#amity park is a tourist trap
Amity Park is seen as a tourist trap, like the whole town. No one in Amity is aware of this. All tourists think the townees are just really into the act.
One (or multiple) super families have decided to go on a Classic American Road Trip™. Which means they simply must visit all the tourist traps they see!
While in Amity, on a guided bus tour, there is a ghost attack. While the other passengers are thrilled with the commitment to the bit, the superfamily starts to become suspicious.
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radiance1 · 6 months
Tim traced Bruce's family tree, and that led him down a path where he finds out that apparently his ancestors, the fentonightingales, split off into the Wayne family and the Fenton family and decides to trace down the Fenton family history to see if Bruce had any unknown relatives.
He finds Jack Fenton, his wife, Madeline Fenton, their daughter, Jasmine Fenton, their son, Daniel Fenton, and their second daughter and youngest child, Danielle Fenton.
Then he digs a bit through their social media, finds out that reclusive billionaire and CEO of a morally questionable company, Vlad Masters, is the godfather of the three children. Unfortunately, for some reason it's been hard to find information about Vlad Masters that isn't involving his company or publicity stunts, anything past that and it's only bits and pieces of information.
The biggest piece in his past is that he was trapped in a hospital due to an unknown illness that left him bedridden, and then making an miraculous recovery one day, then going to found Vladco and become a business empire.
He thinks the only reason that tidbit of information was so easy to find was that it tied into his business as some type of origin story.
Tim does a bit more digging and, yet to inform anyone else of his discovery, finds a video titled:
"Pranking my godfather after he stopped trying to get with my mom and kill my dad!"
Which, was a concerning title really, then he found the godfather in question to be Vlad Masters, and the one who recorded said video was Daniel Fenton.
He did some more digging.
He didn't really get very far, for some odd reason there isn't a lot of information to scrap together past the surface of Amity Park. Stuff like their museum, being a tourist attraction, it's history, normal stuff like that.
Nothing about the day to day lives of its citizens, nor any videos posted by said citizens or anything of the like.
He did come across some papers posted by the Fentons, however. Some research abouts ghosts, their behaviors and all that.
What he found wasn't pleasant, and he was thinking about telling Bruce before he came across another page.
The Fenton page.
It was, very, very clean of research papers of any kind having to deal with ghosts as a species, and while they are mentioned it's mostly in reference to take about one of their many weapons, or an installation to equip to your home as a safety precaution.
Then he went back to the page where their 'research' is placed, did some digging, and found it to be published by some kind of organization called the Guys In White, or GIW for short. Weird name, but he's seen weirder.
Although, this does cause some concern for him.
Tim, still not telling anyone of the information he's found besides Alfred (You can hide NOTHING from that man), decides to go over to Amity Park to check out the Fenton family firsthand, gather information about these ghosts to decide if magic is involved or not, and find out why the GIW are using the Fentons' name to publish their papers.
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sleepy-writes-stuff · 29 days
(#) = Notes at the end of post
Due to the high levels of ambient ectoplasm, all the citizens of Amity Park gained a permanent change in eye color. They don't glow or flare in response to rampant emotions like true ghosts or the halfas though. They're just an unnaturally bright yellow-green.
The thing is, nobody else on Earth has this eye color, and it's never been seen in the human race until the recently graduated Amity Parkers started branching out to other cities to find jobs.
Nobody paid this any mind at first, though. Many just thought the individuals liked strangely colored contacts or it was a trick of the light. It's not until Danny and Tucker are both hired for positions in Wayne Enterprises that questions start popping up.
At first, the other employees thought the two might be related. It could happen, it's not that strange. However, when both of them said they're nowhere near related, just childhood best friends, it left everyone confused. If they aren't related and they aren't wearing colored contacts, then what are the odds of too completely unrelated people having the exact same strange and unseen eye color?
After a while, everyone just stops asking questions. After all, both men are easy to get along with and are excellent at their jobs, so a strange eye color isn't really something to complain about. Their stares were just a bit more intense than most people, and honestly, they've seen stranger things.
It helps that they've started seeing other people with the same eye color popping up in celebrity, sports, and activist circles. (1)
However, It's not until the power goes out during a late meeting/presentation, and Tim Drake accidentally turns on and shines his cell phone light into Tuckers eyes, that he starts seriously digging.
Needless to say, the animal-like green shine of his pupils scared the shit out of him and got him wondering if two of his new employees were part of a previously unknown alien race that'd recently settled on Earth without anyone noticing. When he looks into the middle of nowhere town they came from, this idea is even further cemented when he sees every person he finds a photo of have the exact same shade of chartreuse eyes. Ignoring the ghost rumors and "sightings" as just a strange tourist trap for the strange little town to make extra income, he brings the info he found to the other bats and birds.
They aren't exactly welcomed when they go snooping around Amity Park, unfortunately... (2 & 3)
Now. To make this a bit more cracky, when confronted, do Danny and Tucker just come clean or do they milk the idea of them being aliens for all it's worth? (4) Add in a few strange, but perfectly normal for them, things they do that have people scratching their heads and make the assumption even worse/more irrefutable. This includes the unexplainable eye shine Tim discovered.
(1) Paulina became a supermodel and is coveted for her striking eye color and beautiful complexion. Dash became a coach for a well known college in Metropolis, while Kwan became a fitness trainer and sponsor for health related items that actually work, also partnered with the college Dash coaches at. Sam became a notorious environmental activist and is the enemy of many companys who are determined to turn the world into a toxic wasteland. With the help of Danny's parents, she's found many eco-friendly chemical compounds that dissolve many of the toxic substances damaging ecosystems around the world. Etc, etc.
(2) Ectoplasm exposure has made everyone a bit more territorial over the town, including their protectors. They don't need outside heroes/organizations interfering with their work and don't/won't take kindly to the sudden interest hero organizations gain over them and their strange little town. That hasn't worked out too well with other government sanctioned organizations in the past and they don't want a repeat, thank you.
(3) Maybe Team Phantom even established themselves right around the same time or even before the Justice League was formed and they just flew under the radar until now. Maybe Amity Parkers feel a bit superior due to their seniority in having an excellent team in the know about the supernatural/non-human side of the world/universe? Who knows? You pick! Amity Park has been through a lot by themselves, so it's no shocker if they have an extreme amount of solidarity towards those they call their own.
(3 cont'd) Also! Since Amity Park has become so rich and saturated in ectoplasm over the years, they were eventually annexed/became an outside part of the Ghost Zone. Jack and Maddy are border patrol and any ghosts coming through need a passport now. Amity Park is basically a vacation hub for ghosts? Ghosts can freely roam the streets, they just don't wreak havoc anymore. That'd basically be terrorizing their fellow citizens at this point anyway and that's a no no. That means jail time with Walker. Amity Parkers also aren't afraid anymore and in fact CAN hit back now. This does not stop the Bat Clan and eventually the Justice League from thinking they're a town full of aliens tho. Some are just more human looking than others. Or they've been on Earth and procreating long enough with humans that their hybrid offspring have also started looking more human, is the ongoing conclusion.
(4) The Anti-Ecto Acts are not an issue here! Team Phantom already dismantled and annihilated the GIW years before they even thought of leaving Amity Park on its own. Before graduating highschool even. Yes, Team Phantom is perfectly self-sufficient and able to handle their own problems and have kept the city-wide ghost infestation pretty isolated outside a few events that were handled quickly and with the world none the wiser. So the world is still pretty ignorant of the existence of ghosts/the Ghost Zone. Would Team Phantom and Amity Park prefer to keep it that way though?
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After being ignored by the Justice League for years and thought of as a scam Phantom finally faces an opponent he didn't win against and his city is destroyed, killing everyone. The monster is heavily wounded by Phantom however as it was a brutal fight for both of them
Danny is heartbroken and in shock while the Justice League face off against this threat and also lose. Eventually they get thier second wind and rematch it and kill the thing, but just barely.
Later a small memorial was held for Amity Park and Phantom was enraged at how small it was. 70,000 people died and this was it? Most of the people hear weren't even mourners. They were press and fake ghost enthusiasts trying to catch internet points for thier viewer count. He hears some redhead say that the people of Amity were scammers and this whole ghost thing was fake. With tears in his eyes he screams, not as Fenton but as Phantom, "I'm fake?!" He grabbed the man by his throat and flew a few feet into the air, "You think I'm fake?! Here! Let's see how fake I am!" His words were dripping venom as he possessed the man and laughed as he used him as a puppet, attacking the people around him with ectoblasts and sending them running away screaming.
Bruce Wayne watched on as some unknown Elderich entity possessed Wally West and began attacking people. So Amity Parks pleas for help as well as the pleas from thier supposedly fake superhero were not just part of an elaborate tourist trap.
Green lantern had some explaining to do. Hopefully it wasn't too late to salvage the situation and save this child.
It was.
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1001aus · 3 months
Their tourist trap tourism ads for "the world's most haunted town" finally resulted in the inevitable: TV ghost hunters come to Amity Park. The ones with a van full of expensive equipment. The "psychics." The ones with half a dozen tools that plug into their iphone.
Danny didn't think he could learn new things about ghosts from reality TV hacks, but apparently they're getting all surprised this month.
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nelkcats · 1 year
Romance is (not) dead
Ghostwriter was one of the most annoying ghosts Danny tended to deal with, ever since their altercation at Christmas their fights only continued to escalate.
However, the halfa swears that he didn't mean to tear up the little book Ghostwriter was writing for Valentine's Day. He may not have a partner for that year but he understood how important books were to the ghost, they were his obsession! Danny didn't mess with obsessions.
But a ghost angry with his obsession attacked won't listen to reason, so Ghostwriter trapped Danny in another of his novels. The halfa was seriously considering destroying the keyboard that was causing all his headaches but that would be quite awkward.
Now, he had faced this scenario many times before. The problem was, this was a fucking romance novel, and what's worse, someone got stuck with him.
The tourist, whose name was apparently Jason, also had free will, which made more sense when the rest of the people in Amity Park started acting like they were a couple.
Contrary to expectations, Jason seemed thrilled about the situation, even after he explained that it was the fault of a ghost. The man was offended when he told him that he would release them! He didn't even seem fazed by the fact that they had been forced to be a cliché couple.
Jason on his side was quite happy to have visited Amity Park, he heard stories about ghosts and since he had nothing to do during Valentine's day he decided to check it out. The ghosts not only turned out to be real but they were also helping him fulfill his childhood dream, it was amazing. The boy he had been matched up with was also cute.
That's how an excited Jason Todd and an incredulous Danny Fenton found themselves stuck acting out all the typical scenes portrayed in books, from love at first sight to a confession in the rain. At least one of them seemed to be having fun.
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tourettesdog · 2 years
DP x DC prompt where John Constantine has a no good, very bad, terrible week.
Constantine gets a little in over his head when he visits Amity Park. He is sent there to investigate strange reports of the paranormal and evaluate the threat the town is dealing with. John always assumed that Amity Park was a tourist trap destination with nothing more than Halloween decorations and perhaps a couple of shades. Unfortunately for him, the ghosts are very real.
To make matters worse, it seems like children are the ones fighting the ghosts (children of the human and ghost variety, oddly enough). Constantine can’t even get in contact with the League to report these findings; his comm has been nothing but static since he stepped foot in Amity Park.
To make matters still worse, the children-- particularly the goth girl-- are very mean. They do not trust John in the slightest and are unwilling to talk about anything pertaining to ghosts with him. The ghost boy, Phantom, won’t even let John get within 50 feet of him before he disappears. Considering John can feel power radiating from the ghost at that range, it might be for the best.
John decides his next best move is to pay a visit to the local ghost hunters, the Drs. Fenton.
The name Fenton is not new to John; he’s familiar with their research. They’re brilliant inventors, but he doesn’t think much of them in the way of “ectobiologists”. There’s entirely too much speculation and bias in their findings.
Jack Fenton is a whirlwind of a man with entirely too much air in his lungs and bravado in his posture. John has to bite his tongue as the man rambles on and on about ghosts to him. The entire time he’s speaking, John is painfully aware of a strange and powerful presence coming from beneath the house.
John thinks he’ll have to finagle answers about it from the Drs. Fenton-- but is surprised when they lead him into their basement laboratory on a whimsical tour.
That surprise quickly turns to horror when he sees the giant hell portal in their basement.
John can hardly keep his composure, looking upon the portal-- feeling the death radiating from it. Jack continues his endless prattle about ghosts, with the occasional interjection from Maddie. To John’s mounting horror, Jack eagerly opens the blast doors of the portal.
He turns his back to the portal and John watches, wide-eyed, as a robotic ghost slips out and phases through the basement ceiling. Even Maddie doesn’t notice, leaving John to just stare, open-mouthed at their negligence. 
John can’t decide if he wants to scream, bellow his lungs out at the Fentons, or just turn around and leave.
Before he can decide between screaming and bailing, however, Constantine feels a familiar presence hurtling towards him. He turns around just in time to see the ceiling cave in as the robotic ghost smashes through it with Phantom clutched in his grip. John has no time to dodge before the pair careen into him, knocking him through the portal.
It's a struggle to find his bearings. One moment John is in the disorganized Fenton lab-- the next he's surrounded by a vast sea of green with far-off floating islands and doors. The ghosts continue to fight in the air beside him, seemingly oblivious to the change in venue.
Constantine can’t move to the portal, he can’t dodge-- he’s a sitting, floating duck as he watches the ghosts dogfight. Phantom’s powerful, but he’s not faring well against a new weapon that the other ghost-- Skulker-- seems to have. Things only worsen when Skulker takes notice of John and aims at him.
In a panic, Constantine tries to teleport-- at the same moment Phantom grabs him. 
Rather than freeing himself from the realm-- the Ghost Zone, Jack Fenton had called it-- the magic reacts badly. It twists, it warps, it hurts. 
For a moment, Constantine thinks the spell did nothing. He’s surrounded by the same expanse of green, floating islands, and doors. Only... the more he looks around, the more John realizes that the islands nearby are much closer and much more oddly shaped.
It’s not until Phantom begins to panic, darting around in circles, clutching his hair, shouting “What did you do? Where are we?” that John realizes they’re in trouble. That, wherever they are in this Ghost Zone, even Phantom doesn’t know how to get home.
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tanglepelt · 1 year
dc x dp snippet? idea? not too sure....
Essentially amity park is a front. The whole town was designed to recruit member for an evil group. The end game to destroy the justice league. My brain took the idea and ran with it. I may continue this. I may not.
Amity Park had always been a strange place. For as log as anyone could remember. A gimmick, a spooky town. It played its role perfectly. No one really looked into it. No one saw the mad scientist or weapons facility as odd. Who would ever think to investigate a tourist trap. The showier they were the more believable. The Fenton’s were assets at keeping tourist gullible, their driving, and obsession sold the show. Keeping the tourist distracted and money coming in. Who would notice the laser watches, they just looked normal. Any ghost attack was just a show. Any damage done and its fixed the next day as if It was planned. The town had was obviously committed to there “haunted” town.
Ghost hunters in amity just made sense. Walking around with weapons was a normal and not suspicious. Locals didn’t care and anyone else thought it was part of the gig. The bigger the dramatics the more they could get away with. With all the chaos and attacks the tourist would be distracted.
It let them track anyone who came into town. They would check in visitors with the guise of making sure they stayed in the living world. Waivers had to be signed or there was no entry permitted.
No one to see how all the kids were more observant, no one to see the the gym coach or classes, no one to see the experiments, and no one to notice the secret town meetings while the children slumbered.
The meetings discussing the children and how they’ve advanced. Who needed to be terminated, who was improving and who would soon be integrated into the loop. Every year they discussed the first-year students. It was there last chance to become incorporated or “move” after high school. They couldn’t risk any of them leaving the town unless they were in the loop. 
After all of if the kids thought their schooling was normal, they’d never question it. The president challenge was harder then most. Why would an average school require flips off the bars or the ability to scale a rope to the roof if a building. The last two years of high school centered around obstacle courses, agility and parkour in gym.
An amity child leaving without being in the fold could be catastrophic. It would only take one to alert authorities for a slight inconvenience. Authorities could be paid to look the other way or easily put down. A hero however would be a headache to deal with. This town was the center of there recruiting. It was do or die.
Now the organization will admit the ghost were a welcomed surprise. A front row sear to watch the progress the kids had. They expected the jocks or even geeks to manage it the best. The seniors to take arms and manage the threat at the very least. The oddball trio was not what they had wanted or expected.
Those three were the problem students after-all. One so into technology it would be hard to keep him in line. The network was heavily blocked a monitored but using him was an issue. He had nearly bi-passed there security on accident. Imagine if he knew what was going on. Then the goth, the activist. She was too much an individual, free thought and radical views. They’d have to break her spirit. Then there was Danny Fenton.
He had promise in the beginning. Well rounded. Wasn’t so caught up in improving others as his sister. Held good grades through elementary and through middle school and was the golden candidate until the previous summer. No longer set to focus on study’s but off with his friends.
As Sam had grown falling away from their potential, she dragged Danny and Tucker with her. Both now had more individual thoughts and opinions straying from his parents. His grades had dropped even before the ghost. Just to A- or so. Attempts to steer them away from her only brought them closer.
If they couldn’t get sam in line they’d have to cut there loses. They’d lose a good potential hacker, the masons would need a new heir someone they could actually mold to gain more funds and business, and they’d lose a potential leader or scientist.
Cutting just Sam would have led to problems. They had tried. Sam was abruptly moved for a week to see what would happen. The guise a business trip. Danny and tucker given no notice. The two took matters in their hands and hunted for her. They nearly discovered the truth of the town. Only once the Fentons explained she was on a trip did they calm down. The trio were deemed lost causes. They were set to bet terminated.
Two weeks before the plan was set to eliminate them the ghost appeared, and it was them who took charge. Now the ghost was always planned, the Fenton’s had been close to opening the portal. So close to new weapons and infinite power supply. Nothing they had done activated the portal. But the problem trio when left alone somehow got it working. The power from the portal shorted the cameras in the lab and they were unable to see how.
 Sam and tucker were out on the field. They were learning at a rapid pace. With them constantly fighting and winning. The three were considered candidates again. They’d still have to break the girl, it was worth the effort now. Add the fact they had a viable solution now.
The newest hero of amity park. Phantom.
Phantom himself would simple a ghost to take care of. Allowing the Fenton to play around for now. What fun was a hunt to them if they couldn’t play with there prey. Once it was time to rid themselves of the pest the Fenton’s could truly hunt.
For now, phantom was getting Sam and Tucker more suited for future missions. He could keep “his” team for now. Danny was obviously the one with the plan. He was never with them but had to be the main contact with phantom. Whenever Danny was around phantom would show to clear his messes.
The surprise reunion with Vlad confirmed their suspicion. Not to mention the Youngblood incident. Danny led his schoolmates to board the ship and free their parents. Only once the ghost shield was down did he go and contact phantom to come handle the rest.
An accident would be in order. It was only a matter of time until the trio grew stagnant and needed more focused teaching. The masons were still an asset they just would not be allowed to be a caretaker again. Jeremy and Pamela mason still were the main source of income. The two were good the schmoozing. Sam would just have to manage field work with her business persona as her “grandmother” had. The Fenton’s were non-negotiable and a necessity to the group. If the need arises, they be allowed to raise another.
The foleys would work. They were good caretakers but served no other purpose to the group. Framing phantom for there deaths should be enough to ignite a need for revenge and break the group apart. Introduce a new fourth to them after the shock wore off.
Valerie had grown as well. She would be brought into the loop soon. The red huntress would be an asset. Her original purpose no longer mattered. Valerie would be easy to recruit. All it seemed to take was some money and a reason to dislike a group. All it took for her to despise ghost was her father losing his job, one of the groups smartest moves yet.
Good thing that reason was already in motion. The anti-ecto acts were set to be announced tomorrow. The justice league would publicly denounce the acts within an hour. They had no reason to condemn an entire species that had shown no sign of aggression. Most ghost weren’t even visible to the public.
With Amitys gimmick who would believe the reports of supposed ghost destruction. Viral videos of it just to be explained through special effects. Keep the rest of the world believing the gimmick and the young in amity only seeing the disbelief.
The justice league would be the key to their own demise. Events have been ruined, the children had been infected by the ghost flu, Sam had been kidnapped by a ghost, and the constant attacks on the school. This was the wedge they needed to keep them in line. To bring them into the fold. The towns caretakers would make sure any opinions of the hero’s would be bad. The only mentions of the hero’s permitted of the hero’s online would be failures and misunderstandings.
Citizens of the infinite realm and ghost were two very different species. Not that the children would ever be allowed to know.
Soon the justice league would fall.
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invis-o-william · 20 days
Day 2: Wish
All Amity Parkers knew that “wish” was practically a forbidden word. Years of interactions with Desiree had all but guaranteed that. Younger children weren’t even taught the word anymore out of an abundance of caution, after all nobody wanted a repeat of the “Toddler Wish-mageddon” that had occurred just a year prior. The firemen had been cleaning chocolate syrup out of the streets for weeks afterwards. This left the naive and unassuming newcomers as targets for Desire’s power, many of whom didn’t quite believe the city moniker of “The Most Haunted Place on Earth” yet. One of those newcomers was Thomas Kincade, and one way or another he too would learn the consequences of the word “wish”.
. . .
Thomas had barely lived in Amity Park a week before his coworkers started messing with him. He had just been sitting down in the breakroom for lunch when Craig from accounting had sidled up in the next chair.
“Oh hey Tom,you’re new to town, right?” he asked while grabbing a bowl from his bag.
Thomas hummed an affirmative while digging through the box chock full of leftover lo mein that his wife had left him that morning. “Yeah, just moved from Springfield like a week and a half ago, why? Also, it's Thomas.”
Craig pointed a fork his way, “Well you should probably invest in a lunch bag or something. That box is a prime target for the Box Ghost you know. He’s usually pretty harmless, but he’ll definitely steal that thing in a heartbeat if he sees you with it man.” He accentuated his point by tapping on said box with his fork.
Thomas sighed. Although he’d only lived in the city for under two weeks, he’d already seen more than enough of the “ghost tourist trap” schtick. “You can give the “ghost” thing a rest Craig, I think I’ll be fine.” he said with a roll of his eyes.
Craig shrugged, “Alright Tommy, don’t say I didn’t warn you. You transplants never quite believe it at first anyway.”
“It’s Thomas.” Thomas said pointedly. Craig made a noncommittal noise before digging into his meal.
. . .
The next day it happened again. Thomas was working at his computer when his deskmate Maria leaned over the divider.
“Hey Tim, did you see the news this morning?” she asked excitedly.
Slightly irritated, Thomas looked up. “No, I didn’t. And it’s Thomas.”
Maria didn’t seem to hear him as she waved her hands around, “They got some footage of the fight between Phantom and that big metal ghost last night on the corner of Park Place and Amity Row! It looked so intense, and the big ghost is so cool looking!” She practically squealed the last words.
Thomas groaned and let his head fall back. “Look, I get it, you guys are pulling my leg, ‘ha-ha lets haze the newbie’ kind of stuff, but its getting old.”
Huffing, Maria crossed her arms. “How long have you been here now? Two weeks? You can’t tell me that you haven’t seen one of the ghosts yet! Hell, blob ghosts are so common I’m surprised one hasn’t popped into your yard yet” she said with a roll of her eyes. “Just hope you don’t encounter any big ones, you definitely don’t want to run into the Fenton’s with their tank-on-wheels.”
With a sigh and a shake of his head Thomas turned back to his work as Maria shrugged and did the same.
. . .
Thomas was getting fed up. Everyone kept talking about ghosts. “Phantom’s been seen here” and “The whisps have been really active lately” and all that crap. How long was everyone going to pull this? Not to mention that nobody wanted to call him anything but nicknames. Why was calling him Thomas so hard for them???
The last straw was his boss stopping by his desk an hour before quitting time.
“Hey Timbo, everyone on the floor is going to head over to the Mitty Boulevard Bistro after work for dinner, company’s treat. Want to join?” he said, leaning an arm on the desk divider.
Thomas’ eye twitched. “Yeah, sure that’s fine. And please. It’s Thomas.”
His boss smiled, “Great! Originally we were going to head over to the Mexican place on Park Place, but they’re closed for cleanup from that ghost fight last night.”
“Yeah! You can thank Phantom for that, honestly the Bistro is sooo good. I like Mexican food and all, but you gotta try the Bistro’s fries Tim!” Maria said, perking up from her seat.
Thomas had had it. “Ghosts this, ghosts that! I’m so sick of this! Just give it a rest already! And my name. Is. THOMAS. Not Tim, not Tommy, just Thomas!” he cried as he picked up his coat and lunch box. “If this is how all of you are going to treat me, then count me out of the dinner. Honestly I wish you guys would just cut it out already!”
Everyone in the office went deadly silent and stared at Thomas with wide eyes.
“Thomas,” began Maria, “you shouldn’t say that word. I’m sorry that we were teasing you so much about your name, but you really shouldn’t say that word.”
Thomas scoffed, “What word?”
Everyone looked around nervously, “The “w” word,” his boss said, “there’s a ghost who grants them, usually in the worst ways possible.”
Thomas threw his hands up in the air. “What, wish? Now you’re telling me that there’s a wish-granting ghost? If there was, I'd wish she’d make you all see sense right now because ghosts aren’t real!”
The office was deadly still and many held their breath. There was always a chance Desiree wasn’t around, but some still expected her to appear and grant the wish.
Instead the Box Ghost popped in out of nowhere, grabbed Thomas’ lunch box, shouted “BEWARE!”, and vanished.
Thomas could say he knew better now to pack his lunch in a bag.
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ekat-fandom-blog · 1 year
Date week
Bruce and Selena go on a getaway date week. In order for them to avoid interruptions, they go to a small nowhere tourist trap town called Amity Park.
They end up regretting it after their fifth plan for the day was interrupted by a group of government agents shooting at Bruce rather ineffectually.
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dragonofthedepths · 1 year
Three ideas in whatever partial state my notes for them are in
This is what it looks like when I’m just sketching out ideas to myself to make sure I remember them XD XD XD. I did a whole bunch of these last night and these are the DP x DC ones. Ideally I’ll expand these later.
Clockwork is an automaton
DP (optional DC)
The Observants always give each Ghost King the same present at their coronation; the Master of Time, wiped clean to a blank slate, for the King to program his personality as they desire.
Honorary Ghost Batman 12.2.23
DP x DC.
The ghosts come to the erroneous conclusion that Batman is a ghost, and then start gaslighting themselves even further into believing it, helped along by Batman's competence and Danny interfering.
Two Idiots and a Child(?) 13.2.23
DP x DC. Superman, Batman, Danny Phantom.
Ya'll remember golden age Batman and Superman? Way way before comics got all dark and gritty? Yeah, DP x DC with them.
Young, dumb, Batman and Superman who have only just met, openly eachother's best friends.
All of Amity Park's ghost nonsense happened a decade or two ago and the rest of the world ignored them, wrote it off as a tourist-trap town.
Day (623/100) in my #∞daysofwriting @the-wip-project 13th of Feb
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miscellaneoushunger · 2 years
What if we combine the justice league only sees Amity Park as a tourist trap and Amity Park doesn't know about the justice league. Have it be like the justice league thinking while there are some things up with Amity Park they definitely would have called if there was a problem. And have Amity Park be like I wish we could get some outside help for our town and some support for our protectors.
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five-rivers · 1 year
Cryptid Crawl! Chapter 2
See on AO3 for better formatting. Tumblr ate it for some reason.
For @aggressivelyclueless @going-dead @currentlylurking
AMITY OF AMITY PARK: A Friendly Helping Hand
Ghost Activity Map, Forums, Local Business Directory, Advice Blog
Forums -> Human Affairs -> Tourism -> Tourism Problems
Cynosure (OP): @MOD I’m not sure if this is the right place for this thread, so don’t snipe me, but I’m kind of freaking out right now.  Apparently this big paranormal show is coming to Amity.  They’re always garbage, I know, but what if they actually see something?  We already have so many stupid tourists.  This thing is viewed nationally. 
Pharaoh (MOD): Mod here.  OP, we’re going to need some more detail if we’re going to figure out what to do, if anything.  Unfortunately, we can’t actually stop outsiders from coming in.
merknlurk: we could if you weren’t a coward
Pharaoh (MOD): Once again, we’re not killing anyone.
Bog Mummy: Hey OP how do you even know this.  Are you watching this show.
Cynosure (OP): Take your bad grammar and stuff it.  I’m looking for a good link now. 
Phantom (MOD): Is this that Cryptid Crawl thing?  If so don’t worry about it.  National or not no one takes those guys seriously.  We just have to play unfriendly locals and steer them away from any fights. 
Cynosure (OP): I’ve never heard of Cryptid Crawl before.  I’m talking about this. 
Phantom (MOD): ****.
[Video starts, showing two young men standing in front of a bank of old CRT television sets.  The sets initially show static, but moving humanoid figures can soon be distinguished in them.  Eventually, letters resolve from the static to spell out ‘The Investigation.’  Video shifts to a montage of the same two young men in various locations.  Locations include: an underground area shot in night vision, a bridge during the day, walking around a field with backpacks and EMF sensors.  The montage fades out, then fades back in to reveal an office-like space with several conspiracy cork boards.  The two young men walk in.  Both are wearing flannel shirts with the sleeves rolled up.  They are joined by a third extremely tall man who is wearing a trench coat and turtleneck sweater.  While the other two men are posed naturally, looking directly at the camera, and smiling, the third man has a thousand-yard stare and is standing completely straight.  Words at the bottom of the screen briefly identify them as Ned, Azrael, and Jimmy.]
NED: Welcome, investigators, to the first half of our very first two-parter. 
AZRAEL: And to those of you joining us for the first time this very special day, welcome to our Investigation into all things paranormal.  I’m Az, and this is my older brother Ned. 
NED: And this is our best friend Jimmy. 
JIMMY: Hng. 
NED: You’re right, we’re not paid for introductions.  What we are paid for is investigating the truth behind paranormal events all across America.  So.  Az, tell us.  What are we doing this week?  Where are we headed?
AZRAEL: This week we’re not headed anywhere.
NED: What?  But we’ve got to go somewhere.
AZRAEL: And we will!  You see, we’re going to be filming the second half of our two-parter live, on location, in the most haunted city in the world: Amity Park, Illinois. 
NED: Allegedly haunted.  And why aren’t we going this week?
AZRAEL: Because if we went this week, we wouldn’t have time to tell our viewers the whole, supernatural history of Amity Park.  That’s how haunted this place is.  We can’t even summarize it in one hour. 
NED (crosses his arms): It sounds like Az fell for the hype machine, huh, Jimmy?
JIMMY: Hng. 
AZRAEL: I did not fall for the hype machine.
NED: You’ve been tourist trapped, little bro. 
AZRAEL: Shut up and let me show you my research, okay?  By the end, Jimmy will be agreeing with me.  But first, I want to let you know we won’t be the only investigators, little i, on the scene.  We’ve got some rivals.
The Smart Twin: Hey, I hate to be that guy, but there’s more.  A whole bunch of the usual suspects were really insulted by the whole Cryptid Crawl thing.  And they’ve teamed up this time. 
Cynosure (OP): Are you telling me there’s three groups of weirdos about to descend on this town?  Three?  We already have the GIW and the Fentons.  If we get any more, we’ll hit some kind of weirdo critical mass. 
Phantom (MOD): Hey!
Thecooltwin: Guess that tells us its thename thief today
The Smart Twin: Anyway, the clip I saw is here.
[Video starts, showing seven young people and a tiger standing in various power poses.  Video has a ‘static’ effect filter.  Dramatic, spooky music plays.  The title ‘Groovy Ghost Blasters Extreme’ fades in.]
VOICEOVER (more quietly and in a completely different tone): BroughttoyoubyGhostBlastersUnlimitedCorporationinpartnershipwiththeGroovyGangandGhostbreakersExtremethisisnotanendorsementofviolencegoodbye.
Phantom (MOD): ****!
Phrontist (MOD): @Phantom (MOD) Please stop swearing, there are little kids on this server and they look up to you. 
Phantom (MOD): I’m not swearing I’m just saying ****.
Phantom (MOD): ****?
Phantom (MOD): ****
Phantom (MOD): @Pharaoh (MOD) Did you do this?
Pharaoh (MOD): Oops, I forgot about that. 
Phantom (MOD): We’re in the middle of a crisis and you do this to me.  Unbelievable.  
JACK FENTON: this gives me a great idea!!!!!!!!! :)
[@JACK FENTON has been permanently banned.] 
[@JACK FENTON has been restricted from viewing forum posts.]
Phrontist (MOD): I’m not angry.  I just want to know who gave him access to the forums again. 
Phantom (MOD): ****.
Pharaoh (MOD): Crud, I thought I fixed that.  I’ll be back on it after I figure out how Mr. Not Supposed to Be Here got back in. 
Phantom (MOD): Oh you did.  I’m just swearing for real now. 
AMITY OF AMITY PARK: A Friendly Helping Hand
Ghost Activity Map, Forums, Local Business Directory, Advice Blog
Forums -> Community Alerts -> Paranormal Investigators
Thread: Paranormal Investigator Discussion Board (PINNED)
Phantom (MOD) (OP): As you may have heard by now, three separate groups of out of town paranormal investigators will be coming to Amity Park next week.  These groups range from experienced to clueless and well-regarded to unknown.  They will all be attempting to film ghosts and humans for their viewers.  Please use this board to post any information you have about these or other groups who may be coming as well as any ideas you have for preventing these groups from successfully spreading more information about our ghosts.
Additionally, certain local ghost hunters may attempt to film and post videos online during this time.  As they will undoubtedly complicate the Paranormal Investigator situation, they may be discussed here as well.
Point25Back: why are you saying lOcaL gHoSt HunTeRS we all know its [EDITED BY MOD]
[@Point25Back has been banned for one (1) day.]
Pharaoh (MOD): Speaking of people who are banned, why do we keep letting him back in when he keeps breaking the rules?
Phantom (MOD) (OP): He hasn’t tried to dissect anyone yet.  Puts him ahead of the curve.
Pharaoh (MOD): Our standards are so low.
Lovetheshow: we're getting a crossover?  two crossovers?  Best.  Day.  Ever.
Valorous1: @MOD Maybe I'm not the one who should say this but is this guy even from Amity?  Or Elmerton?
Pharaoh (MOD): Yeah, we checked. 
AMITY OF AMITY PARK: A Friendly Helping Hand
Ghost Activity Map, Forums, Local Business Directory, Advice Blog
Forums -> Community Alerts -> Paranormal Investigators
Thread: Why are we even trying to stop this?
West of West (OP): I think my question says it all, but just in case it doesn’t, why are we trying to stop the TRUTH from getting out?  It sounds like someone has an ulterior motive.  I say, let the Investigators in.  Tell them everything.  Let the world know. 
Valorous1: If you try to convince any of these idiots that any of the humans in town are ghosts, I will not be responsible for what I do to you. 
ashtree: of course you watch the investigators
West of West (OP): It’s the Investigation!
AMITY OF AMITY PARK: A Friendly Helping Hand
Ghost Activity Map, Forums, Local Business Directory, Advice Blog
Forums -> Forum Bugs and Complaints -> Complaints
West of West (OP): The mods keep deleting my perfectly reasonable and on-topic threads.  This is tyranny.  We need new mods. 
nobineryginger: why haven’t they deleted this one then lol man bro you just gotta follow the roleplay rules
Phantom (MOD): @nobineryginger It’s because we think it’s funny.
passthemike: Make your own site if it bothers you that much.
AMITY OF AMITY PARK: A Friendly Helping Hand
Ghost Activity Map, Forums, Local Business Directory, Advice Blog
Advice Blog
Recent Articles
Paranormal Investigators, Tourists, and Community Safety
Author: Phrontist
This week, we learned that several groups of Paranormal Investigators will be visiting Amity Park.  The last time something similar happened, it was for the one million dollar bounty (since withdrawn) on the ghost Phantom.  During that event, and in the immediate aftermath, the damages accrued by the city totalled more than…
A Statistical Analysis of Tourist Injuries and Tourist Related Injuries
Author: Pharaoh
Everyone has that story.  You know, the one about how some rubbernecking tourist crashed into your car during a ghost fight, completely derailed an orderly evacuation, or gave Technus ammunition because they couldn’t keep their phones in their pocket.  In this article, I’ll be exploring the relationship between high tourist…
Do I really need to explain why hunting people on live TV is bad?  Apparently.
Author: Phantom
Hello, everyone.  I’m Phantom, your friendly neighborhood ghost.  Although this fact seems to escape some people, I am in fact a person, and I don’t enjoy being hunted.  That’s a pretty normal thing.  I read the Most Dangerous Game, too.  That the hunting is being done with a camera and the only thing being killed is my privacy…
Dangerous Ghost Plants and How to Handle Them, Part 17
Author: Photosynthesis
In this latest installment of DGP, we’ll be covering Audrey-type carnivorous plants.  Now, although these critters are named after the star of Little Shop of Horrors, they typically don’t get quite that large, and smaller specimens can be taken care of with careful application of standard gardening tools.  We’ll be going over DIY and professional…
AMITY OF AMITY PARK: A Friendly Helping Hand
Ghost Activity Map, Forums, Local Business Directory, Advice Blog
Forums -> Advice Blog -> Do I really need to explain why hunting…
Thread: I'm not hunting anyone, I'm a journalist.
West of West (OP): [EDITED BY MOD.]
Pharaoh (MOD): You might not have named names in this, but you included enough personally identifiable information to doxx not only yourself, but several members of this server, so we're deleting it anyway. 
West of West (OP): This is targeted harassment!!!
Photosynthesis (MOD): Keep this up and you'll be on the same thin ice as Point25Back. 
AMITY OF AMITY PARK: A Friendly Helping Hand
Ghost Activity Map, Forums, Local Business Directory, Advice Blog
Forums -> Ghosts -> Hunting (INVITE ONLY)
Thread: ‘Groovy Ghost Blasters Extreme’
Valorous1: I hate to ask, but has anyone here worked with any of the (sigh) ‘Groovy Ghost Blasters Extreme’ before?  I want to have an idea of what they're like before we start talking about them on the public boards and offering help with the 'problem.'  As you know, I welcome the idea of more ghost hunters in Amity, but, you know.  Competent ones.  The name does not fill me with confidence.
My Hair: They've all worked in Amity before.  Their tiger almost mauled me once.  None of them caught Phantom for the bounty.
The Cooler Phantom: no 1 catches phantom tho xcept val theyr not sprcial
Valorous1: Are you telling me that's a real tiger
JACK FENTON: I caught phantom once!!!!!1!! super excited to teach new hunters the tricks of the trade!!!!! :)
Valorous1: jfc @MOD
[@JACK FENTON has been permanently banned.] 
[@JACK FENTON has been UNINVITED from the Hunting (INVITE ONLY) board.)
[@JACK FENTON has been restricted from viewing forum posts.]
Photosynthesis (MOD): @Pharaoh (MOD) He came back again. 
Pharaoh (MOD): HOW does he keep doing this?!?!?!  He doesn't even know what hacking IS.  I ASKED.
AMITY OF AMITY PARK: A Friendly Helping Hand
Ghost Activity Map, Forums, Local Business Directory, Advice Blog
Forums -> Advice Blog -> A Statistical Analysis of Tourist Injuries…
Thread: Fine.  You win. 
West of West (OP): Your hype squad makes some good points.  I guess.  I won't expose the TRUTH until the government gets a clue and sets up real ghost countermeasures.  But the Investigators are professionals.  It doesn't matter what I do.  They'll know. 
merknlurk: u know u sound like a comic book villain right
Tubalover: Wow and that's coming from merk. 
merknlurk: what's that supposed to mean
AMITY OF AMITY PARK: A Friendly Helping Hand
Ghost Activity Map, Forums, Local Business Directory, Advice Blog
Forums -> Forum Bugs and Complaints -> Bugs
Thread: my account stops working all the time :(
JACK FENTON (OP): my account stops working all the time. :(
for a while it workd fine but then I'm not on the page anymore and it wont let me back in.  :(
I keep fixing it but it keeps happening.  :(
FootballPoet: I think thats because youre getting banned dude?????
ashtree: not sure how the mods can make it clearer
tubahater: You break the rules more than @Point25Back 
JACK FENTON (OP): you sound like the guys who tried to take my license :(
but I'm still driving :)
Cynosure: Well, that's horrifying.
Pharaoh (MOD): @JACK FENTON could you tell me how you fixed it?  Maybe that will let me figure out what's breaking.  😇
[@JACK FENTON has been permanently banned.] 
[@JACK FENTON has been restricted from viewing forum posts.]
Pharaoh (MOD): Gotcha.  😈
Bog Mummy: brutal
AMITY OF AMITY PARK: A Friendly Helping Hand
Ghost Activity Map, Forums, Local Business Directory, Advice Blog
Forums -> Advice Blog -> Paranormal Investigators, Tourists, and…
West of West (OP): I said you win.  You can call off your attack dogs nkw.
Phantom (MOD): Do you think we run the Advice Blog just for you or???
AMITY OF AMITY PARK: A Friendly Helping Hand
Ghost Activity Map, Forums, Local Business Directory, Advice Blog
Forums -> Community Alerts -> Paranormal Investigators
Thread: But they have a point amigos
Roswell’s Child (OP): you knwo ive been looking at cryptid crawls stuff and they kinda have a point about phantom.  like obv their video stuff has like spectral degradation and all that but its a pretty lit theory you got to admit.  and theresthe whole phantm not being a ghost thing food for thought amigos
Cynosure: [Insert: Incredibles ‘please, I can’t do this again, I’m not strong enough’ meme.]
Locker724: What does this mean?
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sleepy-writes-stuff · 10 months
Gotham's Phantom Royals
What if Sam was Lady Gotham? Just like Danny's haunt is Amity Park, what if Sam's became Gotham when she turned liminal/became a ghost?
You can't deny that she'd definitely love to call a gothic, aesthetically pleasing city with a penchant for chaos her own. I'm not sure how this would work timeline or dimension wise, but I like the imagery of her and Danny, in ghost form, going out on the town like the lovebirds they are and people catching flickering glimpses of a handsome, white-haired King lovingly escorting a beautiful woman dripping in black and violet, both decked out in their respective regalia that hints towards their stations.
The Bats have no idea what's going on, but the citizens have turned the sightings of the couple into a tourist trap and everyone is dying to know the whole love story. Some people have even come up with their own tales about them to the point that no one knows which one they want to believe most. Even Gotham's rouge gallery is completely invested, so far to the point that if the couple is seen anywhere near an ongoing takeover, everyone freezes as they watch them walk/prance/waltz across the scene with smiles and silent laughter. They never speak or look at anyone else besides each other.
It's only when one takes it a step too far and dares to try and capture the lovebirds that they find out just who they're dealing with. Never have a pair of green and purple glowing eyes turning to peer into the depths of their twisted soul felt so terrifying.
To make it even more interesting, what about making it everlasting trio? What city does Tucker haunt? Are there sightings of the three in his city too? Either way, everyone who catches a glimpse of them and their relationship is absolutely smitten with the couple/throuple and see them as peak romance.
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ghostly-penumbra · 2 years
Ectober 2022. Day Thirty-one
Folk Tales
Summary: A pair of hunters listen to some nonsense.
- - -
Sam looked up from his salad and met Dean's eyes across the table. They had heard right and were now in a new trail.
"No, man, I'm being serious! The ghost wolf of Amity is real, I saw it with my own eyes!" A college guy told his friends with frantic energy two tables down from where they were eating.
They were in a small dinner next to the highway in Fuckin' Nowhere, Wisconsin, —Fitchburg, Sam corrected him—, and they (Sam) had done their research on the area before taking out the vampires’ nest yesterday.
“Oh, please, Chase. Everyone knows Amity Park is a tourist trap. You probably saw some kid in a fursuit.”
Dean snorted with a considering smile, whilst Sam grimaced in embarrassment.
(They wouldn’t be talking about how they knew what a fursuit was. Ever.)
“Yeah, sure, a seven foot tall kid with claws as large as my head and fangs as big as my di-”
“Dylan, you were with Chase this weekend. Did ya see some bigass werewolf?” The oldest-sounding dude asked.
“Nope, I was fucking wasted, and so was he! Idiot here just got pranked by a hot chick that got tired of his shit-flirting and took him to the woods.”
The group hollered with laughter whilst Sam and Dean shared another glance, this one more questioning.
“Well, believe what you want, I know what I saw! That thing was a werewolf, and a ghost too! That’s what they call it, anyway.”
“Alright, dumbass, answer me this: if you saw this ‘ghost wolf of Amity’, then hy did no one else see it? And for that matter, why are you still alive?”
Sam and Dean both raised their eyebrows. Good question.
“Sorry, what was that? I can’t hear you.”
“Because- because it extended its metal claws and opened a portal and left- stop laughing! That’s what happened!”
“Shane,” said Dylan between laughter, “you’re a bad drunk, man.”
Sam and Dean looked at each other and rolled their eyes. Some folk tales really were just drunk tales.
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inverseinvert · 1 year
DGM Danny Phantom WIP
AO3 link here
For a while, Amity Park had been debating going worldwide with ghosts. There had been full scale council meetings discussing the matter, with votes and paperwork and everything! (A few younger members of the public had even tried  to segue the meetings into repealing the Anti-Ecto Acts, but got ignored by the much older council.) 
The main thing stopping progress, however, was credibility. Or rather, lack thereof.
While yes, the Doctors Fenton had papers published in ectobiology and cryptozoology—that anyone could access with a quick internet search—and a few videos had made it to YouTube, the town was largely seen as a tourist trap and a hoax. 
Regardless, Amity was determined to go public. They'd take professional videos, update their website, whatever they had to do to prove to the rest of the world that ghosts existed.
But all those plans came to a screeching halt when an emergency alert broadcast worldwide. 
 Their need for funding, aid, and support against the nuisance of a ghost infestation became inconsequential in the face of true monsters.
Hundreds of thousands were dead, thousands still missing and unaccounted for all over the world.
Originally, it was declared a series of bombings and terrorist attacks; but each incident was too varied. News agencies tried their best to sweep things under the rug and governments were clearly shaken; but amateur videos pushed through. Clips flooded the internet, showcasing the devastation as several dozen mechanical creatures descended with cannons, spewing poison and death.Killing without discrimination.
When it became obvious that this was no hoax, that the governments of the world could no longer deceive their citizens—there were just too many videos, too many witnesses—an emergency broadcast was published.
"The New World Alliance may seem ill-prepared; but I promise you, they're not." A dark-haired Asian stood behind a podium, white beret and coat (accented by black) reflecting brightly in the spotlights. Microphones from news stations around the world crowded his face like a pack of hungry dogs as he glanced down through grey glasses at a sheaf of papers. 
Even viewed through the screen of a television, the air of gravity was almost palpable. 
“My name is Komui Lee and I'm here because I'm the Chief Officer of the Black Order's European branch. Opperating under the direct command of the Vatican, the Black Order has been defending the public from the Akuma threat for close to a century. We've managed to keep collateral damage and loss of life to a minimum. Until now.” His voice turned melancholy, face drawing downward. Eyes staying locked to the teleprompter, he reached for a large ivory mug and started to lift it. Hand faltering just inches above the table, Komui's frown deepened. 
The cup was significantly lighter than it should be. 
“We are aware that in this instance we have failed in our due diligence; and for that, we ask your forgiveness.” At this, he set down the empty mug and took a deep breath, pushing his shoulders back and holding his head high. 
“We come to you in the hopes that you will understand the good work that has been done up until now and ask that you support our exorcists. In the interest of this, please try your best to stay out of harm's way and report any Akuma sightings to your local police or our helpline which should be displayed at the bottom of your screen.”
Attention shifting back to his documents, the worn man—who clearly had been running on pure coffee alone for at least the past week—began to list general safety procedures: what would be required for people to avoid attacks and what to do when they happened. 
Lifting his eyes, he ended the speech with, “I must stress that this is not a constant danger. Do not panic and do not engage with these creatures. Ordinary weapons will not work and they take specialist training to combat. Please let the professionals do their jobs. It is, after all, what we're here for.”
He swept a hand left and gestured to the two individuals standing at parade rest beside him. 
The shorter of the two had strikingly similar facial features to Komui, but softer, suggesting a relation to the man. Her hair was also marginally lighter and fell all the way to her shoulders. The woman's older partner, by contrast, had legs for days and a sharp expression, with long, blonde bangs hiding an expansive, jagged scar that surrounded her one visible eye. Clinging to her shoulder was a monkey that vaguely resembled a silvery marmoset, regarding the room with massive pupils.
Both women's outfits were made from a thick, black cloth, their accents and embellishments unique to each individual. They may not have matched perfectly, with one showing little skin and the other leaning more fanservice-gothic-lolita, but like a rook and a knight in chess, it was obvious they came from the same set. 
“All exorcists will be wearing uniforms like this when on active duty. Please leave them to their work and do not interfere.” 
“Thank you for your attention. We will not be taking questions at this time.”
Finished with the announcement, Komui gathered the paper sheets off the podium and aligned them with each other before placing them under an armpit. Gripping his mug in his other hand, the head Supervisor turned to the camera and dipped forward in a curt bow. As he exited stage left, the two women accompanying him copied the gesture and followed their boss off screen. 
When compared to the outside world, Amity Park suddenly was "A Nice Place to Live".
The quaint city enjoyed their haunted reputation, its many shops filled with gimmicky graphics and souvenirs. The citizens knew just what to do in a ghost attack and weren’t truly scared. Either the spectres would move on or Phantom would rescue those truly in harm's way.
No one had actually died in a ghost attack, despite many close calls, and ghosts could be reasoned with. They had personalities and morals (no matter how many people said otherwise).
Their town could never function the way it did if they had Akuma in place of ghosts. The idea of it was downright sickening. 
Akuma were fiends of true horror and demise. A distinctly alien mindset that could not be related to in any way. Trying to make light of them was nothing short of stomach-turning to anyone with sound ethics. 
So Amity Parkers forgot about trying to ask for help. They’d made it this far on their own and would continue to do so for as long as possible. Government resources should be spent on helping those actually in need. If staying off the map prevented more deaths, then so be it; they could muddle through.
They just hadn’t considered that the ghosts might reach out publicly before the humans would.
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Please let me know what you thought. No promises on updates or when they might happen as I am still unmedicated for my ADHD 🥲
Also interested to see what people want to see.
MASSIVE thanks to @weshney for their incredible editing skills. They made sure this was actually legible.
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