#and then obviously shenanigans happen and shit goes down
theirishwolfhound · 5 months
I do love the idea of an unhinged reader. Not like brutally unhinged but... like the kind that is harmlessly annoying and is just a brat to Task Force 141.
Like the mother fuckers nickname is Menace and they're somehow still alive after everything so they make it everyone's problem.
They're great at what they do, amazing even— but no team wants menaces like Menace, not even the heavens nor the hells want the damn person.
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This is the same Menace who wears a devilish half-mask, but only above their mouth so people can see their shit-eating grin (think similar to the ghoul mask above) as they leave small firecrackers under the lids of toilet seats, or so people notice the way their lips curl up in mock disgust when someone is talking.
Menace who only goes through with the SAS training to one up another soldier they despised, enough to have sicked a pack of squirrels on that they personally hand fed a few days after— they even bonded enough with the little fuckers that when they were finally transferred out to be someone else's problem, the squirrels would steal the remaining soldiers foods.
Laswell, whose grand idea of knocking the boys down a peg since she's tired of their shenanigans includes getting this Menace of a person to join 141 with faint threats of blackmail— to which Coporal Menace respects, leading Kate to being the only one who is not subjected to the dumpster fire that is about to happen, but is only encouraged by her wife.
Price, who in his right mind, nearly rejects the idea of this misfit joining because of their turnover rate but gives in when Laswell tells him it would be worth it— that her wife likes them and they're an excellent solider after all.
Immediately upon arrival, Menace lives up to their name— pissing on the side of the building as if to mark their new territory before deciding it would be a good idea to rile up the behemoth of a man by asking Price: "Didn't anyone tell the poor bastard that Halloween was four fuckin' months ago? Look at 'em he looks emo."
It wasn't until then that the poor Captain realized how much of an untamed brat his new corporal was— only to be further set in after the first two weeks on base.
Sure Menace got along with Soap, but they were far too alike for Menace's likings and Gaz, sweet sweet Gaz, gave them a few too man odd glances and playfully snide remarks for their liking— meanwhile Ghost had made them scrub the bathroom from top to bottom with a small sponge, and well they could already see the forming regret in Price's eyes.
So Menace did what they did best.
It started out simple: silently attaching balloons on strings to the back of their clothes without them noticing, flipping all of the furniture upside down during the middle of the night, purposefully mocking every single move of one of the operators for a full day, sugar in the salt shaker or salt in the sugar dish, you name it they did it.
Glitterbomb the captain? Oh yeah, and there's still glitter in his mustache.
Tied the two sergeants' doors together so that neither could open it? Done and done, they were locked in their rooms for a good hour until someone cut the rope.
Move the lieutenant’s furniture two inches to the right so that he would constantly stub his toe? Yeah, you can practically see him fuming after every trip to his office.
And what irked the lads the most? Menace kept getting away without being caught— managing to even out sneak Ghost, which the only reason for it is: Menace knowing they don't know what they look like without that mask. So obviously they take it off and blend in with the many other people on base.
They made a fool of their sergeants, their lieutenant, and their captain and it was time to get back at the cunning prankster— but Menace grew suspicious. Usually they would have been booted out by a normal team by then, but what Menace came to realize a bit too late was that Task Force 141 was not normal.
And reality came to a head when Menace was called to Price's office to collect something— only for that something to be a bucket of ice cold water falling onto their head and for the captain to tell their now soaking wet and cold Coporal: "Game's on, brat."
PT 1 | PT 2
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raynewolferune · 11 days
Battle of the Not It
Just me pushing my personal agenda that the Battle for the Cowl makes no freaking sense once again.
I want to see the Battle of the Not It, Nose Goes, Worst out of 126+ Rounds of Rock Paper Siscors Takes It, etc. Basically, the Batfam throwing down in Bruce's absence to Not Be The One Who Inherits (TM). No one wants dear dad's emo fursona but they all agree someone has to take it. The resulting Loser Gets Batmanned sibling war throws Gotham into chaos, Oracle's keeping score of everything, the one with the lowest score at the end of every week is stuck with Batman Duty the following week.
Damian hates loosing his swords everytime he gets stuck doing Batman. Tim can't stand losing his tech. Jason misses his guns. Cass hates having to talk on can't use words days. Staphanie hates doing the voice. Dick can't tolerate being unable to smile. Duke needs his freaking sleep. The list goes on because they've all agreed they hate to embody Bruce's Batman, no one can put their own flare on it (Gun!Batman will not happen on their watch and they won't risk any other equally horrible variation either.) The resulting sibling war takes place 24/7 in the masks and the criminals and citizens of Gotham are as awed as they are horrified by it.
The strangest alliances form and disolve week to week. Dick cheats whenever he gets close to loosing and dips out because "Bludhaven needs him." Cass flits off to China on a last minute mission when too many of her siblings start forming up an alliance against her. Steph breaks her leg (she says it's an accident but Tim has very vocal doubts about that). Tim, Duke, and Damien start teaming up against Jason frequently and Red Hood gets stuck doing Batman practically every other week. Other weeks, Jason picks one of them as Robin for his Batman week (rotating between them as revenge) and forces a temporary alliance to make another of them Batman for the next week. Alfred encourages the four's little rivalry and manages to finagle them into all staying in the manor full time with him.
Just Batfam bonding shenanigans over how much they all Do Not want to be Batman.
And when Bruce comes back Babs naturally has a highlight reel waiting for him. Some of the gems include: Steph in a cast with crutches say "oh no, I broke my leg, however will I be Batman now" in the most deadpan voice. Dick 'answering' an obviously turned off cell phone pretending it's an emergency calling him back to Bludhaven. Cass saluting the security camera as she leaves with a full duffle bag in the dead of night. Jason in the Batsuit, minus cowl, storming into the kitchen shouting "you little shits are conspiring against me!" As Tim, Duke, and Damien are crowded around the island with a bunch of documents clearing planning something. A heated game of Rock Paper Scissors between Dick, Jason, and Tim with the rest of the batkids watching (having already won their freedom from the cowl for the following week). Duke wearing the cowl and asking Oracle repeatedly over coms if it's time for bed yet. Damien throwing a full on tantrum trying to get out of wearing the physical cowl "it's unnecessary and impractical!"
Oracle sends him the reel a day after his return during the standard Justice League team meeting, helpfully projecting it so everyone can see. The reels starts with an argument in the Bat Cave between all of Batman's (previously unknown to the Justice League) children:
"Well, Dickhead, I guess this means you're it now." The clip starts with a red helmeted man speaking.
"The fuck?" Nightwing asks on screen.
"You're Batman now." The teenager with yellow bandoliers replies from where he sits in front of an enormous computer. A girl in purple and another in black both nod. (At this point, it begins to dawn on members of the Justice League that this is footage from the fabled Bat Cave they're seeing.)
"Oh, fuck that!" Nightwing answers. "Not it!" He shouts. The boy with the bandoliers jolts and then says seemingly reflexively.
"Nose goes!" Bandolier boy calls out hand shooting up and touching his nose as he speaks. Both girls and Nightwing react immediately following suit. A smaller boy with a sword copies them a half second later. The red helmeted man sputters.
"Wha-that-NO! NO NO NO NO NO! I am not the one! Fuck no!"
"You snooze you loose, Bro." Nightwings tells him.
There's a pause, red helmet starts laughing, pulls the helmet off slowly to reveal a red domino underneath, and lazily touches his nose with a sharp grin.
"You're right, Bro." He says teasingly. "And Signal's still sleeping." A short pause and then all the people on screen are laughing.
"Oh," bandoliers gasps out between giggles. "He is gonna be so pissed in the morning."
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pansy-picnics · 3 months
Unknighted dream marriage. Go
Okay so. new dream wedding is exactly what it says on the tin. No notes. EXACTLY the same as it was in after ever after. cass DID make it btw, but because of Hijinks and Shenanigans she manages to just barely miss the absolute disaster that goes down at the ceremony. varian wasn’t there because he was preparing the perfect fireworks display for the evening and kiera and catalina were “Helping” him. lance was in the kitchen helping with the cake and the catering for the event. at the end of the day once cass is there with everyone else varian’s fireworks display goes off and promptly blows up in everyones faces.
CASSUNZEL WEDDING. Completely different scenario. doesn’t happen for another couple years. like i think after ever after is about one and half years post-canon, cassunzel wedding would be more like four. they don’t have a huge party or anything because cass doesn’t want the attention, they just do a small ceremony with them and their family at the lagoon. (Cuz. Yk. the lagoon was used for herz de sonne and shampanier’s secret wedding?) Since it’s not really formal and they have no rules whatsoever theyre just making shit up as they go. Eugene wants to be the priest? Yeah sure whatever. varian and the girls are makeshift “bridesmaids”but nobody got any matching outfits for them. Once again pascal and owl are the flower girl/ring bearers because Obviously. Only thing they really planned were the brides’ outfits and SOME of their vows. Otherwise they just said fuck it we ball
of course cass and rapunzel already Basically got married at the end of the lost lagoon but like they do it for real this time. Herein lies our treasure bonded with an embrace let it not be disturbed. Etc. Eugene joins them too ofc. Anyways then they have a little party just for themselves and the boys all get fucking wasted (Mostly varian though)
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Btw i had them get married once in the sims and at the end of the ceremony lance just started making out with the priest. idk what that says about anything but it felt like it was worth mentioning.
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dontbesoweirdkira · 6 months
For a cunty request can I have a time traveler reader with any of mafia? Maybe Vico or Tommy?
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A/N: oh this is going to be hilarious! Thank you for requesting…stay cunty😘✨ (hopefully I did your idea some justice. I didn’t entirely know what scenario you wanted so just some general thoughts)
Warnings: ⚠️a little bit of Joe Barbaro ⚠️
Requests: open 24/7
I’ve chosen Vito because have you ever seen those memes where it’s like, “a victorian child would probably have an aneurysm over this”, yeah…that would be Tommy if you appeared in his timeline
Like that man is stressed the hell out enough! Don’t go ruining his life further with your shenanigans.
Besides Vito would definitely take this far better than anyone else with the exception of the characters from mafia iii. My brother has been to prison, shipped out to war, and now suddenly in the mob…he’s definitely seen some unspeakable shit..
Every soldier has at least one paranormal experience…for him it just happened to be your dumb ass.
He’s not amused by you in the slightest at first..what the fuck is an iPhone and why are you dressed like an idiot? Are you high on something or just unwell?????
“Look Lady, I really don’t have time for this shit and I have places to be. If you need something there’s a Salvation Army right down the block..”
Of course you keep persisting that you’re perfectly fine and that you’re actually from the future. I can just imagine Vito speed walking away with an exasperated expression plastered across his face; you're just continuing to spew nonsense as you follow him.
“I-I don’t want to hear you talk about your fucking bullshit future! Please just go away.”
This man’s blood pressure is through the roof at this point. He’s even trying to physically shoo you away, if it wasn’t for his background he would’ve taken you to the police department.
“Okay do you want a dollar? Huh, will that make you finally stop yapping?? Actually, here take 20 and go away.”
Eventually he just gives up. You’re the most hard headed individual he’s ever encountered and he let’s you follow him. You’re obviously not giving this up.
Partly thinks this is some kind of prank Joe set up to get back at him.
So naturally his first instinct is go go find Joe because if he has to hear the crazy shit you’re spewing, so does he.
Worst. Mistake. Ever.
At first Joe is also trying to get you to leave his buddy alone. Even offering you money just like Vito did earlier but then a light bulb goes off!
Joe’s main mission in life is to piss off Vito and for him…golden opportunity right here for free.
“Sooo…Y/N was it? Tell me, if you are from the future, will Vito always be this fugly?”
“Oh shut the hell up for once would ya? This is a serious situation we have on our hands and you think this is the time to be making jokes??”
“Maybe not fugly but he will end up being a grumpy old man with no wife or kids.”
Joe absolutely loves you and you’re now besties
“Oohhhh no. You two will not be in cahoots!! Joe stop fucking around.”
Don’t worry, Vito eventually comes around to you. He kind of has to now that Joe is riding this thing so hard.
Neither one of them truly believes you though. At least not at first. It’s kind of difficult to prove until the event you’re warning them about actually comes to pass.
You are able to tell them extremely detailed facts and information about themselves and the mafia. You warn them about Henry and give tips about different tasks.
This made them suspicious of you and blew you off as some kind of narc for knowing so damn much. It wasn’t until things started becoming true, they came running right back to you.
They’re both feeling a mixture of excitement, concern and confusion.
Joe doesn’t understand that you only know main historical events and wants you to give him the winning numbers to the lottery.
Vito on the other hand thinks you’re some sort of crazy psychic or maybe one of them aliens from the film he had just seen.
Either way you’re definitely not from here.
Ultimately Vito doesn’t entirely know how to handle all of this. I don’t think anyone would ever be able to fully process this happening. After all you’ve predicted and protected him from, he just accepts that you’re who you say you are.
You’re not a threat to him and Joe seems to really enjoy having you around so I guess he doesn’t really mind you either. He lets you stay at his place too. It’s the least he could do after all your help and the shit he gave.
At least you’re not as bad as that kid, Marty.
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wordbunch · 1 year
the fellowship in a college dorm
a/n.... uhhHHH this is a thing..... i have nothing to say in my defense. have fun 💛
warnings: mentions of alcohol and weed i guess? but literally just mentions.
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Aragorn + Boromir: they actually bicker a surprising amount, but they’re the only ones allowed to talk shit about each other // every other night they accidentally end up talking until like 2 a.m. and having a heart-to-heart // neither of them likes cleaning but they will definitely grumpily do it when it’s their turn // Aragorn makes tea a lot and he has a collection with various tea flavors // also he is outside a lot so he isn’t even in the room that much and on the outside Boromir is like hell yes 😎😏 but actually he’s like 😔😔😔 // Boromir wants to have a pet but it’s not allowed so he feeds birds or stray cats outside // Aragorn will eat whatever is in the fridge, no matter how old, and miraculously never get sick // Boromir’s guilty pleasure are long showers // Faramir is the lil brother who studies abroad but likes to come visit and then he crashes in their room but he lowkey hates the mess and he gives the room a deep clean every single time // in return Boromir and Aragorn take him to cool places and buy him food and they act responsible when Faramir gets wasted (he is a total lightweight) // their room is right underneath Merry and Pippin and they often wonder WHAT is happening upstairs🤨 // generally they’re very decent neighbors to have except for when Faramir comes to visit, then they get up to shenanigans because they wanna be those Super Cool Big Brothers who do all sorts of “forbidden” things with the lil bro and living it up 🤪// surprisingly (or not??) Boromir is the one who always organizes things like ‘the secret santa’ for the dorm squad also he is the designated “bring the bluetooth speaker” guy // Aragorn likes to make and build DIY stuff + Boromir is prone to accidentally breaking things = bad combo // however it will usually get smoothed over with a beer or two, which is usually how they solve their lil conflicts 🍻
Legolas + Gimli: the LIGHTEST sleeper sharing a dorm with the one who snores like a truck and cannot be woken up, if not by a nuclear attack // Legolas immediately invested in ear plugs and he just lays down looking at the ceiling for hours on end while Gimli happily sleeps // Legolas tries to have aesthetically pleasing decorations and he definitely has quite a few plants on his side of the room, but he really. loves. stickers. so his aesthetic goes out the window pretty quickly, and suddenly there’s stickers everywhere // Gimli has posters of like, rock and metal bands on the walls and one pinboard dedicated exclusively to concert & festival tickets // he also likes to play loud music with open windows and sometimes Legolas wants to STRANGLE him, but eventually he realizes he will miss it when the semester is over (and he will miss the snoring too)  🥺🥺🥺// strands of fallen hair everywhere. everywhere. // also both of them have lots of hair products, but obviously for very different hair types so… chaos ensues if they accidentally switch them (accidentally? Merry and Pippin have entered the chat.👀) // Gimli eats all of Legolas’ leftovers // Legolas 100% asks super weird questions at like 3 in the morning and he most definitely has a 13 step skincare routine // once he was doing skincare in the middle of the night, because he can study well at night and then he needs to unwind, and fsr Gimli woke up and was scared shitless by Legolas in a face mask // Legolas lounges around in tights and always ALWAYS has a witty comment for any situation or person // out of everyone, they’re the pair of roommates with the biggest differences, but they bully each other affectionately the most and they bond A LOT over secretly talking shit about others; however, nobody else in the 500 mile radius isn’t allowed to say a single bad thing about their friends // Gimli will drink straight outta the carton/bottle/whatever, while Legolas uses fancy thrifted champagne glasses to drink WATER✨
Merry + Pippin: their room is the designated hangout place // more often than not there’s at least one more person in the room just chilling // also they got The Weed…so maybe that’s why?? ☘️☘️ // literally never a quiet moment // the room is a mess but it’s never dirty! it’s just organized chaos and both of them always know where everything is // posters, random trinkets, a collection of random bottle caps or something like that // Merry has fairy lights and quite a few books and he’s used to completely tuning out Pippin’s random rambling while reading/studying // Pippin sings in the shower (basically canon actually) and loses track of time and suddenly the whole floor is complaining about not having warm water // they go over to hang with Boromir when Aragorn is off to who knows where // they wear each other’s clothes almost always and have a pretty much shared wardrobe at this point // accidentally almost burned down or flooded the room more than once but they REALLY like scented candles!! // Merry has some miserable old acoustic guitar and thinks he is A Musician and Songwriter™ (everyone except Sam is like no <3) // pre-drinks before going out are ALWAYS in their room and then others accidentally leave some of their stuff there; the following week Pippin just appears in a band tshirt (of a band he doesn’t even know) that might have belonged to Gimli at some point… 🤫// when Pippin talks gibberish in his sleep, Merry records it and plays it during hangouts // Merry, Frodo and Legolas have a mini book club but a wildly different taste in books // when Pippin goes to someone else’s room, he will point at things on the shelves/walls and ask a hundred ‘and where’s that from’s’ 👀// so many times something (better than someone!) accidentally fell through the window and then Aragorn or Boromir caught it downstairs // they would really like a pet but they can’t so once Pippin caught a butterfly in a jar as a pet substitute, but felt too bad and released it almost immediately🥺 // Merry likes to play therapist for others but… take his advice at your own risk
Frodo + Sam: literally the quietest room ever, others sometimes wonder if they’re alive // of course Sam has as many plants on the windowsill as possible // Frodo has a nice little book collection and some old maps as wall decor and also he likes collecting nice stuff like postcards or magnets  // they have an air humidifier and scented candles and it’s the coziest room for sleeping 😌😌😌// so their friends will gladly crash there for a nap, especially after an exam or a party // also they have some nice herbal soaps // obligatory classical/instrumental music for studying // Sam obviously uses the common kitchen the most, and he always makes too much of everything and then feeds his friends, and even leaves some leftovers in the kitchen so that others from the building can freely take it 💖// Sam and Aragorn are those that are called when something needs a quick fix, like a leaking tap in the bathroom or sth // Frodo is one of those people that are like, resident advice giver, but Legolas is surprisingly nosy?? so he will just drop by (with an obligatory snack) to listen to whoever is spilling their woes to Frodo // neither Sam nor Frodo really have the heart to yell at Merry and Pippin when they’re being too wild, but ONCE it was just too much and it was during exam season, and they enlisted Gimli to help them pull a prank in which he pretended to be a security guard threatening to throw out Merry and Pippin 😈// Gimli has a really soft spot for these two idk, he’ll be like “if anyone EVER bullies you-” // Sam falls fatally in love with someone every other week and he will literally sit by the window and sigh and stare into the distance while Frodo is trying not to die laughing // they have a little projector that they bring for movie nights // Frodo made a groupchat for all of them… resulting in even more tomfoolery <3
i’ll be sappy for a moment and say i’m grateful for all the fun and crazy times i’ve had in my dorm life... it’s been good thanks 4 everything 🥰
✨ taglist my beloved ✨ @lotrnonsense​​​​​​ @starlady66​​​​​​ @queenmeriadoc​​ @entishramblings​​​​​​ @thesolarangel​​​​​​ @silversword7000​​​​​​ @friendofthefellowshipsnerdblog​​​​​​ @averys-place​​​​​​ @valkyriepirate​​​​​​ @emmaarenstarr​​​​​​ @noldorinpainter​​​​​​ @asianbutnotjapanese​​​​​​ @adamgetawaydriver​​​​​​ @fenharel-enaste​​​​​​ @ironmandeficiency​​​​​​      @starryeyedrogue​​ @dinofromspac3​​  @wisheduponastar​ @lady-of-imladris​ @frodo-cinnamonroll​  (i sincerely apologize for putting you through this)
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neurolady · 5 months
I Forgive You!
I've seen a million and one different takes on Aziraphale's "I forgive you" in the Final 15. Most peoples initial knee jerk reactions of what the fuck does Crowley need forgiving for, to forgiving Crowley for an unconsented kiss, to (once folk have calmed down and started to see Aziraphale really has no choice but to go back to Heaven) forgiving Crowley for not trusting him. What I haven't seen is the suggestion that it actually has nothing to do with forgiveness at all!
When he says, "May God forgive you" or "May you be forgiven," it's always after Crowley does something Aziraphale believes is out of character or wrong. In Uz Crowley saying he wants to kill Job's children and at the bandstand after his ourburst at God (I'm missing one, I'm sure). I think in these instances he is genuinely saying I hope you're forgiven for what you just did.
On the two occasions, he uses, "I forgive you," Crowley is not acting out of character at all, and neither is he wrong. Aziraphale knows this! The two scenes are completely parallel in s1ep4 by the car when Crowley pulls over to apologise and, of course, in s2 the Final 15.
Crowley wants to talk about them and is ALL in for them to be together - literally, both scenes he basically begs Aziraphale to run off together.
Aziraphale can't get past his cognitive dissonance and insists Heaven is the answer. Obviously, everything is ramped up 1000 in the Final 15, but even in s1, you can see Aziraphale's turmoil at being asked to choose Crowley or Heaven.
This is where I think "I forgive you" has nothing to do with Aziraphale offering forgiveness to Crowley. In both scenes, Crowley pushes Aziraphale's attachment to Heaven even further. In s1, he keeps it about Aziraphale, "...how can someone so smart be so stupid!" In s2, no such restraint, so you know just "No Nightingale's" and THE Kiss!! The effect is the same, Aziraphale is shook (obviously just a teeny-weeny bit more in s2), he's retreating into himself, and his reflex is "I forgive you". He's a being of forgiveness it's an instinct. He also knows - again probably more out of instinct than any deliberate intention - that Crowley will immediately recoil from any attempts at forgiveness, which gives him space to process. So I think "I forgive you", is actually Aziraphale's shield that he throws up between himself and Crowley when his love for Heaven (or more for being an Angel) is in direct conflict with his love for Crowley. He is pushing Crowley away because in the moment, he can't cope with the choice he has to make, and it works both times, and he instantly regrets it both times!
On the plus side, if you condense all the shenanigans that happen after the "car argument" in s1. Crowley instantly forgives Aziraphale for pushing him away, as soon as Aziraphale has a plan he goes to Crowley, he chooses Crowley and Earth without hesitation when the shit is really about to hit the fan and they get their happily until Gabrielle shows up naked at the bookshop a few years later after!
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mollymauk-teafleak · 1 month
more buddie becoming dads thoughts
I would love to eventually write this as a proper fic but in an attempt to shift a bit of a writing slump and justify the nights I've fallen asleep plotting this out, here's how I see the birth of Buck and Eddie's first daughter going in a trans Buck AU. Because you know nothing goes simply for these two idiots, they're trapped in a procedural drama, there's got to be some Shenanigans. Kind of a follow up to this fic I wrote!
Putting under a cut for mentions of male presenting pregnancy
So Buck having to be on restricted duty was obviously a Whole Thing but he knows it has a time limit, he's not going to be wielding a clipboard forever so he makes his peace with it. That and he's so exhausted, he's falling asleep on nearly every flat surface in the station house.
But he's right at the end of his pregnancy and there's a big disaster. A carnival is in town but a storm hits and theres a flash flood and trees coming down and power lines falling so the 118 rush into action. And Eddie is working when he sees Buck drive up in his pick up, in sweats and an old army hoodie of Eddie's. Of course Eddie is beside himself worrying about him, trying to get him to go home but Buck won't have it, you need every hand you guys can get, nothing bad's going to happen to him while he just sends people to reunification tents and puts bandages on people. Eddie has to admit he's right so he has to let him just get on with it, though he makes him Swear to keep in contact with him regularly.
So Buck is helping out with the organisation side of everything, Eddie is with the 118 managing the disaster. And they've got things pretty much sorted out, they're the last ones left on scene when Athena comes marching up, practically dragging a very coy looking Buck behind her, with an expression like he got caught kicking a soccer ball through the kitchen window. Athena says she hopes you guys have an ambulance left over because she's just found out that Buck's been having contractions for hours. Buck just mutters that his waters broke a while ago too, he didn't mention that...but he's fine!
Cue the 118 piling into the ambulance, Athena giving them a police escort, Bobby getting behind the wheel, Chim beside him calling Maddie on FaceTime, Hen in the back with Buck and an internally screaming Eddie. But the storm is still so bad, travelling is hard, the roads are washed out so in the end it falls to Hen. She jokes mildly that this is a little more of Buck than she ever wanted to see but, of they weren't going to make it to a hospital this is a pretty good second option? Buck grunts that he never liked hospitals anyway.
So they pull up on the side of the road and after a pep talk from Maddie over the phone, Eddie holding his hand so tight and murmuring over and over how much he loves him, a lot of yelling about why the hell did she have to inherit his massive head, they have their tiny baby girl. And Buck's just grinning a mile wide and holding her tight because holy shit, he actually did it. Eddie murmurs of course he did, he's fucking incredible.
So it's messy and chaotic and Eddie begs Buck to never do that to him again but it's still one of the best days of their lives
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byllsbytch · 6 months
Bill Brings Goodies
Loosely based off of Episode 41 "Shopping Madness With Bill" (Tokio Hotel TV)
Overview: While touring, Bill goes to the shops to satisfy his cravings, meanwhile there is playful banter on the bus with the other 3 boys -Tom helps himself to Bills candy.
(Fluff for the Tom girlies)
1092 words
It was only day 5 of touring around Germany with the boys and you sat on the tour bus. You guys were departing Hamburg after having a great night with the concert and afterparty. You guys were off towards Bremen, it was only a 2hr drive - not like the past trips you guys just made. You sat between Georg and Gustav still hungover from last nights shenanigans holding your head in your hands. Gustav sat there drumming into your thigh like a zombie, fixated on the floor. 
"Alright Motherfuckers!" Bill sang ripping off his glasses and flinging open the door to his room, Gustav flinched and stopped drumming on you leg - startled at Bill's presence 
"There's a supermarket nearby, you guys after anything, I really want an omelette or eggs for breakfast." 
You lifted you head and looked at Bill who's eyes were evident of last night. He had quite the bit of energy to say he wasn't a morning person, oh wait, it wasn't morning you realised, it was 6pm! 
"I'll come, don't know how you're gonna get an omelette from the supermarket though" you say struggling to lift your body from the chair "Scheisse" you mumble under your breath, a word you'd just learnt from the boys. 
Bill rolled his eyes "I'll cook it here, I'm gonna buy eggs."
"Yeah no not happening" said Georg, "Last time you used the stove in here your nearly gassed everyone out and set the bus on fire." 
Bill flung his head back sighing loudly. He then stomped over to Gustav and got on his knees begging. 
"Can you pretty please make me an omelette Gustav?" He sooked. Gustav looked at him suspiciously.
"Please Gustav, you're the best cook here." Gustav thought for a extra second then shook his head too scared to say the actual word no. 
Bill jumped up on his feet and crossed his arms, sucking in his lips and at that blinked a long blink. 
Everyone who sat in the same cabin - staff and band members braced themselves for Bill's wraith but instead he simply turned on one foot and helped himself out the door. 
He slammed the door behind him and Tom came out of his room 
"Why the noise?" He mumbled rubbing his eyes. 
"Gustav wouldn't make Bill a omelette." Georg replied.
"Ayi' He said " Where were you Y/N?" He asked focused on you, still half asleep.
"I left so I didn't wake you, once I wake up I can't get back to sleep." 
"Ugh nein!" He replied flicking his hand. "You won't wake this beast." He grinned. 
"Well she appeared to have done so the other night" Gustav scoffs turning his head between you both. You felt you face grow hot. 
"Oh," was all you could say.
"Oh" Gustav and Georg mocked 
"Sorry, you know we cant help it." Tom Boasted shrugging his shoulders.
"Anyways, spewing we missed our morning cuddles though" Tom said.
"I'm sorry like I said I didn't want to wake you" 
"Well that's fine we'll have to make up for cuddle time later" he winked.
"And don't worry about sitting out here all cold and near these weirdos just because you don't want to wake me up, trust me you won't - you should know this by now" 
You sighed shaking your head sarcastically "Awe the shit I do for you."
A little while later, Bill came back in with his shopping basket. "So, I got some strong toilet paper for you Georg, skittles for Tom, smellies for the toilet and oh - look all this American candy just pumped with chemicals oh so colourful."
You smiled at Bill's haul, " Bill is like a mother - he bought something for everyone"
"How are you getting American candy?" Georg questioned " I mean since were obviously in Germany and all."
"Oh there's some international store down the road." Bill replied his focus still fixated on all the goodies in the bag.
"Well thanks Bill, for my strong toilet paper." Georg said holding up the 20 rolls.
"Yeah I got the strong ones instead of the soft toilet paper just for your monster shits." he smiled then dove his face back into the bags.
"Thankyou for being so appreciative unlike these bitches."
Gustav walked out the bathroom and sped past everyone smearing his finger under bills nose as he ran. 
"Where's your eggs?" he mocked 
"Ahhh fuck you!" he cried reaching for his nose trying to immediately wipe off the smell.
Tom and Georg laughed as Gustav locked himself in the room; Bill unable to get him. 
Tom then reached into Bill's goodie bag from the shops and grabbed out his skittles and something else shoving it in his pocket. A packet of "strawberry rings' fell out onto the floor and tom picked up the lollies inspecting them.
He took a seat and opened up the gummy rings staring at them intently. You focused on him and he continued to stare curiously at the gummies bringing one to his mouth, he stuck his tongue into the ring and started going to town on it - not realising your eyes, he sat stuck on the same ring sticking his tongue in and out of the candy.
You found yourself with a confused look on your face and looked around to see if anyone else was watching his behaviour. He eventually shoved the whole thing in his mouth and licked the corners of his mouth, removing all the stickiness from the lolly. He then proceeded to pick another ring out of the bag and put his fingers on the inside of the ring stretching it as far as he could and then placed it over his crotch. 
"You are not using that as a cock ring" Bill declared rolling his eyes, at which tom shot his head up and looked Bill straight in the eye, quickly shoving the gummy in his mouth.
"Nein!" He shook his head "nein, nein" he put his head down trying to hide his grin. 
He then moved his eyes back at bill's in embarrassment because he knew what he was doing then eventually fully lifted his head and shot his eyes towards me. 
He put his hand in his pocket "Do you want a kiss?" he asked
"Not really, not after seeing what you did to that poor strawberry ring" you playfully lied, you were always down for one of Tom's kisses.
"Oh - oh well your loss" he smirks pulling out Hershey kisses. 
You raised your eyebrows at him.
"Ugh come here!" you say pulling him by his baggy shirt planting a kiss on the charming boy's lips.
A/N: AHHHH!!! First little story thing idk what to call it on my tumblr page... How'd I go? Feel free to send requests!
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Thanks for the reblog on the Lila post!
Also seeing as Lila & Heroes Dy came up, I had a theory regarding that for Queens Second Chance. Obviously your story but its a thought. (Also I may blur over to 12 Kwami/Altered Butterfly lore a bit, apologies its habit XD)
So, LB & Chat know the gist of what went down in the future & that a big event is coming up on Heroes Day. What is the plan once QB spills all the tea?
Cos some part of them would just like to have Ladybug on hand to either deal with illusions or give a public statement to calm panic.
But this is also the only time Hawk Moth leaves his home base before 'whatever' he did in QB's original timeline that fucked them all up.
This is too good of a chance to waste!
Stage 1: Recruitment!
QB wants to recruit all the other heroes, Fu is strenuously against it, feeling that the original timelines bad end proves his point. However, he is compelled to at leas give them a test.
Kim doesn't, not just cos of himself though Luka probably can't/won't be picked for now cos Sass may be semi out of commission & regardless Fu wants Sass far away from HK. Max has a fifty fifty chance of being recruits given the powers of Voyage but he may be deemed a bit to "In his own head". Kagami is recruits as she already has combat skills & can & will fight even when lacking in powers.
Stage 2: Remove or ambush key Akuma.
The most important Akuma to Hawk Moth's plan or the most dangerous that will still show up are:
Nadja, integral for spreading panic Kim, because he can make more Akuma Volpina, the entire plan relies on her after all Sandboy, like fuck any of them want to deal with that again Minon, not integral to the plan but if she has dolls of them, they're screwed.
Minon is easy just swing by her house the night before & grab the dolls, promise her they'll come play with her later. Sandboy is harder, but maybe his family suddenly found themselves winning a deluxe holiday or basically any other reason to GTFO of Paris.
Kim could be handled by telling him the truth but there's fear HK won't show himself if things don't go too well, same for Nadja & Volpina. So rather than take them out before hand or right away the plan is to basically wait in ambush.
IE, Ladybug, Rena & Carapace will stealth up on Nadja to both drop her Akuma and make a public announcement on her camera to keep Paris calm.
Queen Bee, Chat & Kagami will be stalking Kim's flight path in order to ambush him the second Hawk Moth shows his face as Kim stayed in hiding to surprise Akumatize people.
This let's them reassure Paris, keep Kim calmed down so there's no new Akuma and catch HK flat footed. his army might be an issue but that is also what Kagami is for.
IE, she goes all Wind Dragon and blasts them away to clear a path to Hawk Moth. Then Carapace either needs to trap him or all of them in a shield so they can curbstomp his ass.
3: The Wheels come off
As fun as it'd be for this go succeed and end in a rousing round of Gabriel stomping. Gabriel is, for all his issues commanding an army, a good schemer. He will notice something is off either before this goes into motion or right when everything starts going to hell.
He's too proud to quit just like that though and does still have his army and so hopes to brute force it. Still, he almost certainly calls Lila in to act as his shadow and body double if shit goes south.
If its like canon, Nathalie may also make for the Peacock right away even if it means a big risk to her life.
Or Gabriel's survival instincts kick in & he starts manifesting a Familiar. early.
Whatever the case, with a combo of Lila & outsider intervention, he escapes.
Chloe likely destroys the nearest objects in a rage, cos yeah at this point HK almost certainly knows some kind of prophecy, time travel shenanigan's have happened.
This means he can blame all his failures on that rather than him sucking or his foes being perfect and is further enraged because it means he had won and they took it from him.
Cue a trip to Shanghai.
Note: also if Max was taken on he'd be on hand either for evacuation, or to help with scattering the villains, or the ambushes.
That's just my take though.
Fantastic plan!
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airanke · 3 months
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Ch 426 if Abiteth was involved.
Rough storyline under the cut.
Abiteth is let into whatever facility Touya is being kept in because she's an upstanding hero. She feigns her death at Touya's hands, and her family (quirk shenanigans led to them being undetected) murder anyone who comes across them. Due to more quirk shenanigans, the video feed for the area is largely corrupted. Security will only see what Abiteth's family wants them to see.
She asks Touya how much time he can give her, and he tells her a week, to which she states "that is more than enough" and smuggles him out of Japan to Germany. They are there for a week. They spend time together. Hawks and Enji are losing their SHIT back in Japan trying to figure out where Touya is and how he got out. Also yes Abiteth has more family shenanigans that is what gets her out of Japan and into the air before the heroes find out that anything has happened (canonically to her story, her cousin is Germany's #1 hero ✌️)
After caring for Touya in Germany (yes caring for him in every way because his body is LITERALLY DYING, and Touya asks her if being his caretaker disgusts her, to which she replies, "no. It is you and your body, and I love you and your body"). They talk. They see the aurora. They are intimate one last time*. At the end of the week, Touya tells Abiteth that he's ready and she prepares to fly him back to Japan. Touya's last words to her are, "I think I love you." He passes away in her arms. Abiteth never cried in front of him and she has a good long cry on the plane.
Hawks at this point did realize that Abiteth was not dead and goes to the airport with Enji/Rei after he's informed that a plane is landing in which the pilot openly stated they were "returning with Deviore and some special cargo". Abiteth has a cruel smile on her face when she disembarks from the plane with Touya's body in her arms.
She allows Hawks/Enji/Rei to be present for the funeral but insists on digging Touya's grave on her own until she can't uphold her facade anymore and she asks her father for help (he, her uncles, and her brother step in to help). Abiteth cries over Touya's corpse and pleads: “I want him back. Give him back to me. Give him back to me.”
After Touya is buried, Abiteth has some choice words for Hawks/Enji and then puts on her new mask, which is embedded with Touya's jaw and teeth, at which point she states the above AND pulls the Frankenstein pose.
*it is not specified how much of Touya's body remains intact, so I'm going with him having one functional arm and most of his body, but he looks very much like a burnt and then frozen corpse for the most part. Anyway this whole thing is like 17 pages long roughly and still going and I was gonna' draw it out but that'll take me years so you get this preview and a rough run-down instead.
Also Abiteth is pregnant BUT BUT BUT!! She is already at least two months along (not quite at the point of obviously showing her pregnancy) and she conceived BEFORE she stole Touya's dying body away to Germany.
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millenari · 4 months
1 for the ask game, please! I have been SO curious about the soulmates au :3
Number one, the human celeb/soulmate au! This one obviously is.. a human au. in which Tugger is a well known celebrity (we're not talking beyonce or taylor swift level famous or anything, but he has fame and wealth and so on) and Misto is just an average guy. In this soulmate au, pretty much everyone has a mark somewhere on their body that is said to match that of their soulmate. They are extremely private, and are always hidden. The fic starts with Misto hearing from his sister (who he's visiting in LA) about this celebrity she likes who had their soulmark exposed during a performance, and very rapidly goes from 'oh damn that sucks' to 'OH HOLY SHITTING HELL' when she shows him the pictures and he discovers the celebrity in question has his matching mark. Thousands of people are already crafting imposter marks to match Tugger's though, so Misto tries to content himself with never meeting his soulmate. Guy kind of looks like a dick anyways. Like two days later though, by pure chance, Misto happens to meet his soulmate. Though of course he can't tell Tugger they have matching marks; he'd never believe Misto with all the fakes out there. Between that and (a pretty much instantly infatuated) Tugger making a Very bad first impression, Misto decides to keep the truth about their marks to himself. Cue 300k words of shenanigans.
“Do you–” Misto starts, baffled. “Do you flirt with people’s sisters to get their attention so often that this is just routine for you?”
“No, actually.”
“Oh, great. I’m the lucky exception, then.”
“Most people would think so, yes,” Tugger agrees with actual sincerity.
“Right, of course,” Misto responds. “I’m sure everyone else on the planet just dies for–” He scoffs, waving a hand at the bastard. “–self-absorbed, spoiled, childish assholes in eyeliner.” Who harass their assistants and resort to mind games when they don’t get what they want. What a fucking keeper.
“Wow,” Tugger laughs, unfortunately not sounding offended at all. “What did I ever do to you?”
“Did you hear a thing I just said?”
“What did eyeliner ever do to you?” Tugger amends with a snort.
“Add ‘selective listening’ to that list, then,” Misto shoots back, incensed. He goes to turn back to Victoria’s drink but finds himself halted when Tugger catches his wrist, holding it level with his shoulder.
“Not that you’re not cute when you’re angry,” Tugger says with amusement that makes Misto want to set him on fire. “But you… are a very easy person to annoy.”
“Maybe you’re just very irritating,” Misto bites back, though he loses some of his nerve when Tugger steps forward, leaving little space between them as he looks down at Misto.
“Popular opinion on that one says no,” Tugger figures slowly, thumb sliding up Misto’s pulse to the base of his hand. His gaze finds Misto’s, mouth curling in a sly smirk as he steps forward again, effectively boxing him in against the counter. “Let me change your mind.”
Breath catching in his throat at the sudden heat of Tugger’s torso against his, he twists up onto his toes as leans back, free hand catching the edge of the countertop. Tugger lifts his own free hand to fit his fingers under Misto’s chin, thumb briefly snagging on his lower lip.
Misto breathes in raggedly through his mouth, eyes wide, caught off guard by the sudden closeness of him– and more pressing, the realness of him. Not the vague imagining of a young Misto nor the smirking handsome celebrity on the other side of a computer screen, distant and ungraspable. A real human person, with a sharp jaw and dark eyelashes and careful slender hands that slide along Misto’s jaw as his lips quirk higher and his gaze drifts down to Misto’s mouth.
“Quiet all of a sudden,” Tugger murmurs, head tilted and eyes half-lidded, so lowly Misto almost doesn’t hear it even as close as he is. But he sounds– proud.
And of course he’s proud, Misto thinks in a sudden incensed rush that cuts through that stupid starry-eyed haze. This is a game to this spoiled, famous asshole. Nothing more, nothing less. Get the reluctant, shy one to crack. He’s not even the first person to pull this shit on Misto.
And he damn well won’t be the last, either.
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HLVRAI notes
did not want to burden my original HLVRAI ref post with this wall of text so i’m just sticking it in its own post.
my personal HLVRAI headcanons under the cut 👇 (WARNING: LONG ASS POST im sorry)
Setting: - The events of HLVRAI happen in virtual reality, but there is also technically a real world, BUT that real world is screwed and humanity is dead(?). Except before the world ended, Black Mesa was working on a project (”The Half-Life Project”) to preserve the universe and humanity forever by making a virtual simulation of the universe and making brain copies of people (with or without consent) and shoving them into this world. Black Mesa dealt in a lot of alien shit/tech, so they were super ahead of the curb and also morally bankrupt. Obviously they can’t get everyone’s brains into VR before the world ends though, so there are also people that are developed by the simulation to help populate the world like it would be IRL. Don’t ask too many questions on how this all works ok. Just think of it like a “our reality is a simulation” conspiracy, except the conspiracy is real. - HLVRAI happens in this virtual reality/simulation, but as its own separate little offshoot of the main simulation. It was built as a game because it was the original early test of the system and Black Mesa is full of nerds. Kind of a stress test in a way. Like “how well is the system going to handle some crazy shit going down” kind of test. The Resonance Cascade has been happening on loop in this offshoot for who knows how long. Because honestly it was kind of forgotten about as Black Mesa moved on to work on the “main” simulation. Anyways, in my head, the end goal for the Science Team is to break free of the game and get into the main simulation. Which they eventually do and can live their lives and go on heists and be gay and happy and shit.
~ ~ ~
Gordon Freeman (Age: 27, Ht: 6′1″) He/Him - Dominican American - Pansexual - Worked for IRL Black Mesa, but at like the super surface level in which he has clearance for barely anything, so he doesn’t actually realize how messed up the organization is until it’s too late. Being into video games and a huge fucking nerd, he volunteers himself for what he’s told is just a little virtual reality experiment testing some new state-of-the-art tech. What he doesn’t know is that Black Mesa essentially makes a virtual copy of him without his consent and traps him in a loop. Gordon doesn’t realize all this until the end of HLVRAI. - Joshua was a just a joke made in the moment and Gordon doesn’t actually have a kid IRL. BUT Dad!Gordon is not lost. Joshua ends up with him eventually. Don’t ask about the details, I’m not sure how this happens yet, only that it involves post-game Science Team needing to save their world from completely breaking and Joshie is key to it. - Gordon doesn’t develop proper feelings for Benrey until post-game, when he gets to know him better in a healthier, less insane, less incredibly stressful environment.   - Post-game, Gordon can magical girl transform back into his HEV suit and gun arm when needed. Except when he goes back into normal dad guy mode, his gun arm remains in the HEV suit at the point where it was cut off. So it’s like a cool looking prosthetic. He’s also following his dream of becoming a successful Justin.TV streamer (”GordoFreeTV”) and has amassed a decent following--enough to be his main job. Although he doesn’t really need to worry about money after the whole bank heist shenanigans. 
Benrey/Benry (Age: Not sure but when he was a IRL human he was in his 30′s, Ht: 5′2″) He/They- Japanese/Chinese - Transmasc - Gay (wow no kidding) -  Benrey is the result of an alien “virus” being mixed with the memories/mind of a human. Gordon was not the first volunteer for IRL Black Mesa’s experiment. Before Gordon, Black Mesa sent out an ad to the public asking for people willing to come in to be a part of their little VR experiment for money. Applicants were interviewed because Black Mesa were specifically looking for people who were desperate and wouldn’t be missed. One of the people chosen was a guy named Beni Henry Song. Beni lived by himself in some crappy apartment, recently lost the only family member he cared about (his mom), and the friends he did have were online ones he played games with--most of which only knew him by his username (”benrybenrybenry”). Because the Half-Life project was in its early stages, Beni got kind of screwed and kind of died and Black Mesa considered his case a failure. What Black Mesa didn’t know was that they had succeeded in getting some of Beni’s mind/memories into VR, but was kind of just floating around as bits of data. As BM kept messing around with alien technology, an alien “virus” got accidentally introduced into the simulation. The virus ended up absorbing the Beni brain fragments, which is how Benry ended up coming into existence. - Benrey was not always the Main Antagonist. After the simulation is developed into more of a game format and Gordon (the 1st proper success case of inserting a human mind into VR) is introduced, Benrey joins the group as an ally and pines over Gordon like the gay ass bitch they are. The game is beaten and everything restarts. This loop happens many, many times. I’m totally not obsessed with time loops because I watched Madoka Magica when I was young or anything. Anyway, Benry is one of the only ones with memories of previous runs, although they don’t maintain many due to their human side being unable to handle it. On one run, he figures out how to “delete” the final boss from the game, so he does because he thinks it’ll make things easier and maybe even end the loop. But the loop doesn’t end and the game needs a final boss. So the game’s script gives that title to Benry. Their thoughts are influenced by the script needing them to be the bad guy. When I say “influenced”, I don’t mean complete mind control because Benrey was an annoying asshole (affectionate) before he got the bad guy role. He just became even more of an asshole with more malicious intent. Benrey doesn’t get freed from the script until after they get “killed” in the final battle at the end of HLVRAI. However during the game, he does have moments where he comes back to himself and tries to fight the script, but it ends up coming out as nonsense due to the conflict of what he and the script wants (ex. "SONY CEO JACK TRETTON SURVIVED A NUCLEAR BOMB”).   - Benry’s still a little shit even after being freed from the script, because that’s just how they are, but it’s way less malicious and more so done in fun. When he does cross a line, it’s more so out of ignorance or miscommunication rather than actually wanting to cause harm. He even says sorry sometimes. - Post-game Benrey is slowly gaining more memories from his past life as his human side and alien side become more melded with each other. They’re not Beni Song anymore, but they are learning who they are now. Gordon cooks him different Asian dishes because it seems to be pretty consistent in spurring memories in Benrey (Beni’s mom cooked a lot [he misses her]). He works as a nightshift security guard at a local mall. They like to terrorize the local teenage delinquents and has become an urban legend to them.  - yes he’s japanese/chinese because i self project ok
Harold P. Coomer (Age: 68, Ht: 5′0″) He/Him - Hawaiian/Samoan - Transmasc - Bisexual -  An AI based on a IRL Black Mesa scientist by the same name. He does not contain the actual mind/memories of IRL Dr. Coomer--just a basic replication of them to act as a base to evolve off of. He was developed in the very early stages of the Half-Life project. An early concept and attempt at “preserving” an individual in VR. He technically wasn’t completed before Black Mesa moved on, which is why his code is a bit out of whack. Thanks to his memories being from someone IRL, he is much more susceptible to becoming self-aware. Although it’s unclear how many of his memories are actually from the real world and how many were created by his programming to fill in spaces.   - He and Bubby aren’t in a relationship during HLVRAI, but they do have in-game lore memories of knowing each other long before the Resonance Cascade and have a friendship with a dash of hey-maybe-we-could-be-something-more-someday. That someday is post-game in which they get together and later get married and get a house and have a cute garden. Coomer likes gardening. “It’s therapeutic, Gordon!” - Coomer has had a hard time dealing with the fact that he’s technically an AI and the world is virtual. He had a crisis about everything not being “real”, but post-game he’s learned that just because everything is virtual, doesn’t make it not “real.” Hosting Science Team BBQs, gardening, suplexing Benrey headfirst into a table, stargazing with Bubby--it’s all real enough for him. Of course, like everyone, he has his bad days, but he’s got lots of support now.  - He’s got cybernetic limbs and implants. You can see the glow under the artificial skin of his arms and legs. Glow gets brighter when he’s actively using his tech. - fun fact his appearance is based on an uncle of mine back in hawaii because they both like boxing
Bubby (Age: “Always old”, Ht: 5′6″) - He/Xe/Any (aka "I don’t care! I don’t have time for this.”) - German (because that’s what the scientist he was built off of was [Dr. Kleiner]) - Demisexual and nonbinary. Technically?? It’s not something they think about--not that he doesn’t respect it in others, he just doesn’t really care to think about it for xemself. - Originally had no name--only a number given by Black Mesa scientists to help identify xem from the other prototypes [8488]. Coomer started calling him Bubby and they were like “Oh actually I think I like it.” - An AI that was developed and given a basic backstory to evolve off of. Their model’s appearance is based off of a Black Mesa researcher in the real world named Dr. Kleiner, but they share no personality traits with him. Their in-game lore is what’s established in HLVRAI: xe is a test tube baby--the ultimate result of VR Black Mesa’s attempts at growing the “perfect scientist.” -  Bubby LOVES space. He wants to know what’s UP THERE. Doesn’t think the same of the ocean though. Does NOT want to know what’s down there thank you very much. - Powers include combustion and turning into a car. Road trips are interesting.
Tommy Coolatta (Age: 37, Ht: 6′6″) He/They - Filipino - Aromantic - Tommy was just another Black Mesa-programmed AI before G-Man grew attached and passed down some of his alien coding to him, hence being his adoptive dad. G-Man/Mr. Coolatta himself is an offshoot of the huge main alien/human AI system (A.K.A. his “Employers”) created to sort of oversee this little part of virtual reality and keep everything running. - Tommy is aware that the game has restarted many times and maintains memories on the other loops. They developed Sunkist over the course of previous loops and made it so she could maintain her memories through the restarts as well, so he could have a consistent companion other than his dad (who isn’t always around) and Benrey (who doesn’t always remember the best).  - The loops are why Tommy is good at the pew pew with gun. It’s not just instinct, it’s repetition. He actually knows what he’s doing when handling weapons. He just acts like he doesn’t because it’s funny. It’s canonical that Tommy has the highest kill count out of the Science Team after all.   - Tommy is bored and he’s kind of tired ok. They like to try and spice things up sometimes.  - In previous loops, Tommy would sometimes just hang out with Darnold for the entirety of the game and not join Gordon at all. Even though Darnold doesn’t know about the restarts or that he’s even in a game, Tommy enjoys spending time with her because she’s so down-to-earth. Darnold played a part in helping create Sunkist, even if he doesn’t remember.  - Tommy likes to wear things on their wrist that they can fidget and play with. Usually colorful, stretchy bracelets/bands. He does it when he’s lost in thought or just needs a distraction. Some of his bracelets he’s made himself!
Darnold Pepper (Age: 40, Ht: 5′4″) He/Her - African American - Asexual - Like Tommy, Bubby, and Coomer, Darnold is an AI built off of a IRL Black Mesa scientist.  - She’s kind of a shut-in and has a lot of anxiety (particularly social), but post-game he’s learning to come out of his shell because she’s finally found people she can be comfortable with. Darnold wants to Do Things. He wants to get out there and explore. But her anxiety gets in the way a lot of the time. Post-game he’s able to start really pushing himself and start Doing Things. - Where Darnold finds her confidence is in science. Specifically inventing and experimenting. He creates all sorts of potions and gadgets and has fun doing it. She’s also confident in her abilities as a Pro Gamer(tm). When he gets to talk and infodump about the things he enjoys, he almost becomes a different person. - She’s the grounding point of the Science Team. The mediator. Just genuinely enjoyable to be around, even if she doesn’t believe it herself. He worries that nobody really likes him and that he’s just an annoyance that everyone tolerates, but she’s getting better at pushing these doubts from her mind with the help of friends and therapy.
~ ~ ~
MISC. notes (aka why the fuck is sans undertale here)
Here is my sad attempt to give an in-universe explanation as to why there are fictional characters from other media in the simulation too:  - So IRL Black Mesa was full of nerds ok. Some of these nerds maybe wanted to make sure their favorite things got inserted into this simulation of the universe. So they put these things in. Somebody tried putting Undertale/Deltarune into the simulation ok. But something along the way got mistranslated in the system and instead of just the game existing as a game in the world, it turned the characters into humans living in the world. Kind of like how Coomer, Bubby, and the others were built off of IRL people, except these new humans were built off of fictional characters from a hit indie video game. They don’t have memories from Undertale/Deltarune and the games don’t exist in the world. They’re just average people living their life. Until the Resonance Cascade Part 2 Electric Boogaloo happens and their reality as they know it starts to break and maybe some powers and memories get reawakened maybe haha. - This is my dumb general justification for all the dumb crossovers I’m probably going to end up inserting into my version of the HLVRAI universe. Is this even an HLVRAI universe at this point? idk anymore. why am i like this - Anyway, in this universe/simulation, Santiago “Sans” Alcade is a streamer on Justin.TV (”sans206″) who has somehow amassed a huge following despite hardly putting effort in his streams (his layout still looks like shit). He lives with his culinary student brother Papyrus Alcade (Pap picked the name when he transitioned) in Washington State. One day, Sans goes on a trip to New Mexico to hang out and do an in-person collab stream with his streamer bud GordoFreeTV. But when he gets there, weird shit starts happening to him, like his hands not making up its mind on whether they want to have flesh or not, his eyes glowing, and a skeleton goop monster haunting him. Also he can summon bones now. Res-Cas Part 2 Electric Boogaloo! - Also Gordon and Benrey have a pet headcrab named Patamon that has little mutated flesh wing bits on its head and is a weird coloration. Patamon will eat anything and loves sitting on heads, but especially Benry’s head (crabs gravitate towards him in general). For some reason when other people who aren’t the Science Team see Patamon, they just think its a really fucked up cat. 
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sophierequests · 2 years
the lights and noise are blinding // academic affairs part two
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Pairing: Jesper Fahey x gn!Reader
A/N: Back again with a Jesper x Reader fic! This is part two to a miniseries I started, so please read part one before this one. You can find the link to the miniseries masterlist right under the author's note :)
This is part two of an ongoing miniseries! Find the miniseries masterlist here!
Summary: The reader goes out to meet Jesper at the Crow Club to give him back his jacket. Or are there other reasons involved?
Genre: Fluff, a tad bit of Hurt/Comfort
Word Count: 5.6K
Warnings: Gambling, drinking, typical Crow Club shenanigans, poor proofreading
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“Sooo, who’s the lucky guy or gal that managed to pry you away from the library every once in a while?” You almost choked on your tea in response, clearly not expecting your previously semi-serious academic discussion to take that turn.
“What do you mean?” 
“Oh, don’t act dense, Y/N!” your friend groaned, grabbing the textbook out of your hands and tossing it to the couch next to you. You let out a dissatisfied huff, folding your arms in front of your chest to signalise that you were not about to be involved in any sort of gossip she was about to wring from you. “The jacket. It’s so not your style. Definitely not yours.” 
She pointed to the rust-coloured leather jacket that you had slung over the backrest of your chair. Jesper’s jacket. It had been over three weeks since that fateful encounter at the institute and, regrettably, he had been on your mind ever since. You had no idea why it took him so long to come back to the University District, but you began to worry that something might have happened to him. Having an article of clothing that constantly reminded you of him only managed to distract you even more.
After the first week of him not showing up to see you, you began taking his jacket with you to university; just to have it at the ready once he came to get it back. You hadn’t intended on wearing it as often as you did, - quite frankly, you hadn’t intended on wearing it at all - but whenever your eyes would find it hanging on your coat rack in the mornings, you just couldn’t help yourself. By now it didn’t even smell like him anymore. The strong smell of gunpowder mixed with cinnamon and what you assumed to be his cologne had lingered in your flat for close to four days and you had to admit that you were a bit disappointed that it had ebbed away that quickly. 
Saints, you sounded insane. You barely knew him!
“Well,” you stammered, your brain going into overdrive while you attempted to search for a believable lie. Your friend raised her brows almost comically high, a shit-eating grin spread all over her face while she watched you haggle for words. Maybe you’d just have to settle on telling half-truths instead of lies. “It’s not like that, Mila. He’s just a friend.” She snorted, giving an incredulous look which you tried to ignore as best as you could.
“A very good friend I assume?”
You fought the urge to roll your eyes. “Like I said, we’re just friends. He came by to visit me at the institute a few weeks ago and gave me his jacket for my way home because I had left mine at home. Nothing more and nothing less.”
Mila was visibly dissatisfied with your answer, still looking at you as if you had just told her something utterly otherworldly. “And he didn’t want it back?”
“He told me that he’d drop by to get it, but he obviously didn’t do that yet.”
“He’s probably still busy thinking about more ways to ask you out after his first attempt of giving you his jacket seemed to have flown completely over your head.”
“Mila!” you laughed before you bent down and picked up the previously discarded textbook, giving her a few gentle slaps on the shoulder with it.
“Okay, okay! I’ll drop it!” she yelped, blocking your assault by putting her arms in front of her. “But I have to admit, this jacket does look nice. You should genuinely think abo- ow!”
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“Jesper, what’s going on?” Inej sighed, finally taking it upon herself to ask the sharpshooter why he had been acting even more erratically than usual during the last few weeks. 
He looked up at her from his spot on the couch, biting the inside of his cheek as he thought about a possible explanation for his restlessness. The only problem was, that he really didn’t know why he felt so on edge recently; he only knew that it had to have something to do with your appearance in his life. He couldn’t stop thinking about the way your face had been lit up by the welcoming light of the oil lamp, the warm feeling of your hand on his thigh, or the wide smile you gave him when he gave you his jacket. It intoxicated him, made him reckless and stupid. He wanted to see you again, but he also needed to ensure that he could keep seeing you afterwards.
“What are you talking about?” he laughed nervously, tapping his foot to at least be in some sort of movement. 
Inej sat down next to him, laying a hand on his knee which he promptly jerked away. He didn’t know why he did that, but something about her almost motherly behaviour ticked him off. Her gesture was very similar to yours, yet it just wasn’t the same. Inej wasn’t you.
Thankfully, she didn’t use this sudden reaction against him, merely giving him a concerned glance before pulling her hand away. “You’ve been acting…different recently, Jes. I worry about you, what’s on your mind?”
“I don’t know what you mean, nothing is wrong.” He had the urge to stand up and leave. Inej’s scrutinising gaze made his instinct to flee stronger than ever.
“I don’t believe you.” She didn’t catch his pleading eyes that begged her to drop it. Or maybe she did and just didn’t care enough to stop. “Ever since you came back late that one night three weeks ago, you started acting like you have something that is bothering you. Something happened and it’s been on your mind since then. I just want to know how we can help you, please.” 
Jesper let his hand run over his face in exasperation. He knew that lying to the Wraith would be futile, she’d figure it out eventually anyway, but the nagging voice inside his head told him to keep this one secret. To keep you for himself.
“I promise you, there’s nothing wrong. I’m fine. You don’t need to worry.” There’s nothing any of you could do to help me anyway.
He could see the apprehension in her eyes. She didn’t want to leave him in this state, however, if he wasn’t willing to talk to her, there was not much she could do to change that. Unwillingly, she stood up, giving him a curt nod before turning to leave. 
She paused at the threshold of the door, casting another hopeful glance at her friend. “Just so know, should you ever want to talk about…whatever it is that’s on your mind, I’m always there to listen.” With that, she was gone, soundlessly slipping through the dim cracks of the Slat like the phantom she always had been.
The room was draped in silence again, the weight pressing down on his chest and burying him underneath it. If he didn’t take the initiative to see you again soon, he’d probably never bring himself to do it. 
For now, he needed another type of distraction though.
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You hadn’t been able to focus on the books in front of you for the entire day, especially not after your friend had pointed out the fact that Jesper still hadn’t been back to retrieve his jacket. You were seriously starting to think about all the worst-case scenarios, ranging from him getting stabbed and thrown into the harbour to him being taken by the Dime Lions and tortured in some dim basement. Even though it was a terribly stupid idea, you decided to take matters into your own hands. 
Quickly, you pulled on the most casual-looking outfit you owned, throwing it on carelessly before grabbing his jacket and leaving your flat. Going to the Barrel alone and in the middle of the night could definitely be added to the list of your less intelligent decisions, but you couldn’t help thinking about the damned sharpshooter and whether or not he was alright. You needed to see him with your own eyes to calm every erratic nerve pestering you about it.
The walk to the Crow Club was a bit longer than you had expected. You had been here before, right after your first semester ended and you and your friends wanted to go out to get drinks since the clubs in the University District were more like glorified cafés than actual bars. It wasn’t your kind of establishment though, filled to the brim with pushy men or other odd figures looming around every corner. Nevertheless, you tried to look past your previous experience and still find some entertainment in your uncharacteristic nightly expedition. You were here for a very specific reason this time. A charming, lanky reason, that is.
Upon pushing open the already battered wooden door that lead to the club, you were met with the pungent smell of cigarette smoke, spilt alcohol and what you assumed to be vomit. You looked around the room cautiously, rooted to your spot next to the door. A few people thrust past you, laughing almost maniacally as they staggered outside, visibly drunk. This really was not your kind of establishment. 
It wasn’t as crowded as you had expected it to be, however, it was deafeningly loud. People yelled, laughed and quarrelled loud enough for the words to reverberate inside the cramped space around you. Jesper really did fit right into this mess of a place.
Speaking of the devil, when your eyes landed on one of the gambling tables at the other end of the room, you spotted exactly the person you were looking for. He sat at the head of the table, shaking a pair of dice inside his hands and letting them hit the crimson cloth with a certain skilfulness one mainly saw in people that frequented dens like this. You frowned at that thought. Him being a gambler would explain a lot; his relationship with his father, his indenture to the Dregs, the thrill of always seeking something to bring up his adrenaline. But it also reminded you of your father; a man lost in the game, barely ever having enough money to take care of himself and eventually getting swallowed by the constant need for something he just couldn’t win. Needless to say, this habit hadn’t worked out well for him.
Still, you decided to weave through the crowded room, avoiding the prying eyes of the other patrons who seemingly had nothing better to do than to stare at people that didn’t quite fit in here. The closer you got, the more of the table you saw. The other men sitting next to him looked decades older than him, sunken in faces, uncombed hair and crooked grins on all of their faces. There was also a younger boy standing next to him, leaning against the wall and casting woeful glances at Jesper. His hair was an eye-catching shade of red, some strands almost shimmering golden as the light hit him. He looked a bit too frail for the Barrel, small shoulders, shy eyes and a generally pretty defenceless stance, but somehow, he seemed to fit in better than you ever could. Occasionally, he tried to speak to the sharpshooter, who in return, only dismissed him with what you assumed to be a playful or teasing comment, leaving the younger-looking boy with flushed cheeks every time.
You approached the table slowly, mentally going through all the possible ways you could begin a conversation. None of your initial ideas felt right, judging by the fact that you literally only met him once. What could you even say to make this not completely awkward for the both of you?
 Hey, I don’t know if you still remember me, I was the person that saved your ass a few weeks ago and with which you continued to talk for roughly three hours afterwards. Anyway, here’s the jacket that made probably everyone around me think that I have a boyfriend because I started wearing it while I waited for you to return. 
Yeah, that sounded like a great plan.
While you were still busy contemplating your words, his head turned to face you. He initially didn’t see you, the flashiness of the Barrel providing enough distraction to swallow you whole, but after doing a double take, realisation dashed over his features. You watched as he said something to the others surrounding the table, giving his red-headed friend a pat on the back before scrambling to stand up. The friend in question looked at him with a befuddled expression before shaking his head and wandering off. You wondered what kind of relationship the two of them had.
Jesper didn’t give you too much time to think about that though, since he appeared in front of you in a matter of seconds. There was a wide smile painted all over his face, and he hadn’t even seen the jacket in your arms yet. Instead, he seemed to be absolutely elated to see you. The mere thought of you having that effect on him made your heart rage against your ribcage.
“Y/N?” he asked giddily, almost as if he couldn’t quite believe that you were actually in front of him. 
His next move was a stupid one, but he acted purely on impulse. Without thinking about it, he leaned down towards you, wrapping his arms around you to engulf you in a surprisingly tight hug. You reciprocated the gesture, albeit a bit hesitantly, resting your hands on his back to not have them awkwardly hanging at your sides. Hugging him felt surprisingly welcome; you wouldn’t have complained if the two of you stayed like this forever.  
After a few moments, he pulled away, a slight hint of embarrassment filling his eyes. “I, uhm, sorry, that was inappropriate. I’m just happy to see you again,” he stammered, taking a quick step back to put some distance between you. You were almost disappointed when he did so, but you couldn’t possibly pull him towards you again. 
“Oh no, it was totally fine, don’t worry about it,” you tried to reassure him, smoothing over a few wrinkles on the jacket that was still draped across your arm. Suddenly, you remembered the reason why you came here in the first place. “I came here to bring back your jacket.” You held it out to him expectantly, waiting for him to acknowledge it.
His smile faltered ever so slightly, not enough for it to be noticeable to anyone else but him. Of course you weren’t here for him. He was delusional if he had genuinely believed that you cared enough for him to come to the Barrel just to see him again. He shouldn’t have projected his own feelings onto you this much. 
He reached out to take it from you, his fingers accidentally brushing over the exposed skin of your wrist. It felt as if this brief contact sent an electric shock through him, causing him to quickly pull away, not noticing the way your eyes latched onto the spot he touched. 
“Thank you again for lending it to me, it kept me from freezing my ass off on my way home. You didn’t come to pick it up, so I already expected that something was holding you back.” He didn’t miss the way your eyes flickered towards the cards table, swallowing thickly as he realised what you thought he did instead.
“I wanted to, I really did. But my boss wasn’t too happy about the fact that I was gone for so long. He forced me to watch the door basically every day since then as a punishment. I only got him off my back this week.” He bit his lip, not quite content with his rather clumsy delivery. “I’m sorry, I should have let you know or shown up a bit sooner. It was unfair of me to expect you to watch it this long.”
“It was no trouble at all, Jesper. I was just starting to get a bit...well, worried since you didn’t show up.” You wrapped your arms around yourself, suddenly feeling very empty without the jacket in your hands. “I hope you don’t mind that I fixed some of the bullet holes, I assumed they weren’t there for stylistic purposes. If they were meant to be there I'll be happy to open the stitches again.” 
Jesper looked down at his jacket, immediately spotting a handful of stitches that closed the holes and rips he had been too lazy or busy to repair. He allowed his hand to trace the lines of your handiwork that were basically invisible next to the other seams of his jacket. His heart fluttered when he thought about you taking the time out of your day to sit down and sew together all of the damage he had caused. He decided to ponder all the other implications of this statement later.
“Y/N, you really didn’t have to,” he mumbled, still focused on the fabric in his hands. “That must have taken so long.”
“And you didn’t have to give me your jacket. I just wanted to even out our debts.”
“Even out our debts? I still owe you for saving me from the Dime Lions, my debt to you isn’t paid off in the slightest, sweetheart.” He bit his tongue instantly after finishing that sentence. Calling you ‘sweetheart’ was definitely pushing the limits, he was sure of it. Would you have been literally anyone else, he wouldn’t have minded. But you weren’t just anyone.
Much to his surprise, you either hadn’t noticed his slip of the tongue, or you simply didn't seem to mind. “Maybe I could accidentally walk into Dime Lion territory on my way home so that you can jump in and rescue me?”
“I’d rather you use it that pass for something less lethal.”
Jesper casually slung the jacket over his shoulder, staring at you for just a little bit longer before opening his mouth again. “Care for a drink?” 
You gulped; you hadn’t prepared yourself for that offer. You actually hadn’t prepared yourself for anything other than giving him his jacket back. Of course, you wanted to stay with him for a while longer, but drinking with him while you were still unsure of how you felt seemed like a terrible idea.
“I really don’t think I should, you’re probably really busy and I don’t want you to get into more trouble. I also should probably head back home now, it’s already a bit late.”
He frowned. Everything started off so well and now you wanted to leave? This was not how he wanted your second meeting to go. “I promise you won’t bother me.” Quite the opposite actually. “And you won’t get me into trouble. Stay here a bit longer. Please?” 
“Fine,” you smiled, making his face light up in an instant. 
His free arm found its way around your shoulder, stirring you into the direction of the bar as if you wouldn’t have been able to find it on your own. Your body was flush to his side, the warmth of your skin seeping through the two layers of clothes separating you almost effortlessly. When you looked up at him briefly, he could feel your hot breath hitting his neck, and even if it was just for a split second, it made a range of goosebumps rise in its wake. His heart was going crazy inside his chest, but he tried to downplay his panic as best as he could. 
At the bar, he ordered for the both of you, quickly putting a stack of kruge in front of the bartender to keep you from attempting to pay for your own drink. “Drinks are on me,” he laughed, bumping your thigh with his and giving you a cheeky wink.  
The bartender placed two glasses of whiskey in front of you, a few ice cubes swaying in the amber liquid. He shoved your drink over to you, almost spilling some of its content in the process. It made you wonder whether he already had a few glasses before you arrived here. Jesper lifted the glass into the air and you mirrored his gesture. You let the glasses clink, the ice inside them echoing the sound as both of you put them to your lips. You’d probably regret drinking something when you still had to find your way back home later, but that thought definitely wasn’t at the forefront of your mind.
“You know,” Jesper’s voice broke the comfortable silence between you. No matter whether it was his first or third drink, the alcohol did seem to have a slight effect on him. The lopsided smile that spread over his entire served as enough proof for you to believe that. “I quite like that outfit,” he said, his eyes wandering up and down your body as if he felt the need to underline his statement. “It suits you. And it’s good to know that even someone like you is able to let loose every once in a while.”
“Someone like me? What is that supposed to mean?” you snorted, feigning offence to hide how light-headed his compliment had made you. Or maybe it was the whiskey, you weren’t quite sure.
“I didn’t mean, uhm, I meant that I didn’t expect someone as smart as you to have something so fitting to wear for an…establishment like this.” He gestured around the room roughly, ignoring the muddled glances the other customers gave him.
“Aw, you think I’m smart?”
“Probably one of the smartest people I’ve met,” he replied with surprising sincerity. He hastily put the glass back to his mouth to keep himself from spilling any more of his honest feelings.
“You haven’t met many smart people then.” You could feel the heat rise up to your cheeks and hoped that the warmth wasn’t also accompanied by a physical manifestation.
The two of you kept talking for what felt like an eternity. He ordered a few more drinks, while you were still busy nursing your first one. Walking home drunk in the middle of the night didn’t seem like the best thing to do, so you wanted to keep at least an ounce of your previous sobriety. You wanted this conversation to last forever, despite the fact that you could do without the constant shattering of glasses or drunken yelling of names. It wasn’t a noise level you were used to, but one you’d definitely be willing to endure if it meant spending more time with him.
As much as you wanted to stay, after some time you felt the weight of the day have an effect on you. You were constantly suppressing a yawn and it became harder and harder to stay focused on whatever topic Jesper was talking about now. 
“Tired much, love?” he laughed, but a faint hint of disappointment tainted his words. 
“A bit,” you yawned again, not trying to hide it this time. “I should probably go back to my flat now, I have to get up early tomorrow and I don’t think a lack of sleep will help me with that.” He gave you an acknowledging nod, not trusting his voice to stay composed. “Thank you for the evening though, I enjoyed being here…with you.”
“I enjoyed myself too,” he assured hesitantly, sliding off his chair and offering you his hand to stabilise you while doing the same.
You accepted his offered hand, carefully getting back to your feet while trying to not stumble over your own feet. When you were back on your feet successfully, you kept his hand in yours for a moment longer, letting the touch linger until it became suffocating. You quickly removed it when you saw him pursing his lips, internally praying that he didn’t think of this as weird.
What left his mouth instead went in a completely different direction. “Would you like me to bring you back home? It’s not really pleasant to walk around the Barrel during this time of the day, so maybe you’d like someone to accompany you.”
Even though you wanted to tell him that it wouldn’t be necessary, the offer sounded so tempting that you just couldn’t bring yourself to refuse it. “I’d like that.”
With a dazzling smile, he threw on his own jacket; the same jacket you had worn only a few hours prior. But of course he didn’t know that. He led you out of the club, the noise immediately fading away as he shut the door behind you. 
You walked next to each other, a fair amount of distance between you that was just close enough to imply that you were friends, but also just far enough to imply that you weren’t more. His pace was surprisingly secure, probably way securer than yours, even after more than a handful of drinks. You almost envied him for his skill of keeping himself this steady.
His pace faltered a bit when you approached a somewhat wretched multiple-story high building that had probably seen better days at some point. Two people stood in front of it, eagerly conversing about a topic you couldn’t quite make out. The man was completely clad in black, a sorrowful, almost annoyed, look on his face as he leaned on an extravagant cane with a crow’s head on top of it. You imagined that he wasn’t necessarily a pleasant person to have a conversation with and pitied the smaller woman that stood next to him. She, however, didn’t seem to be bothered by his glare at all, merely continuing to speak to him in a hushed voice. She was also dressed in black, but with a few hints of purple sticking out from beneath her cloak. Her long black hair was neatly plaited into a stiff braid that swayed behind her loosely as she moved. 
“That’s the Slat.” Jesper leaned towards you, nodding in the direction of the building you had been looking at. “All the Dregs live there. It’s kind of trashy, but it’s home nonetheless.”
“You live there too?” 
“Yep.” He pointed at one of the windows on what you assumed to be the third floor. “Right there.”
“And do you also know who-”
“Jesper!” A gruff voice cut you off rudely. It took you a second to realise that it belonged to the man with the cane, whose attention was now completely focused on the two of you. He raised his brow suspiciously when his eyes met yours. Simply making eye contact with a man this rough made the blood in your veins freeze. 
Jesper sighed, giving you an apologetic look as he turned to look at the raven-haired stranger again. “What is it, boss?” he asked, almost making you choke on your own spit.
That was his boss? Suddenly you felt even worse for stopping him from getting back to work all those weeks ago. A man like this surely didn’t have much mercy when it came to punishments.
“Tell your…company to go back home on their own and get yourself ready,” his boss ordered, a certain amount of venom lacing his voice as he spoke. “We have a job on West Stave tonight. I expect you to meet us at the Crow Club in fifteen minutes. You better hurry.”
“But Kaz, I-”
“Okay, fine,” he groaned, watching as the man disappeared inside the building again. The girl stayed there a bit longer, mouthing something that you could only think of as a silent ‘sorry’ before also taking off to go Saints know where.
Jesper turned to look at you, his previously chipper and excited demeanour completely gone, replaced by a rather sombre expression you couldn’t quite follow. “Y/N, I’m so sorry, I didn’t-”
You put up one hand to get him to stop talking, an understanding look on your face. “It’s fine, Jesper. It’s work, and as much as I would have loved to keep talking, you should probably better get going. Your boss doesn’t really seem like he’d take it too kindly if you’re late.”
“He wouldn’t,” Jesper muttered under his breath, visibly frustrated. “You sure you can get home on your own? I can ask one of my friends to keep you company. At least until you're out of the Barrel.”
“I’m sure I can handle it.” You bumped his shoulder with yours, hoping to at least bring a little smile to his lips. The corners of his lips tugged upwards a bit before he cast an anguished glance at the door of the Slat.
“I should better get going then, or else Kaz might genuinely have my head for this.”
“Which would be a real shame for someone as pretty as you.” You wanted to take the words back as soon as they slipped from your lips, knowing that this kind of flirtatious behaviour was going way too far for people who only met each other twice. But he didn’t seem to mind, a genuine grin gracing his features.
“It really would be a shame.” He pursed his lips to say something else, but you beat him to it.
“Just in case you’re interested, the offer of you dropping by to visit me at the institute still stands. With or without your jacket.”
He stood still for a second, uncharacteristically still. You feared that you had said something wrong, maybe even something inappropriate. Maybe you should have dropped the comment about the jacket. Maybe that was a bit too straightforward, too pushy. Maybe-
“You’ll be so annoyed when I actually end up taking you up on that offer.”
“I think I’ll be able to handle myself,” you laughed, a weird sense of excitement overtaking you as you turned his words around in your head. “Now go, or else your boss might rip off my head instead.”
He gave you a mock salute before turning around to leave, barely unable to contain his newfound giddiness. 
You were really in for it now.
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“Who was that?” Inej threw an inquisitive look at Jesper while they trailed behind Kaz whose pace was unsurprisingly brutal today. 
“Who was what?”
“The person you were walking with earlier. I haven’t seen them around here before.” She inquired carefully, not missing the faint blush that tainted his cheeks now. “You looked quite happy with each other. Are you friends?”
Were you friends? He wouldn’t call you a stranger, or even an acquaintance, but calling you a friend made it feel like things were moving way too quickly. And maybe they were. Time seemed to be nothing more than a concept since meeting you. 
“They aren’t in the Barrel.”
Inej blew a harsh breath out of her nose, obviously dissatisfied with his less-than-sparse answer. “How do you know them then?”
“I, uhm, we’re friends…”
“Friends from uni.” That wasn’t a complete lie at least.
“You managed to make friends in one week of barely going to your classes?”
“And they stuck around long enough to still be in contact with you now?” Nina chimed in as she hastily jogged up to them. Of course she wouldn’t let this sort of juicy gossip just pass by.
“Apparently they did,” Jesper grumbled. Why did they have to bring all of this up now?
“Wait.” Nina stopped dead in her tracks, narrowing her eyes while she kept on staring at the jacket he was wearing. “Isn’t that the jacket you ‘lost’ when you went on that job three weeks ago?” 
“Like I said, ‘losing’ was relative in that situation…” At this point, he would have preferred walking next to Kaz.
Inej’s eyebrows threatened to shoot off her face as she began connecting the dots. “Jesper! Are you…seeing someone?” She sounded as if it would be inappropriate to suggest that he could, in fact, be in a romantic relationship that went further than the casual hookup.
Nina’s mouth stood agape, a wicked grin spreading over her face. “Oh my Saints, are you seeing that ‘friend’ from university? Did you give them your jacket? My, my, who knew that you were such a romantic?”
“I don’t see how this is any of your business,” he stammered, speeding up his pace to fall into step with Kaz.
The girls didn’t dare to question him again that night, but they sure as hell remembered this crucial piece of information to tease him with during the following days.
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When Jesper fell into bed after their job, you were still the main focus of his thoughts. He couldn’t bring himself to occupy his mind with anything else but the intoxicating feeling of your smile, or the warmth of your body against his. He was so lost in thought that he didn’t even feel the need to take off anything other than his boots. 
His head dropped onto his shoulder as he lay there, wrapped up in a terrible myriad of thoughts and what-if scenarios that just didn’t want to be still. However, something about the smell of his jacket sobered him up in a matter of seconds.
It was to be expected that it would smell differently after three weeks of not being in his possession, but this scent was strong. Stronger than it should have been. It smelled clean and homey, a mixture of scented candles, old books and some floral perfume he hadn’t smelled before.
He had smelled it before.
Of course, it was your perfume. 
He sat up straight, shrugging off the jacket and smelling it again. He was really starting to feel insane now. 
The jacket smelled like you.
And he didn’t want it to change.
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Grishaverse fics in general: @yesshewrites1 @dal-light @pomagranteseeds @treasureofmy-heart
Jesper Fahey: @ell0ra-br3kk3r @writingmysanity @fall-writes
82 notes · View notes
One day Skeleton wakes up in bed next to... Another him. It's not another AU version. It's just him, except it's not him because he is himself. The clone is here for one day and then just vanishes. What are the skeletons doing on this weird day?
Undertale Sans - They should, you know, probably do something. But man, they are both so tired just looking at each other. Both Sans agreed to do nothing at all and hope things will get better alone, and goes back to sleep in the same bed in a pile of bones. That is until they both realise they can make Papyrus crazy by being in two places at once and make his brain crash. Not an hour later, Papyrus is screeching hysterically as he can't continue with their shenanigans. Sans is a little sad the other Sans disappeared the next morning.
Undertale Papyrus - After the first shock of waking up in such a beautiful company than himself, Papyrus immediately takes things in hand to make the other Papyrus feel nice in his house. He goes into a full clean up session, in front of a very lost other Papyrus who's not really buying his shit. Papyrus is a bit anxious, and he's kinda stress cleaning and act like the other Papyrus is not here. Eventually, Sans will wake up and try to comfort them by saying it's just temporary. After that, the two Papyrus plots a revenge on Sans' pranks because clearly now they are in superiority.
Underswap Sans - They both jump out of bed, gun in hand and scream-asks at the other who he is. This is awkward, they talked at the same exact moment. Honey runs in the room after hearing the chaos and he just... sighs. This is going to be a long day. Once the two Sans calmed down, they obviously wants to hang together, which ends with them in a zoo riding a tiger while laughing hysterically. Honey wants this nightmare to end.
Underswap Papyrus - They both scream out of terror and throw themselves on the opposite sides of the bed. Once they realised it's just... Uh... Himself, it's very awkward, as none of them wants to talk first. So they kinda just stare at each other for a whole hour until Blue comes to wake his brother up and finds them like this. This is going to be a very weird day where Honey tries his best to avoid himself, while Blue tries to comfort the both of them, as they are scared of each other. Thank god it's only temporary.
Underfell Sans - "damn you look dumb" "fuck you, you look exactly like me!" "hell if i am, you're clearly weaker" "no you are" "you are" "you are" "shut up" "no you shut up asshole" They both growl like enraged animals for two hours before deciding that... man, that's too much work. They're going to try to figure what the hell is happening at Grillby's. Two hours later, they are doing a dirty jokes contest as they are both drunk.
Underfell Papyrus - Well, obviously, they immediately go full royal guard mode and try to kill each other, which is revealing hard as they somehow knows the other moves. They both accuse each other to be some evil clone send to replace the other and none of them are going to let go of this. They basically spend the day defending a side of the bedroom and threatening each other of murder if they dare to get close, until the other Papyrus suddenly pops out of existence the next evening. Edge will then trap the whole house to make sure it's not happening again.
Horrortale Sans - .... Uh. Oh well, he's probably hallucinating. It happens all the time. He laughs nervously. Wow, he really just imagines there was another himself in the room. But then he looks up, and the other Oak is still here, looking as confused as he is. They both realise it's real at the same time and then, uh... Just stare at each other like preys, ready to flee or attack if the other moves. From time to time, one of them let go a worried low uncomfortable growl or hisses. Willow opens the door. Both Oak freak out and starts to jump and run everywhere in the room like crazy cats, trying to escape one another.
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Horrortale Papyrus - Man, it's too early for this. Willow ignores the other Willow and gets out of his room to go in the kitchen. He then proceeds to stress cook the entire day. Some time later, the other Willow joined him and now there's enough food to feed an entire city. Not that Oak will complain, sitting on the table and eating everything they give them. He's not bothered at all there's two Willow in the house.
Swapfell Sans - Well. That happened. They are both not too pleased about the situation, but that's ok, it's just for one day. They can totally be cordial and not try to kill each other before the end of the day... right? So they both decided to do something they know they would agree off: make themselves a cup of coffee. Except they can't agree of the type of coffee they want. When Rus wakes up, the living room is a war battlefied as both Nox are trying to blast each other behind the couches, screaming insults at each other that they are impostors because they clearly don't know anything at the art of coffee. Rus decides to let them fight and leave the room.
Swapfell Papyrus - They both giggle like idiots in bed, looking at each other. They have no idea why they're laughing. It's not funny. They probably broke the space time continuum, but man, they can't stop laughing. That's so stupid. They're both in feminine underwear. Rus wanted to try just for one night. He didn't expect to wake up with another Rus who had the exact same idea. They can't breathe anymore because something like that could only happen to them. If they have only one day together before it's the end of the world or something, they have to do something stupid. They broke in the national natural museum in feminine underwears and dresses all the animals and dinosaurs with feminine underwear. The only problem being the other Rus disappear in the middle of the operation and he accidentally ringed the alarm doing so. Nox refuses to take him out of jail before two days.
Fellswap Gold Sans - Wine is not happy another Wine just... appeared in his room. After all, it can only be one of them, his huge ego can't take the fact he's not unique. And the other's one ego is just the same. They immediately jump at each other's throat and won't stop attacking until they are both laying on the floor with only 1 HP left, unable to even move. They end the day insulting each other on the floor until they pass out. That's pathetic.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - At first both very shy, they both quickly realise the advantages of being two like... the ability to hug each other without having to ask anyone to do it. Man, they are already planning a life of ermits where they would only need each other to avoid social life. That's so cool. Until the other Coffee disappeared, that's it. Coffee is hearbroken and he refuses to leave his bedroom for two days after that, begging Wine to bring back the other Coffee. Wine has no idea what the hell he is talking about.
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that-writer-101 · 1 year
The Parent Series
Part one: Wanda Maximoff.
Author notes: AHHHH! Sorry I haven't posted in so long! I've been dealing with a lot of personal stuff! I'll be posting regularly again! :)
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(the parent series will be a series in which one of the avengers will have a child[you] and it'll showcase one of the shenanigans that happens)
You're Wanda Maximoff's daughter. While you don't have any super cool powers like your mom, you're a really good fighter. You were trained by the avengers, so of course you are.
Though, you have a secret that no one knows. Not even your mom.
You're a vigilante.
While you're only 15, you find being one much easier than being a hero. You don't have to follow so many rules.
"Bye mom! I'm gonna go hang out with America!" You shout, grabbing your bag.
"Okay! Be home by dinner!"
"Kay! Love you!"
"Love you too, sweetheart!"
With that, you go down the elevator.
Now, while you did want to go see America Chaves, your best friend, you had other things to do.
As soon as you get far enough away from the tower, you turn into an alley way and change into your vigilante suit.
A suit loosely based on Black Widow's and a full face mask with a large spiral on it. The mask also has a voice changer in it, just in case you happen to run into someone you know.
The sky starts to dim and you begin to scout the streets for crime.
"I've got eyes on her." You hear someone behind you say.
The voice was familiar.
Too familiar.
You turn around and your only thought is SHIT. Steve Rogers.
Now obviously he doesn't know who you are, well he does, but not in this outfit.
He throws his shield at you and you skillfully dodge it using moves HE taught you.
More of your friends show up. Natasha, Peter, even Thor eventually showed up.
Apparently you had caused a bit too much trouble on some of your nights on patrol.
"Yield, Distortion."
"Distor- OH did you give me that nickname because of the voice changer? That's cute!"
Natasha aims her gun at you and shoots, a bullet lodges in your shoulder.
"OoOOoOoWwW!" You over-dramatically whine.
Honestly it did hurt like hell, but you wouldn't let them know that. You'd learned that from them, don't let the enemy see weakness.
Thor throws his hammer at you and you duck under it, then run at him.
You land a solid front kick to his chest, causing him to stumble.
You take your chance and try to run, but get cut off by webs sticking you to the side of a building.
You struggle for a moment, but manage to rip the webs off of you, using a specific technique that Peter taught you.
"Dude did you like train off of us or something?! How do you know how to dodge us?!" Peter shouts.
"You could say that, yeah."
You land a solid uppercut on his jaw, internally apologizing over and over.
Meanwhile, back at the tower.
Wanda is currently on the phone with Stephen.
"You're at the sanctum with America, right?"
"Yes, why?"
"Did Y/n ever show up? She said she was going to go hang out with America and she hasn't come back yet."
"No she never came, at least I don't think so. America! Did Y/n come over today? ... Nope."
"No no no! That vigilante is out again and.. oh my god what if she got hurt!?"
Back with you.
You are getting your shit ROCKED.
Your arm is numb from the bullet still in your shoulder, your side is bleeding from getting grazed by Steve's shield.
You get punched in the face by Nat and the bottom half of your mask cracks and breaks off.
With that, so does the voice changer.
"C'mon, talk! Let's hear what you actually sound like!"
You shake your head. Your ears ring like bells and your head pounds.
The jagged edges of your mask scrape across your skin, causing blood to run down the bottom half of your now uncovered face.
You roundhouse kick Peter and he goes down.
One down. Three to go.
Steve. Natasha. Thor.
Steve throws his shield at you again. You catch it.
"How the fu-" you cut him off by chucking it back at him, knocking him off his feet.
The blood loss starts getting to you.
You feel cold despite all the moving you're doing. You can feel the colour draining your blood covered face. Every move feels like it takes so much effort.
Just as you're about to put your hands up in a yield, you get hit in the side by Thor's hammer.
You let out a blood curdling scream of pain before collapsing to the ground.
Natasha runs over to you.
"Let's see who it is."
She pulls off your mask.
"Im... Sorry... I'm so.. so.. sorry...." You mutter out.
"Shit! Fuck!" She picks you up.
"One of you call Wanda! Now!" She shouts
"Tell my... Mom.. that... That I love her.."
"No nope nu-uh. Stay awake kid. You'll be fine." She was in a full sprint back to the tower, "You've put up a great fight already. Just fight a little bit longer, alright?"
"My mom... Is gonna be.. be so mad.. she's gonna be mad.. at.. at me.." tears stream down your face.
"No she won't.. shhh... She'll be happy you're okay."
With Wanda.
"I can't calm down! What if- Oh one second, I'm getting a call from Steve. Hello?"
"So you know that vigilante that we've been fighting for some time now? Distortion?"
"Yes, why? Did that fucker hurt Y/n?! I haven't heard from her all day!!"
"About Y/n... She is Distortion."
"W.. what?! But you guys were just fighting-"
"Yeah... We only found out after the fight. Natasha is rushing Y/n back to the tower for treatment. She got really banged up."
"I-i.... I'll talk to you when you get back.." The shock was evident in her shaking voice.
"Alright, Natasha should be there soon."
They hang up.
Your mother sits in a short moment of silence, quickly interrupted by chaos erupting downstairs in the med bay.
She teleports down then rushes over to you, now laid in a bed.
"M.. mom...!"
She grabs your hand, "I'm so glad you're alright..."
"I'm.. I'm sorry.. so.. so sorry..."
"Shhhh.. dear it's okay.. you're okay and that's all that matters.."
Your vision starts to fade.
"No no no sweetheart, stay awake."
The ringing in your ears gets louder.
"C'mon dear, eyes open."
"Yes love?"
"I.. I love you.."
"I love you too sweetheart, you're going to be okay... Just stay awake.."
Despite all your effort, your eyes close and you slip into unconsciousness.
- 4 and a half hours later -
Your eyes flick open. It's dark.
You look over at a clock on the wall, it's midnight.
Turning your head, you see your mother, asleep in a chair.
"Mom..?" You weakly ask, she stirs.
"Hm..?" Her eyes slowly start flickering open, "Sweetheart! You're awake!" She suddenly perks up from her sleep.
"I'm sorry.. I shouldn't have done that..."
"No no shh.. it's alright..."
"I love you.."
"I love you too, sweetheart. Now get some rest." She plants a kiss on your forehead as you close your eyes.
Soon enough, you fall asleep.
Four days later, in the meeting room.
"Well Y/n. You have a lot of explaining to do." Steve says.
You don't respond, simply stare down at the table.
"You nearly got yourself killed." Tony responds in your silence.
"Are we going to ignore who almost killed me..." You mutter to yourself.
"What was that?"
"I said: Are we going to ignore who almost killed me?!" You start to grow frustrated.
"Kid, we didn't know it was you." Natasha retorts.
"Could you not tell that you were fighting a kid?!"
"Y/n. You had a voice changer."
"AND?! I am not the size of an adult!" You stand up, "Look at me! I'm much shorter than any of you here!"
"You can't go around doing the things that you were doing."
"What?! Stopping crime?!"
"Heros have a conduct that they follow. You weren't following it."
"Well then maybe I won't be a hero."
"Y/N." Everyone shouts at once.
"You tried to turn me into a hero. For 'justice' you said."
They all look at you.
"You got your hero. I got cheated out of my childhood."
"Sweetheart, you should've told us." Wanda speaks up.
"Don't you 'sweetheart' me. I TRIED to tell you."
"What do you mean? When?"
"No no, what do YOU mean?! I was into the fighting at first, but then came the training. OH the training! It exhausted me every. single. day. I complained whenever you brought me to another session!"
"I thought you were just being a moody teenager."
"Me being a moody teenager is when I complain about what we have for dinner, not when I complain about something day. After day. AFTER DAY."
"Y/n. Clam down." She reaches a hand towards you. You take a step back.
"No. I'm not going to calm down. I finally do something that makes ME happy and now I'm in trouble for it."
"Nearly getting yourself killed doesn't sound like happiness."
"You all do that on a weekly basis on your missions! Cause breaking into a HYDRA base sound sOoOo safe!"
"That's different."
"How!? You go to places where people have guns and bombs and god knows what else! All I do is stop stupid crimes!"
"You're a kid."
"So is Peter!"
"He has powers."
"So?! He has nearly gotten killed more times than me!"
At this point you're on the verge of crying or exploding on everyone with anger. You don't know which one is going to happen first.
Steve looks at you, "You're stopping this behavior and that's final."
"You're not my mom." You roll your eyes.
"I agree with Steve." Wanda concurs.
"This isn't FAIR!" You shout and slam your fists on the table.
"Y/n. Calm down." Your mother sternly glares at you.
"I swear I'm starting to see why the government doesn't like you guys.."
"Y/N! Go to your room right now!" She shouts at you.
"FINE!" You storm out and slam the door.
After a few minutes, Wanda calms down and starts to feel bad about how mad she'd gotten.
"Wanda, maybe you should go apologize." Natasha suggests.
She sighs, "Yeah, I'll be right back.."
Wanda walks to your room and knocks on the door, "Sweetheart?"
No response.
She pops her head into your room and... Its empty.
Panic instantly starts to set in. Had you run away? Had you gotten THAT upset about the argument?
Wanda runs back to the meeting room.
"Wands? What's wrong?" Natasha asks, noticing her panicking expression.
"Y/n isn't in her room! I don't know where she is!"
"JARVIS, where is Y/n?" Tony quickly asks his AI.
"Y/n left the building 5 minutes ago, sir."
"Oh god, she ran away! This is all my fault.." Wanda breaks into sobs, Natasha quickly runs to comfort her.
"Hey, calm down, I'm sure she's going to come back soon..."
For a few minutes, the two sit there, Wanda crying and Nat hugging her. Suddenly, a lightbulb goes off in your mom's head.
"J.. JARVIS.. which exit did Y/n leave out of..?" She has a feeling that she might know where you are.
"The roof exit, ma'am."
"Oh thank god..!" Is all Wanda says before teleporting up there.
You're laying in the middle of the roof, just staring up at the clouds.
"S... Sweetheart..?" Wanda asks, her voice shaky as she takes a hesitant step towards you.
Your eyes dart over to your mother as you sit up.
"Oh, uh.. hey..."
Wanda rushes over and wraps her arms around her.
"Sweetheart I'm so sorry I shouldn't have gotten so mad at you. I should've been calmer about the whole situation. I should've been nicer when I explained why what you did was bad and-"
"Okay, okay, mom. I love you, and I accept your apology, but you're hugging me a bit too tight. I'm still healing."
"Oh dear! I'm sorry!"
She loosens the hug and just sits next to you for a moment. "Sweetheart, I'm so sorry. I love you so, so much. I shouldn't have been so harsh on you. I just.. I need you to be safe."
"I know, mom. I should've told you what I was doing in case I ever got hurt like this."
You give her a hug and stay there for a while. When the two of you pull away, and smiles softly at you.
"I'm so glad you're okay. I love you, sweetheart."
"I love you too, mom."
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creepypasta minecraft rewrite concept dump 1
I have a 7 % in Earth Space Science anywho....
So the story takes place from the perspective of "Beatrice," an extremely haunted, traumatized, and morbid 17-year-old in her junior year. She has noticed a shit ton of paranormal activity happening ever since her sister went missing five years ago at their uncle's farm. Her uncle has been arrested for having human teeth in his hog pen, non of which are from her sister. He swears up and down that those teeth came from people who were attempting to hurt him due to his super secret knowledge. He says that he saved Penny and she ran away during the attack, however, Beatrice has no idea of any sort of "attack." She slept through the night and reported no disturbances, and to boot, her uncle reported and aided in the search of Penny. While acting as if he had no clue she went missing that morning. The trauma of this whole ordeal causes her to miss A TON of school due to heading straight to a grippy sock vacation. She is held back and ends up in class with her cousin, Valentine.
Valentine is the stereotypical pretty and popular girl. She's very grounded and level headed and by extension keeps Bee calm and functioinal. Valentine is very supportinve of what Bee goes through and proposes that they create a sort of club to find, and document, any other paranormal cases amongst their peers. Now Valentine is super fucking shady. Obviously enabling what everyone else believes to be Bee's already unstable brain folding on itself is not very supportive. This must mean Valentine has some interest or maybe even experience to back this up, right? Well I can't say because I made this role for my actual cousin, and she has to cosign on if this is cool enough for her acting skills.
Anywho, they start a club that immediately becomes a laughing stock. Valentine is pretty viscious in defending both Bee and the club, and doesn't appreciate the other students and teachers humming the tune of ghostbusters. This doesn't last long as a teacher comes to their aid and agrees to supervise the club making it a real thing, however they need a third member.
I cannot give much information on the teacher or what they will do because my bestie hasn't wrote anything yet as I'm indecisive.
So you may be wondering where the slenderverse or creepypasta comes into this, well I think it would be very cool for a small cult like following of missing kids all throughout the surrounding counties to be sacrificing people to bring an entity back to power. This entity is likely going to be slenderman since I found a really cool warden skin texture for him and I think an eight pages inspired scene with that texture pack would be very funky fresh.
Now I'm a bit of an elitist when it comes to marble hornets and honestly slender verse in general. I'm not a big fan of the whole slender mansion concept, nor am I a big fan of hoodie and masky being proxies. Also, I feel like there are some copyright issues with the characters as proxies, and I don't want them to kick my ass. So I don't want to add slender verse and creepypasta as an untied force, more as separate entities sort of working for the same outcome. For marble hornets, I'm thinking of making it a different timeline where the arg isn't existing. However, I kind of like the idea where this all takes place after the series and the cast goes to find the remaining cast of Marble Hornets, but I feel that impedes on that separate concept. Though the idea of Brian being in a great uncle Ford role sounds funky fresh. Like he died but somehow came back through shenanigans and has been preparing for the return, but I don't want to mess anything up and make it cheesy or convoluted.
Another issue arises, I have a personal beef with the creator of Ticci - Toby, and I'm pretty sure they don't even remember me, but I don't want my ass kicked. So I'm not sure how to add this character either. I was thinking of going the fear street route, where a character that goes through the original story of Ticci - Toby is present, and is chosen to fill a role. Like he goes missing, maybe he's the third member, and he comes back later as an antagonist. I don't know but I want to incorporate him somehow some way.
Another character I'm working really hard on is Nina the Killer. I don't want to touch the redesign nor do I want to go with the full story. Basically, I want Nina to be more like the "Red Makes You Hate" version of herself in the sense that she has interacted with Jeff, but she's in the same instutition as Bee went to before. I don't want her to be at the point of no return. I think she should hold some obessive qualities and a general oddness about her, but I think she'd make a great addition to the main cast and will likely show up during the creepypasta focused part.
Now, I want Jeff to have a pretty big plot. My favorite plot in a lot of different fan fiction is when he's being chased by Jane and Liu. I think this is an iconic duo but I do have some ideas for Jane. I was listening to Ride the Cyclone: Ballad of Jane Doe, and I came up with this concept from it. Very early stages, so bare with me. So Jane is from the county "Redtop" and attends the public school. She was in theatre and one of the musical shows they performed allowed them to attend a state competition. I'm from Kentucky, so this is all happening here, sorry. So they head up to, placeholder Frankford, and are set to stay the night. Well the drama teacher and his superviser are not as watchful as they should be and Jane and five other cast members sneak out during the day to check out this cat cafe. They head over and of course are caught once the teachers notice and call them. While they're waiting on the drama teacher to drive over, they mention walking to the subway a little into town, not but a walking distance away. The teacher agrees and keeps them on the phone until they start talking about a very suspicious individual following them around. Somehow three, including Jane, are led away from the group and are kidnapped. After enduring a lot of torture from Jeff, the other two are thoroughly deceased and Jane is the only one left. She was always combative and sassy, making Jeff sort of obsess about hurting specifically her even going as far to look into who her family is. Eventually, law enforcement is catching up on the case of the missing redtop kids and Jeff sets Jane on fire in an attempt to make it as hard as possible to confirm her identity. Not to save his own ass, he just wanted to add a bit more salt to the wound. They find the two others and an extremely burnt body and close the case.
Now here's where it can get a bit cloudy, I'm trying to figure out how to make her come back to life. How would that work and why would the government have that power? Why would they risk this coming out to the public if Jeff has been deemed killable. Well I thought maybe the anguish and torture she died feeling would be enough to fuel her into chasing him. I think Jane should be a reanimated corpse hellbent on killing Jeff. I don't have many ideas on Liu just yet. I also don't know if I want to add government intervention because fuck it anarchy.
There are also a few characters I don't think I should add, like Laughing Jack for example. However, I would love to figure out how to redesign or maybe create some other character to fill the role he would have played. Slenderman will be the only entity other than perhaps zalgo because I don't see how I could add any of his fannon brothers. The appropriate ones, of course. I like the ideas of proxies, and I think that should be what the cult is based on.
OKAYYY sorry for the rambling. This is all the ideas I've thought about so far. This is just dumping the concept for anyone who might be interested. Please give any feedback or ideas you think I should add or fix.
If you're going to give feedback, don't hold back and be blunt! I'm autistic and sometimes I know my brain rambles and is utterly dog shit so saving my feelings won't help me much. Thanks for coming to my TedTalk
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