#I spite you good sir!
imaginemyshipswithme · 11 months
Sips smirks. “I’m not kidding though. Your taste in music is sub par.”
Glaring playfully, I blast “Pretty Rave Girl” over the stereo.
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confused-wanderer · 1 year
It would be hilarious if villains loved Nightwing and were terrified of Officer Dick Grayson.
Dick Grayson- who is used to open spaces and adrenaline- being stuck in a boring bleak office, surviving on shots of coffee and red bull with caffeine that would make Tim concerned.
The thugs soon realised that unlike most of the other cops - Dick was from Gotham.
No one fucks with Gothamites.
Villain *shooting at Dick with machine guns*
Dick *appearing from the shadows behind him*: Boo.
Thief *throwing a counting down bomb at Dick*
Dick: *catching and tossing the bomb at a safe distance before turning round and shooting it so it explodes mid air while running after thief*
Thief: .. what the actual fuck
Dick: Gee look at all that time you had! Shame you threw it away :D
Dick: I’m from Gotham
Thief *realising they fucked up* : Please don’t steal my bones
Shooter: *sets elaborate booby traps throughout the houses in an active hostage situation*
Dick *using his training as robin and inhuman flexibility to surpass them with ease*: Ah been a while since I got to have a nice stretch thank you.
Dick: .. Hi :)
Shooter: Are you Satan?
In interrogation room
Murderer: I think I’ll take your eyes and add them to my collection
Dick *running on spite and caffeine that could give Superman a sugar rush* : Funny.. I was going to say the same thing to you
Murderer: .. what
Dick: I wouldn’t take your eyes though.. they look like the inspiration behind the whole Medusa’s “look at it and you turn to stone” thing-
Murderer: Hey! Take that back before I gut you
Dick *smile stretching wider without blinking* : oh? Or what? I know everything about you. Who says I can’t kill you and walk out with everyone being none the wiser? I know how to kill someone too..you aren’t special.
Murderer: I’m scared for my safety.
Because the thing is, Nightwing is who Dick really is. It’s who he can be free as, be himself as without red tapes and regulations. Where he can give as good as he gets, and he’s kind and empathetic. He gets to help the downtrodden and goes easy on most of them if they give up right away, not to mention the fact that he never causes permanent damage.
But officer Dick Grayson is a different story. He runs on sleepless nights and no self preservation. Seeing an officer with an uncanny skill set they’re scarily good at, not to mention the cheery attitude he always has scares the shit out of criminals. Cuz no way in hell is a smiling Gothamite not a deranged one. He chases crimes like a bloodhound, and isn’t afraid to make good on threats he makes to ensure they never hurt anyone again.
Bonus if the batfam doesn’t know about this.
Red hood: Shit I can’t believe we ended up in Bludhaven
Red Robin *tying up the corrupt politican* : Since this is a sensitive case, we need someone we can trust to make sure it is seen through.
Red hood: .. So we paying a visit to Officer Grayson?
Red hood: .. is he fucking serious?
Henchmen: Sir he is. And we agree. Please take our bones and kill us but don’t take us to Officer Grayson.
Red Robin: Wait what did he do?
Henchman 1: He asked boss if the hat was sentient.. and said that if it was would it make that hat the top and boss the bottom.
Henchman 2: Last time we met I tried to shoot him but suddenly my gun was blank and he raised his hand and let the ammo drop
Red Hood: Well even I could do that-
Henchman 2: They were my bullets. I had selected the colour personally.
Red robin *growing concerned*
Henchman 3: He sang a lullaby to a child when we were holding the station hostage, and replaced the people with my family members. He even sang their social security numbers!
Henchman 4: He’s the most dangerous of them all. I ain’t shitting ya when I say he’s as scary as the bat from Gotham.
*all nodding in agreement*
Red hood:
Red Robin:
Red hood: Nah that doesn’t sound like Dick
Red Robin: Agreed. Let’s go there Hood.
*villains’ sobbing intensifies*
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charliemwrites · 1 month
I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again:
Brat Enthusiast 141
They love love LOVE a disobedient little brat with a sweet streak, too clever for their own good. There’s a bit of discipline, but there’s also just watching their little toy spin themselves up, stupidly charmed by all that audacity.
Gaz mentally tallying orgasms (or denials) every time you say one of those bratty catchphrases. “Don’t tell me what to do!” That’s two. “But I don’t wanna!” That’s three. All the while chuckling and negotiating you into doing what he asked. He’s a master of trading this for that, softening you up with kisses and touches until he’s got you right where he wants you. You’ll disagree with him out of spite and he adores it.
Price letting you mouth off because you’re obeying his orders anyway. “You’re so bossy and what for? A please wouldn’t kill you!” Even as you’re getting on your knees just like he told you. In ten minutes, you’ll be saying “please” enough for the both of you. You don’t even have to call him sir, you do it on your own. (Granted you say it with the Most ironic tone and usually scrunching up your nose to provoke him)
Simon with the giggliest little thing, who smiles and makes it a game to get him to break from his Dom Persona. Grinning and laughing, voice high pitched when he pins you, eyes smoldering. “Oh! Oh yes, this is very serious, of course Mister Lieutenant Riley Sir!” Loves when you cut yourself off from some light hearted remark with a moan, squirming while he rubs his cock against your wet cunt.
Johnny whose sweetie has a snippy streak. Sweet as pie but plays hard to get just to get him salivating. “No! No kisses for you!” You say, actively sitting in his lap while he tries to catch you lips - until he grabs your jaw in one big hand and takes advantage of the pleased squeak that parts those pretty, pouty lips. You nip just to get him growling, get his fingers against your molars, daring you to bite again.
Just… uagh!!! Brat enthusiast doms!!! Spoiled little subs that know their doms are ridiculously charmed by those defiant little head tilts and faux-innocent blinks.
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prokopetz · 11 months
i didn’t even realize you are like . someone who creates things that aren’t just weird tumblr posts. i salute you, good sir.
I think the surest evidence that being Tumblr popular has very limited real-world value is that here I am running a Tumblr blog with a six-digit follower count, and 95% of them appear genuinely to have no idea that I write tabletop RPGs professionally, in spite of the fact that some days it's practically all I talk about. They just plain missed it.
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moondirti · 6 months
(first time doing a ask bare with me)
pretty please a continue of the house distribution thing. the fic where she does military housing to afford rent. just a continuation please 🙏🏽
feel free to skip if your mind is just blank with ideas for it x
simon riley / afab! reader • part one cw: dubcon, intoxication, spanking, wedgies, degradation, dacryphilia, very mild puppy play (mostly just pet names)
"Well, aren' you a sight."
Much like the lamplight, his voice is low. Mocking, almost. You'd think he were amused if it weren't for the dangerous way his eyes assess your sorry state, raking the lines of your bare legs to the way your dress wraps tight around your chest. It almost escapes you that he's maskless at first, so entranced by the glint of his pupils, the shadowed irises that pinch a deep, very primal nerve in you.
His lips curl into an uneven sneer, scar dissecting the bottom and running down to his chin. You wipe your nose with the heel of your hand, giving your best attempt at an apathetic shrug.
"I had fun."
"Did'ya now?" He laughs humourlessly. "Mus' have different ideas of fun, me and you. Can' see the fun in getting pissed out'f my mind, worryin' the people in your life by stayin' out s'late."
Spite flares, fear slinking back your throat to make room for the petulance that froths on your tongue like venom. It completely poisons his admission to the fact that he'd been worried, turns it into something pathetic and hypocritical. You storm closer. Wild. Angry.
"That's fucking rich coming from you. What is your idea of fun, then, Lieutenant? Tormenting women who open up their home to you? Walking in on them in the bathroom, pissing all over the fucking seat? Does it grant you satisfaction to make people so uncomfortable that they'd rather be anywhere but with you?"
His jaw tenses, a "careful, pet." grunted under his breath, but he makes no move to stop you. Just continues sitting on your couch, legs spread, simmering. Waiting for you to tire out.
"Shut the fuck up. Oh my god. Oh my god. I can hardly be at bloody peace in my own house anymore! You're- You're... A fucking nightmare, Riley! So excuse me if I went out and enjoyed myself when I haven't been able to do so in weeks!"
By the end of your little tirade, you're an even worse mess than you had been before. Flyaways stick to your sweaty temple, mascara rims your blown eyes. Your panting does nothing to calm the frantic race of your heart, which beats at your ribcage like doldrums to war. You can feel the effects of it everywhere; your pulse, hot and quick, at your eyebrow, your wrists, the arch of your foot.
Riley stands. Your lip trembles.
You're so close now that your gaze is level with his chest. Tall. You'd forgotten how tall he was. Or how wide. Or dangerous. His biceps – bare given his tight-fitted t-shirt, tree-trunk large and enough to crush watermelons – tense, and all-too-suddenly, you find your jaw clutched in a bruising grip. He jerks your head up so your eyes meet his.
"Simon." He mutters. "But you don't get to call me tha', or anything at all but Sir."
"Letmegomff–" You're rendered mute when his thumb and forefinger press your cheeks together, but that certainly doesn't stop you from whining.
"Y'wanna know my idea of a good time?" Purely rhetorical, of course. Aside from not being able to answer him, it doesn't matter what you want. There's a clear direction this seems to be heading towards – someplace where the hand pawing your ass continues lower, or where the length in his pants fits down your throat. Someplace not unwelcome by you, despite the way you thrash and cry in his arms. "It's putting foul things like you in their place."
He shucks your dress over your ass, the fabric bunching around your waist, and hooks a fist in the waistline of your soaked panties. Your mind is so foggy, influenced by shitty tequila and the subspace Simon bullies you into embracing, that you don't process the cause of your pain immediately. Don't correlate it to the way he pulls upward, your underwear bunching into a tight line that cleaves between your ass-cheeks and rubs abrasively against your poor clit. Don't– can't confront it until the force literally picks you up off the floor, toes barely touching the ground, held up by a wedgie and the grip around your jaw alone.
Tears spring to your lash line, tracing miserable treks down your cheeks. His thumb swipes what it can away, pushing the salty water into your mouth, and stays there while you lap at his calloused fingertips.
"There we go. Look at you, brainless mutt. Jus' need something on your cunt and something in your mouth to keep you quiet, hm? Happy to hang li'e this for hours, I bet."
Your muffled yell is met with another laugh, thumb pushing deeper into your mouth to shut you up.
"Shh, I know. Still need'ta be taught a lesson. I haven' forgotten." The stitches on your panties begin to tear, the rips loud and relieving, especially when you start to sag back down to the floor. Simon doesn't take it with any kind of urgency, though he cocks his head at the way you blink up at him, lashes fanning in rapid succession. An unspoken, desperate plea. "Was gonna hold out, get you sobered up for your punishment. But you're practically itchin' for it, aren' you?"
He puppets your head into an enthusiastic nod, which he meets with a faux huff.
"Course you are." The forbearing quality of his tone is promptly betrayed by the way you're manhandled over his lap. Pivoting one hand opposite to the other, he's able to sit on the couch and get you thrown over his thighs in a mere matter of seconds. "Normally I'd make y'count, but I figure you're too far gone for that. Jus' try to keep your wailing quiet."
Your underwear gives in with a final tug, ripping from the soaked gusset to become nothing but a flimsy piece of fabric around your hips. Simon swipes the tattered remains off your raised bottom, taking longer than necessary to smooth over the area. It's all the indication you need to what's coming – his rough palm teases the nerve endings below your softer skin, bringing them to frenzied life. Preparing them to hurt.
When he breaks away, you hold your breath.
The air behind you whistles as his hand comes down.
A sharp, resounding crack fractures the baited silence of the room. Your mouth flies open. Searing pain roars across your backside like wildfire, worsening every second it's exposed to open elements. Your scream is belated, thunder to the lightening, tearing from your throat only after the initial shock subsides.
A series of lighter blows land on alternating cheeks, two fingers returning to gag you through the onslaught. Unlike his thumb, these reach the very back of your tonsils, prompting wet gags as they fondle with your throat. Drool dribbles from the corners of your lips, slicking your chin with lipstick-tinted fluid.
"Fuckin' beautiful when you're not givin' an attitude, puppy. All stupid and submissive, cunt droolin' on my lap."
You groan, choke, then cry some more when his spanks grow incrementally harsher again. Gratefully, they're never in the same place twice. He beats the top of your thighs, your lower back, the sides of your hips. Your cheeks especially, which start to emit a steady kind of heat the longer he keeps it up.
Eventually, as a matter of coping, your brain starts to consider the cruel sting as pleasurable instead, sending little bolts of pleasure directly to your clit every time his hand comes down on your ass. It swells, fattening up with blood, pressing tighter against the steady mass of his thigh. Inadvertently, you start rutting against it to find more of the same relief, humping his leg like the dog he's making you out to be.
It doesn't escape his notice, of course.
His foot pushes one of your flailing ankles outward so that your legs are spread, pussy made vulnerable to his scrutiny. The next slap is thus aimed straight at your fluttering hole, slick doing nothing to affect his deadly precision. When it lands, it lands exactly where he meant for it to, and introduces you to a whole other degree of pain that has you seeing stars. You're openly bawling around his fingers now, vision so cloudy you can't tell light from dark.
"Didn' like tha', did you?"
"Nngh– nmmph!"
"There's more where it came from, pup. Best listen to everythin' I say from now on, then, 'less you wan' your little hole beat black 'n' blue."
Simon stresses his point by tracing the seam of your cunt, collecting the lubrication there to smear across the hotspot at the top. Presses into it. Grants you a little gratification, as if to say: and here's what you can have if you behave.
"You gonna be a good pet?"
This time, he withdraws his fingers from your maw. Expects a response, even though it takes you ages to recover from the lack of oxygen. You swallow the saliva pooling behind your teeth, inhaling ragged gasps that make your lungs ache.
He pinches your clit when you take too long. Lightly, but it's enough.
"Yes! Yes, s-sir. I'll be good."
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babywriter · 3 months
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It was hard enough to be taken seriously as a young woman in such a male-dominated field. You even had the added disadvantage of being particularly pretty. Younger men saw a potential date while older men, if not pervy, saw a girl which to them meant that you were ditzy and weak. 
This particular client was a man. Maybe five years older or so, you guessed. When he opened the door, he seemed surprised. And you thought he looked at you a little condescendingly. But were you going to show him. You walked inside with an authoritative air, your tools by your side. Cool, calm, collected. You started working on his cabinet right away.
Thing is, normally clients tend to leave the room when you work. You know, since they have things to do and it’s awkward to stand in the corner for an hour. Didn’t bother him clearly. You felt him staring at you. For such a long time too that it became a distraction. You figured he was looking at your butt. The man was attractive, you had to admit, but it felt so disrespectful. You became flustered. How to make him go away? There was another reason you didn’t enjoy people staring at your butt. You happened to wear diapers.
You’ve always like diapers and you had decided to go 24/7 a few years back. This was generally not a problem. Actually, it was great when you were working because you didn’t need to use the client’s bathroom. But when someone watches you like a hawk exactly where you don’t want them to look, it tends to stress you out. And of course, of course, your diaper was peaking out.
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You heard a little laugh.
“Oh. Little lady.” the man said. Little lady, really? “What’s that you’re wearing underneath those overalls?”
Either he’s used to asking women what they wear, either he was doing it just for you. Regardless, you didn’t feel like answering him.
“None of your business, sir.” You answered. In spite of his awful behavior, you wanted to remain professional.
“If you’re wearing, what I think you’re wearing, you shouldn’t be dealing with all those tools!”
“Sir, if you don’t let me finish my work in peace, I will leave.”
“Oh. Are we throwing a tantrum?”
A tantrum? Who the hell is this guy?
“Alright, sir, that’s enough.” You tried to leave, but he was bigger and stronger and blocked the entryway. He held your wrists.
“Sir, let me go.”
“Oh no, little lady. Work’s not done.”
He forcefully removed your overalls. Your medical diaper was exposed. 
“Go on, keep working if you’re such an adult.” 
You obeyed, but did so red and humiliated. Nevertheless, he never left the room. Not once.
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You figured that he would need to leave the room at some point. But what you hadn’t accounted for was that you would need to go to the bathroom much sooner than he would. Normally, using your diaper was a pleasure. But in this situation, it certainly didn’t feel like that. Your bladder suddenly ached and while you tried holding it as much as possible, your bladder was too weak from years of going into diapers. You barely held out for a few seconds before leaking into your diaper.
“Oh no.” you said in a high-pitched voice under your breath. You were bending down  to see the damage to your diaper. You had been completely and thoroughly humiliated. Brought down to nothing more than a baby who pisses her pants.
“Looks like princess went in her diaper! Good thing you were wearing them, baby!”
“I’m not a baby!” you bawled out.
“Shh-shh. It’s okay.” The man came to comfort you. You didn’t like him, but it did feel good to have strong arms around you. You felt safe. “Don’t worry, Daddy’s here. Daddy’s going to take of you from now on. No need to be a big girl.”
You liked being a big girl, but you had a feeling you didn’t have much of a choice.
Photo credit: Shantal from ByteMine
For more stories by me: https://reamstories.com/babywriter
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2kiran · 11 months
ftm!simon getting frustrated because m!reader only fucks his ass as a punishment for simon distracting him during a meeting 🙏🙏
also, his hand is pushed away every time simon tries to rub his clit or finger himself because he can't take being neglected for so long
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◜ᐢ..ᐢ◝ ᶻz ➜ he’s a huge distraction that needs to be taught a lesson.
⊹ ࣪ ˖ 𖤐 pairing ☆ ftm!simon “ghost” riley x dom!m!reader ˖ ࣪ ˖ cw ıllı mean!reader. flashback. brat taming. anal sex. orgasm delay. ⪩⭔⪨
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“Fuck— just, baby, please!”
Simon grasped the sheets tightly, uncontrollable groans seeping from his throat like a faucet. The smirk he wore wasn’t present, far from it. His pussy fluttered around nothing as your cock bullies into his other hole. It was his fault.
“Any questions?”
It was around 2200 hours, if you remember correctly. An unusual hour for a meeting. Your eyelids were heavy and your muscles screamed. Back aching from exhaustion. You barely had a wink of sleep, ripped from your grasp when Simon knocked on your door to rise you for the current debrief. Surely, Price could have asked for this the next day, but he insisted to have it now. “No, sir.” Your reply rasped out of your throat, hand coming around your neck to rub away the tension.
That brain of yours was silent, ears muffling out the words that were being spoken. Somehow, Gaz and Soap still had energy. They teased you a little bit for your lack of focus, but they were cut short by your captain. Your eyes were quickly drooping, so quick to fall asleep, any moment now.
Not until you felt a hand on your thigh.
You tense, glancing only to see that it belonged to Simon.
He wasn’t looking at you. Like it wasn’t intentional. You knew that it wasn’t the case, he knew what he was doing. It’s probably just his way to make you pay attention, right?
No. It was far from that.
His intentions were made clear when it slowly, oh so slowly, crept up. Fingers on the inner side, close to your crotch. “Ghost,” You hiss, sending him a glare. He was beside you, skull-patterned glove hidden beneath the table. The grip he had on your thigh tightened, squeezing the flesh.
The quietest, similar to a whisper, of a hum resonated from his chest. It was an acknowledgement. You knew he wouldn’t listen.
Now here he was, forced to just take it. This was a different form of pleasure. Not enough. “More, need more,” you scoff, dragging your hips back. “More?” mockingly, you slammed back in, “You need more, don’t you? So fuckin’ greedy.” he yelps, tears flooding his eyes but he blinks them back. Still somewhat stubborn. “I’m sorry.” he whispers, so softly, like he didn’t mean it. In spite of his apology, his hand snakes down to rub at his clit.
Harshly, the back of your hand meets his palm. Pushing it away. “What was that?” you thrust, uncaringly. Reveling in the surprised gasp he gifts you. “I’m sor—” he cuts himself off with a yelp when you harshly thrust into him again, “I’m sorry!”
“Uh, uh.” you take both of his wrists and pin them above his head, “You’re sorry? For what?” he whimpers, the brattiness in him melting into desperation. “I’m sorry...nggh! f-for distracting you. Please, baby. I can’t.” Good answer, but you can’t simply give in. Yet. “You can,” a kiss was pressed to his cheek. “Just a little more, yeah?”
He shouldn’t be as wet as he is from that.
A nod was all you received, and all that you needed. With every movement forward, his clit caught onto the fabric below. If he angled himself just right, he’d be able to—
Your hand wrapped around his thigh, moving him in order for him to lay on his side. His leg was in the air, cock still pounding into his hole. In this position, he couldn’t experience the pleasure he yearned for. He didn’t need you there. A frustrated whimper left him, frowning when he attempted to rock into nothing. You were close, but he wasn’t. “Love,” he called, a moan following. “Shit, ‘m close.” you warn, that wasn’t the response he was looking for. It only caused him to try to escape your hold on his wrists, yet to no avail. He wanted you in his greedy cunt, not there. It wasn’t fair, he only wished for your attention.
Simon garbled in between a loud gasp and a choked moan when he felt your fingers plunge into him without any resistance, given to he was soaking. “That what you wanted?” your hips was flush against his, halting as your cock leaks of cum into his gaping hole.
“Y-yeah— oh, yes, fuck!” He clamped around you — both on your cock and fingers. You pull out along with your digits, leaving him oozing with cum and on the brink of a climax. He let out a cry, head moving towards you to ask why, he was right there.
“Keep that in, ‘kay? I have somethin’ to finish.”
Deity, he hates how you’re so effortlessly infuriating.
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centrally-unplanned · 5 months
Though the real wrinkle on the "you are given a Death Note to do good" problem is that I am not sure if this is a world that has the anime/manga Death Note in it. Because if it doesn't you can probably do a pretty good job becoming some mystical force inscrutably pursuing your ends, all fine.
But if it does you are going to have that scene where the President and the National Security Council bring in a Misa/L fanart Discord mod into a session after a wave of dictator deaths hit the wiretaps, where all the big generals are wearing puzzled frowns and haggling over whether its the Chinese or the Ruskies. And they sigh, take out their $100 dollar prop replica (complete with rules) that they bought at Anime North 2007, and say "Mr. President Sir, you don't understand - that bitch has a Death Note" with the most excited gleam you could possibly imagine in their eye. Their L Cosplay is coming out of the closet the moment they get their Top Secret Clearance badge to serve as a "Special Consultant" for the inevitable taskforce convened by the CIA.
And I will be accursed by god before I give this smug, LARPing fuck the satisfaction. I would burn the book out of spite.
Read a better manga!
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emomanswhore · 2 years
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—♡ —SIMON SAYS . . . ❞
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✯. !! Synopsis : so you like to play mind games with ghost? goodluck, cause hes got a few tricks of his own to beat these little charades of yours. when he comes home to remind you whos really the expert at games—simon says...your playtime is over
✯. !! WC : 8.3K
✯. !! Tags & CW : explicit content! (18+ mdni) - hard dom!Ghost (he’s rlly mean), bratty! reader, sex tapes, masturbation (male & fem), choking/asphyxiation play, creampie, mating press, squirting, rough sex, spanking, subtle sir kink, size kink/difference, degradation, manhandling, orgasm denial, praise/petname usage, dumbification, dirty talk, (maybe?) prey and predator play, the mask stays ON. <3
✯. !! A/N : first fic and guess what, i wrote with my pussy on this one. hope you enjoy !! lmk what y’all think <33
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Maybe this wasn’t your smartest choice in life.
Whether it's the sobering reality of sitting in the after-guilt of praying for negativity, or a complete backfire that could've made things entirely worse—most times, an action made purely from spite and pettiness, never ends up well.
This was one of those times.
Where guilt and the possibility of a backfire merged into one—a single, enormous, dark mass of gut bubbling anxiety.
You were given very, very simple instructions only a few days prior to this moment. And yet, all because your last few messages to your boyfriend were being left unanswered and open on seen, your willingness to take matters into your own hands—to finally get his attention, brought you more than you bargained for.
You had no idea what was truly in store for you once you decided to misbehave and break one of his very simple rules.
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You missed your boyfriend, and while he was technically home from work for the week, he still had to go into the city for a few days to handle some business. And of course, for about fifteen minutes at the doorway, you kept fussing at him for leaving when he just got back home.
While it was certainly endearing to see how much you wanted him to stay, this was very important business he had to take care of. So all he could do was offer you a kiss on that pout you put up on your puffed up face. And as usual, you ate up every little crumb of attention despite not showing it.
“Shouldn’t take me that long before I’m comin’ back,” he pauses and looks at you, already knowing that glint in your eyes means that little brain of yours is up to no good.
He couldn’t afford to be distracted by you and have shit go to all hell. Not until business was handled.
He moves in a little bit closer so you can really see the seriousness in his gaze, tilting your chin up a bit to meet eye to eye. “Just keep your manners in mind while I’m away for a bit. I will be back sooner than you think, so that means no funny business out of you.”
You wish you could deny the implication of him saying you don't respect his space while he was out at work. But truth be told, you did want him to stay home for as long as he could. And the mere fact that work was being put over you, made an ugly bile of jealousy creep up your throat.
Luckily, your boyfriend was smart enough for the both of you, so he already knew you’d throw a fit over him choosing work instead of being at home. To take the edge off the situation, he once again pressed a soft kiss to your pouty lips. Like clockwork, you immediately folded from the little gesture of intimacy he gave you and he could feel the pout dropping from your lips instantly.
“But you’re my good girl, aren't you? ‘Yknow how to behave till I see you again don’t you, little miss?”
And weak you were, as you tucked your lips into your mouth and nodded all doe eyed up at him. When he lifted an ashy eyebrow up at the lack of your vocal response, you blink up at him all pretty and promise a, “Yes sir, I understand.”
“Atta girl.” and that's the last thing he rasped, before turning the knob to your front door and exiting in total silence as if he were never even there.
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That was two whole days ago.
You really missed him.
That reasoning alone is what you kept telling yourself was enough justification to tease him and send a very lengthy video of you masturbating while he was away from home. 
A video you impulsively sent to your boyfriend, Simon Riley, or what most only knew to call him by, Ghost. 
A mystery of a man and the textbook definition of an enigma, who only brought more questions than answers everywhere he went. No one knew too much about Ghost, not even what the man’s true identity was underneath the infamous skull balaclava he never left the house without. The very few people in his closest inner circle, or whom he had some sort of mutual trust and respect for, usually asked the same questions when it concerned you:
How did such a recluse man manage to get himself a woman?
Doesn’t it get tiring, trying to figure out what's really going on in his head?
Out of all the men you could’ve been in a relationship with, why choose a man who could possibly never come back home?
Well, it wasn’t an easy start to your relationship with Ghost. Like most people brought up, the man came from years of solitary and preferably worked independently. It took well over six years to get yourself where you are now with him, and there were plenty of times where you two experienced hardships in your relationship. Sometimes his straightforward and blunt attitude really infuriated you, and sometimes your stubbornness and hard-headed tendencies deeply vexed him.
But the two of you learned so much while spending time together and bonding. Eventually you both came to a mutual understanding, that communication and respect was the biggest key to keeping your relationship stable. 
Ghost only demanded the utmost respect, and you could live with that as long as he talked to you and vocalized what was really on his mind. Sure, there were still plenty of things he wasn’t quite ready— or ever willing, to voice out loud about himself, but it never wavered the deep adoration and love he had for you. 
He trusts you. You know he does when you’ve had late nights that you both lay in bed together, sharing stories and telling each other lame jokes as he gazes softly at you. Everyone knew who Ghost was, but you? You were the only one in the world who knew Simon, and earned all your rights to see just who the man under the mask was.
You are the light of his world, and as much as he hates to indulge into what you call your “Princess treatment”— or what he better calls “Bein’ a proper little rotten brat”, he almost always gave into your ways. It was all harmless fun and playful banter when you went out of your way to make things difficult for Simon. That was fine though, since it always only took one trip to the bedroom to remind you of where your place was.
Hell, you were one insatiable jezebel. You both knew that secretly, this little game of cat and mouse was just another way you kept yourselves entertained for years now.
That’s why you thought almost nothing of it, unlocking your phone as you rested your back against the polished quartz granite of your marble sink countertop. Humming the melody of a song that lowly vibrated out your living room’s speaker, nails making sharp click clicks while you played around with your device to get to the photo gallery app. Well, to a certain little part of your photo gallery that was only for Simon and your eyes.
You always did have an interest in film and photography, and you used that hobby of yours to make a few collections of sex tapes with your man. It was something you both found to be very entertaining and highly stimulating to your sex drives. Sometimes even shooting another movie while an older one played in the background on your TV.
Your leg started bouncing as you traced your bottom lip with your tongue, taking the time to look and reminisce on each and every little thumbnail of the videos. I miss him, you exhaled deeply out your nose, already feeling that heavy ache between your legs as you practically salivate like a dog in heat. Fixating your drooping eyes onto one particular thumbnail of just him— you remembered this, how could you forget? 
A hard, grueling day at work, when Simon couldn’t even fake like he was completely nonchalant and able to disassociate from his own need for you. All he wanted was to come home to that pretty little face of yours and show you how much he missed you. So that day he let all shame and pride in his body leave, as he sent his own video for you… in its entirety of ten whole minutes.
Ten whole minutes of his phone’s camera slightly coming in and out of focus, as he sloppily fucked his own hand. Keeping an iron grip on the pounding base, so you could really see how much he wished you were there, without him releasing into his palm too early before he could make his message apparent to you.
"Fuuckk… Fuckin’ christ…" Simon hissed through his teeth, the egg shell skull plate stitched on top of the thick knitted mask slightly muffled his voice. If anything, the loudest thing in the room was the slick wet sounds of his hand roughly working on his shaft, completely coated in the pre-cum that leaked heavily from the flushed and angry tip.
"Fuckin’ need you, princess. Look at what you do to me… fuck— ‘m gonna show you—" He groans deep from his chest, tilting his head back so far that you catch a peak of his exposed thick neck. Dark veins bulging and pulsing through his skin, as he twists his hand tighter on his cock, "Show you what that pretty little pussy deserves. ‘Gonna treat it real fuckin’ good when I get my hands on you."
You felt your panties starting to stick against the twitching lips of your core, now whimpering at just the memory alone of what happened in the rest of that video. 
It wasn’t fair.
How could he have so much power over you, to make you literally wet your panties from just the thumbnail of a video? 
It's so not fair. 
Not when you miss him, and want him so badly—  but he still hasn’t come home yet or updated you on where he was. It’s almost like he wasn’t even thinking of you at all. Like he didn’t even miss you-
Like in the scene of a child’s cartoon, you swore you heard a ding! And saw the hot flash of a lightbulb pop over your head. Yes. Yes, that's it! 
Your fingers worked faster than the better judgment of your self conscious did, as it took you another few scrolls down to get to the most recent solo video that you made. The one you made only a few days before Simon came home. The one he never got the chance to see. And as humble of a person you believed you were, you couldn’t deny how enticing you looked in the thumbnail of the video.
 It was perfect, too perfect for the little trick you had up your sleeve. 
The camera propped up against the little fort you made out of your pillows, aimed perfectly to capture you lying on your back on the king sized mattress. A pillow— Simon’s pillow, under your lower back to lift your hips up. Just enough for the camera to focus solely on the dripping, wet heat between your widely spread thighs. 
Your pussy practically leaking like a faucet, as you drag your ring and middle finger in and out your tight, gummy walls. Fucking yourself so sloppy that juices run out your gushing pussy, trailing down your hole, and all over simon’s pillow.
It’s a mess… from the little puddle you left on his pillow— that’ll surely stain, to your cum sticking like a web in between the tight trap of your messy cunt, and to the garbled whines you let out. A siren’s melody of your sweet voice, whimpering mixes of ‘simon’ , ‘miss you’ and unintelligible words that only make your soft cries all the more enchanting and hypnotic.
Even then as you rewatched the video, you couldn’t help but gaze in awe at how pretty your faces of pure pleasure were, and how good your pussy looked glistening in the low lighting. 
Mhm, this’ll do alright. With more click clicks on your phone’s screen, you found yourself glaring down at your last message to Simon— still left as seen. 
That was alright though. You could bet a million dollars on this next move of yours, and walk away with full confidence that this current plan is the right move to take. With that being said, you clicked the little plus symbol next to the text message box and scrolled through the attachment options until you found the ‘photos’ selection. 
You clicked on your video and made quick work of attaching it to a message you also impulsively typed into the box. Not a single thought ran through your mind in that moment, the pounding of your heart and your pulse thumping in your throat blocking all second guesses. You couldn’t stop now. 
Fuck it.
One more click, and the next thing you know… you were staring at the thumbnail of your head thrown back into your pink, plush pillow. Eyes rolled completely into the back of your skull, and fingers dug deep inside your soaked cunt with Simon's pillow mushed underneath your ass. It was saturated so deeply that the formally navy blue pillow took on a deeper, almost black shade.
And what sat at the bottom of your video, was only the icing on your tooth rotting cake.
sent: miss u baby <3 come home now or i’ll keep playing w out u
You must've been stuck so deep in some sort of trance— one that filled you with a sudden dark swirl of unease that curled its way up from your belly and all the way into your throat. This trance kept you still for a moment, until you jumped out of your skin and almost dropped your phone on the kitchen floor from a sharp buzz! 
Blinking a few times and putting your hand on your chest to keep your heart from leaping out your body, you refocused your blearing eyes on the open message inbox. Except now, your text moved up a little to make room for the new one that just entered the chat. 
Your message— no, your video was marked as seen. 
But the message your boyfriend replied with left you feeling very ill from just it's three little words, you thought you were finally looking forward to see:
seen: stay right there.
You swallowed the saliva that sat heavy on your dry tongue. Feeling that familiar thump, and deep ache in your core start to resurface once again. 
Maybe today wasn't the day for a silly little game with Simon.
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No matter how long you spent your next few hours completing errands around the house, you couldn’t make enough distractions for your mind to stop thinking about what transpired earlier. 
As much as you wanted to feel bad that your little video may have caused some trouble for Simon, while he was at work— the bubbling swell of pride inside you, made a cheshire-like grin curl on your face.
It was finally happening.
Damned work or the ‘business’ he had to go settle. You finally got him to look at his phone. To look at you, and without a single doubt in your mind you just knew that thumbnail alone must’ve thrown him off from whatever he was so busy doing.
But now you were the one that was stuck at home, lying in wait for him to come show you what was truly in store for you.
Stay right there.
What did that really mean?
Was it literal? Did he believe that you recorded that video in real time, and expected you to wait for him in that same lewd position ? Or was it a warning for you not to try running away from home, before he could finally make his grand appearance. 
You doubted it was the latter, since you never ran from dick. So what could make him think you’d start now? 
All you could think about for the rest of your afternoon was just what he was up to, and when he was coming to you. Sitting in the house alone only made your imagination run wilder and wilder. 
You couldn’t live like this.
The anticipation was eating you alive. And it took every fiber of will and strength to not send him another one of your videos, so he’d get the message and hurry up. You already gave him enough power from almost coming in your panties from just the memory of him pleasuring himself. You were trying to prove that you always come out on top of these games of yours. And there was no chance you’d submit to the temptation of begging for an answer to his cryptic message.
So you figured the healthiest way to cope and keep your mind off things, was to cook. Not just any meal either— but some of Simon’s favorite dishes that you make for him. Even if you were still a little frustrated by him ignoring you the whole morning, you still wanted to cater to your man. After all the old saying does go, ‘the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach’. And your endgame was to have a hot meal ready for him once he comes home, then finally get him to jump your bones after waiting for so long. 
It was going to be another night that starts off with Simon showing you how big and bad he is, fucking the brattiness out of you, and ending it off with tender pillow talk. Even just fantasizing of how easy it is to make him drop everything to come running home to you, has your confidence sky rocketing through the roof.
As you prepped your ingredients, you plugged in earbuds and maxed the volume up to the highest it could go. Next to cooking, music was always the best way to stimulate your brain and keep your head full of happy thoughts. The two went perfectly together, and you sang outloud to yourself while concentrating on the strenuous task of slicing cabbage into slivers. 
Your music was slowly lowering itself as it came to an end. And just before the volume died down completely and transitioned onto the next song–
You heard it before you could see it.
A set of heavy thump thumps making the floorboards creak and rumble, approaching fast from behind you. 
Next thing you knew, a heavy and hot palm wrapped around the back of your neck and practically knocked the wind out of you, with how violently your whole body was whipped around backwards. Before your mind could register the sharp throb of your lower back hitting the edge of the sink, an audible gasp squeaked its way out your throat. 
There he was. Simon was home.
The signature skull balaclava and smudged charcoal coating his face under the dim kitchen light, made him all the more terrifying. And with the way he towered over your much smaller form, all you could do was stare up at him as if you were some dumb little deer caught in headlights.
His eyes were casted down so low, so dark, so devoid of emotion that he almost seemed soulless. Here stood the empty husk of the same man who murmured a soft ‘you’re my good girl, aren't you?’ after pressing a slow, honeyed kiss against your lips. 
You make a weak attempt to play off how excited you actually were. You had to bite the inside of your cheek to stop yourself from laughing out loud in his presence. Mustering a shaky chuckle, as you tried to ignore the light press his finger tips made against your throat.
“H-hey baby. God, you scared the shit out of me. Y’know you can’t do that to me while I've got this knife in my hand.” 
Obviously Simon could care less about your little rambing, his silence spoke the loudest between the two of you.
 He continued to apply light pressure, steadily flexing his fingers deeper and deeper into your neck, so he could hear the way your stuttering voice hitched from the slight lack of oxygen. His eyes trailed down to your plush lips, and dragged even further down to shamelessly gaze at the enticing way your cleavage sat in that little lace camisole. You weren’t wearing a bra, and he could make out the perfect outline of your nipples pressing against the fabric of the dainty cloth.
And of course he saw it. The little lift of the corner of your mouth, then the way you crossed and pressed your inner thighs together.
All not-so subtle telltale signs, that you thought this was still some little game that you thought you were the genius mastermind of. 
“Anyway, you ruined my surprise for you,” and you still kept your fucking mouth running. “I know you’re probably exhausted, so i started dinn-”
“Only thing you should be starting right now, is makin’ your way upstairs. Get everything you’ve got on, off. ‘Wanna see your ass up and ready for me, by the time i get my shoes off.”
Oh. That shut your mouth up, real quick.
The abrupt way he cut you off completely, and the fact that those were the first words he’s said to you all night has you gaping up at him like fish. 
He only stares back at you with blank indifference. You can only give him that stupid little look, before you snap out of being stunned and continue to try talking your shit and having some control over him.
“O-oh but i was just—”
“_____” The sudden boom of his baritone voice raising, knocked whatever rest of words you had sitting on your tongue. No princess or sweet girl— just your full name in its entirety, that sounded almost like a curse with how venomously he spat it out. 
It was slowly starting to dawn on you, that this was becoming a very dangerous situation you got yourself into.
Your shock must’ve been extremely apparent to Simon, so he let the tension sit thick in the air of the room. Really making you feel the severity of the situation that was transpiring. All you could do was stare up at him, all doe eyed and pull your wobbling bottom lip into your mouth as he took two more steps forward. Somehow you were able to keep some of your courage in check, looking him up in the eye even as his head hung down to glare down at you. 
“_____” he finally continued his words, again starting with your name, only in a lower guttural tone. “You are in no position to fuck around with me right now. Only ‘gonna say this to you one more time, before things get worse for you as it is— go upstairs, take off everythin’ you’ve got on and lay on the bed with your ass up. Don’t want another peep out your mouth, ‘less you wanna see what happens when you’ve thoroughly tested my temper. Wouldn’t want that now, would you, sweetheart.”
Simon drummed his fingers against your neck one more time, before he finally released it and watched you let out a soft wheeze of air. He looked over your body one more time before he turned his back to you, the heavy footsteps of his steel toed boots echoed dully in your ear.
Oh. Was that your cue to start making your trip upstairs? 
Was that a test to see if you would even attempt to disobey him, when he has clearly had enough out of you for the night?
You loved a challenge. And even as you looked what seemed to be your demise in the eyes, you couldn’t help but feel a warm gush out of your core, come running down the side of your sleep shorts. 
One step he took towards the doorway, was another stride you took as you practically hurled yourself up the stairs.
You skipped a few stairs on your way up, feeling your heartbeat hammering in your ear on the mad dash to your bedroom.
Flinging your top off haphazardly in the middle of the hallway, you couldn’t help but look back a few times to see if he was trailing behind you. 
The pounding of your feet against the floor, deluded your ratting brain into thinking that it was actually Simon chasing you. The dull creaking of his heavy boots on the floorboards, still echoes in your head. 
You nearly knocked the bedroom door off its hinges, with the way that you heedlessly flung it open. Your chest heavily rises and falls as you make quick work of getting rid of your soiled sleep shorts and panties. 
Raw adrenaline courses its way through your veins, vibrating all the way from the bottom of your toes to the top of your tingling spine. You made it. You beat him.
 Simon could challenge you all he wanted, but he could never beat the tenacity that ran through your whole body. You smile to yourself, thinking you won the battle and proved to him that he had no more control over your mind and what was between your legs–
You were very fast.
But Simon was even faster.
Boots be damned, he could catch up to you in an instant.
You let out a loud shrill shriek from the feeling of two hefty arms wrapping around your middle, and lifting you up into the air. Your world turns upside down— literally and physically, as you find yourself thrown over Simon’s strong bare shoulder, like you were some sort of light weighted object. 
“Times up,” You feel the deep timber of his voice, while your body helplessly dangles onto him for dear life. “Told you to have your ass up on the bed, by the time I got my shoes off.”
You kick your feet in objection— but immediately cease your protest and squeal, when his heavy open hand comes down hard on your naked ass cheek.
“Seems like you can’t handle or understand instructions today, can you, honey?”
His taunting coo’s only make you dizzier, after he so carelessly drops you face first onto the bed. Your body bounces lightly off the mattress and you whip your head around to glare up at him.
“I can understand!” you stubbornly argue back, watching him scoff and shake his head. “You cheated, I got here on time but you picked me up before I could do anything.”
Your eyes take in his current appearance– other than the mask he kept on his face, he stood before you in all his mountain of a man glory. 
He was so big. 
From the wide, broad shoulders that just carried all your weight on it, down to the lean and toned torso, sculpted with hard, rippling abdominal muscles.
You practically whimpered at how big and thick his thighs were. Almost ready to give in and beg him to let you trace your tongue on the rigid V cut of his abs, all the way down to the wisps of the dirty blonde happy trail on his pelvis… and get a taste of what you’ve been craving for the last few days.
His thick cock stood tall in the air, curving up a bit against his stomach from the weight of the heavy, fat, dark tip. There was already a bead of precum running down the side, where a prominent blue vein stood out.
You drool just looking at it. Your mouth waters and jaw starts aching, as if you’re ready to feel that hefty press of the head on your tongue.
Simon knew exactly what you wanted. How could he not know, with the way your eyes grew heavy and your lips slightly parted. 
“It's too bad, isn’t it?” he watches your lips part wider, as he uses the tip of his thumb to smear the little bead of precum across the length of the shaft. Fucking tease. 
“Could’ve been feedin’ you this dick, and lettin’ you get full off of it. ‘s a damn shame, you act like you don’t know how to do what you’re told. And you keep running that fuckin’ mouth of yours.”
You puff your cheeks at him and kiss your teeth, “It’s ‘cus y-”
Before you could even think up an excuse, Simon cracks his open palm on top of your left ass cheek. Your loud gasp is like music to his ears, and he moves in closer to press that same palm down your lower back until you’ve made a perfect arch for him. He kisses his teeth back at you, looking at the drooling lips of your pussy already making your inner thighs wet and sticky. 
Spanking isn’t an unfamiliar thing he’s done to you, but to this degree? The force in his hits did so much to you. The hot stinging pain of it makes you wetter by the second. 
“Still seems like I’m not makin’ it clear enough for you, _____. Don’t even know how to take yourself upstairs and lay like i told you to. That’s the problem with you,”
He removes his palm from the small of your back. Winding his hand back far, just to bring it down on your right cheek this time. “Spoiled you and that sloppy little cunt of yours rotten. Can’t even get a fuckin’ job done without you fussing at me.”
Simon continues alternating heavy handed smacks on both sides of your ass, not taking a single break between his assault on your cheeks. Talking out loud to himself, as if you weren’t writhing around and whimpering from his merciless punishment. 
“Know what happens— stay still, when you wanna act like a desperate little whore? ‘Get treated like one. ‘Wanna act like you can’t sit and wait like a good girl? i’ll bruise this ass so sore that you won’t be able to get out of bed.”
His ruthlessness almost seems endless, and you start to lose track of how many times he’s striked your cheeks. 
Your whimpering turns into full on moans, fully turning your face into the sheets to try suppressing the loud sobs you let out. 
But Simon pulls your head back by the back of your neck, squeezing the sides of your throat, and giving you an even deeper arch in your lower back. “Can’t hide from this, sweetheart. You’re gonna learn to take what’s given to you, and stop being so fuckin’ greedy all the time”
He finally shows mercy on your bruised and flaming hot cheeks, deciding he’ll let you off with twenty two this time. He should’ve taken you over his knee and made you count the spanks out loud, telling him why you deserved each and every one. 
But the truth was, he was almost as desperate as you. Hasn’t even been anywhere near your cunt, but you soak the sheets as if that's the only thing he’s been playing with. His dick bobbed and twitched, at just the thought of your velvety walls wrapping around him. 
“S-Simon,” you babble and blink away tears that sit on your lashes. “Please baby, ‘m so close. I need you.”
Again, he kisses his teeth at you before putting his hand in between your drenched inner thighs. Listening to you keen softly, as he uses his thick middle and ring fingers to spread your thick pussy lips open. Watching your hole spasm and clench over nothing. Your little clit sticks out all pretty and swollen, just aching to get some attention. 
“And why’s that, baby, hm?” You’re so messy that he’s able to slip in his two fingers, immediately finding that little spot that has you squealing and pushing your ass back for more. He uses his other hand around your throat, squeezing it tight as a silent warning for you to lay still. 
“Why should I let you cum, when you’ve been nothin’ but an ungrateful little slut?”
You could cry real tears from him edging you like this. It’s never taken this long for him to make you cum. 
All this was so unfamiliar. Simon never dangled your orgasm in your face, and made you wait like this. 
It was time to drop the tough girl act, and admit defeat. He won. If it was for the sake of needing this pounding ache in your tummy to be relieved, you’d do anything to prove you deserved it. 
“Baby pleeaassee,” You’re unable to hold back the hot tears of frustration from running down your face. “I'm sorry, ‘m so sorry baby. Just please, g-god im sorry.”
You can practically hear the sneer in his next words, your hysterical sobs getting more and more pathetic by the moment—
“God? What’re you saying sorry to him for? God isn’t here to save you, silly girl.”
You feel the hot tip of his cock hovering over your twitching folds. He takes his sweet, leisure time to swipe the head through the sloppy mess of your pussy. Purposely avoiding the neglected little pearl, as he runs the tip up and down on your pussy. Getting it nice and wet before he’s pushing half of himself inside your sensitive, gushing walls. 
“But i’ll show you what heaven looks like, since all that’s been on your pretty mind, is gettin’ this little cunt of yours beat raw.”
Simon starts off at a brutal pace, pulling himself all the way out of your tight heat, before slamming all the way in. When he bottoms out inside you, your ass jumps and slaps against his strong thighs, making a sloppy plap. The bed rocks and groans, from the sheer ferocity and force he uses to split open your soaking pussy. 
Your voice belts out your throat, coming out as shrill squeals and moans. You go to reach your hand back to push yourself away from the deep strokes he gives you, but he grabs your wrist and pins it behind your back. 
“Don’t fuckin’ move.” You never ran from dick before but this? It was too much. So much that you could hear the loud sloppy squishes of your contracting walls, working and squeezing around his length. The feeling of it all, sending you into hot waves of burning pleasure. Letting him have his way, and fuck you like he detested you. 
“Yeah that’s right, don’t fuckin’ move, or speak. Y’hear that? Only thing I wanna hear is how good this slutty cunt talks to me.”
All you can do is lay there and take it. He lets go of your neck, to snatch your arm and pin your other wrist behind your back. His thick forearms flex, the veins in them protruding out his skin as he uses some strength to rock you back and forth by your arms. You fear your arms may pop out the sockets, with the way he uses both of your arms as leverage to keep your body up and ready to meet his deep strokes. 
Your eyes nearly rolling into the back of your skull, with the way he fucks his fat cock into the depths of your core. You cry and sob a familiar melody that has Simon gritting his teeth, fucking into you at an even faster roll of his hips. 
“Know what this reminds me of,” His voice comes out as a deep rasp. He bows and leans his weight over on top of your poor little body, so he can press your face into the bed. Turning your face to the side, so he could continue murmuring into your ear.
 “Makes me think of that little video you sent. Reason why you’ve gotten yourself in so much trouble— ooh, naughty fuckin’ girl. Squeezin’ around me so nice. Y’like knowing I saw you act so sweet on camera for me? I was around my men when you sent it to me. Had to stop what I was doing, so I could see what you wanted from me so badly.”
You could barely understand what he was talking to you about. The deep rumbling of his voice, lulling you into an empty head and going dumb on his dick. 
All your fucked out little mind could do was blindly whimper and nod, just trying to focus on how the vein on the underside of his dick rubbed so good against your walls. You were so fucking close, you just needed more. 
“L-love you baby, mmm. I’m sorry,” You felt him lift a little off your body, and took the opportunity to turn your head more so you could keep eye contact with him. “Jus’ miss you so much, b-but i promise i won’t bother you. I won’t do it again. Swear baby, I swear.”
He only grunts in response, feeling his cock throb and get squeezed after he knocked the tip into your special little spot. “Only sayin’ all that because you need to cum. I can feel how close you are, princess. You’re gonna have to just wait ‘till I'm done having my fun.”
Despite that leaving his mouth, he grips your hips tightly before pulling all the way out. He shushes you as you let out another hysterical sob, and gets completely off the bed to go move closer to the edge.
 Honestly, if he left you alone like this you wouldn’t even mind. 
You thought a prayer to god for forgiveness. This abuse on your poor little pussy, was enough to make you ask for repentance. Never again would you make yourself go through this, and you silently begged that Simon would see the light too so you could be forgiven already. 
But apparently, god was not on your side today.
You felt his strong hand grab your ankle, and drag you down by the end of the bed. You started to complain until you were roughly turned to lay on your back. Now, you could properly see your boyfriends face— well, mask and the exposed eye portion of the balaclava.
You could see some sweat from his exertion, had ended up smudging off even more of the charcoal on his face. He only stared down at you, before he put both hands on your thighs and pushed them up until your knees squished against your chest. 
At this point you could only let him do whatever he wanted to your body. Not a single ounce of fight left in you as he settled between your folded legs, and started speaking to you. 
“Remind me again now, sweet girl. Whose pussy is this? Hm?”
You blink once, then twice. Even with the question being asked again, in an even slower way for you to comprehend, you simply couldn’t. Your brain was short circuiting, completely burnt out and purely running on the raw dopamine buzzing in your mind. All it could manage in that moment, was the soft mewl of a mmm that let itself out from the depths of your throat. 
Your mind so fuzzy, that the words ‘sweet girl’ coming from him only made you think of times of love and adoration. Times when Simon would make love to you; caressing your body, exploring and marking every single curve and inch, cooing praises into your ear.
 That’s it, theres my sweet girl. ‘Look so good takin’ all of me like a champ. Want everyone to see how good i treat my princess, when she fucks me so well. Gonna fill you right up, just how you like it. 
Only now, you weren’t being spoiled and made love to like his special girl would. 
You were some filthy little whore, and getting the treatment a bitch in heat deserved the most. A dumb one at that, and all Simon could do is chuckle to himself, shaking his head at how sloppy and stupid you looked. Not even the damn mutts in heat at the base, got silly like you were at this moment. 
“_____ ,” Simon slapped his open palm twice on the side of your cheek, listening to you whine softly before using the same hand to squeeze the sides of your cheeks until your lips puckered out. “_____ , focus right here— that’s it, right here. Listen to me baby, unless you don’t wanna cum tonight, you’re gonna stop wastin’ my time and talk to me nice.”
With what little brain fuzzy cells you had left to help you speak, you nodded and spread your thighs wider so he could see your swollen, glistening pussy and untouched clit. 
“ ’s all yours, Simon. It all belongs to you, so please help me cum. Pleeasse baby, I-I need it so bad.”
That must’ve been what he wanted to hear. 
 Simon plunges right back into the heat of your walls that welcome him in with ease. Only with this new change of position, you get filled in even deeper now. 
No running. You’re trapped and overwhelmed by the heat that radiates off his body, as he uses his heavy weight to fold you in half and press you deep into the creaking mattress. You can see over your tummy, just what he looked like when he battered the insides of your pussy. You’re forced to watch him dig his cock in and out of you. Hiccuping and sobbing at the sight of a creamy translucent ring made of your cum, completely coating the base of his length. 
“That’s right baby,” His heavy balls slap sloppily against your ass. The sounds of your skin clapping together, and his baritone murmuring echo in your ears. “Pussy belongs to me. So you don’t tell me when it’s time to come home and play with it. You wait for me and behave, when I tell you to. Understand?”
You shake your head, not paying attention to a single word he utters. The only thing you can focus on is the way he drops his dick perfectly into the spot you need him the most. 
“Ohh fuck- fuck, fuucckk,” You let out strings of curses, your legs already getting numb from being squeezed down so tightly against your tits. Drool fills your mouth and runs down the side of your lips. You can feel the bubbling sensation in your womb of your orgasm approaching. Your babbling gets sloppier and less coherent, as you feel his dick twitch inside of you. 
“Fuck yeesss, yes S-Simon. ‘Understand, promise I’ll wait and be— oohh… uhuh, right there, b-be good for you. It’s only for Simon. Whatever Simon says, it’s all for you”
“Shit.. that's it. There’s a good girl,” He groans deep from the bottom of his chest at your words, grabbing you by the throat and pulling your head up off the mattress so he can look into your glossy eyes.
Simon pulls his mask up, just enough to where the top of the cupids-bow of his lips starts. He flicks his tongue over the bottom of his lip, before he leans in to press his mouth against your open one. He swallows the wanton moans that come squeaking out your lips, moving his hand up from gripping your throat to cup your jaw. 
“Easy girl,” he mumbles inside the heat of your mouth, feeling your legs start to shake harder now. “Relax, you can take it. Take everythin’ I give to you and let me— shit ‘m close, let me fuckin’ fill you all the way up, princess.”
He reaches between your sweaty bodies to finally give your neglected swollen clit the attention it deserved. He uses the tip of his fat thumb to rub it in circles, grunting when he feels your pussy squeeze around cock. It was as if your body was trying to pull him all the way in, and never let him escape the gushing caverns of your walls. 
Simon removed his hand from your jaw, using his now free hand to press down hard on your soft lower belly. 
You shake your head in resistance, already knowing how messy you were gonna make this if he continued on like this. He must’ve known what you were thinking, shaking his head back at you and having no regard for your little babbles and sobs for mercy. 
“Let it out _____. C’mon, show me what a sweet girl looks like when she knows how to make a mess all over this dick.” 
The little band in your core snaps, and you swear you heard a little pop! from deep inside of you. 
You both feel it before you see it. Lips practically sealed together, and you both let out guttural groans in each other’s mouths at the feeling of your pussy spraying cum and juices everywhere. You made it real messy, drenching Simon’s stomach and splattering your ecstasy on top of the comforter of the bed. 
And at the same time, Simon snatches his lips from yours to let out a long series of curses. You feel his cock twitch violently from the depths of your insides, letting out a soft mewl when you feel the tip painting your walls and shooting out thick ropes of cum.
You nearly black out from the high you get from coming so hard. The whole room seems like it’s spinning, your hearing fades in and out, with static like white noise shrilling into your eardrums. All your senses are heightened, and you feel so overwhelmed by your vision getting blurred and fuzzy, that you decide it’s best to close and rest your eyes.  
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Apparently you did end up blacking out. 
Jolting awake and blinking the blurriness from your eyes, you sit up from your position tucked underneath a new comforter set— you can’t even recall how you managed to make yourself comfortable in bed, or how you wound up in a new pair of clean underwear. 
You think you get the answers to your state of confusion, when you see Simon sitting by the edge of the bed with his bare back turned towards you. 
Oh, okay. He must’ve cleaned me up and changed the sheets after I fell asleep. 
Without turning around and facing you, Simon calls for you and tells you to come closer to where he sat. You huff, begrudgingly pulling yourself from the cozy warmth of the cotton blanket and crawl across the bed to where he was. 
“Baby, I’m so hungry” You pout, giving his bare shoulder a soft kiss before you go to roll yourself off the bed. “We should try ordering from that place Soap keeps talking about. I think the menu’s downst—”
“That can wait,” He grabs your wrist and pulls you back onto the bed, it’s so abrupt that you make a squeak of surprise when you tumble back down on your back. “Still got something we have to finish.”
He sees the utterly puzzled look you give him and can tell just how lost you were at this moment. Simon rises from the bed, towering over you and hums at the sight of you looking up at him with wide, expectant doe eyes.  
Since this is the first time he’s actually facing you from the front, you notice he holds a sleek, black handheld camcorder. Where did he get that from ?
Again, Simon reads you like an open book and starts explaining just what he was up to. 
“On my way home, this little thing here caught my eye and reminded me of something,” He turns it over on its side, inspecting it before he presses his thumb down on the power button to turn it on. “Made me think of how I had to leave from where I was at, and missed a vital proposal for work. Set back my plans, all because of the little video you decided to send to me.”
You gulped, already knowing where this conversation was leading to. You can feel a pounding in your core, your underwear starting to stick to your heat from the little bit of excitement that came gushing out of you. 
 “Since you do love your little films, you’re gonna make another one just for me. Somethin’ real nice, and a good reminder for what happens when you think about pullin’ another stunt like today.”
Simon pulls down the band of his grey sweatpants, his hard cock springing up and bobbing back and forth before it curls up against his navel. He sneers at how quick you are to roll off the bed, kneeling on the carpet to get on your knees before him. 
There was no changing or fixing the insatiable little minx that lived inside your body. 
“Now, eyes on me princess,” he aims the camera down at your face, flicking his eyes from your own half lidded ones down to the screen of the camera. “You’re gonna start off with ‘Simon says I’ve been a filthy little slut and been on my worst behavior’. Then, you can show the camera you know how to act like a good girl and apologize.” 
You nod your head, already going dumb from the commands he rasps. When he tilts his head down and lifts a brow up, you give him an audible yes sir and rub your inner thighs together in anticipation for what you’re about to do.
“S-simon says–” you pause, dragging your eyes up from the camera and into Simon's own eyes. 
You are a good girl. And as a good girl should, you made sure you kept your manners in mind, so he knew how sorry you really were. 
“Simon says I've been a filthy lil’ slut, and on my worst behavior,” you lean in close to his cock, looking him in the eye as you plant a slow soft, short kiss on the tip. Greedily licking up the bead of precum that caught onto your lips, feeling the little jump his cock makes against your mouth.
“So ‘m gonna show him I'm a good girl, and apologize like his sweet girl should.”
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/tagging\ . . . @touyyes(<3) @noriken @hellavile @munsonsins
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HE CAME IN 20 PULLS……………….. ……… ….. …. . … …. .. .. . . … . .. . .. . . . TRULY YASaSHii OF YOu, GOOD SiR 😭
***Crowley Groovy, chibi sprite, lesson lines, and vignette spoilers below the cut!***
Unfortunately, we do not get any more details on his profile. It’s the same as the profile he had before the update. Age and birthplace unknown, 185 cm tall, favorite food is wild game, and his hobby is vacationing.
SDFHEGYOGYFQEN;jkhaCWIDODB A LOT OF CROWLEY'S LINES ARE VERY CHILDISH OR GOOFY... Like he has one where he complains about Grim eating his snacks, tells on students who are sleeping in class, and gets distracted by shiny objects (which, I guess, is par for the course for a crow).
Crowley cannot attend Alchemy class and does not have Chats. His Buddies are Deuce, Vil, and Grim (with Grim being his Duo Magic partner). Deuce and Vil are interesting choices, I wonder why those two in particular... (Some friends and I were memeing earlier about how "all those characters have single parents so Crowley must be a single parent" and, "Vil is the Evil Queen and Meleanor is a princess of evil", etc.) Crowley can, however, attend the other lessons and it’s every bit as awkward as you think it is. (He has a pre-lesson line where he expresses surprise taht he has to do homework 🤡)
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THE CROWLEY DOPPLEGANGER ALLEGATIONS ARE TRUE 💀 He can just straight up run into a clone of himself during lessons… THE DEVS KNEW WHAT THEY WERE DOING, they even goofily have Crowley say, “Oh! Hello, me!” while the other Crowley is in class for the special lesson… THEY KNEW HOW DUMB THIS WOULD BE 😭 (The dialogue states the Crowley that barges into class is a magical projection…?)
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Here are some of his chibi sprites, as well as his Groovy candy. Crowley is not only very yasashii, but also very cute!!
He does, in fact, have vignettes but they are unvoiced. The first part is him running an assembly with the dorm leaders present. Crowley discusses the health of an adolescent apple tree in the school's courtyard, and no one seems to be interested in his speech. Malleus barges in late and, in a fit of anger at having not been invited, starts unleashing lightning. Wow, just like how Meleanor shoots lightning at Lilia... Like husband, like wife/j Everyone retires to their dorms, leaving Crowley to deal with an upset Malleus. The second part features Crowley having lunch with the other staff members (Sam included!). Each staff member is eating something different (Vargas is of course having eggs), and Crowley is revealed to have a great appetite in spite of his age. Crewel and Trein wonder how many decades old Crowley is, since he was apparently still headmaster when Crewel was a student and when Trein started teaching at NRC. Finally, Crowley is walking down main street and spots Yuu, Grim, and some mob students skipping class… so he uses his Lash of Love to discipline them! He binds everyone together and proceeds to drag them back to class. (It was surprising, we haven’t seen the Lash of Love since like… what, the prologue? I almost forgot about it.) Crowley alludes to the fact that even though the students joke about him, he is actually a very powerful mage that shouldn't be taken lightly, you know?? The vignettes end with Crowley referring to his students as "apple trees" that he is nourishing and watching over as they grow, which rounds us nicely back to the apple tree he mentioned in his first vignette.
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It’s so pretty AaAAaaaaaaaAAAAAAAaaAaaAHHHHH 🥺 His grotesquely detailed hand reaching out to the viewer, who appears to be awaking from within a coffin… and do I have to mention the parallel between Crowley here and the mysterious hand that is offered to us in the mirror at the very beginning of the game????? Which could imply that Crowley is beckoning/summoning us into another world... The dim room, light spilling onto the Mirror of Darkness… So atmospheric!! If Crowley knows how to do one thing well and consistently, it’s drama~ The Groovy totally reminds me a lot of the prologue when Crowley tells Yuu to go before the mirror to get sorted. Omg guys... He's posted like Masquerade Malleus/j
One detail I super appreciate in this illustration is that you can see the dorm leaders in the background! If you squint, you’ll realize that there are 5 of them posing exactly like how they are in the following promotional artwork:
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The one without a matching pose is Idia, who is present via his tablet. Though… I feel like we’re forgetting something 🤔 … Eh, I’m sure it’s nothing, nothing at allllllllll~
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agoofyannoyancetolaw · 8 months
a/n: I wrote this out of pure spite and the fact that I got another cold and realized I hadn’t posted in forever 😭 this is an utter blurb and I’m seriously writing this after my sixth sick nap of the day. Literally no idea what this even is ngl
minors DNI
“Please just tell me what to do- please?..” graves whimpered through the phone without a care in the world if you had speaker on or not, your voice being the only thing keeping him awake other then the blunt feeling of his plastic dildo against his rim
“you know what to do baby, come on- you really miss me that much?” Your static voice humming through the phone followed by his whimpers and whines as he lowered himself down on it inch by inch and accompanied by little huffs of breaths from you as you lazily stroked your aching cock. You could easily imagine what he looked like, down to the little tears dotting his eyelashes and his slack jaw.
this wasn’t the usual late night call for you, but he had practically begged you for you to at least call him so he could have some relief
graves needed to be told what to do! years of work and military and pmc work wearing at his mind.. he needed something to do in his retirement before he went damn insane. Waiting for you to be back from your missions was so boring and he was so pent up for the months you were gone :(
he had waited for a full week for you to be able to call, and when you could it was very late at night, sleep already making his eyes all blurry. Your voice was more static than usual on the call, but it was enough to make him get all hot and bothered.
“feels good, hm? Doesn’t feel the same without me though?” He could hear you mutter with a soft chuckle
“y-yes sir..” graves mumbled back, If you could see his face now he’d be bright red. God your such a tease. “Can I- I-“ graves said, his little whimpers and winces audible through the speaker
“can you what? Use your words?” You remind him. You knew what he was asking for but hearing him stumble over his words so easy from just a simple toy and a phone call was too cute of an offer to pass up.
“can I go faster, please? Please please please I promise I won’t be too loud?” His words were already broken, punctuated by little breaths as he worked himself up and down the toy, still not content! He wanted you- he wanted your hot breath on his neck or your cologne filling his senses. This isn’t fair at all! He could already feel the warm coiling and constricting feeling building up in his mind by the time you gave him permission to go faster
it only took minutes before you could hear his pretty moans from the call, his breath getting heavy and you could practically see his eyes rolling back. You had seen him like that so many times to the point you already new he was close.
“C-an I?” Graves whispered into the mic in between broken whimpers and whines, his gummy walls clenching around the plastic as he patiently waited for you to give him permission- like a dog waiting for its treat.
Before you could even finish replying you could already hear him gasp and moan as he painted the towel below him white. Hanging up and knowing he would be cleaning himself off and waiting around for you to get home again.
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syrma-sensei · 2 months
→ Somewhere In Your Heart, Ch.2: A New Window
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Pairing: Soldier Boy x Fem!reader.
Rating: Explicit.
Setting: Pre-canon; in the early 1980s.
word count: 2.6k.
Warnings/Tags: Abusive relationship, angst, self-care, Ben's potty mouth, dick talk (It's Ben, what do you expect?), implied non/dub-con, power imbalance, misogyny, implied prostitution...
Summary: Soldier Boy lives through the ennui of his peak, but everything is about to change when he has a shift in his heart.
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When your manager told you you were to sing side by side with Soldier Boy, you didn't believe him. Despite the fact Jack has a strong proclivity to humour — depraved humour at that, you know he seldom jests about business. Jack has a strict code when it comes to you. His precious little asset. So, when he says you are to sing with America's greatest hero, then you are.
“S-Soldier Boy?” Your voice is but a squeaky hush. You still find it intimidating, albeit quite ironic to say the least.
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In spite of your stupor, you curb a scoff and suffice to have a private laugh between you and yourself. You never thought the Soldier Boy would be easy.
Jack smirks, his foxy eyes glimmering, “I had a call with the Legend early this morning, he said Soldier Boy had made a specific request for a collaboration with you. He wants you to stand by his side for his next cover song.”
As you come off it, you realise it really shouldn't have been a surprise to you. The man literally eye-fucked you last night with his rather captivating green eyes. You could perceive the primal desire that seared within them when he spoke and flirted with you. You're used to this kind of reaction from men, of course. You weren't in the entertainment industry for that long, but you've always fancied yourself a quick learner; and Jack made sure you learn faster. The real surprise to you is that Soldier Boy is being subtle about it. You gotta hand it to him, you're rather impressed.
“You seem to have made quite the impression on Soldier Boy last night, sweetheart.” Jack remarks, and you smile slightly, “Thanks to me, of course, I think I taught you well…”
Your smile falters a bit, because you know he's not saying that out of the sheer notion of teasing you. No, of course not, he can't but give himself the credits, he made you after all. You can't deny the fact; he salvaged you from the cruelty of being in the streets years ago, and made you what you've become today. A promising diva with a magnificent ore.
“What should I ever be without you?” You humour him with a smile, as he's always taught you. Do not contradict a man, especially one with power.
“The pole-smoke you had been before I plucked you from the streets.” His smirk widens, and the sly gaze Jack is giving her doesn't settle well in her.
Jack stands up from his seat and saunters down to you. His thumb strokes your lower lip, the unctuous gentleness makes your stomach roil.
“Listen to me, my pretty slut,” He tugs a strand of hair out of your face behind your ear, the maliciousness in his voice is well-coated with perfected inveiglement. His thumb is back to your lower lip, “You will go to Vought, do your supposed rehearsals, and indulge every whim Soldier Boy wants from you… even if he wants to muffle his cuban cigars in your pretty tits” He yanks her jaws up to make you look at him in the eyes, ignoring your small whimper, “Because you and I are both aware that he isn't only after that pretty voice of yours. Don’t you dare fuck this up, understood?”
You swallow the large bile in the back of your throat. Jack smiles at the vehemence of your nod. “Y-Yes, sir.”
“Good girl.” He loosens his grip slightly. “Think of the offers you'll be lavished with after you sing next to Soldier Boy. You'll be one hell of a star, my star. Your pictures will be all over the country, and fuck, who knows, maybe you'd have a chance in L.A. too.”
Your mind floods with snaps of what your future might be. It wanders away, on a red carpet, where your heeled feet would treat with a swagger. Surrounded by camera flashes and ardent fans, just wanting you to look in their direction. And maybe, just maybe, Jack wouldn't be up on your ass anymore.
You shake your head back into the present. “What’s the song gonna be any way?” You ask Jack.
“Who fucking cares?” The latter shrugs, glancing at his wristwatch, “How about you find out yourself? Legend said Vought would send a private car to get you today.”
“So soon?” Your shoulders slump a bit.
“Is that hesitation I'm hearing?” He glares.
“N-No,” You gulp, “I’m just… it's happening a little too fast, don't you think?” Her lips curl in a dither smile.
Jack's frown deepens, “Aren’t you eager to make history?” He snickers, “Of course, a lowly whore like you isn't accustomed to the high steps of the ladder; you've always belonged at the bottom of it. What was I thinking.”
Tears start to burn in your eyes. You wonder why he's always so cruel to you? You always did what he wanted to please him. Before you started to perform at private parties and festivities, Jack used to drag you from an awful club to an even worse club, and exploited your voice and your other talents to fill up his pockets, under the excuse of enlarging and extending your audience; a good entertainer would perform for all of kind of people, he claimed. Promising that you'd make it up the ladder before you even knew it if you kept plugging. But now, and when you're at the threshold of achieving what he's always drilling into you, he is nothing but disparaging.
“No.” Your voice surprises you as it comes out with a defying tone.
“What’d you say?” Jack raises a brow.
“I said no, I don't belong to the bottom of the ladder.”
You expected the backhand slap, but you didn't expect it to make your mouth bleed.
“You’re my slut, my whore, I made you. Don't you dare concur yourself with me.” He seethes.
You grimace at the taste of iron as you swallow your blood silently, tears streaming down your cheeks.
Jack seems to rouse from his fit as his head tilts to the side. “Oh, no no, what’d I do?” He pulls his silky, cerulean handkerchief from his breast pocket and dabs it gently on the corner of your mouth.
“I’m sorry, sweetheart.” He murmurs, and you give him a weak, sanguine smile. When he's done, he tells you, “Do cover it up with some makeup; we don't want Soldier Boy to see your pretty face worked up, do we?” He grins, but it's empty of any sliver of sympathy. “Now, shake a leg, would you? Legend said Soldier Boy wanted to see you by noon. We don't want to give them the impression that we're a bunch of slackers, do we?”
You nod meekly.
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Ben groans in pleasure, his body shivering in a long lost voraciousness. He wonders if the curl of your lips when you smiled at him and the enchanting glance of your eyes have something to do with that as his load washes abundantly on his hand. He's so engrossed in his high that he doesn't detect the knocks on his door.
“Oh, for fuck's sake!” Legend grouses, his head whipping away the moment he steps into Soldier Boy's bedroom.
The latter only smirks, deft hands tugging his softening cock back in his pants. “What’s the matter? Can't look at what you don't possess?” He drawls smugly, his voice saturated with a satisfied rasp from his recent ecstasy.
“I fucking knocked! Good thing I'm not an enemy.” Legend rolls his eyes behind his shades, “Who woulda thought Soldier Boy could be shanked when he whacked off.” Legend sneers, savouring in having this sleazy clapback at the supe.
Soldier Boy's smik widens, zipping his gear pants, “You’re just saying that because my dick is twice as yours.”
Legend appears to be quite unfazed, “Well, yeah, but I never had a woman who refused an ass-fuck because of it.” He sighs, “Anyway, Ms. (L/N), is here.”
“Fucking finally…” Ben perks up, a huge smile on his face. But the Legend's slight frown makes his eyes roll. “What is it?” It's not like he wants the latter’s approval, but Legend has proven his viewpoints can be useful when it comes to Soldier Boy's career.
“Look, I know the gal has the voice and the looks.” Legend says, “But don't you think she's way… below you?” Ben raises a brow as Legend continues, “There are many better options, just saying…” 
Ben clicks his tongue, his temper is starting to fume, “She’s a fucking blast. She has the fucking talent. Isn't it your job to look out for talents?”
“Yeah, but—”
“It’s her or nothin’.” Soldier Boy asserts, and when he reads hesitance on Legend's face, he adds, “You can still have Noir do it if you want to.” He shrugs, "But here you are, you handed it to me, because you know that I get how the job's done, and nobody can pull it off like me.”
“Fine!” Legend acquiesces, it's not like he has much of a choice. “I hope you're fucking right about her.” And you're not only thinking with your dick.
“Atta boy!” Soldier Boy pats his shoulder, “Now we don't want to keep the next diva waiting, do we?”
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Your heart is pounding in your chest despite how hard you're trying to maintain your cocksure exterior.
Don't you fuck this up.
Jack's words trill in your head again and again. You close your eyes and huffs an elongated breath through your nostrils. He didn't come with you, but his agonising words never leave you, and the skeptical looks shot in your direction from Vought employees passing by don't make it any better.
What am I doing here?
You question yourself again.
To make history.
Jack's words ring again in your ears.
Although you're too immersed in your thoughts, you notice the blur of green and eagle of a man sauntering down in your way with a couple of men at the either of his side.
Your mask involuntarily slips on your face as your lips concoct a conceited grin that mirrors the cocky smirk on Soldier Boy's face. You stand up to say hello.
“We meet again, honey bun.”
“Pleasure to meet you again, sir.”
Your mustered aplomb starts to waver at the mere sight of him in that green suit; it makes you hold your breath. Soldier Boy himself is standing in front of you in his green glory with his gloved hand extended to you. He looks so different from the man you met yesterday. Maybe because of his supe suit. However, you're glad he isn't wearing the helmet, his revealed face brought some familiarity to the man you met before.
He leans in to press a kiss on your knuckles as you take his offered hand to shake.
“The pleasure is all mine, (Y/N).”
You resist the heat travelling up to your ears. “Thank you, sir.”
“Please, call me Ben.” He says in a somewhat ordering tone and you nod.
Soldier Boy introduces you to Legend and you shake the latter's hand too. The three of you make it to a nearby room to discuss business.
“I’d like to thank Soldier — Ben for giving me such an opportunity to perform by his side. I'm honoured, sir.” You start. “I’m gonna make sure it's worth your while.”
“You’ll sure do, dollface, you'll sure do.” He pours you and himself a glass of liquor, letting Legend pour his own glass which makes you raise a brow. It's still midday. You politely turn down the glass.
You and I are both aware that he isn't only after that pretty voice of yours. 
Jack's words ring in your ear. You can clearly picture his smirking face staring at you.
“I was at the wedding last night, y'know,” Legend lights up a cigar as he drawls, “And let me tell ya that recognising a talent when I see or hear it is what pays my bills.” He takes a drag and puffs it out of his nostrils.
You thank him before he asks you about your career, making it feel like it's a job interview or something of the sort. You tell him the story you tell everybody. That you've always had a knack for singing ever since you were a child. And you used to sing at school, then you continued your passion and sang in bars and clubs until Jack beheld one of your performances and took you under his wing ever since. Which it's true, sort of.
“Jack is a good teach, he taught me everything I know to entertain my audience.” Your eyes flit momentarily at Soldier Boy whose eyes never leave you, then you grin back at Legend, “Making him a lot much like you sir. He flushes out the talent when he sees it.”
Legend grins back, taking another waft of his cigar, “Has he ever had you perform for another media before?”
You shake your head, “No, sir, my audience is still limited.”
“Ah, perfect, what could be better than a talented new face,” Legend says, “Well, I think we're all in for a treat, sweetheart. Vought would be happy to introduce you to the public. A pretty new face with a beautiful voice, singing for the first time and next to Soldier Boy. I think that would give you a great privilege if you tipped your cards right…”
“And it can be more than a one-time thing…” Soldier Boy adds, a satisfied grin on his face, but you didn't miss the way Legend's lips twitch.
“Are you trying to employ me, sir?” You raise an eyebrow.
“We’re offering you a chance of a lifetime.” Legend takes another drag, which seems rather an elongated sigh than a normal puff, “Our entertainment business is always happy to make and nurture gifted new faces.”
You stay silent for a moment. This is big. Unbelievably big. You're literally being offered a job at Vought. It's something you wouldn't even dare dreaming about. Jack didn't tell you anything about this.
Don't you fuck it up. 
Jack's voice reverberates in the back of your head again.
“But I'm not a supe, sir, how come I'd be useful for the company?” You ask. “And what about Jack?”
You could've sworn you saw the slightest irritation in Soldier Boy's eyes.
“Do you see me with one, sweetheart?” Legend lets out an amused snore, “Yet, here I am.” He splays his arms open in showboat manner. “As for Jack, he'll still be your manager under our terms, of course, as agreed accordingly.”
Your eyebrows furrow. As agreed accordingly? Of course, you scoff internally. He's already sold you out to Vought the moment he sniffed the smell of cash. Well, you can't argue with that really; you owe the man your life. You're his, like her always tells you.
Despite everything being played out of your control, you still insist on having a say in this, or at least to seem so.
“Good,” You smile cordially, “Because I'd have humbly declined your offer hadn't Jack been kept in the picture.”
“Ever did any of blues shit before, dollface?”
You can detect the drastic change in Soldier Boy's tone.
“No, not as of yet.”
“Well, good thing you have someone's been long enough in the trade to teach you some of the ol’ tricks, darlin'.” His teeth bare in a shark like smile that doesn't set well in you.
Your heart paces up as adrenaline rushes through your veins, choosing to accept the challenge, “I’m down for it, Ben.”
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🦅 Previous Chapter: Tenderly.
🦅 Next Chapter: Mirrors.
🦅 Somewhere In Your Heart Masterlist.
🦅 The Boys Masterlist.
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Taglist: @thebiggerbear, @zepskies, @deanbrainrotwritings, @deansbbyx, @deans-spinster-witch
@venus-haze, @kaleldobrev, @k-slla, @ketchupjasmin, @demodemo909
@mystic-mara, @donniedarkolover, @pepsicolacoochie...
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ghostaholics · 1 year
18+ thought, but the potential of an enemies-with-benefits with simon where it starts off because they're both keyed up, emotions running high, and they need to release post-mission frustration because they blame each for everything that went wrong (a major bone of contention is that nobody can admit their mistakes, even though they were both at fault); and here's the kicker: the sex is good, so good that he prefers this outlet to the verbal altercations that she and him always seem to get into that never lead to anything productive
they tell themselves that the first time was a one-off, that it should not, will not happen again because they absolutely detest each other and it was just a heat of the moment thing—until it does once more, twice, and so forth
always rough, desperate, 'we-almost-died' and 'I-still-fucking-despise-you, but-thanks-for-saving-my-life' hatesex; better than smoking through cartons of cigs, better than finding the bottom of a bottle of whiskey (a habit, a vice, a dirty little secret that neither of them want to address but this is how they cope)
an 'i-know-you'll-put-up-with-my-shite' mentality shared between them:
kicking each other out of bed about 0.02 seconds after they're done fucking
ruined orgasms and lots of denial
leaving bite marks/bruises in obvious places (that aren't impossible to cover up, but are sure as hell inconvenient) because both of them know that they just can
simon dragging her away from 'sort of, but not really' important tasks/duties to which she repays in kind by sending him inappropriate texts right at the start of a 2-hour meeting with price and all of their other superiors, and then a goddamn picture only 15 minutes in (earns her the punishment of a lifetime, rightfully so)
he calls her 'sweetheart' or 'princess' patronizingly; she says 'lieutenant' or 'sir' with absolute spite in her voice
big rule about no kissing, though oral is fair game; whatever this is between them is not sweet or romantic and the only things binding them are physical attraction and palpable hatred—it's all red angry nail marks raked down his back and fingerprint-shaped bruises tattooed into her skin, hair-pulling, debauchery, and using each other in general
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xiefuyu · 11 months
-- bonten x reader
🖤 — Tokyo Revengers
📝 — platonic relationship with everyone, cursing
:a/n — it's just some bonten execs spoiling the hell out of our Y/N
-- 1, 2
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Surprisingly, a week after the incident with Sanzu drugging you to sleep, the upper echelons who loved throwing their work to you started to make their work themselves. Well, still with your help because they’re clueless as fuck as to how make a proper report. You almost wanted to tell them to fuck off and get the work done yourself but that just meant you’re okay with them dumping their work on you.
“Ran-san, that line is inappropriate.” you say for the nth time that afternoon. You’re hungry and tired and Ran decided to be a dumbass, purposely making mistakes in his report just so he could spite you with that lazy ass grin.
How badly you want to punch it off him.
“It’s my report, I will write whatever I want, doll.” you looked at him straight in the eye and,
“And your life is Mikey-san’s. If you want your cause of death to be because of a report containing inappropriate phrases, then go ahead and do so.” you deadpanned. He’ll be reporting this to Mikey and the other executives, after all.
“Touche.” he says, sighing. “Doll, can’t you just do it instead?”
“Change that line, Ran-san.” you point at his screen, ignoring his question. He groans and you smile fondly when he’s not looking.
He’s unbearable sometimes but you know he’s doing his best.
“What do you want for lunch, sir? I’ll buy it right now. It’s past lunchtime and you need to rest, too.” he looks at his watch and hums. “Let’s go have lunch, doll.” he says, standing up, not even bothering to turn off his laptop.
‘My treat.’ goes unsaid. Of course, you’ll protest when you get there but you know he’ll just use his position and label it as an order just so he could treat you.
All Bonten executives do.
“Y/N, come to my office.” 
You blink at your phone screen, surprised at Kakucho’s text. He rarely texts you so you’re worried that something might have happened. Without hesitation, you bolted out your office in a hurry for your boss’ office.
“Sir, I’m here.” you announced after knocking, not even waiting for Kakucho’s response before opening the door. He’s sitting on his chair, wide eyes looking up at your dishevelled state. “Did you run?” you clear your throat, flushed in the face before fixing yourself. “I apologise for my state, sir. Did you need anything?” 
You see his eyebrow rising in amusement and you want nothing more than to walk out his office, knowing he’ll say something that will make your heartbeat a little faster.
It’s not like you like him, you swear.
It’s just that…Kakucho has that charisma. An alluring one.
“Did you rush here in concern after receiving my text?” he asked, a soft smile on his lips. You bit the inside of your cheek, clearing your throat once again. “Yes, sir…I was worried because you rarely text me.” you admit and God, his balcony is open and you want to throw yourself out because of his soft laugh.
“Thank you, Y/N. And I apologise for scaring you. I just wanted help regarding this report that I’ll be giving to Kokonoi. You know, financial and stuff. You’ve been his secretary before, right? So I thought I'd get your help to fix any mistakes.”
Warmth spreads through your whole being at the thought of an executive thinking of you and your capabilities.
You knew it was what you signed up for in the first place - to help them - but it was still a good feeling for you.
“Oh, I’m glad you’re okay, Kakucho-san. And of course, please let me take a look.” you beam at him before walking towards his desk. It is then you see a box of your favourite biscuits and candies. He sees your line of sight and chuckles before pushing it towards your direction.
“A thank you gift for your help,” he says.
You gaped at him like a stupid fish before bowing, “I-it’s not needed, sir. But thank you so much!” he pats your head before you could stand straight. “Sit here, let’s start.”
Working with Kokonoi is the second most peaceful experience for you. He’s not a dumbass, not an asshole, and most importantly, he does his work right.
(Kakucho is your favourite working buddy but don’t tell the others that.)
“Kid, did you put this here?” he asked in a hushed tone, pointing inside his bag. You looked over at him, confused. Why is he asking such questions while the both of you are in the middle of an important mission?
You see a bag of candies, your favourites, inside his bag. “No, sir…Even though those are my favourites, I won’t bring them to missions.” Well, now you’re tempted to eat one but you’re literally in a life or death mission so no, you’ll maintain your professionalism and eat a bunch later when the mission’s done and you’re still alive.
“Fucking Sanzu must’ve put it.” he tsked, closing his bag before focusing on the task at hand. The both of you are currently infiltrating a secret base of an enemy and instead of being alone, Kokonoi insists on coming with you, saying you need guidance.
It’s just him being a worrywart.
“I'll be going now, sir.” you inform him when you see the enemies walking out. He grabs your wrist before you could even step away. “Kid, be careful.”
“Yes, sir.”
“I’m serious. Look at me. Be fucking careful.” you blinked at him, nodding. You’re also serious but hey, having Kokonoi worry over you is such a good feeling.
“I’ll be back as soon as possible, sir.”
True to your words, you successfully completed your mission with Kokonoi’s guidance. “Here.” he suddenly pushed a card to you.
A black card.
“Do you want me to buy something, sir?” you asked, confused as you hesitantly got hold of the card that probably holds your lifetime’s paycheck.
“I talked with someone who works at the candy factory.” he says, making you tilt your head in more confusion.
“Idiot, buy the whole factory! It’s your favourite candy’s factory.” as if that was the most obvious thing, he rolls his eyes at your dumbass.
But hey! It’s not everyday someone hands a black card to you and tell you to buy a fucking factory of your favourite candy!?
“S-sir, that’s–”
“An order.”
You groan, hiding your flushed face from his raised eyebrow and that smug smile on his lips. “Now get out, Sanzu will accompany you.” he pushes you out of the car and you’re wholeheartedly surprised that Sanzu is actually outside, waiting for you.
“Let’s go, kid. Gotta make sure they sell it to us.” of course he will be the one to accompany you, he’s in charge of negotiations for a reason.
“Sir, this is really too much.” you try protesting. “It was Mikey’s order.” that shuts you up, knowing you can’t go against your top boss so you walk behind Sanzu, head low, still red in the face.
You appreciate them spoiling you, really. But sometimes, it’s too much and you don’t know how to handle those kinds of things.
“Thank you…” you whispered loud enough for him to hear. He just grins and ruffles your hair. "Thank that money-greedy-white-haired-man."
Later on, you found out that it was actually Kokonoi’s idea and order, not Mikey’s.
“He wanted to treat you, what can we do? Refuse? No way, doll. You deserved it. Enjoy your candies.” Ran told you, a rare genuine and soft smile on his face as he pats your head as he leaves you to work on his report.
Oh well, might as well do their reports.
A/N; it's been a while! how's everyone? anyways, i need a kokonoi in my life please
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lucifers-rubber-duck · 6 months
oh my god! I just read the modern time one and it gave me an idea!! hazbin crew with a modern reader that is just so chaotic. but like not even a dangerous chaotic and they could probably be killed by any demon but they just have no regard for their safety at all. if a demon makes them mad, the yell at the random demon (even if it's like Alastor or something, they just don't care) calling it something stupid. or if they so much as encounter a slight inconvenience they act like their dying all over again and then within a few seconds goes back to normal like nothing happened. but is overall just entertaining to have around the hotel
Characters: Charlie, Vaggie, Alastor, Husker, Angel, Niffty, Sir Pentious & Lucifer.
Warnings: None.
A/N: We need more Chaotic!Reader in fics, let Reader be a drama monarch and be extra! Thanks for the ask!
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• She lost the count of how many times she apologized in your name to random demons on the streets and stores every time you two go out together, you simply have no filter.
• If a demon annoys you you'll scream at them, if they look at you in a way you didn't like you'll flip them off, you just don't care about your own safety and the fact that you're being rude for no reason and that kills her.
• Every week you'll have a behavior exercise where she'll make you be nice to a member of the hotel or simply do good deeds around hell, she even made you apologize to a demon that you fought in a clothe store once, that's your last favorite part of living in the hotel and you make that clear.
• But your behavior does come in handy sometimes, like when some random thought it would be nice to mess with Charlie and shit-talk her hotel, you threw your hot coffee on them making them run away with an angry grin. She didn't scold you that time but didn't say it was acceptable.
• “There are better ways to… resolve those types of situations, but I'm thankful that you stood up for me, that's another good attitude to have!”; “Whatever you say princess, you can thank me by buying me a new coffee.”
• Sometimes your way of acting annoys her, a lot, you're just so headstrong and so she is so you two just clash with each other a lot, and neither will give up so easily.
• You would make things that annoy her, like poking her or just making a few rude comments, and that would work because she would always have to hold herself to not put her spear on your throat and silence you herself.
• I imagine Charlie putting you two in one of those “get along” shirts, that didn't end up very well and you two almost threw punches with each other.
• The only moments you two middly get along is when a random attack happens at the hotel, what for some reason actually happens at least once a week, and both of you team up to beat the shit out of the demons, you two would he too tried to fight after.
• “You weren't so bad this time Vagina.”; “Don't make me add another one to my kill count.”; “To your what?”
• You not being scared or intimidated by his presence annoys him like nothing else, he doesn't enjoy not being in control, he likes when people fear him and plead for their lives so your lack of care for his power makes his smile be a little more forced everytime.
• He dislikes your attitude towards him, but mostly dislikes how modern you are, you have no respect for him or the older demons, you're always using slangs he doesn't understand and is always so full of modern technology, he especially doesn't like the VoxTek phone you always carries with you.
• He's pretty verbal on how much he dislikes you, just how you are about him, he wouldn't be as aggressive like Vaggie when showing his dislike, he's more the type to give sarcastic comments than throw punches. There was only one occasion where he used his magic to make your phone get all glitchy with his presence.
• I also think he would like to try and correct you on things just out of spite. Sitting with your legs crossed? He'll tell you to sit properly. Bad posture? He touches your back with his staff making you fix it. Even when you're literally just doing your duties at the hotel, he'll tell you that you're doing it incorrectly to make you mad.
• “That's not how my mom taught me how to do it, you should try another way dear, maybe like that you'll actually be useful for something.”; “Oh, kiss my ass old man, come and do it yourself if you're so bothered by it.”
• Hates your guts 90% of the time, he hates the way you're just so careless like you aren't literally in Hell, he wonders how you didn't get yourself killed or had a beef with the wrong people already, you look like the type that would face against a Overlord.
• But he does like having you around the bar sometimes, he won't admit it of course, but he always offer you a drink after he sees you do something that annoys Alastor in the slightest.
• He also saved your ass a few times. When Charlie gives the hotel staff permission to have a night for themselves and go to a club, he just knows you'll enter a fight, doesn't matter how well the night is going, you always manages to get in trouble so he had to keep and eye on you all the time.
• After that fight at the club happened, just Like he tough it would, he has to carry your slightly bruised and heavily drunk body, putting one of your arms around his shoulders and holding you to make sure you don't fall while you state how annoyed you are that he got involved on your stuff again.
• “I could take that motherfucker, get my ass back there so I can show them.”; “And I wish I could take a break from you but we can't always have what we want, can we?”
• Do I even have to say he's the one that mostly enjoys your presence? He likes your attitude, your way of dressing, your personality, it matches his and you two can be just the most annoying pricks together.
• Your favorite activity when going out to do whatever is to silently judge sinners on the way, you and him would point at a random sinner while talking about their looks and shit-talking them just because you two can.
• If a sinner ever gets annoyed at you two Angel just knows that you're not going to stay quiet about it and will most likely try to fight them, and as the good friend he is, he's always there to help you out in a fight with some fire power.
• He makes sure to not talk about his boss though, he knows that if you learn about how horrible he's treated by him you'll want to go there and have a conversation with him yourself. He will make sure that you're far away from Valentino with your careless attitude.
• “You know what toots? You should meet my friend Cherri, you two were made for each other.”; “If she's anything like me then I know she's no good influence, when can I meet her?”
• She enjoys your attitude, probably thinks it's attractive and will call you a Bad Boy (in a gender neutral way).
• She's probably giggling every time you're creating chaos or getting into a beef with another demon, you're just her type to be honest and she'll for sure start flirting with you in her own weird way.
• The only way I see her not liking your attitude is if you're openly getting things dirty, like not cleaning the dishes when it's your turn or not bothering to throw the trash in the trash can, the only thing that she likes more than people with bad attitudes e keeping things clean so that's the only way you can really annoy her with your way of act.
• “Hey bad boy, I made you a gift, hehehhehe~”; “How… peculiar… What are those?”; “The mother bugs I killed on front of their children and turned into a necklace.”; “.... Riggghtt…”
𖤓Sir Pentious
• The first time he interacted with you was when he attacked the hotel trying to fight Alastor and you commented on how noisy and weak he looked so let's say he was not very pleased with you at first.
• He's still very annoyed with you at first when he started living at the hotel and would give you the silent treatment, or at least try, he's not very good at just ignoring your rude comments, especially if it is about his looks, you just find his hat funny.
• After you two, forced by Charlie and her exercises probably, started to know each other he would start to like you, you two would just be so extra together, he's a theater kid and you're chaotic neutral energy what could possibly go wrong?
• Definitely tries to act a little bit like you after you two start hanging out, be it by trying to act a little more rude and confident or by trying to use more modern slangs and expressions. You can appreciate the effort.
• “So, wasn't I simply the coolessst ever?”; “If you use the word ‘cringe’ again I'm hitting you on the head with a brick.”
•If his first impression of your headstrong and somewhat cocky attitude is when you're being rude to Alastor or just your simple existence making the Radio Demon annoyed, he'll already like you.
• He would be surprised at first while interacting with you on how much you just didn't care, you would talk to him like he was a long-term friend instead of the king of Hell that you just met a while ago, are all people on earth like that?
• You would have to be a little patience with him, because he would ask you tips on how to act around people, you're younger and came from a newer generation, he can learn one thing or two with you, especially about the right ways to say insults, you don't need him saying “I'm going to fuck you” again.
• You remind him of Charlie's emo phase, he will chuckle every time you do something that reminds of her smug attitude in that period of her life. Don't be offended if he calls you emo, that's the only word he knows to describe your personality.
• “You remind me of my daughter you know, there was a time she acted just like you, I kinda miss that time if I'm being honest.”; “Are you… complimenting me or insulting your daughter?”
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doomed2repeat · 6 months
Time apart will be good for Penelope and Eloise, I love both girls and I love the Cressida plot.
I think the problem here is assuming Eloise is befriending Cressida out of spite for Penelope, and then working back with assumption that EVERYTHING Eloise does this season will be out of spite for Penelope.
But Eloise has motivations beyond that to hang out with her. Eloise is deeply unhappy being out in society, it gives her anxiety and makes her uncomfortable, but she has never had to face it alone. Penelope was out a year before she debuted, she always had someone to be a misfit with her. Now she’s dealing with it alone, and Cressida is the last person she remembers extending friendship. Loneliness and wanting to feel accepted is a strong motivator to settle for any person that will have you, even if it’s not a great fit. Look at Penelope and Debling!
Being Cressida’s friend is a great opportunity for Eloise to learn about what she truly values and who she is. Is she brave enough to really be a misfit? Or did she only feel comfortable as an misfit when Penelope was there to lean on?
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This is especially interesting to me as a fan of Eloise’s book, where Eloise seamed so comfortable with the idea of becoming a spinster as long as Penelope would be a spinster with her, but the reality of being truly lonely was a huge motivator for her, and it sent her reeling once Pen got married. That drive is to end the loneliness ASAP is what jump starts her story in To Sir Phillip With Love with a knee jerk decision.
As much of a rebel Eloise tends to come across, she’s always been insecure and vulnerable, and needs to be validated and feel heard. If Cressida is the only person validating her…that’s a friendship. Ultimately I want Peneloise and for Pen and Eloise to be friends again, and I don’t necessarily care about diving in to Cowper family lore, but I don’t hate this plot for Eloise. She’s allowed some bad decisions too!
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