#but if there was as many as gotham? well well well we're bringing out the guillotine
notfeelingthyaster · 4 months
like i get bruce won't kill joker or whatever (boooooooooo 🙄) but doesn't new jersey or gotham have death penalty? if not, there's no way for joker to be tried by federal justice after how many war crimes this man committed? and then promptly executed, bc i don't think the insanity plea holds to multiple accounts of mass murder, serial killing and premeditated kills
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imshii-kin · 2 months
Good Luck
Chapter # 6 Foggy Fears
Platonic Yandere Dc x reincarnated Reader
Prologue, Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6 (You are here)
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I realized at that moment that there are some whose dread of human beings is so morbid they yearn to see monsters of ever more horrible shapes.
- Junji Ito
(Once again, this chapter was changed quite a bit.)
!!TW!! Death, Blood, Car accident, Sudden switch from first person to second person.
*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*
'Dinner was too quiet.' Louis thought as she picked up the plates from the table, slowly bringing them to the sink.
'How could I have missed it?' She thought as she began to scrub the plate in her hand. 'She's my daughter. How could I have not seen it?'
Her grip tightened on the plate, her acrylic nails painfully dug into the plate. 'Am I such a horrible mother that I couldn't even notice my daughter ███ █████ ██?'
Louis looks down at her broken nail, a stinging pain accompanying the sudden loss of her red nail.
Louis jumps, quickly turning her head and letting out a sigh of relief when she sees Jon. Placing a hand on her chest, she gives Jon a shaky smile, "Oh, Jon, be careful you almost gave your mother a heart attack."
Jon simply nods, as if not hearing his mother, "Um, Conner is... here." He muttered.
Louis's smile drops briefly before returning with a strained one, "Oh? Really? Well invite him in, it's been forever since he's come to visit."
Giving his mother a concerned look, Jon makes his way back out of the kitchen.
Louis sighs as soon as Jon leaves, running a hand through her hair.
"It's all my fault," She whispered, "It's all my fault..."
The movie had ended, though Y/n barely noticed. All she could think about was how... ѳЧҭ ѳf ҁћӓГӓҁҭЭГ Clark had acted during the car ride. This wasn't the calm, happy-go-lucky superhero Y/n grew up with in the comics, he seemed so different. More stressed and less stable the Clark Kent from the comics. It all led to one thought;
If he's like this, how would he react if he found out about her reincarnation?
'I just want to go home.' Y/n ran a hand through her hair, her thoughts made her feel guilty, was she being ungrateful? Was Y/n even really Y/n? What if she just took over this Y/n's body? Was it her fault Clark's 'daughter' was gone?
What if he found out-
"Y/n? Are you ok? The credits ended a while ago." Clark's hand on Y/n's shoulder felt like fire. "Let's get going, okay?" Clark said softly, dipping his head down to look into  Y/n's eyes. "I'm sure Bruce (the prick) is anxious to have you back at the manor."
With a hesitant nod, Y/n stands up slowly. "Yeah... You're right, we should go." Clark smiles warmly, complete 180 from earlier. "Before that, I was hoping we could stop by the store on our way back." Clark rubs the back of his neck bashfully, "I might have promised your mother to get groceries while I was out, and the market is on the way to Bruces Mansion." His eyes seem to light up, "Oh! They might even have that snack you like so much! We can pick it up as well."
Y/n nods, "Yeah, I don't mind,"
Clark's smile widens, "Great! Let's get going then!"
Sighing, Y/n follows Clark to his car, 
'DC has Walmarts?' Y/n thought as she followed Clark into the supermarket.
The Walmart looked normal for the most part, there didn't seem to be too many people (probably because it was relatively late and this was still Gotham). Clark grabs a cart before heading into the supermarket, Y/n following closely behind, immediately he heads over to the dairy section browsing the milk and cream aisle.
"What's your favorite creamer?"
Looking over to Clark, Y/n raises a bow "Hmm?" she hums confused. Clark smiles, "I figured I could get some while we're here for when you go back to Bruce." 
An 'ooh' escapes Y/n's mouth before turning to get a better look at the creamers. In Y/n old life, she honestly preferred sweet things and would often put way too much creamer in her coffee, but as of late she's been enjoying less sweet things. 
"Mmm, I think I'm good for now,"  Y/n responded, not missing the way Clark frowned.
Clark grabs a few things before leaving, and you awkwardly follow behind him.
The rest of the shopping trip continues like this, Y/n felt like tearing her hair out, it was just so awkward and uncomfortable. Eventually, the pair ended up in the electronic section of the store.
"- game you really like!" Clark's voice bleeds into existence, breaking Y/n's train of thought. Glancing over, Y/n sees Clark holding a bootleg version of Minecraft. "Y/n? Did you hear me?" Clark frowns a bit, his eye's losing that spark again. "Y/n. I know you have a lot on your mind, but you-"
You and Clark jump at the sudden scream, Clark's eyes quickly scan the store for the source of the screaming.
More and more screams start popping up, Clark quickly pulls you close to him and you can feel your heart pounding. What was going on??
A mist seems to slowly cover the ground, screams of desperation continue to fill the air, only growing more and more unsettling.
"Shit," Clark mutters, he grips your shoulders and swiftly turns you around to face him. 
"Y/n. You need you listen to me." His voice was serious, "No matter what you see, it's not real. Do you understand? It's. Not. Real." 
Y/n's eyes widen, Fear Gas, the mist was fear gas! This was bad! Very very bad! Unlike Clark, Y/n wasn't immune which meant Y/n was about to experience the full effect of the gas.
"Y/n! Y/n just remember! It's not real- it- ot- rea-"
The world seems to blur as a burning sensation enters Y/n's lungs.
You sigh tiredly as you walk along the worn-down sidewalk, comic book in hand. It had been a long day, and all you wanted to do was go home and rest. Stopping at the crosswalk, you take a few glances from side to side, you never know when a truck could just barrel through you because you didn't look. 
You step onto the asphalt road.
Your heart was pounding for some strange reason, it suddenly became really hard to breathe. A loud honk rings in the air. Looking to your left, you see a dark blue truck heading towards you, its headlights illuminating a path where you were dead center.
The vehicle's driving was so erratic, you didn't know which way to run. Ultimately, whichever direction you chose didn't matter. The result would undoubtedly have been the same.
The impact was fast, you didn't feel anything at first.
It didn't last very long, though.
You lay on the asphalt road, gasping for air, trying to gain back all the air knocked out of you. That didn't do so well for your broken ribs, of course. The taste of blood indicates that some of your teeth might be missing, based on your guess.
You can't see much of your surroundings either. Aside from that dark blue truck's headlights blinding you, your vision was growing dark.
For a brief moment, you could see the man step out of his truck and go over to you. Then, everything in the world went dark.
"-waking up! She's waking up!" a boyish voice rings in Y/n's ear. A pounding headache seems to accompany her as she slowly sits up in her bed.
A few seconds after Clark enters her room. He looked around until he spotted the suitcase next to her closet, he went over and started to put her belongings in it.
"We are leaving." Clark states firmly, "And tomorrow you and I will be having a talk about what you saw." He seemed upset, extremely upset.
Clark... where are we going?" Y/n asked, though she already knew his answer.
"It's dad, not Clark, Y/n." That was all Clark said as he dragged you downstairs towards the manor's doors. 
Bruce was standing by the door with a perplexed look on his face. He seemed stressed and a bit frustrated. Looking over, Bruce glared at Clark, quickly walking in front of him as if to intercept him, but Clark just pushed him aside.
"Clark put her down, we need to talk about this! Her condition could get worse!" Clark ignored him and walked out the door to his car, Bruce hot on his tail.
"I don't need a man who puts his children through hell and back to lecture me or tell me how to parent my kid Bruce." Clark and put you in the car with the suitcase. Then he got in himself and started the car.
"How about you start focusing on how not to kill your own kids before you start worrying about mine"
Jon gasps. This... this couldn't be right. It was... no it was impossible! But... it was, it was here and it was possible. This changes everything...
𝚆𝚎𝚕𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚋𝚊𝚌𝚔 𝚝𝚘 𝚁𝚎𝙶𝚎𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚒𝚜 𝙴𝚡𝚙𝚎𝚍𝚒𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝙸𝚗𝚌. 𝚆𝚎 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚛𝚎𝚐𝚛𝚎𝚝𝚏𝚞𝚕 𝚝𝚘 𝚒𝚗𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚖 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝 𝚑𝚊𝚜 𝚋𝚎𝚎𝚗 𝚋𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚌𝚑𝚎𝚍.
█████ 𝙺𝙽𝙾𝚆𝚂!
*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*
TagList - @blublock404 @no-sleep-for-insomniacs @rosecentury
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help i have a crush and no guts to tell them. If convenient… some bruce wayne? Bruce is hotter. I am safer dreaming about fictional men than real ones. My crush miiiight know(im 20. WHY the heckkkkk do i even HAVE a crush). I made eye contact and immediately looked away. I literally couldnt be more suspicious. Im begging you to distract me.
Important note: i love love love your writing especially the other half. Which i know is over so im not asking for a continuation of that. But your bruce is enthralling. Also no pressure if youre not in a bruce writing mood.
i hate to tell you/warn you
having a crush at 29 is just as if not more embarrassing. i sadly speak from experience
also what do you call it when Batman skips church
christian bale
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"He's going to catch you."
"Catch me what? I'm not doing anything."
"You're staring."
"I am not staring," You insist, "I am...Looking in the direction of his vicinity."
"Well that vicinity is pretty narrow. Completely narrow. You're just looking at him, actually."
You pass a sidelong glance toward your best friend, eyes narrowing as she smiles sweetly at you.
"I'm just sayin'," She shrugs, "The more you stare at him, the more likely it is that he'll catch you."
"No way for him to catch me if there's nothing to catch—Oh, shit," You hurriedly whirl around as you see him twist toward you.
"I told you."
"Shut up!" You hiss. "Is he still looking?"
You groan, raising your drink to your lips and draining it. "I'm gonna go get another one. You wanna come?"
"I'm alright."
It's for the best, you decide. She was right, you've been way too blatant. But how many times are you going to be in the room with the Prince of Gotham, with the Bruce Wayne?
"Prosecco, please," You request, setting your empty glass down.
"It'll be a moment," The bartender warned. "We're waiting for a few bottles."
"Okay! No worries."
You're certain this is the only time that you would be in the same room as Wayne, so you may as well take a look, get your fill. There were whispers of him coming alone, instead of trotting out one of the models that he usually brings to these events. Maybe it was a last-minute acceptance, or he couldn't find anyone to come...Then again, you were certain that that was impossible. Hell, you'd cut off your right arm to say yes—Not that Bruce Wayne would ever ask you.
His voice makes you freeze, your eyes widening slightly as his sleeve brushes your arm.
"It'll be a moment, Mr. Wayne," The bartender frowns.
You glance hesitantly toward him, offering a tight, flighty smile when you find him looking at you.
"Hi," He greets.
Oh god, what the hell is he doing, talking to you?
"Come here often?"
"...To the Natural History museum?" You flounder.
"Not exactly," He chuckles. "I meant to events like these."
"Oh—No. My friend had a plus one, so."
You nod. You should ask if he comes to many of these, right? But you know that he does—every appearance is highly publicized in the Gotham Gazette, US magazine, across gossip blogs and social media. Hell, you'd have to have been living under a rock to not know who he was.
But how can you ask questions without seeming like an ignorant simpleton or a weirdo? Will he think it's odd that you know he goes to these events? Will he think you're lying if you pretend to not know that he does?
You don't even know this man, so why does he make you so nervous?
"Flying solo on this one?"
It's out of your mouth before you can stop it, and—shit. You take in the way Bruce blinks, his lips tipping up with a small smile.
"I am. I accepted last-minute."
"No other way to spend your Friday night?"
"No other good way. It is for charity, after all."
"That's true," You smile. Oh, god look away now. Stop looking into his warm, dark eyes—Damn, how does he get you so hot with just a smile?
"Two proseccos." The two of you turn as the bartender speaks up, setting your drinks on the bar.
"Thank you."
You take yours, ready to step away and say goodbye. You don't want to linger—but—
"Is your friend going to be missing you?" Bruce asks.
"Um..." You look around, spotting her speaking with one of her colleagues—one that you know she has a crush on. You huff a soft laughing, shaking your head. "No, definitely not."
"So she won't mind if I hold you up for a bit?"
Your heart leaps into your throat, brows creeping high.
"Hold me up? For what?"
"To talk, if you're interested." He holds his hand out for a shake. "Bruce Wayne."
And you can't keep it in anymore. He's introducing himself? You chuckle softly, shaking his hand.
"Yeah. I know."
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Random meet the batfamily reveal situations i dont see enough of so have some examples/prompts
The JL: Batman is truly terrifying. No one has the guts to lie to his face
The JL: *video calling the batcave*
Spoiler: *walks across the room and is seen as she passes behind Batman*
The JL: wait! Its you!
Batman: Spoiler, why and when did you have contact with the Justice League?
Spolier, no hesitation: i have never met these people in my life
The JL: WHAT? What are you talking about?!? We saw you two days ago
Spoiler: wasn't me. I don't know what to tell you, you must've saw someone else
Batman: *turns on his camera for the JL zoom call*
The JL: uh, Batman?
Batman: *steamrolls right into the meeting material so he doesnt have to talk about falling for a prank*
Batman: what happened?
The JL: well this group broke into the Watchtower and put Green Arrow and Green Lantern in the infirmary! They refuse to tell us who they work for or how they got past security-
Batman: *trying not to laugh because he is pissed that they broke into the Watchtower and possibly compromised them all but the image of Lantern and Arrow sitting next to each other in matching bandages like cartoon characters is hilarious*
Batman: i can answer one of those questions. This group typically works with me. They are supposed to be stationed in Gotham right now.
Batman: Nightwing, what could not be accomplished at the cave that this many of you needed to come here?
Nightwing: well, uh, you see...
Batman: Robin, why are you all here?
Robin: there was a... incident in Agent A's kitchen. It is no longer usable. We are here seeking asylum from his wrath.
Batman: *facepalms*
The JL: *gasps at the facepalm*
Batman: one of you blew up the microwave again, didn't you?
Robin: i will neither confirm or deny that claim.
Batman: *dealing out his children's punishment*
The JL: damn he's really giving it to them
Orphan: *hugs Batman's arm and gives him puppy eyes*
Batman: *speech falters but he keeps going*
Nightwing: *comes up behind Orphan and rests his chin on her head, also giving puppy eyes*
Batman: *speech begins to taper off*
Signal: *starts faking a leg injury and claims to be exhausted*
The JL: no, he's not gonna FOLD is he?
Robin: *refuses to stoop so low as to use these tactics but is adorably sulking behind them*
Batman: *folds like a house of cards and the kids get off mostly free AND with hugs*
The JL: *are flabbergasted*
The JL: how did you hack our security?! It's the best in the world
Red Robin, clearly exhausted: i built your security you fu-
Batman: Red Robin. What can we do for you.
Red Robin: answer your damn phone when i call you.
The JL whispering: who does this guy think he is?
Red Robin: we're out of coffee. I need you to swing by the store on your way back or just steal some before you leave.
The JL: you interrupted our very important meeting because you want Batman to go grocery shopping for you!
Batman and Red Robin: no coffee is a emergency.
Red Robin: *cracks open a five hour energy*
Batman: please don't-
Red Robin, making direct eye contact: *pours five hour energy into a can of monster*
Red Robin: desperate times call for desperate measures, B
Nightwing: it's freezing out here.
Nightwing: *pushes Superman aside so he can wrap Batman's cape around him*
The JL: uhh
Batman: i told you to bring a jacket.
Nightwing: jackets limit my mobility. And last time i brought one it got slashed to pieces and i had to buy a new one. I cant do that every time it gets cold!
Batman: *sighs*
The JL: did Batman just sigh in defeat??!!?!!!??
Oracle, interrupting a meeting: Batman. It's been four hours.
Batman: i am aware. Thank you Oracle.
Oracle: you need to eat, B.
Batman: i am fine.
Oracle: then you shouldn't have a problem eating. I know there are snacks in your belt.
The JL: is Batman getting bullied by his own AI?
Oracle: i am not a AI. And i will hold up this meeting until you eat.
Batman: *grumpily pulls out a granola bar and starts eating*
Red Hood: *marches right through the Watchtower and up to Batman*
Red Hood: you did not tell Robin to "just watch" Pride and Prejudice!
Batman, calmly turning in his chair: i did, yes.
Red Hood: i can't look at you right now. I don't know if i can ever look at you again.
Batman: the one i recommended is praised for it's faithful adaptation-
Red Hood: it's not the same! There is no substitute for reading a Jane Austin work!
Red Hood: next you'll tell me you've never read it
Batman: *silence*
Red Hood: get your stuff, we're leaving.
The JL: where are you going?
Red Hood: to a bookstore!
Red Hood: i'm coming over for lunch tomorrow and you better be at least one chapter in. You hear me, B?
Batman: Hn
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jasntodds · 6 months
Petrichor [19]
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Pairing: Jason Todd x Fem!Powered!Reader (little bit of fwb)
Words: 12,542
Chapter Warnings: Swearing, angst, blood, mention of abuse, mention of manipulation, mentions of death, mentions of canon characters deaths, mentions of drug use
Summary: ❝Pylades: I’ll take care of you. Orestes: It’s rotten work. Pylades: Not to me. Not if it’s you.❞
Gotham is home, not just for Jason but for you, too. And now that you’re both finally back home, together, you’re ready to see where this next chapter brings the two of you. He’s your best friend and you’re his. And you both might want a little something more with being back home, the place you both feel most comfortable. Surely, nothing could possibly go wrong now.
A/N: We're almost done with season 3 and I am so excited!! You're all gonna hate me later lmao (again happy ending, promise) I have so many plans lol You can add yourself to the tag list below, ask me to be tagged, or you can follow my library blog @jasntoddslibrary  and turn on notifications if you prefer that!! I love feedback, I swear it keeps me posting on a weekly basis 😭
series masterlist | masterlist | tag list
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You, Gar, and Rachel are sitting around the Lazurus Pit. Rachel has just finished giving Gar a pep talk about how she's able to do what she does out of love. Gar has been feeling a little bit like a letdown, unable to transform into different animals on command like he can as a tiger. The only times it's happened is when he's terrified, as if there's a block of fear in his head keeping him from transforming into anything else. You stay silent. You don't think Rachel is wrong. Gar could definitely change into other animals beyond being scared and maybe the answer is the love he has for all of the Titans and the love everyone has for him because everyone believes him. But, you're still stuck in your head wondering if that's always enough.
Right now, love doesn't seem like the thing that heals all wounds and makes everything better. It wasn't enough to keep Jason safe. It wasn't enough to keep him out of Crane's grasp. It wasn't enough to get Bruce to kill the Joker before he had his chance. It wasn't enough to bring Jason home. It wasn't enough for Rachel to bring Donna back. It wasn't enough for Sam to bring Jason back. It wasn't enough to keep the Titans at the tower. There have been so many things, especially lately, where it's just not been enough. Sometimes it's not enough so instead of being pessimistic about it, you stay quiet, looking at the pit and hoping it spits Dick out.
"You're quiet." Gar states, moving his attention to you.
"Oh, yeah." You shake your head, glancing back at him. "Just...waiting." You look back at Rachel. There's no guarantee this is going to work. You need another plan if it doesn't. You need another plan if it takes too long. "Do you think you could find the other Titans? Like...at some point tonight?"
"Yeah." Rachel nods her head. "I can feel their energy, too." Rachel's voice is soft.
"Well, that's good at least. Kory will know what to do." You let out a sigh, moving your stare back to the Pit.
"You don't think this is gonna work, do you?" Rachel asks.
"I don't know." You shrug. "I'm just trying to think ahead in case it doesn't or in case it takes a while. I mean, for all we know it takes a few days." You state just as the put starts bubbling. "Or...a few hours." You mutter as the three of you get to your feet, looking into the pit just as Dick's fist punches through the surface and he emerges from the thick and glowing liquid.
Dick starts to swim to the edge while you and Gar quickly meet him there to help pull him out. You both grab his arms, pulling at him until he's out of the pit and leaning back on his hands. He coughs up water just as Rachel kneels down beside him, you and Gar getting back to your feet. You and Gar exchange a look of disbelief as hope has the courage to start to fill your chests.
"Dick?" Rachel asks.
Dick manages to look at her, furrowing his brows in confusion before he falls back onto his back and passes out. Rachel looks back to Gar and you, as if one of you will know what just happened.
"What do we do?" Rachel asks.
"Is he breathing?" Gar asks with hesitance.
The three of you see Dick's chest rising and falling. This whole thing has been weird and it almost seemed like he drowned. Is there supposed to be more to do this? Or is he supposed to just...sleep off the effects and then he's just alive again? The three of you are completely confused by the entire situation.
"Yes." Rachel states.
"I guess we wait some more?" You question. "He's breathing so that's better than the alternative." You shrug your shoulders, wishing you would have pressed Jason to get some answers from Crane about him coming back.
But then Dick snaps back out of it, gasping himself awake as he shoots up. You and Gar both jump back slightly at the sudden movement and sound as if Dick is jumpscare in a bad horror movie.
"Rachel?" Dick gasps for breath, looking more confused than ever. "Gar?" Dick rushes, getting onto one knee. "Y/n?" Dick questions looking to you.
The last thing he remembers to be real is you and Jason kneeling above him, looking lost and panicked. Then there was everything in the pit which only leaves him with far more questions than answers, none of which he has time to get answers to right now. The Pit told him everything he needs to know to take down Crane. That's all that can matter right now if you're all going to save Gotham. He can deal with the rest later.
"It's okay now. You're safe." Rachel assures him. "Let us help you."
"Are you...alright?" Gar asks with worry.
"Yeah, dude. You like...died." You state with the scrunch of your nose, earning a light nudge from Gar.
"What...what happened down there?" Gar asks.
Dick breathes heavily, catching his breath and then completely avoids the question. "Crane can be stopped." Dick states, running a hand through his hair. "There's still time." Dick rushes, getting to his feet.
Dick starts to walk towards the exit as Rachel gets to her feet. He cannot possibly be serious. He just died and drowned and now he's just...going to stop Crane. Suddenly he has all the answers and he's going to go off on his own? He can barely even catch his breath.
"Wait. Dick, man, you need to rest." Gar rushes after him, the three of you right on Dick's heels.
Dick turns around, barely facing the three of them. "Anton and First Street. There's an abandoned control room. Find Conner. Make sure he's okay. Unite the Titans." Dick states in a hurry. "Y/n, with me, let's go." Dick rushes before he turns on his heels and starts darting down the hallway.
"Unite the Titans where?" Rachel calls after him.
"Take them to Donna." Dick states, not slowing down or stopping as he makes his way down the tunnel.
The three of you look between each other in confusion, trying to grasp any sort of explanation to no avail. Donna is supposed to be dead, according to Rachel. And he was in a Pit?
Dick calls your name from down the hall, his voice echoing over the bricks.
You shrug at the two of them. "Uh...alright. Good luck with that, I guess? I'll make sure he's not fucking insane." You state quickly, spinning on your heels before you jog down the hall to catch up to Dick.
You catch up to Dick who is walking a steady and quick pace, his head clearly thinking a hundred steps ahead. You eye him as you match his pace, walking right beside him. He just died? And then came back to life? There is no way in hell this man is just...fine with that. Of course, there are a lot of other things you all need to focus on, especially with him somehow knowing Crane can be stopped. There are more pressing matters than Dick's mental state at this exact point in time but that doesn't bring you any type of ease.
No one should die and then just be fine.
Jason sure as shit isn't. So, Dick can't be either.
Sam follows Dick out of the building, keeping up with him.
"We're going to meet Jason." Dick states flatly once the two of you exit the building.
"We're gonna what now?" You question, shaking your head. "And how do you expect we even find him?"
"He'll be here." Dick states, a confidence that should be reassuring consumes his voice.
How is he so sure about everything all of a sudden? The Lazarus Pit brings people back, and heals them, but...it can't possibly predict the future right? But, Dick also just said Donna is alive which means...if that's actually true the pit brings more than life back to someone. It brings some sort of clarity for things they otherwise shouldn't know. But if he's wrong that just means it's made him crazy which also means the pit did have some sort of lasting effect on Jason, too. This can't be good.
"How do you even know that?" You question, trying to figure out what is actually going on. If anything, he needs to slow down.
"He'll always go back to where it happened." Dick states.
Your face scrunches in both annoyance and more confusion. You did this round-and-round question game with Jason, you're not doing it with Dick. He wants you to go and find Jason so damn bad, he can give you some clarity, too.
"What the shit with Donna being alive? How the fuck do you even know that?" You almost demand instead of asking.
"I just do." Dick says simply.
"That's not reassuring whatsoever." You mutter with more annoyance.
Dick glances down to you, seeing you grow frustrated. "The pit..." Dick says.
"Yeah, no I figured that out but you're not exactly giving out details here." You roll your eyes before you grab his arm to bring him to a stop. "Dude, seriously, are you okay?"
"I'm fine. Come on, we can't waste—" Dick starts as he continues walking.
"No, fuck that shit!" You yell, keeping up with him again. "You know, you batboys do that shit all the time. You guys say you're fine when you're not. You literally just fucking died, Dick. You can't just be fine after that. And you know if the three of you would just fucking talk about how not fine all of you are, we probably wouldn't be in this mess to begin with, right? Like that's your guys' entire fucking problem. I hate talking about my shit, too but I'm learning the more I admit how not fine I am the easier it is and I tend to feel a little bit better about it. The three of you are just fucking annoying about it and if you really think that's not your problem, you're being willfully ignorant and we both know that's not a very Nightwing thing to be." You finish with a scoff and the shake of your head.
And maybe a large part of your frustration is that neither of them seem to think they matter. They are sacrifices. Jason always thinks the world is simply better off without him and Dick thinks he's expendable. He can be the sacrifice for the greater good. It's why he's reckless and why he goes off on his own. Jason does the exact same thing. It's fine to them if they die. But, they leave these people in the wake of their deaths with paralyzing grief. This time it wasn't permanent for either of them but what happens when it is? It shouldn't be because they were reckless and decided to sacrifice themselves because they matter to people. The people who love them and they should be considered in all of this.
Dick glances down to you as you keep your eyes straight, jaw clenched tight. Dying is traumatic but you're right. They don't talk about it. Bruce never talked about anything so Dick wouldn't talk about anything and Jason never talked about anything. Batman and Robin could never be scared and they weren't allowed to let their emotions get in the way. Emotions cause blurriness and distractions. On the field, those things get you killed. But, he's not Robin. He's not with Batman. He just died as Nightwing.
"It was a lot." Dick manages to state.
"Yeah..." You say quietly.
"You almost died. I think you know." Dick says, still partially avoiding the question.
"Yeah, it was really scary and traumatizing." You state flatly because even though you were close, you did not die. He saved you. And Jason saved you. Close doesn't count here.
"Yeah." Dick keeps his word short. "I had to face some...challenges." Dick confesses, feeling the very core of his bones ache with guilt over the brutal beating of Jason even though it wasn't real in the pit. "It's hard to explain. It was a test or something." You look at him, seeing the look of distance and remorse dissolve over his face and you don't need to ask what kind of tests. "I understand Jason a little more now, him as Red Hood." Dick lets out a breath. "But I can't focus on what happened if we're going to stop Crane. "
You nod softly. "Right, yeah, got it." You let out a breath. "Your ability to compartmentalize is really something else but you should really deal with it after instead pushing it off." You say quietly, earning a glance from Dick. "Something else will always come up, you're Nightwing. You're a Titan. I'm just saying, look where we stand today like maybe it would have been different if things weren't always compartmentalized. Maybe you need to feel it sometimes."
The words almost catch you off guard. You've been running from your own pain for so long that you think that's your biggest issue. You run and it hurts you and the people that care about you. It's easier to not feel any of it but it makes being a person harder. There is blood on your hands and a part of you wonders if you had just let yourself grieve, maybe there wouldn't be. Maybe most of what happened between you and Jason after wouldn't have happened because you would have grieved. You would have felt all of it. Maybe had you stuck around after your mom died, let yourself just feel it, you wouldn't have ended up with Jerry. Maybe allowing the pain to bleed a little is how people heal from it. Let it scab over and let it mend itself over time with care and attention.
"Are you okay?" Dick asks. "You were there. You found Jason, you were there with Tim. This is a lot for you, too."
"Yeah..." You let out a sigh. "Like...I-I-I don't know. You're like this weird...weird brother I-I never really wanted or asked for and then you died. And that's just...I don't know. I fuck with you but I respect you and ya know?" You look up with honest eyes. "Kind of would suck a lot if you died permanently. You're like good at this and you're important to the Titans." You roll your shoulder, pulling in a heavy breath. "And to me." You mutter so quietly Dick nearly misses it.
"Thank you." Dick says. "I think that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me." There's the smallest touch of sarcasm in his voice.
You manage to crack a smile. "Eh, don't get used to it, Dickolas. It's cause you died. Gotta be nice to you for at least an hour." Dick shakes his head but you see the subtle hint of a smile on his face. "Why are we going to find Jason anyway?"
"He'll know how to take out Crane and we need him on the inside. He wouldn't tell Crane he's against him, would he?" Dick asks.
"Doubt it." You scoff. "Jason is smart, methodical. He still wants Crane dead for what he did to me so he's not gonna let Crane think they're on different sides just so he can have the upper hand."
"Good. We find Jason and bring him with us. I have a plan." Dick states with urgency but offers no further explanation.
"Yeah...okay. So, uh, where do I come in? The mediator, still?" You almost laugh at the idea. 
"No. You said Jason wanted to talk, let's talk. You're here because I need you with Jason."
While the idea of them talking is definitely enticing, you aren't completely convinced. Jason didn't pull the trigger this time but it is his fault Dick died. And given how Jason has been about Bruce who wasn't even in Gotham when Jason was killed, you can't help but feel a bit uneasy with Dick wanting to find Jason so soon after surviving the Pit. 
"And how do we know you're not gonna kill Jason? I mean, don't get me wrong, I don't want you to kill him and I'd fight like hell to make sure you don't. But...he did kind of just get you killed so you can see why I'm a little confused about you're kind of change of heart, I guess." You explain, eyeing him from the corner of your eye. 
"You'll just have to trust me. I never wanted him dead. He was just giving us no choice." There's something almost sad that trickles into his voice while his expression gives nothing away. 
"There's always a choice, Dick." You say quietly. "You can't say there isn't a choice when you yelled at me for killing and you're mad at Jason for killing. And you preached about how we can't be judge, jury, and executioner. There is a choice."
"Jason was going to kill all of us." Dick defends his stance, not acknowledging the hypocrisy of it all.
"So? And the ones we want dead will keep trying to kill other people. Or worse. Just because we, specifically, aren't their targets doesn't mean they get a pass. The innocent people that are their targets deserve the same amount of care and protection that we offer each other." You pull in a breath, feeling Dick move his stare to you. "We clearly didn't have to kill him, is my point."
This is the most Dick has gotten out about your motive. It's more than it being about the kids left behind. It's the bigger picture. That there is a choice and sometimes it's a bad choice and a hard choice but one that means, in your head, protecting the greater good in the same way Dick wants to protect the Titans. It doesn't mean he agrees with you, but he does see your point of view for once.
"Do you disagree with going after Jason?"
"No." You answer plainly. "I'm just incredibly loyal to him. If it were anyone else, they'd be dead. And I understand that's a bit hypocritical given what I just said. That's why circumstances and background are important when making the decision to kill someone." You shake your head. "I know him. I know him being a cold-blooded killer isn't him. Background matters."
"You're right it does. I do not want him dead." Dick offers a sincere nod towards you before it falls silent between you.
You finally reach the spot from last night where Dick was killed. Dick finds the Red Hood helmet, picks it up and takes it along with him. There's a puddle of blood still on the pavement that makes your stomach twist. It's as if blood stains everything it touches.
You're still unconvinced Jason will be here like Dick says. He's not psychic all of a sudden. But, you stay with him anyway, hoping you run into Jason and of course, you do. Somehow, Dick is right about this. Jason is yelling that Red Hood is back as he fires a gun into the air.
"Jason...it's okay." Dick calls, getting Jason's attention as he spins around quickly. His face is still covered in blood and cuts from the fight the night before. His eyes nearly bug out of his head, this can't be right. "It's me."
He knows the three of you took Dick to the Pit but there is a part of him that still can't believe it worked. Watching the life literally leave someone's body only for them to be alive the following day, that's more than unsettling. It feels wrong. It's the same wrong feeling Jason gets any time he gets a moment of silence and can hear his own heartbeat in his ears. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.
But he is relieved to see Dick walking and alive. The feeling of it being wrong, is just the echo in his own bones. Dick should be the one alive. If the Pit were to work on anyone and offer someone a second chance, it should be Dick.
"It worked?" Jason questions, almost losing the breath from his lungs with the words. His eyes land on you as if you're the only one who can confirm if this is real or not.
You nod once. "Yeah, it did."
"You knew?" Dick asks.
Jason nods. "Rachel said that's where Gar was taking you." Jason explains as his eyes start to grow glassy, the guilt thundering through his bones once more.
"We don't have much time. I need your help." Dick cuts the conversation short, knowing they can't discuss this now but he's getting the idea maybe Jason did just want to talk. He looks hurt and relieved to see him and you.
You, on the other hand, are still uneasy. Dick isn't giving you any indication that this is going to go sideways but you feel yourself grip a knife from your belt anyway. This can't go sideways again. You all working on different teams has not helped fight Crane but working together should. Crane, at the very least, won't see it coming. You just don't want to see anyone else close to you die again.
"You want me to help you?" Jason asks, stretching his arms out at his sides in disbelief. He can't help. Not after what he's become. "I'm a fucking murderer."
"You know how Crane is operating. You know how he thinks." Dick starts. "He needs to be stopped or a lot more people are gonna die." Dick pauses for just a second. "You want redemption?" Dick asks as Jason hangs his head. "Do you?" Dick asks more firmly this time. "This is the first step."
Of course he wants redemption for the harm he's caused but his methods now do not align with Dick's. He's almost gotten them killed and he did kill Hank. He betrayed them. How is he supposed to go back now and help? After everything? After what he's become? It sounds hopeless and he almost lets his pity get the best of him until his eyes meet yours.
"We need your help, Jay." You plead with him.
Jason shakes his head. "You can't stop him." Jason answers with defeat rather than snark. He genuinely believes Gotham is lost to Crane. "He's got everything. The police, the Batcave. He's gonna take the whole fucking city down!"
"How?" Dick asks more in a way that sounds like a demand.
"You think I know?" Jason scoffs. "He doesn't tell me shit."
"Jay? You have to know something. You've been with him this entire time and you wanted to talk to Dick last night. You know something." You urge, practically begging him to just say something.
He told you once that he remembers everything. Crane slipped somewhere and all Jason has to do is remember. Think of whatever the hell Crane said that might be a clue.
Jason hangs his head as tears start to come to his eyes. "It was all crazy shit." Jason pauses for a second. "Like waves of anger and fear. The bright and darkened lands of the Earth. Something about an attack you and Bruce stopped a long time ago." Jason states, looking at Dick with confusion knowing Bruce never told him.
"Years ago, Crane sent a poem to Jim Gordon with clues about an attack on Gotham. A chain of explosives to release his fear toxin. We stopped him before he had the chance to set it off. Bruce took Crane's weapons and put them in the Gotham Armory to study them."
"And Crane's in the Batcave." Jason finishes. "So, he knows where those weapons are."
"And so do we now." Dick states as he extends Jason's helmet out to him. "We need to go."
Jason puts the pistol back in the holster on his leg. "So, I'm a Titan again?" Jason asks.
"No, you'll never be a Titan again." Dick states before he closes the distance between them, offering his helmet. "But, you can help us save Gotham."
Jason eyes the helmet as the feeling of being lost hits him like a ton of bricks. He never really fit in being a Titan anyway but...something about the confirmation that even if he were to change back to who he was before, it's over, really hits him. It's something he can't come back from. That part of his life, Robin, is gone. It's lost to the darkness. The Joker took it from him. Crane took it from him. The one thing he thought made him who he is, is shattered with so many of his hopes. It's lost and gone and Jason can't help but feel alone and lost now.
But, feeling that way got him here in the first place so he takes the helmet from Dick.
"How do I know you're not going to kill me?" Jason asks.
"Because now I know what it's like to die." Dick answers harshly.
Jason's eyes glance to you and then back to the helmet in his hands. It's more guilt. It's always guilt that comes back like the bladed boomerang. Jason knows firsthand what it's like to die, too and that didn't stop him. That was never a reason for him to stop. It doesn't matter that he was drugged and manipulated because, to Jason, Dick's reason should have been enough. It doesn't matter that the drug removed his guilt and his fear and the feeling of being haunted and stalked by something dark and twisted. He should have known better and he put death on Hank anyway. He lead Dick to getting killed.
He should have known better than to go after the people who actually cared about him. He knows what it's like to die and Dick does, too. To Jason, that should give Dick enough reason to kill him and yet...he doesn't and he seems sincere.
"Fine." Jason agrees reluctantly. "How can I help?" Jason asks letting out a steady breath as he nods his head.
"Come on. I've got a car around the block. We're going to break into the vault." Dick says casually as he starts walking past Jason.
Jason looks at you before you roll your eyes, trailing after Dick, Jason falling in line with you. The two of you follow Dick to the car he, for some reason, just has. You and Jason can only assume it's from last night. He had to get to Jason some way. Jason takes the passenger seat while you sit in the back, sitting right in the middle. Dick starts the drive while Jason is stuck in the car with his brother. This is not the ideal situation.
"Do you want to explain any of this?" Dick asks after a few minutes of silence. "How we got here?"
"Not really." Jason quips back with frustration looking out the window. He's not even entirely sure where to start. It all feels like this started so long ago and maybe in a way it did. Maybe it started that day he stole the hubcaps. Maybe he should have listened to Dick and you about Bruce. "After fucking everything, I just can't believe Bruce couldn't fucking kill the Joker." Jason lets out a scoff. "He fucking beat me to death with a fucking crowbar and Bruce just...fucks off somewhere." Jason scoffs again, barely able to hide the crack in his voice.
The car falls dead silent as Dick glances in the rearview mirror at you before you lean forward in between the boys. You and Dick are on the verge of exploding. This really cannot be Jason's entire motive. How the hell doesn't he know? You look at Jason who's giving you a confused and annoyed expression. You look back to Dick who is clearly trying to figure out how he's supposed to burst this bubble without it leading to another fistfight.
"I got it." You state before looking to Jason. "Who exactly do you think killed the Joker?" You blink at him with your brows raised, really hoping Jason's motive is not entirely linked to this little bit of information.
Jason eyes you, looking to the side and then back at you. The look you're giving him with Dick glancing at him has him feeling like Crane may have lied to him about that, too. But, Bruce wouldn't throw his morals away, right? Not for someone like Jason. Not for Jason. Bruce didn't kill the Joker.
"Uh...Crane said it was one of the prisoners who dressed like the Bat?" Jason lets out a scoff, playing it off in hopes this conversation is not going where he thinks it's going.
You look back at Dick who looks like he might have an aneurysm. Jason has been deadset on his new form of justice which you agree with but...if he thinks Bruce didn't kill the Joker for him, maybe that's his motive. You always felt his hatred towards Dick was just some weird rivalry amplified by Crane but if Jason thought no one avenged him...maybe that's it. You almost cringe at the idea of having to burst his bubble.
"You hear it, right?" You ask Jason as you look back at him. "Like..." You pause, scrunching your nose. "Crane, inmate dressing as the Bat."
There is no fucking way Bruce actually killed someone, the Joker, for Jason.
"Did....did Bruce actually do it?" Jason huffs as if he expects you and Dick to be messing with him as some sort of cruel payback or even to get him back on the "good" side.
"Walked into my room with a bloody crowbar." Dick states.
He cannot believe of all lies for Jason to believe from Crane, he had to believe that one. Crane is a manipulative asshole who's had Jason drugged and under his thumb ever since coming back, but how does Jason actually believe this? Even though Bruce has always been completely against murder in any instance, Jason should have known it was a lie. All of Gotham knows it was actually Batman.
"He actually did it?" Jason asks but this time, there's a sense of shock and remorse in his voice.
Every single part of him should feel relieved that Bruce would do this for him. Bruce Wayne, Batman, the same guy who has preached about not being judge, jury, and executioner, killed someone for him. Bruce killed The Joker for beating Jason to death and Jason should feel relieved and thankful but instead, he just feels guilty. Maybe wanting Bruce to avenge his death was never the thing he really wanted.
"Yeah, Jay." You nod your head, your voice quiet and sad. "Fuck Bruce, but I told you he loved you."
"Fuck." Jason lets out a groan, resting his head back on the headrest. "I really fucking thought he wouldn't do it."
Jason always thought Bruce would never break that moral code. He said it would be too easy to keep going. It's always just that one and then there would be another who's just as bad. The lines would start to blur and he wouldn't be able to stop. But, Jason did think if he ever were going to break it, it would have been for Dick, not Jason. He had no idea he actually meant that much to Bruce and now Bruce up and leaving Gotham without a trace makes sense. It wasn't that Crane drove him away or some sort of hideaway until things cooled down after losing his son. It was the grief of it all. The blame Bruce has to feel, knowing he led Jason into the road of Robin.
"Was that your only motivation for this?" Dick questions, almost not wanting to know the answer.
"Of course not." Jason sneers. "But...it didn't help." Jason grits his teeth. "I don't fucking know." Jason crosses his arms, not more aggravated over the whole thing than ever.
Crane took everything from him. And Jason trusted him.
"It's okay if you're mad at him for not saving you and thinking he didn't avenge your death." You state softly. "But now you know."
"I'm not though." Jason states as he nearly cuts you off, catching you both off guard. "I'm not fucking mad at him for not saving me." Jason's voice trails off. "I...fuck it. Forget it, alright? Crane lied to me about that, too and here we are." Jason lets out a scoff as he shakes his head before turning to look out his window.
Dick always felt like Jason was the type to hold a grudge, get unreasonable mad about things beyond his control. But, in the time since the tower, he got to know him better, finding out that wasn't entirely true. Jason's statement just now proves that. It was never about Bruce not saving him or even avenging him. It was him being alone. Thrown to the side the second things started to get messy. It was always about him feeling abandoned and less than, not good enough.
And you can see that, too.
You look to Dick and for once, Dick looks worried. "Don't worry," You start, earning a look from Jason. "I'll kill Crane for you." You offer him a soft smile that almost makes Jason laugh.
"Really?" Dick questions with annoyance.
"Don't pretend like you don't want him dead." You chortle.
"Yeah, right." Jason scoffs. "He's too good for it." Jason nearly chortles with you just to mock Dick.
"Hey!" Dick challenges. "Crane is bad, he just needs to remain locked away."
"No, you want him dead." You nod your head. "He killed your brother, drove your adoptive dad away, almost killed me, killed Hank, has been actively trying to get you killed for two weeks, and turned all of Gotham against the Titans. You want him dead. I can tell."
"You got a fucking sixth sense for right now?" Jason quips, this time actually letting a laugh slip from the bottom of his lungs.
"No." You chortle. "Dick isn't as stern when he talks about not killing Crane. He always has this look about killing being wrong and he always says the same thing, he doesn't do either with Crane."
"He's just a bad person." Dick defends himself, not even wanting to humor your theory behind this.
"No shit, man." Jason huffs. "I fucking died and he probably set the whole thing up."
"So did I." Dick states back.
"Gar died, you both died, Donna died and all of you came back. We all just taking turns? Where should I stand in line?" You quip with the intention of not letting them even start an argument.
"Not funny." Jason and Dick say at the same time, making themselves grimace.
You burst into a fit of laughter. "I told you, Jay. You two--"
"Shut the fuck up." Jason hits his head on the back of the headrest, closing his eyes. The last thing he wants to hear is that him and Dick even have one similarity but his voice isn't harsh and there might even the smallest hint of a smirk on his lips.
You lean back in your seat with the shake of your head and a gentle smile. This is going to eat at him for a while but you hope Bruce will come back. Maybe after you take out Crane, Dick will be able to find him and him and Jason can go get him. Maybe Jason getting to see Bruce after all of this will ease some of his guilt. You've had talks about it. You know him being fooled into thinking Bruce didn't avenge him isn't his entire motive. Jason always felt like Bruce could do more and this is doing more. It doesn't make it easy for him or make him feel better, but you know there's always more to Jason's motives than something surface-level.
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Once you get to the armory, the three of you enter with ease. There are no guards this time. There's no one even here, just the three of you which allows you to walk right up to the vault. The entire city is in a bit of chaos, using up any force that might have been here. It's not ideal for everyone else, but it is definitely beneficial to you, Jason, and Dick right about now.
You reach the vault door where Jason takes the lead, lining the door with a sort of liquid that then ignites and breaks the seals of the door, fire almost engulfing the door until it hits the floor. Jason is the first one to step inside, his gun pointed forward with a flashlight on top. You follow right behind him with your own flashlight and then Dick.
"Let's go." Dick says once he gets in front of you and Jason, leading the way to case you need.
Dick opens the case only for nothing to be inside besides a book called Collected Poems by Will Auden.
"I don't get it. There's supposed to be like two hundred ampules." Jason states with frustration. "What the fuck is that?"
Dick reaches forward and grabs the book. "Bright and darkened lands of the Earth." Dick states, looking at the book.
You and Jason look between each other and then back to Dick. Of all things for Dick to understand, a random book of poems is the thing he understands. Of course, he does.
"What are you talking about?" Jason asks.
"Crane's poem." Dick states as he opens the book, flipping to somewhere in the middle. "His war on Gotham."
Jason snatches the book back, you looking over his arm to see the page Dick opened.
"Fuck." Jason groans.
Crane's already beat you here. It has to be some sort of gloat thing he's doing, like he's already two steps ahead of you. He's been two steps ahead this whole time and his war on Gotham is now in full swing. What are you all supposed to do if you can't locate the bombs and disable them? What if Crane is already out there ready to blow up the city?
"What are we supposed to do now?" You ask, looking up to Dick.
Dick pauses for a second, looking to the empty case and then back to you and Jason. "Let's go. I have an idea." Dick says quickly before he turns and heads towards the exit.
The three of you head back to the car, taking back your seats as Dick immediately starts driving. You're watching him and you're fascinated by how quickly Dick can change directions. Not a single part of you is surprised but you are fascinated by it. He was trained by Batman. To be out there, as a vigilante, you have to know how to pivot immediately. Dick is really good at it. So, is Jason. It's something the two of them have in common. The ability to adapt to anything and everything, even when everything is covered in bloody chaos.
"One poem, multiple bombs." Dick starts. "Clues to where the bombs are are placed in the poems."
"What's the plan?" Jason asks, his stare on Dick hoping Dick does actually have some sort of backup plan.
"Find some supers and stop the bombs from going off." Dick says it almost casually as if it's something so simple and easy.
"Titans?" Jason scoffs. "What are they gonna do when they see me?"
Jason knows there is no way the Titans are going to welcome him back with open arms and trust him just because Dick and you say he's safe now. Gar might but Kory, Conner, and Rachel won't. He's been actively targeting them and he killed Hank. They're not just going to forget that and move on like nothing happened. They'll likely try and kill him the second they see him at this point. He got Dick killed.
"They're not." Dick states, revving the engine before pulling over at a curb.
"What's going on?" Jason asks once the car is stopped.
"Get out." Dick states.
"Out?" Jason asks, hurt covering his voice.
"I can't bring you back to the Titans. It'll cause a war." Dick explains. "But I do need you."
"So, I'm your dirty little secret?" Jason quips.
"You want to help us, this is the way it's gonna be. I can only fight one war at a time."
You remain silent, not daring to get in the middle of the two of them. It's the smart decision because there's no way everyone will trust him. Everyone will start fighting and arguing and nothing will get done. Crane will win just because there's a fight between the Titans, which is probably what he wants anyway. It might hurt Jason, but it is the only way this can even work.
"When do you need me?" Jason agrees with a bit of reluctance in his voice.
"If you don't hear from me before, meet me back here in three hours. Got it?" Dick asks.
"Yeah." Jason says quietly.
"You, too." Dick looks back at you.
"Why do I have to get out?" You let out a scoff as Jason quickly looks back at you, wondering what you did this time to piss off the rest of the Titans.
"Safety, precautions, you two work well together." Dick states. "Three hours."
"Got it." You nod your head once before you exit the vehicle with Jason.
Once your doors are shut, Dick drives off. You look over to him and Jason dodges your stare, looking to the side. It's the shame that's eating at him. Falling for all of Crane's lies, getting Dick killed, having to be kept a secret. He was once a Titan and now they can't know he's even helping. Instead, Dick has you here because you work well together, sure, but also to make sure Jason doesn't back out of it. He's not even mad because he'd do the same thing but it hurts and he feels so painfully guilty for everything. He's destroyed everything.
"Come on." Jason jerks his head to the right. "Safe house is close." Jason starts walking, helmet in hand while Sam follows him.
The silence between you builds like a sturdy brick wall. It's in the silence that you have time to process everything. It's always the silence that acts as a marinade for all things fueled with anger and misery. Dick might be alive and Jason might be alive but Jason is the reason Dick died in the first place. He could have stopped. For two seconds, Jason could have called a truce and he didn't and Dick died for it. There never would have been a crowd. The kid with the gun wouldn't have been there and Dick wouldn't have gotten shot. Jason didn't pull the trigger, but he didn't have to. Dick stood there and told Jason the reason Dick won't kill him is because he knows what it's like to die. Well, so does Jason so why the fuck didn't Jason take that into consideration?
You know it was the drug but it bites and gnaws at you anyway because watching everyone you care about die is hacking away at you.
"You alright?" Jason finally asks. You being completely silent never sits quite well with him. There is nothing that sounds more deadly than your silence in moments like these.
"I don't know, Jay. I just watched Dick die and come back to life. What the fuck do you think?" You snap without processing your thought.
"The fuck you mad at me for now?" Jason snaps back. "I didn't pull the fucking trigger. I went there to talk." Jason barks, really not wanting to be reprimanded at the moment. He knows.
"You know what? You might as well have, Jason." You snap, your steps becoming harder against the pavement. "You could have stopped at any point and told him you just wanted to talk and explain it but you didn't. Not one part of you decided to do that. And for the life of me, I can't figure out why. So, Dick was killed because of that. You didn't do it. But that kid thinks he did the right thing to protect you. Dick wasn't even the enemy. So, that's shit." You let your own anger get the best of you, not even to tear him a part for it but just because you need to yell about it.
"It's not my fucking fault." Jason groans. "I didn't ask anyone to do that." Jason defends himself, knowing he's wrong.
"You don't have to!" You finally yell. "People will follow you like a damn cult because you command attention when you walk into a room. You are charismatic and enthralling. They have always been some of your best qualities but in this instance, it wasn't good. They believe in you, Jay." You look back over to him as Jason hangs his head, watching his feet hit the wet pavement. "But, Crane turned the city against the Titans, to follow you." You look forward as you shake your head. "I know I told you to work with him, but it didn't have to get to you and Dick fighting and him dying. It never had to end that way. You could turn them back to the right side." Your voice goes quiet with your last sentence earning you a glance from Jason.
"I didn't think he'd listen, alright? He was the one that set up the flash bang and came in ready for a fight. I didn't think it was any use and I didn't know those fucking people would be there. I..." Jason swallows his own words, not wanting to get into it.
You being willing to die for him is one thing. He hates it. He'd never let you if he could help it, especially having experienced what it's like to die. He would never. But, you love him. You have seen him at his good and bad. You've seen everything in between. Jason has fully exposed all of himself to you in every way anyone possibly could. And you would die for him. You would kill for him. No questions asked because you know Jason Todd better than he knows himself half the time. But these random people? They don't know him. Why the fuck would they kill someone for him? Why would they do that?
"I'm sorry, alright?" Jason's voice comes back down. "I know. I could have fucking done something and I didn't." Jason's saw clenches. "I'm fucking trying." His words are firm but there's a hopelessness in them.
"I know." You say quietly.
"I have a lot to make up for and I don't know if I'm gonna be able to do but I promise, I'm trying. I just...fucked it up." Jason's breath leaves his lips, the fog coming out in a haunting blow.
"I know...I just..." You shake your head. "I'm just really worried about all of you, all the time. You, Gar, Dick. You guys are the closest people to me besides Molly and I just...you're very important to me and this could be something so good and it was." You suck in a breath, the cold air starting to dry out your throat. "And I think we all deserve it. The Titans."
"Yeah..." Jason's shoulders slouch forward. "You do." Jason says quietly, keeping his stare ahead him even as you look over to him.
You've always deserved better than anything Gotham has given you. All this city has done is take everything you care about. And you only even started killing because of him. Even when Jason knows there's more to it, that was your breaking point. You're not shunned from being a Titan and maybe that'd be better for you.
"If you want to be a Titan after all of this, you should." Jason states in his way where he tries to sound really casual to hide his real feelings.
You snap your attention back to him. "Why would I do that?" You nearly scoffs at the very idea, especially coming from him.
"You're good at it and you like it. They like you and you fit in." Jason answers with ease, as if it were something he'd thought about more than a few times. "Why trap yourself here if you don't have to?"
It's as if the air is being pulled from your lungs by rusty hooks. How could he say that? He's here. Home is here. Molly is here. It's not a trap being in Gotham. Coming back, coming home, was a choice you made all on your own and not a single ounce of you even regrets it. You can't regret it. You got to reunite with Molly and while it has been agonizing lately, you had some of your best and favorite moments with Jason here. You got to make a different life again. It felt like home again. Here. Not in San Francisco. Why would he tell you to be a Titan?
"You want me to be a Titan?" You ask, doing your best to hide the hurt in your voice.
"Not up to me." Jason shrugs his shoulders casually, still keeping his stare away from you.
"That's not what I asked." You bite back, keeping your stare on him.
Jason looks back over to you as you reach the building. Jason opens the door for you, leading you in first before he shuts and locks the door behind you. You stand directly in front of him so he can't move once the door is shut. He doesn't get to avoid this conversation when he's the one that brought it up. If he wants you to leave, then he can tell you and then deal with the fact you will not.
"Answer me." You demand.
Jason looks to the right before looking back at you. He always thought you would anyway. After everything, it only makes sense to him for you to leave. You said San Francisco caused you so much pain that you didn't want to be there anymore. But, Gotham has caused you so much pain, you're not even the same person you were a month ago. He doesn't want you to leave but he wants you to be happy and he worries that just won't be here. Not with the track record.
"I always thought you would." Jason shrugs as his voice almost trails off.
"Because?" You search as your brows furrow. "What? I'd get bored of you? Tired of you?" Your eyes scan his face, knowing all of his insecurities. He can't hide from you like he can with everyone else.
Jason looks to the ground and back to you with the shrug of his shoulders. "No." Jason answers. "You didn't come back for me. Thought you'd figure it out and just...go back."
You narrow your eyes. "That's not the full reason." You say softly. "Tell me."
Jason shifts his weight, favoring his bad leg as it starts to ache. He shakes his head with defeat. "Just want you to be happy." Jason says honestly. "This place is fucking shit and you know it. And you hate Bruce but you don't wanna give this up. Bruce doesn't like other vigilantes in the city and..." Jason's heart breaks as he watches your expression fall. "Yeah, I thought you'd leave." Jason nods his head.
"Jay, I told--"
"Because I died." Jason cuts you off with a scoff. "That day on the roof, I fucking destroyed you. I died and it completely destroyed you. When you found out about the drug and Crane, then everything else, I thought you'd fucking leave."
"Yeah," You nod quickly as your eyes turn glassy. "It did destroy me. The whole damn thing hurt but that doesn't mean I want to leave. It doesn't mean I want to be a Titan." Your voice is almost pleading with him to not push without you ever saying it. "This is my home and Molly is here and my mom is buried here and you are here. I don't care if we're not together, you're here. The city is a shitshow so it needs us. It needs us and Batman to help."
"Are you sure?" Jason questions. "I mean, look at this place. I just want you to be happy. I don't fucking know."
You let out a sigh. "You didn't answer the question." You state as Jason opens his mouth. "I asked if you wanted me to. You just said you always thought I'd leave."
Jason shakes his head. "Of course not." Jason lets out a scoff, not even trying to lie or dodge it anymore.
"Good cause I'm not leaving, Jay." You nod your head. "I was always happiest here with you." Your words are barely above a whisper as you look to the floor. "So," You pull in a breath. "You don't have that to worry about. I was gonna stay anyway, no plans to leave again. Tired of running." Your voice turns airy, almost hopeful with your last sentence.
"I don't get you." Jason lets out a laugh that's filled with relief.
"Yeah, you do." You laugh softly. "You're the only one whoever did." You shrug your shoulders, moving past him to the stairs. "You know, you and Dick could probably bond over your whole dying experience now. Probably bring you closer." You offer with sarcasm earning a groan and then a laugh as Jason walks over to you.
"Oh, yeah? We sit down for a family dinner at the manor and tell Bruce all about it? Like a fucking field trip?" Jason quips right back as the two of you make your way upstairs.
"Yeah!" You laugh. "Hear me out, it might freak Bruce out which would be funny."
Jason shakes his head with a soft chuckle. "Us getting along? Yeah, that'll freak Bruce out."
You nudge him lightly. "That'll freak everyone out, actually."
The two of you go upstairs into Jason's makeshift bedroom. You head over to the window to look at the people down below. Everyone is fending for themselves and there are still fires in the streets. There aren't any cars this time. There are always cars.
You lean against the wall and slide down, keeping your head turned towards the window as Jason keeps his distance, watching you closely as he traps himself in his own head again. While you have been on Jason's side, you've also actively been trying to make sure the Titans are at a distance and safe from Jason. You can say you've always been on Jason's side this whole time and maybe that's true, but you also were entirely in the middle. It was never Titans or Jason for you. You were always determined to cut the wire. It was always going to be all of them even if it killed you.
Jason remembers you willing to die for him, how terrifying that was. No one in his entire life was ever willing to do that. Maybe Bruce would have but it's something Jason isn't sure of. He was sure of you. Deathstroke proved that and you confirmed it that night. You would die for him because you love him and Jason always thought that was absurd, even if he'd die for you, too. Dying for you seemed to be the easiest thing he would do if it came to it. But you dying for him? Insane. It had to be insanity but these past two weeks have taught him something else entirely.
You would just die for anyone you loved if that's what it took.
There is not a doubt in Jason's mind that you would put your life in danger for Gar. Of course, you would. He's Gar. Everyone would probably do it. There's Molly and Jason actually feels bad for anyone who would even think of coming after her. You'd die for Tim because of course you would. You care about him and Tim is determined and smart. Krypto is no question. You loved Donna and thought she was the coolest Titan, that's easy. You thought Kory was one of the coolest and most badass people you'd ever met while also being immensely kind. You told Jason once that the Titans need her. So, you'd die for her, too. Jason isn't entirely sure of the big reason you'd save Conner or Dawn or Hank but he knows you would. And then there's Dick. You'd save Dick because he's the leader. Because he saved your life. Because you look up to him. Because he's important to everyone.
It's not that you would die for Jason. It's that you would die for anyone you love if it ever came to it. Jason would be lying if he said he doesn't admire that. Though, he wonders if that's what will be your last straw or if you'll understand one day that you shouldn't have to die for the people you care about. Jason swore he'd die for you. That part was easy but the more time that passes, the more he's realizing he wants to live for you. Living is harder. He hopes you learn that, too. You deserve to want to live for someone and for yourself.
"What's with the symbol?" You snap Jason from his thoughts.
"What?" Jason questions, almost doing a double take.
"The rip off bat symbol. Your idea or Crane's?" You ask bluntly as your eyes dart between his and the red symbol on his chest.
Jason looks down to his chest where the red symbol stares up at him. "Mine." Jason chuckles softly, a devilish grin pushing itself onto his lips. "Why?" He asks and he walks over to the other side of the window from you, sliding down the wall and matching your position.
You let out a soft laugh as you shrug. "Funny that's what you would pick given you thought he didn't kill the Joker for you." You pull in a breath. "Why?"
Jason shrugs. "Fuck Bruce." Jason answers easily as if the answer were so simple anyone could have figured it out, as if he isn't neglecting the entire explanation.
The bat symbol represents Bruce's way of thinking. Inciting fear into the hearts of everyone so they don't do bad things. It works, sometimes. But, it doesn't work enough. The bat symbol represents a certain moral compass where even under the worst of circumstances, killing is still wrong. It represents Bruce. Jason wanted something to almost mock him, a fuck you and watch this to Bruce. Fear doesn't always work. It's not the best way. For Jason, he needed something to spite Bruce, prove his methods will be better because there should never be another Jason. Or Dick. Or any of them. No one should have to suffer the way all of them have. It was to represent everything Bruce refused to do for the greater good.
But Bruce did kill The Joker so Jason feels lost.
But then you offer this warm smile, one that says you understand every single thought in his mind without him ever having to explain.
"Yeah..." You sigh softly. "Fuck Bruce." You laugh softly. "I like it, by the way. Bruce only killed him for you. He never would have under any other circumstances." You pause before you tilt your head to the left quickly, raise your brows. "Well, he might have for Dick, too. But, it would have to be one of you. So...good for you, Jay." You nod your head softly.
"Don't think it's fucked?" Jason chortles.
"Oh, no it definitely is." You nod quickly. "I mean, just when I think I've got some daddy issues, I meet you and Dick. It's definitely fucked. But, like it anyway." You smile but Jason doesn't quite match it. There's a sadness washing itself over his face. "I think Gotham will like it, too." You say quietly.
"Yeah? Why?" Jason repositions, pulling his right leg to his chest. "Because I'm charismatic and enthralling?" A touch of a grin finds itself on his lips.
"Fuck you, no." You laugh softly. "They're brainwashed but...I think it took one video because you've already been out there controlling the drug trade, looking to get into guns. You've taken out some really terrible people and are trying to get this shit under control. They already liked you."
"I also helped get a drug onto the streets and contributed to everything with Crane." Jason points out.
"Yeah, but you've been distancing yourself and you also tried to save Nightwing. I mean, you tried to kill him, too but you just tried to save him and they'll remember that. They'll figure out Crane brainwashed them and see you were also brainwashed."
"I guess we'll see." Jason lets out a scoff. "But, thanks." Jason offers you a nod.
"Just being honest." You pull in a breath as you move your stare back to the window. "You gonna keep Red Hooding after this is over then?" You look back at him with hopeful eyes.
Jason shrugs. "Yeah, maybe." Jason nods his head softly. "Especially with Bruce fucking MIA." Jason gives you a soft smile. "You gonna keep this shit up?"
"Absolutely." You nod with confidence. "You're right, I do like it. The vigilantism, I mean." Your smile turns kind and loving. "You're a good Red Hood. You're gonna help a lot of people, Jay." Your smile is warm and honest, filling Jason's entire chest with hope.
"So are you." Jason matches the smile before the two of you look to the window, falling into a comfortable silence.
You get a text from Dick, apparently, the towers are back and running which is a relief but according to his text, Crane released some of his smoke downtown. He leaves the text with a warning for you and Jason to stay where you are until the smoke dies down or until he says otherwise. So, the two of you seem to be stuck here for the night.
You're safe here, entirely. You don't have to worry about the smoke or anyone coming to kill you. You're safe from it all for the first time in weeks and it's as if, weirdly as it is, you both can breathe freely. It doesn't feel like your very breath can shatter the illusion of peace. You both are allowed to breathe freely and openly.
You let your mind wander anywhere but to the disaster outside. The more you're in these situations, the more you're learning to compartmentalize it. There is no choice in this. It has to be done otherwise it'll eat you. You wonder how Dick is able to do it so well. Surely that's how he's so good at being Nightwing. He isn't heartless, he just shelves what he needs to until after a mission. It's something you need to be better at and so you sit here tonight and try to do it. You focus on anything but the disaster.
And then there's Jason who finds his mind going to your previous conversation a few minutes ago. You think he can be a hero again. He can use Red Hood for good, do it his own way. He lifts his head, looking over at you and how peaceful you look. You really do trust him. You really do just believe in him, after everything, there's something in you that believes in him even when you absolutely should not.
Jason keeps his eyes on you, wondering if you're right. He hopes you are. Jason just wants to help. That's what he wants to do. That's all he's wanted to do. That was supposed to be the plan before Crane showed his true motive. Jason wants to help the innocent people Bruce overlooks. Sex workers, sexual assault victims, domestic violence survivors, children who are put in all of these situations. A lot of them never make it onto Bruce's radar. He's busy dealing with everything else and a lot more of it happens in places like Crime Alley, somewhere Bruce doesn't go unless it's the anniversary of his parents' death. Someone needs to keep them safe, too. He wants to control the crime because he does believe that's the right way. No one can stop crime. That's impossible. But, Jason thinks he can control it. It's worth a shot. Someone needs to try. That's what he wants to do.
Maybe he can do it.
"I can feel you staring at me, Jay." You state as you look back over at him.
"Sorry." Jason mutters, feeling heat rush over his cheeks as he looks back outside.
"What's going inside that head of yours?" You ask.
Jason looks back to you, letting a beat pass before he settles on what to say. "Thanks for believing in me and being here." Jason pulls in a breath.
"Always." You say softly before it goes quiet again.
Time ticks by and it's you that ends up glancing towards Jason. He's holding his bad leg to his chest, seeming to be absentmindedly massaging the muscle of his thigh with his thumbs as he keeps his stare out the window. The white streak reflects off the lights from the window and the bruises are bright red from Dick's fists and enimga sticks. But, he doesn't look stressed this time. He looks content for once. And you always think there's hope for him but his position confirms it.
Which, lets your mind wander back to how you and him were. It wanders back to the night outside Excellent Gotham. It was the right thing to do. There is good, there is bad, and there is all of this grey in between. Something might be the right thing to do, for the greater good, to save someone, but that doesn't always make it fair or just or painless. It was the right thing to do, to save Jason. But, you wonder in the silence of the night, what happens after then. The bell has been rung and you're dealing with it but it doesn't feel good. Being around him feels like you're trying to breathe through water. You don't want to give up on you and him. You're gonna take out Crane, the Titans are going to leave, Bruce will probably come back, and it'll start to fall back into a new normal. And you want to know what kind of new normal that's going to be.
You want the new normal to still be you and him.
But you don't even want to ask about it. You hurt him and it just doesn't feel right to ask even if it'll gnaw at you until you do.
"I can feel you staring." Jason quips, looking at you, saying it on purpose.
You roll your eyes but the smile never reaches your eyes before it falls. "Yeah, yeah, yeah." You mock him, waving a hand haphazardly at him before you get to your feet and stretch before you lean your back against the wall. You look back at Jason and you can tell by the raise of his brows and his wide eyes, he's expecting you to elaborate. You let out a defeated sigh. "Hey, Jay?"
"Yes?" Jason answers expectantly.
"Where do we stand?" You ask bluntly. "I mean....you and me." You nod once. "After all of this and everything. I'll follow your lead." You nod a few times. "Ball's in your court this time."
As much as you would like to go to the roof and scream your lungs out about how much you want to be with him and how much you love him, you know you can't. None of that is fair to him. Jason Todd was murdered and then came back from the dead. He was used and abused and manipulated. He's not fine and he should be able to learn how to live now, rediscover who he is after all of this if he needs to. You telling him you want to go right back to where you were before he died, sounds cruel. It's as if you won't give him a choice, like you expect him to just be normal and you don't. So, you ask him and you let it be his decision because it should be. It was you that ended things anyway and it was you that betrayed him, more than he betrayed you is the way you see it.
Jason feels his heart in his throat. He hates this but he knows there is no other choice. He swears this one fucking time, he is not doing it to push. He is doing it for himself and for you. He owes you more. He owes you more than he has ever given you. He owes himself more.
You have said it over and over that Jason is loved and he is not alone, at the very least, he has you and he is loved by you. There is not a single day that he is not eternally grateful for you. But, that's not enough. It's not enough because, after everything, Jason still feels like he is not enough. He watches the chaos he has brought on all of these people who he cares about and who care about him. Someone who is enough, doesn't do that. And he died. The trauma of that isn't going to go away because you love him and he loves you. He desperately wishes it were so simple, but it's not.
Jason swore he would never hurt you but he thinks about that night outside of Excellent Gotham and how it looked like it was ripping you to shreds to end things and to give up on him, even if you never meant it. You didn't deserve it. He needs to figure himself out and sort out some of this pain in his chest before it metastasizes more. He needs to just exist for a second and work on who he is after coming back. He owes it to himself and then he owes it to you. It's not fair to continue something if he isn't sure he'll be okay in the end of this. That's not fair to either of you.
So, as much as it physically pains him, he knows where you stand.
"Uh..." Jason pulls in a breath and you know. Jason doesn't stutter often. "I really fucking hurt you." Jason nods his head.
"I hurt you..." You hang your head in shame before looking back to him.
"Yeah, deserved it though." Jason lets out a scoff before he shakes his head. "Look," Jason starts as he pushes himself off the wall and walks over to you, standing in front of you. "I don't want to ever hurt you again." Jason states and you know there is a but coming. This is not going to end the way you dreamed it would. "So, I think-think we need to sort our shit out."
You hang your head, feeling the lump in your throat. It was as if the night you ended things, it wasn't quite real. He was high and you were mad. Then you rescued him and it's been kind of weird ever since. It didn't feel quite like you broke up but it didn't feel like you were together. It has felt like this weird state of in-between where you're tripping over each other trying to find the right footing. And now, it seems you've found it in an unknown territory. It's scary.
It's scary because after being rescued, Jason is one of the only things you know. And you know that it's going to be good for you to find yourself without him, find out who you are outside of Jason and the Titans. It's for the best and you know. But, you also know Jason and Jason Todd has always loved to avoid things that are good for him. Good to him. What if he avoids this forever and this is really it?
"I'm sorry." Jason says quietly.
"It's okay." You nod up at him. "You're, uh, you're right. You died."
As much as you saw it coming, you feel blindsided. You are not together. He is not breaking up with you because you did it first. But, it feels that way anyway. He is right. You need time and space to heal and deal with everything that's happened. Maybe you could do that together but maybe you need to figure out who you are now. You are not the same people you were before he died. Jason Todd died that day and so did you. You need to just exist without each other even if it is the most painful thing either of you will ever do.
Jason nods. "Yeah," He scoffs. "It's not fucking fair to you or me if we jump into this shit again."
You nod softly. "Yeah...you're right." You push off the wall, closing the distance between you. "For what it's worth, I'm still sorry for everything that's happened to you, Jay." You sniffle softly.
"Thanks. I'm sorry for everything that's happened to you, too." Jason lets out a soft sigh, looking to the floor before he looks back to you. He will find his way back to you because you're everything he's ever wanted and he wants to deserve you one day. "Friends?" He asks, sticking out his hand with the quick raise of his brows.
"For now." You take his hand in yours. "We'll find our way back." You say softly but with certainty.
"Hope so." Jason quips right back with a cheeky grin. "I'll miss you being up my ass all the time."
You roll your eyes as a smile starts to fade over your lips. "Shut the fuck up." You groan,  making Jason chuckle softly. "You're my favorite person, ya know?"
"And you're mine." Jason says simply, without hesitance.
The room falls silent, the two of you still holding each other's hand right in the middle of you. It's as if you aren't sure how to backtrack. How do you go back to being friends? You were never meant to be friends. There was always something more there. Something strong and tender, throbbing and beating like a desperate heart pumping blood through an open artery. You have stained each other with every scar and crumb of yours. How do you take it back? How do you cleanse yourselves and try again? Can you even do it?
Jason's grip on your hand tightens and he doesn't want to leave it like that. As friends. The very idea is bitter and stale. He knows it's for the best. For the first time in his life, he is doing something to better himself and protect you. It's not just self-destruction this time. He wants to be better for himself. He never wants to get here again. And to do that, he needs to do it on his own. Jason won't risk dragging you down with him again as he drowns himself. He's not sure if he'll come out the other end alive this time, but he's willing to try for himself. And then for you. But, that doesn't make this whole thing easier. He still loves you. He still wants you.
You feel it, too. You know he wants to reach forward, pull you into him just for old times sake. You're going to defeat Crane tonight, one way or another, and then you'll go your separate ways for a little bit...as friends. But you think about the last time you had a proper kiss, before you knew you'd end up here. He was alive again. It was a kiss of relief. That's not how you want it to end. You fully believe you will come together again but what if you don't?
The idea makes your stomach twist into knots. And you know Jason isn't going to act on it, out of respect for you. It's the way his hand squeezes yours, the way he won't let go and how he has that dark but kind look in his eyes. The way he is intentionally holding his stance just enough away as if he'll walk into a bear trap with one step forward. He'll never act on it out of respect for your space so when Jason finally starts to move away, you pull him back.
Jason eyes you and then the very corner of your mouth twitches up as you squeeze his hand, pulling him just a little closer to you. You move your eyes up with the raise of your brows before looking back to him and then you shrug effortlessly.
Jason shakes his head. "Fuck it." Jason lets out in a single breath before dropping your hand and cupping your face, slamming his lips against yours.
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thekitsunesiren · 2 years
Alfred has been going to the Fenton family reunion for years even after the friend who initially invited him passed away.
Danny brings a new friend to the family reunion This friend is a new halfa named Jason.
Alfred enjoyed these days. While he enjoyed working for the Wayne family and treated Master Bruce and his children like his own, it was nice to simply get away from all of the madness once and a while. Even he didn't have that much patience.
So when he was mailed an invitation to the Fenton family reunion, he was shocked yet pleasantly surprised. The first person to invite him to the Fenton family reunion was Charles Fenton, an old friend of his and one of the older cousins of the Fenton family. The kind gesture ensured their friendship as they got to know the family he grew up with in the countryside.
Now, years later after his dear friend has passed and he was surely forgotten by the Fenton family, Alfred was surprised that an invitation was delivered to him at Wayne Manor. Well, why should he not go? Of course, Master Bruce and some of the young ones had some worries about the ordeal, but there was no need. Really, Master Bruce? A background check on the family won't be necessary. And no, Master Damian, he won't be need an escort. He doubted there was going to be any trouble in an simple outing.
It took some convincing, but Alfred was soon on his way to Amity Park, with the promise of contacting the family if anything were to happen. The arrival and travel to Amity was simple, as expected. And while he was surprised that the Fenton family had moved to a small town instead of the family cabin he remembered all those years ago. But things can change over the years, so he didn't think much of it.
Arriving to the Fenton house was easy as well. Though, he did find its interior design to be a bit.....interesting to say the least. The UFO on top of the build truly was a hazard. But the thought of it made him think that perhaps Master Tim or Master Damian would enjoy the decor, even for a little bit.
Alfred didn't even have to knock on the door before it was thrown open by a large man with a seemingly even larger grin on his face.
"Alfred! Good to see ya! It's so good that you came!" The man said excitedly, giving an equally excited handshake that left Alfred wondering if this man had some super strength or not. "It was nice to be invited, Jack." Alfred said once he gained his bearings, adjusting himself to look up at the tall male that he had only met once as a small infant. to think that this was the same man all those years ago was truly shocking. "Nonsense!" Jack laughed off, lifting a heavy hand and hitting Alfred on the back of it. "Uncle Charles was a great man," he said, demeanor changing completely as he spoke. "and if he saw you as a friend, then that means he saw you as family, and that's good enough for me." The words were enough to make Alfred smile, a familiar warm feeling flooding his chest at the openness of the man before him. It has been a while since he had heard such words from someone out of the Wayne family and it was greatly appreciated it.
But just like it was there, Jack's somber attitude was replaced with his seemingly normal happy go lucky one. "Well, come on in! We're just waiting on Danny boy and his friend and we can get started!" And just like that, Alfred was welcomed inside and was able to meet the rest of those who were there.
Jack's wife Maddie was a nice woman. Smart, kind and a protective streak to boot. She began to ask about Gotham and possible ghost sightings in the city, but Alfred assured her that while Gotham had many things, they didn't have ghosts. He thinks.
Next was their oldest child Jasmine. Jazz, as she said that she goes by. She seemed to be like a carbon copy of Maddie, though seemed to be more academic than her mother. Was it bad that he began to see a bit of the the younger Wayne family members in them the more he spent time with them?
Then two of the youngest friends were with them. Sam and Tucker. The girl sitting on the couch idly while scrolling on her phone while the boy tinkered with a device that he was unfamiliar with. The way it was shaped, Alfred doubted that it was a phone. A gaming system perhaps? Time went on as Alfred found himself waiting for the last family member while listening to the Fentons speak. They mostly spoke about their interest in hunting ghosts and the type of inventions they made, but it was the reaction of the conversations that made it interesting.
While Jack and Maddie went on about ghosts, Alfred couldn't help but notice the reactions of the three young ones that made him curious.
He watched as Jazz unconsciously grip the book she was reading as her parents talk about how ghosts were basically emotionless menaces to pray on those of the living. The way her eyes narrowed at the pages, Alfred doubted she was reading the book since the conversation started.
Sam and Tucker both reacted in similar ways as the conversation went on. Sam squeezed the phone so tight that her knuckles were turning white, and whatever device Tucker was messing with seemed to become a punching bag with the way he aggressively poked and stabbed at it the longer the conversation went on.
A part of Alfred knew that they were keeping to themselves for Alfred's sake, otherwise they probably would've left from the conversation. But another part of him believed that there was a more personal reason for the three to act in such a way. Perhaps spending all the time with paranoid detectives were rubbing off on him.
As the conversation went on, Alfred was sure the children were about the jump up and argue back, the door opened and announced possibly the missing guest of this reunion.
"There you are, Danny! What took you so long young man?" Maddie asked as she turned her focus to the boy who entered the house, causing Alfred to turn around and take a look as well.
If Alfred was being honest, he looked like a child Master Bruce would scoop up and adopt without a second thought. With black hair that was just short of above the young man's ears, blue eyes that seemed to spark with an unknown drive that made him even more curious. The clothes he wore seemed to just be a bit too big, but the butler was sure he caught sight of some muscle in the movement of the young man's arms as he moved to scratch the back of his neck.
"Yeah, sorry about that," Danny apologized weakly. "it's just a friend of mine didn't have a place to go and I decided to invite him too."
Stepping forward, he looked back and gave a look that Alfred was supposed to be encouraging to whoever was hesitant to coming inside.
The sound of heavy footsteps filled the house and Alfred found himself still with shock at who entered the house. It had been so long that he believed that he was dreaming. It couldn't be who he thought it was, could it?
"Master Jason?"
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lemontongues · 1 year
I think jason is. a character that's impossible to fully make sense of on a narrative level bc he doesn't actually understand what he wants.... like. I think he's someone who... the first part of his life made sense to him, in that he was a poor kid with parents who were varying levels of broken and trying, and he did his best and kept his chin up and he was ultimately rewarded for it. even with all the skepticism in his little baby heart, we all know the myth of the american dream, and it's easy to let that make sense. and he worked so hard to be robin and be good and follow bruce's rules and apply himself in school, but he still saw bad things happening, cracks in the mask of justice that he couldn't make sense of, and it made it hard for him. and then his ultimate senseless injustice happened, and he died, far too young, betrayed and hurt and failed by everyone who loved him or who should have.
and I think when he came back he just like. couldn't figure out how to cope with that senselessness, so he crammed the experience into a narrative he could understand, where bruce wasn't good enough and didn't love him enough and won't ever choose right, won't make the hard decisions that have to be made to protect the people who are important.
but I think that narrative also isn't actually representative of what jason feels deep down? i don't think bruce killing the joker would have actually made him feel any better, or bruce finding some clever way to stop jason and save all three of them, or bruce apologizing to jason for failing him and saying how much he loved and missed him. I don't think any of that would have made any of it any better for jason, because I think what he's fundamentally grappling with isn't really the nature of any of his relationships, it's the fundamental injustice of the world and how totally nonsensical it is that terrible, brutal, hideous things can happen to innocent people for no reason (which really makes the joker a perfect perpetrator here, doesn't it?). I think he's ultimately somewhat of an idealist in that regard, and he lashes out at bruce about it both for personal reasons and because bruce has positioned himself as the embodiment of justice, and because bruce failed jason in that capacity and has frankly continued to fail gotham at large in that capacity.
which isn't really any particular fault of bruce's—if there's a perfect justice, I don't think we've found it yet, and someone is usually failed one way or the other no matter how ardently justice is pursued. which, as a sidenote, I think is why many of the best incarnations of batman are less about the pursuit to bring a criminal to justice and more about showing compassion and care to the victims of an injustice, whether individual, social, or circumstantial.
jason's effort to become a crime lord and a "better batman" was at least as much about his desire to prove that a meaningful form of justice exists as it was about his desire to hurt and spite bruce, and he was doomed to fail from the start in the way that I think we're all doomed to fail when we look to retributive justice to heal our wounds. he was looking for the comfort of a world that made sense to him, where he could understand what had happened to him and to gloria stanson and the many others like them, and ultimately that's not something he could ever have found in bruce. bruce, despite being his father figure and one of the greatest sources of comfort in his life before his death as well as someone who has positioned himself as a figurehead for justice in gotham, has only ever been a man, and he very clearly has never had all the answers where justice is concerned. no amount of his suffering or failure or apologies would have brought jason any peace, because what jason actually needed to (and was making clumsy attempts to) grapple with was the fact that the world is random and frequently cruel, and that "justice" is not and never has been an effective remedy to that state
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002yb · 1 year
do you have any thoughts about priest jason todd? haha i want to see your take on it, esp if in this au dickjay was a thing or happened. i was thinking about priest jason todd and mirrorverse batfam so he’s like the only “good” one and he has a code not to kill while everyone else here doesn’t care ab killing, also the thought of dick tempting jay ^^ or honestly just the entire batfam just mourning and being basically mob bosses until jason gets resurrected and eventually comes to gotham and is oike “so i know i’m back but now i’m a god lover and a priest and hey oh also i don’t kill” and everyone is just “now hold on a second-“
Demons have followed Jason all his life - metaphorically and literally. At least in the literal sense, it's always the same fuckers, too. They're relentless.
Maybe it's because Jason was one of them, but by some twist of fate he was given absolution and reborn with a 'clean slate' to do right. Or maybe it's a plea bargain - help as many souls as he hurt while Jason was a demon and that will be his retribution, his mercy from hellfire. Or he's part of some twisted game. Stolen from his home and influenced to reject it.
For the sake of this ask: he died. He came back wrong. No memories, no corruption - just a penchant for attracting the wicked. Everything else is open to interpretation.
The family wants him back though. And Jason might not realize, but he's darkness welcomed past the church's threshold; he brings damnation by association.
Not necessarily by the family, but by others. Because Jason's soul is tortured. Tormented. It's known suffering from a life he can't remember and one he does - caused by men created in his God's image and by monsters that were cast from his kingdom.
Basically Father Hot Toddies is prime real estate (˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
Anyway, background. Jason attracts abusive people. He influences people to abuse him. Try as he might to help, there's a darkness at his fingertips and devastation in his wake.
Instant distraction -- Jason self-flagellating whenever he feels he failed to help someone or thinks he led anyone astray. It's supposed to be a penace, but sometimes Jason is weak and it's just punishment
Okay, we're back. Jason recognizing that something's wrong with him. Because too many bad things happen for him not to pick up the pattern.
Another distraction and it's kinky, I apologize -- Jason being assaulted in the church proper. In the confessional booths or in the pews ahhhhhh blasphemous okay okay
Protective of the people in his community and is well loved, in turn, but is conscious to keep a distance for their safety. He has compassion in spades and shows that in the ways that he can (putting the fear of God into cruel people, going out and sneaking food and blankets to the homeless, nagging at punks across the street to get their asses to school or the orphans at the church to mind the nuns).
Not as lonely a life as it seems because choice demons harass him on the regular.
They look after Jason in their own way, but it's wicked
Every person that hurts Jason turns up dead. It's part of Jason's motivation to keep withdrawn. There's forgiveness for everyone, even those who lose their senses around him.
Would Jason have the same forgiveness if the man who tried to assault him turned on a child? And Jason pauses, because his answer is no - burn him ---- and he burns.
Oh. For a time Jason thinking himself mad. Or figuring he's invited a demon into him because there are voices in his head and in those moments of weakness when he can't be temperate -- people get hurt.
Which leads to a lot of torment and praying because what's wrong with him? Tell him. Let him be better.
Jumping over to Dick's perspective on things for a moment because okay. The family loses it when they realize Jason has been lost to them. They bring apocalypse and travesty in their rage and it's a bad time.
But then - the familiar flicker of a damaged soul. Jason.
Dick going to Jason first. Following the sound of his cries and the smell of his suffering. And where some in the family might like that - Dick isn't one of them. Pain that Jason endures is Dick's to inflict, after all. Possessive!demon!Dick Grayson yes please.
Anyway, Dick shows up and suddenly Willis is shot dead on the doorstep. The cigarettes he would use to burn Jason with stamped into his forehead.
And Jason sees Dick there, stooped over Willis's body. Dick flicks the cigarette away. Looks at this small, scrawny boy and marvels at how Jason is still perfect - even like this. A soft smile, still all teeth and bite and menace. It's vicious in a way that even demons cringe away from, but Jason smiles. Tentative, innocent.
Because he thinks Dick is his guardian angel.
The rest of the family piles on if only because Jason really does attract all sorts of terrible things. They can't fathom what it is. Jason has always had that way about him, but it's amplified now and it puts him in danger. Jason's soul is theirs though; no one else can have it.
It's Gotham that wants it. Cursed land that outdates even the first of their kind.
Jason thinking he has angels looking out for him until he recognizes them for the demons they are. He tries to escape them, seeking asylum in a church and it deters them for a time, but only until Jason's own evil taints hallowed grounds.
This is so convoluted ahhhhh sorry
But basically overprotective!bats trying to save Jason's soul to sate their own desires
Jason rebuffing all their efforts and being a stubborn ass
He only relents when Gotham sends its worst after him and desecrates the church that housed him and the children under his care that he loses it and strikes a contract with some of hell's finest
It's a zero sum game though
Because Dick and the others - they can have Jason's soul. But only once the evil in Gotham is purged. Only the evil.
Just an endless war but it's fine because all the losses and suffering only makes Jason's soul that much more sweet
They're content to starve until then
Only they're not. They taste and nibble when allowed. And Father Hot Toddy? He's a generous man. //u////
Can an AU like this not get a little kinky? It feels like a crime that it wouldn't. Father Todd gets down  (*°∀°)=3
Extra Dickjay details:
Jason seeking out his 'guardian angel' because there's nowhere safer than with Dick. They sit in a grimy alley and Jason falls asleep with his head pillowed on Dick's thigh, or curled up against Dick's chest. And Dick humors it. He's soft about it, content if only because he can wrap himself around Jason and possess him for even a short time
Jason calling for Dick when he finds Catherine, not realizing Dick was the devil whispering in her ear. Jason loved her; Dick didn’t. He tested her love of Jason and she fell short
Dick being the demon Jason calls to in order to make that contract. Because he remembers the times Dick was kind (because for as jaded as Jason has become, he wants to believe that was genuine - not another manipulation). He'll sell Dick his soul, but only if Dick gives Jason hope.
Reverence. Shoulder and spine kisses. Worship. It’s overwhelming, tempting, addictive.
Dick knows how to play Jason. He never considers Jason knows Dick just as well. <3
Something something Dick won’t pray to anyone, but he’ll dirty talk marvel Jason like he’s something holy
Something something Jason anticipating a kiss. To tease him, Dick raises the cross of Jason’s rosary between them - a barrier because ‘what would your god say, little wing?’ And Jason is already succumbed, but he’d bite back a challenge, ‘you would let him stop you?’ And Dick would smile and snap the rosary from Jason’s neck, beads clattering on the stone floors beneath them as he defiles not an innocent lamb, but a wolf in sheep’s clothing. //u///
‘Never,’ he’d breathe against Jason’s lips, his skin. A promise and an oath and the devotion in it would tear Jason apart. 💖
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5-7-9 · 4 months
I realize i should probably elaborate on how We Are Robin was inspired by a legitimate movement.
So while researching interviews by We Are Robin’s writer Lee Bermejo, I tried checking for the ones that were straight from his words rather than articles that quoted him. So i almost missed this one article that was worded as though it was not an interview, but CBR quoted from USA Today so it must’ve been. If it weren’t for a DC comics forum that had already read it, i wouldn’t have noticed.
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When the series opens, it really doesn't have an identity, Bermejo says, but the group knows its mission statement. "It's one thing to put a hashtag on your Twitter account as a teenager and feel like you're part of something. It's a whole other thing when the (stuff) hits the fan and you have to stand up for what you believe in."
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"Just with everything that we've seen happen recently with Ferguson, there's a lot of issues here that I think can be touched on and should be touched on."
"There's that element of this particular moment we're passing right now, and with a book like this you have a chance to comment about certain things and bring them into the Bat-universe in real interesting ways."
As a longtime fan of the Dark Knight and his supporting players, Bermejo admits that he always had a hard time figuring out why Batman would have a teen sidekick and put a kid in danger in the first place - for the writer, that was the beginning of how a series such as We Are Robin could work.
"Maybe there could possibly be many of these kids out there on the streets who have different talents and different capabilities that could be useful to Batman," says Bermejo.
"With ideas and big concepts, teenagers can get really passionate about that stuff and it can be their whole life. That was something interesting to me, that this thing could be bigger than just one guy jumping around in a domino mask."
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(Just the first 3/three forum pages, I’m not reading all that 💀) Seems as though Bermejo wanted to make a commentary about Ferguson metaphorically through the Batman mythos. My interpretation of his message: the disenfranchised youth of America that have no one to help them (authority figures like parents and Batman) feel as though they must take justice matters into their own hands. Something Robin originally meant to represent, a child character for other children to project on. Bermejo thought to implement that literally into the story, where Robin is an actual symbol children use. In the case of real life, justice is done by protesting. But in the matters of DC comics, specifically Gotham? Their protesting comes in the form of vigilantism.
In the chapter where the We Are Robin kids try breaking up a random riot that kinda appears out from nowhere?
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But when the Robins join in to stop the riot, they were suddenly framed by the Robot Batman cop as the aggressors (being controlled by Jim Gordon as he was temporarily “Batman”). Indiscriminating its force of authority onto the kids as well as the rioters.
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This carries into the Riko’s POV chapter. After a WAR member died from a bomb, the television shows Troy’s parents being upset at the We Are Robin movement, claiming it “does more harm than good.”
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Troy’s death is probably another comparisons to when 6 Ferguson protesters died. So his death seems to ask the question, is protesting worth it if it gets you killed? Are protesters making the situation of unjust violence worse? Riko answers: “I think… I think he was trying to do what he thought was right.”
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If you aren’t aware of the Ferguson unrest, an 18 year old boy (Micheal Brown) was shot by a police officer after being accused of robbery. When nothing came about the police officer in question, many in the black community began protesting for about 400 days for the officer to be reprimanded. The media would often call it riots, with the negative connotations of unnecessary violence. This was apart of the Black Lives Matters movement of anti police brutality.
(here’s one video but i recommend doing your own research because i’m not great at keeping sources)
I’m sure you can see the similarities now. If not… essentially the We Are Robin is an allegory of the Ferguson protests. The vigilante kids are fighting crime, while the Ferguson protesters were the black community fighting injustice.
Robin War actually touches back on this Ferguson inspired media conflict, by having such an interestingly similar story involving a teenaged boy and a robber and a person dying from being shot 🤔
But here’s the twist: a We Are Robin member walks into a convenience store, he intervenes a police officer trying to stop a robbery, then, because this WAR member was a young probably “immature” teenager, accidentally shoots the police officer with his own gun.
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Ha. Ha. 😐 Certainly not an insensitive plot to use at all (sarcasm)
(I should remind you all that Robin War was a piece of garbage mostly written by Tom King, and other writers like Tim Seeley and Scott Lobdell. i don't really need to explain everything wrong with these guys right now. Except for the parts Bermajo wrote, those were the best despite the surrounding shitty plot).
There’s also plenty of police imagery. See here an iconic picture of the Ferguson protest as a poster right smack down in the middle of a panel. Just in case you aren’t fully convinced about the Ferguson allegory… 🙃
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Smack down in the centre of this panel has a iconic redrawing of a Ferguson protester (Edward Crawford) catching a tear gas canister thrown by the police, and throwing it right back at the riot cops faces 🖕☄️
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So yes, We Are Robin was an activist movement.
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dailycass-cain · 1 year
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This week the GOTHAM WAR has begun. Is the basis for this "war" for Catwoman/Batman work? How does Cass fit into this? I'll give my thoughts on it...
So the basis of the event is Catwoman is training the "hired help" of Gotham. Instead of working for Scarface, the Riddler, or Two-Face. They're off doing their own things in robbing the rich. But already there's a problem with that...
So the basis of the event is Catwoman is training the "hired help" of Gotham. Instead of working for Scarface, the Riddler, or Two-Face. They're off doing their own things in robbing the rich. But already there's a problem with that...
Not just the easy answer. Court of Owls.
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Sure, maybe a few of them use mooks. This very issue brings up Professor Pyg as using "hired" help, but it feels kind of wrong for Pyg to do this sort of thing.
When Dollotrons have been his modus operandi. Why need thugs when breaking folks into nothing is far cheaper?
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What's to stop Pyg from doing that exactly again? Nothing really. So all Selina is replacing is Pyg from going to hired back to his old ways.
That's not good at all. That's kind of why Batman and the Bat-Family are needed.
That isn't bringing up the "biggest" bad himself, the Joker. There have been numerous stories of the Joker just by himself making Gotham a literal hell without any hired help.
The Joker at his scariest is when he's by himself. Even then he's causing all sorts of harm in Gotham.
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Those are the "easy" examples.
What about the other villains who already have an operating gang say Punchline and the Royal Flush Gang? It feels like writers Chip Zdarsky and Trini Howard make Selina's case paper thin.
That's not to say Batman's side is any better, "My parents were rich line." Was not the intended dramatic moment the book had. More made me chuckle as it could've easily been photoshopped with, "MY PARENTS ARE DEAD!" instead.
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Likewise, is Selina's retort. Literally, again there are so many examples of Bruce showing compassion to folks by using his fortune.
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Just alone in Batgirl (#63), we had this scene. That's just one moment that easily popped in my head.
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It just feels so wrong for the basis of this "war" to be so flimsy when there are better ways for it. Aka the bot that literally subjugated all of Gotham because Batman took "a life" (that turned out to be false).
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There's so much to see Selina's side of things when Failsafe had domain over the city. We have barely seen the city or ANYONE react to that.
Like that alone is more a cause for SOMETHING than what we're getting initially here.
I digress I could go on and on poking the holes into the fight itself, but how does it relate to Cass? Well, already she should be against Selina's plan.
A life is a life.
No matter what Selina's way will take lives. So…
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The fact this is all glossed over with her being silent. Just says it all for me that her part in this is already "planned".
I'll probably hate it.
I'll probably despise it.
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I thought long and hard about what the best course of action during this event would be for me. I really do love the artists attached to this event. I do love Cass. However, I do not like the context of the event AT ALL.
The answer is kind of right in front of me. Well, three answers. Birds of Prey (out next week), Spirit World, and Detective Comics. I adore two of these and by all things considered with the preview, I'm gonna probably LOVE BoP.
So instead of going into long rants and give myself stress I shouldn't need. I'm just gonna enjoy the good art.
If there are bad moments (which I'm sure there will be) in this event. I'm gonna call it like I see it.
But as for going into detailed thoughts like this? That's it. This is all this event is getting out of me. I have too much enjoyment else to give my focus too.
I just feel sorry for the fans of Duke, Tim, Stephanie, and Barbara. Those fans gotta suffer thru this as Damian, Cass, Kate, Luke, and Dick get to play outside this "sandbox" of woe.
This comic was garbage. This story is garbage. It's just best for me to look away for the most part and enjoy the stuff with Cass that I do have outside "the war".
That's my thoughts on it all. 😁
Now to enjoy a BETTER COMIC next week.
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kelpiecodyne · 2 years
Battinson meets the Batfamily
I know everyone is eager to see ‘Battinson’ get a Robin, and I’ve seen a few ideas about how Bruce would definitely adopt himself if that version of Batman somehow ended up in the comic book verse – but how do you think Battinson would handle that insanity? Going from the dark, gritty realness to the dark, gritty...not-realness of comic book history?
Battinson on the Batcave:
Battinson: “How many contractors did you have to kill to hide this? I work out of an abandoned subway station!” Bruce: “It’s Gotham. I didn’t need to kill anyone.” Battinson: “What?” Tim: “All the rich money have secret underground lairs. The manor my family lived in had some weird dungeon in it before I had it converted into a tunnel to the Batcave.” Dick: “Wait, what? You had a dungeon?” Tim: “Well yeah? Judging from the decor left on the walls, it was either a sex or torture dungeon. I’m praying for torture.” Bruce: “Exactly. Contractors in Gotham do not care. Half them think it was just a really epic mancave, a quarter thought it was an expanded garage, and another quarter thought I was building a secret strip club.” Battinson: “...What?” Dick: “Wait is that why we used to have to get in here via poles?”
On the Batfamily:
Battinson: You brought children into our mission??? Tim: We're his emotional support children Bruce: I want to make it clear, I did not bring anyone in. They all brought themselves. I just did damage control. Jason: Keep telling yourself that old man.
On the original Robin costume:
Battinson: “You let an eight year old out on Gotham’s streets in this?” Bruce: “It was a different time.” Battinson: “...Before bullets???”
Checking out the files on the future Rogue gallery:
Battinson: (seeing The Joker) “Oh, I know him – there’s no need to worry. He’s now in Arkham, he’s no longer a threat to anyone.” Jason: “...Oh you sweet summer child…”
On his own conquests:
Battinson: “I just stopped the most dangerous villain to set foot in Gotham in years.” Bruce: “Oh?” Battinson: “He was always one step ahead of me. I failed to realise his grand plan, and he’s left Gotham half flooded, and the city full of fear and anger. I don’t think Gotham will soon forget the reign of terror” Dick: “Wow, who was it?” Battinson: “A man who called himself The Riddler.” Dick: “...I’m sorry, what?” Battinson: “I know it’s an odd moniker but-” Dick: “No, no, that’s not...there’s something you need to see.” A few minutes later: Battinson: “This is your Riddler?” Bruce: “Yes.” Battinson: “This? This is the Riddler?” Bruce: “Again, yes.” Battinson: “...The scaly underwear child hero suddenly makes so much more sense…”
On the Batmobile:
Battinson: “Okay, this car? This I approve of. It’s a tank.” Bruce: “Can take on a tank too.” Battinson: “Think I can take a spare home with me?”
On meeting Damian:
Bruce: “Damian is my biological son. You might have already met his mother…?” Battinson: “...Selina?” Damian: “What! No! My mother is Talia! Talia Al Ghul! Surely you know of her.” Battinson: “Not...intimately…” Bruce: Give it time...
On meeting the Justice League
Battinson: (stares at the hoard of brightly coloured super heroes gawking at him and does a one eighty) Nope. Superman: Uh...other B Battinson: (shoves in a pair of earphones) Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope.... Bruce: (fighting a smile) I know the feeling.
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fractualized · 9 months
What is your thought on Mind Bomb by Zdarsky?
Trepidation? 😅
Like a year ago I was feeling positive, having enjoyed Zdarky's writing in The Knight and then that preview of the Zur storyline in "I Am A Gun." TMWSL was in early days, and it was fun to make connections and wonder about how it might all tie together.
But after that, Bruce getting zapped to an AU and Gotham War felt like speedruns without real emotional payoff. When Zdarsky brought in Joker again, it was with Darwin Halliday, who apparently created not only Joker himself but three of them, not only calling back to a Black Label story I was praying DC would leave behind, but bringing back three Jokers when we already had a separate title with two Jokers. The idea that different DC titles could tie together in some cool revelations became laughable once I realized the timeline issues were getting worse and worse, and Gotham War only affirmed that continuity is a fool's errand. When I read/hear writers assert that they definitely totally collaborated on an event that was rife with inconsistencies, I just feel stupid expecting a payoff.
Which is all to say I'm reserving judgment until I see how Mindbomb ends— but really I'm waiting to see how Joker: Year One goes. It's not that I think that the first two Mindbomb issues are bad. But they are… kind of rote? They hit many batjokes beats, to be sure, but I think I'm too comics-tired to really enjoy them. The only thing I've found really interesting is Joker's seemingly suicidal behavior, and I assume we're going to get more into his mindset in the J:YO storyline.
Where apparently we've got some version of three Jokers waiting. And I'm already expecting that it's not going to tie into Joker's mindset in TMWSL, which I guess is just as well after how that ended.
But maybe I'm wrong! I was wrong about Deadly Duo, after all. Maybe Zdarsky will get back to the storybuilding that pulled me in before. Maybe whatever his 3J take turns out to be won't make me want to tear my hair out. Only way to know is to wait and see.
Something I've been thinking about is how I would probably react differently to some comics if I read them five, ten years from now. With older comics, I'm jumping around the past, reading stories in isolation, already knowing what the future holds. Definitely more entertaining than trying to get a full picture of the present and seeing a mess. 😬
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icgaminglogs · 11 months
Nightwing's Log, Night 21
Tonight's the night. Time to bring down the Court of Owls and make sure Jacob Kane faces justice.
This place really is a fortress. A pair of anti-aircraft guns at the top, armor-clad; it's like Kane expected he'd be attacked one day. Maybe he did. I know Bruce never left anything to chance if he could help it, and I doubt anyone makes it as high as Voice of the Court by ignoring potential dangers, but this is supervillain-lair level.
Well, I guess all things considered that's kind of fitting. Time to get climbing.
Okay, I'm in. Hopefully Jason and the others can keep the League from doing too much damage; he said they're picking up a major increase in activity coinciding with this mission. Hopefully Talia was right and they'll leave once the Court is brought down; it'd be nice to have something go our way for once. Now to get into Kane's bunker. Where's that laser cutter.
Oh hey! He went retro with the design, it looks like something from back in the da-wait, no one said it could talk, what the hell. Why does it talk? Does a laser drill really need an AI? Especially if it's single use? Seems kinda superfluous. Whatever.
Got the first wave of security handled. Now I have an ID card. That'll be helpful once the Belfry works its magic on the biometrics.
Keycard Acquired. Time to find out just why Jacob Kane wanted all this extra security. Can't have been just us, can it?
Jesus, if security's this tight in here I don't want to know what the others are dealing with right now. Time to race the system.
And there's his office. And his laptop; he must have bugged out fast when the drones started in. Looks like he's been talking to Luthor...might be something to mention up the chain when I get the chance. No idea what they're trying to do, but I doubt it's anything good. Now if I were a secret elevator to a bunker, where would I be hiding...?
Nothing at his desk, except a recording for his daughter. What kind of person calls someone 'too honest' like it's a bad thing? Especially when it's the mother of your damn child? Here's a thought, Jacob: maybe don't get into a shady organization and you wouldn't have had to lie to her in the first place. The fact that Catherine just doesn't ask and is arguably fine with dark secrets explains a lot about GCPD's backsliding recently, too. Definitely made for each other. Yuck.
Well, would you look at that? I thought the room was too small. Subtle, Jacob, hiding behind Court symbols. Not that anyone outside of the Court and us would probably recognize them for what they are. Also that was arguably the easiest sudoku puzzle I've ever done. And I haven't done any.
Found the elevator. Heading into unknown territory. About the only thing I can probably expect is Talons, unless Jacob Kane decided to keep those things as far away from himself as possible. Wouldn't blame him, I'm not too fond of them myself.
An entire war room? What the hell, Jacob. And this kind of dirt, on this many people? What were you doing? Running Gotham suddenly not enough for you? That plus the dionesium, no wonder the League hates you.
There's my way down. Whatever the hell an inclinator is.
Oh. Elevator on an incline, I guess.
Weapons hot, huh, Jacob? Guess we're not playing anymore, are we.
Ah. There are the Talons. Threat is contained, my ass. Still standing here, Kane. Still coming for you.
I would say there's not much point in stealth anymore, considering Kane knows I'm coming, but a cornered animal is the most dangerous, and Kane is pretty well cornered. Still, I can't afford to give him a chance to run, either, and he's not stupid enough to build a bunker without at least one escape route.
Well I found the power room. And the reactor it controls. Really don't like the idea of going through anything that has a buffer area labeled DECONTAMINATION between it and the outside, but I'm not sure I have a choice here.
Fire and toxic gas, what the hell kind of reactor is this anyway? Okay, time to get through this. Diagnostics mode didn't exactly turn it off, but it should at least give me a fighting chance to avoid getting fried to a crisp.
Made it. I've probably been in hotter situations - ha! - but it's hard to remember just when. Now, where are you hiding, Jacob?
...Great. Comms cut out again. Whatever the Court uses for its shielding I'm starting to wonder if we might not want to look into it. The others can hold the fort outside; I've got to finish this.
That...looks suspiciously like a Talon lab. Like the one I found in that labyrinth. No wonder Gotham's been crawling with them. Also looks like Jason might be right; the best of Kane's personal security detail might be getting 'promoted'. Ugh.
Found him. Just got to get through the blast door, and the flunkies guarding it. No sign of Talons yet, but they're probably lurking around somewhere.
Nothing gets in or out without your say-so does it? So you wanted me to make it this far, Kane? Sure, we'll go with that. Shame there's not a huge truck-mounted laser nearby for me to burn through that blast door with. Oh wait...
Y'know, I've always wanted to push the big red 'Fire the Laser' button. Must be my lucky day.
'Know their place'...? Don't you mean 'answer to you'? These things you've created are nothing like Bruce, don't you dare compare him to your pet science projects!
It's done. And he's lucky he only got away with a split lip. Montoya can take it from here. I'm going home as soon as I see him in that squad car.
Fuck. That was-...
Talia. Damn it.
How the fuck is she so fast? I can barely keep up.
No. I'm done. All of this, because she was playing the long game for control of the League? The Court's not an issue anymore, but now the League's got nothing left to distract it...fuck this. I've got to get home. We've got a new emergency on our hands.
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d-field22-blog · 1 year
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First Appearance: Man of Steel #3 (November, 1986)
Story: Ever since she was a little girl, Margaret Pye and her parents we're not financially sound, and whenever her mother would bring home even the cheapest piece of jewelry, Maggie was immediately drawn to the shine in which the ring would deliver. Over the years, the fascination for shiny objects would grow and grow, and often whenever her classmates would show off their own expensive jewelry, Maggie would be immediately drawn to the shiny diamonds, and gold necklaces. Often she would attempt to steal them from her classmates, and would often be mocked for her habits and was then called Magpie. The name and habits would only fester when she reached high school, and her skill of thieving would begin to rise. For the entirety of her high school years, she would admire the objects from afar as she would spy on each of her classmates, and would learn their locker combinations. The first piece she would steal was an emerald ring from her school bully, Samantha Johns. Next was a sapphire necklace from Sam's girlfriend Brittany Barrows, and a pair of pearl earrings from Tameka Roberts, and this was only the tip of the Iceberg for Magpie. She would even rob the school board of their shiny valuables; not even the principle's solid gold watch was safe from the Magpie. According to rumor, Pye had acquired nearly 700,000 dollars worth of stolen jewelry and many other objects which shined bright like a diamond. To avoid suspicion from the student body, Margaret had in her trips from school would either steal, buy, or make her own counterfeit jewelry in an effort to fool the victim that what they wore was still their legitimate prize, and if one was to suspect her, she would leave her stolen prize in another student's locker in an effort to throw anyone off of her trail. Most times, those methods worked swimmingly in her favor, until one day Margaret had become to greedy and careless. One hot Monday morning, Margaret was caught with her hand in the cookie jar after being set up by Sam, Brittany, and Tameka who had overheard her bragging to herself about the emerald ring Pye had stolen and witnessed her leaving the office of the city councilor with a pair of silver earrings. falsely spread rumors about a pearl necklace; one of which was so large that it could shine as bright as the sun. In the end, Margaret was met with half of the student body getting their own ounce of revenge, and leaving her beaten, and not only expelled from her high school, but was arrested for thievery and for framing others with the fake replicas. Since then, the obsession would take complete control of her, as she was often seen trying to steal the guards leys, as well as their badges in an effort to claim shiny things again. Most times she would sent to solitary confinement repeatedly. For her, it was a miracle that she had gotten out of prison, while for others it was a curse. For many years later, her old school bully was selling a grapefruit sized moonstone which shinned like the moon in the light. However what Sam and her wife Brittany had not known, was that the night before, ye had stolen the stone and replaced it with another replica, only this time this one was quite deadly. When Sam had set the stone onto the booth for auction, the stone had exploded, killing Sam in the process. All that was left behind in the crime scene was a grieving Brittany, a lone feather from the bird which gave her the name she had long since been cursed to carry, and a bewildered playboy who would eventually seal the thief's fate when the feather would fall right into his hand, and an equally shocked patron who was quite impressed with the crime, and witnessed the feather of the bird and sought to make hire this criminal to his own services.
Real name: Margaret Pye Occupation: Professional Criminal Base of Operation: Gotham City Eyes: Blue Hair: Red, White(wig) Height: 5ft 7n Weight: 120lbs
Attributes: Known for having a compulsion for stealing any object which is shiny. Suffers from both Kleptomania and Shiny Object Syndrome. Uses fakes which not only look similar to the stolen object, but are also known to explode. Harbors a fierce hatred/ rivalry with Catwoman. Skilled in hand-to-hand combat. Uses the custom claws of her design for her endeavors and for combat. High intelligence despite certain circumstances. Often works as both her own agent, but also a well trusted thief of the Penguin.
Dream voice actress: Rachel Matthews.
Featured song: Pretty Shiny Things by Kassi Ashton
One of the rogues that I find to be a bit underrated, Magpie totally deserves more respect than she deserves. Well maybe not the older incarnation, but the newer one is a bit cooler. Though writers do use her these days, I'm still waiting for a definitive Magpie story. Plus Batman needs more women in his rogues gallery.
So the design is based in not only the newer take, but also a bit of the classic look in terms of the glasses, belt, and a little bit in her gloves.
I'm gonna have to admit something. I DO NOT like Beware the Batman. I don't like the CGI, 60 percent of the characters designs, like Batman's for example, and I don't like how they used Pyg. I mean I don't know what the hell they did to Lazlo, but that eco-terrorist thing, was not Pyg. He should have just been left alone, and that goes for Anarky too. I mean really. What were they thinking in making him this Batman's arch enemy?! If anyone, it should have been Two-Face. But oh wait, they didn't start using him until near the end of the season/run! Same for Penguin who pretty much got the shaft as a poster and a mere mention. I really hate how the classic rogues got screwed over, and don't even get me started on the whole Joker situation. That is a can of worms all on it's own. But what I did like ewas the updated Magpie design. Though I didn't like how they tried to make her of all people Catwoman of this shoe and those nails. Just why? So that's kind of why I opted for the gloves being the key to her nails, and straight out of her fingers like the mutant from X-Men, whose name escapes me.
Although I do like the updated design they gave to Magpie back in Beware the Batman, I do admit that they should have tones it down. So I went with what you see above.
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littleeyesofpallas · 2 months
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So the second issue opens with Bruce meeting Harvey Dent (who I guess has been doing better? Not sure since when....) in something between a classy jazz lounge and a seedy speakeasy. They have elaborate bat insignia coasters apparently... There is a lounge singer performing, keeping us with the musicality theme. Also Harvey's sporting this golden Phantom of the Opera look now like an absolute drama queen.
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A curious detail here: The bar Harvey is wasting away in, is named after a Hindu deity, Bhairava[भैरव] is a warthful emination of the god of destruction, Shiva.
Anyway the conversation is ridiculous and Harvey seriously delivers the line, "Look upon my golden face, Bruce Wayne." Anyway they establish that the normal mobsters have gone into hiding and that there is some kind of a change coming, but neither knows just what. Change, btw, is a theme here... sort of... it's supposed to be anyway.
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meanwhile the Orghams have already arrived in Gotham, which feels a little too quick honestly... We get this super weird and kind of frustratingly bland exposition dump where apparently the first Orgham to settle Gotham did so during the establishment of the fucking midatlantic colonies in 1692(the year of the start of the salem witch trials, btw...) which just raises all kinds of questions I know they weren't trying to... like why eastern european aristocracy was buying land on the North American continent with a bunch of anglosaxon heretic peasants. But in any case 1853 the name Arkham is apparently taken to protect business operations??? (Note that the American Civil War hasnt even happened at that point)
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I gotta stop here to point out that this is just a wild series of tiny decisions to have made and laid out so explicitly here... So the eastern european family did not in fact immigrate to the U.S. during any of the notable and appropriate historical migration periods for that region??? The change of the name Orgham to Arkham was not a matter of integration into American culture, as many name changes of imigrants over history have been? (certainly not centuries after establishing themselves as American settlers and land owners) What a wasted opportunity to inject a little real world flavor into things.
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Anyway, we learn the trust fund baby has magic hulk out powers too. The music box is revealed to have the power to actually reverse, as well as apparently trigger the effect. Batman is then concurrently figuring out via consultation with an imprisoned Maestro, that the music box isn't just randomly magic, but specifically musical pseudo science.
With the Maronis apparently broken off with, the Orgham agents in Gotham approach Harvey instead, and hit him with their "Azmer" dust, and now Two-Face is talking to him in his head again.
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Now... for all my beef with the Orgham backstory (and oh boy is there more of that to come... dont you worry...) I really love this idea that the Azmer and the music tap into this kind of subconcious latency and that people like Bruce and Harvey are already so predisposed to carrying on their alter egos that their manifestations are more clear and distinct, where as some rando just goes frothing at the mouth mad and hulks out instead. And there's an aspect that I'll skip ahead to bring up: the Orgham goons all have a mask that allows them to transform. This whole talk of bringing out inner demons is cool and all, but the villains all just turn into fairly generically bigstrong monster men.
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Okay so here's maybe my biggest issue with all this... (and i say this fully understanding that it is an unreasonably obtuse thing to have expected from pretty loosely associated hooks, but hear me out...) if we're juggling changing the city, the absence of arkham, the power of masks, some kind of ancient lovecraftian madness, barbatos and batman, and batman's declining health and Dawn of DC's (admitedly weak ass) passing the torch themes... then rather than some deep down personal demons being brought out by spooky song, what I would have really liked is for this all to have been about the Orghams having developed a method of channeling a vast unknowable wealth of abstract concepts and powers into the physical world via totems. The physical object reflects the idea and anchors vast formless powers into concrete images, funneling that impossible expanse into manageable human proportions. In that way the ancient evil remains unknowable without making its methods overly concrete and explained, the Orgham's relation to it becomes uniquely threatening without making them either underpowered or limited in their gimmick, and yet the parallel with Batman and the Gotham rogues becomes abundantly clear:
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Batman has unwittingly and tactlessly reinvented this ancient ritual from scratch, and he has for years thus been channeling unchecked madness directly into his skull via his bat persona. So now the family has come to clamp down on this infringement of their ancient rites, and the source of it all is that some ancient ancestor of theirs ran off with their family secrets and spread them unchecked amongst Gotham's unknowing populace for generations, giving rise to Gotham's rouges gallery and all their costumed gimmicks, each faintly tapping into higher powers via their masks and aliases. And above all, Gotham itself is a living breathing psychic organism, and the power of masks works on it as well, and for decades now, Arkham Asylum was Gotham's mask: it projected the image of gothic horror and an archaic madhouse, and so that's the anchor the abstract powers of the aether had to channel themselves into the city through. With the Asylum gone, there is no anchor, and there is no mask, and city can do one of three things: put the mask back on, forge a new mask and a new persona, or face down a sort of withering psychic hangover as all of Gotham's psychic collective rides out the lingering madness raw and unfiltered.
So do we rebuild Arkham as it was, to uphold status quo, but in a way that ultimately means perpetuating the pipeline of madness from the aether into the city and its populace? Do we try to build something new, funneling different and "better" forces into the city, but via an equally tenuous and dangerous anchor? Or do we try to break the cycle entirely at the risk that the potential psychic overload of everything Gotham took into itself for a century taken without the filter of a mask could straight up kill it and everyone in it? And do the mask of Batman and the mask of Arkham go hand in hand? If we agree to retire Arkham, do we accept retiring The Batman as we know him as well? Can the city ever really move on?
That's the fucking story I wanted out of this. Along with maybe some cool immigrant anecdotes, and throwbacks to Dracula's whole London property investment world conquest scheme.
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fantasyinvader · 1 year
So, I picked up the first Injustice game this weekend. Used copy, cheaper than it would be to buy it off the PSN. Definitely feels like a weekend rental title, though that might be because I've only played the story mode rather than go for individual character endings and such. I've always been kinda interested in this though, despite me sucking at most fighting games, because it always sounded more like an expanded version of the Justice League episodes surrounding the Justice Lords. But I've always been a bit wary because, despite being a fanboy of the character, I've always heard it was Batwank.
I'm a fan of Batman, but he's a very flawed character. So pushing him as this paragon is, well, it's never going to sit right with me. Batman is a character who takes the law into his own hands and at times goes too far. I'm not a fan of what I've heard about the White Knight stuff, but even in Nolan's The Dark Knight it was always a question of how far Batman would go for Gotham. While he might not kill directly, but is totally okay leaving someone to die in this incarnation, he ultimately needs to go full Big Brother in order to stop Joker. It's a line to far for Lucien Fox, who quits afterwards. The fact is, Batman can be like Dirty Harry or Cobra in his pursuit of justice when handled improperly. That the law comes across as a hinderance to him by protecting criminals, so it's okay when he breaks it.
Considering the backlash The Punisher has gotten and talk about him being retired, it's a delicate balance for such a character.
But back to Injustice… it was okay. I don't feel like it was stroking the ol' Batdick too much. Was Insurrection!Batman the good guy? Yeah. But he also roped in the regular timeline Justice League without asking them in order to unlock the Kryptonite weapon, and we had to beat him up in order to bring regular Supes to deal with Proto-Homelander. So, very flawed good guy needing the regular Batman to remove his pointy lil head from his Batass. I think the problem with Insurrection!Batman is that we're given only the barest amount of context for the story in order for it to work, with the rest meant to be fleshed out by the comics, comics which paint this guy in a worse light as he didn't support Superman emotionally after Metropolis was nuked and instead treated him like scum over Joker's death.
Having Batman fight Supes as the tutorial sucks though, especially since they kept fighting Superman for the final boss.
But that's really it. It's more like the game is supposed to get players interested in the comics for this timeline, and if you have problems with that timeline then the story doesn't work as well. I mean, regular Supes and Wondie get some really epic moments to their credit, Regime!Flash switches sides after Shaz…the real CAPTAIN MARVEL is killed for saying Regime!Superman is going too far which also works with the explanation that not all the heroes broke bad. They're just afraid of this Superman who is like a less-fleshed out Homelander. If only there was such a skin for that final fight.
So the basic story has overall a decent execution that's hampered by supplimentary materials, much like Gundam SEED. It set up a fertile field to expand upon it's story, but for many people said expansion ruins it.
I'm going to go watch Superman The Movie tonight.
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