#and they all wear eyeliner…I didn't even realize back then
lemonpiemosasaurus · 6 months
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artemismatchalatte · 1 year
I remember cosplaying as a teen. I used to mostly dress as male characters just because the girl's outfits were usually too short/revealing that I wouldn't feel comfortable in. It was fun wearing suits and men's clothing.
I thought of it again last night even though I gave up cosplaying a WHILE ago because I'm not really into anime any more.
However, in college, I very nearly went out for a student drag show. I had a persona and everything. I backed out at the last second. Not proud of that, but it's what I did.
But the idea just kind of sat with me and has come back to me a few times since then.
There was a joke my friend and I had. He made a fake drag persona to go with mine. I don't think he thought I was serious but I think I might have been.
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moonchildstyles · 5 months
I would simply die for an Aster blurb about them moving in together and christening their new room
wordcount: 9.4k+
(Y/N)'s body felt heavy by the time she stacked the final box in what was now her new bedroom. She couldn't help herself before she was flopping onto the bare mattress on the floor, her back popping as soon as she laid back. 
It'd been a long day and a half between transporting the boxes, breaking down furniture, and cleaning out whatever she wasn't taking with her in the move. The last step had been spending the morning unpacking what she could and organizing the remaining boxes. Harry was doing the hard work of putting together the furniture they'd just broken down, and setting up the new pieces they picked up to fill out the rest of their space. 
Mitch and Sarah had helped as they could, but they were readying for their own move. Now that (Y/N) and Harry were in their own place, Sarah would be moving in with Mitch in the house, leaving their apartment empty at the end of the month. 
(It had been a tearful conversation when they realized neither of them would be signing onto the lease once more, (Y/N) especially saddened at the thought of the first place she considered a real home now sitting empty. Her reassurance came in the form of knowing Sarah would still only be fifteen minutes away from her new home, and she would be with Harry now—her real home, if she wanted to get sentimental). 
Staring up at the ceiling with her limbs spread out, (Y/N) took in a long breath. 
It was odd already, seeing the differences in the ceiling despite the texture not being too far off from what it was like at her apartment or Harry's old house. Even the mattress under her wasn't the same, Harry having urged them to get a bigger one—even more than the one he used to have. Though the walls were still bare, she already knew how different it would be from either of her previous spaces; more black would be involved than she ever imagined herself living in. 
All the change had her bones aching that much more. 
"Break time?" 
Craning her neck up, she spotted Harry standing in the doorway wearing a small smile on his lips. Though he had his hair tied back with one of the many scrunchies he'd stolen, stray curls still stuck to his temples, attracted to the sheen glossing his skin. No eyeliner darkened his gaze at the moment, but the sleeveless cut of his shirt allowed all of his tattoos to sit in the morning light. 
God, she was going to have to buy curtains soon, too. 
"I guess," she sighed, flopping back onto the mattress. 
Harry let out a huff of laughter, his footsteps giving him away as he crossed the room only to flop beside her. 
He laid in silence next to her, looking at the same ceiling they would be gazing at every night together. 
"What are y'thinking about?" he asked, his voice a murmur. 
(Y/N) swallowed, reaching for his hand between them. "We're moving in together." 
She could hear the smile in his voice when he said, "I know." 
Hearing his own joy, she couldn't help the smile touching at the corners of her lips. "You're excited?" 
He pulsed his hand around hers. "Of course I am—I've been excited since Barcelona. 'S me and you now, baby." 
She liked the way he talked about this change, shaving the nervous edge from her thoughts. Change didn't sound so bad if it meant she was doing it with him. "You'll never have to drop me off anymore."
Letting out a plume of laughter, Harry rolled over to hover above her. Stationing his elbow by her head, he placed his cheek in his palm, squishing his smile as he gazed down at her. 
"I know—you'll be stuck with me all the time now." 
"You'll be stuck with me," she countered, voicing one of the thoughts that'd been floating through her head these last weeks as the move became more real. What if, once the honeymoon wore off, he'd realize he didn't like living with her as much as he'd hoped? 
"Sounds like a dream to me," he told her, readily fending off her unsaid worry. "How long do y'think 's gonna take for you to start getting up early with me, or for me to start sleeping in with you?" 
A small huff of laughter fanned from her lungs. "I don't know—you tell me, because I'm not getting up early like you unless I have to." 
"We'll see," he said, placing his free hand on the soft of her cheek, "It'll only take a couple mornings of breakfasts before you're up with me every day." 
He had her there, truthfully. She loved breakfast, and she wouldn't put it past him to use it against her in an effort to change her sleep cycle. 
Leaning into his hand on her cheek with her eyes matching his above her, she felt herself soften up that much more. "You're really happy, though? No cold feet?" 
Harry's expression leveled out, sincerity in his eyes. "'M more than happy, angel. Really, I've been thinking about this for a long time with you. Get t'have you all the time now—everything feels real now. 'M excited." 
It was the light in his eyes, the way he didn't flinch from her gaze or trail away, that had her chest tightening. His words felt like a vow to her ears. Everything did feel real now—in the scariest, most exciting, nerve-wracking, dream fulfilling way. 
This was all she'd ever wanted, to have a home filled with love and trust. Harry would make that a reality for her, starting with this move. 
"You're happy?" he prodded, thumbing over her cheekbone. 
"Really happy," she affirmed, nodding her head, "Scared, but in a good way." 
He tipped his head as he listened to her, a dimple popping into his cheek. "'S a change, but a good change, right?" 
"Yeah," she smiled, "Good change." 
Ducking down, Harry pressed his lips to hers. Despite the long morning they had picking through and transporting boxes, he didn't lack any energy as he poured that assuring affection through the kiss. 
"Love you," she murmured when he pulled away, lashes fluttering in a blink. 
"Love you, too," he drawled, voice a low rumble just for her. "After I finish putting up the shelves, we can get lunch." 
Maybe it was nostalgia or reaching for something familiar amidst the change that had her suggesting, "Little House?" 
His grin stretched with dimples in his cheeks and bunny-like front teeth on display. "Anything y'want, lovebug." 
She could definitely get used to hearing that. 
"What's next on the list?"
Peering at her phone with knitted brows, (Y/N) scrolled through the list of all the things they needed to pick up during their grocery trip. 
"Um," she mused, making sure she was noting everything they had packed away in the trolley already, "Pasta." 
Harry hummed in response. "This way, I think," he murmured, leading them down the aisles until she saw the many different boxes and bags displayed on the shelves. 
Parking the cart on the opposite side of the aisle, Harry looked at the different options before them with a critical eye as if he were looking at more than just varying shapes of pasta. 
"Do y'care what kind?" he asked, reaching for a blue box of plain spaghetti on the shelf.
"Not really, but," she started, spotting her preferred brand just a few boxes down, "The green box is better." 
Following her line of sight, he found the brand she referred to just for his features to pinch. "Wheat noodles?" 
"Well, yeah," she said, her own brows meeting in the middle with a pinch. 
"You... actually eat that?" Harry asked, almost looking offended at this new detail he found out about her. 
"They're good," she countered, defensive.
Harry shook his head, a huff of laughter falling from his lips. "I always thought those were Sarah's when I was over." 
"Do you not like them?" (Y/N) pressed, popping a hip the longer he stood there arguing with her.
"No one likes wheat noodles, love. You're the first person I've ever met that eats them by choice." 
"They're good!" she repeated, a whine to her voice, "Stop being mean." 
"I'm not being mean," he shook his head, grabbing for one of her wheat boxes along with one of his regular blue boxes, "Jus' didn't know that about you. Next, you're gonna tell me that y'only eat green bananas or plain yogurt." 
When she didn't answer as he loaded the cart with their new finds, Harry glanced up at her with amusement in his eyes. 
"Green bananas last longer," she cemented, "And plain yogurt is really good with honey. Don't be mean." 
Harry only shook his head, wrapping an arm around her shoulder as he steadied the trolley with his free hand. "You're cute, angel. That's all." 
He pressed a small kiss to the top of her head in the privacy of their aisle, his smile felt against the strands. 
"And, a little weird." 
Looking up at him with accusing eyes, (Y/N) whined out his name. "No, I'm not." 
"Sure," he smiled, teasing her that much more before dotting a kiss to the tip of her nose, "What's next?" 
(Y/N) hoped he didn't catch the smile gracing her lips when she shook her head. 
Though it felt a bit silly to be so dressed up with nowhere to go, (Y/N) couldn't resist twirling before the mirror in her bedroom.
Her dress was short, a stiff corset making up the bodice while the skirt flared around her hips until hitting the mid of her thigh, everything draped in baby pink satin. Her arms were left free aside from a barely there gathering of lace that sagged over her biceps, a faux sleeve that did nothing to keep the bodice high on her chest. More lace was overlaid on the rest of the dress, threaded with shimmering gold to sparkle every time she caught the light.
It was a dress she'd had for over a year now, having never worn it before tonight. It always felt much too fancy for anything she'd go out for, and much too extravagant for her to feel comfortable in. 
But, tonight was date night. Their first date night in their new home. It felt like a special enough occasion to finally grow the confidence to don the gown, even if she was still a bit nervous that she was doing too much. Especially since this date night would be spent in their dining room. 
Satisfied with the way her hair fell and her cheeks held a dewy flush thanks to all of the cosmetics on the bathroom counter (Harry still needed to finish building her vanity, so until then she was taking over their ensuite), she padded out of the bedroom on socked feet. 
They had almost completely finished packing, only. a few boxes and pieces of furniture waiting. Everything was a perfect mix of the two of them, (Y/N) thought. There was a pink throw blanket over their grey couch, a cherry blossom shaped lamp on their glass coffee table, a fluffy pink cat bed housing a black bat toy. There were photos of them littering the walls, some from their time in Barcelona, but many from the quiet moments they spent at home with one another. While (Y/N) had never imagined living in a home with so much black and other muted tones, everything served as a reminder that this was a home she'd made with someone else—someone she loved. 
She'd learn to live with it, she decided. 
The kitchen was warm as she padded over the tiles, the light in the oven on as she peeked through the glass to check on the lasagna cooking inside. With the extra cheese bubbling on top, she figured—hoped—the dish would be ready in a few minutes, giving her just enough time to plate and serve everything when Harry walked through the door. 
Evie circled her feet as she moved towards the dining table, nearly tripping (Y/N) just as Harry warned her his kitten would attempt to do the first time (Y/N) met her all that time ago. 
"Careful, Evie," she scolded her with a gentle tone, reaching down to pet between her ears, "I almost kicked you." Ever the beggar, Evie only chirped up at her with big eyes the way she had when (Y/N) was layering the lasagna in hopes of earning some extra scraps. "Later," (Y/N) promised her, carefully stepping around Evie, "After it's out of the oven, I'll give you some pieces before your dad sees." 
The table was already set, complete with candles and intricate place mats. There was a bottle of wine chilling in the fridge (did wine even go in the fridge? She'd have to ask Harry later) next to the strawberry shortcake she'd bought from the shops, and the heart shaped speaker she'd stolen from their bathroom was now perched on the kitchen island. As soon as the lights were lowered, (Y/N) hoped their home would feel just as nice as the restaurants Harry loved taking her to. 
After the timer went off, she pulled the dish from the warm oven, basil and oregano scenting through the space. Checking the time, she made haste as she put the finishing touches on the space. Once squares of lasagna were cut out, she attempted to place extra basil leaves atop the bake in hopes of emulating a heart—an idea she'd seen on Pinterest. She connected a soft playlist to filter from the small speaker. Flames danced in the candle votives, warming the space just as he lowered the lights. 
Just as she popped the plates on the placemats, she heard the distinct crackling of the garage door opened. A smile spread across her features.
Harry was home. 
She couldn't contain how antsy she was as she stood next to the made up table, rocking in her spot with her dress twirling around her. Gosh, she hoped he liked what she did. 
Evie chirped at the door she'd learned Harry would come through when he came home, circling and looking up in wait of her dad. (Y/N) sympathized with her energy. 
Harry's heavy footsteps sounded just before the door swung open, his gentle voice crooning as soon as he saw his Evie running out to greet him. 
"Hey, you," he smiled, reaching down to pet her head, "How was your day, hm? Where's mummy?" 
At that same moment, he peered up, noticing the low lights in the house and the warm scent drifting through. She had her hands knotted behind her, unable to stop them from fidgeting by the time his gaze slid over her. 
"Hi, love," he said after a moment, though his eyes never strayed from the neckline of her dress, "What's got you all dressed up? Did I forget something?" 
She shook her head. "It's date night," she told him, "First one in the new house." 
"Pretty special occasion, then. When did y'get that dress?" His eyes finally shifted down the rest of the length to where frilly socks circled her ankles before landing on her face once more. A smile bloomed on his cheeks. 
"I've had it for a while, just never wore it," she shared, swallowing around the nerves that all of his attention garnered, "I made dinner." 
It seemed then that he realized there was more than just her and her dress in the room. She watched as he took in the set up and the plates of dinner, the smell in the house and the candles lighting the room. 
"You did," he said, finally stepping away from the threshold and towards her, "Everything looks wonderful—especially you." 
"Thank you," she smiled, falling into his arms as soon as he opened them. Settling her chin on his chest, she dazed up at him with moony eyes. "How was work?" 
While it was far from the first time she'd asked him that exact question, it definitely had a different ring to it knowing that he'd just come home—to their home—from his first day of work since moving in. 
"Good," he murmured, his eyes seemingly twinkling in the candle light with his eyeliner smudged under his eyes, "Long. Jus' wanted to be home with you and Evie." 
Hearing that never got old to (Y/N). "I missed you, too," she declared, squeezing her arms around his middle, "Did you still have fun?"
"A little," he teased, "Y'were busy today though, hm?" 
"A little," she parroted, growing sheepish under his gaze, "This is our first real dinner that isn't takeout here. I wanted it to be special." 
Tearing his eyes from hers, he looked at the spread on the dining table once more. "Definitely did jus' that, angel. I feel underdressed," he laughed, his hands laced behind her back trailing down the flared skirt of her dress. 
"I think you look nice," she countered, drawing her own eyes down to the ink on his neck, the roses blooming as he swallowed. 
"I look like I jus' came home from work," he said, laughing off her compliment. 
"But, you came home to me," she murmured, unsure of what her point was, but knowing that there was no way he was ever going to look bad when he was coming back to their home. 
His expression softened then, leaving only a single dimple dented in his cheek and a lopsided smile on his raspberry lips. "I did, didn't I?" 
(Y/N) nodded up at him before Harry ducked his head down and pressed a kiss to her soft lips. She could feel her lip gloss sliding between their mouths, surely leaving a stain on his own though he didn't care with the way he slotted their lips together. It was a kiss full of affection, where his hands on the small of her back had her pressed to him. Tipping his head just so, he deepened the kiss with a taste of her lips on his tongue. 
He pulled away first, only after smattering a string of pecks across her pout. He was rewarded with a plume of laughter fanning from her mouth. 
"'M gonna get changed, but I'll be right back, 'kay?" he told her, untangling his arms from around her waist. 
"Okay," she sighed dreamily, reluctant to let go of him though she was able to, instead, watch him walk to their shared bedroom instead. 
He only turned around once to catch her admiring him.
(Y/N) wanted to huff when Harry blocked her from reaching into the water-filled sink for the third time. She settled for planting her hands on her hips, and pouting at the back of his head. 
"I can help, H. It's fine," she attempted to reason with him again. 
As if he hadn't heard her at all, he continued with his hands in the soapy water, cleaning off the dishes they'd used for dinner. He'd already packed away the leftovers of the lasagna and stowed away the remaining half-bottle of wine she'd uncorked for the night; she wanted to help before the opportunity was gone. 
Her pout only puffed out further, feeling a tiny bit like an insolent child when she debated if stamping her foot would catch his attention. 
"Harry," she scolded. 
"(Y/N)," he countered, parroting her scolding tone right back, "I've got it, my love. Jus' relax now." 
"But we're supposed to be a team," she complained, "I'm not supposed to let you do this by yourself." 
At that, Harry finally chanced a look over his shoulder at her. His eyes were tender, bright green against the refreshed liner he had applied when he changed before dinner. The lines of his face were soft as he gazed at her, his lips slightly curling while the line of his jaw held a rounded edge.
"We are a team, baby," he emphasized, wiping his hands down before turning to face her, "You made dinner, so 'm doing dishes. That sounds like teamwork to me, don't you think?" 
(Y/N) opened her mouth before swiftly closing it, unsure of what to say to that. At the end of it all, deep in her chest where she didn't enjoy digging, was that fear that if she didn't pull her weight, show her worth as more than just a little playmate for Evie or someone to crowd the bathroom with all of her products. 
But that wasn't exactly a romantic date night conversation, was it?
He waited patiently as she attempted to find her words, leaning back against the counter with an adoring gaze. When nothing coherent came from her lips, only a sputtering of a half-baked excuse, he reached towards her with gentle hands. 
Grasping her waist over the structure of her dress, he pulled her towards him until she was flush to his chest. Only when she wrapped her own arms around his middle, fingers looping around his back, did he set a careful hand on her cheek. 
Brushing stray hairs from her face, he tilted his head as a small smile touched his lips. "You know 'm still going to take care of you, right? Jus' because we live together now, doesn't change that. Y'don't have to prove anything—not to me."
With a flutter of her lashes, (Y/N) swore she could have cried hearing his words. She melted into his hold instead, enveloping him in a warming hug. 
He knew her better than anyone before, that much she knew. It was enough to have her heart breaking only to grow bigger so she could fit more of him inside. 
"Love you," she murmured, the words muffled against his chest as she squished herself against him. 
"Love you more, angel," he reciprocated, dotting a kiss to the top of her head. Shifting his hands on her, he moved until his palms landed on her hips. "So you're going to sit right here, and let daddy take care of you." 
It was the amusement swimming in his eyes and the lilting in her voice that made it clear he was only teasing, prodding and poking at her to get her in a lighter mood, but (Y/N) only felt her skin heat at the use of that title. It was quite the adjustment to know that he could speak so boldly outside of the bedroom now that there weren't any kind of roommates that could walk in at the last moment. 
In a daze, she stepped back as he herded her to sit up on the counter beside the sink. She was left with her legs dangling with her skirt fanned across her thighs, hands knotted in her lap, and her eyes on his back. The music she had connected to the small speaker continued to thrum through the room, soft and low, creating a soundtrack for the moment. 
It was silly, to feel so entranced as she watched him do something as mundane as rinsing dishes, but that was definitely what she was feeling. 
He hadn't even changed into anything special before dinner, only a black button down with embroidered white flowers and a pair of fitted black trousers. His hair was left down after adjusting some of the curls he'd mussed during work, the length falling longer than she'd seen it before. 
Maybe it was the fact that she could still hear his teasing comment ringing in her ears, or how much she truly had missed him throughout the day, but she couldn't take her eyes off him. She watched as his shoulders tensed and flexed through the fabric, the line of his muscles down the length of his arm. A part of her wanted to reach out, drag her hand down his biceps and feel the way they bunched and released as he worked. 
She felt herself growing impatient the longer he worked through the soapy water, despite knowing there wasn't much of a mess for him to clean up given the limited dishes. Without thinking, she swung her socked foot out and tapped against his leg, dragging over the back of his calf. 
A huff of laughter left Harry's lips though he continued working with only a small glance at her. "Wasn't enough to jus' watch me? Gotta touch me, too?" 
She felt flustered to be called out like that, as if she hadn't wanted his attention in the first place. She only managed a small shrug of her shoulders. 
Shaking his head, Harry put the last rinsed plate into the dishwasher and drained the sink. He took his time drying off his hands before reaching for her crossed legs. Setting his hands on her thighs, she pliantly let him spread them apart before he came to stand between her legs, his hands settling on the full of her thighs with a lingering touch. 
"What are y'thinking about, love? Got all my attention now, jus' like y'wanted, right?" 
His gaze on her features was warm enough that (Y/N) swore she could feel a warmth in its wake, heavy and unrelenting. She blinked up at him, a flutter of her lashes as he grew breathless. "I don't know—just... You." 
"Me?" he smiled, dipping his head down until he was level with her, "You've got a crush on me or something?" 
His teasing was enough to have a laugh drawn from her lungs, dropping her hands to land on his own as they roamed over her thighs, dipping underneath the hem of her dress. "Stop," she giggled.
"Ooh," he sung, "You like me, don't you? C'mon, love, can't hide it from me. So obvious, isn't it?" 
"Stop it," she laughed, letting go of his hands and instead opting to loop her arms around his neck in a controlling hug, "I don't have a crush on you!" 
"You don't?" Harry whined, a pout audible in his voice, "But, why'd y'move in with me then if y'don't even have a crush on me?" 
Hooking her ankle around the back of his leg. She murmured into his neck, "Because I love you." 
His arms created a cradle around her back, keeping her close as he quieted in her hug. "I love you too," he hummed, "So much. Thank you for doing all of this for us, love—everything was perfect." 
Her grin stretched wider over her cheeks, "I'm happy you liked it all. First date at our new house." 
"Still gotta take care of a lot of firsts here, don't we?" His hands on her body shifted then, caressing the structure of her dress, the pads of his fingers tracing the detailing of the lace. 
With the way his voice dropped—and the fact he'd said what he said only a handful of minutes ago—, (Y/N) had somewhat of an idea of what kind of firsts he was referring to. 
The past week had been hectic to say the least. Nothing more than cuddling and a few stray kisses were shared in their new bed, their bodies not having energy for anything more after their long days of making their house a new home.
Tightening the loop of her arms around his neck, she clung to him as she nodded into his neck. "Yeah."
"Yeah?" he parroted, a smile in his voice. Turning his head, he pressed his lips into a string of kisses from her temple down to her cheek, lingering kisses that dragged over her skin. She could feel her blood warming in his wake, her lashes fluttering as her eyes came to a close. 
"Yeah, daddy."
Harry pulled in a long breath at the sound of his title wrapped in her voice, the tip of his nose dragging across her cheek. Finally, he planted his lips on hers, slotting between her own. 
With her arms around his neck, (Y/N) practically melted into him with the broad of his body keeping her upright. She half-expected him to smile into the kiss, a small tease over seeing how ready she was for something as small as a kiss, but he did nothing more than tilt his head and strengthen his grip on her form. 
It wasn't until she felt the tip of his tongue sweep across her lower lip that she gathered they hadn't even so much as kissed like this since moving. She hadn't realized the week had been so hectic as to leave no time for anything more than a few kisses and their cuddling before passing out as soon as the sun fell. 
She hadn't realized how much she missed him until that second. 
Reciprocating his kiss, lips parting and inviting him in, (Y/N) hitched a thigh over his hip. She clung to him with her fingers working into the baby soft curls on the back of his neck in a soft tug. He let out a sigh into her mouth, his hands pulsing on her waist. With her position on the counter, every flex of his hands on her body, she was drawn closer and closer to the edge, leaving her to wrap her limbs instead. 
His tongue ran over her own, the taste of the strawberry shortcake dessert lingering. She could feel the tip of his nose nudging into her own, tracing the bridge with every tip of their heads. The soft sound of their lips parting and coming together filled the kitchen, sounding over the music she still had playing from the small speaker. 
Drawing away from her kiss, he started down her jaw to the column of her throat. (Y/N) tilted her head back, allowing him more access to her heated skin as he kissed down to the neckline of her dress. Her hands in his hair tightened. 
"Where are you going?" she murmured.
"Gonna take care of you, remember?" he said into her neck, the words melting into her skin, "Jus' like I promised."
With that, he fell to his knees before her, settling between her own spread legs. Her hands shifted, now combing the strands out of his face as she looked down at him. His palms glided over her dress until he found the hem, pushing it up and over her thighs to wrinkle at her waist. 
"That okay, baby?" he asked, suddenly breathless as his eyes met the small part of underwear she had covering her core. 
"Uh-huh," she nodded her head, nails catching on his scalp. 
He shot her a soft smile, enough to dot dimples into his cheeks before her attention was diverted to the feel of his hands sitting on her bare thighs. Hooking his fingers into the waist of her underwear, all she needed was to lift her hips just enough before he was pulling the fabric down her legs. 
The way he looked at her then, after pulling the garment off and fitting his hands between her thighs to widen the gap, brought her back to the first night in his office at the tattoo parlor. He gazed at her like he'd never seen her before, like this was the first time all over again. He didn't have to say anything to let her know that he saw her as something special. 
Planting his lips across the inside of her thigh, the tip of his nose and the fan of his breath brought goosebumps to layer over her skin. He dragged his mouth across the sensitive skin, using his grip on her thighs to keep her steady as he tugged her towards the very edge of the counter—and his face. 
It wasn't until she could feel his breath skimming over closer to her pussy that her muscles bunched, her own lungs stuttering. He peeked up at her through the fan of his lashes, matching her eyes for a lingering moment, leaving her with no other option than to watch as he pressed his lips to the crease between her thighs and her core, her body jumping at the tickling shock that touched her spine. With her hands holding back his hair, her fingers flexed between the strands.
She could feel his smile against her skin as he closed that remaining distance, pushing his lips against her clit. She hadn't realized how wet she'd grown until she pulsed around nothing, her breath stalling. His nose mushed against her mound, his lips puckered around her clit in a sucking kiss. It was enough to have her toes curling, eyes fluttering. 
He lingered on her clit, peeking up at her through the fan of his lashes, for a moment before dipping lower. (Y/N)'s throat ran dry as she watched his tongue sink between her folds, a small whine falling from her lips. A light flickered through his eyes then when he peered up at her, though he didn't stop to tease her or pull away to let out a huff of laughter. Instead, he kept her gaze as he skated the tip of his tongue down the length of her slit, lingering over her shuddering opening. 
Her reaction—a choked moan, flexing hands, and shiver down her spine—was finally enough to have him smiling against her wetness. He pulled away just enough, his breath fanning across her core.
"Feel good, angel?" he asked, punctuating his words with a kiss to her clit. 
With her mouth dropping open, (Y/N) wanted to answer, knew she had the words to give him, but nothing left her lips. She was left with a frantic nod of her head, wiggling until she was precariously dangling from the edge of the counter with her pussy right in Harry's face. His brows bounced over his eyes, a smug smile touching at the corners of his lips. 
Expecting another teasing quip, (Y/N) readied herself to attempt to actually answer him, but her mind was drawn completely blank when he only dove back into her folds. His nose was pressed against her swollen clit, her wetness sliding around his chin. She could feel the motions of his tongue through her slit, his lips kissing her in-between each lick. Eventually, Harry couldn't manage to keep his eyes open, his lids falling closed as he buried his tongue among her taste, the tip peeking against her opening.
It wasn't until he wagged his head, spreading her folds around him with his hands keeping her shaking thighs from closing around him, that (Y/N) found her voice. 
"H—Daddy, I—" she choked out, the call crackling and stilted through her lungs. 
The mentioning of his title only spurred him on it seemed. He attempted to mutter something against her core, something lingering and drawled, though (Y/N) couldn't even begin to decipher his words as they were pressed into her pussy. The vibrations of his voice was enough to rattle through her, his nose still mushed into her puffy clit. 
She just needed that much more, she thought, her toes curling at his back. With her hands in his hair, she attempted to get that more she needed, pulling him closer to her core in hopes of feeling him inside. 
Harry's grip on her thighs tightened then, his eyes peeling open to match her cloudy gaze. Despite her hand in his hair, he drew away with the pillows of his lips barely dragging across her sensitive skin. 
"Close already?" he asked, breathless. 
"Y-Yeah, I'm sorry," she stuttered, swallowing around her dry throat, "I—"
Before she could finish her thought, Harry smeared one last kiss against her clit before he was parting her thighs and standing to the full of his height between her legs. She craned her neck to look up at him just as he fixed his palms to mold to the curve of her cheeks, bringing her in for a kiss. His lips were already swollen by the time he sealed them to hers, a taste lingering on his tongue. (Y/N) acted as his crash pad through the frantic shift, taking all of the affection he was pouring into her. She didn't have to see him to know there was a furrow dipping his brows, his eyes cinched closed as he kissed her with the same intensity he had shared between her legs. With the way he was flushed against her, keeping her upright on the countertop, it didn't take much to feel the bulge straining behind his pants. 
Her breath caught. That wasn't something she'd never completely get used to—knowing he loved touching her enough to get his own satisfaction. 
Harry only kissed her harder, this nose nudging against her own. 
When his hands disappeared from her cheeks, sliding down the length of her body, she expected him to wrap underneath her thighs and hoist her up into his arms. Instead, he only lingered on the bare plush of her hips, thumbs brushing the sensitive skin.
"Baby," he breathed against her mouth, drawing just far enough away for the syllables to be audible. "I need to fuck you." 
If her heart hadn't already been hammering into her ribcage, she's sure it would have started then, the vulgar words ringing in her ears. 
Puckering her lips enough to close the space between the two of them, sharing a small kiss, she nodded her head. "Okay." 
"Right here." 
That had (Y/N) blinking her eyes open, pulling far enough away to peek at his still closed gaze. Instinctively, she wanted to protest, to tell him to take her to the bedroom where there was privacy and a locked door. But those were instincts that came before they had their own space, before they were void of roommates. There was no need to hide if Harry was the only one around to catch her in that pleasure. 
When her pause lingered, Harry finally cracked his eyes open, the pupils dilated. She could see the darting of his gaze as he took in the details of her eyes, the fan of her lashes, the shape of her nose. 
"Need me to stop?" he asked, his breathing coming out in heavy swatches. 
"No, no," she answered in a rush, looping her arms around his neck, "Just... We don't have roommates." 
A small smile curved his lips. "We don't." 
"This is our house." 
"It is." 
"We can do this right here." 
His grin grew. "We can do this right here." 
(Y/N) couldn't help the beaming smile that took over her features. Taking advantage of her arms around his neck, she pulled him in for another kiss. It was messy, a bit off center with their mouths smeared across one another, though that was only because she couldn't completely erase her smile. 
"Y'want to?" he murmured into her mouth, his hands on her hips sliding until he was palming the full of her thighs.
"Please," she answered, the word falling from her lips without a second thought. She could only imagine the dimple that bloomed into his cheek then. 
Shifting between her thighs, he tipped his head to trail his lips onto her cheek. "Get me out, baby." 
Her hesitation lasted only a moment before she processed his instruction, her hands sliding from where she had them around his neck. She had the privilege of tracing down his body, feeling the blocks of muscle on his abdomen and the soft pudge on his hips. Reaching the waist of his pants, her hands grew just a bit frantic, fumbling as she moved. 
"'S alright, lovebug," he murmured to her, dotting his lips onto the height of her cheekbone, "Jus' me." 
That was the problem, she wanted to tell him. She wanted him now, and she couldn't make it happen fast enough. 
Unfastening the waist of his trousers, she pushed them down until they hit just the middle of his thighs. She brushed his skin, feeling the coarse hair on his thighs brushing her hands. Peeking between them, she could see the way his cock stood hard between his thighs, the black fabric of his briefs straining around him. 
Hooking her fingers into the band of his underwear, she carefully pulled the garment down, tugging until they were in line with his trousers. His cock bobbed against his stomach, hitting the material of his shirt, with a glistening stain left in its wake. 
Wrapping a leg around his hip, (Y/N) didn't even realize she was trying to pull him closer until she felt herself teeter on the edge of the counter. Harry caught her with a huff of laughter leaving his lips. 
"Careful, love," he muttered, hooking an arm around her waist while the other stayed right on the full of her thigh.
"Sorry," she breathed, planting her hands on his chest though she couldn't keep her gaze off of his length, "I'm just..." 
"Ready for me?" he said, posing a question as much as he was finishing her sentence. 
"Yeah," she said, nodding her head with her fingers curling into the material of his shirt, "Please, daddy." 
She swore she could see his cock jump at her words. 
"Okay, baby," he told her, his voice stilted some, "Hold me, 'kay?" 
Unfurling her fingers from his shirt, she curled her arms around his neck and hugged herself to his chest. His cock fit snug between them, the base pressed into her clit enough to draw a shaky breath from her lungs. Harry's own breath became strained, his chest stuttering.
He held her steady with his arm around her waist while his other slid from her thigh. She could feel the faint touches of his fingertips as he felt around, wrapping his fingers around his cock before lining up with her core. The first touch of his tip against her pulsing hole, her breath caught, her spine stiffening.
Giving her a moment to breathe, he ran the head through her fold. With every bump to her clit and lingering nudge against her opening, she was reminded just how close she'd been before when he had been on his knees between her thighs. She curled her leg around his own that much more, drawing him nearer. 
"Good?" he crooned, the word coming out in a breath.
She didn't even think before, "Yes, daddy," was spilling from her lips. 
That was all Harry needed to hear before the nudges turned into a full thrust of his hips, pressing his cock into her core. A whimpering moan built in her chest as he sheathed himself inside her, her walls parting for him with shuddering pulses. Harry had his own lingering moan that sounded in her ear, elongated and low as he finally got to feel her around him for the first time since moving in. 
"Been too long," he panted, smearing his lips against the hinge of her jaw as she hugged him tighter. 
"It-It's been a week," she told him, stuttering over her tongue as he reared his hips back. Feeling the ridge of his head glide against her and catching on her entrance was enough to catapult her heart to her throat. 
"Too long," he affirmed, thrusting forward, his hand landing on her hip to keep her steady as she was pushed back at the force. "Too long for daddy not to have you, baby. Not gonna happen again, okay? Not since I've got you all t'myself now." 
His words melted into her skin as he kissed down her jaw, his hips curating a pace that had her body pressing back into his anchoring arm. She swore she could feel his head reaching places she had forgotten existed until he was inside her. His base smushed into her clit every time he bottomed out, giving her a jolting touch before he disappeared again in favor of sinking through her walls. She was sure he could feel that jolt just as much with the way she tightened into a snug hold around his length. 
"Not gonna happen again, daddy," she repeated, feeling a bit delirious as she threw her head back, just barely missing the edge of the cabinets as she presented more of her neck for him to kiss. "All to myself now." 
She could feel the huff of his laughter fanning across her heated skin as his lips met the neckline of her dress. "You've got me all to yourself, baby."
Her thighs bunched around his hips, the muscles tightened when he removed his steadying hand on her thigh. She rocked against the counter with every thrust of his hips, the force knocking a small noise loose from her chest each time. 
Curling his fingers around the corseted top of her dress, Harry pulled it down until her bare chest was put on display for the warm air between them to reach. Moving her hands up until she had her fingers dancing through the long curls of his hair, she combed her fingers through the strands as he kissed down her chest with his own hand landing on the thick of her thigh. 
His lips planted a trail over her skin, outlining the swells of her breasts and the line of her cleavage before catching her nipple. The sucking kiss had the pit of her stomach twisting and tying into a tight spiral, knocking her lungs against her ribs in favor of making room for the warmth filling her abdomen. It wasn't a touch she was usually accustomed to, but every now and then, Harry toyed with her body just right to have the feel of his mouth on her chest rivaling that of his touch on her clit. 
"Daddy," she squeaked, her fingers curled tight in his hair, "I think—I—" 
"I know, love," he murmured against her chest, the tip of his nose skimming the flesh, "I can feel it. Y'cum whenever you're ready, yeah? Let daddy have it—I've missed it." 
Even if it was a bit silly—something she may feel embarrassed over with a clearer mind—(Y/N) swore she could feel his voice against her heart, the rumble of his words sinking through her muscle and bone and straight to the pumping chambers. 
"I missed you, too," she stuttered out, her tongue thick in her mouth, "Missed you fu—"
A pinch settled between her brows when she realized what she had been about to say. 
"Missed me what, baby? What were y'gonna say?" Harry prodded, dragging his mouth up from her chest to land on the point of her chin in a searing kiss. 
"Um—I don't know," she breathed, attempting to catch him in a kiss before he pulled just too far out of reach.
Between them, the sound of her folds parting for him with her slick making a mess of their legs sounded within the space, suddenly louder than any soft song that could be playing from her heart shaped speaker. Harry chanced a look down, catching the way his length glistened in the low remaining light with his mouth dropping into a small gape as his breath came out in pants. His arm around her back tightened, angling the small of her back just right to allow him deeper inside. 
"Were y'gonna say y'missed me fucking you?" he asked, breathless as he couldn't tear his eyes from where they were joined. 
Combing her fingers through his hair, she caught the long strands falling in his face. She swallowed around her dry throat. "May-Maybe," she peeped, stuttering through the word as he surged his hips forward in a particularly deep stroke. 
A deep groan rumbled through his chest, his arm around her and his hand on her thigh tightening as he fell into her. His face was buried in her neck, his lips brushing the column of her throat. 
"Will y'say it for me, angel? Please," he murmured, his voice pitching with the plea. 
Had there been anything going on in her head, (Y/N) might have protested, just as she always playfully did when he poked about this same subject. But her head was too full and too empty at the same time. Her only feasible option was to give him what he wanted—especially when he was taking care of her the way he was. 
"I-I missed you fucking me, daddy." 
The heavy groan he let out dripped over her shoulder, warm and rumbling. His own curses filtered through after, his hips still knocking against her own with every stroke as he bottomed out inside her. 
"Never gonna let it happen again, right, love?" he panted, sounding a bit delirious as he began to babble into her neck. 
His bubbling words became the soundtrack as he felt his hand slip from her thigh to head between their bodies. He pressed his palm into her mound with his fingers stretching across the small of her tummy, leaving his thumb to dig right against the pad of her clit. 
"Can y'say it again? Please?" he asked, bringing her back to the moment with decipherable words. 
Her eyes fell closed, her too stimulated from everything to worry about the world beyond the cocoon of their bodies. Every muscle seemed to be bunched that much tighter, pressure leaking through until there would be nowhere else for it to go, but out. 
"I-I'm so close," she whimpered, clinging to him as he mouthed at her throat, his cock twitching inside her, "Keep fucking me, H." 
A moment later did (Y/N) feel the way he shuddered against her, his hips lingering once he bottomed out, only to roll against her. His mouth was in a gape at her neck though no noise came out, leaving him slack-jawed as the first paint of his cum roped out. Though he attempted to keep his thumb on her clit moving, he was far too heavy headed as he rolled his hips into hers, soaking in his own orgasm. Wetness flooded her walls, her insides shuddering as she felt each motion of his cock inside her, hyper aware of every ridge and minute rock of his hips.
"Fuck," he muttered, her first clue that he was floating back down to earth, "I love you—shit, 'm sorry." 
"Don't be sorry, why are you sorry?" she breathed, combing her fingers through his hair. She couldn't help but to wriggle in his hold, her own release teetering after feeling him cum inside her. 
"I—You're supposed to be first," he said, breathing heavily into her neck once the last dredges of his pleasure seeped out of his system. 
"I'm fine, it's fine," she smiled, pulling him from her neck only to press her lips to his, "It's okay, you d—" 
Her words were choked off when he started circling her clit with new vigor, rearing his hips back just enough before stroking into her once more. Though he was slowly softening and she could tell the feel of her walls sucking around him was too much, he didn't do anything other than tuck his bottom lip between her two and work her back to the edge she had been balancing on. 
It didn't take long for her muscles to bunch under her skin, her spine to stiffen, and stomach to mold into a tight ball. Her toes curled from where she had her legs wrapped around him, her fingers doing the same in his hair. 
"'M here, baby," he murmured, smearing his lips against hers in a kiss, "Cum for me." 
With a flutter of her lashes as her eyes fell closed and a bubbling call of his name falling from her tongue, (Y/N) felt every bunch of pressure in her body release. Her walls shuddered just as her lungs did, her breath stilted. A heat surged through her system that felt cold by the time it touched her fingertips and toes. Her clit pulsed under his thumb, her insides tightening around his softening cock and the mess he'd left inside her. 
Harry worked her through it as best he could, letting her take her time in the clouds before every touch became too much for her. Though she kept her arms wound around his neck, she loosened her legs from around his waist, leaving him free to pull out with a slick sound filtering through the kitchen.
(Y/N)'s breathing came in pants as she closed her thighs around his hips, knocking his hand just off center enough to show him she'd had enough for the time being. 
"Harry," she breathed, an aftershock reaching up her spine.
"(Y/N)," he answered just before giving her a small peck, a smile on his lips. 
Hugging herself to him, jumping when her sensitive clit touched his soft cock, she tucked her head under his chin. 
"We just had sex in our kitchen," she murmured into the dip of his collarbones. 
A laugh fell from his lips, loud and boisterous. Arranging his arms around her to reciprocate her hold with his palms pressed into the planes of her back, he squeezed her that much tighter to his chest. "We did, didn't we?" 
"Is that gross?" she peeped, suddenly hyper aware of the cold countertop under her legs. There wasn't much time left before she was sure there would be a bigger mess to clean up given just how slick her core felt. 
He shrugged around her, giving her a kiss to the top of her head. "Did y'like it?"
She answered him in a shy nod as if she hadn't been begging him to fuck her just a handful of minutes before. 
"Then, no, 's not gross." 
Smiling into his throat, she melted into him. Even with the boning of her dress poking into her skin, the way her slick was beginning to cool on the inside of her thighs, she could see herself sticking to his moment for as long as she was allowed. 
"I had so much fun with you tonight, baby," Harry muttered, his voice as soft as the touch of his lips to her hair, "Thank you." 
"I had fun, too," she told him, peeling away just enough to look up at him with moony eyes, "Thank you for wanting to live with me." 
Dimples appeared in his cheeks, his smile tender to match the way he looked at her. "Didn't have much of a choice, did I? 'S not normal to send half of m'heart to another house every night, is it?" 
His corny, sticky-sweet words only served to make her heart bloat and reach for his own as if it could leap out of her chest if it tried hard enough. A bubbly laugh fell from her lips, (Y/N) hugging him that much tighter with her cheek laying against his chest. 
"But, seriously," Harry amended, his voice void of amusement as he murmured against her hair, "Thank you for choosing me—I feel lucky everyday that I get to have a life with you like this." 
Every bit of laughter in her chest waned out in favor of fluffy affection tickling the chambers of her heart. She nuzzled closer to him, basking in his warmth and the scent of his skin. She wondered how long it would be until she had those same notes imprinted on her, how long it would take for Harry to linger with notes of cherry on his clothing.
"I love you," she told him, sincerity dripping from each syllable. 
"I love you more," he cemented, dropping a lingering kiss to the top of her head.
Before she had a chance to playfully argue back, Harry shifted his hold on her, adjusting his hands until they slid underneath her bottom. He lifted her from the countertop, (Y/N) clinging to him with a gasp escaping her throat. 
"What are you doing?" she rushed out, wrapping her limbs around him as tight as she could manage.
A bubble of laughter plumed from him. "We've got to clean up and then look at the damage we left here. Or did y'plan on sleeping in your princess dress?" 
The thought of spending the night in the boned corset without panties or even socks on had a frown embedded on her lips. "No. Clean first." 
"That's what I thought," he smiled, carrying her off with a kiss planted on her temple. 
On their way to the bedroom, (Y/N) laid her cheek against his shoulder, the walls of their home passing them by. Her gaze lingered on the photos of them littering the walls, the memories she'd made with him over the short time she'd had her Harry in her life. 
She wondered how many picture frames the walls could hold. They had a whole lifetime now to share many more special moments, and she didn't want to miss a moment.
ahhhh! im so happy I finally got this part of their story out!! thank you so much for reading, sorry for any mistakes, and please lmk if you have any fun ideas or anything at all :)
812 notes · View notes
bratzforchris · 7 months
you should do johnnie x fem!reader but she has a christina piercing
Call Me
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Summary: A post-breakup piercing turns into something much more
Pairing: Body piercer!Johnnie x feminine reader
Warnings: NSFW content, dirty talk, fingering (f), genital piercing
Word Count: 1k
A/N: Thank you for the request! I didn't write a ton of super in-depth smut because of legality (even though this is au and a fanfic, i try to keep it semi appropriate <3), but if you'd like a part 2, send it in my inbox!!
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You had never been a wild girl. Down to have fun? Sure. But never wild. All of that changed today, though, as you walked into your local tattoo and piercing parlor. Having recently gone through a rather messy breakup, you decided the best way to find yourself again was to reclaim your own body. A tattoo had seemed a bit too permanent, whereas ear and nose piercings had seemed too basic. After a bit of research, you had decided on a Christina piercing. Was it a bit out there? Definitely. Then again, no one had to know about it except you and your sexual partners down the line. 
You signed your name in at the front desk, feeling so thankful you didn’t have to put down what kind of piercing you wanted. As excited as you were, that would be too embarrassing for you. You waited, anxiously tapping your leg until a man came from the back and called your name. 
You stood up, meeting him at the door to the back in quick strides. “I’m right here.”
“I’m Johnnie. I’ll be your piercer today. Come on back.” the man nodded, leading you into the studio. 
Whatever you had done to piss off the universe, you regretted it. Not only were you about to have a man pierce your clit, he was hot too. He had the classic emo style that you hadn’t seen anyone in real life wear since like 2008, and tattoos and piercings littered his own skin. You couldn’t help but to stare at his spider bites, wondering what it would feel like to kiss and tug on them. 
“My eyes are up here.” Johnnie joked, leading you into a private room and closing the door. 
‘Fuck, Y/N. Get it together.’ You thought, forcing your eyes to roam up Johnnie’s face to meet his own. That was a mistake, though, because your piercer had the iciest, most gorgeous blue eyes you had ever seen, rimmed with dark eyeliner that only added to his good looks and complemented his long, black hair. 
“Sorry, I’m a little anxious.” You mumbled, cheeks burning. 
“I understand,” Johnnie smiled kindly. “So, what piercing were you looking to get today?”
“I, um…” You started, but the words got lost in your throat. 
“Let me guess. Nips?” he chuckled. 
You shook your head, embarrassingly flustered and Johnnie’s eyes widened with realization. 
“I see. Well, a Christina is an anatomy based piercing, so I’ll have to assess before I pierce. Is that okay?” he asked, keeping a cool, professional tone. 
You nodded, your cheeks so beyond red both from the conversation and because of how hot Johnnie was. You honestly wished that this was another setting, because you knew he had to remain professional, no matter how badly he or you wanted it. Johnnie politely turned his back while you shimmied out of your pants, knowing there was no going back now. An unfamiliar man was about to see your whole pussy in bright, LED lights and you honestly wished you were more uncomfortable with it. 
Once he had gotten confirmation from you, Johnnie turned around, pulling some black, latex gloves onto his hands. “I’m going to touch you now, okay?”
He moved to spread your legs, slowly caressing your inner thighs gently. As Johnnie moved towards your slit, you prayed he wouldn’t notice the dampness that had pooled between your thighs. His gracefully artistic fingers neared your clit and you couldn’t help but to let out a tiny moan at how great it felt. You hadn’t gotten laid in over a month, and you were desperate for an orgasm that wasn’t the product of your hand or battery operated ‘friends’. If Johnnie noticed, he was too polite to say anything. He plucked a flashlight from the medical cart beside him and examined you a bit more. You couldn’t help but to notice the way his fingers lingered on your clit for a moment longer than they should have as you let out another moan. 
“You like that?” he chuckled, seeming to be joking. 
You didn’t know what possessed you to do it, but you nodded softly, whispering out a “yes.”
Johnnie hummed, coming around the side of the table and whispering in your ear, his breath hot on your neck. “Tell me, Y/N, are you single? Does your boyfriend know you’re trying to get off on my fingers?”
You blushed, trying to arch into his touch. “I’m single.” You grunted out against the arousal. 
“Thought so,” he smirked. “Better for me.”
Johnnie turned his back to you as he prepped the needle and jewelry, almost in a teasing way. You heard the plastic opening and couldn’t help but to think about the way that would be the sound of Johnnie opening a condom, prepping himself to go inside you. God, you needed to get it together. 
“Are you ready?” he asked you, spreading your legs as he held the needle. 
You nodded, eager to see how Johnnie would do this and how it would look. “I am.”
“Deep breath. 1, 2, 3,” Johnnie inserted the needle, quickly and expertly giving you the Christina piercing you had been looking forward to. “Good girl,” he was practically moaning himself. He quickly cleaned you up, caressing your pussy gently and with loving care. “Took that like a fuckin’ champ.”
You blushed at his praise, your clit throbbing both from the pain and from the arousal. “Thank you.”
Johnnie walked you out of the room and to the front counter for you to pay. You were rather disappointed when he disappeared into the back again as you handed the cash for your piercing to the girl working the front desk. Just as you were about to leave, though, Johnnie opened the door and slid a card across the counter to you. 
“Aftercare instructions.” he winked. 
You flipped the card over as you walked out of the building, only to see a phone number scribbled in messy, black ink on the back with a ‘;)’ and a heart. Somehow, you’d gone in for a piercing, and come out with both a piercing and the desire for a fuck buddy. 
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700 notes · View notes
eustasskidagenda · 11 months
Hi! I love your writing! Can I ask some headcanons with Kid, Sanji, Zoro, Law et Luffy going to the beach with their S/O, please?? Tysm!
Hello sweet anon! Thank you for requesting, it was fun to write. Hope it will match your expectations ☆
☆ Kid, Sanji, Zoro, Luffy & Law going to the beach with their s/o
CW : g/n reader, funny, fluff, Kid is cursing but I guess no one is surprised, Kid is a savage, really vague mention of sex for Sanji, slight cursing for Zoro + mention of alcohol,
WC : 2,3k
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Heavy stomps, mumbling curses, regular sighs and grunts full of irritation. Yep. It was your idea to go to the beach. Kid would never go to the beach by himself because he hates all the screaming children and the sand between his toes. And, the sun could ruin his make-up. So he would act all grumpy, wondering what he has done to end up in such a situation. 
"Goddamn, y/n, come back, you didn't put your sunscreen" Of course Kid thinks about his skin all the damn time, he's such a beauty-influencer when it comes to make-up and skin care. If you neglect to apply sunscreen to your body, he will bark at you, grab you by the wrist, and do all the work himself. And then, you'll have to help him, especially when it comes to applying sunscreen to his back. He won't let you know he loves when you run your hands down his back and along his always tensed shoulders. 
"I've seen this place before you, fuck off!" While planting violently your parasol on the ground, barking to the poor innocent guy who tried to set his stuff at the place Kid noticed in first. "It's my beach."
He's so possessive with everything, help.
Actually, Kid likes one thing about the beach: he can brag about his big man boobies. No shirt, just his glorious bare, toned chest. Every time someone looks at him with jealousy or admiration, he feels so proud; his ego is never satisfied with this. He's perfectly aware of how shaped his torso is, and he's really proud of it. 
Every time someone looks at your body, he feels really pleased with himself. Even if they try, they won't be able to have you. But on the flip side, he's also upset when he realizes that everyone can see your beautiful shapes. His arm would be wrapped around your waist. All. The. Time. 
Kid being Kid, he would smash all the sandcastle made by the children. Prepare yourself to get in trouble with all the mad parents around there, while their children are crying because "the big scary man told me I'm a piece of shit who don't even know how to build a sandcastle" You better watch Kid tightly before he stuffs their mouths with some sand to make them shut up.
"Come on Kid, it's just a child." 
If you try beach sports, he will make everything a competition. Avoid playing volley beach with him, because if you team up and lose, he will smash the ball into the winner's face. "Now who's the loser?" 
If someone tries to sell him an ice cream, he would scowls madly. Does he look like someone licking some fucking ice balls full of sugar? Ugh. It's so ridiculous. 
He doesn't wear armbands because he thinks he's too good for them. "I don't care if I can't swim, I won't use those damn armbands." 
Honestly, Kid hates how weak he is in the water, so he would stay away from trouble. The ocean makes his voice weak, even his strength is leaving him. And, even if his eyeliner is waterproof, he doesn't want to risk ruining his make up. "I fucking hate water" 
Would end up using his DF to find some metal around and build something with it while you're swimming. It looks like he doesn't care, but secretly, he watches to make sure you're safe. And if you're drowning, then, he'll run to save you so yes, congrats, now you're drowning together. 
Luckily, Killer is not too far.
Killer deserves a break.
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Oh, damn... going on a beach date with Sanji is not a good idea. All the women in swimsuits would overwhelm him. Sanji, as he is, wouldn't be able to handle all the women around him, even though you are the prettiest of all the people around.
But the moment you take off your clothes and replace them with your swimsuit, his eyes would be on you all the time because you're the most mesmerizing person in the whole universe. 
He's so proud to introduce you as his s/o to absolutely everyone, yes, even that one person sleeping peacefully under their parasol. "Have you seen how beautiful y/n is?" 
Of course, he would help you apply sunscreen to your skin. Enjoy the massage because his hands are so heavenly smooth and divine. He would clearly take advantage of the situation to place some soft kisses along your collarbone, shoulders, neck, jugular, and down your spines. 
It's clear that Sanji brought his own food to the beach. You can enjoy fresh drinks, ice cream, waffles, cakes, fresh salads, and juicy fruits just for you. He wouldn't let you buy some ice cream from the trader because it's probably disgusting, full of sugar and chemicals. Your body is a temple and cannot be contaminated by non-premium quality food. 
He's probably causing the parents to be angry because he's smoking. But Sanji is nice, so if it was asked politely, he wouldn't mind stubouting his cigarette. 
While you're tanning under the parasol, Sanji is probably laying next to you, with a book explaining all the fish he could buy in the town. 
If you decide to go swimming, of course, he's going with you. As the kind person he's, he wants to make sure you're safe, and if you uncomfortable with your body, he wouldn't mind using his own body as a shield, so no one but he can look at you. 
He's a pure romantic, so prepare yourself for some lovely hugs in the water, with him holding you tight and his hands roaming all over your wet skin. Sweet kisses on your neck. He's not against taking things further, but he's romantic and all the screaming children are ruining the mood. But during the night... yes, he's definitely not against swimming at midnight. 
And if he finds some ugly, green, gummy seaweeds, then, he'll take them back to the Sunny. "Marimo, don't let your children alone at the beach."
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"Oi, y/n, where are you?"
Well, have you already seen Finding Nemo? Remember about Marlin always asking "HAVE YOU SEEN MY SON?" Now, you're Marlin and Zoro is your Nemo. 
Do not leave him alone for more than two seconds. Do not leave him buying ice cream for the two of you. Otherwise, the date is ruined. The only thing you will do is ask everyone 'Have you seen a big man with big boobs and green hair?' 
Maybe he'll find the one piece before the end of the day.
"I wasn't lost, your indications weren't clear." 
Zoro's obliviousness means you need to pay close attention to him. Stay close to him and everything will be okay. He's in good shape, so people are probably looking at him with admiration, jealousy, or whatever thoughts come to mind. But he doesn't give a damn, and is probably thinking people are looking at you because you're mesmerizing in your swimsuit. 
He doesn't care about the people wearing swimsuits around him. It's not an event for him. "I won't nose bleed like this shitty twirled-brow." 
He thinks the beach is a good opportunity to train himself. While you're relaxing under the parasol, he's training in the sun. Burpees, push-ups, and even some yoga are used to work his breathing and stability. 
Once he's done, he's all sweaty and wants to swim a bit. If you don't follow him, he'll be swimming until he finds a new island. 
If you're too lazy to swim, he'd be okay with carrying you. If a jellyfish tries to bite your thigh, then, the poor creature is doomed and would end up as a dinner for the crew when you'll get back to the Sunny.
He prefers alcohol over ice cream, of course. It's the best thing to enjoy after swimming and training. While he's drinking, he likes when you rest your head against his chest. On the other hand, he's a bit flustered because Zoro cares about his privacy. But you're too cute, he can't push you away. 
Arms wrapped around your waist while you sleep together. Perfect date for Zoro: training and restlessness. No one would dare trying to steal your stuff because Zoro is used to standing guard on the Sunny, so he would react really quickly. 
At the end of the day, he got the biggest sunburn ever because he forgot to apply sunscreen. Poor Zoro.
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It's like going to the beach with your overly excited dog. 
He's yelling excitedly, jumping everywhere, laughing loudly, and oh, good luck, he's already running away. You tried to catch his wrist, but it just stretches his arm beyond its limits. Good luck in finding him. 
Well, honestly, if you want to find Luffy, just try to figure out where the food is. He's probably eating some waffles and ice cream, or more precisely, emptying all the stands of their food. 
"Oh Y/N, you're here?" He speaks with his mouth full, obviously. 
Luffy is selfish with food, but he would let you have the last waffle because he loves to see you smile. 
As Zoro, he doesn't give a damn about people in swimsuits. 
If a child has a better rubber ring than him, he's sad. "Y/N, we need to buy a better one! What about this one?" While displaying an extravagant beetle rubber.
He's so happy, with it. Prepare yourself to pull him out the water because while he's watching to find some fish or play with some seaweeds, he would end up falling overboard like the overexcited child he's. 
But drowning wouldn't destroy his joy. Be ready for the sandcastle episode after the rubber ring one. He wants to build the best one. But have you seen his nonexistent artistic skills? His creations wouldn't look great, that's all we can tell. Please, help him building a pretty sandcastle, he's so sad. Poor baby.
"Don't get a sunburn, y/n." While lending you his straw hat. 
"Y/N, have you seen those crabs? Y/N, have you seen how funny this seaweed is? Y/N, have you seen this stone? Oh, Y/N, this cloud looks like Zoro, don't you think?" 
He wants to catch all the crabs and winkles he can find. And would probably end up organizing a crab fight. If his favorite one loses, then the poor baby will be sad again. He's so fluffy when he pouts.
He is eager to try and do everything with you. So you better follow him, because going to the beach with Luffy means you'll never be able to rest peacefully under the parasol. He's too energized to sleep peacefully. 
And if you're sleeping, he would bury you under the sand, so when you wake up, your body is totally covered up, the only thing you can do is moving your toes and head while Luffy laughs loudly and proudly. His laugh is so endearing, you can't be angry with him.
"Gum-Gum… ice-cream stolen" 
Prepare to run away from the guy who is mad at him.
Overall? Not relaxing at all, but funny as hell.
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If Luffy is like an overexcited dog, Law is like a cat forced to bathe. Have you already tried bathing a cat? Do you end up with scratches? It's nothing compared to Law.
"Bepo, don't sharpen your claws on the deck!" "What? But it's not me. It's Law, Y/N decided to bring him to the beach. They had to drag him to the ground. 
Yes, Law probably hates the beach. It's a noisy place with noisy people, the food smells bad, the children are annoying, and the sand is irritating. And please, the sea is like the toilet for the fish and all those disgusting people. He's so pissed off to be here. 
"Why me, Y/N-ya?"
"Aren't you happy? The sun is beautiful today! You need to take some breaks from your work." 
His sole response would be an annoyed scowl. 
Ain't no way for him to wear a swimsuit. He's conserving all his clothing, even the hat. And he's standing under the parasol with his arms crossed. All the people around are probably avoiding him, and that's for the best because a 'room, shambles' could happen really fast if they dare to make a comment about his non-appropriate clothes. 
Law would remind you to apply sunscreen on a regular basis.  And he wouldn't mind applying it himself. He loves the feeling of your skin against his palms, it feels like heaven. 
He would remind you to drink water frequently. And to wet your neck before swimming. Certainly, he's watching closely the entire time. He may be mad, but he cares about you. Prepare yourself to have a shadow following you everywhere. If you're too far from him, he'll use his DF to bring you back to him.
"Please, help me, my child needs a doctor!" He's annoyed as hell. Even at the beach, work is still pursuing him. Of course, if someone asked for a doctor, he would help. He's frustrated because he can't take care of someone and keep an eye on you at the same time.
If you give him onigiri, he will look like a child: pouting while eating silently. 
"Y/n-ya, don't touch this, it's a toxic seaweed.", "y/n-ya, come here, you have to stay hydrated."
He would lend you his own hat if you forgot yours, while he's standing under the parasol. "Do not lose my hat." 
No swimming for him. He'll stay away from the cursed water. Just like Kid, ain't no way for him to wear armbands. And if you Try to throw some water on his face, he would look like a wet cat: shocked and angry. Beware, he yowls.
Overall? You had fun. And even if Law acts annoyed all the time, secretly, he would love to have a break day with you.  On his desk, he would keep the beautiful shell you found on the beach and give it to him.
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hawkinsbnbg · 3 months
hit me baby one more time
prompt: one | word count: 1111 | rated: E | tags: daddy kink, spanking, breeding kink, barebacking, creampie, pet names, one-night stand to fwb to lovers, mutual pining | @steddiemicrofic | ao3
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This was getting out of hand.
Because Eddie Munson never did repeat.
And somehow, he kept coming back to Steve Harrington’s doorstep, promising himself ‘This will be the last time’, then repeating the same dance and song until he just—
What had started as a one-night stand—simple and uncomplicated—had become something more, an undetermined relationship where Eddie was allowed to stay overnight instead of stumbling back to his place alone, where he woke up to stale breathed kisses and lazy morning sex, where he took turns making breakfast and eventually dinner with his fling (“man of your dream, muse of your soul, light of your life—” “Shut up, Gareth!”).
If anyone was to be blamed, Eddie would point at himself, albeit begrudgingly.
As much as Eddie hated to admit it, he was the one approaching the other man that night when he realized the former King Steve was sitting there in a BDSM club, wearing a crop top and snug jeans, lipgloss and eyeliners, so pretty that the bartender would be swept off by that infamous Harrington Charm soon if no one intervened.
So Eddie did. Walked up to his target of the night and cast his spell, wanting to take the guy down a peg or two, an overdue payback for his horrendous high school experience.
What he didn't expect was to be completely enchanted by Steve who turned out to be a sweetheart, who had gone under so beautifully, looked at him with so much trust and vulnerability, made him want to care, to cherish for the first time in his chaotic life.
Then one morning, when he blinked his eyes open and gazed at the pretty thing still snoring softly in his arms, it suddenly occurred to him that he couldn't walk away anymore.
And thus, the rest was history.
Steve seemed nonchalant most of the time, acting like they were just real close buddies whenever Eddie turned up, as if he hadn't been fucked stupid on every surface of his own apartment.
It thrilled Eddie how easily that indifferent façade would break under his command without resistance.
Eddie brought his hand down in another loud smack, eliciting a muffled sob.
“T– Thank you,” Steve mumbled, sounding soft and sweet in a way that made Eddie's heart clench. “Thank you, Daddy.”
For a moment, he took in the vision draped across his lap. Burgundy sweater bunched around the slim waist, white cotton yanked down to mid thighs, an anklet that matched one of Eddie's bracelets, pale skin and red hand shapes, Venus dimples and lean muscles, moles and freckles that dotted the smooth canvas like constellations.
A masterpiece.
He stroked those cheeks like kneading dough, enjoying the goods before giving it three reverberating smacks.
“How many do you need, baby?” He cooed as Steve started trembling minutely.
“Gimme ten,” Steve whined.
Eddie huffed fondly. What a spoiled brat. It was always ‘I want’ or ‘gimme’ and never ‘can I…?’ or ‘please’ , so needy and demanding all the time. But Eddie was at fault for being a pushover.
At least, Steve never forgot to say sorry and thank you. Would do everything to get praised. Always a good boy even when he tried to be a brat.
“Alright, we can do ten,” he tapped Steve's cheeks lightly. “Count for me, sweetheart.”
Then gave them ten swats in succession that were followed by Steve's strangled counting.
Steve was crying in earnest, face blotchy and lips bit red, when Eddie carefully flipped him over. But his eyes, god, his doe eyes were brimmed with tears, big and wet and drooped pitifully.
“Still good, little prince?” Eddie combed his fingers through the silky lock gently.
“Mhm,” Steve sniffled. “Thank you, Daddy.”
Eddie’s erection twitched and dribbled in the confines of his jeans. Cursing himself for being weak, he leaned down to capture those lush lips, swallowing every breathless noise that tried to escape between the tiny cracks of their mouths.
As wanton legs parted to welcome him and shaky arms wrapped around his neck, Eddie grew greedy, hungry, insatiable. He wanted to devour Steve, to ruin him for anyone else, to keep this beguiling creature away from the prying world.
Because Steve Harrington was a sunshine incarnation, apple pies and vanilla ice cream, honey buns and warm milk, maraschino cherries and chocolate cakes, divine and perfect everything.
Was it so surprising that Eddie wanted to hoard such a treasure even when he would be burnt to a crisp?
“Do you trust Daddy, baby?” He whispered, pecking the pretty face that blossomed in flush pink beneath him.
“Always,” Steve smiled, sweet and precious.
Utterly gone, he dropped soft kisses on Steve's eyelids, making those long lashes flutter like the butterflies in his stomach.
Then, he took care of Steve the way they were both familiar with. Drawing out those pretty moans and taking everything that Steve was willing to give him.
“Daddy,” Steve mewled, neck stretching to give hot lips and sharp teeth more access, quivering and drooling as his prostate was nailed precisely.
“My gorgeous baby,” Eddie groaned, tongue heavy and heart stuttering in his chest. “So good for Daddy, aren't you?”
“Yours,” Steve whimpered, hanging on him like a ragdoll as the pace turned brutal. “Make me yours, Daddy.”
And so Eddie tried his best. Worshiped his beautiful angel until he could taste those nectarine droplets, running down the apple of rosy cheeks and soaking pouty petals.
Eddie pumped him full over and over again, possessive and obsessed, unable to resist the temptation of knocking him up however impossible it was.
Once they were done for the night, he carried Steve into the bathroom for their joint shower, put Steve in a threadbare sweater and cute panties then threw on himself an old tee and boxers after they were dried up.
When they returned to the bed, he gathered Steve in his arms and ran his hand on Steve's back soothingly, whispering sweet nothings until Steve let out a quiet yawn.
“Sleep, baby,” he kissed Steve's forehead. “You have a morning shift tomorrow.”
“G’night, Eds,” Steve said drowsily.
“Sweet dream, my darlin’,” he kissed Steve's forehead again just because he could, just because he wanted to see that sweet smile.
Eddie watched the other man fall asleep against his chest, always unguarded and so trusting around him. It made him feel things he never entertained before. Made him want to listen to ABBA. Made him want to do chores and prepare meals with Steve for the rest of his life.
He let out a helpless sigh.
This was getting out of hand.
Because Eddie Munson had fallen in love.
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jayflrt · 6 months
𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐧 𝟕𝟖𝟔 13. leather jacket
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At least they could let all their anger and emotions out on each other. At least they could communicate what was bothering them instead of talking to a wall. At least they weren't begging for their significant other to just speak to them.
Every conversation you had with your boyfriend just made you feel more and more hopeless. You weren't even able to tell Sunghoon how horrible he made you feel the last night you two spent together. It was nearing the next round of midterms now and you were still at a standstill in your relationship.
You didn't even want to go to the stupid club anymore; your mood soured after your brief conversation with Sunghoon, and all you wanted to do was curl into your bed and cry your eyes out.
But you were cold. And your mattress was even colder.
This was a responsibility that someone like you was supposed to uphold. Even if you were at your lowest, you were still expected to dry your eyes and show face.
When you saw Heeseung's text, informing you that he was outside, you groaned, still rolling your mascara wand across your lashes.
In under a minute, you managed to finish your mascara and eyeliner, opting to not go for a full-beat tonight. Your mother, a world renown fashion designer, recently sent you the most gorgeous Christopher Esber dress, but you had been hoping to wear it for your boyfriend to see. Now that he was a no-show yet again, you settled for something less flashy.
When you were outside, you spotted Heeseung's Mercedes-Benz parked up ahead. From the back window, he seemed to be craning his neck to talk to someone in the back seat. Surely, he wouldn't make his girlfriend sit in the back, so you realized he picked up the transfer student—Jay—first.
"Hey," Heeseung greeted as soon as you opened the door, giving you a once-over that made you feel relieved that Chaewon wasn't in the car.
You chose to ignore the look he gave you and apologized, "Sorry for taking so long."
"Nah, it wasn't that long. Jay and I were just talking."
Jay grinned, and you were pretty sure it was your first time seeing him smile like that. "He was telling me about Yeonjun almost selling coke to a professor."
You couldn't stop yourself from nearly bursting into laughter, quickly slapping your palm over your mouth. Jay's grin only widened at your reaction.
"So fucking funny," Heeseung said, shaking his head in disbelief.
"Heeseung! It's not funny," you scolded, even though you found it hilarious. "He could've gotten in serious trouble."
"C'mon, it's a little funny," Jay said, all lighthearted.
Since you two were in the back seat, you turned to look at him with a retired sigh, as if you were so devastated that you couldn't defend Yeonjun over this. You held up your thumb and pointer finger like you were pinching something, as if to say, yeah, just a little.
You and Heeseung made eye contact in the rearview mirror, and he held your gaze as he said, "Loosen up, Y/N."
You folded your arms across your chest. "Yeah, pass me some of the coke you bought off him."
He smirked at you. "Snitch."
When Heeseung stopped in front of Chaewon's apartment, you three discussed the Yeonjun situation some more before she came stumbling outside with a few shooters in her hand. After hopping into the front seat, she leaned over to press a kiss to Heeseung's cheek. You noticed how he stiffened, though, averting his gaze.
"I brought you guys some shooters," she said with a giggle, clearly already tipsy. You gingerly took the two she handed to the back and passed one to Jay.
"Thanks, Chae," you said, inspecting the tiny Pink Whitney bottle you took from her. "How have you been?"
"Exhausted," she admitted, looking suddenly miserable. You thought it was an innocent question but it put a damper on her mood within seconds. "I signed up to be orientation leaders with Seunghan and Eunseok, and our first meeting was five hours long—at night!"
"There's absolutely no way you're gonna have time for the Order and being an orientation leader," Heeseung said, facing her once they were stopped at a red light. "Aren't you doing an internship this summer, anyway?"
Jay seemed to balk at the mention of internships, and Heeseung started rattling off about how he needed to start applying soon. You decided against sharing your plans because all you could think about was how it was probably going to be a lonely summer vacation.
For the rest of the car ride, even with Heeseung and Jay chatting yours and Chaewon's ears off, you couldn't seem to focus on their conversation at all. You stared straight ahead, wondering if you told them about your relationship issues and your academic stress, would they ignore your problems the same way your own boyfriend did?
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The club was no better.
The music was too loud, the lights were too blinding, and you felt claustrophobic by all the bodies packed tightly on the floor.
You spent the first hour talking to Kim Jennie; then you took Yuna to the bathroom to help her throw up; then you let Jeon Wonwoo buy you a drink while he talked about his dissertation topic; then you introduced Jay to Yoon Jeonghan and watched them hit it off; then you attempted to muster up the courage to approach Park Sungjin about Sunghoon not showing up (and proceeded to chicken out); and then you ended up sitting on one of the couches by yourself, completely exhausted and drained from all the social interaction.
Normally, you would've thought twice before sitting on the couch at the club. God knows what it had been through, and you didn't want to find out. However, you were so worn-out that you didn't even care anymore.
While you were people-watching (specifically eyeing Jennie, who you were hoping would give you her seat, laughing at something Zhong Chenle said), Jay came over to sit next to you.
You were confused at first, asking, "Where's Jeonghan?"
"Called an Uber for him 'cause he got so wasted, so Joshua went home with him," he replied, grimacing at the memory. "He wouldn't stop kissing my head."
You smiled weakly as you envisioned a drunk Jeonghan grabbing the sides of Jay's face and planting kisses on the top of his head.
"So, uh, why're you alone?" he asked.
"Wish I knew."
You two lapsed into silence. Not particularly uncomfortable silence, though, thanks to how loud everything was around you.
Jay noticed how quiet you had gotten and asked, "Is everything okay?"
"Huh. I haven't heard that question in a while."
"Well, are you?"
You had been trying to reply in a joking manner so that he wouldn't take you seriously, but hearing the sincerity in Jay's tone made you feel unnerved.
You were quiet for a few moments before you answered, "To be honest, no—not really."
"Ah..." For a second, you thought Jay would take that as his cue to get up and leave. You wouldn't blame him, either; no one wanted their mood to be brought down like this at a club. "Have you talked to Sunghoon about it?"
You scoffed. "It's about him, actually."
"Then what about Heeseung?"
"I couldn't. They're best friends, too."
"Your other friends?"
"They're just gonna tell me they told me so."
"Well... then how about me?" He gave you an awkward smile when you shot him a furious look, as if you couldn't believe he even suggested it, but then your face started to soften. "I mean, I've never said I told you so."
You weren't sure why, but, right now, you felt like you could tell Jay anything on your mind. Maybe it was because of the whole period blood incident; if he could be so understanding about that, then he could handle hearing anything you said. Or maybe it was because he didn't come from such high-class families like the rest of your friends. He wasn't held to some standard to look good in front of you or impress you. From what you picked up on over the past few months, he didn't even seem to care about wealth.
You sucked in a sharp breath, still overwhelmed by the pounding music that made your bones rattle. "Wanna get some fresh air then?"
"Lead the way."
It was much cooler outside, and you soon realized that this wasn't the smartest idea for someone wearing a backless mini dress. But it was far less suffocating to be outside, and you felt like you could finally breathe again without all the sweat and alcohol making you feel gross.
The streets weren't as busy as you expected, save for some students roaming about—probably because New Haven was more of a college town. Your breath was coming out in white clouds of vapor, and before you could even wrap your arms around yourself and rub some heat into your arms, Jay was already handing you his leather jacket.
You took it without even thinking, and then said, "Whoa, my second one from you." A small grin crossed your face. "I feel like I'm collecting your jackets at this point."
He looked down at his feet, shrugging. "I don't mind. Seemed like you needed it more than I did."
You put the jacket on over your dress, and it was like being wrapped in an embrace with how insulated it was. The sleeves were a bit too long and the jacket fell past your dress itself, but you still appreciated the gesture.
You two sat down at a bench farther down the sidewalk. It was freezing and your dress didn't cover enough of your thighs, but Jay's jacket was warm around your body.
"Why didn't Sunghoon show up?" Jay asked. "Is that why you were upset?"
"Sort of."
"Then what is it?"
You sighed. Trying to find the words. Trying to make sense of everything that was going on. Trying to figure out if Jay genuinely wanted to listen to your problems.
He hesitated before asking again, "Y/N?"
You sucked in a sharp breath before starting, "Okay, you wanna know what the problem is? It's the fact that my boyfriend seems to have time for everyone but me! I can't even understand what's going through his head—I mean, we hung out more before we were dating! I can't help but feel like he just doesn't... like me anymore. He used to spend weeks at my place, and now I have to beg him to show up for a few hours.
"And don't get me started on the Order—god, it's, like, the only thing Sunghoon cares about right now. And I don't even know why he's so stressed about everything when he has a guaranteed seat! I'd understand if he told me what's going on but he never talks to me about anything anymore. You've gotta keep this between us, but I think my parents and Sunghoon's parents have been waiting for the two of us to get together our whole lives. Now that it's happened, I can't help but wonder if Sunghoon felt like he was forced into a relationship with me.
“Honestly, come to think of it, the last time I expressed a personal concern to him that's been bothering me for years, he hardly gave me any genuine comfort over it. I don't think he even cared! He just wants me to live up to the same standards my parents set for me because he's so obsessed with living up to his dad's expectations."
You noticed your breathing had shallowed by the end of your rant, and you had to sit in silence for a few moments as your chest rose and fell in a steady rhythm. Instead of checking for Jay's reaction, you kept your eyes down. You wouldn't blame him if he made a run for it now.
After what felt like forever, Jay asked, "You've told him all of this?"
"Not exactly all of it. He's been blowing off most of our plans ever since we started our third year." Your lip was curled in disdain at this point. "I just—I mean, has he told you anything? You've gotten close to him and Heeseung, right?"
"Uh..." Jay trailed off for a moment. "I think he was just upset about the Yuna thing. Other than that, I thought you two made up after your fight at Heeseung's party."
"Does he think so? I don't think we have."
"You two haven't talked about it?"
"Not really. He hasn't been very open with me."
There was a pause before Jay replied rather bluntly, "You deserve better, Y/N."
If there had been heavy stones weighing your heart down, Jay had just about demolished them with his words. You didn't even realize how badly you needed to hear that from someone.
Having a boyfriend like Sunghoon meant that you were were always gushed over how lucky you were. Eventually, it got to a point where you truly stopped believing you could do any better, so even when your boyfriend wasn't treating you right, you had no hope that you could find someone who would.
Unlike Heeseung, who mostly turned a blind eye to the way his best friend mistreated you, Jay had the sense to call your boyfriend out. Instead of crying, you felt a swell of relief in your chest. If Jay could feel the same way about the situation, then maybe you weren't going crazy or being inconsiderate about Sunghoon's feelings.
Jay mistook your awestruck silence for tension, so he quickly stammered, "Uh... I mean, no offense to Sunghoon or anything. I just meant—"
"No, that was exactly what I needed to hear." You turned to look at him, sighing softly. "I've been thinking of breaking up with him for a while—or I'll give him an ultimatum."
"Do you think an ultimatum's gonna work? That means you'd have to give him another chance."
"I don't know." Tears welled up in your eyes as you shook your head. "I'm just so tired of everything."
Jay stood up, looking down at you expectantly. "Come on."
You frowned. "Where?"
"To get something to eat. I always feel better after I eat something good."
You stared him down long enough for Jay to turn his face, embarrassed.
"If you want," he added in a meek voice, "I recently found a place with good Mexican food open late around here."
Strangely enough, the corners of your lips tugged upward into a smile.
"Sure, let's do it."
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SUMMARY ▸ private investigator jay park just wants to complete his mission quietly and move on with his life. you, his new assignment who keeps consuming his thoughts, don't make that very easy for him.
TAG LIST ▸ @zdgx1 @smouches @heesdazed @teawithbucky @leep0ems @peachpie4you @niniissus @kgneptun @jaeyunluvr @hooniesuniverse @zerasari @enhalov @sophiko22 @iselltulips @hoondiors @baekhyunstruly @jays-property @woninluv @heerinnie @fakeuwus @yizhoutv @en-happiness @theothernads @y4wnjunz @dammit-jjk @en-happiness @mari-oclock @enhypens-baby @soonyoungblr @jakeslvt @taetaenic @jebetwo @fairysungx @hsgwrld @shmooooo @ineedsomezzz @mrowwww @enha-stars @isawritesss @seongclb @lockburn-castle @alyssajavenss @enczen @calumsfringe @w3bqrl @luvyev @uhsakusa @luvnicho @wildflowermooon @navsnct
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bruciemilf · 1 year
A crack treated seriously concept that I have just swimming in my mind;
Runaway sugar baby Bruce Wayne AU.
Here's the thing; Bruce and Harvey are married. Bruce may not realize they are! but they are.
Oblivious fucker really went,
" yes, I will have children with my best friend, raise them together happily, occasionally have sex, and wear this cool ring he gave me. Platonically, of course."
I think it all started when Tim came home from school, wearing a bit of a guilty expression, asking with a pinch embarrassment if Bruce could pretend to be a doctor for career day.
Bruce blinks, " I am a doctor, darling." Graduated with flying colors, mind you!
"Well, yeah, but...You know, not anymore. "
True. Ever since he adopted Jason and Tim, he just found it harder and harder to leave home. They were just too precious and he didn't want to miss a moment!
"I just don't understand why he'd lie about it."
"I can," Harvey looks so handsome, arranging his tie. He does a mess of it, but he doesn't look less tantalising,
" Little brats would be...Yknow, mean. They get finicky when they see a weak spot."
He knows it's Harvey because there's no accent melting like whisky on his mouth. " Weak spot?"
" doll, cmon, --"
" I do work, Harvey. Just because it's not defending criminals doesn't mean it's less vital."
" I knowthat. But you're also a rich guy who, let's face it, wouldn't need to work a day In his life. And that's fine by me. "
because Harvey HATED seeing his mom break her back to support their family when his father was drowning face down in debts.
He wouldn't put anyone through that, let alone his pretty little husband. But Bruce doesn't take this well.
" well! I'll show you! I'm more than capable of making it on my own, I'll prove it!"
Now. Bruce doesn't think too much. He's not an expert in it. Man can stitch up a 5 inch incision with floss, but his own well being? Leave it to Alfred.
But he'll make them proud. So next time, they don't have to lie.
He just packs up way too many luggages, packs Damian up too, and leaves while Harvey's at oh his back breaking, gruelling office job.
It's only when he's on a bus that he realizes he forgot the rest, but that'd be cruel! Their boys loved their father.
Dick, who's in his I Hate Dad phase, is extremely hysterical while they leave to find Bruce. Only stopping occasionally to fix his eyeliner, then start over again.
Jason, Harvey's second oldest, drives beside them on his motorbike.
He guesses its an extra middle finger to him to not wear a helmet. His beloved little hellion, raised on the devil's edge.
"Listen to me; If I find him, I'm moving back home. If I don't, I'll put you in the ground."
" I'll let you."
Now; Bruce does find a place. It's a little town with big characters.
Harley has a diner that she's more than happy to welcome him in, even if Bruce, Spoiled Spouse of the Year, can't quite pick up.
Anything for old roomies.
But there is someone in there who catches Bruce's attention. Towns mechanic.
Clark, his name tag says, who played with Damian behind Bruce's back while he talked to Harley.
He smells of salty motor oil; Fresh sweat, smoked apple pie. His eyes are dreamy blue, rendered with sharp cleverness. And Clark likes him.
Clark recommends him a good motel, brings Damian some toys to play with, even brings his own babies so they can have a playdate. " They're not mine. The toys! These two are. I have a receipt from the hospital."
"...A birth certificate?"
He's delightfully awkward.
When Harvey comes to pick him up, when Bruce jumps in his arms, claws at a pristine shirt stained with his brand new blisters and cracks and worked hands, he's not awkward.
He's disappointed; Like Bruce strangled the joy from his soul.
When Bruce and Harvey respond, in perfect, consice sync, " Oh no, darling,--" " Yes he is, four eyes--" they're ALL confused.
"Oh, dear..."
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fxdizz-y · 2 years
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A/N: Hiii first fanfic on tumblr kinda nervous😣 I'm not going to take request just yet this is all for my cravings💀🙏🙏 I'd love if you teach me scottish slang too!
Pairing: (mainly) Ghost x gn!reader || slight Task Force 141 x gn!reader
C/W: Strong language, age gap, fluff, kinda suggestive flirts, Ghost being a boomer, dark humor, no use of Y/N, your call sign is 'Spring' (the metal one), teasing, not in the same timeline as the game, they simping hard for each other
T/W: unhealthy habits (skin peeling around the nails etc)
(Don't mind the song I just listen to it while writing)
Your life was dull, nothing seems to made you excited anymore. Don't get you wrong, you have an okay childhood, even though you had force yourself to grow up at some point but you didn't mind all that much.
Not like you ever did, you're that 'nice' kid that let people borrow their belongings and seems to don't hold grudges.
But in truth, you weren't that nice. No, you did hold grudges, the only reason you didn't say anything was because you knew that it'll be pointless to argue and you just over all wasn't a social kid.
When you finally hit off to high school, you instantly realized that it'll be hell.
And you weren't wrong.
You were one of those alt kids that wear band shirts and heavy eyeliners. Admittedly it was kind of fun.. But the bullying just drove you to the edge.
But those were memories in the past.
You're 23 now, fidgeting your fingers and scraping the dead skins on your nails, standing next to a woman with dirty blonde short hair.
Her icy blue eyes stare right ahead of you both. She had introduced herself earlier, her name is Kate Laswell.
You both were waiting for some dude to show up, apparently he's supposed to come and get you so you can officially be in his little group.
After what feels like years, a man finally make his way to you, or more likely, Laswell.
– "Price."
Laswell said, turning towards the man, you took a step behind Laswell, hiding yourself from the taller male.
– "Laswell."
The man greeted, before continue.
– "And where is this rookie?"
'Price' ask, his eyes scanning the room. Laswell scoff and give your back a harsh pat, making you step out of her shadow.
– "Price, this is Spring."
– "What."
Price look at you and back at Laswell, clearly hoping this was some sorts of joke.
Unluckily, Laswell eyes tell the truth.
– "For fuck sake, that's literally an INFANT! "
Price exclaim, gesturing towards you while keeping his eyes on Laswell.
You held yourself back from rolling your eyes, keeping your composure.
– "Where the fuck is your manners? You either take them or have troubles missing a skilled hacker."
Laswell snaps, glaring at Price.
The corner of your lips tug up at that, feeling happy and flustered.
Price groans and turns to you, looking at you up and down, judging you hard.
– "Oh my fuckin.. You know I can't just put a baby with the toddlers, the big boys can be mean sometimes."
– "The baby are the meanest, trust me."
Laswell sigh out, pushing you towards the captain.
Price sigh in defeat, before just nod at Laswell.
– "I'll take them"
He grumble before mentioning you to go outside, which you obeyed.
When you made it outside you wait for the captain, which come after you after a few moment.
He gesture to the car and you sat on the backseat.
He quirk a brow up but didn't question it.
The way to your new base felt like forever, especially when none of you decide to talk. So being you, you hums to yourself to MCR.
You were into your own little world and didn't noticed how Price glance at the mirror sometimes to look at you.
He didn't speak of course, just silently observing and quite enjoy this rather than painful silence.
After quite some time the car park at an unfamiliar base, well to you anyways.
You scrambled out the car and went back to fidgeting your fingers, scrapping and peeling off the skin around the nail etc.
Price glance at you and pat your shoulder, a quiet sign for you to follow.
You follow without hesitation, stuffing your hands in your camo pants pocket and let your eyes wander around the place, taking mental notes on which path leads to where since you figured you'll be staying here for awhile.
Each steps you take only make your excitement grows, something that you haven't felt this strong for ages.
Your eyes sparkle with wonders like a child again and you have a great feeling about this, despite your captain bad first impression.
You both walk into a room and the captain told you that your team would be meeting you when they arrive, so you sit on the small locker and swinging your legs, feeling nervous.
You didn't let your mind wandered for too long when the door swing open and 3 men walks in.
And good grief.
They were huge. And you didn't mean it in the dirty way.
Like literally. Especially the one in the back. Despite being behind the two other men you can clearly tell that he's the tallest and the biggest, his skull mask stands out as his eyes stare right into you, you feel absolutely fucking naked under them.
Price motion for you to get down and as you hop down you could almost feel your knees gave up.
– "Hello sailor.."
You mumbled, eyes glued to the tallest man in the room. You could tell that he's about 6'2" and a half.
Luckily Price didn't heard what you just mumbled and continue on introducing you to the team.
You smile cheapishly at all of them, deciding that it was enough eye candy.
– "Aye Rookie?"
A man with faux haircut call you, whom recently introduced himself as Soap wink at you playfully.
– "Name's Spring, sir."
You said, winking back, returning the energy.
– "What's with the name?"
Gaz ask, patting your back.
– "I can do em big jump, sir!"
You exclaim proudly.
Gaz look at you with mischief in his eyes, despite being older you can already tell this guy means good trouble.
Soap, who's probably the closest to your age sling his arm over your shoulder.
– "How 'bout yer show us hm?"
He said, letting his arm fall from your shoulder.
You nod and looking around, looking for a perfect thing you can jump on.
Before it lands on one and only Lieutenant.
Soap immediately notice and give you an unsure stare, knowing how Ghost hate physical touches.
– "Lieutenant?"
You call out, a fuzzy feeling form on your stomach.
And it explode into thousands butterflies when his eyes snaps to you, before they turns gentle.
It may look like he's glaring down at you but you both know that if you look close enough, you'd see the soft, gentleness in it. As if he's being careful to not scare you away. Or maybe it's your imagination.
You sure hope it's fucking not.
Ghost couldn't even believe it. He doesn't believe in this whole love at first sight deal. Just ridiculous.
And ironic isn't it, Lieutenant?
He wasn't listening to your chit chats before so when a soft voice calls out for him he was surprised.
And he craves more of your voice. He wanna hear you say his name.
And god you're so tiny standing in front of him.
You look so.. So fragile to him.
– "Uhm.. Sir?"
You call out again, slowly placing a hand on his arm, fucking desperate to get his attention back.
You definitely awoken something in him with that.
And you knew it when you can feel him tense up.
Ghost focus back on you again, nodding for you to do whatever you want.
Soap and Gaz was FLABBERGASTED.
L.T being soft? Man they whish they could record this right now.
But that'll be a dead wish.
You jog behind him, before running up to him and jump high. And holy shit.
You didn't lie.
You could almost jump over him.
But you didn't since there wasn't enough space, instead you land on his shoulder.
You would be concern for the neck you could broke but you weren't in your gears so you weren't heavy.
You cheers when you land on him, almost sending him to the floor.
He pause. Unsure how to feel.
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myabsurddreamjournal · 9 months
Fate (part 5)
Soldier boy x Fem! Reader
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Summary: Reader is a scientist who is forced to work at lab that they keep soldier boy frozen, she talks and cries to him when she is alone, thinking he can't hear her but he hears everything.
it was their first week here, the cheap motel room they booked with her money.
the walls were gray and a bit dirty, there was two beds and a small tv, and microwave. It was maybe one of the worst motel rooms in the city but felt like heaven for her after 2 years spent in lab.
For Ben, well he didn't say much, She realized shortly after coming here. Well there were times, where he speaked and even joked, asking her questions or answering her questions. But it was limited. whenever she asked something about his past, or he remembered something, He would suddenly stop talking and stare at wall without blinking, deep in thought. Afraid of triggering his PTSD, she kept her mouth shut even she wanted to listen and talk to him about it.
He was outside in the first day, coming back with his bag looking heavier at evening, saying he paid a visit to old friend. She didnt asked what was in the bag, thinking he would show it sooner or later.
At night they laid side by side in the beds. Almost 1 meter between them. She would think that he will be vanished in the morning, that he was a dream.
but he was there everytime. Looking at her sometimes. Sometimes asleep. She evem felt him adjulsting her blanket one night, Covering her feet. She felt no fear, which was so weird for her, not being afraid of someone who would explode at any second. And it confused her,
somethings about her confused Soldier Boy too.
She was applying makeup, a cheap eyeliner and lipstick, that she bought from a store today, after seeing her reflection on the mirror for the first time, she felt a bit self concious around Ben. Her skin were dull from bad diet and lack of sunlight for years. Unlike Ben, who looked perfect even with that hair and beard, or being there for 40 years.
well, he was Soldier Boy after all.
With this thoughts in her mind She applied lipstick on her cheeks too, and liked the effect.
putting down the lipstick, she looked at her hair, It looked lifeless like her skin and grew too long for her taste. She was thinking about cutting it for the last 2 or 3 days.
She decided to do it. picking up the scissor from counter. And started.
After about half and hour, While she was cleaning the sink Soldier Boy knocked the door firmly.
she opened the door:
"-oh, im sorry do you need to use bathroom?" she said looking at him, he was wearing giants t shirt and sweatpants she bought for him from thriftshop, Homelander drink can in his hand. He looked almost normal,
Instead of answering he looked at her face.
Her hair was shorter now, (He never liked on women, thinking it made them look like man.) Her cheeks and lips pink. Eyes brighter.
But it was okay on her, beautiful even. He found himself thinking this often in last days.
But this wasnt like anything he felt before, and it made him so confused, he had affairs with countless women, they literally threw themselves on him. And he was attracted to them. Loved their curves, long hair And their femininity. The way his heart beated fast when they were close to him.
But she...
she was another story.
He didnt really give shit about anyone before, Never felt bad about things he said or did. But he found himself holding back last days. Whenever he was angry around her,
Because he hated the way she jumped in her chair when he raised his voice, angry at news about attacks on the tv.
He never wanted to see her like this.
He wanted to protect her.
He wanted to be close to her (in a different way).
Hide her in his arms from the world that she was so afraid of.
Lost in his thoughts he didnt realize he was staring at her face, and not answering.
-"Ben? are you alright?"
-"Yes doll, i was wondering what were you doing there hiding?"
-"I wasnt hiding, i was cutting my hair."
-"It looks nice"
-"Thank you." she said. Looking at floor.
the silence was awkward, so she smiled at him and got back the cleaning,
After watching her for a while he asked suddenly;
-"You can cut my hair too?"
He wanted her to cut his hair?!, Her heartbeat quickened.
Hearing it, Soldier Boy smiled softly. She blushed harder when she remembered that he was hearing it.
-"y-yes sure i used to cut my brothers hair all the time. You want me to cut it now?"
-"Yes doll."
-"Okay, you need to sit here." she pointed the old chair.
He walked towards it, her heartbeat was getting quicker.
-"calm down doll im not gonna eat you."
-"s-sorry i just still cant believe you are awake."
-"you sure this is the reason?", he winked.
she picked up the towel from counter quickly, wrapping it around his shoulders.
He took a deep breath, shoulders relaxing, this was one of the weird things about her too, Making him calm whenever she touched him.
When she started to brush his hair with her fingers, He couldnt help the sigh that left his lips, Closing eyes. This felt good.
After few seconds, he tried to stiffen his posture, not letting his guard down, but it was impossible.
-"Where is your brother now?" he asked suddenly, eyes still closed.
-"he is gone." she said. He could see sadness taking over her face even his eyes closed.
well he felt like shit now.
-"back there, i felt this." he said then, trying to change the subject. He needed to wipe that sadness off her face
-"felt what Ben?"
-"Your hands, touching my face"
-"I-it was for checking your body temperature y-you know, i-its the easiest wa.-"
-"sure thing doll" he said, winking again, smiling at her who looked like a tomato.
-"im sorry if it made you uncomfortable Ben,"
-"It, didnt."
it was far from uncomfortable actually, like being touched by an angel, made him feel warm even for a few seconds.
but he didnt tell her that.
20 mins later their hair was mixed on the floor, dark brown and light brown together.
-"You like it?" she asked, taking off the towel from his shoulders
-"Yes doll," he said patting her head. "You will be the only one to cut my hair from now on" he said, smirking.
She smiled at him, looking at the floor again.
-"O-oh i almost forgot, i bought razors for you, your beard i mean, if you want to shave it of course." She told him as he was about the leave the bathroom
-"how you like it? do you think i should shave it?"
-"y-you look good both ways."
-"you too", he said looking at her hair.
taglist: @deans-spinster-witch@mfnqueen1@ponypickle@butchers-girl@verypostcrown @angelbabyyy99 @6asm0ne @uncle-eggy
notes: Next part too will be about their days in motel (they will get closer!) then we will see butcher and hughie :)
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bonny-kookoo · 1 year
Would I Like You (Say it Back) MC drag JK to go watch the Barbie movie with her?
Warnings for tiny angst, mostly fluff tho!
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You're staring down at his phone while he can't help but grin brightly, almost a little shy as he watches you slowly lift your eyes to look at him- barefaced, surprised, and just oh-so adorable.
"Go get ready." He chuckles, taking his phone back from your hands where the confirmation email for the tickets to the movie theater is still open. He just knew without even asking that you'd probably love to see the movie- and he's never really had a true proper date with you before.
So it's perfect timing, really.
"Oh my God JUNGKOOK-" You whine, running towards the bedroom before you emerge back out, clumsily pecking his lips before you run off again, making him laugh. "-oh my God this is a date isn't i!" You ramble as he hears the closet door open in the bedroom. "Fuck my skirt is in the wash- okay yeah no this one works too- Jungkookie, can you help me close that zipper please?" You whine from the bedroom, and he walks in to do just that- carefully zipping up the pale pink top for you, making sure not to nick your skin on accident. There's something oddly domestic about this-
Especially considering he'll be undoing that zipper later tonight again, probably.
"Okay okay, lemme just-" you squeeze past him into the bathroom where you search in your makeup bag for something, when you seem to realize something. "Oh god I don't have enough time for makeup-"
"Just do your eyeliner, mascara and lipgloss." He shrugs, leaning against the side of the doorway into the bathroom where you stand at the sink.
"But-" you start to complain, but he just shakes his head with a smile.
"Or go barefaced." He shrugs again. "You're pretty either way." He offers.
It's a big insecurity of yours, actually. Your skin is perfectly fine without powder or concealer- but it still feels odd not to wear it.
'Put some more effort into your looks' you still hear your mother scold.
'Can you not talk so stupidly high pitched, it's giving me a headache' is your father's voice that still echoes in your mind.
You've never talked to Jungkook about your family life or your childhood- mainly because it wasn't a very good one. You had to grow up way too fast to help with the household, and you did anything you could to gain your parent's praise- though you never received it, in the end.
Maybe that's why you're like this now. Bubbly, loud, childish.
"Princess.." jungkook walks closer, holding your cheeks before he pecks your lips. "Here.." he offers, taking the concealer tube from your hand, putting it back in the makeup bag. "None of that today. You don't need that." He tells you, and you struggle to really agree. "Remember when you picked me up from my tattoo appointment?" He asks, and you nod.
"I didn't have enough time for makeup either.." you quietly admit, remembering how.. plain you'd looked in your own opinion.
"You looked great." He smiles. "I loved that lipgloss you wore."
"Just 'cause it was cherry flavored and you basically licked it all off in the car." You pout at him, and he breaks out in full on laughter, before nodding.
He remembers that too. Definitely.
"Just do the same as then. It looked perfect to me." He explains, and you sigh, before you take off the cap of the eyeliner, jumping over your shadow to really just go with the bare minimum today.
You're not sure why he wants that. Maybe so others won't look at you and he won't get jealous?
Does he ever even get jealous?
Suddenly, there's a hand on your ass while you're busy putting on the last swipes of mascara. "Jeon Jungkook!" You bark out, barely able to spot the young man running out the bathroom, caught red handed.
He's become a lot more confident in not only your relationship, but himself too.
Working out, wearing more form fitting clothes, showing off his tattoos and getting more piercings. He's truly growing into himself, and you love to see it- but in a way, it scares you. What if he doesn't want you anymore once he realizes what he could have instead?
You shouldn't think like that. No- he'd be an asshole if he ever leaves you because of looks, and your Jungkook isn't an asshole.
So there's no reason to worry!
With newfound determination, you slip on your thigh high stockings, before you put on your shoes and grab your bag, hugging a waiting Jungkook from behind.
"Ready?" He asks, and you nod-
Though not before you jump on the kitchen counter, pulling his shirt to force him closer, leaning in to kiss his collarbone-
Before you bite, making him somewhat gasp in surprise.
"What-" he asks with red ears, caught off guard by your playful and bold antics, before you lean in to peck his lips with your cherry flavored lipgloss.
"Now you're ready too." You purr at him, before you jump down again, skipping towards the door. "Gotta make sure I mark my territory." You tell him, and he can't help but shake his head laughing, grabbing his car keys.
You're really full of surprises.
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hopeless-romanceb · 1 year
Mattheo Remembers
About: Everyone planned an early birthday party for Pansy but little did they know that it was your birthday today.
I got this ideas from the TikTok sound we forgot your birthday. Let me know if you have any request.
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Today was the day that you were dreading the most. You never really enjoyed your birthday mostly because you never got anything for your birthday and no one really remembers your birthday anyways. Slowly getting up out of your bed you got dressed for the day and put on a little bit of makeup. After getting everything ready you headed down the halls to breakfast where everyone else sat. After getting want you wanted you sat down with everyone. No one really noticed you sit down.
"Goodmorning Y/N" Mattheo said with a cute smile on his face. "Morning" you mumbled back to him. After he said goodmorning to you everyone then noticed that you are sitting at the table. They all said hey or goodmorning or morning. No one seemed to notice the sour mood you were in or what today was. You were expecting no one to remember today but they didn't mean that it didn't hurt. After breakfast classes went by like normal no one said anything to you.
The day seemed to go by so slow and every class today was so boring. All you wanted to do was go back to your dorm and cry a little maybe even get some ice cream while watching some movies. At the end of the last class Pansy came up to you and asked if you wanted to hang out in her room before going to the common room. Being the good friend you are you said of course because you didn't want to hurt her feelings. The walk to her dorm was kinda quiet but it wasn't an awkward it was kinda nice. You sat down on her bed when you got into her dorm.
"Y/N I need help on an outfit for tonight" Pansy said while doing through her closet. "What for?" you asked mostly because your curiosity was getting the better of you. "We're all going for a walk into town tonight so we can buy stuff for the party we're throwing tomorrow" she said. "Okay well sense I'm in here can I borrow an outfit from you" you said glad that you could have a distraction from everyone forgetting. Pansy agreed to you borrowing an outfit so you got up from the bed to find something cute to wear.
After helping Pansy find an outfit for herself and you found a cute outfit for yourself you both changed out of your uniforms. Pansy started to do her makeup while you fixed up your hair so it looked better than before after you were done with that you and Pansy switched places. Your makeup was a little ruined from the long day but you cleaned it up a little bit and decided to add just a bit of eyeliner and mascara. Your canceler from earlier looked good so you didn't need to add anymore.
We met everyone outside Hogwarts when we were done getting ready. "Alright sense everyone is here let's go." Draco said while starting to walk towards the direction of town. Conversations were all you heard while walking with the group. When you were in your own little world for a bit you realized that Blaise was missing from the group but you didn't say anything thinking that he was just staning behind sense he didn't want to go. "What are you thinking about Y/N" Mattheo said trailing beside you.
"Hm.. oh nothing just kinda relaxing and taking in the walk" you replied with a small smile. "Okay is there anything wrong you seem quiet today" he said softly. "No I'm okay Theo" you say forcing a bigger smile so he wouldn't worry.
When we all got into town we all when into random stories and bought some random things. You got yourself a bracelet as a present and just a couple small things that you really wanted. When everyone was done doing their shopping we met back up so we could eat something then head back. The walk back felt a little faster than the walk to town. Us as a group split up when we got back and you went to your dorm. Setting everything down on your desk you laid down and sighed.
You closed your eyes to try and take a quick nap but suddenly you heard knocking coming from your door. Sighing again you got up from you bed to open the door. After you opened the door you saw Pansy behind the door. "Hey Y/N I was wondering if you wanted to come to the common room with me." she said with a small smile. "Sure" you said and matched her smile.
While walking to the common room we made small talk just asking each other how we were doing and how classes were going. As soon as we walked into the common room we saw a sign that said 'Happy Birthday Pansy' and all our friends said 'Surprise.' "What! My birthdays not for another month." Pansy said with a surprised but happy tone. "That's the surprise." Draco said with a huge smile on his face. "Oh my god!! Guys this is so great. It's so unexpected I mean Y/N's birthday is even before mine." she said still excited.
Everyone kinda stopped breathing at this point. "We missed your birthday?" Draco asked after a couple seconds of silence. "Why didn't you tell us?" Theodore asked while Blaise nodded. "It does matter I knew all of you would forget anyways." you said with tears starting to cloud your vision. "Actually N/N I got you presents while we were in town." Mattheo said while walking towards you. "Y-You remembered?" you questioned while smiling ear to ear. "Of course I have the rest of the presents in my dorm" he said softly. You couldn't contain your smile you ran the rest of the way and tackled him in a hug. "Thank you Theo. Thank you so much" you said while tears ran down you face. "I would never forget your birthday love. You're my favorite person. Come on let's go to my dorm." he said while holding you close to him.
Everyone in the room in the room stood there in shock but were also feeling guilt for forgetting your birthday. You and Mattheo got to his dorm and when he opened the door there was a couple gifts sitting on his bed. You quickly walked over with the biggest smile on your face. "You can open them love" Theo said chuckling a bit at your happiness. The first gift had a beautiful diamond necklace that matched the bracelet you got both of them were F/C. "Thank you so much Theo. It's so beautiful" you said softly. "You're welcome Y/N. I'm glad you like it." he smiled.
After open the other gifts you both decided to watch a couple movies together. You chose to watch F/M. Before turning on the movie Mattheo turned off the likes and grabbed a couple snacks from his secret stash. When he walked back other to the bed you were already curled up under his blankets. He slid into the bed and wrapped his arms around your waist. Instead of pushing him away like he thought you would you snuggled into him. That's how you guys ended the night watching movies and cuddling close. Let's just say this has been the best birthday ever.
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You said some day we might - M.H x Reader // pt.3
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A/N: This one's a bit NSFW (minors please don't interact), also angsty and sad at parts. TW for hard drugs, take care of yourselves! This is loosely based off of my own experience, and I am not trying to glamorize it. Ily my dearest @beforeyougo-turnthebiglightoff for making sure it isnt shit xx
wc: 4k
part four
Picture a scene: flashing lights all around you, colors blinding as they move through the room, seemingly liquid. Music pounding in your head, almost as if it was trying to force its way into your body. People sweating, dancing up against strangers. You feel alive. 
Matty dances next to you, throwing his hands up into the air. You can hear screams as the music changes, now playing Britney Spears’ ‘Toxic’. He wouldn't admit it if you held a gun to his head, but he loves this song. Your hips sway to the beat, and you can feel arms on your waist. It's not Matty. The fuck? 
You didn't know this guy, but his hands were grabbing at you roughly like you were supposed to. His grin disgusted you. (Not so) politely shoving him off, you dance toward Matty, tapping his shoulder three separate times. That was code for ‘bathroom, now’. He nods, taking your hand and leading you towards the edge of the crowd. The sea of people thins out as you finally spot the glowing sign for the loo. 
“You alright?” He asks as you enter the bathroom. The walls were covered in graffiti, stickers, and the occasional phone number. There wasn't the classic smell of piss and sweat, which is why you liked Sound. It was fairly clean. The sinks were made of metal, and so was everything else. The lights were dim, and the mirrors dirty, lipstick stains adorning the edges. You can hear the faint noise of toilets flushing in the background. 
“I'm fine, I s’pose, just that guy was rubbing up against me all weird.” You fix your hair in the mirror, refreshing your eyeliner before passing it to Matty so he could do the same. You had taught him how to do it himself, saving you a load of time and effort whenever you were getting ready together. Tonight's color was red, both of you were wearing the same shade. 
The stall door flings open as a girl stumbles out, almost falling before she caught herself on the hand dryer. Fixing her bra strap, she wiped the edges of her mouth clean before reaching into her small blue handbag. Out comes a small baggie with white powder in it. You immediately recognise it. Blow. 
While you and Matty smoked copious amounts of weed, neither of you had ever tried anything harder. An exception was the occasional acid trip, and even that was a one off on Ross’ 18th birthday.  
Both you and Matty watch her intently as she starts cutting up lines on the edge of the sink, not caring that both your eyes were on her. She takes out a £5 note, rolling it before snorting the line. Her hair is wild as she lifts her head back up, turning to the mirror to fix it. 
“D’you fancy some, love? I have plenty for you,” she looks over to Matty, flashing him a smile  “and your friend, as well.” 
It takes you a split second to realize her statement was directed at you. Matty turns to make eye contact, before doing something you didn't expect. 
He nods, taking a step towards the girl. You do the same. ‘If you're going to try it’, you thought, trying to rationalize, ‘who better than with Matty?’
She shakes more of the powder onto the sink, cutting two lines for the both of you, and one more for herself. You notice the card she uses is a school I.D. A high school I.D.
She hands you the rolled up note first, and for some reason, you feel calm. ‘This is fine’ you repeat in your head, before opening your mouth to speak. 
“This is blow, yeah?” you ask, looking up at her from your position, which was currently hunched over the sink. It's cold, colder than it was. 
“Yeah, clean shit too, don't worry,” she offers a genuine smile, stroking your hair with her long, black nails. You steal a glance at Matty, who was now sitting on the sink next to you, watching closely. You nod, turning back to the line of white powder in front of you
You take a deep breath before snorting the line. It burns as it travels through your nostrils, and you don't feel anything for a second.
And then, it hits you. 
It hits you fast. Everything feels amplified, and you barely register as Matty snorts his. You feel good, euphoric even. Matty feels the same way, letting out a shout when he does lift his head from the sink. 
The girl was long gone when you exited the bathroom and reentered the crowd. You danced with Matty, the music controlling your movements. Deciding to get a drink, you drag him to the bar. The bartender looks you up and down, before shaking his head. He knew you were on something, but that wasn't a rarity in clubs like Sound. Everyone was on something, so, fuck it! Why couldn't you do the same?
Matty orders for you. A french martini and a glass of Malbec for him. The bartender raised his eyebrows at his drink order. “Who orders wine at a club?” he shouts over the music. Matty rolls his eyes before responding “I do! Why, d’you fancy buying me a drink when you get off?” he winks at him provocatively before taking the drinks from the counter. 
He hands you your drink, bringing his hand up to your face, wiping off the smudged makeup underneath your eyes. That's when you realize how hot it was. ‘Fucking hell’ you thought. ‘When did it get so hot? Jesus Christ, it's like I'm in a sauna’.
Matty had downed his glass of wine in two large gulps, wiping his mouth on the sleeve of his your wine red jumper. You rake your eyes over his body, a thin layer of sweat shone on his forehead. His eyeliner was somehow still perfect. 
He was perfect. 
March, 2008 // two months earlier
The mid afternoon sun was beating down onto your skin. The blanket beneath you molding to the ridges of the earth, digging into your back. You were lying in a field, surrounded by daisies and dandelions blowing softly in the breeze, a half-empty packet of crisps on your left. Your arms were sprawled out to the side, with Matty lying peacefully on top of you.
Adam had situated himself on a flimsy fold up chair. He hated sitting on the ground with a burning passion. You had promptly forgiven him for leaving you to fend for yourselves that past weekend, seeing as he promised to pay club covers for a month as an apology. Just you though, seeing as Matty would have abused the ever living hell out of Hann’s wallet if given the chance. 
George and Ross were in the lake located a few dozen meters from where you were sitting, having a swim. The weather was uncharacteristically nice given that you were in Great Britain, land of miserable weather, so the five of you had set out for a makeshift picnic at the last minute. 
It wasnt aesthetically pleasing by any means, with fag packets litering the dirty old blanket Ross had found in an old closet. Ross’ beer bottles were lined up at the edge of the blanket. You grab a pack, presumably Georges, and light up. Marlboro golds, not your favorite, but they’ll do. Breathing in the smoke, you turn your head to get a better look at Matty, who was draped over you, using your chest as a pillow.  
You wore Mattys sunflower shirt, unbuttoned, revealing a black sports bra underneath. He, in turn, wore one of your tops. Specifically, a lavender baby tee with the words ‘dump him’ scrawled across the chest in white glitter. Adam was dressed like a divorced dad, beige linen trousers paired with a Metallica band shirt. You laughed when you saw him, knowing he’d be sweating in under an hour wearing that.
Soft music played in the background, the speaker having been lost underneath the pile of Ross and George's clothes. The air smelled of summer, even if it was only March. You spot the wine bottle in Mattys hand as he tilted his head up, taking a drink. You tap him on the arm, and he hands you the bottle. 
White wine? Matty rarely drank white wine. You brushed it off, it was probably just the cheapest thing at the store. Matty loved expensive red wine, but did not have the money to pay for it, always settling for the bottle with the lowest price tag. Your attention is drawn to George screaming incoherent curses at Ross for throwing a rock at him. Absolute knobheads. 
“D’you reckon we need sunscreen? I don't wanna age my skin anymore than it already has.” he asked, his fingers lingering on his face. His skin was perfect, not a single blemish tarnishing it. “I dunno, I don't think we need to. It's not that hot.” you answer, looking around you. “It's not looking like we have any anyway” you add. 
You could feel Mattys' breath on you, ghosting over your chest. His legs moved, brushing against yours. You were suddenly very aware of the fact he was laying on top of you. It made you feel hot, and not because of the sun. 
He rolled on top of you, now straddling your legs. He was clearly drunk, slurring his words. His eyes stared into yours with such an intensity, you would've thought he was trying to read your mind. His face was bare, but the glitter from last night's adventures still stained his face, giving him a slight shine.
A smile crept onto his face as he brushed his hair out of his face. The blonde highlights had slightly grown out by now, and you made a mental note to ask him if he wanted you to do his roots. 
“Didnt you want to cut my hair?” He asked, and you recognised that look in his eye. Excitement. He jumps up, crawling to get his bag.
“I brought a pair of scissors, d’you wanna cut it now?” He held up pink kitchen scissors, handing them to you as you moved to a sitting position.  
“Are you sure? These are not meant for ha-” “I don't careee, just do it!” he slurred, cutting you off and settling between your crossed legs. He turns and looks at you expectantly, and you sigh in defeat. 
You try your best, snipping away at his hair randomly. Cutting layers into his hair, you try to make the strands around his face shorter. He giggles as it tickles his face, brushing it off his skin. The sun made him appear as if he were glowing, painting him in an orange hue. Trying not to cut it too short, you tug at it to get a good idea of the length. 
A soft groan escapes Mattys mouth, and he tries to pass it off as a cough, avoiding your gaze. A few minutes later, you tug at it again. A little experiment , if you will. This time, the noise is slightly clearer, and his whole body twitches. He busies himself with the bottle of wine in his hands, inspecting the label.  
He admires your work in a little compact mirror you had found in your bag. “So.. do you like it? Or have I completely fucked your hair?” you ask, watching his reflection. Matty grins, slamming the mirror shut. 
“I love it! The layers make me look hot, so you did your job right!” He pulled you in for a hug, kissing all over your face: He was obviously drunker than you thought.
You lay back on your elbows, closing your eyes, letting the sun shine onto your skin. This was nice. You felt truly alive.
Skin against skin, soft moans filled the room. You didn't even know who they belonged to. Desire took over your bodies like a foreign force. The room was dark, the only light coming from the streetlamp just outside, illuminating the space. 
“Fuck- can I?” hands trailed down your chest, toying with the buttons of your shirt. You nod frantically, smashing his lips back against yours. You find his hair, pulling slightly as he lets out a pathetic whimper. You drink in the noise as if it was the very essence of life, tugging even harder at the curls. Curls. Matty.
“Mmh- ah, fuck-” You can feel him against your thigh. You can feel Matty grinding against you. The thought makes your head spin, and you throw your head back, your hair splayed over the baby blue pillows. Mattys pillows.   
“You're so- you’re so beautiful, just let me- i’ll-” he cuts himself off, trailing his lips down your jaw, leaving searing, hot kisses in his wake. His mouth makes contact with your collarbone, biting down. You hiss, your nails digging into his scalp. He groans. Matty
His rough hands rub the tattoo on your hip, you feel his rough calluses. You pull his hair, making him look at you. Your eyes rake over his face, the glitter around his eyes shimmering in the faint light. His hand comes up to push your shirt up, the material bunching up where his mouth had just been. You make eye contact again. 
He grins before licking one long stripe along the expanse of your ribcage, letting out an obscene moan as he did. He was putting on a show, for you. The noise goes straight to your core. 
His fingers snap the elastic of your black underwear, making you jump. A laugh. Teeth graze your hip bone, tracing the tattoo. You can feel him slipping the lace down your thighs, licking and sucking lower, lower, lower…
You jolt awake suddenly, hot sweat running down your back. You turn to look at the time. 2:53am. 
What the fuck was that?
You close your eyes, the dream replaying in your head. Lips, your lips and his. Teeth, kisses down your neck, Matty, Matty, Matty-
You stop yourself, shoving your face into a pillow. This can't be happening. This wasn't real. This was all hallucination and you didn't just have a wet dream involving your best mate. 
Letting out a groan, you lay back down facing the wall. You desperately, desperately needed a good lay. If it had come to you having fucking dreams about Matty of all people, you knew it was time to find a guy and just shag him. That would solve your little predicament, you were sure of it. 
Admiring yourself in the mirror, you hike the ruched material of your dress up even further. Jewelry covered you from head to toe, complimenting the details of your bag perfectly. Hair done up in curls, you knew you were ready. 
You were going out. Alone.
The heel of your shoe clicked nervously against the pavement as you queued, giving the bouncer, James, a nod as he waved you through. “No Matty today?” he questioned, referring to the fact that you were alone.  
“Yeah, I'm out alone tonight. Matty is… sick. The flu.” you lie through your teeth, not wanting to disclose the real reason behind your solo-mission. The plan was to find a guy, any guy, and forget about that godforsaken dream.  
The music was loud, even louder than usual, and you were stone cold sober. Not good. 
Making your way to the bar, you order your usual, a french martini. Tobias, the bartender, handed your drink, and you close out. You didn't want to get hammered tonight. 
Your fingers drum along to the beat as you sip your drink, scanning the crowd. There weren't many people dancing, seeing as it was a Sunday night. Most had work in the morning, so going out wasn't an option. He had asked you if you really didn't want anything else, even offering you a drink in the house. You politely decline with a shake of your head, assuring him it was alright.
Suddenly, a tall man appeared in your peripheral vision. You had seen him a few times before, wandering about, flirting with the female waitresses. Blonde hair, blue eyes. The complete opposite of Matty. His arm rested against the bar, and you could see him flexing his muscles. On purpose. Jesus.  
He strolled up to you with an air of confidence. Turning to Tobias, he asked him what your drink was. “A french martini,” he answered, looking you up and down “and she's only had one the entire night.” The man laughs, “Well that wont do! Let me buy you a drink sweetheart, on me.” 
You nod, turning to face him. A smile makes its way onto your lips. Perfect . 
He introduces himself as David. He works an office job down the road, something something marketing. You didn't really listen to him, only laughing when he paused, expecting it
He seemed solid, and he was 19, so not too old. You really didn't want to deal with another Phillip situation. He had bought you three, quite pricey, drinks, and you knew he wanted more. 
He eventually asked if you wanted to come back to his place for some wine. You agreed, letting yourself be led out of the club by your wrist. James winked at you knowingly as you left.
He had a silver Toyota, the interior a cream leather. It was a big difference to Hann’s beaten up red Kia, but you weren't complaining. He was nice enough, opening the car door for you. 
The inside of his flat reeked of sickly sweet vanilla and cheap cologne. He opened a bottle of wine for the both of you, pouring two glasses. The conversion was mundane, but he was nice enough. You had switched your phone off, not wanting anything to distract you from your mission. He had made a move to sit next to you, his hand trailing up your thigh, inching higher with every word he uttered.
His mouth was against your ear, whispering sweet nothings into it, his other hand finding your chest, pushing you down onto the sofa. You let him move you, twist you as he pleased. It didn't mean anything to you, you just needed to get Matty out of your head. Matty.
His hands were soft, like he moisturized them regularly. You could feel his lips on your chest, leaving bite marks and kisses, but you didn't feel anything. Closing your eyes, you decide to let him do all of the work. You had even worn your only pair of lace underwear, a black number with a little bow on the front of the matching bra. The same pair you had worn in the dream. 
You mentally curse yourself, kissing David deeper, harder than you did before. Forget, forget, forget. 
He wasn't the worst, but at least he tried. You tried to give him the benefit of the doubt. Laying on his (quite expensive looking) leather couch, you watch him as he gets dressed. He asks you if you need anything, and you answer with a shake of your head. You just wanted to leave. 
A phone buzzes, and you quickly realize it's yours. You pick it up, the screen lighting up. 3 missed calls from Matty, and 4 texts from him as well. 
// Where r you? I’m at your window. 
// Are you well? 
// Answer me for fucks sake, dont do this.
// I hope you’ve died or smth, you’re well fucking me off. 
You sigh, clicking the call button. It rings for a split second before Matty picks up. 
“Now you decide to ring me back? I thought you’d been picked up by a sex trafficker or something. Fuck you, honest,” his voice sounded worried, even tired, if you ignored the nature of his words. 
“Sorry mate, I was out.” You answer curtly, trying to keep your voice steady. Your fingers tap against the glass of the coffee table, and you hear Matty inhale sharply. 
“Out where? And why did it take me three calls and four messages to get a ring back?” he sounded more aggressive this time, and you could tell he had gotten up from wherever he was sitting. This pissed you off. Why does he have the right to know where you are, it didn’t concern him in the slightest, and he wasn't your father. You told him as much. 
“I was out, alright? I'm at David's place right now, and I'll be at yours in an hour, cool?” A moment of silence passes between you two before Matty spits out. “Whos the fuck is David?” The way he said his name made it sound like you had shagged his worst enemy, not some random guy. 
“He's just a bloke I met at Sound, I went to his place. D’you want me over or should I fuck off home?” The second option was just a courtesy, you were sure he’d want you over. You hadn’t seen each other since Friday. 
“Nah, it's alright, go home.” His voice sounded cold, unfeeling. A shudder made its way up your spine. He didn't sound like himself at all. What the fuck? “I have erm.. work to catch up on. You understand.” No you didnt fucking understand. 
You open your mouth to protest, but are rudely interrupted by a faint noise. The dial tone. Matty had hung up on you. Your mouth let out a gasp in disbelief. Fuck him. Fuck him all the way. 
You gather your things. While trying to find your shoes, David comes back into the room. You tell him you need to leave, and he tries to kiss you goodbye. It feels wrong. 
Deciding to walk barefoot, you do the walk of shame at 1 in the morning. Heels in one hand, your purse in the other, you trudge down the pavement. You feel dirty, like you did something inherently wrong.
Cars whizz by you, and you hear sirens in the background. It's cold, and you can feel goosebumps forming on your skin in the soft breeze. Feeling around for your cigarettes, you come across something small towards the bottom of your purse. You pull it out, your eyes widening at the sight. The lighter. Mattys lighter. 
The white letters on the side point and laugh at you. You can hear it. It was even more chipped than it was that night, how did it still work? M.H. Matty. 
In a fit of rage you chucked the lighter onto the ground in front of you. It splinters off, the metal top flying off onto the road. A car drives over it. You were angry. Angry at yourself for even going out alone. For going home with fucking David. You were angry at Matty for being angry at you. You didn't even understand why, but the mere fact he had hung up on you made your blood boil.
The lighter was now in pieces beneath your feet. The white letters, illegible. Feeling powerful, you decide to kick the rest of the plastic off onto the road, hoping a giant truck would run it over. You wanted Matty at your feet like this, pathetic and powerless. You needed him like this, to show him he can't just hang up on you like you're nothing. 
The mental image of Matty at your feet made warmth spread throughout your body. On his knees, looking up at you with glassy, glitter framed eyes. You wanted to take his beautiful hair and weave it between your fingers, forcing him to look up at you. You wanted to hear the pathetic whimpers escape his mouth, just like they did in your dream. 
You feel breathless, staring at the wet pavement where the lighter once was. You keep walking.   
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Hii, I was the anon from the makeup request, the one with the bachelors
I love it! thanks for your answer, but now that I read my ask I realized I wrote it all wrong 🤡
What I wanted to ask is what you think would be their reaction if the farmer asked to put make up on them. Like, it may be something basic or some of that "turning my bf into a kpop idol" type of makeup
I hope you don't mind me asking again 😅
Ooooh, you mean that.
Of course, I don't mind writing about this scenario at all! Let's consider it a continuation of that headcanon. Thanks for the question 💕🫰
Stardew Valley:
"Hon, why don't you ask someone else? Haley, for example?"
Alex isn't particularly happy about the very idea of make-up, thinking it's a 'girly things'.
"Honey, you sat with a face mask for two hours yesterday." "That's different!"
Still agreeing to Farmer's request.
Alex didn't like the make-up. No, Farmer did it all right, it's just the sheer feel of make-up... The athlete wants to wash it all off.
"Sorry, love, not for me."
"Sure, why not."
Shane had already tried make-up on himself when he was in Emily's clothes therapy, so this wasn't new to him.
True, he'll grumble if the make-up takes longer than an hour.
But the results! Shane looks like a cool metal star!
The Farmer is happy with his work. Shane is happy as well.
Elliott sure spends a lot of time and money caring for his gorgeous hair.
Face cosmetics, on the other hand....
Sure, scrubs and face masks are in his kit too, but he's not really a fan of foundation and eyeliner.
"My soul, I just try to look naturally beautiful!" ("Nothing against the make-up itself, though.")
If Farmer wants the most minimal make-up, however, the writer will go along with it.
"Sure, baby! Make me a rock star!"
Easier said than done, because Sam keeps fidgeting as Farmer tries to apply his rock band make-up.
"That tickles!" "Sam, don't move!"
Very pleased with his cool make-up.
Sam will take a hundred selfies of himself and Farmer and brag about how talented his partner is and how cool he is.
Will wear make-up all the time (until Jodi makes him wash it off).
As I said earlier, Sebastian uses eyeliner (I'll fight with everyone for that headcanon).
So he'll always be happy to have Farmer help him.
Sebby hasn't really tried the other facial cosmetics, but he won't refuse Farmer when they ask.
Stands as steadfast as a statue.
Super ultra emo make-up done! Everyone's happy.
"Oh, no, darling. I shouldn't."
In fact, Harvey had once considered it to disguise skin imperfections on his face.
However, the finicky doctor would take a long time to go through the cosmetics.
"How, in the Yoba's name, do they even sell these things? They're bad for the skin. And this foundation has been the cause of allergies in many of my patients!"
To be honest, Harvey would be more against make-up than for it. His skin health is more important to him.
Stardew Valley Expanded:
Magnus Rasmodius:
Heh. Good luck to them, with his thick beard....
"Should I shave it off-" "No."
Magnus finds it unnecessary, so he politely declines the idea.
"Then how do you know the instant make-up spell?" "A talented wizard is talented at everything."
Farmer can try to do his make-up in his sleep, but if he wakes up, Farmer will levitate the rest of the night.
On the one hand, Victor does not consider make-up as something important for him.
On the other hand, the Farmer looks at him with puppy eyes...
"Well, okay..." A rather strange feeling for him. But the result amazed him.
Victor looks quite fresh now, and yet the make-up is unnoticeable. It's like it's not even there!
"Okay, I take it back, honey. It was a good idea."
Oh, Lance does care about his appearance, that's undeniable. But he devotes more time to his hair and scrubs than to his facial cosmetics.
The adventurer will politely decline heavy makeup. Especially - in this heat on Ginger Island.
However, if it's something as inconspicuous and light as possible, he'll let the Farmer work on his face.
"Why do you need a makeup spell then?" "A talented wizard is talented at everything, my love."
We've heard that somewhere before...
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captain-mj · 1 year
Can you do a GravesPrice wedding???? (Also I want the shadows to try to getGraves into a dress and they succeed! You don’t have too tho. You can have Graves in a tux.)
I compromised with a white tux and a bridal veil, I hope that's alright? I projected a little bit of my struggles with femininity onto Graves
I'm writing a longer PriceGraves thing right now that I hope you guys enjoy
Graves sighed as Jason, Mila and Oz sat with him. "I don't like this. I don't like this at all. I appreciate you guys trying to make feel pretty on my special day and all, but I uh... I don't think I want to wear a dress."
Oz gasped. "But you look so nice!" And he did. Graves really did think he looked pretty. But it wasn't him. The dress was tight around his waist and looser around the shoulders. It did look lovely.
Mila nodded. "Yeah, but it's his special day. What do you think would fit you best, Boss?"
Graves frowned and actually thought about it. He never really thought he'd get a day like this. When he was a kid, he was told weddings were for women. Then, once it became more accepted for men to care about it, he had started to realize he was gay which definitely meant he could never have this. His family would've never tolerated it.
Now, he had a new family. Family that liked him. That didn't mind.
Still, he struggled sometimes. He sometimes wished he could approach being gay the way his younger friends did. That he could take eyeliner and put it on and makeup.
But that stuff didn't spark the same feelings in him that it did them. It was not freeing. It just...sparked nothing.
Graves put the white suit on and felt... Well. It was better. The pants were so much more comfortable at least. He didn't like having his bare legs out. But it still didn't feel quite right. Definitely closer though.
Jason got the idea for the veil and once Graves put it over his face, he was pretty sure this was the closest he'd get to what brides felt on their wedding day. It was a nice mix of femininity and masculinity that just felt nice. Good even.
Graves found he liked a lot of things about wedding planning. The flowers. The tasting a bunch of cakes. Price looking at him fondly every chance he got. It made him forget about the returned invitations from his family.
Price was a saint. Always was. Better than he deserved anyway.
So the day came. Price and Graves went back and forth about who should walk down the aisle and they eventually settled on Graves because Price didn't want to risk his knee giving him problems and they had to rush to adjust for him. It didn't happen often, but his knee could have him almost bedridden on bad days and Graves had agreed with him at the time.
But all the attention would be on him.
It hit him hard as he walked down the stupid aisle.
The flowers were a mix of buttercups and peonies. The florist had tried her best to get him to change his mind and pick flowers that looked better together or at least matched, but Graves had wanted peonies and Price wanted buttercups and neither wanted to tell the other person no.
There were only a handful of people. The 141, Jason, Mila, Oz, Laswell, Farah and Alex. Not too many people.
Graves didn't understand why something ached in his chest. Why the suit felt stifling. The veil a giant arrow pointing towards him for ridicule.
Too feminine, not feminine enough.
Price looked at him and smiled.
Just right.
Graves was... just right. He was fine. Because Price loved him as he was.
Price gently lifted the veil and let it drape across his back.
Graves started to cry. Price grabbed Graves's hands and kissed them, while the priest spoke. He had insisted that there be a priest even though Price didn't care. But Graves wanted there to be, so they made it happen.
Price almost kissed him before the "I do"s.
"John Michael Price. Do you take him to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
"I do."
"Phillip Thomas Graves. Do you take him to be your lawfully wedding husband?"
Graves had so many emotions. They almost choked him up until he couldn't say it, but he took a deep breath. "I do."
"You may now salute the groom."
They kissed. Soft and sweet. His arm went around Graves, holding him carefully. Graves went on his tippy toes to keep the kiss going, not for the first time hating the height gap.
A few of their friends clapped excitedly or whistled. Price pulled him away and smiled at him.
"Now, lets eat that cake, yeah, my love?"
Graves nodded and they held hands, cutting the cake. It was a vanilla bean flavor with a chocolate layer on top. They took their pieces and left everyone else to eat it. Graves remembered seeing videos of couples and offered a bite to Price on a fork. He made eye contact with him as he took his bite for mimicking him.
"You really do look beautiful. Even teary eyed. What happened?"
"I'm just really happy I got this day. With you."
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iaus · 3 months
⭐ actually I was gonna wait till I had a specific scene but I don’t have that restraint talk abt what ever u want. Don’t think I’m not coming back for a real scene dissection tho
the way i was like. the scene i want to go over for darling hasn't been published yet. who's gonna get that slacker. it's me. i'm the slacker.
anyway. you know what we're gonna do?
i'm gonna hurt my own feelings.
it's ruben time.
okay so. to preface this: i waffled over this scene for a long time. i knew that i wanted jace to have this weird chance encounter with someone. i entertained like. multiple characters.
the first iteration of the grocery scene was going to have jace running into yolanda and have him ponder if he actually felt guilt over what happened to her. and he was just going to kind of wander the store watching her from the corner of his eye with her never being aware of it. then the next version was him actually talking to her- her not being sure why he's being so cagey to kind of hammer home the idea of no one knows you were involved. no one cares. and further isolate jace. but then i didn't really like that idea. i thought it made yolanda too unaware which did not feel fair to her.
so then i thought. well. maybe one of the bad kids? (fun fact, the first draft originally had jace have a freakout that a van that passed him while he was walking home was gorgug's van. it didn't feel... appropriate for the tone.)
i entertained the thought of fig for a little bit. but that didn't seem right. i thought maybe even gorgug would be a potential interesting encounter since he has all these (rightfully) negative memories of porter which could have been interesting. to have jace kind of grapple with the fact that he is remembering porter so fondly, is yearning for him and then he's faced with a student that porter abused quite honestly. though. i think that might have been a much more upsetting scene because i straight up think epilogue jace would have been like. no. you deserved it. you deserved that push. you got what you wanted right? (which... i still have really complicated feelings on how gorgug's situation was handled in the season. but. i digress.)
but then. as i finally sat down to write the scene i realized.
there was a perfect character to fit into this. there's someone who was both there for everything that happened, who knows what jace did. but who also... in a sense wasn't. so the idea of ruben this kid who is shown at the end as sweet and soft-spoken who asks about his puka shells first thing... it fit AND here's another character who ankarna has resurrected! so.
first things first.
jace is 100% at a whole foods/trader joe's type situation but i could not for the life of me think of a fantasy name for it so i gave up immediately and moved on with my life. little details like this can hold up my writing process so much. but i need it known.
i wanna start out with this part:
He looks at Ruben out the corner of his eye—he’s a different person: His hair’s cut, back to its natural curl, and pushed out of his wide eyes; heavy makeup replaced by the tiniest hints of eyeliner and a clear coat of nail polish. He’s wearing floral print and cargo shorts. He doesn’t remember the last time Ruben called him anything but Jace—emphasized with a roll of his eyes and a teenage sneer that had always gotten on Jace’s last nerve.
appearances are huge and this definitely a ruben jace hasn't seen for a long time now. maybe since freshmen year. there's even a difference in how ruben speaks to jace. he calls him mr. stardiamond again. my elaborate headcanon for ruben and jace is that ruben was in jace's freshman common class and he like. attached himself to jace and jace has no idea how it happened.
he'd never admit it but he is somewhat touched by the fact that ruben (at one point) thought of him fondly. so this meeting catches jace off guard not only for the fact that ruben doesn't automatically scream and be like HEY HE'S EVIL but the fact that he is seeing a ruben he associates with as much younger. then we get into jace distancing himself immediately.
he doesn't call ruben by his first name he calls him mr. hopclap. and he is polite. he asks ruben how his summer is even though he's weirded out by the fact that ruben seems happy to see him.
and then ruben tells him:
“Weird,” Ruben’s voice pitches up with excitement, “you heard about all that stuff at the school, yeah?”
which for jace is such a red flag. he's still used to shatterstar ruben who's a little bit more of a shit so this puts him more on edge. we as readers already know about ruben's amnesia, about the fact that he's lost at least a year of his life. which i will cry about if i think too hard.
and we get:
“Well, I don’t remember it much—but my uncle said I was involved? That Mr. Cliffbreaker was?”
jace is finally getting a feel for the situation. that he has knowledge that ruben doesn't. it's not comforting because we then learn he is the reason ruben is here. he saw himself in ruben-- and since he saw himself he saw potential. and jace is absolutely shaken by this.
he thinks ankarna took his magic from him. who's to say she didn't take ruben's memories because it was too painful for him? (i personally see ruben's amnesia as a trauma response but... y'know.)
anyway they talk a bit. ruben is genuinely excited. he is remembering jace as this kind teacher who listened to him in freshman year. he's not assigning the inherent baggage that is now present because he doesn't know about. and... since he is seeing jace as an adult he can trust at this moment.... he opens up to jace when jace honestly isn't even seeing him.
“Mr. Stardiamond… I think I did something really, really bad.”
i think the absolute worst part of writing this scene is that it made me think of a few different kids from my site. i had some kids that really bonded with me and i sort of channeled my interactions with them into this scene.
jace talks about it sort of at a distance in this scene because he can't get too close. ruben reminds him of him. (probably from middle school.) and a part of him does bring ruben up as a candidate to porter because ruben is kind, he's timid. he needs validation. like jace. he is a prime candidate for manipulation... because jace was. so. here's another candidate for the plan.
jace. fails. ruben. before epilogue even starts.
and in this moment jace fails ruben again.
ruben is reaching out to a trusted adult and, in his own way, telling this adult who he has seen as a safe person before...
hey i think i fucked up. can you help me.
and how does jace respond? what advice does jace offer?
“Do you remember it?” Jace keeps his voice quiet. Ruben shakes his head. His eyes fill with tears. “No, but—” “Probably for the best, then.”
even before he tells ankarna take this chance at redemption and shove it. he's already rejected it.
by rejecting ruben.
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