#Well me too but i wS here from the very START! And you all wanted miguel you disnt give spot the light of day when he was lame🤬🤬🤬posers!!!
eebie · 5 months
there was a homestuck aggie ? !!!
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spahhzy · 6 months
When little Jaune Arc got to the playground, he honestly thought it would be the same old playing by yourself thing. Most of the other kids were in the process of being trained by their families in the way of being a huntsman.
Jaune sighed. He, too, wanted to be a huntsman... but for some reason, his family never wanted to train him. No matter how many times he asked or begged, it was still a resounding 'No' from both mom and dad.
Jaune feet kicked up some dirt as he made his way towards the swing set, but to his surprise, instead of it being empty, their was actually someone sitting in the swing next to him.
Timidly, Jaune got into the swing next to the stranger, feeling a bit uncomfortable as the stranger face was covered with a hood, but Jaune did his best not to pay attention to the stranger but them sitting and NOT doing anything wS beginning to scare him.
???: Don't be afraid friend.
Lil Jaune's blue eyes widened as he heard the stranger speak, how did he know!?
???: I promise you I mean you no harm, I'm just here to think is all.
Jaune: o-okay...
???: Why are you here all alone?
Jaune: ...uhm cause I-I don't have any friends.
???: Really, well, that makes two of us...I too don't have any friends....well, that would be a lie...I had one good friend but I haven't seen him in a long time.
Jaune: Wow... I'm sorry, I'm sure you guys were very good friends.
???: You betcha, you could say we were inseparable!
Jaune: Wow... I wish I had a friend like that... Everyone is just off being cool heroes and stuff...
???: You want to be a hero?
Jaune: Oh boy, do I, that's like my dream!
???: What does a hero usually do?
Jaune: Hero's....uh they help those I need, like in the stories and fairytales.
???: So you want to help people?
Jaune: Mmhm! I wanna help everyone!
???: Everyone, you say, hmm? You know what, you're going to be someone hero one day, I can already see it.
Jaune: Really, sir, you mean it?
???: Mmhm! And you know what, if I may, could you help me out? Think of it as part of your hero training.
Jaune: But I'm not a hero...
???: Not with that attitude you won't be. Think of this little request as the stepping stones of your training!
Little Jaune pondered for a moment but reluctantly nodded if he could begin to start being a hero in training then he would help the stranger.
The stranger reached into his cloak before pulling out...
Jaune looked on in awe...their in the strangers hands was a small blue sleeping... kitten?
???: Can you watch after this little fella here? They have been through a-lot...
Jaune paled...he couldn't bring home a cat, his mom and dad would be upset!
???: I know what you're thinking, and don't worry, only you and some other folks can see them.
Jaune: Really...
???: Oh, most definitely! Your mom, dad, and sisters will see nothing.
Now Jaune was beginning to have doubts...a invisible cat?
Jaune: Wait...who are the other people who can see them?
???: Bad bad people, they tried to hurt the poor fella. I don't have names, but I can tell you one will have a metal arm with red eyes, another will be snow witch with a scar on eye, another will have gold eyes and cat ears just like our friend here and another one will have silver eyes and a large scary stick...
Jaune just gulped. These people seemed like real villains. Why would they want to hurt this poor cat!
???: lastly, watch out for the silent double colored terror... she will be the most persistent.
Jaune just nodded as the stranger gently handed him the blue kitten.
???: You're gonna be a great hero, Jaune. I can already see it in you.
Jaune: Y-you think so?
???: Oh yes, I already see a little bit of my friend in you, and he was my greatest hero.
Jaune: Wow!
???: Yep, but it's time for me to go now, little hero. Remember, take very good care of our little friend here, and when the time is right, I will meet you again in a land where fantasy comes to life!
Jaune: O-okay, uhm...
???: J.C.
Jaune: J.C?
???: mmhm!
Mama Arc: Jaune, honey, come on its time to go!
Jaune: coming mom...uhm thanks J.C for...giving me a chance to become a hero.
Jaune then carried the kitten close to his chest as he turned his back to the stranger, who waved at him, Jaune turned and waved back before finally returning to his mom as they both left the park, and Jaune found it weird but he thought he saw bright blue eyes coming from the stranger...ah well must have been a trick of the light.
The stranger watched as Jaune and his mother left the park before looking at his hand that began to fade away.
???: Yes, you will become the hero, Jaune...my hero!
A gust of wind blew around him as his hood fell and revealed a mess of blonde hair and a slightly old face marred with a disturbing chesire grin and bright blue eyes.
CCJaune: My hero forever!
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raayllum · 7 months
hey I have some thoughts and theories on season six that I want to post but I feel like they’re kind of in cohesive and all over the place and rambly and I’m not really sure the best way to get them across especially when I’m more of a brainstorm type of personof like 10 different ways something could go I’m not really sure how to organize it or make it comprehensible to the average Tumblr scroller do you have any tips for this? because I want them to get reach cause I do feel like I’m contributing something but sometimes I think what I’m saying makes no sense at all or no one’s going to read all that you know. or, TLDR: Do you have any tips on making meta in general since you seem to be the main producer of it in the fandom ha ha, your input would be invaluable
So I actually did start writing a post a while ago about well, a kind of how to guide for writing meta, but it felt very self-gratuitous so it got semi-banished to the drafts although I still might finish / clean it up and post it someday
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That being said your ask does make me realize that your query is not something I had considered going over, approaching it from more of a "here's how to train your brain to notice things that can be fun to write meta about" > organizing said thoughts, so thank you for bringing it to my attention! I hope some of this advice will be useful, and it may even have some overlap with other thoughts I had planned
The most useful way I've found when it comes to meta is treating it like an essay, with an introduction, body paragraphs / sections (and sometimes headers), and a conclusion of some kind when warranted. This means looking for similarities or main ideas with possible consistent threads (i.e. avenues Aaravos' evil plans could go might be split off into branches, each one detailing a different avenue). So that would be my best advice when it comes to organization.
However, most concerns about "not making sense" comes down to thinking through what context you have to provide for your audience to understand what you're discussing, depending on the length and depth of the leap / analysis. Are there any symbols being drawn upon we will want to explain in more detail before theorizing how they relate to the show? Are there any smaller details or scene summaries to include when putting these things together?
For example, when I wrote a meta about Rayla being the metaphorical light to Callum's darkness (pre-S5), I first had to establish why I associated her with light, drawing from visual examples from S1, S2, and S4, as well as the "Dear Callum" letter. Callum's side of things was more straightforward with dialogue in the text. Then I could take it one step further and talk about why this light-dark duality indicates that she will likely save him from possession after possibly leading to the fall in the first place. But I had to go from a bottom-top approach in steadily building the layers rather than starting from the top and working my way down, as for more symbolic matters in particular, that can often be confusing.
Although sometimes more simplistic, consulting the 5 Ws (who, what, where, when, and why) can likewise be useful in meta in terms of 1) tracing where certain ideas are coming from in the text, 2) what is being posited/suggested, and 3) why these things might be conflated, and 4) who might be involved. Obviously meta tends to be more "what" heavy, particularly when its predictive, but it's kinda like explaining why one character might be more involved in one plot line than another, etc. There's going to be a Why to that Who, and those things both combine to form the What (otherwise known as theory or just plain analysis).
And don't be concerned about if people are gonna wanna read it. I find most people in TDP fandom are pretty down to theorize even if they may not necessarily write a lot of it down themselves (and often have cool ideas/contributions too!) and I am the king of making things overly long, yet people muscle through anyway!
That's about it for me without more specifics (a character study vs foil vs theme vs prediction are all kinda different in their own way) but I would love to hear more if you'd like to message me off anon or if you have more thoughts/questions you'd like to leave in my inbox once that's opened back up! Have fun theorizing, have fun writing, always feel free to break longer metas up into smaller bite sized ones as you go, and I look forward to seeing them int the tags!
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imjustthatbad · 9 months
The Ending We Won’t Get:
A/N: FIRST AND MOST IMPORTANT THERE IS MENTIONS OF BLOOD AND BEING CHAINED UP (not in the fun way) if that bothers you please do not read. Anywho… This is my first attempt at this kind of fanfic so please if you read this go hard on me. I did it without an editor and in the middle of the night but I needed a conclusion to this story so I’m making one. There will be some creative direction on my part but mostly trying to stick with what I have researched. Please give a read and let me know if it’s something you want me to continue. If Netflix won’t fucking save our Warrior Nun then gods damnit I will do my best to. From here on out all A/N will be at the end and I’ll add T/Ws at the top. Hope you enjoy this fellow warrior nuns.
Chapter One: Dancing With Your Ghost
… A week after Adriel’s defeat…
“Have a good night Hans, remember to push the specials.”
“Alright Beatrice, have a good night and let me know if you hear from her.”
The air was cold and the rain bit her skin through her shirt as she walked from the bar back to her home above the butcher’s. She wasn’t sure what made her return to the Alps. Maybe because that’s where she was happiest, maybe because that’s what she wanted, maybe because she hoped that Ava would walk through that door any second. It’s been a week and that hasn’t happened and her hope dwindled more and more with each passing moment. As she approached the door to their…her…apartment she paused for a moment. Pushing back the hope that maybe if she opened the door she’d be greeted by the woman who she had once shared it with. She closed her eyes as she pushed the door open and once she heard the door gently hit the wall she slowly opened her eyes and… Empty. To be expected but most definitely not wanted.
She sighed and walked in, locking the door behind her. She crossed the small apartment and turned her kettle on before looking into her apartment. Nothing had changed since she and Ava had last left it. The bed meticulously made something Ava used to make fun of her for.
“It’s just going to get unmade Bea, you really don’t need to make it. I swear you can take the nun out of the Cat’s Cradle but you can’t take the Cat’s Cradle out of the nun.”
“Well, you live under the scrutiny of Mother Superion for a majority of your life and tell me not to make this bed. Besides, it helps you stay out of it till it’s time to sleep.”
“Trust me, I’ve spent enough time in a bed that I don't need any motivation to stay out of one. Well unless it involves having se..”
“..I get the point! …I’m still making this bed, now will you help please.”
“Yes mother.”
The sound of thunder pulled her from the memory far too soon. She shook her head and entered the bedroom pulling fresh clothes from the dresser and changing into warmer, less soaked clothes. Her timing was perfect as she pulled her sweatshirt down just as the kettle began to whistle. She watched the rain fall from a window in the apartment slowly sipping on her tea and attempting to relax. Being free from the obligations of being a warrior nun was still very new, she always had the pull to do something. Train, study, guide others, learn new things, help everyone with anything but now, now was just for her. An attempt at a normal life she had never had. At just being Beatrice. It felt weird, she felt wrong but “It’s still new, it’ll get easier.” Camilla had assured her a five days prior during a surprise phone call. She hadn’t wanted to lose all her friends and kept in contact when she could but at the same time she wanted to be alone. Wanted to start over. In this life or the next didn’t necessarily mean you had to die to get a second chance.
She watched the rain fall for several minutes, finishing her drink before starting her night time ritual. Same as it’s always been; shower, brush teeth, brush hair, get dressed, and pray. She knows she doesn’t have the obligation to do that last bit anymore but it made her feel less…she wasn’t sure but it helped. She walked to the couch and got under the blankets. She hadn’t gotten the courage to sleep in their bed yet. She let the soft sounds of rain and thunder lull her to sleep.
“Oh Bea…”
She opened her eyes and saw her, the small yet strong brunette kneeling next to her a soft yet sad smile on her face.
“Bea…what are you doing? Why are you gone? Where are you?”
Her eyes fluttered with confusion, she felt her eyebrows pull together as she tried to sit up but found that she was unable to move.
“Ava? Ava! Ava I can’t..I can’t move, are you okay? How are you here? What happened?”
She felt Ava’s hand run down the side of her face as she cupped her chin. She desperately wanted to pull Ava into her but when she tried to move her arms she felt the pull of metal on her wrists. Looking down she saw that she was chained to the ground.
“Ava, what’s going on? Are you okay?”
A singular tear ran down Ava’s face, did she look older? More weathered?
“I’m fine Bea, but why are you gone? Where have you run off too? You’re going to miss all the fun.”
She watched as Ava’s eyes got darker, the singular tear slowly turning black. Her voice sounded lower and harsher, like she had been screaming for years without pause. Beatrice pulled hard against the chains, she felt the all too familiar feeling of skin ripping on her wrists as her binds cut into her but she didn’t stop trying.
“Ava! What do you mean? Where are you? What’s going on? Ava please..please help me so I can help you! I miss you so much, please let me help you.”
Ava stood, her eyes continuing to darken, a dark purple light emitting from her back. The halo? No the halo is golden it doesn’t shine purple that’s impossible there’s been no mention of it ever turning purple or any other color. She pulled against the chains again, she felt a give and Ava must’ve heard it too, her focus moving from Beatrice’s face to her wrists.
“Nothing can save her now, she’s under my control. Nothing can stop my halo bearer.”
That’s not Ava’s voice but it’s not Adriel’s voice either. Who’s speaking through her? She pulled harder on the chains and felt her left arm break free and she reached out to Ava but she wasn’t fast enough. Ava side stepped and began laughing but it wasn’t her light and airy laugh Beatrice had come to love. It was someone else. This wasn’t Ava. It was her body but she’s not in control.
“So close, yet so far. We will find you, we don’t like loose ends. This war will be won by the superior army and nothing will stop us.”
Ava’s body begin fade as if she was phasing and right as Beatrice’s right arm was freed she was gone in a puff of smoke.
Her eyes popped open as she quickly sat up, hearing herself scream for Ava. She stood up quickly and looked around getting her bearings. She saw her apartment, the made bed, the small night light tha Ava liked to keep on next to it. It took her a moment to convince herself it was all just a dream, no night a dream. A nightmare. She covered her face with her hands and took a deep breath.
“It was just a dream, nothing more.”
She assured herself and laid back down but as she laid back down and pulled the blankets back over her she noticed it. Her wrists, bruised but not bloody. As if she had been chained days ago and she was slowly healing from it. But that’s impossible. It was just a dream. Wasn’t it?
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apirateslifeforbudgie · 2 months
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Instagram🔹Wattpad🔹Ko-fi🔹Art Tag
Welcome! You've had the misfortune of stumbling upon my blog, but may as well linger while you're here!
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My ask box and messages are always open! I don't mind chit chat about common interests or OCs, just be sure to keep things kind!
Commissions are currently open! I need to make another comm post, but feel free to message me in the meantime! I offer character art ranging from simple busts to full design sheets, Log Collection covers, Wattpad covers, wanted posters, devil fruit design, Hanafuda cards, fake screenshots, so on and so forth. And I have a graphic design background, so I can do logos too! Whatever you need, I'm your girl~
I've got all the basic bases covered above, but *Starship Troopers voice* would you like to know more?
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I go by Jayelle! At least on the internet I do. This is a One Piece blog that I made for the sole purpose of posting my fanart and fanfiction with JJK content showing up from time to time. You will also see my OCs often - especially my main character - I've had most of them for a very long time and they are a major part of me. Currently, they are in the world of One Piece while a handful are also in JJK at the moment. I will talk more of my fics a little further down!
As much as I love One Piece (despite trashing it for years and years please forgive me), it is not my only interest! I am very much into plenty of other anime (literally too many to name), video games (ranging all the way from Stardew Valley to the SoulsBorne games. Monster Hunter World, The Witcher 3, Skyrim and Fallout 3 are personal favorites), horror movies, TV shows (GOT/HOTD, The Boys, Love Death & Robots, Yellowjackets, Spartacus), comic books (I used to own a comic shop!), music, and dragons! I love, love, love dragons.
Clearly, I am very much into many fantasy tales of all medium. If there's anything to know about me, it's that I love deep-diving into lore and background for characters and worlds alike, and I hope that presents itself in my writing. And speaking of...
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As I mentioned, my characters are currently in the worlds of One Piece and JJK. While I have written or posted nothing for JJK (and am unsure if I will), below is how the One Piece story has shaped itself!
ONE PIECE: WANDERING STAR - (In Progress/Read here!) This is the main story! It focuses on the Captain Trio and is led by my main character, as this is her story - the classic One Piece tale of reclaiming a kingdom but take it a little darker. Lots of revenge, so much beheading, but a little wonder and romance sweetens the adventure.
If you would like to sample some snippets from the story to see if you're into it, check them out here.
There is also a playlist I made for the series here!
BLACK STAR - (Not Started/Not Posted) If Wandering Star is dark, then this prequel story of Carmen's time in Eventide is downright gritty. Glimpses will be given in WS, but this is the brutal uncut tale, and it takes place roughly around the events of Sabaody and the Summit War.
DAMN THE STARS - (Select Scenes/Not Posted) This is Wandering Star's sequel! It's a Kid Pirate story that runs parallel to the in-anime events ranging from just before Punk Hazard to the start of Wano. Still undecided how far I wanna take the mature content in this one.
There are also anime inserts to be written for my main character! While there are some earlier mentions, her first "official" in-anime appearance would start at episode 603 and (as of today) end at episode 1112. But I'm sure there will be more to come!
That should be a good start! Enjoy your adventure!
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bromcommie · 5 months
For the ask game ;)
🏜️,❄️,🥐,🌻 aaand 🥤
Hope you are having a good day!
Hiya, thanks for the retaliatory hit! (affectionate) hope you're having a lovely day too :) 🏜️ ⇢ what's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work? Ooh, can I just say any? Kidding, albeit I am very grateful for everyone who takes the time out to comment, even if it's just a string of emojis or something! But I am eternally grateful for long, detailed comments and especially love when people point the things that they related to in my work or things that clicked for them (particularly the ones I thought might be overlooked or alternatively, too heavy-handed to land) or even line up certain things or parallels that didn't fully register to me while I was writing except as a vague ~vibe~. I just appreciate it a whole lot, and it makes the whole exchange feel like a conversation. ❄️ ⇢ what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
Hm, I don't know - I don't think I have one specific dream theme/plot. That said I have been thinking a lot about Red Room/Department X plotlines recently. I really love the throughline of the struggle for identity + shifting ideologies/definitions of what it means to be a good person + autonomy & free will vs. wanting to belong dichotomy in those stories. Especially when it's grounded in interesting dynamics that aren't very black and white (i.e. Nat and the other widows, the handlers, the WS.) That era is also just very interesting to me in terms of real world circumstances and events, and the scifi potential to explore trauma and psychological fuckery in general is endless. So I guess I'd really love something that deals with Natasha's memories as a child + teen in the war and how that shaped her both before the Red Room even got their hands on her, as well as during and after; how she became this kind of mercurial person who is still (maybe surprisingly so) solid at her core. Something a la Name of the Rose, if you've read that run.
As for who I'd like to write it, I am in fact attempting to write something to that effect into my current post-CATWS wip, so I guess me? Not to say I wouldn't love to read something similar by someone else - there have been several fics out there that dealt with Natasha in a way that had me staring into empty space for an hour (in a good way) - just that I enjoy the process of developing ideas like that in my head differently than I do reading about them from another angle, if that makes sense!
🥐 ⇢ name one internet reference that will always make you laugh 
that vine with the two guys with heavy NY/NJ area accents screaming at a duck. wait no - any patrick william charlton vine where he suddenly acquires a german accent. wait no - the can I PLEASE get a waffle one.
oh man. any one vine really. I'm very nostalgic about vine. 🌻 ⇢ tag someone you appreciate but don't talk to on a regular basis
I feel like if I started doing that I'd end up spamming way too many people haha. I do wanna say I very much appreciate everyone I've gotten to interact with and follow during this CATWS10 event and over the past two months I’ve been on here more!
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love Oh, god. GOD. This is so tough, I'm really blanking right now. I've been around for a loong while lol and there are so, so many insane, brilliant ones. It doesn't help that I really haven't read that many in the last few years as much as I've been writing them.
Off the top of my head though, I recently went back to Speranza's All the Angels and the Saints. One of the all-time old school Cap greats. All of their stuff is just wonderful, foundational Steve, Bucky & SteveAndBucky content. Also everything by magdaliny. I don't even know what to say there, except maybe goddamn.
I’ve also been reading a couple Red Room fics that I can’t find right now but that were great, so I’ll have to dig through my old laptop bookmarks and get back to you with a personalized list, hehe 🫡
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nei-ning · 7 months
I went to bed at 10am because I just didn't get sleep sooner. I ALMOST did but then I woke up because my right restless leg kicked once. So I got up and took half of melatonin - BIG mistake.
I slept only 2-2:30min while having a nightmare, waking up in sweat.
In the dream I first was in the basement with my sister and mother, don't know why, but then I heard a very suspicious sound, seeing walls "crashing down" a bit. I rushed the stairs up to the door, seeing it was half of its size (tall wise) anymore because wall and ceiling had collapsed. I went under the door frame, pushing it carefully up, holding it there. Then I yelled my mother and sister there's huge water damage which ws ruined / rotten the walls and ceiling. At first they didn't seem to believe me but as I kept yelling at them in panic, mom started to panic as well. She rushed behind me, gasped and started to yell my sis to hurry but her response was: "I'm not rushing. I take what I need in peace." I saw her taking something in her pocket and then this yellow little bag. I lifted the ceiling some more, getting out of the way so that mom could hold the door frame for herself while coming out and same with sister.
Then we moved in the living room and sis went upstairs to get something else. I watched how the ceiling was already "curved" down at one point, sister's footsteps appearing on the ceiling as she walked. I yelled her that whole ceiling / upper level's floor was rotten because of water damage (apparently water had come via ceiling / roof but I have no idea how since it takes A LOT of water to rot the whole damn house - which was fully made of wood). This made here hurry a bit. I was thinking of collecting some precious things to me with me as well but decided otherwise. There was no time and it was too dangerous.
Next I'm entering in huge mall / one of it's food stores via backdoor. The hallway is just tiny room after few steps of stairs and across the stairs are double iron doors. All painted in white. This room is nothing more than metal and concrete. Young female worker, her long blond hair as a ponytail, comes to pick me up, starting to lead me through the market.
Pretty soon another female worker, young with short dark hair, comes to walk next to her, whispering: "Did you hear there was a building near by which collapsed? It was pretty damaged by water." Blond woman ignored her while I try to shus her quiet. There were customers and I didn't want them to hear her, starting a mass panic scene. However, I notice water damages in the store as well, they too on walls and ceilings. I know it's not a good sign.
I'm heading in my grandmother's home (in a block for real) which is on upper level of the mall. There, too, is heavy water damages. I wasn't going to take anything from there even that I had my stuff there for a some reason but then I started to think all those little Japanese decoration figures. I wouldn't get replacements for them anywhere. So I start to collect them in my pockets but the blond woman suddenly, in panic, starts to hurry me up. Either it was the ceiling / water damage or one worker, female, who was coming there. She was looking for children to kidnap and eat them. She was either psychologist, police officer or market worker.
We managed to escape, coming back to this huge spot right after backdoor and it's tiny hallway entrance. We were heading out when someone screamed loud in horror, filling the whole place in chaos. Part of the ceiling had come down. I, kind of, was pushed in this small hallway with 2 or 3 other young woman. We tried to get out but the door had collapsed with the weight of the ceiling before we even got to it.
Ceiling in this hallway started to crumble and I fell on my knees under the sudden pressure when part of the ceiling came down with a lot of water. I felt these tiny concrete pieces hit my back as I was on all four, my face almost touching the surface. I couldn't move or get up. I heard those few ladies scream: "Oh God!" "We are going to die!" "Help us!" and so on. I kept my eyes on the floor which I could see through water, realizing this was it. I WAS going to die there. Drown. I became aware that now every breathe was literally my last. My heartbeat increased, panic rising. All what I then did was to pray that a big and heavy piece of concrete from ceiling would knock me out since I was NOT going to be conscious when taking my last inhales.
After that I, luckily, woke up. But the feeling afterward? Horrible. Absolutely horrible. I sat in the bathroom for 30 min to calm down.
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chronicangelca · 2 months
through the jungle, through the dark
Link to this fic on AO3. Words: 2641 Date posted: August 5, 2024
Summary: Of course she was kidding, and of course he knew she was kidding. Even if there was some way to sneakily drop her and her truck off in the middle of the city that wouldn’t get them both caught, she thought this road trip was like some sorta rite of passage. She needed this, needed the last thousand miles stretching between her and the city.
Lana was just grateful her truck didn’t break down.
She’d had the stupid thing since she was 16, and Aunt Helen had it for at least a decade before that, and good, hard-working farm trucks just weren’t meant to haul a half a dozen boxes halfway across the country. The Kents had offered to chip in and help her buy a plane ticket out to the city, which had been awful nice of them, but even with the price of gas, it probably would have cost three times as much to take a plane and ship all those boxes to her new apartment. After she refused that as polite as she could, Jonathan had insisted that she let him drive with her, just so she didn’t have to make the near-24-hour drive all by herself and then move all those boxes up the two flights of stairs into her new apartment, but it would have been hell on his back—both the drive and the boxes—so she swiftly denied that, too.
Martha had given her a tater tot hot dish with aluminum foil wrapped over the top to keep it warm before she left and insisted that she call the second she got to the city. Jonathan had told her that if the busted AC got to be too much and she wanted to turn back around for home, nobody would blame her. Aunt Helen had insistently told her that she would always have a room at the old farmhouse if she wanted and then hugged her tight until her ribs ached and her face hurt from smiling so hard. And then she was off.
When Smallville was nothing but a speck in her rearview mirror, which didn’t take too long all things considered, she rolled down the driver’s side window with the hand-crank until her hair was flying every which way and turned the radio up to max volume and treated the corn fields rolling by to her very own crooning along to Johnny Cash.
Still, leaving home didn’t feel real until she saw the bright blue “Missouri Welcomes You” sign and pressed on the gas a little harder, until she was going closer to 10 miles over than 5. She’d never been outside of Kansas before, not even when Clark decided he was going to up and leave to go to that big fancy university up in Metropolis and she pouted and dug her heels in and all-but begged him not to leave. Those city folk’ll kill you, Kent, she’d insisted, even though she knew better than anybody that nobody could kill Clark, nor would anybody want to.
The heat did start to get a little unbearable once she’d been driving for almost eight hours, and by the time she had crossed the Mississippi and the radio stations started with Ws instead of Ks, she needed to stretch her legs. As a matter of pride more than anything, she waited until she’d crossed over the border into Illinois just so she could still say she’d never willingly set foot in Missouri, and she found somewhere shady to park the truck so she could hop out and stretch. Her back must have popped in at least three places.
While she was stopped, she got a call from Clark himself, and she couldn’t help smiling wide enough that the gap in her front teeth showed in the rearview mirror when she answered. “Just couldn’t wait until tomorrow, huh?”
He laughed in the awkward way he always did when he wasn’t quite sure if he was supposed to be laughing. “I just wanted to check on you. Ma seemed to think you were going to die of heatstroke before you made it here.”
Living in the city’d killed that country hick accent, and she couldn’t help but wonder if the same thing was gonna happen to her. “Well if you’re that worried about it, you can fly your big blue butt over here and pick me and the truck up to fly us the rest of the way.”
His laugh was a lot more natural that time. Of course she was kidding, and of course he knew she was kidding. Even if there was some way to sneakily drop her and her truck off in the middle of the city that wouldn’t get them both caught, she thought this road trip was like some sorta rite of passage. She needed this, needed the last thousand miles stretching between her and the city.
“Are you still planning on getting here at lunchtime tomorrow?”
She looked up at the sky, brilliantly blue with no clouds. The sun was beating down on the chipping paint of her teal truck, threatening to give her a sunburn through the windshield even when she got back in the car. Her only saving grace was the tree she was sitting under. Some birds were chirping not far away, and little bugs fluttered up from the grass between her toes.
“Yeah, I’ll be there for lunch,” she answered after a minute.
“I guess I’ll let you get back to it, then,” he said, in that way that indicated that he’d be smacking his thighs and standing up from an old, worn couch if they were talking in-person.
“Guess so,” she said back somewhat faintly, not fully paying attention. Even after he hung up, she took another ten minutes just to lay in the grass and stare up at the sky.
Once she was back on the road, she couldn’t help but notice that the country music they played on the radio was different the further East you got. Back home, it was all Johnny Cash and Dolly Parton and Waylon Jennings. All the way through Illinois and beyond, there was more of a pop bend to it—older Taylor Swift and Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros. It wasn’t bad, it was certainly head-bobbing and finger-drumming worthy, but she didn’t belt it quite so loud.
She didn’t pull over again other than to get gas until it was almost midnight, straddling the border between West Virginia and Maryland. If she really wanted to, she probably could have pushed those last few hours to Metropolis and slept on a mattress on the floor in her studio apartment, but she didn’t really want to. Instead, she sat in the bed of her truck, surrounded by cardboard boxes with labels like “junk I forgot to pack until the last minute” and “the nice plates (FRAGILE!!!)” with a hot dish in her lap that she was eating straight out of with a fork. Even room temperature, Martha Kent’s cooking was enough to make her feel like she’d never left home, even though she was over a thousand miles away. Far away from the city like this, she was also able to get one last, real nice look at the stars before she was in Metropolis where the light pollution would mean she’d never see it again, or at least not for an awful long time.
Sleep folded over her like a warm blanket with the stars over her head and Elliott Smith crooning to her from her truck’s speakers, hot dish still uncovered between her knees.
That was why she was grateful her truck didn’t break down. When she woke up in the morning with the sun rising over her head and gospel music playing over the speakers, she realized that she never fully shut the thing off, and by all rights the battery should have died. That was the sort of miracle that followed you around when you were friends with Superman, she guessed.
The rest of the drive was unremarkable. Five hours of rolling hills and green trees, and then she was in front of her apartment building a few hours earlier than she expected to be and hauling some of the lighter boxes up the stairs. It made the muscles in her back and shoulders burn the same way chucking hay bales to the horses did. There was something almost nostalgic about it.
When Clark showed up, he looked miffed in a way that made her snort before either of them said anything. “You should have called me and told me you got in early,” he said, almost like a whine. It was adorable, and it reminded her of when they were 6 and 7 and he used to huff and get mad at her for racing ahead of him on the track at school. “You didn’t have to lug all these boxes up by yourself. I would have helped.”
“I’m a big girl, Clark, I’m plenty strong without help from Superman,” she teased, confident that the walls in her apartment were thick enough to keep anyone else from overhearing them. He grimaced and looked around all paranoid-like, anyway.
“I’m not helping you out as Superman, I’m helping you out as your friend,” he insisted, and, well, she couldn’t really argue with that one.
“Then you can help me out by putting together that bookshelf over there,” she said, with a nod of her head toward the cheap planks of numbered wood from IKEA. “And when you’re done with that you can start putting the books on it.”
For a long time, they worked together in silence. She got all of her dishes up on the shelves while he stared at the planks of wood like he was worried about snapping them right in half, which he probably was. After a while, she couldn’t take the quiet anymore.
“I was hoping you were gonna bring your little girlfriend,” she said, in a teasing but not quite condescending way, and she couldn’t help but grin at the way that his cheeks flushed. “Ma says she’s the sweetest thing on Earth, which is mighty high praise from Martha Kent. I can’t remember how old I was before she stopped calling me ‘feisty.’”
“Lois is plenty feisty,” he said, with a perfect mix of fondness and embarrassment that made her grin a little wider.
“So you’ve got a type then,” she teased back, and he rolled his eyes even though she could see the tinge of pink to his cheeks. “You don’t go out in the sun enough anymore. You’re paler ‘n Pete Ross, and your freckles are all gone.”
“I never had freckles,” he scoffed. She just shrugged her shoulders. She remembered those freckles and those dimples plain as day, but it wasn’t worth arguing about. “And I don’t have a type,” he added after a minute, when it must have seemed clear she wasn’t going to push the issue.
“Alright, you don’t have a type,” she conceded. Another argument not worth having. It wasn’t like she’d met this Lois gal to make any sort of judgment call about it either way, anyway. And it wasn’t like the fact that they’d dated for nine months in high school said much about his type now, anyhow. “So tell me about her then.”
He stopped and looked thoughtful for a minute, like he wasn’t quite sure what to say about her. Lana raised her eyebrows and leaned a little closer.
“She works at the Planet, too. She’s a little older than me—your age.” She rolled her eyes at that. Like she was several years his senior or something. They were in the same grade in school, it was just that her birthday was a couple months too late in the year to start the year before him. “She’s… stubborn. Curious. Intelligent. She’s got awful spelling, and it’s like she never learned how to turn on autocorrect or something.”
Lana snorted. “Don’t you have to turn that off?” She still had a flip phone. Those tiny smartphones that were manufactured to break after a year or two didn’t have the constitution for farm work any more than half the girls at their high school did.
“I don’t really know. I never really had any use for it, anyhow,” he said, and she could hear some of that country hick accent starting to bleed through again. No matter how much country hick you put in Clark, he was always the sharpest kid in their class.
“Well, she sounds nice,” she said, less because it was true and more because it was the thing that you said when someone finished telling you about their girlfriend—not that Lois didn’t sound nice, but Clark hadn’t given her all that much to work with. “Now that I live in the city you can’t keep hiding her from me.”
“I wasn’t hiding her from you,” he huffed, and she grinned again.
“Well good, because now that I live in the city I’m determined to meet her.” He rolled his eyes and got back to putting the bookshelf together, apparently a little less nervous about snapping all the wood planks in half. With all the dishes put away, she just sat cross-legged on the floor and watched him work.
She’d need to get furniture soon. Clark had done her the courtesy of finding her a mattress, which sat in the middle of the floor between them, but she didn’t have anything else other than the appliances the studio came with. A couch seemed in order, at least. A TV too, probably, at least before football season started. She’d grit her teeth and root for Kansas City’s team since they technically shared custody, even if it was formally for the Missouri half.
It took a little under an hour to put the bookshelf together. It probably would have taken less time if he wasn’t being so careful with it, but she’d also seen him pull door knobs out of doors without meaning to, so maybe the caution was warranted. “I think pizza’s in order,” she announced. That was what you did when somebody helped you move: You ordered pizza, and you sat on the floor and ate it and caught up. They’d already done the catching up, though, so they’d just have to eat in silence, she guessed.
Once the pizza was there, with extra cheese and extra sauce, they sat cross-legged next to each other with their backs pressed against the wall facing the window. Without a TV, that was the most interesting thing to watch. There was a bird fluttering up and down with nesting material. “So remind me,” he started, and she looked over at him. “Why Metropolis?”
She snorted. “I could ask you the same question.” He shrugged and caught a drooping string of melted cheese in his mouth before it fell off the slice of pizza in his hand. She looked back out the window, thinking for a while about her answer. Why Metropolis? It wasn’t like she didn’t have a life of her own in Smallville. She’d gone to college like she was supposed to, gotten a degree in business for lack of anything else that sounded more interesting. There were opportunities in Smallville, plenty of businesses that didn’t yet exist in the small town Midwest. But there was something about Smallville that just felt a little empty after Clark left it, and something about Metropolis that seemed a little brighter. It wasn’t that she needed Clark, specifically, but there was something he represented, she guessed, that she did need.
“Just seemed like the right thing to do,” she said with a shrug.
By the end of the day, her apartment mostly looked like an apartment. Sure, it didn’t have any furniture yet, but there were books on shelves and pictures on the walls. It didn’t look lived in, but it looked like a place someone might live, if that made any kind of sense. “I’ll see you tomorrow?” Clark asked, and she smiled. She missed hearing that, if nothing else.
“You sure will,” she replied, reaching up to ruffle his hair like they were teenagers.
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joshriku · 1 year
I guess CB fans already talk abt this a lot— or do they? tbh i dont rlly see much Cap comic talk from CB fans.. but tbh that's prob for the best b/c they are...... so bad, esp w/ this topic. they only had one decent story that had potential w/ WS in the aughts + the shieldra plot before going into their American BS —but nyways mayve its a good thing no one talks abt them bc Captain America comics were already not very good with the hydra-nazi thing but omg why am I finding out that the latest run dilutes/copsout the hydra origins even more....
It's rlly pmo b/c the hydra thing hasn't been treated well/properly ever but they retconned Hydra to be the original "big bad" and just a front for a group that precedes the nazis by decades 🙃🙃 and the amount of dogwhistles and poorly thought out historical references in the names/setup... ihate it!
Things like this r y this is the few times where i say the mcu version is better— up until like civil war or definitely afterwards —b/c at least they— until later on with Z3m0 —kept in mind that the villains are nazis 🙃 The amount of Cold War politics the Cap franchise— and tbh in the Black Widow side too once they started to retcon them together —throws in to make hydra some generic "anti USA" villain and sidestep the whole "hydra being nazis + part of the US government and keeping a major character as an enslaved WW2 POW as a major foundation of Cap mythos" thing. Now they obscure the origins of the hydra stuff even more and its so...... i guess theyre trying to make the whole Captain America schtick seem less bad if the nazi villains the story keeps downplaying/ignoring the impact of just keep getting made to be "less bad" over and over, but I hate it. And i hate even more how these types of stories littered all over the Cap mythos are seen as "not political" by a certain crowd, but theyre very political.it's just that the politics are so trash and distort serious historical references in service to American jingoist conception of history.
i have no idea how you ended up here. nonetheless iagree because captain america runs are just... so.. so... [vaguely gestures] and i hate the crowd surrounding it! i really like characters from the cap universe (sam/bucky/misty/nat) but it's literally impossible to read because it's so. so. so .. WEIRD! i think you're right bc back in the actual cap bucky run these topics were somewhat better handled? than the way they are now? and i don't want to blame everything on nick spencer's 2015 hydra cap thing but i will blame it all on it because oh my god the disservice that did to the way hydra is treated in these comics lmao. like you said they keep being like 'weeelll the nazis are *nooot so bad*'. like the red skull treatment they give the comics are so?? what?? hes a nazi?? why are you trying to get me to sympathize with the nazi?? I GET SUPER WEIRDED OUT WHENEVER I TRY TO READ AXIS FOR EVENT REASONS BC OF.. THE RED SKULL BEING WRITTEN SO SYMPATHETICALLY.. IM LIKE EWW I DONT LIKE THAT GET IT AWAY FROM MEEE. likewise i did try to read the other 2015 cap america run with sam but it also suffers of this same exact problem and it's SOOOOO HARD.
i read sentinel of liberty and symbol of truth recently and i swear to god i did not pay any attention other than the scenes were bucky was in AND EVEN THAT I HAVE SOME ISSUES WITH I THOUGHT SOME OF IT WAS A LITTLE WEIRD but. (SIGHS) . i also agree the mcu was.. fairly fine with this til fatws and everyone became a zemo loverweiogoudsigSDG IM GLAD I WASNT THE ONLY ONE WEIRDED OUT BY THAT?!?! dont even get me started on the subsection of mcu fans that make found family out of hydra members its very fucking weird. anyway. i think you might have gotten the wrong blog but nonetheless ive had these thoughts in my head for a few years now so thank u for this little bonding moment
0 notes
attilarrific · 3 years
OKAY. I’m writing, I’m a writer, I’m a person who occasionally puts writing out into the universe.
This is not the Hidden Track update you’re looking for, this is a direct follow-up to the AU of the Hidden Track AU, the one where Wei Wuxian ends up fake-dating Jin Guangyao instead. The first part is here. This part got VERY LONG, but does include both Wei Wuxian and Lan Xichen, so...yay me?
(For those wondering how the two AUs relate to each other---basically, the inciting incident of this, Jin Guangyao and Qin Su’s blood relation being widely revealed to the public, occurs maybe a month before actual Hidden Track starts and thereby preempts all of that. In actual Hidden Track, that reveal never happens, so none of this ever does either. All backstories that get established in either are canon for both, not that it particularly matters.)
Also, I don’t know if this is weird, but this update is dedicated to @ralfstrashcan​, who left me the best comment ever on the first part of this. I know we don’t know each other at all, but thank you, it meant a lot, I reread it often.
Jin Guangyao video calls Qin Su on his computer so he can hang up on the phone, and in the space of a single too-fast inhale, she appears on the screen. In the high-definition of her expensive webcam and their internet connections working overtime, he can see her red eyes and white knuckles, the way she’s clutching at the sweatshirt she’s wearing. He’s pretty sure it’s his sweatshirt, actually, and he has a sickening moment of wondering if it’s a relic of the days when their spaces and things and lives were interchangeable, before remembering that he’d left it at her house a month ago when he’d gone over to read a new script she’d been working on.
“This isn’t going to work,” she says now, sounding exhausted. “Why would this work?”
It would be too much work for Jin Guangyao to try to explain that he knows the way Wei Wuxian looks when he’s asked for things. That he understands it, the almost-relief, the lean forward, the light in his eyes---the look it had taken an absurd amount of time for Jin Guangyao to realize that, on Wei Wuxian, is nothing but the pure and uncomplicated truth. That for Wei Wuxian, that’s the tell, not the mask.
Wei Wuxian’s artifice leads you in a different direction.
“Just call your publicist and give them the new story as soon as I say it’s all right,” he says calmly instead, absently scrolling his contacts up and down as he stares at the Ws. “Pretend you feel guilty about spilling the secret, but the heat from the incest story has gotten too bad. Can you do that?”
“This isn’t going to work,” she repeats, but then she shakes her head. “All right, all right. You’d know better. I’m not much of a liar, though.”
“Do you feel like crying?”
She rolls her eyes, swiping at her face with the back of her hand. “I’ve been crying all morning.”
“Good enough,” he says. “Cry on the phone and they’ll be so desperate to get you to stop that they won’t be able to think about anything else.”
“Cry,” she repeats, and then she squares her shoulders. “Okay. Don’t worry about me, A-Yao. I can do it.”
He’ll worry about her anyway, because she’s his sister and because once he walked deliberately into love with her and because she might be the person who understands the most of him. And because she really can’t lie, but her publicists won’t care if their cover-up is true or not---no paycheck if she flees Hollywood in disgrace, after all---so it won’t matter. No point in telling her that, though, because it’s still better if they believe her, so she may as well think it’s important.
He smiles at her reassuringly, and then he hits the call button on his cell phone.
It rings four times, and he has a nerve-wracking moment of wondering if Wei Wuxian is doing a morning show or something else that would keep him away from wondering why the subject of the latest scandal is calling him personally, but then the line connects.
“If you want to get drunk,” Wei Wuxian says, sounding determinedly cheerful, “you’re in luck, because I’m actually in LA right now.”
Jin Guangyao feels the laugh that starts to rip its way out of his throat before he hears it, but he can already tell it’ll be rough and broken enough that it he just lets it happen. Do you feel like crying, he’d said to Qin Su. The secret to lying---acting, they call it now, but it was lying when he was a child and still is---is to make sure you aren’t. Today, he woke up and discovered that someone had ruined his life. He woke up to the reminder that his father’s mistakes will somehow always be his. He woke up and remembered, all over again, that he will always be one wrong move away from losing everything.
Yes, he feels like crying.
He takes a deep breath, and lets it catch in his throat on the tears that are about to spill, and says, “I---I mean, yes, I want to get drunk, I---is it bad if I get drunk this early in the morning? I’m not going to, I just---I---”
“Oh, god.” There’s the horror, the kneejerk how-do-I-make-this-stop suffusing Wei Wuxian’s voice. “It’s definitely not bad, breakfast drinks are a whole thing, I have so many breakfast drink recipes, do you want a breakfast drink recipe---my sister has even better recipes, do you want my sister’s number---actually, yeah, please let me give you my sister’s number, she’s great--”
“Wei Wuxian,” Jin Guangyao breaks in, once he’s fairly sure Wei Wuxian has worked himself up into enough panic. He sniffs, and his voice breaks when he says, “I need your help.”
“Oh,” Wei Wuxian says, and then, like magic, he sounds perfectly calm. “Yeah. Sure. What’s up?”
Just like that. They aren’t even friends.
Jin Guangyao doesn’t let himself smile, because it might interfere with the crying, but he does let the relief come, lets his shoulders slump with it. Let Wei Wuxian hear that in his voice. It’ll just be another part of the act, another perfect true lie.
He gets off the phone almost an hour later. Wei Wuxian had been wickedly amused at the idea of pretending to date, laughing for almost a full minute before he’d even bothered to check and make sure that he didn’t have to lie to his sister or band, just the rest of the public.
“Don’t worry,” he’d said, when Jin Guangyao had let vulnerability seep into his voice and anxiously clarified for the fourth time that they couldn’t leak it to the media. “Literally the only one of us who actually likes talking to the press is me, and that’s mostly because it’s so much fun to fuck with them. This is going to be great! Can I call you disgusting pet names and talk about how great your dick is?”
So nice that someone’s having a good time.
Jin Guangyao hangs up and texts his own publicist while he waits for Qin Su to get off the phone with hers, and then he smiles at her. “Okay?”
“You’re a genius,” she says with feeling, and he has to duck his head to look modest instead of smug. He likes getting the reminder that she’d do anything for him. It doesn’t matter that he doesn’t need her to. He might someday.
“You and me,” he says, wishing he could hug her through the screen. “We have to take care of each other.”
She grins at him, still a little watery, but not so shell-shocked. “Of course we do.”
He shakes off the preemptive triumph he wants to feel, because they’re still in trouble if they can’t pull this off. “I talked timelines with Wei Wuxian. We agreed it doesn’t matter if he flirted with other people after we supposedly got together, since we were trying to keep it a secret anyway, so---fuck.”
He takes a deep breath. He’d forgotten about at least one person Wei Wuxian flirts with relatively frequently, apparently wholly unintentionally. “It’s nothing,” he says, very calmly. “I just remembered I need to talk to Xichen-ge.”
“Oh, of course,” Qin Su says, sounding amused. “We can’t have him thinking you’re dating someone else.”
That is not why---honestly, seeing if he could somehow make Lan Xichen jealous would be enough reason to keep it a secret, under other circumstances---but he doesn’t bother correcting her. “Can I call you back in half an hour?”
“You know, if you just told him you’re madly in love with him and want to have his babies, this would probably go a lot faster---”
He hangs up on her.
Maybe. Maybe it would go a lot faster. Because even though Lan Xichen is kind and attentive, and even though his eyes follow Jin Guangyao whenever he walks into a room, and even though Lan Xichen never seems to be too busy to talk, it’s entirely possible that that’s just what he’s like. Jin Guangyao has been demonstrating careful, polite interest since about five seconds after he decided Lan Xichen probably wouldn’t care much about the whole closeted-for-professional-reasons thing, and he’s gotten absolutely but completely platonic affection back.
He scrubs a hand through his hair, since no one can see him, trying to pick an emotion for the call. Something that won’t result in Lan Xichen realizing that Jin Guangyao is perfectly willing to place his career before anyone else’s happiness, including Lan Xichen’s beloved brother’s. Something sympathetic. Pitiful. He loves being pitiful.
He wraps a blanket around his shoulders, curling up in the chair to feel suitably vulnerable, even though he’s not planning to video call. It’s easier when he gets the details right. As he taps Lan Xichen’s contact information, he thinks, settling into the character, Your life is ruined, you ran roughshod over Lan Wangji’s feelings, Lan Xichen will never forgive you.
So it’s easy, when Lan Xichen picks up on the first ring and says, voice warm and worried, “A-Yao, I’m so glad you called,” for Jin Guangyao to blurt out, “Please don’t hate me.”
There’s a shocked silence, and then Lan Xichen says, sounding horrified, “A-Yao, I would never.”
And he means that, Jin Guangyao knows, even though it’s probably not true. Everyone has their breaking point. He draws his legs up, resting his forehead on one of his knees, and reminds himself that the hollow hurt in his heart is good. Useful. It makes his voice soft and weak, and that’s what he wants. “Xichen-ge,” he murmurs, letting himself feel it. “I did something, and I think you’re going to be mad about it.”
“I won’t be,” Lan Xichen says immediately. “A-Yao, I’m not. Whatever happened between you and Qin Su, I don’t care.”
Right, they have to talk about this too. Of course. Well, it’ll certainly help Jin Guangyao sound pitiful. “It’s true, you know. She is my sister. I had sex with my sister. I proposed to my sister. I---” His voice cracks.
Lan Xichen makes gentle soothing sounds into the phone. “Is that why you broke up?”
Jin Guangyao takes a deep breath, one he knows will be audible even through the phone. “Yeah. That trip, when we went to tell her parents we were getting married---her mother told me then.”
“That must have been awful,” Lan Xichen says, sounding completely and utterly genuine. “I’m so sorry you didn’t feel like you could tell me. I wish I could’ve been there for you.”
God. Jin Guangyao presses the heel of his hand against one of his eyes, and hears himself say, completely unintentionally, “I wish you were here.”
There’s a resounding silence, during which Jin Guangyao thinks every swear word he knows. Clearly he overdid it on the feeling vulnerable front.
And then Lan Xichen says, “I can be on a flight to LA in a couple hours, just let me call a cab to take me to the airport---”
Jin Guangyao sits bolt upright, because yes, he wants that desperately, and yes, just the thought of it is going to keep him warm and smugly contented for days, but also, that’s insane. “No! Xichen-ge, you can’t, you have a concert---”
“You’re more important.”
A horrible, inelegant, choking noise rips its way out of Jin Guangyao’s throat as his protests die. No one has ever---has ever---
“Xichen-ge,” he says weakly, “I haven’t even told you why you’re going to be mad yet.”
“I’m not going to be mad.”
“Your brother’s going to be mad.”
That finally makes Lan Xichen pause. “Why?”
Jin Guangyao mentally tries at least five different ways to explain what he’s done. “I thought---I thought if could convince the press that I’d never actually dated Qin Su, and that actually I’m gay and we’d been faking it so I could stay in the closet, it might be a good enough story that it would become the narrative. You know, instead of our incestuous affair, which really isn’t my fault, I---” He makes himself stop. “And I know that doesn’t sound like it has anything to do with Lan Wangji, but then I decided it would be more scandalous if I’d also been hiding a relationship, and now I’m pretending to date Wei Wuxian.”
There’s a long, long silence, during which Jin Guangyao has to bite his tongue to keep from explaining why he didn’t have much of a choice, and honestly, if he hadn’t done something, he’d have been completely unhireable by tomorrow, and his entire future was on the line, so---
“I see why you thought Wangji would be upset,” Lan Xichen says at last, sounding slightly odd. “Ah, why Wei Wuxian, precisely? Surely---surely you had other options.”
“I knew he’d do it, and I knew he’d keep it a secret.” Jin Guangyao rubs his forehead, feeling tired and wishing he’d gotten more sleep. “And the tabloids love writing about him. The only way I could’ve come up with a man as attention-grabbing is if I’d picked someone married.”
Another silence. “I see. That...makes sense.”
Jin Guangyao bites his lip. “Ge,” he says, letting his voice go soft and needy, “are you mad at me?”
“No. No, I---of course not, A-Yao. Never.” Lan Xichen laughs, the strangeness gone from his voice. “Just surprised. And thinking how I’m going to explain it to Wangji. I don’t anticipate that conversation going well.”
The relief is shocking in how strong it is. “Just let Wei Wuxian explain it to him?” Jin Guangyao offers, feeling the corners of his mouth quirk up into a smile.
“Oh, yes, I imagine that would go very well. Thank you so much for your help.”
Jin Guangyao laughs, and Lan Xichen says, apropos of nothing, “Good.”
“Oh---oh, I was just thinking how convenient it is that I’m still mostly packed. I can be in LA later today, I---”
“Xichen-ge,” Jin Guangyao says helplessly. “You can’t really.” He hears Lan Xichen start to protest and adds quickly, “Come tomorrow. After your concert. I don’t even know yet how I’d sneak you into my place if you came; there are so many reporters outside.”
Lan Xichen takes a breath as if to argue, and then he stops. “Are you sure? I would rather be there.”
Jin Guangyao is sure, and that’s the problem, because he’s sure of the wrong thing. He’s extremely sure that Lan Xichen should get on the first plane west that he can. Jin Guangyao wants, with a clawing, hungry desperation usually restricted to vicious revenge and his career. Jin Guangyao wants to say, no, come now; he wants to drag Lan Xichen through the door in front of all the reporters and their flashing cameras; he wants to grab Lan Xichen with both hands and keep him here and never let him leave. He wants to lock Lan Xichen with him in a room so they’re stuck together forever.
He allows himself a single moment of that unpleasant, savage desire, and then he locks it away firmly under his carefully constructed layers of being-a-normal-person. He makes himself smile. “I’m sure, Xichen-ge,” he says. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
hidden track masterpost
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alice-angel12x · 4 years
💔Naga!Bakugou x reader
"Y/n has committed a horrible crime. She was found guilty of eloping with a monster," our elder's voice boomed over the crowd.
Y/n was my best friend, and my long-time Crush. I stood in front of the crowd looking at the body that was y/n. When the village found out that she was in love with a Naga, they killed her and now they placed her body here and covered her body with a white cloth, for all too see.
I looked around the crowd to see so many familiar faces. Her parents, her mother was crying oceans. While her father had nothing but disgust in his eyes. Some of her friends we're discussing what they thought. Some believe that she was tricked or manipulated into loving this creature. While on the other side they thought she was nothing but a w****.
I knew none of those things were true. I would know, I'm the one who told the others about her little secret. And now that was my greatest regret.
It all started 5 years ago, when y/n and I we're taking traded Goods back to our village. We were playing on the bridge between the cliffs. It was as nice game of I Spy. I wish I was paying more attention that day, because one of the wooden planks snapped and she fell right through.
In normal situations, she would have fallen to her death. But she was saved by that creature, the Naga.
 He had spiky ash blond hair with red piercing eyes, and had a long red and orange tail like a snake. He jumped for her and saved her from falling to her death. As I got closer I could see it in her eyes. Not only was she thankful he saved her life, but that was when she fell in love with him. And something deep within me told me, this was not the first time the Naga met or saw y/n.
From that day on, she started spending more and more time in the forest than in the village. And she was an herbalist so most people overlooked it. But I knew where she was really going. I followed her one day into the forest, she did not pick plants and any herbs. She went to a cave, his cave.
 No matter how hard she tried to hide all those hickeys on her neck. I knew they were there, but luckily no one else did. As the days went on I could feel my jealousy grow deep within me. Some days I would be in the forest and I see them together. Eventually I learned his name was Bakugou. But I'd see them together,
y/n in Bakugou's embrace. Her lower half of her body wrapped in bakugou's coils. I'd see him kiss all over her neck. I wanted to be the one to give her those kisses.
I can't hold my jealousy and any longer on that day. The day when bakugou showed up one day, near the edge of the forest, and in his hands was a small Palm sized hunk of sapphire. And he proposed to y/n, and took her from me. That day I told the elders and The Village. They were so Furious that they ambushed her when she came back from the forest. She had the most beautiful flower crown I've ever seen on her head that day. That day I'll regret the most, seen the girl of my dreams being murdered by the very people she healed.
 " This wenches body will be burned at sunrise tomorrow, may she be forever damned in hell!" The elder spat.
 The crowd dismissed as they went back to their daily routine. I went to the shack where her body was being placed for now. But when I got there, I saw him, Bakugou.
  He was coming out of the shake with Y/n's body in his hands. He was trying to steal her from me again. Before I could even say anything or even scream, he slithered off into the forest with her. I grabbed my bow and arrow and I chased after him.
 I followed him into the forest, and led me to a cave. Sneaking inside I travel deeper into the cave toy saw a large opening, and there he was, bakugou. In his arms a beautifully dress y/n, still lifeless in his arms.
 "Y/n... Y/n wake up please," Bakugou begged as he brought her to a odd structure.
 Looking at it I was able to tell it was some sort of wedding setup. Bakugou was getting ready to marry y/n, but this all happened. As he continued talking I didn't know what to feel I felt sad and awful. Although on the other hand I felt nothing but anger and jealousy at his words.
 "Y/n please... I love you. I love you with all my heart," he sobbed as he tighed his hug on her.
His red and orange coils slowly tightening around her as well. Suddenly he started saying something , or humming in his native tounge.
As I listened I accidentally knocked something over alerting him. Bakugou quickly looked over in my direction. At first there was a look of shock and fear on his face, which quickly turns to anger, hatred and recognition.
"YOU!" He shouted at me.
"You're that bastard who couldn't keep his mouth shut! Why must you humans take everything from me! My family, my friends, my home, and know my wife," he said, seething in anger.
 " I'll kill you, I should have killed you a long time ago!" He shouted as he lunged at me with full force.
I quickly is my bow as a way to block him. He pushed against my bow pinning me against the wall. He opened his mouth wide, revealing his long serpent like fangs. As he tried to reach over and chomp down on my neck.
I quickly grabbed a sharp Rock and sliced his face just missing his eyes. He quickly released me while he was in pain. While he wS distracted I quickly grabbed y/n's body and ran out of the cave. As I ran to the forest with all my might I could hear him hissing, and him crying out.
"GIVE HER BACK!! SHE'S MINE!! COME BACK HERE YOU BASTARD!" Bakugou called out into the forest.
I quickly hide behind a nearby tree, with Y/n in my arms.  Once I caught my breath, I started to run. Only to trip on a root and drop y/n watching her tumble down the hill. I tried to get up, that's what I heard him behind me. Before I could do anything, bakugou's coils wrapped around my neck. He lift me off the ground Till we were eye to eye.
"If y/n hadn't stopped me, I would have killed you that day on the bridge," Bakugou hiss.
  I could feel his coil tighten around my neck. No matter how much I clawed at his serpent tail, it only tightened more. The edge of my vision started to darken, as my breath became more and more shallow.
 As I looked bakugou on the eyes, I could see that his eyes looked at something past me. I knew it was y/n, as he immediately dropped me and slithered his way over to her. Once I was able to gather my breath. I quickly grabbed an arrow and ready to my bow, as I ain't where his heart. I took one last deep breath and fired my Arrow.
 It's shot through the air pierced bakugou's heart. He cried out in pain as he tumbled down the rest of the Hill. He pulled himself over to y/n's lifeless corpse and pulled her into an embrace. His coils wrapping around y/n's lower half.
  When I finally got down there I could see a smile on bakugou's face, as he looked at y/n one last time, before his eyes closed forever.
What all was said and done, I found no joy in this. What's my jealousy cleared I couldn't see any monster. All I saw was another being who was alone and fell in love with someone. All I felt was sadness and guilt. As I stood there I heard something in the Wind.
   "Bakugou~," it was y/n's voice.
I looked around and saw something near the edge of the forest. It was a bright silhouette of y/n. But she was not alone, she was with three other nagas. Two of them looked like bakugou's parents, while the third was a naga with spiky red hair and a red tail to match.
 "Over here Bakugou," the red naga called out.
As I stared at them, Bakugou's silhouette rushed passed me and to
y/n. They happily embraced and y/n pulled Bakugou into a passonite kiss.
 "I thought I lost you forever," Bakugou said in a breathless voice.
 "You never lost me. Know we are all together," Y/n replied.
 Put a smile they all disappeared into the forest never to be seen again. I wish bakugou and y/n Eternal happiness.
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elvish-sky · 3 years
‘Shush’ and ‘Fuck Off’ Are the Fellowship's Favorite Sayings {Platonic Fellowship}
A.N: Wow! I haven’t written a oneshot or a fic with just canon characters in forever- this was very much needed! I was also cackling the entire time I wrote this, it was so nice to write something funny again. Also, I do headcanon Aragorn as bi- which is very much not relevant until the end of the fic, and this request is completely platonic like asked for, don’t worry! But yeah, this was a true delight to write and I hope you guys love it!
Requested by anon on Tumblr: I wish you would write a (platonic) fic in which Legolas has horrible posture and won't stop slouching and it gets on Aragorn's nerves all the time
Word Count: 1,204
Pairing: Platonic Fellowship
Summary: Legolas’s slouching annoys Aragorn so much that he enlists the help of two hobbits to do something about it.
Warnings: Fluff, Humor, Explicit Language
Shush and Fuck Off Are the Fellowship's Favorite Sayings
“Legolas,” Aragorn hissed.
The elf turned, puzzled.
“Sit up straight!”
Legolas rolled his eyes. “Really, Aragorn? This? Again?”
“It’s important to have good posture! You should know that!”
Legolas’ brain flashed back to his lessons as a child. He vaguely recalled something about sitting up straight, but he had never done so just to spite his father. Oh, well, it was too late now. He’d been slouching for thousands of years, at this point. Aragorn would just have to deal with it.
“We’re camping, in the middle of a forest, with only the rest of the Fellowship. Why do I need to have good posture?”
Aragorn sighed, leaving the elf without another word. He’d have to think about this more, but he was determined to make Legolas realize the value of good posture. Even if he had to put a permanent watch on Legolas to make him not slouch.
“Pssst. Merry. Merry!”
Merry turned to see Aragorn, shockingly, lying flat on his stomach behind a rock.
“C’mere. Bring Pippin.”
Merry tapped Pippin on the shoulder.”C’mon. Aragorn wants us.”
Pippin’s eyes widened. “What? Why?” His voice dropped to a whisper, “Did he find the beetles? Because you know that was your idea!”
Merry shook his head. “I don’t know. But c’mon!”
Pippin, looking very worried, shimmied down the rock next to Merry, and the two of them crawled, on their stomachs, away from that campfire.
About five feet away from where they’d started, Pippin slumped with a sigh.
“Why are we crawling like this?”
“No clue. That’s what Aragorn was doing, so I figured we should do it too!”
Pippin shook his head. “That ranger is crazy, Merry. Don’t do what he does.”
“That ranger is right here.”
Pippin’s yelp of surprise at Aragorn appearing literally right next to him was stifled by the ranger’s hand slapping over his mouth.
Pippin pushed his hand away. “Why?!”
The ranger stayed silent and gestured for the two hobbits to join him behind a large tree, where he finally stood up. Merry and Pippin rose with him, brushing off their clothes and generally acting very annoyed.
“Okay, Aragorn,” said Pippin. “You have us here. Now, what is this all about?”
“Legolas,” Aragorn said. “More specifically, Legolas’s slouching.”
The hobbits groaned.
“Really? You’re still on that?” Merry asked.
“He shouldn’t slouch!!” Aragorn exclaimed. “He’s a prince, for crying out loud!”
Merry facepalmed. “It’s not like he needs to be princely right now! We’re literally in the middle of nowhere!”
“First of all, we’re not in the middle of nowhere, we’re _
“HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT?” Pippin yelled.
“Because I’m smart.” Aragorn shot back. “Anways, secondly IT IS THE PRINCIPLE OF THE MATTER!!”
Merry shushed him.
Aragorn glared at him.
Merry glared back.
Finally, Pippin stepped between the two. “Fine, Aragorn, we’re in. What do you want us to do?”
Aragorn shrugged, “Just don’t let him slouch. Or train him to stop slouching. Do whatever you want, as long as it works,” and then the ranger turned, fell to the ground, and began crawling back to the campsite.
Pippin smirked, looking at Merry, “This should be fun.”
Merry rubbed his hands together. “Yes, it very much should. Shall we get started.”
Pippin nodded, and they both dropped to their stomachs and shimmied back to the campsite.
Legolas was getting more and more pissed off. For the past week, Merry and Pippin had been trailing him like dogs. They followed him literally everywhere he went, and he even swore he’d seen one of them awake while he was on watch- right before a squirrel had suddenly dropped onto his head and and fallen asleep. He’d stayed sitting up stick-straight the whole night so as to not dislodge it, and then, when it woke up, ran down to the river to wash his hair.
The hobbits had caused some sort of commotion every time he’d gone to relax- he was sure it was them, because who else could it have been? Now, he was going to confront them and find out what in Middle-Earth was going on.
Merry shrieked as a blond blur threw him over its shoulder and set off running. He looked to his left, and saw Pippin waving at him from where he was slung over the other shoulder.
“Where d’ya think we’re going?” Pippin asked.
“Wherever Legolas takes us, I guess!”
Because, of course, the blond blur was, in fact, Legolas.
Finally, the elf set them down, then paced back and forth in front of them, frowning.
This went on for several minutes, until Pippin piped up.
“Shush!” The elf replied.
Pippin turned to Merry. “What is with all the shushing lately?”
Legolas shushed him again, and Pippin sat back, annoyed,
Finally Legolas spoke. “What did Aragorn put you two up to?”
The hobbits looked at each other, and then shrugged. In unison.
“Not a thing,” Merry told the elf.
Legolas approached Merry, annoyance clear in his eyes. As he drew closer, the hobbit scooched farther and farther back on the rock he was sitting on, until, with a yelp, he tumbled right off the back.
Legolas kept advancing until he was standing right above the hobbit.
“What. Did. Aragorn. Make. You. Do?”
Twenty minutes later, Legolas stormed into the clearing, Merry and Pippin frantically trying to keep up with the elf’s furious strides.
Legolas walked up to Aragorn, staring right into the man’s eyes.
“We can explain!” said Merry.
“Shush!” Boromir told him, “I want to see what this is all about!”
The two hobbits went over to sit with Frodo and Sam in a huff. All their hard work to get Legolas to not slouch, and he’d found out.
Legolas continued to rage at Aragorn. “I cannot BELIEVE YOU’D DO THIS!!!! My posture is PERFECT FOR ME, AND I DON’T NEED YOU JUDGING ME FOR IT ALL THE TIME!!!”
Aragorn ws now also annoyed. “Well excuse me for looking after your spinal health! I just wanted you to not have constant back pain, but nooooo, you don’t care! You don’t care about looking presentable, you don’t care about it hurting, you just don’t care!”
“That’s right!” Legolas exclaimed. “I don’t care! I’m an elf, Aragorn, it’s not going to hurt my back. And secondly, who gives a damn about looking presentable in the middle of the woods. Now kindly tell your hobbit posture police to fuck off!”
Aragorn still looked pretty pissed, but backed off. “Fine. But when you get in trouble with your father again, don’t come crawling to me!”
The two went to sit on opposite sides of the clearing, both fuming.
Sometime later, Legolas turned around to see the ranger slouching on his side of the clearing.
Gleeful, Legolas called out “Aragorn! You’re slouching!”
Aragorn’s spine became as straight as an arrow. “Fuck off!!” He yelled at the elf.
As the ranger sulked in the corner, Legolas burst into laughter. The rest of the Fellowship joined in, all cackling at the grumpy ranger in the corner.
Whose spine, of course, was now as straight as, well, not himself. It was, again, as straight as an arrow.
Everything tag: @entishramblings @itgetsatadhazy @boyruins @anjhope1 @kumqu4t @katbby16 @thewhiteladyofrohan @kirstenscaffeinateddisaster @beenovel @shethereadinghobbit @guardianofrivendell @hey-its-nonny
Legolas tag: @from-patroclus-with-love @bitter-sweet-farmgirl
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ratcandy · 3 years
CoGR Abridged/Summarized
Hello hello! My name is Clam, otherwise known as Squeakyclam on Ao3, and this is a heavily summarized/shortened version of my HK fic Camouflage of Great Renown. For anyone somehow finding this that doesn't know what it's about, CoGR focuses on Zote and his story through the game and what preceded it. He recounts his entire life up until the end of what's known in canon, and this includes a whole lot of angst, growth, realizations, and Trauma Revelations.
Oh, and he's a nosk. Zote is a nosk. Yep.
I've had a few requests for a summary, as the work is super long and reading through 130k+ words of Zote dialogue may not be for everyone, hehehe so I've compiled all the important plot points and wrote them out here in order of his story, rather than the plotline CoGR goes through specifically (in which big events in his history are revealed later on).
If I had to recommend reading the fic for anything, it'd be the... impact, I suppose? 'Cause reading the summarized events here will NOT be anything like reading it in CoGR. Seeing as the fic is all in Zote's pov and he actually has to force himself to admit all of this aloud. But I digress!!
Here's a summary of Zote's life according to CoGR.
THIS IS A VERY, VERY LONG POST DESPITE BEING A SUMMARY. I'm sorry, CoGR just has a lot happening! T/W for mentions of death.
A lot more heavy stuff happens in CoGR, but in this summary I do my best to step around those subjects. If you think more T/Ws should be added, let me know, and I'll put them here
Nosks were a species that inhabited Deepnest, specifically living in a den towards the nest's depths. It split off into lots of tunnels and caverns that each nosk lived in. "Society" there was very hostile and unwelcoming, as nosks valued brute strength over just about anything else. Caring for another nosk - be it kin or otherwise - was considered weak. "Burdens" to the den, such as nosks that were badly wounded, would/could not hunt, or were simply getting too old would be killed off. Death in and of itself was very common and hardly anyone would bat an eye at it.
Think the Mantis Tribe but largely feral and without a shred of decency of morals.
Runt donning mask of citizen was born into the nosk den alongside his brother, who would become hunter donning hide of tiktik.
(Before anyone asks, these are just the naming conventions that nosks have. No one but the nosk superiors - the leaders of the den - are granted actual names.)
A third egg was among them, but the brother broke it open and ate the younger sibling not long after hatching.
The two were born under a superior (their mother) and her chosen mate (their father). They were expected to grow up strong and eventually overtake their mother and become superiors. Or, one of them would, maybe.
The runt (Zote) was immediately scorned by the mother, as he was extremely frail and useless, and she just about killed him off right after he hatched - but his father stepped in, and the runt was left alive.
Zote grew up to be a weak nosk who could barely defend himself in a den full of beasts that would gladly kill him if doing so wouldn't be a direct offense to a superior. His brother was cruel to him, his father berated him constantly, and his mother was hardly in the picture at all. Only ever watching him distastefully from afar.
His father did, however, train him, if only sparingly. The least he could do to keep Zote alive. (Doing so would be a death wish were any other nosks to find out about it...)
However, an elder in the den - hunter donning mask of weaver - gained Zote's attention as she told him fantastical stories from outside the den. This elder had spent a good portion of her life among the Weavers, initially being sent to learn about them (to make them easier to hunt) but growing interested in their culture and choosing to stay. Until she did something to get her chased out.
At any rate, she told the stories from the Weavers to Zote, alongside news of what was happening outside of Deepnest. This caused the runt to become obsessed with the idea of being a knight, as the stories just sounded!! So amazing and heroic and awesome and!!! :D Yea!! He wanted to be just like that!
To the point where he even carved a sword out of the shellwood... with the den elder's help. He named it Life-Ender eventually.
At some point, however, his father found out about all this. His father figured that the only way to eliminate this problem - as wishing to be something heroic that saved lives or whatever was SO unnosk-like (and would get him killed) - was to kill the den elder.
Before she died, the elder told Zote to run away from the den, and not to return no matter what. The idiot did not run, and because of this, he witnessed the Den Elder's death at the hands of his father and some other nosks.
Man! this does, however, cause Zote to be more... "open" about his ideas. By this I mean he begins carrying Life-Ender around instead of hiding it in his nest. what do you mean it's a comfort item what! no he's just rebelliously showing off how much he wants to be a knight. totally. 100% /s
well, anyway, not long after this, the idiot's father dies at the claws of his mother. Zote unfortunately witnesses this as well. When he tries to run, his mother catches him, nearly killing him as well. Luckily(?), this attempt is thwarted by Zote's brother, who was very distraught over their father's death. The brother swears to kill the mother before storming off. Zote runs into hiding (still in the nosk den), and begins devising his plan so to get the hell out of there.
Of the few times that Zote leaves his nest after his father's death, 90% of them ended with him getting pummeled by his brother. The latter was livid, blaming the father's death on Zote and frequently bursting into fits of emotional rage. Rage is great for nosks, other emotions not so much.
On one occasion in particular, the brother goes too far, nearly killing Zote. In the scuffle, Life-Ender is shattered, and that sends Zote into a blind anger (mixed with survival instinct as he's About to Die). Zote then kills his brother.
A crowd had gathered around them during the fight. In that crowd was Zote's mother, who looked to him approvingly after he'd killed off his brother. This terrified Zote, so he gathered the pieces of Life-Ender and fled the den forever.
Stopping at the hot spring in Deepnest, he made a disguise for himself based on the vessels that nosks would often capture. He made a new name for himself, took on an entirely new identity, and decided to abandon the idea that he was ever a nosk. He would just go to the City, be knighted by the King (who he'd heard of from the stories the Den Elder would tell him), and live out his life as a knight. Just like he always wanted. Not as a nosk. because he's not that.
The events that follow now are just very short summaries of things that happen throughout cogr.
- He breaks a statue in the Queen's station on accident after a bug finds him there. as a nosk. oops
- He obliterates the entire uoma population /j and burns himself in the process
- He repairs Life-Ender originally using mushrooms in the Fungal Wastes. Fungal adhesion is real I checked I swear
- He makes it to the City of Tears! and while there, he
Gets caught by Hegemol who mistakes him as a vessel
Drowns in the City's gutters
Purchases a cloth to wrap around Life-Ender
Hears the Pale King talk one (1) time and immediately decides he hates him
- While leaving the City, he finds a grub. That grub never really gets named, but as he frequented calling the little thing "Fiend," and the grub eventually began responding to that title, he just considers it a name for them now.
- Zote travels with the grub throughout the Crossroads until he drops them off with the Grubfather, being rewarded for reuniting them but overall feelings pretty :( about it.
- He then goes to the. So you know the houses that are underneath the Gruzz Mother's lil arena? Yea that place. he goes there and "guards" it, becoming that place's self-proclaimed knight.
- then he starts being paranoid about the grub and returns to the grubfather only to see all the grubs have been stolen. he presumes Fiend is dead from this point on (and dodges around ever using the word).
- Then he goes back to the lil town place only to see everyone's infected :(
- We then spend TEN CHAPTERS!! in Greenpath. In which he
eats a plant and dies
Stands in No Eyes's tomb.
Visits the Lake of Unn (and nothing bad happens)
Sees a nosk at the entrance to Fog Canyon and proceeds to have a panic attack
Kills everything
Gets caught by the Vengefly king
Gets saved!
has a breakdown
Yells at Ghost and then Leaves
- Canon starts!
- He stops in Dirtmouth, listens to Elderbug talk, gets told the Myth of the Great old Nosks who are now all Extinct. The news that nosks are now extinct freaks Zote out a little, but he absolutely refuses to return to Deepnest. He doesn't need to make sure. It's fine.
- In an effort to convince himself not to go to Deepnest, he goes to the City again, thinking it can't possibly be all that ba-- oh no everyone's dead!
- he inadvertently steals a map marker from Ghost and decides to use that as a pin for his cloak
- Zote returns to Deepnest. He's very upset with himself for this, but he just has to know if all the nosks are actually extinct now.
The answer is yes
but before that he gets caught by dirtcarvers and put in a web and has to be saved. this makes him angry
Upon seeing all the dead nosks once he gets to the den, and noticing that the last nosk was mimicking Ghost (evidenced by the mask left behind) before it died, he decides that he's gotta Kill Everything again
- more specifically we're going to the Colosseum now.
- Zote's fear of water evaporates as he goes through the secret passage in the King's Station to get to Kingdom's Edge. He only found it because he saw Ghost go that way
- While at the Kingdom's Edge, he gets caught by the Fools, who he stupidly challenges and then immediately gets caught by.
- sits in dumb baby jail for a while. mean to tiso
- Then the colosseum battle happens! He does not win he then gets dropped down into kingdom's edge with little regard toward whether he's dead or alive
- He grabs a Fool's helmet before leaving, going back to Dirtmouth, and intending to bury that thing
- this goes wrong as he bumps into Bretta. He then sits and talks with her for God Only Knows how Long, spacing out while doing so, and not even noticing when she eventually gets up and leaves him.
- He buries the helmet, shuts himself away in his house, and gets stuck repeating his precepts to himself. At the end of CoGR it is revealed that he hasn't been talking to anyone, and is instead talking to himself endlessly as no one is left to listen to him
and that's it! that's cogr. yeah
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1ddotdhq · 4 years
💿Sun 13 Dec ‘20💙
Happy Birthday, Fine Line! Have a Louis show! (Seriously, why can’t I get cool shows for my birthday like that??). So today’s been a busy week, huh? 
It is, of course, Fine Line’s anniversary, and the celebration kicked off last night, with a twitter emoji (it's Harrrry! Doing the FL pose so so tiny!) and the DYKWYA website changing. It’s pink and black and blue and white, and now tells us that we’re “loyal” and “marvelous” and “memorable” and “powerful” and “rare” and “real” and “staying six feet apart” (or 70 other lovely options). So either HSHQ got their thesaurus out, or they tuned into Louis’ show last night, because that’s EXACTLY how I would describe it. Anyways, the day started with a Harry sighting! Well, a video from last week that is, of him doing a MakeaWish FaceTime in a blue snapback. And then there was a Harry Lambert interview, where he directly addressed the discourse around Harry’s fashion choices, saying, “Harry will never wear something that he doesn’t want to wear...I always say, 'I‘m not doing my job if I’m making someone wear things' because I just think if someone gets comfortable in what they’re wearing, then it doesn’t matter if I think it looks good.” He went on to say, “There’s never an element of me forcing him to wear anything”. So - TAKE THAT, transphobes! We all recognize that saying “the mean gay man is making Harry look gay/genderqueer” is, uh, a REALLY bad take, right? Anyways, hopefully that’s the end of it, but we all know it won’t be. He also told us that Harry chose the (fake) pearls, asking “can I just wear these every day?” and they were only replaced with real ones after that strand broke, that he tried to get H out of the Vans for the Golden vid but he said nah, and about the Golden and WS videos “I kind of saw it as the same man just in a different place in the world” which, well- yeah? But the implication that that man was not Harry is interesting. Aside from that, we got some more terrible merch from HSHQ (including a shirt that is a glove with legs stuck on it, wtf), a few celebratory tweets from HSHQ, The Forum, Jeff Azoff (there's a theme here lol) etc, AND! A post from Harry himself: “I couldn’t be more grateful for you all continually finding new ways to change my life. Thank you for listening, and for everything else. I love you always, but especially today. H”. What? That’s his name, isn’t it? 
But, of course, H wasn’t the only one celebrating online today! Louis came back and answered some of our questions about the show. The first is that he sold over - are you ready for this? - OVER 160,000 tickets for the show, making it the biggest online show of 2020 by a solo male artist, and the third largest overall of the year. Even the Sun had to admit how “exceptional” that is, describing the show as "the equivalent of eight nights at London’s O2 Arena." Doing the math, this means he raised over $3.1 million from ticket sales alone! HOLY SHIT! Hearing that, Louis came on twitter to say (in reply to a quote by his PR company lmao), “This is truly incredible. No major label, no radio, yet here we are. The feeling of support I get from you all every time I do something is unbelievable. Forever Thankful! And they never see us coming!”. Of course, this incited another round of label discourse, wondering if this means he is still an unsigned artist. Does this simply mean the livestream wasn't put on by a label, yes, does Louis absolutely know about the discourse and is he being deliberate, I would also say unmistakeably yes. Which is not to say we know ELSE it might mean -- is he signed to an indie? Still label shopping and waving how much more they need him than vice versa in the hopefuls' faces? Signed but the contract doesn't start until there's a record in play (which when you negotiate your own contract and establish artistic freedom, as we can be very sure was Louis' priority, is what labels DO - they don’t manage every aspect of an artists career)? Signed by a major label, but shading the FUCK out of Syco about radio play for Walls? What we DO know is that it wasn't a label that put the livestream on, and damn if that doesn’t make it 1000% more badass. “Memorable”, “powerful”, and “rare” indeed! He’s still early in the process of LT2, as he told us yesterday, so we might have to wait a little longer to figure out what’s happening business-wise, but he made sure to tell everyone that his fans were an integral part of his processing the most inspiring way possible: “the power and the magic comes from the people you guys,” I COULD CRY that's MY inspirational leader THANK YOU. He goes on to say “don't undermine your role in all this... together with your support we're unstoppable!” He also called us “fucking relentless” (god knows that's true) as Walls hit the charts AGAIN, and talked about how the money raised will go a long way. “WE did that!!”
And with that, let’s talk a little bit more about last night’s (“bold”, “extraordinary”) show! ‘‘Copy’ is making its rounds on the internet, but YouTube continues to take down recordings of the show, which SUCKS, because everyone should be able to see it! Maybe in a few days when some time has passed, they’ll let it go up without an issue, or maybe they'll answer our pleas (come through one more time Louis!) and put out a DVD (and live album too how about, YES? Yes.), til then there are the downloads going around tumblr! Good thing we got Louis' seal of approval or just imagine the discourse. The ‘H’ shirt Louis was wearing last night is a Reebok shirt, which was being distributed in a few different places, such one where you could get a discount if you used the code ‘HL40’ and another where it was $28, lol. Was it the loudest Louis shirt ever- I mean I would say an unqualified NO but many are voting YES and are reeling so that's really fun! Welcome to the gang guys. Not likely to win any awards for being loud with such incredible competition but still very good SBBing-- Louis was wearing a stuffed bear t shirt in rehearsal pics. When you know you know, I guess! ;) The band is also soaking in the praises (as they should!) and have been re-posting fans’ stories on Instagram all day (as did LTHQ) - cheers, boys! 
Today’s Liam and Roman alarm was ALL us (well, not allll us, Roman did explain that the alarms would feature fans every Sunday, but then he handed the mic over). “Waking up to Liam and Roman is the best thing EVER! I don’t know why it gives me so much serotonin,” said one fan. I do! It’s because Liam is a real, live puppy dog and he’s so genuinely sweet to his fans. Love him lots, but I love him even MORE when he’s ON the advent alarm!
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amusedyan · 4 years
Monthly Meetings
A Peaky Blinders commission!
Words: 2k
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Once a month there was a meeting. It was something dreaded by both parties, but one that was necessary- it was neutral territory, where mutual suggestions were discussed, grievances were gone over and business settled. No one officially came armed- but that was never written into the deal. Just like it wasn’t discussed that both parties came with a small coterie of their most trusted, each eyeing the other and waiting for a twitchy trigger finger.
Tommy Shelby was never on time to any meeting.
He came early when he was the one to suggest it- to get the drop on the other person, to make an impression. You waste my time, and you have no right to ask anything of me, was the goal there. When told to meet someone, he always made it a point to arrive 5 minutes late, because you aren’t worth my time.
This meant that meeting Alfie Solomons put him in an uncomfortable position- he had to come on time. And sometimes Alfie was there already, smug, or sometimes Alfie was late and dismissive about it, but with a stack of papers and grievances to make up the difference.
Tommy was continually unimpressed with the Jewish mobster, though you could color him surprised when word got out through the grapevine that Alfie Solomon had started going steady with some bird from the local flower shop.
He’d never figure him to be one to settle down, but those same rumors claimed that he ws continually trailing after her. Considering how…temperamental his associate could be, Tommy could believe it.
When Alfie actually entered the restaurant, Tommy reflected that the rumors must be true because the man was practically glowing. More importantly though, his usual stack of gripes was noticeably absent.
“Tommy-boy!” The man grunted, taking his seat at the table. There was already whiskey poured- courtesy of Tommy, of course.
“Alfie,” Tommy greeted, watching the man settle.
It was such a waste of his time to come here, and it took active work not to lose his temper about it. He could be home now
“So, to business. Would you like to begin?” Tommy offered magnanimously.
Alfie drank from his glass and winced at the taste. “Shit, that is,” he mused, shaking his head. “How’ve you been, Tommy? How’s life treated you?”
Suspicion colored Tommy’s thoughts. What was Solomons up to? Small talk wasn’t part of the meeting, ever. As if reading his thoughts, Alfie chuckled. “Don’t be like that, Shelby. I’ve been advised to try diplomacy.”
“By your new conquest?” Tommy countered. The expression on Alfie’s face closed off, and no longer was he looking at a man blatantly in love and feeling charitable to the whole world for it. It made things much easier to deal with. But a moment later, a sly smile crept across Alfie Solomon’s face, and Tommy wasn’t much fond of that expression.
“You’d know all about conquests, wouldn’t you, Tom?” Alfie folded his hands across his midsection and leaned back against his seat, leveling Tommy with a look just as cold.
Fury unfolded, and beside that, fear. What did that mean? Who had talked?
Chuckling, Alfie waved it off. “Now, there’s no need for that look, my good man. There’s been whispers, same as there have been for me. About a pretty girl. What’s her name?”
“We aren’t here to discuss women, Alfie.” Tommy said flatly, trying not to growl. From the corner of his eye, he could see Finn watching intently. He was waiting for a signal. No, he needed to reign it in.
Alfie was just intent on pushing his buttons though, grinning broadly, damn near leering at Tommy. “Well, her name’s Margaret.” His finger drummed against the glass, the ring he was wearing clinking methodically. “I doubt her name’s in your network, yeah? Every fucking thing else, but not that.” He shook his head. “Beautiful name.” And there was that lovesick look again.
“Is that all?” Tommy asked. What would it take to get the meeting back on track? Alfie eyed him, and reached into his coat-
Finn and Isaiah were drawing their guns, Alfie’s men were responding-
“SIT THE FUCK DOWN!” Alfie boomed, stilling the room. Tommy saw that what he’d withdrawn was his wallet.
“What are you planning, Solomons?” He asked, withdrawing a cigarette from his case.
The Camden bastard rolled his eyes and withdrew a photo. “Here,” he grunted, “have a look at this.” He handed it over to Tommy.
And honestly the last thing that Tommy expected to see was the image of a young woman posing for the camera. Rather lewdly, to put it mildly. Like a whore if you wanted to be blunt.
“My Margaret,” pride dripped from Solomons’ voice, like he hadn’t just shown off the parts of a woman that only her husband would see.
Tommy weighed his answers- would Solomons light up with fury if he complimented the woman? Or would he be offended if he didn’t? The trouble was that you never knew with him. He took a contemplative drag of his cigarette.
“Lovely,” he settled on.
Alfie scowled. “Oh like yours is any better,” he taunted. “C’mon, let’s see ‘er then.”
“I don’t have pictures of my woman on me, Alfie.” Tommy said, unable to stop the slight condescension from creeping into his tone, like he was talking to a child, or else someone very simpleminded.
“Well why the fuck not? How’m I s’posed to know if this woman exists, eh?” Alfie accused, smacking the table.
This was all very confusing honestly. What the hell was he playing at? “I didn’t claim she was real.”
“What man doesn’t have a picture of the woman he loves?”
“What man carries filthy pictures of his?”
“Oi mate, those are fuckin art!” Alfie argued with surprising vehemence. It was a strange hill to make a stand on, but hey, he could relate.
“Whatever you say, Alfie,” Tommy sighed and blew out another cloud of smoke.
It was raining now. Storm clouds had been gathering all of yesterday, and he’d been able to taste the moisture, along with the filth in the city air. Rain was ugly here, didn’t clean a fuckin’ thing. He found himself thinking, longingly of the estate. The Shelby Estate, a grander name than something like Arrow House. But little things like a name change kept your feet on the ground. Sylvia would be there, reading. It was raining, so she couldn’t ride today.
At first she’d hated being in the house. She’d wanted to be back in Birmingham. Always liked the action, wanted to support him. It had been charming before, but now that they were together, it couldn’t be tolerated. Too many risks.
“Are you fucking ignoring me, Tommy-boy?” Alfie’s voice was dangerous now, angry and short. Shit. He stubbed out the remains of his smoke in the ashtray.
“No, Alfie, I’m not ignoring you,” he said on the exhale. Clearly, he reflected, nothing was going to get done with this meeting. It was a shame, but at least that meant things were secure where they stood.
Either Solomons was happy or about to betray him again.
“So, I’ve told you about my Margaret, tell me about your girl.” Alfie ordered, pouring another drink.
“There’s nothing to tell,” Tom said, but at the disbelieving look on Alfie’s face, he shrugged slightly.
“I just don’t understand how a man can have a woman and not want to talk about her. Obviously you’ve heard how proud I am, but you? Are you ashamed?” It sounded like it was amusing- the idea that Tommy Shelby would be ashamed of anything in his life.
But the idea of being ashamed of Sylvia? That struck a nerve and that pissed him off properly.
“I’m not ashamed of her.” He snapped.
Alfie’s grin was positively disgusting. “So she does exist? Well, come now, what’s her name?”
For a moment he didn’t answer. Then he spoke begrudgingly, “Sylvia.”
“Sylvia, aye.” He nodded, turning it over. “She a gypsy like you?”
“No. She is not a gypsy.” Eye contact was key. “It wouldn’t matter either way.”
“So why don’t you talk about her? I could talk all day about mine, as I’m sure that you’ve noticed,” of course he had. “You move her in yet?”
“A gentleman doesn’t kiss and tell,” Tommy mocked, making Alfie roll his eyes.
“Neither of us are gentlemen, Tom, no matter how you fuckin’ pretend. I moved Margaret in almost right away, you know? We just, we just had this connection- I saw her and I wanted her. Sent her gifts every day, came into the store when I could- her smiles, they lit up my fuckin’ life.”
“I’ve never known you to be so open about your business, Alfie. Aren’t you worried that someone might overhear?” It wasn’t a threat, not at all, not for once. This hit a little too close to home for it to be anything more than idle curiosity, and luckily Solomons knew it.
“No, mate. I need her to know how much I love her. And I need other people to know. Because if someone thinks that they can hurt her? I will…” he laughed, and it didn’t sound sane at all, but it didn’t bother Tommy, “well fuck, I think I’d burn the fuckin’ city down. But,” and he looked at Tommy, and that affable, unstable mask came off for a moment, and Tommy was looking at the emptiness that came from the war, the same emptiness in every soldier who’d been in the field, “but I think you know that, don’t you Tom?” He sighed and shook his head. “I figured, hell, if anyone on this Earth knew what I felt- how far I’d go- it’d be you.. And you do, don’t you?”
Tommy thought about Sylvia. He always thought about Sylvia.
He did horrible things on a daily basis. What would he do if something happened to her?
And the thing was, Tommy didn’t even need to ask himself that question. He’d known the moment that he’d seen her what he’d do for her, what he’d already done. She was safe, that was what he told himself, she was under constant watch, by men he trusted, where he didn’t need to worry about someone running off with her, or an accident, or any of the things that could take her away.
“And you just keep her in an apartment?” He muttered.
“How else would I see her?” Alfie countered evenly. “I take it you don’t?”
Tommy didn’t answer, but he didn’t have to, not in the context of the question.
“No, no, the way I see it, it’s better that I can keep an eye on ‘er. I get to come home to a nice meal, lovely company, and everyone knows what’ll happen if they fuck with her. You keep yours,” and he pointed at his business associate, “in some isolated fuckin’ kingdom and what happens? People get curious. You can’t see her as often. She goes missing. There’s no fuckin’ neighbors to pay to keep watch.” And hell, that was actually a very good point, but he didn’t want to hear that from Solomons.
“Let’s just agree to disagree.”
“Oh I fuckin’ disagree, mate. You don’t get that shit in hand-“
“And what might happen, Solomons?” Tommy asked calmly. He knew what this was- this was Solomons trying to knock him off his game, disturb him. And why? What the hell did Solomons have up his sleeve? “What are you planning?”
“Well I dunno mate.” The glass in Solomons’ hand was empty now, “what do you think I’m planning?”
“I think you’re just being a prick.” The other man barked out a laugh.
“Fair enough, so- grievances.”
And there it was.
When it was over, Tommy went over the meeting- all of it, bullshit included- in his head, thinking it over.
Alfie Solomons was a two faced bastard.
But Tommy found himself making plans to go visit Sylvia as a surprise, nonetheless.
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hickey prank...gone wrong
y/n wanted to prank the avengers for forgetting to hide a hickey she got from a 'mysterious boy' after she finished pranking them and telling them its fake, peter came in and NOT so subtly asked her when he did that since they're secretly dating
pairing: peter x stark!reader
status: secretly dating
y/n's pov
ive been watching a lot of youtube lately, it literally became my best friend, i scrolled through my recommendations and found a 'hickey prank' video, i smiled to myself already knowing im about to do it, and clicked on the video
It was a girl pranking her parents for getting a hickey, i watched the girl make the fake hickey on her neck, and i was considering to ask peter to do one for me that would be more entertaining but that would obviously backfire if i couldnt wipe it out
so i didnt ask him, another thing is that peter and i have been secretly dating for around a month now, my dad, tony stark, strictly told peter that i am off limits but were still dating and its been the best month ever.
anyways, i opened my vanity drawer and got my eye shadow pallet, i decided on a spot to make the 'hickey' and started adding dark colored eye shadow to make it look believable, the end result looked pretty good, and i know that from experience ;)
it ws on the right side of my neck right below my ear, i opened my two braids to cover the 'hickey' took my phone to record this i already know chaotic experience since this is the avengers we're talking about and left my room while i was walking in the hallway i got a text from peter saying:
MY baby 🥰🧸: coming in 15! xx
I squealed from excitment coz its been a week since ive seen him because of his exams and everything but back to the prank
i walked inside our kitchen/living room and the avengers were scattered everywhere since they just finished a mission and now theyre hungry af, perfect
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i snuck my phone behind a bowl of fresh fruits and acted normally trying to contain my nervousness and excitement
"hey guys!" i said looking at the kitchen island that filled with delicious hot meals, yumm
"hey sweetie" dad said kissing my cheek, and everybody mumbled a 'hey' since they're too busy stuffing theyre mouths with food
"hows the mission?" i asked curiously, thor, sam and scott completely ignored me trying to stuff everything in, nat and wanda were talking about how stupid one of the men were for flirting with them and comepletely beat the shit out of him for makig inappropriate comment, my girls I thought and steve, dad, bruce, and bucky answered my question
they've always had a soft spot for me and hated whenever i got ignored, i smile at them grateful that they didnt ignore me even though i wouldnt get mad i mean im also starving
i continued on eating arguing with sam on who will get the biggest slice of the chocolate cake wanda made, but then i remembered i came here to do the prank so i decided its time
i looked infront of me checking if my phone is still recording and it was, its been recording for 8 minutes now so i excused myself from the table to go 'get some fruit'
i quickly grabbed an apple and rerecorded the video, "so what do you guys wanna do? peters coming in a few" i said taking my hair and secured it behind my ear, its been exposed its been exposed omg omg omg i tried to calm down a bit coz in any second someone could spot my 'hickey'
"oh, we could have a movie night, you know, coz peter finished school so we should celebrate" my dad said looking at me then looking back at his food but looked at me again eyes widened, he spotted it ABORT MISSION OMG OMG
I looked down at my food trying not to run from the glare hes giving me
"y/n?" my dad asked, his tone has never been this serious before, oh shit
"y-yes" i squeecked god pull it together y/n, its not real
"what is that on your neck" he pointed out, which grabbed everyones attention, great, all eyes were on me, steve, bucky and bruce widened their eyes shocked, wanda and nat were smirking, sam, scott, and clint were laughing their asses off while thor looked as clueless as a baby
i was sitting at the center of the table and i just wanted to sink in and get absorbed my the marble walls
"w-what do you mean?" i asked 'confused' i grabbed nats phone that was between us, opened the camera and gasped trying to act surprised and scared "I-I uhhh" I let go of my hair so it can cover it again "I-I burned my self while curling my hair" I nervously blurted out, wow I'm a great actress
"that does not look like a burn young lady what is that?" Steve buts in, anger literally fuming from his ears and eyes Bucky glaring at me trying to think of every boy I've ever interacted with
"I curled my hair uncle Steve!" I replied rolling my eyes
"THAT IS NOT A BURN HUN THATS A HICKEY" my dad got out of his chair clearly getting angrier by the second
"ITS NOT DAD, YOU THINK I COULD HOOK UP WITH BOYS WHEN IM BEING WATCHED 24/7?" I shot back standing as well, everybody gasped
"what is a hickey if I may interrupt"
"SHUT UP" the rest of the team said clearly enjoying this
"I wanna know who's D y/n got" Sam said laughing
"was he at least good?" Nad asked smirking
"please tell me you used protection" Wanda asked concerned
"WHO IS IT" all three of them said
"NO ONE!" I shouted
"why is he that important that you have to be so secretive of him?" Bucky suddenly blurts out tightening his fists so hard his knuckles could pop out
"maybe he's special" nat smirked
"y/n" my dad said in a warningly tone "if you don't tell us who this idiot is I swear I'm gonna let Bruce turn into the hulk and smash every boys house that you've ever interacted with" I felt like that was enough, and obviously got everyone's attention, I tried to contain my laughter coz they're faced are just hilarious waiting for me to tell them who it is
"it's....it's...a-a..A PRANK!" I laughed, everybody looked at me speechless clearly not buying it
"yeah a FAKE one" I took the wipe from my back pocket, wiping my 'hickey' and gestured to the smudged make up "SEE??" I laughed
Steve, Bucky, Bruce and my dad looked relieved, nat, Scott, Wanda, Clint, and Sam looked...disappointed?? And Thor was still clueless as ever, I walked to the counter to stop recording
"YOU WERE RECORDING?" Wanda scoffed
"do not do that to us a again young lady I was gonna get a heart attack" Steve warned leaving the table
"doll" Bucky said and I looked at him "if I ever see a boy with you this close" he gestured between him and I "I will squish their face and pull his brains out with my bare hand" he warned
and for a second I thought of Peter, I swear he's gonna get killed if they know what 'helping him study' and 'looking after me' means I just rolled my eyes at their stupid behavior
"so y/n didn't get any D yesterday? Poor thing" Sam laughs
"SAM I SWEAR YOUR NEXT ON THE LIST" dad said walking out of the kitchen
"for the first time in forever IM glad this was a prank coz the poor boy would've been dead just by the glares he'll get" I laughed shaking my head after the hilarious prank we cleaned up the kitchen island
"ok guys I'm gonna go to my room to clean this...mess" I gestured to my neck full of smudged make up
"hey guys, what did I miss?" Peter walked in the living room a few minutes after i left
"oh just y/n being y/n, she'll tell you what happened" Scott laughed which confused Peter but he ignored it m opened the fridge to get a snack and go to your room,
like I said it's been a week since he's seen you so he was very excited to kiss you hug you and just shower you with affection...in secret obviously
he knocked on my door doing our secret pattern and barged into my room
"HEY PETER" I almost shouted jumping onto him crossing my legs on his torso and snuggling my headphones to his neck
"hey baaaby" he whispered kissing my temple
"ITS BEEN AGES" I whisper shouted
"that it has" he whispered back finally connecting his lips with mine, And slowly walked to the bed, he sat down which resulted in me straddling his lap
"I missed you" I mumbled hovering his lips a bit
"I missed his more" his voice was lower than usual which made my hormones go haywire, he started pampering me with kisses
"I *kiss* miss *kiss* you *kiss* so *kiss* fucking *kiss* much" he said
"oh since when does innocent Peter Parker swear" i teased looking at his eyes
"since I've dated you" he shot back "when I started dating you, you made me feel and become like a normal horny teenage boy" he kissed me again
"well, im glad you feel...normal" I laughed, he started kissing my neck again and unfortunately my dad was walking past my bedroom at the time
"is this a bruise or just a very messy hickey I gave you, coz if it is I better fix it" he smirked already knowing it's not his but just finding an excuse to do one on me
"oh it's just a prank I did to the team which thankfully I recorded so you can see it"
"how bout I make it a real one?" He smirked
"Yes plea-"
"WHAT?" my dad barged in PERFECT TIMING DAD
🏃‍♂️ 💨
Have a wonderful morning/afternoon/evening/night!
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