#The only thing he likes more than killing it witnessing a hot person do it
elvenmoans · 8 months
I'm doing a good Durge rn I made specifically for bg3, but my evil Durge is going to be the father of the MC of the book I'm writing. MCs parents were serial killer blood mages and if the dad also had dark urges he'd be absolutely deranged
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laurentpark · 10 months
She — Yoo Jimin
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pairing: yandere! karina x reader
summary: you just wanted to surprise your girlfriend for her hard work, but once you stepped foot at her home, you were the one surprised instead.
genre: dark romance
warnings: yandere themes, obsession, manipulation, mentions of blood, minor death, joe goldberg and amy dunne references because we love hot villains.
a/n: we honestly need more yandere content so i wrote this (this doesn't mean i condone this behavior in real life. its creepy and its weird, but keep in mind this is only fiction. just words. nothing real.)
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"This is not what it looks like."
You just wanted to surprise her. You really did. She deserved it after working so hard and got a promotion of her job while still making time for you and your relationship.
So you bought her a cake and dozens of gifts before driving all the way to her neighborhood.
With a wide smile plastered on your face, you pulled out the spare key to her home.
She gave it to you as a gift on your anniversary, so you could come to her place at any time and be welcomed.
Once you heard the doorknob click, you opened the door and wasn't welcomed by your girlfriend but rather a scream.
Your eyes laid on your friend on the ground, bloody.
"P-please, Jimin! Have mercy on me!"
"You're taking so much of her time and attention and expect me to show you mercy? Don't be so stupid."
The cake that you held dropped to the ground once you witnessed one of your closest friend get stabbed to the death by none other than the love of your life.
Once Jimin heard a loud thud, she furrows her brows and looked up, to see her precious girlfriend look at her with a shock and scared expression.
She widens her eyes seeing your figure and stands up with her hands on the air.
"This is not what it looks like."
Your girlfriend, Jimin tries to tell you, dropping the bloody knife she once held in her hand but your brain couldn't even process the words she was saying as you become frozen in place.
Tears start to well up on your eyes and cover your mouth with your hand, shaking in fear.
"Sweetheart..." She cooes, slowly walking over to you but you take a step back.
"What...did you d-do?" Your voice cracks, still in utter disbelief on what your girlfriend did to your friend.
"Trust me when I say I didn't want to do it, sweetheart." She says rather softly. "But I couldn't help it. He was taking you away from me and I couldn't let that happen."
"So you killed him?!" You raise your voice at her out of anger. "He's dead Jimin! Why did you- What am I- You could go to jail for this!"
There were millions of things your brains was thinking of and you started to panic. Your body's starting to shake anymore as you bit your nails. However, your girlfriend shook her head and walks towards you before reaching out to you.
"No I'm won't, sweetheart." She holds you closely, gently stroking your hair as you continued to cry over her shoulder. "Shh, don't cry. I'll clean this up...aww, did you buy me a cake?"
She notices the cake on the ground, ruined, as well as other gifts you were supposed to give to her.
"I'm sorry for shocking you, sweetheart but I'll make it up to you." She grabs you by the shoulders, forcing you to look at her before wiping your tears away. "I'll clean this entire mess up while you can go to my bedroom and decide what movie we're going to watch, okay?"
You look at her in disbelief before pushing her away. Jimin stumbles and looks at you confused as you sniffled and wipe your tears away.
Jimin narrows her eyes before pinning you to the wall, grabbing you by the jaw with one hand while you struggled against her.
"Why did you push me?" Her tone was cold and demanded an answer.
You scoff at her, "You're crazy if you think if I can continue being with you after you just killed my friend Karina!"
She despised you calling her that name and she knew, you knew that. Her name's Jimin. Only those who feared and didn't know her personally called her Karina.
Her jaw clenches and her grip on your jaw becomes much more stronger.
"What do you mean?" She looks at you with a cold stare. "What do you mean you can't continue being with me?"
"You're insane, Karina! I can't-"
"Don't call me that name." She presses you harder agaist the wall and her grip on you becomes much more tighter making you wince in pain. "You can't call me that name. Not you."
"Just let me go." You begged her, tears rapidly flowing down your cheeks. "Just let me go and I'll forget this ever happened. Let me go and I won't ever report this to the police."
"Let you go?" She raises a brow. "You expect me to let you go? After everything I've done for you? I killed for you, who else can say that?"
"You killed my friend." You cry out. "I don't want that. You crossed the line and I'm leaving you because of it."
"There's not a line I wouldn't cross for you." She grits her teeth before softening her face. "Please Y/N. I love you."
She starts to press kisses on your neck. Your breathing starts to get heavier, fearing what she might do to you. You make eye contact with her and she has this soft yet insane look on her eyes.
"You drive me crazy, sweetheart. I can't let you go, never in a million years. I love you."
This moment. This was the moment where you realize there was nothing you could do but accept her love and apology or else she will do something to put you on your place without regret.
"I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you..." She says continuesly, still pressing wet kisses on your neck. As you stood there. Frozen.
You were stuck with her for life and there is nothing you could do about it without getting hurt.
"Say it back."
You lock eyes with her, her cold eyes staring to your soul, telling you to do it or suffer the consequences of your action
"I..." You pause as her nails dig on your skin, waiting for your answer.
"I love you too."
She smiles in victory after hearing your answer but still didn't let go of you, only loosening her grip.
"You're mine, sweetheart. You're never getting rid of me."
She declares before crashing her lips on yours, without a care in the world if she could taste the saltiness of your tears.
You were hers. Forever. Whether you liked or not.
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Someone makes a choked, shocked sound. Someone else yelps. It occurs to Ace, somewhere between the howling in his ears and the ache in his lungs and the taste of salt and iron flooding his mouth, that this is probably pretty surprising for his brothers to witness. Maybe even downright upsetting.
The thing is, Ace was wading into the jungles on his own as early as four years old. Dadan taught him how to do basic shit like talk and wipe his ass, but he honestly didn't have a ton of human interaction before meeting Sabo. And the thing about Sabo was that he had more than enough human interaction for the both of them. Ace learned some manners from Makino, but while Sabo was still around, there wasn't really any reason to get... good, at people.
But then Sabo died, and Ace needed to teach himself not only to talk his way out of trouble but also how to be the nice brother, how to treat Luffy with the softness he needed and deserved, how to gentle his hands and his voice and his words. So Ace did that, because he needed to, and it turned out to actually be pretty useful for dealing with people when he wasn't actively looking for a fight. So he stuck with it.
Which is all to say that by the time he'd joined up with Whitebeard, Ace was as close to tame as he had ever been. Almost downright domesticated.
Ace snaps his head to the side, putting some real momentum into it, heaving with all his weight until something tears. When he drops to his feet he springs right back up again, lunging. He spits out his mouthful as he goes, lets his jaw drop open.
The thing is, Ace is a child of the wilderness. He raised himself among that wilderness, and then he raised Luffy among that wilderness. He's a son of the jungle at heart, no matter how good he's gotten at pretending to be a person.
The sea-stone cuffs are chaffing his wrists. He feels tired and heavy, but he doesn't need his fire to be dangerous. Doesn't even need his hands.
Teeth find an artery. Body-hot blood sprays his face as Ace bites down, lock-jawed and snarling. Rears back and rips.
Another marine goes down. Ace spits out a chunk of the man's throat and is already rounding on a third. Notices, with a vague annoyance, that he's gonna need to find a toothpick -- there's a scrap of tendon or something caught in his teeth.
Mmm. Boar. They had pork for dinner, ah, the other night? Three days ago? Something like that, but it doesn't taste the same as wild boar does. And anyway, meat on the Moby is always overcooked. Ace is allowed to eat blue steak, but everybody always yells at him when he tries to steal bites of poultry or Sea King or whatever else while it's still tender and bleeding. This fight is giving Ace a real craving!
Duck. Lunge. Bite down, hard, thunder of a rabbit-quick pulse against his tongue, bulge of tender flesh against his soft palate. Iron and salt in his mouth.
Fear has a flavor. It is bitter and acrid, reminiscent of char, and Ace hadn't liked it much when he was young and still learning how to hunt. It stiffens up the meat, too, makes it kinda chewy. Somewhere along the line, he'd acquired a taste for it, though. He still marks it as a point of pride, his ability to hunt and kill prey without it ever knowing he was there, roasting something that is tender-sweet and gives easily under his teeth -- but the taste of fear isn't so bad either. Sometimes he even prefers it, gets a craving for it. Like wild boar, he hasn't had it in a while. Maybe he'll chase down his own dinner tonight.
Ace rears back. Muscle fibers split, skin stretches until it snaps. A heave, and a body crumples to the ground, gurgling. He gnaws kind of idly on his mouthful while he catches his breath, snorting blood out of his nose and straining his ears. Sounds like the fight's over, then.
Another lump of trachea gets spat into the dirt. Ace turns to face his brothers, counting heads -- good, it looks like nobody got hurt too bad, everybody is still standing! He grins. Ah, they're all pretty pale though, that's a little bit concerning, he hopes nobody's in shock. He learned from Marco that that can happen to anybody, even if they've been in a whole lot of fights.
"Hey!" Ace chirps. "Is everybody okay?" His wrists are killing him. Also, he really needs a shower. He's got blood in his ears, how the hell did that happen? But first he jogs over to where the others are all standing, clumped together, still just. Kinda staring at him.
Okay. Concerning. "You guys alright?" He asks again, lower. "Is anybody hurt? What happened?"
"Ace, man," Deuce says. His voice sounds kind of shaky. He drags a hand through his hair, fucking it up even worse than it already is. "What the fuck was that?"
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iridescentdove · 10 months
I need a BSD x Reader where it’s just the reader casually rizzing up everyone like no one is safe from the reader’s infinite rizz, not the ADA, not the PM, not the DOA, not the guild, and definitely not the Hunting Dogs, not even civilians; it’s literally everyone that is getting rizzed up, while the reader is aware and laughs and points at every clown they rizzed up.
various!BSD x reader
A/N: anon, I would like to point out how much I love you and this request right now. also, I put the reader in the port mafia for fun because why not.
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Absolutely speechless.
This is how everyone felt – well, whether whoever it may be, there was just one thing all could collectively agree on. They may all be feared and powerful factions that anyone could basically kneel down to, however ...
Who THE FUCK is this audacious person?
MORI was the first to witness your ass flirt with every single person you saw. But no, did you even care? Not at all. He stares, bewildered and mildly in concern as you came up to every single person you saw – completely distracted from the mission at hand as you asked women to step on you, choke you ...
He wants you throw you back from where you came from.
Oh wait, nevermind. You were now flirting with HIM. MORI is in even more shock at your confidence. Damn, pretty bold of you. But he actually thought you kinda hot fr. Elise still #1 bae tho
And somehow, you were taken up to being an executive. Everyone is morbid and utterly terrified.
How the fuck is someone like you an EXECUTIVE?? HELLO??
CHUUYA turns as red as his hair could ever be. Look man, he just wanted to complain about Dazai and you here just ..
"That fucking idiot Dazai! I'll rip him apart!"
"Yes daddy- I mean, can you do that to me too?"
"... What?"
"Ooh~ those fingers are so slender and pretty .."
"Mind if I ... caress them a little, babygorl?"
"(Y/N) WHAT-"
Aww, look at that, Chuuya is deader than Odasaku <3
But God forbid you be taken on important missions against another factiom because fuck man. All you're there for is 1% fighting, 99% rizzing.
Y'know when everything was in chaos in Yokohama bcz of the Guild trying to take over? Everyone's fighting their ass off, God knows where DAZAI is but no one cares, and you?? Uh yeah already guessed it.
Tryna rizz up the agency.
Like yes, they're in trouble, everyone is, we know but fuck war we want fictional men. And women.
"Are you lingo? Because we can make a good duo 😏" - you
"... Did you just make a duolingo pickup line" - kunikida
Man times when the port mafia and the agency are in a truce, you're there back and forth flirting nonstop. Everyone is red, turned on from your oh so amazing rizzler skills
DAZAI enjoys your company obviously. Both of you create so much chaos, but even sometimes you're so much worse than him. You're the only one who can actually surprise him. Like wtf bitch stop flirting with the damn secret police?? Uh??
You make suicidal jokes, whispering them so sexily in his ear he wanna take you to the bed right there mamasita lip bite
Oh, the Decay of Angels wanna achieve world domination? They can dominate sumn else if you know what I mean
No words can express how terrified u keep making everyone THAT'S FYODOR HE'LL KILL YOU WITH A TOUCH BITCH- oh wait nvm he's melting from all of your rizz and affection.
You are literally so sweet but so confusing. SIGMA sees you around the Sky Casino just chilling and flirting with everyone you see. He don't mind cause you hot anyway
The Guild kinda ... actually, no. They're not safe. FITZGERALD? More like Rizzgerald cause this bitch 'bout to get rizzed so hard he turns poor
Yeah .. I don't take it to heart.
You'll just be up in their ass even after the Yokohama incident. Literally all of them both love and hate you. "Should we throw her off a cliff or kiss her" "Idk the second option is kinda tempting tho" "Boss, what do we d-" "Both."
No one can escape from your rizz. Okay one time you got kidnapped by the fuckin Hunting Dogs but you just?? Started to rizz up and call JOUNO ur bbygorl?? He is seconds from slicing your head off but he gave up at this point.
Where you got that rose from 🤨
Why the fuck is romantic music playing 😐
You asked FUKUCHI himself to choke you and slam you against the wall. Not even an ounce of regret of fear.
Everyone officially is scared of you.
ANGO isn't free from this either, bitch. You'll strut into the room all happy to talk for a mission and all but ... uhh. "So you're from the Special Division? I can't blame you then ... I feel as if I have something special going on for you."
ANGO, internally: iamnotasimp- iamnotasimp- iamnotasimp-
Sadly, he is now a simp.
The fact his face turns so red is not unnoticed by you. You laugh, clowning everyone you literally rizzed up no joke. They're so in love with ur pretty/handsome/hot ass 😔
No one is free. If you find a pretty bird, ask it's hand for marriage. There is no other way but that.
Mk but the way you literally hit on AKUTAGAWA do be funny. Bitch is so oblivious, he just thinks you're another certain blonde hair slaying bitch 😳
By the time he actually knows you're rizzing him up by being more direct about your advances, he is questioning life.
But bcz you're SOO close to DAZAI maybeee we can ...
Work sumn out, you know? heh
One day the mafia just be chilling and BOOM heree comes the wh00000re~ hello wh000re~ welcome~ 😍
(i am so sorry if this offends someone it's a meme-)
Cue everyone sighing as you come in and start your daily routine which is rizzing. You'll be caressing KOUYOU's cheek, talking to CHUUYA with that sexy ass deep voice, whispering in MORI's ear, and everytime you breathe the vine boom sound effect comes off.
Can't say they don't like it though. We all know we have some horny deviants lovestruck little cuties <3 but let's just say it's hard being here with those hoes 😔✌️
Yet most especially,
*bites lip* (i am sorry.)
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k1ngdom-of-thieves · 2 years
Hi there! can you do headcanons for the housewardens of Night Raven College finding out MC is a girl?
MC has short boyish looking hair (for example 👇)
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And MC is always wearing a boy uniform around the school, so everyone there though MC was a boy. Except for Grim and Crowley.
Until one day, all of MC's other clothes were dirty, so she had to wear the out she was wearing when she got teleported to NRC.
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Then Crowley asked MC to deliver something to one of the dorms. And when MC sees the surprise look on the housewardens' faces, she's just like "Yeah I'm a girl, but what's with that look? You and everyone else already knew that."
I’m so sorry you had to wait so long for this, my twst OC has a similar story to this lol
Dorm leaders + finding out reader is a girl
Riddle Rosehearts (chapter 1 spoilers, just wanna cover my tracks)
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Riddle was completely blindsided. He had no idea that the NRC allowed girls to be in the school, but then realized that your case was a very special one.
He was a bit ashamed about having you witness his overblot. Not that he wasn’t before but his mother taught him to be nothing if not respectful to a girl. One of the only things she did right.
He started acting a bit more “gentlemanly” to make up for his previous blunder. He held the door open for you, offered to carry the items for you, it was kinda weird to say the least.
You had to tell him to dial it back and that you liked him the way he was before. That’s when he gets it through his mind that he was over exaggerating quite a bit.
“I apologize for my prior behavior. I-I mean, I’m sorry for assuming that you were a male. It was very crude of me.”
Leona Kingscholar
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Leona had a bit of an idea that you weren’t a man but it wasn’t his place to comment, nor did he care all that much anyway. When you appeared in Savanaclaw, he was more amused than anything else.
He was glad his suspicions were confirmed, though he thought it amusing how you assumed it was common knowledge. Although just seeing how everyone treated you like one of the guys should’ve shown you otherwise.
He has Ruggie take whatever you were delivering, his family would kill him if they thought he was letting a woman do the heavy lifting. Ruggie is more than pissed.
Asks you if you plan to wear anymore “feminine” clothing after this. He doesn’t mind if you do or don’t, he just feels that it would be a very unique change of pace for an “all boys” college.
“Do you want to wear stuff like this more often? It’d be pretty funny seeing your friends react to your getup.”
Azul Ashengrotto
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Azul was definitely caught off guard. He’s not gonna show it though, he pretends that everything’s fine even though he’s beyond confused.
He takes the updated menus from you and makes small talk with you while sorting them. Little things like how your day was, the weather, if you were always a girl or if he’s losing his mind.
Asks if being in the NRC has been a comfortable experience. It must be quite isolating being the only person in a dorm, the only magicless person and the only girl in this school. If you need anything, he’d be more than happy to make a deal with you.
Wonders if there’s anyone else that knows about you being a girl. When you tell him that you’ve only had to tell Crowley and Grim because you thought it was obvious he feels a small sense of pride being one of the few.
“Well then, please remember that if you need anything to make your life here easier, we at the Monstro Lounge are more than happy to assist.”
Kalim Al Asim
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Kalim was taken by complete surprise when you showed up to Scarabia in that outfit. It’s hot as balls there so I don’t blame you tbh. He does the dramatic “WHAAAT” thing and everything.
Bombards you with questions. He doesn’t mean anything bad by it, he’s just confused about how this was right in front of him the whole time.
He has a bunch of sisters so he has a slight understanding on how girls differ from guys but he’s never had to use that info in his day-to-day life. He makes up for his lack of understanding the same way he deals with other things he has a hard time with; with pure enthusiasm.
Kalim asks if there’s anything you need, anything at all. From practical things like new clothes and food, to less normal requests like new pets or entertainment. Jamil overheard at this point and told him to relax.
“I can’t believe you’ve been a girl this whole time!! You definitely fooled me ya know!”
Vil Schoenheit
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Vil had no idea you were a woman but he wasn’t going to let that change how he treated you. He still spoke to you like it was a normal day and and even insulted talked shit about Crowley not getting you enough clothing.
He’s honestly more offended about your lack of a closet. He refuses to let it go. He also offers to let you have some skincare products that didn’t work that well with him. He won’t be offended if you don’t accept his offer, if you were Epel that would be a different story however.
The rest of your visit is mostly him offering to help you in different ways, like going shopping for clothes with you or picking out different accessories for you to borrow. You’re lucky he likes you so much.
Like I said before, he doesn’t change much of how he treats you; you’re still the prefect of ramshackle after all. He knows you can handle his harsher demeanor.
“While you’re here, would you like to have some moisturizer that was sent for me to review? It’s unused and I despise letting things go to waste.”
Idia Shroud
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Idia was completely surprised when you showed up to his dorm with a package. First of all, you were IN his dorm and secondly, YOU WERENT A DUDE??
Ortho had to come in and check up on his brother because he was staring into space for so long. Ortho knew you were a girl but that’s another can of worms. He’s fine physically but mentally will be something else for a while.
Your gonna have to talk to Ortho about whatever it is you needed to deliver, it’s pretty funny seeing the difference in their reactions.
Will not be able to form a coherent sentence for a while, he still needs to process that what he thought was true was actually a lie. He’s so dramatic
“There’s nothing wrong with you being a girl, but it’s just surprising seeing that it’s an all boys school. Not-that-there’s-anything-wrong-with-you-being-here-someone-please-shut-me-up.”
Malleus Draconia
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Malleus also had absolutely no idea that you were a girl, but he doesn’t seem to be too shocked. Human fashions change very rapidly so he just assumed it was that.
Takes whatever you were delivering and offers for you to stay at the dorm for a little while longer. Lilia’s on cooking duty tonight and was really excited about you tasting his food. Run while you still can
The words he uses doesn’t change but the tone he uses is a little softer than before. He was raised to always treat a lady with respect. Even if he’s watched you deal with several overblots and have already earned his respect.
He wonders if all of the other students did know that you were a girl and this was just another thing he was left out on. You have to snap him out of his negative thoughts before he gets all grouchy for the rest of the day.
“Oh! My apologies, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. I was just unaware that I was the only one that didn’t know this about you.”
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moonbeamwritings · 1 year
next time
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wc: 1.9k
warnings: dabi being a menace (as always), injury and violence mention
PART 2 →
You’ve been in a lot of hairy and otherwise life-threatening situations as a pro-hero. There’s the time you got pinned under a car, and that other time you were held at gunpoint. Oh! And there was even one afternoon where you’d ended up strung up by your ankle from a skyscraper window. Dangling 400 feet above cold, hard cement really encourages a person to reconsider their life choices (but apparently not enough to make you quit your job).
So curling up against the cool, stinky metal of a dumpster in some back alley in Hosu City with notorious League of Villains member Dabi crouching in front of you like the cat that got the cream, all things considered, really isn’t that surprising.
Your leg is busted, so you can’t run. And with the heavens above as your witness, you’d tried. The only good it served was to send bile up your throat and white hot pain shooting through the meat of your thigh. Not smart. Your side burns and blood bullies through the gaps between your fingers, sticky and wet from the blast of a scummy criminal some ten minutes earlier. You hunch further against the dumpster, the adrenaline racing from your bloodstream leaves your body feeling tired, limbs leaden. You can’t fight anymore.
Feeling defeated, you huff a sigh and close your eyes. “Here to cut off all my limbs, leave me for dead? Isn’t that what you villains get up to on Monday nights?” 
“Dismemberment isn’t really my thing, doll.”
“Arson then? That seems to be more your speed.”
Dabi offers you a lazy smile. “Arson’s fine.”
“Mmm, nice,” your side throbs and you wince. “Well? Hero barbecue tonight? ‘M sure the League would love that.”
Your comment goes ignored. “It’s nice to see you again, little hero. Rough night?”
“Weren’t you taught not to play with your food?”
He shrugs, rocking on his heels like he’s having fun with you. “I could’ve killed you the last…” he stops, pretending to think. He makes a show of counting on his fingers before he invades your space, grin morphing into a smirk. “Three times we’ve met like this. Don’tcha think I would’ve done it by now?”
You groan, head lolling back until it makes contact with brick. “Touché.”
“Who did this to you anyway?” Dabi punctuates the question with a curious prod at your thigh. You slap his hand away with a hiss, and when you do, he’s quick to switch focus. Not one to be deterred, his hand moves to grip your chin, tilting your head to one side and then the other, eyeing you carefully as if he’s looking for something. You let him.
“Some criminal we’ve been after for the last few weeks. Serial murderer, all around bad person. The usual. Pretty nasty quirk, too.” You bite back a smile. “You know him?”
“Sounds like me.”
“Ha ha. Very funny.”
He leans closer, hand stilling along your jaw. “I could find out for you, but it’ll cost ya.”
The offer hangs heavy in the air. He looks so honest, so earnest despite the smirk that sits on his lips and the teasing glint in the turquoise of his eyes, that you feel a tug in your ribcage. You want to take the bait. You shake your head to remind yourself that this is probably exactly what he wants — some hero like you to owe him a favor so he can exploit you later. A win-win for him and, ultimately, a crash and burn, win-lose for you. You humor it, though, if only to see what that cost is.
“Oh yeah? What do you want?”
A hum, and then silence. Your heart leaps into your throat, goosebumps rising across your flesh as Dabi shrinks the gap, closer now than he’s ever been. So close you can feel the movement of air with every exhale, can smell the cigarette smoke and cheap whiskey that cling to his clothes, his breath. If he’s trying to do what you think, you’re not sure you’ll have the strength to stop him. Realization sits heavy on your chest as your hand curls around the collar of his leather coat — you don’t want to stop him.
His lips are a hair’s breadth from yours, one tiny push would be all it takes to finally connect them, when he pauses. You feel his lips quirk up. A ghost of a smile. Dabi chuckles somewhere deep in his chest, voice barely above a whisper as he tells you, “I don’t know if you can afford it, little hero.”
You don’t know if you can either, but the heat settling in your cheeks and the half-lidded gaze staring back at you is enough to make you want to try. Anything to close that gap. And still, you can’t bring yourself to move, to even speak. You must look like a deer in headlights as Dabi’s eyes flicker between your eyes and your lips.
With the words caught in your throat, Dabi takes the opportunity to break the silence. “How ‘bout this, sweet thing,” he croons, hunching closer so his lips brush against the shell of your ear. “You go home, lick your wounds in your pretty little penthouse apartment, and I’ll take care of the dirty work, hmm?” He presses a featherlight kiss to the space beneath your ear. “He’ll never touch you again.”
His palm cups the curve of your jaw, fingers brushing against the baby hairs at the nape of your neck. “And next time, when you’re feelin’ better, then we’ll talk about…” He pauses to bring his lips close to yours again, scarred skin hovering over your mouth, but never quite touching. He’s teasing. “... this. How does that sound?”
Next time. The phrase rings in your ears, and you’re sure it’s more than your injuries that are making you dizzy. It sounds good, really good, but the voice in the back of your head screams as you think it over. This is dangerous. It’s bad enough you’ve met him more than once and have only half-heartedly tried to restrain him one time, but now you find yourself dancing in a moral gray area, hand-in-hand with one of Japan’s most wanted criminals.
You chuckle, little more than a weak exhale that sends a splinter of pain shooting between your ribs. Your hand doesn’t move from the collar of his jacket. The dance continues. “I don’t know if I can really condone the whole murder part of that plan.”
Dabi laughs and pulls away, thumbing at your jaw before finally dropping his hand. “You heroes and your damn moral compasses.” A smirk follows a beat of silence. “But the other part you’re okay with?”
“Mmm,” you hum, eyes shut and teeth clenched. “Ask me next time.”
Next time. You’ve sealed your fate with one simple phrase. A promise written in the air between you.
Dabi scoffs, but his smirk doesn’t falter. “You’re certainly something, little hero.”
He eyes you again, though you don’t see it. A look mirroring care, concern, crosses his features as he takes in the hole in your hero costume, exposing a mess of crimson that mingles with black and blue. Blood pools beneath your thigh. He could kill you. You’ve laid yourself bare for him, injured and alone. Too trusting. All it would take is a flicker of his quirk and there’d be one less hero running around, one less loose end to worry about. But as he crouches in front of you, he can’t bring himself to do it.
He’ll let himself stew about all of these bullshit emotions later, but for now, he moves to stand, holding an open palm to you. You blink up at him dumbly when you drag your eyes open, and he sighs, pretending to be exasperated. “What? You wanna sit here in the trash all night?”
“Hey,” you moan teasingly, dropping your hand in his. “These trash bags are actually quite comfy, given the circumstances.”
“Just,” he rolls his eyes and pulls you to your feet as gingerly as he can. When he gets you standing, he takes your weight, wrapping his arm around your waist. He’s careful to watch the wound in your side. “Shut up already.”
As he guides you to the mouth of the alley, he continues, “Your friends make a habit of leaving you behind?”
“Solo job tonight,” you suck air through your teeth as another wave of pain rolls through your muscles. “No one to leave me behind.”
“Just our luck then, huh?”
Your arm curls a little tighter around his shoulders. “Just our luck.”
Dabi shoots a look up and down the street, and once the coast is clear, guides you over to a bench on the sidewalk. His arm lingers around your waist for a moment, warm palm pressed into the curve of your hip. Hesitant. 
After a beat, two beats, he lowers you onto the bench, and without so much as another glance, turns heel down the sidewalk and disappears into the shadows again.
“See you around, little hero.”
Everything hurts and the smell of blood hangs in the air as you sit on that steel bench, letting the chill of the metal seep into your tired muscles. You pray that it steals the warmth that Dabi has left in his wake. Your fingers shake as you pull out your phone to call for an ambulance, a feeling stirring somewhere deep in the pit of your stomach. 
Tipping your chin up to the sky, you watch as your exhale creates a fleeting, misty cloud in the cool night air. “God, I really hate Mondays.”
Given your injuries, it’s easy to talk your agency into giving you the time you need to recover, and you relish in it. Days off are rare, rarer still as a pro, so you spend them lazing around your apartment and nursing yourself back to health — just as Dabi suggested. On this particular day, your movements are slow, lazy as you make your way to the kitchen. In your haze, you almost don’t notice the single red rose sitting on your counter, a note tucked gently under its petals.
“You’re welcome.”
Though you’ve never seen it before, you know that handwriting as if it’s your own, and without a second thought you scramble towards your living room, practically falling over yourself to turn on the news. Has the story even broken yet? Who knows about this? Just you… and Dabi?
They cycle through a few other stories and you bite at the skin of your lip until a familiar face flashes on screen. Your mouth hangs agape, heart thundering against your ribcage and pounding in your ears as the news anchor describes the warehouse fire that killed the fucker your agency had been chasing, the one that had left you in that alley last week. No one knows how the fire began, she explains.
But you know. The note, your gut, tells you as much.
The rest of the report falls on deaf ears as you sit frozen on your sofa — rose hanging from your fingers, tea kettle whistling on the stove.
Despite the myriad of unanswered questions that itch at your skin, you know four things with certainty. First, Dabi, despite having ample opportunity, has not tried to kill you. Second, he definitely killed that guy on your behalf. Third, he knows where you live.
And above all else, you’re undeniably, irreversibly fucked.
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messycunt · 2 years
So like…Vil’s one of the most popular show cows, right? And thus the farm would do anything to keep him happy. So, what if he was assigned a handler who could not give less a shit about his status. They call him “your highness” sarcastically and just scoff when he makes an unreasonable request.
So, he asks the farm owner for a bed warmer during his heat (is that what it’s called? I forgot I’m sorry) and he wants his handler. The handler is offered a lot of money for the job, so much it’d be stupid to turn it down.
Vil always gets what he wants, he’s the farm’s star after all!
hcs + a blurb, not proof read
cw: afab reader, male lactation, hybrids(hucows), dubcon(Vil is an entitled lil prick ok i made him extra bitchy)
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With a silky blond hide, gorgeous ivory horns, and a face card that never declines, Vil is the shit and he knows it. Everyone else does too if he has anything to say about it. Well everyone but you.
The fact that his presents didn’t leave you completely star struck upon your first meeting irked him more than he’d like to admit.
If not for his beauty he usually receives positive recognition for how much work he puts into maintaining it but you couldn’t care less. If anything you see him as boujee and stuck up, not admirable and hard working.
You irritate him beyond belief but he truly is unreasonable for the most part.
The look he gives you when you roll your eyes at his request to have you personally prepare his meals instead of eating the same as everyone else or to tailor the outfits prepared for him by Crewel yourself rather than just sending them back could kill a man. Still, you remain unphased. 
He wakes up at 5:30 sharp every morning and has a skin care routine with more steps than any dance routine he’d ever be expected to pull off. It's all so.. exhausting. 
He has won so many blue ribbons that he’s lost count you know? And his father was an international show bull too? The fairs he’s featured in wouldn't be half as lucrative without his name attached -or so he says- so the least you could do is put in some effort to help him stay on track with his personalized diet.
At first you were surprised to learn that Vil does any physical work at all let alone regularly but as you come to know him it makes sense. 
He’s not lazy- far from it actually. His insistence on stressing you to your wits end and then some is some kind of sick power game to him you reason. 
Still you remain unphased.
Helping him wash and dye his hair and the end of his tail is one thing but giving him a full manipedi every other day is much too much.
Milking him is practically a nightmare.
He bitches about you handling him too rough or the suction being too high when the machine is barely sucking faster than the milk is flowing out.
Insistent on using the main house bathrooms and showers, despite having his own personal one in his room, Vil will snap at anyone who questions him about it.
Oh what joy was hearing the news that your beloved “special princess”, as you liked to teasingly call him, had gone into rut.
This meant not only that you would both be blessed with a much needed break from each other but also that maybe just maybe getting laid would help him loosen up some. 
Too bad you only got a few hours into your first day off before receiving a call from a certain black haired man urging you to come back to the main house to hold up your end of a deal you simply could not refuse.
Vil looked a hot mess.
The heady smell of warm vanilla and some expensive cologne he loved to wear and you never remembered the name of smacked you in the face the second you stepped foot in your room. Having already set your things down you made your way to your bed, pulling your top over your head and plopping down on the corner next to his head.
 “Awwww did her highness decide to grace her lowly servant with her presence today? I’m surprised you didn’t bring your little boyfriend with you.” up close he looked more pathetic than you anticipated. Hair undone and sticking to the clammy skin of his shoulders, back and forehead. A defeated look on his face all wrapped up in one of your bed covers. 
“‘M not up for your teasing, not today. Did that old crow relay my message or do I have to tell you myself?” he chided. Words coming out slurred and jumbled as if he had drool pooled inside of his mouth. 
“Yeah yeah ‘In return for your services you will receive 50% of the next month and a half’s show and exhibit earnings! Aren't I a generous employer!?’ or somethin’ like that” Looking up at you with glazed over eyes and a straight flushed face he seemed unimpressed by your Crowley impression. 
“Good. You won’t mind this then” A sound akin to that of a startled puppy left you as Vil dragged you under his body still covered by one of your favorite blankets. This isn’t the first and probably wouldn’t be the last time he took it upon himself to manhandle you. Still you remain unphased. You squint a few times to let your eyes adjust to the light blaring down on the both of you. “You know from this angle, and without all that makeup you don’t look half bad.” you snickered before pulling your features into a more stern look. “Now get offa me” 
Wiggling in an attempt to sit up only pulled the two of you closer than you’d deem comfortable. “Ough gross. Please tell me you weren't laying up under my sheets ass naked the whole time I was gone??? Vil I swear the second this whatever you’re going through wears off I-” A pristinely polished thumb hooked into your mouth. Sitting up some his other hand reached down to pull down at your shorts. “You agreed to this, yes? So stop being a pain and let me get it over with”
Having discarded your bottoms he pulled the thumb that was sitting inside of your mouth away to unceremoniously shove inside of your cunt. “Tight and inviting, surprising. I was almost certain a whore like you would have made her way around the block a few times and then some” his words stung but not enough for you to let it show. “Trying so hard to look unbothered. It’s cute but I advise you to quit it.” Easing his thumb out of you to push and roll against your clit he lined up his head against you. ”Unless you want to make this harder for the both of us”
Feeling an inch or two ease its way into you made you tense. Vil dropped his face back down closer to yours, close enough for you to taste his breath. “I’ll be soft and sweet with you this time, but I have full intentions of breeding and breaking you until you can think of nothing but me.”
You’re going to kill Crowley. 
12.4.22 - more
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Hello there :) please could I request something for Vikings with a female reader if possible. Where the reader (a shieldmaiden) meets the ragnarssons for the first time after being taken in by Ragnar when her parents are killed, and they start developing feelings for her later on? 💙
Hey! Thought that making this into headcanons/preferences would be the best format, message me if you want a full work where I elaborate!🌺
Vikings preference: Falling for a shieldmaiden taken in by Ragnar
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Bjorn A little rough around the edges, at first - you're a complete stranger, after all. Maybe he criticizes your posture one day and you're more than willing to make him prove his 'superiority'. Whether you win or lose is not as important as the sole fact that you were a challenge for him, although he might not outright admit that. Despite being a shieldmaiden and Bjorn having witnessed your abilities first-hand, he still perceives you as a woman first - the burden of upbringing, one might say. Because of that, he often tries to fight your battles for you, both on the battlefield and outside of it. Most of the time it's small things: bringing you this, giving you that. He definitely might come off as overbearing at times but there's no malice in his heart - Bjorn genuinely believes he's doing the right thing. The downside is that even your stern words might not knock off his habits (the two of you fought numerous times about his overprotective attitude). That protective side of him comes out especially strong during cold winter months when he needs to be extra sure that you're well-fed and warm. In his hot and cold attitude, you find irrefutable proof of his affection. After all, what else if not love could bring warmth and care out of a man known for his dauntlessness and reserved attitude? Bjorn puts his fondness into words in a very peculiar manner: suggesting your possible gains. In other terms, he hints at all the goods you'd have and the shortages you wouldn't suffer if he could have your hand. See that pile of wood that's going to last you for at least a month? Or the furs on your bed that are just enough to stay warm on a freezing winter night? Without half-truths and subtext, Bjorn assures you that he could provide you so much more. Although 'could' should be read as 'wants to' - a desire he's determined to fulfil only if you agree to be his.
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Ubbe The one who actually talks to you first, with no expectations or prejudice. Even if he did have those, he's capable of looking past them and making a fair judgement only after getting to know you. At first he's a little uncomfortable with the situation and your person because you're kind of like a sister but not really? That apprehension doesn't last long, however: he's a little too smitten with you. To his own surprise, your presence makes the long absence of his father a little easier to bear - Ragnar didn't leave on a whim, he had a reason to do so and it was a good reason. If the other Ragnarsons treat you with malice, thinking of you as the sole reason they had to grow up fatherless, Ubbe is always ready to step in and de-escalate the situation. In some way, he's similar to Bjorn in expressing his affection in the sense of being protective. Ubbe perceives you as a woman, a woman he loves to be exact, and only then a warrior, despite getting a taste of your skills on his own. Just like his half-brother, he'd try to do things for you, deal with the mundane burdens of everyday life; he only cares about you. The thing that sets them apart is Ubbe's willingness to stand back - once he knows you can stand your ground, he lets go a little, although reluctantly. Another thing is that he already acts like your husband despite being yet to earn that title: always being in your vicinity, fighting any men who try to woo you, thinking ahead and gifting you anything you might need in the near future. Whenever his training alongside his brothers, Ubbe tends to tease them saying that you're better than them. Whether that is true or just brotherly spitefulness is yet to be determined. When the moment comes and Ubbe confesses his affections, he's very straight-forward, telling you how much you mean to him.
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Hvitserk Curious and fascinated - you're pretty and courageous. Even if you end up rejecting him (a possibility he doesn't think is realistic), you seem like a great person to be around. He's friendly from day one. Keeps hinting at his romantic interest in you through smooth, sublime and yet unambiguous remarks, so there is no doubt about his intentions. In an attempt to spend more time with you, Hvitserk offered to join you in training. Clashing swords and breadth-of-hair ducks were not enough to stop his flirting (you had this growing suspicion that he's also unnecessarily touchy - not that you were one to complain). The only difference from his daily sweet talk was that with a sword in his hand, Hvitserk's words became vividly more explicit. Some of them caught you off guard but once the surprise washed away, you realized you had nothing against those generous offers becoming true. Even if his brothers are also interested in you, he doesn't see them as a competition or a threat of any sort. His approach wouldn't be a surprise to anyone who had even once seen you two together - there was no chance any other Ragnarson could sweep you off your feet. Truth be told, you knew Hvitserk's feelings before he told you, although it should be clarified that he didn't explicitly confess his affections: during a quite intimate moment, in bed and under furs, he suddenly asked you to marry him. Relationship-wise, out of all the Ragnarsons Hvitserk is the one to treat you the most equally to him.
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Sigurd Begins to be interested in you simply because his brothers were. Then he noticed your ambivalence towards Ivar and how much it was pissing the youngest brother off and Sigurd was instantly on board - he might yet find an ally in you. Out of the Ragnarssons, he is the most invisible brother and so he didn't quite expect to pique your interest. To his surprise, you're the one to accost him, asking about living in Kattegat and the family reputation he has to hold up. Not to mention all the prince's responsibilities he has to suffer. From your own words, Sigurd learned that, just like him, you're not one for big crowds and front rows, preferring to stray from the eye of the storm that so often seemed to emerge around Ragnar and his sons. He finally found someone who understood his perspective and not only that - they shared it. The two of you are often disappearing somewhere together and the general population of Kattegat quite quickly catches on but you and Sigurd care little about those rumours. Definitely spent hours upon hours coming up with a wax poetic ballad about you. He put himself in one of the verses describing his growing fondness for you. Luckily for him, he won't have to change the verse about the shieldmaiden loving some guy named Sigurd back.
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Ivar Acts like he doesn't care and tries to make himself believe that mainly because deep inside he had immediately dismissed the possibility of you being interested in him. You've heard stories of course but a certain degree of scepticism is a trait of a good warrior - it keeps you level-headed. Once when you were sitting on the pier, enjoying a moment of solitude, Ivar approached you only to ask about his father. After all, you'd spent more time with Ragnar than he did, even if he wasn't your actual parent. While sharing stories about the famous Ragnar Lothbrok, Ivar noticed that you're neither apprehensive nor fearful of him. In a way, it upsets him - he found himself in a situation where he doesn't have the upper hand. But this surprising and wholly unwelcome vulnerability didn't backfire. Truthfully, the longer you talked about the legend of Ragnar Lothbrok, the more Ivar wished you would stop talking about his father and simply talk about yourself. Except for his parents, you were the only person whose presence he didn't completely detest and Ivar was yet to make an opinion on how that made him feel. He definitely hates seeing you interact with his brothers as he naively thought that he was the only recipient of your sympathies and it's exactly that lack of exclusivity that makes him go out on a limb and make less-than-ambiguous remarks that you happily reciprocate. Sometimes, when he can't sleep at night, Ivar climbs onto his father's throne and dwells on various fantasies of glory and bloodshed. In those dreams, there's always a place for you - a brave and beautiful shieldmaiden that rides into battle by his side and gives birth to his children, who go on to become kings, emperors and conquerors.
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blues824 · 1 year
Imagen the hashiras with a female Idia Shroud s/o
🎮Imagen them meeting a antisocial hades with self esteem issues and blu flame hair and thinking they are a demon only for them to protect themselves with modern technology.
🎮(how whoud they react to her hair that look like I would burn them but doesn't )
🎮Them making a ligtsaber like sword for them because a normal katana is a normie sword and I causes a lot more damage than a regular katana because its hot like the sun.
🎮Them meeting their little brother ortho and finding out he is a robot that can distroy their school in 5 seconds when his bigger sibling is in danger (Gets flachbacks from the ghost bride event.
🎮She is not a hashira because the outside gives her extime anxiety that could lead her being distracted and getting injured or killed
🎮she is the messenger now imagine her making tablets for communicating because her tablets are faster than a crow image her making somthing for ubuyashiki that hepls his bliness a bit.
🎮Imagen them learning about that they can overbolt.
🎮(imagine ortho Shroud meeting and playing with Senjurō Rengoku.
✨or with uzui ortho playing with tengen's wives because they love the small child.
🌊and with giyuu ortho meets the Kamado squad and nezuko and him becoming best friends because he can understand her.
🦋Ortho hanging out in the butterfly mansion.
I had no idea what to do for Obanai or Muichiro, so I left them out.
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Gyomei Himejima
He heard you panicking on the side of the road, and you sounded like you didn’t know where you were. He assumed that it was because you were a demon, and he opted to take his weapon out and end your misery.
He didn’t expect any resistance, but his fellow Hashira gasped. You used some of your magic as well as a bit of futuristic technology to protect yourself. You’ve seen an anime like this, and explained that you weren’t a demon.
They led you to Kagaya Ubuyashiki, and he told them that you had the making of a demon slayer. You spent a few days making your own sword, and when you showed it, Gyomei could feel the heat radiating off of it.
He immediately treats your little brother like his own. He’s a people person, so he absolutely loves Ortho with all of his heart. He would teach and train him how to swing a normal blade before handing him his ax and spiked flail.
He personally wouldn’t want you to become a Hashira because of the danger it always poses to them. He’s happy to see that you are on board with not becoming one, so you both agreed that you would train so that you could defend yourself in case you were ever attacked.
He’s always amazed by the things you do with technology. You’ve taught him, Obanai, Ubayashiki braille and you would teach it to the other Hashira as well. That way, the three (Obanai is partially blind) could read the letters they were sent on their own.
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Mitsuri Kanroji
Would probably be able to tell you weren’t a demon because she has never seen a demon with fire for hair. Plus you give off emotions rather than apatheticness. She would try to calm you down by kneeling down to your level, speaking to you softly.
The other Hashira were warning her to get up and get away because you were surely a demon since you had sharp teeth. She softly reprimanded them, talking about how rude it was to assume someone was a demon when you didn’t know if they had ever consumed anyone.
She personally led you to the master of the Hashira, and he told them that you had the intelligence and wit befitting a demon slayer. You set out to gather the materials needed to make your own sword because you saw a few flaws with the originals. Mitsuri would stay by your side and watch as you built your own lightsaber, and she’d be so in awe.
She absolutely loves your little brother. They are both very outgoing and try to get you outside as much as possible. Of course, because Mitsuri and Ortho are on their knees, you opt to sit under a tree outside and watch as the two play with each other.
She wants you to become a Hashira because then the two of you can stay together forever, but she understands your refusal. It’s dangerous, hard, and sometimes fatal, but it can be rewarding because you’re saving humans in their losing battle.
She’s also in awe at your swift mind and knowledge of technology. With you, they both have a tactical advantage over demons. You have upgraded all of their swords and (when you can find him) Haganezuka and you collaborate a lot. She loves how you’re spreading your social circle!
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Giyu Tomioka
He most definitely noticed your fiery hair in the midst of the snow. You didn’t even hear him before he was on you. When you heard the shing from his blade, you whipped around and wrestled with him.
I’m not a demon! You whispered out of fear. You’ve seen an anime similar to this world that you magically teleported to, so you had some idea of what to expect… just forget about what happened in the last paragraph.
He decided that it would be the best decision to take you to Ubuyashiki to pay for his unfortunate mistake. There, all the Hashira were surprised when their master deemed you fit to be a demon slayer. You were honored, but decided that you were going to make your own sword.
Alright, so Giyu doesn’t talk a lot. Your brother is the exception. Ortho reminds him of Sabito and Makomo. You will often see him and your brother having a conversation with each other, and you once saw Giyu giving your brother a piggyback ride.
He doesn’t want you to become a demon slayer at all, if he’s being honest. Forget being a Hashira, being a demon slayer means you could possibly die at any point on your journey. You compromise and he trains you to at least be able to defend yourself.
He’s very impressed by your extensive knowledge and strives to know more about how to use the technology you create in battle. You’ve even helped out his master by making a weaponized cane for him so that he may be a little more independent.
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Tengen Uzui
He thought your hair looked absolutely flashy, but mistook it as your demon blood art and decided that although you looked beautiful, you needed to die. It would be horrible if you killed any citizens, after all.
He wasn’t exactly quiet, so you yelled that you weren’t a demon and that’s just how you looked. He and his wives immediately put their weapons down and looked. You seemed to be absolutely terrified. Then Suma ran over and gave you a hug, apologizing.
Makio, Suma, and Hinatsuru were all fawning over you as Tengen led you all back to Ubuyashiki. This would be one awkward thing to explain. The 4 were surprised when he deemed you strong and intelligent enough to become a demon slayer yourself. Once the words left his mouth, you immediately went to work for your own sword.
The 4 absolutely adore your younger brother, and he adores them back. You often see your 3 wives (Tengen most definitely married you) cooing over him and him hugging each of them back. Tengen ‘ruffles’ Ortho’s hair whenever he sees him as a greeting.
They want to keep you safe and therefore don’t want you to become a Hashira at all, but they leave it up to you. You can not imagine the relief they felt when you said that you would rather wait for them to come home after a mission. They decided that you would be trained for combat on the off-chance something happens at home.
All the wives are so impressed by how smart you are, and once you piece together plans they each give you a kiss on the forehead while Tengen kisses you on the lips. They are just so amazed by your tactical genius that they feel the need to reward you (you are most definitely getting spoiled).
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Sanemi Shinazugawa
Was most definitely about to murder you. No question about it. But he would have if he didn’t yell while swinging his blade. You see, he had seen you on the side of the road, and he obviously noticed the blue flames that your hair is made up of.
Because you heard him, you whipped your head around and shouted that you weren’t a demon but you were, in fact, human. He stopped mid-swing and tumbled to the ground so he wouldn’t hurt you. After all, it was against the rules of the Demon Slayer Corp to fight a human.
It was one awkward walk back to Master Ubuyashiki. Not only were you anti-social, but this dude just tried to kill you. Of course it was going to be awkward. But once Sanemi told his master what had occurred, he deemed you fit to be a demon slayer. You had literal stars in your eyes and went to work making your lightsaber. Sanemi acted like he wasn’t impressed, when it was just the opposite.
Your brother reminds him of his, so he will immediately soften up towards the two of you. You can often spot him telling stories of his travels to Ortho while using his hands to emphasize it all. It’s rather endearing, a trait Sanemi isn’t used to hearing.
He wants to make sure you remain safe and protected at all times, so he will implore you – even beg you – not to become a Hashira. He most definitely is very relieved when you say that you won’t try to become one and would opt to stay back instead of actively fighting.
He loves your mind and all the knowledge it can hold. Every time you help the Hashira come up with a plan and everyone is immediately on-board, he turns to you and gives you a kiss on the forehead. It’s one of the few times you see him soft and loving, so you enjoy it as much as you can.
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Shinobu Kocho
She’s very swift and silent on her feet, so you weren’t able to hear her. It was only when you felt the whoosh of the wind behind you that you rolled out of the way. You were obviously terrified of what just happened but managed to whisper something.
I’m human. That stopped her swing as she looked at you in both shock and amusement. She noticed that you weren’t using anything besides your hands to defend yourself. She quickly backed up and apologized, for once unsure of what to do.
It was a quiet walk to Ubuyashiki. It wasn’t uncomfortable (surprisingly), but Shinobu would make little comments here and there. She was delighted to hear that her master deemed you capable of becoming a demon slayer. That means she could keep you by her side!
She also loves Ortho. She thinks he’s absolutely adorable and reminds her of Kanao. She would be the one to treat any injuries and would even try and help you when upgrading him because it’s a two-person job.
She leaves the option up to you if you want to seek to become a Hashira. She wishes you wouldn’t because look at what happened to her older sister. She tried not to let it show, but you knew that she was scared. She was scared about you being taken away the same way her sister was.
You both rival each other when it comes to basic intelligence, but you learn from each other every single day. You teach her about technology that could possibly help her in the medical field, and she tells you about medicine that can help you with your technology.
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Kyojuro Rengoku
He’s not silent either. Would do the whole ‘yelling while swinging’, and it gave you enough of an alarm to dodge his strike. You were still completely in shock to see a big, tough dude smiling and striking at the same time.
You shouted to him that you weren’t a demon. This caused him to stop in his tracks. You explained (through plenty of stutters) that you were magical and that’s why your hair was made out of flames and you had sharp teeth.
He saw some potential inside of you, and was happy to hear that his master thought the same after taking you to him. You had such an adorable spark in your eye as you immediately rushed to gather the materials you needed for your sword. He followed you and watched as you put that brilliant mind of yours to work.
Absolutely loves Ortho and sees his own little brother in him. They both actively try to get you outside and you like the moments where you lay your head on his lap as the three of you sit under a tree. He often tells you both stories of times past.
He would also get a bit scared when everyone says you would make a wonderful Hashira. You even get a bit nervous with all these comments as you politely say that you wouldn’t at all and you would rather stay back for Kyojuro. Not only did you cause him to let out a great sigh of relief, but you made him flustered when you said that you would rather wait for your lover’s return.
He always compliments you about how absolutely smart you are. Often, when you both wake up together, he will place his hands on the sides of your face and place a kiss on your forehead. He will often leave little notes around the house for you to discover so that while he’s out, he can imagine your flustered face as you read them.
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nhasablogg · 8 months
But you keep me alive
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Characters: Hotch, the BAU team
Summary: Reid and Garcia host a Halloween party. Hotch isn't sure if he should attend.
A/N: The team bonding/Halloween party option in my Criminal Minds poll won, so here you have some Hotch angst and found family set in season 3. Enjoy!
Words: 2k
(Read it on AO3)
Hotch wasn’t sure why he’d agreed to come. Maybe the prospect of spending another weekend alone at home, or sneaking into the office to work when he wasn’t supposed to, was finally starting to look too gloomy even for him. “Remember to dress up,” Reid had told him, all excitement that Hotch had never felt for Halloween until Jack had been born and he’d been picturing what it would be like to bring him out with him for trick or treating. But Jack was too little for it, or maybe had just become big enough to appreciate it had it not been for the divorce. Hotch didn’t dare ask to have him for the weekend in case he would suddenly have to get on the jet and leave. He wasn’t sure his heart would take it, this time.
He stood in front of Garcia’s apartment, for Reid and Garcia seemed to both have this shared love of dressing up that they decided to host together, and wondered if anyone was even expecting his presence. If not, would he be bringing the party down if he knocked? His costume was in his pocket, some stupid devil's horn he was certain wouldn’t go well with his regular suit anyway, but if Reid showed any disappointment over his half-assed attempt at dressing up he would say he was dressed as a bad cop. It wouldn’t be a lie.
It was warm for late october. Humid. It nearly pissed him off, that everything in his life had been turned upside down and even the weather wasn’t what it was supposed to be. He found himself lamenting over the unnecessary nowadays, maybe as a coping mechanism. Stepping in a puddle he hadn’t seen. His coffee being too hot, or too cold, never just right. When someone decided to buy the team cookies and got the kind he’d never told them he didn’t like. It was stupid. He felt stupid. He didn’t even feel proud over not snapping at anyone for silly inconveniences because he wasn’t supposed to be doing that anyway. His team had enough on their plates without him being unreasonable. From Rossi appearing and seemingly replacing Gideon before Reid had even gotten over his departure, to Garcia being shot, to JJ and Emily having to witness yet another woman around their age get killed for no reason other than that she was in the wrong place at the wrong time. And then there were the unspoken things, like the sobriety coin Reid kept fiddling with when he didn’t think anyone could see him. Hotch supposed his own divorce was an unspoken thing too. He wasn’t sure if he wanted anyone to bring it up with him when he wasn’t ready for it.
As he stood in front of the door, hand hovering over the doorbell, he wished Gideon hadn’t disappeared from the face of the earth. He was, not too surprisingly, the only person he would consider talking to about this, not from a friendly perspective necessarily but more because they’d been forced into this sort of proximity. Both older, both in a position of power over the rest of the team. Sharing rooms, sharing afternoons. He reckoned Rossi, with his usually flawless observational skills, would eventually replace him, but they weren’t there yet. Hotch didn’t know what to say to him, or where he had him. And Rossi was bolder than Gideon. Rossi wasn’t afraid of provoking the truth out of him.
Hotch dropped his hand. Wondered if he was a coward for never speaking plainly to his team members about their problems or if he was doing it to allow them some sort of guise of privacy. Partying with them was not giving them privacy. He would simply be a presence looming in the corner which would make them less relaxed.
The door opened just as he was about to turn around. “I gave you enough time, but this is getting ridiculous.” It was Emily. She was dressed in cowboy attire and had something glazed over her eyes and Hotch realized most of his team were probably several drinks in. “Are you coming or not?”
He straightened, surprisingly happy that she was speaking to him like a friend, with a tinge of impatience, nearly exasperation. “I’m coming. Just needed to brace myself for what I was about to see in here.”
She grinned, her smile always reaching her eyes, and grabbed his wrist to pull him inside. The staircase was echoey, but the sound of blasting music could just about be heard over their steps. It wasn’t loud enough to warrant a warning this early in the night, which was good because it would be just their luck if a team of seven BAU members got arrested for something so stupid.
Would make a good story though.
Hotch made sure to put on his horns before Emily pushed the apartment door open and they were met with music, laughter, and the delicious scent of something homebaked, something sweet and nostalgic.
“Was I supposed to bring something?” he asked, suddenly horrified, but Emily just shook her head before he was engulfed by the rest of his team, all dressed in ridiculous costumes from fairies to some sort of obscure fantasy creature he’d never seen. Morgan was, hilariously enough, dressed as a cop.
“Check this out,” he said, showing off his fake baton. “I’ve also got handcuffs for when Garcia starts dancing on tables and I have to restrain her.”
“Kinky.” Garcia was dressed in something purple and fluffy that probably only made sense to her and maybe Reid. She was behind the kitchen counter, stirring a red concoction which looked both terrifying and maybe a little appealing right now. Hotch had had a long day.
“You dressed up.” Reid appeared in his wizard costume, smiling from ear to ear even though Hotch’s horns could barely be called dressing up.
He cleared his throat. “I was afraid I would be turned away at the door if I didn’t.”
“Reid brought an extra costume in case you didn’t,” Rossi said, dressed as a very unrealistic vampire complete with fake fangs and red color dripping down his chin. He was grinning, as if showing off the fangs. “You should be happy you got dressed up because it looked complicated.”
“I should totally do a closet change in the middle of the party,” Reid said, vibrating on the spot at the thought, or maybe due to the bass of the music. It was bound to give Hotch a headache. He could tell.
“Here you go, sir,” Garcia said, suddenly in front of him with a glass filled with the red punch. “Tell me if you think it’s too weak and I’ll rectify that immediately.”
Hotch took a sip and nearly spit it out from how strong it was. “No, no, it’s good, Garcia, don’t worry.”
She smiled giddily and disappeared. Hotch would find she had trouble being still, just like he would come to discover that JJ, who he’d nearly missed due to how still she was on the couch, became calmer the drunker she got. Reid became giggly and bold, unused to drinking, but he seemed to also know his limits well enough. Rossi would be the same, as would Morgan, except that he would be dancing more than anything. Emily would also become bolder, louder, none of them self conscious. All of them at home.
And Hotch? Hotch would stay sober. Hotch was terrified of losing control that night.
He settled next to JJ once the attention wasn’t on him anymore. She smiled, but didn’t say anything, which he appreciated. The music seemed to have gotten just a tad louder, with an old 90s club banger making the silverware in the cupboards clatter, Morgan already swaying to it while holding onto Garcia’s hips, the two of them moving together, platonic soulmates in a way Hotch had never fully understood but never questioned. Reid was circling around them, placing fake spiders and spider webs around the apartment even though they were everywhere already. Fake skulls on the coffee table. Candy which looked like ghosts on plates. Hotch was watching him, watching him come into his own the older he got. He’d been so busy that he’d nearly missed the signs, but he’d noticed when he’d stopped. When he’d stopped and had started getting help. It had been Hotch’s first indicator that if he needed to lead this team well he needed to get out of his own head.
“You’re not drinking,” JJ said, leaning closer to be heard over the music. She had her own half-empty drink on the table in front of them, although it was more pink than red. Hotch wondered how late he’d been if Garcia had had time to make a whole new punch for his arrival.
“Don’t tell them,” Hotch said, pointing to the others with his glass. “They’re too excited to be reasonable about it.”
She let out a laugh. “Fair enough. I’ll cover you when you want to pour some out to not raise their suspicion.”
“And I’ll pretend as if I didn’t hear,” Rossi said from behind them. Hotch hadn’t realized he was there.
Hotch found himself, miraculously, grinning. “Thank you. I’ll remember this next time we have our annual evaluations.”
Emily had joined whatever Morgan and Garcia were doing, all hips and arms, with Morgan occasionally dropping it low in a way he knew he wouldn’t be doing around colleagues had they not been forced into the intimacy only a family had. Reid was still circling them in a way that it nearly looked rehearsed, all of them knowing exactly where they belonged, until Emily grabbed for Reid, too, to bring him into the huddle. He seemed uncertain for the first time since Hotch had arrived, his role suddenly changing from the excited Halloween enthusiast into something else. Something he wasn’t used to. He glanced back at him, or possibly at JJ, whom he knew he was close to anyway, as if asking for help, but JJ simply leaned back with a smile. Once Morgan joined in by grabbing Reid’s hips to force him to move, Rossi sat down beside Hotch, as if wanting to enjoy a show.
“I don’t know how to,” they heard Reid say as the song changed, looking alarmed, but Morgan simply curled his fingers over his side, something Hotch had seen so often that he knew exactly that that was what he’d done without really seeing it properly. Reid jerked away, and then twitched to the other side when Morgan repeated the action on his other side, tickling the kid into moving.
“That’s brilliant,” Rossi said with a chuckle, and Hotch had to agree, although he felt a bit bad for Reid when Garcia and Emily joined in, all three of them poking and prodding at his midriff, lower back, ribs, until he’d curled up with laughter, unable to get away and promising to dance. At least that was what Hotch assumed, as he started swaying to the music the moment they backed off, looking flustered, but not necessarily uncomfortable. Aware that he was safe here, with all of them.
“You gonna join them?” Hotch asked JJ, who simply shook her head, opting instead to grab her drink to take a sip.
“Are you?” Rossi shot back, and Hotch nearly laughed at the question and then laughed for real when Rossi suddenly stood to join the group, swaying hips and shaking shoulders in a way that made Hotch wonder if he was dreaming.
“Okay, I feel compelled to join now,” JJ said, taking another sip before standing. “Emily will kill me if I don’t.”
As if on cue Emily broke out of the group and went to grab her, pulling her onto the makeshift dance floor by the hand, the two of them embracing each other tightly as if they’d been friends for years.
Hotch leaned back and cradled his drink, watching his team and realizing he was happy to have come, after all.
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bladesmitten · 5 months
(anon about Wyll getting hells-tormented and transformed in front of everyone) I'm just going insane about him and think I misremembered his first dialogue after the scene a little dkjsk (got mixed up with another backstory line perhaps? about how he doesn't regret the pact and would do it again? or another one maybe it's been a minute since I played :((( ) BUT STILL
just!!! Mizora keeps dishing out torments and he keeps taking it and keeping up his brave heroic face!! and he keeps trying to be as good as possible no matter the sacrifice and augh my heart HE WAS WILLING TO GET KILLED!!!!
and everyone in camp just watching that happen like.. that's Quite A Moment for him to go through right in front of a bunch of people he's only known for (usually) a handful of days at most? and Karlach is right there realizing he was 100% willing to get killed by his patron for her to live! and everyone else in camp is also witnessing all of this!
it's kind of an insane thing to meet a guy and go "oh he's cool and hot and has the tadpole he can come with :)" and then find out the "devil" he's hunting is actually another tadpole buddy and then shortly after that you watch his patron torture and transform him in the middle of your camp and he gets back up and keeps going!! and you're standing there like,,,,, your man just got marinated in all the hells at once,,
and you can talk to him afterwards and reassure him and all but listen. listen.. I just think people who talk about Karlach or a tiefling Tav (or the grove tieflings? do they talk about the grove tieflings?) helping him out with horn care are onto something I think he could use a little more... is the word 'aftercare'? just wouldn't his skin and muscles hurt after all that... what if he needs a little massage :( a gentle head rub :( he needs to go to a spa in Baldur's Gate (and it goes without saying that he (and every one of the tadfools yes but this ain't about them) could use a good therapist)
(technically Mizora was "within her rights" to give him whatever punishment wherever she felt like it but she should also consider dying a thousand deaths and letting him have nice things and leaving him alone forever) (I'm taking him away from her and holding his hands tenderly and– ahem)
...hmm that was more words than I meant to,, I was trying to be hinged and levelheaded in the first ask but then I thought about him more and that just... it happens when you've known him for a couple of DAYS... idk thinking about it made me go feral a little. hope you have a good one I love seeing you on the dash btw <3
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no i get it LMFAO wyll's rotating around in my head 24/7 like a perpetual microwave
it really is kinda crazy to think about all that happening, esp if you also recruit karlach on the same day you meet him 😭 you've known him for less than 24 hours at that point and he just up and makes a huge sacrifice in the name of doing the right thing. just another tuesday for the blade methinks! (also, obsessed with the wording on that - "marinated in the hells" 😭)
honestly, no wonder wyll sulks at the beach during the tiefling party. he has had no time to process everything that's happened - from hunting karlach in avernus, to getting tadpoled, the nautiloid crashing, saving the druid grove from goblins, helping the tiefling refugees, sparing the person you swore to kill, getting transformed into a devil, infiltrating the goblin camp, killing the three goblin leaders, rescuing halsin only to find out they have to go to moonrise towers anyway. all in - what? a week or two? not to mention he has a mindflayer parasite, the threat of mindflayer transformation looming over everyone in camp.
so the one time the party finally has time for rest and relaxation and celebration - that's the time it all hits wyll. he's permanently changed. because he did the right thing. he can't bring himself to celebrate despite all the good he's done. will the people still trust him to protect them? or will they only see a devil?
and AAGGHHH there really should've been more [tiefling] dialogue for wyll... comforting him... giving him advice on horn care... or even as a flirt option to just offer to take care of it for him. yknow. he deserves it and more!!
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deimostes · 3 months
PLEASE tell me more about your Omegadow headcanons
building off the little thing team dark have where rouge and shadow always sit on omega's shoulders - omega likes carrying shadow around in his arms. at first it's just like, a mid-combat thing where he'll catch him if he falls, or whenever hes especially tired after a fight (as he'll do with rouge too), but sometimes on a normal day he just picks him up while knowing damn well shadow can handle himself. shadow tells him this too, but all flustered and Not admitting that he likes it. something something the big strong killing machine designed to keep you in check treating you with care like you're the most delicate thing in the world
i think it would be really funny if rouge associated chili dogs with them more than she did with sonic:
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like that's her boys. she thinks they're SO cute she loves them so bad. she'll walk by a hotdog stand or something and just think to herself "huh, chili and hot dogs ..... !!! shadow and omega!!!!"
dating changes NOTHING about their competitiveness. the obvious! it just makes it come off insanely gay to anyone else listening. sparring is a date to them. these two love to rile each other up as a form of flirting. it's the only way they'll flirt in front of other people too. i'm particularly thinking of their TSR interactions like these are so
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shadow starts using nicknames for omega without realizing it. omega has NO idea how to react at first but then he does too. he never thought he'd be calling anyone "love" in his life, but with someone who understands him as much as shadow does, he finds it comes naturally. neither of them are super openly affectionate, especially shadow, but eventually they get to the point they casually use these nicknames in front of other people. rouge is the first one to witness it. doodle about this i forgot i had in my files
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i saw u liked my girl leonid (THANK U <3) so i'll talk about her too :) with a kid one would think these two would be like that one meme, shadow as the picture of the person cuddling the baby on a beach chair vs omega holding the baby upside down just by the leg and swinging em around. but i think it's the other way around when leonid is a baby. like omega is so so scared he feels like he's gonna pop her. meanwhile shadow (while not being as crazy as the meme depicts LMAO) can tell she's strong, like this is HIS and OMEGA'S kid, she'll be fine. and he's right! omega just has no idea how to react when he now has a whole CHILD but he gets used to it and she ends up just as happy to cause destruction as him :) naturally the ultimate lifeform and ultimate robot would have the ultimate cyborg - theres a day where leonid calls herself this for the first time just like, completely unprompted, and if robots could cry omega would have (it probably comes out as funny little warbling noises from his voice box instead)
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fabuloustrash05 · 8 months
I absolutely LOVE the Red Team's dynamic lol. If it's okay with you, do you have any headcanons about Raph and April's friendship?
Gladly! I have a whole headcanon on how they bonded and became friends!
In the beginning, Raph and April didn't really get along. Not that they hated each other, it's just they felt they had nothing to talk about and nothing to bond over. Raph just saw her as the girl his brother was crushing on and April thought he was an asshole. It wasn't until Leo's disaster of a love life came into play that these two started to bond and form some sort of friendship. They both were the first to know about Karai and warned Leo about her, and he did not listen. Ever since that day, they've been a judgmental buddy duo, seeing stupid shit go down and texting the other about it, ranting together. The "Leo shit talk" got more insane when they found out she's his sister, and jabs and insult were thrown by the Red Team towards Leo about his failure of a love life. The two would also sometimes bicker from time to time, April wasn't too please when Raph was the one who had to come and save her when she was kidnapped by the Kraang in that one episode, and for a few months, Raph didn't let that fact go, constantly teasing April about it.
That was their dynamic for most of seasons 1-2, but by season 3, the Red Team started to bond and build a friendship beyond "shit talking other people". April and Raph were the only two who took responsibility while at the farmhouse. April truly saw another side of Raph, for she always knew and saw him as the hot headed rebel, but seeing him broken over his brother made April look at him in another light. And with Donnie and Casey finally getting along, April started to rely on hanging out with Raph more since her two best friends had no time for her. Raph in fact started to spar with her, and April in truth liked sparring with Raph more than the other Turtles because she knew he wouldn't hold back on her and give her the challenge that she needed to help her improve. Raph started to see April as the big sister he never had and respected her greatly.
When Mona Lisa entered the picture, thing took a big turn. April couldn't help but fangirl over how cute Raph and his girlfriend were together. They quickly became her OTP. During the season 4 space arc, Raph wrote love letters to Mona Lisa and April was the only one who knew about it because Raph would ask April for advice from time to time on what romantic thing she should say to Mona (and also proofread them lol). I like to think April was the one who gave Raph that push to be more bold and confident with Mona cause "girls like that". April became Raph's go-to for dating advice, and unknown to April has been planning Raph and Mona wedding since they came back from space.
April was defiantly the maid of honor at Raph's wedding and of course becomes the fun loving Auntie April to his kiddies in the future, babying sitting them whenever Raph and Mona go out for date night.
Despite all their fun, the biggest thing that solidified their friendship was Splinter's death. April and Raph were the ones there to witness it first hand. Splinter was right in front of them when Shredder stabbed his blade through their Sensai's stomach, killing him instantly. They have a shared trauma, and after Shredder was killed in the season 4 finale and everything was at peace again, April still felt haunted by what she witnessed. The only person she felt she could talk to about it to, the one person who knew the same pain she was going through, was Raph, but Raph refused to open up. I can imagine that April would try to talk to Raph about it but he would dismiss her, telling her that he's too busy to chat, until one night. Up on a rooftop, April found Raph alone looking up at the stars. After some small talk, Raph finally breaks down, crying to April about everything. Through his tears he tells her how he feels he is to blame for Splinter's death, how he wishes he could've done something instead of "standing there and watching like a coward". He would tell April how he feels he's cursed to always loose people he loves and cares about, "First I lost Spike, then Mona Lisa, and now my dad is gone too! I loose everyone I love!!" April would comfort Raph, hugging him as she cries with him, telling him none of what happened was his fault. She reminds him that those people are still with him, telling Raph "Spike may be gone, but Slash is still around always there for you, and Mona Lisa, though she is beyond the stars, I can guarantee she is thinking of you everyday." April's words get to Raph as she expresses that she is feeling the same way he felt, hopeless and broken, telling Raph she hasn't felt pain like this since she lost her mother.
Their shared trauma and opening up to one another that night is what officially made them become true close friends. They felt that they finally understood each other and grew closer as friends.
Overall, their dynamic is that their both 110% DONE with everyone but one is more ready to result to violence compared to the other:
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elvriuh · 8 months
Proxies Overview.
Alright, before we dive in, you know those Marble Hornets babies, Masky and Hoody, and even that guy Toby who ditched the Creepypasta gang? Well, in my world, they're all part of the crew.
Oh, and a quick reminder! This is my own little alternate universe, so basically, I call the shots here. So, let's get this show on the road! And heads-up, this might turn into a bit of a saga, but hey, no harm in a good story, right?
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꒰₊˚Ꮺ・─ Name: Masky.
꒰₊˚Ꮺ・─ Alias: The Masked Man, "Tim" (Will explain this in HCs).
꒰₊˚Ꮺ・─ Age: 31 years old.
꒰₊˚Ꮺ・─ Gender: Male.
꒰₊˚Ꮺ・─ Rank: Lead Proxy.
꒰₊˚Ꮺ・─ Voice: Calm, and slightly raspy. He also has a southern accent.
꒰₊˚Ꮺ・─ Theme Song: Duality - Set it off and Demons - Imagine Dragons
꒰₊˚Ꮺ・─ Personality: Masky is known for his assertive, territorial, and mostly silent demeanor. He communicates more through his actions and expressions than words, keeping his true thoughts and intentions hidden.  He is not one to engage in idle chatter.
Despite his reserved nature, Masky is extremely determined and tenacious. He doesn’t give up easily when he sets his sights on something. His determination drives him forward, and he sees things through to the end, even if it puts him in danger.
He is fiercely loyal and holds a deep sense of commitment towards those he trusts. Betrayal is not in his nature unless there’s an extremely compelling reason. If he finds someone trustworthy and gets to know them well, he sticks with them like glue, standing by their side through thick and thin. He goes to great lengths to ensure their safety and well-being, often putting their needs before his own.
His loyalty makes him a reliable and steadfast presence in the lives of those who have earned his trust. Those who are fortunate enough to benefit from his loyalty can depend on him in times of crisis. He can be trusted to carry out tasks diligently and provide unwavering support without a moment’s hesitation. However, this doesn’t mean he becomes any less stern; he might just be slightly less so, but you’d have to pay very close attention to notice this subtle change.
Masky demonstrates a high level of resourcefulness when faced with the horrors he encounters. He has a knack for thinking on his feet and adapting quickly to new challenges. Although his companion Hoody might be more skilled in this regard.
Masky also possesses a sharp wit and can often be sarcastic. However, he usually prefers being straightforward and speaks only when necessary. His words carry weight because he chooses them carefully and speaks only when he feels the need to. Missions are when he becomes most vocal, but even then, he maintains his quiet demeanor.
Apologizing doesn’t come easily to Masky; it’s just not in his nature. He believes actions speak louder than words, so he lets his fists do the talking for him… but that’s not his fault, right? After all, everyone has their own unique way of expressing themselves....Oh yeah, he's also very empathetic, and very, very, VIOLENT.
꒰₊˚Ꮺ・─ Likes: Fighting, darkness, privacy, photography, confusing people, hoodies, abandoned buildings, cryptography, smoking, teas, coffees, actings, arts, late night walks, puzzles, journaling, natures, running, hiking, stargazing, scaring, silence, documentaries, writing, cooking, reading, night, wildlife, submission (from others), cats, dogs, wolves, and more,
꒰₊˚Ꮺ・─ Dislikes: The Operator, being exposed, loss of control, Alex, betrayal, disruption, being filmed, daytime, bright lights, lies, invasion of privacy, conformity, predictability, being followed, killing (he really doesn't like it), manipulated by The Operator, sweets, overcooked food, hot weather, crowded places, loud music, being the center of attention (depends, if he's in missions, then he likes it, but if it's so random, then no)", being underestimated, and more
꒰₊˚Ꮺ・─ HCs:
Masky absolutely despises being called "Tim." I mean, he's not Tim, for crying out loud. Sure, they share the same body, but it's not him. It's like he's a whole different person! When someone mistakenly calls him Tim, he goes all Hulk-mode, ready to set the record straight, maybe even utter a few words or something. Due to the distinction between his own identity and that of Tim's, despite sharing the same body.
Masky's empathy is often channeled into protecting those he cares about! NO ONE ELSE!!!!!!!
Now, don't get it twisted, Masky's got this mad respect for Hoody, much more than he cares about turning you into a jigsaw puzzle.
When it comes to stalking someone, Masky's got skills for days. The guy can tiptoe like a ninja through a library. But, Hoody's the real ninja here.
Oh, and fire? Yeah, that's a big no-no for him. Tim's old crib went up in flames, and Masky was all sentimental about it. Anything to do with fire really kills his vibe. But if it's necessary, he'll grit his teeth and deal with it, even if he loses his cool later.
He's a night owl thanks to his insomnia, so he's most alive when the rest of the world's snoozing.
Masky is an insomniac and tends to wander aimlessly. Most of the time, he goes on a little patrol in the forest, and Hoody often joins him since they both love nature.
He's an introvert and needs plenty of time to recharge; socializing isn't really his thing. But there's an exception - Hoody. Masky never seems to get tired of him, perhaps some loyalty issues there.
He's quite organized and keeps his room tidy and neat!
When it comes to kids, Masky's got a soft spot. He'd rather end them quickly and painlessly. He's got principles, in his own twisted way.
Rain's a bit of a love-hate thing for him. Reminds him of blood, but the sound's kinda soothing.
He's got a knack for directions and hardly ever gets lost. But, yep, you guessed it, Hoody's got him beat. That guy never get lost, period.
Tim and Masky? Oh, they're not sending each other Christmas cards, that's for sure. It's a simple "I hate you" relationship.
Believe it or not, Masky is a fantastic cook, one of the best in the mansion. However, he secretly regrets cooking because a lot of the creepypastas keep asking him to do it.
Masky's like the bull charging through the china shop. He's all about brute force; I mean, the guy's got muscles to flex!
He might not be all muscle and abs, but he's got a handsome look, not too buff, not too weak – okay, fine, he's a bit on the chubby side. But don't let his appearance fool you; he's stronger than he looks.
He's got a fear of spiders, can handle any dangerous situation, but bring a spider close, and he's out of there.
Masky's got a soft spot for animals, especially beige-ish colored cats. They seem to be drawn to him, even though he's a notorious murderer. He prefers cats to dogs, maybe because they're quieter and stealthier. But if it's a black German Shepherd or a Doberman, well, dogs might get a higher rank. Sorry, kitties!
He's an expert at picking locks, a skill he developed in his early proxies days.
Masky's got quite a rough time with those recurring and pretty wild nightmares - a little bonus from his tough past. Catching a peaceful night's sleep is like finding a unicorn for him, and that's why he's often a creature of the night.
Now, here's something you might not expect about Masky – he's got some pretty handy knowledge when it comes to first aid and basic medical stuff. He learned it out of pure necessity in his line of work. But let's be real, Eyeless Jack can outdo him in that department any day of the week.
By the way, here's a juicy secret - Masky's got a thing for pain.
Now, when it comes to getting all fired up, Masky can be a real handful. He can flip from zero to psycho in the blink of an eye. He's got this reckless, impulsive side that takes things to a whole new level.
While his loyalty to Hoody is widely acknowledged, Masky also feels a deep sense of devotion to some of the proxies/pastas (ahem, Eyeless Jack, Kate the Chaser, Sally, etc) Despite his ominous reputation, he'd go to great lengths to safeguard his "friends".
This dude, he's all about throwing punches. You get him mad, and his fists are already chatting away. It's like they're the ones with the negotiation skills! Yup, his go-to problem-solvers? Those fists of fury!
Masky's all about showing respect to proxies or pastas who are pushed into doing The Operator's bidding. You can bet he'll be a tad bit kinder, not like super warm, but definitely kinder. It really grinds his gears when someone willingly signs up to work for that...dude. Hoody's on the same page.
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꒰₊˚Ꮺ・─ Name: Hoody.
꒰₊˚Ꮺ・─ Alias: The Hooded Figure, "Brian" (Will explain this in HCs).
꒰₊˚Ꮺ・─ Age: 30 years old.
꒰₊˚Ꮺ・─ Gender: Male.
꒰₊˚Ꮺ・─ Rank: Second-in-Command Proxy.
꒰₊˚Ꮺ・─ Voice: Hoody's voice, as modified by the voice changer, could be perceived as a steady, uniform, and artificial tone. It lacks the usual fluctuations and natural intonations present in human speech, resulting in a somewhat mechanical quality. The pitch is kept at a consistent level, without any notable variations.
꒰₊˚Ꮺ・─ Theme Song: Outrunning Karma - Alec Benjamin and Another Way Out - HollyWood Undead
꒰₊˚Ꮺ・─ Personality: Hoody is a bit of an enigma, always shrouded in mystery, and it's not easy to predict what's going on in his mind. He's got this rock-solid determination, willing to take risks and face challenges head-on. He's not one to back down without a fight, that's for sure.
But what sets him apart is his sharp intellect. He's a quick thinker, adapting to changing situations like a pro. Hoody is a master at outsmarting others, using his wits to gain an advantage. His ability to stay one step ahead in the game is impressive.
Now, he's not all sunshine and rainbows. There are moments when he seems to find a strange satisfaction in the distress of others. It's a little dark, but we all have our quirks, right?
Emotionally, Hoody is more on the logical side. He's not one to wear his heart on his sleeve, making decisions based on what makes sense rather than how he feels. He's got this ice-cold, calculated demeanor, showing little empathy for others.
Sometimes, his determination takes a ruthless turn. He's willing to go to great lengths to reach his goals, even if it means causing harm along the way. That's the shadowy side of his personality, showing how far he's willing to go.
He's also quite the manipulator. Hoody can spot people's weaknesses and use them to his advantage. He's not afraid to play the puppet master to make things go his way, even if it means others get caught in the crossfire.
But here's the interesting part - Hoody's loyalty is rock-solid. When he's committed to something, there's no shaking him. It's not just about people; it's about the bigger cause he believes in. He's ready to make sacrifices and take risks for what he holds dear.
However, his loyalty sometimes dances on the edge of morality. He's willing to bend the rules in the name of his allegiance, which raises some ethical questions. It's a complex mix of dedication and compromise.
In many ways, that loyalty is his driving force. It keeps him going, even in the toughest of times. He might have his rough edges, but you've got to respect his unwavering commitment.
He's got some complex relationships, but when it comes down to it, Hoody stands by his crew, come what may. There have been moments of doubt, but he's always there when it counts.
But here's the kicker - that loyalty isn't always ironclad. There have been instances where he's let down the very people he promised to stand by. It's like a double-edged sword; it can be his greatest strength, but it can also lead him down some tricky paths. Sometimes, that unyielding commitment can blind him to the flaws of those he cares about, and that's where things get dicey.
When it comes to Hoody, silence is his language of choice. He's not one to chat your ear off, but his body language speaks volumes. If you're a stranger to him, beware - he can be ice-cold, harsh, and downright ruthless. But get into his inner circle, especially like Masky (They both are very close), and you'll see a different side. He's more of a sweetheart then, trying to understand where you're coming from. However, don't be fooled; if the situation demands it, he won't hesitate to exploit your weak spots.
꒰₊˚Ꮺ・─ Likes: Mystery, filmmaking, coding, hacking, exploration, photography, nighttime, daytime, plush toys, nature, puzzles, gaslighting, manipulation, psychological, night sky observations, cryptography, cooking, gardening (only because of Brian), mind games, confusing people, bird watching, calligraphy, writing, observing, staring, hiking, painting, running, rock climbing, parkour, climbing, guns, swimming, knitting, baking, flower collecting, coffee, and more
꒰₊˚Ꮺ・─ Dislikes: Dangers to friends, loss in control, being exposed, disloyal, traitors, Alex, The Operator, lies, outsmarted, littering, pretentiousness, impatience, disorder, wastefulness, laziness, narrow-minded, nose pollution, cliques, smoking, spoilers, and more,
꒰₊˚Ꮺ・─ HCs:
Hoody can't stand it when people call him Brian, because that guy is long gone, buried in the darkest abyss. If someone slips up and calls him Brian, well, let's just say he won't be too pleased. He might not go full-on psycho like Masky, but it won't be pretty. Do not associate the name with a past self he wishes to disassociate from.
Oh, and Hoody's a die-hard coffee lover. Try prying that cup of Joe from his grip, and he won't think twice about going all trigger-happy on you. Even The Operator isn't safe from his caffeine-induced fury (Although Masky might be quicker to pull the trigger in that case).
But here's the fun part - Hoody has a sweet tooth, and he's got a secret stash of chocolate chip cookies. Only his closest pals know that handing him a batch of those bad boys can melt away even his toughest exterior.
When he's not busy dodging bullets or savoring cookies, Hoody's got a real passion for photography. He's got an eye for detail that'll make your jaw drop, and he keeps a secret album filled with those stunning snaps. Only Masky's got clearance, though.
In his quieter moments, Hoody turns to poetry as his escape. He's got a hidden talent for it, and those verses give you a glimpse of the sensitive soul behind the mask.
But don't be fooled by the calm exterior; Hoody's got a knack for pulling strings in the background. He's a master at planting seeds of doubt, pushing events his way, all while acting like an innocent angel.
He's not afraid to dance with deception either, holding back info, serving up half-truths, and crafting convincing tales to bend things his way. He's like a puppet master, without anyone realizing the strings are in his hands.
One of Hoody's quirks is that he's a people-watcher. Even if Masky's throwing a tantrum like a bull in a china shop, Hoody's just there, observing.
Oh, and Hoody really can't stand Tim. He blames him for turning Brian's friend into a bloodsucking zombie. If Tim takes control of Masky, Hoody won't hesitate to give him a serious beatdown, even if it leaves Masky hurting real bad.
Beneath the calm exterior, Hoody's always scheming. Every move he makes is carefully calculated, with all possible outcomes considered.
Tech-savvy Hoody loves tinkering with gadgets, though Ben might have the edge. He's the go-to guy (if you hate Ben) for tech advice and troubleshooting.
Bandaging wounds is a skill Hoody's got down pat. He's not too bad at playing doctor, though Eyeless Jack might have the upper hand.
Hoody surprisingly finds joy in gardening, tending to a collection of succulents and exotic plants, a passion inherited from his past self, Brian.
However, there's one thing Hoody can't stand, and that's Tim. His resentment towards Tim stems from the transformation of Brian's friend into bloodthirsty zombies. If Tim were to control Masky, Hoody wouldn't hesitate to take matters into his own hands, even if it meant inflicting physical harm, though the aftermath might leave Masky physically wounded.
Hoody is a bit of a neat freak, always making sure his room is spotless, not a speck of dust in sight.
He's the brains, while Masky is the brawn. Just picture Hoody sitting back while Masky tackles the grime.
Hoody's got this real Southern twang just like Masky, but he's always trying to keep it under wraps whenever he opens his mouth.
Hoody's got this voice modulator thingy that makes him sound kinda robotic, you know, like he's reading off a script or something.
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꒰₊˚Ꮺ・─ Name: Kate Milens
꒰₊˚Ꮺ・─ Alias: Kate the Chaser, The Chaser
꒰₊˚Ꮺ・─ Age: 25 years old.
꒰₊˚Ꮺ・─ Gender: Female.
꒰₊˚Ꮺ・─ Rank: Proxy.
꒰₊˚Ꮺ・─ Voice: Her voice can be imagined as almost non-existent, or if perceptible, it could be incredibly soft and nearly inaudible.
꒰₊˚Ꮺ・─ Theme Song: Ghost - Japan and Lily - Alan Walker
꒰₊˚Ꮺ・─ Personality: Kate, the Chaser, is notorious for her merciless hunting skills, but beneath that tough exterior, there's a surprisingly tender heart. She may not be the best at socializing, but when she puts pen to paper, her thoughts come through with touching clarity, revealing a nurturing side that fiercely protects the vulnerable. She's always ready to go the extra mile to shield others from the brutality of her fellow proxies and pastas, fighting for the underdogs with unwavering dedication, all because of a deep-rooted sense of compassion.
In the mansion, Kate plays the role of a caring guardian, offering comfort and support to those who need it. She communicates more through subtle actions than words, showing that actions truly speak louder. However, missions disturb her deeply, as taking lives and witnessing bloodshed serves as a chilling reminder of someone lost to the depths of her fragmented memory, a victim of her mysterious employer's manipulations.
In moments of emotional turmoil, Kate's serene facade shatters, giving way to uncontrollable bursts of primal rage. This fierce side of her is a stark contrast to her role as a peacemaker, highlighting the complexity of her existence. Although her status as a Proxy gives her a commanding presence, she remains cautious, often startled by the unknown, yet determined to hide her vulnerabilities from prying eyes (stares at Hoody and Masky...).
Kate prefers solitude over socializing, immersing herself in her own world where the scars of her past and the demands of her present entwine in a delicate dance of inner turmoil and unspoken resilience.
꒰₊˚Ꮺ・─ Likes: Cozy blankets, kind people, full moon, soft candlelight, wolf's howl, solitary bonfire, waterfall, owls' hoots, Lavander scent-soup, dolls, plush toys, rains, withered rose, and more
꒰₊˚Ꮺ・─ Dislikes: Mean people, The Operator, aggressive confrontations, overly spicy foods, disregarded, disrespect, loud areas, excessive display of wealth, and more
꒰₊˚Ꮺ・─ HCs:
Kate, also known as the Chaser, shares a solid bond with Hoody and Masky, but when it comes to Toby, she's not exactly on board. Toby, well, he's a bit too unpredictable for her taste.
In her writings, Kate throws around ❝Hoody❞ and ❝Masky❞ as warning signs, like, ❝Cut it out now or I'll bring Masky into this.❞ Yeah, they're definitely the ones you don't want to mess with; they've got a real tough reputation!
There are times when Kate gets a little jittery around them, but they treat her pretty well, in their own silent way. She's not entirely sure about Masky, who tends to be more aggressive, whereas Hoody's more laid back. Yeah, she's not sure if they're fond of her, but she's definitely a fan of them!
Kate's a total romantic. She loves reading love stories and sometimes writes her own, though she keeps them hidden away.
Aside from writing, Kate dabbles in poetry. She's got a bunch of heartfelt poems she's cooked up over the years, inspired by her own life experiences and emotions.
She's a great listener, always catching the subtle hints in conversations and offering thoughtful insights.
Kate's got a talent for crafting heartwarming short stories, often sparked by the people and experiences in her life.
She's a pro at making intricate origami designs, which she often gifts to her close pals.
She's got this secret stash of handmade friendship bracelets that she's put together over the years.
Kate's laughter is contagious, lifting the spirits of everyone around her (well, most folks anyway).
Despite her kindness, Kate grapples with trust issues, finding it hard to fully open up to others.
She can get overly protective of her loved ones, sometimes smothering them unintentionally with her worries.
Saying no isn't her strong suit; she often takes on more than she can handle, leading to moments of both emotional and physical exhaustion.
Kate can be stubborn as a mule, finding it tough to accept help or advice, even when she really needs it.
Her fear of confrontations sometimes leads her to dodge tough talks, leaving underlying problems hanging.
She tends to prioritize others' needs over her own, sometimes neglecting her own well-being in the process.
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꒰₊˚Ꮺ・─ Name: Toby Erin Rogers
꒰₊˚Ꮺ・─ Alias: Ticci Toby, Rogers.
꒰₊˚Ꮺ・─ Age: 19 years old.
꒰₊˚Ꮺ・─ Gender: Male.
꒰₊˚Ꮺ・─ Rank: Proxy.
꒰₊˚Ꮺ・─ Voice: His voice contain a blend of excitement, menace, and a touch of insanity.
꒰₊˚Ꮺ・─ Theme Song: MAD HATTER - Melanie Martinez and Crazy Train - Ozzy Osbourne
꒰₊˚Ꮺ・─ Personality: Toby's all over the place, you never know what he's gonna do next. He gets a kick out of pushing people's buttons just to see them squirm.
He's also a total chatterbox and jumps to conclusions faster than lightning.
His mind is like a rollercoaster, all twisted and jumbled up, leading him to do some pretty crazy stuff. Sometimes it feels like he's just not playing with a full deck.
When it comes to loyalty, Toby's not the most reliable guy. He'll turn on you in a heartbeat if it serves his own purposes, or if he's just feeling a bit mischievous.
He's not one for rainbows and sunshine either. Causing chaos and watching the world burn seems to be his idea of a good time, and he doesn't lose sleep over the havoc he wreaks.
But here's the kicker, he's got mood swings like nobody's business. One minute he's grinning from ear to ear, the next he's aiming one of his hatchets at your head.
He's not exactly a hugger either, unless you're one of the lucky few who've managed to crack his shell. Getting his loyalty is like pulling teeth, especially since he's always got that betrayal card up his sleeve. Just ask Masky and Hoody, they know the drill.
꒰₊˚Ꮺ・─ Likes: Fire, killing, torturing, sharpening hatchets, Lyra, The Operator, pranking, teasing, annoying, sassy, music, horror, video games, hunting, waffles, and more
꒰₊˚Ꮺ・─ Dislikes: HIS FATHER.
꒰₊˚Ꮺ・─ HCs:
Toby absolutely loathes it when Masky calls him Rogers; it hits a nerve, reminding him of his father, and he can't stand it.
Interestingly, Toby is the only one among the proxies who willingly serves The Operator. He's one of the rare few who genuinely likes him, making him one of the most loyal creepypastas in the circle.
Believe it or not, he's the kind of guy who'd trade a thousand lives for a single waffle. Yep, not even kidding.
Many of the other creepypastas despise him because of his unpredictable nature and his infamous mood swings. They just can't handle his erratic behavior.
To be honest, he's not all that scary, unlike Masky and Hoody who are on a whole other level of terrifying. Maybe they're even crazier than him. But who knows, maybe you'll find out more about that in the future!
On the bright side, he's pretty easy to say 'no' to, even when he's in the midst of one of his temper tantrums. When he's angry, he's like a bull in a china shop; he loses his focus and tends to throw things randomly, often missing his mark by a long shot.
Among his collection of weapons and masks, Toby keeps a small box of sentimental items from his past. These include a worn-out teddy bear from his childhood and a faded photograph of a happier time, serving as a poignant reminder of the innocence he lost.
Toby loves pulling off mischievous tricks, especially when he's teasing Masky and Hoody.
But if he catches someone being mistreated, it brings back some memories, and you better believe he's gonna take down the abuser, whether it's in front of everyone or not.
THAT'S A WRAP FOR THEIR OVERVIEW! Had a blast putting this together, haha! Oh, by the way, sorry if Kate and Toby got a shorter one, not my top favorites, you know? Toby, in particular, not my cup of tea, even if he has a gentle demeanor. No real reason, just not feeling it, LOL.
Just a heads-up, these are mere snapshots! They're way more intricate, but delving into every little detail would be a mammoth task! This is just their typical vibe, though, so naturally, there might be instances where they throw a curveball!!
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princesspastel8 · 2 months
Chapter 20
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Third POV
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Jeff is never one to feel jealousy. What reason would he have to be jealous of anything? Or anyone? Sure, people have more than him. In high school, he'd never paid much thought to the other students and how easy it was for them to make friends. He didn't want friends. He wanted to go unnoticed by all, kept in the shadows to fight the monstrous feelings of murder growing within him.
Unfortunately, his condition prevented such wishes. The killer was born with Albanism- a condition that causes a lack of pigmentation with the skin & hair. Luckily, he didn't have any eye problems or sensitivity to light. However, the attention he gained with this always kept him in an irritable mood.
The killer resulted in dying his hair inky black and opting to wear blue eye contacts to hide his bright color eyes, which are redish-pink in shade. These steps still didn't prevent endless bullying & fighting.
Upon meeting Eboni, Jeff couldn't help but relate to her. Her family was shit, school for her is shit, and she even shared her own skin condition. What drew the killer in was the fighting spirit mixed with this darkness hiding deep within her heart. Jeff only witnessed bits and pieces of that side surfacing, but it wasn't enough.
He wants her to fully let go - embrace all the sick & twisted things she desires to do and want. But something is holding her back. He just can't place his finger on it. Maybe it's her humanity? Or that her new foster parents are hardly home - which gives her another sense of freedom? Perhaps it's her new friends?
Jeff doesn't mind them. Scratch that - he finds them annoying yet familiar. He just can't figure out what, and that's what irks him. They're hiding something, both of them - something huge, but so is Eboni. Jeff has thought of killing them, but that would risk upsetting his toy... not that he cared. As long as they don't hog up her time when he's available to see her. He loathes, waiting after all.
Back to the jealousy topic. The reason this emotion is brought up is due to the sight unfolding within Jeff's eyes. His toy...decided to dress completely differently. The killer doesn't mind how the girl dresses if he's around. He has to admit...Eboni looks fucking hot.
"Fuck..." he groans under his breath as he watches her walk into the school.
The frustrating thing is the many sets of eyes staring at her, mostly guys eye-fucking her. This makes the killer furious. He wants nothing more than to gouge out all of their eyes. How dare they look at Eboni like they have a chance? They don't. Unfortunately, they don't know this, so before he loses his cool, he pulls out his phone and begins texting her.
Jeff would glance up from afar, grinning at her reactions to his words. He loves the way she would squirms just from his words. The fact that he can get her like this is enough to calm his temper, only a bit. Because of this, he orders Eboni to meet him behind the school- needing to release some frustration from the night before.
The smiling killer waits for her, growing impatient with each passing minute. Finally, he hears the bell ring for lunch and moves closer to the school - hiding behind a tree near the dumpster. While waiting, he hears a group of girls beginning to attack two random students.
Jeff sighs to himself, rolling his eyes. Bullies. He can't stand them. Sure, he has his issues, but he never once resulted in bullying just to feel better about himself - granted, he is a serial killer now, but still. He didn't bother to interfere until one of the bullies shout 'fresh meat'.
The smiling killer peeks from behind the tree, eyes widening for two reasons. One, Eboni is being targeted. And two, the one who spoke earlier is the person he's supposed to kill today. This can get ugly really, really fast.
He watches as Eboni drops her bag, preparing for a fight. He hears her mumble something about her nails, and he can't help but chuckle at that. This girl is about to get jumped, but she's more concerned about her nails.
"So damn girly..." he sighs, reaching in his pocket about to pull out his knife.
As the killer slowly moves from behind the tree, he notices her two friends step in on her behalf. Jeff quickly moves back behind the tree, clicking his tongue as he grows frustrated again. The smiling killer can't understand why, but he's upset that her friends stepped in instead of him. It should've been him.
Regardless of that, he finds out some rather interesting information. This Taylor girl is a part of this gang and was once a part of that group of bullies. Jeff is beginning to become more annoyed. Why would slenderman send him to kill this gang member? Why him of all his proxies? The faceless creature is clearly hiding something. Jeff can only hope that he doesn't know about Eboni.
The commotion soon dies down, and both groups go their separate ways. He sighs heavily, hating that Eboni's friends once again got in the way of him seeing her. Due to his growing anger, he decides to follow his target off of school grounds - keeping himself hidden within the woods.
He clicks his tongue, noticing how these three girls never seem to separate from one another. Jeff did take note that this target seems way too cocky. He grins, and this behavior will be used to his advantage. The smiling killer begins to develop a strategy on taking her out once the group begins walking into an open area within the woods.
As the sun starts to set, Jeff smiles in excitement as the other two girls finally walk away. He has no idea how long they'll be gone, so he has to make this quick. The teen turns from Jeff's direction, reaching into her pocket, and pulls out a lighter and a pack of cigarettes.
Step after step. The smiling killer slowly stalks towards his target, his knife drawn. The girl places the cigarette onto her lips, flicking at her lighter- groaning in annoyance when a flame doesn't appear. But when it does, the teen is met with a knife lodged from the back of her throat.
Jeff's smile stretches as he yanks the knife out, kicking the girl onto the ground. He turns her onto her back, moving on top of her with his knife raised in the hair. The fear in her eyes only makes his bloodlust grow. Jeff places his free hand over the teen's mouth, relishing in the sounds of her choking on her own blood.
He leans down, enjoying the life quickly draining from her eyes. "No one...fucks with my toy. Now, Go. To. Sleep!" He shouts, beginning to stab her multiple times in random places.
The smiling killer begins cackling, blood covering his hands and the lower half of his hoodie. As he begins to marvel over his handy work, he hears rabid footsteps coming towards him. Jeff's smile remains as he springs to his feet, dashing away from the crime scene. His laughs grow more sadistic upon the sounds of the other two teens screaming in horror from the distance.
Jeff wishes he could do more, kill more- kill them. This high, this high of taking a life is unbeatable - better than any and all drugs. Nothing can compare.. except -
The killer finds himself staring up at Eboni's bedroom window, not hesitating to climb up towards it. Quickly and quietly, he opens her bedroom window, stepping inside and closes it behind himself. Jeff hears voices coming from downstairs, making him groan in irritation.
Not only did Eboni disobey him, but she also ditched him for her 'friends'. Jeff can't help but become angry. He desperately wants to kill them so he can have Eboni all to himself, but he holds back- moving to hide inside her closet. Jeff leaves the door cracked just a bit to see within Eboni's room.
The killer waits and waits... and waits, becoming impatient with each passing minute. He allows anger to take control, thinking about all the ways he's going to unleash them onto the teen. He moves deeper into the closet, grabbing her box full of sex toys. He opens the box, not caring about his bloody hands staining everything he touches.
Once he pulls out all the things he plans on using, he hears Eboni enter her room and shut her door- locking it. The killer watches her undress, feeling his sadistic nature scratch & poke at his skin. He frowns, remembering all those guys staring at her earlier today. That jealousy mixing with his sadistic nature is a recipe for disaster. When Eboni reaches for the doorknob, the killer springs out- grabbing her wrist and slamming her body on the wall beside the closet.
"Told you this before princess, I hate fucking waiting."
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Gundam: The Witch From Mercury Season 2 Episode 6 Review
- Suletta needs to learn proper coping techniques fast. Just ignoring the problem doesn’t make it go away. All that does is let it build up inside you until you snap. However, since the very beginning, Suletta has acted as a doormat, letting people walk all over her without speaking up for herself. She deserves to be sad, she deserves to be angry. Being a people-pleaser will only just tear her apart more. Luckily, both Chuchu and Eri realized this, and while Chuchu went about it the healthier way, it was good of Eri to finally cut off Suletta. She needs to establish a life outside of being Aerial’s pilot. It might have been what she was made for, but fuck destiny and parental expectations! Live your own life tanuki!
- Earth House claiming the best supporting character spots simply by recognizing what’s wrong with Suletta and actually acting on it, especially Chuchu. She pushes Suletta to express her true feelings and makes the plan to go see Miorine so she can explain herself. She’s grown up from the violent little doggy she was before. She uses her anger to push her forward, but she isn’t letting it take over her like Norea
- Poor Lauda is projecting his insecurities onto Suletta (though he isn’t really wrong.) He’s dedicated his life and self worth into supporting his brother, much like Suletta with Aerial, and now that Miorine’s the one by his side, he feels empty. He needs to come into his own as person and separate himself from his brother. I can only hope his adorable girlfriend Petra can help him through these times.
- Lauda and Felsi thanking Chuchu made me weak. They’re so honorable. But what shot me in the heart was Felsi’s smile and look back at Chuchu before she ran off. She loves that poofy girl so much. I’d love to see the two go to Earth and fight together
- I feel so bad for Martin. He did the right thing in reporting Nika because she never explained herself despite him giving her multiple chances, and he wanted to protect the rest of his friends. Dude’s carrying a heavy weight on his shoulders, but his little therapy session just made it worse.
- Girl created a whole catholic confession booth on the school to figure out the student’s dirty secrets. Interesting thing though, is that it’s Rouji’s Haro instead of the normal ones. The normal Haro’s are connected to the authorities and report everything but since Rouji’s is custom, it probably doesn’t have that feature. And is Secelia doing this just because she likes gossip or because she’s now taking her job seriously and wants to weed out any dangerous individuals? Or is the Burion House sort of like a secret police that monitors everyone?
- Shaddiq ONCE AGAIN is a total snake, but he’s definitely bit off more than he could chew by meeting with Prospera. If Shaddiq is two steps ahead of our main cast, Prospera is at the top of the stairs ready to push him down
- Peil House is the worst group of people I’ve ever seen in my life. They literally just let a computer decide the fates of orphaned children and pick out which ones they’ll experiment on. Elan Prime was lucky. He could have ended up another Enhanced Person if fate decided to be a dick. Which probably only makes El5n even more pissed. Like, he could have been the special one, but instead some computer decided he wasn’t important enough
- Speaking of El5n, my beloved, tight lips my ass. Bro just spilled the whole tea on Peil to two random fugitives. Shows just how much he hates them. But poor Nika wasn’t expecting to have to deal with all that and now she’s floundering. Maybe she’ll start working on Gundams that don’t kill people. Also El5n calling out Norea and pointing out the similarities between each other all while she’s trying to stab him is hot and I ship them so hard. Nika should ask Sabina for a separate room or she’ll be witness to their hatefucking
- Finally we see the Schwarzette! There’s been so much discussion about this suit, what it was or who would pilot it, and now we get to see it in all its glory. We’ll have to see if the AI will take on the Permet strain or if it’ll hurt the pilot.
- If this anime wasn’t political already, then we’re about to get sooooo political. Miorine is gonna have a hard time connecting with the rioters considering her position and personality. Maybe Guel will be able to help her navigate, and maybe even use his Dawn of Fold connections. Personally, if they want to help, I think setting up field hospitals would be the first best step but that’s just me
- The swole chad Kenanji has now joined the group and I’m so excited. Bro was hyped up in the prologue and then dropped off the face of the earth. But considering he’s on the same spaceship as Prospera, I don’t think he’ll be getting out of it alive
- Eri’s a savage. She allowed Suletta to come to her just to tell her she’s ditching her. Like, I know she’s trying to help, but she could have been gentler. And activating the Permet really didn’t help either.
- Prospera actually does something nice and stops using Suletta for her revenge. But she still doesn’t explain anything and this leaves Suletta a sobbing broken mess out in space. Truly the mother of the year. But the way she defers to Eri shows that ultimately, she’s a broken woman who just wants her daughter back. Everything she’s done is all so she can be with Eri again, ignoring the thousands of people she’s trampled
Next episode is gonna be painful as well. I don’t expect good things to happen on Earth, especially not since karma magnet Guel and warcrime MILF Prospera are there. Also since Shaddiq was the title vocalist, maybe we’ll get more of his backstory?
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