#alan stewart
sesiondemadrugada · 3 months
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The Gentlemen (Guy Ritchie, 2019).
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iconuk01 · 18 days
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Sadly, not new forthcoming Super Powers figures, but the faux Super Power figures cariant covers coming from DC in August to celebrate 40 years since the action figure line was launched
That equally faux "Fist of Fate" thing though.... O_o ;)
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"My favourite superhero is Green Lantern!"
"My favourite is the Flash!"
"Mine is Robin!"
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dc-polls-not-the-og · 2 months
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jesncin · 28 days
How would you (or Ma’al, whatever is more fun to do) rank the green lanterns?
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Ma'al's opinions are not reflective of my opinions I would rank Kyle Rayner in supreme S tier for being a comic artist alone.
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kyuremking · 16 days
That's it!
My villain origin story is that I couldn't enjoy content about the Flashfam and the Green Lanterns because the fucking Batman and his army of sidekicks kept showing their ugly face on the tags.
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amiracleilluminated · 5 months
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mlim8 · 1 year
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Chibi Lanternssss ouo
Planning to make this into a sticker lol
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wajjs · 7 days
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^ That's the face I make when tumblr approves the community I created due to lack of self control.
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If you've got an issue with that, please regulate your own internet experience accordingly, don't make it anyone else's obligation.
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bisexualbuckleyy · 9 months
teen wolf memes part 19: ??????
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i'm having such a good time and no one can stop me. @burnthatbridgewhenwecometoit i love you you're the best
teen wolf memes part 19
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dailydccomics · 10 months
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Green Lantern Corps by Alan Quah
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katmaatui · 9 months
Alan Scott is an old soul. You can see it in his eyes, when he speaks of the JSA like they're not gods, not heroes, just men. You can see it when he mentions the war, just like that, and the way he fought in it. It will always just be the war to him. He gave up his mask, his cape, his ring for years. He's younger than his daughter. He'll always be older.
Hal Jordan could tell you where he was when they announced they were going to the moon, where he was when Kennedy got shot, where he was when that rocket shot up to go to the moon all those years ago. He dresses like something out of an old black-and-white, and he speaks like it sometimes. He's been to all wide corners of the universe, yet he'll always come back to Coast City. You leave talking to him like you met someone from another time. Obedient and loyal, he still believes that there's good in everyone.
John Stewart is a man of the 70s, of anger and love in equal amounts. He's a protester-a protester against the people who hurt him and people like him. Authority doesn't mean good to him, believes there's corruption yet beauty in everything. He loves the stars, loves the angles and beauty. You can't imagine him using technology can you?
Guy Gardner is an 80s man, the coma changing and making him newer than he ever is. He's angry and rough and harsh and he loves them all more than anything. He doesn't believe in the good like Hal, he's not the main Gl like John. He's the darker but still classic idea of the 80s. Bowlcut, funky jacket, standing out, Guy is the classic in the face of the 80s.
Kyle Rayner is the epitome of the 90s. He's edgy, he's crude, he's dark and fun at the same time. He's all 3-D, comics and video games and nerdy shit. He's inherited a legacy built on the classic idea of a hero, but he's made it his own. He's the 90s hero, someone new, someone different, someone all his own.
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niiwa-angel · 3 months
Hal and Barry have been dating for a while and both of them have been hunting about getting married. They've been talking about where they'd theoretically have the ceremony, where they'd take a honeymoon, who would be their best men, etc. the only thing they haven't done is actually asked the question.
And that's what Hal is pondering as he's doing a really BORING mission for the Lanterns. But if he wants to propose, he needs a ring and there in lies the problem. Rings are expensive and he is broke as fuck because being an intergalactic space cop somehow doesn't have a salary. And while he's thinking this, he stumbles onto some pretty red and green rocks and has a light bulb moment. He doesn't need to buy a ring, he can make a ring! Here are all these pretty rocks just laying around on this dead planet!
So he takes some rocks, a big ish chunk of iron from a nearby comet, brings them back to earth and gets to work. His lantern ring can do anything needed to make Barry the perfect ring and that's what he's going to do. He puts a ton of thought into it, because Barry works with his hands a lot at work and often has to wear gloves that prevent him from wearing jewelry, he makes it specifically so that the ring will still be pretty if he pins it to his shirt or wears in on a chain. The centerpiece is a big, pretty green rock with lots of red in it that he manages to polish into looking shiny, and it's surrounded by little pieces of sea glass that's red and green too. He gets the iron purified and into a perfectly sized ring for Barry's finger and polished that to a shine too. The most expensive thing about the ring is the dollar store box it came in because he didn't technically have to pay for materials or labour.
So he proposed, Barry said yes, they have their wedding, they both say "I do", Hal steps on the glass, and they honeymoon in Italy. It's beautiful, they're madly in love, everything is going perfectly.
Until Kilowag shows up and is like "Hal, the Guardians want you. You've broken intergalactic law."
And it turns out that the law Hal broke was bringing the rocks back to earth. The Guardians have a rule against that so that rocks that a valuable on one planet can't be brought from another planet and tank the economy. And Barry is wearing the evidence.
So now Hal and Barry, because if his idiot husband is appearing before space court, he's coming along. Their vows said through thick and thin, he just hadn't expected it to happen so soon. And if course, John Stewart, Guy Gardener, and Alan Scot tag along. One for support and two because this is the funniest fucking thing to happen all decade. And then the Justice League finds out about it and they have to go too. One for support and two because this is the funniest fucking thing ever.
The entirety of the case, Bruce is sitting beside Barry whispering to him "it's not to late to leave. We can get out of here right now. I have amazing lawyers, we can get you an annulment and it'll be like this never happened" because he's a supportive friend and also (perhaps even more importantly) he does not like Hal.
But Barry's like "we definitely don't qualify for annulment and I don't think any lawyer is going to believe us if we tell them this"
Hal and Guy are arguing that Hal didn't take the rocks to profit off of them, he took them to make them into a gift. John is talking about earth traditions of giving pretty things to your partner to try and make it seem like this was a weird instinctual thing Hal did by accident to get an insanity plea.
Alan is arguing to give Hal the death penalty.
And then one of the Guardians says that Hal intended to profit off the Bloodstones he took by selling the ring when Bruce freezes and then slaps himself. Hard.
"Bloodstones are pretty much worthless on earth" he says.
And then the Guardians freeze because they've been basing their whole argument on Hal somehow profiting of the pretty rocks he found on a dead planet, only to find out that he basically took beer caps.
So now they have to find out how much the ring is worth, to see if they even have a case. And it turns out they do not.
And it turns out that the entirety of the ring is worth MAYBE, generously, $30. Maybe, if the appraiser is blind. Or new. Because Bloodstone is cheap. Iron is in no demand on Earth. And there are no valuable gems in the ring. Hal didn't even use his ring to know for certain what rocks he picked up off the ground, he literally just thought they were pretty and that Barry would like them because Barry is a nerd who likes space rocks. The only value the ring has is its appearance.
And now basically the entirety of their honeymoon has been spent keeping Hal's dumb ass out of space jail over a pretty ring that, while resilient and made with love, isn't worth anything. So now the Guardians feels dumb and everyone else is asking "how the hell did you even know Hal took the rocks?"
And it turns out the Eobard found out and told Sinestro, who got it back to the Guardians. It's the dumbest thing ever.
They get back and the other lanterns basically look at Hal and ask "so despite all the research you did on how to make the ring, you never stopped to consider the laws of the universe?"
Hal never gets to live it down and it's why Barry gets to put a finger down for "Never Have I Ever Seriously Considered Killing my Beloved Husband After Less Than A Week Of Being Married"
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jesncin · 7 months
Do we have evidence Ma'al didn't at some point have a date with John Stewart, asked to try the ring on and ended up accidentally causing construct shenanigans, making their subsequent encounters a little embarrassing for our favorite martian twink?
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don't ask how Alan Scott fits in this universe just enjoy the joke
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incorrectbatfam · 8 months
how would you rank the green lanterns?
Why don't we do it together?
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musickickztoo · 5 months
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Just some of the many musicians we lost in 2023
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