#I still have a bunch but some are full fics and some are gonna be drabbles
ohraicodoll · 1 year
Moments in Domesticity HC
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Joel Miller x Feral Reader x Ellie The Last of Us (Show/Game) Feral Reader Masterlist Anon Requests: --“I'm loving all the domestic joel x red x Ellie content. So can we get an insight into how red and joel deal with ellies mood swings? I feel like after settling into Jackson, she will ease into teenage normalcy. I can see red trying to be helpful but just ends up in sleeping in the stables 💀💀💀“  --“Have you thought of red and joel and ellie in jackson 5 years later? like just domestic stuff. they’re all integrated and jackson has been their home for awhile...” --“I NEED to know how Joel would feel/act if red actually left them to go back to the wild, maybe in a jealous fit or something else. I’m begging u” Here’s a long list of different moments! I’ll be touching on stuff that happens after the first couple of years in a different fic, but these touch on stuff that don’t need full fics!
Despite Joel’s concerns, Ellie does make friends though it takes a while. The older kids are only required to go to a few classes a day and then have various jobs they’re suppose to do and she does bond with some of the other teens who think she’s cool. She’s different and when she tells them she’s killed Clickers and survived a Bloater, it cements her as a bad ass amongst them.
Ellie is quiet those first few weeks. They don’t push it but it’s the start of Red leaving little trinkets for her. A lava lamp she found, posters and books and sketch supplies. 
Red knows that Ellie is suspicious of the story Joel told her. Sometimes when the girl pokes, tentatively asks her about the hospital, she glosses over it. Says that she had been knocked out and didn’t come to until the “raiders” were attacking and she helped Joel fight their way out. They just had to get Ellie out. The truth is in there, under the blurry faux details, and it makes it easier to lie. 
There will be a day where she knows Ellie will push for the truth and all she can do is prepare for it. 
Defending Red helps draw Ellie out of her shell. That protective streak over both of them. More than trinkets and Joel trying to use board games and small tokens of the past, Ellie’s need to feel useful and protective is what does the trick. 
Spending time in Jackson with the animals and food and all the new helps as well.
Jesse is older and has taken more of a leadership position over the teens and it helps that when he’s on patrol and Joel is in the group, the older man gives him pointers. Joel notices sometimes how he stares at Ellie and keeps an eye on the boy.
He ribs Ellie about it over the next year or so until it’s broken to him that it’s not boys his kid is into, but girls. Which makes him suspicious of every teenage girl that was ever over in his house.
Joel finds his footing easier than them both. He becomes a valuable member of the patrols and goes back to helping with construction, the skills coming back easily. Though sometimes it’s hard watching Tommy have the life he thought he would have. Married with a baby on the way. His little brother is now the one in charge though he still can’t measure the 2x4′s worth shit and sometimes is dumb as bricks. It hurts but he’s proud of him.
It helps when he comes back home and Ellie is complaining about dumb homework at the table and Red is sitting on the countertop in the kitchen, trying to read the faded instructions on the pasta box. He’s needed in other ways.
There are mornings where Joel and Red get to sleep in. Those are usually the mornings where she is woken up by the slight push of the door opening and then a heavy pouncing on top of her before getting covered in slobber. Joel grunts and curses, covering his face with the comforter and Red tries to duck away from dog breath as Ellie cusses out, “Oh shit, Bowie no! Shit shit, sorry!”
“Ellie, what the hell did we say about bringing the dogs in?” He’s not as angry as he wants it to be, just annoyed as the heavy 80lb dog jumps around on the bed then flops down in between them like a second child. Bowie grins, trying to lick Joel, leash still attached.
“I was just walking him and forgot something in my room and needed to come inside real quick to get it but then he looked like he wanted some water and-”
Red only chuckles and whistles before signaling the dog off the bed, Bowie doing so immediately.
Waking up to dog kisses isn’t the worst. It happens more times than they can count, especially when Ellie is walking the puppies.
Swimming lessons start once the weather warms up. Tommy joins them to show where their usual swimming spot is. Him and Red sit a little higher up on a ridge edge and watch as Joel tries to show Ellie how to move her arms and feet. She clings to him like a toddler even though the water isn’t that deep and sometimes he has to support her stomach to keep her afloat while she gets it.
Tommy makes jokes from above at Joel’s expense, grinning at the comfort of hanging out with his brother and his kid again. That is until Red shoves him off the ridge and he hits the water face first.
If he still wasn’t slightly terrified of her, he’d splash her back.
There are progressive steps forward and some steps back. Joel and Ellie argue, both pushing and testing their boundaries with each other. Red and Joel fight, one not use to people caring about her and the other sometimes too protective. Ellie and Red fight, one desperately clinging to the other in fear of being left and the other worried the closeness will only hurt her. No one knows how to properly handle their emotions. 
They always make up. A tentative offer to take Ellie out to practice shooting the rifle. Joel trailing his fingers through Red’s loose hair, kissing the crown of her head softly. A book of pressed flowers given on the porch, the book Red has been keeping in her bag for years. The first pages are her journal from the beginning of the Outbreak before it stops. All peace offerings. 
Joel is a helicopter parent. When Ellie begins group patrols, he knows exactly who is leading the group and interrogates them after to make sure nothing went wrong and she is doing what she’s supposed to. He knows when she starts hanging out with new friends, like Jesse and Dina and Cat. Ellie is starting to go full-teenager so he tries not to let her know he’s doing it. 
Red catches Ellie making out with her first girlfriend Mia in her room. She doesn’t know what to do, only freezes and backs away slowly then walks back down the stairs. She doesn’t tell Joel.
When Ellie starts going over to friends houses, staying over often or going to hangouts, they relish in having their own space for the first time in a long while. Joel has every intention of fucking Red against every surface and wall, but only manages the couch before someone knocks on the front door. Tommy thinks Joel is going to shoot him for even asking if he can do a night patrol. Red may well murder him if Joel doesn’t.
Joel knows he has to take his time with Red, but patience isn’t a strong suit of his. He missteps a lot, tripping on invisible landmines. Her parents. Her sister. Harry. Those years after the Outbreak but before he met her. She freezes up sometimes and he knows the landmine has gone up in his face.
But she sometimes she drops fragments. Mentions that her father died in the initial chaos though there is nothing sad in her voice. Her mother’s is always mentioned in disdain. That things between her and Harry had been complicated in the year or so before the Outbreak. That things were tense with her family. The way she clams up when asked if she was with a group is it’s own hint. He doesn’t push, can only apologize and soothe the shrapnel damage of his mistake. 
There are days when Ellie is just in a mood. She’s snappy, easily irritable, gets sent home early from work duty for behavior (which in turn means Joel gets after her) leading to her being a ball of teenage rage at everyone. Red stays in the kennels those days because it’s easier dealing with a group of dogs than an angry teenager. Jamie, the head vet she sometimes works with, says it’s all part of raising a teenager.
They skip the monthly Jackson gatherings often as their time in town stretches on, though Tommy does bug them to go and actually be a part of the community. Red isn’t keen, especially after her dress experience with Maria, but Joel makes sure to stay at her side every time after. He doesn’t admit that he doesn’t mind going if only because he gets to stand with her, his arms around her waist and swaying slightly to the music, and making sure every man in town knows she’s his.
He doesn’t remember how the conversation leads to Red at the construction site. They’re working and the mention of her name comes up then her last name and instinctively, without thinking, Joel mentions it’s Miller. He can see Tommy’s head whip towards him, but neither of them say anything. 
When Joel finally fixes the guitar, he plays for them. His heart is in his throat but he tries to play it off as casually as he can. Ellie’s been in a mood and thank god, he sees her loosen up afterwards. He promises to start teaching her and once a week they have guitar lessons on the porch. Those are Red’s favorite nights.
They’re having family dinner at Tommy’s one evening when Maria asks teasingly if she needs to get Red some birth control. She freezes and it’s like she’s a trapped animal, breath shaky and panic in her eyes, before biting out a simple, “No.” It’s a little awkward and they try to play it off, moving on. That night he can see the nail gouges in her thighs from her own hands. Joel doesn’t know the full story, but knows her inability to have kids isn’t a natural occurrence. He’s seen the ugly scar on her lower abdomen enough times. 
Outbreak day is a bad day for everyone. The streets are quiet, everyone’s faces drawn. The town hosts a yearly memorial to honor the day and world they lost, but they don’t go. It’s the first year Joel doesn’t drink himself dumb if only because he doesn’t want to freak Ellie out. The teenager doesn’t have a tie to the day, being born long after. But she knows about Sarah and knows both her parental figures faced something horrific. So she does what any kid does and tries to lighten the mood. They play every board game in the house and Ellie picks the best puns and gently asks what Sarah’s favorite things were. It helps a little.
Some nights they get more bits of the lighter Red. They play the record player constantly but some days, the days when maybe one of them finds a new couple of vinyls, they’ll have a night where they each take turns playing their favorite. Red and Joel will drink a bit (and maybe let Ellie have some) and the teenager will grab Red’s hands and force her to dance with her. Joel soaks in the sound of their laughter and it’s like Red is so many years younger. He takes turns with each other them, spinning Ellie around and teaching her to two-step and dancing with his partner to the slower songs. He loves her through rage and violence, but he is at her mercy when she lets him have the fragile bits of herself underneath it all.
Once upon a time, giving someone that kind of control over him would have terrified him but he hands himself over willingly to her now .
Ellie’s first birthday in Jackson is small but they’re still getting use to things. No one knows the exact day she was born, but she knows the day that was on her papers in FEDRA school so they go with that. Joel gets food from the Food Hall and Red tries very very hard to follow a brownie recipe from one of the ladies in the shop. Joel plays her something on the guitar and, in true to them fashion, her gifts are a new revolver, another pun book (though unfortunately not by Wil Livingston) and the news that Brownie the puppy is hers to keep in the kennels.
Red sings for them for the first time that night.
Joel makes plans for a bigger birthday next year.
Danger still exists. It never goes away and Joel wonders if he doesn’t want it to, really. There’s still a thrill when his brother grabs them both to deal with raiders. Seeing that sharpness in Red come alive and the lack of hesitation as she pulls the trigger or draws her bow. The baring of her teeth when she stabs her knife.
He’s seen her tear through a whole group to save him during a patrol. Seen her rip out a man’s throat with her teeth to get to him when they had him trapped. Joel wonders at the broken part of him that enjoys it, seeing her covered in blood and completely feral and knowing it was all for him. 
Every time after, clean or tinged red, he loses himself and fucks her so hard his name is a chorus from her lips and there are gouges down his back from her nails. They were still monsters deep down but it didn’t feel like such an awful thing anymore.
It’s roughly a year and a half later when Ellie comes home with a large bandage on arm. Red is the one to see it first and after being assured she wasn’t injured, the outline of a large tattoo is unveiled, covering the bite there. 
She gets it, gets the fear of Ellie having to hide her arm because they’re afraid someone will shoot their kid. But seeing the tattoo churns something in her gut because it means Ellie’s letting go of that part of her identity as “the immune girl”. And while it should mean something good, that she was moving on, she knows hidden rage when she sees it and it’s deep in the teenage girl. It’s less a letting go and more the identity being ripped away from her.
It takes a bit to calm Joel down. He knows it was Ellie’s friend Cat that did the tattoo and the dad part of him rears up, telling her he doesn’t like her hanging out with that girl. It’s fear, they all know it, because the tattoo also means she showed Cat her arm. 
It’s a rough week. Ellie moves into the converted garage behind the house. 
Red feels unequipped to handle Joel’s fear and Ellie’s rage and all she can do is be there for both. She helps Ellie to decorate the garage, the same as when they first moved into the house, silently there at her side. At night, she prods and pushes Joel until he takes his emotions out on her with bruising fingers and rough kisses. Violence and sex are a comfort she knows well.
Joel and Ellie make up in their own awkward tentative way. Reminders about guitar lessons and dinner plans, requests to help fix the door and some of the walls in the garage. Red wonders if raising a teenager is like this for everyone.
Red goes missing for two days. Both of them panic and raise hell, searching everywhere for her. Ellie’s never seen Joel so out of control. He interrogates every patrolman at the gate roughly and it takes Tommy intervening to keep him from beating the shit out of a few. 
She checked out a horse and left, her bag missing from the first floor room. Ellie feels a knot in her throat and her mind plays on repeat “everyone always leaves” but Joel is pushing her bag into her hands and they off to the stables. Tommy and Maria don’t try to stop them. Red’s already been gone a whole day.
They search for her beyond the walls, calling out for her and checking their usual spots. The worst comes to mind of her getting hurt, getting taken by raiders, getting bit by infected. Because in Joel’s mind, Red would never willingly up and leave without a word. He can’t let that possibility sink in. Even if she did, he’d find her and drag her back to him.
They find her that evening. 
Her eyes are puffy and red and there are scratches all over her arms and hands. They look self-inflicted. She looks as wild as the first day they met her, huddled at the base of a large tree and hair all over the place. Joel approaches her cautiously, like he knows to when she’s more animal than woman, but it’s Ellie that goes straight up to her and hugs her around her waist without hesitating. Because she knows why. 
The book of pressed flowers Red had given her had journal entries that stopped right before the flowers began. The last entry had a date and the words “me, Harry, and Annie are going on a run tomorrow” in it and Ellie knows. 
Like a wounded animal, Red tried to hide her pain. The nightmares and the screams and the sounds in her head became too much and she had to get away. Sometimes all she could hear was her sister’s screams. But they dim in Ellie’s embrace and she lets herself come to the surface enough to hug her back and then lean into Joel when he joins them, kissing her head and holding them tightly. 
They'd always find her and protect her when she needed to shatter.
_________________________________________ Taglist: @alouise20 @faceache111​ @hawsx3 @taxidriversainz @iluvbunnyhops @mrfitzdarcyslover @emlovesya  @agent007knight @spaacerabbit @namgification @wonwoosthetic  @wxnderingthoughts @sagggy @escaping-reality8 @badwolf00593​ @themothersmercy @badwolf00593 @mxtokko @happinessinthebeing​ @taranicristeard  @aroacefanenby @barbellpedro  @maviee​ @sgt-morgan
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tongue-like-a-razor · 8 months
Ex Appeal
Jake "Hangman" Seresin x F!Reader
Summary: Jake Seresin gets a frightful visitor on Halloween.
CW: Angst, fluff, suggestive themes, alludes to past cheating
WC: 3500+
This fic was written for @roosterforme’s Rocktober challenge! Inspired by the song Poison by Alice Cooper.
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“What the fuck are you doing here?” Jake says with a look of disgust – as much of it as he can muster. You, after all, have been his greatest source of misery as of late.
You give him a dirty look – your specialty – and barge into his home as though you own the place and Jake’s just a goddamn doorman. “I need to lay low for a bit.”
Jake narrows his eyes as he turns to face you. He keeps the door open because he’s still hoping you’re going to leave any minute. “Lay low?” he asks mockingly. “What’d you do? Commit murder?” He wouldn’t be surprised.
You peek around his arm to glance out at the street. “Someone’s looking for me.”
Jake watches you impassively. “Is it the police?” Then, after a moment, he adds, “Is there a reward?”
You roll your eyes. “You’re the only one in this neighbourhood that I trust,” you say, pushing on the door that Jake is obstinately keeping open.
Jake nods. “Shame that trust doesn’t go both ways,” he comments contemptuously.
You eye him irritably. “Close the door.”
“Tell me why you’re here.”
“I just did.”
Jake shakes his head. “You could not have been more vague.”
You sigh. “Close the door and I’ll tell you.”
Jake exhales warily and shuts the front door. He surveys your outfit. “What are you wearing?”
You glance down at your ensemble: a black, form-fitting body suit and fishnet stockings. You’re also sporting knee-high boots and you’ve got what looks like six extra arms coming out of your back. You look back up at him with an annoyed expression on your face. “It’s Halloween,” you snap defensively.
Jake grimaces. “Yeah, I know.” He gestures to a cauldron full of candy sitting near the front door. “There’s gonna be a fuck-tonne of children coming through here trick-or-treating in like half an hour and you’re dressed like a gothic porn star.”
Instead of being offended, you lift your eyebrows in surprise. “You’re handing out candy?”
Jake sighs and places his hands on his hips, fixing you with a stern look. “Yeah, I’m handing out candy. That’s what adults do on Halloween.”
You stare at him as a smile materializes on your face. “Is that your costume?” you ask facetiously, gesturing at his checkered polo shirt. “Adult?”
Jake squares his jaw to mask the fact that he found your joke humorous, but you seem to notice the shift in his features because your own grin broadens. “My mom got me this shirt,” he says.
“Ah,” you respond. “A fellow adult.”
Jake tears his gaze away from you, focusing instead on the shiny, pointed toes of your stilettos. “Why’re you here?” he asks again, this time a lot less peevishly and a lot more grimly.
You bend down to unzip your boots. “I’m a spider,” you say. “Black widow.”
Jake glances up to meet your gaze as you straighten up. He nods. “Suits you.”
You give him a flat look. “I was at the bus stop and some dude started harassing me.”
Jake’s eyes trail down your scantily glad body. “You don’t say,” he remarks sarcastically.
Your jaw drops in outrage. “Are you victim blaming?”
Jake chuckles and shakes his head. “It was a joke.”
You cringe. “It was in poor taste.”
Jake closes his eyes and lets out a tired sigh. He’s had about enough of your attitude. “You wanna talk about poor taste?” he asks. “Where’s that lovely boyfriend of yours?”
You watch him sourly. “We’re not together anymore, if you must know,” you reply.
Truth be told, Jake probably didn’t need to know. But, now that he does, it’s only fitting that he respond with, “Shocking.”
You give him the finger. As if he were the one who’d been dating two people at the same time.
There’s a knock on the door. “Fuck,” he mutters, giving you a moody look. “Hide,” he says. “Unless you’d rather traumatize a bunch of eight-year-olds.”
You grimace at him. “You think eight-year-olds haven’t seen worse?”
Jake scans the low-cut neckline of your costume. He can’t think of anything more erotic if he tried. But, if he’s being honest, it’s not the outfit so much as your insane body that’s the culprit. He reaches out to grab your hand and pull you aside, making sure you’re tucked safely behind the door before opening it.
He smiles down at the two little kids on his porch when they yell, “TRICK-OR-TREAT!” at the top of their lungs.
“Well, well, well,” he says cheerily, bending down to grab a handful of candy out of his cauldron. “Who do we have here?” He puts the candy into one of their bags. “Are you a mermaid?”
The girl nods happily.
Jake wows in amazement. “You’re the prettiest mermaid I’ve ever seen!” He bends down to grab another handful of candy and drops it into the second child’s bag. “And you must be Iron Man!” he exclaims. “That’s one cool costume, bud. You look great!”
When Jake finally closes the door and looks at you, he sees that you’ve got your arms folded over your chest and a giant smirk on your face.
“What?” he asks darkly.
Your smile widens. “That was cute.”
Jake takes a step from the door and looks away from you. He’s not about to get sucked back into your web of lies, no pun intended. “You wanna hand some out?” he asks.
“I thought you don’t want me traumatizing the children,” you respond sarcastically, stepping out of the corner toward him.
Jake glances at you with a small smile. “I can give you some clothes, if you like.”
You wiggle your eyebrows. “Adult clothes?”
Jake rolls his eyes. “Come on, before more kids show up.”
He makes his way into his bedroom and grabs a pair of jogging pants and t-shirt and brings them back out for you. “Bathroom’s down the hall,” he says.
“I remember,” you respond, but you’ve already started to remove your bodysuit.
Jake turns away in alarm and holds out the clothes for you. “Do you?”
“Come on, it’s not like you haven’t seen it all before,” you say. “Shoot, I’m not wearing any underwear.”
Jake groans. “Are you for fucking real?”
“You got a pair of boxers?”
Jake swallows uncomfortably. “Hold this,” he instructs, keeping a hand over his eyes as he hands you the crumpled clothes and starts back for his bedroom.
“You know what? I’ll just go commando.”
Jake takes a deep, cleansing breath and turns back toward you. He keeps his eyes closed and holds a hand out so as not to bump into anything as he walks. Of course, as luck would have it, he stumbles into you.
“What the fuck, dude?” you exclaim as his hands cling to your naked body, steadying you so you don’t fall over.
Jake squeezes his eyes tightly so that they don’t open inadvertently. “Sorry, sorry!” he winces, finally stabilizing both himself and you. He feels the softness of your skin underneath his palms as his hands do a final sweep along your back before he lifts them away from your body with a grimace. He’s bracing himself for a punch in the face.
“Are you a dumbass? Open your eyes!” you screech. “You’ve seen me naked how many times?!”
“Twelve,” he responds, a little hoarsely. All he can think about is how smooth your skin felt in his hands not a moment ago and it’s driving him a little mad.
“It was a rhetorical question,” you say pointedly. “You counted?”
“Are you decent yet?” he asks, clearing his throat.
“I’m never decent,” you mutter under your breath and Jake can’t help but smirk. “But if you’re asking whether or not I’m dressed. Then, yes, I am.”
Jake releases a heavy sigh and opens his eyes cautiously.
You scowl at him. “What, you think I’m tricking you?”
“Well, you aren’t treating me.”
You stare at him coolly. “You’re such a delight. Can’t imagine why we ever broke up.”
“Need a reminder?” he calls as you make your way back into the front hall. “It’s because you cheated on me!”
You’re standing at the front door with your arms crossed. “I didn’t cheat, for the last time,” you retort. “We weren’t exclusive.”
Jake presses his lips into a thin line. “I was exclusive.”
You shake your head in frustration. “Let’s just agree to disagree.”
There’s another knock on the door. You sigh irritably and reach for the doorknob.
“Hello!” you exclaim enthusiastically the moment the door is open.
The mob of children on Jake’s doorstep all look up at you with exuberant grins and yell their opening line in a loud, messy chorus.
You react with an animated gasp. “Oh my goodness! You guys are a frightful bunch!”
The kids laugh. Indeed, they’re dressed as zombies, ghosts, and vampires, and, when you comment on their appearance, they growl and make scary faces at you. Jake smiles at them and then at you as you distribute the candy from the cauldron excitedly.
Once the door is closed, however, you drop the act, giving him an icy look as you settle yourself on the little bench near the door.
Jake fights the urge to sit next to you and maybe get a little lost in the smell of your perfume. He still gets a whiff of it from time to time when he walks by his closet. Which reminds him –
“I have your sweater,” he says awkwardly.
You glance up at him coldly. “Well, why didn’t you give it to me? It’d probably look better than this.” You tug on the hem of the t-shirt he gave you.
Jake doubts it; the fact that he could see your nipples through the fabric of his own shirt is even more of a turn on than your low-cut bodysuit had been. But he responds with, “Probably. But I’m not about to let you change again.”
You snort. “Fair.”
Jake wonders just how detrimental sitting next to you might be to his personal journey of recovery. He figures that you also would prefer that he stay as far away from you as possible. Ultimately, however, he decides that it’s his bench, after all, and that he’ll be sharing it with you and not the other way around. And, with regard to getting over you, well, he can try again tomorrow.
Jake makes his way over to the bench and you eye him cautiously as he approaches. Silently, you slide to make room for him. He gulps nervously and lowers himself onto the seat beside you.
“What were you doing at the bus stop, anyway?” he asks, staring down at his own clasped hands because he can’t handle looking at you when you’re sitting so close.
“Frank and I were on our way to a party,” you respond sullenly.
Jake glances up at you despite himself. “Thought you two broke up.”
You meet his gaze and promptly look away – apparently, you’re not too keen on engaging in eye contact at this proximity either. “We did,” you say curtly. “About an hour ago.”
Jake raises his eyebrows. “An hour ago?”
“We had a fight on the way. I hopped out of the car at a red light.”
Jake leaps out of his seat. “Are you crazy?” he exclaims. “Do you have any idea how dangerous that is?”
You give him an amused look. “Don’t you fly jets for a living?”
Jake gapes at you incredulously. “I trained for that,” he retorts.
You let out a small laugh. “You’re right,” you reply. “I should’ve practiced first.”
Jake draws a hand over his mouth. “Okay, so you got out of the car in the middle of traffic,” he says with a wince. “And he, what? Just let you go?”
You shrug. “Wouldn’t you?”
Jake raises his eyebrows. “In what you were wearing? I wouldn’t even let you go to the bathroom by yourself.”
You stare at him with a grin. “That’s a bit excessive.”
“Yeah?” he asks. “How many guys made passes at you before you finally decided that taking the bus home wasn’t the brightest idea?”
You lower your gaze without responding.
“As if that douchebag just left you,” Jake says angrily.
“Well, I wasn’t being very nice.”
“There’s a surprise.”
You eye him dangerously.
“You could’ve gotten hurt,” Jake says. “This isn’t the safest neighbourhood.”
You suck in your cheeks and nod. “Yeah, I was pretty freaked out actually,” you admit. “There was a group of guys following me and they kept making lewd comments. When I got to the bus stop, they sort of surrounded me…”
You trail off and Jake’s hands curls into fists of their own volition. “I could kill your boyfriend.”
“Ex,” you remind him.
“Whatever,” he says. After a moment, he asks, “Are you okay?”
You nod. “I pretended to call someone – you actually,” you say with a laugh. “I had a whole fake conversation with you on my way over. They lost interest in me after a little while and took off.”
He watches you solemnly. “You could’ve actually called me,” he says.
Your face turns skeptical. “Right. And you’d pick up?”
Probably not. “Of course,” he responds. Then he sighs and shakes his head. “Maybe I wouldn’t.”
“It’s fine,” you say. “I wouldn’t blame you.”
Jake sighs and sits back down beside you.
Several more groups of trick-or-treaters come and go and you and him take turns answering the door. Occasionally, both of you jump up at the same time and end up oohing and aahing in unison at the various costumes that grace Jake’s doorstep.
This activity does little to help quell the feelings he’s tried for months to repress. He remembers grudgingly the night he told you he was falling for you and you telling him that you weren’t ready for that kind of commitment. That’s when he found out that he wasn’t the only one you’d been seeing.
In your defense, it’s not something you had been actively hiding. In fact, you probably thought that Jake was also sleeping around, given his reputation. But Jake caught feelings like an idiot and was heartbroken when you finally showed your cards.
He spent nearly a year convincing himself that you’re absolute scum. Yet, here you are, looking cute as a button in his joggers and t-shirt, laughing giddily at the neighborhood children like you’re some kind of sweetheart. Like you could fool him now.
Jake slumps back down on the bench, trying to interact with you as little as possible. He can sense that you’re starting to win him over again, and he can’t have that happen. He will not be seduced.
You sit beside him with a grand sigh and lean your head back against the wall. “You get a lot of kids here,” you say lightly.
“Mm-hm,” he hums, bending forward to rest his arms on his legs.
“I’m getting hungry,” you say. “You?”
Jake closes his eyes. The last thing he needs is a fucking dinner date with you. “There are some leftovers in the fridge. You can go heat some up for yourself.”
You lay a hand on his back and Jake goes rigid. “You’re not going to eat?” you ask.
“Not hungry,” he manages to say.
Your hand slides unhurriedly down his spine, your fingers grazing him delicately. Jake brings a fist to his mouth to suppress a moan. “I’ll wait, then,” you say softly. Then, before Jake can gather the strength to remove himself from the situation, you lean your body into his and rest your head on his shoulder.
Jake sits very still, trying to decide how best to navigate this turn of events.
“Do you ever miss me?” you murmur faintly.
Jake turns his head to look down at your face while his heart springs into his throat to constrict his breathing. “What are you doing?” he asks huskily.
Your eyes stare deeply into his. “I’m just wondering,” you whisper.
Jake sighs and rubs his forehead. “You just broke up with Frank.”
Your eyes start to fill with tears. “I miss you.”
“Fuck,” Jake mutters and straightens his back. His head drops like a deadweight against the drywall in behind.
You’re displaced in the process but, once he’s situated, you slowly move closer, until your head is resting over his chest.
Jake grits his teeth but wraps his arm around you and, in response, you lay your arm over his abdomen. He can feel your fingers twist into the fabric of his shirt. He tightens his embrace around your shoulders and curses some more, in silence this time. What is it about you that he just can’t resist?
You lift your head off his chest so you can be face to face with him. Jake tries very hard not to lock eyes with you because that would likely be the end of him. “Jake,” you say in a wispy sort of tone and Jake instantly loses that fight. He meets your gaze, and your eyes entrance him. “I want you to kiss me,” you breathe.
Jake can almost taste the citrus of your perfume; it hangs over you like a veil. He can already hear your melodic moans; he knows what you sound like when he touches you. He can feel the rise and fall of your chest, the ardent urging of your hands as they slip underneath his shirt.
But what he can’t do is kiss you.
Your lips… your lips are all he can think about. He wants you more than anything in the world but you’re not here the same way he’s here; you’re just passing through while he’s here to stay.
You come impossibly close, aching for just a split second of contact. “Don’t you want to?” you whisper.
Jake can hardly stand being this close to you. “Why are you doing this?” he asks in a low, uneven voice.
You gulp and the tip of your nose brushes his. “I want to be with you, Jake,” you whimper, your fingers digging persistently into his ribs. Your travelling hands ignite a chain of pyrotechnics under his skin that sort of set his entire chest ablaze. “Don’t you want that?”
If only you knew how much. He shakes his head, cupping your cheek in his hand. “How can that be? When you’ve only been single for an hour?”
Your eyes start to sparkle. “You don’t believe me?”
He’ll never believe a word you say. But that doesn’t make him want you any less. He catches the tears that stream down your face with his thumb.
“I never got over you, Jake,” you say, clasping your hand over his on your cheek. “I think about you all the time.”
Jake leans his head into yours and grips your hand in his. If you’re telling the truth, he sympathizes. But, more likely than not, every word coming out of your mouth is fiction.
You push him away and sit up straight, wiping at your tears. “I never meant to hurt you,” you say. “I made a mistake. I realized that the moment you left. And I was too proud to go after you.”
Jake grimaces. “So, you dated Frank for ten months?”
You shrug. “On and off. He cheated on me, so…” you trail off with a cynical laugh. “Got what I deserved.”
Jake furrows his brows. “You don’t deserve that.”
You glance up at him with renewed hope. “I don’t deserve you,” you say with a strangled sigh. “I know that. And you know that, obviously. Which is why you won’t kiss me.”
Jake shakes his head.
“I know that it’s long over, Jake. I’m not delusional,” you say, your eyes so penetrating it feels like they’re clawing right into his soul. “And, I swear, I did not come here for this. It’s just, seeing you again – and your fucking disgustingly adorable adult shirt – handing out candy like a well-adjusted member of society – it reminded me what I missed out on.”
Jake lifts his eyebrows. “A lame, costume-less, party-less Halloween?”
You smile. “It’s not lame. It’s perfect.”
Jake watches you wretchedly. You may look innocent sitting before him in his very own baggy joggers and t-shirt with your dizzyingly beautiful eyes. But you are a fucking black widow. With a venomous bite. And sweet lips that spew lies, webs of which he could never untangle. Poison on the tongue. Toxic to the bone. Fatal. “You’re perfect,” he says.
You gaze at him tenderly, waiting for your moment to strike. Jake is waiting too. There’s no use fighting it, he lost the moment he met you. And he’ll lose as many times as it will take to win you for good.
Hangman Tag List:
A/N: The rest of the list will be in the comments. Let me know if you don't want to be tagged anymore.
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thegnomelord · 8 days
This is a convo I had with Embry @embry-garrick about Soft Sub Gaz that I'll probably write a fic ab this after my exam ends. This is just my rambling
CW: Mentions of toxic relationships, Gaz experiencing a healthy relationship, slight NSFW at the end.
You meeting Gaz at a bar. Gaz had been freshly dumped by his ex, met the dude with some chick his ex was cheating on him with at the same party, and is just trying to get drunk. He has his standards so low he just wants to fuck and forget the night and his entire past relationship.
But also imagine being the bouncer who then gets flirted by drunk Gaz, saying how you two should go to his place as your shift is ending. You usually wouldn't fuck around with drunk people like this, but he looks like he needs someone to talk to so you take him back to his place as he's too drunk to get back on his own and you don't want him getting robbed or worse.
And Gaz in his drunken stupor tries to touch you up in the car, but you shoot him down. So Gaz is a bit hurt but still thinks he's gonna score some mindless bliss. So you lead him to the door and Gaz lets you in, thinking it's for sex, but you just sit him down on his bed and get him some water, telling him to offer again when he's sober and you're just there to listen if he needs it.
And Gaz ends up kinda crying about his relationship in his drunken stupor, probably passing out on top of you. Come morning he's waking up with the WORST hangover ever and only when he sees your phone number on a napkin on his bedside table next to a bottle of water and headache medication does he remember the fucking embarrassing night. He just lies in bed wanting it to swallow him whole at the thought of how he acted.
But then he calls you to meet up and apologize for the night. You two meet up at a coffee shop and what starts as a somewhat awkward conversation turns into like, you two spending 3-4 hours there just chatting. Gaz laughing at an unexpected joke and then wondering why his heart is beating so fast and feels like it's in his stomach.
Like it's not the frantic drumming his heart would do when he and his ex would fuck, that was similar to what it felt being in the battlefield. Being with you makes his heart beat in a fast but different way, like a bunch of cicadas are buzzing in his chest.
Him not used to them fancy dates without sex at the end looking at you weirdly when, after a date he prepared probably too long for, you walk him to his door and don't do more but a kiss on the cheek cause you can see how his body subconsciously gets more and more uncomfortable and tense with each step you two take towards the door.
But also, imagine soft sub Gaz getting ready to go back from his leave, feeling very uncomfortable thinking about leaving without telling you (Not to mention fearing getting cheated on while he's off shore) so you two meet up at the same coffee shop and he tells you that he's going back into duty. And his mind is kinda blown when, after another 3-4 hours of just random chatting, you end up driving him to the airport and kiss his forehead goodbye
Gaz accidentally telling the lads about you, and it only takes a few clever questions from Soap before Gaz is just full on gushing about you. But he vehemently states you two aren't together, you two are just... well he doesn't know what you two are, but you two aren't having sex, so it can't be boyfriends. Buuuuut he also spends too long of the time he has for sleep texting with you, and lowkey waits for the good morning text when you finally wake up.
Gaz periodically sending you sexy photos in his uniform (he's a good looking man, he knows it, and his exes all went wild for the soldier look and he won't admit it but he's scared of losing your interest) and you do say he looks hot but also ask him just to send you a selfie, just a picture of his face so you know he's still alive. And overtime he ends up sending more random selfies where he definitely doesn't look his best then those sexy photos he used to send his exes. Or you just send him some random things that remind you of him throughout his deployment.
Gaz being at that half giddy half scared stage where he wonders if you'll be waiting for him at the airport (He knows you said you would and you keep your word, but, again, his exes lied all the time) and him being surprised when you're there with those big signs with his name on it like some cliche romance movie.
And when you drive him home, you don't just drop him off and skip- no. You treat him like a kin; full five course meal of home cooked food, candlelight dinner and all, then a bubble bath that ends up with him giggling at the bath bombs shaped like donuts. And then when he's nice and relaxed you lay him down on the bed to give him a massage and shit you're good at it — Got him melting into the bed and dopey brained in minutes.
Oh and Gaz feels like he HAS to repay you with sex, it's not like his ex did anything for him for free without wanting something in return. But you're just comfortable laying down with him in the bed and watching the movie. I can definitely imagine him deciding to try this 'not toxic sex life' thing by just, while you two are cuddled up watching a movie, just lazily kissing you instead of trying to sneak a grope at your junk. Just Gaz kissing your temple or cheek and feeling light hearted when you turn your head to reciprocate.
Gaz wanting to try some lingerie for you but he's unsure - his ex always hated the idea, thought Gaz was supposed to be the dominant manly one cause he's the soldier. But he still tries it, even goes out to buy a nice pair of lingerie (says it's for his gf when he goes to buy it) and takes hours trying to decide if he should send the photo or nat. Chooses to send you one regardless and then turns his phone off cause he's kinda scared to see what you'll say. Then he's wonderfully surprised when he turns the phone on cause the curiosity is eating him alive, and finds all of your messages just complementing it.
Also Gaz who gets kinda bothered that you're not as demanding of sex as his ex was, that there's no 'passion' (in his eyes anyway, he's just not used to not being slapped around in the first five minutes of sex) in the bedroom so he thinks you're not into him or something. So he tries to purposely deny sex so you get pent up, like purposely sending you revealing pictures of himself but when you get home saying he's too tired or something
And he keeps getting more and more annoyed and has this tight bad feeling in his chest when you honor his words and don't engage after he says he's tired, in his mind it's like you don't find him attractive at all.
And like, imagine waking up in the middle of the night and he's slowly jerking off. You ask if he wants some help, but he acts a brat and says no but continues to stroke himself. You say you need to talk cause you don't understand why he keeps doing this and then not committing to have sex.
And it turns into a teary confession session but Kyle's so horny and pent up cause it didn't feel right jerking off without you there so you end up talking him through the masturbation session and when I say it's the hardest he's ever cum in his life (up to that point) I mean it.
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cerisereids · 3 days
𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗲 𝗺𝗮𝗸𝗲𝘀 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗯𝗼𝗹𝗱𝗲𝗿, 𝗰𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗱𝗿𝗲𝗻 𝗴𝗲𝘁 𝗼𝗹𝗱𝗲𝗿- 𝘀.𝗿.
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wc- ~3k
pairing- young dad!spencer reid x bau!mom!reader
summary- for spencer’s first father’s day, you take baby diana to meet her namesake.
warnings- s1!spencer, r is younger than spencer by two years (23&25 respectively), just lots of sweetness and fluff. lmk if i missed anything!
a/n- happy father’s day! i hope you’re all able to spend time with loved ones, and if not, hopefully this can provide some comfort 🩷 this exists in the same universe as this fic! dividers from @saradika-graphics and @reveriesources !!!
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“the doctors said she’s been having a good week,” your husband whispers as early morning light casts over your las vegas hotel room, “we should be good to go over there later this morning.”
“good, i’m glad to hear that she’s doing well,” you say back, tone hushed as you rub his scalp. he lets his eyes fall closed, you kiss him on the nose, he sighs contently, “first father’s day…” you trail off, giggling when his eyes snap open.
“i know, i can’t believe it,” a smile grows on his face, and you can’t help but kiss his bunched up cheeks.
it seems like just yesterday you were knocking on spencer’s door, tears in your eyes, a palm flat on your stomach. you remember the nerves swelling in your stomach, acidic bile rising in your throat as he answered the door. you remember his furrowed brow as he asked what was wrong, the panic in his eyes when you pulled out the positive pregnancy test.
you were so young when you’d gotten pregnant, a fresh 22. you were hired onto the bau team only a month before one salacious night out completely altered your lives forever. back then, you could have never imagined the life you’d create with the shy, awkward guy you work with. the fear that once paralyzed you has since dissipated into the most infectious joy, all thanks to your baby girl, diana reid.
she lays to your left in her portable crib, her tiny lips wrapped around her- somehow even tinier- thumb. you and spencer now both lay on your sides, cuddling back into his chest as you watch your baby girl, savoring each breath she takes.
“she’s so special,” spencer whispers against your temple, fingertips lightly raking up and down your arms.
“i know,” you respond, smiling gently at the way her chubby cheeks droop into the mattress. there aren’t enough kisses in the world for those cheeks, you and spencer both agree.
the sun rises on las vegas, still busy from the night before. a warm golden glow filters through the window on your baby, illuminating her as the angel she is. she starts to stir as the sun comes up, rolling over onto her back as she brings her chubby fists to her eyes. you two both smile at the tiny squeaks that escape her lips as she stretches, coming back to the world once more.
spencer’s the first to get up, as always, eagerly hopping over to the crib, leaning over it at the waist.
“hi my sweet baby!” he coos, long fingers wrapping around her tiny belly.
he pulls her to his chest, lightly swaying her back and forth. you revel in the sight. his mussed hair, no gel constricting the natural texture of his curls, the way diana automatically curls into him, her head resting comfortably on his shoulder as if the safest place in the world was spencer reid’s arms. you would argue she’s correct in that.
“good morning, my love,” you coo, and diana smiles at your voice.
“we’re gonna go see grandma today!” spencer exclaims, his volume is hushed but his tone is light and excited, “what do you think? huh?” he lightly rubs her belly and she lets out a tiny squeal, throwing her arms at her dad’s shoulders as she curls in for a hug.
he pulls her to him, deepening the hug. the sight melts your heart. a large hand covers the expanse of her back, the warmth no doubt nearly lulling her back to sleep.
“let’s get you some food, hm?” he murmurs into her temple, carrying her over to the hotel mini fridge, now full of milk bottles.
he hands her to you so he can take off his sleep shirt, before he situates himself on the armchair in the corner of the room, bottle in hand. skin to skin contact has proven to be something healing for both spencer and diana, bonding them tightly. she’s completely a daddy’s girl, and he’s wrapped around her tiny little finger. you love it, especially when you awaken to your shirtless husband cradling your child. the sight could be in the louvre.
you take a few more moments to say good morning to your girl, holding her close and peppering her face with kisses. you reluctantly hand her off to her dad, though you’re eager to get back in bed. it’s early, both of your sleep schedules still haven’t completely caught up to hers. thankfully for you, spencer wants nothing more than to take care of his girls.
once she’s fed well and burped, you finally drag yourself out of bed. you head over to the bag you packed for diana, pulling out a couple outfit choices for the day. she’s insanely spoiled, your team constantly comes to work with gifts for her- clothes from penelope, a toy from hotch that jack no longer plays with, stuffies from derek.
you pull out a frilly top-skirt set from penelope, and a pale blue dress from jj, “which one?” you ask, looking at spencer over your shoulder, each outfit held up in one hand.
“the dress. my mom’s favorite color is blue,” he looks up smiling as he finishes his sentence. the smile fades quickly, though, as his eyes scan your twisted figure, still clad in your lace camisole and matching shorts, “you look really beautiful, by the way.”
your face flames, a smile pursing your lips, “right back atcha,” you wink, dropping the top and skirt back into the suitcase.
“does my baby girl wanna get dressed?” you ask, reaching for her excitedly. she waves her arms, her own expression of joy as she sees her mama.
she giggles lightly as she’s passed from spencer to you, you lightly pat her bottom and sit with her on the bed. you lay her down, flat on her back as you change her from her pink onesie littered with white hearts (from auntie penelope, of course), and slip her into the dress. spencer, now fully dressed for the day, tosses a white headband onto the bed for her.
you stretch it over her head and smile at the white flower resting atop the mess of curls on her head. the prettiest baby girl in the world, you’re convinced. she got her dad’s hair, his big, brown eyes, but your nose, your smile. she’s an amalgamation of you and the love of your life. she’s perfect.
“you’re so pretty sweet baby!” you coo, your pointer fingers lightly digging into her tummy. she squeals, the cutest smile on her face as her chubby hands wrap around each finger.
spencer scoops her from the bed, occupying her so you can get dressed yourself. you tug on a flowy babydoll dress, it’s white, so you pair it with light blue accessories to match your mini me. you gather all of your parenting essentials, as well as your wallets, room keys, and phones before heading out in search of coffee. what spencer doesn’t see, though, is the large bag of gifts you’ve discreetly placed in the bottom pouch
there’s a small restaurant on the corner of the block, advertising their breakfast with a big, bright sign. you are in las vegas, after all. diana’s a huge hit inside the restaurant, she always is, your waitresses and patrons alike just gushing over her as you and spencer eat your meal.
spencer doles out small pieces of egg and sausage onto the tray of diana’s high chair, which she gobbles up immediately. she eats like she’s starved, you swear. you fiddle around in your purse while he does this, smiling when your fingers land on the firm card stock you were looking for.
“spence…” you trail off, “this is your first father’s day, and i know you want to spend it with your mom. i can’t wait,” you smile genuinely, you mean it. things with spencer happened so fast when you got pregnant, your parents arranging a wedding, to the birth of the baby itself. between that and work, you’d only gotten the chance to meet spencer’s mom once, shortly before the baby was born.
“you have presents for me, though, don’t you?” he eyes you wearily, figuring you out immediately, of course.
“i couldn’t not!!!” you gush, a smile breaking forth on both your faces, “it’s your first father’s day!!! some of this stuff i bought before you even mentioned coming to vegas, i was so excited!” you defend yourself as you push the card across the table.
it’s a small, cheesy one you nabbed from cvs. a large star amongst smaller ones lays in the night sky, with white text underneath it that reads ‘you’re a star!’ he chuckles, opening to the inside, where it says, ‘keep shining! happy father’s day!’
you couldn’t help but write your own note to him at the bottom. gushing about how good of a father he is, as much as you could in a paragraph. you see tears well up in his eyes when he sees the small scribbles at the top of the card, courtesy of baby diana.
“do you like it? i gave her the pen and held the card up to her hand, like her own little signature!” you exclaim, lightly clapping your hands together in excitement.
“it’s perfect. i love it,” his voice is wobbly as he presses the cuff of his sleeve to his damp eyes. you take his free hand and squeeze it, soothingly rubbing your thumb over his knuckles before reaching into the large bag that’s sat underneath the table the whole meal.
“ok, this first one is from diana!” you pass him a small gift bag, green tissue paper sticking out of the top, “we were at the store together and she kept pointing at it. i don’t know how she knew. i think she got your smarts.”
you smirk, resting your chin on your folded hands, elbows planted on the table as he opens it. it’s a book, one he can read to diana before he goes to sleep, titled ‘i love my dad!’ the tears finally spill over his lash line, and you well up yourself.
“you’re lying,” he scoffs, an awed smile on his lips, “no way she kept pointing at this?” he shakes his head in disbelief, “you’re just saying that to make me feel better.”
“spencer!” you giggle, “it’s the truth!” you reach for his hand over the table, lacing your fingers together, “i took her to target a few weeks ago, and i had already finished shopping for you. we were over by the books and we headed over to the children’s section, so i asked her which one she wanted to see if she would point,” you explain, and he hangs on to your every word, “she did. that was the one. like i told you, she’s got your smarts, babe.”
“that’s incredible,” he breathes, his free hand reaching for diana, a long finger rubbing against her chubby cheek, “you’re so sweet! thank you, baby!” he punctuates his gratitude with a kiss on her cheek, before leaning across the table to kiss your lips.
“you’re the best wife ever,” he murmurs against your lips, low and gravelly, before sitting back down in the booth.
“you’re the best husband ever!” you exclaim, before retrieving the rest of his gifts.
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spencer leaves the restaurant with his family, heart- and belly- immensely full. it’s then that they begin their journey to the bennington sanitarium. nerves begin to bubble in his chest the closer they get. though he’s excited for his mom to finally meet her namesake, he can’t shake the feeling, like a puzzle piece out of place, whenever he’s back home.
he pushes the stroller up the pathway to the front entrance, smiling warmly at the nurse at the front desk. her eyes immediately light up at the sight of the baby, wide eyed and smiley in her stroller.
“dr. reid! it’s so good to see you! this must be little diana!” she coos, getting up from behind the desk to get a better look at his sweet angel.
“hi! yes it is, she’s here to meet her grandma,” he beams.
“well, she’s been having a great morning. she can’t wait to see you guys, she’s been talking about it all week,” the nurse smiles as she goes back to her seat to check them in.
his heart stops when he sees his mom, her hands are fidgeting with the book in her lap as she sits in her favorite armchair. her gaze turns upward when she senses him approach, her eyes lighting up at what she sees.
“spencer!” she gushes, “who have you brought to me?” she smiles gently, her hand reaching for the edge of the crib.
“hi mom,” he says gently, “this is your granddaughter, meet diana reid.”
“wow…” she trails off, eyes shining with pride, “she’s so beautiful,” she shakes her head in disbelief as she takes it all in. she then reaches for his wife, taking her palm in hers as she gazes up to her, “thank you for taking care of him. of both of them,” diana pats the top of his wife’s hand after she says it, and all three of them are tearing up.
“of course,” his wife replies, her voice shaky, “wouldn’t want it any other way,” she reassures his mother, and he swears his falls in love all over again.
“you’re treating her well, yes?” diana points accusatorially at him, and his cheeks tint slightly pink.
“course i am, mom. just like you taught me,” he smiles, leaning down to get baby diana from her stroller.
“here,” he huffs, passing the baby to his mother, “she wants to say hi.”
“she does?” his mother coos, her eyes glossy as she gently holds her granddaughter. spencer stays right next to them, unable to remove his eyes from the scene unfolding in front of him. his heart strings twist and turn, a wave of emotion flooding through him like a tsunami.
“isn’t she special?” he asks, looking up at his mom.
“she is. she’s perfect, i’m so proud of you, my spencer,” she glances at him, a soft smile spreading across her lips.
“i think she might like the garden, do you want to go on a walk?” he asks her, and she’s keen to this suggestion.
he takes baby diana back, placing her back in her stroller. his wife takes over the pushing, as he and his mom walk arm in arm to the garden. they park the stroller up front, the nurse at the front desk watching over it. his wife holds baby diana as they walk, and his daughter takes in each and every flower. they’re her new favorite things recently, she lights up when they take her on walks past their neighbors’ flower gardens. he knew she would love it here, and he’s validated with every gasp and giggle that escapes his baby’s lips.
his wife eventually sets baby diana’s tiny feet on the ground, holding her hands as she tries to walk with her. she takes a few steps before she stumbles, and his mom just lights up at the sight of her walking.
“i can’t believe she’s already taken her first steps!” his mother gasps, and spencer’s heart cracks just a little.
“we can’t either,” he breathes out as his wife scoops her back up.
they find a bench underneath an apple blossom tree, taking a quick break for diana to rest, and baby diana to have a snack. the chubby baby rests on his wife’s lap, sucking on an applesauce pouch, while his mother plays with her. it’s a perfect image, so much so that spencer takes out his phone, opening the camera.
“say cheese!” he prompts, holding up the phone.
the two women lean into each other, his wife propping up the baby in between them. their smiles are huge, infectious, and it makes his heart swell, warmth flooding his veins.
“beautiful!” he cheers, “my girls are so beautiful,” he murmurs once more, it’s low, more for himself. his wife hears, though, because of course she does. she leans up to press a kiss to his lips, passing off baby diana in the process.
“would you like to keep going, diana?” she asks his mom, and he takes a backseat, for once. he’s in awe of the calming effect you have on his mother, eternally thankful that he’s found someone who loves him and his family this much. it’s a luxury he never thought he’d be afforded, and it’s one he clings onto for dear life.
diana’s tired, so they return to the lounge. they exchange their goodbyes, which consist of many hugs and promises to come visit more. diana pinches his cheek before they leave, a reminder that he’ll always be her baby.
once they’ve exited the building, his wife leans up on her tip toes, her arms wrapping around his bicep as she presses a light kiss to his lips.
“that was so nice,” she coos, her lips resting on hers before they continue walking.
“you’re so sweet to my mother. thank you,” he says earnestly, “she really likes you.”
“i know how much she means to you, spencer,” she says, arm staying looped in his as they walk back to their hotel, “i love you, which means i love her, too. it helps that she’s an amazing woman, who’s raised an amazing son,” she lightly nudges his shoulder, and he blushes.
“this was an amazing father’s day, thank you so much,” he stops to kiss you once more. his heart flutters at the softness of her lips on his, the taste of her sweet lipgloss dancing on his tongue. his heart pounds against his chest, butterflies swarming through his stomach.
“i already can’t wait for next year,” she smiles, looking up at him with a cunning gleam in her eye. he returns her loaded stare, eager to return to their hotel so they can put diana down for her nap, and spare a few minutes, just the two of them.
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xcziel · 2 years
anyone out there want like some 60-70 year old math and engineering layman's texts? like from back in ye olde slide rule use days?
i guess someone my collect thst sort of thing? or be interested in them as curiosities?
i'm trying to figure out what to do with my dad's old books that i *don't* want, and he seems to have kept all his college textbooks (he was a "computer science" major at u.t. back before they had computer science degrees)
everybody says you should donate or recycle unwanted books, but these are so old they're so completely out of date (not the math ofc, but like you get what i mean) no one would get any use out of them
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fvnalgirlcomplex · 7 months
and it begins!! this is irl but also mostly social media au because my tumblr is/was acting up and deleted most of what i had written and.. i’m lazy so!!! reader is referred to as ‘you’ and their looks are talked about but i tried to avoid describing looks… however… reader doesn’t have blonde hair but listen like every nhl fic uses a blonde girl for the fc so. i think its justified!! but sorry to anyone blonde reading lol. i didn’t rlly know how to end this tbh but i hope it’s still good and i hope u like it!! remember that you are beautiful! any negative things said obviously aren’t true :)
warnings: light mention/implication of an eating disorder, insecurities, hate comments, reader gets picked up (lowkey manhandled a little bit), suggestive comments (2), unedited writing
masterlist, series masterlist
fc: olivia rodrigo ( oliviarodrigo on ig )
summary: dating jack wasn’t gonna be easy, you knew that. you just thought him traveling a lot was gonna be the hardest, not being picked apart by his fans.
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bought a bunch of makeup,
tryna cover up my face
i started to skip lunch,
stopped eatin’ cake on birthdays
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liked by lhughes and 56,890 others
youruser 22!! shout out to cole caulfield
view 182 comments…
colecaulfield thank you for the shout out. I really needed it.
youruser anything for a fan
user19 she’s so cocky omg
yourfriend the cake was so good! you should’ve had some :(
youruser the cake wasn’t very big and i don’t really like cake that much anyways lol glad you liked it though!!
jackhughes ❤️
liked by youruser
user373 at least she chose a blurry pic so we don’t have to see her face lmaoo
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liked by trevorzegras and 120,293 others
jackhughes birthday girl 🎂
view 367 comments…
_quinnhughes haps
youruser damn. not even a full sentence 😔
user14 even his brother doesn’t like her lmao 💀
user298 i hope she knows she’s public enemy #1
user63 bro could do sm better
trevorzegras big! 22! 2️⃣2️⃣
user86 the way she looks at him though 🥹
user7 no..
user329 why are you so miserable
user738 he did her so dirty with the second picture 😭 makeup can only do so much but somehow she looks even worse than i imagined with no makeup
“I didn’t know it was such a big deal—”
“It shouldn’t have to be a big deal, Jack! I asked you not to post it, I don’t understand why you don’t listen!”
Maybe you were overreacting. Maybe you were taking your insecurities out on Jack when it really wasn’t his fault. But, it’s hard to stay calm when you’ve started to hate what you see everytime you look in the mirror, or someone takes a picture of you and that’s when you have makeup on. Words couldn’t describe how gross you feel without makeup on.
“I think you look gorgeous. I don’t know what the issue is.” Jack responded, too nonchalantly for your liking.
“The issue is that I don’t think I look gorgeous so I don’t want it out in the world for all your fans to see.” Jack sighed at your response. He knew what this was about but to him, you the prettiest girl he’d ever seen. He just couldn’t grasp how someone like you could be insecure.
“Y/n…” He said softly, grabbing the sides of your face. The mood in the room had quickly changed from tense to sad as soon as the word fans was mentioned. “You’re stunning. I know you don’t believe me but, you really are. All those comments are from a bunch of teenage girls who are jealous. I know it’s hard to block out but you just have to try ‘cause I wanna show everyone how pretty my girl is, okay?” Jack finished, trying to cheer you up. It didn’t really work to be honest but still, through glass eyes, you looked up at him and nodded before he brought you into a comforting hug.
You wanted to believe him, you really did. But it wasn’t just teen fan girls. It was also grown men. Men your boyfriends age who thought you were just as hideous. They couldn’t have been doing it for the same reasons as the fan girls. They had to have just been being honest, right?
‘cause there’s always somethin’ missin’
there’s always somethin’ in the mirror
that i think looks wrong
when pretty isn’t pretty enough,
what do you do?
You loved spending time with Jack. And you also loved getting to spend time with the people he cared about. But the pressure of looking good before going knowing that pictures would be taken, with or without you knowing, made you want to puke.
You started planning out your outfits far in advance, what shoes, how you’d do you hair, your makeup. Everything. You told yourself over and over again that the outfit is cute. You asked Jack about it and he always reassured you that you would look beautiful in anything and the friends you’d ask say the same thing.
But that still wasn’t enough to stop your brain from making you think everything was wrong. No matter you were wearing, when you looked in the mirror it just looked… wrong. Like something was missing.
“Babe?” Your boyfriends voice came softly through the bedroom door. Jack had invited you to the Devils Halloween Party this year which would be your first New Jersey Devils event. Jack and Luke were wearing matching spider-man costumes with Nico and Dawson who were currently at the brothers apartment. “You ready?” He asked you as he poked his head into the bedroom before fully stepping in, closing the door behind him.
“Yeah, I was just looking for my cat ears.” Lie. You were overanalyzing yourself like you always did before you went out but you knew if you told Jack that he’d feel bad and tell you that you didn’t have to go if you weren’t comfortable.
It wasn’t clear if Jack really believed your lie but he glanced around the room for the headband anyways before finding it on the edge of the bed next to you and placing them on your head for you.
Still sitting on the edge of the bed from when you were putting on your boots before you caught a look at yourself in the mirror, you looked up at Jack, who’s hands stayed on the side of your face after gently placing the headband on you.
Words weren’t exchanged as he looked at you, his thumbs tenderly moving over cheeks. He moved down to place a lovingly soft kiss on your forehead and then your lipstick covered lips.
“You’re beautiful.” He whispered against your mouth. You almost believed him.
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liked by jackhughes and 2,384 others
njdwag.updates y/n at the halloween party with a fellow wag. she went as a black cat 🐈‍⬛
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theotherwag sweetest girl to ever exist 🩷
user273 jacks like 🥹
user33 is this a safe space?
user649 depends…
user33 i love yn. and i love yn and jack!! they’re so cute and it’s so obvious everyone that hates her is just jealous :/
user472 REAL!!! they claim to be fans of jack but hate to see him happy… like something isn’t adding up??
liked by 208 others
user634 wait jack went as spider-man and she went as a black cat?? she’s kinda funny for that
user710 jack probably didn’t want to outright match with her 💀
user845 her standing next to another wag.. this is so sad like jack!! wake up!!
and everybody’s keepin’ it up, so you think it’s you
i could change up my body and change up my face
i could try every lipstick in every shade
but i’d always feel the same
‘cause pretty isn’t pretty enough anyways
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liked by 1,266 others
njdwags y/n y/l/n at her colleges football game with friends!
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user968 everytime there’s a picture of her standing next to someone it really highlights how ugly she is LMAO
user263 idk why people hate her sm she’s so pretty
user945 she’s even prettier in person! i met her at the game and she was so nice. it’s so sad to see all the hate she gets :(
liked by njdwags
user293 we have class together!! she’s literally so sweet and smart
user683 ugly ass
user78 she chose a college football game over her boyfriends hockey game…
user537 why does she always have her tongue out 💀
and i try to ignorе it, but it's everythin' i see
it’s on the poster on the wall, it's in like every magazine
it’s in my phone, it's in my head, it's in the boys i bring to bed
it’s all around, it's all the time, i don't know why i even try
It’s like you couldn’t stop yourself from reading comments on posts about you. You knew you should ignore but it seemed impossible to ignore at this point.
You knew the comments would be negative like they always were but you always had hope they would be nice for once. And there was nice ones sometimes! But most were so overwhelmingly negative, you couldn’t even focus on the positives.
And it wasn’t just comments either, no. Not anymore at least. Since, you’ve read the comments, it’s like all the negative has leaked out of your phone and into every aspect of your life.
It was when you visited your family over winter break, you had totally forgotten about the posters you had in past years of icons from your childhood. Icons who were so how all skinny or blonde or had stunning blue eyes or all three. The break was supposed to get you away from all that and yet, you still cried yourself to sleep that first night.
Every aspect of life also included you and your boyfriend. You knew before you and Jack had started dating, he was constantly liking other girls bikini pics on instagram. And even though he had stopped doing that, you’d still seen tweets from his fans in the past joking about how he was “always at the scene of the crime” with a screenshot of his like on a picture of the most beautiful woman you’ve ever seen. And while you tried to ignore it, you noticed of a pattern with all the girls. They looked a lot like the icons from your childhood. Nothing like you.
So now, late at night, when you were supposed to be having quiet and sweet moments with your boyfriend; your boyfriend that you didn’t get to see very often at that! You spent those moments thinking about those stupid likes on those stupid pictures of those stupidly beautiful girls.
And as for you, the comments had really gotten to your head. Even when you weren’t with Jack and you weren’t on your phone or in your childhood room. You still found someone to compare yourself to. It was like some kind of superpower.
and i bought all the clothes that they told me to buy
i chased some dumb ideal my entire life
and none of it matters and none of it ends
you just feel like shit all over again
Was this silly? It feel silly.
This didn’t feel like you but a change was needed.
Jack (and Luke) had been hanging out with the team all day and you had the day off. You had decided to spend the time alone shopping for clothes that you would’ve never worn before this past month and a box of blonde hair dye.
“We’re home!”
Luke’s voice rang through the apartment, snapping you out of your trance that you were in while staring out the box of hair dye taunting you on the bathroom counter.
“Y/n?” Now it was Jacks voice that made its way through the apartment.
You could hear his footsteps come closer to the bathroom door before a knock on the door, hesitating before opening the door before him. He slipped in before locking the door behind him.
“I was gonna jump in the shower if he wanted to join me.” Jack told you, his hands sliding around your waist with his back to the door. Naturally, your hands slipped around to rest behind his neck, forgetting about the hair dye sitting on the counter.
“I think I’m gonna have to pass this time—”
“You’re gonna dye your hair?” Jack cut you off, his eyes focused behind you.
“Oh- Yeah, I just, um, wanted a change I guess.”
Jack didn’t say anything or take his eyes off of the box of hair dye. He didn’t buy it for a second but he just didn’t understand. How could you not see how beautiful you were. Jack had known the comments were bad, he just didn’t realize they were getting to you this badly. He looked back to you, who had a guilty look in your eyes. Jack sighed before moving you over to the counter, placing you next to the box.
“Baby, if you really want to dye your hair blonde; go for for it. But I don’t think you want to.” You couldn’t even look at him. You felt embarrassed that you’d been confronted about how out of hand these insecurities have gotten, even if it wasn’t really your fault. You felt like a child being scolded. “I know we’ve talked about this before but you really have to listen to me this time okay, babe?”
Jacks hand came up to your chin, gently pushing your head up to make eye contact with him.
“You’re the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever seen. I mean that. All those assholes just want to find someone to hate more than themselves and I’m sorry that dating me has made you a target for that. But blonde hair dye isn’t gonna make them stop. I’ll say something— I should’ve said something sooner but I’ll do it now. Just- Just don’t change for them because they won’t ever be happy. Pretty isn’t pretty enough for them, okay?”
You were crying now. Because you knew he was right and you were upset you had let them drive you crazy. You continued to cry as your boyfriends arm came around your frame. You uttered apologies, not quite sure for what, while his hand rubbed your back.
After a while, your tears stopped and Jack pulled away. “I love you. And I told you, if you really want to go blonde, go for it. I mean, you’ll look hot either way—”
“Okay, okay. Blonde or no blonde.” He asked with a small smile on his face, holding up the box of hair dye.
“No blonde.”
Jacks smile grew as he threw the box into the trashcan. His hands slid down to your thighs, picking you up and wrapping your legs around his waist.
“So… can we get that shower now?”
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linoveins · 10 days
hi sweetie, how are u? i luv ur writings ^^
could you write a fic about lino's tummy scar? i'm so soft about it, wanna worship him 🥺
a/n: hi!! i'm really stressed with uni rn :( i finally found time to write this though! it's just simple and short i hope u like it!! i felt all warm and fuzzy writing this. i adore minho sm i wanna worship him toooo (also have you seen the latest pics of him he looks so buff like DAMN)
idol!minho is really busy and tired from work lately. reader misses him and takes matters into their own hands.
genre: smut, fluff, some angst
warnings: MDNI! oral m!receiving, body worship, mentions of dom minho, dirty talk.
w.c.: 1.6k
minho had been busy lately from all the comeback preparations. you knew how hectic his schedule was so you don't blame him for the lack of quality time between you two.
you know how physically and mentally exhausting it is for him, waking up at 6 in the morning and often coming home past midnight.
you have been together for multiple comebacks now. you knew the drill. both of you did. and still you can't get used to it. but you didn't wanna add onto the things he was thinking, and all of this was really out of both your control, so you just made the most of what you had. but you still miss him.
sure, whenever he comes home, he lays on his side of the bed and pulls you closer to him from behind. sometimes he leaves a trail of soft kisses on your shoulder before passing out.
but you miss more of him. so when he came home a little bit earlier tonight, just an hour before midnight, you can't help but tackle the man in bed and hug him tight. you were practically squeezing and grabbing his skin while you buried your face on the crook of his neck.
you inhale him in.
you latch onto his figure, your body on top of him hugging impossibly tighter, and you all but melt.
he smells so good. so familiar and warm and just... good. you nuzzle your head deeper into his neck as you hear him chuckle and wrap his arms around you.
"you missed me, jagi?" minho says softly while running his hand down your back with the other, petting your hair.
you hum in agreement while licking his neck, just smelling him not enough anymore.
"smell so good, min." you mumble against his skin in between soft kisses.
minho coos at your actions. you're too adorable right now.
soon enough you started biting and sucking on his neck. you wanted to swallow him. you haven't felt him for so long you thought you were gonna lose your mind.
"mmh.. you want something, baby?" minho says, his breathing a bit labored. he missed you so fucking much too.
you remove yourself from the comfort of his neck to really look at him.
his eyes were gazing up at you tiredly, but still full of love and longing. you can see him trying to fight his eyes from closing.
"i just want you. but you're tired-"
"it's okay, i want you too. just give me a moment-"
"shh." you kiss his lips softly. and then his nose, and then leaving a bunch of kisses on his temple. "can i take over for now? wanna make you feel good. wanna take care of you this time."
you say it so sweetly with pleading eyes. how can he deny you, really?
"okay, baby."
you smile brightly at that, and minho feels like his heart is about to burst.
his sweet angel. the sweetest. what did he ever do to deserve you?
noticing the furrow on his brow, you planted a kiss to it.
"don't worry. just relax. it's okay if you fall asleep. my baby has been working so hard..."
your hands start to run over his chest, and you notice how big he's gotten. you gave one of his pecs a squeeze and he laughs.
"yah, stop playing."
"okay, okay. help me take this off." you tug on his shirt. "wanna kiss all of you."
"yeah?" minho says with a teasing smile before helping you get his shirt off.
and holy fuck.
his PT sessions really did one on him. his chest had gotten bigger and firmer. not just that. you can tell he's getting more buff all over.
"jagi." minho says, pulling you out of your trance.
"min, holy shit! so beautiful.." your soft hands run all over his exposed body and he can't help but shiver at the contrast of your warmth from the chill of the room.
"you like it?" he teases, obviously already knowing the answer.
you answer with a lick on his pecs and you can feel him stiffen beneath you. you're groping and squeezing all over and minho can't help the huffs slipping past his pretty lips.
"jagiya, don't tease." he warns.
"but you're so pretty." you whine while kissing his skin. "your arms have gotten bigger..."
you gave them a firm squeeze.
"so strong." you feel minho's cock twitch at the praise. "you could easily take me. any way you want."
your voice is dizzying. your words are sending him to heaven. you're regularly not this vocal. well, not with coherent words coming out of your mouth. but usually, it's him doing the talking. so this is new. he feels like he's floating.
"and these." you squeezed his pecs again. "you always complain about working out. but you did it. im so proud of you."
you leave a bunch of wet kisses down his torso until you reach his scar. you know minho wasn't the type to show off his body. he thought his scar isn't exactly something people would like to see.
when you both first had sex, the lights were all off as per your wishes. what you didn't know was that minho wanted that too for his own concerns since he didn't want to let you see him that time.
once you two got more comfortable with each other, you assured him the scar looked "sexy as fuck", which made him laugh.
and it really was. minho thought you just said that cause you loved him, and since the scar was on him, your love would naturally extend to that. but no, even just the scar on him is really hot. he still didn't believe you so you told him "it's like toji fushiguro with his scar". he kinda got it after that.
you kissed the permanent mark on his body, whispering out a little "pretty".
minho was incredibly horny at this point but his heart also felt heavy from the overwhelming emotions you're pulling out of him.
you lick the length of the scar, and his cock pokes at you from within his sleep shorts.
"i got you." you whisper softly while trailing more wet kisses down his belly until you reach the hem of his shorts.
minho hisses as you pull the material down, his heavy dick springing up.
your soft hand grips the shaft and he clenches his jaw hard.
"always so hard and pretty for me." you say with gentle strokes. "so big..."
minho can't help the little whimper escaping his throat.
you're driving him insane.
"love hearing you, min." you swipe your thumb on the tip and give it a gentle squeeze. "i always cum so hard when you're panting in my ear."
minho moans loudly at your words. his sweet baby is talking so dirty. all his.
his cock looks fucking good in your hand right now, all red, and hard, and fucking leaking. you lick the head for a taste and it takes everything out of minho not to cum fast.
it's been so long. but you're here again, all pretty and enchanting with his cock in your mouth.
soon enough, you started sucking him off, trying to take as much as you can in your mouth and gripping the rest of what you can't fit with your hand. you're minding your teeth, swirling your tongue just how he likes it, and drooling on it.
the squelches are driving both of you crazy. he tried his best to open his eyes and he starts gripping the sheets hard so he wouldn't use them to hold your head and just fuck up into it.
minho wasn't really a man of spirituality and religion but this? you deserved all of his devotion. your eyebrows are scrunched in focus, eyes a bit teary and hazed from taking his cock just how he likes it– just how he taught you, and your fucking mouth. your pretty fucking lips wrapped around him, your hot, and wet tongue- it's too fucking much.
and you're moaning. you're moaning on his cock as if you're the one getting the most pleasure out of it. his sweet messy fucking angel.
after a couple of squeezes from your hand and swirls from your tongue, you could feel him tightening, and you look up right into his eyes.
he cums hard, moaning your name coupled with strings of praises. you keep licking and swallowing all he could offer. your personal fucking God.
minho is breathing heavily, still trying to calm down from the intense orgasm. he's long gone but it's okay. you clean up the other mess and take care of him like you said you would and like he always does.
"thank you, jagi." minho smiles as he kisses you on the lips. he tries to escalate it further, pushing his tongue past your mouth, but you break the kiss.
"mmh- you should sleep. you have an early day tomorrow." you say while minho groans.
"but you-"
"some other time. you're barely awake!" you giggle while minho tries to grab you. you can't believe you're getting away with interrupting him multiple times tonight. you bet his half-asleep brain can't even register that right now. you laugh softly at his cuteness.
he eventually just cuddles you, his breathing now even and his eyes closed.
"i love you, y/n. m'sorry for not being here a lot." he says sleepily, whispering into your ear.
"i love you too. and don't worry. i'll keep being here when u get home."
"miss you... a lot. wanna make it up to you" minho mumbles while pulling you closer.
"you will." you melt into his embrace. "but sleep for now, hm?. i miss you too. so much..."
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oh-koenig-my-koenig · 6 months
(to the tune of Avril Lavigne's sk8terboi)
He was a human battering ram.
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She was a recon sniper.
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Can I make it any more obvious?
Headcannons - Fit for a King - König x fem!OC fanfic
Instead of making a y/n fic, I decided to create an original female character because I ususally write all of my stuff in POVs. Due to posting the chapters often right after I've written them some of the context and the characterization might not be explicit in every single piece, some of the information is only gonna get revealed down the road.
(TW: alcoholism, death, violence)
Karina Müller is almost 30 years old, she served in the Norwegian military from right after school until the death of her brother who was KIA on a mission together. She fell off the wagon after that, feeling responsible for his death and effectively being shunned by her family after that. Her pick of poison was alcohol and it got so bad that she more than once was drunk on the job which led to her getting kicked out.
The years after that she spent getting help, trying to get clean and going back to a civilian life, but the military was what she knew, so the civilian jobs didn't stick and she started to work as a mercenary, now a dry alcoholic. Which might be an issue for some contractors, but KorTac doesn't really bat an eye.
She's a compassionate person who loves to laugh, she's seen enough shit not to take any from her teammates and can stand her ground when faced with any challenge thrown her way. She's still working through some stuff, coming to terms with her past, but she has an optimistic spirit and a strong will.
Even though the Colonel seems scary at first, she learns pretty quickly that he is to be respected in training and on the battlefield, but on a personal level he's really not that bad. The 6'10'' killing machine, Austrian war criminal (insert "what murdeeer?!"-meme here) is quite an anxious person when it comes to basic human interaction.
Shouting orders at his team, stomping his enemies into the ground is more comfortable to him than just talking about mundane stuff with other people, he mostly keeps to himself (except for Horangi because that little shit would never leave him alone). And for the first time in a long time, Müller makes him wish that he could just go up to people and strike up a normal conversation like a normal person (don't we all).
König is 38 years old (we don't know his full name) and has the biggest metalhead dad vibes without actually having any children himself (his favourite band is Death, although he listens to a bunch of different ones, it's also their merch shirt Müller steals in "Are you wearing my t-shirt?").
When he started out in the military, he shaved his long metalhead hair off because that was the way to go back then, but he let it grow back when he was older and already Colonel. He has gauged ears and a plethora of tattoos all over his body because the soft pain of body modifications and working out until he almost passes out are his ways of dealing with his anxiety and stress. His body is a testament to that.
He has a huge scar on the right side of his face from when he got beaten to a pulp by his bullies at school, something he never let happen again after that (five on one was really unfair). His nose has been broken two times and sometimes his tattoos get destroyed by battle injuries, but he doesn't really care about that - or his looks in general. He's a soldier and not a model.
So the reason why he's always wearing the selfmade hood is not the scar. He prefers not to show his feelings to others, staying hidden underneath the mask for his own comfort, even if it makes him scarier also in situations where he doesn't want to be.
(CW: some nsfw headcannons ahead, talk about not wanting to have children) They're both switches, though König is leaning more on the Dom-side while Müller is a sub who likes to brat a little too much, just to see her man falter (for example when she calls him a good boy in random scene #1).
Müller is bisexual, something she discovered when serving in an all-women-taskforce of the Norwegian military (we don't really know about König's sexuality though). She decided a long time ago that she doesn't want to have children (she doesn't see herself leaving service again anytime soon and given her past, she doesn't see herself fit to become a mother), so she got her tubes tied. Which also comes in handy when a certain Colonel's favourite pasttime (well, actually second favourite) is leaving creampies inside her (no 'unexpected pregnancy' trope in this household).
König definitely eats pussy for his own pleasure, begging Müller to let him eat her out in "Sit" or losing a little friendly competition for a sexual favour in "But no funny business" (oh and he definitely steals her panties at any chance he gets). She's totally not opposed to servicing him as well, but the size of his dick makes this a whole endeavour (like seen in "Open wide, Prinzessin").
They match each other's energy pretty well, just going at it like rabbits at every chance they get, which sometimes proves to be difficult as they're sneaking around in secret.
Their arrangement is kind of a fuckbuddy/fwb-situation, they fuck hard and rough, without ever really kissing (the mask stays on), but after a while feelings start to get in the way... After all they do belong together <3
Read more at the Fit for a King - Masterlist or keep an eye out for the AO3 link - coming soon.
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tiredfox64 · 2 months
Hello, I hope you are feeling very well ^^
I really liked your fic "Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder"
Can I request a sequel with the reaction of the others in the clan when Tomas and the reader officially become a couple? Can I request something from nsfw too? The others are surprised to notice some marks on the necks of Tomás and the reader 👀
If you don't like this or it bothers you, ignore it, you have every right ;)
Beauty Never Ends Even In Bed
Prior notes: I love this man. I need this man. My head hurts just thinking about him. That could be the heat as well.
Pairing: Tomas x Afab Reader
Warnings ‼️: NSFW, biting, hickeys (that’s the freaking point)
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The girls in the clan were quite shocked to see your return. Not only did you save the Shirai Ryu lots of time by nabbing yourself a Lin Kuei assassin but you came back with a boyfriend. The looks on their face when they saw you and Tomas going into your room was priceless. It was like looking at a bunch of fish in an aquarium.
You and Tomas talking about what happened before. Why you shut him out and isolated yourself from everyone. He was sad and disappointed at the fact that there were people in the clan who showed cruelness. He would kick them out if he could but that wasn’t his call to make plus they really needed the numbers. He made a promise to you that they won’t bother you anymore.
Ever heard the term show don’t tell? Well y’all showed everyone that you guys were in a relationship.
Blotches of dark red that blends in with a faded purple are scattered on his and yours neck. A sign of a good time from the night prior. The hickeys of Tomas’ neck really stand out compared to his pale skin. He was the first to get noticed and teased for them. All the men were cheering him on. Boys will be boys.
And the ladies, oh they were jealous. They saw those same beautiful marks not just on your neck but on your chest as well. And just look at that beautiful bruise Tomas left on your shoulder from biting you. He really wanted to show everyone you were his. He made that clear while you guys were at it.
A heated make out session was going on in your room. One full of passion and heavy breathing. Tomas’ tongue swirled around yours. He held your face in a loving manner as the excitement grew. The only barrier between you two are your clothes. Take it off!
Tomas was about to start taking his uniform off because you stopped him. You hesitated because your confidence still wasn’t fully back.
“Are you sure you want to do this with me?” You asked.
Tomas looked at you with a bit of sadness. He wished you didn’t need to question his decision but he understood you were still dealing with those harsh words from before. He took your hand and squeezed it tight.
“I’m positive. There is not other girl out there who I would trust to be vulnerable with. I only want you. I can promise you that.” His tone didn’t fail him. He spoke the truth and you felt it in your soul.
You nodded your head before taking your hand back to start stripping. Tomas did the same but he would sneak glances at you. Soon you stood before him with nothing on. All your features were on display for him as you sat pretty on your bed. You were looking away all shy. You were missing how Tomas looked at you as if you were a goddess that he was blessed to see.
“Beautiful…” he whispered before taking you into his arms.
He peppered kisses all over you. First on your face and then down to your neck. His kisses on your neck caused you to shiver in pleasure. You were practically melting in his arms. Suddenly Tomas had an idea. A brilliant one. You felt his start to suck on a your neck.
“Wait—that’s gonna leave a hickey.” You warned him.
“That’s exactly the point.”
You got it now. You let him continue, embracing the pleasure that came from it. His hands wandered all over you, grabbing and squeezing wherever he could. The feeling of your soft skin drove him crazy.
More and more hickeys were made. They were scattered on your neck in different sizes. Tomas pushed you down onto your back while his lips traveled down to your breasts. He started sucking at your flesh, causing more hickeys to appear. As he focused on one of your breasts his hand reached up to massage the other. His fingers gently pinched your nipple causing you to whimper at the sensation. That noise you made excited him enough to make his cock twitch. He did the same thing to your other breast to make sure it was all even. Once he was done he looked down at his masterpiece. The hickeys looked so pretty on you. He should do this more often.
“Are you still okay with going forward with this?” He asked softly.
You nodded you head frantically. You were definitely ready. Your legs were spread for him and he saw how you were practically dripping wet. Tomas can’t deny that he felt some sense of pride in him. Seeing that he made you this excited would make any man’s ego rise. He angled himself correctly before slowly pushing in. There was little resistance which just proves how ready you were.
Once Tomas was fully in you both let out a satisfied whimper. The pleasure was euphoric. He was incredibly thick and it stretched you out nicely. You felt so warm and plush inside. He couldn’t hold himself back and he started thrusting into you.
You had your arms wrapped around his neck. Your eyes were closed due to the pleasure. But his eyes stayed on you as he thrusted away. He wanted to look into those beautiful eyes of yours as you two made love.
“Please look at me, beautiful. Would you mind doing that for me?” He spoke so softly and lovingly how could you resist.
Your eyes slowly opened to look up at him. Gosh he looked so handsome. You loved watching his eyes roll back sometimes as he bit his lip. That’s what good pussy does to a man.
A symphony of groans, pants, whimpers, and soft moans bounced off the walls. Tomas started to go rougher and faster to the point the bed frame started to creak. You held each other close. Skin to skin, heartbeat matching heartbeat. You decided to return the favor from before since Tomas was close to you. Your lips latched onto his neck where you proceeded to give him a hickey. He was surprised by how sensitive he was to it. Your lips on his neck made the whole experience ten times better. His hands started to grip the bedsheets as he focused on not cumming inside you yet.
You left your love marks on his neck. The heat of the moment caused you to go a little crazy. They were scattered all over. Tomas won’t mind it just shows how much you love him. You sure do love him a whole lot.
His thrusts started to grow sloppy and your moans grew louder. You both were close. What better way to bond than cumming together.
“I don’t think I can last any longer. Please, please, please let me cum in you, my dearest.” He sounded so desperate it was so cute.
Your heart fluttered at the nickname and caused you clench around his cock. That’s enough evidence to show you were just as close as well.
“Please cum in me. I need you. Please keep going, Tomas.” You begged and he delivered.
After a few thrusts you two were on cloud nine. He slammed into you before biting down on your shoulder. It was natural instincts. He groaned while biting down. The pleasure from your orgasm and pain from the bite was a delicious combination that made you let out the prettiest moans he’s ever heard. The feeling of his cock twitching inside of you while it spilled cum inside of you was unforgettable. Your pussy was milking him just to get every last drop. The best part was hearing him mumble something as it all happened.
“Mine, mine, all mine, my pretty girl, so pretty, fuck, you’re all mine…”
Well your confidence surely came back with that one. Oh Tomas couldn’t help himself. He just loves you so much.
You two stayed there for a good bit, trying to catch your breaths after that wonderful experience. Eventually he pulled out and laid next to you. He pulled you in for a cuddle, rubbing your back gently as he placed kisses on your forehead. You snuggled up against him with little to no worried in your head. All you could think about was Tomas and the love you have for him. Before you passed out you heard him whisper something in your ear.
“I love you. I love everything about you…”
How was your trip down memory lane? Was it a good one? Good, wonderful, now get back to the present. You have important matters to get to.
But before you could move on those group of girls who used to bully you came walking up. They looked like they were determined to do something but what.
“I don’t know who you are fooling but I can tell those hickeys are just makeup.” One girl said as she pointed to your neck.
“Yeah, why don’t you stop acting like you and Tomas are a thing and get over it.” Another one added on.
Before the others could add their own nasty words, Tomas came up behind you and wrapped his strong arms around your waist.
“My dearest, what’s the matter? These girls seem to be upset by something.” He acted clueless but knew what these girls were up to. That’s why he placed a kiss on your neck which shocked the girls.
“Oh nothing, they are just confused. They just can’t seem to take the hint.” You answered back.
Tomas picked you up as you giggled and carried you away. The girls were too stunned to speak. They were hella wrong. They were in fact the background characters on this story. You were the main character who got her happy ending with her love interest. That is evident to everyone.
Have I told you that you are beautiful and loved? Well imma remind you again.
After notes: The heat is causing me to get sick and get cramps. Tomorrow will be worse and I have to go to campus where the sun beats down on us. I’m gonna kombat the sun. Adiós!
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its-time-to-write · 8 months
how about a Jamie x reader fic when they go away to Amsterdam they sit together on bus and they wake up cuddling and then there’s an issue w hotel booking and there’s a one bed trope and they end up waking up cuddled together and then they admit feelings and reader goes to game with a tartt jersey on <3
I’ve been thinking about this forever, and I’m terribly sorry it took so long!! I do enjoy being an adult, but I’m at a point in life where I don’t have much free time and if I do, I use it to sleep😂
I really miss the days when Ted Lasso was still airing and the x reader tags had new content every day. I feel like that one meme of Thanos when he’s like “Fine. I’ll do it myself.” Shoutout to all y’all who are still here and reading my stuff! Love you!!
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smile at me
It’s straight-up fucked. It really, really is. But also maybe it’s good, as Keeley pointed out, because not having a boyfriend anymore means you can focus on yourself?
Or something. 
Of course he had to break up with you right before leaving for Amsterdam. Hell, he broke up with you because you were leaving for Amsterdam. 
“I don’t want you going to another country with a bunch of other guys,” he had said. “It’s them or me.”
“It’s literally my job,” you told him. 
Apparently, that didn’t matter. 
But what-fucking-ever, you’re at Keeley’s waiting for a car to take you to the airport, and she’s promised to make sure you don’t think about your stupid ex even once. 
It’s times like these you wish Ted were still here with a spot-on pun and some dad-type advice. All you ever get from Beard is a weird anecdote and a vaguely threatening look. 
Keeley chatters on for the entirety of the ride to the airport, through customs, and all the way to the lounge. 
“You’re gonna get loads of great content for the socials, babe. Candids, action shots, behind-the-scenes. Friendlies are fucking amazing!”
Last time Richmond were in Amsterdam, they had lost horribly. They’re hoping to make up for it this time around. 
The plane is full of Greyhounds, both footballers and coaches alike, with Rebecca at the very front. Keeley plops done in the seat next to her as Dani waves at you from the middle. 
“I saved you a seat!” he calls. You smile as Sam takes your bag to put it in the overhead. “Thanks, Dani. You excited?”
Dani grins. “I think this time I am ready to see a whole field of tulips!”
You laugh as the lads roll their eyes. Jamie leans across the aisle toward you and says, “Oi, what’s the twat doing while you’re away?” 
You press your lips into a thin line. “Not a clue.”
He raises an eyebrow and says, “You break up with him?”
“He broke up with me.”
Jamie twists his face into a scoff. “And you wonder why I call him the fucking twat. Prick. Bet it was so he could finally fuck his coworker.”
You shrug. Jamie’s never liked your boyfriend. It’s not like you were together long, only a few months. And sure, he was a little bit of a twat, but sue you. You had a special place in your heart for pricks with a heart of gold, only he didn’t even have a heart at all. 
“You should date someone better,” Jamie continues. 
You glare at him and retort, “Oh yeah, because it’s just that easy. You got some one in mind?”
Jamie gives you his most angelic look and says, “What about me?” which makes half the plane dissolve into laughter, yourself included. 
“Cheers, Jamie,” you say as you wipe your eyes. “I needed that.”
A strange look crosses his face, but it’s quickly replaced by his usual cocky expression. “Anytime, love,” he replies as you turn to start a conversation with Dani. 
As much as you’d like that, Jamie would never date you. His joke stings a little but you brush it off. Maybe you’ll find another twat in Amsterdam to distract yourself from the fact that you’re half in love with Jamie Tartt.
“I’m sorry, we don’t have a booking under you name,” the hotel concierge says.
You tap your nails to your wrist. “Are you positive? I’m with AFC Richmond, they should’ve had one.”
The concierge taps on his computer for a moment before shaking his head. “No, I’m afraid we don’t have anything. And all of our rooms are booked this weekend. Might I recommend the hotel down the road?”
Damn it. There’s no way this is happening. Everyone else has gotten to their rooms without a hitch and here you are, alone in the lobby as you pull out your phone to call Keeley. There’s no way this is fucking happening. 
“Everything alright?” asks a voice behind you, and you jump. 
“They don’t have a room for me, and they’re fully booked,” you explain. 
Jamie looks at the concierge, who shrugs apologetically, then back to you. He asks, “Why don’t you share with me?” and you frown. 
“I thought you were rooming with Declan,” you say. 
Jamie lifts a shoulder. “Yeah, but he switched with Richard because O’Brien fucking snores and he don’t give a shit.”
You say, “So you’re with Richard, then,” and he shakes his head. 
“Nah, Richard’s with Jan.”
“I thought Dani was with Jan,” you say. These fucking footballers. What’s the point in having set rooms if they’re just going to switch it all up.
“Dani is with Jan,” Jamie says patiently, as if this all the most obvious thing in the world. “But Dani’s a cuddler, so he’s probably going to fucking end up with, I don’t know, Isaac or someone. Which means I get a room all to meself.”
“Right,” you say slowly. “Alright, I can do that. As long as you don’t mind.”
Jamie winks. “Sharing a room with a pretty girl for four days? Ain’t a problem, love.”
You laugh and follow him to the elevator.
It feels a bit like playing with fire, agreeing to room with Jamie. Especially since you’re freshly single and definitely open to a rebound. But there will be two beds and a lot of space and anyway, you’ll be busy with the match and social media, respectively. 
Except as soon as you walk through the door, you realize there’s a tiny little hitch.
“There’s one bed,” you blurt out, so surprised you’re unable to filter your words. Jamie blushes a little bit as he says, “Yeah, um, Cockburn and I hate sleeping alone, so we asked for one. He grew up sharing a bed with his brothers and I just fucking hate being alone. I can sleep on the couch if you want.”
“No,” you say firmly, “you need good rest. It’s not a problem.”
It’s not a problem. 
Or at least it wouldn’t have been if Isaac had been a shittier captain. 
But as it is he’s great, so he’s got the whole team going out to dinner at a pre-determined location complete with a dress code of no t-shirts and apparently you count as part of the team, so you have to go too. You’re in your massive bathroom trying to curl your disgusting travel hair when Jamie walks in wearing one of those white hotel bathrobes.
He asks, “You mind if I’m in here?” so you shake your head, struck temporarily mute by his bare clavicle. Fucking hell, you feel like a repressed Victorian woman. 
Jamie says, “Mint,” and goes about his alarmingly detailed skincare routine. You’re pretty sure you’re done with your hair so you crane your neck in an attempt to check the back. 
“Missed a spot,” Jamie says. “Want me to get it for you?”
You shoot him a dubious look but hand him the curler. He runs a hand through your hair, picking up the offending strand and it’s all you can do not to shiver. 
“Mum taught me,” he explains and you nod ever so slightly, not wanting him to accidentally burn your neck. Jamie says, “All good,” and runs his whole hand through your hair this time, making the curls bounce. 
You choke out, “Thanks,” and hurriedly put away your things, desperate to leave before Jamie can pick up on the fact that you can barely handle being in the same room as him, and that you have great concerns about what the night will bring. 
“You look fucking hot,” is the first thing Rebecca says when you meet her in the lobby. Keeley looks mildly offended that Rebecca took the words out of her mouth, but she just laughs and taps your arm. 
“Gonna break a few hearts tonight, yeah?” she grins.
You’re not sure about that, especially since dinner turns out to be a very domestic affair. It’s loud, sure, but it’s definitely toned down since it’s a pre-match celebration instead of a post-match one. You’re with Sam, Keeley, and Roy with Jamie far, far away. You push all thoughts of him from your brain only for memories of your ex to surface. You frown. 
“The fuck’s wrong with you?” Roy says and for a moment, you think he’s talking to you. But he’s actually talking to Jamie who has moved from his place across the restaurant to right behind your chair. 
“Fuck off grandad,” Jamie says good-naturedly. “Wanted to tell this one that some of the lads are going out dancing after this. Not too late,” he hastily adds at Roy’s burning scowl, “just for two hours and we’re only allowed one drink.”
You’re pretty sure that’s a bit more liberal than Roy likes, but he nods his head slightly so he must be in a good mood.
“So, you coming?” Jamie asks and before you can reply Sam and Keeley chorus, “Yes she is.”
You give Keeley a Look before turning back to Jamie. “Guess I am,” you reply.
The smile Jamie gives you does more to make your head spin than any amount of alcohol you’ve had in your lifetime.
Jamie has taken it upon himself to wipe that frown off your face. He might have been watching you over dinner and that might have been why he chose that exact moment to invite you out, but he’ll never fucking admit it to anyone except Sam. And Keeley. And maybe Cockburn when it was the off-season and they were a little tipsy. (But not drunk, never drunk.) 
So yeah, sue him if he’s spinning you around on the crowded dance floor just because it makes you laugh. It’s not his fault that he’s been wildly in love with you since the day Higgins hired you. It’s not his fault that you’re easy to be around and have the most beautiful smile he’s seen in his life. 
And fuck, it certainly isn’t his fault you can’t see in yourself what others do. Why you settled for a piece of shit like your ex, he’ll never know. But he’ll be damned if he doesn’t do his best to show you how special you are. He knows you’ll never feel the same about him, but maybe he can help you level up your standards. Maybe if you’re with someone good, it’ll hurt less that it’s not him. 
So he lets you hold his hand for the entirety of the two hours that the team is out and doesn’t say a word when you don’t let go in the cab back to the hotel. 
You’ve gotten that closed-off look in your eyes again, the one that means you’re thinking about your ex, so Jamie knocks his shoulder into yours and asks why he can’t have the password to the team’s Instagram account, which is a sure fire way to get you to lecture him on irresponsibility and aesthetics and the best way to get your eyes to come back to life.
Honestly, it’s easier to fall asleep than you might have expected. It’s a big bed and you’re fucking tired. 
You just didn’t expect to wake up in the middle of the night crying, but it’s always fucking like this when you go through a breakup. You go to sleep fine and wake up sad, so you do your best not to wake up Jamie except you’ve both ended up entangled in each other’s arms, so he can feel you shaking. 
“Hey,” Jamie says in a soft voice, “You’re okay, love.”
You half expect him to push you away once he realizes you’re so close, but he only pulls you closer and presses a kiss to your forehead. Maybe it’s because you’re both half-asleep, but it feels like the most natural thing in the world. 
You sigh and settle into him, drifting off in a matter of moments. 
You wake up to a pair of blue eyes watching you. 
“How you feeling?” Jamie asks, voice gravelly with sleep. 
You just blink at him. It’s hard to form coherent sentences within the first ten seconds of waking up, and even harder with the memory of Jamie’s arms around you last night. 
Wait. Not just the memory. The present reality because neither of you have moved. 
Jamie misinterprets your silence and begins to extricate his arms.
“Sorry,” he says, “I’m not to trying to like, cross and fucking boundary or something. Should’ve left you alone.”
You’re still not awake enough to talk so you grab him to stop him from moving away. He gives you a questioning look so you say, “I wouldn’t have agreed to share a bed if I thought you were a creep.”
Jamie grins. “So like, if Jan had offered to share a room you’d’ve said no.”
You wrinkle your nose as you say, “Jan’s not a creep.”
“He’s the fucking worst,” Jamie grumbles, “And anyway, can we not talk about Jan fucking Maas this early in the morning?”
“Sure,” you say, “let’s talk about something else.”
Despite your comment, you both lapse into silence. You’re enraptured by Jamie’s blue eyes. You’ve never been able to study them this close before, and you want to take this opportunity to memorize every fleck of green. 
Jamie seems to have a similar thought, except his gaze flicks to your lips. 
“I have morning breath,” you tell him and he says, “Real men don’t give a shit, babe,” before leaning forward.
It’s softer than you’d expected, sweeter. 
It’s also strange to think that you’re making out with Jamie in bed, and that he’s the one who initiated it.
The thought is so absurd that you giggle, mid-kiss. Jamie breaks away and says, “Oi, there’s no way that was a shit kiss.”
“No,” you say between giggles, “it’s just weird that we’re doing this. Like, how are we supposed to look each other in the eye after?”
Jamie moves so he can look at you better, and you roll from your side to your back. “What do you mean?” he asks.
“Oh come on, we share a room and a bed, we kiss because I have all these sad feelings and you’re feeling a lot of emotions about the match, and then we have to work together after. It’s silly.”
Jamie cocks his head. “That’s what you think is happening?”
“Yes?” you say. None of this is going how it’s supposed to. “What do you think is happening?”
“I like you,” he says, and there is absolutely no mistaking his meaning. 
“Oh,” you reply in a small voice. “Since when?”
“Since before you started dating the twat. When Higgins introduced ya to the team.”
“That’s a fucking long time ago!” you exclaim. “Were you ever going to tell me?”
Jamie rubs his face. “Yeah, ‘cept you showed up to work tellin’ everyone how you started dating the twat. And I ain’t a home wrecker.”
You groan. “Fuuuck. I literally only dated him to try to get over you.”
Jamie shoots up. “What?!”
“Yeah,” you say, “I’ve been like a little bit in love with you ever since you winked at me during that first promo I did.”
Jamie blows out a breath. “Okay. Think that’s enough talking. C’mere. We’re making out proper, like, then we’re going to breakfast.”
You grin as you climb onto his lap. 
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nininikki · 5 months
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𝓢𝓤𝓜𝓜𝓐𝓡𝓨 ・✶ 。゚ nanami gives you what you’ve both been wanting.
𝓦𝓐𝓡𝓝𝓘𝓝𝓖𝓢! ・✶ 。゚ black fem!reader, established relationship (husband and wife), nsfw, smut! role play (partially, nanami is santa claus), cunnilingus, handjob, praise & pet names (baby, honey, daddy, mama) pussyjob, breeding and breeding kink, creampie
𝓝𝓞𝓣𝓔 𝓕𝓡𝓞𝓜 𝓣𝓗𝓔 𝓐𝓤𝓣𝓗𝓞𝓡 ・✶ 。゚ this is what happens when i try to write a christmas fic but end up procrastinating so now it’s january yay just pretend it’s christmas guys 🤣💘🫶🏽
“oh, look at you, in your cute little get-up!” you giggled, standing up from your seat on the couch at the sight of your husband strutting into the living room in the santa suit you had bought him.
nanami only rolled his eyes, dismissively chuckling all while adjusting the matching hat. “yeah, yeah. happy wife, happy life.”
you joined him where he stood by the tree, where a array of presents lay underneath. slyly, you’d attempted to peek into one of the bags, but your husband—like he had done every other day for the past week—caught you in your tracks. “mm-mm. what do you think you’re doing, young lady?”
“well, santa, i’ve been such a good girl this year. i thought you wouldn’t mind giving me my present early.” all it had taken was a smile, some subtle batting of your doe-like eyes, and a hand running over nanami’s defined abs. he was toast from there. you could see something short circuiting in the honey brown of his eyes as he lifted you off the ground, and you saw it again when you locked your legs around his waist. “does that sound good to you, santa?” you teased, pressing your nose up against his. in turn, a sharp smack came down over your ass, eliciting a welp of pain and delight.
nanami sat you gently on the couch, and you were face to face with the discernible bulge beneath his cheery red pants. you ran a manicured finger over the seam, inducing a gulp from him. then one finger turned into five, then your whole hand, and then you were palming him without shame. “y’know what, honey?” like always, the smooth, deep timbre of his voice managed to melt all your inhibitions. “there’s somethin’ santa’s been wanting you to give him for a long time.”
knowingly, your eyes glided over to your christmas tree and then quickly back to him. still, you feigned obliviousness. “really? like what?”
at that, he sank to his knees before you. “i think you know.” then, he gave your knee a nudge. “lift this for me.”
by this, he meant the pale white nightgown that fluttered over your ankles. almost timidly, you took the soft fabric in your hands and pulled it over your hips where it lay bunched up over your abdomen. without waiting, he pushed your legs up and back, so that your knees weren’t far from your ears. a holler of excitement slipped past your lips.
“are you gonna give santa what he wants this year?” your husband asked as his hands found purchase on the backs of your knees. from this angle, he could see the desire leaking out of your chubby cunt almost on full display. the only thing in his way was a lacy pair of panties you had worn to match your nightgown.
without warning, he licked a thin, warm stripe up the expanse of you, outlining where your clit stood beneath your panties. slowly, almost dazedly, he planted another kiss on the erect bud. how could he expect you to answer any questions when he was doing this?
you tried to speak over your labored breaths. “uh, i…oh,” your words drifted off as he licked another stripe over your pussy, a broader and wetter one this time.
“c’mon,” nanami spoke, “i’ve been good this year, too.” your hands found themselves resting over the back of his neck, holding him in place, but he only blew a thin stream of cool air between his lips over your most sensitive parts. you tried not to gasp too loudly, or show in any way how much this teasing was getting to you, but he made it oh so difficult. “have i not?” he asked before softly kissing your inner thigh, and then over your clothed hole. slow, sensual kisses as if he were kissing the lips on your face.
“ugh—you have, i p…romise!” your lips felt like lead as they moved. your body had become weak with desire. nanami maintained intense eye contact as he put his mouth to work, his tongue occasionally dipping past your hole to tease the heaven between your ass cheeks.
seemingly done with playing around, he slid his fingers delicately under the elastic of your thong and began pulling it off your legs. “so, that means you’ll give me what i want?”
you knew what he wanted, and you knew he would never stop wanting it. you knew that if you’d let him, he’d have gotten you pregnant long before. if it were up to him, the two of you would have a handful of kids by now. but it wasn’t up to him, it was up to you. and you just weren’t ready. not until recently, at least.
not until you and nanami were shopping for a present for your friends’ toddler and you thought about how much fun it would be to do this for a child of your own. not until you’d notice nanami looking longingly at a family out in public only after realizing you had been looking too. not until you had looked at the presents under your tree and wondered how much more there could be if you had a little one to splurge on.
gazing at your husband through lidded eyes, you managed a small nod, pulling him into a crouching position so you could press your lips to his. he tasted faintly of the slick between your legs and the chocolate chip cookies you had baked earlier. “are you sure?” nanami asked through strained breaths. you answered him with a wanton tug to his belt as your legs found their familiar place around his waist.
it seemed nanami was more than happy to oblige, and before you could take another breath, you heard the thick strip of leather fall to the floor with a satisfactory clink.
“gonna let me put a baby in you tonight?” he had gotten somewhat steadily to his feet and all but yanked his pants down, and you’d barely gotten a chance to admire the sight of him in his underwear before he yanked those down too. “‘s that what i’m hearin’?”
as you helplessly racked your brain for an answer, you couldn’t help or hide the way your eyes clung to every exposed inch of your husband’s figure. his face, usually cool, collected, and strikingly handsome was now mussed with a thin layer of sweat and slick. despite his domineering stance, you could see his honey brown eyes thinning out around steadily dilating pupils in a way that conveyed nothing short of ravenous hunger. you saw it too in the tiny pout etched into his full lips. your husband was voracious, and you weren’t sure how you’d been able to deny him for so long.
the belt of his robe had been loosened completely, putting the entirety of his torso on display for your viewing pleasure. your eyes followed a lone bead of sweat as it progressed down his body. over the fullness of his chest, then down through the chiseled grooves of his abdomen, before finally dispersing into the fine dusting of light brown hair that trailed into a neatly shaven mound of pubic hair.
the sight of his dick invoked a pooling of saliva under your tongue. the slit of his cock dripped a fine sheath of precum over the bulbous, eager head.
“yes,” you said almost without thinking. then, after giving yourself a real moment to ponder, you answered him again, “yes!”
“yeah?” he asked, the sneer in his tone almost challenging. “get it wet f’me,” nanami was a completely different man now, as he tended to be whenever you pushed the right buttons—touched him the right way, batted your eyes just enough, kissed him with the right amount of desperation.
you peered above him through your lashes, watching his eyes darken as you soaked the center of your palm in a thick rivulet of saliva. slowly, you took his cock in your hand, and began pumping it just the way he liked; firm but careful strokes at first, then a tiny bit slower as circled your thumb over the leaking tip, and finally, tightening your hand around his length and really focusing on the head. slick, shallow pumps that were only concerned with his swollen tip.
“‘s this wet enough?” you asked, stroking his dick with all the salaciousness of a pornstar, but it was even sweeter because you were his wife.
his toned hips bucked up against the movements of your hand, head thrown back as fucked up into your palm. “think i need more,” kento managed through pleasured grunts. “can you give me somethin’ wetter?”
your hand halted its strokes as his eyes met yours again, and you gave him a look that could only mean, you know i can.
hardly a second had passed before your husband was on his knees once more, his palm finding secure purchase at the back of your knee while the other firmly gripped the base of his cock. he tapped it over your cunt a couple times, soaking in the plat, plat, plat sounds it made with each contact. then, he slotted himself between your puffy lips, his frenulum flesh to flesh against your engorged clit.
your mouths were so close that you were almost sharing the same ragged breaths. “fuck, this pussy feels so good,” he murmured into your mouth, rocking himself back and forth between your lips. each movement of his length against you sent shivers up your spine and invoked fresh drips of arousal from your already leaking hole. “and i’m not even inside you yet.”
“pretty little clit,” kento dreamily sighed, and brought his hand up to cup your jaw, urging you to have a look as well. “c’mon, baby, look at it. aren’t you just perfect?” you nodded with libidinous haste as you continued to watch him maintain his rhythm. “that’s what the fuck i’m talkin’ about, beautiful.” the hand that directed your jaw returned to the base of his dick, and he used it to slap his tip over the head of your clit. one, two, three, four, five times.
“ken’,” you braved his name. “i want it inside.” it was the only sentence you could manage with him sandwiched within your cunt like this.
you felt him twitch, but it only made your poor cunt squeeze around nothing. “use your manners, baby,” he demanded weakly, teasingly kissing your soaked entrance with the head of his dick. “say, please.”
meagerly, you squeaked, “plea…” but with every passing nanosecond that the sound left your lips, he was splitting you open on a new inch of his cock. the word, please had barely made it out of your mouth before half of his length sank into your needy heat.
“c’mon, honey,” your husband urged, “say it so i can get you nice and full.”
with the last bit of air left in your lungs, you gasped a desperate, “please, daddy,” into the air, and that was all it took. he buried the rest of himself within you at once, to the very hilt. twitching at the sheer snugness of your sticky walls.
“holdin’ me so tight, baby. c’mere.” he cupped your cheeks in his hands and let your lips meet in a slow, spit-swapping kiss as he built a rhythm with each stroke. first, slowly. shallow strokes as his cock got adjusted to the tightness of your heat, but your cunt was so fucking greedy. tugging him in with each thrust, hungry for more and unwilling to turn him loose. you felt yourself leaking around him when one of his hands found your clit. fingering your little button in soft circles as he dug you out with the tip of his cock.
“hmph,” you moaned into his mouth as he alternated the rhythm of his hips, seemingly realizing that he was the one in control. he was going faster and deeper now, relentlessly tickling that tender, gummy-like bundle of nerves that lay at an angle only he could reach. “fuckin’ me so good, ken’.” you broke away from the kiss to murmur.
“don’t have a choice,” your husband rasped, “gotta get this baby in you somehow.” at that, you were almost ashamed of the way your cunt clenched around him. at the very idea of him fucking and filling you with a baby.
kento brought his pace down to a slower, steadier rhythm as he steadied his hands on the backs of your knees. with your cunt as readily exposed to him as it was, he pulled out until only his throbbing head lay submersed within your dripping heat. then, in one graceful motion of his hips pistoning forward, he was cleaving you open even wider on his dick. “ken’, it’s—” your words were choked in a gasp when the head of his cock kissed up against that sweet spot inside you. “‘s too much, toomuch, toomuch!”
nanami stamped a haste, wet kiss to the corner of your parted lips. “i know, baby, i know. but you take it so well.” he said over the sounds of your whimpers, the soft smacks of his hips pounding into your fleshy ass cheeks, and the lewd squelches that sounded throughout the room with every thrust of his cock.
“c’mere, give daddy another kiss.” the timbre of his voice always changed just the slightest bit whenever you got him like this. the tiniest hint of need and yearning was always evident, as though it had came deep down from the very pits of his soul. just hearing it made you weak with longing, and you were clenching around his length once more. his lips connected with yours in a kiss so sloppy, you could hardly even call it one. it was more of a messy gnashing of teeth and lips if anything.
when nanami broke away from the kiss, lips bruised from the mutual impact of your mouths and ragged exhales rattling through his body, he whined, “gonna make you the prettiest mommy.” the tips of his middle and ring fingers found your clit, drawing tiny figure-eights over the aching bud and eliciting hungry mewls from the back of your throat. “isn’t that right?” your husband taunted you further.
your head bobbed shakily in what was meant to be a nod. “mhm, mhm,” you babbled, but dissatisfaction was prominent in your husband’s eyes.
“say it,” maintaining fierce eye contact and unrelenting in his strokes over your clit.
“gonna make me—” the muscles in your abdomen tensed as you edged closer into climax. “the prettiest mommy!” you spat the words out, partly ashamed from having said something so perverted, and partly eager for the release you currently chased. it only took a couple more savory thrusts before your body began to spasm on the brink of its high. “i’m cummin, daddy, i’m—oh!”
nanami buried his face within your neck, an animalistic growl rumbling from his chest as your pussy convulsed helplessly around his cock. “yeah, that’s it, mama.” he encouraged as streams of your release began to gush from you with every push of his hips. “wet my dick up.”
your husband’s release followed soon after, mixed in with desperately weak grunts of, “i’m cummin’, baby. you sure you want it?” and, “gonna fill you up so good, promise.” before he was pumping a load deep within you and painting your insides in his viscous release.
you both lay there for a couple of moments, chests heaving and foreheads sticking together with perspiration. “just so you know,” kento rasped against your skin while weakly kissing the corner of your mouth. “i’m not done.”
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nininikki. 2023.
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fillinforlater · 9 months
Monday of Appreciation: Part 101
Hello everyone, Smite here!
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2 YEAR ANNIVERSARY of Monday of Appreciation!
My first MoA post was posted on the 20th of September 2021, two years. Time really flies, huh? I don't want this to be just another MoA 100 post, but I really gotta thank you all, especially because Part 100 received so much love, God, it made me so happy <3 It was a kinda cathartic moment, the series had an epic peak... all thanks to you.
I definitely also want to thank all the writers, without whom this all wouldn't exist. My way of thanking you all is by... featuring a FUCKTON of stories below. Even if you are not featured (first of all, I'm sorry lol), I still appreciate your work and comradery in the bunker. Y'all are amazing <3
No. 1: @dnd-writes: Way of Water ft. Eunbi
Ah yes, Waterbomb Eunbi. The event that captured us all. The idea with the backup dancer is straight forward, nice, but the greatest thing about this is the watersports. Waterbomb, watersports... you get it? Just read it.
No.2: @leafostuff: No Names Needed ft. Sheon (Billlie)
Thanks to Leafo for spreading the good word of Sheon and her... goddamn midriff. No more reasons needed, appreciate this girl already, ugh.
No. 3: @iznsfw: The Devil's Telephone ft. Yujin
Everything IZ touches skips the part where it turns to gold. Fuck gold, IZ just creates diamondtic-masterpieces. I was thrilled to learn about this fic and when I read it... IZ did it again! This portrayal of Yujin is everything. What are we to your might!
No. 4: @idyllicidols: Cheat Day ft. Wonyoung
Wonyoung gangbang with her fans? I bet you all are already foaming at your mouth. Go on. Read it. Leave some love for this talented writer after getting your loads off the screen.
No. 5: @rvp32: Whisper of Uncontrollable Desire ft. Chaewon
Let me tell you, rvp is great! They don't hold back, they go all out, they try A/B/O, they like futa (please write futa!) and they have a Gaeul series. This one fucking sent me <3
No. 6: @existslikepristin: Not Summer Yet ft. Jeongyeon
Thx ELP for the nice message on Part 100! Thanks also for giving us these crazy pieces again and again (well, this one isn't too crazy for your standards, but you get me). This felt really intimate, liked it!
No. 7: @dreamcatchers-husband: The City of Love and Secrets ft. Sejeong
You better learn French for this fic. But fr, now I wanna go to Paris and marry a beautiful girl before :floshed: filling her up because she truly is mine now ahhhhh
No. 8: @capslocked: SERENDIPITY ft. Eunbi
Caps, Caps, Caps, Caps, Caps, what am I gonna do with you? Your fics are ALWAYS in my to read list and when I get to them... yeah, takes more than one attempt... more like five. Fuck you, I love you.
No. 9: @ggidolsmuts: Sin, Hormones and the Starlet's Boyfriend ft. Yunjin, Somi
HOLY FUCKING FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK, that was so FUCKING hot, I caaaaan't stop meeeeee, this is so good, I need more of this. Yeah, basically every ddeun fic makes me go like this. What a fucking legend, man.
No. 10: @smuttysabina: A Pervert Bred by Perverts only Breeds more Perverts ft. E:U (Everglow)
As you can see, the title is quite elaborate on what happens in this fic. A bunch of perverts, a lot (and I do mean a LOT) of cum to breed and in the end everyone is happy. You too, you filthy pervert?
No. 11: @writingsomesin-amber: Puppies' New Toy Part 3 ft. LSFM, Xiaoting
FUTA, the best kind of futa. The one with Alphas, with Kazuha (who always has a HUGE cock), with boundless sex that's just horny nonsense. This is what I want to read. Thank you for writing it!
This is a sequel to probably the best porn focused smut to ever exist. Thank you, c.o, for creating this, for making it a universe and for dropping another Jiheon smut. She hot, you hot <3
No. 13: @pfxhk: Staircase: Prepotent Pleasure ft. Yuqi
Kaaajin <3 finally another Yuqi fic and a very good one at that. I want her hot lips wrapped around me too now.
No. 14: @rosiesmuts: After Dark ft. Rose
Rose little fuck doll. Her pics lately have been mind-fucking or sth like that, I dunno, just sex. Oh, and I know a lot of good things happen late at night.
No. 15: @akkaweo-akkaweo: Treatment ft. Jinsoul
That's the treatment wr allll want from our dear Jinsoul. Her gorgeous visuals have really stunned me since she joined Modhaus. Now paint that pretty face.
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No. 16: @mode-lfy: Jinni (SMUT) ft. Jinni (ex-NMIXX)
Sooooo... when does Jinni unzip my pants, first thing in the morning finally come back?
No. 17: @worldsover: link in bio top 0.1% creator ft. Jiheon
This one is the follow-up to c.o's [PVV], so we got a whole-ass universe with pornstar!Jiheon now. What a blessing, and it leaves us with no doubt that Jihron would reach that 0.1% if she'd show her cute face and bubble butt on cam... when tho???
No. 18: @allthekingssmut: She's Rough And Coarse And Gets Everywhere ft. Heejin
Star Wars is already a win in my book, pair it with hotness everywhere (the sun, a mechanic, her face) and it only gets better and better. The release to all the fucking tension between those two is EPIC. Great fic!
No. 19: @writerpeach: Overindulgent ft. Wonyoung
To say I have over-indluged in this fic would be a massive understatement. When Peach let's loose and pours out tens of thousands of words of unpure smut, we know we got ourselves a massive hit, no matter the idol. To make it even better, Wonyoung.
No. 20: @okaylikesmomo: Kampfyre Part 1 - Vocals ft. Winter
Just one word: vocal training. Wait, that is two words! So Imma a need okay to write a second part to this, because Winter has not been trained enough (imo).
No. 21: @pupyuj: Magic Words ft. Wonyoung (fem!reader)
More love to female reader fics! Especially thise one, with this sweet and spicy Wony that makes girls' legs weak and mine too xD Thank you for this great story and hot smut!
No. 22: @usedpidemo: Parasailing ft. Yuri, Minju
This story feels so nostalgic, so oddly familiar. Like I was there throughout it all and feel entitled to the release at the end. This fic has me gliding, high on their two perfect bodies.
No. 23: @summersault31: Concerto Pt. 1 ft. IU
Blowjobs under the table while tempting another woman into your sinful lifestyle... this combines a clichee with a hook that has you begging: Summer, where is Part 2?
No. 24: @midnightdancingsol: I swear, the Bear Poked Me! ft. futa!Minji x Danielle
Now for the futa appreciation. I think Sol is perfect for this, especially because the mere thought of Minji fucking Dani with her... HUGE COCK... so big and... were was I? Oh yeah, Hanni is also in this.
No. 25: @maemisnippets: You're Mine, Cheeks ft. Chaehyun (fluff)
In between 29 smuts, there is this one short fluff by our dear Maems. Well deserved, I must say. Keep it up, qt, always fun bits to read.
No. 26: @mintwithchoco: [CYMX-461] ft. Choerry, Jinsoul
Monopoly can be so much fun, if you are willing to strike some questionable deals to further your chances of winning and everyone's chances to have a good time. Bathtub sex?
No. 27: @nichuuu: Where our blue is ft. Rei
A beautiful story, it truly made me fall in love with Rei, her strive and determination, her failure, her rise---and the insane, drawn-out fucking at the end. Where our blue is has it all and I have to congratulate @nichuuu: In between all these great writers, this story really stuck out to me!
No. 28: @svndaysaweek: Niche ft. Hanni
Cute little Hanni in need of her step-brother, because she is so deeply in love with him... this was so adorable and sweet at the start and then went into an excessive smut part that fried my brain.
No. 29: @sinswithpleasure: You Can Watch, But You Can't Touch [At Least, Not Yet] ft. Mina, Sana, Momo
I. Would. Not. Last. There is no shame in me saying this, but I just couldn't, with these three hotties right in front of me. Blast it all over their bodies, hng.
No. 30: @xiakato: Ella Baila Sola ft. Xiaoting
Hm, maybe Xiaoting should dance alone, I'm not really good at it though my Just Dance scores would beg to differ.
Hey, if you read all of that, you're fucking awesome. I appreciate you, and hope, you have a great week ahead. Until the next MoA, goodbye!
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theglamorousferal · 11 months
The Cryptid of Smallville
I am posting the first couple chapters of the fic that I am currently working on juuuust in case AO3 goes down again. In the next couple days I’ll start posting some of my wips that I don’t think I’ll finish. If any of them inspire people to write more then I’ll be happy. 
I had the thought a while ago about what if Danny was raised alongside Clark Kent and the hijinks that would result in Danny being near the liminal space that is cornfields. These are basically a series of connected one-shots because I am not that great at trying to do a real plot lol
Without further ado, here’s the first chapter of the Cryptid of Smallville! (Small edit: here’s the link to AO3 the first two chapters are there)
______________________________________________________________ The night sky was clear and open above the cornfields as a gentle breeze caused the plants to stir. It was a calm night on the Kent family farm. A streak of neon green broke across the sky and landed in the middle of the fields, purple tinged smoke wafting from the crash site. A boy of about six rolled over in his sleep, glowing green eyes glancing at the stars above framed by smoke. The gentle breeze is still blowing, returning the night to calm.
Danny was gonna put Clockwork in soup time whenever he got back into the Zone. 
He was laying there, staring at the clouds in the sky, surrounded by corn, and only about three and a half feet tall, wondering where in the Realms he was. Clockwork had said something about sending him off somewhere with people who could handle a child with powers growing up before tossing him through a portal by the ankle. He had ended up in low orbit and was lulled to sleep by staring at the stars he is so fond of.
Crawling out of the hole he was in, he examined the surrounding area and just found a bunch of burnt and slightly smoldering corn and kicked up dirt. The gentle breeze brought the smell of bacon to his nose and he floated to look just above the tall plants around him. He spots a house in the distance and starts heading there, making sure to walk the last few yards just in case this isn’t where CW intended him to go. He finds himself stumbling from the field just to make eye contact with a man pulling on his work boots for the day on the porch steps, the man freezes. 
“Hey Martha?” The man yells into the house.
“Yes Jon?” a voice muffled from the door yells back.
“Do we have a spare room done up?” the man, Jon, asks, not taking his eyes off Danny.
“Why? Are you expecting someone and forgot to tell me?” the voice sounds like it’s getting closer to the door.
“No honey, I think we may have a repeat situation of Clark though.” He briefly glances from Danny up to the last bits of smoke wafting from the field. A quiet “What?” comes from the house. He gentles his voice, full attention on Danny. “Hey son, did you have a bit of an accidental landing in the corn? Is your head okay? Are your parents around?”
Danny stays still for a moment thinking about what’s going on. The man seems to at least suspect that he crash landed on his property and mentioned something about something like this happening before. Have these people dealt with a random child appearing at their house before? Specifically one that crashed from the sky? He has many questions, but he should probably answer Jon first. 
“Yeah, I got sent away until I was better, my head doesn’t hurt at all and my parents are not exactly from around here, and don’t know where I am.” He pauses thinking about it. “Does the children-crashing-onto-your-farm-thing happen a lot to you?”
Jon chuckled as he finished tying his boots up and walked down the stairs just as the door opens and a woman in an apron is standing there looking surprised to see an unknown child standing in her yard. The man crouches down in front of Danny, giving him a once-over. 
“You’d be surprised, now what’s your name son?.”
“It’s Danny Fenton, what’s yours?”
“Jon Kent, my wife over there is Martha. Now you look like you could use a good meal and a washup, how’s that sound?” Jon grins at Danny and musses up his hair before standing and offering a hand to walk into the house. He smiles over at Martha who blinks and then gives Danny a warm smile, standing aside to let them enter the house.
“Good thing I made some extra breakfast then, let’s get some food in you young man, you’re as skinny as a post!” She smiles and heads towards the kitchen. “Be sure to wash up your hands first hun, can’t eat with dirty hands! And Jon! What have I told you about your muck boots being in the house! I’m sure Danny can find his way and wash his own hands; second door on the right hun; and git outta my house with those things on, I’ll have more coffee ready for you once you feed the animals!” Jon pouted and trudged his way out of the house.
Danny smiled a little to himself as he looked for the door Martha was talking about, noting the wallpaper and decor that looked like every midwest farmer’s house he’d seen in any piece of media ever. After washing his hands he made his way to where he could hear soft humming and dishes being washed. He saw a plate of pancakes and bacon on the table next to a glass of orange juice, a glass of milk, and a container of syrup and headed to the spot.
“Thank you Mrs. Kent.” he said from his seat and she smiled back at him, going back to the dishes. Danny realized he’d probably have to start explaining what he could to them soon, but decided to focus on the breakfast in front of him. The breakfast that wasn’t alive and currently trying to kill him. He nearly cried.
“So Danny,” Martha began as she wiped her hands off with a dish rag. “Do you remember how it is you got here?” She joined him at the table with a cup of coffee after setting a mug, a spoon and the sugar bowl next to the machine for her husband when he came in.
“I do, it’s a really weird story though, I’m not sure you’ll believe me.” He was hesitant, he still wasn’t sure these were the people that Clockwork meant to send him to. Though they’ve taken the whole crash-landed-child-thing pretty well… Screw it, he’ll see if he can wait until Jon comes back and explain to both of them. “Can we wait for Mr. Kent too? I don’t really want to say it twice.” 
She smiled at him, taking a sip of her coffee and then nodded. “That’s fine hun, he shouldn’t be more than a couple minutes unless the rooster decided to pick a fight again.” she chuckled to herself, looking out of the window while drinking her coffee. She sees the faint trail of smoke rising in the sky outside and her eyebrows pinch in worry. “You didn’t happen to see anythin’ burning when you got up, did you?” 
Danny glances out the window and sees the smoke. “Oh no, there was just a little bit still smoldering in the hole, but there wasn’t anything actively burning. I can show you both when I finish explaining what I can.” The slapping of a screen door startles him and Jon walks in, heading straight for the coffee maker and making himself a cup, then joining them at the table.
“So Danny-boy, what can you tell us?” Jon gives his full attention to Danny. 
Danny shifts in his seat, looking every part the six year old he appeared to be, uncertain at the attention of two adults. “Well, it’s a long story and kinda out there? I’m not sure how much you’ll believe?” He looks uncertain at the pair across from him who share a look. Martha reaches across the table to take Danny’s hand.
“Honey, you wouldn’t believe the stuff we’re used to, I’m sure it’s fine.”
Danny only hesitated a moment longer and then sighed looking far older than his apparent six years. “So to start off with, wherever this is, I’m not from around here. I’m assuming since you both speak English that this is still Earth, but maybe not MY Earth, I’m still a bit confused on the whole ‘multiverse’ thing, but either way, I got sent here until some stuff got sorted out and so I’ll be here until it does.” He was rambling, he knew, but he’s kind of anxious about stuff. “I kinda got put in my childhood body and now I have to get back to my actual age and my Guardian said something about time here running differently than in my dimension before he just chucked me through a portal. He did say he was sending me to people who could handle my weirdness as I age, so I’m assuming you are them and maybe have some experience with kids with freaky weird stuff happening to them?”
The Kents once more shared a look, this one a little longer than the last, then turned back to Danny. “Oh son, I think you’ll fit in just fine. So, how long can we expect you for? I can tell you’re probably a lot older than six judging by how you talk?”
Danny blinked at him, trying to process the fact that they didn’t seem phased and rather seemed like they believed him. “Uh, I was sixteen, so I guess a decade? I’m sorry to impose on you for a while, really I can figure out stuff on my own, I don’t want to be a bother.”
Jon chuckled “Oh trust me son, it wouldn’t be an issue, I’m sure Clark would love a younger brother, or at the very least a friend who understands him. We have plenty of room here, and though we’d probably ask you for help with chores, we’d be glad to have you for however long you need.”
Danny blinks again at them. They weren’t serious, right? They just seem fine taking in a random child and having him live with them for however long. And who was this Clark? What did he mean by younger brother?
“Clark?” he asked hesitantly.
“Oh right, our son, you’ll meet him when he gets home from school, I’m sure you’ll get along just fine! Now Danny, let me show you to a room and we can get you settled, we’ll probably have to head on over to the thrift shop to get you something to wear besides these charred and muddy pj’s, but we should have something from Clark that’s too small that’ll fit you for now.” Martha took his hand and led him upstairs to where he’d be in apparently his new home.
Clark had had a pretty boring day at school. The classes were boring. He had to hold back in gym class again and when studying the skeletal system in biology, he started studying the teacher’s bones instead of the display skeleton or the worksheet. He was really looking forward to getting home and maybe going for a fly around the fields where no one could see him or maybe catching the latest episode of Rescue Rangers. 
He could spot his house in the distance and after looking around to make sure no one would see him, he sped down the driveway as fast as he could, knocking up a lot of dirt in the process. He really liked going fast, whether running or flying. He just loved the wind in his hair. 
“Ma, Pa, I’m home.” he kicked his sneakers off and rushed upstairs into his room to drop off his bag. He listened around for heartbeats and realized that Pa was out on the tractor and Ma was out with the chickens. He froze as he heard a much closer sound though. It was very slow and faint, but he could hear another heartbeat in the house. Even more, he could hear someone muttering to themselves in the guest room and the flipping of pages.
Clark slowly made his way down the hall towards the sound and peaked in the room with his x-ray vision. There, sitting on the ceiling, was a child about half his age reading a ratty old book about space. Clark stood in the doorway, now able to see him in regular vision and just stared at him. He took a moment until he decided to just join him up there and sat across from him.
“So who are you?” Clark asked while the kid was still focused on his book. He didn’t even look up from the book.
“Name’s Danny.” The kid paused for a second before he looked up and stared at Clark. Danny looked from Clark to the ceiling, to the floor, and then back to Clark. “Oh, so that’s why they said I’d fit right in here. I guess we are pretty similar! I’m guessing you’re Clark then?” The child beamed at him, putting out his hand to shake. Clark took it gently, not wanting to hurt the kid. Then the kid gripped his hand tight and Clark realized that they have more in common than he thought and gripped his hand tighter in response.
“So where are you from?” Clark asked, very curious as to how this kid who could fly and had his strength, but also had almost no heartbeat ended up at his house. Danny rubbed the back of his neck.
“Well, I’m not from this Earth and I kinda got put here to recover for a long while and my Guardian decided your parents are the best equipped to handle a kid growing up with powers, so he sent me here. I’m guessing because of you?” 
“Yeah, mine started manifesting around your age. What powers do you have? How long do you plan to be here? Where are you from? You said this wasn’t your Earth, I’m guessing you’re from a different dimension then? That’s so cool!” Clark, ever curious, shot off many questions rapid fire and Danny laughed while answering them all as best he could.
Part 2
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jedi-enthusiast · 1 year
My [completed] CodyWan Fic Masterlist
This is going to be a very long list of all my favorite CodyWan fics that are completed. Later on today or tomorrow I'll make another list for all of the CodyWan fics I enjoy that are currently ongoing/incomplete (because we, in fandom, need to start supporting authors during the writing process instead of only after, but that's a whole other post).
The fics are gonna be separated by Modern AU, Canon-Divergent/Canon-ish, Crack, and Canon But a Little to the Left. Full Disclaimer: this is going to be a very long list, so the triggers and descriptions will be brief--make sure you read the tags and warnings before reading!
I don't know who these authors are on tumblr, so I can't tag them, but I recommend that you guys tag them if you recognize them--because they deserve all the love <3 and I think, especially now, we need to let fic authors know that we appreciate them.
Modern AU
212th Street Coffee by thosewhowanderwithfire 
Cody runs a coffee shop, Obi-Wan comes in frequently with a different members of his friends/family and Cody learns a lot about his crazy life by eavesdropping.
bury me beneath the tree i climbed when i was a child by stormwarnings 
Obi-Wan's family life is messy, to say the least. Cody and his family work as firefighters/EMTs/etc. and Obi-Wan kinda just gets adopted into the family by constantly needing to call the firefighters/EMTs/etc.
Coruscant Story by TyeDyeBoogers
A mafia AU thing where Obi-Wan and Cody are both in different mafia families, but then they date each other pretending to be regular normal people (bc neither of them know they're in the mafia, much less different families), and then a bunch of stuff happens and drama ensues.
TW: Murder, Violence
cradle my name on your tongue by jynx 
Running from an abusive ex, Obi-Wan and Anakin move to a small town where they set up their tattoo and piercing shop. Obi-Wan quickly falls for Cody, the florist across the street, but bad things happen when Obi-Wan's ex just won't give up.
TW: Violence, Abusive Relationship, Drugging, Attempted SA (this doesn't go into detail, but it's still there)
Foreign Affairs by ro_moray 
Obi-Wan and Anakin come to America as foreign ambassadors, Cody is one of their bodyguards. Both Obi-Wan and Cody fall head over heels quickly, and there's some political drama via Maul.
TW: Violence (I think?)
Hey Bartender by Wxlves 
Obi-Wan and Cody both work as bartenders at Dex's, they become FWB, and feelings ensue.
I've Served My Time In Hell by TheSleepingOne (SleepingNebula) 
There's a zombie apocalypse going on and Obi-Wan is repeatedly fucked over by the universe in the form of being forced to spend time around his ex, Cody, and Cody's very protective family.
TW: Violence, Gore
Liminal Beings by ChubbstheFish 
Cody is the lighthouse keeper in a small town with his family. Obi-Wan and his family move into said small town and become close with Cody's family, but it quickly becomes clear that Obi-Wan and his family aren't exactly what they seem--aka human.
Not Denial by spqr 
Obi-Wan is a PI and Cody is the sorry moron who falls head over heels for him after meeting him exactly once.
TW: Violence
Seeker Prospector by brigitttt
Cody is a bounty hunter looking for his father, Obi-Wan is just trying to study dinosaur bones. The two meet, fuck, and then catch feelings.
TW: Violence, Mild Gore (I think)
We’ll Do This Together by MageOfCole 
Obi-Wan and Cody have a one night stand and Cody accidentally gets Obi-Wan pregnant (of the trans variety, not the a/b/o variety). Obi-Wan tries to hide this from Cody and his family, but Obi-Wan's family doesn't know how to mind their own business. Family hijinks ensue.
What…a sleep over? by Wixiany
Cody's family decides to host a party, but he needs to study, so he heads over to Anakin's brother's house to get some peace and quiet. He wasn't ready for how pretty Obi-Wan was.
You Gave Me the World that I Wanted by Legogirl22 
Cody has to take care of his family, so he swears up and down that he won't fall for the cute bookkeeper he keeps seeing. He fails. Miserably.
Canon Divergent/Canon-ish
A Ghost or a Man by smallandangry 
Obi-Wan makes a life for himself on Tatooine, eventually Cody finds him, and the locals get attached to both.
A New Life by cwiptids 
Rex and Echo hear about a clone on Tatooine...guess who they meet and take another guess as to who they're married to.
end of the road by adiduck (book_people)
Obi-Wan and Cody spar before Utapau and make unfulfilled promises.
Glimpse Of Us by fingerstripesofchaos 
Post-Order 66 angst fic, just like...loads of angst. This is not a happy fic at all, it made me cry.
TW: Suicide Mention/Reference
Haven’t Felt Like This My Dear by Bluebellstar
Cody gets a hangover and is a total baby about it, Obi-Wan is very amused.
little white truths by imperiousphasmid 
Obi-Wan gets injured and only family and spouse(s) are allowed to see him...I think you know where this is going.
Made by Walking by piotsa  
After Order 66, Quinlan finds Cody and then Cody finds Obi-Wan.
not dead yet by keylimemagpie (QuickSilverFox3)
✨ smut with emotions ✨
Our children our future (that we didn’t know of) by Feniksiara   
After Order-66 Cody finds out that the Kaminoans decided to use Obi-Wan and Cody's DNA to make Force-sensitive clones...then the Mandalorian dad genes kick in.
Standard Operating Procedures by galateaGalvanized
A mission goes wrong and suddenly almost the entire 212th is in love with Obi-Wan...except, it appears, Cody. Y'all know exactly where this is going.
all the world in my arms by biscuityskies 
Obi-Wan has nightmares after Kadavo, then shit goes to hell on a mission, and Cody worries--also Anakin and biscuityskies' OC Hex are little shits.
where the fields are painted gold by biscuityskies
The 212th end up crashing in the forest, so Obi-Wan and Cody get some "camping out in the forest" cuddles and also banter.
night spar by cabezadeperro (minigami) 
Obi-Wan and Cody spar at night, and there is a lot of tension. Not of the fun kind, though.
chain of command by cabezadeperro (minigami) 
Obi-Wan and Cody are undercover and eventually have to find some way to keep the people tracking them from finding them. If you've watched Marvel, you know where this is going.
In the Treetops by ebw_writes499 
After a mission on Kashyyyk everyone needs to go to bed, which they do...all the way up in the trees.
Caretaker by ebw_writes499 
On Tatooine, Cody gets sick and Obi-Wan has to take care of him. Obi-Wan is a worrier.
Love Despite the Distance by ebw_writes499 
After the war, Cody and Rex comm each other to catch up. Also Cody became a senator against his will.
Overworked by ebw_writes499 
Obi-Wan and Cody both had the same idea and that idea was "sneak off to take a nap."
Compartment Syndrome by elwenyere 
After a bad crash, Obi-Wan is knocked out and Cody is injured. Cody carries Obi-Wan through all the danger while reminiscing, certain that he'll be decommissioned after due to his injury.
TW: Mild Gore? (of the "description of injury" variety)
Good Soldiers by elwenyere 
A story about Obi-Wan and Cody throughout the War and after Order 66, with a happy ending.
Don’t Worry It's A Very High Threadcount by goldleaf1066 
Obi-Wan uses a blanket to warm up instead of Cody and Cody is very fussy about it. It gets a little angsty near the end, but things end good.
And Our Faces Toward the Sun by goldleaf1066 
The War ends and Cody and Obi-Wan share a kiss.
I'll Bend Your Light Around Me (A Sunrise At My Back) by goldleaf1066   
A sweet little story about Obi-Wan and Cody throughout the war, with a happy ending!
Stepping In, Stepping Out by goldleaf1066   
Cody and Obi-Wan take turns covering for each other when they oversleep.
With Both Our Hands Around It by goldleaf1066
Obi-Wan and Cody discuss their relationship while also participating in some extracurricular activities.
Crack Fics
Compulsive Honesty by afoundling 
Cody, Obi-Wan, and some of the 212th get dosed with truth serum and just have to let it run its course.
Fools and Idiots by BehindBrokenWindows 
Somehow everyone gets it in their heads that Obi-Wan and Padme are fucking, and Anakin is not happy when he finds out. We all know who he's really fucking.
Operation “who’s kriffing the General” by Sweet_bubbs 
Everyone finds out that Obi-Wan is in a relationship with someone, but they don't know who--but boy do they want to find out.
Resignation in more than one sense by BitterChocolateStars   
Obi-Wan tries to resign, Mace is a little shit (affectionate) and says no, and hijinks ensue.
Time to Celebrate by Kurosaki224   
Kurosaki's OC just wants to talk to his superiors after the war and ends up seeing a lot more than he wants to.
Rex finds out by The_neurodivergent_nerd   
Exactly what it sounds like.
The Trickster by The_neurodivergent_nerd  
A long dead Sith lord has a great sense of humor.
Canon But a Little to the Left
closed together by numbika 
Obi-Wan is blind AU where Obi-Wan and Cody get stuck in an elevator together.
I Got My Head Checked by frostbitebakery   
Sith Obi-Wan AU where Cody falls in love with Obi-Wan and Obi-Wan changes the course of the War because Cody and his brothers make him realize he still has his heart.
TW: Violence, Self Harm (of the "making a sith" variety)
Marriage in Disguise by bjjones   
Oops! Looks like to make peace with Mandalore, the Jedi will just have to send Obi-Wan to get married to Cody, son of Manda'lor Jango Fett. They totally weren't dating before this.
We’ll Meet Again by little_dumpling
Obi-Wan doesn't become a Jedi Knight and instead works in the MediCorps and becomes a doctor, then he ends up meeting Cody on Geonosis.
TW: Medical Gore (I think?)
What came after by galateaGalvanized  http://archiveofourown.org/works/29595831 
Obi-Wan has gone full Sith and is on Mandalore, Cody and the 212th go to get their general.
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elliesbelle · 7 months
Since reading ncty literally NO OTHER FIC COMPARES TO IT! I love it so much but now my standards are really high :´)
Belle sweetie I think you already suggested some other fits buuuut…do you know any other series (need something long) that’s also Ellie or Abby x reader that you liked and would suggest? Trusting only you with recs
haha well, i'm gonna plug the works of my mutuals again then!
@lonelyfooryouonly has PLENTY of amazing ellie series that are long and got a lot to read! (can't even choose a fave between them honestly)
@seattlesellie's not about love will have you crying and screaming and screaming with the s all at the same time! i still go back to it every now and again.
i'm not kidding when i say that @carmellie's see you next summer is everything to me. one time, carm released a chapter while i was at work, and i legit excused myself to the bathroom and didn't leave until i finished reading it!!!!
my wonderful love @totheblood has several series as well, superposition being one of my all-time faves (literally was already obsessed with the series before i even started publishing on here and before star and i were even friends)!
@callmelola111 has a bunch of ellie series, one of my faves is color me purple! i love flirty tension ugh
@s-4pphics has a BUNCH of ellie and abby series, literally just go through my sal love's page and you'll find so much content fr
@spaceshipellie's we were never just friends had me screaming and crying on the bus ride home, it was so so SO good
@glowstickfracture doesn't have a whole abby series perse, BUT they have so much amazing and sexy firefighter/fire medic!abby content that it's basically its own series!
sorority secrets by @cinnnamongrl was just so bellisimo chef's kiss, i did naught want it to end
my babes @phantombriide has a shit ton of smaus that are so immersive and they feel like reading a full blown series fr (and she has a new one coming out soon that i helped with so 😘)
@elliespeach's the air that i breathe isn't done yet, but it's everything to me and i'm at the edge of my seat waiting for the next chapter!
my love my life @cherriesxinthespring's seattle grace hospital is the reason i breathe, rose hasn't finished it yet but idc cause it's just so good
@coeurify's perfect girl is one of the very first elie fics i ever read and rinie is such a talented writer that you should just read everything they've written regardless
this isn't a complete list and i need to get back to what i'm doing skldfjdskls (i'm compiling this during a break from cleaning my apartment), but that's a start!
you can also check out the other list of fave ellie fics i made of my mutual's works too here.
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lotusarchon · 18 days
hey hey, i would like to ask a question out of curiosity (and im sorry if i sound offensive; im not skilled in the department of wording and communication) the 'mischaracterization' thing; would u tell me more of why u dislike it very much, and give examples of it for better understanding?
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Nah dude it's fine, I don't find you offensive one bit. I am surprised with the question but I'll try to word myself as much as I possibly can.
Also, full disclaimer; I am a fanfic writer, and I understand wanting to give a character more/a better personality and backstory, to give more room what the show writers didn't do. I do the same as well; my famous example is Sakura Haruno and giving her more personality than just a girl obsessed with boys. So, I'm aware people may try to give a character better personalities for whatever reason.
There's a limit to how much I can take with it, and the LMK fandom really do take it too far. I'm in a bunch of fandoms, and I'm using Jujutsu Kaisen as an example with how writers tend to write Sukuna especially for shipping with OCs/Readers. Do you wanna know why I'm okay with it though, in JJK?
Because they at least know their fave is horrible. I'm not saying the fandom is good, but at least the few I've read from do in fact get the characters right and don't stereotype them, and if they do, they KNOW their faves are pieces of shits. They just don't care and anyways, it's a fanfic. They aren't gonna go bash people for disagreeing with them (from my experience. And if the JJK fandom has it, idc still, they're better than most of y'all here)
In LMK, it's so, so bad. The mischaracterization doesn't just stay as that. It's become the literal fanon vs canon thing because that's what the fans do. In every fanfic, fanart, ANYTHING related to the characters in the fandom, they stereotype and dumb down every single fucking one. I used to read fics and I've had to stop because of how disgusted I am. It's literally just "they would NOT be like that", but ah, god forbid you try to tell that to this fandom, because if you try you're a proshipper, homophobe/transphobe or racist.
I have a good few examples too, but my most popular ones are;
Fanon Wukong: A bad guy that abandoned MK, abused his 'best friend', just a sexy, hot monkey with grr possessive alpha traits. And, oh yeah! He's so stupid, he can't even read because he's just a big guy with ex issues and nothing else.
Fanon Macaque: A victim who was only trying to get his best/boy friend back. He definitely loves MK as a kid and is a better parent than Wukong. Ignore the fact he never once took blame for the trauma he put MK through as well, he's a victim and a little baby/daddy who just wants love. He's completely misunderstood guys.
Fanon MK: Personality? What personality? He's Red Son's and/or Mei little boyfriend who is just a baby obsessed with fucking and can't think of anything else. He's traumatized so, so badly and is just a poor little baby who's only source of comfort is Macaque because Macaque understands him more, definitely. He's dumb or maybe too smart for his own good but that's okay, there's always someone else to help him.
Fanon Tripitaka: An abusive cunt. Need I say more?
Fanon Nezha: Oh dear, guys he's just a grumpy baby guys, he's a grumpy lil baby, definitely not an adult stressed and exhausted, nah. He's a baby.
See where I'm getting at? Nine times out of ten you check a fanfic in this fandom regardless of the pairing or the plot, these are the kind of traits you see in these characters. There's nothing else but them dumbed down to being morons.
Nevermind that Sun Wukong is actually smart and most definitely has trouble reading modern writing, nevermind that Macaque has never owned up to his actions even when he played a part in hurting MK, nevermind that MK isn't just some sex obsessed baby and has problems and is a grown ass adult who needs therapy, nevermind that Tripitaka of all people only dared used the circlet because Wukong was hard to handle, NEVERMIND that Nezha, a centuries old god with different tales around him isn't someone who's just grumpy much less a child and has problems of his own.
Fans just simply won't look past anything but the fanon version of them. You try to explain that Macaque was a bad guy and redemption arc feels rushed and you're a bad person, or who cares he's hot right? You try to explain that Wukong isn't some illiterate asshole and is trying his best to adapt and be there for MK, because you're just a Macaque hater and also who cares, right? He's sexy and he can fuck Macaque, so who cares for personality, right?
Don't get me wrong. I'm used to this shit because again, look at Jujutsu Kaisen. But my god the LMK fans are so fucking annoyed and obsessed, they refuse to even see that these characters are more than just a single personality trait.
And that's just dealing with canon characters alone, don't get me started on how they react to ocs smh.
The LMK fandom is bad, bad. Nuclear level bad, even. It's a toxic wasteland of morons who have never really understood media literacy and instead simply cares for the appearances of how characters look rather than focusing on what makes them who they are.
But again, what good does it even do to complain right? I'm just some guy on the internet completely irked by the lack of braincells this fandom has. The most I can actively do is block the tags related to this fandom and focus on me. If I need fanfics, I'll write my own, that's all.
But, i will say, if there's a day this fandom actually sees characters as more than sex appeal, it's the day I suck a dick. Pardon my language but that's legit the only way I can phrase it as an aroace person. Y'all are so hazardous you make the 2020 MHA fandom look sooooo much better.
It's not a compliment. Be better. You're fans of a children based show, and coming from an author who writes mainly NSFW stuff for LMK on AO3, it's disappointing.
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