#So Bruce looks like he should be Dead or Worse but Isn't
puppetmaster13u · 1 year
Batman Au idea
 Where Bruce becomes the literal spirit of Gotham. Maybe there used to be another spirit that passed it to him, maybe he was always the spirit, maybe he ascended to it as the Bat become near synonymous to the city itself.   He’s gotten injured so many times, in so many ways that should kill him, render him bedridden for weeks, yet it never keeps him down. Something entwined with his very being says he needs to be out on the streets, on the skyline, in the shadows of the alleys and hidden on the roofs of the buildings, that he can’t just lay there and do nothing. So he doesn’t.   He couldn’t deal with Jason’s death, it would break him. He couldn’t, so Jason couldn’t die, he wouldn’t. The Lazarus pits may have been used to heal him, but it wasn’t what brought him back.   The joker has died. Died many, many times, only to be brought back again and again and again. Because death would be too kind to him. Some part of Bruce whispers about how something far worse will happen if the Joker stays dead, because it will no longer be in his control on if they stay that way.   The only reason he appears human is because he still believes himself to be so. 
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brucewaynehater101 · 3 months
Tim falling in the time stream and YJ fishing him out happens post brucequest so Bart and Kon are alive which helps Cassie keep herself from being gaslit by well meaning members of the justice league who completely forget/ignore/disregard that Batman literally just came back from the "dead" and so Cassie can have Kon and Bart there to keep her from forming or joining another cult
Bruce's reaction depends on the writer and how they feel about Bruce though his family seeing him go into a depressive spiral at the loss of a kid in his custody and getting some partial insight into just how bad he may have been immediately post Jason and the stuff that Tim had to deal with would be interesting, and the family dynamics of dealing with Damian who no longer has the verbal punching bag and focus of jealousy that is Tim available
Ooh. Now I want to kill Tim off in a fic and watch the batfam implode as they deal with their grief and come to several realizations. I've got too many WIPs for that, though.
Anyways, YJ is out here gripping their sanity and determination to bring Tim home by their blood-stained finger nails. It's hysterical laughing, refusing to cry (because he's not dead), and chaotic adventures that aren't as fun without Tim.
When Tim gets back, all four of them (and the retired members) are in agreeance. Fuck the JL. Fuck the other heroes.
For the batfam, we'll say Bruce can't go out to find Tim for plot. The exact reason can be up to the dealer, but he either doesn't hear YJ's theories, or he can't go look for Tim.
This traps Bruce with the rest of the batfam.
Damian, a kid who still looks up to his dad, is suddenly forced into Tim's Robin's role.
He, at first, isn't too upset that Batman is being harsher. Surely, the man would know what's best. Perhaps he's just realizing that criminals should he punished harder (not personal beliefs, obv. Just speculation of Damian's mindset).
Then Bruce gets worse. And worse.
Suddenly, the twelve year old is frozen as he watches the brutality of which Batman is pummeling someone. He's watching as blood flings off of Bruce's gauntlets onto the alley floors and walls. He's hearing the victim pleading.
Damian's not scared. Of course he isn't. That's ridiculous....
He just kind of wishes his Batman, Dick, was there instead.
Damian also has lost his ability to insult Tim. While it's not uncommon to go months without seeing Drake, his family's reactions to Damian's usual comments have changed. Suddenly, everyone is yelling at him or getting angry for what he's saying. He knows Tim died (and gods does it burn that he'll never get to know the older man), but why is the family getting mad at him? They've always let the comments go in the past.
It's an unhealthy coping mechanism and mindset that Damian developed of continuously comparing himself to Drake and dragging the older man down. It's a bit late, but Damian realizes that he doesn't hate Tim. He might have even admired him. He was blinded by his need to feel wanted in a family that chose everyone but him (at least, that's how he thought it was).
It's cruel he only comprehended this after Tim's death.
Jason is still on the outskirts of the family. Yet, from his distance, he has a front row seat to watching Bruce rapidly descend into his grief. Maybe the man denies that's what Bruce was like when Jason died (because Bruce liked Tim more than Jason). Someone points out that any animosity Jason and Bruce have was post his revival (and honestly fuck them for that). They also point out that this Bruce, the spiraling wave of fury, is a much more supported and restrained Batman. Tim, as a thirteen year old, witnessed and pulled this man from his even worse grief.
Jason doesn't know how to process that.
Dick is older and closer. He has to grapple with the fact that he failed another little brother. Another one is dead.
He also has to watch his dad descend into grief all over again. He's closer than he was when Jason died, back when he was brimming with rage at Bruce and despair. He's getting a closer production of Bruce's unhealthy coping skills.
He has to explain to his siblings and himself that last time, when Jason died, Tim weathered this storm. Dick came around, but not nearly enough. He couldn't for his own mental health.
That doesn't assauge his guilt.
Cass :( Imma say she's out there helping YJ. She believes them. It doesn't change how much Tim's death hurts, but she holds onto hope.
Alfred has to watch his son mourn again. Alfred has to mourn his grandson and watch his son destroy himself again. Alfred has to watch the family implode upon itself.
He doesn't have hope that another kind soul like Tim's will be here this time around. He can only offer support as he hopes the family makes it through this time.
When Tim comes back, he's not angry that the JL didn't help or believe YJ. He's not even disappointed.
He's resigned.
He's not upset the Bats didn't do anything either.
Creating YJ wasn't originally about ensuring Tim had support he could count on. He's glad it turned into that, though. He wouldn't give any of them up for the world.
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help-itrappedmyself · 7 months
Dead On Main AU Part 4
Jason listens carefully to Jazz’s half of the conversation, but Jazz seems to be mostly listening. Jazz says he’s taking him to Nasty for dinner, which Jason can’t say he’s excited about. He doesn’t know if Nasty is supposed to be describing the food or the place. Either way it is not comforting that whatever Nasty is, it is somehow a better source of food than his soulmate’s house. 
Eventually Jazz hands the phone back to him. 
“Everything good?” Jason asks.
“Yeah, your dad, Dick, and Tim are going to be driving me over, but It’s a long drive so Jazz will get you dinner and then you can do whatever. I have a gaming system, and you’re welcome to use my bed. If you need help finding clothes, or really with anything, then Jazz will help you.”
“Got it.” Long drive with B, Dick, and Tim. They’re all going to interrogate him immediately. While he’s trapped in a box with them for hours. “Hey, my family is really nosy and they will pry and they have no emotional cues so they will not know when to stop. Just… Tell them if they’re bothering you, and you don’t have to answer anything you don’t want to.” Jason doesn’t know who will be worse in this scenario. Bruce is going to interrogate him for literally everything, Dick is probably going to be all relationships and feelings, Tim is a nice in-between which just means he’ll probably support any and all interrogating. 
“Same goes for you. Jazz is studying to be a psychologist, and my entire family forgets that we’re not all test subjects for whatever they’re working on. Mom and Dad with their gadgets, and Jazz with her… studying and analyzing you. There are no boundaries.” 
“Oh, I’m familiar with that concept.” Jason chuckled.
“Well, given the circumstances I’d say if we can survive each other’s families that’s probably a pretty good sign.”
Kid is probably right. Fate and everything. 
Jazz goes out to clear a path to the door, making sure there are no weapons to run into. When she gets back she leads Jason out, but when they get to the ground floor Jason is grabbed. 
“Happy Birthday Dann-o!” The person holding him is tall. Very tall compared to Danny, and taller than Jason in his regular body. He has black hair and it looks like he's wearing a jumpsuit. After squeezing to the point where Jason couldn't breath for a second Jazz gets the man to put him down. 
“Dad, this isn't Danny right now.” 
“What do you mean princess, of course it is!” 
A woman comes around the corner to stand next to the man, she is also in a jumpsuit but she has Jazz’s red hair.
“Guys, it's his sixteenth birthday.” So Danny's parents remember his birthday but not how old he is? Could be that they’ve forgotten the significance of a person’s sixteenth birthday, but given it should be an important day in a child’s life, they should have remembered.
“We know it's his birthday dear.” The woman comes over to give Jason a hug as well, but this one is less painful. And she's tall too, Jason is not used to feeling this short anymore.
“Mom, Dad, this is Jason. Danny’s soulmate.” The both of them just blink for a second. Jason, this is Drs. Jack and Maddie Fenton, Danny’s parents.”
“Nice to meet you both.” Jason gets out.
“Well, this is wonderful!” Dr. Fenton-Maddie says. “Figures Danny would be the younger one. Are you going to be here for dinner?”
Jason glances over at Jazz.
“No, you told us that you would be busy, so we already made plans.” Jazz sidesteps the invitation. Jason couldn’t tell if that was true or a lie to get him out of the situation. Would they tell their son that they were too busy to have dinner with him on his birthday? He wants to think the answer is no. “Shame Danny will be missing out, but we’ll save his presents for him.”
“Alright, well you kids have fun then!” Maddie and Jack left as quickly as they came, rambling about something that Jason could not understand.
“They didn’t want to know where Danny is? Who he’s with? Where we’re going? Anything?” Jason turned to Jazz who had a pinched look on her face.
“Neither of us get up to much trouble, they’ve trusted us for a while now.” 
“Trust him to be magically transported who-knows-where?” Jason is almost stupefied by the utter lack of regard for Danny’s well-being. He is insulted on his soulmate’s behalf. “He could be in another country for all they know! They didn’t even ask!”
Jazz nods. “Best not to think about it. Everything is turning out alright anyways. Now come on, let’s get dinner.”
Jason is seething, but doesn’t think it will do much good to argue with her here so he decides to calm down. He startles a little when he realizes how easy it is to calm down in this body. Just decide to, and then move on. None of the lingering churning in his gut or fog in his mind. 
He frowns as he follows Jazz out the door, hoping that Danny’s not having too hard a time in his body.
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I'm obsessive over my Constantine Jr Au (which still needs a fic name for, I'm open to suggestions) because
this is a cranky danny. he's spent years fighting with no end in sight, with parents who he can't trust and his only companions never truly understanding what he's going through.
he vapes CBD for the pain he's constantly in. he drank alco/hol once to help him sleep, but his parents smelt it on his breath and, just like with their research, took that to believe EVERYTHING they'd ever suspected about danny to be true: that he drinks, he does dru/gs, he's in a gang. the only thing they've never suspected their son of--being a ghost--is the one thing he actually does.
then, right on the cusp of eighteen and freedom, he gets outed. AND transformed into a seven-year-old.
this is not a danny who is willing to play at being a child. and if anyone tries to, they're in for a foul time.
Danny was 17, transformed into a 7 year old and hides in Bludhaven, and is 8 when the police finally figure out that, hey, this weird kid who keeps altering us to crime scenes is usually right on the money about who the killer is, we should investigate that. Officer Grayson is on the case!
And discovers that he absolutely can't STAND this kid.
He thought he liked kids! Everyone thought he liked kids! but this kid...
This isn't called the Constantine Jr AU because Danny is a supernatural detective, or because Danny might be Constantine's kid. Its because Danny is an unrepentant little bas/tard and he makes it everyone's problem.
Danny vapes and blows bubblegum smoke in Grayson's face.
He takes out a flask and Grayson's grabs it, learning its full of orange juice. Danny then takes out a second flask, this one with vod/ka.
He wears a trenchcoat he found in the trash (the same trenchcoat Nightwing wears in DC vs Vampires, if you know you know) but the end and the sleeves are cut off for his hands and legs. the pockets are roughly around his knees.
Grayson is desperate to figure out more about this kid, but he doesn't go to batman because, time-line wise, this is right before red hood starts running around. Jason is dead/alive-in-hiding, Tim is Robin, and Dick is mad about it. (ages-- Bruce: ? Nightwing: 24 Jason: 19 Tim: 15 Danny: 8 Damien: 7-8)
he doesn't really bond with the kid until they're both kidnapped by a gang for hostages, and Danny's big kid emotions get a hold of him (he thought he could escape them bc he's an adult, he's gone through worse, but nope! child brain chemistry). Grayson is worried that he's hurt and in pain, but Danny confesses that he's always in pain. he has nerve damage all over his body, and the only thing he really trusts is CBD. He feels like shit for taking his juul away, but more importantly, because he's been treating Danny like a irritant and just a little kid.
they get rescued and Grayson tries to take him back to his home, but Danny reveals he's homeless, saying something like "I sleep where it suits me, just drop me off whereever."
Absolutely not, Grayson is taking kid back to his place for a bed, food, and a shower, in whatever order the kid wants.
Danny stays semi-perminantly at his apartment, but Nightwing tries not to push it, because this kid practically screams flight risk. unfortunately, the paparazzi have nothing better to do and snap a pick of Grayson and Danny getting dinner together, speculating that Dick's taken after Bruce
Danny doesn't care too much; I think his ghost form is the same, if glitchy, so his parents don't know about the deaging. Grayson is mildly panicking, but its not like he HASN'T been considering adopting the evil troglodyte. Even Bruce, Tim, and Alfred aren't the problem.
No, the problem is the Red Hood, a crime boss who just cut 8 people's heads off, seeing what looks like Nightwing pulling an innocent kid into the neverending fight against crime and Seeing Green.
Edit: Had to censor sh!t because ths wasn't showing up in the tags
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rubydubydoo122 · 10 months
As much as I hate to say it, and as much as I love Jason ToddI'm gonna need DC to kill him again, and keep him dead this time.
Now before you come at me, let me explain why I think this. Jason Todd is a character that while alive will always be connected to Gotham, and because of his differing morals with Batman, he will always be in a cycle of conflict with him. We saw it in UTRH, we saw it in RHATO, we saw it in Gotham Wars. Because Jason isn't a villain (I feel like in UTRH he was an anti-hero, and any actions that didn't align with the morals he set during that time is because he was villainized by Batman) Bruce's actions feel overtly brutal (batarang to the neck, beating him so har his helmet broke, chemically altering him to feel fear) especially since it's towards his SON the one he claims to have mourned. It's a vicious cycle that isn't fair to Jason, and it's major character assassination of Bruce. It's overdone and I am sick and tired of it, but I do not see either characters backing down from their moral stances.
Now you might be thinking, just because Bruce and Jason don't get along doesn't mean they can't make up-- they've tried. Multiple time. Every time Jason and Bruce take a step in the direction of being close to each other again, Bruce becomes a control freak and abuses Jason like he's his own personal punching bag, and there's only so many times someone can forgive someone before enough is enough.
But I still haven't explained why specifically I think Jason should die again. And it's because of two reasons. Jason deserves peace, and as long as he's a ghost walking on earth, he won't be able to get that. Also because it would make Great Angst. We all know Bruce would break if he lost Jason again. He's going to push everyone away, and if you're going to have Bruce push everyone away, give him consequences for his actions.but we saw how protective Dick got during Gotham Wars. Just imagine Dick walking up towards Bruce and saying, "It might've been my fault last time for not picking up his calls, but this time, you can't deny that this, is all your fault." "How dare you! He was my son!" "You lost him once, and when he came back you treated him worse than any of the loonies in Arkham. You don't miss him at all. You only feel guilty because of your goddamned savior complex. You only treat him like your son when he's dead."
and while we're at it, maybe Tim can have a complete crisis. He had to pick up the pieces of Bruce in the aftermath of Jason's death last time, and look where that got him. All of his friends and family died. He was never truly recognized for guiding Bruce out of the dark, and we all know that Tim is one inconvenience from killing a bitch. Maybe this is it. I actually think it would be hilarious for Tim to take up the Red Hood mantle, Only to screw with Bruce. Because he knows that's what Jason would've wanted.
Have Damian afraid of what Bruce has become in guilt. Have Damians castle of worship for his father come tumbling down, because Damian always knew his father loved all of the previous Robins more than him, and if his father no longer wanted them, what was stopping Bruce from sending him back to the League.
Like DC if you're going to use Jason as a catalyst for an event, kill him off again. last time it was on a whim. This time, do it on purpose. This time, give his death a purpose. This time, make sure his death changes something, because god, Bruce has fucked up so much.
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Apparently at some point MCU fans collectively agreed that the Blip takes place on October 17th, 2023. Which is today. So I figured I'd take the time to detail the four biggest reasons why the time jump in Endgame was a universe-shatteringly horrible idea that should never have seen the light of day
the absolute biggest problem, of which there are many, is the fact that countless people died as collateral damage in the initial Snap. Hell, we are shown it in the Infinity War post-credit scene with those multiple car accidents and that helicopter slamming into a building. And that was just the tip of the iceberg; imagine how many planes crashed because the pilots were dusted, or how many babies starved because both their parents were dusted, or people who may have died on the operating table because a surgeon got dusted. All of these people are totally ignored. It's never so much as mentioned when talking about bringing everyone back, and Tony insisting that the last five years remain unchanged is implicitly saying all of those people remained dead when the dusted returned.
the second big problem with this plot point is that it's used as an excuse for every character except Nat to be totally unrecognizable. Bruce becomes Professor Hulk, Thor gets fat, Tony has a family (and I fucking love how the movie inadvertently says he just let the world rot for five years instead of using his billions of help. That is 100% in character for him), Clint went on a mass killing spree, and Steve... I actually have no idea what made him change so radically. None of this is shown to us at all, it's just told to us.
this is less a problem with Endgame and more a problem with Phases 4 and 5, but the other worse thing about this development is that absolutely nothing has been done with it. Far From Home played the time-jump for comedy, WandaVision had that one great scene in the hospital and then did nothing else, Shang-Chi had a singular throwaway line about the Blip, Hawkeye had that one neat visual of getting Snapped from Yelena's POV and then nothing else, Multiverse of Madness had a single conversation where Strange wonders if letting Tony have his way was the only way to save the universe, Quantumania had a single scene addressing the homelessness issue and then nothing else, and I think Secret Invasion tried to do a bit of a look at how Talos reacted to the Blip, but that show was so awful that I'd rather not think about it. The only projects to do anything at all with the Blip as a major plot point are Falcon and the Winter Soldier and Eternals.
the fourth and final massive problem with the Blip is pretty simple yet complicated; it ignores the absolutely insurmountable societal implications both the Snap and the Blip would have. Think about it; half the fucking universe disintegrates into ash. There are SO many things that would do to just human society alone. But even more importantly, five years after all those people were declared dead (meaning wills are executed, spouses remarried, jobs and homes redistributed, etc) those people suddenly reappear, and from their POV it's only been a second. Just to put it in perspective, the Snap happened on April 29th, 2018. Doesn't that feel like forever ago? If the Snap were real, all those people would have been gone until today. That is such a huge mindfuck that I'm shocked no one went insane. And even looking aside from the psychological impact, all those people are pretty fucking screwed. Far From Home had a single scene addressing this, then promptly forgot about it.
My final point is less of a problem and more of an amusing byproduct; since Tony directly forbids Bruce from undoing the last five years, that means the events of WandaVision, Falcon and the Winter Soldier, Hawkeye, No Way Home, Multiverse of Madness, and Secret Invasion are on some level his fault. That’s fucking hysterical.
I suppose I'll be absolutely fair and say that rewinding time isn't a morally perfect solution either, as you would be erasing any maturity the survivors gained during those five years, as well as anyone born in that time. But that's just all the more reason to NOT HAVE A FUCKING TIME-SKIP!!! I still think the only reason it was done was for cheap shock value.
All in all, the five-year time jump is the single worst major plot point in the MCU. Fight me.
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yellowocaballero · 2 months
hi!! loved New Wave & its Jason addition, was wondering if you have any Opinions about the weird characterization of Jason in the comics/fandom?
Oh Jesus. You are talking to a certified fanon Batfam hater jkaljdsfkljsdf. In some senses, yes I do.
I see more 'good or at least interesting' depictions of Jason than I do pretty much any other Batfam character. A lot of the best Batfam fic has an extremely strong Jason POV. From a group dynamics perspective, having a Jason is important. Jason is important: his death irrevocably altered Batman as a series, marked a serious turning point in kid sidekicks and comics as a whole, and created a few pretty good storylines.
It's hard to say 'what's the real Jason characterization', because he constantly cross-contaminates himself. Jason's character is little more than the lens through which he's viewed, and what comes afterwards. Pre-Crisis Jason is indistinguishable from Dick. Post-Crisis Jason isn't that different either, until they decided to kill him, at which point they very quickly gave him all of his character traits we know him for today. Retrospectives on Jason for twenty years were of both this pre-post-humorous angry/impulsive version and The Dead Kid nostalgia, and now they're colored by his Red Hood anger and 'glory days' nostalgia. And then we've had the Batfam-ization of Batman comics and none of that matters anyway, because they're blorbos now.
@lazuliquetzal has remarked several times that the real problem with Red Hood is that you can use him for drama, like, once or twice - that he's a very good foil character for one or two very specific storylines. I agree. I think further usage of the RH as a villain should be separated from the Batfam, since you can't reconcile his pro-killing stance with the Batfam non-killing stance. Give him a different story if you want, but I think it's hard to slot the actual Red Hood character back into the Batfam. Not even sure that you should.
I think the main thing for me is that I don't understand why the 'good end' is always 'Bring Jason Home!' - why reconciliation is mandatory, why what we want is him moving back into the manor and having family dinners. Why. He's 19. Let him live by himself in his shitty apartment and smoke weed and shittalk his dad. He's an adult, he doesn't have to talk to any of you if he doesn't want to. He really doesn't want to. There is more than one way for a family to function, and it doesn't have to look like family dinners.
Regarding fic: obviously the softening and defanging is boring. There's an entire genre of stories where 'Jason hates Tim until he actuall meets him, at which point he's blasted by Tim's #woobie and starts taking care of him", but in the '10s the biggest conflict with Jason is that he irrationally hates a fourteen year old who did nothing wrong completely to the point where he keeps on trying to kill him. For a decade he was just melodramatic yelling. I think people are more interested in writing cute dynamics than they are characters, and Jason is forced into the sympathetic family dynamic as a result. Comics now do this too, because, fandomization,
Young Jason stories are also entirely whump, which is obviously boring. I've mentioned this before, but a big part of my thoughts behind the NW!Jason fic are just that there are a lot of 'Jason comes to the manor' fics, and in very little of them do Jason and Bruce actually like each other. It's pure whump and family bonding over any actual interest in the characters. Thing about whump is just - put in literally any character there, it doesn't matter. Pick anyone. Who cares.
This is all ignoring the number one biggest thing for me, which is: the fandom is obsessed with Jason, and I am sick of Jason, it is all Jason. Even Tim is worse off in comparison, because he gets moe blob'd so Jason can take care of him. Go write the women. Seriously. Jason's a whump magnet and it's exhausting, go write Cass Cain having a character arc.
TL;DR: Batfam fanfic only cares about cute brotherly fluff and whump and it is so fucking bad, man.
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lokalblackie · 7 months
"-In other news, Gothamites rummage to pack their bags because a sudden wave of death has spread through the nocturnal streets of the more crime ridden parts of Gotham. The spontanious deaths of three of Gotham's supervillains has put citizens in a panic. Is this the rise of a new crime lord or... something worse?"
News reporters everywhere scrambled to get a few good words in before this story gets swept under the rug. Before exaggerated headlines like; "NEW GOTHAM CRIME LORD HAS PEOPLE ESCAPING TO CALIFORNIA OF ALL PLACES?!" are forgotten in the matrix. Before this story isn't relevant anymore.
Podcasters and commentary media outlets are getting their few good theories in too. Saying things like; "Y'all, the government is messing with us. Scarecrow ain't dead. It's probably the same fake terrorist attacks Hitler implemented to get the German's under his rule. Don't fall for this trap y'all."
And homeless druggies are getting a few couple bucks out this story too. Charging journalists a big buck for false news. The street scammers are jumping for joy right now. "I was there! I saw it happen! It was one of them Russians. The Soviets are comin' for us."
Bruce was amused. Everywhere he went, this shit was smeared. Popping up in his face as if he hadn't seen the other hundred different pop-ups of this story yet. He thought what any other reasonable citizen thought. "This shit's gonna disappear in a week. Trust me bro"
Its been a week.
People are still on this?! Maybe it is serious... Should he take a look into this? Nah it's fine. Give it another week or so. It'll blow away like all other "viral" stories...
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avalon-of-babylon · 1 month
Batman: The Capped Crusader literally introduced my 4 favorite batkids in the same episode and made them all literally adoptable.
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Realistically, I know in the next season, Bruce isn't gonna pop down to the orphanage and grab himself a Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Carrie Kelley AND Stephanie Brown (just two of them at the same time would fucking kill him) but also now I want a batman to have to contend with his 4 most feral children. And they are the most feral of them all.
Also before I begin can I just say I fucking love Jason and Carrie being the sameish age. For years, I have been convinced that if Carrie was in a mainstream universe, she should be Jason's age and that the two of them would be so close they'd basically be twins and this right here is so close it almost feels like vindication.
Now for why these 4 are the most feral batkids and why Bruce having to put up will all of them as Robin at the same time would fucking kill the man.
Richard "Dick" Grayson:
The man may be a genuine himbo but he is also the son of circus performers, so for as much light as there is in his soul there is also a gay wolf telling him to do backflips when he's bored, make puns at every opportunity, touch everything and generally be the most adorable menace you've ever met. Also, Discowing definitely counts as feral behavior.
Jason Peter Todd:
In this universe, Jason was probably put into the system after his stepmom ODed so chances are this isn't a steal-the-wheels-off-the-batmobile kinda Jason but could definitely still be a sneaks-out-of-the-house-to-hang-out-with-Catwoman-and-co or is babysat by prostitutes kind of Jason. (I know for a fact that last one literally happened at least once) Even if you take out the violence and crime, you can not convince me that this Jason is not the kind of kid who wouldn't constantly be getting into trouble because he's always trying to prove himself and eventually have a tragic dead at the hands of the Joker that when he's brought back leaves him jaded, angry and the beautiful problem child we all know and thirst after. Also, he's the only member of the family Alfred allows into the kitchen, so jot that down while you're at it.
Carrie Kelley:
My girl was created by the living curse that is Frank Miller that alone makes her feral. But if you don't know my girl Carrie in the Millerverse got saved from a mugger by batman and imitately decided "fuck pants and my drug addict hippie parents it's time to fight crime in green booty short with a fucking slingshot", was almost imitately begrudgingly taken in by batman, probably dropped out of school, fought a Joker who had suicide bomber child-sized android baby dolls and helped lead a literal underground war on crime with a pseudo-cult of batman themed vigilantes called the Sons of Batman formed by former gang members who became obsessed with the guy after he beat up their former leader a no-neck nipple studded punk humanculous who looks even worse than I'm describing. Every iteration of Carrie Kelley is forged from the mold of a girl who almost reached Logan living with wolves levels of feral behavior, she is insane and I love her.
Stephanie Brown:
Her father is literally bargain bin Riddler because he lost his job as a game show host and she got fucking refrigeratored by Black Mask only 2 months into being robin, she deserves to be a little feral. Every iteration of Steph is one with a right to live life to the fullest weither that means giving Bruce shit over his terrible parenting, memeing on c-list villians like kiteman or just hanging around being a menace this girl is feral. Good for her, good for her.
In summary, Batman: The Caped Crusader should end with Bruce's kids literally killing him off with stress, lmao. Also, the setting is perfect for making Dick Discowing, so DC take notes.
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dairy-farmer · 11 months
Jason/Red Hood rescues Hybrid Tim from a breeding ring. Unknown to him, Tim was already pregnant at the time of the rescue and due to his hybrid nature, starts showing a few days later with a huge litter. Jason takes care of him as best as he can but as soon Tim has whelped, he’s inconsolable, wanting and needing to be bred again. Jason can’t do it. Won’t do it. Resolves to ask Bruce for help, regretfully giving Tim to his dad but knowing Bruce will find a good place for Tim and let him live a good life where he won’t be forced to be bred again and again and again. Instead Bruce takes Tim in. And breeds him. Again and again. Jason find outs a few months later when visiting Bruce and a tearful yet happy Tim thanks him for bringing him to Bruce. Jason feels sick.
👀👀👀👀👀YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!! jason doesn't normally break up hybrid breeding rings- that's more damian and selina's territory. so the breeding ring he came across was more accidental but jason doesn't take it any less seriously than a human trafficking ring when he sees the state some of the bitches are in.
they're dirty, bruised, there's welts on their skin from kneeling on wire cage floors and many look like they're battling infections. worse is that many look dead in their cages. it's definitely a shitty operation. sloppy and dirty. which are the worst kinds of breeding rings.
but the worst part- the worst part of it is how many of them have healed or infected scars running horizontal on their throats, all barely an inch long. the goddamn ring runners had sliced their vocal cords.
of all the bitches he frees jason finds one in a not-so-bad state. the bitch is heavily pregnant which might explain his better treatment but he also seems like a new addition given that his knees and injuries aren't as bad. he's the healthiest of the bunch. but that's not saying much.
out of the nine hybrids in the facility jason uncovers, four succumb to their infections. two more are put down as a mercy. and the last two are stuck fighting for their lives in a state run hybrid shelter. if they're not adopted out in a year they'lll likely be put down to make room in the already overflowing shelters. it's a shitty fucking existence. jason is pretty iffy about the ethics of owning a hybrid, he knows a lot of activists argue about how hybrids and their close resemblance, their ability to speak to humans should earn them the same liberties, but just as many activists argue against it, insisting they're still pets and deserve humane treatment but they're hardly people, at most they're just glorified parrots.
jason isn't like damian or selina. he doesn't have the in depth knowledge or the contacts to non profits or charities to best help the little bundle of hybrids he uncovers. he's also not on very good terms with either of them and has no way of getting in touch with them. by the time he manages to get one of them on the phone six of the nine hybrids are already dead.
and jason...god. he's not some bleeding heart animal lover but even his stomach churns at the inhumanity of it all.
so jason sticks around, watching as the police assists the humane society, sticking his nose in the operation and beating few names out of some of the ring runners.
in the end only one hybrid has the highest chance of being fully rehabilitated and adopted. the others have wounds that will likely scar which will lower the likelihood of anyone wanting them. after all most people only wanted a hybrid because of their beauty. healthiest hybrid is named tim and jason....grows attached.
the state is only willing to offer so many resources for rescues and tim is pregnant which will make the cost of caring for him and his pups even higher. jason hears that and...he doesn't want to see another poor hybrid from that shitty operation die so he makes a decision. the animal welfare group that assisted in the rescue are more than grateful to hand tim over to jason and allow him to pay for the care and rehabilitation. that on top of a heft donation lets jason get tim and the pups in his belly looked over by a vet within hours of his rescue.
tim is a sweet hybrid despite what he's gone through. he's young and cute. he must be having his first litter because his tits are still tiny.
he warms up to jason quickly, often rubbing against jason in affection when he returns home because all the shelters were full and also because jason didn't feel....comfortable letting tim out of his sight so soon. tim's a sweet hybrid. he's obedient and good-tempered, and affectionate. the vet had even noted there were no great problems with tim's teeth or other extremities. which was great news. a healthy hybrid meant a higher chance of getting adopted even though jason wasn't too sure about why the thought made him uneasy.
jason often had the tv running in the background while he worked and cleaned. one time the annual hybrid shows had been on. all pretty, skinny, and perfectly polished hybrids and their equally as polished owners had shown off their lithe and athletic bodies and finely groomed manes. tim would've made a killing at those shows with his long, dark hair, bright blue eyes, cute triangle ears, and long sleek tail. he's really a gorgeous hybrid.
jason does his best to care for tim as his womb swells with a litter of pups. he spends a lot of time of the computer looking up the care of hybrids and calling and emailing various sanctuaries to take tim. but days pass doing that, then weeks. and jason is still trying and doing his best to care for tim.
then, early one saturday, jason walks into his living room to the sight of cushions, blankets, pillows, kitchen towels, and just about every other linen in the apartment that wasn't nailed down piled behind the couch where tim had decided to nest and have his pups.
the pups are tiny- barely handfuls of mewling baby with tiny ears and tails, blindly searching for their mama and his little tits full of milk. they make indignant squeaking noises when jason picks one up and lays them on their cooing mother's belly. the sight has jason....fuck alright he blinks back a few tears at how proudly tim purrs under his palm as he strokes a hand through his sweaty hair and murmurs comforts.
jason takes them all to the vet to be checked over and cares for them all for another two months before a spot opens in one of the sanctuaries damian has a contact with. it's relieving. a godsend. jason is already woefully under prepared for caring for a hybrid. he's gone too much in the day, he's had to limit the times he leaves gotham. he'll admit...he'll miss tim. the company was nice and tim has a way of melting away all of jason's tension and anger at the world.
but then he reads the fine print of the sanctuary.
they don't take breeding mothers. they're not going to take tim.
but they'll accept the pups. pups adopt easier than sexually matured hybrids like tim and the sanctuary just does not have the facilities, space, or manpower for a pupped hybrid.
tim cries when the sanctuary sends people to pick up his litter. the gloved and masked volunteers coo over tim, comforting him, offering him treats as they remove his mewling babies one by one.
jason knows it was the right decision but he can't help but feel like an asshole when tim whines and whimpers for days afterwards, searching for his pups, nosing through his nest and making a heartbreaking noise when he can't find hide nor hair of his babies.
a week later tim seems to be back to himself and jason breathes a sigh of relief.
but then tim tries presenting to him. jason had read about it before. about how sometimes hybrids bonded to their owner and started seeing them as members of their species by attempting to groom and mate with them. jason had known that but he just hadn't thought tim would have also developed those affections.
jason is met with tim bending over and revealing a puffy, pink slit that's glistening with wetness to him. tim whimpers and whines for jason's attention, rocking his hips, scenting jason aggressively on the couch, pawing for his crotch. jason wakes up to tim on top of him, wetly grinding his pink pussy over jason's mound and asking to be bred, telling jason he needs another litter in him- he needs it jason!
there's a reason that hybrids rescued from breeding rings are hard to adopt out and rehabilitate. once a hybrid is successfully bred the hormones from each successive breeding remains in their system. it's why many owners opt to neuter before their hybrid reaches sexual maturity and why many show hybrids have twin scars on their bellies or on their testicles showing where their tubes have been tied.
tim is no exception. the desire to be bred again and again and again that his original captors had locked him into a cage to do is still there and jason is sickened at the thought of sweet tim being made into...into a broodmare.
neither selina nor damian know any sanctuaries with open spots for bred bitches and without a certificate of ownership jason can't take tim to get fixed and even if he did jason has heard...things about what fixing a bred hybrid will do. they become moody, aggressive, depressed, they become shells of their former selves.
jason can't keep tim.
not only because he can feel his control slipping because tim really is a beautiful hybrid and that horrifies jason- but also because jason's cramped apartment is no place for a hybrid like tim. one of those sanctuary workers had mentioned it when they came to take tim's pups, asking about how he managed to get tim enough exercise in an apartment. after that it didn't escape jason's notice how tim was often glued to the windows, staring out at the streets below, the cars and the people all going by.
tim had already spent enough time in a cage.
and jason....jason just wants what's best for tim.
so...with few other options....jason drives tim over to the manor.
the manor sits on acres of woodland and open gardens. there are streams that jason used to hunt for frogs cutting through the property. it's open and isolated enough that tim doesn't have to worry about being hit by a car.
bruce has the money and connections to ensure tim can have an incredible life. one that isn't wrought with being bred every waking moment of the day or stuck in a tiny apartment in the city.
bruce is surprised when jason brings tim along with tim's toys, bed, and various half empty bags of treats. he tells bruce the situation and how he found tim, he tells bruce about how tim has nowhere else to go and deserves better and that jason is asking for his help.
because jason leaves tim alone in that apartment for hours at a time, sometimes he needs to leave gotham for months and he can't do that with tim and tim...tim has become more than he can handle (jason decides not to mention his...feelings about tim presenting and attempting to breed with him.)
bruce is hesitant. he's never had a hybrid before though he knows his father had owned a beautiful one in his youth that was buried in the family plot with the inscription of 'daffodil-beloved pet of thomas wayne'.
tim does not take long to convince him. he's affectionate and eager to know this new person, he makes curious sounds and asks bruce what his name is while climbing around him and tugging at bruce's clothes.
bruce is besotted by the end of the visit and jason feels a little more secure about having to leave gotham soon to follow up on some tips for other rings connected to the one he'd rescued tim from.
jason is secure in his decision to give tim to bruce who will either find a suitable home or give tim the life he deserves.
sometimes bruce sends him pictures of tim rolling in alfred's begonias and others of him napping in the sunbeam of one of the reading rooms.
tim looks full cheeked and pudgier in the photos, his body showing all the signs of indulgence a hybrid like him deserves.
its a few months later that jason gets a chance to visit the manor. he's eager to see tim and how he's doing.
he doesn't tell bruce he's coming.
that's probably why he's able to catch bruce in an unbuttoned shirt and loose-fitting slacks, pushed down to his thighs, eyes closed and brow furrowed in concentration while deeply fucking his cock into tim while out in the garden on a picnic blanket.
jason literally catches bruce with his pants down when he presses a gun to his cheek and demands an explanation to know what the fuck bruce thinks he's doing fucking a hybrid that had been rescued from a fucking breeding ring.
bruce is annoyingly calm and its only tim's whimpering that gets him to put the strap away.
inside the manor tim is rolling on the couch and trying to get comfortable on bruce's lap. jason can see that tim's a little pudgy but there's a familiar firmness on his abdomen that lets jason know tim is pregnant. at least a month.
bruce explains. slowly. about how bred hybrids like tim can't just...stop being bred. tim was so well-adjusted and his attempts at initiating breeding seemed to indicate that whatever experiences he may have had- they didn't appear to form firm objections in his mind.
so....bruce did what any good owner did. he bred a sweet little hybrid that begged their master for pups and a womb full of a new litter.
tim is throughly scenting bruce and pressing close, every inch of his body indicating affection.
but jason...jason can't help but feel....disgusted.
he'd trusted bruce. trusted bruce to not put tim into a life where he'd be bred again and again and again. bruce hadn't been there when tim lost his first litter! he hadn't seen how depressed tim got!!!
was he really ready to put tim through that kind of pain again and again?
bruce frowned at that, saying of course he wouldn't! that's why he was going to be keeping all the litters he fathered with tim.
bruce was taking tim's needs into account- like he promised jason.
bruce wanted to give tim a good life in wayne manor.
jason isn't placated.
this isn't what he'd meant. it isn't what he'd wanted.
the only thing that makes it worse is tim piping up. he's speaking lowly and purring and thanking jason for bringing him to his new master, for giving him a home with a kind master that kept his womb full and let him keep all his little pups.
tim thanks jason for giving him to bruce with so much tearful adoration and thanks that jason can't even form an argument to bruce about it.
bruce has bred the hybrid jason gave him. bruce is planning to continue to breed the hybrid. and there's nothing jason can do about it.
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Hello! I just saw your Matriarch post! Can you possibly do a prologue about her backstory and her going to the other dimension with a batfamily and batmom that are still alive and together? And possibly a part 1 where she just walks into the Batcave one night after she sends out an all-call to the bats and the league and once they all start questioning what is going on she comes out and tells them about her backstory and how she'll prevent her future from happening by offing the rogues one by one and saying something like "I'm the only one who could ever succeed in doing this. And do you know why... it's because I know exactly how each and every hero and villain alike think. I know every plan and protocol in place that both sides of the gallery (i.e. meaning the heroic side and villainous side) have in place, how to stop or outsmart them, and every single possible move any of you could make against me. If you think you can stop your wife, mother, friend, or whatever else I am to you, then by all means... I invite you all to play my game, if you can capture me AND discover my plan, then I'll stop for good and go back to my time. But should I be victorious, well, the world and all of you are MINE."
Sorry for it being so long! And for the long monologue!
[Damn, that is good!!]
[Matriarch Au]
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In this au (Y/N) pretends to be a hero for the public sake. A part-timer of the league in the future.
Bruce doesn't know (but has suspicion) she is killing or torturing almost half of his rouge gallery.
She's afraid that Bruce won't love her become of his no-killing code.
There's technically a "(Y/N)" in this timeline who meets Bruce and falls in love. But, The Matriarch technically killed her before she could meet Bruce.
But here's another question. How does this (Y/N) interact with the Batfamily?
Since (Y/N) knows of each horrible thing that has happened to her children and lover. Batmom is very protective then most other Batmoms.
She still wants to give her children freedom, but also knows that when she did... They were beaten or almost killed for the sake of protecting others.
Batmom decided to mess with this world's timeline so it would be better than her own. But still deliberately decided to let some things stay the same.
1st Example, Dick Grayson. Now depending if Batmom came around before Dicks parents demise is up to you. But in this instance where she did, Batmom would try to save his parents but it doesn't work out.
2nd would be Jason, this is where it gets kinda fucked up.
Batmom is a very caring individual but Matriarch isn't.
Batmom would do whatever she can to make sure Jason will never know of his mother being alive. Batmom will even go out of her way to guilt-trip Jason and emotionally manipulate him. To the point where he doesn't care if his real mother is alive or dead.
But, if Jason does end up curious and decides to find his mother. Aw hell he ain't gonna be free from Batmoms protection. Including Matriarch.
Batmom will get Bruce on her side to not let Jason out of the house or better yet city to look for his mother. It will take a lot of convincing and emotional manipulation part two. Anything regarding Jason's mother or possibly anyone close to bearing resemblance is wiped from the Bat-computer database.
If Jason managed to find a way to convince Batmom or escape Gotham. You are three steps ahead as Batmom or Matriarch.
The only way Jason could even wind up dead is if Batmom was a second too late.
From that point on if that happens, it'll be a much worse for the latter members and friends of the Batfam.
(Y/N) has and will install trackers on everything and anyone. Your always listening, always alert.
You'll put on the facade sure, but the truth of it all is that.. You're no longer just "scared". No you're terrified, to the point you have the smallest threat or villain is your biggest enemy.
[I'll write more for Batmom/Yandere/Villain reader! I swear! If you guys want more let me know, I still gotta describe how Matriarch Au deals with villains.]
[Maybe even write a angst dead dove do not eat fic later hopefully. Thank you for reading!]
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blade-that-was-broken · 5 months
I don’t know why asking but I’m curious.
How did you first find out about Trolls? What did you think about Trolls? What were your favorite character?
About TBT
How did you think and feel about Branch when TBT first released? About fact he has four brothers? How do you feel about JD, Clay, Floyd and Bruce when you first saw them? Sure they have reasons why they left but they weren’t thinking straight, their reasons were stupid and worse they even decided to leave and BOOM! We know what happened in TBT.
(Poor Baby Branch being left in Trolls Tree in the middle of Bergen Town and poor JD…)
How did you think about bunker that it was the originally for his brothers as Branch built?
What’s your favorite member of BroZone, other than JD and Branch?
Where did you think Clay was after he left? There was a theory that he didn’t leave Trolls Tree but I’m not sure about that one.
Did you know that Branch was originally going to be kidnapped by Velvet and Veneer but that was changed to Floyd, that I heard about that. It would have been so much angst! :(
What do you think Trolls 4 going to be about if there’s one? (Idk why I’m asking that 😅)
Oh boy... I'm not sure about the first time I saw Trolls.
I have several younger siblings so I have watched a TON of animated movies over the course of my teenage and young adult years (I'm still a young adult, I'm not that old I promise lol) and several of my siblings do NOT shy away from the animated kids stuff. My guess is one of my sisters put it on and since most of us like the musical movies, it kind of worked out. Why I latched onto it for my hyperfixation a few months ago? I have ZERO idea.
My favorite character was Branch. Introvert, sarcastic, organizational nut, overthinking paranoid? Yeah, might as well be me with a little extra trauma and crazy. (After my fixation started, JD was added to that favorite. I'm sorry just that's how it is) I had watched movie one and two and whatever before but I didn't think much of it. And then the third movie came out and my sister watched it and I decided to rewatch the entire movie series - with most of the tv shows - as well because that is what I do.
I binge watch shows and movies and draw. I'm a big homebody and most of my time is spent drawing so that's kind of what worked. And then I watched the third movie and then watched it again and upon the second watching, zeroed in on John Dory's "thought you were dead" and "came back" parts and well, hyperfixation galore.
I didn't really watch anything as it was released; as I didn't really follow Trolls that closely. Like I said, my fixation isn't very old. So I didn't really care? Okay so when I watched TBT for the first time, my favorite character was Branch and the other brothers, I didn't have much opinion on? Except for Floyd who I LOATHED. The others leaving? Fine, whatever, I didn't really see it as much as child abandonment in the sense that others do at the time because he was left with his grandmother who, as the adult - should have been raising him anyways - so I guess I didn't see it the way some others did.
For my dislike of Floyd in the beginning, it was because of that promise. The others didn't promise to come back so I didn't really hold them to that standard but Floyd promised to return (there is also him telling Branch to take care of grandma which... I GET why he said that and it makes sense too for a kid but Branch... Branch probably didn't take it the way kids normally do) and he never did. Twenty years. Look, I get that the writers probably did not have that backstory when they were first writing the first trolls movie, I get it but AUGHHHHH
The second time I watched TBT, I got a bit more of a opinion on the brothers. Eventually my dislike of Floyd softened, mostly because I figure he's not as grudge-holding as some of the others. Trust me, I know how holding grudges can eat you up. Clay kind of annoyed me; like he felt so childish with the whole "I'm serious and boring thing" like dude, just chill. I like Brandy, don't get me wrong, but the whole giants/muppets thing threw me off guard and it kind of wigs me out just a bit. Idk, it's probably just me.
Also them getting so upset with JD when he slips up on Bruce's name in kind of a heated situation irritates the heck out of me. Don't ask my why, it just did.
Anyways, I don't have a good memory so idk on most of this stuff lol
I think it's really sweet that the bunker was built for his brothers too. I know Branch does that specific thing for Floyd, like, that's his favorite and whatever, but it's nice that everyone was included. It was kind of like that holding onto hope that they would at least come and visit or something; like they would always have a place with him. Which pisses me off more about none of them coming back. I'm not saying they had to stay but geez, they coulda called or whatever. This is mostly with Bruce and maybe Floyd. We don't really know what Floyd was up to so idk. Bruce literally just settled down and pretty much entirely forgot about his family point blank. Clay has a bit of an excuse, since Viva was protective and he had to lead people. John has a bit of an excuse too considering he thought Branch was dead.
I think the Clay one is kind of hard. I don't... I'm not sure if I think that Clay and Viva were friends before the escape. And I'm not sure if Clay stayed in the tree or not. Like, that's a hard one. Cause idk if that would be worse, if he was in the tree and never even visited Branch. I know the timeline between everything is SUPER sketchy and aging for Trolls seems to be... confusing at best (considering Branch is like a couple months old when he's performing?? Or something?? Idk) so who knows how much time passed between the band breakup and the escape.
My guess? Not a lot of time is between the two. I know Branch seems to "look" 5-6 or whatever in the first movie flashbacks but who even knows with Trolls; everything about them is wild and uncertain and the writers certainly don't seem to care about timelines/continuity that much. It's fine, I don't really mind, since it is a kids movie but whatever.
I did hear about Branch being the one to be captured once upon a time. I think that's a bit too much angst; the dude is literally full of angst. I'm kind of glad that it wasn't him but I'm also not entirely fond of how Floyd is treated as a character? Idk, I guess that is mostly up for interpretation. I think it would also be really hard to find John Dory, considering he travels a lot and thinks everyone is dead lol. Or at least, Branch. Well, up until after TWT. So... I'm not sure?
Trolls 4... hmmm. I'm curious on how long they are going to milk this. I'm a little worried if they do because if the brothers are in it, John's just going to be treated like the butt of the joke like in TBT and I'm not a huge fan of that, as much as I would love to see more of the bros. I'd like to think they'd do something either more world-wide centric with the other tribes or something a bit more Poppy-centric, since TBT is pretty much solely Branch-centric. Maybe some Viva and Poppy bonding.
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brucewaynehater101 · 4 months
I have an au that I thought you might enjoy. It's inspired by Magernia from Pokemon if you've ever seen it's movie. If not, it's OK the plot isn't the important part. What is important is that Tim is not exactly fully flesh.
When Tim first becomes Robin, he knows that he won't be able to hide his partly robotic nature from Bruce for very long so he tells him immediately that he was in an "accident" when he was younger so both of his arms are highly advanced prosthetics. He doesn't elaborate on what the "accident" was and gets uncomfortable when it's brought up. Shockingly, Bruce does respect this and allows Tim to not tell him. He puts the information in Tim's medical file and calla it a day.
Alfred also knows about Tim's arms due to him being the one to normally patch Tim up, if anyone does. Dick however was not told because both Bruce and Tim thought the other told Dick. He gets to find out when one of Tim's hands gets crushed on patrol one night and Tim looks at the mess of wires and metal and just huffs, "this is gunna be a nightmare to fix up, but at least it was only my hand. Could have been a lot worse, right?" Nightwing's freakout is how Tim realized he had no idea Dick didn't know. It was a mess and a half to clean up.
However, Tim did lie to them about his "accident". They find out when Tim gets shot with something two years into being Robin and there is a hole nearly 2 inches across right where his intestines should be. Only there's no blood or gore, only wires, gears, and broken metal. Tim has no flesh insides, simply complex mechanics which are now causing his whole body to glitch out quite a bit. This has the added effect of making Bruce and Dick go absolutely *feral* on the Rouge who just fucked up Tim so badly so they can get him home.
On the way back to the cave, Tim pipes up with glitches and static lacing his voice, "ne-ed-ed-ed to goooo to Dra-Dra-Drake manor-or-or for relac-ace-acement partssss." And well. Bruce and Dick have absolutely no idea how Tim's body works or how to fix him so they don't really have any choice. Bruce has to carry him through the house, through a hidden door into the basement, through two more locked secret doors, and into what looks like a storage room. The walls are lined with wooden boxes and Tim points a shaking finger at one. Inside of it is another Tim??? Only this one's chest panels are open showing a small, empty space about the size of a baseball and cube shapped.
Tim opens his own chest to show that he's fully robotic and his cube space is filled with a silver box with a heart drawn on the front. Tim takes it out carefully and manages to transfer it to the new body before his goes completely limp in Bruce's arms, seeming dead. The New Tim's chest closes as his eyes light up and he says, "Systems Intilizing. Connection complete. Consciousness Transfer Successful. Rebooting... Rebooting... Rebooting. System check... system check passed. Now coming online." The New Tim sits up and says, "OK, everything's good now. Can you put it in the corner so I can fix that old one up later?"
The following interrogating leads to Tim admitting that the "accident" was his whole body and soul getting sealed in an artifact and instead of his parents dealing with the fall out of their heir dying under mysterious circumstances, they contacted a wizard who was able to make the box the artifact of stored in and they had robotic replacement bodies made for Tim so that he could continue to be a "normal kid". Tim insists this is a good thing because while the bodies can and do break, the artifact is indestructible so Bruce doesn't need to worry about him Actually Dying! This is Not Helpful.
Over the following years, Bruce works with any advanced robotics people that he can trust to make better and better bodies for Tim. He wants to let Tim be able to Feel again, rather than just be told the numbers and data. He wants his son to be able to remember what cold feels like instead of just knowing that the metal he touched is 17.6 degrees, or to be able to taste and digest food again instead of just drinking oil or plugging into the wall socet to recharge his batteries.
Also, it's always an Experience, a Rite Of Passage at this point for each new family member to be traumatized the first time Tim blocks a lethal shot for them with his own body and takes Massive damage only to be revealed that he's got a robotic body.
Also, the artifact Tim is locked in? He will never let anyone see it because it's a necklace. It's not big, or flashy, but a simple braided gold chain with an obsidian pendant that has a single ruby at the center. Tim knows at least one of these fuckers would try to wear him.
One of them absolutely would try to wear him. He is so right for that and should protect the necklace at all costs.
I absolutely loved this AU so much. The buildup was fantastic as well. Also, good dad Bruce here with him wanting Tim to be able to experience the world again. It would be so cute if the family had little celebration parties for each milestone (Steph for sure decorated the cake with a "You can taste sour foods again!" or whatever milestone they reached). They just have a really nice family dinner and spend the night playing games, watching movies, pulling pranks, etc.
I'm curious if Tim's robot body can send data to the batcomputer. Like, can he just send recordings of stuff he's seen?
This could tie into the AU where he goes around taking pictures of the Bats after or before he figures out their identities. Instead of lugging around a camera, he takes the data for that night, encrypts it, and then edits the photos for his own perusal.
Overall, super cool concept I'd love to see more of
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clay-cuttlefish · 1 year
Out of No Man's Land, into Cry for Blood, plus a couple more comics for Renee before Officer Down next batch.
I'm free from having to decide on context, woo!
Renee gets a promotion for how well she handled Two-Face.
The Honored Dead (Tec #742)
Renee gets partnered with Crispus Allen, who I hate infinitely less than Bullock. As far as cops go he's a pretty likeable character.
Batman/Huntress: Cry for Blood #1
Them! I love Helena so much, I love her and Batman's hostility, I love that Vic decides the best way to get in touch with her is to nearly get hit by her car. Iconic.
The art style's very different from the Question run, but it feels like it resonates with it somehow, and it might because they have the same colourist? I can't usually pin it down but there's a certain something about the smoke and mist. Maybe I'm drawing arbitrary connections to explain the vibes but it's the best I've got.
She's SO pretty in this. Women!
I like it when Bruce is a huge bitch.
Drowning motif spotted.
Truly catastrophic "I can fix her" levels here.
Extremely cute that Richard calls Vic "butterfly."
Honestly Helena is handling this extremely well, all things considered. Sure she's pissed but she's been kidnapped, that's entirely reasonable.
Wait hold on, Jackie's death gets retconned here! Somehow I missed that before, I don't know if that's on purpose or if Rucka just forgot/didn't know she died. Either way I'll take it.
This is such a good telling of her backstory, it hits.
Road trip as bonding moment my beloved.
Bruce hates Vic's ass so much for no reason other than because he's annoying. Fair enough.
Sorry girl you might not be part of the family but that will not stop Tim from having little brother energy.
Father-in-law behavior on Bruce's part tbh.
Renee pulls this exact same move in Lois Lane which is cute.
Can't get over Vic being described as a GQ candidate.
"When is it enough?" takes me out.
Vic taking off his mask to look her in the eye???
This is a Character Thesis Moment for both of them imo. Vic has fundamentally overlooked Helena's motives in his attempt to find solidarity - Helena knows exactly what the Huntress is here to achieve, despite her reservations and her willingness to seek balance. They're cute in JLU, but this was never going to work for them here.
Happy Birthday Two You (Tec #747)
This issue is a lot of what keeps me sold on Renee genuinely caring about Harvey's well-being, despite everything he's done and will continue to do. The tulips are pushing up against her boundaries, but Harvey didn't try to contact her directly or make it known they were from him. It's an attempt at doing an actual nice thing at a time when she's starting to slip, and clearly that matters to her enough that she's willing to take it in good faith and make an effort in kind, despite her annoyance at Bruce over it.
I just really love this issue. It's so pretty, and so grounded, and it works so well as a snapshot of Renee's life before everything gets worse for her.
Scavenger Hunt (Catwoman #83)
Mostly a Gordon-focused issue, but Renee follows him and Batman on their scavenger hunt. Not that important for her characterization but hey she's involved.
She gets more outwardly upset over Gordon being taunted by a reminder of Two-Face's trial than by being reminded of her own involvement. It's because of Gordon-centric writing, and partly that she's trying not to reveal how she's affected, but it's also reinforcing my interpretation that No Man's Land was so fucked up and traumatizing in general that she's not as angry about being kidnapped as she "should" be.
That isn't to undermine how bad being held prisoner was, it's just that everything was bad. She went directly back to work after NML despite killing people/indirectly getting people killed/seeing her friends and coworkers die/seeing so many people die/watching other cops give up even remotely pretending policing isn't about power/the general absurd trauma conga line of it all, there is some POWERFUL repression going on.
The Dark Knight Project (Batman #584)
Not a lot of Renee I just have a pet peeve: I absolutely do not buy that Batman is an urban legend by this point in his career.
I'm willing to suspend my disbelief on a lot of things but this is so silly to me because it's unnecessary - Bruce can want to avoid the spotlight as much as possible so that he's still shrouded in myth without having to pretend that people don't know he exists! Like, it can still be a matter of debate if he's one person or many, human or monstrous, what his superpowers are...
Even if I accept that Bruce is just that good at hiding, Jean-Paul got into a lot of very public shit both as Azbat and on his own and Helena is overt enough that she can get a ridiculous-but-roughly-accurate caricature in the paper. Everyone knows Gotham has vigilantes.
I do kind of vibe with the idea that Harvey's been pinned with the creation of the Bat-myth.
Superman and Batman: World's Funnest
Irrelevant, but it manages to get a tiny Vic in both a Crisis group shot and an Earth-4 panel, which is twice as much as most of the cameos I haven't been mentioning.
Measure for Measure (Batman #585)
A minor Renee appearance, but she's comfortable enough with Batman by now to call him out on his shit.
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redjaybathood · 2 years
When it comes to the -"he never got to unlearn the violence" thing. - I think fans need to remember that all vigilante work is inherently violent the same way all boxing or martial arts is violent. However this doesn't make boxers or martial artists angry people. Every Batfam person is violent from Jason and Bruce to Cass and Duke. Its more how comics and society as a whole decides whose violence is just and whose is wrong.
With "Jason Todd never got to unlearn the violence" thing, I think it's important to keep in mind that - in my opinion - it is about using violence as a tool. Batman shows that using violence is what stops other violent people from inflicting said violence upon other people (oftentimes non-violent people). Batman also shows that violence is a tool to punish people. Batman also shows that violence is a tool that keeps you safe. Batman also shows that violence is a tool you use to get release, emotionally speaking. And when Jason falls a victim to violence - one time too many, the final time - and comes back, violence helps him survive (his body's ingrained responses help him fight off crooks that attack him when he lives on the street, without memories or speech, with impaired cognitive abilities). Violence helps him save people from violence. Violence helps him to punish people. Violence gets him a momentary emotional release. One thing I would argue about is Talia's role in this is exaggerated. Violence isn't even as much a tool for her as death is, and never for emotional matters (except post Death and the Maidens, but that's another thing entirely; she's fucking traumatized and re-traumatized - she's essentially tortured continuously for what I don't remember exactly but feels like weeks).
Vigilante work isn't inherently violent. It can be, sure. Doesn't have to be. It doesn't even have to be illegal. By definition, it's preventing, investigating, or punishment of a crime, done outside the law. It usually is, though, so I will give you that. But then again, I would like to strike instances that are perceived as vigilantism but are just - not (racially or other types of hate-motivated mobbing or individual assault). Like, the crime part should be real, not "perceived". And "punishment" shouldn't be worse than the crime itself. Violent punishment for non-violent crimes is... a very dangerous path to trade on.
Neither boxing or martial arts is inherently violent either. Boxing, specifically, sometimes is used in therapy. It's a good way to get regular exercise which boosts brain chemicals etc - I am not a brain scientist, I'm not any kind of scientist so do your own research on this one - but the programs I read about proposed no-contact boxing specifically. And not a competitive one. If we talk about contact sport/martial arts, it's also not violent in the same way violent vigilantism is violent. Because in most cases, there is a ring, limited time you spend sparring, and there are rules and regulations. Nothing that exists in violent vigilantism.
Every Batfam member is violent and angry. This is true. Not all the time. And not always at the same time. And some are less than others. Like, way way way less than others. And... Being angry is not synonymous with being a bad person. It's just a bad combo, being angry and being violent. Look, I think, if you had a violent parent, or a partner, you know what I'm talking about. This is not a good combination! But this is not a concern with comics, because their anger and violence, mostly, stays within the boundaries of vigilantism. And - if you discount Bruce - doesn't bleed into their personal relationship. In a way, despite being a killer, I consider Jason to be less violent and angry than Bruce, barring several years after his resurrection, especially in the period when he thought Bruce is dead.
Comics and society as a whole decides whose violence is just and whose is wrong - yes. Sure. And you do, too. And me, I'm doing that every time I scream at the screen (metaphorically speaking): Jason shoulda killed Joker! Why do you sound like it's a bad thing, having opinions on when violence is justified? I am sorry but if you're one of the "all violence is bad" people, I don't think we will ever see eye to eye. Sometimes violence is what keeps you safe from even greater violence. Sometimes, like with those 200 Indian women who killed their rapist - it's the only justice you're gonna get. Like, in my opinion, outside of comics and stories - it's never should be used lightly, it should be the last possible response. But it's not inherently bad, either.
tl;dr: Jason's relationship with violence is firmly rooted not only in his personal experience but in Bruce's relationship with violence which he witnessed and learned from at a formative age. You can debate whether his violence is justified, but I would say it's firmly rooted in your own experience with violence, which, mileage will vary on this one. And it should be taken on a case-to-case basis. Jason isn't unique in being tied to violence or being angry - all Batfam has their own relationship to both of those things. It's not a gotcha either, not a "see, they have the same issues but don't kill people". Sometimes they do, I think it helps to remember that. It's just not permanent, because as heroes they have to stay in the realm of socially acceptable violence. That's talking from Doylist perspective, and from a Watsonian one - I can only theorize because I didn't read enough of Tim and Dick's Robin run to have an opinion on that. But basically, Steph, Damian, Cass, and Duke's relationship to violence formed without Bruce's input. And overall the kids don't have the exact same issues or experiences as Jason, either.
Now, why Jason kills if his relationship to violence was formed under influence of Bruce, although Bruce does not kill? Because it's not the only thing that formed his relationship with violence and killing. We see it with Judy Kolosky, we see it with Gloria Stanson, we see it with trafficked children, and the poor unsuspecting family of one of his teachers, and with yes, Jason himself. Not killing the Dumpster Slasher - didn't make women safe from him. Not killing Garzonas didn't save Gloria. Killing Eugene saved the kids. Killing that teacher saved her family. Negative reinforcement, positive reinforcement.
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quandaryqueen · 2 years
Harley Quinn, BTAS, and Young justice riddler's
Alr so, hero!reader and riddler's just having this tension around them when they fight???LIKE- THEY BE INSULTING EACH OTHER N SHI AND HOKD STRONG ASS FEELINGS FOR EACH OTHER
And their friends are just tryna to decide if they should break up the arguments since it's like 5x worse than they've seen with other villains n hero's
One day reader just- SNAPS and suddenly riddler is just putty in their hands while the reader just has this flustered n shocked expression cause they never thought he'll return their feelings but here we are
Like after that scenerio the others instantly notice how different they act w each other now and instead of arguing most of the time there's a good half of FLIRTING???? GET A FUCKING ROOM THEY'D SAY 💀
Bitches be crazy
Young Justice + BTAS + Harley Quinn Edward Nygma X Hero Reader
Ah yes, the typical mutual pining thinly-veiled with aggression. I love your style 👀
💚 Young Justice
~ If you can get something out of his mouth that aren't sputters of stuttering and stammering, it means he feels nothing for you. Trust me when I say you'd know if this guy has a crush on you.
~ The tension you'll be getting with dude is the fact that he looks suspiciously happy when you pin him down, holding his wrists to his back, your chest pressed against his back. YJ Eddie is a bottom, you cannot pry that headcanon from my cold, dead hands.
~ When the mutual feelings are made known to one another, the tension and 'flirting' are amped to the max. His fellow rogues are sick, your fellow heroes are screaming, the whole world is groaning "GET A ROOM ALREADY"
~ The Justice League often telling you off with it, because you have to save the world, not pitch a tent on Ed's pants. And they will most certainly not have it if you give them that look, you have the world to save H/N 😤
💚 Batman the animated series
~ Initially annoyed with you because wtf, can't he rob a bank in peace? Making an enemy out of this dude? Easy, done. But has he found enough of a charismaniac who matches his sharp tongue, impeccable wits, and charms? Oh he'll love you.
~ See, the moment you showed him what you're capable of, he is throwing that grudge out of the window. A little, he's still a touch bitter at the fact he can't host a heist in peace.
~ Top tier banter is in effect every damn time you crossed paths with one another that Bruce is hesitant to take you on a mission where there's the Riddler. Add in the fact that Dick Grayson Robin will gag at the obvious tension floating between you and the Riddleman. Bats knows what going on between you, and he isn't going to have it if it is going to render your judgement biased because you love the Riddler.
~ And no, you cannot beat Batman in his game of glaring, no one can. So you have no choice but to stop playing with Edward and arrest him already.
💚 Harley Quinn
~ Again, making an enemy out of this guy is easy. Though he isn't as much of a strong grudge holder such as his BTAS counterpart, he can still be as biting with the teasing. He just knows which buttons to push and you can easily counter him by pushing his buttons back, though it's not that easy as he looks as though he is unaffected by them.
~ Though when the feelings are made known to one another 👀 god helps everybody, this man lacks shame.
~ God help your superhero group, Commissioner Gordon would be agonizingly questioning you about your bad taste in romance, whilst he tries to take advantage of that by asking you about Riddler and his fellow rogues' agendas.
~ I think you can give Gordon the glare, he'd shut up... For now. For Batgirl? Yeah, that'd work. Give the glare to Batman? Oh no honey, he will stand firm.
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