#Jason Banker
throgret · 1 year
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Toad Road (2012)
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oifaaa · 1 year
In the Jason raises Bruce and co au, what happens to the Wayne fortune?
I'm not gonna lie I still don't know how it works exactly when a child with a lot of money gets orphaned if the person caring for them would actually be able to access any of those funds, so if Jason isn't, it would happen like in canon with Bruce eventually using them for his own crusade which is probably for the best considering Jason would have tried to get rid of it all just to spite Bruce
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barnbridges · 1 year
which that one also wraps into the idea that the corcorans really are just a reskin of the compsons in faulkner's work. quentin compson dead at college, with the girl namesake raised by a troubled uncle-father who makes himself sick daily to feel anything, with the absentee woman in the middle of all of this being the actual center of the action, through her lack of presence, but her tangible estrangement from the "family values" and family name.
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charlotteking23 · 9 months
Family Game Night
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"KIDS IT'S AN EMERGENCY!!!" screamed Batmom hoping for her family to come down quick.
"Mama, are you okay? do you need anything?" said Dick in a panic tone ready to do CPR.
"Mom, what happened?" said Tim but was pushed on the floor by the youngest Wayne, "Ummi are you ok?" Finally came her baby bird Jason who seemed calm but was ultimately dying to kill whoever hurt his mother.
Bruce who was right next to Batmom, shook his head in disappointment. "Kids calm down your mother is fine, right Honey?"
"huh, yeah, I just wanted to play a board game," Batmom said rather cutely showing two Monopoly board games in her hands. The kids and her husband couldn't say no. She even convinced Alfred to join but he rather be the banker.
It started out fine but........ "Give that to me, you landed on my property!" exclaimed Damian.
"No, I did not, quit cheating demon spawn!" Jason said in anger. It was funny for the family to see Jason a grown man fight with a 12-year-old child.
But then the chaos erupted, Tim thought it would be funny if he threw some of the mini properties at Jason and blamed it on Damian. "Don't blame me," Tim said to Damian in fury. "Well it wasn't me," said Dick. and that was when it turned to World War III.
"We have to hide honey," said a worried Burce. "What about my Babies", said Batmom. "Those are no longer your Babies, I'm sorry honey", said Bruce. He pushed you and Alfred Behind the table and stood up tall, closing his eyes waiting for the Hurricane.
But nothing happens. He opened his eyes and saw all his kids sitting on the floor surrounded by the mess they caused, they looked Happy even JASON. Bruce Helped his wife and Alfred up, and both were surprised to see the kids so happy and calm.
They decided to stop playing the board games for tonight not wanting to cause World War IV, and instead watch a movie. No distractions, no fighting just peace till.... "GET YOUR HANDS OUT OF MY POPCORN!!!!", screamed Damian.
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cardinalcheerio · 1 year
Jason at the bank: do you need anything else?
Banker: we need proof that you are who you say you are.
Jason *pulling out his death certificate*: does this work?
Dick *sitting next to him groaning*: I knew this was a bad idea.
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allthegothihopgirls · 7 months
batfam monopoly except damian doesn't understand what's so funny about buying properties, and dick gets weirdly possessive over piccadilly. tim's the best worst banker ever and keeps sneaking dick extra money so he can afford mayfair when he lands on it, and ruin jason's entire night
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writtenjewels · 12 days
Maternity Ward part 3
Part One, Part Two
Jason managed to find a sports channel on the television so Penny could have something distracting when her next contraction hit. He kept a mental record of the interval between each one, and how long they lasted. Since Penny was still refusing to let Jason call Ben, it looked like he was going to be her birthing coach later.
At least he was finally behaving like a normal person around Doctor Othman. Granted, Jason's heart still fluttered and he knew his eyes lingered on the older man more often than necessary, but he was managing to string his words together without blushing. It helped that the doctor was friendly and very kind and patient while working with Penny. Watching him, Jason felt good about trusting the guy with his sister and her baby.
“Doc, do they got any ice cream in this place?” Penny asked after Othman finished checking her.
“No, but there is a store close by that sells it.”
“Could ya show Jason?” She gestured to her brother. “I need some Rocky Road.”
“Of course,” the doctor agreed with a smile. He turned expectantly to Jason.
“You know when she asked for ice cream, she don't just mean a fuckin' cone,” Jason said once they were out of the room.
“Yes, I gathered that much,” Othman replied. “Don't worry, my friend. The store I have in mind sells it by the quart.” They fell quiet for a moment. Othman greeted a few of the nurses as they passed by. They were at the elevator heading outside when the doctor spoke again. “What is a banker's favorite flavor of ice cream?”
“I don't got any idea,” Jason said with a confused frown.
“Mint.” Othman delivered the word with a gleam in his eyes. Jason let out a snort, and Othman grinned at him. Fuck, it was unfair how attractive this guy was. Handsome, sure, but also funny and cute and his voice was nice and low with the lilt of an accent. Jason smirked at him, wanting to tease the guy a little.
“I guess you didn't get your PHD in comedy, huh?”
“You are mistaken about that, Jason,” Othman retorted. “The PHD stands for 'pretty hilarious doctor'.” This time Jason laughed out loud. Othman looked all too pleased with himself.
“Didn't realize you were such a smart-ass,” Jason grunted. Othman just smiled, eyes still twinkling. They made it into the store and Jason bought the Rocky Road. “How 'bout one for you, Doc?”
“Oh, no, thank you. And you can call me Salim, if you like.”
“Okay. Uh, Salim.” His insides nearly exploded from the way they fluttered at the name. Jason cleared his throat. “You sure about the ice cream?”
“I'm sure. I wouldn't be able to eat it all before it melted, anyway.”
“Hospital keeps ya busy, I guess,” Jason mused. He stepped up to the register to buy the ice cream. He grabbed a few other snacks while he was there.
“Yes, but I enjoy my work. What about you?”
“You mean work?” Jason took his purchases with a thanks to the cashier and walked with Salim back to the maternity ward. “I donno. I can't say I enjoyed my last job, but I was good at it.” He didn't say more, but after some silence, he sighed. “I can hear you thinking.”
“I'm just trying to imagine what work you would be good at,” Salim told him. “Not dietitian, certainly. You only bought junk food at that store.”
“Fuck off, smart-ass,” Jason huffed, though he was grinning. Salim smirked back at him. The two of them stopped at the door to Penny's room. “See you in a few, Salim.”
“I'll be back soon.”
Jason watched him go before stepping into the room and handing over the ice cream. He imagined what he would say to his sister: Bad news, Penn. I've got a huge crush on your doctor.
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poppitron360 · 2 months
Leo: Are you ready to commit?
Jason: Like, a crime or a relationship?
Hazel: If you put a milkshake in one yard and crack open a cold one in another yard, which yard would the boys go to?
Thalia: Schrödinger's boys.
Annabeth: FUCK!
Frank: What about cracking open a cold milkshake?
Piper: As we all know, the milkshake brings the boys to the yard. The presence of the boys is a prerequisite for the cracking open of a cold one, but cold ones do not have any inherent boy-attracting abilities. Milkshakes, however, do.
Piper: All else being equal, the boys would proceed to the milkshake yard. While it is possible to announce the presence of cold ones in the hope of attracting some boys, the pull of the milkshake is much more powerful by comparison.
Hazel: ...
Thalia: ...
Annabeth: ...
Frank: ...
Piper: Mind you, all of this nonsense hinges on whether or not the boys are back in town.
Leo: Do you always have to attack me with your words?
Piper: Would you prefer me to use a brick?
(They randomised the names, but that would’ve been a Jason one)
Grover: Why don't humans have a specific noise that means "there are bees here, let's leave immediately." Why are elephants more advanced than us.
Thalia: We do have a specific noise for it. It sounds like this:
Thalia: "There are bees here, let's leave immediately."
Hazel: Astrology is fun because I can pretend that all of my behaviors are just a result of being a Gemini and not symptoms of mental illness.
Annabeth: Being a Gemini is a mental illness. That’s not hate it’s just a fact.
Grover: A banker? Me?
Leo: Yes, Grover.
Grover: But I don’t know anything about running a bank!
Leo: Good. No preconceived ideas.
Grover: I’ve robbed banks!
Leo: Capital! Just reverse your thinking. The money should be on the inside.
(Less accurate imo)
Will: What’s up with you?
Annabeth: What do you mean?
Will: You’ve been nice and helpful and considerate all day. What’s your game?
*The Squad when asked about their earlier confession of love*
Piper: Yeah, you're lucky. I like you.
Percy: I'd understand if you didn't feel the same way...
Nico: *has a panic attack* What confession?
Reyna: *winks* I know, babe. You like me too.
Annabeth: So what? Are you going to date me or not?
Grover: It was a dare.
Grover: Tired of just deserving better. Gonna start taking it by force.
(Honestly, you go queen, you DO deserve it)
Grover: Nico is so...
Will: Annoying?
Leo: Cute?
Jason: Funny?
Frank: Weird?
Grover: I don't know, maybe if y'all let me FINISH for ONCE IN MY LIFE, I'd tell you!
(And the same quote with re-shuffled names)
Hazel: Reyna is so...
Leo: Annoying?
Thalia: Cute?
Nico: Funny?
Piper: Weird?
Hazel: I don't know, maybe if y'all let me FINISH for ONCE IN MY LIFE, I'd tell you!
Leo: I think we can all agree I’m the ten amongst these threes.
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steddieonmywaywardson · 4 months
The Ghost (1990 movie) au nobody asked for!
“Argh! What the fuck? You’re here?” She shrieks. Before Steve can answer, she shakes her head as she begins to pace back and forth in front of the couch. “No. No. You’re not. You’re not here at all,” she babbles. “This was bound to happen. Overactive imagination. That’s what they all say. I’ve been watching too many movies. Concentrating too much on my script. It’s starting to bleed into real life and you’re just a figment of my imagination because I’m tired. Yup. That’s it,”
“I need your help Robin. I-“
“My help?” She laughs mirthlessly. “Oh no. No, no, no,” she’s shaking her head again. “I’m no help to anyone. I need to cut my hours at the video store…and I need to give the writing a break. Maybe go back home to Indiana. That sounds good right now…”
“I’m not a figment of your imagination,” Steve replies gently. He’s been so caught up in the fact that he’s finally found someone who can hear him, he’s forgotten how terrifying it must be for Robin. “I really wish it didn’t have to be this way, trust me, but you’re the first person since I died that’s been able to hear me,”
“Since you died?” Robin blinks. She’s still shaking her head in disbelief. “I can talk to dead people. Like some weird superpower or something…I couldn’t write this shit if I tried…” she slumps down on the couch and puts her head in her hands.
“You’re a writer?” Steve asks.
“Trying to be,” Robin replies, looking up. “Between taking shifts at a video store and an ice cream place to make ends meet,” she sighs. “And now I’m talking to you, as if I wasn’t having a mental breakdown right now. Who are you anyway?”
“My name’s Steve Harrington-“
“Uh huh. Do I know you or something? I don’t remember any Steve Harringtons…” she thinks for a moment. “Wait, were you the guy in my media class? The one who was always leaving his muffin crumbs all over the classroom floor?”
“No. I’m…well, I was a banker. Working near Tribeca-“ Steve answers.
“A banker?” Robin says incredulously. She rolls her eyes. “Why the hell would I make that up? I know nothing about banking!”
It’s obvious they’re getting nowhere but Steve needs to do this. He needs her to hear him so he can save Eddie from Jason.
“I’ll prove to you I’m real! Do you have last week’s newspaper?”
Robin narrows her eyes at him but she dutifully stands up and disappears into the small kitchen. A few moments later, she comes back with a crumpled newspaper, obviously rescued from the garbage. She sits back down and throws the paper onto the coffee table in front of her.
“Turn to page fifteen,” Steve says.
“Can’t believe I’m doing this…” She mutters to herself as she unfolds the newspaper and rifles through it until she reaches the right page.
“Left column, near the bottom,” Steve instructs.
He watches as Robin’s eyes dart across the page and stop when she reaches the article. Her eyes widen.
“Ok so….that doesn’t prove you’re real,” she says after a minute or two. “If anything, it proves my overtired theory. I clearly read about you and now my subconscious is manifesting you,” she explains. “Yeah, I took psychology in college,”
“Please Robin,” Steve says desperately. “I know this is a really shitty situation, OK? I’m dead. I was murdered actually and I’ve been taken away from the love of my life and it just so happens you’re the only person I know of that can hear me. Do I wish it was different? Fuck yeah I do. If I have to…be dead, then why can’t it be my boyfriend who hears me y’know?”
“Your boyfriend?” Robin suddenly looks interested. “You’re gay?”
“Yeah but-“
“Huh.” Robin replies. She opens her mouth as if there’s going to be more, but shakes her head again. “So…why do you need my help?”
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noitwang · 11 months
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moirtre · 7 months
do the members have backstory’s ? if they do what are they ?
yes they do! here's a very very quick rundown, i'm not sure if i'll do a little drabble series on their family dynamics but here's their backstories so they're out there!
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 ‎ ‎ ┉       *       ﹙ㅤʬ              ›             NAIRA LIESE CHRISTIANSEN.
naira is a norweigian singer and actress born to norweigian investment banker, jesper christiansen and his wife, former miss universe, dauenphen prempree on december 2, 1993. naira was raised alongside her older brother, lukas, between her parents' two native countries. though most of her schooling took place at the top private schools in oslo, naira has publicly acknowledged chiang mai, thailand as her true hometown.
hailing from a very well-off family, naira was forced to grow up quicker than most. notably, the others often voice their irritation with naira's composure as it is quite unclear what she thinks or feels at any given moment. this trait is attributed to her mother who suffered through years of racial abuse at the hands of the european media without the defense of her husband or his family.
naira's interest in music never truly took off until she was in high school. after coming across a video of apricus culture soloist allison nam in 2008, naira grew fond of the korean music industry, secretly convincing her older brother to take her to auditions while in chaing mai. after being accepted into several companies, naira decided to join gemini entertainment's trainee program in 2010, hoping later to be matched with apricus.
after training for three years, naira was the fifth member chosen for letalis' final lineup. despite being offered the leader position, naira turned it down claiming, "she wasn't ready to be tied to the group's reputation." currently, naira is a SUB VOCALIST and official VISUAL of the group, occasionally taking part in thai and norweigian-language melodramas and soap operas under her birth name.
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 ‎ ‎ ┉       *       ﹙ㅤʬ              ›             MELANIE BAE.
melanie is an australian singer-songwriter born in brisbane on june 12, 1994. her parents, jason and marissa, are working-class korean-australians who raised melanie and her older sister, madison, quite comfortably along the australian west coast. melanie is very close to her family who all frequently appear on her social media and are always acknowledged in her album dedications.
the two bae sisters found a love for performing quite early on with melanie following in her sister's footsteps participating in dance competitions across the country. though madison would give up dance to pursue a fashion design degree in europe after graduating from high school in 2008, melanie would continue to work towards what she planned to be a professional career in dance.
while at a mall with friends, melanie would be approached by an apricus culture talent scout who persuaded her to audition for the company in july of 2010. during her time as a trainee, melanie would be given several opportunities to stir up attention for the company's planned girl group. after being featured on a title track for soloist, lastdraw, in 2013, apricus would announce melanie as the central member of their upcoming girl group, letalis.
as the MAIN VOCALIST, LEAD DANCER, CENTER, and FACE of letalis, melanie is without a doubt the group's most popular member. finding success as a global ambassador for vivienne westwood in addition to popular appearances on korean variety shows and a stellar solo career, melanie is easily the modern face of apricus culture following allison nam's retirement in 2018.
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 ‎ ‎ ┉       *       ﹙ㅤʬ              ›             YANG YEEUN.
better known by her stage name, juniper, yang yeeun is a south korean singer born in suwon on december 11, 1994 to yang dae and eom youngmi. raised alongside her brothers, hyunwoo and sanghun, the three yang siblings were encouraged to engage in creative pursuits from a young age. their mother, youngmi, specifically made sure to throw her full support behind her childrens' dreams, regardless of the strain it would often place on the family's finances.
ultimately, those financial strains would eventually lead to an episode of psychosis in juniper's father who was institutionalized in 2007. being unable to work for an extended period of time forced the family to move in with juniper's grandparents who lived just outside of seoul that same year.
the move proved to be especially tough on juniper's younger brother, sanghun, who experienced extensive bullying at his new school. despite this, sanghun would go on to audition for gemini entertainment in 2007 before being matched to apricus culture. seeing sanghun's success as a trainee prompted juniper to try her luck and audition for the company in late 2008. during the audition however, juniper proved too shy to sing and was instead chosen to debut as a model under apricus in 2011.
while she earned money modeling to help support her family, juniper would continue to receive vocal and dance lessons. following sanghun's debut as a soloist under the stage name ophion in 2011, juniper would make her way through the trainee ranks to be the final member picked for letalis' final lineup. famously, juniper claims she was chosen to join letalis on the condition that she accept the role of leader.
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 ‎ ‎ ┉       *       ﹙ㅤʬ              ›             EMIYA UENO.
better known by her stage name, emmy, emiya ueno is a japanese singer born in okayama on may 25, 1995 to kisho ueno and himeko chiura. raised as an only child, the marital strife between kisho and himeko would eventually force the parents to send emmy off to a prep boarding school in bristol, england while they endured a toxic divorce in japan. kisho would later be granted custody of a six-year-old emmy in 2001 after himeko failed to appear in court and forfeited her maternal rights.
after kisho arrived in england, he would go on to raise emmy as a single parent while working as an archeologist. emmy had an extremely happy childhood, made possible by her incredibly supportive father who made it a point to encourage emmy to dream as big as possible. kisho would go on to marry emmy's stepfather, otis matthews, in 2015. together, kisho and otis would adopt emmy's stepsiblings, sasha and travis.
emmy quickly found comfort in the spotlight after being scouted by a talent agent who managed to secure emmy a role in several west end productions as an ensemble member during her teenage years. her big break finally arrived in 2011 after being invited to debut in a short-lived j-pop girl group, x-sys. the group was active for less than a year before their company would go bankrupt. after their contracts were bought out by apricus culture, emmy would be chosen as the second member to debut in letalis.
currently, emmy is the MAIN RAPPER, MAIN DANCER, and SUB VOCALIST of the girl group. in addition to her roles in the group, emmy is an acclaimed solo rapper in japan, occasionally taking on dramatic stage roles in both japan and england.
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 ‎ ‎ ┉       *       ﹙ㅤʬ              ›             SOHN NARYUN.
naryun is a south korean singer-songwriter and producer born in daegu on september 1, 1995 to famed prima ballerina min kyunghee and her husband, professional soccer player sohn namkyu. alongside her older sister, narim, and twin sister, narae, the sohn sisters were expected to follow in their mother's poised footsteps. being placed in prestigious ballet conservatories from young ages, the girls quickly proved themselves to be worthy of their mother's reputation.
despite their immense talent, naryun and narae were often subjected to demeaning comparisons where naryun was often left trailing behind her twin sister. early on, it became evident that despite naryun obvious greater affinity for the art, narae would be shown favoritism by the instructors at their conservatory and later at their company.
naryun's distaste for the favoritism shown for her sister over her and narae's general distaste for ballet in general led to a divide between the twins that would last until narae announced her decision to forefeit her position as principal dancer at the korean national ballet. following her twin sister's lead, naryun would give up her position as well in 2012 out of solidarity.
finding herself lost without direction, naryun was approached by apricus culture ceo at the time jeong karin in a bid to bring legitimacy to apricus' trainee program. naryun agreed to train, initially believing it to be a short break to allow her to gain perspective. she soon fell in love with the prospect of becoming an idol and was the third member to be announced for letalis' final lineup in 2013.
currently, naryun is the group's MAIN DANCER and LEAD VOCALIST. despite efforts to separate herself from her time as a principal dancer for the korean national ballet, naryun cannot escape the shadow of disappointment that industry snobs continue to cast upon her. regardless, she has found immense success as a producer and solo artist as well as the opening of her own pilates studio in collaboration with former apricus ceo, jeong karin in 2022.
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 ‎ ‎ ┉       *       ﹙ㅤʬ              ›             JADEN KIM.
better known by her stage name, jiseo, jaden kim is an american idol born in san diego on january 14, 1996 to siwoo kim and andrea jeong. raised as an only child, jiseo was notably incredibly shy growing up. her parents, worrying their daughter would be socially stunted by her bashfulness, would take initiative to enroll her in choir lessons hoping it would draw her out of her shell.
falling in love with being on stage, jiseo would go on to beg her parents for violin lessons, landing her a firm position on a children's orchestra by age 12. as she continued to grow out of her shell, jiseo would begin to seek the approval of older, more reckless upperclassmen. after being escorted home in a cop car after her 15th birthday, jiseo's parents decided to send her to live with her grandparents in gwangju for the summer.
while in gwangju, jiseo was exposed to k-pop by her cousins who found a way to persuade her to join them in auditioning for apricus culture in 2011. though her parents were unsure if they were ready to part with their only child, they would support the structure provided by the trainee atmosphere, hoping it would settle their daughter's learned tendencies. though it did nothing but increase her reckless decisions after finding a solid friend group through avos' ian, jiseo would be a successful trainee.
after being chosen to debut in letalis, jiseo would assume the LEAD RAPPER and SUB VOCALIST positions upon the group's debut in 2013. currently, jiseo also promotes as a solo artist under the stage name, oisa.
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 ‎ ‎ ┉       *       ﹙ㅤʬ              ›             MIN HERI.
heri is a south korean singer, songwriter, and producer born in seoul, south korea on november 19, 1996 to choi haeun and min kyungjae. raised alongside her younger brother, junyoung, heri was always a positive, bright child.
often the smartest child in the room, heri's parents would eventually realize that her brilliant mind needed more stimulation than the books they stocked in her room. through the recommendation of a teacher, they would decide to enroll heri in acting and piano lesson, hoping she'd grow attached to one of the two to keep her busy.
landing lead roles in school plays soon proved to be too easy to 10-year-old heri who craved another challenge. after being encouraged by her drama teacher, heri found entertainment in poem writing, submitting her work to local contests anonymously. her writing soon caught the attention of hayden beom, a member of apricus culture boy group, nyx in 2009. the company later tracked down the young 13-year-old who was later invited to join the company as trainee in hopes of developing her as a singer-songwriter.
although heri was initially planned to debut as a soloist, the company decided to she would be better suited for a group environment, allowing her time to gain better confidence in the industry. as the sixth member chosen for letalis, heri is the group's LEAD VOCALIST and second VISUAL. though heri has decided to take a more understated role as a producer and songwriter under the name CARRÉ, she is the most credited member of the groups and has been acknowledged for her work outside of the group by the recording academy.
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whataboutsimple · 4 days
Complex AU,
Because author is unaware of the meaning of the word "limit":D
Asks are still open!
Y'all probably already noticed it, but I use lot's of fantasy features for this AU, so of course our people have certain jobs and permissions:
Gabriel — has two college degrees: lawyer and blacksmith, also he has Warrior Education and A1 permission to carry tools and weapons. Being a lawyer means you also should now villageres language.
Ivor — has two college degrees: enchanter and alchemist, also completed herbalist courses and has A2 permission to carry tools and weapons around. He knows enchanted language.
Magnus — has no college degree, since he didn't found anything interesting for himself, but he has extra alchemist classes because "It was less borin' than everything else". Also has A3 permission to carry tools and weapons around.
Soren — has two college degrees: calligrapher and architect. He also spent tow years becoming a cartographer, but didn't finish it cause Order went adventuring. He slightly know enchantment and has A3 permission to carry tools and weapons around.
Ellegaard — has two college degrees: engineer and banker. Took a lot of extra courses for redstone and some for mob-farmer. Had a A3 permission to carry tools and weapons around.
Jason — before WitherStorm had a baker education, but after that needed to get quick courses of lawyer. Has A2 permission with Warrior Education.
Jessica — didn't go to college, instead she managed to get one GGC and became an archer. Has A2 permission with Warrior Education.
Olivia — originally went to become librarian, but shortly after WitherStorm got en engineer degree and kept improving it. Has A3 permission to carry tools and weapons around.
Axel — went to college, Undertale that it's not for him, took farmer courses and became a shepherd since he love animals and sheep especially. After WitherStorm needed to take lawyer courses like Jason. Has A3 permission to carry tools and weapons around.
Lukas — went to college to get a calligrapher degree just for his own entertainment since his family is wealthy, he doesn't really need to work.
Petra — didn't go to college, but took a lot of long and deep courses on sales, mob-farmera, archeology and ect. to become the best merchant. She also has a Warrior Education and A2 permission to carry tools and weapons around.
Aiden — has one college degree: architect. Took courses of combat, never really tried to have a Warrior Education until after WitherStorm. So now he has a Warrior Education and A2 permission to carry tools and weapons around.
Maya — had one college degree: teacher. Unlike with treehouse gang, she gets along with children just perfectly. Though after WitherStorm Aiden made her take combat courses, so now she's a teacher with A3 permission to carry tools and weapons around.
Gill — has no college degree, but took artist courses. The same like Maya was forced by Aiden to take combat courses and has A3 permission to carry tools and weapons around.
If you haven't read about weapons and tools permission, you can read it here!
Back to random silly things!
Jessica's and Jason's parents are divorced and took them apart at the age of 5, and even if they did visited each other from time to time, in the beginning of WitherStorm arc they are not very close and Jessica is far away, do she doesn't participate.
Rueben will be alive:3
Both Petra and Gabriel will be effected by withersickennes and it won't fade as soon as WitherStorm going to be destroyed.
Withersickennes works completely different from in game: after WitherStorm there's going to be a while epidemic, people who were effected by amnesia will have a chance to never remember anything and/or get withersickennes after. Those who were effected by withersickennes will have lower chances of survival.
Aiden as well as Gill both will be effected by withersickennes while trying to save Maya from tracker bim.
Gill has a sheep-pet named Sammy! It'll be safe after WitherStorm and thanks to them Axel and Gill will gain a friendship after Portal Network Arc!
Got kinda tired here, ehehe, so that's all for this moment! Hope y'all enjoyed<3
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riverdale-retread · 2 months
If Riverdale was going to make a trauma dump candy salad, in your opinion what would they say and what candy would they bring???? If you’ve already answered this question before feel free to ignore this!
This is a fun ask because I think given the extremely weird way these people grew up, what Riverdalians think they are traumatized by, as opposed to what most viewers would think, might be quite far apart.
Jughead would say, This teacher that I thought was going to be my new father figure, my new writing mentor, and someone who recognized my talent to give me guidance into gain entry to a stable middle class life committed suicide by defenestration in front of me in the middle of class. He'd bring KitKats for the sounds of breaking.
Cheryl would say, There was a rat who ate itself into and then back out of the abdomen of my beloved Jason's corpse and all I did was scream. Like, she processed a lot about his death, over and over, and even killed him herself once, but that rat defeated her for real. She'd bring Reese's peanut butter cup for the gooey insides.
Veronica would say, New York City didn't work out for me. She didn't actually ever want to be in Riverdale. She kept yearning for NYC. She wanted to go to Columbia and eventually went to Barnard. She pursued very NYC things, including a very NYC banker type man, and yet it just didn't work. She'd bring a York Peppermint Patty.
Archie would say, I got branded while I was strapped down half naked in a prison. Like, he fought the bear, you know? He fought the bullies in juvie. He fought the enemy in war. He fought Hiram Lodge. He even fights Jughead, later. But the branding? That was helplessness personified. 3 Musketeers because he felt so alone that day.
Kevin would say, I've failed at every relationship I've ever had, including the time I gave an actual demon head. He'd bring Twix because he's always looking for that double, that soulmate, and can't find him.
Betty would say, Yale rejected me, at first. I mean, they allegedly rejected her because of the whole Black Hood's daughter thing, and after Jughead lost his spot they gave it to Betty, but she probably takes that initial rejection to heart, you see, because she was so confident she would absolutely get into Yale that she didn't even apply to any other college. She'd bring Milk Duds for the pun effect.
This is because by the way, Betty has too many fucking traumas that are unspeakable. So Betty would do what Betty does and lie.
Reggie wouldn't say anything, but he'd bring Skittles. Just cuz. To give it all a bit of color.
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your-mom-friend · 1 month
BEGGING y’all to watch Escape Room (2019). Six people in different walks of life get invited to an exclusive escape room with the incentive of winning 10 thousand dollars.
There’s Amanda, a military vet, Zoey, a quantum physics student, Mike, a truck driver, Jason, an investment banker (? Idk he helps people make investments), Ben, a retail worker, and Danny, who is an escape room enthusiast.
They all start the escape room absolutely bemused (well, except Danny) before they realise that the people running this place are absolutely insane and are actually, actively trying to kill them. From a gigantic oven to a hypothermic-simulation.
Only one of them will get out of it alive.
It’s a horror/thriller movie, no gore, no sex or romance (or any unnecessary tension!!) either. Pretty good and realistic descriptions of panic attacks and PTSD. No animals die (people do) but there are a lot of burns and injuries and a LOT of hospital stuff.
Genuinely I really loved this movie. All the characters absolutely trauma bonded and you can sort of tell. They’re not best friends and some of them don’t actually like, like each other but they’re determined to keep everyone alive because they’re all PEOPLE they aren’t monsters.
The sequel (tournament of champions) was pretty mid? It dragged things on quite a bit but if you’re content to watch the first movie and use the end scene as fuel for post-canon fan fiction then it’ll be great.
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transmutationisms · 1 year
do you have any book recs on the 2008 financial crisis? preferably for someone without an economics background?
of the popular books on this topic, the three i find most tolerable are:
the big short: inside the doomsday machine by michael lewis
crashed: how a decade of financial crises changed the world by adam tooze
reckless endangerment: how outsized ambition, greed, and corruption led to economic armageddon by gretchen morgenson and joshua rosner
all three of these have elements of extreme hackery and you have to put the commie goggles on tight, ie you're taking what you can from their explanations of economic mechanisms and financial minutia, and disregarding pretty much all of their larger ideological arguments. if you can go a little more complex / theoretical, these are better and give more historical context:
the enigma of capital and the crises of capitalism by david harvey
market rules: bankers, presidents, and the origins of the great recession by mark rose
the banks did it: an anatomy of the financial crisis by neil fligstein
the swamp peddlers: how lot sellers, land scammers, and retirees built modern florida and transformed the american dream by jason vuic
workers in hard times: a long view of economic crises ed. leon fink
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fauxnormal · 2 years
Todd had a seemingly heavy duffle bag over one shoulder and a banker's box in hand. Weapons? Severed heads? Art supplies ?
Speculation was futile.
"You have about 10 minutes?" he asks.
"Not r-" Damian responds as Jason moves into the room anyway.
"Good! I'll make this as quick as I can. Damian, I'm a simple man. I like to eat, read, fight, and fuck. Not necessarily in that order."
Todd paced as he spoke.
The duffle hits the floor with a low whump. Probably not severed heads, the sound wasn't right. Jason puts the box down on Damian's desk.
"Very little of that is new information. How is this relevant and what do you want? I have something I need to get back to-"
Damian stopped talking, maybe if he just let Todd say what he had to say Damian could get back to what he was doing.
Todd took a breath and started to lecture.
The assassin prayed for death.
Nope. No such luck, still alive.
This was, the much dreaded "TALK".
Damian took another breath in. Still alive. Clearly, Damian was praying to the wrong gods.
Todd was convicted of his righteousness so there would be no easy escape such as Damian sloughing off his mortal coil.
Could be worse. It could be his father.
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