#also a big thanks to the lovely people who helped with the collections!
mesmerblossoms · 11 months
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I finished my second crafted legendary, Ad Infinitum!
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braxiatel · 1 year
Tagging on AO3 - A how-to guide for new writers with a MCYT spin!
Recently, I have seen a lot of improperly tagged fics on AO3. I think it is a shame to see people posting their first fics putting so much good effort into tagging them while not knowing how to make the most of their tags. Thus I decided to write a how-to guide focusing on each of the fields on the ‘Post Work’ page on AO3, detailing what you might want to include in each of them and how certain things will likely be interpreted by your potential readers.
Disclaimer: all fandoms have slightly different tagging conventions. That means everyone, based on their own history of fandoms, will have slightly different ideas of what “proper” tagging is. I do not pretend to be an unbiased source of information, however, I have been reading and publishing fic on AO3 for the past decade, and I think I have a pretty firm grasp of tagging at this point, at least enough to help people who have no idea how to approach it get started.
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[ID: A scroll down menu titled ‘ratings’ with the options ‘not rated’, ‘general audiences’, ‘teen and up audiences’, ‘mature’, and ‘explicit’. The title is marked with an asterisk to indicate this is a mandatory field.]
Rating tells readers what age groups you, the writer, consider your work to be appropriate for. It leans on cinema conventions (US American ones, specifically). 
Culturally what is and is not considered appropriate for certain age groups can differ, which makes rating difficult. My best advice is to do your best and be kind when informing others you believe they’ve missed the mark. By using AO3 we are all agreeing to the risk that an author did not have the skills or the perspective to tag appropriately; Tags don’t get vetted by a panel, so risking inaccurately or inaddequately tagged fic is part of the deal. That said, here are my thoughts on how best to approach rating your fic:
I wish I could give you clear-cut lines on rating, but the truth of the matter is there are overlaps and grey areas between each category. Use your best judgement, and remember that if in doubt about rating always go for the higher of the two or the Not Rated category. Historically rating has been heavily based around depictions of sexuality and violence, so those are what I will mainly be discussing in these descriptions of the different ratings.
General audiences means everyone, children and adults alike. In general, think of what level of violence and romance you expect to see in cartoons – fics rated General Audiences can contain subtle romance, non-lethal violence, and injuries discussed but not depicted. If you think your fic might be rated for general audiences I recommend asking yourself ‘would I read this story to a 7-year-old?’ If you can think of something that may not be appropriate for that 7-year-old to read, bump up the rating.
Teen and up means 13+. As with above, imagine giving the fic to a 13-year-old. Would it be appropriate for them, or does it depict things they may not be old enough to understand yet? Works rated Teen and up can contain depictions of dating, romance, kissing, and hints towards sexual activity (think of your typical ‘they retired to the bedroom followed by a fade to black’ scene). In terms of violence things rated teen can contain fight scenes and injuries depicted with some detail (think blood stained clothes or mentions of broken limbs, but no gore or detailed descriptions). You may also expect to see consumption of alcohol (but not alcoholism or drug use) or fics focusing on ‘darker’ themes such as character death or major illness. 
Mature means 18+, however I think it is worth mentioning as over the years I have seen people saying they are understanding Mature to mean anything as young as 16+. Officially AO3 lists Mature as adults only, but be aware that you will likely have people in their late teens beleiving they are part of your target audience as well. I think we all know kids can and will lie about their ages and that it is impossible to avoid them reading material not meant for them entirely, but given how typical this misconception seems to be I recommend caution with this one rating in particular. Typically you will find non-explicit sex scenes, non-graphic violence, and in general themes that require a certain level of critical thinking and mental robustness to parse in fics rated Mature. For a sex scene this may mean describing what sexual acts are being performed in what positions, without getting into details about the appearence of genitals or how specifically the acts are being performed. For violence this can mean talking about specifics of a fight and what injuries a character has sustained, talks of blood, shallow burns, loss of limbs, or how your characters plan to stich up their injuries in the field, but not detailed descriptions of injuries. You may see depictions of ‘dark’ themes such as addiction, terrorism, abuse, etc.
Explicit is also 18+. Here you will find graphic sex scenes and gore, and ‘dark’ themes pervading the work in such a way that it cannot easily be skipped. I think intent matters a great deal in determining the difference between Mature and Explicit. If you want to shock your readers with the gory kill your serial killer character just committed, if your sex scene is intended as pornographic and/or is highly descriptive, or your character is going through excruciating mental torture, that would be Explicit. The more detail you add, the closer you get to an Explicit rating. If in doubt ask a friend or beta reader, ideally one with more experience rating fics than you. 
Not rated is the default rating and could mean anything between the other four ratings. There are a number of reasons you as an author might want to use this – perhaps you are uncertain how to rate your fic, or perhaps you do not want to spoil the content at all. The important thing to note is that when it comes to filtering by rating all fics in the Not Rated tag will get filtered alongside fics rated Explicit. That does not mean that the fic is necessarily Explicit, just that it could be and you must assume only readers who are old enough to read something that could potentially be Explicit will access it. 
Archive warnings
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[ID: A list of potential archive warnings. The warnings are ‘choose not to use archive warnings’, ‘graphic depictions of violence’, ‘major character death’, ‘no archive warnings apply’, ‘rape/non-con’, and ‘underage’. The title ‘archive warnings’ is marked with an asterisk to indicate this is a mandatory field.] 
I think some of these are self-explanatory - graphic depictions of violence and major character death - whereas others do require a little more explaning.
Rape/non-con. I am singling this one out simply to explain what non-con actually means. It is an older fandom term and is short for non-consensual, i.e. an explicit lack of consent. It is simply an older fandom-specific term that is synonymouswtih rape.
Underage. Underage refers to fic in which one or more characters who have not yet turned 18 are described as having been in or depicted in sexual situations. Please note that it does not exclusively refer to fic in which one character is a minor and one is an adult – a fic depicting two characters who are both minors in a sexual situation should also be tagged as underage. According to AO3 guidelines fics that vaguely imply sexual acts involving one or more underage characters do not need to be tagged in the Underage category.
No major archive warnings apply. None of the listed warnings are true for this work. 
Choose not to use archive warnings. One or more of the warnings could be true for the work, but the author is activelly choosing not to tag it. You may want to choose this one if you are unsure if a situation counts as graphic violence, if the character being killed off is a major character, if the character is actually underage, or if it is indeed non-con. It can also be used when you do not want to spoil the content of your fic for your readers. 
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[ID: free text input bar titled ‘fandoms’. Underneath it says ‘if this is the first work for a fandom it may not show up in the fandoms page for a day or two’. The title is marked with an asterisk to indicate this is a mandatory field.] 
This is where you tell your readers what fandom or fandoms your fanfiction is based on. You can enter multiple fandoms if your work is a crossover. 
All free-form tags, including fandom tags, can be written in non-Latin characters. However, the fandom will be archived according to a Romanised transliteration. 
If you are looking to tag a fandom that is not already on the archive simply type its full name into the fandom field, making sure you have spelled it correctly, and it will be added to the archive by a volunteer as soon as possible. 
A note on MCYT fic specifically: given the nature of the medium it can be hard to determine where to draw the lines between which SMPs your work does and does not belong to. However, tagging every SMP a character will likely be seen as spam.
Ask yourself what canon or canons the work is leaning into. Does your Hermitcraft fic feature DSMP lore crucial to understanding the world-building or appearances by DSMP characters, or is there just a couple of throwaway lines that are only there as fun references for people who are also DSMP fans? Does a character in your Empires fic reference events from the Life series as part of a character’s backstory, or is it about one of the Empires characters ending up stuck in one of the Life games? 
It is about scale and amount, and tagging every SMP a character has been in has the chance to disappoint readers looking for depictions of a character as shown in a particular SMP and will make them less likely to read your work in the future. 
Categories refers exclusively to what types of relationships are depicted in your work.
If one relationship is the main focus of the fic this is the one you should tag for in the categories section. If multiple relationships share focus you should tag all of them. 
The archive offers the following options for tagging categories:
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[ID: A list of potential categories. They are ‘F/F’, ‘F/M’, Gen, ‘M/M’, ‘Multi’, and ‘Other’.]
F/F, F/M, and M/M. F is short for female, M is short for male. Thus, F/F is a relationship between women, F/M is a relationship between men and women, and M/M is a relationship between men. These tags include binary trans people or non-binary trans people who are depicted as aligned with one of the binary genders. Anyone who has told you that you have to misgender trans characters was either misinformed or lying. 
Multi. Multi can refer to either multiple romantic/sexual pairings being the focus of the stories OR romantic/sexual relationships between 3+ characters. Both are valid interpretations of this tag, as it has different historical use in different fandoms. 
Other. Other refers to a number of things including: romantic/sexual relationships where one or more characters are not male or female or aligned with either of these, relationships that do not fit into the traditional romantic/sexual - platonic binary, relationships involving 3+ characters, romantic/sexual relationships where one or more parties involved are too far removed from human standards of gender to be categorised this way, or anything else you do not believe fits in any of the other categories. 
Gen. Gen is short for ‘general’ and refers exclusively to fanfictions that do not focus on romantic/sexual relationships, regardless of rating. A fic rated for general audiences that focuses on romance should not be tagged as Gen.
A fic can fit into several categories (e.g. a fic focusing on two romantic relationships, one between a man and a woman and one between two men, should be tagged as F/M, M/M, and multi). 
Different fandoms have different standards for polyships - some prefer to tag ‘multi’, some ‘other’, some ‘multi’ and ‘other, and others ‘multi’ and/or ‘other’ and whatever F/F - F/M - M/M tag comes closest. It is up to the individual author to decide what is most appropriate for that particular ship/more common in their fandom. Personally, I would tag my M/M/M polyship as M/M, Multi, and Other. 
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[ID: free text input bar titled ‘relationships’.]
Relationships in this instance refers to all kinds of relationships, not just romantic/sexual ones. 
Romantic and sexual relationships should be tagged with a / between names, e.g. ‘[person A]/[person B]’, and platonic (familial, collegial, friendship, etc.) relationships should be tagged with a ‘&’ between names, e.g. ‘[Person A]&[Person B]’. This is an important distinction as AO3 separates the two into two different tags. You should tag what is the end goal for your fic - thus a friends to lovers fic should only be tagged with the ‘/’ version of a tag and not the ‘&’ version. 
For relationships that do not fit into a neat romantic/sexual or platonic binary conventions differ from fandom to fandom. Personally, I prefer to tag both and specify in the ‘additional tags’ field that the relationship is ambiguous, queerplatonic, etc. Relationships that are written as either platonic or romantic but could theoretically be read as romantic/platonic as they do not outright state that the characters
in a realtionship should only be tagged as either ‘/’ or ‘&’, whichever is appropriate.
All free-form tags, including relationship tags, can be written in non-Latin characters. However, the fandom will be archived according to a Romanised transliteration.
A note on the order of character names in relationship tags on fic containing sex scenes: historically certain fandoms have taken the order of the 2+ names of a ship to denote which character would top and which would bottom in sex scenes, with the top being written first and the bottom second. This is not widely used anymore, but be aware that some readers may interpret your tag this way.
For the most part the only tags you should be writing in this field are the relationships depicted in the fic, but there are a few common exceptions I have seen in multiple fandoms
‘No romantic relationship(s)’. No romantic relationships are depicted in this fic. It is theoritically made redundant by the existence of the Gen category, but to be honest I think enough people mistag non-Gen fic as Gen that this tag can potentially still be useful for readers trying to find fics that do not depict romance.
‘Minor or background relationship(s)’. This tag can be used to separate the tag(s) of the relationship(s) that are the focus of the fic and those that are not. e.g. ‘[Person A/Person B/Person C/Person D], Minor or background relationship(s), [Person B/Person E], [Person F & Person G].’
You may also see people list relationships as ‘background [person A]/[person B]’ or ‘[person A]/[person B]/[person C] (minor)’ or similar to denote the same. Personally, I prefer not to use this method as it can potentially create additional work for AO3’s volunteers. 
A note on tagging background relationships and background characters: Some writers prefer not to tag them to avoid cluttering tags of characters or relationships that only make minor appearences. Personally, I strongly believe that relationship tags and character tags are content warnings of equal importance to anything you might find in the ‘additional tags’ section, and if a character or relationship has any bearing on the story whatsoever they should be tagged.
A note on MCYT fic specifically: Please see note in the ‘Characters’ section explaining synonymous tags to learn why you do not need to use the content creator’s names in order for your fic to show up in searches. 
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[ID: free text input bar titled ‘characters’.]
This is where you list the characters depicted in your story.
For the most part, the only tags you should be writing in this field are the characters in the fic, but there are a few common exceptions I have seen in multiple fandoms
‘No characters’. Used when no characters are depicted in the fic. 
‘Minor character(s)’. This tag can be added between the tags for the main character(s) of the fic and any other characters depicted. 
Some people may also write this is ‘background [person A]’ or ‘[person A] (minor)’ or similar. Personally, I prefer not to use this method as it can potentially create additional work for AO3’s volunteers.
A note on tagging background relationships and background characters: Some writers prefer not to tag them to avoid cluttering tags of characters or relationships that only make minor appearences. Personally, I strongly believe that relationship tags and character tags are content warnings of equal importance to anything you might find in the ‘additional tags’ section, and if a character or relationship has any bearing on the story whatsoever they should be tagged.
All free-form tags, including character tags, can be written in non-Latin characters. However, the fandom will be archived according to a Romanised transliteration.
A note on MCYT fic specifically:
A common complaint I see is “I wish AO3 didn’t make us use the content creators’ names when talking about the characters”. I feel you, I don’t like to mention them either, but I have good news: you don’t have to! 
AO3 is coded in such a way that one tag can have multiple names, and while we can’t avoid the ‘official’ name of the tag showing up in searches, you can use one of its alternate names on your own fic. 
I will walk you through how to do this in such a way that your fic will still show up in the relationship and/or character tag when people search for it. I have picked an example tag to show this. 
First, you want to find the tag you are planning on using and click on it.
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[ID: A list of AO3 tags. A cursor is hovering over the tag ‘Oliver Brotherhood/Charles | Grian/Ryan | GoodTimesWithScar’].
It will take you to a page that looks like this.
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[ID: The AO3 page for the tag ‘Oliver Brotherhood/Charles | Grian/Ryan | GoodTimesWithScar’].
At this point you want to find where it says ‘[# of works] Works in [Tag you want to use]’ at the top of the page and click on that.
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[ID: The AO3 page for the tag ‘Oliver Brotherhood/Charles | Grian/Ryan | GoodTimesWithScar’. A cursor is hovering over the large font size name of the ship at the very top of the page.] 
Which will take you to a page that lists all of the details about that ship, including what type of tag it is, what tags it is linked to in other tag categories, and lastly what other tags are registered as having the same meaning as this tag. It looks like this:
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[ID: The details page for the tag ‘Oliver Brotherhood/Charles | Grian/Ryan | GoodTimesWithScar’. It lists its parent tags as the character and fandom tags it belongs to, as well as all of the possible synonyms for that relationship. Some examples include ‘MumboJumbo/Grian/GoodTimesWithScar’, ‘mumbo/scar/grian’, and ‘pre-Mumscarian’.] 
If you manually input any of the tags listed in the ‘tags with the same meaning’ section your fic will automatically show up in searches for that ship. 
Alternatively, you can manually input a tag that is not listed. This tag will not show up in searches until a volunteer has had the time to categorise your inputted tag as synonymous with the tag containing the name(s) of the content creator(s). If you do this for a relationship, try to avoid portmanteau ship names, duo names, and other ship nicknames, as the person categorising tags might not have the same familiarity with the source material or the culture of the fandom as you do. Instead write it following the ‘[person A]/[person B]’ format. 
Additional Tags
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[ID: free text input bar titled ‘Additional Tags’.]
Finally we have additional tags. 
This is a catch-all category for any tags that do not fit into any of the other categories. The tags you find here will usually fit into one or more of the following categories: 
Genre. Some examples include conventional genres such as romance, fantasy, and meta critique, but also fanfiction specific genres such as fix-it, fluff, and angst. 
Tropes/Themes. Some examples include lovers-to-enemies, alternate universes, alpha/beta/omega, polyamory, canon-divergence, and found family. 
Format. Some examples include ficlet, multi-chapter, drabble, POV second person, and unreliable narrator. 
Common triggers. If there is anything in your fic you want to warn your readers about that is not included in the archive warnings, this is where you do it. Some examples include dub-con (dubious consent), loss of limbs, eating disorders, alcoholism, and references to past abuse.
Bear in mind that anything can be a trigger, even everyday situations or things typically commonly associated with positive emotions. It is impossible to tag every trigger, however, we can try our best to tag common ones. 
Comments or additions to tags from other categories. Some examples include mentioning that a ship is written as queerplatonic, that a character is depicted as having ADHD, and that a particular character is bottoming in your sex scene(s). 
This is not a comprehensive list, but should encompass most of the tags you would be looking to use in the Additional Tags category. 
Try to keep your trigger warnings together as much as possible, as readers might otherwise miss tags listed separate from the rest of the triggers. If you are unsure how to do this for multi-chapter fic, consider adding the ‘tags may change’ or  the ‘other additional tags to be added’ tags to your fic, and then continue to add tags as you publish new chapters. This will tell your readers to re-familiarise themselves with the tags on your fic with each new update. 
One tag you may see used often is ‘dead dove - do not eat’. This tag does not necessarily imply dark themes, it is simply a convenient shorthand for ‘I have told you what to expect from this fanfiction. If you choose to read it and dislike what you find you cannot claim that you were not warned’. 
A very common mistake I see is people using AO3 tags like they are tumblr tags. It isn’t bad per se, but it does make filtering harder. Volunteers called tag wranglers routinely go through uncategorised freeform fandom, character, relationship, and additional tags to sort them into the proper categories. While I cannot tell you what to do, I would urge you to bear in mind that AO3 is an organisation run entirely on voluntary work, and it is very easy for you to make their lives easier. Some examples of how to do this include using the ‘ambigious relationship’ tag instead of some variation of ‘could be read ad /p or /r’, trying to avoid typos in your tags, or keeping your notes on why you wrote this particular fic in the author’s notes. 
The one exception to this, as far as I have seen, is to add additional information to the tags you include. An example would be using the established tag for a potential trigger and then adding how it appears in another tag. This way people looking to filter that trigger can still filter it, and people who are hesitant about it can read what you have to say about it. I have included a few examples of this from real life fics I found browsing AO3 just now.
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[ID: The Watchers - Freeform, they’re not like the Watchers from Evo though]
Establishes that a particular faction of characters are depicted, but divorced from the original source material.
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[ID: Audio series 04: Gallifrey o4 (Gallifrey), set between reborn and disassembled] 
Establishes that the fic takes place during the fourth season of the source material, then specifies exactly which episodes it is set between.
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[ID: Genocide, and general wartime atrocities] 
Establishes a common trigger is present, and that you can also expect depictions of similar themes that might not be as easy to define.
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[ID: no major character death, but death all the same]
Establishes that while the archive warning for major character death has not been used, death is still depicted in this fic.
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[ID: POV first person, might switch it up though] 
Establishes what type of narrator to expect, as well as the fact that this may change over the course of the multi-chapter fic. 
One final note 
My #1 advice for anyone, regardless of what category they may be tagging in, is this: Always bear in mind that you are tagging both for the people looking for a fanfiction like yours and for the people looking to avoid a fanfiction like yours. It is a description to attract readers only as much as it is a warning for readers looking to avoid certain tropes/themes/characters/etc. 
I hope this helped. Happy writing! <3
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headkiss · 9 months
I LOVE the idea of protective Hotch constantly having an eye out for younger bau!agent who’s literally sunshine personified and the complete opposite of him!! Do u think u could write something along the lines of that—maybe him protecting her from something or just their dynamic?
i also love protective hotch!!! tysm for the request i hope u like it baby :D | 1k of fluff, tw for a small burn!
You’d been surprised when you got a job at the BAU. You didn’t have that much faith in yourself at first. Not to say you don’t believe in your skills, but it’s a widely known part of the bureau. A lot of people wanted the job.
And then, there’s Agent Hotchner, unit chief and intimidating though you’re sure he doesn’t mean to be. You were insanely nervous at the beginning.
That was before you started, before the team welcomed you as the new media liaison after Agent Jareau became a profiler. You met Garcia and her collection of fun high heels, Reid and his never ending supply of facts, and you sort of fit right in.
Hotch became much less intimidating. A kind man who cares so deeply for his team that you couldn’t help but like him the way you do. Not to mention the dynamic that built between the two of you.
The small things he does for you that are impossible to ignore. A hand covering the edge of your desk to protect your head when you were searching underneath it for a dropped paper clip, the way he physically places himself between you and danger if he ever gets the chance.
He’s always there, protecting you in ways both big and little, and you enjoy it more than you should.
It’s even brighter on nights like tonight. Drinks and snacks at Penelope’s after a tough case. Nights when you get to call him Aaron instead of Hotch, when he smiles and laughs freely without restraint.
The beep of the oven cuts off yours and Garcia’s conversation, and when she shifts to take care of it, you stop her, “I got it! You’re already hosting, just relax a little.”
“Thank you,” she smiles, squeezing your arm as you walk by.
The smell of food in the oven hits your nose as you walk into the kitchen, humming along to whatever song spills through the speakers.
You pull the oven open, reaching in without thinking and touching the pan with your bare hand. You drop it quickly, metal clanking as it falls back onto the rack in the oven.
“Shit!” You say it loudly, and then, even louder, addressing the team in the next room, “I’m okay!”
They all laugh a little at your reassurance, and then, like they know he wouldn’t let anyone else check on you before him, pretty much every set of eyes in the room lands on Hotch.
He shakes his head and heads to the kitchen, because he would’ve gone either way.
“You okay?” He asks, finding you with an oven mitt on your non-burnt hand, reaching into the oven, and your burnt hand shaking by your side.
“Oh!” You set the pan of nachos on top of the stove and slip off the mitt, turning off the oven and looking at Hotch. “I forgot oven mitts were a thing for a second there. Burnt my hand, I think.”
He’s on you in a second, his hands gently grasping your injured arm, pushing back your sleeve and guiding you over to the sink. His hold is light, never bruising even though you know he has the strength to do so.
It’s the kiss of sunlight on skin.
Aaron turns on the sink, places his fingers under the water to make sure the temperature’s okay before guiding your hand under the stream.
“You still took out the nachos first?” He asks, even when he knows that’s what you’d do, because of course you’re worrying about everyone else before yourself.
“I didn’t want them to burn.”
You’re trying to be brave, though your hand hurts so much there are tears misting your eyes. You’re bouncing on your feet a little to try and deal with the pain.
“How bad does it hurt?” Hotch checks.
Aaron’s felt this sort of protectiveness over you ever since you started. A little younger than him, this ball of light that’s come bursting into his life. You’re always the positive one, even in the darkest situations and he can’t help but want to shield you to keep it that way.
There’s this thing in his chest that tugs and tugs when you’re around, that makes him stand next to you in any room, in front of you in darkness.
“It’s okay,” you say, though your voice cracks a little. “I’m sure you’ve seen much worse, Hotch.”
“Aaron,” he reminds you gently, “and you don’t have to pretend. It’s alright if it hurts, I just wanna help.”
The sink running mingles with the music coming from the next room, the background noise to your moment with him.
“You could bring the nachos out? I told Garcia I would, but we see how that turned out.”
“Okay, I'll bring them out.”
“Don’t forget oven mitts!”
He huffs with a smile, somehow always surprised with how easily you can turn something around. A smile on your face even with tears shining in your eyes and a hand that’s surely stinging.
Aaron carries the tray of nachos and drops them off, then turns to Penelope, “you have a first aid kit?”
“Oh my gosh! Yeah, bathroom cabinet, I can grab it.”
“It’s alright, Garcia. I’ll get it.”
“Is everything okay?”
“Don’t worry. Nothing major, I’m taking care of it.”
He grabs the first aid kit and heads back to the kitchen where you’re still holding your hand under the stream of water.
“Okay,” Aaron sets the kit down on the counter, opening it and then turning off the tap. “Let me see, honey.”
The word melts into you, sticky sweet, and you hold your hand towards him, palm up.
He starts by drying your hand with a piece of paper towel, pressing your skin lightly. His other hand is under yours, his palm against the back of your hand a painkiller in itself.
You hiss when he hits a sensitive spot, and he’s quick to apologize, his voice low and quiet. “Sorry. I’m sorry. Almost done.”
“It’s okay, Aaron. It's not your fault I thought I was heat-proof.”
“You’re cute.”
A smile spreads over your face, your head tilted down to stare and his hands around yours. You watch him spread some Polysporin over your burn, his fingertips featherlight over your skin, soft apologies leaving him every time you flinch a little.
By the time he’s done, the first aid kit shut on the counter, you’ve both forgotten about the rest of the team in the next room. Aaron’s happy to bask in your sunshine.
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kakiastro · 1 month
Astrology Notes:
Mercury Edition
This is what my astrology notes look like lol
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-People who have a Mercury-Uranus aspect can indicate having lots of intelligence. These are the “mad geniuses” of our world. These native may have lots of ideas on how to help humanity as a whole. You might be in a lot of controversies over your words or be misunderstood. On the flip side of this aspect, this can indicate someone who has a strong knowledge of it all personality and don’t want to hear others options. May get offended easy and loves to argue.
-Mercury/Moon aspect natives need to control their emotions before they speak especially if you have it in a harsher aspect like a square or opposition. You may get flustered or your feelings may get hurt easily. These natives are sensitive to words, they may act like they don’t care but it definitely hurt their heart. On the flip side, they may be mostly the quiet type of people. Once they open up, it’s like a whole different person lol. They also have a strong intuition, they understand people more than they let on. They also have a soft spot for babies and young kids.
-Mercury Capricorn/10h natives has a lot of wisdom within them. They start learning harsh lessons during there early years. Usually by the time they reach their first Saturn return, they may sound like a retired 60 year old giving out advice due what they’ve endured 😅 Capricorn rules over time, so as they get older, the more introspection they have on the word. These are the perfect natives to receive advice from because of the lived experience. On the flip side, if these natives use their words or actions to hurt others, it will come back. Capricorn is one of the “power” placements , hence why it rules the 10h(highest point our chart) so moral of the story, use your words for good. Make stretching your daily routine, your cap Mercury will one day thank you. Also, take care of your teeth, even if you can’t afford to go the dentist , brush them and floss.
-Mercury/Jupiter aspect natives have a thirst for knowledge and seeking the truth. They don’t believe in the theory “not everything has an answer.” Because to them it does, you’re just too stupid to them to find it but they will😅don’t lie, y’all know it’s true! These natives will make excellent historians, professors, gurus, researchers, writers. They are pretty open about their beliefs and don’t mind debating you about them.
-Mercury Pisces/12h natives occasionally experience brain fog😅 they have the ideas and creativity but they’re time when their brain is filled with smoke😭 sometimes they just be talking and we don’t know what their talking about but they have beautiful voices so we let it slide lol. Speaking of voices, they are incredibly singers, like you just get lost or hypnotized by their words. Listening to frequency music or Lo-fi songs will help soothe y’all mind. Take care of feet, clip your big toe nail and put some lotion on them. Don’t be out here with goblin feet😭
-Mercury Sagittarius/9h natives loves foreign cultures and always traveling some damn where chile😅 these natives are either anti-religious or very religious. They may also just like studying religion as an interest without really holding those beliefs themselves. May have lots of father figures growing up. May have their own library of books and publications they love to keep. These natives, like Capricorn are also good at giving advice because they’re constantly researching or reading to find answers. Take care of y’all legs by stretching, running, even if you’re disabled, if you can, physical therapy or someone you trust can stretch your legs for you. I know everyone circumstances is different and that’s ok! Do what you can with what you got!
-Chiron Gemini /3h words can be so healing but triggering at the same time. They tell it like it is and it can sting but at the same, their advice can help the collective. They may have a wound with a sibling(s) . They could’ve been bullied in elementary school. These people at their best, turn their pain into healing and help others. They may understand the misunderstood people in our world. At worst, they use their pain to hurt others , they may have started out doing that but then started learn and heal. It really depends on the person because we all have free will.
-Chiron is said to associated with Virgo since it’s a healer astroid. It’s also associated with Sagittarius because he’s a teacher and a centaur which are ruled by Jupiter.
-Mercury/Venus natives have such beautiful voices and has a way with words😍these are the true charmers, they way that they can make you fall in love with them with just their voice and words. If they decided to write a book, it would get lots of attention especially if they write romance and poetry.
-Mercury Aries’s /1h natives loves cussing and has a potty mouth on them for sure 😅y’all put a sailor to shame. They may come off as brash with their words even though they mean well. You just have to listen to the words and not the tone sometimes😅. I also notice these natives tend to get lots of headaches or migraines with this placement.
I’ll stop here but I might make a part 2 to this. Let me know what Mercury placements or aspect you want me to make note on. I’m also open for paid readings if you’re interested!
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luvjunie · 11 months
Hey sweetie, I’ve been a real big fan. Can you write some HCS or a fic about the both Miles being twins?
a/n: ABSOLUTELY 10000% YES. i had way too much fun with this oml. and omg thank you you’re so sweet! 😭 btw, let’s just pretend that in this au they don’t have the same name since they’re ‘twins’ lmao
— headcanons. miles and miles as twins
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Twins? Yes. Polar opposites? Definitely.
They both have a completely different sense of style, but one thing they have in common is that they both love Jordan’s. However I feel like miles!42 is a full blown sneakerhead. Has the better collection and often finds miles!1610 wearing his shoes, because somehow 42 always manages to win the snkrs raffles.
“Are those my brand new fuckin’ 4s?” “Uh… no?” “Take my shit off before I tweak out.”
42 keeps his side of the room squeaky clean, gets upset if there’s even a sock that does not belong to him on his side
Absolutely hates the song Sunflower. Cannot stand it, makes him wanna rip his hair out. The minute it came out 1610 played it into the dirt and 42 swears he can still hear it in his dreams till this day
1610 is the more affectionate one (outwardly) while 42 likes to pretend he’s completely devoid of that as if he doesn’t love his brother with everything in him.
“You got exactly three seconds to get off me.” “Just hug me back, damn!”
They’re the kind of brothers to open soundcloud, turn on a random trap beat and see who can go the longest freestyling. They do that thing where guys bring their fist to their mouths and squeal and shove each other out of excitement when they get a good flow going back and forth
42 is definitely the athletic type, plays football and soccer. 1610 is more in tune with his artistic side. Will play sports for fun but doesn’t care for them like that
42 is introverted as hell, doesn’t really like talking to people. 1610 is more of a social butterfly
They’ve never once liked the same girl. Ever. Their taste is drastically different
“Bro, you like a white girl?” “…Yes? What does her race have to do with anything?” “See me personally—“. “Literally nobody fucking asked.”
Used to help each other break out of their cribs when they were babies. Either that or Jeff and Rio would wake up to find that 42 had climbed into 1610’s crib after they’d been put down and slept with him instead. it was impossible to keep them apart from each other, so eventually they just broke down the second crib and let them use the one.
You can tell who is who in their baby pictures. You guessed it, 42 was the oddly solemn one who always wanted to play by himself. They worried about him for a bit. They also had to tickle him as an attempt to get him to smile in pictures, and just their luck, he’s never been ticklish
When they were eight years old, 1610 accidentally broke the wolverine action figure 42 never went anywhere without, and 42 cried about it for three days straight
They definitely ask for each other’s opinions on their outfits
“Do you think this shirt goes with these pants?” “The entire outfit is black… how would it not go together?”
They both obviously love their mother but 42 is the biggest mama’s boy. Always in the kitchen helping her cook, will watch her telenovelas with her and actually keep up with the plot. He’ll willingly follow her to the grocery store or accompany her on her ridiculously long Ross/Tjmaxx sprees because he likes hanging out with her
They terrorize the fuck outta their dad and have been doing so since they entered this world because they think it’s funny. Stupid shit like dying his boxers pink, or looking up a cracked tv screen video on youtube just to watch him nearly have a heart attack thinking they broke it. They used to twin-swap when they were younger to get out of certain things, but it’s 100% impossible to pull off now. They’re way too different, physically and mentally
Uncle Aaron took 42 to get his ears pierced when he was thirteen, something 1610 would never do. Rio basically had an aneurysm when he came home with them in and Jeff was not pleased but Aaron took the blame for it, said it was his idea. 42 made up some bullshit lie about how if he takes them out before they heal completely they’ll get infected. Still has them in till this day
42 is exactly fourteen minutes older and refuses to let 1610 hear the end of it, but 1610 is taller by an inch and weighs a little more.
“I don’t know why you’re talking shit like I’m not older than you. Pipe down lil’ bro.” “Sorry, is someone talking to me right now? Cause I sure as hell can’t see ‘em.” “Nigga it’s ONE INCH”
They’re definitely scrapping over that, and both get smacked upside their heads by Mama Rio for fighting with each other
42 needs the tv and the fan on, SIMULTANEOUSLY when he sleeps or he’ll be up the entire night. 1610 can’t stand it
1610 will try and turn the fan off after his brother’s been asleep for probably two hours, thinking he’s in the clear until he hears—
“Do you value your life? Turn my damn fan back on.”
Deep down 42 is a big ass softie and loves spending time with 1610, he has no idea what he’d do without him. He’s just not the best at expressing it. 1610 teases him about it simply because he enjoys aggravating his other half
“You still got plans with Ganke tonight?” “Nah, his mom’s dragging him to some baby shower.” “Oh, cool, cool… So what movie are we watching?” “Huh?” “Huh—Headass. What movie are we watching tonight?” “Sorry, I’m not understanding. Are you—asking to spend time… with me?” “Damn, I need to say it in Spanish? Matter fact, you probably won’t understand that either. No sabo ass.”
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Sun/Venus - A person with a sun/venus aspect has a charming ability that can masks itself into getting others to do what you want. The original sirens. Learning how to express this more often can garner them more fame, respect and power. They are naturally popular, but if they dont know how to awaken it, they usually have to embrace their sensuality much more often and get more into the spotlight.
Jupiter/Moon - Knowing what works is a natural ability they have. This takes a little arrogance on their end (jupiter) and trusting the power of intuition (moon) to make it more favorable. It seems as if that placement just knows things without knowing. And they should be more honest with themselves instead of guarding this gift. You never know when someone is going to need your intellect in somethning.
Mars/Moon - Hidden geniuses when it comes to working hard for something. That inner passion they feel sparks up real big energy, so a small tip for them is to work on that thing each day no matter what. It could be 30 minutes a day or whatever, but to keep the drive and focus churning more they have to keep the momentum.. because once they stop its harder to get back in with that same momentum.
Pluto/Sun - Transformative by nature, they need to spend more time in nature imo.. Nature is the inner reflection of us all, so these people have to learn to transform themselves like the way of the water, the trees, butterflies etc. Like how the seasons change, so do y'all. Very similar in nature to sun/neptune but more on the darker end. You guys need to be at peace with your transcendence and not reject it. The more you open yourself up to others the more powerful you become. <3
Mars/Jupiter - Being able to focus on a path that makes your heart sing, that is transcendence. You guys have a big appetite for learning, so putting all your effort in making a stronger impact on your mind is necessary. The choices you make in bettering yourself is a form of self-mastery and at some point might take up space. We're dealing with jupiter, after all.
Sun/Moon - Whew. I love yall. such a whimsical energy present. Your love for yourself and the world is a reflection of the inner child that is always constantly moving. Keep doing you, is my main tip. Focus on having a more balanced presence, and doors will open up for you much more easily. Got it?
Mercury/Jupiter - Talk. Talk. Talk. But talk about the things you love, what excites you, what makes your world much bigger. Your infinite mind is the key to enrichment in your journey, so why not share that with others who might be interested in the same. It could be as simple as a good book you just finished reading. Inviting others to how you see the world will attract more followers to you that you ever knew.
Neptune/Moon - Learning to accept your boundaries with others helps you heal a lot more than you realize. You're not for everyone, your cool, calm collected nature is what attracts people to you like flies... but its not for everyone to receive. You get me? Just be open to more out there, because the world is your oyster no matter who tells you otherwise. K <3
If you're interested in learning more, check out my tags! Also, if you want to know anything about your own chart, feel free to go into my asks! Thanks for reading, chow :)
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rageserenity · 3 months
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It's 2024. Are you still thinking about movieverse!Cherik? Because I am.
For the past several months, there's only been a very slow trickle of posts/fics in the xmcu cherik tag. Let's try to breathe some life back into this incredible pairing!
With one clear winner of my poll, here's thirty prompts for the thirty days of April. (This is a super chill, laid-back event---do these in any order, interpret them as loosely as you like! Create in any medium! Fic, art, gifs, meta, incoherent screaming about the otp…all winners in my book.)
The only rule here is to cherik too close to the sun. Alright. Here are the prompts.
Mutual Pining
Doesn't really even need elaboration! Write that horrifically slow slow-burn. Gif every time McAvoy made insane fuck me eyes on screen. Make a playlist of songs about impossible love.
2. Alternate Meetings
There are endless quotes about how these two complete each other in a way no one they'd met before or after ever did. How else could they have met?
3. Erik Has A Telepathy Kink
This is basically canon. Let my boy get freaky!
4. Canon Fix-It
All the times Fox fucked it up. There are endless options.
5. Hurt/Comfort
Put them in that Situation. Put them in that Blender. Break them apart and put them back together ❤️‍🩹
6. Canon Compliant
Draw that missing scene! Gif your favourite cherik moment!
7. Beach Divorce
Make it worse. Make it better. Show it to us exactly how it was. Break it down in a 3,000 word meta. Go wild!
8. Domestics
Sometimes you just want to see them doing normal couple things. Erik put the gun down.
9. Found Family
The real heart of x-men!
10. Time Travel
There are SO many possibilities here. Stick them in a time loop. Give them a chance to change their past.
11. AU
Love a good AU!
12. There Is Only One Bed
Had to get this one in here. What better way to amp up the tension?
13. Genosha
By some miracle, cherik actually did end up together at the end of 2019s trash bag disaster Dark Phoenix. We aren’t making a big enough deal about this.
14. Declaration(s) of Love
Who says it first? How do they say it and when? Have they said it…without saying it?
15. Jealousy
Need I say more.
16. Reunion
These two have absolutely no chill.
17. Soulmates
Classic prompt, had to get this in here too.
18. The DOFP Aircraft
The TENSION here. Break it down for me. How does Charles feel about his injury? How does Erik feel about his injury?
19. Gay Mutant Road Trip
You already know.
20. Body Swap
SO fun when people have superpowers.
21. First Kiss
When? How? Who initiated it?
22. The Mansion
Mansion!content is a genre of its own.
23. Conflicting Ideology
Give me your theses. Who’s right? Can they ever reconcile completely? Write a fic where it drives them apart.
24. Sebastian Shaw
A trope unto himself.
25. Team As Matchmaker
They had to have known something was going on, didn’t they?
26. Cooking
Charles deserves a good meal. Also, imagine Erik using his powers in the kitchen. The sheer domesticity…
27. Hurt No Comfort
Plenty of scope with these two 🥲
28. Growing Old Together
Giving Sirs Ian Mckellan and Patrick Stewart their props as well!
29. Making Up
*pushes chess board across the table* sorry babe
30. Charles Xavier Did More For Mutants Than You'll Ever Know
Rising to each other’s defense. Only I can insult this man.
I will be tracking #revivecherik to reblog stuff! Here’s a fic collection for the same. Let’s get this ball rolling! Please feel free to send me an ask if you’ve got anything to say! And most importantly, let’s all have fun 😁
*I know a few of you preferred something like a gift exchange because of the commitment factor—I’m super down to organise a tiny one for the handful of us! If this promptathon doesn’t flop horribly, we can hopefully do a whole bunch of stuff :)
If you read this post all the way through, please reblog for reach! Thank you! Hoping you participate come April.
Shoutout to @inmymagnetoera for reaching out and helping with this!
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midnightorchids · 2 months
More soft Jason ideas since you deserve it and your wonderful and supper cool Girldad!Jason BRRROOOOOOO Oh my goddddddd ok like- - Jason is the kind of dad who always has music playing in the house, he mindlessly sways and hums along as he makes morning (or night-time) pancakes for you and his little girl. She'll come running up to him, her thick black hair tangled over her face, and pull on his pant leg. He'll sweep her up into his arms, her small head fitting perfectly against his chest as she watches him make breakfast, still somewhat asleep and aloof. He'll start bopping along to the music with her little hands around his neck, filling up the kitchen with shrieks of laughter and he peppers her soft cheeks with kisses. - I feel like you and him would like in a beach house, somewhere away from the city and his old job as Red Hood. Your daughter would bring home buckets of pretty rocks and sea glass that Jason keeps in jars along the living room windowsills. He has to dump some back onto the shore every time he sees her washing the new rocks and shells on the front porch. - After long summer days of playing and wrestling in the waves, you would all curl up for a post-beach nap. Smelling like salt with the prick of the sun settling into your tired bones. Your daughter would fit perfectly between you two. Jasons hand behind his head with his other wrapped firmly around you and his little girl. - Get's his daughter obsessed with reading just as much as he is. Would build her book-shelf after book-self as her collection of story-books and middle grade fairy books expands. - Helps his daughter roast marsh mellows during the beach bonfires you guys have when Roy and his daughter visit. Your daughter and Lian are best friends- playdates once a week kind of thing. - When she's little, he'll always have his daughter on his knee during big family dinners. He let's her eat anything off of his plate, keeping his arm around her as he talks with Dick. - Overall, just- every-time he falls asleep next to you he feels like crying into your shoulder, unable to thank you enough for bringing such a precious perfect bundle of laughter into his life. Huge 'my wife showed me how to love and my daughter showed me how to forgive energy lmao.
I want night time pancakes with Jason and my little baby girl wtf!!! Also, thank you so much for sending this in. I love it and I literally fail to understand how you pull up with the most amazing scenarios every time, I’m actually in love with your writing!! You’re amazing!
Anyways lol!! I’m gonna be honest, I don’t want to have biological children but for Jason… I’d do it, no hesitation. He’d be the most amazing girl dad, I love him so so so much.
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I’m not sure if people have already said this before but can you imagine him learning how to do your daughter’s hair!! He has a YouTube hair tutorial playing on the TV as your daughter sits in between his legs. He’s got bobby pins in between his teeth and hair ties around his wrist. He’s using a small comb to gently brush through her little curls.
He’s learning how to braid her hair and he’s having some difficulty, but he’s a persistent man, and like he always tells his little girl, practice makes perfect! He will sit there for days, hours upon hours, trying to make the most flawless set of Dutch braids. Once he’s succeeded at his craft, he’ll admire his work and will tell his daughter to go show you his skills. And oh my goodness, how adorable does she look showing off her father’s braiding skills!!
I also saw a quote on Instagram earlier today and it said that “tenderness is in the hands” and I immediately thought of Jason. There is no one with gentler hands than Jason. His fingers may be rough and his knuckles might be permanently bruised from his past, but when he interlocks his hands with his baby girl, they are the most delicate and warmest hands she has ever felt.
He will run his fingers through her hair, as she lays her tiny head against his chest and he’ll read her favourite stories. She’ll take his hands out of her hair and just play with his fingers. Trace little shapes on his palm, measure her small hand against his big, calloused ones. It’ll melt Jason’s heart and he’ll feel like crying. There will be days where he needs to stop reading and take a minute to appreciate the tenderness of the moment, without completely crumbling.
Also, I kind of hate to say it, but it’s so true. Jason would totally try to heal his daddy issues by being the best possible parent.
He’d treat his daughter like an actual princess and not just in terms of materialistic things. He’d be there for her in every circumstance; he’d be the best moral support and the best cheerleader anyone could ask for.
If your daughter plays any sports or plays an instrument, any thing really, he’d always be there to encourage her and comfort her when it started to become tough. He’d attended every game, every practice, every performance. Like I said, the best cheerleader.
Basically long story short, I’d die for soft, girl dad Jason.
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honey-milk-depresso · 4 months
hello love, i adore your work.
could i get something with the batboys with a spider woman reader?
I’m making them spiderperson cuz gotta stay GN for everyone to self insert themselves 🩷
Requests open until 1 Feb (GMT 8+)! Please read the rules on my pinned post (provided the navi post link to go to rules). Thank you!🩷🩷
***S/o is above 18, which means characters below are also aged up!
Batbros with a Spider-S/o
Dick Grayson
He loves you! You manoeuvre in the air and swing about just like him! Just that you got webs, cool!
Definitely joins you in hanging upside down, also loving to compete with you (lovingly) to see who can jump the farthest, or who can do the most bomb-tastic somersault with you and you guys have so much fun during patrol it’s not even patrol anymore.
Beating bad guys in the most dramatic, acrobatic way possible is definitely something Bruce and the rest of the brothers all sigh collectively because you two can be pretty chaotic.
But whatever, you two have so much fun jumping around.
Has taken you out on dates as Nightwing and your spider-sona, because even people around the city thinks you two are a match made in heaven. I imagined a pizza guy giving them a box and saying for them to have fun while swinging around with Dick and having pizza in between your teeth while you race to see who can reach the far end of a street whilst swinging and stunting about.
Overall, you two make a loveable couple of acrobats. <3
Jason Todd
He thought you were annoying at first, but even he can’t deny you make his day (most of the time).
He feels a bit irritated yet amused whenever you hang upside down and playfully greet him or joke with him while on patrol, sometimes in secret which scares the shit out of him when you pop out of no where and he starts cussing before letting out a long, exasperated sigh when he looks at you laughing to yourself. Damn spider…
But even so, he can’t help but dote on you, even if you can be an annoying ball of energy sometimes. He just can’t help but let you jump around him with your spiderwebs all over the house when you try to take something from afar, using the webs to pull it towards you. Although… you are a bit bashful and guilty for keeping his tidy room messy with webs everywhere that you help clean up which he appreciates.
On patrols, you’re usually faster than him and sometimes he complains so you just shut him up by scooping him in his arms and holding him by the waist with one hand before web-slinging your way to the location where the criminal gang is as he huffed. From afar at times, it looks like a grown ass man being baby carried or held like a big dog by some spider person across the high buildings, which he gets a little flustered over.
Regardless, Jason still loves you. Just don’t shoot the webs everywhere- <3
Tim Drake
He’s fascinated by you, how your webs work and how you can stick on walls with just your fingertips.
Tim might ask a lot of questions about your anatomy and what your spider body can do which sometimes annoy you but he’s just so curious he can’t help it. Genuinely.
Another one who you scare the shit out of with you surprising him by hanging upside down and popping your head down to face his out of no where, but he’s not like Jason who reacts very… dramatically, he’ll just recover from shock to contort into a pout and maybe gently flick your forehead to tell you to knock it off, although he knows you won’t.
Might be a sap for that upside down kiss where you kiss him upside down and all because of course he would be-
Tim loves asking you to use your web fluid for practically everything now. “Hey, s/o? Could you use your web fluid to stick this circuit board in here?” “S/o could you grab the remote with your web? Pleaseeeee?” “S/o, I kinda need your web fluid to close up the hole in my pants-” sometimes you gotta tell him that’s not gonna work sometimes, and those pants will look weird if you do that-
Overall, Tim loves his whacky, loveable spider s/o. <3
Damian Wayne
Also like Jason, he found you annoying. But this guy is hard in denial before he admits he even likes you.
Damian, at first, keep scowling at how annoying you can be with your web-slinging for fun and not for patrol, and getting web strings all over his suit after patrol from an intense fight against the criminal gang you two were assigned to take down. Now, he still scowls but with a blush and his heart skipping a beat because he can’t deny how cute you are even if you’re an annoying lil shi- (or maybe you ain’t little but you get the point).
Damian will tolerate you swinging about, although he isn’t scared when you hang upside down to spook him a bit because you literally can’t, his god-like sense of instincts would immediately pick up on you without even needing to turn to face you. Sometimes you joke with him that he has spidey-senses to which he rolls his eyes casually.
He won’t say it out loud, but he thinks you’re a pretty impressive fighter and you kinda remind him of Dick but you’re still unique. He just make sure your web fluids don’t go all over the place that you make a mess of the evidence for the police.
Overall, a tsundere for his spider s/o. <3
Reblogs help! ^^
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a-sip-of-milo · 8 months
Need a reason to live?
Recently, I made four polls with eleven reasons to live in each. Most of those reasons were given to me by people who have also been suicidal in the past, and I decided to compile them into one long list (plus some) for anyone who needs it to come back to when they're out of reasons to keep going.
⚠️ Disclaimer: Please do not turn this into one of those "ALWAYS REBLOG IF YOU SEE" posts. Thank you. ⚠️
Your furry companion(s) (this means pets and friends who are furries <3)
Your friends
Your family
Those who look up to you
To reconnect with someone you haven't seen in a while
Your headmates (specific to those who are apart of systems)
There's someone who isn't around anymore who would want you to keep going
To eventually be a mentor to someone
To make sure your animals never have to sleep alone
To fall in love
Your partner
To meet your online friends/mutuals
To tell your mentor/the people who raised you with kindness that you made it
To see someone close to you through their final days
To make it big enough to eventually provide for those you care about
Your FP (personality disorder specific)
Group photos with your (found) family and friends
To help your friends do the same
The friends you've yet to meet
A promise you made to someone special
Acts of kindness
To be there when someone needs you
To see someone smile because of you
To make a stranger's day a little brighter
To hand out compliments to those who need it
To make the world a little bit better before you go
To treat the people around you the way you wish you'd been treated
To be the one person in someone's life who is there unconditionally.
To help someone you love to quit an addiction
To do charitable deeds
Hugs from someone you trust
Kisses from a partner, close friend or pet
Cuddles when it's cold/lonely
To laugh until your stomach hurts
Forehead touches
To hold someone so tight that they're wheezing
Doting on people when they're feeling down
To make the people around you laugh
That new game/movie/show/book/album/etc. that you’ve been waiting for
Telling everyone and anyone who will listen about your special interest/hyperfixations
To share creations that aren't appreciated enough
To save up for something that would make life more bearable
To finally complete a collection
Projects would be left unfinished
To travel
To complete a project you've been working on for a long period of time
Projects you've yet to come up with
To start participating in special interests you've had to put on hold
To laugh at the creations you made when you were younger and less experienced
Those who consume your work would never get to see another creation of yours
Spite (because I think spite deserves Its own section:))
To stick it to your abusers
To prove your younger self wrong
To prove the people around you wrong
To prove your younger self right
To prove the people around you right
To spit on the grave of someone who hurt you
As a big 'fuck you' to the world and everyone in it who tried to silence you
To outlive your enemies
To do something that you've never been allowed to do (get a piercing, tattoo, cut or dye your hair, etc.)
To show off your success to the people who doubted you
To make sure whoever hurt you doesn't win
You've got a milestone of some kind that you'd like to reach before you go
To see your (future) children reach a milestone of their own
To see a birthday you never thought you'd make it to
To graduate from school
To see your wounds from self-harm heal
To experience old age
To get married
To recover from your eating disorder
To experience independence
To start/complete your transition
To go on your first date
To get your first job
To adopt a child and give them the life that they deserve
To rescue a pet and give them a home
To purchase your first car
To rent/purchase your first house/apartment
To have your first child
To lose your virginity
To experience the joy of knowing you escaped/got through a bad situation
To eventually publish your own book/art piece/etc.
To finally get diagnosed with something important
So if nothing else, you can still say you survived
You have a bucket list you'd like to complete
To live because you want to, not because others want you to
Comfort drinks with someone you love
You wrote a letter to yourself that you can't open until a certain date/birthday
Those rare and valuable pieces of media with good representation of a minority/marginalised group.
To read through past conversations with people and cringe/laugh/cry.
All the different foods you've yet to try
To see the world become more accommodating to those who need it
To watch the seasons change
To celebrate the holidays
For those days where you do feel okay, perhaps even good
To eventually replace the stuff in your closet with things that represent who you are now
To read back on journals and diaries you made when you were younger
If you are not in a place where any of these help, that's more than okay as well. It will be here if and when you ever need it. Being suicidal can be extremely lonely and scary and we all deal with it in different ways.
If you have your own reason and you feel comfortable sharing it with me, let me know via asks or DM and it will be added as soon as I can 💞
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entername322 · 6 months
Irene (Red Velvet) x Male Reader
Length: 12860 words
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Cool, calm, and collected, that's the three main thing Irene always remind herself to keep.
Navigating through the idol life she has to keep herself from losing hold of her emotions.
Keep a facade, use a mask, make sure nobody sees what she feel or think. These are the main thing she always try to do when it comes to interacting with other people off camera.
She hates men, it's not because they've done something to her. It's just that she find all the men that have tried to flirt or make a move on her has been thoroughly pathetic and frankly, disgusting.
After years of navigating through the idol's life she's been very adept at hiding her feelings.
The nickname ice queen doesn't particularly mind her by any means. However she would also be lying if she said that the nickname doesn't hurt her sometimes.
She does have feelings, she just finds that showing it off would be a bad idea.
That being said, the name has done nothing but skyrocket her popularity, and help her build an image for herself.
Her cold expression and attitude has help her deter some people from coming on to her.
Although that just means the people that do came on to her is the stupidest or the most arrogant of the bunch.
"Unnie come on, Yun is a great guy"  
That didn't stop her own friends and member to try and hook her up with someone though.
"Seung-ah, I'm thankful, I really do, but I'm really not looking for anyone right now"
Her own member, Wendy has tried to hook her up with some people recently. Irene hates this, she despise people who try to do that for her.
Wendy however, is her own member, so her motherly and loving side for her and the hatred for such actions leave Irene in turmoil on how to escapes this situation.
"Come on, one dinner, if things goes bad then I'll swear I'll never pester you about this ever again"
Irene's mind raced quickly, on one hand she's afraid accepting it would enables her other member to do the same. On the other an unpleasant night for a life time, well, a few months or year of peace isn't so bad.
She concluded that if others try to do the same she'll just bring up this incident. After all, if Wendy, one of the best at judging characters and the most sociable of them all, can't find someone who could match her taste, who else would?
Despite the consent she has gave her, on the night of the dinner, she felt a little regret.
This is gonna be a bad dinner
Of course, she tried to keep an open mind. She wouldn't want to ruin her own friends effort with prejudice.
She did her research, looking at the man online. His social media, his occupation, okay maybe it's a little to creepy, but she can't help herself.
On paper, everything is fine, he's an accountant to a big law firm. Late 20s, been in a few relationships. He keeps his exes photo on his Instagram, and seeing his recent post he seems to still hangout with them.
Most of the pictures is group photo so it most probably means that he still hangout with the circle of friends without any issue.
Looks wise, he's average. Irene doesn't have a high standard by any means, she just hangout with some of the most beautiful idols around her work. Compared to them, he's average, which means he's pretty good looking for the general public.
So what's the red flag? Irene doesn't know herself, it's just, she doesn't have any interest in him.
Most of the thing she find about him just leave an 'oh' in her mind. Not bad 'oh' or a good 'oh' just 'oh'.
Nevertheless, she went to the dinner, a reservation at the 2 Michelin star restaurant. She enjoys this kinds of food, not that she's materialistic, she just have a taste for expensive things. Okay she might be a little materialistic, a bit more than what she would admit.
"Hello, I'm David, it's nice to meet you"
The man was waiting for her at the reserved table already.
Quite and secluded place at the corner of the room, away from the windows that the paparazzi could use.
This is a two Michelin star restaurant, even the worst seat is better than the one in most places.
"Hello, Seung talk alot about you"
Give a little smile, shake his hand, sit at your seat. Don't try to be hostile or too friendly. Observe him.
"I must say, I'm a big fan of your work, it's very surprising that Wendy would offer me this opportunity"
A genuine smile, no signs of nervousness. Irene, doesn't have any strong feeling about that confidence, but it does leave some impression for her to note.
"Well, Seung is, very social, she likes introducing her friends to each other"
Perhaps that trait of her have left Irene in some awkward and uncomfortable situation. Of course Irene would never say this out loud.
"So, should we order?"
Chatty, this man is chatty. It does bring a little relive for Irene. She prefers someone who would take over the conversation and alleviate some burden from her.
It also means he might slip up and say more than what he meant, which is perfect for her since she's observing him.
"..... And it was pretty funny actually. How about you? Did Wendy ever brought you to an awkward situation like that?"
He was talking about how Seung once tried to hook him up with a distant cousins of him.
"Not really, although I'm not really good at meeting new people"
"Well, I used to as well, but being dragged into a lot of social gatherings I've been.... Forced to adapt. There's this one time...."
The dinner was fine, things has been going well, Irene was surprised herself that he was pretty charming.
"Sorry if I talk alot, I tend to do it if I was nervous"
"It's fine, sorry if I didn't talk much either"
"Of course, it's my pleasure to, you know, have a chance to sit here with you-"
His phone buzzed.
"Sorry, just a moment"
Picking it up, he opened his newly received text. It was a nude picture of a woman.
Irene saw it and raised her eyebrow, how does she saw it? Well, the little painting behind him gave a little reflection.
Not a noticeable one, but her eyes is one of a hawk, never missing any small detail.
He answered the text, something Irene can't see, before looking back at her.
"Sorry, work stuff"
Hmmm, off putting, but since she doesn't see his response she wouldn't mind putting the benefit of the doubt, slightly.
"It's fine, you were talking about your first year at the law firm you're currently working on?"
The conversation continues smoothly, almost like the little hiccup from before never happened.
In fact, Irene was throughly surprised that things went well.
"So, that was a nice dinner"
"Yes, it was"
"It's been nice talking with you Irene"
"Me too"
The two gather up their thing and ready to leave. As they walk out, David did the sinful and unforgivable act in Irene's book. He put his hand on her shoulder, almost leading her.
"How about we continue our talk at my place, it was fun, and the night is still young"
Confident, so much so he thinks that he could bring me to his place after the first date? On a blind date on top of that?
"Sorry, I have an early schedule"
Irene smiled again, unlike the others one she gave ro him during the dinner, this one is an annoyed smile. Not that he would notice it.
"Oh come on, you're a senior already, just break the rule a little bit"
"I'm, really sorry, it's an important meeting"
"Come on, not even a kiss?"
The next day Irene came to work in a bad mood.
"So, how does it go?"
Wendy said the moment she saw her leader.
"Morning Seung"
"Come on, spill, I told you he's great"
"He was, until he tried to talk me into spending time in his place"
"He did?"
"Things are fine until the end of the dinner"
"Oh shit, sorry unnie, he's not Korean, things are, different in the-"
"Seung, I don't, I don't like the vibe he gave me at the end"
Wendy frowned, from disappointment, although she's not sure it was directed to Irene or David.
"I'll.... Okay, I understand"
"Sorry Seung, he seems like a great guy, but he's too aggressive for me"
"Yeah, I get it"
"Anyway, what's the plan for today?"
"Well, beside the photoshoot at noon me and Seulgi-unnie is going to meet some of the trainee that we have. There's some promising people our produce said"
Checking in on the trainee is something a lot of the idols do in SM. Even Irene has done it a few time before.
"Can I come with you?"
"Sure, come on"
The two of them went to meet up with Seulgi at their designated dressing room.
"Unnie is coming too?"
Irene nodded.
"Well let's go, I'm gonna be the dance instructor for today"
The group of three went to the trainee practice room.
As soon as they got in the rowdy buch of kids got quiet. Entranced by the three women.
"Morning everyone, I'm Seulgi from Red Velvet, today I'll be your dance instructor"
Seulgi's word cause a wave of panic between the trainees face.
"Don't be nervous, I'll try my best to help you all. As you may have know these are my members, Irene and Wendy, they will be watching us today. Don't panic, they are simply watching us"
Irene's eyes scanned the room,watching and observing the expression. None seems to stand out for her, until she saw you.
You, were not by any means an outstanding person. Not the most handsome, not the prettiest or the cutest. You do standout a little due too your absurd height, not that it shown when you sit down.
Was she looking at me? No, come on now man, don't get your hopes up, that's Irene.
But she did in fact, looking at you. Long enough for her to get into a trace, short enough to where nobody's watching pick on it.
Irene was, stunned, she wasn't sure why. Her eyes was just locked in place as she saw you.
Thankfully Wendy nudges her, waking her up from her daze. Wendy pulled her to the side, a nice place so they can watch the trainees.
"Okay, come on, stand up, let's start"
Irene's eyes is locked to you, watching your every movement.
That's the first thing she thinks about the first time she saw you stood up.
Her heart was racing, what are you doing to her? You didn't say anything, you didn't even acknowledge her more than you should.
Yet, somehow, you caught her attention.
She was too entranced to hear the instructions Seulgi is giving.
She did realised it when you started dancing along the others. Your movement was stiff, not unsalvageable. Your expression is one of full focus, something that does nothing but daze her even more.
"That's great, now, let's do individual test"
While others are panicking you were looking straight at Seulgi with contemplative gaze.
You looked away for a second, to gaze on Irene. Just a second, but it's enough to cause Irene's heart to skip a beat.
"Now, let's go, who want to start first?"
One particular trainee seems excited and enthusiastic, he raised his hand.
The others moved back, now facing Irene and Wendy, watching one by one getting called out to do a dance routine.
Wendy was cheering and giving words of encouragement every now and then to each participant. Seulgi gave a polite yet stern comments.
Irene was, well, she's busy watching you.
Enough for you to feel a little uncomfortable.
"What's up blue?"
"I don't know, I'm just nervous, that's Irene bro"
"Fuck I knew, I'm gonna embarrass myself in front of my favourite idol"
"What about me man, I was in the zone before and I still look like a dancing stickman"
"You'll do fine man, just, be confident"
"Yeah, you too bro. Do you, do you feel like Irene is watching at us?"
Your friend took a quick glance to Irene, however she was watching the trainee that's dancing right now.
"Nah man, but I know what you mean, she's definitely watching all of us"
That's, not what you mean at all. You look back at Irene, seemingly busy watching the one being tested right now.
Was it just your imagination?
It wasn't, Irene read your lips, realising you might caught up with her intense stare she looked away to make sure you didn't get suspicious.
She still watch you from the corner of your eyes. Not until you look away did she turned to continue watching her.
Suddenly, this becomes a cat and mouse game where both of you tried to look at each other without being noticed by the other.
You, failing miserably, there's like 6 times in 5 minutes where you were looking at her only to find her gaze at you back before you could look away.
Irene was cool, calm and collected, even in the event of stalking someone. Not a single time you realise that Irene was watching you. Even though she has watch you more than you watch her.
When your time is up, anxiety and fear take over you. Nervously you walked to the front.
"Let's go blue"
Your bro have your back thankfully.
"Don't be nervous"
Seulgi smiled to calm you down, doesn't help.
The music kicks in, and you start your dance.
While you were haphazardly dance, Irene was having a little joy in her heart. She now can watch you throughly without having to avert her gaze every now and then.
Your movement wasn't terrible, just bad. That doesn't seems to bother her the slightest. In fact, she find it cute.
Wait, hold on, cute?
Irene ws confused, how those those words come up at her mind. During her confusion you managed to finish your dance.
"Well, that was a good effort, but I can see you're still a little awkward at dancing. Is it perhaps due too your height that you are less flexible?"
Irene decided to put it at the back of her mind so that she can focus back on you.
"Y-y-yeah, it was, a bit hard for me to do those delicate move"
Your stuttering seems to sent a rush of alien feelings in Irene.
"It's okay, you memorize the dance already and you seems to know when you messed up yet you still have the clear mind to continue on with your moves. Do a little more flexibility training and you will fix it"
Seulgi's word of encouragement put a smile on your face. A smile Irene is not enjoying.
"Yeah, you did good, keep up the hard work"
Having two encouragement from your future possible senior put you in a good mood.
"Thank you for the instructions and the encouragement"
You bowed, again giving smile to Seulgi who returned it beautifully. Irene does not like your smile. You then glanced at Wendy and her. Irene loves that smile.
As you sat back, stunned by the newfound motivation. Irene is stunned, having your smile imprinted in her brain and memory.
"Hell yeah blue"
Your bro gave you a fistbump before getting ready for his turn.
You glanced back to Irene, this time she wasn't hiding her gaze.
Your eyes meet, at that moment, time seems to stop. Both for you and Irene.
Your mind raced at a few million miles an hour, your heart stopped alongside the time. Irene, is looking at you, with a..... Best described as longing look.
Holy fuck she's dangerous, how did I managed to stay focus during the dance? Gosh she's pretty, is she prettier then when you saw her on screen? I should look away now
Why am I not looking away?
Irene was having the similar thoughts. Enthralled by your gaze, your eyes seemingly to be a bottomless abyss that drawns her. Her breathing got heavy, her heart thumping faster than she ever felt before.
What are you doing to me?
Then, just like it never happens, you two both look away.
You stare blankly to the wall, trying to keep your brain from coming up with impossible imagination.
Irene was staring at the floor, trying to keep her heart from going wild and burst.
In your stuppor, your friend managed to finish his dance and got a compliment by Seulgi and sat back with you.
"Fuck I thought I was gonna faint"
Yeah, you too, you stood up and went to the exit. You need to wash your face.
Irene was in a panic as she saw you leave. A weird unknown panic.
She stood up, following you soon after.
While you were washing your face and try to clear your face, Irene was waiting outside the practice room.
Your steps and heavy and loud, it's given due to he fact of how tall you are. Despite your lean stature your body still weights enough to make some loud foot steps.
The moment Irene hears your footsteps she slowly walked to the bathroom. Trying to make it look like she's going to the bathroom as well.
You were stunned again the moment you walk out, seeing Irene walking to the bathroom from a distance away.
Awkwardly you walk back to your room, once you were close enough Irene took away her eyes from her phone and look at you.
With a nervous smile you bowed to her. However as you wanted to continue walking Irene stop, next to you, looking at you.
Subconsciously, you stopped as well, again, meeting your gaze with her.
Irene wasn't sure herself why she stopped. She even put her hand behind her, hiding her phone and her nervous finger that keep jolting around.
"Blue? Is that your name?"
Her mouth moves before her brain can think.
"Ehmmm, y-y-yes, that's what everyone call me"
Your attempt to smile only made you look like a grimacing in pain.
"Don't be so nervous"
Irene however find this cute, your nervousness is amusing to her.
"I'm sorry, it's just that....."
"Oh, I'm sorry, it's just that, I was a big fan of you and Red Velvet, so seeing you here feels..... Surreal"
The smile on Irene's face seems to grow even larger.
"Really? A big fan huh? So who's your bias then?"
Is she crazy? How could I say anyone else but her at this moment?
"Ehm, it's you"
Oh god, your nervousness, your shy smile, your blush, your words. It dragged Irene, deep into a dark place that she doesn't know she have in her heart.
Her voice raise a few octaves, not that you realized, you're busy trying not to faint out of embarrassment.
She loves it, she loves your demeanour.
Irene has met countless idols and fans that stammered and stunned the moment they see her. She have grown accustomed to it. Yet you, above thousands of encounters that she has, managed to leave such an impression to her mind, forever.
"That's good to hear, don't be so nervous, I'm not gonna bite"
She wants to, she really, really, really wants to do it, but it's not like she has lose control of herself.... yet.
"Oh sorry, I'm just, not good at handling my nervousness"
You reached to the back your neck. There was, a small, feeling, barely noticeable. A voice saying this nervousness is not just a simple nervousness.
You didn't realise it, it was barely noticeable in the first place. With the ice queen herself standing in front of you there could be a fire happening and you wouldn't even react to it.
Irene, was watching you, as you bring up your hand, the long sleeve of your sweater falls down.
Your exposed forearm made her eyes locked to it. Of course working out a little you have a decent body, but looking at your, somewhat impressive forearm, Irene was enamored.
"I'm sorry, thank you for spending your time to check in on us, it really means a lot"
You smiled again, and for Irene, it broke her heart to a million pieces before it brought itself back together and got inflated so big that it burst.
"It's fine, I'm sorry I didn't put in any comments. I.... Have a lot in my mind"
You, you were in her mind.
Irene tighten her grip on her phone, thankfully her slender and delicate fingers is not strong enough to break it.
"Oh, no, not at all, don't be sorry, it was more than enough to have you, spend some time to watch us. It was an honour for us"
You raised both your hand in front of you waving it to make sure it's okay. This cause Irene to watch both of your forearm. Remember that thing about self control? Yeah, it's slipping away slowly.
"Really? You mean it?"
Irene stepped forward causing you subconsciously stepped back.
Irene felt her heart thumping so loud it might cause her to be deaf.
"Then, do you mind if I watch you again so I can help guide you?"
Just like a black hole you keep pulling Irene to come closer. Unlike a black hole you stepped back again. This time your feet meets the wall.
"O-o-of course, if it w-w-won't bother you"
Not wanting to look like a weirdo you try to stand straight.
"Oh, really? Are you sure?"
Irene coming even closer doesn't help though.
While you were trying to keep your wits, Irene is trying to keep her self control.
Getting closer she smells the slight body odour you gave off from doing those dances. Your body heat seems to radiate to her, giving off warmth that she never felt before.
"Then let's exchange number, so I can give you a time and place for tutoring"
Your brain short circuit for a little. Along with your heart, and your lungs, and your, well, your whole organ.
This is Irene, of course you're having a full organ failure when she ask for your number.
You managed to squeak out.
"Your number, for tutoring"
Irene pulled out her phone from behind her before quickly opening her contact.
She then leaned forward while offering her phone to you.
Despite being a head taller, you felt like a little mouse in front of her.
You glanced at the phone, ready to take it, then something else caught your eyes.
She was wearing a loose sweater today, her little forward lean is enough for her to expose her clevage.
You, might stare longer than you should. It is mind boggling that she didn't say anything.
Irene didn't say anything, becuse she likes it.
That's right, Irene, one of the idol, maybe the number one idol who hate being sexualised, is enjoying your eyes.
He's checking me out? Oh yeah, the sweater is loose. Is he watching my clevage? Don't react Irene, don't let him realise that you realized his gaze.
"Of course"
Quickly you take her phone and put in your number. Double, no, triple, no, quad checking the number you put in is the right one before giving it back to her.
"Thank you"
Irene smiled happily, one for your number, two for your eyes that's showing your lustful desires.
"Y-y-yeah, thanks sunbaenim"
No, that's not quite right, she doesn't like that name you have for her.
"Don't be formal, call me Joohyun-noona"
Call me that, now.
"I, okay, thank you Noona"
Hmmmmm, Irene's heart has stopped yet again.
"Well go on, you should go back"
She doesn't have to tell you twice. You quickly scurry of the the practice door.
Irene watches your back, even from the back she can't help but be enticed by you.
I want you.
You can't believe it, you simply can't believe you just gave Irene your number. In fact, you can barely believe Irene is here watching you.
Take a deep breath. Calm down. Focus on the lesson.
"You seems happy unnie"
Nothing can escape Wendy, as soon as Irene walked back in, the little smile she had on her face has not escape Wendy.
"Oh? It's nothing"
Irene glances back at you, who is busy watching your fellow trainee performance.
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, I just found something interesting"
"You could say that"
Irene would love to stay here watching you the whole day. Unfortunately she has a schedule that she need to follow.
With a heavy heart, she followed her friends to say goodbye before leaving the place.
She has send you a text so that you would keep her number. She also knows that you can't use your phone until lunch.
That doesn't stop her from checking her phone every few seconds, hoping for you to answer her text.
When lunch come around Irene can't focus on her food. She keeps wondering what you were doing, and why you're not answering her.
Of course the answer is simple, you forgot.
Only until around the sun down when you finished your training for today did you saw she has sent you a message.
With a little hesitation you answered it.
Surprisingly for you, she read it instantly. Of course, Irene has been locked to her phone every since she sent you the text.
Despite all the anger that she have for you, there's still a glimmer of happiness seeing you answer.
She asked you what took you so long to answer.
You panicked, hurriedly saying sorry and told her it's been a long day and you were busy working out.
"Working out? Does he use the companies gym?"
"Companies gym? That's off limit for trainees, if only I can use it, I don't have to spend money for gym membership"
"I want to see him workout, I can give him an allowance to use it"
"She's giving allowance? But why?
"Why? What should I say here? Oh right, I just want to help him build up his flexibility"
"My flexibility? Is it so bad that she has to oversee me herself? Is she overseeing me?"
"Yes, of course I'm overseeing him, who else?"
"Whoa, that's, I don't know what to say"
Stunned by the message you took a minute to digest what she is offering you.
Unfortunately for Irene that minute is one minute too long.
"Why isn't he responding"
"Oh shit, what do I say? Thank you for the offer? I don't deserve it?"
"Why did he say that? Stop saying that, just take the offer and workout with me"
"Oh shit, did I piss her off? Sorry, I'll take it if she insist then"
"Good, I want to see him again, I need to ask his schedule"
"My schedule? I guess I can send her the screenshot for it"
"That's too restricting, ahhhh, I don't think I can just ask them to change it"
"What do you mean it's too restricting? Doesn't she went through this"
"I did, but I don't like it. Can he workout in the morning?"
"Morning? Like 5 AM? She wants to workout that early?"
"5 AM is too late, he starts at 8 AM. Can he starts at 4 AM?
"4 AM? Bruh that's like my unemployment schedule when I can just workout before sun rise and chill for the rest of the day"
"Too early? How do I convince him? Oh right, it's for his stamina"
"Ahhhh, she really want me to start at 4 AM? Fuck it, I don't get any more chances to do this"
"Good, I'll see him tomorrow morning, I wonder what I should wear tomorrow"
While Irene is filled with enthusiasm and struggle to find the best outfit for tomorrow you went to prepare 5 alarm to wake up early tomorrow.
The next day, you went to the company building, the security seems to have been informed for your arrival and send you up to the gym.
In the gym, there's nobody, except for Irene. Sitting there waiting for you.
Her ethereal beauty made you hold your breath, her gaze that's locked on to you made you feel uncomfortable, as if she's dissecting your whole body with her eyes.
Irene was struggling to keep herself from running to you. She held her breath, dug her nails into her palm, doing everything that she can to stop herself.
"Come here, don't be shy"
Too caught up in her beauty, you didn't realise her voice crack.
"Good morning Noona"
Irene love it when you call her that, the name, the tone, the deep raspy voice you have.
As you get close Irene felt the warmth that rejuvenate her yesterday, the warmth she never realised how much she enjoyed your presence.
"Good morning, so, let's start with a little briefing, how do you usually workout?"
You started of with some stuttering, but you did managed to smooth out your words and eloquently tell her the details for your workout.
Irene is happy, you didn't use much weight lifting at your workout, she prefer a lean body type in a person.
"Well, let's go, do a warmup, I'll follow you for now"
Do you feel nervous working out with Irene around? Yes, definitely yes.
"Come on now, go all the way"
It was when you do some stretching, opening your leg out in a split while trying to lower your body to reach forward as far as you can did Irene see an opening.
She went and put her hand on your shoulder. The touch cause a sudden thrill for both of you.
"Relax your back, take a deep breath"
Irene managed to keep her composure as you were panicking. You did managed to calm down and follow her instructions as she pushed you further.
Unfortunately for Irene, the move doesn't last forever and she reluctantly take off her hand off your shoulder. Feeling somewhat contempt for feeling up your back.
"Now, go start your workout routine"
She doesn't like your routine as much as before. That is simply because she doesn't find any more opportunities to touch you.
She craves it, she craves you. It's slowly driving her mad, the sight of you has become a full feast for her desires. The touch that she felt still lingers in her hand. Your warmth, it's comforting, so much so she can't help but get close to you during the whole workout, never letting herself further than one meter away from you.
As the workout progress your body start sweating up, your body odour is something you've been self conscious about. A source of insecurity that forces you to wash yourself multiple time a day.
For Irene, the smell is addicting, it was something she want to turn into a candle and light it up all around her house.
Needless to say she got more and more restless, she wants to touch you.
She wants to run her hand through your sweat stained t-shirt, she wants to dig her face to your neck and inhale your scent so it will imprint itself in her mind.
"That's enough, now we need to work on your flexibility"
She snapped, she can't hold it any longer.
"Go down on the mat"
As you sit down she walked behind you, putting both hand on your shoulder.
You felt, scared, intimidated. You wrote it off as a normal feeling, one of a junior when their senior is watching them very closely. If you were in the right mind you would've notice it was much more than that, it was the feeling when a prey felt when they have been caught in the hand of their predator.
"Now, let's start with the basic"
You have fail the basic, much to your dismay. Feeling the shame and embarassment rise in you, you grit your teeth and look up to her.
Only to find her faint smile while her eyes is filled with imagination and, hunger.
Irene is happy, you're terrible at this, so much so that she can spend alot of time teaching you for it.
"It's okay, we can still improve"
Her words of encouragement felt like pity for you.
"Now, it's my turn to workout, help me for a second"
Once again, anxiety fill you up.
"Come on, hold my leg"
She find a few manuvers where she could force you to held her close.
She felt fulfilled after feeling up all your body from before. Now she wants something else, she wants you to touch her.
Your big rough hand can be felt clearly through her tight thin outfits. She ejoy the gentleness you put on your touch.
She ejoy your meek expression as you held her.
She enjoys your shyness and attempt to look away from her only to fail and check her out every now and then.
Once she's satisfied she ended the training.
"That's was good, it is a productive first day. It's still 7 AM, why don't you get a shower so we can enjoy breakfast together"
Of course, that doesn't mean she's done with you.
You slipped off to the shower, taking a bath and clean up every inch your body.
Irene sneaked into the locker, she heard the shower noises so she ran to your gym bag. Taking out your t-shirt.
It's wet from your sweat, although it's not drenched like before since you had time to cool down as you help her stretch.
As she took out you t-shirt, the smell attacked her nose. Without thinking she stuffed it to her face, taking a deep breath, inhaling the scents.
"Oh god~~"
Moans escaped her lips as her pants is slowly developing wet spots. She doesn't wear panties, hoping that you would be brazen enough to get a feel of her ass.
Of course, you were to scared for your life to do so.
Then the shower stopped, Irene was woken up form her daze, she ran to the exit before escaping to her locker room.
She pull out a plastic bag from her gym bag, carefully putting your t-shirt in it before zipping it close. Your t-shirt will be out to good use for the next week or so.
You waited for her at the gym, she has make it clear that she wants to eat breakfast with you.
Not long Irene walks out, looking fresh and proper. She wore a white shirt along with a black pencil skirt. Awakening the teacher links you have in you.
"Come on, let's go"
Her smile is blinding you.
She took you to her office, seemingly already ordered a breakfast for two from the two take out box on her table.
"So, this was fun"
Irene is never been the one who started a conversation, however, it's been established that you, are different for her.
"Y-y-yeah, thanks for today noona"
You nervously look at her curious gaze.
"Of course, I have a question, why did your friends called you blue?"
"Well, it was during the audition, there was a little written test. Well not a test, there was just a few questions about me and my dreams and they want us to write it on paper. They gave me a pen, but then, it broke, somehow. Spraying blue ink all over myself and my hand. So, I finished the whole audition with a blue staint on my hand, face and shirt. The interviewer doesn't really think much of it, it was an error for their part. I don't mind it much either since they said it won't be a problem. The confidence u show even though I looked silly with the ink made them accept me. Some of the trainee was there as well, they called me blue man. I find it funny and just roll with the nickname"
Irene frowned for a second, noting to get to the bottom of this. Finding the person responsible to humiliate you like that.
"Where do you audition in?"
"Japan, Tokyo, I had a few Korean friends and have been, well somewhat talented in singing. So I just took the audition and got accepted"
Irene's warm smile and friendly demeanour distract you from finding out it was an interview by her.
Needless to say, you pass with flying colours. In her eyes, you went from an object of desires and lust to a perfect icon for her ideal type of men.
"Well, thank you again for today Noona, I'm not sure how to repay you"
You've grown accustomed to her presence, which is something Irene noticed and took joy in.
"It's okay, go work hard today okay? I'll see you tomorrow"
"Tomorrow? We're doing this again?"
"Hehehe, of course, we'll be doing this until you pass my standard"
"O-o-o-okay then, see you tomorrow?"
She smiled and nodded. As you walk out of the room, Irene is staring at your back.
Slowly she cursed you, making her feel this way. She's Irene, the queen of kpop, the one who have rejected many men, all of which is much more accomplished than you.
Yet now, somehow, she's in love with you.
That's right, she can no longer deny it, she loves you, and she wants you. Whatever she wants, she get it.
Irene doesn't hate men, she knows that now, she's helplessly in love with you.
This new routine has drained you slowly.
After the first week you felt like you want to die. You're probably dead actually, you just didn't realise it.
Every morning you will find Irene waiting for you in the gym. You could've sworn she keep picking the most revealing outfits she have.
Everyday, Irene is getting bolder and bolder. She would start to caress your back as you were doing your early stretching.
When she made you stretch your leg on the floor she would openly feel up your chest, disguising it as a way for her to keep her balance.
When you help her with her stretches she will keep suggesting for you to touch her even more, much to your dismay.
You kept your respectful, touch though, much to her dismay.
At day 4 or 5, you realized she's not wearing any panties. Her white tight yoga pants has show her perfect ass to you when she was facing away from you.
This doesn't go unnoticed by Irene, which excite her even more.
Unfortunately for her, you never do anything more than staring when you think she wasn't watching. She's always watching.
You did realised your shirt occasionally went missing, only to find it the next day.
Organized is not what you are, so you just wrote it off as your clumsiness or lack of attention to details, which is ironic.
The things you hate the most, is Irene keep buying you breakfast. Everytime you always insisted for her to let do that.
Everytime she will win the argument, a gentle smile, a little caress on your hand, and then you'll be a blushing mess, to shy to say anything else.
The new routine is perfect for Irene, she loves it, but slowly, she realised it's not enough.
Every night she would suffocate herself using your used gym outfits while masturbating.
The first time she did it was heavenly, the best orgasm she ever had.
Irene is not a pure girl, she has her own sexual needs. She knows how to keep it down though, never realising that her drive, is way too high for normal people.
All those years of controlling herself is out of the window now, because of you.
She have your pictures, she took photo of you time to time during the workout.
She has videos of you, masking it as a way to explain your form to you.
Every time she got the chance she would open this pictures and videos. Revering your body, your movement, all of you, is something she can't get enough for.
She wants more.
She needs more.
She needs you.
"Hey blue, you want to get some ramen"
Your friend invited you for a lunch.
"No bro, I'm poor"
The life of an unemployed, well, technically a college student.
"Come on, I'll pay"
You felt yourself cringe for a second before quickly hiding it.
"No, I can eat at the cafeteria, they have nice chicken"
Nobody like the cafeteria food, they felt, bland. Not that you care, they tasted better than the trash food that you used to eat.
"Ahhh, fine, we'll buy you something nice"
They quickly scurry off leaving you alone in the practice room. For a few moments you were contemplating should you go out and eat or should you continue practicing.
However, the choice was made for you, by a beautiful pale beauty walking in the empty practice room.
"Oh Noona, good afternoon"
You hurriedly stand up and bowed to her.
"I was looking for you, why didn't you go out to eat?"
She managed to hide her aggravation with the tone of curiousity.
"Oh, I was thinking to practicing a bit more. Beside I'm not hungry"
Irene looked at you, with the cold, angry eyes. Silently she started walking to you.
Her aura seems to grow so much so you felt your whole body shivering.
She didn't say anything until she got in front of you.
"You, are, eating, lunch"
She crossed her arm and the coldness in her eyes is gone, leaving nothing but anger.
"I, I'm really fine Noona, I don't nee-"
Your argument is sound and flawless, unfortunately she shut you up by grabbing your shirt and pulling you out.
"Okay, Noona, can you let me go now?"
Seeing no way out of this, you sighed and compromise with the current situation.
She stare at you for a second before letting go of your shirt. You sighed with relief but then she grabbed your hand. Interlocking her fingers with yours before she continue walking.
"Noona? I don't need to be held-"
Yet again, your argument was indisputable, but do you really want to finish it? Especially when Irene turned around, giving you a glare that could pierce your heart and slice it to a perfect 1 cm³ cube.
You shut your mouth, wisely. Irene continue walking in front of you, hiding her bright smile from your gaze.
Without caring she pulled you to the elevator and clicked the basement floor.
You felt nervous, what if someone sees you? Subconsciously your hand start to press on Irene's and your finger start caressing her hands.
Irene loves it, your grip was hard, so much so she felt bone being squeezed together. Your rough fingers also sends tickling sensation to her heart everytime they grind themselves again the back of he palm.
Then suddenly the door opened, and an employee walked in.
Your anxiety went through the roof, in an instant you squeezed Irene's hand even harder. The pain was intoxicating for Irene, she had to bite her inner cheek to remind herself not to squeal right there and then.
The employee looked at your intertwined fingers, then they looked at your nervous face, then to the glaring Irene.
They slowly stepped backward as the elevator door closes again. Much to Irene's joy her little paradise is kept pure.
The basement was empty, Irene immediately dragged you to her car, putting you on the passenger seat.
"Where are we going Noona?"
"Some place nice"
"I, I don't have much money Noona"
"It's okay, I'm paying"
You grimaced feeling uneasiness well up in your body.
"You, really don't have too Noona, you already payed for all our breakfast earlier. I can eat at the cafeteria, I promise I'm gonna eat"
Irene saw your face contorted for a second, something she will throughly research later in the day.
"No, I insist"
She turned on her car and start driving. You swallowed your uneasiness and tried to focus on something else.
Her perfume is nice.
Okay, not that one please.
The car is cool.
You, don't like cars.
Her fingers seems so hot.
Okay this not working at all.
Irene on the other hand, has embraced your presence. She is struggling to drive while her body keep screaming to throw herself on to you.
She wants to hold your hand, she wants to run her fingers through your fluffy hairs, she wants to taste your lips.
The 15 minute drive felt like an hour for both of you.
"Come here"
Irene once again held your hand to lead you to the reserved seat.
"You like French food?"
If I say no I feel like she still wouldn't let me go eat in the cafeteria.
"I never tried it"
"Good, this is the perfect place to start"
Lady, I can barely afford to buy water from this place, don't make my food palate become higher than my own financial capabilities.
"Why do you not like being treated?"
"You mean getting people to feed me out of pity?"
"Is that what you think I'm having? Pity?"
"I mean, no offense, I don't think I have much selling point to make you feel anything otherwise"
"That's not true, I like you"
"I.... thanks Noona, that's very kind of you"
"You don't get it"
"I like you, romantically"
So, remember that little organ called heart? Well it's a very important organ to help your body functions, and keep you alive. Well, you lost it, unfortunate.
You managed to squeak out after god knows how long.
"I like you"
"I want to go out with you"
"This is our first date"
"...... Yes?"
"Good, from now on we're going out"
"Uhmmmm...... Yes?"
Your timidness has grown Irene's interest in you, thankfully you kept quiet after this or else she would pounce you and start kissing you all over.
Everything else felt like a blur for you, things just went pass you, without even thinking you start eating the food.
The confusion you had overpowered the taste the food has given you.
"Be my boyfriend"
You stare at her in a catatonic state.
"Good, we're official from now on"
Do you even speak Korean? That language seems alien for your since you can't understand a single word coming out of Irene's mouth.
Irene left you to your demise, as she was enjoying the sight of a lost bunny right in front of her.
Even as you finished your lunch you didn't say anything. Not when Irene grabbed your hand and wrapped her arm around it. Not when Irene put her head on your shoulder as you got in the car. Not when Irene got to your company building and pulled you to her embrace and start playing with your hair.
"Baby, do you want to stay with me for the whole day?"
Her whispers in your ears woke you up. Her tone is so cute yet also, lustful. Her breath tickling your ear making sure you know how close she is to you right now.
"I-i-i-i need to go"
You stuttered trying to get off her hug.
"Ssssshhhhh, let's leave you a memory, for today's date"
She yanked your collar down, exposing your chest.
As you were frozen she leaned in, giving your peck a kiss, long enough to left her lipstick imprint on your chest.
"Aghhh, Noona don't do that"
Irene pulled herself back, leaving a thin trail of saliva between her lips and your chest.
You glanced down to see the red imprint on your chest was contrasting to your pale white skin.
As you tried to wipe it Irene grabbed your hand while glaring at you.
"Leave it"
"What? Noona, I can't just-"
"Leave it"
Her eyes is stern and firery, her grip is weak, but since her nail is sinking to your flesh you can only winced in pain.
You can only sighed in defeat, Irene nodded happily before pulling your hand. She watch the faint mark of her nails on your hand before gently caressing it.
"You're my boyfriend now, so I have to make sure you don't get preyed upon by others. Just do as I say okay baby? Then I won't hurt you"
Everything suddenly flood back to you, all those feelings in the back of your head all banded back together telling you it's too late.
You can't run.
"Okay Noona"
She smiled again before grabbing your chin.
"I've wanted to do this the moment I met you"
She leaned forward, your head screams to run, but your instincts screamed back that it would only lead to your death.
You leaned forward as well, taking her lips with yours.
The kiss was, pleasant for you, she seems to be more driven by lust making it one of the most aggressive kiss you've been in.
For Irene, the kiss was heavenly, she wants more, she wants your lips, your spit, it all taste like the sweetest nectar made for the gods.
Her whole body tensed up as she tried her best to stop herself from devouring you, yet your godly taste was just too enticing for her.
However, she's not a god, she got reminded of that by her own lungs screaming for air.
"Haaaa, Haaaa, I love you"
Between her panting she gaze into your eyes, her iris is dilated, in a shape of -it's impossible but you swear you see it- a heart.
Her lips is twisted to make the widest smile she has ever had in her life.
Her tongue slitehered out, licking her lips trying to take more of your taste.
She's drunk out of you.
"I, love you too"
If you can hear her organs you will go deaf from the squeak they just let out. Irene can't let go of you, unfortunately for her, she have to.
"I'm picking you up after your practice okay baby?"
Her gaze leave a chill in your spine, yet it also arroused you.
"Okay, babe"
This time, she let out a happy squeal while her hand is shaking.
"I love you"
She leaned in again to give you a peck on your lips.
Just a peck, she still have some self control so she knows if it's any longer than a peck then both of you won't be able to leave this car with your clothes on.
She escort you back to your training room, this time there's other people in the elevator.
You're happy you are off the hook from the hungry wolves that's holding you by the arm right now.
They gave you a weird and surprised look, but Irene doesn't mind, why would she? She have her eyes to one man, and one man only.
She escorted you to the front of your room.
"I want you to call me once you're done, and I want you to wait here until I pick you up"
Is she my mom or my girlfriend? Why the fuck am I asking this question about the Irene of Red Velvet.
"Okay.... Babe?"
She squealed again before kissing your cheek.
"Keep up your hard work"
You can't, how could you? You're having a relationship with Irene. God damnit you just made out with her in her own car 5 minutes ago.
Thankfully for you, nobody notices the red lipstick mark on your chest.
"Blue you're zoning out a lot"
"Oh yeah, sorry, I, don't feel so good"
"Is it the kimchi again? That's it dude, you're not eating in the cafeteria again"
"No, I'm fine, I...... Got a text from an old friend....... He took me out for lunch today"
"Oh? Your friend take you out on a lunch is okay but we're not"
"Come on man, I haven't seen him in so long, and I payed for my lunch"
"That's the thing dude, we don't want you to, we know your situation so just let us help you okay?"
"I, listen I am grateful for your help, but, I don't like owning someone something"
"Just, take it as a debt, you can pay it back once you debuted"
"I, thanks, but, I think I have a way to get lunch from now on"
"Fine then, but if I see you in the cafeteria again I'm dragging you to the McDonalds"
You almost die. By that it means you almost forgot to call your..... Girlfriend....?
Your call didn't get picked up, because you saw Irene waiting for you by the elevator.
Stern pose, angry glare, crossed arm, she's furious.
"Come here"
She pulled you the elevator, her aura is enough to deter any of your fellow trainee to jump in with you.
"I, sorry Noona, I was just about to call you"
"Oh is that so? Do you want to wait until you walk home to call me?"
"No, I was just tired from today's practice. I'm still adjusting to the new sleep schedule remember? I feel tired"
"You can't be tired, we need to do our second date today"
"Yes, do you have a problem with that"
Irene is furious, she is holding herself from jumping you right now and you know it.
"I, just think we should rest for now"
"No, I'm having a second date with my boyfriend right now"
Her roar could probably be heard from outside of the elevator.
"Then, what if, we have a date, in my place"
Immediately you see her whole body relaxed. Her furious expression turned to one of happiness and relief.
"Okay, then, good"
More than good, I can go to his place. I was trying to take it slow and go there tomorrow but he jumped in to offered it for me himself. He really does love me. We are meant to be babe, we will be the greatest couple to ever live.
She can't contain herself and gave you a kiss again.
"I love you"
Her whispers is almost as deafening as her roar from earlier.
"I, love you too Noona"
Irene can't decide if she loves Noona or babe more, but again as long as it's from you she will love it either way.
She dragged you to the car, practically sprinting to it before she drive to your place. How does she know where you live?
"Come on, move"
She even knows your apartment number.
Fear is enveloping you as you slowly unlocked the door to your apartment.
She hops in the moment the door is opened, you walked behind her before locking the door behind you.
Suddenly as you turn Irene slam you to the door, she grabbed your collar and pulled you to make out with her.
His fragrant is so addicting, his taste is heavenly, what's a 3 Michelin star food compared to this. Even his little moan- Haaaa, he's moaning, oh my god, I'm getting wet. He's so perfect, and even more than perfect now, he's my boyfriend.
She practically dry humping your leg that's between hers right now.
You pulled away, making her frown deeply.
"We should, move to the bedroom"
Her eyes lights up again, she dragged you inside, holding you by your collar.
The destination is the bedroom, the pit stop is everywhere.
She pushed you to the wall and made out again.
She pushed you to your couch and dry hump your crotch while sucking on your tongue.
She draged you to the door only to jump up and kiss you again, as you held her by the thighs.
Finally she got to your bedroom, pushing you down before taking off your shirt.
"Noona, you're so.... Hot"
Fuck your mind, how can you say no to Irene. Fuck the logic, fuck the instinct, fuck survival, you want her.
You craved her, as much as she craves you. Within just a few minutes you've fallen with her, deep into the abyss.
She dives to her favourite meal, your mouth. Her hand is practically feeling up every inch of your torso and arms.
You let go of your primal instinct and grabbed her ass.
"Ahhhh, squeeze it babe"
That's your intent, giving some firm squeeze making her let out a moan. Raising your hand, you then drop a slap on her ass cheek.
"Aghhhh, again"
She stopped kissing you and held you by the back of the neck. Her head is digging deep into your neck while bitting it.
"You're. Such. A. Succubus"
With every word you deliver a hard slap to her cheeks.
"Baby, I'm cumming, I'm cumming"
She moans as her teeth is holding on to the skin on your neck.
"A slut"
You slapped both of her ass and grabbed it, hard.
Her screams was loud and the pitch was enough to make a dog deaf. You didn't care, you bite into her neck.
Her body that's squirming is going in to a full on seizure as she reached her climax.
"I love you, my slutty, beautiful Noona"
You whispered in her ears as she was fighting for her life in your embrace.
After what seems like hours she stopped spasming, her breath got heavy as she seems to lose her energy.
"Tired already?"
She sat on your lap before taking off her own outfits.
Her pink bra seems so cute enveloping her breast. Almost like an invitation for you to drown yourself in it.
An invitation, that you take.
Sitting up you used both of your hand to take it off and started bitting her already erect nipple.
Her moans and squeal sounds so defenseless, the polar opposite of the image she always gives off.
She put both hand around your head, hugging it and pushing you to dig deeper to her.
Her leg is locked to your stomach, hugging you like a baby koala hanging for it's life.
"Baby, I'm cumming"
Your hand grabbed her body, pushing her on to you. Your mouth is sucking on to her nipples greedily.
Her hand and leg tightened themselves on you as her climax came again.
This time, it's much shorter, but not less intense than before.
You can't help but to tease her.
She got off your lap before taking off your pants.
Your already erect member was mesmerising to her.
Your tip was leaking precum, using her hand Irene wipe it before licking it.
"You taste so good"
Her body shake before she took your member into her mouth.
Jesus her lips is so attractive. The way it wrap itself around your dick, the red, plump lips was a vacuum to your dick.
She can't take it all in, but that doesn't matter, because even with half inside you still feel her magic is working.
Then she took it our of her mouth before jerking it with both hands. Her mouth then travel down to kiss your balls and suck on it as well.
"Are you coming baby?"
Her high pitched whine push you even harder. She kissed your balls, and the bottom of your cock.
Your cock and balls was ridden with red lipstick smudge all over, something that arouse you even more.
She put your dick back to her mouth, this time, by the power of sheer will she managed to take all your member in her mouth and throat.
As her lips reaches the base she turned it in to leave another fine red imprint on it. She read your mind, she knows how to push you over.
"Noona I'm coming"
Hearing your moans she stopped giving you a deep throat, leaving only your tip in her mouth.
With the help of her saliva she used both of her hands to jerk you off.
Your cum sprayed into her mouth, undoubtedly turning all of it's inside to a white mess.
Her eyes rolled behind her eyes as she took a deep breath with her nose.
Then, as your climax ended she took the tip off her mouth.
She look at you with pride, then she opened her mouth and sticks out her tongue, showing your cum pooling inside her mouth.
Her lips is smudged all over, her mascara is runined with her tears, her mouth is practically over filled by your sperm.
A sight even the gods can only dream off, is right in front of you right now.
She closed her mouth back and then gulp it down. You can hear the sickening yet arrousing swallowing sound from her mouth. She opened her mouth back and sticks out her tongue to show nothing remains in her mouth.
Her eyes is filled with pride and happiness, almost, pure, a pure happiness of her own accomplishment.
You grab her by the thighs before picking her up and put her in the bed.
"Take it off baby, I can't wait for you anymore"
Pulling down her skirt you see her panties is practically drenched and even dripping some of her juices.
You pulled it down as well, giving you sights for the main course.
"Put it in baby, I want to feel you inside, make me yours, fill me up, pleaseeee"
She's whining and begging you like a spolied kid.
Any other time you would slow down and teased this ice queen, but not now, now, there's only one thing you wanted to do.
"OH MY GOD~~~~"
She screamed as her body convulsed yet again as you put the whole length of your member in.
You waited as she was orgasming. Wanting to remember this view for the rest of your life.
As it ended you realise there's a red stain coming out of her vagina.
"You're a virgin Noona?"
She nodded, without any shame.
"I'm waiting for you"
God she's a psycho, I love it. Wait, what?
You started thrusting, slow and hard, making her breat jiggle everytime you sink your dick deeper into her.
Moans and moans keep escaping her lips.
"Baby, I love you, I love you so much, baby faster"
She let out a high pitched whine as you continue thrusting into her.
"Oh god you're breaking me baby"
"Aghhhh, so deep, you're so deep inside me"
"Faster baby, break me apart, tear me into two GODDDDD........"
"I can't hold it anymore, please, faster"
"Baby, I'm cumming"
"You can't cum yet"
"Baby pleaseeee"
Oh god, the sight of Irene whining and begging in front of you is to hard for you to resist.
"I'm coming too"
You grunted and lay forward to be on top of her.
"Inside baby, fill me up, fill me up with your seeds"
She whisper before she kissed you again.
Your thrust is getting faster, her walls is getting tighter. Then, you felt your dick squirmed, she must've felt it too since her leg went to lock you in place.
"I'm cumming"
She screamed into your mouth as her body was sent into another seizure.
You're drained, your breath was heavy and slow. As you finished depositing sperm in her untouched womb you got off her and lay next to her.
"I, love you"
Tears starts to pour down her eyes, a joyful tears.
"I love you too, my ice cold Noona"
You kissed her again, and as you do, there's only one thing in her mind.
I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you.
You're fucked mate.
"Baby, hug me"
Irene whined as she envelopes her limbs around you.
"Okay, babe, let's, get in the right position to sleep first okay"
She grunted as you drag her so she can lay on the bed with you. Irene nuzzled up close to you, her nude body is pressing up against you, making you feel every inch of her perfect skin that has become sticky from her sweat.
"I love you, I love you so much baby"
Irene's small whimper is the devil's whisper that keep pulling you deeper and deeper into her.
"Okay, Noona"
Why would you say that?
"Say it back"
She spat as she pinched your neck.
"Awww, I love you to Noona, I told you earlier"
She doesn't seems satisfied.
"I want to hear it from you every moment in my day for the rest of my life"
Fuck, what do I do now? Why the fuck did I succumb to my own dick?
"O-o-o-okay Noona"
She smiled again, letting go of your neck.
"I like it when you stutter like that, you're so cute, my baby boy is so perfect"
She rubbed her face all over your cheek.
"Let's go to sleep Noona"
She squealed.
"I love you, good night baby"
"G-good night, Noona"
It's been a long day, you went through a lot. The moment you closed your eyes you feel your consciousness slowly sleep away.
The next morning you woke up with the heavy weight of someone on top of you.
"Morning babe"
You were still blinking your eyes trying to wake up when you felt Irene's lips pressing up against yours.
You pulled back, making her let out a growl.
"I-i-i-i need to w-w-w-wash my teeth"
Opening your eyes you see Irene is looking at you with dissatisfaction.
"I don't care, I want to kiss you"
She tried to kiss you again but you close your mouth making her face turned to anger.
"Noona please, let me wash my teeth first okay? You can kiss me all you want after"
She frowned but nodded anyway.
You stood up, trying to get out of bed, which is hard when Irene is clinging on to you.
"Noona, I can't move"
She just looked at you with a cute puppy eyes.
"I, love you?"
She smiled and kissed your cheek before letting you go.
"I love you too babe"
You went to your bathroom, with Irene following close behind you.
"Noona, I need, to take a shit"
She frowned yet again.
"Once you're done, I'm making out with you for an hour"
Was it an ultimatum? A promise? You decided to not think about it before you locked the bathroom door.
You went to wash your face.
"What the fuck just happened"
You were hoping that your reflection would answer you, thankfully it didn't.
You do your morning duty before washing your face yet again hoping you would wake up in this weird dream.
When you go out you see Irene is waiting for you in your couch.
Crossed leg, crossed arm, cold eyes, she returned to the old Noona you know. Although, it was only for a moment, she smiled to you, a warm yet sinister smile.
"Come here honey"
You, awkwardly sit next to her.
"I love you"
She grabbed your hand, both of them.
"I love you too Noona"
You tried your best to be earnest.
"I want you to be honest with me"
"Do you have any relationship before me?"
Her eyes turned cold and sinister, you felt her hand pressing up harder against yours.
"I.... Do"
A few bones in your hand might broke off from the sheer force of her ire.
Her growl made your body tremble.
"They're, just in the past"
She grabbed both of your head before pushing you to lay down on the couch.
"I don't care, I've waited so long for you and you can't even do the same? You're even a decade younger than me but you don't have any patience? For me?"
What? What is she talking about? What am I walking into right now?
"Noona, we just met, a week or so ago"
"I don't care, you should've waited for me"
Your face was wet, from her saliva and some tears. That's right, she's crying.
"I-i-i-i'm sorry Noona"
Good news, you felt her hand lower down from your face. Bad news, it's resting on your neck.
"You, fucking, cheater"
It tightened around your neck making let out a choked gasp.
You gurgled out.
"I hate you, I hate you so much"
Is this it? How you gonna die? Was it worth it for a night with Irene?
"Who's the bitch"
She suddenly let go of your neck and grabbed your head again.
She screamed at you as you were coughing hard.
"My ex?"
You managed to squeak out.
"Yes, the bitch who seduced my man"
How do I get out of this? Fuck it, let's flirt our way out.
"Baby, it's nobody important, I already forgot about them"
You slowly wrapped her arm around her.
"They're bitches who almost succeed in getting you from me"
She's still mad, but her body atleast responded to your touch.
"They didn't, and even if I met you while I'm still dating them I would still choose you. We were made for each other right?"
Your forced smile is enough to calm her down a little.
"I don't want you to ever meet them again"
You nodded, obviously.
"And I want you to marry me"
You didn't nod, obviously.
"Say yes"
Fuck how do I get out of this. Uhmmmm, think fast brain, think.
"I, want to be the one who proposed"
She looked at you with discontent.
"Then propose to me"
What now smart guy? You felt your leg started to shake nervously.
"I need to buy a ring"
She snorted.
"I don't need a ring, I need to hear you say it"
Go all out? Fuck it I don't want to die.
"I, want to buy it, for you. I want to make it, romantic"
She frowned, cutely this time.
"You don't need to do that"
She can blush?
"I have to, we only get to, well I only get to propose once right? And we get married once, so I want to put all my effort on it"
Oh my god, Irene is blushing, hard. She looked away from you shyly, a very cute view, if only she didn't try to strangle you to death earlier.
"You're such a flirt"
You were stunned by her words, but recover quickly.
"For you, I have too, because..... I love you, and only you, forever"
She dug her face to your chest before letting out a shy shriek.
She immediately attacked your mouth. Her hands is holding you from behind and work as your head pillow.
You felt your cheeks getting wet, her little moan and squeal also tells you, she's crying.
"I love you, oh god I love you so much it hurts. Hold me tight babe, don't let me go, never let me go"
She pulled away showing her tearful face.
"Okay babe, I love you too"
She took of your shirt.
"I want you, I want you again inside me babe"
She whined as she took of her's as well.
"I, am tired"
She kisses your cheek.
"I know, I'll do all the work this time. Just lay there okay baby?"
She pulled down your pants before ditching her panties and start grinding her already wet pussy on your dick.
"Hold my hand baby"
She reached out to you. You pulled up your hand and she immediately took it, interlocking your fingers with each other.
With the support from your hand she continues her grinding until your dick became hard.
Without waiting any longer she put it inside her.
"Aghhhhh, baby"
Her hands squeezed yours as her leg was quivering.
"You're, so tight Noona"
You can't help but groan feeling her inner walls is squeezing your dick, ready to milk it until it ran dry.
"I'm the best right baby, I'm better than those bitches? I have the best pussy you ever tried?"
Her eyes is filled with madness and a crave for your praises.
"You're the best one Noona, nothing come close to you"
You let go of her hand and reached to grab her ass.
"Yeah baby, my pussy was molded for your cock, it's perfect, we're perfect, I love you, I love you so much"
Losing it's support she drop down to you and start to nibbling on your neck as her hips start to pick up the pace.
"I love you too Noona"
You moaned feeling her teeth is biting on to your collarbone.
"You're so big, I'm breaking baby, do you want to tear me into two?"
Fuck this succubus is insane
Your hand starts to spank her ass making her moan louder and louder.
"Break me baby, fill me up, I want to feel your cum inside again. Come on, fill me up baby, fill up your Noona with your cum"
Your hip started moving, matching her pace. Every thrust you send made her thighs and ass wiggle. Her moans and screams start to shake matching her body's trembles.
"I'm coming baby"
She moaned as she sinked her teeth to your chest.
"No Noona, you don't get to cum"
You have to do it, how can you pass up the opportunity to dominate Irene?
"Baby please"
She raised her head showing her teary eyes and begging expression.
"If you cum, I will hate you"
You see her face was riddled with shock and fear, those two expression was then mixed with arrousal and lust as you start thrusting her faster and faster.
"Baby pleaseeee"
Her tears ran down her cheek. You almost feel sorry, almost.
"You cum when I cum, understand?"
She bite her lower lips, her tears running down her face.
Thankfully her whines help pushed you over the edge.
"Cum with me babe"
Your dick start to twitch, then as she felt your cum tainted her inner walls she let out a deep guttural groan as her body went to another seizure.
You felt, tired, drained, you lay on your couch panting as Irene was having an orgasm.
Finally it passed and she dropped to your chest. You hear her sobbing as her tears wet your chest.
"I'm sorry baby"
You decided to caress her head, she let out her cries as she hugged you.
Do you feel sorry for her? Maybe
Do you regret doing it? Fuck no
Finally she stopped crying and raised her tear stained face and her red eyes is looking at you timidly.
"Oh baby, I'm sorry, I just can't.... Stop myself when you're.... Being so cute"
Her tears falling again as she start to kiss you.
Her hands is hugging your neck, her leg is resting quietly between yours.
The kiss was, actually you're not really sure, probably 30 minutes or more.
"I love you baby, I really do"
Finally she finished and just whimper weakly in your ears.
"Okay babe, fuck it's already 7, I need to go"
She shake her head and just lock you in place.
"You're free for the day baby, cuddle me"
Even though her voice sounds so weak and tired you know resisting her now will only make your suffering greater tomorrow.
"I, need to contact my trainer at least"
She shake her head again.
"I don't want you to talk to other woman"
Fucking hell lady.
She then raised her face, it looked tired, but her eyes have some cold fury in it.
"Did you have her number in your phone"
Oh shit, here we go again.
"Yeah, I nee-"
She slapped my chest, it felt weak, but the emotional damage, well it's also weak since you're not that into her yet.
"Delete it"
You felt nervous, trying to make some excuses in your head.
"Why are you hesitating? You want to cheat on me again?"
You winced as she say that, knowing full well, what's gonna come for you for the rest of this relationship.
"I need her contact in case something happened"
She shake her head again.
"No, I don't care, delete it. If you want to say something then tell your friend to relay your message to her"
"Baby please"
"No, I lose you before I'm not losing you again to some scrawny whore who's going to seduce you. No baby, I'm not losing you again, not when I already have you in my arms"
What now? What will your brilliant mind come up with?
"I need it for my career"
She snorted.
"You only need me, if you want to debut just say it and I'll make you debut"
Sugar mommy is a pretty rare thing to have, especially someone this hot.
"Baby, I, need to earn it"
She growled again.
"You, can let me ask her right? I'm just telling her I'm sick"
Her face contorted as she grabbed your chest.
"Fine, but I want to see your chat history. In fact, I want to see your phone and check every single girl you tried to cheat on me with"
Well this is it, it's your life now.
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queenpiranhadon · 1 month
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A/N: Augh I loved writing this so much help- I think the new Damsel movie affected me too much 😭 Biggest thanks to @cashmoneyyysstuff for beta reading this she’s a QUEEN Here's the masterlist!
Warning(s): Light cursing, reader is the daughter of Aizawa, Shinso and Eri are biological siblings, Shinso is a year younger than reader, reader is 20 years old, f!reader, reader's mother is dead, medieval fantasy setting, reader's childhood friend is Kirishima, but you're also close friends with Deku and Ururaka, mentions of perverted actions (not done by a name character though, reader's nickname is Cactus, slight spoilers of the actual show/manga, reader is shorter than Kirishima and Shinso, some mentions of IzuOcha.
Pairing(s): Katsuki Bakugou x reader, Izuku Midoriya x Ochako Uraraka
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ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴏɴᴇ: A Pot of Stew
The crackle of the fireplace is all you really hear as you flit around through your home, grabbing the big stew pot from the wooden cabinet. The house was quiet, which was surprising, considering you lived with three other people.  
Your father was out with his friend, hoping to catch some fish before the harsh winter would freeze over the lakes. You had sent your brother out earlier to fetch some tomatoes from the market, as the small garden you maintained only produced lettuce, potatoes, onions, and strawberries when they were in season. Hopefully the tomatoes your brother brought back could have seeds that you could save to plant in the spring.  
Your sister was most likely out at Chiyo’s home, the old woman ran the local apothecary was sweet enough to allow the small girl to aid her in crushing herbs and spices to create the medicines that lined her shelves.  
Walking outside, you grab the big bucket by the door, making your way to the home of the Kirishimas, who had a well they let you use to fetch water.  
You mentally groan, knowing that carrying a bucket of water would be a bitch to carry back home. Hopefully you could bug your red-haired friend to aid you in carrying it home if he was around.  
He wasn’t there unfortunately, hooking the bucket to the rope before sending it down to collect water. Once if was full, you pulled the rope that you were holding onto with all your strength, allowing the pulley system to bear most of the weight. 
Deadpanning, you know most of the water that spills out will end on you, sighing in defeat with the resignation that complaining will get you nowhere. You had a family to feed.  
Rolling up the sleeves of your white blouse, you grab the bucket’s handle with both hands, almost dropping it from the sheer weight of it, lamenting the cold sting of the water against your skin as it seeps through your leggings.  
It was almost comical, the way your face was scrunched in concentration as you made your way home, watching your step from the occasional loose pebble so you wouldn’t trip. Your muscles ached, but it was nothing you couldn’t handle, considering how much worse you’d been through when it came to other tasks that required similar feats. It was another perk of being the oldest child, though you were only a year older than your brother, yet you wouldn’t have it any other way. Your family meant the world to you, and you would do everything in your power to protect them. 
Reaching the steps leading up to the door of your home, you set the bucket down finally, your arms practically singing in relief, only for you to pick it up again after turning the doorknob and closing the door shut with your boot-clad foot.  
Making your way to the stew pot that was currently sitting over the fire, you fill it with the water you fetched, letting it boil while you prepared the vegetables you needed.  
Busying yourself with chopping the ingredients you already had, you took the sprigs of cilantro you saved from a few days ago and sliced them so they were thin enough. As you worked your way through the small pile, the door opened to reveal a familiar tuft of purple hair.  
“Hey Toshi!” you call out, waving from the kitchen to signal your presence.  
Your brother takes notice, entering the room and setting the sack of tomatoes on the counter before making his way over to you, ruffling your hair in affection before raising an eyebrow.  
“How much stew are you making?” he asks suspiciously “The four of us aren’t going to be able to eat all of that in time before it tastes bad.” 
You snort, rolling your eyes. “You underestimate Eri’s appetite. Plus, Ejiro, Ochako and Izuku are coming over to join us. I’m making enough for each of our families.” 
Hitoshi chuckles in response, walking over to the makeshift pantry you made a few months ago, grabbing a loaf of bread. “Y/N, you would feed the entire village if you could. Actually, you could, but we wouldn’t let you.” he rolls his eyes playfully and you send him a halfhearted glare.  
“It’s called being nice, Mr. Hitoshi Aizawa, a concept foreign to your cold heart.” you say, placing the back of your hand on your forehead dramatically.  
He groans, taking the knife from you to slice the bread, while you move to take the tomatoes. “Ugh stop, you sound like Toshinori.” he gripes, punching your shoulder in annoyance. 
A giggle bursts out of your lips at that, abandoning the tomatoes you were washing in the basket to strike a pose, letting out an “I AM HERE!” in the best Toshinori Yagi impression you could.  
They used to call him All Might, a war hero who was known for bringing your home country countless victories, the wars he entered had casualty numbers so low that you wondered if he was blessed by the gods. Blessed in the past tense though, as after a critical injury in a recent war, he was deemed unable to fight and left the army with an honorable discharge, growing into the old man he was today, running a stand at the marketplace where he sold quality vegetables from his extensive garden. 
You must’ve looked ridiculous as you posed however, because your brother cackles, throwing his head back and smiling so wide his face must’ve hurt. You laugh too, happiness bubbling in your chest from seeing him so happy as well. You chuck an unwashed tomato at him, knowing he’d catch it, and reprimand him.  
“Okay now get back to work you rodent, we’re feeding a group of seven tonight.” you tease, sticking out your tongue and he tosses the tomato back to you, returning to slicing the bread.  
You both spent the next hour or so like that, trading banter and occasionally fighting, but managing to be productive as you finish cutting all your vegetables, throwing them into the stew pot, creating a lovely aroma that makes your stomach growl in hunger.  
You hear a knock at the door, Hitoshi opting to answer it. It was Chiyo, returning Eri home for the day, the girl in question had a bright smile on her face, and a few bottles of unknown liquids in her hands that were sure to join the others in the washroom’s medicine cabinet. 
“Toshi!!” she squeals, and you smile, hearing a small uff! escape the purplenette’s lips, knowing that Eri most likely hugged him around his legs, the only part of him she could really reach at the moment. Sometimes it was infuriating how much taller he was than you. 
Your brother thanks Chiyo, and the old lady leaves with the promise of fresh baked goods during her next visit. 
“Where’s Y/N??” Eri asks excitedly, and you want to snort at her random burst of hyperness.  
“M’over here banana.” you call from where you sat in front of the fireplace, and Eri trudges over with an annoyed look over her face.  
“I told you not to call me that!” she whines, huffing as she sits down next to you, trying to look into the pot to see what you were making.  
“Careful- it’s hot.” You warn, gently pushing her away. “Plus you love bananas!” 
Your little sister makes a face plopping down to lie on the floor with a grumpy expression. “I hate bananas.” she grumbles, stretching her limbs out to take up as much of the floor as she could. 
You quirk up an eyebrow “Are you sure? You sure look like one.” you say gathering her hair once she sits up and holding it high above her head to resemble the elongated shape of a banana fruit. 
She splutters, and you snort releasing her hair, so it falls straight into her face, and returning your attention to the stew, stirring it and taking the wooden spoon you had out, gathering some of the liquid before bringing it to your lips, tasting it briefly.  
“Toshi!” you call from where you sat. “Can you bring me some paprika?”  
You hear a Yeah whatever come from the hallway, and you return your attention back to your sulking sister.  
“Y’know for someone so nice, you’re really mean.” she pouts, and you smile in a half hearted apology, fixing her hair.  
“Eri, my job as your sister, as well as Toshi’s as your brother, is to be mean to you because we love you so much. If we were nice to you all the time, wouldn’t we be boring?” you ask. 
“Hmm... I guess. Is Izuku coming over today?” she asks, laying her head on your lap looking up at you with impossibly huge sparkling red puppy eyes.  
You laugh, flicking her nose lightly. Izuku was her favorite out of your friends, probably because he worked in the markets, for Toshinori no less, and he brought her apples every day. 
“Yes, Izuku’s coming over for dinner tonight, so go wash up and be on your best behavior.” you say warningly, and she nods, jumping up excitedly and rushing to your shared room.  
Hitoshi enters the living room at that moment, sprinkling the paprika into the stew until you told him to stop, stirring lightly before tasting and grinning in satisfaction.  
Handing him the spoon, Hitoshi has a taste of his own, his eyes lighting up as the flavors hit his tastebuds.  
“Damn.” is all he says, and you punch his leg, happy that he likes it, but scolding him for his language.  
“Eri’s in the other room idiot, go change and I’ll get dinner served before they get here.” you order, shooing him out and you grab a damp towel from the kitchen to carry the pot into the room, setting it on the countertop and placing aforementioned towel on top so it stays warm. Putting out the fire in the living room, you open a cabinet, grabbing a large plate and exactly seven bowls and spoons. Setting the dishes around the large wooden dining table, you spoon equal amounts of stew into each of the bowls, the aroma even stronger now, and you give Eri extra because you know she’ll ask you for more later. 
You brought out the wooden carved drinking cups that you had, a gift from your late mother, setting them around the table and filling them with some of the remaining water from the well. Putting the plate in the middle of the table, you set the bread Hitoshi cut from earlier along with some goat cheese gifted to you by Izuku the previous day.  
Wiping your hands on your apron, you sigh, about to call for your siblings before you hear a knock at the door, revealing a smiling Ejiro Kirishima.  
“Hey Eji!” you beam, wrapping your arms around your lifelong friend, who reciprocates the action and spins you around before setting you down, welcoming himself in- he'd been to your home so frequently certain mannerisms weren’t needed anymore.  
“Hey Cactus!” he smiles back, and you roll your eyes at the nickname.  
Ejiro insisted that your kindness was always a facade and that you were a fiery beast that even hell was afraid of in secret, and the redhead had given you the nickname once seeing you scold man around your age for trying to look up Ochako’s skirt. You insisted you weren’t usually like this, but the nickname stuck, a term of endearment used only by your closest friends.  
You smack his forearm, and roll your eyes, still smiling however, leading him to the dining room before calling out for your siblings.    
Eri bounds in, only to be swept up in Ejiro’s arms, giggling as he spins her around to simulate flight.  
He sets her down and she jumps up, “Again, again!” she chants.  
He groans, feigning pain. “But you’re so heavy!” He says, pretending to faint in your direction, and you roll your eyes and push him off, laughing. “I think you got bigger since the last time I saw you.” 
Eri giggles, putting her hands on her hips. “I saw you this morning silly! That was only...” she counts on her fingers. “47 hours ago!”  
You want to laugh, knowing that it was only about 13 hours since she last saw the red haired male, but Ejiro only groans even more.  
“Exactly! You grew so much from then! You might become even taller than your sister.” he says, wiggling his eyebrows.  
Eri giggles, and Hitoshi joins you three in the living room, stealing a piece of cheese from the table and popping it in his mouth.  
"I'm not short!" You grumble, crossing your arms. "You and Hitoshi are just stupidly tall."
You hear another knock on the door, leaving Ejiro and your siblings to their devices as you answer it. Opening the door, you’re met with Izuku, accompanied by Ochako, both giving you a hug as you let them in, exchanging their signature greetings.  
“Hey Cactus!” they both chirp in unison and you snort, ruffling Izuku’s hair and squeezing Ochako’s shoulder.  
“Hey you two!” you say, smiling knowingly. Ever since the two of them became a couple, they were practically joined at the hip.  
You make your way to the dining room, where Ejiro is seen with Eri on his shoulders, the latter playing with former’s hair while he talks to your brother.  
Eri’s eyes light up, practically launching herself off the poor red head- thankfully Izuku catches her, producing another apple from his satchel.  
You groan, knowing that if Eri ate too many she would grow to get sick of them, but you let her be, knowing that she was happy.  
You all sit down to eat, Shinso on one side of you and Eri on the other. Ejiro sat next to your brother and Izuku sat next to Eri with his girlfriend on his other side.  
Catching up with your friends, and eating the food you made, your eyes couldn’t help but wander to the empty seat at the head of the table, where your father sat.  
He still hadn’t returned from his fishing trip.  
You knew he was more than capable of taking care of himself, yet you couldn’t help but worry. Your father, Shota Aizawa sustained a terrible injury in a war a few years ago, forcing him to amputate his own leg in order to prevent the toxins from a poison covered arrow from reaching his neural system. It was the same year your mother had died, leaving you, a grieving ten-year-old you to take care of your father as well as a nine-year-old Hitoshi and a newborn Eri. You were forced to grow up fast in those times, a dark patch for your family, yet it became a big part of who you were today.  
Which included your boundless paranoia, thinking the worst as the time ticked by, with no sight of your father.  
Hitoshi takes notice, sending you a worried glance, opening his mouth to say something before the door swings open. 
It was your father, relief flooding through you before you took in his haggard state. He looks tired, more tired than usual. Your father always looked tired, but never weary.  
His eyes scan the room, frantically looking around, before the settle on you.  
“I have bad news.” 
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Taglist: @andysdrafts @starieq @nemisimp @missa-archdevilme @coquettefoxxy
@032loe @icedemon1314 @fta1ask4 @iam-thevillain-of-thisstory @cuppalevi
@touyasprettydoll @slayfics @yeehawgiddyup13 @notjustanotherextra @frvv
@naoyasbby @sweetblueworm @isentsworld @bkgpackets @moonnm
@bkgrl @satoruyes @eyesforbkg @juicyfingers @aejabba
@noodleryworld @yui-aya @ashiblossom @rv19 @wheezdostuff
@yannvi @liluvtojineteyam @ah-mya @surprisemodafakas @kksmush
@sagejin @cax-per @kit-katsukii
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vikkirosko · 3 months
Hello! Can I request Angel Dust and Lucifer (and any other character if you want to) with fashion designer sinner S/o who is in love with their aesthetic and likes to make clothes for them. Reader likes making surprises for special days and they make some clothing peaces for them as a gift. + I can especially imagine Lucifer and reader together designing something with rubber ducks on it (I've wrote this request in the middle of the night so I'm sorry for any mistakes) Thank you!
Headcanons Designer
🕷 Angel Dust x sinner!Reader 💖
You met Angel when he was leaving the studio. You were dating Velvette that day and you had a big fight. However, all your bad mood evaporated when you saw him. You literally fell in love with his aesthetics and you came up with a huge number of designs that you could make inspired by his image. You immediately approached him and offered him a small job for a fee. Over time, your business relationship turned into a friendly one, and then into a romantic one
Angel was flattered that he was an inspiration to you. When you were working, he often kept you company. There was always soft music playing in your sewing workshop, it smelled nice, and no one came into your office without getting permission from you. Angel could relax, appreciate the sketch you showed him, or just spend time with you. He often hugged you from behind, watched your work with interest, and sometimes distracted you from work by kissing you and pulling you away from your desk
On special days, for example, when you successfully completed work on a collection of clothes, you gave Angel small gifts. It was a few pieces of clothing. It could have been a jacket, hat, gloves, shirt or something else. You always gave several items, trying to combine them in style and match the style that he liked. Angel liked your gifts and often wore them, especially when you invited him to the shows of your new collections
Angel liked you and he liked your relationship. You were passionate about your work, but you were kind, caring and attentive. You were genuinely worried about him and wanted to help him, but so far you haven't had that opportunity. But together you set out to come up with a plan to wrest his soul from the Valentino's clutches
🍎 Lucifer Morningstar x sinner!Reader 🐍
Lucifer rarely interacted with sinners, but you were, in a sense, an exception. Charlie introduced you to him. You were a fashion designer and his daughter liked the clothes you made. Lucifer, deciding to make a joke, said that he was also a designer of some kind and showed you a rubber duck that he had created. Charlie felt awkward, but to her surprise, you really liked the rubber duck, and moreover, you wanted to do something inspired by Lucifer and his creations
You really liked Lucifer's aesthetics, as you often told him. When you started dating, you often began to share with them the sketches that you did. Some of them were inspired by him and you were proud of how well they turned out. Lucifer was happy to help you by giving you honest feedback about your sketches
On one of your important dates, you said you had a surprise for him. This surprise turned out to be several pieces of clothing for him that you made yourself. You made them especially for Lucifer, and the main theme was the rubber ducks that he created. Lucifer was touched by your gift, and the cuter part of it was the little rubber duck costume
Lucifer enjoyed spending time with you. You were both creative people and shared with each other the different creations that you created. When he started living at the hotel, you were happy to offer your help, including making clothes for the hotel staff and maybe even starting to live there yourself. It was enough for Lucifer to just spend time with you, regardless of whether you were doing something for work or you were just relaxing together
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shegatsby · 9 months
Not sure exactly what you’re okay/not okay with as far as requests go, but I’d like to request a Hannibal x AFAB reader (or gn if you prefer) where the reader has a crush on Hannibal and discovers that he’s a serial killer and tells him she’s more attracted to him because of it. I’d prefer it ends up in the bedroom (wink wink) but it’s up to you :)
A/N; Hello love, thank you for this request I certainly enjoyed writing it. Enjoy!
Warnings; Hannibal killing a man, a little smut
First time you saw him was something else. You almost became a victim of a serial killer but thankfully a team of FBI agents and Dr. Hannibal Lecter saved you. Turns out this killer was on the loose for months and you dropping your phone in his car made them catch him, you were forever grateful. Dr. Lecter was a psychiatrist who was helping the FBI with their serial killer cases and he was also collecting data for a research of serial killers and he offered free therapy sessions in exchange of information. Seemed like a good deal.
It had been few months since you started the therapy and it was going smoothly for him but for you, you had to keep pressing your thighs together every time he played with his pen or grabbed something. Over the weeks you saw and observed tiny changes in his behavior. He started to loose his tie around his neck, rolled up his sleeves, gave your lingering looks. You also had minor changes, such as; wearing clothes that fit your body perfectly and showing your womanly figure, curves and all. You knew that revealing clothes won’t make him come to you so you started to dress elegantly, just like him.
One time you mentioned how much you like baking and he asked you to bake something for him and you did.   The next week you brought chocolate chipped cookies and he opened a bottle of wine.
He surprised you by having a cabinet in his office dedicated to all kinds of wine and you surprised him by fulfilling your promise of baking something for him. Hannibal Lecter never relied on anyone ever since he was a child, he never believed promises of people, even the ones he who are close to him because life thought him that people are deceitful animals. However, you managed to surprise him, it felt like a date but neither of you said anything about it.
Weeks went by and you kept surprising him with small things. One day, you baked a cake, it was the anniversary of you meeting him. You went to his office without telling him, it was suppose to be a surprise. Before you knocked on the door you heard some noises, a man coughing and things falling to the ground so you quickly opened the door to see the scenario.
Dr. Hannibal Lecter was on top of a man who was equally tall and strong as him and Hannibal’s big hands wrapped around that man’s throat, you halted in your steps. Your hands which were holding the container of the cake were shaking, your fight or flight response was triggered. You didn’t know what to do, in that moment you could feel everything and see, hear everything that was happening such as your soaked panties sticking to your core. You could feel your cheeks heat up, your heartbeat rising, Dr. Hannibal Lecter was murdering someone right in front of you and all you could think about or fantasies about how would you feel if his hands were wrapped around you, on his table..
When the man stopped breathing and struggling Hannibal bolted to his feet and turned to face you. His maroon eyes were startled at first but you could see his dilated pupils roaming on your body.
He didn’t  say anything, his chest heaving up and down, he closed the door and locked it, he came to you and held your shaking hands, put the container aside, ‘’Shh, I’m here, calm down.’’ Now that he was close you could see the bruises on his face, dry blood on his plump lips, blackened left eye, scratches here and there. His fingers went to put a strand of hair behind your ear, even under this strange circumstances, his eyes were soft as they addressed you.
He guided you to the couch. He sat next to you, his eyes never leaving yours. ‘’Now,’’ he breathed, ‘’What shall I do with you, little dove?’’
You didn’t respond, you were a deer caught in the lights. ‘’He attacked me, you saw what happened. I was defending myself.’’ He was so calm a sudden thought crossed your mind;
‘’This isn’t his first time.’’
Your body shivered, you knew what he wanted. He wanted you to tell Jack Crawford and others what you saw but an altered version of it, all you could do was to nod and let things happen.
It had been few weeks since that incident and you avoided your sessions with him. You made up excuses, one week you pretended like you had the cold, the other week you said you were out of town etc.
Every week he sent you a present, the week you were supposedly cold he sent you soup and warm bread, it was handmade. There was also a note; ‘’Get well soon, dove.’’
Your knees went weak with that note and gesture, the other week he sent you flowers, elegant and pure white bouquet of peony. Last week you’ve made up a lame excuse of not being in the mood and he called you on the phone.
‘’Hello Dr. Lecter?’’ you answered in a calm manner, ‘’Hello dove, I was wondering-‘’ he paused for a second ‘’why are you avoiding me. Well, I know the reason but I want to hear it from you.’’ You felt your heart go faster, subconsciously your thighs were pressing hard, ‘’It is best that I don’t join the sessions anymore Dr. Lecter.’’ You said out of breath, hearing his voice after a long time did something to you. He let out a devastatingly long sigh, you felt it in your core. ‘’I was hoping it doesn’t come to this.’’ He sounded tired and defeated.
You imagined him sitting in his office, sleeves rolled up, playing with his pen while talking to you. You wanted to rush to his aid, he was a busy man with a hectic schedule, you wanted to give him something to come home to. The thought of it made you get wet.
‘’Thank you for testifying on my behalf.’’ He sounded genuine.
At first he thought you would tell the truth but when you told everyone exactly what he told you he was impressed. There was something about you that he couldn’t put his finger on. He sometimes had this urge to pull your brain out and study it because you fascinated him profoundly, but then the thought of physically hurting you made him feel disgusted, which was rare in his case.
‘’You saved me,’’ you said remembering the night, he was the one who wrapped you in a blanket and carried you to the ambulance, he was the one who sat and waited by your side in the hospital.
‘’and I saved you, the debt is paid.’’ Your free hand slowly went to the waistband of your pjs, sid in and found your aching core, he cannot possibly realize can he?
‘’My little dove, hearing you say this breaks my heart, your life is not a burden.’’ He knew how you feel about yourself, a freak, a burden..
You loved the way he said ‘’dove’’ his accent thick, you wondered what else is thick about him. You wanted him to keep talking to you.
‘’Where are you right now? And be honest.’’ His tone had a warning, such dominance.. ‘’H- home.’’
Hannibal wasn’t a stupid man, he admired your boldness, talking to your therapist while touching yourself.
‘’Good girl.’’ He loved your honesty, maybe you were the only person who was honest to him from the start ‘’What are you doing?’’ he asked, even though he knew it.
Your panties were soaked, ‘’Laying on my couch.’’ You managed to say, his hand went to stroke his clothed member, he swallowed, ‘’I was asking as in.. action wise.’’ He teased. You were rubbing your wet cunt slowly, you let out a sigh. A pornographic one to be exact. ‘’Nothing-‘’
He didn’t let you continue, ‘’Tell me, do you always dream  of me when you touch yourself? His question shocked you, at first you thought you heard him wrong, but the silence continued. Cat was out of the bag, he caught you. ‘’Yes.’’ You said. Hannibal could feel himself getting harder. He stood up, locked his office door, you heard it. He sat back and unzipped his pants, he never thought he would be doing this in his office, well, he also never thought he would kill someone in his office but here we were.
‘’What are you wearing?’’ he asked, feeling like a school boy but it excited him. ‘’Nothing.’’
It was right, the second you heard him lock the door you took off your clothes, ‘’Clever girl. I assume you’re dripping wet, I have neglected you for so long, keep touching yourself.’’
Hannibal leaned back, stroking himself, his tip leaking, ‘’How do you dream of me?’’
One hand in your core the other touching your boob –he was on speakers- you spoke, ‘’Sometimes on the table, sometimes on the couch or in your bed. Pushing me down and taking me..’’
You remembered the scene, he was on the ground on top of a man and choking him. It made you moan. Your soft whimpers and divine voice made him stroke himself faster, ‘’Put two fingers inside sweet thing.’’
You could feel the shift in his voice. You moaned louder than before as you inserted your fingers, you were so wet he could hear it clearly. ‘’Every time I come from your office I touch myself.’’ You confessed, which made him growl, he was regretting that he didn’t take you before. He knew that you were interested in him from the beginning, he thought it was because you were in shock –due to your unique condition which is almost being murdered- and you were seeking shelter. He assumed over the weeks your fascination with him would disappear but he was wrong.
He was about to lose his mind because of the sounds you were making ‘’Stop!’’ he ordered and you followed. ‘’Wait for me.’’ And he hung up.
Never in a million years he would think of sleeping with a patient but you changed his mind, he got into his car and drove.
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eternal-kosmo-ghoul · 10 months
Gimme your most stupid ghoul headcanons possible, like Sodo is scared of idk dust particles or something funny.
“silly ghoul headcanons”
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Synopsis: It’s in the title you silly goose. Just the ghouls with their silly little shenanigans
Pairing: Nameless ghouls (platonic or romantic) x GN!reader (they/them)
Theme: fluff ✿ , crack ✦
A/N: Heres my first fanfic to my Ghost blog! I gotta thank my bestie for making this request despite the silliness in it. I hope you guys enjoy it because I certainly had fun writing it. I might make a separate version for the ghoulettes cause I love my girlies <33
I also decided to add Aether in this one cuz I love him, remember to respect both him and Phantom as ppl because we don’t support that negativity and hate 🫡
TW: Swiss and Sodo joke about sex but it’s because they’re Swiss and Sodo
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Sodo, oh dear Sodo. He can be such a silly ghoul sometimes
He likes to act like he’s all tough and that he’s hot shit, but some of his habits you can’t help but laugh at
For starters, Sodo is the type of ghoul to be scared of really dumb stuff. Take hamsters for example
Sodo has this really inexplainable fear of hamsters. One day you picked up a cute little hamster from the pet store, and he hissed and erupted in flames the moment you brought it near him
“Sodo its just a hamster—“
Aether once pranked him by putting a bunch of hamsters in his closet and he let out the most unmanly scream ever, it was funny
Oh and we all know Sodo has a habit of slapping people’s asses
It’s basically his trademark at this point
But there was this one particular time where he tried to slap your ass, but he somehow missed and accidentally slapped Copia’s ass instead
Needless to say, he spent a good while trying to explain to the unamused Papa that he didn’t mean to slap him, but the other pair of cheeks that was in front of him in that moment
He once played Five Nights At Freddy’s and he had nightmares about Freddy for a whole week
No joke, he once thought that Swiss was Freddy because he was so disoriented from a previous nightmare and he socked the poor guy in the nose
You forced him to apologize to Swiss after that
I imagine he’s also the type of ghoul to write stupid little messages and graffiti with a sharpie on his fellow ghouls faces
He once made you help him literally knock out Aether just so he could write “number one cocksucker” in big bold letters on his forehead
Needless to say, you two got chased around by the angry ghoul who was holding a fly swatter for a whole ten minutes
Also we all know damn well this man has a dirty mind
Like have you seen him on stage? Of course he does
He has a habit of slipping in sexual jokes and in innuendos every now and then, because he snickers when seeing people’s reactions
Though there was this one time where he made a comment about your ass and he got slapped across the face
Idk Sodo has a weird obsession with your ass
He has toned down on the jokes, but that doesn’t stop him from slipping up every now and then. And it’s quite obvious he won’t stop with those jokes anytime soon
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Rain is such a sweetie and we all know that
But sometimes he can be a little bit of a menace, even to you and his fellow bandmates
To start things off, we all know Rain is a clumsy little guy
Like he’s a walking talking disaster with trails of chaos in his wake. He can hold a glass for someone and drop it like not even ten seconds later
Well there was this one time where you were giving him strumming techniques for the next upcoming ritual
Sodo tapped him on the shoulder from behind to ask him for something. When Rain turned around he accidentally slapped Sodo in the face with the neck of his bass guitar
Sodo then stumbled back in pain and literally destroyed Mountain’s drum set. You were just standing there processing what just happened, and Copia just looked… disappointed.
Rain also collects a lot of plushies
He has a literal pile of squishmallows in the corner of his room. Sometimes he likes to bury himself in that little nook of his room.
He made a little pillow fort in that area for him to snuggle in. Sometimes he’ll invite you to come and watch movies with him in there
However he once impulsively bought so many plushies so they were all flooding his room. You opened the door to his room and they all came flooding out, with a very euphoric Rain on top of them
“…. Rain what are you doing?”
“Feeling great. Thank you, Y/N.”
You helped him organize all of those little plushies in his room afterwards, even giving some of them to Phantom (who was new at the time) as a little “welcome home” gift
As a water ghoul, Rain naturally enjoys water
However he has this really cute habit of splashing around in pools/tubs like he’s a bird in a birdbath, but he gets embarrassed about this fact because the ghouls tease him for it
You once caught him playing around in the a storm in such a manner, it was so cute seeing him so happy and enjoying himself
The minute he spotted you, he immediately got all embarrassed and shy, but you reassured him it was all good and that it was fine to be excited about water
Needless to say, he’s a lot more comfortable showing off that side to you now
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Oh Mountain. Sweet sweet darling Mountain
Like Rain, Mountain is a sweetie. However he tends to have his silly moments.
I’d like to imagine that Mountain often bumps his head on doorframes or walks
The fucker is really tall, I mean it’s hard to not hit something along the way.
So he has a habit of sticking his hand over his forehead to avoid bumping into anything, the poor guy
I’d also like to imagine that Mountain had that light skin stare
Like he doesn’t even mean to look creepy. He just… has a habit of zoning out, so therefore he looks like he’s staring into your soul
Though this does make him really good at staring contests. One time Swiss challenged him, and they lasted for ten minutes
Swiss needed eye drops after that
Also he deadass looks like a sleep paralysis demon when he stands
One night you couldn’t sleep so you went to the kitchen to get something to eat. Mountain happened to hear the noise your footsteps were making, so he went to check up on you
He was just standing in the doorframe… staring at you, making sure you were okay while you grabbed something from the fridge
Needless to say, when you turned around, you dropped Swiss’s leftover cheesecake you were gonna eat upon seeing the tall earth ghoul in the doorframe
Also your scream was loud as FUCK
“… I don’t know. At least you’re okay.”
He apologized to you afterwards and promised to not accidentally spook you. Because for a moment you swore you saw the hat man
Mountain also rarely gets mad, the dude is as passive as a sheep
But the moment he gets angry… hide your children
The dude is scary as hell. Like, he’s even got Papa on his knees begging for mercy
There was one particular day during practices where Sodo and Aether were arguing a little too much. It’s normal for them to banter, but this particular day was getting out of hand
Everyone was already getting upset with them, even with Papa telling the two ghouls you knock it off, but of course they wouldn’t
Well, they didn’t until a drum from Mountain’s drum set came hurling towards both ghouls. Making the fire ghoul and quintessence ghoul yelp and duck instinctively
No one had noticed the fuming earth ghoul sitting in the corner up until that point. Everyone was speechless. Your jaw was on the floor even
Needless to say, Mountain apologized yet again, but now everyone knew not to fuck with Mountain after that
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Swiss is an… interesting specimen.
For starters he was accidentally summoned,
He was summoned at the same time as Aether. And they bonked heads upon getting summoned
It was rather funny seeing Papa being so confused as to why the ritual spell summoned two ghouls, and seeing said two ghouls yell at each other for bonking heads
But it all worked out because after Swiss showed off that he can literally do fucking anything, Papa just let him stay
And Swiss was the perfect flare of spice to add to Ghost, and he’s a sweet ghoul to be around
But that doesn’t stop him from being a literal menace to society
Swiss has a really strange habit of breaking into people’s rooms and just jumping on their beds to wake them up
All while he’s obnoxiously telling them to get up, much to the other’s annoyance
You once threw him across the room for waking you up, and Swiss was just laughing so hard on the floor when he saw your reaction
Since he’s quite literally known as the Swiss Army Ghoul, he’s good at almost everything.
Including cooking. He likes to cook a lot of meals for the people living in the ministry
Bro even has a stereotypical pink “kiss the cook” apron, he got it as a birthday gift from you
But the “cook” part is crossed out with a red sharpie and instead Swiss replaced with “dick”
Why? Because it’s fucking Swiss.
He also made it a point to bake everyone’s birthday cakes, but he’ll slip in something stupid to be funny
One time Cirrus was cutting her birthday cake and she got a whole ass doll head in there, which left her very confused
Swiss isn’t allowed to make people’s birthday cakes anymore because of that
Also sometimes Swiss will get high out of nowhere
No one knows what the fuck he’s doing because this ghoul is all over the place, but when he’s high he says the most out of pocket stuff
There was this one time he messaged the ghoul group chat while taking an edible saying “this edible is weak as shit.”
But then right after that message, he attached a picture of you and sent it with the caption “I’ve always wanted to fuck them.”
You could hear Sodo’s laughter from his room after that.
And when Swiss got sobered up, you asked him about the message, but bro literally refuses to acknowledge he sent it
“Swiss did you send that message from earlier—“
“Then who did?”
“The hat man.”
“Oh so this suddenly isn’t a safe space?”
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Ah Aether. We all love Aether. I mean who doesn’t?
We all know how much of a little psycho Aether can be, but he’s a lovable psycho that just exerts a lot of fun energy
That doesn’t stop him from being a little fucker however
He likes to pull a lot of pranks with Swiss, Sodo unfortunately being his main target
So there was this one time he asked you to help him prank the poor fire ghoul, and you said yes because you felt like messing with Sodo
(And also partly because you were kinda pissed with him due to the fact that he ate your leftovers)
So the prank was to put a bunch of sticky notes in Sodo’s room that all read “big cock energy” (because of course it did)
However during the process of putting the sticky notes in the room, Sodo walked in on two idiotic fools, those fools being you and Aether of course
And it’s safe to say that for a solid twenty minutes, the two of you were running around the ministry with an angry flaming fire ghoul hot on your trail, giggling like little children
(Sodo spared you, but Aether wasn’t so lucky)
“Because I hate them less than you, NOW C’MERE—“
Aether once fell asleep with a rotten ass banana peel
Like no joke— you once walked in his room to ask for something and his whole room STANK of rancid and rotten banana
And Aether was just sitting there, confused as to why you looked like you were about to throw up on his bedroom floor
Rain had to fucking disinfect the room (with a gas mask because it smelled that bad)
Oh and you Rain breaks things? Aether is so much worse
He once tried to clean up Swiss’s mic stand for an upcoming tour and the damn thing just- fell apart
Swiss was more bewildered than upset, because how in hell does that happen?
You literally do not let him touch your equipment because he’s gonna somehow find a way to break it all
When Aether departed from Ghost you were very sad
But then he messaged the group chat with this message “I’ll miss all of you fuckers. Be nice to the new ghoul, love all of you <33 (except for you Sodo, fuck you)”
Sodo then bursted out of his room tackling Aether, but it was more so out of love rather than being an ass
Needless to say, you all still keep in touch with Aether
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Phantom!!! We all love Phantom here
Since he was newer and the one of the more recently summoned ghouls, he had a hard time fitting in
But you and the other ghouls thankfully made him feel welcome, even if it took a little more time for some other ghouls to get used to him
And because of that, it didn’t take long for Phantom to start joking in the ghoul chaos
He is literally a walking meme
Phantom is the type of guy to quote old vines and also keep up with any meme trends
Part of being the youngest ghoul I guess
He often confuses Papa with his little antics (because he’s an old man), and you’re just silently laughing at Papa’s reactions to Phantom
Also Phantom has a habit of holding things weirdly
You thought it was just his guitar? Bestie no, the dude is holding things the wrong way all the time but still somehow makes it work
Like— he holds onto a pen like it’s about to grow a pair of legs and run out of his hand, but he still somehow has the most beautiful cursive handwriting there is
“…. Phantom— what are you doing? You’re holding that pen like it’s a—“
“Hush, Y/N. I’m writing everything I want for Christmas this year.”
Phantom can also be a bit of a nerd sometimes
Like— you know those kids in school that are so dorky and have that awkward teenager energy? But you can’t be annoyed at them because they’re so cute? Yeah, that’s Phantom
Man’s will ramble about the most nerdy thing so passionately that you can’t help but listen, it’s cute seeing him get all excited over… legos or something
Oh and if someone dares to insult his passion he will spread legos all over their room
(Poor Swiss was a victim of that unfortunately)
Oh yeah he almost once accidentally vacuumed Copia’s pet rat
The dude was just trying to clean up his room, and one of the little fuckers scurried in his room, and the rat’s tail got stuck in the vacuum
Phantom’s high pitched scream upon realization was enough to have you bolting in the room to check in on the poor ghoul
And you were met with the sight of Phantom desperately trying to pull out a screaming rat from the vacuum while the ghoul was on the verge of tears because he didn’t want to get scolded
You ended up helping him because no one wants to see Phantom sad
And it’s safe to say Copia now has one pet rat with no tail.
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wonusite · 1 year
(Not) A Gentleman
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❝ Your boyfriend is the sweetest man alive—a perfect gentleman. However, you’re determined to show him that he doesn’t always have to be a gentleman. ❞
pairing: lee seokmin x female reader
genre: established relationship au, smut
word count: 4.2k
warnings: seokmin literally invented the word simp, big dick!seokmin, daddy kink, slight breeding kink, nipple play, oral sex (f receiving), unprotected sex, riding, multiple creampies, begging, overstimulation
a/n: this is for brookie and tulip nonny! thank you for making this happen! love you both <3 based on this and this. minors dni!
“Okay, you have to be lying.”
You purse your lips, swiveling the wine glass in your hand to avoid eye contact. “I’m not.”
Embarrassing as it was to admit (even to your best friends), it was true that you hadn’t had sex since you and your boyfriend officially got together. Technically it hadn’t even been that long. It wasn’t unheard of for people to take things slow. But even you had to admit Seokmin had the pace of a snail.
Seungkwan looked completely appalled while Jihoon and Jeonghan could only gawk at you like you’d grown another head. You awkwardly clear your throat and take a large drink of the wine you’d been nursing all night. It’s not like you meant to say anything, but when the conversation of sex lives came up, you were left with no choice.
“Seokmin is literally obsessed with you.” Jeonghan scoffed. “How can you two not have done anything yet?”
“Maybe he’s shy.” Jihoon says with a gentle shrug of his shoulders, eyebrows still twitching with confusion.
“The same guy who told Vernon he was engaged to Y/N so he would stop flirting with her is shy?”
You all laugh at the memory. It happened only a little over a year ago. Seokmin still hadn’t asked you out at the time, but there was something there. He had invited you a party where you met a lot of his friends from back home. The night had gone smoothly until he saw that his old friend was getting a little too comfortable with you.
“What if…” you swallow thickly, the wine forcing out your biggest insecurities. “What if he’s not attracted to me?”
For a moment it’s silent, then your friends let out collective cackles that have you scowling at them. You allow them to act like the drunken fools before demanding to know why they found your insecurities so funny.
“It’s just that—” Seungkwan cuts himself off with an amused wheeze. “There’s no way Seokmin doesn’t find you attractive.”
“He gets hard any time you wear something that shows off your legs.” Jeonghan pointed out as he went to grab the wine bottle on your coffee table.
“It’s true. I’ve seen it.” Jihoon confirms with a drunken giggle.
You furrow your eyebrows. If attraction wasn’t the problem, then what was?
“Okay, so how do I get him to fuck me?”
Jeonghan chokes on his wine while Jihoon lets out another round of giggles. Seungkwan is the only one calm enough to answer you. “I’ll help you, but he can’t know I told you what I’m about to say.”
After making you swear on everything you hold dear, your friend finally tells you the secret to making the gentleman you call your boyfriend snap.
“So, here’s what you do…”
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You’ve been out on dates with Seokmin plenty of times, but somehow you still got butterflies as if it was the first time. Everything about dating him feels like new and exciting. You even spend what seems like hours picking out the perfect outfit and getting ready to look just right for him despite knowing that your lovely boyfriend doesn’t care what you wear. He’s just happy to be with you.
The overnight bag you packed rests on your bed, and just the sight of it leaves you feeling giddy. Again, it’s not the first time you’re spending the weekend with Seokmin, but you still feel a jittery excitement whenever you do. It’s packed neatly with all the things you needed. Including some more enticing pajamas.
Part of the reason you also feel these unwavering butterflies is because tonight you were determined to fuck your hot boyfriend. Your lovely friends had helped plan it all out, and they were adamant that you had to keep your cool. It was harder than expected because all you wanted was to get your hands on Seokmin’s cock.
A knock on the door pulls you out of your thoughts. You swallow nervously, hands smoothing over your outfit. The new lingerie set you bought is snugly resting against your skin underneath the pretty dress you chose. Psyching yourself up, you grabbed your things and headed to the door.
Don’t make it obvious like you always do!
Seungkwan's words kept echoing in your head, and you have to force yourself to stay calm as you opened the door. You suck in a breath when you saw Seokmin dressed in a white button down shirt that accentuated how big his upper body was and black fitted dress pants. In that moment, all you could think about was how insanely lucky you are.
You blink back into reality only for your heart to lurch when you see Seokmin staring at you like you’re some goddess. Which, to be fair, to him you pretty much are.
“You look so gorgeous. I can’t believe you’re all mine.” Seokmin’s voice is so full of awe and affection that your knees nearly buckle.
Seokmin grins when you bashfully touch the underside of your jaw. “I should be saying that to you. You’re so handsome that I just—” Just want to give you the suck of your life. “Just can’t handle it.”
His pretty laugh fills your ears as you suddenly feel your duffel bag being taken out of your hands. You furrow your eyebrows as you boyfriend slings it over his shoulder. “Babe, I can carry my own things—”
“I know, but as long as I’m around you won’t have to.”
You can’t really argue with his sweet words, especially since you know you won’t win. Seokmin has a strange way of getting you to back down with his placating actions, and you still can’t understand how you give in so easily every time.
Seokmin smiles fondly when he sees a pout forming on your face. “If you really want to hold something then here.”
It’s so stupid and corny how he holds out his beefy arm at you, but you’re so disgustingly endeared by him that you grab his arm anyway and follow him out the door. His triumphant grin makes a smile of your own form on his face.
When you get outside, Seokmin stops you before you can open the passenger door. He pulls the door open before unexpectedly lifting you and placing you on the seat. You feel your face burning as he gentle sets you down as if you’re made of glass.
“There’s a puddle.” He explains as he presses a sweet kiss to your temple. “I know those are your favorite heels.”
He doesn’t give you a chance to respond as he closes the door and gets into the driver side. Seokmin places your bag in the backseat before turning on the car and driving off. Your friends had insisted that you act calmly, but they didn’t know what it was like to date the sweetest guy alive. Every one of his sincere actions made you feel like your heart was going to burst.
This feeling hadn’t gone away with time, and you’re pretty sure it never would.
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You feel like you’re floating on air by the time you get back to Seokmin’s apartment. He always takes you to these amazing restaurants that you always end up loving and never lets you pay. Every time you two go out you feel like you’re being swept off your feet all over again. It’s a feeling that hasn’t dulled over the course of these past few months, and you hope it never does.
The nerves you felt from the beginning of the night resurface when you enter his bedroom with your bag. You have a plan set out, but now that it’s time to execute it, you feel more nervous than ever.
You only become distracted when you go into the bathroom and see that Seokmin has a whole array of new products on the counter. “Baby?” You call as you inspect the very familiar skin care bottles. “When did you get these?”
Seokmin walks into the bathroom, a subtle blush suffusing his face when he sees what you’re holding. “I… I know you sometimes forget to bring all your products when you stay over or when we don’t plan for you to stay, and I just– I wanted you to always have them.”
The shy look he has on his face is so adorable, and at that moment you think that you won’t ever love anyone as much as you love Lee Seokmin.
You practically pounce on him, lips messily connecting with his own. Seokmin is quick to melt into you as you domineeringly back him onto the bed. He falls on his back with you on top of him. The movements of your lips become rougher and needier by the second. It’s dizzying the way you kiss him like you’re addicted to his taste. Like you won’t ever be able to get enough of him.
The heat in his gut expands up in his chest and spreads through his whole body the second you start to grind down on his hardening cock. As much as it pains him, he has to pull away. “Babe—”
You recognize his tone. It’s the one he gets when he’s about to say something particularly disappointing. But you won’t let him do what he’s been doing since you two became a couple. You’re going to get him to fuck you no matter what.
“I want you.” You say as boldly and confidently as you can. “So stop being a gentleman and fuck me already.”
Seokmin is looking up at you with wide eyes. You can see and feel how much he wants you, but you can also see that he’s hesitating. So you do something you really hope works because if not then it’s going to be super fucking embarrassing.
“Please, daddy?”
Your boyfriend freezes, eyes becoming dark and filled with an unmistakable heat that makes you clench. The way his cock seems to grow even bigger under you makes you want to buy your idiot friends a gift in thanks because in the next second you’re being flipped over on your back with Seokmin’s tongue back in your mouth, his hard cock grinding against you.
He pulls back, swiftly taking his shirt off before he pauses to look at you. Your boyfriend’s eyes seem to shine as he drinks the sight of you laid out for him so prettily. Seokmin licks his lips as his hands gently caress your upper thighs. “You’re so beautiful.”
You suck in a breath because his voice is soft and sincere. The way he’s staring at you makes your heart warm with affection. You’ve never felt so exposed, but you’ve also never felt so desired and wanted. Instead of feeling insecure you feel safe—loved.
“Take my dress off.”
And he does, slowly and carefully. Seokmin feels his heart jump up into his throat when he sees what you’re wearing beneath your dress. The lingerie makes you look like his very own present, and Seokmin is pretty sure he’s on the verge of coming in his pants.
“Angel…” He breathes, pressing his clothed cock against your core.
You bite your lip, feeling like you’re about to burst. “I guess you like it?”
“Fucking love it.” Seokmin groans as he starts to trail his lips down your body, kissing and licking at your exposed skin.
The way he’s taking his time to fully get you naked is making your mind turn into mush. You feel so hot and turned on that you’re pretty sure all Seokmin would need to do is grind down on your cunt and you would come.
Vaguely, you feel him tugging off the lacy bra you were wearing. He wastes no time in swooping down to capture one of the hardened buds in his mouth. You moan his name as he licks and sucks your nipple while his giant hand pinches and pulls the other one. His teeth slightly graze your hardened peak before he soothes over it with his flattened tongue.
Your head is swimming and all you can do is buck you hips up to his covered dick. “Fuck!”
Again, that carnal look appears in his eyes. He gently nips at your nipple before he continues to kiss his way down your body. It feels like forever until he gets to the part where you need him the most. Your aching cunt feels like it’s pulsing with need as Seokmin gently grips the edges of your underwear and slides it off.
Your hot pussy is finally exposed to the cool air, and for a moment Seokmin only stares at you with his smoldering eyes. You lick your lips and spread your legs wider. “Don’t you want a taste, daddy?”
Seokmin groans and places a gentle kiss on your clit before his tongue is splitting through your wet folds, lapping up all your sweet juices. Your boyfriend lets out another deep groan as he indulges himself in your taste, the reverberations sending a burning heat up your body.
“I knew you’d taste good.” Seokmin moans against your cunt, long nose bumping against your clit. “So sweet.”
Another gush of your slick coats his chin and mouth. You feel your eyes roll to the back as his tongue circles your clit, sucking it into his mouth to taste more of you. Seokmin is lapping at you with an ardent hunger that has you digging your hands into his hair. You arch up into his mouth as you let out a loud moan. “Daddy!”
The way you’re tugging his locks paired with the sweet sounds falling from your lips have him grinding his aching cock down on to the mattress. Seokmin fucks his tongue into you until you’re screaming his name and coating his mouth with your orgasm.
You’re breathing heavily by the time Seokmin sits up to look at you. The sight of you completely fucked out and sated is something he’ll engrave in his mind forever. At that moment he knows he’ll never get enough of how you look post orgasm.
Seokmin runs his thumb along his wet lips and sucks the remnants of your essence off his finger. Your cunt clenches at the erotic sight. He’s so hot and you can’t wait until he’s inside of you.
Admittedly, you’ve known Seokmin has a big dick. You’ve seen the imprint of it when he wears sweatpants, not to mention that you can even feel it’s massive size through his pants. Still, nothing can prepare you for how big it actually is when he takes the remainder of his clothes off. Your jaw drops, mouth instinctually salivating at the sight of his literal monster cock.
“Will it fit?” You can’t help but ask because right now as you’re looking at it, fitting all of him seems like it’s next to impossible.
Seokmin laughs as he aims his fat tip at your entrance. “Don’t worry, angel. I’ll be gentle.”
Is it bad that part of you doesn’t want him to be?
You let out a soft mewl of pleasure when the fat head of his cock catches along your puffy lips, gently nudging against your swollen clit. His slit is oozing with beads of his arousal, evidence of just how much he wants you. Seokmin’s long fingers circle your clit, teeth digging into his bottom lip as he watches you writhe in pleasure.
Slowly, Seokmin eases into you, groaning lowly when your cunt clamps down on him like it doesn’t ever want to let go.
By the time he fits half of his cock inside you, you’re already a moaning mess. The stretch stings a little, but ultimately feels so fucking good. You feel entirely full despite him not bottoming out yet. All at the same time, your heart is fluttering as much as your cunt is with the sweet encouragements Seokmin is whispering into your ear as he keeps forcing his cock into your pussy.
Impatient as ever, you wrap your legs around your boyfriend’s waist to shove the rest of him inside you. The loud groan he lets out mixes with your scream of pleasure. Seokmin’s cock throbs where you two are connected, plugging you full of your wetness and his own precum that’s dripping from the fat head of his cock.
“Fuck me, daddy!” You moan as you start to grind up into him.
That’s all the encouragement Seokmin needs to start fucking into you deep and hard. His thrusts knock the air out of your lungs, the thick girth of his cock splitting you open deliciously with every passionate thrust. The amount of pleasure you feel as Seokmin’s large hand spreads your legs so he can fuck you deeper is astronomical. The action stretches you out more, and your boyfriend can’t help but moan loudly as your sweet cunt clamps down on him.
“You’re so damn tight, baby.” Seokmin moans, throwing his head back in pleasure as he continues rolling his hips against you.
He’s already drunk on the feeling of your tight walls suffocating his cock. Your hot cunt is massaging his the entirely of his cock in delicious pleasure that licks up his pelvis and pools in his abdomen. Seokmin’s pace becomes rougher when your loud moans turn into nonsensical babbling.
There’s just something so hot about the sight of you spread out under him, your pretty little cunt barely taking his big cock as you whine for him with those fucked out eyes of yours. His hips are snapping into you without losing pace even as he gently caresses your cheek, practically melting into you. “You’re taking this cock so well, baby. This sweet cunt was made for me.”
It’s insane how his voice can still sound so sweet while he’s balls deep inside you. The loud squelch from your cunt is filling the room, and it just turns you on even more. Seokmin moans when he feels your fluttering cunt clench down on him again.
“You close, angel?” He asks through his groans as he looks down where his cock is sliding in and out of you. “Fuck yeah you are. I can feel you squeezing me real tight.”
“Fuh-Fuck! Make me come, daddy!”
You can’t keep your mouth shut, moaning and whining almost incoherently. It feels like you’re on the verge of coming any second, cunt so sensitive and stretched to the max. The pressure in your lower abdomen builds when Seokmin stars to thumb at your lips.
“Come for me, baby. Cream all over daddy’s cock.” He groans, so fond of you that he feels like his heart might implode.
His coaxing makes the coil in your stomach snap. The intensity of your orgasm is prolonged as Seokmin continues to fuck you through it, never once stopping those snapping hips of his.
Seokmin’s mouth falls open with a loud moan when he looks at your pretty pussy filled with his thick cock, your cream coating his veiny dick. You let out a moan of your own when he hooks his hands underneath your knees and pushes your legs against your chest.
“Pl-Please!” You cry out as he pounds his cock into your hot cunt. “Give me your cum! Fill me up!”
Your aroused pleas trigger something primal in him, and he goes wild at the thought of breeding you. “You want daddy’s cum, angel?”
His heavy balls slap your ass as pathetic mewls tumble from your lips. The way you desperately arch into him as your body trembles has his cock twitching inside your cunt.
“Want it so bad, daddy!” You moan, not caring that you sound needy and pathetic.
Seokmin abruptly releases his cum inside you, orgasm triggered by your neediness. His warm seed fills you as he slowly grinds his dick into you to make sure all his cum stays inside you. “That’s right, baby. Take daddy’s cum like a good girl.”
He goes still for a moment to allow you to gather your senses before he reluctantly pulls out of you. The sight of his cum dripping out of you makes his still hard cock twitch in need. Seokmin is too busy looking at your swollen pussy to see that you’re eyeing his cock hungrily.
You smirk a bit, knowing that the monster between his legs couldn’t possibly satiated with one orgasm. Luckily, you were the same way.
“Daddy.” You whine, fluttering your eyelashes slowly. “Want more.”
It’s so cute the way Seokmin goes red. This was the same man who had fucked your brains out not seconds ago, and you absolutely love it. You bite your lip before coyly speaking again. “Can I be on top this time?”
“Look at my pretty angel.” Seokmin coos, voice dripping with honey as you whimper in his tight hold.
Your boyfriend dragged you along the length of his thick cock, soaking it in your essence. Slick dripped down to his heavy balls before it fell to the sheets between his parted thighs. Seokmin can’t help but to smirk at your needy, fucked out expression as he swirls his wet tongue around your tits. His large hand is pressed flat between your shoulder blades, pressing you closer to him to keep you exactly where he wanted you.
“Daddy, please! Want to ride you!”
His lips gently suckled at your taut bud, slurping around it before he pulled back without releasing you. The wet disconnect and hot pressure from your breasts shot through your body until it was making your pussy clench around nothing but frustrating air.
“Beg me properly, baby. If you want my cock," he shifted his hips to allow the blunt tip of his pulsing cock to catch against your clit. “then say it clearly.”
Your hips rutted with a pathetic mewl. “Please fuck me, daddy. I want your cock so bad!”
Seokmin, ever weak to your desires, slams into you in a toe-curling thrust, forcing your walls apart with an guttural groan. “That’s it, baby. So fucking needy for daddy’s cock, huh?”
Your face is hot against his neck, still trying to get used to his big dick splitting you open. Apparently, your boyfriend is the impatient type.
“What are you waiting for? Fuck yourself on daddy’s cock, angel.”
That’s all it takes for you to start bouncing on his massive cock, lost to a rhythm that was forced upon you. There was no slow up and down, not when your man was in the mood to fuck you completely dumb. Not that you were complaining. This was what you wanted all along.
“So good, daddy.” You moan as you toss your head back.
Seokmin has never felt better than now with your sweet cunt gripping his dick. He thinks he’ll never get enough of you now that he’s had you. That primal thought has him smacking your ass with such force that you rocked forward and fell across his brawny chest. He grips your hips and starte to fuck you up and down on his dick like an animal in heat. The delicious drag of his cock hits directly against your sweet spot that has you seeing stars.
"Daddy, please," you beg in a broken moan.
“What, baby? You wanna come?”
“I, no—yes.” You stutter through your moans and gasps. “But I want daddy’s cum more!”
Seokmin practically growls and starts to fuck his cock up into you at a savage pace. Every clap of his heavy balls on your ass jolts you, forcing you to brace on his strong chest and endure this roughness.
A gentle hand pulled you to his lips where Seokmin devoured you in a lust-fuelled kiss. He swallowed your squeal as his thumb found your aching clit, rubbing at it in precise and fast circles. The wet gush of your orgasm forced past his bullying cock was so intense that the world seemed to spin off its axis as you dived into free fall. You were only dimly aware of the hissed praise from the man still fucking into you.
Sensitive nipples graze across his hard chest, eliciting keening noises as you rutted every time your hips meet Seokmin’s thrusts. Your dripping arousal made the sound of skin slapping utterly carnal in a room that smelled of nothing but sex.
“Daddy’s not done yet, baby.” Seokmin grunts against your lips. “I still have to fill you up.”
You let out a loud moan even though your pussy is fluttering and aching from the overstimulation. You can’t help but buck your hips to meet his thrusts because all you really wanted was him to fuck his cum into you again.
“O-Oh, fuck.” Seokmin moans as he buries his face into the crook of your neck.
His thrusts were getting sloppier by the second, so lost in the feeling of your warm cunt wrapped around him that his mind started to go hazy. “You’re so fucking beautiful, baby. My sweet, perfect angel.”
The grip Seokmin has on your hips is tight as he continues to piston his cock into your hot cunt at a an animalistic speed, relishing in every single centimeter of you. He give you one final harsh thrust before he spills his sticky cum inside you. You two moan together, both loving the feeling of his seed painting your walls white.
“Stay inside me, daddy.” You mewl, clenching down on him when you feel him trying to pull out of you.
He moans when you smash your lips against his in a passionate kiss. You two lay together like that for a moment before Seokmin looks at you with those puppy like eyes of his.
“I wasn’t too rough, was I?”
You snuggle into his chest while shaking your head. “No. You were the perfect gentleman.”
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taglist: @duolingofanaccount @felix-3002 @junhui-recs @asjkdk @dani41 @kageyama-i-want-tobiors @ohwonwoo @dokwiyomie
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