#anon vent
moidloverxoxo · 6 months
Society standards for women and mothers piss me off.
Like they literally do everything for their families and kids, but as soon as men do it they get a lot of praise like the mom literally did the same thing but she gets no praise because she’s expected to do it!
The patriarchy!
Like women and mothers literally can’t win.
If a woman has kids and owns her own company, she’s seen as a bad mom.
But if she’s a stay at home mom, she’s seen as lazy or selfish.
“Like can’t women do what men do and get help?”
Because society and patriarchy will be all “oh my god you’re a terrible mother!”
And people wonder why we hate and despise men and this is why we need feminism and misandrists.
Because men are seen as good father especially single fathers but single mothers and mothers in general get nothing because they are expected to do it!
Like what are we chopped liver?!
By the time I gave birth to my son, me and my baby daddy had broken up already and he wanted nothing to do with our son.
So I had to do all the fucking work by myself.
I stayed out of a job taking care of my son for awhile and I lived with my
No one helped me. My mom helped but she couldn’t help much because of medical issues.
“Why don’t you just move with a friend?”
All of my friends have kids of their own and they live in different states!
None of my family members helped me.
I did everything myself.
I fed, bathed and changed him and rocked him to fucking sleep!
But no one ever told me “you’re doing such a good job!” Not even my own mother did be “you are expected to do that!”
Society and patriarchy.
Society standards for women and mothers are fucking ridiculous and I am sick of it.
My son is 5 now and I love him so much, but I just wished someone had actually helped me instead of just letting do everything because patriarchy.
I’m sorry but I am just tired.
If men were doing it, they would be hit with “omg what a good dad!”
That is why I need feminism.
I... never said we didn't need feminism.. What?
Also no one needs misandrists. No one.
And why would you send this here when you know you're going to get an argument against yourself? You clearly sound like you're venting.
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i hate that I'm not allowed to change or get new interests or set boundaries or have my own ideas
im sorry that little kid me was perfect but im really really trying
Everyone changes as they grow up, and those other people need to accept that. I’m really sorry you have to struggle with that, but if straight up setting boundaries doesn’t work, maybe try to do it gradually. Are you interested in a new activity? You could try saying something like “Hey, X is sort of cool, it seems really fun too.” And then keep going from there. Or you could even say, “Hey I feel like you’re not really listening when I ask you/tell you about X” If those people are your friends, I would recommend getting new friends. (No force of course!)
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exposingthemonster · 11 days
Okay.. wait… is Dana, Polaris and etc, are they actually like.. not good people??? I follow them and they’re like.. my biggest reasons for art and why I’m happy now and stuff… as well as I’ve shipped Solarmoon/newMoon, SunEclipse and such since like… the very beginning of the show when said characters first came into it.
I’m already getting teary just thinking about it but also in a sense of denial? Like.. there’s no way they’re actually bad people, are they? Everybody’s just misreading and misunderstanding them, right?
Please, please tell me that my favorite people aren’t wrong or bad.
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I'm so tired of hate.
it's always "HATE this," or "HATE that"
And i hate it when people can't just be nice for once.
Would it really be so hard to say something nice?
Can you really not keep your mouth shut and derogatory remarks to yourself?
I'm just. . . so tired of it.
I want people to be nice.
Like, I hate the whole endo thing right now.
It's either "FUCK anti endos!" or "FUCK pro endos!"
and even when you decide to try and move past it, people ALWAYS BRING IT UP AGAIN.
if you don't support endos, they hate you like the devil. But if you support or even be neutral, all of the traumagenics hate you too.
What did I do wrong?
What did I do?
I'm just so tired of it!
STOP IT!!!!!!!!!
I just want it to stop.
Just stop.
stop being mean.
We're so sorry. We completely agree with you. This world is a cruel existence, and at times it feels like the pain will never end.
But we promise you, it does.
The pain will stop one day.
You don't have to believe us when we say that. We know how hard it can be to believe that.
But we promise it's true.
This world will always have cruelty. That is not something anyone on earth can change.
But despite the cold darkness this existence posesses. . .
. . . there is light. And there is good.
And when you find it, never let go, okay? It will be okay.
If we could reach through this screen and hug you, we would give you the biggest hug EVER!
We love you. It'll be okay. Maybe not in this moment, but one day, it will be.
We promise.
Jay/Melody/+ others
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answersfromzestual · 1 month
My friend is trans (ftm) and I am trans (ftm), and he won't accept me? I told him about a month before I really decided to start transitioning that I feel like I can't be a girl, and that I'm probably transmasc, and he was pretty excited to have a trans friend like himself, but after I did a more official coming out to our friend group, he was the only one who did not support me, and was pretty angry at me. I asked him did something happened and why did he change his mind, and he told me that he can't see me as a guy, and that I don't deserve it and not worthy of calling myself a man. I understand that for other people it can be hard to start seing you differently, especially then they knew me as a girl for a lot of time, but I don't understand him and I'm hurt. He said that "he is grieving the "me" he knew" but that is such a weird statement. He also said that the reason I can't be a guy is because I am "too hysterical like a woman". I don't understand him, and I feel betrayed :( Why would he say something like that? Does he sees me as a rival now, or something like this??
There is a lot to unpack here. First off, you are valid, you really have these feelings.
Secondly I'm terribly sorry about your friend going from supportive to spiteful, by the sounds of it.
If you don't mind can I ask if you have a more "masculine" quality than him? Are you taller, is your face more passable than his? Did your other friends respond to you coming out better?
This sounds like it's almost a jealousy issue and a lot of resentment.
There may be a little bit of "well I came out then a month later _____ comes out?!" Can be contributing to his feelings.
Does your friend tend to need attention more than you? Just in general. Are they louder? Do they always have to make things about themselves? If so, you could be "stealing his spotlight".
It seems this all stems from when you came out to your friends...
I have a thought about the mourning part of your ask. Don't put money on it, but I think they may have a crush on the "female" you used to be. I have a feeling they may have finally seen themselves as straight maybe and maybe their goal was to maybe ask you out, but now you are transitioning. The mourning and the almost telling you not to transition just kind of makes me think that. I apologize if this is out of line, it's just a hunch I have from the information you have given me. If this is not the case he is a jealous, hypocrite in my honest opinion.
You deserve respect, consideration, and love.
There are many layers to your friend's response, and it's more than likely not one particular thing, but a mix of many emotions and feelings.
This person does not determine your worth. I want you to know that this person doesn't seem like someone you should remain friends with. You can be civil with your friend group, but you don't need to be friends.
I am incredibly sorry this happened to you. This is actually an example of transphobia inside the trans community. It's really not acceptable.
If this person tries to say anything negative about your transition, ask them what their issue(s) are with it. Maybe you can talk about it out together and salvage the friendship.
If they won't answer you or refuse to explain their feelings, you can tell them that they do not run your life, they do not know what's in your head, they do not know how you feel. Tell them saying this is way out of line and extremely inappropriate things to say to someone you consider a friend.
I'm sorry I can't say much more...
I'm sure maybe someone here can add some of their thoughts and advice as well.
I hope that you find comfort and feel the love here.
Remember you need to make you happy, you are your number one priority. Unless he is going to start to pay for your treatments his words are just arrogant and really cruel.
You are loved, and seen here.
I am sorry I took so long to answer this, it was a very deep ask, with many layers to consider.
I hope maybe this can help you out.
With much love,
Zestual ❤️💙
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thundersyst3m · 10 months
Anyone knows any anonymous venting blogs? I want to vent about something and feel seen by a community but i don't wanna expose myself too much
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dove-da-birb · 10 months
Do you ever just feel like a plastic bag that you’re not as important to people as they say you are? Idk man I hope I’m not unloading but it’s something that bothers me quite a bit from time to time: almost like a friend who is never invited to what the other friends are involved with :/ or like I’m the only one putting in effort to maintain any sort of friendship or connection
And yeah I do have confidence and stuff being on my own, and try to be super understanding of other people’s lives and social batteries but, but it doesn’t mean it hurts any less or having my brain jump to “they never talk to you like they do x or z so you’re not that important.” Idk like I said it bothers me when peeps are weird like that. Both irl and online :/ it just makes me feel like something is wrong with me you know?
#rantover sorry dove
Honestly, yeah I do; making friendships is so difficult, especially non-superficial ones. Especially if you know that their friendship looks different for different people.
Especially online, since, like you said, lives and social batteries.
But there’s nothing wrong with you; you deserve true friendship where they put in an equal amount of effort.
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transgender-vent-blog · 6 months
If someone asked me “What is the worst part of being trans, for you?”
I wouldn't say dysphoria, or deadnaming, or being viewed as my birth sex and my birth sex only.
I would say it's the fact that I'm not seen as human.
I'm always the defect, the epidemic, the illness, the chronically online, the weird aberration.
I'll always be the verminosis, the plague that should be exterminated, the sin, the work of the devil, the disgusting piece of shit.
But never the human. Never the human with thoughts, with feelings and that feels that when you do that to me.
I'll never be just a teenager. Just a kid trying to be themselves. No way. Ever.
Always the sick ideology, never a person.
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betzabobababi · 7 months
thank you that venting is allowed :)))
this is to my friend but i don't want to dissapoint them so i will write here
why are you always kind to me? This is annoying. I know i want it but.. i don't know. I don't trust people anymore. I said i trust you but you lied to me. You said i can vent to you whenever i want. You really said those words. But guess what? You fucking lied to me. You said "i know it's hard to find your human, but sometimes you need to get out of your comfort zone. I can't be always here for you". Shut up. Now you saying completely different thing? You overestimated your capabilities. I'm the reason you went through therapy. And now you fucking say that you will help me when i'm down. Fuck you. You know i don't like these kind of words.
Honestly fuck them. The manipulating is genuinely out of control. Honey, the more you stay, the harder it will be to leave. Please be careful and lots of love ♡
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yandere-isopod · 1 month
yk what, i'll take the opportunity to vent. I've had a really shitty day.
I asked for 1 (ONE) accomodation at work because my physiotherapist said it would be a good idea and it would relieve my muscles of a lot of tension. I was fired because of that. I've been having shitty years since I've developed chronic pain but today takes the fucking cake.
I'm so stupid for trying to get accomodations but it really hurts that I was let go just because I asked for a lower chair so that my neck and muscles wouldn't be so strained. I'm not disabled, I can work and I want to work! I woke up every day at 4 am for this fucking job!!! I took 2 buses just to get there! I'm the first person in last person out, I worked even when I was sick and when my meds weren't working and this is how they treat me??? And you know what I did??????? I kept working even when they told me they had no chairs for me, I said "ok np" AND WENT BACK TO WORK!!!!! LIKE I ALWAYS DO!!!! and then they fired me, now i feel so stupid for listening to my physiotherapist, fuck my mustles idgaf ab my physical health, i needed that job to graduate, i don't even know what i'm gonna do now, i'm still begging them on messages to give me another chance, but i know they won't, i'm a liability, ik i'm dumb and i should've expected this to happen but i've never had chronic pain, this is my first time experiencing this kind of treatment and i'm just so lost, doctors aren't sure when i'll be able to get better and i can't stop my whole fucking life just because of pain, i'm so lost and i wish i could just delete this whole chapter of my life, i wish i could be who i was before i had this thing.
Everything became a struggle, studying, working, exercising, my depression pratically went to the pits of hell, no antidepressant makes me feel better. I hate hate hate HATE living like this and I can't wait anymore and I can't take it anymore!! People tell me "it's not your fault" or "i don't get it you're so young how is your body already like this" or " don't worry things will get better" THEY'RE NOT GETTING BETTER.
My biggest dream is working on a specific field that I know would be bad for my health, but I don't care, it's what keeps me from killing myself, the thought that someday I'm gonna work with what I love, but now I'm terrified that my condition may get worse in a way where I can't even hide it and then I won't be able to work in that field. It's literally my only dream and my only purpose rn and I feel it's getting farther and farther away.
btw nozomi looks like such a cool game!!! I love every little thing u post ab it!
I'm gonna go listen to my favorite songs and pretend I didn't get fired, I hope you and your spouse have a lovely day, you 2 are my favorite internet couple.
Anon I have a very excellent solution to your problem. It involves arson. Also may I suggest arson for the dumb people asking stupid questions. I’m not sure where you live but are there any protections legally for firing someone over an accommodation? Where I’m at they would be in hot water so it could be something to look up. Then arson after, I’ll bring the gasoline. Feel free to toss a vent into my asks any day. I’m terrible with words but I am an excellent listener. <3
Also love that I’ve reached internet couple status with my spouse for you. 💀 this is the highlight of my day.
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bumbllee · 4 months
Fruit mealspo ✨🍓
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All pics from 📌 credits to them
my website:
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Can't be too loud. Can't be too busy. If I don't answer now are they still gonna miss me? Can't be too proud. Can't think I'm pretty. Do they keep me around so thwir flaws just seem silly?
Your friends wouldn’t keep you around if they didn’t like you, and most of the time it’s really obvious when someone is a fake friend. You don’t need to change yourself for anyone, if they don’t like you that’s their fault. You can’t always be the perfect person and always be there for a friend, and you either need to tell them that or they should just be able to accept it. No ones perfect but you’ll always find your real friends, trust me.
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thatraccoonlover · 1 month
wake up
drink diet coke
drink diet coke
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hellsitegenetics · 1 month
My string: tCctCaccaCtatcataacattgcaTtcataaactattgattttttaactaaatcaatcatAgattattatattctaatcactcatcaataatattttaacttaagttatattattattAactatgaCaCatcatatattctaCttctattagtaaatatattatatctctaagttattttttaattttttaatatatttctcttagtttaatatctattatattattttattaactacttaattgatttagttgaaaggtcaattgagaAatttattaccatctttactcaTgtctccagtatacaatttgtactcctTttctattccTaggtagatactatagTgatatttgACTtTatagatttattatataaaatatgttatttaccattatatctatACaCatcaatttactctgatctcacaatcatactacaatatttttatatagttTatatgaatacgtattttgatctcacaaccaaggaatgaccattatttcaatattcattatatttagctatataatcactattctattttatcttacaataAtaataaaagacgttatgtattatgttaagtctatatattttttattataccattgcacttgatctcacAcaataatctatatttttattacCtttttctattctTggttattctttatgatctcacaacatacaacttcattcactattactaaatataatttatttTaGtattctAtatatgtgtatC
My closest genetic match: Gigantopelta aegis baculoviral IAP repeat-containing protein 7-A-like (LOC121384515), transcript variant X2, mRNA My closest genetic match's common name: Deep Sea Snail
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(my image source)
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sunlit-mess · 2 months
How do you know how to draw yourself!?!?
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lazylittledragon · 6 months
I've been loving ur mombin comics, but where is the other mom? what trans hottie is not paying her child support out here? (this is said with a lot of love and affection, im very curious abt how she got into that situation, if you have thoughts abt it <3)
ajsjhsdfh i wasn't going to answer this because it's explained in the next comic but kudos to you for being the only person to say 'who's the other mom' instead of 'WHO'S THE DAD'
also the way this is worded made me laugh for like 5 minutes thank you so much xx
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