#barty is unhinged
winnienora14 · 17 days
Canon is crap
If Evan was dead, Barty would have killed himself
Learn to know your characters
fkg Jk Rowling am I right🙄
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wolvesandshine · 4 months
Barty: What’s your love language
Evan: Murder
Barty: *kills someone* Do I get a kiss for a job well done?
Evan: *heart eyes*
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anniedreamwilldo · 30 days
ahb barty and evan are so important to me and I need more people to talk about them
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ditchesanddunes · 3 months
I need an unhinged Barty
Give me a Barty who will hunt down hurt and kill for the people he loves
Give me a Barty who gets unhealthily obsessed with people
A Barty who, after Regulus died, cracked and used even more unforgivables, killed for fun, and tortured for sport
A Barty who heard Dorcas was killed and made it his personal mission to avenge her by any cruel means necessary
But when Evan died, a Barty who doesn’t even have rails to fly off of anymore. He kills anyone in his way, including death eaters, and he enjoys it. He is hardly on the death eaters side anymore but stays with them because of the pain they cause
And when he heard Pandora died, the sweet gentle soul of Pandora, he crumbled.
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yourgalgremlin · 24 days
Pandora: What do u do today?? Anything u want!
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Bonus scene:
Barty: Hell ya! That’s my lil Lunatic. Do u want the Glock or the nail bat?
Luna: Ooo the Glock!
Barty: Ok lemme take the child safety lock off real quick—go pick out ur ski mask!
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number1abbasupporter · 10 months
James and Remus bonding bc they’re both dating one of the black brothers
Barty and Lily bonding bc they’re both dating one of the rosier twins
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fried-pistachio · 16 days
I think my new catch phrase for any posts about Barty is “Evan gotta know ‘bout this”
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rudamaruda520 · 2 months
*Barty enters the dormitory wrapped in a towel*
Regulus: Have you taken a shower?
Barty: Why is it that every time something disappears, you immediately suspect me?
Regulus: ... what?
Barty: what?
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foursaints · 9 months
give me a rosekiller AU where Evan Rosier is part of a famous "twin seer" duo with pandora, and has made a very comfortable life giving awe-inspiring prophecies on television and hammering home the whole ~mystical blonde twins~ schtick. except its all fake, its always been fake, & he is too busy happily tricking the stupid masses with his sister to care. Cue Barty Crouch Jr, who is batshit insane, a little frightening, a babbling mess with a fringe cultlike following.... and who is very much giving some very real prophecies.....
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risetherivermoon · 8 months
1st year barty was an absolute fucking nerd loser, im sorry, he was such a spoiled lil bratty dweeb, he didn't get cool till like 3rd-4th year, lets be real for a min
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gods-graveyard · 3 months
Hear me out- Rosekiller where Barty's dad wants him to continue the family tradition as law enforcement. But Barty refuses to be a cop, let alone a detective, so as a last ditch his dad pulls some strings and get him an internship with the towns coroner/mortcian.
(I know those are two VERY different professions, but imagine this is small town vibes, they cant afford to have two seperate offices)
Only problem is the funeral home is owned by a pair of twins that are only mentioned in gossiping whispers in the town. The Rosiers.
Pandora whose a bit strange, wears bone jewelry, and insists on salting the windows regularly. But she's not bad- its her brother thats the problem.
Evan who is dead silent and moves like a ghost, eyes vacant of light and can make hairs stand on end by just a glance. It doesn't help the hot boy will randomly enter a room covered in blood, speak in old enlgish threats, and gets a bit too excited about doing autopsy reports.
TLDR: Barty has never been more thankful for his dads bullshit and its getting increasingly more tempting to ask Evan if he wants a live patient
EDIT- This idea wouldnt leave me alone so I started it for anyone interested
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winnienora14 · 2 months
Rosekiller girl dads
Professor: Misters Evan, your daughter threatened a classmate today and we do not accept that kind of behavior at this school.
Barty(very serious):And what did she threaten them of?
Professor: Pardon me?
Barty:What did she threaten them of?
Professor:She told him she would kill him and eat his eyes.
Barty(impressed): mmmmmh not bad
Evan slapping the back of Barty’s head*
Barty: owwwhhh!!!!
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bri-cheeses · 4 months
Both Evan and Barty would hold grudges for years, but it’d be for different reasons.
Evan’s would be over small things, and he’d just never forgive people for it. For example, there was this one kid who was running in the hallways, and he shoved Evan out of his path, which caused Evan to fall and shatter his pot of ink which made it go over all of his work and everywhere in his bag, too. And so Evan hated that kid for the entire time they were at Hogwarts, and would scoff and roll his eyes whenever that kid was mentioned in conversation or anything.
On the other hand, Barty would hold grudges against people who did things that he didn’t like to his friends. If someone made fun of Pandora’s outfit or said something mean about the way Dorcas played in the most recent Quidditch match, then they’d better watch their back, because they now have a neon target painted right on them. Which leads to random hexes in the hallways from seemingly no one, but Barty is always there somehow with a satisfied look on his face when these things occur. And so people eventually learn not to mess with any of Barty’s friends, because they know they’ll regret it.
And once Barty and Evan’s relationship is common knowledge, people who aren’t very close to them are just scared because they know that if they piss one of them off (especially Evan) then there will be repercussions for as long as they know them.
My favorite grudge holding boys, I love them so much <3
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Every time I hear someone say certain fandom things are not canon compliant in this fandom I want to fucking die from laughter. No, Regulus questioning Voldemort’s politics and methods and not actually wanting to join the DE and doing it to please his family isn’t against canon. CANON DOESNT FUCKING EXIST IN THE FIRST PLACE. For many marauders characters we have like. 2 lines in seven books total. 90% of them are dead before the first chapter of the first book starts and it’s set literally 10 years before the plot starts. If you want canon compliant you are not in the right fandom
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ditchesanddunes · 3 months
I absolutely ship a toxic bartylus, based around obsession and addiction and lust. The relationship is not healthy but Regulus and Barty keep needing each other
Then Barty gets with Evan
and Regulus finds James
But I headcannon that that history was always there
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rabidlittlestrawberry · 2 months
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unhinged ch 5 snippet
CW: knives, blood
ch 1-4 here
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