chaoticrei · 3 months
When people assume that a character who has never shown romantic attraction towards the opposite gender (actually not even the same one) is gay or a lesbian, it's so annoying, because they might be aro, aroace, aspec.
But at least they're not talking about someone else, I mean it's a fictional character, you can't ruin THEIR WHOLE LIFE. The problem is when a kid in school has never had a partner, and people say they're gay/lesbian and closeted, but maybe, and I said maybe, they still don't know their sexuality, or maybe, they know it and don't want to share it with you, because you're a judging idiot.
My point is, if someone either tells you they identity as something or they don't, you have no right to say they're anything that they haven't specifically told you (and told you, you can tell other people).
If someone told me "I'm a lesbian" and 1 minute later I saw them kissing a boy, they're still a lesbian for me, I may ask them later if they still identify as that, but until I know it for sure and hear it from them, they're a lesbian. And I will always say they're a lesbian if someone asks me. Same thing goes with straight people I see kissing people of the same gender, they're still straight to me.
You can assume what you want in your mind, but you are not allowed to say certain theories you have, because they are important to people, they're private, and they might ruin their life.
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aroace-menace · 2 years
Labels do not have to be permanent. People who identified with hundreds of labels before finding one that fits them are super valid. People who identify with labels they aren’t sure fit because it’s the best they have right now are super valid. Identity can change and it can be hard and confusing to figure out, but no one should feel like they can’t claim a label that makes them feel happy and seen because it might change later, or like they can’t discard one that no longer fits. Labels are there to make you comfortable. As long as you’re being respectful, there are no rules.
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crazycatsiren · 1 year
"Genders are fake and meaningless" and "genders are mysterious and interesting" can coexist, by the way.
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clowncaraz · 1 month
perisex is a collection of müllerian and wolffian traits commonly seen in parallel with each other. perisex is also referred to as endosex, which is anything and anyone who is not definitively intersex.
parallel - two objects or lines that do not intersect, no matter if another object or line crosses through both. in this case, müllerian and wolffian traits are parallel with multiple similarities crossing through both.
perisex traits are split into "müllerian indication" or "wolffian indication". indication is being used to describe how no one is perfectly perisex or has the correct perisex parts, and the indication that someone is perisex (hormonal, primary/secondary sex traits, genes, etc) is more accurate rather than the assumption based on external sex traits. the terms "male" and "female" are assignments of what your body closely matches, but does not accurately describe current or past sex traits, so they will not be used. afab/amab are events related to such, and therefore will also not be used unless in correct context.
this is a perisex flag I made that shows a cut purple box with a periwinkle background. purple symbolizing the mix of red and blue, the box symbolizing the parallel of both müllerian and wolffian traits appearing in a singular individual without them being interconnected or imbalanced, and the sun on top of the box representing two halves of one coin (müllerian and wolffian).
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perisex people are the dominant majority in society because of eugenics and intersexism. there is no shame in being perisex, but the ideals of perisex supremacy starts at the classification of "male" and "female" and the thought of those two being sexes instead of variations of the perisex traits that appear in gonochoristic species.
be proud to be perisex and dont wish to be anything you aren't. uplift those who are systematically underprivileged and shut up about issues not about you. perisex people suffer, yet only from their practice of prejudice against others.
thank you for coming to my ted talk about how perisex people like me need to be proud about their unique bodies but still listen to others who are aren't them.
@radiomogai @varsex-pride @revenant-coining
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seraphim-coinz · 5 months
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SPDgender, or Sensoryprocessgender, is a neurogender relating to Sensory Processing Disorder. This flag was requested by @seraphtrix, our friend.
The reds symbolize minor and major overstimulation, and the blues symbolize minor and major understimulation. The gear symbol is for sensory processing disorder.
Seraphim's note: we have Sensory Processing Disorder, which is why we felt comfortable coining. 💕
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mapsontheweb · 1 year
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National identity of people in the UK, 2011.
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Identity Situationist Pride Flag
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Identity situationism (sexuality, gender, orientation, alignment, presentation, etc.): having different behavior regarding one's identity depending on the situation, sometimes leading to changing self-identification in a situational way.
This idea comes from queercore and homocore movements.
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rectifiedspirits · 7 months
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    ⁺ canninoctilove 。 𓎟𓎟              ₊ canni(balism) + noct(urnal) + i + love
1 ⠀⠀  a gender related to the romanticism of the night sky and night-time, with affectionate cannibalism, having negative thoughts & despair. 。 
2 ⠀⠀  a gender related to love & cannibalism in moon-light or the night sky.
          ���─  this is exclusive to people who experience  obsession & being lovesick in a violent way with people, either because of bpd, ocd, ect, or other reasons.     this is not exclusively a neurogender.
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  this is coined & designed by rectifiedspirits    。 ⁺  do not repost without credits, do not claim as your own.      rqs open!
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thearksys · 9 months
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a gender relating to being a powerful angel, repenting for your sins, resisting temptation & the adversary, knowledge, and the lyrics “to save us all from satans power when we were gone astray” from the song god rest ye merry gentelmen. this gender can be dark, light, or neutral. this gender can relate to falling then becoming brand new, light again.
coined by the ark sys.
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homocidalpotat · 4 days
By "the person they say they are" I mean their personality, appearance, any identification they have shared
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isawthismeme · 4 months
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woweejuni · 1 year
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Hex nail and the one who grips Faust
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thecouncilofidiots · 2 months
Constantly deadnaming and misgendering your child, despite knowing their identity and preferred way of address, then jokingly "offering" to call them an intersexist slur instead...
Ah, yes! Allyship. /sarcasm
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crazycatsiren · 2 years
Y'all go around yelling "destroy the gender binary" and then turn around with "you're either cis or trans" as if that's not also gender binary thinking.
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When it comes to stuff of identities, to me, it isn’t about if this or that is “higher tiered” or “less important”.
To me, it’s more like “this one is louder right now” or “this one is just like part of my limbs, I’m very used to it and it is chill to be in the background and be passive”
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seraphim-coinz · 5 months
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Seraphim's note: this term is not exclusively a gender. However, I have chosen to use the genderflux flag in order to combine "traitblur" and "fluctuating."
Traitblur: Coined by @kiruliom. A label for being unable to differentiate your identity from your interests, due to neurodivergency or other reasons. (This is not a gender on its own!!)
Traitblurflux: A term for when your traitblur identity fluctuates in intensity.
The requester of this term specifies that they are only unable to differentiate their xenogenders from their interests, but this will not be the same for all traitblurflux beings.
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