#SD card organizer
robotpussy · 2 years
i am 100% a hard drive babe i love hard drives i have 5 hard drives each with a different purpose. i hate trying to find a way to organise them tho most storage cases are for USB sticks and SD cards 🙄🙄🙄
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rekhatech · 8 months
Mastering SD Card File Management: A Comprehensive Guide for Accessing, Organizing, and Transferring Files
With the increasing reliance on portable devices such as cameras, smartphones, and audio recorders, SD cards have become an essential storage solution. Mastering the art of SD card file management is crucial for efficiently accessing, organizing, and transferring your digital files. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the intricacies of SD card file management, providing you with the knowledge to streamline your digital workflow.
1 Understanding SD Cards:
2 Accessing an SD Card:
3 Mounting and Formatting an SD Card:
4 Transferring Files to an SD Card:
5 Managing Files on an SD Card:
6 Conclusion:
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Understanding SD Card Basics:
Before we embark on the journey of mastering SD card file management, it's essential to grasp the basics. Secure Digital (SD) cards come in various capacities, ranging from a few gigabytes to terabytes, with different speed classes affecting data transfer rates. Familiarize yourself with your SD card's capacity and speed class, as this information influences file storage and transfer capabilities.
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Accessing SD Card Files on Different Devices:
SD cards are versatile and compatible with a wide range of devices, including cameras, smartphones, laptops, and more. To access your files seamlessly, ensure your device has an SD card slot or use an SD card reader. Insert the SD card, and your device should recognize it as external storage. On some devices, you may need to navigate to the file manager or settings to access the SD card.
Organizing Files on Your SD Card:
Effective file organization is the key to a stress-free digital experience. Create a well-structured folder system on your SD card to categorize files logically. For instance, create folders such as "Photos," "Videos," "Documents," and "Music" to keep different types of files organized. Subdivide these folders further based on specific projects or events to maintain a granular level of organization.
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Naming Conventions:
Implementing consistent naming conventions for your files is essential for quick and easy retrieval. Use clear and descriptive names, including dates or project names, to make it easier to identify files at a glance. Avoid generic names like "IMG_001" or "Document1," as these can lead to confusion over time.
Utilizing Backup Strategies:
Protect your data by implementing backup strategies for your SD card. Regularly transfer files from your SD card to a computer or cloud storage to create duplicates. This ensures that even if the SD card fails or gets lost, your precious data remains secure. Additionally, consider using backup tools or applications that automate the process, providing an extra layer of protection.
Transferring Files Between Devices:
Transferring files to SD card between devices is a common task when managing SD cards. Use a USB cable, SD card reader, or wireless transfer methods (such as Bluetooth or Wi-Fi) to move files between your SD card and other devices. When transferring large files, ensure that your devices support the file formats and sizes to prevent any compatibility issues.
Maintaining SD Card Health:
Regularly check and maintain the health of your SD card files to prevent data corruption and loss. Use the built-in tools on your devices to scan for errors and fix them. Avoid removing the SD card while files are being accessed or transferred to prevent potential data corruption. Additionally, keep the contacts on the SD card clean to ensure a reliable connection.
Mastering SD card file management is essential for anyone dealing with digital media and documents. By understanding the basics, creating an organized folder structure, implementing backup strategies, and adopting proper file transfer practices, you can optimize your workflow and ensure the safety of your valuable data. With these tips, you'll be well-equipped to navigate the complexities of SD card file management and make the most of your digital storage experience.
mastering sd card file management
Accessing files on SD Card ,
files transfer to SD Card ,
files on an SD Card ,
formatting SD Card ,
Manage files on SD Card ,
SD Card data back up ,
SD Card file organization ,
SD Card files ,
SD Card management guide
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Mastering SD Card File Management: A Comprehensive Guide for Accessing, Organizing, and Transferring Files
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justtogetthrough · 1 year
Guess who FINALLY got access to their kindle's highlights and notes after years of not being able to find themmmm (and thus not being able to use them in my workshop I developed)
That being said I've read a lot of books about gender and have hundreds of highlights, so in order to motivate me to read through them all I'mma post some good ones here over time.
You know. If I ever have free time and mental energy.
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spicebiter · 2 years
I'm doing my 'whenever things start to feel crowded' purge of my files and in pictures alone i have nearly 100k files and they take up approx 45 GB. This is gonna take a while but I'm interested in seeing how much gets cut in double files and stuff I just don't want anymore.
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greynatomy · 2 years
The Letter
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Scarlett Johansson x Fem!Reader
i cried while writing and every time i reread it to edit. idk if it’s actually sad or i’m just very emotional. happy bday to me, let’s be emotional together.
this is the second part to Dear Scarlett…
hope you enjoy and tell me what you think
“Dear Scarlett,
Hey! It’s been a while. Probably forgot about me, so in case that’s true, it’s Yn.
You probably have so many questions, hopefully this letter answers most of them.
The very last treatment we did worked. It worked and we just tested way too early to find out. I figured out a about a month after you left. I didn’t tell you because we were officially divorced.
About nine months went by, I welcomed Arlo Prince Johansson into the world.
I gave him the last name Johansson because I wanted us all to have the same name. I’m sorry for keeping your surname, I couldn’t bring myself to change it.
This is where it gets crazy.
Two months before Arlo was born, I started getting extreme pains on my side. Thought it was from being pregnant, but it wasn’t. When it didn’t go away, I went to the hospital and they found tumors that were rapidly spreading to my other organs.
It was liver cancer. Advanced-stage. No cure.
I wanted to reach out to you right when I found out, but I see how happy you are now with Colin and I didn’t want to ruin and get in the way of that.
I also knew my time with Arlo was cut short so I became selfish and kept him to myself. It was just us two, and my lawyer.
You’re probably asking why I had a lawyer even after the divorce, well it’s because I had to start planning for his future before I left.
In the bag that he came with, you’ll see a some folders. Inside are all the pictures I took of him, of us. Birth certificate, DNA test, of course, in case you have any doubts. There’s also a couple CDs, SD cards, flash drives in there too.
The SD cards have more photos, the CDs have some videos I took for the major parts of his life like birthdays or his wedding, especially the birth, stuff like that. And the flash drives has some songs.
I know that I was never successful in my music or production, but I recorded some songs that I made for Arlo. Lullabies that I won’t be able to sing to him anymore. There’s also a couple original songs that I wrote through this rollercoaster of a journey.
I think I covered everything. You’re on the birth certificate if you were wondering so when I die, you’ll have full custody.
I know you’ll be an amazing mother to Arlo because of how well you raised Rose.
I love you. I never stopped. All I wanted was for you to be happy and I am glad that you have that with Colin. This is an official goodbye from me. Make sure Arlo doesn’t forget me, please.
With all my love,
Yn Johansson”
“Oh my god.” Scarlett broke down, crying.
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er1chartmann · 10 months
Heinrich Himmler's time line
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This is Heinrich Himmler, the Head of the SS, timeline:
1900: He was born on 7th of October in Munich.
1905: His younger brother, Ernst Himmler, was born.
1913: he attended his father's school in Landshut, the town where the family had moved.
1919: From April 1919 Himmler joined various Freikorps, to "erase the shame of Versailles" and overthrow the "Marxist dictatorship". These enlistments were partly due to the guilt he had for not being able to fight in the Great War
1919: In August 1919 he was already working on a farm near Ingolstadt, but his work on the farm did not last long; On September 4 he fell ill. He had paratyphoid fever.
1919: On 18 October he was accepted as a student in agriculture at the University of Munich
1922: After completing his university studies in with a diploma in agriculture, he immediately found work at a fertilizer company, Stickstoff-Land
1923: He joined the Nazi Party in 1923, card N 156.
1923: He take part in the Failed Munich Putsch, but, while Ernst Röhm and Adolf Hitler were arrested, Himmler was considered an insignificant supporting actor and therefore did not suffer punishment.
1925: He was fired and, unemployed, decided to join Erich Ludendorff's new political formation, the National Socialist Liberation Movement.
1925: During that period he also met Gregor Strasser, of whom he soon became his personal secretary.
1925: An official of the Lower Bavarian Gau, based in Landshut, he took steps to revitalize the National Socialist sections in the area. He was promoted to vice-Gauleiter of Lower Bavaria-Upper Palatinate
1928: He married Margarete Boden
1929: He was appointed Reichsfuhrer SS by Hitler.
1929: His daughter, Gudrun Himmler, was born
1931: He commissioned Reinhard Heydrich to establish the SD.
1933: When the National Socialist Party took power in Bavaria on March 9, 1933, Himmler took control of the police.
1934: In May 1934, he had command of all police forces, with the exception of Prussia.
1934: He was one of the main organizers of the Night of the Long Knives
1934: As a reward for his role, Himmler gained control of the Gestapo, the secret political police.
1934: he gave the order to search the length and breadth of western Germany, until he found the ruins of the mountain fortress of Wewelsburg
1935: On December 10, 1935, "Lebensborn e.V." was founded in Berlin.
1936: Himmler was appointed Chef der Deutschen Polizei, or commander of the entire police, political and secret activity of the whole of Germany. In this new function, Himmler could participate in meetings of the Hitler government, since his position was equivalent to that of a minister.
1936: In the summer of 1936, he had the thousandth anniversary of the death of Henry I the Birdcatcher celebrated in Quedlinburg.
1936: Himmler issued a decree to proceed with the reorganization of the German police.
1937: At the end of the renovation works, Wewelsburg had transformed into a true shrine, with dozens of statues of Henry I the Birdcatcher, Frederick of Hohenstaufen and other German heroes.
1938: on 28 October 1938, Himmler had a note spread among all SS members, according to which it was a duty for every SS man to procreate at least four children to preserve his good blood before leaving for the front.
1939: The ''Operation Himmler'' begins the Second World War
1942: Reinhard Heydrich held the Wannsee Conference, where the so-called ''final solution'' was organized
1943: on October 4 and 6 he gave the Posen speeches.
1945: Himmler appeared for the last time at Hitler's Führerbunker in Berlin on 20 April 1945, on the occasion of the Führer's birthday
1945: A few days later, on April 23, Himmler met Count Folke Bernadotte, proposing German surrender on the Western Front but not on the Eastern Front; the Western Allies were careful not to take Himmler's peace proposal into consideration; however the offer made was spread through the press and, on 28 April, Radio London announced: "The Reichsführer of the SS claims that Hitler is dead and that he is his successor". In Berlin, a Hitler in the throes of an uncontrollable rage relieved him of all his political and military duties and ordered his arrest and shooting, orders which were not carried out due to the difficult stalemate in which they found themselves all departments of the army of the Third Reich.
1945: He killed himself on the 23 of May, 1945.
Wikipedia: Heinrich Himmler
Heinrich Himmler: the sinister life of the Head of the SS by Heinrich Fraenkel and Roger Manvell
If you don't like it go with your life :))
Note: If I get new information from my research I will edit the post :))
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authorxstrange · 6 months
I figured you wouldn’t mind
It was another chilly day in New York as you pulled your jacket tighter around your body against the sharp cold breeze.
You figured it was about time to head back home after being in your office for the last two days organizing your article.
Of course, just because you decided to head back home didn’t mean you weren’t going to be working. Your next deadline was changed on your impending article. Your boss wanted you to write another piece about Stephen.
The problem with that was the fact that Superheroes can’t just follow your schedule. There’s no real way of predicting when some slimy, hideous creature or psychotic warlock will attack the city.
Of course, the other problem was that you weren’t quite sure how to approach Stephen after last week. What were you supposed to say? How do you casually approach someone after hooking up one spontaneous night out at a bar?
You shook your head, typing in the code and entering the door. You were met with the grace of the heater, warming up your chilly hands and red nose.
You pulled out your phone as you stepped into the lift, pressing the button of your floor before mindlessly scrolling through the various other articles from different publishers.
You had a bad habit of scrutinizing your own work and comparing it to other writers, and looking at articles covering the same topics dulled your mood a bit.
The lift dinged, making you look up from your phone and dig through your pockets for your keys as you walked towards your door.
You swiftly unlocked your door and entered your crappy studio flat without looking up from your phone, flipping the light switch on as you walked over to the counter.
You removed your camera and bag, setting them on the surface as you continued to scroll through articles.
You only looked up when your bathroom door opened, jolting slightly. Out of the bathroom stepped the man himself, Stephen Strange.
In nothing but a pair of sweatpants, drying his hair with a towel.
“Stephen?” You sputtered, your eyes snapping up to his eyes as your face flushed with heat.
“Hey, just the person I wanted to see!”
“What are you doing here?” You asked, eyes still wide and heart still pounding.
“I just came by to ask if you still had those pictures from your last article on your flash drive, but you weren’t here. I figured you wouldn’t mind if I used your shower. I was quite the mess after dealing with some erratic slime monster.” He slung the towel over his shoulder, walking up to you with a soft smile.
“I—Um—Yeah! Let me just…uh…” It was incredibly hard for your eyes to stay put, so you quickly tore your eyes away in favor of digging out your laptop and flash drive.
You managed to pull it out, sticking the flash drive in before pulling up the aforementioned photos. They were photos of a few ancient books from a new museum you wrote for.
“Yes, you’re the best!” Stephen’s grin widened, looking down at the screen and sitting down on one of the bar stools.
You pushed the laptop closer to him before quickly busying yourself with rummaging through your bag for your SD card case.
You pulled it out, placing it in your pocket before grabbing your camera and going through the new photos you took.
You heard Stephen mumbling to himself quietly, but you couldn’t make out what.
Besides breathing, and Stephen’s mumbling, the room was silent. You couldn’t focus on what you were actually doing, because too many questions were racing through your head.
Should you mention the other night? Does he just not remember? Maybe he just regrets it and decided to forget about it? That would make sense, and you thought that maybe you should just forget about the night too.
That is, until Stephen finally spoke up.
“So, about last week…” His baritone voice cut through the silence. At his words, you felt yourself beginning to sweat with anxiety, now mindlessly fidgeting with your camera.
“Yeah—Well, uh…We were both hammered, I understand if you want to forget it happened and just—“
“I really had a good time and I…” You both said at the same time. And then you both stopped, staring into each other’s eyes.
“What?” Stephen asked.
“What?” You asked, your face contorted with shock.
“Well, I was going to ask if you wanted to go out again this weekend—if my duties can permit it—but if you think we should forget it then—“
“NO!” You suddenly shouted, before you clasped your hand over your mouth in embarrassment.
Stephen stared back at you with a quirked brow, but your eyes were darting everywhere but him.
“I mean…” your voice wavered, “I wouldn’t mind…Er…I would really like it if you—I mean, if we—…I’m sorry, I’m just—I’m no good at this!” You pinched the bridge of your nose, your whole face now flushed a bright red.
A gentle grin spread across his cupid-bow lips once again, watching the poor journalist grasp for words you just can’t find.
“Not good at what, being adorable? I thought that was your specialty?” He mused, looking back down at the photos in front of him.
An embarrassed giggle escaped your lips as you tried to calm your racing heart.
“It’s just—Well—Guys don’t usually ask me out…Especially not,” you gestured to him vaguely with your hands, causing him to look back up at you with a smile, “two-time-world-saving superheroes.”
He laughed at your words, rolling his eyes as he studied your expressions.
“I just…Guys don’t really hit on me, and the last guy that did, well…Yeah, it didn’t really…Er, never mind—I guess what I’m really trying to say is—“
Stephen cut your rambling off, grasping your hands in his shaking ones, placing a soft kiss to your knuckles.
“You’re cute when you ramble like that.” Stephen smiled, pulling you closer towards him.
“It doesn’t have to be rushed, we can take as long as you need. I just want you to know that what happened last week wasn’t a fluke, and if you’ll have me, I want to be with you.”
“Stephen, I literally have posters of you hanging up on the wall, what do you mean ‘if I’ll have you’?” You snorted, embellishing in your hands being clasped in his.
Stephen’s smile was contagious, you couldn’t stop yourself from smiling back at him. His deep blue eyes only pulled you further into the depths of the blossoming crush you’d grown for him. And for the first time in a long time, you felt your heart truly embraced with warmth.
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emwritesstuff · 8 months
DYNAMO | Steve Rogers x Reader | part 5.
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HYDRA has made their share of human experiments. You're just one of them. One of the least successful ones. One of the least functional ones. At least your life in the facility gave you a few things: unwavering resilience, cool(ish) superpowers and a great sense of humor. Steve Rogers would strongly disagree with that last one. A single chance encounter with him reluctantly brings you into the Avengers Compound, and you're determined to make his life as miserable as you can. Feeling's mutual.
AO3 | Masterlist | Playlist (coming soon!)
notes: The one where you make a bunch of probably very dumb decisions! This one has 18+ bits, marked by red dividers. MDNI. (warnings: mentions of human experimentation, health related stuff, brainwashing, cursing, smut(!!) ) (5.4K words)
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Cap is waiting the second you leave the visiting room. He looks angrier than ever. It’s not like you didn’t see this coming – in fact, you’re actually shocked Fury managed to keep him at bay long enough for you to have a full conversation with Dr. Steiner.
“Before you begin your speech—”
“There is no speech. Start explaining why you went to talk to him. Alone.”
“Because, first of all, I don’t need babysitting, and second—” You round him up, now closer to the door than he is. You’re surprised he’s not actually blocking your path. “he wasn’t going to talk with anyone else! Not even Nat could make him open his mouth.”
And when Natasha fails at interrogation, well. Game’s usually lost.
He follows you along the maze of corridors as you try and find the way out.
“You do realize how this looks, don’t you? Going behind our backs and doing whatever you want is not—” As he says it you turn, getting right into his face and jamming a finger into his chest.
“Don’t you dare imply I’m teaming up with that HYDRA scum.” You hiss. “I don’t do that anymore, I told you. You’re just so used to everyone who doesn’t follow your book being labeled the bad guy that—”
“I didn’t say that. Bu you are putting everyone here in danger by—”
“I’m not! And I’m not on this goddamn madman’s side. I fled from the Brutkasten under a rain of bullets and a snowstorm! I chose to be here. Even though I know I’m ending up at the Raft at some point or another.”
There’s an ache in your chest, like a fishing hook pulling your organs down to the pit of your stomach. Steve Rogers would never trust you. You’d always be just another piece of shit he wants to wipe out from the world.
“You’re not—” Before he can make an empty promise, you walk out the main door and into the open air.
“Rogers, listen to me: I’m making the conscious choice to believe I have friends now – not you – even though I know this is all business. I know what I was part of. I know it now, but I didn’t then. They raised me to think that place was salvation.” You let out a shaky breath, crossing the cement pavement towards the helicopter Fury had arranged to bring you here. Cap’s motorcycle parked right next to it.
He’s still following you, looking at you with a heavy frown as you hop inside the transport. “I will not spend the rest of my life atoning for sins I didn’t know I was committing. But if you feel like hating me for it, go ahead. I can’t stop you. You’re Captain-Motherfucking-America, after all.”
You want to laugh at his lack of words. All you needed to get him to stop with his constant nagging was reverse verborrhage and a little oversharing. Who knew.
“But maybe not right now. You’re gonna want to meet me at the conference room when you get back. I got some potentially interesting intel.” You say, finally revealing the SD card between your fingers. “See ya, Cap.”
You slam the helicopter door right into Rogers’ face, slapping the pilot’s seat twice to signal you’re ready for take-off.
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You could’ve kept this all under wraps. Could’ve said the conversation with Dr. Steiner was no dice, and opened the contents of the drive alone in your room.
Maybe you should’ve. And yet, something had truly shifted in you. This information had little to no use in your hands, and you’d have to share them with Dr. Banner anyway if you wanted anything to change in regards to your health and your powers.
Which brings you to the conference room, the entire Avengers chorus line sitting around you, waiting expectantly. You’ve already got an empty computer a malware couldn’t get anything from. Plugged the drive in. Entered the password, the obvious one.
7463000195. The same one you have under your sleeve. Easy.
He wants you to see what’s inside.
“Well, what are we waiting for? Fire it up, Sparky.” Tony earns himself a glare, and you’re about to speak when your answer walks in the door. The blonde hair slightly messy from the helmet, but you don’t spare a second glance for further detail.
“Couldn’t have given me a ride on that helicopter?”
“And you’d just leave your bike there?” Rogers shakes his head in defeat, and to celebrate, you do the honors and hit play on the video.
The only content inside the card Steiner had oh so benevolently given you.
It starts with a black screen, a location and a date.
Brutkasten. 24 März 2010.
You’re sitting on a chair inside your bedroom back at the Incubator. Baron Von Strucker is in front of you, watching as doctors and other staff fuss around. You’ve got the classic black HYDRA gear on.
There’s a bed, a small desk and bookcase. Lots of books. An old tube TV. No windows.
The date clicks. “It’s my first solo mission. I was 15 there.”
Fury nods. Steve frowns at you, and Natasha has an empathetic look on her face. You don’t dare notice anyone else.
Asset. 7463.
Gut. Mission?
“Extraction mission. In and out, invade a lab containing a serum for cell regeneration. I never seen it work on anyone when they tested it.” No one’s breathing. All you can see is yours and Strucker’s shapes on the screen now.
Wiederholen: and blood-black nothingness began to spin, a system of cells interlinked within one stem.
15-year-old you repeats dutifully after him. “What’s he doing now?” Sam asks.
You don’t answer. Hands grip your seat tightly. Shocked by the Doctor’s move.
Vernetzt. Vernetzt. Change of momentum with change of time. Noether-Theorem. Hail HYDRA.
You stand in the video, your hands lighting up blue, then your arms and the rest of your body. More power than you can summon now, seemingly without the pain that comes with it. Strucker claps once in satisfaction, and the video ends.
Heads turn in your direction. “That was my programming…Something like Bucky’s—”
You can see the people around shift into a defensive stance, like they’re getting ready for you to explode. You groan. “Not like that. They didn’t need to control me like that.”
It’s true. You did it all willingly. You didn’t know you had other options.
Natasha relaxes, and you could cry of gratitude “What’s it for then? Do you not remember?”
You wish you didn’t remember – but you do. You remember everything, every second, because that’s who you are. You’re sharp; your memory is sharp, your tongue is sharp, the edges of you are all sharp, and they leave you to bleed out whenever you see the numbers branded on your skin.
Covering them feels dishonest. It feels like a lie, so you wear your numbers like you wear everything else: right at the brim of your sleeve and open-faced, bared to the world, and people have to deal with it just as they have to deal with you.
“I do— it’s just… they don’t exactly tell the Assets all the reasons for their methods, you know?”
Fury takes a seat, turning the computer towards himself and playing the video again. “Maybe you could make use of it and find out.”
“No, she’s not doing that.” You sigh, surprisingly thankful fro Rogers, even though his reasons were obviously more about distrust than concern.
“In a controlled environment, of course.”
You raise a hand when he tries to get Fury to shut the laptop down, getting up and closer to the big screen where the image of you is being mirrored.
It seems so… easy for her. Second-nature, like breathing.
A million questions run through your head, like what went wrong with you after that or why on Earth did Steiner want you to see this. Gave it to you on a silver platter, sure you’d come back to him. How could you harness so much energy at once? And so easily?
Is it the programming?
You access every piece of your memories you can, trying to retrieve an answer. They never told you what the words were for. Always used before missions. A similar ritual after them, during wind down.
During missions you were stellar. Flawless, unlike now. You remember most of it.
The only difference between you two is eight years and the use of the programming. When you fled HYDRA, you decided you were going to keep that part of you locked away forever and never think about it again.
The others behind you are discussing multiple theories when you speak up.
“It’s a fail-safe.” You turn around, hands shaking and bile rising up your throat. “Has to be! They put a fail-safe in me so no one could use my powers but them. The words unlock the rest of my – stuff – and make me function…”
You’re pacing, and Sam gets you to stop by grabbing the back of your t-shirt.
“Perfect, then!” Fury says, tapping his laser pointer on the table. “This solves everything. All of those side effects gone and we get a fully-functioning human taser on our roster.”
“Absolutely not.” Steve is still protesting, but your head is torn between the two choices. You want to stay here and for that you need to be useful. Fully-functioning. You also don’t want to be tied to whatever they put inside you. There’s so much pain interlaced with that.
If you keep using what HYDRA gave you, how are you ever going to be able to say you’re not a part of it anymore?
You don’t want to go back to being an asset. Being dysfunctional gave you character, as ironic as it was, like a chipped vase or a stain over otherwise pristine sheets.
“I’d rather… not do that, yeah.” You swallow, taking a seat again. Picking at your nail beds. Steve nods, and you watch his shoulders sag in slight relief. It’s not as contagious as you wish it would be.
The number of eyes on you makes your skin itch. Fury sends you a message through his one-eyed glaring – S.W.O.R.D will surely have feelings about your refusal to take the quickest route to becoming functional – the price matters too little to them.
Sliding the laptop closer, you remove the SD card after shutting everything down. “I’ll take this to Banner – see if that green brain has any brilliant ideas.” You don’t wait for their permission to leave the room, only halting when Steve calls out your name.
“Training tomorrow. Seven-sharp.” You roll your eyes. Back on schedule. It shouldn’t come as a surprise, seeing that today was a big reminder of how ingrained HYDRA was with your very being. Steve Rogers hates HYDRA. And you, who said with very big words that you weren’t going to be the one to stop him.
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You mutually hate Steve Rogers.
Your mood is sourer than the entire sour patch at 7 in the morning. It doesn’t help that Bruce didn’t have any Eureka moments after listening to your theories about your programming. You don’t want to use it and you don’t want to go back to Dr. Steiner, and the feeling of being stuck makes any good spirits you have left in you shrivel and die.
Rogers is sitting at the edge of the fighting rink when you enter the gym, listening to something on his blue iPod. It looks too modern on him, but you have already teased him about carrying a Victrola around last week.
“What’s your soundtrack today? Gregorian chant?” It’s the first genre of music that comes to your head that could be traced back to the middle ages.
“Pink Floyd.” He says, removing the earbuds.
“Wow. Something about Another Brick in The Wall hitting home?”
He scowls and you smirk, but your lips curl back down pretty quickly. “Start warming up, Sparky.”
He hasn’t yet given up on the damn sparring sessions twice a week. You know his game now; he’s trying to get you to submit, so he can mold you into whatever he wants. Into a brick for the Avengers wall.
It’s safe to say you’re more sand and broken glass than you are clay - and today, like most days, you don’t mind the cuts that’ll give to his hands.
You pull a dirty move once you and Rogers have fallen into a rhythm consisting of verbal provocations and physical hits. Asking about his latest TV interview made Cap’s movements stutter. He goes on a lot of them, most go well - his charm and charisma to be credited for that - but some don’t. A lot of people like sharing with Captain America their bullshit opinions on the job only he can do.
You mention the one where he was pressed by the media about Bucky not being locked up and the risks concerning that - if it wasn’t a technical infringement of the Sokovia Accords. When you sense his concentration shift, you kick your heel up to his jaw, a flash of a grin when you hear his teeth clink.
You savor the victory until he catches his breath and gives you a side glance. “If they’re worried about Bucky, imagine what they’ll say when they hear about you.”
You’re hovering over him in an instant, snarling like a feral creature as your fist connects to the same place your heel did then. It’s almost surprising that you land the punch successfully, as if he’d let you. “I’m not a mindless killing machine.”
There’s no meaning behind your words. You never thought of Bucky this way, not after you met him here and he seemed more like a shy forest creature than a highly trained assassin. But in front of Steve Rogers, anything goes.
“I’d still trust the Winter Soldier before I trust you.”
“So being an idiot is also one of your super powers! Was that enhanced with the serum or—” Rogers manages to flip you over on the mat, face down. He presses his full body weight on you, locking one of your arms against your back and the other under you on the mat. His legs tangle with yours, barely allowing you any movement. Your shoulder starts to ache from the position.
“Get off me.” You squirm, huffing the last bit of air that was in your lungs.
“Are you going to calm down?” He gets his answer when you tell him to fuck off, and presses down harder. “I’ve had enough of bad your attitude.”
The way he nearly snarls it against your ear sends a shiver down your spine. The corners of your lips curl up at the aggression, at how he ditches the façade of the perfect, straight-spined soldier only for you. It makes you feel powerful, how you can make the marble crack so you can see the flawed human inside.
“You don’t get to say this crap - that you don’t even mean - just to get a rise out of me. What the hell is wrong with you, huh?” What the hell does he know? You try to kick his legs away, but you’re not even a bit successful. “You’re not like this with anyone else. Why me?”
“‘Cause it’s fun,” You pant, his weight on top of you only getting more overwhelming.
“That’s what you want, isn’t it? To see me lose it,” He drawls, his breath tickling your neck. You squirm again, half because you want to get out of his grasp and half because of something else. “Or maybe you just like it rough…”
The heat of his body makes you feel like you’re being burned alive. You’re completely out of air now, panting helplessly under him. “I can’t…breathe,”
It’s unbearable, even after he lowers the pressure on your shoulders and you can take a deep breath in. He’s still holding you, tight, and you squirm but not to get out of it. The lack of air made your thoughts feel fuzzy.
That’s surely the reason.
Not Steve’s big, warm hand on your hip. His fingers grazing the exposed part of your lower abdomen. “Maybe you want my hand because yours alone isn’t enough.”
“Shut up.”
He chuckles. Cocky, over-confident asshole. You remember you can free the arm that’s under you and try to hit him with it, get back at him for saying that. He takes your meek punch on his bicep, then pins the guilty hand with your other.
Traitorous heat pools between your legs. You hate Steve Rogers. You hate the hand that sneaks under your pants and the way you body arches to make his access easier. You hate how he says, “One word and I’ll stop.”, and you hate how you only bite your lips in response.
Until he slips two fingers into your wetness and a moan escapes. “Damn. I knew you got off on this, dirty girl.”
“Rogers—oh,” He moves skillfully, like he’s not an old man from the 1940’s that clutches his pearls every time someone utters a curse.
But you’re not the only one who’s - although somewhat reluctantly - enjoying yourself. You can feel Steve hardening on your behind and his breath become ragged as he buries his head on the crook of your neck. The realization makes your cheeks heat with both pride and shame. “You’re not much better than me,”
It’s torture how slow he is going. His palm presses against your clit, and you bite back a moan, not ready to give in that easily. Steve is already full of himself as it is. “We’ll see about that.”
You roll your hips in response, earning a groan from him. It makes you chuckle and him curl his fingers inside of you. It’s like a fight, balanced at last.
At least that’s what you tell yourself as he plays you like his favorite instrument. The sounds that he gets from you are wet and unholy. You almost want to turn and admire the focused lines of his brow. Lips pursed in a tight line.
Kissing them would be crossing another.
No, you don’t want to get to that point.
“Look at us. This so… innapropriate. So wrong.” Steve says those words but there is no signs that he intends on stopping the sinful act. Who would’ve thought? You grin, a wild flash of teeth cutting through your flushed face.
“What would everyone think, huh, Cap?”
“No one has to know.”
You can’t help but agree - you don’t even want to think about how mortifying it would be if someone caught you. Not only in the middle of the fighting rink, but at the mercy of Steve Rogers. But it’s off your mind when he speeds up his fingers and pleasure coils on your lower belly.
“Fuck, fuck—” You’re breathless, nails digging on anything you can reach, his large hand and wrist mostly. “Steve.”
“You close, hm?” He whispers condescendingly, and your nearly cry from the humiliation as you nod yes, yes, yes. “Ask for it. Then I might let you finish.”
It’s too much. Your eyes shoot open, and you start struggling again. Now he wants you to beg for it, to fold, to submit, and it’s just too much.
Asshole. Fuck him, fuck him, fuck him.
Steve removes his fingers from you, still keeping his hand there as a veiled promise. Or a threat. You have to bite back a whimper at the emptiness.
“Then no deal.” The way his voice is smooth and calm makes you want to growl. “You didn’t think you’ll have it your way, did you?”
His hand releases yours and you finally turn, cunt still pulsating from being so close to your release and having it so cruelly denied. Then, you spot the volume on his sweatpants and tilt your head.
“Doesn’t seem like you have it all under control, Rogers.”
He smirks. His cheeks are flushed, and the sight would be heavenly if it wasn’t so utterly aggravating.
“I was at war for two years. Frozen for seventy.” He stands up, palming himself but acting like nothing out of ordinary is going on. “I know how to wait, sweetheart.”
Your legs feel like jelly, and there’s not much you can do except watch as Steve walks out of the gym. There’s not even enough strength in you to tell him to shove World War II up his ass.
You really, really hate Steve Rogers.
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“Hello? Earth to Sparky?”
“Peter here has been talking to you for like five minutes now, come on. At least answer the kid.”
You blink. This has been happening for a few days now, you being out of it. You wish it could be blamed solely on your last sparring session with Rogers last week - but your powers had been the main source of frustration in your life lately. The little control you have over them comes paired with raging migraines, fatigue, black spots, the whole package. You’ve tagged along on Nat’s mission two days ago, and it almost went badly. You’re basically useless without your abilities working properly; although your stamina and combat skills have improved greatly since moving into the compound, they stilll can’t compare to everyone else’s - and that include the bad guys you’re supposed to be fighting.
So, yes, your head has been heavy with anxiety and your throat tight with some pills you can’t swallow: S.W.O.R.D, HYDRA, and undeniably, Steve Rogers.
“Sorry. What was the question?”
Peter Parker perks up a little. “Oh! No question, Miss Sparkles, I was just saying how cool are the electrical manipulation superpowers, I mean it’s so—”
“Should see how my brain tries to short-circuit every time I use them. Real cool shit.” You chuckle bitterly, and he blushes and fiddles nervously in his seat. You don’t even need to register Tony pinching the bridge of his nose to feel bad about it. “It’s pretty cool when it works I guess. Fury called me a human taser the other day.”
Tony pauses his tinkering of your suit cuffs and turns around. “Personally I am a fan of Sparky.”
“No way, you need a better name than that!” The mood shifts instantly, like a ray of sun peeking through storm clouds.
“Hey! I’m great with names. And Sparky already stuck so—”
“What do you suggest, Peter?” A second passes while he’s thinking. Then another. “Well?”
“…I’ll think of something.” Peter decides that his time is better spent going back to observing Stark work on your suit, giving some ideas on how to make it better and more functional. Tony completely vetoes giving you access to FRIDAY like they both have, claiming he doesn’t trust you not to change his alarm music to Careless Whisper. It makes you laugh, because that’s actually a great idea.
When they both become focused on their genius thing, you resort to resting your head on your arm and making one of Peter’s dead spider drones move using little sparks from your fingers. You’re almost getting it to turn on when the headache starts.
“Dammit.” You can almost hear Dr. Steiner’s laugh all the way from his cell. It doesn’t help that you accidentally overheard a conversation between Bruce and Tony after they both started researching how to fix you, or at least keep you in one piece. Something about an aneurysm. As if you needed extra confirmation that your brain is trying to explode. They were startled when you walked in, but at least now the whole keep-Sparky-in-the-dark thing is over. It’s why you’re in Tony’s lab, today, why he’s working on giving your suit more precise vital scans, energy measuring and emergency protocols.
A fail-safe of sorts.
You don’t notice as he comes closer and puts a reassuring hand on your shoulder. “We’ll figure it out, Sparks.”
You nod.
Although you can’t help but think that their effort is pointless - and the solution is right in front of you, held by Steiner’s grubby hands and words that resound in Baron Von Strucker’s voice.
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It takes you another week and another mission that could’ve gone better for you to make your decision. Although, surprisingly, it’s not one of your bad days that settles it for you - it’s one of Bucky Barnes’.
You’re sulking after the debrief of said subpar mission. For the others, a small success. The hostages were now all being brought into safety and the terrorists neutralized. For you, a power outage that cost precious intel and 20 minutes of Fury’s classic glare on your forehead. It’s not all him, you know that much - he’s got S.W.O.R.D on his tail and your time to prove yourself to them and the United States Goverment seems to be running out.
After the fiasco, you want nothing more than peace and quiet. So when Bucky starts roaring and the sound of furniture being thrown around bursts your little bubble, you let yourself be annoyed for a minute. Then you take the elevator upstairs. Rogers is there, of course - they share the floor, and he’s already got Bucky in a headlock although a bruise seems to be forming on his cheek. You can’t bring yourself to rejoice and you don’t know what to do with yourself, proceeding to hide in a corner after Steve gives you a look and Bruce runs in with a sedative.
You feel bad for Barnes. There weren’t any casualties, except for his own dignity, the aforementioned furniture and a record player - and because you’re not any good with comfort words, you resort to coercing Sam on running to Best Buy for a record player replacement.
There’s no doubt in your mind that if Bucky had a way to switch off the malware HYDRA installed in his mind, he’d be making use of it. You figure you shouldn’t be wasting yours.
When the time for your next mission comes, you already have a game plan ready. Your words have been passed onto a little notepad, but you have the audio of Strucker’s voice at the ready. You took note of whatever you remembered from the old wind down process too, because you’ll need to come off of whatever state you’ll be at by the end.
It’s easy enough. You get into your gear, drag a chair to the center of your bedroom. Your hands are shaking furiously as you put on your earbuds and hit play on the audio. Your heartbeat roars inside your chest as you repeat the words. Until it slows down, all at once, like flicking a switch. You examine your steady hands, the anxiety from a minute ago vanished. In fact, you can’t bring yourself to feel anything, although bewilderment would be precisely what you’d be feeling when you make your hands and arms light up blue, energy flowing through you like a river.
This is good. This is great!
You don’t know why you haven’t done this before. Actually, you know why - you’ve been scared. Scared about what it would do to you, to the last bits of your soul that you’ve been holding on to so tightly ever since you learned what HYDRA wanted to do with the world. Too scared to even imagine the satisfaction on Dr. Steiner’s face. Like he won.
But he didn’t, and you’re not scared.
You’re not happy, either. You’re not… anything.
Not even Steve brings up the feelings he usually does (and that other, new thing). He has one of his eyebrows raised as you walk in and strap yourself down in a single firm motion.
“Good mornin’ to you too, Sparky.”
You know you should be annoyed right now, huffing and puffing. Your eyebrows don’t even pinch at the nickname. “Good morning, Captain.”
Your voice comes out a little too smooth and a little too robotic, but you hope Steve isn’t paying too much attention - even if he is, soon enough Nat and Sam are walking into the Quinjet and his focus on you is diluted.
You don’t feel the need to clap back at his orders and instructions as the jet lands near another HYDRA base. This one isn’t empty, at least of dozen former members have made it into a makeshift HQ. It’s more of a hunting shack than a fortress, and you’re the first to walk down the ramp, fingers already crackling.
Not even the successful mission brings you joy, with secured intel and that same dozen on their way to prison. You took five of them down yourself, only making the lights flicking a little in the process. You don’t feel pride as Fury debriefs your team, a pleased gleam in his eye.
You don’t feel anything at all.
It catches up with you as soon as you sink into an ice bath and repeats your words in reverse order. Now you remember why this process was such a struggle.
You feel like throwing up, like crying, like hitting Steve Rogers square in the jaw; you feel euphoric and proud and terrified. A migraine as a cherry on top. It’s too much.
You try your best to keep quiet.
“Is everything alright, Miss Sparky? Should I call Dr. Banner?”
You’re startled by the disembodied voice. “Fuck, no, FRIDAY. Everything’s… fine, just… go away.”
“I’ve identified sounds of distress. I need a confirmation you are well, please.”
The chattering of your teeth fills the bathroom.
“I’m peachy. Go to your… computer bedroom or whatever. Jesus.”
“Don’t hesitate to call me if you need assistance.”
Blood is roaring in your ears as your heart beats wildly and you breathe in sharp puffs of air. You basically crawl back to your bed, a naked wet mess.
Your bed.
You have a bed for another day. Another week, even.
“Miss Sparky, Tony? Seriously…”
It makes you laugh a little. Then, you cry until you fall asleep.
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Two days. Two days of peace. Of wondering if your programming had reset your brain somehow, and you finally evicted Steve Rogers and his hands out of your mind.
Foolish of you think that the repressed feelings all have come and gone that night after the mission.
It hits you like a train, and has you squeezing your thighs together for friction. You try your best to focus on Weekend at Bernie’s for a good 15 minutes, to no avail. It’s like the universe is taking a piss out of you, because everyone else has left the compound for the evening, for a reason or another. Even Bucky. But you know he is home. You’ve seen the bike on the garage, the memory of him on top of it not helping your case. It’s not just because of that fatidical morning that you’re like this - it’s because of the other times, too.
Maybe you want my hand because yours alone isn’t enough.
You let out an irritated groan, kicking the blanket off your legs like a bratty child.
You already know working solo won’t work. You’ve tried. What you need is to get it done, get it - him - out of your system, so you can move on.
Goddamn you, Rogers.
“FRIDAY?” You close your eyes, shaking your head when the AI responds. “Give me Roger’s location. Now.”
“Captain Rogers is currently down at the compound gym. Boxing area.”
Of course he is.
You don’t bother dressing up - the bath robe you’re in will have to do. You don’t even put on shoes, but it doesn’t matter because the way down to the gym is mostly carpet and ceramic.
Do you know what you’re going to do when you get there and face him? No. But you’re fixing this problem here and now. You’re either kicking his ass or… good lord. No matter. You’ve held on long enough, and your torment ends today.
He looks away from the punching bag when you slide the door open, raising his eyebrows as you march up to him.
“Can I help you?”
Yes. You can help by undoing whatever you did to me with those hands, dammit.
He’s panting from his workout, shirt clinging to his body. His eyes roam yours, a bit too exposed now from the knot of your robe loosening up.
“We have… unfinished business.”
Steve smirks. He steps towards you, and he’s so… tall. Overpowering, like looking up at a marble statue in a museum. It takes everything on you not to run away.
No. This ends today. You’re having it your way.
“And what am I supposed to do about that, darlin’?”
Jesus H. Christ.
Get it together.
You’re not sure if you want to punch him in that stupid pretty face or—
“Start by shutting the fuck up, Rogers.”
Or grab him by the collar and slam your lips onto his.
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beansproutsong · 8 months
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[Proxy] Twisted Wonderland Exhibition Goods
For you who missed out on Twisted Wonderland Exhibition, I will organize a group order. This might be your chance to get the limited items Items including the plush (event costume version), accessories, standee, and even wax seal and nail chip.
Please check this site if you want to see the pictures in details: https://online.aniplex.co.jp/FPSImhnS
Item lineup:
Villains sticker: 380JPY each
Villains mask case: 600JPY each
Villains smart phone case: 3800JPY (universal type, if you have a big size like iPhone promax, it might not fit)
Villains Tshirt: 3800JPY
Villains tottebag: 2600JPY
Bandana (for each dorm): 1980JPY
Badges: 440JPY (random 1pcs) or 9680JPY complete set
SD acrylic standee: 550 JPY (random 1pcs) or 12100JPY complete set
Keychain: 880 JPY (random 1pcs) or 19380JPY complete set
Character motif clearfile (pick character): 550JPY
Event Scenery diorama standee: 1800JPY (please specify the event)
Event handkerchief: 1650JPY (please specify the event)
Event lace: 1500JPY (please specify the event)
Event nail chip: 3900JPY (please specify the event)
Key visual mask case: 600JPY
Key visual clearfile: 550JPY
Key visual poster: 1100JPY
Key visual canvas art: 5000JPY
Hologram card set: 800JPY
Shopper: 600JPY
Pop-up letter: 1100JPY
Candy set: 1200JPY
Cookie set: 2300JPY
Metal Charm keychain: 1980JPY (only dorm leaders available)
Magic wand ballpoint: 2200JPY (per dorm)
Hand mirror: 5800JPY
Wax Seal: 6800JPY (per dorm)
Embroidery Character Keychain: 6800JPY (per character)
Charm Necklace: 24000JPY (only dorm leaders available, material is silver925)
Grimm face pouch: 2400JPY
Grimm balloon: 500JPY
Grimm / Ghost / Lucius Coin Pouch: 1900JPY
Anniversary pin: 800JPY
Event-style pouch: 2300JPY (please specify event)
Ghost-camera shoulder bag: 5800JPY
Premium Art-board: 35000JPY (per dorm)
Event-style plush: 2200JPY
Notes, please read carefully:
Preorder will start from 22nd January until 10th February. Some items are not preorder and might sold out if the quota already fulfilled.
So if you're interested, please make the order as soon as possible
The price below does not include my proxy and shipping fee
Worldwide shipping OK
Questions are very much welcomed
Dorms leader: Riddle, Azul, Leona, Kalim, Vil, Idia, and Malleus
Event: Happy Beans, Fearie Colors, Ghost Marriage, etc
Shipping date is unknown for now.
You can DM me here or at my twitter @angelic1408 to place your order
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tanglepelt · 1 year
Run Ghost Run 12
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Batman in Amity and The leauge meets
A secret organization, government experiments, and a possible act of war against an entire race. The anti-ecto acts could set off something bad. If the entities were even remotely protective of one another it could be disastrous. This must be rectified quickly. Before it became too late.
It may already be.
A child had been strapped to a table.
The more information and evidence the better the easier to get the acts revoked. Starting with the town that was referenced as an example in them.
Amity Park
The town was a mess. RV-sized holes in buildings bent streetlights, and crushed cars.  An alarm going off everywhere in town. Post with the system at nearly every corner. Warning of a ghost attack and to stay in your homes. That the Fentons or GIW would handle it shortly. Clearly, a pre-recorded message just playing on a loop.
No civilians out and about. Doors and windows are all shut tight.
The entire town is in lockdown.
Making sure their presence remained unknown was the priority. This whole town functioned from the shadows. No communications outside of the city. When connected to a network within the town mentions of the league or heroes just bring up comics. The outside world is wholly hidden away.
Agents in white watching every entrance and exit in town. Patrolling the streets weapons are always manned. None of the agents hadn’t been holding a weapon. Breaking into homes unannounced utilizing the anti-ecto acts. Clearly searching for something… someone, with an escaped child he knew who.  This agency willingly “studied” a child. Steph had described the scene to him.
The league needed to meet.
The FentonWorks lab had been picked clean. Not a single thing left in sight. Just an empty makeshift lab. Where items once stood only a clean surface in their wake. The surfaces were lighter, no dust, and anything there was just gone. The only oddity was scorch marks along the walls and floors of the lab. Indicating weapons or blasts of some kind going off
The “hidden” cameras and listening devices throughout the lab were of no use. Not currently recording and is not set up to the local network. Sd cards were removed and no digital evidence was found. It was all wiped clean.
Snapping photos of what appeared to be a door. One with yellow and black lines across. Metal bars seemingly lock it in place. A glance around and there seemed to be a finger scanner to access the open and close switch on the wall.
They needed all the information they could obtain.
Then they could expose the acts and figure out what can be done regarding these ecto-entities.
They were unknown. This injustice done to one may mean nothing to them. It could be a race that doesn’t care about one another, or it could be extremely protective. Either way, it seemed to be a powerful race.
Especially if the few reports he’d read so far from the GIW were to be believed.
Stephanie and Cass had been frozen in time. The communicators and trackers only resumed at the time they were stopped at. Nothing had continued moving forward if it was just them the internal clocks would be right. The two hadn’t even realized it. Until he showed up already in Illinois when the trackers turned back on.
The two believed it was just a response to the alert Steph had sent. No indication anything had occurred.
Yet the time in Amity was right.
Only a small area had been under the effects.
Time unfroze with the arrival of Danny into Gotham. To be exact when the “darkness” as Duke put it took him. It could be an instance of only one power at a time, a secondary entity helping, and too many other things.
The cleaned-out lab is an indication of one of two factors. Them packing up and moving, or it's being cleaned out by an outside force. Neither is good, their packing up would be the best case. Then it would only be a matter of locating Jack and Maddie Fenton. If an outside force such as the governing body of the very race they targeted, it would be a harder force to deal with.
It was likely an outside force. With the scorch marks in the lab and the mess left from the stairs to the exit. Furniture was knocked down; papers were scattered. Whoever was here was quick to get out.
The two “scientists” did need to be found.
Jack and Maddie Fenton brought the boy to the building. The one where he was hastily patched up and thrown in a cell.
They handed over their own son.
That’s what everything pointed to. The living room is peppered with family photos. Ranging from the children being young and into their teens. Holiday photos where the boy looked ready to smack down with Santa and the mom seemingly yelling at said Santa. Scattered awards and trophies for Jasmine Fenton. A news article on display regarding the discovery of a female purple humpback gorilla. Nothing besides the knocked-down furniture and research notes scattered to indicate anything wrong with the room.
Steph and Cass confirmed the boy in the photo passed out and was forced into that facility. The body frame and outfits the two wore in every photo matched the description of brought him in. Bright orange and blue outfits don’t keep people hidden. One picture included an armored RV with the family in front of it. Green ghost on the side and tracked wheels. A weaponized vehicle that wasn’t within the vicinity of the building. It would have to be marked down they may have it.
All evidence pointed to the parents turning him over.
He’s had enough of FentonWorks.
Constantine had his own pressing world-ending crisis, so yea powerful race.
When Constantine is willing and ready for a meeting. You know something is wrong. The government had messed up badly this time.
Cass and Steph had wrapped up their searches. Cass leaves the daughter's room scrapbook in hand. One filled with clippings of new articles. Things titled such as, Danny Phantom saves kids, Phantom menace, or hero, that was the infinite realms, no more green skies, and even some odd ads. Did skeletons damage your home?
Stephanie has a full NASA backpack and laptop in her hand. No answers are to be had.
Too much work to get done. It was time they headed out. There was an entire hard drive of data to get through before he met with the league.
It was going to be related. An attack on an unknown species and an entire act allowing them to be experimented on and exterminated on sight. He didn’t believe in coincidences.
With Constantine’s now active participation, he had to get moving. The computer could read out reports by files while he got to the watchtower. He’d have to trust Cass and Stephanie to get back to Gotham on their own.
They’d follow through this time. Too much happening back in Gotham for them not to.
With Stephanie and Cass on their way back he made his way to the watchtower.
Emerging from the shadows of the watch tower in the meeting room Constantine began the minute he became in view.
“Someone on earth bloody messed with the infinite realms.
Nearly a week ago a warning was sent. One from the infinite realms. It houses all afterlives and dimensions. The infinite realm has always been sealed away from other realms for centuries.”
The realm doesn’t function like Earth. The entire bloody realm is full of ectoplasm, everyone there is linked through it. A single warning would send it to everyone. Everyone would get it.
There are the citizens who take to fights immediately to settle small differences. A warning is no small deal.
Anyone with an inkling of magic would have felt it. Those with ecto even more so. “
Did the kids have ectoplasm in them? All the ones he knew of that experienced the glow had passed. Jason’s silence was enough of a giveaway. The afterlife was supposedly full of this stuff so it would stand to reason that they could have lingering effects.
This brought up questions about the origins of the Lazarus pits, but that would just have to wait.
“The prior king, Pariah Dark, was known for destroying other dimensions for fun. With fright knight by his side and Skelton's army under his command, the citizens actively have world-ending fights inside the realm. It was a bloody no-touch zone. A new king has overthrown Pariah.”
Amity was at the center of it. Green skies, skeleton armies. The articles didn’t elaborate much on who did the fighting, but the town had been sucked in. The Fenton’s as awful as cruel as they seemed had been accredited to forming a ghost shield to protect the people. They just were extremely biased against the “ghosts”.
“Someone bloody well got in contact. Enough that the newly made royal sent us a warning. One of which none of my contacts will enlighten me. Not even if it was a mockery or an actual warning. Jack nothing. Only humans messed up and are doomed. Touching citizens of the realm. Safe to assume a portal.”
The door in the Fenton lab perhaps?
“A day after the warning the realm felt antsy. More beings coming through made portals. One day after that active movement began. Portals are being made from the realm to Earth. Searching for something or someone”
The timeline fit.
“Yesterday Deadman got a bloody warning an evacuation for all ecto beings was being launched. Not one is to stay on earth. A full search of the earth prior to their attack”
That would have been when Daniel first arrived in Gotham. If they were evacuating all ecto beings, they could be searching for him. If it was all... did that include his kids the ones that felt the warning? Or did they not count?
“Just a courtesy call to the ghosts. Two different species, one of magic and the other powered by ectoplasm. Just inform them that it may be time to move on away from human scum. Which is bloody great.
Not a lick of what we did or didn’t do for the warning.”
That’s where he cuts in. Before any cussing storm could happen. They’d be hearing that shortly.
“Experimentation, hunting, and an act by the US government legalizing it all.”
That got all eyes on him. Thus began his explanation, just what was needed. Fill in the timetable, and explain the acts. Tim’s power point was very informative, all the imperative details laid out. The whole frozen in time, all the notes he had about Jack and Maddie Fenton.
He’d keep Daniels's name out of it for now. If it became necessary, he’d mention it. After everything he’d gone through, he wouldn’t spill all his secrets. Only saying there was a potential ecto entity currently hiding out in Gotham. That it was Oracle who had noticed him. What was known about the experiments? The scene Steph had described wasn’t in the GIW database. Only the injection of blood blossoms.
That got the cuss train going. After Constantine and others got their sentiments out.
“The only bloody good thing out of your mouth as he went to Gotham. Your cursed city has its own sentient ecto-being. A very protective one. Lady Gotham is not one to mess with. A master manipulator of feelings.
If he is there, she would have only allowed it if it kept her city safe.”
Sentient ghost. Alright, he could think about that later.
“If he was injected with blood blossoms, he’s likely dying. If that’s the case, we can’t let that happen. A warning was already ignored. If one of them dies anything they have planned will be worse.”
That changed things. Constantine would have to come back to Gotham with him to see what can be done. See if Daniel knew what was going on and get him help.
The acts needed to be addressed and a hunt for Jack and Maddie Fenton.
The GIW seemed contained to Amity Park, they would be the easy ones to locate. There was still the security footage to search through and a town to fully get into.
The other members of the league would have to handle that.
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womensworldtour · 5 months
5 Takeaways from La Vuelta Feminina
Competition is good.
There were no boring stages. Every stage of La Vuelta Feminina was competitive this year, and most were quite close. Even the sprint stages ended up having major GC action with the cross-winds. If you look at the results, it seems to favor the super teams like SD Worx-Protime and Visma Lease-a-Bike, and they certainly did have good results. But every stage was hotly contested, there were no dominant solo breakaways, and teams like FDJ-Suez or EF Education-Cannondale played their cards well to upset the favorites for some stage races. Frankly, the Vuelta Feminina was a lot more fun to watch than the men's Giro d'Italia is looking to be. (There, we said it!)
2. La Vuelta Feminina's spot on the calendar is fantastic.
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We think the organizers of the Vuelta Feminina have absolutely nailed the spot on the calendar. That lull at the end of the spring classics was just begging for a stage race, and Spain's beautiful countryside and cities look best in spring. That's always been the down side of La Vuelta versus Le Tour in the men's calendar, the scenery is so much greener and prettier during the Tour in July than the Vuelta in August. A spring Vuelta solves that problem and avoids overlap with the Tour de France Femme or the Giro Donne, bringing top talent to the race.
3. Weird dynamics at SD Worx-Protime continue.
Honestly, we don't know what is going on in this team. Demi Vollering's performance was great, she deserved both stage wins and the general classification. But her best mountain domestique was arguably Grace Brown of FDJ-Suez and not any of her own teammates. There were times when Marlen Reusser or Mischa Bredewold seemed to attack Vollering, or when Vollering was leading out the group with her own teammates behind. It didn't escape our notice that Vollering wasn't on the podium when SD Worx accepted the best team award. No one outside the team can tell, but Abby Mickey of the Escape Collective probably said it best when she said "the SD Worx-Protime team bus can’t be a fun place to hang out at the moment."
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4. Crashes continue to be a real danger.
It's been a horrible year for crashes in both the men's and women's peloton, and the Vuelta Feminina saw its share of them, even in the winning team on the first TTT stage! It's a shame we didn't get to see a rematch of Gaia Realini versus Demi Vollering due to Realini's crash and withdrawal, although Evita Muzic took us somewhat by surprise and rose to the challenge instead. Likewise, the withdrawal of very strong riders like Ellen van Dijk (Lidl-Trek), Anna Henderson (Visma Lease-a-Bike), Emma Norsgaard (Movistar), Marta Cavalli (FDJ-Suez), Clara Emond (EF Education-Cannondale), and several others due to injuries from crashes was a real shame.
5. Several riders and teams are stepping up.
It wouldn't be fair to say that Evita Muzic has been flying below anyone's radar, but until last week, we didn't know how good her form has become. If she hadn't been caught in the second group during the crosswind echelons of Stage 4, she would have had a real shot at the podium, but she can be happy with her stellar victory on Stage 6. Similarly, Riejanne Markus was remarkably consistent in the mountains and her second-place finish is a real mark to watch her in future GC competitions. Both FDJ-Suez and EF Education-Cannondale were very strategic, using their riders effectively, and nabbed some great stage wins as a result. Ricarda Bauernfeind's (Canyon-SRAM) sixth-place finish was impressive, if only because she lost two minutes in the Stage 4 crosswind split, and was presumably riding for teammate Kasia Niewiadoma until Niewiadoma had to withdraw due to illness.
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And we have to tip our hats to Karlijn Swinkels of UAE Team ADQ, who fought mightily to keep the mountains classification jersey after winning it in Stage 2, which enlivened several of the breakaways throughout this year's Vuelta Feminina. We would prefer to see the polka-dot jersey points to be calculated so as to not favor the GC winner, and the last-minute rule change before Stage 8 probably doomed Swinkels' campaign to win the Queen of the Mountains, but Swinkels fought hard regardless, and for that we salute her.
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forestthechonkykitty · 6 months
hi i just read your blog description and
how does one even begin to go about downloading an entire bootleg onto a Nintendo 3DS, of all things? what exactly prompted you to do this?
I am so glad you asked!
I enjoy the 3DS (and have an alt blog dedicated to my Nintendo shenanigans!) and I absolutely love having access to media entirely offline and without a buffering time! And to complete the trifecta, I had very bad writers block at the time. So uh there’s the why, the but how is chaos so do buckle in
First, I needed a bootleg as an MP4 as the 3DS no longer runs YouTube and I wanted to have it 100% offline. YouTube downloader and 5 minutes and that part was done. Next, actually getting it on the 3DS. A 3DS doesn’t tolerate MP4 files, and despite mine being homebrewed, I couldn’t find a program to play MP4 files. I, being me, tried to finagle it into working anyway. Unsurprisingly it didn’t, so back to the drawing board.
It took a few minutes of furious googling to remember that the 3DS had a pre-installed camera. That could take videos. However, there were some unfortunate limits..
- The filetype needed to be changed from MP4 to AVI.
- The videos could not exceed 10 minutes.
- The resolution is.. bad. 480x240. But if I wanted to watch Tanz with good resolution, why would I download it to a 3DS, eh? A grade-A viewing experience is clearly not the goal here.
Got to work chopping Tanz into 7-10 minute segments in the most sensible places I could. This is what took the longest, as I wanted the cuts to make some sort of sense. I tried to cut between songs or scenes, on top of an already present break in the music. Next, I ran all of these files through a converter to get them in the AVI that the 3DS can understand. Lastly, there was the small task of getting them onto the SD card and storing backup files in an organized manner on my computer so I can get Tanz onto my OTHER 3DS consoles at a later date. I also have a Switch Lite that I’d like to put it on, but my silly camera exploit won’t work because the Switch doesn’t have a camera. Shame.
Anyway I had to name the files so they would appear in order on the laptop and on the 3DS, and I had an AVI and MP4 for each portion. I think there were like 15 parts? I’ll check in the morning, I’m very tired and the system is dead at the moment. But there’s a folder in the applications section than I transferred the video files into, checking every so often to make sure they were working and uploading properly, and luckily they were so it was just a drag and drop operation from there. And that’s how I got Tanz on a 3DS.
I’ll proofread and add images (I think my blog banner is the Tanz credit screen on the 3DS) in the morning, and better explain some stuff. If you have any questions about this or other 3DS stuff please feel free to ask! I love to talk about it!
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objecthusbandry · 22 days
i have an sd card and i've been wondering, what are the little golden things on the back for in objects like that?
those are sensory organs! they're similar to whiskers almost. they can detect things such as changes in air pressure, temperature and vibrations! they also appear in objects like game cartridges as well
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unauthorized-poptart0 · 10 months
Today my switch took its last breath of air. Not recognizing my sd card, freezing up then crashing and never turning back on again despite having enough battery power. Please if anyone can donate 5-10$ that would be amazing as we have cats we can no longer afford that many expenses.
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giantimpex · 9 days
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shrinkthisviolet · 6 months
Talk Shop Tuesday: Do you do much research for writing? Do you have a way to decide which parts get researched and which don't?
I do quite a bit of research for writing, yes! As for what gets researched and what doesn’t…honestly, it’s down to “do I know this thing already/could I explain it”.
For example, I have quite a bit of basic biology and medical (very basic, I’m still a premed) knowledge, simply because of the classes I’ve taken, so I don’t have to research that (I know what a gene is, where it comes from, what can be created from it, different ways to analyze it…also the basic overview of most organ systems. Just to name a few things offhand).
But if I were to write about…for example, whump, where I’d need to know the nitty gritty of first aid and how to treat certain injuries…I’d need to research that (I learned what a tourniquet was this way!) 😅 same for something like the Flash when I’m trying to work out pseudoscience for Morgan’s powers (how much are forcefields capable of? Is it something I can pseudoscience an explanation for?) or Caitlin’s (what makes her turn evil? What does the cold do to her physiology?)
Same for if I need to pseudoscience a device that I’m not sure actually exists — Hartley’s device in “i still love you (i promise)” is an SD card with super storage, because it was the only memory device unobtrusive enough, and artificially stretching the memory limit with “writer”s license”, giving it slightly more storage than it would, more akin to a flash drive. Though ofc this required me to research various kinds of memory devices 😅 SD cards, flash drives, the subtypes of each, etc.
talk shop tuesday!
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