#alfred hayes
crucifiedlovers · 2 years
...she felt as though she existed nowhere, but hung, by a strange suspension, between the dull glare of heaven and the weightless heaviness of earth.
Alfred Hayes, In Love
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sesiondemadrugada · 8 months
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Human Desire (Fritz Lang, 1954).
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inkswitchy · 1 year
I just think that in a show about empire, you don't name a character "Roman" and not expect to see a fall.
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anokatony · 2 years
'The End of Me' by Alfred Hayes – His Sixties Novel
‘The End of Me’ by Alfred Hayes – His Sixties Novel
  ‘The End of Me’ by Alfred Hayes    (1968) – 178 pages   ‘The End of Me’ is very much Alfred Hayes’ Sixties novel. In other words, it is partially about fooling around with sex. The Sixties were famous for fooling around with sex. Alfred Hayes was a Hollywood screenwriter, and it much shows in his writing. He writes in short declarative sentences which is what I imagine screenwriters do. It is…
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canthandlethishit · 10 days
If you like Batfam and Young Justice (also members outside of the og 4) and stuff post bruce time stream rescue you CANNOT skip out in this fic
I’m literally happily crying as I write this rec thats how impactful the writing is. thats right im CRYING HAPPY TEARS
writing: insane good
characterization: crazy good
plot: crying good
structure: AHHHHHHHHH (great)
detailed reasons to read the fic below:
this fic got seriously good characterization, every character is respectfully represented, there’s depth and multiple perspectives. Both Batfam and Young Justice get their fair share of screen time.
There’s shenanigans, funny moments and sombre, angsty ones but also nuanced ones, moments when you laugh and cry or in general do not know how to specifically pin down the feeling.
There’s great small stories brought up naturally in dialogues, there’s multiple perspectives but excellently navigated so they don’t overlap but compliment each other.
the summary might make you think this is tim centric, and the fic is and isnt at the same time. Tim might be the character that kickstarted the series of events but the story isnt just about him.
ALSO OMG DAMIAN WRITTEN RIGHT!!!!!! BRUCE WRITTEN AS NOT AN ABUSIVE ASSHOLE seriously the damian & bruce fans must get this fic the author is so good at writing them as multi faceted human beings with complex inner workings and not antagonized/ presented as cruel &/ biased to hell
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thatthirdtriplet · 2 months
Friendship - Relationship Family - Relationship Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne
Tim Drake Bruce Wayne Dick Grayson Jason Todd Damian Wayne Cassandra Cain Stephanie Brown Alfred Pennyworth Cassie Sandsmark Kon-El | Conner Kent Bart Allen Duke Thomas Cissie King-Jones Greta Hayes Anita Fite
Additional Tags:
angst and shenanigans Batfam angst young justice shenanigans Tim Drake Needs a Hug Tim Drake’s Missing Spleen everyone fails at communication POV Alternating
When an unknown enemy threatens Robin, Gotham's vigilantes come together to keep him safe.
Unfortunately, they're protecting the wrong Robin.
Or: Tim Drake plans his own rescue. Things get complicated.
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naquey · 4 months
PJO x Batman(Batfam)
Alfred Pennyworth: Alright, first things first. This man would be Chiron. In a heartbeat. At first I was thinking Dionysus, but Bruce fits more with Dionysus. He's reliable, considerate, and lends a helping hand if the kids ever need it. Also a horse bottom half would be fucking awesome. Alfred could kick so much butt.
Bruce Wayne: Dionysus. He is camp counselor. He is the dramatic one. He would fuck with the kids by saying he's their father, just so they could get him whatever he wanted. He holds no malicious intent behind this, and only wants to mess around with them. He will apologize if it hurts some of the kids. AND he is a dramatic emo. Case in point.
Dick Grayson: When I think ab him the first thing I see in my mind's eye is acrobat. Responsible older brother, dutiful, chaotic. At first I was thinking Athena, but THEN I was like wait- someone else is Athena's son. Not that Athena can't have two sons but it don't fit. He's Apollo's son. Ball of sunshine, can hold a wicked good tune, and kicks ass. A punch you least expect from someone who is so nice and kind.
Helena Wayne: Her dad is literally Dionysus, so people underestimate her. She's seen as the party girl, the rich spoiled kid who can't defend herself. Then next thing you know you're in the infirmary because she knocked you out. She is a theater kid like her dad, and tends to instill madness into those that go against her, sort of driving them insane. If they don't get medical attention right away. It pisses people off when she plays the part of a helpless rich girl and then suddenly has a powerful punch. But she is a good contender for Artemis.
Barbara Gordon: How can she not be Hermes daughter? She has the brains and the wits, but is in the background feeding all the Bats information. She keeps things running and helps Bruce not burn something to the ground, also helps Alfred keep his sanity. Technically, she could be considered camp counselor with how well things are run under her guidance and advice. She may have all the information, but only gives certain bits out for free. She also has hella blackmail on her family if they ever decide to cross her.
Jason Todd: Hella Ares vibes at first, but beneath that this man has strategy. Don't let his blind hatred for Joker fool you, he knows he has to understand a battle first and foremost. His loathing for Joker only gets in the way with clown related things, but he truly is Athena's son. He's well read and observes a battlefield, pointing out many vantage points so he can stay out of line of sight until the perfect moment.
Kate Kane: Artemis' daughter. She hunts down her enemies, and sticks to hiding in plain sight. She may not use a bow, but she has other ways to hunt her target without one. Quiet and strong, able to keep herself hidden until she can properly attack.
Tim Drake: Athena's son, like Jason. He's known as the one who comes up with the plans and often gets the others in the family to excecute him. He's the brainiac. It's known at a young age he found out who Batman and Robin were. He looked up to Batman. He followed Batman. He used detective skills to figure things out that adults hadn't even tired to. He's the mastermind. No, Babs is.
Turner Hayes: Aphrodite's son. He's pretty and uses that to his advantage. Others think he's the spoiled adopted son of Bruce Wayne, but he is nothing like what the media says about him. Regardless of how he may look he is rather cunning and smart, but it's hidden beneath a pretty face. The police didn't believe he was doing detective work because he didn't look like someone who would be able to do that, and they were wrong.
Stephanie Brown: Steph is trying to prove herself. She may not be seeking revenge, but she believes that she needs to prove herself in delivering justice like the rest of her family. Nemsis' daughter. She believes in doing the right thing, even if the right thing at that moment seems like the worst thing someone could do.
Harper Row: Nemesis' daughter. She doesn't feel right living in a world where there are bullies around. Harper wants to take down as many bad guys as she can to keep the streets safe for Gothamites. She seeks retribution and vengeance, trying to save others much like she saved her own brother. Her brother Cullen, is who drives her forward.
Cassandra Caine: Her strength is seeing things that others cannot, i.e. body language. Hypnos' daughter. Cass can read a room and understand immediately what is going on. Her sight is her power. She was taught to be an assassin that looks but never speaks. Able to use that to her advantage to get a one up on those she is fighting or going against.
Damian Wayne Al-Ghoul: Son of Nike(and Dionysus). His goal is victory, in anything. He trains hard and strives to be the best at what he does, Damian does not take second place. He believes he can only achieve something if he is the best and most powerful at it. That is why he stays in the Nike cabin to train and hone his skills. (Even if he has a bed at Dionysus cabin.) He doesn't tell people a lot, but he goes over to sleep in his dads cabin. Once in a while. The old man would think he was getting soft if Damian ever told him that.
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thenightowlintown · 2 years
Bruce: I love all my children equally. Dick, Jason, Cass, ...Duke, Damian....
Bruce: *squints at smudged handwriting*
Bruce: ...Turner
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allfrogsmatter · 8 months
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The Myers Family
Helen Florence Myers
The first born of Richard and Lizzie Foust. Helen was a well-mannered and proper girl who always behaved herself, but was often considered a snitch and a stick-in-the-mud by her siblings.
She married Alfred Myers, an Army General, who would later serve in the Great War. Together they had two children who were brought up under strict rule and teaching.
Alfred John Myers
The husband of Helen Foust and an army general in the first world war. He was proud to fight for his country and lived to tell of his heroics, but was changed by war. He often treated his children more like his soldiers than his children and they would never share a close relationship. Despite his wartime heroism, he was killed by the Spanish influenza shortly after returning home.
Walter Alfred Myers
The son of Helen and Alfred Myers. Brought up under the strict eye of his father Walter was a disciplined boy, yet a sensitive one. He shared a special bond with his mother due to their many similarities, and he was protective of his sister.
Norma Elizabeth Myers
The daughter of Helen and Alfred Myers. Norma was a quick-witted and sharp girl who excelled in her studies. At just 17 she was infected with the Spanish influenza and succumbed to the illness.
As we ramp up to the return of the Hayes legacy I thought I’d continue with the Foust lineage, as part of my return is updating and transferring the family tree. I made these sims a long time ago, but I remember it being so much fun getting to go into cas and see how each generation turned out as well as use cc that I never got the chance to play with.
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letterboxd-loggd · 1 year
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The 39 Steps (1935) Alfred Hitchcock
December 3rd 2022
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crucifiedlovers · 2 years
...she would accept [it] as her destiny, to be destroyed by someone she had loved.
Alfred Hayes, In Love
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genevieveetguy · 2 years
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- When I saw him, he was dead. - He looked exactly the same when he was alive, only he was vertical.
The Trouble with Harry, Alfred Hitchcock (1955)
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cineclub84 · 4 days
The Skin Game, 1931
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La rivalité entre un propriétaire terrien, attaché aux valeurs traditionnelles, et un industriel parvenu...
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Les Hillcrist, riches propriétaires terriens voient leur environnement transformé par l'installation d'un industriel, M. Hornblower. Celui-ci bouleverse le calme bucolique de la région avec ses usines. Lorsqu'un terrain mitoyen de la propriété des Hillcrist, la Gentry, est mis en vente, ils s'affrontent dans une vente aux enchères, remportée par Hornblower. Mais Mrs Hillcrist fait engager un détective privé qui révèle le passé trouble de Chloé, la belle-fille de l'industriel, et se sert de ces révélations pour le faire chanter et lui extorquer la Gentry. Mais le secret est mal gardé, le scandale éclate et Chloé se suicide. Les Hornblower, meurtris et humiliés, décident de quitter la région ; la victoire des Hillcrist est amère car ils y perdent leur dignité.
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Ce film est une adaptation d'une pièce de Galsworthy, ami d'Hitchcock. L'affrontement entre aristocratie et bourgeoisie ne manque pas de sel et personne n'en sort indemne. Hitchcock, très académique ici, se permet néanmoins quelques originalités : la scène des enchères, l'ouverture opposant cheval et voiture... Hitchcock nous raconte l'histoire d'une rivalité entre un propriétaire terrien, attaché aux valeurs traditionnelles et un riche industriel parvenu. Pourtant, il raconte bien plus que ça, le scénario va aborder intelligemment des thèmes tels que le chantage, le déshonneur, les méthodes pour faire tomber les autres, les conventions ou encore le malheur et on se rendra compte que comme souvent dans la vrai vie les méchants ne sont pas si méchant et les gentils pas si gentils. Un peu trop de paroles ce qui fait que l'on va se perdre un peu au milieu du film (avant une excellente fin, notamment à partir de la révélation principale) ainsi qu'un aspect un peu trop moraliste par moment. Mais on se laisse facilement prendre au jeu de ce "The Skin Game".
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Alfred Hitchcock: The Skin Game (1931) TRAILER | Drama | Edmund Gwenn, Jill Esmond, C.V. France
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littletroubledgrrrl · 4 months
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