#Queen's Oracle
audiophiliacfan · 1 year
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kara-zor-els · 2 months
Roy and Babs' dynamic has the potential to be so funny. "I'm having a homoerotic relationship with your stepmother while you are having a homoerotic relationship with my boyfriend". Unhinged.
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greys-slippings · 5 months
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Marvelous misadventures of a Tarnished
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jetslay · 26 days
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DC Super-Heroes by Bernard Chang.
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milolunde · 24 days
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The Sonic Underground reboot was fucking CRAZY
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the-batgirl · 2 months
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birds of prey #109
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joytheboisart · 11 months
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Mona is not amused
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vodrae · 4 months
Barbara: In 1978, astrophycisist Dr Brian May stated that "fat bottomed girl make the world go round". Nobody proved him otherwise. So we owe you so much.
Dinah: A person a amazing taste everywhere I see.
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Name: As above Rating: General Audiences Chapter: 8/?? Word count: 28,285 Relationships: Batfam + Extended DC friends/fam (now including minor past Dick/Babs and Roy/Jason) Summary: Tim dies a week before he turns 18, his only wish is that he could do it all over again. Not for himself, but for the family he failed to save from their own tragic fates.
It seems for once the universe is on his side (haha yeah right) and the past 12 years of his life are erased giving him his well desired do over.
He makes it his mission to save his family as Timothy Drake- His own asshole "Brucie Wayne" & Cardinal- His new vigilante persona/informant
Time is running out- has he done enough or are the scales of fate forever tipped against him?
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child-of-hurin · 6 months
Queen's Thief New Year Oracle📜🪶🕯️🌿
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In a lost volume of his Memories, Pheris Erondites related a dream he had in which the goddess Moira taught him how to predict one's fortune in the coming year. Now I will relate to you this most excellent, totally serious & trustworthy method of divination*:
First of all, you should take the number of letters that form your preferred name, and add to that number the age you will be at the 00:00 hour of the next year according to your time zone. For example:
P H E R I S = 6 letters And he was 45 years old when he wrote this method down, so 6 + 45 = 51
Then, ask yourself how many beautiful earrings you would offer on Moira's altar in exchange to have your fortune told, and add this number to the one you already have.
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Pheris's own answer was 1, which was the number of earrings he had in his possession at the time. Using it as an example, we have:
51 + 1 = 52
Then keep adding the numbers among themselves until you get a single number from 1 to 9! For example:
5 + 2 = 7
Now that you have a single digit, click on the page corresponding to it on the list below, and have your new year's fortune revealed to you:
if your number was 1
if your number was 2
if your number was 3
if your number was 4
if your number was 5
if your number was 6
if your number was 7
if your number was 8
if your number was 9
Have a good new year, and be blessed in your endeavors!
*This oracle is just a joke; please don't take the result seriously!
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empressgeekt · 8 months
fic idea- batboys vs. Period cramp simulator
so, I am part of the half of the population that has a uterus. And as such once a month I am visited by the red demon, that makes my stomach like it's some how both a bottle of squirting ketchup and giving birth to a flipping jellyfish. To cope I watch videos of men using the period cramp simulator and laugh at their screams of pain.
So, I'm sitting on the couch, trying to ignore the deep rooting ache in my lower stomach, a cold pad on my head, heated pad on my stomach and back, eating all the chocolate ice-cream I want (don't you dare tell me that I shouldn't have caffeine, I'm eating all the treats I want), after popping advil like candy for the past few days, and thought; "how would the bat brothers would react to the cramp simulator."
So, the fic would start with spoiler asking the boys (dick, Tim and Jason, [Duke opted out and they didn't want to use the machine on an 8-year-old so Damien is also on the side-lines]), what they know about periods, and they know next too nothing. Oracle starts explaining the basics, what's in the blood, why it happens, and how it works. Dick and Tim getting more and more nervous as she continues.
Nightwing; so wait...it's like contractions? Like labor?
O: the uterus is a muscle, and the isn't just going to fall out.
RR: so it's like churning?
Spoiler: yep, best I can describ it is like a bunch of knife fingers clawing st the inside of your stomach.
Black bat:*holding thumb over start button on the pain simulator* ready?
N: not anymore....
RH: just press start already, I've been tortured and then blown up this can't be any worse.
After 5 minutes of cursing, cries of pain and stomach clutching, Cass reveals they were only on level 3 of 10.
After a wave of disbelief, and claims they the girls were in no way walking around like that. Steph puts a simulator on and sits calmly at a level 8 while Tim is curled up shaking on the floor next to her at a 4.
The brothers try to go through the whole day hooked up to the simulators, training, lunch, case work, patrol. They try to Google things that help with period pain. Needless to say they get pissed at how little information their is, Bruce joins in this part as he wants for know how help his daughters/niece if needed. Tim gets especially pissed at the "Shouldn't have caffeine" thing.
They don't last long when challenged to go to level ten....
In the end, Dick vows to treat his sisters like queens on their time of the month. Jason just said his respect for them has grown tenfold. Tim works on giving all uterus owning employees at WE three-days of menstrual leave a month. Bruce tells the girls that if they ever need a break because their cramps get debilitating, say the word and they'll be excused from anything.
Duke is just glad he chickened out and Damien stares at the simulators and swears he will concur them once he is old enough. Much to Tim dick and Jason's horror.
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samasmith23 · 7 days
Gotta love the Phantom Thieves!
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emy-san · 2 years
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Royal jail.
Inspired by this artwork
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kayocorner · 6 months
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Here are the first results of my dream Persona 5 photoshoot 😭👌
Joker: v.u.noxcraft
Fox: Fifkun
Black Mask: @vanthica
Violet: Yukeshiro
Queen: me✨
Noir: Skyravi
Oracle: Rai
Photos by: cosplayscape
Taken in Muzeum Miasta Łodzi
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candy8448 · 7 months
I have a lot of Legend HCs piled up in my mind so i decided to organise how my version of the hero of legends goes:
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Link was born to the royal family. He is the twin of Zelda (i hc her to have pastel blue tipped hair), but at this time, it is believed that Hylia only has daughters, and that any prince born is a curse and unheared of and the baby is disposed of secretly, the public never knowing of any boys born to the queens. Link's father's brother, Alphonse is a knight of Hyrule and decides to rescue this baby and raise him himself in secrecy.
While Link grows up, Alphonse raises him in castle town, taking him the the countryside every summer to help in his grandmother's (granmalon) farm. This is until he becomes nine years old.
One night, Link wakes up from a voice in his mind, telling him to come to the castle and rescue her. He sees his uncle leaving, telling him to stay in the house and under no circumstances to leave. Link follows anyway into the storm and enters through the castle sewers where he sees his dying uncle. With his last words, Uncle bestows upon link his sword, and the responsibility of saving Zelda, telling him that "Zelda is your-"
Link continues on his adventure, the rest of the events of a Link to the past taking place. Throughout, the knights are brainwashed and are hunting him down, he is no longer safe in the open and has to stay hidden. The wanted posters make almost everybody in Hyrule call for the guards when they spot him.
In the end he is able to defeat Ganon and restore the land of Hyrule and bring his uncle back.
The knights, despite being free from their brainwashing, are never fully returned to normal, having had power before they become terrible people, using their status to mistreat the people of Hyrule and make villagers not feel safe letting their children near them.
Link travels to the Palace of the Four Sword a while agter his adventure. He fights his way through till he brings back all the Four Swords together and has to fight four shadow versions of himself (though they don't exactly look like him) and he thinks nothing of it other than it being a slightly scary experience.
Link continues living with his uncle until a year later, he is now 11, he comes across the triforce which sends him to the far lands of Holodrum- or Labryna? He isn't entirely sure, traveling through the triforce like that gave him a massive concussion and he gets a massive headache when trying to piece together which came first. Either way, he finishes his adventures with the Oracle of seasons and ages, each taking about half a year to complete and sets out by boat, trying to reach home back in Hyrule.
On his small sailboat, Link finds himself in the heart of a storm, and he and his boat is struck by lightning. His body in paralysis, he cannot do anything to fight the churning water...
Link wakes up to a face in front of him, the girl with long red hair. Her name is Marin. When retrieving his sword on the beach, an owl comes up, telling him that to leave Kohilint island, he must wake up the windfish.
Link does through each dungeon, retrieving each instrument and becoming close friends with Marin. She tells him about how she wanted to be a seagull and fly away to sing for the people of faraway lands. Link promises to take her with him when he manages to leave.
When he finds out the truth, it breaks him.
He vows never to wake the windfish, he's been living here for almost a year, he is 13 and he cares for everyone on this island, and they cafe for him. It's the safest Link has felt in a long time and it he couldn't bear to destroy Kohilint, to destroy Marin.
Link tried to build a raft and sail out, taking Marin with him, but no matter how much he pedals until his hands are covered in blisters, they cannot get any further from kohilint. Marin is the one who tells him to stop trying and hurting himself, and they go back to shore.
Link lives there for another year, not completing any more dungeons, only leaving everyday to strike down any monsters, that of which seem to never run out. Until one day Marin is kidnapped by some bokoblins, and Link is made aware how putting off waking the windfish will only increase the amount of monsters until he is unable to fend them all off.
He gets the last of the instruments and heads to wake up the windfish.
Link is 14 when he wakes in the middle of the sea, he assembles himself a small raft and has a close call with dehydration and starvation before a ship comes and picks him up. The whole time he is dealing with the grief of having basically killed Marin.
When he returns back to Hyrule three years later from when he first left, he is told that his uncle had died of a sickness a year ago. He was living off borrowed time and something borrowed is something that cannot be kept.
Link desides to put down the sword and stops adventuring forever.
Link and Zelda finally find out that they are siblings and Zelda stays by Link's side, him making a secret entrance to Zelda's room as the still corrupt guards are still out for his head since he is a prince of Hyrule. Link had never liked the idea of a royal lifestyle, knowing how Zelda hated it made him never want any part of it. He would rather stay as an average nobody and one of his people, attending to his Uncle's apple orchard, it was always enough for him. Link also starts an apprenticeship with a blacksmith to take his mind off things. It's been two years since he returned to Hyrule and Link is now 16.
When making a delivery to the castle sanctuary, Link runs into Yuga, who turns a maiden into a painting and leaves Link unconcious on the floor. Link wakes up again to the sight of a guy in a purple bunny hood saying that he found and brought Link to an empty house, unaware that it was Link's own. He gives Link his braclet and urges him to talk two Zelda who redirects him to Sahasralah which kicks off Link's adventure between the worlds of Hyrule and Lorule.
After the two kingdoms are restored, Link takes another break when Ravio sudgests he goes on a holiday to a kingdom north of Hyrule, Hytopia. Link does so and arrives just when the princess Styla is cursed. He obtains an amulet which can split him into three Dopples and fights Lady Maude, which breaks the curse.
Now Link is 18, almost 19, when a purple portal opens up in front of his house and he has no choice but to walk through and see where this new adventure takes him...
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moonllita · 1 year
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More Persona characters <3 love the game a lot
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