#Star Plus TV Show
Rajjo 11th October 2022 Written Update Episode
Rajjo 11th October 2022 Written Update Episode
Written Update of Rajjo 11th October 2022 on TellyNewsUpdates.com Rajjo 11th October 2022 The episode begins with Rajjo seeing Urvashi and her begetter. Urvashi gets Madhu’s decision and lies to her. She says convey God, Madhu didn’t doubt Maine, we tend to go bankrupt because of your dangerous habits, can’t you wait till my wedding with Arjun? Her begetter says cash lenders aren’t waiting,…
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padmestrilogy · 1 month
u can’t tell me the acolyte’s cancellation is a win when the mando movie is currently shooting,, the show had problems yes but this clearly wasn’t a decision made abt quality. what was once a franchise where you could set any kind of story, have any kind of adventure, is now a bunch of increasingly niche tie-ins about the same few characters, hesitantly branded as the “mandoverse”, made by the same few guys (who, most importantly, suck at this). the acolyte made important steps for representation, yeah, but it was also just plain NEW. even andor was a spin-off of a spin-off. you could watch the acolyte if all you knew was a guy named luke blew up a death star once. certain brilliant stuff like visions will always lurk at the dubiously-canon edges of star wars—the acolyte could’ve started a new era of the franchise. even if you didn’t care for the show, this is such a loss
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inkingthingsintotrees · 2 months
the Acolyte was great! but you know what would have made it better?
20 episodes.
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starfall-xo · 2 months
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Amandla Stenberg as Verosha Aniseya in The Acolyte 1.08 “The Acolyte”
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amandamadeathing · 4 months
Nax and His Luxurious Hair
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Baldness is mostly axiomatic for the Clones. Case in point: Boba, the Alpha. Wolffe somehow keeps a little bit. Genetically enhanced Hunter is the exception.
Not Nax, though, the homeless Clone in Obi-Wan Kenobi. Seriously, how did this guy win the Clone Hair Lottery?! It's thick, it's long! There's no gray in it! His hair would make Hunter jealous!
I fully understand this creative, semiotic choice to make him appear this way.
I guess Riyo Chuchi's bill, didn't pass, was toothless, or couldn't reach those who needed support most.
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hotstreak2k3 · 1 year
“I wanna be Jedi, like my father before me.”
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the-irreverend · 1 year
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You wanna know why I'd be totally down for Hera Syndulla getting her own show (besides the fact she's such an amazing character)?
I think there's a lot of great story potential to be found in exploring her life as both a military general AND a single mother and how both of those roles impact and affect the other.
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417michelle · 2 years
Me when I saw The Mandalorian season 3 trailer.
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daydreamingmia · 6 months
Walker Scobell X Reader | Series | You Belong With Me🔱 Part 16
Santa Monica 🌊
"Y/n!" You hear someone yell
"Y/n!" They yell again
It was Walker!
Then you hear another voice come in the room
"Is she awake yet?" The other voice asks
It was Aryan!
"No I think she's dead" Walker says
"Oh well she was kinda annoying anyway" Aryan replies
"Rude" You mumble
"She's not dead!" Walker gasps
You started drifting off again
"Y/N WAKE UP!!" They start to shake you
"Noooooo!" You whine
"Fine" Walker says then there was silence
That wasn't good
Suddenly ice cold water hit you in the face and you screamed
"NOW WAKE UP!!" Walker yells
"Honestly Walker kinda deserves it" Aryan smirks
"Rude" Walker gasps
They then pick you up by your arms and legs as you try to fight them off.
"PUT ME DOWN RIGHT NOW!!" You scream
"Okay" Walker says a little too fast and they drop you on the floor
"Ow! Walker!!" You yell
"What?! You said put you down!!" He says acting innocent
"I HATE YOU SO MUCH!" You look at Walker
"Why don't you hate Aryan?! He did it too!" Walker complains
"Because Aryan is just your accomplice!! You're the idiot behind all this!" You point in his face but instead of arguing back he just kisses you
"Good morning lovely" He says as he pulls away
"Good morning idiot" You smile
"Gross!" Aryan complains
"Sorry" You both giggle
You go to the bathroom and do your hair and makeup.
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You fill your water cup with water in your sink then peek out your door.
"I'm ready!" You yell
You hear them walk over and stand in front of the bathroom door. Aryan facing you towards you. Walker's back to the door. You open the door slightly and Aryan looks at you and you wink and him and lift the glass so he can see it. He slightly nods but immediately looks back at Walker so he doesn't know what's coming.
You sneak up behind him and tap him on the shoulder. He turns around with a smile that immediately fades into shock when you throw the ice cold cup of water in his face.
He just stands there mouth open but smiling a little.
"I little pay back for earlier" You say smugly
He just stands there dripping
"Oh wait!! There's still some left" You say as you reach to grab a stool to get above him to pour it on his head.
You turn around and get hit with water as you shriek. You look and see Walker grabbed your shower head.
"OH YOURE DEAD!" You scream and charge him as he turns the water back on
The two of you were now fighting for it. Water soaking the ceiling and the walls. Just the sound of both of your laughter...but mostly Aryan's. He was just standing there watching. Laughing hysterically.
After about 5 minutes with the walls soaked and the floor starting to flood you feel another pair of hands grab the handle. You look and see Aryan fighting on your team.
"BETRAYAL!" Walker gasps
"Yup" Aryan just laughs
The two of you force it from Walker's hands and pointed it at him.
"Full blast?" Aryan asks you
"Oh yeah!" You reply
After a few minyes Walker started to plead
"Please! Please! I'm sorry!! I will never pour ice water on you to wake you up ever again...I'll use hot water." He jokes
"Aim for the face" You tell Aryan
"Okay! Okay! Im sorry!!" He pleads
"Fine" you say
Aryan turns off the faucet and we look around the room. It was flooded.
"Oops" Walker mumbles
"What are we gonna do?" Aryan asks
"Mom!" You yell
You dried off and left. You were sitting in between Walker and Aryan in the backseat.
"Can you move over anymore?" You try to shove Walker
"No! And you're gonna shove me out the car door if you keep pushing like that!" He complains
"Well then I'll have more room soo..." You keep shoving him
"You know what..." He bear hugs you
"You can't push me out of the car like this" he says smugly
You would complain but you were enjoying the hug
"Soooo...how are we doing this we just walking out?" You ask
"No we are gonna fly" Walker answers sarcastically
"I meant they don't know we are coming so like is there gonna be an announcement or are we just walk out there?" You say
"You want an announcement?" Walker asks
"Not want. I was just curious how this was gonna work" You shrug
Walker opens the car door and steps out
He makes a trumpet noise
"Presenting! Her royal highness Y/n!" He announces to nobody
"Well thank you kind peasant" You joke
"What no announcement for me?" Aryan complains
Walker rolls his eyes
"Presenting the court jester!" Walker says sarcastically
"Well I am pretty funny" Aryan replies
There were like 5 security guards Walker around you
You walked onto a bridge where everyone was
You heard the screams of all the fans
"Walker marry me!!" A girl screamed at Walker
"Sorry taken" He replies
"HE TALKED TO ME!!!" She yelled in her friend's face
Then you noticed the paparazzi. One of the paparazzi guys pulled your arm to get you to look at the camera but Walker pulled you back and glared at the guy. He put his hand on your waist and pulled you in. You kissed him and he blushed.
The three of you were now signing stuff and taking pictures with fans.
Aryan was a couple people ahead of you and Walker was a couple behind.
Everyone was screaming your name and handing you books.
"Y/n! What was your favorite part of filming?" A girl asks you
"Hmmm...making fun of Walker" you reply
"You do that everyday" He says to you
"True. I guess meeting Walker" you reply to the girl and hand her the book you just signed
"Awwwww" You gushed
You continued down the row of people
"Y/n!" You heard a familiar voice yell
You turn and see one of the boys you used to go to school with
"Max!" You yell
You hug him
"What are you doing here?" You ask
"Well I'm a fan of the show so I came here for the event. I had no idea you would be here!" He smiles
"Surprise" you say
Suddenly you felt eyes one you. But not like usual. You look over and see Walker staring at the two of you. No expression on his face. You look around. EVERYONE was staring
"Walker come over here!" You wave to him
He give someone their phone back and slowly walks over
"Walker this is my old friend Max. Max this is my boyfriend Walker" You smile
"Boyfriend" Walker blurts out as they shake hands
You giggle
"Nice to meet you boyfriend I'm Max" He jokes
"So...why are you here?" Walker asks Max awkwardly
"Uhhhh...I'm a fan of the show" He responds
"Oh. I'm glad." Walker says
"Anyway we gotta go. It was nice seeing you again" you say trying to get put of there
"You too!!" Max waves as you pull Walker along
"Well...that was interesting" You laugh
"What?" Walker says like nothing happened
"I think someone is a little jealous" you giggle
"WHAT?!?! NOOOOOO!!" Walker says in a high pitched voice
"Hmmm...then why did your voice go higher than a 2 year old?" You ask
"It didn't..." He clears his thought
"It didn't" He says in a really deep voice
"Okay" You laugh
"Do you still like him?" Walker blurts out
Mind you the two of you were still signing things while you were talking
"What?! Are you crazy? Walker I love you! I don't like him. I love you and only you" You look him in the eyes and kiss him
"I love you too" Walker smiles
"I know...that's why you're jealous" you giggle
"I'm not jealous" He states
"Okay "boyfriend" " you quote him from earlier
"Okay maybe I was a little bit." He blushes
"It's okay. I know it's only because you love me" You kiss him again
"It is" He blushes
You were signing the Percy Jacksom sign when Walker came running up behind you.
"Boo!" He screams in your ear
You jump and mess up your signature
"Great! You messed it up!!" You point to it
"Mission accomplished" He says smugly
"I hate you" You hit him in the head
"I love you" He says and kisses you
"I love you too" You blush
You then turn and try to fix your signature the best you could
Then you write under it
"Walker messed it up 🙄"
"You know what I think everyone needs to see what my signature looks like not messed up." You say mischievously
"What are you doing?" He asks nervously
"I'm trying to sign you forehead idiot. Now stay still." You say
"Ahhh! No!" He says trying to fend off your pen (with karate hands)
"Stay still!!" You yell
"Somebody help me!! That crazy girl is trying to sign me!!" He screams as he runs away
You chase after him
"Just stop running!!" You yell at him
"Ahhhhhhhhhh!!" He screams still running
About 20 minutes later you guys were now in front of the sign.
He now had your signature written across his forehead
The three stand in front of the sign and pose for the paparazzi. You were on Walker's right and Aryan on his left. You smile and look up at him sweetly
"Awwwwwwww" everyone says in unison
"What? I'm just looking at my beautiful autograph" You joke
"Is this gonna come off?" Walker asks worriedly
"No. It was a Sharpie" You shrug
He just looks at you shocked as you turn back to the cameras and smile
A/n: Sorry Taylor wasn't in this one I promise she'll be in the next!! As always thank you soooooooooo much for reading!! I love you all soooooo much!! You all mean so much to me!! I can't thank you enough!! If you like this story please comment, like and follow!!
Also if you guys ever wanna talk my messages are open😁
Tags: @noajakah236482 @yeeteddemigod @the-tortured-poets-depxrtment @walker-scobell-obsessed
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macaulaytwins · 1 year
you can check out dvds from the library. if you even care.
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everythingilearned · 5 months
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talkteav · 2 months
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"You know what makes us different from battle droids? We make our own decisions our own choices. And we have to live with them too."
- Cody
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flower1622 · 2 months
Fanfic: It's a story created by fans for fun. It didn't happen in our universe. It's not canon.
Canon: It's the real or original story created by the author.
So, it's okay for someone to write stories with Perclarisse and Perachel with mature versions of the characters. It's okay for someone to read stories where Ben and Evie end up together. It's okay for other fans to write a mature version of percico. It's okay to want to read a story where Hinata joins the Akatsuki and Naruto joins her. It's okay to want to read dark versions of your favourite ships and characters. It's okay to write your own points of views of a character...like Annabeth. Someone judged me for giving "a bad personality" for Annabeth. I'm sorry if it offended other people, but it's just a fanfic. But, according to some fans or antis...she really doesn't have a good personality in Rick's version.
With High School Musical is the same thing. I never shipped Troy and Sharpay before. But after whatching Sharpay's movie, i saw she could mature. After i grew up, i saw that Gabriella and Troy were a little boring. So, i remembered that Troy already has a good relationship with Ryan. So, in the future Sharpay and Troy could meet each other and get close, you know? I think they would have more history together because of their childhood and an interesting chemistry as adults. Sharpay being more enthusiastic and Troy being a little more shy.
A fanfic is not totally real. It represents other people's versions of the characters. Anyone can write and have yours. You guys have the canon stuffs... at least let others with different points of views from you have something too.
We all know Percabeth and Bal (Ben + Mal from Descendants) are endgame, but there are other people who have diffent ships. We all know Hinata is a good person, but there are people who would like to see a different side of her...since she had many reasons to become a villain. Not only that, but a character or person won't be 100% good, alright? Everyone has a dark side. Naruto had his. Sasuke has his. Sakura had hers. Kakashi, Obito...and many others. So, why does Hinata need to be different? She is not a saint.
The same with Star Wars. If someome would like to read a story where the Skywalker family was evil, what is the problem? (Maybe if they were, the rebels wouldn't have a chance. So, it's kinda another version of the story)
I like to read dark romances too. I don't have shame to say this. If people judge me and others for liking dark versions of something, just block us, please!
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sahind · 1 year
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TOP 5 STAR WARS Shows (so far) - Personal Ranking
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explodingstarlight · 2 years
I wonder how the rise boys would react to 2012 Mikey's pizza concoctions...like the pizza shake lol
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something tells me rise!Mikey isn't pleased
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thebadphilosopher · 26 days
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Watching Star Trek: Discovery for the first time and if Michelle Yeoh ever told me that she loved me like a daughter I would simply be puddle on the floor.
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