#I’ll be continuing bait soon btw—
epiclamer · 2 years
Epic...The time has come:
I demand
and I demand it
(or, like, whenever, you know - don't rush, take you time, drink some water, get railed by your wife. Love ya bestie, see you in jail <3)
Unkindest regards,
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Triple Checking
Hero understood the idea of lust. They understood being lusted over by hungry fans and paparazzi. What they didn’t understand was how out of everyone they had ever met, why Villain was the only one to ever have love in their eyes.
It was discernible at this point. Hero saw lust in people’s eyes almost everyday, but when they stared into Villains?
They were glossy with love. Not lust.
And on this night, Hero craved nothing more.
Their knuckles didn’t even have to hit the wooden door a second time. Villain opened by the first rap, almost as if they had been waiting for them.
“Hero? How did you—”
The one in question didn’t stall for another second, pushing their way into Villains small civilian apartment. It was used often as a stakeout point or a hiding spot when their lair was raided.
Information Hero hadn’t yet shared with their agency for some reason…
They slammed the door shut with their foot as they grabbed the villain by their collar. Hoisting them up before they hit their back against the wall opposite from the door.
Panic rushed through the villain’s system. How had Hero found their home? Why were they here this late? Where was the rest of their team? Why weren’t they in their suit?
Questions flooded the villain’s brain as they grasped for any type of answer. Both of them panting as they tried to catch their breaths.
“I want you to love me.”
Villain blinked; this wasn’t a dream. The words they had been waiting for Hero to say for months had finally been said and hearing them was music to their ears.
First though, they had to make sure they heard the other right. They were, naturally, an embarrassing fool but they refused to be an embarrassed fool for their crush and only nemesis.
“Y-You want me to l-love you??”
The hero looked them dead in the eye, squeezing their shirt just a bit tighter in their grip. “Yes.”
Once more couldn't hurt right? Third time’s a charm?
“Me. Loving. You??”
Hero let out an exasperated sigh, releasing the villain from their grasp just to push them against the wall once more. “Yes you idiot. I want you to love me.”
Villain breathed in once, trying to cool the redness climbing up their neck. Suddenly more at ease with their situation as the hero left an inch of space between them.
“Hero, no offence, but love isn’t something you can just force—”
It was a cocky and ignorant to their own feelings, but Hero caught it before they could continue any longer.
“Would you shut up about that?” Hero eyed their pinned villain. “I know you, Villain. I see the look in your eyes when we fight and I know that you pull your punches. You may be a fool to recognize love, but I am not.”
The villain knew love, they had felt something beating in their cold heart ever since they had met the hero. Unfortunately, they knew all too well what Hero implied in their last sentence.
No one had ever loved them before and they had been with them nonetheless.
Self-sabotage at its finest.
Now, Hero was tired of it. They wanted to be loved. And they wanted Villain to do it.
The hero raised a brow, somewhat unconvinced that Villain was willing to do this for them.
“Y-You won’t like, turn me in or anything if I say no right?”
Hero was so taken aback they almost burst out laughing. “What?? Of course not. It’s your choice in the end and if you decide not to, then I understand.” Their giggle from the beginning of their sentence died off into a more serious tone as they reached the end.
Villains eyes went wide, grasping with sticky fingers at the hero in front of them.
“Then I want this. I want you, Hero. I want to love you. I want to make you feel good. About yourself and in bed. I want to be there for you. I want to support you. I want to hold you. I want—”
The crime-stopper pulled the criminal close while they rambled, now both pairs of hands were touching. Touching places they shouldn’t have been, doing things that would be considered unholy. A boundary their two career paths should never be crossing.
And without any remorse, Hero’s lips slammed against Villains. A rushed and heavy kiss, both of them out of practice as they sloppily collided, teeth grazing one another’s and tongues ill coordinated. But it didn’t matter. That was the best part.
They let themselves explore the other’s body freely with their hands, clothes slowly falling to the floor as they whispered sweet, loving encouragements among themselves.
The night was already halfway done, but their story was just beginning.
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4dtk · 3 years
anon: “hello! can i request hand holding (23) kisses (21) touching (24) with jaehyun please? i feel like this should be like one of those secretly dating scenarios (idol! reader x idol! jaehyun) dispatch or someone catches them together and their own company ceos (?) confronts them, the reader is quite anxious about what's happening and jaehyun is there to make her feel alright :D i hope this isn't too long (╥﹏╥) thank you !! stay safe <3” hi, thanks for requesting lovely and holy shit this was long. stay safe too! <3
lee seongsu is the ceo of sm btw, didn’t want to use chris lee bc it felt off LOL. thank you for waiting patiently <3
hand-holding, 23: holding hands under the table
kisses, 21: “we’ll face this together” kisses
touching, 24: whispering in their ear, lips touching the skin
the barge in of your members drive you out of your shock, overlapping voices becoming your main focus as the girls of your group gives you mixed expressions. the same website link that reflected off their phones into your eyes match the one on yours, a blur of messages coming in from jaehyun, your manager, your friends.
you’re left to worry about your consequences as your group members slowly realises your distress, crowding around you to comfort you. there’s a disconnect from the current situation, drifting and dreaming of the nights you spent with jaehyun, of the soft kisses you indulged in in a convenience store. you tune out all the noise and ‘ping!’s from your phone, opting instead to focus on him.
your manager wastes no time in setting up a meeting, however, the dread clear on your face as your closest friend in the group, yeonhee, sends you off with a hug.
“c’mon, (y/n). our staff will drive her home, let’s just keep your head on straight for this meeting, okay?” the words go in one ear and out the other as she guides you towards SM’s building, through the winding hallways and various studios to finally arrive at a small meeting room.
you visibly relax when your eyes meet jaehyun’s, a sad but gentle smile plastered on his face that gave you an illusion that it was all a mistake, that it was all a dream.
the expression of lee seongsu’s and your CEO’s face say otherwise though, sending a chill down both your backs.
the SM CEO started out, sounding more disappointed than angry, “we know you guys were given freedom to head out, but eating?”
on your end, you could definitely see that your company’s CEO didn’t have to energy to deal with this, “eating stays indoors, because you risk the uncovering of your face. we established that, yes?”
jaehyun takes the bait, muttering out a ‘yes’ for a question that was clearly meant for you. with fiddling fingers, you twirled the ends of your shirt, undoing an unattended thread that you had no time to mend.
seongsu doesn’t hesitate to sigh, exchanging looks with your CEO that spoke a million words you couldn’t understand. within the tension in the room, you chose to zone in on a speck of dust on the floor, murmured whispers lingering around your ears.
“hey,” even in such a situation, jaehyun’s stare does its job of making you blush, loving the way his fingers drew inconsistent shapes on the back of your hand, “we’ll-“
he’s cut off before he can continue, but his warm hand clutches onto yours in the quick moment, soon calming down when he laces his fingers through yours. the hike of your shoulders go down eventually, and the clench of your jaw releases it when his thumb continues his ministrations on your skin.
seongsu’s reluctant to separate you both, seeing the way jaehyun looks at you even after the meeting has ended. it was quiet, but not the silence that could be cut with a knife. everyone’s more laid-back, opting to stay back in case reporters happen to be crowding outside the building.
“come, we’ll need you two to be somewhere safe, so we think it’s best that you stay together at our dorms for now,” seongsu states, gesturing to one of the staff members to take you to your destination. your CEO isn’t exactly liking the decision, but with much convincing earlier on, he’s succumbed to seongsu.
with a grunt, he waves the two of you off as the both of you bow in gratitude to them.
“what do you think’s gonna happen, jae?” you ask that night, eyes uncharacteristically glossy and hazy from the stress of the day. even as he’s brushing his teeth, the flash of surprise at your question doesn’t go unnoticed by you.
when he only answers with a hum, you’re left to hold in your tears until jaehyun’s gasp makes your eyebrows furrow and tears fall.
“hey, hey, baby, look at me,” the pet name is soft coming from jaehyun and you hate that it makes your stomach do flips even with your snot running down your face uglily.
wordlessly, he leans in and captures your lips. with light and gentle pecks, your tears have subsided and even more so when you push him away with a laugh, the hand by your side poking where you were most ticklish.
his lips to your neck came next, leaving a trail of butterfly kisses up to your jaw and mouth as he accentuates every part of his sentence.
“we’ll get through this, okay?”
a sigh from you tells you that you still wasn’t satisfied with his answer, mind wandering to the crazed reporters and crazy fans already telling you to leave for good. your eyes water all over again, head turning to the ceiling in order not to break down.
“baby,” jaehyun whispers while laying on his side, the arm around you coming up to hold your cheek lovingly. when you refuse to face him, he’s left to scoot closer with sweet words mumbled into your ear.
“if they were really our fans, they’ll stay. they’ll stay and protect you. the boys will protect you, your members will protect you and i’ll love and protect you like it was my last day on earth.”
his lips meeting your cheek causes you to turn to him, softening at the way you could see how much love jaehyun had for you.
“where did you learn that?” you sniffle, “that last line. that was too cliched.”
jaehyun lets out a deep chuckle, “for you, i wouldn’t mind if it was unplanned or cliched, as long as i get to say those things.”
“tone it down, loverboy,” you giggled, the mood becoming less gloomy with both your laughter mixing in the unfamiliar room. with a peck to his palm, jaehyun brings you in to lock lips with you yet again.
slow and tender are his lips on yours, occasionally breaking contact to smile and exchange words of affection. with a comfortable spot against his body, you’re left questioning jaehyun’s words of dedication. because if he swore he was to protect you, it was only fair you’d do the same with no hesitation.
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hrtiu · 4 years
I saw your post about wanting to write for rexsoka! I love your fics btw! I would like to request some fluff involving laughter and maybe teasing someone.
Thank you so much! Here’s what I got. It gets a little sad at the end, but hopefully it still counts?? Thank you for the prompt!
Rex knocked on the durasteel door frame, announcing his presence to the ladies chatting in the Ghost’s mess beyond.
“Ahem, Ahsoka? I could use your help with something.”
“Wait a second, you’re not going to steal her away for the rest of the day, are you?” Hera said from where she sat across from Ahsoka at the table. “She was my spymaster first.”
“It’ll be quick, I promise,” Rex said.
Ahsoka chuckled as she got to her feet, waving her hands in a placating manner. “Alright, alright. Don’t worry, there’s plenty of me to go around. I’ll be right back, Hera, and we can go over those bomber schematics you somehow managed to get your hands on.”
Hera eagerly agreed, waving goodbye before getting distracted by an irate Chopper beeping something about the hyperdrive and teenage boys.
“What is it?” Ahsoka asked as she walked by Rex’s side out into the dusty, organized chaos of Chopper Base. 
Rex scratched the back of his neck in embarrassment. “Well, there’s this broadcasting beacon, see? We use it to communicate with other cells off-planet, but its motivator was damaged in a recent dust storm. I wanted to replace it but it’s really high up and hard to get to, and I figured since you’re here…”
Ahsoka stopped walking, placing a hand on her hip as her eyebrow markings rose into her headdress. “You want me to throw you?”
Rex flushed, turning away from her and shaking his head. “Never mind, it’s a stupid idea.”
“No, no, it’s just not something I ever expected you to ask me to do.”
“Well, I never really liked it, but if you could control the throw and land me on the maintenance platform I wouldn’t have to risk my neck on that sorry piece of scrap we call an extension ladder.”
“I knew it. For as much as you complained about Anakin throwing you around, you liked it when we did that.”
Rex rounded on her, unable to resist defending himself in the face of such slander. “I did not! It was terrifying, unnecessary, and demeaning!”
“But you want me to do it again. Just admit it, Rex. You’ve been missing excitement in your life,” Ahsoka said, that smug look she’d perfected in her teens on her face.
Rex couldn’t help but laugh. Since they’d been reunited she’d seemed so changed—so solemn and galaxy-weary. It was good to see her back to her cocky, impertinent self, if only for the moment.
“I’ve been missing you, that’s for sure.”
Ahsoka laughed, a hand coming up to cover her mouth. Rex could have sworn that her lekku shifted to a darker shade of blue, but that had to be his imagination.
“Alright then, where’s this maintenance platform you were talking about?”
Rex led her to the long metal pole several stories tall upon which the broadcasting beacon perched, and she waited while he went to get his repair tools. By the time he came back their little stunt had gained a small audience, Ezra, Zeb, and several pilots gathering round to witness Rex’s embarrassment.
“Now you’ll know what it feels like to be tossed about!” Zeb said, apparently still smarting from his turn as joopa bait.
“Is this even a proper use of the Force?” Ezra asked. “Isn’t it sort of… disrespectful?”
Ahsoka held her head high as she glided over to Rex, her more mature demeanor back now that she was in front of others. “The Force is a tool that is best used to help people. Nothing is beneath the Force, so long as it’s for a good purpose.”
“Hmmm, I guess that makes sense.”
Rex cinched his tool belt around his waist, a little alarmed that he had to loosen a notch further than he used to, then stood at the ready. He bent his knees and braced himself, glowering at Ahsoka as she noticed his nerves and smirked again.
“Ready?” she asked.
“As I’ll ever be.”
Ahsoka raised her hand out to Rex, then jerked it upwards. He flew into the air much faster than he’d envisaged, though just as he feared he’d overshoot the maintenance platform his velocity slowed. He breathed a sigh of relief as, from far below, Ahsoka landed him gently onto the platform.
“All good?” she shouted up at him from the ground.
He leaned over the edge and waved down at her. “Yep! I’ll just be a minute!”
He got to work replacing the motivator, his fingers working quickly from many years of experience holding the rusting AT-TE he called home together. The hot sun beat down on him and he wiped his brow, though he could do nothing about the sweat trickling down his back. Eventually he finished his repairs, taking out his transponder to double-check that the beacon was working before leaning back over the edge and waving to get Ahsoka’s attention.
“All done up here!” he yelled. “Care to lend a hand?”
Ahsoka looked up at him, blessedly alone now that their audience had grown tired of waiting, and waved back. “Just jump down. I’ll catch you!”
Rex had known this was coming, but he still wasn’t looking forward to it. He may have only lived 27 years, but his body was well into his middle age. It wasn’t quite as forgiving to him of dangerous stunts and constant misuse. 
Ahsoka kept waving from down below and Rex dismissed his fears. Ahsoka knew him and she wouldn’t let any harm come to him, even anything as minor as a twisted ankle or a sore knee. He gritted his teeth and took a leap of faith off the platform.
Air rushed past his ears and his beard flattened against his chin, but soon enough his fall slowed. By the time he reached the ground he was floating gently, his feet barely registering when they met solid ground in front of a grinning Ahsoka.
“Enjoy the ride?” she asked.
Rex laughed. “It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be, I guess.”
“See? You can trust me, Rexter.”
Rex’s grin grew at the old nickname. He’d never really liked it, truth be told. What young man with aspirations for martial greatness wanted such a silly nickname? But after not hearing for so long, and coming from the friend he’d thought long lost? He’d take it any day.
“I knew I could trust you, I just wasn’t looking forward to getting thrown around like a rag doll in front of my colleagues. I’m trying to look good in front of them, you know?” he said with a laugh.
Ahsoka started walking back to the Ghost, no doubt to resume her conversation with Hera. She looked back over her shoulder as she walked, her burgundy lips quirked upwards in a devious smile. “I don’t know, I like a man I can toss around.”
She turned her head back around and sauntered off, and Rex’s jaw dropped.
She couldn’t… she couldn’t have meant… Was she flirting with me?
He stared after her retreating form—he could swear her hips were swaying—his brain uncomprehending. They’d known each other for so long, and there was nobody he trusted like Ahsoka. And she was obviously beautiful, and funny, and kind. Was it possible…?
Rex looked down at his hands, the wrinkles and sunspots seeming deeper and darker than normal, the callouses thick and the scars numerous. No, she was just teasing. She was young and vibrant and had her whole life ahead of her, it wouldn’t make sense for her to waste it with an old soldier like Rex. Not to mention he didn’t even know what her stance on the Jedi’s rules was anymore. Any kind of romance might not be an option for her, which was probably why she was so comfortable making silly jokes. No chance they could be misconstrued. Right?
Rex made his way back to his quarters in a daze, his surroundings registering as hyper-realistic even as he barely noticed them. It really didn’t make any difference, since he and Ahsoka would continue as friends just as they’d always been, but now Rex’s interactions with her would be colored by this new knowledge. The knowledge that, if there ever was anyone for Rex, it would be her.
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sleepysnk · 4 years
Hellooo first time requesting!! Feel free to delete if you dont feel like writing it Could you write a litle scenario where Bertholds girlfriend follow him in secret one night and overhears him planning with Reiner what to do with Eren and the whole titan thing , ofc she's shocked but she doesn't know what to do, tell her superiors or to confront her lover, up to you!! I had this on my head, if it were me, what would I do? n-n
this is quite an interesting request! i find that if i were in this situation i would be battling myself on what to do. i hope you enjoy! let me know if i did this wrong btw :).
Bertholdt x Fem!Reader: The Secret
Warnings: Spoilers to Season 2 and slightly to the manga, slight angst
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That secret.
The only secret (Y/N) could never know about Bertholdt, or Reiner. When he first met her, he was in a battle with himself, should he love someone on this horrible land? or push her away and deny his feelings? Unfortunately for Bertholdt, he chose the first option.
He couldn't resist (Y/N), she was beautiful, super kind, and made Bertholdt a better person. Even Reiner who was about this mission approved of it, and for awhile Bertholdt forgot about the mission.
(Y/N) had no idea that Bertholdt was the colossal titan, she also didn't know Reiner was the armored titan. The #1 thing had to kept away from her, if she found out, it would destroy their relationship, and Bertholdt didn't want to lose her. No matter what.
Sometimes, she had a sneaking suspicion something was up. Bertholdt would get super nervous whenever Reiner would be around, he was afraid it would slip out. He tried his best to keep the conversation about what happened 5 years ago out of it. If it got mentioned he'd feel nervous, and it was obvious he would think about a lot of things.
As their relationship progressed Bertholdt was so in love with her. (Y/N) was the only thing keeping him going in this world, he wanted to take her back to Marley, afterall there was no future inside the walls.
Until one day, everything was going to go south for the two.
(Y/N) sat in the Mess Hall with Bertholdt and a few other cadets. It was dinner, so it was around nightfall. Most of the cadets were buzzing about the capture of a female titan, apparently it was someone that they knew. Annie Leonhardt. It was a shock to everyone.
"Who knew Annie was a titan all along" Connie said and looked down at his food.
Reiner looked at him. "Crazy discovery right? I mean I wonder if anyone else is a titan" he said and looked around the table.
(Y/N) looked up and noticed Bertholdt go instantly silent. "Everything okay?" she asked and broke him out of his thoughts.
He blinked a little. "W-What? Oh sorry (Y/N), yeah everything is fine" he replied and gave her a nervous smile.
She nodded. "Are you sure? You seem a little tense" she said and furrowed her brows.
Bertholdt looked at her and laughed. "Yes I'm positive" he said and went back to eating his food.
(Y/N) didn't really believe what he said. He was acting strange, and she didn't like it. Why would a mention of more titans make him nervous? I mean it made (Y/N) nervous herself, what if someone else was a titan among them? That thought alone sent shivers down her spine.
Reiner stood up from the table. "I'm headed back to my room, I'm exhausted" he said and looked at Bertholdt.
The odd thing was, Bertholdt stood up too. "Yeah me too, I'll see you later (Y/N)" he said and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
She watched as the two exited the Mess Hall together. "That's odd" she said to herself and looked down at the table.
She decided to get up and follow them. Maybe Bertholdt was hiding something? He was acting strange, and she wanted to know what was up. She was never one to intrude, but if something bothers her, it will literally make her go insane. Plus Bertholdt is honest with her, why would he lie?
Bertholdt and Reiner were outside talking. "What are you talking about Bertholdt?" Reiner asked and nodded.
He looked at him. "You keep hinting at this secret! You realize how stupid you sound? We are going to get caught" Bertholdt replied.
Reiner rolled his eyes. "C'mon Bertholdt, it isn't that obvious. They have Annie yes, but there is no way they'll figure out it's us" he said and shrugged.
Bertholdt looked at his friend annoyed. "If you keep hinting at it, you'll raise suspicion!" he said.
The blonde rolled his eyes. "About what?" he asked.
"That we are the colossal and armored titan!" he argued and looked at him.
Silence flooded between the two of them.
Reiner looked at him. "No one will know, just keep your damn mouth shut and our mission will be completed" he said and put his hand on his shoulder.
"Not me, YOU" Bertholdt said and crossed his arms.
"We'll take Eren back with us and then this mission will be over. Trust me" he said and crossed his arms.
Bertholdt nodded. "How do you even plan to do that?" he asked.
His blonde friend shrugged. "Take him when the scouts will least expect it" he replied.
Bertholdt sighed. "I hope it works" he said and looked at him.
The two began to walk off. "No one will know a thing" Reiner said and shrugged.
What they didn't know was that someone heard everything. Specifically (Y/N), she couldn't believe what she heard. Her head was spinning at the thought of Bertholdt being the colossal titan, and Reiner being the armored. Was it all a joke!? But why would someone joke about that? Why would they want to take Eren?
She made her way back to her own room. She was trying her best to handle what she just heard.
"Hey (Y/N), are you okay?" Sasha asked and nodded at her.
She blinked a bit. "Y-Yeah! Totally! I'm fine don't worry about me" she replied and gave her a smile.
Sasha furrowed her brows. "Okay..." she said and went to her bed.
(Y/N) felt relief go through her. She didn't want to tell anyone what she just heard. What if nobody believed her? She didn't want to come off as crazy. Reiner had such a great relationship with everyone here, if something like that leaked, (Y/N) would for sure get shit for it. What about her boyfriend? Bertholdt sounded genuinely serious about what he said, he never lied to her ever, so what he was saying must be true.
As days went on, (Y/N) had tried her best to seem normal around Bertholdt. She didn't want to bring up anything, and it was eating her up inside. Bertholdt noticed that she was acting odd, the conversation would be kind of short, and she wouldn't really talk much.
(Y/N) was at war with herself.
Should she go to her superiors and rat out both of them? Or does she confront Bertholdt and Reiner herself? She wasn't sure how either outcome would go.
"Something wrong (Y/N)? You seem a little off" Bertholdt asked and nodded at her.
She smiled at him. "No not at all Bertholdt, I feel fine" she replied and tried her best to assure him.
He really didn't believe her. "Are you sure? You've been acting different" he said.
(Y/N) laughed a little. "Yes I'm sure" she said and looked at her food. "I'll see you later" she added and stood up.
She began to make her way to her superiors, specifically Commander Erwin. She couldn't confront Bertholdt, she wanted to do what was best, and that was the only option.
(Y/N) got to his office, and she began to tell him everything she heard. The Commander was surprised himself at what she was saying, at first he was a little skeptical since he always assumed Reiner and Bertholdt were innocent. After some talks with Hanji, it was revealed Annie, Reiner, and Bertholdt were from the same town. It was plainly obvious that they could be.
(Y/N) felt nervousness around her. What would Bertholdt say? She's been with him for so long, and for something like this to come up, it would for sure end it.
The Scouts had to come up with a plan to capture the two without any casualties. Chances are Reiner or Bertholdt could easily transform, and a lot of people could get hurt. (Y/N) had to be used as bait, she had to get them to a secure location like they did with Annie, and then the Scouts would rush in to capture them.
Bertholdt knew something was up with her now. She avoided him, and ignored him whenever he tried to speak to her. What the hell was going on? Why was his (Y/N) becoming so cold? Was she planning on breaking up with him?
Everything was so confusing until that one day. (Y/N) told Bertholdt and Reiner she wanted to show them something. Of course, the two followed and both were curious.
"Where are we going exactly (Y/N)?" Reiner asked and furrowed his brows.
She looked back with a fake smile. "Just follow me, it's really cool" she replied and continued walking.
Bertholdt wasn't sure why all of the sudden she was being so nice. "I'm just as curious as you are" he said and looked at Reiner.
They followed her to some part underground. Reiner and Bertholdt were confused on why she was here.
"Why are we here, I don't think we should be here (Y/N)" Reiner said and nodded at her.
She stopped and they noticed her expression changed. "I'm sorry.." she said.
As soon as she said that the scouts appeared and tackled them. Bertholdt and Reiner were caught off guard.
"What the hell!? (Y/N)! What is going on?!" Bertholdt yelled as he struggled against the soldier on top of him.
She felt tears begin to roll down her cheeks. "I know your secret... I can't believe you're a monster" she said and looked at him.
Bertholdt's eyes widened. "What?! What are you talk about?" Reiner asked.
"You're the armored and colossal titan.." she replied and looked at the ground.
She did know. Bertholdt felt like maybe she did find out, but he didn't want to believe it. "(Y/N)!" he said and tried to get of the soldiers grip.
She watched with teary eyes as Bertholdt and Reiner were hauled away.
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bluebirdwrites · 4 years
j stands for joker; batfam
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warnings; language, violence, injury, non-consensual touching (nothing extreme), descriptions of death.
author’s note; so,, this is based off of Arkham knight slightly where jason gets branded by the joker. except!!! in this universe, the normal thing where jason died happened, and it’s batsis that this happens to during an unexpected situation.. if that makes sense? hopefully this isn’t too sucky :’) fem!reader too, btw (: here’s my dc masterlist in case you wanna, you know, check it out! requests the opennnn ;)
summary; with time, you hope that Joker will burn. that he will be marked by death the way that he has branded your skin.
Being held up in the bank with your brother on the way to get lunch is not how you expected the day to go. Not to mention, being Wayne kids had massive targets immediately on your backs in the case of bank robbers.
If only they knew Bruce Wayne was Batman.
“Fuck’s sake,” He drags a hand down his face, palming at his cheeks looking rather like a spoilt child with an angry pout on his face at a time like this. “Of all the times that I don’t carry my guns. This shit happens.”
You glare at him over your shoulder, making sure to thump him up the side of the head watching as the white strands mix with black, “Not the time when we’ll probably be the ones offered up as rich people bait Jason.”
It’s not the people that turn you in surprisingly enough, it turns out to be the white streak of hair that flops over your brother’s forehead that gives him away as the a Wayne boy, and in turn you as a Wayne girl.
The thugs parade around you both in a circle making sure to taunt you both, roughly shoving your brother to the floor even as he glares up with such a ferocity you know he’s itching to lose it. So, stupidly- bravely maybe, you step in, completely ignoring the glare that is now focused on you.
“Well aren’t you boys just precious? Look,” you let out a whistle and press the emergency button on your necklace that would alert the whole family. “How about you take your hands off of my brother and shove them up your ass so I don’t have to do it for you.” It is said lightly, even as Jason continues to give you a look of exasperation that says to shut up, it’s too late now.
The men laugh as the leader- seemingly a member of Jokers crew by the white clown makeup he wears- steps toward you and lifts your chin with a gun. “Listen rich-bitch, I don’t want to mess up that pretty face of yours,” the gun stays put as the man grabs your waist and brings you towards him by the hips. “That and I always like a woman with a mouth. I think I’ll take you with me sweetheart. Make everyone else leave, let’s keep the girl here for when the boss arrives.”
You can see three guys grab Jason and struggle to hold him as the guy turns you so your back is to his chest. “Everyone out,” the guy rubs the gun in circles on your temple and cocks it as you give a fuming Jason a hard look telling him to go. “Or her brains paint the wall a nice shade of red.”
Everyone leaves, and you’re sure your family will be here soon as the guy feels you up. You growl low in your throat and drive your elbow backwards as his hand grazes over your ass.
“Touchy, touchy,” the guy ties you up on a chair in the bank ripping your shirt from your torso. The gun is still pointed to your temple and your impatience grows. “The boss is here rich-bitch, and he’s going to have some fun with you.”
The clown is pasty white and scarred as always. Still wearing a purple suit and an orange plaid dress shirt. Still a psycho with green hair and an unflinching smile; this is your first time meeting him in civilian clothes.
“Well, well, well. Whatever do we have here? You wouldn’t happen to be Miss Wayne would you? My, my, my,” the Clown’s cackles bounce off of the walls as he claps his hands in glee. “Now you’re all mine, mine, mine, to do with as I please. Can’t harm that pretty face can I? I’ll have to get creative.”
He turns to the thug in the room, gun still hesitantly trained on you. The clown smiles, mouth gleaming yellow and bared as he purrs approaching his henchman holding out his hand expectant. “Such a good boy, give me the gun,” the goon is wary as he gives Joker the gun. “Time for the fun, pull my finger.”
The sound of the bullet ripping though the man’s skull is wet, spraying blood and brain matter from the impact of the bullet. The henchmen’s eyes are glazed as his body dully falls to the floor and pools with red. The clown cackles and jumps with glee, clicking his heels and shimmying around the fallen body.
Soon after, Joker brings forth a battery and generator that one would use on a car from a storage closet. He unhurriedly connects a wire to each arm and each leg and steps back chittering to himself as you wonder what in the hell is taking your family so long.
“Now pet, I’m not going to kill you! Of course not!,” his voice lowers an octave as the first circuit of electricity goes through you with the press of a button in his palm causing a loud groan to escape you and buzzing noises to fill your ears. “I’m just going to hurt you. Really, really, bad.”
A mere few minutes later, he stops the surges of electricity, seemingly frazzled as he approaches you with a metal rod and an unfaltering grin and twitching, deranged eyes. You begin to struggle, as it looks akin to that of a branding iron with its red hot end at one end of the metal.
“It seems that we’ve run out of play time dear, I’ll leave you something to remember me by until our next play-date since we’ve had so much fun together.” The clown lifts the iron poker for you to see, red hot with the letter ‘J’ held close to the side of your neck.
You’re straining in your chair as you think you can feel the buzz of your necklace on your collarbones, alerting you that they are coming. They’ll be here soon is all you can think as you try and stall.
“Go to hell you” it is said, and it is said with venom lacing your voice. It makes the clown all the more eager as he pushes the brand into the side of your neck. The pain is searing and it makes your toes curl as a scream rips through your throat as you become branded with him. His name on your body forever.
He soon stands back and claps his hands as he reheats the brand placing the mark multiple more times against your bare torso, becoming increasingly gleeful as you scream and cry. “You’re mine now girlie, got me all over you.”
The sound of glass raining from above like a hurricane is reassuring as the pain throbs and your body is searing and sizzling where his brand has been. The clown stands behind you, lifting your head by your hair. He’s leaning over your shoulder as he shows you off like a sick prize to your family in costume.
“Look at how pretty she looks all marked up,” he yanks your head to the side showing one of his brands and slides his hands up and down your torso where the rest of the brands lie. “Now she’s all mine, mine, mine. I had fun with her today, we’ll have to do it again sometime! Tell her daddy I say ‘Hi’!”
Tears are in your eyes as you look at the members of your family currently in front of you. Varying levels of anger are displayed, as they all twitch and glare looking ready to rip the clown behind you to shreds. Joker leans down to rest his head on your shoulder and wrap his arms around your neck and giggle as the lights go out and he is gone. Just like that becoming a ghost.
There is a beat of silence where your head rolls harshly to the side as you stare blankly with silent tears. There is a beat of silence as they realise that Joker is gone and of the pain that you are in and the state of your body. The beat of silence is the calm before the storm. In that beat of silence you are scared, utterly terrified. Not of the clown but of what he has done to you.
You don’t move and neither do they, too paralysed and too numb and in that moment you just want your family. The tears come faster, they come in fat salty rivets that cover your cheeks and drip off your jaw. The panic and the pain sets in next, overwhelmingly so, and it crushes you.
Your dad is there first, not as Batman but as Bruce Wayne- he must have come through the front entrance judging by the wide open door and police escort- as he reaches you, his daughter. The restraints are gone as you fall forward into him as he allows himself to run his hands through your hair and kiss the crown of your head.
“Dad,” you cling to your father and you are aware as he picks you up and wraps you in his suit jacket being careful of the brands that cover your torso. “Can we go home?”
Your brothers are in costume you realise, as they vanish in quick succession, one after the other. When you get outside, there is press and police and sirens. There are flashing cameras and yelling. The police force a barricade around yourself and your father make press leave.
The next thing you remember you’re in an ambulance and there are four people rushing towards you and your dad. Damian reaches you first, where an out of character hug happens as he leaps on you minding the bandages on your torso. He has his head resting on your shoulder and all you can think is, ‘I’m glad it was me and not anyone else.’
“I’ll kill him,” it’s said as a snarl and you know he means it. There’s no playing around with what he’s saying, with the sincerity of it. “He hurt you. Branded you, and I know you are not okay before you even say it. I was worried and I am glad that you’re okay.”
With glassy green eyes, he gently lets go of you standing slightly to the side and then Dick’s there, half picking you up and still being careful with you. But you can feel the anger bubbling in the trembling of his arms and the ticking of his jaw, the familiarity of the dangerous temper hiding under the surface. You can see the fear too, within the tears ready to drip down his cheeks and the shaky breaths he takes.
“Had us worried there pretty bird,” and he’s letting you sit back down fully and kissing your temple. “Don’t taunt the guys holding you hostage again please. Don’t take after Jason. Cass, Babs and Kate are going after Joker at the moment.”
He now stands to the side with his jaw locked talking to Damian. And Tim’s looking at you with tired, worried eyes as he takes large steps forward to hug you. He’s hugging you as tight as he can; so tight you can feel the racing and stuttering of his heart in his chest. He seems beyond relieved that you’re okay.
He’s pulling back to look you in the eye. “When I saw you before, I-,” he’s now gripping your shoulders forcing your eyes to meet the smouldering steely blue of his own, that show the distress within them. “I thought he was going to kill you y’know? I thought that- well, I’ll tell you later. Just know that I’m glad you’re safe pretty bird.”
As Tim joins your other brothers, it is only Jason with you now. You can see it in his eyes- he’s tearing himself to bits. He looks like he’s been crying, his face is puffy and his cheeks and nose are flushed pink. He strides towards you until he’s standing so close he’s towering over you wringing his hands looking like a kicked puppy.
“Why did you talk back to that thug in there? I had it under control! You were hurt by him, it should’ve been me! Why the fuck? I will kill that son of-“ he’s ranting and running his hands through his hair, mussing it up beyond belief. His eyes are blue green and darkening with his anger, and his lip is beginning to wobble the way it always does before he either explodes or is about to cry.
And you’re the one pulling him to you this time, tired arms around broad shoulders. You’re the one making him cling to you as he hugs you as tight and as tenderly as he can while his eyes water and he’s shaking like a leaf. Only when he’s ready, he’s pulling back and silently asking to look at the brand on your neck.
When he sees it, he looks green and he gags. Not because the wound is that bad, but because of what it stands for. Because of who had branded you, of the promise Joker made, of the fact you both knew Joker would be back for you.
The ‘J’ covers the entire column of the left side of your throat, it looks red and angry and painful. Jason is tentative as he runs a finger over it and you look each other in the eye. It burns. And with time, you both hope that Joker will burn too.
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violetlunette · 4 years
BNHA Jumanji AU
So, for Halloween I wanted to write a Jumanji AU for BNHA, but was too busy with my other stuff and I don’t think I’ll be able to get to it, so here’s a summary for it below. Please share your thoughts and idea on it!
Content Warning!: Mentions of death and falsely being committed
The story starts with Hizashi, Shouta, and Oboro (is his family name Oboro or Shriakumo btw?) on their way home from school. Hizashi is nervous because come Monday he’s going to testify against a dangerous criminal. The other two are worried for their friend as well and decide that Hizashi should spend the night with one of them.
On the way Oboro hears drums at a construction site. There they dig out a trunk filled with ash—and a board game called “Jumanji.” Hizashi gets a super bad feeling while Shouta just finds it odd. Oboro on the other hands finds it exciting as hell. They take it with them and go to Shouta’s place.
The house is empty as Shouta’s parents are always working, or out of town. Oboro wants to play the game as he thinks it’s interesting. He also believes that it’ll take Hizashi’s mind off of things. Oboro chooses the monkey, Shouta the panther, and Hizashi chooses a bird. Oboro rolls first and a mysterious set of words appear on the green glass. Hizashi gets an EXTREMELY bad feeling, but rolls anyway. Next is Shouta who gets the unfortunate, “You will reside in Jumanji till someone rolls a 5 or 8” fate. To the horror of everyone Shouta is sucked into the game. Before the other two can do anything though a lion appears. Unfortunately Oboro accidentally summoned a hunter who shoots him dead right in front of the blond. Hizashi tries to ask what’s happening, but the hunter starts to vanish, having fullfilled his role. Before he disappears he tells Hizashi that he has other things to worry about as mosquitoes the size of birds attack. Hizashi is chased into the streets by them before he is stung.
Years pass and Izuku moves into Shouta’s old house with his mom. He accidentally gets on the bad side of a bully and gets beaten up a little, but makes a new friend named Ochaco. In a moment of bravery he invites the girl to his house where they hear the drums. They go to the attic where they find Jumanji and decide to play as there’s nothing else to do. Izuku chooses a crocodile while Ochaco chooses a rhino. They try to remove the panther and the bird, but can’t. Their pieces become stuck too.
They start to play and quickly realize the game is cursed as Izuku’s turn summons monkeys while Ochaco summons bats. Ochaco wants to stop, but the instructions say that the things won’t go away until the game is finished. Izuku rolls an 8 and summons a giant lion. Before it can eat the kids though a savage looking man scares it away. He asks who rolled a 5 or an 8 and then thanks Izuku, full of relief.
They talk about things and the man reveals that he’s Shouta Aizawa, the boy who was supposedly killed with with his friend Oboro. Shouta is shocked and heart broken to hear that Oboro is dead.
He asks about Hizashi and after some research discovers the sad truth; it turns out that after Hizashi was admitted to a hospital for a mysterious sting from a new breed of bugs. After which he tried to explain what happened, but no one believed him. They thought he was in shock from seeing two of his best friends murdered, one who’s body was missing. The crime boss Hizashi was going to testify against uses this as an opportunity to convince everyone that Hizashi was dangerously insane. He then uses his influence to have Hizashi locked away.
Shouta is appalled by this and immediately goes to rescue Hizashi. Ochaco and Izuku tag along. Along the way they see the damage the monkeys, the lion and bats are causing all over town. As an added bonus, thanks to the game becoming active the bugs Hizashi released in the past are starting to emerge.
They meet Nemuri who is shocked to say the least to see Shouta. Despite dealing with other emotions he is happy to see her. He then asks where Hizashi is and she tells him that he’s at the Asylum in the center of town, but no one’s allowed to visit. After Hizashi’s grandfather died the crime lord took custody of Hizashi and keeps him isolated. She’s been trying to get lawyers to help, but there’s been no luck yet.
While they talk Ochaco and Izuku try to continue the game, but nothing happens. Shouta comes over and after talking he realizes that it’s not her turn. It’s Hizashi’s and that the kids just continuing the game he and his friends started 15 years ago. Therefore if they want things to go back to normal they need Hizashi and both of them have to finish the game.
They find the asylum and after breaking in mission impossible style they find Hizashi locked up in a private room.
Hizashi is shocked to see Shouta and terrified that he really his losing his mind after all these years. Shouta convinces him that he’s real and everything that happened was also real. They have a tearful reunion with Hizashi apologizing for not being able to save him all these years. Shouta, who was hurt and angry all these years, immediately realizes it wasn’t his fault and tells him so. He still has complicated feeling though.
With the distraction of the monkeys driving a cop car into the building and wrecking havoc, the four escape.
They steal a car where they are attacked by the mosquitoes, making Hizashi hyper ventilate.  They manage to get away however and survive despite Shouta’s lack luster driving skills.
They go to Nemuri’s house who hides them from the police and gives Hizashi some clothes. Everything seems to be going okay until Izuku brings out the game. Hizashi of course panics at the sight of the thing and freaks out. Shouta has to calm him and tries to convince him they have to. Hizashi however wants nothing to do with the cursed game and throws down the dice in his hands without thinking. His old piece moves and he summons the giant spiders which vary from the size of cats to cars (yes, poor Hizashi is cursed).
They battle against the things and after getting to safety they decide they have to play. Hizashi reluctantly agrees. Shouta rolls and summons the hunter. Thanks to his years in the jungle he manages to escape the hunter easily enough. Ochaco takes her turn and summons a stampede. They almost lose the game thanks to a bird, but get it back.
Along the way they meet Yagi, an old cop who is forced to arrest Shouta for “kidnapping” Hizashi (who’s hiding at the time). Izuku tries to cheat and get turned into a monkey boy for his trouble.
The remaining three try to figure out how to save Shouta when the hunter steals the game as bait for Shouta.
Meanwhile, Shouta appeals to Yagi’s good nature as he was the cop who was supposed to protect Hizashi 15 years ago. Shouta then uses a distraction from the giant lion to escape. Hizashi and the others manage to get the game from the hunter with Ochaco pushing the paint aisle on him while Hizashi grabs the game.
They meet up with Shouta and go to an abandon part of town to finish the game. Hizashi rolls the dice and summons a lagoon filled with crocodiles.
Other things happen as they each take their turns and more and more dangers appear until it’s the final show down between Shouta and the hunter. This time though Hizashi saves Shouta by taking the bullet and Shouta ends the game by reaching the end and crying out, “Jumanji!”
Time rewinds itself to the past. Shouta and Hizashi are 15 again and Oboro’s alive. They both embrace the confused cloud boy and take the game away.
As soon as they can Hizashi and Shouta dump Jumanji into the ocean before confessing that they love each other.
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queen-scribbles · 4 years
I Would Never
Bry and Jonas took the “off-track” prompt @greyias sent me and ran away with it to the tune of 3.5k words. :D I apologize for nothing, I’ve missed these two. Set in my canon with Vica as Alliance Commander where Bry joined up somewhere during the KotXXs. (Vica, btw, is pronounced Vee-kah)
Vica looked frazzled.
It was an unusual enough sight it took a minute to register when Briyoni passed by a conference room and noted her sister inside. She didn’t know Jedi were allowed to look anything other then calm, serene, put-together, and on top of things at all times. (Which, she thought with a smirk, would’ve ruled Shan right out if the lack of a Force connection hadn’t done it.) It was enough of an oddity to make her backtrack a couple paces and lean against the doorway.
“Need help, Vic?” she asked with a grin as she crossed her arms.
Vica’s head came up, loose bits of hair dancing in front of her eyes, and she blinked as she shifted focus from her trio of datapads to Bry’s face. “No, it’s...” She wrinkled her nose and smoothed back the loose hair. “Thank you for offering, I do appreciate it, but’s nothing a little... creativity with assignments can’t fix.”
“You sure?” Bry arched a brow. “‘Cause not even worrying your boyfriend had turned traitor visibly broke that whole Jedi Serenity” --she waved a hand in a vague gesture-- “but this sure has.”
Vica rolled her eyes a little at Bry’s opening word choice but didn’t take the bait.  “I’m sure. It’s-”
One of the datapads let out an angry squawk and she blanched when she looked at the screen.
“Oh, come on, really?” she groaned, sinking back into her chair.
Bry pushed off the wall and strode over. “What?”
“Two of the perimeter sensors went down,” Vica said with a sigh, nudging the datapad so Bry could see. “It’s probably just surge or something related to the security upgrade Theron and Lana talked me into doing, but on the off-chance it’s not...” She pinched the bridge of her nose. “And all the maintenance staff are working on the upgrades, and if it is dangerous-”
“I’ll take care of it,” Bry cut her off. “Haven’t had anything to do for awhile, and even if it’s nothing exciting, it’s a couple hours’ speeder ride. That part’ll be fun.”
Vica didn’t even protest, relief flickering in her eyes.”Take someone with you. Just in case.”
“Sure.” Bry grinned. “Maybe I’ll take your spy boy; make sure he knows what’ll happen if he even thinks about doing something that would hurt you again.”
“Briyoni, if there was any risk of that, I wouldn’t have married him,” Vica said tartly. “Anyway, you can’t take him; we have a meeting--”
“Sure ya do,” Bry teased, waggling her brows.
Vica shot her a withering look. “With Admiral Aygo and General Daeruun.” She toyed with another of the datapad and smiled mischievously. “Besides, wouldn’t you rather take your spy boy than mine?”
“Always, but he’s not he-” Bry narrowed her eyes. “What do you know that I don’t, Commander?”
Vica handed her the datapad. “The Republic delegation that arrived less than an hour ago.”
Bry’s heart leapt and she couldn’t keep from grinning when she found his name halfway down the list. “And he didn’t come find me? I’m hurt.”
“This is business, Briyoni,” Vica sighed.
“Stars, I know that,” Bry said with a laugh as she set down the datapad. “I’m teasin’, Vic. But I have always been a fan of mixing a little pleasure in there, so I’m gonna go find my husband, borrow a speeder bike, and we’ll take care of those sensors and be back in a few hours.”
“Be careful,” Vica called after her. “And try to bring the bike back relatively undamaged?”
“Do my best,” Bry returned in a sing-song and headed for the cantina.
Despite being, historically, the most likely place to find Jonas, there was neither hide nor hair of him in the cantina. More than a little surprised, Bry widened her search until she finally found him in the military hanger, perched at one end of a stack of smaller shipping crates and frowning at the datapad in his hands.
Bry sauntered up behind him and leaned against one of the crates so she could look over his shoulder. “Fancy meeting you here.”
Jonas only slightly flinched as his gaze shot up from the datapad. He was grinning even before they made eye contact. “Hey, gorgeous.”
“Hey, yourself, handsome.” She smirked. “I’m trying to decide how offended I am that I rank below datawork.”
“You’ve got that backwards, Bry,” Jonas countered, still grinning. “I’m getting the boring stuff out of the way first, so it’s not an interruption later. ‘Sides, you know how bureaucrats are about their datawork.”
“Nice save,” Bry chuckled, leaning over to give him an upside-down kiss. “If you want something other than datawork to do...” she waited til he arched a brow to continue. “...how does checking a couple perimeter sensors sound?”
Jonas wrinkled his nose. “’Bout as boring as th-”
“With me,” she elaborated, and couldn’t help snickering when his eyes lit up as he pushed to his feet.
“Well, that changes things,” he said, winking and leaning in for another kiss.
“Thought it might,” Bry said with a laugh as her fingers dug into his hair at the back of his neck. “You able to leave now, or need a few more minutes?”
“Oh, I’m all set,” he said, remaining a mere inch or two from her after pulling back from the kiss. “I was just about done.” He reached done without looking and tapped a key. “There. I’m all yours, gorgeous.”
“Mm, just what I like to hear,” Bry said playfully. She kissed the tip of his nose before stepping back. “I’m flying.”
A smirk pulled at Jonas’ lips. “In that case, I’ll need to update my will before we leave...”
She crossed her arms and stuck out one hip as she arched a brow. “You callin’ me a bad pilot, Jo?”
“I would never,” he said, tone dripping with mock offense, and placed a hand to his chest. “It’s just that you have a vastly different opinion than the rest of the galaxy what qualifies as safe parameters for piloting a speeder bike.” 
“Blame it on my swoop racing youth,” Bry snarked, grinning at him. “B’sides, I thought you liked that I’m fast.”
Jonas rolled his eyes but chuckled. “That only applies to some things, gorgeous. Others it just makes me worry.”
“You don’t need to,” Bry said with a shrug, still grinning. “I’m real good.” And real lucky, she added to herself.
His eyes went serious for a minute even if his tone was still teasing. “Y’know, one day that bravado’s gonna catch up to you, Bry.”
“Maybe,” she shrugged. “‘Til that day comes, though, I’m flying.” She winked at him.  “Look at it as me giving you an excuse to hold on even tighter.”
Jonas snorted and draped an arm around her shoulders as they headed out of the hanger. “When have I ever needed an excuse for that?”
All snark and bravado aside, Jonas’ arms stayed wrapped tight around Bry’s middle the whole way to the first sensor. He squeezed even tighter every time she didn’t slow down enough for a turn, or goosed the throttle for sections with a clear line of sight. Were it not for the wind tearing past, Bry was pretty sure she’d have felt his heartbeat pounding against her back. She took pity on him somewhere past the halfway mark and dropped their speed to something closer to generally acceptable levels.
They still reached the first sensor in far less time than your average pilot. Her own heart pounding from the glorious adrenaline rush, Bry hopped off the speeder soon as Jonas loosened his grip on her waist.
She tried--unsuccessfully--to bury her smirk when it took a few seconds for him to follow.
“You better not be laughing at me,” Jonas grumbled, but she could hear the (reluctant) smile in his voice.
“I would never.” She didn’t even bother trying to sound hurt; he wouldn’t buy it.
“Sure you wouldn’t,” he snorted. “Just like Jo wasn’t going to turn into a casual nickname, and we were going to save that bottle of Corellian whiskey for something special-”
“Hey, that was special,” Bry cut him off, wheeling around with a grin.
“Not that bottle,” Jonas smirked. “That was absolutely pretty damn special. The replacement.”
“Oh.” She wrinkled her nose as she backed into the sensor. “You mean the one I broke?”
“Against the wall,” he elaborated for her. “Yes, that one.”
“Hey, I was righteously pissed on your behalf, handsome,” Bry shrugged, but couldn’t keep a sheepish edge out of her smile. “I can replace it; Vica’s gotta have somethin’ comparable floatin’ around that big fancy base of hers...”
“I’ll hold you to that, but one thing at a time, gorgeous,” Jonas said with a chuckle. “Don’t we have a job to do first?”
“Right.” Bry turned from the banter to start prying off the maintenance panel for the sensor array. 
Just as Vica had guessed, a surge had overloaded the dampeners and fried a pair of power conduits. It was a relatively easy fix, and Bry plunked down on a rock to get to it.
“Anything serious?” Jonas asked, leaning against the waist high casing to watch her work.
“Nah.” Bry raked her hair out of her eyes and glanced up at him. “Just gotta replace a couple wires. It’s a simple enough repair I can handle it; nothing serious.”
And it was. Fifteen minutes later she was flicking the sensor’s power on and sliding the maintenance panel back into place. She accepted the hand up Jonas offered, deliberately didn’t compensate momentum for the help so she stumbled into his chest.
“Oops,” she said with a wink as his arms settled around her back.
He laughed and stole a kiss. “Subtlety's never been your strong suit, Bry.”
“Never seen a point,” Bry countered impishly.She patted her hand against his chest and reluctantly stepped back. “C’mon, we have another sensor to check.”
After a last check that the sensor was functioning properly, the two of them mounted the speeder bike again. Bry barely waited for Jonas’ arms to settle around her waist before she gunned it and sent them rocketing forward along the planned path to sensor number two.
Jonas’ grip stiffened and she laughed as she backed off the speed ever so slightly.
“Sorry, Jo,” she hollered, hoping he could ear her over the wind.
He squeezed briefly tighter before his grip slacked to be more bearable, which she hoped meant apology accepted.
At least the slower pace meant she could risk occasional glances at the nav holo hanging between the speeder’s control grips. Another smile tugged Bry’s lips, though not of the ‘messing with my husband’ variety this time. When.the canyon they were following split, she went left.
“Get your left and right mixed up?” Jonas asked over the thrum of the speeder’s engine and wind in their ears.
“No, this way’s-”
“A shortcut?” he interrupted drolly.
“More fun,” she corrected with a grin.
Ahead of them, the canyon widened and the open space was dotted with rock pillars that rose to dizzying heights. She knew the exact moment the terrain and her comment clicked together in Jonas’ head because he pressed himself even closer against her back before she started throttling back up.
While the speeder wasn’t as versatile as some she’d flown, it handled well enough as Bry set it zigzagging between the pillars. Just as they approached the end of the route, she spotted a side cut. Quick glance at the nav holo showed that while it lead to a snarled maze of narrow canyons, it could be followed to their destination. She turned down it without hesitation--Jonas didn’t even protest this time--and cut her speed enough to make repeated glances at the holomap less dangerous.  It still took quick reflexes to pick out the route they needed and make the turns in time. 
A quarter of the way in was when she stopped trying to keep track of them, just let her instincts carry them forward.
Halfway in was when everything but the speeder’s engine quit working. Comms, the map, everything.
Running off adrenaline, Bry followed her gut through the next couple turns until they reached a clearing that seemed a safe enough place to stop. They sat on the speeder, both silent for the moment, the only sound the idling engine echoing off the canyon walls.
“Don’t suppose you know the way out of here?” Jonas finally said glibly, resting his chin on her shoulder.
Bry braced her wrists against the control grips and leaned forward slightly. “Not off the top of my head, no.”
“And I suppose it’s too much to hope you remember the way back?”
“I thought memorizing that was your job,” she teased. “I was too focused on not running into things or going down a dead end.”
“Fair. Maybe we should have clarified responsibilities before you went veering down the fun route....” he teased right back, hands sliding off her waist.
Bry chuckled, turning to face him and leaning against the control grips. “I’ll keep that in mind for next time.”
“Oh, you think there’ll be a next time, huh?” Jonas’ eyes were laughing as he tried to look annoyed. (He may have also been that, too, but it was hardly his primary mood, she could tell.)
“Sure there will,” she said coyly. “You never have been good at telling me no.” Her weight shifted just enough with the attempt to look smug and seductive she started to slide into the gap between the grips.
Jonas let out an actual laugh as he grabbed her arm. “You got me there,” he admitted. “You alright?”
“Only damage is to my dignity,” Bry said with a huff of sheepish laughter as she righted herself.
“And that was a lost cause anyway,” he needled with a grin.
She pushed him off the speeder.
And remembered too late that he was holding her arm. Fortunately it wasn’t far to the ground, and she landed on top of him, so that softened her landing, at least.
“Ow,” Jonas groaned, then smirked at her. “Least the view’s good.”
Bry half-heartedly slapped his arm as she rolled off to sit next to him, a seat she only kept for a few seconds before pushing to her feet so she could power down the speeder. No sense wasting fuel. She offered Jonas a hand up, which he took. She was more than a little surprised when he caught his balance once upright instead of letting himself run into her. She’d kind of been expecting payback. “Not going to try and knock me off my feet, Agent Balkar?”
“Colonel Nerai, I would never.” His eyes twinkled over the solemn tone and he kissed the tip of her nose. “Besides, one of us has to be the bigger person.”
Bry arched a brow. “Mmhm. Well, Mr. Bigger-Person, any guesses what happened?”
Jonas thought for a minute, running his thumb contemplatively along his lower lip. “Are we far enough from the base for it to cause problems?”
She shook her head. “Don’t think so, they have a hell of a long range.Besides, the holo’s a separate function; distance wouldn’t kill that.”
“Right...Something wrong with the speeder?”
Another shake of her head as she leaned against the side of the bike. “Would have knocked out the engine, too, wouldn’t it?”
“Not necessarily...” Jonas pointed out, leaning against the speeder next to her. “Not if it’s electronics, that wouldn’t affect the mechanical aspects.”
“Wouldn’t affect the comms, either,” Bry sighed, dragging the toe of her boot through the dirt.
He tipped his head in silent concession before lifting his gaze to scan the surrounding cliffs. “What about the canyon?”
“Can’t rule it out,” Bry said thoughtfully. “Not deep enough to be blocking signals, but depending on the rock composition, that could mess with things...”
“Well, in that case, wouldn’t we just need to backtrack out of radius for things to work again?”
She huffed a sigh through her nose and watched a makrin amble along nearby.  “Yeah, except I made... at least three turns after things went down, and those I was definitely too focused on not running into things to remember which way I went.”
“So...” Jonas turned to look at her and arched a brow. “We’re lost.”
“Yep,” Bry confirmed, then flashed a cheesy grin. “At least we couldn’t ask for better company, right?”
He laughed. “And it’s a really good way to get some time alone together.”
“Durasteel clad,” she said cheerfully.
“So perfect no one will believe it wasn’t on purpose,” he pointed out.
“Eh, speeder logs’ll back us up,” Bry countered, sidling closer. “And we are going to work on finding our way out...” She pivoted from where their sides now pressed together so they were chest to chest, Jonas caught between her and the bike. “Eventually.”
“But why waste an opportunity that’s been dropped in our laps?” he supplied with a chuckle as his hands settled on her hips.
“Exactly,” she grinned. “Knew you were smart, s’why I married you.”
“And here I thought it was because I’m roguishly handsome and ridiculously charming,” he deadpanned as her fingers curled around the lapels of his jacket and he leaned closer.
“Those were also factors,” Bry murmured in concession, and tugged him the final inch or so into a kiss.
By the time they got around to finding their way out, neither would have considered this a wasted opportunity.
It took an hour or two of trial and error with all the turn-offs, and more than one dead end, but the comms and nav holo did eventually prove Bry’s theory correct and fizzle back to life.
Just in time for an intensely worried “...riyoni?!” to crackle into her ear.
Bry arched both brows at Jonas as she answered. “Yeah, Vic?”
“Oh, thank the Force,” Vica’s voice swirled through the comm in a rush. “I’ve been trying to check in for... half an hour. What happened?”
“We, uh, ran into some technical difficulties exploring an alternate route,” Bry said. “There’s a section of canyon down here, fuzzed out comms and the map.” Silence answered for a long enough stretch to make her frown. “Vica?”
“I think I know where you’re talking about,” her sister said flatly. “Are you out of there?”
“Yeah...”Her frown pulled deeper.
“Good. Don’t go back.” There was a faint tension in Vica’s tone, of the ‘pfassk I don’t want to talk about’ variety, so Bry didn’t press.
“Yes, ma’am, Commander, ma’am,” she said instead, glibly as possible.
The desired snort of almost-laughter came back. “Finish your job, Briyoni.”
“That’s the plan. Get back on track, fix  the sensor, be on our way home. See you in an hour or so, Vic.”
“See you then,” Vica confirmed, and the comm went silent.
“Well, now we’ve got my sister worrying about us, so no more distractions or detours,” Bry said to Jonas, running her fingers through her hair to check for forest detritus.
“You must be heartbroken,” he deadpanned.
“Absolutely crushed I have to behave myself,” she confirmed, kicking the bike up to a more fun speed. At least until we’re back at base...
They reached the second sensor without incident, found the same issue as the first--though this one bore claw marks from curious or hungry wildlife--and had it fixed up easily.
“All done and headin’ home,” Bry reported over comms. 
“Good to know, see you soon,” Vica replied. “Thank you for taking care of this.”
“Not a problem.” She signed off and looked at Jonas. “Think we’ll manage to steal some time once we’re back?”
“We can but try,” he returned with a chuckle, kissing her forehead.
With that incentive hanging in the air, Bry put on extra speed for the ride back. Jonas maintained a death grip on her waist the whole way, and she wasn’t sure if the smile tugging her lips was from that or the adrenaline rush of flying. 
“i think you gave me bruises, Jo,” she needled playfully when they stopped and he finally let go of her.
“I’ll just have to kiss them better,” he retorted, kissing the back of her head.
“No bruises there, handsome,” Bry giggled as she dismounted the speeder.
He slipped off right behind her and leaned close to whisper in her ear. “Really? That’s surprising.”
She refused to give him the satisfaction of making her blush, but she did bite her lip. “Shouldn’t be; you know I’m tougher than that,” she whispered back with a wink.
Jonas chuckled and hung a couple paces behind her as she checked the speeder bike back in. When that was done, she turned to find him looking at her with a smirk pulling one corner of his mouth upward.
“What?” she laughed.
Jonas shook his head slightly and stepped closer. “Whatever my opinion of you preferred flying style, I do have to admit this is a good look for you.”
Bry snorted and raked her fingers through her tousled hair. “Windblown?”
“Happy,” he corrected with a laugh, and pulled her in for a kiss she savored probably longer than she should’ve.
“I need to tell Vic we’re back,” she murmured, reluctantly stepping away. “Meet you in the cantina when I”m done?”
Jonas nodded and lightly tapped her nose  “Don’t dilly-dally, gorgeous.”
“With you waiting for me, Jo?” Bry grinned. “I would never.”
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lucidpantone · 4 years
Ugh I don’t blame you for avoiding it for a bit. This feels like a never ending cycle of emotions with wtfock now. We get our hopes up that they’re going to improve and deliver like they used to and then they disappoint us all in one way or another again, and so we spend the next few days/weeks feeling drained and resentful, then time passes and we get some tidbit and we get hyped over the prospect of some good content again and then it never amounts to anything and we’re frustrated all over again yadda yadda yadda and so the cycle continues.
They’ve just really dropped the ball now and frankly I don’t think they’re gonna pick it up anytime soon. I need to accept this distaste I’ll have for them as the new normal I think. Just makes me sad is all 😔 it’s a sinking ship.
similar anon: If you decide not the run the rumour mill next season with your connects (thank you so much for the time you put into this btw!) will you spill all the stuff you kept hidden from last season?
I want to be clear my issue isnt that we didn’t get the video because in away I agree that we the fandom built that up and traditionally the video is part of a birthday celebration and we know Sander’s birthday happens during s5. However my issue is more so just wtfock continuously false flagging the fandom for hype and then giving us the bait and switch method. Its been pretty continuous since s4 started and i am truly just getting tired of it. Its hard with wtfock because their cast truly seem like really thoughtful young people excited to be on a show that can effect change but sputnik as corporation and media company is just yucky. I also think the social media tactic seems out of sorts because its been pass down from Will C to this new team and then its being influenced by how the fandom reacts and idk it doesn't seem like the team gels with the fandom the way Will C did. For me personally after the anniversary I am going to start watching wtfock as I watch skamfr. Like i will always watch it but I am not going to invest that much into it because there is no point. Jury is still out about the spoilers I am just tired of wtfock and how they approach the fandom...so idk we will see. Luckily s5 is awhile away so maybe i will be less annoyed by march next year. Also the rest of the tea for s4 I cant really spill since its more personal and i dont want to stir that pot.
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apathycares · 6 years
general relationship headcanons for Bakugou, shoto and dabi? btw, any rules for this blog like NSFW and hard limits?? good luck with this blog!!!💗💗
General Relationship Headcanons
First of all, thank you so much 😀
To answer your question though, I did plan to put up some rules or something along those lines but I thought about it and I’ve decided against it. I kinda wanna try writing stuff I’d generally avoid. Once upon a time, I only wrote for humour, and now look at me! Getting all romantic and shit. So, if you’d like me to do some NSFW or some sketchy shit, let’s tussle.
Thanks again. I hope you like this.
※ Warnings: none!
※ Pairings: Bakugou x Reader, Todoroki x Reader, Dabi x Reader
Bakugou Katsuki
Bakugou is in a relationship?!
And honestly, who would believe him, knowing how he was.
You knew about his crush on you before he knew about his crush on you. The guy wasn’t really subtle when he liked someone a little more than the rest.
At first you thought he was a little more gentle towards his friends in general, up until he “casually” asked what type of guy you’d be into.
You gasped, to his chargrin, then with a sly smirk asked him out on a date.
Bakugou holds that against you. Any disagreements, any fights you ever have always ends with a “Well I guess you shouldn’t have asked me out on a fucking date first!!” or “Guess you’re regretting asking me out first huh?!”
He’s a little insecure.
For your anniversaries, valentine’s day and the like, unless you spell out what you’d like a few days prior, he wouldn’t really do anything special.
To him, stuff like that is unnecessary and dumb.
If you really want him to be a certain way, you’d have to bait him.
“You know, I was talking to Yuki the other day and apparently her boyfriend bought her some diamond earrings.”
“And apparently, it was for no special occasion. No reason. It was just a token of his lov-”
Proceeds to buy you a whole set.
He’s a little private with this relationship.
Therefore, your regular dates consists of taking walks in secluded areas (ex: beach in the night), chatting and snacking in each other’s rooms, and the occasional lunches in slightly pricey restaurants.
Bakugou becomes handsy when your attention is away from him. Especially if you’re ignoring him. He will either disrupt what you’re doing with an angry pout at the least or wreck it at most.
In terms of affection, he likes playing hard to get. He’ll demand invite you over after a while of not seeing each other and you’d think that any normal boyfriend would jump you immediately.
Oh no. Bakugou grunts at your arrival and continues to do whatever he was doing prior. He gets off on seeing you irritatedly climb onto his lap or grab his shoulder and jerk him around to face you.
He’ll keep the uninterested act going for a bit, looking away and avoiding your touch. Depending on your mood you’ll either -
Kiss him because you’ve missed him, and he’d loosen up almost immediately, so that when you pull away you both smile at each other lovingly before going in for another one.
Ditch him because he’s being annoying, and he’d barricade the door first before ravaging you.
Since his parents are in the fashion industry, Bakugou always critiques you on what you’re wearing. He even steals a few pieces he likes from their collections and gifts them to you, claiming you’d make it work better than those hungry models.
His mom doesn’t like you immediately, his dad does.
Not that Bakugou cares.
During a particular dinner date with his family (it was his dad’s birthday and of course he announced to his parents that you’d be joining them) his mother made a snide comment about his choice in partner.
“Actually Bakugou-san, I’m the one who initially asked him out.”
The table went quiet for a moment, before the older woman bursts out in an obnoxious laughter eerily similar to her son’s, who was glowering angrily at you in silence. You politely smile despite your confusion, and glance at the only other sane person on the table, Papa Bakugou, who nervously chuckles, knowing exactly what his wife was on about.
“Oh, I was so wrong about you!”
“…excuse me?”
“I never knew Katsuki would take up from his father in his love life!” Mama Bakugou leans in with a warm grin, her eyes full of mischief. “Safe to say the Bakugou men like a woman who knows what she wants.”
You’ve never heard Bakugou cuss someone out as much as he did that night.
But, you got along better with his mom and that’s all that mattered right?
“We are never going back there.”
Guess not.
“Sure, I got what I needed anyways.”
You lean in until you’re inches from his face, enough to think that you’re about to kiss him as his eyes fall to your stretching lips, only for you to whisper, “Apparently you like a girl who takes charge huh?”
He grunts, pressing his forehead to yours, just about to kiss you, when you confess -
“And baby pictures for future blackmail reference.”
Todoroki Shouto
Todoroki is in a relationship?!
All the females (and the occasional few men) were devastated when this came to light.
Thanks to Endeavour’s A+ parenting skills, this boy was pitifully clueless in everything not heroics.
So, when he first feels…differently about you, he thinks something’s wrong with him.
Of course he asks his mom the next time he visits her, whom, with a gentle smile, tells him he has feelings towards you.
You’re a little confused as to why he pulls you aside and asks to talk somewhere private, and even more confused when he has the gall to tell you about his newfound feelings and not ask you on a date but rather he has to think about them before he acts upon them (or not).
You don’t know whether you’re flattered (because it’s Todoroki) or offended (because he asked you to remain single until he figured it out).
Deciding to humour him a bit, you agree and go about your week.
It takes him about two weeks before he decides he wants to experience a relationship with you and approaches you at lunch. As soon as he voices these thoughts, you nod your head, fighting back a smile as you tell him you need to think about it before answering.
“Yup. I’m going to disappear for a while and see if I like you.”
He tilts his head, eyebrows raised as he says, “If you didn’t like me back, you wouldn’t have agreed or waited for me back then.”
Your smile drops like hot potatoes.
“In fact, I don’t think any normal person would do that. Maybe you like me more.”
“N-no! I…uh…”
“That’s why I like you too.”
Todoroki is a precious good boyfriend.
If he meets someone, anyone, he’ll immediately introduce you as his significant other.
That may not seem out of character for any regular boyfriend, but imagine stopping conversations just to make that announcement.
“Midoriya, Iida, this is my girlfriend.”
“Oh it’s a pleasure to finally meet yo-”
“Yaoyorozu, this is my girlfriend.”
“Oh, ah -”
“Kaminari, this is my girlfriend.”
“Kirishima -”
“Shouto! Stop running up to people only to cut them off, that’s rude!”
Todoroki turns away from Kirishima, looking between you and his shocked classmates, before nodding. You smile, about to start a conversation with Midoriya and Iida (i.e. where he left you) when you notice Todoroki tapping furiously on his phone. You exchange looks with his friends before approaching him and asking what he was doing.
“I’m texting a picture of you to everyone I associate with.”
“Oh boy.”
Todoroki is totally the type to research on how to be a good boyfriend.
You’re always recieving flowers and the like so often that the particular store he buys them off of know you two by name.
He is very diligent with anniversaries and special occasions. He’ll go more than all out for you.
Eventually will stop referring to online when he gets to know you, but leaves a long review on a site that he preferred to follow about his findings and experience in order to help the next lovesick fool.
Todoroki is touch starved.
You grab his hand one day and at first he doesn’t seem fazed or affected by the change.
But the next time you see each other, he immediately holds your hand like he missed it. It breaks your heart every time (in a good way).
He likes it when you play with his hair.
Your usual dates can be anything from movie marathons, going to fairs and amusement parks, and chilling under a kotatsu telling stories to each other.
It’s probably after a few months of dating that he kisses you.
After that door is open, congratulations, you’ve just won a koala bear.
As in, his clinginess is OVER 9000!
You meet his family soon after his affection skyrockets, starting with his mother, whom is a little weary but gradually warms up to you after she sees how happy Shouto is.
His siblings like you instantly and attempt to get you to spill stuff about their baby brother, before he promptly pushes you out of the house.
And of course, he runs into his father as he’s leaving.
“So you are the distraction!” Endeavour booms as soon as he sees his son’s hands on your shoulders.
Before your boyfriend blows up on his dad in your honour, you touch his hand, bringing his attention to you, before you bow graciously to Endeavour and drag Todo with you. You both aren’t out of earshot when Endeavour calls out to you two with a sly, “If you are able to tame my Shouto so easily, young lady, I will allow this little courtship.”
“Hmm, that was easier than I thought.” You admit non-commitedly as soon as you two were alone. His opinion didn’t really matter enough to Todo for you to care anyways.
“Let’s see what that bastard has to say when I propose to you.”
Shigaraki asked Dabi to go get information from the LOV’s personal source, and when Dabi didn’t find anyone to dump the burden on, he grudgingly went himself.
What kind of person would help that twit enough for him to trust anyways?
Who would’ve thought that the personal source for the villains would be so…
Well, you.
He crudely asked if you were seeing anyone right off the bat, and when you replied with an irritated, “Yes, now cork it and listen.” he could’ve sworn you said you were taken.
But all he heard was “Yes, now cork them and listen.”
As in you gave him permission to snuff them out.
Shigaraki was royally pissed and threw a whole tantrum when Dabi came back and told him the wrong information, only finding out when one of his villains were captured by the police.
He was tasked with getting the job done in the end.
“ - and Shigaraki Tomura has decided not to send you to our source in the coming future.”
Dabi took to the streets after that, avoiding populated areas, and occasionally threatening to burn the scum who attempted to talk to him. Why did assholes decide to bother him when he least wanted to be bothered?
He’s turning a corner when he stumbles upon you and a random group of thugs, in what seems to be like you exchanging information with them.
Dabi leans against the wall and waits for you to be done, when one of the thugs grabs your hand out of nowhere.
He burns them all to ashes.
You stand there, shell shocked, as you watch the men scream in pure agony before they’re reduced to nothing, and then your horrified eyes look up and see the same asshole Shigaraki sent days ago.
There’s something sickeningly beckoning about the way the blue flames barely lick your face before diminishing before your eyes, pulling you to nearly step over the remains of your associates to follow it. As soon as you realize what’s in front of you, the spell is broken and you’re focus is snapped back on.
“What is wrong with you?! These people pay me good money and now you’ve gone and did that!” You scold him, waving at the pile in front of you with disgust. “Oh god…”
“I save you from those pigs and that’s all you have to say to me?”
You sneer. “Don’t get all presumptuous, you’re no Hero.”
“Hmm, you’re probably right but,” he’s walking towards you as he talks, tone absolutely smug when he steps over the grotesque mush and you stare dead into his eyes. Eyes bluer than his flames. “You’re still blushing like I am.”
“E-even so,” you push past him, nose scrunching as you evade his mess. “I don’t like what you did.”
“Me neither.”
“I don’t like what you did either.”
You don’t stop again to ask him what he meant, and you don’t see him much after that.
In fact, the next time you see him is weeks after that and he began to drop by wherever you were as often as possible.
A little too often.
Often enough to find out about your significant other - your child.
At first he’s torn between relief that you weren’t really involved with anyone, surprise that you of all people had a kid, and doubt on whether or not he could deal with that.
You tell him about your little girl Yuki, who wasn’t biologically yours, how you found her abandoned and hungry. She made the bleakness of your days a little more bearable.
Dabi decides then and there that he’d protect the both of you, and leaves without a word.
You think he’s not interested in you anymore and feel a little heartbroken for a while, only for him to return the next day, pursuing you as if nothing happened.
You don’t really date as much as you two meet up and spend time together, as that was the most ideal thing for two villains in love.
Was he in love with you? A hard yes. He wouldn’t be going through all the motions of sneaking out of the bar and finding you if he didn’t.
One of his favourite things to do was tease you enough to get you blushing. Amongst other reactions.
Dabi loves it when you kiss him out of nowhere, your body pressing onto him as you claw at his own, begging for his attention, only for you to abruptly pull away with a sly smile and run off leaving him flustered and irritated.
The needy dance you two had was addicting.
Eventually, when you learn of his past, you give him a gentle kiss and assure him you’re there to stay for however long your run may be.
“And of course, you’ll quit helping that twit as proof.”
“As long as you’re willing to get a relatively normal job and -”
“Nope sweetheart, not happening.”
“Well then, that twit stays.”
And if you’re wondering, Imma keep using Yuki as a filler character every. Time.
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Conjecture |2|
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Yoongi x Reader
Idol Reader Au, Enemies to Lovers AU
Summary: Your management refused to renew your contract unless you collaborated, so you ending up working with Min Yoongi. A guy you’d disliked from before both of your debuts. There is more to their past than meets the eye.
 if you want to be tagged let me know :)
Warnings: None ( but look forward to a Sub and Dom Yoongi because who doesn’t)
Enjoy, let me know what you think i’m convinced this part sucks btw!
- Yoongi had been scribbling lyrics down for hours under the glare of the tall stand-alone lamp in the living room. His bare feet hooked lightly onto the edge of the coffee table using it as a platform to bounce his knees irritably. He paused for a moment to dose himself with caffeine when his ears absorbed a faint euphonious sound. He checked his watch, 3:02am. She should be sleeping he thought to himself, he followed the faint sound until it was a clear dulcet melody which led him to right outside your door.
// I hate that I love you, but baby I just love to hate you//
He pictured your face and all its beautiful and alluring features creasing with the emotion and passion you always expressed in your performance. How could he forget just how bewitching your actual singing voice was. -
  “Soooooo how was yesterday?” Your friend was way too bright and shiny for first thing in the morning, your eyes flinched, rolling over with your phone placed to your ear. “What hotel are you staying at?”
“Fine, and I’m not I stayed at Yoongi’s place” you mumbled.
“Well, sounds like it went way better than fine, how was the hate sex?” she toyed, you could easily picture her teasing, curious face.
“Fuck off, no not like that I’m staying at his place while we do this record and I don’t hate him” you scolded and corrected.
“No?” Chloe challenged.
“I just… don’t like him”
“You know what I think” she gave you no time for a breath let alone to respond “I just think you hate the fact you can’t remember you having sex with that beautiful man and you’re way too ashamed to even bring it up with him” I hated when she was right even when she was only partially right.
“There’s more to it than that” you shot back defending your emotions and reasoning. Your phone buzzed, you put … on speaker clicking the volume down a couple of bars and checked the message.
-When was you going to tell me you were in Seoul? Are you free tonight? I can come get you, my place is free tonight after 10-
You subconsciously bit your lip, contorting the smirk that had crept onto your face.
-Hello to you to. Come get me at 11, sure you can deal with me after 6 months?  -
 “So you keep saying but you’ve never told me the extra details so I can’t support you in not wanting to be near that guy, I mean like you’ve seen his hands right? Oh wait bet you’ve even been fucked by them but you just can’t remember”
-You know I’ll more than make up for that lost time-
You were now happily invigorated for the night ahead of you, you just had to get through the first day.
“Oh my god, please stop” you pleaded.
“Okay fine” she huffed dramatically “Anyway the reason I was ringing was to tell you we’re going out tonight”
.“You can only have me until 11, I’m seeing Wonho tonight”
“He’s the one from that other band right? The really cute muscly one?”
“Yes” you couldn’t help but roll your eyes.
“Fine, meet around 6?” she suggested with a chirp.
“Sounds good, I’ll put us on the guest list at Exec” you stated, you couldn’t be dealing with the press. Exec was a members only club and one where public figures go to have an undisturbed night, their security was unrivalled the only place they couldn’t control was areas in the front of the club. After hanging up you retreated under your jumper’s hood and haphazardly made your way to the kitchen.
“You look like you need coffee, how did you sleep?” Yoongi was stood behind the breakfast bar staring at his computer screen drinking coffee. You tried to ignore your thoughts whispering how good he looked, he’d retreated under his black oversized hoody, his eyes barely visible under his fringe struggling to stay straight after a nights rest.
“Thanks for saying I look rough” you teased, the tiredness was felt in your voice and ended up sounding not amused at all. He looked up, mortified.
“I didn’t…”
“I know relax, sorry I’m not awake enough to sound like I’m joking  yet” you paused, your apology accepted he shut the lid on his computer.
 “I slept like an absolute log thank you and coffee is a must if you want to work with a functioning human being today”
“Ditto, what do you have?” he took a few steps to the counter behind and switched on the coffee machine.
“Espresso please”.
You were sat legs crossed on the sofa unapologetic that you had short pyjamas shorts on, holding on to your cup with both hands like it was last hit of caffeine you were ever going to have. Yoongi leaned against the work top. The way you were comfortable and he looked awkward, an observer would think he was the guest.
“So how do you usually like to work?” You took a moment to formulate your response editing out all the drinking and partying that very often invaded you and your work process.
“Other than on my own?” he ignored this comment and you continued
“I’m not really fussed, my process is never set, depends what comes to me in the moment to be honest. I work more on instinct than actually try to sit and focus on one thing. Honestly it’s an organised chaos that only I can make sense of. My team normally just wait for me to be nearly done before they can even attempt to make sense of it all. I’ll just try and work to your structure it will be easier”
“Well seeing as we have a particular concept how about we focus more on lyrics first? He suggested
“Sounds good”
“As for the music, I’d love to hear more of what you were working on this morning, I loved the tempo and composition and your voice, it would really work for this project”
You couldn’t explain why his comments made you feel marginally warmer on the inside, you told yourself it was the fact you respected his musical talents opinion more than anyone else in the industry. The difficult voice of you was the one that ending up speaking.
“Maybe, we’ll see” you words candid and dry. He pushed you no further, taking your tone as absolute. “Shall we re-convene in a few hours and see what we can patch together?”
“Don’t see why not” he said amenably. Why was he so god damn polite, part of you wanted him to call you out on your attitude just so you had an excuse to argue with him, but no, he isn’t taking the bait.
“Aren’t you going to eat anything?” he asked starting to feel the bite of concern. He was all too aware of the pressures of the industry and he naturally observed and monitored these types things after living with the others and dealing with those issues himself previously.
“I’ll grab something in a bit, I’m not a morning eater” you lied. His look in response warned you he’d make sure you did.
6 hours later you were both in his studio bouncing lyrics off each other, the process was near enough flawless. As soon as you was in the studio you were both focused solely on the work and the passion it filled you both with. It was a bubble of nothing but creativity with all other emotions permeating out to be left on the back burner. You were actually having fun, the concept had grown on you fully, merging with your growing enthusiasm. When you both called it a day you actually had disappointment streaming within your veins.
  It was time to leave and you were just tying the laces on you red converse hi-tops. You’d decided to wear your new short dungarees with a black off the shoulder crop top, you grabbed your leather jacket along with your keys and shoved them into your bag.
“I’m off now, see you later” you called out.
“Okay, have a good time”.
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spinnerlockeplay · 4 years
Pokemon FireRed Nuzlocke (Part 2) - To Cerulean
Welcome back! After that exciting run in the previous post, I think it’s time I kick it up a notch! And just in time before the New Year’s Eve! Let’s check out my progress so far.
And BTW, starting this post, I will be posting one or two of my quick artwork regarding the events of the playthrough. So yeah, hope you like them!
Basic Nuzlocke Rules
Species Clause
Gym Level Limit: 21
Lives: 5
Detailed Rules
Current Gym Rule:
Life Reward Rule (Cerulean City Gym) - If defeated before and during the second gym, I can restart my save file. Once the gym is defeated, I gained an extra life if no whiteouts. Otherwise, you gain two lives.
Continuing off after my Pewter City gym, I restocked on some Poke Balls and met up with Professor Oak's aide to grab my Running Shoes, which my Mom was supposed to get earlier, but I guess she forgot. In Route 3, I need to beat all of the trainers there in order to get my encounter. So I decided to use this chance to level Bait and Flora up. Thanks to this, Bait learned Hyper Fang and Flora evolved into Ivysaur. There was one battle against a Lass and her Jigglypuff where she managed to use Disable on his Hyper Fang. But it didn't matter and just used Quick Attack to finish her.
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(Oh... Well, this Nuzlocke is much more easier than I thought... Plz don’t jinx it...)
After beating all of the trainers, I finally caught a Pidgey there and named him Birdy. This is a big relief since there is a Grass Gym coming up and I know it's a bit early, but since I hear there are a few Fire-types available despite the Species Clause, I had to get a Pokemon that is super effective against a Grass-type. (Plus, Aggro was dead early. RIP) So getting Birdy is a big deal. I had to go back to Viridian Forest to grind Birdy to my party level. But I had an unlucky encounter with a Pikachu who has Thundershock early on. But it was Level 3 and Flora took care of it.
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Once that's done, I head to Route 4 and bought a Magikarp from a fishy salesman (Get it?). While 500 was a bit too much to spend, I have a reason why I had to it. One, I don't want to waste a route encounter using an Old Rod to grab a Magikarp and not all of the towns and cities has water for me to fish. And second, his evolution, Gyarados is a big Water-type damage dealer and its very useful against some gyms and important trainers soon. So I named him "Nerde", named after a certain crafting Youtuber who has a huge affinity to salt. (If you're curious, I'll leave a link to her Youtube channel over here. Her videos and reviews are great and I wouldn't recommend for nothing.)
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(I have no regrets spending 500 for a useless fish.)
Now before I proceed, I have to discuss the Dolphan in the room. Mt. Moon has 3 levels in FireRed and from what I learned when researching on it, there are different encounter tables in each floor. I may encounter many more caves and areas with levels soon, so for this playthrough, I'll treat the Mt. Moon floors as its own area and encounter and it's my Nuzlocke and you can't tell me what to do.
Regarding my encounters here, my hopes were to catch a Zubat and Geodude here. Now I know Zubats are infamous for being annoying encounters who would do nothing but to drain your Pokemon's PP out while traversing here to the point you have to use a Repel to get off your backs. However, Golbat is a big damage dealer as a Poison/Flying-type and a good replacement in case something happens to Birdy (which I pray that it won't happen, please!). Unfortunately, the big downside that I can't evolve it to Crobat until I get the National Pokedex. Which by the way, who the hell even came up with that condition?! I know FireRed is a Red and Blue remake, but come on! Just let me evolve a Golbat early, please!
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Oh, did I go off the subject there? Never mind what I said, let's move on.
Now the reason why I also want to catch a Geodude is its Rock and Ground typing. Since I don't have any Electric-types with me, Geodude is good against Flying-types including Zubats and its Magnitude and Ground typing will be useful against Lt. Surge later on in the game. And lo and behold, I caught a Geodude in the first floor of Mt. Moon, which I named him "Wreaker". As in wrecking ball. I'll stop now. Of course, I can't access his final form due to a requirement that I need to trade him, which I don't have luxury to do so and I can't use trade Pokemon in a Nuzlocke. But I think his middle evolution should be a good compensation for now.
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(I predict this guy will lead me to Nuzlocke victory.)
After getting Wreaker, I decided to train him and Nerde back at Route 3 to get them on par with the others. I did have trouble battling some wild Jigglypuffs since not only they have Cute Charm that can immobilize him with love, but they have an Oran Berry on them, so that's annoying.
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(I didn’t know rocks can fall in love with balloons. Please don’t take that seriously.)
I have no problems with training Nerde, but since he only has a useless Splash on his moveset, I had to resort to switch training to grind some EXP. I then moved to Mt. Moon to continue switch training while making my way across there. But I had some trouble against a Super Nerd where he had his Magnemite paralyzed Flora. I managed to beat unscathed, but I had to return to the Pokemon Center to heal up.
Coming up is the first basement floor of Mt. Moon and I wasn't happy about it. The reason why is that Paras is the only Pokemon available there and combined with its poor stats and typing, I have to face an inevitable that I have to capture it soon. And as expected, I captured it, but not before she paralyzed Birdy. I know she's useless, but if I didn't capture her here, then the next encounter will be a waste. With that, I named her Troll after what she did to Birdy.
Once I got to the second basement floor, I encountered a suspicious guy in black who attacked me for intruding. However, he ended up as EXP fodder for Flora and Wreaker. And after running into a bunch of Paras and Geodudes, I caught a Clefairy for my troubles and named her "Moon" before I tossed her into the box. Since the wild Pokemon here messed up my team, I was forced go to back and heal up my party while grabbing a few Paralyze Heals as emergencies. And I boxed Troll because she is useless!
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(You’re facing a rock and a large bulb dinosaur. What do you expect?)
After encountering more trainers, Wreaker learned Magnitude and I encountered more guys in black at the basement 2nd floor. Turns out, they belonged to a group called "Team Rocket" and they planned to steal some fossils in Mt. Moon. But I didn't give them the chance and send them packing.
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(Should I be scared? No)
Once I beat them, I encountered a Super Nerd and tried to beat me to take the two fossils for himself. But after Wreaker beat all of his Pokemon, we reached a compromise and I got the Helix Fossil.
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(I knew you would say yes. 😏)
After I got out, I tried getting another Spearow on Route 4, but Flora ended up killing it with a crit. So thank, Flora. (And I'm writing this after finishing this post, but yes, I know, Spearow doesn't count as an encounter since I still got Aggro in my death box and considering the rules I've made for this playthrough along a chance of revival in future gyms, I'll try catching it again on Route 4 in the next one. I promise.)
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(I know this is not my true Route 4 encounter, but this still makes me a bit salty...)
I finally got to Cerulean City and I decided to go to the Nugget Bridge to train her up for the gym battle. But Vann stopped me and started gloated on catching some strong and smart Pokemon. Yeah, I can do that, too. If I'm wasn't stuck on the Nuzlocke rules. After that, he battled me again and while I managed to beat him, he did a number on Wreaker and Birdy. This made me a bit concerned. Vann did try to apologize by giving me a Fame Checker. But I wasn't happy about it.
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(See you never... 😠)
Since that last fight, I decided to skip the bridge and headed off to the Cerulean Gym. Like before, I ended the 2nd gym by sweeping through Misty's team with Flora. So I earned the second badge and an extra life.
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Now that's done, I have some other issues on my mind. But for now, that's the end for this post. Stay tuned for the next one to see if I can beat the third gym. See ya in the next post!
0 notes
tabbytabbytabby · 7 years
Can you do a Thaim and a 12 Sterek please? I love your stories btw!!!
Thank you!!
12. “You’re a genius with facts, but you’re really stupid with people.”
this list
Also on AO3
Theo sighs from his place loungingon the couch. He’s been sitting here with Derek a few hours already, the two ofthem were supposed to watch a movie but so far all Derek can talk about isStiles. Theo gets it, he does. He knows he probably talks about Liam just asmuch.
The thing is, Derek seems to be in a serious state of denial. Not abouthis own feelings, he’d finally admitted he loved Stiles a few months ago, eventhough Theo had practically had to drag it out of him. No, Derek doesn’t seemto understand that his feelings for Stiles are reciprocated.
“I’m sorry,” Derek says, having noticedTheo’s sigh, “am I boring you?”
“I’m going to say something and Idon’t want you to get all defensive or shut down on me, okay?” At Derek’s nodTheo continues, “You’re a genius with facts, but you’re really stupid withpeople.”
“Excuse me?” Derek asks, browfurrowing, “I’m great with people.”
Theo snorts, “Dude you’re totallyoblivious.”
Theo isn’t disappointed when Derekrises to the bait, “What exactly am I oblivious about exactly?”
“Well let’s see, the fact thatStiles is clearly in love with you for one.”
“That’s ridiculous,” Derek says,“We’re friends. Stiles doesn’t see me like that.”
Theo can’t suppress his urge togroan, letting his head fall back against the couch, “Derek, seriously? It’s soobvious he’s into you, and not just attracted to you. He gets this look on hisface every time he sees you like he has this whole future planned with you andyou two haven’t even admitted you like it each other yet.”
“Really?” Derek asks, unable tomask the hope in his voice.
“Yeah. He’s just as gone on you asyou are on him,” Theo tells him, “I bet if you went to his apartment right nowand asked him out he would say yes on the spot.”
“How did I miss this?” Derek asks.
“You weren’t looking. You wouldn’tallow yourself to.”
“Like you won’t allow yourself toeven think about the possibility of being with Liam.”
“That’s different,” Theo says, notliking the way Derek suddenly turned the conversation around to him.
“Let me guess,” Derek says,“because you think Liam doesn’t see you as more than a friend right?”
“Because he doesn’t.”
Derek shakes his head in fond exasperation,“What was it you just said to me? ‘He’sjust as gone on you as you are on him.’ That’s pretty accurate for yoursituation as well.”
Theo doesn’t know what to say.He’d never allowed himself to even think about being with Liam, at least notrealistically. Sometimes he still felt lucky they were even friends aftereverything he put Liam through. But Liam seems to have moved past it, trustingthe fact that Theo has changed and accepting him as a part of his life. Theonever allowed himself to hope for more.
“He can’t love me,” Theo says,looking down at his hands.
Derek sits next to Theo on thecouch, putting a hand on his shoulder, “I think you should leave that up tohim. “
“Like you’re going to leave it upto Stiles?”
“I tell you what,” Derek says, “ifyou agree to ask Liam out then I’ll ask Stiles out.”
“And if I don’t?”
“Well then, you better get used toseeing my face all the time and listening to me talk about Stiles.”
“First of all, we live together soI already see your face all the time. Second, you already talk about Stiles allthe time,” Theo reminds him.
Derek smirks, “It’ll be worse. Somuch worse.”
“Stiles really is rubbing off onyou,” Theo mutters, “you’ll be perfect for each other. But fine. I’lltalk to Liam as long as you talk to Stiles.”
Derek holds out his hand for Theoto shake, “Deal.”
Theo is nervous the whole drive toLiam’s apartment. He tries to calm himself down, knowing Liam will be able tosense something is up with him. He sits in his truck for what feels like hoursbut is probably only minutes trying to work up the nerve to go to the door.
Liam has to know he’s out here bynow. Sure enough, Theo gets a text from Liam a moment later, “Are you going tocome in? Or are you going to lurk outside my apartment all night like somecreeper?”
Theo takes a deep breath, beforejumping out of the car and walking up to Liam’s apartment. Liam is waiting withthe door open when he reaches it, “Is there a reason you were sitting outsidemy apartment for half an hour?”
“Yes,” Theo says, not bothering toelaborate as he follows Liam into the apartment.
“Really? So you haven’t justturned into some stalker?”
“No, I needed to talk to you.”
“Then why not just come knock onthe door?” Liam asks, head tilting as he picks up on Theo’s elevated heartrate,“is everything okay? You seem nervous.”
“I had a talk with Derek,” Theosays.
Liam nods as if that explainseverything, “Talking to Derek makes me nervous too. But you two are pretty muchbest friends so I don’t see how that’s possible for you. Unless… oh my God. Doyou like him?”
“What? No! Of course I don’t likeDerek. He’s in love with Stiles. And I’m…”
“You’re what?” Liam asks, steppingcloser, “are you interested in someone?”
“Do you really not know?” Theoasks.
“Should I? Is it someone in thepack? It’s not Malia is it? Because that would be…”
“No Liam it’s not Malia,” Theosays, “or anyone else. I…”
Theo feels pretty close to backingout and getting out of this situation as quickly as possible. It’s not goinganything like he hoped it would.
“You what?”
Theo watches Liam, eyes flickeringacross his face, trying to gauge what he must be feeling. To anyone else hewould seem the picture of calm but Theo can see the nerves there in the way hemouth is a little too tight, and the small glimmer of hope that’s in his eyes.
He thinks of Derek, across townsomewhere finally admitting his feelings to Stiles and knows he can’t backdown. Not now. If he’s going to do this he’s going to put it all out there,leaving no question as to what he could mean, “I love you Liam. I’m in lovewith you. And I… well I came here hoping that I could get you to agree to go ona date with me.”
Liam stares at him for a moment,long enough to make Theo start to question whether Derek was right about Liamhaving feelings for him. Then Liam is smiling, stepping even closer as he takesone of Theo’s hands in his, “I was hoping that was why you were here. I’ve beenwaiting for you to ask me out for months.”
“You know you could have just aseasily asked me out,” Theo says.
“Maybe. But I wanted it to be upto you. I know how I feel. I know I love you and want to be with you. But Iknew you might need time to get there. Not get there as in love me. But get toa place where you think this is something you can have. Are you?”
Theo barely has to think about it.He’d spent a lot of time doubting himself, thinking that he would never beworthy of Liam. And despite that doubt slipping back in earlier he knows he’sin a place where he can allow himself to be with Liam. He wouldn’t be here ifhe wasn’t. So Theo smiles, leaning in until his nose brushes against Liam’s, “Iam.”
“Good,” Liam smiles, leaning inthe rest of the way and meeting Theo’s lips for a gentle kiss. They keep itslow, neither one of them feeling the need to hurry. They both know they’llhave time for that later. For now they’re just happy to finally be together.
Later that night Theo snaps apicture of Liam asleep in his arms and sends it to Derek with the caption, “Ikept my word, what about you?”
It takes Derek a few minutes torespond, but when he does it’s with a picture of him and Stiles, both of themgrinning at the camera. The caption below the picture reads, “Missionaccomplished.”
Theo smiles, preparing to put hisphone on the nightstand when another text comes in from Derek, “Stiles saysthat now we have to double date.”
Theo is about to respond whenanother text comes in, this time from Stiles, “I know you had something to dowith this. Thank you. And congrats ;)”
Theo responds to both of them,telling them to get some sleep and they could discuss the double date later. Stilesreplies back telling him that sleep is the last thing any of them should bedoing. Theo isn’t the least bit surprised.
He turns the ringer on the phonedown before putting it on the nightstand. As soon as he’s settled back down Liamis snuggling back up to him. Even though they decided to take things slow Liamhad insisted that Theo stay over, saying that he should at least get to cuddlewith his new boyfriend. Theo couldn’t see any reason not to. 
Theo goes to sleepwith a smile on his face that night, his last thought being that he owes Derekbig time for convincing him to go after Liam. Across town Derek is thinking thesame exact thing.
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pctcr · 7 years
seconds too late (part two)
quickly before the imagine begins, i want to thank you guys so much for 200 followers! it means so much to me and im so glad to write for you guys! i can’t thank you guys enough.
prompt: the reader dIES in peter’s arms
thank you to the anon that requested this
warnings: death, blood, sad, angst,, you might cry im sorry
excuse any errors
my requests are open btw! so send them to my ask!
if you want to be added to the tag list, send me an ask off anon or send me a message! please specify if you’d like to be tagged in everything, or just certain fics. thank you!
part one
Your phone vibrated on your bedside table, jolting you from your nearly asleep state. Peter had left shortly after you woke back up from your small nap and you were still tired. Groggily you reached over and grabbed your phone, wincing at the brightness of the screen at first. A text from Peter was what woke you.
   Peterrrrrr💖: I know it’s late but I was just thinking about you.
   Peterrrrrr💖: I’m really lucky to have you. I want you to know that. Sleep well, love. I’ll text you in the morning. We can possibly get lunch tomorrow. Love you!
   A grin made its way to your face before you even finished reading the first text. You sent him back a quick ‘Love you too, sleep well.’ before laying back in your bed. You were glad to have him too. Hell, you were even glad you were alive. A few months back, you and your family were stuck in the bank when a robber held you guys hostage. Spider-man came to the rescue, thankfully, saving everyone. As you went over the event you realized that you never got to thank him. He risked his own life to save you and you owed it to him to thank him. Your plan fell into place quickly. You were going to walk around every night until you got to thank him. It was the least you could do.
   You sighed, pulling your light jacket closer to your body. It was nearing midnight and you saw no sign of the masked superhero. You were disappointed, yes, but you didn’t think it would be easy either. You started to walk back to your house still gazing around you, trying to catch a glimpse of red and blue. Unfortunately, you didn’t. You walked to the side of your house and stealthily climbed in a window you had left unlocked before you left. Groaning, you laid back on your bed. That was until your phone started to ring. You sat up, grabbing your phone. You saw Peter’s name on the screen and you answered it.
   “(Y/N)!” He yelled immediately, sounding relieved.
   You raised an eyebrow, even if he couldn’t see it. “Peter!” You mocked, laying back down. “What’s happenin’, babe? It’s late. Also, why are you shouting?”
   “You haven’t been answering me all night! I called like 20 times!” He sighed, and hurriedly added: “You’re not mad at me, are you?”
   You shook your head. “No, I’m not mad at you, Pete. I’ll explain why I wasn’t picking up tomorrow at lunch. Is that okay?” The line was silent. “Peter?” You asked.
   You heard his soft chuckle. “I just realized I nodded and you couldn’t see me.”
   You giggled. “What a dork. But you’re my dork, so it’s alright. I have to get some sleep but I’ll see you tomorrow.”
   You could picture him smiling. “Yeah. Sleep well, love.”
   You found yourself grinning as well. “You too, babe.” You hung up the phone, and set it on your bedside table to charge. Soon enough, you fell into a dreamless sleep.
          “Peter, you have to hear me out on this one. It sounds crazy but I have to thank him. He saved my life and he deserves to know how appreciative I am.” You whined, trying to get your boyfriend to go along with your plan.
   He shook his head. “Do you realize how dangerous that is? What if someone finds out you’re trying to hunt him down and uses you as bait? C’mon, this is Queens. You could get really hurt.”
   “No, (Y/N). I want you to promise me you won’t do this anymore. For me.”
   You glanced up at him, sighing at the concern in his eyes. You thought it over in your head. You decided that tonight was the last night you would do it. You owe it to Spider-Man to try one more time, and you owed it to Peter to be safe. You nodded. “I won’t.”
   “Good.” He grinned happily, biting into his sandwich. You watched him with a soft smile on your face, wondering how you got so lucky.
   You left the sub shop around 2 pm, heading home. You stayed in your room doing homework until it was around 9 pm. Your parents had fallen asleep watching a movie, so you easily snuck out of the window you used the night before. You walked quietly along the streets of Queens, taking in the calm breeze and the skyline. New York was pretty. Some people would never consider the city beautiful, but you did. It wasn’t quiet or clean in some parts, but it sure was gorgeous. A voice snapped you out of your thoughts. You knit your eyebrows together as you tried to figure out where the sound had come from. You walked up the block a little and turned the corner to find yourself in a dark alley.
   “Hey, listen, guys, it’s a school night.” You heard a higher pitched voice say, and you started to silently scream in your head. Spider-Man was fighting two guys in the alley right in front of you. You didn’t want to get in the middle of it, so you backed away a little. However, you backed into something. Arms suddenly grabbed you, and you gasped quietly. You backed into someone, not something. Someone.     
   “Hey, lookie here, a little princess coming to join the party. Probably a Spidey fan, huh?” The man taunted, pressing something cold to your temple. You shuddered in horror when you realized it was a gun. You were going to die.
   Spider-man was too busy fighting off the other two guys to notice. The man started to hum, moving the gun down your body. You were shaking and fighting off tears. You tried to move, but he held you tighter and pressed the pistol against your head again. “What a shame you had to be here. You were just in the wrong place at the wrong time, lass.” His breath tickled your ear and you desperately wanted it to stop. You wanted to take back your entire plan. You wanted to be home and talking to Peter on the phone. But this was real. You couldn’t escape. “Please stop…” You whispered, a tear falling down your face.
   “Alright then.” He said. “Hey Spider! I think you have a new problem to deal with.” And with that final statement, the man clicked the safety off. He quickly pushed you out of his arms and moved the gun to your mid stomach and squeezed the trigger.
   You screamed out, the pain causing you to collapse to the ground. The man had run, and you heard footsteps following him. Everything was spinning. Your ears were ringing from the gunshot and you couldn’t think straight.
   “(Y/N)!” His voice sounded familiar. It sounded like someone you knew, but you couldn’t quite put your finger on it. You felt someone pull you into their lap, pressing down on the bleeding wound in your side. Looking up, you saw Spider-Man hovering over you. He was talking but you couldn’t hear him. In a panic, it seemed, he threw off his mask. It was Peter.
   “P-P-Peter…?” You gasped, breathing heavily. “Y-You’re-”
   “Please keep talking to me, (Y/N). The ambulance is almost here. Stay with me, please.” He was holding your side tightly.
   You hand was shaking as you reached up to touch his cheek. The blood from your fingers stained his face. “Peter, y-you have to s-stop them.” You paused as you took in a deep, shaky breath. “It-it doesn’t h-hurt.” You gasped. You knew it without even thinking twice. You were dying.
   “No, hey, love, look at me. You’re all the matters. You will be fine, okay? You will be okay.”
   “No,” you coughed, a metallic taste invading your mouth. “I’m gonna d-die…”
   Peter had tears running down his face. “No, you aren’t. Stay with me. Keep breathing, you can make it. The paramedics are gonna be here soon.”
   You shakily smiled. “I-It’s perfect, P-Peter… I’m in t-the arms of my f-first love. The first p-person I’ve ever loved. I-I love you.”
   Peter shook his head. “No! You are not leaving me, (Y/N)! Dammit, stay with me! Please!” He was shaking at this point. He was sobbing.
   You gasped, struggling to breathe. “T-T-Thank… you….” you wheezed out. Your rapid breaths stopped. You were gone.
   Peter knew it, but he still continued to try and wake you. Tears were falling down his face as he gasped for air. He screamed out in utter agony, sobbing as he held your lifeless body closer to him. He pressed a kiss to your head, burying his head in the crook of your neck. He tried to take in the last few moments of your scent that he had left. He rocked back and forth mumbling that he was sorry. “I love you...” he mumbled, his voice shaking.
   Peter Parker was officially broken.
author numbers;
words: 1491
posted on august 6th, 2017
follower count: 207
TAG LIST: @hawkiye @barely-emily @priyalikespurple @peterandchurros @toms-spidey @enniaram @random-stupid-stuffs
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coruscantholonet · 4 years
Sim ongoing
Soooo,first a small update on the sim in that work on it is still going down.  We’d love to have an opening date but playing it by ear.  Real life comes first, and I’ve been dealing with a lot of health issues so progress is a lot slower than it normally would be for me.  Fortunately have had several talented volunteers who are doing great with the build, so expect some more updates soon.
Some things we’re looking for include;
1. Getting a few rigs done.
2. Have a few staff positions as well in both the GM and storyteller department. As always longstanding policy is that we only take on those who do not have staff/responsibility positions elsewhere. 
------------Skip below if you don’t like rubbernecking.
Next, I need to apologize.  I fucked up.  Recently I went at some people who didn’t really deserve the “wrath” which seemed to be a catalyst in a domino effect that crippled “Unification”.  I still have many criticisms of it, but that chain reaction allowed for something much worse to fill the void that was created and I speak of “SWU” and “Taris”.  While 0% of what I said was a “lie” there was of course items that were speculation and a bit harsh and in retrospect it was regrettable.  I had some people with real life connections to Cyprus in my ear and it was very much a fire which was extensively fed by those with a malicious agenda.  For all the flaws Loosh and others may have, they would be far favorable to Cyprus.  In the entire decade I’ve been here I don’t think I’ve ever encountered someone so corrupt, someone who has not an ounce of integrity or any idea what fair play is.  Over the last few weeks I’ve had to hear so many of the regulars here speak of how they’ve been screwed over there and it’s been a bit gut wrenching with the knowledge that I am partly responsible. 
One example I will provide of how he and his clique engineered the feud was that they were the ones leaking information from Unification chat.  I’ve always aspired to be the same in public as in private, so I’m not usually too concerned with “leaks”, but in this case it was a clear effort to escalate the fighting so that he could benefit from it.
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Some other examples during this was when two votes where occurring in Unification at the same time.  One of them to take away Loosh’s server admin position, the other on banning me. 
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So to make that clear.  Both Cyprus and Sabastiion/JOINASR traded votes in order to gain support for their effort to oust Loosh.  When that didn’t happen and they couldn’t obtain virtual “power” through Unification they instead broke off to make SWU.  
Everybody knows I don’t mind a “fight”, to some extent I’ll embrace it.  That’s just who I am, but in this case I do think that was used against me as I swallowed the bait and didn’t really take pause to see the agendas at play.  In retrospect, with the history Cyprus and Sabastiion/JOINASR have for this kind of thing, I should have seen it from a mile away.
So let’s start with their last sim, in 2017 they made a Corellia sim back when we were Coruscant.  We had been under construction much like now, however we had a major setback when those two saw the build then offered the builder a much higher sum than we were able to pay.  So they pretty much bought the build out from under us, then there was even some griefing during this period as they sought to do what they could to keep us from re-opening.. much like the present in which they’ve bribed several people over.  Eventually their co-admins got fed up with their antics and voted to remove their admin status.  In response they returned the build, several builders who had worked on parts of the sim where negatively affected by this and I’m not even sure it ever opened again.  Here is what their co-admins sent out at the time..
“ Tonight, (9/4/2017), the ownership team voted on the removal of another owner (Talon) and an Admin (Cyprus). The two of them had continually goaded another SWRP sim into conflict. That sim being Fourth Dimension/Legacies. They bought a build out from under the owner of that sim, trying to use it as their own and rushed to open before 4D was fully able to, and are now pinning that on us. They griefed said sim, and harrassed its players in their group chats on multiple occasions in attempts to either poach from them, or simply troll them. Talon, as an owner did not actually pay into monthly sim tier, and never passed along the money from rentals to the ownership team. We still don't know where that money is. Cyprus, controlled the tip jar in the landing zone, and we haven't seen a dime from that. This sim was started on the idea of civilizing Star Wars roleplay, and being done with this sort of drama. We, the ownership team are deeply sorry that this occurred, and we are going to be working as hard as possible to get the sim back open, and on a clean slate, starting from square one. We will have a skybox area open for roleplay ASAP as we complete the entire sim build. We greatly appreciate your support and patience during this time, and we hope to be back to full scale RP soon! Any further questions, please contact torresalpha12 “
And here is one of the builders of that sim;
[18:34] RedactedA: Eesh, Talon just did a seriously fucked up thing to Corellia. 
[18:35] RedactedB: yeah I heard he returned the whole sim
[18:35] RedactedA: He deleted the sim and is now advertising 4D in the groups. [18:35] RedactedA: That's seriously poor form. 
[18:35] RedactedB: wat 
[18:35] RedactedA: [18:31] Φ Brother Talon (sabastiion): Fourth Dimension (148,128,4083) ((Builds were stolen from here, and they also have 31 people. Looking for more RP outside of corellia? Consider this) 
[18:36] RedactedA: I worked on the build there too, I'm a little less than pleased my work was deleted as well. [18:36] RedactedB: He's such a cunt
So, they got removed from position, returned the build then started advertising for my sim.. this after they bought our builder out from under us.  I guess they figured they needed to get back on our good side after alienating everyone who had worked with them on that sim.  
They didn't even end up paying the builder all the money they'd promised, after they rage returned the sim they blamed the 150USD that never got delivered on the people who they had just left build-less that had nothing to do with the deal.
They turned around and offered us the build parts that the people they tried to stick with the bill didn't even have access to.  Trying to get back in good favor with us, we declined though, we pretty much sat there and watched that sim implode like "huh".  
09/06/2017 [00:08] Φ Cyprus (DarthWyyrlok Resident): Btw, the hutt palace that [redacted] made for us, probably one of the better things hes every made, did you want to use it?
There are countless other stories like this, they’ve ripped off many people over the years. 
[Redacted C]Years ago he was attempting to make a sim. He asked if i wanted to help out and be an admin. Said sure. Paid him 10k and he immediately banned me. Called me a dopey retard for believing him.  Part of me agrees with him.Ever since, if he shows up, i typically warn the fuck out of people and avoid him like a herpes ridden 3rd avenue hooker.
[Redacted D]Havent seen him on sim. But he sounds like a cunt.
[Redacted C] he's the lead for the empire on taris
This pattern of underhanded behavior extends to the roleplay itself.  I don’t think I’ve seen many cases of worse meta-gaming than from that circle of real life friends with Cyprus, Sabastiion and Nessa.   Here is just one example in which Cyprus plays both a Darth and a Jedi Master at the same time.. and...hunts himself.. clearly using one character to inflate the other, this is perhaps one of the worst abuses of alt accounts I’ve seen in my decade in SWRP...
[ Have cut out irrelevant posts from other people ]
[01:46] Raven Tal (aaronsterling1) walked in slowly, a shadow casted over his face as he stood on the dance area for a few moments before continuing forward. His footsteps where silent as if he was trained to walk in silence and his breathing nominalized. He hooded figure would proceed to the bar area where he would slowly sit down on the stool. Once again keeping the silence he had brought in with him
[02:11] Lord Talon walked in slowly his face hidden from all to see. The force around him pulsated as he walked in, each step he took created a soft tick that would echo across the room before drowed out by music. He then looked at the grey robed figure, his scent was masked but he could easily distinguish it from their past incounters. “Ah master Raven Tal” he said with a grin “It seems we meet again”
[02:13] Raven Tal (aaronsterling1) chuckled lightly as his head remained facing forward "It seems I've found you" he said in a low tone of voice as he stood up from his chair and faced Cyprus. Feeling the immense hate that radiated off of the sith warrior. His hands would extend outwards as the jedi warrior's lightsaber flew to his hands and ignighted, the blue blade humming to life.
[02:19] Lord Talon would simply grin at the comment that ordered him out. Instead he would enclose both muscular hands slowly around the hilt of the customized duel phase fouth generation saber as his skilled digets of his fingers locked into place. The weapon reacted to the brush of his touch in which followed a sudden snap and hiss igniting forth an extensive blood shine blade that illuminated the dark room. He gave a slight flourish of the imense blade as he twirled it between his hands before grasping it in a double djem power stance as he looked at the jedi that stood before him as a slight growle escaped from his teeth
[02:20] -Shiva- X -Shev'la Dinii- (ellisa01.turbo) drew her blaster pistols them, aiming one at the sith and then another at the jedi. With her fingers over the trigger she would then shout. "Oi, the fuck out of the establishment, now. Yo uare ruining business."
[02:21] Cyprus Talon (arijonas1) inclined his head slowly, tiping forth his chin in a silent acknowledgement of Lord Talon's invitation. His immense hands had enclosed around the enlongated staff hilt of his legendary blade and drew it close in a duel handed battle stance of Djem So in mirror of Talon's own. The laser blade gave a banshee wail as it whirled about suddenly in a brilliant flourish within the skilled flow of his hands, creating a whirlwind like effect of weaving blue blade before him as he approached abruptly foward, unleashing a controled thrust foward of the extensively long blade towards Talochest as he looked at the mando figure "I wouldnt shoot if I where you my friend" he said as he lunged forward
[ As if the style and names didn’t give it away, here he posted Raven’s post from the Cyprus account, then tries to cover in OOC ]
[02:23] Cyprus Talon (arijonas1): (whoops trying to send that back to him) [02:23] Raven Tal (aaronsterling1): (i sent him that post lol and he was meant to check it and send it back incase i missed something lol) [02:23] Raven Tal (aaronsterling1): (so just count that as my post so i dont have to re post lol)
[02:27] Lord Talon grinned slightly as he saw him lundge at him. He was more than prepared to dodge such an attack. He would side step away from the blade as he used his own to push it aside as he spun inwards and attempted to knock the side of the saber into Raven's head using his immense speed and strength that was fuled by his darkside enriched powers.
[ Some OOC arguing happened here, as Cyprus did not seem happy other people where interjecting in his fight..with himself, so back to the IC..]
[02:37] Raven Tal (aaronsterling1) moved around the woman standing there as he took into account the woman standing there as he simply rolled around her preventing her from getting in the middle. having maintained direct control over the fluid motion of the drive of the blazing red blade as it plunged forth from Lord Talon to his head, he would not overextend his balance and thus allowed him to counteract the strike to his head from Talon's own saber. There was a cracking hiss as the searing blades would connect he would extend a hand to Talons stomach he would attempt to push the Sith outward of the club to prevent any other distubance of the people inside, this was a jedi's fight, not theirds. And he would do whatever it took to finish it
[02:39] Lord Talon Eyes opened wide as he got hit by the force push, he was send flying out of the room as he then regained his balance by sliding across the floors with his boots that brought him to a halt. As he griped his lightsaber once more ready for Raven. He knew the jedi wouldn’t let the others get in the way so he left them alone and would focus on the jedi who he faced.
[ More OOC arguing about other people interjecting who then called for defenders choice RHCS, admin sides with them. ]
[02:49] Sihivus Verne: ((While V may not have been directly attacked, it is a club. Considering their club is being shot up, they are welcome to take action as judging per group defender roles)) [02:49] Cyprus Talon (arijonas1): (sighs  fine just let me and Raven finish because this was an really important rp taht had to be done and this was a sim we chose to meet at we didnt think others would get involved like this and lead to this ooc)
[ Extra hillarious when it is fairly obvious they’re the same ^  argument continues, eventually RHCS fight happens, Cyprus losses to the club bouncer. Of course the Jedi was mysteriously afk during the fight.. ]
[03:17] Raven Tal (aaronsterling1): (ugg sorry about that everyone can someone fill me in on what happened, if anything happened in ims thanks!))
.[03:20] Eva Lekach: ( It's ok they got the Sith you are saved. )
[03:20] Eva Lekach: ( back ic )
[03:20] Raven Tal (aaronsterling1): (i could have taken him lol)
[03:22] Lord Talon: m would be dragged out into the sidewalk of the the streets of the undercity as he chuckled lightly as he cluched his shoulder which had a bullet wound in it. after she let him go he would get onto a knee placeing on hand on the ground to stabalize himself as his sith coloed eyes looked at Shiva with long hatred. "I will find you and I will kill you, if you have family I sudgest you hide them for I will kill them.  You will cry out in pain beggin for death and i will not grant it to you, your pain will be that of 1000 dying souls.: he said as he collapesed onto his back and attempted to roll of the edge of the platform
[03:29] Raven Tal (aaronsterling1) shook his head "An interesting character Cyprus is, as stupid as his creator aparently" he said with a sigh looking to Sparrow "I'm sorry if he disturbed anything here, I mearly came by word of mouth that whe would be here, now it seems that I didnt need them." he said turning to Shiva "As for me, I do need them"
[03:29] Raven Tal (aaronsterling1) "when I leave"
[ The End.  Now while that was a few years back, he can’t use the “I was young” excuse, he was in his 20′s at the time as he’s now pushing 30, so this isn’t a case of ‘kids being dumb’.  This is a blatant abuse of alts IC, and clear attempts of deception OOC.  This pattern continued OOC elsewhere.. ]
[2013/11/02 01:34]  Raven Tal (aaronsterling1): And there is one thing I want to get clear, whats the big deal if I am an alt, or an old account of someone, which I am my old account got deleted and couldnt be recovered, Look the only reason im still in swrp is to get the rp back up and going between groups, thats why i cam because I know you guys are doing that do. Otherwise I would have given up swrp a long time ago, we all see it deteriating slowly and all I want to do is fix that, and I dont want to do this if people have anegative aditute twoards it. Honestly if I did something that got you upset please tell me and I can fix it! Please, I'm not sure what I did wrong, mearly came to say hello oocly thats all, nothign more nothing less then I got bombarded with questions. Im just confused is all [2013/11/02 01:35]  Chaos DarkRose (nymph.zenith): alts are fine, but pretending to be an elder ooc is not and might get you banned in some places. [2013/11/02 01:37]  Raven Tal (aaronsterling1): what are you talking about lol Ive been around for a very long time in swrp. Back when the soverignty existed and besipin was still going strong and coursant was a dominant system, Ive been around for a while, my old sith master was MagmaRyu, he was one of the most well respected sith back when I was an apprentice and I was very luck to have him as a master otherwise I woulndt be her today [2013/11/02 01:37]  Raven Tal (aaronsterling1): So I'm not making anything up [2013/11/02 01:37]  Raven Tal (aaronsterling1): there would be no reason to [2013/11/02 01:38]  Chaos DarkRose (nymph.zenith): that is not old [2013/11/02 01:39]  Raven Tal (aaronsterling1): thats about 5 years ago that im talking about [2013/11/02 01:39]  Raven Tal (aaronsterling1): 6 probably now [2013/11/02 01:39]  Chaos DarkRose (nymph.zenith): well log on and lets see, if you are as old as ranogar [2013/11/02 01:39]  Chaos DarkRose (nymph.zenith): he would remember back then [2013/11/02 01:40]  Raven Tal (aaronsterling1): i cant, my account was deleted my some ass, honestly how else can i prove this to you haha [2013/11/02 01:40]  Chaos DarkRose (nymph.zenith): do you realize how many times i've heard this? Over the span of almost 8 years?
[00:57] Cyprus Talon (arijonas1): Raven came to me earlier today and seemed upset and confused by something you said, hes a dear friend of mine so if I could, what did you say to him? [00:58] Chaos DarkRose (nymph.zenith): i have no idea what you are talking about [00:58] Cyprus Talon (arijonas1): Raven Tal, he said he talked to you the other day...
Besides learning how to use spell check? there has been little growth in Cyprus, he’s still someone who utilizes OOC methods to gain IC power.  When he failed to make a mark legitimately, he now tries to buy the status. Rewarding those who support him with high combat system ranks or even real money in some cases.  So like I said, going after Loosh and Uni was dumb on my part as I enabled the rise of the most corrupt motherfucker in SWRP.  So there is some obligation to raise transparency and awareness of some of his past antics. Some of his past names even seem to be banned by Linden Labs, I couldn’t tell you why but found that interesting. Take all of that for what you will. I’ve provided materials to backup pretty much everything I’ve ever said on him, it is a rarity when you have to speculate so little to illustrate what a colossal garbage person someone is.   Play where you wanna play and do what you wanna do, but do it with eyes wide open.
Their platform is the exact same pledge they made in 2017, just a couple weeks before they destroyed a sim many people had worked hard on..
8-22-17 “Star Wars Universe Town Hall Agenda”; created by Sebastiion
“This notecard will explain what we will be talking about in more detail during the Townhall Meeting, as well as explaining a little more about Star Wars Universe. The purpose of Star Wars Universe is to strive to create a multi sim roleplay experience, executed through Star Wars Roleplay groups within the community. In light of recent events, and in the past couple of years of roleplay, the community has drifted far from what is used to be. By working together and by leaders stepping up to the plate we can accomplish a community that speaks for all of us instead of only one individual.
What will we be talking about?
*Why has Star Wars Roleplay fallen apart.*
*How Star Wars Universe can play a huge role in restoring trust within our community.*
*How Corellia, Dantooine, and other key sims can play a supporting role in this.**
Why it's important that the leadership within the community drives their ideas from its *entire* player base, and not just from a *few* key leaders.*
*The future of Star Wars Roleplay and how we can make this project a success.*
Once these topics have been addressed there will be a time for questions, comments, suggestions, etc. Remember this movement is a grassroots movement that starts with you. Attending this town hall and making your voice's heard can help shape the future of Star Wars Universe. The link will be posted in a notice an hour before we begin.”
I guess they changed their mind by  9/4/2017 when they returned the sim :(, point being, they are full of false promises, and pretty much anyone would be a favorable alternative to having these meta-gaming scam artists continue to assert influence over the community.   
“Dark Lord”  lolo, not sure if I’ve ever seen a case of someone less deserving.
[03:22] Lord Talon: m would be dragged out into the sidewalk of the the streets of the undercity as he chuckled lightly as he cluched his shoulder which had a bullet wound in it. after she let him go he would get onto a knee placeing on hand on the ground to stabalize himself as his sith coloed eyes looked at Shiva with long hatred. "I will find you and I will kill you, if you have family I sudgest you hide them for I will kill them.  You will cry out in pain beggin for death and i will not grant it to you, your pain will be that of 1000 dying souls.: he said as he collapesed onto his back and attempted to roll of the edge of the platform
0 notes
rururinchan · 7 years
Hunted Down (Part 1)
Well Mod Mal’Damba this one’s for you with Sha Lin x Kinessa. I accept no responsibility for any collateral damage caused to anyone else. :D This turned out longer than it should be why can’t I write short things.
Hunting trips with the team were always exhilarating. The thrill of chasing down game with the others, the satisfaction and pride of securing the catch, and ending the day with watching the sunset from their campsite was nothing short of bliss. Sha Lin loved every second of it. 
Usually, the hunting team consisted of Tyra, Buck, Cassie, Drogoz, Kinessa, and Sha Lin himself. However, that day, it seemed that Kinessa was the only other Paladin with time to spare. "It will be quite different without the others this time." Sha Lin commented as the two rode their mounts to a one of their favourite hunting spots early in the morning, Sha Lin’s horse a few paces behind Kinessa's. "Yeah it would be." Kinessa replied with a confident smile as usual, "But hey, I love a challenge, and besides, we'll be able to spend some special quality time together tiger." She looked back at Sha Lin, shooting him a flirty wink with her last comment, and Sha Lin responded with a bright smile. "You're right. Let's make this a special trip for the both of us. To glory!" He declared, pumping  his fist into the air and riding faster, ahead of Kinessa. She laughed, and rode faster to catch up. Later that day, the pair had spotted a large deer not far from where they had set up camp in the middle of the mountain forest. With their target decided, they both agreed on a plan to take it down. "Okay, we know those things are tough, a couple of shots from either of us isn't gonna cut it, so here's the plan; I'll set up some mines around the cliff side. You get close and force the deer there. It won't have anywhere to run, and I'll be able to take it down from the treeline." Kinessa proposed, ever the strategist, as they hid behind some bushes just far enough for the deer to not notice them.
"That sounds good, but be careful up on those trees." Sha Lin told her. She chuckled. "As long as you watch your step with the mines. Wouldn't want to end up trapping you in there too." Kinessa warned him, to which Sha Lin scoffed in amusement.
“I’ll be fine, I haven’t been caught in your mines on any of the trips so far.”
“Heh, better not jinx yourself pretty boy.”
Sha Lin laughed at their banter, and after wishing each other good luck, he set off to get himself into position. He glanced back to see that Kinessa had already disappeared from their hiding place, likely having teleported away to begin setting up their trap as soon as possible. Sha Lin nodded to himself as he continued to quietly approach the deer, carefully avoiding any twigs and dead leaves whenever possible. (A problem Drogoz never bothered to address since he was mostly in the air.)
Once Sha Lin deemed himself close enough, he readied his bow and arrow, using his Withdraw to get ever closer without detection. He would have to work fast though, his mirage would not last forever.
He let the arrow fly, and it struck the deer's leg. At once the animal screeched, and Sha Lin quickly sent a small volley of arrows to get it to start running. He chased after it from a considerable distance, which was a lot easier with its injured leg hindering its running, making sure to shoot just in front of it any time it tried to go in a direction away from the cliff.
It wasn't long before the deer reached the cliff side, and just as planned, Kinessa's mines were in place and the deer was immediately targeted by the Slowing beams. Though he could not see his hunting partner as he was still a reasonable sniping distance away, Sha Lin heard the familiar ring of Kinessa's rifle was heard and the deer was struck in the head. Sha Lin wasted no time, shooting another arrow right at the animal's neck, assisting with the final killing blow.
“Phew! That was great!” Sha Lin exclaimed, the adrenaline still pumping through his veins, when a sudden rustle was heard behind him. Reacting at once, Sha Lin jumped to the side, barely dodging the pounce of a massive mountain lion. The beast was far larger than anything he'd ever seen, but its size had not hindered its agility in the slightest. It swiped at Sha Lin without hesitation, before leaping forward in a second attempt to pounce. Only his extensive training against Maeve saved him from those swift strikes.
‘I must get to safety!’ Sha Lin thought as he forced to continue dodging. The mountain lion was relentless, and too close for him to use his bow. Without much skill in close combat, Sha Lin stood next to no chance of survival if he didn't run.
So he ran. But the mountain lion chased him, and it was even faster than Maeve, a feat Sha Lin hadn't believed was possible. It pounced again, but this time Sha Lin baited it into pouncing straight into a thick tree trunk, and took those precious few seconds of the beast getting disoriented on impact to gain some distance. He had hoped he might be able to strike back, but he wasn't sure if he was willing to bet on how long the collision with the tree would slow it down.
“Kinessa! Kinessa where are you!?” Sha Lin started shouting, still running, knowing she had to be nearby, “Stay in the trees! Don't come down!”
“What?!” The startled voice of Kinessa called from almost directly above him, “Sha Lin what's going on?!”
She used his name instead of the nickname, she already understood something was wrong. Before Sha Lin could give her details though, the mountain lion burst out from the bushes and charged at him. A panicked shout and the sound of rifle fire reached Sha Lin's ears, and the mountain lion roared in pain, but it didn't stop. Sha Lin had to keep moving and hope Kinessa could finish it off.
Wait, the mines! If he could lead the beast to the mines they might slow it down enough for Sha Lin to counterattack as well. It was a massive gamble, but it was the only thing Sha Lin could think of. It would have to do.
With his very risky plan in mind Sha Lin made a sharp turn and headed for the cliff. He heard the beast behind him, as well as Kinessa's continued rifle shots and her distant, panicked calls.
Sha Lin prayed as he finally reached the cliff, where the deer's body still lay. Unfortunately, he'd gotten closer than he planned and the mines began to affect him, making his entire body go numb and cold. Kinessa was right about him jinxing things earlier!
The mountain lion appeared behind him, and Sha Lin was now in serious danger. Kinessa was still shooting, but the beast's constant movement must have been making it hard to hit despite its size. And now, Sha Lin had gone and trapped himself just like the deer!
The mountain lion growled menacingly, and let out a roar as it made one last pounce at Sha Lin, and Sha Lin made the stupidest mistake of his life.
In a moment of desperation, in a vain attempt to try and avoid the claws of death, Sha Lin used his Withdraw, jumping back and leaving his mirage in his place, but his feet found nothing but empty air immediately after, as Sha Lin realized what he'd just done.
As one final shot of the rifle sounded, finally hitting the beast dead through its skull, Sha Lin fell over the edge of the cliff, Kinessa's scream of horror echoing in the distance.
Inspired by the time I played Sha Lin on Timber Mill and used Withdraw into the water when a Makoa ult-ed at me. ;-;
Part 2 coming soon. :) Btw did you get the pun in the title now?
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hpsfacebook-blog · 5 years
How I Recovered a Hacked Facebook Page
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   You always hear about people's Facebook accounts getting hacked, and often see the consequences of it (constant event invites to random sales with dodgy links). However after working around social media for so long I always thought I'd seen it all, and wouldn't be fooled like so many others before me. So when I got hacked and had a Facebook page with 25k followers stolen from me, I was left feeling like a true sucker. But I got it back, and actually found a friend in a guy who had taken me to hell and back, from a country I'd never even heard of. It starts fairly typical of any hack story you'll find on Yahoo! Answers or on the Facebook community boards. I woke up very early on Wednesday morning to check my pride and joy, a Facebook page I'd organically grown to 25k followers in the space of 2 months. However, I was on alert as I discovered the following message in my inbox, posted by "Facebook Pages": "Dear Facebook user, After reviewing your page activity, it was determined that you were in violation of our Terms of Service. Your account might be permanently suspended. If you think this is a mistake, please verify your account on the link below. This would indicate that your Page does not have a violation on our Terms of Service. We will immediately review your account activity, and we will notify you again via email. Verify your account at the link below: =============================== **insert dodgy link here** =============================== Thanks for being part of Facebook Community. " I gave this a quick skim and believed it to be legit, partly because I was half asleep, and partly because I definitely had infringed copyright laws with a few of my posts. Looking back I should have noticed the grammatical errors or checked the profile that the message came from (which was a blatant fake) but nonetheless I clicked through to the link, which took me through to the page below. Facebook phishing Without thinking twice about it I entered my details, which directed me back to Facebook's help page. I then messaged the phony "Facebook Pages" profile from my page to tell them that it was done, and that I was waiting to be reviewed. Feeling like I'd sorted the issue, I left the page and got ready for work, promising to check out how the review had gone before I left for the day. After getting ready I went to log into my Facebook account but was having no luck. I tried my details again only to notice that it wasn't my password that was incorrect, but my email address. In fact, it was saying that my email address was not registered with any Facebook account. I was perplexed but tried again, this time logging in with the email Facebook provides on default ([email protected]). This got me in, and it was at this point that I knew there were some serious issues. Facebook had informed me that somebody in another region had tried to access my page. They'd done more than that.. this hacker had actually got complete access to my account, and proceeded to change the email address to a spammy looking Gmail account. Not only this, they'd posted porn images on a bunch of local pages from my account, sent several friend requests and, to my dismay, removed my admin status from my beloved Facebook page. I was freaking out majorly, and for a number of reasons. My page was a big deal, but the account was also linked to my credit card and PayPal accounts, not to mention the probability of getting temporarily banned for posting porn everywhere. I messaged the page a few times and got ignored, posted to the wall and got banned, and after not hearing from Facebook support I'd pretty much conceded defeat. However before I gave up I thought I'd talk in a language we all understand: Tom: I'll pay you for the page back. Just name your price and I'll pay it. Hacker: $1000 Success! No way was I prepared to pay that kind of money, but at least the hacker had recognised me. I just had to keep him talking, get him to understand what he'd put me through: Tom: Sure, just send me your PayPal details. USD yeah? Hacker: You can send me via westerunion or moneygram Just the fact that they said 'me' seemed to change the conversation. This wasn't a robot, there was real human being behind this, probably somebody who could be reasoned with. Tom: Would you consider being a nice guy and just giving it back? I worked very hard on the page Tom: You're from Europe yes? What good is this page to you? No response for 12 hours, it was time to bait him: Tom: Just send me your details and we'll make the arrangement. Money gram please Hacker: okey Hacker: i will send you details just in case Hacker: you are a nice guy too but man i need some monney even if you don`t send me 1000$..at least 300$ talk to you later Tom: Don't we all need money. I was going to sell this page soon anyways. Hacker: Can I trust you? Tom: Trust me in what way? Hacker: I actually post stuff on pages I get. But this seems that you really give much time on it. Hacker: When can you send me the money? Tom: I could do it immediately. But how can I ensure you'll give me ownership back? Hacker: You will have my word. First I make you editor. Add me and I'll make you editor right now. Next thing I see a friend request pop up from a name I won't mention, but could barely pronounce. The display picture was of a pretty girl looking away from the camera. Considering their last status update was back in 2012 I concluded this was fake. Hacker (now using fake profile): When should I post on your page? I will only post once a day Tom: What's your site? Let me have a look at your content Once he sent through his site I knew that I was dealing with a pro hacker, but an amateur online marketer. It was poorly designed, had spelling and grammatical errors everywhere, and the fact that the visitor counter he'd installed was still in double digits was proof that it wasn't doing too well. He gave me back editor controls of my Facebook page (I could post but not do much else), which was a start, but I continued to go in with a soft approach: Tom: Can you make a comedy post?(it's a comedy fan page) Then we post that one first, and slowly just post all kinds of stuff Hacker: I thought you had money:P. Lol. Tom: What do you mean? Here is more information in regards to hack online fb 100% gratis have a look at the website. Hacker: I mean, I don't really have the life you have. Tom: Where are you from? Hacker: Kosovo Tom: Ah Pardon my ignorance, but I'd never heard of Kosovo before. I've barely travelled outside of Australia, and have never been to Europe. I quickly read up on it on Wikipedia to discover Kosovo's brief history - it had only been a country as of 2008, when it had unilaterally declared independence from Serbia. According to Wikipedia Kosovo was known to be "Extremely vulnerable to organised crime and thus to money laundering", so everything was starting to make sense. Hacker: just send me 200$ i will give this page to you I sensed that there was somewhat of a power shift taking place. The site he showed me was struggling, which was why he had proceeded to hack other pages.. in a way to grab some quick traffic. Tom: Hey listen but, if you start posting on this page you'll currently get no interaction, nobody will click man the base is too small, you might get 10 clicks tops a post. Hacker: This isn't the first page I use for posting. I know what I'm doing on this Tom: Man I own my own content site, similar to yours. There's a reason I haven't posted yet.. the base is too small it'll just destroy the page. Hacker: oh Tom: If we grow this page we can make money. Off affiliate deals and off your website's AdSense Tom: I'll split it with you. Just let me continue to grow the page From this point on the subject matter of the conversation completely changed. He asked one more time for money, but it became more an opportunity for him to pick my brain, to learn more about growing a website. I showed him blogs of mine and gave him advice on what he can do for his page. In the space of about 10 minutes this clever, manipulative hacker became like a kindergartener on his first day of school, soaking into his brain everything I was throwing at him. Tom: Do you ever get content ideas from reddit? Hacker: Whats reddit Tom: Omg really? Man, this will help you more than any money I could give you. Hacker: I will not even think of removing you from your fan page or something Hacker: I just learnd something. And that's good. Hacker: Btw thanks for sharing We went on about content strategies, SEO, etc for a while, but I had a few more questions to ask him. This was so fascinating to me, I'd never been hacked, let alone got the chance to communicate with a hacker. Tom: How many pages have you hacked? Hacker: Hundreds man. Tom: What's the largest Hacker: 600k Hacker: But don't say hacked lol sounds stupid Tom: What's your actual name? Hacker: Elvir Elvir was opening up, and he proceeded to tell me more about himself. He's a 22 year old economics student, trying to make money of websites in his spare time. He still had a.blogspot domain which he wanted to change but he couldn't afford a domain, and he wasn't getting enough traffic to generate AdSense revenue. We continued talking for the next 2 days sporadically. He'd ask me various questions around online marketing, while I was trying to get to know more about him. At this point I thought it was time to see if I'd completely reimbursed him. Tom: hey can you make me admin? i need to add my account so i can post vid again. Hacker: I make you admin now. (and he did) Hacker: But I really need that help from you Once I got admin status back I quickly deleted him off the page, changed all my login details and made a new account to manage the page (just in case he could get back in). Despite this however we still talk a few times a week, usually when he wants advice on how to write a headline, or how he should fix his page design. I actually even sent him over some money for a domain on a $15 prepaid credit card, which he was thrilled about. I know that most situations don't end as positively as this - it sounds like nearly everybody who has their Facebook page hacked virtually loses it for good, and Facebook doesn't try to help out in the slightest. But it made me learn that there's still a human element, a vulnerability if you will, in everyone. What started out as one of my scariest online experiences actually turned into something of fascination, and my experiences with Elvir in Kosovo sure went a way into affirming that's there a little bit of good (and evil) in all of us.  
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