#I should probably come up with a tag for this sort of thing huh
dayz-ina-daze · 4 months
hey op your post about aita phone bill. i apologise if this is forward, please understand i am reaching out out of concern and not to upset you or be disrespectful at all. 🙏
your descriptions about your parents worry me as it sounds like they are engaging in abusive behaviour. i have chronic migraine and my parent did the same actions as your parent (dependent on them, feeling 'in debt' to parent for all the help they gave me ("i pay for all this, and i'm sick too"), guilted for spending maybe $30 on myself, etc) and it was only as i got older (23, 24) that i realised there was abuse.
but i also acknowledge our illnesses are different and that you are in a situation where you cannot yet be on your own and so have to 'make do'. please continue talking with your therapist because they may help come up with strategies to deal with some of the abuse-like behaviour that seems to be happening. once you have your chair, i strongly suggest you continue saving in case of emergency (in case you have to rush to move out or similar), i really hope things improve for you.
there are 'work from home' jobs online that you can do from a laptop/computer such as data entry or transcripting where you wont need to stand. if you havent already, i also suggest reaching out to others with pots who could provide help, tips, advice, and support and understanding of what you are going through. there are tumblr users with pots who trained their dog to alert them before an episode (so they dont faint/sit down before the episode), maybe there is a pots crowd fund to help you get your chair? is there somewhere we could donate to help you??
remember: do not let them guilt you into thinking you are broken or costing them 'their time, money, effort, life' etc... they are parents, they should be rising above that. it is not your fault illnesses cost money to treat, that disability is not often considered by others in the world - it is NOT your fault you are unwell 💖
I’m aware that I’m being abused… I’ve come to terms with it. It’s hard even accepting that, of course, because I love my parents, and most days they’re wonderful people… But I’ve had to learn that even if they’re good people, they aren’t good parents in the slightest, and I have to differentiate between the two. Perhaps even that isn’t true, but it’s just what I tell myself in the hopes that someday they’ll see all the damage they’ve done and feel remorse and regret.
Also as a byproduct of how I was raised, I physically can’t accept “handouts” — even if I know it’s for my own betterment. I want to work for what I earn, so I can never be accused of being lazy or a leech like my parents so often imply. My parents have a dog that’s already trained to be something of a diabetic alert dog, although unofficially, and he often alerts to me at times as well, though for different reasons related to my POTS (I’m hypoglycemic as well, plus fistfuls of other diagnoses). I’m still saving up, though what I have isn’t much. I have some support in place, and I’ve been trying to integrate myself into more POTS support systems (I lost almost an entire year of my life just to recovering from when it initially hit me, so I admit I’m a bit slow to the uptake), I’m reaching out to doctors and therapists and anyone who can help…
For now I just. Have to wait.
If you’re able to offer me even a penny, I’ve got KoFi and other money apps to that regard, and in return, I’m happy to provide sketches or full on art pieces of whatever you’d like!! Though I understand if some are hesitant to take those routes. My friends are coaxing me to the idea of starting a GoFundMe, but it feels like a “cheap” way out, and that I’m not able to pay back such kindness, so I’m hesitant. Like I said: I want to work for what I get, in any way I can.
And truly, thank you for this… It’s nice to hear I’m not crazy for thinking the way I’m treated is wrong. This didn’t upset me, but it surely made me cry just knowing that some strangers on the internet are so kind. Thank you, sincerely. <3
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stormz369 · 7 days
☕💖 Can I Get Your Number? ☕💖 Ch 1
Jason Todd x Chubby! Reader (fem) A/N: I don't know what I'm doing here, I'm not even much of a DC fan, but Jason Todd has quickly become my latest hyper fixation character (Harley Quinn too, do I just have a thing for Joker victims???) so ... thank you for giving me a place to put this energy I guess! 😂 I'm not super confident on the characterizations, but I'm going with it because I like it. If it's wildly ooc ... that tracks, given that the only DC comic I've read is Batman: Wayne Family Adventures. Read it, or don't, I just needed to get the thoughts out of my head. The art doesn't belong to me, but the writing does. Please do not post elsewhere!
written with a female reader in mind, first person pov, no use of Y/N, starting out fluffy, will probably get NSFW later so minors DNI, let me know if there's anything else I should tag this with!
word count: 1.7k
Chapter 1 Chapter 2
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In a city known for its masked fighters, you learn pretty quickly that everyone and everything is a potential threat. Every approaching stranger on the street, every loud sound behind you, every dark alleyway. Being bigger than me certainly isn't a prerequisite to being a danger, but it does have a way of setting off my mental alarms. I've found that big men are used to getting their way, and they get all sorts of bent out of shape if you deny them their wishes. Especially when they think they're doing you a favor.
It died down a bit after high school; I learned to exist in public with ‘fuck off’ stamped across my face. Headphones on, reading a book, intentionally seated at the table furthest from the other cafe patrons. All the typical signs of someone who wants to be left alone; nothing about me said ‘please come talk to me'. So I was understandably on edge when I noticed someone standing by the chair across from me. I look up just a bit, gesturing to the chair with a nod. Silent consent to take it back to his table and leave me to my book.
No such luck. The man simply smiled and mimed taking headphones off. Putting a bored look on my face, I moved one off my ear. “... Hm?”
“Hi! I'm sorry to bother you, but my brother thinks you're really beautiful and is refusing to come tell you himself.” 
I could feel my expression turning to stone. “... What is this, middle school?”
His cheerful grin faltered ever so slightly; “hey, I know it's a bit silly, but he's awkward around cute girls, so what's a brother to do, ya know?”
I stared him down; “... You're not fooling anyone. Move on.”
“... Sorry, ‘fooling anyone’?”
“It’s not funny, it’s not even hurtful the 20th time, it's just annoying. Go. Away.” It was a lie; it was always painful to be on the receiving end of these pranks. But that was what these guys wanted, so I wasn't going to tell him that. My headphones back in place, the guy slunk away.
Ten minutes later, another person was standing by the chair. I pretended not to see him, continuing to read my book, until he plopped down in the seat. I looked up slowly and he smiled, another oddly warm smile, leaning forward on his elbows.
An incredibly put-out sigh later, I slid the headphones off one ear again. “What?”
“Hi, I'm Tim! I'm not sure what exactly my brother said to you, but I wanted to let you know - we're not trying to prank you or something. Our brother is just way too awkward with girls. It's painful to watch, really, so we figured we'd give him a hand.” He spoke much too fast for me to get a word in. I blinked a bit, raising an eyebrow.
“... You frat boys are really committing to the bit these days, huh?”
“Huh? No, really, I promise!”
My headphones were nearly back into place when a child showed up. His impatient expression matched how I felt about the whole situation. “As usual, Drake, your plans are far too convoluted to be effective. Watch and learn.”
He turned to me, nothing about his demeanor changing; “hello. Todd said we shouldn't bother you because you ‘clearly want to be alone’, but I am convinced the only way to stop their nonsense is if he comes over. May he have a moment of your time?”
Frowning a little, I stared at the kid. He stared right back, neither of us blinking for a solid minute as we sussed each other out. His expression barely changed, but the boredom in his eyes turned into determination. “... Well, you're definitely not a frat boy. So I'll make you a deal; you may report back that he has permission to come say hi. If he doesn't choose to, that's the end of this little charade. And if either of them” I gestured to the one sitting at my table; “comes back over here, I start stabbing. Got it?”
The boy nodded once, and I thought I saw a ghost of a smirk. “You have my word.” He dragged the other man out of the chair by his shirt, pulling him stumbling toward their table. That was when I saw him. The only person at their table who hadn't come over yet. Even hunched over the table he was enormous, probably close to six feet tall; exactly the kind of man I typically avoided. The kid spoke sharply, pointing in my direction, and his head shot up to look in my direction. Even from across the spacious patio, I could see his face turning red. The obnoxious, cocky smirk I was expecting to see was entirely missing; instead he seemed almost confused.
Headphones back on but turned off so I could hear if he approached, I returned to my book. But I only got through a few pages before the first one shouted; “and offer to get her another coffee or something!”
I looked over to see the tall one frozen halfway between our tables, a look on his face like he was considering jumping over the patio fence to get away. His demeanor reminded me of a lost puppy, and I couldn't help the chuckle that rose up out of my throat. I bookmarked my page, set the book aside, and slid my headphones down around my neck. I really thought he was about to bolt until I lifted one hand, curling my fingers to gesture for him to continue toward me.
He stopped short by a good several feet, eyeing the distance between himself and the chair, and took one extra step back. It seemed as if he was hyper aware of just how much he loomed over me; the way he stood was like he was trying to will himself to be smaller, and he kept his hands at his sides. “Um … hi. … Sorry, this is … this is really weird …”
I nodded, watching him. “It is a bit. … Todd, was it?”
“Jay… Jason.”
“Not Todd?”
“Jason Todd. Damian calls me Todd, he thinks using people's last names keeps them at an arm's length…” Jason Todd. The name felt familiar, but I couldn't place why. He continued to ramble about how important tone was in determining whether this Damian kid was referring to you with affection or disdain, and I watched him. He was admittedly very cute; he had a sort of a bad boy aesthetic -leather jacket, dark clothes, a white streak in his hair, some unusual scars on his face and arms-, which juxtaposed interestingly with the gentleness in his voice, bright eyes, and awkward mannerisms. That was actually the thing that made the most sense about this situation; bikers are often secret teddy bears.
“... Jason?”
He looked up at me, one hand sheepishly making its way into his hair. “Yeah, sorry, you want me to go. I'll get them to stop harassing you, so sorry-”
“Actually, I was going to say you don't have to stand the whole time.” I gestured to the chair across from me.
He hesitated, watching me. “... Y- you don't want me to go?”
I smiled softly and shook my head. “Sit?”
He quickly obeyed, a hesitant smile on his face, which was almost immediately hidden by his hand when his brothers whooped from their table. “... God, I'm so sorry … th- they mean well, really, they're not trying to be weird …”
I laughed softly, “it's fine, that's what siblings do, right?”
“... I guess so … I've been sort of … away for a while, but I guess this is pretty standard sibling behavior. … Right?”
“I mean, a little more insistent than mine, but not too far outside the realm of what I’d consider normal.” I shrugged, finishing my chai latte.
He smiled slightly, considering that. “... Hm … um … c- can I get you another?” He gestured to my cup.
“... Sure, I've got time.”
The pleased grin on his face as he looked away to flag down a server surprised me. Then again, everything about him was surprising. Still, no one had ever looked at me quite like that before… 
The server sauntered over, clearly curious about my new companion. Jason smiled brightly; “Hi, can we get another for the lady? And I'll have a medium black coffee, sweet, please.”
Huh. He called me a ‘lady’. Not a girl, or a chick, a lady. That was … also surprising. We chatted for a little while, sipping our coffees, and tried to ignore his staring brothers. He was incredibly awkward, in a sweet, endearing way. I got the impression that he wasn't fully comfortable, but chalked it up to how weirdly this all started. After a while, the first one returned, a small grimace on his face.
I raised an eyebrow; “I'm pretty sure I told the little one that the next one of you to come over was getting stabbed.”
“I know, I know! I'm so sorry, but Jay, we gotta go. Bruce texted…”
That was when it clicked; why I knew the name Jason Todd. He was a Wayne … his death had dominated the news cycle for a week. His miraculous, frankly poorly explained, return was the story for at least two.
He looked, torn, between me and his brother. “Oh … um …”
The man I finally recognized as Dick Grayson leaned forward and fake-whispered, “the words you're looking for are ‘can I have your phone number'?”
Jason swatted him away, blushing bright red; “Seriously, Dick? … well, can I-”
His ears were turning red as I held my hand out for his phone. I added my contact info and, feeling unusually bold, I added ☕💖 after my name while Jason dropped a couple of bills on the table; I smiled a bit, realizing he was leaving enough to cover my first drink for me too. I passed his phone back, enjoying the look of wonder on his face when he checked the screen. The way he whispered my name, like a prayer meant only for god's ears, had my stomach doing backflips.
“thanks … I'll call you?”
“Sounds good. I'm a night owl, so not too early, yeah?”
He nodded eagerly. “Not too early, promise.”
Next ->
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Imagine Tom's reaction when reader (male) was dared by Abraxas to wear a skirt for a week (Abraxas knows Tom has been pining for reader since 1st year, he js want to help his homie)
The Skirt - T.R. x male!Reader
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A/N: I love this request so much oh my gods 💛 I wrote this in a horny frenzy because this unlocked some sort of sleeper agent side of me that I never knew existed until I read your request
I think this is the most feral Tom Riddle I’ve ever written. I tweaked the request a tiny bit, but I hope you like it. It’s completely unedited with no use of Y/N. I wrote it intending to write more, so that’s why it ends the way it does.
PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU READ THE WARNINGS!!! I tried to tag everything, but let me know if I missed something!
This is 18+, which means NO MINORS!!!!
CW: female oc; Reader dresses as a girl; lots of beauty descriptors for Reader; don’t read if you’re prone to dysphoria/dysmorphia around looking feminine!!!; Tom’s horny thoughts; Tom’s feral thoughts; Tom is absolutely whipped for you; brief graphic description of sexual acts; Tom is a horny boy; probably ooc Tom; this takes place in Tom’s seventh year of school, so him and Reader are both of age
777 words
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“Hey, did you hear about Abraxas’ dare?”
Tom looks up from his plate of food, lowering his fork. “No. What dare?”
Aurora Greengrass sits across from him, her eyes gleaming with excitement. “You haven’t heard? He dared a male student to dress as a girl for a week!”
Tom blinks, vaguely surprised. “Abraxas did? Who did he dare?”
“No one knows yet. We only know because—“
“What are you two talking about?”
Abraxas sits next to Tom, dumping his school bag on the floor behind him as he sits down to eat.
Aurora’s excitement seems to dim a bit. “Ah, well… We were just discussing your dare.”
“Ah.” Abraxas smirks. “That. I’m quite excited about it, honestly. It should help some things move along quite nicely, if I do say so myself.”
He gives Tom a subtle nudge, like Tom should have any idea of what he’s talking about.
He just gives Abraxas an odd look and goes back to eating his food.
“So,” Aurora leans in. “Who did you dare?”
Abraxas’ smirk only grows. “Why don’t you ask him yourself? He’s coming this way.”
Tom turns to look, and promptly chokes on his bite of food.
It’s you, dressed in a swishy skirt, woman’s stockings, and Mary Janes. You have on red lipstick, a bold and fierce look.
“Hello, Riddle. Malfoy. Greengrass.” You sit casually, adjusting your skirt as if it’s no big deal. As if you aren’t the most gorgeous boy to walk into Tom’s life.
Tom manages to swallow his food and pick his jaw up off the floor. “You— You look—“
Where to even begin?
Tom’s had a crush on you since first year. Ever since you sat next to lonely little him in Potions class and gave him the biggest grin of your life.
He’d been absolutely sold since then. Seven years of being head over heels. Utterly and completely whipped.
Seeing you in such a cute skirt… all prettied up…
He bites his tongue to keep his thoughts—and blood—from rushing to inappropriate places.
You didn’t dress up to be objectified like this. But Merlin did his brain want to do it.
“Cute, right?” You flash your signature grin, the one that always makes Tom’s stomach flutter. Today it’s more like a tornado of butterflies.
Merlin, how is it that you look so pretty? From just a skirt and lipstick!
“Uh-huh.” He mindlessly agrees, far more focused on a tiny smudge of lipstick against your upper lip. He wants to wipe it off. Kiss it off. Make it worse.
His thoughts go downhill too quickly to catch.
That perfect mouth of yours, all red with smudged lipstick, wrapped around his—
“You’re staring, Riddle.” A small frown creases your face. “Are you alright? Do I have something on my—“
“I’m fine!” Tom forces himself into composure, folding his hands in his lap to hide the evidence of his thoughts.
Your gaze flicks down automatically, and a quizzical look crosses your face.
Tom panics a bit. You can’t find out! You’ll be disgusted with him!
“So,” he says, fumbling over his words. “What made you decide to accept the date— DARE! The dare.”
He’s practically sweating, hands clasped tight. For a moment, it seems like you’re going to question him.
Then you shrug. “I dunno. Just felt like it. Abraxas seemed pretty set on me doing it, so I guess I just accepted to humor him. I look pretty good in a skirt, though, huh?”
Tom’s mouth goes dry. Pretty good? You look fantastic. Gorgeous. Mouth-watering.
He wants to kiss along your tantalizingly bare thighs and sink his teeth into the meat of your skin. He wants to mark you up, leaving it absolutely unequivocal as to who you belong to.
More than anything, he wants to see you absolutely wrecked, begging underneath him as he fucks you in the skirt.
“Riddle… Riddle… Tom…?”
“I gotta—“ Tom stands, his breathing heavy. He can’t stand it. You look too good. Too tempting. “I gotta go.”
He can barely find it in him to care that you get an eyeful of his extremely obvious hard-on as he stands up. He needs to get out of here. Now.
He can hear Abraxas’ laughter as he flees. Cheeky shit. He probably set it all up on purpose. Made you wear the skirt, knowing he’d find you irresistible.
And for a whole week?
Tom presses his forehead to the cool wall of the corridor.
There’s no way he’s gonna make it through the week. Especially not with you looking so delectable.
He has to find some way to distract himself. To divert his focus from you.
But how?
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mysteryshoptls · 5 months
R Ace Trappola - Luxe Couture Vignette
"My perception just lagged hard"
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[Fairest City – Crystal Galleria]
Ace: Alright, it's finally the free roam time I've been waiting for! That brand-name shop looks good, and so does that one… But I think I'll have to pass on 'em!
Azul: Oh? You don't plan on visiting those stores?
Ace: I mean, I'm not anywhere close to being able to afford all those high-brand clothes. But you already knew that when you asked, right, Azul-senpai?
Ace: But it's not like I've completely given up on doing any shopping, though. I'm thinkin' about checkin' out some of the secondary line shops.
Azul: Ah, yes, there are many high-end brands that are developing products aimed at the broader marked instead of just their main audience.
Ace: Yeah, yeah. I did some digging after heading back to the hotel yesterday, and…
Ace: Looks to me like those secondary line shops have fits that suit me better.
Azul: Hm. And what sort of look do you tend to like, Ace-san?
Ace: I guess my likes reflect my usual getup. I dress pretty casual.
Ace: I like clothes that are easy to move around in, and aren't really high-maintenance. And I can't really deal with looks that are too stiff.
Ace: I'd probably say that most of my outfits have a splash of the current trends, but also have a bit of an edge to it.
Ace: On the other hand, I can only imagine you wearing pretty stiff and formal stuff.
Azul: I suppose. Of course, it does depend on the time and occasion.
Ace: Maaan, I know you got some real good sense about these things. It'd be greaaat if you could tag along and pick out some clothes for me~
Azul: Well, let me see… I do have some interest in how those secondary line brands develop their merchandise.
Azul: There's no reason for me to not join you as I observe their establishments. HOWEVER! You will, of course, be paying for yourself.
Ace: Tch. Guess he saw right through me. Suuucks.
Ace: Oh well, let's go, then.
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Ace: Hmmm, where's the store I was checking out yesterday…? Oh, found it. Azul-senpai, it's over here.
Azul: The store does seem to have a grand appearance, yes… But I can see that the designs here are rather different from the signature line.
Ace: Looks pretty good, huh? Let's go in!
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Ace: Woah, check out this stylish sweater! The shape's pretty good, and I bet it'd work with all sorts of outfits. And the price…
Ace: ONLY 30,000 MADOL [300 Thaumarks]! THAT'S SO CHEAP!
Azul: Calm yourself, Ace-san. Is 30,000 Madol for one sweater considered cheap to you?
Ace: After seeing all those Luxe prices set for the rich and famous, I guess my perception just lagged hard.
Ace: But I think I should be able to buy at least one thing from this shop with my pocket money.
Ace: Azul-senpai, I'm countin' on you to pick out something nice for me.
Azul: What do you think about that black blazer on the mannequin over there? It has a stunning silhouette.
Ace: Ooh, you're right. It's got a pretty slender and sleek profile!
Azul: Underneath it… How about this collared white shirt? It would probably look good with a striped tie, as well.
Azul: If you combine it with these center-pressed slacks and leather shoes, you would do well in any establishment that requires a dress code.
Ace: Cool, I woulda expected nothing less from something you've selected, Azul-senpai. Pretty formal and mature.
Ace: It's a pretty different look than what I normally would go for, but I guess I should at least give it a try.
Azul: I am pleased you like it.
Ace: If I were to buy everything that you chose for me… Urgh, that's over 100,000 Madol [1,000 Thaumarks]!
Azul: Well, this might be a secondary line, but it is still a brand-named shop.
Ace: Hrrrngh, maybe I'll do just this blazer… It's not really something I already own or anything.
Ace: And black pretty much goes with anything, so it makes it easy to come up with outfits…
Ace: It's a shorter style, too, so it might actually go for a casual look with my hoody and jeans.
Azul: That is a combination that hadn't even crossed my mind… Yet, I agree, I'm sure it would suit you immensely.
Ace: So that look would be like a combination of our two fashion senses, then.
Ace: If it's just the blazer, I think I could just barely afford it, but… My funds when I return to campus'll be pretty low…
Ace: Ooh, I have an idea! Can you let me work some hours at the Mostro Lounge?
Ace: I can be pretty good with my hands. You've seen that before, right, Azul-senpai?
Azul: Yes, of course. And we have a mountain load of tasks to be done. I look forward to your wonderful hard work, Ace-san.
Ace: …Shoot. Did I just put myself up for something I shouldn't have?
Ace: Uhhh… Hope you'll go easy on me~
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Requested by @ordinaryanon.
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bitchesuntitled · 4 months
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Friday Night
Summary: First time Frankie tells you he loves you and finally meeting the boys.
Part of the Parents to Lovers series, set between Paint with Me and Between Us
Warnings/Tags: MDNI, GO ON GET! Cuteness, little splash of smut, oral M!receiving, anxious reader, cussing, I think that's it but if anyone sees something I should add that I forgot let me know!
A/N: Happy Frankie Friday!!! Thank you so very much @beefrobeefcal, my fellow Frankie obsessed friend for taking a look at this and continuously helping me with my writing. @endlessthxxghts for also taking a look at this and offering your expertise much appreciated bb! Last but not least, @jay-zzle GUURRRLLLLL!!! Moodboards(like this one), story ideas, screaming with me about Pedro, thank you for meeting my delulu at the same level. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Masterlist||AO3 Link||Parents to Lovers
dividers provided by @saradika-graphics
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“I’m so close,” Frankie hisses, gripping the couch cushion, knuckles turning white with the force. His cock twitches in your mouth, your hands feeling the tension in his thighs as you bob along his length, eyes looking up to watch him. His eyebrows scrunch together, chest heaving, his neck and face flushed with a crimson color.
He groans, watching your swollen lips wrapped around him as he comes into your mouth. 
“I love you.”
Your eyes widen at his words as you swallow every drop with a hum. Releasing his length with a soft pop, you crawl into his lap. You couldn't help but let your smile spread across your face. Leave it to you and your luck to have the man you are smitten with admit he loves you as you make him come with your mouth. 
Frankie's eyes remain heavy lidded as he watches you with a half-smile tugging at his lips.
"So," you giggle, walking your fingers up his chest with a cocked eyebrow. "You love me, huh?”
He grabs the back of your neck, smashing his mouth against yours in a desperate kiss.
“That’s not exactly how I wanted to tell you, but yeah,” Frankie says, neck and cheeks flushing with warmth even more.
“Hmm,” you laugh, “What a way to let a girl know.”
“It’s true though, ya know? I do love you. Definitely didn’t want it to come out that way, had thought of a better way to tell you but shit happens,” Frankie says with a shrug.
“I love you too.”
“Yeah?” he asks with a grin, “So, does that mean you’d want to meet the guys finally?”
The men are more so brothers to him than friends. He’s brought up introducing you to them before, but it just seemed too soon. It’s been five months, and things seem to be going in a more serious direction. You’ve tried to put it off, though now it seems like it might be the right time.
Frankie: Sitter just got here. Headed your way 😘
It’s Friday night, you’re finally going to meet Frankie’s friends, the men who mean just as much to him as Missy. Dressed in your favorite jeans, your lucky AC/DC shirt, and your sneakers, you’re pacing outside on the sidewalk waiting for Frankie to arrive.
“You’ve got this,” you mutter to yourself. If anyone were to see you they’d probably think you were nuts but you didn’t care; your nerves were getting the better of you, the voice inside your head making all sorts of suggestions like, why you picked that outfit or that you’re underdressed. “Stop that, you’re meeting them at a bar for fuck sakes,” you hiss at yourself.
You hear Frankie’s truck approaching and stop your pacing. It’s darker out but you can still see him through the windshield, that standard oil ball cap on, and the wide grin on his face when he sees you. He stops beside the sidewalk, leaning over the center console to push the passenger side door open for you.
“Didn’t think you’d be waiting outside for me,” he laughs, as you get in the cab of his truck.
“Nervous,” you shrug, giving him a quick kiss before buckling in.
“Nervous?” Frankie asks, perplexed, “About what?”
“Just nervous they aren’t going to like me,” you say quietly, picking at the skin around your thumbnail.
“Baby,” Frankie says, grabbing your hand, “You make me happy and they know that. That’s all they care about. No need to worry about anything.”
You let out a breath, squeezing his hand. You’re already feeling more calm now that you’re with Frankie. 
It was a short drive to the bar they frequent the most. Frankie’s told you many stories about this bar and their shenanigans there. As you enter the bar you can feel some of the tension leaving your body. It’s a nice little place, not very well-lit but it gives off a comforting vibe. There’s a jukebox in the corner, a rough-looking gentleman behind the bar, and a table where you see three men beginning to stand, waving at you and Frankie.
“Fish!” A tall blonde shouts, “You finally brought your girl!”
“I did!” Frankie says, his hand at your lower back guiding you over to his friends, “Finally talked her into meeting you assholes.”
Frankie began laughing and giving hugs to his friends before you all sat at the table.
“Alright babe, this is Will, Santi, and Benny,” Frankie says pointing to each man, who in turn raises their hand.
“So he had to convince you to meet us?” Will asked, raising his eyebrow.
“It wasn’t really like that,” you laugh, “I was just nervous is all.”
“We don’t bite,” Santi said with a smile, “Well not all of us,” he added, glancing at Benny.
“It was one fucking time. Will you let it go?” Benny grumbled, crossing his arms, “I told you if you didn’t let me go I was going to do it.”
“I’m gonna get a beer,” Frankie said, nudging your arm, “Want anything?”
“Margarita, please.”
“Sure thing,” he said, kissing your temple before leaving the table.
“So,” Will started, leaning closer to the table, “You get along with Missy?”
“Fuckin’ hell,” Santi murmured, “Ironhead, leave her alone. Remember meeting Nora at Missy’s birthday party last month?”
“Nora?” Benny asked, whipping his head towards Santi, “The one that hit me in the nuts with the water balloon?”
“She did what?!” You asked, “I’m so sorry!”
“Guys, this is Nora’s mom,” Santi explained, gesturing towards you.
“Oh fuck! I forgot you’re a MILF!” Benny exclaimed, earning him a smack from Will to the back of the head.
“Here you go, babe,” Frankie said, setting your margarita down in front of you. Immediately grabbing it to take a drink, hoping it soothes your nerves after that small interrogation from Will.
The conversation and drinks flow as you hear more stories about Frankie, Santi, Benny, and Will. From their time in the army and their many adventures in life after. You learn that the men have been there a lot for Frankie, his journey as a single dad, and the struggles he’s dealt with. It’s apparent that Missy is a big part of their lives just as she is in Frankie’s. They each spoke fondly of her and how much they adore her.
“I’ll be back,” Frankie grunts, standing up with a stretch, “Bout to piss myself.”
“Please don’t,” Santi laughs, “I don’t have a spare pair of pants this time.”
You give Santi a curious look as Frankie glares at him shaking his head, making his way to the bathroom.
“Story for another time, hermosa,” Santi says with a wicked grin. 
“What’s the deal with you and Frankie?” Will blurts out, once Frankie is out of earshot.
“Yeah,” Benny agrees, “What’s the deal?”
“Not quite sure what you mean,” you start, “But if you’re asking what we are, he’s my boyfriend and I’m his girlfriend?”
“No, we get that,” Will replies with a sigh, “What I mean is what are your intentions with him? Where do you see this going?”
“Jesus christ, Will,” Santi scolds, “You need to leave her alone with the intense questions!”
“I’m just a concerned friend,” Will snaps, then turns towards you, “Do you see this lasting long term or is this just a fling?”
“Well,” you start, “It’s not just a fling by any means. I love Frankie. I know you are looking out for him and are protective, I can respect that. No need to worry though, the last thing I would want is Frankie’s heart to be broken or mine.”
“Do you get along with Missy?” Benny pipes in, “You never really answered that question earlier.”
“Missy is such a sweetheart. I have her over at my house all the time to play with Nora and she loves it when she gets to stay the night,” you smile thinking about the last slumber party the girls had, baking cookies together making a mess of your kitchen, “She’s a cool kid but we haven’t told the girls yet. We want to wait until we’re more sure of where things are going if you’re concerned about that.”
Will and Benny nod, listening to what you have to say. Santi gives you a warm smile.
“Told you guys,” Santi hums, taking a swig from his beer, “Why would you question anything when Frankie’s been so positive when he talks about her?”
“Rose-tinted glasses my friend, rose-tinted glasses,” Will replies, “We’ve all been there.”
“Hey guys, I’m back,” Frankie says, taking his place beside you, “Sorry, sitter called.”
“Missy okay?” you ask, concern etching your face.
“Yeah, yeah,” Frankie smiles, brushing his hand along your shoulder, “Just wanted to tell me good night.”
“She’s so sweet,” Will smiles fondly.
“She can be,” Frankie laughs, “So did I miss anything while I was gone?”
“Not much,” Will replies, nodding his head towards you with a smile, “Finally got yourself a good one Fish.”
Frankie smiles at you, tips of his ears going a slight pink, and he nods, “Yeah. Yeah, I did.”
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kangen-wanshi · 1 year
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Recorded Proposals ft. Trey Clover, Leona Kingscholar, Azul Ashengrotto
"I'm glad that that whole mess is done now.. Though I guess it's kind of a shame that I didn't get to actually propose to the bride, huh. I practiced a lot, too..!"
"Oh, don't worry, Prefect! I have all of your practice proposals recorded!"
".. What? Wait, Ortho what do you mean you have it recorded — Ortho- Hey!"
Tags: Separate, proposals and daydream and all the sweet stuff, no gendered pronouns used but reader is mentioned to be wearing make-up and such in Trey's
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Trey Clover
"I know that you're no longer alive.. I know that we couldn't enjoy the joy of mortal entertainment and woes, but.. Even after death, I wish to always stay by your side and go through whatever there is ahead and build a bright future with you! So please.. Marry me!"
Trey got the video from Cater. One day the orangette sent him the video through DMs with just a wink emoji and some teasing about his crush on you and he just sort of accepts it with a light blush.
Trey watches that specific part over and over whenever he is about to go to bed (he refuses to watch it anywhere else). Your words stuck to him - whether it is because of the oddly sincere look in your eyes when you speak, or your beautiful attire, or perhaps your styled hair and make-up — He doesn't know why he's so addicted to it.
It became a sort of charm for him to have a good sleep (which sometimes involves having you in his dream). Your words rang and echoed through his mind when Trey finally shut his eyes and cuddled his blanket at night, ready to dream about you after a particularly long day.
Sometimes he likes to daydream that you were saying those words to him, as cringe as it sounds to his opinion. Trey always ended up a blushing mess with a lovesick grin on his face whenever that specific thought came up randomly throughout the day. He always hides himself with a hand over his mouth or his hat being pulled just a little lower. He's blushing? No. The weather probably just got a little warmer..
He's a sucker for anything that involves 'building a future together'. He's a big family man, he wishes to have his own family one day, preferably with you in the picture of course. As his partner. Domesticity is just sort of his thing at this point and he's not even denying it.
Maybe he should come clean to you.. Maybe you managed to spur out these specific words that tug on his heartstrings because you, too, want it for yourself. Perhaps in those silly proposals, you let out a small speck of your desire, which is why it seems so genuine in his eyes..
Either way he still acted normally around you. He would bring up the topic of the video and the proposals every now and then to tease you - without outing himself about the fact that he has a personal copy of it. 
Perhaps he'll invite you to bake more often. Perhaps he'll invite you to various normal 'dates' and activities together. You can study together.. You can watch movies together.. Oh hey look his hand found yours, did he just intertwine your fingers together? You don't mind if he stays there for a while.. Right?
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Leona Kingscholar
"I know what other people may say. You and I are.. Different, in every aspect. Yet I couldn't help but be drawn to you. To your beauty, your flaws. The way you love and the way you hate.. All of it..! And I promise you, I'll love you through and through - no matter what people may say. No matter what you'll become. Will you.. Marry me?"
Not sure how he got the video.. Most likely asked Ruggie to get it for him in secret? He made a deal with Azul to get a copy? Who knows. He doesn't really care where he got it from - it's with him now.
Leona watches it in the middle of the night. He likes to snicker and chuckle at your other failed attempts. It's a.. Good pastime. When he feels particularly terrible after a day, he watches your silly acting trying to propose to a dead Princess as a way of entertainment.
He got attached to that specific line of your proposals without even realizing. Whenever he went to watch it, he would usually skip to that part specifically to hear you say those words again and again. Except this time he isn't laughing. Rather he looks quite intense listening to your words.
Why do you have to stare so intently at the camera..? It made the experience a little too realistic to his liking. Now he needs to deal with the hammering noises in his heart, heat that slowly pools on his cheek, and his tail which swish and flick around.. Darn Herbivore you're making his sleep a little more difficult this time and you're not even here with him!
Leona doesn't daydream, but some part of your words does strike a nerve in him. You said you'd love someone despite your differences and their flaws? What a coincidence. You and him have lots of flaws and you're pretty different from each other. Right? He just lets those words keep on repeating over and over in his mind whenever he feels like it.
Actually he listened to your voice so much in his head now that he couldn't handle not hearing your voice. Leona doesn't usually have his phone with him but Ruggie noticed that he's been carrying it with him a lot lately.. Even though Leona still doesn't answer any of his calls or texts. He brought them so he could listen to you when he knew that would have a particularly busy day. He even converted the video to mere audio so he can listen to it.
Leona is also another one who acted mostly normal around you. He doesn't really bring up the event - considering that he failed miserably himself with his proposal attempt, so he doesn't like bringing it up.
But you noticed that his stare has become.. Longer, and that his hold on you linger, followed by his tail which often would cling to you whenever you're within proximity. Hey, what did you mean by you'll love anyone despite your vast differences? Huh? What do you mean those were just fake proposals? Come on answer the question, he's listening. 
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Azul Ashengrotto
"I've seen all of you. Your past, and your current self. And I don't doubt that you still have many many sides of you that are hidden from the world. Sides that you love- sides that you hate. I wish to love all of them, all of you - including your future. And.. Well there's no other way than to tie ourselves with love and marriage so that I may achieve this dream of mine.. Right?"
Either he got it from Idia who got it from Ortho, or he straight up asked Ortho, Azul will have his way to watch that video. A determined one, and everyone knows how Azul is when he wants something to be part of his possession. 
At first he keeps telling himself that this is for academic purposes. He failed his own proposal back then despite his careful calculation and thorough planning, he just.. he wants to know how you handle it since you're the charming Prefect of Ramshackle! Of course! You would be a great reference should anything similar like this arise in the future!
Azul clips every part that he deemed important (keeps telling himself that these are bookmarks for the highlight of your proposal but really these are just his favorite parts.) Which includes you giggling at yourself because of how stupid the proposal was, or you being utterly embarrassed because of what you said. He has them in short clips!
Although there is a clip which he finds himself constantly repeating. He found your words to be.. Comforting and flattering. At first he thought that maybe this is his ideal proposal. And then he nodded to himself before continuing his said research. And then he immediately snapped back and realized that Oh Sevens is this his ideal proposal?!
Azul finds the idea that you, perhaps, would be willing to love him no matter the amount of facades he has to put up for his business, to be extremely endearing and beneficial to him. He would have your affection, while he's still able to keep up with his Deals. Why would he hate the idea? If not, it made him want you even more than he already did. (Even though he knew these were probably just you sputtering some romantic nonsense to gain the Princess' heart.. He.. Likes to wish. He just hope he could fulfill this specific wish of his own now..)
Since then he couldn't watch the video seriously anymore. He would be blushing - not to that specific part but to literally every other proposal you practiced (although that has become his favorite).
Azul doesn't daydream. He wants things and he will have them. Including you.
He would become more bold in his advances. He keeps falling in love with you over and over whenever he watches or remembers the video - it's only fair that he should start making you fall for him over and over.
So, Prefect, Azul has this new business idea and it involves you.. Oh don't worry you'll gain plenty of benefit from it! Would you like to at least talk about it or consider it? You would? Brilliant! Meet him in the VIP room he already has everything prepared!.. What do you mean you saw a marriage contract on his table?
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icequeenbae · 5 months
Boy Next Door (m) Ch.4 (fin) | BBH
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Pairing: Baekhyun x Reader
Neighbor AU, slow burn, hurt/comfort, fluff, smut
Warnings: Baek being the neighbor we’re all dreaming of, harassment (nothing graphic), some altercations, a bit of body image/ insecurity, MC sucks at relationships, explicit content, unprotected sex
Word Count: ~18.5k (total), 3.7k (pt.4)
Summary: Your neighbor Baekhyun has been a pleasant acquaintance since you moved into your current apartment almost a year ago. Could he also be… a perfect match?
© Please do not copy/ post on other platforms without permission.
Chapter Masterlist: Pt. 1 > Pt. 2 > Pt. 3 > Pt. 4 (fin)
Author’s note: Yesss, the time has come for the final part of the series to drop~ This is more on the fluffy side tbh, but I hope you find it to be a pleasant ending to this mini-series. As usual, please don't be shy to leave feedback in any way you prefer, I track all of your replies/ reblogs/ asks ❤️ And thank you for giving so much love to my stories, I do appreciate that a lot!!
Tags: @bbh-net  @k-vanity  @ksmutsociety @lavnderluv @cupreoussyzygy @byunbaek-hyun-04 @blue-rainydays
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‘I can’t believe you didn’t tell me earlier!!’
Yuki was over for girl’s night, and this time, she wasn’t the only one gushing about her prosperous sex life.
‘I was waiting for test results.’
‘Huh? Test results?’
You realized that you’d just spilled all the beans you didn’t intend to spill.
‘Uh- we didn’t exactly- you know?’
‘What?’ She asked suspiciously, probably not even imagining that you could get so careless.
‘Well…’ You swirled your hand around abstractly.
‘I don’t know what that means- Wait. No, you didn’t!?’ Judging by her lit-up eyes, she guessed right. ‘You little hoe!!’
‘Look who’s talking.’
‘Yes, I’m talking. And I want to know everything. Starting with the result of that test, actually. You stupid hoe.’
Sighing, you rolled your eyes.
‘It’s negative. Thankfully… But it was really stupid of me, I know.’
‘Well, did he at least pull out on time? It’s not a safe option, but the timing is somewhat important…’
‘He did. Although he said, he’s never had sex without condoms.’
‘Damn. I should change what I said to ‘you lucky hoe’! I hope you took that test properly.’
You nodded. That was the first time you had to march into a pharmacy to get pregnancy tests. And you had no clue about how to choose out of the dozens of available options. The only reason you were able to ask for help was that you wore a mask – to save you some face, literally.
But that landed you with a few options and some instructions to follow. You had also gotten your period after your two-day sexcapade with Baekhyun, so you were pretty sure you were lucky this time. But you were still concerned with the long-term options. Something you’d left for the future discussion with your physician.
There were other things on your mind right now.
‘Actually, there’s something else that’s been bothering me.’ You mentioned reluctantly. ‘We haven’t… made it official. I mean- he hasn’t asked me yet. Is that… indicative of anything?’
The thought was bugging you daily.
The words ‘Would you be my girlfriend?’ or anything of the sort, had never left your neighbor’s mouth. And you were the one who shamelessly got drunk, ended up in his bed, made him sleep in it with you, and then… Weren’t you so very eager to jump into having sex with him?
Not to mention that you’d stayed at his place for two whole days, Sunday being filled by more domestic delights, and… Even more sex. It seemed like Baekhyun was focused on you and completely insatiable. You couldn’t remember doing it more than once or twice a day, so you were stunned as you realized you had gone four times. His stamina was surprisingly remarkable.
It was a relief that you had to eventually leave his apartment, for you had to work on Monday. As you ran a bath at your place, you realized how sore and exhausted you were. The fact that just a couple days prior, you got shitfaced was probably a contributing factor, but also, the amount of physical activity was very unusual for your body. Though this was a great type of exhaustion, and you had the deepest sleep that night.
But now, almost two weeks later, you were pretty anxious about how your relationship was progressing. Relaying all of the basics to your friend and asking for her opinion was supposed to make you feel better; however, she shared your concerns.
‘This is weird. So, he had time to sex you up multiple times but not ask you a simple question?’ She frowned. ‘You know how it is here, Y/N… You’re not official until you say the words.’
You knew. And that wasn’t even the only cause for your uncertainty.
‘It’s not only that, but… We haven’t really hung out since.’ You mumbled, expecting a big reaction from your friend.
‘What?! Is the bastard ghosting you??’ She rose from her seat, looking ready to burst into his apartment and give him a piece of her mind.
‘No, he um- he had to go to some distant town for a work assignment. He told me that there might not be any internet connection since they would be on some military base or something like that. He said it would last a bit over a week, and then he’ll visit his family for a few days and get in touch with me from there.’
‘So, has he?’
‘So far… No.’ You admitted.
Yuki huffed, her eyebrows knitting together angrily.
‘Yah. That seems fishy as hell. Why wouldn’t he at least send you a text? Who disappears after having someone over for the entire weekend of fucking??’
‘We weren’t doing it the entire weekend…’ You mumbled, feeling your cheeks heat up again.
‘Come on! He didn’t ask you to be his girlfriend, disappeared on a ‘mission’ that sounds unrealistic, and hasn’t gotten back to you for almost two weeks? Wow, was I wrong about him.’
You scratched your temple, exhaling hopelessly. She just voiced everything that you thought to yourself. You kept giving him the benefit of the doubt in your head, but she was right. It was too odd for someone to vanish into thin air like this right after what had happened between the two of you. This was the hard truth, and it hit your softest, most vulnerable spot. Your heart.
‘I guess so,’ you muttered, voice a bit scratchy with the inevitable tears you held back. ‘What do I even do now, Yu? I like him a lot, which is precisely why I didn’t want to start anything…’
‘First of all, stop crying. If he decided to do this on purpose, he is a dickhead. And doesn’t even deserve to call you his girlfriend.’
She reached out her hands to wipe the stray tears off your cheeks.
‘Second… You need to grow some balls, Y/N. Don’t let people take you for granted or make you feel less than you are!’ She said in a serious tone. ‘I’ve told you this before: you shouldn’t retreat to your shell when someone attacks. You’re strong, beautiful, and an amazing person, capable of giving them hell if you need to!’
Snorting at Yuki’s passionate speech straight out of some girl power drama, you shook your head.
‘Yes, you are! Stop feeling sorry. If someone hurts you – don’t let them. I don’t mean Baekhyun exclusively. You know you’ve been in various situations lately where defending yourself was vital. Stop being a good, cautious girl who gets into her own head before saying anything. Act the way you want, and if someone is offended – it’s their problem. I’ve seen you speak your mind before, and it was damn powerful. That’s why it’s time that you do it for you.’
It wasn’t hard to guess what she was referring to. You’d been keen on staying collected on the outside and hid your emotions fairly well. You’d never let your struggles show, even when you were going through a difficult time at your previous job. You preferred crying in the restroom during lunch break to letting anyone know.  You didn’t want to deal with that. Sad or angry, you processed every thought before opening your mouth and saying something, just because you knew how hot-tempered you could become if you didn’t keep your tongue in check.
However, you did let it slip sometimes, mostly when someone hurt the people you love, as opposed to you. A couple years ago, you had to pick Yuki up from a random party she was stuck at, and there was a guy who made unwanted moves on her. As you arrived at the scene, you had to search the entire house for her until you walked into the kitchen, where the bloke was trying to kiss her while she was shoving him away. You vaguely recalled what you did… grabbing his shoulder to turn him around, kneeing him in the balls without hesitation. Yuki later shared that she sobered up as she heard you swearing excessively at him. You told him everything on your mind, and he was scared to talk back. Apparently, you looked like a force of nature back then.
And although this wasn’t the first time you’d done something like this, it was mostly reserved for someone else. But now that you were contemplating your life… You found that you might’ve been missing the point all along.
‘Actually… You have a point, Yu.’
Your best friend blinked, surprised by your response. She’d been trying to get through to you many times before, and now you finally listened?
‘Why should I always be the one to swallow my pride or feel uncomfortable? I’ve always been a good girl, and where did it get me?’ You wiped your face dry. ‘I’m not gonna do a one-eighty and become a crazy bitch now, but it’s time to let go. I won’t try to reach him or wait for him at the door. If he was one of the bastards who thought I was too boring to have a relationship with, well… Fuck him then. I’m done with feeling bad about myself.’
‘Yay! That’s what I’m saying. You go, girl!’
‘I’m sure I’ll get over him in no time. Yes, we’re neighbors; it’s gonna be awkward. But why should I be the one worried about it? I’ll be sure to let him know I don’t give a shit about him and his stunts if I ever see him again.’
‘That’s the spirit, Y/N-ah! Gosh, this calls for a celebration. Where’s the champagne I brought last time?’
‘I hoped you’d ask. In the fridge.’ You chuckled.
‘Coming right up,’ she winked, already headed to the cupboard to get the glasses.
Friday rolled in, having you overcome the struggles of getting work done while having your head elsewhere. Your office hours were so long and miserable that you were dead set on doing your house chores and then going straight to bed tonight. Just to sleep in tomorrow, wake up completely free for the day, and order from your favorite restaurant and chill. If anyone deserved a feast, it was definitely you! Rewarding yourself for getting through the week and spending five minutes not thinking about your personal life was a great achievement in your book. Maybe not great, but a triumph.
Walking up to the entrance, you saw a tall figure there.
It didn’t seem familiar until you were a ten-second walk away. Then you realized – it was that woman. That one who broke into Baekhyun’s apartment while you were there. And the one who called him up about having dinner together at his place.
Your first instinct was to turn around and sneak through another entry point. You hated confrontation, especially in case you didn’t initiate it. At this time, all you wanted was a quiet evening, and it was about to be ruined.
Your pride, however, didn’t allow you to back down. Suddenly, your conversation with Yuki replayed in your mind. She was right; you shouldn’t let anyone treat you that way or make you feel any less. And if you had to withstand a pointless attack, you could simply fire back. With that in mind, you reached the gate.
‘You!’ The voice made you sigh and brace yourself before turning around. ‘It is you! I’ve seen you before.’
‘Congrats,’ you shrugged, ready to walk away.
She grabbed your forearm.
‘Are you going to Baekhyun again?’
‘I find it unlikely that my destination is any of your business. Let go of me.’
She gritted her teeth, squeezing your arm painfully.
‘Listen, whore. I’ve been working on him for months, and as soon as I’ve made progress, you swing by and think you’re-’
‘No, you listen, bitch.’ You ripped out of her grasp, completely fed up with this. ‘I don’t care if you think you’re entitled to have him. But let me tell you this. I live on the thirteenth floor, so if I see you there again, I’m calling the police. Stop creeping around my house and get a life.’
‘Is everything alright?’ You turned to the security, who most likely caught your exchange in front of the gates on CC TV and decided to come check it out.
‘Yes,’ you nodded, pressing your code in and pushing through the entrance. ‘This person is blacklisted on our building, check under Byun Baekhyun. And please make sure she doesn’t sneak in and cause more trouble.’
‘Of course.’ The guard made sure the door was appropriately locked after you.
The woman, whose name you still didn’t know, shouted profanities at your back as you walked away.
You hated confrontation, but this felt good.
Later this evening, you gladly told your best friend about it.
‘Damn, you should’ve called me as soon as you got home! This is so cool,’ she yelled as you relayed the story.
‘I wanted to clean up first. You know we talk for hours… I'm glad I did; I’m sure I’d have zero energy if I had to do it now. I’m already in bed and so sleepy.’
As if to emphasize your point, you let out a loud yawn.
‘How graceful. I am in bed too, but I wish I could see her face when you… Is there a way to get my hands on the security footage?? I’d flirt with your guards just to have a chance to see that!’
You heard someone grumble in the background.
‘I’m sure you’d love to see that footage just as much as me, Seokie,’ she teased.
‘Ew, don’t tell me you’re in bed with Hoseok right now!’
‘What if I am? Jealous?’ She asked, and you rolled your eyes.
‘Sure. I hate you lovebirds.’
‘He’s been eavesdropping on your story about that bitch you put in her place, and he looks impressed.’
‘You go, Y/N-ah!’ You heard Hoseok shout.
‘Thanks,’ you giggled, feeling at ease. ‘That’s at least one source of frustration off my shoulders.’
‘Aw, you’re still upset about that bastard going MIA on you?’
‘I’m trying not to think about it. But… Baekhyun’s either been offline everywhere or has blocked me. I just keep thinking… If it’s the former, what if something happened?’’
‘Oh ,Y/N. I hate that you’re this kind. Next time you see him, tell him off just like his stalker.’
‘I guess,’ you agreed weakly. ‘Anyways, tomorrow is a new day, and I have great plans, so I need to sleep now.’
‘By great plans you mean ordering food and wearing pajamas all day?’
‘You know me so well! Don’t bother coming over, I’m not gonna share. It’s a me-day.’
‘Ugh, what a hoe.’
‘I’m hanging up.’
You put your phone away, giggling at her goodbye growl. She always knew when to tease you to make you relax, and it was one of the reasons you considered her a great friend.
She was always there to back you up and listen to your whining, if needed. At least when you went back to being alone again, you weren’t completely alone.
You danced eagerly to the door, ready to pick up your order. It was afternoon, and you were hungrier than a wolf. The delivery guy had just sent you a picture of your package, so you were to simply get it at your doorstep. Which was how you preferred it – living alone as a woman could be slightly creepy, so all contacts with strangers were to be avoided. Your apartment building had great security, but… better safe than sorry.
Thinking all that, you opened the door without checking if the coast was clear. Since you were already crouched to get the package off the floor, you instantly saw a pair of legs in front of you. Male legs. Someone was standing right outside of your door.
You quickly glanced up, meeting the chocolate eyes.
And then grabbed the doorknob, trying to shut the door. But a swift foot in the doorway prevented you from doing so.
‘Whoa, wait a second, Y/N-ah!’
You still wouldn’t budge, so Baekhyun continued.
‘I know what it must’ve looked like, but let me explain. Please, Y/N. I know I fucked up.’
He tried stealing a glance at your face through the crack on the door, but you turned away.
‘Why should I listen to a single word you say?’
‘Don’t you want to know what really happened?’
Trying to make up your mind, you looked down at the package in your other hand.
‘I’ll need five minutes tops to set the table.’ You announced, letting go of the doorknob and allowing him to follow you inside. ‘Be done till then, I don’t wanna spoil my healthy appetite.’
You said that while walking towards the kitchen to get your food out. Baekhyun put something suspicious on the floor and stepped into the kitchen silently.
Expecting him to start the explanation, you huffed.
‘Your time is going to be up before you know it!’
‘I’m sorry.’ He said, voice heavy with guilt. ‘I’m sorry if I made you upset. I know we agreed that I’d stay in touch, and I didn’t. But I promise you I didn’t disappear on purpose.’
You began taking out containers of food from your delivery.
‘My phone was handed in the entire assignment because that base wouldn’t allow any devices inside but our pre-approved laptops. I was planning to text you as soon as I arrived at my family home because when I received my phone back it was dead.’
Listening to him talk, you avoided looking his way. You wanted to process his words without any additional… distractions. It was time to be rational; meeting his warm, guilty gaze again would cost you half of your battle spirit.
‘I left it to charge as soon as I got home, but…’
He made a big, almost theatrical pause.
‘But?’ You nudged, wishing to know the truth.
‘I don’t know how to say this… Uh- Siwoo wanted to take a picture of something outside just to be playful and accidentally dropped it out the window.’
It was your turn to pause. Was he kidding you with that story?? You couldn’t believe he was trying to blame all of this on a child.
Your thoughts must’ve displayed clearly on your face, so he fished his phone out of his back pocket.
It was brand new. It was evident that the model was upgraded, and the color was different, too.
‘I restored the photos from the cloud, I can show you the picture he too—’
The shiny new device was proof enough for you, and you weren’t willing to have him provide you with further evidence of his innocence. Nevertheless, you wanted to make sure he was genuine in his apology.
‘Why couldn’t you at least call our building and ask them to give me a message?’
He stood there, stupefied, for what seemed like an eternity before his expression turned into a sheepish grin.
‘I could’ve… done that?’ He mumbled, scratching the back of his head.
Clearly, the thought had never crossed his mind.
You rolled your eyes and turned to the kitchen counter. The table was set, and you only needed to get the plates. The prettier ones were reserved for the rare occasions when you had guests, so you had to reach for them.
‘Y/N…’ Baekhyun whined, sounding uncharacteristically childish in his desperation. ‘I also brought you an ‘I’m sorry’ present…’
Hearing this made you snap.
‘Why would you do that? It’s not like we’re dating!’
He was taken aback by your words.
‘What do you mean we’re not?’ He asked, completely bewildered. ‘Are you seeing someone else?’
‘No, but-’ It was your turn to mumble. ‘You never asked me…’
Baekhyun looked at you as if you were crazy. Then, his frown transformed into something else.
‘Oh god, Y/N…’ He sighed, leaning on the counter behind you with one hand. ‘I thought it was obvious. I was serious about you from the very beginning, but if you want me to say it, I will say it.’
You waited for him to finish.
‘Please be informed that I’ve considered you my girlfriend this entire time. And I know I fucked up, so… are you gonna break up with me?’
‘I’m debating it,’ you responded gruffly.
‘Y/N-ah,’ He pressed, still hovering over you while his arm inched closer and closer to your frame. ‘I’ll do anything you want to make it up to you.’
Taking in his hopeful eyes, you pointed to the kitchen cabinet.
‘I need plates.’
Following the direction of your index finger, Baekhyun looked up. He reached over you, almost hugging you with one arm, and gave you what you wanted.
‘Thank you.’
He perked up, a question in his eyes. ‘What now?’
Although you were still grumpy, your heart was beginning to warm up to him. So easily.
‘Go sit at the table. I’m hungry.’
Baekhyun’s chocolate orbs instantly lit up.
‘Does it mean you forgive me?’
The hopefulness of his tone made your façade crack.
‘You’ve mentioned a goodie bag?’ You squinted at the huge paper bag he left at the door, just to avoid crumbling right in front of him.
Baekhyun smiled cheekily.
‘It’s all yours. Babe.’
You ignored the term of endearment, turning your back on him to hide your warming cheeks.
‘Get yourself another set of chopst—’
Your boyfriend gave you an abrupt back hug.
‘I really missed you, Y/N-ie.’ He whispered in your ear, nearly busting your eardrum with a kiss. ‘Also, my entire family wants to meet you…’
‘What?? Already?’
‘Mhm. And here you were, thinking we weren’t even dating,’ he snickered. ‘Once I got you, I’m not letting you go.’
‘You are,’ you huffed. ‘Otherwise, you’re standing between me and food. And I got an appetite, you know?’
‘I know.’ His smile tickled your neck pleasantly. ‘It’s one of the many things I love about you.’
It was impossible to turn into mush faster than you did.
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A/N: Okaaaay, we're done with another mini-series!!! Congrats to you and I haha Thank you for following this story till the end <3 And a huge thank you to all of my lovely readers that left their comments to each installment of the series! Ily 💕
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yggdraseed · 3 months
An Incomplete Analysis of the Sukunadome
I stress the point that this is an inherently incomplete analysis. It's getting late, I'm tired and unhappy, and… well, the fight isn't over yet, so there's no way this analysis could be complete even if I felt like it. However, it's on my mind, and I feel the need to start exerting myself more on these things. Sometimes sweat is the better medicine. I know this is a long one and doesn’t have any pictures, but if we all support each other, we’ll get through it together.
Full disclosure, I wish more people had gotten filtered by this fight and just stopped talking about Jujutsu Kaisen by now. Like yeah, I think it's great different people see things in different ways, but let's all be honest with ourselves here, most of the people criticizing this fight are not doing so with any sort of literary or artistic perspective or good faith. Most of it is Gojo fans who are still crying, seething, vomiting, pissing, and shitting over the fact that the character they attached their ego to didn't win Jujutsu Kaisen like they wanted. If this describes you, well, this post will probably do you some good, but I'm confident nobody who takes the stance that Gojo should have won would have the space in their mind for what I'm about to say about Sukunadome.
Because that's what I'm calling it. "The Sukuna Cycle" was maybe a little funny for a week or two, but like most memes about this series, it wasn't really based on the story so much as it was on an agenda. Kusakabe was part of the fight since Yuji and Higuruma entered, and up until Miguel, we knew all the combatants who would be tagging in were there. We knew Yuta was off dealing with Kenjaku and would return, we knew Maki was in play, and there really weren't a lot of switches. Just Choso leaving and coming back, Ui Ui retrieving Higuruma's and Gojo's corpses, and… you know, actually, I think that's it. Sure isn't as much as the "Sukuna Cycle" memes made it out to be, huh?
Okay, if you haven't noticed yet, I'm a big JJK fan and a big JJK fandom hater. I think JJK has the worst Western internet fanbase I've seen in a long time, with only a few oases scattered across the internet where you can find intelligent life. Like it's insane what kind of bullshit a person can convince themselves of.
However, I'm not analyzing JJK's fanbase, I'm analyzing JJK. Someday we'll litigate whether or not Lobotomy Kaisen was really funny enough to justify how badly it ruined this fanbase's ability to objectively, productively engage with with one of the most competently written and culturally impactful manga to come out this century. Today is not that day.
So Sukuna's got four arms and knows how to use them. He's got four eyes and so much sass one mouth wasn't enough for the amount of trash he's got to talk to the youths of today. Just on a basic level, having four arms would be such an insignificant power in any other Shonen as to almost be a joke. Yet with how jujutsu sorcery functions as a power system and how adept Sukuna is at using every possible advantage at his disposal - even going so far as to take what probably should be disadvantages and twist them to work for him - having the ability to make hand seals while fighting hand-to-hand, and being able to chant without interrupting his breathing, are inseparable from Sukuna's godlike fighting ability. I love how something seemingly so mundane is such a huge x factor for Sukuna.
We continually see how Sukuna is a complex, but fundamentally vile antagonist. He has a very rich, detailed view of the world, but one that fundamentally reduces every other human being to be his playthings and food. It's just that Sukuna says, "Don't like it? Then get stronger." It's a very Social Darwinist, late stage capitalist view to be coming from the Heian Era, and I think that maybe it's intentional. Shitty people are shitty in mostly the same ways, it's just they find new things to be shitty about or to use to be shitty with.
Like if that were all it is, it'd make Sukuna so effective as a villain to hate and would slot so nicely into Jujutsu Kaisen's overarching social and political commentary. Cruelty within suffering, selfishness as a strength and a weakness, the unfairness of how the strength to pursue one's agency is unevenly distributed and how the haves don’t realize how easily they could have instead been have-nots, it's all there.
But there’s this inherent charisma to Sukuna that I think is intentional. He has this noblesse oblige where he’s so inherently aware of his greatness that he doesn’t have a problem with giving credit where credit is due. Like he talks all the trash when he’s fighting Jogo, but where Gojo’s insults come across as puerile and blunt, Sukuna’s always displaying this wit to him. And when the battle’s over, he acknowledges that even though Jogo wasn’t as strong as him, he was stronger than most and could have gone even further if he hadn’t held himself back. He starts off belittling Gojo in their fight, but by the end, he expresses a profound respect and gratitude towards Gojo. Like it’s a very warped form of those sentiments, but I think it’s sincere. Even with Ishigori, when Sukuna fails to cut him the first time, he just acknowledges it was disrespectful to hold back and that he’ll give it full force the next strike.
Something to keep in mind is that everything Megumi warned Yuji about when it comes to ancient sorcerers applies to Sukuna as well. They’re not treated as uniformly, unambiguously evil anymore than anyone else in JJK is, and are acknowledged as having fundamentally different world views about violence and the value of human life. Kashimo, for instance, seems to value his life only because he’s able to risk his life and lay it on the line. They’re people from an era where children died so young that parents often gave them numbered names so as to not get too attached until they’d see if their kids actually were going to make it or not. If you didn’t give your whole life over to a goal, you probably wouldn’t achieve it. Whereas modern sorcerers, modern people, have all these complex and sometimes contradictory views and needs, ancient sorcerers show a tendency to shave everything away except their one singular conviction because that was what you had to do in an era of much shorter life expectancies and peril on all sides. You’d be very lucky to accomplish one life goal, let alone as many as people of today set out to achieve: graduating high school, graduating college, getting a job, starting a family, and hopefully having one or two passions on the side. Fundamentally different worldviews from fundamentally different periods of history.
And Sukuna is no different. His goal is simple: partake in the many colors and flavors of humanity through mortal combat in the arena of sorcery. Sukuna’s love for sorcery runs deep. He’s always curious about different cursed techniques, even ones that are pedestrian to a sorcerer of his level, like Nanako’s smartphone-based technique. He reminds me of a quote from Baki: “Someone who works hard can never beat someone who enjoys himself.” Sukuna has clearly put forth great effort to master sorcery, but clearly doesn’t see it as work. He sees it as just doing what he enjoys and is good at.
Unfortunately for everyone else, he enjoys killing and is extremely good at it. Sukuna is the ultimate ethical heat death of the “live for yourself, cherish your own agency, don’t let yourself be controlled” mindset that is the ideological starting point of JJK. It’s a very dark, extreme interpretation of Buddhist non-attachment, where even compassion is an attachment to ultimately shed. Sukuna lives perfectly freely, including being free from guilt or compassion.
Naturally, there’s an exception. All things seem to have exceptions. In Sukuna’s case, that would be Uraume. I’ve been fascinated by their dynamic since we first learned of Uraume’s allegiance to Sukuna during Shibuya and I still can’t wait to know more. Suffice to say, Sukuna dotes on Uraume, forgiving their mistakes and seeming to enjoy their company not just because of their service to him, but because their existence makes him happy. I’m reminded of Power in Chainsaw Man, how she was seemingly incapable of empathy or mercy until she met Meowy.
Honestly, Sukuna reminds me a lot of a lot of characters in Chainsaw Man. People who are trying to climb from this state of misery, of struggling just to meet basic desires, and learning to be human. Yet Sukuna is so strong he never needed to learn to be human. He never needed to cooperate with others to survive — or at least, doesn’t seem to believe he did — and so he never saw the value in it. And so he’s basically brute forced his way around having to undergo an arc like Denji’s, and has instead ended up a hedonistic black hole devising all these complicated philosophical arguments to justify what is, really, a very simplistic, predatory desire to only satisfy his basic material wants and creative interests and nothing else for anyone else.
But like, it’s not that simple. If you give to others, you get something immaterial in return. I can’t quantity it or define it, but I’m sure most of you know what I mean. The happiness that comes from taking care of others’ needs, and the deeper levels beyond that happiness. Like I do believe that’s the subtext behind Binding Vows as metaphor: that you almost never give without getting in return. You might not get the same thing back, in the same form, but being changed by the act of putting the needs and wants of others before your own even temporarily still is part of the exchange. It’s part of becoming complete as a human being.
Sukuna has defied that exchange and broken the cycle, and I don’t think it’s inherently for his own benefit. There are some thing about being human that you don’t just get to opt out of, no matter how much you claim you’re more than or less than human. Even if Sukuna doesn’t think he’s lost something of value, he has. And that something of value is inherent to the whole point of this final battle.
Jujutsu Kaisen is basically working on two big problems. There are lots of ideas at play in the series, but there are two fundamental problems for which every fiight, every character arc, every turn of the gears consitutes part of the calculus to solve one or both of those problems.
The first problem, a thematic and philosophical one: “How do you love and fight for something when you know you’re going to die?”
The second problem, a metatextual one: “Is there any artistic and social value left in the Shonen formula as it stands in the modern day?”
And this fight is, ultimately, where GeGe is showing their work. It’s where Yuji has to defeat Sukuna, if not in terms of out-boxing him, then in terms of prevailing over his beliefs about humanity and the world as a whole.
GeGe has stripped Yuji of everything that is supposed to determine the worth of a Shonen protagonist’s victory. He’s not fighting alone, he didn’t go off and train all by himself, he trained with a lot of powerful, smart people who helped him. And Yuji is arguably not even the most important participant in the fight. So why should we care if Yuji wins?
The answer is so simple it’s easy to lose track of it. Yuji is risking his life to rescue someone, his friend, from being exploited, and to save the people of Japan from being exploited. Even after everything that’s happened, Yuji plants his fucking feet and takes a stance that no, shithead, there is such a thing as the right thing. Maybe it isn’t obvious all the time, and it sure as hell isn’t always easy to know what it is, but he knows now with certainty what it isn’t: to exploit others or to destroy yourself. We can find our answers somewhere in-between.
Sometimes we can’t resolve our problems with a tidy solution that makes everyone happy and sometimes we have to carve a piece of ourselves out and give to something we won’t be sure to see the fruition of, but that’s just life. It doesn’t mean we have to throw away all hope for things to get better. Even if the world won’t become utopian, it can still become better, no matter how many nihilists hide their own inequities behind assertions that there is no point.
Nihilism is not a solution to the problems of life, it is the choice to run away and hide. To give into nihilism is to give up the fight even while other people are still fighting all around you.
So that’s the fucking point of the Sukunadome. Nobara already said it better than anyone else has before she made Mahito look like the bitch he was and always will be: “Sometimes you need to fight even when you know you can’t win.” Because you won’t always win and you won’t escape death, nor will you know what lies beyond death. However, you can still live according to your principles and fight for the things you see as meaningful even if other people don’t.
That is why so many characters have come and gone from the fight. All gave some, some gave all. Nobody is truly useless — even if Miwa self-deprecatingly jokes about being useless, she still was the one thing standing between Maki and Malevolent Shrine’s eviscerating hellscape. Even Amai’s sweets-conjuring joke technique saved Hana from a would-be fatal fall and helped to supply sugar to the brains of people using reverse cursed technique in Shoko’s triage. Larue couldn’t do much, but they caught Sukuna’s eye at the perfect time for Yuji to land a Black Flash, and that means something. It all means something.
Given how deeply GeGe clearly respects Hunter X Hunter, I want to end off by citing one of the quotes in Hunter X Hunter that has been the most impactful for me and I suspect has been about as impactful on GeGe: “It seems small things… infinitesimally small things… are needed to build the entire universe. The size of a thing has nothing to do with its power.” We always seem to direct our senses to the superlatives. The largest, the oldest, the loudest, the things that hit the hardest. But while it would be wrong to throw those out, we often lose sight of how many little, important things there are in the midst of those huge, important things.
Seeing someone’s smile when you remembered something they said that showed you were listening to them. The feeling of a warm breeze on a summer morning. The smell of honeysuckle on your walk home. Waking up to rain on a Sunday. The taste of watermelon. Getting married. Having your heart broken. Songs that make you smile, songs that make you cry — songs that do both, and songs that make you feel things you can’t describe. When you’re always looking to those immense, monolithic things, always comparing your seemingly small, seemingley meaningless life to them, you lose sight of just how meaningful all of it is.
Just because it doesn’t have cosmic, absolute meaning doesn’t make it meaningless. Every little thing that means something to you is worthy of being cherished. The people around you, the things that bring you happiness, even if that happiness is going to ebb and flow. It’s all worth fighting for and living for. It just takes bravery and conviction to keep fighting and keep living with authenticity and love. And if there’s an artistic value, a greater meaning to Shonen, now and always, it’s the unerring, unabashed belief that there’s a reason to aim high and not give up.
Because sometimes, life hurts. But if it’s just pain, Yuji Itadori will never stop. We’ll see what I have to amend, reconsider, or elaborate on when the fight is finished. I hope this gave some of you a new way to look at it.
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vroombeams · 5 days
just realized i didn't add the au tag to that answer but yeah sharklex!! just you know another merpeople au but specifically sharkperson alex because...... teeth.... and predators... you know!!
as with many things it started w emy @albonoooo pelting me with shark facts. and that leading to like woooo yeahhh gills are a pretty sensitive shark part huh i wonder if you could very gently put your fingers in there! what would that feel like! which of course went on to become
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this google doc. many such cases
anyway! it is at its core a sargebon thing, george is there somewhere sharking around also, logan's a lonely little guy who loves the ocean and he encounters alex and they have a mutual curiousity that sort of ends up going. places that probably a human & merperson should not be going you know how it be
here have a little clip
He’s started to understand it, bit by bit. The human can’t go where Alex can—can’t go to the deep, can’t go where the sun can’t reach. Can’t stay under for very long at all because it doesn’t have gills. It’s a poorly made creature, Alex thinks. All soft-tender flesh and limbs not made for swimming. But it swims all the same, kicking out with stiff legs, indelicate arms slicing across the surface.
It comes willingly. Even before it met Alex, it’d been coming willingly into the sea. 
Alex brushes against its ankle as he rises, reaches out to grip it. He doesn’t pull, though sometimes he wants to. He wants to drag his human down so he can get a proper look at it. Touch it properly. He’s curious, is all. Now that he’s not afraid of it he wants to know it.
He breaks the surface. The human is smiling already, pink in its pale cheeks. Its mouth splits wider when it sees Alex and not for the first time Alex is so fascinated by the straight white lines of its teeth. Surely no good for tearing into flesh or bone. What does it eat? 
Alex is careful with it, wrapping arms around its body, holding it to his own softer underbelly. It seems to like when he does this. Makes a strange noise that could be laughter, in some other language, gripping Alex’s shoulders with its small hands. 
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addie4ddie2005 · 1 year
I see you need some Howdy requests °^°, I am here to provide!
I think it would be cool to see Howdy grow some kind of self-awareness much like wally. Its small stuff first, seeing a small thin crease line up where the sky is and he probably thinks its just his eyes playing tricks on him. Then it would start to derail to seeing the seems of his friends, and feeling that something is isnt quite right no matter how he twists and turns, his body doesnt feel like *his* now, and we're basically here to try to do some damage control because he draws attention to himself (wally side eyeing him heavily)
:DDD here’s something like that!! Sorry if I didn’t hit everything,, when I start writing my own visions take over and I forget I’m filling out a request. Anyways,,, I think the concept of walk-around puppets in this universe is horrifying. Here’s my take.
GN! Reader / Ambiguous species
cw: horror and unreality
additional tags: hurt and comfort (you comfort Howdy!)
Also remember my guy has a Transatlantic accent,, so cool so swag. All that time watching Westerns has paid off for me.
When you step into the shop, you’re met with all kinds of pleasantries.
‘Howdy-hey! What’s the news today, sweetheart?’
‘Oh! You’re just in time! I’m having a special on jokes! This ones a kicker! Heard it from Barns himself!’
Not this.
The seven-foot-tall pillar of Home fiddling with his hands like they weren’t his own. If he weren’t your friend it would be grotesquely unprofessional.
“What’s got you down, Howdy?”
You tried to approach this like it was just another bit. Like he was going to announce that someone had picked up the wrong order and he’d send you on a quest around town to find the oblivious culprit. Hilarity ensued.
The look on his face told you otherwise.
No script this time. Just terror.
He shook his head, like some sort of thought was trying to come loose that he just couldn’t get rid of.
“Oh, ah, nothing to bother about. I just got a late shipment to fuss over… right before closing time, too! A shame. I’ll be getting home late tonight. Good thing my home is upstairs, ey? Haha!”
The change in demeanor was relieving, but you were still uncomfortable.
“Oh… I’ll give you a hand, in that case!”
Two hands found his cheeks, one flipped towards you bashfully. “That’s so sweet… you think I need six hands to get around here? By all means!”
You grinned, forgetting whatever your reason was for stopping by. You stepped behind the counter.
But then you paused. It hit you, that you had never been back here before. No one has.
Howdy looked at you happily, blankly. “Weird, huh?”
He headed towards the back. You took a second to confirm with yourself that neither of you were going to elaborate. At least not yet, you think. You followed him.
He did indeed have a shipment. All kinds of inventory. Fruit, snacks, cleaning supplies.
“Our little town sure goes through a lot.”
He was beside you with all four hands on his hips.
It was silent for a moment.
“Who brings you these?”
Howdy laughed with closed eyes. “That… I would love to know.”
The two of you worked quietly. Whether occupied with stocking, or just processing the events prior, you didn’t know. You didn’t mind the silence, but the air was heavy. Like there was something you two should have been acknowledging, but it was lost, or hiding.
You decided to stick around and help him close. Putting up food and taking apart warmers, mostly.
“I can’t believe you do all this by yourself every night.”
“All in a day’s work! ‘Sides, being busy ain’t too bad.”
“Yeah, I get that.”
“It feels good to be good for something. Even here.”
The silence was back, but now you were looking at him.
“Less time to think, right?”
Howdy’s eyes widened, like the notion had been ready to jump off his head the whole time, and he couldn’t believe you put it in the air like that. And then his eyes sank in relief, because you felt it too.
“Don’t be shy to come around when you need to quit all that thinking. There’s plenty here to keep you busy.”
“I will.”
Work resumed, putting everything in its place.
“Be careful, darlin’.” He said, uncharacteristically quiet.
“You too.”
And he laughed, and you didn’t like that.
When all was said and done the two of you looked at the pristine store with some sort of pride, muddled by grief that you weren’t even contemplating before you stepped in. Hazy orange shadows coated the walls and floor.
“How about you stay the night? Wouldn’t want you out and about in the dark.”
“Yeah, yeah. Sure.”
But this wasn’t a sleepover of games and stories and staying up past bedtimes. You just needed to be there, and be real. As real as you could get.
Howdy was gazing out the window of his bedroom.
“Funny how dark it gets out there. You would think… I’m not so sure, actually.”
You scooted over to confirm. His window might as well have been a pitch black rectangle. You could just barely make out the outline of Home and their kind eyes.
You closed the curtain.
The two of you settled down for the night. Howdy’s sleeping routine involved spreading out a blanket and rolling himself up in it like a cocoon, or a burrito, and that was kind of funny. You laid right beside him and kept your eyes glued to the ceiling. A night light glowed softly to the side, shaped like a butterfly. A gift, probably.
Howdy didn’t have many qualms sleeping. He worked too hard for his mind to stay wired through the night.
But you sure made it easier, he thought. He imagined the hours rolling by a lot differently if he was alone with his thoughts. Thoughts of scary things, like the sky. The pitch black sky. Like a sheet had been thrown over the entire expanse of home. Everyone knew what the moon was. Where was it?
You shifted beside him, and his train of thought pushed the breaks, coming to a gentle stop.
Wally approached you the next day, casually, as you were tending to some plants.
“Hi, you. What were you up to last night, neighbor?”
You gave him an odd look, but you were used to nosy neighbors at this point.
“Oh, with Howdy! I had no idea I hung out till dark, so we had a sleepover.”
Wally hummed. “That’s sweet.” And walked away. You let out a breath of air when he was out of earshot.
You’ve been paying more attention to your caterpillar friend since then.
He’s been distant. On the occasion he leaves the shop, he’s always glancing around like someone was going to leap out of the bushes and tell him he’s been duped.
He’s always been suave, persuasive. A cool cat or whatever. With so many arms and hands and fingers you can easily spot the anxiety creeping into his form. Your friends noticed, too. Wally seemed especially worried. Poor guy.
You were at the shop one day, just visiting, checking up. Howdy’s demeanor was… upsetting. He kept all his hands in a ball, fidgeting.
It was well past closing and a little yellow figure was passing by the doors. Howdy ushered you to the back. You went along, albeit slightly alarmed.
“You good?”
Howdy rubbed the back of his neck. “Ah— you bet, you bet. Just don’t want any last-minute customers. Love em’, but they’re a pain to clean up after.”
You weren’t convinced. You looked back towards the entrance, but Howdy had taken your hands.
“Just tell me something.”
Unexpected, but this is the most you’ve gotten out of him about the whole conundrum in a while. You nodded.
“Alright. Now this will sound strange, but I need you to put your hands on my hands. Just feel em’.”
His two lower arms raised towards you, and Howdy was your friend and frankly you didn’t care about how strange it sounded, so you reached out and intertwined your fingers. Gave them a squeeze. Just like everyone else, they were soft and cushiony. If you pinched hard enough you could feel your fingers on both sides, but that would hurt. You looked back up.
“Okay.” He replaced those with his upper set of arms. Not having second thoughts, you took those as well.
And paused.
Solid. Completely. You could almost say they were warm. You looked up at him in alarm, still holding his hands, squeezing them, like if you held them long enough they would go back to being normal and you two could laugh about this, but you knew that wasn’t a possibility. Your thumb was on his wrist. It was beating, flowing.
“There is something terribly wrong with me.”
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WOOO! 129 for time loop.
Tagging @steadfastsaturnsrings
“Yeah, sure,” Buck replies. He feels like he’s been seeing a lot of sea otters lately. He saw them yesterday. Didn’t he? “They’re cute.”
“I know they’re cute,” Eddie nods. “I’m excited to see both of your reactions.”
Buck thinks his reaction today might not live up to expectations. But he follows the script he remembers anyway. 
“Well, then let’s get going,” he says, rolling out of bed. “Wake up Christopher.”
Eddie nods, expression tight. “Yeah. Yeah, let’s do that.”
When Buck stands, stretching his arms above his head, he finds himself staring at the old analog clock on the wall. Hideous thing, really. Still not telling the right time. It reads 12:03. Buck turns to look at the digital clock. 8:03 AM. There’s something about that. He just doesn’t know what. 
Half an hour later, they’re sitting on a big patio eating a complimentary hotel breakfast. Chris looks mildly zombified. Eddie and Buck are both trying to watch each other while they eat, but not look at the other person watching them. It’s strange and tense, and if Chris was any less tired, he’d probably ask them why they’re being weird. 
“View is nice right?” Eddie asks at one point, after taking a small sip of black coffee. 
Buck nods. “Same nice view as yesterday.” 
Eddie’s lip twitches. He looks unhappy, like Buck has said the wrong thing. Buck can’t tell if it’s because he’s being sort of bitchy, or if it’s because he went off the script he can feel playing out in his head. Does Eddie want him to stick to a script? Why would he? Unless he knows. 
Buck narrows his eyes. He needs to see what Eddie knows. 
“We should come back here again,” Buck says, following his sense of what he should say next. But his heart isn’t really in it.. “Some other time. A long weekend wasn’t enough.”
Eddie blinks, like he is surprised by the sudden swerve back onto course. Then, he smiles. And Buck knows that exact smile. Knows it because he knows Eddie. He knows all of Eddie’s smiles like a dream that stays with you forever. He works hard to make them appear, when he needs to. Finds it effortless, other times.
Eddie’s smile is relieved. 
“Anytime you want,” he says. 
Buck could cry. Why is Eddie lying to him? What is Eddie hiding from him? What is going on?
Never, not once since they’ve met, has Buck felt like he can’t trust Eddie. So why can’t he trust him now? 
Buck is very quiet during the entire guided kayaking tour of the estuary.
He’s frustrated and he’s scared. He’s also uncertain. He can’t know for sure, right? He doesn’t know that Eddie is lying to him or keeping things from him. He just suspects. So he watches. He gathers information. He builds his case. 
“When have you kayaked before?” Buck asks Eddie as he teaches Christopher how to paddle, just a little too deftly. He knows he’s heard this answer before. Knows Eddie has told him. How many times can he tell the same tale?
“Huh? Oh, uh… El Paso.” Eddie shrugs.
“El Paso? In the desert?” Buck challenges. 
“There was a lake near my house growing up. Like, the only lake around,” Eddie says. “Had to find things to do.” 
“Okay, so… Over a decade ago?” Buck presses. 
“Well, yeah,” Eddie says. “Wasn’t coming home from Afghanistan for kayaking trips.”
Christopher and their tour guide, Brittany, watch this exchange awkwardly. 
“Don’t you think you’re a little sharp for a decade of not using that skill?” Buck accuses.
Eddie’s mouth parts with surprise at Buck’s tone. 
“It’s muscle memory,” he says. “You don’t forget.”
“No,” Buck says. “I guess you don’t.”
Eddie’s expression tenses. “Buck-”
“Can we go already?” Chris interrupts. “I want to see the otters!”
So they go. And Buck hardly says a word. He hardly looks at the wildlife. All of it just serves to annoy him. 
He and Eddie help Brittany load the kayaks from the beach onto a rack. 
“Thank you!” She exclaims as they’re halting them. “Most visitors don’t stick around to help.”
“Of course,” Buck replies quietly. 
“They’re firefighters,” Chris says. “They lift heavy stuff all the time.”
“It’s true,” Eddie says, sliding a kayak onto the rack.
As soon as Buck puts the last kayak on the rack, he takes several large steps away from the rack. Eddie watches him, eyes bugging out, as he does. 
“Something wrong, Eddie?” Buck asks. 
“No,” Eddie replies. “Why would anything be wrong?”
Brittany frowns. “Well, uh, thanks again for the help, guys.”
They’re making total asses of themselves, and Buck knows it. Yet he can’t quite bring himself to care. Somehow, he thinks he may have the chance to redo this interaction tomorrow. 
Seemingly out of nowhere, but right out of Buck’s gut feeling, there’s  a strange metallic creaking sound, followed by a loud crack. The kayak rack lurches as a leg breaks, sending the top kayak sliding out, fast and hard onto the sand.
“Oh my god!” Brittany exclaims.
“Wow,” Buck says flatly. “That totally could have hit me in the back of the head.”
Eddie won’t look at him. 
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cable-knit-sweater · 1 year
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Moodboard created by cable-knit-sweater
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes
Tags: modern AU, meet-cute, caught in the rain, fluff
For: @motorboo 💖 I hope you like it!!!
Raffle: Misfit's Raffle, hosted by @jro616
Ficlet under the cut.
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It’s pouring rain when Bucky leaves work, so instead of trying to brave the weather and make it to the closest subway station, he hails a cab. The only problem is, that right when he sits down, a guy sits down in the seat next to him. They look at each other for a moment - the guy, soaking wet, gives him a crooked smile.
“We could share?” He asks, looking hopeful. “If you don’t mind, of course.”
Bucky really doesn’t want to go out in the rain again and he’d feel bad if he said no. Plus, the guy is nice, polite - something you don’t see every day in New York. Bucky isn’t about to be rude in return.
“Yeah, why not,” he says, smiling back at the guy.
The first couple of minutes of the drive are awkwardly quiet, neither of them saying anything apart from Bucky giving the driver his address.
“Brooklyn huh?” the guy says then, and they end up talking about the borough. The guy, Steve, apparently lives there too, grew up there, just like Bucky.
He’s nice to talk to. Steve gestures a lot with his hands as he talks, which Bucky finds cute. It’s not the only thing he finds cute. Well, cute isn’t exactly the right word. Even soaking wet because of the rain, Steve is gorgeous. Straight out of one of Bucky’s dreams. Or, not so straight, he hopes.
Maybe he’s even more beautiful because of the rain - the wet hair he keeps pushing back in a way that makes Bucky’s fingers itch, the way his wet, ridiculously long lashes, call even more attention to beautiful green-blue eyes. He finds himself staring at Steve, a little enraptured.
When the driver announces they’re at Bucky’s place, he’s kind of disappointed. He could talk to Steve for hours.
Bucky takes out his wallet and is about to pay, when Steve puts his hand on Bucky’s.
“Wait, let me get it,” he says, “it’s the least I can do.”
It’s kind, but Bucky wouldn’t feel right letting Steve pay for the entire trip. “We could just split it?”
Steve rolls his eyes. “Okay, okay, let’s do that.”
Bucky takes out a couple of bills and hands them over to the driver. When he looks at Steve, he sees him look a little panicked.
“What’s wrong?”
Steve flushes. “I uhm- I might have….fuck.” He shakes his head, water droplets shaking out of his hair. “I left my wallet in my suit jacket. Which I left at the office.”
Bucky bites his lip trying not to laugh. “That’s okay, I can just…let me just give you the money for the rest of the trip.”
“No, no I can’t do that, I can’t ask you to do that,” Steve says vehemently.
Before Bucky can tell him he doesn’t need to ask - surprising himself for wanting to help out a complete stranger like this - Steve gives him a sheepish look.
“I might have also…my keys are in my suit jacket too.”
He should probably consider that this is some sort of con, that Steve is tricking him somehow. But for some reason, he trusts Steve. He counts out a couple more bills to hand over to the driver - who’s sighing impatiently by now.
“Come on,” Bucky says. “You can stay the night, figure out your situation in the morning.” It feels like the right thing to do.
“No, no I couldn’t impose on you like that, I’ll just-“ Steve says, looking a little lost.
Bucky raises an eyebrow at him. “You’ll just go back to the city?”
Steve deflates a little at that, and Bucky really feels sorry for him now.
“Come on,” he repeats, “I promise you’re not putting me out.”
Finally, Steve caves. He follows Bucky out of the cab and up to his apartment, where they’re greeted by an annoyed Alpine. It is past her usual dinner time, so Bucky makes his apologies, flushing a little when he notices Steve watching him.
Bucky tells Steve to make himself comfortable while he makes some tea, which they have in the living room sitting across from each other - Steve on the couch, Bucky in his favorite chair (even if it’s littered with little white hairs that seem to make their way onto everything Bucky owns).
They end up talking more, until deep into the night. When they’ve both started to yawn every 5 seconds, Bucky decides it’s time for bed. He almost invites Steve to join him in bed, but that seems a little forward even to him. Steve gets settled on the couch instead, and they say their good nights.
When Bucky wakes up in the morning, a little bleary eyed, he immediately knows there’s no one in his apartment apart from him and Alpine. His suspicions are proven correct when he makes his way into the living room, where a blanket is neatly folded on top of the couch.
It makes him a little sad. He should have asked for Steve’s phone number, would’ve liked to have said goodbye. He’s more than a little disappointed that Steve just left.
After having had such a short night, he has a rough day at work. It feels endless, he’s exhausted, and he’s not in a good mood, no matter how much coffee he drinks throughout the day.
When he gets home that night, he thinks the day is pretty much a write off. Until he gets to his front door, where a vase of gorgeous pink flowers is waiting for him.
There’s a card there. “Thank you for everything,” it says, in flowing cursive, “Call me?”. There’s a phone number at the bottom of the card and Steve’s name. Bucky can’t help but smile.
Maybe this day can be saved after all.
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Geraskier Fic Rec May 2023
Hello lovely people! I've decided to start my fic rec lists with some Witcher fic focusing on Geralt/Jaskier (Geraskier). I started reading Geraskier fic about three years ago and I'll probably never get tired of this pairing. The below list are some of my favorite fics I've stumbled upon throughout my time in the fandom - I hope you enjoy them! If there are any you think should be added (or you just have good recs) please feel free to send them my way, I'm always looking for new fic! And if you decide to read any of these, please heed the tags on ao3; some deal with topics not everyone wants to read about.
(The first two are probably my favorite Geraskier fics ever)
(if you like any of these let me know let's geek out together)
A Blessing, A Curse by aileenrose, E, 12.6k
"For a while, Jaskier doesn’t know he’s cursed. It feels like free will, going back down that mountain, just as dangerous down as the way up, and alone this time, too. The descent is fast, maybe even reckless, but Jaskier’s feeling numb and out-of-sorts anyways, Geralt’s words simmering in his mind, and at the time it doesn’t feel like he’s being pulled on by anything but his own desire to get away."
Based off a post that Geralt's words on the mountain are granted by the djinn.
one foot in sea by theundiagnosable, E, 23.5k
“Well, that’s a separate issue entirely, isn’t it?” Jaskier says, clearly enthused by being taken on. “I’m opposed to marriage on principle. Would you like to know why?”
“No,” says Geralt.
“I’ll tell you why,” says Jaskier.
to render it transparent by theundiagnosable, E, 24k
Geralt wakes up warm, peaceful, and utterly content, which is how he knows that something is severely wrong.
another dawn by alittlebitmaybe, T, 8k
“Well, we’ll have all the time in the world to make it official, right after we check out this—what was it?”
Geralt side eyes him. “Abandoned cottage. Disappearances. Strange sightings.”
“Right, yes, after we deal with this mysterious hut deep in the woods. No problem. Days and weeks and years aplenty after that."
all that was good, all that was fair (all that was me is gone) by xdandelionxbloomx, M, 7.5k
Somewhere, deep in a forest, a man drags himself from his grave by sheer power of will. He lies gasping on the forest floor and does not know who or what he is. The world is wide and wonderful, though, and there is so much to see.
Or, Jaskier is so stubborn that he literally comes back from the dead.
Shadowplay by sospes, M, 26.5k
Geralt returns to Oxenfurt on a bright May morning to find flowers laid outside Jaskier's rooms and a fresh grave in the cemetery.
Except, as Geralt is about to learn, in Jaskier's world things are never quite what they seem.
Bad Moon Rising by sharkhette, Not Rated, 9k
Jaskier had never expected it would be Geralt trying to kill him. Sure, the witcher liked to threaten as much, but they both knew he'd never make good on it. They were friends, whatever Geralt said.
But friends didn't try to rip each other's throats out with their teeth.
Or, Geralt returns from a hunt acting strange.
Valley of Plenty by aileenrose, E, 40.6k
Geralt's brother has died, and now he is raising a child on his own. The last thing he needs is an annoying sous-chef who won't leave him alone.
Or, a variously loose and faithful adaptation of the classic rom-com No Reservations.
The god of scraped knees. by spqr, M, 8k
Jaskier’s been pretending to be human for so long now that he hardly remembers what it feels like to be a sorcerer. He doesn’t want to remember what it feels like to be a sorcerer. But people still murmur his name with reverence in certain dim halls; Dandelion, Dandelion, destroyer of worlds. 
Lessons in Losing by didoandis, E, 11k
“We met five years ago or thereabouts,” Geralt says through gritted teeth. “You came up to me in a tavern near Posada, decided I would be good song material, and we’ve travelled together, off and on, ever since.”
“Huh,” Jaskier says.
“You remember?” Geralt tries to keep the note of hope out of his voice, and doubts he’s been successful.
“Not in the slightest,” Jaskier says cheerfully. “But I must admit it sounds like something I’d do.”
When Jaskier forgets their life together, Geralt learns an unexpected lesson.
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ughscara · 9 months
THE COLUMBINA THEME/?!?!?>!>D QWJDKWBQQ OH MY GOSHHHHH IM BKFBEFE I DID NOT KNOW YOU WERE A BINA FAN AHHHH YOU HAVE IMPECCABLE TASTE AS ALWAYS... it is so so pretty i am eating it up... i am going to miss Kuni with the otter but this is just *chef's kiss* (i also hope you are doing well, your reblog made me 🥹❤️❤️❤️)
AND YESSS THE KUNI BDAY ART ARGHHH,, i can just imagine reader being a few possibilities with him... 😭 either you're the one who tagged along with him to the House of Daena just to see what he's up to all the time but then your brain just dying (like Paimon 😭) from all the long texts overload (me tbh). And Kuni would be rolling his eyes at your dramatic self and be all like i told you so... 🙄 Or you're just peacefully reading those long books and your lover is just like... huh. I know he'd scoff and mumble under his breath but he'd drape some of his clothes over you if you fell asleep... ❤️ (ignoring the presence of his sort-of admirers on the other side of the room)
(this was all over the place and probably very messy but it just came to me ❤️ luv you!!)
AAA SUZU !! 🩷🩷
thank you thank you thank you!!! omg i am figuratively kicking my feet and literally smiling so big rn okay — first and foremost, YES (⁠つ⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)⁠つ i am a 'bina fan since the day she showed up in the winter night's lazzo trailer~ as for kuni and his little otter buddy, don't you worry my dear mutual; here's the screenshot for your perusal alongside another one <3 ( as for me doing well, i am indeed doing well! i hope you are too dear 🩷 )
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now that you presented me with his second mini illustration.......... i have brainrot to share in correspondence to yours ( LISTEN my brain is always cooking i'm not sorry )
when i was just inspecting every little thing about his second mini illustration and literally giggling at how cute it was and all — it kinda threw me back to the time i first thought about my academic rivals + roommates concept with kuni .. but now that you presented me with your side of the brainrot which thank you btw it's so *chefs kiss and totes adorbs*
so here's to another episode of 'yame and suzu cooking kuni brainrot ~
“what even...?”
you uttered under your breath, a book in hand as your eyes continued to skim through a lengthy page after another. honestly, you're skipping through almost everything you read through — some part of you admiring the amurata darshan for being able to understand all of this. maybe you should have listened to your lover's recommendation and read something else.
curious, you eye him from the side to see how he's faring. of course, you were aware that this wasn't as much of an issue to him as it was to you, and you envy the ease he found in being able to read through his share of research without complaints.
the wanderer's eyes were quick to meet yours, and he was just as quick in raising a brow at you in what you presumed to be curiosity on his end as well. but that wasn't the case...
“having difficulty?” he murmured with a subtle smirk of amusement. he was aware, not when the confusion practically clouded the light of curiosity in your eyes. yet you affirmed anyways. “i won't shy away from admitting that i am ‘having difficulty.’” you parroted his words with a little smile, deciding it's best for you to just put the book down. you could hear him chuckle a bit dryly at your affirmation, uttering a barely audible ‘i told you so’ only for you to hear. the amusement that adorned his face softened a bit as he heard you hum in response.
“actually — love, can you pass me the book you recommend at first?” the moment he heard that endearment, a rush of warmth rose up to his porcelain cheeks as he hung his head slightly lower to allow his hair do the covering for him. “mhm.” the wanderer hummed in response whilst reaching over to said book next to the small box you brought with you for him. his pinky finger coming into contact with the ocean blue colored gift box for a moment before he took the book and passed to you all the while avoiding your gaze.
with a simple thank you on your end, the area fell silent once more. just the distant sound of students coming and going, chatting about their deadlines or some who were studying in solitude. it's a kind of quiet that allowed you to focus in a way, especially while the wanderer remained by your side; it felt ideal. staying alone together in his favorite corner in the house of daena.
surprise surprise, what he ended up recommending you wasn't a book. but a collection of research papers from the vahumana darshan — researches trying to pinpoint the mystery behind tatarasuna's sabotagement, researches investigating the ancient civilization of the sumeru desert... it felt like skimming through a collection of reports. you gave him a threat-less glare upon seeing that accomplished smirk on his face. but you digress.
you spotted a familiar handwriting shortly after however, his handwriting, and you were quick to begin reading the first research paper simply and straightforwardly titled ‘societal issues in inazuma.’ it was the commentary he mentioned he wrote out of boredom while he was occupied with cooking lunch for you. a smile crept up to your lips at the resurgence of the memory.
that style... how much of a reliable yet unreliable narrator could he be? certainly the former when it came to discussing anything regarding what was once his homeland. and you adored every word spoken in this research paper. sure, it was harsh at some points, but that was just how your wanderer was; straightforward and to the point. hence the reason you felt such immense joy reading the commentary he wrote.
this time around, it was his turn to eye you from the side. indifference fading into a very slight surprise as he saw you smiling whilst reading his research paper, but he paid it no mind. at least you were having some form of fun like you usually tend to.
a while would pass, the once distant sounds of the students became more and more prominent as at long last, he finished the forsaken paper he was writing. and from the corners of his eyes; the wanderer spotted your left forearm on the table. naturally, he was quick to turn to face you and be greeted with your arms on the table and resting your head on your arms, the research papers you read neatly yet messily set aside... sleeping here of all places?
“idiot,” he mumbled whilst getting up from his seat, carefully not making a sound as to not disturb your peace. “this is exactly why i told you to stay home.”
but even then, as he complained to your sleeping self with his ‘i told you so’s, he didn't hesitate in slowly taking his white haori and gently draping it over your sleeping figure, watching you as you breathed in and out softly. and for a moment, he stood there; simply watching you. his anemo vision that now hung over your shoulder began to shine and dim at a familiar rhythm that resembled the same sweet melody he'd sleep to in your shared home, the sight allowed for a subtle smile to adorn his face that if one were to look closely, would be greeted with a softness that'd seem uncharacteristic.
whispers could be heard from behind him, the contentment and softness dissipated in an instant as he shot a glare to those students whispering behind his back, and that was enough to have them scurry away to someplace else.
a sigh escaped the wanderer's lips afterwards as he turned to look at you again. perhaps he'll let you have your little nap whilst finishing up the second thesis he had.
yes, that's a decent enough excuse to have you stay by his side for a little longer.
OMG please don't worry about the ask being messy or all over the place, seeing you here genuinely brought a smile to my face! ( what a delight to wake up to too 🤭 ) and of course, love you too friend! 🩷🩷 remember to take care, stay safe and i wish you a wonderful and kind day ~
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eridanidreams · 9 months
Snippet Sunday
Tagging: @bearlytolerant, @silurisanguine, @aro-pancake, @fangbangerghoul, @atonalginger, @aislingdmdt, @fshenkoescape, @ninjaofnaps, @lisa-and-shadow, @a-cosmic-elf, @thatsgoodsquishy0, @hockeydemon42, @fomagranfalloon@violenceandviolets, and @artemis-crimson
Enjoy this little NYE snippet!
from stars through my fingers like grains of sand
Cait stopped outside Reliant, looking up at the sign like she wanted to be anywhere else. Cora stepped up next to her and took her hand. "It's just Reliant. Dad took me here when I broke my leg. Dr. Manning's really nice, so you don't have to be scared."
"I'm glad you like him," Cait said softly. "That helps some."
"You know all sorts of medical stuff, so why are you worried?" Cora looked up at Cait, gently swinging their arms as they waited.
"Um. That's a long story." Cait rubbed the side of her face. "When I was a little girl, some bad people experimented on me. You know what genesplicing is, right?"
Cora nodded enthusiastically. "Uh-huh! It's used for all sorts of things!"
"Well, they were genesplicing me with non-human DNA. I don't know what." Cait spoke very quietly, so only Cora could hear. "And it hurt a lot. And they did other things that makes it very hard for me to talk about it, or get help about it."
"Is that when you got your eyes?" Cora asked quietly. "And why you can't eat chocolate?" Dad had warned her never to have chocolate around Cait because it would make her sick. "That's just the worst."
Cait looked like she didn't know whether to laugh or cry. "Yes, that's when I got my eyes. And probably why I can't eat chocolate, and you're right. That is the worst." Cait made a little face that made Cora giggle. "The worst." While Cait was talking, Cora opened the clinic door and tugged Cait through it. "We think they wanted to keep me away from doctors who might find out about what they did. And your dad thinks that maybe there's a way for the doctor here to help fix that." Cait rubbed her eyes, finally noticing where she was. "Clever Cora," she murmured, sitting awkwardly in the nearest seat.
"Yup!" Cora said cheerfully. "You stay there, I'll get the doctor for you!"
She actually didn't have to; Dr. Manning came out of the back. "Well, if it isn't little Miss Cora Coe. How's the leg?"
Cora bounced up on one foot and did a little spin. "Just fine, see! We're here for Captain Cait. Dad said she should talk to you." Cora leaned in and said in a loud whisper, "Cait's scared of doctors so I'm helping her."
Dr. Manning looked over at Cait. "Miss Coe here has a point. You don't look good at all. So why don't you come on back and we'll see what we can do. Will Cora be staying with you during the exam?"
"Yes!" Cora exclaimed, while at the same time Cait said, "No."
Dr. Manning chuckled. "That's fine, then, Miss Coe can wait in my office." He gestured them back, pointing Cait toward the small exam room, and Cora toward the equally small office. Cora frowned as the doctor closed the door on her. This was not part of the plan!
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cerealmonster15 · 5 months
Valentine's Day is for the Besties [TWST]
[Ao3 Link]
Wordcount: 1,853
Summary: The Heartslabyul boys go on a picnic together.
Note: there's a specific ref to something trey says in his platinum birthday story here and it might be kind of weird w/o that context but you also don't need to have read it to read this lol / it's not any sort of lore spoilers [see ao3 for additional notes and tags!]
“BOYS!” Cater clapped his hands together from where he stood in the room’s entryway, Trey entering in from behind him.
Riddle looked up from the textbook he had been tutoring Ace and Deuce from. “Cater, you don’t need to be so loud. It’s only the three of us in here.”
Ace looked welcome to the distraction. “Yo, if it isn’t our favorite pair of juniors! What’s up?”
Cater strode his way into the room and hopped up onto the table’s edge to take a seat, kicking his feet back and forth in the air with a giddy smile. 
Riddle sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “...Cater. If you're going to be so bold as to interrupt so casually like this, I assume you must have something important to say, yes?”
“Of COURSE I do!” Cater smiled innocently, while Trey offered a more apologetic smile beside him. “A very important question, actually!”
“On with it, then.”
“Do any of you…” Cater pointed at each boy in the room to punctuate every word, “...have a date for Valentine’s Day tonight?”
Riddle’s jaw dropped. Was THAT really what Cater came in to ask? He interrupted their study session for frivolous gossip!? Honestly, while Cater should know better, Riddle also could not say he was surprised by such tomfoolery, either.
Before he could complain, however, Ace immediately spoke up. “I know for a fact that Loosey-Deucey here doesn’t!”
“Hey!” Deuce protested with a scowl. “What makes you think I don’t have a date?!”
Ace crossed his arms and flashed Deuce a smug grin. “Do you?”
“...No.” Deuce admitted with a sigh, which only made Ace laugh obnoxiously loud. 
“Come on now, Ace. Don’t bully Deuce,” Trey chided. “After all… I seem to remember you telling one of the other dorm members how you were probably going to spend your evening tonight skulking around the Heartslabyul kitchen to mooch off desserts for people baking last minute for their dates. That doesn’t sound like the plans of a guy with a date of his own, does it?”
Ace gasped in shock at both Trey’s smug grin that matched his own from moments before, and at the sudden attack on his life. “WH- Hey! C’mon, everyone knows Valentine’s Day’s for lame suckers, anyway! Why do I need a date to worry about when I can just take it easy and do whatever I want instead?”
“Okay, so no date for Acey, either? Great!” Cater ignored Ace’s following protests and turned to Riddle. “And what about our super cute housewarden? Got any exciting plans?”
Riddle’s face went bright red and he quickly turned away from the group to avoid eye contact, pretending to busy himself out tidying the study guides strewn about the table. “I-I see no reason to distract myself with such things, that’s all…”
Ace snorted. “Your standards would probably be impossible to meet, anyway.”
Riddle’s flustered look was instantly replaced with one of annoyance. He straightened up, placed his hands on his hips, and scowled down at where Ace sat at the table. “And just what do you mean by that, Ace?!”
Ace snickered again and ducked behind Deuce. “Uh oh, I think I struck a nerve with him!”
“Quit it, Ace!” Deuce complained, trying to squirm out of Ace’s evil clutches on his shoulders.
“Shh, shh, no need to fuss, gentlemen!” Cater waved his hands dismissively and kept up his bright, peppy grin amidst the discourse in the room. “The stars have aligned, and they’re telling us we do have plans tonight - together!”
Ace paused his bickering with Riddle and Deuce to raise an eyebrow at Cater. “Huh?”
“Cater wants to go on a picnic,” Trey clarified. “We thought it might be fun to go as a group, that’s all.”
“...Well,” Riddle once again straightened his posture and pretended that he wasn’t about to break out into a full-on brawl with Ace moments ago. He cleared his throat and faced Cater with a poised, neutral expression. “You could have simply started with that, Cater.”
“Aw, but where’s the fun in that?”
“Regardless,” Riddle continued, “I can’t say I’m opposed to the idea. I’ve never been on a picnic before, though, so I will have to look into the proper preparations.”
“I’ve never been on a picnic, either,” Deuce quietly admitted.
“Perhaps you and I should head over to the school’s library for some guide books together before we go.”
Cater and Ace made eye contact with each other and sighed in solidarity of the sheer goofy behavior their friends were exhibiting. Thank god the social skills masters were here to save their lives and prevent them from an overthinking spiral into madness.
A few hours of avoiding the library and hovering around Trey in the kitchen later, the five of them made their way to a cute little clearing that Cater had scouted out earlier that week. A prime location for taking cute pictures with your friends that you could look back on in the later years, for sure. 
“This is a pretty sweet spot you scoped out, Cater!” Ace commented as he and Cater pulled out the picnic blankets to spread for everyone to sit on. 
“It is a rather picturesque location,” Riddle agreed, standing with his arms hanging by his sides, looking unsure of what to do. The setting was much more casual than their usual unbirthday parties, and both Cater and Ace had insisted there were no rulebooks for such a situation… How was he to know how to behave without explicit directions!?
“Aw, thanks, guys!” Cater beamed. “And I just KNOW we’ll have the cutest pics for magicam. We’ve got it all! The perfect setting carefully curated by yours truly, super photogenic snacks - thanks Trey, BTW - and the smiling faces of the cutest company a guy could ask for on Valentine’s day.” 
Cater punctuated his statement with his most charming wink and blew a kiss to the group.
Riddle sighed, Deuce nearly dropped the box of truffles he was holding, and Ace let out the loudest, most dramatic gagging noise he could possibly muster.
“Alright, come on, now,” Trey laughed. “You’ll have plenty of time to drive each other crazy while you’re eating. You want it while it’s still fresh.”
“Ugh, whatever dad.” Ace rolled his eyes and sat down on the grass, promptly stealing a truffle out of the box Deuce was still holding.
“Hey!” Deuce protested, shoving Ace out of reach with his free hand.
“Boys,” Riddle scowled as Cater pulled him down to sit on the blanket between him and Trey. “Save your dessert for last, and no roughhousing! We may be outside, but you still need to mind your manners.”
“Yes, housewarden…” The two mumbled as they reluctantly pulled away from each other but still made sure to flash each other a not-so-stealthy stink-eye. 
“But before we eat,” Cater interjected, “we’ve gotta take a nice pic with all the food out and arranged so nicely! It would be a shame not to capture the hard work we put into making it all look cute, don’tcha think?”
Riddle’s stomach rumbled.
“...Y-yes, well…” Avoiding the amused stares, Riddle hurriedly gestured for Ace and Deuce to come into frame where Cater was angling his phone camera. “Let’s do it quickly, while everything is still fresh, as Trey said.”
A few more seconds and clicks of the camera shutter later, it was finally time to eat. Cater, of course, was too distracted with picking which photo to upload to Magicam to start.
“...Cater,” Trey gently nudged his elbow against Cater’s ribs. “We made those pepper poppers especially for you, you know.”
Cater squirmed away from Trey’s judgemental gaze. “I know, I know! I’ll eat some in juuust a sec- help me pick which one to upload!”
Ace leaned over Cater’s shoulder and pointed at the phone with his already half-eaten sandwich. “Oooh, what about that one? Prim and proper Housewarden’s mid-blink; that’ll get you rarity points.”
“Excuse me?!” Riddle opened his mouth to argue, but froze before he could even begin to speak. His eyes slid to the space beside Ace and locked onto something in Trey’s hand. 
A mustard bottle…
Simultaneous flashbacks spawned within the minds of all present. Every member of Heartslabyul was all too familiar with the week where Trey Clover descended into a mustard madness, trying harder every day to force his taste buds to adjust to liking, or even simply tolerating such a common condiment. It got to the point that Trey would have added mustard to his next cake, had it not been for the intervention of the collective dormmates. He’d calmed down after that, and everyone thought that was the end of it… But here they were, and there was the mustard.
“...Trey, what’cha got there?” Cater asked after a few more seconds of silence and began shifting across the picnic blanket. “I totally love spicy mustard, and it’s so sweet of you to pack it for us. Wanna hand me that bottle…?”
“Hear me out!” Trey protested, hand going for the mustard cap. “I promise I’m not going to try and squirt it all over the desserts or anything like that. We have a lot of sandwiches, and that’s a perfectly reasonable food to spread a little mustard on, don’t you think?”
“Yeah, for people who actually like mustard,” Ace said, following Cater’s lead and reaching for the bottle. “Give it.”
“You don’t have to do this to yourself, Trey,” Deuce added. “But it’s honorable that you want to change yourself for the better! Maybe I should follow your example and not pick out the bell peppers from my salad…”
Riddle shook his head and put a hand on Deuce’s shoulder. “There’s no need for either of you to be so drastic.”
“You almost tried that last time, too,” Ace added. “Two weird food martyrs aren’t gonna fix anything!”
Cater’s hand was on top of Trey’s. “Trey, hon, just let go of the bottle, and it’ll all be alright.”
Trey sighed and relinquished the mustard. “It’s really not as big a deal as you’re all making it out to be. No need for another intervention, okay?”
Cater pat Trey on the back with a smile. “Right, riiiight, it’s all good now, bestie.”
“Okay! Crisis averted!” Cater shuffled back across the blanket towards the sandwich platter and away from Trey’s disapproving stare. “Now someone please help me decide on a pic to upload!”
After a couple of hours filled with photo picking, snacking, laughing, and of course, lots of bickering, it was time to pack up and return to the dorm. Cater, of course, needed to stop every few minutes and take another picture of the sky as the sun sunk below the horizon. 
They arrived back at the dorm after dark, but they arrived together, having nearly forgotten the reason they’d chosen to go out on that day in particular in the first place. Heartslabyul was known for being one of the more socially extroverted dorms, after all, and for good reason.
Because in Heartslabyul, you are never truly alone.
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