#I think the place I went charged way more than they should have though but it was within walking distance to my house ...
torra-and-the-toons · 8 months
Ooh... Just shipping some sample stickers to my parents cost me more than I thought it would... Idk if it was the place I went to ship or the fact that they live as far away from me as humanly possible (aka Northern California to Southern Florida) Or the way I want to pack them costing more but either way...
I didn't think this through very well lol
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yandere-daydreams · 3 months
tw - dub/con, afab!reader, cockwarming, medical malpractice, nonconsensual drug use, manipulation, unbalanced power dynamics, and obsessive behavior.
[commissioned piece. donate to palestinians in gaza here.]
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“It really is a shame to lose such a lovely patient.
His hand drifted from your thigh to your hip, rocking you back as you tried to squirm away from him. He was too deep, too big, and you’d been sitting on his cock for too long. Whenever you tried to shift your weight, though, the arm wrapped around your waist would tighten its hold and drag you back into place, leaving your ass slotted against his hips and your cunt struggling to clench around his base. You didn’t know how long he’d kept you like this, but it must’ve been longer than an hour, if not two, three, four. Despite your foggy senses, you could feel slick dripping down your thighs, an empty void in the pit of your stomach where pleasure should’ve been. You could remember hearing that Harper was a good doctor, but that couldn’t be right. Doctors weren’t supposed to make you feel so bad.
“I mean, I know it should be a doctor’s goal to see their patients off as happy and as healthy as can be, but—” He paused, sighed, and you could picture him rolling his eyes, feigning wistfulness as he let out an airy chuckle. “Good, obedient patients can be so rare, especially in a town like this. I’m allowed to mourn the loss of my best charge yet, aren’t I?”
You felt him twitch inside of you, and in search of a distraction, your gaze fell to the collection of papers fanned out over the desk in front of you. You knew you were supposed to be reading them, but the text seemed so impossibly small, and your last round of medication was still clouding your senses, making it hard to focus on much of anything beyond the throbbing in your core, the feeling of his cock stretching you open despite your body’s best attempts to force him out. You could recognize the phrases, signal out words like ‘unfit’ and ‘dependent’ mixed in with the rest of the benign text, but when you tried to put it all together, none of it made sense. It was all you could do to check the boxes Harper pointed to, sign your name on any dotted lines that hadn’t already been filled by his. You could only hope that, when you finished, he’d let you stand up, get off of him, go back to your cozy room with its nice, soft padded walls. You couldn’t imagine having to sleep in his office, again.
“And you’ve been so cooperative, too,” he went on, his chin coming to rest on your shoulder. You felt his lips against the shell of your ear, then your cheek. “Always taking your medication, always following your treatment plans, always coming to our little sessions with an open-mind – the pinnacle of an ideal patient. Honestly, sometimes I think I could tell you to stick your hand in a vat of boiling water, and you’d do it with a smile on your face. All for the sake of your recovery, of course.”
It was him moving, this time – shifting forward until your stomach was pressed against the blunt edge of his desk and he was all-but draped over you, his body pressed flush against yours. You let out a pitchy whine by way of protest, but Harper didn’t seem to notice, only humming as his hand found yours. “Almost done, little mouse. Just one more page.” He was practically cooing as he took you by the wrist, guiding your hand to the bottom of the final page. Two thick, cutting lines occupied most of the available space, his neat signature taking up the first. He brought you to the second, almost daunting in its vacancy, his index finger tapping against the back of your hand. “You remember your name, right? Can you write it for me?”
It was so hard to think, to stay awake, to try and remember a time where he hadn’t been planted so deeply inside of you. “If…” you started, only to trail off. You blinked once, then twice, and did your best to force your tongue to move. “If I do, can I go home?”
Usually, Harper hated it when you talked about the orphanage, about school, about home. You hadn’t meant to, you just wanted to go back to your room, and you moved to correct yourself, to promise that you didn’t want to be anywhere but this hospital, his hospital before he frowned and prescribed you another electrotherapy session, another dose of the small, white pills that left your thoughts blurred and your body hot. But, anything you might’ve been able to spit out died with a breathy laugh, a peck to the corner of your jaw. “Of course,” he purred, rocking his hips gently against yours. “Sign, and I’ll take you home tonight.”
For the first time in weeks, you felt yourself start to smile. Hastily, smudging the ink more than once, you scrawled your name across the brutal line, dropping the pen and going slack against Harper as soon as you were finished. There was another open-mouthed kiss to your throat, then the dip of your shoulder, and he dragged you back onto his lap with a playful squeeze to your thigh, a grin pressed into the crook of your neck. You squirmed unabashedly, now, your hands  graspingly weakly at the arms of his chair in hopes of pulling yourself to your feet, but Harper held you tight. “Where do you think you’re going, little mouse?”
“I need to— You said I could go—”
“Just give me another minute, darling.”
His cock pulsed against the walls of your cunt, and you felt something break open inside of you.
“I want to appreciate this moment before we get you to proper, brand-new home.”
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crossdressingdeath · 1 year
A thing I wish DAO went into more: the way Alistair is in some ways incredibly selfish. Like, the way he refuses to take charge of the group is treated as kind of endearing in the text, but the game doesn't really get into what a massive burden he just... drops on the junior Warden present with no warning or discussion. Think about it: the Warden is heavily implied to be very young (possibly younger than Alistair, definitely around the same age), most of them have no real experience in leadership, several of them have no experience in the world outside their small corner, all of them have only been Wardens for a few days. And Alistair dumps leadership of the group on them and refuses to take any of that weight. Does your Warden like leadership? Are they any good at it? Is it exhausting and difficult for them? Alistair doesn't care! He doesn't want to lead, and that means you have to lead, and whether or not you want to lead has no bearing on that. It's not a discussion, there's no suggestion of sharing the responsibility of leadership as the Wardens of the group; Alistair metaphorically throws the responsibility at you and runs.
But if you go for low approval with Alistair it's basically all about calling him childish and immature, even though I think a much more compelling low approval dynamic is the Warden despising Alistair for putting so much on them with no hesitation, but being stuck with him (because they know as well as he does that they need all hands on deck Warden-wise) and stuck with that burden of leadership (because a Warden kind of has to be in charge of the group and even if one didn't no one else in the group would be very good as a leader in this situation, and Alistair has made it very clear that he won't take it). Even at high approval it would be very compelling to have this sense of resentment at how Alistair just assumed they'd take on the burden of leadership and refuses to take any of it for himself. But that aspect gets completely ignored in the story, you don't really get the chance to raise the matter aside from asking why you're in charge despite him being the senior Warden present a couple of times.
It also adds something really spicy to the fallout of sparing Loghain, though, because... Alistair forced the Warden to take on leadership. He made them be the one to make these hard choices. It's never been a discussion, it's never been the Warden's choice whether or not they take on responsibility for these tough decisions, Alistair always just expects them to do it. And now they've made a call he doesn't like, and he abandons the group on the eve of battle because of his wounded feelings? I'd argue that's as much a betrayal as sparing Loghain if not more so, and certainly more of a betrayal of Duncan's memory; Duncan understood that a good Warden must be driven by necessity, not emotion or even morality, and I feel like in the Warden's place he likely would've made the same call. They need Wardens around to kill the Archdemon, as many as they can get, and even one more could make the difference between victory and defeat. The Warden and Alistair may not know the details, but with the most senior Warden present saying they should make Loghain a Warden instead of killing him a logical assumption would be he has a very good reason for saying so and maybe they should listen to him! I would've loved it if during the argument with Alistair after sparing Loghain you could really get into that "You forced the responsibility of making these decisions on me when I never wanted or asked for it, you don't get to throw a tantrum now that I've made one you don't like" aspect of it, but you... don't. And that's a shame, because it takes a lot of depth away from his dynamic with the Warden.
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heliads · 11 months
I love you writing and I was hoping you could write Ben Florian x VK!Reader the reader is Lefou's kid. A soulmate AU where the negative things you think about yourself are marked on your soulmate's skin. Reader only has one or two things because Ben is from Auradon and has a good life and family. While Ben has around half a dozen. Reader is the one who gives Ben the love potion. During the lake scene they notice Ben is their soulmate and tries (but fails) to hide it thinking he deserves better
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There really is no good place for a prince. They are political figureheads in every sense of the phrase— too young to actually rule, too old to be allowed to skip state functions. They sit in corners of expensive meetings and cut ribbons in front of newly opened buildings, but they can’t do a whole lot except smile and pose. 
Shame your friend seems so fixated on capturing one, then. It feels like you’ve just barely left the Isle of the Lost, only bid farewell to the entirety of your prior life experience hours ago, and yet already Mal is scheming about how to best tear down everything around you. If Prince Ben is the best way to fulfill her nefarious plans, then so be it.
The only problem is that you’re now involved in all of this, too. Mal wants a wand and so she’ll take a prince to get there, but as one of her best friends, you’ve been drafted into the plot to catch a prince. Ben won’t have any idea what’s coming. Shame, he would probably run if he had any clue.
Mal’s good at covering her tracks, though, she always has been. You can remember elaborate plans from when you were much younger to steal cookies or cloaks, spellbooks and shoes. At this point, hearing Mal tell you that she’s going to bewitch the crown prince of Auradon into falling in love with her shouldn’t surprise you, just the fact that she’s taken this long to come up with the idea.
Usually, you have no problem going along with Mal’s little adventures. They’re entertaining, at the least, a good way to pass a few days when you’ve already gone over every alleyway and hiding place on the Isle at least a dozen times in the last month. The issue is that you’re not on the Isle anymore, and maybe– just maybe– disrupting everything here isn’t entirely what you want to do.
Mal doesn’t know this, of course. None of your fellow VKs do. Every time they monologue and moan about how they can’t wait to get out of this place, you find yourself holding your tongue, biting back your real thoughts about how the school isn’t actually as bad as you feared. Sure, the constant judgment from the other children of princes and princesses isn’t all that fun, but Auradon Prep has its positives, too. For one thing, you think your soulmate might be here.
What a terrible thing for the child of a villain to prioritize. You’ve heard Mal scoff at the idea of a soulmate, and although Evie is certainly more interested in the idea than some of your other friends, you’re still not sure that you’d find a welcome audience amongst their ranks when it comes to tracking down your soulmate. After all, the odds of that soulmate being from Auradon and not the Isle are pretty high. They’ve all but told you that themselves.
All things considered, for a society with such control over magic and spells, it’s pretty difficult to find your soulmate. You’d always wondered why those in charge couldn’t shorten the whole affair to something more simple– a name on the wrist, perhaps, or an invisible string that only the two of you could see– but instead, soulmate magic went the complicated route. How lovely.
The story about the origin of the soulmate magic is convoluted and ancient, going back generations and changing with each family. The general consensus is that soulmates were created to preserve the sanctity of true love, with the idea that soulmates should be able to love each other entirely, flaws and all. So, when you think something negative about yourself, those very same thoughts will show up on the skin of your soulmate, something like a warning label for what they’re going to get themselves into.
This is all well and good for people with few negative thoughts, maybe they’ll have something here and there about a bad sports result or a poor test grade that their soulmate can chuckle over before meeting them. For you, though? You, the child of a villain, cursed to live forever on a too-small island with the other convicts and criminals, you have had more fears and hated things about yourself than most. Your soulmate must be covered in unhappy musings, which only makes you feel worse about yourself than before. A self-perpetuating cycle of the worst kind.
By contrast, the startling absence of your soulmate’s negative thoughts on your own skin makes you certain that they couldn’t be from the Isle of the Lost. There are only one or two fears on your skin, proof of loving parents and a stable home, and they’re minor things like a bad hair day or a fear of not doing their absolute best. These change, often leaving every few months to be replaced by something else insignificant.
What makes you most certain that your soulmate is the child of a royal is the one negative thought that has stayed on your skin since the very beginning. Your soulmate, whoever they are, is terrified that they will let down the king and queen. Only someone with close ties to the royalty could have such a fear, so it’s proof that your soulmate is somewhere here on Auradon.
So maybe you don’t want to leave this place, not yet. Not until you can learn who your soulmate is. It’ll be almost impossible to track them down on this information alone, but supposedly that’s how the whole thing is supposed to work. You learn about the worst parts of your soulmate, and then you get to love the best of them. The only problem is that you’re fairly sure that if your soulmate is a royal, they won’t want to love you at all.
It’s easier to ignore the whole affair. Easier to agree to Mal’s plan when she proposes enchanting Prince Ben. At least another one of your friend’s schemes will keep your mind off the soulmate affair.
That’s what you tell yourself, at least, but your conscience is starting to get steadily more vocal as the days go by. Ben is a nice guy, which hurts, surprisingly. Although the love spell may have been cast on Mal, as one of Mal’s closest friends, you’re around the two of them all the time. The boy you see is someone that you wish could be your soulmate. He may be a prince, and you may be a villain, but he makes you want to believe in love after all.
You certainly have the capacity for such musings. For some reason, the love spell didn’t take all that well, and although Ben is now compelled to stay with Mal more than he was before, it’s not like he’s totally obsessed with her as Mal had hoped. Mal claims it’s because love spells can never work fully due to the soulmate issue, like having a soulmate is a kind of shield to protect you against that sort of enchantment, but regardless, Ben has just enough independent thought that he can tell you jokes and try to make you smile like– well, like he tries to do with Mal.
The realization that Ben is a genuinely good person, and worse, someone you don’t want to trick, haunts you as you fall further into Mal’s scheme. You’ve been trying to push the whole thing from your mind, letting Ben join your soulmate in the depths of your mind you don’t want to touch, but your train of thought keeps circling back to him despite your best attempts otherwise.
Besides, it doesn’t help that Mal keeps trying to involve you in the plot. Right now, the two of them are at the Enchanted Lake, out on a cute little date. Mal had been making mock disgusted faces at you the whole time she was getting ready, but some part of yourself can’t stop whispering that this doesn’t seem so bad, actually, that the thought of being out here alone with Ben would make for a wonderful day instead of the tedious chore Mal is making it out to be.
Ben doesn’t know you’re here, though. Mal wanted backup in case something happened, so you’re lingering in the woods to keep anyone from stumbling upon the scene and also holding onto more magical baked goods in case Mal feels the need to renew the spell. It’s kind of like torture, strolling through this beautiful forest, knowing that Ben is so close and you are helping hold him under the thrall of this plot.
The storm in your mind must be thundering too loudly for you to think straight, because you lose track of yourself and accidentally walk too close to the lake. You weren’t supposed to be spotted, but before you can back away and melt back into the foliage, Ben looks up and sees you. You panic, immediately heading the way you’d come, but you hear footsteps after you moments later and Ben manages to track you down before you can go too far. Mal is so going to kill you for messing with her plan.
“Sorry,” you murmur, eyes wide when he finally catches up to you, “I didn’t realize the two of you were– I’ll go now.”
Ben shakes his head. “No, no, it’s alright. It’s not like we have a monopoly on the woods.”
He’s dripping water, most likely due to a recent dip in the lake, and you can’t seem to stop your gaze from following the path of the droplets as they cascade down his shoulders, across his hands, and, most importantly of all, over the swooping letters of the fears of his soulmates. 
Usually, Ben wears long sleeves or something else to hide them. You can see why now– there are many of them, many more than you, perhaps half a dozen in all. You can’t read all of them from where you’re standing, just snippets about how a villain’s kid shouldn’t have a soulmate, how they’ll never amount to much, things like that. Things like what you’ve been thinking recently.
Ben must catch on to your train of thought, because he smiles weakly, absentmindedly scratching at a sentence proclaiming that his soulmate isn’t worth the good luck they get. “Yeah, my soulmate’s a little stressed, I guess. Hopefully, I can talk about that with them soon. I want them to know that they’re worth it, wherever they are.”
It had never occurred to you that hating yourself would make your soulmate this obsessed. You have no proof that Ben is your soulmate but– 
But, as you watch, you can see a new fear appearing out of nowhere, wrapping itself around Ben’s left wrist. I’m not good enough for a soulmate this good. Just what you were thinking mere moments ago. It’s like proof.
Ben looks up slowly, and although you were never blessed with the ability to read minds, you swear you can tell exactly what he’s thinking right now. “Are you–” he starts, ends, tries again, “Do you know who your soulmate is?”
You can do several things at this moment. You can confirm what you’re mostly sure is true, you can lie, you can pretend you hadn’t heard him. You spot movement in the trees behind him, a flash of purple, and remember belatedly that Mal is still somewhere at the Enchanted Lake, waiting for Ben to come back and wondering why you’re holding him here for so long.
All of a sudden, the reality of the situation comes crashing down around your shoulders. This is not something that can happen. Ben is a prince. You are the child of a villain, and the friend of another VK who’s counting on you to continue fooling Ben so she can pursue her latest mad plan. There is no world in which this works out.
So, you force a smile, banishing all thoughts back into the deep recesses of your brain once more. “No,” you say, “I don’t know. I think they’re a VK, though.”
Ben’s face falls in a flash. “Really? Because I thought–”
You shake your head quickly. “I don’t– it’s not me. I think Mal is waiting for you, though. You shouldn’t keep her for long.”
Ben glances back over his shoulder in memory of the girl he’s left somewhere in the woods behind him, and when he looks back, you’re gone. You’re good at running. It’s a skill you’ve perfected over the years. You just never thought you’d have to use it now.
Prince Ben is your soulmate. Impossible. True. Mal comes back later that afternoon, tells you the date went splendidly despite your accidental intrusion. Ben must not have let the brief moment in the woods faze him for long. It hurts more than you care to admit.
There is only so much running a VK can do, try as they might to pretend otherwise. You avoid Ben at all costs, hoping that whatever foolish war is currently being fought inside your heart will come to a tolerable ceasefire if you just ignore it long enough. Mal tells you that the plan is going swimmingly, she’s never seen the prince more excited about the VKs and the upcoming coronation. You nod and smile and tell her that you’re glad everything is going to plan, but inside, you cannot seem to stop your mind from screaming. 
And then, all of a sudden, despite your best attempts to remain out of sight, Prince Ben finds you. It’s completely out of the blue, so casual that you almost don’t realize it’s happening until he’s sitting down at your table in the library and it’s too late to run. 
You feel like an animal caught in a trap. He’s just smiling like nothing is the matter. “I know it’s you,” he says by way of hello. 
Your heart is stuck in your throat. “What?”
“I know it’s you,” Ben repeats, “I know you’re my soulmate. I had the Fairy Godmother do a little spell so I could check for you, but I think I knew since that day at the lake.”
You frown. “You can do that?”
He shrugs, looking a little embarrassed. “Not everyone can, I think. But I, uh, insisted.”
You grin. “Prince privileges?”
“Something like that.” He’s smiling, though, maybe pleased that you’re not trying to run off this time. “But you knew even without the spell, didn’t you?”
That does shake your uncertain sense of calm. “Yes,” you admit, “but I didn’t think you— I didn’t think it would work out.”
The look on Ben’s face is genuinely heartbreaking. “What, just because I’m a prince?”
He says it so casually, it’s almost funny. “Yes, Ben, because you’re a prince and I’m a VK. I mean, my dad was Lefou. He literally tried to ruin the happy ever after of your parents, why would you want someone like me to be your soulmate?”
“Same reason you shouldn’t be afraid to want me. You’re not your father, Y/N, and I’m not my parents. We’re just us, and I know that I want you to be my soulmate. I have since the start. I was hoping you would tell me you knew, but after a few days went by and you still said nothing, I figured I had to take matters into my own hands. Even if that meant using a spell or two.”
You keep waiting for the other shoe to drop, for him to laugh in your face and tell you it’s ridiculous to think that he would ever want a VK as a soulmate, but he doesn’t. In fact, you don’t think he ever will. As impossible as it seems, Ben wants someone who isn’t from a perfect fairy tale. He wants you. And that, lovely and wonderful and absolutely crazy, sounds like a fairly good happily ever after for you. 
disney tag list: @rogueanschel, @lovesanimals0000, @mayfieldss, @eclliipsed
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beenbaanbuun · 3 months
I need to hear your thoughts about yunho collaring you sooooooo bad
(if u wanna ofc)
if i wanna?!?!? OF COURSE I WANT TO!!! collaring?? with yunho?!?!? i’m literally so insane, that’s why this is so long 😭😭
so, it all starts one day when the two of you visit a pet store together. something about you needing to buy fish food or something; yunho wasn’t entirely listening, but he gladly goes with you because he’s a good boyfriend.
but even though the two of you only went to grab fish food, you somehow end up exploring the entire pet store until eventually, the two of you end up on the dog collar aisle. it starts fairly innocent, the two of you talking about your future dog and which collar you’d get it, but then you make a comment that sends yunho’s head spinning.
‘what about your current one?’ you look at him with a smirk, head tilting like a curious puppy, ‘surely she should have a collar, right?’
yunho feels his mouth go bone dry at your comment, blood immediately rushing from his head to his cock. little fucking brat, he thinks as he watches you try to feign innocence. there’s nothing ‘innocent’ about the smug smile on your lips or the evil glint in your eye.
‘do you think she deserves a collar?’ he replies, stepping closer to you to assert his dominance. his height helps with that, his body towering above yours, physically reminding you that he is in charge here. annoyingly, you don’t seem to acknowledge that and he wishes the two of you were at home so he could knock that fucking look off your pretty little face.
‘maybe she doesn’t deserve it,’ you shrug, ‘but i think she needs it. after all, sir, what better way than to remind her of her place?’
fucking hell, he wants nothing more than force you to your knees and get you to beg for his cock. he’d give it to you as well, mainly to shut your loud mouth up. perhaps that would make you behave like a good girl again, stop you from acting out and turn you into the docile little puppy that you usually are.
‘i think you’re wrong,’ yunho says, turning to grab the navy blue collar that he’d been admiring and holding it against your neck. he watches your eyes dart around, looking for other people that may be able to see you; there’s no one there. ‘i think my puppy is a good girl who does deserve this. a few tantrums here and there don’t change the fact that she’s usually so willing to be my pretty little pet, right? especially when it’s so easy to knock her down a few pegs and put her back in her place.’
the dyed leather of the collar rubs up and down your neck in a way that sends you spiralling. he’s right; you’re his good little puppy, most of the time. a little bratting here and there certainly won’t change that fact, but it definitely will make you feel bad for acting out. maybe not now when adrenaline is running high and the thought of disobedience feels more like a fun game than anything, but certainly later. that adrenaline will drop, and you’ll be left feeling empty and guilty and just everything you don’t want to feel.
yunho is good at catching you before you fall though, and you’re not one for thinking too hard about the consequences of your actions. you bat his hand away and lean over to grab the pretty pink one you’d been admiring instead. yunho lifts a brow in amusement as you hold that one to your neck instead. it’s pretty, he has to agree, but you’re misbehaving and he’s not the type to just bend over backwards to give you what you want, especially not when you’re acting like this.
‘pretty, but no,’ he grabs it from your hand and puts it down again, ‘my puppy will wear what i want her to wear, and if i say i want the navy collar then she better be fucking grateful, got it?’
you sneer at him, but you know you won’t get anywhere good by disrespecting him any further. like a petulant child you fold your arms, looking to the floor before you give him a single nod of your head. he hums in disapproval, but nevertheless takes your behaviour in his stride. it’s nothing he can’t correct once the two of you are home.
besides, he’s too impatient to argue anymore; he wants to see his pretty puppy in her collar.
‘keys,’ he fishes them out of his pocket, slinging them into the palm of your hand, ‘i’ll pay for everything, you go and wait for me in the car; it’ll give you time to think about your behaviour. now shoo.’
you pass him the fish food, which he takes under his arm, before turning around to leave. mere milliseconds pass before you hear a smack ring through the air, followed shortly by a stinging on your left ass cheek. you spin your head to face your boyfriend; he gives you a smirk and gestures for you to leave. you do, but not without stomping your foot at him first.
with your back turned, he grabs the pink collar too. he knows you’ll behave sooner or later, and when you do, you can have the collar you want. he might not bend over backwards for you, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t absolutely adore spoiling you. he just makes you work a little harder for it, that’s all.
he makes his way to the register after doing another few laps of the store. it’ll give you time to reflect; to decide what game you want to play. the one where you’re a good puppy for him and—after a brief punishment, of course—you get treated like the princess you really are, or the one where you continue to push his buttons and get what you deserve. yunho doesn’t really mind, it’s fun for him either way, but he does have to admit that he was hoping you’d be on your best behaviour when he finally collars you. as he hands over his card to the cashier, he decides that your collar will be a bargaining chip for now; be good and it’ll be yours.
‘thank you,’ he grabs the bag from the cashier, once again hurling the huge sack of fish food under his arm before heading out of the store and towards his car. he places a mental bet as to whether you’ll have locked him out in your childish disobedience, but he guesses that it all depends on whether you’ve decided to be good for him or not. he approaches the car.
the boot opens; he puts the bags inside, slipping the navy collar into his hand before shutting the door and moving round the the drivers side. he swings it open, pleased to know you haven’t actually locked him out, and climbs inside. the door closes behind him and he turns to you…
the rough carpet of the floormat digs uncomfortably into your knees, but you don’t shift. not now he has his gaze on you, anyway. you want to show him you can be good, a silent apology for the bad behaviour in the store. the guilt had hit much sooner than you expected it to—maybe around the time you watched him pick up the pink collar instead of going out to the car like he’d asked. it just served as a reminder of how well he treats you… of how little he deserves your misbehaviour…
‘oh, puppy,’ he coos, voice softer than you expect. you can’t help the heat that rises to your cheeks, ‘come over here; sit on master’s lap.’
you push yourself up from the floor, wincing at the carpet peels away from the indents it’s left in your knees. the leather of your seat is a much nicer texture on them, but you’re not there for long before dragging yourself over the console to yunho’s side of the car. it’s difficult to arrange yourself so that you’re straddling him, but the hands that he places on your hips do a good job of stabilising you. with very little grace, you let yourself sit, immediately feeling his chubbed up cock rubbing at your core through your panties. if you were still being bad, perhaps you’d grind down on him to tease him a little. you’re not, though, so you don’t.
‘you want your collar?’ he asks, showing you the leather strap in his hand. you nod and his hands immediately go to unclasp it. the soft band comes into contact with your neck, and he adjusts the size before wrapping around. there’s a click, followed by an involuntary whimper. yunho just chuckles, ‘there’s my good puppy.’
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redclercs · 11 months
xiii. and all the pieces fall right into place
— the one where he’s in love with you.
warnings: mykonos inaccuracies, mentions of anxiety, language, not proofread sorry! have mercy and ignore the mistakes, i feel like this is very romcomish and i actually quite like it! 3.5k words (+articles!)
currently playing: i'm in love with you by the 1975!
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IT doesn't come as a surprise that actress y/n y/ln is surrounded by rumors and he-said-she-saids, her life has been a constant rollercoaster since March of the present year, when the news of her breakup to superstar Aidan Kim due to her cheating were made public by various outlets.
Since she decided to 'speak up' not two months ago, after letting the world drag her throught the mud, which in this writer's humble opinion, is the clearest sign of guilt. y/n has been on the road of digging her reputation out of the cemetery, not minding that what's dead should stay that way: Dead AND buried.
The public's opinion on the 'Queen of Romcoms' is progressively changing to her benefit, call it manipulation or excellent PR, word on the street is that y/n has landed a role that will mean the complete turnaround for her career in Greta Gerwig's version of 'Little Women' (as if we needed YET another version), alongside industry figures such as Timothée Chalamet, Meryl Streep and Saoirse Ronan.
One thing's for sure, this role will make or break her sorry excuse of a career. I hope you have taken acting lessons, y/n, because actual actors are about to give you a run for your money.
→ Aidan Kim's 'In Your Pocket' M/V features ex girlfriend's belongings.
→ y/n y/ln and Charles Leclerc meet again in Paris.
→ Matilde Bassi takes on the role of Elphaba in her return to Broadway.
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August 18th, Mykonos, Greece.
It's true what they say: everything is worse in your head.
It isn't like you to prove motivational Pinterest quotes right, but they are right. This trip looked wildly different in your head and not exactly in a positive way, though, to be fair after the shitshow you've lived through for half the year, your head is not the happiest place on Earth. Or the one that sees the glass half-full.
Anxiety was the only thing fueling you (besides a shaken espresso, again not the brightest idea) as you left Paris with Charles. Hyper-aware of his presence next or behind you as if he was this magnet you couldn't tear yourself apart from.
"What is it?" he'd asked a couple times when he felt your gaze on him as you waited by your gate for the flight to Athens. Charles was the textbook definition of confident and composed, hiding his expression behind a pair of Bvlgari shades. At the end of the day your destination had been his choice, which was fine by you. If you had to think any more than absolutely necessary about the trip and everything it involved, you would have backed out and ran back to New York with Matilde. And Charles knew this, so he took charge.
You only had so many 'it's nothing's in you before admitting that you were terrified. Not of him, of course, but the jumble in your brain and your heart didn't translate properly into words and it only added on to another fear: making a fool of yourself. After all this was, in its reason, absolutely terrifying. Confronting your feelings for Charles after months of denying you had them felt like some twisted exposure therapy. And the voices in your head that sometimes sounded a lot like Mati and others way too close to Victoria and Aidan, went from telling you that it is obvious Charles feels the same way to reminding you of how unlovable you truly are.
But it was all worse in your head.
Your brain has toned the fight or flight instinct per your insistence that it is supposed to be for actual life-threatening situations, not seeing Charles Leclerc in a bathing suit.
So you're enjoying the sun on your skin and the breeze in your hair. It's a beautiful place and you deserve to have a good time with someone you have grown to care about so much.
“Having fun?” You ask, letting your sunglasses slide past the bridge of your nose to look at Charles properly.
It’s yacht day, and although you don’t usually fare well in boats and were dreading the nausea even before you set foot in the thing, you’re doing pretty well.
“Of course I'm having fun, I'm with you.” Charles replies, smiling. He's lying next to you in a lounge chair, basking in the sun.
It's probably not a good idea for you to be tanning, since, if you get lucky you'll be playing a girl in a piece taking place in the United States Civil War. But if anything, you'll find a way to solve it.
"Are you sure that's going to look good?" you question, raising an eyebrow as Charles points the Polaroid in your direction. The quite strict 'no phones' policy was his idea, and you agreed in a heartbeat. You were willing to let the outside world outside. Which is what led you two to buy an extremely overpriced Polaroid camera in a tourist shop. "There's too much light."
Charles shrugs, snapping the picture while you still have your eyebrows raised. "We'll see."
You already have a collection between the pages of the book you carry with you in your suitcase, and it's only been one day since your holiday started. Charles and you take turns with the camera, but to be honest it's mostly him taking candids of you and showing them off excitedly.
"Gorgeous," he says after he's shaken the little square enough to reveal your image glaring at him. "Even if you are giving me a dirty look."
You laugh before rolling your eyes. His compliments come more often now, and he awaits your reaction with a slight anxiety that recedes when you smile. "My turn to have it."
Charles holds the camera close to his chest. "Not yet."
"You're so unfair,"
This makes Charles laugh again, but still doesn't give the camera up. "Fine. Let's take one together, soleil."
This would be your second picture together in the whole trip. The other one is a very bright depiction of your confused faces as you tested the camera for the first time. You wanted to throw it to the trash before Charles took it from you and kept it in the pocket of his trousers.
Charles makes the most space for you to sit down in the lounge chair as he possibly can, but there's a reason they're individual, so you're still halfway on top of him as you try to fit in the frame. His skin is warm, as it was expected from being in the sun, but your body reacts in the opposite way, exploding in goosebumps.
"Are you okay?" he asks, lowering the camera. His Adam's Apple bobs as he swallows, trying to keep his eyes on your face and not the bright pink top of your bikini.
"Perfect," you retort too quickly to be truthful, "I just— I'm in your personal bubble."
Charles chuckles. His free hand goes down from your shoulder to your bare waist in a second, pulling you closer to him and over-confident movement that shocks even Charles himself. "I like you being here."
You don't know how to react to the most obvious flirting you have been subjected to by Charles. You are not even sure you're capable of flirting back.
Your relationship with Aidan just happened. That's the only way you could describe it for the three years that you were with him. It happened because it was supposed to, you met in the set of a romcom, you kissed and kissed and kissed, and suddenly you didn't have to act as much in love as you had to just live it in front of the cameras. It made sense, at least for a while.
You couldn't pinpoint the exact moment in which you had fallen in love with Aidan Kim. You had just let your relationship from coworkers to fictional lovers to actual lovers run its course the way you thought was normal and expected. Maybe that was the first mistake in a long line you can't seem to stop dragging around. It's not like you didn't love him—in some moments more than others—but it didn't feel like you had fallen in love with him.
And with Charles, it couldn't be like that. It hadn't been like that from the start, but you still felt like you could fuck it up any second just by not being able to make a flirty retort without sounding like you were being strangled.
"You do?" you reply, letting your weight fall a little more on his legs. Maybe words can be left behind if you can get a grip on your actions. You don't want to be afraid, and you want to cross that threshold with him, finally.
He only holds your waist tighter, clearing his throat before readying the camera once more. Charles wants to kiss you, of course he wants to kiss you. He has probably wanted it since he saw you that day in his Driver's Room sneaking away with a granola bar and a bottle of water. But he also doesn't want to do it in the middle of a yacht, rushed and mostly hormone-driven.
"Ready, soleil?" Charles asks, his breath tickles your neck and you sink your fingers into his shoulder.
"Ready." you smile, enjoying the warmth of his body more than you do that of the sun.
You finish applying your peach colored lipstick three seconds before Charles knocks on the door to your room. Although you're exhausted from the sun, you're also relaxed and content, you can't wait to spend more time with Charles.
"Hi," you greet as you open the door. Charles is wearing khaki shorts and a half-unbuttoned white shirt, and the same Bvlgari sunglasses he's been carrying everywhere rest low on his chest. "I'm ready!"
Charles nods, holding his hand out for you. "You look beautiful, soleil."
"Thank you," you smile at him, taking his hand, although you wish you could have wiped it on your sundress before giving it to him. After the yacht, the whole aura shifted. Charles' gaze lingers on you more than usual, your fingers look for his, grazing each other until he finally intertwines them. You hope the sun melts you into one another.
Though maybe you should start by hoping you finally get the guts to kiss him.
It was your idea to get some drinks before dinner, and after a simple Google search you found a pretty place where you could chill while watching the sunset. Regrets came after that, when you found out you had to walk uphill to get to the place. Charles can't stop laughing as you whine and drag your already sore feet.
Once you are led to your seats—a pair of cushions on the floor of the terrace—you stop complaining. The view is magnificent and the expectation hanging in the air has you buzzing in the best way. Something is going to happen, and you know for the first time in months, it is going to be good.
Charles is talking about last year's Dutch Grand Prix, when your phone rings. While the idea of no phones allowed was lovely, it was a little unrealistic considering both your careers. But you have made it work with the "only urgent calls" feature and automatic response texts, so you know this is probably really important.
Matilde is staying at your house per your insistence that, even if you weren't there, she could make herself at home. But sometimes she still calls you to make sure that whatever she's doing is okay with you.
"Go ahead," Charles nods gently, thanking the waiter as he places your drinks in the tiny table between your cushions.
The unregistered number appears familiar as you stare at your screen, and you snap back to reality before missing the call. "Hello?"
"Hello," it's a female voice on the other side of the line, chirpy and clear. "Am I talking to Amy March?" she laughs, a hint of excitement in her voice.
Charles notices the way your demeanor changes and he's unsure of how to react in return. The hand holding your iPhone against your ear has begun to shake and your mouth is hanging slightly open, lower lip trembling.
You did it. You got the role.
You are coming back.
"y/n?" Charles ventures, anxiously.
"YES!" you speak to the phone again, unable to moderate your tone. "Yes, this is her!"
The casting director on the phone laughs again, although her ear is probably ringing. "Hello y/n, I just called to let you know about the role you got in..."
You try your best to pay attention to her as your eyes drift to Charles, your free palm pressed to your mouth, yet unable to hide your grin. The muscles in your face are still trembling with a mixture of excitement and the urge to cry. You thought happy tears would never come back to you.
Still unsure of what's happening, Charles looks at the people around you. Some have started to stare, others have already made up their minds about you being some crazy, noisy tourists and aren't interested in that. At least he's starting to feel relieved that you're smiling, although there are tears in the corner of your eyes.
You agree to a meeting next week and thank her around a million times before hanging up. It's official.
Charles remains silent, anxiously waiting for you to share the news.
"I got it!" you screech, and tears roll down your cheeks. The salt in them touches your lips, but you relish them. You are happy, ecstatic. "I got the role, Charlie!"
An audible sigh escapes from Charles' lips and before he knows it, you're throwing your arms around him. Not even giving him time to speak.
You're still crying as he envelops you in a hug that leaves you breathless. His hand runs down the back of your head and pulls you closer by your lower back.
"I knew you could do it," he whispers softly, before his lips brush against your temple. "Congratulations my sun."
The possessive has your stomach filling with butterflies and you hug Charles even tighter. You are grateful for him, because he did believe in you, and he has stuck to your side no matter how crazy your environment gets. He cares about you, genuinely and deeply.
Later you will have a recollection of moments that are tinted pink in your mind. Reminding you of all the times where you realized you were in love with Charles. But this one right here is the one where you realize you are so in love with the man holding you in his arms you can hardly breathe.
"Thank you, Charlie," you hiccup slightly, overwhelmed with every single emotion in your body. "Thank you."
Charles kisses your cheek gently, holding your face with both hands. "I'm really proud of you."
You smile widely as he runs a thumb across your cheek to wipe your tears. "Thanks."
You return to your own cushion hurriedly, too happy to feel embarrassed about the show you just put up for the rest of the tourists.
Now there's just one thing left for this to be perfect.
You're walking hand in hand back to the hotel, stopping with any chance you get. Attempting to make the night longer before you have to part ways at the door of your respective hotel rooms and spend yet another night tossing and turning, haunted by what could be or what could have been between the two of you.
But time is running out as you reach your floor and neither has given that step that will throw you both off the edge. In a good way, though.
"So, goodnight?" Charles rubs the back of his head anxiously, letting go of your hand as you rummage your beach bag for the key to your room.
You look up at him, the keycard already between your index and middle finger. "Goodnight, Charlie."
It's all awkwardness as Charles reaches for your hand again and gives it a gentle kiss. His stubble feels raspy against the back of your hand. You wrap your arms around him again letting your hand touch the back of his neck. Neither of you want to actually say goodnight.
"See you tomorrow," you mutter, aware that you've already hugged him more than what's socially acceptable.
Charles nods, squeezing your hand one last time before letting you disappear inside your room.
You want to scream into your pillow and hit yourself in the head. But Charles would probably be able to hear the banging against the wall and it would mortify you. You make yourself busy for a few minutes by removing your makeup and changing your clothes, before you finally listen to the impulse nagging your brain.
Go and find Charles.
You open the door to your room before your anxiety makes you hesitate and you find Charles closing the door to his.
"Oh," you say, slowly.
"Do you want to sit with me on the balcony?" Charles rushes to say, fighting against his anxiety much like you.
Both your rooms are the exact same, so when he points to his room, you move out of the door to yours instead.
Charles enters your room slowly, as if it's unknown territory, although it mirrors his. Maybe a little messier since you just threw your clothes all over the place as you ranted to yourself about how stupid and childish you were being just ten minutes ago.
"Sorry for the mess," you cringe, throwing the bottom of your bikini to one side with your left foot. You will probably be looking for that thing like crazy tomorrow, but you're trying to focus on the now.
"It's okay," Charles assures, smiling as he crosses the room to the glass door that leads to the balcony. Two lounge chairs and a simple table await.
You follow after him once you've grabbed some tiny bottles from the mini bar, two Red Labels and one Hennessy. Offering one to Charles before sitting in the chair next to him. Liquid courage, if anything.
Charles uncaps his Red Label and jiggles it gently towards you. "Toast?"
"To what?" you question, placing the tiny cap on the table. You've toasted to your new role several times already, and honestly it doesn't get old, but you want Charles to say whatever is on his mind.
"To us," Charles smiles, his eyes never leaving you. "For being here, together."
You clink the tiny bottle against his before downing half of the whisky in one gulp.
Both stay silent for a few minutes, listening to the waves crash against the shore and the sounds of people getting back to their rooms on the other side.
"I can feel you looking at me," you hum, still staring out the balcony and not back at Charles. "Charles?"
"That's because I'm looking at you," he responds nonchalantly. "Because you're beautiful."
You finally look at him, shaking your head lightly. "Thank you."
"And I'm in love with you, y/n," he's almost breathless by the time he says your name, but doesn't stop to take a sharp breath. He doesn't even hesitate as he changes his position in the lounge chair, his whole body facing you. "I am so in love with you, I don't understand how the fuck is my heart able to keep beating."
It's like the world has paused for Charles to continue with his confession in peace. All of Mykonos is holding its breath, even the sea.
"I know you already know," he adds as you open your mouth. "But I have to tell you because I cannot keep swallowing the words every time you look at me like that. I'm in love with you, and you don't have to say it back."
You're moving in slow motion as you leave your chair, you can feel your hands shaking but fight against the motion of pinching your thigh or pulling on the string of your shorts. You're nervous, but you're not about to back down. Charles holds his breath when you stand in front of him, but stands up too.
"I'm in love with you too," you breathe, placing a hand on his chest. His heart is going so fast, it's like the words he spoke not a minute ago float in the air. "I really am in love with you, Charles."
Charles is mildly afraid of touching you, as if by doing so you would disappear. But the urgency to finally kiss you is bigger than his fear, and he wants to hold you and blend your bodies together and so, so many things all at once.
His hands grip your face firmly, but not with enough strength to hurt you and you close your eyes, melting into the way his lips touch yours. Softly, tentatively at first. As if testing the pieces of a puzzle you're not quite certain they fit together. But you respond immediately, moving your mouth against his and taking your hand to his jaw.
And it's like overflowing gates have finally opened.
Charles stumbles back to the low chair, pulling you with him swiftly yet with care. His hands have traveled down to your hips and he helps you settle on his lap, straddling him. He has wished for this moment so many times, has fantasized about it on countless occasions, and none of those daydreams compare to the way your lips feel against his. The way your hands move to his hair and how you grip his shoulders to maintain balance.
And it's only when you really need to breathe again that you break the kiss. Your chests rise and fall frantically, matching your heartbeats. You can't wait to kiss him again. You never want to stop kissing him.
He's staring at you, and he has never looked more beautiful than right now with his disheveled hair and reddened lips. And his eyes are so bright when he looks at you, your heart races even more.
So you kiss him again, pressing your chest tighter against him as he holds the back of your head and your lower back. His tongue tastes like whisky and mint as he runs it down your lower lip, and you let him deepen the kiss as much as he wants to. Both of you have wanted this for months, and it's enough and nothing at all, at the same time.
"I'm yours, y/n," Charles says between kisses, breathless and with a tinge of desperation. "Je suis à toi, mon soleil."
And you kiss him again, and again, and again. Because you're his too. You have been his for so long.
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─── team principal radio: ❝in the wise words of taylor swift: it's been a long time coming! thank you so much for reading I hope you enjoyed this chapter because i LOVED writing it. also, thank you so much for being so patient and waiting for an update! i'm glad you're still here❤️❞
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831 notes · View notes
mountttmase · 8 months
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Always There
Note - this is for my lovely Sid @mm-vii 🥹 thank you so much bestie for this request I love dad Mase so much and I’m so glad you love him too. I hope you guys enjoy this and feedback would be much appreciated like normal 🩷
Pairing - Mason Mount × Reader
Word count - 3.7K
Warnings - fluff
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You’d never been in so much pain in your life. It was almost like you could still feel the pain radiating through you as you retold the story to your best friend on the phone.
‘Sid I swear, like worse than childbirth I’m telling you cause at least then you’re getting a cute thing to take home with you at the end. With this all I’ve got is a scar and aching limbs’ you told her, a slight laugh in your voice so you could let her know it was okay to laugh too but she was feeling more sympathetic than anything else.
The pain had started at the end of last week but you ignored it until you really couldn’t anymore and after an emergent doctor's appointment you were rushed into surgery to have your ruptured appendix removed. It was all so sudden and everything hurt but slowly and surely you were on the mend.
‘How’s Mason coping?’
‘He’s doing alright. I believe they're letting him take ollie to to training tomorrow as Debbie leaves in the morning but he’s been amazing so far’ you smiled, thinking about how he’d really taken charge in the last few days and kept the house running with some help from Debbie who'd come to stay for a few days to help out. ‘Tilly’s still got nursery so she should be fine’
‘Scott and I can always come and check on everything if you need us to’ Sid reassured and your heart swelled at how thoughtful she was.
‘I might take you up on that. I’ll see how he gets on tomorrow’ you told her, not wanting Mason to think like you didn’t trust him to look after everything he’s been doing before you heard a rustling coming from outside.
You saw Mason's head poke around the door, a soft smile on his face as he slowly made his way over to kiss your forehead before heading to the bathroom. He looked exhausted so with a quick goodbye to Sid you made sure you were free to speak to Mason when he reappeared.
‘Hey baby, you okay?’ You smiled as he emerged a little while later, dressed only in his boxers and your heart gave a thud as he flopped down next to you gently.
‘I’m fine. How are you doing?’
‘I’m feeling a lot better actually’ you told him and he craned his neck up to take a better look at you.
‘You look a lot better today. Got a bit more colour in your face’ he smiled before he went a little shy. ‘Do you think I might be able to have a cuddle?’ He asked quietly. Knowing that he’d been refraining from asking as he had to be so careful with you and even though you missed his touch, you still weren't quite ready for a full on hug. You weren’t about to burst his bubble though so you patted your chest so that he would place his head there and positioned his arm so that it was far away from your scar. Thankfully Mason was laid on the opposite side to it so he could cuddle up to your side without any issues but you felt your heart race when hummed contently at the feel of you. ‘Thank you, beautiful. I’ve missed this’
‘Me too’ you breathed, reaching up to scratch over his scalp as he nuzzled into you a little more and all you wanted to was to kiss over his face.
‘I don’t know how you do this everyday with them. Even with my mum's help I’m half dead’ he laughed, kissing your neck gently as he referred to looking after the kids and the house all on his own. ‘You’re like a real life superwoman’
‘You’re doing such a good job though, Mase’ you reassured him quietly. ‘And I’ll be able to start helping out more soon’
‘Well not too soon. You need to be 100% better before you even lift a finger okay?’
‘Okay’ you laughed. ‘I just feel a bit useless stuck in here all day’
‘Well you deserve a rest. But you should have just said if you needed one you know? Didn’t have to rupture your appendix just for some sympathy’ he teased
‘You’re right sorry, I won’t go as hard next time’
‘Thank you’ he winked before settling down into you further.
‘I mean it though, Mase. You’re doing a really great job, I’m so proud of you and the way you always step up’
‘Thank you baby’ he whispered shyly, his cheek warm against your chest. ‘Did you enjoy your soup tonight?’
‘I did’ you laughed, knowing how proud he was about making you dinner even thought it was basically already done for him and he just had to heat it up. ‘I won’t lie though, I can’t wait until I’m allowed solid foods again. It’s like I’ve forgotten how to chew’
‘Only a couple more days and you can have whatever you like’
‘I think I want pizza’ you told him, images of your favourite flashing through your mind and it was like you could almost taste it.
‘If my baby wants pizza she can have pizza’
‘And chocolate fudge cake’
‘That too’
‘Thank you Masey’
‘Anything for you’ he whispered, kissing your neck softly and you felt the goosebumps rise on your skin at his touch.
You spent the rest of the night discussing the next day. Debbie would be dropping off Tilly at nursery the next morning before she left for home whilst Mason would be taking Ollie to training. School didn’t start for another few days and you cursed your appendix for it’s awful timing but Ollie was pretty excited to get to go to work with his daddy and from what you remembered Mason had said they had a few things planned for Ollie to help with.
‘You should get some sleep Mase’ you whispered, looking down at him resting peacefully on your chest and you could almost feel your heart bursting from how much you loved him.
Whatever you needed he was always there.
When you first felt the pain and brushed it off, he was the one to beg you to go and get checked.
When you were rushed to surgery, he was the one who held your hand and told you everything would be okay when they put you under.
When you woke up, he was there again. Stroking your skin and letting you know you were fine. That you were his everything and the thought of losing you killed him and even though his vulnerable side broke your heart there was no one else you wanted to wake up to.
When you came home, he’d set you a space in your bed, made sure you were more than comfortable and had everything you needed whilst giving you time to heal. Promising you that you didn’t need to worry about a thing as he had it under control and the only help he’d had was from his mum who came to stay for two nights when he had a game.
If you were superwoman, then he was your superman. Spending long hours training before wrangling two kids and looking after the house but the dark bags under his eyes made you sad and you wished you could do more to help him. He didn’t expect you to though, and wanted you fully better before lifting a finger.
You felt him get heavy as he fell asleep on you, not having the heart to move him as he looked so peaceful and you’d missed his touch so even though it was against the doctors orders you let him sleep cuddled up against you that night. You’d been sleeping throughout the day so even though you were a little bit tired you spent the next twenty minutes just looking at him. Stroking the soft skin of his cheek, kissing his forehead and wondering how you got so lucky to have this beautiful man all to yourself.
The next day everyone was up and out before you had a chance to wake up. Tilly was apparently furious that Ollie got to spend the day with Mason and had refused to leave until Debbie had coaxed her out by telling her she got a special ride in nanny’s car and she then went without fuss. You made sure to send Debbie a quick thank you text to let her know how grateful you were that she’d come to help in your hour of need before letting Sid know you were bored and she promised to come over after lunch to keep you company.
‘He really has been so good, Sid’ you told her, picking out a nail colour from the bag she bought over before she took your hand and began to shape your nails. ‘He’s got them up in the morning, made sure they’ve got where they needed to be. Got the home again, made dinner, bathed them all whilst still going to training and doing what he needs to do and checking in on me every five minutes’
‘Poor man, I bet he’s exhausted’ she laughed
‘You should have seen him last night. He was so tired, bless him he was out like a light’
‘Do you think he has a new appreciation for you now?’
‘Maybe a little bit. I mean don’t get me wrong, he knows how hard I work but I think it’s really hit home this week’
You sat with Sid and gossiped more until Mase came home with the kids, popping his head round with a gentle smile on his face and your heart thumped as you took him in.
‘Hey Sid, you wanna stay for dinner?’
‘I’d love to, but Scott’s got an event I said I’d tag along to and if I don’t get going I’ll be late’ she pouted, gathering her stuff and after a quick goodbye she was gone.
You were starting to go crazy, looking at the same four walls all day and it was suspiciously quiet outside so you got up as quietly as you could, walking out into the hallway in hopes of finding someone but all you could hear was the sound of the bathroom tap.
You walked towards it, noticing the light was on before you heard Mason's voice and thankfully from the angle you were you could see him giving Tilly a bath but they couldn’t see you.
‘Is that nice tills?’ Mason asked gently, slowly massaging her head as he worked the shampoo into her hair. She didn’t respond but you knew she was loving it, her eyes half open as her mouth formed the most adorable little ‘o’. Letting Mason gently relax her muscles. ‘Mumma always gives me the best head massages when I’ve not had a good day’
Your heart sunk at his words. Why had she had a bad day? From what you could see right now she looked fine, better than fine even as he went to grab the shower head and wash all the soap out, making sure to shield her eyes as she hated getting water in them.
‘How’s that knee baby?’ He asked, popping some conditioner in her hair before looking down at where she was pointing.
‘Hurts daddy’
‘I know baby, you’re so brave though. Took it like a right champ from what I heard’ he told her and your heart fluttered at her adorable little giggle. ‘But when you’re feeling all better again-‘
‘Mummy!’ Tilly suddenly interrupted. Your plan of staying hidden clearly not working as she’d seen your reflection in the mirror so you went in. Masons face a picture as you carefully made your way over to them.
‘Hello bubba’
‘What are you doing out of bed?’ Mason asked. A smile on his face as he looked up at you but you just shrugged trying to play it off.
‘Just fancied a little walk’ you smiled before looking down at Tilly’s knee. A bright red graze now adorning her skin and you felt awful. ‘What happened?’
‘Someone got tackled by one of the bigger boys at lunch today when they were all playing football’ Mason explained, trying to keep his tone light but you could tell he was angry.
‘Do we know who?’’
‘No, but when I find out I swear-‘
‘Mason’ you interrupted with a slight laugh as his cheeky eyes were on you immediately. ‘They’re three, babe. He probably didn’t mean it’
‘I don’t know, love. Some of those kids are massive. I don’t know what people feed them these days to make them so tall’ he laughed, rinsing out the last of the conditioner before reaching for Tilly’s towel. ‘But what I was trying to say before was. When you’re feeling better, you gotta get back out there okay? Don’t let this make you not wanna play anymore. I fall over all the time when I play, you just gotta get back up’ he told her, placing a kiss to her forehead before helping her stand so he could wrap her up and gently lift her out.
‘You guys got any wild Friday night plans?’ You laughed holding onto Mason so you could pull yourself up too and you almost burst into tears as Tilly placed her little hand on your cheek softly.
‘Think just story time like usual once Ollie’s had his bath and then I’ll come join you’
‘I miss story time’ you pouted, until you suddenly had an idea. ‘Why don’t you all come in our room for story time so I can join in’ you beamed, hoping Mason would agree but he didn’t look too convinced.
‘I don’t know baby, you’re still pretty fragile and I don’t want you getting hurt’
‘I’ll be fine, Mase, pleaseeee. I miss you guys’ you told him, sadness evident in your voice and it didn’t take much to convince him. He never wanted to upset you.
‘Go get back into bed mumma. I’ll bring them in soon, yeah?’
‘Thank you Masey’ you whispered, kissing him softly before dropping a kiss on Tilly’s forehead. ‘See you soon okay?’ You told her and she nodded back at you with an excited smile.
Time seemed to be going slower than usual and you were almost asleep again when you heard a knock at the door. Looking up to see your perfect little family stood ready and waiting for you.
‘Come on then’ Mason encouraged, leading them inside before hoisting them up next to you. Ollie taking the space under your arm that you extended out for him and you couldn’t help but pull him into your side and litter his head with tiny kisses.
‘Missed you buddy’ you told him quietly, your heart bursting when he lent up to kiss your cheek softly. Silently letting you know he’d missed you too. Tilly on the other hand was half asleep already and chose to lay on Mason's chest as she was already comfortable.
You weren’t sure if it was your pain killers wearing off or the fact you were all together again but you could feel the tears springing in your eyes as you all huddled together to listen to Ollie read for you all but you held it in as best you could. Not wanting to ruin the moment but you knew Mason could feel your emotions from across the room so when you felt him link your fingers together that were resting on his thigh from your arm that was behind Ollie, you gently squeezed him to let him know you were okay.
You could tell Tilly was asleep. Her soft snores filling your ears and the sound was making you drift off yourself but you didn't want to miss out on anything. In the end you settled for shutting your eyes but still listening to Ollie’s words.
‘I think the girls might be tired,’ Mason told Ollie quietly. Thinking you couldn’t hear but you could. ‘Let me go put Tilly to bed and I’ll come back for you. Do you think you could help mummy lay down?’ He asked when you felt a little hand on your shoulder, you opened your bleary eyes to see Ollie’s face.
‘Come on mum, it’s bedtime’ he told you gently, encouraging you to shuffle down until you were flat and once you were you held out your arms to him in hopes he’d want a cuddle.
Ollie was at that age where cuddles from mum were a bit of a no no but thankfully he got himself settled next to you. Head on your chest just like Mason had the night before and you felt your heart settle as you ran a hand through his hair.
‘Are you okay mum?’ He asked carefully, a slight wobble in his voice and when you looked down his eyes were full of unshed tears.
‘I’m okay baby. What’s the matter?’ You asked, concern filling your voice
‘I was just a bit worried’ he told you.
Tilly was obviously too young to understand what had happened to you but Ollie was older and had clearly been carrying the weight of you being sick on his shoulders. Your heart broke for the little boy in your arms as you held him even tighter to let him know what he was feeling was okay but the little sobs coming from him made you want to cry yourself.
‘Baby you’ve got nothing to be worried about. I’m all better now I promise. I bet it was just a little scary though huh?’ You asked, feeling him nod into your neck and you knew that’s all it was.
He was scared thinking he’d nearly lost you.
‘I’m sorry baby, there’s nothing to be scared of anymore though okay? I’m still here and daddy’s said you’ve been such a big help to him and with Tilly. I’m so proud of you’ you whispered, pulling back in hopes he’d look at you but his red eyes and blotchy cheeks just made you hurt even more. ‘When I’m better we can have an Ollie and mummy day yeah? They’ve just opened that new big arcade in town we can try out and get some lunch there. It’s right by that big book shop you love too. Does that sound good?’
‘Yeah’ he sniffed, a smile finally on his face and you lent down to press a kiss to his forehead.
‘Love you, little man’
‘Love you mum’
‘Hey, what’s all the tears for’ you suddenly heard, looking up to see Mason coming back to get Ollie but he was clearly surprised to find the pair of you upset. ‘I asked you to help her get into bed not to terrorise each other’
‘Don’t Mase’ you laughed, letting him crawl in so the pair of you could sandwich Ollie in between the pair of you, your heart skipping a beat as you felt Ollie nestling into your neck.
‘Are you two okay?’ He asked, and you looked down to Ollie but could tell he wanted to keep it between the two of you.
‘We’re fine, just a little tired’ you told him, gently pressing a kiss to Ollie’s head
‘Shall we go get you into bed then little man?’
You squeezed Ollie extra tightly, kissing his head repeatedly in order to get him to smile and you didn’t stop until you heard his little giggles and your heart finally settled.
‘Night baby’ you whispered’ popping one last kiss on his cheek before he did the same to you.
‘Night mum’ he whispered before following Mason out to his own room.
By the time Mason made it back you were just about nod off and the last thing you remember before you let the sleep overtake you was Mason's lips on your forehead and his soft voice telling you he loved you.
The next morning you could hear giggles coming from downstairs and you smiled at the sound. You’d slept in longer than you’d meant to but you clearly needed it so after listening in a bit more you hauled yourself up to make your way down to join your family.
‘What’s going on in here then’ you asked as you rounded the corner. Catching the three of them covered in flour as they were rolling something into balls in their hands and when you looked down to the tray you could see they were making cookies.
‘Morning sunshine’ Mason laughed. ‘We’re making you cookies but don’t worry I’ll get it all cleaned up’ he assured you as Tilly made her way over to you. Hugging you leg and you ran your hand through her hair as you weren’t quite strong enough to lift her yet. ‘I tell you what, Ollie take Tilly up and go get changed. They’ll be ready by the time you’re done’ he told them. The pair of them walking off hand in hand as you made your way over to a dusty Mason.
‘Cookies for breakfast huh?’ You laughed, resting your hands on his waist as he cupped your jaw and his bright eyes made you smile back at him widely.
‘I’m running out of ideas, can’t you tell’ he joked, resting his forehead on yours as you shared a peaceful moment. ‘You know you’re never allowed to be sick again babe. I can’t do this all the time. And you’re never allowed to leave me. I can barely cope without you’
‘Oh yeah’ you laughed, hands coming to grip his wrists gently and the smile that made its way onto his lips took your breath away. ‘Anything else?’
‘I’m just trying to cover all eventualities’
‘I promise you Mason, you’re stuck with me. For life’
‘Nothing to me has ever sounded better’ he whispered, finally connecting your lips.
I hope you enjoyed 🩷 I’d really love some feedback so please let me know what you think 😌
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depravitycentral · 11 months
Yandere! Uvogin x fem! reader
Tw: kidnapping, stalking, theft, threats of violence, implied non-con, if your name is Stacy pretend it isn't, Stockholm Syndrome, brief mention of vomiting, Nobunaga is featured a bit in this but don't worry he doesn't want you, fem reader, MDNI
This is dedicated to @ramwrites, who is amazing and wonderful and offered to write me a welcome back gift, and I couldn't not give something back in return! Thanks for letting me write this for you; your writing is so good and makes me all giggly and inspired. For those interested, please check out her Shalnark piece - I haven't read it yet, but I'm sure it's just as good as everything else Ram produces.
WC: 10K
I do not condone any of the actions described in this post - this is fiction and should be treated as such. If you or a loved one is in a similar situation to anything contained in this post or my blog in general, please seek help. You're in charge of your internet consumption; please make responsible choices. With that, enjoy! 
“So you went and got yourself kidnapped, huh?” Uvogin asks, cocking a brow at you.
               You, who’s tied to a metal chair, gagged and blindfolded, very clearly having no fucking clue what is going on.
               You squirm, sitting up straight at the sound of a new, unfamiliar voice. Your cute little sleeping shorts had ridden up a bit, exposing more of your thigh than you were probably comfortable with, and Uvo notices with a distant sense of enjoyment that the thin nightshirt you’re sporting is doing very little to hide the way the cold air is affecting your chest.
               You’re weak, really; a pathetic little thing that has him scoffing and crossing his arms.
               “Listen up, I’m only gonna tell you this once. A friend of yours – Stacy, was it? Anyway, this friend of yours got herself noticed by the wrong type of guy.” He starts, plopping down and sitting in his own identical metal chair, just without the restraints.
               You stop struggling when he mentions her name, and he takes this as a sign to continue.
               “See, Nobuanga’s not a bad guy. He’s a little rough around the edges, sure, but any guy who isn’t is hardly worth knowing.” He chuckles at his own assessment of his closest friend, though you don’t seem to share the sentiment. “Stacy works at that shitty little restaurant he loves – the one with the sticky, greasy booths and the fries that come drenched with salt and are so limp they literally drip oil.”
               He shivers at the mere memory, the hamburger he’d ordered barely worth eating.
               “Don’t know what she did, exactly, but somehow he’s smitten – she’s got him all fucked up, ranting and raving about how beautiful she is and how she smiles at him all the time and flirts with him on the clock. Real annoying, if you ask me.” He sighs heavily, letting his thumb sit at his chin as he loses himself in the story of his best friend falling in love – with your best friend, no less.
               “And then she quit her job, I’m sure you know. Started working up at that movie theater – more shitty, oily food, just popcorn instead of fries this time.” He laughs again. “Nobunaga went crazy over that, you know, thinking that maybe she wanted to work in a more intimate setting like that so that he could sneak her off into some abandoned theater and get some one-on-one quality time, if you know what I mean.”
               You grimace, at both the implications of his last statement and the mention of Stacy quitting. You know exactly why she’d quit – it was the whole reason you’d been staying at her place, really. She was convinced she had a stalker, that there was this crazy man who used to bother her at the diner and follow her home. It’d scared her, obviously, and she’d requested – with a guilty look and fiddling thumbs – if you’d be willing to spend the next few nights are her place with her, because maybe if there was more than one person home he wouldn’t get gutsy and break in. Of course you’d agreed, believing her fully and not wanting to leave her alone to deal with this crazed freak.
               Although now, you’re starting to regret that decision just a bit.
               “As I’m sure you know, it didn’t change much. Pretty stupid, to be honest – if a stalker’s that dedicated, how the hell is a change of occupation going to change anything? Chick’s pretty dumb, if you ask me.” He shrugs, and although you can’t see it through your blindfold, you’re sure his face is awfully apathetic about the whole situation. “She was ignoring him, refusing to serve him at the theater, reporting him to her manager, even calling the police and getting a description of him circulating. She was going to get a restraining order against him, even – again, like that’d do shit.”
               He snorts, and you bite into the gag harder.
               Sighing, he looks up at the ceiling. “See, that’s the thing about Nobunaga. He might seem a little lazy sometimes, but he’s got a heart of gold when it comes to the ones he cares about. He’d do anything for that woman – steal for her, kill for her, anything at all. He’s a sap, totally obsessed with the chick, but it’s kind of sweet in a way, I guess. Means he really cares about her. Isn’t that funny? Her stalker really is in love with her.”
               You don’t find it particularly funny, but you can’t say much.
               “Anyways, the police finally got a sighting of him last night. Went through the system pretty fast – I’m a little impressed, to be honest. Normally takes those bastards much longer to process things. Regardless, a few too many sirens were going last night, even a few cars parked outside the apartment he’s been squatting in, yelling his name in those big, gaudy megaphones of theirs. Caused a real stir, and sent the guy into a panic.”
               He takes a moment to breath, tapping his foot lightly on the ground. “So what does he do? He calls me, in the middle of the night, talking so fast that I can’t even understand the guy. All I’m hearing is Stacy this, Stacy that, police and blah blah blah recognized. I had to force the words out of him before it made any sense, the idiot.” That same laugh rattles in your ears.
               “Eventually I got him to be coherent, and he told me that he had to ‘make his move’, whatever the hell that meant. Said he couldn’t wait anymore, that he had to take Stacy and run – the police were coming, and even though it’s not hard to take out a couple of poorly trained guys, it’s still a pain in the ass and Shizuku’s not here to clean up his mess.
               “Anyways, he starts begging me – literally, actually pleading with me, imagine that – to come and help him out. He told me there’s this other chick at her place – some girl she’s been keeping around for some unknown reason, and he needs someone to take care of the body.” Your blood goes cold, fear suddenly creeping back up your throat.
               Was he going to kill you? Why was he bothering to tell you all this if he was just planning on slicing open your neck? Did he find some sick pleasure in prolonging your death?
               He notices your discomfort, it seems, because soon he’s rolling his eyes, scoffing at you. “Calm down. You’re such a bad actor – can’t even see your face, really, and I know you’re scared shitless now. I’m not going to kill you, don’t get your panties in a twist.”
               You calm slightly, but not much.
               “As I was saying, there’s this girl he needs me to take care of – a quick death, nothing too flashy, which makes me immediately ask why the hell he’d request me of all people, when every time I kill it’s messy. It’s kind of my trademark, you know?”
               You didn’t, and you hoped it’d stay that way.
               He sighs again. “Anyways, I head on over to Stacy’s apartment, meeting Nobunaga outside and listening to him run down the plan. He’s going to run inside and knock her out, pulling her out of bed and running off to God knows where he’s got all set up for the two of them. And while he’s busy doing that, I’m supposed to head in and eliminate the friend. Seemed easy enough, if not a bit tedious, so I agree and we head inside, keeping mind of the sirens still in the distance.
               “Everything’s going smoothly, except once we get the front door open, it becomes very clear that Nobunaga was stupid and panicked and didn’t bother to doublecheck if Stacy was actually asleep.” He pauses to sigh dramatically, like it’s some big annoyance. “She’s fully awake, standing about ten feet away from the door, and then she starts fucking screaming.”
               You remember that bit – the screaming, that is, because it had woken you up from your slumber on Stacy’s couch. Everything is still blurry after that, disorientation fogging your brain from being so abruptly woken up.
               “She’s yelling and screeching, and if Nobunaga hadn’t been there I probably would’ve killed her myself just to get her to shut the fuck up. She’s got one of those high, shrill, shrieky voices, you know? The kind that really drive me up the wall - it’s damn annoying.” He pauses, looking at you skeptically. “Hope you haven’t got one of those, things’ll get messy real quick if you do.”
               You hope you don’t, either.
               “He rushes forward and tries to grab her, but she swats at him and, get this, manages to punch him in the dick.” He laughs aloud at that, slapping his knee and throwing his head back. “This weak-ass girl manages to get him on the ground flat, stupid ass’s hands clutching at his dick, and what does she do in the meantime? She runs over to the couch, grabbing this girl and staring back at me like I’m some monster.”
               You make a noise through the gag, but Uvogin ignores it.
               “I’ve gotta hand it to Stacy, though, she’s got guts. She starts yellin’ at us about how she won’t let us kill the girl, how she’ll kill herself before she lets us get our hands on her, and immediately Nobunaga crumbles. I don’t know why the idiot didn’t think of the possibility earlier, but he totally freezes up when she threatens that, just gaping like a fish. It was pretty awkward for me, to be honest, because watching him get so thoroughly rejected was giving me serious second hand embarrassment. I mean, the chick literally said she’d rather kill herself than let Nobuanga take her – pretty harsh if you ask me.”
               He looks back at your covered face, letting his gaze linger on the edges of the blindfold. “So he panics and gives into her demand, telling her he won’t kill her friend – says that he’ll just take her too, so that way everyone’s happy.”
               He frowns a bit at you, scratching the back of his neck. “Well, everyone except you, probably. And except Stacy, too, probably. And except me. So really, Nobunaga’s the only happy one.”
               Your face would sour if it was able to.
               “Anyways, it wasn’t hard to knock them both out and bring ‘em to their respective holding places. I’ve got no clue where the hell Nobunaga’s keeping his chick, but I’m sure you’ve figured out that you’re Stacy’s little friend.”
               You nod, slowly, the movement limited by your restraints. Your wrists have gone numb and your ankles feel bruised and sore, the ropes keeping them pinned the legs of the chair making blood flow difficult.
               “So, what to do with you now.” His voice is wistful, like he’s actually contemplating, and that same familiar fear washes over you again.
               He groans, the chair skidding out behind him as he stands to his full height. “Would you quit it with the fear? I already told you I’m not killing you, are you even listening to me?”
               You nod again, faster this time.
               Uvogin sighs, shuffling forward towards you. You can hear him approaching, and although your shoulders stiffen up, you try not to look as terrified as you feel. It doesn’t seem to work all that well, but he spares you another comment about it.
               Soon the blindfold is ripped off your head, leaving your hair messy and out of place, your eyes squinting and blinking rapidly to adjust to the rather bright white light hanging over you and what you can now see is an absolute behemoth of a man.
               He’s fucking huge – towering over you in every sense of the word, muscles practically bulging out of his body with how defined and massive they are. Black hairs cover every inch of his body you can see, even his arms and especially the bits of chest peeking out of his white top. Ragged, unruly hair sweeps down to his shoulders, making the muscles of his neck look even firmer, and you gulp. Any chance of escaping has basically left you now – there’s no way in hell you could ever beat that, especially if he’d already managed to kidnap you once.
               He clears his throat and your gaze is brought up to his face, a small, strange wave of embarrassment flooding through you as you realize you’ve been caught staring. He’s smirking, though, and you take in the sharp line of his jaw, the thick, dark eyebrows that frame equally dark eyes. He’s attractive, in a strange, rugged sort of way, and you immediately feel sick at the thought.
               “You like what you’re seein’?” He teases, and you immediately look away, still unable to reply with the gag covering your mouth.
               He laughs, and sets his hands on his lips. “Well, looks like you’re stuck with me. Before you freak out, I can’t kill you because that damn Stacy really seems to care about you, and she’s told Nobunaga she’ll kill herself if she doesn’t get regular proof that you’re still alive.”
               A flame of hope ignites in your chest, and internally you thank Stacy, even if this whole situation is less than ideal.
               He seems to sense your sudden upturn in mood, chuckling with a condescending lilt. “Oh no, princess, that doesn’t mean I’m letting you go. No, you’ve gotta stay put, because now that you know what I look like, you’ll go to the cops and report me as fast as those little legs of yours can manage.”
               You shake your head at that, eyes glistening with tears as he shuts down your last hope of escaping. Please, you internally beg him, hoping he’ll somehow be able to sense this too. I won’t, I promise!
               His gaze narrows at you, before that same smirk is back. “I’m sure if you could talk you’d be telling me how you’ll never tell a soul, but you and I both know that’s bullshit. So I’ll save us both some time and keep you here, so that I don’t have to track you down again and lock you back up once you’ve just gotten free.”
               You visibly deflate, and if Uvogin had been a kinder man, he would’ve almost felt bad for you. But instead, he just hums, crouching down in front of you. Even squatting he’s still taller than you, and it does nothing to make you feel less scared.
               “Now listen up, here are the rules. I’m a pretty nice guy, all things considered, so don’t break my rules and I won’t break your bones.”
               Your eyes get wide, but you nod along. He smiles, patting your knee.
               “That’s good, see? You’re already doing better than that Stacy girl, at least you’re not fighting me every step of the way.” Something about his statement makes guilt eat away at your chest – are you supposed to be fighting more? There doesn’t really seem to be a point – this man is massive, and you’re all bound and unable to move. You’re doing the best you can, right?
               “First,” He holds up a finger, “don’t even bother trying to escape. I’m bigger than you, faster than you, stronger than you, and smarter than you. There’s nothing you can try that I won’t see through, and you’ll end up regretting it more than you can imagine.
               “Second, no trying to hurt yourself. Nobunaga will kill me if I let you die, and it’d be a pain to deal with him.” He fixes you a stern look, and you nod.
               “Third, don’t go digging through my shit. I’m doing my buddy a favor by keeping you here, and if I find you snooping around… He didn’t say anything about roughing you up a bit, and it might be good for Stacy to see you with some bruises or a cast or two.” His threat doesn’t go unheard, and you nod again, throat bobbing as you swallow.
               He stares at you for a moment more, gaze calculating and judging whether you’ve really accepted his conditions, before strong fingers come up to untie the knot keeping your gag in place.
               “Don’t you scream, I’ll have to shut you up if you do.” He warns, before pulling the fabric away. Immediately you’re flexing your jaw, the muscle aching as you move it, and he watches with a neutral expression. You’re still tied up, unable to move really, and Uvogin gets a fleeting thought of how pitiful you look.
               “Um,” You start, your voice a bit hoarse from being so dry and unused for the last few hours. “What’s your name?”
               He blinks, before laughing a bit. “Of all the questions you could’ve asked, all the things you could’ve said and done as soon as you woke up from learning you’ve been kidnapped, and that’s what you chose? Shit, you wouldn’t survive in the wild, would you?”
               Shame creeps up your neck at his belittlement, but before you can defend yourself he’s answering. “It’s Uvogin.”
               You nod, not willing to look at him. It’s silent for a few moments, before he sighs again and reaches forward to untie the rope shackling your ankles and wrists. As soon as you’re free, you try to stretch out your limbs, keeping a weary eye on the man – Uvogin.
               What a stupid name.
               “Well, the fact that you’re not screaming your head off is a promising sign. Get up, I’ll show you where you’ll be sleeping.” He orders, already taking off towards the door in the corner of the small room. You try to follow him, but your legs aren’t moving right, and it takes you a while to make your way over there. He looks irritated at your lack of speed, but says nothing, only holding open the door until you make your way through.
               You’re led down into a rather sparse apartment, only furnished with a single gray couch against one wall (with a few stains on it that make you wince a bit), a TV and some cabinets, a wooden table and two chairs, and a beat-up fridge in the adjoining kitchen. Everything’s clean, but the space lacks any sort of personality, and it makes you uncomfortable.
               “That’s your bed, extra blankets are in the closet. If you need anything tell me, and I might snag it for you next time I’m out on a job.” Something about the way he says ‘snag’ makes you nervous, so you just mutter a small affirmation.
               He gives you one last glance over, his eyes once again lingering on your chest, before stepping through the doorway.
               “Wait, Uvogin!” Your voice, a bit wobbly and unsure, makes him turn back, his brow cocked and curiosity dancing on his features. (And a bit of surprise, too, because he hadn’t expected you to say anything to him, or even use his name. Maybe you weren’t as skittish and weak as you seemed – though, he doubted that.)
               “Um, is it possible for me to see Stacy soon?” You asked, voice growing smaller with every word. He blinks, before standing up a bit straighter.
               “Actually, you’re in luck. Nobunaga called me about an hour ago and let me know we’re meeting up in a few days – he said it would be good for Stacy to have a ‘playdate’ with you. Whatever the fuck that means.” Uvogin shrugs, looking entirely uninterested, and you bristle at Nobunaga’s choice of words. Poor Stacy.
               Excitement brews in your chest; at least you’ll have a familiar face, and hopefully the stranger hasn’t done anything too terrible to your friend. Nodding, you glance back to the floor, wishing the hulking man staring at you would just leave. He does, a few moments later, and only then do you allow yourself to slump onto the bed he’s assigned you. The bedroom is bare like the rest of the home, with a twin bed set in the corner and a small set of drawers sitting nearby. It makes you laugh humorlessly – were you supposed to fill that chest? With what? You hadn’t brought anything with you, and you seriously doubted Uvogin would let you return home to grab some of your clothes.
               Sighing, you sat onto the bed, the mattress firm under you. Distantly, some part of you was pleased – at least the bed would be comfortable enough.
               Time passes slowly as you sit on the bed – not your bed, not yet. You stare at the wall ahead of you, the fear slowly seeping out of your system until only exhaustion remains. Sleep eventually takes over, and although you try to fight it, you’re slipping into a dreamless slumber before long.
               Uvogin’s tolerable, you’ve found. He’s certainly not nice, nor is he an especially great person to be around, but he could be much worse, you suppose. He’s fed you twice daily for however long you’ve been stuck here (it feels like a week, so you’re assuming it is, if only to stave off any self-doubt that’s creeping into the corners of your mind), and the food’s not terrible. It’s clearly takeout, the packaging sometimes even having Chinese characters on it or restaurant logos, and you’ve been mostly satisfied with his choices so far. He’ll sometimes ask you what you want, and while you were too scared to answer the first few times (which only makes him scowl and roll his eyes, muttering a small damn, Nobunaga owes me one), eventually you’d felt safe enough to be honest.
               He hasn’t hurt you, either. At least, not yet. You’re aware he could, if he wanted to – those muscles make it hard to forget, and you’d seen him crush his phone in his hand like a bug when a phone call with someone named Franklinwent poorly.
               He’s scary, still, but you’ve reached the point now where you aren’t practically hyperventilating every time he enters the room. You still keep him in your field of vision, weary for any sudden changes in his behavior, but every day that passes has you growing more complacent with your position. The constant threat of Stacy potentially facing consequences for your actions doesn’t deter you from being on your best behavior, either.
               Besides, sometimes he’s even a little bit funny – not that you’d ever laugh at his jokes, but he has this weird sense of humor that you think you’d like, if the situation had been different. If you’d met him on the street you definitely would’ve tried to cross to the other side, but you would’ve found him oddly charming, his snide remarks and cocky air a bit entertaining.
               You try not to think about that, though, because the mere presence of these thoughts means the Stockholm Syndrome is starting to kick in. And while you aren’t the most resilient person on the planet, even you have to admit it’s a bit early for that.
               Sighing, you take another bite of the curry he’d brought you, pleasantly surprised that the spice level was perfect. Uvogin didn’t have many rules, it was true, but he did have a few unspoken ones – one of which being that meals, particularly take-out meals, were to be eaten at the small, rickety table. Together, which wasn’t ideal.
               “I’ve gotta make sure you don’t try to starve yourself or choke.” He’d told you the first time, grabbing your shoulders and forcing you into the seat across from his, the noodles sitting in front of you still packaged neatly in their container. At first you’d been nervous he would try to poison you, but eventually hunger got the best of you and you were slurping the noodles down, still keeping a nervous eye on the hulking man in front of you.
               “So, big news.” He starts, taking a bite out of his chicken. He always took big bites, you’d noticed, but he ordered enough food that even if his pace was twice as fast as yours, he never finished before you.
               You glance up at him, trying not to let toomuch curiosity show on your face, but he seems to realize anyway.
               “I know you haven’t been up to much, but don’t make your excitement so obvious. Hurts my feelings to know you think I’m so boring.” He’s joking, you think, and to sate him you attempt to smile.
               “Nobunaga called me again this morning; today’s the day.”
               You practically choke on your food, eyes blowing wide and your hands beginning to shake. Finally, finally you’d be able to see Stacy – you’d been worried sick about her the last week or so, terrified that her transition to the life of being a captive hadn’t gone as smoothly as your own. (You snorted bitterly at that – smooth probably wasn’t the best word for how you’d been feeling, but at least you hadn’t been hit yet, or assaulted or any number of things. Hopefully Nobunaga wasn’t any worse of a person than your own captor.)
               Uvogin is watching you, you realize, with a strange look in his eye. As soon as you glance up at him you look away again, clearing your throat and trying to keep your voice even as you ask, “That’s good, it’ll be nice to see her again.”
               It’s silent for a moment, before his booming laugh makes you wince a bit. “Yeah, I’m sure you are. Finish up, I don’t like wasting food. Once you’re done we’ll head out - try to not to choke.”
               He says that right as you start shoveling the food into your mouth, hoping that eating quicker will mean you can see Stacy quicker. He chuckles at you, but you follow his orders and slow down a bit. He throws you one more glance, that cocky smile on his lips, before digging into his own food again.
               He’s eating a bit faster than normal, too, you notice.
               He apologizes with an insincere tone as he ties the blindfold back on you (he’d told you that you can’t know where you are just in case you decide to get rebellious and run away), and soon you’re stuffed into a car. Everything’s hard to keep track of when you can’t see, but Uvogin’s talking (like normal), so you try to tune into the sound of his voice to help the time pass.
               “Now listen, you might not wanna touch her too much, Nobunaga’s a bit…” He trails off, and you can hear his hand tightening on the steering wheel. “Possessive. You’re her friend and all, and I’m sure he won’t hurt you, especially not in front of her, but be careful.”
               You nod, absentmindedly.
               “Also, don’t be too surprised if she doesn’t look the way she used to. He was always going on about how she was dressed too inappropriately in her day-to-day life, so she might be a little underdressed.”
               He’d hesitated to say underdressed, and you tried not to think about what that could mean.
               It’s quiet for a few moments, and you shift in the car seat. He’d let you sit in the front, an unexpected luxury, but you didn’t like that he could see you while you couldn’t see him. He wouldn’t hurt you, you were mostly confident of that now, but who knew what he had planned.
               “We’re almost there. If things go badly, I’ll get you out of there. You’re pretty damn weak, a broken bone would probably take a few weeks for you to heal. I don’t want to deal with you being injured, and I’m sure you don’t, either.”
               Your lips must’ve given away your fear, because a moment later he’s sighing. “Did you know that you practically reek your emotions? I feel like I can smell ‘em, even when I can’t even see half your damn face.”
               You don’t have anything to say to that, but you force yourself to speak anyway, not wanting to dignify his last comment. “Do you think – well, do you think Nobunaga will want to hurt me?”
               Uvogin ponders your question for a moment, surprised that you’d spoken up. You hadn’t done much talking in the time he’d had you – he was sure it was because you were scared, but it was nice to hear you talking to him like you weren’t scared shitless of him. Even if you had every reason to be so terrified.
               “Honestly, probably. Especially if you touch her.”
               You suck in a breath, and Uvogin hums. “But it’s not going to happen.”
               “What do you mean?”
               You could practically hear his toothy grin.
               “It’s my job to protect you, right? So I will. Even if the one you need protecting from is the same guy who wants you to be protected.”
               Something in his tone gives you the impression he means those words more than he’s letting on, and you shiver as you imagine just who this Nobunaga guy could possibly be.
               “Oh my god, oh my god – you’re alive! Thank god!” Stacy sobs, arms wrapping around you like a vice before you can even respond. You clutch her back just as tightly, burying your face into her brown curls, a few tears pricking at your eyes. You’d been nervous that Nobunaga would’ve hurt her, with the way Uvogin was describing him, but after a thorough look-over, you find no bruises or marks marring her olive skin.
               Eventually she pulls back, but keeps her hands firmly grasping your shoulders. Her eyes are red with tears, and her lower lip is wobbling. She’s not hurt, but she looks bad – there’s heavy bags under eyes and her hair is frazzled, her lips look swollen and she’s clutching onto you hard. Really hard.
               “Stacy, are you hurt?” You ask, letting your hands cup her cheeks. You see Nobunaga – who Uvogin had pointed out with a small that’s the guy when you’d walked in – stiffen up at that, and Uvogin’s warning flashes through your mind. You might not want to touch her. Right.
               Stacy glances over at her captor, and you follow her gaze, only to see Uvogin give you a small nod and drag his friend out the door by the collar of his purple kimono, calling over his shoulder that they’ll be back in exactly five minutes, and that they’ll know if you try to escape.
               As soon as the door closes, Stacy pulls you in for another hug, the words flying out of her mouth so quickly you can barely understand her. “He’s – Nobunaga, he’s horrible. He never leaves me alone, and he treats me like I’m some incompetent little baby, and he’s always touching me and I just – I can’t –“
               You cut her off by pressing her face into your neck again, rubbing the back of her head and letting her cry. You’re crying too, now, but your tears fall silently compared to her sobbing.
               You don’t say much, because what can you say? It would be a lie to tell her that everything’s going to be okay, and every other reassurance that dances on the tip of your tongue just feels wrong, like you’d be pointedly lying to her. Instead, you let her get it out, her grip on you never loosening. You’d known Nobunaga had been the root of all her anxieties the last few months, long before he’d gotten the gall to kidnap her. And while you were happy that she wasn’t hurt, it still pained you to see her like this.
               Eventually she’d calmed down, and you feel her pull back and wipe at her sniffling nose. “I’m so sorry.” She whispers to you, looking like she’s on the verge of crying again. “I didn’t mean to drag you into this mess, I should’ve just gone quietly and left you alone. I shouldn’t have asked you to stay with me for a few weeks, now you’re really stuck with that monster.”
               You don’t tell her that it’s okay, because it’s not. Some part of you is still bitter and resentful towards her for involving you, because she’s right. You could be still living your life if she hadn’t requested you to help deter her stalker from making a move. But despite your anger, you can’t find it in yourself to hate her. Not when she’s like this – not when she’s probably experiencing something even worse than you.
               “It doesn’t matter now, all that matters is that we’re both alive, and we’re both okay. Or, at least, okay as we can be, given the situation.” You tell her, smiling softly. She blinks at you, eyes wide and vulnerable, before nodding and swallowing.
               “Yeah, I was worried that you wouldn’t be, with the way Nobunaga was talking about Uvogin.” Her voice was hoarse still, and you laughed humorlessly at that.
               “Yeah, well, he hasn’t hurt me yet, so I think I’ll be okay. He mostly just ignores me, honestly, so I guess I’m lucky.” Your attempt at optimism doesn’t make Stacy smile like you’d hoped. Rather, her lips pull into a frown and her eyebrows furrow.
               “He ignores you? That doesn’t make sense.”
               You expression mirrors hers. “What? I mean, the only reason I got kidnapped too was insurance so that you wouldn’t kill yourself –“
               Stacy’s face morphs into one of horror, and her grip on your shoulders goes slack.
               Quickly you’re backpedaling, worried the mention of her self-imposed death might’ve triggered something you wanted to avoid. “I’m not saying it’s your fault, I totally understand why you –“
               “Alright, time’s up.” Nobunaga’s voice interrupts, and knuckly hands are suddenly on your shoulders, pushing you aside so that Nobunaga can stand in front of Stacy. You stumble back, falling backwards against Uvogin’s hard chest, immediately standing up straight.
               Nobunaga’s cupping Stacy’s chin, and you can see from this angle the way he smiles, a slight pink color flooding his cheeks. It makes you sick, and the pained look on Stacy’s face only makes your gut sink more. She’s looking at you still, and something about the way her brows are cocked inward that makes you feel like she’s almost pitying you.  
               “Did you miss me, baby?” Nobunaga’s cooing down at her, and it makes your skin crawl. Uvogin sighs from behind you and grabs your wrist, dragging you out of the room. His grip is surprisingly gentle, and as you watch Stacy slowly fade from your view, you can’t help but be slightly grateful that at least your captor isn’t leaning down for a kiss like hers.
               The car ride home is mostly quiet, and it’s not until you’re nearing the end of your time in the vehicle that Uvogin breaks the silence.
               “So, what did you talk about while we were gone? Girly shit?” You think he’s attempting a joke, but you can’t even pretend to laugh at it.
               “She’s not happy.” You comment, voice slightly flat, and Uvogin snorts at your words.
               “Of course she’s not happy, she’s just been kidnapped. And by her stalker, no less – would anyone be happy? Hell, are you happy?” He asks you, and you blanch at his question. Somehow, though, it feels like some sort of trap, so you stay quiet.
               He doesn’t say anything more until he’s pulling you out of the car, your footsteps hesitant and clumsy because he’d put that damn blindfold on you again. He guides you up to the apartment, and soon you’re standing in the living room area, the fabric falling from your eyes.
               “I’ve got some errands to run today, so I’ll be gone for a while. Do you want anything while I’m out?” He asks, standing in front of the door with his arms crossed. You’re a bit touched that he’s offering to get you something, but you try not to focus on it. Of course you’re feeling grateful for him – he may be holding you captive, yes, but at least he hasn’t tried to kiss you or touch you. Poor Stacy didn’t share your luck.
               “Um, maybe some chips? I don’t care what flavor, just something crunchy…” You trail off, looking at him nervously. You’d never requested anything before, and some part of you is convinced he’d only asked you the question to laugh in your face and deny you.
               He cracks a smile and nods, hand already on the doorknob. “Okay. Okay, but you’d better be prepared to share, because I happen to be a big chip fan myself. So don’t get greedy, yeah?”
               You half-smile, rubbing at your arm. “Yeah, I won’t be.”
               He steps out the door, and once again the apartment is silent, his presence gone and all movement within the room gone, too.
               The TV won’t work for you, you know that, but you’re still trying to get it to behave. Uvogin had to type in some password every time he turned it on, and it was too long and encoded for you to ever be able to decipher it. Still, you were clicking the power button of the remote over and over, hoping against hope that it would somehow short circuit and bypass that password screen. When it didn’t, you only sighed, rising to your feet and wandering towards the monitor.
               Uvogin, you’d learned, was surprisingly meticulous – surprisingly organized, really. Meaning there was a chance he’d written down the password to the TV and had it stored somewhere. He’d only been gone for about a half hour, if the clock was any indication, and you had a lot of time to kill before he returned home. Not that he was your only source of entertainment – though, you’d read the single book he owned three times already.
               Your knees crack as you kneel down in front of the cupboard the TV was sitting on, the wooden doors creaking as they open. The shelves are mostly empty – a few older remotes, and a cable channel guide.
               Frustrated, you huff and let your shoulders slump, trying to decide what to do next. The TV obviously wasn’t planning on cooperating, though there was a cupboard right next to the one you’re searching through that could potentially hold the answer.
               Uvogin’s rules distantly float through your mind, his gruff voice replaying in perfect clarity. Third, don’t go digging through my shit. Glancing back up the clock, you bite your lip. You had time, because while he was massive and huge and scary, there was no way he could get all his errands done in just thirty minutes.
               With a deep breath, you move over to the other cabinet, letting your fingers curl around the knob. The doors don’t creak when they open, and immediately you’re scanning the shelves. These ones are full – with boxes, each labeled with a date on them. Cocking a brow, you examine the dates. January 4th – January 25th, April 29th – May 7th, and so on.
               Intrigued, you slowly slide out one of the boxes, noticing not a single bit of dust is sitting on the cover. He must use this cabinet much more often than the one you’d been searching through previously, as a thick layer of dust had sprung up in your face the moment you opened the cabinet door.
               The box itself is light, but you still set it down in front of you, your fingers delicate and careful, too worried that you’ll break something if you press too hard. And then Uvogin would know, surely, especially if he truly used this cabinet that often.
               Slowly, you take off the box’s cover, and immediately your brows are scrunching together. What the hell?
               When you’d imagined the kind of ‘shit’ Uvogin didn’t want you to snoop through, you hadn’t pegged it to be this. Whatever this was, that is.
               It looked like a box full of receipts – tons of pieces of paper, all in weird sizes or shapes that looked like they were ripped out of some sort of notebook. The handwriting is messy, the letters all crammed together and difficult to decipher. You pick the paper on top up, turning it this way and that, trying to read the text.
               Her: Sorry, I know it’s late, but I need to ask you a quick question.
               Them: Yeah? What’s up?
               Her: Do you think he’s alright? Chris, I mean – he hasn’t called me back for a few days, and I’m worried about him.
               Them: You know Chris, it always takes him a while to respond. I wouldn’t worry, he’s just unpredictable.
               Her: Yeah, I guess…
               [6 second pause]
               Them: Go to sleep, it’s late. You’ve got work in the morning, right?
               Her: Yeah, I do. Okay, okay, I’m getting into bed now. Goodnight.
               Them: Goodnight, call me when you hear back from him.
               Her: Okay.
               What was this? The ambiguity of it all confused you – who was her? Them? Chris?
               You furrowed your brows, confusion sitting in your gut alongside a strange feeling. The hairs at the back of your neck prickled up, and a small pang of unease bolted through you.
               Setting the piece of paper back into the bin, you picked up another one. This one was shorter, more to the point.
               Her: Are we still on for Friday night?
               Them: Yeah! Freddy’s, nine o’clock sharp. I’m buying, remember.
               Her: You always say that, and you always get too shit faced to pay. Liar!
               Them: Hey, I just know how to have fun! You could learn how to do that, you know.
               Her: Yeah yeah, okay, I’ll see you later.
               Your fingers are shaking as you finish reading the small, triangular slip of paper. Your lips are slightly parted, brows still crunched together. Something about the interaction between Her and Them felt oddly familiar – like something you’d heard before.
               And the mention of Freddy’s. That’d been the name of a bar you frequented often with your friends, back before everything had gone to shit with Stacy.
               Unnerved, you set the piece of paper back in the box and slide the box into its place on the shelf, running your eyes back over the listed date. August 28th – September 16th. One of your best friend’s birthdays was in that range.
               Wiping your palms on your thighs, you try to calm the pounding of your heart. Something feels off, wrong in a way you can’t quite place. Surely, Freddy’s is a common enough name; it doesn’t necessarily mean your favorite bar. Plus, even if it does mean that particular bar, who knew who these people were. You surely don’t - who the hell is Chris?
               Wanting to put some distance between you and the cabinet, you get to your feet again and close it, wandering away into the little hallway connecting the living space, bathroom and two bedrooms. Cupping some water in your hands from the bathroom sink, you splash your face, letting the cold wash over your skin. Closing your eyes, you try to calm down. It doesn’t mean anything – how could it? You’re probably just all shaken up after seeing Stacy and her freaky captor. Nobunaga disturbed you, you can’t deny it.
               Sighing, you open your eyes, wiping your face with your towel. (Uvogin had been kind enough to give you one designated as your own, saving you from the horrible fate of having you dry your body with a towel that he’d already used.) Though you notice with a small start that the towel is wet, despite you not having showered recently. Odd.
               As you turn to leave the room, you notice a shirt sitting piled up in the corner. It was black, and surely not your own – holding it up, it looked big enough to dwarf you. Must be Uvogin’s, then.
               His bedroom is across from your own, and while you haven’t been inside it yet, it feels wrong to just leave his shirt on the floor, where it could get dirty and maybe even moldy. Besides, doing a little cleaning would keep you occupied – both from boredom, and from contemplating those weird slips of paper further.
               You slowly open the door, immediately getting hit with a wave of musk. Uvogin normally smelled decent, but the scent in here is strong enough to make you wince a bit, the overwhelming stench of sweat, mint, and male making you a bit nauseous. To your surprise, the room is spotless – a very, very large bed sits floated in the middle, a navy and black flannel comforter covering the top while a few large, puffy pillows sit at attention at the head. A few pairs of boots are lined up in the corner, and a single picture looks to be taped up on the wall above them. Curiously, you step forward, moving towards the photo.
               Uvogin had told you very little about himself – only that he worked as a contractor, of sorts, and that he didn’t have too many friends, so you wouldn’t have to worry about visitors. But now that you’re looking at the photo, you’re wondering if maybe that last statement hadn’t been so true – the photo is of a dozen or so people, all posing for the camera with various degrees of a smile on their face. Uvogin’s in the back, on the left side, his arm wrapped around the shoulders of a shorter blond man, his blue eyes in a wink and holding up his thumb. Uvogin’s smiling, and as you scan the photo, you stop when you hit Nobunaga, who’s seated in the front row next to a woman with big glasses and a modified cross necklace. Everyone looks happy, and briefly you wonder whether Uvogin considers these people friends. He must, if Nobunaga’s present – an odd sort of satisfaction worms its way into your chest at the thought. You don’t like Uvogin, surely not – but still, everyone needs friends, right? Even kidnappers.
               God, you really are starting to develop Stockholm Syndrome.
               Shaking your head to try and clear the thoughts, you approach his closet and snag a hanger, trying to hang up the shirt you’re holding in your arms. The thing is tall, and as you try to get the hanger’s hook to wrap over the metal bar, your eyes fall to the side, noticing something out of the corner of your vision.
               It’s a soft pink, and you cock a brow. Uvogin? Owning something pink?
               Eventually, and with a soft grunt, you get the hanger to successfully sit onto the bar, and immediately you’re investigating the pink thing. This goes directly against his rules, you know – you’re quite literally snooping, but hopefully he’d still be out for longer. Besides, even if he comes back, you could just tell him you’re putting away his shirt, and maybe he wouldn’t call you on your half-lie.
               Whatever the thing is, it’s wedged pretty far back in the closet – you’d only managed to catch a brief glimpse of it, and for good reason. There’s a storage container in the back of the closet, an organizer of sorts with some compartments that all seem to be stuffed full. It’s hard to see, the overhead light dim to begin with and not penetrating too deeply into the dark closet, but you’re able to fish out the pink fabric soon enough.
               It's lace, you realize, your curiosity only doubling. That same pin-prickly feeling is back, and as you slowly flatten out the cloth, your breath catches.
               It’s a thong. Pink and lacy, with a bow decorating the back, right over the tailbone.
               But more than that, the thong looks familiar. There’s a thread pulled on the front right side, and a stain on the fabric at the very bottom, looking awfully similar to the color your own discharge makes once it’s been washed.
               Your fingers are shaking again, and you stumble back a bit, the back of your knees catching onto the bed so that you fall back and land on your ass, too busy staring at the cloth in your hands to bother trying to situate yourself.
               These panties are yours.
               You’re sure of it – you know because Stacy bought them for you a few months ago. She’d cheekily handed them to you with a big, gaudy bow on top, a wink sent your way and a demure because I know you’ve got a date tonight, and I also know you haven’t gotten laid in way too long. That was the night you’d been set up on a blind date with a friend’s coworker. He’d been nice, though you hadn’t slept with him, and you hadn’t gone out again after that. He didn’t seem all that interested in you as a romantic pursuit, but he was funny, and you’d hoped you could become friends, at least.
               And his name was Chris. And he’d gone missing a few days after.
               You drop the panties, a hand coming up to cover your mouth.
               You don’t want to, and you know you shouldn’t, but before you can stop yourself you’re rushing forward to the closet, digging back to that storage compartment and rooting around for anything else you can find. It must be a coincidence; it has to be a coincidence. These can’t be your panties, you must be mistaken – why would Uvogin have these? How could he have these? You’d lost them in the laundry a while back.
               At least, that’s what you’d assumed.
               Pulling your hand back, you see you’ve grabbed a few items. They’re smaller, not clothing, but nonetheless incriminating. There’s a chapstick container, with a strange flavor on it that you’ve only seen once, back when you won it in some weird fundraising fair you’d been at for your job. Kiwi banana grape, it said in curling black lettering, and when you pop open the top, you notice it’s almost completely empty.
               There’s also a button; it’s black with a strange shape, one you recognize as being from your favorite jacket. It’d fallen off one day, but you’d been too busy walking around the city to have realized. It was a real bummer, because it’d rendered the jacket unwearable because too big a draft would sneak through it.
               And lastly, there’s a bandaid – it’s old, you can tell, with a kiddy pattern of some fairies and a dinosaur on it that the nurse had apologized for having to use, telling you it was all they had available at the time. You remembered it – it’d made you laugh that you’d gotten your flu shot and she’d patched it up with a bandaid designed for six year olds, even going so far as to snap a photo and send it in the group chat you kept with your friends.
               You feel sick.
               Throwing the small items back into the compartment, you rush to the bathroom, barely making it before you’re heaving, all the curry you’d forced down your throat earlier coming right back up.
               What the fuck?
               Who was Uvogin? Why did he have all of this? How did he have all of this? What did it mean? Your head’s rushing, too many thoughts and implications swimming through your oversaturated mind, and you have just barely enough strength to flush the toilet and stand up, staring at yourself in the mirror.
               Stacy’s words rush back to you as you examine your face, seeing your wide eyes and the way your chest is rising and falling with each harsh breath slipping through your lips. He ignores you? That doesn’t make sense. None of it makes sense – none of it at all. Why would your by-association captor have any of your personal items? Especially personal items you’d lost or thrown away literal months ago, long before you’d ever started staying over at Stacy’s?
               You know why, you just don’t want to admit it, and as you stare at yourself in the mirror, you try to come up with any other possible explanation. No. It can’t be. Stacy’s the one with the creepy stalker, not me.
               Suddenly, the sound of the front door’s lock clicking open makes you snap up, adrenaline suddenly coursing through your veins. Uvogin’s home.
               Immediately you’re running to your bed, jumping under the covers and shutting your eyes tightly, praying that Uvogin will think you’re asleep and won’t bother you. You need more time to figure this out – it’s all too much, and while it probably won’t be any easier the longer you wait, you need something.
               You can’t look at him yet. You won’t.
               “I got your chips! Didn’t know which flavor to choose, so I got three I think you might like. I’m serious, though, you have to share. I’m an animal, and I will steal your food.” He laughs at that, and you hear him set down the grocery bags on the kitchen counter. Your eyes are still closed so tightly that it hurts, and you ball your fists up in the blankets as hard as you can. You’d curled up into a fetal position, and you force yourself to stay still as you hear his loud footsteps coming down the hall.
               He calls your name, peeking his head into every room he passes. Soon he sees you in your bed, and although you look a little stiff, his shoulders immediately lose their tension. A smile flits across his lips, and he slowly, quietly shuts the door, retreating back to his own room.
               You sigh, peeling open your eyes and trying to get your breathing under control. You’d been holding your breath, and now that he’s actually home in the apartment, it’s difficult to not let yourself panic.
               It becomes much, much more difficult when you hear a noise come from his bedroom, though. What the hell’s this?
               There’s a muffled curse, and your blood runs cold as quick, heavy footsteps lead right up to your door. He swings it open and your eyes fly shut, trying desperately in vain to appear like you’re still sleeping.
               “Wake the fuck up.” He says, and immediately you open your eyes, your fear too strong to ignore. He’s holding the pink panties in his hands, and you realize with a small burst of terror that in your haste to get to the bathroom, you’d left them on the floor. In his room. Right where he can see that they’ve been moved.
               Fuck fuck fuck.
               "I only have three rules. What are they?” He barks, and you’re trying to curl up even smaller, hoping his promise of not hurting you will still ring true. Though, he’s lied about pretty much everything else – how do you know if that part wasn’t all a lie, too?
               “No hurting myself, no escaping, and no – no snooping.” You whisper, and Uvogin bares his teeth.
               “I’ve been good to you – patient, something that takes a hell of a lot of effort for me. And what do you do in return? You go and do one of the very few things I’ve forbidden.” He looks impossibly tall right now, towering over you with those muscles, the panties looking downright tiny between his monstrous fingers. “Tell me why. Explain to me why the hell you were snooping through my closet.”
               You shut your eyes again, too scared to look at him. “I was putting away a shirt you left in the bathroom. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, I don’t know why I did it, please don’t hurt me, please –“
               He interrupts you with a huff, and you tense up, waiting for some blow to land. It doesn’t, though, and after a good thirty seconds, you finally peel an eye open, almost too scared to see what he’s doing.
               You don’t expect the small smile that’s sitting on his lips, nor the hand on his hip. He locks his eyes with yours, then sighs. “Well, this is most definitely not the way I wanted you to find out. See, I had this whole plan – Nobunaga came up with it, one of the very few things he’s ever thought of that actually impressed me.”
               You’re confused again, but that sick feeling still hasn’t gone away. All you can seem to look at are your panties, wedged in his fist.
               “He told me that since you and Stacy were so close, we could cut a deal – kidnap you both at once, get more bang for our buck. There was no way to hide Nobunaga’s feelings for Stacy, sure, but you? Well, you haven’t noticed anyone following you, have you?” Uvogin asks, cocking his head at you and letting his smile get a bit wider.
               You quickly shake your head no.
               “I’m better at this stuff than he is. He always gets too excited to talk to her, wants to interact and have her lookin’ at him. I get it, I really do. Even now, even with you scared shitless and looking at me like I’m about to kill you, just you acknowledging me is getting me hard as a fucking rock.”
               Involuntarily, your eyes dart down to his navel, and with a small, strangled sound of fear, you notice the way there’s a prominent bulge forming in those shorts of his.
               He laughs at your change in focus, and steps forward. Hooking a finger under your chin, he smirks down at you. “I’m better at hiding myself, and I was willing to play the long game, content with watching you until the right time came to snatch you up. But when Nobunaga offered, telling me there was a way to get you all to myself and make sure you grew to want me organically? Well, I couldn’t resist, could I?”
               You want to tell him he absolutely could’ve, or that you wouldn’t have ‘wanted him organically’, whatever the hell that meant, but your tongue doesn’t seem to be working.
               He leans down, face coming closer and closer to yours. “You had no idea, did you? How do you think I knew what kind of mattress to get you? How do you think I knew exactly what to order for you for takeout, even when you were too scared to tell me? How do you think I know what shampoo and conditioner to buy you, or even what kind of fucking cologne you like? Believe me, I’m only wearing this shit for you.”
               You’re frozen, unable to move, unable to do anything but stare at him.
               “Do you get it now, princess? See, Nobunaga doesn’t give two shits about whether you live or die – he’ll get Stacy to do what he wants no matter what. But me? I give a shit.” He’s so close to you that you can smell his breath. It’s minty, like he’s just recently brushed his teeth. The cold smell only makes you shiver, fear still tingling up your spine.
               “Why?” You whisper, overwhelmed at his sudden confession.
               He pauses at that, smirk falling away as he genuinely considers your words. He’s quiet for a moment, before he smiles again, but this time it’s not as predatory – there’s something oddly soft about it, and it makes you feel worse.
               “Because you’re perfect. That’s all.” He answers like it’s the easiest thing in the world, and before you can say anything he’s clambering on the bed next to you. You want to fight him off, to jump up off the bed and run, but you can’t seem to find the energy to. Besides, you’re not delusional enough to think you could beat Uvogin in any sort of physical altercation or chase. And while he still seemed to be adhering to his promise of not hurting you, you didn’t feel like testing the waters.
               “So I guess the jig’s up. I was hoping you wouldn’t find out, but I can work with this, too. At least now I don’t have to act like I don’t know you. And now, I don’t have to do all that respectful distance shit – you’re mine now, babe, and now I don’t have to hide it.” He’s grinning again, his teeth looking too sharp, and before you can blink he’s above you, your wrists pinned above your head and his lips inches away from yours.
               “So why don’t I show you just how much your attention the last week’s been affecting me?” His voice is low, sultry, and makes you gulp. He presses his face into your neck, deeply inhaling and groaning. “I promise I can make you feel good… I’ll tell you my last rule, okay?”
               You’re frozen, but when he pulls back to glare at you, you shakily mutter out an ‘okay’.
               His grin is wolfish, predatory, scary. “Rule number four is no running away from me, even if that cute little body of yours can’t take anymore. Got it?”
               You nod.
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moonydustx · 3 months
Hello! I just read law proposing to reader and it's so sweet like-- I wanna cty-
Anyway... what happens on their honeymoon? Would they dock at an island for like a week or so? Just so the two newly weds have some time alone? Or they'd keep sailing after the ceremony? Like- I imagine both happening but I wanna know what you think.
Hi dear anon, sorry for the delay in responding, I was sick this week and everything was delayed.
For me, there are two versions: the ones they would continue to navigate immediately after the ceremony, but I also think mainly that their friends would never let the honeymoon go unnoticed. I also like to think that even after the wedding was over, Law would take short days to spend just with his S/O, locked in the room enjoying each other's presence.
requests open | one piece masterlist
The proposal - the honeymoon (part 3)
Part 1 - Part 2
warnings: brief allusion to sex, but nothing explicit or detailed.
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The archipelago filled the horizon more and more as Polar Tang approached. From afar you could see a huge park and what looked like the beach packed with people. You weren't yet used to the idea that came from the minds of Shachi and Penguin - which you soon discovered involved Nami, Robin, Ikkaku. The strong breeze ruffled the layers of the sundress you were wearing, it was also strange not to be wearing a crew jumpsuit.
"The bags are packed." Law's voice took your attention away from the destination you were arriving at.
"I mean, the suitcase. The only one." you grumbled. "What did they do?"
"I'm curious too." Law turned you back to contemplate the sea on the deck and taking advantage of the fact that you were alone, he placed quick kisses on your shoulder.
"Look on the bright side." You grabbed his chin, stroking the little beard that was there. "At least we'll have a few days just for the two of us."
"Ah, finally." He let his head fall under your shoulder, making you laugh openly.
The wedding had been incredible, including the banquet. You just didn't expect the amount of sake to be too much, even if you had ten Zoros as friends. As the night went on, you, Law and practically everyone else had more alcohol than they should have in their blood. The two of you left the party amidst whistles and jokes about the wedding night, but when you reached the room you barely had the strength to take off your dress, just as Law remained with his suit and tie turned in a funny way.
After that, you dealt with all the mess that a wedding can bring and finished restocking the Polar Tang before heading on your way. Combined with all the tiredness and accumulated responsibilities, you and Law still hadn't had the wedding night you'd dreamed of - not even 10 minutes of honeymoon.
"We're here!" you both heard Bepo scream and soon went to disembark from Polar Tang.
While you carried your small bag, Law dragged a not so big suitcase that carried some of the two of your clothes.
"Here are the keys and the address, there's a little map there." Ikkaku placed them both in your hands. "We left you a schedule and also some clothes."
"This is amazing guys."
"So, I'll see you in a week." Law asked and everyone immediately agreed. "Bepo is in charge. Any problems, and I mean any problems, just get in touch."
After a quick goodbye, the two of you headed towards the aforementioned address. Even though he wasn't much for public displays of affection, especially close to strangers, Law took your hand as you dodged fruit baskets and running children. The town fair looked lovely and you hoped you would have some time to explore it at your leisure.
"It seems to be here." the two of you stopped in front of a small wooden door. Law took the lead and opened it, taking the key from your hand.
It was a small but cozy house. As far as he could see, there was a small kitchen full of plants, a sofa and a den den mushi that transmitted video. A shelf with books and more flowers. In the distance you could also see two closed doors, which must have been the room where you were going to stay.
"I hope you like it. The fridge has some things ready and we left some things in the wardrobe too." his attention turned to Law, who had found a small note on the table. "What do you say we see what they got up to?"
"Sounds perfect to me." you took the lead and opened the fridge. Your bag was already thrown somewhere on the table, just as you could see that Law had already gotten rid of his bag.
Inside the fridge you found some alcoholic drinks, some fruit and a huge jar of chocolates that were your favorites. Further down you could see some bottles of wine too.
"Well, that's a great start." you put one in your mouth and approached Law, wanting to put a piece on his lips.
"I prefer this one." He took your lips in a quick kiss. You could complain, but it was undeniable that the sweet chocolate seemed much tastier when it was wrapped around his lips. "Delicious."
"Come on, we have a room to explore." you took his hand heading towards the closed doors.
"Indeed, we do" the malice in his words didn't go unnoticed and as much as you could feel your cheeks blushing, you also wanted to finally enjoy some time alone.
Behind the doors was a huge room. A dark, shaggy rug on the floor and a huge bed that could easily fit the two of you and leave room left. The window on the opposite side of the bed offered a beautiful view of the island, and you could even see the sea with your eyes.
"Wow, it's so beautiful." you laughed as you saw Law throw himself onto the bed and his body sink. "You look comfortable my love."
"Not only does it look good, it's actually good. Did you find anything out there?" he asked as soon as he saw you standing in front of the rustic and large closet that was at the other end of the room.
"I'm about to find out."
You opened the two wardrobe doors, finding some dresses that looked comfortable, hanging along with some other pieces. On the other side, some flowery t-shirts made of the same light fabric were piled up for Law. You also saw flip-flops, sunscreen, and some cosmetics.
"Just some clothes, some things… Wait." you bent down, grabbing a small black box from underneath what would be your side of the wardrobe.
Your surprise didn't go unnoticed by Law, who quietly got up and stood behind you, who didn't notice the movement. Inside the black box were several tiny panties - which most appreciate just threads and jewelry sewn together - some things that looked like lubricants, handcuffs and various other sex toys.
"Now that's interesting." Law's low voice whispered in your ear, making you shiver. One of his hands attached itself to your waist, while the other went to the box.
"I'm going to find out which one of them did this." you replied, feeling your body burn with shyness. However, the way you felt Law pull your body against his indicated what plans he had in mind.
"Leave that for later." his lips went down to your neck, while one of his hands reached into the small box. "I bet you'd look even hotter in this one." he held up a small white piece and handed it to you. His hand then went back to the box and grabbed the pair of handcuffs.
"What do you want to do?" your hands found his hat and slid down to where the dark strands of his hair appeared.
"Now that we're married, you're stuck with me." Again, his lips descended dangerously on the back of your neck. "I think it's time to make this more literal."
That morning ended exactly the same way as the evening of the same day and many other moments throughout the week. You still hadn't realized how much being confined inside a submarine could take away certain freedoms from both of you. The two of you woke up tangled up, soon after you were on the beach; You would go back to your room and decide to continue the activity with a view of the sea, then choose one of the small shops for dinner. Kitchen, living room, sofa, bathroom. You would make a point of thanking whoever had chosen the house.
The moon lit up the room and no matter how much sleep was present, you couldn't sleep. Maybe it was because of the small sadness that occupied your heart when you knew that it was the last night you would spend there and that the next day you would leave, maybe it was the noise of music coming from outside, but it was probably an uncomfortable noise coming from the kitchen.
As you watched Law, you could see that he was far away in the dream world. His tattooed back was lit by the moon and the only thing stopping him from being completely naked was a sheet over him. You stood up and put on panties - normal this time - and a black shirt that had been on your husband's body for a few hours ago.
You looked in every corner of the kitchen and found nothing, nothing that could be making such a mess at that hour. When you reached the sofa you then realized. A tiny black ball of fur, huddled next to one of the rugs, caught your attention.
"Oh no." You picked up what was supposed to be a small black cat kitten, on one of its paws there were some thorns. "Let me help you."
You first tried hard to remove the thorns, but were unsuccessful as the cat complained every time you touched the injured area. Soon after, you tried to find the litter he belonged to, but there was no sign of a cat around the house. Only one solution ran through his mind. You left the cat on the sofa and went in search of Law, you just didn't expect to find him already leaving the room.
"Everything is fine?" he asked, still drowsy, trying to understand your disappearance from the bed.
"We need to talk."
"Now?" he looked indignant, still yawning.
"I want to have a baby." As soon as the words left his mouth, Law's color seemed to leave him along with the sleep he seemed to be feeling. His mouth opened and closed a few times, searching for words. "No, not that. A baby, a kitten. He's alone, he's hurt and I don't know what to do."
"Okay… I understand" he accepted almost automatically, still stuck in his first conception of what a baby would be. "I just wouldn't go around informing anyone like that."
"I'm just a little anxious, help me, love, please." You pouted making the task almost irresistible for him. "I don't know what else to do."
"Let me see him." Law followed you to the couch and saw the little ball of fur bundled up. "Hey man, you don't look good."
"I tried to take it away, I tried to give it food, but he won't let me touch his paw."
"Wait for me in the room, maybe you don't like seeing it." Law asked and even though you were reluctant, you nodded and walked away from the two.
It took more minutes than you expected and you had probably already walked around the entire room more than ten times when Law opened the door, bringing the small cat and a small pot in your hands.
"Someone was hungry." He sat down and placed the kitten on the floor, next to the pot that looked like some crushed fruit.
"Thank you my love." you hug him, placing countless kisses on Law's head. "We need to buy food for him."
"Is he really going with us?" Law turned up, finding an expression that made it clear that the decision had already been made. "What will it be called?"
"I'll let you choose. But think carefully first." Law untangled your arms from him, just so he could place you sitting on his legs.
"Thank you my dear."
"For letting you choose the name?"
"Not only that, but for choosing me." He still held you close, as if he was afraid you were going to disappear. "For choosing to love me and of course, for growing our family."
-- Extra 01
"So, did you like the gifts?" Ikkaku took your arm and pulled you away from the others. The boys seemed more entertained by the little cat than by your return.
"Was you?!"
"It was and I hope you brought everything back because the owner of the house is a nice old lady, she doesn't need to know about these things."
"Well, I brought the toys and a single panty." you replied, the victorious smile was clear on your lips.
"One? Just one? Did you miss all the others?"
"I didn't lose them, they're just no longer usable." you responded as naturally as possible, laughing as you saw the meaning of the words reach your friend. "Actually two, the first one I think Law wanted to keep as a souvenir."
"Oh God, no, I won't think about that." She left apparently traumatized and leaving you laughing about the situation.
--Extra 02
You had already done your tasks in the command room, updated your medicine stock and it was almost lunch time. As you approached your room, you knew that Law wouldn't be that busy at this time and it would be a great time to have lunch together. You just didn't expect to find him holding the cat on the table, the small black cat resting on both paws, as if the feline were a toy fighting with two other action figures.
"And the warrior Sora took down the…" Law - and the cat - noticed your present. "I was just.. Sora and I were just having fun." He tried to find a justification, making you laugh even more.
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mysteryshoptls · 4 months
SSR Idia Shroud - Platinum Jacket Vignette
"Happy 100th Anniversary"
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
Idia: Look at all these dynamic brushstrokes that can only truly be appreciated because they're from a real painting… Fheehee! This is the real thrill of seeing one live!
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Idia: It hits so hard~ In order to rescue a captured comrade, the king himself rushes to the front lines… Oooowee~ Doesn't that just get your heart pumpin'?
???: Indeed… However, is it appropriate for a dutiful commander to leave his base and head to the front lines?
Idia: Eeek!!! Silver-shi!? D-Don't just cut in when I'm talking to myself like that. This is why I can't deal with extroverts…
Silver: My apologies for startling you. I found your comment to be interesting, so I could not help but chime in.
Idia: E-Even if you think it's interesting, don't you think your impression of him was pretty shallow just from this one anecdote...?
Silver: Meaning?
Idia: I-If he was just a minister or something, he coulda just split after setting up the strategy, leaving it to his subordinates to execute everything.
Idia: But he still went to such a dangerous place to stir up morale, because that mission would be the linchpin of the whole battle. So, basically…
Idia: That means his responsibility meter is through the roof!! Wheeew, he's a totally different breed than any naïve and useless politician who just hoists their title around.
Silver: So you're saying that he himself went out there because it was a crucial situation. I would say that he does have an overwhelming sense of responsibility, indeed.
Silver: Hearing your opinion on the matter has allowed me to delve deeper into understanding this painting and its story. You are quite wise.
Idia: S-Sure, yeah~! You should follow my example and study up on things a little better, Silver-shi!
Silver: I will do just that. …However, it feels as though what you said about how other leaders may act had some weight behind it.
Silver: I had heard that you took up the title of Housewarden after being recommended by the previous Housewarden...
Silver: Was that because you had had previous experience as a leader, and were thus therefore chosen for the position?
Idia: Huh!? N-No, nuh-uh, wut are you even talking about? No way, no way… 'Sides, I'm more of a solo player even in my online games, y'know?
Idia: I mean, sometimes I've taken the lead of a party when I absolutely had to for a raid, or something…
Silver: As I expected, you do have experience in leadership.
Idia: It's not that big a deal… I mean, I got a reliable battle buddy who tanks and usually takes the lead.
Idia: Generally, I go for healing or DPS roles. Or more like, I just stack as many buffs as I can to increase firepower.
Idia: But it's not like our schedules always line up, so whenever he's not around, I take the lead… Because I have to!
Idia: It's usually the high-level players with great skills that take on the leader role. And in that case, I've basically maxed out all my stats in every position, so…
Idia: And I can grasp what the scenarios call for, see? And I can also play the tank roles to take charge on the front lines, right???
Idia: "Thanks to you, I was able to clear this high-level quest! I'm so thankful to have joined this party!"
Idia: And I was just taking on the leader role because I had to. I'm just way too good…
Silver: So, those who fought alongside you showered you with gratitude. That just proves even further your leadership capabilities.
Idia: I-I wouldn't go that far― …Or maybe, just a little bit further? H-Hee Fheeheeheehee!
Idia: But also, I don't want to deal with failing a quest because some loser was placed in charge, so.
Idia: So I guess next time I have to put together a party, if my friend isn't available, I'll just have to lead them all again!
Idia: Wheeew, it's hard being so awesome~!
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
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Silver: This is a painting of a lion, warthog, and a meerkat, I see. The three of them are singing a song and seem to get along well.
Idia: Ain't they waaay too upbeat, to be able to sing while walking like that? Like, this painting shows the lion crown prince that was forced to leave his own country…
Idia: It's showing him singing along with some friends he ended up making, while he tries to ignore that pain, right?
Idia: Lucky him, that they chose to glorify his hiatus from his royal duties like this. Tch!
Silver: I've heard that singing can raise one's spirits. Perhaps they all wanted to brighten their own moods.
Idia: Speaking of singing to take your mind off stuff, there was this one time when I was a kid when my little brother was too scared to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night…
Idia: So we would go there while singing the theme song of our favorite anime together.
Idia: Eh, anyway, whatever their reason for singing, having that moon in the background composition like that's super moving. Kinda like what you'd see in an MV.
Silver: Em-vee…?
Idia: Eh… Y-You don't know what a music video is? It's a video recording that goes along with music and lyrics…
Silver: Ah, so you call those MVs. I understand.
Idia: I-If you feel like checking out some MVs sometime, I'd recommend the idol group "Precipice Moirai."
Idia: Premo's MVs are so awesome that you could watch them 100 times and never tire of them…!
Silver: 100 times… That's quite a lot. Is that generally something you'd watch so often?
Idia: A true fan would absolutely! More like, it's way too insolent to think that you could truly appreciate their MV with only one watch!
Idia: The first watch is all about enjoying the song and video in its entirety. The next three times the focus is shifted to checking out each of the three members' dance moves and expressions one by one.
Idia: Next, there's the actual composition of the MV, and digging deep into the actual message of the video… At a minimum, it should be watched ten times.
Idia: On top of all that, Premo's super casual MVs can put even a film director to shame!
Idia: There's no way to fully comprehend their art with only a couple viewings. That's why it needs to be viewed hundreds of times.
Silver: I had no idea their work was that deep… It may prove useful in training me better in emotional expressions, and perhaps could even be incorporated into the academy's music courses.
Idia: N-No, I mean, you don't gotta go that far… But it's great that you know just how awesome they are.
Idia: Even between us Premo fans, there's always those who still don't understand their art at all…
Idia: Every time a new MV comes out, there's always people saying stuff like, "She got the most screen time," or "She's definitely the manager's favorite," and the like…
Idia: But does that have anything to do with the quality of their work? It doesn't, right? They don't care about understanding the heart or essence of the songs.
Silver: I see… I feel as though I have learned a lot from you, Idia-senpai.
Silver: When we return to campus, I will look into, hm… Premo? Yes, Premo's music videos.
Idia: Eh, no way!? S-S-Seriously!? They have all their latest MVs on their official Magicam account!
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
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Idia: Ooh, here's the Sea Witch floating in the darkness… She's got a nice, bewitching smile going, too.
Silver: This is a painting depicting the scene of when the Sea Witch drew up a contract.
Silver: If I recall, it was said that the contract was so unbreakable that even a powerful spear couldn't rip through it.
Idia: I mean, you'd think that just having a contract that doesn't tear apart or bleed ink in water is strong enough...
Silver: Perhaps the contents of the contract was dire enough she did not wish it broken.
Idia: Who cares about the contents, the material of the contract is way more interesting. How high of a defense stat did it even have to not get ripped up by a spear?
Idia: But I totally get it, everyone wants to make invincible things every so often.
Silver: I cannot say I understand, but… What sort of thing would you make, Idia-senpai?
Idia: Like a "game console power cord that can never be taken away," or something like that… A-Actually, I tried to make something like that when I was a kid.
Idia: Whenever I'd play video games all day and into night, my mother would end up hiding all my cords.
Idia: If all she did was hide them, I could just make myself a new one, but she'd hide the cord materials as well. Totally overboard!
Idia: So I had a thought. I had to do something so she couldn't hide it!
Silver: I can only imagine your mother was concerned for your health… Did you never consider quitting your games?
Idia: Why would I? Ahh, but I really did burn the midnight oil like a little worker bee back then.
Idia: Like, I'd put a motion sensor on it, so that the cord could automatically run away from whoever was holding it...
Idia: Or I'd make the cord transparent so it couldn’t be found, or attach a homing function to it so it'd come back on its own…
Idia: And finally, after many failed attempts… I finally did it…!
Silver: I do not really comprehend what that is, but… It is amazing that you invented something with your own two hands.
Idia: Nope, not at all.
Idia: My family also has a real stubborn genius, and every time I came up with some tech, it'd quickly get shot down by some kind of countermeasure...
Idia: And it took me a few months of that game of cat and mouse before I realized I should just convert my game console to wireless.
Idia: Hmph… But the peace and quiet that came from switching to wireless didn't last long at all...
Idia: Soon after, the Final Boss appeared: a device capable of disabling all wireless tech within a 10-meter radius!
Idia: Well, all the experience I got developing the motion sensing and automatic functions helped when I was putting Ortho together…
Idia: So I guess all that trial and error wasn't for nothing.
Silver: Even if you can picture your ideal outcome, it is rather difficult to actually put into action.
Silver: However, you have made real many of your thoughts. I can respect that.
Idia: Wai― What're you trying to say all a sudden? Getting complimented to my face randomly like that is a little scary… W-Wait, is this all a plot to beguile me!?
Silver: A plot? ...Hm, I see it has gotten late. I have kept you for some time. My apologies.
Silver: I am grateful to have heard such wonderful stories from you. Well then, I shall be on my way.
Idia: Whew… I'm exhausted having to actually talk to people for the first time in a while… Ah, this is…
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Idia: It's the hero from that one myth. Look at his sparkling expression… He looks like he totally believes the future ahead of his is bright.
Idia: Life doesn't always go as swimmingly as you hope, though… Hope he doesn't get too excited that he gets carried away by the river of the underworld!
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Requested by Anonymous.
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batmanfruitloops · 28 days
Alright long but silly post, going into the reason why the furry versions are the animals they are. A few choices are influenced by the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles v.s. Batman, some choices are already associated with the character (Catwoman, Penguin, etc.). Most choices are an uneven mix of visual, symbolic, and behavioral. So some have more thought put into them than others but it's all for fun.
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Batman (Bruce Wayne) -Vampire bat
A pretty obvious choice. I think specifically a vampire bat is fitting, they are very stealthy and aware. They come built with the perfect tools for lapping blood and cause little harm (excluding diseases). Just as Batman always comes with what he needs and only causes as much damage as necessary. Bats are also social creatures and thrive in groups, so there is a bit of irony there. Bruce can put on a good face for the public and business but isolates himself and therefore goes against his nature. He craves family but keeps his loved ones at arm's length in fear of losing them.
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Joker (John Doe) - Red-banded spitting cobra
This is a choice influenced by the TMNT v.s. Batman. Also haha Lego Batman clown snakes. I chose this because I'm tired of both snakes and clowns being seen as evil. John is already the way he is because both Sarsee and I agree clowns should be silly and whimsical instead of how more modern media portrays them as creepy and scary, which also includes the Joker. Snakes are my favorite animals. So keeping Joker as a cobra represents what we have set out to do with the au in the first place.
In terms of behavior, John acts mostly the opposite of what you would expect. Snakes are mostly solitary and overall not very social. John is a very outgoing person and extraverted, but he's social skills are stunned from both being autistic and his childhood. So not quite fitting in but he enjoys standing out. Though cobras are a more intelligent species of snake. John is very clever but most wouldn't guess that. As the Joker, John relies on the element of surprise and subverting your expectations. As a bonus spitting venom is similar to a clown's flower spraying water.
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Two-Face (Harvey Dent) - Puma
A partial TMNT chose. Instead of just a cat, I went with a puma. Pumas are not classified as big cats but are the largest cat in North America. Despite not being a big cat their presence demands respect. Even when you do not see them if you are in their territory you would be wise to be careful. Pumas know how to pick their fights, taking on challenges with strategy and retreating when they know they are outmatched.
I think these things fit Harvey and Two-Face quite well. He may not be as high on the social ladder as say, Bruce, but he is no less of an important figure in his community. You know when he is in the room and you think about him when he isn't there. He is intelligent and strategic. He's never to be underestimated and most fear and or respect him. These things apply as a rogue or as a candidate. These strengths are what put a target on his back and thus becoming Two-Face. I also do not know enough about this but pumas are not as solitary as other cats. Which fit with Harvey's ambivert personality.
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Harley Quinn (Harleen Quinzel) - Spotted Hyena
This one is also an obvious one I would think. Spotted hyenas are a matrical species, meaning the females are in charge. Harley as a character I think usually represents feminine strength at least in recent years. Hyenas are very strong, they take what they want and fiercely protect what is theirs. They have a nasty reputation but live in a pretty unforgiving environment. Hyenas actually do hunt and have to protect their prizes from animals like lions. They have good reason to be the way they are.
Harley is a pretty unpleasant person but she has her reasons. Having dealt with a lot throughout her life. Her actions come from a place of pain though ruthless. She is not satisfied with what she does at the end of the day. She knows she has a lot work to do and a lot to figure out. Scary as she is.
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Poison Ivy (Pamela Isley)- Orchid mantis
Another animal associated with feminine power. Mantis are fierce and confident, they stand their ground even against other animals much bigger than they are. They are not very fast and can't fly very well, but are a top insect predator. They have no need to chase, just sit and wait until the opportunity to strike comes to them. Of course, they have the reputation of eating the head of their mates, but that's actually common for insects. Still fitting.
Ivy is a powerful person literally and personality-wise. She has incredible control of her environment as long as there are any plants around. She is beautiful and deadly. Anyone who can get close to her is very lucky. She's pretty content keeping to herself and her plants and is laid back when she is comfortable. She takes opportunities when they are presented to her with full force. Best stay on her good side and give her space. She makes a wonderful mantis.
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Bane (Antonio Diego) - Grizzly bear
Bears are incredibly strong but it's not just brawn they have brain too. Bane is not just a brute, he knows how to use his strength well and is incredibly strategic. A bear can be a very scary animal but also fun to observe. Some find them cute, and some find them terrifying. Bane also comes off in a similar way, it just depends on what you know about him. He is someone you can have deep and philosophical conversations with but most would be too scared to approach him. Unfortunately, his addiction makes him unpredictable and behave in a way he would not want to. Bane does have a code he follows and will return the respect you give him. Just a bear will respect your space if you know how to behave in their territory.
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Catwoman (Selina Kyle) - Domsitic long-hair cat
Yeah, Catwoman is meant to be a cat in person form so, I don't think there is much to explain. She comes and goes as she pleases and does what she wants. She likes to bother those with no interest in her. The whole shebang. Not bad but not good, just her own brand.
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Mad Hatter (Jervis Tetch) - Arctic hare
Arctic hares are one of the largest species of hare. They mainly live alone but come together for warmth and mating. I'm still not too sure about this, I haven't found much on this yet but it seems like rabbits are much more territorially and aggressive than hares. Either way, most think Jervis is a rabbit and not a hare, because of his height and demeanor. Hares are often seen as crazy and generally have a wild reputation, and Jervis is pretty demure. This instead comes out as passion for the things he loves. However, if he is pushed too far all of his pent-up emotions and frustrations will come out in an explosive response. Despite his appearance, he's very fit and strong. He has metabolic issues that make it difficult to lose weight so in his efforts to lose it he instead makes himself stronger. A similar effect to powerlifters. I thought specifically an Arctic hare was fitting because of this reason, as an arctic animal it's incredibly important for them to gain weight to survive the harsh weather. Something that others believe including Jervis himself thinks is a weakness actually becomes a strength. He does become more comfortable with himself eventually, but he has a lot of trauma to overcome to fix his own self-image.
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Riddler (Edward Nigma) - Domestic rat
Rats are very social and intelligent. Despite media depictions, they keep themselves clean and are very affectionate. Ed is very much an extrovert and hates being alone, though he can be overbearing at times he loves those close to him very much and gives as much as he takes. Rats are great at getting around being able to squeeze into most places and can tread water for a long time (ironically Ed cannot swim). Ed can also squirm his way into anything be it physically or finding information. Rats enjoy causing mischief and are often high-energy, they need a lot of enrichment. Ed is functioning at 100% and crashes to 0% once he's out of energy, he has to keep himself busy and do little evil genius tasks until he's completely exhausted himself.
(I drew these on stream and Marxtheimpish asked to give Ed a cheerio, and Jervis lettuce, Ed is mad he only got one single cheerio.)
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Scarecrow (Jonathan Crane) - Milksnake
A pretty biased pick since I mentioned snakes are my favorite animal, and Scarecrow is my favorite rogue but I have a good reason for my choice. First of all, as someone raised in the South, I associate milk snakes (and therefore corn snakes and rat snakes) with the country. They can often be found on farms and are great pest control and that also makes me also associate them with scarecrows. Milksnakes mimic coral snakes to scare away predators. Jonathan does something similar and comes off as scary and intimating but for the sake of his own protection. Snakes really want to be left alone and so does Jonathan. Snakes are often misunderstood and seen as something evil (especially by some religious people), but they are anxious skittish creatures and will stay out of your way. The religious association is another reason I picked a snake. Most people assume the worst in Jonathan because of his appearance and aloof disposition. He's pretty tired of trying to prove them wrong and has convinced himself he can't be anything else. But know this, there is no such thing as an offensive snake there are only defensive snakes.
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Music Meister (Darius Chapel) - Golden-breasted starling
This one is mostly a visual choice. Darius is a pretty boy so of course he should be a pretty bird. Starlings are also a songbird and incredible at mimicking sounds. Just as Darius is an incredible singer and has a wide range of expressing himself musically. I think starlings are sometimes seen as pests or nuisance, I've only heard that in passing. If that's true that fits with Darius. Some people find him annoying but he's a very pleasant person.
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Polkadot man (Abner Krill) - Spotted newt
Spotted newts are poisonous and their spots and color advertise that. Just as Abner has dangerous spots. This is mainly the reason why I chose a newt for Abner. I think aposematism, when an animal is colorful because it is toxic, is a really cool thing that happens in nature. I couldn't pass up the chance. Newts are also very cute and humble animals so all the more reason.
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Mr.Freeze (Viktor Fries) - Polar bear
Of course, Viktor is a polar bear. Polar bears are solitary animals, especially the males. They only need themselves, and can only afford to care for themselves in the environment they live in. Viktor is a very independent person. He's confident in his abilities and can do almost anything by himself. Nora is an arctic fox, I bring this up because arctic foxes often follow polar bears around. So they are a perfect match. Polar bears are very formidable, you do not want to get in Viktor's way. Though he may seem cold, he is a good person with a big heart.
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The Penguin (Ozwald Cobblepot) - Emperor penguin
Yeah, penguin. Emperor penguins care very deeply for their families and don't much care for anyone else. They will brave harsh weather and dangerous waters all for the sake of their families. Oz does not like anyone besides his family. He'll go through any extreme he needs to, no questions asked. Just a cranky old man that wants to give his loved ones a good life.
I'm much better at expressing myself visually than verbally so I'm not sure if this was comprehensive enough. I don't feel like I got out what I had in my head properly. So please feel free to ask any questions. Also, most of these facts are from my memory and may be inaccurate, but I did my best to fact-check myself when I was unsure of something. So if I got something wrong please correct me, I love learning more about animals. Otherwise, enjoy this word vomit infodump.
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lordgrimoire · 1 year
The Goonion would Like a Word, Chapter 2
“You have GOT to be kidding me.” Samuel Kincaid hissed as he pressed himself flat to an alleyway wall. Along the wall behind him was a dozen Goons, mostly members of the Red Hood Gang and it’s subsidiaries, meaning they were packing some serious heat. But! Kincaid had spotted a Bat, and all of it’s Birds, staking out the building they were about to raid. He thought for a minute before uttering a ‘fuck it’ and turning to his compatriots. “Gonna get their attention, if they’re looking into it...” The mob behind him uttered agreements, some cussing qiuetly as Kincaid picked up a stone and slung it up at the Bats, hiding in the little shadows there were. He was rewarded with the Big Man himself appearing faster than he should have, staring him down as Samuel straightened up slightly.
“Hood tell you about Miss Jazz?” The Batman nodded, still staring at him, his jaw set in a firm line. “Good, we were just gonna storm the place, still gonna, I think a few of us are willing to get bruised up if we can find out what’s going on.” Batman stared at him for a moment, eyeing him and the two dozen men and women behind him. 
“You have ten minutes, if you can avoid killing do so, but I want to be able to obtain information from their files.” Kincaid nodded and turned, everyone gave signs that they understood, from Old Hannson, grey all over and lugging a mean looking baseball bat as old as he was, to the youngest muscle they had, a man boy really named Charles, though he went by Charlie, still wet behind the ears and sporting a blade as long as his forearm. They all knew the new parameters. When he turned around he saw The Batman clamor back onto the rooftops. 
“Alrighty, LETS DO THIS!” The first thing the GIW Guards heard was his shout, they never saw the full force that came spewing out of several alleyways, as the cameras had been hacked and the gate guards had been knocked out by cast stones.
Bruce stalked through the GIW Facility, it had been better defended than first assumed but Jason’s Gang had been disturbingly well prepared, if faced with a reinforced door they had blasting charges, if faced with armored opponents they brought forward weapons with longer reach, by the time the Bats and Birds arrived in the facility one of the Red Hood Gang’s cliques had gotten to the core of the Outpost and captured the commanding agents, now they just had to gently fight their way to the center, thankfully the Gangsters were quick and quiet enough that there could be plausible deniability, especially when one of them set off a C4 charge to open a new entry into the outpost through which a majority of the Cliques escaped.
Only one group had stuck around, under the headmanship of Samuel Kincaid.
“We found something, looks to be kicking still, don’t know how to open it and help it out.” Bruce nodded, allowing the short man to guide him through the chaos to a room near the center of the Outpost, which had formerly been tenements. Within the clean, VERY bright room they found a cage, and within it was a haggard looking figure that Bruce was struggling to keep an eye on, his shadow seemed to flicker every now and then. 
“Oh great, here to rip more of me off you jackwads? Wait, who are you?” The cage, with glowing green bars that reminded Bruce more of Kryptonite than anything else, shone a light on the blond teen in the cage. 
“I am Batman, do you mind telling me who you are?” Kincaid had vanished as soon as Bruce had nodded to him, the man likely gathering his people to beat a hasty retreat, they already looked rough from their entry into the building.
“Johnny, friends call me Johnny, I call myself Johnny-Thirteen, Your not a Guy in White are ya? Not with them that is?” Bruce huffed slightly as he began searching the cage, looking for a padlock, or even a scanner. 
“Obviously, how’d you get captured?” Johnny flinched slightly as Bruce found the keypad. 
“I promised a friend I’d check out Gotham, it’s a possible safe spot until a new portal to the ‘Realms opens up, hell there might be a proto portal cooking here, I can feel it. But my friend, his parents kicked it, his sis apparently found some good folks out here so I came to take a look, they actually picked me up in Metropolis, thought I was one of the Supers, which is kinda fucked, they had stuff all set up for “Kryptonian Subjects” Yeash!” Bruce found the lock, it was complicated, and there likely wasn’t a key, so he began trying to lockpick it, with both a digital device and the old method.
“Would you’re friends sister happen to be named Jazz?” The Ghost started slightly, eyes frantically staring at him. “Don’t worry, your friend and his family will be safe here. You have my word on it.” Johnny stared at him for a moment before looking around. 
“Do the Camera’s still work?” 
“No, why?” Bruce looked at the now slightly sheepish ghost.
“Well er, Ghosts, we like our secrets, but we like talking about what our living family is up to, how they’re doing, Your Grandfather, He’s proud of you, your parents weren’t near enough Ectoplasm and didn’t become Ghosts, but Old Man Wayne is proud of you, when he found out I’d be coming around he asked me to “Find the Batman, tell him his Grandfather is proud of the man he’s become, and that hopefully I can visit some day.” Guy’s always  creeped me out a bit, though most folks killed by the Court of Owls have some stuff, wrong, with em.” Bruce was floored, sitting completely still for a moment before resuming his work.
“Thank you for the message, do you have anywhere to stay?” Johnny chuffed as he pulled himself out of his squatting pose, pushing the lid of the cage off after hearing it’s click. 
“Not really, Kitty, my girlfriend, she’s around somewhere, I can feel her, sorta, she’s got my bike, we may just hang out, might cause some havoc via teenage rebellion, it’s our schtick.” Bruce raised a brow at him. “Oh don’t be a dad at me like that! Fine, fine, we will try not to break anything, heck we won’t even do possesions, but there will be chaos!” And with that, Johnny vanished, leaving Bruce confused but happy to have freed the Ghost.
[Ring Ring, Ring, Ring Ring, Ri-CLICK]
“Hood here, go ahead Kincaid.”
“Hey Boss, we got a new couple of friends from that raid, Bat’s update you?”
“Yeah, I can assume our new Friends are of the Spooky variety?”
“Yessir, Johnny and Kitty, good kids, if distrusting, good reasons to as well. We’ll get em set up, call back when you’re back from your flight, we’ll be comin off our, third maybe fourth raid today by then.” 
“Thank you Kincaid, stay safe out there, these guys don’t follow any rules.”
“Well we’ll just have to chuck ours when they stop following em won’t we? See ya later boss.”
[Ring Ring Ring, Ring Ring Ring, CLICK]
“Walker Residence, Alicia speaking.”
“Code Wings of Pandora is in effect.”
“Thanks again bub, I’ll tell ‘em.”
“Thank you.”
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wrinkledparchment · 1 year
a game of cat and mouse | sebastian sallow
Summary: Sebastian takes you on the path to Hogsmeade, but you both soon discover a game is afoot. You try your best to compete with Sebastian’s charm and witty remarks, but you learn that Sebastian is always one step ahead of you.
Word Count: 2,709 words
Author’s Note: Okay I originally did not like this but then I edited and accidentally made it 600 words longer and now I actually think it’s really cute. Tried this sort of “game” concept and I think it’s officially cute so this is the catalyst/stepping stone in my very scattered retelling of yours and Sebastian’s relationship over the course of the game. I will eventually put them in the order you should be reading them in my masterlist once it actually begins making sense but also my goal is that every single one can be read as a oneshot too.
Content Warnings: None--plain fluff. I will absolutely be making a fic with absolutely unhinged Sebastian soon though, don’t worry. 
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Your footsteps on the cobblestone pathway in the North Exit of Hogwarts were barely audible amongst the chatter of the other students, the chirping of the birds about, and the grasshopper’s song amidst the grass that ruffled in the wind. The water fountain ahead glistened in the mid-afternoon sun, and all the potted plants captured your attention immediately. It smelled so fresh in this area of Hogwarts, whereas most places in the castle smelled like dust and old books. There was something about the sun on your face that already felt so much more inviting than usual, but after looking through the small sea of students, you really perked up when Sebastian’s warm smile stood out amongst the crowd.  
Your pace picked up to a light trot, making your way to him as fast as you could. “Sebastian! Thank you for agreeing to come to Hogsmeade with me!”  
“Ah! My new ‘charge’, I’m glad to accompany you,” he smiled, leaning just slightly forward. “I was told by Professor Weasley that you’re in dire need of supplies and I’m to accompany you into Hogsmeade for them. Is this your first foray into the village?”
You peeked at the exit, watching as a few other students came and went, so excited both to get out of the castle and to go somewhere with the only Hogwarts student to interest you thus far. There was something so dryly sarcastic in his tone, something so charming in his words, and something so enchanting about his smile that you couldn’t help but go along with whatever he says, trying to counter his clever remarks with wits of your own. You finally looked back into his eyes from your focus on the path but could do nothing except nod at his question—when you finally glanced back, his eyes had never left your face.  
“Well then, I’m sure you’ll love it, it’s quite the charming little place. Shall we?” He gestured his arm out to the path, and your smile widened, following him. It was a slow-paced walk, more of a saunter, and all you could do was focus on how your footsteps fell into sync with ease. “You know, I was very glad Professor Weasley asked me to accompany you today.”
“As am I,” you murmured, just loud enough for him to hear but quiet enough to mask the nervousness in your voice, and immediately after, you closed your eyes and turned your head forward, casting away all the anxieties and butterflies.  
Sebastian was still facing his head to you when you opened your eyes, “I think I’d like to get to know the only person who’s bested me in a duel.”
“Apologies for breaking your streak. Would you have wished I held back and let you win?” You watched the corner of his mouth curve into a sly smile, eyes focused solely on yours, declining to look where he was walking and instead bask in the beauty of you, the new fifth year.
“Never,” there was a slight pause between his words, instead communicating with his eyes this challenge, this tension that grew with every word, every glance, every graze of his knuckles on your hand. “--but the way I see it, I’d be wise to keep an eye on you.” For some reason, that left you breathless for a moment, but you quickly gathered the pieces of you that broke off every time he left you stunned and put yourself back together.  
“I hope you enjoy the view, then,” you spoke, still breathless in the best kind of way.  
He looked forward again, maybe somewhat nervous but more put-together than you ever appeared after one of his flirtatious comments. “I think I would enjoy the view next to you rather than across from you. Maybe we could duel together next time, instead.”
A proposal, the first commitment to him you’d make. A team. “I think I’d like that very much.”
“I can’t give you any other chances to knock me off my feet.” As soon as the words came out of his mouth, he turned to you again, his eyes so magnetic that you couldn’t turn away--no matter how much you tried to rip your gaze away, you couldn’t, worried that you would give the game away in seconds.  
Maybe, Sebastian was as good at reading people as he was charming, and perhaps he could see right through you. He had known every word to say, had prepared every comment, rehearsed as soon as Weasley had told him to come with you. It felt like everything you threw at him, all of the looks, accidental hand-brushes, every attempt at a flirtatious comment you had, he was able to counter in 2 seconds flat. You may have beaten him at dueling, but this far more dangerous game you’d begun has him besting you at every turn.  
The beauty of Hogwarts Valley was truly nothing to sniff at. Birds flew ahead of you, the green grass and rough face of the rocky hills on the left side of the path were marvelous, and the two waterfalls ahead filled you with tranquility. What had given you peace, however, was being able to walk next to him, sometimes in silence, sometimes coated in laughter. Even when you began to lean into his path, with your shoulders brushing, he held his ground, never giving you an inch. He didn’t flinch his hand away when your pinkies touched. No, the beauty of Hogwarts Valley was stunning, but found its rival in the man next to you.  
You tried to distract yourself from all this jargon in your brain, tried to fill the air of tension with more than silence. “Thank you for agreeing to join with me. I’m surprised Professor Weasley let me choose who to bring rather than sending a random prefect.”
“You asked for me?” He almost seemed flattered, surprised, and heartwarmingly embarrassed all at once. He was finally the person between the two of you to end up breathless, but even with this defeat, he never showed the cards he didn’t want you to see, still could gather himself so quickly. “I suppose it is surprising, given my detention record.”
You giggled under your breath, glancing away. You couldn’t say you were surprised at him being rebellious—among his other dangerous curiosities you’d picked up on. “You spend a lot of time in detention, then?”  
He frowned playfully, eyebrows raised, “Just enough to keep me well-rounded.” He integrated his flirtatious comments, his compliments, his cards into every conversation so skillfully it was starting to make you upset. “I should really be the one thanking you, actually,” he started, “This outing with you saved me from getting detention from the librarian... again. Madam Scribner was on the hunt for me—as is often the case.”
You didn’t bother to hide your amusement this time, and allowed him to bask in your happiness, reveal just a little how terribly hilarious he was. You shared a glance with him this time, still laughing, and there was something about the way his eyes sparkled at the sound. That look, it was like a warning—a premonition—that once your heart had decided it was his, it could never be anything or anyone else’s, that your fates would be permanently intertwined. You turned away before it was too late.
“Well, I’m glad I could be of service,” you mused, still staring at the path ahead instead of him, not out of reverence for the surroundings but because you could not handle looking at him again, watching the corners of his mouth quirk. “How did you manage to get on the librarian’s bad side, anyway?”
“Well, I suspect it’s a matter of differing opinions. She thinks I shouldn’t be allowed in the Restricted Section, and I, on the other hand, am inclined to disagree.”
He enjoys every bit of your laughter all too much, watches your face too closely until you worry you have spinach in your teeth. He’s all too skilled at this game of cat and mouse you’re playing, too good at making you laugh so quickly and he got you becoming interested in everything he has to say with such little effort it was bewildering. The path the two of you were on had long since turned to dirt, and before you knew it, Sebastian’s shoulder rubs against yours again, trying to steer you to the left.  
There is a cacophony of beautiful sounds, chirps and buzzes all coming from a concentrated area of a few bushes, and you recognize the look of them immediately. “This is an excellent spot to gather lacewing flies. They’re pretty to look at, but if you stew them long enough, they make a powerful potion ingredient.”
He crouched near a bush, using pinpoint precision with his fingers to grab one and put it in one of the smallest glass jars you’ve ever seen. He glances back at you, tilting his head to signal you to come closer. Stepping as quietly as possible so as not to disturb the little bugs, you began to crouch closer to Sebastian, knees bumping with his as you try to maintain your balance.  
You just stare at them for a little bit, but suddenly, one flies right at you and lands on your face. You try to hold your breath, going cross-eyed trying to look at the one on your cheek, but soon, you see Sebastian’s fingers coming into your vision, slowly approaching the lacewing fly positioned on your cheek. As his hand gets closer and his robes begin to fall down his arms, you feel the soft cloth brush against your jaw, and you’re so stunned by how close he is that you can’t breathe. You glance at his eyes, so focused and narrowed in on the fly that dare touch you. As far as Sebastian is concerned, every creature should know by watching how you flush every time he’s near you that only he can touch you, caress your cheek, be the reason you’re breathless. 
His fingers finally grasp around the little bug, dropping it quickly into the jar and covering it with his hand. You decide not to think too much about the warmth of his skin or how close his face was to yours, and instead about this rather painstakingly time-consuming method of gathering flies. “Is this really the best method of procuring the lacewing flies?” you questioned, and he seems to have been caught.  
“Most students grab a branch and shake them off into the jar and cover it up as fast as they can, but I find this method much more rewarding,” he responded quickly, always seeming to have an explanation for his quirks.  
“By squishing bugs between your monstrously large fingers?”
You both turned your heads quickly as you heard thumps and what sounds like an eagle calling from the Forbidden Forest. You both bolted up to stand, and for the first time, the two of you begun to run to get a better chance at seeing them. “They’re magnificent,” you breathed, smile so wide on your face, stunned by the beauty of this new world you’d been shown. You turned to Sebastian, ready to see his stunned face, but he is already looking at you, smiling just as widely as you were.
You continue past the bridge, trying to brush off the anxiety that being with Sebastian, so close and yet so far, gave you. Sebastian, trying to keep up with your pace, is huffing but still continues to talk. He never seems to be able to shut his mouth around you, or at all, for that matter.  
“It looks like they came from the Forbidden Forest to the left. Out of bounds to all students.” You could hear the annoyance in his voice.  
“Not so ‘out of bounds’ to you, is it?” you quickly remarked, smile evident in the tone of your voice.  
There was even more sarcasm present in his voice, “How did you guess?” There is a small exchange of laughter between the two of you, and this time, neither of you dared to spare a glance at one another, focused on the path ahead. “Hogsmeade is just ahead, past those ruins.”
You come to a skidding stop as soon as you do pass the ruins, and turn yourself right around, climbing around the rubble and barrels, and Sebastian stops and wonders to himself if he’s befriended a maniac. But it’s just then that he hears a small click and then the creaking of wood, and you return to him with a small burlap bag filled with extra galleons. “Looks like I’ll be able to spare some treats at Honeyduke’s, too.”
“Wow, you have a really keen eye.” You smile at him and turn just ever so slightly away from him before booking it down the path. “Hey, wait up!” He’s huffing again, just as he catches up to you. “Have you discovered any of the famed Hogwarts secrets yet?”
You only turn back to him briefly, still focused on your path forward, “The castle is just positively enormous, I haven’t scratched the surface. I’m sure you have, though.”
He laughed, beginning to be just a few paces ahead of you, “I can’t go around telling you all of my secrets, now, can I?” His voice is echoing back at you, and all you can do is laugh, catch your breath, and try to push yourself to run just a little bit faster. Even as you passed a carriage being driven by Thestrals, which you could tell Sebastian could see, you continued running as fast as possible.  
You passed numerous trees, sharp turns--at least for your speeds, and even a very distressed Mr. Moon, who didn’t stop you two to talk. You both slowed your pace as the awfully disorganized and not very helpful signs marked the entrance of Hogsmeade, beautiful trees lining the path to a brilliant bridge into the town.  
The buildings, the people and the sweet smell all overwhelm your senses. Sebastian fell into step beside you, guiding you through the lightly packed streets, past the very quirky and slightly unstable stone buildings. “I’ve got to go look for something for my sister, so you’ll have to do your shopping alone, I’m afraid.”
“How positively terrible,” you sneak in, just before slipping in your curiosity  about everything Sebastian. “Is your sister a Slytherin too?”
There is a change in demeanor when his sister is brought up, and Sebastian stiffens, standing up straighter, eyebrows coming to rest heavily above those eyes you loved so much. “She is—or, she was. She’s not well at the moment,” and he sags in posture, “but she’ll be better soon and back at Hogwarts.”
You smile, and even though you’ve known him for exactly a few passing moments, a few lingering touches, a few flirtatious and tension-filled smiles, you can sense that there is a lie there--a hopeful lie. Finally, after all this time of such a skilled game, he had inadvertently let his poker face slip and showed you his hand. “When she does return, I do hope you���ll introduce me to her,” and you can’t shut your mouth before your thought slips out of your lips, “Anyone dear to you is dear to me too.”
Just like that, with an arguably more innocent and naïve comment than Sebastian had slipped all this time—you won. There was something on his face, the furrow in his brow or the look in his eyes or the way his lips quivered, you couldn’t decide—but his face brought forth only one thought. Adoration.  
“Very well then,” and with that, he stepped closer to you, offering a smile, and leaned in to whisper in your ear with his hand on your shoulder, “I’ll be back for you.” His hand slipped off as he walked past you, and when you turn, you can tell he had just looked back at you a moment before. The warmth of his breath on your ear lingers, and the place on your shoulder where his hand once laid burned when he left, marking you forever, distracting you throughout every store, on every path, until all that was left in your mind was him, him, him.
He had won.
. . .
toeing the line
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tiktaalic · 2 months
tortured poets review. by song
fortnight: fine. sounds like a song. one of the lana drag ones. the actual lyrical content is nothing special. i would not have made this track one. 6/10
tortured poets department: kind of exactly what you would expect from a taylor swift album called tortured poets department. it's silly. it's got references. it makes you go. girl? already less distinct musically. 3/10
my boy only breaks his favorite toys: the consequence of doing lana drag is that you listen to songs and go this would be a lot better if lana got her chords on it. fundamentally not a song that i can enjoy from taylor allison swift. a song i would respect in lana of video games fame catalogue once she strips it down. not like head turningly strange like tpd just plain and simple middle of the road. 4/10
down bad: this one is unlistenable for me. cant explain why. probably the chorus of down bad. i think it's tooooooo silly too silly by far when taylor swift does how do you do fellow teens vocabulary. 2/10
so long london: i can see the place that this takes on my spotify wrapped. lyrics are fine. good even. this + backing + doing something even the littlest bit different from soft monotone talk singing makes it one of the most memorable on this album by miles. probably not near the top of most memorable in her hundreds deep bench though. can't think of anything to dock it for but it's no belter. 8/10.
but daddy i love him: yeah okay. i love when she does a silly one. i think the instrumentals are nice. i'm having his baby. no i'm not! but you should see your face. easily i would listen to an album that was full of songs to this theme / musicality. points docked because i dont think she knows it's as silly as it is. 7/10.
fresh out the slammer: bored. i just looked at the lyrics and they're passable but they're performed in the most boring possible manner. stupidest name imaginable. i actually might bump it a point or two if the name was different. 4/10
florida: makes me go yaaaaaay florence every time i hear it. taylor's part halsey 2014 core. could have been worse! if i was in charge of cutting tracks i would keep this one. 6/10
guilty as sin: started it went oh i'm docking this one for boring. read the first quarter of lyrics and went oh this is fine? got to second half and went oh i don't care for this. can imagine a world where it's a better song with different backing and emphasis. 5/10
whose afraid of little old me: i dont think it's good necessarily but i love every song where shes like im craaaazy im insane. i think for the concept it's going for it could have been put together differently. 6/10
i can fix him: i like the way it sounds. but could use more oomph. it's so nice to hear guitars though. don't care for the subject matter. 5/10
loml: snooze. boring lyrics. boring performance. 4/10
i can do it with a broken heart: BAFFLING. easily the me / karma of the album. the tonal mismatch is the point but . well. it is what it is. i would like this more if it WAS a barbie soundtrack release i think. then it would have an extra layer of silly. i think this might make my wrapped. unfortunately. 5/10.
smallest man who ever lived: who gives a shit about matty healy. 4/10
the alchemy: head in my hands. head in my hands. football song. it's so over. and we are never going to be so back. 3/10
clara bow: i like the intro. i can't see myself ever doing more than half humming this. lyrics are whatever. fine, passable. 6/10
the black dog: yeah it's fine. no complaints. guitar 👍. 6/10
getyouback: why would you EVER tee yourself up perfectly to be compared to a better song. 3/10
albatross: oh i liked this one on first listen. 7/10.
chloe sam sophia marcus: outing song ‼️‼️‼️divorce music‼️‼️‼️. nothing too exciting or groundbreaking musically. 5.5?
how did it end: um. it gets points for being #real but not much else. 5/10.
so high school: i think i would like it if it was even a TOUCH less heterosexual. i would cut 3 lines that would turn it into a 6. i can see this song in someone else's hands dominating the radio and me loving that. in taylor's hands i'm giving it a 5/10.
i hate it here: not interesting. next. 4/10
thank you aimee: out of respect for taylor swift's struggles i will withhold comment and rating. -_-
look in people's windows: lyrics aren't bad but it's another one that's not really. doing anything. 4/10
the prophecy: yeah i'll give this one a 7/10. i would have one (1) greige complaint if this was on folkevermore but that's pretty damn solid.
cassandra: passing it and moving on. that's as much as it deserves. 5/10
peter: lyrics get a thumbs up. another 5.5? i could be talked into a six.
the bolter: yes girl commitment issues. 6/10. actually. 7/10.
robin: jesus god this album is too long. i have listened to too much taylor swift tpd to give this any kind of rating.
the manuscript: 5/10. like if woulda coulda shoulda had no beat
thank you for sharing this journey. with me and also taylor swift
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satureja13 · 3 months
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Jack is disenchanted and disappointed. As exciting as it was to talk to Tiny Can, he'd expected more of the AI Therapist.
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Sai went back to sleep again, he's exhaused from crying and reliving his worst memories. And Ji Ho and Jack decided to play a bit. But the only 'game' available is a boring puzzle... Jack: "Oh my, I don't know what's more boring. This puzzle or our therapy... Have they never heard about gamification? Or fun? Or to make it a bit more interesting?" Ji Ho agreed. Though the insight about Vlad and his own locked away feelings was interesting. Maybe he should follow and explore these thoughts a bit deeper.
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Suddenly Saiwa was wide awake: "What did you just say, Jack?"
Jack: "Uh - probably something wrong? You finish the puzzle, Ji Ho, I go and run."
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Saiwa: "No! That's actually brilliant!
Gamification! The Game!!!
We combine the AI with our game and make it a Therapy Game!" Jack and Ji Ho: "..." (Haha you can see how Jack and Ji Ho's brains are working ^^') Saiwa: "And not just for us - for other creatures too! This would have been so helpful when we'd been so scared and alone! And who knows? This could be a sucess and we'd make money to pay Rubyn and the others back!" We barely get to see Saiwa this excited ^^' But here some of his main interests meet, his love for games and computers - and being there for others and help them.
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Vlad went back home to grab Saiwa, Jack and Ji Ho's content they'd already had created for their game over the last months and then they started their epic gathering to develop the:
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For the computer game they'd planned, Jack already made the concept art and design, Vlad wrote and Ji Ho composed the music and soundscapes. They are going to feed all this to Tiny Can and see what kind of 'gamification therapy' he'll create. How exciting! (For me it really is! Imagine this: a game that also is a therapy - supported by an AI! How amazing would that be if you could see the things that make you suffer from a distance and you'd find solutions for them by doing insightful AND funny AND interesting quests! You'd gain helpful new habits and get rid of unhealthy ones by playing a game! Where I live it's so hard to find a therapy place. We have to wait up to a year -.- I do have high hopes in AI. You could go by your own pace. And you wouldn't even have to leave the house!)
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After a very long gathering, Ji Ho and Jack relaxed in the hot tub. Jack's pain is thanking him. They sat silent for quite a while, lost in their thoughts. Very unusual for Jack, but his brain is running on hyper speed now. He's so excited :3 And Ji Ho was pondering about his locked down feelings. The Bond made it easy for him to love Luci. They had a whole different approach to each other. While his relationship with Vlad was doomed from the beginning (their story in (kind of ^^') short -> here).
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The only ocassions where Ji Ho was really comfortable with Vlad was, when they touched and made love. And this is also a benefit of the Bond and Luci because Ji Ho hated being touched in the beginning. After all he'd seen at the House of the rising Sun in the slums of Sulani. But Luci had approached him slowly and tenderly. Ji Ho shared his thoughts with Jack: "Do you think this might be a way to become more comfortable with Vlad and finally be able to love him? And to find my buried down feelings?" Jack: "I think that's brilliant! At least one of us learned something in that therapy. When you charge the Bond later, just try a bit more and we'll see how it goes."
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A little later Vlad came down: "Uhm, I'm leaving now. The Bond..."
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Ji Ho left the hot tub and went over to Vlad to charge the Bond - and try his new theory... They embraced each other as usual and then Ji Ho tried to kiss Vlad.
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But Vlad moved his head aside and whispered: "I want nothing more than you - but not like this." Vlad's breath ghosted over Ji Ho's still wet skin and made him shiver.
Vlad still has his principles - not to forget his foolish pride. No way he's going to have a plain physical relationship with Ji Ho - without love. There is no 'two out of three ain't bad' or 'it's better than nothing' in Vlad's world ^^' Only 'it's all or nothing'. He would do anything for Ji Ho, but he won't - and can't do that. It would break him apart. That does not mean it was easy for him to not give in and leave. Vlad really is the master of self control ö.ö
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And then Vlad left. Ji Ho seems a bit piqued after Vlad's rejection ^^'
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'I can't stop this feeling Deep inside of me Girl, you just don't realize What you do to me
When you hold me In your arms so tight You let me know Everything's all right
I'm hooked on a feeling I'm high on believing That you're in love with me'
Hooked on a Feeling - Blue Swede from the OST of Guardians of the Galaxy I
He will be mine, oh yes, he will be mine.
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Yang Mal: "Can we grill our corncobs now?" 🌽 Saiwa: "Uhm - sure ö.Ö'"
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Ji Ho checking the mail... 📬 Who might have sent that letter when Ji Ho looks like that?
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Tyalindo watching the sun set 🌅
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From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest 🕹️ 'Therapy Game' from the beginning ▶️ here 📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 17-22 ~ 23-28
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wxnheart · 10 months
would you ever do a soap/ghost/reader fic where reader is the touch starved one? like maybe ghost and soap were together first and want to help reader get more comfortable in the relationship after they realize that you keep basically third wheeling yourself?
𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐚𝐩 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫, 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐝 𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐞𝐥'𝐬 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐦 𝐄𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
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note: I took some liberties with this, anon, so it could coincide with the beginnings of Ghoapbusters. wanna read some more ghoap x reader?
Remember when it was mentioned that the transition to a full-fledged relationship was uneventful? It most definitely was. That doesn't mean it was smooth sailing at the start, though.
Because not only is Simon being Simon, you, despite the apparent attraction, already started doubting your place in this... thing—RELATIONSHIP. Wonderful shit, huh?
And Ghost, for all of his self-doubt, trusts his instinct when it comes to your presence in their lives. Fuck yes, you belong. How else could he keep Johnny grounded? Or something like that. You belong. You three made this choice together. Accept the consequences, baby. You ain't getting rid of them that easily.
Easier said than done, though, because the first time you three went out together—yes, gorgeous, in an official RELATIONSHIP—you pretty much turned yourself into the third wheel. You couldn't help but feel self-conscious about the chemistry between Simon and Johnny, the ease with which they could be themselves around each other.
It's ironic considering Simon absolutely feels like a fish out of water with all this and if it was possible, Johnny's eyes would roll out of his sockets with the number of times he's rolled them in exasperation because you guys (meaning you and Simon) are so busy reassuring the other and not practicing what you preach. It's so ironic he could laugh. And he does, which helps ease the tension for the most part.
You were also much more comfortable doling out physical affection to Johnny than you are to Simon because as much as you want to bury your face in his chest and grab fistfuls of ass as you hug him even though your arms should ideally be around his waist, you wonder if he (and Johnny) would think you weird for doing so, hell, for even thinking it. When you finally did it for the first time, after what seemed like eons of tentative touches between you two, it went... about as much as you expected. He stiffened, those buns tightened in your hands, and you felt the deep rumble of his groan. "'S not my damn waist," he said, and it didn't carry the fire of agitation that you thought it would. Johnny was proud.
And when they do things for you, you know, that people in RELATIONSHIPS do for each other because they care, you either try your best to convince them not to (what the fuck?) or you giggle. Nervously. To the point that it actually gets awkward. Because why would they do this for you?
It finally comes to a head when they have to sit you down. Simon takes the initiative with this one and fuck, you love it when he takes charge. ❤️
You three talk, or, er, well, they had to pry answers out of you because you were a little anxious about the conversation but really, the outcome managed to soothe your fears for the time being. They do, however, make you promise to talk to them when you start to feel this way again. Sure thing, guys.
In the end, you and Johnny wound up piling up on Simon. Simon who's still getting used to all this and doubts be damned, wraps his arms around you both. It's awkward. It's adorable. It's awkwardly adorable, two words that you NEVER thought you'd use to describe him but here you are.
And that's how Ghost became Simon in the Middle.
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