#also nicknames
tipsyjaehyun · 10 months
What is that Bright scene that you particularly think "I want to be Non so bad" like you REALLY wish you were him.
Hello anon! I'm gonna answer this question by sharing what scenes in the show were so good that I want to experience them somehow. First of all, a love that defies rules of time and death, loving the same person in all of your lives is something extraordinary in itself.
Well, I'm gonna go with the drunk Khun Yai reciting the poem. For me, literature has always been a language of love. There's nothing more romantic for me than someone sharing their favourite piece of literature with me. I mean, if it's a piece that they have written themselves (for me), I would instantly ask for their hand in marriage.
Also, another scene that I really liked was the fireflies date/picnic that they had. I'm not an outdoor person but I would really enjoy going for a small picnic in a park.
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mirrorhouse · 27 days
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Bartering with desire. Is that what makes you fascinating?
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ohklah0ma · 1 year
i love you nonbinary people named sock and leaf and twig and shoe and fucking microwave for all i care i love you nonbinary people with weird names i love you nonbinaries who can give themselves names they love and put up with people giving them shit for naming themselves frog i love you self confidence i love you
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cor-lapis · 5 months
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"If we must fight, Sethos... I shall defeat you with the power of my friend group of employed adults who miraculously have regularly scheduled meet-ups, and also my daughter!"
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sketchy-tour · 7 months
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Redrew some of my old daycare attendant doodles as stress relief today
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accecakes · 1 month
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Idk how to type with a Scottish/British accent! :"")
Anywhooo~ enjoy!!
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givemeureyes · 2 months
do you think that dean calls cas “castiel” one time and cas shatters every light bulb in the bunker
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keziasorro · 4 months
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Forgot to show my other old Arti comic from Twitter. Aint sad this time :)
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lxvvie · 2 months
Unlike the other men who'd text you back if you tell them you're leaving and want a divorce, Price won't respond. Oh, no, honey, that's not his style.
You think you're in the clear, crossing your t's, dotting your i's, and setting your new place up. You'd always love your Jack but it was time to move on, and move on you did.
It wasn't until you woke up one morning to the smell of—wait. Wait a fucking minute—what the fuck—who... who the fuck is in your kitchen?! And just like that, peace turned to fear and apprehension. You stumbled out of your bedroom to see Price cooking up your favorite breakfast. How did he—?
"Sit down, sweetheart." Your husband didn't turn away from the stove once.
You were too stunned to do anything else.
Price set breakfast out in front of you with your favorite drink in tow—just like you like it. You began to eat but everything felt heavy and it was hard to swallow.
And then Price lit a cigar, took a few puffs, looked at you, and smiled his disarmingly charming smile, cheeks big and everything.
"We need to talk, darling."
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mirensiart · 16 days
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I think the zelda au @/linkeduniverse comic is cool
anyway, here’s my two fave links 🥹💖
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minionsuncle · 6 months
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Nothing I could get my rocks off to
Anyway kind of ironic that it’s called downtime when it’s always the most stressful part of the season
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kiashieart · 5 months
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Goatee Nick: getting an expert opinion
[image descriptions in read more]
(the setting is after timeskip, after Diego has been released from prison. Diego has specialized contacts to replace his visor)
page 1: in the top 2 panels, Phoenix is wiping his face with the towel around his neck, saying "alright", going into the second panel where he lowers the towel to reveal his face with his freshly cut goatee and ask "what do we think?". the third panel has Diego and Trucy with hands to their chins, both humming in deliberation. in the fourth panel, Trucy cheekily responds with a bright smile on her face: "yup! it suits my dear old daddy!", which Phoenix shouts "hey!!" from off screen in offense to his daughters statement; meanwhile Diego is starting to take a step forward, stating "hold on" - as his judgement will require more inspection.
page 2: the top 2 panels are drawn in a comedic simplified style, showing Diego bluntly grabbing phoenix by the chin, and then tilting Phoenix' head back while he leans in close to inspect the goatee. Trucy stands behind Diego in silence, unprepared for what she is about to witness.
the third panel at the bottom is a more detailed drawing of Diego holding Phoenix by the chin in a way that appears surprisingly and unintentionally intimate; Phoenix is wide eyed and starting to blush, while Diego is calmly assessing the goatee with his lips pouted in concentration, narrating his assessment: "hmm… the cut is clean… looks even".
in the bottom right corner, a 'LIVE TRUCY REACTION' display shows Trucy's face cropped; she is smiling thinly, and her eyebrows are raised to the point of a light crease in her forehead in stunned surprise. she is doing her best to reel it in.
page 3: the top two panels are portrait closeups; Phoenix's blushing and surprised face with Diego's hand around his chin almost as if from Diego's point of view, sparkles around his face - and then to Diego's face, calm but his lips still pouted. he idly thinks to himself '… he's pretty handsome'.
the third panel goes back to Phoenix's face; cropped and more close up to his even more flushed lower face, a bead of sweat rolling down his cheek and Diego's hand on his chin, Diego's thumb slipping to touch the corner of phoenix's lips. Diego thinks to himself 'hmm…', and then catching himself in surprise to the position of his thumb; 'ah-'.
the fourth panel goes back to the comedic simplified style with all 3 of them, Phoenix is wide eyed and full on blushing, Diego has quickly pulled his hand back while also blushing and a creased brow but is trying to play it cool with a smile, and Trucy is behind Diego also with wide eyes and her mouth in a straight line. Diego plays it off, stating: "woops - apologies, hand slipped, anyway-" with his speech bubble captioned with 'smooth recovery!!'.
the final panel is like the 4th but bigger and back to being drawn with more detail. Diego is leaning back with his hand close to his own chin again and a pleased smile and blush, slightly sweating from having recovered his slip up; he makes his final positive judgement on the goatee and says "well done! it looks good on you birdie~". Phoenix is still somewhat blushing but he's smiling and leaning back tilted bashfully, responding with "haha, you think? i quite like it myself!" Trucy has put on a calm and friendly smile one her face, but is turning her head to look away and brought her hand up to shield her peripheral view; above her is a faded crudely simplified drawing of her face that reveals her internalized true expression of a stunned grimace. she thinks to herself both impressed and slightly horrified at the outlandish unintentional flirting her father experience with 'wowwww'.
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its-just-sand · 5 months
jack’s ‘chaz’ is something so personal to me
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sualne · 1 year
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Old and new gifts.
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spidertams · 1 year
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Posting some old TASM doodles since it’s Andrew Garfield’s birthday :) he’ll always be my favorite Peter
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starcrossedbrothers · 2 months
big fan of the hc that regulus is the only one who calls james ‘jamie’ but sirius is the only one who can call regulus ‘reggie’
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