#but i've waited long enough dammit
blortch · 7 months
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Jay tweets about Poor Things
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a-b-riddle · 5 months
Part Five
Can't stop thinking about the attempt of reconciliation and reader ain't having it. Our girl is going to be wilddddd y'all. Also goodnight. See y'all tomorrow (maybe)
You call Meredith when you get home.
You. Are. Fuming. She's not sure she can ever remember a time you using so many swear words at one time.
How fucking dare them? Immature? You're the immature one? You were the one trying your best to salvage four failing relationship meanwhile none of those assholes could be bothered to try and keep one. They had one person to manage: you.
"I wanna go out this weekend." "Wear something tight and borderline risk indecent exposure."
"You know what I always say," Meredith begins. "The best way to get over someone-"
"is to get under someone else." You finish. You weren't exactly keen on the idea of bringing someone to your bed just yet, but a little attention would do you some good. "I don't want to fuck someone just yet." You admitted. "I'm more on the getting drunk and making out."
"I didn't know we resorted back secondary school heavy petting?" She teased.
"University, Dear." You corrected. "I didn't peak until after I graduated."
"No." She argued. "You didn't put your books down long enough to realize that boys actually wanted to fuck you." You were glad she couldn't see you roll your eyes. "Saturday work for you? I have a late night Friday and won't be up for it."
"That works."
"Sorry." She apologized. "I plan on getting you absolutely smashed so I need to be ready to play the nanny. I know how you love to get drunk and run off."
It was true. You had always found it hilarious when you were drunk to just run. Quite literally run away. It got to a point during university where Meredith would handcuff you to her so you didn't stray.
"I won't run." Your sober mind promised.
"Uh huh." Meredith's tone told you that she knew that was a load of shit. "I'll text Tabs. Let her know the plan."
The next day at the shop was pretty uneventful. No more unexpected visitors. You still had them all blocked. Not caring if now they decided to offer up some bullshit apology.
Months. This had been a steady decline for six months. A text or a simply sorry won't fix this. You weren't sure anything could.
But it didn't matter. You were done and they obviously were too.
You had picked up enough take out to feed a family, but you didn't plan on making your lunch before work or cooking when you got home. The rest of the week you planned on just going through the motions until you could go out Saturday and hopefully get everything out.
You weren't paying attention as you walked down the hallway to your flat. Fishing in your purse for keys. You were at almost at your door when you saw him.
Sitting next to your door was a familiar face. A face you felt you haven't seen in forever.
“What are you doing here, Kyle?" Your voice was flat as you continued to blindly try and find your keys with one hand. Fuck. You really need to clean out your purse...
“My key wouldn’t work.” He explained. "So I’m out here.”
"I'm aware why you're not in my apartment since I changed the locks," you said, trying to keep your irritation at bay. "What I am asking is why did you come here?"
"You won't return any of our messages."
"You're all blocked, so technically I didn't really get any messages." "Besides, you don't get to complain to me about not responding to texts, Kyle Garrick." Your fingers finally wraps around them. God bless. "If you're here for your things, it'll have to wait. I have to sort through everyone's shit and I don't know whose is whose."
"We need to talk." He explains as you put the key into the lock, opening the door.
"Nah," you say scrunching your nose in that way he used to adore. "I'm good. But you can swing by tomorrow and pick up your things if you'd like." You say before trying to shut the door on him. You were stupid in thinking you could be faster than him.
"I know things haven't been good and I've definitely could have been better,'' he admits. "But can you at least try and let us apologize? Let us try and work it out."
"No." You answered, trying to close the door. Not caring if you had to resort to kicking his shins to get him out.
"Why not?" He countered.
“Maybe because I've already tried, Kyle?” You gave up on trying to shut him out. You were strong, but he didn't have any issues in besting you. “Because I actually tried with you. With all of you. You didn’t need to come here giving me excuses about your life being hectic because I’ve made the excuses for you.” You didn't miss how he practically flinched. He had always blamed his busy life. Family. Work. You stopped caring about whatever excuse he gave you and realized it was just that. An excuse. “I’ve been telling myself for months that everything you guys didn’t do for me wasn’t because you didn’t care about me. It was because of the stress of your deployments is the reason none of you tell me when you get back from until it’s time to fuck. I tell myself it’s because of the fucked up situation of me being with all of you that makes it awkward to meet your families. Families you all have that I now know I’m not worthy of meeting.” He wanted to correct you. You were. You were worthy. He was an idiot. “It’s not that I need your excuses to make me feel like what you did was justified. No matter what it was, it was apparently to you because you did it.”
He took a step back, processing everything you had said. He had been selfish. You were the reliable constant in his life. Someone he believed he never disappointed. Someone he couldn't disappoint no matter how many times he fucked up.
You took the opportunity to slam the door. Quickly turning the lock before he had a chance to open it back up.
That felt good.
You had spent that evening collecting their thing in case Kyle did show back up tomorrow. You wouldn't make their lives easier by sorting all their shit and organizing it. Everything. One box. Let them figure it out. You almost had a mind to add a shirt that you knew didn't belong to any of them just to have them argue over it. Or least make them think there was someone else...
You were almost tempted if not for the premise that you wanted them to realize this was their fault. Their fuck up. But now that you were officially all broken up, you were free game.
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orionremastered · 5 months
Are there another part for shapeshifter golden tiger reader :D i appreciate your writing so much! 💕
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I've gotten another ask regarding a shifter!reader, so Imma just pile em up into one big AU. Send more shifter requests to have them added to the list! Even outside of gotham with other dc heroes would be cool. Like they've all got connections with other shifters online or sumin
shifter gang
Part One
Golden Pt. 2
It's been a few days since you last saw the pair, and maybe you're okay with that. Nights have been quiet yet cold, and you're getting excited about the temperature change that comes with spring.
Night patrols have been close to uneventful; save a kid or two there, maul a criminal of two here- the usual, in other words.
You're expecting the usual again tonight, just quiet patrolling and nothing extreme-
Look, you haven't been here for long, okay? Optimism, got it?
You're on the prowl for a missing girl, one that the bats no doubt have on their radar too, but you never know- you might get to her first. You went to the apartment where she lives and are confident that you could pinpoint her on her scent alone.
It's been an hour or two since you started looking and finally, you catch a whiff of the little girl's scent. You draw closer to an abandoned building, sneaking through structures to hide from the unforgiving street lights that flicker, forgotten by the city.
You jump onto a dumpster and into a broken window above it, landing quietly on the dusty floorboards. You can hear crying and the little girl's scent gets stronger.
Someone snaps at her as you draw closer, creeping up the stairs to the second floor. Thankful that the floor doesn't creak, you continue through the corridor of apartments, the number of each room fading from their painted places upon doors.
The screaming gets louder until you stop at a door, slightly ajar. You nudge it open with your nose and- you've luck- it's silent too.
"Shut the fuck up, dammit, you'll-"
The man doesn't get much more out of his mouth before you pounce, toppling both of you to the floor. Your fangs lock around his wrist, making him cry out in pain as you reach for the gun in his hand and throw it to the farthest corner of the room.
You snarl, pushing a set of sharp claws into the top of his spine. He yells curses that one should not around a child.
The window shatters beside you and two figures gracefully land in the room, one larger and one smaller by the sound of the thuds. You turn your head to glare, teeth bared and gleaming before you realise it's Robin and Batman- the duo one only fears if they're a criminal in the light of justice.
The man continues screaming, but not after giving one threatening snarl, deeper than any other you ever have.
"Leave the rest of this to us," Robin says calmly, and you're certain you like him more than the brooding knight in the corner near the gun.
He's allergic to those things anyway, so it's not like you're worried.
You step off the man's back and slowly approach the girl. She scrambles back and you remember you have blood still on your fangs. Still, you lower your head and attempt to look as harmless as a big cat can.
You can't grin when she reaches out to pet your head in case she sees your bloodied teeth. Once she realises you won't do her any harm, she scratches your neck and ears. Purring, you nudge her gently and lower yourself to the floor.
She's small enough to climb onto your back without it being too much of a struggle to stand and walk- she must be only five. She giggles, eyes red with tears, but she finds comfort in the warmth of your fur.
"GCPD has been called," the Bat says, glaring down at the criminal. You and Robin do the same. "Would you like us to take the girl to a hospital?"
You raise your head to look at him and flash your fangs, a solid 'no'.
"Whatever you think is best," Robin says, the Bat looking at him with a stare only a father could give to his son. "But wait, before you go-"
Robin smooths the short furs of your head and scratches underneath your ear. It takes you by surprise at first, but you don't snarl or bare your fangs at him, so he continues until he feels as though his father's glare has gone on long enough. "I told my siblings I'd pat you first. It's a bet, the only one I have participated in so far-" Batman snorts- "And I have won. As expected, I have succeeded."
You make a sound of amusement.
"Perhaps we shall work together again," the older of the two says. You huff, knowing you did all of this yourself, but nod anyway.
Perhaps it's time to make some friends -ones that aren't drowning in coffee and assignments, anyway.
Taglist: @veunho, @chevysstuffs, @carewerff, @xxrougefangxx, @yorkeylover
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embrosegraves · 11 months
𝔸 ℕ𝕖𝕔𝕜𝕝𝕒𝕔𝕖
Max Verstappen x Reader  Max just wants to show his love for you 
A pre-graduation gift!
Part 1 of a very fluffy 2 part Fic. I've decided to put all of my Sugar Daddy fics (because there will be more) into their own universe. I dub thee, The Sugar -verse!
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Max was a man of his word. This meant that if he said he was going to do something, he would do it. Even if he said he would leave you alone to study. Of course he would pout a bit but he would leave you to do your thing. Most of all it meant that he absolutely would NOT change his mind after he utters the words “I’m going to…” when it came to spoiling you. 
In order to avoid the wrath he was sure to incur from you, he would often say it under his breath or he would think them so as to avoid you hearing them. Because Lord knows what you would make him promise  if you heard the things he was to purchase for you. In his opinion the laptop was nowhere near expensive enough. It made you happy though so he didn’t complain. Too much. 
Now however, Max didn’t see the problem in spending as much as he could on you. You were graduating with your degree after years and years of hard work. You deserved to be given whatever it was you wanted to have. And despite what you said, Max was very aware of his spending habits. Which is why when there was only a month until your graduation, he bought extra cabinets and shoe racks for him to build. 
Closer and closer the date crept up until it was the day before you graduated. Max had made sure that when you came home in the evening, there was a hot bath ready for you to soak in, a glass of your favourite wine and a plate of your favourite dinner meal ready on the bath tray. He was prepared to dote on you for however long you let him. Before you went to bed that night, Max decided that it wouldn’t hurt to give you at least one gift now. 
“Schat, I have something to give you.” 
You turned around in his arms so you could look at him properly. Times like this, when you would just be surrounded by him in comfort, were always your favourite thing. You would probably trade all the money in the world if it meant you could keep Max for yourself. Max wouldn’t make the same trade because that would mean that he couldn’t spend anything on you like he thought you deserved. 
“I’ve already been given so much tonight, My Love.” 
Max frowned a little when you spoke. He hadn’t given you anything yet. What did you mean you had been given so much? Seeing Max’s confusion you elaborated a little. 
“I’ve been given an entire evening to spend around you. I’ve been given all my favourite things and now I get to just lay here with you, which I think is the greatest gift of them all.” 
Max was thankful that most of the lights had been turned off. He could feel his face heating up. He buried his face between your neck and shoulder, giving you a light kiss. 
“I want to give you something you can wear tomorrow.” 
“Max.” Your voice was stern. 
“It’s something small, don’t worry.” 
“Just because it’s small doesn’t mean it wasn’t expensive, Max. What did you buy?” 
“A necklace.” Came Max’s muffled reply. He had been placing soft kisses to your skin the whole time. 
You closed your eyes to enjoy the feeling before you gently grabbed his face and moved it to look at you. Protests of “I wasn’t finished kissing” fell through Max’s mouth as you did. 
“Can you justify it?” You asked. Max looked like a pouting child, but he nodded. 
“I bought it because you’re graduating tomorrow and it’s a simple one so you can wear it every day and not just at fancy places.” It was a simple justification, but dammit he was right. You playfully scoffed but allowed him to get the necklace so he could give it to you. You felt an indescribable amount of love when you saw him get up with a big grin on his face. 
When he gave you the box for it, he sat in front of you like a kid waiting to show their parents a drawing they were proud of. Opening the box, you gasped and covered your mouth. The necklace was beautiful. A dainty gold chain with Max’s initial and your birthstone. 
“Max, this is beautiful.” Your voice was barely a whisper. You could hardly speak. It was simple, like he had said, but it was easily one of the most gorgeous things you had. 
“Will you wear it tomorrow?” Max seemed almost nervous as he asked you to wear his initial around your neck. 
In response you flung your arms around his neck and hugged him tightly, tears welling up in your eyes. His arms circled around your waist in reflex to keep you steady. 
“I’m never taking it off.” You breathed near his ear. A few moments later you detached yourself and held the necklace towards him. 
“Put it on for me?”
Neither of your smiles left your faces, even as you eventually succumbed to sleep.
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The necklace looks similar to these necklaces I saw on facebook lmao
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afewproblems · 1 year
I just got a tattoo done and was thinking about all of the before and after care instructions they gave me and how older Eddie would have possibly reacted to the list of things he would need to do or items to purchase for a new addition to his sleeve.
The artist reaches out to Eddie years after corroded coffin makes it big. She's fairly well known as a minor celebrity herself in the tattoo and body modification space in LA, so when she contacts Eddie's agent about offering a new piece for his eclectic sleeve he checks out her portfolio and is immediately sold.
She sends him the idea and he signs off on it right away and before they know it, he and Steve are on a plane from Chicago to Los Angeles.
It isn't until it's done, and the second skin is placed over the piece, smoothed out to ensure no bubbling, that Eddie balks at the secondary list of steps he needs to take.
The artist taps out the instruction email on her phone, hitting send with a dimpled grin before reaching out to shake his hand and Steve's, thanking them for being such great new clients. She asks Steve if he would be interested in a piece at some point, to which he smiles politely and shakes his head.
Steve has never been into tattoos for himself, though he's always gone to great lengths to admire and kiss each piece on Eddie's body.
Eddie half listens as they continue to chat, pulling out his phone to review the email she sent him.
"Ensure that you leave the second skin on for three to five days and upon its removal (see removal instructions on page two)..."
Eddie has to stop himself from rolling his eyes right then and there. It's not as though this is his first ever tattoo, he's been getting ink since before this girl was even born.
He winces at the thought, reminding himself that just because she's young doesn't mean she doesn't know her shit, and she clearly does. He shakes his head and nods when Steve says goodbye for them and they make their way to the elevator.
"Okay, what's with the face?" Steve asks quietly as soon as the door closes.
Eddie sighs and folds his arms over his chest, careful not to bump the now tender area on his forearm.
"You look like you swallowed a lemon, spill," he reaches out for Eddie's shoulder, his warm hazel eyes, now lined with gentle wrinkles at the edges search his face, "do you not like it?"
Eddie barks out a laugh, "it's probably one of the nicest ones in the whole collection, no Stevie, it's not that".
Steve raises his eyebrow now and just looks at Eddie until the elevator dings and the doors open before them.
God Dammit.
He loves and hates this ability, that Steve knows Eddie will crack eventually if he just waits long enough.
"Fine!" Eddie sighs as they make their way back to the hotel.
It's gorgeous out, nothing like the weather back home right now, the palm trees lining the streets and the twinkling fairy lights on every corner gives the area an almost magical feel, despite the bustling pedestrians packing the sidewalks.
"It's a little weird all the instructions," Eddie says eventually. He speaks slowly, doing his best to articulate exactly what he feels.
Steve nods, though the confused pinch between his brow doesn't quite fade.
"And I've been getting these done since it eighties, Steve, it's just a little--"
Eddie growls and tugs on his hair in frustration, "I don't want to be shitty".
Steve shrugs and loops his arm around Eddie's small waist, tugging him closer.
"Be shitty, you know I love it," he grins and lifts his free hand to remove Eddie's from his hair, "what about the instructions made you upset?"
"It's like I'm being talked down to," Eddie says with a frown, "I got a stick and poke from Jeff in '84 that was totally fine with out any of this," he lifts his arm now to show off the shiny second skin to Steve who nods.
"And which one was that again?" Steve asks, there's a leading lilt to his voice that makes Eddie want to sit on the sidewalk.
He huffs out a low whine, "Steve--"
"Eddie," Steve answers with a soft smile.
And Eddie knows he's lost this argument, if you could even call it that, because the bats that Jeff did for him all the way back in '84, have since been covered up.
Over the years they had morphed into six blobs of bluish grey on the back of his forearm that could no longer be distinguishable as bats, and after being asked about his 'abstract' tattoos by an interviewer a few years back, he had made the decision to get them covered.
And it could have been any number of things that lead to the eventual fading and blobification of his bats, but Eddie figured it was probably because they had almost immediately gotten infected a few days after Jeff had finished them in his parents garage.
Eddie clears his throat and opens the email on his phone again, taking another look at the list the artist had sent him.
"Fine, you gonna help me take care of this thing Stevie?" Eddie grumbles as they enter the revolving door of the hotel, stepping carefully into the pie shaped section to avoid colliding with the moving entryway.
Steve snorts and lets his hand curl through one of the belt loops on Eddie's jeans, "I think I remember agreeing to something like that, in sickness and health?"
He leans forward and nuzzels his nose into Eddie's ear, "till the end of our days".
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demonpiratehuntress · 5 months
Good to know you're doing great, and that's fine (and Yes Inumake Toge 😍😍 🥺🥺) How about Zoro x reader (reader is the daughter of Gold Roger but uses a different last name she's two years older than Ace and her identity is a secret, she does tell Zoro in private after they get together) them having triplets together all look like Zoro (all have his sense of direction lol) just the shenanigans of reader having three lost Marimos 😂 she's very amused by it (it makes sense considering her sense of direction is non existent too 😂 the crew has five direction challenged members yikes) also she's a fighter (has Uzui Tengen's swords lol... I'm only adding this part cause I don't really like reader not being a fighter sorry if that's inconvenient you can remove it, I'm not asking for battle scenes just a note to point out) she's his height (the struggles of my tall ass constantly having to imagine how tall a character is for them to be taller than my 6'4 ass 😂) and kinda hot headed
i love the idea of Zoro's and reader's children being directionally challenged just like him lol. i can do this idea, because i am also directionally challenged :) i just don't know who Uzui Tengen is, but I did google him to make sure! i hope you enjoy this :) so sorry it took so long!
taglist - @kabloswrld
it runs in the family
Roronoa Zoro x F!Reader
summary - the ask ^-^
warnings - not proof read
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It was hard enough having one lost soul to take care of. Watching Zoro was like watching a child, needing constant focus and attention to keep him from wandering off. Everyone takes turns watching him, but it ultimately ends up being your job most of the time because it's so exhausting.
"I'm going to that weapons store over there, be right back."
Your head snapped up when you heard him say that, eyes going wide as you immediately lunged forward to grab his wrist.
"It's right over there!" He protested, "I won't get lost."
You snorted and raised an eyebrow, "Babe I've seen you walk across the street and get lost. I don't believe you for a second. Sit down."
He grumbled and complained, but listened and took his seat next to you again. The two of you were waiting for the others to come back from their respective tasks, having finished your own (no thanks to Zoro, you had done it yourself). You swore you looked down for two seconds and when you turned to say something to him, he was not there. You shot up instantly, looking around for a mop of green hair.
"That idiot-"
You found him soon enough, and he was making his way to the weapons store just like he wanted. You were quick to scramble after him, knowing if you lost him now it would take you a whole day to find him. Maybe two.
The man grunted as you grabbed his ear, shooting you a pained glare as you twisted it and pulled him in the other direction.
"Dammit woman, at least let my ear go!"
"You need a leash!"
And that's pretty much how it goes every time you have to babysit your husband. It only got worse when you found out you were pregnant, and produced three exact copies of the swordsman. Three little menaces with his hair, his features, his personality, and your eyes. That's about the only thing they got from you.
To absolutely no one's surprise, they turned out to have a horrible sense of direction just like their father.
To be honest, you were a little relieved they hadn't inherited anything from you. As the daughter of the famed Gol D Roger, you were just as much at risk of being captured and locked up forever - or executed - just because of your parentage, like your younger brother. Only Zoro knew who your father was, as you kept the secret as possible. Even then, you only told him because you wanted no secrets between the two of you, which you'd promised each other on your wedding day. It seemed so long ago, with everything you'd been through, but you were more than grateful for the swordsman.
Not just for keeping your secret (you were pretty sure he forgot the day after you told him) but for protecting you to a point. He knew you could take care of yourself, he'd seen how skilled you were with your blades. He wasn't overbearing, because you were already a strong fighter, but he protected you in other ways, like keeping you from getting into dangerous situations that risked exposing who you were - like that one time in Water 7 when Garp absent-mindedly noted that you reminded him of Gol D Roger, Zoro quickly changed the conversation. He was dumb, but he was more perceptive than he led people to believe.
All these memories, of meeting him and dating him and eventually marrying him, flooded your mind as you gazed down at your sons. A soft smile on your face, you admired just how much they looked like their father, something you had hoped for but the others teased you for.
But you found out soon enough that although having three little kids running around was hard enough, it was made worse when you and the crew found out about their lack of directional sense.
You smacked the back of your husband's head hard, immediately waking him from his nap. He glared up at you for a moment before seeing the furious look on your face and immediately became nervous.
"Where are the boys?!"
"They were right over-" He pointed to the nearby swing, "-there."
"Uh huh, and where are they now?" You crossed your arms.
He scratched the back of his head, getting to his feet, "Uh..."
You smacked him again, "Dumbass. You're just lucky this island isn't as big as all the other ones we've been to!"
But as it turned out, searching for your lost children wasn't hard. They were only a block away from the small park Zoro had taken them to, huddled together on the side and looking around in confusion. In true Roronoa Zoro fashion.
One of them spotted you and yelled happily, dragging his siblings towards you and your sheepish husband. You smiled and scooped two of them up, leaving the third to be lifted into Zoro's arms.
"You guys know you're not supposed to go anywhere without me or your father," you scolded, holding back a smile at how cute they looked glancing at each other before looking down.
"Sorry, mommy. It won't happen again."
And they sound so cute, so sad, you just have to smother their little faces with kisses until they're laughing and pushing your face away.
"Ew, mom!"
But of course, it does happen again. Because they're Roronoa Zoro's children, they always manage to get themselves lost. The next time it happened, you were visiting Vivi in Alabasta. As you and the others were caught up in greeting the princess, your overeager kids found some other kids to play with and went off with them without telling you or Zoro.
Your husband, bless him, tried to go after them but got himself lost in the process. How you know? Sanji found your kids and brought them back, but said he hasn't even SEEN the swordsman.
"Babe you are the LAST person who should go looking for lost people!" You sighed when you found him, shaking your head. "It always ends up like this."
"Those are MY kids-"
"Clearly," you pinched the bridge of your nose. "Anyway Sanji found them, so let's just go." You dragged him back to everyone else, ignoring the way his eye twitched at the mention of the cook.
That's not to say you were good with directions, because you were also bad with them. Sure, you had a better idea of direction than Zoro did, but the crew was still a little wary about sending you anywhere alone.
You and your family tended to butt heads about it, especially when you were all shopping for things you needed. Zoro would claim what you were looking for was in one aisle, while you asserted that it was in another.
It was quite funny for the crew actually, watching the five of you argue and then run off in different directions, only to forget which way you came from and struggle to get back. They had a blast when you took the kids to a carnival where there was a maze, because they found their way out relatively quickly. All the while you, your directionally-challenged kids and your even more directionally-challenged husband went in circles.
"I think it's this way."
"No, no, it's definitely this way!"
"Trust me, I know where I'm going!"
"So do I!"
You two were so busy arguing about where to go that you didn't notice your mischievous children sneaking off to try and find their own way out. Much like Zoro, they hated arguing and they wanted to just take action instead of thinking. By the time you realised it was too quiet, they were nowhere nearby.
"Oh my God, not again!" You face-palmed, then whirled on the swordsman, "This is your fault!"
"Mine?! You wanted to argue!"
Steam was practically coming out of your nose and ears, but you took a deep breath and calmed yourself. One of you had to be reasonable here. So without a word, you turned and walked in one direction while your thick-headed husband went in the other.
"(kid 1 name)! (kid 2 name)! (kid 3 name)!" You tried calling, hearing their voices call back out to you every time you did. But as soon as you thought you were getting close, you would call again and their voices would be even further away.
They were going in the opposite directions.
"Hey, kids!" You called again, "Just stay right there for mom, okay? Stay where you are."
Eventually you do find them, but now you have no idea where you came from so you have no idea where to go. Outside the maze, the rest of the crew is fast asleep as they wait for the five of you to figure it out, Nami being the only one staying awake just in case you made it out earlier than they expected.
You didn't.
"We can't take you guys anywhere," the redhead complained, making you laugh.
Yeah, that was pretty much what the Straw Hat crew had to deal with.
A/N: i hope this lived up to your expectations! i wasn't sure how to piece it all together so just tell me if i missed anything in your request, or if you're not satisfied with any of the parts! :) im open to criticism!
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atlasalexanderwrites · 9 months
IMAGINE...being there with Arthur when he goes to Thomas Downes for his payment and interfering before things can go too far (preventing Arthur from catching TB)
WARNING: none that I can think about, Arthur may be OOC some.
OTHER: reader is gender neutral; no gender specifics given to the reader so your choice!
A/N: the brain rot is real with RDR2 and with Arthur Morgan; I've been feeling icky for the last few days and the others in my house are all coming down with stuff so I needed a comfort character aka Mr. Morgan himself.
A/N2: I've been wanting to write an alternative to the scene where Arthur gets sick where...well...he DOESNT get sick. Originally, I attempted writing him as more low honor Arthur and then instead got this instead lol
“Arthur stop.”
“Arthur this has gone on long enough.”
Your weren't overly, physically strong by any means, but your partner wasn't in his right mind and was swinging blindly at the poor, frail man he had pinned to the ground. Arthur wasn't thinking clear enough that you were able to knock him to the ground and off of the man who immediately rolled to the side and started coughing, blood splattering all over the ground.
You held a hand to Arthur's chest, praying like hell he had the sense not to start swinging on you as well. “Mr. Downes, I am so sorry about this. I…it seems the heat has gotten to my partner. Is there somewhere that we can speak, calmly and peacefully?” The man had been upset the entire time you and Arthur had been there. Whatever reasons he had for borrowing from Strauss, you knew that you and Arthur didn't have even half of the story. And while you ran with the Van Der Linde gang, the last thing you enjoyed doing was swindling poor people who clearly were unable to repay the loan.
“Arthur, go clean your hands off. Now. And stay with the horses.” You demanded, openly glaring at him and silently warning him against arguing with you.
He grumbled and spat at the ground, but knew you well enough not to push his luck.
You waited for him to stomp off before turning back to the Downes family. 
They were watching you with hesitation and distrust, which you couldn't blame them at all for, but you could also see something hidden just beneath the surface. Something akin to hope.
You sat with them for over an hour, listening to their troubles and how they had ended up this way. They truly were just misfortunate souls who had landed on bad times that seemed to only get worse.
Mr. Downes was sick. Really sick.
It had affected his ability to work as he once had. Taking aloan from Strauss had felt like the only thing to do at the time. Even if the man knew it was a bad idea.
“Get well, please. You won't hear from myself or my associates again.” You promised, biting back the raw anger building in your stomach for Leopold Strauss. What the hell had that man been thinking loaning to these people?
He's a fraud. Just like the rest of us in the Van Der Linde gang. Liars, cheats, and no-goods.
How could you have expected anything but this?
“Feeling better?” You asked Arthur, coldly, as you met back up with him at the horses.
“Oh don't start with me. What the hell was that back there? I nearly had the payment.”
“You nearly guaranteed your own death, Morgan, don't get an attitude with me. That man is sick, his family is struggling, have some…some compassion. This isnt you, Arthur. You're not a thoughtless, careless asshole who beats up the helpless.”
“Oh what the hell do you know about me?”
You rolled your eyes and pulled yourself up into your horse's saddle, “I know you’re better than this. I know you're not meant to be the next Dutch. And I know that all of this eats away at you at night; whether you want to admit it or not.”
Arthur scoffed and rolled his eyes, “Yeah well, you think you’re so smart, dontcha?”
“Smarter than you’re acting,” you grit your teeth and pulled at your horse’s reins to turn away from him, “Get your head out of your ass, Arthur, and stop trying to act so damn tough. The others might like you like this, but I don’t. And I can think of a few others who don’t either.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Arthur was sitting atop his own horse now and rode up alongside you. He was still upset, but his tone was lower and more gruff than anything else, “I was handling things just fine back there.”
“Sure, Arthur.”
“I didn’t need you to step in.”
“I know that, Cowboy.”
“Will you stop answerin’ me like that?” A sigh slipped from your lips as Arthur’s hand suddenly reached across the small distance between the horses and wrapped around your wrist, keeping you from taking off and trying to force you to pay attention to him. “You’re still too soft on people, ya hear? He knew what he was getting into when he accepted Strauss’ loan.”
Meeting his gaze, you nodded and responded with, “Yes, he did, but people make mistakes, Arthur, and it shouldn’t be met with a stiff fist to the face. He’s ill, Strauss took advantage of that. Thomas Downes and so many more are simply trying to get by. Just as we are. It doesn’t matter now. The debt is settled, I’ll handle things with Strauss.”
It was easy enough to see the look of thought behind Arthur’s blue eyes, and you could tell he was thinking over everything that had happened and all you had said. Finally, he nodded stiffly and let go of your hand. “Alright then, Partner. I’ll follow your lead.”
“Really?” You questioned, brow raised.
Arthur shrugged, “Don’t sound so surprised. Don’t I always do as you say?” His tone had returned to a more teasing nature, the corner of his mouth twitching upward in amusement.
“No, you don’t. If you did, we wouldn’t always end up in these situations.”
Humming, Arthur rubbed at his chin and asked, “Would you have me any other way?”
A laugh escaped your mouth before you could stop it and this time when you rolled your eyes it was out of fondness instead of irritation as before. “No, Arthur Morgan, I wouldn’t have you any other way.”
Hey! I hope you all enjoyed! If so please consider liking and reblogging! Thank you!
Please stay safe!
~ Atlex Writes
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theglamorousferal · 3 months
Persephone's Binding Part 7
Hardcover/Anger Management ship Sacrificial Bride au
AO3 Prompt Part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
As he slid into the booth Jason was glad he had taken Danny's advice on wearing "Mid 2000's American chic". Clad in dark wash jeans, a red Henley shirt and his leather jacket he waited for Danny to come back with their order of "Nasty Burgers". He wasn't particularly excited about the name, but after sparring for four hours he was starving.
"One Double Nasty Burger with Nasty Fries and a chocolate milkshake for you and the rest is for me!" Danny returned to the table with his arms stretched longer than should be possible with four trays of food. He placed one in front of Jason and kept the others for himself. Jason raised an eyebrow at him. "What?"
"You sure you can eat all that?"
Danny smirked, grabbed a fist full of fries and declared "Watch me," and shoved his whole hand into his mouth in an almost cartoon logic sort of way.
Jason gaped for a moment before he chuckled to himself and picked up his burger. It looked like a regular burger, so he took a bite and - dammit it's delicious! He finished his bite and reached for the fries - eh, pretty mid.
"You were right about the burgers, this is delicious. However, once we figure out if or when we can contact my home dimension I am taking you to Batburger and your are gonna try the Jokerized fries." Jason finished his statement gesticulating with a fry before he popped it into his mouth.
"As long as your paying." Danny said, himself gesticulating with a fry. "I mean, flying around and doing ghostly shit is pretty taxing, so I'm always down for food, especially of the high calorie kind."
"Fair enough." They lapsed into a comfortable quiet for a while. Danny quickly worked his way through four Double Nasties, three large fries and two milkshakes.
Jason remembered something he had seen at the training grounds. "So I know we can't use projectiles on each other, but I noticed targets at the grounds. Any chance we can spend the afternoon practicing our aim?" Danny raised an eyebrow at him and Jason rolled his eyes. "Fine. Do you want to spend the afternoon trying to one-up each other?"
"Sounds like a plan, dude." Danny took a long slurp of one of his milkshakes. "So, what do you think of my sister?" he asked, narrowing his eyes.
Jason startled at the shift in topic and blinked. Am I about to get a shovel talk? I should probably be serious then. "I think she is very kind and genuine in her care of things. I think she's acting as Atlas and I think it's been that way for longer than she's been Regent. I think she probably should take one if not multiple days off." He brushed the salt from his fingers onto his jeans and licked his lips before speaking again. "I haven't really been able to have a real conversation with her yet. Mostly we've kinda just given each other a summary of our lives and a brief discussion about books after our discussion in the library last night. I've interacted with you more than I have her, but from what I've seen of both of you so far, I'm impressed."
Danny looked at him, his green eyes intense, as if scrutinizing his very soul. He very well might be doing that actually. Jason did not flinch at the inspection, everything he had said was genuine.
"Hmm." Danny took a loud slurp, finishing off that milkshake. He set it aside and grabbed the other. "Do you find her attractive?"
Jason did not waver as he responded. "Just because I do doesn't mean anything without her approval." Danny narrowed his eyes further and took a sip so long Jason wondered if he had to breathe.
Jason sighed. "Fine, I may try and make myself a bit more aesthetically pleasing to her to try and catch her attention besides that I am a person in need and would gladly take pointers if you aren't completely against me attempting to woo her."
Danny smirked. "I knew it! Ha, take that Johnny!" He whipped out a clunky looking device and sent off a message in a group chat. He then leveled Jason with a look. "K, so, I may be new to the whole 'reading souls' thing, but when I took a look as you were talking nothing looked off and I've enjoyed hanging out with you so far today so I'm going to help you." As Jason perked up, Danny held out a hand. "I'm just gonna say this right now; I am not a miracle worker. I'm going off of evidence from past crushes and boyfriends here and it's been years since her last one. She's been a bit too busy for romance with all the training and then everything that happened.
"Anyway, you're on the right track with the biker aesthetic if this is more like your every day clothes. If you had a bike to go with it then we can likely get your foot in the door. I mean, you've already got a leg up on her last boyfriend with talking to her about books." Danny paused in eating his fries. "You know what? Let's rain check on the target practice, I'm gonna take you someplace we can get you a ride. We'll kill three birds with one stone, you get more of the biker aesthetic, maybe you can get Jazz to go on a ride with you, and you can move around the Zone without needing one of us to guide you!" Danny shot off another message to his group chat and then promptly finished off the last of his fries. "Come on, let's head over!"
Jason gathered all the trash and dumped it away as he followed Danny out of the restaurant. Danny grabbed Jason by the shoulders and flew off from Amity and towards a segment of floating land that looked like a winding road.
"It's gonna take a bit to get there at normal person speeds. Mind if I speed this up a bit?" Danny looked down at Jason.
"Go for it, I'm used to flying with the Supers and they can move at light speed."
Danny looked at him shocked for a moment. "Man, your dimension sounds so cool!" At the last word Danny's entire being seemed to flicker brighter and the freckles on his face spun around and were shaped like stars. He cleared his throat, embarrassed for a moment. "I can't go nearly that fast, but my top speed should get us there in five instead of thirty minutes." With that he took off.
Soon enough, Jason saw quickly approaching what appeared to be a brownstone not unlike those from any major US city with an apartment above two businesses. A garage and a stylist's from the look of it. Standing in front of the place was a couple, a blonde and very pale man in a mechanic's jumpsuit covered in various stains, and a very pale woman with green hair and bright red leather jacket and skirt.
"Hey Phantom, so this is the poor schmuck?" The blonde asked after Danny placed Jason back on his feet.
"Hey Johnny, yeah, this is Jason. Poor guy got sacrificed to Jazz of all people." Danny replied with all the air of a younger sibling. "Anyway, I'm pretty sure he left his bike in his home dimension, mind hooking him up with a ride? I don't want to have to carry him everywhere and I doubt a ghostly horse is gonna do it for him." He stuck his thumb out, pointing at Jason behind him.
Johnny seemed to be sizing him up, his arms crossed before he eventually nodded. "Fine, but it's going on your bill." He turned to head into his shop. "See ya later Kitty, I got a big project apparently." He kissed the woman before he walked into the garage.
Jason made to follow, but Kitty stopped him. "If you ever need some styling you come to me okay kid? And if you make the Queen cry, I can make men vanish with a kiss." She patted him on the shoulder before sauntering back into her shop.
"Yeah, Kitty got close with Jazz after a fight she had with Johnny one time. It's kind of weird because when Jazz was dating Johnny, he was trying to get it so Kitty could possess her to exist in the Living Realm. It was a whole thing, but it's behind us at this point." Jason blinked at Danny's back as he floated his way into the garage. Okay then, just casually drop horrifying lore why don't you? Jason followed him inside.
Danny was floating over Johnny's shoulder as the man was drawing up basic schematics.
"Standard Court specs?" Johnny asked the floating High Prince.
"For liminal humans for now yeah. We haven't had the chance to bring him to get a full scan done to find his classification yet."
"Hmm. Okay, hey Sacrifice, get over here, do you like low riding or tight riding?" Jason joined them at the table and they spent the next few hours planning out Jason's ecto-bike. "Looks good, it's gonna take me a bit, but I can get it to you in a week, two tops if I can't get one of the parts. I'll hold off on the engine until we know what your classification is, if you produce your own ecto then we'll need a sample for it." At Jason's hesitation he continued. "It just means that it'll be more self-sustaining and you can summon it to your will. It'll lock-on to your ecto-signature."
"Cool, do you think it'd work in my home dimension? Or will I have to leave this beauty here if or when I leave?"
"Possibly? I mean, at the very least you are death-touched and that kinda manifests ectoplasm in universes. It depends on how much ambient ecto there is around. It doesn't run on gas, it runs on ectoplasm." Danny butted in. "Either way, it'll be good to have here, and who knows, if you have to leave it, maybe you can still come visit?"
"Yeah kid, I'd like that." Jason replied.
Danny smiled. "Cool, well, we gotta head back for dinner. Lunch Lady is making baked Mac and Cheese tonight and I am not missing getting the corner servings."
"See ya around Johnny! Thanks for this by the way."
Johnny waved him off. "Eh it's no big deal, I make all the rides of the Royal Family. You being sacrificed means you're probably bound to this craziness for eternity." Johnny looked at him seriously for a moment. "Do better for her than I did, K? I know that won't take much, but she's been through Hell and back and she deserves someone to take care of her for once."
Jason nodded back, determination set on his face. "If she lets me, I will."
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skzimagines · 2 months
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Hide & seek part 2.
It's been 2 weeks since the last time I've seen Minho. But still, to this day, my heart locks up every time I think about what happened that day.
We have texted back and forth, but nothing about what happened that night. He invited me over to have a movie night with him and the guys, along with their girlfriends tonight. To say my nerves were going haywire, was an understatement.
My phone goes off with a notification from him reading 'I'll be there in 10, don't take forever.' I roll my eyes at his "mean" humor before shoving my phone in my bag and heading downstairs to wait for him.
It's not long before he pulls into my driveway, putting his car into park. He honks the horn, causing me to jump. "Dammit, Minho!" I shout, as I open the car door. "I said hurry up!" He says with an evil smirk. "You know, you're not very romantic. You could have at least gotten out and opened the door for me." I state sarcastically, climbing into the front seat before shutting the door. "Oh no, don't tell me this is the end of us already." He jokes back. A blush forms on my cheeks.
We spend the next 10 minutes catching up on the last couple of weeks, before pulling up to his apartment. "We're home!" He says excitedly. He puts the car in park and we both unbuckle. "Stay here." He says. He gets out of the car, and I watch as he makes his way around to my door. He opens it and holds out his hand, to which I take with my own. I step out of the car and lean down to fix my shorts that have ridden up from sitting down. That is until he suddenly pushes me up against the car, pressing his body against mine, before leaning his mouth down to my ear. I immediately get a whiff of his cologne. He smells amazing, a mix of vanilla and after shave. "I've missed you." He whispers against my ear, sending goosebumps down my spine. Again, the same feelings come back from that night. I feel a twinge between my legs when he brings his hand to my cheek, rubbing his thumb over it before stuffing his hand in my hair. He gently pulls at it, causing me to look up at him. "Did you miss me?" He asks, not taking his eyes off of my lips. I can't think straight enough to form a coherent answer, so I just nod. He gives me a smile, before pulling away and grabbing my bag off of the floor of the front seat before shutting the door. "Ready?" He asks cheerfully, as if he didn't just make me absolutely crumble two seconds ago. I clear my throat, doing my best to pull myself together, before we head inside.
Once we're inside, he stands behind me and takes off my jacket. “Everyone’s already here.” He says quietly. “Oh great, so I’m the last awkward one.” I joke. “Well.. don’t be awkward then.” He states, hanging my jacket on the coat rack. “Jee.. thanks.” I chuckle. He wraps his arm around my shoulder before making our way into the living room.
“Y/N!” Changbin yells. “Welcome! There’s snacks, drinks, take anything you want!” He says excitedly. I chuckle at his amusement. Everyone says hello before Minho tells them we’re going to his room. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!” Changbin jokes as we walk away. “If that’s the case, then we need to come up with different things NOT to do.” Minho jokes back. Everyone laughs as Changbin sits in shock dramatically, holding his hand to his heart.
Minho and I enter his room as he shuts the door behind us. I have never been in his room before, so taking in how neatly organized everything is, how good it smells, seems odd. “You wanna change?” He asks. “You ask every girl you bring in here that question?” I say with a laugh. “No, cause you’re the only girl that’s been in here.” He states nonchalantly, plugging his phone in next to his bed. My heart races at the thought. “Oh.. yeah, sure.” I grab my bag from his bed where he sat it, grabbing out my sweat pants. “Shit..” I mumble. He looks over at me before asking “what’s wrong?” “I forgot a shirt.” I state, looking through my bag again, making sure I didn’t miss it. “You sure you didn’t do that on purpose?” He asks with a smirk. “Yeah, I’m pretty sure.” I say, throwing him a sarcastic smile. He laughs.
He walks into his closet before coming out with one of his hoodies. “Here, wear this.” He says, handing it to me. I take it from him and set it on the bed with my sweatpants. “Okay…” I say. He stands there for a few seconds before I ask “well.. are you going to leave or?” “Why” he asks, looking honestly confused. “Uhh.. so I can change?” I say, but it comes out more as a question. “Are you shy?” He asks, causing a blush to form on my face for the third time since he’s picked me up. “No, I just..” I begin to say, but cut myself off, not knowing what to say. He steps closer to me, but stops before our bodies touch. He brings his hands to my hips, sliding them up my shirt before pulling it over my head. My hair falls down my back as he drops it on the floor. His eyes don’t leave mine, even with me standing in a bra in the middle of his room. “You’re so beautiful y/n… I hope you know that.” He whispers, stepping closer to me and resting his forehead on mine while closing his eyes. “Nothing compared to you.” I whisper back, not knowing where the burst of confidence came from. He smiles and bites his lip before opening his eyes and staring into mine. His deep brown orbs pull me into a trance, that I believe I won’t be able to pull out of. Before I know it, he’s moving closer, I feel his bottom lip touch mine… until someone knocks on his door. We both pull away. My nerves are completely shot at this point. “Yeah?” Minho shouts. “Are you guys done making love yet? We want to watch the movie!” Chan yells through the door. “Nope! Still have about 2 minutes left!” Minho yells back, jokingly. “Doubt it’ll be that long Minho.. come on!” Chan says with a laugh. The comment causing a laugh to leave my lips before I catch Minho’s disgruntled face. “Did he just make fun of me?” He asks. “I think he made fun of your ‘passionate love making skills’. I say through my laughs. Minho smirks before walking up to me once again and pushing me on to his bed before climbing on top of me. My laughing immediately stops and my heart begins to pound for air once again. “You think it’s funny?” He asks quietly. Again, not being able to form a sentence. This man is going to be the death of me. “Hmm?” He asks again. “N..no”. I say quietly. “Good, cause I don’t think you’d find my ‘passionate love making’ at all funny.” He says, before pushing his face into the crook of my neck, planting light kisses along it, up to my ear. His lips are so soft, heat rushes down my body and he continues to kiss, lick and suck on my neck. A tiny moan leaves my lips as he bites down gently into it. And in the flick of a dime, he stands up, leaving me lay on the bed in my own embarrassed, horny mess. He grabs the sweater from beside me. “Stand up…” he says sweetly. I stand like he asks and he slides the hoodie over my head and pulls my hair out of it. “Did you bring a hair tie?” He asks. “Yeah.. why?” I ask. “Grab it.” He states. I dig through my bag, once again and find a hair tie.
He takes it from my hand before spinning me around and pulling my hair into a ponytail and wrapping the hair tie around it until it’s secure. “There… so everyone can see you’re mine.” He whispers. Running his finger along my neck. Knowing what he meant, I quickly grab my phone and open my camera, panning it over where he was kissing it earlier. Only to reveal two, very noticeable hickeys. “Minho, what the hell?” I say dramatically. Causing him to laugh. “Get your sweatpants on, let’s go!” He says excitedly.
We make our way back out to the living room, where everyone’s sat with blankets and pillows. There’s a spot on the air mattress that they’ve blown up for more places to sit, that’s been left open for Minho and I. He holds my hand as I step onto the mattress and sit down, he sits beside me. He grabs a blanket and throws it over the top of us, before throwing his arm over my shoulder. “Let’s start the movie.” Han cheers from behind us, on the couch.
It's about an hour and a half into the movie and everyone has seemed to fall asleep. Even Minho seems like he's ready to pass out, considering his head keeps falling as he drifts off. His arm still hasn't left my shoulders, I can only imagine how numb it must be going by now. I gently grab his hand and move it from around me. He stirs a little and I take the opportunity to let him know I'm going to go home. "Min... I'm gonna head home, okay?" I say gently, trying not to wake anyone else. He lets out a hum. I take that as an okay and get up to head to his room to grab my things.
I grab my phone from my bag, clicking on the Uber app to call for a ride home. The phone rings loudly, even when not on speaker. "What are you doing?" Minho's voice booms behind me. causing me to jump and drop my phone. It hits the floor with a loud 'thud'. "My god Minho, you're going to give me a heart attack!" I say, holding my hand to my chest as my heart pounds. "Are you leaving?" He asks. I look at him confused. "I told you out there that I was going home, idiot." I say sarcastically. "I was asleep, idiot. How was I supposed to know?" He argues back jokingly. "Why are you leaving?" He asks. For a second, I think I hear his voice turn into a whine. "We didn't talk about... staying the night. I just figured..." I say, not knowing what else to say. He bends down to pick up my phone that fell under his bed and hangs up the call.
"You hungry?" He asks randomly. "uhh.., sure?" I say with a chuckle. "Come on." He grabs my hand and leads me through the living room, trying our best to not wake anyone up. We make our way into the kitchen and Minho lets go of my hand to get into the refrigerator. "You like strawberries?" He asks, looking over his shoulder. I give him a small smile with a nod. He pulls out a plastic bowl of strawberries and grabs a can of whip cream from the fridge door before shutting it, leaving the only light from the stove to illuminate the entire kitchen. He grabs a strawberry from the bowl and sprays whip cream on top of it before handing it to me. I take a bite, tasting the sweetness mixed with more sweetness from the whip cream.
Minho once again steps towards me, leaning down and grabbing the back of my thighs, setting me on the counter before standing between my legs. “You’ve got to stop doing these things, I don’t think my heart can take any more.” I whisper, staring into his eyes. He lets out a tiny chuckle, before bringing his thumb to my cheek, wiping the whip cream from it, before bringing it to my bottom lip and rubbing it along it. Our eyes don’t leave each other’s as he does it. “So damn pretty.” He whispers, before moving in closer. “Stay still.” He says, holding the back of my head gently with his palm. I stay right where I’m at as he brings his face closer to mine. I suddenly feel his tongue drift along my bottom lip, licking off the whip cream he had just lathered on with his thumb. This is it, this is where the heart attack happens. I can’t control myself anymore. My hands fly to his hair, gripping it tightly as I slam my lips on to his. Causing our teeth to clash lightly, I accidentally bite his lip, but he doesn’t seem to care as he continues to tongue at the inside of my mouth. “Mmm… taste.. so good.” He groans against my lips breathlessly between kissing. I moan back in agreement. Our hands explore each other feverishly, as if we’d been craving each other’s touch for an eternity. Which we have, all of the flirting, the long stares, helping each other when we didn’t necessarily need it, the possessiveness of one another even though we weren’t together. It was the longing for each other that made this kiss so needy, so hot, so impulsive.
“Need you Minho…” I whimper through his tongue. “How bad?” He asks, continuing to lap at my mouth. He pulls away, once again, taking my neck into his sweet tasting mouth. “So fucking bad, Minho.” I say breathlessly. His hands go up my shirt, causing goosebumps to cover the skin that his fingers have gently ran across. “You’re so soft.” He whispers against my neck. “Waited so long for you.” He says. By now, my core is soaking, my stomach is turning. I feel like I could hit my high, just from hearing him talk.
“Minho.. please.” I beg. Pulling at the hair on the back of his head. “I love hearing you say my name…” he whispers, his left hand leaves my side and makes its way into the waist band of my sweats, before sliding all of the way down and cupping me heat. “I think I’d really like it, if you screamed it.” He groans. A loud moan leaves my lips when he slides my panties to the side and slides his middle finger inside of me unexpectedly. His right hand quickly covers my mouth. “As much as I’d love to hear you scream for me… we can’t do it here baby.” He groans. My pussy clenches around his finger at the pet name he’s given me. “Oh god, Minho.” I moan through his hand and he quickens his finger while adding another. My head flys back at how good it feels.
A ball forms in my stomach, ready to explode. “Cu…I’m gonna cum…. Minhooo…” I moan, still through his hand. He knew better than to move it. “Good baby, cum all over my hand.” He groans. Taking my neck into his mouth once again. The feeling of his fingers, the dirty little comments his giving me and the feeling of his tongue licking up and down my neck, sends me right into euphoria.
I cum… hard. Harder than I’ve ever done before, to the thought of him. My juices leaked down his arm as he pulls his hand from me. I watch as he sticks his middle finger, the one from inside me, into his mouth. He licks and sucks and lets out a light groan before pulling it from his lips with a ‘pop’ing noise. “You’re so damn good y/n.” He groans before he dives into my neck once again.
Suddenly the living room light turns on, causing us to frantically move away from one another, right before Chan walks into the kitchen. “On the counter… really?” He says dramatically. I look down and take notice that I hadn’t gotten off of the counter. My face immediately turns red. “We weren’t even doing anything, she got hungry.” Minho says, grabbing a strawberry from the bowl and shoving it in his mouth. “Mhmm.. I’m sure she did.” Chan says, reaching into the fridge for a bottled water.
“Come on babe, let’s go lay down.” Minho says, grabbing my hand and helping me off of the counter. My heart races at the nick name. “Can you guys try to keep it down? There’s people trying to sleep.” Chan shouts as we leave the kitchen. “Get a room!” Minho shouts back, causing us both to laugh.
Part 3???? Maybe????
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nevesmose · 4 months
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"Light, I've been wondering something. Who is your favourite Primarch?"
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This is dangerous. Since he thinks I'm Kira there's no way he would expect me to choose anyone but Horus but if I overcompensate by naming someone like Vulkan it'll only make him more suspicious. Dammit, Ryuzaki! I can't let you beat me so easily. Based on his disturbing appearance and warped obsession with justice there's a reasonable chance that he's a Konrad Curze fan, which means there's certainly no way I can say Corax. Misa mains Sisters of Battle so she's useless to me yet again.
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Heh heh heh. Gotta answer him soon Light, unless you want him to think you're some kind of socially inept turbo-autist. But there's no way people like that would ever be such big Battlemace fans that they'd spend time circlejerking about their space dudes during a murder investigation.
That's a good point, Ryuk. L's principles would never allow him to waste even a second of time pointlessly discussing Primarchs while Kira remains at large. Maybe he doesn't even like 40K at all and this is just a test. Kira would want to slow down the investigation any way he could, including by starting long-winded arguments about which Primarch is the best, so I should avoid the question and tell him we need to focus on the task at hand.
Wait a second! If he had cameras in my room then he must know about the 3000 points of Dark Angels I have in a box under my bed. And even a cursory online investigation would lead him to my posts on r/grimdank. So pretending I don't like 40K isn't an option.
Very clever, L. You almost had me from behind but now I am the one who's behind you. Since he knows I play Dark Angels I could say the Lion is my favourite, but... no, there's no way he would believe that. No one likes the Lion that much.
Dammit, who else is even left? I always forget some of them and I can't sneak away to look it up on Lexicanum. Mortarion? No, L knows I'm obsessively hygienic so he would instantly realise I was lying.
What if I suggest another homoerotic game of tennis or a foot massage? But there's no way he would let anything like that distract him, not from Primarch discourse. Come on, Light! You were looking at a tier list of Primarch GFs only last night!
I just have to go through my remaining options. Even if he is a Curze fan, it's too dangerous for me to say I like him too or he'll start lecturing me about morality and then accuse me of not understanding how he was really a scrungly ratboy who did nothing wrong.
If I choose any of the other Traitor Primarchs he'll take it as more evidence that I'm Kira. So that leaves the Loyalists. Sanguinius and the Khan are both too interesting and Dorn isn't interesting enough. I need to choose someone so average and middle-of-the-road that there's no possible way he could ever use it to show that I'm a despicable power-crazed mass murderer.
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"Roboute Guilliman."
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sopiao · 1 year
Hii, how are u? idk if you're taking request or something, but I've been having this idea stuck in my mind, about König and task force 141 running to help the reader who is in some troubles during a mission with them, and the reader is singing "I need a hero" while is fighting and hiding while they arrive to help and at the end everything ends well and everybody laughs of the reader singing while was in this big trouble...
I hope u can help me with this but if not is totally ok, have a nice night/day 🍀
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i’d be doing better if it wasn’t for studies T_T but tyy for asking!! really hope i was able to write it how u envisioned it to be.
like the reader using singing to keep them occupied and a way to try and calm them while they’re in trouble. AND THEY CAN HEAR IT ON THE WALKIE BUT THEY CANT LAUGH.
(Callsign will be ‘Shark’ again, just to make it easier instead of always using reader or they pronouns)
Shark was left behind in the safe house, they felt nauseous and seasick after the boat ride. So, they just left them at an empty house to hide while they do the first part of the plan, just scoping the area out and double checking how well the plan will actually go.
Shark was lazily resting on the couch, dirty boots discarded on the floor next to them, with an arm draped over their eyes. Trying not to move too much or look around to make them even more nauseous.
After a couple more minutes of long, deep, breaths and having to stay still for 30 minutes, they felt okay enough to finally breath normally. With nothing left to do they decided to check up on them. Reaching across their chest to their walkie.
“Update?” Shark waited, listening to the white noise.
“Alpha Golf” Shark rolled their eyes at Ghost’s voice, not expecting him to be the one to respond.
“Speak normally. Saying that takes longer than just sayin’ ‘All good’” Of course Shark had to say something, taking every opportunity to nitpick Ghost, and pick at his patience.
“Shut up” They heard back.
“Hallo!” König’s voice rang through, making them smile unconsciously.
“Feelin’ better?” Price’s gruff voice checked in on them.
“You throw up yet?”
“Eww” Soap exaggerated his disgust.
All of their little messages and chiming in made them less bored, better than just staring at the ceiling.
“Oi! You have your own radio!” Ghost’s annoyed voice boomed through their end. Making Shark laugh, they imagined that they were all leaned into Ghost’s chest to talk to them.
“Asshole” Soaps little hushed comment made them laugh even more. He must’ve whispered it in his own walkie, not knowing that they’re all on the same channel so they’d all hear it, including Ghost. They can just imagine the stop-in-tracks and stare from Ghost.
“3:10” Shark groan, impatient, it’s been 30 minutes since they last talked to them. They were gonna take a while since it’s quite a distance to get to the site and they had to be extra cautious as to not get caught.
They hummed songs and little snippets of things they hear on the internet to try and pass time. A creak interrupted their own cover of Bruno Mars ‘Treasure’. Shark’s gloved hand immediately flung to their gun, small handgun close to their body as they sat up.
Eyes trailed from their boots to their boots on the floor, then back at the door, then to the hall, back to the door. There wasn’t enough time to get their boots not, not taking the risk.
Three men emerged from their hiding places, all masked, and all armed, unfortunately. Dammit. Shark’s eyes frantically shifted between the three men that slowly closed in on them and then to their surroundings and blocked exit.
“Mother fucka—” Shark decided it was better to take their chances at running away than to be caught and a liability as a hostage, compromising the mission. Spinning on their heel to kick away their gun then elbow the closest man on the neck.
As fast as they can they wrapped their arm around the man’s neck and turned to use his body as a meat shield. Too slow to react and too late to stop the bullets, his teammates fired shots into his chest in a failed attempt to get to Shark.
Immediately booking it to the back door and running into the woods. Cringing at the feeling of twigs and small pebbles that rubbed and poked the bottom of their feet, nothing but the fabric of their socks.
For some reason they were still in that same singy feeling. A nervous tick to try and make their head clearer to make better decisions. Shark started to sing, scat, the doo doo doo’s of the beginning of the famous song awarded for best music moment, Holding Out for a Hero.
The two little ash’s of the song was sung, sorta, when Shark tripped on a thick, fallen, trunk of a tree, and the second played when a bullet flied past them dangerously close to the top of their head. They flipped the switch of their walkie, now’s a good time to alert the others that the empty cabin isn’t safe.
“—FUCK. THERE’S MORE???” Right as they flipped the switch, a different kind of gun fire blasted through the woods, they looked back and saw 5 more goons running after them.
“Shark! Fuck’s happening?!” Price’s voiced yelled through the walkie, almost immediately, responding when the first gunshot rang through the walkies.
“THEY’RE GONNA GET MY ASS. THEY’RE GONNA EAT MY ASS” They were too panicked to properly answer, properly tell them that they were not safe, but I think they got the message through.
Price immediately set his team out, thinking of the best and fastest route to get back. They’ve done enough scoping out for now. Shark just had to hold out on their own for a bit. Still continuing their own performance.
“Where have all the good men gone and where are all the gods?” They continued, finding an abandoned warehouse and running inside, their stalkers following in as well. Their heavy breathing from the running cut through their notes.
“Where’s the streetwise Hercules to fight the rising odds?” When the first soldier came in they took the opportunity to shoot him twice in the knee, they can’t kill them, but they can slow them down. The lyrics came so naturally, they could even hear the background singers in their head.
“Late at night, I toss and I turn and I dream of what I neED! AHH—” They stumble out the half open window, small enough to get through, while the other soldiers have to get back out to continue the chase, leaving their injured soldier back.
The entire time, they left their walkie on, too distracted from the bullets that almost scratched their insides to remember to switch it off. They all could hear it as they ran back to the truck to speed their way back to the lone cabin. They wanted to laugh at how Shark dealed with the situation but felt it was too soon.
“I need a hERO— AGH. I-I’m holdin’ out for a hero ‘till the end of the nIGHT” Shark had to take a sharp turn into the thick woods and hide behind a tree, crouched down, half a minute later the rest of the men followed. By now the saviors had their suspicions that maybe the song chose unconsciously was a subtle message to them to hurry the fuck up.
They were safe for now but it was only a couple minutes until they can see that their trail stopped and they had to retrace it back to them. Shark used their knife to help them climb up the thick trunk of the tree and sit on a high branch, unconsciously hugging the trunk.
“He’s gotta be strong, haah, and he’s gotta be fast, and he’s gotta be fresh from the fight” For some reason they continued to sing, in a way, as a way to calm their breathing and heart beat down, wheezing and gasping in between verses. Very quite and very hushed as to not get caught if the men ever came back. The adrenaline too much, they started to zone out.
“There!” Gaz pointed out, running up the ruffled leaves, following the tracks, and finding a single white sock. White cotton sock with a blue stripe along the rim and two pieces of fabric to look like bunny ears, small bunny face on the toe part.
“Shark’s” Soap shook his head, gaining hope after long dread. They started to lose hope after a while since they couldn’t find any trace of Shark. Price motion his hand forward, signaling his team to continue on. Gaz pocketed the sock.
The crunching of leaves pulled Shark back to the present, they immediately froze. Unconsciously slowed their breathing and heart pumping faster. They listened to the footsteps and dry leaf crunching getting louder and louder, closer and closer.
“Look! Bunny sock!” König’s voice picked up on Shark’s ears. König’s caught everyone’s attention and pointed up at Shark’s dangling foot with the matching bunny sock. They looked down and saw the five of them looking up at them hugging the spruce wood.
“Christ. Took ya’ long enough” They scoffed, starting to climb down. They were thankful, just putting out some sarcasm after what just happened.
“Don’t worry, Shark. Heros are here” Price teased. Half way down Shark fell back, with enough trust, Price caught Shark with ease. They patted his chest before jumping off and dusting themselves off. They were surprised with his comment. Huh, I was just singing about that. But they dismissed it, wanting to save themselves from embarrassment.
“Guess ya’ didn’t need to hold out until the end of the night” Ghost spoke up, quoting a lyric from the song, to subtly hint Shark that they heard everything.
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effy-writes · 3 months
Addict (Blitz x Reader)
(the link above shows the chapters)
4: Murder Family: Twisted
Months went by but you keep getting lost of track of time. No reasons as to why, but you think its the constant routine you have to do. Wake up, clean, Blitz drug testing you, (fake piss), sleep. You do it over and over again. Kind of feels like rehab.
You’ve been cleaning so hard just about everyday that there was nothing to do. So, you sat down next to Millie who was making her husband shoot a portrait of a family (and which he kept refusing to do).
"Moxxie just shoot," You impatiently said.
"You don't even know how!"
"It's not that I don't know how, it's just that I don't want to."
"I actually haven't figured out why."
"Guys! I want you to meet-" Blitz got interrupted by Moxxie who got startled and shot the arrow. It ricochets off of the walls and hits the eel tank before Blitz finally caught it.
"..our newest client!"
The eel tank started to shake before it fell down, creating a comically large fire.
"Dammit Moxxie! Y/n begged me for weeks to get those eels!"
Everyone was exiting the building, but you stayed couple of seconds longer inside to quickly snort the remaining adderall. Nobody realized that you were gone until they heard you panting due to you running (and your already fucked up lungs and heart).
"Now someone PLEASE tell me that book is intact!" Blitz yelled.
"You mean our only ticket to the other side? Yeah got it." Loona held up the book.
You stood close to M&M and Blitz to make sure that they are all gone so you can make another drug run. You could worry about Loona but you know that Loona probably doesn't pay attention.
"Now let's go lick some ass!"
"The expression is 'kick some ass'" Millie corrected.
"Mines better." Blitz and Millie walked through. As Moxxie was walking to the portal he tripped and accidentally pushed you in.
"Wait wait shit!" The portal closed up. "Moxxie!"
"Oh crumbs I'm so sorry!"
"I don't even know how to do this shit!" You whispered-yelled.
"I mean it's a great way to start! Just watch us shoot and kill." Blitz said proudly. "Moxxie, do you want to give this one a try?"
"Yeah it's simple enough for you to handle. It's just a happy mother who just got out of the hospital."
Moxxie hesitated.
"You snooze, you lose, Mox!" Blitz looked through the window, "Aaaand I've got ya, bitch."
"Wait... Are we actually killing a family?"
"Do you guys bicker at each other everytime you're out on a kill?" You whispered.
"Yeah they do." Millie answered, "You should seriously start doing these things with us!"
"Uh no." You said abruptly, turning your head and saw that the two were still bickering until Moxxie hit Blitz's rifle as he shot the trigger. The bullet fires and hits a glass mirror that's inside.
"Oh shit." You mumbled.
"What the fuck was that, Moxxie?!"
"I'm sorry sir, they seemed so happy and wholesome!" He wheezed.
Blitz argued back right as a bullet pierced his arm. "AHH a new hole! SCATTER!"
Moxxie hid behind the bushes, the other three ran in different directions.
You don't do danger. Sure, lived in shady places, but as long as you don't take other people's drugs, you're good. But this is something completely different for you. This is why I don't want to fucking come to these things.
You ran through the woods, occasionally tripping because of the rocks and wood. Your foot twisted and ended up falling down a hill screaming and finally landing with a grunt.
"Y/n!" Millie smiled.
You lift your head up and saw Blitz and Millie tied to a stump that was on fire. A blonde lady caught your eye.
"Oh well look who we have here! Another one!" She grinned.
You gulped as you tried to get up but with your foot being twisted you fell right back down.
"Aw you got hurt? Don't worry I'll take the pain away." She brought up her shot gun and aimed it at you.
You flinched as soon as you heard the gunshot, but when you looked up Moxxie was standing over the woman's body.
"Moxxie!" Millie shouted. Her husband untied Blitz and Millie before reaching over to you to help you up.
"You're not gettin' your goddamn paycheck for this one, Mox!" Blitz yelled, walking over to the other side of you.
"How did you get hurt on your first day?" He joked.
"Fuck you. I didn't even want to be here in the first place."
"Ahhh, did you see my little Mox-Mox!" Millie hugged him, nuzzling her head against his chest.
"Well, here's to another mission accomplished! And Moxxie finally learned not to fuck up."
You hopped to a chair that was beside of Blitz, taking off your shoe and saw that it was swollen and bruised.
"And cheers to Y/n for getting hurt on the first day!" Blitz raised a glass.
"Wasn't my choice!"
"Is your ankle okay?" Blitz had your arm around him.
"Not really, hurts like shit."
You hopped to the couch and propped your foot up with a pillow. "Do you have any pain killers? Please?"
Blitz frowned, "Y/n I really don't think-"
"I was addicted to stimulants, not opioids."
"I don't want you to get hooked on those either."
"I can't..I'm sorry." He laid down beside of you. "Also this might be a bad time to mention but Stolas called."
"Okay? And?"
"He said something and I may or may not agree to it."
You furrowed your eyebrows.
"He said every full moon we have to fuck."
"We as in...you two?"
"We as in me, you, and him."
Your jaw dropped, "What the fuck Blitz! How come you didn't talk to me about it?"
"I was being hunted by that crazy bitch!"
You ran your fingers through your hair, "Why does he want me in the deal?"
He shrugged, "I guess he gets off doing threesomes."
"And you're okay with that?"
"I don't want to fuck a bird once a month but we need it for my business sooo."
"Okay...well..are you okay with me joining in?"
"The more the better."
But that didn't answer your question. You just laid down and turned your head away from Blitz.
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shunin-gumis · 25 days
Mistery on the Moonlit Passage - Track 02
Seasonal Event Story
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I've translated chapter 2, Hope you enjoy!
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Ryui: Toi, you’re fine with 3 sugar cubes for your milk tea, right?
Toi: Yes! Thank you, Ani-sama!
Netaro: Ah! I am fairly certain I mixed in some of my special invention of “Wasabi Cubes that look Identical to Sugar Cubes” in that sugar pot there. 
Ryui: Pfghtt!!
Muneuji: Hm, a tea ceremony. Allow me to participate as a break from my studies.
Nanaki: …..
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Nanaki: …*glance*
Chief: Yuki-nii, what did you want to talk about?
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Kafka: It better be important enough for you to disturb my cozy tea time with the Chief.
Yukikaze: Indeed. This may lead to a new business opportunity for us. 
Nanaki: (...I wonder what it is…)
Yukikaze: The other day, my father was approached by the president of a cruise liner company for a discussion on reopening the Night Cruise, which had been out of operation for some time now.
Chief: A Night Cruise…! We do have a special tourist zone that’s facing the sea after all, it’d be great if we could make cruises more popular too!
Yukikaze: I thought that perhaps there was something we could do to help after hearing this from my father. Would it be difficult?
Kafka: Difficult? Who do you think you’re talking to? If we receive an official offer, HAMA Tours will promise to deliver. 
Yukikaze: Thank you. I’ll let him know.
Chief: It’s rare that we get a chance to help out on a cruise. Yuki-nii, did you get to hear any specifics about the discussion from Uncle?
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Nanaki: (Chief’s eyes are sparkling…)
Yukikaze: The liner itself is ready to go, but since it hasn’t been in operation for a long time, they’re looking for advice on what they could offer as onboard services. 
Chief: I see… Then how about we have a soft opening with the members of HAMA Tours as guests?
Kafka: Good idea~♪ We can offer consulting after seeing how the soft opening goes.
Chief: Right, Yuki-nii, could you ask Liguang-san for his opinion as well? We could use the cruising sector from ward 4 as a reference. 
Yukikaze: Alright. Liguang himself probably won’t attend the soft opening, seeing as he’s been busy lately.
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Nanaki: (Their conversation is progressing so smoothly… Kamina-san and Ooguro-san both know the Chief from childhood, huh…) 
Yukikaze: I’m excited to go on a cruise and see the night view of HAMA with you… 
Kafka: No one asked. 
Chief: We can discuss the specifics later in a meeting… Is there anyone here who’d be interested in participating? 
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Muneuji: I would like to participate to broaden my horizons. It would also be beneficial if the swaying of the boat would help strengthen my core.
Chief: Um, I’m not sure about that… I’ve heard that they use AI to control large cruise ships such as these, so there shouldn’t be much swaying.
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Netaro: Ooh~ I would love to see the internal structure myself! I’m coming too~
Yukikaze: There’s a sky deck as well, according to the pamphlet. It’s on this page here, Ryui.
Ryui: Who cares.
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Toi: Wow, I’ve never been on a ship as big as this. I want to try it~
Ryui: Oi Kamina, hand over that pamphlet. 
Chief: How about you, Nanaki-kun?
Nanaki: Um… I want to join too. 
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Nanaki: (Seeing the night view with the Chief… Maybe it could help set the mood…)
Nanaki: (–No, what am I thinking? There’ll be others on board too, there’s no way it’d turn out like I want it to…)
~~~(end flashback)
Location: Cruise Liner - Party Venue
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Nanaki: (Way to set the mood…!)
Nanaki: Chief, please, wake up…!
Chief: ….. 
Nanaki: What should I do at a time like this… Hey, Andy!
Andy: …..
Nanaki: Wait, huh…? The reception was fine till just a moment ago… 
Ryui: Toi… Toi!! Dammit, where’s the captain!?
Yukikaze: I’ll go search for him. The rest of you, look after them. 
Muneuji: Everyone, please calm down. 
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Ryui: How the hell am I supposed to calm down!?
Muneuji: It appears that they’re all simply asleep. 
Ryui: Huh…?
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Toi: *soft snoring*
Ryui: …You’re right. That’s Toi’s usual angelic sleeping face.
Kafka and Kinari: *soft breathing* 
Akuta: Guoh… Pumpkin… Noodle soup… Pollock Roe… Espetada…
Yachiyo: Munya munya… I can’t eat anymoooore….
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Yodaka: There’s no need to rush… Take it in slowly… All the way inside… 
Muneuji: Isotake and Fuefuki-san are both still clutching their plates… Looks like they’re enjoying a buffet in their dreams too.
Yukikaze: Yodaka-san seems to be conversing with Yachiyo in his sleep… What an amazing technique. 
Nanaki: I-If it’s even the same genre… 
Chief: *soft snoring*
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Nanaki: (I didn’t think I’d get to see the Chief’s sleeping face… Their eyelashes…)
Nanaki: None of them look like they’re in a bad condition, so… I guess it’s okay?
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Ryui: Like hell it is.
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bitchin-beskar · 1 year
the taste of scotch and cigars - chapter one
Rating: M
Pairing: Captain John Price x Fem!Reader
Warnings: fake dating trope, propositioning a stranger in a bar, drinking/mentions of being tipsy (minor), intense makeout in public, hints of exhibition kink, hints of voice kink, absolutely fucking douchebag of an ex, mentions of cheating, I think that's it for this chapter? Most of these will be expanded the further into the story we get, and more warnings will come hehe.
Word Count: 3.7k
A/N: this is one of the au ideas I've ranted to @catsnkooks about (there are many) and I wanted to schedule the first chapter drop during my vacay because it's been sitting in my wip folder and I wanna get opinions to see if people like this idea/wanna see more. (I mean, I'm gonna post it regardless but I still wanna see if people are into the idea). anyways, enjoy this fun spin on a fake dating trope :)
The burn of cheap vodka as it slid down your throat did little to soothe the ache in your chest. Coming here was a mistake. You should’ve let sleeping dogs lie, let your past stay where it belongs. Instead, you’re submerged in old memories and familiar hurts, the waters of time washing over your head and threatening to drown you in melancholy and diffidence.
The noise of the packed pub pressed in from all sides, buffeting you and keeping you off balance, loud enough that you were barely able to hear yourself think. You’d managed to avoid interactions thus far, but the likelyhood of that dwindled with every second you lingered, waiting for…
God only knows what you were waiting for.
Draining the last dregs of your drink, the thunk of your empty glass on the wooden bar as you sat it down made you frown and debate waving over the bartender for another refill. You thought for a long moment, before you decided otherwise. If you were going to be interacting with others tonight, you’d prefer to have at least some of your wits about you, and the vodka you’d consumed was enough to take the edge of your sorrow off. Any more though, and you couldn’t be held responsible for what might happen.
You turned around in your seat, scanning the crowd. In the back corner of the pub, you saw them for the first time that night since you’d walked in. The group seemed to be concentrated in the back, thankfully. You’d done a perfunctory greeting with the hosts of this little reunion, and then beelined for the bar and had been sat there since. Honestly, you’re not entirely sure why you even came.
Unfortunately, right as you were looking over at the group, you made eye contact with Christian, the one person you’d been hoping to avoid. He’d been looking in your direction, and when he saw you, he smirked and stood up, beginning to try and make his way through the crowd.
“Fuck,” you muttered as you spun around again on your stool, regretting not having ordered another drink. “God fucking dammit.”
Squeezing your eyes shut, you began to wonder if it was possible for you to make a quick escape in the crowd, when your panic was interrupted by a deep and deceptively smooth British-accented voice to your right.
“Everythin’ alright, love?”
Turning your head, you made eye contact with the older man sitting next to you at the bar, and immediately your mouth went dry. How had you not noticed him yet?
He was absolutely gorgeous, with clear, intelligent blue eyes and thick dark brown hair that you wanted to run your fingers through. His cheeks and upper lip were covered in that same dark brown hair, shaved into mutton chops with stubble on his lower lip and chin. He was dressed in a light blue henley that clung to his torso, a hint of a ball chain disappering into the vee of the neckline, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and showing off his forearms. One hand was wrapped around a glass of scotch, and dangling from the fingers of his other hand was a lit Maduro cigar. He had on dark, well worn blue jeans that were moulded to his thighs, and black, slightly scuffed up combat boots.
He looked like the kind of man you’d spent many a shameful night fantasizing about back in high school, fingers ducking below the waistband of your sleep shorts as you clasped a hand over your mouth lest you wake your parents sleeping down the hall.
Those bright blue eyes were focused on yours, and you felt your cheeks heat under his surprisingly intense yet soft gaze. Something deep inside of you, fueled by the vodka, whispered that this was the kind of man you could trust, the kind of man who maybe, possibly would be willing to help a perfect stranger out of nothing but the kindness of his heart.
Maybe it was the alcohol, and you were drunker than you thought. Maybe it was the way he was looking at you, this gorgeous, dangerous man who managed to pierce you with such soft, kind eyes. Whatever it was, you lost control over your brain-to-mouth filter, and words began to spill forth.
“My ex is here, he just saw me and is coming this way, and it’s been years since I last saw him, and… god, I don’t have the strength to deal with him tonight, he never fucking takes no for an answer, would you be willing– I mean if it’s not too much trouble, and I could pay you back, but could I ask you–”
You managed to reboot your brain, but not quite fast enough to stop the spew of words from escaping you, and physically biting your own tongue was the only way to prevent you from making an even bigger fool of yourself. Immediately you averted your eyes, tearing yourself away from his piercing gaze as you shrunk in your seat, dread and shame roiling in the pit of your stomach and mixing with the alcohol to make you feel sick.
Jesus H. Christ, what the fuck were you thinking? He just asked if you were alright, he didn’t ask to have your entire life story dumped on him at the drop of a hat. He had to be at least ten years older than you, if not more, you were likely barely more than a silly little girl in his eyes. Shit, he’s probably got a stunning wife and gorgeous kids at home, and here you are, practically propositioning the poor man. Your mama always said you were a no-good, simple-minded child, and here you are, not even ten years outta her house and proving her right once again.
So lost in your self ruminations, you don’t notice the pensive look on the handsome stranger’s face, until suddenly there’s an arm wrapped securely around your waist and you’re being tugged off your barstool and onto a thickly muscled thigh, leaning against against the warm length of a heavily muscled torso. You somehow manage to not leap out of your skin in surprise, even when you feel the brush of his lips against the outer shell of your ear, his voice a low growl, gravel grinding against pavement.
“I’m more’n willing to help a pretty lil’ girl like you, love. No debt necessary. ‘Sides, a man who doesn’ understand the word no? Princess, that ain’t a man at all.”
Dreaming. You’ve gotta be stuck in some kind of alcohol intoxication induced fever dream, because there’s no fucking way that this is your life right now. Shit like this doesn’t happen outside of cheesy romcoms and trashy dime store novels. Let alone at random pubs in fucking Liverpool.
You’re not given the time to delve more into the ramifications of dreams induced by too much imbibed alcohol because your ears are abruptly assaulted by a reedy, nasally voice that you wished you could forget, but was burned into so many of your adolescent memories.
“Sweetcheeks! Goodness, it’s been awhile! You know, I wasn’t sure I’d see you here, we were all pretty surprised you showed up.”
The stanger-who’s lap you were perched-on turned at the interruption, his hand sliding from your hip across your belly, palm hot through the thin fabric of your shirt. He hooked his finger in your belt loop, fingers pressing reassuringly into the meat of your hip as his forearm felt like a bar of iron against your abdomen. The positioning was oddly possessive, like it meant more than him making sure you didn’t tip off his thigh and onto the dingy floor of the pub. His glass of scotch was abandoned on the bar, the arm not holding you streched out on the wood, cigar dangling from his fingers. You turned your head to look at the last person in the world you wanted to see, although you were distracted slightly from your ire by the slow drag of lips along the length of your jaw, the bristles on your stranger’s beard tickling the sensitive skin. It was an act that was surprisingly soothing as it was intimate.
Schooling your features, you looked at the face of the man who’d held your entire heart in his hands and shattered it on the ground without a second thought. Half a decade hadn’t dulled the pain, although you did a remarkable job at covering it up.
“Christian. Wish I could say it’s a pleasure.”
He pouted, an altogether unattractive look, although years ago it had been one to tug at your heartstrings. “Awe, don’t tell me you haven’t missed me, at least a little bit?”
You fixed him with a glare, even as fury began to burn low in your belly. “Why exactly would I be missing you, Christian?”
He rolled his eyes, as though the answer was exceedingly obvious, and he thought you dumb for even having to ask. “Awe, babes, you’re not still hung up about that little incident, are you? Even your momma thinks you’re overreacting, sweetcheeks.”
You cocked an eyebrow, even as you subconsciously sank further into your stranger’s embrace, his hold on you soothing and helping to keep you grounded. The admission that he still talked to your momma stung more than it should have, but then, she’d been heartbroken when you divorced who, in her eyes, was the most perfect embodiement of a son-in-law to ever grace God’s green earth. Figures she’d refuse to cut contact with him, even though you had.
“Hung up? Little incident? I came home to find you fucking Paisleigh, my best friend, in our fucking bed. And then I find out it wasn’t just the once, but practically every single week of our relationship, with about three dozen different girls over the years. I would say I have every right to still be pissed at you, Christian.”
“Well, that’s hardly my fault, is it? Men have needs, babes. I was just doing what I needed to, since you certainly weren’t fullfilling ‘em. You hardly needed to move halfway across the world cause you got a lil’ upset about it.”
It took every shred of self control you had to refrain from launching yourself off of your stranger’s lap–and dear sweet god, you’re just now realizing you don’t actually know his fucking name–and strangling the idiot in front of you. Honestly though, it was probably less about your self control and more about the way his arm tightened around you, his fingers hooking tighter around your belt loop. He brought his other hand up to take a slow drag off his cigar, the richly sweet smoke curling around your body as he exhaled, his chest pressed comfortingly against your back. He let his hand drop, resting it on top of your thigh, fingers carefully keeping the cigar away from the fabric of your pants.
You felt the movement of his head as he gave Christian a look, glancing up and down before scoffing darkly, the sound sending shivers down your spine. He only held you tighter, even as he opened his mouth, and the rich smoke of his voice filled your ears, deep and dripping honey, sending sparks straight to the fire in your gut.
“You’re no man. You’re barely more ‘n a immature little boy, a waste o’ space n’ air. If you’re not willin’ to stay faithful, then ya shouldn’t be in a relationship. If you weren’t satisfied, it certainly wasn’t somethin’ she was doin’ wrong.” He punctuated his words with a kiss to your temple, and dammit if it didn’t make you wanna melt into a puddle on the floor.
Christian puffed up, looking extremely offended, albeit ridiculous considering he was skinnier than a stick. “Do you have any idea who I am, old man?”
You’re trying very hard not to panic, because you didn’t have time to tell your stranger anything before this conversation, but you shouldn’t have worried, because he simply replied with a shrug of his shoulders, and a short, clipped, “Nah, should I?”
Dammit, you thought, trying to hold back a laugh. You didn’t know he was funny too.
If anything, that only pissed Christian off more. “Sweetcheeks, you didn’t tell your little friend here about your husband?”
“Ex-husband,” you hissed, eyes narrowing and body tensing at the way Christian spoke, all amusement draining from you at the sound of him acting so damn dismissive, it made you wanna claw his eyes out.
“Shh, is alrigh’, love,” your stranger whispered in your ear, and to your surprise, the tension bled back out of your limbs, the low timbre of his growl soothing the fury boiling inside you. Unfortunately, Christian rudely interrupted.
“And just who are you supposed to be?”
Your stranger chuckled, the vibrations rumbling pleasantly against your back. “Nah, I’m nobody special. Jus’ the one who took advantage of your colossal fuck up and married the sweet thing you let get away, ain’t tha’ right, love?”
It took every ounce of control you had to stop the surprise from showing on your face at his declaration. This was so far beyond anything you could’ve ever hoped for, you didn’t quite know how to handle it. There’d been no hesitation on his part, no awkward pauses or stuttering. Just a steady declaration that he was apparently your (fake, fake you reminded your brain) husband.
Christian’s cheeks were turning a ruddy color, nearly incandescent with rage. You should’ve realized that this little charade was gonna push him too far, especially when he bared his teeth and snarled.
“I pity you, sweetcheeks, you’re such an obvious charity case I should’ve known. No way is another man willing to settle down with you, especially considering the fact that you’re used, broken goods. Did’ja tell him that, before you trapped him, babes?” He growled, spittle flying. “Quieter than a doormouse in bed, she doesn’t even know how to properly pleasure a man, else I wouldn’ta needed to find someone else, isn’t that right?”
Ok, that was it. You were going to deck Christian here and now. You were done letting him have all the power, letting him walk all over you like he had for the entirety of your relationship. Just as you placed your hands on the forearm around your waist to push it off you so you could fight your fucking ex, a firm hand on your jaw distracted you, turning your face to the side and tilting it up, then slightly chapped lips were covering yours.
Your eyes fluttered shut as calloused fingers smoothed over your jaw, cupping your face as your gorgeous, dangerous-looking stranger slowly pried your lips open and plunged his tongue into your mouth, stroking the length of it alongside your own tongue. You followed his lead, opening up beautifully beneath him, letting him kiss you deeper as he plundered your mouth, growing more heated, more passionate with every brush of his lips against yours. His beard scratched gently at the sensitive skin around your mouth, but beard-burn was quite literally the last thing on your mind. The entire world faded away, until it was just you and your stranger, and the deep, possessive way he kissed you.
He claimed you with his mouth, there was no better way to describe it. He drew back slightly, only so he could bite at your lower lip, teeth pulling at the darkened skin and making you let out a surprised moan before he dove back in, open mouthed and messy. He sucked on your tongue, making you whimper softly, which only spurned him on even more. His fingers tightned on your jaw, keeping you steady against his onslaught, stealing kiss after kiss. He stole the very breath from your lungs, every time you pulled back to gasp for breath he simply chased you, greedily depriving you of precious oxygen.
He tasted like scotch and cigars, the smooth burn and sharp bite of sweet smoke mixing to create something so uniquely him that you honestly couldn’t imagine him tasting like anything else. You wondered if he tasted the vodka on your tongue, or the coconut of the lip balm on your lips. Whatever your taste, he couldn’t seem to get enough.
A loud cough broke the bubble you’d found yourself enveloped in as he kissed you, but even still, he didn’t let you jerk away, pressing one, two, three kisses in quick succession against your swollen and tender lips, glossy and slick with spit.
Your eyes slowly opened, finding him already staring at you, his pupils blown wide, inky black surrounded by a pale, thin ring of blue. His fingers stroked the skin of your cheek, almost reverent as his gaze flickered between your own wide eyes and your ravaged mouth.
Incoherrent sputtering drew your attention away from the man who’d just kissed you–a fucking stranger–like you were the only two people to exisit in the world and not just at a pub in the middle of Liverpool, and you slowly slid your eyes from his to look at Christian.
You had to fight the urge not to laugh. Christian somehow managed to look equal parts dumbfounded and embarrassed as hell. Considering the way you’d just been kissed felt like it had to break some kind of public indecency law, you weren’t too surprised at the mix of emotions on his face, although they were quickly giving way to anger once again.
He didn’t get to interject, however, as your stranger spoke, his voice barely more than a growl. “If you’d been any good in bed, then maybe you’d have some kinda idea about all the pretty sounds my wife can make, but somethin’ tells me you weren’ ever enough to earn those, and like hell am I ‘bout to let you learn how she sounds when she makes ‘em now.”
Abruptly, he stood, easily hoisting you off his lap to stand on the ground, although his arm stayed secure around you and not letting you take even one step away from him.
“Hol’ this for me, love?”
He handed you his cigar, before digging in his back pocket to pull out a wad of cash, throwing it on the bar and making a quick gesture at the bartender to indicate that he was closing your tabs.
He turned back towards your ex, making eye contact even as he wrapped his fingers around your wrist and brought your hand up to his mouth so he could take a drag from his cigar still gripped between your fingers, breathing in deeply before exhaling, chuckling at the disgusted look on Christian’s face.
“My wife ‘n I are leavin now, cause I’ve been deployed too damn long and I don’ feel like wastin’ another second with bloody pricks who mattered so little in her life that she doesn’ even mention you.”
With that, and a gentle nudge, your stranger began to steer you out of the pub, sliding his arm from where it was still wrapped around you, instead slipping his hand into the back pocket on your jeans, cupping your ass and giving your ex a little show, and causing your heartbeat to race. The cool air hitting your face as you stepped out onto the streets of Liverpool felt like being reborn, as you felt the tension that had been gathering all of the last few weekes in preparation for today just… fade away.
The two of you walked a bit away from the door to the pub before your stranger slid his hand out from your back pocket, leaving you immediately missing the security and warmth he’d provided, even with just that little touch. You turned to look at him, silently offering his cigar back, which he took, but just let it dangle from his fingers. His expression was sheepish, and he rubbed at the back of his neck with his free hand. It was endearing, and you found yourself having to violently squash the part of you that said to just go for it and kiss him again, just to see if he’d still react the same way without an audience.
“I do apologize, ma’am,” he offered, and you blinked, thrown a bit. Why on earth was he apologizing to you? Shouldn’t you be the one apologizing, for even asking a total stranger a favor like that in the first place?
“I might’a taken things a bit far back there, but no one should be talkin’ to ya like that, love. It don’ matter who they were or what they used’ta mean to ya.”
To your horror, you felt your eyes begin to burn with unshed tears. You were so used to being the one blamed for the failure of your relationship, being the one told that you must’ve done something wrong to force a man like Christian to seek someone outside of your marriage, that to have someone tell you that it wasn’t ok for you to be treated that way was like a balm on an old wound you didn’t realize had ripped back open.
You had no idea how to respond to what he’d said, and at a complete loss for words, you blurted out the first thing to come to your mind.
“I don’t even know your name?”
His laugh was deep and warm, and you desperately wanted to take it inside you and hold it’s comfort there for the rest of your life. He smiled at you, eyes twinkling, and held his free hand out.
“Captain John Price, British SAS, at your service, love.”
You took a deep breath even as you placed your hand in his, trying not to show how the sound of his title falling from his lips sent a heady rush of arousal through you. You’d thought he might’ve been military, and the confirmation was doing unspeakable things to you.
“I-, uh, sir-” you started, only to be cut off as he brought your fingers up to his lips, brushing them across the backs of your knuckles and making your knees go weak with the look he leveled you with.
“Love, not to be crass, but I’ve had my tongue down your throat and my hand on your arse. I think you can call me John.”
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iicheeze · 2 years
Emotion Suppression
Genshin SAGAU
summary: What if we, the Creator, suppress our own emotions to keep up the 'strong' and 'reliable' Creator image and one situation was able to break the glass.
cw: just angst with a fluff ending
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You were tired. You've always been tired. Ever since you were transported to Teyvat, everything has been bugging you like leeches. Not to mention that 2/4 of the Nations' problems weren't solved yet since Genshin Impact's update has only reached Sumeru, and not more.
You were required to attend every single nation's festivals, including ones that celebrates your birth, the day where you 'descended' to Teyvat, and more.
And.. Were the characters always this clingy? They've been attaching themselves to you like you're the light source for moths. You couldn't help but like the attention but at the same time get annoyed by it. Can't you at least have ONE second of privacy.
You wanted so badly to stay here, yet you also have a life back home you crave oh so badly. Your parents could be looking for you, and your friends even!
All your life, you've learned that in order to be liked. You have to have the image of a strong and reliable person. Just one crack of your negative emotions will lead your 'friends' away. You can't have that. You don't want to be alone. You never wanted to be alone. Yet, you still end up in the same situation over and over.
It's an endless cycle of people relying on you but when you need them the most, they turn their backs on you. Never to see you with a happy smile unless they need something.
Your facade still continues even in Teyvat. You were sure that they would leave you behind if you were to show just a tiny bit of negative emotion. That's why you only let them out alone. Or you just don't.
Years of suppressing your own emotions has made you feel numb on the inside. You can't help it. It was bound to happen. Even when you want to cry or be angry, about anything, just anything. You can't. It's like you don't even have control of your own emotions anymore.
All you want to do is just sleep.
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“ Your Grace! There you are, would you like to come with me to Windrise? The breeze seems to be picking up lately! ” Venti invited, with a glee smile.
“ Oh! Venti! Well, about that.. ” You replied, before someone else interrupted you.
“ No, they won't come with you to Windrise. Because I already asked them first to do pranks with me! ” Hu Tao interfered.
“ Oh, right.. But..- ”
“ Oh? But I was sure that Their Divinity would have a tea ceremony with me. Isn't that right, Your Grace? ” Ayato joined in.
“ Um.. Guys?- ”
“ Seriously. Give Their Divinity some space. Well, why don't you come with me to the Dharma Forest to relax? I'm sure the sunlight would calm you. ” Tighnari stated.
Seriously! You were being thrown left and right by your own acolytes. Not understanding that all you want is just some alone time. You've been keeping your business to yourself, so why are they including you in their business?!
“ ENOUGH! ” You yelled, as the ground deflates to your rising anger, with a couple of birds flying away from the trees they were sitting on. With your acolytes thrown back due to the sheer force.
Your voice echoed, along with your anger. Is this what it's like to feel the Divine One's anger? They feel a rising guilt inside, slowly burning them inside out. But what pains more, is that they never realized.
How could they do this to you?! How could they not realize what they've been doing to you?! You'd forgive them.. Right? Right?! What if you don't? What if you exile them from your existence? Thousands of ‘ what if's ’ continue to multiply in their heads.
Meanwhile, you just realized what you have said. Could they hate you now? Will they leave you? Will they replace your for another person? You couldn't help but break into tears as panic rises, torturing your brain like a thousand arrows.
“ I.. I'm.. I'm sorry! I - I'm not feeling well! ” With that, you disappear to thin air. With nothing left behind, not including the petals of gold leaves falling to the hard ground. Before disintegrating to nothing but dust that was blown by the wind.
They're gonna hate you now. Aren't they?
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Days have passed after that breakdown, and the acolytes were searching all over for you. The Starsnatch Cliff, Mt. Aozang, The Grand Narukami Shrine, even Sumeru's Desert Temple! Where could you have been? Did you abandon them, perhaps? There's no way.
But those negative thoughts of you getting into the worst of the worst outcomes, were burnt to ash as one of the acolytes (Your favorite character) found you at the very same shrine where you 'descend' to Teyvat, sound asleep.
You were awoken to the soft, silky bed instead of the hard ground from your shrine. Back to your own Palace of Divinity. Of course, you didn't want to wake up just to see your acolytes. You were sure they'd be disappointed in you.
But before you could even go back to sleep, the doors flew open, revealing the four archons, with apologetic looks.
Silent, you decided not to look at them in the eye. Knowing damn well you don't have the strength to. You're just tired. You just want to get this over with. You know that they're gonna dispose of you. You're not strong. Nor reliable. They're gonna think of you as useless. You're just a pile of garbage in their eyes, right?
“ We're sorry, Your Grace. ”
... What?
“ We weren't thinking thoroughly of our actions. We didn't mean to bother you, we just wanted you to relax. Perhaps we thought wrong. And we apologize for that. ” Zhongli stated, as the three other Archons bowed to you.
“ ... ” Speechless, you don't know what to say. No one has ever said this to you. What do you do in these type of situations? You can't think of anything. Yet, your vision gets blurry as water drops fell from your eyes.
“ Oh- Oh my gosh!! Your Grace, we didn't mean to make you cry! We're very sorry! Please, forgive us! ” Ei apologized, worries starting to show on her eyes.
Hiccups were starting to form, and your teeth began to grit on itself to prevent any awkward noise coming out. Is this what it feels like? To finally let go and just be yourself? It feels too good to be true.
Without any words, Venti hugged you. No words, as he knew what it feels like to mask your feelings away. To bury your feelings six feet under so no one would worry about you. He knows exactly what it feels like. But what he didn't understand is.. Why?
Questions began to form in his mind, but none was answered. As his only focus is only to comfort you, the Creator.
“ It's okay now. Feel free to express that beautiful emotion of yours. ”
With that, wails of crying was heard coming from none other but you. Tears falling down to Venti's shoulder, wetting the green fabric. But he doesn't care. He's glad that you're finally yourself.
Nahida had always knew that you were hiding something, she just doesn't know what. Now that she knows, she couldn't help but pity you but be proud of you at the same time.
Ei had never knew of your facade. But she always feels that something is wrong whenever you put a smile at your face on unexpected situations, calmly confronting it with your advice. Have you had these situations before? How could you confront it so professionally? Now that she knew, she was glad. She could finally see your first, genuine smile around them.
Zhongli knew of your facade. He just doesn't confront you about it. He knew that the smile of yours was fake. He knew that the laughter of yours was fake. He knew that you don't feel comfortable showing your true emotions. All he could do is just stand by and watch. He doesn't want to force you to finally tell the truth. He wants to wait for the right time. For you to tell him about your facade. And now that it did happen, he's proud of you. Very proud.
All you could do now is just hug the Anemo Archon back as you cry to your heart's will. You're finally given the freedom you've always wanted, why not use it for the first time in your second life?
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a/n: ngl, I teared up. BUT ONLY FOR ONE TEAR. THAT'S IT. Also I feel kinda cringe writing this, hope it's actually angst-ish instead of the opposite lol
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Kisses in the woods:
Pre series, before Sam leaves for Stanford.
Dean sat on the edge of the motel bed, absentmindedly flipping through channels on the old TV, trying to drown out the rising tension between his dad and Sam. He knew it was coming, could feel it in the air like a storm brewing. John Winchester's voice, usually gruff but controlled, had started to rise, and Sam’s replies were growing sharper, more defiant.
"Dammit, Sam, you think you know everything!" John's voice boomed through the thin walls.
"At least I know enough to want a life beyond hunting!" Sam shot back, his voice filled with frustration.
Dean winced. This was getting ugly fast. He turned off the TV, standing up as the argument escalated.
"You ungrateful little—I've given my life to protect you boys, and this is the thanks I get?" John yelled, his tone a mix of anger and hurt.
"Protect us? By dragging us from one hunt to the next? By treating us like soldiers in your personal war?" Sam’s voice cracked with emotion. "I wanted to go to college, to have a normal life! Why can't you just understand that?"
"Because there is no normal life for us, Sam!" John thundered. "Not with the things we know, the things out there waiting to tear us apart."
"You’re the one tearing us apart," Sam whispered, his voice barely audible but laced with a cutting edge.
Dean couldn’t take it anymore. He threw open the door and stepped into the hallway just as Sam stormed out of the room, his face flushed with anger and tears. Sam didn't look back, heading straight for the woods behind the motel. Dean watched him go, his heart aching for his brother.
John appeared in the doorway, his face a mask of fury and something deeper, something sadder. "Dean, let him go. He needs to cool off."
Dean shook his head. "No, Dad. He needs more than that." He grabbed his jacket and followed Sam, ignoring his father's protests.
Dean found Sam standing in a small clearing, his back to him, shoulders heaving with emotion. The moonlight filtered through the trees, casting a silvery glow on the scene. Dean approached slowly, not wanting to startle him.
"Sam," he called softly.
Sam turned, his eyes red and filled with pain. "Dean, I just... I can't deal with him anymore."
Dean moved closer, his heart breaking at the sight of his brother so upset. "I know, Sammy. I know it's hard."
Sam looked away, his jaw clenched. "Why does he always have to be like this? Why can't he just understand?"
Dean reached out, placing a hand on Sam's shoulder. "He's scared, Sam. Scared of losing us, of not being able to protect us. But that doesn't mean he has the right to take it out on you."
Sam's shoulders sagged, the fight leaving him. "I just wanted him to listen, to see things my way for once."
Dean pulled him into a hug, holding him tightly. "I know. And I'm sorry. But you have me, Sammy. I'm here for you."
Sam buried his face in Dean's shoulder, his breath hitching with suppressed sobs. Dean held him, his hand moving soothingly over his back. He felt a fierce protectiveness surge through him. He would always be there for Sam, no matter what.
They stood like that for a long time, the silence of the woods enveloping them. Finally, Sam pulled back slightly, looking up at Dean with a vulnerability that made Dean's heart ache.
"Dean, I..." Sam began, but the words seemed to fail him.
Dean looked into Sam's eyes, seeing all the pain, confusion, and unspoken feelings there. Without thinking, he leaned in, his lips brushing against Sam's. It was a tentative kiss at first, testing the waters. But when Sam responded, pressing closer, it became something more.
The kiss deepened, filled with all the emotions they had been holding back for so long. It was intense, passionate, and everything Dean had secretly longed for. He could feel Sam's hands gripping his jacket, pulling him closer, as if afraid he might disappear.
Dean poured all his love, his need, into that kiss, hoping to convey everything he couldn't say out loud. When they finally broke apart, both of them were breathing heavily, their foreheads resting together.
"Dean," Sam whispered, his voice raw with emotion.
"I'm here, Sam. I'm not going anywhere," Dean replied, his own voice shaking slightly.
They stood there, holding each other, the bond between them stronger than ever. In that moment, nothing else mattered. Not their father's anger, not the hunt, not the world outside. Just them, and the love they shared.
Dean knew things wouldn't be easy. There would be more fights, more challenges. But as long as they had each other, they could face anything. He kissed Sam again, softer this time, a promise of his unwavering support.
"We'll get through this, Sammy. Together," Dean said, pulling back slightly to look into Sam's eyes.
Sam nodded, a small, hopeful smile playing on his lips. "Together."
They stayed in the woods a while longer, just holding each other, finding comfort in the closeness. When they finally headed back to the motel, Dean felt a sense of peace he hadn't felt in a long time. No matter what happened, they would face it together. And that was all that mattered.
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