*Mainly use meaning your favorite set, the one people call you most, or your only set if you just use one.
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xumoonhao · 10 months
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pronouns web badges 💖
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arecaceae175 · 8 months
A Guide to Neopronouns
Questions, answers, usage, and helpful resources at the bottom! :D
What are neopronouns?
In simple terms, neopronouns are a category of pronouns used in the place of typical pronouns like he, she, or they.
Neopronouns allow trans people to find pronouns that fit their specific gender identity or expression if typical pronouns do not. Neopronouns can be an expression of someone's personality, gender identity, gender expression or lack thereof, and can be an act of rebellion against a binary and transphobic world.
Neopronouns (or neos) can mean different things to different people, and depending on the different pronouns. For example, I use xe/xem pronouns because I like the use of x instead of sh/h in she/he. I like the implication of the gender being completely removed from the word with an x put in its place. Also, I just like the way they look. They have good vibes.
Why are neopronouns important?
Using neopronouns correctly is just as important as using he, she, or they for someone. Using a person's correct pronouns is a sign of respect and support. Trans people use pronouns that reflect their gender identity and experience. Using the correct pronouns affirms the person's identity and helps them to them feel confident in their trans identity.
Using incorrect pronouns for someone is very hurtful. When people use the wrong pronouns for me, I feel dejected. It shows me that they do not understand, respect, or support me. It is very alienating. I feel upset, and if it goes on for a long time I start to shake and feel like I am going to cry.
In online spaces, neopronouns are even more important. I do not use neopronouns in my day to day life because it is exhausting to explain the concept of neopronouns to everyone I meet. I never know if they will be supportive, or if they will have a negative reaction, or if telling someone my neopronouns will cost me something like a job opportunity or put me in danger. In online spaces, or with my close friends, I get to be my authentic self and use the pronouns that fit me the best and makes me feel good.
How do you use neopronouns?
This is the hard part. Some neopronouns follow a conjugation pattern, but for the most part each pronoun is unique. That is part of the appeal.
I made a google doc with conjugations of 30 common neopronouns. You can find it here! I tried to include all the neopronouns I know of in my typical fandom circles. If you have a neopronoun that is not on this list, please share it with me and I will add it!
There are infinite neopronouns, and sometimes people use different conjugations of pronouns that look similar. It is always a good option to ask neopronoun user. Most of us will not be offended by this question! In fact, I love when people ask about my pronouns. It is an opportunity to teach someone new about neopronouns!
Also, you can type the pronouns into google and usually it is easy to find resources on how to use the pronouns. This is a good way to show extra support to a friend who uses neopronouns. This way, you are putting in the time and effort it takes to use their pronouns correctly.
Practice is key! If you don't put in effort and practice, they will never stick. When I was learning how to use neopronouns, I kept a screenshot of a neopronoun chart saved on my phone for reference whenever I got confused.
What if you make a mistake?
That's okay! Everyone makes mistakes sometimes. Most people will not expect you to get their neopronouns right on the very first try. For me, as long as someone is putting in genuine effort to use my neopronouns correctly, I am happy.
If you catch your mistake, correct yourself quickly and move on. For example you could say, "Oh, sorry, I mean xe," and then let the conversation continue.
If you apologize over and over or derail the conversation, it can be uncomfortable for the person who you misgendered. If you still feel guilty after the conversation, you can reach out to them individually and apologize.
If someone else corrects you, apologize or thank them, correct yourself, and move on. Here are a few sample conversations.
"I was telling them-" "Xe uses xe/xem pronouns, actually." "Oh, I'm sorry. I was telling xem..."
"I am going to ce's house." "Actually, it would be 'cer house'." "Oh ok, thank you. I am going to cer house."
"I was telling them- oh, wait, I mean I was telling xem"
Please try not to be offended if someone corrects you. It can be hard, especially if you have a condition like rejection sensitive dysphoria. If someone corrects you about their pronouns, it means they feel safe enough or trust you enough to share that with you. Your reaction will dictate if they feel safe enough to be their authentic self in front of you.
Also, if you can, correct other people if they use the wrong pronouns. It can be hard for trans people to constantly correct others about our pronouns. If you correct someone else, you are showing us your support and demonstrating to other people that our pronouns are important.
Here are some more resources about neopronouns:
Understanding neopronouns
Extensive neopronoun list
Dey/dem for the black community
Gender neutral language around the world
Neopronouns in German
Neutral pronouns in Hebrew
Neutral pronouns in Spanish
Neutral pronouns in Swedish
Neutral pronouns in French
@neopronounfaq is a very helpful blog that describes neopronoun usage
If you have any questions about neopronouns or their usage, please feel free send me an ask (anon is on) or leave a comment on this post. I'm happy to answer any questions that are asked with good intentions! I will delete and block any transphobic asks :)
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lgbtq-userboxes · 2 months
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Emoji credit: customemoji
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kailixvk · 8 months
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I didn't dress up for actual haloween day bc the only plans I had was game night but I think my outfit was very appropriate for the shark facts I was giving out
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redacted-coiner · 2 months
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Neopronouns, Emoji Pronouns, Xenopronouns
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Xe/Xem, Kie/Kir(link), It/Its
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Ix/Ixs, Pronouns Collector, Bee/Boop(link)
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DNI is listed within my pinned post. Please go read it before interacting with any part of my content. Ask to tag!
@kiruliom (late sorry about that)
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Neopronoun users:
Im curious as to what made you decide to use your set of pronouns. What was different about them? What made them click? Are they linked to a specific type of feeling?
Ill go first,
My neopronouns are xe/xer
I chose them because personally for myself i do not like themed pronouns or any that are linked to a specific thing like noun pronouns are for example. Xe/xer just felt right. I found that i tend to use it more on days where i might feel more agender. Also i wanted pronouns that encapsulate vith the male and female part or me.
The set always felt red to me, the xe reminded me of he and the xer reminded me of her (i know xe pronouns are usually xe/xyr or xe/xem but i dont like the strong r sound and xem feels too muh like them and i hate they/them for myself)
Ze/zir also has the same sound but idk, felt really yellow and also i just didn't like the shape of it, didn't work. The X just felt like a placeholder or a blank space, kinda like how my gender felt sometimes.
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cy-cyborg · 9 months
Honestly was not expecting "bot screening" to be one of the benefits of having neopronouns but yeah.
Turns out bots have a real hard time xe/xim/xis or xe/xem/xeir - they usually just start thinking my name is xim at some point lmao. I've yet to encounter a bot that's actually gotten it close to right (honestly my bar isn't even "getting it right" since most humans dont either, more just recognising that's a pronoun lol).
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Trans Character of the Day
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Tempo from Roleslaying with Roman uses xe/xem pronouns!
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everyoneisgayandtrans · 5 months
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I had to reupload this one because I spelled Xe wrong
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As an apology to Xe/Xir folk, here are some bonuses
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My sense of humor is broken
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recovering-vamp · 1 year
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aloveraplantt · 3 months
I love my identity, I really do, but sometimes I really wish I could take it back, because I am so tired of people, I am so tired of being considered weird for my identity for being trans for being asexual for being aromatic for my pronouns. I just want to live and be myself and not be judged but it seems impossible I can’t do anything without being made to feel weird and I know im exaggerating but like it sucks, everyone makes me feel like I’m weird even if they don’t mean to, and a lot of people really want me to know i am weird, I hate feeling weird, I feel so alienated.
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transonlyspace · 5 months
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I am not personally xenogender, however I am making pronoun pins for my schools pride fest and am wondering what neo-pronouns would probably benefit the most people? I've asked a friend of mine who uses neo-pronouns, but I'd appreciate a bigger idea of what would be needed/wanted, and thought this would be a good place to ask
Thank you!
Not a neo user myself unless you count it/its, so I’ll just be leaving this one open to neo users! I can tell you that some common ones I know are xe/xem and fae/faer, but neo users will know better than I will!!
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mogai-sunflowers · 7 months
he/xe pronouns flag!
he/xe pronouns flag-
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[Image ID: A flag with nine equally-sized horizontal stripes. From top to bottom, the colors are tan, pastel blue, turquoise, medium blue, black, medium blue-grey, medium grey-purple, dull red-orange, and tan. End ID.]
flag by me, requested by no one! tagging @radiomogai​​ :3
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mcbridemascfem · 19 days
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