#but also had the energy of something shadow would totally think was cool
alchemocha · 8 months
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can’t wait for shadow to meet jimbotnik and immediately get jealous of his sick style
jimbo close up below!
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ofduskanddreams · 2 years
On Eris Vanserra
Let me say that I would much rather put my time and energy into writing my fic (you know--the thing that brings me joy and is the reason I'm here in the first place), but the selective comprehension in this fandom has seriously been grating on me.
Now, before anyone gets butthurt, I'm not here to tell you that you have to like Eris or think he's a good person. Whether you do or don't is totally your choice. What you believe, what you want to believe--that is your decision. I'm not here to invalidate anyone's opinion or the choices they make based on their personal experiences and feelings. I'm here to articulate the facts as Ms. Maas has written them, because I think there's some unecessary confusion going around.
Let's just get another thing out of the way now: I like Eris, I acknowledge that this makes me predisposed to bias. I will also tell you that I didn't like him at all when I first read the series, but several deep rereads since have enhanced my comprehension and altered my opinion--that is why I'm here.
Today I will be discussing the misconception that Eris had any direct involvement in the brutalization inflicted upon Mor by her family, by which I mean the act of driving nails into her womb. There's no question that Mor was significantly traumatized by his actions (and inaction) and none of the discourse to follow excuses anything Eris did, I'm just trying to complicate the conversation.
This is the point where I remind you that you have the choice to ignore this post and peacefully keep scrolling should you not want to hear what I'm about to say.
Cool? Great. Let's move on.
I'm going to lay out the textual evidence in the order it appears in the series, and then we can talk about it. All italics appear as they do in the text, except for Mor's flashback. I will be making some parts bold for clarity. All page numbers are referring to the kindle versions of the books.
Chapter 41, page 397 Rhys is explaining Mor and Eris's former betrothal to Feyre.
"Her family... they... " I'd never seen him at such a loss for words. Rhys cleared his throat. "When they were done, they dumped her on the Autumn Border, with a note nailed to her body that said she was Eris's problem."
Chapter 44, page 431 at the starfall party, Morrigan is talking to Feyre about the time she slept with Cassian.
"He [Rhys] and Cassian... I've never seen them fight like that. Hopefully I never will again. I know that Rhys wasn't pissed about my virginity, but rather the danger that losing it had put me in. Azriel was even angrier about it--though he let Rhys do the walloping. They knew what my family would do for debasing myself with a bastard-born lesser faerie." She brushed a hand over her abdomen, as if she could feel that nail they'd spiked through it. "They were right."
Chapter Twenty-Six, pages 275-276 Azriel, Rhys, Mor, and Feyre are meeting with Eris in the Hewn City.
Eris looked between them [Azriel and Mor], smiling faintly. Secretly. As if he knew something Azriel didn't. "I wouldn't have touched you," he said to Mor, who blanched again. "But when you fucked that other bastard--" A snarl ripped from Rhys's throat at that. And my own. "I knew why you did it." Again that secret smile that had Mor shrinking. Shrinking. "So I gave you your freedom, ending the betrothal in no uncertain terms."
"And what happened next," Azriel growled [referring to Eris leaving Mor where he found her].
A shadow crossed Eris's face. "There are few things I regret. That it one of them. But... perhaps one day, now that we are allies, I shall tell you why. What it cost me."
Chapter Six, pages 59-60 Mor's pov, a flashback to the day her family dumped her on the border.
"No one touches her," he said. Eris. "The moment we do, she's our responsbility."
Cold, unfeeling words.
"But--but they nailed a--"
"No one touches her."
They had spiked nails into her.
Had pinned her down as she screamed, pinned her down as she roared at them, then begged them. And then they had taken out those long, brutal iron nails. And the hammer.
Three of them.
Three strikes of the hammer, drowned out by her screaming, but the pain.
She began shaking, hating it as much as she'd hated the begging. Her body bellowed in agony, those nails in her abdomen relentless.
A pale, beautiful face apeared above her, blocking out the jewel-like leaves above. Unmoved. Impassive. "I take it you do not wish to live here, Morrigan."
She would rather die here, bleed out here. She would would rather die and return--return as something wicked and cruel, and shred them all apart.
He must have read it in her eyes. A small smile curved his lips. "I thought so."
Chapter Seven, page 83 Cassian's thoughts about the alliance with Eris.
No, Eris was their ally. Rhys had bargained with him, worked with him. Rhys trusted him. Mor, despite all that had happened, trusted him. Sort of. So Cassian supposed he should do so as well.
Chapter Fourteen, page 164 Cassian, Rhys and Eris meeting in Spring.
"You left her there to suffer and die," Cassian spat. His Siphons flickered, and all he could see was the male's pretty face, all he could feel was his own fist, aching to make contact.
Eris sneered. "Did I? Perhaps you should ask Morrigan whether that is true. I think she finally knows the answer."
Chapter Fifty-Seven, pages 588-589 Eris is dancing with Nesta in the Hewn City. (Not as direct of a relation, but this is one of the few times we actually get some insight from Eris' perspective.)
Eris spun her, and when she returned to him, he murmured in her ear, "Don't believe the lies they tell you about me."
She pulled back just enough to meet his gaze. "Oh?"
Eris nodded to where Mor watched them from beside Feyre and Rhys, her face neutral and aloof. "She knows the truth but has never revealed it."
"Because she is afraid of it."
"You don't win yourself any favors with your behavior."
"Don't I? Do I not ally myself with this court under constant threat of being discovered and killed by my father? Do I not offer aid whenever Rhysand wishes?" He spun her again. "They believe a version of events that is easier to swallow. I always thought Rhysand wiser than that, but he tends to be blind where those he loves are concerned."
Alright class. What have we learned? That it was Morrigan's family who brutalized her before they dumped her on the Autumn border. Look back at that first ACOSF quote. Do you really think that if Eris was party to the initial physical brutalization of Mor she would ever trust him in the least? Hell no. That is point number one.
Secondly, we know that Eris was aware of the fact that Mor did not wish to marry him. When he found out that she'd slept with Cassian he "ended the betrothal in no uncertain terms." The note her family nailed to her called her Eris's problem. Eris (surrounded by 5 other soldiers whom, I want to point out, may or may not have been loyal to him as opposed to his father--the father that's tortured him and he fears will murder him if he steps out of line publicly) knew that they couldn't touch her or she would become their responsibility. He already knows Mor doesn't want to be in Autumn and yet he asks her again before he leaves. From my perspective it seems like Eris has no good options, but that doesn't excuse the harm his choices caused. At least he eventually admits that he regrets this.
From the canon text, it is quite clear that SJM is hinting at another reason for the way everything went down. Multiple times she brings up this "truth," this reason which Morrigan has finally become aware of yet keeps to herself. I don't know what SJM is referring to, maybe we'll find out in later books. But it's mentioned frequently enough to suggest that things are more complicated than the IC believes.
I hope you don't take my saying any of this to mean that I think Eris leaving Mor at the border was okay. As Nesta so aptly put it, Eris doesn't win himself any favors with his behavior in canon. I'm not arguing against that. I personally like Eris for his moral grayness, his asshole-itude, the mystery of him, but everyone has different taste. I am saying that we shouldn't ignore what's written in canon.
I also want to point out that the vast majority of what we canonically know about Eris Vanserra is coming from the point of view of Rhys, Feyre, Mor, Cassian, Nesta, and Azriel meaning that information is inherently biased against him. The series is written in first person/ close third-person meaning that the character whose POV is being written carries their prejudices into their narrative. I'm suggesting that we acknowledge this and maybe try interpreting things with a grain of salt if you're open to it.
Finally, I suggest taking a quick look at Chapter 79 of ACOSF, it's only five pages and Cassian makes some fascinating points.
If you want to discuss this further, my asks are always open and please feel free to reblog/reply as well. If you disagree with something that I've said, let's talk about it. As long as things remain respectful, I'm more than happy to have conversations and hear other perspectives :)
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bestjeanistmonster · 2 years
I recently found your S&T swap au and I am in love. It’s so good! And your art is so adorable you do not understand
Ok, so I had some thoughts while looking through your au.
Are their personalities different due to how their pasts are different?
And, I’m pretty sure, there were like ancient depictions of a form looking like Sonic saving the world and stuff so I wonder if like sonic was “destined” to be the hero but in this case that isn’t the role he had. Meaning Tails has to prove to himself and others that despite what destiny tried to say, he is a hero.
Aww thnx so much 🥺!!!
These are very good thoughts and there are a quite few differences in personality so I’m just gonna do this in sections:
Sonic’s not too different to how he is in canon, I think swap sonic still has like the same demeanour and attitude, like they’re not that different in terms of being pretty chill, too cool for school and generally being a little shit
He leans more into the piloting thing and he likes to fly fast. Do not insult his piloting skills unless you wanna annoy him
no one really expects him to be a super genius they’re always caught off guard by it when says something really scientific just casually (except the people who are just used to it)
He tends a danger to himself most of the time, being sent to the hospital every couple of weeks cuz of of his experiments, inventions or just straight up forgetting he fit the blowtorch on the floor. (A lot of the times is a some dumb stuff that he does for ‘science’)
Zero sense of self preservation and a tendency to just casually play off injuries (“Relax shadow, all the bleeding was internal, that’s where the blood’s supposed to be-“)
filled with lots of energy and from the lack of usage of his speed to let some of it out, always constantly moving. Constant leg bouncing disease and rambling at record speeds (only tails can understand him the most when he’s in ramble mode). He’s also a really fast thinker
When his speed is brought up he gets a bit visibly uncomfortable and changes the subject, pretending that it never happened
Hes bad at taking compliments, he just brushes it off and tries to either discredit himself or awkwardly change the subject. When he was younger he was even worse
The boy would not see sun in days if allowed to hyperfocus on inventing, tails often has to drag his ass outside when that happens
The tornado is his baby
He’s more confident & independent from doing hero stuff and travelling
He’s a huge history nerd, whenever they go to angel island he ignores sonic & knuckles he goes straight for the ruins.
He knows random trivia facts
He owns many notebooks and has about 6 in total so far
In his travels he loves to learn about different cultures and traditions
Tails’s 8 year old brain at some point just comes to the conclusion that he straight up can't die cuz after everything he's been through he's still alive and so Tails slowly becomes more reckless with his well-being because of it much to sonic’s chagrin
This kid is really curious, you would be surprised how many of his adventures started out as innocent curiosity. He gets side tracked a lot because of it. (Once Sonic asked him to go get some groceries from the supermarket, returned in gold armor with a sword and a country. He forgot the groceries)
He reads a lot of comic books for catchphrase and megamind voice presentation.
People often underestimate him due to his age and adorable appearance and he uses it to his advantage
Cusses frequently
Does not hold back on insults. Someone could be debating whether or not to fight this eight year old but then he opens his mouth and they’re like “nah, the kid deserves it.” And squares up
Destined hero thingy
Tail’s definitely did have to prove to others and himself that he was a hero despite it not being destiny, and sonic had to prove that just because he was ‘destined’ to be a hero doesn’t mean that has to do it it in a way that’s foretold of be a hero at all
But despite this Tails does have a bit of imposter syndrome and feels like, despite all that he’s achieved, he doesn’t deserve to be called the ‘hero of mobius’.
He was just a little kid who wanted to help
But sonic called bullshit on that and told him that’s exactly why deserves to be called a hero, a little kid standing up against seemingly impossible odds and challenges over and over again just because it’s the right thing to do.
I’m thinking that maybe the prophecy will come into play later down the line but I’m still deciding
Thanks for the ask!!!
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dollyboned · 6 months
i hate having mcas.
that's it. i said it.
it's so tiring. i can't run, or go for long walks, or just sweat a little. i don't have enough strength for staying up for more than 20min, i can't eat some spices that i totally adore, and my spoons are usually so low. sometimes i simply don't want to get out of bed because im so tired but i have to do so anyway, and usually it happens when i know i'll have p.e. classes. i don't think i completed the two classes since the start of the academic year (february) without stopping and sitting and breathing heavily and feeling so itchy because i can't exercise too much or my histamine levels go high as the sky and being covered by sweat is like wearing a full costume made out of histamine, that im *specially* allergic to.
i see people running and jumping and simply walking under the sun and i feel like im missing something because im so young yet so limited. i should be able to be just fine if the climate changes, or if there's something spicy in the food, or if i need to walk a little, or if i just need to walk by a slightly inclined street, but im totally not able to be "just fine" and move on. my dad gets worried everytime we come back from school and i almost faint because of the exercise, and even though i try to explain how i feel, i know he still thinks that maybe it'd be better if i just exercised a little more to build up strength — and he's not the devil because he can't understand it as we only discovered my histamine intolerance this year because of some medical exams i made when i was 4 and my pediatrist never properly explained. i was 4 and now im 15 — it's basically 11 years being exposed to something im deeply allergic to and never understanding why i'd never get better from dermatitis and why i was so weak.
i feel fragile. my parents know i hate being seen as fragile and breakable and weak yet i can't take any longer. im constantly itching, my mind is always kinda numb, im always tired, my periods always hurt, i have constant migraines, my mood swings are worsening and on top of everything comes the game changer: im also neurodivergent. there's always going to exist someone that have the energy to do everything, and that's not me. socially im basically incapable of approaching people i find cool, the amount of work i've got to do to simply exist like a normal person is unbearable and yet i have to be responsible, good, well mannered, pretty, smart, cool, cute, role model, the best. i never learned to fail. i was always the smartest, the joyful, the responsible, the "i wish your grades were like her's" — i feel so bad to everyone who felt so little next to me because i never wanted anyone to live under a shadow of a version of me that i can't even recognize or remember anymore.
the little me would've looked at me with fear on her eyes and asked if we are failing for being so weak and so tired we can't even really care about learning something. are we really failing? i'm just so tired. i could do better if i wasn't constantly battling in order to only navigate my days without this haunting exhaustion taking me over, or if my head didn't hurt that bad, or if my emotional regulation was a little bit more effective, or if the sounds weren't so loud and the light so bright and people so confusing. i could do better if i wasn't restraining myself from eating something i love because i don't want an allergic reaction, or if i could just stim around, or if i could run around under the sun and laugh about it after. maybe if i had some adjustments my life would get so better. i don't want to run with anyone to feel like im part of something; i just want to feel okay with every aspect of myself, and maybe feeling okay is sitting down everytime i feel tired and taking medicine everytime there's an allergic reaction going on, not reducing myself to grades and stop wearing a damn mask in order to be liked.
i hate having mcas, i hate how my scoliosis correction surgery is never taken seriously when it comes to "it's painfully tiring to carry titanium inside me everyday", and i hate how misunderstood i am. i get it now: im not lazy, im simply chronically exposing myself to a lot of things and now my body is totally overloaded. i've been deeply sick for the past weeks and it's caused mainly by the overwhelming sensation of getting up, getting tired, being misunderstood and having everything to do when i don't have that energy to expend. i want to sleep, watch things about my favorite anime, write a little about it, allow myself to really rest for the first time in my life, eat healthy things that aren't like an allergy bomb inside my organism and i really, really, really want to get to live again, being understood and taken seriously, not ever being called lazy or nothing else. i just want to control what happens to myself and stop feeling on the verge of tears everytime i have to do something that requires movements and focus.
little me would be so sad we lost control over our own body to an allergy that could've been minimized before it ruined our life.
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Hiii, I have a request but it's totally fine if you don't want to do it. I know you mostly write for Draco but would you do a Pansy and fem reader where they are roommates and friends but the reader has a crush on her and one day they have a sleepover or something and they end up in the same bed and they confess their feelings. You really don't have to do it, if you don't just ignore it. Love your writing BTW ^^
Thank you so much for your request! This is my first time writing for Pansy so let me know what you think of it. Also, I honestly didn´t like Pansy in the books but I absolutely adore the way she is portrayed in most fanfics, so writing this was quite a challenge but so much fun.
“(Y/n). (Y/n), wake up!”
You groaned and cuddled yourself deeper into the warmth of your bed, trying to ignore the undesirable noise, disturbing your sleep. But if you had hoped that this would save you from further interruptions, you were wrong. Because just as you were ready to drift off into sleep again, your blanket was pulled away from you, exposing your heated skin to the cool air of your dorm.
Fluttery, you opened your eyes and squinted at the shadow hovering over you, your blanket still in their hand.
“For Salazar´s sake, Pansy. Why can´t you just leave me alone? I want to sleep.”, you groused, as you slowly sat up, burying your face in your hands as you tried to adapt yourself to the situation.
The girl in front of you let out a small chuckle before she threw your blanket on the opposite side of your bed and started pacing around the room.
“You don’t really want me to tell Snape that you rather slept in than join his class, do you?”, she asked, while gathering all of her belongings together.
Right now, getting in trouble with Snape was in your eyes an acceptable price for a few more hours of sleep, but you knew that the moment your mind would clear up again, you would regret this decision like no other in your entire life. Still, you needed to take a moment to get yourself together and prepare mentally for the upcoming day. So you pulled your knees to your chest and watched Pansy scurrying around. As your gaze followed her lightweight steps, you couldn’t help but wonder how she got that much energy that early in a day already. While you needed half an hour to even form a single clear thought, she was ready for the day the moment she opened her eyes. You envied her for that ability of hers, but you were also thankful for it. Because Pansy had already saved you countless times from sleeping in and getting late to class. Luckily, the girl refused to let her friend rush headlong into disaster with her eyes wide open, so she refused to leave without you, even if that meant that she had missed breakfast more than once herself.
Lost in your thoughts you watched her walking up to your closet, examining your clothes with narrowed eyes, even though she was aware of the fact that the dress code didn’t leave much room for modish freedom. Distracted by the way Pansy furrowed her eyebrows and pursed her lips, you didn’t even realize how she made her decision, picking out some clothes and throwing them at you.
When your robe hit your face, you flinched.
“Pansy!”, you griped, even though her actions had at least caused you to finally wake up properly.
You could see the mischievous grin playing around her lips as she crossed her arms in front of her chest and looked at you.
“We don’t have all day, princess. Now get dressed so we can leave. I´m starving already.”
Slowly, you got out of your bed and gathered your things together. When you walked towards the bathroom sluggishly, something hit the back of your head.
“You forgot your tie.”, Pansy stated, and even though you couldn’t see her, you could hear the grin in her voice.
You rolled your eyes.
“One day I´m going to kill you.”, you mumbled, more to yourself than your friend.
“You won´t. You would be lost without me.”, Pansy contradicted.
“I wouldn’t be.”, you responded, by now with a small smile on your face as well.
Because Pansy was right. You would be lost without her indeed.
When you left the bathroom only minutes later, looking somewhat presentable, Pansy was sitting on her bed, her leg bouncing up and down impatiently. She lifted her head when she heard the door open and you noticed the hint of a smile as she stood up, handing you your bag.
“Ready?”, she asked.
You smiled at her sweetly.
Pansy mirrored your smile, but then she frowned again and let out a sigh. Her bag dropped on the floor and she stepped in your way, just as you were about to leave.
“Pansy… what?”, you asked in confusion, as the girl stood in front of you, her face only centimetres away from yours, her eyes interlocked with yours.
But the girl didn’t answer. Instead, she brought her hands to your neck, making your breath hitch. Pansy´s hand slightly ghosted over your exposed skin, before grabbing the collar of your blouse. Gently, she tugged your tie under it, before turning down the collar again. You held your breath as you watched her fingers tracing down the soft fabric of your blouse, before grabbing the tie once more, fixing the knot, you had tied only loosely. You watched her fingers working wonders, fixing the mess you had made as if you were in a trance. Only when she pulled the knot so tight, you nearly choked, you came back to reality, blinking at Pansy irritated.
“I´m fixing your tie. What did you think?”, she smirked, before readjusting it one last time.
Yes, what had you been thinking? What had you been thinking, when Pansy walked up to you, stopping only centimetres away from you? When you had felt the heat she radiated and smelled her perfume? When you had felt her fingers on your skin? You didn’t know the answer to this question yourself. All you knew was that your thoughts weren’t what they were supposed to be if she would have actually been nothing but a friend to you. Pansy was a great friend for sure. She had always been, ever since you met on your first day at Hogwarts. You had been literally inseparable ever since. At first, you had been slightly scared that Pansy was simply friends with you since you were the most obvious choice. You didn’t deal much with students who weren’t in Slytherin as well, the boy´s from your year were great, but they were boys after all, Millicent was quite nice, but not exactly best friend material, and even though you got along great with Daphne, since her younger sister attended the school as well, you barely ever saw her. But as time went by, the bond between Pansy and you grew much stronger and soon you had no doubts that the two of you had so much more than just a friendship of convenience. But unfortunately, the closer the two of you grew, the more you realized that the relationship the two of you had wasn’t exactly the one you were yarning for. Because slowly, you had fallen for your so-called best friend, not even noticing it, until one day the realization had hit you like a train, catching you by surprise and never letting you go again afterwards. And the worst part about the entire situation was that you had no idea if Pansy was feeling the same way as you did. Sometimes you thought you had caught her, looking at you in a way she didn’t look at anyone else, touching you in a way she didn’t touch anyone else, laughing at your jokes as she did at nobody else´s, but then again, wasn’t that exactly what a best friend was there for? From time to time, it was quite obvious that she was flirting with you, but you were aware of the fact that this didn’t make you special. It was just one of Pansy´s traits, looking at people with doe eyes, making some casual remarks that could easily be mistaken for something else, while she just watched with amusement how people got flustered due to her actions. You had always been one of her easiest victims, letting her irritate you effortlessly, but ever since you had developed your not-so-small crush on your friend, it had gotten even worse. Pansy was fully aware of the effect she had on you, but neither you knew if she was aware of the fact that whenever you blushed deeply at her seemingly innocent comments or touches, it wasn’t only due to the fact that her flirtiness embarrassed you, but much more because it was her doing these things to you. Nor you knew if, whenever she got you into a situation like now, looking at you with innocent eyes after she had fixed your tie and nearly gave you a heart attack while doing so, she was doing it because of her playful nature and didn’t give it a second thought, or if she had some deeper intentions when it came to you. And even though you hoped for the latter, you never brought the theme up, scared that if your speculation was wrong, you might ruin everything you had built up over the last years. But then again, you knew that this was most likely only half of the truth. Because even if you would unbosom yourself to your friend and she wouldn’t return your feelings, you knew for sure that Pansy would never turn her back on you. If anything, you felt as if you would be the one who wouldn’t be able to continue the friendship, knowing that you had exposed yourself and that your feelings would always be only one-sided. You rather kept on playing pretend, living for moments like these, where Pansy stood right in front of you, tilting her head slightly, an amused grin playing around her lips as she raised an eyebrow.
“So what?”, you asked, irritated, now that she had snatched you out of your thoughts.
“What were you thinking I was doing?”, Pansy asked in a honeyed voice, her grin only growing wider as she noticed the faint blush creeping on your cheeks, even though you tried your best to hide it.
You returned her gaze for a few seconds, before you cleared your throat, trying to give your face an unimpressed-looking expression.
“I was thinking that you were complaining about the possibility of you starving if you won´t get some food any time soon only minutes ago and now you´re the one wasting time.” Your voice was slightly shaky, but you withstood Pansy´s glare without blinking once.
The girl narrowed her eyes, looking deep into yours, making you feel like she could stare all the way down to the bottom of your soul. It made your heart beat faster as her look gave you goosebumps while carving into your heart at the same time.
But the moment passed, and Pansy tore her gaze apart again and took a step back.
“What are we waiting for then?”, she asked, in a more normal voice now, picking up her bag, before turning on her heel and strutting through the door of your dorm.
You quickly picked up your things as well, before you followed shortly after her. As you watched her lightweight walk and heard her chirping voice as she rambled about the upcoming classes, you shook your head slightly in resignation. That girl would be the death of you.
Later that day, you were sitting at the Slytherin table in the Great Hall with Pansy and some of your friends. Suddenly Pansy nudged you and you looked at her in confusion.
“What is it?”
“I was thinking.”
You sighed.
“That doesn’t mean anything good.”
“Oh, this one is really good, trust me.”
Obviously, you trusted her, but you were also aware of the fact that this wasn’t always the best idea.
“Well, you care to tell me then?”
You could see Pansy puffing her chest proudly as she smiled at you.
“We will have a sleepover.”
She looked at you excitedly, expecting you to share her enthusiasm, but you were rather irritated.
“Yes, we. Just the two of us. Millicent is away over the weekend, visiting her family. And Daphne will probably hang out with Astoria. It´s the perfect chance.”
“Pansy don’t get me wrong, but we share a dorm anyway. So, isn’t every night a sleepover somehow?”
Pansy shook her head before she looked at you slightly disappointed and pouted.
“But we could steal some snacks from the kitchen and play some wizarding chess or Pygmy Puff Pelmanism.” She hesitated for a moment before she added: “We could even watch one of those muggle movies you love so much.”
A small smile crept on your face as you saw Pansy glancing at you hopefully.
“No need to convince me, Pansy. I´m in.”
Your friend let out a sigh and mirrored your smile. But before the two of you could get more into detail about your planning, you were interrupted by no other than Draco, who had listened to your conversation as well.
“Care to invite us too?”, he asked with a sly grin on his face.
“Girls only, Draco.”, Pansy snapped.
“Unless you want to show up in a dress and let us braid your hair.”, you teased, making Draco grumble something incomprehensible.
“Leave them Draco. Our girls want some privacy.”, Blaise joined the conversation with a small grin on his face as his eyes shifted from you to Pansy, making you flush for no reason.
And when Pansy leant her head against your shoulder, glaring at Draco, saying “Exactly.” in a contented voice, the blush on your cheeks only darkened and you quickly looked down at your food again, shoving another fork into your mouth, so you wouldn’t have to say anything about it. But when Blaise winked at you, you had the strong suspicion that your silence spoke volumes.
The weekend came and Millicent indeed visited her parents and Daphne indeed stayed in her sister´s room, seemingly preferring her company, which at this point neither Pansy nor you minded. Over the day, you had sneaked into the castle´s kitchen, sweet-talking the house elves into handing you some snacks. While in the beginning, the elves hesitated, not sure whether they were allowed to or not, once they finally decided to help you out, they eagerly gathered some things together. When you finally left the kitchen again, you were loaded with tons of pumpkin pasties, chocolate frogs and sherbet lemons, as well as popcorn and crisps and -your personal favourite- many fruits, some of them dipped in chocolate. You highly doubted that you would be able to eat only half of the things the house elves had given you, but that was a problem for another day and you had no doubt that Blaise and Draco -who still held a grudge against you for not letting him join- would mind helping you out with the leftovers.
When you entered your dorm, Pansy had already prepared everything for the upcoming evening. She had dimmed the light, gathering all the pillows and blankets and had thrown them onto her bed, making it look even cosier than usual. When Pansy saw you struggle to open the door, since both of your hands were clenching onto the food, she was quick to join you and give you a helping hand, you accepted thankfully.
The evening launched easily, with the two of you playing some batches of wizarding chess, but after you had beaten Pansy for the third time in a row, the girl let herself fall back onto her bed and pulled a face.
“Rematch?”, you asked, with a smug grin on your face.
You knew very well how much Pansy hated to lose, even if this game was just for fun and even if it was against you.
“Nope.”, she plainly said, as she stared at the ceiling, ignoring you completely, while the grin on your face only widened.
“C´mon, I might even let you win.”, you teased as you nudged your friend playfully.
“As if I would be in need of you taking pity on me.”, Pansy snapped. “This game is just boring. I want to do something else.” Her voice sounded demanding.
You sighed.
“Alright, what you got in mind?"
When Pansy realized you had given in and didn’t insist on yet another batch, she sat up again and looked at you, with a now much more pleased look on her face.
“Watching a movie?”, she suggested.
You raised an eyebrow.
“You know muggle stuff doesn’t work in this school, don’t you?”, you asked.
This time it was on Pansy to grin superiorly.
“Only if you don’t know how to use it.”, she responded, pointing at the projector next to her bed, which you hadn’t noticed yet. “It´s enchanted.”, she added, as she noticed your sceptical glare.
“Where did you get this from?”, you asked, still slightly suspicious.
“That Gryffindor mudblood. Creevey. He gave it to me.”
You eyed Pansy from the side, now even more suspicious.
“He gave it to you?”
“I just said so, didn’t I?”
Pansy rolled her eyes.
“Yes (Y/n). Voluntarily. Believe it or not. But I had to pay a high price for this, so we better use it, so all of this wasn’t for nothing.”
Your suspiciousness turned into curiousness, now that Pansy had assured you that she -at least you hoped so- hadn’t tortured some students, even though they were just mudbloods, to get what she wanted. You brought your knees to your chest and rested your head on them as looked at the girl with narrowed eyes.
“Why did you even get this?”
“To watch a movie, obviously.”
“But you hate muggle movies.”
“And you love them. Salazar, (Y/n). I want to do you a favour just once and all you do is question it.”, Pansy responded, sounding slightly annoyed.
You chuckled and raised your hands in defence, as you tried to ignore the pleasant warmth that spread across your body when you thought of the fact that Pansy had done all of this for you.
“Okay, sorry. I won´t complain any longer.”
“You better won´t.”, she grumbled, but you could see the familiar playful sparkle shimmering in her eyes as she did so.
“So, what movie do you want to watch?”
Pansy shrugged her shoulders.
“I don’t know. You choose.”
She pulled out a stack of videos and handed them to you. You raised an eyebrow.
“You don´t have them from Creevy as well, do you?”
Pansy shook her head.
“How do you know?”
“Wouldn’t take him for someone who watches romantic comedies mainly.”
Your friend frowned.
“Romantic what?”
You sighed.
“Nevermind. Where did you get them from then?”
When Pansy didn’t answer, you looked up and you could see a slight rosy shimmer on her cheeks as she avoided your gaze. You sighed once more.
“Do I even want to know?”
Pansy shook her head firmly.
“I thought so.”, you grinned.
“Can you finally choose something? If you keep on just sitting there and staring at me, we will still sit here tomorrow.”
“Hey, don’t pressure me!”, you laughed. “I know that the audience has a very particular taste today.”
And Pansy couldn’t argue with that.
Your eyes were glued on the improvised screen you had built up on the other side of the room. After almost three hours, all hope of an actual happy end was gone as the girl finally let go of the boy to save herself. You had cuddled up in a blanket, the sweets by your side long forgotten, totally consumed by the events on the screen. But while the silence of the movie was almost unbearable, suddenly another sound caught your attention.
When you glanced to the side, you saw Pansy huddled together, the eyes were fixed on the screen as well, looking dangerously watery. She didn’t notice your glare, as she sniffed quietly and wiped away a tear that managed to escape her eye. You weren’t quite sure what to do. Pansy wasn’t one to show her emotions easily. It concerned you to see her like that but at the same time, you were amused by the fact that a “stupid muggle movie” made her that emotional. You had no doubt that Pansy would deny that she even cared about the events on the screen at all and would probably turn down any effort of yours trying to comfort her.
But when another sniff broke the silence, you decided that you didn’t care about the pride of your friend and shuffled a bit closer to her. Pansy didn’t even notice what you were doing until your arm slightly brushed against hers. The girl flinched as she turned around, looking at you with widened eyes.
“You´re okay?”, you asked in a low voice.
Pansy blinked a few times, before she took a deep breath and made a haughty face, even though her eyes were still glossy.
“Of course I am.”, she stated. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
She glared at you defiantly.
You shrugged your shoulders.
“Just wanted to make sure.”
Then you turned your attention back to the screen, where the girl was just pulled out of the water, finally getting saved. But you got distracted again soon enough when you suddenly felt something brushing against the back of your hand. You looked down and saw Pansy carefully placing her hand right next to yours. But when you looked up at the girl, her gaze was fixed on the screen again, paying no attention to you. So you did the same, turning your head again. Still, the feeling of Pansy´s hand so close to yours already made your heart beat faster.
You weren’t quite sure how you gathered the courage to do so, but instead of just ignoring the feeling, you slightly moved your hand yourself, bringing it even closer to Pansy´s. And when the both of you continued the game, pretending you didn’t even notice, in a matter of minutes, your hand lay in hers, fingers intertwined. By now, you couldn’t care less about the movie, and even if you would have wanted to, you didn’t catch a single thing that was happening. Your heart was beating in your chest so loud, you wondered if Pansy heard it. And if she didn’t, you had no doubt that she could feel the pulse in your fingertips, unnaturally fast. All you could focus on, all you could feel, was Pansy´s hand in yours, her arm against yours and suddenly also her head resting on your shoulder. You felt your breath flatten, as you breathed in the intoxicating smell of her shampoo and felt her hair tickling the soft skin under your chin. You had to fight the shiver, threatening to shake your body at the feeling of her closeness, but nevertheless, you felt the goosebumps creeping over your skin.
But just as you had found the most comfortable position and your pulse slowly started to normalise again, the movie was over and the screen went black. Still, you didn’t dare to move, remaining in your position as if you were frozen in your place.
It was Pansy who sat up straight again first, stretching her stiff limbs, as you just watched her in awe, as she squinted her eyes and let out a small sigh. Then she fell back onto the bed and returned your gaze.
“Staring is unpolite (Y/n).”, she giggled, as you just couldn’t tear your gaze apart from her.
You felt your face heating up as you quickly turned your head and cleared your throat.
“So how did you like it?”, you asked.
“The movie or…”
“The movie.”, you responded quickly before Pansy could even finish her sentence.
Pansy shrugged her shoulders.
“It was alright I guess.”
You looked at your friend with widened eyes.
“Alright? You want to tell me it was alright? This is a cinematic masterpiece!”
“Well, I´m sure it is. For muggles. But we should have some higher standards. It needs more than this to impress me.”
“That´s probably also the reason you teared up, isn’t it? Because you were absolutely unimpressed.”, you teased her.
“I didn’t tear up. I just had something in my eye.”
Her voice would have probably convinced anybody else, but you knew Pansy for way too long to let her fool you. And the way she avoided your gaze confirmed your suspicion. But you didn’t want to ruin the night by starting a discussion because you knew very well that even though you were right, you wouldn’t be able to win an argument against Pansy once she was determined to not let you do so.
So instead, you just let out a small sigh and sank back into the pillows, turning your head to look at her.
“Whatever you say.”
Only then Pansy looked at you, a sweet smile on her face that rewarded you for your decision to bite your tongue. You frowned. The girl had you wrapped around her finger and the worst thing was that she knew it herself.
Pansy let out a small yawn and you looked at your watch. It was already far after midnight.
“We should probably get to bed.”, you said, yawning yourself.
Pansy raised an eyebrow.
“We´re already in bed (Y/n).” You rolled your eyes and your friend let out a small chuckle before she added: “But if you want to, we can also go to sleep.”
“You´re so kind, Pansy. Thanks for giving me permission.”, you smiled sweetly, your voice oozing with sarcasm.
“That´s just the way I am.”, the girl responded, in a tone that sounded dead seriously.
You let out a small laugh.
“You think many people would agree on that?”
It wasn’t a secret that Pansy was anything but a kind person in general. She knew it herself and you knew that she couldn’t care less about what others thought about her. Either they liked her for the way she was or they didn’t. That wasn’t on her. And this was one of the things you loved her even more for.
Pansy grinned at you slyly.
“Why would I care about what others think about me?” She shuffled a bit closer to you and locked her eyes with yours. “As long as you think so, I really don’t care about anyone else.”
You felt your heartbeat quicken once more. And once more you wondered about the fact that Pansy almost playfully managed to shift your mind from joking around with a simple good friend, to not being able to focus on anything else, but on how close said friend was to you and how beautiful she looked as she glanced up to you through her long lashes.
“What are you thinking (Y/n)?”, she whispered, as she shifted closer to you once more.
I think about how much I love you. And how all I want to do right now is kiss you.
“I… I think that I still need to brush my teeth.”, you mumbled, making Pansy laugh.
“Not exactly what I hoped for, but go ahead.”
And when you stood in the bathroom minutes later, you couldn’t help but wonder, what would have been the answer Pansy had been hoping for.
You had finally cuddled up in the blankets, letting out a comfortable sigh. Pansy was lying only centimetres away from you. When you had been younger, you had shared your bed much more often, mostly when one of you had been scared because of a storm raging outside, or when one of you had been sad and the other one had tried to comfort her. However, this had happened rather rarely in the last few months, not only because neither of you was scared of thunders anymore, but also because you avoided being close to Pansy like that, not willing to confuse your mind even more than it already was.
But tonight, you couldn’t think of a single reason why you shouldn’t cuddle up right next to Pansy after she had begged you to do so. And who were you to deny her?
So now, you were laying beside her, as Pansy turned off the lights with a swish of her wand. It was pitch dark, but after a few moments, your eyes slowly got used to the dim light of the moon, shining through the windows of your dorm.
When you heard some rustling beside you, you turned to your side, now facing Pansy. The girl had done just the same, her face only centimetres away from yours. Her eyes were closed and her breath was slow and steady. You couldn’t help your eyes dart from every single detail of her face to the next. Her lips were slightly parted and her hair reflected the moonlight, making her look angelic. Pansy´s face looked relaxed, almost peaceful. Whenever she was awake, she was frowning oh so slightly or wrinkling her nose, even when she was smiling. You thought even then she was the most beautiful human being, but right now that her facial features had softened and she looked like there was nothing to worry about in that world, she looked just breathtaking. A single strand of hair was falling into her face. Carefully, you raised your hand, tucking it behind her ear. You let your fingertips caress the soft skin of her cheeks tenderly before you pulled back again.
“You´re so beautiful, you know that?”, you whispered into the silence.
When Pansy´s eyes fluttered open, you flinched, just thankful that in the dim light, she wouldn’t be able to see you blush. The girl blinked at you sleepily.
“Did you say something?”, she asked, her voice already slightly raspy from tiredness.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you up.”
But Pansy just smiled at you lazily.
“No need to apologize.”
For the next couple of minutes, the two of you just lay there, eyes locked with one another. You had no doubt you could spend the rest of your life like that. It would never get boring to watch her. To observe the way her eyes sparkled, not only because of the moonlight shimmering in them but also because of that certain expression in her eyes that she always held, even now when there was no one there except for the two of you.
You didn’t know how much time had passed. Most likely it had been only a few minutes, but it had felt like an eternity. But then again, it still hadn’t been enough for you. You could have gone on like this forever. But suddenly, Pansy bit her lips, holding back a small smile. You wanted to ask her what was going on, but you were scared to break the silence between the two of you, which almost felt magical. So instead of speaking up, you only raised an eyebrow silently. It was Pansy who broke the spell.
“So, you´re gonna kiss me?”, she asked, as if it was the most casual thing to do.
But it wasn’t. Not to you. And that’s why you almost choked on the air, as you heard her saying this.
“I´m sorry, what?”, you wheezed out, trying to give your voice a normal sound but you knew that the attempt was doomed to failure.
Pansy just let out a small chuckle of amusement as she observed your reaction closely.
“You look at me like you want to kiss me. So will you?”
Your heart dropped. Had you really been that obvious?
“I…no! I didn’t look at you like I… I mean I didn’t mean to look at you like I… I would never… Not because I wouldn’t… well theoretically and objectively speaking. But you are you and I am me and we are friends and...”
“Calm down. I was just joking.”, Pansy finally took pity on your stuttering.
“You were… Merlin, Pansy. You can´t do that to me.”, you stated and let yourself fall back into the pillows with a heavy sigh.
Pansy rested her head on her arm and looked at you with narrowed eyes and a pleased grin on her face.
“Why not?”
“Why not? Because it´s weird and I don’t know how to react and I…I don’t know, it´s just weird.”
“I think it´s cute.”, Pansy stated, her gaze still fixed on you. “You´re always so adorable when it comes to this.”
“To this?”
“To this.”, Pansy confirmed, as she shuffled closer.
You gulped heavily even though your throat was dry.
“So, do you?”, Pansy spoke up again, after a few moments of silence.
“Do I what?”
“Do you want to kiss me?”
Yes. Of course, you wanted to. But how were you supposed to tell her? At least, without making a complete fool out of yourself?
“You know the answer.”, you mumbled.
“Do I?”
“You do.”
“I wouldn’t mind, you know?”, Pansy spoke up again.
You sighed.
“You wouldn’t mind what?”
“If you would kiss me. I really wouldn’t mind (Y/n).”
Your gaze shot up and you glanced at Pansy, who was grinning at you with the playful sparkle in her eyes you adored so much. But right now, you just wished she would close her eyes and go back to sleep. You wished you had never woken her up. Wished, you had never agreed to that sleepover in the first place. Because little did Pansy know how much you wanted these words to be actually true. You wanted to kiss her, wanted her to not only not mind that you did so but wanted her to want it too. But you also knew that these were just empty words after all and Pansy most likely didn’t have any intention to actually kiss you. At least not for the same reason you wanted to kiss her.
When Pansy looked at you questioningly, you sighed.
“You need to stop doing this.”, you said in a low voice.
Pansy frowned.
“Doing what?”
“This… flirting thing.”
“Flirting thing?”, Pansy echoed, and you could hear the amusement in her voice.
“Yes, Pansy. All those glances and these comments. That needs to stop.”
When she heard how serious your voice sounded, the girl´s smile dropped.
But why? I thought…”
“No. I don’t think you thought about that at all. Do you have any idea how confusing this is?”, you contradicted vehemently. “I mean, we´re friends, but then you´re doing these things and it makes me think that you might want more. But just when I think I´ve finally figured it out, you´re doing this with everyone else as well. All of this is just so… irritating. I have absolutely no idea what you want. What you want from me. And what you want us to be. You have no idea how frustrating this is. I just… I need you to be clear for once or else all of this is driving me mad.”
The moment you finished your speech, you felt a wave of guilt flushing over you. You hadn’t meant to raise your voice like that, hadn’t meant to be so harsh. But maybe it was for the better like this. Maybe Pansy would finally be clear once and for all. Even though you feared her answer just as much as you wanted it.
Pansy looked at you with widened eyes, her mouth slightly agape. Outbursts like these were quite unusual for you, especially in situations like this. Normally you just swallowed it down, but at this point, you finally had snapped. But as you saw the look on Pansy´s face, you remembered why you normally didn’t. It just felt horrible seeing her like that, especially if you knew that you were the reason for it.
“I´m sorry, I didn’t mean to…”
But your apology was ended abruptly as some soft lips crushed on yours without a warning. You froze; completely flabbergasted. After a few seconds, Pansy pulled away again. She smiled at you, but it looked different than any smile you had ever seen on her face. It looked restrainedly, almost shy.
“I love you (Y/n).”, Pansy said, the small smile still playing around her lips. “Is that clear enough?”
But instead of answering her, you leant forwards and pulled Pansy in yet another kiss. Unlike you, it took Pansy no time to return the kiss; her lips moving against yours so effortlessly as if you had done so a thousand times before. You cupped her cheeks in your hands, pulling her only closer as you deepened the kiss.
When you pulled back, the both of you were panting heavily. Pansy looked at you in awe and you returned her look just the same. Your thumb brushed over her swollen lips tenderly, as she rested her forehead against yours.
“So, I take that as a yes?”, she whispered against your lips, making you grin.
“It is. I don’t feel like you could have been any clearer.”
“You know I can be very convincing.”, Pansy chuckled.
“There´s no need to convince me anymore. You already have.”, you responded.
“Are you sure of that? It might take another kiss. You know, just to make sure.”
And this time, the kiss was much more tender, as you took your time, knowing you would have all the time in the world to discover every single facet of this newfound side of your relationship.
When you pulled back again, you smiled at Pansy sheepishly, who returned your gaze just the same.
“I love you too.”, you said, your hands by now tangled in her hair, while hers rested on your neck.
Pansy raised an eyebrow teasingly.
“Don’t you say.”
When you were lying in bed later that night, cuddled together and almost drifting off into sleep, Pansy spoke up once more.
“You know you´re the only one I ever laid my eyes on, don’t you? I never flirted with anyone else. Not the way I did with you.”
You hummed in response.
“I just never have been sure if you were like that because that´s just what you are like or because you wanted me too.”
Pansy chuckled.
“And I always thought I was too obvious. Especially after Blaise told me he knew what was going on. But you just seemed to be oblivious to anything I did. And I wasn’t quite sure if you actually didn’t notice or just decided to ignore me because you didn’t want us to be more than this. Well, not this, but what we used to be. Before tonight.”
You smiled as well.
“I always thought the same, you know? I always thought I would be so obvious. I mean, any time you made a comment I made a complete fool out of myself. Not to mention my face always gave it away anyways. I felt like I looked like a tomato whenever you were near.”
Pansy laughed quietly before she pecked your lips.
“But you´re the cutest tomato I´ve ever seen.”
“Oh, just shut up.”, you grumbled, feeling your face heating up again already.
“You better got some powerful arguments if you want me to.”, the girl responded.
And when you sat up slightly before bending down again, your lips on Pansy´s, the two of you knew that it wouldn’t need any further persuasion than this.
Taglist: @marigold-morelli @writingwitch007 @army24—7 @cappgyuccino @foulkryptonitepeanut
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suekre · 7 months
Writing things.
I was tagged by my amazing friend Teo aka @teodoraioana221 and I've been meaning to do this for AGES (probably just a few weeks but it definitely feels longer lol) but life kept getting in the way... still keeps getting in the way, actually, but today I'm saying: fuck it, I'mma do this now. 😂
1. How many works do you have?
Oof, I have no idea, honestly. Everything I ever wrote is unfinished anyway, so if I count in my shortest drabbles, too... probably about a hundred or so? 😅 I genuinely have no idea, though, please don't make me count. 😂
2. What fandoms do you write for?
I'm not in any fandom so I don't write for any fandoms either.
3. What are your top 5 stories by kudos?
I wouldn't know. I barely get any feedback, but that's because I'm so shy about sharing my writing in first place. My Little Blurbs tumblr is somewhere in the shadows, almost entirely unseen. 😂
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I absolutely do, as often as I can! ❤️ If someone takes precious time out of their day to leave me a nice comment, it's mindboggling and it always makes my day, so I am happy to show my gratitude for that; I really love replying to comments!
5. What’s the story you wrote with the angstiest ending?
My stories hardly ever have actual endings. 😂 I'd say that the Ballad of Hallie and Lancie is pretty angsty, though, as a whole.
6. What’s the story you wrote with the happiest ending?
Again, my stories hardly ever have actual endings. 🤣 Thing is... I don't write my little blurbs for endings anyway, I just love exploring human interaction! Most things I write are very everyday-convo-esque and don't really serve a purpose other than me wanting to write dialogue. 😂
7. Do you get hate on stories?
Nope, but as I said above already, I'm shy about sharing my writing, only a few people see it.
8. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
No actual smut, no, but I do include subjects like sex and intimacy, because I love that kinda stuff.
9. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I didn't actually write any crossovers, but I sure do share ideas with friends sometimes, about how fun it would be if our characters were in the same world... and I'd totally love to draw some of those scenes one day. 🤣
10. Have you ever had a story stolen?
I don't know but I doubt it.
11. Have you ever had a story translated?
I dunno?? I switch between German and English when I write, depending on my mood and energy level (high energy level: English, low energy level: German), so sometimes I translate my own stuff when I want to post it to my blurb tumblr. 😂
12. Have you ever co-written a story before?
Also, nope!
13. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
You mean, among my own OCs? I don't even know, I love all my ships, whether they're endgame or not but I think I can say that Charlie and Kieran will always hold a special place in my heart (although I wouldn't want to write the same kind of relationship again these days!) and also Orla and Mick are pretty darn important and amazing! :D
14. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
All of them. Honestly, I wish I was better at finishing my one shots but unfortunately, I'm not. 😂 I'd really love to write the last few bits of my Ballad of Hallie and Lancie, though, because these two became so important to me over the course of the last six months, and I just love them and would love to wrap their teenage story up one day!
15. What are your writing strengths?
I don't think I have any, but if I had to say something, I think it would be 'dialogue'. It's what I love most and I had people telling me that they love it, which is really cool!
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
Everything. 😂 Writing in English is hard for me (not a native speaker) so I really do struggle with everything. It's all for fun, though, so that's cool and I try not to overthink it too much and just do what I feel like doing, without any pressure. I prefer writing badly over not writing at all!
17. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a story?
I do that all the time, as I'm not a native English speaker. 😂 I'm kinda hoping that I can switch it around one day, though. I'd love to throw in a dash of dialogue in my own language one day but I'm not actively writing any German characters at this point so I guess it won't happen any time soon.
18. First fandom you wrote for?
My own. 😂
19. Favourite story you’ve ever written?
Quite a few, actually! I love my most recent WIP of Sofia and Hallie having a chat after Craig's passing. Also the Sofia&Craig convo about their oldest son... and once I can think of other stuff I have written so far, I might mention some more. 😂
That was a lot of rambling lol. GO ME! Tagging everything who wants to do this... it's been super fun! :D
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liquidstar · 1 year
alright! for the first of the little guys, we shall deploy the first designed. his whole powerset is built around energy. more specifically electricity, being able to conduct power into what equipment he had and getting some level of modification to handle the current that has become routine. while sure, arguably the strongest in a head to head fight, the one thing he cannot do is be quiet. his weapon of choice is a spear, built to interface with electric power and conduct it just as he does.
secondly, we have one who's... practically the opposite. a little guy who's speciality is information gathering, and thus has the power to make holes in things. not direct "door where there was before" but like, a hidey hole to observe in secret. or hide everyone else. while for the most part these are empty bubbles in a wall or floor, one of them works as a small room to relax in. his weapon is another spear, this time built for screwing into things, and all the damage getting a spear screwed in entails.
thirdly, the girl of the team, her power is that she's really... really fucking quiet. to the point its up in the air if she can make noise while talking. this is an immense benefit, for the role of an assassin she's taken to, and also sneaking up on the others because they're up at 3am again. her weapon of choice is a knife, specifically designed to cut bone without getting dull, makes it easier to not get caught.
and the final little guy... their ability is being autistically good at making things, no ifs or buts about it this NB is no fighter, but is responsible for everyone else's equipment. there's a joke about them being the ultimate blacksmith with how effective everything they touch is. while they don't have a "weapon" their workshop could function as it, again, nothing more to add than being designed purely for making things.
HIII ANON im back home now so i can get back to you. i hope you still see this even if im replying late!
i really really like the first ones power! control over energy is awesome and i love how that specifically manifests as electricity. the visual of having a spear as like a lightning rod for electricity powers is also just such a cool one. i did a similar thing w an oc a while back, w a split just for aesthetics. the Rule Of Cool. i think its a great power for THE fighter of the team to have too, it works really well as something strong and... well, flashy, for the one thats in the shadows the least. a super fitting power.
big fan of the holes power too, its so creative? it reminded me of this clip. this is hole guy to me. genuinely though its a really cool power and not one i wouldve thought of myself. i think this COULD totally have combative applications if he happened to be caught up in a fight, even though thats not his specialty. like using the holes to trip up or trap an opponent, though this would probably only work for so long. i like that he also shares a weapon type with energy guy, it like sets up a cool little parallel to contrast their powers. i dont know if theyre meant to be foils at all but it gives that sort of vibe! so maybe :p i can see it being a leader/lancer situation (even though this is not a 5 man band)
but yessss the girl of the team. upon reading her power i thought to myself that she and hole guy make a really good combo, based on powers alone at least (if their personalities clash, different story!). because theyre both basically types that work from the shadows. but her being an assassin gives her that extra edge- unlike him she's like, actually proactive. she's not passively listening and gathering intel she is getting out there and murderkilling. we love a girlboss for that. i think a knife is a super fitting weapon too because its both subtle (in a way that a large sword or loud gun isnt) and also, yeah, very deadly! especially when you say its MADE to cut through bone. thats hardcore i love her for that.
i love the final little guy though, im a huge fan of characters who are the designated gizmo makers lol. i always find that role interesting because its about supporting the others from the sidelines, similar to healers, but instead of helping them After they get hurt you have to help them.. Not get hurt. make the best things for them possible, and in order to do that you usually have to know them and their abilities very very well! How would they mess up? What do they need help with? How would this aid their abilities? Is it really a good idea to give a superweapon to this reckless jackass? All important questions this trope of character has to ask themselves. With all that in mind though, I'm assuming this Specific character created the weapons for all the others, since they seem very tailor made to them! Details like a spears MADE to conduct electricity, or screw into things, or a knife MADE to cut into bone... sounds like they did in fact MAKE them!
overall i can totally imagine all sorts of different ways these characters and their powers would interact with each other and i think theyre all really cool!!! of course a lot of my guesses might be way off, and i think thats okay because theres so many other cool directions to take them too. for that is the beauty of ocs, you get to steer the ship! <3
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sunliv · 2 years
My theory for how SCU!Amy could be implemented into the overarching story: much like how Tails discovered Sonic's energy blast through his inventions on the night at the baseball field, after Sonic went Super, this led Amy's fortune cards to predict she'd meet her hero on Earth, which of course ends up getting her tangled up in the whole Shadow thing (I'm still on the fence whether or not Amy mistaking Shadow for Sonic ultimately plays a big part, because on the one hand, I want to see her bond with Team Sonic, but on the other hand, this could lead her to unknowingly side against them for drama points)
OOOOH this is really interesting👀👀 her cards being the reason she comes to earth would be really cool and would be an incredibly accurate translation from her game story too!!! I love that!! Now I really want her cards to be part of it, i had never considered it!! And OOOOOOH SHE MISTAKES SHADOW FOR SONIC....... like she somehow gets the knowledge she is gonna meet a hero who's a hedgehog, and also if it IS Super Sonic that draws her attention, if not with her cards, if with some kind of screen, like Tails, but like really bad, she might mistake Super Sonic's quills for Shadow's since they're so similar... hmm and she'll end up thinking the Wachowskis are bad?? Or something like that???
Agh these are some great theories though i love this!!!! The possibility of Amy being an antagonist alongside Shadow is SO INTERESTING anon ily omg these are amazing!!!
I definitely wanna see her cards be at least mentioned, but i could also see her discovering Sonic with like a really bad screen and since Super Sonic and Shadow's sillouetes are even more similar.... hmm this could totally be a thing oh!!!!!!
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nemorialex · 1 year
AJ Interlude
You know? Life was pretty simple. Maybe even good! Well, no, he wouldn’t say life was GOOD but at least he wasn’t being hunted down or nothin’ like that. But… AJ couldn’t complain! No, that was also kind of a lie, he could find stuff to complain about, but all in all his latest set-up wasn’t a bad one! And that’s what mattered at the end of the day. 
So, there was this little rip in reality, right? Letting something like him sneak through the cracks and check out other places, you know, curiosity being what it was. He wasn’t exactly STUCK here, he wouldn’t say that, but uh… Well, he was here now. And the exit was, uh… It was also somewhere, for sure definitely. John was pretty cool. He was a cat, which was a little nerve wracking at times, but he was really chill about knowing that AJ was a demon, so it evened out. Same thing with Carman. She was a fucking bird- Riot… Meant to say a riot. Cool to hang out with, weird to notice the talons on, you know, that sort of a thing.
Anyway, those two were cool and all, but what was even better was that everyone else in this weird building did NOT know! And the best part was that they didn’t give a single shit about it either! They were all too fucked up in their own miserable little ways to give a rat’s ass (ha!) about the weird greasy guy and his shifty habits. Unless those habits meant that he nicked something that they actually still liked, which were sadly the more attractive items to him. 
For example, someone in the temple kept, like, ALL of his juice lids. Didn’t matter what kind of juice or tea or shit “kumbutchuh” whatever the dude finished off, he’d always keep the lids in this ever-growing pile by the pillow on his cot. And you know, after so many days of sitting there, they began to stink up the joint. Not with actual smells, but… AJ never really found a good way to define how he saw the world, but there was this DRAW to certain things that made his mouth water and his stomach grumble, without his mouth actually watering or his stomach actually grumbling. But it just made him feel… Empty. At a loss. Like he was slowly being eroded away and shrunken down smaller and smaller and smaller until there was nothing left but fear and darkness and–
Or! He could just eat. Consume the things that drew him in and NOT reflect on the weird fucked up feelings that would happen otherwise!
But anyway, yeah, one day he watches this dude sit in his cot while chilling up in the ceiling. It was hard to look up in the rafters and notice a dingy little rat when it was small and up high in the shadows and being SO super still. Even harder to notice that same rat when you didn’t even think to look up. 
The horned guy got up and shuffled away, maybe to piss, maybe to get his fifteenth drink of the hour, who cares. When he leaves the room, AJ clambers down and makes sure the coast is clear before standing up to full and human-looking height and bending back far enough to feel a crack. He casually saunters over to the pile, like he belonged. Which he totally did, he was a regular resident of the temple at this point! Just passin’ though and all... Some slight of hand to grab some of those precious plastic coins and shove them into the pocket of his third-hand hoodie, not even changing stride, turning around into the hall and in the clear, no one the wiser.
He pulled a lid out of his pocket as he walked- still super casually, by the way- and read it with beady black eyes, sniffed it with pointed nose. Tropicana, green, a funky ridged shape to it which made it stand out from the others. It still had bits of label tape on one side while the other side was sticky, like he tried to be careful at first but then said “fuck it” or maybe more like after the drink was downed he nervously picked at the sticker on one side until it only left the sticky stuff. It smelled fruity, and a little tart. When he took his handful of lids he could feel the strange energy that called to him; it made his fingers tingle just holding one of these things. It felt like… Not an obsession, but something that tasted similar. It was marinated with sadness and cooked long and slow with habit. But there was also an aroma of love and desperation to it that was hard to pin down, even with his already shaky vocab list of food words. His tongue darted out slightly, dampening his lips, eager to get a more direct hit–
“HEY!” AJ almost dropped the bottle top he was savoring, eyes going wide and twisting his upper half to see what- oh, yeah, he was afraid of that… “WHAT THE FUCK’S WRONG WITH YOU?? GIVE ‘EM BACK!!”
And now he was being chased.
AJ stumbled as little as he broke out into a run. He kinda knew these halls, but not as well as the other guy. That Hunger inside of him bit down a little harder at the thought but… “Shit…” He dug a hand into his pocket and flung the pieces of plastic out like they were hot coals. His pursuer yelped and skidded to a stop, scrambling to pick up each one. Each one except for the Tropicana lid. Gray hands cradled the trinkets like they were children, but hesitated at this one. Why would he care about a dumb little lid? He had others… Well, sure it went with the rest, and�� He had kept it for a reason before, right? Whatever that reason was, that connection was just… Gone. his heart wasn’t in it’s rescue. His soul no longer resonated with the piece. He stood up and turned away from the abandoned lid, carrying the rest to rejoin the others in his Pile. 
Meanwhile, once those damn things were out of his pockets and the guy was distracted, AJ shrank down to a speedier vermin and scurried away, through cracks, along pipes, under vents. He scrambled his way under the door of an oft-abandoned closet and grew to human size again. Was he all the way human sized, though? He fell on his ass and clutched his chest where his heart was racing like it was still tiny. His head thumped against the wall and he shut his eyes, trying to calm the burning in his lungs and the fuzzy adrenalin in his arms and legs. 
That, uh… That wasn’t the perfect get-away he was hoping for. But at least that Hunger wasn’t as dark and pressing anymore, so that was something. 
He was still kinda peckish though…
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spaceleveln · 10 months
Let's Dissect a Light Saber! Computer Animation!
As soon as he mentioned Dilithium Crystals, I knew I had to reblog it, XD!
One of my goals in Space N is to have as much tech as possible be the same tech.
I want lightsabers, phasers, shields, sensors, FTL coms, FTL travel, tranasporters, and artificial gravity to all be based on the same Warp Field technology.
So, yeah, a Jedi’s lightsaber is essentially going to be a teeny-tiny little warp engine that’s shooting out a small, tight looped warp field. I haven’t decided whether or not I want to keep it being plasma or not. 
Seems like plasma comes with a lot of issues that might be able to be sidestepped by having it made of something else. Just the warp field itself even.
In Star Trek it actually wouldn’t be so bad since plasma is what gets fed in to the Warp Coils. There would be plasma anyway. Could even have the blade do double duty for cooling the plasma just enough to be cycled through again without overheating this super tiny mechanism. But since I’m intending to switch over to the Romulan style power generation (artificial micro-singularity - AMS) rather than matter/anti-matter annihilation, that actually shouldn’t matter :p
On the upside of my tech plans, I do believe (because I don’t understand physics well enough to know or even figure it out one way or another) that I have a reason for why Lightsabers tend to be blue. Whatever is coming out of the emitter hilt is going to be moving significantly faster than its equivalent in non-warped space, which I think (again, I’m really not adept at math, science, ... logic) would cause it to emit Cherenkov radiation where it interacted with non-warped space.
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And Cherenkov radiation does look decently lightsabery to me.
Might also be why there’s so much blue glow in various parts of Warp Nacelles.
I dunno. Maybe? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
But all this leads to the bigger question:
Do lightsabers focus through Dilithium Crystals? Or do Warp Drives focus through Kyber/Adegan/etc. Crystals? Is Dilithium what artificial (Sith Red Lightsabers) crystals are made out of? Or something else?
Or should I just stick with my older plan of using Photonic Time Crystals? Which really should be fictional instead of real with a name like that XD. And sound way too cool not to use. And, in my tiny ignorant lizard brain totally make sense for governing the wave patterns of energy emission because it is organizing the emission in a standard alternating current as the photons bounce back and forth in the exact same pattern. Right? Just say right. It’s all fiction bs anyway.
And apparently the latest “2D” Photonic Time Crystals amplify light or something like that. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  Again, I am no Scientist.
Maybe Dilithium/Kyber/Adegan/etc. ARE naturally occurring Photonic Time Crystals. I think I kind of like that. That would let me keep a little of that Warp can cause environmental hazards thing. Maybe all these crystals form where there are particular kinds of perturbations in other dimension spaces. Like if a normal planet in N-Space happens to lie in a star’s gravity shadow in A-Space, the perturbations in the fabric of space-time cause Kyber Crystals to grow instead of just plain Lithium or Trilithionite Crystals.
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And you might even get blue crystals because of the interaction of photons within the Kyber also emitting the Cherenkov radiation. Which means people are going to have a lot of health issues around Dilithium deposits. Eek.
Could even have clarity have something to do with it. Looks like Gray Lithium Quartz at least can get darn clear.
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Maybe that’s what the federation is doing in the refinement of Dilithium, finding the stuff and then removing all the impurities until it is a pure time crystal that is catching all the electromagnetic radiation to be modulated.
Would make those Dilithium mines about as valuable as they’re depicted. Most planets just aren’t going to have the necessary conditions for formation. Certainly not in large deposits. You would probably need to have a planet that is only “briefly” in the otherspace shadow. Long enough for some crystal formation but not long enough to nudge the planet out of orbit.
I dunno. Just like thinking about it all. It makes for good distraction and pointless worldbuilding.
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prof-peach · 3 years
What would make a good ghost-type starter? My kid's about to turn ten and REALLY wants a Gastly. I think it's because the Ecruteak Gym Leader, Morty, and his Gengar are like, her childhood heroes. She says she even wants to be a ghost-type specialist. Honestly though, I'm kinda reluctant. I mean, you've heard the rumors about ghost-types and children, right?
Your concern as a parent is wholesome, and I can understand your reluctance to dishing out a ghost Pokemon without further investigation first, so let’s put some rumours to bed here.
The dex entries often depict ghost types and tricky, scary, wild and sometimes even dangerous, stealing children away, being living grudges, turning lost kids to Pokemon, and being overall hard to handle, often somewhat lacking in empathy even.
This is what a dex does, it’s built for kids, it’s information is out there to inspire kids to find intrigue in species that are overlooked. When your little, you make up stories, as a parent I’m sure you know, some of those stories your kids tell you seem actually terrifying, horrific, some kids love to indulge in the creepy, the unusual. It’s not to be feared, it’s to be celebrated. The dex is an exaggeration, a base for further learning, and often the gateway to kids wanting to know more. There is a fatal downside, their entries and statements about some species can be unnerving to a regular adult. We are fearful, we see this potentially spooky dangerous thing and of course we want to protect the family from that. But the info given is often a 1% (at most) chance occurrence.
Phantump? They aren’t born of lost kids in the woods. You ask any breeder worth their salt, and they’ll tell you they’ve seen those Pokemon hatch from eggs like everything else.
Drifloon, tries to steal kids apparently? Nah, they’re lighter than air, most of their movements just simply look that way, but it’s usually the wind pushing their bodies about. They’re actually very kind pokemon.
What else, oh, Banette. Born of a discarded toy with an eternal grudge? Haha nope. They aren’t all made that way, at all, many evolve to be perfectly happy healthy Pokemon with a lot of love for their trainers.
The dex focuses in on the unusual, the extraordinary, the facts that statistically will interest their target demographic most, and kids have way less fear than us. Look at yours. She’s been exposed to the same stuff you have, yet she’s not hesitant to want a ghost type, she’s not afraid, not learnt that fear yet, which is an incredibly good thing.
On the very unusual case where a ghost type is like their dex entry, it’s usually captured, aided, and rereleased in a secure location, away from those who could get hurt by it.
Ghost Pokemon do not hatch with a choice of body, a choice of type, or a set of rules to follow. Just like us, they learn and amble through their life trying to find satisfaction, friends, work, family, love and kindness, and to figure out how they fit in it all. They’re highly complex and empathetic Pokemon, often treated differently because of what they are, rather than who they are. When they find people and Pokemon who don’t treat them with hostility and unkindness, they will spend their life with them, they will give everything for them, protecting their loved ones with the ferocity other species can’t muster.
I for one think that as long as your kid knows what to expect, and is responsible and reliable in caring for a Pokemon, then perhaps it’s a good time to start looking. A ghastly is a perfectly fine starter, they have low care requirements, snacking occasionally, but feeding mostly from places of reflection or worship.
You know why ghost types always hang around graves? It’s how they feed. When people reflect, they produce a certain kind of energy, it is not something you can measure easily, or see, but a ghost Pokemon can sense it. They have learnt to live off the energy people expend reflecting, and the most common accessible place to get this for a ghost type, is graves. They also frequent places of worship, monuments beloved by locals, and buildings that once housed a lot of love. You can tell when an abandoned house had something truly terrible happen in it, not even the ghosts will feed there. The energy is bitter to them, and many don’t care for it.
To help your kid, set up a place within the house where you, your family, your other Pokemon, can go to reflect. Some people build this space around the telephone, or computer. When thinking of, or talking to distant loved ones, the same energy is produced, so at home the ghost type can snack and not run low on energy. It’s a nice modern day adaption that’s makes caring for ghost much easier thankfully. Spending 10-20 minutes every other day in the reflection zone will feed the ghost, but will not drain you or your kid. They do not eat up a lot from us, nothing we haven’t already expended.
Along with this, be aware that the ghost line can be somewhat nocturnal, so setting up a regular bedtime might be a little tricky, so that the Pokemon is accounted for, but also so the kids not out all night, that’s not safe at all. Sunset seems to be their peak active hour on average, long shadows mean they can jump around fast between dark patches, a trick ghost show off regularly.
If you are worried, try to make time to go out with your kid and their partner, to a park or maybe a more central street that’s well lit, so they can practice and be trainers in a safe environment. I can totally get not wanting them out in the dark alone, safety always comes first.
What else. She’ll probably have to start carrying an umbrella around. Ghastly aren’t too keen on suuuuper bright light, midday is not easy for them, but some do not want to sit in the pokeball while their trainer is up and awake, they want to play and be around them. An umbrella means they can get some shade no matter the time of day, and have some freedom to move about even in harsh sunlight. Too long in the sun will drain them of energy, and they’ll need to rest and sleep it off, recharge at the reflection station at home, or go spend an hour in a churchyard or something.
They eat most things and sleep anywhere, so there’s not a huge amount of specialist items to be bought for the home. Test different flavours on them, and try to find a ghastly that has a temperament that’ll get along with your whole family. You should definitely check out local adoption centres, they are in undated with ghost types this time of year. People hand them in for all sorts of reasons.
Little tip, if you bring Morty spicy baked goods, like chilli cheese bread or something, he’s more inclined to help you. He hangs out near the burnt tower a lot with his team, and takes trips to the local food festivals too, so if you notice an advert for one, see if you can catch the guy there. He’s reluctant to take on students, but if your kid turns up with a ghastly, and (from what I can assume) and overabundance of energy for Pokemon, plus a spicy treat, the guy melts a little and you can ask questions or request a little time for your kid to get some tips and tricks from a professional gym leader. I think it’d be interesting to investigate at the least, sounds like he’s the closest link between her and the Pokemon she so desperately loves. Plus how cool would that be for her? Gets to talk to her childhood hero. Kind of cool.
As a parent, I advise you get some cleanse tags too. There may be rooms you don’t want them entering, or items you don’t want them messing with (knives/power tools ect) , placing a cleanse tag on each wall, or on the items, will stop them interacting with them, so you can sit knowing things are safe for the Pokemon and your family.
In short, don’t knock the ghost types, they’re just as important, kind and loving as any other Pokemon. I’m not saying naughty troublesome ones don’t exist, but chances are you’ll find one that’s a great match for your family. Thank you for asking questions and not jumping to just get a Pokemon ASAP, you’d be surprised how few people do their homework before inviting in a new Pokemon to the home.
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deidearly · 3 years
Shikamaru Relationship Headcanons
Back with another relationship headcanons of Shikamaru, this time! I had fun writing these, so, please enjoy! X. 
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He’s the type of person that would think every kind of activities that require efforts are a drag. The concept of ‘dating’, obviously, falls in the “what a drag” category— but dating you, however, is something he’d gladly do.
Hear me out, despite being very chill on the outside, Shikamaru is pretty much an overthinker. For example, he’d try to look uninterested on your first date. Would totally throw any outfit that he found comfortable. But in his mind, he’s DESPERATELY trying to figure you out, like
“DOES Y/N HATE MY OUTFIT” , “Why is she frowning— DOES SHE HATE EATING HERE” , “Man, wouldn’t it be a drag if she actually hated me”
A lot of “Hey, can you come over?” dates.
For relationship advices, he listens more to Choji’s than Ino’s.
“Listen, Shikamaru. The most important thing is your gestures. You have to show Y/N that you’re actually a fine gentleman—“ , “Just give her your last piece of meat then I bet she’d love you forever.” you can already guess which one is Ino and which one is Choji, right?
So, the first time he had shogi date in his mind, he was REALLY overthinking it. He thought, you’d hate playing shogi together since it’s boring and it’s considered an old person game. But to his surprise, you LIKE it.
At first, of course, you were very bad it. Shikamaru beat you mercilessly— and would laugh hysterically about you losing.
But you started to understand how the game works and you’d eventually came up with a lot of strategies in your mind. So, one day, during your “can you come over” dates— you suggested, “Hey, why don’t we play Shogi?”
Shikamaru really didn’t see what’s coming
It was a tight match
Shikaku was watching
You left the Naras SPEECHLESS for MINUTES
Shikaku’s eyes were widened— he spent his years losing to Shikamaru. But today, as you grinned widely, Shikamaru sat in defeat. The younger Nara stayed calm, examining his pawns. On the contrary, the older Nara bursted into laughter, hitting his son’s shoulder repeatedly. “Y/N! You actually beat Shikamaru!”
Shikamaru’s mad on the outside but internally he’s like, “WIFEY.”
Seriously, don’t feel bad. For him, you’re a God-sent now that you beat him in Shogi. He’s planning a wedding in his mind.
Now let’s talk about touches. He’s not a big fan of PDA, because for him, it makes people uncomfortable. But he’s SO amazing with words— he’s a big flirt and there are so many aggressive sexual tensions between the two of you and THAT’S WHAT MAKES PEOPLE UNCOMFORTABLE ACTUALLY
“Do you think you can paralyze him with your shadow jutsu, Shikamaru?” , “Seriously, Y/N? If I could strangle you last night then I’m pretty sure I can now—“ , “(Ino, stressed out in a battlefield) GUYS COME ON NOT NOW HE HAS A BLADE.”
His favorite way to spend some time with you is obviously by taking a nap together, especially after a tiring missions. He’d take off his vest and throw himself on the bed. You’d stand near his bed and he’d go, “Come.” inviting you to sleep next to him.
He loves it when you’re curled up next to him inside a blanket— skins touching. He’d bury his head in your hair and play with your hair lazily until he’s asleep.
NEVER WAKES HIM UP because he has the prettiest face when he’s asleep like he looks so peaceful
Please, kiss him right after he wakes up. He just gained a lot of energy and it’s the best time to earn what you deserve!
“Y/N, how long have you been awake?” he whispered while rubbing his eye when he saw your back— sitting on the edge of the bed. Without saying anything, you crawled to him, leaning in for a kiss. Just when your lips touched, his hands began to travel down to your waist, pulling your weight closer to him. His fingers traced your skin as he deepened your kiss. “Excited much?” you broke the silence, “I thought you’re the one who’s excited.” he smirked.
Besides taking a nap together, he really likes having an interesting discussions with you. Please ask him about his opinions, theories, or basically anything! He’d spend hours explaining things and end up lost in his own thoughts but I swear it’s worth it because he’s so passionate talking about the things he’s interested in!
Would be very flustered at the end (but would try to hide it) because he’d think you’re bored
“Ah, sorry, Y/N.—“ , “*heart eyes* NO, PLEASE, CONTINUE.”
As much as he loves having discussions with you, he hates having to argue with you, though.
Arguing, especially with you, definitely falls in the “what a drag” category, too. He’s a determined guy— and so with his principles. So, when the both of you are being stubborn, he’d definitely leave you mid-argument, bidding his farewell.
Something like, “You know what, Y/N? This has been quite a drag. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
But boy will be in a full emo mode later at night
Would stare at the ceiling for hours. Pretending to play Shogi with someone. All these to distract himself as he’s trying to cool himself down.
You wouldn’t believe it, but he’d totally walk to your place at night and wait outside your window for some time but then decided to come back home. He knows that he was being a little like a jerk by leaving you in a middle of the conversation.
He’d come first thing in the morning to make up with you.
“Shikamaru, what are you doing?” , “I brought breakfast.”
It would be a little awkward at first, eating breakfast together after a heated argument with no settlement. But he’d be the one to apologize, and he’d be the type to apologize with no “but”s. He’s very nice like that.
All he ever wants to do is cloud-gazing with you, tbh. 
Even though he appears to be a cool person, he’s quite sensitive especially when he’s frustrated. When he’s unable to solve things, when there’s no way out.
It’s very heart-breaking to see him cry, actually. His body would shake, heavy sobs, gritted teeth. It’s painful. 
It happened one time when he found out you had been seriously injured after a mission.
You were together assigned for a mission with the other crews, and he was the one who came up with the battle plan. He trusted you with your power, so he put you with the strongest opponent as well. Unfortunately, he miscalculated your opponent who, apparently, got so much surprise attacks under his sleeve— leaving you defeated.
He blamed it on himself.
He stayed with you every day when you’re hospitalized. Looking at your bruises face triggered every fibers in his body. His head hurt— and tears started to heavily poured from his eyes.
You wake up to the sound of Shikamaru crying, his head was buried on the bedsheet. You could actually tell how he was in agony by the way his body trembled. “Shikamaru.” you called weakly— but it surprised him. His eyes were swollen red, runny nose, and his cheeks wet from his tears. “I’m okay—“ , “It’s my fault, Y/N. I didn’t—“ , “I’m okay.” you repeated yourself.
And from that moment onwards, he swears to try his best to protect you from any sort of harm. He also promised himself to come back home, he doesn’t want to keep you alone for a long time— because deep down you both know that home is to be by each other’s side.
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merakiaes · 4 years
Hate You, Hate You Not - Armitage Hux
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Pairing: General Armitage Hux x reader
Requested: By anon. 
Prompts: #1 & #58 from the fluff-list. 
Warnings/notes: (SHOULD I MAKE A PART 2 WITH MORE ROMANCE IN IT?) This ended up being much longer than I planned so it's most likely very boring and dull😭 Might be a bit, if not a lot, out of character since this is kinda my test-run for Hux and Star Wars in general. Getting the characters mannerisms in might take some practice. Not proofread so I apologize in advance for any mistakes. This is the first time ever that I write for Star Wars and the first time in like 5-6 months that I’m writing in general so I’m a bit rusty. Please reblog and leave comments to keep my motivation going and let me know if you’d like to be added to a Star Wars taglist <3 
Wordcount: 5632
Summary: One of Kylo Ren’s many tantrums results in your room being inhabitable for a night, which in turn results in you having to share a room - and bed - with the person you hate the most. 
Everyone who had ever, at some point in their lives, worked alongside Kylo Ren in his quest to bring the Order to power, knew how much of a hassle and inconvenience his temper, or lack thereof, could be.
Not much was needed for him to lose his cool and it happened on a much too frequent basis than what was considered normal for a man in his early 30s, at least according to you.
Of course, however, you couldn’t actually tell him that, nor could you think it, with the risk of him probing your mind.
So every time he came back from a failed mission and completely obliterated your hard work, you could do nothing but bite your tongue, clear your head and repair the damages like you’d done oh, so many times before.
That’s what you got for being one of the highest-ranked engineers of the Order, you supposed.
But on this day you would’ve, for the first time in your life, very much preferred to repair the damages left behind by your tantrum-prone leader like you always did. Because if that punishment had to be compared to the one you were now facing, you would’ve chosen the former without even a shadow of a doubt.
But, unfortunately, that was not an option this time around, as the room that had fallen victim to the sizzling beam of Kylo Ren’s lightsaber was your bedroom.
Well, not originally, of course, but sparks had flown from the totaled control panels and a piece of supposedly fireproof metal scrap had caught on fire before you and the other engineers reached the room for a damage-control, starting of as a small flame and then proceeding to spread like wildfire as fire did, in ways completely unbeknownst to you as, like already mentioned, the place was supposed to be safe from fires.  
The licking flames had managed to melt through several walls before you got to the scene, and one of those walls was the wall to your bedroom.
It was late when it happened, only fifteen minutes before you were supposed to end your shift, and as you were on the verge of having a mental fucking breakdown, you personally requested an audience with Kylo and were granted permission by him after a very carefully-worded explanation to start early in the morning.
But that only took care of one of your problems, and only temporarily at that. Now you were left with the issue of finding other sleeping accommodations since your room was currently not habitable. You had no choice but to ask for another room and, of course, Hux thought that to be the perfect time to crack a sarcastic joke about throwing you into one of the prisoner cells.
You had never, in all your years of being alive, glared so fiercely at another human being as you did then. And in your moment of anger, you accidentally let your walls down and let your thoughts run freely through your head – your annoyance directed at the General, but also at Kylo Ren, being exposed.
You felt it before you saw it – that little prickle in your head, that little sting of your mind being probed – and only a second later, Kylo Ren turned his masked head in your direction, walked up to you with patronizingly slow steps and spoke:
“I think you’ll find that General Hux’s quarters will suffice for the night, until repairs can be done to your own. He has more than enough space for both of you.”
He turned his head to look at the baffled man standing behind him, all of the attitude he had previously been harboring against you now completely melted away.
“Isn’t that right, General?” Kylo continued asking, giving him the time he needed to regain his composure.
The general in question had never been very good at holding his tongue, not even when receiving orders from superiors, and was quick to protest.
As anyone would’ve been able to guess, that didn’t go very well, and you weren't even gonna try hiding the satisfaction you got from seeing Hux be force-choked against a wall for speaking out of turn.
No matter how good both of you were at hiding your spiteful thoughts toward him, Kylo knew how much the two of you hated him. And more than anything, he knew how much you hated each other.
Kylo had become very predictable to you during the time you had been there and you knew his ways good enough to know that he wouldn’t have wasted petty energy in putting the two most hateful people he knew in the same room if he hadn’t been pushed to do so.
You knew that you weren’t the reason in this scenario, despite the fact that he had probably felt your spite directed towards him, which only left one option; and that option was the bitter, infuriatingly stubborn ginger currently walking by your side.
You glanced at him from the corner of your eye and glared, clenching and unclenching your fists at your sides in the same manner you had been doing ever since Kylo had ruled his decision final and dismissed you for the night.
His eyes remained trained on the metallic corridor that seemed to be stretched out for miles in front of you and your blood boiled at the sight.
You would’ve lost your shit if he’d had the nerve to even consider looking at you after putting you in this situation, but at the same time, you were also on the verge of losing your shit about him having the audacity to ignore you.
You wanted to scream at him like you’d never screamed at anyone before, but you knew that doing that would only fuel the petty grudge Kylo had against the two of you and give him more ways to cause you torment. The only thing you and the general would ever have in common was not wanting that.
But still, what harm could a tiny bit of friendly banter do?
“You just couldn’t help yourself, could you, Armitage?” The question you’d been sucking on for the past few minutes finally slipped out into the air, making your anger known.
“Don’t call me that.”
“My apologies.” You sarcastically shot back with a dry laugh. “You just couldn’t help yourself, could you, general?”
“No, it was awfully tempting.” Was all that he replied, his eyes not once flickering and neither his stone-cold scowl nor fast-paced stride faltering.
Well, you might have absolutely despised each other but in the very least, you never bothered lying to each other. That had to count for something, right? Not that either of you cared.
No more words were exchanged, and that was probably for the best. Engineers and stormtroopers all moved out of your way as the two of you marched through the corridors, side by side, knowing better at this point than to get on your bad sides when you were together and this obviously angry both with each other and in general.
Soon enough, you finally reached the corridor in which Hux’s sleeping quarters were located and once the mechanic doors slid open, you pushed yourself past him into the room before he even got the chance to react.
He fumed behind you as he watched you make yourself at home, dropping your dirty jacket on his perfectly made bed.
“You’ll take the floor, then?” You asked as you turned around, crossing your arms over your chest and shooting him a forced smile.
“Hardly.” He spat, eyes narrowing, and you scoffed, rolling your eyes in return.
“You must be a real hit with the ladies with those manners.”
At that, he stepped further into his room, allowing the sensory-triggered door to shut behind him, successfully shutting the two of you in together.
“I don’t have time for fooling around with women.” He spat out the last word with such malice that you automatically raised an eyebrow.
“Well, that explains it.” You mused, the corner of your lip tugging upwards ever so slightly.
“Explains what, exactly?” His eyes narrowed further, and this time it was his turn to cross his arms.
“That stick you have up your ass.” You wasted no time in shooting back, and before he got a chance to reply, you continued. “I know this might be news to you seeing as you’re, well, you, but gentlemen are supposed to sacrifice their comfort and offer themselves to take the floor when a lady, due to unfortunate circumstances, is forced to stay in their room.”
You sarcastically smiled at him and sank down his bed, something that he, judging by the snarl overtaking his face, didn’t appreciate.
“You, a lady? That will be the day.” He scoffed. “Even calling you a woman is a stretch with your mannerisms.”
You could only roll your eyes.
“Well, I’m not sharing a bed with you.” The glare that had temporarily been exchanged for a teasing smirk returned to your face. “I’d rather share a bed with Millicent.”
As you said that, you picked up a single strand of cat hair from his bed, held it up for further inspection and raised your lip in disgust.
He stared at you dead serious, hands clasped behind his back and eyes burning holes into the side of your face.
“You’re allergic to cats.” He pointed out, making your head whip back around to face him with a glare equally as fierce as the one you were met with.
“Yes, that’s my point.” You deadpanned. “But it would seem that said point just went right over your thick-skulled head.”
“Do you think I am any happier about this than you are?” He scowled, and you stood up, slowly approaching him and coming to a stop right in front of him.
He took a small step back, a move that made your lip tug upward ever so slightly. The fact that he was so obviously not as tough as he wanted people to believe gave you a special kind of satisfaction and he knew it, judging by the way he only turned stiffer after that.
“You should be.” You smiled sweetly at him, keeping your eyes connected to his. “Because you’re sure as hell lucky I haven’t choked the life out of you yet for getting us into this situation in the first place.”
He glared and you glared right back, challenging, no, daring him to fight back. You knew that he wanted to, you could see that he wanted to, but in the end, not even he was that stupid.
So he said nothing, and once you realized you had finally managed to successfully back him into a corner, you backed away from him again and plastered on another forced, overly sweet smile.
“Now, I need to take a shower. I reek of burnt plastic.” You stated flatly and pushed past him, making a beeline for the one extra door in the room that you could only assume was his bathroom.  
You heard the squeak of his shoes rubbing against the floor as he quickly turned around behind you, and then came the determined steps and the proximity of his body closing in on you. However, before he got the chance to object or reach you, you entered his bathroom and slammed the door shut in his face, smiling contently to yourself as you listened to the muffled string of curses that followed.
You didn’t spend any more time thinking about it, though, not wasting any time before doing what you came in there to do.
You got out of your horrid-smelling clothes, released your equally as nasty-smelling hait from its ponytail and stepped into the shower.
If there was one thing you appreciated a little extra about living at the Starkiller Base, it was that everyone used the same scented soap. Because that meant that you wouldn’t have to go around smelling specifically like Hux, but rather just like you always smelled.
Once you finished washing your hair and body, you had to stop and think for a bit.
Your clothes obviously still reeked and needed a proper wash before they could be worn again, and you obviously couldn’t go naked.
After much thought back and forth, you finally settled with your own leggings as they were the one piece of clothing from your previous attire that smelled the least of smoke, and a plain black, long-sleeved undershirt that you found in a pile of Hux’s clean laundry.
Once you vad gotten dressed, braided your hair and re-entered the bedroom accompanied by a stream of steam, you found it to be empty, Hux nowhere in sight.
You couldn’t deny that you wondered where he’d gone off to, but you shook your head free of his face pretty quickly, settling with believing that he just went to take his frustration out on some poor stormtrooper or low-rank intern like he so often did when things didn’t go his way, much like Kylo Ren beat the shit out of any control panel he could get his hands on.
While you awaited his return, you occupied yourself with going around the room and lighting the small night-lamps like you normally did in your own room before going to bed.
That obviously didn’t take long, however, so you were soon enough once again left alone with your boredom and started walking around the room, inspecting all of Hux’s belongings.
You realized pretty quickly that he was not a person to whom inanimate things had much sentimental value, as he definitely didn’t have much to his name aside from the basic interior that all of the sleeping quarters on the base had.
He had a ring on his drawer, a few books in one of his two bookshelves while the other stood empty, a small bed in a corner for his cat, clothes in his wardrobe, and that was pretty much it. He had no pictures of family, no real personal belongings that could signify any kind of emotional value.
But then again, who did in these parts?
“Is that my shirt?”
You jumped when you heard the sudden voice behind you, quickly turning around where you stood twirling the ring you had found in the light of the lamp standing beside you.
Your eyes found his form immediately, shocked meeting stern.
“Why are you wearing my shirt?” He almost instantly repeated himself when not getting a reply the first time, slowly beginning to walk in your direction with his hands clasped behind his back.
You quickly put the ring back down on the dresser and turned towards him, regaining your composure.
“Well, if you hadn’t noticed, my room and everything in it was burnt to a crisp. The smokey smell on my clothes was giving me a headache and kind of would have ruined the purpose of taking a shower so when I just so conveniently noticed a pile of clean clothes, I helped myself.” You shrugged like it wasn’t a big deal, and to you, it wasn’t.
Hux, however, didn’t seem amused in the slightest.
“Yes, you seem to have a habit of thinking you’re entitled to everything you want.” He spat back at you, coming to a stop while there was still a good amount of distance between the two of you.
Any chill you had previously had melted right off and your annoyance quickly returned at the sound of his words.
“Oh, do excuse me. I just thought one headache would be enough.” You retorted and rolled your eyes, before sighing and crossing your arms over your chest. “So, how are we doing this? It’s late and I need to be up early to see to the repairs.”
“I thought that I made myself clear.” Hux was quick to scoff, his glare not faltering for as much as a second. “I’m not giving you my bed.”
Once again, all you could do was roll your eyes. “Well, I guess we’ll just have to suck it up then.” You stated flatly and sat down on the bed, wasting no time in starting to divide the pillows into two piles rather than one.
You took a few seconds to adjust the pillows to suit your needs before looking back up, eyebrow raised at the fact that he had yet to say or do anything.
Your eyes once again met his and you almost laughed out loud at the sight you were faced with, but thankfully managed to control yourself and avoid making the situation even harder than it already was.  
Long story short, Hux had never looked more horrified than he did in that moment.
He basically looked at you like you had killed his cat, and that was putting it lightly.
You took a few seconds to just enjoy watching him squirm and silently scramble to make sense of the situation, but even you knew when enough was enough and raised a questioning eyebrow at him in an attempt to get him moving.
“Well? What’s it going to be?” You asked. “It’s either this or the floor, just like it was for me.”
Hux opened his mouth, hesitated, and then closed it again. He obviously hadn’t been expecting you to actually agree on sharing his bed with him and now that you had, he was left at loss for words as he clearly hadn’t been preparing for anything other than you sleeping on the floor.
But after a good moment of just standing there and looking like an idiot, he finally picked himself back up, squared his shoulders and walked around the bed to the other side with frustrated strides and a snarling lip.
The feigned confidence melted right off, however, when he reached his destination and awkwardly shuffled into bed while simultaneously avoiding your amused and mocking stare, silently grabbing the extra blanket that was folded upon his bedside table.  
Both of you laid down on your backs and a heavy silence fell like a thick blanket over the room. The only sound you could hear for a few moments were each other’s breaths and your own heartbeats. For a moment, only for a microscopical moment, you were actually on your way to admit to yourself that it was kind of nice.
But that thought went flying out the window just as quickly as it had knocked on the door of your mind when Hux broke the silence by beginning to adjust himself to get ready to sleep, and in the process of doing so made the active choice to tug the pillows from right under your head.
The back of your head hit the mattress with a soft thump and you closed your eyes, your lips pulling into a straight, tight line and one, sharp breath being released through your nose as you attempted to keep your cool.
You took a moment to calm down, before you turned your head to his side of the bed where he now laid with his back to you and tugged the pillows back – maybe with a little too much force than necessary.
Hux had quickly rolled over to his other side to take them back and in anger and an eagerness to get to sleep, you exclaimed: “Stop stealing the pillows!”
He met you with a stare cold enough to have anyone else shaking in their boots and spat back. “They’re my pillows.”
You grumbled under your breath and let go of one of the two pillows, letting him pull it back to his side while you held on to the last one.
You stared at each other for a moment, both of you eventually coming to a silent, mutual agreement that you were too tired to fight and therefore he'd let you keep the pillow you were holding on to as if your life depended on it.
He, once again, laid down and turned his back to you, his hands holding on to the pillows under his head while you struggled to get comfortable again, this time with only one pillow.
“Why is your bed so damn hard?” You muttered under your breath as you angrily shoved your elbow into the mattress in an attempt to make it more comfortable – as if that was ever going to help.
“Stop complaining.” He only snapped back.
“How could I when I’m stuck in a bed with you?”
“You could’ve asked for other accommodations when you had the chance.”
“And what, be the next victim of Ren’s lightsaber?” You scoffed. “I’m the one in charge of the repairs that are needed every time he throws a wobbly. I’ve seen the kind of damage that thing can do and I’m not in any hurry to find myself at the receiving end of it.”
You muttered the last part under your breath as you finally managed to get relatively comfortable, plopping back down on your back and folding your hands over your stomach.
“How did you know I’m allergic to cats, anyway?” The question spilled out before you could stop yourself, and before you could even register that it was on the way.
Where did that even come from? Cats weren’t even close to being the subject at hand.
Hux didn’t seem to care much about the random change of subject, however, simply muttering back a reply. “You start sniffling and scratching your arms every time you’re in the same room as me for more than five minutes.”
He was clearly tired. Tired in general or just tired of you, you didn’t really know, but you guessed that it was a mixture of both since that was the case for you.
“Maybe I’m just allergic to you.” You muttered back with a shrug, even though he couldn’t see you, and he scoffed at that.
“Had that been the case I’m fairly certain it would go both ways and, unlike you, I don’t go around oozing snot everywhere I go.”
“I don’t go oozing snot everywhere.” You calmly protested, throwing the back of his head a disapproving glare before turning to lay on your side so that your back was now turned to his.
He didn’t say anything else and neither did you, sleep coming in and catching you completely by surprise and having you knocked out within the next two minutes.
When you woke up early that next morning, Hux was unsurprisingly already gone, Millicent instead laying in his place and looking right at you.
With a disgusted snarl and hesitant movements, you reached over to the other side of the bed and awkwardly patted her head twice, probably very much in the incorrect manner as you had no experience whatsoever with animals.
You got out of bed after that, put on your jacket and shoes, and wasted no time in getting to work once you’d gotten some food into your system, your team joining you in the damage-inflicted area to start on repairs like you’d done so many times before.
Everything was going fine and dandy, just a light-reckon day that started off like any other – if you didn’t count waking up in Hux’s bed with his cat – but a few hours into your workday, the unmistakable sound of Kylo Ren’s heavy steps could be heard echoing through the entire corridor you found yourself working in.
A big share of the Order’s pilots had been either killed or badly hurt a few days prior in an ambush. No one had expected any pilots to be needed for at least a few days but Kylo had gotten a sudden lead on the map that would take him to Luke Skywalker and was now walking around the base recruiting anyone capable of helping him get what he wanted.
Unfortunately for you, you were not only a highly-ranked engineer, but also a pretty decent pilot, and couldn’t say anything in protest when you were whisked away to a ship.
As anyone who wasn’t driven by an unhealthy obsession would have been able to guess, the lead was just too good to be true with a way too simple access.
Just like the last lead, this one fell through when it was revealed to be another ambush. You weren’t completely sure what happened, but over the comms, you had heard something about Leia Organa and some scavenger. 
You didn’t have time to think about retired war heroes though, no matter how much you’d love to pry and the get in on the gossip, as you had to shoot yourself through a big fleet of Resistance starfighter corps, barely getting through with your ship intact.
Your fellow pilots were shot down one by one, only a small amount of you managing to get out of there. And even then, you were met by more starfighter corps just as quickly as you’d gotten away from the last line.
Everything was just a mess after that. You weren’t able to get through to anyone over the comms, only barely being able to make out a “pull back!” before your comm system was blown to pieces along with one of your main engines.
Along with several other ships, you were forced to crash-land on a small planet filled with thick woods and when your ship collided with the ground, your head slammed into the controls, rendering you unconscious for who knows how long.
By the time you came back to it, you were hanging upside down, the only thing preventing you from falling down being the seatbelt keeping you strapped in.
You struggled to get out of there but you managed, and had to take a moment to get your surroundings to stop spinning before moving forward to look for survivors as well as a ship that wasn’t completely beyond salvation.  
You weren’t sure who you’d find, but the person you’d shared a bed with the previous night was definitely the last person you’d expect to have crashed in the same place as you. 
And still, you recognized his ship immediately. After all, you were the one who had personalized it to fit his liking.
Lucky for you, his ship seemed to have gotten a pretty soft landing. As you circled around it, you were able to determine that no major engines had been blown out. Damaged? Definitely. But they looked intact enough to at least be able to put some more distance between you and the Resistance pilots and get you to a safer place. Hopefully, the inside would be as untouched as the outside.
The ramp was lowered to the ground but didn’t look broken, so you wasted no time in jogging inside.
The lights were out completely in the entrance area, and just flickering in the ceiling when you came further in.
The first thing you noticed when you entered the piloting pit was that the pilot was not breathing. How could you tell from that far a distance? Well, let’s just say that something that was not supposed to be stuck in his eye, was stuck in his eye.
Upon further inspection, you noticed another body on the floor. However, this one was very much alive.
You would’ve expected to be met by a desperate “help me”, maybe even some begging and pleading or in the very least a “please”, but instead, even when in the process of bleeding out on the floor, Hux narrowed his eyes at you as you approached him and asked you with ragged breaths:
“Is that my shirt?”
You panted as you dropped to your knees at his side, still pretty shaken up from your own crash. “What? No.” You replied in a breath, and you wasted no time in starting to inspect his injuries.
“Yes, it is.”
“Why would I be wearing your shirt?” You asked simply, struggling to see in the dark as the flickering lights weren’t providing much assistance by means of light.
“That’s my shirt.” He kept insisting, and flinched when your hand made contact with his lower abdomen.
Only then did your eyes register the glimmering piece of metal through your blurred and disoriented vision, sticking out of his side.
You flinched at the sight, not needing any more light than you had to know that it was really bad. 
Your heart suddenly picked up in speed in your chest, and your hands began shaking as they became covered in his blood.
You had never been in the middle of the action before now, you’d always just been surrounded by metal and electricity. The most exciting thing you’d ever experienced was when a new engineer circuited a control panel the wrong way, resulting in it blowing up right by your workplace.
But it wasn’t the action in itself that had your heart about ready to burst through your chest, nor was it the blood in general, but rather the fact that it was his blood covering your hands.
His life was completely dependent on you at this moment and you had absolutely no idea how to behave accordingly.
But if there was something you knew, it was that the last thing you were supposed to do was to show a dying man your panic, so you took a deep breath and tried your hardest to steady your racing heart, going back to the conversation at hand.
“How could you tell the difference, really?” You asked. “All of our shirts look the same. All black, all equally as sufficient when used to stop blood flows.”
As you said that last part, you released another breath and ripped off a big chunk of the lower part of the shirt you were wearing.
A shirt that was, in fact, Hux's.
The man in question let his head fall back against the wall that he was propped against and his eyes squeezed shut when feeling your hands return to his side.
“Do you always wear shirts several sizes too big?” He managed to get out through clenched teeth and you replied without missing a beat.
“There was a mix-up in the laundry room.”
“So it isn’t your shirt?” He continued to be persistent and despite the seriousness of the situation, you couldn’t help but to let a small smile slip.
“Do you want to keep fighting about whether or not this shirt is mine or would you rather maybe, oh, I don’t know, focus on getting the hell out of here?” You asked him lightly and at that, he raised his head to meet your eyes with a distrusting glare.
“Why are you helping me?”
You raised your eyebrow at him, sparing just a second to meet his eyes. “You have a piece of metal stuck in your side, why the hell would I not help you?” You asked and as quickly as you had looked up, you looked back down at your hands to see what you were doing.
“You hate me, and I hate you.” He deadpanned, and you couldn’t deny you felt your heart tug in your chest.
“Who told you I hated you?” You asked, and listened as he let out a dry, struggling laugh.
“You did. On countless occasions.”
He hissed when you accidentally bumped your hand against the piece of metal. You quietly apologized but didn’t stop, knowing you didn’t have much time before the enemy would catch up with you.
“Thinking that I’m entitled to everything I want isn’t the only bad habit I have. I also have a tendency to overexaggerate.” You joked with a smile. “I do find you insufferably infuriating, though.”                                              
Another chuckle left his lips. “Likewise.” He said and dropped his head back against the wall.
You said nothing more, ripping another two pieces off of the shirt, tying them together and wrapping it around his waist like you had the first piece. You tightened this knot significantly more than the first one, though, right above the piece of metal, and just as quickly as he had relaxed, he jerked back forward with a yell.
“I need to stop the bleeding, you need to keep still.” You hurriedly scolded and sternly pushed him back down by his chest.
He muttered bitterly in return, but didn’t protest.
“I bet you’re enjoying this.” He seethed, and you raised an eyebrow, a small smile playing on your lips.
“Whenever I’m feeling down, I just think back to the multiple times I’ve had the pleasure of witnessing you being force-thrown across a room by Ren. Puts a smile on my face every time. But that doesn’t automatically mean I want you to die. So stop wallowing in your internalized self-hatred and put your hand over mine.” You told him, trying your hardest to keep a lighthearted attitude, more so for your own sake than his at this point as you were literally about to pass out.
But he did as told, contributing with the strength he had left when you got to your feet and started pulling him up and into one of the seats that were still intact.
He put a trembling hand over yours and in turn, you put your other one over his and pushed down. He hissed and you gave him a moment to adjust, and when you were sure he was pressing hard enough with his own hand, you slowly removed both of yours and fastened his seatbelt.
“Keep pressure and hold on tight. This is most likely going to be a rough ride.” You warned him, and he slowly looked up at you through a mess of ginger hair.
“It can’t be any worse than the ride here.” He retorted and you nodded, taking that as a “go ahead”.
You wasted no time in getting into the pilot’s seat after pulling the previous pilot out, as well as the thick tree branch on which his head had been impaled, and started up the controls. It took a few tries to get out of the hole the ship hade gotten stuck in when crashing, but soon enough you were up in the sky.
With a bit of dumb luck, you eventually reached your destination and got brought back in to the base by your team of fellow engineers, all ready to repair the wrecked ship.
Hux was immediately taken to the medical bay while you stayed behind to help with the ships, and from two ends of the base, the two of you silently and separately came to realize that maybe, just maybe, you didn’t hate each other as much as you thought, after all.
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scandalsavagefanfic · 3 years
Hello! I am a huge fan of ur writing. I've loved everything I've read of yours. I've read alot of what you've posted, except for a couple of the tags that are squicky for me (so I'm very thankful you tag very thoroughly). No judgement for the squick, it's just not for me. & when I'm having a bad day, I usually just go thru ur ao3 and find something to reread. I think about Therapy's Bruce & Jason every damn day. While I obvs appreciate ur darker more "problematic" content (I really vibe with some of the themes you write about bc of my own trauma, & so it's very cathartic to read about in a fictional setting), I am truly a sucker for ur more happy content. The Happily Ever After verse also lives in my head rent free. Idk more wholesome stuff just seems more special when you write it. Anyways. I would die for you. But the point of this ask is cause I'm curious as to why you don't like Urban Legends? I'm sorry if you already talked about it here or on twitter and I missed it. I was just wondering because I really enjoy your take on things and would love to hear why you dislike it. I've been enjoying it so far personally, but I am always open to DC comics criticism.
Aw thank you so much! I'm so flattered by everything you just said. You're so sweet ❤❤❤❤❤
I haven't talked about Urban Legends here or twitter (I haven't been very active in either place lately. Just a lot going on and no energy 😔) but I'm happy to do it here.
Before I start though, I just want to add a standard disclaimer and make it clear that if you like it, there's nothing wrong with that and you don't have to let me ruin it for you lol. Like what you like.
That said, since you asked...
I said this when I was talking about it on discord, that there is a difference between hope and expectation. I always hope that a new story centered on Jason (or anyone really, but things have been especially egregious for Jay for 15 years) will be good or at least treat the character with a minimal level of respect (to be honest, the bar is super fucking low). But my expectations always temper my hope, to keep it from getting unrealistic. Because my expectations are based on experience.
The long history of Jason Todd, since even before his resurrection, has been one of retroactively trying to make him "a bad seed" in order to absolve Bruce of any responsibility in his death.
I don't even expect DC or their writers to start honoring the fact that Jason was not an angry, reckless Robin (and less of the later than Dick or Tim and definitely Damian). There plenty of ways that retcon can be folded into his history and be compelling and sympathetic. And if they're going to stick with that retcon, I'm only asking that they do it in one of those compelling and sympathetic ways because Jason was 15 when he died, heroically, in one of the most selfless acts in comics, to save a woman who literally handed him over to be brutally murdered. He was 12 when Bruce plucked him off the streets, he'd been homeless and fending for himself for at least two years. I personally think that Jason's story hits harder for him and Bruce if their original, canon relationship, of Jason as starry-eyed and eager to learn and absolutely devoted to Bruce and Bruce to Jason, is preserved. But Jason's origins does leave room for a meaningful interpretation of him as angry and frustrated at the lack of meaningful results of Bruce's methods.
And that's really where my irritation at stories like Batman: Urban Legends, Cheer and Batman The Adventure Continues has it's roots.
Every time one of these stories comes out, I think (or hope, rather) that this will be the one that remembers and respects the origins of the Jason and the Red Hood, that takes into account the changed sensibilities of comics readers in the 30 years since Jason's death and the subtle, 20 year, retroactive campaign to make him the "bad Robin". The "born bad" trope is played out and literally no one likes the message it implies. That some kids are just bad eggs and there's nothing parents or the adults around them can do. Especially when it's played as the kid's fault. If Jason's time as Robin is going to be characterized by anger, then it should be rooted in anger at the social injustices he witnessed as he grew up in an impoverished, crime-ridden, area and the horrors he faced raising himself when every day was a battle for survival. There are topical, meaningful, stories to tell with that backdrop.
But those are never the stories we get.
⚠⚠ Spoilers for Batman: Urban Legends, Cheer ⚠⚠
I'm particularly disappointed in Urban Legends because for the first issue, it looked like that was the kind of story we were going to get. I was put off by the first flashback of Jason being mesmerized by Bruce's guns, and I got that feeling in my gut that it was a bad sign. Jason depicted as impatient and overconfident and the scene with the guns is heavy-handed foreshadowing that got my spidey-sense tingling. I had a inkling then (in the first three pages) of how this story was going to play out, but it was early and I could still see many narrative paths that could lead to a satisfying story. My concerns were soothed somewhat and the little flame of my hope fanned, with the flashback of Alfred scolding Bruce, with Barbara's concern for Jason. A bit of worry returned with the way Jason ruthlessly pursued an addict who didn't appear to be a dealer and with the ending of the issue. The stuff with the addict sat wrong with me but the ending was tempered some by how despicable Tyler's dad was written. The scene was clearly set so that the reader could sympathize with Jason's decision and the scene with the addict could be brushed aside as a side-effect of comics over-the-top need for constant action, so I still held hope.
Issue 2 made me uncomfortable and it's where my hope starts to take a backseat to my expectations. I can dismiss Jason's self-deprecating internal monologue as unreliable narration, except that the flashback reinforces his thought process to explicitly show that it's not unreliable narration, and should be taken at face value. Jason faces physical abuse at the hands of his mother's drug dealer and when the flashback continues later, Jason kills the drug dealer. To be clear, this is a pre-Bruce Jason. His mom is still alive. He's like... 10. He kills this guy for shoving his head into a wall and implying Jason's mother paid for her drugs with sex. This is a scene that serves a single purpose. To show that Jason has always been prone to violence.
In the spirit of full disclosure, there is the small chance the drug dealer might not be dead. But the story obviously wants the reader to think he is, and it hasn't done anything to change that yet.
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Starlin already did this story with The Diplomat’s Son in 1988 and he did it infinitely better. AND that’s still technically canon. So now I’m supposed to believe that Jason lost his cool bad enough to kill two douche bags before his sweet 16? Like it’s totally normal for abused kids raised in poverty, who’ve led hard and heartbreaking lives to just... haul off and kill people? That’s bullshit, and when taken with the Jason in the third issue, who is little more than an idiot thug, this story is really doubling down on some fucked up stereotypes.
Which brings us to the most recent issue. I went into this installment with very low expectations. I thought this story was going to be about Jason, through this experience with Tyler, a young boy with a similar background to Jason's, coming to the realization that Bruce's way is the best way and that Bruce did his best by Jason.
That would be annoying (in no small part because it takes increasingly absurd levels of plot armor to keep Bruce's no kill rule relevant, let alone irrefutably right). But I can probably live with that, if only because maybe if Jason officially falls back into line with the Bats crusade, maybe I'll get stories that treat him with respect, stories that don't relegate him to comic relief, dumb brute, or a background body with no lines in a story about the Joker burning Gotham (like Jason would just fucking stand there quietly for that).
And that may still be where the story is going, Jason realizing Bruce is right.
But holy shit do I not have the right words to describe how fucking insulting and gross issue three is.
From start to finish--including the flashback--Jason is written as cruel and fucking stupid. Like straight up dumb.
The entire issue is Bruce explaining the fucking basics to Jason like it's his first day. And Jason flies off the fucking handle and terrorizes a doctor he knows isn't a part of making the Cheerdrops, beats the shit out of some random addicts, and finally, when he can't accomplish anything on his own because he's a dumb brute he calls Barbara for help and rushes in with no information where he's promptly incapacitated and must now wait to be rescued by Batman.
This panel is the least of the issues sins but I can’t screenshot the entire story but it’s representative of the tone for the whole issue (and retroactively tainted the prior two issues).
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This is beyond insulting. The only conclusions Jason comes to in this issue are the ones Bruce leads him to by talking to him like he can’t make the simplest connections. And like... in this story Jason can’t make the simplest connections.
This (and the Jason throughout the entirety of this issue) is a far cry from the Jason we fell in love with in Under the Red Hood, who was competent and strategic and intelligent enough to seize control of Gotham’s underworld from Black Mask (who’s no fucking slouch, he’s the first and only person to unify organized crime in Gotham) AND elude and manipulate Bruce until the time and place of his choosing.
This is a far cry from even the Red Hood and the Outlaws Jason who is competent enough to fight the League of Shadows and Ra’s al Ghul (among very dangerous and skilled others) and smart enough to create antidotes for mind control nanotech viruses.
As he should be, by the way. Jason Todd is one of the best, most comprehensively trained fighters in DC’s stable of non powered vigilantes. He’s not irrational or hot headed. He’s pragmatic, tactically minded, and patient. He’s a detective. Right now. Has been since he was 12. Bruce doesn’t have to make him one because he already is. 
Jason is not a stupid thug who uses his fists because his brain doesn’t work. And I can’t tell you how so very exhausted I am by this narrative. 
This is actually the most egregious example of Jason’s skills and intelligence being not just undermined but dismissed entirely. Even Morrison’s Jason had some degree of competency. 
The one, single redeeming factor of this story is the art. It’s beautiful. And Marcus To is a godsend he seems to be one of only a couple of artists who remember that Jason was a child when he was Robin and I’m literally only buying this book because of him. 
Anyway, I’m sorry. I didn’t want that to come out so... um... passionately lol. I’m just very very tired. My intention with this isn’t to ruin it for you, if you like it, that’s fine. 
But this issue shot this story to the top of my "Vehemently Despise” list. 1) Batman: Urban Legends (Cheer), 2) Battle for the Cowl/Morrison’s Batman and Robin, 3) Batman The Adventure Continues.
I hope the next issues somehow salvage this dumpster fire. But I’m not expecting it.
(Damnit. That sounded harsh again. To reiterate, I’m not trying to judge anyone who enjoys it, I just personally hate it and you asked me why lol 😅)
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valdemart · 3 years
Valdebreed Part 2
Us: *votes for courtier content*
Nyx Hydra: Yeah we’re not gonna actually do that lol
I tried to keep Valdemar as in character as possible but honestly? Fuck cannon. If Nyx Hydra isn’t going to feed us, I am! Come get y’all lunch!
NSFW ValdemarxReader Consentacles, way too much cum, dirty talking Valdemar, breeding kink, ruined furniture, pet names, after care probably a rushed intro but fuck it.
After pulling yourself together and freshening up in a very well-earned bath, you made your way back to your room where Valdemar waited.
The fire place had been lit. It was also the only light in the room. If it hadn’t been your own room, you might have bumped into something as you made your way over to where you could see Valdemar.
When you first moved in, there had been a chair in the library that you had fallen in love with. It was an oversized arm chair, big enough to curl up in, made of burgundy velvet. You sank into it like a spoiled house cat and read for hours at a time. Valdemar had found you napping in it at some point and shortly after you had found it had been moved to your room. That’s where they sat now. Naked.
 Valdemar never disrobed. Ever. Honestly, you had wondered a few times if their clothing wasn’t part of their actual body. This wasn’t their ‘real’ form, after all. You wouldn’t have been totally shocked to learn that their coat was just their true form’s arm or something, molded to look like clothing. Apparently, you were wrong. All of their skin was the same olive hue as their face and hands, the only other skin of theirs you had really seen before. They were a rectangular shape, their waist only dipping in slightly beneath their ribcage before fulling out to their hips. Their ribs were almost all entirely visible, the shadows cast by the firelight highlighting each groove and protuberance. And sitting on those ribs were the tiniest handfuls of breast tissue, with such perfectly symmetrical shape and nipples that they very obviously weren’t ‘human’. You’d only ever known breasts to be perfect mirror images of each other on statues. You could follow their legs up to their lap, but then all you could make out was shadow.
They were breathtakingly and horrifyingly beautiful.
“I think I’m…overdressed,” you said, your voice so thick with anticipation that you had to pause to swallow before you could finish your sentence.
“For now. I thought this particular situation called for some vulnerability on my part. Disrobe, Little Mouse.”
You slid off your robe and let it pool at your feet, leaving you as bare as they were.
“Come to me.”
You were before them in an instant, desperate to be near them. On them. Filled with them.
You straddled their lap slowly, knowing the extent of their strength, but still slightly put off by the sight of their ribs. Parts of your brain seemed to have mistaken them for human.
You shivered as your chest pressed against theirs and your nipples hardened against their cool skin. You noticed quietly that theirs were still unerect and soft against you. Their hands wrapped around you gently, their fingers somehow sliding perfectly into the spaces between your ribs where they connected to your spine. If they squeezed, they could probably collapse your whole chest cavity. You had seen them crush a femur in their fist like it had been made out of sugar.
“We’re you ready to begin the experiment, Mouseling?”
“Kiss me first?”
Their lips were cold and thin and they felt so good against your heated skin.
There was loud crackling noise, too loud to have been from the fireplace, followed by a grotesque, wet sound. It sounded like someone was butchering a chicken right in front of you and you would have fallen back to the floor in surprise if Valdemar hadn’t been holding you.
You only saw it for a second but, in the firelight, you saw a cleft on Valdemar’s sternum that started to split open further like the skin was being retracted. You yelped and Valdemar reached out to grab your chin and hold your head upright.
“Look at me, Mouseling. Look only at me.”
They released your chin but your eyes never left theirs. You watched the flames behind you flicker in their red eyes as something unimaginably horrible was happening right below you. The sound traveled downward until it stopped where their genitals would be. Then it was quiet again. You could feel the dark energy emanating from just a few inches below you, but your eyes never left Valdemar’s and you weren’t sure if it was from fear or servility.
“Such an obedient little thing,” Valdemar praised as they brushed your hair off your face. You were sweating despite the chill of their skin and your head was swimming. Their magic tended to do that to you. Asra’s magic and your own magic never made you sick, but Valdemar’s always did. You weren’t sure if it was because it came from a different source or because it was too strong for you. Asra said it was a much older, much darker magic, and that even he wasn’t completely sure he understood it. That had upset you at first, and you tried to argue with him that Valdemar wasn’t evil and you were sick of everyone’s constant comments about it, but he merely placed a finger to your lips to silence you and said ‘I said dark energy, not evil energy’. To Asra’s credit, he handled your relationship with the doctor better than most people had.
But what would he think about a baby?
“Allow me to show you just how satisfying that which you fear is.”
Several appendages the width of a finger started to caress your body, making you jerk away against them, but Valdemar held you steady and your eyes never left theirs. They stared at you, unblinking and smiling softly, as their little tendrils fondled your stomach and legs. They were wet and soft like small tongues, and they left trails of moisture wherever they lapped. While they were a little unnerving, the sensation was like nothing you had felt before. Especially when they found your breasts. They flicked against your nipples flatly before wrapping around them to tug lightly. Your clit pulsed desperately with each little caress and your wet hole clenched around nothing, leaving you feeling desperately empty.
You groaned softly and bucked forward, trying to guide even one of those tendrils to where you now needed it most.
“Impatient?” Valdemar asked, knowing damned well the answer to their own question. “We have the rest of eternity.”  
Still, the tendrils descended then. Some softly pulled your lips apart, exposing you, while others tasted you. Two alternated flicks against your clitoris while three or maybe four slid into you at varying depths.
You keened and bucked into Valdemar’s lap, but you knew nothing you could do would change anything they had planned for you.
“Let’s get you nice and prepared to take my seed.”
It didn’t take long for the appendages to lubricate you, perhaps excessively so. Your body was wet now, and it caused you to shiver against the air.
The tendrils working your body withdrew, and you whined pitifully.
“Hush, Pet,” Valdemar said softly, though clearly unannoyed.
There was a singular tendril then, thicker than any of the last ones. A blunt head prodded you gently for a moment before sliding fully inside. Its girth stretched you, but whatever Valdemar had covered you in took away all resistance.
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head and, for a moment, you were worried they wouldn’t come back. This was so much more than anything Valdemar had ever given you. You doubted Valdemar had an established phallus, especially since they shapeshifted every other part of their physical form. This huge thing inside of you was made specifically because they wanted you helplessly full, pinned from the inside.
“I c-cant…Val…”
You weren’t asking for them to stop. No, this was delicious. You need this. But it was so, so much.
“You can. And you will.”
The phallus withdrew slowly to the tip before sliding back in just as slowly, all while Valdemar didn’t move a muscle. It was so typical of the demon, to wreck you without any indication of physical response on their end. They were going to fuck you and anyone watching would think they had nothing to do with it.
Valdmar’s…cock? For lack of a better comparison in your mind fucked you in the uniform way Valdemar did anything. While it lacked human variation, it was unrelenting in its endeavor to impregnant you.
“I can feel your little cunt milking me. Your body’s as desperate to get pregnant as you are.”
Your head dropped with a heavy moan and Valdemar shifted back, taking your full weight against them. If this dicking didn’t kill you, them talking like that certainly would. The heat inside of you was becoming unbearable. All you needed was a little bit more.
“Can you go faster?” You asked softly as you jerked your hips forward into their thrusting.
“Weren’t you just saying you couldn’t handle things as they were?”
You whined pitifully at their teasing.
“Please? Please? Please?”
With each beg you humped yourself harder. You could feel your climax mounting and all you wanted was to finish with Valdemar this deep inside of you. You weren’t above begging.
“Of course, Duckling. We need your orgasm to move my ejaculate to your womb.”
Their weird medical speak should have been embarrassing, but your walls fluttered around them.
One of their hands found the back of your head while the other wrapped around your waist. When Valdemar pushed back into you, it was a sharp, hard thrust and you cried out before you fell forward. You moaned loudly into the fabric of the chair and Valdemar held you against it.
“I have you.”
The tentacle started to piston in and out of you, the speed of the penetration through both of your fluids making the most unholy of sounds, like someone drowning in mud. Your body jiggled and shuddered against Valdemar as they remained perfectly still while they kept you caged to them.
“Val! Val-d-de-mah! Ah! Ah! Ah!”
It was right there. You could feel yourself about to snap. Just a little more. Oh, please just a little more. Oh please oh please oh please oh please
A few of the small tendrils from earlier reappeared to lap at your clit and you screamed into the chair. As you contracted around the still thrusting phallus, you could feel it erupt. The fluid coming out of it wasn’t hot or cold, but there was a ridiculous amount of it. It squirted inside of you before you felt it leak out around the two of you, quickly causing a puddle to form in Valdemar’s lap. Despite this, they were still moving in and out of you, fucking their cum back inside of you as it came out.
Too spent to try and wiggle away from the overstimulation, you whimpered for mercy.
“ ‘S too much. Val…”.
“I’m only trying to make sure you’re completely inseminated. Isn’t that what you wanted?”
Despite their teasing, their tendril retracted out of you. You shuddered, both thankful for the break and grieving the loss of fullness.  
“Val…That was crazy…”
“Science often is.”
It wasn’t hard for Valdemar to maneuver you onto your back in their lap, despite you being completely dead weight. Hooking one arm under your knees, they elevated your lower body and cradled you.
“You’re being too wasteful with my sperm, Little One. You need to be more grateful.”
Finally able to look at yourself, you saw that you were bathed almost completely in black. It started around your breasts where the tendrils had played with you and you grew darker the further down yourself you looked. Of course, Valdemar came black. You doubted anything viable in terms of offspring would actually come of this, but the closeness, the intimacy, that was what you had really needed. The brain melting orgasm hadn’t hurt either.
“I love you.”
Valdemar hummed in acknowledgement before softly running a finger down your stomach, through the gummy pitch they had covered you in, before tracing small circles around your womb.
Every time the fire flickered, the lighting on their face changed, making them look like they were morphing briefly. You couldn’t help but smile.
“We’re going to have such cute kids.”
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thatlowiqbabe · 3 years
Hi! I was wondering if you could write something for HoO boys being your boy friend? Also, do you think it’s possible for you to do a trans (ftm) hispanic demiboy? Thanks!
Oh yeah sure! As a Demi-Boy it's my duty!
This is over 900 words so there's gonna be a part two (sorry bout that)
HOO Boys with A Hispanic!Demi-Boy! S/O
Frank Zhang
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"Wait your a demi-boy? Like cause you're a demi-god orr"
"Oh okay, totally unrelated gotcha."
You probably came out to Frank after the Son of neptune, scared you'd never get the chance to tell him.
He asked some silly questions but obviously accepted you! He would do more research via internet but demi-gods and phones don't mix
(What do you mean he's been asking other trans demi-gods how to better understand, you obviously got the wrong chinese-canadian shape-shifting son of mars)
Anyway he loves you, and tries to switch pronouns often ❤️ (if you use multiple)
If you're ever feeling dysphoric, he'll turn into an cuddly animal of your choice to make you feel better.
Will turn into a bear and (threaten to)  eat a transphobe
(They probably taste funny lol)
(If you're bilingual) You, him and Jason sit in a circle and speak in spanish, canadian french, and latin, knowing damn well y'all don't understand each other.
Y'all be looking like this
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Don't even try having Thanksgiving with him
"Happy Thanksgiving!"
".... I'm canadian."
"Oh, uhhh happy thursday then??"
Like sir, do you want some turkey or not?
Jason Grace
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"So wait, if you're a demi-god and a demi-boy do they like cancel each other out?"
"I- baby no—"
"Can I call you God-Boy?"
Y'all give him a minute, boy brain ain't right after getting knocked out so many times 🤣
Being called God-Boy does make you feel powerful ngl
You probably "dated" during hoo, and after you started dating for real came out to him.
Uses both pronouns, like every other paragraph. (If you use multiple)
If you're a greek demi-god, he loves to take you over to Camp Jupiter, and take you on tours around the parthenon and go on dates
If you're roman, he takes you out to Camp half-blood and maybe even tour manhattan!
(Gotta be a group date though, he's been at Camp Jupiter since he was 3 and only left on quests, he don't know where he going)
(If your bilingual) He'll teach you latin if you teach him spanish! It's always cool to know another language, especially if you're partner speaks it.
If you're dysphoric, y'all take naps together.
You don't have to stress, whatever's outside can wait a while, right now it's just you and him ❤️
You're his little God-Boy, he loves you
What do you mean he specifically asked to do whatever chores you had that day? Uh-huh couldn't be him 🛑🖐️ stop playing
Don't let him meet your mortal parent
Boy be so nervous he don't know what to do
"Jason, dear could you pass me the (fav. Food) "
"Yes  (Mr./Mrs/Mx.) L/n, I will have a ham sandwich "
He left with a ham sandwich and a red face
He got invited back over, so it wasn't too bad tho lol
Leo Valdez
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He already knew you were a demi-boy!
You probably came out to Leo before y'all started dating, and maybe before y'all knew you were demi-gods, he just has that "yes I'd beat a bitch's ass and lose, and what about it?" Energy y'know??
Obviously you could trust him.
Will try to to use both pronouns, but might stick with one for a while before switching it up and then sticking to one again
Y'all probably talk shit about people together honestly.
Let's be honest, if you were bilingual, with a boyfriend who was also bilingual, and y'all didn't like this one person you'd talk shit right in front of them.
If you're really petty you'd make it obvious too.
If you're ever feeling some dysphoria, don't worry cause Leo got dis-for-ya!
But seriously he'll build you tiny trinkets and stuff to help you feel better
If you want, you could help him with building, or even build something yourself!
(You: somehow builds a bomb or something equally dangerous
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Y'all like to make smores, and probably sing the campfire song from spongebob while doing it
(Whether it's on Leo or an actual campfire depends on y'all mood)
"Hey, you did it without stuttering this time!"
Nico di Angelo
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"So you trans your gender??"
"Uh no, I'm transgender, it doesn't work like that—"
"How do you trans your gender?? Is it a like a process to get your gender trans or does it happen all at once?"
This boy a whole boomer, lord have mercy 😭🖐️
Growing up in early 1900's he doesn't really understand, but he'll try.
If he feels like he's bothering you with too many with questions, he'll go bother Annabeth instead.
Uses both pronouns, despite not knowing how you can have more than one. (If you use multiple)
Will do his best to get rid of any internalized transphobia he might have. Even if he grew up around Bianca, it was a hateful time back then and he might have biases.
You're dysphoric, but how??
He understands how dysphoria works, as much as it pains him to know that you're hurting, he didn't understand how it could effect someone like you.
You were much braver than he was, not being outed and actually coming out on your own. You were the man you said you were and more.
Sometimes y'all just lay down outside under a tree and he'll sing to you.
(Y'all know I'm talking about Soldatino don't even play)
Those days can go from bad to okay to great, depending on what y'all do afterward.
Sometimes y'all go out to eat at McDonald's via shadow travel, and I hope you got cash cause the seven gonna want some too lol (this includes Rachel and Will btw)
"So you're ordering (big af order) to go, for just the two of you?"
"We're eating for nine."
"No baby we're eating for eleven remember?"
Cashier, who's just trying to earn they minimum wage:
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I don't know how to end this lol
Um part 2 will be out soon, maybe like a day from now if I don't forget lol
Thank you for requesting! I hope it was up to your standards, if not then I hope you enjoyed it anyway, cause I enjoyed writing it!
If you're interested in my writing pls request, I only have one other to do so it might be done soon!
Also, I hope Leo's bilingual hc isn't offensive in anyway. I'm just realizing how rude that may sound. If it is I'll write a new one. I'm not bilingual but if I was that's what I'd do. Again, I hope I didn't come off as ignorant on that hc.
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