#Lose It
awesomereassurer · 1 month
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Now I have time again for sketches. And BeyBlade again! This is how you react to loosing. Just go with it, Steven! It is all good now.
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the-body-i-want · 16 days
i search for “athletic” tag to look for fitness posts. i see a photo of a naked woman. i close the search
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numenrecords · 2 months
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oasisr · 1 year
Calorie-counting is actually one of the best ways to lose weight, especially if you struggle with binge-eating.
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rainyfestivalsweets · 6 months
I had a rough night. My periods continue to be the worst, but last night after CBD for the intense pain, I burrito'ed myself between the heating pad and the electric blanket, which covered most of the pain areas.
Although I was up and down and felt like I was bleeding out, I managed to wake up (late ugg) but with less pain.
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Today I had a triple shot energy drink my friend gave me. 90 cals 9g protein.
Then I worked. And worked out. A dumbell circuit, step workout and a short gluten workout. Then I took a luxurious shower and lotion.... and put my waist trainer on. Open at the bottom to not pressure my screaming uterus.
Oo, that lady who snarkily commented YoU hAvE tO cHaNgE yOuR LiFeSTyLe is gonna be so fucking pissed.
Idk. If you ever feel like you need to do that to some internet stranger.....DON'T.
You don't know what anyone is suffering. What I go thru on the daily. If you don't like what you read, how about you fuck all the way off?! How about that.
Especially if you are not a follower of the blog.
Life is hard, why do people insist on making it fucking harder on strangers?
So it has been awhile. That bitch made me feel unworthy of wearing a waist trainer that I BOUGHT & PAID for, dieted to fit into, and had on hand. But I have it on today because I deserve to use ALL the tools at my disposal.
So if you don't like it, fuck off. What now? Exactly motherfucker. 💯 Fucking nothing.
120 pounds down, shooting for a new low on this journey.... and currently a badass MFer, killing weights, cardio, work, AND FT CAREGIVING!
I can't wait til I can say 130 pounds down!
140 pounds down!
150 pounds down!
160????? 🤩🤩🤩
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There's a sinking feeling that no matter what it will have the same result.
I will still lose you even after all the effort that has been shown it still won't be enough.
Maybe I was never meant to be your forever, I was just somebody to make it through a few years with to find that forever person.
You'll come out sober which was all I ever begged for just to realize you never loved me, you loved that I enabled it for so long.
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princessmarajane · 3 months
July 9th omad stats!
Total: 733
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Updating kg/lbs stats tmrw <3
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guys i think loseit is broken coz who did this...
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toksidermy · 5 months
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sadgurly99 · 2 years
Ich habe mich aufgegeben, bevor ich überhaupt an mich glauben konnte!
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annbourbon · 8 months
My diet & Workout Routine
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🍒Pics Masterlist here🍒
Well, it's not exactly a diet, but at the same time it is, kind of(?)
Sooo for those who are curious, I do ballet, and I'm really petite. About 5'0 (153 cm.) which means I need to lose a looot of weight and gain strength to be able to keep up with everything.
Couple of months ago I got really sick so I gained weight. And I struggled with that. Now I'm in a better place, and I can say confidently that I'm making a recovery. I still have a long way to go but hey! I'm getting a treadmill this month~ *♡*
Anyway, my rules:
I don't eat anything after 6pm (no matter how much I'm starving)
I started with this one first because I know how hard it is.
So I'm not saying it's was easy, but at first I started eating at 9 or 8pm, then I started eating my last meal at 7 or 6pm but nowadays I'm eating at 4pm
It takes time, discipline and training yourself to not eat anything.
I did notice some significant change after this. Mostly my muscles started to appear and I developed my ballerina appearance. Which still needs some improvement but I'm getting there!
If I'm really starving I might drink some water with lemon or soup without anything else.
No snacks between meals
This is not even a tough one for me but it's worth of mention because a lot of people do it and it's a way to self sabotage your progress. Don't do it. But if you do, make sure it's close to your meal time at least.
No lying on the bed after eating
I usually go for a walk or climb up some stairs, I recently bought my cats a transporter so I go out for a walk with one of them after every meal. I have three. It works puuurrrfectly lol
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So I do that before going back to work or to study. I'm making sure my meal doesn't put me in a comma.
There's an old chinese saying~~
If you can stand. Don't sit. If you can sit, don't lay.
It has been working pretty good so far.
I drink water. Two to Four liters.
But that's just me. I tend to workout a lot so I definitely lose a lot of liquid and I need to keep myself hydrated. Do not over hydrate yourself. Know your limits. If you're feeling tired, drink water. Most of the time you need water.
Two meals per day.
Three if I'm really starving. But usually two. They're big ones so I don't really starve. Don't worry about it.
*I workout from 8 to 9AM (three days a week) and then from 4 to 7PM (admittedly, whenever I can instead of everyday, because I have to keep it up with my studies and projects)
* My last meal tends to be at 4PM
(From time to time my mom cuts me off rice, sugar, soda, mayo and bread. It's a torture but it's worth it! But since I have an ED I can't keep it for longer without going nuts. So she watches my intake.)
Workout Routine
* I'm not going to the gym but I do follow several routines depending on my stamina that day.
* I have ballet 3 days a week: Tuesday. Thursday. Saturday. I try not to skip classes but sometimes I have appointments at the hospital.
* I always take the stairs.
* I walk at least 5k per day (with low stamina) but good days can be up to 8k or 12k
I'll be posting my workout routine soon but here are some of the things I do:
♡ Routine #1 (still working through this because it leaves me exhausted)
♡ My Kpop Routine ✨
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lqlarry · 1 year
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oh my god i’m gonna lose it i’m gonna lose it i’m gonna lose it i’m gonna lose it i’m gonna lose it i’m gonna lose it i’m gonna lose it i’m gonna use it i’m gonna
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numenrecords · 2 months
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downfalldestiny · 2 years
When they catch you while ;
you're playing it smart 😅 !.
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bodybymegatech · 2 years
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Epic weekend run!
This is the longest I’ve gone in a single session. Not sure if this pace qualifies me for any marathons but I definitely wish I could get out there more often like this.
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Where I'm at...
Okay, so I injured both my shoulders doing aerial yoga and wound up in a serious slump because of it. I went from an activity I really enjoyed to having to take months off to build up shoulder strength so that I could be pain-free, let alone go back to it. I got back into stress eating in a big way, and with walking being my physiotherapist's main suggestion for exercise that won't aggravate my shoulder, my body has felt very stiff and generally bad.
But I want to get back to myself, both because I made so much progress in my health and also because I have a bridesmaid dress I have to fit into at the end of October.
So I'm going to do a daily check in/recap to hold myself accountable and share updates.
Here is today:
I was below my Lose It goal for the day and feel okay about it. Granted, I had a day off today so waking up later helped a bit there.
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I went on a walk today. I signed up for the Conqueror’s Jurassic Coast challenge to encourage myself to walk more and to make this a bit more interesting. The learning element definitely helps. Plus I took some fun photos while I walked around.
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I also did a bunch of meal prep. My work is close to a lot of fast food and I want to make sure I have healthier options available.
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