#bruce wayne is doomed guys
welcometogrouchland · 9 months
I love it when "they should be at the club" is like, an actual character dynamic, with person A looking at person B as they work themselves to the bone/throw their own happiness away for the greater good/take on more responsibility than anyone could ever hope to bear and they're just like. Hey. You should be at the club
#ramblings of a lunatic#this is about Barbara Gordon and Cassandra Cain in batgirl volume 1#literally babs is like cass wouldn't it be nice if you did things that normal 17 yr old girls get to do-#-instead of living and dying in your kung fu self hate cycle that will inevitably destroy you???#and cass is like. no#cassandra cain (and bruce wayne) voice:#''everyone asks if there's anyway to stop the self sacrifice spiral never how was the spiral it looked fun was the spiral fun?''#dick is also this for bruce but the club is less literal in that specific sense#(also this is soooo far removed from their canon dynamic. but play with me in this space for a bit-#-this but it's steph @ jason)#(like she realizes he's the same age as cass- she would not have guessed bc he's fucking huge and grizzled-#-and she's like damn. you should be at the club jason-#-just an in passing observation! arguably ribbing him about his melodramatic vengeance quest-#-that becomes a lot harder to take seriously when you remember he's barely old enough to legally drink)#(and jasons just like. what would i even do at the club steph. what part of me seems like a guy who would have fun at the club)#(Jason and Bruce are both too autistic for the club. cass is the right amount of sensory seeking autistic to get something out of the club-#-but really babs should be taking her to a mosh pit for maximum enrichment. she'd thrive)#ANYWAY. having a moment ignore me#my previously obtained ibuprofen is the last defence against me and certain doom (sore throat oof ouch)#like that meme of the soldier with knives and bombs in his back protecting the sleeping child#point being idk how long it'll last so i should sleep sooner rather than later to get the max benefits
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not to oversimplify a complex relationship but come on now. DC just say it how many more "old friends" turned enemy does he need to haunt him before you say it
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wandeel · 2 years
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Ollie looks so old (compared to Bruce and Harvey). And also sooo drunk
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Gala Buddies
Sam Manson glares out across the sea of the rich, snobby ‘elite.’ The people mingling with one another, all fake smiles and false niceties slipping from their lips easily. Every face a mask they put on to hide their true selves from the view of the public. They made Sam sick. She hated Galas, particularly the ones that took her away from Amity.
So of course, her parents had insisted that they simply must attend the gala in Gotham being held by none other than Bruce Wayne. They couldn’t miss out on the opportunity to see their old pal again.
Though Sam thought it was more like they wanted to suck up to the man for some business venture.
Or try to set her up with one of his sons again.
At least she got to see Gotham’s architecture. That was a positive, she concluded. She’d get some cool photos out of the trip to show Danny and Tucker back home. And maybe she’d get to see one of Gotham’s infamous vigilantes up close, she could try to learn anything from gauging the way they handled themselves that might be useful for Danny.
Sam readjusted her stance, the fabric of the obnoxiously pink dress making her legs itch uncomfortably. Her mother had gone through her luggage before they left when Sam hadn’t been looking and slipped in the monstrosity she was currently wearing, and removing the dresses she had selected for this torturous night. She was becoming moodier, and ‘crabbier’ as Tucker and Danny might have put it, by the second.
Maybe she could ‘accidentally’ trip into the chocolate fountain and ruin the dress. At least then she’d be getting some form of retribution for being forced into the frilly cocoon of humiliation. And it’s not like her parents would be able to scold her too much in front of all the other rich schmuks attending the party. As Sam was eyeing the chocolate fountain she noticed in her peripheral vision a person approaching her.
“Not in a party mood I take it?” Asked whoever had walked up to her.
Sam turned to examine the guy in front of her. He looked to be roughly her age, dark skin and a fancy suit that he looked uncomfortable in. A nervous energy permitted off of him, Sam guessed he wasn’t used to these sorts of events and was unashamedly out of his depth.
“Nah, not particularly,” Sam offered with a shrug, “you seem like you want to be here as much as I do.”
“Ah yeah,” the guy rubbed the back of his neck and smiled sheepishly, “I’m kinda only here because my brother didn’t want to be here alone and most of our other siblings were unavailable aside from my sister and I. But now he’s off talking to a friend of his that happened to be here, and my sister’s disappeared to who knows where.”
“That’s rough buddy,” Sam offers him a sympathetic smile.
The guy snorts before asking, “did you just quote Zuko?” And Sam grins. He holds out his hand to her, “Duke Thomas.”
Sam shakes his hand, “Sam Manson. Nice to meet you, Duke.”
Duke visibly appears to relax a little and the air of nervousness around his somewhat dissipates. He shifts of his feet for a moment before deciding on something. “So,” he starts, “if you weren’t stuck here what you normally be doing with your time?”
“Probably playing Doom with my two best friends back home,” Sam doesn’t mention anything about the ghosts. She hopes Danny and Tucker are alright in their own.
“Oh cool,” Duke smiles and Sam would be lying if she said she’d never seen someone so perfectly embody literal sunshine like he did. “I usually play videos games with my siblings. Mario Kart can get super competitive though.”
Sam raised an eyebrow at that, intrigued. “How competitive?”
Duke grimaces slightly but looks amused at the same time, “well, tables have been flipped and expensive things broken. And everyone lost Alfred’s cookie privileges for a week.” He ground out that last part as though it physically pained him.
“Damn. They must be some good cookies if you’re that bummed about it.”
“Your have no idea. Alfred’s cookies are the best thing in the world. Fights have broken out over them.”
“Your family sound insane,” Sam chuckles and quickly adds, “in a good way.”
Duke grins at her, “yeah they’re kinda crazy sometimes, but they’re great. Really. I don’t know what I’d do without them.”
“It must be nice, having siblings like that.”
“Do you have any siblings?”
“Nah,” Sam shakes her head, “only child.”
Before either of them know or Sam and Duke have been talking for nearly the entire gala. They remained glued to one another chatting even as one or both of them wanted to grab something to eat from the buffet table. Their interactions didn’t go unnoticed by Bruce and the others.
Sam couldn’t remember the last time she had such a normal and fun conversation with someone other than Danny or Tucker.
The end of the night came too soon, Sam felt. Things were winding down and people were bidding others farewell. She could see her parents speaking with Bruce Wayne, possibly thanking him for a wonderful night.
“Looks like I’ll probably be leaving soon,” Sam deflated a little.
Duke pondered something for a moment but seemed to reach a decision quickly. He pulled out his phone and offered it to Sam, “here, give me your number. We can keep talking later. If you want that is.”
And Sam couldn’t find any reason to say no, especially when Duke was smiling like that. “Sure,” he took the phone from his hand and added her number into his contacts. She pulled out her own phone and handed it to him to add his number in too.
“Well then,” Duke fighters with the end of his suit jacket.
“Sammikins!” Pamela Manson called out, “it’s time to go sweetie.”
“I’ll talk to you late?” Duke asked with a smile.
“Yeah,” Sam smiled back, “talk to you later Duke.”
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acid-ixx · 3 months
I hope you don’t mind but I need to ramble this to someone, neglected Wayne reader right? The fam would forget to bring them to social events and whatnot right? So there would be very few pictures, articles and interviews or even facts about them, meaning that reader Wayne is a rarity. Still following me? Reader Wayne with a small but devout fanbase.
I’m talking they are trading the latest pictures and sharing links to the rare interview with reader in it, following any social media they have that isn’t private, they are just fascinated by this micro celebrity that seems to always be forgotten. Okay but also imagine one of the heroes developing a para-social attachment to reader. My money is on Conner Kent, mainly bc he can project his own issues with his dads onto reader and he can Dolores ~Encanto~ reader with his super hearing and develop a even bigger parasocial obsession with them
I hope you enjoyed this ramble, I will leave you be now, see ya later alligator! 🐊
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omg another one of my asks that actually predicted a major plot point... this ask ties well with the last part written here. i'm thinking about having the reader get a love interest/s but i have already written an outline but one thing is for sure—
you have more than just your family interested in taking you.
major spoilers below the cut. — an excerpt from chapter xx
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(name) wayne may have been a name forcefully deleted off of the face of the internet, but that doesn't mean it doesn't have its conspiracies of its own. nobody knows who you are beyond the blurry, unsolicited pictures of you. it may have been a photograph of your back, or articles published in unknown websites and buried at the far end about a kid entering through the fancy gates of the wayne manor.
you are a product of a one-night-stand.
but they don't know who the mother is, don't know your age, or where you come from, and what business bruce has with the woman to guarantee your adoption at the instance she had disappeared without warning.
your existence was a mystery most would like to solve. after all, it was your picture that was plastered all over the newspapers and articles, it was your name that journalists whisper and it was a silhouette of your face that the underground knows by heart. every known information about you was shared discretely yet efficiently like some sort of virus.
you were a target for interest, a large sum of money if they will. and alfred had taken it in his hands to make sure there would never be a repeat of what had happened before.
it was a clumsy mistake, one that cost you your memories, and one he swears on his life he'll never make again.
the first course of action he needs to arrange, which may seem difficult for most; he needs to confront bruce.
after all, your freedom is your doom.
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maybe this is out of the picture, but id' like to imagine you and connor having a therapy session where one comes out absolutely obsessed with the other, and it's not you.
connor's character for me is so, so good for an angst potential. it's like his personal struggles is a way for him to show you how absolutely you two are meant to be. and he may have met you through bumping into you (false) or maybe... he has seen you stalking through the shadows back when he visits the manor. using his superhearing, he can hear your voice from the kitchen begging alfred to relay a message to bruce, sounding so absolutely desperate. it's the way you tell alfred how you wished your father actually spends time with you, or how nobody seems to notice you— that he kind of just makes a silent promise that he will talk to you soon, he needs to know why this family seems so keen on ignoring and how hypocritical tim is for literally doing the same thing to you when he's aware of kon's past.
if he (or anyone else) should be a love interest (though he is a minor character in the series unless you guys want him to be a major one), i can already imagine the absolute hell you have to suffer not only from your family but from your own lover. just imagine the stockholm syndrome or the delusions you convince yourself with because you're finally loved by someone but that love restricts you from the very freedom you tried to build.
the batfamily would be so conflicted because why are you choosing some stranger over them...? then you slap them in the face with, "well, this "stranger" wants to kidnap me and lock me up, sure! but at least they actually looked at me for more than five seconds!" and you can watch how the color drains off their face, their conflict giving you the perfect opportunity to run away from both your ex-family and your soon-to-be-kidnapper-lover who thinks your comeback is a funny way for you to propose.
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brucewaynehater101 · 7 months
I used to be a firm believer that Bruce Wayne is obviously Batman. I didn't understand how people didn't immediately clock it.
Then I saw an animation of Brucie Wayne twerking on an ice sculpture in Iceberg Lounge as Penguin yelled at him to get down. I get it now.
If I was a regular Gothamite and followed Brucie Wayne antics, I would not believe that guy to be the doom and gloom intelligent crusader who enjoys beating people up. You're telling me that the elitist who flirted with Lex Luthor is a founding member of the JL? The same man that thought bread cost $100 a slice?
The secondhand embarrassment from watching his videos is mortifying. There's no way Batman could willing pull that off for years.
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halfagone · 8 months
Before The Wayne Came A Kane
Martha Wayne née Kane came from a very prestigious family even before she married her husband, the illustrious M.D. Thomas Wayne. Sadly, her family never supported her union with Thomas, so she largely cut them out of her life once she married and that certainly had not changed when she had a son.
Her strained relationship with the rest of her family is particularly apparent when it's revealed, at the release of her and Thomas' respective wills after their unexpected, tragic deaths, that she would not give her brothers or sisters-in-law custody of Bruce. They may be the last of his living relatives, but even in death she would never allow them to touch her baby boy. Hence, his care is left to the head butler, one Alfred Pennyworth.
She did have two sister, though. Two baby sisters, one who had been disowned and disavowed from the family long before her, named Alicia. And one who was far too young to take in her son, even if Martha had allowed it. Her name is Madeline Kane. As the only other acknowledged daughter left from Roderick and Elizabeth Kane, she is left to carry the burden of her older sister's legacy. And what a burden it was, to be constantly compared to a dead woman her family seemed to adore and loathe in strides.
It's really no wonder that the moment she gets the chance, she leaves her family in Gotham to attend a university in Wisconsin. There, she meets Jack Fenton. He can be a little clumsy sometimes, but he has an eye for engineering and doesn't like her for her family's name or wealth. He calls her "Maddie" when she says so, and he doesn't ask about the change.
She falls in love and the two are wedded in the blink of an eye, Maddie pregnant with their first child only a few years after graduation. In her family's eyes, it just further proves that any Kane daughter is cursed and doomed to failure. (Beth understands this. Bette learns this. Kate knows this.)
And all too similarly to her elder sister, when her son is just fourteen years old, she is killed: yet another unexpected, tragic death. Her husband and her daughter perish along with her. Just like her older sister, the only one left is her baby boy.
Only, Maddie wasn't nearly as forthcoming with her will, and there is no guardian marked for custody in his papers. The Kanes, who proclaim they are his rightful family, are more than happy to take advantage of this.
Bruce isn't close to his family, beyond perhaps Kate. But if there is one thing that he knows it's that his parents didn't give his estranged relatives custody of him for a reason. Alfred is stingy with the details, but he can confirm that much.
Bruce is left to fight an uphill battle, helping a mourning boy heal from his loss and fighting his extended family's attempts for custody at every turn.
More ramblings under the cut:
See this guy right here?
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This is Jacob Kane, Kate's father, Martha's brother, and Bruce's uncle. He's got the distinct red hair and do you know who else has red hair? Maddie. Jacob is a respected military officer and Maddie, in general, has always given me strong former U.S. agent vibes. But regardless, it makes sense that Maddie would know things or learned how to fight at an early age if her older brother left for military service.
Also, I just love showing Bruce's extended family and how twisted, complicated his family was long before he adopted so many children. And this also helps explain why Maddie is so cagey with her background. She only has Alicia left really, all the rest she keeps out and away for good reason.
But she can't protect Danny from them forever.
Plus, there's this really cool possibility for Danny to stay with the Kanes for a while and explore that avenue before he's ultimately brought into the Wayne fold. Danny gets to see what the upper crust Gotham elites look like with his own two eyes, beyond Sam's stories.
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cooketimm · 11 months
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Hardboiled #10-25 (1990-98) cover artwork by Bruce Timm
Interview from Cool Stuff Magazine #1 (1995):
Gary Lovisi: Much of your work is characterized by raw, intense energy and action, or beautiful women in stylish, dangerous settings. Some is obviously influenced by the pulps.
Bruce Timm: I’m big pulp fan, have been since the early 70s, when I started reading Doc Savage and Avenger reprints. I can’t really say how they’ve influenced my artwork much, except when doing pulp-homage stuff like the Bob Price books. But I do sometimes wish I was born decades earlier so I could have worked for some of the old pulps, which was why it was so much fun doing the Price stuff, and the «mock 50s» paperback covers for your Gryphon Books.
The hero pulps — Doc Savage, The Spider, The Shadow, etc — did have a big impact on my approach to the Batman cartoons. It’s something I tried to inject into the show from early on, the atmosphere, danger and illicit excitement, and especially that Norvell Page-type feeling of impending doom — the «doomed city» mood. It’s also why I set the sense in a timeless, 40s-styled world of big cars, padded shoulders, gangsters, shadowy streets, etc. I only wish we’d gone farther with it.  
For instance, my original version of Batman himself was actually close to the Shadow: rarely seen close-up, speaking in short, clipped phrases, more mysterious, literally. I wanted to play him cold and remote, almost unhuman. But the network and our various story editors would have none of that!  «We need to humanize him», «He needs to have a sense of humor», «We need to more about Bruce Wayne, the person», etc! Whereas I could care less about Bruce Wayne! He’s much more fascinating if you don’t know what he’s thinking, or what drives him.
A few «Shadowy» touches did survive. Batman is rarely seen be the public, almost never on TV. Even when dealing with the police, he’s usually off in shadows conferring with Commissioner Gordon only. And when he’s in the Batcave, he’s almost always in costume. My way of saying he’s Batman, not the other guy, not Bruce Wayne. Like Lamon Cranston, his true, «legal» identity is a facade.
I’ d love to do straight-ahead pulp hero adaptation someday. Doc or The Shadow or The Spider, either in comics or animation, without the senseless updating and over-explaining «character development» like in the Alec Baldwin-Shadow-fiasco-film.  
Gary Lovisi: Your stunning covers for my Hardboiled mag are very popular with everyone who sees them. What are your feelings on hardboiled crime-related art?
Bruce Timm: It’s hard, actually, to define «crime-fiction» art. There’s pulp crime-fiction art, and digest crime-fiction art, both of which cross over with paperback crime-fiction art. Basically, I’m a fan of good illustration. Period. Regardless of subject matter. Composition, emotionally intensity, color and lighting effects are what I look for. And pretty girls, of course!   
My favorite pulp crime artist is H. J. Ward, hands down. Gorgeous gals in twisty curvy poses, painted in luscious, creamy, wet-on-wet oil technique. My favorite paperback artists include Robert McGinnis, Robert Maguire, and Mitchell Hooks, the usual suspects.
My approach to the Hardboiled covers is different from my earlier «homage» work. When the covers were black and white, I used to experiment with different b&w textures, coquille board, zip-a-tone, xeroxed newsprint, whatever worked. Now that I’m doing them in color, I’m trying to make them as exciting and eye-catching as possible, with loud color, sexy gals, exaggerated action, and simple, graphic, almost cartoony styling.
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meowmeowmeowmeow4x · 6 months
Dark Blue Moon and the Suffering Sun Part 3
Danny would guess they'd gone about 20 miles by the time he'd stopped. They were well within Siren Territory by then, not that that was any comfort, considering the source of most of the trouble in the last six months, but distance was distance. Thankfully, none of his usual enemies bothered to rear their heads, likely licking their wounds from their last encounters.
In a tiny cave blocked off by kelp and coral, Danny leaned back against a wall and caught his breath. Damian had been silent for most of the swim, which was a small blessing. It let Danny think; think about what happens next. The tiny siren loosened himself from Danny's arms, and did a few cursory flaps of his fins.
"Where have you been taking me?" Damian mumbled.
"Around. Can't exactly double back to Amity right now." He hoped Bruce Wayne was an accepting man. He'd adopted kids from all manner of backrounds, but that didn''t help the same nagging uncertainty that plagued him whenever he thought about his own parents. If he'd just doomed Damian to a life without his father, he didn't know if he could live with himself.
Damian floated to the other side of the cave, his eyes on Danny the whole time, arms crossed in a scowling expression.
"And then?"
"I don't know. I give you back to your dad? I wasn't exactly planning out every step earlier."
"Then what were you thinking?" Damian's eyes narrowed in suspicion. "Do you suggest I return to the public, to school looking like this? I can hardly breathe over water, let alone walk."
"I don't know! I just..." Danny poked his finger webbing. "I've been doing this for six months. And the whole time, even if it was hard and painful, I never lost someone. No one ever, well." Danny swallowed thickly.
Damian huffed. "You are a poor excuse of a hero."
"I failed you, there's no denying it. I was too late, and I let you drown. I'm sorry. There was no other way, I swear."
Danny looked up to Damian again, but the smaller boy looked away, his expression unreadable. "Take me back."
Yeah, that wasp probably the best he could do for Damian now. Bruce Wayne was probably having the mother of all freakouts, and if Damian never wanted to see Danny again, then that was fine. He was sure the world's richest man would be able to accommodate Damian's needs just fine. Rich people were weird like that.
It took some begrudging glares, but Damian at least allowed Danny to take his hand and use his much better swimming skills, but Damian didn't look very happy about it. Then again, today was probably the worst day in the kid's life.
They were approaching the island at rapid pace, its lustrous palm trees swaying in the distance, a promise of stability, and safety at last.
Motors hummed in the water. Danny's blood froze. Immediately he submerged and ducked near the sea floor.
"What is this delay for? Let me see." Damian pushed against Danny's hand, but the older boy kept firm.
"Patrol boats. Dozens of them. And they're all on high alert. And they've got Fenton tech. Shit."
"Can't you swim past them?"
Danny sputtered. What was this kid thinking? He wasn't some god of the sea! "I can't fight thirty boats by myself! They're gonna skewer us both!"
"What about your camouflage?"
"That would've worked a couple months ago, but these guys have got Fenton Sonars."
Damian did a double take. "The Fentons? You mean the town crackpots?"
Ouch, his parents were a little obsessed, but they definitely weren't crazy. Not anymore. "The town siren hunters. And yeah maybe Jack's not great at hunting, but their inventions work. I've got a scar or two to prove it."
"My father is on that island." Damian growled. "You have to do something."
"But it's not your dad on those boats, is it?" Danny furrowed his brow. "Those guys don't see you as human, or even sentient. They think you're another monster to be studied."
"No thanks to you." Damian challenged.
Danny growled back. "I was saving you! And now you wanna be un-saved?"
They glared into each other's eyes. Danny should really feel bad about squaring up to this literal child, but man was he difficult not to get annoyed at. Deep breaths, Danny, deep breaths. This was going to be more difficult than he imagined.
Damian glared at Phantom, the supposed siren superhero of Amity Park. He wanted to scream, to yell and to cut something open, preferably Phantom, if he weren't his only ticket home, and if only he had his weapons on him.
Such a loss of composure would be beneath him, so he remained stubbornly defiant.
As much as he wished for it not to be the case, Phantom was in all likelihood correct. This horrid, horrid body was new to him. Dozens, no, hundreds of foreign sensations flared from every part of his person, each impulse sending his body wobbling in new, unexpected directions. He would never get through the blockade on his own, which killed half of his initial plans. These blasted sonars killed the other half.
Damian grit his teeth. "Fine." He said, despite the embarrassment welling up at having to admit defeat. "But this conversation is not over."
"I bet." Phantom said, the infuriating cur.
By Damian's estimates, it should have been around midnight when Phantom stopped. They took refuge underneath a larger cave, filled with sparse furniture, a rug and some tables, with dark green curtains over the entrance. Small glowing jellyfish provided faint light. It seemed like the hopelessly domestic scene Jonathan would enjoy.
Damian slithered (He didn't crawl or shuffle. He was too dignified) into the corner of the cave, where he assumed a defensive position and poured all his seething hatred into glaring at Phantom.
"Welcome to Casa de Phantom! Or at least one of them. I've got a couple hideouts here and there. I'd say 'make yourself at home,' but I guess you beat me to the punch." Phantom said with a laugh. How dare he!
Damian hissed. "Tt. I am taking advantage of the opportunity for respite while taking necessary precaution against a rogue element."
"A rogue element? I don't know if you're serious or just pulling my tailfin."
"Do not test me, Phantom."
"Right. Look, I'm gonna go get us some food, so just stay put or something or other. I won't be long and then we can talk about where we go next. Oh, and don't touch anything!"
Damian growled at him again for good measure. Phantom exited the cave in short order, leaving Damian with ample opportunity for investigation. He wouldn't be a Robin if he didn't seize this opportunity.
Damian uncoiled himself and pulled his body along the soft sand. The grains tickled and pricked at his scales. The tables held a number of different gadgets and tools. Human clothes like t-shirts, a few vests and belts were scattered around. The bench held various strange devices, like a glowing blue lipstick, and a thermos of all things. Damian knocked on the thermos, the clanging sound confirming it was hollow. The most incriminating detail of all, however, was the distinctive F logo branded onto the side of each and every device.
How does a siren with no legs acquire so many inventions from siren hunters? He supposes they really are better siren hunting inventors than proper fighters. It was a miracle Jack Fenton hadn't drowned by now, considering how he conducted himself in a fight.
The thermos was lightweight, its metal settling gently against his webbed hands. Videos of Phantom's exploits have been scarce, and grainy, showing very few useable details. Various buttons and lights adorned the thermos, showing it was no ordinary soup holder.
Damian popped the cap off. The thermos' interior contained a circular mechanism of some kind. "What in the world?" Surely this could not be a weapon. The cylindrical design and lack of handholds would have made it too unwieldy. The kickback from any shot would throw off the wielder's aim every time. As Damian peered and tried to get a closer look, his finger slipped on one of the buttons. Blast.
The thermos whined. Its interior glowed blindingly bright. Before Damian could react, a blue beam engulfed his body. Damian felt his body warp and compress into a tiny space, before his vision went dark.
Damian awoke, vision blurry and head pounding. Phantom's smug face floated above him.
"And that's why I told you not to touch anything."
Damian shook off the grogginess and sat up, almost colliding with Phantom's face. "What manner of trap was that? Were you attempting to disfigure me once again for your sick pleasure?! En garde!"
Damian was no good swimmer in this form, but it was easy to launch himself off the floor and into Phantom. Phantom, for his part, didn't sit idly like the last time. He raised his arm and blocked off Damian's access to his neck, a shame, but that did not stop Damian sinking his teeth into Phantom's flesh.
That is, if he could actually penetrate his skin.
Damian blinked in shock. Sirens were supposed to have razor sharp teeth. He'd seen those fangs in Phantom's own mouth. He should be drawing blood right now, but as he was he was barely denting Phantom's scales.
Phantom laughed, as if it just tickled. "Dude, I literally let you out of the thermos. It's not a 'trAP to diSFiguRe yOu fOR mY sIcK PleaSuRe,' it's just a containment device for sirens. Also can you stop that please, it tickles."
Damian flung himself off of Phantom's arm, retreating back into his corner. "How have I not drawn blood?! This is madness!" Damian sucked in breaths through his gills, an endlessly foreign and vulnerating sensation. "The only useful thing about this body was supposed to be its natural offensive capabilities, yet it is unable to achieve even that!"
"Siren kids just have blunter claws and teeth. Youngblood's the same."
"Do not call me a child!"
"Your claws will grow in over time, it's just the nature of things."
"You say that as if you will not return me to my true human form."
Phantom shifted uncomfortably.
Damian pressed. "Well?"
"Yeah about that..."
"Do not tell me you have no way to reverse it!"
Phantom's look of guilt sealed it. Damian's heart sank. Goodbye Robin, goodbye previous life. All his hard work and sacrifice for naught. Phantom had saved him from death by drowning, but suddenly Damian felt as if he were better off dead anyway.
Tears built up. What was happening to him? He hadn't cried since he was five years old, a show of weakness that grandfather had beaten out of him. Then again, he was really one year old back then, artificially grown to a competent age.
"H-hey, d-don't cry or anything, I was just-"
"I am not crying!" Damian shouted. He turned away from Phantom and stuffed his face into his tail, praying somehow the tears would go away on their own. He was Damian Wayne, son of Batman and daughter of Talia Al Ghul, there was no such thing as crying for him, none at all. There had been nothing, absolutely nothing he had been unable to overcome. He was going to overcome this, no matter what. These things he knew.
Why had this feeling not abated?
There had to be a solution, there just had to be. There had to be some kind of surgery that could split his tail into legs again. No that was absurd, what kind of quack surgeon can completely alter someone's species? Perhaps magic instead? Normally he hated the involvement of magic, but if it was the only way. Perhaps Zatara could assist, or he could pawn something off to that Constantine. But nothing ever good happened from associating with that man. Or maybe Aquaman would have a solution, someone well versed in oceanic magic, except Aquaman's claim of being king of the ocean was doubtful considering the siren attacks that lead him and Father to this forsaken resort town in the first place. What if... What if....
Damian felt lightheaded.
A weight pressed on Damian's body. Warm scales against his own, their individual texture segmented, but smooth, like a kind of weighted blanket. A hand laid on his shoulder. Damian remembered where he was, remembered to perform the mental exercises Father had taught him.
Slowly, his breathing evened out. His fins steadied into a gentle lull. Damian's eyelids felt heavy. His chest vibrated in a strange rhythm he couldn't place...
Suddenly the weight disappeared, and Damian blinked himself awake. Phantom retreated a sociable distance away, looking sheepish.
"Sorry, about touching you without your consent, I just saw you were hyperventilating, and I remembered a few classes about this stuff, and I watched that film too, Puss in Boots 2, it was great and-"
"Do sirens watch human media often?" Damian said. He gripped his tail, something solid to keep him anchored.
Phantom seemed to freeze for a moment. "Uhm well, maybe they do! just because we're sirens doesn't mean we're uncultured!"
Damian would have loved to pick this information apart, scan it for weaknesses until he knew this person in and out, but at this moment, he simply sat and let it settle underneath the shame of expressing similar, or even more weakness.
"Speak of this to anyone, and I will have your head."
"Yeah that would be a dick move, so if I ever did that, feel free to take it."
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ghost-bxrd · 4 months
You know, in the interests of tormenting Calvin further...
The earlier prompt about Cal being sent to assassinate Dick and recognition at the last moment?
Let's make it angstier in true Bat fashion.
The Court wants Dick dead as a warning to Bruce Wayne (not Batman) and they want a nasty death. Hence, poison. Some kind of court made horrible stuff that takes a few bad hours to kill.
Calvin is told only really bad guys get dosed with it, and he figures okay.
Except this time. He recognises Dick. But only after wounding him with the poison weapon.
Anyone wounded with it is definitely doomed... Unless they have access to a demon princess' power, along with Atlantean/Amazonian/Kryptonian tech/magic to call upon.
No way the Titans will let some nutcases kill their leader. A cure is found in time and Dick is fine.
But Calvin has no idea of that... especially since the Bats decided Dick Grayson had better play dead for a bit till they figure out who put a hit on him and why.
Omg that— that would be horrifying. Calvin, who’s enough of a sweetheart to agonize over killing bad people… thinking he killed Dick would absolutely destroy him. Self destruction sequence, activated.
I can absolutely see this progressing with Calvin running away from the Court (maybe after killing the person that ordered the hit on Dick?) and straight into the arms of one of the Bats. Deliberately.
He’s not trying to run. He’s not trying to escape. He just wants it all to stop
(He killed his best friend he killed his best friend he killed his best friend-)
Dick almost has a stroke when they drag Calvin into the Cave and the guy doesn’t stop begging them to make it stop.
Oh! Look at that, we can even go the route of Calvin thinking Dick is a hallucination! A very kind hallucination that even hugs him and allows Calvin to hug him back!
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butcherlarry · 8 months
Weekly Fic Recs 52
Fun fact! When I moved to the Philadelphia area in 2017, they won the Superbowl! Then, when I moved to the Kansas City area in 2023, they won (coincidently, they also played against the Eagles, the Philly team)! I'm not saying I'm lucky, but if any city with an NFL team wants me to move to their city, I have reasonable rates :)
Anyway, if you don't watch sports, here are some fics you can read instead! :)
Flatline by dragonpyre - Batfam, complete. While out on patrol, Jason gets dosed with a paralytic drug that also makes his heartbeat almost unnoticeable. The batfam finds him and FEELS ensue.
The Same Coin by SorryIWasAsleep - Superbat, wip. SOULMATES AU MY BELOVED. Identity porn and miscommunication for EXTRA FLAVOR.
Is This Real Life? by shanahane - Batfam, complete. Stories where Bruce takes his kids to get their wisdom teeth out. Shenanigans (and feels) ensue.
La clarté dans la confusion by thebatandtherobe - Superbat (with a side of Bruceman), wip. More Superbat and Bruceman shenanigans!
The Antithesis Of Magic by Ghxst_Bird - Batfam, wip. Jason adopts a 10 year old Bruce from an other dimension. Shenanigans ensue.
Luminosis, Tenebrarum by Chirobattery - Batcat, complete. WING FIC WING FIC WING FIC!!!!!!! Selina grooms Bruce's wings. Much feels ensue.
Banana Muffin by Mawiiish - Superbat, complete. A reread for me :D Bruce gets poisoned at a gala and calls for Superman for help. For some reason, this (handsome) guy named Clark helps him out.
echoes in the dark by inkstainedwretch - Batcat, complete. Featuring Battinson! Mostly PWP, but with many feels. MY FAVORITE :)
Uncharitable Trust by bitochondria - Superbat, complete. Identity Shenanigans! Clark doesn't trust that Bruce Wayne guy and thinks he's Batman. The Daily Planet team go to a Bruce Wayne gala and Shenanigans ensue (along with sexy shenanigans!). Both Clark and Bruce are gremlins, it's perfect :)
make a mercy out of me by InkDropMemories - Batfam, complete. BATMAN CAGE FIGHT?!?!?! TO PROTECT NIGHTWING AND FLASH?!?!? A MUST READ!!!!!!!!!!! (do it, pls)
Take Me Where I Cannot Stand by RenkonNairu - Superbat (both large and medium), wip. I love this concept! The fic did an Uno Reverse card on the doomed planets: Earth is destroyed by climate change, and the batfam (Bruce, Dick, Tim, and Damian) are on a ship to find a new home. They find Krypton. Many feels ensue, especially since Bruce didn't want to go, he want Alfred to be with the boys instead while he stayed on Earth :( SO GOOD!
Patchwork Pod by Ktkat9 - Superbat, wip. More of the mer Bruce fic!! Much drama happens when Tim's parents show up!
Champagne Problems by SalParadiseLost - Superbat and Batfam, wip. More of Himbo omega Bruce who is bad at math. The three kids who he adopted (kinda) are introduced!
Happy Reading!
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damianbugs · 8 months
thoughts on bruce x jack drake?
hello anon apologies for the late reply but when i first received this ask i immediately assumed there was a leak in mine and @plutoslvr messages because we were literally talking about it about two seconds beforehand. i could barely sleep that night.
my thoughts are that old man yaoi is so enjoyable when it's just slightly ridiculous and entirely impossible. there are three ideal sections of the brujack ship (enjoyed by population NO ONE, apparently, but with our combined efforts i imagine we can spark this flame):
rivals to lovers
bruce wayne vs wanting to bone people who want him dead
doomed by the narrative
1. rivals to lovers.
bruce and jack competing in the worlds most intense "who is the best average-leaning-towards-okay dad" battle. trying to outperform in casual "okay dad" actions to win "okay dad" points from tim, something that is totally normal and entirely possible (jack is always in the lead and bruce has not yet realised that he will never overtake him).
this one is so fucking funny to me. silly events such as them fighting on who gets to take tim to his school events, comprising on taking turns (for tim's sake, not because they want to) or attending them together (the pta now think bruce wayne and jack drake are in a relationship). jacks like im taking tim to the skate park and bruce is like well i told tim i'd take him to lunch — now it's bruce and jack taking their kid to the park then lunch together and the paparazzi have no idea how to headline this.
i imagine eventually tim can't handle this truly bizarre tension filled dynamic anymore so he cancels last minute and bruce and jack are like, well, we've already booked a table at this super expensive restaurant AND that cool movie afterwards, so we might as well make use of them.
at some point the "i HAVE to one up the other guy to impress my son" becomes "i HAVE to one up the other guy to impress our son AND so he realises how i'm obviously a catch"
i imagine eventually when they form some sort of established relationship ("do not call me your damn boyfriend, bruce, are we fifteen?") the rivalry doesn't really stop, but it's far more fond and well, tim's just glad he doesn't need to set aside two days a week to make sure he spends time with each of them.
2. bruce wayne vs wanting to bone people who want him dead
now we all know bruce's ideal type is someone who is either a) actively a danger to his life or b) was at some point more inclined to being a danger in his life or a secret third thing that is c) would become a danger to his life if pushed slightly in that direction. we've no time to psychoanalyse this but it's hardly a point that needs to be explained after taking a look at his long list of exes.
now, after this, is it truly out of the realm of possibility that after jack drake finds out that bruce wayne is the fucking batman and is to partly blame for tim's dangerous life choices he stomps over to the man's house and threatens to SHOOT HIM, that bruce wants him carnally. my exact words when reading this scene was "rather reservedly, i imagine this level of foolish and almost stupid bravery impressed bruce, regardless if it it was for entirely unselfish reasons on jack's part or if it was genuinely out of care for tim" i then say "i also think this would have moved bruce, emotionally, figuratively, poetically, sexually WOAH"
we all know that canonically when bruce falls in love or becomes even slightly interested in someone, he goes STUPID and impulsive. he's sending jack rare artefacts and really specific gifts and throwing galas with the sole purpose of inviting jack all without even considering that is actually not a normal response to have after someone threatens to kill you. perhaps he doesn't even realise this is something more than just paranoid obsession, and he tries to rationalise it like "i'm only trying to convince him to come with me to the museum so i can work out what kind of person he is in casual date settings and also to kiss him WAIT"
this one is funny if jack is just not interested at all and he's like okay what the fuck what kind of mind games is this guy trying to pull. tim is your mentor trying to tell me something through the purchase of these front seat opera house tickets and tim is like i can't believe this is real life i hope this is all a nightmare this can't be happening to me. bruce is hopelessly infatuated and jack is like don't think i won't file a restraining order against you BATMAN.
or it can get funnier if jack is like I WONT FALL FOR YOUR SEDUCTION TECHNIQUES BATMAN (proceeds to fall for batman's seduction techniques).
bonus alfred is actively praying on jacks downfall (canon) and is experiencing war flashbacks when bruce begins to display lovesick behaviour
3. doomed by the narrative
now as you may have noticed most of these work before the bright red alarm that is JACK DRAKE'S TRAGIC DEATH. his death in and of itself is already so sad, because he was changing, he was better and tim was so close to having everything he wanted, and jack was truly hopeful to be present and good to his son.
if we now throw in the mix of this shortlived romance, wherein canon bruce is already swamped with guilt about janet's death and feels as though he OWES it to tim to save jack as well, it becomes all the more heartbreaking. i would actually change nothing about how it happened in canon. jack still leaves that phone call for tim, tim and bruce still race to get to him, tim still finds his father's dead body and bruce still holds tim away from the corpse.
because the best part about this potential relationship is that it is born from the shared want to look after tim. it's what connects them and what causes any sort of interaction between them. so even at this point, bruce's first priority is tim, because it will always be tim first, but also because that is what jack would have wanted from him.
just another love for bruce to hide in his heart, let it consume and damage him, let it make him colder and harder to approach, another layer on this already unbreakable foundation. it probably causes problems between tim and bruce, for the sake of mourning but not reacting and simply because loss can make people very unkind. bruce's guilt is now more than just what he already feels for somehow failing tim, but also for not being able to save someone he loves, again.
OR jack lives au and bruce is even MORE obsessed and insufferable about it and tim literally has to help his own dad break out of the manor because batman is holding jack hostage (bedrest for almost dying).
or we have our obligatory bruce wayne "I almost lost you, so now im going to push you away for both our sake" arc to which Jack drake probably threatens to shoot bruce again and then they do it silly HAPPY ENDING EVERYONE GO HOME
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anxiousnerdwritings · 2 years
💕Love Letter WIPs💕
Yandere Brother!Bruce Wayne to sibling!Reader dating Guy Gardner (platonic)
Yandere Bruce Wayne to Unwilling!Biological!Kid!Reader who becomes Deathstroke’s apprentice (platonic)
Yandere Bruce Wayne to Horror!Author!Reader (platonic)
Yandere Step!Dad!Bruce Wayne to Step!Child!Reader (platonic)
Yandere Connor Kent (romantic)
Yandere Damian Wayne to Jokerized!Twin!Reader (platonic)
Yandere Arkhamverse!Riddler/Edward Nygma (romantic)
Yandere Beast Boy/Garfield Logan (romantic)
Yandere Jason Todd to Horror!Author!Reader (romantic)
Yandere Joker to Horror!Author!Reader (platonic)
Yandere Stalker!Batwoman/Kate Kane (romantic) [TW: self harm]
Yandere Lena Luthor to Fem!Horror!Author!Reader (romantic)
Yandere Talia al Ghul to Damian’s Twin!Reader (platonic)
Yandere Ted Grant (romantic)
Yandere Ted Grant to Biological!Kid!Reader (platonic)
Yandere Inertia/Thaddeus Thawne to Bart’s Civilian!Friend!Reader (romantic)
Yandere Wally West to Hero!Reader (platonic)
Yandere Daken/Akihiro to Logan’s Platonic!darling!Reader (platonic)
Yandere Erik Lehnsherr (platonic)
Yandere Mom!Emma Frost to Child!Reader (platonic)
Yandere Frank Castle (platonic)
Yandere Blob/Fred Dukes (romantic) {angsty}
Yandere Kraven the Hunter to Escaped!Darling!Reader (romantic)
Yandere Brother!Wolverine/Logan Howlett to Surrogate!Sibling!Reader (platonic)
Yandere Toad/Mortimer Toynbee to Villain!Reader (romantic)
Yandere Teacher!Natasha Romanoff to College!Student!Reader
Yandere Peggy Carter (platonic)
Yandere Fanboy!Peter Maximoff to Musician!Reader (romantic)
Yandere Thor Odinson to Child!Reader (platonic)
Yandere Sabertooth/Victor Creed (platonic)
Yandere Doctor Doom/Victor von Doom to Unwilling!Child!Reader (platonic)
Game of Thrones/ASOIAF
Yandere Robert Baratheon to Friend!Reader (platonic)
Yandere Cersei Lannister to Baratheon!Reader (romantic)
Yandere Cersei Lannister to Joanna!lookalike!Reader (platonic) COMPLETED/POSTED
Yandere Oberyn Martell to Stark!Reader pt2 (platonic)
Yandere Rhaella Targaryen (romantic)
Yandere Grandpa!Tywin Lannister to Joanna!lookalike!Reader (platonic)
Yandere Alicent Hightower to Viserys’!Sickly!Brother!Reader (romantic) COMPLETED/POSTED
Yandere Aegon II Targaryen to Septa!Reader (romantic)
Yandere Daemon to his and Rhea’s child!Reader (platonic)
Yandere Helaena Targaryen to Handmaiden!Reader (romantic)
Yandere Maegor the Cruel (romantic)
Yandere Severus Snape to Lily!lookalike!Reader (platonic) [Harry Potter]
Yandere Draco Malfoy to Hufflepuff!Reader (romantic) [Harry Potter]
Yandere Brother!Regulus Black to thirdborn!sibling!Reader (platonic) [HarryPotter/Marauders Era]
Yandere Mariano Guzman to Madrigal!Reader (romantic) [Encanto]
Yandere Klaus Mikaelson to Escaped!Reader (romantic) [The Orginials]
Yandere Bela Dimitrescu (romantic) [Resident Evil]
Yandere Stalker!Donatello (romantic) [TMNT]
Yandere Galadriel to Human!Reader (romantic) [Lord of the Rings]
(+some anime love letters from my sideblog)
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Five nights at Freddy’s but it's Batman.
If you were expecting this to make sense....Don't.
I started ranting about this while half asleep.
I'm not following any time line just game order.
Also we're skipping fnaf 2.
Barbara Gordon is Charlotte "Charlie" Emily.
She is killed by Joe Chill aka the Joker aka William Afton aka the Purple Guy.
Her father, Jim Gordon aka Henry Emily is devastated. He has no idea how this occurred.
Not a clue.
Totally didn't see the purple car at the crime scene.
A purple car he sees every morning.
... Nope.
He goes to the cops but it's Gotham so they don't do shit.
However, because it's Gotham Batman shows up to help.
But unfortunately no one knows who killed poor Babs so gotta do some investigating.
Also there's been a string of dissappearances around the restaurant.
People are loving calling it "the missing children's incident."
And the cops are doing nothing so Batman is also investigating that and wonders if the two are connected.
Bat's makes the great decision to go undercover as a nighttime security guard.
And despite the fact he is very clearly billionaire Bruce Wayne in a security uniform.
No one recognises him.
He is now Mike Schmidt.
... You know still a better name for his cover than Matches Malone.
And because I recently watched Batman: The Doom that came to Gotham.
Great, one of the weirdest things I've ever watched.
... Don't watch it if you like Talia because... Yikes.
Anyway, so Bruce is very much on his fear works because villians are superstitious and cowardly.
I don't believe in magic, everything can be explained by science.
...And than Golden Freddy bursts into the office.
Had to rework a few things than.
It takes him less than 5 nights to figure it all out.
Beats the shit out of and gets Joe Chill arrested.
But it's Gotham and FNAF so it doesn't even go that far.
Not that they know for years later.
During this time Bruce adopts another kid, Jason.
Yeah Dick is here but he left to another city.
He's officially the smart one.
No he doesn't have a character equivalent he's just... There.
Jason however later turns out to be Jason Chill aka the son of Joe Chill.
Aka this worlds Michael Afton.
Gets wind his real father isnt Willis Todd but Joe Chill.
Goes after him, despite him being in hiding for years.
Does this by working at Fazbear Frights as a nighttime security guard.
Witnesses Joe Chill destroying the animatronics.
Releasing the spirits and causing Joe Chill to back into his Spring lock suite.
Multiple springlock failures occure.
Jason gets on tape that he's the murderer and killed Barbara Gordon.
Bruce and Jim show up and together they set the place on fire with Joe Chill's body inside.
But no body is ever found.
One of the old locations starts up again.
Bruce finds out Joe Chill had another son, and adopts him.
Leaving out the whole... We set him on fire.. Maybe.
This kid is Tim Chill aka the crying child.
Who Jason likes to mess with and Tim messes with him back in turn.
Jason plays a seemingly harmless prank on Tim... That he ends up taking too far.
And in his defence no one knew that the Golden Freddy animatronic had the jaw strength of a shark.
Bruce goes into mourning.
The body goes missing.
Jason wanting to fix things does his own investigation and finds Circus Baby's entertainment and rentals.
Ran by Chill robotics.
Turns out Joe Chill decided to literally put his child back together.
And infused Baby with his remnant.
His lil clown.
Though both sides of Tim, both Joker Jr and the brother of Jason fight over Jason's fate.
Whether he should live or die.
Joker Jr I mean Baby wins and Jason is scooped.
Dick, who was staying in Gotham for Tim's funeral, realises Jason has gone missing.
And goes out to search for him.
Finding the his brother now a disturbing shade of purple and an undead zombie.
Gets Jason back home, Jason is basically catatonic only repeating "You won't die, you won't die" over and over.
Bruce gives him a big hug, apologising for blaming Jason and pushing him away.
Though Jason is convinced Tim's fate is his fault.
He ends up puking up Ennard, which Bruce captures and puts in the Batcave.
They take what's left of Baby and upload Tim's consciousness to a robotic version of him Jim just... Had on hand.
Along with a robot Barbara.
... Yeah don't, don't worry about it.
Jason apologises profusely, Tim calls him a dumbass, things are finally right with the world.
Butt this isn't enough for Jim who realises an animatronic can't replace his Barbara.
Decides if I can't have my happy ending none of you can.
Has a redo birthday party for Tim and sets the place on fire.
... Except it does literally nothing and Bruce shoves him in Arkham and just takes Babs back with him.
Way to go smart guy.
Damian Wayne aka Gregory shows up at some point. He got told he couldn't go to the pizzaplex.
And went anyway.
Gave everyone a heart attack, stole Glamrock Freddy and made a friend in Cassandra Cain aka Vanessa.
A trained assassin who Joe Chill was trying to hypnotise into killing for him.
They tried to kill each other if the cause of a night so they're friends now.
Bruce adopts another child all is well with the world.
Until Jonathan Kent aka Cassie shows up because of a fake message luring him to the pizzaplex saying Damian was in danger.
The mimic gets it's butt kicked, Bruce lectures Clark about not keeping an eye on his son.
The hypocrite.
And everyone goes home.
Oh and Jim and his wife got divorced when Babs died.
His wife taking and raising their son, James Gordon Jr aka Sammy Emily.
Who's just off living life and is still a serial killer.
Soo... Yeah.
... Idk what this is but it exists now.
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l0vergirls · 1 year
i think i'm in love with you.
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— tim drake x gn!reader
— summary: you and tim confess your feelings for each other on a regular afternoon.
— a/n: probably ooc tim idk, no plot just vibes tbh
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Sunlight spilled through your bedroom window, landing perfectly on your undone bed. Your abandoned but completed school work lay still on your desk. You let out a deep sigh– you weren’t supposed to be done this early. The sound of your alarm woke you up the second the sun rose– This is a day of productivity, you said. Only, you didn’t count just how much work you had to do, and completely overestimated it. The subjects you worked on were easy, nothing you couldn’t handle alone. Now, you had an entire day free, but you didn’t know what to do with yourself. 
Until the soft ping! of your phone had stolen your attention. You dragged your hands across the wrinkled blankets, and grabbed your phone from the night stand. Your little device had been left unattended for the hours you kept yourself busy, causing a flood of notifications, most of which were from your best friend, Tim. 
bestest buddy <3: y/n??? hello??? 
bestest buddy <3: HEY where are you
bestest buddy <3: can i come over
bestest buddy <3: ok doesn’t matter i'm coming in a couple hours anyway
His comical series of texts made you smile. There was never a dull day if Tim had anything to do with it. Sent 12:38 pm, it read. It was currently 2:00 pm, where was he? Unless he got told off by his father, or just suddenly decided not to come (highly unlikely. he likes the food in your kitchen too much), he should be here, if not sooner. 
You hurriedly made up your bed, not caring whether it was messy or not, and pulled on some hoodie you found laying on your chair. Leaving your room, you were met with the smell of your mother’s delicious cooking. You took quick steps down the stairs, and made a beeline for the kitchen. However, before you could head to the kitchen, you saw a rather amusing sight at the dining table.
It was your best friend, currently eating lunch with your mom. They seemed to be enjoying good conversation. Or your mom did, at least. Tim mostly just sat quietly, too focused on his food to speak. You always underestimated his appetite.
“Wow, eating without me? Thanks, guys,” you teased, ruffling your best friend’s already messy hair, earning a chuckle from your mom. 
“When did you get here?” you turned your attention to Tim, who took his sweet time finishing his plate. He dressed comfortably, you noticed, as always. Not that it ever affected how good he always looked. Plus, under all the fairly loose clothing hid a pretty toned body thanks to his nightly activities. You’ve had the pleasure of getting a peek or two before. 
Tim’s fond gaze went from the food on his plate to your eyes, a smile on his lips. “Not too long ago. Your mom just finished cooking when I came,” he tilted his head to the side very slightly, “and I was pretty hungry, so… I had to eat before I went up to you.”
You couldn’t help but let out a chuckle, “Oh, nice to know where your priorities lie.” You took a seat across him, your mother at the head of the table. 
The rest of lunch was filled with catching up, gossip (courtesy of your mom), and talks of school, unfortunately.
Now, here the two of you were, in your room. You weren’t doing anything, aside from doom scrolling (much of your attention span had been ruined long ago) through various social media apps, and so was Tim, who you were currently admiring.
The sunlight perfectly accentuates the curve of his nose, the color of his eyes that you can (and would gladly) easily get lost in. His dark hair frames his features just right. Your eyes somehow drop down to his lips, a pretty and pale pink and currently in a small pout. You wonder if he realizes this. 
To most of the world, he was Tim Drake, adopted son of the billionaire Bruce Wayne. To criminals, he was Red Robin, a fearsome vigilante. To you, he was just Tim, your best friend who likes cracking jokes that you swear aren’t funny (they are, sometimes, but you’d never tell him that), accompanies you to the supermarket to do the groceries, and stays up all night with you when you can’t sleep. And you’re pretty sure you’re in love with him.
Tim feels your eyes on him. You don’t know this, of course. But suddenly he’s aware of his breathing (too fast? too slow? oh, his heart’s moving quite quickly now), his posture (is he slouched? that’s no good. but he can’t be too stiff either–), and his hair (is it messy? is that why they’re looking? oh, god–)
You’re very close to him now. Too close. Not that he minds. He never does, as long as it’s you. He feels your elbow against his, as you both sit up on your bed. He feels your shoulder lightly bumping against his.
You let out a small sigh, unbelieving that you’re doing this right now. 
“I think I’m in love with you.”
It takes him a while to register what you’ve said, but you don’t mind waiting. You understand.
You hear him let out a shaky breath, and you wonder if you’ve made a mistake. 
“I’m in love with you too.” 
Your eyes meet his, and you feel yourself lean into him. You give him a small smile, but your eyes give you away; they’re brighter than they’ve ever been.
“How long?”
He mirrors your smile, only a bit bigger. No, a lot bigger. He can’t really contain his feelings right now. His hands find yours, a gentle warmth radiating from his. You felt safe; you always felt safe with him. 
“A while, I think. You?”
“Not sure. A long time, maybe. I just felt like telling you now.” 
“Wanna go on a date?”
“Right now?”
“Okay, but you’re paying.”
“When do I not?”
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fiera-writes · 6 months
Alright, so. I finally rewatched Megamind after meaning to for like two weeks or so, basically ever since the sequel movie came out. And for several reasons, nooot a fan of how the sequel was handled honestly. So, I thought with the original movie fresh in my mind, I could try to brainstorm a couple things I might have done with a sequel.
To start with, the Doom Syndicate. The original movie makes no reference to Megamind knowing any other villains, let alone ever working with them in the past. So, if they were to be included I feel it should be more in a "Oh I've heard of them, they're from that one town a couple states over" way. Acquaintances at best.
But then again, the original movie also seems to imply that if there are any other superheroes or villains, they're pretty dang rare. This isn't The Incredibles where some people are just born with super powers. I mean, no one from out of town came to try and stop Megamind after he "killed" Metro Man. With Titan/Tighten it all happened within a day so less time for outsiders to react, but Megamind had control of the city for a good while there.
So, if we want to keep the Doom Syndicate... it would need to be handled differently. Also get rid of that brain "Mentor" character. I don't really have any ideas for how, except...
Perhaps they're originally fictional in-universe, from a Saturday morning cartoon or a video game or something. One way or another, they're made real and now Megamind has to stop them and probably make them fictional again. Could also be achieved with a different set of villains.
Another way to do a new villain could be Dimensional travel. Say there's some sort of a Bizarro universe, where Metro Man was evil and Megamind was good to start with. Or both were evil and teamed up to do evil. In any case, Alternate Universe Evil Metro Man gets transported to the main universe, causes mayhem. Might even force the Metro Man we know out of retirement temporarily, or not. If he does show up in public, would probably make an excuse of how he's also from some other universe specifically summoned to help out, thus explaining why he's gone again afterwards. Dude just wants to make music.
To add, the dimensional traveling villain doesn't even need to be a version of Metro Man, they could also be anyone else. Some other alien, a dude who fell into acid and got powers from it, idk man.
Hear me out, an Evil Spider-Man of sorts. That is, someone who starts out as a normal human being, perhaps an outcast, and by some twist of fate receives powers, which they proceed to use for evil. Might be re-treading Hal's deal a little but idk what I'm doing anymore.
Evil Bruce Wayne? A rich guy with weird gadgets and the skill to use them, for evil. Would probably be harder to pull off since Megamind's whole deal is how smart he is.
A Mad Scientist type. Megamind is an Evil Scientist, but not a "mad" one, he just builds a death ray powered by the sun because he's that smart. Put him against someone whose ideas make no sense to him but somehow still work.
Misguided hero? Not really a villain but would be an antagonist for the story, someone who's convinced that Megamind's redemption is all an act maybe? Would probably need powers of some sort to be an actual threat.
Alright then, let's move onto something else for a change: MegaRox. My shipper heart needs them either clearly together or clearly working on that. But the original movie does seem to imply they're already together by the time the new museum has opened. I mean, the way she jumped into his arms and then kissed him? Sure it was on the cheek but that wasn't a platonic thing. It's about the context!
No further notes on that, so I present to you... Prequel!
Takes place before Metro Man fakes his death so he can retire, and therefore Megamind is still Evil.
MegaRox wouldn't be an established relationship but did y'all see them at the start of the original? That was practically flirting anyway and that dynamic should be present.
Maybe it could even be early into his villain career? Show how he really got started as a Super Villain, the first kidnappings of Rocanne Ritchi, gaining notoriety, and how Roxanne learned that she's honestly in more danger of getting hit by stray debris from Metro Man's dramatic entrances than from anything Megamind aims at her.
I doubt I'll ever develop any of these ideas into a coherent story but if anyone wants to yoink a thought, go wild. I'm also down for discussing any of these.
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