#I wrote a poem
imagine-dragonlords · 1 month
Merlin's Lament (by @imagine-dragonlords)
Ever round Avalon’s misted isle, A stranger walks a sorrowed mile. In silent grief, he mourns and sighs, For a memory that never dies. His spells now falter, lost in air, No charm to ease the deep despair. For what is magic, wild and grand, Without the touch of Arthur’s hand? And so, he stands where Courage fell, A silent, ageless sentinel, Whispering words he left unsaid, To a king who sleeps among the dead. For a fleeting moment, years unfold, Rusted ruins turn to gold: He sees that sword once cased in stone, The hand that held it, turned to bone. Yet, in his mind, the grip holds firm, Untethered from the passing term, A bond as steadfast as his will, Unyielding, constant, ever still. So, there he waits, a lonely sage, Trapped within an endless age, Till fate, in mercy, bends the chain, And brings them face to face again.
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i-am-not-a-twinkie · 6 months
Child of the sun
Who was shining and bright
and child of the moon
Who lived by his light
The sun who shone for all to see
And was deemed a radiant bloom
Who only saw his brilliant light
Reflected in the eyes of the moon
The moon with power other's feared
As strong as the will of the sea
Brought to his knees by the warmth of the sun
By his side was where he longed to be
People said the moon was cold
With no light of his own
The sun saw only beauty
In his soft and eerie glow
People feared the sun would burn
Or his light would blind them
The moon found joy in his bite
And vowed to stand behind him
Their endless dance through the sky
Was plain for all to see
The beauty and grace of a love
That was never meant to be
And yet in the rare twilight
The time they shared together
On mingling breath hushed whispers said
A promise made, to be forever
But the day came the sun shone too bright
And was snuffed out too soon
And without the sun's radiant light
The moon was gone too
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parsleysparlor · 6 months
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Lester is a lesser man
The power of a god high in demand
Once so cool and macho
Shoot- I dropped my nacho
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cosmic-blogs · 5 days
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I am making a home,
Within myself.
And it is tough.
As I grow older
And winters become rough.
I worry if the foundation,
Is strong enough 
To hold up
All versions of 
me, from all pasts 
If my walls should  be 
stark and high.
Or have 
More windows
To look at the stars
The night casts.
If i will be able to
Withstand impending rain.
Now that I know,
Joy is a momentary flash flood,
Upon a barren desert of pain.
I acknowledge the worry
Hold it close
And tell it to rest.
I want my home
Within me
To be a sanctuary.
A place to rest
When I return
From adventures of life.
I want to walk from room to room
And in the vaults of my heart
With a song upon my lips
For the beauty 
That I may find.
I want to welcome
Reluctant love,
To feel, finally at home.
I need to clear out spaces
For gardens with butterflies.
I want a waterfall of giggles
To wash away all grime.
I want a heart shaped home
With bricks, of gratitude
And a roof, of everything enough.
I will put soft warm lights
Outside the door.
The kind that make,
The lonely feel safe
From harshness of glare.
I will build my home
Inside the vales of gentleness,
Where the breeze,
On a warm summer afternoon 
Will be much needed
Respite for my friends.
I have to be gone for long.
Into the  frightening silent,
wilderness of self.
To pick out pieces of beauty
From dangerous woods.
To gather and to rake.
To draw out a map
And a plan for
My home shaped heart,
To house all my goods.
I have the strength,
I have to remind myself 
As I pave the path back
To myself.
I will make my home
Within myself, 
From silver curtains 
Of full moon nights.
And the quietning that comes
From a dawn about to break in love.
Even if takes all my will and
The  milk of my bones.
It is the hardest thing 
To make,
I know,
Because I have to do it alone.
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violet-evers · 3 months
Oh my gosh I think I'm
falling in love...
With myself 🔥
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crazycatsiren · 11 days
There is a void on my lap.
He is warm, cuddly, and purring.
He has big, round eyes.
He nibbles on my fingers.
I kiss him on his little snoot.
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happydahlia · 24 days
real love
What is love?
An age old question.
One with endless answers,
Each variation pertaining to the heart that holds it so tightly.
Some say real love is indestructible,
I find that to be wildly inaccurate.
Love is delicate,
More fragile than an orchids bloom.
We often desert it when it breaks,
Deciding that something so tender can’t possibly be worth our time.
When we do remain at its side we live in fear of repeating our mistakes,
So we run or we rage or we hide.
The voice in your head may say that isn’t real love,
But the voice in mine disagrees.
That love may not last,
Yet it is love all the same.
Love is picking up the shattered pieces.
Wiping the blood from each other’s hands,
When the jagged shards cut too deep.
Drying tears when our words cut deeper.
Love isn’t always easy.
It isn’t merely sunsets with heads resting on shoulders,
Not just painting stories in the night sky while your lungs ache from laughter,
Or only an ever present feeling of warmth and light.
Love is more often brash,
It is a quaking thunder after lightning that jolts you from your sleep,
The final breath of a dying star as it falls from on high.
A brisk weighted sensation in your soul.
Love is all of these things,
Both sharp as knives and feather-soft.
It claws your chest open,
And then mends your cracked ribs with its kiss.
A/n: hiii!! likes, reblogs, and comments are greatly appreciated. I love hearing how other people interpret or feel abt my work so if you’d like to share pls feel free to comment or message me :)
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lady-ofliterature · 1 month
It goes like this:
Take a step and count to one, we’re about to have some fun
Turn around and count to two, let’s make sure your aim is true
Hold out a hand and count to three, the truth’s about to set you free
Blink three times and count to four, here’s something you can’t ignore
Spin around and count to five, there’s no more chances to survive
Bend your knees and count to six, buried under piles of bricks
Close your eyes and count to seven, when you wake you’ll be in heaven
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loonarmuunar · 1 year
The water laps and pulses. Growling, stroking, choking.
Same place same rhyme.
Sickly blues and black eat at the metal, as it has eaten before.
History repeats. Same rhyme.
The ocean feeds, as it was force-fed your oils and skins. The sweat on your back like those back in your sweatshops like the sweat in your blood money. Blood to a shark, you followed to the depths.
Pulsing, stroking, choking.
Air is pulsing and beating, the rhythm in your chest a weak drum. Deus ex machina’s abandoned lover. How many days? How many hours? How many minutes?
Unsinkable, indestructible, immortal.
Choking and choking and choking and waiting.
The sun is gone
Stroking, choking, dying
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niseag-arts · 7 months
The Canticle of the Grand Machine
we are the seekers of our knowledge we are the bearers of the true pledge surrounded by the whistling steam cogs within the grand machine We follow thus our fascinations The Omnissiah’s machinations sound the canticle serene cogs within the grand machine
we are protectors of mankind we’re with the will of Mars aligned we’re no guardsman nor marine but cogs within the grand machine
We have build for the empire cities, hives, shrines and spires Watch our iron glint and sheen cogs within the grand machine
We explore the galaxy In name of Humanity Go to places never seen as cogs within the grand machine
The flesh it has been left behind The Omnissiah’s path was signed We are tireless and keen cogs within the grand machine
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lynx-kin · 7 months
When you get told to post the poetry you wrote in high-school be like:🧍‍♂️
ANYWAYS. May I present:
Clasped Hands, By Lynx-Kin(me)
There is a Hand reaching out for me
Soft and Warm
Gentle as the Breeze
It Crushes mine in its Grip
There is a Hand reaching out for me
Calloused and Rough
Utterly Humane
It Slaps away Mine when I Reach Back
There is a Hand reaching out for me
Large and Smooth
Patient and Serene
It Yanks away as I Reach for it
There is a Hand reaching out for me
Bright and Excitable
As Brilliant as the Sun
It Burns mine when I Grasp it
There is a Hand reaching out for me
Humble and Scarred
Calm as Still Waters
I Hesitate
There is a Hand reaching out for me
Never Pushing
Never Leaving
Never Hurting
There is a Hand reaching out for me
Soothing the Hurt
Softening the Pain
…There is a Hand Clasped in Mine.
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Dangerously Yours
Rudolph gave Catherine three things, his heart, his country, his dream. She shot him.
I gave you my time, energy and mind. You left me on read.
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motherarts · 1 year
Rocking steady, above the shore,
didn't think I could hold anymore.
He appeared and took a seat beside me,
never thought that he would guide me.
After all, who would trust a liar?
He told me tales about the stars,
he told me that they were a light from the heart.
Now as the ceiling falls I wonder,
was it all a lie? Did I blunder?
My arm aches, my back is sore.
I think I'm going to win this war,
The astronaut doesn't agree.
After all. . .
What is life without me?
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cosmic-blogs · 2 days
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.I have to go and 
get my pinch of happiness.
I do that every day.
It loves to play hide and seek.
It runs amok, untamed 
I have mastered the game.
The good thing is ,it never tires
Neither do I.
I know where its favourite hiding
Spots are.
Most of the time.
Especially on gloomy winter days.
On a day like a lonely
Mountain peak.
It hides in the wedge
Of my window.
A drop of condensed steam
Rolling down like a tear
Upon a cheek.
I wipe it off, with all 
My gathered gentleness
And the glass clears,
Like the uplifting fragrance
Of a hundred flowers.
It hides sometimes 
Inside the pages of a book.
And as I search for it
Page after page,
In the mystery 
Of an unsolved crime.
A beautiful story
Unfolds the creases of my mind. 
It waits for me behind the last page.
And when I finish the tome.
It slides out and hugs me tight.
Sometimes it rides on the back 
Of a butterfly.
Polka dotted and purple.
With a need to just be beautiful.
I chase it with giggles 
My fingers stretched out 
In a pinch.
Between my thumb and forefinger 
Is all the space it needs.
Whether it is me turning a page 
Wiping a glass pane.
Or looking to grasp its wings.
The measure of space 
In between my pinch
Is all I need, 
To seek the bigness of happiness 
That likes to hide 
In little things.
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rileylastname · 1 year
ode to cat: based on a true story
there’s a cat on my lap
he is taking a nap
which means that I’m trapped—
I have places to be.
so I give him a pat
just a brush on his cap,
the most gentle of taps
where he rests on my knee.
not a bop nor a rap,
not a shove nor a slap.
his eyes open a crack
and he looks up at me.
I decide to adapt,
wishing I’d had more tact.
there’s a cat on my lap
and I let that cat sleep.
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Vicious Spirals
When I was young I thought of who I wanted to be, Over the years I came up with 'Supportive', Accepting of anything, and patient to a Tee, As that's what I needed, But when I expressed any sign of it, my place in their life would be superseded, Though as with everything I've been through it hasn't always been easy to live up to that degree, I got over it as if I wanted things to change it had to start with me, But as I sit here years later I think of all the times that ideal had cracked, Yes, things were going on and even the memories of things prior would leave my nerves wracked, So now I wonder if everything I feel is just an excuse, Yet, I always feel guilty whenever they do affect me so, But even with my apologies and steps to getting better, I can't help but wonder if people were right to cut me loose, If I can't always act that way with others, why should they always be like that with me, Did I always manage to get them at a bad time and I was just too young to know? It's not like I always was isolated, But the times I remember are so rare, that perhaps the time has left me so jaded, Or were the niceties were just a role I wanted to perform, And the moments of weakness, are just cracks to remind that I'm part of the swarm, The thought of it makes my body run cold, But perhaps that's just part of the true mold, But if others don't have this thought process then just could it be, That all the fault just lies with me...?
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