#and danny's like. i didn't even know i HAD custody
finemealprompt · 1 month
DP x DC Prompt #43
Cujo was a good boy. He was! He promises! He just didn't want to sit still when Danny asked him to. How could he! There were so many scents to explore, so many spirits around, too many things to do to sit still!
Unfortunately, Cujo got lost. And scared. It's a big city, and he was told he wasn't allowed to turn big and go on a rampage or else he wouldn't get to go on trips with Danny anymore. So he wanders, trying to get back to where he was.
Then, a young boy runs across Cujo. He speaks softly, is kind, and doesn't seem off put by his abnormal coloring. So, Cujo decides to go with the boy! Danny won't be that mad ... right?
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radiance1 · 3 months
Ghosts are dragons.
Danny uses this to his advantage by making his human form look like a meta so that he would be protected by the Meta-human rights act (or wtv its called I can't remember). Which works splendidly actually. He just gave himself the tail, the horns, teeth, eyes and a few scales here and there and wouldn't cha know it works splendidly.
The GIW trying to call him a ghost? Nah, he's just a meta dude. Wes trying to pin him as Phantom? Does Phantom have horns and a tail? No? Yea he thought so.
Then Vlad takes a look at Danny and goes: "Oh shit that's actually a surprisingly good idea." And then just copies him without asking basically. Would people question this? Shhh, no they won't (hands you a slip of money), why would they question anything?
The bats would question it. Obviously. Because of course they would, why wouldn't they, sticking their noses into everything. Why are they investigating? Because they were invited to a Gala held by Vlad Masters and Danny had to attend, both of which they knew didn't have any meta features with a quick background check so they think something fishy is going on there.
Then the GIW raid the place like a bunch of idiots because they think Vlad and Danny are obviously ghosts (they're only half right because Halfa you know lawl) and they need to be taken into the government's custody. Except for the fact that they're doing this in a room full of rich people, with the Wayne Family in attendance, and people who do business with Vlad.
You know.
Vlad is talking so calmly and rationally and acting like this is expected, which leads everyone present to believe this to be such a common occurrence that he can't even be surprised at this anymore. Which leads to even more suspicion.
Where is Danny through all of this? He's not doing much actually since he was outside playing with Cujo, since he only had to be there for a bit and then free to do whatever he wanted after that. Funnily enough, a few GIW agents are also trying to take him and Cujo into custody with none other than Damian Wayne at his side.
Damian was just concerned about Cujo and wanted to make sure nothing was going on there. Didn't really expect this.
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The safety on his gun was turned back on with an inaudible click as Jason let the tension leak out of his body.
It wasn't often that someone broke into one of his safe houses, especially one that he hadn't used in a while, so seeing as some of his silent alarms went off he raced over ready to put a bullet in some wannabe robber or maybe a goon sent by another crime lord trying to start something.
Instead he found a prime bat adoption bait sitting in the living room floor, bare stomach pressed to the side of a ginormous egg. It didn't look like any egg hed ever seen either with midnight blue fuzz covering the whole thing. "Hey kid."
The kids head whipped around, startled by a strangers voice. "Who are you?" He asked incredulously, hugging the monster egg closer to himself, "How did you get in here? This place has some serious security."
Jason gave a short laugh, "Yeah, I know. I'm the one who put it there." He watched with mild amusement as the color drained from the kids face.
"You're the apartment owner? I thought he was supposed to be some big scary crime lord!"
"I'm not scary to you?" It wasn't uncommon for people to be intimidated by him. He was, as Steph put it, 'built like a fridge'.
The adoption bait stared into his eyes for a few torturously long seconds before simply saying, "No."
"So, whats up with the egg?" He asked, trying to change the subject.
"Thats my line, Todd." A voice said from across the room. Both him and the little intruder snapped there attention to the window where Robin was perched. Jason fought back the urge to chastise the little bat for using his real name seeing as he was out of costume at the moment. After all he was here as Jason Todd, normalish civilian man who came to see why his house was broken into, not Red Hood. Jason almost wished with was some goon working for a big bad even if it would have meant his secret identity was busted, he would have been at least dealing with that instead of Damians inevitable animal custody battle with the kid. Speaking of which.
"Hey kid, whats your name?"
"Danny Fenton." The kid-Danny, tilted his head. "I think."
Robin raised an eyebrow, causing his mask to sift with it, "You think?"
Danny nodded, "Yeah. Got blasted with something a few weeks ago and I don't remember much before that." His grip on the egg had loosened a bit and Robin chose this as he time to strike. Bird boy tried to lift the egg up out of the intruders impromptu blanket nest, but seemed to have misjudged the weight of the egg that was as big as both children's torsos and Danny was swift to take back his egg.
"What do you think you're doing?! Thats mine!" Egg dad hissed.
"Tt. I will be better able to care for the creature. You should just hand it over now. Do you even know whats in there?"
"No! Neither do you!"
Jason knew Robin couldn't refute that so he chose now to step in, "Where did that thing even come from?
He watched as Dannys scowl turned into a beaming smile as he told them about how he was hiding behind a dumpster for warmth when this egg just fell out of the sky and with quick thinking, managed to catch it with a bed of ruined pillows from a recent villian attack. "So you can't take my dragon egg away. I'm the only reason it didn't become a failed street omelet." Danny held his hands on his hips while giving Robin a smug look.
Before the demon brat could say anything or, more likely, try to wipe that smirk off the other kids face, a new person swooped in through the window. "You think its a dragon egg?"
The kid seemed unbothered by the Batman questioning him and just replied with, "Yeah! Look how big it is! Its gotta be a dragon!"
Bruce looked like he was about to have an aneurysm, "You found a large egg of an unknown, potentially supernatural creature and decided to incubate it?"
Jason decided he liked this kid.
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flamingpudding · 8 months
Fictober23 Prompt: 9 - "I wouldn't do that if I were you."
Fandom: DPxDC
Rating: T
Warnings: Red Hood's swearing, mention of character death
Danny blinked a couple of times before he realized what exactly happened. He had been with Alfred making some cookies for the rest of the family after Oracle had reported they would all come back uninjured. And Danny had decided to help Alfred in hopes to get back on Damian's good side. The boy had been pretty short and huffy with him ever since Danny had admitted that he didn't plan on getting reinstated as hero.
The rest of the family had taken it sort or well, sure there were the occasional side comments in hopes to maybe convince him to come on patrol with one of them every now and then but otherwise his decision was greatly accepted. Alfred had appeared especially happy when Danny had announced that after having lived with the Waynes for little more than a year now.
Of course Phantom would still come out to help if his ghostly rogues decided to show up and pester his new family or Lady Gotham needed help with something or when Lazarus Pits were involved. But this certainly did not include a situation like that.
Looking down at his gloved hands, Danny breathed out a sigh of relief, noting that he had gotten summoned as Phantom at least. Pretransfomred. Last time he got summoned and had appeared shortly as plain old Danny before changing into Phantom, Tim, as Red Robin of course, had gaslighted the cultists into believing they hallucinated seeing Daniel 'Danny' Fenton-Wayne for a brief moment. The press still had a field day with the nonsense the arrested cultist spouted.
At least now they wouldn't have to deal with another media drama that could result in Vlad trying to fight Bruce for custody again. Still, Danny frowned, they had summoned him right out of a late night baking session with Alfred and knowing his family the way he does now it was only a matter of time before they all stormed this place or at least some of them.
Bruce had put a tracker on him specifically for this kind of situation, aside from the fact that he was also still pestering the Justice League Dark to find a way to stop it from happening in the first place.
"You do realize that you are in deep shit right?" The occult leader looked at Danny for only a short moment before continuing his spiel about how with the power of the summoned they would lead the world back to the balance it's supposed to have and bla bla bla. Being the Ancient of Balance Danny never thought he would even get summoned, aren't cultists in books more interested in evil demons, masters of chaos, Cthulhu and so on?
Knocking with his fist against the barrier lightly, the halfa noted that he would probably be stuck in place until his family showed up to disturb the chalk writing on the floor. For a moment he wondered if he should attempt to break out but then remembered the lecture Bruce had made him sit through the first time he broke a magical barrier and got injured in the process. It was probably better to wait.
"You know the last time I got summoned out of family time, one of my brothers went apeshit on the cultists." Danny continued to interrupt the leader's speech, just to be a little shit. He needed to pass the time somehow. Plus he wasn't lying. He had gotten summoned right out of movie night with his siblings, it's no understatement to say that they were not amused. Jason was especially pissed for some reason. "And the time before that it was my younger brother, that was a whole lot more bloody but no one died anyway in the end.
"Silence spirit of balance, you will listen to me. I was the one that summoned you."
"Yea… buddy that's not how this whole summoning thing actually works. You read a couple of fictional books." Danny retorted until he saw what the leader pulled out and flinched back.
How was that possible? Danny was sure that after his parents death, Bruce had bought all the rights of Fenton Works, including the patents and put it all in Danny's name no matter how much some tried to fight it. If it wasn't willed to Danny then Bruce had bought it. They had stopped any production of his parents' inventions, they had forced the GIW to cough up all the inventions they bought and then disband the governmental organization through the Justice League.
Of course Danny had known that some of his parents inventions were still on the black market and then there were also Vlads inventions but, the cult leader was holding up a Fenton bracelet Danny had specifically created for his brother to help him control the corrupted ectoplasm in his system until his treatment with Frostbite was done. How was it possible for them to get a hold of it? No wait it looked slightly modified from the one he made for his brother.
"This will make you listen to me." Danny's eye widened as he noticed a shard of a very familiar red crystal embedded in the bracelet when the leader waved it around triumphantly at Danny's reaction. It wasn't enough to brainwash him by simply holding it to his face but if he made direct contact with it? Danny wasn't so sure.
"How did you get that!"
"Oh not so mouthy anymore are we?"
His core quivered and all his eyes could do was focus on the red shiny stone as flashback ran through his mind as he pressed as far away from the leader as he could. His back hit the other end of the barrier he was in and Danny contemplated breaking the barrier and high speed flying home to the Wayne manor even if it risked injury.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you." The calm but familiar voice broke Danny out of his panic as he saw a blade sneak around the leader's neck. Robin was standing right behind the man seemingly having appeared out of nowhere.
"Robin! B said to wait for his signal!" Another voice appeared and Danny heard the thud next to him with the flutter of a cape. Relieved, he turned his head ever so slightly to find Red Robin next to the barrier, looking unimpressed at the fact that Robin, from the looks of it, had run ahead of them once again.
Robin clicked his tongue and Danny finally relaxed enough to snicker at his siblings' banter. Before he could add in his own two cents to the banter a window crashed in and Red Hood added himself to the rescue party.
"Can't any of you follow a fucking plan?" The man announced his presence loudly while also landing boot first on some random cultist members. That instantly scattered, their stunned frozeness, caused by their leader getting held at blade point, broken now.
"You're one to talk. Since when do you simply follow B's plans anyway?" Red Robin huffed back, taking the bracelet from the leader as well as destroying the barrier seal with his boot by smudging the chalk writing.
"Point taken." The other answered as he started to knock out any cultist that was in his reach. Red Robin joined him once he gave Danny a look over and was certain that the barrier no longer existed.
Robin once more clicked his tongue causing Danny to look over, the leader now knocked out cold before his feed. "Phantom, you need to stop getting summoned by these incompetent…"
"I do not require your input!" Robin shouted across the room at their older siblings that were currently giving the rest of the cult members the beat down of their life.
"Fruitloops?" Danny offered chuckling at the seething glare Robin directed at him for that and he lifted the palm of his hands in a sign of peace.
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halfagone · 4 months
Before The Wayne Came A Kane
Martha Wayne née Kane came from a very prestigious family even before she married her husband, the illustrious M.D. Thomas Wayne. Sadly, her family never supported her union with Thomas, so she largely cut them out of her life once she married and that certainly had not changed when she had a son.
Her strained relationship with the rest of her family is particularly apparent when it's revealed, at the release of her and Thomas' respective wills after their unexpected, tragic deaths, that she would not give her brothers or sisters-in-law custody of Bruce. They may be the last of his living relatives, but even in death she would never allow them to touch her baby boy. Hence, his care is left to the head butler, one Alfred Pennyworth.
She did have two sister, though. Two baby sisters, one who had been disowned and disavowed from the family long before her, named Alicia. And one who was far too young to take in her son, even if Martha had allowed it. Her name is Madeline Kane. As the only other acknowledged daughter left from Roderick and Elizabeth Kane, she is left to carry the burden of her older sister's legacy. And what a burden it was, to be constantly compared to a dead woman her family seemed to adore and loathe in strides.
It's really no wonder that the moment she gets the chance, she leaves her family in Gotham to attend a university in Wisconsin. There, she meets Jack Fenton. He can be a little clumsy sometimes, but he has an eye for engineering and doesn't like her for her family's name or wealth. He calls her "Maddie" when she says so, and he doesn't ask about the change.
She falls in love and the two are wedded in the blink of an eye, Maddie pregnant with their first child only a few years after graduation. In her family's eyes, it just further proves that any Kane daughter is cursed and doomed to failure. (Beth understands this. Bette learns this. Kate knows this.)
And all too similarly to her elder sister, when her son is just fourteen years old, she is killed: yet another unexpected, tragic death. Her husband and her daughter perish along with her. Just like her older sister, the only one left is her baby boy.
Only, Maddie wasn't nearly as forthcoming with her will, and there is no guardian marked for custody in his papers. The Kanes, who proclaim they are his rightful family, are more than happy to take advantage of this.
Bruce isn't close to his family, beyond perhaps Kate. But if there is one thing that he knows it's that his parents didn't give his estranged relatives custody of him for a reason. Alfred is stingy with the details, but he can confirm that much.
Bruce is left to fight an uphill battle, helping a mourning boy heal from his loss and fighting his extended family's attempts for custody at every turn.
More ramblings under the cut:
See this guy right here?
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This is Jacob Kane, Kate's father, Martha's brother, and Bruce's uncle. He's got the distinct red hair and do you know who else has red hair? Maddie. Jacob is a respected military officer and Maddie, in general, has always given me strong former U.S. agent vibes. But regardless, it makes sense that Maddie would know things or learned how to fight at an early age if her older brother left for military service.
Also, I just love showing Bruce's extended family and how twisted, complicated his family was long before he adopted so many children. And this also helps explain why Maddie is so cagey with her background. She only has Alicia left really, all the rest she keeps out and away for good reason.
But she can't protect Danny from them forever.
Plus, there's this really cool possibility for Danny to stay with the Kanes for a while and explore that avenue before he's ultimately brought into the Wayne fold. Danny gets to see what the upper crust Gotham elites look like with his own two eyes, beyond Sam's stories.
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lina-lovebug · 3 months
USM characters dating a villains daughter
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- you were recruited into SHIELD based on your merits and smarts
- also including the fact that your dad was a villainous genius and wanted you farrrr away from all that mess
- you helped the team every now and then concerning tech stuff or hacking, and Spidey developed a crush on you
- you found him cute, having seen his face a few separate times, but knew that once he found out that your dad has made multiple attempts to clone his DNA and/or kill him then that crush would die
- it was a small accident from one of the other agents, but one that made you avoid Spidey for WEEKS
- "Oh hey Miss. Octavius" "Oh hey-"
- normally you'd let that slide but not when you were having lunch with Spiderman
- "Octavius? Like-?" "Wow, I'm late for a meeting. Bye!"
- it sucked too because you used to have a great relationship with your dad but his change and obsession over Spiderman drove you two apart
- you missed your dad
- each time you walked past the team training or happened to be in the same room as Spidey, you'd avoid him like the plague
- you would have kept doing that but suddenly found your hand webbed to your desk
- "You're avoiding me" "who said that?"
- after a long conversation that you weren't a spy or a weird creepy person trying to clone him, he let out a sigh of relief
- "And here I thought my crush on you was ruined" "yeah same here. . ."
- the team teased you both about that for the next month
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- it's not everyday that you find out your dad is a terrorist
- okay not exactly a terrorist but one of the most dangerous men in the entire world to the point where they locked him in a prison without any metal
- yup, your father is Magneto
- it was fresh into your relationship with Danny when you found out. Your mom died when you were a baby, and you were adopted by an Agent of SHIELD
- it began to explain so much - your powers always have been strong, even for a mutant. You excelled in your strength and control, except for the few moments where anger woukd get the better of you
- you were scared to tell him. You had been dating for barely a month now, what if he got scared? Magneto brings fear to his name for a reason
- but you didn't have to tell him because Magneto had already found you. It's a strange thing to feel your child through your shared gene of controlling metal
- "(Y/N), I know I was never present before, but I never knew that you-" "Love, what's he talking about?"
- Magneto raised his brow at the green clad boy beside you and you rightfully began to p a n i c
- "I'm her father, and you are?"
- Danny is like 👁👄👁
- "You're not my dad. My dad is Agent (L/N), and as far as I'm concerned, the only person who knows me."
- and still, Danny is just 👁👄👁
- also okay my girlfriend didn't know that her dad is one of the few people I'm scared of
- After the initial blow up, you refused to talk to him. Erik Lensherr wanted to get to know you - to know the little girl he never knew he had even though this motherfucker has kids EVERYWHERE
- it was Danny who encouraged you to know him. You didn't have to force yourself to call him dad but you could atleast try to see if he's worth knowing?
- "How long have you been dating that boy?" "Oh, uh, a month now." "Hmm. . .he says strange things but I like him"
- He never saw it coming but Danny is the number one favorite of your adopted and biological dad. Yippee
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- "When do I get to meet your dad, babe?"
"Uh. . .how do you feel about never? Also he's in prison, so not exactly the best meet up scenario."
- Luke knew you had a complicated relationship with your dad but never knew exactly how complicated
- first few years of your life, you were always on the road with him. You never thought much of the constant moving and new motel rooms every week - it was just a roadtrip
- until that roadtrip ended with your dad in custody and you cowering in the bathtub with claws and trying to act like a very scary person
- you looked like a spicy cat
- Luke was still curious though and since you weren't giving him much, he decided to sneak into the SHIELD database
- Sabretooth a.k.a Victor Creed who is sadistic and violent, and used to bring you on "roadtrips" which could have very easily ended up with you being killed
- also making Wolverine your uncle who didn't visit much himself
- "ooohh that's why she accidentally called Fury dad that one time"
- daddy issues to another level
- anyway
- Luke respected your decision not to see nor talk about your dad, now knowing that he never really cared about you
- it also made him realize why you were so avoidant when you first joined the team #likefatherlikedaughter
- but you were nothing like Sabretooth thank fucking christ and loved Luke, so he planned a dinner for you to meet his family
- and if you're wondering, yes, Victor found out you were dating whilst in custody and ended up destroying his prison cell
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- oh yeah, Sam already knew
- you mean to tell me that a girl with green magical powers, a golden headpiece with horns AND who calls Thor "Uncle" is Lokis' Daughter?
- :0
- you weren't exactly subtle when it came to the few times the team and Loki butted heads
- "Dad, stop fighting my friends!" "They started it!"
- Meanwhile Sam over here like "Wow my crush is an actual Goddess"
- being half Frost Giant and half Asgardian came with perks, and one of those being that your body temp was always cold so Sam CLUNG to you during the hot summer days
- you and Sam were on the roof of the Hellicarrier when you confessed your feelings and out of excitement, Sam grabbed your face and kissed you
- spoiler alert: Loki also decided it was a perfect time to visit you
- so imagine your dad's surprise when he portals to Midgard to see his daughter and sees some mortal sucking her face off
- it was a very eventful and frightening evening for everyone, to say the least
- "Dad, I'm sixteen. I'm allowed to date" "that's like a fetus in Asgard. Come back to me when you're 500 and perhaps you can date"
- you dated anyway
- Sam didn't care that Loki is your dad, insisting he also wasn't afraid this bitch is terrified
- despite your differences, you do love your dad and he loves you, so you don't understand his hatred for Sam
- that was until Thor dropped the bomb
- as an Asgardian, you're immortal and Sam will eventually die. So Loki is terrified that one day you'll lose Sam and be left with nothing
- cue the mental breakdown
- "You did WHAT?!" "you weren't giving her answers, brother." "No but you've given her a crisis!"
- It was something Sam thought about from time to time but seeing you so heartbroken about it made him sad, and it kept you both distant
- Loki forced himself to talk to you, telling you to enjoy your time with Sam and if you wanted to one day - you could give up your immortality, if that's what you wanted
- after a long and much needed discussion, you came to Sam with the information. He felt bad that you'd have to surrender all that you were just to be with him, but you said:
"I'll still be who I am; I'll be the annoying magic girl who saved your ass"
- with a bonus of Loki admitting that Sam wasn't that bad he adored you two
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- so like
- your dad is kinda fucked
- you just so happened to be the one who was somewhat sane
- you happened whilst your parents were casually dating, and while any other kid might want their parents to stay together, you were more than happy that your mom left
- your dad is Victor Von Doom and your mom? Hot asf Susan Storm
- Reed and Susan raised you away from him, and you inherited your own abilities from when Susan was caught in the storm in space
- you met Ava when the Fantastic Four visited SHIELD for some meeting, being the teenager dragging along because you've always admired your mom and dad's work
- Fury was eyeing you for your brains, considering bringing the matter up to Invincible Woman and Mr. Fantastic first
- after some debate, you were in and met White Tiger first and once she took off her mask, you were like "damn"
- "what?" "I-I mean, damn it's nice to be apart of the team"
- you both got along great, and she admired how smart you were and capable
- she asked you out and it had been a great few months, but you did receive a yell from Fury after he caught you two in the main tech area
- you weren't hiding it necessarily but it did shock her that you never told her, I mean, dudes number one for a reason
- "your dad is Doom?!" "Hes not my dad, he's my sperm donor - there's a difference"
- never in a million years did you consider Doom your dad. Reed raised you, and he called you his daughter from the moment you entered his life, so no - Victor Von Doom was not your dad
- she knew she touched a nerve, almost sounding accusatory, and apologized
- but she had no reason to, you reassured her, before giving her a kiss and asking if she wanted to come over for dinner to meet them
- she said yes :)
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ailithnight · 1 year
After this chapter, I will no longer be doing a taglist. Sorry folks, there's just too many of y'all and I'm on mobile. Please subscribe on AO3 for updates, or follow the tag A King in Arkham.
A King in Arkham
Chapter 4
AO3 Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3
Danny. I understand you don't want to go with your godfather. Is there a reason for that?
Can't go with Vlad!
If you know something we don't about him, you need to tell us. Otherwise he will win custody.
It's.. He'll.. he'll make me.. turn me.. his fault!
What's his fault, Danny?
His fault. All his. All.. My.. no, my fault. It's all my fault...
Now Danny, I'm sure that's not true. What happened at the Nasty Burger-
I made it happen.
Corporate negligence-
He knew. I knew. Dan knew what would happen. Dan made it happen. He knew the sauce was gonna blow. He knew Lancer would arrange the meeting there. He cheated. He lured them there. He bound them up so they couldn't escape and ran the time out until they exploded! Dan did that and Dan was me, so I did that.
I murdered them. I murdered everyone. 
IT'S ALL MY FAU- *static*
Tim started talking after the audio cut to static.
"What you just heard is the last, partially recovered therapy session of Danny's in Chicago. The cameras were beyond salvaging. No one except Danny knows what happened after the audio cuts. What is known is that nearby witnesses heard what they claim sounded like a 'screaming moan' coming from the therapy room. When doctors and staff went to check; the therapist Mrs. Alders was slumped against the wall, appearing to have been forcefully pushed, with minor head trauma. Danny was curled up on the other side of the room, panicking and muttering about a Dan.
While Mrs. Alders mostly recovered from the incident, she does not know how she ended up slammed against the wall. Once this audio was recovered, it was turned over to the police. Given the severity of the... confession... in conjunction with the apparent assault, the courts decided to move Danny to an asylum for the criminally insane." Tim paused in the debrief, letting the information sink in. After a moment, Duke raised his hand. Jason scoffed at the action.
"This ain't kindergarten kid, say your bit."
"I just, that explains why an asylum in general. But why Arkham?" Tim nodded, pulling up a picture of a document.
"Kid's godfather, business tycoon and multimillionaire, Vlad Masters. Insisted that if his godson should have to go to an asylum, he'll go to the- and I quote- 'Best in the country.' Made a deal with the state that he'll foot the bill while he continues fighting for custody. Apparently didn't do his research enough to know that 'Best Known' and 'Best' are not the same." Bruce had the next question.
"So, Master's doesn't have custody yet?"
"Nope." Tim popped his 'p', pulling up more documents. Investigative reports. "Given Danny's reactions to him, CPS started investigating. Found a lot of shady shit. Narcissism, anger issues, control issues, coercion tactics. 
One agent said he tried to bribe her with a rather large sum of money, which she might have taken if she wasn't well enough off from a family inheritance and mostly doing this work for the kids. Of course, same agent also said he had 'Rancid vibes' and 'tried to posses' her, but her 'Grammy's necklace protected her' so her credibility was deemed iffy.
Still, there's enough there that it's unlikely Masters will be able to gain custody any time soon. So if Gotham's favorite serial adopter with a good track record for helping troubled kids, Brucie Wayne, were to step in..." Tim's smirk is infectious and makes its way around the table. Bruce's lips twitch ver briefly into a fond smile, before dropping back into a frown.
"What do you make of the... confession?" Jason doesn't even try to hold in his groan.
"Seriously, B? It was survivor's guilt or some kind of psychotic episode or something." Damian frowns.
"I would not discredit him so quickly, Hood. After all, his ghosts are real apparently."
"Hnn." Bruce gets that look on his face. The almost constipated frown that means he is going to have to do something unpleasant like host a gala or attend a business meeting or, "I will have to call Constantine to verify what the entity we are dealing with is." 
Jason lets out a gleeful snort. "Have fun with that one, B. In the mean time can I go break our kid out yet or what?"
"Actually, Hood," Jason turns a glare on Tim, who is once again holding his hands up placatingly. "That still leaves us with the issue of making him an escapee and you an accomplice."
"Well fuckin Brucie Wayne can't exactly just walk up to Arkham and ask if they've got any blue eyed black haired boys for him to adopt."
"Not exactly what I'm suggesting here."  Batman sighs.
"What are you suggesting." Tim pulls out a case he had tucked under the desk, a truly devious smirk painted across his face.
"Just a little temporary theft. Only long enough to put the kid's face on the news for Brucie to stumble across." He opens the case, sliding it over to Jason. Inside, a replica of a relic from Tim's own past; resized to fit his bigger, broader brother. "You remember Red X, don't you?" 
The green that had been tinting Jason's vision the whole meeting finally subsides, giving way to wicked mirth.
"Oh, hell yes." 
Batman sighs.
"You don't get it do you? I'm still here. I still exist. That means you still turn into me."
Another night, another nightmare of a memory jolting Danny back into the waking world. His chest is tight, a high whine suppressing itself in the back of his throat. Danny's eyes dart around his room, searching for the shadowy void of his most frequent visitor. But Spectra isn't there tonight. She hasn't come back since she was seen by Banana Bat. 
It's strange. Danny had gotten used to waking up with her there, towering over him, shadowy clawed hand resting somewhere on his body as she feasted on his misery. He didn't mind, really. He had plenty to give and she didn't even rough him up too bad. Just enough to keep the psyches concerned. The last 3 days without her presence had been... not lonely. Danny was already lonely. But emptier. Like the one good thing his continued existence was doing for someone had been ripped away.
Truly, Danny felt he had nothing left in this world. Nothing to give, nothing to gain. But he couldn't die. Couldn't unleash full ghost Phantom on the world again. That's what created Dan. No, this was what he had to give. All he had to give. To stay human so that Dan never becomes ghost.  To live, as the least burden he could be, so that Dan never died. 
Clockwork must have known what would happen if Danny fully died. That must be why he spared him. The Observants sentenced Danny to death. But Clockwork was smarter. He sentenced Danny to life. And really, it's such a small price to pay for the sins of his other self. 
Despite what the others say, Arkham isn't hell. The only issue Danny's had was the clown and that's not really anyone's fault. It's just, Danny looked at the Joker and he saw Freakshow. And he saw that stupid staff. And he heard that grating laugh. And all he could think about was how that was the only thing that could still turn him into Dan. If the clown took control again. He couldn't let that happen. He couldn't! Not becoming a Dan, not becoming a problem; that's all he could do now! He couldn't he couldn't he couldn't...
Danny was broken out of his spiraling thoughts by the now familiar buzzing echoing clanging sound of another break out. He closed his eyes, letting out a heavy sigh. Then, suddenly, he was lifted up, hoisted onto someone's shoulders in a fireman's carry. 
"Damn kid, do you weigh anything?" 
Danny's eyes flew open, his body subconsciously tensed for a fight Danny wouldn't actually fight. The voice, clearly modulated, sounded high and breezy. His head turned to look at the person now forcefully evicting him from his room. Black body suit. White mask. Red slashes in a stylized X. Built like his Dad... Danny had no idea who this was.
For a moment, Danny felt a twinge of fear. He had no idea who this was. They obviously weren't with Arkham. They had just stolen him from his room and, holy shit they were flying now. No. Not flying, grappling. And running. Moving very fast towards the exit. With Danny. For unknown reasons. 
Holy shit, someone was kidnapping a teenager from an insane asylum. That, probably wasn't good. Any normal or sane person would be scared for their health and wellbeing. But, well... Danny was hardly normal. And sane was becoming increasingly questionable. 
And this guy, well he didn't trigger Danny's ghost sense. No chilly breath escaping his mouth. So he was human, not a ghost. It's not like a human could kill Danny. Not with his ghostly healing factor. Sure, they could make his life a living hell. Beat him, violate him, enslave him. But a human couldn't turn him into Dan so... Danny doesn't think he really cares. 
"Um, why are you carrying me?"
"Taking you out of here." 
"Clearly, I meant why?"
"Owe someone a favor." That was mildly concerning. Danny could think of one person who would stoop to this.
"Did Vlad send you?"
"Master's? Nope. He couldn't afford my services."
"Oh. Okay." As long as it wasn't Vlad. They were almost to the main gate now. There was screaming behind them, now. Danny loomed behind them as the person grappled up the wall and vaulted them over. Danny caught the barest glimpse of the twink in a burlap sack mask striding out the door, leaving a noxious cloud in his wake.
Then they're gone, grappling to then moving across rooftops. It's not a bad feeling. Kinda fun even. Flying as a ghost was nice. Really nice. But different from this. Gravity literally didn't touch you if you didn't want it too. But this? Danny could feel the pull of the earth, the force of every swing. Gravity was still there, exerting its influence, but they were defying it. 
For a tiny moment, Danny felt the ghost of a smile on his lips. The good feeling was fleeting, like all his feelings these days. But it was there and it was enough to shock a small "Oh." from Danny.
"Oh what, runt?"
"Nothing, just. Never grappled before. S'nice."
"Oh." It was such a soft thing, Danny once more found himself pondering the intentions of his kidnapper. 
"Do I get to know where we're going?"
"Safe house for the night. I'm your baby sitter."
"And tomorrow?"
"We'll see."
The next morning, Vicki Vale stumbles across the story of her career (so far) sitting dazed and confused in her office. A prepubescent boy in an oversized Arkham uniform? The day after a breakout where Scarecrow and only one other inmate escaped? Oh this is bound to sell.
Okay, I know the show pretty heavily implies that Teen Titans Robin us Dick.
What if it was Tim?
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DPxDC one shot
(Jazz has run away with Danny to Gotham, where she meats a kindred spirit. Inspired by the fact that Dick Greyson and Jazz are in very similar situations!!) ao3
Jazz took a deep breath as she stared blankly at the mess of papers in front of her. Who knew kidnapping, her brother would require this much paper work? Usually she'd be able to knock out things like this in thirty minutes or less. Bureaucratic paper work was almost a game for her in that way. But that was before she had to lie. The fact was that even if their parents even noticed they were gone, and wanted Danny back, Jazz didn't want them anywhere near her or her brother. In fact the only people she was comfortable with letting anywhere near them were Tucker and Sam. That was it. Everyone else needed to stay at least a hundred miles away, or else she was going to whack them with the creep stick. But just because they weren't wanted in Amity by more than two people, didn't mean that people wouldn't start looking for them. Vlad and the GIW were only a few names that came to mind. So if she was going to keep Danny safe, then they needed to disappear. 
Hence why Jazmine Williams was fighting a migraine at a dingy folding card table, while Daniel Williams was sleeping in a sleeping bag on a sagging outdated couch. She had saved up roughly $10,000 from tutoring, baby sitting, and part time jobs. It was now all in a roll of cash she had hidden in her sleeping bag. It would last them a year if she budgeted, but she needed a job if she was going to send Danny to school. She needed legal custody of Danny, if she was going to send him to school. She was 19, she was allowed to adopt her brother. But she needed a lot of fake documents to even prove that they even existed, much less that she was a proper guardian. Fake documents, that would cost money.
She sighed and leaned back as Danny mumbled in his sleep. Part of her wondered if all of that would even matter. After all, this was Gotham, and Danny was 16, and he was brilliant. He could get his GED, easily. His grades might have been slipping from the pressures of being a super hero ghost, but that only proved that with the proper time and support he would be a genius! They were a family of geniuses, and Danny was no exception. "Bastard geniuses," she muttered, scowling at the thought of their "parents." She pushed the thought, of Danny graduating early out of her mind. She would not pressure him the way their parents had. Besides, Danny needed a strong, supporting social life. He needed friends that were not over a thousand miles away. He needed a community that would not spurn him because of his psychological disposition, and persecute him for his physical condition.
"Well," she thought lazily as she attempted to organize the papers for the fifth time that night, "It's summer, so I won't have to worry about that for a while. What I need to focus on now is getting a job, and where I can find some forged adoption papers. Perhaps--"
Danny's scream ripped through the apartment. The papers flew into the air as Jazz rushed to side. Danny was flickering between intangibility and solidity, as he thrashed and screamed for it to stop. She didn't know what he wanted to stop, but it wouldn't. Jazz screamed his name, grabbing his shoulders when he was tangible. She felt hot tears falling down her face, as she begged for him to wake up. At last, after what seemed to be forever, Danny's eyes flew open. The glowed a toxic green, as he took deep breaths. Jazz took him through the now all too familiar process forcing air into her half-dead brother's lungs, as he slowly returned to the present. Did he know that the exercise was as much for her as it was for him? That she needed to remember to breath, just as much as he did? Did he know the surge of panic and pain that filled her every time his night terrors revealed some new horror he had experience? 
If he knew he didn't say anything as he simply followed, Jaz's instructions. She rubbed his arms in time with their breaths. She needed to remember he was there, that he was solid, and present. She needed to remember that even though he had died, he was still alive right in front of her. "It's ok," she whispered. "It's ok Danny. I'm here. You're safe now. It's all going to be ok."
Danny nodded numbly as his eyes bled back to blue. "I know," he muttered, "I know." He looked her in the face, and reached up his hand tentatively. She sat confused for a moment, until he wiped tears from her cheeks. When had she started crying? She took in her own shuddering breath as Danny stared at the tears in confusion, as if he couldn't comprehend anyone crying for him. She pulled him into a bear hug, as tight as she could manage. He needed to feel how much she cared. He needed to know how much she loved him. 
She waited until he was hugging her back. She said nothing. He said nothing. Neither of them moved, until Danny started shaking. "I died Jazz. I...I am dead...I'm a walking corpse." She said nothing as she felt the hot tears fall down his face. What could she say to that? None of her psychology books had prepared her for this! So she sat, and she listened, not daring to say a word as he muttered his dream into her shoulder. Her eyes widened as she realized what he was saying. He had just relived his death...in his dream. He had fallen asleep thinking of his ghost dog, and suddenly, he was back there, in the lad, dying and living at the same time, as ectoplasm seeped into his blood, and electricity had ruptured every nerve in his body.  Jazz didn't think she could hold her brother any tighter, but she did. And she let her own silent tears fall as she wept for her brother. He had lived. But he had died. 
Dick Greyson groaned in confusion and panic as he stared at the wall of books in front of him. "How many parenting books are there?" he muttered as he began perusing, more than a little overwhelmed. There were at least a thousand books dedicated just to infants. There were even more dedicated to toddlers. He scoffed at a book labeled, "Do it like Batman: How to ensure your child survives the streets of Gotham" He took a picture of it, so that he, Jason, and Tim could laugh about it later. Bruce hadn't been the worst parent. He was kind, supportive, and genuinely seemed to care about all of them. But Dick was certain that the Dark Night had never set foot in this section of the book store. And now...he was missing, and Dick was filling the role he never wanted to fill, and stepping into a position he never expected to be in. He was Batman. And to top it all off, he was Damian's legal guardian.
Dick shook his head as he finally found the parenting teenagers section. It was significantly smaller than all of the other sections, and at first dick thought that might be helpful...It wasn't. He wondered if this was how Bruce felt, when he had taken him in. Did he feel this underprepared? This out of his depth? This overwhelmed with the responsibility of the mental, emotional, and physical well being of an angry, traumatized, and potentially deadly teenager? God! he really wish Bruce had any parenting books in the manner. Still, he had turned out ok right? Right? 
He groaned as he began reading the titles of the books in front of him. What even was Gotham? So your teen idolizes a Rouge: On a scale from Catwoman to Joker how worried should you be about your teenager's rebellion? Right beside, So your teen idolizes Batman: Should you be worried about them becoming the next Robin? And of course there was, Gangs and Teens: How to keep your rebellious teen out of a gang. Also right beside, Teens and Gangs: How to direct your rebellious teen to right kind of gang. "Ok, but what about when your traumatized, emotionally stunted little brother swings a sword at everything that moves?" Dick muttered.
A soft chuckle drew his attention to the person standing next to him. She was tall, with long vibrant red hair that could rival Barbra's. The young woman seemed to be around his age and had a soft smile as she glanced at him with pale blue eyes. But there was a sadness in those eyes, and an exhaustion in that smile that Dick was only far to familiar with. The exhaustion of being to little prepared for a responsibility that you were just to young for. The young woman seemed to share his sense of familiarity, because her smile brightened a touch when she said, "Sorry, I didn't mean to eaves drop."
"No, it's alright," Dick said cheerfully. "I have a feeling you get it."
"Brother, check," the young said, "Traumatized, check. Emotionally stunted, probably, but he's getting better. Sword, no. But expressing his rage through wanton violence, check!"
Dick laughed, "Maybe we should start a club. A...'We only have our brothers but their little shits who can't stay out of danger club?'"
The young woman laughed so brightly, it made Dick's growing smile feel just a touch more genuine. "That's my Danny! I'm Jazz by the way."
"Dick, and yes I know, it's a childhood nickname."
"Short for Richard," Jazz nodded her understanding, "Well try having the nickname 'Jazz!'"
Dick thought about it and unbidden a thousand corny jokes popped into his mind. "Oh yeah, I can see where that could get annoying. Would you prefer me to call you..."
"Jasmine, and no. I only go by Jasmine in professional settings."
"Fair enough," Dick said turning back to the bookshelf, "So, any idea which of these we should get."
"Hm," Jazz hummed, as she selected one with a raised eyebrow. "I doubt, Your Rebellious Teen: What to do when your teen goes to Crime Alley for "Supplies" applies to either of us."
Dick laughed, "I think the only reason, Damian would go to Crime Alley is to kill some one...you know maybe I should take that one."
"I wouldn't," Jazz said reading the back, completely unfazed by his brother potentially killing someone, "It looks like this book uses outdated stereotypes to categorize healthy teenage angst into wanton criminal behavior, and suggests strenuous disciplinary action that would only reinforce our brothers' negative behavior and exacerbate their psychological trauma, rather than laying out strategies that will promote healthy living, and an emotionally safe environment in which they can express themselves in a healthy, stable, and safe manner until they come to terms with the true emotional source of their destructive behaviors." She looked up, and saw Dick blink at her, opened mouth in awe. "What?" 
"Are you sure you shouldn't be writing these books instead of reading them?"
Jazz laughed and blushed, "I've always had a fascination with psychology. Mainly because my parents are certifiably insane, but it's always good to get an experts opinion, no matter how much you've studied. Besides my studies in psychology have always been focused on the development of the brain, and mental illnesses, not trauma." Here she sighed and stared at the wall of books wistfully, "If only I knew."
"Yeah," Dick said taking in the overwhelming selection declaring everything that could he could do wrong with dubious advice. "Me too."
"Do you want to talk about it?" Jazz said softly. She glanced at him out of the corner of her eye, and Dick felt her study him. She was demure, and unobtrusive, but sincere with a tough core.  
He grinned at her brightly, "You are going to make a great therapist. No, don't deny it. I can already tell. And yes I would love to talk about it. I love talking about my brother, all of them. But not here...uh...coffee?"
Jazz smiled brightly again and his heart skipped a little. "Coffee sounds great! Let me get you my number." 
"Right," said Dick pulling out his phone, "And uh, if you want to talk about it..."
He let the question go unasked, as she froze. And Dick understood. She was like Alfred. Always kind, always willing to help. Always ready to listen and support, but never allowing others to help and support her. He briefly wondered if this was the first time anyone had asked her if she needed to talk things through. After all, if her brother was traumatized, chances were, so was she. In the end, Dick was glad he had asked, because she looked up at him with the brightest smile, and said, "Yeah, that would be nice! Thank you, Dick!"
They exchanged numbers, and continued to talk about nothing and everything. And when Dick finally said good-bye with three books that Jazz deemed worthy of their attention, he felt a lot lighter than he had in a long while. 
Damian stood scowling beside Greyson as they looked over the city. He refused to call Greyson Batman in his head, because he was just so bad at it. Yes, his brother was an acceptable warrior, leader, and he had Damian's utmost respect for a great many things. But he smiled. Batman does not smile. And he joked, and ruffled his hair. Batman was a terror to the hearts of the guilty! He did not joke! Still, there was no one else, mainly because everyone else refused. Damian didn't know if they just refused to work with him, or if they just didn't want the moniker. Whatever their qualms, Greyson didn't have them. So Damian was forced to put up with a smiling, joking, affectionate Batman, when he needed to be cold, serious, and intimidating. At least until he was older. Then he could claim the moniker and Greyson could go back to...whatever it was that Greyson did. 
Damian huffed, and Greyson took that as a request to speak, "You alright kiddo?"
"I am fine," Damian scowled trying not to reach up and scratch his mask. 
"Well, it seems to be a quiet night. We can always, head in early and watch a movie..."
"Tt, crime never sleeps, Batman, and is rarely distracted by such frivolity. One would think that after all this time, you would have learned at least that much."
He watched Greyson stiffen, sigh, and then relax. He smiled at the younger boy gently and said, "You're right Robin, we have a responsibility to uphold. And I apologize if my suggestion was crossing a personal boundary. In the future, I will suggest a more appropriate time in advance, so that neither of us are uncomfortable or unprepared." 
Robin narrowed his eyes suspiciously before saying, "Have you been reading those useless parenting books again?"
"What? No!" 
"You have haven't you?"
"I just want to do this right."
"You're not my father!"
"No, I am not, but I am your guardian. Which means it is my responsibility to take care of you."
"I don't need you to take care of me! I do fine on my own!" 
"I'm not denying that Robin. You are the most capable young man I know. And your ablitites are impressive, but I still have a duty of care, not only as your guardian, but as your brother--"
"And you're still talking to that useless psychologist."
"She's not useless, and she's a friend."
"She's a meddling---" CRUNCH.
Batman and Robin spun to see a teenaged boy, in what appeared to be a formfitting black and white hazmat suite with a flaming D imprinted on the chest, floating in midair. But he wasn't just floating, he was lounging as if he was on a couch, and...he was eating popcorn? He stared at them with unblinking, glowing toxic green eyes under shaggy white hair with no expression. Slowly, deliberately and without making a sound, the boy reached down and took a handful of popcorn and crunched it in the most obnoxious way imaginable. The two vigilantes stared at the boy in stunned shock, until the boy cleared his throat and said, "Oh, don't mind me. You can keep talking. This is very interesting!"
"Who are you?" Greyson demanded, and Damian had to admit, when he actually tried, his brother made a pretty convincing Batman. Unfortunately the strange floating boy had just seen him out of character and was therefore not intimidated in the slightest. A fact that was increasingly evident when he straightened and said, 
"Oh, I'm just your average superhero ghost kid! Nothing to worry about, please go back to your conversation, it sounded really important, please don't let me interrupt." He then twisted, so that it seemed like he was laying on his stomach, feet in the air. He then gave them both a Cheshire grin, as he took another mouthful of popcorn.
Damian felt his face flush with anger as he marched up to the boy gripping his sword. "We are not your entertainment vermin! Now be gone!"
"Are you sure?" the boy said smirking, "Cause you sure are entertaining! Short stack." 
Damian growled, but stopped as Greyson lay a hand on his shoulder. "Robin, stand down. And you, who are you and what do you want?"
The boy cleared his throat and twisted so that he was standing. "We'll get to who I am in a minute. But I just wanted to come and introduce myself. You see, I'm just a simple ghost boy trying to make my way in the world..."
"Ghost?" Batman asked concerned, but the glowing teen ignored him. 
"And I floated into Gotham and thought, you know this would be a great place to haunt. The aesthetic is perfect, and the amount of ecto-energy you got here is incredible. The walls between the realms must be pretty thin, huh!"
Batman and Robin exchanged confused looks, but neither dropped their guard. "Are you saying you're dead?" Batman said, sightly horrified. 
"Yep!" the Ghost Boy said casually, "And I'm going to be sticking around for awhile, so you guys better get used to me. And maybe a few of my ghost friends who like to spar from time to time."
Damian scowled. He didn't understand half of the words this "Ghost" was saying, but everything about him had his muscles tensed, and his hairs standing on end. He didn't look dead, or translucent, like Boston, but there was something very clearly other worldly about him. He glowed the same toxic green as his eyes. His features were just a little too angular, even his ears. His teeth were just a little too jagged. And his hair...it was pure snowy with that shone and floated around him in him as if her were under water. It was as if gravity didn't apply to him...as if this world didn't apply to him. Damian's hand gripped his sword ready to fight this creature when he growled, "What's your name?"
The Ghost smiled, but before he could say anything, someone yelled "DANNY!"
"Uh oh," the ghost said in terror and flew to hide behind Batman. Suddenly a tall young woman marched onto the roof. Damian recognized her immediately as Greyson's "friend" who he had coffee with once a week. Except in all of the security videos he had watched, she appeared calm, kind, and harmless. Now she was raging with a furry that made even Damian step back as she stalked up them. 
"Danny!" she barked, "Stop hiding behind Batman, now! You are in so much trouble young man!"
The Ghost Boy, Danny, came out sheepishly rubbing his neck and he said, "Uh, hey Jazz." 
"Don't 'hey Jazz' me, you are in so much trouble! How many times have I told you not to go out at night?! Huh! What if the GIW learns where you are? Or Vlad? Or worse, our parents?! And what did I say about bothering the Bats?!"
"Don't bother the Bats," Danny said glumly.
"Don't bother the Bats!" Jazz exclaimed. "Yet here you are!"
"But Jazz--" Danny whined. "I'm so board! I still haven't mastered portals yet, so I can't go to the Ghost Zone without Clock Work, but all he wants to do is have me study! And I can't fly around during the day, and you won't let me fly at night, and I like flying! And I just want to have some fun!"
Jazz sighed, as she pinched the bridge of her nose. "Danny," she said, "I love you, and I know it's hard. This whole thing is," she waved her hand in the air to express just how crazy, whatever this "thing" was. She was holding what appeared to be a high tech boomerang, that had Damian squinting, before she continued, "But Danny, we have to be carful! And there is a better way to introduce yourself to the vigilantes than...I'm sorry how did he introduce himself?"
Greyson opened his mouth, but it was Damian who said, "He was spying on our private conversation while ingesting popcorn."
"Snitch!" Danny yelled, and the same time Jazz exclaimed with a gasp,
"Danny! You know better! I am so sorry Batman, my brother is...well I love him, but he tends to get carried away sometimes. I'm sure you understand."
"I do actually," Greyson said, and Damian scowled. He had dropped the Batman persona in the presence of his "friend," the careless idiot. "But I have some questions. Danny here said he is a ghost doesn't that mean...?"
Jazz sighed as pained exhaustion crossed over her face, "It's rather complicated, but in essence, yes, my brother is dead. And he enjoys using his ghost powers to drive me insane when he should be in the Ghost Zone with Clock Work, and/or Frost Bite."
"But Jazz!"
"You have a responsibility Danny! And Clock Work has been more than patient. Now apologize to Batman and Robin for spying and get your ass to the Ghost Zone, unless you want to help me do taxes then..."
"Fine," Danny groaned, "I apologize for spying and bothering you...And also for my pain in the ass sister who can't take a joke! Bye!"
And with that, Danny vanished, prompting an angry shriek from the redhead. She then began fiddling with her boomerang muttering things Damian wasn't sure he wanted to hear. Finally Greyson cleared his throat and said, "Um excuse me Miss. but I have a great many questions about...this and---"
"Hm," Jazz said looking up at him. "Yes of course, here's my card. I know the old Batman had a no-metas policy, but I'm hoping you and I can come to an arangment."
"What makes you think there's an old Batman?'
Damian scoffed, and Jazz shot him an amused look. "You're body language, and physicality are both very different. But setting that aside, that I really hope we can come to an understanding. We don't have many places to go, and my brother needs friends who are like him...or at least friends who can grasp his situation...I can explain better later, for now I have to track him down and make sure, he's not causing too much trouble. It was nice to meet both of you!"
And with that she disappeared down the fire escape, leaving the two vigilantes in confused and stunned silence as they attempted to process what had just happened. Finally Damian spoke, "I am not befriending that hooligan."
"Yes, you are."
"Just because you are sexually attracted to his sister---"
"Excuse me?"
 "Does not mean that I will in any way get along with that ruffian."
"Just introduce him to the others, I'm sure Bart will like him."
Damian's eye's widened in horror, "I am not introducing him to Allen!"
"We'll see," Dick grinned, as he grappled over to the next building. 
Three weeks later, in Teen Titan's Tower, Danny Phantom, Impulse, Cyborg, Beast Boy, Super Boy, and Robin could be seen cleaning up copious amounts of glitter and ectoplasm, as Starfire banned all prank wars for all of eternity. Robin didn't know how he got roped in to being involved in the nonsense, but he was sure that it was Danny's fault. He was also sure that their team had thoroughly defeated Allen's team, and since prank wars were now banned, their victory would be eternal.  
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40sjoyner · 2 months
honestly I started doing a rewatch because I'm absolutely obsessed with this show but I also realized that I don't remember a lot of things that happened or when they happened (and I'm trying to convince my friend to watch) so! I decided to just write points through the episode for myself and well why not to post it on here bc there are people like me for sure. (didn't thought to do it to the first two episodes)
I'm gonna update that through the season probably. Also the qoutes are probably not 100% correct so don't take me by word.
A lot of mcdanno moments i want to remember!
episode 3
dude in shark tank thanks to steve.
football game, grace meet the team!
steve talk with the governor about danny's custody issues so grace stay in hawaii (i love them you honor)
chin tell steve that steve's dad and him went to every single football game steve played, "it was officially day off" (chin was fresh out of the academy).
five o was steve number player. his dad idea.
the end of the episode they decided five o for the team name. (I genuinely didn't remember it happened like that).
episode 4
danny knee injury.
mary come to visit! (I absolutely love her)
apparently mary and steve didn't met since their mom funeral.
"how long were you married" - A prisoner to mcdanno. The first time someone tell that!
"we were invisible to this man" Mary about John. "he didn't always show us but love us" Steve to mary.
Catherine introduction.
episode 5
max introduction!!!
mary found the champ box
episode 6
we learned more about kono as her benefactor is killed, who she also see as family.
"when i say 'book him danno' it's a term of entertainment" "okay do it every day i like it"
episode 7
A guy take hostage on a ship, steve swim to go on the ship.
steve take his shirt off infronto of danny (yeah its that scene)
""you miss me, don't you?" "oh yeah, I wish you were here but you don't swim." .... "You talking to your wife?" (boat guy) "I'm talking to my partner." (second time someone compares them to a married couple! I'm starting a count with this)
The boat guy knew Steve's grandfather.
episode 8
another grace scene 
danny's ex partner from HPD, meka, was murdered.
another sang min appearance.
a lot of actors i know from different show play in this show and i forgot about this.
It's jiaying! aos fan forever and always, even tho she also played in the 100 (which is one of my fav show ever) my first reaction to her was jiaying.
Antonio from Chicago pd, again another show I'm absolutely obsessed with.
it's funny how we say to people that danny is the clam one when he literally tied a guy to the hood of the car and drove in high speed through the streets.
also five o in formal clothes are so hot.
danny and chin scene together. telling each other they're here for the other. The friendship in the show are amazing.
episode 9
nick taylor introduced, he is steve's friend and he served under him a few years in the navy.
smooth dog mcgarrett! hello
steve say that he was on the other side of those missions, he implies that he was the one who killed the high value targets.
steve say they all had a speciality, he basically say that he was a sniper. (danny ask him and he smiles as an answer)
nick is an asshole and danny knew that!
ok but for real now, the team killed so many people and it's not even ten episodes, i genuinely want to know the numbers, especially for steve. it's one of the only cop show that they kill and show so freely and no one talk about this.
five o saved a country by protecting the guy and his family! why no one remember this!!
"you have got to start doing a better job of picking your friends." "I picked you, didn't I?" (i love this scene so much, their smilesss)
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redjaybathood · 1 month
First days of school came and went. Jason adjusted his hours at the diner, leaving himself only afternoon shifts and one full on weekend. The classes - well, some of them were easy, like History and English, some hellish, like Science or Econ (mostly due to their respective teachers), some awesome, like Math. He was with Lydia Martin, Jackson's girlfriend, in that one. They weren't particularly friendly, just nodding acquaintances. Jason wasn't sitting with them at lunch. It was just - that first day of school, he was still reeling from the party the night before. He wanted some quiet.
So he sat with an equally quiet guy, Boyd was the name he went by - and that's basically all he knew about him, because no parties were particularly into chatting.
He nodded at Jackson and Danny when he noticed them, same as with Scott and Stiles, or anyone else he met at the party. But that was, thankfully, it.
Between classes, he hang out at the bleachers, mostly. There were some kids who smoked there, but they left him alone and he did the same. He wasn't the only loner there, either. A curly-haired guy who was in Chem with him - Isaac - was napping in the sun there, like a cat. Somehow he was still pale as shit.
Jason had to wake him up one day - they had Chem next period, and the bell would be in a few minutes. But just as he put his hand on the shoulder, Isaac momentarily jumped up, wide-eyed. Almost fell off.
Jason backed away. It's not that he recognized something - there could be a lot of different explanations for such a reaction. Some people were more skittish than others. For some, yeah, it was a trauma response, but not necessarily domestic abuse.
"You okay, man?" he asked. "We're going to be late for the next class."
"Who are you?" Isaac asked.
"Greenberg, we have Harris's class together."
"Well, fuck off, Greenberg."
That was that. On the weekend, when Jackson and Danny were running with him (Jason did it every day, but not for physical training, but to calm down his mind), Jason tried to ask around Isaac's situation. It was honestly not his business, and Jason knew Isaac himself wouldn't be thrilled with it, but. You take a boy out of Gotham and all that.
"Lahey? Yeah, I know, we're neighbors," Jackson said. "You say he's sleeping on the bleachers? Figures. His dad is a big fucking asshole. He owns the graveyard, makes Isaac work for him."
"He was coaching the swimming team like six years ago," Danny added. "He was okay then."
"But then he drowned in a bottle, after half of his family died - first the wife, then Isaac's brother. So yeah, they kicked him out."
"Yeah?" Jason probed. "Is there anything else going on? Isaac looks kinda skittish."
Danny and Jackson exchanged a look.
"Isaac Lahey? He's one of the meanest SOBs at school. But yeah, I guess. My dad suspected that Lahey not only loved to drink, but also to slap his kid around. Reported it, even."
"And nothing, Stilinsky's dad is as useless as the son."
And that was everything Jackson knew.
Jason, though, had the Sheriff's card, and had a notion to call him up for a reason, feel him out. It's just it didn't feel right to use Isaac for that reason. Jason knew firsthand how such cases can go south. Even if Lahey Senior was heavy handed and mean drunk. Even if he was brought up on charges and lost custody. It didn't necessarily mean a happy ending for Isaac.
So he tried to approach him first.
Isaac, for his turn, didn't eat lunch alone. He was sitting with a mousy kind of girl. Grey clothes, grey hair, no make up. He nodded at her when Isaac didn't respond to his greeting, introduced himself.
"Erica Reyes," she offered in return.
And then nothing else. Well, Jason could work with that. He really could. He started talking about himself moving here from the East Coast, how it took him awhile to get used to all the sun. Said he wanted to move to Los Angeles, after his parents died, because he had a friend there. But he couldn't afford it. So he chose Beacon Hills, found a job. Jackson's dad - you know Jackson, right - helped with getting out the foster system.
Erica looked like she didn't know why Jason was telling her his life story, but was too polite to stop it. Isaac, Jason noticed out of the corner of his eye, was still looking angry. But he didn't leave, so Jason counted it as a win.
"You know, most of the people who stay in shitty situations, they think they don't have options," Jason said. "I thought so for a long time, too. I had no relatives who could take me, or who I would trust to live with. And foster system - there are very different people there, who are in it for a lot of different reasons. I was scared. And I would understand if others were scared of it, too. But it's not the only option. I'm renting a loft on the Northern side of the town, by the way. The rent is pretty affordable, but I was thinking of finding a roommate, anyway. Do you know anyone who would be interested, Erica?"
Erica looked at him, then at Isaac. It wasn't a "You're in?" though, it was a "Can you believe this guy?" look.
"No," she said. "I will be sure to let you know."
Isaac said nothing at all.
Well, Jason knew his people skills were shit. Breaking heads were much easier than breaking convictions, for him. He wasn't like Dick.
So, he decided to do what he did best.
He did wait for the end of the week. Isaac started to go around when he saw him, much like he did with Stiles, Jason noticed. That didn't necessarily say anything about Isaac home situation, and could just as well be about Isaac finding volumous people who ranted in nonsequiter on random topics annoying.
Every night, Jason stacked out Lahey's house. He didn't hear screams or anything like that. He did follow Lahey father and son to the graveyard and back. Lahey was spending those nights in the office, and Isaac outside, digging graves with heavy machinery. No wonder he was always sleeping in school.
But, again, nothing criminal except for child labor.
And then, during the PE, Isaac's shirt riled up when he shot a ball in the basket. He had bruises on his hip. He tugged the shirt down and looked around. When he saw Jason looking, he scowled, then approached Coach Finstock. Jason didn't know what he has said to him, but Jason was running laps until the end of period.
On Sunday, when Jason had a day off at the diner, he broke into school. Checked Isaac's attendance records, grades all through elementary to high school. Medical records, what there was of them. His file from the guidance counselor office. It was all circumstamcial. Wouldn't be enough for the Sheriff to open the case. Might be why he didn't, when Whittermore first reported it. Jason found that he wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt - that Isaac's father was a bad apple, that Sheriff wasn't corrupt, or indifferent. That he really didn't have anything to hold Lahey Sr. for.
Jason broke into their home while they both were at the graveyard. Saw Cadmen's room. Practically a shrine. Saw Isaac's. It was minimalist, if Jason felt charitable. He wasn't particularly, no. He noticed the lack of any pictures of the dead wife and mother. Checked her death certificate - natural causes, apparently. Checked the computers, the DVDs in Lahey Senior's room. Nothing suspicious.
Nothing out of place in the whole house, as though it wasn't really lived in. He checked everything on the first and second floor. The only place he didn't check was the basement and the garage. There was little time before the owners of the house were due to get back, so he needed to decide, quick, where to go. He opted for the basement - breaking into a garage would be easier, he could do it later.
Turned out, he didn't really need to do it later. The basement held the prize - the evidence - that Jason was looking so hard for. But... He really wished he was wrong instead. That Gotham twisted him to see darkness everywhere, made him paranoid. Would that be fucked up? Sure. It would be much better than Isaac being locked in a freezer for god knows how long, though. Long enough that the nail marks changed their placement - long enough that Isaac grew up.
Yeah, he was calling the Sheriff, and if he lets Jason down? Jason would be paying Lahey household another visit, this time when the host was home.
Sheriff agreed to come by the diner. Joked about Jason not updating the blog for too long, Stiles cooking blanched broccoli again.
"I don't know what you mean," Jason said. "Blanched broccoli are delicious. But yeah, I was busy with something else. That's actually why I called you about."
They were sitting in one of the boots. Jason took his break early, now that there wasn't a lot of guests. He was drumming his fingers on the coffee cup that was on the table before him, waited until Sheriff drank from his own. Avoided looking at him.
"Everything alright, son? Someone giving you trouble?"
"No," Jason said, finally catching Stilinski's gaze.
He figured he pretended to be nervous enough, it got across. Now he needed to see Sheriff's reaction.
"Jackson Whittermore said, his dad already approached you about it in the past. It's about Isaac," he added. "I think he's in trouble at home."
Sheriff sighed and nodded, closing his eyes minutely.
"Whittermore called in a noise complaint. Privately shared his concerns. We checked the house, didn't find anything. Isaac refused to testify against his father. There was no bruises on him. So..."
"No evidence, no crime, huh? Well, Isaac has bruises now. And did you check all of the house? Did you check the basement?"
"What's in the basement?" Sheriff frowned.
"You will see."
"It doesn't work like that," Sheriff grimaced. "I can't just search his house without an order, and your testimony won't be enough, I'm afraid."
"You can, if you're called in again - for a burglary, perhaps."
Jason saw that the Sheriff got it immediately.
"Now, son, don't do anything rash - something like that gets on your permanent record, then even if you aren't tried as an adult..."
"Tried? They would need to catch me first."
"Me, it's me who would need to catch you."
"You won't, don't worry." Jason got up. "Anyway, I don't know what you're talking about. I was just talking hypothetically. I'm gonna be partying with Jackson and Danny on Friday. Half the school would be there, I'm told, except for Isaac, because Isaac never goes to parties. Or anywhere, really, except to graveyard. At night. Because that's apparently how his dad saves money on hiring adults. Just be sure to work on Friday, okay? There might be underage drinking, or something."
Sheriff didn't try to talk him out anymore. Anyway, that wasn't the test. Even arresting Lahey Senior wasn't the test. Jason practically gift-wrapped him for the Sheriff.
The test was, what the Sheriff would do with this later, with the information Jason allowed him to glimpse about himself.
The op went without a hitch. Jason showed up at Jackson's house, made a show of drinking cola out of the solo cup, talked to Danny for five minutes before taking a bathroom break. He got out of the window on the second floor, crossed to the Lahey's house. Broke from the back, making sure not to make noise but to set up the silent alarm.
When the cop car appeared on the street, he sneaked back through the same window. The party, when he went downstairs, was in disarray. People thought the cops were after them, maybe, because they ran away, leaving only Jackson, Danny and Lydia to quickly hiding any trace of alcohol. Well, the guys were on the clean up duty, Lydia was standing by the window.
"What's going on?" Jason took a trash bag and joined Danny in picking up the plastic cups, while Jackson was hiding the beer and the liquor.
"You were gone so long, I thought it was you who called the cops on us," Danny smiled.
It wasn't quite a joke, though, Jason saw it in how he wasn't quite turning his body to him, and the tense set of shoulders.
"Nope," Jason shook his head. "Was in the bathroom all this time. Beer didn't agree with me."
"You never even finished the cup," Danny said quietly, not looking at him.
"I'm a lightweight. Didn't I tell you before? My old man was very strict. I never partied before."
" Jason," Danny stopped. Stopped cleaning up, stopped smiling. "You didn't finish your cup. I know what you've been drinking. So unless you were forbidden any caffeine as well..."
"They aren't going here," Lydia said from her vantage point. "Something happened at the neighbor's place. Well, that's a waste of the evening."
She fell down onto the couch, petulantly crossing her hands over her chest. Jackson, after a few choice words, joined her there in a sulk.
Danny started to pick up the trash again, and Jason, too. Shit, he thought. Fuck. That's what you get for thinking you're smarter than others. No matter how experienced he was, this wasn't Gotham. He wasn't wearing any mask. What he did tonight could very much jeopardize his cover - his life. And he might have fucked up things with Danny, too.
"Hey," he said suddenly. "Everyone's gone, but you know what this means? More booze for us."
"You don't drink," Danny said.
"Sure I do," Jason insisted. "Starting now. What do you say, we play some kind of drinking game? Like, uh, put some sports on, and drink everytime your team has a goal... Or something..."
Jackson snickered.
"Cute, Greenberg. We're convinced. You know sports. It's when, uh, goals."
"No, no, let's do this!" Lydia clapped her hands. "But let's play truth or dare."
"Uh," Jason said.
"You don't want to play anymore?" Danny asked mildly.
"What the hell," Jason murmured. "I'm being peer pressured. I was warned about this. But sure, yeah, let's do this."
"You can't choose dare for more than three times in a row," Danny said.
"Is that a rule?" Jason raised his eyebrows.
"It is, now."
"Not an issue to me," Jason said. Like a liar who lies, etc.
But oh well.
Jason made a point of chosing only truth.
Danny made a point of not asking, actually, where he has been. It left Jason frustrated. Not that he planned on telling, or relished in an opportunity to lie to him - to them. But it was like Danny was driving home some point, and Jason was still missing it.
"Okay, Jason," Lydia said, after he chose truth again. "What's the worst thing you did?"
"I don't think I can answer that without my attorney present. Or even with him present."
"Your confession wouldn't be legally binding, though," Jackson pointed out. "So just - tell us. We won't testify against you in court, that would be hearsay."
Lydia ruffled his hair lovingly. Danny, Jason noticed, was looking at him with some guarded expectation.
"Alright," Jason said. "Let me think."
"Have you committed that many atrocities?" Lydia asked, huffing a laugh.
Jason shrugged.
"By whose standards? Society? Sure. Some parts of it anyway. My father? Definitely. My own? Well." He really went all over the list on his head.
He did commit.any horrible acts - in all those parallel universes. Killed people in cold blood. Attacked teenagers younger and much younger than him. Put kids into a danger's way, or at least proposed to.
Fucked with Bruce's mind, brought him to a breaking point, and he broke - just not in the way Jason expected or needed. But in a way that left Jason dead, Joker - alive, and laughing, laughing, laughing, while everything around them went up in flames from Jason's own bombs.
He smelled a sweet, mellonny aftershave. Felt a warm hand on his face.
"You alright, man?" Danny asked him, Jason heard, and the laughter was gone, the smoke was gone. "You don't have to answer, you know. You don't even have to drink anymore."
"No, it's alright," Jason said, taking a sip. "I just don't know what to choose. I did a lot of stuff I won't necessarily advertise. Some things may get me in trouble. It's just, by and large, I'm not ashamed of them. They weren't that much horrible, if they were done for the right reasons, yeah?"
"Did you murder someone?" Jackson opened his eyes wide. "Shit, Greenberg, if that's it, do me a favor and don't, in fact, tell us."
"Nah," Jason said.
Felipe, in this universe, was the only one - and even he wasn't Jason's murder victim per se. Manslaughter at worst. Jason really spooked him, when he tried to punch him in the face. Felipe was sampling his father's product on the regular, it was the same that night. He freaked, jumped back - only he was on the balcony, there was nowhere to jump but down. Eighty floors down. Was that Jason's fault? No, Jason reiterated. Gloria Stanson's suicide was his fault. Garzonas Jr was... A bastard nobody would have missed, except his father, who made him into this in the first place.
"No murder. I won't say I was always on the straight and narrow, but it never came to that."
"Is that why your father was so strict with you?"
Jason shrugged.
"Might have. He got me out from the streets, basically. Was worried that the streets would stay behind, underneath all that fleur he tried to drown me in."
"Street?" Lydia echoed.
"Well, yeah," Jason took another swing from his glass. "I'm - I was adopted, didn't I say?"
Jackson slowly shook his head.
"Well, I wouldn't, would I. I don't like to think about it. He was still my real father, you know, despite all his - paranoia, sometimes psychosis, that he projected onto me. Because he wasn't really worried that I'm going to start stealing again - he understood that it was just means to an end, for me. And he never acknowledged that he knew why I had two priors, or why my arresting officer let me go both times, after some time in the interrogation room with a turned off camera. Maybe he never knew, never suspected. We never talked about it. Anyway, that wasn't what he was worried about. He had this - mean streak in him. He was a good guy, you know, saving puppies, donating to charities. Soft spot for kids and outcasts, provided they weren't violent."
Jason closed his eyes. Didn't want to see their faces - pity, disgust, or just simple incomprehension. Didn't want them to see his eyes glistening, either. He ought to shut up, he ought to run away. But he wanted to tell them, tell someone - he wanted to stay.
"That's the thing. He didn't like violence, if exhibited by other people. Himself, he - that mean streak I mentioned? If you pushed his buttons, or if he was already on edge for some reason. Let's just say, he put more than one guy into intensive care. Although never in the morgue, don't think. He could stop in time. And me - well, he was worried that I wouldn't. That I will be like him - and I was, a bit, if you push my buttons. Kids, women, drugs, I don't like that. I don't like that at all. So he was worried that I'm gonna do something horrible to someone, something he had stopped himself from doing, just barely, always wanting. We shared that."
And then Bruce thought that Jason jumped all over the line he drew on the Gotham's quicksand. And Jason just fell down there. And drowned on a dry land.
Jason opened his eyes.
"Sorry, what I was saying?"
"It's fine, Jason," Danny said quietly. "You don't have to explain anything more. Let's get you some water, and get you to bed."
Jason stayed at Jackson's. He regretted drinking that night very much - not because of what he said, he didn't remember what he said. That was the problem; no, he made a recording of everything that went during the drinking game exactly for that reason, but still - a stupid risk. Almost burned his identity down.
But in a way, it made his alibi more thorough. He was very visibly hangover when a deputy took his statement. So, his story about drinking too much, puking his guts out upstairs, and then crashing at Jackson's house stood. No, sir, I don't know about any robberies. Are the owners alright? You can't say because of the open investigation, I see.
And that was that. Neither Lydia, nor Jackson or Danny brought up the events of the last night when Jason brought them to the diner, for the hungover cure breakfast Reddy swore by.
But Jackson sneaked at him glances all throughout. And when it was time for them to go, and for Jason to took up the shift, Jackson awkwardly half-hugged him before running after Lydia.
"We're cool?" Jason asked Danny with apprehension.
Do you forgive me for lying to you, he didn't say.
"I'm sorry," Danny said. "We shouldn't have made you drink."
"Hey, I made myself drink."
"Still. We shouldn't have continued asking you stuff after it became obvious that you're - sharing more than you would otherwise. I know what it's like, a bit."
"Over sharing?"
"Having a past," Danny said. "One I don't exactly advertise. Jackson knows, but that's because his father was my lawyer."
"You don't have to tell me," Jason shrugged. "If you want to do it just because it feels unfair - don't worry about it. You can tell when it feels right. It felt right for me yesterday."
"That's just whiskey cola speaking."
"Yeah, well. At least it was in a small group, and you guys won't talk about my sad street rat past, right?"
"Street rat, right," Danny said. "Of course. No, we wouldn't."
Jason knew Danny meant something other than that. Knew that those three probably figured out who exactly broke into Lahey's house, and why. Still. Danny said he wasn't going to say, and Jackson had some kind of emotion about it, so he probably wouldn't, either. And Lydia... Well. He just had to trust into her discretion. And anyway, there wouldn't be any DNA or fingerprints to tie him to the crime scene. Unless Sheriff Stilinski really cared about his office's closing rates, Jason was nowhere near hot water.
That's it, he said to himself. It's the first and the last time he was doing any kind of maskless Robin shit in Beacon Hills. Provided there were no red flags from the Sheriff, after the bait he fed him.
But Jason's worries about the Sheriff were moot. He still showed up at a diner once a week, talked with Jason for a bit - never about that conversation. But a bit about how Isaac was doing (foster placement with McCalls for now, looking into emancipation). A bit about regular stuff like asking about Jason's grades - steadily rising, and whether he was going to try out for the lacrosse team - he hadn't decided yet, needed to watch at least one game before that; he wanted to join cross country though. Stuff like that. Inconsequential, meaningless things that nobody else really asked Jason.
Things were quiet, up till at the tail end of the Fall, someone started to kill deer off in the Preserve.
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aph-mable · 1 year
Superphantom: The Ghost King, three hunters, and an Angel.
Chapter 4: When Time strikes, Death waits.
Danny stayed frozen still as the Angel glared at him while he was still being cuddled by a sleeping Sam.
Cas sighed out knowing that the conversation might be difficult to discuss in this current moment but it was the only time they will have.
With a snap of his fingers both Danny and Cas were teleported into the Impala back seats, making Danny start frantically moving around.
Once the teen had calmed down Cas started to talk again, which hurts Danny's head as he could hear both voices at the same time.
"I need to know who your guardian is, this could mean the matter of life or death for you".
Danny barely raised an eyebrow, was that a threat or a warning.
Cas noticed the teen's reaction and was quickly trying to make himself clear.
" Look, you have been badly injured from the ghost attacking you and even though I tried I can not heal your body. Which is bad but also means that you have a guardian who has taken the main authority overhealing you, and if I don't get their permission I can't help you even when you really need it as you do right now".
Danny finally understood what the angel guy was talking about, but it was a bit hard to explain since Danny is both in a unique position with the 'guardian' thing and because he can't talk in his human form.
He decided that the angel should at least know since he was going to be the last one who would even try to shoot at Danny, including since he didn't even have a gun on him.
Danny tried his hardest to warn the Angel ahead since he knew that most freak out when they first see his ghostly form, but it needed to be done, plus if he showed the crown it might give a hint that he's a bit of authority which could lead to a better outcome.
Danny waited for a moment to see if the Angel beside him even understood what he was trying to say, but when he only got a confused frown Danny knew he just had to go for it.
In a flash of dull white two rings in circle Danny's body and changed his form.
The Angel's eyes grew wide as Danny turned from a scared pale skin 14-year-old, with black hair and piercing blue eyes, and into a young teen with snow-white hair, darkened skinned with earthy green freckles, neon green eyes, and a flaming crown that spun slowly around Danny's head.
The moment Danny finished transforming he looked back over at the Angel, and......
Danny had to try so hard to hold in his laughter and keep things on track, but he just couldn't help grin as his laugh stifled out.
The Angel was backing up to the other side of the seat, wings fully fluffed out as he looked like he was going to nearly yell from the shock he had from seeing Danny.
Danny chuckled for nearly a minute before finally talking to the scared man next to him.
"Okay since I got my voice back but I don't know how long I should keep in this form. I'll make things quick, first off I'm not a threat to humanity and in fact saved it a few times, secondly yes this is a real crown".
Danny stared at the angel to make sure he was listing which he was, he was also trying to open the door but kept missing the handle.
"As for my 'guardian' situation, it is complicated since technically in the middle of an ongoing custody argument, from what I can tell right now C.W and long Nose is working out different times or seniors they have guardian authority over me if that makes sense?".
All the angel did was shake his head but was too frightened to say a thing.
"Well since your questions are now over I'll be turning back to my human form, oh and one more thing"
Danny smiled his sweetest smile he could as he floated off the seat,
"I can promise you no matter what I will not harm your humans, I know what it means to lose the one you care about and I don't ever want to do that to you".
With that, Danny turned back into his human body which was a little more healed up now.
It took a few moments for Angel guy to calm down but he understands now, Danny wasn't a threat to him or his human family.
Both reentered the house through the front door, Danny made sure it was locked again as he went over and grabbed his locked journal, as he did so he saw Sam was just waking up.
Mr. Sasquatch freaked a tiny bit when he saw Danny wasn't in his arms and let out a relieved sigh when he noticed Danny was standing beside him.
" whew kid you scared me, I thought you had disappeared again".
Danny watched as the tall lumbering man stood up from the couch and was heading towards the kitchen, "want anything to eat? I think Bobby has down cereal and milk left".
Danny smiled and followed behind, even though it's been only a few days he really hopes that the angel will let him stay and not tell the others, at least not yet.
Danny wants to tell them when he's ready to and only told the angel so he knew Daniel wasn't a threat to him or the kind people around him.
~Cas's pov~
Castile looked up at the ceiling while laying in the uneven bed.
He still didn't really understand the meaning of sleep but he stayed since it meant Dean would cuddle him.
Last night he had to put a blessing to make sure no one could hear them and the power was now slowly fading away as dawn kept into the darkened glass.
Cas waited till he knew Dean wouldn't notice he had gotten up before leaving the bed, once up he quickly put on his clothing but 'mistakenly' had put on Dean's shirt.
Oh well he didn't have a lot of time to question Danny before Dean or anyone else woke up and it was a needed discussion between just the two of them.
Cas made sure to make no sound as he moved around the creaking house and made his way over to Sam who was snoring away like usual but with the small black-haired boy tucked into his arms almost like a cat would to keep warm.
As Cas waited he saw a faint glow of fire above the boy's head when he first saw Danny he almost mistook him for a demon or a benevolent spirit that had taken passion over the kid's frail body, but now it could be that his guardian has been using him as a vessel.
Cas had witnessed it before, a powerful guardian uses their ward as a body in a time of need or convince.
He waited till Danny woke up which had startled the boy, Cas wanted to apologize since it was a bit of a habit but there wasn't much time.
Once Danny was no longer cuddling up to Sam, Cas teleported them into the back seat of 'baby'.
"I need to know who your guardian is, this could mean the matter of life or death for you".
Cas looked at Danny to make sure he was listing and waited for a response, basically forgetting for a moment that Danny had bandages around his neck and wasn't even supposed to be talking, but after some silence, he realized his mistake and had to remind himself that people don't heal as quickly as angels.
When the only response he had gotten from the teen was a raised eyebrow Castile tried to make himself more clear.
" Look, you have been badly injured from the ghost attacking you and even though I tried I can not heal your body. Which is bad but also means that you have a guardian who has taken the main authority over you, and if I don't get their permission I can't help you even when you really need it as you do right now".
After the blurb of info stopped he noticed Danny was trying to communicate by other means but he wasn't understanding him at all.
Danny sighed and was thinking to himself for quite some time, and in an instant looked over at Cas with a different look in his eyes.
Before Castile could even react to the change the boy in front of him transformed in a flash of dull white, which made him quickly move to the opposite side of the seat near the car door.
What was in front of him he couldn't understand, where once there was a small pale boy with black as night hair and bandages was gone, he was replaced by a being that glowed with neon green vines, hair white as snow, a black and white bodysuit, and a flaming crown.
This creature that was using the boy's body and pulsed with the energy to fill the cosmos looked at him with vacant green eyes and chuckled at his fear.
What spoke to Cas wasn't anything human, his voice softly echoed as sensation kept into the car, it felt like he was trapped in a frozen wasteland with this thing as it spoke nonsense.
"Okay since I got my voice back but I don't know how long I should keep in this form. I'll make things quick, first off I'm not a threat to humanity and in fact saved it a few times, secondly yes this is a real crown".
Why would he care if the crown was real or not?
Was he always in control and is using Danny's body as a meat suit or was it just at random?
And how could this powerful being not be a threat to humanity, but there was no way to fight it.
Castile kept on trying to find the car handle so if things got bad he could leave, but his hand kept missing as the inhuman being kept on talking.
"As for my 'guardian' situation, it is complicated since technically in the middle of an ongoing custody argument, from what I can tell right now C.W and long Nose is working out different times or seniors they have guardian authority over me if that makes sense?".
All Cas could do was shake his head no, none of this was making sense unless...
Those were obviously code names, but what would C. W and long nose or more of who are they.
Was it possible that Danny was part if some three-way share holds between these powerful creatures, where they are taking turns on using the teen's body?
No that wouldn't make sense since any powerful being would ever share a body vessel, but Cas needed to get to the bottom of this.
Cas's mind was going in every direction trying to figure out what was even going on the creature talked again.
"Well since your questions are now over I'll be turning back to my human form, oh and one more thing",
Cas didn't like the sounds of that, what was he going to threaten Castile with.
He saw the ethereal being smile much more softly at Cas.
"I can promise you no matter what I will not harm your humans, I know what it means to lose the one you care about and I don't ever want to do that to you".
Oh great at least this one was making a promise not to harm his humans which was at least good!
That just left him and the rest of humanity to be possible targets!
With those last passing words the powerful immortal being lost possession over the boy's body and let him drop to the soft leather seat, Cas didn't even realize that Danny even floated up from it till now.
Both went inside, Castile needed to start thinking of a plan or at least get some information on whatever has control over Danny's body, he needed to act promptly for the sake of humanity.
Wait, should he tell the others?
Cas shook his head no, he didn't want to risk them and as long as Danny was close by that thing could take control over again, and if Castile himself couldn't even know what the creature is he doubts the hunters would know.
It would be safer this way, and he needed, WANTED, to keep Dean safe, he couldn't risk losing him again.
~Danny's pov/ time skip~
It had been nearly a week and a half now, and whatever the Winchester's and Bobby were trying to find was obviously not around anymore.
A few times Danny tried to see what they were trying to hunt but that always stopped him before Danny could get too close to even seeing the pictures Bobby had taken.
By now Danny had gained his voice back for his human form or more of he did on the second day but kept quiet till the end of the week so as not to scare anyone.
Danny noticed Cas -he finally heard what the angel guys name was after he finally heard someone say it-, was acting a little standoffish since there 'talk' but Danny wasn't going to complain about it.
Now that Danny had his voice back he had to try really hard not to say thing under his breath just in case anyone was listening.
During the days he was left alone he would update his notebook about what he read on spirits from Bobby's library since it seemed pretty useful.
Danny was talking to himself as he was rereading some entrees and updating them, Danny wasn't paying much attention around himself as he did so.
"Okay so I know now that I've been classifying some of these wrong, echos are at the bottom of the power chain, most spirits are actually unable to float or cause much damage, and a few are attached to their items".
Danny shivered as he thought back to both the ring lady and the dragon ghost, both had similar get-up but difference in power level.
Danny smiled at his new chart, feeling a little happy that he finally had some pieces fit more together.
" huh who knew the box ghost was more powerful than a lady in a nightgown".
As Danny finished up he closed up his notebook and was about to lock it back up when he was suddenly held by the scruff of his plaid shirt by Dean, who looked almost unimpressed but Danny knew he was going to give a lecturer again.
He waited for Dean but instead, he took Danny's notebook, letting him fall back onto the couch as he started to read through it.
The only thing Danny was relieved about is that when he mentioned himself in the book he didn't use his actual name but his nickname Phantom so it would be way harder to figure out who it was if something like this would happen.
Danny waited for about five minutes, five minutes of Dean just moving around the room and soon sitting across from Danny as he handed it over to Sam.
He looked at Dean's face who was actually smiling, not the happy go lucky smile, the smile of 'I just found something that I would have liked to know twenty years ago'.
Dean moved forward to grab his drink and sit back, still looking at Danny with the smile.
"Well kid, from the looks of it you have some explaining to do, I mean it's one thing to have weapons that are very obviously homemade but professionally, and another to have a complete book about, what was it, oh yeah a ghostly dimension, mapped out and all".
Danny swallowed hard, this was going to be hard to explain, including since he wasn't sure if Dean had read through all of it or just skimmed it.
Danny was about to speak until Dean put up one finger.
" but before you say anything I want you to answer the main questions that I have, one of which is how the hell you got all this information in the first place".
Daniel sighed, he knew this was going to be fun.
End of chapter 4
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inthememetime · 2 years
Inspired by Teenage Mercenary, a DC × DP AU in which Danny plays the role on Ijin except instead of a foreign country Danny grew up in the Ghost Zone after an ill fated trip wherein Jack, Madeline and Danny entered the ghost zone in the prototype Specter Speeder but failed to return. Instead of growing up with her grandparents, Jazz is taken in by Vlad and then one day an older iteration of Danny emerges from Vlad's ghost zone portal. Jazz bearhugs Danny and Danny hugs her back, in steps Vlad who also hugs his godson adding to the dog pile.
Vlad uses Jazz's preexisting attendance to Gotham Academy to get Danny into the school as a new student and Danny is sorted into the same homeroom as one Tim Drake.
Sorry for the delay on this, Shroud, I wanted to be able to give you something good instead of whatever hot garbage my fevered brain churned out. I mean, it might still be hot garbage, but at least I tried, you know?
I LOVE this idea an amount that you probably expected. Let's start with the immediate effects and then push out to when he returns!
The objects of his obsession (Maddie and Jack) are gone. Dead. He even goes to the GZ to find them with no luck; just a wrecked Specter Speeder, parts and pieces of Maddie and Jack, and a blood-soaked baby seat.
Understandably, his mental status is completely rocked. If he didn't have the (once minor) obsessions with family and custody of Jazmine, his core would've shattered.
All that to say: this is a Vlad more like the future one in the apocalypse during TUE. He's broken, barely holding himself together for the sake of this broken-hearted little girl, and is forced to move on.
Despite being only 3 at the time of the accident, she has a lot of guilt. She thinks she should have faked being sick, thrown a tantrum, ANYTHING. It takes years of therapy (hence her goal of being a psychiatrist) for her to internalize it wasn't her fault. She was 3. She wasn't even at the house, she was at a sleepover. How was she supposed to stop them?
Despite her (unfair) guilt, she moves to calling Vlad 'dad' pretty quickly. Now, when she thinks of her dad, it's our favorite Green Bay Packers fan. When somebody presses about her bio dad, she has a few pictures, some stories, and a vague memory of a man in orange buckling up her older brother for the last ride he would ever take.
She misses Danny, and often wonders what he'd be like if he lived. Her hardest day, besides the immediate aftermath, was her 6th birthday because that meant she was older than Danny (who was 5 when he died) would ever be.
6 year old Jazz had a very hard time.
Now, at 14, her main concerns are having to move to Gotham and leave her friends Sam and Tucker (not to mention the town she grew up in) behind. She spent the last half year in Gotham, but she thought she was going back to Amity Park
Unfortunately (or fortunately) for her, business is booming, and Vlad signed a contract with Wayne Enterprises that's slowly putting a certain evil billionaire out of business, and he needs to be in city. And she's 14, so she is, obviously, going with him.
Side note, Vlad grew up rich and in boarding schools. He had a Very Bad Time in boarding schools, so that's a no go for him. Also, his existence low-key revolves around his daughter, so he starts going a little canon-level crazy when he can't see her for at least an hour or two a week. (Thank you, Skype! She can enjoy summer camp as long as she has a reliable internet connection!)
Also: Jazz knows this. But her abandonment issues have abandonment issues, so she's totally fine with this: she gets to reassure herself that her only living parent is still (half) alive and healthy.
Also also: thanks to an unexpected vulture visit, she's known Vlad is a half ghost since she was 4.
The Plot Beggineth
Is Beggineth a word? I like it, so it is now.
She sneaks off to say a final goodbye to Fentonworks the week before they're supposed to leave, but Sam and Tucker have a feeling she would do that and follow her.
Most of this chapter would be somber, I think. Jazz visiting the Ops center, the kitchen, and every room to say a final goodbye because, tbh, she doesn't plan on going back here again at this point. She's finally ready to move on.
She tests the lock on the lab as always, and it's locked, but the hinges have rusted and pretty much falls over. Despite knowing how dangerous a maintained ghost lab is, she decends. A last goodbye to the ghosts who never, despite all the wishes and prayers, came to haunt her.
There's the wrecked Speeder, just as her dad found it years ago. The weapons cabinet, the lab tables. All untouched bexause her dad couldn't stand to be here either. She's about to leave when she trips over a Fenton Thermos and lands in the portal.
Despite being very careful standing up, she trips on a wire, and the fact her dad never shut off the power really bites her because she bumps the on button, and boom! Halfa!Jazz.
By this time, Sam and Tucker are there to see her death, and Vlad's not far behind since his wards were tripped when she entered. They're all a little too late.
Not only does the portal activation kill Jazz! It also acts as a beacon to a certain ghost who doesn't remember much, but knows his obsession lies on the other side of the door he can't cross. Until now.
Immediately recognizes Jazz, though not Vlad.
They don't recognize him either. He's had a multitude of ghost parents, so 4 arms (Pandora), horns (Frostbite), star maps on his skin (Clockwork), and- well, he looks like a neverborn.
Until he switches back, and he's the spitting image of Jack at that age. He knows things only Danny would know. VERY secretive blood tests prove that's Jazz's long (un)dead brother.
Jazz and Vlad are beyond excited to have him back, and so is he! Matter of fact, Vlad's a little confused at how such a gentle, kind boy (admittedly with a lot of sass) has (half) survived the GZ.
All that changes when Luthor does weird mind control on Superman to get revenge (not against Plasmius- he isn't in the know- but against Vlad, who is driving him out of business) (overkill much, Lexy?), and Danny takes him down in like...20 seconds.
Super speed? Well how does your super hearing like that Ghostly Wail? Super strength? Boy, he wrestles with the ghost of the Nemean Lion on the regular.
Lazer eyes? Frost breath. Catch two arms? Jokes on you, he's got 2 more and now you're in range.
Yeah. It's quick. Batman and the bats have to slow down CCTV footage to 1 FPS and it's still faster than the camera could track.
He always went by Phantom in the GZ, so that's his hero name! Vlad still tries to teach him- and learns a few tricks himself. They both teach Jazz.
With summer over, classes start again!
Immediately, Tim knows something is off. The new kid, Danny, is WAY too nice for Gotham. Yeah, he's sassy, but he'll also make friends with anybody!
Tim tries to teach him the ropes. This causes Danny to believe they're BFFs now, which Tim was NOT aiming for, he just didn't want the cinnamon roll to be murdered.
Only then Danny steps in with a school bully who Tim has just had to deal with because he can't reveal his combat training, and absolutely shreds the guy to pieces. Then, super friendly, gives Tim his backpack back and wants to know if Tim knows any good burger joints in the area.
Detective mode: activated! Tim (thinks he) figures out that this is a Jason Situation. He resolves to keep an eye out on Danny to see if he has superpowers or nah.
Tim: I'll hang around him until I figure him out. Danny: new friend!
Danny starts showing up randomly. A fight breaks out while he's supposed to be in class? Nope, Danny's right beside him kicking ass, but his teacher says he never left the room, and the footage he (ahem) aquired confirms it.
Tim starts making a list of powers and panicking because a meta like this might be able to slow down even Superman! He'd be far more frightened if he knew half of the stuff Danny could really pull.
The Batfam thinks Tim has a crush. There's a lot of 'you can tell us anything!' speeches, Kate reminds him she's lesbian and it's ok with everyone else for some reason, even Jason gets to the point where he's just: Tim. Listen. Bruce is like the only straight person here, and frankly nobody knows about Alfred. It's cool if you want to bring him home.
"He's a meta."
"I'll make an exception unless he hurts you."
Tim thinks: ok, meta is fine. Turn him into a hero! Bruce thinks: ok, going to meet my son's boyfriend soon!
This is, by the way, the while thing. Everyone (but Tim & sweet cinnamon roll Danny) thinks they're dating. It gets to the point where Bruce and Vlad start inviting eachother over for family dinners in the hopes that their sons will just fess up, already!
Everyone (but Tim, Jazz, and Vlad) thinks Danny is either normal, or a meta with some speed and strength enhancements.
Tim tries to explain how dangerous he really is? YES, Tim, we GET IT, Danny is AWESOME and has great hair, JESUS CHRIST.
Hilariously, Tim and Danny keep getting kidnapped, and everyone from the Batfam thinks Tim keeps somehow overpowering metas to rescue them. Ghostfam thinks Tim is now In The Know.
"Hey Mr. Masters-"
"Tim, please, it's Vlad."
"Uh. Vlad? How did Danny get superpowers?"
"Oh, he died."
Phantom and Robin keep teaming up to rescue Jazz, who is doing her best not to show powers so Lex doesn't have a reason to clone her.
Phantom/Robin becomes a thing. Danny/Tim is still not. When they find out, both families are FURIOUS.
Tim starts hanging around the Fenton-Masters more because NOBODY believes he and Danny aren't dating! Danny does the opposite- and both figure out eachother's secret identities.
This leads to further problems because: ok, he likes Red Robin, but he clearly isn't interested in Tim Drake. Ok, he likes Phantom, but Danny probably annoys him.
Tim gets Unmasked by Disposable Henchman #4, and (after getting rid of the others), Danny, to even the score, shows that Phantom and Danny are the same person too.
This leads to further drama. You'd think everything was solved, wouldn't you? Nah. "Dad, please stop yelling at me. Tim IS Red Robin." "Oh, that's a load of licorice, Danny, you're grounded."
"Bruce, everybody- I'm tired of this, so here: Danny IS Phantom." "So now you're lying to your BF AND to us?!"
Finally, they unmask in front of each other's families. Problem solved, right? Right! Except Jazz is kidnapped now, and there's this new scary blue meta looking for a ghost kid, and- shit's complicated.
But that's (realistically) where I'd go with it- romantic comedy/ crouching tiger hidden dumbass style.
All in all:
Danny? Genius when it comes to fighting, the GZ, and math. Dumbass for anything else.
Tim? Genius when it comes to detective work, fighting, and breaking and entering. Dumbass when it comes to human interaction.
Danny AND Tim? Bisexual Disaster Squad for the win!
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teruel-a-witch · 2 years
The thing is, in Italy they're doing a H50 rerun (even if they lost one episode along the road but hey, poor buddy must've been confused after the due sospension to broadcast the swimming European competition or wtf it was), so I'm taking advantage of this to have my nightly mcdanno boost.
All night (hello insomnia my old friend) I couldn't stop thinking how Steve, after witnessing Danny's desperate message in Rachel's voicemail in 2x15, stating that he still loves her (....poor Gabby, is she aware Danny could never love her the way he still loves R. or fall for her the way he fell for Steve?), suddenly in 2x16 feels the need to bring Cath as his pkus one at the auction. Catherine. Even if Kono and Lori were there alone. While Chin definitely didn't bring Malia, nor Danny Gabby (lol I laughed so hard when he remembered about St. Valentine's only after the others pointed it out, and panicked about the present! Talk about performance and facade). But he needed Cath exactly there. As a buffer. As a True, No-Homo, I'm-Definitely-Not-Pining-Over-My-Partner shield.
Poor Steve enters in Panick Mode™ every single time he fears he's lost Danny, either physically or emotionally (see the reckless invasion of the Governor's house in 1x24 after knowing Danny is crawling back to Rachel).
Sorry for the hundreds brackets, my brain is wacked.
I've only seen 2x15 once so forgive me if I'm getting it wrong, but I'm fairly sure the message was from months ago, at least that's how I understood it, it's just that it revealed that Danny didn't care if the baby was his and would have gotten back together with Rachel back in the beginning of S2 anyway.
I don't even think it's as simple as Danny having some ~undying love~ for Rachel, but simply clinging to the past, to this ideal of a nuclear family, because he has always felt like the failed marriage makes him a failure and like he failed Grace specifically because the divorce made her 'a child of a broken home' and the chance to repair it was too tempting to let go.
(Not to mention being back together with Rachel would have meant being a full time father to his precious babygirl instead of shared custody which has probably always been the main draw for him, he hates missing out on a single moment of Grace's life more than anything)
The thing about fantasies is they are hard to let go of even after you have changed and it's not something you want anymore, Danny wasn't the same man that came to Hawai'i 2 years ago and wished he didn't have to, he has changed and grown on a fundamental level and meeting Steve and building the ohana was a major part of that, whether he knew it or not he chose Steve over Rachel at the end of s1, it just took his mind a while to catch up.
His first priority has always been Grace so he had to try, whether that involved raising another man's baby or not. What he didn't know is that it wouldn't have mattered because Rachel took the decision from him. I think she knew he would always put Grace first but that he would never again put Rachel first and she couldn't take it.
Now, of course, Steve being new to the complexities of human relationships, didn't understand all of that, so he absolutely was devastated by the discovery. To him it must have looked like Danny loved Rachel so much he was ready to raise another man's baby as a part of the package. It must have been like being thrust back in time to that hospital room where all his hopes were dashed.
Now the timing of him leaving for weeks of maneuvers/training seems a little too appropriate. Putting a literal distance between them. I never actually thought about the timely coincidence of him bringing Cath to that black tie event, I just thought they were using her for intelligence, but now you made me think it may have served two purposes. Having her as a buffer/feelings dampener helps. Not to mention the return to the familiar/safe/easy, no chance to get his heart broken again because there's no real love there.
And yes I've written before about how having his hopes dashed may have contributed Steve to accelerate his timetable on the whole revenge thing, because he felt like he had nothing to lose, and it's also potentially why he felt like he could just up and leave Danny with nothing but a letter because he simply didn't think Danny would care that much.
(He was wrong, of course, but the entire situation is a big clusterfuck that's definitely hard to untangle. And lol I forgot about the Valentine's day thing, Danny is so used to spending Valentine's day with Steve he forgets about his actual gfs *GG*)
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Lost son of catbat au where Danny learns who his bio parents are and freaks out. Batman was notoriously observant and would find him out in a heartbeat. Not to mention if it came to a custody battle he would win against the Fentons easily, or worse, someone would get overshadowed and the situation could get messy.
Batman might also seek ways to control or contain him which was terrifying. He spent his entire life feeling like he was in a cage, trapped by his adoptive parents. He didn't have many friends because his parents would scare people off with thier high tech weapons and neon jumpsuits and the ones that did stay...well they did more than look down the barrel of the sci-fi guns they touted, even if they were only covered in goo, getting shot at must be a traumatic experience. The rest of the time he felt like he was trying to creep across landmines without setting them off.
No one wanted his parents undivided attention not even thier children. That combined with the fact his house was mixed with a lab resulted in it being a giant cluster of Osha violations. Opening the fridge was dangerous long before the portal opened and the food inside it would come to life, this was because they often stored dangerous and volatile chemicals inside of it and something as small as the light bulb flicking on inside could cause something to explode.
Danny had never felt safe in his house. Tuckers place had always been his safe haven and his parents had practically raised him as thier own. Thank the Ancients for Mr and Mrs Foley. He didn't know where he would be without them. This, of course, changed after the accident. Now he didn't feel safe anywhere.
After six months with his powers he began making contingency plans for everything. His friends called him paranoid but were forced to eat thier words not even a three days later when one stopped a new ghost from taking over the city.
Danny had always been good at making plans when he actually had time to sit down and think things through. He was also excellent at sneaking around and stealing. Now he knew why.
He might not want anything to do with his parents but he very much wanted more siblings. Jazz was great but she helped raise him since she was a baby. She felt way more like a mom than a sister. Dani was self explanatory. It hurt him to know that his siblings didn't know about him-couldn't know about him.
That is, until Red Hood appeared on the scene. At this point Danny had given up on his human life and found he had so much more free time. Sure he was technically still going to school, but that was to fight ghosts, he didn't attend classes. He set up alliances with other ghosts in the zone to help defend his territory and now Amity Park had a thiving ghostly undercity that few of the living knew about.
Danny finally had time to himself, even though Sam hated it. She kept telling him it was wrong. This was a hot topic of debate between him, Sam and Tucker with the boys both against her. Sure, watching the people who took him in and -well, not raise him exactly but fed and clothed him for years- drive around the city desperatly calling his name did make him feel kinda crappy.
Red Hood gave him hope. He was estranged from Bruce but was still his brother. Jackpot! Plus he was older than him and a known killer, so he wasn't likely to tattle on him to the big bad bat about Danny making Vlad "disappear" a few months ago. Hood made people disappear all the time so who was he to judge anyway?
Still, he could admit just showing up unannounced in his apartment was kinda dangerous. There was no garentee Hood would shoot him, brother or not. I mean, he's been violent with Robin lately and no one knows why, and he's thier brother.
Just as he was about to talk himself out of this and go back to his own city he heard the tell tale click of a gun. Crap.
"So, who are you?" Hood asked, seemingly aloof even while being confronted with a stranger breaking into his home.
Danny nervously gestured to the cookies he had made for them, "If i tell you will you promise not to tell Batman?"
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dumbassprotagonist · 1 year
It's me, fucker.
Please, if you are not Bethany, don't read this. Or do I actually don't care that much.
Hey its me; you. But 5 years ago. Yes, this is 13 year old little fetus Bethany DeVito. I guess I'll start by refreshing your memory about what life was like back in the day. The latest events:
-people are eating tide pods. Yup.
- you realized only a few days ago that you are not bi, but a pure, 100% gay
- you still have those round glasses
-your ceiling currently has the northern hemisphere mapped out on it in glowing starts. It's pretty sick
-You're a fUCKING NERD but what's new
-you haven't moved in with dad just yet, but the custody battle will probably start soon. Mom still has no idea
-You're sons' first birthdays are next month
-ereri is life
- you cut that mole off two nights ago. Yup, that one.
- you got this idea from and Dan and Phil video
-as you type this, you are sick and want to fucking die
- you currently want to be a chemical engineer
- kaileigh still likes you
-You're in advanced art (and drawing Danny Devito as a project)
-Depression, Anxiety, and possible bpd. But the list goes on
-honestly you can go fuck yourself sideways with a stapler because you really are a little shit
-i don't care what you say, I am kin with waluigi
And that's the extent to which I'm willing to shower you in nostalgia that you never asked for. But now, it's time for you to answer some questions:
-do you eat anything but ramen?
-have you ever had a girlfriend? Do you have one now? Probably not but can't blame me for trying
-What fandom are you obsessed with right now? I know there's at least one
-are you still in marching band?
-did you make any new friends? Tbh probably not but whatever
-have the furries infiltrated the lgbt community yet? They've been trying for a while
-What's the deal with transracialism?
-have you come out to your parents yet?
-What's your favorite color right now?
-if you could give 13 year old you any advice right now, what would it be?
-how did WWIII go? I have to assume Trump started it
- what are your plans for college? Right now you want to go to MIT, even though you know it will never happen.
- is kaileigh still your best friend? Low-key wondering if she's still alive
-are your eyebrows still poppin?
-is gary the lemom still a very sour man?
-What's your relationship with your mom and Madeline?
-do you consider yourself Christian?
-read any great books lately? Describe them
-are you still a little sadistic fuck?
-are you still on prozac? Do you still get fucked up dreams?
-are you mentally stable yet because it's starting to get on my nerves
- is there any new slang that didn't exist in 2018?
-do you know any other languages?
- what is the most advanced piece of technology right now?
-did you ever find out your iq?
-anything new discovered about space?
-who was your first kiss?
- kaileigh asks: "Who’s the most important influence on you currently?"
-What's your cringiest moment so far?
-are you still into mbti?
-have you improved at all as an artist?
-did that mole grow back?
-have you gotten any better at taking care of yourself?
-any new mental illnesses to add to the collection?
-how was the ending of attack on titan?
-have you lost your virginity yet? Come on you're 18 Jesus christ
- What was it like being a mellophone section leader?
-did you ever take up piano again?
-do you finally have boobs? Please say you have at least a B.
-has your life become even remotely satisfying in these past five years? Hopefully.
I can't come up with any more questions at the moment. Hope you have a moderately successful adult life. Don't to drugs, always use peotection, and never pull out anal beads like you're revving a lawnmower. Peace, my good bitch. 👌
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pocketramblr · 2 years
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I posted 21,106 times in 2022
That's 963 more posts than 2021!
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Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 4,228 of my posts in 2022
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Longest Tag: 118 characters
My Top Posts in 2022:
Ask game: a BNHA wrist soulmate AU where you have the name of someone you will kill on one wrist and the name of the one who will kill you on the other, please. ^^
the Implications....................
1- You don't want a soulmate, here. because that means you're going to kill someone, get killed, or both. But alas, some people are not so lucky. Izuku's got a name on one of his wrists- Shigaraki Hajime, and everyone he knows is sure he's going to get killed in a quirkless hatecrime. Inko is constantly terrified. His dad vanished as soon as he saw it in the hospital. Izuku still wants to be a hero. He hopes to make his life mean something, and maybe even his death, that way.
2- Izuku later assumes The Sludge Villian is Shigaraki Hajime, until All Might saves his life. He mentions this in a daze- "oh, i guess he's not shigaraki hajime after all. I still have time."- and All Might freezes. Because he's got the same name on his write. Because Nana had that same name on her wrist. Because that's AfO's real name, and he killed Nana, and All Might killed him. This kid shouldn't even know that name, let alone reluctantly show him on his wrist when he asks.
3- Stain has just straight up been killing whatever name he sees on his wrist and assuming its because they're unworthy. the paradoxical concern for this is not something he worries about. he spares anyone not on his list, including Iida Tensei.
4- Chisaki had names on his wrists. So did Eri. Those names were removed via Overhaul before Pops could ever see them.
5- AfO didn't even have to do a lot of work to find Tenko. All it took was hearing about the child born with his parents, grandparents, and sister's name on his wrist, immediately placed in state custody. After that, finding a boy with so many "shimuras" on one wrist was easy, and he was already angry to be abandoned and mistreated in a group home. The day he met his bio family was the day he died.
438 notes - Posted February 7, 2022
Red Osp 2015 vs 2022
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598 notes - Posted July 29, 2022
As much as I love "a letter from my friend John" we technically aren't at the point where we're reading letters by characters yet- we're reading his diary.
I am sneaking along in my good friend Jonathon's luggage but it's hard to hear anything from inside the suitcase, so I read his diary after he goes to sleep for the day. He doesn't know I'm here so I obviously can't respond or say anything to him. But I'm so glad to be out of that case in the stuffy carriage, I hope I get a chance to look around Dracula's cool castle later
627 notes - Posted May 6, 2022
Why are so many ghost king Danny things so angsty? Where’s the versions where he shows up with Starbucks or something to a meeting like ‘yeah I don’t want to be here but I gotta so *slurp* eh?’ Or ‘this is infinitely more interesting and important than my homework so..’
You're asking why the Vivisection Capitol of Fandom has a tendency to make a fic trope angsty
744 notes - Posted September 10, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Oh huh, I wonder for what personal reasons Helsing would do anything for John- he what
817 notes - Posted September 2, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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