#Kent saying ‘I thought after all these years you’d have grown up by now.’
daydreamerdrew · 2 years
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back-up story to The Flash (1959) #306, as republished in Immortal Doctor Fate (1985) #2
#ok I’m understanding the mechanics of Dr. Fate better know#I like what they’re doing here with Inza#regarding the emphasis on Inza not being able to understand the Dr. Fate side of Kent’s life#I figure that making Dr. Fate a shared mantle at the end of Doctor Fate (1987) was intended to play off that specifically#I’m not as confident in this but I wonder if making Eric and Linda’s relationship overtly inappropriate#was intended as commentary on Kent and Inza’s#maybe commentary is not the right word#making the interest begin when Eric was still physically ten and adding the step-mother angle changes the situation#and makes it more indisputably bad#so less of commentary on Kent and Inza’s relationship and more of playing off of them by making the succeeding characters darker/worse#back to the panels- I think that portraying Inza here as like a prisoner with no life purpose outside of (worrying about) Dr. Fate#also serves to highlight how Kent himself is like a prisoner with no life purpose outside of Dr. Fate#Kent saying ‘I thought after all these years you’d have grown up by now.’#stands out considering that he was rapidly aged from 12 to adulthood#it’s weirdly infantilizing for him to say to his wife#it’s also wack cause as far as I know she did grow up normally#it comes across to me as un-self aware with to be fair if anyone has an excuse for that it’s Kent#anyway I feel like I can’t really blame either of them in this situation like they’re both in bad positions#dc#kent nelson#inza nelson#my posts#comic panels
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talatomaz · 4 years
crossing paths pt.i | diana prince x lance!reader
a/n: reader has the powers of telekinesis. since this was going to be really long, i decided to split it into two parts. also this may be slightly canon divergent since i’ve not watched flash in a long time.
warnings: mentions of fighting, death
word count: 1.9k
masterlist | request list | request rules
pt.i | pt.ii
reader is sara & laurel’s younger sister who works with team flash. after her and cisco’s experiment goes sideways, she finds herself trapped on an unknown earth not unlike her own
i do not give you permission to repost or translate my fics on any platform - likes/reblogs are okay and are much appreciated
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“You’re absolutely sure this will work, Cisco?”
You asked, tying your hair up into a ponytail whilst the mechanical genius typed on his computer; the keys clacking under his fingertips.
“Yes. 100%. Well, more like 99%. Okay, if we’re being truly honest, then 93%.”
Cisco paused after each figure before turning his head to face you.
You started before the former interrupted, “Trust me, y/n. You’ll be fine. You just need to travel there, have a look around and then come straight back. We’ve done it so many times before.”
You and Cisco had been working on modifying the extrapolator your team often used to travel between different Earths. Or rather, you used to use them before the rebirth of the universe following Oliver’s sacrifice.
You cleared your throat at the thought of the vigilante. Having grown up with him and he having dated both of your older sisters meant that he was practically like your brother. And you were broken when you’d lost him so you’d left Team Arrow and came to work with Barry and his team instead.
Working with Team Flash was...different, to say the least. But having known them for several years, you got on well with them all, especially Cisco and Iris.
However, this project you were working on was only known to you and Cisco; the others blissfully unaware, mainly because the two of you knew that if you told them, they’d guilt you into stopping your experiment.
You were the one who had gone to Cisco with the idea in the first place.
After the Crisis, many of you had assumed that everyone solely remained on one Earth however you believed that the multiverse still existed, but that it’d be much harder to access. Cisco had agreed to help you but had explained that he wouldn’t come with you due to his relinquished powers.
So here you were, getting ready to try out the extrapolator in order to confirm or disprove your theory that the multiverse still existed.
“Technically, we haven’t, Cisco. New Earth remember?”
“That’s just semantics.”
“Cisco, if this doesn’t work, you better be ready to explain to my ex-assassin of a sister what happened to me.”
You laughed as his face dropped at the thought of that conversation.
He cleared his throat, “I’ve done all the necessary calculations and made a few needed modifications, including a GPS chip. It’ll work, y/n. Here, take your mask. Just in case.”
He added as an afterthought, handing you the sleek black mask he had designed to disguise your identity.
You put the mask in your jacket and took a deep breath, readying yourself. Holding the extrapolator, you pressed the small button and a familiar portal opened in front of you; variations of colours swirling around the breach.
You looked back at Cisco and feigned seriousness, “If I die, I’m going to kill you.”
His eyes widened making you smile, “Be safe, Cisco. I’ll see you soon.”
With that, you then stepped into the inter-dimensional breach.
“Okay, hopefully this worked.”
The breach closed behind you as you stepped into an alley; the several dumpsters providing some form of protection from anyone who may have seen you.
Wherever you were, it was bright and sunny.
Pocketing the extrapolator, you stepped out of the alley and walked down the paved sidewalk, listening for any indications of where you were from passersby.
You continued walking until you came across a newsstand that looked fairly out of place in this seemingly technological environment.
You stopped, peering at the front cover of one of the magazines.
The words “DAILY PLANET” were printed on the top of the paper. You reached down and picked it up, flicking through the pages, pausing when you saw a familiar name on the byline.
Folding the paper back into its original state, you placed it back on the stand, flashing a kind but brief smile to the newsagent who looked at you with intrigue.
Although you didn’t know what Earth you were on, at least you knew you were in Metropolis.
A place you had visited several times since the rebirth of the universe.
A place that, despite whatever Earth, was always home to one Clark Kent, better known as Superman.
You pondered in your thoughts for a little while longer before deciding to venture out and explore the city, eager to find any similarities or differences between your Earth and this one.
You ended up in a museum.
You weren’t sure exactly how you’d gotten there, having followed wherever your feet had taken you but, nevertheless, you were here.
Whilst you were never a huge fan of museums, you’d often found yourself being dragged to them by Laurel when you were younger.
There was something about them that she’d loved.
She tried explaining it to you once.
How the beauty of art told a story or something.
You didn’t really pay much attention and who could have blamed you? You were only 10 years old. You’d rather be out playing or hanging out with your friends than spending your Saturday afternoon in a stuffy old museum.
But this place was anything but.
In truth, you knew that you sought solace in places like these during times of distress or uncertainty.
It gave you a chance to feel closer to your sister after the world had cruelly taken her away from you. Even on another Earth, you still found peace and felt her presence next to you.
You sighed, your shoulders sagging before tensing once more, feeling someone behind you.
You never used to be so on edge.
When you were younger, you lived such a care free life, never feeling any need to be concerned or cautious.
But that had changed quickly.
Soon you had been thrust into the vigilante life, more determined than ever to become like your sisters and help them fight crime.
In fact, you had learned to fight from a reluctant Sara.
After several arguments about the danger of her world, she’d come to accept that there was no changing your mind and had decided that if you were going to purposely put yourself in harm’s way, you needed to be prepared. She had put you through vigorous training which Oliver soon picked up with you after Sara had been recruited to form the Legends.
So, suffice it to say, you were well-versed in the forms of self-defence and were constantly on the lookout for any form of danger.
And being on a different Earth certainly warranted your caution.
“How are you liking our exhibit?”
A feminine voice said, her voice thick with an accent you couldn’t distinguish.
Turning with a smile, you spoke, “It’s beautiful. I never used to appreciate art but now I find myself lost in the works of Rembrandt or Claude Monet.”
“Ah yes. They were most excellent artists.”
You blinked, not at her words but at her face.
The woman who stood before you was, quite simply put, the most beautiful person you’d ever seen in your life.
Realising you were staring, you cleared your throat, “Yes, I agree.”
You opened your mouth to say something else - what, you weren’t sure of - when you closed it again having spotted a man who’d just entered the room which held the small exhibit.
The figure wore a black cap, obstructing his face, his eyes darting around before landing on another male situated in one of the corners of the room. The latter gave him a brief nod which the other returned. Discreetly glancing at them, you noticed familiar bulges beneath their shirt, surely holding a gun.
“Okay, don’t be alarmed but I think this place is about to get robbed.” You said in a hushed whisper, faking interest in another piece of art beside you.
You noted the small but discernible flicker in the woman’s eyes, her name still unknown to you.
“Let’s just say I’m perceptive. Do me a favour and take out your phone.”
You waited until the brunette had followed your instructions.
“Pretend to be talking to someone and walk out the room. They’re not going to do anything until you’re gone because they don’t want to run the risk of you warning someone.”
She nodded at your words and proceeded to carry out your plan.
You fought the look of surprise and confusion that surely would’ve shown on your face at the lack of fear on hers. Instead, her eyes seemed to hold a look of determination.
Determined to do what, you weren’t sure of.
Once she had left, your suspicions were confirmed when the two men simultaneously took out their guns and shouted.
“Everybody down on the ground. Now!”
Screams and shouts were let out by the small group of citizens in the room, replacing the quiet bustle of hushed whispers that had previously filled the air.
As everyone immediately fell to the ground, you slid down the wall until you were in an upright position.
You watched as they removed several of the smaller pieces of art, carefully placing them in a duffel bag. You waited until they grew closer to you before standing up causing both of their guns to be aimed at you.
“Sit back down or you’ll get a bullet in your pretty little head.”
They both moved to stand in front of you, blocking you from the view of the security cameras and the people behind them. Using your powers, you pulled the guns toward you and flung them to the far side of the room.
You took advantage of their momentary confusion and kicked both of them. One of them grabbed you from behind, his tight grip trapping your arms. You raised your legs and caged the other’s neck between them.
Twisting your legs, you threw him to the ground and then drew yourself closer into your captor’s arms, lifting off the ground for a brief second before throwing him over your shoulders and onto the ground beside the other intruder.
You yelled to the handful of citizens who watched you with a mixture of awe and fear.
Then you felt yourself being pushed against the marble ground as one of the men jumped on top of you, his weight crushing your small figure.
“You’re going to regret that, bitch.” He snarled against your ear.
You threw your head back, smirking when you heard the grunt of pain and several curses falling from the man’s lips.
You raised your hands and with it, the other man floated in the air. With a wave of your wrist, he went crashing into his friend and they slumped into a corner.
You quickly picked yourself up and ran out of the museum’s back exit, knowing you had to avoid the police at all costs.
Reaching an abandoned alley, similar to the one you first arrived in, you took out the inter-dimensional extrapolator, deciding it was way too dangerous for you to remain here any longer.
Pressing the device, you expected to see a breach form but to your shock, there was none. Inspecting the device, you saw that it had been broken, more than likely from when you’d been thrown against the ground by the robbers.
You muttered a foul curse before calming yourself.
Think, y/n. Think.
Your ears perked up at the familiar whistle and rattle of train tracks.
Okay, you knew what to do next.
You needed to go home.
Part 2 ->
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anxiousnerdwritings · 4 years
Could you do headcanons for yandere Jon Kent (platonic)? I love your writing!
Yandere Platonic!Jon Kent  
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Thank you! I hope this is what you were looking for. I got a little too carried away writing this one. 
-Anxious 💚
You guys probably meet at school, sharing the same class. And maybe you’re assigned the seat next to him. He’ll probably befriend you from that day on. He’s pretty sociable so it’s no surprise that you’d get along pretty fast. The two of you being the best of friends right away. 
He’ll always make you laugh no matter the situation. There’s not a day that goes by that the teacher hasn’t threatened to move the two of you away from each other. The two of you would be quiet for a while but then the jokes, funny facial expressions, and laughing would pick up again. 
He’ll often invite you over to his house to study and hangout.He’s pretty smart, especially with math. It’s been noted he can solve math equations pretty fast, being able to think them through before anyone has the chance to. So, he’ll definitely help you with class assignments and homework. 
He likes spending time with you because you’re his best friend outside of being  hero (not that he would ever admit that Damian was his friend too). There’s not way you wouldn’t meet Damian and Bruce. They are always around, at least Damian more so than Bruce. You’d probably strike up an acquaintanceship of sorts. Like you’re not necessarily friends but it’s not like he doesn’t like you either. You both are pretty friendly with each other, you more than him , but he doesn’t mind you. He’d probably make an off hand comment, complimenting Jon’s taste in friends, specifically you. 
You’re probably the only friend he has at school and outside of being a hero. His family loves you and the sense of normalcy you give Jon. You’re genuinely a good presence all around. You give him the feeling of an average life, and he likes that. He won’t really understand it until the two of you are much older, then it hits him as to why he is so taken with you. You’re nothing like him and his family which makes him feel like he doesn’t have to prove himself or worry about not being a good enough SuperSon.
Don’t get him wrong though. He wants to tell all about the hero stuff. He wants to be able to tell you about his time helping save the day, or about what happened on patrol the night before, or how he an Damian kicked some criminal ass. Just stuff like that. His family is very adamant that he doesn’t tell you anything and that you stay in the dark about the hero stuff. 
And he will, but he plans for you to find out on your own. He will say things here and there, making off hand comments or referencing things that have happened on patrol, and the like.
“Oh look Y/n! I always wear red and blue and super boy wears red and blue. Isn’t that weird, haha? It’s like we’re the same person.”
You two are pretty young though so most of it will fly right over your head. But when you do catch on and confront him, he’ll be so happy and relieved. Like it’s about time you found out, now he can tell you all about his day outside of school. His family won’t be too, happy about you knowing, wanting to protect you from all the danger that they have to deal with, but they can’t say that they aren’t relieved. Now they’re able to be themselves completely, not having to hide anything. 
Krypto can fly around as much as he pleases now, Jon can show off his cool abilities, Connor and Clark con openly use their strength, and Kara can finally speed around the house and what not. Lois will even let you in on her newest story regarding the newest attacks, criminals, villains, and what not. Not that she didn’t do that before, bit now she is more open about it. No one has to keep themselves under wraps while you are around anymore.
And you’re around a lot! You may as well live at the Kent house. Louis has even jokingly offered you to move in, which made Jon ecstatic. You guys would be able to spend every day together, 24/7. But when he found out she wasn’t serious, he was pouty for the rest of the day, leaving you to cheer him up.
Even though you basically live at the Kent house, that doesn’t mean he’s not at your house just as much. Your parents absolutely love Jon. They think the world of him, just as the Kent think of you. So he is always welcome to your home. Jon will use that as his excuse to pop up at your window at an ungodly hour at night while he is on patrol. Checking in on you making sure you are safe and sound. 
Jon has really taken to listening to your heartbeat, especially when you have sleepovers. It really helps ease him when his thoughts start wandering to you getting into danger or getting hurt. He wouldn’t know what to do with himself if anything ever happened to you, especially if it was because of him or his family. whether it was because you know about them being heroes or it was because he had hurt you himself.
He would hate himself if he ever hurt you. He’s still young and figuring out his own strength and abilities. He wants to show off for you, show you how cool he is. So it’s only a matter of time before you get hurt.
He’s also still trying to keep his emotions in check. He can be pretty emotional, he’s still a kid so it’s understandable, but that spells out trouble with his powers. If he ever finds out or hears, or god forbid sees you get hurt, he’ll fucking lose it. You’re the most important person to him, and if you got hurt, he wouldn’t let that person live. It would take Clark, Connor, or Kara to stop him. He’d take out anyone in his was just to get to you. 
The more he gets into his protective and possessive state of mind, Jon would become increasingly more hostile about anything having to do with you. He’ll still be your loving, goofy, anime obsessed friend, but he’ll be more aggressive towards outsiders, whether it’s passively or not. He’d also be paranoid of other people outside of you and your friendship.
Even your parents and friends you’ve made outside of him, he’s become weary of. What if your parents want you to not be friends with him? What if they want you to stop talking to him? What if your new friends are trying to replace him? Oh, he’d be pissed.
He doesn’t want you to leave him. You said the two of you would be friends forever. No matter what. You wouldn’t leave him, right? You wouldn’t abandon him, would you? Even if others were telling you to, you wouldn’t right? 
He’d think back to when his mom joked about you moving in, if something happened to your parents then you’d be able to stay with them. There’s no way his parents would just let you go into the system or anything like that. But if you end up staying with other relatives, he’d be even more upset. What if they take you out of Metropolis? What if they take you somewhere far, far away from him? Well, it’d be a shame if something happened to them too. And anyone else who decides to take you in, other than his family. 
When you do end up living with them, Jon couldn’t be happier. You’re with him, by his side all the time. He doesn’t have to worry about you being hurt or in danger because you’re right there, next to him. Safe with him and his family. 
At school things are pretty much the same as the two of you get older. You and Jon are as thick as thieves. You don’t even really notice Jon’s obsessive behavior, or his protectiveness and possessiveness. And you don’t take notice of all the people purposely staying away from you and Jon. How it’s only you and him sitting at one of the cafeteria tables, alone. Everyone else is as far as they can be from the two of you, but you don’t notice, only focusing on Jon. At least, he wants you to only focus on him. He doesn’t want you to see how you’re the only two in the courtyard, or how no one else will want to be your partner for projects, and how your other friends have been avoiding you. He’s glad they’re finally out of the picture, anyway. 
Jon will even scare off any love interests. He’ll even pretend to be your boyfriend just to ensure no one else gets to have any of your time. He’s grown pretty dependent on you and having your constant attention on him. He wouldn’t know what to do without you or it. 
If you ever bring up spending less time with him, or talk about hanging out with other people, even if it’s jokingly, Jon would freak out. I mean it’s not like you can get away from him, you’re living with him, but that doesn’t mean that Jon would let up on his possessive behavior. He doesn’t want anyone else near you let alone taking up your time and attention. 
As stated before, you two are often sitting together in class, always by each other. And the teacher would always threaten to separate you two. Well one of your teachers later on in your school years, actually did, one of you on either side of the classroom. Jon was not happy at all and it didn’t go unnoticed. As the months went on with you two apart, only for this one class, the teacher took notice of the glares and dark looks directed to her from Jon. Talking to his parents about it, they just brushed it off saying how he’s just hurt that you and him aren’t sitting by each other. 
After hearing that, the teacher started paying closer attention to the two of you and how close you were. Over time, she became increasingly uneasy about your’s and Jon’s friendship. Picking up on the unhealthy red flags right away. She also tried bringing this up to the Kent’s but they again just brushed it off, saying that’s just how the two of you are with each other. Always chalking it up to, “That’s just Jonathan.” 
She didn’t like hearing that, so she continued to desperately try to keep the two of you away from each other. Or more like keeping Jon away from you. You were none the wiser but Jon, he was enraged. He didn’t like this teacher what so ever. She was getting in the way of something she didn’t understand. How could she? You and Jon were soulmates but not in a romantic way. You’re best friends and best friends can be soulmates, like you and him. 
Jon had finally had enough of this teacher and her meddling, and so he was going to get rid of her once and for all. 
While out on patrol he made his way to her home, having already followed her before, planning what was about to happen for a while. Jon wanted to freak her out, get her all stressed and paranoid, maker her have a reason to be scared. He wants to hear her heart jump out of her chest, hear the adrenaline rushing through her veins, and he wanted to hear the fear in her voice and see it in her eyes. He wanted to scare her to death. 
He goes about making noises, breaking things. Causing the woman to get startled, jumping out of bed, quietly sneaking around to see what or who was in her home. He can already hear her heart racing and pumping adrenaline through out her body. After a few more agonizing minutes for the teacher, but amusing minutes for Jon, he finally gave her one last scare. Grabbing her he takes her out of her home, up high into the sky, where no one can see them.
“You should have stayed out of mine and Y/n’s business. Now you’ll have to pay.” 
When he’s high enough, he let’s go of her. Hearing her fearful scream and her heart racing so fast, he knew she was having a heart attack. Before she could hit the ground, Jon grabbed her and flew her back to her home. She was already dead, so he carried her back up to her room, and put her back in her bed.  
Getting home, Jon comes in through your guys’ shared room’s window, changing his clothes, Jon got into his bed across from yours. Looking at your peaceful, sleeping face, Jon is able to go to sleep himself, smiling knowing that things will be back to normal starting tomorrow.  
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gaitwae · 3 years
The Dark Angel [|] Batman x OC
read on AO3!
Warnings: Possibility of being bad, it’s a sequel.
Length: 8k
Summary: Bruce Wayne and Charlene fluff, i don’t really know XD
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  Ring, ring, ring.  
The sun hadn’t even peeked over the horizon when the telephone rang, violently and loudly. Internally, Bruce knew it wasn’t an emergency — it was someone trying to reach him before the day started. If it was an emergency, the caller wouldn’t have dialed the Blackberry. It wasn’t the red phone; the small cell was for business,  not pleasure, so it wasn’t that either; he had a small rotary for the boys in case they were sick or held up at the university or high school (or in Damian’s case, soccer practice). The ringing phone was the Blackberry.  
His thoughts were all over the place. In the beginning, his first thought was that he really needed to change the ringtone. It sounded like Christmas bells on Kryptonian steroids. The darn thing was just outside of Bruce Wayne’s reach for the first time in years; that thought alone was infuriating to him. The more he dwelled on someone calling the Blackberry… 
Ring, ring, ring.
“Not today,” he swore, heaving a sigh and hoisting himself off of the bed. His Blackberry kept buzzing and playing its tone on the nightstand like an angry massage tool from Tartarus. He wiped his face, and just before the contraption could finish its next Ring, ring, ring, he answered the call. “Bruce Wayne.” His tone was gruff; he wanted to make sure the caller knew that the excuse better be good. The billionaire wasn’t in the mood to play games with the idiot on the other line.
“It’s Clark,” the voice on the opposite end answered. Bruce tensed. Clark had no reason to call him this early — had something happened with Charlene? Did their trip to Smallville get tracked? 
“Clark —”
“Don’t worry; this isn’t life-threatening. You left something in that suit jacket you lent me,” his friend explained. “We should talk… Soon.”
The tension that built in Bruce left instantaneously. He had almost forgotten: Weeks ago, an envelope had been slipped into the inside pocket for Clark to find. He couldn’t risk saying something around Charlene, or anyone else who could have found her, when the risk was so high. He didn’t expect Kent to find it immediately, but he didn’t think it would take weeks to discover the note.
“I placed it in the jacket intentionally,” Bruce replied. He laid back down, closing his eyes. He would have to go downstairs soon. The boys would need to be woken up. Alfred would reprimand him about his sleep, telling him that a ‘sound body and mind cannot operate under such conditions,’ when he came downstairs. He could already see where the day was taking him. “I was banking on you finding it much earlier. Why did it take you so long?”
A pause. 
“I don’t think she’s going to like this, Bruce.” He could hear shuffling over the mic, the crinkling of paper. “She really won’t like this. She just bought a house; this is quite a big commitment.” 
“I’m not proposing, Clark; calm down.” Bruce rubbed a finger under his eye once or twice. He didn’t have the patience so soon in the day. He reached over to his bedside table and switched on the lamp. “She would despise that, not to mention how we haven’t talked about it, yet.”
“I didn’t even know you two were really together.” Clark’s tone reflected an edge — either protective, disgusted, or judgemental — that told Bruce exactly how much trust he had when it came to Charlene Park. “The last I heard about the two of you was your most recent trip to Metropolis.”
“When I met with Luthor,” Bruce guessed. He chewed his cheek; he didn’t mind talking about Char, but when it came to his relationship with her, he preferred not to be bothered — his affections didn’t need to be questioned left and right. Char was a grown woman. She chose Bruce; that should have been the end of it. “We’ve seen each other in Gotham since then. I’m surprised she hasn’t told you.”
“Yeah, with Luthor. Char said you had coffee and she babysat Damian,” he said. His voice was rising. For having impermeable skin, Bruce was having surprising luck getting underneath it. “And what do you mean ‘surprised she hasn’t told you’? What are you implying? That you’re sleeping together?”
“We’re taking it slow,” Bruce answered. “If we were sleeping together, I’d be the one to tell you. You’ll be glad to hear that we aren’t.” Clark scoffed over the phone; clearly, he didn’t believe that. “I just thought you’d like to know what I’m planning; Diana will need to be informed as well. This is important. Char’ll need all the help she can get.”
“You know, I never did take you for the type of guy to be with Charlene,” the other man continued. “You’re brooding and dark; she’s not like that at all. You’ve got some nerve—”
“Is this all you needed, Clark?” the billionaire deadpanned, cutting the Kryptonian off. He looked over at the bedside clock. It read 4:22 AM . Superman was far more worried than he was letting on if he was calling at the witching hour. 
He didn’t need to be. Bruce would make sure that the woman was safe above anything else — he loved her too much to just put her in harm’s way. 
“You know she’ll be fine,” Wayne reassured.
“Do you think this is safe for Charlene? This lifestyle?” the journalist whispered into the phone. “Lois couldn’t handle it; who knows if Char can?”
“She’s more involved than we ever anticipated,” Bruce said. He wet his lips. Lois left Clark? Unsurprising. “She’ll be excited to join. She has the potential; why waste it?”
“What will the boys think? They’ll think they’re getting a mom.”
He huffed a half-humored laugh. The boys didn’t know yet — no one knew. Clark was the first to be told. “They love Char. It shouldn’t be an issue to let them think that. Damian already told her she would be the only acceptable candidate for a stepmother. In the next decade, they might have one.”
“You can’t be serious. You’d marry Char? She’s going to join the League?”
“I’m plenty serious. She’s going to be part of the Justice League’s inside informants if she wants to. Whether you approve or not.” He didn’t answer the marriage question. Marrying Charlene would require more time. He wasn’t ready; she hadn’t hinted at anything more. She had only stayed at the manor twice — he felt that was enough of a leap for now.
He didn’t need to marry her out of the blue, did he?
“I don’t approve. She’s delicate. What if she thinks that your attempt at being personal is —?”
“Goodbye, Kal-El.” Without another word, Bruce hung up the phone. Clark had too many worries; too many things on his mind. He was so preoccupied with Charlene’s life that he had to ask about her relationship instead of the plan to incorporate her into the League. He needed to let go and learn to trust others’ judgement… But then again, some could say the same thing about the Batman.
Bruce sat up in bed. He would be lying if he said he didn’t miss Charlene or said he never thought about fully committing. It had been three years since the gala; things were going well between them. If he was just a billionaire, he might have tried harder, pressed for marriage instead of bringing it up every now and then. 
But he wasn’t just a billionaire.
Bruce wiped his face again and looked out his bay window. He could see the area of town where he first saw her… where the Batman thought Charlene Park would jump to her death. He hadn’t expected to even meet her after that. He hadn’t expected a wonderful woman who understood him. Meeting her seemed so long ago now. It seemed against reality to think he hadn’t known her at one point in time. 
He could make a few calls before seeing his family, maybe create a funding account for Char when she was ready to join the League; he knew she wouldn’t say no if he explained himself the right way. She was warming up to the idea of helping him with all aspects of life — he was warming up to the idea of domesticity. At the same time, making the calls would be presumptuous. Who knew if Charlene wanted that, yet? He didn’t want to do anything without talking to her.
Char may have understood the Batman, but he certainly couldn’t predict her. The identity guessing and the kiss and the entire history of their relationship proved that fact over and over and over like a natural law. Everyone thought they were gravity: dangerous; inevitable; fitted perfectly to the human body like Earth’s atmosphere.
He thought they were just a coincidence that turned into a gift. Charlene was an angel; he was her knight in shining armor.
“Time to start the day,” Bruce mumbled. He got up from his bed. He looked out the bay window once again. He sighed deeply. 
Gotham City. 
Would this place really be safe as Charlene’s future home?
He looked away, resting his head against his pillow and trying to sleep again. The attempt wasn’t very fruitful — eventually, he got up and dressed for the day. He tinkered with the gadgets he had created for Char, tweaking it and wondering whether or not to pick up the phone and call her. Every day was another failed attempt to be the hero she needed.
“Ah! Good morning, Master Bruce,” Alfred Pennyworth greeted the dark knight as he descended from the stairway. The old man handed him a glass of water and the stack of letters that had been delivered overnight. “I take it you had a restful night?”
“Barely,” he sighed, squeezing his old friend’s shoulder in appreciation. Bruce drank from the glass, feeling the coolness spread downward. It was calming, but not the calm he needed. “I got a call from Clark Kent at about four in the morning. How are the boys? Are they all up? I had something I wanted to talk to them about.”
“Damian is awake; Dick has left for school; Tim is still sleeping; Jason never slept, I’m afraid.” Alfred cocked his head, eyebrows lifting as he studied his former ward. He stuck his hands in his pockets and took a careful breath, asking in a wary voice, “Is everything alright, Master Bruce? Was Mr. Kent’s call that important, sir?” 
“Yes and no,” Bruce answered. He didn’t clarify; he couldn’t think of an answer for each question. He scratched his neck, taking Alfred with him as he walked down the hall. Each picture on the walls was of the Wayne family, and as he got closer to the end of the hall, each of the boys. Dick with his acceptance letter to Rutgers University; Damian’s birthday; Jason against a tree; Tim playing guitar. Countless family pictures. There was a spot on the wall waiting for Char, he realized. “We’ll just have to talk about it when Dick comes home. I’ll sit the other boys down and tell them not to leave.”
“Sir?” Alfred asked, now flabbergasted. “Are we in trouble?”
“No,” he said. He tried for a smile. Alfred didn’t relax, so Bruce stopped. “It’s just about Charlene.”
The butler nodded deeply. He leaned in and looked about the room to make sure no one was spying on them. The corridor was empty. He held his breath to listen, but the only sounds were their shoes clicking on the tile. “Sir, is Charlene… leaving us?” Alfred whispered. “I thought you and she were getting along rather nicely.”
Bruce didn’t react. “I’ll talk about it later tonight, Alfred. I’ll need to see Char when she comes back from Kansas — if she’s leaving, we’ll find out after I visit her.” He clapped Alfred’s shoulder. “But if she isn’t, we might have to reclean the guest room.”
“The guest room, sir?” Pennyworth grinned.
Bruce found himself surprised at that. Another joke, obviously, but he just hadn’t thought about that sort of arrangement with any seriousness. “Yes — she’s not going to be in my room, Alfred.” 
“A woman who’s not so worldly, eh?” the butler chuckled. 
Bruce smirked. “No, it would seem not.”
Charlene would have to say that her morning wasn’t going perfectly. Going down to see Johnathan and Martha was one of the best parts of the year. It was the best part of the upcoming summer season! But this morning, this last week, she had noticed that Clark was acting insane. Her instincts told her to ask, to say something, but she got swept away with her pseudo-parents fluttering about her and asking how life was in the big city.
“You look so grown up, now!” Martha cooed. She set her hands on Char’s shoulders and turned her about, checking her face over. Charlene had stayed with Martha and Johnathan for two years when she was a teenager. They were the closest she had to family. Every summer, she returned to stay with them for two weeks — whether or not Clark was there. Martha, now satisfied with how Charlene’s physique and health was, found her gaze set on the newscaster’s newest gift from Bruce: A small locket pendant graced with a rose-shaped diamond, tied around her neck by a silver chain. “I love this new piece of jewellery you’re wearing, sweetheart. What is it?”
“Has Clark finally made a move?” Johnathan asked. He took a sip from his coffee cup, craning his neck to see the necklace. He turned his head sideways at it, then hummed. “It’s gorgeous, honey. Whose gift was that? Was that from my boy?” He laughed, looking over at Kal-El. “Did you buy that for Char, son?”
“Er, no.” Char laughed nervously, holding the locket in her hand to hide it. “He isn’t going to make a move. He didn’t buy it. I’m seeing someone else; it’s going pretty well. He’s a businessman, single father.”
“Who are you seeing?” Martha gasped. She pushed a mug of coffee into Charlene’s hands, shuffling about the kitchen to try and find some food for everyone. This conversation was just before breakfast. “It’s such a nice necklace! When can we meet him?”
“He doesn’t want to push things too fast,” Char explained. She smiled brighter than she wanted to; she was nothing but happy when she talked about Bruce. She hadn’t seen him in almost three weeks due to work and flight preparations, his business meetings, and whatever secret project he was working on. “He’s got three sons and a ward who’s planning on surprising him with adult adoption papers for next Father’s Day.”
“That sounds just…,” Martha trailed off, pressing her lips together as she thought of the words. Charlene knew she was a little wary, almost disappointed. Seeing a man with multiple children either meant he was one of the sweetest men in the world or one of the more careless. How he raised his children was a completely different story. Not wanting to spread Bruce’s life story around to everyone, she just figured it was better to keep quiet about it. “How old is this man?”
“He’s thirty-seven,” she continued. “He, uh, adopted two of the three sons. The youngest was a different situation. Clark’s met him already.”
Johnathan nodded. He stuck his hands in his pockets and looked to Clark, who was still acting off. “So he’s a good man, then?”
“One of the best men,” Charlene swore. She opened the locket, looking at the picture of Bruce holding a rose to the camera on the inside with an inscription on the opposite side: “More than you know. - B.W.”  
She showed Martha and Johnathan. Martha set a hand on her heart and Johnathan’s shoulder, smiling at the picture and carved words. “We’re taking it slow and old-fashioned; eventually, I’ll bring him down here for you to meet. Or he’ll invite you to his home — whichever comes first.” She grinned, closing the locket. Martha smiled at her.
“How long have you two been seeing each other? It seems like this man loves you,” Martha said. “Does he know your history? When did he give that pretty thing to you?”
“Yes, he knows my history. He gave me the locket about two months ago. I took him to my favorite spot in Metropolis and gave him a few written letters about my feelings.” She scratched her scalp. “The next time he saw me, he said he couldn’t just let me be the only one who ‘let their affections come to light.’” She laughed at her imitation of Bruce. Martha gasped and grinned.
“So you’re taking it so slow you haven’t told him you love him, yet?” Clark scoffed behind her. “You wrote a letter? After two years?” Charlene rolled her eyes, turning to see her best friend of nearly twenty years. The Kents’ faces drew up in surprise, but Char just frowned. He had barely said anything last night and this morning. Why did the first thing have to be about his distaste for Bruce?
“He knows I do; you know he isn’t big on words. We’ve found other ways of telling each other.” She crossed her arms. Clark mirrored her movement, rolling his eyes. He took his glasses off and set them on the table, pinching his lids closed. “How many times are we going to have to talk about this? I know you don’t like the idea of me dating anybody, but it’s going to happen. I might even get married; are you going to make nasty comments about that, too?”
“I might if it’s him. He’s going to get you killed, Charlene. Do you have any idea what he’s got planned for you?” He raised his hands and then dropped them. 
“No, not really. Gosh, Clark, you realize it doesn’t matter. You’re Superman. He’s not any different from you. Let it go.” She waved her hand in dismissal. She tried to turn back to Martha and Johnathan. She didn’t want to get into the I’m-dating-Batman explanation today.
Kal-El screamed in frustration, hovering off the floor by a few centimeters. He combed his hair with his fingers — with both hands — giving away how anxious he was. Charlene knew there was more than he was telling her. “No, I won’t, Char. You need to be careful! He left a note in the suit jacket he left me, I called him—”
“Wait. Stop,” Char said, cutting him off and trying not to sigh in exasperation. She was getting tired of being constantly questioned over her boyfriend. He wasn’t dangerous, he wasn’t rude, he wasn’t going to kill her. Bats tried to actively keep her out of the dangerous details of his life; eventually, that would change… but wasn’t going to change yet. “This is about you two not communicating, again. Isn’t it?”
“I—,” he started. Charlene pointed her finger at him, hushing the alien. He shut up quickly at her silent threat. They both knew she couldn’t hurt him. Sometimes just the idea of her trying worked, though. He set his feet on the floor again. Char set her hands on her hips, taking a step back. 
“Deal with that on your own. Please. I don’t want to break up with him because you’re acting like a kid, Clark.” She wiped her face. She knew that Ma and Pa were watching them argue and she didn’t like it. She hated being the center of attention (one of the Wayne boys would say that was ridiculous, considering she was a newscaster). “I appreciate you worrying, but I know what I’m getting into.”
Clark sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. “And what if you find out years along the way that you don’t want to be Bruce’s wife?”
“That’s why we’re taking it slow, Clark. I’m not going to abandon you like Lois did; I’m not going to do the same thing to him, either.” She looked at the clock. “It’s six in the morning. Let’s help with chores, yeah?”
“You’ve gotten quite commanding since I’ve last seen you,” Martha chuckled. “Does all this change come from that Bruce?” She used the name in a teasing manner, which made the younger woman laugh. The old mother set plates out for breakfast.
“Yes, it is,” Char said. “He and Clark work together. He’s not too thrilled with me being a hero’s partner, yet.” She shrugged, sitting down at the table. Johnathan clapped her shoulder lovingly. Clark sat down next to Pa. 
“They’re a good brand. If Clark trusts him enough to work with him, I don’t see why you can’t go with him.” Johnathan snickered. “Speaking of going with people. Son, have you heard back from that lovely Amazonian woman? You know, since you’re not with that reporter lady and, apparently, you gave us the wrong idea about Charlene. Honestly, I’m not too surprised about the Charlene bit; you two could never figure out if you were friends, siblings, or edging something more for as long as I can remember.”
“Pa, come on,” Clark whined. He crossed his arms, his cheeks colored with a red flush. Char didn’t know the Man of Steel would get embarrassed over Wonder Woman. She suppressed a giggle. And then he started stuttering. “Diana isn’t interested in me — Be-Besides, it doesn’t even matter. She’s a — She’s a very nice woman and I’m her colleague. That’s all. I’m going to steer clear of dating for a while. Sorry we didn’t tell you Char was seeing someone.”
“You should be sorry!” the old man said sternly. His smile never wavered. “What if I’m a grandpa and I don’t know about it? I understand Charlene not telling me, but you? Oh, Clark, come on!”
“Pa, it was her place to tell you.” Clark sat forward, leaning his elbows on the table’s edge. “I’ve been busy, too.”
“You never know if a relationship is working until you start talking about marriage, boy.” He held Char’s hand and Clark’s. Martha placed the last of the foodstuffs before the family. She sat down next to her son. “You two need to figure things out. You’re stuck with each other for life — you know you are. You’re going to have to trust each other. Now hush: let’s say grace.”
They all did as they were told. Johnathan prayed over their food, they ate, breakfast went by quickly. When they were cleaning up, Char’s phone went off. 
“What’s that, sweetheart?” Ma asked.
Charlene read her screen. Her eyebrows drew together. “I’ll have to leave a day earlier than expected; there’s a change in my work schedule.” She frowned a little bit. “I’ll have to make a call.”
“Oh. That’s too bad. Don’t worry about it,” Martha said. She patted her back. “Do what you need to.”
“Oh, I will,” she smiled, but in reality, she wanted to scold someone. She knew exactly what happened. 
Bruce changed her scheduling around without telling her.
After staying as long as she could — about a week — Char had to board a plane and find her way out of Smallville. Somehow, getting on the plane and sitting on it for five hours wasn’t the issue. She could afford to be patient when she knew she had a plane to catch. She had just enough experience to practically ignore the takeoff, the flight attendants, and the goodbyes.
That all went smoothly. It always did.
And then there was the airport after the flight.
Being at the airport was one of the worst experiences Charlene ever had. She hated air travel with every bone in her body, but there was no other way to get back to Metropolis: the trains didn’t go that far, the buses would have taken too long, and Charlene didn’t have enough money to rent a car. She felt safe flying when she had another person to count on; this time, she was alone. Standing in the middle of the bustling, glassy terminal made her heart pound. Was she supposed to call for a taxi? Walk home? She had driven to the airport with Clark. She had no ride.
Walking through gates and managing to find her luggage without difficulty, she passed every single crying child, scolding mother, complaining grandfather, and fussy TSA member. She had jet lag. She had a headache. She missed Bruce. She was a little bit irritated with him, too, but she could talk about it — calmly — at a later time.
Her eyes were clouding up with sleep. Her mind was wandering. She didn’t even know what time it was. She was trying her best to walk out of the terminal.
“Charlene,” a familiar voice called. She picked her head up, her heart swelling with gratitude. Dressed from head to toe in black, Bruce stood with his hands stuffed in his pockets. His feet were spread apart. He had that look about his face — the one he wore when he was amused but didn’t want you to know it. She all but sobbed as she ran to him.
“Oh, my goodness!” she cried, wrapping her arms around him. Bruce’s arms encompassed her. “You’re here! How?” She buried her face in his shoulder and let the hero keep her steady.
“Clark said you were leaving early,” Wayne laughed. He took her suitcase out of her hand, absentmindedly rubbing her back. Charlene thought she must have been dreaming. She nearly forgot about trying to ask if he rearranged her work plans, again. She opened her mouth, but Bruce was faster. “Before you ask, I didn’t mess with your schedule this time. I was working on a —”
“— project, yeah, yeah. It doesn’t mean I’m not going to ask the producer what happened,” Char sighed, taking in Bruce’s metallic scent. His shirt was scratchy, but soft from wear. She dug her fingers into it, closing her eyes and soaking in the warmth from her boyfriend. “You have no idea how much I love you.”
“I love you, too,” he murmured. He broke the hug. “Let’s get in the car. The boys are going to be worried sick. I can call the studio, tell them you’re under the weather if you don’t want to go to work.”
“Are you okay, Bruno?” Char asked, yawning. She covered her mouth, minding to use the other nickname rather than just calling him “Bats” in public. “You’re edging a ramble; that’s unlike you.”
“I’m fine. There’s just some things we need to talk about; Clark doesn’t like it, despite how it could benefit our life.” 
“‘ Our life’?” she asked, voice slurring with the need for slumber. She took his hand. He held it back, but gently. He was being somber. Solemn. Serious. That usually only happened at home, behind closed doors. And behind another set of doors, he let himself truly smile. “I wasn’t aware you were thinking about a future so soon.”
“I am,” he said. His fingers tightened their grip on hers as they swung through the air. “I want to help you into all sides of my life, even for just a little bit. I heard perspective can help a marriage last longer.”
“Marriage?” Charlene laughed. She swung their hands. The corner of Bruce’s mouth twitched, again. She started grinning like a madman — no, like the Joker. “You intend to make me an honest woman?”
“In the end? Definitely.” Bruce walked her outside. It was raining. He opened an umbrella and handed it to her. Charlene took it in her hand and tried to hold it above Bruce’s head, but it didn’t work — he was too tall. He just shrugged at it, smiling at her softly. “Depending on when you’re ready, darling, I’ll propose.”
“‘Darling,’ now? My, my, my, aren’t we affectionate today, Mr. Wayne.” Charlene giggled and poked his arm. “Are you sure you’re okay? It’s not every day you’re calling me pet names and talking like that. In fact, I think the last time you said the words ‘I love you’ was April Thirtieth.”
“The thirtieth wasn’t that long ago,” he frowned. He walked her to one of his antique cars, opening the trunk and putting her suitcase in the back. She took down the umbrella and set it back there, too. “It’s only mid-June. It’s not like I never tell you.”
“Bruce, other couples say it daily,” Charlene smiled. The rain started pouring down harder. It was mussing Bruce’s neatly-combed hair and dripping down his nose. She could feel it soaking her back and coiling her locks. She was sure she looked just as messy as Bruce looked adorable. “I know you don’t need to say it for me to hear it, but it’s still nice.” She paused for a moment, playing with the locket. She knew that just this gift alone was worth a thousand “I love you”s. Then she added, “And rare. Clark thinks we haven’t said it at all.”
“Rare,” he repeated. He opened the car door for her. She slipped into the passenger’s side. “Nice to know. It’s not Clark’s business whether or not I tell you I love you.” 
“So what if it’s rare?” she asked with a permanent smile. “It just makes it even better to hear.”
“Are you going to cry when I deliver my wedding vows?” he asked in deadpan. He buckled in, turning the engine. “I have about seven years to prepare them; I’ll make sure to make them as sensitive as possible. The boys can say a line each toward the end of the ceremony.”
“Are we going to have a Jewish wedding?” she asked. “I’ve never been to one.”
“No,” he answered. “Not entirely. My parents were Jewish, but I… I don’t know. I haven’t done anything in regards to faith in years. I think we should just have a small ceremony for the boys and Clark and his parents. The only people who matter. We can blend in some Jewish tradition.”
“I can understand that,” she said quietly. She set her hands in her lap. She could already imagine a ring around her finger. Would it be an older design? Would it be intimate? With meaning behind it? Would it be big? Simple? “I don’t want anything huge, but I don’t want to rush into this. We have forever and a half, Bats.”
“We have longer than that, angel.” He looked behind him and pulled out of the parking lot. “I brought the boys from Gotham. I hope that’s not a big deal.”
“Did you get a hotel room?” Char looked out the window, then watched the wiper blades scrape water off the windshield. They made their way onto the highway in no time at all. “Or are they hanging out in the apartment?”
“A hotel room. I didn’t want to go into the apartment without asking.” He flexed his fingers on the wheel. “Was that an invitation, Miss Park?”
“Mr. Wayne, I am a woman of class,” she teased. She sat up a little. “Of course, you and the boys can stay. We can all sleep in the living room. You, the big, bad billionaire, can lay on the carpet floor next to the common damsel.”
Bruce scoffed. “As if there’s anything common about the woman I’m going to marry. Not everyone can be trusted. Not everyone can handle this life.” 
Char shrugged. “We didn’t meet like common people meet.”
“We certainly don’t love like normal people. Kent can’t seem to stop reminding either of us of that fact.” He sighed, cracking his neck. Char wondered how that phone call Clark had talked about a week ago went. “Is he in love with you? Is he worried? Whatever his issue is, I can’t figure it out. It won’t change the fact that you and I are romantically involved.”
“You have a taste for danger,” Charlene answered. She vaguely recalled hearing from Dick that Bruce used to have a relationship with Catwoman. Damian was the product of an affair with an evil mastermind’s daughter. Batman, for the majority of his life, had been married to the cowl. “That’s his issue. You have mass intellect and he has superpowers. He could catch me from the sky, but you can’t. I’m a casualty waiting to happen.” She laughed sadly. “In his mind, I’m not safe with the Batman.” Bruce exhaled slowly to show exactly how much he agreed with that idea. 
She could tell it was more than he wanted to admit. 
“That’s why I can’t propose yet.” Bruce kept his attention on the road. “I need to make sure that you know how to defend yourself. If something ever happened, you’d at least be able to throw a punch or two. When the need arose, we would be prepared to keep the family safe. Right now, you need constant surveillance; I know what that does to you.”
“Constant surveillance?” she questioned. “Why?” Her heart dropped several levels. Had she been right all along? Was she being duped or manipulated into giving Wayne easier access of keeping an eye on her? 
Bruce took  a while to answer, creating more and more fear in Char’s mind. Finally, he opened his mouth. “I want you to gather intelligence for the Justice League. Whenever you’re ready, you’ll train with the boys at Wayne Manor. Just say the word, baby.”
“Is… Is this the perspective?” she asked, wary and unsure. She felt her eyes burn and her throat tighten. She didn’t want to ask this, again, but she felt she didn’t have a choice. The last time she asked the question, Bruce had kissed her for the first time. It ended up just being a publicity stunt. “Are you sure you actually want to marry me? That this isn’t just to make sure I don’t accidentally tell the world Bruce Wayne is the Batman?”
Bruce’s knuckles turned white on the steering wheel. “Charlene, how many times do I have to explain myself? If I wanted to keep an eye on you, I wouldn’t be talking about making you my wife. I wouldn’t let you interact with my boys. I wouldn’t be setting up a whole room for you at Wayne Manor. I love you. I have no reason to be picking you up from the airport other than my own desire to make you happy.” 
“I know,” she sniffed. “I’m sorry. You were just acting funny. I didn’t know that you actually wanted to stay with me for… for as long as we live.” Charlene took a deep breath to calm herself. Man, did she feel like an idiot. “Bruce, you said you didn’t want to be part of that kind of domesticity two years ago. When did you decide you wanted to marry me?”
“Char, I didn’t need to decide. I still don’t want the picket fence type of life.” Bruce turned to exit the highway. “Our relationship has changed over the last two years. I would be lying saying I didn’t rely on you whatsoever.”
She swallowed. “You need me?”
He didn’t say anything. Yes. His cheeks colored. She let out a breathy, disbelieving laugh. 
“I need time to think this all over, Bruce!” she exclaimed, slapping her palm to her forehead. Her pulse accelerated. Her legs felt tingly. “Marry you someday…”
“You don’t feel the same?”
She watched as the city blended into the street instead of Bruce’s unchanging expressions. If she wasn’t careful, he would turn investigator on her. “I had no idea you were so sure about us. It isn’t that I don’t feel the same, baby, I just need time to process this.”
“I understand.” He hummed. “Don’t tell the boys, yet. They might get excited.”
Charlene dropped her hands in her lap. She would be getting stepsons. She would have a husband. She would be a freelance spy. “I’m getting excited. I’m nervous, scared, sad, happy. I don’t know what I’m feeling.” 
Bruce pulled into a parking garage. He got out of the car and took her luggage out of the back. “Say you’re going to be sure before you tell me you’re ready to start training.”
Charlene got out of the car, too, taking Bruce by the hand once more. “I will.” She cupped his face. “I will, Bats. Now kiss me.”
Walking to the hotel room, using his stealthy steps across the hideous patterned carpet, Bruce found himself holding his breath. Dick, Jason, Tim, and Damian were going to blow this out of proportion, make Charlene uncomfortable. He knew he was letting his emotions get the better of him — but then again, how could they not? This was his whole family’s future at stake. This was an opening to expand the family.  “Char.”
“Yeah?” she asked. She twisted her head to see him. “You okay?”
“Only tell them about the Justice League. Let’s ease into this.” He was practically pleading. He didn’t answer her question, but she nodded in understanding. Charlene took his hand and kissed the back of it, then dropped it.
“Yes, sir.” She gave him a winning smile. He managed not to sigh out the flood of fuzz that rushed in his soul. He was the Batman. He should be braver than to push Char away. 
“Ready?” he asked, smiling gently. 
Wayne took her hand this time. He watched her, studied her. She had a lingering smile she was trying to wipe. She didn’t need to. Charlene was happy. When Char was happy, he was happy. Her hand shook in his; he was nervous, too. Committing to this would change so much. There would be no backing out. Even asking her to be on the same page could have scared her away.
He was quickly realizing he needed to trust Charlene. Whose life was going to be altered after all this? Whose life would never be the same once this process was over or ended? Not his. Not to the extent Charlene’s would be. She would be the first-time parent, not him. She would be the one who knew nothing about business or vigilante work, not him. She would be the one most affected. 
She deserved so much from him. He thought he was asking for greater than she could handle; Char was there to prove him wrong again. Again, again, and again. 
Bruce put on a big smile, opening the hotel room door. The boys all stood up to greet him, and all spoke over each other at the sight of Charlene: “You’re here!”; “How was the flight?”; “How long are you staying? Alfred’s—”; “We missed you!” They brought the woman into the residence with glee. 
He couldn’t be more grateful to the boys. They always did their best to welcome Char and put a smile on her face. They loved her too much for their own good. She loved them, too. Bruce brought her into the room, setting her bags on the queen bed where Damian had left his shoes. The boys were swarming her, hugging her and asking question after question.
“Hey,” Bruce said. “Give her space; we have to talk about something important.”
“What is it, Bruce?” Dick asked.
“Is something wrong, Father?”
Bruce beckoned the kids to the floor where they could all sit. He took Charlene, pulling her next to him. He held her hand. “We’re thinking about making Char part of the Justice League’s informant group. That way, she can see the world from our perspective. We’re hoping…” He trailed off, uncertain of how to finish.
“We’re hoping this can further our relationship and give me a chance to spend more time with you,” Charlene filled in. She smiled, moving under Bruce’s arm. He held her tightly. “We’re not getting married, yet; just thinking about how to make it work.”
Jason was the first to speak up. “So… after Selina and Thalia — sorry, Damian — you’re finally going to settle down?” He grinned. “You’re going to marry Charlene?”
“When it’s the right time,” he said. “Don’t tell Superman.” He chuckled a little at his own joke. At least the boys approved. They deserved to know what was happening. Damian scooted over to sit closer to Charlene, who ruffled his hair. 
“Are you going to stay at Wayne Manor?” Dick asked. He folded his hands in his lap. Out of all four of the boys, he copied his mannerisms the most. Secretive, stoic, at times, and would sometimes hum more than speak. The only difference between his mannerisms and the Batman’s was the smile that he allowed to grace his features.
Charlene shook her head. “No; not until we have everything sorted out. It’s probably unusually old school, but it’s what we want.” She smiled up at the Batman. He smiled down. Tim, quietly, went “Oooooh,” but that didn’t stop the small moment of perfection. As suspicious as it seemed, everything was perfect for a little while. A small pocket of happiness he had allowed himself.
Bruce Wayne wasn’t going to be so hard to relate to, anymore.
Damian took his chance to ask a question, practically jumping up and down with excitement. Tim pulled him down on his bottom, which made Dick and Jason laugh. He usually wasn’t so excited. Actually, none of the boys were. “Did you pick out a codename for her, Father?” Damian looked at Charlene. “What will we call her?” 
“Nothing.” Bruce shook his head, feeling a bit dissatisfied with himself. This whole situation was unorthodox for him, but that was something he could live with. It wasn’t unlike him to embrace change, but it wasn’t like him either. He had no idea what nonsense the boys would bombard him with once Charlene was gone for the night. He could guess… and his guess told him it wasn’t anything he’d enjoy. “She doesn’t have a codename, yet. As soon as she’s comfortable, I want you boys to start training her to fight.”
“And then what?” Jason asked. He crossed his arms. He leaned forward, looking between the two of them. It was as if he was trying to figure out how soon the relationship would end. After all, the Batman was alone. Selina didn’t work out, Thalia didn’t work out, countless others didn’t even get a chance. Charlene’s odds were stacked against her.
Yet he loved her more than either of those women.
Bruce laced his fingers with Char’s habitually. The domestic affection had only happened behind closed doors, and any kisses or lingering hugs happened within closed doors behind closed doors. She looked up at him with slight surprise when their fingers slid together. “And then we’ll figure things out as we go along.” 
Everyone made noises of excitement at that. The night went on in the hotel room, with giggling and laughter and games. Questions were passed back and forth. Food was ordered. Near midnight, Charlene had to go home. She had work the next day, and Wayne’s surprise had been laid in her home. Asking her to join the League hadn’t been the whole package; he and Clark both knew what was waiting for her there. He knew it was  a rushed decision — one of his stupidest ideas by far.
Legally, as a billionaire, he could practically do anything for Char. As Batman, he would kill anyone for her — her and the family. She was family, now. He wasn’t going to push her away.
Taking Char home was one of the first times Bruce had felt this nervous in years. There weren’t enough roses or lockets or even words to express how much he cared about her other than that paperwork he had hidden away.
It wasn’t a proposal. She would only have to sign it if she was ready. The rest of the work to make it real would come in time.
“Are you okay?” Char asked as he drove. “Your fingers are turning white on the wheel, Bats.”
“Fine,” he answered with a clipped voice. “Just tired.”
“You never get tired,” she reminded him gently. He could feel her eyes on him but he stared only at the road.  Metropolis was easier to drive through, but it only made the impending doom feel even worse. There was no possibility to stall. Not when he was certain.
“I’m fine, angel,” he insisted. They were quiet the rest of the ride, minus the exchange of a kiss and goodbyes when he dropped her off.
Now all he had to do was wait.
After all, he didn’t switch around her schedule for nothing.
After that worrying ride through the city, Charlene trudged through her door. She looked about the living room, noticing how something was different about her apartment. A few of the pillows had been moved — it was as if they’d been sat on. There was a letter and a gift bag on the table. She set her bag down on the floor. “What on Earth?” she muttered to herself.
Bruce’s metallic scent lingered in the air, but it could have just been from when she sat in his car. She walked past her old dog, rubbing his head and checking his bowl. The pet sitter had fed him, then… and he had been given a new collar. Hmm. That definitely wasn’t the pet sitter. She beckoned him over as she checked out the present on the table. 
The letter was the first thing she opened. As Char sank into the couch, she folded it open and quickly read the words. It was a brief description from a lawyer about what… what… 
“Legal marriage to Bruce Wayne would entail”?
Her heart stopped. She fished through the gift bag and found a marriage license in a different envelope. A pink glass rose. A small set of glass earrings and an article clipping of the night of the gala. If anyone ever accused Bats of being unromantic, they were seriously, seriously wrong. This wasn’t a proposal — she could see that. He wasn’t asking for this. He wasn’t telling her to try and find out. There was no trying! And along with all that silly stuff, there was a mask and a tag in his script that said, “Dark Angel – Can be changed”.
He just laid it all out for her, knowing this was their future. 
With clammy hands and a voice that was barely working, she dialed Bats’ number. It chimed for a few rings, but he eventually picked up. The familiar “Hello?” followed by, “Char?” was so sweet to hear, to let her know it was real… 
“I’m signing,” she said. “And I’m keeping the codename.”
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The Superfam as Yandere’s Part 2: Jon Kent
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This is a yandere story; it mentions elements of obsession, possessiveness, death, murder, kidnapping, and physical abuse. If any of this is triggering for you, I understand, and you don’t have to read it.
As always feedback is welcomed.
You’d tripped and grabbed on to fourteen-year-old Jon Kent’s upper arm to catch yourself, and when your hand made contact, Jon felt the place you’d touched start to burn. Oh, oh. Oh shit, he thought when he realized exactly what had just happened, how is it he could know you for four years, and yet today was the first time you’d touched him.
After all, you were the daughter of Dick Grayson, younger sister to Mary Grayson. Your father was like another Dad to Damian, so of course, you spent a lot of time with him, and by extension, Jon. Damian was five years older than you, and though his real title was your uncle, he thought of you more as a little sister.
Damian was extremely protective, and Jon knew that even if he couldn’t help it, Damian would never forgive him for being your soulmate. So, he’d kept it quiet, only he didn’t need to, Damian knew and had come to the decision that so long as the Kryptonian didn’t act on the soulmate thing, then everything would be fine. Besides, Damian was busy enough with his own darling, he didn’t have time to worry about something that Jon knew better than to let happen.
To make matters worse, finding out you were his soulmate had brought up memories of Jon’s late mother. When she’d first disappeared, his father had told him that she’d been sick and that his mom was getting help, so if they were lucky, she’d be home with them soon. Jon had believed him, but as it turned out, his father was a liar, his mother wasn’t going to be back with them soon, no, she’d die in some medical mishap.
At least that’s what Clark had told him, it wouldn’t be until much later that Jon found out the truth, but that wasn’t to come not for a few years at least.
Suddenly, Jon had the urge to make you his and keep you that way. Jon hadn’t really had a conversation with his father since his mother died, maybe it was wrong of Jon to blame Clark, but he really didn’t care, his mother was dead, and his father had let it happen.
The possessiveness was because of Kryptonian instinct, at least that’s what the computer in the fortress of solitude had said, Jon would have asked his father, but he found himself avoiding home these days unable to look Clark in the eye without feeling some level of rage.
Jon fought his instincts for as long as he could, but when you were fourteen, and he was sixteen, suddenly he couldn’t anymore. According to his research into mate bonds, this was normal for someone in his situation, he was nearing the age of maturity, and it would start to affect his behavior with his mate. There was no fighting his instincts entirely, so he gave into them in small ways like lending you his jacket when a sudden cold breeze blew by, it helped him control the worst parts of him, the ones that really wanted to keep you by his side forever no matter the cost.
Jon loved the way you looked in his jacket it was like you were basically drowning in the fabric, but more importantly, he loved that it told the world you were his, but then he’d have to remind himself that you weren’t, that you couldn’t be, and that he couldn’t have you because that would be betraying his best friend.
It hadn’t taken Jon long to figure out you liked the slight accent growing up in rural Kansas had gifted him. He found himself playing it up slightly when you were around, he really couldn’t help it, the Kryptonian part of him knew you found it attractive, and it wasn’t going to let a chance to win you over pass him by.
It happened with other things too, like how Jon kept waring that blue flannel you said brought out his eyes, whenever he knew you were going to be around, and how he kept his hair in the cut and style he knew you liked. Sometimes Jon felt like a damn animal nearly shouting, hay look at me I’m healthy and attractive, want to spend the rest of your life with me.
If Damian noticed his friend preening like a peacock for you, he didn’t say anything, then again Damian had been busy with his wife, so he could be forgiven for it, and besides, with Damian busy you’d been spending more one on one time with Jon, and he was living for it.
So much so that Jon kept having to remind himself to slow down, he may have been sixteen, and more than ready to start dating, but you were only fourteen, and Kryptonian instincts be damned he wasn’t going to hurt you by going too fast.
Jon had sworn a vow to himself to keep you safe, no matter the cost, if it meant your safety then Jon would gladly die himself, heck he’d kill the whole planet if it really came down to it. You were everything to him, and in a way, how much his world revolved around you scared him a little. It would be easy to lose himself down that rabbit hole.
When Jon was eighteen he tried to quit you like a drug, avoiding you at all costs, by the end of the week he felt like he was dying, by the end of the month, Jon felt worse than any form of Kryptonite had ever made him. Even the thought of moving hurt, Jon couldn’t see straight if he wanted to, and if he was a guessing person, Jon would say he was running a fever too, judging by the fact that he couldn’t get warm.
Of course, Clark knew what was going on, so long as you were alive, Jon wouldn’t be able to stay away from you, or his body would start fighting him, and if you passed before the two of you had children, Jon would surely wither and die himself. The only reason Clark had survived the death of his wife was because a piece of her still lived on in Jon.
So, wanting to keep that piece of his wife alive Clark did the one thing he knew would save his son, he made up an excuse to leave the planet and called Dick, Clark had told your father about you and Jon as soon as he figured it out himself. Of course, Dick hadn’t been happy about a Kryptonian loving his daughter because the only soulmate bond they had record of was Clarks, and that hadn’t ended well. Though in the end, Dick had decided that he wasn’t going to stand in the way.
Sure, that might have been because while Dick had Mary wrapped around his finger, he didn’t have you because you’d seen with your own eyes how your father treated your mother behind closed doors. Dick wanted you out of the way because you knew far too much, so he didn’t even question when Clark asked you to go to the Kent farm. If you never came back, it would just mean Dick didn’t have to worry about what you knew, or how you could take his wife away from him.
You’d been concerned when Clark called and asked you to look after Jon while he was off-world. Kryptonians were supposed to be immune to earth illnesses, but when you looked at Jon, you started to question that belief.
You pressed your hand to Jon’s forehead to confirm what you already suspected; he was burning up. According to Clark, he’d already tried all of the human fever reducers he could find, and none of them seemed to work. So you’d had to settle for the old school method of bringing down a fever, a cold washcloth on the forehead. After you’d placed it on Jon’s head, he grabbed your hand, pulled it to his cheek and nuzzled into it, you could have sworn you heard him slur the word mine as he did so.
Jon said a lot of things like that for the first couple of days, and you weren’t sure if he meant them or if he was delirious from his fever, but you kind of hoped for the former because over the years you’d fallen in love with him.
Loving Jon made you feel like you were living in some teen soap opera, Damian used to be like a brother to you until you found out that he knew what Dick was doing to your mom, but he did nothing to stop it, and Jon was Damian’s best friend, that was prime drama material. Still, you’d decided that if Jon ever gave you a clear indication that he returned your affections, you’d take him up on it.
Only you couldn’t tell if feverish ramblings counted as a clear sign, on the one hand, he’d rambled for twenty minutes about how pretty your eyes were at one point, but on the other hand that had been when he still had a fever and kept calling water earth juice. So you should probably have discarded anything he said during his entire illness, but you couldn’t bring yourself to.
Jon had been better for a few days now, and you really should have gone home, but this was a nice break from your life in Gotham. Honestly, if it wasn’t for the fact that you were only sixteen, you might have never gone home.  As it stood, you were still under eighteen, and eventually, you’d have to go home, but today was not that day. Until Clark came back, you were going to enjoy your little domestic heaven with Jon.
“Breakfast smells good,” Jon mumbled as he stumbled down the stairs, obviously still half asleep. You hadn’t expected Jon to come up behind you and wrap his arms around your waist as you cooked, but he did. It was at that moment that you decided to throw caution to the wind because you just didn’t hold someone like he was holding you if you didn’t have feelings for them.
You turned around in Jon’s arms and wrapped your arms around his neck to bring his lips to yours, the kiss was perfect just like everything else about the person in front of you. Jon would have been content to stay like that forever, but unlike him, you needed to breathe, so he didn’t fight you when you pulled away from the kiss.
Jon wasn’t sure what had come over him as you pulled away, but all he could think was mine, mine, mine, mine, to the point he found himself growling, “You’re mine.” As he pulled you right up against him.
“I’m yours,” You confirmed, as you pulled him in for another kiss, If you’d grown up in a healthy family the blatant show of possessiveness might have freaked you out, but you hadn’t, so honestly you found it romantic. Red flags might as well have been green lights to you, and in a way, you were lucky you’d fallen in love with Jon at least he wasn’t like Dick. Jon would never hit you like Dick did your mother.
It was later that night that Jon explained the whole soulmate thing, and for the first time in his life, he felt truly content as he slept because he had you in his arms.
It was a week later when Damian showed up, he’d been worried about both you and Jon, he was concerned about Jon because if you weren’t back, that meant there was a possibility Jon wasn’t improving. Still, Damian was also worried about you because what if Jon had gotten better and wasn’t letting you leave. Damian had seen how well those supposed soulmate bonds, worked out in the end.
Out of all the scenarios Damian expected to find, one of them hadn’t been you, and Jon snuggled up on the couch watching a movie. Damian had never felt so betrayed, his best friend and his niece together, he wanted to puke.
You smiled as you curled up into Jon’s side; part of you hoped that Clark would never come back because you’d been happier than you had been in years. That is until Damian kicked the door in and charged Jon with a sword and a shard of Kryptonite. Without thinking, you threw yourself in front of Jon, and in turn, Jon threw himself over you, shielding you from shielding him.
Damian found Jon’s willingness to die for you admirable; it still wouldn’t be enough to win him over, no it’d take a lot more than that, but maybe he was worth a chance. Damian put the Kryptonite away into a special lead-lined pouch on his utility belt after he’d done that Jon felt his strength return.
Jon shoved you behind him and glared at Damian. “If you ever hurt her, I can and will end you, do you understand me Kryptonian,” Damian said as he placed the tip of his sword to Jon’s throat.
“Yeah I do, and I would never hurt her, I love her.”
“Your father said the same thing about his wife, and yet he drove her to suicide.” Damian proclaimed venom dripping from his words.
After learning the truth about his mother's death, Jon sent you off with Damian, he called you every day only to ask you to return a week later, as soon as you set foot on the Kent farm Jon dropped down on one knee and proposed. You gladly said yes, and with your parent's permission, got married.
You never questioned why Clark hadn’t returned from space, and it was a good thing you hadn’t because Jon didn’t feel like explaining that his father had returned, but he’d died not long after.
Had Jon killed him? It was possible because, after all, it would have avenged his mother and secured a beautiful, peaceful life for the two of you. All you knew is that after you were married, Jon mostly retired from superheroing. Only going out when absolutely necessary, because he was content to be a farmer for the rest of his life, so long as you were by his side.
A/N I’m not even sure if Jon came off as Yandere in this tbh, Jon in my head is a much softer Yan then the rest, so overall, my usual amount of skin-crawling creep factor isn’t here, but shrug emoji. Also, Yes, Conner was supposed to be next, but that didn’t end up happening.
@yanderepeterparker​ @idkmanicantenglish​ @prettyafghan @neon-phosphorecsent​
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Top 5 Dumbest Things in The Final Season
I’ve played TWDG a lot, and I can confidently say that The Final Season is my favorite installment, and I’d argue that it’s the best of the series in terms of visuals, controls, characters, and storyline... but that doesn’t mean it’s a perfect game by any means. In fact, there are a lot of issues and inconsistencies you could pick out within the story and the arcs of our characters.
But today I don’t wanna tackle the big problems. The issues on today’s list aren’t a big deal and won’t ruin the experience of the game-- they’re minor and just really, really dumb. They’re things that you probably wouldn’t even notice during your first or second playthrough of the game. Honestly, most of these probably could be easily explained with “shhhh, don’t think about it.” 
But I’m thinkin’ about them because they’re dumb. So, here's my Top 5 dumbest things in TFS. Do note that these Top 5′s are all in good fun, and they’re my opinion. Obviously. 
[also, most of the screenshots used here are from @pi-creates​-- if you haven’t checked out Pi’s blog, I highly recommend you do! :D]
5. Doors make no sense. 
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The doors in this game are dumb and make little sense. And you might be scoffing like, “Really? Doors?” and to that I say, “YES DOORS OKAY!”
If you’re like me, you like to look at everything in hopes of finding interesting details and maybe an easter egg. If you look at the all the doors after breaking out of the dorm in ep1, they all have different locks which... why? 
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Wait, shouldn’t Clem be able to open this one...? The lock is right there on the outside. 
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Why are they different? Also, why are the dorms lockable from the outside? Like, okay, I get it-- ya gotta lock up the troubled youth so that they don’t escape. Fine. Cool, I can accept that... except does this mean that someone had to go around and unlock all the dorms every morning before the apocalypse? What if you forgot a door and a handful got stuck in there for the day? What happens if you lock all these children in their rooms and a fire starts??
And don’t you look at me and try to be like “Pfft, there’s not gonna be a fire--” excuse me?? With Aasim hanging around, and Mitch for that matter, you’re gonna tell me that the odds of fire happening are 0%?
Well, y’know, fine. If there’s a fire, then the kids can just escape through the windows... oh wait--
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Weeeeeell fuck the troubled youth, I guess. 
But the dorm doors aren’t even the dumbest doors here-- no, no. That would be the god damn basement door that apparently locks from both sides because game’s gotta game and I guess Marlon has the key?? This dumb door makes no sense. 
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Again! I feel like this is a safety hazard?? Sure hope no one gets locked down there, otherwise, you’re fucked I guess?? because there’s no way to unlock or open it from the inside?? After Brody dies and Clem’s looking for a way out, you’d think that she should be able to just open the door at the top of the stairs now that she’s inside but nooooo-- game’s gotta game. 
Ugh, dumb doors!
4. Abel’s magic shotgun
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Did you guys know that Abel actually has a special shotgun? A magical shotgun, if you will?
It’s true, he does. He uses a shotgun that, when he fires it, the buckshot curves around to hit the target when the plot demands it.
It’s true! And it’s dumb!
I know this, because if you yell for Violet to shoot Lilly in ep2, Abel will throw AJ to the grab, pull the shotgun out of nowhere, and fire at both her and Louis.... but somehow--
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--only Louis manages to get hit.
Soooo.... I guess the buckshot swerves around and above Violet to ONLY hit Louis? Like, I know she ducks a bit but I still feel like something should’ve nicked her as well?? At least?? Like, are lesbians immune to shotguns and that’s why nothing hit Violet?? Am I only learning this now??
Not only that, but it only got Louis in the arm?? H-how??
But that’s not all!
After Louis and Violet flee the scene, Clementine and AJ are on the run with Lilly and Abel shooting BEHIND them... sooo...
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If Abel was behind them.... how is it that AJ’s shot in the FRONT of his stomach??
Like, I guess Abel could’ve been at an angle when he shot but they only ever show him behind them soo?? Do I just not know how shotguns work? Do they curve to hit people in their front rather than shooting straight forward?? Because what??
On top of that, how is AJ not dead?? I know, I know, protagonist powers and whatnot but?? the boy took a shotgun to the belly?? other characters have survived lesser things??
But y’know, the dumbest part about this is the fact that I can’t take Abel’s magic shotgun for myself after the Ericson crew capture him. I could’ve just finished off every delta member if the shots curve and travel to hit their targets.
Or maybe Abel’s the only one who can harness its power.
Either way, Abel’s dumb shotgun is dumb.
3.You can’t hug Louis and Violet during their romance routes. 
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Sigh.... Why?
Y’all know that I’m a clouis shipper, and now lemme tell you a fun story that isn’t actually that fun-- Do you remember when the trailer dropped for ep3? And we got some teaser screenshots, with one of them being a shot of Clementine and Louis hugging? Well, I was excited for a plethora of reasons, and that hug? 
I could not wait for this hug.
Then I got through my first run of ep3 and... no hug? Wait, no hug? Why not? I thought--
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Oh. Oh, it turns out... it turns out you can only hug Louis if you don’t romance him. 
Ummmm. Huh. Wha- why?? Do you know how dumb that is?? What dingus who worked on this episode forgot to implement the hug option for the romance route?? Rather, what dingus thought it was a good idea to only give the Louis romance two options outside of doing nothing-- Slap Louis, or kiss him?? Where’s my hug?? Why is Clementine not allowed to comfort her boyfriend with a hug when he’s clearly anxious about everything that’s about to go down?
Look, the smooch is great and all BUT it’s not what Louis needs in this moment, ya dingus. 
I’m sure if I asked Kent for answers about this, he’d do one of two things-- go into a long winded essay about how the lack of hug and slapping him totally makes sense within the context of Louis’ character arc and route because of this and that and this subtle detail here... or he’d give a shrug and say “I dunno, reasons??”
Ugh, okay, well maybe they let you have the choice in Violet’s romance route--
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Again, if I choose to romance Violet, why am I not allowed to comfort my girlfriend with a hug before we do this rescue mission?? Sure, I can reassure her that I’m not going anywhere, which is definitely a better option for a love interest than, oh I don’t know, slapping. But the HUG!
They could’ve implemented the hug option into the romance routes but they didn’t and that’s incredibly dumb. 
2. Magic tree is magic. 
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Know what I don’t like? The dream theory. Y’know, the theory that the overly happy ending we got at the end of TFS was all just a dream in AJ’s head to cope with the devastation of the real ending-- the one where Clementine died.  
Now, I can already hear you scoffing at me once more like, “Dream theories are dumb, CJ.” and this time, I do agree with you. 
However, there’s actually some compelling evidence that could subtly point at this theory, such as the backward graffiti in the dorms that was present in Clementine’s nightmare, or the fact that Clementine is, y’know, alive despite being seconds away from death in the barn...
Oh, and then there’s this fucking magic tree. 
Oh, you know... the tree that magically grows in in ep4! The one with the tire swing! 
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Episode 3 vs Episode 4
This tree is dumb and makes no sense. What, did they just... plant a tree there? Did they push the tree up that was on the ground and use some magical wood glue to fix it?? Clementine said that Willy helped her with the tire swing so like... is Willy some sort of tree whisperer?? 
Or is this just further evidence of the dream theory where AJ’s lamenting the fact that Clementine never got to push him on the tire swing back at the train station and now she never will because she’s fucking dead??
I don’t wanna think about it. In fact, I’m pretty sure that’s what the devs would tell me-- “Shhhh... don’t think about it.” 
This tree is dumb! 
1. What even is the greenhouse??
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So.... the green house. It’s dumb. And inconsistent, both in the story and actual location of it. 
First of all, as you can see in the concept image above, it should be within the walls of Ericson, yeah? And if you’re like, “Well, it’s CONCEPT art so it might not be totally accurate CJ.” and I say, “Fair enough, let’s look that the actual in-game map the characters use then.”
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Look at that-- still within the walls of Ericson, though in a different location than the concept art. Make sense? Sooo....
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Where the hell is it?
Because it’s not within Ericson’s walls. No, no--
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It is WAAAAY the hell out here! You can see the bell tower in the distance so like... huh? Where are we?? This is a long as walk to the greenhouse! 
Oh, and if the weird inconsistent locations weren’t dumb enough, there are different conflicting stories surrounding it, as well! 
First, Marlon says that they had it functional with lots of vegetables, but then it became over grown so they don’t go out there anymore. Then, if you go fishing with Violet and Brody, Vi will tell you she worked in the greenhouse the day the twins were killed last year, which... doesn’t add up? Especially when we actually go there in ep2 and see that Ms. Martin died and became a walker inside, but she died a while ago?? 
Also, how did Ms. Martin get tied up like that? Did she get bit, barricade the doors-- wait, that doesn’t work because how did she barricade the science lab from the inside when there’s a shelf in front of the door?? In fact, shouldn’t the walkers that are inside be students that died?? 
“Sshhhh... don’t think about it.”
Ugh, nothing adds up about this greenhouse and that makes it the dumbest thing in TFS.
Honorable Mentions
AJ magically teleporting behind Marlon with the gun. Because plot.
The dumb padlock on the gate Louis/Violet/Tenn climb over in ep4 that they could’ve easily broken
Louis’ jacket that somehow holds Chairles
The padding on Violet’s boot that’s rendered useless because they put it on the leg she doesn’t use to kick walkers away
Those are my Top 5 dumbest things in TFS, do you agree or disagree? Do you have anything from this game that’s dumber than what I have listed? Let me know! 
Next week’s T5F Top 5 Characters in ANF Who Would’ve Made Better Love Interests Than Kate
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the-lincyclopedia · 3 years
Fem!Jack and fem!Kent’s obsession with Next to Normal
Following that genderbend fic I wrote yesterday about Jacqueline Zimmermann having an eating disorder and blaming her mother for it, I realized that I’d created the perfect setup for a full-blown obsession with Next to Normal, which is the quintessential musical for strained mother-daughter relationships, in my opinion. So here, have some bullet points. (I’m adding a cut because this got a bit long.)
Jacqueline Zimmermann and Kenzie Parson are models. Jacqueline is following in her mother’s footsteps, or at least trying desperately to, and Kenzie is trying to break into the industry on her own. 
Alicia had been a Broadway actress as well as a model, so Jacqueline kind of had a love-hate relationship with musicals because she’d grown up on them and was trying to become her own person now, even in her mother’s industry, but when Next to Normal came out in 2008 and Kenzie showed her the soundtrack, they both became obsessed.
Alicia hadn’t always been tactful about Jacqueline’s looks when she was younger, so Jacqueline practically screams the first time she hears the exchange “Who’s this little chubby girl?” “That’s Natalie.” “This sucks.” 
Both Jacqueline and Kenzie want to move out of their parents’ houses and get an apartment in New York together, and they both always sing along to “You’re gone as of May and there’s nothing your paranoid parents can say.” 
Jacqueline and Kenzie ADORE all three iterations of “Hey,” especially this line: “We’ll be the one thing in this world that won’t hurt.” 
Kenzie was raised by a single mother who wasn’t always in a good place mentally, and her favorite exchange of the whole musical is “Your life has kind of sucked, I think.” “You’ve got it, yay, hurray!” 
Kenzie grew up worried her mom was going to leave, overdose, die, or some combination of the three, and Jacqueline grew up with a mother who was often absent due to the demands of her career, and they both love the line “All those years I prayed that you’d go away for good, half the time afraid that you really would.” 
Alicia is starting to try to be a better mother now, some of the time, and Jacqueline just wants to sing “It’s so lovely that you’re sharing, no really I’m all ears, but where has all this caring been for sixteen years?”
Kenzie is so scared she’s going to become like her mother, and Jacqueline sings “Hey #3/Perfect for You Reprise” with her to calm her down when things get bad. 
In the song “Next to Normal,” Kenzie resonates with “A girl full of anger and hope, a girl with a mother who just couldn’t cope,” and Jacqueline resonates with the next line: “A girl who felt caught and thought no one could see, but maybe one day she’ll be free.” 
As Jacqueline’s anxiety gets worse and she develops an eating disorder, she fixates on “Just Another Day,” particularly the lines “It only hurts when I breathe, it only hurts when I try, it only hurts when I think, it only hurts when I cry.” 
After Jacqueline does in-patient treatment for her eating disorder, Kenzie sings “Light” to her a whole lot, particularly “You don’t have to be happy at all to be happy you’re alive.” 
Jacqueline and Kenzie love a lot of things about Next to Normal, but one of their favorite things, especially as time goes on, is that the teenagers are the best characters, that Natalie and Henry come out looking better than Diana or even Dan, and Natalie and Henry’s relationship is intact at the end of the show while Diana and Dan’s isn’t.
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thisbrokenmask · 4 years
Trick or Treat
pairing: female reader x kim seokjin
genre: romance, humour
word count: 3,233
rating: PG-13 i guess?
warnings: the beginnings of heavy petting, seokjin is dressed like clark kent
summary: you’re not a fan of Halloween, normally leaving your building’s trick or treaters in the capable hands of your trusty plastic skeleton, Frank, while you enjoy a hot bath, a film and a bottle of wine. this year, however, Jin unexpectedly shows up at your door and you find he’s not an unwelcome addition to your plans for the evening. 
a/n: I don’t really know where this came from, but Happy Halloween! 
written for my ‘Trick or Treat’ prompt for @btsholidaybingo​
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Stepping into the elevator of your apartment building, you’re careful to avoid the fake webbing spread over the paneling as you press the button for the third floor. With your left hand, you absentmindedly tap out the rhythm of a song that’s been stuck in your head all day around the handles of a small grocery bag, a few treats picked up on the way home to reward yourself for once again resisting losing your temper at your annoying colleague this week. As you wait for the elevator to rise, you take your phone out of your pocket to browse through some social media, seeing if any of your friends have posted pictures of their costumes yet. While you’re disappointed not to see Jungkook’s face covered in fake blood or Namjoon and his girlfriend posing in matching horror novel-themed costumes just yet, you do find yourself being drawn to a few celebrity’s images who have already posted their outfits.
With a sigh you’re locking your phone again and swapping it for your keys, desperate for the moment you can shut your door behind you and lock it for the evening. Despite yourself, though, you can’t help the small smile that pushes at your lips as you take in the drawings that have been put up by some of the kids in the building; grimacing pumpkins and wailing ghosts wishing the other residents a ‘Happy Halloween’.
You’re quietly relieved that the hallway on your floor is currently empty. You figure the building’s kids have started on the bottom floor and are making their way up, especially when you can hear the distant delighted screams and giggles echoing up the stairwell, so you’ve made it in time to avoid the begging eyes of children promised free sweets for their dressing up efforts. 
The sight of your door, the only one completely bare of any fake spiders or red-paint handprints, brings a wave of relief over you, tension slipping from your shoulders already at just the thought of running a hot bath to soak away the stress of the work week. Friday has come at just the right time once again; even if tonight is Halloween, you’re still intent on carrying out your plans of bath, wine, movie and sleep.  
It’s not that you hate Halloween. It’s just… you are strongly indifferent to Halloween. It was never a holiday that you took part in growing up, even with your older sister dressing up and going to parties every year throughout her teenage years and your parents always happily opening up the door for the neighbourhood kids out trick or treating. Other than not liking scary films, there isn’t really anything you hold against the annual appearance of carved pumpkins and the ridiculous unbranded costumes. You’re just not bothered. 
You place your shopping on the kitchen counter once you make your way into your home, flicking a few lights on as you go. The bottle of wine goes in the fridge, along with a bar of your favourite chocolate that you only indulge in every once in a while. You sit the unopened bag of crisps in a bowl, ready to open them when you settle in for your movie later, and then move on to the final step in your evening plans before locking up. 
The one Halloween-themed decoration you have is a standing skeleton, no taller than waist height, his hands outstretched in front of him. The same year you bought your bony guardian, who you have affectionately named Frank for no reason in particular, you also picked up a bright orange plastic bowl decorated on one side with a jack-o-lantern’s jagged grin, and it’s this bowl that you fill with a few bags of wrapped sweets and place in Frank’s upturned hands after slipping a small sign over his arms to hang below the bowl. 
Frank and his sugary cargo is carried lovingly out into the corridor and placed beside your door, and you make sure the sign is sitting far enough forward that it’s still visible: 
“Please don’t knock or ask for tricks or treats - instead you can help yourself to Frank’s bowl of sweets!”
Satisfied with your little set up, you finally allow yourself to lock your door and head towards your bathroom. You’ve used this set up for the last few years that you’ve lived in your building and, other than a little bit of confusion in the first year, it’s worked like a charm. The few parents who spoke to you in the days following Halloween were appreciative of the fact that you still put something out for their overexcited kids and quietly confessed that they didn’t blame you for not wanting to keep opening your door throughout the evening. After the second year, Frank became somewhat of a building celebrity, and now you’re quite happy knowing that the kids look forward to seeing him every year. They know you more as The Christmas Lady, given your clear preference and enthusiasm for the winter holidays, and a few suspect the Easter Bunny lives with you and Frank, too. 
Pouring in a generous amount of your favourite vanilla chai bubble bath, you take a deep breath of the rising scents of vanilla, cloves and cinnamon and start unbuttoning your blouse as you walk to your bedroom, leaving the water to run. You grab your fluffiest dressing gown and your favourite pyjamas, setting them out on the top of your bathroom hamper ready for when you finish your bath, before undressing completely. Your discarded clothes go in the hamper before you perch on the edge of the tub, running your hands through the water to check the temperature and fluff up the bubbles. 
You ignore the first knock on your front door, assuming that, like always, there’s one person who hasn’t read Frank’s sign. As a rule, you never open your door and Halloween night, sure that anyone who is confused will either figure it out or give up and move on. 
Turning off the water, you get ready to step into the steaming, bubbly water and melt your troubles of the week away when a second, more insistent knocking comes from your front door. With a sigh, you grab your dressing gown and slip it on as you make your way to the front door, tying off the belt as you look out through your peephole to see is bothering you. 
To your surprise, you’re met with a grown man and no children. He’s dressed in a simple suit, a white shirt under a black blazer, but with the top few buttons undone you can see a blue t-shirt poking out. His square-rimmed glasses frame his wide eyes, his dark hair pushed back with one small section styled to fall back down over his forehead. You roll your eyes as you unlock your door, stepping back as you open it with a smirk and lean against the frame.
“Hey, Jin,” the man in question straightens up at the sound of his name, pushing his chest out slightly and placing a hand on his hip. The other is holding a paper bag, at the top of which you’re pretty sure you spot another bottle of wine. 
“Ma’am,” he says with a curt nod in your direction, a playful glint in his eyes and a matching smirk on his plump lips. 
You’ve been seeing Jin for the last couple of months, not quite officially a couple yet but definitely enjoying each other’s company on a regular basis. This wasn’t the first time he’d turned up unannounced, especially since he’d found out you’d been having a stressful time at work over the last few weeks, but you definitely weren’t expecting to see him tonight, not when Namjoon was hosting a party. 
Namjoon was your mutual friend and the person who had introduced you to Jin, the two men becoming quick friends when Jin had transferred into Namjoon’s department earlier in the year. He hadn’t introduced the two of you with the intention of setting you up to date, but had simply invited Jin along to a few nights out over the summer, his new colleague quickly being adopted by the rest of your friendship group. 
So for Jin to show up at your apartment, a decidedly Halloween-free zone, rather than a party, was indeed a bit of a surprise. 
“Can I help you?” you ask innocently, folding your arms over your chest. 
“Guess who I am first,” he challenges, pushing his shoulders back to puff out his chest just a little bit more. You make a show of looking him up and down, exaggerating a frown.
“Hmm, Patrick Bateman?” 
“He doesn’t even wear glasses!” Jin’s shoulders deflate as he whines, disappointment evident on his face that you can’t help but giggle at. 
“Yes, he does,” you point out, thinking back to Christian Bale’s portrayal of the serial killer. “And it would make more sense to be dressed as him for Halloween: Superman isn’t even scary.”
“You don’t like scary,” Jin points out and your heart flutters slightly that he knows that already, a gentle blush rising in your cheeks. 
“Yes, well, true as that may be, you haven’t answered my question,” you shuffle slightly on the spot to try and hide how flustered he makes you so easily, but the smile tugging at his lips lets you know that he’s already aware. 
“Well, I-”
“Hey!” a small shout down the hall startles you both, the two of you turning to see one of the little girls you recognise from the floor above you, a usually-charming little lady called Maisie. Clearly having run ahead of her parents and younger brother, she’s stood at the top of the stairs, watching you both intently. She’s dressed in what you would consider to be a classic witch costume, with stripy black and purple tights under the puffball skirt of a black dress, a pointed black hat sat on her blonde curls. She has green face paint on and a cape flowing out behind her, a plastic broom in one hand, a small plastic pumpkin already half-filled with goodies in the other. She points her broom handle at Jin, and the grown man in front of you even jumps slightly at the young fury in her eyes. “You’re not supposed to knock on Christmas Lady’s door!” she cries, and if you weren’t so shocked you might laugh at the image of a child defending your honour from someone as gentle as Jin. “You’re meant to go to Frank, he’s in charge of Halloween!” 
Jin’s floundering on the end of the five year-old’s glare and you’re touched that Maisie has not only remembered your traditional delegation of Halloween responsibilities to your plastic skeleton, but she believes Jin is bothering you by breaking those rules. 
“It’s okay, Maisie,” you assure her and she lowers her broom, although her eyes stay pinned on Jin. “He’s a friend, I was just letting him in.” 
“You were?” hope is evident in Jin’s voice when he turns to you, a bright smile lighting up his eyes. 
“Yes,” you say as you quickly usher him in before Maisie can ask any more questions, and he slips through the door beside you to enter your apartment. “Thank you for remembering the rules, though, Maisie,” the little girl’s face immediately melts from a frown into a sheepish smile. “Although maybe don’t shout next time, okay?” she nods quickly, her pointed hat wobbling on her head as she promises you that she won’t. “I’m sure Frank wouldn’t mind you taking a few extra sweeties for remembering Halloween is his favourite time of year, though.” You wink and she giggles, skipping over to carefully pick out her favourites from the bright orange bowl. 
Just as you wish her a happy Halloween, you see her parents come up the stairwell and offer them a polite wave, which they return as Maisie skips over to them to tell them Frank gave her extra treats this year. 
You head back into your apartment, locking the door once again with a sigh and turning to your new houseguest, who stands on the edge of your kitchen, watching you with a smile. 
“Sorry for causing trouble,” he smirks and you grin, shaking your head. 
“Don’t worry about it. Maisie’s a sweetheart, really.” You eye him carefully, finally able to appreciate the exquisite cut of his suit that makes him look like he walked straight off of a photoshoot. “So, really, what did you want?”
“Oh!” Jin offers you the paper bag he’s still holding with a flourish and a tinge of pink in his cheeks. “Namjoon said you don’t like parties, so I thought I’d bring you a little care package.” Your fingers brush as you take the bag and you resist the urge to take a hold of his hand instead, a tingle of anticipation shooting up your arm and flourishing in your chest. “I also thought you might like some company, so,” Jin adjusts his glasses to hide his nervousness, worried you might turn him away even though he’s now stood in your apartment and you look down to inspect the contents of the bag to hide the growing flush on your face. There is indeed a bottle of wine, a more expensive label of your favourite rosé, as well as what seems to be some fancy take-out boxes containing slices of cheesecake. 
You’re used to being alone on Halloween, most of your closest friends opting to go out for alcohol-soaked parties or spend time with their partners instead, so you’re not quite sure how to react to the idea that someone has willingly given up one of the biggest party nights of the year to be with you. 
“It’s just Halloween parties I don’t like,” you smile sheepishly, moving further into the kitchen to put the wine and food in the fridge to chill. “Or Halloween at all, really.”
“Really?” You nod shyly, already internally wincing at the slew of objections you normally get when you state your indifference towards the spooky holiday. “What were you planning on doing instead, then?” The ease with which Jin simply accepts it and moves on surprises you, and you find your heart beating a little bit faster as he looks at you with genuine curiosity. 
You suddenly remember your outfit, pulling the lapels of your dressing gown together a little tighter across your chest. You and Jin have shared several heated moments over the time you’ve known each other, and while his hands may have slipped under your top and climbed higher up your back a few times, he’s never seen you in any state of undress. 
“I was actually going to have a bath,” you say, tucking your hair behind your ear, a nervous laugh escaping you. “I was literally about to get in before you knocked.” 
“Oh right, erm,” Jin has the good graces to look embarrassed, shuffling his feet awkwardly as he struggles to figure out where to look. The two of you stand on opposite sides of your small kitchen, neither of you quite sure what to do. You wonder if he felt the same shift in the air as you did at the idea of you being naked on the other side of the door when he arrived. “So are you, erm…” Jin vaguely gestures towards you, cheeks burning red as he stumbles over his words. “Are you still going to-? I mean, do you want to-? Do you want me to-?” 
Seeing Jin, a man usually so effortlessly confident, struggling to keep his cool around you gives you a strange surge of confidence that you can’t explain but don’t dismiss, leading you to cut him off with a single, straightforward question. 
“Would you like to join me?”
You giggle at the way Jin falls silent, mouth still open mid-sentence. You take the belt of your robe between your fingers, gently teasing at the idea of undoing it for him, watching his eyes drop down to follow the action. You see his jaw tense and he swallows, and when his eyes lift back up to yours they are significantly darker than they were before, his tongue slipping out across his bottom lip before he bites it. And just like that, the stuttering man is gone. 
“Would you like me to?”
“Would I ask if I didn’t?” you cock your eyebrow as he crosses the room towards you, eyes unabashedly raking up and down your form. You’ve never considered your fluffy dressing gown to be one of your sexier outfits, but Jin is quickly making you reconsider those thoughts as he tentatively places a hand on your hip, fingers gently stroking the fabric. You can’t pull your eyes away from his, the dark heat in his eyes boring into yours and stoking the fire burning in your abdomen.
“Better take this off then, hadn’t we?” you feel his hands cover yours, long fingers gently prying yours away from the strip of fabric keeping him from your body. The adrenaline pulsing in your veins gives you a better idea, however, and you dip out of his grasp to make your way back towards your bathroom. With a coy smile on your lips, you gently undo the knot yourself and slowly let the fabric fall from your shoulders, exposing your naked form to his eyes. He’s frozen in the middle of your kitchen, so you give him a beckoning curl of your finger before slowly stepping out of his field of vision. 
Biting your lip, you pray you haven’t jumped the gun and taken this relationship a step too far too soon, but the gentle footsteps that begin to follow you assure you that he’s definitely interested. You enjoy the feeling of the air against your skin with the sway of your hips, pausing at the entrance to the bathroom to look back over your shoulder. 
The sight of Jin unbuttoning his shirt as he follows you sends another bolt of heat through you, although the sight of his Superman shirt underneath does make you burst out laughing. He blushes, laughing nervously as he shrugs off the shirt, but your laughter soon dies in your throat as he quickly lifts the t-shirt off over his head in one quick motion. Seeing his bare chest for the first time shuts you up pretty quickly, the expanse of skin combined with his black trousers, black glasses and black, styled hair leaving you almost drooling over him. 
WIth a bite of your lip you wait for him to come to you, your hands immediately reaching out to touch him with an eagerness you don’t even care to hide. It’s returned, though, as Jin’s hands immediately find your waist and pull you close. His face is mere millimetres from yours, breaths ghosting over each other’s cheeks before he ducks his head to bury his face in your neck. The gentle press of his lips against your skin makes you gasp, the heat of his mouth melting any remaining hesitation you still held. 
Your fingertips brush over the muscles of his abdomen, his breath catching as you tease the sensitive skin of his hips before gripping onto his belt and pulling him into the bathroom, the heat between the two of you adding to the already steamy room.
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45 notes · View notes
Castles Made of Sand
All credit goes to Jimi Hendrix for this borrowed title. After way too much time (thanks to our good friend Writer’s Block and hating the first route I took with this which lead to a complete rewrite), I am finally getting back to finishing up my last two remaining requests for my milestone event. This one was requested by @something-tofightfor, who chose image 5 for Benjamin Greene x reader. In lieu of going to the actual beach, stay inside, social distance, and imagine yourself there with this sugarplum instead. I hope you enjoy!
Image prompt 5: Benjamin Greene x reader
Rating: R solely because B. Greene is one sexy mofo. If you haven’t watched Gold Digger, there are spoilers you’ll come across in this one.
Word count: 2889.
Tag list: @obscurilicious @the-blind-assassin-12 @something-tofightfor @logan-deloss @lexxierave @madamrogers @yannii04 @gollyderek @carlaangel86 @maydayfigment @vetseras @thisisparadisemylove @malionnes @thesandbeneathmytoes @my-rosegold-soul @delos-destinations @luminex3 @fireeyes-on-teller-dixon-grimes @tenhargreeves @witchygagirl @fific7 @pheedraws
If you’d like to be added to/removed from my tag list, please just send me an ask or shoot me a DM.
Special thanks to @the-blind-assassin-12 for beta reading!
Once again, enjoy and thank you for reading!
Benjamin’s mouth had embarked on a journey. He’d made his way down the straight line of the back of your neck, and now was tirelessly pressing light kisses down the column of your spine. The heat of his breath was a sharp contrast to the air conditioning in the room, and he was sending literal shivers up your spine. Your eyes had fallen shut when he’d started on your neck, his long fingers threading through your hair. 
“You taste like saltwater and sunshine,” he stopped just long enough to murmur into your ear. He’d changed direction, rerouting and taking a detour up toward your other shoulder. Gathering your hair to sweep it out of his way, he ran a palm over your skin, brushing off several grains of sand that had been stuck there, reticent to let go. I understand completely, he thought to himself, a shadow of a smile curving his lips as they landed on you once again: one soft feather of a kiss followed by his mouth closing over a spot at the base of your neck, gently swiping his tongue over a patch of skin, tasting saltwater again before sucking gently, his intention to leave a mark clear.
You hummed softly, appreciatively, and grinned lazily as you opened your eyes. Benjamin hadn’t been excited about your idea for a weekend at the beach; he’d actually been a bit tight-lipped any time you’d mentioned it, which was strange-- you found that Benjamin was usually forthcoming about most things, with just a short list of exceptions: his childhood, his brother Kieran, and his ex-wife Julia. 
“I never knew you had hard feelings toward the beach,” you’d joked with him good-naturedly. You’d purposely avoided the topic for three entire days, and Benjamin had finally breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that maybe you’d given up your idea of a weekend away. I’d love a weekend holiday, just one that doesn’t include sand, he’d thought to himself, every time you’d made the suggestion. But Benjamin knew it had not so much to do with sand at all. It had everything to do with Kent. 
He did everything he could to avoid returning to the area. He’d done everything possible to leave his childhood and years in Kent behind, to start a new life, and he’d succeeded in doing so. But when Benjamin thought about the place, his heart dropped and his pulse raced at the same time. He felt like the former version of himself, the name Sean White haunting him, circling over his head like a vulture. It was always there. Benjamin was, down to his bare bones, a taller version of the boy with the name he could never escape— the boy who had spent time behind bars, who had nothing, who spent the most desolate and miserable years of a life he’d love to forget—in Kent. 
                                         ***          ***         ***
“We used to spend half of the summer on the beach,” you had continued, your voice light with excitement, words spilling from your mouth quicker than usual. “We’d deviate here and there, but we spent most of our beach days in Broadstairs. Joss Bay. Just as beautiful as Botany, but without so many tourists.”
Benjamin had just watched and listened, expressionless. He wasn’t the type to keep at reading, his usual task at hand, while someone was speaking, whatever the topic… even if it was highly irritating. 
But you, well, you just laughed, getting to your knees and knee-stepping the rest of the way to where he was sitting, a high-backed and slightly-distressed armchair. The end table and lamp were perfectly-suited for his academic pursuits and cerebral hobbies. 
Benjamin’s eyes followed your movement, unable to help a small, wary shadow of a smile appear, vanishing as suddenly as it had come on. You were there then, your forearms resting atop his knees and looking up at him with wide doe-eyes, unconscious of just how beautiful you always looked from his view. 
You had only met three months ago in an otherwise empty corridor at university, but things had gone swimmingly between the pair of you. Benjamin was well aware, and quite often, that he was falling for you, hard and fast and much too much all at once.  He knew that if he wanted your relationship to progress much father— I do, I want her, I want to need her out of love, not from dependency—he’d have to tell you everything; the absolute truth. I want this, with her: the antithesis of what I thought I had with Julia. 
That thought, each time it invaded his mind, caused his heart to pound irregularly, his surroundings to tilt before his eyes. Perhaps he needed you already.
He heard the music of your laughter, the quick glossy look in his eyes vanishing within a split-second. Her smile could illuminate entire cities. 
“I know,” you continued with a slight wrinkle of your little nose, “That it’s quite popular, and the waves are rather choppy, but the sand is still white and the view…” you trailed off, shaking your head slowly as a warmth of nostalgia flooded your senses. 
You were still enamoured by the beach, as you always had been— the horseshoe shape of the coast, the white chalk cliffs, the carefree atmosphere and the smell of the saltwater. Your times there at Botany Bay in Broadstairs were some of your favorites, hands sticky with ice pops melting too quickly, briefly staining the sand. 
“What do you say, B? I’ll find a nice place to say, we’ll spend a long weekend in Kent. It’s lovely there, you—“
Benjamin spoke your name softly, but there was a strange firmness to his tone. Never one to interrupt, you were a bit caught off-guard. As he removed his glasses, pinching the bridge of his nose, you lowered yourself down to your haunches, allowing your arms to fall from his knees to your sides. You’d seen Benjamin tired. You’d seen him dejected, frustrated over a paper or two that he’d gotten stuck writing, but this… this was something different. And perhaps you were being a bit sensitive, but your feelings were a bit hurt. 
To top things off, you didn’t know how to react to an emotion you’d never seen before from the man you’d been seeing for just three months. Operating on instinct, you just nodded— though you were thoroughly confused— and stood, offering him a soft apology as you went to your small kitchen to put the kettle on. 
Just as you placed the kettle on the stove to heat, Benjamin appeared in the doorway. You forced a smile, hoping it was convincing enough to pass. “Chamomile or lemon balm?” you asked. He took a few long strides and pulled out a chair, sitting at the table, and bit at his bottom lip. 
“Chamomile… There’s.. I’ve…” Benjamin scrubbed his hands over his face in irritation. His nerves were getting to him. Anxiety was thieving his words. “I can’t go to Kent, Y/N.”
You turned to lean against the countertop. Crossing your arms over your chest as you furrowed your brow, it was obvious you were concerned. Benjamin had grown up in Newenden, a small port village immediately north of the River Rother, as an only child. You searched his face and saw tension in the set of his jaw. The rise and fall of his chest seemed almost labored, and when he looked at you, you were startled by the look of pain in his eyes. 
“My childhood.. it wasn’t like yours.” His voice sounded thick. “My mum was not an attentive mother. All of her care was concentrated on landing her next fix, and Kieran and I—“ He stopped short and shook his head, staring down at the table, tracing a knot in the wood with his index finger. “My… brother.” He struggled with the word, his jaw flexing. 
Your eyes widened and you opened your mouth to speak, but all that spilled forth was silence. He’s lied to me. You felt your chest seize and it was like his words stole your breath from your lungs. Your heart thrummed erratically. He’s been lying to me.
“Older brother.” Benjamin continued, and his voice became unsteady as he went on. “Kieran had no father figure and mine was… fucking useless.” Upper lip curved in contempt, his nostrils flared in anger as the kettle began its shrill whistling. Quickly, though you felt as if you were in a haze, you darted to the side to quiet the sound, wondering how long you could keep your hands busy preparing two cups of tea. 
“When my mum died, Kieran did everything in his power to make everything normal, to watch over the two of us. We had no money and no place to go.  Just 50 quid, mate, to get us through the month. He already had a plan on how to get the money… ‘Just stand and keep watch, alright? Just keep watch.’” 
Benjamin was unaware, but he was sneering-- his jaw clenched, brows knotted, his mouth set in straight line. But the part that was most jarring was the wildness in his eyes. Benjamin, what have you done? Your hands shook as you brought tea to the table, and you wondered for a moment when you’d managed to steep the tea bags. You had no recollection. Benjamin’s words were ricocheting in your head. You felt angry for being lied to, betrayed. You felt a dull ache in your chest for Benjamin and all that he’d been through. You felt a heavy guilt for unknowingly being so inconsiderate in badgering him about a beach trip. You felt like the foundation of your relationship had been cracked irreparably, like the fault lines in dry earth from an earthquake.  Setting one steaming cup of tea in front of Benjamin, you sank into a hard kitchen chair across from him.
He scrubbed a hand over his face. “So I stood there, and I stood there… and I heard something and then… there was all this blood…” 
Benjamin’s voice was shaking and as you looked up at him, you saw that his face was wet with tears, droplets falling from his cheeks and onto the table. He swallowed hard. “I took the blame, Y/N. I took the blame and I paid for it and he… he let me.”
“Oh, Benjamin.” You rose from the seat you’d just taken and walked to stand in front of him. You could see the agony in his eyes; there was no way anyone could fake that. “Benjamin, I’m sorry.” Tentatively you sat on his knee, and he shook his head.
“I should’ve told you, I planned to. When’s the right time to--”
You interrupted him by wrapping your arms around his neck and resting your cheek atop the crown of his head. Your anger melted away and the only thing you wanted to do was take it away. It was impossible, you knew, so you’d have to settle for offering comfort. For being there. 
“There isn’t,” you said, frowning into his hair. You softly ran your nails over the back of his neck and the two of you sat in silence for a moment. Closing your eyes, you turned to press your lips to his head before pulling away to look down at him. You opened your mouth to speak, but no words would come out. They were stuck someplace between your heart and your throat.
“As soon as I could,” he continued, blinking tears away, “I left. I got out of Kent, and I made a new life for myself, changed my name, got a job, and an ex-wife.” Benjamin attempted to smile, but the corners of his mouth just twitched instead, and no light reached his eyes. “Shawn White follows me every step of every day and I can’t go back. I can’t.”
“I don’t know a Shawn White.” Just saying the name felt strange on your tongue, and you vowed to never speak it again. “I know Benjamin Greene. I know that he helps strange women carry loads of sketchbooks to her office.” You smiled softly, the memory of how you’d met a vivid memory in your mind. “I know that he’s a diligent student, and smart, and is a great copywriter.” Pausing, you kissed his forehead. “I know his favorite foods, the type of music he likes, that he’s funny and attentive.” Finally, you caught his eyes, a touch of sadness and sour regret still there. “I know that I care about him immensely.”
Benjamin had taken to lightly running both hands up and down your back, one on either side of your spine. He couldn’t believe your reaction, or lack thereof. There was no accusation. There was no venom in your tone, no indication that you didn’t believe him. He had confessed to you that his life was a lie, and there you were, beautiful on his lap, reassuring him of all that he was. And when you kissed him then, there was no bitter aftertaste of pity. And when Benjamin smiled afterward, it was genuine, and it reached his eyes. She’s unbelievable.
                                              ***          ***         ***
“You’re so pale. B,” you’d teased, all in good fun. “C’mere.”
You slathered Benjamin in sunscreen— SPF 45,  to be exact. He’d helped you with the hard-to-reach places of your own, his warm palms and long fingers working the lotion over your skin. 
“Are you sure you wouldn’t rather spending our time in the air conditioning?” he joked, voice low in your ear. One last time, he rubbed one hand over either shoulder and leaned forward to kiss your temple. Despite the heat, you felt goosebumps popping up In gentle pricks. 
“Are you trying to make me forget about my mission? Because it’s working.” You turnED your head, narrowing your eyes playfully at Benjamin before turning your attention to the array of sandcastles littering the beach. Most of them looked more like sculpted sand dunes or ant hills more than anything else, but there were some valiant efforts all the same. Your mission was to thwart them all. 
“Really, I desperately want to impress you with my architectural skills,” you kidded. . Reaching to your right, you swiped the tote bag you’d brought down with you and pulled out a bright red, plastic sand pail. It held two smaller sand molds inside and a small, yellow shovel hung  from the bucket’s handle. You beamed triumphantly. Benjamin threw his head back in laughter. 
“What?!” Your voice dripped with feigned indignence, but his laughter was absolutely contagious. A giggle bubbled forth from your throat before it turned into full-blown laughter. “These are fully functional multipurpose tools!” You defended the vividly colorful kids’ toys as you unloaded the smaller molds from the pail. 
“You are utterly bonkers,” Benjamin said decidedly as he slid his sunglasses downward to shield his eyes. He leaned back on his readily-spread beach towel, leaning back on his elbows with his long  legs stretched out in front of him. 
And you are a vision, Benjamin Greene. The rest of Botany Bay— the horseshoe shape of the coast in the distance, the sapphire blue water sparkling brilliantly in the sunlight, the clean, whit expanse of sand and the picaresque pillars of chalk in your periphery— they all paled in comparison. You loved Benjamin irrevocably. 
And he felt the same way, you reminded him. “You love me, especially the utterly bonkers part,” you chided, setting your building supplies to the side. Joining him on your own beach towel, you rest your chin in your hand, propped up on your side to look down at him. You couldn’t help but press a kiss to his lips, your tongue teasing his bottom lip before pulling away. 
“Remind me again what I am?” you teased. Your eyebrows were raised in question and your mouth quirked upward in a smirk. 
Benjamin groaned in response, dropping his upper body down into his towel unceremoniously. 
“Brilliant at baiting,” he answered, rolling his head toward you. He was smiling, and your heart danced in your chest. Here you were, with Benjamin Greene in Kent, and of his own accord. You’d be returning to work soon, and he’d planned an end-of-summer beach vacation, at the very one you’d mentioned all that time ago. He’d remembered. And he was happy. 
You sat up with a burst of energy. Sliding in your own sunglasses, you readjusted the messy bun you wore atop your head. It was time to get down to business. “Now, are you going to help me build our castle before the tide rolls in?” You paused and turned your head to glance at him over your shoulder. “I can offer a promise of air conditioning as an incentive.”
Suddenly invigorated, Benjamin pushed himself up to sit as well, nudging your shoulder with his own. “Move over, Y/L/N,” he said, reaching past your legs for the lemon- yellow shovel. “Let me show you how it’s done.”
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This is going to be a combination of two requests, @mistkissedmoon : "Damian going through traditional courting methods? Asking kent (the next best thing to her father ) for her hand and appropriate disbelief and confusion from Clark, who doesn't understand the difference between courting and dating (intent to wed and casual)." And a request, or rather, an idea, that was made a while back from Wattpad user JRSreigne that Damian plays the piano for Rachel.
After two and a half years of war, violence, and repair, it was a blessing to live a 'normal life'. Well, as normal as it could be for people like me. People who have seen hell and looked it's ruler in the eyes, living to tell the tale. And honestly, I'm thrilled to leave that life behind me. Though, mother would have my head if she were to be around to know that I've grown to enjoy this kind of lifestyle. Dare I say I even crave to live like this.
Of course, some things will never change. Father and I both still train our hardest and sometimes I even still put on that internal bird costume that gave me hell for a quarter of my life. Raven still meditates, but not as much. She doesn't need to, really. Her father is long gone and she finally has her emotions in check. Part of me thinks it's out of habit.
And speaking of Raven, she, too, has been enjoying this 'normal lifestyle'. Though, it wasn't easy at first. After the war had ended and the world was fixed, Raven was left completely alone guardian wise. I offered once again for her to join me in the League of Assassins, but she once, more, declined. She told me that she was finished with living that sort of life, and I wanted a fresh start and wanted me to join her. Of course, I accepted. I had been away from her for too long and I wasn't about to mess that up again.
However, the issue still remained on who she was to live with. Father offered for us both to live with him but I had a more heartfelt idea: I had seen the way Kent took care of Raven like a father would his own child. And more importantly, he was there for her in my absence. And after losing his own love, I had thought it be fair to share mine. Raven of course didn't like the idea of just, in a way, replacing both Lois and Superboy at the same time, but once we had Kent's approval, she reluctantly agreed, and Kent adopted Raven as his daughter.
Which leads me to my current dilemma: before Grayson's pulpit to insanity thanks to my own foolishness, I had always closely watched his mannerisms with Koriand'r. He would always court and please her in the more classic and, bite my tongue, romantic way. I had even once overheard him speaking about how he wished to meet her father one day so that he could 'properly ask for a blessing'. Recently, I had come to notice that I do none of those things with Raven. It made me feel... worried, somehow. Like she would feel as though I wasn't trying. So, I took the liberty to look up some of these so-called 'cheesy' moves for myself, and once I had information prepared, I was ready to use it.
Sneaking into the Kent home was something I wasn't exactly unfamiliar with, so it was easy to sneak inside in the early hours of the morning and began to attempt to cook the three of us breakfast. I figured I'd do something simple, like pancakes. Which was more difficult than I had intended it to be. All my life I had someone prepare my meals for me, so I never really thought to learn how to prepare my own meals.
"Who's there?" A rather angry feminine voice behind me demanded.
I turn to face Raven, removing the hood I was wearing before she could attack me or alarm Kent. I held my hands up slightly in surrender as she lowered her guard and gave me a confused yet concerned look.
"Damian?" She squinted, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.
"My apologies," I sighed, "I had no intention of waking you."
"It's... It's alright." She walked towards me. "But what are you doing? It's almost 6 AM and you should be in Gotham."
"I'm just.." I sigh, "I'm showing you how much I love you... look," I moved out of the way of the stove, "I'm cooking for us. Or trying to cook, anyway..."
She giggled. "Is that why it smells of pancakes in here? And why your forehead has batter on it?" She took a finger and whipped the thick substance from my face and whipping it off on her pants. "This still doesn't really explain why you're here though."
"You'll see soon... and, beloved, I hate to ask this of you but, um..." I rubbed the back of my neck, "can you assist me with breakfast?"
She sighed a small smile, shaking her head. "Of course."
By the time we were finished, the sun was rising and we had made a bit of a mess in the kitchen. Somewhere along the line, we had thought it be fun to fling access batter onto each other, which only made things worse.
Raven let out a sigh and she and I finished setting the table. "Clark will more likely be up any minute now." She tucked a stained of hair behind her ear, and I had noticed that she had gotten batter on a few strands.
"You have something in your hair..." I noted out loud before finishing, quickly, "um--do you want me to get it out?"
Raven raised an eyebrow at me as Kent began to walk downstairs.
"Morning, Raven..." he yawned, "what's that-- Damian? I wasn't expecting a visit from you this early in the morning?"
"To be fair, neither was I." Raven said.
"Come, both of you, sit, please." I said, gesturing them both to the table.
They both awkwardly abridged, Raven giving me a questionable look. I soon took the seat next to her facing away from Kent.
"Alright Damian," Raven looked at me as she cut off a piece of pancake, "we're all sitting down, so what's the meaning of your visit? Not that I mind you being here, of course."
"Ah, yes," I set down my silverware and looked at Kent directly, "Kent, your Raven's father now... so it is only right that I ask you this in her presence..."
Kent raised a questionable brow. "Go on...?"
"I never properly got to ask you for your blessing in courtship, so I'm doing it now: Clark Kent, do I have your blessings to court your daughter?"
Raven looked at me dumbfounded and Kent simply stared in confusion. He awkwardly let out a laugh and said, "Court? Son, I think dating her is--"
"I don't wish to just date her, I wish to court her."
His confused look only intensified. "Isn't that what that is?" He looked at Raven, who was shaking her head between her hands. "W-Well, alright..." he cleared his throat as his tone suddenly changed, "as I'm sure you're aware, she needs to be treated with the upmost respect at all times, and, uhh..." he began to lose his words, this little warning of his was obviously not prepared, "just... be good to her? A-And no funny business until your both ready!"
"I believe you're misunderstanding me, Kent: you're treating me as if I only intend on dating, I do not. I intend on courtship." I forced a smile, hoping that maybe I wasn't making a mistake in doing this.
"What Damian is trying to say..." Raven said, the bridge of her nose between her thumb and finger, "is that he wishes to date me with the intent on marrying, and he wants your blessing to do so."
Kent gave us both a sheepish grin. "Is that not what dating is for? A-Anyways: tell me when you're ready to wed and I'll help prepare."
I raised a brow at the man. "Is that not what I just did?"
Raven let out a groan. "Clark... he's basically asking to marry asap."
"Oh... oh!" Kent light up at the realization, "I mean dontcha think this is moving a bit fast for marriage? I-I mean have you two even talked about this? Does Bruce know? O-Or--"
"Clark!" Raven yelled slightly, "You're rambling. And worse, you're worrying over nothing."
It took every bone in my body not to facepalm and call this man a fool. I suppose I shouldn't be too hard on him, though, he doesn't really seem like the courting type. Then again, neither do I.
"I just..." Kent let out a sigh, "I just really thought that you were asking to court her not marry her." He said, folding his head between his hands.
"Yes? That's exactly what I said? Which means I have the intent of marriage." I would be lying to myself if I said I wasn't getting annoyed with this man.
"So why didn't you just say that?" Kent's eyes held so many questions that I was beginning to grow to inpatient to answer.
"I did! That's what courting is, you imbecile!" I finally snapped.
Raven hit my shoulder. "Don't call him that, he just doesn't understand! And it's not his fault you're being so strange today!"
"My apologies..." I sigh out in defeat.
Raven sighed with me as she grabbed my arm and lead me away from the table into a back room that was used for storage, shutting the door. "Now," she said, "mind telling me what your problem is?" She folded her arms and gave me an angry look.
"There is no problem."
"Okay, then why are you doing all of this? You break in with no warning and nearly give me a heart attack, then you asked Clark for courtship which even we haven't even discussed yet, and have the audacity to insult your, apparently, soon to be father-in-law?" Her tone softened then. "This isn't like you at all. You'd normally warm me ahead of time if you were going to pull off a stunt like this, and it's not really like you to ask for permission for, well, anything. Is something wrong?"
"As I've said, beloved, nothing is wrong." I grabbed her hands. "I apologize for not informing you of this sooner, I just found no other way to do this. If I had asked you to leave you'd take suspicion, so... kill two birds with one stone, as they say."
She only rolled her eyes and gripped at my hands tighter as she said, "Well, you have my father's permission... but there's still one more person you need to ask: me. 'Cause trusts me, this was a shock to me, too." She let out a small laugh.
I smiled. "Of course." I released her hands and lead my way over to an old piano that seemed to be collecting dust and was undoubtedly out of tune. "I know the usual tradition is for me to get on my knees and carry a ring as a token, but I currently have no ring to give, so you will just have to take my words and sound for now:" I began to play a melody that I had heard Alfred play so many times. I never did get to ask for the name of the piece, but I had watched him play for so long I began to pick up on its notes.
"I had no idea you could play..." Raven said in astonishment.
"I know a few songs, but it was never a skill I preferred to use if I were honest."
The sound that came from it was about as old as the piano seemed to be, and perhaps the soul of its player, but neither of us seemed to mind it. I took the liberty to speak in a slow, and mellow voice over the music.
"Rachel Roth Kent, when I first met you, I felt strangely drawn to you. Some will say that it's because you saved me from death that first day, and perhaps they're right, but I personally like to believe that it is simply because, and I know this to be true, you're special to me in ways I can barely comprehend. You bring me so much joy in countless ways, even during the bad. And with those feelings, I have to ask you: will you make me happy forever and bewed me?"
Raven giggled. "You know normally people ask 'will you marry me,' but I think I like your way a little better... my answer is yes. I accept your courtship."
I allowed a smile to creep on my lips as I stopped my playing and stood to meet her gaze again "Can I kiss you?"
She rolled her eyes. "Okay, bird boy you don't need to ask permission for everything."
She grabbed the collar of my shirt and forced our lips together then. It was... nice. Little did I know, at the time, that Kent had been listening in outside the door, a smile on his face and warmth in his heart.
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ellana-ravenwood · 5 years
The day he lost Titus - Damian Wayne x Batmom
I was thinking about how Damian LOVES his animals so much, and how heartbreaking it would be if he lost one. And since I like writing him actually acting like the kid he is...I wrote a quick drabble about it. Hope you’ll like it :
My masterlist blog : @ella-ravenwood-archives
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It happened at the Kent’s farm.
You were invited there by Clark’s mother, who had been asking for YEARS that your family come see the farm one day. And spend a relaxing time there. Not worrying about city problems, and being surrounded by nature (”and cows, and their smell, and hay fever...” you’re pretty sure Bruce would add, a sort of disdain in his voice. He was NOT a country boy).
Martha Kent and her son were very close from each others, and more than once Clark confided in her about the struggles of being “Superman”. And how much, surprisingly, the Batman and his family actually helped out.  
Against what most people would think, given their history, Bruce was the first person to understand how lonely it was to be Superman. To be that over-powerful being, that never quite found his place in the world (at least when they first met).
He was the first one to get how alone Clark could feel, and how much he felt like an outcast. Then again, it was mainly because Bruce could truly understand what it was like.
Him too, for different reasons though, felt disconnected from “normal” people most of the time. He truly understood Clark...and through the years, in his own way, helped him out to find his place in the World.
And sure, at first, they clashed a lot. Clark had some prejudices about Bruce, and vice versa. But over the years, they truly became friends and helped each others more than they’d ever imagined.
They saved each others countless times. Every time it happened, they understood one another, and their motives, more and more. And so they slowly but surely became best friends.
When you entered Bruce’s life, Clark saw a clear shift in his behavior. 
A very welcomed one as well. It was as if a light came back in the Bat’s heart. A little flame fueled by love. And that fire was fanned by the kids entering both your lives, one by one.
You too, became close friend with Clark. Your children were friend with theirs. And Lois ? Ah you and her really got along well. You both knew which button to push to annoy your husbands, and also thought it was hilarious, to see two grown ass men getting vexed so fast.
Especially knowing it was the mighty Superman, and the fearless Batman.
In any way, long story short, Martha wanted to invite Bruce, you, and your family over because she knew how much you all counted for her son. For her grandsons. And for her beloved daughter-in-law. 
Only you all had quite busy lives, and when you could go, then Clark and/or Lois weren’t available, and vice versa.
Plus, let’s be honest, your husband wasn’t particularly thrilled about going to “Smallville”. He really was the epitome of a “city boy”. It took a little push on your part to finally convince Bruce that it was a good idea.
Though you didn’t have to spend a long time trying to convince him, in the end. Because he just had to see how excited Damian was about going (some story involving Jon talking about a cool forrest to built a tree house in or something like that) and he was sold.
It was so rare to see his son that excited about things as trivial as building a tree house...
Damian, because of how he was raised, often dismissed the childish side of him that stayed dormant for so long. So to see him embrace it like that ? Of course Bruce would finally make the time to go.
And here you were, on a warm Sunday afternoon, at the Kent’s farm.
You could see, as Alfred drove the car up the dusty road leading to the house, that Bruce already regretted this decision. He was looking like a goddamn brat who didn’t want to do something, and was being forced into it. 
You were 100% sure he would have rather spend the day at Wayne Manor, watching movies with his kids and you. Just him and his family. 
But hey, in your heart, the Kents were kind of family too. 
As Alfred pulled over right in front of the barn, the Kents greeted you immediately, getting out of the house. 
You barely saw your youngest son barge out of the car, and run to his friend. Jon waved at you all quickly from afar, Damian said “hello” to Clark, Lois and Martha...And off they were, followed by a very excited Titus. 
Ah, of course you took the dogs with you. It was the perfect opportunity for them to see more than Wayne Manor’s ground (though it was big enough for them to have plenty of exercise). 
Damian, Jon and Titus quickly disappeared in the fields, saying “yes yes” to Martha telling them lunch would be serve in an hour. 
“You can go too, Ace, you know ?” 
You tell Bruce’s dog, as he clearly was tempted to follow his little brother in the fields. But the dog was looking at his unhappy master, and you just knew he wouldn’t go just because he was worried about him. 
What a good boy. 
Bruce, however, wasn’t being a good boy at all...
He looked very grumpy. 
You bumped him with your shoulder, and he looked at you, his frown not disappearing though his eyes softened a bit. You rolled your eyes, and before he could say anything, you gave him some antihistaminic you took with you because you knew of his severe hay fever (another reason he disliked the country and didn’t want to come in the first place). 
He looked happy you thought about it, and even happier about the fact you seemed to have read his mind as you gave it to him before he even said something....but he still wasn’t in the best mood, and obviously did not want to be here. 
And oh Clark, Lois and Martha were walking towards you now, and you DID NOT want them to think you forced Bruce to come. Because you didn’t, he said “yes” of his own volition (well, maybe with a little convincing...), and you were certain he would have a good time. 
He was just being a grumpy boy right now, for the sake of it, really. He had a reputation to keep...Ah but a genuine smile from you, and a mischievous wink, and everything was fine for the Bat. Before he noticed, he was smiling back at you, and it was too late to go back now. 
Damn it, you tricked him again, with your cute smile and your winks to die for. 
His mood was instantly lifted, and the negative thoughts that were invading his mind until now, suddenly gave place to thoughts about how nice it was, to spend a day far from Gotham, with his children, his wife, his dogs, Alfred, and his best friends...And all of that, because you smiled at him. 
You’d certainly call him “cheesy”, and it was true. He really was right now. 
But you loved the fact you could (almost) always cheer him up with a smile and a wink. Of course, when he was in one of his genuine dark days, it took a lot more work...but right now ? His biggest problem was his hay fever (and he had the antihistaminic you gave him), and the fact he wasn’t a fan of the country side. Plus the fact he wanted to spend his only day off of the week with his family, and his family only...
But as Clark and Lois came forward, smiling brightly at them, something in Bruce’s heart softly said : “You are with your family”. 
He turned around, and although Damian and Titus left already, he was surrounded by all the people he loved. 
You. Dick. Jason. Cass. Tim. Alfred. Conner (with whom he grew close because he was Timothy’s best friend, but also because at the beginning, he was there when Clark wasn’t, and he was the one that convinced Clark to take care of him). Lois. Martha Kent (who reminded him a lot of his own mother...sometimes a bit too much. That nursing side of hers could make him feel very melancholic and missing his own mothers, at times). And the king of idiots, Clark Kent. 
Oh ! And Ace ! His lovely dog. He petted the dog between the ears, saying a low “such a good boy”, and Ace became the happiest dog on Earth. 
Yes. He was with his family. Why the Hell was he feeling so grumpy a few minutes before ? Oh well, it was in his nature to be like that, sometimes. 
Your smile, once again, saved him from all the negative thinking he was doing. He lost count long ago of the many times you saved him from falling in a dark pit of despair and sadness, with that wonderful smile of yours...
And so, when Clark came to shake his hand, Bruce Wayne was actually genuinely in a good mood, and only teased his friend lightly, taking a jab at his flannel (because hey, he couldn’t say NOTHING right ? The man would then think he was important to him or something...haha). 
Yes. As Bruce saw his kids happily following Conner inside the house, you talking with Martha, and Lois and Clark smiling at him and answering his teasing...He felt strangely appeased. 
Today was going to be a good day. 
Bruce was certain that today was going to be a good day. And oh it started so well. 
Tim, Cass and Conner immediately disappeared in the boy’s room to play some “Cheese Viking”, as Superboy just got the latest version and couldn’t wait to “kick their ass” (and god was he going to have a surprise, when he’ll discover that Cass was the best cheese viking player he ever met). 
Dick and Jason went to help Martha finish the remaining of the cooking. 
Both your oldest sons always liked to help Alfred cook, when they were younger. And it kind of stuck with them even now. Then again, it used to be just them and Alfred, back then. No other little siblings to pester them to play or train with them ! So of course, they’d take a liking to cooking more than their brothers and sister. 
Alfred wanted to go help too, but was shooed away by Clark’s mother who said he was too used to serve others, and needed to be pampered too sometimes. 
Clark, Lois, Bruce and you, after making sure Martha didn’t need help (after all, she shoed away Alfred and had two strong boys to help her out, she was definitely fine), were talking, gathered around the dining room’s table. 
And Bruce felt so at ease, here, surrounded by his friends and love. It was also very comforting, that his children were currently acting like “normal” people, playing outside, playing video games, or just cooking. 
It was also oddly comforting, to see Alfred snoozing away slowly, sitting on the couch (poor man hardly ever had a break). 
And Bruce was just so sure this would be a great day ! 
That’s when Damian came in, tears in his eyes, followed by a Jon whose face said it all.
Something bad had just happened. 
You didn’t know what yet, but to turn your son in that state, and for Jon to make that saddened face.
Did they fight ? No. No if they did they would be destroying the barn right now, and make so much noise that you’d go break them up.
Did they got hurt ? You never saw Damian cry because he hurt himself...in fact, the only few times you saw him cry, was when you all thought Dick was dead, when you told him he could call you “mom” and when his father forgot his birthday...
“What is it sweetie ?”
You ask him, utterly worried. 
Damian doesn’t think, and goes straight to your arms. Which shocks everyone in attendance (well, everyone but Bruce, Alfred and your children. They saw the boy clinging to you more than once when he was distressed...but they understood why it must be a shock to Clark, Lois and Jon, who only ever saw his son acting tough and confident, if not arrogant).
Sitting around the kitchen table, you catch your son and wrap your arms around him. He lays his head on your shoulder and sobs, and you know it must be really bad when your hand running up and down his back in a soothing motion doesn’t calm him, when your other free hand scratching his scalp doesn’t stop his tears...
Because those two movements combined ? It usually calmed the Wayne boys down in a matter of seconds. 
Finally, he speaks. And you understand.
“Titus is gone..”
It’s you, who gave him Titus.
The idea came to you one morning, as you saw Bruce and his own dog, Ace, walk in the manor’s gardens. You remembered when your husband got Ace, and how quick it clicked between them. 
And bam. It hit you all of a sudden.
You caught your Broosh hugging and talking to his dog often. 
Most of the time, Bruce would tell you what he feels, but sometimes, when you fought for example, he would vent to his dear dog. Let out his frustration. Or just talk about things he thought were too sappy, that he often ended up telling you anyway, but you know what ? At least, the dog couldn’t repeat to anyone that he called you his “sun”.
And the way Bruce was interacting with Ace is what gave you the idea.
You were going to buy a dog for Damian.
Taking care of a living thing would be great training (this was BEFORE he had his own little zoo in the cave, with cats and cows and bats and freaking dragons) for him, work on his compassion.
Besides, it was nice to have someone to whom you could vent everything to. Ideally, you wanted him to come to you whenever he had a problem, but you knew it was impossible. So...A  dog it would be.
And just like with Bruce and Ace, Damian and Titus instantly clicked. 
They both had this “high” air about them (probably coming from the fact Titus was a great dane), but under this almost arrogant looking persona, they both were extremely sensitive, and craved love and affection.
Getting him Titus did everything you hoped for, and even more. You knew for a fact that whenever your son felt down, and didn’t want to talk about it to anyone...He’d confide in his dog, and would hug him all night long. 
Titus was an easy dog. He listened well, and was calm. He was always there for his “master”, and oh him and Damian were so adorable ! 
Taking care of a living being genuinely helped Damian understand a lot of things he had difficulty to fathom, at first. In the end, Bruce was convinced that you getting him Titus was kind of vital in his development, in him becoming empathic and “human” again. 
Well, of course, your husband still thought YOU were the main reason Damian evolved that much, as you truly showed him love, compassion and forgiveness...but Titus most definitely helped. 
You were glad, you got him a dog. Glad your son had at least one best friend, no matter what. 
Today though, you wished you hadn’t done it, as he was clinging to you, crying, devastated, because Titus got lost...
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry ! It’s all my fault !”
“No, it isn’t...”
“But Damian, I’m the one that-”
“It’s not your fault !”
It took Damian quite a long time, before he could stop crying and choke on his tears. He only managed to tell you that “Titus was gone”, without more details, before he cried even more.
And none of you dared to disrupt him.
He looked so crushed, you had to let him have this break down moment. 
And so you just held him against your heart, trying to soothe him. 
You were quickly joined by your other sons and daughter, who were alarmed by the sound of their little brother crying. 
Them too, weren’t used to see him genuinely cry. And their comforting hands joined yours as they surrounded Damian, trying to convey their understanding and love to him. 
Your husband and Alfred stayed a bit away, not wanting to overwhelm the boy, but also trying to figure out what happened exactly ? What did he mean, Titus was “gone” ? 
When Damian finally sort of calmed down, he explained : 
“We were -choked sob- we were playing catch with Titus, and saying how fast he was bringing back the ball. So then I told Jon to throw it as far as he could ! And so he did, and Titus went running right after ! But then he didn’t came back for a long time, and -another chocked sob- when Jon flew up and used his supervision, he couldn’t see him ! So we went into the forrest, trying to find him, but he was nowhere ! And even with his supervision Jon couldn’t find him !” 
Damian fell back in your arms, and you stroked his back once more. 
“I’m sorry Damian...” 
“It’s not your fault. He always came back...If-if he was alright, he would be back by now !” 
It was cute, how Damian was clearly not angry at Jon for throwing the ball too far. It wasn’t really the boy’s fault anyway...But your boy tended to be a bit irrational, when he was angry and/or sad. The fact he didn’t get mad at his friend clearly showed how far along the road he went.
Which broke your heart even more, to see him so devastated about the fact Titus MIGHT be gone forever. 
Oh but it wasn’t your family’s style to abandon ! 
And amongst the chaos of Damian sobbing, and this fact destabilizing all of you...Ace came to the rescue. 
He came to you, and nudge you in the leg, barking. He then went on the house’s porch, and barked some more, before coming back to you, and running to the porch again. 
Bruce understood instantly what his beloved dog meant. 
“I think he picked Titus’ scent !” 
This was awful. 
A great day turned into a disaster. 
Ace did pick Titus’ scent up, but lost his trail at a stream. Your husband’s dog wasn’t getting any younger, and his sense of smell wasn't as great as it used to be. The stream was enough for him to lose his little brother’s track...
That’s when Clark came into action. You were all sure now, that Titus crossed that stream. Now the dog was fast, but not fast enough to escape Superman’s great heightened senses ! 
Except...Except Clark couldn’t see or hear Titus anywhere. 
And that’s when Bruce knew they wouldn’t find Titus again...If even Clark “I can smell brownies being made in Kansas while I’m in space” Kent couldn’t find him, then it meant that Titus was probably...probably...
It was rare, for Damian to jump in his father’s embrace willingly like that. They weren’t particularly big huggers, and did it only in specific situations. 
They hugged you a lot. But dad and son ? They were a bit awkward with each others at time. Except in certain situations. 
Like right now. 
Damian losing one of his best friend, his beloved dog, Titus...And so Bruce picked his little boy up (because right now, no matter what he went through, Damian truly was, just a little boy), and hugged him tight against his chest. 
It had been three days since Titus disappeared, and Damian was still unconsolable. 
For the first time since he entered your lives, he didn’t want to go out on patrol. For three nights in a row...He didn’t even felt like venting his frustration and sadness by kicking bad guys’ asses ! 
The loss of his dog really hit him hard. 
You knew he loved him, but you never realized to what extent. It felt as if he just lost a member of his family...And in a way, he really did. 
Titus was here when neither you, nor his father or siblings were around. 
Titus was here on long nights when Damian was too worried about bothering you, or anyone, and needed comfort. 
Titus was here when Damian was angry with you, and needed to vent. 
Titus was here on cold nights, to warm him up, or on hot days, to give him some shades simply by standing next to him. 
Titus was here to help him out on some of his cases ! The few ones Bruce accepted he’d research alone ! 
Titus was always here. 
And now, now he was gone. Probably forever. Because even if Superman himself couldn’t see any sign of him, it probably meant...meant...
Titus must have had an accident. Fell somewhere. Fell to his dea-
Damian couldn’t even think about it, but at the same time, he had to be realistic. They searched that forrest for ages. AGES ! Superman and two Superboys were with them ! Clark, Jon and Conner didn’t find ANYTHING ! 
Which meant...
For the hundredth time in three days, Damian started to cry just thinking about it. And right now, none of his family members were available, as it was the middle of the day (you and Bruce allowed him to not go to school until he would feel better). 
Usually, when Damian felt blue and no one was around...Well, at least Titus would be ! 
The door to Damian’s room, that wasn’t quite closed, slowly opened, and the boy’s heart leapt in his chest ! This slow creaking sound, it was the exact same one Titus would make whenever he’d push the door open with his nose !
Full of hope, your son turned around to find...Ace. 
It was Ace. 
The loss of his “little brother” hit the dog hard too, even more so since he wasn’t able to track him. Ace had been particularly demanding lately, asking you and Bruce to pet him whenever you were home. He’d come sleep on your bed too, which he never did before. 
And he also spend much more time with Damian than he used to, both feeling the clear absence of Titus...
Dick had always been confident in his ability to cheer his siblings up. He knew what they all liked, and what relaxed them ! 
He’d often surprise them with their favorite things, whenever he felt like they needed a “pick-me-up”. Ever since Jason was officially adopted, Dick took his role of older brother VERY seriously. 
And though this time it took him a few days to get into action (the time to gather everything he needed), he was SURE that he would be able to lift Damian’s mood, if only a little bit...
But oh. Oh was he wrong. 
Damian did not react to the offer of playing “Cheese Viking”. He didn’t say anything when he gave him his favorite sweets. He barely acknowledge all the trouble Dick went through to bring everything he loves...
Usually, even Damian would be utterly grateful to Dick for all his efforts. No one could stay stone faced in front of such dedication ! Dick either went all in or didn’t do anything at all ! 
He truly was, the champion to cheer his little siblings up ! And even if they still felt bummed after a day with him, they’d at least be extremely thankful to him existing...Because yes, no one could have no reaction to their brother going through a lot just to help them out ! 
And yet, yet Damian didn't react to anything. And after a few failed attempt from Dick, the boy even told him that he just wanted to “be alone”, and went back to his room, sitting at his window, like he had been those past  few days. 
Damian sat there, not eating or drinking much, staring at the Manor’s front gate, hoping Titus would come back...
And all of Dick’s attempt fell flat. 
It seemed like nothing, NOTHING, could ever cheer the boy up again...
“It’s really not your fault, Jon.”
“Then, why doesn’t he want to see me anymore ?”
Tim was at the Kent’s farm, there to give them news about the Titus/Damian situation, and to go back to the forrest in the hope to find the dog again...
Tim was known to never give up, no matter the odds. 
He was the only one SURE that your husband wasn’t dead, all those years ago, when he disappeared for so long after a Justice League mission. And even as you abandoned ever seeing him again, Tim didn’t. 
Therefor, for the past week, your son went back to the Kent’s farm over and over again, and joined Jon and Conner in the search for Titus. By that point, Tim just wanted to find the dog back, no matter which state he would be in...
At least, if they found Titus passed away, Damian could slowly start to heal and properly mourn, right ? 
Of course, your boy was still hoping to find Titus alive ! 
They were looking for the hundredth time around the forest, when Tim noticed how down Jon seemed to be. 
“He doesn’t really want to see anyone. Not even our mom. Usually, he’d cling to her 24/7, if he was truly feeling sad ! But right now, he just wants to be left alone in his bedroom. So really, I don’t think he’s mad at you. I just think the grieving process is taking a lot of time for him right now...” 
“But it’s kind of my fault, I threw the ball too far. I can’t control my strength yet, it was stupid to use it all...” 
“Jon, Damian asked you to do it. None of you could know something bad would happen, ok ? And hey, maybe Titus is fine, and just got lost somewhere. And we have to find him, ok ?” 
Jon didn’t seem convinced, but that probably was because Tim wasn’t really either. But hey, for his brother ? Timothy Drake-Wayne would spend the rest of his life coming to this forest, day after day, in the hope to find Titus somehow. 
Jason knew how it felt, to loose a dog. 
He lost his a few years back. When he died, his beloved dog “Curtis” (he couldn’t even remember why he called his dog that name) let himself die of sadness. 
No matter how much you and Bruce tried to cheer him up, how much Ace tried too...Curtis just wasn’t the same, after Jason’s death. And just a year after your son was gone, his dog died too. You were sure he died of sadness, as the veterinarian didn’t find anything wrong with him...
Only Jason wasn’t dead. And when he came back, finally deciding to come home after quite a while of hatred and feelings of vengeance...he discovered his dog was gone. 
He was devastated. Felt like the World hated him. Why ? Why did Destiny let him die so young, killed by a maniac ? And got resurrected by another maniac ?  And why, WHY DID THEY HAVE TO TAKE HIS DOG ?! 
Yes. Jason knew exactly how it felt to loose your “best friend”, and so, he’s the only one that didn't try to cheer his little brother up. 
Instead, he would come in his room to give him a nice warm, comforting cup of tea. Or lay a blanket on his shoulders when it was a bit cold. 
He would come and sit silently with him, staring at the front gate too, putting all his energy into the wild hope that maybe Titus would come back. 
Jason would just...be there. A warm presence, that sometimes Damian would cuddle up too without even noticing. 
As odd as it sounded, Jason kind of tried to sort of take Titus’ place, and became that comforting warmth against which Damian snuggled when he felt particularly sad. 
The boy would never utter a word, and sometimes, Jason wondered if he even registered that he was clinging to him with all his might. 
Jason became the only one able to stay around Damian, without him telling him to go away. Why ? Simple. 
Because your Jason knew the pain of loosing his dog. 
And knew what he wished he could have when he lost him...at the time, fortunately you and Bruce were here for him, but it wasn’t quite what he needed. 
Sure, your hugs were as healing as ever. But he didn’t want to hear how sorry everyone was. He just wanted something to cling to in silence, and to be left alone with his grief. 
Which is what he gave Damian. By sitting silently beside him, and being that warm comforting presence the boy could hold on to. 
Alfred had no idea how to fix this. 
He was able to bring back some joy to Bruce when he lost his parents, by taking care of him as if it was his own son. 
But Damian ? Damian kept sending everyone (but Jason) away. 
He didn’t want to talk. Didn’t want to do anything. 
And this was destabilizing for Alfred, because talking and being there to listen to his master, is how he was able to give his master Bruce some semblance of happiness ! 
Your beloved butler was slowly starting to panic, not knowing how to fix this situation. Because so far, he always found a way to reach the ones he came to call “family”. 
You. Bruce. Tim. Jason. Dick. Damian. Cassandra. 
He was always able to reach you all. Except right now. 
And this was extremely distressing, for the old man he was...
Cass felt just as powerless as Alfred, but for another reason. 
Her and Damian always understood each other, since they had quite a similar childhood. A parent trying to turn them into weapons. A clear lack of love, and empathy. 
Yes. Her and Damian got along instantly, understanding each others’ trauma and being there to catch the other one up when they fell. 
But right now, she had nothing to relate to, nothing to compare Damian’s pain to. Because, fortunately, she never felt the pain of loosing someone she loved. 
All the people that counted the most in her life were alive and well, so how could she understand what her little brother was going through ? 
She just didn’t know how to react. And Damian wasn’t making it easy to understand...He kept sending her away whenever she tried to talk. Whenever she tried the technique that always worked before. 
Like mimicking their mother and stroking his back. Or smiling at him. 
Nothing that usually worked, would work now. 
And Cassandra felt lost. And powerless. 
She kept herself up almost every nights, researching the internet for ways to cheer her brothers up...But everything she tried would fail. Over and over again. It was so disheartening, and she wanted to help him so bad ! 
But it seemed like she couldn’t...
You and Bruce shortly thought about getting him another dog, but then realized it would be very insensitive. Titus wasn’t gone since a long time, though there was almost no chance he would ever come back. 
And getting Damian another dog would send the wrong message. There was still a little sliver of hope. Thin, yes, but still. Buying him a new pet would shatter everything, end break him entirely. 
You couldn’t do that. 
Not yet. 
Maybe later, when he’ll finally get over his heartbreak ? 
Oh but no new dog could ever compare to his beloved Titus ! 
Both you and Bruce took the entire affair hard too. 
Firstly because it was utterly heartbreaking, to see your son in so much pain, and secondly because it seems like nothing you could do could ever cheer him up again ! 
Before that fateful day where he lost Titus, you, or Bruce, or anyone from the family always had a solution at some point to cheer the boy up ! 
But it seemed like this time, he truly was unconsolable. Truly, genuinely heartbroken. 
Then again, he never felt such a pain before, as whenever he “lost” someone, they turned up later on all well and alive. But this time...this time there was almost no chance Titus would ever show up again. 
And he truly was Damian’s first, and best friend. 
He was the one that was always there, and that had been there since almost day one as soon as he began his new life at the Manor ! 
Losing him was devastating. That you and Bruce understood. It’s just that...Usually, you’d hold your children tight and things would pass. 
But this time, it didn’t work. This time, he didn’t want to let you do that. 
And both you and your husband were really starting to take this all situation hard. Seeing your son suffering like that was awful. 
But, what could you do ? You, and all your family members had been wracking your brains for days, without finding a solution. 
Except maybe finding Titus, but that seemed more and more impossible. 
Two weeks went by, without much improvement from Damian. 
He started to go back to school, and on patrol...but without much enthusiasm. He talked a bit to you, to Bruce, to Alfred or to his siblings. But it was always very short, monosyllabic, and then he’d go again isolate himself in his room. 
You’d all try over and over to cheer him up, but it seemed he truly became the definition of the word “unconsolable”. And so it’s with a certain gloom, that life continued at Wayne Manor...Without Titus, or Damian’s carefree laugh when he was happy. 
Or trademarked “tt”. Or cockiness. Or sweetness. Or arrogance. Or...
Without Damian. Who he really was. The boy was but a shell of himself, and it was starting to make you all feel hopeless, to not find a solution to all of this. 
You were driving home from your office in town, trying to think of a way to bring your son back, as you did this past two week, when...Were you dreaming ? How was that even possible ?! 
No, but it was...Was it ? 
You smashed the breaks on your car, and it drifted a little bit on the gravel road leading to Wayne Manor. 
You exited your car and...There, sitting calmly in front of the gate, was Titus. 
But was it really him ? 
“Titus ?” 
The dog whipped around, and his tail excitedly went from left to right. He started to run to you and..Yes, no doubts. 
You could recognize the way he was licking your face, and his size, and that little spot behind his ear...It was really Titus ! 
And he had a tennis ball in his mouth ?
But...How did he- ?! 
Ah well, it didn’t matter. Because he was back ! 
Damian ? Where was Damian ?!
Oh, right. At school. Should you just put Titus in your car and drive to his school ? Ah but school would end in less than an hour, and driving all the way over there would take longer. 
Well, maybe you should just prepare him a nice surprise ? 
When you came down in the bat cave with Titus, Ace lost his mind. 
The poor dog jumped in the air, and excitedly ran to his “little brother” (who actually was bigger than him) to give him the best greeting ever ! 
Ace ran around Titus, and they both jumped at each others, playful. They then rolled around the floor together, cuddling. Titus was clearly happy to be home ! 
Bruce just stood there, staring at the dogs, not quite believing his eyes. Oh but you could understand of course, because you felt the same ! 
Titus was home. 
Titus was home ! 
As you waited for Damian, Bruce ran some test on Titus, just to make sure the dog was alright, you know ? 
After all, he supposedly spend two weeks all alone in the wild ! 
Bruce found some lead stuck in his fur, and quickly cleaned him as the metal was quite a toxic one. But just as quickly, he came up with an explanation as to where was Titus, and why neither Clark, nor Jon or Conner could find him ! 
“Superman’s supervision doesn’t work through lead. We can assume his sense of smell and hearing work the same ?” 
The lead in Titus’ fur made Bruce do some research and...There was an entire area in Smallville’s forrest, that had lead deep in its ground. Bruce theorized that Jon’s thrown ball fell at the bottom of a cave, that had a small entrance in which only a dog could get in, and that was hard to spot even for people like Superman and the Superboys...and the rest was history. 
Titus really was a good boy. There was NO WAY he’d come back to his master without the ball his friend threw ! He clearly was expecting him to come back with it ! And so Titus went deep into that cave filled with lead, making him invisible to the Kents. 
Bruce guessed that the dog got lost, his senses overwhelmed by the cave, and only managed to get out later on. Then probably, when he came back to where Damian was, he realized the boy and the rest of the family left and...Went on a journey back home ! 
Bruce and you read weirder stories in the paper, about animals crossing the goddamn country just to find their owners again. Dogs were incredible creatures, truly. 
When your husband checked the walking distance from Smallville to Gotham, from Kansas to New Jersey...It said that a human walking at normal speed and taking breaks would take a little over 16 days. 
A dog ? As young and tonic as Titus ? Two weeks made sense. 
And sure, he looked a bit thinner than last time they saw him, but he clearly managed alright, as except for the dangerous lead stuck in his fur, Titus was healthy ! He was a hunting dog, after all...
Alfred was next to see the dog back, and Titus was as happy as the butler to see him ! Mainly because he knew the nice old man was the one who’d give him great leftover food...Alfred actually cooked an entire meal for Titus. 
Ah but the dog really deserved it ! 
Damian came home from school, feeling as blue as ever. 
He really tried to be more cheerful, for the sake of his family...but he couldn’t quite managed it yet. He wasn’t over Titus. He’d probably never be over Titus ! But he knew one day he would feel better. 
He knew one day, he could feel happy again. 
Except right now, his beloved dog’s disappearance was way too recent ! 
Damian opened the front door of the manor and was faced with all his siblings lined up, smiling brightly at him. Um, what was going on ? 
They went with him to the bat cave, refusing to tell him what was up and...
Damian’s heart leapt out of his chest. Could it be ? Was it really him ? No, impossible...And yet, the dog trotted excitedly towards him and...
Damian lost it. 
He ran to Titus, and fell on him, hugging him tight against him. 
The dog proudly let the tennis ball Jon threw on the floor, but Damian barely registered it...
He cried tears of joy, and felt like he could never let go of his dog again ! Titus, as nice and obedient as ever, just laid there, tail flapping and tongue out of his mouth, waiting for his little master to stop hugging him ! 
Damian cried and cried, burying his face in his fur, and repeating his name over and over again. 
Each time Damian said “Titus”, emotions overflowing in his voice, the dog’s ears would move as if he was waiting for Damian to tell him what to do...but the boy just wanted to hug his dog. 
It felt like such a heavy weight leaving all of your shoulders. You heard your children, Bruce and Alfred sigh in relief, and you were pretty sure you did it too. 
For the first time in two weeks, you all felt happy again. Because Damian was happy too. And in your family, when one was unhappy, everyone felt it. 
That’s how tight you all were. 
Damian was clearly struggling and heartbroken. And none of you could do anything about it, except for being there for him, hoping time would slowly heal his heart...
So seeing him right now, on his knees, holding his dog tight...It felt nice. 
It felt very nice. 
You didn’t even notice that almost two hours passed, as you all just looked fondly at Damian and Titus cuddling, crying and being the happiest of boys about finding each others again. 
The day he lost Titus was one of the worst one in Damian’s short life.
He went through a lot, in his early childhood with the Al’Ghuls, and yet...nothing compared to the lost of his dog. In fact, only losing you, his father, Alfred or one of his siblings could really hit him as hard as loosing his dog.
Realistically, Damian knew that Titus would die way longer than before he would. Dogs didn’t live as long as humans, unfortunately (though Damian watched “Frankenweenie”, and secretly tried to find a way to keep Titus well and alive for way longer than supposed to...). 
But Titus was still very young. Just like Damian was. 
It was in those moments, that you were reminded that your son really was just a child. And that no matter how tough he acts, certain things would break his heart. 
Damian was already your “baby”, but after that episode you took even more care in nurturing that child side he still had, no matter what the Al’Ghul did to him. Because he was, for now, still a little kid...
And as you decided to make even more sure that Damian would live as much a “normal” life as he could, Ace started to become extremely protective of Titus. 
Funny enough, it seemed to exasperate the great dane. You swore that you saw Titus roll his eyes more than once, as Ace shielded him for whatever danger ! You guessed dogs truly did resembled their masters, right ? 
Because Titus definitely had some Damian in him, and Ace some Bruce. It showed in their “attitudes”. 
In any case, this entire awful experience reminded all of you of a lot of things, and of what truly mattered. 
And how the wellbeing of said family was dependent on everyone being happy. Truly. It made all of you even more aware of each others’, and even tighter. 
All thanks to Titus, who really wanted to be a good boy, and bring back that ball to his master !
The end. 
Another little bonus story, while I slowly but surely write bigger, more developed stuffs :) (like chapter two of the Batfam being thrown in the Marvel world :)). I still hope you liked this short very self-indulgent fic I wrote in a very short span of time while being extremely sleep deprived and sad. And...Boom. As usual, feedbacks and reblogs are beyond appreciated. 
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oh-for-fic-sake · 4 years
No Boyfriend’s
Henry comes home to find out his three year old princess has a boyfriend, whats a dad to do?
Warnings: swearing, fluff
A/n: so I had so much fun wrighting this fluff piece! Thank you to @jessevans​ for requesting it.
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No Boyfriend's
You walked up to the preschool to pick up your daughter from her afternoon session. You had to admit when Henry had first sugested moving out of the city You had been a little skeptical. He had been adamant that he wanted your child to have a childhood much like his. Out of the hustle and bustle moving out into 'the sticks' as many londoners would call it. You'd settled in a quaint picturesque little village near Canterbury in Kent the location was perfect for henry's work with the port of dover thirty minutes away and the center of london with all the airports around an hours drive in the opposite direction it was ideal. And best of all it was out of the way and had all the amenities within the village itself a post office, shop,pub, Doctors surgery and pharmacy the local primary school and pre school was literally a five minute walk from your house and the closest secondary schools were a ten minute bus ride into canterbury itself and when the time came you had six to choose from.
The reason for the move? Your now three year old Daughter the apple of her daddies eye. You remebered the day you'd told your boyfriend you were pregnant, you'd been terrified as much as he said he wanted a family you couldnt help that twinge of doubt. But he was exstatic within moments he had darted out of the room when he returned he was clumsily trying to dial his mothers number with shaking hands tears streaming down his face as he kept asking if you were sure even when his mother picked up, you could here her laughs of joy as he told her. He paced the room leaving you to sit on the bed giggling as he refused to sit down whilst on the phone with his family every time he walked past you he move his hand pressing on Your flat tummy asif trying to feel the child already that or he was trying to imagine you with a bump and that grin? You'd never seen him smile like that before it truly melted your heart seeing him so happy. He was always and attentive boyfriend but once you was pregnant he was..Incredible always by your side when he was at home tending to your every need and he somehow managed not to be over bearing.
It was when you went to the first scan that he had proposed some might say it wasn't the most romantic but for you it was perfect! Leaving with the first photos of your little jellybean and a fiance. Fuck yes! You thought that you couldnt get any happier but then came the gender scan. You knew he didnt mind what they were but you also knew deep deep down you both wanted a little girl to coddle over and buhe wanted a daddies girl someone who he could be their knight in shining  armour. He could bearly keep still beside you holding your hand tight watching the screen trying to get a look at your little 'nugget' as he had called them he couldn't keep quiet either with every swipe of the ultrasound  wand he was changing his mind.
"Girl? Is that? I can see? nope Boy definatly boy"
"Henry babe...dont get to excited that's the umbilical cord...I think?" They were being a little bugger crossing their legs making the sonographer work hard to move them around as you had to move again and again trying to get the little one to move. Finally they spoke.
"And you two are about to have... Little....Princess! You have a baby girl on the way congratulations" you both froze looking at the screen seeing your baby...your daughter. Immediately you both burst into tears.
"A-a girl your sure?" Henry asked in a quiet shaky voice the woman smiled nodding handing you both tissues then moved slower over the child showing you exactly what she saw then printed off some of the photos for you. Once home Henry began refering to her as 'little lady' on account of her 'protecting her modesty' by crossing her legs.
It wasnt long after youd began talking about moving seroiusly, the house was big enough sure but now you knew the baby was a girl it all seemed much more real. Sure you'd both spoke about buying a house together on and off as youd moved in to his place earlier in the relationship but this time it was more feasible the idea of raising your precious little girl in the middle of london didn't bode well for Henry he was also concerned about haveing photos of her taken he was an actor hell your relationship was posted all over social media by your third date! He didn't want that attention on his daughter so you both started seriously looking. It only took another nine weeks to find a place you both fell in love with the Georgian detached house it looked like a mini manor with its decorative columns and tall windows had a huge garden to for kal it was perfect.
At six months you had a small private wedding and it was then that he anounced your marriage and baby Cavill, potsing your favourite wedding photo of you in you and Henry facing each other laughing witb your foreheads together, you were wrapped around each other as close as ou could get considering the bumb that had seemingly grown overnight his hand resting on the cute bump you were laughing because she had just kicked him when he had told you he loved you. Almost like 'dont forget about me!', Kal had photo bombed to his head poking out between your an Henry's legs smiling , a part of your flowy dress caught up on the bears ear head tilted the only one looking at the camera and in the same post he added an ultrasound of your baby girl. You got congratulations from many of yours freinds and family. And Henry's freinds and costars each wondering the same thing 'how the fuck did Henry keep it quiet?'. You wondered that as well, the hole pregnancy was just memory after memory. Henry made sure you did everything you could to document your daughters creation, you did the photo of your bump once a week the last one being you in the hospital in the middle of slow labour holding the gown tight around you a mere half hour before she was born. He had made sure you did the belly casting which had been tidied up and trimmed painted pink and was in the cupboard, then the 4d scans expensive tho they were nothing and you mean nothing compared to seeing her little face for the first time, it was then you realised she looked nothing like you! She was all her father although a slightly more feminine and less sharp and it was also there you were told she had lots od hair...Curls you felt like you'd hit the jackpot. At the birth he had been incredibly supportive until he wasn't, well you disagreed  he wanted to film it and not just your face  he wanted to film it you said no but regretted it after as it would have been solid proof of what happened.  You see one moment he was there then mid contraction....you heard quiet 'nope' a huge thump is what alerted you to his fall.... there was an alarm pressed and nurses came running in each giggleing, it was rare now days to have a fainter.
"Are you FUCKING KIDING ME?! HENRY?! OI! HERNY? CAVILL GET YOUR ASS UP!" You had to stop shouting and started breathing heavy as another contraction pulled at you once over you began barking orders to the nurses.
"KICK HIM...KICK HIM IN THE NUTS! DONT WORRY ABOUT STERILISING SUPERMAN HERE! NEVER AGAIN! HE WONT THEM TRUST ME... HENRY GET UP! ARE YOU LISTENING? STOP BEING A LITTLE BITCH! I AM NOT DOING THIS AGAIN COS HE FUCKING MISSED IT! LOOKING WHEN I TOLD HIM NOT TO!"  The nurses didn't know what to do it took three of them to place im in the chair each trying desperately not to laugh as you had a melt down screaming at him to 'wake the fuck up' You swore you even heard laugher from outside signaling that his family had heard. Yes your wonderfully supportive husband had fainted through stress? Excitment? Anxiety? Low blood sugar? Each time you asked him it had been different answer but and to quote him 'it was definitely not because I looked' which neither you or his brothers will ever believe or let him forget. Luckily he came to as you finally birthed his daughter. A stunning screaming little dark haired bundle. He sobbed when he held her for the first time leaning over her cradeling her so gently leaning over her kissing her as many time he possibly could he was the first one to hold her, hug her kiss her and change her. The photo of his first cuddle hung proudly in the hallway ,you will never forget that moment, the moment when Henry's whole world changed  you could see then just how much he had wanted this. Your daughter was going to be the luckiest little girl in the world.
Paige had grown into a daddies girl, through and through which made today much better. Henry was coming home from filming man from u.n.c.l.e he had been away for months and you had kept his arrival home a secret. Henry was going to make it home in about twenty five minutes. You stopped just before the colourfull gates unable to go in with Kal, you could see the kids lining up in twos underneath the oak tree in the small garden. You smile moving to stroke Kals ears hushing him as he barked loudly vibrating with exciment his tail thumping on the floor as he sat like the good boy he was. At his bark you could hear the kids all squeal with excitment, they loved it when you brought the 'wolf' to the preschool. It was funny hearing Paige whine to them that 'his name is Kal and he's a bear'. He was quite the spoilt pup when he helped you pick up his sister getting hugs and kisses of all the Paige's class mates. Finally the small class was walked out of the garden one of the teachers holding the gate lettjng them leave to their parents. Paige waited in line pointing to you then was let out you ducked down hugging her kissing between her her curly little pigtails.
"Hey baby! Have a good day?" She nodded passing you her small bag and a small potted plant? You looked at her confused but said nothing. She turned and giggled hugging kal smoshing her face in his chest making him stand up she pulled back and squealed as he latherd her with kisses three hours away from her was apparently to long!
"Oh no Kal! Stop it silly bear!" You laughed watching her push weakly at kal who began to settle down now that his 'pup' was with him. You noticed the other parents hovering there kids all pulljng itching to come get Kal cuddles. You smiled to them nodding suddenly they came over all giving him pets and love which he lapped up. You also used it as a sort of lesson the do's and donts of petting dogs, which did some of the other parents a favour. Kal wagged his tail and droped to the floor he couldnt roll over fast enough directing the tiny hands to scratch his belly mouth open tongue lolling about as he panted one happy little bear. After you were sure all the kids got there cuddles you moved calling kal he huffed at you ignoring you instead wanting more love. You smirked down at him sighing as the children giggled. Finally after much coaxing from the other parents you and Paige managed to heave kal away with promises of chicken and snuggles at home. Soon you was on your way home kal padding beside you happy as can be.
Paige took he spot beside you holding his lead with you she was talking about her 'boyfriend' a little boy who she had taken a shine to. It was really sweet he had just moved to the area a little asian boy who paige had bonded with quickly. Really they were just best freinds but he was the first boy she had made freinds with hence she had opted to call him her boyfriend.
"So then Micah played let me play and-and he let me be a knight!" You smiled at her as she beamed excited.
"Really? A knight?" She stopped at the road with you looking both ways then crossed quickly.
"Yeah! Like in daddy's games!! And he gave me some of the bany tomatoes in his lunch...did you he grew them in his own garden!!" You gasped sown at her.
"Really? Oh my, sound like a little dream boat!" she scrunched up her nose lookjng up at you placing a tiny hand to he forehed sheildjngnher eyea from the afternoon sun
"Wha?" You chuckled shaking your head at her.
"Never mind jummy is just being silly" nodded to you her lightl blue eyes sparkling at you then Continued talking about her day mostly about Micah and the games they played.
When you reached home you watched as kal began barking and whining which could only mean one thing. Henry was home already, you unlocked the gate and released the dog with a quiet 'go get daddy' he tore off whining running to the door scratching and pouncing barking the whole time.
"Mummy whats wrong with kal?" You looked down at her knowingly"I'm not sure why don't you go see to him?" She nodded her head biting her lip then licking it, she looked so much like her father doing that. Then she was off running to the house just as Henry opened the door. She froze then screamed for him quickly falling to pieces with grabby hands wantjng her daddy. You watched all choked up as always she was bawling her eyes out by the time he had jumped the steps to the house scooping her up in his huge arms. He clutched her to his chest shushing and rocking her as she cried into him fisting her small hands in his shirt just calling him over and over. He moved his head kissing her trying to calm her, he hated and loved this. He hated her getting so upset when her returned but secretly loved that she missed him. The first few times he left he was worried she wouldnt remember him but juste as youd promised him she had.
The first time he came home you’d taken her to the airport to meet him...He had ended hup having to sit in the back with her as she refused to let him go getting hysterical  each time he tried to pry her off of him. She had gotten better as she got older understanding that daddy had to work and now she was older she could speak to him on the phone and video chat. Each time after the initial crying and snuggles she would stay stuck to his side weather she was sitting on the sofa between his legs when he was playing games or in the makeshift gym with him useing his reps to practice her counting...even if in five mineuts he managed two hundred by her count they were always together. Hell sometimes he even read a new script as a bed time story, which not even you were privvy to!
You laughed walking up to him winding your arms around them both cuddling your daughter between you he leaned in kissing ou on the lips.
"God its good to be home" you smiled smoothing  one of paiges high pigtails she whined calming down kicking her little legs wrapping an arm around his neck and moved suckling her thumb a little. He moved you all into the house patting her bottom lightly somthing he had done since she was born it always soothed her. You moved to the kitchen opening the back door letting air in it was to hot, you placed the small plant on the windosill by the sinck giving it a tiny bit of water as you noticed the siol had dried out. Henry stayed close behind you wanting to be around you, you moved to the slow cooker flicking it on to warm up the already cooked casserole. He came up behinde you movijng to have Paige on one hip still rocking her slightly even tho she had calmed down.
"Ohh look baby chicken casserole...Did you help mummy with that today before school? " She giggled peering over the pot.
"Yes daddy! I putted in the veggies! And tatoes! Daddy!" He smiled at her gasping.
"You did the veggies and the potatoes?! Such a clever girl making daddies favourite dinner" she giggled at the praise nodding.
"And-and I tasted it to!" he gasped at her as she got all excited
"And what do you think?" She grinned and 'whispered'
"Needed salt" you spun round and gasped at her offended.
"You little!" You chased her and Henry around the kitchen island wriggling your fingers as if to tickle her.
"AHH HAHAHa NOOO! DADDY RUN RUN!" you giggled as he scarperd out of the kitchen hovering by the door and moved all you saw was the tops of their heads peering into the kitchen. You rolled your eyes as they made a 'plan of attack' you turned back to the pit placeing the lid back on.
Suddeny Henry had you, arms pinning yours to the sides as Paige 'tickled' you making you laugh.
"Oh my god! Stop I give I give!" Finally Paige relented koala climbing Henry who quickly scooped her up to his hip.You moved in kissing her cheek then henry as he wrapped his free arm around you nuzzling in to your neck giving a quick nip before licking at your skin.You giggled trying to escape yet all he did was grab you around your waist and hoist you up.
"HAHA! I have you both now!" You laughed and Paige squealed as he spun around holding you both before making his way to the living room  you wriggled free pretendingnto run from him making paige call out to you for help as he threw her up in the air holding her with 'slam dunking' paige to the sofa making her laugh and  scream as he followed lifting her littl tshirt blowing rasberries on her tummy makeing her squeal and laugh louder. You smiled at the two, this is what you missed when he was away, the laughter of a full house. You sat down in Henry's armchair as he and Paige 'wrestled' soon attracting kals attention who like the loyal steed he was came to paiges aid pouncing henry making him groan and roll off her givingnher and kal the chance to escape to the garden, you both let them the garden was safe and having  kal around was like a live in nanny he wont let anything happen to her.
Henry rolled over on the sofa lounging back panting crooking a finger at you. You crept over moving to sit in his lap, he tugged you down to him pressing a gentle kiss to your lips. He moved sitting up more cupping your ass smirking.
"Soo? Did you think about what I mentioned?" You grinned and pretended to think for a second making him groan leaning in leaving kisses on your neck and jaw.
"I did" you finally replied, you felt him hold his breath as his nose ghosted your ear.
"I stopped them that night~ all back to normal now" he pulled back staring at you
"Really? You mean it?" You nodded them brought you forward for a deep kiss. He had mentioned trying for another child when he came back, youd always intended to give Paige a sibling but not when she aas still a baby baby. Now that Paige was older and going to be in school next year you had felt ready to try again and had be over the moon whne henry had suggested it in a video chat instantly stopping your contraception so eveything would be back to normal and you could start trying asap asfterall you knly had him home for a few months then he was off to play superman again. He smiled lunging forward pinning you below him devouring your mouth you moaned as things got heated.
You felt them. Eyes. Blue eyes to be exact. You both sighed and turned to Paige who was staring unblinking at the two of you from the door. You moved pushing him up.
"Mummy? Wheres my plant I wana show daddy what I grew!" He looked at you and sighed a little, you could tell he was a bit dissapointed but you waved him off as he stood pulling you up with him you moved in whispering.
"Tonight love" he grinned and jumped up a bounce in his step holding his hand out to paige who took it.
"Its on the windowsill in the kitchen" Henry nodded left the room letting you relax for a while already knowing you were picking up your kindle to read. Once in the kitchen he lifted Paige placing her on the counter and pulled over the small plant.
"So whats this then?" She smiled touchingnthe leaves softly
"Its a strawberry plant daddy...I did it from a tiny seed!" He smiled at her looking to the plant it wasnt half bad small but alive which is more then he could say for his when he tried.
"Oh you did this? At school?" She nodded at him and moved the leaves about.
"Yes and it will get bigger and grow pretty flowers...And the flowers will grow a strawberry! Miss bou said we cant pick em till they are a bright red like in the shops... and we can take pictures in to show em off!" He nodded to her
"So your gardening at school now? Is it fun?" She giggled putting the plant down
"Yeah we got lots in our vegetable patch...we got some lettuce and peppers and spinach and and tomatoes! But they not ready yet...Micahs is! Micah grows the at home... can we grow some veggies daddy?" He smiled at her
"We certainly can...Besides we will need to plant your strawberries in the garden...I will make your ownn little growing patch amd we can grow anything you want how does that sound?" She squealed and bounced on her bottom making him smile.
"Lets make a list and we can go get them tomorrow" she nodded in agreement. You walked in the kitchen as henry and Paige leaned over the counter making a list
"Whats going on here then?" Paige quickly riped the paper from under Henry's nose.
"List mummy! Of palnts for my veggie patch! Daddy wants to help!" You smiled peaking over the paper seeing two halves one side had strange 'paige writing' the other a list Henry had written. Compost, tools, string, pots then lots of different fruit and veg. You chuckled shaking your head.
"You missed watering can...maybe we could get a waterbutt? And one of thows plastice green houses to start the seedling off?" He smiled nodding addjng them to the list as you went and checked dinner. You nodded then turned to the other two."Right you tow dinners done wash up then go wait at the table...Had it in the slow cooker all day just needed to be heated up" he leaned over kissing you once again thanking you then helped Paige was her hands leaving to the dining room with Paige.
You did this everytime he came home early dinner meant an early bedtime for Paige and then You could give Henry a proper homecoming. You dished up the dinner home made chicken casserole you moved quickly with the three bowles placing them on the table then sat down ready to eat as Henry began talking about work. you smiled letting him gush about his work, you loved seeing him like this he blushed slightly.
"Any way enough about that, how have my two girls been?" You watched at Paige grinned across the table to him.
"I made a new friend daddy!" You swallowed your mouthfull choosing to keep quiet you knew where this was going you grinned into you bowl. He smiled at her leaning over to wipe her mouth quickly making her giggle at him as he stuck his tongue out at her.
"Oh really? And whats her name?"
"Haha nooo! Daddy its not a girl...I've got a boyfriend!" Henry choked onhis mouthfull paiges face dropped and she looked to you worriedly you smiled reassuringly at her. Henry hit his chest coughing finally getting himslef under control, he looked at you shocked and terrified you nodded at him chuckling.
"A-a boyfriend? Poppet dont you think your a bit err young for that?" She frowned at him shaking her head.
"No daddy! He is really nice! He lets me be a knight! And today we had lunch together and he fed-ed me his tomatoes."
"Gave paige he gave you his tomatoes" you corrected as Henry gaped at her unsure what to make of it.
"So he is just a friend?....he better be"  he grumbled the last part under his breath.
"He is a friend...My boyfriend I love him daddy... he gives me hugs! And Kal likes him to! He's my hero" You giggled as Henry was panicked and at a loss.
"Really....love I thought daddy was your hero?" Creased up he actually looked a bit hurt from her words she gave him a sympathetic look.
"Yes daddy you are...But Micah is to! He is soo pretty and fun and he don't make me be the princess all the time...And he shares his colours"
"Okay so you love this boy Micah?" She nodded pushing her food around in her bowl.
"What do you love about him?"
"His hair! Its black and shiney! And and he is cute!"
"Aha but you do know he isnt your boy friend right? Your not aloud boyfriends yet....No boyfriends untill your older." He said she looked at him wide eyed then you her bottom lip quivering.
"What? But but I love him!" Henry crossed his arms at her she mimicked him scowling
"No absolutly not baby" .she whined and smaked the table in a huff
"NOOO! MY BOYFRIEND!" He raised a brow at her as she had a paddy.
"No boyfreinds untill your 21 and thats final ittle lady"
"No! Micah is mine! My boyfriend! A-and you cant stop us from playing! So there!" Henry rose a brow trying to ignor your quiet chuckles as Paige made huffed and stuck her nose in the air being a right little madame. You watched givjng Henry the stink eye as a grin crawled across his face. Here we go.
"Its illegal...he could get in trouble, daddy could get in trouble" Henry tilted his head at her as she gasped trying to read him, you could see her mind trying to work him out. Is he lying? Or not? but her father was an actor...And a damn good one he had a poker face like no other. You knew where this was going, you knew you should stop it but his was gold! You had a feeling that henry was not gojng to ckme out on top.as she opend her mouth.
"W-well we wont tell..Keep it a secret!" She said holding a finger to her lips Henry tutted shaking his head.
"Oh poppet...Do you know where daddy has been these past months?" You squinted at him trying to see exactly where this was going knowing you were going to have to pick up the pieces. She nodded then shook her head no. He smiled devilishly at her. Oh shit here he goes.
"Daddy has been to spy school" you gasped at him oh hell no he wouldnt...yes he fucking would you could see the twinkle in his deep blues.
"Spy school?" She spoke in a small voice then turned to you looking fro one to the other he nodded at he
"Y-your a spy?" He nodded and she gave him a sa look.
"Yes, and I made friends with lots of spies" she twitched slightly shaking her head.
"And they told me that the spy rules says that a spy's little girl isn't allowed a boyfriend until they are twenty one....If they did find out daddy could get in trouble...You dont want daddy to be in trouble do you?" She shook her head bottom lip trembling as she was torn. She looked like she would explode as she tried weighting up her 'options'.
 Suddenly Henry dropped his smug look and looked more like a deer in the headlights as Paige began wailing moving her arms making grabby hands to you. You sighed and hoisted her into your arms rocking her trying so hard not to laugh.
"W-why is da-daddy mean?....I ju-just want to pl-play with my boyfreind!" You patted her back rocking her.
"No-now D-daddy will get i-in trouble! But I-I just w-wana plaayy!" She cried harder hicupping between her words.
"Oh sweety come here shh shh" you gave Henry a look as he leaned back in his chair crossing his arms at you shaking his head. Stubborn and protective of his little lady.
"Nope..Not having it" you hissed at him knowing you had to spell this one out for the big idiot.
"Daddy didn't mean it,he wont get in trouble at all baby girl"
"Yes I did"
"HENRY!" he shut up at your hiss
"Bu-but d-daddy said-"
"Hey look at me...Dont listen to daddy he is an idiot and just jealous of Micah" she sniffled an nodded
"Y-yeah cos he-he's got pretty Shiney hair... D-daddies just got stupid curls!" You giggled as Henry looked aghast at her not believing wht ha was hearing
"Exactly daddy is just being a grump! you can still play with Micah...He is your best friend isn't he?" She nodded sniffling
"and you love his like a friend right?" Henry now realised his mistake blinked at you as you rolled your eyes shaking your head at him like 'what the fuck? Really? Shes three' .oh. She pulled away wipinng her eyes looking to henry's matching blues.
"Really daddy? C-can I still play w-with micah?"
"Yes of course...I'm sorry baby...you and mummy was right I just got jealous...daddy is used to being your only hero." Smooth cavill real smooth. She bought it tho nodding he tilted his head down.
"Yo-you wont be in tr-trouble" he shook his head at her
"A-and Micah wo-wont be in t-trouble?" Again he shook his head and reached for her.
"No baby daddy was just being silly...Come here Can you forgive me poppet?" She thlught about it then nodded lunging for him cuddling him he mouthed a sorry to you but you just rolled your eyes at him. Idiot.
It was later that night when Henry returned to your bedroom after reading Paige to sleep,. You both flitted about one another getting ready for bed ou was brushing your teeth when he brought it up.
"So who is this micah then?" You rolled your eyes still hearing a little hostility there...To a fucking three year old. You spat out the toothpaste and looked to henry leaning on the door.
"A little boy...He moved to the village just after you left...Paige was instantly taken with him, he is asian so was avoided by the other kids...you know what she's like with hair and shes never seen straight pitch black hair before... she gushed about him for a few days then they became best freinds....And she call's him her boyfriend because he is the first male friend shes made! God henry really shes three! There none of that shit yet...not for a good few years!" You turned away from your sheepish husband.
"So? nothing i need to know? theres nothing going on? whats his parents like?" You blinked at him..
"Seriously? Like are you being serious now?  Ok well fuck it his dad has taken over the doctors surgery and is actually your and my doctor now that dr marsh has retired! His mother is a stay at home wife, they have a cat called fuji; cos he is fat and a gold fish called mino because its a mino...he is a sweet polite boy ...his favourite colour is green he grows fruit and veg in his garden and you know what Henry he fucking loves batman! and whne he batman versus superman comes out he is gonna want batman to kick your ass! there you happy Jesus fucking christ almighty!" Henry smirked moving towards you slowly stalking towards you really.
"Fuck off" he just chuckled quickly wrappjng himself around you.
"God your so sexy when our mad come here~" you blinked at him
"Oh hell no You did not get me riled up to have rough sex.....Henry I!....you little shit!" He laughed knowing you’d caught onto him making you more irritated and dragged you to the bed kissing at your neck along the way.
"Come on love time for number two...A boy to keep and eye on Paige for me when I'm away!" You chuckled relenting as he laid you down on your bed.
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cdelphiki · 5 years
Any advice for writing Damian? He is giving me trouble.
Well, I guess it depends on what you’re trying to do.  I can give some general advice. 
A lot of people seem to write Damian as really stiff.  They just see his assassin training and write him as a very mature, very formal, emotionless little brat who endures ‘Grayson’s’ coddling and wants Tim dead.  I just think that fails to take in his entire character.  He can be mature, sure, but he is still a child.  A very young, naive, at times, child.  
To write any character you need to really understand their motives.  So what are Damian’s motives?
When he was young, his primary motivator was to be accepted.  He just wanted his father’s love.  
Damian was horribly abused as a child.  Say what you want about Talia, pick whichever interpretation you want, place the blame on whoever, but canon Damian was abused, and it has altered his worldview significantly.  He thinks he has to earn love.  While is he the ‘blood son,’ and therefore it is his birthright to work with Batman and eventually be Batman, he earns his place by Bruce’s side through his accomplishments.  He feels he has to prove himself to Bruce, impress Bruce, and make him see that Damian is both useful and worthy of his station as Bruce’s ‘only’ son.  
He grows, though.  With help from both Dick and Bruce, because both men really did pour into him in Batman & Robin, he starts to realize that he doesn’t have to earn that love.  He doesn’t have to be anything but himself in order to have people care about him.  
As he starts to realize that he is in control of his own destiny, he really grows as a character.  You can see that when he asks Talia why she can’t just love him for who he is.  He got to the point of being able to see that parental love wasn’t something to be earned, and he trusted in the love of his family enough to sever ties with his own mother.  
He then goes on a trip to rectify what he’d done during the ‘year of blood’ and learned what it meant to be forgiven and how to forgive himself for his past mistakes and crimes.  I think it was this that helped him realize that he doesn’t have to carry around the burden that was his past.  It is in the past.  He’s grown and learned better since, and now he knows what he was doing was wrong.  It’s in the past, he can move on.
It’s after that when he really starts to showcase his age.  He makes friends. Lots of friends.  And he behaves like an actual child, especially around Jon Kent.  At this point he is getting to know himself and starting to blossom as a person.  His only real motives in life are to be Robin and one day take over for Batman, but he’s not doing any of that for other people.  It’s all for himself.  It’s because he enjoys it.  
So I think when you write him, you really need to understand that character arc, and know where on it he is.  He has many traits, as well, a lot of people seem to overlook.  
Everyone harps on the ‘love for animals,’ but they seem to miss the underlying trait that causes that.  He is very empathetic.  He cares.  Deeply.  And yes, even about Tim, even if he’d never admit that in a million years.  His spat with Tim all stemmed back to that abuse and belief that he had to earn his place, or prove himself as the worthy heir.  It really had nothing to do with Tim himself.  
If you’ve ever read up on ‘love languages,’ you’d probably agree that Damian’s ‘love language’ is gifts.  He takes time and really comes up with magnificent gifts in order to show whoever it he how much he cares about them, even if he is not conscious he is saying that.  He gave Bruce a pearl from his mother’s necklace, after searching the sewers for hours to find it. He sent Dick a ..... I’m so blanking on this.  But it was an item dealing with a mission that Dick had failed when he was younger so Damian went and finished it and gave it to Dick.  He finished that painting for Alfred.  Sent Bruce on a scavenger hunt that included quite a few gifts.  
He’s like Bruce in that he has a hard time expressing all his feelings verbally.  He usually does so through letters, that he leaves for the recipient to find when he isn’t around.  Or, in the case of Dick, through half started sentences that Dick finishes for him. 
He can be physically affectionate.  Let’s not forget the famous tackle hugs he’s given Dick, and the probably half a dozen hugs he has had with Bruce.  
At the end of the day, he’s a good kid.  He’s just had a really shitty life.  Considering everything he’s gone through, it’s remarkable he is as great as he is.  I mean, just look at his adorable little face while he was messing with Bruce:
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So yeah.  Those are my thoughts on his character.  Hopefully it was at least a little helpful.  
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lerdm · 4 years
More On The Tim/Diana AU
Okay, so since my post on rare ships, I did get a few messages about how I thought this would look like, so here is an outline of what that universe might look like.
Bruce is older now, like actually old, like 65-70ish. Alfred died a few years back and the way Bruce dealt with it drove Jason away for good. Dick is still Nightwing, although he’s also getting up there in years. His 40′s weren’t kind to him and he and Damian got into a huge fight at his 50th birthday party because Damian was almost certain that he was going to get himself killed. Damian doesn’t talk much with Bruce or Dick anymore either, which is a shame, because he’s the only one who Jason will speak to. Then there’s Tim. 
He’s in his early thirties, he was the one who took over being Batman after Bruce retired, much to Damian’s chagrin. Diana being basically immortal and Clark not ageing quite the same as a human man, are still the pillars of the League. At first, Batman wasn’t quite the image that he was when Bruce was in the role, but he made a name for himself soon enough.
He’s been Batman for a few years now, and the other day, he noticed a grey hair. He held it in his hand and stared at it for a while in front of the large window that looked out on Earth in the Watchtower. Diana came up behind him and asked if he was okay.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just... getting old I guess.”
“Is that troubling you?” Diana asked.
“Yes, more than it probably should,” Tim answered completely honestly.
This took Diana off guard, although, it shouldn’t by now. She should be used to the idea that Tim wasn’t his father, he didn’t bottle things up, not anymore. He had grown emotionally. And Diana would be lying if she didn’t notice how he had grown physically.
“Is it something that’s bothering you?” Diana asked.
Tim smiled a little at her and she smiled back. “Not really, not right now. But I’ve seen what doing this does to someone’s body. Bruce can barely walk now and it kills him. I figure I should probably stop before it gets that far.” He paused. “I probably won’t. Maybe I’ll go the same route as Jason and Damian and use a Lazarus pit.”
Diana looked concerned at this, “Would you? Consider that?”
“No. I think I’d rather die naturally than hurt the people around me with... everything that comes with the Pit.”
“I know it’s not my place, but I am relieved to hear you say that.”
“Maybe it is your place. I mean... you’re my friend.”
Diana looked at the man in the eye, they were the same height. 
“Just friends?”
A slow smiled crept onto Tim’s face, “I don’t presume to know what you’re feeling, but if you’re asking...”
“Which I am.”
“I don’t see any reason why we can’t... explore... this relationship. Beside perhaps your feelings for my father,” Tim said.
Diana shook her head a little. “You’re nothing like him.”
Tim grinned, “That’s more of a compliment than you know.”
“May I kiss you?” She asked.
“Of course,” Tim said.
<><> Years Later <><>
Tim was standing at the end of a long aisle. It wasn’t a big wedding, mostly family and friends from the superhero community. Tim’s best man was Conner Kent, Diana’s man of honour was Clark.
Bruce was sitting in the front and watched, his heart shattering, as Diana married his son.
There was a small reception outside the manor, where the wedding was taking place. Tim was chatting with some of the guests when something on the treeline caught his eye. He smiled and excused himself and walked over.
Jason was leaning against a tree, smoking. He looked the exact same as the snarky 19-year-old Tim had known what felt like a lifetime ago. Except for the hair, it was shock-white, and his eyes glowed in the dark slightly unnaturally.
“You know, you were invited,” Tim said.
“I know, but I didn’t want to make trouble for you,” Jason said. “Damian sends his best.”
Tim laughed, “No. He didn’t.”
Jason grinned, “No. He didn’t.” He took another drag. “Some things never change.”
“Yeah,” Tim agreed, giving Jason a look.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know. Don’t go all Bruce and give me a lecture.”
“I wasn’t going to.”
Jason rolled his eyes and reached into his jacket, pulling out an envelope. “Here, a wedding present.”
Tim looked inside and saw that it was packed with photographs. And not just any photos.
“Jason... how did you get these, I thought Bruce destroyed them after Alfred died,” Tim looked through them with tears welling in his eyes.
Jason smiled bittersweetly, “Alfred gave me all the old photo albums.”
“Thanks, Jay. I-” Tim looked up from a photo to see that Jason was gone. He chuckled slightly, put the envelope in his suit jacket, and went back to the party.
“Where’d you sneak off to?” Diana asked slightly teasingly, though there was a hint of real concern under it.
“Jason stopped by,” Tim said.
Diana smiled a little.
<><> Ten Years Later <><>
Funnily enough, Tim and Diana only had little girls. Tim had thought that the universe was going to mess with Diana by making them have only boys. Not that Tim was complaining. He loved those girls.
He and Diana left them with Conner when they were going out on League business that day. It was a hard fight. Diana was protecting Tim, who was trying to hack into the hidden files in their latest adversary’s computer. Unfortunately, a bomb was set off when the other members of the Justice League were battling the drones on the main level, and the building began to crash around them.
The next thing Diana knew, she was opening her eyes. She seemed to have landed in an air pocket. And then she remembered who else she had been with. “Batman?!” She called. She sat up and looked around until she saw a glint of light bouncing off something. But she couldn’t tell what it was. She reached out to touch it, and her hand came back sticky.
“Timothy?” She asked the darkness, her voice wavering in a way that it hadn’t in a long time.
She crawled over to where he was laying. No pulse to be found. She cradled his body against her chest and sobbed until Superman finally dug them out of the rubble.
<><> <><>
Telling her children that their father was gone was one of the hardest things she’d ever done.
All she could think about as she stood at the grave of Timothy Jackson Drake-Wayne, was how she was so lucky that she still had pieces of him in the world.
She smelt the smoke before she heard him speak.
“I could bring him back, if you’d like.”
She turned to look at Jason, ever the same man, frozen in time.
“He told me he didn’t want that,” Diana replied.
Jason just nodded, “Yeah, I figured.”
There was silence for a moment before Diana spoke her mind. “Why are you here?”
“I... just thought I’d come to tell you that I’m sorry. And that you and the kids were the things that made his life worth something to him, not Batman.”
Diana stared at Jason tearily. “Thank you.”
He nodded and was about to turn away when he remembered something else he had wanted to tell her. “And... Damian’s taken this hard. He, uh, I think he has people following your girls just to make sure nothing happens. I tried to call him off but- well, it’s Damian. I know they can handle themselves, he’s just worried.”
Diana wanted to be angry, and snap at him that she can protect her children on her own, but then she remembered that she wasn’t the only one who lost someone.
“Thank you,” she said softly.
Jason nodded once and then went back to his motorcycle, revving away.
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thewhumperinwhite · 4 years
Café: Treetops
Previous: Teaser 1, Teaser 2, Hospital/Squad Car, Empty Bar, Used Car Lot 1, Used Car Lot 2, Gas Station, Roadside 1, Roadside 2, Forest
TW for: illness/fever, mention of decapitation/murder, smoking mention, very lightly implied parental neglect, Thing That Seems Like Deadnaming For A Second But Take This As My Personal Guarantee That Sol’s Deadname Will Never Be Said Out Loud In This Story.
Also i’m not gonna check but i think this might be the first chapter where Sol smiles? so look forward to that.
Rainwater is dripping from Sol’s hair down the bridge of his nose and soaking into his shirt collar, even though if you asked him five minutes ago he’d have told you his poor abused work shirt had absorbed literally all the liquid it could physically hold. 
“Just for the record,” Kent says in a slightly breathless voice, “when I used the phrase ‘huddled in trees,’ that was sarcasm.”
Sol thinks about rolling his eyes, but given that nobody would see it from this angle, he doesn’t bother and just leaves his eyes closed instead.
“Funny,” Pax snaps, sounding, at least, no longer pretend-cheerful. “When I told you to shut the fuck up, I was serious.” Sol can hear them shifting, but doesn’t turn to look, partly because he does not care and partly because he thinks he might fall out of the tree if he tries.
“I think you should both shut up,” he says flatly, knowing he’s wasting his fucking breath.
It does earn him almost a full minute of silence, which is a step up, technically.
“The bleeders are too clumsy to climb trees,” Pax says testily, apparently unable to help themself. “Therefore, being the wonderful, coordinated living beings that we are, we are taking advantage of that weakness.”
“I know that,” Kent says, also sounding slightly testy, but even more tired and kind of in pain. “I am aware of the logic, but I gotta say that I am not feeling super coordinated at the moment.”
“I know that,” Sol growls. “I was the one who had to help you up, and since we are all fuckin’ exhausted from that little ordeal, how about we all just go the fuck to sleep, huh?”
Kent makes a noise that is probably supposed to convey irritation but just sounds sort of— pathetic. “I can’t sleep. I don’t understand how either of you can sleep when it’s so hot up here.”
Sol blinks his eyes open. That— does not sound like a great sign.
Careful not to overbalance and throw himself off the narrow branch currently supporting his ass, Sol cranes around the trunk of the tree to squint through the driving rain at Kent, who is leaning back against the tree with his eyes closed. Sol half-carried him up this bigass goddamn tree and set him with more care than he wants to admit in the stablest position he could find, at the fork of two large branches, but at the moment his perch there looks kind of precarious.
Checking to see that Paxon, on the opposite side and several branches higher than either himself of Kent, probably can’t see— not that he cares what they think— he leans carefully forward to lay his wrist against Kent’s forehead. It’s hard to be sure of anything when the freezing rain has turned his hands and arms into icicles, but the heat coming off Kent’s face almost makes him jump.
“Aw, great,” he mumbles, grabbing hold of his own branch so he can lean forward a little more to examine Kent’s face, which, now that he’s looking, does have kind of a greenish cast to it. “Hey, man,” he says softly, giving Kent a gentle poke on a part of his cheekbone that doesn’t seem to be bruised yet. “How ya feeling?”
Without opening his eyes, Kent heaves a tired sigh that turns halfway through into a cough. Sol freezes like a popsicle, going very quickly back over the last several hours to try and determine whether one of the bleeders could possibly have bitten him without Sol noticing— but Kent’s brief coughing fit fails to bring up any red-flecked phlegm, so Sol tries to reel in his panic. He doesn’t sound crazy, anyway— just sick. 
“Not very good,” Kent croaks, letting his eyes drift open. They look kinda glassy, but Sol sees with knee-weakening relief that they are not particularly bloodshot. “Too warm. And also shivery.”
“I fuckin’ bet,” Sol says. “You look like microwaved dogshit, dude.”
Sol chews his lip, something uncomfortably close to worry churning in his stomach. When he doesn’t move away, Kent laughs faintly, though it turns into a cough at the end.
“You sure you want to get that close?” he asks, smiling a little, though it doesn’t come close to reaching his eyes. Sol doesn’t think Kent’s smiles usually do, actually.
Sol blinks. “Huh?”
“Aren’t you worried I’ll suddenly decide to take a bite out of your arm?” Kent says, and it sounds like it’s trying to be a joke but isn’t quite making it.
Sol stares at him for a second. Then he snorts.
“Please,” Sol says, smirking. “You? I could definitely take you, crazy or not, you fucking stick. Besides, look.” Sol fishes around in the pockets of his sopping-wet jacket, ignoring Kent’s look of utter confusion.
His lighter is freezing and dripping wet, and who knows if it’ll still work as an actual lighter after this, but it makes a serviceable mirror, in a pinch. He holds it up so that Kent is blinking into his own wide blue eyes.
“See?” Sol says, and is surprised at the softness of his own voice. “Not a drop of blood in sight, man. You’re probably just feverish from running around in the mud with open cuts and stuff.”
“Heartening,” Kent says, reaching up to change the angle of Sol’s grip.
“That’s what I’m here for,” Sol says, smirking.
And then Sol suddenly realizes that Kent’s hand is wrapped loosely around his own, and is horrified to feel his own cheeks heating up, which is--so fucking stupid.
“Who’s ‘Rina’?” he asks curiously, blinking down at the lighter, and Sol starts badly, jerking his hand away like Kent’s question burns his fingers.
“No one,” he barks, shoving the lighter back into his pocket, leaving Kent with his hand still outstretched and lips parted slightly in surprise.
“Oh,” Kent says, blinking. “Uh, sorry, I didn’t mean to— “ He pulls back, looking carefully anywhere but at Sol’s face. “Sorry.”
Sol stares at Kent. Kent stares at the unnervingly-far-away ground.
Goddammit, it’s like kicking a puppy.
“Ugh,” Sol growls, running a hand through his hair. “Look, fine, whatever, don’t look at me like that— Karine is my little sister, okay? She always hated it when I smoked, so she used to steal my lighter all the time. That’s why it’s— that’s why.”
He had been very mad at the time, in high school at some point, when he had finally wrestled his lighter back from her— after almost a week of searching and shouting half-hearted threats at her when their father wasn’t home, which was often— only to find that she had scratched Sol Sux Shit on one side and her own big girly signature on the other, with a big fucking heart around it. He didn’t talk to her for a few days after that.
He didn’t throw the lighter away, though, either. That was junior year, or thereabouts; he’d been Sol for a short enough time that seeing the name scratched permanently into metal was--something, even if it was followed by the words “sux shit.”
It’s been— Christ, almost four years since he’s seen her, which means she’s all grown up and definitely has at least two boyfriends by now. That thought makes him unconsciously ball up his fists, and then he’s distracted by the sound of Kent laughing at him.
“Wha— what are you laughing at?” Goddammit, is he blushing again?
“I’m s-sorry,” Kent says, amid honest-to-god giggles. “I-it’s just— your face—!”
Sol just barely resists the urge to cover his cheeks, trying to will the heat back out of them. “Sh-shut up, I was just—” He pulls up short. “H-hey— are you okay?”
Kent is doubled up with hard, damp-sounding coughs, so much so that Sol has to dart out a hand to keep him from falling forward off the branch.
“Kent— hey—”
As he’s readjusting himself to hold up Kent’s weight without falling off his own branch, there’s a rustling in the branches above them, and Paxon Field drops abruptly onto the end of Kent’s branch, like an enormous pink cat.
“Let me see your hand,” they say sharply. When Kent doesn’t immediately respond, they reach forward to tug his hand away from his face.
“Hey!” Sol snaps, trying to shove them back, “what the hell are you—”
“Shut up,” Pax says, turning Kent’s hand over so they can examine both sides. Finding no blood on it, they relax, their hand sliding off the hilt of their sword.
“Idiot,” they say, not unkindly, and reach up to lay their wrist against Kent’s forehead. Kent, his coughing fit finally starting to subside, lets them, his weight pressing into Sol’s chest in a way that is— neither embarrassing nor pleasant but in fact entirely neutral, fuck you. Pax sighs. “You’re burning up, you dumbass.”
“That’s not exactly his fault,” Sol snaps, to his own surprise more than anyone else’s. Pax raises their eyebrows at him. Kent’s eyes flutter shut. “Well,” Sol goes on, into Pax’s surprised stare. “We’ve been wandering around in the rain for a long time. He’s got— broken bones and stuff.”
Paxon gives Sol a look he can’t quite read, and then frowns down at Kent, whose cheek now sits just under Sol’s collarbone, like coughing has used up all his remaining energy. “How long have you been feelin’ the shivers, sunshine?” they bark.
Grumbling like an annoyed child, Kent turns away from Paxon, which involves burying his face against the sodden front of Sol’s shirt. Sol freezes, a violent electrical current making its way up his spine. When Kent mumbles his answer (which is unintelligible but seems to contain the words “the car”), Sol can feel his lips move against his chest, and would readjust if he could move. ...probably.
“Then it’s entirely your fault, you daft idiot,” Paxon snaps, annoyed. “Why the hell didn’t you say anything?”
Kent turns back, opening one blue eye. “I suppose,” he says coldly, “I was worried you’d decapitate me.”
Paxon, to Sol’s surprise, starts like they’ve been hit. There’s a very awkward silence. Sol is afflicted with a bizarre desire to laugh.
Then Paxon growls, long and low, and starts their descent out of the tree.
“Uh,” Sol calls after them. “Where are you going?”
“To get sunshine some medicine, I guess,” they shout back, bitterly. “Since neither of you is in any way equipped for survival, apparently.”
Sol stares down at the top of their head as they make their weirdly nimble way down out of the tree. Then he looks down at Kent, who is also frowning down at Paxon’s retreating form.
“Someone should go with them,” Kent mutters.
Sol shifts uncomfortably. “You can’t stay in this tree by yourself.”
An embarrassed flush makes its way into Kent’s pale cheeks, and he shoots Sol an apologetic look from under his lashes. Sol’s brain stops working for a second and he misses what Kent says next, but makes an educated guess that it’s some variation of “sorry for the trouble.”
“Don’t be dumb,” he says, biting his lip.
Sol runs through their options in his head, and from the unhappy look on Kent’s face he suspects the blonde is doing the same.
“Fuck,” Sol mutters, and then, making sure Kent has a firm grip on the tree trunk to go with the confused look on his face, turns himself very carefully around on his own branch so his back is to Kent, the blonde’s bony knees digging into his back slightly.
“Um,” Kent says.
“Shut up,” Sol snaps. “Put your arms around my shoulders. Try not to choke me or we will both fall and die.”
“Um,” says Kent.
Sol takes a moment to bury his rapidly-reddening face in his hands and groan because why does shit like this keep happening to him. “Paxon shouldn’t go by themself, and you can’t stay here or climb down. This is the only fucking solution, okay? I don’t like it anymore than you do, so shut up and get on.”
There’s another terrible silence, which Sol uses to pray to anybody who might be listening to give him a fucking break already.
Moving carefully, like he’s waiting for Sol to stop him, Kent slides his slim arms around Sol’s shoulders, knitting his fingers together around Sol’s chest and being careful to avoid his windpipe. After a moment’s hesitation, he moves closer, awkwardly scooting forward so his legs are wrapped around Sol’s waist.
Sol, very aware of Kent’s chest and biceps and thighs, clears his throat loudly.
“Okay,” he says, trying his very best to sound businesslike. “I need my hands to do the tree-climbing thing, so hold on, yeah?”
Sol can feel the heat coming off of Kent’s face where it’s buried against his shoulder even through the thick wool of his jacket, though he can’t tell how much of that is the fever and how much is embarrassment roughly equivalent— if there is a loving god— to his own.
“Yeah,” Kent mumbles miserably into Sol’s jacket. Sol feels a slightly insane giggle building in his chest. 
“Okay,” Sol says slowly. “I am now moving to the next branch over. You good?”
“Perfect,” Kent says in a very muffled voice, and shifts slightly against Sol’s back. Sol clears his throat again, and reaches out for the next branch, shifting so that he’s carrying most of Kent’s weight.
“Christ, do you ever eat?” he says before they can stop himself. God, maybe they will make it to the ground, after all. “My sister’s cat weighs more than you.”
Kent, his face very warm indeed, chooses not to respond. In fact, he keeps his mouth mercifully shut for almost the whole awkward, painful climb down, and Sol’s left foot is actually on solid ground when he finally mumbles, so low Sol can’t be entirely sure of the words, “Thanks, Sol. You’re wonderful.”
Sol freezes with one foot still on the lowest branch, feeling an unfamiliar sort of heat spreading in the center of his chest. Before he can stop it, his mouth twitches into something that feels suspiciously like a grin.
The feeling fades pretty quickly when he turns and sees the color Pax is turning from trying to hold in their amusement. Seeing Sol’s fiery glare and immediate, violent blush, they give up and throw their head back, sending bright peals of laughter up into the still-raining sky.
Sol bristles, his hands tightening under Kent’s thighs. “Sh-shut up! Don’t— don’t laugh at me!”
Pax laughs hard, holding their stomach. “Your face!” they crow delightedly. “You’re turning purple, babe!”
Sol’s blush doesn’t get any worse, but probably only because there’s no more blood left in the rest of him. “Shut up!” he squawks. “It’s your fault for leaving us up there, anyway!”
Pax shakes their head, grinning. “I didn’t say you had to come with me,” they point out. 
“Kent didn’t want you wandering off by yourself,” Sol snaps, looking over his shoulder. “Did y— oh.”
Kent, his lips slightly parted and rain making his long lashes sparkle a little in the moonlight, has rested his head against Sol’s shoulder and is breathing long and steady, his breath making faint snuffling noises through his broken nose.
Sol stares a little.
“What’s up with sunshine?” Paxon says, a trace of worry in their voice. “He’s not dead, is he?”
“No,” Sol says, a confused smile spreading over his face. “I think he’s fallen asleep.” Looking carefully anywhere but at Paxon’s stupid smug grin, he clears his throat. “Let’s just go. I’ll carry him. He isn’t heavy.”
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saultnpeppah · 5 years
New Year’s Eve
I really enjoy writing AUs, and after I wrote "O, Christmas Tree" for last year's holiday event, I knew I wanted to revisit these versions of our favorite duo. Here are some of the events that led up to the aforementioned one shot. I hope you all enjoy.
December 31. Downtown Gotham. 22:10
The holidays were always an interesting time in Gotham. The snow covered streets brought forth a glorious playground, slick enough for sleds to glide through at speeds that some would consider dangerous, and while the children enjoyed the fun the snow brought, others hated the cold the holidays brought to the city. One of these people was Diana Prince. Sure, she had been raised in Gotham, but being born on an island that rivalved perfection, still left its mark on her heart; nothing would compare to the warmth the sun brought as it shone high in the sky. She hated the cold, couldn't stand it, and by default, she couldn't stand the holiday season. Her disdain for the holiday season only grew more apparent when she had ended things with her long term friend, and boyfriend, Clark Kent on New Years' Day the previous year. When her mother had gone back to Greece, Clark and Bruce had been the only family she had around. Bruce had grown increasingly busy with his growing company and Diana never seemed to mind. In fact, she was happy for her friend, and Clark was always fun company. But when the two had broken up and Bruce's availability became even more scarce, she began to feel lonely, and that was the last thing she wanted during this time of year.
"Diana? Did you hear me?"
Diana quickly turned her attention toward the gentleman in front of her, carefully nodding her head as she cleared her throat. Truth was, she hadn't heard what the man in front of her had said, not a word. In fact, when Arnold Tressler had marched up to her at her company's New Years Eve party, acting as if she had never ghosted him four months ago, she had quickly focused her attention elsewhere.
"I'm sorry," Diana said. She gently nudged her dark hair back over her shoulder, letting it flow down her back, before she took a small sip of the drink in her hand, trying to give herself a moment to think of a way out of this awkward situation. "I'm waiting for someone," she said bluntly, hoping he would take the hint.
Arnold only glanced over his shoulder toward the door, a smug smile on his face when he saw it empty. "You sly little minx," he said, taking a step forward. He placed his half empty beer bottle on the bar behind her, flashing her another smirk, before he leaned in and whispered, "Playing hard to get, I see."
Diana watched as he wiggled his eyebrows and she outwardly cringed, wondering what she had seen in him to allow him to take her out on a date. Unfortunately for him, the night had ended right after dinner with Diana not ready to pursue another relationship so soon after Clark. "No, no," Diana said, sliding out from under him. "I really am waiting for someone."
She took a step back from the man, watching as he ran a hand through his greasy blonde hair. He used a finger to smooth down his mustache and shook his head, unconvinced by what Diana was saying. Truth was, she had invited someone, and she had tried her hardest to convince him to come, doing everything but getting down on her knees and begging. She didn't want to be alone tonight and Bruce was her best friend - her best friend who hadn't bothered to see her in over a month. He at least owed her this.
Arnold grabbed his beer once more and took another swig of the beverage, shaking his head still unconvinced. He let his eyes wander down Diana's body, the smug smirk on his face growing wider as he thought about a second date with the Greek woman. His thoughts, however, were interrupted when a tall man stepped between he and Diana. "This guy bothering you, Diana?" he asked, his piercing blue eyes staring down at Arnold.
"I'm fine, Bruce," Diana said, taking another small sip of her drink. "But nice of you to show up."
Arnold watched as Bruce Wayne, playboy billionaire, turned to Diana and flashed her a wide smile, before he reached over him and grabbed a glass of champagne. "Good," was all Bruce said as he ran a hand through his hair and turned. He quickly placed his hand on Diana's back and led her towards the other end of the room, away from Arnold and his growing anger.
"You're welcome, by the way," Bruce said with a smirk as he and Diana sat themselves in two oversized chairs by the balcony.
Diana only rolled her eyes, took a seat, and playfully kicked his shin. "You're late," she reminded him. "I thought you weren't coming."
Bruce only shrugged and leaned back in the chair. "Di, I haven't seen you for over a month. I've been a terrible friend. I wasn't going to miss seeing you tonight." He took a sip from his glass, letting his eyes flicker to the woman seated across from him. "Plus, I'd never hear the end of it if I let you be the only single one here."
Once again Diana kicked his shin, earning a laugh from the man. "That's not true," she said, although her tone spoke volumes more than her words ever could. "But seriously, thank you for coming. I know work parties aren't exactly your cup of tea."
Bruce only shook his head, silencing her. He sat up and leaned across the empty space they shared, letting his hand rest on her knee. He watched as her eyes flickered up to meet his and his heart skipped a beat. Even in a pair of blue jeans and a sweater she was still the most beautiful person in this room. He willed his eyes to look away from hers, willed himself to stop the awkward silence that had fallen between the two, but when he saw Diana's smile widen, he knew there were no words needed.
Diana was his oldest friend, his best friend. She knew more about him than he probably even knew about himself. She was the one who had helped him in high school with his unresolved feelings towards his parents' deaths and he knew if it weren't for her and her insistuous persuading, he would not be the CEO of a multi-billion dollar company. He owed everything to Diana - a little New Year's Eve work party didn't seem like a fair trade.
"There's nowhere else I'd rather be," he confessed, watching as her smile grew wider, before she finished off her drink, the first of many.
Bruce continued to laugh, letting his hand fall to his side that ached from the nonstop laughter reminiscing with Diana had brought. The two hadn't seen each other for over a month, yet whenever they were together, they would talk about their time in grade school when Diana and her mother had moved from Greece. They would talk about their time in high school where they had begun to discover themselves as individuals. They would talk about college, and how they had decided what they wanted in life, and yet through all the changes they had gone through, one thing remained: They could each make the other laugh with wild abandon.
"I forget how much trouble you get in without me," Bruce said, unable to help the chuckle that escaped his lips.
Likewise, Diana chuckled and shook her head. "It wasn't my fault," she said, unable to help it as another fit of giggles slipped through her lips.
Bruce watched as Diana pulled her hair up into a ponytail, the heat from the alcohol consumed finally getting to her, before she began to fan herself. He wasn't sure if it was all the laughing that had caused her cheeks to become flushed, or the amount of alcohol she had consumed; either way he was glad he had come. He watched as she finished off her glass of water, placing it to the side, before she stood from her seat. Without a word he stood next to her and offered her a hand. She took it and he led her silently toward the middle of the dance floor where other couples had been gathered for the past hour.
"So tell me one thing," Bruce began, as he placed his hands on her back. He waited for her to loop her arms around his neck before they began to sway with the music, moving slowly. Diana only raised an eyebrow, waiting for Bruce to finish his sentence. "What kind of a monster dumps a guy on New Year's Eve?"
Bruce watched as Diana furrowed her eyebrows, pulling back from him in shock. "It was the day after," she said matter of factly. She watched as Bruce began to laugh again and she shook her head, knowing this was going to come up one way or another. The three of them had been friends since college, having dinner together every now and then. Bruce knew of her and Clark's relationship, and Bruce was the first person Diana had told when she had ended it. It was only a matter of time before he brought it up. "He actually took it a lot better than I thought," she confessed.
Diana watched as Bruce gave her a slight nod as he continued to sway to the music. "How is he, though?"
Diana nodded. True, they were exes, but she still cared for the man. She wasn't as heartless as some people thought.
Bruce shrugged. "He's alright. Busying himself with work." He knew Diana hadn't seen him since she last went to get the rest of her stuff at his place. He couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy now that she was asking about him. "Although that's what happens when your girlfriend of seven years dumps you." Once again Bruce flashed Diana a smirk, sticking his tongue out to tease the woman in his arms.
Diana shook her head, adamant that that was not the case. "We dated for four months in college," she said, pushing a finger into his chest. She was going to end all the speculation tonight. "I graduated and went back to Greece for work and my family-"
"Don't remind me," Bruce interrupted. "It was the longest four years of my life," he whispered, feigning sadness.
Diana only shook her head and pointed at his face, silently telling him to cut it out. "We spoke nearly every day," she said sternly. "Clark and I, however, kind of lost touch."
"See, I knew you could never forget me," Bruce said, a proud smile on his face. "You'd miss me too much."
Diana chuckled. "No, Wayne," she began, letting her hand rejoin her other behind Bruce's neck. "You know too many secrets about me. We're stuck with each other."
"Oh goodie," Bruce said nonchalantly. He tried to remain casual. He tried to maintain the facade that their constant flirtations and playful banter was doing nothing to his already erratically beating heart. Diana was the one girl who had been a friend first and foremost, the one constant in his life beside Alfred. He knew getting involved with her would only leave her hurt, and that was something he couldn't fathom, so he stayed away, wanting to protect her at any cost. What he hadn't expected was to fall in love with her, and in turn be the one to get hurt when she fell in love with someone else. He was more than a little thrilled to find out that she and Clark were no longer dating, but he was not going to tell either of them that. They were, after all, both still his friends.
Besides, he knew it was his fault Diana had ended up with Clark to begin with, so he couldn't be angry at anyone beside himself. He was the one who had introduced Clark to her during their junior year of college. He was the one who had told Clark there was nothing going on with him and Diana, and he was the one who encouraged Diana to date who she saw fit; what he hadn't expected was his two best friends getting together. But he endured it, knowing Clark could make her happier than he ever could. That didn't stop him from internally celebrating when she decided to end things with Clark a few months later. His celebration, however, was cut short by her announcement that she was leaving Gotham for a while. He hadn't expected a while to last four years.
When Diana had come back to Gotham, he had been the first to know. He wanted to be the first one that greeted her, welcome her back to the city they had explored as kids, but business was booming and it left little time for socializing outside of work. Diana had said she understood, knowing how important the business was to Bruce, but if he had known what that would cost, he would have given it all up for her.
It was due to his unavailability Diana had ended up meeting up with Clark, wanting to catch up with a friend over drinks. It was his fault that the two of them had kissed at that bar. It was his fault Clark had gotten a second chance with Diana when he hadn't even gotten a proper first one.
"Bruce, you okay?"
Bruce shook his head clear of his thoughts, letting his attention return to the woman still in his arms. He watched as she raised an eyebrow, concern for her friend etched on her face. She knew he got in his head sometimes, letting the negative thoughts of his past eat away at everything until that was all he could focus on.
"Yeah," he said, reassuring her with a nod. "I'm fine."
Diana said nothing as she nodded, letting her arms unloop around Bruce's neck, before she laid them on his chest. "Good," she whispered. She reached up and let one of her hands run through his hair, letting her nails carefully graze his scalp, before she began to fiddle with the back of his collar.
Bruce continued to gently sway with the music, trying not to give any indication that what Diana was going was spiking his heart rate. He carefully leaned toward Diana, bending down to whisper in her ear, "I'm glad your back." His lips turned into a smirk when he saw her shoulders freeze, shocked by the feeling of his lips so close to her skin. He pulled back slowly, letting his lips gently brush against the skin of her neck. His smirk grew when he heard her gasp.
Diana took a deep breath and shook her head slightly, trying to calm her now racing heart. She and Bruce had always flirted, always pushed the boundaries between friendship and something more, but this…..this was pushing things further than normal. He was sending a message. He was letting her know something she knew all along, and it was about damn time. Without another thought she carefully dragged her hand up his chest, up his neck, and into his hair, before she grabbed a fist full and gave it a gentle tug. She watched as his eyes widened before they glanced over her shoulder, trying to avoid her gaze. She only smirked at his attempt to ignore her.
"You don't know what that does to me," he whispered flirtatiously. His grip on her waist grew tighter and his breath hitched in his throat when Diana stepped closer to him, pushing her chest into his.
"I am very aware of what that does to you," she replied, raising an eyebrow, challenging him. There were secrets the two of them had shared, secrets he wasn't sure he wanted to come to light just yet.
Bruce took a step back, raising a hand to cover his mouth as he cleared his throat, trying to refocus his thoughts. For years flirting with Diana had been second nature, however now he was unsure of where the boundaries between them laid.
The two turned to see one of Diana's coworkers walk up to the duo, a glass of champagne in both of her hands. She quickly offered them the glasses of alcohol, turning to the rest of the people in the room, a smile on her face as she announced, "Ten! Nine! Eight!"
Bruce let his hand fall from Diana's waist as she released her grip around his neck. They stood silent, watching as the rest of her coworkers and their families continued to count down until the next year. Her mind began to whirl with questions, wondering if what she was going to do was a good idea. Bruce was her best friend and if she screwed this up then she wouldn't be able to forgive herself. But she knew Bruce, and she knew how he felt, no matter how hard he had tried to hide it. He had tried to hide his jealousy, but she was always able to see it. Every time Clark wrapped his arm around her shoulder, every time Clark kissed her goodbye, everytime Clark called her, she saw the sadness in his eyes. She knew he was kicking himself for waiting too long and not following her out that summer night, but she couldn't blame him. They had been kids, still unsure of what they had wanted and needed, but now - now it was different. She knew what she wanted. She wanted Bruce.
"Two! One! Happy New Year!"
The crowd of people began to cheer, each bringing in the New Year with their own celebratory commentary. Some people threw their arms up, others drank from their glasses. Some tossed confetti and others kissed their loved ones. Each person celebrated the start of the new year in a way that was special to them, knowing the hope and promise that was sure to follow them this year would be magical in their own way.
Diana turned to face Bruce, a smile on her face. She gently clinked their glasses together and said, "Happy New Year," before she took a sip from the glass, placing it on the table behind her. She watched as Bruce took a sip of his own and placed it down on the table next to him, before she grabbed his tie, startling him, and pulled him in for a kiss.
Bruce barely had time to register that Diana's lips were on his before he was staring into her blue eyes. He watched as she raised an eyebrow, questioning if what she had done was the right thing. He wanted to blame the alcohol, wanted to assume that she just had too much to drink and was lonely, but he knew the truth. She had wanted this for nearly as long as he had. The only question was if he was willing to take that chance with her.
"Happy New Year," he whispered back after what had seemed like an eternity, as he reached up to cup her cheeks. He watched as she smiled before he leaned in to kiss her, letting his lips meet hers in a searing kiss. Time stood still and in that moment Bruce knew things would be alright. He didn't know what the new year would bring, nor did he know if he was sure he could be the man Diana truly deserved. All he knew was he couldn't wait to see what was in store, and he knew for damn sure he would do it with Diana by his side.
I truly hope you all enjoyed this, and I am so grateful you all stuck with me during this year. 2019 was a year of trials, sickness, and hardships and I don't know how well I would've gotten through it all without writing (no matter how scarce it was) and the wonderful readers you all are. Granted, I could have written more….a lot more, but I am hoping 2020 will be a year of wonderful opportunities. Here's to next year, and a Happy New Year to you all! :)
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