#being able to use regular expressions is so such a powerful feeling
goodnightmoonvale · 1 year
Every so often I am intensely grateful that I actually put in the work to get decent at basic regular expressions early in my career
No I'm not a programmer, but the amount of problems I've solved very quickly for people using regular expressions continues to grow
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lostyesterday · 11 months
I’ve been thinking about disabled protagonists in Star Trek recently, which got me thinking about Seven of Nine. It’s interesting because I’m almost certain the writers of Voyager did not intend to write a disabled character, but they ended up accidentally writing one anyway, and one whose arc I find surprisingly compelling as a disabled person myself. Seven is dependent on electronic devices both inside her body and external to it in order to survive and she requires regular medical treatment and specialized adaptations to her environment in order to function. She is absolutely canonically disabled (as are all the other ex-Borg in Star Trek), even if the writers probably weren’t aware of that. The major reason that I think Seven’s arc resonates with me so much is because it reflects a deep tension between independence and dependence that is a fundamental and complex part of so many disabled people’s lives.
To be disabled is to be deeply aware at all times of your own dependence on external things (such as wheelchairs, canes, medications, etc.) and other people. At the same time, to be disabled is to also be deeply aware of the societal standards of independence and self-sufficiency you are constantly failing to live up to. You cannot do things that people are “supposed” to be able to do independently. You need help for basic tasks, and you have no choice but to trust that these external supports you are dependent on will not suddenly disappear, causing you to be unable to participate in society at all. It’s difficult to express to someone who hasn’t experienced it how much being disabled forces someone to consider their own level of dependence and independence constantly, how it becomes a deep part of one’s identity and can often be a source of trauma.
Seven’s arc on Voyager is often focused on the nature of individuality, but it is interesting how often “individuality” becomes a stand-in for independence. Seven’s disability makes her deeply dependent on the crew and resources of Voyager for survival. She could theoretically leave and use her own skills to do maintenance on her implants and install an alcove somewhere to keep herself functioning, but it would be a great risk, and her safety would be constantly in doubt. At the same time, Seven hates this dependence. She tries to rely on other people as little as possible, hating her need for the Doctor to diagnose issues with her implants and refusing to ask for help until she has no other choice. She hates this dependence because she sees it as challenging her ability to become a complete “individual” who is able to make her own autonomous choices. She hates this dependence because it forces her to rely on other people who could at any time abandon her or abuse their power over her.
So it’s far less frightening to pretend this dependence doesn’t exist, to hide it even from herself. Seven’s arrogance in her own abilities, her focus on her intellect and vast knowledge and superior physical abilities are in many ways genuine, especially early on. But at what point does this confidence in her own abilities – this reassurance that she is smart enough and strong enough to control her own destiny and be a true individual – become a coping mechanism to deal with the reality of her dependence on objects and people outside of her direct control?
Seven is told often by members of the Voyager crew that being an individual who makes her own choices and decisions is what she should strive for. And at the same time, those same people often exert control over her, attempting to restrict her autonomy. Janeway or the Doctor tell her that they know better than her what her needs are – that being an individual only goes so far. Seven’s anger at this contradiction is one of my favorite parts of her character, partially because it captures a similar feeling of anger deep inside me when I think about the ways society constantly pressures disabled people to maintain standards of independence impossible to live up to while at the same time deeply restricting our autonomy and freedom.
In the episode “Imperfection”, Seven says that what she wants most is to be useful. To be useful is to be a valuable part of society – someone who is self-sufficient and talented and certainly not deeply dependent on other people for basic survival. To be disabled is to have society constantly demand that you be useful, that you be independent and strong and never let your disabilities limit you. And at the same time, to be disabled is to discover over and over that you can never be that fully autonomous, fully functional human being seen as ideal in society. No matter what you do – no matter how far you run from the truth – it’s an impossible reality to escape.
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starwrighter · 2 years
surprise! I'm alive :D
Chucking out one of my prompts anyone can take this.
Prompt starts with the whole idea that everyone believes that ghost are malevolent, non sentient beings that aren't capable of feeling pain. Amity parkers believe that, the Fenton's and the GIW "proved" that and the ghosts that escape the portal have caused so much mindless damage that it just further cements the idea that ghosts aren't sentient.
But during one of Phantom's ghost fights The Fenton parents realize Phantom is a bit different than the ghosts he fights. They finally decide to observe Phantom more carefully after this (they're still shooting at him just watching him a bit first)
During this observation period they notice it's not just phantom's rapid power growth that's different about him. It's everything he does! He's proven to be more intelligent than the other ghosts, having managed to steal and operate Fenton tech despite the fact he doesn't appear to have powers like technus.
He has body language?! Subtle body language that isn't destructive or angry! He fidgets when he's nervous, smiles and is more talkative and expressive when he's excited or happy. He shows emotion more humanly than any of the other ghosts showing emotion that wouldn't benefit him in the moment. Now the Fenton's wanted to brush this off as clear ghost manipulation at it's finest but in the most recent ghost attack gave a preposterous theory a leg to stand on.
They had been shouting their usual threat's of tearing the ecto scum apart molocule by molecule. Most of the ghost ignored them, fixated on the destruction they were causing but Phantom hesitated, the GAV cameras catching a look on Phantom's face that would be game changing.
Genuine fear. It was not the robotic mimicry of human emotion they were used to. The emotion they got was that of a being that fully understood what was going to happen to it and had the capability to be afraid.
They compile all the footage of past ghost fights and ghost sightings and come to the horrifying conclusion that phantom is a sentient ghost who could feel pain.
They're horrified that they've been hurting this little boy (because that's what phantom is) who's just trying to help and didn't understand why the other ghosts lacked the empathy he had. As for Phantom's crimes they finally had a reason for them. He's a scared child , loney and confused with everyone around him trying to hurt him even though he was trying to protect people; of course he would act out!
The Fenton's show their undeniable proof to the GIW and within a week a law is passed stating that phantom is the only sentient ghost and it's illegal to harm him.
Danny is very confused to say the least, especially when everyone starts treating him like a little kid (Danny either looks young for his age or the accident happened earlier whatever causes more angst) The worst part is they don't believe him when he tells them some other ghosts are sentient no matter what he says! They just give him this sad look and nod or try to comfort him by telling him he wasn't evil like the other ghosts. The other ghosts like the thought of being able to get away with crimes without being charged so they don't even try to prove their sentience if anything they try to disprove theirs and prove Danny's.
Bonus Dp x Dc crossover:
The justice league is called about Phantom's situation Amity Parker's demanding that phantom be taken somewhere safe where he can be a regular (but spooky) child. Double points if the heroes don't believe any ghost but Phantom are sentient.
Regular ghosts are too spooky for humans to believe they're sentient but Danny's halfa status makes him look more human and genuine (Vlad is not a true halfa you can fight me on that >:c) the other ghosts ramp up their acting skills so they can crime without consequence as "non sentient beings"
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autisticjoys · 6 months
“You know, I envy your job sometimes.” Villain grumbled in the middle of an epic fight.
“Excuse me?!” Hero looked visibly offended “YOU envy MY job?!”
“Yeah. I mean, you’re not the one who’s being hunted 24/7, never knowing when your place is going to get raided.” Villain’s usual smug tone was seemingly getting irritated.
“Your face isn’t plastered on every poster with Wanted Dead being emphasized . You’re not being used as a tale to scare children into not misbehaving ” Villain’s voice seemed to tremble.
“You don’t have to worry about whether or not you’ll be able to get food on the table at the end of the day or if you’d even still have your freedom”. Hero could swear he saw tears in Villain’s eyes.
“You don’t have to constantly look over your shoulders in fear or worry about whether you can trust anyone.”
“Wow.” Hero seemed to be in utter disbelief. “You really have no idea what it means to be a Hero right?” Hero made a scoff and Villain started feeling a bit uneasy by how condescending he sounded.
“You think I have it easy?!” Hero was practically shouting at this point and for the first time during their rivalry, Villain felt genuinely terrified of their adversary. “That my life is some perfect fairytale? Well news flash: it’s fucking not! Between the government monitoring, the regular debriefs, the press conferences, the theatric public appearances, the fans swarming me at every possible place, including my home, I have zero privacy or a life outside of running after you and other low life scums!”
Villain took offense to the last part of the statement, but seeing that Hero was clearly not in the right mindset, they elected to stay quiet about it. “Do you have the slightest sliver of idea of the pressure of my job? No sick days, no days off, no room for mistakes or human error, because lives depend on me! If I’m anything less than the perfect and powerful symbol for peace and hope, I’m done for!” Hero was breaking down more and more with each sentence.
“I can’t confide in anyone, I can’t show weakness or fear or anything other than my life being a happy and perfect wonder and I’m sick and tired of it all!” Hero was out of breath, panting, tears streaming down his face. His vision was too blurred to see Villain’s expression of genuine concern and pain. Villain silently moved closer, and Hero hung his head in defeat. Once they were only about an arm’s length from each other, Hero mumbled…
“Just make it quick, will you?” Villain seemed to hesitate, before taking the final step, pulling Hero into a really tight hug.
“I’m so sorry.”
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Fluffy Earthspark Bumblebee x Reader
@optimal-spark had a fantastic idea for what Bee might call a significant other and I just had to bring it into being, I may make this another writing prompt I loved it so much. Please enjoy this absolute nerd being the absolute cutest.
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Bumblebee came online slowly, feeling no particular rush to abandon the comfortable bliss of power down as the sunshine steadily creeped over his vehicle mode through the trees. A quick glance about his surroundings revealed the comfortable clearing he'd found the night before had remained entirely unchanged, and he felt a tiny flash of satisfaction at having chosen such an excellent spot for the two of you to get some rest. He'd absolutely needed it after a solid eight hour drive…
A small bit of movement in his passenger seat turned his gaze to his interior, and his spark nearly melted at the sight. 
You were curled up comfortably on his fully reclined seat, the makeshift nest of pillows and blankets you'd set up the night before all but enshrouding your sleeping form in a cocoon of cozy cuteness. Able to feel the warmth all around your body and the gentle rhythm of your peaceful breathing, Bumblebee was content to let you keep sleeping as long as you liked, especially considering the long day the two of you had ahead. Yesterday had also taken its toll, if the way you'd collapsed into his seat with a barely comprehensible "good night…" had been any indication, and he wanted you rested for the remaining drive. Having the pleasure of your company was what made these trips all the more bearable, even enjoyable at times, and he felt the least you were owed was the chance to sleep in. He had to hold back a chuckle as memories of all you'd done to keep him entertained during the drive cycled through his processor. 
To his surprise, you cracked open your eyes with only a tiny mumble of warning, and he remained still on instinct to see if you were really awake. It was almost impossible not to react when you yawned and untangled an arm to rub your tired eyes, but he managed to keep himself quiet for the sake of the human he adored. 
Lifting your head into the soft morning light and taking a moment to figure out where you were, you narrowed your eyes in confusion before recognition dawned and you smiled in the direction of his visualizer. Pulling a few blankets more tightly around yourself and rolling onto your side, you mumbled a tired but tender greeting. "Morning…"
"Morning." he replied, voice conveying a small smile even in vehicle mode. You settled more deeply into the plush padding of his seat, and he felt his frame straighten around you, the desire to protect this tiny being he so adored eroding all of his usual reservations. Some part of you just brought out all the sentimental feelings he would never have thought himself capable of, and your loving acceptance made him comfortable enough to express them on the regular. Seeing you hug your pillow and snuggle against him filled him with so much tender affection he didn't even think before he spoke next.
"Sleep well, honey?"
The words he'd chosen didn't fully process until after you reacted, head perking up and expression shifting to mild confusion as Bumblebee wished he could have teleported anywhere on Earth or beyond, the sappiness he'd let slip out threatening to overwhelm his neural net with pure embarrassment. Primus, of all the silly terms of endearment Earth had produced, why had he used that one? Was there really nothing less mortifying he could have chosen?!
"Honey?" you repeated back in surprise, sitting up in the chair and losing all traces of sleepiness in the process.
"Uh…" Bumblebee fumbled, so flustered he was certain you could feel the heat. He wanted to drive off at top speed, but was stuck in the situation he'd created for himself and could only flounder before rushing out a lame excuse. 
"I'm sleep talking."
You chuckled and sat up completely, putting a hand on his dashboard to comfort him before he could die of further embarrassment. The touch helped to stabilize him enough for his gaze to return to you, and he found your expression amused but tender as you offered some much needed assurance while playing along. "Well then hopefully you'll remember me saying this when you wake up; I'd like it if you called me that again."
"Really?" he asked in surprise, perking up at the unexpected response to his unintended sappiness.
"Yes." you confirmed with a nod, voice growing a tad bit more mischievous as you continued. "Especially if I get to call you Honeybee."
To his surprise, he was not at all opposed to the idea, and his spark actually did a flip at the delightful term of endearment. The thought of being your "honeybee" had him as giddy as a newspark with their first crush, but having learned his lesson, he kept the feelings under wraps before replying with an almost diplomatic answer that would serve both of you well.
"...Only when the kids aren't around."
"Deal." you replied, laughing again as you stretched out in his cabin. "Now, what's for breakfast, Honeybee?"
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whatifyoulivelikethat · 2 months
What do you think are the members' favorite sex positions?
What are you talking about, they're pure pristine angels that would never - I'm just kidding, alright, on the assumption that no one is repulsed by sex, let's make some completely unfounded guesses!
No repeats because that's not fun. It's very likely there's overlap in reality. Classic sex positions are popular for a reason. This is just for giggles and because I like ranting about sex. ;) This wasn't intentional, but the list turned out to be genital neutral. Don't tell me men can't have boobs. I've seen Jeon Jungkook.
Kim Namjoon: Cowgirl. Did he not tell us he likes a a pro rida? Pfft, but on a real note, I feel that cowgirl can be a very empowering position. Frontal is great for titty bounce, reverse is great for ass bounce. Versatile! Plus, he can grab your hips and rail you to change the pace if needed. Just imagine his hands holding your waist as you ride his dick. Mhm. Let him see you feel sexy for him. He likes that.
Kim Seokjin: Against the wall, with one leg around his waist and your hands on his shoulders. He's a bit tricky because I think his favorite sex position will depend on his partner (he's gonna match your freak, as they say). So, while his mouth will probably complain, "this is unconventional, idk about this", he would enjoy the passion. That kind of position requires both partners to be actively involved, and seeing a display of your desire for him will bring out the best in him. I wouldn't be surprised if he only did vanilla missionary though, if that was all his partner wanted.
Min Yoongi: 69. Okay, yeah, that's giga obvious. Dude thinks he can continue going on and on about his tongue technology and not expect me to think he's all about it? HUH?! (ft j-hope) But also I think he's a multi-position in one session kinda guy. He doesn't wanna be bored. He's gonna be intense. Sex is never "just because", sex is because he wants it and he's gonna put his all into it. Be prepared. This is a threat.
Jung Hoseok: All fours doggy. With one hand handcuffed to his. Well, he'd do regular doggy purely to watch that ass bounce. I just feel that he would be the most interested in adding some flair into the bedroom. Let's have some fun! A vibrator here, one there, casual handcuffing, make it flashy, larger than life, tomorrow everyone is asking you why you're walking weirdly.
Park Jimin: Standing doggy. He's standing, you're bent over, hands on the floor. A different angle than elbows and knees, extra deep and you'll feel his balls smack you with each thrust. Push back. He likes to feel you contribute. Before this, he would probably want to make out with both of you doing the most of your hands. He expresses his feelings are in his touches. Also, have you seen his lips? Can't leave him unkissed!
Kim Taehyung: Missionary with your legs on his shoulders. Yup, folded in half. He likes looking at your face. He likes making you tight as possible so you feel all of him. He's not gonna let you escape. Also, he likes being able to dip down and kiss you when he wants to. Aww. What a cutie. He'd cuddle you every chance he has. That's probably what started this. Spooning into humping your ass.
Jeon Jungkook: On your side, one leg against his chest. Works the best if you're laying on the edge of the bed and he's standing. Can also work if you have flexibility and he's on top. This way his hands have access to front and back, he can show off his power, and see your cute face. Expect a long night. He's got a lot of energy. He's gonna want to show off. He'll make you feel so good so many times, you'll wonder if you're still alive. He's gonna make sure you'll never think about anyone else.
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itsbansheebitch · 7 months
Speed Powers are Actually Horrifying
The thing about speed powers is that they both relate to time and temperature. You going through the air EXTREMELY fast would cause friction (air resistance is what causes rain & snow to not drop all at once) so you'd get VERY hot. Like, a path of fire in your wake, hot.
BUT! It also has to do with time since time is just a measurement of how fast things are happening and where you are on the timeline of today. Time on a clock and days on calendars is like a timeline marker. You are Here: Feb, 22nd at 2:43 PM.
This means that if you were to go REALLY fast, you'd experience time differently than everyone else. To you, you might be going on a light jog, but to people that see you, you could be a flash of light.
It reminds me of the Hate monologue from I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream. The AI (Named "AM") can sense every individual nanosecond. There are 1,000,000,000 nanoseconds in a single second. However, we must also consider time dilation. Time dilation (in simple terms) is when time goes MUCH faster or MUCH slower than is is actually going. Basically it's "time flies fast..." but ALL THE TIME.
So someone with speed powers would probably be VERY fast, to the point of leaving behind a trail of fire and would be extremely impatient. They would probably experience time differently which could lead to self soothing mannerisms such as fiddling with their hands, picking at their hair, running around rooms (parkour?), and bouncing their legs.
My point is:
Speed powers + ADHD symptoms = Horror Concept
This is easier to understand if you've read/watched/listened to I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream, but I think the main difference between someone with speed powers and AM is that AM is a machine. AM is an AI. AM (as he says in his monologue), he has no hand to play the piano with, he has no muscles to ache while gardening, he has no body to hold someone with.
But because someone with speed powers DOES have a body, they would have to contend with the responsibility (ha ha reference) of being able to do pretty much anything. They could rob businesses and banks, they could get away with murder, they could start wars.
BUT! To distract themselves and to "pass the time" so to say, they'd probably take up A LOT of hobbies. But this would lead to imposter syndrome since they don't have the same kind of time regular people do. They could learn instruments, but they'd have to play tutorial videos at 3x speed. And what if sound isn't fast enough? Is the speed of sound too slow for someone equal to a god?
Again, you could learn every instrument, but what do you do then? Do you tell people? They either wouldn't believe you, think you can but you're not very good at them, or be insecure because they're the same age and can't even play ONE. Would you tell them that you have speed powers, so there's no reason to feel bad about yourself?
Or do you turn to self expression to satiate the urge to pass the time faster and to get out how you feel? How do you even express yourself when you have a completely different experience than everyone else?
Do you lean into the darkness of your situation and use bone flutes and war drums? Do you use instrument cases covered in human skin like suede? Don't worry, you got the human skin when you where younger, less aware of your responsibilities, not as mature. Your a different person now. (You got it two days ago, but it's not like you realized how long it's actually been).
When you are on more equal footing with gods than you are with humans, how do you cope? How to you keep your humanity?
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nrdmssgs · 1 year
Alex Keller being readers gym buddy (scenario)
I have this feeling, he would be so good at that with his caring nature. Thought of something sweet for our golden boy.
Alex doesn't understand, why do you keep finding reasons to NOT join him at the gym.
Because you are always so lively, energetic, you absolutely live for long hikes, you can cycle for a good half a day through the fields and parks in good weather, and that time when you two got out to the lake... He had to pull you out of the water almost by force in the evening - you liked swimming so much, you seemed to decide to stay in water for the rest of your life.
In a word, you have always been active, on the move. But when the conversation went back to going to a gym together, you shied away.
Alex repeatedly listed the advantages of this idea. "It will be fun, you will have an additional incentive to go to bed on time, and after a workout you will feel like a new person!"
"And I'll be able to see you every week," this he doesn't say out loud.
You sigh heavily. "I don't even know, Alex." You went through this conversation many times, but this time he uses an absolute sucker punch.
He lowers his head, looks up at you and listens to your ridiculous excuses with a sad but humble face.
Those puppy eyes can make you do anything. This is not even a grimace, he doesn't do that intentionally. It's just the way his expression work: it's all very soft and subtle. But it makes you weak.
You pause and exhale. "Ok, I'll come. But don't say I haven't warned you, I'm no fun to be training with..."
He smiles sincerely, and you just wonder if he really doesn't see how easily he controls you with just his gaze. Those damn beautiful blue eyes with a mesmerizing darker border. As if he wasn't already perfect, he just had to get such a powerful people control lever, goddammit...
To be honest, you were just worried that you would make his workouts a lot more boring.
He was a soldier, a true hard ass warrior. And had quite a body. You understood pretty well, that even one tenth of his regular workout would very likely make you pass out.
And there were you, a silly happy noodle, who was capable only of (gladly) dying in his hands after the very first exercise.
So on the very first morning, when he met you at the front door of your house and almost took you by the hand to the gym, you immediately confess to him. "I have no idea how to exercise properly."
"We'll figure out your exercises, no worries," he is so determined and happy, nothing seems able to distract him right now.
In the gym, at first, he does not leave you even for 5 minutes. He shows you different exercises, explains how everything here works.
You desperately try to repeat each exercise as many times as he advises. At some point, Alex notices that you are completely out of breath, your face is red, and your hands are trembling.
"Hey stop, stop!" He appears behind your back in the very next second. "You need a breather." Alex makes you sit down on the bench and gives you a bottle of water. "Seems like we have a little overachiever here, am I right?"
You shake your head, trying to catch your breath. You are just trying so very hard to not be an embarrassment to him here.
He looks at you so attentively, his eyes are incredibly caring, it's hard for you to just relax and drink your water. And when he brushes a lock of hair out of your face, you understand, that you'll never calm down your pulse.
"Hey, why do you think, we are here? I mean, what's your goal?" His voice is soft and kind.
"I don't even know..." You point uncertainly at your torso and hips. "To get this in shape?"
He looks at you confused for a few seconds, then starts speaking seriously. "This all is ideal. Just the way It's supposed to be. There is nothing to get in shape in you." He notices, how you roll your eyes, and takes your hand.
"I meant it. Look at me. I mean it. I'm serious. I don't want you to come here to despise your body, to torture yourself. A little challenge is always good, but I don't want you to start hating it here. So how about we just... have fun here? How about you love your body for what it's capable of and not hate it for not being in some mythical shape?"
As much as you understand and approve everything, he's talking about, you still feel like a burden, like a newborn kitten, trying to run along with a cheetah.
So when you express your doubts, Alex makes it his personal mission to help you feel better about yourself while exercising.
He turns into the most caring and patient personal coach. Calmly explains and shows each exercise, praises you for everything, even for the fact that you realize that you are tired and stop the exercise a little earlier.
"It's okay. It's not a problem, it's an opportunity for growth." He smiles and gives you water.
Staying hydrated is perhaps the only thing with which Alex is strict and unforgiving. Hydration is the key, and he keeps an eye on your bottle constantly. Yes, you must drink a lot.
He remembers the exercises, that were the most difficult for you, and especially praises you for doing them. "Now let's do this exercise, which you always do so well!"
If the circumstances allow it, Alex stands behind you and blows softly on your neck and shoulders to cool you down as you are working out.
As an absolute gentleman, doesn't let the slightest drop of hunger slipping into his gaze, as he watches you working out. Neither is he blind, nor a saint, but he keeps his deepest fantasies and intentions strictly to himself until he is 100% sure, It's ok to share them with you.
That be said, there are some death glares here and there, when he sees someone approaching you and making you uncomfortable. But he keeps it quite and places himself behind you in such moments to not scare you.
Tactfully, "doesn't notice" when you stare at him working out for a little too long. Secretly thrives on such moments.
Overall, Alex is just on top of the world since you two started seeing each other more often, and he could help you find more confidence and love of your body.
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heliphantie · 26 days
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¡Feliz cumpleaños, Dolores!
She happens to appear in my fanart quite frequently… Hardly underrated character, and I can see why. She’s an expressive, fairly “toony” character, very Disney kind of supporting heroine (while not as significant, I’ve compared her to Charlotte La Bouff once). Though, as with many Encanto-related things, she’s more interesting due her potential and conceptually, than what we got of her in completed movie. For one, she was supposed to be a wallflower and lot weirder than she appears in the end, but it was, presumably, toned down to not take from Bruno’s status as misfit, for him to stand out more drastically, I guess? Even then, I’ve found things to appreciate about her with that little material that is out there.
To be honest, I’ve never found convincing that popular fan theory of her covering Bruno all that time, it always appeared to me she was just genuinely startled with being able to hear him somehow (or having impression of such), as a sign of his mysterious supernatural presence, nothing more (naturally, it was debunked by director eventually – too big misconception to leave it vague, it seems). Heartfelt idea, probably, but there is other thing in canon to judge her good will: she is briefly shown to be friendly with Isabela, and even despite having valid reason to keep grudge against her – she *was* actually about to take away from Dolores something she cherished – she never seems to act hostile to her cousin, openly or not, or was hinted scheming against her, or badmouth her, even though she seems to have taste for a gossip. Compare to our protagonist. (Every time I have to address Encanto, it has to come down either to subject of Bruno, or Mirabel dissing.) Nevertheless, I like hypothesis I’ve seen once, about Dolores using the secret of prophecy to her advantage, as means to (somewhat justified) sabotage Mariano’s proposal, as it become the last straw to hold onto in the face of terminal loss of faint hope. You can’t blame her, as what was awaiting her is much worse than regular failure in love: not just getting unable to recover and move on, but oversee (and overhear) her beloved one set in relationships with another before her very eyes for the rest of foreseeable life. Enough to drive one crazy, and being doomed for it, she seems even more benevolent and humble toward her rival. But what with said sabotage and that small scene of her little addendum to Mariano’s words she quotes about him wanting “five kids”, just to see Isa losing face for a moment upon hearing it? This, I think, is evidence she knows her cousin far better than younger generation does (again, Mirabel who’s in the dark for beginning of the story), and aware about her keeping façade at all times and having lot of bottled free will and emotions. She, most likely, knows or realizes reluctance on Isa’s part in all that situation with marriage, even as it’s not clear if either of them has been open about it. So, she occasionally attempts to crack that façade and get Isa to deal with her honest feelings. And compare the messed-up proposal with the story of Pepa’s wedding (which recalling, probably, not by accident precedes the matchmaking dinner and leads to it). Even natural (well, kinda) disaster wasn’t enough to call off marriage arranged out of true love, and Mirabel (in honest case of fair reasoning) wisely notes the ruined engagement is *not* a legit reason to state Isa’s chance for marriage is failed. It’s just forced interruption in predetermined process that launched her powers out of control, and then they manifested her denial to go through with it, for once confirming she lives a lie. That way, actions of Dolores seem to come across as these of trickster, not unlike ones by Bruno (judging by Pepa’s story, anyway), ultimately setting record straight and for better. (And, as it’s hinted and ultimately confirmed by director, the strength of miracle is fueled by unconditional love, so one can wonder what a damage an involuntary marriage based on unrequited love may occur.)
The romance of Dolores herself is something I wasn’t looking deeply at originally, as it seemed to be a footnote to me, last minute hook-up to tie all dangling ends together in record time. Mariano himself is something of “McGuffin” character, and a joke on archetype. The development is brief, and we get just a short summary of it (I assume as with all musical numbers, it’s an artistic license and in “reality” there was more time for relationship to blossom). So, nothing really of substance to chew on. Until I realized the love match does, in fact, not need much of development because it’s foreshadowed by another one shown through the movie. As many noticed, there is certain semblance between Isa and her Tía Pepa: powers of both are influenced by their emotions, both are bottling up their emotions to keep said powers under control and maintain pleasant façade, both have thorny relationship with younger sibling… But it seems, if we look at Dolores, she also has personality similar to that of her Tía Julieta: she’s soft-spoken, caring, gentle, and both niece and aunt have heart symbol somewhere in their costumes (Julieta’s apron embroidery and Dolores’s earrings) to signify their empathetic personality. And their respective love interests both are men of tall stature, implied to be quite intelligent, well-mannered, and somewhat accident-prone. Maybe, comparison is subtle (and arguably not even intentional, to be fair), but can be used to justify one match over another as more natural, fateful one. At last, it’s also implied that Dolores is only one who sees value in Mariano’s good qualities (hence her empathetic core), his kindness and intelligence, while at first it seems only the status of his family and his looks do matter for anyone else (we don’t get proper impression, but it’s what can be taken from what is shown). And probably, she, as somebody to whom vision is not main or trustful canal of perception, doesn’t even care what he looks like, but who he is on inside, which falls into the central theme of the story: looking deeper with your heart to find true connection with loved ones.
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yuri-is-online · 9 months
Same Anon here that dropped that mess of an angst post lol. Maybe I should find some name for myself if this becomes a regular thing.
There are a lot of valid points there. For as lightly as the story treats everything, wow this would be messed up irl. But I digress, I personally can see this potentially taking a much darker route. I don’t know if you’re comfortable talking about this so TW: Brief mention of suicide
I imagine Yuu to just bottle everything up for the aforementioned reasons of being seen as weak for expressing any of their emotions only for it to all come out in one big mental breakdown. I think it would be quite poetic for Yuu’s breakdown to be more of a quiet self-destructive thing just to contrast the showy, outwardly destructive nature of the overblots. I always thought it could be some spur of the moment decision to just end it all out of sheer hopelessness and a thoroughly crushed sense of self-worth. I just can’t see a teenager handling a burden this heavy very well. Whether or not Yuu survives could be up to how dark you want to go.
Also if it isn’t too much, I would like to see that post about the boys’ individual reactions to Yuu running away sometime. But I’m aware you only write for a few at a time so…
previous post
You are more than welcome to give yourself a name! I don't have any named annons so you are free to choose anything you like, and make regular appearances if that is what you wish. While I try to only write for a few characters at a time, I don't mind doing a bullet point type post with my thoughts on the boys reacting to Yuu running away sometime, but I need to think as part of me wants to write something sappy and romantic, while the other part wants to focus more on Yuu and their character. I could do both I suppose ( ̄ω ̄;)
I'm fine with talking about suicide, but since it's a sensitive subject I am going to place my thoughts under read more and tag it so if it is something you, dear reader, are triggered by you needn't see more than you are comfortable with.
notes: they/them used for Yuu, discussions of suicide and depression, isolation, abandonment, and missing persons. This also kind of takes a trip into theory town I am so sorry annon. Please do not interact with the words below if you do not wish to think on such things.
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I want to start out by saying that when a person is depressed it is not always obvious, even if they are contemplating suicide. We don't have a complete understanding of what drives someone to kill themselves because we can't ask people who have. I do think there is an element of assuming that either the world or you will be better off if you are dead; which I would like to stress simply is not true, but you are not evil for struggling with that feeling even if people try to make you feel like you are.
Yuu's breakdown being "more of a quiet self-destructive thing," as you stated dear friend, would be extremely poetic. To me it highlights the disparity between Yuu and the overblot boys. They have power and are able to hurt others to try and make themselves feel better, Yuu has next to none and is only able to hurt themselves.
Crowley mentions that there is counseling available to all NRC students, assuming the school follows real life laws we can assume the Professors are mandatory reporters. If Yuu shows signs of depression or self-harm, they will be required to report that and recommend Yuu for counseling, but the thing about therapy is that it's not a one size fits all solution. The patient needs to accept that they have a problem and, perhaps more importantly, trust their therapist otherwise you won't benefit from the treatment.
That's assuming that a counselor would even understand how to treat Yuu in the first place, there's a lot going on with their situation and while I could see a good therapist taking it very seriously, there's only so much they can do, which brings me to my sort of sticking point with this and why it took me so long to answer your ask.
Why in the hell is Yuu in Twisted Wonderland in the first place??? "Because they're Alice" ok sure but what does that like actually mean. I don't want to derail this into theory town but I keep thinking about the translated lines Crowley mutters to himself when calling Yuu a beast tamer that doesn't appear in the text box... something about how they look more like they are meant to be eaten by the beast than tame it.
There is a part of me that feels like Crowley wants Yuu to feel isolated and despondent about their chances of getting home, like he needs them to be accepting of their death and convinced it's the only way they will be useful. Something to do with Grim and that big Chimera at the beginning of the game, in the light novel there is someone telling Yuuya to take their hand but they can't move to take it, all they can do is stare up at the big monster and it's evil grin (if i remember correctly)
Anyway all of that to say I can see two sorts of scenarios leading to Yuu trying to harm themselves.
Route A: Summer
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As was correctly pointed out in these tags on the original post, I think Summer would be the worst time for an actively depressed Yuu. If they have been seeing a counselor, they will likely not be available over the summer months, Crowley didn't take us on vacation with him the first time so there's no way he'll do it now, and everyone has their own families to get back to.
They only have Grim and the Ghosts. And while Yuu might love them, they technically belong here. Yuu does not. The lack of other friends bothering them means Yuu has time to think good and hard about where they are. And who they left behind.
I like to listen to Dateline while I work sometimes and one of the things that always gets to me is how little closure people feel when someone goes missing, even if they find out what happened to them. If Yuu is missing in their world and their family loves them... they just have next to no chance of ever finding that out. Ever.
If Yuu has a bad relationship with their family, or none at all, they probably start feeling like they are going insane. They have nothing worth going back to really, to the point that people would probably encourage them to see being in Twisted Wonderland as a good thing, a chance for a fresh start. But it has been anything but.
Summer would be a good time to run away, it's easier to be homeless in the Summer, plenty of places need part time help anyway, and Yuu can make a clean break from the school before anyone notices they're gone.
It's also a good time to decide you want to die. By the time your friends come back they will have already gotten used to life without you anyway.
.... i could see this making grim overblot tbh. He blames the school for taking Yuu from him and by the time everyone returns he is there. Waiting. The consequences of their actions given form.
A monument to all their sins.
Option B: Sacrifice
So back to theory tangent.
Grim and Yuu are one student. Crowley treats them as such, but what if he-
Or whoever the real final boss is
Need them to actually be one student.
So they approach Yuu, offer their sympathies. Tell them they know why Crowley cannot send Yuu home.
"Because you came here by dying, don't you remember? These events you have seen, all your misfortunes and troubles, they've all been like one big dream. What a terrible fate you've met... but no worries. I know how to set you free."
The strange masked man places his hand on your shoulder and guides you to the mirror. You see your reflection in it, for the first time you idly realize, hair spread out on the pavement with a halo of blood spatter about your sleeping head.
"You needn't be scared." the man's voice is calm, soothing even, so much so that you almost believe him when he says
"You've died once before, after all. You know exactly what it feels like, it will just be like going to sleep."
Sleep sounds good, even if you have just gotten done fighting to stay awake, so very good you nearly miss the creature's wicked grin spreading mockingly across the reflection of your peaceful face.
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My ideal submissive and feedee is smaller than me. Shorter. Not quite as heavy. Someone I can throw around or push over. She would be able to eat a lot, but I still outclass her pretty handily. I want to be her garbage disposal.
I like all manners of submission, but a sub who wants me to take care of her is really special. Planning her days by the hour, picking her clothes, her makeup, her nails, her hair, her meals, how much she eats…removing as much choice and thinking as possible. Removing as many obstacles as I can to allow her to focus on her passions, and looking pretty for me is ideal. If I can enable her to grow and flourish and bloom, then I’ve done my job.
Ideally, she loves praise and being rewarded. She loves doing things I set out for her, and she loves doing things together. She loves completing tasks, making reports, and researching. She also loves games of all kinds, expressing herself through her art(whatever it is), and is certainly a real dorky nerd. She loves eating. She simply must love eating. She must love being trained. I love training submissive a little each day, and introducing them to more and more things I know they will love, and that will maximize their pleasure. She must also love routines. There doesn’t have to be many rules, perhaps just one: listen.
I like being much bigger, 100lbs+ and a foot taller. I want my hands to be massive on her. I want her to feel small and protected, even if she’s really quite huge. I want to tower over her and be able to wrap my arms around her either because they’re so long, or she’s so squishy.
Fat girls always giggle and squeal when you can manhandle them. One of my favorite tricks to pull out of my hat. So what you weigh 300lbs+? I can fling you across the room or hold you where I need you no problem. Really get me going and I may just lift you up. Adrenaline is a powerful thing.
I want to build a space for her around me where she’s heard, celebrated, and made to feel safe. Where her dreams are reality. I want her time around me to feel like a fantasy come to life. If I can make the world revolve around her, I will. I want to spoil her rotten, and then some. I want her to feel open to experimentation, and to trying new things.
I want to completely redefine pleasure for her. Mind shattering orgasms. I want her dedication and devotion to be rewarded. Hours of playing with her until her body can’t take it and she explodes in desire. I want trust, too. If she trusts, I trust, and we go places neither of us ever have. Deep, intense sessions with all manner of new and different kinks we’ve never fully tried, or that require total abandonment of reservation. All in the pursuit of a greater pleasure, and a greater peace together. Ideally, we will be able to play each other like fiddles.
Feedism fits perfectly in this dynamic for me. Stuffing, gaining weight, and pushing limits are all common, and are mirrored in D/S dynamics in general. It also goes hand in hand with pleasure control. Eating in extreme excess simply for enjoyment fits right alongside pushing the body and the mind for maximum pleasure.
Because I like to take care of my submissive, DD/LG dynamics also work well for me. Creating a fun, relaxed, and completely cute environment where thought, choice, and even talking is totally optional and entirely not necessary is easy for me. I love gift giving and planning out activities, so it’s easy for me to create a little space for the submissive. I’m also a total sucker for extreme cuteness.
Ideally we are a 24/7 dynamic as well, and romantic partners. A deep connection made only stronger by placing each other in each other’s hands every day. I’ve only ever had a 24/7 dynamic once, and it redefined what I thought possible.
In my world with my submissive, there IS takesy backsies. Safe words, traffic lights, serious aftercare, and session logs are all regular. To go to these deep places far in our minds and hearts, there must be ways to come out of it, heal from it, or stop it. At any time I want the communication to be open. We can rewind, end, or redefine things as needed to help each other reach these new depths of pleasure. Things can be added or removed at will, and we can fix things that don’t feel right.
In my mind, my submissive is trusting me to take her to places she’s never been in her own mind, and in pleasure as a whole. She’s trusting me to take as much off her mind as possible, so she can be free. I want to do the thinking, and the planning, and the worrying so she doesn’t have to.
thanks for reading!
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miissmm · 2 months
I don't speak English, it's bad. This is machine translation.
Summary: The story is about Kibutsuji Muzan's younger sister. About how she became a demon with him, he has no power over her.
tw: Yandere behavior,blood,mentions of murder,mention of mental disorders
platonic yandere muzan x reader
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The only lady of the Kibutsuji house is truly elegant. She must be elegant, like any other decent lady in society.
Always dressed to the nines, even if the decorations weren’t the latest in fashion, as they used to be. She is intelligent, never speaks without a man's permission, and respects those of lower status.
Her smile always complements the atmosphere of meetings and not a single extra word is said.
People would be sad to know that she just doesn’t want to communicate with them.
To the lady of the house, Kibutsuji, everything seemed gray. Existence for the sake of marriage, lessons for the sake of marriage, all for the sake of being sold to a man. It was so familiar, like the flow of water or a beating heart in the chest. Rishi was disgusted by this. She didn’t want to live for something like that, but the lack of choice only forced her to accept everything, and then a thought arose in her head. Everything that happens in any case had to happen. Is there any point in doing, thinking and reacting?
There is not a drop of emotion in her eyes, even when she smiles. There is no love or joy in her eyes. Rishi, at 10, believes that she has lived too little for such a deep concept as feelings. I sincerely believe that this will definitely come with age.
She well remembered the expressions of pain, sadness and despair on the faces of her parents when both died from illness. She felt nothing, but perfectly imitated new emotions at the funeral.
Soon her older brother also fell ill. This was something new, his steadfastly calm and loving expression suddenly changed to pain and rare rage. Her interest didn't last long.
When she turned 15, her brother could no longer get out of bed and a new doctor arrived at the house. The doctor discovered the first symptoms of the disease in the young rishi, forcing her to drink the same medicine that he gave to her older brother.
Rishi believed that this was not at all necessary.
An unknown mixture could had a bad influence on one’s appearance, which, while still alive at that time, my mother diligently took care of for her daughter’s future husband.
Rishi believes that if she dies, only one thing will happen, their family will cease to exist, but the dead no longer care. Skipping medication as naturally as meals, she continued to live as before. Until the moment when her brother, suddenly, was able to get out of bed.
This was the first time Rishi experienced fear. She couldn’t lie, this situation launched the processes of inevitable learning about emotions and new sensations.
He appeared loudly, moving his legs heavily. Suddenly and covered in blood.
- I just killed the doctor.
drop by drop of blood flowed onto the floor of her room, wiped to a shine, drop by drop her poise flowed away and a long-forgotten horror awoke in her eyes.
- Brother?
She tried to breathe, intermittently, gasping for breath. I heard how her heart was beating and how the picture was smeared with tears.
- He was an ordinary charlatan, like thousands of others before him. What happened to you? You feel bad?
He began to approach, step by step, drop by drop.
- You killed a man.
She moved back, right up to the wall, ready to open the window in an attempt to escape somehow.
- I said a regular charlatan.
- This is not a reason to kill a person!
The voice breaks, the scream becomes more like a squeak.
He stops.
She grabs the window sill and stares at the floor. She breathes, thinking frantically.
- They don’t deserve to live, – the voice that sounds after a minute of silence, – are you afraid that I will kill you too? Honey, don't panic.
Deceptively sweet voice. He smiles.
He smiles, covered in someone else's blood, and she already turns to the window, immediately jumping back, as soon as she leans out, the sun burns terribly.
- Honey?
She bumps into his back, immediately falling into a trap of his hands.
Her clothes immediately become dirty, her expensive silks become heavier than ever, and she is unable to even whisper.
Losing consciousness from shock, little fifteen-year-old Rishi really did not realize how much her life would change after she opened her eyes again.
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wanderingmoonflower · 5 months
a while back i made a post talking about how bede and marnie are perfect examples of foil characters (and also apparently that they were intrinsic??? i dunno where past me was going with that) but i think it's time i finally got around to actually talking about my ideas
tbh, i have no idea where to start, but initially i first came across this train of thought because i was poking fun at how they wore their gym uniforms completely opposite to each other, with bede being completely covered and wearing layers, while marnie shows a bit of skin and also isn't layered. while the layers thing doesn't apply to their regular outfits, bede is still completely covered, and marnie shows more skin than him
i think the best way to understand what i'm trying to say is to also consider their backgrounds too. despite the lack of parents (which is a common thing in pokemon anyway), bede didn't actually have anyone to support him until opal came along, whereas marnie had her brother, and then team yell later on. bede didn't have that. his league card even says that his parents ran into trouble and he didn't get along with the others. he essentially felt like rose changed his life. there's also the fact that bede most likely lived somewhere nicer than spikemuth if he stayed with rose, and ofc, spikemuth is dilapidated, has a shutter to close people out, and doesn't have a power spot
i think another thing might be because bede doesn't understand unconditional love. marnie understands that, as she's had people around her who love and care for her, but bede only knew that he had to work to get rose's affection, and that's when he ended up going to far. opal, despite her harsh training, would be able to teach him about unconditional love
i've also mentioned this to some friends, but marnie, hop, and the protagonist (whether it's victor or gloria) would be able to teach him about unconditional love too. i like drawing comparison to marnie in particular because they have that similarity of being the successor to another gym leader, so it's easy to make the association in your head, although you could probably make most of these points for hop as well
speaking of them being gym leaders, they (essentially) use opposite types to each other, and even their gmax pokemon are considered counterparts. it also their reasoning for joining the gym challenge is similar intially, but ends up differing when you look a little closer. they both joined for recognition but bede' wanted recognition from rose, and marnie rwanted recognition for spikemuth
i also like how marnie, despite her blank expression, is still a little playful, and very in touch with how she feels. bede on the other hand puts up all these theatrics and overall seems just kinda,,, bitter?
and also, slightly unrelated, but bede is pink/white and marnie is pink/black. i also am obsessed with the fact that the BUMP OF CHICKEN music video shows Bede all alone and then IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWS UP WITH MARNIE SURROUNDED BY PEOPLE. cruel. i'm obsessed with it
i'm sorry the post is so long. it got away from me a little bit. i still feel like i had a lot more to say, but take this image to end it out <3 i love bede and marnie a whole lot and i hope you understand where i'm coming from
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moodymelanist · 1 year
Could you do nessian trapped in an elevator or together in a power outage?
oooooo yeah I sure can. this was supposed to be funny at first but then it got away from me and welp here we are
“Cassian, stop it,” Nesta hissed, shooting him an annoyed look as he jumped up and down in the elevator like a little kid. “I’m serious.”
“Why?” Cassian replied with a wide grin. “You scared?”
Nesta and Cassian were on their way upstairs to celebrate Feyre and Rhys’ engagement in their fancy penthouse apartment. Over her dead body had she wanted it to look like they’d come to the party together, but she hadn’t wanted to be even later than she already was, so she’d swallowed her pride and gotten onto the elevator once he’d held it open for her.
Of course, she was seriously regretting that now that he was acting even more childishly than usual.
“I’m not scared,” she snapped at him. “I’m being sensible.”
“Sounds like you’re scared,” he shot back, still grinning. She hated how handsome that stupid smile made him look. “Come on, Nes. Live a little.”
“Stop calling me that,” she demanded.
“Make me,” he fired back, jumping one last time for good measure.
Nesta opened her mouth to tell Cassian exactly where he could shove it when the elevator made a strange groaning sound. Cassian finally stopped jumping, a slightly worried expression on his face as the elevator shook somewhat, and when the elevator came to an abrupt stop he at least had the decency to look sheepish.
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Nesta groaned as the lights flickered and then dimmed. “Are you fucking serious?”
“Just push the help button,” Cassian said, taking a few steps forward so he could lean over to hit the red button. “They’ll come quick. You know the wealthy aren’t allowed to suffer for as long as us regular folks.”
He was so warm she could feel the heat radiating off him even though they weren’t touching, and a small part of her missed it as he backed away. A much larger part of her wanted to strangle him for getting them in this situation in the first place, but she’d much rather be trapped in an elevator with a living person. “They better come quickly.”
“Mhmm, I love it when you threaten me,” he said cheekily. She whipped around to glare at him and his delight only grew further. “The things you do to me, sweetheart.”
“I told you to stop calling me that,” she said back frostily. “My name is Nesta. Not Nes, not sweetheart. Nesta.”
“Guess I’ll just have to get more creative,” he told her, something like challenge gleaming in his eyes. “I’m sure I’ll find something you like eventually.”
Nesta shot another glare his way before someone finally responded on the intercom. Once they got all the details hammered out, she was forced to admit semi-defeat: someone wouldn’t be able to get to them for at least half an hour, so they’d have to entertain themselves until help arrived.
“At least we still have service,” Nesta grumbled, reaching for her phone to let Feyre know what had happened and they’d be upstairs as soon as they were free.
“And each other,” Cassian responded. He pulled out his own phone, fingers flying across the keyboard as he sent his own text, before he sighed and sat down on the ground. “Come on. Come sit with me.”
“I’d rather not,” she told him pointedly. Maybe he didn’t care about the state of his clothes, but she wasn’t showing up to this party with a wrinkle on her if she could help it. “Who knows the last time these floors were cleaned.”
“Not to worry,” he replied, a smirk forming on his full lips as he patted his thigh. “I have a seat for you right here.”
“Get your head out of the gutter,” she snapped, her cheeks heating despite herself. “I wouldn’t come near you if my life depended on it.”
“Ouch. I’m not up to your standards?”
“Your personality certainly leaves much to be desired.”
“Is this you finally admitting that I’m hot?”
“What? Absolutely not.”
“Come on, Nes. It won’t hurt you to admit you think I’m attractive.”
“I don’t have to admit anything.”
“The lady doth protest too much, I think.”
“I’m protesting just the right amount, thank you very much.”
“Look, I’ll even go first so you don’t have to. I think you’re gorgeous.”
Nesta crossed her arms and refused to acknowledge how Cassian’s compliment made her want to preen a little. “Whatever.”
“That’s a weird way to say ‘thank you,’ but okay,” Cassian said. At Nesta’s unimpressed stare, he just sighed and looked at her in exasperation. “Come on, Nesta. As hot as it is looking up at you from down here, I know your feet have to be hurting a little in those shoes. It won’t kill you to sit, will it?”
“Fine,” she finally caved, pulling off her heels and sliding down as gracefully as she could manage onto the floor. She wasn’t sitting right next to him, but they were close enough that she could’ve reached out and touched him if she wanted. “But only because my feet were starting to hurt a little.”
“See? I told you it wouldn’t be so bad,” he told her. He wasn’t even gloating; he actually seemed earnest for once, and she hated that she liked it. “So. Tell me about yourself.”
“This isn’t a job interview,” she replied with a roll of her eyes.
“Maybe I just want to learn more about you,” he responded, raising his eyebrows at her. She was sitting close enough to him that she noticed a thin scar running through his right eyebrow, of course only serving to make him more attractive. “You ever think about that?”
“No.” She didn’t have a witty retort better than that, so kept it simple. “Is this just some ploy to force me to ask you questions back?”
“A guy can’t just want to pass the time with conversation?” he asked. “We’re stuck in here until further notice. If we’re not gonna pass the time the old fashioned way, conversation is the next best thing.”
Nesta begrudgingly admitted to herself that Cassian had a point. She decided it wasn’t worth addressing his comment about the old-fashioned way and said, “Fine. But I’m going first.”
“Women should always come first,” Cassian told her with a smirk, “so go right on ahead, sweetheart.”
“Why do you always try to rile me up so much?” she asked, cutting straight to the point.
“Because I like seeing you get all worked up,” he answered. “If you seriously told me to fuck off, I’d stop, but… something tells me you like this just as much as I do.”
“Keep deluding yourself,” she replied, refusing to acknowledge how much she liked the sound of his low laughter.
“I plan to,” he told her with a wink. “If you don’t like it, why do you let me flirt with you so much?”
“You call that flirting?” Nesta fired back, snorting.
“That’s light work,” Cassian retorted just as quickly. He shifted closer to her, their thighs pressing together through the fabric of their clothes. “You couldn’t handle the real deal.”
“I find that hard to believe,” she scoffed. She’d seen the way he’d flirted with women in the past, and she hadn’t exactly impressed by the material then.
“Oh yeah?” he asked nonchalantly. Almost too nonchalantly, but she was too invested in seeing what he’d do next to stop him job. “Let me hit you with some of my material, then.”
“Fine,” she agreed. “Do you worst.”
Nesta watched as Cassian studied her openly for a few moments, clearly deciding what he was going to do next. The elevator was quiet except for the sounds of their breathing, and the longer they sat there, the more the anticipation started to build for her. Was he going to be silly, or was he going to take this seriously?
“Hey,” Cassian eventually said, leaning in to tuck a flyaway strand of hair behind her ear. “What’s a woman like you doing in an elevator like this?”
Nesta wanted to laugh at his lame joke, but suddenly she could hardly breathe from the way he was looking at her. He looked like he wanted to eat her alive, and damn her body for responding like she was going to let him. The air between them was so charged that her heart was beating at a gallop, and when those hazel eyes dipped down to her lips and back a few times in a quick succession, she knew with absolute certainly that he was going to kiss her and that she wanted him to. She wet her lips, more than ready for him to do it, watching in what felt like slow motion as he leaned in and—
And then the elevator suddenly roared back to life.
Nesta felt like she’d been sprayed with cold water as the tension between them snapped. She blinked and jerked back, wondering what the hell had come over her to make her want to kiss Cassian, hardly noticing as his hand awkwardly fell away from her face. She scrambled to stand up and put her shoes back on while steadily avoiding his gaze, the urge to run suddenly overwhelming.
“Nesta—” Cassian began, but then the elevator dinged! as it got to the top of the building and she was halfway down the hallway.
Nesta was absolutely not going to think about what had almost happened inside that elevator, and as she put as much distance between her and Cassian as she could manage, she could’ve sworn she head a soft, disappointed sigh.
tag list: @perseusannabeth | @bookstantrash | @charming-butt-insane | @oversizedbats | @melphss | @sv0430 | @podemechamardek | @autumnbabylon | @live-the-fangirl-life | @julemmaes | @that-little-red-head | @jmoonjones | @sayosdreams | @thewayshedreamed | @hiimheresworld | @brieq | @pearlfortears | @swankii-art-teacher | @nerdperson524 | @snickerdoodlechittybangbang | @imsointobooks | @nesquik-arccheron | @sweet-pea1 | @champanheandluxxury | @dustjacketmusings | @mrs-shadowsinger04 | @unlikelypersonalknight1 | @goddess-aelin | @arinbelle | @talkfantasytome | @simpingfornestaarcheron | @duskandstarlight | @letstakethedawn | @vidalinav | @c-e-d-dreamer | @dealfea | @katekatpattywack | @burningsnowleopard | @thatsowlmazing
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blue-rose-soul · 2 months
A thought had occurred to me. What if whatever living things that come in contact with Lucifer, their souls are tainted and they go to Hell. So with Alastor's mom, Nicaise had interaction with Lucifer, after she die, she went to Hell.
I imagined in one scenario both she and kid Alastor in hell, had to fend themselves against sinners, hellborns and exorcists in every extermination day. Nicaise may have to learn few tricks while kid Alastor go monster on who would dare to harm his mother.
Maybe because I want to see interaction of Nicaise and Rosie while Alastor play with the cannibals children.
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Another scenario would be when Alastor die, he reunited with his mother but then feel angry at everything because out of all the people he had known, his mother does not deserved this fate.
He would probably be overprotective of Nicaise leading him to be anonymous radio demon instead of broadcasting his victims. Probably will see the hotel as a haven because exorcists can't harm hellborns and Charlie can use that to her advantage.
Well, first of all, that would be very very unfortunate for anyone who served Lucifer drinks on his vacation. Or just bumped into him in the crowds.
But it would also make for a pretty interesting scenario. I doubt there's anyone who could exist in Hell for any length of time without being changed by it. Even Charlie brushes off getting a bit of some guy's brain stuck in her eye. Nicaise knew how to hunt a bit so she at least already knew how to use a gun. It didn't matter to her that Alastor had these bizarre powers, he was her boy and she was going to protect him!
I do think she'd try to go to Lucifer for help, once she learned who he is. The problem would be that he wasn't really accessible to her. It's safe to assume that Lucifer's home is somewhere in the Pride Ring, but there's nothing in the overhead map of the Pentagram that appears to have some link to Lucifer or any of his motifs, aside from the Hazbin Hotel itself.
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It could be his home is somewhere outside the ring of mountains that surround the Pentagram. Or maybe it's up on that red... moon? The body floating near Heaven. Lucifer can create portals so it would be accessible to him, I think. Or his home could be hidden down in the sprawl somewhere but regardless of where exactly Lucifer lives, it's not someplace regular sinners would be able to just stroll up to.
So Nicaise and Alastor are pretty much on their own, but at least they have each other to rely on. And that allows them to at least maintain a sliver of their own humanity. As hard as Nicaise tries to protect Alastor, however, Alastor is so much more powerful that it often ends up the other way around. She gets a job playing piano at a bar, insisting that Alastor remain home and safe, but after the first night Nicaise comes home covered in bruises Alastor starts sneaking out to follow her, and when he sees the bar patrons getting handsy with his mother he goes ballistic. He wasn't trying to turn the patrons into chuck beef, exactly. Or, it would be more accurate to say, he didn't realize he could.
Nicaise lost her job, but worse was the look of abject horror on her face at the carnage Alastor had caused.
Nicaise's expression haunted Alastor. Hell, he scared himself. He was still a ten-ish year old kid at this point in mind as well as body, and he didn't know how to reign in his emotions to prevent more explosive outburst like that. He was scared and vulnerable... Ripe for a deal to be made.
Nicaise meets Rosie while out looking for a new job. She made her way into Cannibal Town by accident, and unfortunately encountered some less friendly residents who zeroed in on her as potential prey. Nicaise was able to kill two of them and in doing so attracted Rosie's attention. Rosie came to see what the commotion was and to try to settle things, by which I mean crush whoever was disturbing her peaceful Cannibal Town like an insect. But when Nicaise pointed the gun at her and declared that she didn't care if Rosie was an Overlord, nothing was going to stop her from betting home to her child, Rosie paused. Child sinners are extremely rare, and don't generally last long in Hell. The only child sinners we've seen so far are in Cannibal Town, so I like to think Rosie might have a bit of a soft spot for kids and takes any child sinners she comes across in Hell under her wing. She calls off her cannibals and invites Nicaise to her parlor for tea.
The meeting ends with Nicaise getting a new job and a modicum of protection. Non-cannibals aren't allowed to be residents of Cannibal Town and Nicaise refuses to eat demon flesh (at first) but Rosie sets her up with a new gig at a music venue in Cannibal Town and a guarantee of safety for her and her kid while they're within Rosie's territory (Rosie's playing the long game here; she's fully intending to recruit Nicaise and Alastor into her following). It's all suspicious but Nicaise can at least return to Alastor with the good news that she has a way to put food on the table.
Only when she returns home, Alastor is gone.
Alastor reappears the next morning no worse for the wear to find Nicaise frantic. She checks him over for injuries while he insists he's fine. He won't tell Nicaise where he disappeared to though. It becomes apparent soon after that something about Alastor is different. As the weeks pass, Alastor gains control over his powers extraordinarily quickly. He stops causing random outbursts of green flame or exploding lights. Suddenly he can melt into shadows at will and pop out wherever he pleases. And creepy little dolls appear out of nowhere to do his chores for him or make mischief around the house. As relived as Nicaise is to see him learning to control his abilities, she can't help but be suspicious of this sudden mastery.
Shortly after, Overlords begin to disappear.
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iammissingautumn · 2 years
Princess Kenny and Mysterion; Expression from the Expressless
Kenny McCormick is known for being a more silent character. His hood obstructs his words and his deaths go largely ignored by others. What we get in show is a boy who’s ready to participate in goofs and has the most knowledge towards lewd jokes. And he uses that knowledge often! In jokes and in regular conversation. On top of this he is often made fun of and poked at for being poor, and when he’s not being made fun of in that way he’s mostly being ignored. And in a directly meta sense, he’s discarded and under developed! But when you look at things like Stick of Truth and The Fractured But Whole and Kenny’s personas we get suddenly a lot of content from him and the characters he plays. Princess Kenny and Mysterion being a view into his morals and what he wants as a person. And these two personas compare and contrast each other so nicely !
Princess Kenny is the fairest maiden of all the land! At the start of SOT we get Cartman telling us “he just wants to be a chick, we just roll with it.”. And throughout the game we see she’s desired by many, using her charm to get around obstacles and often surprise attack. Princess Kenny being one of the only royalty we see in SOT says a lot. She ostensibly has the highest status in the land, especially among her faction. Everyone wants to appease her, they want to charm her. They want her and they want to be her. She’s praised for being rich, being born into status, and for existing. She is a princess.
This all speaks very basically to something that Kenny desires deeply but doesn’t have. Kenny is from the poorest family in the town, he’s made fun of for being poor and often discarded and ostracized for this. He yearns to be wanted without providing something special, to not have less meaning because of how he was born. He’s so connected to how he grew up and this experience he has and he doesn’t want to fully part from it. He still keeps the rats that help him fight in battle. On top of that she’s a way to directly express gender, to express herself openly. As a direct opposite to Kenny normally, she wears a more revealing dress with a wig, she dances around, she puts her all into it. It’s allowing Kenny to be everything he isn’t yet still wants to be so badly.
Meanwhile Mysterion isn’t the hero South Park deserves but he is the hero South Park needs. Natural leader with nerves of steel he could do about anything. He’s one of the most powerful characters in game and full of small quips that make him feel dorkishly sharp. He’s got a lot of guts and courage. Definite morals for what’s right even if that goes against the law. Savior and martyr complex out the wazoo here. And for once, he actually gets some recognition.
Kenny on the other hand dies endlessly without his death being cared about a minute later. He tries to fight for what he thinks is right and is ready to sacrifice himself in a second. And when given the power he uses it to help. It’s his ultimate want that’s elevated to the point where he’s able to do it consistently and mostly successfully.
Princess Kenny allows Kenny to explore everything he doesn’t have right now but in a freer space. Mysterion allows Kenny to present his core values and wants and how he sees himself in a freer space. In a place he’s not going to be insulted constantly for things outside of his control. They’re integral to Kenny’s inner conflicts towards his class, his immortal complexes, and developing wants and preferences.
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