hisui-dreamer · 4 months
My Dearest Rinna,
As the echoes of affection linger in the air this Valentine's Day, I feel compelled to share something with you that has long dwelled in the recesses of my heart. Will you be my Valentine?
In the shadows of Night Raven College, amidst the whispers of secrets and schemes, I find myself drawn to you with a fervor that defies explanation. Your presence is a beacon in the darkness, illuminating the path to a love I never knew I sought
Let us rendezvous at the Mostro Lounge, where the ambiance is as enchanting as your smile. There, amidst the flickering candlelight and the soft strains of music, I long to confess my affections and share moments of intimacy with you.
My dear Rinna, know that beneath the facade of politeness lies a heart that beats only for you. Join me, and together, let us embrace the magic of this night and the love that binds us.
With deepest sincerity,
Jade Leech
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ahem... i mean...
My most beloved Jade,
It makes me incredibly happy to receive your letter, and I confess it would make me the happiest person on earth to be your Valentine.
I know you don't often show it, but your kindness swells my heart with glee every time I'm met with it. Your mind so so spectacular I find myself longing to hear you speak your thoughts more often.
You must know I'm not nearly as eloquent in person compared to on paper, so I do hope you'll be more forgiving towards me. I fear my heart might burst if I am to withstand too much of your teasing. But I am very much looking forward to our rendezvous.
Worry not, my dear, for my trust in you is stronger than anyone else and your sincerity is clear as day. I shall see you later.
With overflowing love,
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Ding dong, here’s the final chapter! I have an epilogue in mind so that may come later, but for now, Thanks  so so much for the response to this series and Enjoy!
Ch1 Ch2 Ch3
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[talking] [talking passes]
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Gai: You knew right away, didn’t you? Kka: Correct. I knew something was wrong when you weren’t trying to do situps or anything..... You little criminal, who smuggled that in for you? Gai: Naruto
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Kks: How did you get him to do that? /I/ cant even get Naruto to do things. The tear tracks and shit eating grin are cute. Kinda wanna kiss you. Gai: Don’t let me be a hindrance to-
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Gai: What are you giggling about? Kks: I just remembered
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Kks: I get to hold over your head that I held mirai before you. Gai: You what?! Your first baby hold and I missed it? Get off of me Kks: So mean! Near death made you crabby. Gai: I won’t give into this Kks: You will, you always succumb. [gai sighs annoyed]
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Gai: [Groans] When are they making you swear in as hokage? Kks: That’s not happening anymore thankfully. Gai: Huuuh?? Tenzou didn’t tell me that!
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Gai: He said Lady Tsunade was retiring and you were the only choice. Naruto even tried to- Kks: Where do you think i’ve been all day? I convinced her to hold out until Naruto or whoever  took over next. Gai: How did you smooth talk that one? Kks: I agreed to do her paperwork and cover for when she needs R&R. I also advised her to ditch the elders so she can actually run this shit show right. Gai: And they... took that well? The elders? Kks: No, not at all. Let’s just say I said some... things that made them backtrack on their decision.
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Gai: YOu cant just say that and not tell me now!! I gotta know! Kks: Well... Homura: Absolutely not! Kks: If I am appointed, I’ll be replacing you regardless. Naruto certainly will. It’s inevitable. Koharu: Those kids don’t know how this village runs!
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Kks:Those kids just won your war and this is how you speak of them. Or are “those kids“ only respectable to you when they’re eager to die at your beckon call and shut up. Elders: How dare- Watch your tongue! Kks: I won’t be someone who you can walk all over. Things will change. Just so my intentions are clear
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Gai: What next?! Kks: That’s is really. Kinda tuned the rest out and passed out for 3 hours. Gai: Rival, I was so invested Kks: Sorry Gai: So you agreed to essentially split the work of a hokage but not publicly take the title? Kks: Mhm Gai: So cool! Apologies, I had just assumes since you were gonna accept last time Kks:[hums] Things changed. Konoha’s not on the brink of war, Tsunade’s still here. The village can breathe and rebuild now.
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Kks: After a glimpse of the hassle and public attention the last time, I’m just... Not interested in any of that. I’ve never dreamed or desired to be the hokage. That was always something others wanted /for/ me. So I said no. I know you were happy for me so- Gai: Kakashi
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Gai: I’m so very proud of you for expressing how you truly feel. You and tsunade will do amazing work supporting the next generation. Even If you chose to retire today, I’d still be just as proud of you. Also a selfish part of me if happy to have more time with you. [kks huffs]
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Kks: I’m proud of you too, y’ know. All your hard work, you’re fucking incredible. Glad my dad made me talk to the cool kid in the green jumpsuit. 2nd coolest shinobi. Gai: Only took 25 years, but I’ve finally caught your eye! Kks: Yup, let’s move in together.
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Gai: WHAT?1 Whu-! Kks: I’m fixing up dad’s old house with Tenzou. you should live there with me Gai: Why? Kks: Why are yo suspicious? I’m serious. Space, accessibility for you... I want you around more. Gai: Ok Kks: Ok? Gai: An exciting change is just what my youthful journey needs!! Kks: So yes?
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Gai: I would love to share a home with you, Rival [kks giggling] What now?
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Kks: Did I just make you succumb, Gai-kun? Gai: When can we have a match next, I need to consensually slap you in the head [kks laughs] Why did you say it like that? Kks: I’m sorry! Your pout looks so cute.... You are still moving in with me, right? That wasnt a joke.
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Gai: I’m gonna let you sweat on that one awhile... [whimpers]
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Kks: Love you so much, Gai
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[gai snoring]
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[gai snoring]
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k1ngdom-of-thieves · 1 year
how would the first years react to finding out reader is a girl?
You guys really like these types of requests! Thank you so much for supporting me.
Here’s it with the dorm leaders and vice dorm leaders
First years + Finding out reader is a girl!
Ace Trappola
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Despite being one of your closest friends, Ace is probably one of the last people to find out. He doesn’t really pay the best attention to his surroundings.
How he found out was by complete accident. He was walk by Sam’s shop when the man himself called out to him to bring you a package.
Luckily he was already on the way to Ramshackle, so this wasn’t that big of a deal. He was still grumbling about doing “your chores” though. And Ace being Ace, was hungry and decided to check your package to see if there was food in it.
What he found wasn’t food, but an entire box of clothes with women’s sizing. Needless to say, you had an extremely confused Ace knocking on the door.
“Hey!! Are you really a girl?! I was looking at this box-I was hungry- Ugh, I’m making myself look like a huge jerk, aren’t I?”
Deuce Spade
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Deuce is another who wouldn’t notice for a very long time. I think the only way he’ll realize is if either you tell him, or someone else does.
It’ll be a lot easier if you tell him straight up. If someone else does, he’s just going to think that they’re lying to get a reaction out of him for a while.
He’s gonna be so confused for a while after he finds out. Please give him a minute before telling him anything else. He’s doing the shinji pose lmaoo
The poor guy feels so guilty over making a simple mistake. Expect him to randomly apologize for the next week or so.
“W-WHAT?? I’m so sorry! I thought this whole time- ugh, I can’t believe I made such a big mistake. Huh? You’re not mad? Oh..ok.”
Jack Howl
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Jack knew you smelt different from the others in the school, he just couldn’t tell if was because you were magic-less, from a different world, or just because you were around Grim for too long. The idea of you being a girl briefly crossed his mind, but he didn’t give it too much thought.
He found out when you were complaining to Grim about Crowley only giving you clothes in men’s sizing. Now he didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but with his huge ears, he managed to accidentally overhear.
Jack felt incredibly guilty over listening in on a private conversation, but his surprise ultimately overpowered his guilt. He accidentally lets out a loud “Huh?” before covering his mouth with his hand.
When you called out to whoever was listening, Jack awkwardly shuffled out for you to see, lowered ears and all. He immediately started apologizing as his tail stood limp by his side.
*Sigh* “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but be honest with me, is the fact that you’re a girl supposed to be a secret? Or am I just the last person to realize?”
Epel Felmier
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Epel didn’t think much of you more feminine appearance. I mean, he’s almost in the exact same boat as you, so he doesn’t have much room to judge.
This is also what led to him finding out. He was complaining about Vil putting him under a strict diet again and how he was glad there was at least one other “pretty boy” at NRC.
Which led to you correcting him. “You know I’m not actually a guy, right?” Poor guy froze up immediately.
This country boy feels the slight pang of betrayal in his heart; he thought you two were in this together! But it turns out he must bare the curse of “cute” alone. He’s so dramatic lmao.
“Wait, but then how did you- nevermind. Guess I’ll have to deal with Vil’s stupid anti-aging exercises on my own then!” He doesn’t realize that this doesn’t change much of anything, you guys aren’t even in the same dorm.
Sebek Zigvolt
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Sebek never considered you to actually be a girl. Mostly because he was always paying more attention to Malleus’s “great deeds of the day”. He literally just helped someone with their homework.
He’s also another person that will only believe it if you tell him straight up. He’ll think that everyone else is just trying to make a fool out of an esteemed guard of Malleus!
If this is supposed to be a secret, why tell Sebek, first of all make sure you tell him in an empty room. He’s gonna be so loud about the entire ordeal.
If it’s not a secret, that just makes things easier for you. Either you can tell him straight up, or someone else will end up doing for you. He’s gonna feel terrible about it regardless though, so prepare yourself for a very loud apology.
“I HUMBLY APOLOGIZE FOR MY TRANSGRESSIONS! I-oh, I don’t need to yell? Alright, I am still deeply sorry though.”
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cluescorner · 1 year
I have been unable to get the idea of baby Kaeya sneaking off to Sumeru without telling anyone out of my head
Baby Kaeya: I have successfully snuck into Sumeru in a merchant convoy. I may have left without saying goodbye, but I’m sure the Ragnvindrs will not mind. After all, surely they don’t see me as their actual family. They might raise a fuss and be in agony if Diluc were to disappear, but not for me. 
Crepus, on his 8th bottle: How on earth have I managed to lose an entire child?? Did he get kidnapped? Did he run away? Is he alive? Is he safe? I’m going to have a breakdown holy shit. I have failed as a father. Elzer, have the knights gotten back about their search of the area? Or the private squad I hired? 
Elzer: I’m afraid they have found nothing...but look on the bright side! At least we haven’t lost Diluc...
Adeline, literally physically restraining Diluc to stop him from running off to search for Kaeya: Yet. We have not lost Diluc YET. 
Merchant guy: Hey, uh, guys? 
Merchant lady: Yeah? 
Merchant guy: Can somebody read this handwriting? I think whoever wrote this must have been in a hurry or something. And are those...tear stains? 
Merchant lady: Sure...hm looks like the boss’s son is missing....
Merchant guy: Huh. Well we guarded the goods pretty well but let’s check just to make sure. 
Merchant lady: *Opens up the goods to find Kaeya wedged between 2 crates* Oh we’re so fired. 
Kaeya: In your defense, it’s only been a few days. One time I hid from...something for a week. And it was far more perceptive than you are, so you can hardly be blamed for missing me for only a few days. It was a fun challenge, but I was very hungry afterwards. By the way, do you have some water? I did not want to risk revealing myself, so I have not moved from this spot since we left. 
Merchant guy: We’re not fired...we’re dead. 
Crepus, sprinting to Sumeru: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Merchant guy: So...while we wait for your dad, why did you come here anyways? I’m sure we could do something fun. 
Kaeya: Hmmm, no. You should not look into why I came here. That would be bad, for me and for you. 
Merchant lady, whispering to merchant guy: Hey, um, what the fuck does that mean?
Merchant guy, whispering to merchant lady: The boss said his new kid was kinda odd, but this wasn’t what I was expecting. 
Kaeya: Hello Master Crepus. I hope I didn’t cause too much-
Kaeya: ...Sure. I read about it in a book and thought it looked cool. I wanted to see it, and so I left. 
Crepus: *sigh* Kaeya, next time you want to take a vacation somewhere, please just tell us. You ARE grounded for a month since you broke a very big rule, but afterwards I’ll see about arranging a trip to Sumeru for us. 
Kaeya: Crossing Teyvat to find me, grounding me, and arranging trips around my preferences? Why are you treating me so similarly to how you treat Diluc? 
Crepus: Because you are both my sons. Why on earth would I treat you any differently? 
Kaeya, forming the first healthy relationship with an adult in his entire life and realizing that he has grown attached to the very family he was left to spy on then eventually betray: Oh. This...I feel weird. Bad-weird and good-weird. 
Crepus: Well, you probably feel weird because you were LODGED BETWEEN TWO CRATES FOR 4 DAYS STRAIGHT? You’re going to give me a heart attack one day, I swear. Now we’re going back to Mondstadt right now, and you’re grounded starting the day after we get back. I highly doubt Adelinde and Diluc will be able to restrain themselves from fawning over you, they’ve been a mess. 
Kaeya, realizing that now only has he grown attached to his new family, but they have grown incredibly attached to him: Oh...oh no. 
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gunilslaugh · 4 months
Just Joking? Seungmin Ending
Oh Seungmin
Summary: Seungmin knows that something is wrong with you. Especially when Jooyeon tells him that he thinks you’re avoiding him. (non-idol au)
Read first part here
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photo not mine credits to owner.
Seungmin can’t help but feel bothered after you left the group hangout early. He had never seen you act that way before. He knew you heard him when he jokingly asked if you missed Jooyeon. He didn’t think that it was a coincidence that you looked over to where Jooyeon sat with his girlfriend right after he said it. It was your eyes that held sadness in them that made Seungmin confused and a bit worried. Especially as you left, something was clearly up with you and he didn’t think it was simply because you weren’t feeling well. 
Seungmin sends you a text the following morning, “Hey are you feeling better?” You sighed as you stared at his message on your phone screen. No, you weren’t feeling better. You were still feeling incredibly stupid. You can’t believe you seriously thought your feelings for Jooyeon were just a joke all this time. Maybe they did start out as a joke, but they definitely aren’t a joke now. They are very much real and you don’t know what to do about them. Jooyeon has a girlfriend, so it’s not like you can exactly confess to him. However seeing him and his girlfriend together hurts too much. It feels like a knife being stabbed into your heart. 
Your finger stayed hovered over the keyboard. You didn’t know how to respond. Should you tell him that you still don’t feel well? That would be true, but you also don’t want to concern him. You felt like this was your own problem that you had to deal with. In the end you let the phone fall from your fingers, onto your bed. Leaving Seungmin’s message unanswered. You curled up on your side. Tears fell from your eyes. Maybe you just need some time to let your emotions out, come to terms with things. Then you could pull yourself together and everything would be ok. You just needed some time. 
Seungmin grew increasingly worried the longer you didn’t reply to his message. You usually responded in a decently timely manner, but it has been four hours since he texted you. You certainly should have answered him by now. He decided to give you a call. 
You heard the ringing of your phone from where it still laid on your mattress. You couldn’t find it in you to answer it. Instead you let it ring. Figuring you would get back to whoever it was later. It couldn’t have been that long after your phone had rang that you heard your front door opening. Meaning it was probably Jooyeon, Seungmin or Jungsu, cause they were the ones who knew what the code to your door was. Although you guess the others could have called to ask. Right now though you are scared that it might be Jooyeon. You were in no way ready to see him right now. A sense of panic sets in, but all you can think of doing is pulling the covers up over yourself. 
“Y/n!” It was Seungmin. You let out a breath of relief and peaked your head out from under the covers. “Y/n,” Sungmin calls you again, knocking on your bedroom door. It opens seconds later. Seungmin sees you curled up under the covers. His heart felt heavy. “You didn’t answer my text or call. I got worried,” he tells you, making his way to you. He sits on the edge of your bed. He places his hand against your forehead to check your temperature. “You don’t have a fever, but you don’t look well.” 
“Thanks,” you say sarcastically. Seungmin sighs. 
“Y/n I’m being serious right now. I’m worried about you. You’re clearly not ok.” He reached a hand out and put it on your blanket covered shoulder. His words make you feel your throat tighten. You have to stop your lip from quivering and hold back the tears from your eyes.
“I’m using sarcasm, so clearly I’m ok.” You tried your best to seem ok, but Seungmin wasn’t buying it. 
“Does your head hurt?” Seungmin asked. You shook your head. “Your stomach?” Again you shook your head. “Then what?” He brushed some of your hair away from your forehead. Your heart. Your heart hurt so much it made the rest of you feel bad too. You felt like you didn’t have the energy to do anything. 
“I don’t know. I just feel really tired. I think I just need to sleep,” you said in a monotone voice.
“Have you eaten?” Seungmin questions. You shake your head again. “You need to eat something,” Seungmin states. 
“Not hungry,” you mumbled, tucking the covers under your chin. 
“I won’t leave till you eat something,” Seungmin declares. 
“Seungmin,” you complained. 
“Eat something and I’ll leave you alone ok?”
“Fine.” You went to sit up, but Seungmin pushed you back down. 
“I’ll go get you something,” he insisted. He came back with a light meal and a cup of water. It felt a bit awkward as you ate in silence while Seungmin sat on the end of your bed. You felt bad towards Seungmin too. He clearly cared and was worried about you, but here you were keeping the reason behind you not feeling well a secret. 
“Seungmin,” you called his attention, which he instantly gave you. 
“Yeah?” You opened your mouth to tell him the truth, but then you got scared. You knew he wouldn’t be mean to you about, yet the words found themselves stuck in your throat. You couldn’t say it. 
“Thank you,” you tell him instead. “For coming to check on me,” you added. A small smile appeared on Seungmin’s lips. 
“Sure thing and answer my text from now on. Even if it’s just a period. Send me something to let me know that you’re ok.” You nodded, finishing up your food. Seungmin took and did the dishes for you. Then he went back to your room to bid you a goodbye before leaving. He tucked you back into bed. “Get some sleep.” His hand moves down to yours, giving it a comforting squeeze. Your fingers very lightly wrapped around his hand. Almost as if you weren’t touching him. The small action made Seungmin feel a bit better though. 
“I will,” you tell him. Seungmin gives your hand another squeeze before letting go. He stands up and leaves your room. You hear your front door open and shut signaling that Seungmin was gone. Your heart seemed to weigh heavier as he left. 
A couple of days have passed. You managed to get yourself out of bed and back to going on about your life. You answered Seungmin’s text when he texted you. You still haven’t gotten around to talking to Jooyeon though. Every time you went to you thought about him being with her. Your heart felt that stabbing pain in it. Then your feelings felt like a mess again. You just couldn’t do it. 
“I think y/n might be mad at me,” Jooyeon tells Seungmin. 
“What makes you say that?” Seungmin inquires. 
“I’m pretty sure they’re avoiding me. They haven’t answered my text in days and we usually get drinks together on Friday’s, but they never showed. I tried to call them, but they didn’t answer. I know they hung out with Jiseok yesterday too,” Jooyeon explained. Seungmin nodded his head as he thought. He thought back to the hangout where he first noticed something was off. It was after him and Jiseok were joking about Jooyeon not being yours anymore. You looked over at Jooyeon with sadness in your eyes. Then acted like you didn’t hear what he said. When you said you felt a bit off. It was after you saw Jooyeon kiss his girlfriend on the cheek. Now you’re avoiding Jooyeon. The pieces started to click together in Seungmin’s brain. You like Jooyeon for real. It’s not just a joke. You probably only realized it after Jooyeon got together with her. “They’re definitely avoiding me right, but what did I do?” Jooyeon’s question pulls Seungmin out of his thoughts. 
“You didn’t do anything. Not exactly. Look, how about I talk to y/n about it?” Seungmin suggested. 
“I’d appreciate it. I really want to know what I did to make them completely ignore me.” Jooyeon is clearly hurt by you disappearing on him. 
Seungmin is back at your place. This time the two of you are seated on your couch. 
“You’re avoiding Jooyeon aren’t you?” Seungmin cut straight to the point. Your eyes widened a bit in surprise. How did he find out?
“What? No. Why would I avoid Jooyeon?” you laughed. 
“You realized that you like him and now it hurts to see him with someone else.” Seungmin looks at you with eyes full of empathy. You looked down at your lap. Seungmin fingered it out. You don’t know how, but he did. You felt tears wanting to weld up in your eyes. A sniff left your nose.
“You were right, hypothetical lovers are stupid.” You took a quick glance at him then went back to looking at your lap.
“You were right too,” Seungmin says. 
“About what?” You look up from your lap to look at Seungmin again. 
“I was jealous that you chose Jooyeon to be your hypothetical lover,” Seungmin admits. You're so shocked by Seungmin’s confession that you can’t formulate words. Seungmin chuckles at you.
“I’ve liked you for a long time y/n. Every time you joked about Jooyeon being your boyfriend it made me jealous. I’ve wanted to be your boyfriend for so long. I’d happily be your hypothetical lover y/n,” Seungmin laughs lightly. “I want you to call our one on one hangouts dates. I want you to call me your boyfriend. When someone asks what they think we’ll be doing in ten years I want you to say that the two of us will be married. I wish the feelings that you have for Jooyeon were for me instead,” Seungmin reveals. Tears have now glossed over his eyes. “I know you like Jooyeon, but can you give me a chance?” He looks at you with so much sincerity in his eyes. “I will be a really good lover, I promise.” He held out his pinky finger. You looked at his smallest finger waiting outstretched. You didn’t say anything, only looking at his outstretched finger for so long that Seungmin was about to retract his little finger and apologize for everything. That’s when he felt your pinky finger so delicately against his, slowly curling around his own. Seungmin looks at you with hopeful eyes. 
“I don’t want another hypothetical lover,” you state. “I just want a really good lover.” Seungmin smiles brightly at you using the words from his promise. “I still have feelings for Jooyeon obviously, but I think with time I can get over them and return them to you instead,” you say. Seungmin wraps his pinky finger around yours more tightly. 
“Thank you. Seriously, thank you.” Seungmin gathers you in his embrace. It feels nice and warm. It makes the stabbing pain in your heart dull. Without any thought you find yourself wrapping your arms around Seungmin too. Leaning into his embrace you rest your head over his shoulder. 
“Ok, guys seriously, where do you think we’ll be in ten years?” Gunil asked. 
“Gunil you literally asked this same question months ago,” Jungsu complained. 
“I know, but the only answer I got was y/n jokingly saying that they and Jooyeon would be married,” Gunil said. 
“Ok, I’ll answer seriously this time,” you stated. Everyone looked at you expectantly. “Seungmin and I will be married,” you say. Everyone lets out a chorused groan. “What, is it wrong to think that my boyfriend and I will be married in ten years?” 
“No, of course we will be married.” Seungmin brings your hand up to his lips to press a kiss on your ring finger. You happily leaned back into his embrace. Resting your back against his chest.
“In ten years y/n and I will probably have been married for a while already,” Seungmin says, pressing a kiss to the crown of your head. 
“In ten years I might be in jail for committing arson against those two for being stupidly cute,” Jiseok answers, earning a laugh from everyone and a few comments about joining him. Giving Seingmin a chance was easily the best thing you ever did.
Taglist: @purplelady85 @odesonnets @gingerjunhan
Wanna read alternate endings?
Just Joking? Jooyeon Ending
Just Joking? Jiseok Ending
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teyamsatan · 1 year
The Archer | Chapter IX: Safe and Sound (All is Found)
Chapter I Chapter II Chapter III Chapter IV Chapter V Chapter VI Chapter VII Chapter VIII Chapter IX Chapter X
Summary: You and Kiri wander into the unknown in your search for the eldest Sully, whilst he's forced to come to terms with his own mortality and make a choice between a comfortable past and an uncertain future.
Pairings: Neteyam x Avatar!Reader
Word Count: 10,5k words
Warnings/notes: angst (lots and lots of angst), mentions of death, blood, violence, cursing, some fluff.
A/N: Surprise! This is not the last chapter of The Archer!!! I tried to finish it, I really did, but there was no way to do it justice in just one chapter, so I hope you will be happy to know I am working on the actual last chapter right now and that should hopefully come out on Monday. We're almost at the end and I am incredibly emotional thinking of this series finishing, and I hope you guys have enjoyed coming on this 200k word journey with me. I love you all so so much and thank you for reblogging, for replying, for commenting and following, you mean the world. Enjoy x
↳ *Spotify playlist* ༉‧₊˚✧
Just close your eyes, the sun is going down
You'll be alright, no one can hurt you now
Come morning light, you and I'll be safe and sound
You had a miscarriage. You had a miscarriage. You had a miscarriage. 
Even unconscious, the four words swam in your mind, unable to drown them out, their weight drowning you instead. 
You had a miscarriage. You had a miscarriage. You had a miscarriage. 
Neteyam knew then, clearer than ever, that something was wrong. This was all wrong. How was he in the forest? How were you here? How were you breathing this air? How were you so tall? When did they come back to the forest? Why was he always in between states of consciousness? What the hell was going on??
He pushed you off him and watched as you confusedly got up and try to shake off the nap with a wobble of your head. 
“What the hell, Neteyam?”
His gaze hardened taking you in, taking whoever or whatever you were in, and he spoke angrily.
“Who the hell are you?”
“What do you mean who the hell am I? I’m me.” 
“You can’t be you, because you’re human. You can’t be you because you’re as tall as a Na’vi girl and you’re breathing in our air. You haven’t been human in a long time. So who are you?”
He watched as you look at him intently, and your expression finally settled on a look of acknowledgement.
“Ah… you’re finally remembering.” 
Neteyam battled a splitting headache as he tried to make sense of something that didn’t make any sort of sense in his mind. 
“So, the memory of us in the marui, the morning of us waking up together, swimming, that is real?” 
Your brows furrowed at his words, and you looked like you were thinking hard about your next words. 
“I don’t know, Neteyam. It might have been real, it most likely was.” 
“How can you be you and not remember? Stop fucking playing with me. I’m tired of this, I just want to know the truth.”
Your temper rose quickly, clear as day on your face, just like it always was - you’ve never been able to keep it at bay. 
“I’m not playing with you, Neteyam! I can’t help you. I’m here for you, do you understand? You have to figure this out for yourself. I can’t say anything until you figure it out yourself.” 
Neteyam sighed deeply, closing his eyes tightly and bringing his fingers to the bridge of his nose, trying to alleviate the headache that felt like would break him in two if it kept going. Think, Neteyam. 
“Ok, then what can you tell me?”
“I’m here for you. It’s me. I’m just not… fuck. Not the me you know anymore.” 
You looked scared as you pushed the last words out, and looked around you for something to happen, darting your eyes to the sky and to the forest enveloping you both. Almost as on command, he felt the world disintegrate around him and his vision dulled, and he knew he was going to sleep again. Your voice screamed at him as you were being pulled from his grasp once more. Don’t leave, don’t leave me again.
“Think of everything that’s happened since you arrived, play it all back. Think of your dreams. Just think, Neteyam. I’m here for you.”
You didn’t know how much time passed when you woke up, but you saw that it was light, so it was at least a few hours. The morphine drip was empty, as you were, and so the pain was back full force, reminding you what you had and what you lost. You had a miscarriage.
You had been pregnant. Your mind fluttered to the pills you kept by your and Neteyam’s mat, the pills you completely forgot about since the return to the tulkun, since the night Neteyam came in you, since you begged him to. The death of Roa and her calf took your attention away the next morning, and then all hell broke loose. You didn’t even know how long it had been since then. A week? A bit more? A week…
There are full years in people’s lives, decades in which life is dull, boring and uneventful. Unwavering truths and comfortable routines, you knew very little of. Your life was always a storm, always chaotic, always moving. Your life was adapt or die always and still, still, there were moments, unfrequent moments where even that chaos was subdued and middling - that was your peace. But then when chaos came, it was a tornado. It was a hurricane ready to tear everything in its path apart. There were no half measures in your life. No little disasters. Only death, only mass destruction, only loss so grave it burned everything good to ashes on the ground.
“Just fucking admit you don’t want to have my kids. You don’t want a family.” 
“You know what? You are right. I don’t want a baby with you.”
You did this. You did it once more. You managed to ruin yet another thing in your life, like you couldn’t seem to be able to help yourself. Neteyam was in a coma because of you. Your dad was dead because of you. The baby you spitefully told Neteyam you didn’t want is gone, and you knew then even if Neteyam did come back, he would never forgive you for this. Because you put it out there, in the universe, in the wind, and Eywa heard you. And Eywa listened. 
You forcefully removed all the needles in your body and made your way slowly, painfully towards your mate’s still body, and felt blood pouring from within you. Every step hurt so badly it was splitting you in half, and you remembered the pain of the virus slowly taking over your body, slowly eating you from the inside out and it felt like greeting an old, familiar friend. You said a silent thank you to whomever dressed you in thick loincloths that absorbed all the liquid spilling out, and sat down slowly next to Neteyam. You could hear voices from the outside of the marui, your family, whispering away, low voices almost like a hum, almost like a song. 
“Neteyam…?” Crying came so easily to you recently it felt like second nature after all this time, so perpetual and constant, it felt like you spent more time doing it than not. 
“I’m not trying to rush you or anything… but now would be a really good time for you to wake up. Just… just please wake up.”  
“I’m sorry. I am so so sorry. I miss you so much, and I know you probably hate me, and I know you’ll probably hate me even more when you come back, and I am willing to accept it, I am willing to live my whole life earning your forgiveness, but I need you to be in it. I need you. Please, come back to me so I don’t feel so alone anymore.” 
What was that? 
A voice. Faint and echoed, barely there, but he heard it. Your voice. Your voice swimming in his subconscious, floating in his dormant mind, waking him up. 
“I’m sorry. I am so so sorry…”
“…I know you probably hate me…”
“…I need you…”
Another dream enveloped him masterfully, tugging at him until he woke up, in the ship again - that damned ship. A dream he’s had before, a nightmare, horrid and anguished. He braced himself for the pain he already knew was coming, for the terror he’s had to live through so many times now he knew its every beat by heart. The humans. The Avatars. The guns - theirs and his. The noise as the bullets left, the way his mind stopped for a split second every time he heard someone go down because of him, because of his shots. The guilt eating at him, mixed with the anger and rage he felt for his planet, for these monsters, the fear for his siblings, for you, the sick hope that this could all be over soon. He felt it all, he lived it all - over and over and over. The sharp sting as a bullet pierced his body, in one way, out the other. The uneven stream of consciousness. Your body, his family’s bodies, sprawled all over him as he gave his last breath. He saw it all. He lived it all.
He lived it all. Not a dream. A memory. 
A memory. His death was a memory.
You finally decided it was time to step into the light of the day outside your marui and face your family, although the thought of having to think about it, speak about it, watch them be sad about it close to made you pass out again. Regardless, you had to brave through it. You had to, because there was still a long road ahead. And you had a job to do now. You had to bury your dad, and then you had to go to the Spirit Tree. Everyone’s eyes shot up to your slow-moving figure as you approached them, a cocktail of emotions on their faces - from shock, to sadness, to curiosity and confusion, to grief, it was all the emotions you were feeling and didn’t want to anymore. 
Lo’ak hurried to your side and took an arm and plopped it on his shoulders as one of his hands found yours, and the other your midriff, holding you in place. 
“I got you, Angel.”
You smiled and looked at the side of his face and at the two beaded braids swinging with every step. “Thank you, brother.” 
Multiple hands reached out to help you sit down, and you convulsed in pain as your body made contact with the floor. 
“What are you doing out of bed?” Norm’s hand didn’t let you go, stretching your arm to look at it and tsk-ing at you annoyedly when he saw small purple marks where you yanked your IV needles out of your arms. The back of his hand then moved to your forehead, trying to gauge your temperature. 
“Your fever’s down. How are you feeling?” 
You were slightly shy at the small crowd of people staring at you, clinging to your every word. You wanted to lie, to say you were fine, but you didn’t have it in you to deceive these people anymore. 
“I don’t know.” The tears that had stained your cheeks were long gone, but new ones weren’t far behind, as the weight of the past few days was slowly bearing down on you. 
“In a few days, I lost a dad, a mate and a baby I didn’t even know I had. I don’t know how I am.”
You felt Neytiri’s arm on your back, slowly patting it up and down in an effort to console you. If anyone got what you went through, you imagined it’s her. Still, you felt so alone. More alone than you’ve ever felt in this life or the last. Even at your lowest, even that horrible whole 17th year, even that couldn’t compare. Nothing could compare to the catastrophic wave that crushed you like a tsunami and kept you there, unable to get up, unable to come up for air. You had so many people around you, so much family, and yet you’ve never felt more isolated. 
Suddenly, you saw most of them get up and leave quietly, with only a slight tug of your shoulder or a kiss of your cheek or on the top of your head - all of them, except for Jake. He scooted over to where you were until his legs were parallel to yours and almost touching you. He looked at the water as he spoke.
“I thought you might want some peace and quiet.” 
You nodded softly. “Thank you.”
“I’m so sorry, baby girl. I know there are no words, no words that could ever make this better, but I want you to know I am sorry.”
“Yeah… me too.” 
His gaze shifted to the marui, and you followed his gaze to Neteyam’s body, resting on his mat. 
“I miss him so much, kid.” 
“I think he’s going to hate me, if he ever comes back.” You couldn’t help the way your voice broke halfway through the sentence. 
Jake’s head snapped to you again, a confounded look on his face. 
“What are you saying, kid? Why would you say that? My son could never hate you.”
“He’ll hate me. I know he will.” 
Jake said nothing as he waited for you to continue. You cried softly as you tried to calm your mind by focusing on the fish swimming peacefully by your feet. 
“Before the ship, before Payakan, we got into a fight. A big fight, probably the biggest we’ve ever had. The message, the one on the tulkun… I knew what it meant. I lied to you, to all of you. It was a message from my dad to me. He told me to meet him and I did, I went by myself at night.”
You didn’t look at Jake as you spoke but you felt his whole body stiffen next to yours, and there was no more warmth radiating off of him. Your heart was racing in your chest as you registered the changes and how mad he probably was. 
“That’s when I forgave him… kind of. There was still so much unresolved, so much him and I still had to talk about. But when I came back, Neteyam was waiting for me. He was really mad, just like you are now. He… accused me of conspiring with the enemies, of putting him and your family in danger. He poured out all of his frustrations with me, including the one that hurt him most: that he felt I didn’t want a family with him. That I didn’t want his babies. I was so mad, so angry at how quickly he jumped the gun, how he always held so much in until it always exploded in my face, so I just told him that he was right. And that I don’t. And now I lost his baby. I lost his baby because of what I said, and he’s going to think it too and he’s never going to forgive me for it.” 
Silence fell in between you, heavy silence, so heavy you felt its weight bearing down on you and the cries turned to sobs, the only sounds that could be heard. 
“You know, kid, me and my family didn’t have the best relationship. A lot like your dad, I took to the military to get away from them all. Unlike your dad, though, I was the asshole. I was reckless and impulsive, and felt the constant need to prove myself. My brother, Tommy, he was the smart one. So smart, top of the class his whole life, valedictorian, model student. Got his PhD at 20, got the opportunity of a lifetime to come study on Pandora. A good kid, too. The perfect son, the perfect brother. I couldn’t stand it. The better he did, the worse I did. The more I wanted to prove how unlike him I was, how I was going to make my own path in life.” He scoffed at himself, at the memories of the past. 
“I did well, too. In the army. I was good. I gained independence and everything I ever wanted. But I pushed them all away. My mother, and father, and Tommy. I didn’t see them for years. When I lost my legs and had to be shipped back, I was all alone. My fault, my own doing. I knew it, all along, how wrong I was, that all these people ever did was love me - and Tommy’s biggest fault was being a kind and compassionate person, a good brother. When he died, I felt empty. The guilt came later, it came at night, on Pandora, as I felt like I got another chance at life, a life I literally took from him. It came when I got accepted into the Clan, when I fell in love with Neytiri. It comes now, when I see the rivalry between Lo’ak and Neteyam and I know I created it. I see it when I see that Lo’ak is just a carbon copy of myself and my mistakes, and the more I try to steer him away the more I turn him into me. And I see Tommy in Neteyam, every day.” 
“You can’t blame yourself for what happened, baby girl. There is so much you’ve had to endure, and no person in the world, much less Neteyam, would be surprised all the pain and stress took its toll on your body. You lost so much, and you gave so much to make sure Neteyam lived, how could he ever blame you? How could he ever hate you?” 
“Throughout his whole life, both your lives, you have been Neteyam’s solace. His light, isn’t that what he calls you? I had to watch him lie to us and sneak out for years to come to you, no matter how much he inherited his distaste of humans from Neytiri, we still could never keep him away from that lab.” he chuckled to himself. “I had to watch him suffer for a year when he left, knowing there’s nothing I can do to help him - or you. I love my wife, I love her with my whole heart, more than I could love anything else, but the love you and Neteyam have, I’ve never seen anything like it as long as I have been alive. So I wouldn’t worry too much about it.”
“Wait… you knew about Neteyam sneaking out at night?”
Jake rose his eyebrow at you. “D’you think we’re stupid, kid? I mean it didn’t click from the get go, he had good excuses for a while, but after a few months, we realised he didn’t just have to… what did he used to say…?” He thought about it for a second. His eyes widened and finger wagged in the air as he remember. “Ah, yes! Release himself… for a few hours every night, ha! We were worried and we punished him the first few times we caught him, but it didn’t matter. So when we asked Norm and he told us he was there, safe in your room, we let it go. Did he never tell you?”
“No… he never told me.” He wanted to protect you, he didn’t want you to know he was being punished for sneaking out to see you.
“Wait… Norm knew too?” You groaned at the thought, your little bubble of privacy bursting suddenly. 
“I know you like to think you’re the smartest person in the room, and you know what, kid? You are, but we’re not old, oblivious farts just yet.”
“Aw, pops. Never thought you were. Just thought we were being sneaky and getting away with it. Sorry.”
“Don’t apologise. The thing is, kid, neither you or Neteyam have ever really been children. And a lot of this is our fault… my fault. You were both forced to grow up much faster than you should have. You’ve both always known your own minds and hearts very well, and we knew quite soon you were inseparable. Keeping you two apart would have been as easy as parting mountains, so eventually we just let you be.”
You smiled a little at Jake’s confession, and sighed deeply as soon as you thought about Neteyam again. About the horrible circumstances that led to this conversation.
“What if I won’t be able to have children again? What if this was my only chance? Our only chance?” 
He laughed a little and took you in his arms, and your head was now in his chest, crying quietly. 
“I wouldn’t stress about that, kid. I think between the two of us, me and Neteyam will be able to coach our own football team soon.”
“Ew, gross.” 
He laughed some more, a real dad laugh, and you did too, surprised that he somehow managed to elevate your mood. 
Later, in the tent, the two middle siblings rejoined you as you were being checked by Norm and Max. You felt uncomfortable talking about this around so many people, your siblings, but you also wanted to be open, wanted to share in your pain and burdens, as you knew they wanted you to. You’ve kept to yourself your whole life, and this grief, the grief of losing Neteyam, of losing a baby that would have been their little niece or nephew, that you knew they would have adored and cared for every day of its life, you all had to suffer through together. So you allowed them to stay. 
“How is the bleeding?” 
“It’s manageable. Almost like a heavy period, I think?” 
“That’s good. Let us know if it becomes worse, alright?” He eyed you intently. “Do you hear me, Ace? You can’t do what you always do, this is serious. You have to tell us.”
“I will tell you. I promise.” 
“Good. Now, you have options. You can wait for it to pass naturally, or we can give you pills for it, but that will mean taking the helo back to the forest, we don’t have the pills with us.” 
“I’ll wait.”
“…Alright. You will be bleeding for up to three weeks. Physical recovery from a miscarriage can take up to 2 months. That means no swimming, Ace.”
You shook your head. 
“Angel, you have to listen to them. You can’t put your health at risk anymore.”
“Zip it, Lo’ak. You of all people cannot give me a lecture on putting my health at risk.”
Kiri scoffed in Lo’ak direction, but turned to you, a stern look on her face. 
“My stupid brother has a point. You have to stay here.”
“No, I have to bury my dad. And there’s one more thing I need to do. And then I’ll rest, I promise. No exercise for as long as you want, promise.” 
“What else do you need to do?” 
Your eyes flickered in between Lo’ak and Kiri, as well as the two scientists who all eyed you keenly. You wanted to tell them, wanted to so badly - deadly afraid of more secrets, more things to keep hidden deep in your soul until they burst out of you inevitably, leaving damage in their wake. But the thought of giving them false hope, the thought of seeing their spirit reborn as they hear Neteyam might be alright, might be within reach in Eywa, only to have it be taken away once more, killed you. It tortured you, it haunted you. You’ve spent your whole life having parts of your soul stripped away a piece at a time, so many years of being emptied out with every blow until you were a hollow shell of your former self - you were built for this. They weren’t. They had a life to live, a future to experience - endless adventures and happiness that you would make sure to protect and honour as much as you could. Because that’s what Neteyam did. Because that’s what siblings do.
At the same time, another thought, a worse thought gnawed at you - what if Neteyam was alright, what if you could bring him back, and you allowed his family to think of the worst, to assume their son, their sibling, their hero might never return to them? To make them stew in the pain that took so much from you, that gutted you and took your breath away, the pain that alleviated a little as soon as you chatted with Norm, it was cruel. It was winless fight, a lose-lose situation. But you knew if it was you, you’d want to know.
They deserve to know. They deserve the respect of being thought of as strong enough to handle themselves and the situations presented to them. They weren’t kids anymore. And they were never just any kids anyway. They were the kids of the Toruk Makto, of Palulukan Makto, of one of the greatest scientists that ever lived. They were Omatikaya kids, forced in fire. They had withstood wars and trials most people can’t even imagine. They were strong, and capable. You watched them grow up, you were there to watch them and love them, and now it was time to trust them. 
“OK… Norm, can you stop that for a second? I need to talk to all of you.” Everyone was so focused on you, it was making you nervous. Thinking of Tsireya’s swimming lessons, you took a deep breath in and breathed out slowly, carefully, trying to imagine flickering a flame. You felt your heartbeat slow down in you chest and when it was normal again, you spoke. 
“Before we were about to leave for my dad’s funeral, before… everything happened, Norm showed me something strange happening in Neteyam’s brain. A seizure.” Your eyes settled on Kiri. “A seizure like the one you went through at the Spirit Tree.” Kiri gasped slowly and took your arm, squeezing gently. 
“That means…”
She’s always been quick, you thought proudly. “Yes. I think that Neteyam’s in Eywa. I think the seizures are visions… like the ones I got when I died. Now, I don’t want to raise your hopes up. I don’t know if it’s true. I don’t know anything. All I know is, it’s worth a try. So I will go and plug into the Spirit Tree after the funeral and try to find him and bring him back.”
“I want to come. I can help.” 
You have to admit that you thought about it. You wanted Kiri to come with, her deep and unexplainable connection wit Eywa a possible advantage in your endeavour, but your mind flickered to her seizure, Max’s words ringing painfully in your ears. “If she seizes underwater again, it could kill her.”
Norm beat you to it. “Kiri, I don’t think you should plug into the Spirit Tree underwater anymore.” 
“Look, I can do this.” She sighed, and looked at her fidgety fingers. “During the ship attack… I killed people.” 
The same expression was mirrored in the faces all around you, deep concern and shock clearly visible in your eyes. “What?”
“I connected to some plants underwater and I… I used them to kill humans. I controlled them with my mind. Then I did it again when I was able to control glowing fish to find mum and Tuk in the ship. Something’s changed, guys. I can feel her, her power coursing through my veins. I can help. I can get us to Neteyam.”
Although taken aback, Kiri’s powers came with little surprise to you. You’ve guessed all along she had a bigger role to play than anyone could have ever foreseen, but to see her come into her own and discover them slowly, to watch it unfold, it was magical. 
“A bleeding mess and a seizing mess, going together to revive our protective, loving, neurotic mess. How can this possibly go wrong?” You rolled your eyes, but were secretly happy you didn’t have to do this by yourself, that you had your sister to rely on. 
Neteyam was gasping so loudly, panting violently as the memory faded. His eyes were unfocused and his lungs were on fire, and his hand shot to his chest at the pain that shot through him, feeling for a wound that wasn’t there, for blood that refused to spill. He patted himself and looked at his hand, and there was nothing. Nothing.
“You’re here for me.”
“You’re here for me.”
Neteyam’s whole body froze, eyes fixed on your own wide ones, just waiting to see the words that will come out of his mouth. 
“I’m dead… I’m dead, aren’t I?” 
Your eyes softened and then closed, taking a deep breath in and exhaling it slowly through your mouth. You nodded meekly. The tears that formed in your eyes only angered Neteyam, who felt his blood heating up in his veins until they bubbled, threatening to spill outside his body. 
“I am dead and you have been toying with me, playing mind games and singing songs for Eywa knows how long?! What the fuck is wrong with you? Who even are you?” 
You winced at his harsh words, the movement allowing for your tears to fall freely down you face. 
“I couldn’t tell you, Neteyam. I’m not allowed to tell you. The last time I saw you, when you came to the Spirit Tree, I said too much and was immediately pushed out of your vision. Every time I said anything ever since you came back, you fell back into a liminal state of being and I was taken away.”
Neteyam’s head was spinning, world moving chaotically around him and he felt the need to sit, to ground himself to what he knew. He lowered his body next to the river bank, and allowed the water to rush over his calves, the murmuring sounds and rushing stream calming his nerves and heart. He didn’t look at you.
“Now that I remembered, can you just tell me?” 
He heard your footsteps approaching behind him and you found a place on the floor next to him, one leg in the river while the other was bent at the knee, propped against his thigh. He saw your eyes tracing his side profile in his periphery and turned to face you, your beauty so overwhelming it made him ache. Seeing you with his memory intact, seeing you human for the first time in a year, your eyes and hair, your soft skin and beauty marks, your nose, your lips, it brought back feelings in him that he didn’t realise he even had. So much sadness for this you he’d lost, that he thought he’d lost forever, so much yearning to feel you, feel your much colder body, your more defined curves, your scent. So many memories of the girl he grew up with, so tiny and vulnerable, so fiery and wild, so sad and wise beyond her years, memories of the forest, his own upbringing, his own life. You were like a walking, talking reminder of the past, a past he loved, a past of joy, and love and adventures, of hope and childhood. A past long gone.
“Who are you? How is it possible that you are here? You are alive.” 
You looked towards the river and sighed, thinking before you spoke. 
“I’m me. I just don’t think I’m the same me as the one currently alive. I think when I did the consciousness transfer, a part of me, the human part of me, stayed behind. I’ve been here, in this forest, for a long time. I was so confused, for so long. I was just here, in this clearing, all alone.
And then one day, I got this dream. This horrible nightmare. I saw you, on a ship. I saw you fighting with Spider and Lo’ak, fighting humans and… blue men, like Avatars? I saw you getting shot. I saw you getting pulled to a rock. I saw you die, I saw myself losing everything in an instant.
Over time, I’d see glimpses. Of you, and your life. Of me. I saw the love, and the fights. I saw the late night ikran rides, and the passion so wild it could light the whole forest on fire. I saw your frustrations, and my own, grow in size. I saw us leaving, I saw us dreaming - for a future, a better one. One where we’d get to be free.
And then one day… you came. And I was so happy to see you again. And so scared. But I knew then that that’s why I’m here. That’s my purpose. My purpose here is you. I am here to be your light. To guide you. I just don’t know if I’m supposed to be guiding you back home or in the afterlife.”
Neteyam’s skin was littered with goosebumps at your words, at their implication, at knowing even in his afterlife, it was just you and him. You were his light, since the moment you were born and for the rest of eternity. He turned to fully face you, his pose mirroring your own now, and he took your face gently in both his hands, and wiped the tears from your warm cheeks with his thumbs. His face lowered to yours and your foreheads touched, the proximity almost unbearable in the feelings it invoked in him. He breathed you in and noted how unlike your Avatar body, you still smelled like the snapshots of the lab and of human concoctions you called perfume, sweet and mellow, and so, so familiar. You stood like that, motionless in this moment he didn’t want to ever end. If this was death, he was happy to oblige it, happy to indulge in it for the rest of time. 
 “I can’t believe it’s you. I can’t believe you’re here, that just like we talked about when we were 8, this is our heaven. That we can be in here together.” 
“Neteyam… you can still go back. You can still choose to live.” 
Neteyam removed his forehead from yours and looked at your eyes, sad and willing him to listen, to hear you out. Your hand wrapped around his wrist and you started caressing up and down his forearm in a consoling motion. 
“I had a choice. And so do you. I was so scared when I first saw you, but so relieved at the same time. I have been alone for so long, and you are the only one, the only one I ever wanted to see again. But I knew that if I were to ever see you again, that would mean my dream came true. And that scared me. That terrified me more than anything else. And if not seeing you again, being alone for all eternity was what it took for you to live, then I was happy with that. So I warned you, the best I could, but I was pulled out of the vision, and so were you. I realised then there are rules to this.
You have a choice to make, Neteyam, just like I did. No one can change that, no one can alter it. It has to come from you. You had to be able to remember you died, to remember what brought you here if you were to make that choice, and I couldn’t help you get there. Eywa doesn’t take sides.” 
Neteyam was brought to a standstill. It was overwhelming, everything happening to him, everything he was going through and his mind finally remembered you, the real you, and his family that he left behind when he died. He felt so sick, so selfish having it just dawned on him that this didn’t just concern him. And although he had you, even in this life, you - the real you didn’t have him anymore. His parents, his siblings - they didn’t have him anymore. 
“Can you see…? You said you get glimpses… of my life, of your life. Please tell me you’re ok. Please tell me my family is ok.” 
You looked sad, so sad. Your lips pursed in a tight line and you shook your head slowly. 
“Were you ok when I died?” 
The immediate pain that he always felt as soon as he remembers the moment you gave your last breath in that lab, the power it still held over him even so long after, even whilst holding you taut against his body and feeling your strong heartbeat and looking into your eyes, that shimmered like the night sky, almost knocked him straight to the ground in agony. 
“I had a choice. And so do you.” A choice. A choice between life and death. Between the future and the past. Between the ocean and the forest. Between his kids that he’s always dreamt of having, and the possibility of you never wanting your own. The choice between a happy afterlife or a scary, death-filled future.
“Did you know? When it happened to you?” 
“Yes… I did.”
“You said you saw auntie Jo when you died. You said you saw Earth, and her old house. Why am I here?” 
You smiled warmly up at him, tears making a temporary home in the two dimples on the side of your mouth. 
“I think we go where we most want to go. I think we see what we longed for the most in life. The closer I got to dying, the more I needed my mum. I wanted to see her again, I wanted to see what her life was like, before me, before all of this. There was so much trauma I had because of her death, and it was the thing that my soul yearned for the most, I think. Just one last chance to hear her voice. For you… it’s this forest. What you wanted the most was to go home. And you wanted a family. You got to see the family we would have had that you envisioned when I was still human. Back before the Sky People returned, back before everything became complicated and messy. Back in the past, where our biggest concern was that we loved each other too much - too much for a human and a Na’vi.”
Neteyam thought long and hard about the situation he faced - that he found himself in. This choice, it was tugging at his heart painfully, it was tearing him apart. He thought it would be simple. It should be simple. Life or death, right? It’s as simple as it gets. Except death had everything he’s ever wanted and none of the things he didn’t want, none of the insecurities, and the pain and the fear, none of the uncertainty or the fights, none of the terror of thinking he might lose his family, he might lose you. None of the responsibilities, none of forsaken dreams, none of the forgotten plans. Death had you, the you he fell in love with, the you that he grew up with, the you that was ever-present in most of his most precious memories. Death had the kids, his kids, his perfect kids and the forest. It had this clearing, and happiness, and joy. It had peace. 
He didn’t realise he was hyperventilating, tears blurring his vision until he felt your hand on his chest, over his heart, your touch bringing him much needed solace. 
“Why is this so hard? Why does my heart hurt so badly?”
“I think it’s hard because you know deep in your heart what you want. You know what you want to do, and thinking about the consequences hurts you. But you have to say it, Neteyam. You have to acknowledge it.” 
He didn’t think he could say it, could bring himself to admit it out loud. But he had to. He owed himself that, and the people waiting for him to come back. 
“I don’t know if I want to go back.” 
Right before eclipse, Jake and Neytiri returned to your tent, and with a deep sigh, you adjusted your clothes you have been wearing since before you passed out, and felt ready to finally do this. 
“It’s time, baby girl.”
You nodded softly and felt grateful for your family, which was surrounding you on all sides, holding your hands and shoulders, making sure you knew and felt their presence and their support - both of which you needed desperately, especially now. You all got on ilu and started making your way in silence towards the Cove of the Ancestors. It would be your first time seeing it; you tried to suppress the wince that was threatening to escape you at the memory of the fight that ensued after you chose spending time with Lo’ak over coming to this place the first time, with your mate. What you wouldn’t give for those fights now, for any opportunity to see him and hear his voice ring in your ears. 
As you entered underneath a few columns, you were speechless at the beauty, the indescribable beauty displayed for your eyes to see. Floating islands, and zenith arches stood tall and mighty as the underwater nature illuminated the cove brightly in kaleidoscopic hues. It was breathtaking, it was beyond your wildest dreams. Neteyam was right to be upset. You would have given anything to see this with him, and hated yourself a little at denying you both this once-in-a-lifetime chance. 
The whole of the Metkayina clan was waiting for you, solemn and dignified, dressed in mournful garbs and intricate jewellery adorning their beautiful cyan bodies. Your dad was placed in a floating enclosure, filled with sea water and flowers, and emotion bubbled in your chest at his sight. Ronal, Tonowari and their two children looked at you and your family, and you greeted them in the Na’vi way, trying to pour every ounce of gratitude seeded in your soul to them, for the way they took your dad in, for the way they were offering him eternity in Eywa. I see you.
You took him and moved him slowly away from the crowd from the back of your ilu, and you made your way to the place you knew you would have to give him to the sea forever. His new forever home, where he could finally be free - free of burden, free of guilt, free of the world that took so much from him. Once you reached, you dismounted and saw with slight surprise as Jake did the same. You put your hands on your dad and he put his hands on yours, squeezing them gently. 
“I got you, kid.” 
You let out a soft sob at the gesture, feeling an outpouring of love for this man who was the only father figure you’ve ever known, the only father you had left, who stepped in at a time you were close to falling apart and helped you heal, and helped you where no one else could. With a small nod and a deep breath in, you submerged and slowly took your dad with you, to the seabed covered in yellow anemone. With one last goodbye and tears that got lost in the water all around you, you let him go, and watched as he was slowly engulfed in them, where he will rest for now, where he will rest for life. 
Goodbye, dad. We’ll meet each other again, one day, and then, we’ll be able to finally be a family. 
Gideon woke up in a bed, a bed he didn’t recognise initially. It had been so long since he’s been in this room, in this place. The realisation came from all around him, from the sound of songs he’s heard a million times before playing softly in the background, from the smell of a specific type of laundry detergent his nose was incredibly familiar with, from the cracks in the ceiling that Gideon memorised by heart in time. 
“Up and at ‘em, sleepy head.”
The pressure of a small body tucked against him finally registered in his mind, and the voice brought clarity to everything, to his whole life and his whole existence. His eyes dropped to the ones already looking at him, playful and curious, and oh, oh so beautiful. The shock shot through his whole body, electrifying every inch of him, every part of his brain, waking him up like from a death sleep and into a weightless consciousness, fully alert to her, and only her. 
“I can’t believe you’re here. I never thought I’d see you again.” 
“I don’t understand, Jo. Is this heaven?”
“It is now. Welcome home, my love.” 
Once the funeral was over, the Metkayina slowly started making their way back to their village, as did your family.
“Will you be ok, kid?” 
“Yes. I just want to see something at the Tree of Souls, if that’s ok.” 
You looked fixedly at Lo’ak and Kiri, who nodded slowly, and you knew the plan was in motion. 
“Ok, we will go back. We will see you back home. Don’t stay out late, you shouldn’t be swimming anyhow.” 
“Will do. I’ll have Kiri and Lo’ak to keep me safe, just in case.”
Jake looked pointedly at Lo’ak. “Keep her safe. Safe. Do you understand?”
“Lima Charlie.”
The Metkayina Spirit Tree was a sight to behold, and even despite the pain and hurt, you were in awe of its majestic beauty. It was unlike anything you have ever seen before, and you were saddened at the thought your dad never got to see it. Your mum never got to see it. You think they would have loved it, revelled in it as much as you were, as much as you knew Neteyam did. You swam down until you reached one of the many leaves glowing brightly around you, and with a last look at Lo’ak, who was waiting for you on the surface, you held Kiri’s hand as you brought your queue forward. 
“Remember. Think of him, as hard as you can. Think of where he could be.” Kiri signed to you before always reaching for her queue and, when you nodded, you both connected to the same leaf, almost overlapping each other. Air flooded your lungs, giving you breath as if from an oxygen pack, and as your eyes closed, you felt your soul transported through planes of existence, to the one you’ve been before, to the one Neteyam was. You knew where he’d be, there was no doubt in your mind that you’d find him in your clearing, in the forest, where you both said you’d spend the rest of eternity when eternity came and knocked on your door. 
Sure enough, the sounds and smells and sights of the Omatikaya forest came sharply into focus, and your heart boomed in your chest taking it all in, taking home in. You knew where you were, not quite in the clearing yet, but close. Kiri’s hand tightened in yours as she joined you, and you saw her looking around, adjusting to the new environment. 
“We’re… back home.”
You smiled and nodded. “This is where Neteyam and I decided our heaven would be when we were 8 years old. This is where we knew we’d always be, arrested in time, just him and I, together forever. We knew, even back then.” You pointed in the direction you needed to go. “It’s just beyond these trees.” 
You let go of her hand and went in front of her, leading the way. As you stepped into the meadow, you were blinded by the rays of sun which blessed it and by your own tears at this place that meant so much, that you never thought you’d see again before your death. 
You let out a loud gasp when your vision cleared and in it stood Neteyam, eyes closed as he was sprawled on the ground, a look of peaceful meditation on his face. You ran panting until you reached him, kneeling by his body and grabbing his face in both your hands, having to fight the urge to shake him wildly, shake him awake, shake him alive again. You tried to calm your breath and your heartbeat to no avail, no Metkayina trick in the book able to help you this time, not when you were right, not when he was here, not when you were one step closer to getting him back. You faintly heard Kiri crying softly, sounds muffled by your own mind blocking anything out that wasn’t him. 
“Neteyam…?” You caressed his face gently, allowing your fingers to wonder all over it, feeling the sharp angle of his jaw, the soft swell of his lips, his eyelashes, the defined curve of his cheekbones. You touched his braids, those wild braids that mesmerised you, their liveliness and swing always putting you in a hypnotic trance, focusing your world on him and only him. You touched his ears, that twitched slightly under your touch and your eyebrows shot up in wonder and the movement, the only movement you’ve seen in him for days. 
“Neteyam… please wake up. I’m here, we’re here. We’re here to take you home. Please.” 
His eyes fluttered open and with it so did your chest and it felt like your ribcage was split apart in two and the animal that was trapped in it, thrashing and screaming, kicking at the bars, desperate for release, flew away, leaving you a sobbing mess on his chest, gripping onto him like it was the first time you have ever seen him, like he was your heart’s most sought after desire and any hesitation on your part would mean losing him forever. He was, he always has been - your most sought after desire, your reason for existing. 
Your voice brought him out of another dream, memories of the past fluttering past his mind’s eye and settling on nights in the forest, swimming in the pond, running his fingers through your hair, kissing you until he ran out of breath, claiming your body until you were both so spent you didn’t know how you’d make it back home in the morning. He heard you sharing your deepest fantasies and secrets while you patiently redid his braids, spilling promises of love forever, of adoration and gratitude, for each moment you got to be in each other’s embrace, for every night you got to make up for the ones you lost; anecdotes about your time apart and how much you missed each other after all. Recalling times and feelings and musing at how despite how everything’s changed around you - you two haven’t, not to each other, not in any way that matters. You were still each other’s homes, just like you have been since the moment you were born.
His mind quieted when his eyes took you in, not the you he expected to see at all, but a blue you, beautifully striped, and kneeling next to him, face buried in his chest. He shifted his gaze somewhere behind you, and another shock rocked his system at the sight of his baby sister, crying silently, hand covering her mouth to stop the sounds threatening to spill out. His arms wrapped tightly around you and his hands caressed your hair gently and he couldn’t believe the relief that washed over him as you scent overwhelmed him, as your presence drowned everything else in this world but you. You found him. He realised then you were there to guide him home. No matter what path he would choose, stay here or go back, one of you would be there to lead the way, to show him the light - to be the light.
Your eyes shot up to his face, wide and puffy, red and saturated in tears and his thumb settled over your quivering lips, stuck in this moment with you, trapped in the unmatched beauty of your gaze, by all the love and pain clearly on the surface, by everything else hidden in its depths.
“Hi! Hi, hi, hi! Oh my God, hi! I found you. I really found you.” 
Your hands made their way around his neck and your face found its place on a part of his body that felt like it was carved for that purpose alone. This way, he was able to focus on the form staring at you two, sitting on the far side of the clearing, away from view. Neteyam heard his sister’s breath get knocked out of her lungs and when she found her voice, a small squeal came out. 
“Um, ok…this is the weirdest thing I’ve ever seen, that’s for sure.” 
“Ouch, Kiri. None taken.”
Neteyam felt you stiffen in his arms, as the voice speaking registered in your ears. You removed your body from him and looked at him with deep fear displayed clearly on your features. Your raised eyebrows dropped a little as he gave you a small smile, tightening his grip on your forearm. 
“I think there’s someone you should meet.” 
With shallow breaths and widened eyes, you turned around and wrapped your hand around your mate and squeezed as you assimilated the image unfolding in front of your eyes. It was… you. Your mind flashed to the day you first saw your Avatar body, and how weird it felt, seeing yourself like that, almost like an out-of-body experience. The memory shifted to seeing yourself as a weak, meek human after the consciousness transfer, the first time in your life seeing your human body from outside itself, thinking about how few humans, how few beings are able to ever experience this feeling, this insane, supernatural occurrence. Your mind finally settled on the present, at the girl you knew too well, the body you hated for so long, the body you missed as you had to let it go and were disappointed you couldn’t meet her warm smile with anything other than a grimace. 
You got up and made your way carefully to her… to you… until you were face to face. She looked so different to what you always thought you looked like when you inhabited this body. She was… more beautiful than you ever thought. What made her… you… beautiful was the spark in your eye as they fixated on something you found interesting - in this particular case, your new blue body -, the way your nose crinkled a little while you smiled, the way two dimples formed in your cheeks that were rosy and full and…alive. Your curiosity got the better of you and almost involuntarily, you raised a hand and poked the human version of yourself staring at you with a finger. 
“How are you here?”
She chuckled a little. “Let’s just say I’m your ghost of Christmas Past.” 
The human you smiled at your confused guise. She playfully slapped your hand away and bend her head a little to look past you, at Neteyam. 
“I can be a bit annoying sometimes, can’t I?”
There was laughter all around you as both Neteyam and Kiri found human you a tad funnier at the moment than you would have liked.
“And I can be a pain in the ass sometimes, can’t I?” 
Neteyam’s body immediately resolved any annoyance building up in you as he got close to you, and the way his proximity made you feel, the way you got to feel it - feel him - again, was almost too much to bear. You couldn’t believe he was here. Couldn’t believe he was awake, and alive, and touching you like he did, in the way he did that drove you crazy, that sent shivers down every inch of your being. You couldn’t believe you got to feel this way again, couldn’t believe you’d have a lifetime to make up for all the mistakes you made, to make up for the time you were forced apart yet again.
“You’re my pain in the ass.” You turned around to face him, eyebrow raised and he groaned lowly.
“I had a choice. And so do you.” A choice. A choice between seeing his siblings grow up and being there to love them and guide them or only glimpses of the future. A choice between growing old with you, getting to love you and evolve together, as you have all your life or clinging to the past. A choice between seeing his parents be grandparents, pass on their knowledge and experience or never seeing them again. A choice between claiming back his home, fighting for his people or cowering in a fantasy for the rest of time. A choice between seeing what his real kids, your real kids would look like, who they would grow up to be, and being there to witness every single day or glimpses of his past desires manifested like a storybook. A choice between life or death. Between the future or the past. As he looked into your amber eyes, soft and glimmering like the night sky, he knew there was only one answer. 
He kissed you, with all his might, and felt light pour out of every corner of his being at the contact. You. The real you. The only you. He couldn’t believe how blind he’d been, blinded by his fears and insecurities, blinded by the incertitude of a unknown future, desperate to cling to a version of his world that was comfortable and familiar, a version of a life he’d dreamt when he was just a boy. He loved you so much, every part of you, every side of you, every body you inhabited because it didn’t matter if you were human or Na’vi, as long as he got to brave the world with you next to him.
“Let’s go home, Atan.” 
Your cries filled the forest, happy tears sliding over his fingers as he held your face tightly in his hands. You couldn’t help the sobs that escaped you, couldn’t help the way you clung onto him like you would never ever let him go again. You didn’t think you would. You knew your fingers must hurt his arms with how hard you were digging into them, but you couldn’t care, not when the thought of letting go ripped apart your insides like an angry rabid animal. 
“Neteyam… Neteyam…” 
“Come on. I want to hold you in my arms for real, I want to see your face back home. Let’s go, Atan.” 
He continued to caress your cheeks to remove the tears that wouldn’t stop, and when he realised you didn’t want to budge, he eventually pulled you into a hug that you both needed, that you needed more than life itself. You stood like that until your legs hurt, and when you fell slowly to the ground, he followed, not breaking the embrace - not for anything in this world or the next, not for any world. You sat on the ground, legs intertwined, flush against his chest until the forest started to slowly fade away from view. 
“It’s time to go.” You heard Kiri’s calm, deep voice suppressed by the sound of your cries and shallow breaths. 
You removed your head form his chest and pulled his face down to look at it. 
“I’ll see you at home? In the marui? I’ll just come and you’ll be there?” 
“I’ll be there. I promise. You will never get rid of me again. Deal?” 
A half-sob, half-laugh made its way of your mouth, but you exhaled a sigh of relief as you spoke. “Deal, yawne.” 
Neteyam felt anguished as he turned around to face your human astral projection, but as his fingers wrapped tightly around your own striped ones, he knew that the past is nothing compared to all he has to look forward to with you by his side. More and more of the world was slowly fading from view, and Neteyam knew it was time to say goodbye - forever, this time. 
“What will happen to you now?”
“I’m not sure. Now I have guided you, I don’t know what my purpose is.”
“I will miss you so much.”
“I will miss you, too. So much, you will never be able to know. But I still have you, I can still see you, in glimpses of the world you live in. And you still have me.” You nodded in the direction of your Avatar body. “A little bluer, a little taller, but definitely an improved version of myself.” 
“And one day, hopefully a really, really long time from now, you will see me again. Neteyam, I have always been your light, but you have always been my rock. You have always been what has grounded me, kept me going. And I know real life is not as beautiful, or whimsical, or perfect as this world right here. But it’s real. And in it, I will continue to be your light, and you will continue to be her…my rock. And whatever else comes, we’ll always brave it together. Just like we have all of our lives.” 
Neteyam watched as you turned your attention to the other you, the real you. 
“I know you are scared. You are so scared it hurts, it keeps you up at night. But don’t be so scared of the world you forget to live in it, you forget to revel in it. That you forget what really matters. There’s always going to be reasons to say no, always going to be reasons to push back, to postpone, and the truth is no moment will ever be perfect, but this world… it takes so much, it takes so fast, and when it does, what would you want to remember of it? What would you want to flash before your eyes before you go? I know what it is, because I am you. So just do it. Let yourself be vulnerable, once in your life. And see what comes of it.”
You both looked at each other, looked at yourselves, so different but yet the same, a mirror to the past and the present, of what you’ve been through and what you managed to accomplish, who you managed to become. You closed the gap and wrapped each other in a hug. A bear hug, a hug you both needed. 
“Thank you. For keeping the past in here, for taking it so I can keep going. Thank you for everything, for guiding him home. For bringing him back to me.” 
“I’m proud of you. Mum would be proud of you.” 
You let go, tears swimming in your eyes, and with a small smile, Neteyam watched you turn around and make your way towards the light, your own light. 
Your hand found Neteyam’s and your amber eyes found each other, and you couldn’t believe it still - that he was here, that he was still here, still yours. You had so much to say, so much to talk to him about, so much to apologise for, but you couldn’t, as your thoughts and words were interrupted by a scene unfolding in front of you. You followed two figures, ethereal and beautiful, emanating glow and light all around them, appear in front of human you, of past you. You inhaled loudly when the realisation hit, the stunned realisation that those were your parents. Your mum and dad, holding hands and smiling widely towards you. 
“We’re here for you, my child. We can go home. We can finally be a family. I missed you so much, bunny.” 
Tears were falling freely down your face, seeing a vision you have dreamt about your whole life, you have wished for in your deepest fantasies, in all your best, most out-of-reach dreams, and you felt at peace, for the first time in a long time, maybe the first time in your life, knowing that Heaven was real, and in it, so was your family.
Come, my darling, homeward bound
When all is lost, then all is found
Taglist (thank you ily x) @changing7 @erenjaegerwifee @im-in-a-pansexual-panik @winchestertitties @puffb4ll @rebeccao03 @ultimatebluff @cottoncandy23 @zaddyneteyamlovergirl @n3t3y4msm4t3 @loquatious-josephi-krakousky @eternallyvenus @fresh-new-yoik-watah @lu-the-ghost-reader @@miawastakens @mm0thie @fanboyluvr @amortencjja @lovekeeho @trixscarlett
284 notes · View notes
ebodebo · 7 months
OKAY! New ask!! Alex and Y/N get bored at their recon outpost and decide to see who can complete their workout track faster. (think like the ones they have at boot camps but low quality bc they’re in the middle of a war zone) whoever won got to shower first bc water is limited but it gets a lil steamy at the end🤭
pairing: alex keller x f!reader
a/n: cue me stomping to my computer with my boba in hand to dish this out immediately. ALSO thanks to all the babies who filled out my taglist form and left such sweet comments i love u sm!!
word count: 1.4k+
wanna be on my taglist ? fill out this form !
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The Great Race
You and Alex were stationed in a recon outpost in Siberia, where the task force was sent to infiltrate Makarov's convoy. You were stationed there to be lookouts, though there were relativity no people around, causing you both to become increasingly bored. 
As Alex was wiping his gun clean, he noticed a workout track off to the side of where they were. Well, a track is an overstatement. It was a simple dirt track that looked like it had not been used for years. "You see that track over there?" He questions, pausing on cleaning to look up at you. 
You nod your head, not paying too much attention to him. He notices your disregard for his question and decides to say something that will pique your interest. "I would run circles around you on that track."
Your eyes dart up to meet his. "No, you couldn't, Keller." He shrugs. "I know I could." He states as he wipes his gun clean, a slight, knowing smirk forms on his lips.
You swivel your head towards him. "Keller, you are probably the slowest soldier I have ever seen." He rolls his eyes. "Mhm. Sure."
"You are!" You laugh, still looking at him. "Do you honestly think you could beat me?" You ask, sounding baffled. 
"I already said I could."
You purse your lips, looking over at the track. "Let's test it then." He cocks a brow as he stops cleaning. "Seriously?" You smile at him. "Scared, Keller?" He narrows his eyes. "Never." He turns his head to asses the track again. "Fine. I'll humor you."
You both make your way down the ladder of the outpost and head over to the dirt track.
"Ok. We'll do a mile. Four laps around-"
"I know how many laps a mile is." He interrupts.
You continue, paying no mind to his interruption. "And the first person to finish gets to..." You ponder a suitable prize. "Shower first." 
He nods, pleased with the prize. "Sound good?" You ask. "That shower is going to feel so good." You glance at him. "Right. Like you're going to be the one to cash it in." You point out. "I'll count to three; then we'll go."
"Hey, what's that over there?" You look behind him, your eyes widening. Alex is quick to spin around. "Where?" His voice is plagued with confusion. 
"3.." You bolt as you end the countdown. Keller is still at the starting line. He spins around. "God damn it." He grits as he starts to run. 
Both of you are fast. Very fast. After the first lap, you were leading, though Keller was hot on your trail. 
You had been teasing him about being behind you until the third lap started, and he jets past you. "Fuck." You mutter to yourself, attempting to speed past him. 
The fourth and final lap proved to be incredibly challenging. You were both creeping up on the other. If Keller was in front, you were just a little behind. If he was in front, you were on his heels. 
When the finish line was in view, you dashed to pass him. You were both neck and neck. Then, without realizing it, you both crossed the line simultaneously. 
"You cheated, and we still tied." He remarked, his breath sounding labored. "I did not cheat. You need to learn to pay attention." You counter, also out of breath. He smirked. "Oh, is that right?" You nodded. "Yes. You had your head in clouds." He rolled his eyes you. "Mhm." He replied.
Once you both took a second to recuperate, you remembered the prize. "So, who gets to shower first?" You remind him. He ponders the idea. "Well. I guess since we both won, we both get to shower." Your eyes widen. He lets out a soft chuckle. "Not like that. We can face opposite ways." He continues. "Don't you want a hot shower?" You close your eyes, contemplating, eventually caving. "Fine. But, if you look at me-" He snickered. "Wouldn't dream of it, shortcake." He quipped.
You both went to the shower and you began to strip out of your clothes. "Turn around." You remind him. He obliges and starts undressing himself.
"Close your eyes."
"Then I won't be able to see."
"Why would you want to see me-"
"The shower. I won't be able to see where the shower is."
Your face turns pink. "Right." He cackles at your evident embarrassment. 
"I won't look at you. Just go in." You hesitate only momentarily and make your way into the hot, steamy shower. He amends his early sentiment and doesn't look at you as he makes his way in, facing in the opposite direction, your backs to each other.
Although you can try to deny it, Alex Keller is so attractive. You salivate at the thought of his naked body so close to yours. His cock is only mere inches from you.
As he washes his body, you feel the slight graze of his hands on your ass; you slightly moan at the interaction, causing your face to turn red. "Oh my god.." You say, stumbling over your words because you were embarrassed. "I'm sorry..oh my..this is so fucking embarrassing." You attempt to make your way out of the shower, but before you can take one step, Alex grabs your arm, his body now facing yours.
He didn't say a word, nor did you—both of you breathing heavily before he finally broke the silence.
"Can I-" He begins to question before you cut him off quickly.
"Please." You beg.
With that, you two are entangled. His rough hands find their way to the back of your head, his fingers threading through your hair as he roughly kisses you. You maneuver your hands around his neck, bringing him closer to deepen the kiss.
"Fuck." He groans into your mouth as he notices his quickly hardening cock touching your stomach. You gently bring your hand up so it's now gripping him. He grunts at your touch, taking one of his hands from your head and moving it lower so it's cupping your breast. You throw your head back as his finger rubs your sensitive nipple. This incentivizes you to begin pumping his cock, though he is quick to pull your hand off. You give him a confused expression, and he dips his head into the crook of your neck to leave wet, sloppily kisses. 
"I'll come too fast." You laugh at his honesty, before you grab his head from your neck, and reconnect your lips with his. You gently pull back for a moment, your lips still hovering over his.
"This doesn't mean anything." You breathlessly say.
"No?" He bends down, whispering against your neck, as his fingers linger down your body, grazing your wet cunt. "Sure. Maybe it doesn't mean you like me, but I know you like my fingers..." He slips two inside you, soliciting a moan from you, causing a cocky grin to spread across his face. 
"I like a lot of guys' fingers." You continue, your voice sounding like gravel. "You're not special."
"Do you now?" He moves his fingers up and down your throbbing clit. "But, do they all get you this wet?" He whispers into your ear, referring to your dripping arousal. You shamelessly ground against his fingers. He takes your movements and silence as an answer.
"Didn't think so." He remarks as he hungrily catches your lips with his and pushes his fingers back into you. You whine into his mouth at the contact and instantly thread your fingers back through his hair. 
He continues pumping his fingers in and out of your cunt. "So fuckin' wet and tight fer'me." He mutters into your mouth. "Gonna make you come so hard. All over my fingers." He quickened his pace. "You have such a dirty mouth." You breathe out. "You fuckin' love it." He mumbles.
You can feel your peak nearing. "Gonna.." He quickly cuts you off. "When you come, say my name." 
"Kel..-" You begin. "Not fucking Keller. My name." He grits. 
"Alex." You loudly moan as you come, your legs shaking and your heart racing.
He holds you as your orgasm subsides, and then he sets you down gently. 
"Would you wash my hair?" He asks earnestly.
"No. I'm not touching you." You say as you regain your breath. 
"I just gave you an orgasm with my fingers, and you won't wash my hair?" He remarked. "Might I add, you we trynna give me a hand job earlier?"
"Fuck off." You say, as a small smile forms on your lips.
❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。
taglist: @callsign-artemis @yuenity @fivenightsatnattys @minihotdog @theloneshadow24
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rekino2114 · 12 days
Hmm, so continuing my Arei obsession can we get her as a Yandere with an S/O who's low-key aware she's a yandere and is into it
Yandere arei nageishi with a reader who's into it
A/n:Thanks for the first yandere request especially one with a willing reader.
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Arei has no real idea how her obsession with you started at first she thought you were no one worthy of note but the more she started seeing and hanging out with you the more she realized you were way better than all of this losers and must be treated as such.
She started stalking you without even realizing it,she told herself it was just to make sure you weren't being harassed by idiots but she actually found herself blushing at how hot you were just living your normal life.
She thought you didn't notice her, but you actually did, and didn't really mind the stalking you actually thought it was kinda cute how she blushed at you. So one day you approached her and asked her out.
After internally freaking out arei agreed, and after a few more dates, you officially started dating.
Arei is not a murderous type of yandere she doesn't like killing and won't do it.....but she will absolutely beat the shit out of whoever annoys you.
If people thought she was aggressive before, they didn't see anything yet. She will straight up send someone who hurt you to the hospital, not before calling them all the names and insults she can think of. And God help whoever is trying to flirt with you. You will have to hold her back.
Despite what her personality might make you believe, arei is really attracted to you to an obsessive point, she craves your presence and has resorted to stealing a tiny piece of your clothing to feel it whenever you weren't with her.
She was incredibly surprised when you found out about it, and instead of freaking out, you were actually kinda touched she liked you that much and were supportive of her tendencies.
"So you're ok with it?"
"Yeah, I don't mind. With your past, I imagine you're pretty traumatized and I can see why you would cling to me for comfort"
"Oh. thanks i-i didn't expect that"
"It's fine I'm here to love and support you no matter what.....and....."
"And what?"
"......I think it's kinda hot"
"Pfft. Really? You think it's hot?"
"It's not my fault. It's kinda nice seeing you get all possessive over me"
"Whatever weirdo"
"You're the one doing it!"
"True I guess we're a couple of weirdos in love"
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abittersweetraisin · 11 months
It's been about 4 years since the end of season 2,... about 3 years since the end of season 3 and there's still the "debate" of whether Chloé had the beginning of a redemption arc or not.
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The passion in which some people write that it never happened, that it wasn't planned, that she never deserved it, etc.,... one would think that Chloé herself crossed to the real world and did something terrible to them.
Last Saturday i came across this tweet:
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Astruc wrote this about two years ago if i remember correctly. But the screenshot was edited. It shows the symbol that Astruc is currently using. This is silly. It only takes a look at Astruc's account to check that it's an old tweet. But how many will go and check? I find it hard to believe that whoever did this didn't do it with bad intentions. They must have wanted Chloé haters to go looking for Chloé's fans posts. Why? Why so much hate? If someone tells me that they hate Chloé because she reminds them of a bully they have or had in their lives, then ok. I would understand that. I've had more than one bully in my life and i don't "marry" them to Chloé, but, again i would understand that as a reason.
If someone could confess that they're actually jealous about how rich she is, all the stuff that she can buy,... things that the rest of us can only dream about, i too could understand that. I don't think it's right, but i understand.
The third thing i thought of is the one that scares me. If you hate Chloé because she's been Marinette's bully... That would be incredibly unhealthy. The two girls are fictional, but your hate is very real. The cherry on the cake would be if that hater one day came across someone in real life who resembled Chloé and immediately hated her without even had crossed a word with her. It may sound exaggerated, but i don't think it's that far fetched.
The show should come with some yoga exercises or something at the end.
Astruc said in a tweet that it's not true that he hates Chloé. That he loves all his characters. To me it seems like he didn't like the attention that Chloé was getting. If i'm right, then it backfired on him. I mean, all of what's been written for her has led to all these debates, all this attention to her. There's more talk about her than all the other miraculous holders together. Marinette is the main character of the show and we cannot talk about her without Adrien immediately popping out, and who comes right before him? Chloé. Oh Astruc, just swallow your pride and make a spin off of her. Maybe in NY she'll cross paths with the american heroes. At first she's like "no thank you, not falling for that again". But somehow she gets involved and slowly has the redemption that she deserves. I'm daydreaming. I know. 😔
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dentiststoothfairy · 9 months
Can you do a reader with the picos school gang ( pico Darnell and Nene ) headcannons if the reader got hurt or something like that. Just saying it's ok cuz I NEED FLUFF (SNIFF,SOB)
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Stay chilly,
💣🔪🍎 𝐏𝐢𝐜𝐨'𝐬 𝐠𝐚𝐧𝐠 🍎🔪💣
𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 ��𝐡𝐮𝐦𝐩𝐞𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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[ 🦷🎀 𝚆𝚑𝚊𝚝'𝚜 𝚊 𝚠𝚑𝚞𝚖𝚙𝚎𝚎? Terminology. The whumpee refers to the one being hurt 𝙸 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍𝚗'𝚝 𝚍𝚎𝚌𝚒𝚍𝚎 𝚘𝚗 𝚑𝚘𝚠 𝙸 𝚠𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚘 𝚍𝚘 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜, 𝚜𝙾 𝙸 𝚍𝚎𝚌𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚘 𝚙𝚞𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚐𝚊𝚗𝚐 𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚘 𝚘𝚗𝚎. 𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚠𝚊𝚢 𝙸 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍 𝚎𝚡𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚜 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚘𝚗𝚕𝚢 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚒𝚛 𝚍𝚢𝚗𝚊𝚖𝚒𝚌𝚜 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚢𝚘𝚞, 𝚋𝚞𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚒𝚛 𝚍𝚢𝚗𝚊𝚖𝚒𝚌𝚜 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚎𝚊𝚌𝚑 𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚊𝚜 𝚊 𝚜𝚚𝚞𝚊𝚍. 𝙸 𝚑𝚘𝚙𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝'𝚜 𝚘𝚔𝚊𝚢! 𝙸 𝚑𝚘𝚙𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚒𝚜 𝚏𝚕𝚞𝚏𝚏𝚢 𝚎𝚗𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚢𝚘𝚞 :𝟹]
Who did it.
No no, they're not mad. No.
They just want to know.
Oh? Nene's just reaching for her knife because she was about to start lunch up. It has nothing to do with the situation. Now who did it?
Ah, Darnell is just stretching his back! He's not reaching for his lighter. It's been incredibly cold recently as well. Winter is coming..! So that's probably why. If he was in the first place.
Okay fuck that. Pico's mad. He's not hiding it. Who the hell hurt you?
Cats out of the bag. In fact, I don't think they would've found you if it weren't for Pico's uncanny ability to practically hunt down whoever he needed to. They hadn't seen you in the last while.
They spotted you there with bruises covering your body and trembling from both pain and fear. The initial reaction?
Pico felt his blood BOIL and the sight of you. These were scars made by A PERSON, no matter how clumsy you could be.
Our girl Nene was right with him. She was about ready to personally GUT whoever did this to you. Both hotheaded psychopaths were quickly pulled back into reality by the third.
Darnell reminded them that- this very well could've been an accident, not some sort of attack. And jumping any poor soul that happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time isn't worth stealing their nails to personally polish Nene.
Once the two calmed down, the three of them all put in the teamwork to help you home. Pico was still FUMING but Nene had eventually cooled off.
Darnell practically got immediately to work. Throwing the bandages to Pico to wrap the wounds, throwing the biscuit tin of sewing supplies to Nene and telling her to fix up your clothes while he does the cooking. Nene can't be trusted in the kitchen anymore.
While she got to work on the patches. She just kept muttering about how clean those wounds were, very impressive. But.. Hey!! You might be all bruised up but beautiful, purple is SO your colour! Chin up!
Pico just tells her to shut up.
She does with a pout.
He's silent. Completely sternly wrapping those wounds. Pico knew how to do it with absolute efficiency. He was often patching up Nene and Darnell. Especially after Nene's episodes. He also still suspected this was some sort of attack, so he was kind of stiff.
Think of it as his own special way of expressing his care for you. He's protective of people who he loves. And you, detecting from the conflict behind those emerald eyes of his.. Must really care for you too.
We can thank Darnell for snapping those two back into reality too. He's always been so much more reasonable and realistic than those two, albeit just as dangerous if not more. And the fact his first instinct was to make sure you were in a safe environment t-
Are they bickering? Are Pico and Nene fucking bickering? Y'all SHUT UP.
As I was narrating. Darnell is protective over you as well. He knows that he tends to be the luckier out of the squad, so the fact that you were okay is all that matters to him.
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atom-writings · 1 year
WAIT A SEC..... you'd do reqs for the batman 2022? if not, i understand, but if you do: can i get uhhh what dano!riddler would look for in a (gn) partner? and/or headcanons on what kind of boyfriend he would be?
(Edward Nashton X Reader) General Relationship Headcanons
(Gender Neutral) Headcanons ~ A/N  YES YES YES ok sorry guys skipping ahead for this bcs i want to write it ok thank you. Everyone go listen to mook right now
Trigger Warning: Edward Is Not A Healthy Person Much Less a Healthy Boyfriend, possessiveness kind of? Swearing, also.
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Edward is a simple if not unstable man. He’s always been uncontrollably attracted to those that can take care of him. Those that are more like housewives and mothers compared to hard workers. Of course, that’s not to say that he’s only into women. Not at all.
But what he really wants out of a partner is someone willing to focus all of their emotional energy on him. He wants to consume your thoughts, to become that voice in the back of your head. So no matter where you are, you’re caring about him more than anything else.
Because of that… he’d also prefer a S/O that isn’t too independent. There’s nothing more satisfying to him than coming home to you… sobbing because of his absence. Because god help whoever else makes you cry.
Someone weak and unassuming would be perfect too… it just feeds into his ego. Being able to tower over you, grab you and pull you in whichever way he likes… it makes him feel high. He’s always been seen as so sensitive and feeble, so being the strong one out of the two of you, god, he just absolutely loves it.
You’d think he would like someone who struggled as he has, but it’s actually the opposite. He would prefer someone stable and healthy, for one simple reason. If you were as tortured as he was, he wouldn’t be getting a lot of your attention and sympathy, would he? He wants you to fix him… he’ll get around to doing the same for you sometime later though, don’t worry.
However, he would despise having a successful partner. It feels like you’re… looking down on him, PITYING him, just like everyone else. No, no, he has to be the one holding position over you, not the other way around. That’s not to say he sees himself completely as superior to you, though. 
As high as his standards may seem, he is an incredibly forgiving and loving boyfriend. You’ve brought him out of the darkness countless times, and he could never do enough to make up for that. Or at least, that’s what he tells himself.
He’s very, very, very clingy. Anytime that he can be, he’s with you. At home, he’s always holding you close by your hips. On the train to and from work, he insists you come with him so he can hold your hand. At work, he’s texting you constantly. That’s probably the main way his selfishness comes out… he just needs your constant attention and approval.
Anytime that he can, he shows you off. If you’re shy about PDA, that’ll hurt him a little bit. He wants to bring you around, his arm wrapped around your shoulder, just to prove to everyone that he can. Very much a… “You jackasses thought I couldn’t do it. But I did. I got a partner. And they’re incredible. You miserable bastards wish you had a partner like I do,” … complex.
Although he likes more house-wifey S/Os, when he gets home he loves to pamper you. You’ll have to beg him not to make you dinner after he gets out of work most nights. After all, isn’t that what he wanted you to do for him?
Maybe trade out “taking care of you,” for “taking care of his disgusting apartment.”
He’s put up with so much in his life that it’s hard for him to get truly angry with you. Like even if you slapped him across the face, he’d probably just tear up and ask why you did that, compared to screaming and throwing things. (Well, it’s a different story when he’s in his whole… Riddler mood.) He just can’t imagine hurting such an innocent being who has done so much for him. It makes him a little too forgiving.
But it just makes him even more of a teddy bear around you. And who doesn’t want that? Sure, sometimes he goes mad and brutally executes the corrupt elite, but more importantly he is doing it all to make a better world for the two of you to share! You deserve it, you know?
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caycaysdiamond · 2 years
I wanna marry you, right here, right now.
Request for @liliasleftpinkytoe : "OK I'm taking one for the team twsts characters of your choice + lilia with a (later s/o) friend that legit pursues them for their hand in marriage, constantly flirting, doing things only for them and proposing with a new ring everyday?"
Thank you for my first request qaq! this is such a cool prompt so I hope I did it justice!!
Characters: Lilia Vanrouge and Deuce Spade Friends to Lovers, reader is astronomically down bad, lovesick writing, prefect or non prefect reader, cursing, long asf post
Lilia Vanrouge
Lilia Vanrouge was no stranger to your fondness of him. Your eagerness to help him with anything whether it be some meager dorm task or rehearsals with the light music club. 
The fae male wasn't complaining either, far from it. In fact, he often encouraged you to be around more and more, subtly mentioning a task he would be doing all alone and how boring it would be. Telling you how long practice with the club was going to be. Or mentioning a meeting or two he knew he'd have to go to.
Naturally, you would respond, "Hmm, I can spare some time." 
That's what friends are for, after all. 
And let's not forget the pet names that would spur from your lips at a moment's notice when referring to your dearest friend or the lingering touches you both would share. You would give Lilia soft gazes when you thought it wasn't paying attention to you. The lovesick sighs that would fall from your lips when your mind would wander to thoughts of him.
Lilia was simply playing coy to your feelings, maybe a bit cruel but he was eager for the day that you finally confessed to him. 
He received the first paper ring on his desk in his homeroom class. It was a simple, band-styled ring made of notebook paper. Beside it, there was a simple, straight-to-the-point note: 
I want to marry you, Lilia Vanrouge.  
He simply laughed, knowing who it was from even without a signature, and slipped the paper band on his ring finger. Later that day, he, of course, mentioned the paper ring when you met after classes. 
He flashed it proudly and with his signature smirk said, "They want to marry me, reader! My secret admirer, fufufu~ I wonder who they are." 
You felt a blood vein pop but responded coolly, "Oh? Is someone trying to steal you away from me, darling?
He shrugged, playing along, "Who knows? Maybe they're jealous of you. You are always around me, maybe they're...trying to take your spot in my heart, hm?"
You froze at the words Lila spoke, just for a moment but a moment was all he needed to continue, "It's sad. I have no way of knowing who did this. The ring is so finely made and whoever went out of their way to make it must really love me."
"They must, you're right," you looked away, "They must cherish you; handmade gifts always have very special places in people's hearts."
Lilia grabbed your hand and caressed it, "You're right, just the thought of someone who loves me making something just for me is enough to make me swoon."
"Really? Is that all it takes?" You rolled your eyes and squeezed his hand a bit.
"Do you think they'll give me more? I'd love to have a collection."
A small smile crossed your face at that, "Of course."
The second paper ring came in the same way as the first, only two days later. This ring though, was much more elaborate, instead of lined paper, it was made of light pink construction paper and resembled a flower. The note beside it read: 
I love you, Vanrouge. 
No other person would I ever do such incredible sappy confessions for in the form of these paper rings and crudely written notes. 
Words nor actions can accurately portray the feelings I truly have for you and you know, in fact, I believe you've always known.  
Were you waiting for me? For us?
I do want that. Want us. Forever.
I'll ask you the rest of my questions later.  - Reader
Lilia slipped the second ring on his finger, smiling at it fondly.
"Are you trying to take my whole heart, Reader?" He spoke to no one in particular, "Well...it's working."
The third ring came much later in the day, both of you were together but no verbal communication was taking place. At least, not between the two of you. No, instead, you were at a house warden's meeting with the vice house warden, writing notes that you would slip to Malleus later. The other house wardens never questioned your presence at these meetings either, as natural as water flow where Lilia was you were too, and vice versa. 
You knew that Lilia would be going directly to the light music club after this meeting, so this time before you both began to go in opposite directions after the meeting you slipped the third paper ring on his finger and placed the note tenderly in his arms.
"Another proposal, dear?" Lilia smiled and admired the third ring: a band that alternated between green and black with a thorn design drawn on. 
You just nodded as you started walking in the opposite direction, turning back you yelled, "I'm gonna steal your heart and marry you!"
Lilia just laughed and began reading the third note: 
Could I have called you mine sooner? 
Have I always had your heart?  
You've always been mine to me. 
You've always had my heart; it's only ever been you. 
Lilia, where would you want to have a honeymoon? 
You've seen the world more times than I could count, and I want to experience the world with you. 
Do you want to experience that world with me? 
Love always, Reader.
The fourth and final ring came days later as you helped Lilia recreate an old fae recipe in the Diasomnia kitchens, it was late at night and the two of you worked diligently. Lilia's previous three rings sat on the island in front of you both, none of them looked even a bit damaged. All night you found yourself sneaking glances at them, occasionally fiddling in your pocket with the final ring to complete the set. 
"You seem distracted," Lilia pointed out, "Something on your mind?"
"Nothing in particular," You replied to him a bit too quickly as you mixed up some ingredients in front of you.
Lilia feinted distress at your words, "Not even me? Oh, I'm so hurt and here I thought I would be ruining your every little thought like you do to me, sweetheart."
"That's the effect I have on you? Do elaborate for me, I want to know every moment you've ever thought about me."
"Every moment? We'd be here a while, there's been a lot since we first met."
"I've been driving you crazy since we first met?" you questioned, curious now.
Lilia simply nodded as he took your ingredient bowl and combined it with the rest, "Since before really, I've always had my eye on you. You've always been so intriguing...fufufu...I couldn't help myself, I had to get to know you."
"You're right, I was thinking about you," you decided to admit, "as always."
"Oh? Do tell."
"I was thinking about how many times you've probably made this recipe. And how many times you probably ruined it."
"Cooking is an art and I am only being an artist," he corrected, "Regardless, the hard part is over now we wait."
It was as Lilia turned to put the food in the oven that you decided to finally reveal the last ring to him, it was made with more sturdy paper than the ones thus far: It was a black ring with a green gem, very tiny pink flowers encased the area around the gem with little thorn vines. 
"Will you marry me, Lilia Vanrouge?" 
Lilia closed his eyes and smiled, "Of course, my love."  
You slipped the ring on his finger and let out a breath of relief. 
"You know I was kind of scared you'd say no." 
Lilia only laughed, "I would never torment you that much, dear," he dusted off his hands then rolled them, appearing in his hands were three identical rings to the ones you made earlier as paper, only these were very real. 
He slipped the first ring on your finger, "I want to marry you too," 
Then the second, "I was waiting for you." 
Lastly the third was slipped on, "You've always been able to call me yours because you've always had my heart. As for our honeymoon...ah we can decide that together, no? We have so much of the world to partake in together, after all."
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Deuce Spade
Every week, you and Deuce studied together in the library. Though sometimes the days changed due to both of your responsibilities throughout the year, somehow both of you always found time for both sessions without fail.
You were incredibly protective over your study time with him too.
Ace and Epel always asked to tag along but you always told them no. Your excuse was always, "I'd get distracted studying with so many people."
Or even sometimes, "Why don't you just study with Jack?"
They even tried to schedule their own study sessions with you! 1-on-1, just like the ones with Deuce and you rejected them again!
Why? "Who needs to do group studying that much?" You'd roll your eyes and puff, "Anything else I can just do on my own."
They quickly realized that you just wanted to monopolize time with Deuce, teasing you for such lame excuses. The two boys get it though, well if your obvious favoritism didn't stop there!
You would bring Deuce snacks if he off-handily mentioned he was a bit hungry, hide him from Riddle when you knew the housewarden was on a streak of 'Off with Your Head' that day, get him lunch, check on him if he was feeling slightly sick and it doesn't even stop there!!
In simple terms, Ace and Epel were absolutely stunned by how much you loved Deuce and how absolutely oblivious he was to it!
"Off to your study sessions, you fucking simp?" Ace leaned against your wall as you packed your school bag and slipped in a few snacks for good measure.
"Yes," you rolled your eyes, "so get out of my room, I don't need your weird cooties infecting my space more than it already has today."
You grabbed a red, heart shaped keyring from your desk and shoved it in your pocket.
"You may not want my weird cooties but I know whose you're practically begging foraaaaAHH-"
You didn't allow him to finish that statement instead you grabbed his wrist, opened the door, and slung him out. You followed behind him closing the door with a loud slam and ignored his protest, practically sprinting to the library. Once inside you made your way to the usual study spot and was greeted by Deuce, frantically writing out some alchemical equations and glaring the paper with only the anger a student could have.
"Deuce! Sorry I'm late!" You sat down next to him, pulling out your notebooks.
Deuce's expression immediately softened, "It's fine, Reader. I haven't been here long."
You glanced at his paper, "You wanna work on alchemy first today?"
Deuce simply nodded, "I want to try getting my hardest work out of the way while I'm with you today so that I'm not bothering you later in the week for help. You're getting busy with club work right?"
"Yea but I always have time for you!" You cupped his hands, "You could never bother me, Deucy, but thanks for caring about me so much." You let go of his hands then rummaged through your bag for your own alchemy work. Deuce watched you the entire time, the slightest bit of blush dusted his cheeks.
"Hm, found it. What problem are you on?"
"Uh, the first one..." Deuce admitted reluctantly.
"That's fine, I'll walk you through it since I already started on this earlier."
You began stepping through each problem with Deuce, letting him take the lead with working problems out and only helping when he was confused or used the wrong alchemy rules. It was late when you guys finally finished working, after double checking everything to make sure your work was correct, decided that was enough for today. The crisp winter winds assaulted your face as you left the library together and the moon was high above both of you. You both walked in a comfortable silence as you made your way to the Hall of Mirrors.
"I'll see you tomorrow," Deuce began to walk towards the Heartslabyul mirror but you grabbed his arm before he could go in.
"Wait um, I have a surprise," you gulped, "Close your eyes and gimme your hand."
Deuce did what you asked without much question, though he did give you a puzzled look as he closed his eyes and held out his hand. You slipped the red keyring onto his finger swiftly. The foreign metal made the ravenette shiver and his hand recoiled but you held it in place.
"Can I open my eyes?" He questioned.
"Y-yea," you answered.
Deuce opened his eyes to see you down on one knee, his hand still in yours with a red keyring around his finger. His eyes widened at the scene before him, and small mumbles of your name began to leave his lips. Your eyes were glued to him, face red, "Will you marry me, Deuce Space?"
Ace and Epel blinked at each other before bursting out laughing.
"Can you not?" Deuce rolled his eyes as he finished the story about how he got the red keyring, "This is why I didn't want to tell you." The three boys were currently sitting on the floor of Adeuce's dorm room listening to the ravenette's current plight.
"Okay okay so is it a similar story for this rest of the keyrings?" Ace asked after his laughter high calmed down, however Epel's did not and the shorter boy was barely holding it in enough for Deuce to finish.
Deuce fished the other keyrings out of his pocket and pointed to them as he explained, "The second one was the orange key ring, I got that after school then the yellow one was after my track meet, the green one was during lunch one day and the blue one I got when I was painting the roses for an Unbirthday party.
"And every time Reader ask you to marry them?" Ace questioned as he began to twirl a keyring around his finger. Deuce simply nodded and leaned back on his hands, "Everytime."
Epel rolled his eyes a bit, "Didja ever answer?"
"Um, well no..."
"NO?!" Ace slammed the keyring his was playing with to the ground, "What do you mean 'no'? What did you do then!? How do you not answer that?"
"You don't understand, they told me not to answer."
Epel laughed a bit, "Oh, I get it."
Ace whipped his head to look at the shorter male, "Um, I don't? Who ask a question that they don't want answered, multiple times?"
"Use yer brain, dumbass! It's not that they don't wanna answer, that ain't the point! They're tryna court Deuce!"
Deuce tilled his head, "Court me? With keyrings?"
Epel nodded and took a deep breath," Look," Epel began pointing to each keyring as he spoke, "Red, orange, yellow, green, blue. Reader been givin' Deuce rings in rainbow order so the next color ought to be the last color, purple, right? Since purple the last color, that's probably when they wanna hear Deuce's answer. Catch the drift?"
Deuce nodded, "That makes sense, actually!"
"Yeah, yeah but why keyrings?" Ace said to no one in particular, "They could have used, like, plastic rings that look like engagement rings or something right?"
"Don't know, would have'ta ask'em."
"What if it's like, you're getting keyrings because you already have the key to their heart?" Ace giggled, "That's so cringe!"
Deuce punched his dormmate in the arm, "It's not. It's...cute..."
Epel also punched Ace in the arm, "Nah he's right, woulda never excepted that from Reader. I guess it show's how head over heels they are, huh?"
"I think head over heels is pushing it, Epel," Deuce sheepishly waved off the comment, "I'm just happy to know they like me back."
"Oh puh-lease! Deuce no one just purposes to someone like that! Or always checks on you, packs you lunch, shows up to every track meet, makes you study guides, studies with you---solo, multiple times a week might I add, bails you out of trouble, and comments on like every Magicam post of yours. Do I need to go on? Cause I can! I'm so absolutely sick of you to lovebirds! Do you know how hard it is for us, lowly single non-crushing peasants!"
Deuce cleared his throat, "Okay, okay I get the point!" He stood up and dusted himself off, "I have to go meet them, studying, as usual." He grabbed his bag from his desk and threw it over his shoulder, "You two should be too, you know, Trein's history midterm next week isn't going to be easy."
"Whatever that's a problem for next week me, thanks," Ace waved off, "Don't be late for your date."
"Don't mind this jealous hick, go get your significant other~," Epel teased, "I gotta feeling that they're gonna give you the last ring today."
Deuce smiled and left his room, there was a noticeable pep in the first year's step as he made his way to the library. Excitement was just rolling off the boy's shoulders, knowing you'll probably be waiting there at the usual table you sat at on the second floor, hiding the keyring somewhere and just waiting for the perfect opportunity to present it to him. You'd probably do it as your session finished, he thought, since you both take your study sessions so seriously. Or maybe right at the beginning? He began imagining at the possible scenarios where you would propose, and he would say "yes". So, to his surprise instead he found you sitting outside the bench to the library seemingly waiting for him and his imaginary scenarios seemed to be wrong.
"Deuce!" You waved, "I was...waiting for you!"
Deuce nodded and flashed you one of his shy smiles, "Ah! Well, I'm here!"
You nodded, "Uhm, you are!"
You and Deuce stared at each other for a while, neither moving nor looking away from each other. As the time passed, both of your expressions became more flustered.
It was almost adorable how awkward you two were at the moment, you seemly losing the confidence you had at your previous proposals and Deuce simply waiting for you, not wanting to steal your moment.
"I had this...piece of paper of everything I wanted to say right now but I threw it away and told myself to speak from my heart! But it's difficult, you know? And well it shouldn't be because well you already know how I feel, I mean no friend would ask you to marry them, right?" You laugh and Deuce nods, edging you to continue your speech.
"Well, I think I've just been so scared of what you may say. Just in case, what I've felt hasn't been conveyed, I'll spell it out for you! I love you, Deuce Space. You've had the key to my heart for a while now and anyone, everyone could see it. I want to be there for you forever," You pulled out the purple keyring from your pocket, "So will you marry me?"
A brilliant smile erupted from the man in front of you, "I do."
small a/n: originally, i was gonna do more characters but instead I just made the first two I wrote longer. maybe I'll come back to those other ideas in a later post! thankfully I'm done with my semester now and hopefully have more time to write!!!
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sm1l3b0t · 2 months
Orv ask game with a twist! (5) And (6) but also a personal question. What's your most KDJ moment while reading the series?
hello!!! ask game with a twist you say......
5. if you could ask the authors any question, what would you ask them?
id want to ask them what their plan for orv looked like when they first started writing it, and how that plan changed throughout publishing the chapters! so much of orv feels perfectly preplanned out and i want to know if they really knew how every part of orv was gonna go from the beginning, if they didn't how did they make such a coherent novel, whether there were any scenes where the characters/action just started running away from them, etc. i need to know their secrets for writing such a long and coherent book!
6. whats a headcanon i have that i absolutely believe is canon
i think kim dokja enjoys cooking and is pretty good at it! he didn't have a lot of money to buy ingredients very often, but i think considering how much he idolised yoo jonghyuk and how often in wos there were graphic descriptions of yoo jonghyuk cooking delicious meals specifically designed to make kim dokja hungry, i think he did try and cook when he could - and he was good! i believe he can follow a recipe book, and thats all you really need anyway. also, post epilogue yoo jonghyuk teaches him the secret ways of his super good cooking and kim dokja goes from pretty good to damn good. the kids always fight over who gets to eat his food :)
personal question!!! very exciting. whats my most kim dokja moment reading orv..........there are a lot of moments so its possible this one is just the most fresh in my brain right now but im gonna pick this one
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obviously i relate a lot to all of kim dokjas moments because he was designed in a lab to be incredibly relatable to whoever read orv. but i especially relate to this moment. again, obviously i rely heavily on fiction to escape the struggles of my day to day life and kim dokjas obsession with ways of survival is deeply relatable (i am in the orv fandom, kim dokja is my favourite character, we know, etc). 'i just feel steady when i look at this' is how i would describe my relationship to reading on the whole and orv especially, so that bit of dialogue especially.
what makes this moment more 'woah im literally kim dokja' than any of the other moments when he talks about needing to read to feel safe/steady/hope/etc is the hypocrisy of 'fuck the constellations for surviving off of others stories! not me tho im different than yall <3'. cause like. its orv doing a fun little meta tap dance. kim dokja hates the constellations and is one. you hate the constellations and are one. its a very intense feeling of. it may be too early for me to fully articulate this. we are all readers we are all reading a story to survive and we are all being fucking hypocrites about it! very fun to me didnt so much make me relate to kim dokja as punched me in the face and went YOU ARE KIM DOKJA
ok this was really long im so sorry BUT thank you for the ask!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love answering these so much :)) <3
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iamthecomet · 3 months
@purlty23 tagged me in This game and I'm super excited about it! (I tried to reblog the original post and just tack on but tumblr hates me)
Thanks Blue, this was so fun!
I'm tagging: @amara-among-the-stars, @mac-and-thefox, @littlemoon-beam, @divine-misfortune and whoever else also wants to expose their sins to the internet. Under the cut, because LONG.
Xena Warrior Princess - Passive Enjoyer Only passive because I was too young to be anything else. Barely counts, except that this show was my first real obsession so I have to include it. I dressed up as Xena for halloween when I was like…5. The pictures are incredible.
Good Charlotte - Mostly passive As is a trend with a lot of these, I wrote a little fan fic, and daydreamed a thousand scenarios, but never shared any of it. I was mildy obsessed with Benji Martin, but I didn't really get involved beyond that.
LOTR - Creative Enjoyer The first fan-fic I ever posted on the internet (I was twelve, people were mean). I didn't make any friends within the fandom. But I was so determined to write for it that I had an entire novel planned out--that eventually became an original book idea instead.
Harry Potter- Mostly Passive I read a lot of HP fanfic, but not as much as others. I didn't get involved in online conversations. I did dabble in writing some fics that I hid from the world and never finished.
The Boston Red Sox - Creative Enjoyer Ok. Now you know why I said I was exposing myself. Look I was like 12-14. My best friend and I filled entire notebooks with our MANY chaptered fic that spanned the entire 2004 Red Sox Season, that we started the day they won the world series that year. We hand wrote it all, I transcribed it into my computer where it still exists somewhere. It was our EVERYTHING. And it has never (and will never) see the light of day. I may have posted some Red Sox fic on the internet in my Live Journal days, and I made a bunch of online friends within that community, but they never saw THE fic.
Rammstein - Creative Enjoyer Again, my best friend and I had a notebook with a long form rammstein fic in. We didn't go as far with this one. And I didn't get involved in any online communities. Though, our love for Rammstein lived a lot longer than our fic writing did.
Twilight - Creative Enjoyer In that I wrote and posted a single fic about Alice.
Lost - Passive Enjoyer. I read a billion Skate fics. Probably thought about writing my own, but I don't think I ever actually did. Was obsessed with this show until the last season. I still have never seen the last episode.
Vampire Academy (THE BOOKS) - Passive Enjoyer. Not a lot online. Read some fic. Was so obsessed with this book that I started to write a fanfic where we got to see some of the story from Dimitri's persepective and accidentally created and entire new plot and new characters and accidentally created my own CHILD of an original novel because of it.
Grishaverse (Shadow and Bone/Six of Crows/Rule of Wolves) - Passive Enjoyer Loved these books. Loved every single character. Read as much fanfic as I could find. Accidentally spoiled a death in one of the books with fanfiction.
Avenged Sevenfold - Creative Enjoyer Short lived. Read some INCREDIBLE fics on the basically defunct site Mibba and thought "I can do that" and was fighting for my life in college. Wrote a few chapters of a fic. Got decent feedback. Got bored immediately.
Supernatural - passive enjoyer Read some fic. Took me like 15 tries to actually get through the whole show. Adored it, never went very far with it.
Marvel (Specifically The Winter Soldier) - Passive Enjoyer. I should have been a creative enjoyer, but was too afraid to write anything or put myself out there. (I spent all of my time after high school/college thinking that fanfic was a waste of time and I should never write it because I needed to be serious. What a waste). Still mildly obsessed with BuckyNat. I adore Bucky and Black Widow. If they put out another good movie I could see myself falling down that rabbit hole and actually letting myself land. The trailer for The Winter Soldier changed my brain chemistry (nevermind the whole move).
Fallout 4 - Passive Enjoyer I could read Sole Survivor/Paladin Danse fics every day forever. I know that's insane. Stop looking at me like that.
Ghost - Creative Enjoyer. Finally allowed myself to write whatever the fuck I want and have fun with it and it has changed my entire fucking life. Wish I'd done it sooner. So glad I got to do it now and with all of you. ♥
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lovetaroandtaemin · 2 months
All I Wanted
Chapter 2: Are You Satisfied?
Osaki Shotaro x Reader
Word count: 872
Content warnings: None for this chapter
Thank you again to @wonbons for beta reading! Your feedback has been a huge help and I'm incredibly grateful.
Fic is under the cut
Shotaro was more nervous than usual for his first statistics test of the year. He had a good enough grasp on the material, but there were a few things he was shaky on. He did spend a lot of time studying, but he just didn’t understand certain concepts. He knew that he had to focus today though because he couldn’t let his grades suffer. If he did, he would never hear the end of it from his dad.
You, on the other hand, were filled with confidence. You refused to let anything get in the way of passing. Studying was your entire life for a week before the quiz. You didn’t talk to anyone for the first few days, which resulted in several angry voicemails from Karina because she hadn’t heard from you. You apologized for ignoring her and made sure to talk to people while still studying as much as you could. Your degree was far too important to you to fail.
As you were making your way to class, you saw Wonbin. He smiled and winked at you, and you gave him a small smile in response. He continued walking as you silently prayed that you wouldn’t fail.
You walked into class and smiled as you saw Shotaro. He was wearing his bright purple beanie, which you had learned meant that he had overslept and hadn’t had time to brush his hair. Initially he looked upset, but as soon as he noticed you his expression changed to that signature smile that made you feel all giddy inside. You took your seat next to him and started to discuss the upcoming quiz.
“How do you think you’re gonna do?” he asked.
“I know I’m gonna pass,” you replied, “I was up until 3 AM studying last night.”
“I wish I had your confidence, (Y/N).”
“I’m sure you’ll do great, ‘Taro. You’re smarter than you give yourself credit for. Plus, I know how much you’ve been studying.”
“Thanks, (Y/N),” he mumbled, with a barely noticeable blush starting to appear on his face.
Your conversation was cut short by Ms. Kim passing out your tests. You once again silently prayed to whoever would listen that you would pass and began to work as soon as you received your test. As you answered the questions, you couldn’t help but wonder how Shotaro was doing. He had looked upset when you walked into class, but you hadn’t been able to ask him why before the test started. You made a mental note to ask him about it after class.
The second the test was placed on his desk, Shotaro started answering questions to the best of his ability. He wasn’t confident in all his answers, but that didn’t stop him from giving everything he had. Once he finished answering the questions and handed in his exam, he spent the rest of the class period doodling in his notebook. The drawings of animals and flowers may have looked like something silly to pass the time to someone that saw them in passing, but for Shotaro art was his escape. And with stress from school and his dad’s daily lectures about not wasting his potential, he needed it.
After everyone finished their tests, class was dismissed. You tried to follow Shotaro to ask him why he seemed upset earlier, but he ran out the door before you could catch up to him. So, you sent him a text instead, letting him know that if he needed to talk about anything you were there for him.
The rest of your morning classes were a blur, with papers being assigned and more tests being taken. You had been rushing to get things done all morning, so you decided to go to the library to take a break in a quiet environment before you had to continue your studies.
The last person you expected to see as you entered was Wonbin. You knew that it was rude to assume from the limited interactions you had with him, but he didn’t really seem like the type to spend free time at the library.
“Hey, Wonbin. How are you?”
“I’m doing ok, I just wanted a quiet place to study. What’s up with you?”
“I wanted to take a breath before my next class, tests all morning.”
“Yikes. By the way, next time you see Karina would you give this back to her? She left it at my place last night,” he said as he handed you her makeup bag.
“Will do, thanks.”
The two of you chatted for a few more minutes before you left to continue your day.
The next day at the end of class, Ms. Kim gave everyone their tests back. You looked at yours, and you saw that your score was 93. Excited that you passed, you showed Shotaro. He seemed a little bit less excited, however, as he wordlessly showed his paper. It had 86 written at the top in bright red ink. Even though he was a little upset, he jokingly promised to kick your ass when it was time for the next test. You laughed and said you wished that he would.
“Well I guess I have to, now,” he said with a wink.
Thanks for reading!! Sorry about the lack of update last week, Preparing for Easter was a bit chaotic. I promise chapter 3 will be out next week. Stay tuned!
If you'd like to be added to the taglist, either comment or dm me with the username that you'd like tagged. Once again, thanks to @wonbons for beta reading!
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cosmicjoke · 1 year
I really love your attack on titan analysis and the character breakdowns. They are clear out the major concepts. It’s very sad that many fans, especially Twitter fans, just compete with their favorite ships and unnecessary hate on others. And Twitter is really getting so toxic that I don’t see any point why anyone should be on Twitter. It’s ok to have different opinions but the twt fans just don’t know to relax.
I really love your Levi’s character breakdowns
Hi there @notgoodforlife and thank you so much! I love following your blog as well, and am always happy to see your posts!
I agree, it's sad that so many in this fandom seem to get caught up in something which, technically, doesn't even exist within the canon of AoT, lol. You have all these people fighting over who's ship is the "best" ship, when there literally isn't any ship at all involving Levi in the manga or anime. I find it incredibly odd that people hyper-fixate on something that isn't even there in the text and was never intended by the creator. Isayama makes it obvious when he means for two characters to be linked romantically. There isn't any ambiguity there. Like Eren and Mikasa, or Historia and Ymir, or Armin and Annie, or even when one character has a crush on another, like Reiner with Historia, or Bertoldt with Annie. It isn't some great mystery when Isayama intends for two characters to be seen as either romantically involved, or interested in the other. Even then, with the way fandom is, there's infighting about established ships, and people getting pissed at each other because the ship they wanted to exist never did. Like Eren and Historia. But with Levi, people bend over backwards and twist themselves into convoluted thought processes just to try to make some vague, undefined link between him and whoever they want him to be with, and then try to ram it down others throats as "canon", lol. Like, why is it so hard to accept that Levi isn't with anyone? Why can't they just accept and appreciate his character on his own? I don't know. Levi is plenty complex and interesting enough that he doesn't need a romantic link to make him worth attention.
I never go on Twitter for all the reasons you stated. It's absurdly toxic, with a bunch of self-righteous know it all's who swarm all over you and attack you into oblivion if you don't get in line with their views. Honestly, I think tumblr isn't much better at this point, but at least here, it seems like you can avoid those sorts of people with a little more ease.
Thank you for your kind words again. I love talking about Levi, and about AoT in general! I'm always happy to hear other people find reading my ramblings worth their time.
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