#but haha don't do this again. next time call a servant
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Francis Drake Main Story
Translations may not always capture the exact nuances or tone of the original text. Expect grammatical errors.
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The woman behind the door was just an ordinary woman.
(Heh? She's got nice eyes.)
Drake: "I'm Francis. Francis Drake."
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Drake: "I just stumbled into this place out of nowhere and have no idea what's going on, so there's no need to be scared, little fawn."
The woman who introduced herself as Mitsuki was trembling like a cornered animal in my arms.
Nevertheless, her gaze as she looked up with determination wasn't all that bad.
Drake: "Haha! Being caught and surrounded like this reminds me of when I was ambushed at sea."
I laughed at my miserable situation as they tied me up with a rope.
When I was still a low-ranking officer on a pirate ship, I was tied up and almost thrown overboard after an altercation with an enemy ship.
Compared to that, being allowed to sit in a quality chair like this was far better treatment.
Drake: "Mademoiselle, sorry for pointing a knife at you earlier. I was on guard, so it just happened. Are you okay?"
Mitsuki: "Y-Yes, I'm fine."
The woman who had been trembling in my arms earlier blinked in surprise as I talked to her casually.
Drake: "I promise not to harm you guys."
(There's no way they'd trust me even if I said that.)
Unlike the woman, there was a tense atmosphere among the men surrounding me.
(The ropes are tied tightly. They also took my knife, so untying them would be impossible.)
(Before that, if I make any suspicious moves, they might attack me first.)
A man with dark hair and a man with an eye patch on either side of me stood guard, as if they were watching over a prisoner.
Aside from the sword at their waist, their demeanor suggests they were used to fighting.
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(In fact, that Napoleon guy is quite skilled.)
I glanced around at everyone present and noticed that there weren't many others used to fighting. However, the ones with golden and amber eyes caught my attention.
(Those two shouldn't be underestimated.)
My intuition told me so.
Napoleon: "Now that we've all calmed down, let me ask again."
Napoleon: "Who are you?"
Drake: "Okay. I guess I should start by introducing myself."
Drake: "I'm Francis Drake. Well, you could say I'm just a simple sailor."
Sebastian: "Francis Drake!?"
The man standing at the edge of the room, who looked like a servant, raised his voice.
Sebastian: "That famous Captain Drake!?"
Drake: "I don't know which 'that' you're referring to, but the 'Captain' part is correct."
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Mitsuki: "Is this guy also a historical figure?"
Sebastian: "Yes. He's an English pirate who rose to the rank of navy admiral."
I was surprised that he knew so much, as he politely told me about my title and achievements.
Vincent: "So, he also crossed over time?"
Theo: "Just because he calls himself Francis Drake doesn't mean he's the real deal."
The man with the same piercing as the man with fluffy blond hair replied with expected skepticism.
Drake: "I can't argue with that."
As I pondered what to do next一
Mitsuki: "I think he's telling the truth."
Mitsuki: "He doesn't seem like he's lying, and it's also strange for someone to pretend to be a historical figure."
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(Ooops? A backup support from an unexpected person.)
Drake: "Heh? You believe me, mademoiselle? That makes me happy."
Drake: "But is it okay to trust someone that easily?"
Mitsuki: "---?"
I casually said something to test her, partly because I wanted to be a little mean about her defenselessness and kindness.
(If she doesn't know how to doubt people, she probably has never been betrayed by anyone before.)
She probably lived a life free of conflict, intrigue, and deception.
Shakespeare: "I guarantee he is the real Sir Francis Drake."
Afterwards, the playwright Shakespeare served as a witness and finally confirmed my identity as Francis Drake.
Drake: "So, is this the lodging for Shakespeare's theater company or something? Are you all members of the troupe?"
Shakespeare: "No, Sir Drake, that is not the case."
Comte: "Will, let me take it from here."
The man with golden eyes approached me.
Comte: "Drake. This is neither a theater company nor England. Furthermore, to put it more clearly, we are in a different era."
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Comte: "This is France in the 19th century."
Drake: "Ha?"
I looked at him, speechless and wide-eyed at what he just told me.
After that, he asked me how I came here, and when I told them that I'd walked alone through the hallway full of antiques, Count Saint-Germain frowned even more, and the other men looked confused.
Mitsuki: "Could it be that Drake, like me, also ended up here from his original time?"
Leonardo: "That's a possibility, but rather than being like you, it might be more accurate to say he's like Napoleon."
Napoleon: "Huh?"
Comte: "I can feel both a human and a vampire presence from you, Drake."
Mitsuki: "Are you saying he's like Napoleon? A half-vampire!?"
My own existence seemed to be causing a lot of confusion after they mentioned the topic of half-vampires.
As thoughts and speculations started spiraling out of control, I raised my hand to put a stop to it and bring everyone's attention back to me.
Drake: "Hold on."
Drake: "I can accept that this is the 19th century, but all this talk about resurrections and vampires is getting crazy. Can you at least tell me more about what's happening?"
Napoleon: "I understand how you feel."
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Mitsuki: "Me too…"
The lady understood and felt the confusion I showed.
Mitsuki: "Comte, I think we need to explain the situation."
Mitsuki: "And since he doesn't have a place to go, why don't we let him stay at the mansion for a while?"
Drake: "........."
(It'd be inconvenient if I got thrown out like this. I need to play my cards right.)
(That young lady over there seems kind, huh?)
Although there were voices of caution coming from the men, they still undid the ropes and allowed me to stay in the mansion.
It was a fortunate turn of events.
Drake: "Anyway, sorry for the terrible first impression. I'll be in your care from now on, so let's all get along."
Mitsuki: "If there's anything I can do to help, please let me know."
Drake: "You..."
She wasn't scared anymore and was now genuinely smiling.
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Drake: "You're really kind."
(I hope that kindness doesn't lead to your downfall, little fawn.)
On a night when a full moon was floating in the sky, I became a member of the mansion where vampires and "one girl" lived一without me believing in their smiles and words.
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I just dicovered your blog and god, I'm amazed by your writing😩❤. So here's my request, mycroft x sick!wife. She got asthma attack late at night while he hadn't been home yet, when he arrive he found her could barely breath called a doctor and sit by her side comforting her. That's it. It's ok if u can't do it I understand! (Might request over and over again cuz i love u :) <3 )
Worried Sick {Mycroft Holmes}
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Pairing: Mycroft Holmes x sick! wife! fem! reader
Warnings: mentions of asthma attacks
A/n: honestly I hope you like it, I wrote this as soon as I woke up so yeah. Also you can request as much as you like I don't mind haha. Btw I know shit about asthma so if I have made any sort of mistake, DM me and I'll fix it
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It was around 11 pm when it all began. The inhaler the doctors had given you had reached its limit. You hadn't bothered much since you were already planning on going to the doctor tomorrow for your monthly check up so you would ask your doctor to prescribe you a new one. Plus, your asthma attacks weren't frequent.
Logic said you would be fine without one until tomorrow but logic apparently was wrong on that one.
You and Mycroft had been married for about a year now and the house you shared was not big and housed only three servants who were conveniently enough asleep when your asthma attack hit you.
You started coughing violently, unable to breath and though it had taken exactly one minute for Mycroft to ran up the stairs and get to you, to you it had looked like ages.
Along with Mycroft, who had just returned home from a more than exhausting day at work, your maid also burged in the room and was immediately ordered by your husband to get the doctor next door (let's talk about privilege later).
No more than five minutes later, the doctor arrived with an inhaler and all his things, ready to examine you. Right after stopping your asthma attack, you fainted.
“I don't know what happened, I just got back from work.” Mycroft said when the doctor asked him.
The latter had just finished examining your now sleeping body and was packing his things to leave while Mycroft's worried and angered gaze was driving him insane. Your husband knew exactly how much effect he had on the poor man just by sitting at a chair next to your bed, his legs crossed and his fingers carefully yet gracefully playing with his wedding ring.
He had almost given up on smoking as soon as he met you so it is needless to say that no one was permitted to smoke in the space you were in.
“Listen here, doctor, I don't care if it's possible or not but cure her.”
“Mr Holmes there are two possibilities-”
“Don't care.” Your husband cut the doctors sentence short. “If it's not possible then provide her with more inhalers. If something like that ever happens again I'll simply put the blame on you and I am more than sure that you don't want that.”
The old man quickly shook his head in response and left the room after telling your husband that he would hand him his report on it tomorrow.
“You are scaring people.” You rolled your eyes and made a move to sit on the bed but Mycroft stopped you almost immediately.
“I am sorry.” He kissed your temple and went ahead to start getting ready for bed. You silently watched him doing his night routine, wearing his silk pyjamas and brushing his hair.
“No you're not.” You told him as soon as he got under the covers.
“That's right, I'm not, I expect them to treat you like how I treat you goddammit. And I will not pursue this issue any further because my heart is still trying to calm down.”
You didn't have the time to respond. Mycroft had already wrapped his hands around you and most probably had already fallen asleep, knowing that you were now safe in his arms.
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ngmn2002 · 1 year
Ch 103: Random thoughts (part 1)
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Aww... a really nice shot of this awesome boy? His fangs, eyes, carefree & graceful moves... perfect.
We're off to a good start, it seems!
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"Tsukasa-kun said..." - By Yashiro Nene.
Really, the 2 things are perfectly structured, gorgeous first pages to start a chapter with. Well, Tsukasa deserves no less. ♡ I can go now and say, if things developed for better or worse, I can assume this first page is the whole chapter and I'm satisfied with that.
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A nice way of thinking, Nene-chan! Haha, I'm yet again, proven right to assume that Amane had a reason for trying to fix the clock that has to do with "time control". A point goes to me. ~ Ah, if what I assumed to be "the reason" turns out to be true... hmm... let's not get ahead of ourselves.
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I love Mitsuba's reaction. He is so right to panic. While Nene is used to this, that was his first time, and he ended up meeting "living Tsukasa" of all people, such a reaction is perfect! Speaking about Nene, she was pretty collected even in her first time. "can we talk to anyone about it", an awesome thing to suggest! Wow, Nene, I believe that thing you confidently pointed out, works for both of you, you know? The 2 of you met him, and he really talked directly to you and asked you to come play again with him (them)?
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It hurts me a little... that I still have to consider this... she is not ready to talk to him, and she has a point, I have to say. Maybe she advised Mitsuba to go talk to Tsukasa because they are together after all. ....... makes sense. Ah... maybe it's still not the time for you to go to him, but we're getting closer it looks like. One day it will happen. When things get better between the 2 of you. I hope that day will come soon.
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He has a thing for seeing things as "scary". And... wow... I can't say he is wrong in what he said... it's so Tsukasa... so... I agree with him...
The scene with Nene, Hanako, Kou and Mitsuba was fun,
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Love his reaction. <3 Hanako's speech...
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Hmm... I can't really object on his decision. It's his past after all, it's up to him whether to want to remember about it or just leave it behind. Though, I really don't know whether to take his words as he didn't remember a thing or ended up remembering 'something' at least and is just keeping it to himself? Nene... is being too thoughtful and cute as always. She is too observing in there, even.
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Feels so good to see many shots of Nene observing every word Hanako says, every movement he makes really closely, caringly and thoughtfully. (reminds me of someone) Then she is deep in thought, thinking about him, his past self/situation, then present self/situation...
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Then reaches to the conclusion she wants to see him happy instead of how he was always 'sad' (as she thinks) in his past and hopes he never remembers. Ah... she is really too soft, caring and gentle. But, I think... life doesn't work this way, Nene-chan... there is no running away from one's past, sadly. Thinking about it in a little different way, isn't she now the one keeping things from him and doesn't want him to know about or to remember, now? It's of course, out of her care for him and his well-being. Maybe now, she can get why at times he behaves the same way with her and keeps her in the dark about his past and some other cases?
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This whole thing is getting too emotional to me now...
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It's cute AidaIro seem to be trying to bring some old stuff back and remind us of them lately.
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Next is,
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Ok, I have to say, this whole scene was funny. Akane voiced all his heart, it was too funny.
Now this!!! *take a deep breath*
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Oh... Red Kokujoudai makes the... STUPIDEST appearance ever. Really? Going right into Teru's hand? I don't care if it made a cool show and burnt it, why go in there in the first place you stupid thing? To make things clear, Tsukasa is not the one who sent it after Akane, it's his assistant and her servant. (if it was him I would have had called him stupid as well, but... is it a smart move to leave it with these 2 or to allow them/her to use it?)To some degree, it's hard for me at the moment to call that thing Tsukasa's, It's hers. It's with her almost all the time lately, working as a "spy". It's only like an accessory with Tsukasa. *sigh* If Tsukasa left it with them for a while for some reason... -don't... they use it in the stupidest way.
Also, couldn't it just get back after knowing where the boundry of No.1 is, was it needed to keep following Akane, until it fell under Teru's grap? That's really a stupid move. Can't believe it's the same thing that got in Nene's pocket during the Misaki stairs arc, and went back successfully without taking any unnecessary risks. I really laughed when it was crushed by Teru's hand and went running back to the 2, crying. So well-deserved.
It's not only it. How stupid can the 2 who sent it get? she is the one who "likes to work from the shadows"// "as it was said in one of the cards about her" Yet she, alongside her servant made the stupid thing of letting Red koku go after Akane until it got in Teru's hand, in pure day light. How cautious. Haha, nope. How stupid, actually. Will continue with this thing when we get a little further into things. Now, I need to mention a little something...
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Even little Koku can make a fiery show and burn Teru's hand. Tsuaksa doesn't have a thing to do with fire? Yeah, sure. (thinking about how funny it is… that the 'first time' the minamoto brothers 'fought' the twins… they ended up with burnt hands) Ok, back to Red Koku...
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Why did it run to "her" instead of "Tsukasa" exactly? As Teru said, it works for its owner, Tsukasa is its owner... or is it really... her? That's too stupid, right? This little thing plays favorites I assume, it got infected from roaming around that servant of hers (she is a dog person... so he is like... her dog), and became a second him when it comes to that girl? Which brings me to, what a nice attitude Red koku! you deserve a clap from me. Now, sakura's dog is your friend? you cry out your pain to him? you go around him all lovingly... how awesome... much more lovingly than I see here, huh?
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Yet, you don't care, sir. Just saying... keep this thing away from you... you'll get filthy and infected from the dog as well. Can't afford to see you (seriously) going around that girl like koku & her dog do.
I don't find it cute or "oh! Red koku is really friendly". It's working with 2 who clearly are doing things of their own, not including his master in their "game", and don't care for him.
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Be friendly with people who "care" for your master, then play with them all you want, I will find it cute then.
Comparing how Red Koku feels to me while with her to while it is with Tsukasa for a moment...
It's with her almost all the time lately (if Tsuaksa is the one who lets it, then fine......., but if not...), working as a "spy" and doing whatever she asks. It's only like an accessory with Tsukasa, while with her it's this awesome? This powerful? To be frank, it made a nice fiery show for Tsukasa back in ch 17, was a nice help in some other cases like in the p.p arc... but really... with her it's all devoted, hardworking, loyal and faithful, it's... stupid. Did this thing report what happened in No.6's boundary to its master aka: Tsukasa? or just because the assistant doesn't want him to discover a thing it didn't bother? If it did report what happened and will report what happened again in this chapter to him, then that's better. I can't sit here with that thing being a little traitor, working hard for someone other than its owner and keeps secrets from him, even. Really, where is its loyalty? It's all given to the assistant? It enjoys the company of the 2 more than its master to the point it ran to them? to the hand of the assistant and then started crying to her servant? Then roaming around him? why? As Teru said, you're supposed to be serving your master? But thing is, you are not. Really, I don't get why Tsukasa trusts her with Red koku this much, to the point she feels like a second master to it, and that servant of hers feels like a third. Is there a 4th, koku? I'm tired of this. Red haku helps Nene at times and stays with her, but as Hanako orders. Nene doesn't hold any power over it, it doesn't run to Nene, it runs to him, it reports things to him. Who is your master? the green-haired girl? I don't think so? Then you're not faithful, unlike red Haku. God, I love that little thing. Try to learn from red Haku, red koku.
Is red koku natsuhiko 2.0 at this point? Can't help but fall for the fake charm of that girl? pathetic. Too pathetic for me to call it Tsukasa's. Tsukasa is not head over heels for some girl just because she is... what?! what did she do for you?! she didn't even care to comfort you when you got back, after all you did for her, at least her servant tried.
I had my suspicions about that little thing since long ago... and it's still going that way... until when? It's getting truly annoying. Do you mean to tell me it didn't report anything that happened in No.6's boundary to Tsukasa, just as the assistant wants? Then, it went again and kept on working as a spy for her? Really? like... I'm sorry but... is Tsukasa that stupid not to notice it's not with him for a long time? In the No.6 thingy, he was assumingly unconscious during that time. Now??? He just doesn't care? This "I don't care" side of Tsukasa....... What if red koku didn't manage to escape from Teru? you would have to go face him? (While you try to stay in the dark) only because the 2 with you are too stupid and put you in this situation. I get it you had to rely on the 2's help and lent them red koku at the start of the story in the Misaki stars case, but now? while they are making foolish decisions and using your thing for... ugh... make a move sir. You just don't care to make one, huh?
*sigh* To conclude all that 'red koku' rant, if it's fully faithful & loyal to Tsukasa, keeps him updated with all that's going on on his assistans side all the time and doesn't keep secrets from him, and Tsukasa is the one who left it with them for some time and ordered it to do as they want, then I don't have any issue with Red koku anymore (forgetting about how it treats the 2, because I still don't like that while I still see them ready to stab its master in the back). Still, leaving it with them is a bad decision, they are clearly not worthy of having it around or using it. On the other hand, if its loyality goes to her and it really became a second dog to her, that would be a problem.
Ok, that took too long, back to the chapter events...
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It's a simple thing for her to smile, then. Where were these expressions before? You don't even need to read books to act around Nene or the students? you're handling it too well. Take a pic? you will become a black mist or whatever in there, if you were a ghost? but, that servant of her seemed to be taking pics of her... and she didn't mind for some reason... -ah... I have no intention of going back to my "you're on the line between life and death" thing, it's to tiring to talk about and I don't care to do that, you can be whatever, I don't really care.
And really, is it needed for maids to wear their costume a week before the festival and not on its day? I see... we were supposed to see how cute and pretty she looks early? because maybe we won't get to see her as a maid later? hate to break it... she looks.. plain... normal... too normal.
Though, I hate to think... that Nene who says she doesn't feel right without her brooch is not wearing it while working for the festival, while this girl does. The mysteries of the brooches... what do they mean to their owners?
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Really, shut up. Can I say... this simp is getting really annoying and extremely disgusting with him being clingy to her and roaming around her the time? Act like a man... how stupid. Deep down, I feel she enjoys it. As a dog person, it's nice to see a dog roaming around her. They fit each other perfectly. I feel like hitting that face of his with a shoe, I'm not joking. kiss my shoe you disgusting creature. He lacks any personality beside his wierd smiles/smirks/looks/and being a faithful dog to her. (no offence to real-life dogs in any thing I said in this whole post, they are awesome).
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This girl doesn't seem to make up her mind... one time she is super confident.. one time she is hesitant. really? Her acting skills are too convincing, that it seems she herself fell for her own trick.
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Using everyone to get to what I want is fun. - That's what you meant. How funny, a moment ago she was smiling at this girl & willing to take some pictures with her, now she is looking emotionlessly and smugly at her while using her & the others to her advantage. Fun? you're going to ruin that fun for everyone and be the only to have fun alongside your dog, you forgot? lol, even the "sakura" petals are dark & black, I wonder what they represent... the nature of the one who flew them? What did she do to the students? Some kind of controlling thing? why would No.4 make such a thing?- What a nice lady! She will ruin things for her fun... Hmm... well... she is the one who is ready to put everyone and everything on the line for her own sake...
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She is only proving her words to be right once again, not only with Kou or Nene (Akane or Aoi),
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But with everyone and everything she can have at hand. ....... including the 2 with her (Tsuaksa, who is a yorishiro, and the one who is working for her, she says to both their faces she doesn't care & is happy if ALL "including them" are gone for her sake). Does she have a heart, I wonder. Forgetting about that, what is Tsukasa's reaction to her going her own way with her servant?
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............ And it would be hilariously funny, if she is still after keeping things a "secret" from him.
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LOL, let me remind you for the 100 time, you're using his 'red koku', he can simply "see" it's not by his side, and you took it for some reason. He still lets you take it. look at how much he cares. Another thing, can't he feel its powers while being used? the time in ch 95 we may say he didn't for a special reason, but now? nothing prevents him from doing so, when red koku made some huge fire. Hmm... how about red Haku...? Did it sense anything?
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It feels it when kokujoudai is used or in action, right? so......?
Going back to the thing of red koku not going back to Tsukasa... maybe AidaIro don't want us to see Tsukasa just yet, but it's hard for me to accept, since from the very start, red koku was never sent for a task Tsukasa gave it, it was working for the other 2, who are clearly doing their own thing, without a care of Tsukasa and without even including him, that little... ah... don't want to call it a traitor... I still want to go give it some chance as I said before. But like, really... these 2... what a shame... you rely on Tsukasa's abilities 'red koku' while doing your own things. What a shame. What a shame. Some people just have no dignity at all.
Anyway, in conclusion, my suspicions about red koku seem to be increasing. red Koku... stop acting stupid. Go ahead and prove to me how much faithful & loyal to Tsukasa you are, ok?
Ok, now going to the part of their "plan/game",
First part was to "use" Akane: Don't want to repeat myself... so here.
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Wow, I have to say… I did an awesome job expecting all these 2 would do. I was right. ~ They behaved just as I described.
So, he tried this...
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lol, what is happening? At this rate I will feel like I predict the future or something! because… I said this before…. . .
(due to pic limits... part 2)
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akuaya-eng · 3 months
(Main story) Chapter 5 - Episode 3
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Adder, are you here?
As you can see. Didn't I tell you to knock before entering the room?
I think you did. Sorry, I just wanted to see your face quickly.
Don't say things you don't mean. This isn't because of my foolish younger brother, is it?
Well~, maybe it is. He said that if I talk like this, you'd usually forgive me.
I've become too soft. It looks like I'll need to tighten things up again. For Rosé, and you as well.
Me too? I hope you give me a break.
So, what do you want? You didn't just come to see my face, did you?
Oh, right. The curses in the mansion have increased too much, and the servants are having trouble. They won't die from touching them, but it's interfering with their work.
What? I just purified them yesterday-- Rosé...
Wasn't it Rosé's turn yesterday? In that case, either he slacked off or the number suddenly increased overnight.
Probably both. So, where is the culprit?
Who knows. I figured you'd ask, so I searched, but I couldn't find him.
He's hiding. When I find him, I will show no mercy. He's probably the cause of this sudden increase… There's no choice. I'll go purify them. Tuner, if you want to come, then come.
I'll go.
In that case, I'll go too. I'm curious about what you'll sense in the devil world.
If you're coming, then make yourself useful. Take Rosé's place.
If I feel like it.
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…… (purifies)
As expected of Adder. You handle the power of purification well.
… You didn't come along just to flatter me, did you?
Heh. Still, there are a staggering number of curses. It's so dense, you can't see ahead. Was the Colchicum Castle like this too…? Oops, I forgot, we're not supposed to talk about other factions.
It's heading your way. Protect yourself.
There's no choice… Heh. (purifies) It's not too bad to touch it a little, but it's not very pleasant.
…oh… ooh…
A voice comes from the curse… The usual thing is happening, Adder.
Ghost of a hostile devil
...Betrayed me… You betrayed me… Adder Belladonna…!
Oh, it's calling you by name. Please, take your time.
Ghost of a hostile devil
We made... a deal…! Why did you betray me… Why did you abandon me…!!
Adder, do you recognize whose ghost this is?
I don't.
Right. This kind of thing happens all the time. Deals, schemes, betrayals… These are all the devils' specialties.
Ghost of a hostile devil
You think you control the devil world…? Haha… Fool. You're just a pawn too…
Today's ghost is more lively than usual. Are you okay, Adder?
Are you asking me if I'm okay? Who do you think you're talking to? Even if the useless trash hate me, it doesn't matter. They couldn't harm me while they were alive. And now, even in death-- (purifies)
Ghost of a hostile devil
Adder… Belladonna… I... curse… you… (vanishes)
At most, they're a nuisance. The purification here is complete. Let's go.
You didn't even flinch. Is that because you're a devil? Or is it because you want to be the next Devil King?
What are you trying to say?
Nothing. I was just curious. Even devils have emotions, don't they? You care about others, feel pity and regret. Maybe not as richly as humans, but still, you have them, right?
Hah. Nonsense. If you need an example of a devil without emotions, you have Rosé right beside you.
… It's true that I can't imagine Rosé caring about others. Pitying or sympathizing even less.
He left all such feelings in our mother's womb. Rosé has been a devil since birth. He can't feel pain. Not from others, not even his own.
That must be hard to live with.
… Who knows.
Was it last month? The incident where the only son of an enemy devil noble was turned into a pet. They stormed the Belladonna mansion over an alleged kidnapping and were all slaughtered. By Rosé. After it quieted down, he appeared with a smile on his face... and a collar on what used to be a devil…
That was six months ago. Last month's incident was worse.
That was terrible… Too painful to even mention.
Thanks to someone who doesn't care about anything around him, the Belladonna family constantly faces trouble.
I guess that make Adara, who doesn't abandon Rosé... kind.
He just has his uses.
… I see.
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... Only the entrance left?
Let's finish quickly. Hah! (purifies)
Another one.
They all like to talk, don't they?
No… This calamity is… orchestrated... the red moon…
… A ghost related to the calamity of the scarlet moon.
The prince... was not the start... He was merely... a tool. It started with something else… more evil… not alone…
… Well. I thought they were all useless, but some ghosts can be helpful.
The cause of the Red Moon Calamity isn't Dia… someone else triggered it… But... Adder. Do you believe what ghosts say?
Not at all. But the information is interesting. Depending on how we use it, it might be useful.
… True. Adder is right.
It was unexpectedly positive. Let's finish the rest and get back to work.
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LINK'S BROTHER : WOW!! That's amazing! This car is sooo fast!!
LINK : Right? I made it with Lewis.
After they split me and Lewis up, I modified the car exactly like I said I would, and my brother took it for a test drive outside the house.
LINK : (Yeah, it's faster, but…)
LINK : (If only Lewis was here, we'd have made it even faster. )
My dad's a servant working in Lewis's mansion. Lewis and I were huge tech buffs and we hit it off as soon as we met, but…
But Lewis's parents didn't like us playing together.
It had been a week since then, and I still hadn't found a chance to talk to Lewis.
LINK : (Ugh… I wanna talk to Lewis…)
LINK : (Next time, I wanna find a way to make it change direction…)
Lewis is smart, well educated. I learned a lot whenever we'd talk. But most of all, he was just fun to be around.
I adored him.
LINK : (They told me I wasn't allowed to send a letter or call him on the phone… As if a letter would ever be enough…)
Face to face, we'd talk about everything together.
That's how it had always been. We're we got all our best ideas from…
LINK : (We need to find another way… Some way we can talk freely even when we're apart… I wonder if I could make it…)
A month or so passed and Lewis and I were finally reunited. Not that his parents gave him permission. We'd secretly exchange letters and meet up without them knowing.
LEWIS : Hey Link, I got something for you today. You said you were wanting to read this, right…?
LINK : No way!? That's not the book on Ortega Theory, is it? For me!? Really!? I'm so happy, Lewis!!
LEWIS : Haha, you look so excited! I'm glad I bought it.
LEWIS : If there's anything you don't understand, you can always come to me, so please keep studying.
LEWIS : I want to talk to you more about machines.
LEWIS : Someday you and I are going to create something that will change the world!
LINK : Yes!
Five years passed in the blink of an eye. And I turned 14…
HOUSE CHEF : Oh, hey, Link! Can I borrow you a minute? The oven's been acting up all morning.
LINK : Yes! I'll be right there!
By now I worked at the mansion with my dad, helping him around the house. It was a good way to make a living.
LINK : Hmm… Seems there was a break in the circuit causing it to cut out. I replaced it with a new one, so it should work again.
HOUSE CHEF : Oh, you fixed it already? Thank you very much. You're really good at this kind of thing, aren't you~?
HOUSE CHEF : Self-taught, right? I heard you won a prize in some contest.
LINK : Yeah! It was a contest for local inventors! I made a machine that could amplify sound or minimize noise!
HOUSE CHEF : Well, I don't know about all that. You and Mr. Lewis are one of a kind to the average person.
LINK : Ah-Hah, no, I'm still a novice compared to Lewis.
HOUSE CHEF : I heard Lewis is doing incredibly well in school right now.
Lewis had went to a highly prestigious engineering school. Many famous mechanics had graduated from there. And Lewis was top of his class.
I needed to work harder, too.
I studied every day, in between jobs. I wanted to hone my skills so that I could be on the same level as Lewis.
"Someday you and I are going to create something that will change the world!"
I was determined to make that dream come true…
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weebsinstash · 1 year
It makes my blood boil just thinking of the infantilization (??) of human lunas or whatever else they call the alpha’s mate. It would be so infuriating, imagine you’re brought into this whole thing against your will and EVERY SINGLE person in the pack thinks you’re made of glass and you’ll break without enough supervision. Like oh you’re so cute 🥺 so weak 🥺 so fragile because you’re human 🥺 and AUGGHHH I would riot.
Haha unfortunately the path that a lot of these stories tend to take is that the human is turned into a werewolf when they are marked so a lot of times humans are kind of lowkey forced to assimilate into werewolf society which bugs me sometimes because like, it depends on the story but pack rankings and auras can literally force you to do things? Like when a human is marked they usually take the rank or aura or whatever of their mate. Imagine being a normal human one day and the next day you're an Omega and you wind up in a pack that considers Omegas servants and you have to mindlessly obey a caste system. You open your mouth to exercise your right to speak and an Alpha or Beta or just anyone above you grows at you and you can no longer physically speak. Being ordered and forced to do things you don't want to, treated as inherently lesser, treated subhuman, like, I can imagine most smart humans would run away the second they realize becoming a werewolf could potentially mean becoming enslaved
Like really think on that for a second, what if your werewolf mate wasn't even an Alpha and you go to his pack and the leaders and upper ranked wolves are all fucking assholes and you realize "yeah I'm not going to be your mate because then I would have to live in this community and tbh you're all illegal sovereign citizen savages who break each others bones and hit kids and have slaves"
God suddenly thinking of alpha werewolf x reader x beta werewolf where the alpha and beta are childhood friends and basically brothers and the Alpha won't let you reject his best friend as your mate, also why do I see that with Bakugo and Midoriya 💀 you reject midoriya because you see what a fucking prick bakugou is and you're like "uh fuck that I'm not living here if I'm going to be forced to respect this guy and do whatever he wants + youre a pussy if you think how he and your pact acts is ok + L + ratio"
To be honest in a lot of these stories sometimes it isn't infantilization its just straight up disdain. They think humans are weak and stupid and too emotional which um is curious considering they all have to form their own communities and governments but the human government is usually still the ones running the country? Werewolves wanna act all high and mighty but most of them are criminals by definition, rapists, child beaters, etc. Like in The Silent Alpha, Christian's father was openly disrespectful of Natalia just because she was a human and decided to stay human and not be turned, he looked down on her even though she did literally everything besides the wolf stuff perfectly. Like holy shit I just now remembered Natalia was such a successful Luna she literally won Luna of the Year award because she was managing the construction of facilities for use by her pack and others, genuinely improving their livelihoods? And in private Christian just shit on her and told her none of it even mattered because her real job was providing him an heir :/ cunt. Your heir Dakota hates you and your pack hates you and your parents hate you and even your own wolf hates you
Have I ever mentioned that in some of these stories, when the bully rejects the protagonist, sometimes his wolf is so pissed he REFUSES to let him shift or use his powers ever again? Good. At least the wolf respects his mate. Even in True Luna, Logan's wolf Leon initially told him that he already rejected Emma as his mate and lost his chance, while other wolves are still snapping amd growling "NO YOURE MINE just ignore that I beat and rejected you already you're still mine my rejection doesn't count ahaha"
Imagine actually having a supportive pack and while you're not essentially the Luna or mated or marked yet you really love your alpha mate and his pack and the community and you love the sense of being home it gives you, youre really considering changing your entire life to stay here with your fated soulmate. for alpha meetings, the Luna is usually expected to attend, so imagine your mate brings you to one just to see how it is, and. You realize your pack is an outlier. Your mate and his pack are large and powerful which means they can make their own rules, but many of the others hate humans, treat their Omegas differently, treat their women and children differently. You all come to sit at the table where you're just going to quietly observe from your mate's side (maybe he even asked you to come since your very presence gives him life and all that) and there are Alphas who refuse to sit down, one of them even glaring at you and then your mate, "you brought a human bitch in here?"
Just growls and snapping teeth and broken bones as your mate flies to attack the other Alpha who dared to insult his mate, much of the room watching with casual nonchalance (some would approve considering they would do the same for their mates) while you're HORRIFIED, there's blood, knocked out teeth, werewolves can heal almost anything and so they often let loose like this and you're absolutely chilled by that realization. Even if YOUR pack may be a community you approve of, some of these others all but re-instituted slavery if not being borderline fascist and authoritarian (some of these stories literally have packs that do not even allow mates and marking, some people are just Designated Breeding Slaves)
Some stories have the Gamma able to sense the Luna's emotions and form their own bond even before any official ceremony (being the Alpha's mate inherently makes him sense you I guess idk?) and your Gamma senses the exact moment you begin to think about going back home, your actual home, your human home. Your Alpha might even refuse to attend the meeting just so he can take you home and try and run damage control but the wheels are already in motion and you're beginning to realize you might not want to stay here anymore. Not that your new pack who loves and adores their Luna oh so much really wants to allow that. You can't make such a flip decision because of one event! You're just scared! That's OK, they know humans can be emotional sometimes :) but you're nice and safe and taken care of here and obviously you belong more with them as their Luna than you do with other humans. Even werewolves can be driven by their emotions you know, so they understand! After all, your Alpha loves you so much and just feels so naturally possessive protective of you that he knows he needs to watch over you and protect you forever even if you don't want him to 🥰
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jillknight09 · 3 months
Princess's Servant
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Next Chapter , Masterlist
''Lanver! Stop fooling around and come here!" A man shouted to Lanver who was currently sweeping the floor "Yes sir!" Lanver took aside the broom and went to his boss 
"Mr. Briwoods dropped his car for us to fix, I'm expecting you to fix it well" 
"Of course Mr. Ashfordell"
Ashfordell grabbed Lanver's collar making him come closer to him "You better do a good job, Mr. Briwoods is one of the richest people in our town you better make good money out of him, remember kid he’s a Duke!" Mr. Ashfordell said, and Lanver nodded. Ashfordell let go of Lanver's collar and walked away, leaving him with Mr. Briwoods car.
"Boss is giving you a hard time again, Man…" Lanver looked back and saw Theron one of his closest friends "There's nothing new about that, I don't know if he's asking me to do all of the work because I'm good at it or he just hates me" Theron chuckle at his friend and pat Lanvers back.
"Don't worry, I'm sure he'll change once there's a newcomer in our shop, also want me to help you out in that car?" Lanver shook his head and smiled at his friend
 "Thanks for the offer Theron but I'm ok, you take a rest" 
"Alright but if you do need help just call me ok?"
Theron walks away while Lanver approaches Mr. Briwoods car and starts fixing it. 
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A few hours later Lanver finished fixing the car and was wiping the sweat on his forehead. 
“Sir, I’m done! I’m sure rocking car’s gon’ fly HAHA!” —- “You better done that great kid, I don’t pay you for dumb work.” Ashfordell Replied. 
The sun is setting and the works just continue arriving at Lanver, His face keeps on sweating on every engine he touches. Working hard for a small amount of penny he needs to stay alive. 
“Hey Theron, I’m off… thanks for today,” Lanver said while walking off from the Messy Car garage.
On his journey home, He noticed every village blowing loud with Jazz music, as if there was a feast. “Hey! Mah.. Man, my Pal. You shouldn’t be looking down! HAHAHAHA Everglen  Family Is now Home! Our country is now saved because! King Caelum is here” A random drunk villager holding a paper approached Lanver. —KING CAELUM: THE NEW HOPE  Headlined in the Newspaper. 
“Argh! Who cares, I’m still broke...I will only start to acknowledge if they will make me rich tsk” Lanver murmured. As he walks into the alley of his village… every wall is posted with photos of the Royal Family.
“My Man, I must be in love!” ——“The three are Lovely roses! Ah”... “Give me that boys! You are too young for this! Oh goodness!”——“ I wonder what they are like as rulers” people talking in the Village. 
Lanver enters his room and sighs from all the work he has done for the day. He put all of his things down and looked at his reflection in the mirror “I should take a shower now, I look horrible” Lanver grabbed his towel and took his clothes with him to take a shower.
A few minutes later Lanver was drying his hair when suddenly a knock was heard from his door. Lanver raised his eyebrow in confusion and walked towards the door ‘Please don’t be the landlord’ Lanver thought before opening his door and saw the Landlord.
“Good afternoon Ms. Vivian, what can I help for you on this lovely afternoon” Lanver said smiling softly at Ms. Vivian who had a frown on her face “Radcliffe you are 4 months behind your rent, If this goes on I won’t have any money for myself, so it’s either you pay up or I’ll have no choice kicking you out,” Ms. Vivian said and Lanver nod 
“I understand Ms. Vivian I’ll do my best to pay up”
“I hope you do, I’ll be going now”
Ms. Vivian walked away and Lanver closed his door Lanver sighed and turned around but was stunned when he heard a knock again on his door —-‘Oh not again!’. Lanver opened his door again and saw Theron who was looking excited“What’s with the face? Let’s have a drink!” 
Both gentlemen are seated at peace, enjoying the evening ambiance. “Everybody’s having a party so I thought of you…might be alone and haven’t you heard the news?! The new royal family arrived and Our country will be saved now… Old social Life HAHA say No more!” Theron keeps talking about them throughout the Evening. “They may be the one who’ll change our life…ya know be rich! HAHA, ain’t it Man?”—- “I hoped so, but remember this…We are the ones who change our lives, If something good happens it’s because of yourself and if bad happens it is... Be..cause of yourself! Cheers! So Don’t hold on to someone, Just do it yourself! “ Drunk Lanver replied. 
The evening ends with the bliss and smiles of both young gentlemen, due to alcohol they both overslept and awakened late. 
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Lanver groans when the sunlight goes through his window hitting his face, he sits down and groans because of his headache and looks around his apartment, he turns to his side only to see Theron still snoring beside him. Lanver sighed and looked at the clock and saw 1:00 pm “It’s 1:00 pm already huh” Lanver said still feeling dizzy. Realization finally struck him and suddenly panicked. 
“1:00 PM?! I’M LATE!” Lanver screams in panic and shakes Theron to wake him up “Ugh Lanver stop shaking me it’s too early” “THERON GET UP! IT’S 1:00 PM WE’RE LATE!” Theron sat down quickly in shock “WHAT?! MR. ASHFORDELL IS GONNA KILL US LET’S GO!” Both of them quickly fix themselves up and head out to go to their work.
The door of the shop suddenly opened revealing Lanver and Theron panting and full of sweat making it obvious that they were running. “WE’RE HERE!” they both shouted and one of his colleagues looked at them “I thought that both of you were absent today,” he said and the two looked around “Where’s Mr. Ashfordell?” Theron asked and the colleagues pointed at Ashfordell’s office.
“In his office and Lanver Mr. Ashfordell has been waiting for you” Lanver was shocked and a bit confused “I didn’t do anything wrong right?” Lanver asked and Theron and their colleague shrugged “Just go, maybe it’s a promotion” Theron said, and Lanver nodded.
Lanver walked towards Ashfordell's office and knocked, the door opened revealing Ashfordell smiling but can sense the annoyance “You’re late Lanver” Ashfordell whispered still smiling and Lanver smiled awkwardly “I’m sorry I’m late Mr. Ashfordell I didn’t mean to-” “There you are Lanver! It’s good that you’re here! Come inside” Ashfordell said making Lanver more confused and went inside.
Once he got in he finally figured out why Ashfordell was acting weird, sitting inside was Mr. Briwoods sipping a cup of coffee and smiling at him “Lanver you know Mr. Briwoods, you fixed his car yesterday” Ashfordell and Lanver nodded and sat down facing Mr. Briwoods. 
“I’m sorry for calling you out of nowhere Mr. Radcliffe and for the sudden visit” Mr. Briwoods makes Lanver panic “No no sir it’s alright but may I ask what can I do for you?” Lanver asked “Well you saw my car yesterday I brought it here for you guys to fix and I liked your work with my car” 
Lanver smiled and bowed slightly “Thank you, sir, I’m glad you liked it” “And also, have you heard the party that will be held at the royal kingdom?” Mr. Briwoods asked and Lanver shook his head “I’m sorry Mr. Briwoods I wasn’t aware” “well there will be a party for the royal family and my family and I are invited, and since I liked your work with my car I was hoping that you will be able to join us as well”  
Mr. Briwoods pulled out an envelope from his pocket and gave it to Lanver, Lanver took it and opened it reading the letter inside
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“You should buy yourself a new suit… you might as well dance the three Princess” — Mr. Briwoods.
Next Chapter, Masterlist
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ma3-author2 · 2 years
➷𝙷𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚞𝚟𝚊 𝙱𝚘𝚜𝚜 ˣ ᴰᵉᵐᵒⁿ ᴸᵒʳᵈ ᴿᵉᵃᵈᵉʳ
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Cover Photo Edited by: Ma3
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ - 2
Warning: There will be drama and curse words, as well as possessiveness and a slight obsession. 
I mean, who doesn't like drama? Not me, haha. Anyway, expect some English errors.
Again, if you don't like long chapters or drama, don't fucking read it.
This chapter contains 5000+ words, so I hope your eyes and mind are ready to read some juicy chapters!
Previous CH: ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ - 1
After the contract with that idiotic soul thinking he can do whatever he wants.
One thing that is wrong about it is that, once you become the Demon lord, as you promised yourself, every contract, even though it's not starting yet, gives you more power.
makes you invincible. Heck, you can compare yourself to morningstar himself, but it doesn't mean you don't have a limit.
Every person, angel, or demon, has their own limit.
He said he wanted to rule the earth, or what you like to call the middle part.
He is telling you his plan to make people believe that he is a god and wants to start a cult.
Wanting to make a mess around the middle part, just like the down part. Hearing him say that, you could only chuckle, amused that this fucking soul didn't know a thing about the middle part.
If he doesn't know, it's already chaos, global warming, animals going extinct, markets going up, and many many drugs around.
He was too sick to go around. As of now, he will do what he has long desired: rule the middle part.
Hearing him say that, reminded you of how you met Blitzo, and this reminded you to check on Loona.
You were away for so long that you didn't get a chance to check on Loona. You did check on her every birthday and gave her what she wanted.
But on her next birthday, she asked you to stay in hell for a year, despite the fact that you grew up there and may have missed your hometown; remember, you ran away after breaking that engagement.
You even destroyed half of your hometown, getting sick of the rules, laws, and control of your parents. For what you did, they deserved it, and now they can't even speak in front of you or think of you as a girl who will give birth to their grandchild.
But now, earning the title of Demon lord and almost as powerful as Lucifer, they can't utter another word and have stayed silent, and it is better if they did it sooner.
Even though you're busy with this contract, you're a demon lord who not only fulfills a soul's wish, but sometimes you use your power to make them think that you've already fulfilled their wish.
And it's fun to see them beg for a second chance. Just hearing it makes you angry as it reminds you of Stolas.
To know what happened to you and Stolas? You admit it, it was a teenage fight, but he didn't help you when you needed him the most, and the person you hope to have by your side in worse or better will be Stolas.
But who helps you instead? Blitzo, your ex-husband. He was there supporting you, but Stolas? No, it's the opposite of that. Maybe because he was so good of a son to Paimon, he believed everything that fucker said to him.
He was blaming you for all the faults, making you the villain in the story, not knowing why you did that or how you felt about his words.
》* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ * 。° 。 • ˚《》* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ * 。° 。 • ˚《》* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ * 。° 。 • 《
It will be decades before you achieve the title of Demon Lord and are known to other Demon Lords and Lucifer himself.
This is the part where it all started and how you became Blitzo's wife, who is now your ex-husband, and how Stolas betrayed you.
It all started with another gala. You don't see the point as to why your mother and father always held such a boring party with this fucking royalty with their clown title.
All they do is talk about shit and how they are lucky to be born as loyal subjects, unlike that servant, who is an imp, serving them some cocktails.
You wanted to smack the table next to you to that person just hearing them say shit about Blitzo kind.
But for the time being, you must remain calm; after all, Blitzo and Stolas informed you that they had a surprise for you.
(Take note: in this era, you and Blitz are dating with your other form; he doesn't know about that)
'Oh, right.. did I forget, today is my birthday? and my fucking parents held this event for their business?'
"Lady Y/N, you're getting more beautiful every year... I must say, Lady Northern has divine blood. "
"Of course she is, isn't that right, Darling~?" Your mother, coo as if she's the one getting praise.
"Yes, Mother."
"But, wait... doesn't that prince of the Goetia family need to be by your side? What kind of a husband would leave his future wife alone?
" Ask one of the fucking royalty.
"You're right... Maybe they are out there, looking for another "IMP!" to play with." Your mother venously said the imp word.
You did tell her about it when you got home that day, and were hoping for the engagement to be off, but they stayed strong and gave Paimon and Stolas another chance.
Also, you didn't say who the IMP is. As you know, they will kill any IMP that dares to be in the same room as the princess of the northern arc.
As they stated, as lowly as an IMP, they don't have the right to see what you look like, as in their sick mind, once you look at an IMP you will get cursed blood from them.
Or if ever the IMP sees you, without thinking, they will strip you out of your position.
Because, before they became what they are now, IMP was their number one enemy, or what you might call a playmate to them.
Just for the record, they have a torture room, and they didn't dare hide it from you. Just by that, you will know that they are not good parents.
'I mean, who leaves a door open after they finish playing with another demon?'
What is worse is that they showed you when you were starting your teenage life, and it stained your mind for a while, but after that, your father kept pushing you to the room and wanted to lecture you on how you should do it too.
It became normal, to them that is... but after recovering, without their acknowledgement when they bought another playmate, and after their fun.
You sneak into the room and release that demon. Of course, you need to make sure that your mother and father won't see it, so what did you do?
You faked that you accidentally had too much fun that it killed the demon, and they were so proud of what you did.
"Huh, what a fucking joke... if only it wasn't for their fucking title and bloodline, I would have called off the engagement." Isn't that right, Darling~?"
You only nodded back, while the other royalties laughed at your mother's remark.
"Speaking of that bitch... here he comes," Mom mumbles, sipping a cocktail and smiling at Paimon as if what she said earlier never happened.
As for Paimon, he also smiled back at his mother, but in his mind, he wanted to stab this fake bitch in front of him.
But even so, his king and getting late, which had never happened to him at all, and just happened now, because of Stolas, he could only grunt.
"Terrible sorry, Lady Northern... I have some errands to run too. " Paimon bowed. Stolas wouldn't have bowed as well if he hadn't smacked Stolas's head.
"Excuses~ don't treat my palace as an IMP room.. your lucky, that I gave you a chance" By your mother's statement, everyone around her laughs.
Stolas, on the other hand, averts his eyes from you, waving at you.
"Now, here comes my future son-in-law. You look stunning, dear~." Just by your mother's tone, you already know she's lying.
"To you as well, Lady Northern." Stolas then bowed, grabbing her hand and kissing the top of her palm.
"Indeed." Lady Northern then pulled her hand away from Stolas's wing hand, and wiping it with a napkin, put a smile on her face, but inside she looked at Stolas in a disgusting way.
"Then this must be... The prince of the Goetia family? Lady Y/N, future husband? " Ask one of the royalties
He bowed at them, but you stopped him, whispering how he shouldn't bow at them as his position is higher. In a simple word, you saved him from an embarrassing situation.
"Thank you, Y/N," Stolas whispered.
"I must say... for a prince, you sure don't look like it."
"Whatever do you mean?" Coo-d Paimon smiled at them.
"He's right. What kind of prince is late for my gala when I specifically stated... that I despise late comers?" Just think about it, Paimon. Are you really doing your job as a king?"
"Oh wait, you can't even stand as a father figure to him, haha~ " Lady Northern laughs, insulting Paimon and Stolas.
"I assure you, he is a prince... and what gave you the right to question that?" Paimon ask, and was now towering the royalties, in reality his question belongs to Lady northern.
"I... er... sorry about that, you're highness."
"Oh, don't be a fucking kill joy Paimon, were just joking~ take a joke sometimes... will you~"
"Indeed." Paimon returns to his spot, wearing another fake smile.
As for the adults we're talking about, you and Stolas had already left the scene and were now sitting on your bed, waiting for Blitzo.
"Sorry for what my mother said."
"It's alright... we did come in late, and it's disrespectful to what we did. "I'm truly sorry, Lady Y/N."
"You sounded like his highness... relax, and what did I tell you about the title? Y/n is fine. "
"Right... sorry."
You only shake your head. You once told Stolas to apologize once, or if it's necessary, at this point, he's like a broken player.
*Bang bang*
"I'll get it." Knowing who's that, you open your window and there Blitzo carrying a big bag, to his surprise he didn't expect you to open it for him.
"Y-Y/n, why are you here? Woah!" He didn't finish because the bag was too heavy and he almost fell out of the balcony.
It's a good thing you used telekinesis right away to help him get it.
"Because this is my house? and what's that in your bag? " Even though you already know what's inside, you need to act clueless.
Stolas, who was watching, could only clap his mouth with his feathers, forgetting the surprise.
'I forgot we had to surprise Y/n! Oh, Blitzo will be mad at me...' Why, you know, the surprise, Stolas told you.
As for the statement before, how Blitzo also told you that he has a surprise that's on your other form.
He is more excited than you.
"Phew, for a second I thought I was going to fall," Blitz jokingly said, making a gun in his hand, but his eyes were looking at Stolas.
making an eye communication 'What the fuck dude! Didn't I tell you to stall Y/N? so I can prepare the surprise!'
"Sorry Blitzo." Stolas could only shrug his shoulders, apologizing to Blitz.
"You didn't answer my question. What's in the bag?" You ask again.
"Oh, T-this?! This is, uh," For a second, Blitz didn't know what to do. Good thing Stolas jumped right away and was now holding your shoulder.
"That, my friend, is Blitzo's collection of rocks that he carries all the time."
"Y-yeah! You got me there! It's my rock collection... and I carry it with me every time."
"Then why did I just see it today?" You deadpan asked. At this point, you wanted to humor them.
Seeing them struggle with words, you chuckled, making the two looks confused.
"Blitz, you don't have a rock collection, you two can't fool me... but if Stolas said, ketchup. I would believe it. " Knowing Blitz has a variant of ketchup that he likes to play with, making fake blood on his toys.
"R-right... wait, how do you-"
But you cut him off, telling him you and Stolas would walk around the manor so he could prepare. With that, you push Stolas out and exit the room completely, leaving the confused Blitzo.
As for you, you almost forgot that he doesn't know you as F/N. After finally introducing yourself to Blitzo on the second week at the circus, you and he always play in his room.
Then, after a year of getting to know each other, he asks you out. As of now, your relationship is strong.
As for Blitz, he only shrugged his shoulders and began preparing.
As you and Stolas are now walking around the manor, he couldn't help but ask a question.
"Y/n, how do you know that?"
"Know what?" You don't know what Stolas is talking about. It may be a surprise or know what blitzo collection.
"Well, I did tell you the surprise.. but how do you know that he has a ketchup collection?"
You sigh, not seeing the point in hiding it anymore from your best friend.
You told him everything. Stolas gasps. He didn't know that you were a demon like that. Even though you hate your parents, it is still wrong to deceive Blitzo.
He can't help but feel a weight in his chest. He was planning to tell you about his feelings for you after that surprise and was hoping to change your mind about this engagement, that maybe it's not awkward to marry someone who's been there for you the whole time.
But hearing you now and hearing your confession about how you have a secret relationship with Blitzo, he could only stay quiet and clench his fist.
"Does Blitzo know this?"
"No, and I think it's better to stay like this."
"Isn't it better to tell him right now? What if he finds out? What if he doesn't take it lightly? "
"Shouldn't I be the one who's worrying?" You then chuckled, playfully smacking Stolas' shoulder; Stolas could only chuckle, but he was hurting deep down.
"You don't need to worry, someday... I will tell him, and for sure Blitzo won't be angry. I'm planning to confess after my birthday. Do you think he'll accept it? " You then walk away from Stolas, wanting to return to your room, thinking the Blitz is done.
"Yeah..." Stolas trailed the word, sadness in his voice. As of now, he needed to support his friend, ex-fiancé.
*Surprise Box popping sound*
"Surprise! Happy Birthday, Y/N, "Blitzo said, giving you a box of presents that has a lot of tape on it.
When you opened it, you expected to see the feet-less dog doll that you requested for him, but what you saw disappointed you a little bit.
"A book?"
"Yeah! Isn't it cool? Wait, before you say anything, open it. " Seeing Blitzo's excited look, maybe your disappointment will disappear, but it stayed once you opened it.
Inside the book is a paper flower. Holding it, you chuckled "How original... thank you Blitz," putting it next to the other paper flower he gave you every birthday.
"No problemo~ "
'Ah right' You almost forgot that you did request him, but it's the other you.
Stolas, who was busy thinking, didn't notice Y/n and Blitz calling him, only to snap back when you snapped your finger in front of him.
"You okay?"
"Huh? ah, yeah.. oh right, happy birthday "
Looking at Stolas, you were confused. He wasn't like that before. You look at the gift, then open it.
"What is it?! Oh, I know! Is that the doll you always wanted? or the book you always read at the store? " Blitz hops to your shoulder, wanting to see what's inside.
"No, it's a ring? What is this, Stolas? " You were confused for a second, but seeing his flustered look and about to take the box away, you only held it away.
"I think there's an error in my gift. I'll take it and give you your gift tomorrow. " Stolas tries to get the ring back, but you only lift your hand to stop him.
Seeing that there's a note on the box, you then use your power to lift it up to your eye level, reading it, your eyes wide.
Blitz, who was on your shoulder, saw the note. After reading it, his eyes widened as well, and a wide smile appeared on his face.
'I forgot it's today!' Blitz thought, who was now nagging Stolas.
"Wow, Stolas didn't take you for a brave bird, haha"
Stolas wanted to shut Blitz up but couldn't as you were holding him in one place. You did use your power on him once, when he almost fell down the stairs.
In the note, it was written
I accept the engagement. I hope you accept it as well. I like you. Y/N"
"Let me explain, please."
Sighing, putting down the note and ring, you release Stolas and begin listening to him.
He then told you the truth, but after hearing your confession he wanted to change the gift. As of now, he didn't as his mind was focused on what you said.
He knows you want to break the engagement and run away, but doing what he just did is like it reminded you that you are the only one against it.
"Does his highness know about this?"
Stolas sighed, and then nodded. Seeing this, you clench your fist, knowing Paimon by now, you can't break the engagement.
You wanted to say something, but seeing Blitzo eyeing you two, you then told Stolas that you two could talk later, and so your birthday ended with awkwardness.
Blitz already knew what's inside the box, as Stolas told him about his plan. He was happy to know that his friend would be married, and there wouldn't be a reason that you wouldn't back out of the engagement, as he thought you also liked Stolas.
But seeing your reaction, it's like the opposite of that. Isn't she happy?
Waving goodbye to Blitzo as he still has a show to attend, in reality, today is F/n's birthday and he wanted to celebrate it.
You and Stolas are the only ones left.
"Y/N, I know you wanted to break this engagement... But I was hoping that we could both run away together."
"And what? "You know, I've always despised what my parents wanted... and showing your father the motivation that you want to keep it is like forcing me to."
Stolas rubbed his arm. You weren't wrong. At one point, he was wrong to think you felt the same. He was planning to make you two run away and start your own family.
Without title, rules, or royalties, he didn't expect to receive that confession from you. He indeed wanted to change his gift, but he got lost in thought.
"I'm sorry, okay, what should we do now?"
Thinking of a way, you then look at the ground. "Okay, let's do this."
You then tell Stolas a plan to finally break the engagement and hope it will work, as this is the only thing on your mind right now.
"You want what? Are you out of your mind? " Stolas exclaimed
You already planned this a long time ago. The plan is to gather all the demons in every species at the gala and ruin the party.
Technically, you didn't break the engagement, but it's enough for your parents to think that you were abducted, and there's Stolas in the picture, as he's the one giving you to the kidnapper.
Knowing your parent, they will think Stolas is helping an IMP by taking their precious daughter, giving it like a portion of leftover food, take note the kidnapper is Mister Servant dressed in all black with the help of his family.
You were thankful he helped you.
"If you didn't tell his highness, we can do it the easy way. but no, you fucking did it without thinking how I would feel! " You burst out, slamming your hand on the table.
Stolas was surprised. This was the first time you cursed at him, clenching his fist and releasing it. He couldn't do anything right now, and if he wanted your forgiveness, he nodded back in agreement.
At the party, they are still discussing politics and titles when the door bursts open and demons of all species rush inside, destroying the place and stealing from the wealthy demon.
"WHO LET THIS LOWLIFE DEMON IN?" Lady Northern screamed, using her power to freeze every demon that approached her.
Paimon, who was watching on the side, chuckled. He was going to fetch Stolas to go home as these fucking royalties were pissing him off.
As he was about to knock on your door, he stopped when he heard what you two were talking about, and so after that plan you created
He won't lie, it's a nice plan, but you can do better than that. Even though Stolas told him how he finally accepted the marriage, he was delightful at the same time he wasn't.
He didn't announce it yet to the demoness in front of him. No, he waited to see if Lady Northern would take the last straw, and just as he hoped, she did, and finally, he decided to take the other girl's proposal.
What's better than his own kind?
Stolas and you, seeing this, nodded at each other, as it was time to start the plan. As you took your position, Stolas was about to give you to Mister Servant, but Paimon beat him to it.
"Here, let me assist~," Paimon said, lifting his feather, at Stolas, confusing you.
He then hurled Stolas at the far side of the room, hitting another demon. Looking at him, you shouted, "What the fuck?"
"What a fuck indeed!" You were about to check on Stolas, only to halt when you couldn't feel your whole body, and your other hand was lifted by Paimon using his telekinesis.
At this point, it looks like you're the one who's throwing Stolas at the Demon.
"What did you do, lady Y/N? We may be low, but it does not give you the right to hurt my son! "
Everyone in the room looked at you and Paimon. Seeing this, everyone gasped and whispered.
Continuing how you finally accepted the engagement, but after he turned you down, you got angry and hurt him instead.
You wanted to say something, refuse to accept what Paimon is saying, only for him to continue.
"As the law says, once you do something bad, you will be punished!"
"What? But I didn't do it.-"
"You dare say that to us! You Goetia! " exclaimed your father, walking toward Paimon.
As for your mother, she was now walking toward you, checking if you had an injury or if you really did it.
If you did, she's proud of you "What is wrong with you?"
"Shut it, I know you want to break this engagement." I'm not stupid like you, now just listen! "
"But I'm right, your highness... I saw what she did, and as a king myself, I can't let that go. She hurt my son. "
"What proof do you have that my daughter did that?" asks your father.
"Proof, you say? Then, let's hear it Son~" Paimon then moved away, showing Stolas's injured look.
Stolas was about to tell a lie, but the presence of the Demon made him nervous, so he blurted out what was on his mind.
"Yes, she hurt me..." he wanted to add his feelings but was caught off, when Paimon shielded him.
"Is that true?" Looking at you, Father inquires.
Looking at Stolas, who only hid his face, you wanted to curse. Even though the word punishes, this is a chance to break the engagement, and you doubt Mother, father, or even Paimon still want their child to engage with each other.
It's just that, it's not right, as this so-called friend betrayed you by lying that you hurt him physically.
"Yes, Father."
"You heard it, folks." Paimon said, circling around then pointing his feather at you, laughing like he had won something.
After the party and getting the Demon arrested even Mister Servant, you were locked in your room, laying on your bed, pillow on your face.
Stolas wants to go to you and say he was sorry, but Paimon won't let him and only shoved him away to go home. As for your mother and father, they punish you.
The punishment is to lock you in your room, shielded with magic so that only they can enter.
As you wanted, they broke the engagement between you and Stolas. For them, it's not a loss; they can find another spouse for you. Which you don't want to, as it feels like it is circling again.
You tried to break the spell, but it's such a high spell that only a sky magician can do it, and who is that? Stolas
For days, staying at home and only going out when food is served, you're starting to think that all you've done so far has come to waste.
You didn't even get to see Blitzo after the party. Thinking about it, you wonder what Blitzo feels right now. You promise him to meet up on the spot where you can confess everything.
But that didn't happen.
*Tap, Tap*
"What?" Standing up from the bed, you look at the balcony, opening the door. You see, who you were just thinking of.
"Blitz? What are you doing here? "
"I came to see you. Sheesh, you look horrible. Did something happen?" He then jumps, wanting to get to your side, but with the shield, he facepalms on an invisible wall.
With this, he was slipping. Good thing you used your power to lift him up and make him feel like he was sitting on an invisible chair.
"Why is there an invisible wall here?" Blitz asked, banging his hand on the invisible wall.
Chuckling, you've missed Blitz. You wanted to hug him but couldn't
"I'm being punished."
"Punish? What did you do? " Blitz asks, squeaking his eyes, not believing you caused a problem because you are always a goody to shoo.
"I trash out the party... inviting every species," you said, not including the part that you hurt Stolas.
"Party! Why didn't you invite me? I could have bought a big party balloon! "
"But I did... for my party."
"Wait, so does that party belong to your parents? and you trashed it. "Wow, I never knew you had that in you."
"Yeah... maybe I learned from the best." Referring to him.
"Oh gosh~ don't make me blush, now that I'm here, where stolas? Should he be here, as I am, to console you? I mean... he the first one to know if your trouble or not" Blitz shrugged, looking around.
Just hearing Stolas's name makes you silent. When Blitz sees this, he scratches his head. "Did something happen to you and him?"
Seeing this opportunity, and not knowing when this punishment would be over, you wanted to tell Blitz everything. But someone beat you to it.
"We did... and I'm here to ask for Y/N's forgiveness."
"Oh, fucking-you scared the shit out of me." Blitz held his chest, feeling his heart jump. Next to him is a mirror, and Stolas is in there.
"Why are you here?" You ask, annoyed by your tone.
"Look, I'm sorry that I said that... I didn't meant to say it. I got anxious with all their looks. "
"That's your reason? What kind of reason is that? "
"Err... I, should I leave?" Blitz inquired, about to leap to the three branches, but Stolas motioned for him to remain.
"I think Blitzo needs to know."
"Know what?"
Seeing Stolas's expression, you already knew what he was about to say. You banged on the invisible wall, and you exclaimed, "Don't you dare."
"Blitzo, you know how I wanted to surprise Y/N, hoping for the marriage to happen. The good news is that it was cut off thanks to Y/N's plan by trashing the place up. She got what she wanted... "
"bad news to me, *chuckling*, is that I got rejected."
"And?" Blitz asks, thinking if more surprising news will be given to him, yeah, it was sad to hear that Stolas got rejected, but Stolas needs to know that Y/N don't really like this engagement in the first place.
Sometimes he wanted to tell Stolas to accept the fact that Y/N is a person who's serious about her word.
"Stolas, please... don't," you begged, but he only took a deep breath.
"And you told me that you have a girlfriend that you planned to propose to that night? Well, to break it to you, she's that girl. "
At first, Blitz chuckled, thinking Stolas was joking, but seeing both your silent reactions means Stolas is telling the truth.
Hearing Stolas's statement, you don't know if you'll be angry, surprised or happy that Blitzo was planning to propose to you.
"You're not joking?" Blitz, then look at you, both hands on the invisible wall.
"Is this right, Y/N?"
"Blitz, let me explain." But you didn't get to explain when he jumped to the three branches and ran away from you. Seeing this, you banged the wall looking at Stolas.
"See what you did?! I trusted you, yet you betrayed me once again. I thought you were here to ask for my forgiveness... but you only threw me again. What the fuck is wrong with you?! "
"What's the matter with me? Do you hear yourself? "
"You're a princess and going out with an IMP, which your parents don't want to see. Just think, if they caught you going out with Blitz, who's going to suffer? "
"They won't! I won't let them! and what? Are you going to tell them that I'm secretly going out to see Blitz? "
"At this point, I think I will."
You then scoff, amused by Stolas's statement, "What kind of a friend are you? I thought, you're the person who will help me in this situation.. but no, you only make it worse! In the first place, I don't want to be your friend! "
Stolas gasped, finally hearing what you said. Because of your emotions, you didn't mean to say that. You were about to take it back, but Stolas held his hand
"First and foremost, you don't want to engage with me, let alone as a friend...I admit, I also don't want to get engaged, but with all the time we spend... I thought we could make it happen, but I was wrong. "
"Stolas... I didn't mean"
"Enough! What more do you want me to hear? You prefer Blitzo over me, and that he is the one looking out for you, when all those years, I was the one on your side the whole time. "
"Can't you see? I was there! I was there for you... but you only brushed me away, just by refreshing it... which means you don't really like me. "
"Let me speak!" Stolas finally looks at you with tears streaming down his face.
"I like you as a friend, but what you did to me, to blitz telling each other our secrets... don't you see that you are the one destroying us? for what? because of what you feel right now? "
"At this point, you already know that I only see you as a friend. Why can't you see it? In the beginning, I already told you that I would destroy this engagement. I thought you would be happy. Isn't this what we wanted? "
Stolas sniffled, wiping his tears, "At the beginning, yes, this is what we wanted, but as time flies by, everyone changes Y/n... including my feelings for you,"
Maybe you blamed yourself as well. You knew him as a child. He just wanted someone to look out for him. And after doing it for him for a decade, you didn't think about how he would feel.
He's still wrong for what he did. Lie to you, betray you, tell a secret that should be kept secret. It's too much to forgive him.
Maybe Blitz can forgive Stolas, but you can't as he told your parents that you were dating an IMP, and with this, this makes you forbidden to do your plan for a decade.
One thing they're wrong about is that, once you gain their trust, you begin your plan, and by doing a contract with a mortal for over a decade, taking their existence, you become powerful.
Destroying half your home town, showing your parents what they deserve or Paimon, as for Stolas he regret saying that, and suffered the consequences.
As to how you learned that thanks to your grandma, who visited you, she gave you a forbidden book, only one existed.
A: Stolas Why did you betray MC? Is Paimon so fucking manipulated? Of course he is. Oh, that shitty father of the year!
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beedreamscape · 2 years
SO! I want false alarm Lady Whistledown discovery by Colin. BUT just because I really really want him to hear her using her Irish accent.
He's gonna catch her walking around the city street market and be like 'what on earth you're doing here on your own, Pen?' and she has to play it cool, say she's there for something she can't get uptown and he's like 'yeah Penelope wouldn't be doing anything wrong'.
It would also reason why he's following her when he does find out, cause 'oh there she is, my darling friend going shopping in skeevy places again, better accompany her bc it's dangerous' then she changes the route into the church and it gets real suspicious. Instead of just having him follow her for no reason other than spy on what she's doing which is not cuuuute.
And because I want her doing the Irish accent again!!!!!!
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pareokey · 2 years
archon's love confession ii
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pairing: kaedehara kazuha x reader
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˚꒰ ෆ◞˚ reader info: fem!reader, raiden!reader
˚꒰ ෆ◞˚ set: tomo no dead
˚꒰ ෆ◞˚ summary: the infamous samurai, electro archon, and a guardian deity
˚꒰ ෆ◞˚ words: 2.2k
˚꒰ ෆ◞˚ warning(s): fluff, written before you're able to obtain boba, kazuha is a warning
˚꒰ ෆ◞˚ notes: rushed ending but this is my longest fanfic ever!! i can't tag some of you so i hope this fanfic can reach you, also sorry if i misunderstand that you wanted to be tagged 😔 i am still babie at tumblr but happy reading!
part one
★ masterlist ★
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" kazuha, i love you so much! "
" i love you too, my lady shogun! "
" aha haha hahaha! " running around in a dandelion field as they both hold hands and jump around with smiling faces.
" my lady shogun, let's share this beautifully strawberry sandwich made by yours truly! "
" of course, kazuha! " looking at each other's faces as if they are their sunshine.
" lady shogun.. do you know how much i lo— "
" shogun-sama, please wake up!! " says one of her servant, " you're late for your daily walk with the traveler! "
with an annoyed face, she—
*insert thundering noises*
" oh! what's going with the sky? " says paimon as she hides behind aether's back.
" the shogun must be having a tantrum again, haha! " tomo laughs, " i feel like it has something to do with me.. " kazuha thought as he shivers.
" kazuha, tomo, i think we should— " aether begins but is suddenly cut off by a loud voice.
" kazuha!!!! my darling!! "
turning to the source of the voice, they are met with an archon running towards them with a bright smiley face.
kazuha tries to run away but is suddenly pull back by the shoulder by a certain close friend of his. " tomo. please let me go. "
" no. "
smiling evilly, he keeps him in place until (Y/N) caught a hold of kazuha and hugs him tightly.
" kazuha! how are you? do you want to go on a date? maybe ask the kamisato clan how they got their whatever those drinks with the round squishy things are called! "
" i don't think i have the time for that, lady shogun.. " kazuha says but is quickly cut off by tomo, " yes! yes, he does have time! "
" great! let's go then, my beloved! "
arriving at the kamisato mansion, they were greeted by thoma
" lady shogun and kazuha, what a surprise we have here! " he exclaims while winking at kazuha.
" helllo! we're here to see the kamisato siblings. "
" oh, the kamisato siblings? lady ayaka is possibly free right now, but i'm not sure about lord ayato.. "
" do not worry, we'll just burst into his workroom! " she replies happily.
" what? lady shogu– "
" lady shogun, wait no– and.. they're gone " thoma sighs, " lord ayato is going to kill me.. "
at kamisato ayato's workroom, sat said person as he's working on his papers while occasionally drinking his `drink with the round squishy things`
it was quiet for a moment.. until his doors suddenly burst open. " mister ayato!!!!! "
looking up to the source of the voice, he saw the archon of his nation and the infamous samurai cupped in her arms.
" my lady shogun. " he smiles, " what business do you have with the kamisato clan to come directly to me? "
" lord ayato, please help me– "
" mister ayato~~ " she sang out his name,
chuckling, he replied " please drop the formality, lady shogun. "
" right, right.. so... " she eyes his drink next to him, " where did you get that drink with the round squishy things..? "
" ah, this drink? " he said as he waves the drink in front of the archon's eyes, " well.. you can get them from tomoki's stall but we have some stocks here too, you can have them if you want. "
" great! can you deliver some of them to the tenshukaku please? "
" kazuha.. kazuha... i got this bouquet for you.. " handing him the bouquet, kazuha looks at the flowers only to see purple and red flowers a mix combination of their colours that actually looks quite nice. " lady shogun, you didn't have– "
" no, no i insist. " smiling happily, she took his hand and start walking, " actually, today i planned a picnic for both of us. "
" oh, but i have some discussion with the watatsumi soldiers today though. "
" you do? " turning her head to him as he nods, " oh well then, we can have the picnic after your training. and i'm tagging along of course! "
arriving at the watatsumi island, most of the soldiers were surprised to see the archon of their nation trailing behind the samurai as she chases around with butterflies.
" general gorou, the wandering samurai and lady shogun have arrived. " one of the soldiers told gorou.
" oh, kazuha is here? " gorou questions, " wait. the raiden shogun is also here?! "
reaching sangonomiya shrine, (Y/N) goes to talk to kokomi while gorou and kazuha are chatting.
" kokomi, hi hi!! "
" (Y/N)! how are you? "
" my best friend, kokomi.. " (Y/N) hugs her, " you see, today kazuha and i were supposed to go on a picnic date but he said that he has some discussion with the watatsumi soldiers and now we're here! "
" but it is okay, i always have time for kazuha! "
as kokomi reciprocated the action, she chuckles " don't worry, while kazuha is busy why don't you go give our guardian deity a visit? "
hearing the similar title of a close friend, she perks up " orocchi! where is he? don't tell me he's still hanging around in enkanomiya.. i don't like going down there! "
" fortunately, he's currently out suntanning around watatsumi shores. i'm sure you can find him easily if you go to bourou village. "
slipping away from the divine priestess's arms, the shogun starts skipping towards bourou village, while the latter went to work on her duties.
" orocchi!! "
hearing the young shogun's voice, orobashi removes the newspaper from his face and sat up from the sunbed.
" orocchi, orocchi! i can't believe you actually came up here, it's been like 300 years! "
orocchi as (Y/N) calls him or orobashi, a dragon-like serpent god that is worshiped by the residents of the watatsumi island and their leaders, also a childhood friend of the raiden siblings.
in his dragon-like serpent form, he may look scary and terrifying but in his human form, he's a handsome young man with very attractive features. fair skin, long white and teal ombre hair tied in a loose ponytail, and cherry red eyes.
although, he looks like your everyday stoic businessman, orobashi is actually a kind and collective man that is very caring, even going as far as helping the raiden siblings when they are in need of help.
" (Y/N), don't run or you'll trip on the– "
and she tripped on the sand.
gathering herself back up, she goes to orobashi and starts to bash him with stories of how her love life is going and her huge crush on kazuha.
" so yesterday, kazuha and i went... "
" ...and that's how the plan to will go. " says gorou as kazuha nods along. " basically, we set up the trap and wait for him to fall for it. "
" that's pretty easy. by the way, have you seen lady shogun? " kazuha questions
" lady shogun..? i'm sure i saw her walking towards bourou village. "
" bourou village...? "
at the shore of bourou village, orobashi is listening to (Y/N) rambles about kazuha. " so kazuha and i drank this drink that ayato calls it as the `boba drink` "
suddenly, orobashi starts leaning down closer to her face. at the same time, kazuha round the corner and saw something that he probably shouldn't have because it made his eyes widen.
quickly, he turns back and walks away.
" you have this ignorant white thing in your hair. " plucking the white thing away from them, (Y/N) resumed on telling stories.
kazuha might think that he escaped without anyone witnessing him but orobashi with his sharp eyes and a sense of hearing immediately caught kazuha in his act.
well, maybe he's going to have a bit of fun with it.
" (Y/N). what do we say going to check on the soldiers and admire the scenery from above? "
" sure! "
upon arriving in front of sangonomiya shrine, there stood a chuckling kokomi and kazuha, a laughing gorou and paimon, an unimpressed aether, and a shrine maiden, tsuyuko is the first to notice them. " watatsumi omikami and lady shogun! "
what a strange sight to see. the watatsumi's guardian deity carrying the electro archon on his shoulders.
" hello everybody, what are you doing? "
" orobashi-sama. " kokomi says, " we were playing a practical joke on aether. "
" aether? the legendary traveler, how are y– "
" orocchi, i saw some sango pearls 200 miles away, we need to collect them! " (Y/N) suddenly pulls his hair while pointing in the direction.
" please don't pull my hair, " orobashi sighs, " i'm sorry that we have to cut this interaction short, we'll be going now. "
smiling mischievously at kazuha, he disappeared away with the electro archon.
of course, the whole group caught his act but it was intentional anyways and they knew exactly to who that mischievous smile is directed to.
kazuha knows, he knows that he shouldn't be feeling this way but his heart is telling him that he should be feeling it. he saw them gazing at each other lovingly at the shore of bourou village, shouldn't he feel happy for them?
but what about the affections that the archon has been showering him with? all those years, he did feel happy and mushy inside whenever she was around but he was too scared to admit it.
so was it all a joke, a continuous running joke that has been happening for years? he doesn't know, he doesn't want to know what the feeling is called.
it's been a few hours since kazuha and (Y/N) returned from watatsumi island. the second that the ship anchored, kazuha immediately dash out without letting (Y/N) say a word to him.
of course, the electro archon thought that his behavior is weird as if it hasn't been weird since he saw her and orobashi together.
but she decided to brush it aside for a bit.
no, she wouldn't. if anything involves kazuha, she would be there in a millisecond. but since she's too tired, she wants to take a nice, relaxing spa~ first.
after having that nice and relaxing bath, she sets on a mission to find kazuha. firstly, checking his and tomo's room in the tenshukaku, but he isn't there. then the training room, which he also isn't there.
where could he be?
oh! under the sakura tree at amakane island perhaps?
as she travels from the tenshukaku to amakane island while also stopping to buy some dango milk and petting the stray animals. reaching the said island, she sees the silhouette of the wandering samurai that she's been pining for.
" kazuha! "
said person flinches when his name rolled out of that sweet person's tongue. turning around, he sees that she's walking toward him in her pajamas.
wait. in her pajamas?
" l-lady shogun! you shouldn't be wandering around outside in your sleepwear! "
as she's in reach of the samurai, she pulls him in a tight embrace. " kazuha, what are you doing out here? and alone! it's dangerous at night, you could've gotten hurt for all you know! "
" my lady shogun.. i am a samurai... "
" but.. but still! i can't bear seeing you return with bruises on your beautiful face! " she embraces him tighter, " you know, i love you a lot.. "
those words, his heart clenches at them. but what about the watatsumi omikami?
" what about orocchi? " she questions,
" oh. i'm sorry, did i say it out loud? i didn't mean to. "
" unn.. but what do you mean what about orocchi? "
" u-um... "
what a sight. the samurai that is known to be calm and relaxed is now a stuttering mess in front of the electro archon.
" kazuha, " tilting her head to look at him, " are you perhaps.. "
don't say the word, don't say it..
" jealous? "
from the silence and the deep red hue forming all over his face just confirm her question.
kazuha has his eyes shut tight but when he hears only silence from the archon, he opens them meekly.
" ah! " surprised to see his archon sobbing quietly and beautifully.
" i didn't know you felt that way, kazuhaa!! you could've told me.. "
" i-i'm sorry, i told you and the watatsumi– "
" noo! " (Y/N) cried, " orocchi and me are just best friends! he's like my brother figure and most importantly, i really love you kazuha! "
" i love you too, (Y/N). "
as (Y/N)'s eyes start to tear up and widen at his words, fireworks suddenly shoot up into the starry night sky making both of them flinch.
looking around, they saw yoimiya working with the fireworks, yae and ei chuckling, aether and tomo giving them a thumbs up plus, paimon and beidou crying happily.
laughing quietly, (Y/N) turns to kazuha " this feels like one of the confession plan i made for you.. " taking his hands in hers " except this time, you accepted it. "
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˚꒰ ෆ◞˚ notes: sweet love jealous kazuha, human orobashi design that i made up in my head is making me simp; do not worry, im going to write a sequel to the ending 🙈
˚꒰ ෆ◞˚ ALC taglist;
@imanayatosimp ; @kazuhas-dove ; @sarahyumiko2 ; @lyralibra ; @kikikonom ; @rinseima
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abybweisse · 2 years
Scenario where all the phantomhives are alive and crazy family shenanigans. I totally see undertaker as crazy grandpa.
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🎉 Scenario request: the Phantomhives live
How about what the twins' tenth birthday party might have been like, if the attack had never gone through as planned?
Twins: *looking at the clock, as it strikes 6pm*
Tanaka: *knocks on the door and gently opens it* Young masters, it's time for your party to start.
Twins: Yay!
Ciel: Presents!
Our Earl: Cake!
Tanaka: Ho, ho! Soon enough.
They make their way downstairs to the great hall of Phantomhive Manor, where party games have been set up. Their parents, many of the servants, and several guests are standing around.
Twins: Games?! *running from booth to booth to see what's there*
Rachel: Boys, boys! Over here.
Everyone to the twins: Happy Birthday!!!
Rachel: Happy birthday, my dear sweet angels!
Vincent: Happy birthday, boys!
Diedrich: *deadpan* Yes. Happy birthday. *whispers to Vincent* When do we get to the food?
Vincent: *chuckles and waves it away, not whispering* Undertaker's concerned if there will be enough wood to build your coffin someday.
Undertaker: *chuckles and winks at Vincent and Diedrich then tips his hat to the twins* Happy birthday, young Phantomhives. I hope you enjoy this day to its fullest. Someday, the birthdays will end and--
Vincent: *stepping in front of Undertaker to cut him off* Enough of that for now -- *nervously* haha -- this is a day of fun.
Diedrich: *mumbles* Seriously. And people think I'm the death of the party?
Rachel: *directing the twins away from all that* Come say hello to the other guests. Helloooo, An! Hellooo, Midfords!
Madam Red: Hello, sister! Hello, my lovely nephews! I have a huuuge gift for each of you in the pile.
Twins: Yayyyy!
Francis: Happy birthday, Ciel and E--
Lizzie: Happy birthdaaaayyy! Cieelll! I have something extra special for youu~~<3!
Francis: Elizabeth, calm down. That's not very lady-like behavior.
Lizzie: *puts a hand to her open mouth* Sorry, mother.
Alexis: *very serious™️* Happy birthday, boys. Ten years already. *puts out a hand to shake hands, but when Ciel puts his hand forward, Alexis grabs him by the hand and pulls him into a bear hug. Pulls our earl in for a group hug* *gushing with love and joy* Ooooh~~<3! *calling to Vincent* They are growing up so fast! Cherish these precious moments! *finally lets the boys go, and they catch their breaths again*
In turn, other guests wish the boys a happy birthday, and they play games until it's time for the feast, consisting of all the boys' favorite dishes. Then cake. And then presents... while Diedrich sits next to the platters of sandwiches and keeps nonchalantly selecting them. Vincent nudges Undertaker and tilts his head at Diedrich, and in response Undertaker tsks and pulls a tape measure from who-knows-where. Perhaps it was actually up his sleeve? 🤷🏻‍♀️
The boys received a veritable mountain of gifts, ranging from the practical (like hand-knitted socks from a maid and finely made socks and shoes purchased by Francis) to the fabulous (like Madam Red's: she nearly bought out the entire boy's section of Hamleys. When the boys got to Elizabeth's gifts, she became very excited. She gave Ciel a handkerchief she had painstakingly embroidered with his initials.
Ciel: It's lovely. I can tell your embroidery work has improved.
Lizzie: It has! It has! And.... I'll embroider more items for you, Ciel!
Our earl tried to be enthusiastic about the gift he received from her: replacements for some Noah's Ark animals he had misplaced. But then he saw that two were a mated pair he didn't previously have, and that made him happier.
Our earl: *genuinely thankful* Elizabeth, thank you for the carved animals. I don't think I had this pair. *holds up a set of leopards* By the way, have you ever noticed the pair of lions on those sets always both have a mane?
Lizzie: *finger to her lips, confused expression* Oh? No, I'd never noticed. Isn't that the way they should be?
Tanaka: *overhearing* Hoh, hoh, hoh....
Our earl: I don't think so. Only the male has a mane. Where are all the lionesses?
Lizzie: *still a bit confused* I have no idea. Oh! So, what are you going to open next?!
Later. Around 10pm, way past the boys' usual bedtime, the twins are still full, done with opening gifts and playing... and exhausted. Diedrich has run out of sandwiches, and most of the guests have said their farewells....
Twins: *yawning*
Rachel: *seeing them and stifling a yawn of her own* Alright, angels, it's off to bed for you two. Tanaka, please see to them.
Tanaka: Yes, my Lady. *turning to the boys* Come along, young masters.
The boys grumble, as young children often do when they are tired but don't wish to admit it. But they go with him, giving in to the call of sleep and pleasant dreams.
They head upstairs. Then, as they head down a hallway, the boys see their father, Diedrich, and Undertaker heading down the same hallway but in the opposite direction, towards Vincent's private study.
The twins can make out some of their conversation:
Vincent: Come along, Diedrich. We have things to discuss.
Diedrich: *mildly protesting in hushed tones*
Vincent: Good grief. Must I have a butler provide another platter? Yes, ok.
Undertaker: *snickers at Diedrich and tilts his head* Perchance I might finally get to have one?
Diedrich: Undertaker, you ate half of a cake, and it wasn't even a sma--
Undertaker: *turning to Vincent and cutting Diedrich off* What have I been saying? Something had been brewing for months now.
Vincent: Yes, yes. That incident earlier today was a close one.
Diedrich: *starting to fade out* Good thing we thwarted it just in time. Otherwise, the entire party could have been ruined.
Vincent: *barely audible now* My boys would have been devastated.... *fading out completely at the end*
The twins were too far away to hear anything more of their conversation, but they exchanged glances, just briefly. What was that all about?
Well, that ended up being longer than I had originally intended, but I kept thinking of things to add! I hope you enjoy it. 😊
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remythologise · 2 years
kira!! pls share what you're watching atm + if you know what you'll watch next 👀
delightful request anon!!!! I am currently watching:
TWIN PEAKS: THE RETURN, OR, WHAT IF WE INVESTIGATED WHY THE VIBES WERE OFF AGAIN LIKE 25 YEARS LATER — watching this VERY slowly because it really does try my patience of needing everything to happen at a good pace and for a storytelling purpose. I skipped through the bad parts of Twin Peaks s2 because I was like I only live so long and well so far The Return certainly is... more of the same. I definitely think it's a fun reference point for the X-Files (and subsequently Supernatural) etc. in terms of influence but it is still frustrating to me, as a show-watching experience.
THE TERROR, OR, WHAT IF WE MADE A TV SHOW ABOUT THE ARCTIC EXPEDITIONS THAT GOT LOST AND NEVER RETURNED AGAIN AND FOR SOME REASON PEOPLE WENT YEAH I DON'T HAVE ENOUGH TERROR AND MISERY IN MY LIFE I'LL WATCH THAT — I am watching this with friends and I'm sure it's very gay or whatever and probably the best piece of horror media made but honestly the threat of mass death due to inaction despite looming doom is too real for me at this present time. Also I kind of think the slightly problematically Noble-Savage-linked supernatural being attacking them is totally unnecessary as a device like girl they're facing enough death and danger due to their own stupidity. Watch in a well-lit room and then watch a poppy kdrama immediately after. Also do NOT google image search 'the terror' there's real mummified corpses out there :/ GUARDIAN: THE LONELY AND GREAT GOD ("GOBLIN"), OR, WHAT IF THIS ONE LEGENDARY WARRIOR WASN'T ALLOWED TO DIE UNTIL HE MET HIS 'BRIDE' AND ALSO A GRIM REAPER WAS HIS ROOMMATE — I think I tagged my thoughts on this somewhere but here they are again: the lead girl in this is WAY too young for my liking and it's throwing me off the whole show. Which is a real shame because the leading men are sensational, as is their chemistry. The female lead is ostensibly 19 but she's still in high school and spiritually FEELS like 16 or younger in terms of how she acts and the male lead is literally called out as looking like he's mid-30s by her (and he's immortal!) so like... it's not even an Edward Cullen situation where he LOOKS younger or is more immature. I'm very bitter that this show isn't about the enemies-to-and-they-were-roommates no-memories-vs-too-many-memories romance between the grim reaper and the goblin because that relationship is so much more engaging and I'm not just saying that because I love to see gay subtext (which there is also a lot of.) I'll stick with it because I very rarely skip through or give up on shows (despite skipping through twin peaks, a rare exception), but we'll see. Still early days, I'm only on episode three! THE DEVIL JUDGE, OR, WHAT IF WE WERE IN A DYSTOPIA NOT UNLIKE OUR OWN REALITY AND YOU WERE THE STAR OF A REALITY JUDGING SHOW TO PERSECUTE CRIMINALS AND RESTORE FAITH IN THE JUSTICE SYTEM AND I WAS YOUR FOR-LOOKS-ONLY ASSISTING JUDGE SECRETLY INVESTIGATING YOU HAHA UNLESS...? — well! I've only just started this show and I'm on episode three but I AM HAVING A FUN TIME. Absolutely suffers from what seems like a very common kdrama three episode rule where the first episode was confusing but then REALLY picked up and now I'm hooked. I mean I literally just watched the heroine-coded hero save the evil-seeming byronic hero from a bomb and then wake up in his bed in his gothic mansion with creepy servant and girl in a wheelchair while he's basically trapped there and the titular Devil Judge undresses him and tends to his wounds and so on. 10/10 gay catholic symbolism gothic horror romance law crime class war dystopia it's a double thumbs up from me so far. SEMANTIC ERROR, OR, TALENTED GRAPHIC DESIGNER FUCKS WITH EXTREMELY SERIOUS ROBOT-LIKE PROGRAMMER, PROGRAMMER GETS REVENGE, THEY FALL IN LOVE WHILE WORKING ON A STUDENT PROJECT TOGETHER— mainstream kdrama may not have (canon) lead gay romance but that doesn't stop webseries from doing so! this one is very cute although it definitely doesn't have the plot or production quality of a mainstream tv show it's still very watchable and pretty. A fun lunchtime watch with a shorter run-time even if the type of 'group project' work hits wayyyy too close to home for me.
THE UNTAMED, OR, I HAVEN'T WATCHED ENOUGH OF THIS SHOW TO SUMMARISE IT BUT I KNOW IT'S GAY, I KNOW IT — I have only seen 4 episodes of this show and I KNOW it's going to hit and everyone adores it but I haven't been able to get into it. I know the beginning is universally confusing but I also feel like I'm saving it for a bit and then I'll try to watch it again. Having said that I did watch ten minutes on the train just today until it got to Wei Wu Xian looking at Lan Wang Ji (Lan Zhan? WHY DOES EVERYONE HAVE LIKE THREE DIFFERENT NAMES) naked in a stream and I was like well that's not fit for public transport.
and I have just watched: MOON KNIGHT, OR WHAT IF EVEN OSCAR ISAAC CAN'T SAVE MARVEL FROM MEDIOCRITY — Honestly the less said about this the better. You will never be Yu-Gi-Oh!!!! CRASH LANDING ON YOU, OR, WHAT IF A SOUTH KOREAN MILLIONAIRE MET A NORTH KOREAN SOLDIER AND THEY FELL IN LOVE — Best rom com I've ever seen quite frankly like 11/10 it WAS a bit cheesy for me at times but by god that's what it's about! Really tremendous and makes you believe in the power of heterosexual love. The supporting cast is also SO amazing as is their dynamic. I laughed, I cried, I give this 5/5 stars. BEYOND EVIL, OR, WHAT IF YOU WERE THE MURDERER I WAS INVESTIGATING AND I WAS ALSO INVESTIGATING YOU AND WE BOTH SPIDERMAN POINTED FINGERS AT EACH OTHER UNTIL WE FELL IN LOVE — 11/10. Gay as hell. Go watch it.
And I have been recommended to watch in future, or want to watch:
Slings and Arrows, MASH, Heaven's Official Blessing, Word of Honour, Hotel Del Luna, It's Okay To Not Be Okay.
Annnnd I didn't even put anime on this list but frankly nothing particularly interesting or worthy this season or last EXCEPT:
TIGER AND BUNNY: S2, OR, WHAT IF WE GOT A SECOND SEASON OF THE BEST GAYBAIT SUPERHERO ROMANCE OF ALL TIME — Ugh SO mad this season wasn't as stellar as S1 was and also wild that the production quality has not massively improved since 2011. Anyway in 2011 this was revolutionary but in 2022 it's not pushing boundaries enough (making them canon gay) or like doing much (a plot or villains that is interesting) but it's not totally hopeless (ryan is there) and it's still very entertaining viewing if you're a fan it's nice just to see the gang together (even if the new characters literally are pointless and add nothing and their character design is SO uncreative on a historically creative show and—) anyway. Pity Netflix dropped this all at once it's really suffering for it but I suppose we'll get a second half of the season regardless of ratings.
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octavi-nelle · 4 years
TW: S*icide, Death, Yandere themes, Abusive relationships, Toxic relationships, Abuse.
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You were gone. That was the truth, and a cold, hard one at that. He was devastated and destroyed. Returning from his classes to find his prisone- I mean, partner, gone.
He was a wreck, grief following him everywhere he went. Was it his fault? No- it couldn't be, he was a perfect boyfriend. He fed you, gave you gifts, took care of you, and was kind- when you behaved. He if course had to discipline you, maybe- just maybe he went too far this time.
He didn't want to believe the truth, he didn't want to think that he was the reason you'd done it. He tried to push the thoughts to the back of his mind.
Would it be better if he joined you? Or were you happy away from him ? He hoped that you wanted him to join you. He wanted to feel you skin again, to be near your warmth. He wanted to lean into your touch, have you listen to his problems. Have you be there with him.
He would do anything to be with you again. Even if that meant death.
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Leona was deeply upset, no matter how much he tried to seem prideful, it failed. He wasn't the prince he once was, he was more lazy than ever. He didn't have a reason to leave anymore, he couldn't see your terrified face when he'd return from class.
Everyone knew Leona was destroyed over the fact that his partner was gone, they'd left him.
Did they want to escape? He wouldn't let them. Not even death could help them escape his grasp, he'd find them in Heaven or Hell. They shouldn't worry for too long, he'd find them.
Predators always caught their prey, and once they did, they'd never let it go. It was the same with you, he'd find you.
And once he did, you'd come running back in fear. Besides, who'd miss the lazy second-born prince? Nobody, most likely. Even if they did he was aiming for you,nothing could get in his way.
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Azul was angry, how could you leave him!? You were his. He made that clear when he'd captured you, did you think death could help you? You'd already signed your soul, even after death to him, stupid!
He could stare at your poor unfortunate soul all-day, he kept you inside a jar. Sure it wasn't as great as the real you, but it was still you.
He had the memories still, he didn't need to lose his calm and mature exterior. He still had you, he had your soul. He could still speak to you, even if you didn't answer.
Azul made sure that he would still have you, he knew something like this would happen. Azul is always a prepared man, he is a business man after all.
He can't afford any hiccups and won't accept and mishaps. So he wouldn't accept your cute but stupid attempt to escape him.
"Oh Y/N.. you won't escape from me, you poor unfortunate soul.." He ran his finger along the jar as he pressed his lips to it. It was you, your body or not, and that was good enough for him.
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This couldn't be happening! He'd given you everything you could've wanted, everything that appeared in ones dreams! Not even Jamil could fix this, and frankly, he had to fix all things that Kalim did not like.
Kalim was destroyed, devasted, and depressed. Nobody could save that sunshine that used to be inside, no more parties nor trips were held at Scarabia. It rained every day, always gloomy like him.
Nobody could replace you, it didn't matter who his father introduced him to, it wouldn't replace you nor change what happened.
Kalim couldn't join you if he wanted, he had too many responsibilities. He had to try and move on, everyone told him this was just a bump on the road he was taking, but it wasn't. You were one he truly loved, the one he wanted to marry and make his Queen.
Were you not satisfied? He bought you everything he could've thought out, maybe it was him. Even if he hated the fact, it may as well have been the truth.
He just had to accept it, is shouldn't be hard right? It was the hardest thing for Kalim. Maybe he should just abandon everything that he had on his shoulders and join you.
He'd figure that out in the future, but for now he had to try and deal with what had happened.
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Damnit! Damnit! Who did you think you were! His precious doll, snatched away by death themself. You made his mascara run and ruined his make-up and hair. He'd get you for this!
Vil couldn't believe this, you left him!? He should've left you, you potato! He tried to tell himself that you were nothing, worth nothing more than the ground he walked on, you were nothing but a potato compared to him. But not matter what he said, he couldn't ignore the fact.
He couldn't ignore that you'd left him, that you wanted to escape from him, the Vil Schoenheit. It was unbelievable, even if he followers said that you were nothing, that you had just made the biggest mistake of your life, he just couldn't accept.
His make-up became ruined everytime he put it on, he cried and cried. It was hard not to, thank God he didn't pop a blood vessel, that'd be hard to get rid of.
He was the not beautiful being in this world, but he was his ugliest without you.
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No, no, no, no, NO! This couldn't be happening, not to him, right!? Right!? The Ignihyde Dorm Leader was an absolute disaster, he was a walking nightmare. His life had become a nightmare.
He'd already cursed himself for being unlovable and a terrible person for kidnapping you, but now? Oh God, you'd taken your life because of him, he understood, or at least tried to.
He really wanted to wake up from this dream, from this nightmare. He tried to surround himself with things he enjoyed but nothing could help him.
The candies he ate from the games he spent countless hours playing continuously. He couldn't get you out of his mind, sure he'd held you captive, but come on! He didn't deserve this, right? He didn't deserve to feel something this terrible.
He just wanted to be with you, he wanted to graduate and have you and Ortho by his side. But he knew he couldn't join you, he still had Ortho to care for.
Maybe he'd try something new, something to bring you back. Anything for you, anything to have you in his arms again.
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Malleus knew how short human lives were, so why did you end it so terribly short? Was it him? He wasn't sure what even happened.
He felt like something inside him just broke, like something had disappeared, vanished from him. Had you become a part of him perhaps..? He wasn't sure.
He wasn't sure of anything anymore, really. All he knew was that he wanted to run back into Lilia's arms and just have him comfort him. He wanted your arms, but Lilia's would do too.
He wanted to have your human warmth surround him again, he wanted to cuddle up next to you, even if you pushed him away. He wanted to feel your small lips peck onto his, he wanted to have you back.
Sebek had yelled and complained about how unworthy and ungrateful she was since they'd left the 'young master.' But all it took was one look from Malleus to shut him up.
Malleus wouldn't get over this, he'd make sure to find you again. No matter the cost, he'd find you, just you wait.
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Haha.. funny joke, now please get up. Trey can't take this, sure he'd captured you to call his, but please, please wake up.
Trey will bake you anything you want, he'll even feed you, just get off the floor. Get out of your blood. He knew he shouldn't have let you in the kitchen. Too many sharp objects, too many dangerous weapons.
He'll let you go to class again.. just get up. He'll be the boyfriend he once was. He just wants you back. He wants your kisses and hugs again, he wants to feel your small body crash into his.
He'll make sure to find you, he'll bake you whatever you'd like. You name it, he's got it.
Don't worry, you'll be one again.
(sorry I'm not very familiar with him and had no ideas.)
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What a surprise.. he usually enjoys this unexpected side of you, he's all for it. But this one isn't one he enjoys, at all.
Didn't you think about them at all? Come on, Floyd enjoyed your company as did Azul. And Jade loved it, why didn't you enjoy their company? Maybe you were just stubborn.
He mourned and grieved over your death, he tried to keep up his gentleman facade, but he failed at times. He especially failed around Floyd, and sometimes Azul. He wasn't the same.
Please come comfort this Eel again, let him enjoy what was once his room filled with your scent, that had you for him to come back to. Don't leave him alone like this.
He just wants you to pepper kisses all over his face, he'll take you hiking too if you'd like. He'll let you have a little sunlight too.
He has too many things to join you, he has Floyd and Azul, mainly Floyd. He wishes to just feel you next to him again, even if it's just silence, even if it just your body next to his. No words nor glances would be needed for him to know he's fallen again. Just come back.
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Hey, answer him! He's your master now answer, why won't you even answer his Snakes Whisper? Y-you aren't truly dead, right? You didn't leave him behind right?
He's already had so many things taken away right off the bat, his freedom to do what he wants, his chance to be something greater than a servant, something better than this.
He promised he wouldn't get attached, that you were not his diamond in the rough. But you were, he couldn't help the attraction he felt, the love and desire towards you.
The one things he truly wanted was all his, but only for such a short time. He had his pride and joy snatched away, stolen like in the old tales of the Sorcerer of the Sand. How the Diamond in the Rough stole the lantern from him. Was this that? Was this how it felt to have something so important to you, something you craved, desired so deeply taken away from you.
Didn't you know how much he adored you? How much he needed you by his side? He's sure if you did you wouldn't have left him all alone like this.
But you did, that was the truth this time. One he hated so passionately.
Part two and three will come out later, I have reached max images. Sorry!
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conaionaru · 4 years
Honor and Blood (Ivar the Boneless)
Beginnings and endings
Synopsis: The naming ceremony and Silas’s punishment
Warnings: Murder, angst, fluff, gore
@youbloodymadgenius @xbellaxcarolinax @didiintheblog @lol-haha-joke @shannygoatgruff @heavenly1927 @chynagirl13 @queenbeeta @thereareendlessopportunities @astridbaby​ 
I don’t own the gifs. Also, thank you for your support. I really appreciate it. If you want to be tagged please write me<3
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Vanya sat in the Great Hall next to Ivar in a new white dress, her hair loose around her shoulders. She observed the marks on the table, trailing her fingers over them. Everyone around her talked, too, focused on their plans of Silas's punishment to even notice her despair.
The man from her dreams, Hoenir, sat on her right, while Ivar sat on her left. Brynja and Margrethe run around their table, serving their meal. It has been two days since Vanya returned home. She got some deserved rest, but her mind was plagued with her worries.
They wouldn't let her see her son; sometimes, when everything grew quiet, she could hear him cry. It tore at her heart, but according to the healers, she was in no state to be near a newborn. During her time on the run, she caught a cold, her fever was high, and she felt like throwing up after every meal.
Listening to the Ragnarsson, Aslaug, Floki, and Helga argue about what to do with Silas wasn't what she yearned to do. "Are you alright, Vanya?" Brynja questioned her a soft hand on her shoulder, steadying the swaying princess. Vanya nodded tiredly and leaned against Ivar's shoulder.
The Viking entwined their hands together and kissed her damp temple.
He asked her to stay in bed, but Vanya knew she had to be there, no matter how much she hated it. She sentenced Silas to death; it's her duty to help choose the way he will die. "Let's burn him alive," Hvitserk suggested once again, causing his brothers to roll their eyes.
"Slit his throat, that's what he wanted to happen to Vanya." Sigurd countered, but the others disagreed again.
"Too kind, it must be more painful and drawn out." Ivar reminded them, his left hand in a tight fist while his right one squeezed Vanya's hand tighter, to remember that she is here.
Floki raised his cup and giggled in the mad way he always does. "Skin him alive." He offered but was shot down as well. Everyone kept suggesting different methods of execution, all rejected one by one. It was getting tiring for Vanya, draining her of the last bits of strength she regained.
"Maybe you should lay down, Vanya. You don't look so good." Ubbe softly told her, looking at her with tender eyes. She looked broken, her left hand wrapped in bandages to cover her cut. There was also a bandage on the cauterized wound on her shoulder. It would scar, which she didn't care about. Ivar was right; it was a sign of survival, a proof of her strength.
She shook her head and straightened in her seat to look healthier than she felt. "I can't sleep or rest anymore. I need to be here so Silas can be dealt with. He needs to die a painful death, I promised him that, and that's what will happen. No arrows or drowning or hanging. My brother needs to suffer as I suffered; at least I am sparing him the pain of not knowing if you will survive." She spat angrily, slumping back in her chair, exhausted. How pathetic was she? She couldn't even talk without getting tired.
She sighed and moved to stand up, Hoenir rising as well. The silent stranger followed her around like a shadow. He sat in front of her hut with his sword drawn, only letting family and Brynja in. The servant found his mysteriousness and silence charming, Vanya found it eerie. She yearned for human contact, not a silent wall lurking around. Ivar spent every waking moment by her side as well, always checking on her and touching her in some way. More for his sanity than her's.
He didn't check on their son either, too afraid to leave her alone. Vanya was thankful for his protectiveness; she missed it. But she yearned for her son as well, what if he was sick as well?
Vanya made her way towards their chambers and laid down to sleep with Ivar by her side, wrapped around her like a vice, but still somehow comforting. She could feel his chest fall and rise against her back, but sleep wouldn't take her. Her eyes were wide open, and her heartbeat frantically, on guard despite being safe. Nightmares plagued her rest nearly every night, dreams of drowning, freezing, or waking up to her son's corpse in her arms.
Everyone treated her like a broken toy, too scarred by what happened to her to be whole again. In the end, Silas had won. Nine months ago, he sent her here to wither and die. And now she looks half dead and feels hollow. With a shuttering breath, Vanya slowly crawled out of Ivar's arms and into the street, walking past Hoenir, who slept by the door. She shook him awake and made him follow her to the hut where Silas is held.
"Are you sure you want to see him?" The Silent wandered questioned her, but the ginger only nodded and ordered the guards to let her in.
The hut was lit with candles and smelled of wine and piss. Two aromas that Silas always despised, how fitting that it would be the last things he would know. "She lives." A voice rasped from a corner startling her.
With some difficulty and grunts, Silas rose from his hiding place behind the bed. He looked just as bad as her. Two days in a cell, and he was filthy, drunk, and pathetic. It suited him, pain, and despair. "You look terrible."
He chuckled and collapsed back into a chair, the furniture nearly topping over from the force. "I always imagined myself immortal. Forever alive and in people's minds. And here I am. Covered in piss, looking like some kitchen rat." He spat on the ground glaring at everything around him.
Vanya took his sorry state in, tucking it into the back of her mind to remember him by. Not the cruel King with a crown on his head, but as nothing better than a beggar with one foot in the grave. "You are human, just like everyone else. Everyone dies, Silas. Even Kings."
Silas scoffs and hurls his cup towards her, the guards and Hoenir barge in but stand back when Vanya raises a hand, palm facing Silas. "It's alright. Please leave." The three men leave brother and sister alone to talk. One last conversation before Silas pays for his crimes.
Her brother watches the display of power that Vanya possesses and reached towards the last piece of bread he had left. He tore at it like a savage, disgusting even himself. All his grace and power stripped away by his sister, how the tables have turned. "You mean Father, don't you?"
Vanya looked at him, puzzled, unaware of what he meant by the comment. But Silas didn't wait for her to question him, he pointed the finger at her and chuckled. "You always talked of that bastard. Alive or dead, you worshipped him, even though there was nothing special about him. You have no idea what kind of inconsiderate prick he was."
"Father was a good person, far better than you or me." Vanya insisted, not letting him insult their late father.
Silas sneered and threw a piece of bread at her, that she batted away before it hit her face. She frowned at his ridiculous behavior, fed up with his dramatics. "Of course, you would think that you were his favorite. You were the obedient child with big sad doe eyes. Do you know what I was? I was the embarrassment, the reject. I was three, and he called me a monster. All because I didn't follow his rules."
The ginger shook her head and walked closer to Silas. "Father loved you, but you were always so quick to start a fight. He tried to make you a good king, but you rejected him, and now here we are."
"Ah, yes, here we are. The Monster and the Gifted one." Silas swallowed the last piece of bread and spread his arms wide in a mocking gesture. He didn't love me, or you or anyone else. Osmond used people, you stupid wench! He married a girl half his age, filled her with seed, and when the child didn't meet his expectations, he threw them both away and fucked everything pretty. And then you were born, perfect little Vanya - the Gracious gift of God. You nodded along to everything and did as he said. Other than me, who had his own opinions."
Vanya scoffed and licked her dry lips to hold back the foul words on the tip of her tongue. "Father was a good King and a better parent than Mother. You spat, beat, and laughed at other children. You were always rotten, Silas. And Father knew it, so did Mother."
"I did it to get attention; no one would pay attention to the reject! Before you were born, I was the perfect firstborn. But not to him! To Father, I was the little monstrosity that refused to keep quiet about his affair. I was three and saw him fucking another woman. I told Mother, and he grew angry with me, by the time you were born, I was a bastard in their eyes. The one that destroyed their marriage, as if I was the one getting his dick wet behind my wife's back."
The princess stared at Silas in shock, Osmond always said that his son was born cruel. To think all of the cruelty, hate, and violence came from their parent's treatment. Siflaed was a neglectful mother, and it turns out Osmond was no better. Vanya always saw him as a smart man with good intentions, when in truth, he was nothing like that.
"He was a good King, true. But a terrible Father, husband, and person. Just like me." Silas smirked at his small victory, while Vanya frowned at him. "He treated you better because you were naive and gullible. All the talk of duty, putting the kingdom first and God. You were born to be a bargaining chip, just like Mother, married off to the highest bidder. Face it; there is no kindness in our blood."
"I am not you or them!" Vanya insisted, causing Silas to laugh.
"If that's what you like to believe."
Vanya slammed her hands against the table, startling Silas. She huffed and got in his face, her eyes as cold as ice. "You did horrible things to me and everyone around you. I am nothing like you."
"If you want to blame anyone, then blame Stithulf."
"Stithulf didn't order men to murder three people!" Vanya spat at him, remembering the blonde man who talked to her about Silas as a King. How charming he seemed, the two-faced bastard.
"He reminded me what a threat you and your child pose to my reign. He told me the only way to ensure my glory and throne was to kill anyone who wants to take it away. First you and your child, then Mother's brother Æthelric. He said I was meant to rule, that the world would remember me. And they will. These heathens of yours will kill me, probably torture as well. And the church will name me a martyr for my faith, and history will remember me as Silas the Great." Silas boasted, throwing his arms around and nearly falling out of his chair in the process.
Vanya shook her head and looked at the cross on his desk, the one he gifted her, their father's cross. "Only those who lived a righteous life can be names martyrs. You executed, hurt, and humiliated people. You are no saint, Silas, and the church won't care for your death. Terrible people don't go to heaven."
The older Saxon rose from the chair and leaned against the table, looking into his wine cup. "Then, I shall see you in Hell. That's where you heathen scum will all go. And we can burn side by side as we did in our cribs." He raised his cup and downed it in one go before letting it slip through his fingers and hit the ground. "Farewell, Sister."
He stumbled towards his bed and collapsed on it face first, his white shirt falling lower, exposing his shoulder blades. Vanya watched his naked back, she then turned on her heel and left the hut to return to her own. She made a decision. Yesterday Ivar explained to her all the ways Vikings executed people, and one seemed perfect to Vanya now.
Her husband sat up in their bed, looking at Vanya with tired eyes. "Where did you go? Are you hurt?"
"Blood eagle," Vanya answered, confusing Ivar further.
She sighed and sat down next to him, looking into his eyes. "The way we should kill Silas. You should Blood Eagle him after the naming ceremony." She explained as Ivar nodded, still confused about the sudden decision.
Vanya closed her eyes and took a deep breath, feeling her shoulders get lighter. As if the weight on them dropped, making breathing easier than before. She opened her icy eyes again and stared into her husband's stormy hues. "What is it, Min elskede (My beloved)?"
She chuckled at the tender tone, having missed the endearment more than she thought was possible. "I was terrified out there, Ivar. I thought I would never see you or Kattegat ever again." Tears gathered in her eyes, her lips shaking from the oncoming sobs.
Ivar cupped her cheek and wiped her tear away with his thumb. "You are here now. And nobody will ever take you away from me. I will never let anyone harm you or our son again."
Vanya sobbed and flung herself into his arms, breathing in his scent and hugging him tightly, as if it was all a dream that would disappear if she let go. "From now on, you never have to be afraid, Vanya. I will protect you both. No one, not even death, will ever lay a hand on you again!"
Ivar kissed her temple before she pulled back and stared into his eyes, looking for any sign of lies or uncertainty. But she found none, all she saw was honesty and rage. Anger that he let anyone harm them. "You have to swear it, Ivar! Promise me." She begged desperately, afraid to ever have to fight for her life again.
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"I promise and swear on my life and the Gods. I will never, ever let anyone harm you or our son. No matter what it might take to keep you both safe, I will do everything and more to protect you. From now on, you'll both be safe and sound. I oath not to enter Vallhalla if I brake this promise. I swear on my arm ring."
Vanya leaned against his chest and sighed in satisfaction, with one less problem on her mind, she slept easier. Her son's absence still plagued her mind, but the sooner everything was done, the sooner she could have him in her arms again. 
The next morning, five days since their son's birth, they all stood gathered in the Great Hall once again, revealing the plan to Blood Eagle Silas. "And who will do it? Ivar can't stand." Sigurd pointed out, making his brother snarl at him.
"It doesn't matter. We can give him a chair, or let someone else do it." Vanya jumped in before a fight broke out. She was in no mood to watch them argue; the most important thing right now is that Silas dies; it doesn't matter by whose hand. 
Everyone nodded, looking at the wedded couple glued to each other's hip. Vanya still looked sick and weak, but the more she clung to Ivar, the straighter her back got, and the higher she held her head. She was gaining back the confidence she gathered during her nine months of marriage to their brother. There were still bits of fear and edginess visible, but with Ivar and Hoenir shadowing her, she breathed easier. 
"You are on edge." Sigurd pointed out, voicing what everyone was thinking. Vanya locked gaze with him and smiled to reassure them.
"I..." A cry interrupted her sentence; a child was crying somewhere. "I miss my son, that's all. They still won't let me see him." 
Aslaug frowned at the information and looked at her youngest son for confirmation. Ivar nodded and took Vanya's hand in his, trying to comfort his sad wife. The Queen rose from her seat and left the Ragnarssons, Vanya, Torvi, and Hoenir. 
When she returned, it was with the sound of a crying infant. She opened the door with a babe in her arms, cradling it softly, trying to calm it down. "Mother?" Questioned Ubbe, confused, carrying his nephew towards Vanya.
The ginger looked at Aslaug bewildered, as the older woman laid the child into her arms. "You went through hours of horrendous labor and near death for this child. If anyone deserves to hold him, it is you." Aslaug smiled at Vanya, who hugged her son closer to her, the boy calming down the moment he smelled her scent. 
The child reached out with his little hand and grasped a fiery lock, playing with it while staring up at her, sniffling slightly. Vanya smiled at his teary gaze and wiped his tears, stroking his smooth chubby cheek. "Looks like he just missed his mother. What a surprise from Ivar's child." 
Aslaug and Vanya frowned at Sigurd's comment but ignored it as Ivar was too engrossed at looking at the little version of himself in his wife's arms. "That is the safest child in Kattegat." Hvitserk pointed out, looking at the calm baby slobbering over Vanya's hair.
Bjorn snorted and patted Vanya and Ivar on the shoulder. "With a mother ready to burn kingdoms down and a father into ritual sacrifice? It only fits with a grandson of Ragnar Lothbrok." 
The others nodded along while Vanya looked at Ivar with a raised eyebrow. At Ivar's confused stare, she smiled down at the babe. "Hold your hands out, Ivar. You should hold him too." 
Ivar looked at the frail newborn and shook his head. "I will drop him, Vanya." 
The redhead rolled her eyes and passed the child towards him despite his protests. "You are holding him with your arms, not your legs. Bond with him, he didn't see that much of you." She spoke softly, not meaning it in a mean way. 
With tender eyes, Ivar looked at his son, noting the wiggling legs under the fur. He would walk one day, run around just like Ivar's brothers could. At least in something, the gods were merciful; they listened to his prayers and made his son strong and healthy. Just like his mother prophesied, and his son would be like his grandmother. He would have visions, Hoenir, and Aslaug were sure of it. 
"Did you think of a name?" Ubbe asked, watching his serene nephew. 
"Yes. But it's a surprise." Vanya revealed giggling at Torvi and Hvitserk, cooing at the babe who frowned at them in return. 
In the heathen culture, nine days after a babe is born, the naming ceremony is held. Vatni ausinn is a ritual where the father acknowledges the child and names it. Ivar sat in a chair with their son on his knee, sprinkling the babe with water. 
"My son, Aros!" He announced to the room while his babe everyone cheered in delight. Ubbe nudged Vanya, who stood next to him, clapping. The redhead looked up at him with a questioning look at the older males smug look.
"From the river's mouth? Really?" He asked about the name meaning while Vanya shrugged.
"It fits, does it not?"
"I guess it does." He looked back towards his little brother, cradling his firstborn lovingly. "Aros Ivarsson."
After the ceremony, Ivar and Vanya returned to their hut, with Hoenir following behind them. Her husband was about to order some thralls to fill their tub with water when Brynja ran towards them. "Wait, My Prince. Let me do it. I would like to spend some time with Vanya anyway. If you were to permit it."
Ivar looked at Vanya in question, but the ginger smiled at him reassuringly. "Go. I could use a distraction before tomorrow. And Hoenir will be outside; we will be fine. Have fun with your brothers." She reassured him, kissing his forehead and sending him off.
The Prince and wanderer left the hut, the girls cold Hoenir sitting outside on the bench, but ignored his presence. Vanya turned on her heel to look at Brynja, who smiled at her softly, her eyes glassy. 
"What's wrong? Are you unwell?" Vanya frantically ran to the other redhead's side, pulling her towards the bed to sit down. Brynja laughed at the worried mother and shook her head, her curls bouncing around her.
"I am just happy to see you again. My life would be very boring without you, My Princess." She confessed, hugging Vanya, careful of the sleepy babe in her arms. Vanya embraced the older ginger with her left arm, enjoying the affection Brynja gave her.
Truth is Brynja is her only true friend here, that she befriended outside of marriage. Of course, Ubbe, Torvi, Hvitserk, and Bjorn are her friends as well. But if it weren't for her marriage to Ivar, she would have never talked to them. Vanya liked to believe her, and Brynja would be friends even if it weren't for Ivar. If she ever were to get divorced, Brynja would still be her friend. 
The curly-haired ginger had a pure heart, contagious smile, and shared Vanya's love for children. She gave the best advice and listened to her complaining without any remarks. For every complaint Vanya told her, Brynja gave two. Servant or not, she was a good girl and an even better friend.
"I bought you a gift!" Brynja cheered, letting Vanya put Aros into his crib. Floki made it for the babe from the boat meant to serve as their coffin if they were found dead. It was quite morbid, but Vanya didn't mind it that much, and Aros seemed comfortable. 
The Viking girl showed her a present wrapped in a cloth. She laid it on Vanya's lap and mentioned for her to open it. Brynja was giddy, and in turn, Vanya became giddy as well, she unwrapped the gift and looked inside to see the neckline of a dress. The fabric was blue with white lacings. 
"You bought me a dress?" Vanya asked, confused, looking up at the sheepish ginger.
"Made actually. It's not as pretty as the ones you make or the ones you buy. I don't know how to make dresses like that, so it's plainer." Brynja apologized, frowning down at the dress, no longer as excited as before.
Vanya shook her head and walked towards the mirror with the gift in hand. Watching herself in the mirror, Vanya marveled at the simple dress. It wasn't as lavish as the dresses Vanya was used to having, but she liked its look. "It's beautiful. I bet it's comfortable as well." She reassured the other female twirling around with the dress to see it flow in the air.
"I made it for your name day, but I didn't get to give it to you." With a  bashful smile, Brynja watched the Princess gush over the dress. It took her a long time to make the dress, but the smile was worth all her frustration with the fabric. And all the times her father laughed at her pricking her finger. 
Vanya turned on her heel and looked at Brynja, shocked. "You wasted money on me!" She cried out mortified, the fact that the poor girl bought fabric to create the dress. But Brynja shook her head and shrugged the issue off. 
The young mother carefully set the dress down on the bed and skipped to her wardrobe to look inside. "You must choose one of mine, even if you sell it. I can't just accept a gift like that and give you nothing in return!"
Brynja shook her head at the frantic Princess and observed her rummaging through all the dresses she owned. "That's what gifts are for, Vanya. You give them out of love, not expecting anything back."
"Nonsense!" Vanya fussed and turned towards the other ginger. Brynja's smile was tired, and her eyes pleading. She didn't want anything in return, but that didn't sit with Vanya. "Choose whatever dress you want. If not for yourself, then for me. You gave me a gift out of love. So chose yours."
Brynja smiled at that and walked to the closet to find a dress for herself. In the end, she chose a purple one with long dark sleeves. "Purple. Like your favorite flowers."
"You remember?" Brynja blinked at Vanya in astonishment while Vanya mockingly rolled her eyes, smirking.
She circled the older female in front of the mirror and stopped behind her, propping her chin on her shoulder. "Of course, I remember. I always remember small things like that. But don't ask me anything important. I do forget these things very easily." Brynja chuckled and felt the soft fabric with her fingers, liking the feel of it. It was obviously expensive, but the servant wouldn't complain to Vanya. "How is your father, anyway? Is he better?"
Brynja hummed and laid the dress on the bed, neatly folding it and wrapping it in the cloth from Vanya's gift. "Stronger every day, which he keeps showing off. I think he fell in love with the neighbor's widow. He keeps running around shirtless and lifting heavy things."
Vanya laughed at the image of Brynja's father only in his breeches, smiling every time he sees the widow. "Maybe he is taking the lack of children in his own hands. Trying to create some little ones on his own."
"Oh, gods! I hope not; he is too old." Brynja gagged and smirked at Vanya, crowding closer and whispering into her ear. "I would rather make some of my own. But there are no men good enough."
The Princess sighed and sat down on her bed, looking up at the cheeky ginger. "And why are you whispering? Are you afraid that the man outside might hear?"
"I saw his face once, quite handsome. A bath would do him wonders. And new clothes." Brynja confessed, gushing over Hoenir. The seventeen-year-old mother shook her head, and teasingly smiled at Brynja.
"My, my, is someone in love?"
"Hush, Vanya! Or I will regret missing you at all!" Brynja joked back, fake glaring at the taller girl, while she laughed it off. It was good to be back and joke around, forgetting what is going to happen tomorrow.
The two girls walked to the door after the bath was prepared, saying goodbye for the night. Vanya watched her go with a small smile, thankful for her visit. She then turned on her heel and sat down next to Hoenir, who looked at her in confusion. 
At least she suspected it to be confusion; it's hard to tell in the dark when he has his hood on. "I wanted to thank you for the advice you gave me in my dreams."
"No need to do that. You would have survived anyway; I had a vision of our meeting. It couldn't happen if you died before we met. My job now is to make certain you don't die from here on." His voice was smooth, yet a little bit rusty and monotone like always. She wondered if he felt any emotions or just his them pretty well.
"Then I thank you for that instead. But I wish for you to find a hut, not just a bench or a piece of fur outside of ours."
Hoenir shook his head and looked down at her cold frame. "I need to be near if somebody were to attack you."
"Ivar will be with me."
"Doesn't mean you will be safe."
Vanya sighed and looked out towards the sleepy streets of Kattegat, smiling softly. "I am safe. I am home, surrounded by friends and family. I have nothing to fear."
Hoenir scoffed and leaned back, ignoring the persistent ginger by his side. Vanya looked at him, expecting an explanation of his behavior, but he gave her none. "Say what you want to, Hoenir. If we are to spend a lot of time together, you should be able to say what you want to."
"You are very annoying."
"I know. Get used to it." She smiled at him cheekily, causing him to shake his head and stand up. Vanya looked at him in confusion, till he pointed at a crawling shape in the dark. 
"Your husband's coming. And I have a hut to find. I don't want to hear anything I shouldn't." Vanya nodded, satisfied until the meaning behind the words hit her.
"We wouldn't if you were outside! That's so improper!" She scolded him, blushing madly. Did Hoenir really think that she and Ivar would sleep together if he were right outside their door? 
He shrugged his broad shoulders and pulled his cloak tighter around his body. "You never know. I believe I have to take a bath, as well."
Vanya looked at him, shocked, and blushed even harder. "You heard?"
"Some of it. I am a better listener than a talker. So get used to it as well, Princess."
"Call me, Vanya. Please."
"As you wish, Vanya. Goodnight, Sleep well. Both of you." With that, Hoenir sidestepped Ivar on the porch and stalked off towards a random hut, entering it and closing the door behind him.
"Whose hut it that?" She questioned her husband, who watched the wanderer walk off as well. 
"His. Mother gave it to him." He shrugged, crawling inside with Vanya behind him bewildered. The wretched man had a home all along and stayed in front of their hut instead. She didn't know if to be moved by his dedication or annoyed by his stubbornness. "Did you take your bath yet?"
"Not yet." She had her back turned to him while he sat by the tub. She put the dress away and slowly unbraided her hair. "Did you make a decision on who will kill Silas?"
"I will do it. Torvi went into labor. He will be with her, and I will Blood Eagle the little Monster." Ivar boasted pridefully, making her sigh. 
She brushed through her hair and put the tie that kept it together safely away to find it in the morning. "Let's hope the Gods are with Torvi, and the child will be born soon."
"If it's born sooner, Bjorn can kill your brother in my steed. It should be me killing him! I thought I lost two of the most important people in my life. He didn't worry about you two as I did!" Ivar complained as he dragged himself towards the fire chairs by the fire and poured himself a cup of ale.
"Ivar." Vanya scolded, untying the laces of her dress. "Torvi shouldn't suffer so that Silas can die by your hand. She deserves better."
"I think so too, but she is the one who married Bjorn." 
Vanya spun on her heel, annoyed by his words. She froze with her mouth open, looking at him sitting there sipping on his cup. He raised his eyebrow at her sudden silence and waited for her mind to start working again.
"Put a shirt on, Ivar! I am trying to scold you!" Ivar smirked at her flustered state and leaned back in the chair, showing off his naked chest.
"Why? Do you not like the view." He asked cheekily, making her pout and skip over to him. Kissing his lips, to wipe the smug look off his face, Vanya pulled back, raising an eyebrow at his satisfied face.
"You are a pain, husband. You are lucky I love you."
Ivar grinned at her teasing words and kissed her knuckles, gazing into her steel-blue eyes. "Good. I would be hurt if you didn't." Vanya chuckled softly and connected their lips again, enjoying being in Ivar's arms once again. "What would I be without my Freyja."
Vanya groaned at his question and slapped his shoulder pouting. The Ragnarsson frowned at her reaction, hurt by her dismissal. "I used to think you were the cleverest man alive. And here you are calling me a goddess like the rest of them. I am not Freyja or Frigg!"
Vanya stood up from his lap, dropped her dress, and stepped into the wooden bathtub. Ivar shook his head and put his cup down, looking at her seriously. "You are perfect, full of light and love. You love me despite everything I am and didn't blame me once for your suffering. Vanya, you are my wife, a survivor, and the mother of my child, far more powerful than you believe yourself to be. Min elskede (My beloved), you are either a gift from the Gods or a Goddess yourself, I have no doubts about that."
Vanya smiled at his loving words, tears gathering at the corners of her eyes. "Do you really think I'm powerful?"
He chuckled at her question and pointed at himself. "I, for one, find you terrifying." She grinned at the answer and bashfully looked down into the water, trying to hide her blush behind a curtain of red locks. "Who else sees you as a goddess anyway?"
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"The people do. And Sigurd as well."
Ivar frowned at the last part and sourly drank the rest of his ale, while Vanya silently laughed at his jealousy. "He believes me to be a goddess because I endure you. But it's not such a hard task as everyone makes it out to be. I enjoy your presence quite a bit." She smirked secretly; her head turned to pick up a cloth to clean herself with. When she turned around, Ivar's face was close to hers, startling her.
The rag would have hit the floor if it wasn't for him catching it. The corner of his perfect lips lifted at Vanya's wide-eyed stare. He seemed like a predator, watching his prey, enjoying every second of the hunt.  "I enjoy your presence, as well, obviously."
"Obviously." Vanya echoed, hypnotized by his hungry stare, his eyes like a raging storm, pulling her in deeper. She leaned in to connect their lips, but Ivar pulled away and crawled towards the beds to look at their child instead. She scoffed at his teasing and cleaned herself, pouting the whole time.
She expected Ivar to leave her alone after his stunt, but luckily for her, he had other plans. The moment she sat down on their bed, he kissed her and laid her down on the furs, making love to her carefully, in case she was still in pain after giving birth not that long ago.
The next morning, they were woken up by their son, whining in his bed, hungry and rested. They both groaned, exhausted from last night's lovemaking. Ivar sat up in bed, lifted Aros, and handed him to Vanya so she could nurse their little treasure.
"Silas will be bought to the Hall after our meal," Ivar informed her, watching her for any sign of hesitancy. But there was none. She decided he deserved to die even before Aros was born, and the fact that he threatened her son's life was the last nail in his coffin. Silas would die a painful death and burn in Hell for all eternity.
"Then let's go. The sooner we eat, the sooner this will all be over. And I can gust over Bjorn's and Torvi's baby." Vanya spoke, burping Aros while Ivar got dressed. After he was done, he took the babe from her and allowed her to clothe herself as well.
When she laced up her white dress and braided her hair, she walked towards Ivar and took the babe from his embrace, smoothing down the little hairs on Aros's head. Ivar picked up his axe and put it on his belt, so he wouldn't have to return for it later. When Vanya saw this, she frowned. "Wait."
Ivar looked at her, confused, waiting for her to continue. She laid Aros down on their bed, ensuring he was secure and walked over to her husband again. She took his axe and trailed her finger the edge, testing the sharpness. The sharp bite of the blade and the bead of blood that flowed down her finger reassured her that it was indeed ready to be used.
The execution would be smoother this way, which meant the whole ordeal wouldn't take too long. No matter her hate for Silas, she would hate for him to suffer under a dull blade. He always said he deserved the best, Vanya thought that should include the weapon that would kill him too.
Ivar gazed up at her, not sure to question her behavior or not. She seemed like she was in a trance, too deep in her mind to remember that she wasn't alone. He softly pried the weapon from her soft fingers and laid it on his lap, taking her hand into his and sucking on the fingertip to stop the bleeding.
Vanya kneeled in front of him and kissed the steel of his weapon, looking up at him pleadingly. "Make him pay. For everything."
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"I will."
After breakfast, everyone gathered as Floki set up the posts where Silas would kneel. Ubbe walked to her side and tried to pull her back, but she wrenched her arm free and glared up at him.
"You don't have to be here, Vanya." Sigurd reminded her from her left, also looking at her with soft eyes like she would brake. As if she was weak, but he was wrong. They were all wrong. Vanya was a survivor like Ivar said.
The ginger shook her head and mentioned for Brynja to join her. She handed the babe to her and ordered Hoenir to take them to Ivar's and her hut. "I must be here. I have to see him die. If I don't, I will never be sure if it's over or not."
Ubbe watched her determined face and nodded, Sigurd on the other hand, scoffed and walked off, obviously displeased. "What is his problem?" Vanya asked, seeing the Ragnarsson stalk off, muttering under his breath.
Ubbe gave her a wry smile and shook his head. "He believes you to be tainted by Ivar. Sigurd thinks that he is forcing you into this. That he was the one who chose to Blood eagle Silas and not you."
Vanya scoffed at the explanation and glared at the retreating figure of the snake-eyed Viking. "If anybody deserves to see Silas die, then it's me. I was the one who spent three days in the middle of nowhere, freezing, bleeding, and starving. Silas made my life a living hell from the moment I can remember. I want him to suffer."
"I understand that. But Sigurd still sees you as that timid Princess who was forced to marry Ivar. Many of us do, but you have changed. You are stronger than before, more confident as well. But you don't have to force yourself. You did nearly faint at the mention of blood only nine months ago. No one would blame you if you needed to get some air."
Vanya smiled up at the worried Ragnarsson and linked her arms with his. "Then would you be so kind as to stand with me and catch me if I do faint? After all, you are my only friend left in the room."
Ubbe chuckled at that and led her towards a place near the door to have a good view and an escape route. Silas was dragged in by his arms, spitting insults at the men in English, not caring if they understood him or not. He was pulled on top of the podium and chained to the wooden posts, while a chair was positioned behind for Ivar to sit on. The Ragnarsson dragged himself up and sat down, looking for his wife, relieved to see her with Ubbe.
After a nod from her, he raised the axe and cut into Silas's flesh, a scream echoing around the hall. Vanya watched the display emotionlessly, taking in Silas's screams. They disgusted her; she wanted to cry but had no tears to shed. It was as if her heart and mind were two different entities, disagreeing with each other about what reaction to give. She hated the sight of blood, hated his screams and pain. But found relief in it.
He was dying in front of her eyes, and she was horrified by the display. But not enough to look away. Ubbe squeezed her hand in a silent question if she was ok. She shrank back but kept looking, cringing from time to time at the violence. This is the last time she would see death; she couldn't handle so much gore ever again.
"Vanya!" Silas screamed out between his cries for mercy, catching her eye in the crowd. Vanya locked gazes with his pleading one, her eyes cold and empty, a coverup of the turmoil in her core. "Please!"
She shook her head, keeping her head held high, not showing any sign of hesitance or weakness. She wanted Silas to see what he caused in her eyes before he died.
Blessed are the poor in spirit,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are they who mourn,
for they shall be comforted.
Blessed are the meek,
for they shall inherit the earth.
Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for they shall be satisfied.
Blessed are the merciful,
for they shall obtain mercy.
Blessed are the pure of heart,
for they shall see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they shall be called children of God.
Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Vanya repeated in her mind, remembering how their mother drilled the words into their minds as children. If Silas is truly a martyr, then he will be reunited with God, which she doubts, but maybe it will give comfort to Silas. The blond King kept screaming as Ivar drew the lungs from his body, putting it on his shoulders, his time on earth coming short. "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth." She whispered underneath her breath, seeing the life fade from Silas's eyes and his head fall.
He was dead.
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cetaceass · 4 years
If that's okay, I'd like to request some headcanons or a scenario in which Ferid from OnS takes a liking to a certain human, and since the human loves spending time with Ferid, they get along well despite the human being super shy, but not afraid to voice their opinions. Later they become one of Ferid's servants and then a friend of his, and then after being friendzoned for a while, they become his lover, basically a very slow burn. Feel free to ignore it if you don't like it. Thanks in advance!
a/n: I'm so happy you sent this and I gotchu boo! Also thank you for your patience and for sending your request!! 💖
It’s really long cause I be adding too many things and forgot this was supposed headcanons, not a fleshed out fic lmaoo. My brain just gets way too into it and has fun haha!
Sooo, I guess this is a half fic/half headcanons??? Ficanons??? hics??? 😳
Reader is 18+ here, just sayin' cause it'd be weird if it were a child
Anyway, I hope it's to your liking anon!! 🥺💖
Con mucho amor <3
My Favorite Human
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Before the whole vampire reign and the massacre of humanity happened, you were a super shy kid. You often times minded your business seeing as you were too shy to talk to others
Now captured as live prey, nothing changed. You were still reserved and because of that, you were alone for most of the time. Many children your age have endlessly tried talking to you, but you couldn’t muster the courage to say anything back, only blush red and feel the rapid beat of your heart
Literally, kids your age were roaming around laughing, and you would just sit back and watch. Every once in a while, newcomers would ask if they could include you, but of course, someone would explain your lack of response and continue on with their game
One time, as you were watching the children have fun, someone had sat next to you
You couldn’t clearly see them, oh, but you felt their looming presence
And your mind raced like crazy!!! 
What do you say? Are you going to mess up? 
“Such interesting faces you make~!! Does my presence alone intimidate you? I don’t bite..not hard at least~”
Ferid’s red eyes watched you, dancing with curiosity to the way you react to his words. The vulnerability, and the quivering of your body. He hums in content before walking away humming a tune
You hoped the person doesn’t come back again
That didn’t happen
The next day, the day after that, a week, and then a month you were tortured by this person, but little by little you grew accustomed to it
Quick glances is your superpower!!!
Of course, not quick enough that Ferid wouldn’t notice uwu
Two months passed by honestly, Ferid cannot get bored of you and your reactions to his comments, yet, today was different
He was doing his usual teasing and glanced to see that favorite red face of yours only to hear you shakedly inhale and turn to look at him directly in his eyes
“Stop following me around and saying weird things!!”
He was shook!!! Like, his eyes slightly widened at your actions and said nothing as you exploded red, crookedly smiled at him, and ran away to who-knows-where. And he laughed at this.
Despite saying nothing for two months, and now say something? He couldn’t leave alone after that, not with that tease of fierceness in your eyes. You really piqued his interest now that he definitely knew.
Upon arriving to your small home, face beet red, you couldn’t help let out a childish giggle remembering the expression the white haired male made
You were glad he didn’t leave you alone after two months
Two years have passed and now you’re a servant of the one and only, Ferid Bathory
Still shy to this day with him, Ferid noticed, but you were slowly opening yourself and showing some colors
Ferid unconsciously tries to help with your shyness
Mikaela enters into the picture as his second servant
Whenever you and the noble vampire were alone, he would tease you about Mikaela and it’s those rare moment that you spoke your mind 
“[Name]~! You don’t talk to me as much anymore! Are you perhaps in love already with Mikaela~?”
“No. Are you perhaps jealous?”
Ferid always looses it when you aren't shy and say whatever you're thinking
It's embedded in his brain 24/7
Honestly, Ferid accepts that he'll probably never get tired of you
You were pretty sad when you heard that Mikaela left to save his so-called 'boyfriend'
His heart s q u e e z e d at your crestfallen expression and nearly tripped
And he was just standing lmao
Remember when your bold comebacks and opinions were embedded in his brain?
Yeah, well now, your embedded in his brain
He notices how you get nervous, thoughs small twitches of a smile whenever he goofed around with you, how when you're uncomfortable you tap your fingers against your thighs. Those facial expressions you make when you're embarrassed and shy af made his heart literally stop only to be revived again by you tapping his face
He couldn't help bit wonder...what other expressions you could make under different circumstances..
cough cough
woah, looks like he ain't just thirsty for blood, ya catch my drift? 😏
After days thinking over these newfound feelings (which he thought was impossible) he came to the realization that he likes you
He didn't see you as his servant. He never once did actually. You were his friend, yet he wanted to be so much more than that
He yearned to be more than just a 'friend' to you
So he confessed that day after he made up his mind after so much debating
And you friendzoned him
"Ferid, I like you. But I like you as a friend. I'm sorry."
Damn, you have no mercy for the noble vampire 😬
But ngl, you were panicking on the inside
Was it right for you to do that? Did you ruin it? Was he still going to talk to you?
The flamboyant vampire still spoke to you normally like any other day, but even you could tell the he was hurting.
But not to the point that Queen Krul herself came to talk to you
"Tell me, servant of Ferid Bathory, do you really view him as a friend or are you just lying to yourself?"
You denied duh
You bet your booty cake that she didn't believe you
"From now on, Ferid will no longer feed off of you. Okay? Okay."
So now there you were, watching (more like glaring) Ferid drink blood from someone that wasn't you
The Vampire has never seen you this livid before
And he was gonna take advantage of that
He hummed in satisfaction and this man had the audacity to even look at you while doing it
You walked over to him and glared at the person he held, making them flinch and run away
You sat on his laps, shakely inhaled before once again looking straight at his red eyes
Eyes you've come to adore and love
Actually you loved the vampire to death
"I take back what I said to you that day. I like you too, Ferid Bathory."
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rosesanthology · 4 years
Golden Hues | Bokuto Koutaro x F!reader [GreekMyth!AU]
That was incredibly hard to write thank you very much🤡 figuring out how to write a certain character is quite the challenge so today i offer you, offbrand Bokuto in an Ancient Greece setting !
[Songs] : • Towards the sun by Rihanna
              • All good people by Delta Rae
[Tags] : @raevaioli @hqxreader
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- your whole life has been revolving around the same things, not that you minded them
- you were the oldest daughter of a noble in Greece, and your family was known by the people as being descendants of gods and godesses
- throughout the years you've been taught how to act like someone your rank, how to uphold a position of power even in situations where a woman should't be
- you were grateful for that
- you were taught manners, litterature and arts as well as the art of fighting and that was pretty much it
- war, was not inherantly seen as a bad thing, it was almost like those plays that you often watched when you were a kid
- vast sceneries of warriors blessed by the gods to fight alongside them, defending their beliefs or properties
- at least that's what you thought back then, the reality of war was a whole other thing, and yet the necessity of knowing how to defend yourself against any ennemy was not one to ignore
- fighting wasn't pretty. But it had to be done.
- another reality was the one of the gods, you had witnessed it yourself one faithful day of training with your servants
- a young man carrying a lyre had approached you, seemingly coming out of nowhere
- you were pretty sure that it was Apollo, god of the sun, healing, arts and oracles; patron deity of your family for centuries now
- at the time, he had whispered words that you still managed to remember clearly :
        On the horizon of a sacred dawn,
    When the sword and arrow cross paths  
A union that will make the earth shake all the way to the farthest parthenon, shall rise
          And with it the fall of an order.
- a prophecy
- that sounded ominous to say the least but at that moment you had felt something in you that you could only describe as being some sort of repressed euphoria brewing deep somewhere in your mind
- sadly, the prophecy reached the ears of your parents and soon you found yourself trapped in your quarters for the majority of your days
- only going out for classes and eating, your parents having cut down most of your sparring sessions anyways
- your once fullfilling life now reduced to a scheduled routine, the only fun part of it being when you got to hear the stories of your litterature instructor paired with the occasionnal sneaking out during the afternoon or at night
- he felt as if in order to understand the "outside world" better you had to get actual informations on it
- and so he started talking to you about random things he heard during the day
- some days it was just about how the flower merchants closest to the royal grounds had gotten engaged and made a joined business
- other days like today it was about how the people have been effervescent about a certain talented warrior from a neighbouring city
- allegedly, he mained the bow and arrow with an unmatched deadly grace, making his way through entire battlefields in no time, some spread the rumor that he did so while smiling, unbothered and untouched by ennemy attacks
- some speculated that he was a demigod, son of some powerful deity or the reincarnation of Achilles, however one thing was sure is that he took the spotlight everywhere he went
- it would be an understatement to say that you were intrigued
- how was that possible ? Was he really unbeatable ? How was he the same age as you ?
- "well not like you would ever find out", you thought, returning to your room after class
- with the absence of servants on your way your next thought was easy : sneaking out
- it was a habit you picked up
- you went outside from the window for a few hours and came back in as if nothing happened
- and today was one of these days
- so here you were, strutting through the woods trying to find some cool rocks to add to your collection back in your room
- when you heard some kind of rustling sound
- at first you were scared cause what if it was a brown bear ??
 - well at least it would make an interesting story if you came out of it alive
- but then you saw a head of white hair peaking out from behind some bushes and a voice saying something close to
- "pspspsps" yep. Definitely not a bear
- "Excuse me ?" you said, trying to get the attention of whoever that was
- the person jumped and judging by the "thud" following, you could only assume that they fell
- going round the bushes, you were meant by a well built looking man with spikey white hair and piercing imperial gold colored eyes looking up at you from the ground
- that....was not something you were used to
- "are you alright ?" you said, helping him up
- " yeah don't worry im fine ! I was just trying to catch this squirrel" he was smiling so bright that it almost blinded you in addition to the sound of your own heart pounding that was making you deaf
- "oh im sorry....did i make it run away ?"
- "well- yes but at least now i get to talk to a pretty girl !"
- oh :0
- and that's how the conversation began
- you learned that his name was Bokuto and that he was a royal guard of a close city, one that was as powerful as your own
- "oh so do you know the rumors about that demigod archer ?"
- "you mean the ones people spread about me ?? You know, im pretty good with a bow and arrow but not to that level haha"
- you never suspected that you had all those questions for him until you started spewing them out one after another but luckily he seemed to never come short with answers
- you talked for hours until night had fallen and you had to go back to royal grounds before anyone noticed you were gone
- he walked you the whole way back to your bedroom window because he "wanted to protect you" even tho you did this like every other day
- he just wanted to talk to you more
- "goodnight princes-"
- "you can call me Y/N you know ?
- "no princess is cuter ≧◡≦" he was really thankful for the late hour because he really didn't want you to see the blush on his face right now
- "hey Bokuto !" your voice made him turn back faster than light
- "do you want to meet again tomorrow ?"
- of course he wanted to
- and the pattern went on for about a month or so
- you would meet him in the woods outside of royal grounds and you would just talk and have fun with him until night when he would insist on walking you home
- tonight was no different aside from the fact that you stayed a few hours later than usual with him
- at this point you guys were very much in love with each other but also too much of a mess to confess already and you were kind of fed up
- so he was walking you home as per usual and you were leaning against the window frame bidding him your goodbyes as the sun began to rise in the distance
- "goodnight prin-" you cut him off by grabbing his face and kissing him, the shock of your lips against his had caused both of your minds to focus on each other, and there it was
- the same euphoric feeling from that time you heard the prophecy
- so that was it....love
- "goodnight Y/N" he had said when you finally pulled away, not needing to add anything more to it as you already knew how you felt about one another
- that day you fell asleep with dreams about spending your future with Bokuto, the dorky demigod warrior who had stolen your heart
- except all dreams must come to an end
- the next day your parents had informed you about an incoming war with another city....his city
- after all those years of peace and unity why now of all times ?
- "the fall of an order" this line of the prophecy echoed in your head as you sat on the floor of your room
- you couldn't help but ask yourself if somehow this was one of the gods' jokes
- if this was your fault
- would that mean that now Bokuto would resent you ?
- you heard a soft knock on your window, you already knew who it was and you went to open it, hesitant and scared of what was next to come for the both of you
- " Y/N you're here !" he beamed, staying true to himself even now
- "Bokuto have you no knowledge of what is happening ? Our cities are-"
- "on the edge of war ? I know that and that's why i came"
- "to say goodbye" you thought, already bracing yourself for the heartbreak
- "to ask you to run away with me !"
- you looked at him in shock and he just responded by smiling as if nothing about that statement scared him, as if nothing in this world could make his golden eyes loose their oh so familiar shine
- in this moment you understood that he really was something else, a sun amongst mortals, and a song in the darkest times of your own life, a light in the battlefield.
- not hearing any response from you, he held your hands together between his warm ones, confidence unwavering as he locked eyes with you and spoke,
- "We don't have to ever be appart, must the skies and gods themselves threathen us as much as they want, i'll never let it happen. We shall stay together and brave the odds and Fate herself. With Apollo's blessing, we'll make even Aphrodite and Ares jealous."
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