#and no i don’t think it’s weird to seek validation!!
metalcorebarbie · 2 years
Do you have any fic recs for the 9-1-1 boys? I'll admit, I've never watched the show but they are everywhere and I need some sort of validation of them getting together, even if the show hasn't (yet?). Is that weird?
Okay, this has been sitting in my inbox for SO LONG, I apologise!! I haven’t been very organised with what I’ve read and originally I wanted to do more research and go through my bookmarks but I don’t think I’ll ever have the time to do that in the near future shjnhj SO. I don’t know if all of these will make sense if you haven’t watched the show but I’ll rec the fics I’ve read recently that I loved a lot.
In The Gray You Are Golden by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels • a zombie apocalypse AU, this was so good and played really well with canon elements
if it weren’t for second chances by alasse • an AU where Bobby adopts a teenage Buck, this was very sweet and healing
you give yourself away by woodchoc_magnum • season 6 spec fic, Buck spirals into breakdown, this broke my heart and then put it back together
this must be the place by euadnes • an AU where Buck gets shot too, very beautifully written fic about healing and recovery
The Best Lie is a Truth (My Best Mask is My Face) by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels • fake relationship, love a good fake relationship fic, this was excellent
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queenvhagar · 2 months
I believe Rhys Ifans’ statement “Both sides are genocidal war criminals… I think we should all enjoy seeing how they die[,]” would be wrong because the entire time the story HOTD is fundamentally about how one group, the greens, IE Alicent, Otto, and Aegon Hightower, seek to maintain the status quo of an oppressive power structure versus Rhaenyra, the blacks, whose very existence seeks to jeopardize that power structure (the patriarchal society of Westeros).
It is made explicitly clear that the chief architect of team green in the usurpation of Rhaenyra’s throne that the only reason that they cannot have Rhaenyra on the throne is explicitly because she is a woman. It’s a theme that is present throughout the entirety of HOTD’s season one as this conflict builds up.
For instance, the conversation between Alicent and Rhaenys at the end of season one where Alicent justifies why she is participating in the usurpation of Rhaenyra’s throne to Rhaenys by saying that it is not a woman’s place to rule the Seven kingdoms and instead it is a woman’s place to gently guide the hand of the men who do rule.
The story of HOTD, the civil war for the succession of the Iron Throne following the death of Viserys, the Dance of the Dragons, is fundamentally a conflict that is built on the foundation of misogyny and the writers are making that explicitly clear.
The weird false equivalency when ppl imply that both sides are equally genocidally crazy, that treads to reduce the nature of this conflict down to just simple good old fashioned greed which it really isn’t.
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think Rhaenyra is perfect and of course I understand that over the course of the war, she’s going to do some pretty terrible things but it’s been made pretty clear that Rhaenyra’s done everything in her power to avoid this turning out into a war in the fist place.
I just don’t think by any stretch of the imagination regardless of what Rhaenyra does throughout this war, that you’re supposed to enjoy watching her die. I don’t think that’s how her character is written and I don’t think that’s what the narrative goal of her end is supposed to be. Her character is a character by all accounts some victim of the patriarchal society that she lives in. Even if she does go down the “mad queen route,” it will only be to explore how the patriarchal society has completely twisted her. How this war that was started because she dared to be queen of the seven kingdoms completely ruined her and ruined her family.
I would very much appreciate your thoughts on this and would like to learn more if this take of mine is confusing and blinded.
I think this take might be correct if you're solely going off of the show and its interpretation of Team Black as modern feminists attempting revolutionary societal change led by divinely ordained and pure Rhaenyra vs Team Green as conservative misogynists led by incompetent and unorganized abuser Aegon...
Fire and Blood is not this, though. Sexism and misogyny is one element of power and power imbalance in Westeros but it's not the only one, nor is it the only factor into why Rhaenyra's claim was disputed, despite what the showrunners are trying to portray on screen.
The reality is two ideologically different sides with fairly equal claims to the throne are trying to seize power, leading to a war that ruins the land and the family that started it. Team Green has Aegon, firstborn son of the last king, following Andal tradition going back thousands of years and most recently reinforced in the Council of 101 AC that made his own father king. Team Black has Rhaenyra, eldest daughter named by the previous king but not supported by precedent. Rhaenyra unfortunately also had some political scandals that went against her in having bastards, having Velaryons killed and mutilated, and marrying Daemon despite fear of him in power being the reason she was named heir in the first place. Any of these are valid reasons why some people might be against her coming into power. It's more than "she's a woman and I don't like women."
Rhaenyra did not press her claim to raise up the women of the realm, nor did she do it out of a desire to save the world. She wanted it because she wanted power that was promised to her. But the show can't let women simply want things for themselves. Rhaenyra has to be an advocate for peace and want the throne for some higher purpose instead of just wanting power for power's sake.
The Greens were motivated by power to push for Aegon's claim, and surely misogyny in the society helped to get Aegon on the throne, but they also put Aegon on the throne out of fear for the lives of all of Viserys' sons, who would have to be taken out of the picture to secure Rhaenyra's atypical claim lest war and rebellion potentially break out against her at any point in her reign, and Team Black had already shown willingness to resort to violence to help themselves (Rhea's death, Laenor's death, Vaemond's death, Velaryons' tongues getting cut out, Aemond's eye cut out without any punishment and instead Aemond threatened with torture over speaking the truth about Rhaenyra). It's not just "we hate the idea of a woman ruling, we hate women, and we're terrible, incompetent people."
Fire and Blood is a tale of two sides fighting for even more power than they already have who are willing to do horrible terrible war crimes against each other and innocents in order to obtain their end goal of the Iron Throne, and realistically you are interested in seeing all of them die and face the consequences of their actions. The story has weight, the characters are real and human and messy and tragic, the war is unjustified in its means and methods and purpose. It's the failure of Viserys' legacy and a reflection of the flaws of monarchy and specifically the ideals Targaryen supremacy. No side is right and the other wrong. Nobody's a hero.
This is where the show has failed in its adaptation. It has abandoned its themes, along with several characters, characterizations, and plot points, in order to create their own narrative that fits a story that they think will sell best to the casual modern viewer: essentially, redemption for Daenerys fans after the catastrophe of Game of Thrones' ending. By making up prophecy and dream stuff to give to Rhaenyra and also giving her some of that Dany "change the world" mentality that was absent in the source material, the writers can cut apart the character of Rhaenyra and make her into a new Daenerys, and this time they can give the fans want they wanted for Daenerys. Except Rhaenyra is not Daenerys at all, and their only similarity is dragon riding queen seeking to inherit their father's throne. Changing the narrative so Rhaenyra becomes the new Daenerys and a true hero of the story ruins the underlying themes of Fire and Blood and specifically the Dance.
Rhys Ifans likely read Fire and Blood and actually knows what he's talking about. The point of the Dance isn't "heroic woman attempting to overthrow the patriarchy is burned and destroyed by the patriarchy and agents of the patriarchy." The takeaway isn't just "misogyny and sexism are bad and hurt women" like the show hammers in so heavily every single episode. It's "the pursuit of power by the already powerful comes at the cost of innocents, war is never justified no matter what (and certainly not justified by manifest destiny, someone's dream of saving the world, or even 'misogynists stole my throne') and the violence of war destroys indiscriminately." There should be catharsis when gray characters who have done good but also horrific bad in the pursuit of power finally face the consequences and die early deaths. Like, for example, the end of Succession: none of the Roy siblings get what they want, and we understand why, and even though parts of their character are sympathetic and tragic to us, we can objectively view them as flawed and selfish people whose decisions led to this ultimate, inevitable conclusion where they don't get what they want, and it's deserved. This is what House of the Dragon should have been. Tragic, flawed characters on both sides acting selfishly but realistically to seize power from each other and ultimately failing. But the writers opted for an oversimplified morality tale of good vs evil to push their version of feminism into the story where it doesn't belong, at the detriment to the characters and the story to the point it goes against the themes and messages of the source material.
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temmtamm · 13 days
couldddd you POSSIBLY!.!!.!!! do a gravity falls yandere platonic ford which any age with a son!reader? Maybe around the age of 14 or younger. IF NOT THATS COMPLETELY FINE!
or if not that maybe a platonic yandere teen ford and stan with a younger brother?
Hii pookie!!
Friendly reminder once again, I do not do gender specific asks/headcanons!! Check my Gravity Falls ‘Asks Open’ post if anyone has any confusion on what I will/wont do!
As for a parental Ford…let’s see..
Well, at least in my opinion, Ford probably wouldn’t take that care of a child. He can barely take care of himself, let alone a kid.
But, if we are talking after the portal and everything, then I think that might be different.
Once again, Ford doesn’t have much of any parental bones in his body, but he does display more care and affection for the twins than I think he would’ve before the portal. I feel like he had matured and grown a lot through all the dimensions he had been in, and was able to recognize how poorly he was raised.
So, let’s say your home life wasn’t as great either, whether it be something as simple as your father being emotionally constipated, or your family just fights more than ‘normal’ ones, Ford WILL draw parallels to your home and his.
And Ford, after all he has learned, doesn’t want another person to wind up like him; craving validation and praise from others, to the point where he—I mean, you, seek it out from dangerous sources.
So…Ford starts hanging around you more.
He’s very…subtle with it. He knows kids, especially teenagers don’t care for adults getting all up in their business, so he tried to take it slow.
He didn’t expect how closed off you were, however. Your walls were completely up…So, he had to take some extra measures to get some details out of you.
Y’know the fun fact about all the weirdness in Grvaity Falls?? It means that there’s a lot of bugs that can repeat what it hears—So, it wasn’t that hard to sneak one of these copyroaches into your home and listen in on it repeating all that was heard in the home.
All the nasty fights, all the lonesome crying, all the times you’d gush to yourself or your friends on call about your special interests.
Don’t worry, he’s a good dad, he’ll let you keep SOME privacy…Just, a very, very, VERRYY small portion of it.
Slowly, you two start to bond more and more with him becoming more of a father figure to you with how he seems to always know what’s troubling you and the answers you need to hear in that moment…Not to mention, with him not being great with emotions, he tried to win your love with acts of service, such as making you dinner, saving the shoes you like on his DVR, and letting you spend the night at the shack when your parents fight.
Soon, he started to notice you staying at the shack more and more.
And more and more…He couldn’t help but grow discontent with the way your family treats you.
As said before, it doesn’t matter how small the issue is, if Ford had it his way, not a foul word should be spoken in your vicinity. Haven’t they already done enough damage to this child?? Do they want you to grow up in a broken home?!
In fact…He doesn’t think they’re fit to be parents. Not even in the slightest!!
He would be so much better…He’d actually take care of you, and he is smarter than any school they have been putting you in for that matter—All those kids are just so cruel to you, even if you don’t know it yet.
That…actually gives him an idea.
“So…anything happen at school today, champ?” Ford mumbled in his usual low, raspy voice as he scrubbed at the dishes in the sink, his apron still tied around his waist from cooking.
“Uh…Ford?” He didn’t even bat an eye or look up at you as you started to feel queasy, pushing the bowl of soup away from you at the dinner table. “I think the vegetables in this went bad…I think I’m gonna be sick.”
Ford just let out a good, hearty laugh. “Don’t be silly, I made it with all fresh ingredients. Have a look for yourself. Only the best for you.”
You could feel your stomach start to churn and growl, with the sight that greeted you when you looked down at your bowl not making you feel any better.
Was that an…eye?!
It’s the same shade as your mother’s.
“O-Oh god..” You bit down on your lip, bile starting to creep up in the back of your throat at the sight…and that’s when the melatonin had started to kick in, making your vision grow spotty. It was hard for Ford to find a dosage of that where it was not only over the required limit for a young teen, but also able to be hidden in food. He did it though. Better that than rat poison for his little baby.
“Aww, oh no? Are you having a stomach bug?? Don’t worry, I’ll make it all better.”
That’s the sick part. He genuinely believes it’s better locked in the shack for you. Why wouldn’t it be?? He’ll spoil you with all the care and love a child deserves, not to mention he will be sure to intellectually stimulate your brain as well.
You’ll see. He’ll be the perfect father for you.
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macdenlover · 3 months
i’ve been thinking a lot about dee’s sexuality compared to dennis’s and I wanted to reblog this post with my thoughts but it would end up a being like a mile long so I’m dumping it here!
lesbian dee is probably one of the more “far fetched” headcanons i have (in the sense that dee hasn’t canonically shown interest in women at all) but i think it’s still a fun idea to explore because it doesn’t really take away from or water down anything previously established about her in canon and narratively it still draws from the intention of her character.
the crux of dennis’s and dee’s characters boil down to chasing a sense of power to repair the damage left from the emotional neglect in their childhoods— dennis obsessively trying to reach a distorted internal image of perfection, and dee constantly seeking out some sort of external approval. her relationships with men have always been shallow and fruitless, mostly just a series of one night stands to stroke her ego, kind of like dennis. the difference is dennis’s string of one night stands are way more about the journey than the destination than they are for dee. he gets off on the foreplay and the success of his own slimy methodology— it’s a different itch to scratch than the validation that dee craves, this lifelong desire to be wanted by someone even if she doesn’t want them back.
it’s also impossible to ignore the gender roles of it all. dennis and dee parallel each other a whole lot but it can never really be a 1 for 1 comparison. there is no direct parallel you can make for a character like dee, in her circumstance as a woman constantly surrounded by men who’ve been belittling her her entire life, who then desperately winds up craving approval from men in the form of sex. I think viewing it through the lens of comphet adds suchhh an interesting layer to it. would i love to see her canonically hook up with a womanthe waitress? of course. is it ever gonna happen on the show? probably not god please please please please i’m going to beg 8000 times.
now as for dennis. i firmly hc that he’s bi/unlabeled (in the sense that he’s bisexual but he thinks he’s too special to call himself bisexual).
he’s always had a more complicated relationship with queerness as an identity than he has with homosexuality itself, considering how weird he was about mac coming out, and the big speech he gave above mac’s obsession with labels. but he seems to be perfectly fine openly admitting he has a system to attract men and how much he loves putting his balls in dudes’ mouths. he’s not in denial about his attraction to men the way mac was, and i don’t think he’s had any reason to pretend to be sexually attracted to women if he wasn’t. he doesn’t value the respect of women enough for that, he’s really just in it for the puss.
speaking of which, something i think a lot of people forget about/ignore when analyzing these characters is the fact that they’re meant to be puppets for the show’s satire. the choices they make with these characters is meant to say something about the world, so i think viewing a character who’s primary traits surround his predatory behavior toward women as secretly gay just ends up saying the wrong thing?
ultimately it boils down to how much of the show’s intentions you factor into the way you see these characters but my general rule of thumb has been having as much fun as i can without disrupting the canon :)
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I suddenly had a thought of GhostSoap being normal human beings and doing normal human being things and wanted to write some stuff for it.
1) Simon always forgets to replace the fuckin toilet paper and Johnny loses his mind over it every single time
2) Johnny has these quiet little snores that whistle out every time he breathes out and while it’s mildly annoying some nights Simon still finds it so endearing
3) Simon hogs the blankets, even in summer cause he’s just always cold, no matter what. Johnny tends to just snuggle in real close to Simon when he gets cold
4) Johnny is the cook of the house. He’s really good at it (his mother refused to let him leave home without knowing how to survive on his own) but he can’t bake. Simon’s the opposite where he can bake (his mum loved baking, taught him everything she knew) but can’t cook to save his life
5) Johnny’s always stealing Simon’s leftovers or hidden treats and Simon has threatened to stab him once or twice over it (it never stops Johnny from doing it again)
6) Simon totally found a stray cat and got the ‘you wanna keep him, you look after him’ talk and he has never been more devoted to looking after another living being after the whole thing with his family
7) Johnny’s got a million and one things in their bathroom all for the sake of looking after his hair and skin and what not and he definitely sits Simon down on the toilet seat every so often so he can do the same for him
8) Johnny seeks validation near constantly. Simon doesn’t know why but he always, always makes sure Johnny knows he’s appreciated and doing good and whatever else the man needs validation on
9) When Simon has night terrors the way to calm him down is to just let him cling to you. Don’t speak or anything just let him hold you and let him reassure himself that your alive and well. Sometimes he’ll be ready to talk about it in the morning, other times he’s content to let the memories go and just keep going
10) Johnny is the worst at taking out the trash. Since they live in a semi-old apartment complex they had to take their rubbish all the way downstairs when the bin in their place got full and Johnny fucking hates it
11) When one of them get put on leave and have to go back to the apartment by themselves they’ll play the other persons music and cook their favourite foods (or try at least) to try and fool themselves into thinking they’re not alone in their home
12) Simon totally has a stuffed toy that belonged to Joseph and while it sits on his shelf he was still terrified Johnny was going to say something bad about it or try and get rid of it (that’s happened once with an ex) but Johnny saw it, called it cute and then proceeded to look after it when Simon couldn’t
13) Johnny may not look it but he’s a bit of gardener. He’s got a windowsill full of herbs in the kitchen and their balcony has some random plants that he doesn’t actually know the name or origin of but he looks after them and has very specific instructions for Ghost to follow when he’s not around
14) Simon’s friends with the old guy that runs the convenience store down the street from their apartment and not because he tried to befriend the guy or anything, but because the guy thought Simon looked funny with his mask and decided he was going to favour him out of all of his customers
15) The neighbours tried hitting on Simon once and Johnny happened to open the door and heard them flirting with his boyfriend. He got so possessive that he made out with the bigger man against their door jamb for like 5 minutes until Simon pulled him inside. The news spread very quickly after that
16) The apartment complex have a betting pool going about what they do for a living because they hold such weird hours and will disappear for months at a time. None of them wanna ask the two though cause they’re all a little scared of the both of them
17) Simon’s a bookworm and if it weren’t for their tiny apartment he’d have his own, personal library filled to the brim with books
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herejusttosufferalong · 2 months
Re: To the anon asking about Rory.
They’ve been close friends for AGES. He’s not going anywhere sadly.
I don’t really like his vibe
Hey, I’m the one who asked about Rory—thanks for replying. I know they’ve been besties forever, but what I meant was if Rory was a huge part of L’s life before HBS. I don’t remember seeing him much when L and J were together, except in a couple of stories and the singing vids. Also, are Tom and Charmaine married? I like them for some reason; they don’t give me the ick like Rory and his gang do.
Continuation of my earlier ask:
My BFF and I talked to two of our male friends, and they patiently listened. We just finished filling them in on the drama from yesterday and today. We’ve been chatting since 5 am lol. Here’s what they had to say:
Luke and Nic are in love: There’s a lot of eye-fucking to prove it. The tension suggests they haven’t acted on it, which is expected. The guys think Nic wouldn’t be okay with that, and Luke seems decent enough not to have crossed that line. However, they do believe they might have hooked up before Luke had his HBS. They could be reevaluating their relationship, using intimacy tools to see if it’s genuine affection or just heightened emotions and sexual tension from filming their season.
Luke’s friend group seems toxic: By friend group, they mean just Rory. The others seem fine. L dating a young girl soon after Rory did confirms Rory as the alpha of the group, and L as gullible since none of his other friends are doing the same. Maybe J dating someone young also influenced L dating A. It could be an ego thing, a guy thing, or both. L will probably cringe at this situation looking back. They said this whole relationship has nothing to do with Nic. This is Luke’s problem—a midlife crisis, even—and he needs to figure it out, which won’t happen as long as he’s with Rory and his gang.
A is super insecure: It doesn’t make sense because she’s the one who bagged the hot Netflix lead and goes on vacations with him. But her social media behavior reeks of insecurity and constantly seeking validation. This confirms that L isn’t invested in the relationship, which confirms to us he’s VERY much into Nic. So, think about this whenever A’s trolling upsets you. 😉
Nicola doesn’t care: The guys think L and N might have discussed their feelings, but Nic sees that L has issues to deal with—mainly himself. She’s hustling and thriving, not caring about his current relationship. Posting their pictures shows her character and work ethic. This only benefits her, and Luke should learn from it. They think L should make a final thank you post, even if people find it disingenuous. It’s better than nothing.
A needs to chill with the Hailey Bieber cosplay: The white outfit was an exact recreation of Hailey’s, and it’s weird. She keeps track of her comment section and allows comparisons to Hailey, which is embarrassing to say the least. The guys think A will stick around as long as she can. L seems to struggle with breakups, and now that A’s integrated into his friend group, it’ll take a lot of time to end things. She might be playing into his guilt, which is why he’s still liking her posts. She's young but smart enough to understand that. They think the only way out is for L to keep busy with work, but he doesn’t seem to have any now. Expect things to get worse before they get better. If he works, he can slowly distance himself from the relationship, and it will inevitably end. Either that or he’ll meet Nic, talk, realize they still have feelings, and that will give him the courage to end it with A. Even then, he has to make it up to Nic for all the shit he’s pulled.
Nic and Newts dating: Once they start dating, we won’t get a hard launch or pap pics. They might return to their old social media banter and comment and like each other’s posts.
So yeah, I’m really grateful to have my brother and these friends who indulge and listen to me. I think it’s safe to say they’re roped into the ship as well lol. Love to see what you guys think. Omg, also, I watched a TikTok of Luke singing as a teen, and the guy in the back looks like Rory. If it is, HE’S the one who glowed up, not L lol.
It is Rory in the background looking jealous AF
Thank you for sharing anon, love seeing the different perspectives
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blissfullyecho · 2 years
more harsh truths about life that will prob hurt your feelings and get me cancelled lol
1. scripting, visualizing, using crystals, affirming, etc. all don’t work in the real world. do the work. we’re not anime characters or superheroes— using your “brain powers” while you sit there doing nothing to get what you want is a delusion. script, visualize, do whatever you wanna do but thinking that’s the secret sauce to what is gonna solve all your problems is insanity
2. no one is responsible for your triggers. getting mad at someone because they forgot to put “tw” in the title next to the LITERAL EXACT TOPIC that they’re going to discuss is your own fault that you read it. you knew what it was gonna be about. if you know you’ll be triggered, move on. getting mad at people for talking about things that they had no idea you’re having a hard time with is no one’s fault either. you’re never captive to stay somewhere. if it’s triggering, you make the decision and the choice to move on and get away.
3. attractive people have the advantage of making anything look cool. for example (and no offense because my brother loves this stuff) but if you like anime, a lot of people think it’s weird. but if you’re an attractive person that likes anime, then it becomes cool because an attractive person likes it. looks = status and anyone with status could make anything look cool and be a trend.
4. girls, it’s better not having hairy legs and armpits. sorry but someone had to say it and i’ll be that person. you’re not creating a movement, you’re not proving anything to anyone. everyone grows hair, we get it. but if your body hair makes a statement and expresses yourself, then maybe you need to develop a personality.
5. speaking of personality; some of you are too nice. the nice guy finishes last. always. they seek validation, temporary satisfaction, and it reeks desperation. being too nice makes you look weak and a target to manipulation and weirdness.
6. models, actors/actresses, singers, anyone in the public eye are MEANT to look good and MEANT to look like a fantasy/dream. these people are not meant to be role models and they didn’t sign up to be role models. they were good at their craft and all of you as regular everyday people forced them to be role models because they had a public image. these people are contracted to always look good, set trends, and stay relevant in the media. then you guys started pressing for “inclusivity” and ruined brands like victoria’s secret, hollister, abercrombie, etc. because it got your feelings hurt. those brands sell stories and fantasies. those models sold those brands. STOP TRYING TO MAKE HIGH STATUS PEOPLE INTO EVERYDAY PEOPLE. work on yourself if it bothers you. it’s show biz, baby.
7. if you want anything in life fast, then you either have to have money, good looks, or great manipulation/bribery/communication/people skills. being skilled is a good thing, but don’t expect results overnight like you would if you had money, looks, or people skills. again, this is if you want something FAST.
8. listening to subliminals is a waste of time. wanna change your subconscious mind? get your mind used to living and acting the way you wanna be. do that for 3-6 months and boom, you’re a new person. *high five*
9. it’s cool to gatekeep. why are we telling everyone our beauty secrets and where we bought our clothes? i’m not trying to have anyoneeeeee have anything i have because when people catch on to something, it becomes a trend, then it becomes basic. so no, i’m not telling you what perfume i’m wearing. “i forgot” or “it was a gift”. let me be me.
10. ladies, men want to do things for you. no, that doesn’t mean you don’t have the capability to do it yourself. stop with the equality mess because a man wanted to hold the door open for you. JUST BECAUSE A MAN OFFERS TO DO SOMETHING FOR YOU, DOES NOT MEAN YOU LACK THE MENTAL OR PHYSICAL CAPABILITY TO DO SO.
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middlenamesage · 5 months
My least favorite or least understood stereotype about each zodiac sign
Disclaimer: Just my thoughts and observations! 🌻
Aries ♈️
They’re angry
Yeah Aries is ruled by Mars, and Mars helps us feel the anger that allows us to establish our boundaries. So not gonna say there’s nothing to this one. But to me, Aries are passionate in most of my experiences with them. People who are fake might piss them off, but otherwise the energy can actually be really chill a lot of the time when it’s healthy, because it’s authentic. Particularly angry Aries probably feel very conflicted in themselves.
Taurus ♉️
They’re boring
I guess if your idea of boring is someone that tends to wanna be physically more stationary, then yes this can hold true for someone really feeling their Taurus placements. But to me, I have never met a person with prominent Taurus influence that is boring. They notice so much about their physical surroundings and tend to have lots of weird little quirks developed in the name of protecting their resources, providing for themselves, or beauty. Very interesting people to my Scorpio Moon and Pluto. 🧐
Gemini ♊️
They’re two-faced
I think in a lot of cases where Gemini might appear to be giving conflicting information to different people or saying different things at one time vs another, it’s not an intentional effort to manipulate or be someone they’re not. They just process so much information and mentally they move so rapidly from one area of focus to another, that they might not even be giving themselves the proper time and in depth exploration to truly understand how they view something. Machiavellian Geminis do exist, but it’s more common that if Gemini seems to be showing different sides, that the duality is just how they authentically process life within.
Cancer ♋️
They’re sweet! (I think this warrants an ! because I have special insider status 🌞)
The Moon ruled crabs are protective 🦀 I know it’s not just me. You’d think this would be one of the first things discussed with Cancer, due to the images of a crab with its shell, plus the way the Moon rules over the night when it feels less safe out. Often times Cancer energy does not read as very inviting to just anyone! If the energy is unhealthy it can even be one of the most toxic in the bunch from how I see it. But don’t generally expect it either way to just be really warm and sweet to anyone. They show their nurturing side to their close kin.
Leo ♌️
They’re attention seekers
This one comes from a pretty personal place with me too, as Leo Venus and Mars. Soo many stereotypes especially about Leo Venus being an attention seeker in love. But my Leo Venus journey has actually looked way more like focusing on learning how to find self love and the ability to validate myself. Leo is a fire 🔥 sign and the objective for fire is exercising independent individuality. Yes, sometimes Leo energy is what you would clearly call the notion of true attention seeking (where it’s specifically the reactions of others that they crave). Sometimes they’re just boldly exercising their self expression though.
Virgo ♍️
They’re super organized
Some are, in ways that can be observed in their physical environments. But if you’ve ever wondered why some actually seem the exact opposite of organized in their physical environments, I believe it’s because Virgo, ruled by Mercury, is a very mental energy. They’re up in their heads trying to find order so much that it may never translate to their physical surroundings, as they may be depleting their own energy and will to act with their inner critic. Not to mention Virgo is a mutable sign, and some form of chaos tends to exist with all of them. 😆 I think my 6th house gives me some understanding of Virgos I wouldn’t have otherwise, and I feel what a mental experience it can be!
Libra ♎️
They’re balanced/fair
Lol I’m sorry I’m nitpicking something positive with this one, I’ll blame it on the South Node in Libra as this current transit has people needing to give consideration to the less evolved sides of Libra! Yes, healthy Libra energy tries to be as balanced and reciprocal as possible. That is the objective of Libra. But when at any point Libra energy is unhealthy, its keen sense of the scales can be used to intentionally tip things in their favor. Another unhealthy expression of Libra energy that we hear more is giving too much to others, but I want to bring attention to a less talked about unhealthy expression of using charm to gain more from someone than they are willing to give back to that person. Libra is ruled by Venus after all, and Venus doesn’t tend to be hesitant to accept special treatment. Finding balance is something Libra is working out over time, and it can be a challenge to find it in either direction! Sometimes we need to speak about the less healthy sides of all the signs!
Scorpio ♏️
They’re private!
Omg I just never understood this one from a personal perspective, as a Scorpio Moon. It seems maybe the people who see it this way are people who themselves aren’t very Scorpionic. Scorpio energy with its intensity might not feel safe opening up to them. But with me, while obviously not all experiences with Scorpios have been the same, there has never been a sign that has voluntarily opened up and shared about the depths of their life more rapidly, more times than I’ve experienced it with Scorpio. Depending where/how placed of course, some also make their taboos known to the general public. Pluto is both what is hidden and what is revealed, and the compulsion of Scorpio can sometimes be to reveal things, if they personally can see them. Not to mention Scorpio is co-ruled by Mars, and that’s an energy that is very up front.
Sagittarius ♐️
They can’t commit
Identifying how they personally view and understand things is very important to Sagittarius, so if they find something or someone they believe in, they could remain loyal with their views and dedication to almost a fault. I guess this stereotype comes from the way that fire is independent, and mutable signs can have fluctuating focuses. But valuing independence just means a Sag could be very happy to commit to a partner who also values it. And as Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, the fluctuation of Sagittarius as a mutable sign feels a little different to me, because Jupiter also tends to have a keen interest in establishing its worldviews.
Capricorn ♑️
They’re mean
The energy of Capricorn can be serious (although that’s also what makes some of them the most hilarious people; having developed humor as a coping mechanism to offset their seriousness) and can seem a little harsh to those expecting bubbly treatment. For this reason it tends to just feel more grounded and real to me though. Any sense of coldness that you could get from a Capricorn who has a healthy relationship with their energies does not read to me as mean! It reads as solemn and focused on realness.
Aquarius ♒️
They’re unemotional
Air as a function prioritizes intellectual and logical processing over emotional and intuitive processing, and fixed air can seem especially rigid about this. But does that mean this energy doesn’t experience all the emotions just like the rest of us? Of course not. And sometimes Aquarius can even have deep and honest philosophical conversations about their emotions. Aquarius wants to pick things apart logically and it prioritizes that form of processing to reach an understanding, but it still experiences the range of emotions that others do. And making personal emotions yet another topic they philosophize on can be a healthy thing for this energy, but an even more healthy thing to strive for is allowing the space to just sit with emotions.
Pisces ♓️
They’re chameleons
I personally haven’t observed this one much. Pisces can seem non-confrontational and agreeable, but I usually read that they keep the core essence of their authenticity across dealings with different people. It’s just that their authenticity might actually be expressed in the way that they can appreciate so many different ways to be and live. That Pisces who seems like they’re just acting interested in what you’re interested in to please you might actually be really interested in what makes you tick. Some may act chameleon-like for personal gain or only to avoid conflict, but an evolved Pisces understands that they’re one with everything so truly is interested in the views, loves, and ways of others.
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elliespectacular · 4 months
Eccentric Severe Murders raises an important question: who is the guy that’s the common denominator between all three Eccentric videos? Both the A&P tape and the Christie VHS don’t have a cast database from what I can tell, so who is this guy? If you know, how did you find out?
I found the grocery store training videos because I was seeking out that sort of thing in 2019, and stumbling onto Agatha Christie: The Scoop was a happy coincidence. You can find his name in the on-screen credits of the tape which is on YouTube for free. If I find something else from that era where he gives off a similar energy and there's enough to work with we might see another Eccentric Severe _____ but I'm not actively looking to make more.
Importantly, he's just a guy. A real person, an actor doing honest work. My interest in making funny edits of some old projects he's appeared in has equally much to do with his performance as it does with the material he was given.
I presume you're just curious and want to discover more of this actor's filmography. That's awesome and I encourage that! But I feel it needs to be said for anyone else wondering who the actor is - I do not want people to seek him out (or any other subjects of my YTPs) to contact him about my videos or to show him them. My videos are not meant to be a secret but they're also not his business. We're doing our own thing enjoying a fictionalized version of him, and it's vital that we maintain a healthy separation between the parody space and the real world.
In my experience some people love seeing themselves in YTPs, but some people really don't understand them. People in this second camp can feel anything from confusion to indifference to insult, and tend to get annoyed when YTP fans who think they're "kindly informing" their subjects are just reminding them of a thing they know of and don't care for. And they're valid for those reactions! It's a weird thing to have happen to you if you're not prepared for it.
I do maintain that YTPs are a form of speech, remix culture is worth protecting, and that it is my responsibility as a remix artist to demonstrate integrity and transparency in what I do - partly out of respect for the subjects. It's part of why these days I generally try to make YTPs of bigger YouTubers, corporately-produced media, and stuff where the people in them more-or-less know what they're getting into with regards to their face/name being public and their performance not fully belonging to them.
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miss-conjayniality · 8 months
another submissive dilf!jay thought that randomly jumped out of the blue….crossdressing with dilf!jay.
imagine that you and jay are about to attend a social function and he sees you getting ready. and there’s something that truly gets to him whenever he looks at you getting ready. he thinks you look absolutely stunning from start to finish. whether you’re bare-faced or full faced, it doesn’t matter. he’s always starstruck by your beauty.
being the inquisitive, knowledge-seeking man he is, jay has always had a casual interest in makeup. tinkering around with makeup tutorials and seeing how it looks on him, learning about its rich history spanning all the way back to ancient egypt…..he’s fascinated by how both women and men used cosmetics for millennia as a way to beautify the self.
as jay sees you blending your eyeshadow, he has a certain desire in his mind - he wants you to put makeup on him. to him, the creation of glamour sounds like such an intimate, romantic experience. you see, glamour starts from within. and depending on who you are inside, it outwardly shows up differently and uniquely on everyone. for jay, he is the embodiment of a classy, vintage, gentlemanly glamour. but he’s also open to experimenting towards something different and not boxing himself to just masculine dapperness.
dare we say it? he envies you. he loves and relishes in his dapperness dearly. but as stated before, he’d love to tap into his girly, feminine side without the rigid social repercussions. and what better way than to do it with his lovely, endearing wife?
on that same note, he loves your lingerie….and not only does he find it incredibly sexy on you, but he would love for you to put it on him. sometimes, when he gifts you new lingerie, he wishes he could share them with you too. he wants you to do unspeakable things to him as he wears your pretty pink silk nightgowns, pink laced lingerie, sparkly pink stilettos, and more.
“p….princess?” jay nervously asks, “may you put your makeup on me sometime? and maybe your lingerie too? ehehe. daddy thinks it sounds real fun.”
jay didn’t mean for those last two sentences to come out. his mind-to-mouth connection vanished for a moment because of his desires flooding his mind. he hopes you don’t find him weird or anything…
“ah! princess oh my god I’m so sorry if i-
“daddy,” you interrupt, “i’d be more than delighted to do those aforementioned things to you. i think you’d look stunning in my skimpy little clothes. i have never seen this side of you come out but i’m glad it is.”
“r-….really princess?” he blushes, “thank you for the kind words. I love you so much. thank you for accepting this side of me. for a long time i thought you’d find it strange.”
“well all I must say is that you’re sexy and beautiful regardless if you’re wearing blue calvin klein boxers or pink victoria’s secret lingerie. that’s how deep my love runs for you. you are valid as is. and you are my stunning, beloved daddy no matter what.”
he gets even more flustered by your kind, affirming words. you give his cheek a peck and you two head off for the night. but jay is anticipating tomorrow far more than this event because he’s been dreaming of this for so long.
he’s excited for you to dress him up and beautify him, only for the lingerie to be taken off afterwards and the makeup to be smudged in tears after a good hard fuck from his pretty princess.
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nightcolorz · 3 months
Another Armandtism q: how do you think he would relate to the modern conceptualization of his neurodivergence? Would he see himself in the concept of autism and find some measure of comfort in it, or reject it out of hand as something that doesn’t apply to him? How would someone who was born before the field of psychiatry react to being told that part of who they are is considered reflective of a “condition” or a “disorder”?
ahhhh omggg I love this question!!! ❤️❤️ I think Armand would have trouble applying it to himself partly bcus he is much more spiritually +philosophy minded then conscious of like modern medicine and science. So I think it would be easier for him to understand his autism as a hypothetical characteristic then a diagnosis, bcus that’s what he’s used to. I doubt this dude has ever even been to a doctor so I imagine trying to understand himself through that modern perspective would be uncomfortable and feel foreign for him.
But! Armand is a fast and eager learner, while characters like lestat and Louis have that old person bitterness that keeps them from wanting to understand the modern perspective (bcus of pride that tells them that what they’re used to is better) Armand rlly wants to evolve with the times and to understand all the new technology and scientific advancements that come with it. So I don’t think he’d be so hesitant to explore the world of modern psychiatry. I think his natural curiosity and desire to understand things outside of his comprehension would overpower his fear of vulnerability + fear of exploring his own mind + lack of natural understanding of what he’s being exposed to. I don’t think it would be out of character for Armand to seek out an autism diagnosis just out of interest in learning about modern day phycology and neurology practices 😭.
Also, on my earlier note about how understanding these things from a modern perspective would be hard for Armand bcus of how spiritual he is, Armand has already tried adopting the spiritual explanation for his autism into his self perception (the whole “not made by human hands”, u r in some way other and inhuman bcus of ur connections to god, thing of his childhood), and that mindset has caused him nothing but pain and confusion. I can say from experience that being unaware of and undiagnosed autistic, for me and for someone as overthinking as Armand, feels often like always looking for an ambiguous answer that u can not even identify u r looking for. And I see that in Armand, I feel like for a lot of his existence he has been searching for an explanation for “why he is the way that he is” and the older he gets the more distressing and hopeless this search feels, bcus it seems that there is no answer, and he is just weird and unknowable and forever isolated for reasons he can not understand. So!! I think if he was able to get past his barriers, like his fear and difficulty when it comes to talking about himself, and the vulnerability it would take to open himself up to that, Armand would find the explanation that he is autistic rlly comforting + validating! Despite his spirituality, Armand finds science more comforting them God, bcus of all that religious trauma he considers modern secularism and technology almost soothing and reassuring (which is probably part of his fixation on it). So I think being given a diagnosis, a reassurance that this ambiguous wrongness about him is in fact a scientific, concrete neurological disorder that isn’t indicative of some spiritual destiny or devil influence or whatever, would rlly be pretty comforting for Armand to hear. “You have a fairly common disorder” I feel like is less scary and difficult to cope with then “you have an ambiguous, inherent wrongness that separates u from other ppl and is probably connected to ur divine fate” (which is what Armand has been internalizing for his entire life 😭)
thank u sm for the ask AHHH!!! I love Armand autism asks SM!!
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natsuki-bakery · 1 month
⁎˚ ఎ Agere Turbo HC's ໒ ˚⁎
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Hello! I'm sorry if this is a weird request at all, but do you think you could do turbo wreck it ralph age regression headcanons? I feel like it's an odd request, but he's one of my comfort characters from the movie and I hc him as an age regressor like me because of it
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•Turbo’s age regression is often triggered by extreme stress or feelings of isolation. After being unplugged and forgotten by the arcade world, he starts regressing to a more childlike state as a coping mechanism. This allows him to retreat into a simpler, more innocent mindset where the complexities of his downfall don’t weigh on him as heavily
•Even in his regressed state, Turbo is still deeply attached to racing. He gravitates towards simple, classic racing games, ones with colorful, cartoonish graphics that remind him of his early days in "TurboTime". These games provide a sense of comfort and familiarity, almost like a security blanket
•Turbo, while regressed, exhibits behaviors like collecting toys, especially ones shaped like cars or other racing memorabilia. He might obsessively arrange them in neat rows or race them along imaginary tracks, finding solace in this innocent play
•He tends to seek out comfort from characters who exude a parental or protective vibe. For instance, he might be drawn to Felix’s steady, nurturing personality, despite their past enmity. Turbo might unconsciously see Felix as a safe figure, even if he’d never admit it when he’s in his adult mindset
•Routine becomes incredibly important to Turbo when he regresses. Simple things like following a set sequence in his day, starting up a racing game, eating candy from Sugar Rush, or watching other racers, provide a sense of stability. Disruptions to this routine could lead to anxiety or tantrums
•Sugar Rush as a Comfort Zone : Turbo’s regression finds comfort in the bright, candy-coated world of Sugar Rush. The whimsical, child-friendly environment allows him to indulge in innocent pleasures like munching on candy or playing harmless pranks, far removed from the ruthless, competitive world he once dominated !
•As a regressor, Turbo becomes more desperate for approval and validation from others, especially from those he admires or sees as authority figures. He might go to great lengths to be praised, such as by showing off his racing skills or trying to impress Vanellope or King Candy (before his true identity was revealed)
•During regression, Turbo often has vivid flashbacks to his early days in the arcade, before his downfall. These memories are both a comfort and a curse; they remind him of a time when everything was simpler and when he was adored as the best racer
•Turbo’s speech becomes more childlike when regressed. He might use simpler language, refer to himself in the third person, or speak in a high-pitched, sing-song voice, mimicking how he perceives a child would talk.
If you're in the basic criteria , are DSMP fans, vivziep0p fans , h0tel/h3lluva b0ss fans, Owl h0use fans, St4r butterfly fans, Ghibli fans, ddlg/abdl blogs, nsfw/k!nk blogs, anti-agere blogs, or anti Christians/Christianity blogs : just dont interact !
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•His regression might involve clinging to old items or memorabilia from "TurboTime" or his days as King Candy. These items become like cherished toys to him, providing a tangible link to the past that he can hold onto when everything else feels unstable
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chicaboom-chic · 2 months
idk if you're even active here but bffr what kinks do u think travis would have 😭
The many kinks of Travis Bickle
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You’ve awoken me from my slumber 🧟
(I’m sorry, this is so unserious but it kinda is hehe)
Travis is a man who dabbles in a plethora of hedonistic practices and earthly pleasures, though you’d never know it, given his reserved and almost demure personality. But behind those piercing brown eyes lie many kinks, and I MEAN many. Here are kinks/fetish that I believe Travis likes or has.
Mommy Kink
Travis has a mommy kink (you saw it coming, I saw it coming, don’t deny it) He loves being babied and taken care of. The feeling of your arms tightly enveloping him as the both of you lay in bed, preferably yours, always lulls him into a state of security and calm. He falls into an almost trance-like state, there’s a look in his eyes; that look, and behind them lies nothing. His mind is clear, devoid of any tedious thoughts.
But in those quiet moments when “mommy” is looking after him, he feels a heightened sense of arousal that surpasses your typical moments of intimacy. He finds the concept of you being his “mommy” oddly sensually in conjugation with the comfort it gives him. No doubt due to a weird Freudian or psycho-sexual aspect, that in part has to do with issues pertaining to his mother and the amount of pornography he consumes.
Travis is a “mommy type of guy” He’ll definitely bury his face in your tits and whimper the word “Mommy!” over and over again as he seeks approval and validation from you.
Eye contact kink
If not A mommy kink, Travis may have a kink for eye contact. (Stay with me now)
During your intimate moments, Travis’s eye contact is unwavering. His gaze never leaves yours and he prefers to have sex in positions where eye contact is present. He will look into your eyes as if he’s trying to search for your very soul. Or he will stare at every single detail of your face; every line, every blemish, spot, hair, cut, or scrap; anything that his eyes can find.
Travis is a natural starter, even outside the bedroom. But it is particularly intense as he is on top of you, driving his hips into yours, while your hand squeezes his. This desire, this Need for eye contact comes from his constant state of dissociation. His mind often wanders, leaving his body behind, but not while the two of you are intimate, it's one of the few moments he feels himself.
It is why he needs to look into your eyes, he needs the reassurance that you are real, that he is real.
Nylon Fetish/kink
Travis may perhaps have a nylon fetish or stocking or tights fetish, whatever you prefer to call it. He loves a woman in stockings. He loves to see you in Fishnets and lace stockings, but his favorite and the one that gets him rock hard in an instant is Back-seamed Stocking.
The very sight or thought of such a material adorning your legs makes him salivate. His fondness for such a material stems from a film he had seen at the mere age of sixteen as a boy, it was a giallo, featuring a Venetian beauty with the longest legs he had ever seen.
Haha, I wanna jump into a pit. Anyway, thanks for reading. Sorry for ghosting this account, school had been busting me 😭
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chlorinecake · 9 months
I just saw what that anon said and I can really really relate I feel like there's no way I can like them cuz I'm black I feel like. Weird for having a crush on Ni-ki cuz I'm black and even though I know there's no chance anyway cause he probably doesn't date fans obviously lol It makes me ashamed especially because people are always saying "what if / he probably doesn't like black girls/people" and it makes me feel like I'm less beautiful because I'm black and even if he did date fans I mean I'm like SOOOO ugly like atrocious but it makes me feel like even if I was a little bit more pretty he wouldn't like me or would dismiss me cause I'm black or like I wouldn't be good enough or he'd be disgusted or disappointed or weirded out because I'm black and a fan /has a crush on him and besides him it makes me feel like enhypen wouldn't talk to me or treat me the same cuz I'm not Asian or white like I couldn't be a fan or wouldn't be as important or pretty or cool or even just they wouldnt want me as a fan or like me or even look my way cause im black its gotten so bad that people dont evn have to say that anymore (they do but they dont have too) for me to think that way. Like I know we all saw that pretty engene video with that girl with the glasses and i couldn't help but make it about race like thinking would they look at me like that or would I be ugly abd weird cause I'm black ? Or if she was black would they still think she's pretty? Or would they even put the camera on her if she was black ? Anyway I'm rambling but being black is something I struggle with even without people saying the group I like or the guy I have a crush on (Niki obviously) wouldn't like me or would hate me for being black . Or they would be uncomfortable or disgusted with me because I'm black so it's just hard to even see myself meeting them or *even to imagine myself in reader fanfics even if the reader's supposed to be black because I've convinced myself that the only way I'd be pretty or attractive or they'd be friends withe or date me in Ni-kis case is if I was white or Asian* (*just talking about from a fanfic standpoint for this one* but yeah) but yeah it sucks and
Okay, I REFUSE to sit here and let you talk down on yourself like that. I don’t care how true you may think it is, YOU ARE NOT UGLY, Mirah ~ You’re beautiful, from head to toe, melanated skin, curly hair and all. Black women are beautiful, it’s disgusting to me how society has brought some of us to a point where we feel insecure, undesirable, or unworthy of affection from others. My words might not do much to encourage you, because finding confidence (esp as a black girl) takes time. But I really urge you to understand that you can’t expect other ppl to accept you when you don’t even accept yourself. Wish I could give you the BIGGEST hug rn, bc this actually hurts to read :(
Another point, I’ve seen plenty videos of Enhypen (along with other kpop groups) connecting with colored fans in the same way they do with their supporters of a fairer complexion, but I won’t share any of those videos here bc I don’t want you to seek “proof” as a way for you to feel better abt yourself.
On the flip side, let’s say that some ppl in the kpop industry DO have a prejudice (which I’m sure some do): your life and happiness isn’t dependent on their validation.
Let’s not even get started on how a lot of Ni-Ki’s favorite artists are black (Riki Jackson ? Bro would’ve never called himself that if he was racist)… but anyway, colored people like any other group of individuals can b really amazing once they get past their insecurities and embrace the way God made them. Jst know that u can always come to be if your struggling with something or just want to vent <3
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e1ectrostatic · 1 year
i’d like to make an effort to get more involved in the fictionkin community, but the current climate of it is very confusing to me not gonna lie, particularly with the rise of the idea that a “kin” is a character you strongly relate to and nothing else
sometimes (especially on twitter) i see people claim being fictionkin has always meant just relating to the character, or having a deep connection, or even just Really Liking the character, but as far as i remember, that’s a really recent thing. like, i haven’t been too active in the fictkin community (yet), but i can’t recall that ever being a prevalent idea in years past. i’m still so used to fictionkin being a really niche concept, but now that it’s gained more popular attention on the internet, all sorts of new definitions and usages of terms have popped up
as a consequence, finding other fictionkin online has become a lot harder. these days, if i see someone say they’re kin with a character (or more commonly, they “kin a character”), i legitimately don’t know what they mean. are they like me? or would they think i’m “taking things too seriously”?
which takes me to another thing, the rise of misinformation on what it means to be fictionkin started a whole new wave of ostracizing and armchair diagnosing. i see people who are more familiar with the popular definition of fictionkinkin treat people whose experiences fit the original definition as if they’re weird or just straight up act ableist towards them. i see things like “it’s not that deep”, or “they’re taking it too far”. i even see people try to claim being fictionkin in the og way is inherently something you should seek mental help for, and i can’t really say anything about that other than what the fuck. i was used to people on the outside talking about us like that, but i definitely didn’t expect it to come from inside the house
AND LIKE i don’t wanna sound gatekeepy, not one bit. i hate it when people try to nitpick and dictate how things should be for everybody, but this shift in language is a special case because it’s now actively harder to engage with an already fringe community. i can’t think of any pros to it, plus there are and have always been other terms that could fit the “mainstream kin” experience. like otherhearted, or otherlink, or synpath, to name only a few. i’m sure anyone with common sense agrees this way of expression is completely valid and has its place in the community when done in good faith. it’s just that the rampant misinformation and misuse of terminology (not to mention the horrible toxicity) is actively pushing us out of our own spaces
anyway i dont know where to go with this, its just a little diary entry. shoutout to fellow fictionkin (or any otherkin) in the trenches, i hope someday the misinformation stops and people learn to be a little kinder
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peachfuzz-nygma · 2 months
idk if this is weird/makes any sense but sometimes getting gendered correctly feels weird. and that makes me feel like i’m lying to myself about my transness. even tho i think it’s just guilt. being misgendered constantly by my parents has made me feel like i don’t deserved to be gendered correctly. and it’s been 1,5 years since i came out to them so i’ve gotten used to it. so when cishet people affirm my gender, sometimes it just feels weird. like are you gendering me correctly bc it was an accident?? or are you genuine?? i don’t wish to seek cishet validation or approval EVER!!!! but i do wish to pass as a dude most times. so the affirmation is nice
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