#anti poem
artehago · 7 days
seal of approval
is a ghostly paycheck
a viable lifeline
when the void of displacement
blobs forward to consume
everyones shortlist
id fall on my sword
but then theres a tax
its in the assumption
that everyones fine
stop complaining
or its going to be this brother
a club and club and a club
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ogahetra · 1 month
retorts part 1
i think if i don't do it here
then i'll do it for real
like real reel real
a fauls from a tree
saved by rope
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aloeverawrites · 2 months
I want black children to be seen as children and not treated like adults. I don’t want black boys to be targeted as black men or black girls to be written off as “acting too grown.”
I want them to pursue their interests and dreams and not have anyone stand in their way. I want them to grow up and only know racism as a thing of the past, something that’s never happened to them.
I want them to be loved, and safe, and supported and respected.
I want a better world for our black children.
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palesoftangel · 7 months
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@/Bassem Youssef on instagram.
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delphientropy · 28 days
(may edit/revise in the future)
you say the future is plural,
that there will be thousands nested in yours,
but i hope that your future is not true.
if it were,
every day, the news would be horrid.
every parent to hold a belt like a whip
every parent dismissive and neglectful
every friend hostile and hissing
every doctor cruel and unwelcome
every priest holding you down, you are devilish
every human to hold you as a freak
every water prepared to sink you.
your future sounds like a nightmare.
i hope the future is unity.
i hope the future is single.
i hope the future is one.
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ace-of-pussy · 1 month
JK Rowling’s funeral will be beautiful.
The cameras, the faceless attendees, the press swarming outside the gates. The touching notes left by her followers, thanking her for building their childhoods. The radfems mourning the loss of their god.
The grey-faced family and friends, escorted out of the gates by countless bodyguards, hounded by journalists and flashing light that illuminates all of the little details in their hand-woven black clothes.
Every stitch, every seam, there on display. Every tear, every bloodshot eye for the world to see.
But then They come. After the last stragglers of the funeral have left, whether it be hours or days, We will arrive.
Black combat boots and worn Converse, crop tops and baggy jumpers, ripped jeans and tartan skirts.
We will find our way in, jumping fences and picking locks, weaving through the neglected stones of others until we reach the corner that she bought for herself.
Her gravestone is inscribed and decorated, at least twice as big as the others in the graveyard.
We read it aloud.
“Mr. and Mrs.Dursley of number four, Privet Drive, were proud to say that they were perfectly normal, thank you very much. Thank you Joanne, for making our childhoods.”
We laugh. The angel over the grave, hands clasped in prayer, neck and wings strung with scarves of red, yellow, green, blue seems to smile with us.
We take the books first. Most of them are signed copies. They will make our kindling. The scarves and cloaks are too polyester-stuffed and mass produced for that.
We burn the books, dancing and laughing in the dying light, mocking her denial of the burnings back in the 40s.
The pictures are next. Portraits of her, posing elegantly, smiling gracefully. The kind face that hides bigotry and disgust at fellow human beings.
We burn them. Their ashes fuel our crazed laughter.
We celebrate our childhoods. We celebrate the world, the magical, fantasy world she crafted for us. We do not celebrate her. We celebrate her soon to be deleted Twitter account, after one last mournful post about how incredible she was.
We shall mock it, tomorrow. But tonight we celebrate.
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didthekingdieyet · 7 months
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as someone with a platform i would like to remind all of you that this blog stands for the freedom of the palestinian people, by any means necessary. if you are able to. please donate to different pro gaza funds. if not, i get it. if you can please contact those representing you to ask for a ceasefire and to support the palestinian people against the genocide being committed. check to see if there are supportive protests in your area. do not let palestine go quietly into the night. 
educational resource
donate here
this blog has. and always will be, a liberatory space. please feel free to add additional resources and remember it is a privilege for us to be able to set our phones down and separate ourselves from this genocide.
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area51-narutorun · 1 year
I went into a blind rage while watching the coronation livestream and wrote this. enjoy I guess.
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i-want-to-be-a-poet · 7 months
God is dead and i wear his skin
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artehago · 23 days
a poem, i promise
i flirt with
death or i
place myself on shaky tallish towers
in poems, sometimes
-its meaningless
a dead guys gaze
relic of a
long gone
o'me in a tree -
eyeglass looking at, at at at, at aunts
-nuclear stomp
tantrum throwin
turnips to tourniquets
to the medic
four stitches
-so please
excuse me my wordleism
-i forgave myself
you sea
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ogahetra · 2 months
having amassed a mass mass
i plurally deject from this planet
an iron man
sans a suit
but w/ a bladdered balloon
hope i dont
run oughta
air too s
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blnxpc · 11 days
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dootznbootz · 1 month
I fully blame the Telegony for starting this. It was the first to break up OdyPen and starting the whole "Odysseus is willingly unfaithful" interpretation
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He needs to be thankful that history is keeping me from yelling at him. 👀 I would leave a book review that would make him CRY. HOMER would leave a book review that would make him cry. My gosh, I wanna see something silly like a meme of some sort with Homer about to fucking WRECK Eugammon, that's so funny.
like it's just such a mess. not only against his character but there are so many points that go against the Odyssey.
1.) Odysseus' line is supposed to only have one son each time. That's Telemachus. You can't just retcon shit to have your OC exist in canon, Eugammon. At least admit it's an AU (Joking...Kind of. 👀)
2.) Tiresias' prophecy. (even fucking wikipedia mentions this fuck up!)
3.) Ultimate wife guy/family man, whose marriage bed is literally a symbol on how he's rooted like a tree on Ithaca, rooted to his marriage, where he belongs, apparently needs to do fuck all and wander about.
4.) You're telling me, Penelope, Queen of Ithaca, was into this marriage circle bullshit? That she would marry he beloved husband's murderer??
Also with the whole "he had a new wife and was with until she died." HOW OLD WAS ODYSSEUS?! HOW OLD WAS PENELOPE?! Odypen were both probably around mid to late 40s when they reunited (at least that's how I see them lol) FOR ANOTHER WOMAN TO GO THROUGH HER WHOLE LIFE WITH HIM???? ARE THEY 150 YEARS OLD????!
And honestly, I think you're right, if it weren't for that stupid poem, I think people would actually study the Odyssey and look through it like, "huh...You know, he seems pretty scared of these goddesses...And really obsessed with this cool as fuck woman. Neat." BUT NO!!! SOME DINGUS HAD TO WRITE BAD FANFIC THAT FOR SOME REASON PEOPLE ALWAYS BRING UP IN YOUTUBE COMMENTS!
You know what? Yeah. Meme time of Homer wrecking Eugammon.
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existennialmemes · 5 months
Jack and Jill went up the hill
To fetch a pail of water
But nestle came down
And bought out the ground
Now it's 3 bucks a bottle
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poetrybyonur · 5 months
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Ever wonder why people speaking lies are screaming, violently forcing their views down people’s throats, threatening and terrorising, whilst the truth speaks quietly, logically yet boldly? Because truth doesn’t need to be shouted. Truth speaks for itself. I firmly stand with my Jewish friends and with Israel. 🇮🇱
I may not get many notes for this one but I had to put it out there.
Photo taken by me in Caesarea, Israel.
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krash-8 · 26 days
have you ever sipped the galaxy like tea
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