#asexual evan buckley
sexypennymay · 22 days
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I’m dressed down ready 😎🥰who’s taking me out today ❤️🥰🥵
Reblog trans lovers
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canichangemyblogname · 2 months
Hot take? A show with queer people in it from the beginning was never queerbaiting and— very literally and technically— never could. In the first episode, a gay man comes out to his family. And he doesn’t stop being gay after that; it’s a major plot point and part of his character going forward. You’ve had a married lesbian couple from the jump who are proud and unapologetic about their love for each other. The story has also portrayed several queer couples and stories in episodic plots, including featuring queer weddings.
Buck didn’t suddenly “become” bi. Queerness is not when straight people “turn” queer. He has been attracted to men the entire time; he has always been bi. Understanding yourself and your sexuality as a queer person is often so difficult under heteronormativity. Sometimes, it takes time.
Hell— Buck checking a guy out some time in season 3 or getting flustered by the idea he might like a guy, etc, etc, are not even examples “queerbaiting,” nevermind how the show already features queer stories.
I genuinely think some of y’all are just mad that he’s not sucking face with the man you want him to, and are being weirdly homophobic about it. “Buck kissing this man is kinda off-putting, lmao.” “Buck and his bf’s relationship is awkward. IDK, but it weirds me out.” “There’s something so cringe about Buck’s relationship—” “Who dates someone they haven’t been friends with for years first? It’s kinda creepy…” “I think their relationship is a weird mess. It’s not as meaningful as a slow burn.”
Life isn’t fanfiction and fanfiction tropes don’t make good writing. Most relationships start out with a “hey, I’m interested in you, let’s get to know each other.” You’re just transparently uncomfortable with two men expressing that interest in each other outside the arbitrary rules you’ve established to make a mlm relationship “legitimate” or “meaningful.”
[Fanfiction] tropes— from “there’s only one bed” to “we’re forced together, but fall in love anyway”— are responses to the sex-negativity and purity culture norms forced upon gender and sexual minorities. They provide a workaround for these norms but never a direct challenge. It’s like the Family Guy episode “Prick Up Your Ears,” where conservative Christian abstinence-only sex education leads to kids having ear sex. Ear sex is the workaround to the abstinence and purity rules they’d been taught, not the challenge. We still have stringent rules around who can touch whom and under what circumstances. Tropes reflect this. So, a trope like “there’s only one bed” provides the characters with a justification for their intimacy without directly challenging why it is taboo.
You’ve convinced yourself that shipping— and thus the tropes it employs— is more subversive than actual representation, and the people caught in the crossfire are actual queer people.
Also— for the love of fuck— stop comparing every mlm relationship to RW&RB.
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tedious-waffle · 23 days
Btw its very Telling the way people who are offended by the allusion to daddy kink in that BuckTommy (Kinkley?) scene are specifically taking issue with it “sexualizing” the moment/buck’s trauma.
Like,,, tell me you dont know anything about kink without telling me you dont know anything about kink lmao
Some people really dont know how fucking Soft and Romantic and Non-sexual daddy kink, and kink in general, can be, and honestly i feel sorry for them
Like daddy kink can literally be a completely Non-Sexual thing, and a lot of kink is more about the dynamics and vibes of kink, and doesnt actually require or include a sexual aspect. Its why its kink and not just sex. People hear kink and think “weird icky taboo sex” and like a) rude, b) wrong
Like bro. Do you know how many kinky people are asexual
Just, the fact people are turning this scene into “ew tommy sexualizing bucks trauma” is ughh
a) buck started it, b) its actually Fine to sexualize your trauma, its very common and normal and you shouldn’t fucking shame people for doing it, and c) youre the one jumping from implied daddy dynamic to whatever specific sexual scenario You are imagining. The show hasn’t specified anything about it but you jump to the worst version of whatever you assume it is and hate on it. Like you can personally dislike a kink, thats fine!!! But fuck off implying that a kink or the mere discussion of a kink between two consenting adults is inherently problematic
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spotsandsocks · 2 months
How can we dance when I silenced the song 🖤💜🩶🤍
Chapter 5 7k ish 5/6
Demi!eddie fic has a new chapter. It’s nearly completed chapt 6 is mostly done and I’m hoping to get it out this week. This is just a little bit, from chapt 5, one of my favourite parts from this chapter I shared earlier today but here it is again
Then he read the book and he found a way to look at what Buck means to him and how he’s been all his life. How he loves. 
He can do it. He can say it, at least in his head can’t he? He was right he’s not gay but he is queer.  It's about time, he faced it, he’s spent years trying not to be anything but normal. 
The thing is he is normal. It’s just normal comes in a rainbow of colours and his are grey and black and white and purple.
If you’re interested in demi!sexual Eddie then maybe give it a go. 😊 tagging a few kind friends
@elvensorceress @daffi-990 @tizniz @stagefoureddiediaz @loserdiaz
@ronordmann @diazsdimples @hippolotamus @thekristen999 @the-likesofus
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gregorygerwitz · 2 months
am I the only one who thinks Buck and Tommy didn't immediately go off and have sex after the episode?
I don't even think they went home together
they kissed again before they went their separate ways, of course, but I don't think Buck would go off and get laid right after coming out to his entire family
in my head, Tommy said his congratulations, had cake, kissed Buck goodbye (privately, to not take attention away from the happy couple) and got an Uber back to harbor (because he's not going to pull Buck away from celebrating with his sister just because Tommy had a long shift and he wants to get his car and go home and shower and sleep)
idk. I'm seeing a lot of posts about them going off and fucking immediately (and I'm reading the fics, I'm having a great time, it's not about the fic and all that), and I'm wondering if my thoughts are logical at all or if I'm just ace and my brain doesn't automatically jump to sex as the defining moment in making a relationship more official or whatever
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ace-reader · 3 months
Delirious Confessions
The firehouse was quiet, the rest of the 118 crew having long since retired to their bunks for the night. Buck sat alone at the kitchen table, a half-empty mug of coffee growing cold in his hands. He could feel the weight of exhaustion pulling at his eyelids, the aftermath of a grueling 24-hour shift that had been one emergency after another.
Eddie had been by his side through it all, as he always was—steadfast, reliable, and so achingly present that he could hardly stand it. They had saved lives together, fought fires side by side, and shared quiet moments of vulnerability when the adrenaline had faded and left them raw.
Now, with the night pressing in around him and the tiredness making his head spin, Buck felt something shift inside him. It was a truth he had been dancing around for months, maybe even years, but in the stillness of the firehouse kitchen, it bubbled up, unbidden and undeniable.
He needed to tell Eddie. He needed to say the words that had been haunting him, the confession that felt like it was tearing him apart from the inside out.
Buck stood, his movements unsteady as he made his way to the bunk room. His heart was pounding, a rhythm that seemed too loud in the silence. He paused at Eddie's bunk, watching his friend sleep, the rise and fall of his chest a testament to the calm that Buck so desperately craved.
"Eddie," Buck whispered, his voice a hoarse croak. "Eddie, wake up."
Eddie stirred, his eyes fluttering open, confusion etched across his features. "Buck? What's wrong?"
Buck sank to his knees beside Eddie's bunk, his hands trembling as he reached out, fingers brushing against his arm. "I can't keep it inside anymore, Eddie. I'm so tired, and it's like I can't think straight, but maybe that's good. Maybe I need to be this tired to say it."
Eddie sat up, concern replacing the confusion. "Say what, Buck? You're scaring me."
"I love you," Buck blurted out, the words spilling from him in a rush. "I love you, and it's not just because I'm exhausted. I love you in the morning when we're gearing up for a call, I love you when we're covered in soot and sweat, I love you when you're laughing and when you're hurting. I love you, Eddie," Buck continued, his voice raw with emotion. "I know it's probably the worst timing, and I'm deliriously tired, but I can't hold it in any longer. You mean everything to me, and I can't imagine my life without you in it."
Eddie's eyes widened, a mix of shock and something softer flickering in their depths. He reached out, cupping Buck's face in his hands, his touch warm and grounding. "Buck, I... I don't know what to say."
Buck's heart hammered in his chest, uncertainty creeping in alongside the vulnerability of his confession. "You don't have to say anything, Eddie. I just needed you to know."
But Eddie's gaze held a tenderness that Buck had never seen before, a depth of feeling that mirrored his own. "I love you too, Buck. I love you more than words can say, and I've been too scared to admit it. I thought I was the only one feeling this way."
In that moment, exhaustion and confession mingled in the air between them, creating a space where truth could flourish. Buck leaned in, his lips meeting Eddie's in a kiss that was both gentle and fierce, a promise of all the words they had yet to say.
And as they finally pulled apart, the weight of their shared truth settled around them like a blanket, offering comfort and a promise of a future where their love could thrive, even in the midst of exhaustion and uncertainty.
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aspecbuddie · 4 months
Tell Me There’s A Reason That You’re Here (2.8k)
a part 2 to Please Stay With Me Until I Close My Eyes (could probably be read as a standalone)
“Chris went down a rabbit hole on the way here.” Buck perks up immediately, the soft energy of before immediately transformed into excitement. “Ooooh nice! What was it this time?” “He… uh…” Eddie fumbles, as if it hasn’t been the only thing on his mind since Chris told him. “One of his friends came out as… something. I can’t remember what exactly, but Chris has been researching loads of LGBT stuff that I’ve never heard of before and telling me about it.” “Makes sense,” Buck says. “I bet his friend will be happy about that.” Eddie smiles. “Yeah, that’s true.” “But…?” Buck prompts. “It sounds stupid, but a couple of the things he was telling me about… they just… I don’t know.” “Something clicked?” Buck suggests gently. Eddie just nods. - Eddie learns more about the queer community - and himself
(on ao3, just in time for aro week!)
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reallyneedsalife · 1 month
i have the urge to write aro!Buck and aroace!Eddie getting their wires crossed about romance.
Taylor says I love you to Buck, Buck freak out about not feeling those magical feelings around the words. Eddie goes "its fine, there's no real difference between platonic I love yous and romantic ones". Hen looks at them like "..guys-"
I'm all for romantic Buddie, but also I adore queerplatonic/platonic Buddie with my whole aromantic heart
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duckielover151 · 2 months
The scene where Buck comes out to Eddie is great. It's sweet. It's pretty much everything I wanted it to be.
But I gotta be honest... The coming out section wasn't even what stood out most to me in that scene, considering it starts with Eddie being all, "I can't go home! If I do, my girlfriend will want to have sex with me!"
And like... I know it wasn't for aro/ace reasons... But that might be the most I've related to any fictional romance ever. XD
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warpedpuppeteer · 5 months
I really love the idea of Buck being the one who's been secretly in love with Eddie the whole time. Because when it comes to Eddie, he doesn't really seem to give much thought to dating until someone pushes him to it?? But Buck always seems to be thinking about how to be a better person (choosing to go to therapy, being open about what he wants in a relationship and such). So in my head, between the two, Buck is the one more likely to figure it out first before Eddie. And he's just sweet enough to think Eddie might not want this so he supports Eddie dating others and even dates people himself (thinking that this thing with Eddie will never happen so why not). It's like, he's pining but not in a "i will stay miserable about it" way??? Does that make sense?? Buck's just the kind of person who is like 'you might not love me but i will steal the moon for you, i will fight the world for you, i will bring you all the stars in the universe'.
Eddie is the kind if person who needs to be told "hey have you ever thought about dating buck? how he checks all your boxes? how you're both raising a child together and have each other's backs and are comfortable with each other?" and it makes him go OH, i never thought about that. And then he starts seeing Buck in a whole different way you know. Like, here's the person Chris likes, who will protect Chris and takes care of him like his own, who knows his family, who will always come save Eddie no matter what, who's been there for Eddie's highs and absolute lows. Like, all the things Eddie worries about when finding a partner is something Buck already fulfills. So why not date Buck?? Why did he never think of this??
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laylawatermelon · 3 months
Now gimme demi Eddie i need my representation/j
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murdockbuckley · 3 months
omg 10 wips?? which one is your favourite?
better yet, what is your favourite line from each??
i cannot pick a favourite but here are some snippets from a few!!
1. aroace eddie
It was forced upon him with the expectation of a domesticity pertaining to romantic love. An expectation he could never live up to, for a reason he could never admit to - for fear of being known, of being shamed, of being different.
2. girldad!buck
I remember the first time you told me about the family you made for yourself in LA. About how your Captain felt more like a father to you than Philip ever did. About Hen and Chim who felt like your older siblings. And how Athena marrying Bobby made her your sort-of-not-really-but-kinda mother. I know the bond you all have has only grown stronger through the years. They are your family. Her family too, introduce her to them. Let her know her grandparents and her aunts and uncles; Maddie is right in that they would all love and accept her, no matter how long you think you’ve ‘kept her secret’.
Ask them for help. They will help you without any hesitation, okay?
I know Eddie is probably there with you, or you’ll be telling him as soon as you’ve finished reading this. Lean on him. Accept his help. Talk to him. You are each other's safety nets, so don’t be afraid to fall into him.
3. poet!buck #1
Later that week, Buck found himself alone in his apartment with the rain pattering gently on the windows. Not the most ideal weather for him, but if he wants to write about his thoughts from that night, and everyday since, he supposes it’s a fitting choice. Maybe The Universe is trying to help jog his memory - it’s not as if he remembers every excruciating detail of every moment.
He sat, with pen in hand, on the floor in front of the coffee table. Maybe not the wisest decision because his leg pain will inevitably flair up, especially if he’s not careful. But he got some floor cushions, the big and comfy circle kind - they’re not bean bags Eddie - that he brought for the purpose of playing board games with anyone who would keep him company.
Buck supposes trying to hack into his ten year old self’s brain to write some shitty poetry is also a good use for them.
4. poet!buck #2
They were sat just far enough from the others Eddie didn’t feel bad about starting this conversation now. Besides he was curious, and he’s almost died enough times to satisfy that curiosity (Buck had already taken care of the being brought back part of the idiom).
As Buck was about to say something more, a grape hit him in the forehead. He reeled back with an offended look and Eddie hid a chuckle behind his drink.
“What are you two love birds talking about?”
“None of your business, Howard.” He threw the grape back at Chim, Eddie laughed at his offended expression.
“Oh come on. Were you just flirting with my brother in law, Diaz?”
Eddie smirked, “Oh yeah. I was telling him all the things I would do to him when we make you look after Chris next week. Like-”
“Oh gross. I love you boys but I do not want to be hearing about your sex life,” Hen interrupted, Chim exaggeratedly nodded along with her while the others laughed at her disgust.
“Chim asked! Besides, I never said it was about sex.”
“Alright, knock it off now. The actual kids are coming to eat, let’s keep it age appropriate?”
Buck floundered, “But- but I know so much about your sex life because of Bobby that’s not fair.”
Athena shut him up with a warning glare, Bobby pressed a smiling kiss to her temple.
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ace-reader · 3 months
Buddie soft morning
The first light of dawn crept through the half-open blinds, casting a warm glow across the room where Evan and Eddie were nestled under a cocoon of soft blankets. The world outside was quiet, the usual hustle and bustle not yet begun, allowing them a few more precious moments in their sanctuary.
Buck's eyes fluttered open to the sight of Eddie's peaceful face, his breathing deep and even in sleep. A smile tugged at Buck's lips as he watched the man he loved, the rise and fall of Eddie's chest a comforting rhythm that he had come to cherish. With the utmost care not to wake him, Buck inched closer, closing the miniscule distance between them, until his forehead rested gently against Eddie's.
It wasn't long before Eddie stirred, the sensation of Buck's warm breath against his skin coaxing him from the depths of sleep. His eyes opened to meet Buck's soft gaze, a silent greeting that filled the room with an unspoken affection. "Morning," he murmured, his voice rough with sleep but tender with emotion.
"Morning," Buck replied, his hand finding Eddie's under the blankets, fingers intertwining as naturally as if they were made to fit together. They shared a smile, and then Buck leaned in, pressing a chaste kiss to his lips. It was a simple gesture, but it held all the love and history between them.
The kiss deepened as Eddie responded, his hand cradling Buck's cheek, thumb caressing the skin there. They took their time, savoring the intimacy of the moment, the way their lips moved together in a dance as familiar as it was exhilarating. There was no urgency, no need to rush through the affection they so freely gave one another.
Eventually, they parted, but only just, their foreheads still touching as they shared soft breaths and quiet laughter. "We should probably get up," Eddie said, though he made no move to leave the warmth of their bed.
"In a minute," Buck replied, and that minute turned into several as they lay there, wrapped up in each other, exchanging lazy kisses and soft touches that spoke of a deep, abiding love.
When they finally made their way to the kitchen, it was with a sense of contentment, their hands still joined. They moved together with an ease born of countless mornings just like this, making coffee and breakfast with shared glances and small touches.
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fandom · 3 months
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'Tis better to have booped and lost than never to have booped at all.
We hope your clicky fingers have recovered from this April Fools' Day boop-fest. Adding to the April 1st chaos, Smosh's Shayne Topp and Courtney Miller announced their marriage and yes, it's real. Also real? Canon bisexual Evan Buckley, to the delight of 9-1-1 fans everywhere. Y'all celebrated both International Transgender Day of Visibility and International Asexuality Day with an outpouring of love and support. Dungeon Meshi continues its run as the top anime series of the spring. Finally, the action (and jokes) just won't stop in Fantasy High: Junior Year. This is Tumblr's Week in Review.
Dungeon Meshi
Artists on Tumblr
April Fools' Day
Hazbin Hotel
Evan Buckley | 9-1-1
Baldur's Gate 3
Buddie | Evan Buckley & Edmundo Diaz, 9-1-1
Cats of Tumblr
Good Omens
International Transgender Day of Visibility
Laios Touden | Dungeon Meshi
International Asexuality Day
Marcille Donato | Dungeon Meshi
Fantasy High: Junior Year
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buddierecs · 3 days
long (40k+ words) buddie fics
all explicit rating - 18+ only!!!! make sure to kudos/comment on these amazing works :)
leading with the left by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels "when buck said he was a "bartender" in "south america" what he actually meant was "stripper" in "mexico." and when eddie said, "what's your problem?" what he actually meant was, "is this about the time you gave me a lap dance?" in other words, there's a few things the 118 doesn't know about buck. Or eddie. Or buck and eddie's relationship." word count: 84k important tags: strangers to lovers, stripper!buck, emotional slow burn, miscommuication your fingerprints smeared on my heart (lead me back to you) by: letmetellyouaboutmyfeels "In 1880, evan buckley of the arriviste set is sent out west to oversee his family's railroad and recover from a broken heart - and meets eddie diaz, cowboy. when fate tears them apart, they make a promise: find each other again. In 2018, buck walks into his fire station in los angeles - and meets eddie diaz, new recruit." word count: 88k important tags: cowboys, soulmates, reincarnation, gilded age, heavy angst
let the world have its way with you by: fleetinghearts "a bucket list that’s really about buck needing to make a change and an eddie who’s ready to do anything to see him fall in love with life again. it takes some crossing off for eddie to realise—the thing at the top of the list in his own heart? it’s been right here all along" word count: 54k important tags: pining, feelings realisation, idiots to lovers, road trips, getting together, eventual smut, gay!eddie diaz good pretender by: likeshipsonthesea "an au where buck broke up with taylor before 5b, ravi and buck become (actually platonic) friends with benefits, and ravi, eddie, and buck all go on a journey of self-discovery that ends with them all getting what they need" word count: 85k important tags: friends with benefits (buckandravi), casual sex, childhood tramua, healing, feelings realisation, jealous!eddie diaz, ptsd, love confessions, anal sex would you lie with me and just forget the world by: colonscopys "eddie diaz is 7, and 13, and 14, and 18, and 34. and he loves, and he loves, and he loves, and he loves, and he loves" word count: 45k important tags: childhood friends to lovers, eddie diaz centric, catholic guilt, angst, happy ending. eddie diaz vs the feelings by: elvensorcess "eddie dives into the mysteries of attraction, romantic love, and asexuality because there's a good chance he's fallen in love with his best friend. aka demisexual!eddie figures out he’s demi and finds the happily ever after he’s been longing for" word count: 62k important tags: demisexual!eddie diaz, idiots in love, sexual tension, frottage, hand jobs, anal sex, soft!buddie, slow burn, top!evan buckley, bottom!eddie diaz courtship behaviours of the southern coastal husbros by: mad_lori "buck and eddie decide to become platonic domestic partners and co-parents. they are 100% super normal about it and absolutely nothing is awakened in them, except a mutual annoyance at being referred to as "husbros." word count: 49k important tags: domestic partners, slow burn, christopher diaz has two dads, friends to lovers, demisexual!eddie diaz, sexuality crisis, first kiss, eventual smut, oral sex objects in the mirror by: sevensoulmates "the voice had always been around, eddie remembers it, like a stream of consciousness that babbled incoherently to the point where eddie just tuned it out. but then the voice started speaking directly to him. conversing like he was a whole person standing right in front of him. like he could see what was happening around eddie. eddie shook his head. no one was talking to him, and eddie most certainly was not talking back. he wouldn’t talk to the boy in his head ever again. there was no boy in his head." word count: 139k important tags: telepathic bond, childhood to canon, slow burn like a dog with a bird at your door by: fleetinghearts "evan “i love you like a dog” buckley has only ever known how to love like, well, a dog, but maybe eddie diaz is the kinda guy to give a flea-bitten mongrel a forever home" word count: 51k important tags: pre-relationship, domestic, love confessions, eventual smut, friends to lovers, protective!evan buckley
when it's you i'm with (everything goes quiet) by: withoutthetiger "eddie can't speak after he and christopher are in an accident, but somehow he asks buck to stay while he recovers. buck can't imagine wanting to be anywhere else, and even in the silence that lingers between them, they both find a way to say everything." word count: 56k important tags: different first meetings au, muteness, intimacy, feeling realisation, friends to lovers, phone sex, blow jobs, rimming, anal sex
the best life is the truth (my best mask is my face) by: letmetellyouaboutmyfeels "the buckleys are celebrating their 50th anniversary, and maddie and buck are both expected to come. to take the heat off maddie, buck impulsively blurts out that he's seeing someone new. obviously, there's only one solution: bring eddie as his fake boyfriend, pretend to be in love with him, and survive the weekend with minimal bloodshed. no problem, except for the, uh. "pretend" part." word count: 43k important tags: fake dating, idiots to lovers, there was only one bed, eventual smut wishing to be the friction by: ipretendtobesane "the straight eddie friends with benefits fic" word count: 97k important tags: friends with benefits, slow burn, hand jobs, blow jobs, rimming, first time, pining, porn with plot
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list of canon/implied canon characters!
the other day, i was counting how many entries on this blog are canonically queer characters, the number totaled over 500! and so i decided i would make a masterlist of all the canon identities.
this list is sorted alphabetically by fandom, with characters within each fandom, also listed alphabetically.
i put the list below the cut, because it is quite very long.
9-1-1 evan buckley - bisexual
& juliet francois dubois - pansexual may bellerose - non-binary romeo montague - bisexual - implied
16bit sensation konoha akisato - sapphic - implied
a league of their own (2022) bertie hart - transgender carson shaw - bisexual greta gill - lesbian jess mccready - lesbian jo deluca - lesbian lupe garcia - lesbian max chapman - lesbian
abbott elementary ava - bisexual - implied
adventure time (and fionna and cake) fionna - bisexual - implied marceline - bisexual marshall lee - bisexual princess bubblegum - sapphic
alice júnior alice júnior - transgneder + bisexual taísa - bisexual
amphibia anne boonchuy - sapphic sasha waybright - bisexual
apex legends bangalore - lesbian bloodhound - non-binary catalyst - transgender fuse - pansexual gibraltar - gay loba - bisexual mirage - queer seer - pansexual valkyrie - lesbian
assassination classroom touka yada - sapphic
avatar: the last airbender (and the legend of korra) asami - bisexual korra - bisexual kyoshi - bisexual
avenue q rod - gay
baldur's gate 3 dame aylin - lesbian isobel thorm - lesbian
barbie barbie - asexual ken - asexual
bbc ghosts captain - gay - implied
bbc sherlock eurus holmes - queer - implied irene adler - sapphic
be more chill richard goranski - bisexual squip - non-binary
bee and puppycat toast - bisexual
beetlejuice beetlejuice - pansexual
bfb four - agender
black butler alois trancy- gay - implied grell sutcliff - transgender - canon - bisexual - implied joanne harcourt - gay - implied
black hammer mark markz - gay
bloom into you seiji maki - aroace yuu koito - lesbian
blue lock kunigami rensuke - bisexual sae itoshi - achillean - implied shidou ryusei - gay
bob's burgers bob belcher - bisexual - implied
bocchi the rock ikuyo kita - lesbian
bojack horseman kelsey jannings - lesbian todd chavez - asexual
brooklyn nine-nine rosa diaz - bisexual
bully jimmy hopkins - bisexual - implied
cardcaptor sakura nakuru akizuki - non-binary - implied sakura kinomoto - pansexual sonomi daidouji - lesbian syaoran li - bisexual tomoyo daidouji - lesbian touya kinomoto - bisexual yukito tsukishiro - achillean
castlevania alucard - bisexual
cookie run abyss monarch cookie - non-binary ananas dragon cookie - non-binary angel cookie - non-binary blue lily cookie - lesbian candy diver cookie - non-binary cotton candy cookie - queer cream unicorn cookie - non-binary dark enchantress cookie - genderqueer devil cookie - non-binary dj cookie - non-binary + bisexual fig cookie - non-binary ion cookie robot - agender lilybell cookie - lesbian lime cookie - pansexual lotus dragon cookie - non-binary milk cookie - achillean moonlight cookie - lesbian peppermint cookie - non-binary pinecone cookie cookie - non-binary pitaya dragon cookie - non-binary poison mushroom cookie - non-binary pomegranate cookie - lesbian princess cookie - bisexual raspberry cookie - sapphic roquefort cookie - non-binary + queer sea fairy cookie - lesbian snapdragon cookie - non-binary snow sugar cookie - non-binary sorbet shark cookie - non-binary space donut - non-binary squid ink cookie - non-binary strawberry crepe cookie - non-binary white choco cookie - lesbian
crazy ex girlfriend darryl whitefeather - bisexual josh - gay maya - bisexual valencia perez - bisexual
danganronpa ace markey - gay chihiro fujisaki - transgender - implied eden tobisa - lesbian nagito komeada - achillean
dc artemis of bana-mighdall - bisexual catwoman - bisexual harley quinn - bisexual harper row - bisexual jack phantom - lesbian john constantine - bisexual jon kent - bisexual leonard snart - pansexual nial nal - transgender poison ivy - bisexual "spooner" cruz - asexual tim drake - bisexual wonder woman - bisexual yara flor - bisexual
dead by daylight david king - gay
dead end: paranormal park barney guttman - gay + transgender
destiny 2 drifter - pansexual
dirk gently's holistic detective agency tina tevetino - bisexual
do revenge eleanor levetan - lesbian
dodgeball: a true underdog story kate veatch - bisexual
duolingo bea - bisexual lily - lesbian - implied lin - lebian oscar - gay
elsewhere dan cooper - bisexual - implied
entropic float peri dubois - asexual
ever after high apple white - lesbian c. a. cupid - bisexual darling charming - lesbian raven queen - bisexual
everything's gonna be okay drea stevens - asexual + lesbian matilda moss - sapphic
fallout 4 deacon - bisexual john hancock - bisexual preston garvey - bisexual rj maccready - bisexual
falsettos charlotte - lesbian cordelia - lesbian marvin - gay whizzer - gay
fantasy high riz gukgak - asexual
final space ash graven - sapphic
flicker (roblox) adora - lesbian alab - non-binary amethyst - demigirl + trixic aphrodite - transgender arielle - transgender chidi - asexual cody - transgender eduardo - demiboy + pansexual elaina - non-binary ezra - non-binary + toric fayola - demigirl grace - non-binary + aroace halona - two-spirit john - biseual joshua - gay kai - non-binary + pansexual kiryomi - lesbian lassi - non-binary + aroace lukey - agender + questioning melodie - lesbian mika - genderfluid + aroace prasiddhi - bisexual quinn - genderqueer + questioning tamia - non-binary trey - agender vinny - bisexual
flight rising wayfinder merrigan - non-binary
generation greta moreno - lesbian + asexual
genshin impact jeht - lesbian kamisato ayaka - bisexual - implied lyney - bisexual - implied the traveler - queer - implied venti - agender - implied
ghostbusters phoebe spengler - lesbian - implied
ginny and georgia sophie sanchez - bisexual
good omens crowley - genderfluid muriel - non-binary pollution - non-binary
gravity falls wendy corduroy - bisexual
grishaverse hanne brum - sapphic - canon - genderqueer - implied jesper fahey - bisexual nina zenik - bisexual wylan van eck - gay
guilty gear bridget - transgender testament - agender
hades zagreus - polyamorous + bisexual
hazbin hotel alastor - aroace angel dust - gay charlie morningstar - bisexual cherri bomb - bisexual husk - pansexual sir pentious - bisexual vaggie - sapphic
heartbreak high "ca$h" piggott - asexual darren - non-binary + queer malakai - bisexual missy - bisexual
helluva boss millie - bisexual moxxie - bisexual sallie may - transgender stolas - queer
her tears were my light space - sapphic time - sapphic
hollow knight ghost - agender sheo - gay nailsmith - gay
honkai impact 3rd bronya zaychik - lesbian elysia - lesbian kiana kaslana - lesbian raiden mei - lesbian seele vollerei - lesbian
honkai star rail aventurine - gay - implied firefly - bisexual + genderfluid - implied
houkai gakuen 2 wendy - sapphic
how to train your dragon gobber the belch - gay - implied
hunter x hunter alluka zoldyck - transgender
i was a teenage exocolonist nomi-nomi - non-binary + demisexual + pansexual
idw comics tangle the lemur - sapphic whisper the wolf - sapphic
ION cracklin - gay
it chapter 2 richie tozier - gay
jackson's diary david miller - bisexual
jamie johnson dillon simmonds - gay
jane the virgin adam eduardo alvaro - bisexual luisa alver - lesbian petra solano - bisexual
jojo's bizarre adventure dio brando - bisexual squalo - gay tiziano - gay
jujutsu kaisen kirara hoshi - transgender - implied
just roll with it ava ferin - lesbian - implied elizabeth lafayette - lesbian - implied gillion tidestrider - asexual jay ferin - bisexual jazz drake - transgender rumi - genderfluid shilo bathory - asexual - canon - aromantic - implied william wisp - bisexual
kirby kirby - non-binary
koisenu futari sakuko kodama - aroace satoru takahashi - aroace
league of legends caitlyn - lesbian nami - bisexual vi - lesbian
lego monkie kid the golden-winged peng - non-binary
lego ninjago sally - bisexual
les miserables grantaire - gay
lost in space luca esposito - intersex
love in hate nation kitty minx - transgender
love is war chika fujiwara - sapphic
love lies bleeding jackie - bisexual lou - lesbian
love me for who i am kotone mizunoe - lesbian mei tatebayashi - transgender mogumo - non-binary satori iwakoa - transgender sou suzumi - gay tetsu iwakoa - queer
lovely complex seiko kotobuki - transgender
madness combat hank - asexual
marvel agent piper - sapphic america chavez - lesbian angela - lesbian ayo - lesbian daisy johnson - bisexual deadpool - pansexual doop - bisexual gwenpool - aroace hulkling - gay jean-paul beaubier - gay karolina dean - lesbian kitty pryde - bisexual koi boi - transgender korg - gay loki - genderfluid + bisexual mystique - bisexual nada van dyne - asexual nico minoru - bisxual noh varr - bisexual phastos - gay phyla vell - lesbian rachel summers - bisexual ruby hale - asexual sera - transgender + lesbian sylvie - genderfluid + bisexual valkyrie - bisexual wiccan - gay xavin - genderfluid
mean girls (2024) janis 'imi'ike - lesbian damian hubbard - gay
mikagura school suite eruna ichinomiya - lesbian
milgram kazui mukuhara - gay - implied
minecraft diaries laurance - pansexual - implied
monster high cleo de nile - queer frankie stein - non-binary kieran valentine - gay
moral orel daniel stopframe - bisexual stephanie putty - lesbian
my hero academia himiko toga - sapphic - implied
neon genesis evangelion kaworu nagisa - achillean
nimona ambrosius goldenloin - achillean ballister boldheart - achillean nimona - genderfluid
no. 6 nezumi - gay shion - achillean
o maidens in your savage season momoko sudo - lesbian
object lockdown notebook - transgender + gay
omori captain spaceboy - transgender
one day at a time syd - non-binary
one last stop jane su - lesbian
one of us is lying (2021) janae matthews - genderfluid
one piece kiku - transgender monkey d. luffy - asexual - implied
only murders in the building mabel mora - bisexual
osemanverse aled last - gay + demisexual carys last - lesbian charlie spring - gay daniel jun - gay darcy olsson - lesbian elle argent - transgender felix - non-binary frances janvier - bisexual georgia warr - aroace isaac henderson - aroace james mcewan - gay michael holden - pansexual naiomi - transgender nick nelson - bisexual pip quintana - lesbian rooney bach - pansexual sahar zahid - bisexual sunil jha - non-binary + asexual tara jones - lesbian tori spring - asexual + arospec
our dreams at dusk anonymous - non-binary + aroace natsuyoshi utsumi - transgender tasuku kaname - gay
pacman "pinky" - transgender - implied
paper mario vivian - transgender
paradise kiss isabella yamamoto - transgender joji koizumi - bisexual
peep show jeremy usbourne - bisexual
phineas and ferb perry the platypus - asexual
poor things bella baxter - bisexual
pripara hibiki shikyoin - non-binary
project sekai mizuki akiyama - transgender - implied
quantum leap (2022) ian wright - non-binary
ready player one aech - lesbian
red, white, and royal blue alex - bisexual henry - gay
revolutionary girl utena anthy himemiya - sapphic juri arisugawa - lesbian shiori takatsuki - sapphic utena tenjou - sapphic
ride the cyclone mischa bachinski - bisexual - implied noel gruber - gay
riordanverse alex fierro - genderfluid apollo - bisexual magnus chase - pansexual nico di angelo - gay will solace - bisexual
rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles leonardo - achillean - implied
rwby blake belladonna - bisexual yan xiao long - sapphic
sailor moon sailor neptune - sapphic sailor uranus - sapphic
sarazanmai enta jinnai - gay mabu akutsu - gay reo niiboshi - gay
scott pilgrim vs the world roxie richter - lesbian
shameless debbie gallagher - lesbian ian gallagher - gay micket milkovich - gay
shangri-la momoko - transgender
she-ra and the princesses of power adora - lesbian bow - bisexual catra - lesbian double trouble - non-binary entrapta - bisexual glimmer - bisexual jewelstar - transgender kyle - polyamorous + bisexual lonnie - polyamorous + bisexual mara - sapphic mermista - bisexual perfuma - sapphic rogelio - polyamorous + bisexual scorpia - lesbian sea hawk - bisexual
shiva baby danielle - bisexual
skip and loafer nao - transgender
snowpiercer miss audrey - pansexual
south park craid tucker - gay tweak tweak - achillean
spies are forever curt mega - gay owen carvour - queer the deadliest man alive - queer
spiritfarer summer - lesbian
splatoon acht/dedf1sh - non-binary
star wars amilyn holdo - queer cere - non-binaryt chelli aphra - lesbian cinta kaz - sapphic kho phon farrus - non-binary mother aniseya - lesbian mother koril - lesbian sabe - sapphic sana starros - sapphic sister - transgender sylvestri yarrow - lesbian taka jamoreesa - non-binary terec - non-binary vel sartha - sapphic vernestra rwoh - aroace vi moradi - asexual
static shock richie foley - gay
steven universe pearl - lesbian peridot - aroace
stop!! hibari-kun hibari oozora - transgender
stranger things robin buckley - lesbian will byers - gay
supernatural castiel - bisexual chuck - bisexual crowley - pansexual rowena - bisexual
tangled: the series cassandra - lesbian
team starkid alice woodward - lesbian deb - lesbian jemilla - sapphic officer doug - non-binary professor hidgens - achillean ruth fleming - bisexual schwoopsie - sapphic zazzalil - sapphic ziggs - non-binary
the adventure zone cary fangbattle - sapphic hurley - sapphic killian - sapphic kravitz - achillean lup - transgender roswell - agender sloane - sapphic
the amazing world of gumball darwin watterson - pansexual leslie - gay - implied
the applegates sally applegate - bisexual - implied
the disastrous life of saiki k saiki kusuo - aroace - canon - transgender - implied
the dragon prince terry - transgender
the great north ham tobin - gay
the imperfects abbi singh - lesbian + asexual
the last of us bill - gay frank - gay
the maze runner newt - gay
the mitchells vs the machines katie mitchell - sapphic
the music freaks alexzander whickham - gay luke peterson - pansexual
the owl house amity blight - lesbian eda clawthorne - bisexual hunter - bisexual lillith clawthorne - aroace luz noceda - bisexual masha - non-binary raine whispers - non-binary the titan - genderqueer willow park - pansexual
the peripheral aelita west - sapphic grace hogart - sapphic
the pink corruption circubit - gay cube - bisexual pyrare - aromantic spheer - non-binary
the shining (and doctor sleep) danny torrance - bisexual - implied
the umbrella academy viktor hargreeves - transgender - canon - bisexual - implied
the walking dead aaron - gay paul "jesus" monroe - gay
the witcher ciri - bisexual jaskier - bisexual
toontown corporate clash pacesetter - gay
transformers earthspark nightshade malto - non-binary
twin peaks diane bryson - transgender
undertale (and deltarune) alphys - bisexual chara - non-binary frisk - non-binary kris dreemurr - non-binary mad mew mew - transgender napstablook - non-binary noelle holiday - lesbian undyne - lesbian
urinetown senator fipp - transgender - implied
vocaloid kasane teto - non-binary + xenogender
wandee goodday plakao - gay + asexual
wandersong the bard - non-binary
warrior cats ravenpaw - gay tallstar - gay
wendell & wild raul cocolotl - transgender
what we do in the shadows guillermo de la cruz - gay laszlo cravensworth - pansexual nadja - pansexual nandor - pansexual
who framed roger rabbit? jessica rabbit - asexual
wii sports gwen - transgender - implied
xo kitty florian - gay juliana - lesbian kitty song-covey - bisexual q - gay yuri han - lesbian
zoe's extraordinary playlist mo - genderfluid
zombieland saga lily hoshikawa - transgender
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