckle  @a-little-unsteddie @krazyperson @princess-josephina @wonderland-girl143-blog @plutoshelm @newtstabber@bookbinderbitch @darkwitchoferie 
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beepersteeper · 3 months
I Will Always Find You -- Astarion x Tav-- Full of Surprises | Part 11
Astarion and F!Tav live happily together for the remaining years she has, she refuses to be turned into a vampire because her faith says that her soul isn’t finished with its work yet. Tav dies of old age and leaves Astarion to put together the pieces of his broken heart.
AN: Lord of Light lore taken and changed to fit the story's means. Not canonically accurate. TLDR storyline stuff. This is an AU where Astarion ascends but isn't a power-hungry bastard and Tav is able to help him continue healing. Wyll is immortal and the Duke. Karlach in my mind, if given a new engine would be able to live a lot longer than the usual tiefling.
Another AN: idk if anyone wants tagged in this WIP but let me know.
Astarions eyes meet hers for half a second before he grips the stranger's collar pulling them close to his face, bearing his fangs. “If you so much as lay another finger on her I promise to make sure it's the last thing you ever do.” He growls with his face inches away from the aggressor who is pinned to the wall
“I… I…” the person stammers as their hood falls to their shoulders to reveal a young human boy bleeding from his nose.
Astarions fierce eyes stay trained on the boy's form.
“I'm sorry!" The boy squeaks an apology and grabs at Astarion's wrists, trying to free himself and rising onto his tiptoes easing some of the strain on his shoulders. He starts to ramble almost incoherently about a dare to impress his mates.
“Let him go Star." Vira whispers and puts her hand on his shoulder 
“Absolutely not,” he responds flatly.
"Let him go.” She gently urges again, shaking her head "He's just a kid.”
"He just tried to mug you and you just want me to let him go." He asked dumbfounded, not loosening his grip.
“He didn't though. Either he learned from this experience or he'll learn the hard way another time.  But it doesn't have to be at your hand, my love. You've shown your power, now show your mercy."
His eyes meet hers and he squints trying to read between the lines for any hint. He heaves out a heavy breath and pushes the boy back as he lets his grip go. “Don't cross my path like this again." he points a damning finger at him as the boy turns around.
“Yes sir." The boy's voice cracks as he runs full speed down the alley and out of sight.
Astarion turns toward Vira and holds her face in his hands, studying to make sure she is okay. 
“I'm alright Star." She smiles at him
“No one hurts you." He says quietly, but with an unfamiliar heat while making direct eye contact. “I'm supposed to keep you safe …” his voice wavers. 
"And you did, you didn't let anything happen to me Star, and I never doubted that.” she makes sure his eyes meet hers.
He moves his hands from her face to her hands to bring them to his lips. She winces and pulls her dominant hand away, noticing for the first time the pain and swelling where her last two knuckles should be. “Darling… I'm no doctor but I've seen my fair share of broken bones” he stifles a chuckle, “I think you fractured your hand on that poor kid's face..." he gently holds her sore hand and wraps his handkerchief around it to splint the injury. “This will hurt, but I'm going to split this. Let's get you to Karlach, she can reset it for you so it can heal properly. It'll feel better when she gets it put together.” He lets out a pained sigh before his voice lifts again "I didn't expect you to be able to throw a punch." He no longer tries to hide his laugh when she playfully swats him with her good hand.
“I surprised myself if I'm to be totally honest." She laughs as well, looking at the makeshift bandage. “I don't know where that came from." She places her good hand in his and starts to walk to the bar again.  They walk into the building and hear their names called from a back booth and see Karlach waving her hand in the air to get their attention. They slide into the empty side of the booth. 
“What happened to you? We left you alone for like 30 minutes." Karlach asks, pointing at Vira's hand while Astarion pours wine in their glasses.  
“Some kid tried to jump me." Vira shrugs and takes a drink from her glass.
“And she punched him in the fucking nose. Properly fractured her hand in the process.” He looks at Vira from the corner of his eye with a smirk hiding behind his glass. 
Karlach reaches out her hands to look at the damage “I'm no healer, but I've had to reset a couple of bones in my time” She carefully takes the wrap off to survey the damage. "it's going to hurt like a bitch but once it's back where it belongs it'll feel better. You want me to get you put back together, slugger?" Vira nods "On the count of three okay?” Karlach flicks her eyes to Astarion who purses his lips before he slips his hand into Vira's. “1, 2" She pulls her two fingers out and pushes down on top of Vira's hand with her thumbs, feeling the bones pop where they should be.
“Gods, Fuck!" Vira hisses and holds her hand to her chest like a wounded animal. “What happened to three!?" 
Both Wyll and Astarion snicker and try to hide their laughter because they've both been on the receiving end of Karlach's countdown when they’d dislocated or broken things in the past. Karlach answers with a shrug reaching for Vira's hand again to put the wrap back on. "If I went on three you would have tensed up and it would have hurt more. You handled it surprisingly well if it's any consolation.”
"She's just full of surprises tonight.” he winks at her causing her to blush, momentarily forgetting about her hand.
"It seems that you are too, you haven't implied that any more harm than a punch to the nose came to the boy." Wyll raises his eyebrows in question at his friend.
"Duke Ravengard, are you implying that I could be capable of bringing harm to someone else?" He laughs pushing his hand to his chest, feigning insult.
“Implying my ass." Karlach chokes on her drink.
“Vira talked me out of it." He sighs “he was just a kid, and I think Vira punching him probably taught him the lesson he needed to learn.”
Vira groans and hides her face in her hand "I can't believe I punched a child.”
"If it makes you feel better, it wouldn't hold up in court because he approached you.” Wyll shrugs.
Vira rolls her eyes and sighs talking down at the table “I don’t think he's going to tell anyone. Star put the fear of the gods in him. I'm just embarrassed that I hit him.”
Wyll and Karlach talk at the same time giving sentiments about their first fights making her feel more comfortable. 
Hours pass far too quickly while the four talk, drink, and dance. Astarion watches Vira and Karlach talk like they've known one another for more than one evening. The two women excuse themselves to the restroom leaving wyll and Astarion sitting at the booth.
“They're getting on well.” Wyll chuckles and finishes his drink.
“Almost like they're old friends." Astarion smirks. 
When the women come back to the table they notice that it has been cleared and Wyll and Astarion are waiting for them. The bar had started closing down and gently urging patrons to leave. Astarion leaves to settle the group's tab and meets them outside the bar. The group walks toward the palace. Astarion walks beside Vira with his hand on her lower back guiding her through the twists and turns.
The group says their good nights and goes their separate ways for the evening. Astarion starts to walk toward the kitchen.
“Where are you going?" Vira asked, leaning on a desk in the hallway.
“Just going to dip into my reserve, I need a little extra after all of the drinks I had tonight.” he shrugs.
“Oh." She says putting her hands in her pockets, a little disappointment tinged in her voice.
He walks back to Vira and threads fingers into the hair at the nape of her neck while looking into her eyes, smiling just enough for his fangs to peak out. “Tsk why do you sound disappointed, darling?”
“I had just assumed you'd be eager to test your theory from earlier." She playfully shrugs. 
He runs his tongue behind his teeth and rakes his eyes across her face and down her neck. “What theory was that exactly?" He toys with her while he moves his hand to her neck to feel her pulse. 
“Well, if you don't remember, I guess you should go to your reserve.” Vira smirks and pushes herself away from the desk.
"I just think I need someone to jog my memory.” He steps forward pushing her back and onto the table, slotting himself between her legs tracing his hands down her sides, and resting them on her hips.
“Maybe it's because you're hungry that your memory doesn't serve you.” She playfully suggests.
She feels his smile widen as he kisses her neck. “Well, darling, what do you suggest since my mind is so clearly clouded by hunger,” he responds with an equally playful whine. 
“We could," She starts and pauses just for a moment, feeling his breath against her skin “Go to your room and you could feed from me.” She moves his head from her neck, kisses his palm sweetly and whispers "See if I taste different from this morning.”
“Oh." His eyes roll back for a moment and his breath catches “that theory." A small smile ticks up in the corners of her mouth He lifts her off the desk and feels her arms drape over his shoulders. He walks down the hall and up a flight of stairs still kissing her neck while he does.
Vira giggles when she feels her back press against the door before it opens. Astarion steps through the door and kicks it closed behind them. He strides across the room and leans her onto his writing desk.
“On the desk?" She laughs
“I might need to take notes.” He laughs at his joke and pushes his hand under her skirt and up her thigh just above where he had fed this morning. He squeezes her thigh gently “May I?" He raises his eyebrows, knowing the answer. 
She rolls her eyes and smiles “Of course." 
He licks his lips and kneels on the floor. He rests his chin on her thigh and looks up meeting her gaze. “Thank  you, darling." 
Vira runs her fingers through his hair “You know,” she starts and pauses when his teeth pierce her flesh “I don't mind this." she smiles “I wouldn't be opposed to doing this regularly.”
His eyes flick to her and he removes his lips from her thigh “I have quite the reservation of donors blood darling, you don't have to do this. I don't want to inconvenience you." He returns to her thigh lapping up two thin stripes of blood before taking another swallow.
“It’s no inconvenience, Star.." She pauses and loses herself in a moment of deja vu.
You've fed from me for months, my love, why do you need to go out and hunt for animals?  A voice that wasn't hers speaks but feels familiar.
Darling, as much as I adore you and your delicious blood I hate having to ask and inconvenience you. Astarion, who looked the same save for his clothes which were more elegant than even what he wore to the graduation. 
It has never been an inconvenience Vira felt her heart swell but I understand why you wouldn't want to just rely on me. 
Well dressed Astarion pressed a white handkerchief to her neck what do you suggest then my treasure? His voice was a pur tingling her ear as he spoke and let his other hand get lost in her hair and thumb stroking her cheek.
You are now a mighty lord of Balder’s gate. I'm sure you're clever enough to find a way to get and keep a reserve of blood for you to have whenever you want. She felt a coy smile cross her face that is when I'm otherwise occupied.
Tav, Astarion smiled so wide it could light up the room you are brilliant and beautiful.
“Vira?!" Astarion asks says urgently. “Ta’vira are you okay?" He adds with more panic in his voice.
“I'm fine Star." She shakes her head and forces a smile trying to steady her breath.
“Deja vu again?" He asks, standing and placing a black handkerchief with some pressure on her leg. Vira nods slowly. “Seems taxing lately my love…”
"It is.” She sighs. "I just- I need to study.” She said without effect. She slid off the desk and walked to her bag and dug through to find her journal and a beacon.
"Do you… want company?” He asked carefully, taking a half step forward before stopping not wanting to impose.
“I…” she paused in the doorway, and turned to look at Astarion face to ground herself. "would like that.” she reached out her hand for him to take.
They walk quickly through the halls to the library. Astarion finds some textbooks and other literature for them to read while Vira scrawled in her journal. He flips through books and bookmark passages that he hasn't read before. Vira sighs heavily, shuts her journal and rests her head on the book.  She groans and reaches for a book that Astarion has already marked and starts flipping through the pages. She stands up from her chair and starts tracing lines on the page she's stopped on.
Her finger trails a line in the book she reads out loud “After adolescence, people who are blessed by the light begin to recall things from their past life (or lives) in a process called anamnesis, this may be uncomfortable for some, and will often leave the person feeling like they are missing major parts of themselves.” she chuckles to herself and adds “at least I know it has a name I guess.”
“Are… you remembering things Vira?" He asks quietly and reaches for her hand.
She shrugs and shakes her head when she closes her hand around his "Today was the first that wasn't just blurry faces. There- there was context and feelings. Such strong feelings.”
"What happened? We were just talking about-”
"Your blood reserve." She interjects. “You've never told me why you started keeping a reserve right?”
"Not that I recall.” He shakes his head and studies her face. 
Without another word, her mouth turns down before she opens her journal and flips to previous pages to read again, trying to see if she had made any note from their conversations that would have influenced her Deja Vu. After finding nothing she continues to pour through an old textbook.
@zoeloveslotr @silverfangmarks @prudent-nerd
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ominous-feychild · 3 months
all of your wips sound so cool! i'm really interested in 'soren magic puppet guardian' and 'lynsmouth's 'families',' if you mind sharing some stuff about either of those :)
Sorry for taking so long to get to this! I wanted to be able to give you a good quality answer and have either been busy with other stuff or haven't had the energy to address this yet! (To anyone wondering, this is an ask from this tag!)
Fair warning: this is going to be LOOOOOONG!
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"Soren Magic Puppet Guardian"
So! This (as were all of my threads, haha) was a very on-the-nose name. Soren Ula--the dad of Freya, the MC of Sun and Shadow--is a well-renowned merchant. He owns a massive shipping company that spans most of the world, but what few know about him is that he's both an avatar (an agent of a god) and a faerie!
I've yet to explain what exactly faeries are in my writing, so I'll give a quick explanation! Faeries are almost sub-gods--powerful creatures that technically aren't even "creatures" so much as they are sentient clouds of magic. Most create physical bodies for themselves, but few leave the Faewildes and even fewer attempt to live "normal" lives.
Soren is a faerie of the ocean. Meaning, he is lowkey an actual god of oceans. In-story he's mentioned to have powerful ocean magic--that's because he is the ocean in many ways. He's just long-since taken on a human form to the point that he doesn't even feel dysmorphic in the form he lives in today (which is unheard of in faeries! They always have some aspect of "themselves" on their physical body, or they'll feel detached from and/or uncomfortable in it)!
The reason I explain this faerie business? If you haven't been able to tell, faeries are incredibly powerful creatures with both their own magic and minor reality-warping abilities within The Real World. (The Faewildes is also Real, but... not "the Real World". Just accept that for now, haha.)
(Skipping Spoilers!? 👀)
When Soren found Freya, his long-lost daughter, in Drønhals, he immediately set to getting her a home in the area. He had a vast amount of wealth from his work and he was long-since known to be an avatar of Levebol, so he had little to no problems doing so.
Except... he'd built a life in the time since he'd lost his family. He had his company, he had his work with Kieran Caron, and how many questions would be raised if he suddenly stepped down from it all?
No. As much as he wanted to stay with his daughter, it would be dangerous for him to. And as much as he'd tried hiding his involvement with Caron, it was entirely possible that people could find it out, track him down, and then find her. And she was just a little girl! Not even five!
(Yes, you are reading that correctly. Long-lost daughter. Implications of at LEAST decades passing. And yet she's not even five years old yet? 🤔🤔🤔)
No, he couldn't stay with her. He'd do anything to protect her... including practically abandon her.
Except, Soren didn't have to abandon her, even if he left to pretend everything was exactly as it was before. He still had power, even if it was nowhere as much as he used to. So he created a magic charm with a little bit of his soul in it.
This "charm", containing both some of Soren's soul and a good bit of his magic, is capable of creating a "puppet" of sorts that's more of a semi-tangible hologram. Thanks to it having a bit of his soul (something literally only possible thanks to him being a faerie), he's able to "consciousness-switch" with it, letting him, well... be an actual guardian for his daughter.
Or, well, y'know. The closest thing to a guardian you can be when you're essentially puppeteering a robot from thousands of miles away to take care of her.
Long story short! Freya grew up with a "magic puppet guardian" of Soren that he could use to simultaneously always be by her side and, yknow... literally never be there for her. It's caused a LOT of complexes in Freya, and is also the main source of the tension in her relationship with him.
When she was younger, she liked it--it was like having her father with her at all times! And she lovesd her dad! But by her teenaged years it turned into resentment for being a sort of half-measure of his in order to "be there for her". She's actually not aware that he did it to basically minimize the likelihood of Bad People™ noticing her and going after her to hurt Soren, but... tbh it wouldn't change her feelings much on the matter if she did know.
In fairness... it's not like he was never actually there. He'd spend time with her in the form of the puppet whenever he didn't have anything else to do in His Real Body on the Slumbering Serpent (his ship). "He"/the puppet would take care of her in small ways, driven on by the small bits of his consciousness within it to carry out tasks he wished he could do. And, hey! He'd sometimes be able to stop by and spend a few days to a week in his real body whenever the trade routes allowed for it! But, yknow... didn't much make up for the fact that, besides what was essentially a zombie a majority of the time, Freya grew up completely alone (and oh boy there's more to that).
The "puppet" wasn't always active by the way--the charm could be manually disabled/enabled, and the puppet and its magic would withdraw into it as commanded. Whiiiiich is what turned into the case in Freya's mid teens, as she started getting angry with Soren and her whole situation. 😅😭
In case you were wondering! Yes, Soren could see/hear/feel/and everything else through the puppet and charm! When he wasn't "possessing" them, though, it was very faint sensations, like the tiniest of breezes across the cowlicks on your head. Freya personally wondered on more than one occasion if he ever used it to eavesdrop on her (as she ALWAYS kept it with/on her), but he never actually did.
What? He's already basically neglecting her, he didn't need to make her resent him for also invading in her personal business and giving her trust issues!
(Don't worry, though, she got those anyways. 😙👌)
Don't get me wrong--he didn't avoid eavesdropping just because he didn't want to give her trust issues. (Just.)
He also did it as a sign of respect for his daughter! Y'know, because he loves her!
Note: Freya lost the charm at sea during the shipwreck that destroyed the Slumbering Serpent in the first chapter of Sun and Shadow. Who knows where it is now, what will come of it, or if it'll ever appear elsewhere again?
I mean, probably not, right? After all, it got lost at sea! It would be ridiculous for it to end up on land!
... like Freya did. 🤔
Aaaaaand... I think that about does it for "Soren Magic Puppet Guardian"! 😄
This was a LOT, so I think I'm actually going to leave this post here, haha. If you'd also like to hear about Lynsmouth's "Families", please send me another ask! Hope you enjoyed reading and/or that this was as satisfying as you hoped it would be! 😊
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Divider from @cafekitsune
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wario-speedwagon · 8 months
Dave and Old Sport Adopt a Kid: Chapter 13
Hello! Happy first birthday to this fic! I can't believe this fic has come this far. Thanks for all who have tagged along for the ride, and I hope you enjoy today's chapter! Full chapter below the cut! <3
Chapter 1 Chapter 12
Chapter 13
“So Scott sure wasn’t happy with us, huh!” Dave finally commented with fake cheerfulness to break the awkward silence that had hung in the air of that dingy car.
It only ended up making the following silence even more awkward than before when there was no reply beyond a deep breath. Jack didn’t have the spoons to start up such forced small talk, not with everything that was on his mind right now.
So seeing that Jack was still staunchly “focused on the road,” Dave went back to rubbing the shoulder of Pruny, who was leaned up against him in the back seat. He could practically feel her trembling.
Despite not really having one, his heart went out to her, as he could tell exactly how she was feeling based on her behavior, if only because it reminded him so much of his own during a “bad day” back in his Henry days.
Now that he thought about it, the way he himself was cradling his own injured eye with his other hand was also just as… nostalgic.
Dave figured it must be an Aubergine trait to keep up such a brave face in spite of it all, as despite being so shaken, there weren’t any more tears he could see. Dave petted her head out of bittersweet pride, to which she responded by readjusting herself more comfortably.
Dave would be content with this bittersweet peace, except unfortunately Pruny’s wellbeing wasn’t the only big concern of his. He couldn’t really take in all the confusion in the heat of the moment, but now that he could properly sit on his unanswered thoughts, the implications of the words exchanged today started to become… rather serious. But only if “Jack” could prove his fears were founded.
So after another couple minutes of sitting in all this uncomfortable nothing, Dave eventually took a shot:
“Hey, so we gonna talk about what happened or…?”
“...Because the other option would be to keep actin’ like it never happened, and I’m sure as hell not doin’ that.”
“...Later. When we get home.”
“Alright, fair enough I suppose.”
More silence settled in the air, though now with some of the tension broken at least. Dave found himself relishing in how Old Sport called it “going home.” And “going home” how it seemed to naturally include himself and Pruny now. Or maybe he was overthinking things again. Either way, for how much Sportsy played “hard-to-get,” he sure was falling easily into this new family dynamic.
It was good that his family was starting to form on its own, hopefully without further need for intervention. But after the shit that went down today… he couldn’t be too hopeful.
No, this stuff needs to be aired out now. Hiding secrets only ever led to more hurt later on. He learned that lesson from Henry a lot.
“How’s your eye doing?”
“Oh. Probably fine. It’s not the first time it’s been roughed up like this.” Although it was usually a blunt impact from a wrench rather than a scratch, but—
“We should probably take you to a doctor.”
“Hah! In this economy?”
“Okay then, coward, I hope you’re ready to be a pirate if it gets infected though, cuz I don’t have a first aid kit good enough for that.”
“You kiddin’? I’d look badass with an eyepatch!”
“...You might have to retire your kiddie strangling days though.”
…Well that came out of left field. Dave wasn’t comfortable with how serious he sounded either...
He’d never really put much thought into it yet since this all began… If they kept up this whole “family” schtick, then would it make sense to keep up their “kiddie strangling” schtick as well? He hated it, but Sportsy might have a point about that.
…But what if they made Pruny “Kiddie Strangler 3.0” and made a cute murder family? Now that'd be the best of both worlds—he was smiling just imagining it!
Eh, but something told him that Pruny wouldn’t be all that gung-ho about the idea. Even Dave himself hated the idea at first when Henry started with him. What if she warmed up to it though…?
From now on, this won’t be happening again.
Sportsy's earlier words cut through his thoughts. Was he really so willing to give up what they had that easily? Or maybe he didn't really mean it, or he meant something else… Fuck, it had him concerned though. Why was Sportsy such a doormat to that thing, anyway?
That whole scene today had so many questions to dive into.
And while Dave hadn’t quite pieced it together in the moment, he was sure now in hindsight that “Jack Kennedy” was what that thing—”Dee”?—was calling Old Sport. He’d never even considered until then that Old Sport had a name, but now he had to know.
The orange guy's head tilted accordingly.
“That your name? Jack Kennedy? That’s what she was calling you. And you were callin’ her ‘Dee’—”
“I’ll explain when we get home, Dave, just—please, not right now.”
“...But yeah, that is my name.”
“Huh…” Dave wasn’t sure if he’d be used to him having a real name.
But still: it seemed that the bright side of today would be that Old Sport was finally going to really open up to him about everything!
You don't even remember what you did to Jack Kennedy. And apparently neither does he.
…Okay, maybe he was feeling a just a little bit intimidated to unpack all that.
...Even more so now that he just remembered the name Dee Kennedy. And which of his victims it belonged to.
Violet, meanwhile, had been tuning out their occasional muffled conversation and reliving her experiences that day.
The puppet had been so nice and fun to her! Was it genuine, or was that thing really dangerous?
You were on your way out. Leave the kid alone, comprende?...
…Prune, get out of here.
The way Dave fiercely threatened that thing while Jack nervously negotiated with it, the way it tried to keep her from them and the way Jack pushed her to escape…
She didn’t know what conclusions to draw from all that except that they were not good, not at all. The puppet and them were clearly old enemies somehow. And right before she and the Phone Guy came back into the room, she barely yet certainly heard Jack shouting something inside, and Dave was on the ground covering his face like it was hurt once they entered. Dave was still nursing that injury right now next to her…
She wished she would have been able to tell what the puppet was apparently saying to them so she’d not be so hopelessly in the dark about what had just occurred.
Was this all her fault for running off with it? Did she cause this? Did she get Dave hurt? Is there something she could have done to make them not fight? Or would things have at least gone better if she’d just hurried up and spat out what she needed to say sooner to the Phone Guy—!
She realized she'd worked herself up again when she felt tears forming in her eyes again, so she tried to stop the what-ifs. But just after her breath hitched, she felt a giant hand pat her head again, knocking those tears loose down her face, before his hand returned to her shoulder again. She still tried to fight the urge to cry, but once her breath hitched a second time, she instead just let it all happen. And she heard Dave take notice as he softly cooed something in comfort to her (not that she could see what he said) while he hugged her tighter against him.
This... This was a new feeling. She'd never felt... good crying before... Was that even allowed?
...No. With them, she decided dumb rules like that didn't even matter.
The loud sound of the entrance doors closing reverberated through the dark and empty dining room, almost like some old, empty cathedral. Scott fumbled with his ring of jingling keys before finding the right one which he then inserted and turned to lock up the entrance, filling the haunting silence behind him with more echoing clicks.
And then he sighed loudly because no one could hear him but these walls. Well, in theory anyway. Because that puppet was still unaccounted for, and was frankly only the second greatest source of his stress right now.
First place of course went to the police investigation, the missing children scandal, the distraught parents he'd faced, all of it weighing heavily on his mind. It was unbearable, simultaneously hoping a solid lead came out of it for their sakes while actively fearing the fulfillment of that same exact hope for his own sake.
But then on top of that, there was the whole Jack, Dave and puppet fiasco, and it was putting so many extra thoughts on his mind, thoughts he just didn’t have the headspace to handle right now. Words replaying in his head repeatedly—
And you, Dee. I know you have no reason to believe me ever again— Save it, Jack. I’m not interested in what you have to say anymore. Dee, just listen to me— You listen to ME, Jack Kennedy! Dee— —Jack Kennedy! Dee—! —Kennedy!
The names especially kept repeating ad nauseum. For such few words he overheard, they haunted Scott incessantly. They agitated so many memories and images in his head that didn’t belong in his wiring—
His orange employee who recently knelt down comforting a purple child—except somehow that image felt like a much older memory than just a mere day ago… no, was it a different child maybe? But then why would Jack be there? Why would Jack be in his old memories? Or was it someone else he was being reminded of? ...Yeah, someone decidedly less orange, probably. But then why does he have the same last name as himself—a-as Peter? There’s simply no way that could…
...So does Jack know Peter? Is that the conclusion to draw? Does that puppet!? Because they clearly knew each other somehow with how they talked—Dee, that was its name? Dee?... Dee… Dee… Dee…Kennedy? Did that last name fit there too? Maybe it might but he couldn't be sure either way.
The puppet… is still out there hiding somewhere… Could he…
…ask it?
...Did he want to?
Either way, he had to find it to contain it and prevent Freddy’s from having any more reasons to shut down.
Knowing the puppet was maybe a person of some sort, though, that course of action felt kind of… wrong…
No, Scott didn't have time for such ethical quandries in these dire times. He reached for his flashlight and began his search. It was certainly daunting, both because that thing could be lurking anywhere, and depending on its mood, it could be any level of dangerous if he was caught unaware.
Then again, death by puppet was probably far more favorable than the “proper” way for a Phone Guy to go…
Scott decided he hadn’t checked the ballpit in a while today, so he made that his first search destination. As he approached the door for that room, though, a chilling whisper from behind him stopped him in his tracks:
“You’re looking for me, aren’t you?”
He immediately turned, and the flashlight beam revealed a damaged puppet standing amongst the dining tables just two rows away.
“I-I suppose I am, yes.”
“To put me back in my box, right?”
“I can't have you causing any more trouble for me.”
“Do I have to stay in there?
…I have no desire to hurt anyone you know.”
“Th-That’s not what I saw there in the Saferoom.”
“Those two were different. They’re murderers.”
Scott had suspected that a fair bit, actually, but it was still chilling to hear that seemingly confirmed. Dave was obvious, but perhaps after seeing how Jack was with that girl, he’d started to dismiss his previous doubts with him. He didn't remember Jack being like Dave—
“‘Dee,’ was it? Do you know Jack?”
“I do.”
“How so?”
“He was my brother.”
“Your brother?”
“I’m not a robot, Scott. I’m the soul of Dee Kennedy.”
Uncertainty was finally clearing up as things started clicking into place.
“And that makes him Jack Kennedy, then?”
But as addicting as the straightforward answers were, he still hesitated to get to the crux of his questions.
“... …Was there a Peter Kennedy as well?”
“Peter? He was our older brother. Why?”
That confirmed it. It was so obvious now that he knew for sure; Peter did have something like siblings, didn't he? Of course he did!
“Do you know Peter?”
“...Sort of? …This is going to sound strange because it is, but… I have several of his memories rattling around in my memory banks for some reason.”
“Memories? Like what?” she asked with sudden alert interest.
“It’s… Well, a lot of them involve a wife named Caroline. She’s in most of them. Her, and his job at Freddy’s before he died. Oh, and a kind of pinkish man, the guy that killed him. He and Peter both keep showing up in my nightmares lately…”
The puppet was perked up over something he said, though remained silent for a while. But then it eventually cut the silence, bursting with:
“Your ring, you have a wedding ring, right?”
“Y-Yeah, of course, I do have a wife besides Caroline…”
“Take it off! Is there any writing on the inside!?”
“U-Uh, hold on a sec…?” Scott did as told. After sliding it off, he carefully held the flashlight up to it at an angle where he could inspect the inside of it. After a few moments, he did notice some fancy etched calligraphy.
His heart skipped a beat.
“Does it say something like ‘Peter, lawful husband of Caroline’?”
“How do you know that!?”
“Because I was there when you picked it out! And you were so annoying when you made sure everyone saw it!”
Peter’s eyes were still glued to the golden ring he was holding, still in awe that such an answer had been on his finger this whole time, so he didn’t even notice her rapidly approaching—
—for a hug.
“It IS you! It’s you, Peter, isn’t it!?”
“...” He couldn't bring himself to reciprocate the hug.
“...Isn’t it?”
“... I don’t know. Just because I… have his ring… there's countless other ways I could end up with his ring. Because I-I’m Scott Cawthon. I have my own life, my own family, my own memories—”
“—But you have Peter’s memories!”
“It’s probably a programming fluke—”
“No way!” she whined.
“Puppet, it’s time you returned to your box,” he said coldly, unwrapping her rope-like limbs from their embrace.
“No! Not unless you tell me that you’re Peter!”
“...” He simply couldn't keep eye contact with her anymore.
“Please! Peter, I haven’t seen you in so long!”
“... Good night, Miss Puppet. Behave yourself, I’ll see you in the morning.”
Scott turned to make his exit.
Stringy arms immediately wrapped around him from behind again, holding him back.
“That’s right, I’m Dee! Your baby sister! You raised me yourself, you and Jack!”
“That’s enough, Dee, please let me go.”
“No! Please don’t leave me, not again!”
Peter’s heart shattered.
…No, he saw no other recourse than to just make a run for it, and with enough force that he broke free from her grasp.
“Don’t go! Please!” the child wailed behind him, abandoning her dignity. He wished this was only the first time he'd heard that wailing, because he couldn't help her this time—
His heart was racing—he fumbled through the keys again once he reached the locked entrance while the Puppet rapidly followed him; when she arrived—
“Dee, enough.” A different voice came out of him, and with enough desperate sternness that she stopped immediately in her tracks.
“Peter... that’s your voice…”
“Goodnight, Dee,” he firmly reiterated, switching back to the voicebox like nothing happened.
“No!” she protested one last time—
His cold, sweaty hands turned the key and quickly pushed the door open to leave as fast as he could— ...and then firmly pressing his back against the outside building wall which he started to slide down, he attempted to soothe a panic attack he didn't realize he was having until now.
At this rate, his brain was going to fry.
(Chapter 14)->
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
I haven't been on Tumblr a lot lately, so I had completely missed the End OTW Racism manifesto, but I just checked my fandom tag to see if someone had been participating in it and... yep, it's the same people who are known for harassing others, supporting bullying as long as the bullied ones are writing "badwrong" stuff or dared contradict them, and those who enthusiastically posted lists of "These authors wrote these bad stories! Block them immediately!!!!" before admitting that they had barely skimmed the tags and didn't bother reading the stories themselves.
So far, both here and on Twitter, I haven't seen a single nice person use the tag or support the movement. I know that an anon here mentioned that they've seen people who are usually pro-shippers reblog that stuff, but on my side it's all well known antis who try to hide their American Evangelical thinking by saying "It's not that we claim you're racist because you write this top/bottom dynamic! We say you're racist because of the implicit dynamics that come from making one of the guys in the ship the woman and making the other one the man! How dare you say we're ignorant???" (and yes, before anyone wonders if they understood this correctly, they absolutely did go on tirades about how the bottom is the woman and the top is the man. In a gay relationship. But they're the good, progressive guys).
When your entire movement is supported by people like this, I'm just gonna skim through your manifesto and laugh at all the bullshit these idiots are writing to support it.
To be fair, I've seen a few people I like and respect supporting it, but yes, a lot of people who are more like this are also supporters.
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scramble-crossing · 8 months
2 3 10 12 13 for the ask game!
2. A headcanon you weren't sure about at first but have come to like! Ok this is hard to answer because I forget what's canon and what's intricately-woven-into-my-brain headcanon but I'll say the "Kariya was an Angel" theory! I never disliked it, but I never liked it more than the simpler explanation of "Oh he's just been around the block a couple of times, that's why he knows more than the average Reaper but still couldn't pick out Joshua as the Composer-that stuff's above his paygrade." Even now it's not "canon to me" level of headcanon, but I can see the appeal and really I appreciate anything that inspires people to look a littler closer at characters like Kariya or Uzuki. Also it's really good when played for comedy. His ass is showing up at the Angel convention, stealing as many appetizers as he can, and bouncing before anyone can point out that he got fired 30 years ago for skipping meetings to go play Tin Pin with random Wall Reapers.
3. A character that fandom has helped you appreciate It's too easy to say Coco so Beat! It's embarrassing to admit but I kinda had a bone to pick with him when I was first getting into the series for sorta "replacing Sho" in neo. I didn't think he was as interesting (and to be fair he really isn't in neo until you take his relation to Rindo's arc into consideration; he works wonderfully as a back for Rindo to hide behind even if his own story was very much concluded by the end of the first game. Then there's also his dynamic with Neku, which is very very good, but he didn't need to be a player character for that. Anyways). Beat analysis posting made me actually pay attention to him while replaying the games and realize how much I'd missed skimming over him in W2 (the poor guy's really gotta try to compete with fan darling Joshua and Sho, aka the loudest fucking man alive, for screen time). His stint as a Reaper is incredibly fascinating. I forget who, but I always distinctly remember someone talking about Beat getting prepped to try and deaden his heart and become as brutal and merciless as a Reaper is supposed to be before ultimately choosing kindness in both his siding with Neku and sparing Kariya and Uzuki in W3 and man.....yeah. He's just such a good guy. He's easily in the top 10 favs now, if not the top 5
10. A blog (mutual or one you follow) that has made your fandom experience brighter Well....yknow....
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There are a LOT of others and I'm too shy to tag but goldensunset (incredible analysis) playtwewy (fav fics ever) sho-minamimoto (awesome art + sho headcanons) dj-of-the-coven (made me love beat) purplelea (also incredible analysis) bitternami (very kind and wow I read a fic of yours once and it blew me away...I will remember to find it and leave a comment soon) leonvilasi (always leaves fun and interesting comments in my notes) off the top of my head and a whole bunch of people who aren't as active in the twewy fandom anymore or whose art I love and the people I always see leaving funny tags in my notes you're all awesome <3
12. Compliment someone else in your fandom AUGH HELL ON EARTH!!! dandelion2302 I absolutely adore the way you draw Sho your art is amazing.................
13. Your favorite type of fandom event (gift exchange, ship week, secret santa, prompt meme, etc) Yknow I've never actually done any fandom events before twewy! I had a blast during the twewybang and while I probably won't participate again for a while (I'd rather finish the fic I wrote for the 23 one first) it was a wonderful first experience with this sort of thing :]
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