#but fear toxin's a bitch
scaryscarecrows · 1 year
Jason doesn't know who to blame. Bruce, Joker, some combination? Bruce instilled this level of preplanning, but Joker...warped it. Ruined it. Ruined Jason.
Maybe it doesn't matter. This is all his fault, in the end.
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refloralisation · 29 days
my firm and very sincere belief that the wayne family initiation orientation docket has many points, and addendums but the one on the top is:
"Don't start shit with Duke. God as his witness, he won't start shit but he WILL end it. "
and why?
because duke doesn't give even half a fuck, he can and will e v i s c e r a t e you.
Jason steals the last cookie? "no wonder your mom sold you out, you stupid bitch. not even death could bear you so you're back trying to make the rest of miserable. loser bitch. i'll crowbar your fucking face."
Tim makes a snarky, harmless joke at his expense? "Your mom probably drank that poison in Hawaii to get away from you. The constant flying about wasn't enough. She needed to get off the literal existential plane. all those times you thought you're a burden and no one loves you? you were right. fear toxin aint showing you your worst fears, its showing you the fucking truth. loser virgin. get the fuck out of my face"
so on and forth. Not even Bruce or Alfred are spared. Duke won't know proportional response if it hit him in the face. Regularly, daytime villains send batman complaint letters (!!!) about the signal, because damnit they're just robbing banks, no need to bring up their mommy issues into it??? with Duke, there is no passive there is only aggressive. You won't think it, looking into his warm brown eyes and his lovely, easy smile. but you will know it. by god, if you start shit, you will know it.
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I think it is extremely funny how New Jersey, the state Gotham is located in, is the only state where it's illegal to pump your own gas.
Apparently it's "Because of the fire hazards directly associated with dispensing fuel[...]"
Any Gothamite would be shaking their head at this.
They are used to attacks on Gotham by rogues on a daily basis. Just living in that city puts them at risk for dying in a gruesome way. Fear toxin, Joker Gas, getting frozen in ice, you name it.
But they aren't trusted to pump their own gas?
And the poor gas station attendants.
I bet they judge the supervillains based on how they treat service workers.
You stand at the gas station and Red Hood rolls up?
Yeah, they know him. He's nice. Yeah, they know how he opperates, so what? He bitched with Freya about her ex when they'd just broken up. He gave Alex a good tip when he'd mentioned how he had to work on his birthday.
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brie-annwyl · 11 months
Fic idea things <3
Jason coming back to get revenge and seeing Bruce at his grave, talking to his headstone saying things like “you have a wonderful new brother, his name is Tim. I think you would’ve loved him.” And “Never tell Dick, but you were and probably always will be my favourite, Jay.” And Jason realizes oh fuck, I’m not ready for this emotional moment and I don’t even want revenge anymore. So he just continues to be Red Hood and sticks to crime alley until the Bats (Bruce, Tim, Dick, etc) get kidnapped and he’s like, oh fuck, now I HAVE to deal with this emotional bs.
Bruce just immediately hugging Jason after he finds out his identity. Even if it’s dangerous for him to do so (Jason pointing a gun at him).
Jason’s reason for wanting to kill the Joker having nothing to do with revenge, the reality of the situation is Jason has borderline debilitating insomnia because he’s so terrified he’ll wake up back in that warehouse or the Joker will find him whilst he’s asleep.
Bruce originally not wanting Tim as his new Robin because he reminded him so much of Jason. To the point where he caught himself almost calling him Jason on multiple occasions. That’s why it took so long for them to be close.
Dick accidentally calling Tim - Jason after Jason beats the shit out of him.
Jason and Tim knowing each other before Jason dies. Jason knew Tim’s parents weren’t caring for him properly and wanted Bruce to adopt him but he didn’t get the chance to tell Bruce about Tim when he was alive.
Jason getting dosed in fear toxin and getting hallucinations of Willis whilst the other bats are around.
Bruce getting dosed in fear toxin and hallucinates burying Jason again.
Jason is always freezing bc of the whole dying thing and needs other people to keep warm, but Jason’s a stubborn bitch and it’s the middle of winter.
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silantryoo · 6 months
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baek harin x reader
WARNINGS ; TRIGGER WARNING! heavy manipulation, love bombing, possessiveness, gaslighting, physical and emotional abuse, spoilers up to episode 8 of pyramid game
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your thoughts ran wild.
harin probably already knew. somehow, she always figured out what you were thinking, as if you were an open book. she could tell your worries and your fears by glancing at you.
you did well. you knew that she would be proud of you, but still...
you shook your head. now wasn't the time to be nervous.
smoke wafted around the baekyeon heiress as you approached her, her eyes drifting in the distance. in her hand, a cigarette, laced with gold and stuffed with toxins that harin always seemed to indulge herself in.
her head tilted towards you, a dull sparkle in her eye.
her voice was monotone, carrying out a sense of boredom that she only showed to a few others.
you watched her in all her beauty, the curls of the fog shaping the area around her. the heiress was stunning, and it always took you a couple seconds to reel yourself back to reality.
harin rolled her eyes as she approached you, tapping the side of her smoke as a warning.
instinctively, you straightened, your eyes wide as she smiled.
there was something so addictive about frightening you, something that was true genuine fear laced with an undying loyalty. you were impossible to replicate, a faithful dog waiting by her bedside.
you took a deep breath, inhaling the smoke through your nose. "i got ambushed by jaeun, suji, and them."
"i thought so." another puff of smoke exited her mouth. "did they mention anything?"
anything else?
you bit your tongue, your face ridden with guilt.
you were tired of the game, tired of getting hurt. as much as you yearned for harin's happiness, the exhaustion was getting to you. you just wanted one day to yourself, without eunbyeol and harin breathing down your back.
harin's eyes hardened, her gaze trained on you like a hawk. her pupils took in the sight; your quivering mouth, your avoidant stare...
she smiled.
"why don't i believe you?" harin clicked her tongue, pointing the end of her smoke near your cheek. "is it because you're lying to me?"
she knew. how did she know?
"no, i just..."
("join us.")
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you never questioned why class 1-5 were in the middle of nowhere.
the building was nice, decorated with marble columns and sleek white paint. the washrooms were clean, close by, and rarely messy except for the occasional tissue lying on the ground.
it felt as if you were purposely isolated, the twenty-four other girls in your class being the only ones in reach.
sometimes, you even forgot other classes existed.
"harin's a fucking bitch."
you paused. kim dayeon?
a girl like her wouldn't be caught dead in the library. there was no reason for her to be here, much less talk shit about the heiress of the entire school.
you kept your mouth shut as your thoughts wandered to the girl in question.
baek harin.
pretty, intelligent, soft-spoken. from what you've seen, all those things were right. you were always too shy to approach her, your thoughts clouded by the beauty that she held. from what you heard from others, she was the embodiment of niceness, going out of her way to lend others money with nothing in return (yet).
why would dayeon even say these things about her?
"god, you think she's all high and mighty." dayeon muttered, her feet shuffling as she paced back and forth. "that psycho probably wants us to worship the ground she walks on."
psycho? baek harin wasn't a psycho.
"a hierarchy game?" dayeon could already see it in her head. she had no choice but to agree at that moment, wanting to spare herself from her father later that day, but when harin had mentioned it... "is she demented?"
"pyramid game, dayeon." seo doah. that made sense as to why dayeon was here. "if you're gonna insult it, at least name it properly."
"shut it."
"you might also wanna check if anyone else is in the library." your throat ran dry as doah stood up, staring at you across the room. "right, y/n?"
you shot up, your eyes wide as dayeon stared at you. there was something in her eyes that was unfamiliar.
fear? what was she scared of? surely, it wasn't harin.
"fuck." your eyes widened at her words. never in your life would you have thought that the eccentric kim dayeon would swear like a sailor. "don't you dare say shit, you understand me?"
you shook your head, your body stiff. "i won't-"
"you don't know what the fuck is at risk here." dayeon's anger roared throughout the library, her fist shaking. dayeon wouldn't hit you... right? "open your mouth and i'll stitch it shut."
you nodded, trembling as you packed your things to leave.
"jeez, dayeon..." doah shook her head.
you stood up, your bag half open, and your textbooks barely inside. in your arms, you gathered everything that you could, arms shaking as you rushed out the room.
a spark of fear lighted up inside you when you saw daeyeon fingernails imbed themselves into the soft skin of her palm. the crescents swelled a bright red, and you knew that she wasn't joking.
she was gonna hurt you. was she gonna hurt harin as well?
you needed to get out of here, maybe even tell harin how insane and dangerous her friend seemed.
how was that even possible? how could someone like dayeon hold a rage inside themselves like that? you could understand it from that suck up, wooyi, but dayeon?
you stumbled slightly as you turned the corner, the books nearly falling out of your bag as you collided with someone. a strong, sculpted hand grabbed your elbow, electricity shooting up your arm.
that feeling...
"is something wrong?"
her breath smelt faintly of nicotine, her perfume - one you assumed cost at least a couple hundred dollars - blocking the scent enough to not register in your brain.
you bit your tongue. "no..."
"you can tell me, y/n-ah." your heart leaped at her words, a cloud of affection and care seemingly coating them. "i don't bite."
harin's smile seemed so soft and elegant, like the status she so desperately upheld. her eyes gleamed gently (and if you looked any closer, void of life) as her cheeks dusted in a costly blush.
don't snitch. you thought as her worried gaze peered into your soul. why should i protect dayeon?
you bit your tongue, your chest bursting with guilt at the thought of dayeon laying a finger on the heiress in front of you.
"dayeon..." you whisper as an eyebrow on her pretty face raised. "she, um, she might hurt you."
you waited for harin's face to shift into worry, into fear, into a normal reaction. you waited for her lips to part and ask 'why?', to ponder what your words truly meant.
instead, she laughed, as if the thought of dayeon hurting her was a part of some greco-roman comedy and not a tragedy.
harin let go of your arm, moving your hair out of your face as your eyebrows furrowed.
"so i'm guess you heard about my game as well?"
you nod. you had forgotten that those threats had stemmed from some game dayeon had mentioned.
a hierarchy game... a pyramid game.
"what do you think about it?" harin's eyes shone in a playful demeanor, full of curiosity and excitement. you couldn't fathom why or how she wasn't worried. "doesn't it sound fun?"
the air shifted around you as her irises seemed to blacken. a heavy burden settled on your chest as she face twitched into a smile, and you felt compelled - forced - to agree.
"it does," you chuckled awkwardly. "i guess."
a soft hum escaped her mouth, her eyes glancing at your face, taking in the fear that had shifted from dayeon to her. behind your eyes, she saw something... something exciting.
the heiress smiled.
"i hope you're in 'a' with me." you had no idea what she meant, but the thought of being near baek harin made the room spin. "it'll be lonely without you."
she stepped beside you, a gentle touch on your shoulder. her breath wafted close to your ear as she spoke with a stiff voice, one you wouldn't recognize as harin's.
"thanks for the heads up about dayeon." you shivered, a cool line shooting up your spine. "i'll deal with her."
she walked away as a deep pit in your stomach emerged.
deal with her?
you gripped your books tighter as you listened to the fading footsteps, and the soft "hello, can i speak to mr. kim? it's harin." in the distance.
you didn't know why, but somehow, you made the wrong decision.
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you were never scared of blood.
it was a liquid that flowed inside you and every person's body, just like how water seeped from the sky and into the ground. blood was a natural process, nothing more and nothing less.
but when you saw that knife, drenched from your classmate's fresh wound...
you shivered at the thought, while harin's soft hands fiddled with a strand of your hair.
"do you feel bad for her?" harin's smile never disappeared, not since the game started. it didn't disappear when crimson dripped onto the floor, either. "woori?"
her lifeless eyes bore into yours, jolts of electricity and fire rising throughout your fingertips and cheeks. her hand, close enough to feel your breath, paused as the rest of harin's body stilled.
all of her stopped, as if so curious about your thoughts that each cell of hers had to still.
"you can be honest." her breath laced in nicotine once more, her perfume no longer covering the overwhelming scent. "i wanna know."
woori was an 'f'.
being an 'a' yourself, you had the right to torture her, to manipulate and ridicule her.
you never did, leaving it up to dayeon to do whatever she pleased with her. part of you still felt bad for what happened earlier in the year, and each time you blinked, you remembered the heavy-handed bruises left on dayeon's face the day after you had told harin about the library incident.
you understood woori, though. the mental toll it must've taken, being bullied throughout the day, months on end without another student looking your way. telling the teachers only resulted in a beating at best, and at worst...
your eyes clenched tightly as your brain replayed that video.
"a little..."
harin chuckled, pulling her hand away and fishing out a cigarette.
"you saw her cut jaeun up." harin muttered through her smoke, her delicate fingers wrapped around the golden band.
you remember the marble on the classroom floor stained red in a way that you didn't think it would.
blood wasn't scary. fear was.
"i did."
"and you still feel bad." harin inhaled, smoke leaving her nostrils as she looked you up and down. "interesting..."
as of late, harin had been smoking around you more and more often. whether it be behind the shed or simply just the two of you in the library, clouds of smoke seemed to follow her, and in turn, you.
the first time it had happened, you had coughed violently, taken off guard as the heiress smiled. your tears were exciting to her, much like your overwhelming sense of loyalty clashing with your morality.
she had never met anyone who was so inwardly conflicted.
"did she really drop out, harin-ah?"
harin blinked, standing up from her chair as she snubbed the end of her cig on some random book cover in front of her. she threw the smoke onto the floor, grinding it with her heel. her eyes were cold, and dark, and you knew that you had messed up again.
you didn't cough this time around. she had no reason to be mad.
the heiress gathered her belongings, sparing not a single glance your way.
your heart skipped a beat.
"my name's harin." she glanced at you, unamused. "don't call me that again."
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seong suji.
the girl was nice, a little naive to the happenings of class 2-5. you could tell from a mile away that the girl wanted to stay low and let time pass its course, but you knew better than anyone that she had a target on her back.
everyone's attention had been on her from the moment whispers spread about a new girl transferring into the class. the moment she stepped into the room, you watched as harin's eyes lit up, and a fire blazed inside you.
you didn't know whether it was guilt or jealousy.
"are you stupid?" harin clenched her teeth as she hovered over you, her eyes hardening like coals under pressure. "telling the new girl about my game?"
suji didn't hear the predators hiding in the tall grass. she didn't see their eyes, nor did she notice their bloodlust-filled gazes, but she felt it, and there were only two people in her mind who seemed to lack the barbarity that lingered in the empty halls of the complex.
"look at me!"
your eyes snapped to harin's, anger exuding from her lips as puffs of smoke filled the air and ashes fell onto the ground.
you winced.
"harin..." you had never seen this side of her, not directed at you. you had always watched from the distance as opposed to being the target. "i just thought-"
"did you?" harin's lips curled in a way that could only be described as disbelief, your utter incompetence boggling her mind. "or are you just as stupid as your dropout brother?"
you winced, the low blow winding your self-esteem.
"she looked confused." you tried your best to reason with an iron wall. "i didn't want her to feel like-"
harin's eyes widened, and her usual curiosity morphed into an unfiltered rage.
"like who? woori? jaeun?" she exhaled another cloud, your face getting covered in smoke as you struggled to breath. "you're so fucking stupid."
you felt the heiress lean closer, the tip of the cigarette centimeters away from your cheek.
"i'm sorry."
"you're sorry?" harin could feel her blood boiling. everything was ruined. "i had a plan. you ruined it for me. you ruined my game, y/n."
you closed your eyes, trying to drown out the sharp words and the blanket of burden that harin enveloped you with.
you just wished harin would go back to being curious and playful, and leave you ignorant to the fact that deep down, she was the monster dayeon had implied many months ago.
with a weak voice, you tried to reason. "i didn't mean to..."
"you didn't-" harin backed away, ripping the smoke from her lips and into her fingertips. "give me your hand."
your eyes widened.
she grabbed your wrist with a surprising amount of strength. her nails dug into your arm, your teeth grinding together at the dull pain. the heat of the cigarette hovered over your palm as you struggled to pull back, and you couldn't help but choke out a strangled gasp.
"harin, wait-"
the smell of flesh burning invaded your senses as your arm shook from the pain. lightning seemed to replace your veins, as a fire replaced your blood. your vision fuzzed, the tears in your eyes falling down your chin.
harin glanced at you, a small smile replacing her grimace. you were always so pretty when you were in pain.
"remember this." she threw her smoke onto the ground, her grip on your wrist tightening. "you mess with my game, you upset me. you don't want that to happen again, do you?"
the last thing you wanted was to see harin frown in your direction.
harin smiled, glancing at how your lips quivered and how your eyes held an intoxicating mixture of fear and want. quietly, she wiped a tear with her free hand, chuckling as you flinched at her touch.
"then stay away from seong suji." she leaned in, her voice soft except for the threatening undertone. "if i see you even look at her without my permission, i'll make your life hell."
her grip loosened, harin's eyes softening as she looked at you with what seemed to be worry and understanding.
"i..." you blinked, agreeing like an obedient dog. even now, you couldn't help but wonder which harin was the real harin, but all you knew was that you didn't want to disappoint her. "i understand."
harin sighed, glancing at the burn in your hand with contempt. "i don't like doing this to you."
you paused, your face brightening as the smell of tobacco stuck to your blazer.
"you don't?"
harin smiled. it was like catching a mouse in a well placed trap. you were predictable and easy to please. a couple right words and you'd be under her spell all over again.
"you think i do?" the heiress frowned, biting her tongue.
she loved it.
with a giggle, she took your wrist, much more gently than before.
"let's get you patched up."
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harin liked putting on lipgloss around you.
she liked the way your eyes darted to her mouth for a split second before they looked anywhere else in the room. the redness of your cheeks delighted her in the sense that she knew that no matter what, you'd be stuck under her thumb.
you were her stupid, little puppet. your strings strong and unwavering, and your heart tainted with a loved one that you thought she didn't see.
it was adorable, like a puppy chasing its own tail, or a whale, no longer strong enough to go up for air.
harin liked to send you on mindless errands.
it was a good way to keep you in check, much better than instilling fear. she could sense that someone like you liked to feel needed, even if it's something as simple as fetching her more of her favorite brand of smokes or picking up items that she used for bribery.
it gave her a good laugh when you would come back, beaming as if you accomplished something when in reality, one of her maids could have easily done the same.
you were none the wiser, currently on your way to getting her more coffee (well, to get doah coffee per harin's demand).
you were just about to leave the campus, but a strong yet gentle hand yanked you aside, dragging you out of sight from the windows of the complex.
"sorry, y/n-ah."
you tried to shake her off, but she was too strong.
"jaeun, let go." why was she doing this? more importantly, why was she taking you to the nearby convenience store. "i can't be talking to you. you know that."
jaeun stopped, and you thought that she had finally gotten tired of you complaining so much. instead, you looked at the scene in front of you, two girls sitting in the shade of a foldable umbrella.
harin was gonna burn you alive.
"harin's pet?" jaehyeong shook her head, staring at the taller girl beside you. "jaeun-ie, are you sick? do you have a fever?"
you frowned. you weren't 'harin's pet'. so what if you liked being around her?
"she's nice." jaeun muttered, ushering you to the other girls. you tried to turn away, but she moved you in such a way that you couldn't escape. "she helped suji out."
"that was a mistake."
suji raised an eyebrow. she didn't know what was wrong with you. how could someone change so much in a matter of two months?
her eyes wandered your figure, stopping at the burns that littered your right hand.
oh. that makes sense.
"hey, y/n-ah."
"yerim?" you turned around, your jaw hanging open as the trainee sat with the girls, sipping on a can of coffee. you glanced at her phone, watching as she scrolled through eunjeong's instagram. "what the hell is going on?"
you looked around, their eyes glancing at suji with hesitation.
"you're not gonna convince her, suji." yerim shook her head.
being in rank 'a' herself, she knew firsthand how you followed every word harin said. she could tell from a mile away what it was, yerim herself victim to the feeling with a certain swimmer.
but there was a difference between the two of you, one that could prove to be detrimental.
you needed someone to follow, while she didn't.
"i can." suji glanced at your hand again. "i know i can."
"convince me?"
you felt a lump in your throat, praying that somehow, in some way, harin would come barging in and save you from whatever was going on here.
you took a deep breath, and sensing danger was near, gripped your wrist for safety.
jaeun frowned.
"i was serious about bringing down the game, y/n."
the pyramid game.
that stupid game that harin focused all her energy into, hellbent on keeping the perfect hierarchy intact. the one where you watched your classmates get beaten to a pulp, bloody and broken to the point of mental disarray.
you had never spoken it out loud, but you were tired of it, watching everyone you know either do the hurting or get hurt (most times both).
but this was harin's game, and you'd rather hurt yourself than upset the girl you loved.
"harin'll be pissed."
yerim chuckled, a knowing smile on her face. she didn't expect anything less from you.
"aren't you?" suji glanced at your hand, one you held for dear life, as if you were afraid it would get burned again. "after everything you've done for her, she still burns you."
you frowned.
harin did it with good reason. she needed to keep you in line, to keep you from lashing out. she did this to you because, unlike wooyi or dayeon, she trusted you enough to understand.
harin did it out of the pureness of her heart.
"that was an accident."
"an accident?" suji could feel your doubt starting to seep through. that was enough for her, to see the light beyond the cracks of your love. "hurting you multiple times the same way was an accident?"
was it an accident? it had to be, otherwise, harin was just hurting you to hurt you.
you shook the thought out of your head, missing the way the girls looked at each other, satisfied.
"what do you want, seong suji?"
there was a beat in the air.
"join us."
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she knew. how did she know?
"no, i just..."
you liked harin, even when she suffocated you with her smoke, staining your white shirt with the ash of her cigarettes. her eyes wandered yours routinely, and it felt as if she was trying to dig deep as if she needed you.
"i figured out a way to get to them."
harin's eyes sparkled. she would have never thought that you, docile and timid, would ever think of something other than her and school.
it was... exhilarating.
"sim eunjeong." you rattled out a breath, your eyes clenching at the very thought of what you were doing. "yerim... likes her more than we think."
the heiress laughed, the excitement in her chest bursting at the thought of you ignoring your morals just to please her and only her.
she leaned close to you, her face in front of yours as she moved a single lock of hair behind your ear. shivers ran up your spine.
"do you feel bad, y/n-ah?" harin hadn't felt this happy in a while. "ratting them out to me must be so heavy on your consciousness."
she looked you up and down, your eyes avoiding hers. your cheeks were tinged in red, and the guilt written all over your face didn't help the giddiness that was starting to overtake her.
"you're fun, y/n."
you'd do anything for her, even when she hurt you. even when everyone screamed and yelled at you to leave, ignoring the bright red stop signs.
"i like you."
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> main masterlist.
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your-nanas-house · 2 months
had this thought awhile back but a rivals to lovers type one shot with jonathan crane and the reader but the reader is poison ivy if that makes sense? both doctors, both using chemicals/pheromones for their own reasons…..make it smutty! i trust you!
Pungent as a rose
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◇ Pairing: Jonathan Crane X poison ivy!Reader
◇ Warnings: smut, eating out, drugs, dub-con, hate
◇ Summary: When chemistry meets chemistry between people.
◇ Note: Sorry for the mistakes and the English. Not proof read and shitty endind.
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Her heels kept clicking on the floor of the asylum... fast and confident, as she reached the labs in the dark.
The only light present was the one of the moon, bright but soft, decorating with shadows the bare intern walls of the building.
Noises kept coming from the background, screams, laughter and soft snores and... then his voice which wasn't part of them anymore.
"Colleague.. what are you doing here in the dark?" The smooth but low voice of Dr. Crane echoed in the small room, she really had been hoping to not meet him again. Since their last encounter he started to randomly appear more often in her path, casually trying to get her alone to bring up the past passion she had decided to share with him after a couple of extra chupito.
The young woman sure thought back at her colleague whimpering form under her, whining and moaning like a slut while still grab and manhandle her as he pleased.
As Jonathan couldn't stop thinking about her nails digging in his skin as his cock bullied her cervix, her teeth sinking as her wild eyes stare deeply in his. Since that damn night he couldn't remove the idea of spraying her with his toxin to look at fear in her eyes as he buried himself in her.
He already knew she was wild... but he was sure that he could make her snap.
He felt just weird, his body starting to get warmer as she inhaled her scent now that his chest was pressed against her back; he started to feel like an impulse that made him want to breath her in more even though his mind was getting dizzy almost as if he was getting wasted.
In fear of loosing his rational side, he moved his wrist casually in front of her face, a little bottle in his hand his thumb pressing down as she opened her mouth to ask him what he was doing, grimacing when the liquid wet her face.
Couple of seconds and she felt a rush of fear wash over her, her body started to shake and she turned pale, her vision was blurry at first but different things started to display in front of her. Jonathan was getting too hard under the effect of her chemical perfume to actually get hard by the mere look of her wide eyes, opting rather to follow his need and start grinding like an animal in heath against the curves of her ass.
"What did you do, you asshole?!" Y/n accused, holding unto the table as the feeling got stronger, making her sweat as her breath quickened. She rolled her eyes back, chills running down her spine as the familiar sensation of lust hit her hard, the feeling of fear just increasing her wetness.
Jonathan didn't replied, letting her move him around easily by the hair down to a kneeled position, before burying his face in her thighs, waiting shakily to be able to taste her.
It took her longer than expected since her hands were shaking but as soon as she managed to remove her panties she sat on the lab table, spreading her legs so that he could please her properly
"Stupid bitch" she hissed, grinding her wet pussy against his face, removing his glasses only when they nearly fall onto the floor
"Bet you used that thing you were working on since months" she realized, arching her back at the feeling of the warm tongue of her colleague which kept lapping at her folds before thrusting in her needy hole, allowing his nose to press deliciously against her clit.
The figures kept showing up, making her moan in pleasure as the fear increased, tears started to run down her cheeks as her hips ground faster against Crane's face, her wetness dripping down his chin.
"It's impressive, I must say" the young woman breathed out, clenching her jaw as cold sweat runned down her forehead before nesting itself between her breasts "I did not expect you to be able to create something this s-strong" the mid praise left her mouth, echoing in Jonathan's empty head.
Damn... if only he would have been in the right set of mind and not pussy drunk or drugged by her. He sure would have cummed in his pants at the mere view of the pure fear in her.
"Fucking hell... you little—" her usual sensual voice came out rougher and exhausted before the annoying footstep of who they discovered was another colleague interrupted abruptly their passionate moment.
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saintmuses · 8 months
❝𝙣𝙤 𝙖𝙢𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙩 𝙤𝙛 𝙛𝙧𝙚𝙚𝙙𝙤𝙢 𝙜𝙚𝙩𝙨 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙘𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙣❞
Judge!Jonathan Crane x Arkham Fugitive!Reader
It had been several years since Gotham as society obliterated into pieces. Several years since Jonathan had seen his favorite Arkham patient escape from the asylum with a promise on her lips.  
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Warning(s): SMUT. P in V. Mentions of violence. Implied attempted assault (not from Crane). Brief description of threat. Minors, dni! Note: I realized that I haven’t been giving Jonathan especially Judge!Crane some love lately! That being said, it’s sorta set in the final installment of The Dark Knight Trilogy with allusions of Batman Begins scenes.
Word Count: 1.7k
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The city of Gotham’s corruption was never ending; endless explosions, crimes and more deaths continued.
It had been two years since he had last seen Y/N. Echoes of her boots surrounded him as she sprinted away from him and the rubbles that was the Arkham Asylum; never looking back after whispering to him while he was bounded in an unoccupied cell that she was going to kill him was still fresh in his mind ever since.
She was indicted for bashing a stranger’s head with a brick after he tried to take her in the alley. When he saw her in the courtroom, he was simply enthralled by how she was stoic and yet her eyes were filled with fire. He then knew he had to admit her into the asylum so he could be closer to her, and his words held power in swaying the judge to prompt the sentencing.
That was why she was his favorite subject; he could tell she despised him by the way she refused to look at him. The tone of her voice was hard and colder than ice, and he reveled in the feeling. Of course, she would indulge him in sessions, out of fear he would use fear toxin on her. It was their deal, if she talked then he wouldn’t have to take his scarecrow burlap mask filled with his experiment out of his metal storage briefcase.
His feelings for her, whatever he could classify as much as he could since he despised emotions that connected to romantic sense, had developed during his tenure as her psychiatrist that he was angry when she escaped after Batman showed up, destroying the restoration of future order of Gotham with his creation. 
"Let go of me you son of a bitch!" 
His eyes widened at the familiar sound of a woman seething, and he had to settle for a stoic expression before turning around just in time to see two of his henchmen with their hands wrapped around the woman's body dragging her down the hallway.
She cursed out loud when they dropped her aggressively, still folding onto her upper body, and her hair swayed wildly as she jerked her legs and bounded wrists.
He could see that his henchmen had to use ropes to put her in binds, which indicated she tried to attack them, and was unsuccessful with her mission.
Of course, she still had the fire in her. He thought wryly.
"Gentlemen, what is the meaning of this?" He inquired, taking a step forward which made Y/N stop thrashing in their grips.
Eyeing her stilled form, he smirked at her when her eyes widened as she looked up at him.
"Leave her," he ordered, glaring at two young men until they released her arms allowing her to kneel on the floor.
Waiting until he heard the sound of a click to indicate his henchmen left the room, and he turned his head to look back at her when the sounds of footsteps faded away.
He took a step toward her, crouching before her as she eyed him warily. He then reached out with his fingers to her face, relishing in the feeling of her skin; he trailed his fingers over her cheeks and up her jaw where he pinched her earlobe between index and thumb. He gave it a little tug, experimental, though sharp enough to incite a sting. "I didn't expect to see you," he paused, a smirk grew on his lips. "Thought you were smarter than to get caught."
Before she could fight against him vehemently, he clasped her arms, dragging her up along with him as he straightened his form, and he marched across the room until he reached for the door that led to the sitting room.
He pushed her aside before slamming the door and pushed the lock button to ensure no one would come in especially the rogues. 
"What the hell are you doing?" He heard her speaking up from behind him before he turned towards her.
He didn't answer her, although he did stare at her for a few moments before reaching for her arm and pushed her along until he reached another door that led to the room where his office resided.
Once they crossed the threshold, he pushed her against the wall after he activated the lock for his office.
Her eyes widened when he brought his face close to her, he reached between them to unfasten the rope around her wrists before he brought one hand around her waist to push her body against his after dropping the rope to the side.
She was embarrassed to hear a slight mewling sound escape her own lips as the arm that had been around her waist slid up; he let her slide a few inches down the wall before his hand entangled itself in her hair. 
Tugging her hair firmly, Jonathan pulled her head back so that her mouth fell open and her throat was exposed. He leant forward and ran his nose up the side of her neck and her chin, nuzzling her ear.
"You're going to lay on the desk, and I'm going to do what I should've done before you escaped from me." He muttered; a command etched in his tone.
She nodded; her eyes wide. His authoritarian tone was such a turn on, she didn't think she would have been turned on by the authority in his voice since she had never liked his tone during their sessions before she had escaped, but that was not the case.
He lifted her arms once again, carrying her across the room until he placed her onto his desk unceremoniously.
He leaned back to unbutton her pants before pushing them down from her legs. Once it hit the floor, she lifted her legs to spread before him, only panting in her underwear and t-shirt in the room.
He then reached under her shirt, ghosting his fingers across her skin as he slid his hands towards her breasts. 
She gasped into his mouth as he palmed her breasts, rubbing his thumbs over her nipples that were becoming erect before drawing his hands back to remove his ragged blazer that seemed to confine him.
He was thankful that he had requested a large ornate desk as he propped himself on top of the furniture, leaning over her. Sweat began to dampen his skin as well as hers. Chest touched chest as he planted a hot kiss to her jaw, then her chin as he trailed his lips across her face. She squirmed as he dipped two fingers into her cunt and withdrew only to bring them to her lips where he traced her mouth leaving a slick trail behind.
He pushed her underwear aside, away from her slit, before reaching with his other hand to unbutton his pants, unzipping it, and his cock sprung free. Before she could reach for it with her hand, she squeezed her eyes shut when his cock filled her up with a single hard thrust, leaning with his forehead against hers as he savored the feeling of her walls milking his cock. 
He withdrew his hips slightly before slamming back into her, relishing in the feeling over again.
The way she breathed against his face, the tiny whimpers leaving her mouth, the way she adjusted her hips to allow him better access, the way she reacted to every thrust, every push and pull, it hurt him inside in a most magnificent manner.
"Fuck," he rasped as he pulled out again. He hovered for a moment, with just the head inside her, and she felt empty. He gripped her hips and slammed inside of her, causing her to cry out and arched her back off the desk.
Her hands pulled him closer, gripping his back with her nails. Her legs still wrapped around him; she pushed her heels into his ass. He fell on top of her, holding himself up by his forearms and leaning his head down into the crook of her neck. She could feel him planting sloppy kisses on her neck and shoulder. He curled his lips and reached for the curve of her neck to dig his teeth into her skin, and she gasped as the sensation went right to her clit, pushing her higher which made her throw her head back.
He pounded into her brutally in abandon, riding her orgasm as she continued to recite his name like she was spellbound. 
He spontaneously wrapped an arm around her waist and reared back upright on his knees, holding her against him and thrusting up harshly. He gave several more thrusts before groaning hoarsely, chasing his own release. Her head fell forward on his shoulder, and she moaned softly at the feel of him filling her.
He slowly descended them back to the desk, caressing her abdomen softly, and panting in her ear, still buried deep inside her. He kissed her temple, her cheek, then urged her to meet him in a lazy kiss, which she complied in daze. Her lips were swollen and torn from his previous kisses and her own teeth as she had bit them down harshly as he fucked her.
Withdrawing from her, wincing slightly at the sensitivity as his cock slipped out of her cunt. His tongue swiped the bottom of his lip as he spotted his cum trickling out of her hole.
He inhaled deeply as he eased himself off the desk before placing himself on the leather chair before tucking his softened cock back in his dress pants.
Bringing his gaze to the ceiling of his office, he traced on the skin of her calf absentmindedly, only to snap his eyes to her face when he heard a sharp noise.
She held a knife, fingers wrapped around the finely detailed handle as she angled it towards his jaw where it was sparsely with light hair sprinkled across his skin.
"What are you doing?" he asked, unamused as he gripped the back of her neck.
Her eyes flickered to his nonchalantly before moving them to the metal before her.
Tracing the grooves of the weapon, she lightly wetted her lips before closing the inches between them, only to pause when her lips barely brushed his.
"Fulfilling my promise, Doctor Crane."
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shyjusticewarrior · 1 month
If I overpowered fear toxin and the nightmare realm I would be like "fear is my bitch."
RIP to Jason but I'm different.
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pictureinme · 1 year
kinktober day xi. FEAR PLAY - jonathan crane
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word count: ~700 tags: solo, fear toxin, male masturbation, pretty dark n depraved lol, medical play, restraints masterlist | ao3
shout-out @lovelybucky1 for the stellar idea!
Jonathan tightens the restraints on his legs as he lays on the examination table, leaving his arms free. It was past the busy hours at Arkham Asylum, a time when he would do some of his most fulfilling work. He had just finished tweaking his various experimental versions of his tried and true fear toxin, but he needed to be sure it was exactly as he wanted it.
He never had any qualms about testing these serums on himself– no, that wouldn’t be fair to his many less-than-willing participants if he didn’t sample the wares every now and then. That’s how Jonathan rationalized it in his head, at least.
His breath catches in his throat as he takes the syringe from the medical instrument cart, the green liquid he was oh so familiar with causing him to suddenly hesitate– Jonathan had never taken it in such a concentrated form, only using the gas on himself. However, this was something he wanted– no, needed to do, right?
Taking the syringe in his hand, forefingers on the plunger, he rids the needle of its protective cap. He sighs as he injects the serum into his median cubital vein, Jonathan had no need for a tourniquet– he wasn’t a fussy child getting his chickenpox jab. He feels the cool liquid enter his vascular system, effects only taking seconds to make themselves known.
He flings the syringe across the room, the glass shattering against the wall as the darkness inherent to nightfall creates shapes of his traumatic past. He laughs, shutting his eyes, allowing himself to feel that irresistible feeling of true terror. There was a flurry of chemicals entering and exiting his system: adrenaline, cortisol, oxytocin, serotonin… not to mention his own concoction causing all of these to mingle beautifully.
“Oh, God…”
Jonathan’s eyes opened slowly to the shapes creeping even closer to him, and he couldn’t help but feel his slacks tightening– the real reason he so desperately bid his time until the late hours at Arkham. His body is covered in goosebumps as the shadows gather at his restraints, causing him to thrash subconsciously– he only gets harder.
His hips thrust against nothing as hallucinations fill his mind as well as his sight, even coming close to auditory. Whispers of things long hidden tickle at his ears, making his hair stand on end. Jonathan leans into the unreal touch, desperate for more of these unique sensations. He reaches down to haphazardly unzip and unbutton his pants, releasing his arousal to the sterile air of the examination room.
He hisses when his fingers wrap roughly around it, the voices seeming to laugh at his taboo reaction– it only spurs him on. Jonathan sets a rough pace for himself, he didn’t want it sweet or gentle– he didn’t deserve that. He was a sick son of a bitch, getting off where he’d tortured so many people. He fucking loved it.
The lack of lubrication as he jacked himself off was painful, but it was just how he was going to do it. His eyes glaze over as bits of pre-cum lessen the harshness, making it more bearable– maybe he could last? The thought goes out the window as he sees indescribable hallucinations wrapping themselves around his legs as well as his abdomen, tendrils of pure dark digging into his skin.
They make him want to spread his legs further, as opposed to closing them shut like a normal person. He was far from that. Jonathan moans loudly as his fingers swipe over his reddened tip, the sensitivity making his back arch. He squeezes his eyes shut as his fist tightens around himself, he’s oh so close.
Jonathan’s eyes focus on a specific visual hallucination creeping into his peripheral, its glowing eyes piercing into the depths of his psyche. He watches its hand make its way to wrap around his throat, cutting off his oxygen flow– despite it not being real.
That was enough to send him flying over the edge– his movements became sloppy and uncalculated as ropes of his desire landed all over the restraints, as well as his slacks. The creature of his mind’s creation did not relent, only softening its grip enough to let him catch a tiny breath now and then. Jonathan continued to milk himself for all he’s got– not planning on stopping until the toxin was fully flushed from his system.
How long would that be– maybe an hour or so?
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anawrites3 · 1 year
Alright bitches it's angst hour (because I've been brutally woken up) so let me tell you a vision that came to me in a dream
Every Robin, at some point of their 'career', got hit with a special kind of toxin that doesn't just show them their fears but the actual worst outcome of what their future can possibly become.
I might turn it into a fic, I'm proud of this idea actually
Jason, sweet innocent Jason, the boy who was so excited to become Robin and just help people, sees himself wearing red and shooting a a man dead without blinking an eye.
Dick sees himself dressed in black and orange, taking a person's life without a word of protest when a man with white hair tells him to, his hand curled possessively around Dick's neck.
Tim sees himself in green silks, sitting on a throne and watching lazily how his men kill at the flick of his finger.
Damian, standing at Ra's al Ghul's feet as a perfect heir, still wet with blood he shed at his granfather's command while his father stares at him in horror.
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finniestoncrane · 10 months
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please, my oc, she is being passed around so many rogues it's not ok for her to keep dyeing her hair ;-;
there's some info on each of the variants below because it is self-indulgent and not interesting lmao 💚
music meister connie (the fat lady)
her power is her voice, kinda like black canary, but she is not afraid to gore a man with her little horns. the whole point of her being there is so that when batman has mm pinned to the ground and is saying "it's over, music meister" he can say "oh batman... it's not over... until the fat lady sings" and then connie can come in and. beat shit out of him
bookworm connie (dust cover)
she's sweet and soft and chunky and nerdy, so she's a perfect partner for bookworm i think. she would say "knowledge is power" if you asked her what she brought to a fight, but she can also use her little reading light as a laser that can cut a bitch
mad hatter connie (the tea lady)
this connie has no powers, except that she's not able to be hypnotised. the only reason she hangs out with tetch is cos she thinks he's neat. she makes excellent tea, and her cupcakes are little grenades
harley quinn connie (candyfloss)
clown-core connie is my new favourite? she has super strength like harley, those aren't juggling balls, they're cast iron shotput balls which she is happy to launch at people's heads or use them to bash bones into tiny little shards
scarecrow connie (strawman)
like a real strawman she's there to trick people into thinking jonathan is less powerful, so the fear toxin vials she carries and tosses at people are placebos so they lower their guard before the real master of fear rocks up with the lethal dose
two face connie (3D)
i'm gonna be honest this design got away from me and i ended up making a whole new oc for it. oops. anyway this one can warp the environment and make people think she's a lot closer or further away from her to disorient them and make attacking them easier. or something. i don't know i didn't think it through i got distracted by the concept
poison ivy connie (petal)
no powers. she's kinda part plan but that's only because ivy has been up and in her so frequently she's kinda got some spores forming all through her. if she needs to fight, she tosses cactuses at people. she's not really for fighting, she's for ivy to play with mostly
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roo0-0 · 10 days
“ I’m not your son!” Tim yells as he run out the manor doors. Bruce and Alfred were stunned. What had gotten into Tim? What was wrong? “Woah B what’d you do?” Dick said dryly having over heard the tail end of the argument. “I- I don’t know.” Bruce was a master detective and even he was puzzled on what brought upon this outburst. “He’s having one of those gross ‘I need my dad’ moments but your not his biological dad and you didn’t choose him to be robin; he chose himself so now he’s angry-sad.” Jason said a lot of weird stuff and this was one of the lesser of some things he’s said but everyone was still very confused. “What?” Bruce asked. “He’s having a-“ “I heard you jay but how do you know that?” “He was mumbling about it when he got infected with fear toxin last time we fought riddler.” Once Jason finally shut his mouth he realized Dick’s and Bruce’s eyes were twitching. “And you didn’t think to tell anybody!?” Dick was not impressed by Jason’s lack of communication skills especially when it came to one of their brother’s feelings. “I tried to talk to Tim after he got the antidote and some rest but after about four words he started yelling very loudly until I stopped talking. Then later when I suggested he explain how he felt to Bruce he grabbed his bow staff and tried to smack me in the ribs with it; so I left it alone.” Jason said shrugging. By this point Batman had been face palming and pinching the bridge of his nose interchangeably for five minutes. “I’m going to go find Tim and talk to him. NO ONE follow me okay?” Bruce said opening the manor doors as Dick and Jason shook their head hard enough to give themselves whiplash.
“Tim?” Bruce called poking his head around the corner into the garden Alfred, Jason, and Cass had started. “Go away Bruce.” Tim choked out; it was evident that Tim had been crying. “I think I might know what is going on?” Bruce said it almost as if it was a question. “Do you really now?” Tim laughed dryly lacking any and all humor in his voice. “Jason told me something. He said that you didn’t feel like my son and that you felt you weren’t worthy of the Robin title-“ “that snitching bitch” “Tim language. But I’m glad he told me cause it’s opened my eyes to something I would have never thought about otherwise. Just because you chose to be Robin and I didn’t choose you doesn’t make you any less of a Robin and it doesn’t make me love you any less. Tim you are my son and although I may not be your biological dad, I can still be your dad if you allow me.” Tim sat there stunned. This was a lot of emotions for Bruce to be showing all at once and he didn’t know how to respond. He started to cry “Bruce… thank you. You and Alfred were the first real father figure I’ve ever had but it felt like I didn’t deserve it.” Tim said looking at his shoes. He never knew how to interact with Bruce and Alfred like all his siblings did; he wasn’t chosen like they were he just showed up exposing his secret identity and asked to be Robin. He wanted so desperately to go to Bruce when he was struggling; or as Jason ‘that bitch’ Todd called it: an “I need my dad” moment. He felt like had no where to go with his emotions cause the one person he could go to was rarely around. Dick used to always be there for Tim; letting him cry into his arms or sparing with him when Tim was angry. Now? Now Tim felt isolated and alone in his feelings. “Tim? Jason said something and I think that’s what’s going on right now. He said you’re having an ‘I need my dad moment’ and I need you to understand this: you can always come to me to complain, punch, or cry too no matter what. I’m your dad now and I want to be that support for you. Will you let me?” Tim didn’t know what to say. He just flung himself into B’s arms and cried. Bruce hugged him as hard as he could trying to get his point across that he was there for him.
The next day when no one was around Bruce cried a little feeling so happy and so sad all at once for letting one of his kids suffer in silence. That day he mentally promised his kids to never let them fester in their feeling for that long ever again.
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phobia-sweets · 2 years
Hope you don't mind but can ya write Arkham-verse Scarecrow & Riddler with S/O who was a former Arkham Security Guard before they fell for them and later joined them?
after this is posted i'm rewarding (actually punishing) myself by playing iron banner
Arkhamverse! Riddler & Scarecrow x reader
Warnings / Notes: uhhhhhhhhh captivity is briefly mentioned lol and riddler is a lil bitch
- Before the croc incident, Many guards avoided dealing with Jonathan more than was necessary. He knows how to get under people’s skin, he doesn’t need his toxin to scare people. People that had dealt with him in the past knew this. The Toxin just made his job easier, more effective.
- So guards took turns dealing with him so that no one had to be with him too much. Especially after he managed to poison his doctor with fear toxin he disguised as cologne.
- But you found him intirguing. Fear is a strong motivator. You knew this, working as a guard – A lot of them would try to scare patients into obedience, which worked. It obviously didn’t work on Jonathan, which frustrated some of the guards. Your approach with him was more polite, if anything.
- But it was just that all hell broke loose on arkham island when you were sick at home. You wouldn’t have even known about it if it wasn’t for the news being all about it. Of course word came from your coworkers that Crane was nowhere to be found, but a bag of his toxin and mask was laying in the sewers, where croc was. You assumed the worst.
- As far as everyone was concerned, The scarecrow – Jonathan Crane was dead. Until he showed up, his face replaced by burlap and thread.
Hiding behind barrels of what you presumed were fear toxin, you held your breath. Your colleagues always said your curiosity would be the death of you. It surely started to seem that way as you listened to Jonathan Crane’s gravelly voice as he talked to someone – a soldier? He didn’t seem the type to work with soldiers. But then again, it’s been quite a long time since he ‘died’.
“May I help you?”
In your panic, you hadn’t heard the soldier leave and footsteps approach you. Looking up, you were met with blank, milky eyes and the sight of four needles attached to a gauntlet. You’d admire the craftsmanship if it weren’t for the fact that they were dangerously close to your face.
- Were you drugged? Probably. You don’t really remember.
- what started out as captivity turned into you helping around in Gotham before his announcement of, well, feargassing Gotham.
- When did feelings join the equation? A bit before halloween. Did you make them known? Not exactly. Jonathan didn’t seem like the person to bother with feelings that weren’t fear or terror. But you swore you could catch him quietly chuckle at some of your quips or comments.
- You were probably one of the only people that actually bothered with his riddles – whether you got it wrong or right, you would try to answer them. ‘Maybe it’ll keep him off my skin’ you thought. It did not.
- If anything, it made him bother you even more. If you got them wrong, he’d obviously insult you, but if you got them right…? He would compliment you as if you were a stupid child. Very demeaning.
“Mr. Nygma, I’ve brought you your food.” You said nonchalantly, setting the tray on a table. Nygma quite often refused to eat in the cafeteria – said something about being surrounded by complete morons and how he could feel his braincells dying the more he had to spend time in there. So, As you seemed to be the only guard that didn't care about his insults on your intelligence, you volunteered to be the one to bring him his food. Arkham wasn’t exactly known for bending to the patient’s wills, but as much as Edward wouldn’t attack you, no one wanted to listen to his insults.
“I have billions of eyes, Yet I live in darkness. I have millions of ears, yet only four lobes. I have no muscle, yet I rule two hemispheres. What am I?” Edward’s voice echoed.
“Ah, the… the human brain? Right?” You guessed, facing to look at edward. He simply gave a quiet “hmph.” And resumed reading his book. Turning around, you left.
-time skip to when either he escapes or you helped him escape. Why did you help him? Not even you knew how or why, but you fell for him. Hard.
- Trying to see if he felt anything towards you was hard. Especially since he would avoid answering some of your questions and being… well, himself, with his riddles and big words.
- When you began actively helping him with placing his trophies around Arkham city, bringing him whatever tools he needed, he seemed to start… relaxing in your prescense? Atleast he wasn’t as irritated in your prescense as he was before. A good sign, hopefully.
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thedevilundercover · 5 months
hi so imagine an au where the Batfam has had like a mind link since it was just bruce dick and babs and once someone is part of the Batfam they join the mindlink but they’re all so good at compartmentalizing that they just never realize AND THEN Tim/some other person it doesn’t really matter gets high/fear toxin/ pollen/whatever and their walls just go down so every one’s just like wait what the fuck and then they slowly realize and get into it. I think it has so much potential for angst(someone doesn’t stop compartmentalizing and thinks their not part of it or some thing like borderline) or comedy(they fuck with people and are just menaces in general). This has been my ted talk. Thank you. (Sorry this was so disorganized and I have zero expectations for anyone to do anything with it so no pressure I just thought it was funny and wanted to share)
Oooh cool idea!
When I read this it reminded me kinda of sense8. Like the Batfam get interconnected via magic fuckery and like they don't notice it for a while because they're just like wow The Voices are increasing but whatever.
The angst potential is wild though because those idiots have never had a proper conversation in their life tf you mean they've talked about what they've went through personally.
They all think that the others got Fucked Up as children and so they're all like, "damn, I'm the least traumatised one. These bitches need therapy, not me tho."
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mycroftrh · 11 months
Okay, I’ve got three Batfamily one-shots that I could work on.
1) (Not started) Tim, on fear toxin, (maybe) kills someone, believes (possibly accurately) that Bruce is gonna kick him out, and goes to the Red Hood for help.
2) (Started, but i don’t know where to go from there) Tim and Damian’s reactions to fear toxin are similar - they both become quiet and obedient.
3) (very short, almost finished) Tim has a flashback and Damian snaps him out of it by deliberately triggering him. Look, if it works, it works.
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rosy-thorneded · 2 months
wip game
Rules: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Then tag as many people as you have WIPS. anyone who you think might enjoy this.
@gasmeros thanks for the tag. This was fun
@underforeversgrace, @bamboozled-and-alone, @weirdohasleft tag you're it
Anyone want to guess how many there are?
Asylum Peter
Untitled document
Untitled document
Untitled document
Untitled document
tumblr prompt fill
Chameleon fix it
InvisoBang fic
Gotham Photographer
Untitled document
Untitled document
Peter wakes up in Lazarus pit
Aunt May's date
Spider-Man rescues Bruce Wayne
Incurable and Curable Side Effects of Death
Burning Anchors part 2 attempt 2
part 2 burning anchors
Okay so plotty plotty plot plan
Haunting of the League Part 2
Untitled Document
Assassin from the Future tries to Kill Danny by Saving Him
danny is vlad's bio kid
Get Ate Maddie
Untitled document
Dissected Danny stays with Vlad
Adult Danny in BNHA
Assassin Peter
Dissected Vlad
Untitled document
baman and piderman bodyswap
OG book shit
Peter gets gassed (Fear Toxin)
Danny in DC against this will (sorta)
Peter Lies
Red 2.0
Untitled document
Danny Summoned
Spider-Man kidnapped by Ra's
Danny in Purgatory with Dean
GIW Yucky
Wulf is an Empath
Untitled document
Untitled document
Untitled document
X-Files crossover (Can You Call This a Rescue)
Laz Pit is a ghost AU
AIM take down (Spidey and Steve chat)
Daniel Masters
Jason saves Danny from Lex
Nocturn's Dream
Vlad's Return
Danny McFucking dies
Tucker the Sidekick
AU Vlad gets trapped in canon Vlad's place
Untitled document
Life's a bitch and I'm a dumbass
Kraven fix it
Untitled document
Jim Lake Jr and Danny Fenton
Kidnapped Spidey-Boi
Court of Owls
Statue ghost
Jazz Grieving
Convicted Peter
Untitled document
Untitled document
Peter and Bruce are cousins
Jim Lake Jr and Danny Fenton stranded
Danny and de avengers
Actual Ghosts DP AU
DP Bee Movie AU
Untitled document
Forced Nap
Troll Hunters/Danny Phantom Invisible
Danny at Hogwarts
Troll Hunters/Danny Phantom Caught and Tired
Glowing Bones
Origins of the Spider
Untitled document
Phantom Brother
Spidey and the X-Men
The Ghost and the Hunter
Cliche Prompt fill
spiderman deaged
Untitled document
Pirates out of Time (TH/DP)
93 babyyyyyyy
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