#and I went dead silent and she was like ‘well I mean I guess I wouldn’t know. I only see them outside of the house’
allofuswantgwinam · 8 months
it’s funny to me that I only know Billy Joel songs based off the ones my dad sings 🤣🤣 he’s singing one rn on the Grammys *billy Joel, I wish my dad 🤣🤣💀* and it’s makin me miss when i was 5 years old and my parents were together and things were normal
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nightingale-prompts · 23 days
Danny adopts himself
It's a common joke in Gotham that Bruce Wayne will adopt any black-haired and blue-eyed traumatized boy he finds. So much so that even he leans into it. But he was completely shocked when Damian confronts him about having a new brother that he did not want.
Bruce could barely get a word in when the rest of the family arrived upset that they weren't told about getting another sibling after Damian texted the family group chat (for once).
Damian had encountered a boy around Drake's age moving stuff into what was an empty room. The room was now furnished top to bottom with glowing green lights, tapestries of stars, random artifacts, several telescopes, and model rockets.
He knew the moment he saw the black hair and blue eyes that his father had taken in another ward.
Apparently Bruce was the last the know about his new "son" who was currently rearranging furniture and asking to helf Alfred with dinner.
Said dinner was an uncomfortable as Bruce was grilled by his kids on his addiction to adoption. Simultaneously they tried to get to know the new addition to the family.
It was easy to see that Damian didn't like Danny but it was equally easy to see that Danny could cow the boy like a border collie on a lamb. When Damian thew a dagger the teen caught it with one hand as it passed his face and then slid it across the table back to Damian.
"Try again. " Danny said "And this time don't aim to miss on purpose. If you want me dead you need to do better."
Damian put the knife away and huffed.
Tim and Danny hit it off almost instantly. The way they were able to bounce their thoughts back and forth made Tim believe that he found an equal.
Danny was able to understand Cassie immediately with just look in eachothers eyes like he was reading her mind but not in a creepy way.
Jason of course noticed the strange energy in the air around the kid. It was soothing. Like lavender wafting in the air. Well lavender for everyone else for him it was like opium. His eyes felt heavy like he had eaten a handful of poppy seeds. At the same time he felt full, like he had eating a full meal after starving for a week.
Whatever it is Damian was feeling it too. The demon looked even more his age as he rubbed his eyes and yawned. The crease in his brow gone.
Duke on the other hand was more on edge as his eyes flickered towards Danny before looking away. He had something he wanted to ask about the glowing boy but since no one can see it or just isn't saying anything he will keep quiet for now.
Next was Barbara who teased the new kid.
"So how do you like your new family? Ready to be the new robin?" She asked.
"Im robin." Damian mumbled groggily.
The others were waiting for Damian to finally fall asleep and glared at one another in a challenge to be the one to pick up Damian and put him to bed. Dick was winning.
Speaking of Dick, as expected he was off the wall excited to learn more about his new little brother. He wanted the full story as to why Bruce took him in. He could almost certainly guess it was because of a tragic situation and Dick was already ready to handle it as the greatest big brother ever and he wasn't sharing the title no matter what Barbara said. Even if she was Stephanie's favorite.
Bruce cleared his throat and the table went silent. "So, Danny. Where exactly did you come from? Why are you here? And how did you know who I am?"
Everyone went white. Did they all just risk their identities believing that Danny was a new Robin? Why didn't Bruce say something? Not even a signal for the protocol they would use.
Danny frowned looking a bit hurt.
"What do you mean, Bruce? You said you owed me. You said you'd give me anything I wanted if saved your son. I even helped you get back home when you got lost in time." Danny huffed feeling betrayed.
The table went silent.
Bruce made a few calculations in his brain before something must have come to mind. "I lost my memory for a bit so I need a bit of proof."
Danny placed a batarang on the table. The batarang had an engraving on it in a code that only Bruce knew.
"You told me to show this to Alfred when I came. We had a deal, Bruce. You promised me whatever I wanted." Danny huffed clearly insulted.
Just like Danny had said the code was the one Bruce had made. However this code wasn't a promise to grant a favor but to welcome someone new to the family. Past Bruce must have had plans to take the boy in but told Danny something else to lure him here.
Bruce recognized that everyone was right and he has a problem now that he's looking at it like this.
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devilenchantress · 2 months
𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞’𝐬 𝐧𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮’𝐫𝐞 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞
🪵Pairing —> Logan Howlett x Reader
🪵Genre —> Fluff & comfort
🪵Warning —> None (but spoiler alert : this story takes place after the events of Deadpool & Wolverine)
🪵Inspired by —> @allophonicmess
🪵Summary —> You want to get to know the knew Logan, but he thinks that he isn't good enough for you. So he ends up being cold and distant towards you, towards the girl known as « Wolverine’s epic love ».
🪵Dividers credit —> @moosgraphics
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It’s been a few days since Wade, Logan and Y/n came back from the crazy journey they went through. Everyone was still under’s Wade roof, celebrating. Y/n was sat on the couch alone, trapped in her thoughts. It didn’t take long for Colossus to notice it, so he approached Y/n and sat next to her :
« How are you feeling Y/n? You seem lost. »
« I’m doing fine Colossus, thank you for asking. I’m just a bit confused about… some things. »
« Do you wish to talk about it? »
« Well, I cannot stop wondering why would this Logan act this way towards me. I know that he doesn’t know me and doesn’t owe me anything. But seeing the face of your dead lover looking at you like you meant nothing is pretty heartbreaking. I wish I could know why he is so cold towards me, why he doesn’t even notice me. I just don’t understand. »
« Maybe you should talk to him? Honesty and communication are always important. It could bring you closure and peace. »
« I guess you’re right, thank you for listening to me and checking up on me. I think I’m going to take a little nap, I’m still a bit tired of all the things that happened. » said Y/n while chucking at the same time, after that she went upstairs to rest a little.
But on the other side of the apartment, Wade and Logan were discussing or more arguing about the same topic :
« You know I really don’t mean to meddle between lover’s querel and all that stuff. But you’ve been kind of an ass with Y/n especially considering that you know she’s kind of « Wolverine’s epic love » in most of the universes. »
Logan looked at him and just answered :
« Then don’t fucking meddle into it. »
Wade pretended no to hear what Logan just said and continued :
« Well I guess you’re just scared I mean I can understand really. You do look like a grumpy old dad who’s only purpose is to drink his whiskey in front of the TV. While y/n, well, she does look really hot I mean honestly I don’t understand why she’s still single because I swear even I could-
« CAN’T YOU SHUT YOUR GODDAM FUCKING MOUTH FOR ONCE YOU DAMN MOTHERFUCKER. » screamed Logan with rage in his eyes before leaving the room to go outside and get some air.
Hours passed and Logan was still outside, sitting on the front door steps with his bottle of whiskey.
Everyone else was in the kitchen talking and laughing. Y/n just finished her nap and went downstairs to join the others, and while she was about to enter the kitchen Colossus and Wade looked mischievously at each other and said :
« Oh y/n sweat treat, good thing you’re here because well… » said Wade before giving a side eye to Colossus who said :
« We’re missing shrimp chips and we were wondering if you could get some, please? » Y/n laughed and answered « of course I can, it’ll give me some air. »
Y/n took her purse and went outside, right after this Colossus told Peter to rush to the door and lock Y/n outside.
As she went outside Y/n saw Logan down the stairs all alone. She tried to be silent and then turned around to open the door and give the others an excuse to not go out. But as she tried to open the door, she realised it was locked :
« Are they really serious. » she wispered before knocking and screaming
« Are you serious guys? Please open? I forgot something and I really really need to get back out there. » but no one answered.
She turned around and realised that Logan was looking at her
« Hey you, what are you doing here? » she shyly said. Logan turned around to face the street and did not answer. Y/n closed her eyes and let out a sight before telling him :
« Do you hate your Y/n too in your universe? »
Logan looked at her and said
« What? »
she walked toward him to sat on the stairs and continued
« I said do you hate your Y/n too in your universe? Because my Logan, well, he used to hate me so much when we first met, and, well I kind of hated him too. » she said chuckling, and then proceeded :
« We were always arguing, bickering, fighting… but then one day I got hurt really really bad and surprisingly he was there for me. After this moment we started to grow closer until one day we fell in love. So I was wondering if you hated you y/n like my Logan used to? Because that’s the only thing that could explain why you seem so repulsed by me. »
Logan’s expression became soft and he only answered :
« I don’t hate you, god I could never fucking hate you. I cared about my Y/n like your Logan cared about you. »
« Then why are you like this with me? Why do you talk to everyone but ignore my existence like I don’t matter? »
Logan looked down at the floor and answered :
« I know your Logan was some king of hero, but in my universe the things I did, they make me a monster, an animal and I love you way too much to let you be with that kind of man. »
Y/n watched him with her watered eyes and softly said, while putting her arm on his shoulder :
« What is it that you did? No matter what it is you can tell me because all I want is to understand you. »
Logan was hesitant, but if there was one person he could tell anything, if there was one person that could bring him comfort, it was her. So he said :
« Things happened and one day you died, after this I could never be the same. I loved you so much. So I went to the bar everyday, I drank everyday and I let everyone down. Until one day all of the x-men died because of me. I had nothing else to loose anymore. So I killed, everyone, bad people, good people and no matter how much I wanted to stop, I couldn’t. I was filled with so much rage, I let it guide me. »
Y/n was breathless but she knew Logan, and she was sure that no matter what, no matter the universe he was a good man. So she put her hand on his cheek to make him look at her and she said :
« Whatever you did is in the past. Right now you have a chance to be better and to make the world a better place. I know you will. »
she stopped to caress his cheek and then she said
« I could never think of you as a monster Logan nor could I ever be ashamed of you. »
Logan took her hand in his and told her :
« There’s no love in my life if you’re not in my universe Y/n. »
After hearing this, Y/n put her head on Logan’s shoulder and while he wrapped his arm around herself she whispered in his hear
« You’ll always be my one and only true love, no matter what. »
And so they spent hours outside finding comfort in each others arms.
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dcxdpdabbles · 1 year
Phantom's number 1 Fan. Part 2
Tim wakes a few days later, half submerged in liquid and hooked to various machines. He is in a tub shaped like a bed, obviously meant to sleep in. Around him is what he hopes is a hospital room with medical tools scattered about and soft blue paint that turns to the night sky the higher it goes on the wall.
On the ceiling are paintings of various constellations. It's rather beautiful.
Tim also notices he feels no pain. None. Not even the aches of his bones after years of abuse while fighting crime. He thinks that's a bit strange since the last thing he could clearly remember was barely escaping Ra's al Ghul, losing his spleen, and gaining more wounds from angry assassins on his way out.
He had been flying half-blind, blinking in and out of awareness. He thinks at one point, Cassie had attempted to call him, and he may have answered, but for the life of him, he couldn't remember what he told her.
He did remember what she said in response. She sounded so desperate as she begged over the S-Batplane speakers. "Please, Tim, you're not well. Let us help you. Just tell me where you are."
Too bad for her, since the S in S-Batplane stand for Secert because Tim had built that one on his own in Secert. There was no way she or any of the hero community could track him in it since they had no idea it existed until Tim had taken it and his supplies on his solo mission to save Bruce.
Tim will admit that he is happy they noticed he went missing- even if it was three months too late. Not that it mattered much. The rest of the Bats wanted nothing to do with him. The world only saw him as a young easy wallet as a shiny new CEO. And his friends were all dead or convinced he was insane by Dick.
Tim didn't have anyone to notice he was gone anymore. But Bruce needed him to push through the ache and get him home.
As the Robin who Bruce trained to put the mission first no matter the cost, the one that came after Jason's death so, Bruce stopped allowing himself to think of Robin as a son and more along the lines of a soldier; he quickly shut down the crying child that wailed for someone to believe him, to support him.
Sometimes it felt like Tim was still waiting by the door of Drake Manor, waiting for someone to come and care for him, to stay for him.
The door to his room opens, snapping Tim back to the present. He automatically stiffens, expecting more of the League of Assassins. He can't remember much, but he guessed he was captured by the fact he was sitting in a green glowing water.
He was not, however, expecting a Yeti to walk in, reading a clipboard.
The Yeti looks up, bearing its teeth at Tim when he notices him awake. It takes a moment to realize the action is supposed to be a smile. "Great One's Honored Guest, I am so glad you have awakened. I am FrostBite, your doctor for the remainder of your recovery."
Okay. Ra's has Yetis at his disposal.
He was the only person that Tim knew as the "Great One." Usually, his most loyal operatives too, which means he was deep within Ra's territory.
FrostBrite pauses for a response, but when Tim remains silent, he holds up his board. "It seems to me that most of your wounds have healed. The only problem is that your spleen could not be salvaged due to the damage."
Tim fights to keep the despair off his face. He figured that was the case, seeing as Ras's had it in a jar, but he had hoped.
"...I understand this may be a difficult adjustment. You will always have to be careful when being ill. Even a simple cold could be disastrous." Frostbite steps close, taping one giant claw on the tub's edge. "The Great One has ordered we keep consistent Ecoplasm Baths at the ready for the remainder of your natural life."
Fuck. The Yeti is saying Ra will never let him leave again. It's a threat disguised as a offer of help.
Tim glares down at his hands. They lay within Lazarus' water, gently healing his small scars. This must be some of the purest Lazarus he's ever seen. It must be Ra's own special blend.
The only reason he is wasting it on Tim is that Ra's wants an heir from him. Or for him to become the Heir. He doesn't know, which makes him feel worse but he does know what lust looks like.
It's one that Ra's has aimed at him for too long.
He may as well get this over with. Learn as much as he can. Plan an escape. The best way to do all that is to simply ask.
"When is the wedding?"
Frostbite freezes. "I beg your pardon? Whos wedding?"
"Th Great One and mine" because the madman would never allow a bastard to inherit his empire.
"You and the Great One....are paramours?" Frostbite sounds awe. Shoot his medic doesn't know anything. The Yeti is likely low ranking.
Tim looks away, and the giant white creature jerks into action. "I apologize for not treating the Great One's beloved properly. I shall have servants bring up a meal while you soak. And the finest robe we have! Sweets and messages....offers of gold?....humans always like gold."
He waits until the Yeti leaves, mumbles of giving him the royal treatment echoing in his wake. Tim sighs, sinking into the water. He knows he is being watched as that's what he would do, so for now he needs to stay put and heal.
He's never going to get Bruce back if he acts too rashly without knowing where he is and what else Ra has under his control. Yetis were no easy feat to beat on his own. He like to avoid....a vampire or something too.
Half an hour later, FrostBite returns with the promised meal and change of clothes. Smaller Yetis help him dress in threads of the finest silks. They feel like heaven on his sensitive skin. Tim feels soft and warm all over, pampered beyond belief.
It's been so long since he just had a moment to rest.
He asks for a walk which he is only permitted after Frostbites clears him. It's while he is wandering that he realizes he is in some winter castle. Everywhere he looks, there is ice, snow, and yetis.
He notices all the guards and makes mental maps of possible weak spots. He wonders why he's not freezing despite only being in a thin silk robe. A form of magic?
A few yetis- servants he can tell by their mannerisms- bow as he wanders about. He can't tell where he is based on the sun or the environment. It's....somehow different.
"That's him?" A young female voice asks. He turns his head slightly to catch the speaker in his provisional vision. It's one of the smaller Yetis....he assumes she's a child? Hard to tell when she still towers over him. "The Great One's future spouse?"
"Yes, I heard King Frostbite, himself, tell the Head Butler"
"He's weak," another Yeti says with disapproval. He sounds male but young as well. Not even a teenager. "He does not even have a core."
"He is a human." A much older voice replies. She sounds like Tim's age based on vocal cords. "Humans are not meant to have cores. Despite this he is a formidable fighter. He has to be to have attracted the Great One's eye."
"Maybe not. I heard humans enjoy being cared for like children. They even call partners things like Mommy and Daddy."
"Why?" The boy Yeti sounds horrified.
"Apparently it's seen as attractive"
"That's disgusting."
Tim turns a corner cutting off the conversation as the Yetis snap to attention. They bow low at the waist as he walks by.
He nods at them, which seems to startle a lot of them. Not that he's surprised. The AL Ghuls likely treated them like decorations and never fully acknowledged them.
Tim barely hears the young boy gasp. "He's beautiful."
"That's likely why the Great One is so bestowed."
Tim sighs walking back to his room with a escape plan half formed.
Elsewhere, the rumor mill in the Ghost Zone is running over time as news of King Phantom's human husband-to-be is spread far and wide. Leaders of the Ghost Zone quickly prepare for a ball that will likely be called to celebrate the union.
They have gifts gathered, each wanting to gain favor with the King. The Far Frozen gets overwhelming requests to visit the future Consort, but seeing as King Phantom had to return to the human world, thus leaving his fiancé in their care, they reject all. They do not want the boy to be overwhelmed or caught unawares if he is not tried in any form of politics.
It would not allow him to become a threat to the King's authority's pawn.
This led to even more rumors starting.
By the time they reached John Constine- the only human who has any form of contact with the Realms- the word is that King Phantom's human was currently carrying their child, wanting to marry before the baby was born, and that he was running from a group of humans known as "The Bats."
He was as beautiful as the King Phantom was powerful- which meant he was utterly breathtaking for a human- and that King Phantom was currently in the human world hunting down those who threaten his family.
Across the dimension plane, Danny is blissfully unaware of the misunderstanding as he is busy filling out college scholarship applications. He has only one more year before he graduates, but he would like to go somewhere away from Amity Park.
The Wayne Scholarship is a long and lengthy process, but it will be worth it. A full ride with board and meals? Yes, the housing will be in Gotham but it's a small price to pay.
He wonders if his number one fan has awakened. Frostbite would have contacted him if his guest had escaped the coma.
Tim Drake had been asleep for nearly a week, only kept healthy due to Danny bathing him in his Protective Core ectoplasm and the Yeti's multi-species medical knowledge. As it were, Tim appeared to only be taking a small nap, none of the adverse effects of long slumber appearing on his thin body, but Danny was getting worried.
At this point, he didn't even care how Tim knew his secret. He just wanted him to be alright.
A flash of green light causes Danny to spring away from his laptop, body falling into a natural fighter's stance only to blink at the giant gift wrap present laying on his bed. Cautiously he inspects the gift finding it from Princess Dora.
"May your love lead the Realms into a wonderous future, and may your union bear many children." He reads the small note she had attracted to her gift "What children?"
Pulling open the gift, he stares at two sets of King robes decorated with rubies shaped into snowflakes. More miniature robes and a few booties surround the pair, obviously meant as a family gift.
Tuck to the side of the box is a long and deadly-looking sword. It's pitch black, with a scull as a handle. Dora had tired a scroll to its blade, where she had written My armies are ready to yield to you. You need only to swing this sword, and they shall come to your aid. The Bats will not harm your treasure.
What in the world?
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kinopio-writes · 6 months
Hello dearie!!
How are you? I hope you're doing well!
I saw that your asks were open,and your content is really cool and silly,So I decided to leave you a nice ask to enjoy!
Could I have a headcanon platonic! Alastor,Vox and Husk finding a random child next to their dead mother, except that they don't really understand that she's dead and think she's sleeping,so they pity the child and take them in?
The child is really polite and nice,pretty calm,too. Sure,they do child stuff,like running around,being excited,etc,but they still are more calm than others.
They always talk about their mother,how she's the only one left,and how they love her.
Would the characters say the truth? Would they lie?
I just love hurt/comfort and platonic relationships so :3
Anyways,I hope that's not too much,and that you enjoy writing this!
Have a really nice day,don't forget to drink and take breaks!
Stay proud!
-Nina <33
A/N: Thank you for the reminders, heh. Btw, I’m going to have to change the reasons as to why they took you in because I just don’t see characters like Alastor and Vox taking you in because of pity. Sorry about that. The rest is untouched. You’ll still get a bit of that hurt/comfort (mostly from Husk, lol. Both Alastor and Vox are non-existent, but Alastor is somehow better than Vox).
Warnings: Mentions of death
Alastor, Husk, and Vox adopting a deceased mom’s child
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• Alastor paid no mind to the dead corpse
• it didn’t really look that appetizing anyway
• “How unfortunate.” You heard a weird voice from behind you as a hand was placed on your shoulder. “A child mourning in the demise of its mother. Tragic, really. You have my condolences.”
• “What are you talking about, mister?” You stared up at the mysterious man, watching his eyes flick from your left to right eye while his grin only grew as the seconds went by
• “I think you’ve just found yourself the perfect dwelling,” he abruptly said, letting go of your shoulder to fix his bowtie as he sprung back to life. “Why don’t you come with me?”
• “But what about my mother?”
• “She is in good hands, I can assure you.” He offered his hand to you. “Come along, now. Children shouldn’t dwell long in places like these.”
• and so he took you in to be a patron at his hotel
• I mean, what’s more easier to redeem than a child? (assuming you’re a sinner. I don’t know if it’s canon anymore that only hellborns can reproduce. Look at Cannibal Town’s people)
• he intended to leave you in the rest of the residents’ care while they could only guess what his actual motivation was for taking you in
• but it seemed you ended up favoring him more than the rest
• you’d follow him around like a duckling—a lost puppy—you’re attached to him like a leech
• and you’re so well-behaved, too
• up until he leaves your sight
• he actually leaves the hotel a lot more often now because of that
• he finds you wrecking chaos in the hotel entertaining as hell
• and the fact that the others beg him to come back to calm you down
• I don’t think you would ever know what happened to your mother
• even when you talk about her a lot
• those rambles never really prompt him to say anything
• well, it’s not as if he knew what happened to her
• but, hey, at least he listens!
• maybe it’s because he feels a little nostalgic hearing the way you talk about her…
• Husk was fucking spooked when he found you lying beside your dead mother
• not because of the corpse, but because of the way you were staring at him
• with eyes dull and wide open, just like your mother
• while Husk wouldn’t have given two shits if it was a grown-ass adult, you were a child
• so he took you in
• “But what about my mother?”
• “Shi—I, uh—your momma will tag along soon. Now c’mon. She wouldn’t want you out here alone.”
• since Husk is constantly around the hotel, there were never really instances where you wreaked havoc
• you just silently watch him tend the bar and sometimes talk about your mother
• your talks about how much you love her make him feel pretty guilty for some reason
• but he’d probably tell you when you’re older enough
• only if you were asking him about her though
• he wouldn’t want to have to sit you down and tell you something that sensitive of a topic when you didn’t even ask
• “Why don’t I have a mother?” you would suddenly ask when you turned 18
• today was your birthday. Charlie insisted on having a little party for you just like every year. But you didn’t want one; you wanted to be with Husk for the day
• the man in question sighed
• he knew you were building up the courage to ask all day
• “I’m gonna give it to you straight, kid, I don’t know what exactly happened to her. All I know is that she’s in a better place.”
• “Oh…”
• “Do you…wanna talk about it?” He continued, voice a little unsure, “Not as a bartender…but as a dad.”
• you smiled, grateful. “I think I’ve already said plenty when I was younger. But thanks, Dad.”
• he smiled back
• you two would then sit in silence together, basking in each other’s presence
• so, uh, I’m going to have to completely skip the taking you in part with Vox because I genuinely cannot see him adopting a random child (unless he could gain something, but, like, you’re just a kid)
• so you’ll just get the aftermath of it (hope that’s okay)
• based on the way he handled Val’s tantrum, I think it’s safe to assume that he’s somewhat good with children
• but he’s a pretty busy guy
• he doesn’t have the time to take care of a random child, so he’d make sure to keep an eye on you on his cameras
• but despite that, your existence in the tower warrants his
• as you’re too chaotic whenever he isn’t around
• but only around the other expendable employees
• you’re relatively well-behaved when Velvette and Valentino are with you
• but he doesn’t exactly trust them to take care of you
• they aren’t exactly good with children
• so he tried doing video calls
• you will definitely grow up as an iPad kid
• he’d hear you talk about your mom during those calls
• he’d let you go on and on, but it’s not guaranteed that he’ll listen
• I don’t think he would ever tell you what happened to her (he doesn’t know, anyway)
• he won’t lie, he’d just work around your question
• skillfully
• like, extremely so
• even if you ask him directly, he still manages to dodge the question somehow
• I don’t know what else to say, he’s gonna be a pretty distant father—
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purplekissinger · 8 months
I am the pretty thing that lives in the castle
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And I pray one prayer - I repeat it till my tongue stiffens - Catherine Earnshaw, may you not rest as long as I am living; you said I killed you - haunt me, then!  Emily Bronte, ‘Wuthering Heights’.
Y/N became a ghost instead of Myrtle. She couldn't care less about Tom. He wishes he could say the same. Wordcount: 3k.
At their first meeting, Tom even shrieked a little (as he later justified, solely because Y/N took him by surprise). He crept towards the sinks that bathed in the bluish light of the moon, and did not at all expect that someone would jump at him from the ceiling with a  “Boo!”
“Boo,” Y/N said reluctantly and passed through him like a light bluish cloud. Tom closed his eyes, but didn’t feel anything.
“Good evening to you too,” he said, looking at her cautiously. Y/N floated up to the ceiling and was now studying the stucco, running her ghostly finger absentmindedly over the frozen gargoyle masks. “What's new?”
“As you may guess, absolutely nothing,” Y/N responded, “but I like that you’re trying to be polite. It's nice.”
“Do you feel ‘nice’?”
“Not really. I'm using words that I learned in life, but they don't quite describe my experience because I've never experienced anything like this before. I'd rather you be polite than rude, and that's my new “nice.”
Tom looked at her, a luminous spot against the black wall, which trembled slightly, like the wings of a strange butterfly. Y/N died wearing a thin shirt, but there was no longer any way she could be cold or get sick.
“If I didn’t know you were a Ravenclaw, I would have guessed by now,” he said.
“I was different when I was alive,” Y/N said judiciously. “More lively”
“You sure were”.
“No, I mean it. I can't explain it enough for you to understand, but this experience is...changing. Everything becomes so transparent, unreal. If I were the same, I would have already cried barrels of tears and flooded the toilet”.
“There is someone who is eager to do that for you,” Tom said gloomily. “Myrtle has been whining all day long, telling everyone what a wonderful friend you were.”
“Me?”  Y/N sounded surprised. “I can’t remember that we were friends. However, I did stand up for her a couple of times…”
Tom kept silent a little longer, angrily tapping his fingers on the broken edge of the sink. When falling, already dead, Y/N hit her head here. They didn't fix the sink, instead, they put a lock on the toilet door, but Tom sneaked in almost every evening.
“Is that why you’re not angry at me for killing you?” he finally asked.
“Well, technically you didn’t kill me. You just released a basilisk, which also didn't do anything against its nature, so it's kind of like an accident. Although I can understand why you didn’t tell anyone about it all,” Y/N said. “No, that’s not the reason why”.
“You are very understanding,” said Tom. “Is it okay if I stay here a little longer? I need to prepare an essay on the history of magic, and tomorrow is the final match between the badgers and Slytherin. All of Hogwarts is shaking”.
“Make yourself at home,” Y/N said indifferently.
She went down to the Chamber of Secrets with him when the time came to seal it. Hovering silently two steps behind him, she looked at the tunnels and rusty gratings that were many, many centuries old, and for the first time something like curiosity was reflected on her transparent face. For some reason this made Tom feel almost happy. Y/N’s curiosity became almost human when, rustling its scales, a huge snake slowly crawled out of the black hole in the wall and surrounded them with a ring, and put its terrible head so as to get a better look at the guests, and hissed in greeting.
“I've read that those who speak Parseltongue can look a basilisk in the eyes and survive,” said Tom, looking down, “but I don’t want to test that.”
Y/N  looked fearlessly with her dead eyes straight into the face of the creature.
“Yes, the cost of a mistake would be very high,” she said. “What is your pet's name?”
“Susie,” Tom said quietly. “It's a girl”.
Y/N smiled weakly.
“Hello, Susie,” she said. Susie let out a squeal that sounded more like a laugh. “Nice to meet you. Unfortunately, this is not for long, because we have come to seal the Chamber of Secrets forever.”
“For a while,” Tom corrected her. “Susie, I'll be back, I promise. I don't know when, but I'll be back”.
He closed his eyes and stretched his hands forward. The basilisk poked its terrible mouth into his chest, and Tom hugged her. 
When Tom returned to school the next year, no one noticed anything, and he even began to think that the ritual did not work, but as soon as he crossed the threshold of the toilet on the third floor, a quiet exclamation was heard from under the ceiling:
“Oh! Tom, what happened to you?”
Like a feather or a petal, Y/N slowly descended towards him. Tom looked at her and thought that flying suited her well.
“Is it that noticeable?” he asked suspiciously.
“You have become very small,” Y/N said, flying around him. “Like this,” and made a small circle with her hands. “Where did half of you go?”.
This is how he learned that ghosts see the effects of Horcruxes.
“I won’t tell anyone,” she promised. “Who was it?”
And Tom told her. About everything, about how he found out who the Gaunts were, about how he found his uncle, about the Riddles, about how scary it was to look at his father’s corpse, because he was so very alike him, about how he made a Horcrux right there while the bodies were still warm. It was easy for him, he wanted to talk, to free himself from every detail, take it out of his head, let Y/N look, discuss, judge.
She was in no hurry to judge. She just said:
“This could backfire on you.”
“How?” Tom suddenly felt offended. He just now realized that he would like her to admire what a cool magician he is, and maybe even clap her hands.
“I know more than you,” she said vaguely. “Not everything, perhaps, but more. Yes, I’m still on the threshold, but from where I’m standing, it’s clear that you acted very rashly.”
“What do you mean by ‘still’?"
She didn't answer.
All autumn, winter and summer he went to visit Y/N, even leaving textbooks in a niche by the window. It was quiet and somehow very cozy there, the light from the window was so gentle, and on sunny days the stained glass windows seemed to light up with colored lights. Y/N was silent for the most part, but seeing her figure out of the corner of his eye and hearing her thoughtful humming under her breath was... nice. This was his new “nice”, because something inside of him began to change inexplicably, irreversibly and horribly.
In winter, he asked her to come to the Yule Ball, and she agreed, and she blew out all the candles and ruined the chandelier. Oh, the chaos!.. And in the spring they celebrated Y/N’s first Deathday Party. For this occasion Tom stole a lemon pie from the kitchen, but Y/N politely thanked him and said that she couldn’t eat that. She fluttered back and forth, he chewed on the pie, they argued about the technique of using Fiendfyre, and it was a nice evening.
“I won’t come back here in the fall,” Tom said suddenly, because in fact that’s all he’s been thinking about for the last few days.
“I know,” Y/N said. “You are in seventh year. I can count to seven”.
“But I’ll come back someday,” he said stubbornly. “I just don’t know when”.
“I think I’ve already heard this once”.
“I’ll come back for Susie too, don’t you worry.”
“And what will we do then, riddle me this?”
“Seize the Ministry of Magic,” he blurted out. “Y/N, I'll miss you. Will you miss me?”
“I would like to tell you something nice in response, but I’ll tell the truth. Maybe I won't be here soon.”
He suddenly felt very hot. Then terribly cold.
“What do you mean you won’t be here? Where are you going to go?” Tom asked in an unnaturally high voice. “Aren’t you here forever?”
“Not really,” Y/N answered evasively. “You see, when I died, I was not at all ready for this”.
“Can anyone possibly be ready for this?”
“You must be ready, Tom. Now I know that. I was confused and made... the wrong choice. Stuck on the threshold. Didn't go any further. But I can step forward at any moment, I just need to think it over carefully and make a decision”.
“Can’t you step back?” Tom asked. He did not put hope into these words, but it sounded nevertheless.
“No,” Y/N answered simply. “I died, Tom”.
He rested his hand on his cheek and watched her spin, arms outstretched, right up to the ceiling, the invisible wind blowing her hair. He said:
“I regret that I didn’t know you when you were alive. I think we could become friends.”
“We could,” Y/N agreed. “But for this to happen you shouldn’t have killed me”.
Tom jumped up sharply and, his burning face hid in his hands, quickly walked out of the room. The door slammed so loudly that the noise echoed throughout the entire corridor.
Tom did not soon cross this threshold again.
He walked from Dumbledore's office after the first unsuccessful job interview in his life, he wanted to get out of the castle as quickly as possible so as not to endure this humiliation anymore, but his feet themselves led him to the third floor.
“You have become even smaller,” said a familiar voice, which he had only dreamed about in the morning. Loud, distant, but somehow comforting. “You're barely visible”.
Tom was silent. He looked and still did not believe that he was seeing her again. Finally he grinned and stepped forward.
“But you’re still the same,” he said.
“The same, but not quite,” Y/N objected, going down to meet him. “I thought a lot and almost decided to take a step further”.
“But not yet?”
“Not yet. This is a complex process, and it doesn't get any easier now that I have all the time in the world”.
“What exactly are you doing?” Tom asked, leaning against the wall. A forgotten feeling of comfort covered him in a cool wave. He felt like he wanted to stay.
“I’m thinking,” Y/N said. “A lot”.
“Don’t you need to, I don’t know, take revenge on your murderer?” he asked and realized that it sounded like a request. Lord Voldemort had a lot of requests that day.
“No, thanks,” said Y/N. She looked him up and down with a curious look and added: “It seems to me that there’s not much left of him anyway.”
Tom tiredly sank to the floor and tucked his legs under him. He wanted to talk to her again and again, so that she would answer sharply, but always to the point. He wanted her to scream at him, to rush to claw his eyes out, he wanted her to thirst for revenge.
“I sometimes saw you in my dreams,” he said. “Like we’re friends or something.”
“I have nothing to do with this,” Y/N said. “Have you made any living friends over the years?”
“Wait for me,” Lord Voldemort said without listening to her. He wanted it to sound like an order, but it turned out to be the third request.  “Y/N, I figured out how to defeat death.”
“Sure you did”.
“I am not lying. I really fought it all this time and almost won”.
“I wish you would know how stupid you look now.”
“Are you going to listen or not?! I tell you, wait, I will bring you back, I will fix everything, you will be alive again, I will get you out…”
“Yes, yes!”
“Lord Voldemort's promise?”
She smiled. Unable to look at her, Tom stormed out.
The third time he returned to the castle was on May 2, 1998. He walked along the empty corridors of the third floor, and his steps echoed loudly. He was going to congratulate Y/N on her yet another Deathday. In his hands was not a lemon pie, but an Elder Wand.
The door to the girls' toilet was blown off its hinges by the explosion. He crossed the threshold and saw that the stained glass windows were broken, and golden dawn rays were pouring into the room. For a second it seemed to him that the place was empty, that he was late.
“Oh, Merlin!” a familiar laugh rang out. “What's happened to you, Tom? You have become so very small, smaller than a mouse!”
She came down from the ceiling as before, but for the first time he saw her in the pink rays of the sun, and she seemed almost alive. For the first time he saw her almost alive.
“Come with me, Y/N”, he said softly. His hand trembled a little, grasping his wand. “I will bring you back to life. I will give you back everything and  even more. Soon I will have the Resurrection Stone, and you will live again”.
She laughed even louder, twirled as if in a dance, and he felt uneasy.
“Stupid, stupid Tom,” Y/N said. “Still don’t get this, do you? Everyone gets smarter over the years, but you seem to only get dumber”.
And no Avada Kedavra could shut her up.
“But I'm glad you came. Really, I am. I wanted to say goodbye to you, Tom. I'm finally making that step”.
“No,” Lord Voldemort said in a changed voice. “Don’t. Don’t you dare”.
“Or else what?”
“Don't do this”, when was the last time he begged for something, pleaded? Was it with her?! “Stay. Stay, Y/N. I told you, I'll bring you back!”
“You forgot the magic word”. Y/N giggled. She sank to the floor and looked at him cheerfully and seriously at the same time. “I feel sorry for you, Tom”.
He had heard it once before, but coming from her it sounded and felt like “Crucio.”
“I have to go, really. There's no time to chat. I’ll tell you one more thing. Soon you will be offered a choice one last time, so please, please, don’t be stubborn. Can you do this for me?”
Tom looked at her desperately, afraid to blink, and still missed the moment when Y/N melted into the air.
The empty platform shines white, as if it were covered with snow. There are no trains here. No people, too. The bench blackens on the platform like a wound. A faint whimper came from under the bench.
A girl is walking along the platform.
She is wearing a thin shirt, but there is no way that she could be cold. The blue tie is fluttering in the invisible wind. She hurries to the bench, bends down, carefully takes out the bundle of robes from there, and opens it, and smiles a little and carefully presses it to her chest.
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hungermakesmonsters · 4 months
(Once Bitten) Twice Shy
Chapter Seven
Plot summary : Desperate to get away from your controlling family, you take a job in New York as a wealthy vampire's blood source. A million dollars awaits if you can make it through a year, but life with Billy Russo is not going to be as simple as you think.
Pairing : Billy Russo x Reader
Story Rating : R  Chapter Rating : R
Warnings : [This is a fic for 18+ only, minors DNI] Smutty behaviour, some of it gets a little rough. Some mention of an emotionally abusive parent, and readers problematic views of her own autonomy. All chapters will contain mentions of blood. Please check the warnings on each chapter if you choose to follow this story. 
Word Count : 4.5k
A/N : I think I've finally sorted the tagging issue.
Chapter Seven
“Are you alright?” Karen asked, pulling your attention from your pancakes. “You’ve been really quiet.”
Your cheeks warmed and you immediately felt bad; she’d shown up early to go to breakfast with you before taking you to the Met, and all you’d been able to think about was the Homeland agent who’d approached you the night before.
“I’m fine,” you answered, forcing a smile. “Just tired. We were out late last night.”
“Billy took you out?” She seemed surprised.
“He took me dress shopping,��� you explained, reaching for your coffee. “He’s throwing a party next month and he wanted me to have a new dress.”
“Oh, his Vampire Night party,” Karen nodded and you shot her a confused look. “He does it every year, it’s to celebrate the anniversary vampire’s being accepted into society. It’s supposed to be a big deal but, for Billy, it’s just an excuse to throw a crazy party every year.”
“Does he normally invite the person who’s...” you struggled for a moment, not wanting to out-and-out state what you did in the busy little diner, “working for him when he throws parties?”
“Usually - I mean, it’d be pretty shitty to throw a party in the penthouse and not invite the other person living there.”
“So, the others, they all went to his parties and they enjoyed themselves?”
“Yeah, if there’s one thing Billy knows, it’s how to throw a good party,” she answered, fixing you with a look, as if she could sense there was more you wanted to ask. “Why the sudden interest?”
“I don’t know,” you shrugged, trying to pretend it wasn’t a big deal. “It just seemed like such an easy job and, I guess, I just don’t understand why anyone would do anything to ruin it for themselves. Do you know what happened to them once they left?”
You needed something, some sort of sign, to tell you that you weren’t wrong, that you were safe with Billy. And, if you weren’t...
Well, in that case, you needed to find a way out that didn’t involve going home with your tail between your legs.
“As far as I know, they all went back to their lives. Though there was one...” Karen trailed off, the thought alone making her wince. You shot her a questioning look, silently begging her to continue. “Not the last one, but the one before, she had to be removed by building security. She tried to come back a couple of times but she eventually got the hint.”
The one before the last one - so, one of the last three, one of the ones Madani thought was dead. She’d been fine when she left and she’d been seen a couple of times since. So, that meant that Homeland was wrong about Billy, right?
With your mind set at ease, you happily finished breakfast and, before you knew it, you and Karen were stepping into the Met. You felt like a kid at Christmas. It was everything you’d imagined and more. Karen could barely hold back her amusement as you moved from exhibit to exhibit, never seeming to lose any of your initial excitement. It was something you’d always wanted to do, filled with things you’d always wanted to see.
By lunch time, poor Karen needed to sit down, and you needed a coffee so you ended up in the cafe. When Karen headed to the bathroom, you looked over the map, making a mental note of what you’ve seen and what you still wanted to see. Distracted, you didn’t notice the figure beside you until she’d taken a seat. The Homeland agent, Madani.
“Are you following me?” You demanded, keeping your voice low.
“I’m trying to keep you safe,” Madani answered, ignoring your sharp tone. “Have you thought any more about what we discussed last night?”
“Look, I don’t know what you think you know, but I’m pretty sure Billy hasn’t done anything wrong.”
She fumbled with her pocket, quickly pulling out her phone and showing it to you. “These are the three missing women; Layla El-Faouly, Krista Dumont and Mary Poots.” With each name she moved to a different photo, letting you see each of the missing women. “Has he mentioned any of those names?”
“Are you sure? Have you seen anything in his penthouse that might belong to them?” You shook your head, quickly feeling overwhelmed by all of the questions.
“No, and anyway, you said the last three women, right?” You asked and Madani nodded. “People have seen one of them since. She even got thrown out of Billy's building a couple of times.”
“You're sure of that?”
“Yes,” frustration slipping into your tone. “Whatever you're looking for, it's not -”
“Has Russo done anything to hurt you? Is he forcing you into a sexual relationship or have you felt like you’re being controlled?”
“What? No.” 
“You might not even realise that he’s doing it. Some vampires are very good at controlling their victims, Russo is -”
“He’s not controlling me,” you told her as firmly as you could, glancing around, hoping to spot Karen. “Can you please leave me alone? I don’t want to lose my job because of this.”
“I can protect you -”
“I don’t need protection, I need this job,” you told her. “Please, I wasn’t kidnapped, he hasn’t hurt me, and I know he hasn’t hurt anyone else. Can you please just leave me alone before you cause any trouble?”
“Okay, I’ll go,” Madani relented, “but I’ll be close by if you need me.”
You muttered that you wouldn’t as she stood and left, just in time for Karen to return.
“Who was that?”
“She was asking me for directions,” you lied, as you stood, not wanting to think about anything Madani had said to you. 
It was all crazy, ridiculous. You weren’t being coerced or controlled and you still didn’t believe Billy was capable of hurting anyone. Fortunately, there were plenty of exhibits left to distract you for the rest of the day.
By the time you returned to the penthouse it was getting late. You rushed to draw blood and to throw some pasta onto the stove. When you were done, you found Billy on the sofa, his eyes fixed on the view of the city until he heard you approach.
He smiled and you felt butterflies, and there was a spring in your step as you made your way to the kitchen to grab a glass for his blood before joining him on the sofa.
“You look nice.” His eyes trailing down your body.
“Oh,” you looked down at yourself and the skirt-blouse combination, “Karen took me to the Met. We got back late. I haven’t had time to change yet.”
“I’m glad,” Billy said, taking the glass from your hand, “I love your legs.”
Your cheeks warmed and you bit your lip. As much as Billy liked to pay you compliments, you still weren’t used to it. Honestly, you weren’t sure you’d ever get used to it, especially when Billy managed to make every compliment sound simultaneously sweet and filthy.
“I got you something,” he said a moment later, motioning to a large paper bag on the floor in front of him. Cautiously, you pulled it towards you and pulled out a large yellow, faux-fur blanket. “You can leave it out here for when we watch TV together.”
Butterflies filled your stomach at the gesture, but there was one thought you couldn’t quite shake; “it’s yellow.”
And yellow didn’t exactly match the dark and minimalist decor in the penthouse.
“It made me think of you when I saw it,” Billy shrugged.
The butterflies in your stomach seemed to multiply; it was a warm and happy colour, it was the colour of sunlight, and it had made Billy think of you.
Hugging the blanket to your chest you thanked him before carefully placing it back in the bag.
“I’ve got some time before I need to leave for work, if you want to hang out?” He asked as if he needed to, as if he thought there was any chance that you wouldn’t want to stay there with him.
As he drank, you told him about your day and every little thing you’d seen in the Met. And he listened. It seemed like he was actually listening, hanging on your every word, like he cared, like he wasn’t just indulging you and letting you run your mouth.
“Maybe next time I could take you?” He offered. “They do night openings a few times a month.”
“I’d love that,” you answered without a moment's hesitation.
“Of course. I like spending time with you.”
He finished his drink and quickly put the glass down, licking his lips as he turned himself towards you.
“You like spending time with me?” He repeated. 
You couldn’t tell if he was amused or confused. “Yeah, you’re... different to the sort of people I’m used to being around. I like talking to you.”
“Just talking to me?” He asked, a smirk starting to tug at his lips. You felt your face start to heat again as your gaze dropped to your lap. “Still so shy, so easy to embarrass,” he muttered, placing a hand on your bare knee, “but I bet you’re already wet under this little skirt.”
Your breath caught and your thighs clenched together at the realisation that he was right.
You couldn’t bring yourself to look until you realised he was moving. You watched, confused as he slipped onto the floor, his hands on your knees, urging your legs apart so he could sit between them. It wasn’t until he started to slowly kiss your thigh that you realised what he was going to do. Your heart started to race, and Billy noticed.
“Are you okay?” He asked, his cold fingers tracing soothing patterns on your leg.
You nodded, swallowing the lump in your throat, cheeks burning with embarrassment. “I’ve just... I’ve never...”
“It’s okay, hummingbird,” Billy reassured you, smiling softly. “Just relax and let me make you feel good.”
While you managed not to show it, those words almost broke you. He always seemed to care about you, about making sure you felt good, and that wasn’t something you were ever sure you’d get used to.
Your cheeks burned hotter when he reached beneath your skirt and eased your panties down your legs, discarding them somewhere on the floor. But you didn’t have time to dwell on it. He pulled you towards him, lifting your legs over his shoulder while continuing to trail kisses up your thighs. Up and up and up, until -
“Remember the rules,” he told you, gazing up at you from between your thighs, “and breathe.”
Until he mentioned it, you hadn’t even realised that you were holding your breath. With a nod, you let out a slow breath, trying to steel yourself for this new experience. His cold fingers gently parted your folds and a shiver ran down your spine. You bit your lip, keeping your eyes focused on him until you finally felt it. His tongue slipped through your arousal, delicately at first and then with a little more pressure. You back arched and your hips pressed forwards, and you could have swore you felt Billy’s lips pull into a smirk against you.
He alternated between long, slow laps of his tongue and faster flicks, obviously taking note of your reactions. One moment he was focused on your clit, the next, you felt the tip of his tongue against your entrance. Your body shuddered, completely overwhelmed, and you almost lost your mind when you heard Billy groan.
“Billy -” you gasped, knowing that you weren’t going to last long.
“Not yet,” he almost-growled from between your thighs.
Before you could even think to beg, his tongue was against you again. Your fingers slipped into his hair, needing something to hold on to as your thighs started to tremble. It felt like you were being devoured by his mouth, his lips and his greedy tongue making you feel sensations you’d never felt before. Soon enough, it felt like his grip on your thighs was the only thing keeping you from crushing his head - it was too much and not enough all at once, you desperately wanted the release of an orgasm but you didn’t ever want him to stop.
“Fuck-fuck-fuck...” you whimpered, barely holding back. “Billy, please...”
It almost seemed cruel when you felt his lips on your throbbing clit, gently sucking. Your back arched again, trying to press yourself closer but his strong grip kept you in place. 
Your fingers tugged on his hair, twisting and pulling, earning another groan from Billy. Every muscle tensed and you felt like a spring coiled too tight, like you could snap at any moment. And, thankfully, Billy seemed to realise that.
“Okay, hummingbird, you can come,” he muttered, barely pulling his lips away from you. 
One more flick of his tongue and you were done for, crying out as you came undone. All the while his tongue kept moving, lapping the wetness that spilled from you, and not pulling back until your thighs were violently shaking.
While you struggled to catch your breath, Billy lowered your legs and rested his chin on your thigh, grinning up at you. 
“What are you smirking at?” You managed to ask, fighting back a smile of your own.
“I don’t think I’ve ever heard you swear before.”
You bit your lip, your cheeks starting to warm again. “I think the situation called for it.”
That got a laugh from Billy. 
“I’ll take that as a compliment,” he said before getting himself off the floor and sitting beside you again. “Did you enjoy it?”
Of course, you couldn’t answer. Once he’d asked the question you couldn’t even look at him. All you could do was give the slightest little nod, suddenly acutely aware that your panties had ended up on the floor in front of the TV and, as much as you wanted to, you couldn’t tear your eyes from them.
That is, until Billy placed a hand on your cheek, turning your face to his. For a few seconds he simply looked at you, almost seeming confused, before smiling again.
“What is it about you?” He asked quietly, his thumb softly caressing your cheek. “Why can’t I get enough?”
Before you could answer, he’d closed the distance between you, kissing you and sending you into a tailspin. How could he keep saying things like that, how could he keep making you feel so special, when he seemed so reluctant to - god, you didn’t even know. You still didn’t understand how this casual thing was supposed to work. The time you spent together left you feeling like there was something, a connection between you, but that wasn’t what you’d agreed to. It was just supposed to be fun.
But, surely casual fun was supposed to lead to sex, right?
“That’s not what I want to see when I kiss you,” he remarked, pulling back a little, leaving you even more confused until he clarified; “you’re frowning.”
“I was just...” you fell into silence for a moment, not sure how to say it. “Do you want me, Billy?”
“Do I want you?” He repeated.
“Yeah, I mean like -”
“Oh, hummingbird, I know exactly what you mean,” he almost laughed, his hand still on your cheek. “I’m just not sure how you can ask me that after I’ve just been on my knees worshipping you.”
Not knowing how to respond to that, you kissed him, tasting the lingering traces of your arousal on his lips and tongue. You pressed closer and closer, until you felt an arm around your waist, pulling you onto his lap.
“I don’t want to rush you,” he muttered against your lips.
“You’re not,” you answered breathlessly, sinking back into his lips.. 
He pulled you closer, positioning you so you could feel the bulge of his erection against you. The feeling alone was enough to cause your hips to shudder and buck, still feeling sensitive from his tongue. Billy groaned, his lips pulling from yours and finding your neck. You barely noticed the buttons of your blouse being undone until he started to push it off your shoulders.
Trembling fingers started to pull open his shirt, hands exploring every inch of cold skin that you revealed, feeling the raised lines of scars beneath your touch. Billy squirmed when your hand trailed over his shoulder, his body pressing up against yours.
Your heart raced faster when you felt him unclasp your bra. You barely had time to finish removing it before his lips were on your breasts, kissing, licking and sucking. Every cold touch sent a jolt of pleasure right to your core and, before you knew it, you were gently rocking your hips against him.
“Billy,” you gasped as his lips closed over your nipple.
Desperately, you dropped your hands to his waist, fumbling with his belt then, when that was open you started on the fastenings of his pants.
A yelp escaped you when you felt his teeth on your nipple, not biting hard enough to break skin but more than enough to give you a shock. An eager growl sounded in the back of his throat as he moved to your other nipple. But his sudden roughness wasn’t enough to stop you.
Despite his cold touch roaming your body, you felt hot, like you were on fire. Every deep breath you took was him; his cologne, his clean shirt, the products in his hair. You were intoxicated, drunk on Billy Russo. His fingertips pressed into your hips with a bruising force, but all you cared about was getting his zipper down and letting him possess you completely.
“My little hummingbird,” he muttered in that low, dangerous tone as his lips moved back to yours. “I’m going to ruin you.”
He kissed you again, groaning into your mouth with an unbridled want that seemed to match your own. The words didn’t shock you like they perhaps should have, they didn’t worry you at all. You trusted him to stay in control.
Clumsy fingers tugged at his zipper and -
“Shit!” You yelped as the zipper nicked your skin, pulling back from him, lifting your finger to your lips.
Billy’s whole body went rigid beneath you, eyes narrowing, dropping to the finger between your lips.
“It’s alright, I just -” you started and stopped just as quickly, looking at the small bleeding cut before looking at Billy.
His eyes seemed to get darker and you watched his throat bob uncomfortable as he tried to swallow. You squirmed as his grip tightened on your hips, holding you in place. The tiny cut bleeding in a way that only tiny cuts could.
“Billy...” you muttered softly, trying to soothe the monster inside of him.
Gingerly, you reached for him, tenderly running your fingers through his hair while you returned your bleeding finger to your mouth, trying to remove temptation. 
His jaw tensed before he lunged forwards, pressing his lips to yours, his tongue forcing its way into your mouth, desperately seeking your finger and the tiniest drop of blood. You tried to push his face away, your hand on his jaw, your finger ending up between his lips.
“Billy, stop,” you pleaded, “please.” 
Suddenly you found yourself hitting the floor as he stood and moved away from you. It took you a second or so to get over the initial shock before you grabbed your blouse and covered yourself. By the time you got to your feet, Billy was halfway to the elevator, buttoning his shirt as he went.
“I’m sorry.” The words left you in a desperate and broken tone, not knowing what you could possibly say to fix the situation or stop him from leaving.
Billy froze, taking an uncomfortable breath before turning back to you, confusion written all over his face. His eyes moved from you to the elevator and back again, weighing his options.
“Why are you sorry?” He asked, a crack in his voice that made your heart ache. “You did nothing wrong.”
“I was clumsy, and I pushed you, and I -” you sniffled, blinking as your eyes threatened tears. 
“You didn’t do anything wrong,” he told you, voice firm and certain, “that’s not what happened.”
“Then why are you leaving me?”
Billy was at a loss, staring as you tried not to break down in front of him. Your mind was racing over everything that had happened, over everything that you had done wrong - all the things that Billy seemed to want to ignore. You’d always been clumsy, never careful enough. Your mother had always chastised you, telling you that you only did it for attention, telling you that you were needy, criticising you for always wanting to be the centre of attention.
It was easy to spiral into those negative thoughts, to see all your faults and failings, to feel broken and unloveable. 
He stepped towards you, confusion softening into something more like concern.
“You didn’t do anything wrong,” he repeated, “I did. I almost lost control, I could’ve -”
“I shouldn’t’ve complained, I -”
“Don’t say that,” he snapped, his tone sharp enough to jolt you from your self-loathing. “I told you that you always have a choice here. Always. No one gets to hurt you, and you never have to go along with anything that scares you or makes you uncomfortable. Do you understand?”
On some level you did, you understood completely, you knew that he was right, but years of being made to feel like you were the problem were hard to overcome.
Reluctantly, he closed the distance between you, his hand finding your cheek, urging you to look at him.
“How you feel matters, hummingbird. What you want matters,” he told you. “I don’t want to scare you. It’s me, I - there’s something wrong with me, something I can’t always control, and you deserve better than that. I don’t want to do anything that you’re not a hundred percent certain about. I never want you to regret anything that we do together.”
It felt like your throat was closing up and your vision started to blur, it wasn’t until the first sob shook your body that you realised you were crying. The idea that you had a choice, that you got to decide what you wanted, and that your feelings mattered - no one had let you have that before. His arms wrapped around you, pulling you tight against his chest.
“No one gets to hurt you,” he told you again. “I won’t let anything happen to you. I promise I’ll keep you safe.”
Even from himself, though the words went unsaid.
He shushed you as you whimpered the word sorry again and held you tighter when you hid your face against his shoulder. Minutes passed, and Billy held you, not moving, not pulling away. Eventually you stilled, your breathing slowing and the sobs subsiding. But, still, Billy didn’t move. His hold on you didn’t loosen until you slowly pulled back.
Your head instantly dropped, the back of your hand trying to scrub the tear stains from your cheeks. One of his hands remained on you, resting gently on your shoulder.
“I’m sorry,” you muttered.
“What are you sorry for?” 
“I don’t know,” you finally admitted. 
“Do you want to talk about it?”
“Do you?”
The question hung awkwardly in the air between you, neither one of you wanting to answer it. It was more than obvious now that you both had baggage, you both had parts of yourself that you were desperate to keep hidden, but it was also becoming clear that you weren’t going to be able to hide forever.
“I think we’ll have to eventually,” Billy told you.
As much as you hated it, you knew he was right. 
Silence lingered for a few seconds before you quietly confessed; “I feel safe with you.”
It felt important to tell him that, like everything else could come after. Despite his little lapses in control, you trusted him. He looked like he wanted to ask how you could feel that way after everything but, at the same time, it was clear that he didn’t want to know.
“Are you... okay?” You asked after a moment of silence.
“It’s complicated,” he said and, for a second, it seemed like he was going to leave it at that. “I just - when you’re a vampire, everything is so loud. Everything feels like it’s too much. It makes you want so much. Sometimes I feel like I can’t control it.”
You stomach knotted as you watched him struggle, the jagged edge to his tone furthering something he’d already let slip days ago; he didn’t want to be like that. He didn’t want to be a vampire.
“I feel like that too, sometimes,” you offered softly. “Not exactly the same but - my mom always used to tell me that no one likes emotional women. Whenever I’d get upset, she’d tell me I was being hysterical or call me an attention seeker. So I started holding it all in. I wouldn’t complain or get upset, I’d just pretend I was fine, and it made me feel like I was going to burst...”
Without warning, he pulled you into another hug, and you let him, your face pressing back into the damp spot you’d left on his shoulder.
“I’m sorry,” he muttered, sounding almost guilty, like he thought he was somehow to blame. “You don’t have to hold it in with me, you don’t have to pretend or go along with anything that you don’t want.”
“I do want this though,” you confessed, stopping short of telling Billy that you wanted him, that you were starting to feel something for him. It had only been a few weeks but, already, you felt a connection to him, something you didn’t want to give up. 
He seemed torn, almost like he wanted to cut his losses and end things now, and you weren’t sure how you were going to make it through the rest of the year if you had to go back to how things had been at the start. That is, if he even wanted to keep you around. Technically, because of him, you’d broken your contract.
“You need to promise me something; if you’re ever not comfortable, you’ll tell me to stop, and if I ever scare you, you’ll tell me,” he told you in a firm and uncompromising tone.
“I promise, but -” you hesitated, not sure if he’d appreciate your condition, “- but you have to tell me when you’re not feeling well.”
Billy nodded and you sank forward into his arms again, holding him tight for a little while longer until he finally had to get ready and leave for work. And, of course, you felt terrible that he had to go and change out of his crease, tear-stained shirt before he went. He left with the promise of spending time with you tomorrow.
End Note : The Marvel name drops are mostly just easter eggs (and because I HATE coming up with names for side characters. I feel like a lot went on in this chapter but I don't actually have a lot to say about it. I'm just slowly piling on the mystery and angst.
Anyway! Thanks for reading! I've really loved all your comments and questions on this series. Have a great weekend!!
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milaisreading · 1 year
It's our girlfriend
Bachira Meguru x Reader/ Bllk 11 x Reader
Warnings ⚠️: So I saw a lot of people requesting for Bachira stories, so this is what I came up with😭 hope u all like it. Reader uses she/her. Requests are open.
⚽️Blue lock belongs to: Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura⚽️
Bachira sighed for like the 100th time today. It has been months since he entered Blue Lock and talked to the outside world, he misses his mom, his home and his girlfriend, (Y/n). He just wanted to get out and kiss her again and again, but that was impossible right now, his only hope was the match they are going to have against the U-20 team. If they win, Ego might do him a favor and let Bachira invite (Y/n) for an hour or two. Chigiri, Kunigami and Isagi raised their eyebrows in concern at their friend and Chigiri spoke up.
"Are you alright, Bachira?"
"Yeah, you have been in a worse mood the past two days, than that one time Isagi didn't pass to you." Kunigami chimed in as Bachira groaned again and looked up at the trio.
"I miss (Y/n)." He stated simply as his lower lip wobbled a little, indicating that he was about to cry.
"Who is (Y/n)? Your sister?" Isagi asked, now even more confused.
"No, (Y/n) is my girlfriend."
"Oh." The trio said and continued their previous activity...for about 30 seconds until Kunigami spat out his drink and looked at Bachira in disbelief.
"You have a girlfriend?!" The orange-haired boy yelled as Isagi and Chigiri finally realized what Bachira said. The room fell silent as the players looked at their table.
"Who has a girlfriend?" Otoya spoke up as the trio pointed at Bachira, who blinked in confusion at Kunigami.
"Yeah, I do Kunigami. Why do you act like it's a weird thing?"
"Bachira has a girlfriend?!" Hiori was the 2nd one to ask as Yukimiya pinched himself, making sure this was real and not some dream.
"Why are you all acting like that's a weird thing?" Bachira asked his teammates, offended by their reactions.
"No way you of all people are getting bitches!" Karasu yelled as Kurona hit him over the head. While he himself couldn't believe it, he knew better than to say anything out loud. There was a sudden silence and Chigiri, who was sitting next to Bachira, gulped in fear as the boy grinned and held his knife tightly. A shadow fell over Bachira's face, causing Isagi to flinch a little.
"You shut the hell up! You disrespectful piece of dog shit, want me to shove this knife up your ass?! Who are you to call (Y/n) anything close to a bitch?!" Reo and Niko's eyes widened in fear as Bachira got held back by Kunigami while Isagi and Chigiri tried to calm him down.
"Calm down, Karasu didn't mean it! You know he never thinks before speaking!" Chigiri said as Isagi finally pulled the knife out of his hand.
"Yeah, Karasu is stupid!" Hiori added in.
"Since when am I stupid?!" Karasu yelled in annoyance, earning an eye roll from Rin.
"When was your birthday again?" Nagi asked as he looked up from his food. Bachira was taking a few deep breath as Kunigami and Chigiri sat him down while Isagi took away all the knives and forks away.
"Bachira...we really do not mean to insult you, but you don't seem like the guy who would date." Reo said, picking his words carefully to not start another issue. Nagi nodded his head and was about to speak too, but Baro covered up his mouth, sending him a warning glare along with Reo.
"Yeah, you seem...more like a ride or die for football." Niko spoke up next and the room visibly relaxed a little as Bachira nodded his head in realization.
"Oh... I guess I do come off like that at times." Bachira commented as Kunigami and Chigiri let him go.
"Is (Y/n) real or another monster of yours?" Aryu's next question came as Bachira went dead silent. Gagamaru, panicking covered Aryu's mouth and apologized in his name.
'I am not dying today!' The goalkeeper thought, but subconsciously he and the rest of the team thought over what Aryu said. Could... could this (Y/n) be just an imagination? It is Bachira after all. The rest watched the said boy talk with Isagi, explaining how wonderful, kind and beautiful (Y/n) is and how he can't wait to see her soon.
"She also plays football! She is the captain of the girl's team in my school!" Bachira added, perking the attention of the rest.
"Really?" Otoya questioned.
"Aha! She is so talented! I couldn't believe she would pick me to be her boyfriend."
'Yeah... (Y/n) isn't real.' The team thought.
"There he is! Meguru is over there!" His mom exclaimed as she pointed at the boy while he was greeting the U-20 team along with the others in the Blue Lock 11 team. (Y/n) smiled proudly at the gold-eyed boy, wearing his team's uniform with his name on the back was something (Y/n) dreamed of for years, ever since he told her about his dreams.
"He looks so adorable in his uniform, Mrs. Bachira! And the uniform looks so good on him!" (Y/n) blushed as she took out her phone, hoping she will get a good picture of him. Besides that, she liked filming or taking pictures of her boyfriend, so that they can discuss his moves and where to improve. It was always exhilarating for her to watch him, and the said could be said about him when it came to (Y/n).
'Meguru... you came so far... show them what you are made of.'
And as the match went on (Y/n) felt all the emotions wash over her body, happiness, panic, anger, relief and a lot more she couldn't name. At the end, both her and Bachira's mom cried in relief after the final goal delivered, cementing Blue Lock 11's victory over Japan's U-20 team. They were informed that they could visit the team in the dining hall occupied by them. Bachira's mom decided to stay behind and talk with Isagi's parents and she wanted to give the two some time for themselves. She was aware that (Y/n) missed Meguru and knowing her son, he did the same.
"That was such a cool score, Isagi! You show off!" Otoya chuckled as Chigiri ruffled the boy's hair. Bachira said a few quick remarks from time to time hoping he will soon get to see (Y/n). I mean... Ego did say they are free after they ate their celebratory lunch.
'Come on... I want to see (Y/n)... she probably looks as beautiful as on the day I left... all smiles and giggles, ahh~ that laughter could cure any illness.' Bachira sighed dreamily, wondering how she felt about his victory, well he wouldn't have to wonder for too long.
"MEGURU!!" The room fell silent as the boy grinned and jumped out of his seat, running towards the door. Opening the door, the gold-eyed boy was greeted by a tight hug, coming from none other than the girl he was dying to meet. The team, dumbfounded and shocked, watched as the boy got hugged by a unknown and pretty girl.
"Who is that?" Reo wondered.
"(Y/n)! I was just about to look for you!" The boys' eyes widened at that statement.
'(Y/n) is real?!'
"Meguru! You were amazing! I was in awe the whole time while watching you!" Bachira felt his heart speed up, the same giddy feeling he felt on the day he confessed came back. His (Y/n), his cute, adorable, beautiful and smart girlfriend was complimenting HIS skills. Bachira felt elated, this was better than the actual win of the match. As he looked more at the girl, the more his face turned red... (Y/n) was so beautiful. The most beautiful girl on Earth, and he is ready to fight anyone about this.
"Ha? Oh yeah, what?" Bachira shook his head, looking at the pouting girl.
"I was just explaining to you how to work on your feint technique... were you listening?"
"Sorry... I kinda got lost in your eyes." Bachira admitted, not really seeing the point in lying. He squealed a little on the inside when he saw (Y/n) blush and get shy from his statement.
"A-ah... is that so..." She said back, trying to make a proper sentence as Bachira smiled in endearment at her, but  his smile soon dropped as he felt something was off. Turning around, he noticed that not one, not two but all the players were looking at them in curiosity. Isagi and Chigiri looked at each other and got up, causing Bachira to stiffen a little and glare at them.
'Go away!' The look screamed but the two paid him no mind, more curious about the girl than they were afraid of Bachira.
"So you are the famous (Y/n), Bachira told us a lot about you."Chigiri commented as the girl looked up at them, at first her eyes held confusion and then she slowly realized who they were.
"Ah! You two are Chigiri Hyoma and Isagi Yoichi!" The two stopped for a moment, feeling heat crawl on the lir faces. The way she looked and said their names was just... just! In a blink of an eye, Bachira watched as the two boys now stood in front of (Y/n), and he was ready to yell at them to back off.
'You got to be kidding me?!' He thought in disbelief.
"You heard of us before?!" Chigiri asked in excitement as (Y/n) nodded her head.
"Yeah! You are pretty popular among my teammates, they talk about how fast of a runner you are. I never believed it to be honest, but you did prove me wrong today, Chigiri-san. Those sprints and passes were amazing!" The redhead blushed more at the compliment.
'A cute girl said I am amazing!'
"Did you hear of me too?" Isagi shyly wondered and (Y/n) squealed internally at his cuteness.
"Yeah! I heard a little bit of you from my teammates. That analyzing today was so great, I could only watch in awe as you delivered the final goal! How did you figure out the right angle?" Now it was Isagi's turn to blush and he spoke up, ignoring the glares he was getting from Chigiri and Bachira.
"Ah~ just instincts I guess. I heard from Bachira you play football at school too." Isagi spoke up as Chigiri chimed in.
"What position do you play?"
"Center forward."
Bachira groaned to himself as he watched her talk with the two. Usually any boyfriend would be elated that his girlfriend gets along with his friends...but this was horrible! The two were looking at his (Y/n) like she was a single girl and they wanted to ask her out.
"Bachira..." The boy turned around, his annoyed glare turned into a panicked look when he saw the rest of the team looked at (Y/n) with interest.
"Do you want to introduce us?"
"Yeah, don't keep us in the dark about the cutie!" And with that, Bachira was ready to kick Kurona and Otoya's
To Bachira's utter horror, (Y/n) fit very well with the team. She was able to strike up a conversation with Karasu and Otoya easily. Bachira had to keep a close eye on the two. He thought they might have a fleeting interest in her, but his hopes were destroyed when he saw the look in their eyes after (Y/n) gave them out a few compliments. Bachira was a little bit more relaxed after she shifted her attention to Reo and Nagi.
"She is so cute... too bad Bachira is her boyfriend." He heard Karasu comment.
"Who cares? Just be a homewrecker." Otoya added.
'We will have 2 members less by the end of the day.' Bachira thought, clenching his fists.
'Nooo! Not them too!' Bachira wanted to cry as he saw Reo's interest grow in real time. The billionaire heir talked about some random trip he did to a country and (Y/n) would nod along from time to time, but would start giving him tips about football by the first opportunity.
'Why can't (Y/n) be materialistic?! Reo would have moved on by now!' Bachira cried on the inside as her and Reo talked, it was obvious the boy took every word she said seriously. Now Nagi... Nagi was a whole new worry he had. The albino never cared about anyone or anything if it didn't benefit him. But now... now he was all ears, phone tucked in his pocket and listening to (Y/n), even adding in a word or two from time to time.
'I hate my life.' Bachira thought as Chigiri and Isagi kept saying how perfect (Y/n) was for him. Though he could hear the jealousy their voices, so he didn't believe they had his best interests in mind.
Aryu had made a few grave mistakes as he met (Y/n). The first one was looking at her (to Bachira at least), the 2nd one was mentioning how glamorous she looked and the third one was touching her hair, in order to give her some tips for haircare. Bachira immediately jumped up and slapped his hand away, glaring daggers at the tall boy. Aryu glared at Bachira, but soon it turned into a smirk as (Y/n) scolded him into apologizing.
Next up to fall victim to (Y/n) were Yukimiya and Baro, both boys were different but still fell for the same girl. Yukimiya loved that she was detailed and he loved talking to her about the different attacks he could perform. Baro would butt in as well from time to time, already calling (Y/n) his queen after she was whisked away by Hiori, Kurona, Niko and Gagamaru.
"Your queen? She is my girlfriend!" Bachira argued as Baro rolled his eyes.
"For now."
"Yeah Bachira! Standards change." The boy glared at Chigiri.
"For all you know, she might fall for one of us." Aryu added in and Bachira swore he was ready to play without teammates.
Hiori, Gagamaru, Kurona and Niko were probably the most respectful of the bunch to talk to (Y/n). They would exchange some football tips and funny moments they had on the field. The conversations were relatively uneventful, in Bachira's eyes at least. His alarm bells did start ringing as the four boys blushed and looked at (Y/n) in wonder.
By now, Bachira was sweating and ready to rip his hair out. Of all people who decided to approach (Y/n), it had to be Itoshi Rin, the captain of the team and the no1 ranked player at Blue Lock. He walked up to (Y/n) and introduced himself like usually, but was surprised that (Y/n) knew about him prior to Blue Lock.
"Ah~ I know and heard of a lot of center forward players. I like analyzing your techniques and incorporating them into mine." (Y/n) admitted in embarrassment as Rin nodded his head. That alone started a whole conversation between the two, it was so weird to see Rin relaxed and open to talk.
"Hey... Bachira?"
"What is it, Yukimiya?" Bachira grumbled as he tore his eyes away from the duo.
"When you and (Y/n) eventually break up, can you give me a call. I am sure (Y/n) will need a shoulder to cry on." Bachira gaped like a fish at the boy as anger started bubbling up inside of him.
"We are not breaking up. (Y/n) and I are happy-"
"For now!" Reo butted in.
"Yeah, be a brother and tell us once you break up." Nagi added in as the rest joined. Using this distraction, Rin and Isagi pulled (Y/n) out of the room in order to have practice with her.
A few weeks went by since that encounter, and Bachira was losing his mind. Every other hour one of his teammates would ask about (Y/n). What she was doing, what she liked, disliked and a ton of other things. During that time, the only thing that kept him sane was the thought how HE was the only one who got to spend a lot of time with (Y/n) and how she was HIS girlfriend. But today... today was just another day of him admitting defeat.
"You are our manager now?!" Bachira yelled as he was greeted by (Y/n) on the field. Thankfully it was just the two of them for now, so he had some time alone with the girl.
"Yeah! It was really sudden when I got the call from Teieri-san! I am so excited for the job! I will get to spend time with you and help you and your friends out!" (Y/n) cheered as Bachira blushed at her excitement. Seeing her happy made him always blush. Just as he was about to speak up again, Karasu and Rin interrupted him.
"You will be with us from now on?!"
"Really?!" The two asked in excitement as (Y/n) greeted them.
"Yeah! As of today I am the new manager." The girl explained as the two nodded their heads while the rest joined them. Bachira watched as his girlfriend got whisked away again and introduced herself to Kunigami.
'I hate my team...'
"Ahhh~" Bachira turned to look at Otoya, dreading to hear what he had to say.
"Isn't our girlfriend beautiful~"
"She really is~"
"Mhm~" Bachira grew unnerved at Otoya, Reo and Nagi's comments and turned to glare at them.
"She is my girlfriend. MINE!"Bachira's words fell onto deaf ears as the trio kept on talking about (Y/n) and what they like about her.
"Are we talking about our girlfriend?" Chigiri asked as he joined in.
"Yeah!" They nodded their heads as Bachira looked at Chigiri in disbelief.
'I knew this would happen and I still let it happen! Nobody can resist her cuteness.' Bachira thought in misery as the four spoke.
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ashwhowrites · 2 years
Hi what about some fluff with eddie and reader where reader goes away to visit family for Christmas and while she's gone eddie is a mess he's wearing her sweater bc it smells like her and when she's finally back uncle wayne runs to her saying finally you're back and when eddie sees her at his door he tackle hugs her and won't let her go
This is adorable
A tiny fluff blurb
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Eddie has spent the last two weeks pouting in his bedroom. His girlfriend had to visit family in California for Christmas, leaving him alone during the holidays. Well not alone, he had Wayne and hellfire. But it wasn't the same. He misses his girlfriend. He misses her warmth, her kiss, and her voice.
She calls every night, refusing to sleep without talking to him. Asking about every detail about his day and he gladly answers all the questions. Happily talking with his girlfriend for hours.
He went to bed every night with her pillow, spraying extra perfume when the scent faded. Switching between the three sweaters she left behind. Refusing to go a day without wearing one. His arms covered in the bracelets she left on his dresser. Kissing the ink on his finger before bed, a small initial on his pinky, one that matches her pinky finger.
"two more hours Eddie" Wayne said patting his back, watching as Eddie crossed off another day on the calendar
A big red circle around the date labeled "BABY IS HOME"
"I'm going to take a nap so it goes faster. Wake me up when she's here!"
Wayne nodded, laughing as Eddie raced to his bedroom. The familiar sweater of hers covering his body
"look who it is" Wayne smiled, throwing his arms around Y/N as she hugged him back
"I missed you Wayne" she squealed, hugging him harder as she refused to let go
"missed you too kid. Glad to finally have you back" Wayne admitted. He loved having her around and he missed her presence
"he's waiting for you. Dead asleep" Wayne said quietly pulling away from the hug
"should we pull a mean prank?" She giggled, an evil smirk
"fuck yes" Wayne laughed
Eddie groaned as he woke up
Jumping out of bed as he raced to open his bedroom door
"YOU DIDN'T WAKE ME UP" he screamed as Wayne sat on the couch
"She hasn't come home yet. The plane is delayed" Wayne said shrugging his shoulders. Trying to hold back his smile as Y/N hid behind the couch
"wait what?" Eddie sighed sadly. Shoulders dropping in disappointment
"she called while you were asleep. I'm sorry bud. Doesn't seem like she's back until tomorrow"
"damnit" Eddie groaned. Throwing himself on the couch
"it's just another day"
"no it's not Wayne. It's 24 hours of her still not being with me. I understand two weeks isn't that long but I hate being away from her" Eddie sniffled, coughing away the tightness in his throat
"you love her that much huh?" Wayne smiled
"absolutely" Eddie said with no hesitation
Y/N felt her heart warming at the moment
Smirking evilly as she stood up silently
Throwing her hands over Eddie's eyes
"guess who?"
Eddie jumped in seconds, turning around fast to see his girlfriend standing there
"OH MY GOD" he screamed. Easily grabbing her into his arms, yanking her over the couch as he shoved his face in her neck
She giggled as he dug himself in her neck
"I missed you" he whispered into her neck
"missed you too baby"
Wayne excused himself. Leaving the two in the living room
"do you want to like go lay down?" She laughed
"just want to hold you a little longer" he said. Refusing to let her go
"okay. Let's hold each other a little longer"
@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @slightlyvicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee @cityofidek @manyfandomsfanvergent @silky-luxe @lokiofasgard616 @loving-and-dreaming
@eddiemunsonsbitch69 @thegemaqua @ashlynnkennedy
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heartsfrommeg · 1 year
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i. old friends
a/n: this is my first story on here so hopefully it goes well, but enjoy!! <3 also sorry if there’s any grammar mistakes😭
warnings: language, mention of scar
w/c: 1.5k
next chapter: memories
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okay let’s do this one more time. i’m (y/n) (l/n). i was bitten by a radioactive spider, but it wasn’t just any spider. it was a poecilotheria metallica, also known as a peacock tarantula. because of the spider i got bitten by, i have special web powers. but for the past 2 years i’ve been the one and only spider-woman aka spi-tallica of my universe. but you know how it goes. you save people, you lose people, you love people, you make mistakes with people. you save the city over and over. you know, normal spider-woman stuff. i guess you could say i like being spi-tallica.
there was eight spider people cooped up in a apartment who belonged to one of them, hobie brown. they were all talking about a plan to save miles.
“is there anyone we could try asking to see if they would be willing to help? because if miguel was right and there’s a universe without a spiderman, that most likely means miles is in it. and who knows how dangerous that place is.” gwen said, arms crossed. “i mean their could possibly be a someone..” penni said. “who?” gwen asked.
“she’s known as spi-tallica.” penni replied, making hobies attention go immediately towards the girl. “no.” hobie suddenly said, which made everyone look at him. “and why not??” gwen asked. “none of your damn business. just no.” hobie then walked out the front door, slamming it.
“i’m gonna assume they did not really like each other.” pavitr said, gwen nodding in agreement. “quite the opposite, actually.” peter b. parker said. “they were really close in fact. everyone in hq thought they were a thing. they were always on missions together, always around each other.” peter b. continued.
“but then something happened between miguel and spi-tallica, forcing her to leave hq. and i’m sure hobie blames himself for half of it.” gwen and pavitr looked at each other then back at peter b. like he was crazy. “wait wait wait, so you’re telling me hobie had a little crush?” pavitr said. everyone except gwen nodded at him.
“wait so what happened between her and miguel?” gwen asked. peter b. sighed then started explaining. “she was sort of like miles. she wanted to save her universe. and you know how miguel is, he is against all that stuff. but she attempted to save her universe, and miguel obviously found out and scolded her for it. they argued about it for a good 30 minutes. but she said something to him that pushed it too far and he lashed out, putting a scar across her face. he then told her to leave and not come back, so that’s what she did. and nobody has seen her since. and hobie could never go to see how she was doing because miguel made sure of it. if there was a mission in that universe, hobie was forbidden to go.”
everyone then heard the door close and there hobie was, standing in the doorway. the room was dead silent, all you heard was the noises from outside. hobie sighed and walked down the hall into a room. “i’ll be back.” peter b. said then went after hobie.
once peter b. reached the room, he knocked on the open door to let hobie know he was there. hobie was on his bed, fiddling with his guitar. peter b. took this as a sign to come in since hobie didn’t tell him to get lost. the older male then went to go sit at the edge of hobie’s bed. “what do you want mate.” hobie asked, eyes not moving from his guitar.
“you know it wasn’t your fault, right?” hobie looked up from his guitar and at peter b. he noticed that hobie had tears in his eyes that were threatening to fall. hobie barely showed emotion so this was a rare sight to see. “i’m sorry to say it like this but you and i both know it’s true, but she was bound to get kicked out eventually. i mean looked who she hanged with all the time.” that made hobie slightly smile to himself as he went back to tuning his guitar.
“if it’s anyone’s fault, it’s miguel’s. and we all know that. but we might actually need her for this. we don’t know who or what we’re up against. this universe were fixing to enter doesn’t have anyone to protect citizens from osborn, the prowler, and other villains.”
“it won’t hurt to kill another osborn if it comes down to it.” hobie said. his voice was low but peter b. heard. “hobie, that’s not the point.”
hobie then tossed his guitar beside him and looked at peter b. “what if she thinks it’s my fault or some shit?? i never had the chance to properly talk to her after that because of that stupid piece of shit. the last time i saw her she had blood trickling down the side of damn her face and was crying her eyes out mate!” peter b. looked at him with a sad expression. “well you don’t know that unless you talk to her. and now you have the option to.”
hobie sighed then nodded. “yeah, i guess you’re right.” peter b. smiled at him. “see! now that’s the spirit!” hobie rolled his eyes and got up, slinging his guitar over his shoulder then walking to the main room with peter b.
“you okay?” spider-byte asked. hobie nodded then opened up a portal. “i guess we have a new recruit to ask. now come on before i change my mind.” hobie said. everyone quickly got up and went into the portal.
i was swinging around the city, like i usually do, just waiting for something exciting to happen. i then spotted a man running away with a lady’s purse. i rolled my eyes as i webbed over to the man and snatched the purse up. “sorry buddy, this doesn’t belong to you.” i then webbed him up and returned the purse to the lady. “thank you.” the lady said with a smile. “of course!” i replied then went back to the criminal and brought him to the police station.
as soon as i got to the station, i just dropped the guy off at the front door of the station and smiled at the policemen in the lobby. as much as i don’t like the police that much because they don’t know how to do their job, i still try to keep peace with them. i then left and swung from building to building, grabbing some food on the way. i finally rested on top of one and observed the city.
my spider senses then went off towards something that was near me. i went towards the thing my senses detected me to and saw a portal. it was weird looking, but was most definitely a portal. it honestly reminded me of hobie but i didn’t let that get to me. i got my webs ready for whatever was to come out of that portal. i saw about seven figures walk out and wrapped them up in my webs. once the portal disappeared, i realized it was spider people. i recognized all of them except two. i decided to hop down and investigate, assuming it had something to do with miguel.
as soon as i reached their level i circled them, taking in each of their features. i noticed one of them wasn’t hobie which kinda disappointed me but i wasn’t really surprised. “hey (y/n)!” peter b. said. “what does miguel want you guys to do now? like literally why is there seven of you??” i asked, genuinely curious. “seven?? there’s supposed to be eight! one, two, three.. damn it don’t tell me he bailed!” peter b. said. “nah, i didn’t bail mate. i just know when she’s gonna web someone up. i’ve been up here the whole time.” a voice suddenly said, making me look up. i saw another spiderman, but he had spikes on his mask and a jean jacket on. i smiled knowing exactly who it was. “he finally let you come punk?” i asked the boy on the building above me. “nah love, we all dipped. but we do need your help.” he said then jumped down to my level.
i was honestly shocked he was here. he looked the same costume wise but who knows what he looks like under that mask. i stared at the boy for a second before hugging him, which he immediately returned. “um, sorry for the interruption but can we be released now?” a voice said. i looked over at them, “oh yeah, sorry about that!” i then quickly untied them. “we should be lucky you didn’t use your special webs.” spider noir said. “that’s only for emergencies. you know that. but who’s the new faces?”
“oh yeah, this is pavitr and gwen!” peter b. said, hands motioning towards the new faces. i greeted myself then turned back to the others. “we should probably head back to my place so people don’t start asking questions about why they’re so many spider people.” i said, laughing. i then led the way to my place, the others following along.
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Text Messages (Flufftober 2023 Day 9)
Pairing: kenma kozume x female reader
WC: 909
Warnings: a little cursing
Summary: a wrong number situation leads you to become friends with kenma
Note: i literally had NO clue what to do for this one, but i think i'm pretty satisfied with how it turned out
It was late at night and Kenma was in the middle of a somewhat boring video game when his phone dinged, alerting him of a message. He paused to check, figuring it was Kuroo, but furrowed his brows at the unknown number. He read the message curiously and there was a picture attached.
Unknown: I completed the cosplay! How do I look? :)
Kenma blinked in surprise at the picture you sent. You looked good, really good. You were dressed in a sailor moon cosplay. Your makeup was perfect and your outfit looked like it was taken straight from the anime.
There was only one teensy problem.
He had no clue who the hell you were.
Kenma: the cosplay looks great, but um… do i know u?
Unknown: It’s (Y/n)? Who is this?
Kenma: my name is kenma 
He sent a selfie as proof. 
(Y/n): …
(Y/n): Well that’s embarrassing. I guess I put in the wrong number
Kenma: sorry
He expected the conversation to be over with. But you surprised him when you sent another message.
(Y/n): Weird question, wanna still chat? I’m bored >~<
He blinked twice, then hummed in thought before typing out his reply.
Kenma: i don’t see why not
Over time, texting you became a daily occurrence. You both talked about anything and everything- your lives, your dreams, games, all of it. You sent each other memes and pictures of cats and he found himself looking forward to your messages.
He found out you were a second-year like him, and you went to Karasuno. In fact, you were involved as a manager of the boys’ volleyball team. He told you he was a setter for Nekoma and you thought that was pretty cool, even joking that maybe one day your teams will play against each other.
“Hey, can I borrow your phone? Mine’s dead,” Kuroo said one day before practice.
“Yeah sure,” Kenma handed over his phone and continued playing his nintendo.
Kuroo thanked him and it fell silent as he sent the text to his mom telling him to use Kenma’s phone to get ahold of him. As he waited for a response, Kenma’s phone dinged and a notification popped up that caused Kuroo to furrow his brows.
“Who’s (Y/n)?”
Kenma nearly dropped his nintendo upon hearing your name. With eyes wide, he reached over to snatch the phone back, but Kuroo was too quick and moved away from his friend. He hadn’t told Kuroo about you for the very specific reason of not wanting to be teased.
“Hey she’s pretty cute,” He commented, clicking the picture you sent.
“Give that back!” Kenma shouted.
Not expecting such a visceral reaction out of his friend, Kuroo connected the dots rather quickly, “Oh my god, do you have a secret girlfriend?”
This caught the rest of the team’s attention rather quickly. And they watched as Kenma struggled with Kuroo over the cell. Kenma’s face grew hot at the accusation.
“N-no! It’s not like that!” He vehemently denied.
“Why are you getting so defensive then?” Kuroo asked with a teasing smirk, “You like her~!”
“I never thought I’d see the day when Kenma Kozume has a crush!” Yaku called out.
“Shut up!” Kenma hissed, finally succeeding in taking the phone back.
His cheeks continued to burn when he saw the picture: it was just you showing off your makeup but you looked so cute as always that it made his heart skip a beat.
“Woah dude, your girlfriend’s hot,” Yamamoto commented, looking over his short friend’s shoulder.
“It’s not like that!” Kenma repeated, clutching the phone to his chest to hide it.
“You mean she’s single?” Yamamoto asked with a hopeful tone.
Kenma glared at his teammate, who shrunk away from the harsh look.
Just then, Coach Nekomata was calling for their attention, telling them that the practice was starting.
Kenma: why are you yelling
Kenma: you still spelled it wrong
(Y/n): FUCK
You sent several crying emojis and he smiled at your overdramatic response.
Kenma: to answer your previous question, yeah i’ll be there :)
Kenma: we’re on our way now
(Y/n): YAY
Kenma chuckled and continued to text you.
“Let me guess, your precious (Y/n)?” Kuroo’s teasing voice brought Kenma out of his thoughts as he was nudged lightly by his friend.
Kenma rolled his eyes, but he nodded anyway, “Uh-huh.”
“So when are we going to get to meet her?” Kuroo questioned.
“She’s going to be at the practice game,” Kenma explained quietly, “She’s one of their managers.”
“Really?” Kuroo’s eyes lit up, “You must be excited then.”
Kenma bit his lip and looked out the window to avoid his friend’s gaze. He had to admit that he was pretty excited, but he was also getting nervous. It would be the first time he would be seeing you in person, and the thought was nerve-wracking. Would you guys click like you do through a screen? What would happen if you didn’t? Would you stop talking to him?
Kuroo picked up on Kenma’s growing stress.
“Relax, it’ll be fun,” He ruffled Kenma’s hair affectionately, ultimately putting a stop to all the worrying thoughts.
“Yeah,” Kenma agreed in that soft tone of his.
He continued to gaze out the window, wondering about you. And he wondered if you were thinking about him too.
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dollfaceksj · 1 year
Can #7 be of Jungkook getting seriously jealous and making oc cry with mean-ish words? Maybe? Please?
i hear u loud and clear 🫡
gonna tag some warnings: y/n is a bit out of line/out of character cause of alcohol consumption & sorry for the angst…. this kinda takes a serious turn unlike the crack-vibes we’ve had so far. + its pretty long. sawry <3333
taste of a poison paradise | jjk (m) #7
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sunday evening, ur chillin’ at home, watching how to get away with murder with a bag of chips on your stomach and your legs thrown up on the table
your phone starts ringing and you groan
who the hell is calling u rnnnn
you reach for the remote to pause the show before raising your phone to look at your screen
oh it’s eunbi
you shoot up and chew the remnants of the chips in your mouth quickly, swallowing it down with your can of soda
you pick up the phone and put it to your ear
“i told you not to tell him!”
“don’t act stupid! jungkook! you told jungkook!”
fuck fuck fuck
how are you gonna explain that you really didn’t!!
“eunbi i swear i didn’t!”
“then why did he come by to tell me he doesn’t like messing with people that can’t keep it on the down low? you’re the only one i told!!”
just to tell her? does that mean he just went there to break their little fling off and he didn’t fuck her?
would he…
“i swear i didn’t tell him. you can ask him yourself!”
“well i can’t anymore, he wasn’t very fucking happy, y/n. now he thinks i’m a dumb bitch that can’t help but run her mouth.”
she kinda is?
just calm her down
“you’re getting worked up over someone that has a gaming set up with twin monitors and a chair that lights up.”
she quietly chuckles and then says, “well, he has amazing dick.”
oooof. it worked
you roll your eyes. “you can find so many better, eunbi. don’t let that guy walk all over you like that.”
rich coming from YOU
she sighs quietly. “sorry for yelling like that. i just…”
she suddenly trails off
“you just?” you encourage her to finish her sentence
“how do you know he has a gaming set up? even i don’t know that.”
oh right
you’re fucked actually
now how the FUCK are you gonna explain you’ve been to his apartment after he just broke it off with her
wow very smart
“how the fuck do you know that, y/n?”
just calm down
think logically
“eunbi, he’s literally a damn gamer. it was a stereotypical joke but i’m pretty sure he does.”
it’s quiet on the other line for a moment
“right, right, sorry. i’m being paranoid.”
“paranoid for what? u’d hate it if i did something with him?”
“well, i wouldn’t like it to be honest but i guess you can do whatever you want. it’d just be a shitty thing to do.”
“why, though? like you said he’s fucking everyone and their mother. you weren’t seeing each other romantically and y’all weren’t on platonic terms either. it was just sex.”
the other line is quiet
you conclude, “unless you… unless you’ve caught feelings for him.”
eunbi is dead silent
“really eunbi? a JUNIOR?”
“ughhhh it’s not my fault, okay! he’s just so…” she deeply sighs. “he just knows what to say.”
yeah you know what she means
“i’m sorry he broke it off like that.”
“it’s okay. maybe it’s better before i actually catch some real feelings.”
you sigh and rub your forehead. “you’re in uni to get your degree, not let guys walk all over you and ESPECIALLY not geeks that are younger than you.”
she softly chuckles, “right. well anyways, i gotta go. i’ll talk to you later.”
“okay…” you quietly sigh as you hang up the phone and slam your phone down onto the couch besides you
for fucks sake
if you didn’t already feel stupid for playing this stupid game with jungkook, you feel guilty now
but why? they weren’t a thing
they weren’t anything
you could’ve very well already been sleeping with jungkook (gross!) when she told you
so does it matter in the end?
it’s just a matter of circumstances
worse than the circumstances you find yourself in right now
clubbing on a friday evening with tae and his mates
wearing the tightest little skirt you own
a long sleeve shirt that plunges almost all the way down to your belly button, cleavage on display
makeup and hair done the way you like it
you look absolutely stunning (u always do bae <3)
tae came to pick you up and now you’re standing in a club, hugging your phone to your chest as you wait by the bar
joon, yoongi, tae and seokjin are present
and yoongi looks mighty mighty MIGHTYYYY good
his long black hair is slicked back and he’s dressed in all black like he walked off the set of a mafia movie
you’ve taken just two shots so far but taehyung hitting The Shoot to a song that it doesn’t fit on whilst recording it for his insta story is enough to turn your babysitter instinct on
your phone buzzes
instagram notification
probably taehyung tagging you on his story again for the nth time tonight
you glance at your phone anyways
📸 @.jungkook97 has requested to follow you!
what the fuck
what the literal FUCK?
why is he
WHY IS HE ????
Oh for fucks sake
shit shit
what do you do?
accepting and declining his follow request would both just look like you’re still playing his game
and ur NOT!!!
your thumb hovers over the confirm button
girl just accept his follow request and he’ll see how unbothered you are thru ur story
decline and put him BEHIND you.
nooooo just accept :))
before you can even accept or decline
an arm brushes against your elbow and you snap your head up to look at the person
is it .. who u think it is ..
“you don’t look like you’re enjoying your night,” he says as he nods towards taehyung
oh shit it’s yoongi
his voice is so deep and gravely. goodness gracious.
what perfect timing
you really needed something to take your mind off of all this bs
“i’m babysitting a grown man,” you chuckle, crossing your arms as you lean back against the bar
“he’s not your responsibility so you’re a good friend for that.”
what a sweet thing to say :(
“thanks, yoongles.”
he chuckles and shakes his head. “what did i say about calling me yoongles?”
hm hm hm
you quip, “want me to call you something else instead?”
he glances at you. “i’d blame the alcohol for your boldness but you had water the other day and you were still on demon time.”
you giggle and shake your head. “i’m fine. i’m just having fun, yoonie.”
“don’t call me that either.”
you should really listen to him but why are you such a fucking lightweight MANNNNN
you lean into his face. “you know, you have really pretty lips. like you could be a mouth model.” your eyes are glued to his lips and his eyes are staring down at you as you close your eyes in on his lips
“that so?”
(guys his lips…)
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“like they’re so pink and plump. and soft. wow, you could totally be a mouth mod–”
yoongi chuckles and shakes his head before he cuts you off. “just kiss me.”
you blink at him a couple times. “my lip combo cost me–”
“38 bucks, i know. you make them look that good and expect not to be kissed?”
that was so
smooth wow wait
you kinda want to
so maybe you should
your eyes ping pong between both his eyes, a slight pinch on your brows. “i mean,” you pause, “it’s just a kiss.”
and before you know it, you’ve gently pressed your lips against his.
his lips are so damn soft
so so soft
you cup his soft cheeks and pull him a but closer, lips messily painting his
but he doesn’t seem to mind when he holds you close by your waist, lips moving against yours in your own rhythm
you part your lips and he takes the opportunity to slide his tongue through, gently licking into your mouth and allowing himself to taste the alcohol on your tongue
you move your hand down to his chest, other arm wrapping around his neck
suddenly a tap on your shoulder makes you jump
fuck fucj
who is that who is that
pls don’t be him
you pull away and glance over your shoulder
to be met with
none other than
it’s tae
why are you still worried he’ll catch you? he doesn’t even go clubbing and he wasn’t here with tae or any of the other guys
he starts tugging on the both of you
“GUYS. dance on the dance floor! not at the bar. y’all look STUPID.” he slurs his words and you realize he thinks y’all are dancing and not … making out
what a dumbass
yoongi glances at you and chuckles, making you reach up and wipe his lips clean of the gloss you just smeared on his lips with your thumbs
you pull him to the dance floor, back turned to him
and so, you lead his hands to your hips as you continue to sway your hips to the song
he grips your hips and presses the side of his face against the side of your head
you close your eyes, allowing yourself to feel the music and the beat pumping through your veins
you needed this
no thoughts right now
you lean your head back against his chest, cranium grazing his collarbones as he continues to respectfully keep his hands on your hips
you dance with him for a few songs, allowing yourself to forget about everything. you’ve been acting a fool lately and yoongi is making you feel okay
you feel okay.
you feel okay.
you feel okay.
that is until yoongi stops moving behind you
just as you turn to look over your shoulder, you see
you see him
“can i borrow her from you?” is all you hear as you stare at his lips, watching the lip rings move as he talks
what the hell
“sure, man.” yoongi pats jungkook on the shoulder before smiling at you and disappearing in the sea of bodies
yoongi, don’t leave
no no no
your heart is beating in your ass.
jungkook closes the distance between you and swiftly turns you around by your waist, holding your back close against his chest
your heart is definitely beating through your back and he can feel it through his chest, you’re sure of it
why the hell is he here?
he never goes clubbing
what is going on????
“no one likes a tryhard, y/n.” he says into your ear as he sways left to right
no literally what
“you’re so pretty, so elegant. you could have the world at your feet,” he continues, hands respectfully dropping to your hips as he holds your hips and sways them for you
“and yet, you’re seeking attention like you don’t matter.” his words are literally creating a dry lump in your throat
you literally did nothing wrong today
you didn’t do anything to get a reaction out of him
and yet he’s tearing into you???
you don’t deserve it this time
that’s enough
you’ve had enough
you slowly peel his hands off your hips and turn to him, glaring right up at him
he tilts his head to the side as he stares you down
everything happens
at once
you realize what’s going on
when you’re staring at the side of jungkook’s face
his cheek that’s reddening
and a clench in his jaw
you just
slapped him
you watch as he slowly nods like he knows he deserved that
he slowly turns his head to look at you and you’re vibrating with rage
“fuck you, jungkook. you absolute fucking asshole.”
you watch him open his mouth to respond but you don’t let him speak
you continue, “the world doesn’t fucking revolve around you but you know why you think it does?” you give him a moment to think about it.
but this time he’s not saying anything. he just stares at you
“because you’re a damn narcissist and you think any and everyone is out to get dicked down by you.” you bring your hand up to wipe your runny nose with the back of your hand
girl … you’re tearing into him
“but you’re just a fucking loser that games all day and gets his dick wet by girls who are also just looking for a release. you’re not anything fucking special, there’s nothing you can offer anyone except for good dick and your math notes.”
you can’t seem to stop though
“yeah, i admit, i sat next to you that day and talked to you like that with questionable intentions but that was because i wanted to see how far you’d be willing to take tae and joon’s ‘warning’, not because i fucking want you cause i don’t. i said it before and i’ll say it again but you gross me the fuck out.”
wrap it up before he cries… or before you cry
his big black eyes are staring straight at you, lips slightly parted and just a look of shock on his face
his cheek is decorated with a red print of your hand
“at the end of the day you are absolutely,” you pause as you narrow your eyes, “nothing but a fuckboy.”
by the clench in his jaw, the pinch in between his brows, the squint in his eyes and the quick scrunch in his nose, you can tell he doesn’t fucking like that
but you clearly don’t give a fuck anymore
he had it coming
tears prick in your eyes but you refuse to let them fall in his presence
what gives him the right to make you feel so small and humiliate you like that?
and with that, you shove your hand against his shoulder and push past him
you stumble all the way to the restrooms and book an uber
you wait for the uber’s arrival in the stalls
and leave without another word to anyone else
jungkook: 2
you: 1
to be continued
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chopperfancard · 1 month
One Day (False DoD au short story
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“Ow, Ow! That hurts!” A small, young seawing dragonet whimpered and squirmed at the stab of pain that hit its scales and muscles as another dragonet; a skywing to be exact who about the same age wrapped some bandages around what seemed to be a quite apparent burn wound.
“Maybe if you stopped moving like I told you to, it'd hurt less!” The skywing dragonet hissed, making his annoyance with the seawing’s whining very clear and apparent.
“God, are all seawings this whiny or just you, Squid?” He continued on.
“Flame, please stop.. You’re talking like her again…. I don’t like it, not at all.” Squid bitterly said under his breath, in between the grunting and moaning from the pain of his burn wound.
“Well, Kestrel teaches us how the world’s gonna be outside! She teaches us how the world outside is nothing but war and violence. And if that’s how it is, we can’t be weak. We’re supposed to be strong, not weaklings! The only reason she hates you guys is because you’re all weak! Isn’t it?” The young skywing dragonet said, but in his voice was a hint of doubt and uncertainty. It seemed as though he himself didn’t even sincerely believe what he was saying.
“Well, either way, it’s why I want to become a healer anyway. You idiots need to be in top condition if we’re going to save the world, and I need these skills if I actually want to help dragons in war. So stop crying and deal with it like a big dragonet.” He spat out, snuffing out whatever pinch of insecurity leaked into his voice earlier with aggression and anger as smoke and ash crawled through his throat and escaped out his nostrils.
“You’re only saying all that because you’re her favorite. She treats you like… a son. Me and the others? I don’t think she’d even care if we all died tomorrow.” Squid talked back, uncharacteristic for the normally meek dragonet, he didn’t want another skywing to be yelling at him, he already dealt with enough of that from Kestrel. The young dragonet felt tears form up in his eyes like a whirlpool remembering how awful the training today went, and how badly burnt he got… And what Kestrel said to him, which hurt more than any burn or any scratch or any bite mark he acquired in that fight, or any other fight with both Kestrel and the other dragonets in the cave combined.
“I wish she died when Viper stabbed her with her barb that one time.” Squid blankly said.
The room fell silent, Flame didn’t speak, not even a growl from him. He just continued working on Squid’s wounds. The silence was… deafening, to say the very least.
“Flame?” Squid called his name, wanting to ask him something. No response.
“Do you ever think about who our real parents are?” He asked him.
“Why?” He seemed uninterested in the question.
“I mean… they’re probably better than our guardians here. Kestrel and Dune are awful, and Webs barely tries to do anything about them…” 
“Well, our parents are dead, probably.” Flame said straight-forwardly. Not even phased or bothered by what he just said, as if he just accepted that as the most likely possibility for a long time.
“Flame… You don’t mean that, right?” That was a rhetorical question, Squid knew full well that Flame 100% meant that.
“What are you, stupid? There’s a war outside and everyday Kestrel and Webs always tell us about all the burning bodies of dragons that stretch out all the way to the horizon. And you think our parents aren’t one of those hundreds of dragons?” Flame continued as he wrapped another bandage around his tail.
“And you just don’t care?” Squid asked him.
“...It’s not like we knew them anyway- So it's a waste to get all sad about it.” He said with a certain jumpiness in his voice.
“I-I guess you’re right.” Squid said under his breath. Sighing quite heavily.
“Alright, you should be good to go now, I think… Try moving.” Flame said, he’d just finished tying up the last bandage on Squid’s body.
Squid’s muscles tensed as he tried to get up, after laying down for so long, his body felt heavier than usual as he tried to get back onto his feet. He did it slowly so as to not hurt himself, though when he stretched his wings, the pain began stinging again, causing him to wince and cower. But he kept going, trying his best to stay strong despite the pain, like Flame would. He eventually was standing on all four legs, though shaking with his muscles as tense and hard as the rocks that surrounded them all in this cavernous prison. 
“So, do you feel okay?” Flame asked.
“Y-Yeah..” Squid responded with a shaky voice and a nervous smile. “T-Thank you, Flame…”
Flame was a bit shocked at the ‘Thank you’ he was given. Around here in the cave, that kind of gratitude was jarring, to say the least; and from Squid of all dragons? Viper would never thank anybody for anything, Ochre is too stupid and lazy to remember to do so after someone does him a favor, and Fatespeaker would just talk about her visions even though it had nothing to do with anything of any sort of importance. And the guardians are just their own story.
Flame eventually snapped out of his trance, he shifted his wings slightly as he turned around and began making his way toward the exit of this part of the cave.
“Uh huh, yeah, you're welcome. Come on, let’s go have dinner. Hurry up already. Viper and especially Ochre aren’t gonna be saving crap for us, and Kestrel definitely won’t care to fetch more food for the two of us if we miss dinner.” And just like that, the Flame he knew and… tolerated was back in full force. Though for whatever reason, Squid thought that his words of gratitude meant a lot to Flame, and he just wasn’t showing it. The idea that his fellow dragonets sincerely cared about one another deep down but just didn't show it was a comforting feeling, and what he chose to believe. Even though the likelihood of that was very, very low.
It was probably just in his imagination, though. But what was more important was getting to the dinner hall so he could actually eat something and not go starving for the 2nd day in a row. So the young seawing dragonet chased after his skywing brother, or as close as he could get to chasing in his physical state.
Dinner was about as chaotic and dysfunctional as Squid would usually expect. Eating food in peace was practically an alien concept for the dragonets, and Squid was stuck cleaning up the mess of his other siblings. Flame was Kestrel’s favorite so he always got his way around here, everyone collectively knew Fatespeaker and Ochre wouldn’t get anything done if they had the job and the job landed on Viper, but she threatened Squid to do it or else she’d stab him, so needless to say. He was stuck with the job.
The cracks of the flames of the torches that filled the caverns echoed through the rocky halls and within Squid’s mind. It was one of the first sounds he heard in this world when he hatched, he thought. And ever since that day, they’ve been there, every part of every day. The flames of the torches seemed to be the one consistent thing in this life, he thought.
What kind of life is this? He’s a Dragonet of Destiny, he and the others are supposed to be the most important dragons in history. But here they are stuck in a cavernous prison and can barely agree on who gets to do chores around the cave, arguing over every small thing and getting into rough fights over the sorts. If they can’t agree on that… How could they ever hope to end the war? How could he ever be a hero? That’s what Kestrel always told them.
A stab of pain from the burn mark Flame had treated earlier distracted him from his train of thought… God, why did he have to be the one to work around today? Would it have killed them to give him a break for a day or two?
One day, everything is going to change, I feel it. One day I’ll be a hero, I’ll be the most important dragon in Pyrrhia’s history! I can already feel it…. Squid thought to himself, trying to bring up his own spirits and motivate himself. He began to smile a little, the first time in a long while. He imagined himself being showered in praise all across Pyrrhia. The kind of dragon that people wrote and told stories about. The king of dragons that people looked up to, and aspired to be like. That would be him, soon enough. How soon he wasn’t sure, but he knew in his heart that his dream would come true one day.
One day.
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speedforce-zoomies · 6 months
“Can I ask you a question?”
Janet turned to face her semi-regular visitor, an alternative version of her son, and boy, wasn’t that a sentence?
“Different from the ones I’ve been asking, I mean?”
“Oh course, birdie.”
It had been rather awkward for the both of them the first time Janet had instinctively used a pet name that she used for her own Tim, one that his Mother had also used for him.
He had blinked away tears so quickly that if she hadn’t known all versions of her son so dearly she would have thought she had imagined it.
From that point on she made sure to only call him Tim or Birdie, a pet based off his hero identity, (and it still took the breath out of her lungs to think about any version of her baby fighting criminals with nothing but a belt full of tools and a metal staff. Her fear for him was not at all canceled out by her pride). The name deemed safe since her own Tim was a civilian.
Though, even “Tim” got confusing sometimes when trying to differentiate between her son and the son of dead version of herself.
She had asked if it would perhaps be better to call him Jackson and he had frowned at the suggestion, suggesting Alvin or Carl as alternatives instead with a sudden, sly smirk and a snicker when he saw her expression.
He smiled at her now, a soft, gentle thing, that spoke of comfort but his eyes were sad.
“Do you think…” he paused, “Do you think, if things were reversed between our worlds and you had passed, sorry, this is, uh, um a pretty heavy question...”
Tim trailed off, eyes glued to the bare white wall across from him and Janet walked over and sat beside him, not touching, just silently offering support.
“It’s okay, it’s obviously burdening you, let me carry some of the weight. What’s on your mind, Birdie?”
“If it were you that had die-passed, and your Tim had access to trans-dimensional travel, would it… would it make you sad or hurt your feelings if your Tim was to visit my mom?”
Janet paused, thinking it over.
Tim didn’t look at her, allowing her to consider her words carefully.
“A little bit, I think. Not hurt, but sad, because of course my preference would be to be a part of his life. However, even if it would make me a little sad, it would mean the world to me that another Janet was able to open up her arms to my son, that he had found a way to ease his pain, even if just a little bit.”
He smiled at her and it was watery.
“You know, when I come to visit, I take the information you give me and I go though my Mama’s stuff, almost like I’m gathering clues here and putting the pieces together there.”
He paused, trying and failing to not fidget.
“I had no idea, about the Emily Dickinson poem, until you told me and then I went home and she had used that poem in a couple of her poems and social media posts.”
He leaned in to her space.
“It’s nice, getting to learn about her, even now that she’s gone… I appreciate you, you giving me the chance to do so.”
Janet gently bumped shoulders with him, “Of course, Birdie.”
“It also kind of feels weird,” he confessed, “to investigate my own mom like this.”
Janet hummed, and took a chance, “Well, you are two anthropologists’ son, investigating the dead is kind of in your blood.”
Tim choked out a laugh, “Yeah,” he huffed out, voice low and rough but still amused, “guess you’re right.”
He leaned back against the sofa, “She’d love that, I think, being an anthropological revelation.”
“I’d be flattered, certainly.”
Tim snickered at that.
“Do you think your Tim is gonna be an anthologist. Like you and his dad?”
Janet hummed, “Maybe. He enjoys coming out to digs on holidays and summer vacations. But he also enjoys his photography and he keeps making jokes, that I’m not entirely sure are actually jokes about becoming a professional skateboarder.”
Tim snorted in amusement, “Well, I’m rooting for him if he goes for it.”
Janet grinned. “I will too, if that’s his passion in life, though I will expect him to have a backup plan, of course.”
“Of course.” Tim agreed.
“Anything but vigilante!” She shook his shoulder gently, “I already have one of those to worry about!”
He laughed, and he didn’t sound like her own Tim when he laughed.
He sounded like her, or well, she thought, another version of me.
I wrote a lot of words just to say I’m not over Batman (2016) #134 & I never will be ^.^
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emmitaaa4 · 8 months
Minor HOFAS spoilers ig?
The Walmart bonus chapter just leaked and good lord some people need to be for real. I'm so tired of people picking and choosing evidence.
So you're telling me that *gasp* Azriel's shadows seem to dance when he hums?? they react to sound/music?? no way. people from all sides of the fandom have been saying that for years (and use it for different arguments), and looks like ppl are still tying anything they can to feed their ship--which is fine but at least make it somewhat accurate.
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The above is the last page of the Az/Bryce/Nesta chapter, and just as a refresher, this is the oh-so controversial phrases from the Az bonus chapter:
"(...) one of his shadows went out to dance with it (gwyn's breath) before twirling back to him. like it heard some silent music." and "(...) he could have sworn a faint, beautiful singing followed him. could have sworn his shadows sang in answer."
I'm confused, which is it? Was the shadow's reaction to her breath & the singing he heard all metaphorical, thereby hinting at a mating bond between gwyn & az (as in "music between souls")? Or was it rather azriel's shadows reacting to a literal sound coming from someone who has arguably been hinted at having some voice/song-related abilities? Because if it is the first, then this new HOFAS excerpt is completely unrelated. Well unless Azriel has a mating bond with himself? pleaseee make it make sense I beg. And if the second is true, it would mean that for someone to be able of making his shadows dance, they'd have to have similar powers as him... its just gonna fuel the lightsinger theories (which btw approx 5 ppl are saying means that gWyn is eViL) so this literally changes nothing. nada. absolument rien.
Oh also.
"He says no partner right now, aka NO FUCKING ELRIEL. ELRIEL IS DEAD." (no hate to whoever posted that btw)
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He literally rushes out that answer. Idk about you guys but to me the poor man still seems internally dead over the whole mate existential crisis, which as far as we know was left with him wondering "what if the cauldron was wrong". Sidenote but if I understood correctly, this all happens 2-3 months post acosf and Bryce spends ±5 days in Prythian, so it is very likely that it is all set during Acotar 5, and that the events of HOFAS in general are happening while Az is separated from the other MC (ie. the acotar5 FMC).
Regardless of all I just said, I am going to ask people once again to be for real. cause this whole chapter Azriel keeps glaring at Nes when she is about to reveal too much info, so WHY would he be mentioning Elain (or literally anyone he cares about) to someone who he is said to be highly suspicious of? make it make sense x2
Almost forgot. Last thing.
"Azriel said that Nesta killed the King! He didn't credit Elain!"
... no? for context, this is what Az said:
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See my second point above. He told Bryce exactly what Nes did, and nothing more: she beheaded Hybern. We could speculate about what his look at Truthteller made him think of... but tbh I'll leave it to someone else cause perso I dont really see the point.
I am getting tired guys... guess who finally understands what "fandom fatigue" is.
-----quick edit-----
I don't mean to sound hypocritical by tagging ships, cause tbh i dont even wanna put acotar ship tags to this, mais bon c'est la vie et j'en peux plus. this fandom is kind of a mess. Goodnight loves ♡
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barry-j-blupjeans · 9 months
It would have been easy to miss her if Barry hadn't been keeping an eye out. She wore a dark cloak with a silver clasp and had her hood drawn up over her head. The crowded streets of Neverwinter— Neverwinter, why was he in Neverwinter again?— pushed them past each other but for a moment, they caught eyes. He got the shortest glimpse of her face, aged, and stressed, and focused— and then recognition. Surprise.
He knew her. No, he didn't.
Fuck, wait, yes he did.
So Barry did something he had recently discovered he was very good at doing: He ran. The crowd helped him along, pushing him forward as he stumbled over his own two feet. He kept his head low, trying to get cover from the people around him. He crossed the street, and then went left, and crossed the street again, trying to drown himself into the crowd. He kept going until he was reasonably sure that he had lost her and then ducked into an alleyway.
Okay. Okay, okay, okay. Barry twisted his bag, fumbling for his inhaler. Good fuckin' Gods. This day and gone from bad to worse. He took a hit of it (and someone in his head told him to stop saying that he "took a hit" of his medication) and leaned against the alley wall, trying to breathe deeply again.
He dug through his bag, finding the little gold coin he kept with him. He was… gods, Barry wished he knew what was happening anymore. But he couldn't— he couldn't lose focus. He was looking for someone. He was supposed to be looking for someone, but, well, this attempt had hit a dead end. And, for the first time (?), Barry had come across the person who was looking for him.
He pressed a little notch on the coin, flipping back through old recorded messages until he found the right one. The coin buzzed a little, like a staticky radio line, but crackled to life with a message in Barry's own voice. One he didn't remember leaving, but he knew the words by heart by now. They were important.
"— and— and another thing— there's this… Geez, I don't wanna call it an issue, but it's kinda an issue. There's a— there's a woman looking for you. Not the one we wanna find. On purpose, I mean. God, I hate this. It's making her sound like some sorta villain and she's no— well…"
The coin sighed.
"Her name is Lucretia." There was a shuffling noise in the background of the recording, as if someone was adjusting papers. "She's— she's part of the family you don't remember. But it's— I can't stress enough how much of a no-go talking to her is. Like, even more than the others, so, so much more. In fact, if you ever see her just— I don't know, just fuckin' run, I guess. That's— Gods."
The coin was silent for a moment. Barry took another puff of his inhaler.
"There's nothing good that you can get by talking to her right now," the coin continued. "And if you talk to her, she might— I mean, I don't think she'd do anything to you besides talk, but that's— that's enough sometimes, y'know? She's… she's the reason we're in this mess. Why we can't remember ###—" Barry winced at the static. "I don't— I can't physically explain what she did, but don't— don't talk to her. If you see her, just run. Just go."
The coin went on to describe some of Lucretia's features— her eyes, the white hair, her age ("—because she wouldn't fucking listen to me about Wonderland and #### ###### ##—"). Barry thought back to the glance he had caught of the woman he passed by and just barely managed to swallow his fear about it. He hit the notch on the coin again, shutting it off. Sometimes, it would delve into static for a while, especially when talking about Lucreita. He put the coin back in his bag, along with his inhaler.
He peeked back into the streets and then pulled back into the alley. He could still slightly see from his space between the buildings, but hopefully, she couldn't see him.
Lucretia had lowered her hood, and was looking around. The crowd had thinned some, just enough for her to stand in place without being pushed around. But her eyes never found his hiding spot and, after a moment, an orc woman jogged up to her. Barry could barely hear them over the hustle and bustle of Neverwinter, but he caught wind of,
"— just started running! What gives?"
"I thought I saw…" Lucretia scanned the area once more. Barry scooted back a bit to hide himself, holding his breath. "No, it was nothing. It's— I'm a just little on edge today, I suppose."
It was obvious the orc woman didn't believe her, but she must have known Lucretia enough to not question it. Or at least, not to publicly question it.
"You're gonna be late for your meeting," the orc woman said after a moment's pause.
Lucretia turned and while Barry couldn't hear the curse word, it startled a laugh from the orc woman. They retreated back the way they had come. Barry sighed, relaxing a little.
Okay. Okay, time to regroup. Refocus. Once he felt it was safe, he stepped back into the street again, carefully retracing his steps to regain his bearings. From here, he'd go to Farnfoss. There was an enchanted forest that supposedly protected some powerful magic items— it was a better lead than nothing.
As long as he made it there alive, at least.
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