#Umbrella terms
clowncaraz · 1 month
perisex is a collection of müllerian and wolffian traits commonly seen in parallel with each other. perisex is also referred to as endosex, which is anything and anyone who is not definitively intersex.
parallel - two objects or lines that do not intersect, no matter if another object or line crosses through both. in this case, müllerian and wolffian traits are parallel with multiple similarities crossing through both.
perisex traits are split into "müllerian indication" or "wolffian indication". indication is being used to describe how no one is perfectly perisex or has the correct perisex parts, and the indication that someone is perisex (hormonal, primary/secondary sex traits, genes, etc) is more accurate rather than the assumption based on external sex traits. the terms "male" and "female" are assignments of what your body closely matches, but does not accurately describe current or past sex traits, so they will not be used. afab/amab are events related to such, and therefore will also not be used unless in correct context.
this is a perisex flag I made that shows a cut purple box with a periwinkle background. purple symbolizing the mix of red and blue, the box symbolizing the parallel of both müllerian and wolffian traits appearing in a singular individual without them being interconnected or imbalanced, and the sun on top of the box representing two halves of one coin (müllerian and wolffian).
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perisex people are the dominant majority in society because of eugenics and intersexism. there is no shame in being perisex, but the ideals of perisex supremacy starts at the classification of "male" and "female" and the thought of those two being sexes instead of variations of the perisex traits that appear in gonochoristic species.
be proud to be perisex and dont wish to be anything you aren't. uplift those who are systematically underprivileged and shut up about issues not about you. perisex people suffer, yet only from their practice of prejudice against others.
thank you for coming to my ted talk about how perisex people like me need to be proud about their unique bodies but still listen to others who are aren't them.
@radiomogai @varsex-pride @revenant-coining
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amorelestrange · 5 months
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marxm0703 · 9 months
Hey Yall-
I have been thinking about my asexual identity recently. I've never really identified with the word, or even any microlabels within it. I've always just said ace due to the complexity of my emotions. I've always just said,
"I'm ace until I'm not (but only for my bf, otherwise I'm just ace)".
I have not found a single term completely describing how I feel. I've found multiple different ones that describe bits and pieces, but never the whole story. I recently found 2 to add on to my 3rd label to completely describe how I feel, and they are the terms Cupiosexual and Reciprosexual- along with the term Demisexual that I've already sort of identified with.
Since I couldn't find a label, I've decided to make one for myself.
If anyone relates or likes the label/ flag, please let me know. I'd love to share. Also let me know if you come up with any ideas for it, like a better name or flag addition. But I made this for my own peace. Anyways, I introduce a new ace umbrella microlabel-
([row- mee- sexual] prefix- romi; mix of romance, reciprocate, demi)
-When one only feels sexual attraction when it is reciprocated or initiated by someone they have a deep connection with. A sexual relationship may occur as a result, but is not required.
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Color meanings:
Black- Asexuality
Royal Blue- Deep connection or relations
Lavender- reciprocated affection or attraction
White- Sexuality
There's also a version with the cupiosexual symbol, indicating want for a sexual relationship with asexuality or no sexual attraction otherwise:
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I am very proud of the colors and meanings and I'm so happy to have something to finally describe me. I hope this can make some others happy too!
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revenant-coining · 2 years
Non-Inherently Xenic Neoender Umbrellas
plaint text: Non-Inherently Xenogender Gender Umbrellas
Reblogs of this post won't always be up to date, but this notion link will be (link).
Last Updated: December 15th 2022. Total Terms Listed: 52 i think
Formatted as: Name + link to coining post: basic definition (basic as in might not include every concept/experience)
Aetherine (link): a non-xenine umbrella term that encompasses all things related to the otherworldly/ethereal. It is usually centered around the idea of otherworldly ideas/concepts/things and/or connection to concepts/ideas/things from other planets, whether fictional or real, but not always.
Altumen (link): an umbrella term for terms (genders, identity, orientation, alterhuman, etc.) connected to the deep sea, deep sea creatures, speculative biology, merfolk, merfolk culture, and nonhumanity/alterhumanity.
Ambedoric (link): a umbrella term that is centered and based on the concept of ambedo (link leads to definition). It is a very broad umbrella term that can include xenogenders, aesthetigenders, neurogenders, etc. underneath it. It can, however, be simply used as a xenogender, but does not definitively have to be.
Apalaros (link): a gender umbrella that is mostly based on fragility. May be similar to being kenochoric in a lighter since. It has close ties to feeling fragile and almost ghostly. Things like photographs, snowglobes, and time may be considered Apalaros in nature. This is not inherently a xenogender.
Aquarine (link): similar to soporine and kenochoric, it is an umbrella term surrounding the themes of aquatics, the ocean, water, marine life, and anything related.
Bellunic (link): A gender umbrella that is best described as being cutesy, childish, and sweet. Genders under this umbrella may be related to ribbons, bows, strawberries/strawberry flavor, pastels, pink, frilly skirts/dresses, stuffed toys, candy, and dolls. These genders are typically feminine but are not inherently female.
Cringenic / Cringern (link): a gender umbrella related to all things cringe! designed with otherkin, neurodivergent, and queer people in mind, this gender umbrella is related to reclaiming the word cringe and being unashamedly yourself. cringenic / cringern is, overal, related to being againdt cringe culture peace, love, kindness, unity, and of course, being "cringe". it's usually also related to accepting others, being childish, and etc, but doesn't have to be.
Cuteseyic (link): A non-xenine neogender umbrella related to cute(sy) things. This umbrella term encompasses all things related to cuteness. It is usually centered around cutesy concepts/things, however one may identify under cuteseyic if they do not fit under this definition.
Cybertrecores (link): An umbrella term that describes an identity, understandable only in concepts of one being Cybertronian. It is connected to the anatomy of Cybertronian species, it's culture, machines and mechanisms, transformation, mass shifting, shapeshifting, and everything else, that might be connected to Cybertronians.
Dimensen (link): an umbrella term connected to alternate dimensions, multiverse theory, subdimensions, pocket dimensions, fate, soulmates, and the like.
Dreandna (link): is an umbrella term themed off of the album Dreamland by Glass Animlals. It is connected to feelings of wistfulness, love, sadness, melancholy, disturbing, haziness, and dreaminess. This umbrella term is more based on vibes than a concrete definition.
Edisicial (link): a gender/gender umbrella for EDIN(s) (edisicial in nature (superficially)) identities. Edisicial is a Neogender.
Esperkyn (link): a (primarily) gender umbrella, similar to (but distinct from) the xenogender umbrella. It is for identities based on feelings of hope, a better tomorrow than today, victory through adversity, and many other similar concepts. While I did coin the term as a way of describing gender, other types of good-faith identities may also qualify as Esperic.
Everithe (link): a NON-XENIC neogender umbrella related to lightness, dawn, infinity, everlasting, gold, and existence. this can be metaphorical, literal, or something in-between.
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Fantasium (link): a gender umbrella related to fantasy, nobility, mythical creatures, nature, non-humanity, divinity, ethereal things and such. it may be related to the concepts tied to these, their aesthetics, their meaning, anything.
Feruvel (link): An identity centered around things connected to beastliness, animals, ferality, nonhumanity, etc. It encompasses things like predator / prey dynamics, primal instincts, wild animals, feral monsters and anything that someone might consider a part of beastliness and pure nonhumanity. This label is not exclusive to alterhumans, though one might feel this identity in a different way due to ones alterhumanity.
Furrean/Furriean (link): A semi-xenine neogender umbrella related to furries, furriness, being a furry, fursuits, furry characters, furry art, and other aspects of the furrydom!
Gesneriad (link): a gender quality that describes a gender identity directly/heavily/partly connected to clothing/clothing aesthetics, it can also relate to the the person’s fashion style, or what the person is wearing as of right now.
Hedoxine (link): an umbrella term for a gender or genders related to, connected to, or affected by the concepts of hedonism, decadence, indulgence, and/or pleasure.
Howabeiyn (link): is an umbrella term themed off of the album How to be a Human Being by Glass Animals. It is connected to feelings of unnerve, urgency, haziness, wistfulness, confusion, distraught, and fuzziness. This umbrella term is more based on vibes than a concrete definition.
Hypnocerics (link): An umbrella for terms connected to the concepts of mind and hypnosis. It is not a xenogender, though it may overlap.
Inbissiec (link): an umbrella term centered on the idea of being bizarre. It is an umbrella term circling all labels that center around being odd.
Incovodian (link): a gender umbrella relating to all things incomprehensible and dark. this gender umbrella encompasses things related to the void, nothingness, space, the darkest depths of the ocean, and strange phenomena that can't be explained. this isn't all that it encompasses however, those are just examples.
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Kasvionan (link): a gender identity/umbrella centered around plants (inclusive of any kind of plant), and possibly also sunlight, growth, beauty, and/or strength. This is a non xenic identity/umbrella, simular to kenochroic, luxine, or macashric. (do not tag as xenogender).
Kenochoric (link): an umbrella term for identities centered around things like liminal spaces, loneliness/emptiness, nostalgia, the uncanny, distortion, obscurity, disconnect, nonhumanity, and many other related things. It can be an identity of its own, but it also describes any identity with characteristics that fit its "vibe."
Kerlinux (link): a neogender umbrella for genders related to the linux operating system, free and open source software, computers, and so on. it's a broader version of linuxgender, which is under this umbrella. this may also be used as an individual gender.
Kocirine (link): a non-xenic neogender gender umbrella for genders similar to scene, neon, and/or high-contrast aesthetics. it may feel chaotic, cluttered, bright, high contrast, clashing, hyper, or "cringe", but it doesn't have to be. it could describe one's gender being related to scene and neon aesthetics, just having a lot of clashing and contrasting genders, some combination of those things, or something different.
Liminic (link): A non-xenine umbrella term for any identity related to liminality. This doesn't just have to include liminality as in liminal aesthetics, but can also be an identity that feels "transitional", in a sense. This is typically used as a descriptor for gender, but can be used as any identity, such as an allion, perspeque, personalius, xeniden, or a chornosian term. (doesn't just have to be limited to those though)
Liminix (link): a gender/umbrella term for genders that feel deeply and inseparably connected to liminal spaces. this gender may feel as though it exists within a liminal space, or simply be inseparably connected to the individual’s interest in liminal spaces. an eerie, unsettling, liminal gender.
Lumenoir (link): centring around golden light and positivity, Lumenoir is an umbrella term that includes identities that relate to sunshine, kindness, compassion, glitter, gold, brilliance, and all that shines. It is strongly positive and perhaps may be glowing or luminous. Some experiences that fall under this label could relate to sun showers, the light of dawn, acts of kindness, or angelic halos! Experiences that fall under this label may include concepts not listed above and may differ from what I have stated in this post! It mostly is about how the term feels and what vibes it gives off rather than a literal checklist of what to include and what not to include!
Luxine (link) is an umbrella term centered around the ideas of divinity, light, holiness, and vastness.
Macarshric (link): a neogender that is NOT xenic or xenine. It is the sum of macabre and horror themes which generally means the distress or disturbed feelings that can arise from death and/or violence. Macarshric is its own gender, but it can also be an umbrella if the user chooses.
Mechaneve (link): A non-xenine umbrella term that can encompass all things related to mechanical engineering, machinery, and other similar concepts and themes. Can be based off of vibes too like an id that feels mechanic. This term is usually a gender, but is not exclusive to being only a gender.
Mellic (link): an umbrella term for genders centered around the themes of sleepiness, stars, blankets, pyjamas, plushies, nighttime, moons, stars and other similar concepts. the label broadly covers any genders that feel sleepy-in-nature (SLEEPIN) or related to concepts of sleepiness and bedtime.
Mislypec (link): is an umbrella term connected to zombies, apocalypses, radiation, mutant creatures, nuclear mutation, and concepts of sentience, consciousness, and nonhumanity.
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Mortelum (link): a term for someone whose identity relates to a variety of concepts centring around death, the passage of time, and the intersection between those two concepts. Mortelum may also relate to the imagery of said concepts, such as vast grandfather clocks or rotting bones. The following concepts all fall under mortelum.
N’rosesgender / Nrosesgender (link): A gender/umbrella term for genders related to Guns N’ Roses in any way
Ocularic (link): An umbrella term similar to kenochoric or luxine, which encompasses anything relating to unease, being watched, eye horror, dread, forbidden knowledge, and the dangerous curiosity of the unknown.
Occunous (link): A neogender umbrella related to watching and being watched, paranoia, eyes, the need to know everything despite the risks, the need to collect and store information even to one's own detriment, and The Beholding from The Magnus Archives!
Polyhedral (link): a gender quality that describes a gender identity that is heavily/directly connected to shapes/objects that have many sides, this can be both on a molecular or normal scale.
Rosenion (link): an umbrella term for gender similar to love, red/pink/violet, and amatopunk aesthetics. it may feel bright, comforting, caring, safe, warm, loving, lovestruck, obsessive, or soft, but it doesn’t have to be. it can describe your gender feeling comforting and caring, being described by love and stereotypical romantic/sexual/platonic/etc gestures, relating to one’s amatopunk identity, a combination of those things, or something different.
Rosetoric (link): a umbrella term that is centered and based on roses and femininity (link leads to an image of roses). It is a very broad umbrella term that can include xenogenders, aesthetigenders, neurogenders, etc. underneath it. It can, however, be simply used as a xenogender, but does not definitively have to be. The umbrella, in general, is feminine, but does not necessarily have to be feminine and can include any type of genderedness under it.
Scalecosmic (link): an umbrella term that describes gender(s) that can be described by space, space objects, or particles that don't exist on Earth, but indeed are somewhere in space (antimatter, for example).
Scerine (link): A nonxenine gender umbrella related to scenecore, rejection of cringe culture, being cringe but free, etc!
Scenemis (link): an umbrella term for something that affects ones gender or alterhumanity or full identity. It's defined by and influenced by emo and scene culture, scenecore, cringyness, early 2000s aesthetics, bright colors or black/gray colors, webcore, Invader Zim, Hot Topic, PLUR, and more! Anyone who's identity is influenced by these things may be Scenemis!
Sonderous (link): An umbrella term/descriptor for genders related to sonder. Similar to Kenochoric, this term isn’t inherently xenine, though they can overlap.
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Soporine (link): an umbrella term for genders based on sleepiness (or lack thereof), dreams, drowsyness, etc.
SPAN/Spangender (link): a non-xenic umbrella term for all Space-in-nature genders, meaning genders that primarily related to space and/or have a space-like quality. It can be used as a gender on its own.
Spiritine (link): an identity directly connected to/representing one’s spirituality or religious beliefs. this could have a few different meanings, including not being able to separate one’s spiritual and queer identity, feeling that one’s queer identity is spiritual, or being xenine + identifying with spirituality-themed xenic identities such as religiogenders.
Temporine (link): a gender (umbrella) related to the passing of time and any other related things such as mortality and limits, as well as endlessness and the infinite. it also covers themes of life, death, the universe, and nothingness, among other things. however, these are not strict rules, merely loose guidelines for what "counts" as tempoirine. many other things can be considered tempoirine.
Twistidatian / Intwistian (link): a gender umbrella term for identities related to, connected to, or are “intimidating with a twist”. that twist is often cute, gentle, and soft. could be seen as a counterpart to twistute. intwistian by itself is not a xenogender, but terms under the umbrella can be xenogenders.
Twistute (link): an umbrella term ( like kenochoric and luxine ) for identities related to, connected to, or are “ cute with a twist “. that twist is often dark, creepy, or unsettling. some examples of this are pastel clothing with eyes or teeth, candy gore, and yami kawai. this is not a xenogender, but genders under this could be described as xenogenders.
Valmia (link): a term for genders that are bloody, painful, realistic, cartoony gore, pain, and/or weirdcore gore and similar.
Warfaren (link): An identity centered around things connected to war and military. It encompasses things like carnage, warfare, military jobs, outfits, weaponry and machines.
Wilderic (link): an umbrella term, connected to forests, plants, wilderness, wonder, the natural world, ecology and nature.
Wisteric/Glicinoric (link): a umbrella term that is centered and based on wisteria flowers (link leads to an image of wisteria). It is a very broad umbrella term that can include xenogenders, aesthetigenders, neurogenders, etc. underneath it. It can, however, be simply used as a xenogender, but does not definitively have to be.
Zabainal (link): is an umbrella term themed off of the album ZABA by Glass Animals. It is connected to feelings of haziness, weirdness, strangeness, floaty vibes, confusion, and calmness. This umbrella term is more based on vibes than a concrete definition.
tagging for reach /nf: @sunshinesolaic , @epikulupu , @kenochoric
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bisexualsafespace · 1 year
New term: Quot!
Quot: someone who feels there sexuality/gender identity can’t be described in simple words such as “lesbian” “bisexual” “gay” or “transgender”, the word quot comes from the word “quotation mark” because quotic identifies often need a lot of quotation marks when someone is explaining the identity. the “Q” was added to represent these more complex and hard to explain identities, but queer is an umbrella term for all lgbtq people where as Quot is for people who have complex identities. Quot is different from pomosexuality, pomosexuality is a sexual orientation where as Quot is an umbrella term. the rainbow flag is a symbol of the LGBTQ community so i decided to put it as the flag.
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Merrascic Pride Flag
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Merrascic or merascic/merasscic: an umbrella term for those who are not attracted to men anymore; a label in which one's mascic attraction has partially or fully vanished.
Examples: erassexual or asexual folk who once was attracted to boys; taken/monofidelitous pluralians (i.e. bi/pan, ply/omni, tri) partnered with non-men; a straight guy/darcian who used to be attracted to guys, but realized he is het after all; a lesbian who has gone through comphet; an enbian/cenelian, enboric/teramoric or feminamoric/trixamoric folk who used to be pan; an abrosexual or sexually fluid folk; or otherwise nomascic person who once experienced attraction to men.
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lgbtqiarchive · 2 years
diginfinimenre: an umbrella term for menres and identities tied to digital infinity
rhizomenre: menres and identities tied to the concept of rhizome in philosophy
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is girlflux trans?? It's not right? Cause I said I was genderqueer once (easier than explaining girlflux) and then someone said "this trans person" it makes sense in the context I swear
Anyway.like I'm not right? cause I'm still a girl but umbrella terms confuse me
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mayvette · 1 year
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Quotes from Before We Were Trans: A New History of Gender by Kit Heyam
“The second problem with our existing criteria for inclusion in ‘trans history’ is that they privilege an incredibly narrow version of what it means to be trans. The trans histories we tend to tell are those that conform to the trans narrative that’s centered and recapitulated in contemporary media. The non-binary writer and activist Jacob Tobia, in their memoir Sissy: A Coming-Of-Gender Story,…
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ministarfruit · 10 months
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stardew valley marriage candidates
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clowncaraz · 13 days
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coined in 2021. expanded in this post.
kafin is an umbrella term referring to experiences that cannot fit into the binary, nonbinary, midbinary, abinary, or trinary, and must be characterized by one's individual state of being and personality. kafin is a fluid label due to it's nature.
can be used as a gender label too, "kafine" being the plural form for multiple kafin people.
related experiences go under "kafin-in-nature" (KAIN), presentation based on kafin experiences is called "kafinine" and "kafininity", and alignments are called "kafinic".
kafin experiences would usually sound like this:
a secret, interpersonal system of identity that cannot be described or understood outside of said individual's life.
an outgoing personality created by unique life experiences that influence how one presents or genders themselves.
an introverted personality created by unique experiences that influence(...)
cultural and closed forms of gender expression that is based on an individual's personal religious experiences.
genders based on specific individual experiences that cannot be replicated.
a sense of gender that cannot be shared with anyone else due to the intersections of life.
alien or nonhuman experiences that vary and change frequently, unable to be described.
a sense of gender that doesn't exist but is the accumulation of everything at once and nothing at all uniquely to the individual.
a feeling of gender that is described by one's disability, species, hardships, etc, all together.
terminology available:
melle - manhood that is kafinic
femel - womanhood that is kafinic
kafine - plural version of kafin
kafinmasc - masculinity that is kafinic
kafinfem - femininity that is kafinic
kafiac - refers to how sex traits are uniquely shaped, colored, marked, developed and altered in all bodies.
if none of these fit you, kafin identity allows you to create a unique label specific to only you and no one else simply by calling it a "kafinabl".
@radiomogai @beyond-mogai-pride-flags
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genderkoolaid · 1 year
When we talk about Stonewall this month, let's not forget to talk about how the entire thing was sparked by the arrest of a butch transmasculine lesbian- Stormé DeLarverie, a mixed drag king, who fought back against the cop who was violently arresting her for crossdressing.
Drag queens and trans women deserve recognition for their role in the Stonewall uprisings, and so do butches & transmascs. We all fought for each other.
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crispyliza · 5 months
When people say "I don't want my child to be exposed to LGBTQ+ media because it will turn them gay" they actually mean "I don't want my child to be exposed to LGBTQ+ media because it might help them realize that they're gay".
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zackstriker · 2 months
i think my fav dnp lore is that phil is canonically a psychic. like. what a fun little twist to throw into the gay youtuber fandom.
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ennas-aesthetic · 1 year
I do appreciate Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett who took one look at this fucker and said, "what if he's pathetic and gay for the Angel that guarded The Gate of Eden, actually?" And the world was never the same since 🙏🏽
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