#also one of the kids put flowers in one of their parents' teas
bumblingbabooshka · 2 years
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pigeonpeach · 9 months
Early love!
Aka into the early courting stages! Pure fluff
Characters included: Arlecchino, Jean, Diluc, Shenhe, Chlorinde
Afab reader
Early into the courting stages it is quite awkward. As the caretaker you know she’s not the most emotional or social of bosses. But she often requests you stay a little bit late or come see her in her office. At first it has you terrified you did something wrong. But overtime you get used to it. These little meetings are mostly her talking about the kids and any issues you think they might have etc. Nothing too unexpected, but then she starts asking personal questions like lovelife and values. You can’t help but overthink what it means
Truth be told Arlecchino is already smitten with you at this point. She’s just now starting to make her move now that she’s certain life can’t be as enjoyable without you. She sends you flowers on your day off, unintentionally the children also start to try and brag about their father in a advertising sense. She’s well composed, she brings home cakes and desserts specifically for you to enjoy over tea alone with her. She also starts to slowly suggest you move in or move closer. Even offering to compensate the cost. She’s slow with this all. Making sure to ease you into it so she won’t scare you off.
The first time you ask if she’d like to get dinner sometime she almost got a heart attack. She didn’t expect you to be so forward but you’ve grown accustomed to her to the point she’s no longer intimidating. She of course accepts watching you light up and blush with a hidden glee herself.
Oh she’s very old school. She approaches your parents for permission to court you and of course they agree. Gifts show up at your door, often flowers or your favorite treats. Meals are sent including your favorite foods with the price paid in advance. And she lingers around in your presence. Her gifts are bold but she herself is not. She’s very professional around you. She’s very polite but she tries to hard to hide her blush and trembling lips. You’re just too beautiful for her. Everytime she looks at you she is overwhelmed with her feelings. Mostly she writes letters complimenting your skills, your beauty, anything. The Knights also seem to be more protective of you.
Its quite cute for you to see the Acting Grandmaster so flustered. Her cheeks turn red when you look at her and talk to her. You decided to return the favor one-day and send her a meal, homemade, her favorite too. And ohhh she went from overworked and tired to beaming pure joy when she heard it was from you. She treasured each bite like it was gold. When she found out it was made by you she felt like she was on cloud 9. She was already starting to plan the wedding. The other knights were too.
Shenhe was a odd woman. She doesn’t quite understand when you pick to the best flowers and offer them to her, your face red and your hands shaking that it’s because you like her. She sees it as you trying to appease her like she’s some demon. When you clarify its just a gift she thanks you and… eats the flowers..
You try to introduce her to more tasty meals but she’s more fond of salads and vegetarian meals. Its an adeptus thing she says but its also a bit jarring to see her just eat the bouquet of flowers you spent so long agonizing over and debating which was better looking. The best method is gift giving. A beautiful ornate hairpin is appreciated and she will wear it.
One thing though is Cloud Retainer who is seemingly putting you through trials and tribulations to court her as she wants to make sure you’re the absolute best for her. You still do so. When she suggests you train to get a idea of what Shenhe’s life is like you do and boy are you sore from one day’s worth of training. She wanted to make sure you weren’t weak.
But when its all said and done, you didn’t quite pull off those herculean tasks, but your dedication and determination was proof enough that you were worthy to her. You planned a whole confession on Jueyun Karst, the journey there now seeming more like a hike after all your efforts, having appeased your future mother in law, and being a bit more stronger than before she just randomly asks you out one day before the day of the confession. You accept yes but its unfortunate you planned all this romantic gestures and such for nothing. In the future you just have to be direct and obvious.
Oh another chivalrous lady! Like jean she’ll request permission… from yourself.. you’re confused because it’s basically a confession but she insists on still going through the courting process. Does she not realize you already accepted her affection? Oh well. The gifts are wonderful. She even has a customized outfit made for you at Chiori’s which fits you so well. Delicate lace you look absolutely stunning in. Jewelry, food, flowers, and more. You keep telling her you accept her feelings but she insists on continuing. Its improper to conclude too soon apparently? She wants to go through the whooleee routine. You even send her gifts in return to which she proudly wears and displays in her home. She refuses to throw out the flowers even when they’re brown and crisp. Finally after a month of having already accepted her feelings, already having told her that: she asks you out. And you accept. Somehow she looks surprised and delighted as if everyone couldnt tell the outcome.
Oh another chivalrous one! Only he’s a bit more shy. He’s got a big reputation and he worries if he makes it too public if you would get dog piled on by his other admirers. So his gifts aren’t marked. Causing you to go crazy trying to figure out who is giving you sooo many flowers! You’re questioning Flora when Donna breaks down in tears realizing you’re the one Diluc had been sending flowers to and not her. She makes you swear to treat him well and love him dearly. Which is very confusing but you still agree. You mostly just wanted to tell him to please send something else because you’re out of vases and your cat keeps trying to eat the flowers.
You aren’t sure where to go from here though. Do you confront him? Do you send him something? Unlike Diluc you do not have this courting tradition engrained into you. You don’t exactly have alot to offer really. So you decided to catch him in the act of leaving flowers. You stayed home all day diligently watching the door from your window, not wanting to make a fool of yourself and ensure for certain it was Diluc. Donna could’ve been wrong afterall. She wasn’t though. You were almost half asleep when you heard footsteps. You peered out your window catching sight of his red hair. You immediately junped out and called out to him and… fell out the window into the planter below. Whoops.
So your first “date” with Diluc might’ve been him rushing you to the Cathedral to be seen and healed. Luckily the planter broke your fall but he still fretted over you. He apologized alot despite you reassuring him it was fine. He ended up worried when you said you spent all day waiting to catch him. You forgot to eat and he dragged you to dinner, paying for it of course. You ended up bonding with him over it. He refuses to call it your first date with him becoming so much went wrong but you still enjoyed it.
You forgot to tell him to not send flowers thiugh because shortly after that you came home to a bunch of flowers. Luckily this time they were potted plants so you could patch up your garden you body slammed.
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gojostan-doodles · 9 months
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Local farmer/ florist, Amari Vaughn 🌸💐
As a human/ demon hybrid, Amari is gifted with immense physical abilities. When she was a kid, it was very common for her to accidentally break things since she didn't know her own strength. But her affinity for flowers encouraged her to learn how to be delicate with her hands. She realized early on that she wanted to be a florist one day. During her developmental years, she was discreetly monitored by her parents, who looked for other signs of her having supernatural powers. They were relieved to learn that Amari was as normal as everyone else (for the most part). Because of that, they opted out of telling her that she was half demon, thinking that it would only be a source of stress for her if she knew.
Amari grew up in the city without much trouble. She played a lot of sports when she was in school, but it didn't interest her that much. She enjoyed taking care of plants, but found it hard to pursue that kind of work in the city. It's too much of a concrete jungle, y'know? So for a while she gave up on the idea.
Amari worked at a construction company for about 2 years before deciding to go after the life she actually wanted. So she packed her things and took a bus ride to Pelican Town, moving into the farmhouse her grandfather left for her. Settling in took some time, but Amari adjusted to her new lifestyle. She felt right at home surrounded by lots of nature.
But of course, Stardew Valley is a really weird place. So it wasn't long before she encountered the junimos, and later Rasmodius. The "tea" she drank from the wizard not only gave her the ability to communicate with the junimos, but also unlocked her dormant supernatural abilities. She immediately gained a white streak in her hair, and while in a disoriented state, accidentally set herself ablaze and fecking collapsed 💀 Reasonably stunned, the wizard puts out her fire with magic. When she finally wakes up he apologizes, telling her that he'll look into what went wrong and report back to her as soon as he can.
In the meantime, Amari tried to return to her life as a farmer, only to be met with a new set of problems. She struggled with burning her own crops (and many, many other items). During full moons, she would undergo a physical transformation, forcing her to stay home since she stood out like a sore thumb. So yeah, her first year really sucked 🥹 It was clear by her transformation that she was half demon, but it was later confirmed by Rasmodius. Amari was really confused and angry when faced with the reality that her parents didn't bother to tell her something so important.
Things eventually got better though. Over time she figured out that being stressed causes her to combust, so she ended up burning things less often. She made a lot of lovely friends in town too, some who turned out to be just as odd as her. It was really nice knowing she wasn't alone. And eventually she married Sebastian, so things were really great for a change!
About a year into their marriage someone new showed up to the farm, a demon named Uruz. Turns out he and a few others where tasked with searching different realms in order to find Lord Wynn. He's Amari's father, and the king of the demon realm. Uruz accidentally found Amari because her aura is the same as Wynn's (and since it was the night of a full moon, it was more intense). When Uruz learned that Amari knew nothing about her powers, he took it upon himself to stay and teach her everything she needed to know. Apprehensive at first, Amari eventually agreed after talking it over with Sebastian. She felt like she couldn't rely on her dad to tell her anything. So she decided to take this as an opportunity to learn everything, about herself and the demon realm. So currently there's a menace living on their farm that they have to keep in check 😭
Since Amari is only half demon, the abilities and traits she inherited from her dad is a mystery. So when she learns about how long demons usually live, she becomes incredibly anxious about her future. But she tries not to think about it.
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shirefantasies · 9 months
Congrats on 100 followers!!
What are some of your lotr headcanons?
Thank you so much 🥳 Ooooooh good question 👀 lessee *cracks knuckles* I’m going to do some regular one & some romantic ones, enjoy 😘
Some of my LoTR Headcanons!
✧ Aragorn may have worn Boromir’s bracers, but he also kept a drawing he found in his pocket. Turns out Faramir had drawn it one day when they were boys and his older brother held onto it until the end of his days.
✧ Legolas is so soft around little ones. He tries to act all like a wise guide but devolves into letting them climb him and carrying them up to rooftops for starlight stories. Doesn’t even care if they grab his hair or his ears, he’s still smiling so gently at them.
✧ Pippin is what would be called in modern days neurodivergent, more specifically with autism and ADHD. His parents and Merry were the most understanding ones, the ones who knew what he needed to hear and how he would process it best when others didn’t always understand.
✧ Legolas and Aragorn had the habit of singing together at fireside, quiet elvish songs, until one evening Gimli decided to put a stop to it with a dwarvish drinking song. In the end, the others find it so funny they learn it and join in, all three of them leaving their troubles for one night of song.
✧ Lord Elrond? Elrond of Rivendell??? Makes the best cup of tea in Middle Earth, fight me.
✧ Faramir teaches Pippin his favorite childhood game, probably something akin to chess, not really expecting the hobbit to enjoy it but Pippin ends up beating him out of sheer luck
✧ Frodo, Aragorn, and Legolas could have totally talked some shit in Elvish to each other and I firmly believe they did
✧ Arwen thinks of Lindir as a friend, but he’s so formal that in his mind such a lady could never see him so casually, leading to comical differences in the way they address each other
✧ Pippin wants a shit ton of kids some day. Sam is happy with around three, Merry wants a boy and a girl, Frodo isn’t sure he even wants children at all, but Pippin? He’s down for five to ten no problem, and he will be best friends with every single one.
✧ Eowyn teaches Faramir a bunch of horse riding tricks and he falls in love with riding as a sport, smiling as he takes in an act he only performed in war during a moment of pure joy and prosperity.
✧ Merry and Pippin are both such passionate kissers. OMG you will be breathless
✧ Elrond is the gentlest lover, handling his partner so carefully as if they were like gorgeous blown-glass in his hands and could break.
✧ Boromir is the type to grab his partner’s booty when they’re kissing in private
✧ Frodo’s ideal partner is not the smartest person or the most well-read, but someone with lighter spirits than his, someone who can never fail to bring a smile to his face and a laugh out of him.
✧ Faramir absolutely adores surprising you with flowers, so get ready to find them everywhere.
✧ Legolas is incredibly shy, inexperienced, and unsure with romance, so he prefers you to lead so that he can respond in kind, learning and studying with each touch, each act. He discovers his favorite thing is tracing a hand up and down your spine as you embrace.
✧ Gimli likes to act so rough and tough for someone who, in modern terms, would be called a massive simp, practically rolling out a red carpet for his partner and worshipping the ground they walk on, kissing them almost reverently unless the mood shifted deeper.
✧ Eomer is so good at giving massages, his partner will feel like royalty whenever he helps them relax
✧ He doesn’t look it, but Sam 100% would be the type to hold you up against a wall as he kisses you
✧ Aragorn enjoys being little spoon quite frequently. Fight me.
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star-centric · 1 year
Hello! 😊 How are you? Can I request some platonic!Eraserhead headcanons? 😁
Maybe about him adopting a little girl he saved during a mission he went right after officially becoming a hero? I don’t think he'd normally keep a random kid like that, but he got attached to her! 🤗
CHARACTERS: Eraserhead (Aizawa Shota) and Child!Female!Reader (platonic)
NOTE: any scenario that makes Aizawa soft is my favorite <33
CW: female reader, a small mention of violence (nothing against reader), fluff, platonic/family trope
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Aizawa never really thought about his future besides from becoming a pro-hero, and that became his main focus even after he got his hero license. He knew what he was getting himself in to despite being new to it, putting his life in danger countless times to save people. He already knew what to expect-
He however was not expecting you to be so attached to him- and him to be attached to you
It was a rough mission, one where he couldn’t save everyone. He was able to rescue you, but the other heroes sadly shook their head when he asked about your parents
It was the side of being a hero that wasn’t really talked about much- not being able to save everyone. Aizawa didn’t think he would experience it so soon, and his failure ate him up inside. He’ll never forget how he froze when you pulled on his sleeve, teary eyes thanking him, asking where your parents were and when you could see them
When he came to see you at the hospital, it was for atonement at first. It was only right to see after you, especially now that you were an orphan because of him. It wouldn’t be right to leave you alone, but his thoughts of doubt began to gnaw at him if he was making the right choice. Would you want to go with him?
He expected you to be mad at him, to cry and refuse to go with him because he’s the reason your parents are dead-
But instead you ran to him with open arms, smiling with your front tooth missing excited to see him again. That moment solidified that he was doing the right thing
It took a while to adjust to having someone else in the house, specifically a 5-year-old terror like yourself (he found out quick why childproof locks exist), but it was…nice. A bit of a pain but surprisingly nice
It was a bit difficult to take care of you when he had to do patrols some nights or if he was called to a mission early- which is where Uncle Mic (as he insisted you call him) came into play!
Aizawa hoped that he would regret asking him for help but he surprisingly didn’t (until it came down to joining you both playing superheroes or tea parties at home)
He, if ever, rarely got upset with you. He had to remember that if you did something stupid- ie. using actual flowers to try and make him pancakes instead of flour- you were a child and didn’t know any better. He would make sure to discipline you though, making sure that you knew exactly what and why you did something was wrong. He also made sure to keep a closer eye on you (and whatever you had in your hands)
There were nights where it was hard, where you would cry out for your parents in the middle of the night after a nightmare- tears streaming down your face as he held you, reassuring that he was here. Those nights were rare, and Aizawa realized just how close you’ve both gotten when you began to cry out for him. He found himself curled up in the small bed until you went back to sleep- his back would be sore in the morning but he won’t complain
You made his home more colorful (literally and figuratively) instead of the bare necessities that were once there before. It was extra mess to clean up, but it was worth it since you were so happy
Whenever he had a challenging day, you always tried to find a way to cheer him up, and it worked after a while, even if he didn’t smile
Aizawa used to think that maybe you should go to an actual family instead of him- they would be able to provide more for you, wouldn’t they? The thought would cross his mind a lot in the beginning, but as time went on, it faded away. He couldn’t imagine going back to an empty home- it got to a point where he couldn’t wait to see what new thing you would want to show him as soon as he walks in
He would worry that he wasn’t doing a good job in raising you, but as he saw the person you were becoming, his worries would disappear
Anytime those thoughts came back to haunt him, they would be quashed once he saw the Father’s Day card you gifted him, smile as bright as the day he took you home
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estrellayluna · 5 months
Devotion Nanami Kento
Synopsis : Dreaming of your late father, you realized visiting his grave shouldn’t feel like chore nor burden. You change the way you view visiting his grave with the simple pleasures of a bakery that’s right next door to the flower shop.
(This is a bit long, please bear with me)
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To say you had been woken up due to the early sun beaming through your blinds would be an understatement. Unfortunately this morning you were woken up due to a cold sweat, seeming to gasp for air at the same time.
It has been 5 months since the day you lost your father. And just in 7 days, it’ll be the 6th month mark. The thought of another month since his passing caused you to drown yourself in the comfort of your blankets, trying to block the sun from bothering you anymore along with the rest of your problems.
Hoping to rest just a while longer was cut short to your phone ringing somewhere alongside you. Desperately trying to find the device to put an end to the loud disturbance you answered the phone while mustering the strength to get out of bed.
“(Y/N) sweetie, how are you?” It was the soothing voice of your mother on the other end.
“Hi mom, I just woke up not long ago actually. If it weren’t for your call right now I would still be rotting in bed.” Your mom let out a soft laugh, causing you to smile.
“Well I’m glad I was of help this early in the morning my love, I just wanted to call you and check up. It doesn’t seem to get any easier for me to make it non awkward for us.” You sighed just lightly hoping your mom didn’t catch.
“6 months soon and I still can’t seem to get it right can I, (Y/N)?” You hum in response to your mom.
“It’s nothing to worry about mom, I’m an adult now. If I were a child I think fathers whole passing would have been a whole different story for us.” You respond calmly while making your way to the kitchen.
Your parents divorced when you were a child. Being raised by a single mother and only seeing your father on the weekends growing up. Most young kids tended to favor the father more but seeing your mother struggle to make ends meet made you see things differently at a young age. Especially once you were understanding of the situation was when your mother told you the truth. Your father was unfaithful to your mother.
“Plan on doing anything special this time around (Y/N)?” Your mother asks as you pour yourself a cup of tea. You paused. ‘Should I tell her?’
Since your fathers passing, you couldn’t really make out what to think about it. Of course you were sad. But ultimately each time you actually sat down and thought about it, you felt nothing. Like a void that was not empty nor full. In the beginning your mother was concerned, causing her to have her own doubts if she had done the right thing years ago in opening up to you about the truth.
But you had reassured her multiple times in the past that even before being revealed to the truth that your relationship with your father was strained. Something you also couldn’t pinpoint as to why. So there was no need to worry she failed to protect you and your relationship with your father.
“I dreamt about him last night mom.” You replied in a hushed tone while sitting down on your small circular wooden table.
“It was a short dream. Though it felt so real. I couldn’t make him out in the beginning but once I realized it was him I broke down. He was two other little kids alongside with him. They were both girls. One at least two years old and another eleven years old,” you started to feel hot tears forming in your eyes “it felt so real mom. I don’t know where people go once they pass but if that was a sign that he’s doing alright I’ll go along with that.” Tears started to stream down your face, your left hand holding your phone up to your ear and your right clutching your chest.
“Well it’s a possibility that could be true my love. When your father passed I liked to think he’s with your older sister sometimes too.”
Your mothers response made you smile, wiping away your tears you let out a small laugh.
“Do you think the younger child must be another’s lovers child?” You respond with a witty tone that makes the both of you laugh.
“Sometimes I wonder how serious and unserious you can be at times (Y/N)” you mother says while calming down.
“You should visit him more often (Y/N).”
Walking back towards your room, leaving the forgotten tea you had make earlier and walking towards your bedroom window to open and let fresh mourning air in you hum in response, “I’ll try my best mom.”
“I forgave your father a long time ago (Y/N), I hope you can as well someday.” Looking over at your clock,
“Thank you mom, for everything.” You knew your smile could be felt on the other end for your mother, “I love you so much (Y/N) I’ll try my best to visit you soon, try to have a productive day today!”
After ending the call with your mom, you promised her you would. Starting with making your bed.
Locking your apartment door behind you and putting your keys in your bag you walked down towards the entrance of your apartment building.
The sunny weather felt like a warm blanket as you walk down the street while soft breezes pass you. You don’t live far from the city’s downtown where all the restaurants, shops and livelihood are.
After the phone call with your mother you had a moment thinking of what she had told you.
I forgave your father a long time ago
The feeling of guilt almost entirely overcame you until you had promised your mother you’d have a productive day.
And you knew deep down inside your father wouldn’t want you rotting away in bed and be a lazy person ignoring their problems.
With almost nothing to do on your day off you decided to visit your fathers grave while the weather is still warm.
You almost never visit your fathers grave, and if you do it always been less than shamelessly 15 minutes.
Shaking away your thoughts as you come closer to the flower shop, the smell of freshly baked goods seem to get closer. Looking past the flower shop, you see an entrance to what seemed to be a small tucked away bakery. You hadn’t noticed until now that there was such a place.
Granted when you stop by the flower shop it was always a swift stop as you tend to always wish to get visiting his grave over as quickly as possible.
Looking down at the time,
It was still early in the day, plus being eager to get about your day you forgot to bring a water bottle with you, you couldn’t see why not stopping for a quick refreshment at the bakery.
Walking inside, you were immediately greeted by the smell of the warm sweet treats and the friendly atmosphere. Not too busy but just a little tight for your liking.
Perhaps next time I can plan to take some baked goods with me to the gravesite
Walking up to the counter you order a cup of lemonade and requested a small cup of water to accompany.
Deciding to enjoy and bask in the smell of the bakery you sat down in the nearest small table in front of the window, sipping on your refreshments as well as just looking out the bakery’s window watching as life goes by.
The bakery’s peace was at a mellow stance until your thoughts were interrupted by the doors bell ding, and steady footsteps being heard ushering towards the front.
You looked over to see a tall frame in a dark mocha colored suit sort of frantically trying to get his order in as fast as possible.
Not wanting to seem so curious you look back towards the window, unbeknownst in looking at the man’s reflection.
Tall, blond, fit, nice looking suit. He must be a businessman.
As the man turns around to wait for his order to be ready at the other end of the counter, he slightly leaned back checking his watch in haste, sighed in what seemed of exhaustion, quickly looked up while still waiting
His eyes met yours in the reflection of the window.
Caught, you felt your ears get hot and you looked away from the reflection of his eyes. Looking down, anywhere but back at his.
Trying to smoothly drink quickly the remainder of your beverages left, you got up and quickly thanked the staff before heading out.
As you walked past the window you were looking out of just now you tried your best to not look back in again to see if the tall man was still there. Filled with blush and embarrassment you quickly opened the door to the flower shop.
“Yes those are beautiful, I’ll take just a small bouquet of those daisies please.” Smiling at the older lady, and as she starts to make her way towards the back to prepare the bouquet your steps head towards the display of all the other flowers the shop had displayed.
Nothing it was just yourself in the shop you noticed how quiet it was inside, the faint sounds of the scissors being put to work in trimming your bouquet.
Deep in thought of the beautiful colors the flowers came in you hadn’t notice that another person walked into the shop.
“Tiger flowers, vibrant as can be around this time around,” the soft voice of a man says behind you.
Taken out of your thoughts, you look up quickly seeing the reflection of the green tinted windows of the flower shop you see the man from the bakery behind you.
Swiftly turning around to meet the man’s eyes you could feel your whole face feel hot, unsure to smile or apologize for earlier at the bakery.
Looking at him closer, you note his features. His strong facial expressions, his circler metal glasses, and his lips.
Does this man have a permanent frown? He’d be totally more inviting if he didn’t..
Pushing your thoughts away you smiled at the man, agreeing with him.
“Yeah, the vibrant colors are beautiful.” You responded, not sure on how this conversation would go.
Before more words can be said the flower shop employee had just finished your bouquet of flowers you requested.
“Miss (L/N), I got your bouquet all nice and ready!”
In the beginning of the your fathers passing, you had frequent here at the flower shop, and you explained as to why you were buying flowers in the first place to the elderly worker. She didn’t pry but she had vaguely mentioned how certain flowers have different meanings. You can recall how generous she was and how she took care into making your bouquets.
Looking back at the counter you smiled back at her and headed towards her, ready to make your purchase. Not before giving one last smile towards the man.
As you pull out your wallet, you hear the lady greet the man.
“Oh Kento! It is nice to see you again! How are you? Looking at different flowers today? I can assure you those Tiger Flowers can last up to two weeks!”
The man’s footsteps can be heard walking towards the both of you.
“Thank you Mrs. Ua, but I intend to buy white roses this time.” The man now standing next to you stands tall and firm, so tall he’s looking down at the elderly lady.
“Oh well Kento, I’ll just have to keep hoping both of your two’s healing journey will show you how other flowers can look just as lovely placed onto headstones!”
Slightly shocked at her response, you looked up at the man
So he’s visiting someone too? I figured he was probably coming in to buy his significant other flowers
“I’m sure soon enough we can Mrs. Ua,” Kento responded whilst looking down at your bouquet that was placed gently on the counter, “Mrs. Ua, actually I’ll go ahead and change the white roses to daisies as well. And you can go ahead and allow me to pay for this woman’s bouquet as well.”
How many times am I going to keep being heating up because of this man?
Trying to calm yourself down, you quickly object.
“Oh! Oh no, please it’s totally fine! You don’t have to!”Blushing furiously now the man looks down at you, slightly smiling.
“Please, allow me to. It would certainly brighten up my day.”
An excited coo can be heard from Mrs. Ua
Had you ever think that you’d be walking now alongside a man you had just met less than 30 minutes ago. No.
Whilst Mrs. Ua was preparing his bouquet small talk had to ensue. If it hadn’t been for the man you had learned name was Kento, he was the first to start.
“Are you headed to visit a love one as well?” He asked you while leaning on the flower shops counter this time, whilst you still faced towards the back. Once again the faint hearing the faint scissors at work.
“Yes, I am. I am planning to visit my late father today,” your heard turns toward the man, slight tilting your head up to look at him, “are you doing the same?”
The blonde man looks down at you quickly before looking away again, facing the shops display of flowers.
“Yes I am, except I plan to visit my friend.” Smiling at him, “as sad as the circumstances may be, it’s nice to meet you-,” before you could say his name, he then finally introduced himself.
“Kento Nanami.” He looked down at you once again.
“(L/N) (Y/N),” you smiled at him, “it’s nice to meet you Kento Nanami,” with a beaming smile.
I honestly have no idea where this is going. I started at 1 am, I’m pausing at almost 4 am. Please forgive me!! Also this blog is so old. I am no longer 19 anymore but 21. I hope to get back into writing.
I would love to hear feedback and suggestions to continue this little plot!
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Ok, so, what if all the madrigal kids were put on the "golden child" pedestal? Even Mirabel (she can have a gift or no gift, it's your choice).
Isabela = The perfect girl who can create flowers. She's agile, sweet, and beautiful. If you had a bad day she can give you a few flowers to make you feel better. She can also help with birthdays, funerals, weddings, etc.
Dolores = The girl who can hear if anyone is in trouble or just someone to spill the tea with. She can also help if any person or child is going through abuse of some kind.
Luisa = Has the strength to protect anyone in the family and just help around with heavy things. She's also just as agile and almost never smudges her clothes when she's out doing chores.
Mirabel = ?
Camilo = the perfect gentleman and sweetheart of the family. Always willing to help mothers or parents have a break. Or just willing to make you laugh or smile.
Antonio = The second sweetest boy of the family. Always willing to give a hug or help around. Especially with his new gift, he can easily speak to the animals of Encanto for anything the villagers need. (And to tell the bee's Agustin isn't a threat)
(I'm already writing an au like this, but I just wanted to see what your version of the au would be like. In my version Mirabel got the gift of creating diamonds (jewelry), crystals, and pearls. You can choose if she gets a gift or not tho)
To be honest, I wouldn’t want to do an AU too similar to that of someone else’s, if that makes sense? It isn’t that I dislike the idea though.
Anyway, here are my thoughts on this:
Having all of them be the “golden child” at once kind of renders the trope pointless. If they are all perfect, they are all equal; so there wouldn’t really be a pedestal or favouritism. In addition, having so much may also make it quite messy.
But it is a very intriguing idea to play around with what each child would be like in the role.
Isabela is already the favourite in canon. I don’t have anything to add here.
Dolores is definitely an interesting case. Her gift is one of the ones usually regarded as a curse or associated with negative connotations. Which it isn’t, it is arguably one of the more helpful gifts. Combined with her passion and intelligence, she would make a very capable golden child and definitely achieve that ideal of a perfect, young lady that we see Abuela going for with Isabela in canon.
Luisa is one of the more likely to be a golden child for me. If Abuela valued more hard work than reputation, as Luisa could easily be argued as the one who does the most to benefit the community alongside her mother. At the same time, she is also this figure of bravery and protection, which easily adds to the possible idolisation of her character to the town.
Camilo is similar to Luisa. Given his optimistic spirit and the desire to bring smiles or laughter to all, he is definitely one of the more friendly and social members of the family - it is easy to imagine him being the favourite of the town because of how his work brings him so close to their lives. He’d fall into a similar trap to Isabela, hiding his more mischievous and chaotic nature, in favour of a more gentlemen persona to please Abuela.
Mirabel is not usually handled well in AUs where she’s swapped to be the favourite. She gets wildly out of character and just becomes another Señorita Perfecta Isabela or idolised for being more vulnerable (which… why? You’d have to have the same feelings to the entire town). Mirabel is the brains of her sisters (Luisa = brawn, Isabela = beauty). There is so much potential behind a mind or logic based gift and the subsequent pressures Mirabel might face as “the most intelligent girl in town”. And I will never get why nobody takes advantage of it.
Antonio is another one to see being an easy charmer. The youngest favouritism is rather common and how could you say anything bad about a sweet, little boy who can talk to animals? I haven’t seen anyone experiment with him as the favourite before, so it would be very exciting to see what someone comes up with.
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thebestever16 · 3 months
do you have any wash sibs headcanons?
Until the age of 13, all of the Washingtons went to church every Sunday and attended bible study too
They were in the church choir for a long time too
All of the sibs can play one classical instrument (Josh- the cello, Hannah- the violin, and Beth- the piano)
Josh is the unofficial official maintenance guy (if anything is broken/needs to be built, his sisters will ask him to do it)
Beth and Josh brought Hannah the sims 3 as a birthday gift (Josh brought the computer and Beth brought all of the games)
Josh and Hannah brought Beth one of those indoor rock climbing wall things (Beth loves it)
Josh always talks about wanting a surprise birthday party (and the twins try every year but Josh is nosy/hates being left out of the loop)
All of the have a “spa day” together (the twins are the only ones having a fr spa day, Josh just eats the cucumbers that are supposed to go on their eyes)
All of the sibs have a big sweet tooth but Josh’s is the biggest
The twins sometimes just walk into Josh’s room while he’s sleeping and stare at him (one time he woke up, he almost had a heart attack)
Josh sleeps like sleeping beauty, Hannah sleeps on her stomach, and Beth sleeps on her side and curled up
Hannah has tried multiple times to get Josh to have a diary/journal so he can express himself but he can’t get into it
All of them have pillow fights (Beth wins only bc she’ll pretend to cry)
They have movie night every weekend
They’re all weirdly competitive about stupid things (one time they bet who could hold their breath the longest, Josh won and he also almost passed out)
Beth loves leggings
Beth has a fear of heights and Hannah has a fear of fire
Josh buys Hannah and Beth plushies anytime he’s at the store
Josh taught Hannah and Beth how to play baseball
Josh’s favorite season is winter, Hannah’s is summer, and Beth’s is spring
Hannah has this huge bug collection (she also has one specifically for butterflies)
Beth collects flowers
Whenever it’s spring/summer Hannah and Beth would put flowers in Josh’s hair while he’s sleeps
They love watching family sitcoms
Josh is the best cook, Hannah is the best baker, and Beth can only really make sandwiches
Josh loves the aquarium, Hannah loves the bug one?, and Beth loves the zoo
Hannah drew the Josh picture and drew a Beth one too (but Beth hated it and demanded she throw it away)
When they were younger, the twins would listen to Josh when he told them not to do something
When Josh first watched Friday the 13th, he convinced his parents that Hannah and Beth need swimming lessons
Josh raised the twins until he was 11
Beth and Josh read Hannah’s diary together
They’re all creative but in different ways (Josh- movie, Hannah- writing/making things, Beth- musical)
Hannah loves to crochet and knit
Josh cuts all of their hair
Josh is Bob’s favorite and the twins are Melinda’s
When Beth came out, Josh and Hannah said we already knew and Beth was shocked
Josh used to read bedtime stories to Hannah and Beth
Hannah and Beth used to have tea parties (Josh was their butler)
Beth was obsessed with princess as a kid and Hannah was obsessed with mermaids
Beth takes horrible pictures of Josh and Hannah
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bg3fan · 10 months
How to bake your way to a smith´s heart
Part 1
( I think you can read this as a one-shot)also caution it´s not proof-read
Emma left an hour ago, that means that you´re left with cleaning up the bakery, you two own. It isn´t big and it did cost a fortune but with your parents help you two were able to buy it and finally fulfill the dream you both had since growing up.
As kids you two would build your own bakery with cardbords and use mud or sand to make your dough while flowers and grass were used as sprinkles.
Sighning, you wipe the floor clean from all the flour, losing your hope that Dammon would visit you today. Perhaps you did creep him out by comming unannounced and even telling him that you´ve been watching him.
After you came back you didn´t dare to look out of the window, too embaressed that he might catch you.
Finished wiping the floor, you stand up with aching knees to wash the dishes next in the other room.
While washing them, you hear the door´s bell and annoyed you come out at the desk to tell the customer that you´re already closed for the day.
But to your surprise; Dammon is standing there with a small bashfull smile, carrying your basket in his hand. "Am I disturbing?"
You hold your hands up and shake your head "No, not at all... but we are all out off sweets, unfortunately." You give him an apologetic look.
"Ah, I´m sure your treats are much tastier here, inside the quiet bakery than in my forge... but I´ve come to bring your basket back." He puts the item on your desk as he looks around, admiring the decoration and it doesn´t seem like he is ready to go yet.
"Do you have any plans for tonight?" you catch the faintest hint of blush on his cheeks as he rubs his neck while asking.
Your own face heats up "Uhm, yes, erm- I mean no I don´t have plans but yes I-I would spend it with you- if that´s what your asking of course..."
Dammon chuckles at your behaviour and you can´t help but laugh a little too. It´s clear that he knows you have a crush on him which gives him the confidence to ask you out.
"Then we could go for some tea or a light meal in the tavern?" You nod and look down on yourself then back at him "but I´ll need to go back home and change real quick, if that´s ok."
The tiefling agrees and tells you that he´ll be back in an hour to pick you up, so that you two can walk together there.
After he left you run up the stairs to your room and get ready as fast as possible. You put on nicer clothes and decide that you should let your hair open. Quickly putting on a little makeup, you grab your bag and go downstairs. The half finished dishes are long forgotten in the sink.
Dammon´s already waiting for you outside, wearing a simple shirt and vest, with his sleeves rolled up to the elbows which reveal several little burns and scars on his arms from working in the forge.
You rush outside, his tail wags excitedly as he catches the sight of you by his side. "I hope you didn´t wait too long" you start.
He offers you his arm which you bashfully accept. "Don´t worry, you´re right on time." He offers you a smile and guides you to the next tavern.
All while you feel your heart beating against your chest because of how close he is. You´re itching to put your other hand on his arm as well, curious how his muscel and rigged skin must feel like.
Even though it´s almost 10 p.m the city is still wide awake, there are a lot of people who are also very drunk but the walk to the tavern isn´t long and you two arrive it in less than a 15 mins walk.
The noise of the tavern makes you feel a little uneasy since you´re not a fan of loud sounds in general and it seems that Dammon also caught up on that by your tense body language.
That´s why he guides you to a small table in the corner, hoping that it would ease your mind a little.
"Do you already know what you´d like to order?" he asks as you both look at the menu. "Yeah I think I´ll take the same as always; some fried potatoes with the yoghurt sauce."
He nods and calls for the waiter to order for the two of you "I´ll have the chicken steak with grilled vegetables and for my partner fried potatoes with yoghurt sauce. For drinks we would like some lemonade." And with a nod the waiter is gone.
You can´t help but figet a little on your chair as he called you his partner. "You look quite lovely tonight, [Name]" and again he manages to make a blushing mess out of you.
"Thank you, I know I probably looked a bit messy earlier when I came to your forge" you admit but he chuckles fondly and assures you that "No, I actually thought you looked quite adorable even though you came straight from your bakery. The flour on your clothes actually suits you very well."
The waiter is quick with your order and as Dammon thanks him he leans back with his drink "Don´t worry about being messy around me, I think you know my work isn´t the definition of clean."
And you do just that, you both dig into your meal and it seems that Dammon was very hungry since he eats way faster than you do.
After minutes of silent eating he begins "What made you decide to open the bakery nearby?"
Swallowing your food you start to explain "Well, it was always my dream to open up a bakery with my friend Emma. Even as kids we would tell everybody that we will have our own bakery someday. But without her and my parents I wouldn´t be able to, even though I had a lot of jobs to save up the money."
Dammon listens and nods understandingly "I feel the same way about smithing... and I´ve also worked extremely hard to forge my name in this town..."
He chuckles before looking at you "Pardon the pun."
Taking a bit of his meal he continues "How has business been going for you?"
You are relishing the possibility to talk about your bakery "You know, sometimes it goes good and then bad agan. It´s a constant rollercoaster actually so it´s never really steady. Also the customers for some reason rarely try any new receipts out and sometimes they are so rude about the littlest thing which leaves me questining humanity at some point."
Dammon smiles warmly with understanding eyes and he can tell that you are very passionate about your bakery.
"But how is it going for you?" you ask in return.
Before answering he takes a sip of his drink "It´s been an experience, for sure." He puts his glass down and rubs his chin thoughtfully, "The locals seem to appreciate my work, some of the adventures I forged weapons for have come back for more." he proudly tells you.
His expression sours for a second "Not everone is a fan of a tiefling though, at least not at first. I suppose my appearance can be intimidating."
Feeling bad for him, you put your hand over his "I´m sorry, I cant imagine how horrible it must be to be the victim of rasicm. I´ve also heard how some people talk about tieflings."
He turns his hand around to hold your as his voice falters a bit when he mentions "Yes... I´ve heard my fair share of slurs while walking the streets. Many avoid me or give me dirty looks."
You squeeze his hand, thinking about how people could be this mean to someone so nice, even if they don´t know him. "If it´s anything worth I think your tiefling features look good and I had no ill thoughts about you." Confessing this makes you avoid his gaze while your cheeks heat up.
Even Dammon can´t hide his blush as his tail stills before wagging happily again. "Thank you... that´s very sweet of you to say [Name]. Not everyone appreciates my infernal features, even me sometimes."
He chuckles and strokes his thumb over your hand. His hand leaves yours and you already miss his warmth over your now cold one.
The rest of the dinner goes rather quietly. You two talk a little about this and that, getting each other to know better.
As the waiter comes back for the bill, Dammon is quick to turn down your offer to at least pay for yourself, reasoning "Please, allow me to pay for today. I don´t often have someone to dine with and I´d like to repay you for the sweets today."
On your way home he again offers his arm which you happily accept. You two walk in silence, finally the city quiet down which creates a comfortable atmosphere between you two.
A shiver runs down your spine as the wind blows against your back. "May I?" he ask while taking his arm out of yours to put it around your shoulders, nodding you allow him as you snuggle his side.
Being this close to him, lets you feel his warmth and smell his scent, which make you weak once again.
At the entrance of your bakery, he starts "Today was really nice, I hope we could repeat it sometime."
"Yes, I´d love to." You give his cheek a little peck while he squeezes your shoulders. He watches you get in before waving a little bye, making sure that you´re save so that he can go to his own home across the street.
You don´t really feel like sleeping, thinking about the dinner causes you to giggle and kick your feet. You can´t help but daydream about the next steps with Dammon. How and when he would confess his love for you.
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Also I´m always open to talk about this fine man, (I´m basically open to chat about literally every bg3 character) xD
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mrszatara · 10 months
My favorite hc is that Zatanna is basically every batfam member favorite aunt.
She met Dick when he was first adopted and he loved her show so much and even asked to play her assistant once, she teaches him a few tricks like escaping a shark thank, he called her to asked for advice when he went to his first date because Alfred and Bruce were useless. Dick attended to both her parents funeral and brought flowers to put on the grave.
She loved Jason enthusiasm and loved to pamper him with normal stuff that kids are suppose to do like take him to the movies and buy him ice cream. He was not into magic, but loved when she gifted him silly things that made Bruce annoyed. He was sweet enough to always ask her to dance in every Wayne Gala that she attended. When he came back from the dead she felt the change on his aura and was absolutely heartbroken by it, but she’s still the only one allowed to call him Jay and she always invites him to her shows with a sweet note, even though he never shows up he keeps it every single one.
Although she loves every single one of them, Tim is secretly her favorite (everyone always thinks Dick’s her favorite). She was stunned how he figured out everything about Batman as a kid, he was so curious about everything and made her so many questions all the time. She would often invite him to Shadowcrest, open her library so he could explore and have some tea. She also calls him a lot to ask how he’s doing, if he had been sleeping enough, threatening him to make his coffee taste like sour milk if he doesn’t take care of himself. He opened to her about his sexuality first and she made a sweet speech about how much she loved him and she was proud and if anyone messed with him she would hex them forever.
Damian was surprised that his brothers had such an affection with her, but quickly understood why. She charmed him slowly, bribing him with magical creatures until he finally opened up to her. He likes to spent time at Shadowcrest too (something that inspires Tim to be a bit jealous sometimes and she teases both of them for it), but hates visiting her on San Francisco. She likes to make him watch animated movies that he pretends to hate first and then talks about the whole day. They also try a lot of vegetarian recipes together, because Zatanna and Damian are the only two people Alfred allows to come close to his kitchen. If everything goes wrong the just order take out and take notes on how to do better next time. He also has her on speed dial in case something happens to Goliath.
She loves watching Cassandra’s ballet concerts. Zee is so sweet about her difficult with communicating, always leaving her comfortable. She often attempts to kidnap her to a girls day, since she never could it with the previous boy, but Cass is not very used to it. She asked for Zatanna’s help when she went on a date with Conner Kent.
She thinks Duke is the sweetest of them all. She had the privilege of reading some of the stuff he wrote and thinks he is a literary genius. He doesn’t understand much about magic, but she teach him a lot about control, how easy is to lose control when you have this kind of power at hand. She’s also very attentive to his school, always asking how he’s handling.
They annoy Bruce to the most to always invite her to perform on the Galas. They are not very good on picking gifts, but they always sent sweet birthday wishes to her. They asked Alfred to do her favorite meal when she’s coming over. They think the rumours about her and Bruce dating are funny, but also disgusting, but if the media asks them something they show support so Zatanna calls them angrily demanding they take it back. They are also very nosy on her life always asking who she’s dating and she always tells them to get a life. Whenever someone comments she is old enough to be Dick’s mom she threatens to hex them.
She is so proud of them, she loves them so much and they love her. SHE’S THEIR AUNT ZEE.
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1cat200 · 3 months
Rise Kids:Next Gen-part 1
I used picrew to help me design the kids for my rottmnt next gen au. I will do first Raph's kids first and will then do part 2 on Donnie's kid on Monday. For now enjoy!
Raph&Mona's kids:
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•Raph's adopted son.
•Uses he/him pronouns.
•15 years old.
•Complete daddy's boy.
•Was found by Raph in the hidden city, in a dumpster as a baby and Raph adopted the little guy (can you really blame Raph)
•Oldest of his cousins.
•Wants to be a doctor when he's older.
•Complete cinnamon roll,like has dad.
•Loves his little brother and sister.
•Has a huge fear of scorpions and will absolutely freak out and scream at the top of his lungs the minute he sees one.
•Can be a little jumpy when he is left completely alone for more than 4 hours.
•His weapon of choice is Jitte.
•His mystic powers are to be able to create force shields,almost like Raph.
•Loves cute fluffy animals and often tries to sneak them into the house.
•Tries to keep his cousins from creating to much chaos.
•His birthday is August 24th
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•Raph and Mona's biological daughter.
•Uses she/her pronouns.
•9 years old.
•Daddy's little princess and Mommy's sweet cupcake.
•Is often a little sassy and stubborn every since she was 3.
•Big Hello Kitty fan girl.
•Loves having tea parties with her mom,dad and cousins.
•Is still in ninja training so she doesn't have any weapons of her own yet.
•Her mystic powers are to control flowers.
•Loves flowers as well,her favourites are tulips and roses.
•Prefers to be next to her parents and older brother rather then to be with anyone else.
•Often finds her little brother, Marcus a little annoying.
•She loves being a girly girl and enjoys putting makeup on her aunt's, cousins and parents faces.
•Amy's birthday is March 18th.
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•Raph and Mona's biological son.
•Uses he/him pronouns.
•5 years old.
•Is a sweetheart and loves his family so much.
•Looks up to his dad and Lucas a lot and wants to be a hero like his dad someday.
•Always looks forward to visiting his Grandpa Splinter and Draxum's apartment because they always watch Lou Jitsu before bed.
•Is often scared of the dark so Raph and Mona gave him a bunny night light for him to sleep with.
•Loves teddy bears just like his dad and has a huge collection of stuffed animals in his room.
•Leo once joked about Raph and Mona letting Marcus have a museum of teddies.
•Can be mischievous at times but always does puppy dog eyes to get him out of trouble (worked a million times on Lucas and Raph before Mona,April and Cathy told them off).
•Marcus also likes watching Bluey.
•His birthday is February 8th.
Hope you guys enjoyed this,and stay tuned for more on my rise kids ocs on Monday!
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lilylilyloly · 1 year
hi hi hello
i saw your headcanon post and wondered if you have more? (about nature wives btw)
ask and you shall receive!
-tortoise doesn’t really like anyone else but shelby at first but he gets really attached to katherine
-if you’ve read my fic “a very long night” you might remember how katherine’s curse turned her hand dead and numb. after it happened, kath starts wearing gloves to hide her cursed hand, but she takes them off around people she trusts (aka shelby)
-kath teaches shelby to dance
-skulkby (skulked shelby) is used to intimidating and scaring everyone away. the only person this doesn’t work against is katherine and it very much confuses her
-adding onto the last one, shulkby is all like idk really creepy shit and kath just does not care because that is her best friend right there and she’s not just gonna leave her like this and skulby is like ??? because she’s not used to being cared for
-dunno if i alr said this or not, but katherine embroidered the little flowers on shelby’s overalls and hat because she thought they’d look cute
-kath’s favorite thing is to pick shelby up and spin her around
-once when kath was monster hunting she got hurt very badly and shelby’s empire was the closest, so that’s were she went and found out that shelby is really good at stitching up wounds or whatever
-and now whenever she’s monster hunting and close to the evermoore (or if she just misses shelby) she’ll stop by with whatever excuse and shelby never complains because she’s usually pretty bored anyway and it gives her an excuse to take a break from whatever she’s doing
-also shelby is regularly up really late at night doing literally anything. maybe she’s studying for a test, maybe she’s rushing on an assignment she forgot about until the night before the due date, or maybe she has nothing to do so she busies herself with stupid shit like randomly deciding to build a mini house for tortoise or learning to bake or reorganizing her entire room. whatever it is, it’s usually not sleeping
-they go on little picnic dates
-remember when i said they’re each other’s first best friends? so like they both never really had a lot of friends as kids and they probably missed out on a lot of the kind of fun things you do as kids with your friends. yk, sleepovers, pillow fights, makeovers, late night talks, and whatever you do as stupid kids idk i didn’t have friends either
-so obviously they do all of it together. kath comes to shelby’s house with popcorn or whatever and they do each other’s makeup and laugh at stupid shit until the sun comes up and it’s super silly
-kath prefers reading shelby’s books because she likes seeing the little doodles and colorful annotations shelby puts in the margins
-shelby, being a witch, was one of the only people who didn’t shy away upon hearing about katherine’s curse when they first met and it didn’t seem like a big deal to her at the time but kath nearly cried right then and there
-katherine’s parents are probably really strict so they do the little cliché thing where shelby’s throwing rocks at kath’s window to get her attention and they run off together in the forest at night
-i’ve heard this one a couple times before, but kath is scared of heights and is super scared of riding with shelby is her broom at first. shelby lightly teases her about it and finds it so so cute
-in my last headcanon post i said before they started dating kath kept accidentally making shelby flustered and didn’t realize. i think after they started dating shelby starts making katherine flustered more with little surprises and sweet words and surprise kisses and it’s super sweet
-kath’s curse is easier to manage on some days and harder to manage on others and on the really bad days she asks shelby to come over so she’ll bring tortoise and make them tea and let kath lay her head on her lap and hold tortoise (because according to shelby cuddles with tortoise makes everything better) and they’ll just chill together and maybe watch a movie or read a book or whatever
-katherine talks pretty much nonstop about literally anything and shelby’s favorite sound in the world is her voice
-remember the sleepover thing ok so whenever kath sleeps over at shelby’s house she takes shelby’s sweaters because they’re warm and comfy and smell like her
i think i have a couple more of these so lmk if y’all want another headcanon post like this
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sundove88 · 1 year
Cookie Run Kingdom- Cheesyitis (Based on Frozen Fever)
Golden Cheese, Princess, Cavatappi, and the others plan a special birthday celebration for Mimolette months after her return, but when Goldie catches a cold, her Ancient Cookie powers put more than just the party at risk.
The Cheese Triplets, Casu Marzu, and some other characters belong to me.
Princess Professor Mimolette, Prince Professor Cavatappi, Lil Mac, and a few others belong to @thetropicalfairy
It had been a few months after Princess Professor Mimolette Cookie had returned after an epic journey to find her and her parents. But today, Golden Cheese was extra busy- for it was her daughter’s surprise birthday party. She wanted her to have something to remember, especially with her whole family and all of her friends and allies around. “Come on, Goldie. This is for Mimi! You can do this!” She nervously said as she placed the crystal butterfly cake topper on the cake, which was decorated with sugar crystals and fake sugar butterflies. “Relax, Mom in Law! It looks great!” Prince Professor Cavatappi, her son in law, said. “I just want her to have something to remember.” The golden sovereign replied as she walked over, while Pure Vanilla Cookie arranged flowers from Mimi’s garden, Hollyberry Cookie and her family supplied berry juice by the bottle, and Dark Cacao Cookie plus his son Dark Choco Cookie and wife ChocoPearl Cookie cut up paper chains. Sparkling supplied his signature juice; Cocoa helped make the hot cocoa bar, Herb helped with the table settings, Mint Choco and DJ chose some party tunes, and Vampire plus his sister Alchemist handled the piñata.
“Speaking of which, check this out!” Cavatappi answered, revealing a banner he and his nieces + nephews made that said “HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIMI” in bright letters. “Everyone, are you sure I can leave you in charge here?” Golden Cheese replied. “Of course you can!” Madeleine said as he got the party games set up while Espresso got a brewing station ready. “Because I don’t want anything to go wrong today.” Goldie replied as she flew over. The cheesebird triplets giggled as they ate some of the miniature cupcakes, which looked like Cheesebeetles. “Kids, those are for the party!” Sosha, their mother replied as she flew over with their father, Danby. “Yes, Mama and Papa.” The trio, made up of Fontina, Colby, and Brie said as they flew towards their parents. Prince Mac N Cheese Cookie, their neighbor and Goldie’s grandson, flew over as well. Then, Golden Cheese knew that the party was about to start for real. “Two things- One, Make sure to not let anyone in until we’re ready; and two, Keep an eye on everything, got it?” She said as she flew away quickly. “Got it!” Princess Cookie shouted as she, her sister Tiger Lily, Tea Knight and Eclair hung up balloons and streamers; while Cheesecake, Birthday Cake, Piñata, and Firecracker handled the rest of the decor. “What could possibly go wrong today?” Parmesan, Golden Cheese’s husband, said with a smile as he tied a few more ribbons. Burnt Cheese, Mozzarella, and Smoked Cheese also helped decorate too.
Inside her daughter’s house, Golden Cheese smiled as she approached her sleeping daughter. “Wake up, sweetie. It’s your birthday!” Mimolette sat up and gasped. “I-It’s my birthday?!” She said as she leapt to her feet. “Yes! I know how much you missed when you, your friends, and your father and I celebrated your birthday, so we’re going to make this one your best one yet!” Golden Cheese said, only for her to sneeze and two Cheesebirds to appear out of nowhere. Neither mother or daughter noticed. “But first, let’s get dressed!” Goldie said as both of them got dressed in party dresses with butterflies and jewels, respectively, while having their tiaras on as well. “Now… for the presents!” She squealed.
Laughing, mother and daughter followed a long string that the Ancients had wound through the kingdom, leading Mimi to various different gifts. Inside one of Tea Knight’s suits, was a silver butterfly bracelet. Inside one of Eclair’s cabinets, lay a Parfaedia snowglobe. And on the balcony of Hollyberry’s vacation home, there was a bouquet of desert flowers. Mimolette was so happy! But Goldie sneezed AGAIN. More Cheesebirds popped out of nowhere and flew to the ground. Both still didn’t even notice! The Cheesebirds flew into the party venue, where Lil Mac was thrilled to see them. “Hi, little guys!!” He squealed. “Uh oh…!” Cavatappi’s siblings said in unison as they placed the food on the buffet table. The Brave Gang immediately took action as well, stopping all the decorating and immediately chasing after the little birds.
Mimi and Goldie followed the string all across The Cookie Kingdom. Along the way, Mimi discovered more presents: A family portrait, a Cheesebird Doll, and even a fishing Rod! But Golden Cheese was sneezing way more often. And each time she sneezed, more Cheesebirds appeared. The pair didn’t see any of them. Finally, Mimolette broke the ice. “This day’s been amazin’. But I think ya need to get back home and rest.” “Wait! There’s more, sweetie!” Golden Cheese persuaded. She then led her daughter to The Squirrel Shop, where she presented her daughter with a gorgeous butterfly wing style cloak. The Maestro Sugar Gnome stepped out of the door and noticed Golden Cheese sneezing. “How about some medicine for you?” He asked. Mimi took the bottle without hesitation. “We may or may not need that.” Later, Goldie took Mimi to the Kingdom Plaza, where Lil Mac’s friends had another surprise for her. “Happy birthday, Princess Professor!” Gumball Cookie said as he unveiled a mural he had made himself. Goldie turned to her daughter. “They absolutely love you, Mimi- AHH, AHHH, AAAAACCCHHOOOOO!!”
More Cheesebirds appeared out of nowhere and flew into the venue. The Triple Cone Trio, Cavatappi, and the others tried to get things under control; but the little birds where all over the place! Cream Puff Cookie noticed the birds flying towards the cake. She conjured up a spell to keep them away. “Protecticus… Cakeicus!” She shouted as she shielded the cake while Walnut Cookie tore up some bread and got the birds away. Suddenly, the flock of Cheesebirds perched on the banner and wrecked it, sending pages everywhere! Prune Juice Cookie grinned. “We’ll get it!” He shouted. Cavatappi caught each of the Cheesebirds in the bowl just as the Triple Cone Trio finished repairing the banner. Capsaicin Cookie smiled. “All done!” He shouted. Kouign Amann Cookie grinned in return. “Whaddya think?” She asked. Cavatappi was horrified as he saw The Triple Cone Trio hanging from the banner. “PHAPY RHABDIOM TIMIY?!” Almond and Latte couldn’t help but laugh.
At the same time, Golden Cheese had led Mimolette to the last stop. There Was just a single gift left hidden in the Cookie Castle. But Mimi’s arms were filled to the brim with presents, and Goldie’s cold was getting worse. Mimolette persuaded her mom, “Please, Mom. Ya need to get some rest!” Golden Cheese wasn’t listening, though. She was feeling a bit… feverish as she flew up the stairs to the top of the castle. “It’s your happy birthday, my darling,” she sang. “Happy, jolly, hot, hot, birthday…” But just before Golden Cheese lost her balance, Mimi dropped the gifts and flew down to catch her. “Mom, ya practically have a fever! We need to get ya to bed.” “I really am that sick.” Golden Cheese admitted. She sighed as her daughter helped her through the venue gates. “I’m so sorry, Mimi. I ruined your perfect birthday.” But Mimolette just smiled. “Ya didn’t screw up anythin’, mom. Everythin’ was truly—!”
“SURPRISE!!!” Mother and daughter stopped short. Everyone Mimi had helped, was friends with, all of her students, and her whole extended family were all there in the venue- surrounded by who knows how many little Cheesebirds! “Wow!” Mimi said, ecstatically. “Wow.” Golden Cheese replied, shocked. Everyone ran up to Mimolette and hugged her, wishing the Princess Professor a happy birthday- especially Royalberry, Jungleberry, and Dark Choco, her three bestest friends of all. Princess and Tiger Lily, caught up in the excitement, ran up to her and tackle-hugged her. “Happy birthday! We love you, Mimi!” Then the guests stopped, stunned by what Princess had said.
Mimi had grinned at her biggest fan; then she turned to her mom. “Ok; mom. Time to go to bed.” But Goldie was persistent. “Wait! All that’s left is for the queen to blow the Birthday Bukkehorn!” She shouted. Mimolette knew what was going to happen next. “Nonononononono!” She replied. “ACHOO!” The Queen sneezed out Puffington, a massive Cheesebird, who was sent flying to Beast Yeast. Meanwhile, Casu Marzu Cookie, the Queen’s traitorous former advisor, was muttering her next plan… only to get crushed by Puffington himself. The other Cookies of Darkness burst out laughing, while Casu growled and flipped off the royals for not inviting her to the party.
But Mimi was still smiling when she tucked her mom into bed not long afterwards, giving her some nice hot soup she had made herself. “Thanks, Mom. That was the greatest birthday present ever.” She said. Golden Cheese looked at her daughter. “Which one?” “Me finally havin’ a genuine birthday party with everyone I know and love… and you finally letting me take care of ya.” At those words, Goldie embraced her daughter without hesitation. “I love you too, sweetie. Happy birthday.” She said as Sosha and Danby, dressed as a doctor and nurse; landed near her as she sneezed again, summoning their neighbors from their homeland. But not long after the party, Lil Mac was riding his tricycle with the triplets in the basket, leading a parade of Cheesebirds through the kingdom. Cavatappi sighed as he laid on the shoulders of his parents, Fusilli and Ravioli. “Don’t ask.” He said to them with an exhausted sigh. It had been a long day indeed.
The End
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toastydoll · 3 months
Stella Monroe Headcanons!
I love Stella sm and finally got her original w2 doll so here are a bunch of hcs of our fave posh cutie:
Stella LOVES drag performance. When she realizes that femininity isn’t just a performance but one she can win? That’s everything for her. She is the gaudiest loudest most over-the-top drag queen on the scene.
Her runway looks are diverse flavors of British posh. At one point she goes full Elizabeth I in white face paint, bow lips, a black drawn beauty mark, thin pencil eyebrows, and tight curls, all with a massive queenly dress. At another point she goes for a tea length gown and giant fascinator topped with flowers and fake birds. She’s always magenta and too expensive.
She loves the spice girls (posh spice is her favorite obvvvvv) but she also loves Kate bush and Chappell roan. Chappell is one of her biggest inspirations for gaudy femininity.
She’s transgender of course!! She chose her own first AND last name: stella because she’s going to be a star, Monroe for Marilyn (her idol)
Speaking of Marilyn Monroe: stella has gone as Marilyn Monroe in the diamonds are a girls best friend outfit for Halloween every year since she was a kid. It’s her favorite scene in any movie, and spawned both her love of diamonds and her love of pink. She keeps a framed Marilyn Monroe on her wall.
Stella LOVES DIAMONDS. Her parents get her diamonds for every holiday, including a new full set of earrings/necklace/bracelet for each birthday. Her favorite diamonds are white and (ofc) pink. The biggest diamond in her collection is the size of her fist and comes from a wealthy suitor she rejected.
She owns a bichon frise that she dyes hot pink with Pinkly’s pet-safe dye. Tbh it would probably be named Marilyn, but I want it to be named breakfast /ref
She’s a sugar fiend. Her family teases her lovingly about the amount of sugar she puts in her tea, since usually there’s more sugar than tea in the cup. After she’s finished drinking there’s usually a little sugar sludge at the bottom that she eats with a spoon or spread on scones.
Her favorite food is petit fours. Raspberry and strawberry are her go to, but she also loves lemon and vanilla.
She acts boy crazy, but she’s not the kind to settle down. She loves to flirt and have a string of boys on a tether but she’ll never actually do anything with them. Definitely on the aro spectrum but not romance repulsed.
Her allowance is stupid big. Tbh it’s more like she just has an unlimited credit card bc she couldn’t max it out if she tried (and boy does she try). She LOVES pampering her friends and doesn’t understand why they might not be comfortable with the amount of money she spends on them.
Stella’s dorm room is fully padded plush velvet. The floor has a giant thick magenta rug covering the majority, though the rug is mostly covered in discarded clothes shoes and bags. Her bed is canopied and four posted with heavy light blocking magenta curtains all around it. Yes, she had a chandelier installed.
She has taken twelve years of piano lessons (starting at 3). She is terrible at piano.
She has taken ten years of voice lessons (starting at 5). She is terrible at singing.
Weirdly enough though she’s really good at the harpsichord.
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jackyjango · 2 years
Hi when you get the chance can you tell me more about your headcanons for Erik and Charles living in genosha. Also I have a question in one of your oneshots Erik showed Charles blueprints for a school in Genosha does Charles ever come around to the idea of teaching again in Genosha?
Thank you so much for the ask!! 😬
Hey, I'm extremely sorry that I'm answering it this late...Listen, I can go on and on and on about cherik leading a happy, domestic life in Genosha. It's literally my happy place. I won't bore you with how they get back together (Because of course they back together!!!)
And YES!! It takes some time, but slowly, the more he mingles with the Genoshan kids, the more he embraces the idea of guiding them and teaching at the school.
As for the headcanons, here are some of the headcanons I have for Charles and Erik in Genosha.
-First of them is that Charles' hair grows back, because I really can't even imagine Charles losing his luscious luscious locks. So in my imagination, his hair grows back to what it was back at the beginning of Apocalypse. Erik doesn't mind either way, he likes Charles with or without hair.
-Erik has modified his home and most of Genosha to make it accessible for Charles to move around freely. And that's even before Charles agreed to come with him to Genosha.
-Erik's bed is low and narrow. But Charles likes it that way. They wake up everyday snuggled close in each other's arms.
-Erik decides to build a small school for the children of Genosha, which also doubles as a place for orphaned mutants by parents in the mainland. Erik hands over the blueprints of the school to Charles as a present on Valentine's day. Charles is reluctant at first, but later agrees to teach the kids. Slowly, Charles takes over as the school's headmaster. They somewhat become the parent figures to the kids. (What's new there though?)
-Erik trains with the teenagers and the youngsters in the mornings-- his own military in the making. Though Charles accompanies him on most days, on days that are unreasonably cold, he chooses to sleep in. Erik brings him breakfast and hot tea from the community cafetaria on such days.
-Charles has taken to gardening. He has a herb garden outside their home by the pond. It has all the plants to make a strong herbal tea, and Erik makes them just how Charles likes it.
-Erik makes them dinner on some nights when he has the time. They sit on their balcony table and eat under the stars.
-They take long strolls on the beach on leisure evenings and sleep huddled together under the stars (Erik's even re-designed Charles' wheels so that it doesn't dig into the sand).
-Erik returns on some mornings after his run with hand picked flowers from Gwen's flower bed. Charles treats them with at-most care. He places the flowers in a vase by the bedside and is greeted by their scent when he wakes up.
-On one side of the beach is a secluded nook shrouded by the shadow of trees and grass. Between two stout trunks of a tree, Erik's tied a hammock. Charles and Erik snuggle in it on hot days.
-On cold nights, Charles' back acts up. Erik makes him got chocolate, tucks his legs under a heavy blanket and messages his neck and back.
-Summers in Genosha are scalding hot. While Erik just tans under the sun, Charles pinks and frails in the heat. Erik gets Charles a straw hat at the market and they both chuckle under the awning when Charles puts it on.
-Though the Genoshans are weary of Charles at first, they warm up to him readily. Soon, he becomes fondly known by everyone as the Professor.
-Under Erik's insistence, Charles begins to involve himself more and more in the affairs of Genosha.
-While Erik is a master military stratergist, he isn't a very good diplomat. That's where Charles steps in. They're yin and yang. An unstoppable force when they come together.
-At their school, a little girl named Cora-- with brown hair and blue-green eyes-- sits on Charles' lap one afternoon and asks, 'Professor, are you and Magneto our parents?' 'Yes,' Charles says, smiling, 'I suppose we are.'
-That evening while Erik prepares dinner, Charles says, 'Darling, did you know that we've started a family of our own?' Erik chuckles fondly and says, 'Really? Tell me all about it.' And Charles does.
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crashpill · 1 year
Name: Edie (Mimi) Pride
Age: 36
Gender: Female
Residence: St. George's Holm
Job: Former saleswoman and shop owner
Hair colour: brown
Eye colour: brown
Family: She's an only child from a German family. Both of her parents are dead though.
Partner: Married to Constable George-Daniel Pride
Likes: Sweets, strawberries (even though they're not really available in Wellington Wells anymore), flowers (especially pansies) and animals.
Her favourite song is "When You're Gone" by The Make Believes and her favorite Uncle Jack shows are Humour Hour and Nighty Night.
Her favourite outfits are dresses, her nurse costume and her rubber cat suit.
Dislikes: Doctors, being ignored or talked over, being called stupid, being stared at and being left alone.
Edie lost her parents during the war, which led to her being taken in by George's family.
As they grew up together they got to know each other better until they eventually moved out together and inside their own house in Wellington Wells, where they lived as a couple until now.
George joined the Constabulary quite early, which was the reason why he was barely at home. Meanwhile Edie worked as a saleswoman in her own shop where she sold sweets, dolls and stuffed animals, among some other things.
She was always well-known for her little shop, but when the sweets ran out and the town started to run low on supplies, she had no other choice but to close it
She is very reserved, but when she makes friends with someone she opens up pretty quick. Though she's able to get along with pretty much anyone, sometime's she can get a little too close with some. Due to her being in an open relationship with her partner it's not a big deal though, as they both enjoy trying themselves out from time to time and then telling each other about their experiences later on (as far as they can still remember.)
Although most people refer to him as Constable Pride, Edie usually either calls him Puppy or by his second name, Daniel.
While she often uses calls him Puppy when greeting him on the open streets, she only really uses the Constable title for him in the bedroom. In return, George calls her Kitten. Though, when in public, he normally sticks to her real name unless noone else is around.
In their free time, Edie and George like to go picnicking and visiting old friends.
Edie is a very clumsy person as she often forgets to put on her happy-face before leaving the house and/or forgets to take her joy every once in a while. Her memory is already so bad from all the joy she's taken over the years that, even when she forgets to take it one time, she still can't remember anything about the war or what happened to the kids. This causes her to always seem positive on the outside nonetheless, and not cause any distress among the other villagers.
Since her partner knows about her forgetfulness, he always tries to remind her by putting sticky notes all over the house.
Though it barely helps as she usually spends most of her days outside the house, helping Sally Boyle by collecting stuff for her lab when she's running low on supplies or ingredients for her drugs.
Even though Sally is busy most of the time, she is one of Edie's closest friends and she's always thankful to have someone who helps her out when she's in a stressful situation.
In addition to Sally, Edie also regularly runs errands for Roger and James whenever they need something while they're busy helping Dr. Faraday. On less stressful days, when they're free from working, she's often invited by them for a cup of chicory or tea and some cake.
Shortly after her store closed, she received an invitation to the Reform Club as a kind of redemption. Since then, her and George often spend time there, either alone or together, to spice things up ane have fun.
They regularly tease or punish each other there, sometimes alone and sometimes together with some of the other members.
Her opinion on downers is rather neutral.
Even though she doesn't quite understand why anyone would voluntarily stop taking their joy, she is always ready to help them when they're in need of help.
Relationship to...
- Only knows him through the newspaper.
- A good friend who's very dear to her
- They sometimes meet to chat and report about their life
- Doesn't know about Gwen though
- When Sally's busy, Edie helps her out by running errands for her
- Thinks he's a very interesting person
- Would like to know more about him & his backstory
- Doesn't know him personally though
- A big fan
- Not as obsessive as some other fans though
- Owns every record (even the bad ones)
- Goes to every concert
James & Roger:
- Often visits for cake and a hot cup of chicory or fruit tea to chat
- Also very dear friends to her
- Knows about their relationship & supports them to the fullest
- Also runs errands for them when they need something
- Doesn't like how Dr. Faraday treats them as she thinks they deserve better
Reg Cutty:
- Always liked going to his shop until it had to close down
- Actually thought he was a very nice guy
- Only talked to him in German unless other costumers entered the shop
- Doesn't know why he had to close though
Edmund MacMillan:
- Used to get her meat delivered by him until the Plough Boys broke his legs
- Always felt very fond of him
- Visits him at the Pub every once in a while to drink and chat
- Good relationship to the Bobbies due to her partner being one of them
- They often wave her through because of how charming she acts
- They also turn a blind eye on her when she's caught breaking the rules as her partner already informed them about her forgetfulness and clumsiness
Joy Doctors:
- Often gets sniffed out and chased by them since she often forgets to take her joy
- Hates them because of this
Uncle Jack:
- Loves Uncle Jack (because who doesn't??)
- Never misses a single episode
- Owns all of his books
- Not a member of the Jack-o-Beans though
- Her biggest dream is to meet him in person
Foggy Jack:
- Could swear she's seen him once inside the fog at night
- Would like to know more about him and why he does the things he does
- Still scared of him though, even though people say he's not real
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