#but seeing their energy about organising their life now
something i think i should/could bring up with my therapist so im putting it down here to get the thoughts out now
it’s. incredibly frustrating actually that i can’t organise any part of my life. my ‘organisation’ revolves around categorising and storing my possessions in places that at the time of storing, make sense to keep. but over time, because i don’t engage with those spaces a lot, i forget things are there or the things there go old and aren’t usable anymore (lots of art supplies, food, etc.) and i am back to square one when i come back to them, except this time square one is also covered in dust.
i feel like a solution to this would be to use these possessions and spaces consistently, but... thats the thing, i can’t and i don’t use things consistently. i never have, probably never will, because that requires energy to self-discipline and i have absolutely neither.
this is why ‘adhd tips’ that are literally just ‘oh get a journal/planner/app/corkboard/calender/anything and just organise it so it works for you’ are Utterly Useless because PLANNED ORGANISATION DOESN’T WORK WITH ME. it’s not that i can’t organise stuff or events, or that i can’t plan stuff or events; i can do both! very effectively!! but only ever in the short term.
it’s really frustrating that this is something that affects my entire life. combinations of time blindness, only focusing on the now, impulsivity, unbridled emotions and probably every other adhd trait under the sun means my life is chaos even when its relatively calm. it’s probably why i had such a hard time last year, because the extraneous circumstances around my life were just as chaotic, if not more so, than my internal circumstances, and the chaos was too much for me to bear and manage, and i quickly became exhausted. and what do i do when im exhausted? i hide, and sleep, and turn away from the world because there’s just too much going on and i can’t face it.
damn. i was conflicted about whether to stay in this city or leave, but looking back on everything now... i think i really need quiet and stability to try and return to some sense of normal, or at least a sense i am familiar with and can work with to be ok again.
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stevebabey · 1 year
Steve hates to ask this of Eddie.
Really, it’s a last resort sort of thing. Robin’s gone for the week, some trip upstate with her family. And it’s fine, they’re close but Steve’s a big boy. He can handle a week without his best friend.
But, well, it’s just unfortunate for it to creep up on Steve when Robin’s gone. It being… shit, how did Robin explain it? She was so much better at keeping track of all those things than he was, all the terms filed away nicely in her head to be recalled as needed. Steve’s much messier— in his head, in his life.
Touch aversion, that’s what she called it. A by-product of the severe lack of touch in his childhood she had said; not enough hugs, hand holding, the works and now Steve’s grown to find it too strange. Something prickles under his skin, pulls in his gut all the wrong way, when someone’s too touchy-feely with him. Robin’s said it’s normal, and he believes her.
It just makes it harder when this comes by. That completely strange backward want that carves into his chest, creating a chasm that just aches. Suddenly, Steve wants to be touched, needs to be touched — like something behind his ribs is just begging for comfort in the form of touch, any way he can have it. Like some young part of him can still remember the hunger he had for it and it comes back in full force, a tender wound between his lungs.
It doesn’t happen that often — though, it’s more frequent than ever recently — but usually, Robin’s here. She can almost always tell before Steve works up the courage to ask. Twitchy fingers give him away. He hovers closer than normal, shoulders brushing more often.
She always gives him a smile, softer than her usual snark and says, “C’mere, dingus.” and stands on her tip-toes to envelope him in a hug. Steve can’t help but sink into it, gripping her close around the waist for as long as he needs until the hole in his chest feels a step closer to patching up.
Robin also tells him he can have as many hugs as he’d like but Steve is firm with himself; he only needs one, then he’ll be back to fine.
It what’s he needs now. One really fucking good hug. Still, he hates to ask, least of all from Eddie, because, well— okay, Steve has no reason to assume Eddie wouldn’t give him a hug.
He’s seen Eddie’s hugs before. Like everything he does, Eddie puts his everything into it- he hugs Robin til she wheezes, loves to lift Nancy off the ground, and the hug he gives Dustin is sweetest of all, a hand on the back of the littler’s head while he does some strange little sway. Dustin always laughs, playfully shoving him away by the end but Steve knows he loves them, that it helps in more than one way.
Steve is glad that Dustin has someone, besides his Mom of course, who can hug him, because Steve can’t give that to him. Maybe one day, but for now, hugs from Steve are a rarity — few and far in between. Maybe, he thinks, he doesn’t want to ask Eddie specifically because of that niggling feeling that comes up around Eddie, all gooey and soft. A feeling the swings too close to a crush that Steve has no fucking clue what to do about.
So, he hates to ask. Really. On the drive over to Eddie’s, a hangout organised before Steve started to feel the lack of touch creep in, he runs through any other options. Wait til Robin gets back? Steve’s not sure he’ll make it another 4 days. When left alone, it seems to consume him and make everything harder, everything heavier to deal with.
He’s still tossing it when he climbs the steps to Eddie’s trailer. Steve decides that he’ll see how it goes, see if there’s an opening to ask…semi-naturally or something. He’s not gonna spring it on the guy.
Eddie is wonderful company as always, devilish grins and god-awful comments about the film he picked. Steve feeds off it, drinking in the infectious energy. He tries to let it be enough; their shoulders pressed together, Eddie’s knee knocking his when he laughs, the way Eddie leans into his space to whisper even though it’s just them here tonight. Steve wants it to be enough. But even then, he can see the way his hands twitch in his lap, desperate for more.
Steve closes his eyes. Curls his hands up so tightly his nails bite into the skin. He tries to use it to wane off the feeling, the ache that sings out for Eddie beside him and it nearly works. Until—
“Steve? Y’okay?” Eddie’s voice pipes up, making Steve open his eyes in an instant.
“Hm?” Steve hums, hoping that his casualness will be enough for Eddie to skip over his peculiar behaviour. He blinks, tilting his head just a bit to show he was confused why Eddie was asking.
Eddie chuckles lightly, gesturing towards Steve’s lap, where his hands sit still clenched, white knuckled with his self-restraint. “You seem a bit stiff, that’s all.” Eddie rechecks. “You good?”
Steve opens his mouth and then closes it, forcing his hands to unclench in his lap. “I-“ he begins, then stops, unsure of what he was going to say. He did say he would look for an opening tonight. The way Eddie’s regarding him, open faced with his concern, is as good as he might get.
“This might sound a bit weird,” Steve starts, defensiveness already tingeing the words, his shoulders curling in just a bit. Eddie could say no. He’s allowed to say no. Steve really doesn’t want him to. “Like, if you think it’s weird, that’s totally fine and we can just, like, forget I said anything and—”
“Steve.” Eddie cuts him off, a linger of an amused smile on his lips. “I don’t think I’m going to find anything you say weird, sweetheart. Shoot. What’s on your mind? What troubles the great mind of Steve Harrington?”
God, it’s like a whole bunch of words designed to set Steve’s head spinning. ‘The great mind of Steve Harrington’ makes him want to scoff. ‘Sweetheart’ makes him want to swoon. He can’t decide which one he wants to do more.
“Can I-” Steve stammers, the words halting automatically. It’s too much of a habit to swallow them down. Coercing them out takes more work. He stares up at the ceiling as he grits his teeth, releases a harsh sigh, pulling himself together. “Can I… have a hug?”
There a moment of silence and Steve holds his breath.
“Oh,” Eddie breathes, and Steve takes his eyes off the ceiling to see just what that Oh means. Eddie’s smiling, a soft one gracing his pretty mouth, and Steve thinks, maybe, one day he’ll have the courage to ask for a kiss as well. Relief moves sluggishly through his veins— Eddie’s smiling, this is good.
“Well, of course,” Eddie grins widely and opens his arms, inviting Steve in. Steve hesitates for only a moment before he leans in gratefully, his arms tucking around Eddie’s midriff tightly. Eddie’s arms curl around Steve’s neck, pulling him in close. It’s the easiest thing in the world, sinking into it, so much that Steve tries his best not to immediately slump against Eddie. It feels a bit too pathetic, so Steve reels himself in. He can’t make his arms relax, trying too hard to take only what he needs and not a moment more.
“C’mon, Stevie.” Eddie’s voice teases beside his ear, his breath warm. “You call that a hug?”
He squeezes Steve a little tighter, pulling him even closer and Steve can’t help the way he melts into it— he slumps, leaning against Eddie properly and burying his quiet whine of relief into the juncture between Eddie's neck and shoulder.
“There we go,” Eddie murmurs comfortingly.
Eddie takes him wholly, gives a damn good Munson hug, all warmth and comfort. He smells like, well, Eddie — a lingering scent of weed, something musky, something Eddie. His arms around Steve’s neck shuffle and Steve worries he’s trying to pull away so soon, only for one of his hands to tangle in the hair at the nape of Steve’s neck. He combs through, light fingernails scratching at Steve’s scalp and shit, Steve really can’t control the noise of contentment that slips out his throat.
“Can’t believe you got so worked up just to ask for a hug,” Eddie tsks, tone coloured in disbelief. Steve makes a noise of protest, trying for a moment to wind it all back in but, like Eddie can sense it, he’s squeezing him tighter again. He begins to rock them, a soft sway side to side that lets Steve lean on him even more. He hums a tune Steve doesn’t know, low and soft.
“M’sorry,” Steve mumbles in reply, though he’s not entirely sure what he’s apologising for. For having to ask, for taking so much, for enjoying Eddie’s arms around him just a little too much.
“What the fuck for?” Eddie laughs lightly, one of his hands beginning to drum against the divots of Steve’s spin. It feels like he’s tapping pure delirium with each fingertip, shivers that make Steve’s chest glow terribly warm. It feels good, so good to be held and honestly, Steve could stay here all night if Eddie let him. Knowing Eddie, he would, because he’s that fucking nice.
That knowledge alone forces Steve to sit himself up, extracting him limbs even though so much of him mourns the warmth, the touch, that goes with it. He wants the touch but he’s had enough. Some scorned part of him burns bitterly to think Eddie would give him more just to be nice. Steve doesn’t want that— Steve wants Eddie to touch him because he wants to.
“Sorry, man, I just, uh, get like that sometimes.” Steve feels the need to explain, bringing a hand up to rub at one of his eyes. He does it half so can hide his embarrassed expression from Eddie— who’s looking at him so gently and still so so close.
“Just, aha—“ Christ, it wasn’t this awkward telling Robin. Steve’s hand moves to rub the back of his neck. “Sometimes I realise it’s been awhile since,” He gnaws on his bottom lip, something alike to humiliation curling in his gut. “Since I’ve had some touch. Usually, Robin’s around but y’know.”
He waves a hand, huffing another awkward laugh. Eddie hasn’t moved much, just listening intently, his brows ever so slightly inching closer together. He looks outright concerned at Steve’s next words.
“It’s okay, I’ve— I’ll be good now.” Steve nods along, like the motion will help him convince himself as well as Eddie. He’ll be okay now. Usually, one hug is all it takes. He ignores the surging tidal-wave want that is still going, still aching to be held by Eddie again. It would be selfish to ask for more. Eddie didn’t invite him around to hug— it’s weird, and Steve shouldn’t- can’t ask for more.
“Sooooo,” Eddie draws out the word, an impish smile beginning to play at the corners of his lips. He opens his arms wide again. “You don’t want another hug?”
In his lap, Steve’s fingers twitch. Eddie’s eyes dart to them for a second, before fixing back on Steve. He does, he really fucking does want another hug. He can’t. He’s had enough, really, it would greedy to have more.
Steve shakes his head, forces himself to huff another laugh that accidentally comes out as a strained sigh. He smiles weakly, “No, no, I’m good, dude. It’s… I’m okay, swear.”
For a moment, Steve thinks he’s convinced him. Eddie studies his face, his mischief slipping away as he deliberates Steve’s words. His eyes narrow, arms dropping just an inch before he smiles brightly and says, “Okay, can I have a hug then?”
Which, okay, right, Steve didn’t think of that. People don’t ask him for hugs. He blinks, a bit dumbly. Eddie is waiting, face eager and for a second there’s an expression of almost smugness on his face — like he’s about to get exactly what he wants. Because he knows Steve would never be rude and say no.
“I mean,” Steve breathes, voice a bit tighter than he’s expecting. He clears his throat. “Yeah, yeah, you can have a hug.”
“Great!” Eddie replies and he wastes no time. He’s all up in Steve’s space, arms around Steve’s waist this time. The motion takes Steve by surprise, enough that because he’s not expecting it Eddie’s weight pushes him back so he’s lying on the couch.
If Eddie cares, he pays no mind, his head curling up into the crook of Steve’s neck as he hugs him closer. His hair gets in Steve’s mouth, making him splutter for a second, but Eddie just grins, wriggling closer until they’re pressed firmly against each other. Steve would go as far as to say this is closer to cuddling than a hug, with Eddie squishing him from above, his arms around Steve’s middle.
“Just so you know,” Eddie’s voice rumbles from where their chests are touching, his breath sweeping across Steve’s neck. Steve shivers without meaning to, feels Eddie’s responding grin even as he continues. “All hugs requested by me are automatically 10 minutes long. Hope you’re okay with that, sweetheart.”
Steve isn’t stupid — he knows Eddie is doing it for him, doing it because he could see right through Steve’s stupid facade, had peered his yawning hunger for touch right in the face and hadn’t blanched. Instead of feeling tricked or fooled, Steve just feels…warm. Comfortable. He works his arms around Eddie’s neck til their more comfortable and find the courage in him scrape his fingers through Eddie’s hair— like he had done to Steve. Eddie’s sighs sweetly and Steve thinks he could listen to that noise forever.
“I’m… I’m okay with that.” Steve murmurs lowly, yet he knows Eddie can hear him. Eddie noses closer, a borderline nuzzle against his neck, and further down, one his hands starts to stroke softly up and down Steve’s ribs.
Steve can’t help the way it makes him freeze, the breath in his lungs holding tight as he tries to relax, tries to ignore the prickly feeling under his skin. It’s a lot. A lot of touch that Steve just isn’t used to just yet, even if he desperately craves it.
“Relax,” Eddie whispers into his skin, a soft instruction paired with the motion, one soothing stroke up and down his ribs. Steve pushes the breath in his lungs out, forces the tension out of his body, trusts that Eddie wouldn’t be offering— wouldn’t tell him to relax if he wasn’t allowed to.
“That’s it.” Eddie praises, feeling the body beneath him settle and sink a little lower into the couch. “Now, watch the movie.” Eddie instructs, jutting at the still playing screen with his chin. Steve laughs a bit, but obeys, turning his head to see what part they’d gotten up to. They’d missed a big chunk in their hug. Steve nearly apologises for it, the words on the tip of his tongue, before he decides Eddie might smack him for it.
So, he doesn’t. He watches the film, let’s the gentle touch of Eddie on his skin relax him til sleepiness starts to fill each of his limbs, heavy like lead. Eddie’s hand stops moving eventually, when his breath gets heavier, lulled by Steve’s scratch in his hair. A snore starts up, loud and quite frankly, annoying, and yet, Steve finds that with Eddie’s arms around him, he has no trouble finding sleep.
It’s the first time in years Steve’s fallen asleep in someone else’s arms. And even if he doesn't know it yet, it’s certainly not the last.
now with a part two!
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cozycottagetarot · 2 months
Random Things About Your Person
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From Elle: Pulled This One From The Drafts... wasn't going to post it but maybe there's something useful in it for someone. It's a chill one ✌️
Definition of 'Your Person': At this point, I'm not sure how I personally define 'Your Person', so I guess I'm leaving that up to you're interpretation. For now, let's just say someone you'll have an impactful connection with.
Reading Layout: This reading is done in a brain-dump style where the info is just bullet as it came to me and less organised.
Dividers From X
Reading Masterlist | Patreon | Paid Readings -- Open 🥂
This person is such a loving and nurturing person… they could even help heal your inner child. If you want kids then this will transfer over to how they parent and it's very heartwarming.
They give off ethereal vibes. Very in tune with their intuition or have a strong sense of knowing
They could be your 'perfect match'
Someone you 'grow old' with or could envision yourself 'growing old' with
They could have a diverse friend group or their friend group is very important to them.
Night and the moon could be super important. They could be born at night, you meet at night or you communicate with them through your dreams.
They’re very abundant. Regardless of how much money they make, they just have such a rich life that you can see they are without want.
They’re very calming. They could calm your nervous system.
You’re going to have a very passionate/intimate relationship
There could be a 1-3 year age difference between you two (this is more so if you're interested in age differences... I don't why but I ended up reading those here)
They’re trustworthy and reliable
A very strong, gentle and protective person
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Could live by the water or be very emotional.
They’re your heart, your everything. It might be hard to deny your attraction to them… but not physically. More so like a knowing once you meet this person that they play a significant role in your story
'Lionheart'... Regal energy
Lots to learn from them... So much that I actually wrote it twice lol
Kind of exotic… very beautiful
They don’t bark, they bite
They're someone who makes things happen
Very quiet…. It makes me think of something that I saw that goes along the lines of "You're harmless, not peaceful. If you’re peaceful you’re capable of great violence" or something like that. This is not meant to say that they're this aggressive/violent person. I feel like it's quite the opposite really.
I kept seeing this image of coming across a wounded animal, a wolf to be exact. You can see they've been in a fight/injured and are on guard. They're not going to hurt you but you can see that they are alert and will attack if you show you mean harm. A case of survival...
I feel like they hold the key to your happiness in a way
Something angelic about them… it could be their mind too
3 to a 8 year age difference (this is more so if you're interested in age differences… I don't why but I ended up reading those here)
An unexpected meeting
Beauty in darkness. Easily stressed or anxious. It feels very tense compared to pile/group 1
They’ve overcome a lot… flexible at a cost
One of you is further ahead in life than the other
Protective of their energy. Loyal, ambitious.
Overstimulated frequently or easily
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They may be big on naps. Like napping together is their love language
They may be a little weird
Grumpy x sunshine vibes
Whimsy or connected to their inner child, youthful vibe
Very calm and peaceful
You two could be polar opposites but you work well together.
Their appearance can change a lot... I think more so through them willingly changing it. Really, don't be alarmed if you come home and they look completely different. I feel like they're mischievous and would get a kick out of your reaction
You could have a 2-6 year age difference (this is more so if you're interested in age differences… I don't why but I ended up reading those here)
They've managed to maintain a positive disposition despite the hardships they've faced
They could give off a met you in a past life vibe
Either good at helping you relax or they easily get stressed out but then can just as easily relax themself
Could be very creative or artistic... muse energy
Could like to take their space/time alone.... but could get lost in their head if not careful.
"Living in alignment" could be important to them... they may have a set of personal values or principles they really like to adhere to.
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prosciuttulipa · 2 months
Sub Drop Sweethearts
How the JJK men help you through sub drop
content: insinuation of a BDSM scene prior but no actual smut, lots of aftercare and affection
a/n: as a submissive, sub drop is no joke! Am currently going through it, so writing this as a way to help self-soothe. less characters this time because am tired. please remember to take care of yourselves after BDSM scenes!
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Geto Suguru keeps you close. He knows sub drop is an inevitable part of the process, the consequent fall from a euphoric high, but he can't on his good conscience let you go through it alone. When he sees the telltale signs the day after your intense scene together—how you start to tear up out of nowhere or shiver from a cold he can't feel—he's scooping you into his arms, heart aching on your behalf. There's a part of him that blames himself for it, thoughts running through his head for cues he might have missed, things he forgot to do to make you feel wanted, because why else would you be going through a drop? Eventually, he'll realise that his worries are unfounded, once you come enough to your senses to let him know your low mood isn't his fault, just brain chemicals doing their thing. For now, he presses kisses along your brow, your cheek, your jaw, whispering praises so sweet they would earn him a spot alongside the poets he reads.
Gojo Satoru hates your sub drop. Don't get him wrong, he doesn't hate it in the sense that he holds it against you (and heaven forbid you ever think he'd do that to you). He just hates the fact that something that was meant to be fun and cathartic has such ugly side effects for you. There's almost something domineering in the way he deals with your drop, overwhelming you with lavish desserts and massages, like he's daring the bad feelings to try and get through his fortress of love. The showers of affection work, of course, turning your self-deprecating talk into giggles, your tears of sadness into tears of joy. It pleases him, because this is how things should be, after you so willingly gave yourself up to his control: you, surrounded by gifts like pampered royalty, any doubts about your worth squashed under his foot like pests. If your sub drop was a person, he wouldn't hesitate to fight it. But because it isn't, he'll settle for protecting you like this instead.
Nanami Kento does not panic. He knows that this was going to happen, did plenty of research into how submissives go into sub drop, the different ways it could manifest. He'd made sure to account for every iteration: food to help your brain chemistry even out naturally, a list of your comfort activities (organised by your needs and energy levels), and ensuring he had the day off so that he could spend it taking care of you. He keeps a watchful eye on you at all times the day after your scene, aware of even the slightest shift in your mood. The fruits of his labour are rewarded, as his constant maintenance means you don't drop any lower than slight discomfort and the occasional sad whine; in a sense, you don't have sub drops, just sub blips. His efforts might seem a bit overkill, but Nanami doesn't care. He was the one who fucked you till an inch of your life, and he'll be the one to put you back together.
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shamelessexplosions · 4 months
What I've learnt about the Batfamily from Tumblr
I know nothing about Batman - I have never read a comic, I have never watched a Batman series or cartoon or movie with him in it (except from that one scene at the end of wonder woman). This is what I have learnt about the members of the Batfamily entirely from tumblr and other social media.
1. Bruce Wayne
Bruce Wayne is Batman, and his superpower is being richer than God.
He lives in a mansion in Gotham, which is basically a city entirely made up of psychos
He cannot stop adopting children
Like I'm pretty sure he sees a child on their own with a vaguely traumatic backstory and has to adopt them.
Probably carries adoption papers in his utility belt for that very purpose
I'm not entirely sure how many children he has but that's okay because I don't think he knows either.
When he's in the mask his voice is really deep and he keeps saying "I'm Batman"
When he's not he acts like a complete idiot but probably tips a waitress by paying for their collage tuition
His parents are dead and this is very important - in a world of orphans, he is THE orphan
2. Dick Grayson
Bruce Wayne's oldest adopted son
He was in the circus as an acrobat until his parents died in front of him
I think they were murdered
He was the original Robin
Then he got bored or something and moved to somewhere called bludhaven which honestly sounds Norwegian, and renamed himself Nightwing.
Has extreme big brother energy
3. Jason Todd
Robin #2 because apparently there's a second one
I think he met Bruce after stealing the tires off Batman's car (the batmobile?) and then hitting him with a tire iron which is such a power move, especially for some random kid
He died but it's ok because he fell in a pit and got better
He renamed himself red hood and became a mass murderer for a bit
I think it was just a phase?
He was trained in the way of murder by someone called Talia. He either slept with her or was adopted by her.
I hope it's the second one because I know Bruce slept with her
Likes guns
4. Tim Drake
I think he stalked batman until he found out he was Bruce Wayne
In other words this random kid did what no megalomaniac with a grudge against the furry that routinely beats them up could
But then I think he was Bruce's neighbour pre-adoption so maybe he just noticed batman flying out from under the mansion each night, which says something problematic about his secret identity
He became robin too like how many robins does one city need?
Jason refers to him as 'replacement' which seems cold given 1. He himself was a replacement and 2. tim got replaced as well
I think he's Red Robin now, so clearly not too interested in change.
5. Damien Wayne
Bruce's biological son with the aforementioned assassin/murder trainer Talia.
Was in something called the League of Assassins but left to find his father, which given the name is the League of Assassins sounds like a smart life choice
Talia may have sent Damien to Bruce so she didn't have to deal with a teenager, but it also sounds like he left after an argument with his grandfather and League head-honcho Ra's so not sure whats going on there
Also Robin but I think at this point someone is taking the piss - possibly Batman
Feral Child(tm)
Likes swords
6. Cassandra (Cassie/Cass) Cain?
Maybe her surname is cain? Or maybe it's not?
I'm really confused because I'm pretty sure there is both a Cass and a Cassie in the Child-soldier Justice League and I think one of them is a bat-family member and one of them has something to do with Wonder Woman and they may or may not be the same person
Was an assassin involved in the same organisation as Jason and Damien
Is this where Bruce Wayne is finding his kids?
Was a Robin too (yay for feminism, boo for originality? Get some other names for your feral murder children Bruce)
Now called Spoiler and likes purple
May have at one point been batgirl?
7. Duke ???
Honestly I have no idea, I've just seen his name a couple of times
He was probably Robin at some point - they all appear to have been Robin at some point
I think he likes the colour yellow
8. Stephanie Brown
Another person that I have only vaguely seen the name of
She might have dated one of the batkids, Tim maybe?
May or may not be a batkid herself
May be batgirl, or maybe that was Cassandra, or maybe both. There have been so many robins nothing would surprise me
9. Barbara (Babs) Gordon
Daughter of a police commissioner
Her father may or may not be aware of her extracurriculars, but Commissioner Gordon has a massive flashlight for summoning batman when he needs help with a case so I don't think he has any room to talk
Goes by Oracle
Not a proper batkid but I doubt that stops her being on the family Christmas card
May have at one point been a Batgirl?
But at this point I'm just guessing everyone was batgirl
Maybe Duke was batgirl!
May use a wheelchair but I'm not certain
10. Alfred Pennyworth
Indeterminate age, may be immortal
Bruce's bulter
Raised Bruce Wayne, but still calls him 'Master Bruce'
Also refers to the batkids as 'master xx'
May or may not be sarcasm
English, ex-army and all-round exceedingly polite badass
Correction, he's English, I can say with confidence it is sarcasm
That is all the people I can think of, sorry if I missed anyone
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starryknight-tarot · 10 months
𝓦𝓱𝓪𝓽'𝓼 𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓭𝓮𝓼𝓽𝓲𝓷𝔂?
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pile 1 -- > pile 2
pile 3 -- > pile 4
my masterlist<3 . paid readings
Hello beautiful souls✨ we are back in the building with another tarot reading. Today we will be looking into your destiny, a general idea of what your purpose is on this beautiful planet. Remember to meditate, take a deep breath and pick whatever pile calls to you the most. Since this is a general reading, make sure to take what resonates and leave what doesn't. Art by @pop_KOME on Twitter (or X lol).
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Pile 1:
Cards: Knight of Swords rx, Queen of Wands, The Chariot, Six of Wands, King of Cups, Eight of Cups, Five of Wands, Justice
Back of the Deck: Nine of Swords
Pile 1, your destiny is to be a leader. I feel a strong spiritual presence for this pile, I feel like you are very strongly protected by your spirit team, you may even have some powerful archangels in your spirit team. Also hearing some of yall may be an Aquarius and have heavy water energy in your birth chart. You are someone who has watched the people in your life be mistreated and conditioned to just suffer through traumatic experiences. But instead of following in the same path of suffering, you take action. Your destiny is to help the people around cope with life and make life feel a little easier. Some of you can do this just by being your true authentic self which encouraging others to do the same. Some of you are destine to be therapists, judges, lawyers, maybe even politicians. If any of you play Honkai Star Rail, you are giving major Natasha vibes. You are destined to run organisations that could literally save lives or make life a lot easier for people. I am also hearing some of yall could create something that would become really popular and almost in a way save people. Like, have you ever had a show or song or form of art that has shaped your life, taught you a lesson, or helped you from a really hard experience. Your destiny is to be that for people or create something that has that effect on people. I am seeing specifically Studio Ghibli so that could have an impact on you, or inspired you to create something. For some of you, your destiny is to be parent, but more specifically to help raise someone the right way(?). Kinda going along with what I was saying before, you may have had a really unhealthy home environment growing up and when it's your turn to be a parent, you will make it your mission to make sure your child doesn't have to go through what you went through, in a healthy way, of course if you don't want to be a parent then this doesn't apply. I just heard, "It's your job to call out the bullcrap." It's your purpose to stand up and say no when others won't or are too scared. You have a lot of influence on people Pile 1, and your purpose is to use it to help the people around you.
Advice Cards:
Align body, mind and spirit. Know that you are whole
Control is an illusion. Surrender and allow the Universe to guide you
Hold a positive outlook. You will see it when you believe it
To effect a change, you must be willing
Get clear about what you want
It is time to unclutter your body, mind, and spirit
Channeled Songs:
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Pile 2
Cards: The Emperor rx, Eight of Wands, The Hanged Man rx, King of Swords, Queen of Wands, Four of Wands rx, Page of Cups, The Sun
Back of the Deck: The Devil
Your destiny is to be a shining light in the darkness. The small ounce of hope when everything seems to be lost. Now that is a big role Pile 2. I heard just now, "Your duty is to spread warmth." and "All you gotta do is slay all day." LMAO. You may currently or in the past have felt like everything is hopeless and you may have repeated very negative affirmations. I feel like it's a part of your purpose to learn about how powerful words are and use it to your advantage. When you finally start to use your words in a way that shows hope and positivity, is when you will fully align with your higher self and see all the beautiful things that life truly has to offer. This pile reminds me of another reading I did, it was Pile 4 of my what makes you so attractive reading so if you picked that pile, this pile is definitely for you. If you are interested and haven't read that reading then I would highly recommend it. I feel like your destiny to spread kindness. I am seeing a scenario where you are working somewhere and someone was having a bad day, but after talking with you for a short while, they are in a really good mood and feel amazing. I feel like your use of words and how you express yourself freely is your purpose. I feel like this pile is the most likely to be famous, I am seeing specifically a streamer. I feel like you are just someone that people could listen to talk for hours and it just feels so calming and relaxing. I am kinda picking up on when Among Us was really popular and there was a handful of streamers that were just majorly comforting for people, especially since that was when COVID was really bad. If you did follow thoses streamers, you may know Sykkuno, and I am saying this because I feel like you have a very similar life purpose as Sykkuno or you are just very similar to him. I heard you are like a safe place for people. I feel like your purpose is to make a domino effect for love and kindness. Like when you smile at someone, they smile, and then they make someone else smile and it just spreads. Some of yall may be into yoga or maybe even wanna be yoga instructors. You could also be a masseuse. Your destiny is to be a comforting presence and to show people another way to look a life. (I feel like this pile is very different from Pile 1, however there are some messages from Pile 1 that I strongly feel that may apply to you so if you did feel called to Pile 1 as well, please do read it)
Advice Cards:
Remain faithful to your ideal and find trust within yourself
Control is an illusion. Surrender and allow the Universe to guide you
Remove all resistances and move into a state of flow
It is time to challenge old beliefs
You can manifest your heart's desire
To effect a change, you must be willing
Channeled Songs:
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Pile 3
Cards: Two of Pentacles rx, Knight of Pentacles, Strength rx, The Lovers, Page of Swords, Nine of Cups, Temperance, Three of Cups
Back of the Deck: Nine of Wands
There is some crazy beautiful messages for this pile. Your destiny is to see your dreams become a reality. I am getting that you are someone who has worked very hard for everything you have, I am hearing started from the bottom now we're here lol. Pile 3, all the hard work and love you have put into you goals and dreams are destined to shine brightly. You will be able eat the fruits of your labor. Honestly Pile 3, I just see good things coming towards you and it is so wholesome. I feel like there has been a lot of times where you've just wanted to give up and take the easy route of life, giving into words that say you will never achieve anything you strive to. But it is literally your destiny to succeed. Spirit is saying that all the times that have been rough and cruel have been so that when you finally get to relax and see your hard work flourish, it will feel even more rewarding. I feel like things you never thought would be possible for you will come true. Finding true love, a soul family that you can always rely on. I heard multiple people will fall in love you. Pile 3, its your destiny to go on a journey of self love, this journey may be a spiritual awakening for you, by connecting with spiritual, it can help you realize your true potential. I feel like all this love and success will take a while for you though, especially if you tend to put yourself down and don't acknowledge the work you need to do. I feel like some of you are really passionate about your dreams but fail to really push yourself and challenge yourself because of your insecurities. Don't try to be humble Pile 3, you are amazing and the world wants to see you shine! If you are procrastinating about the things you want to bring into your life and putting yourself down when you make mistakes, these blessings will delay and if it gets really bad, may never come. Mistakes are extremely human and we are meant to make mistakes to learn from them and improve even more. Believe in the power of your mind and creativity and the universe, and that's when blessings will manifest. Spirit wants you to enjoy life to the fullest and enjoy the things life has to offer.
Advice Cards:
Remain faithful to your ideal and find trust within yourself
Your spirit wings are unfolding. It is time to take flight!
Practice the pause
Keep the faith. Stay intentioned. Your perseverance will pay off
You are moving beyond your old form. Congratulations!
Relax and feel good. You deserve more joy!
Control is an illusion. Surrender and allow the Universe to guide
Channeled Songs:
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Pile 4
Cards: Seven of Pentacles, Queen of Swords, King of Swords, Four of Swords rx, Four of Wands, Seven of Cups, Six of Wands, Page of Cups
Back of the Deck: Ace of Swords
You have some fun energy Pile 4. It is your destiny to enjoy the ride of life. To let life take the wheel and chill in the fast lane. This pile got so much swords cards, so yall could be an air sign, Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, or have a very air heavy birth chart. With the swords cards I am getting that it's your destiny to be free. You may currently feel tied down by people and burdens that just feel so heavy and tiring. But it is your destiny to escape from the shackles of these things and have fun. You are supposed to enjoy the things you have missed out on for so long. I feel like you have felt held back by societies expectations of you and changed yourself to fit in. But the universe wants you to express yourself and show us who you really are. It will feel amazing when you do. People are always going to have problems with you being yourself because your confidence makes them feel intimidated in their own lack of self expression. They are all just jealous of you, so don't let them hold you back from enjoying the things you are passionate about and from feeling the wind on your skin. For some of you, it's your destiny to be a cool parent or like aunt or uncle. I feel like you will have a strong influence on the people close to you, you will be like a role model for the younger people around you. It's because you show them how beautiful freedom and just expressing yourself without worrying about what others think of can be. I also feel like you will meet someone that is your divine counterpart. Someone that understands you better than anyone else will. This could be romantic but it doesn't have to be. This connection will be something everyone will be envious of. This person is someone you know you will grow old with. Your destiny is to enjoy with a smile on your face.
Advice Cards:
Expect good things to come to you
It's time to try something new!
It is important to ask for help
To effect a change, you must be willing
It is time to challenge old beliefs
Act on what you know
You are divinely protected. Remind yourself how safe you are
Channeled Songs:
Thanks for tuning in₊‧.°.⋆🫧•˚₊‧⋆.
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axelsagewrites · 1 year
Lucerys - Dance
Pairing: Lucerys X Green!Daughter
Summary: reader and Luke had been best friends for years before being split up but finally they meet again at the readers birthday ball.
Words: 2914
Requested by anon
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Masterlist Here
Being the youngest child of the king was a strange experience. As the youngest you didn’t have to worry about as many marriage proposals or having to go to make official royal visits. The only times you were sent on royal visits had been with either your mother or brother Aemond as your mother did not trust her another son to look after you. You spent more time looking after Aegon than the other way round as you were the one that would sneak him his hang over cures when your mother banned the maesters for helping him as punishment for her sons drinking.
Despite this you were also close with your mother. She was extremely protective which had its ups and downs. On one hand you didn’t need to worry about Lords trying to manipulate you for your hand and on the other you only really had your family to spend time with. However, as you were the youngest, quite a bit younger than your siblings, it still could be lonely at time. Or at least it was after Luke had left court.
When Luke was still at court however you were inseparable. You studied together, trained with your dragons together, were forced to learn how to dance together. It was lucky that you both got on so well because if not the whole ordeal would have been awkward. You didn’t mind spending all your time with him however and soon you may have well been the same person.
The day Rhaynera decided to move her and her children to Dragonstone to marry Daemon Targaryen you cried. You cried the whole day and so many more to come. Luke did his best not to join you in your tears. You clung onto him for dear life as you said your goodbyes. But eventually you were forced to let go.
You didn’t leave your room for days after he left. The worst was no one really noticed as they were used to you being away in some corner with Luke. Aemond only noticed when he realised, he had not been pranked by you and Luke for a week. The only reason you even came out of your room is because he banned the cooks to send food to your room and eventually you realised starvation would not bring Luke back.
Eventually you found a new normal but it was hard at first. Now you were far more studious, rode your dragon more, and even began to wear more princess like dresses as you weren’t having to sneak around with Luke to pull off your next heist. Alicent was so happy by the change that soon you became her favourite. She loved to come to your chambers and do your hair as before you had never allowed her to, claiming she pulled to hard. Now you didn’t see a point of fighting your mother off.
During her visits to try out the latest braid styles in your hair she began to discuss plans for your upcoming birthday. As usual there would be cakes and dancing and lords pretending to take an interest in you. For you it was more of a chore and you would celebrate your birthday properly the day after. Usually this would be done with Lucerys, but this year Heleana would have to do.
“You’re so lucky my dear not to have to organise this yourself,” Alicent said as she tugged your hair back from your face, “Trying to organise the guest list alone is killing me. Who can come and what day and how much time we spend with them outside of the ball itself. It’s all very complicated just to avoid bruising some egos,”
“Do I even know half the people coming?” you asked.
Alicent sighed, “You know of them at the very least. It’s all the usual sort but don’t worry darling you don’t need to talk to anyone for very long. That’s what I’m here for. You just pick a couple lords or their sons, don’t worry I’ll point them out to you, you dance with them then you just sit and look pretty,” Alicent smiled as she admired her handy work. “Don’t you just love it?”
It took all your energy to muster up a smile to try convincing her but she seemed pleased non the less. “We’ll need to set up some more dancing practises,” your mother continued. “Can’t have you stepping on any fragile toes,”
“I normally practise with Luke,” you sighed as you ran your fingers over the braids. You knew exactly the disgusted face he would make if he could see them now.
“Well you can dance with him at the ball but for now-“
“Lucerys will be there?” you span around to face your mother.
“Of course he will,” she said, her face contorted to scold you for interrupting her, “Rhaynera and her whole family will be there. Even that Daemon of hers. I can’t believe she married that lunatic,”
“Why didn’t you tell me he was coming?” you ignored her pettiness not wanting to get involved in her drama.
Alicent just shrugged as she began to pack up her hair styling supplies, “Well of course he was going to be there. I didn’t think you would mind,” but you were too thrilled to care at this point. Lucerys was coming back.
The days leading up to the ball you had been on the lookout for his arrival but your mother kept you so busy you didn’t even find out they had arrived till after dark and your mother insisted you needed your beauty sleep and he could wait. Then despite your tries the next day it felt like everyone was trying to keep you both apart. Every time you would leave your room there would be someone needing something about some dress or food or song that need your opinion despite everyone knowing your mother would be the one really deciding.
Then the day of the ball rolled around and you didn’t think you could be busier. While your mother was off greeting guests you were being primped and polished by handmaidens and servants. Everything had to be perfect. When you were finally ready you looked into the mirror and did not recognise the girl staring back at you. Her hair was filled with intricate interweaving braids. Her skin was slathered with lotions and tinted balms. Her dress showed off a figure even you barely recognised.
A knock came from the door. “Come in,” you called despite feeling all the air leaving your body as your breath quickened.
You glanced at the door to see Aegon walking in, “Well don’t you look like mothers’ little pet,”
“Shut up Aegon,” You glared as you examined yourself in the mirror, running your hands over the braids then the dress then the braids again, “I feel- “
“Stupid? That’s what you get for pleasing her,” Aegon walked over to stand behind you looking at you in the mirror together. He turned to the women in the room, “Leave us. I will escort my sister down in a few minutes,”
He was met with several hesitant looks as the women contemplated who was worse to anger; your brother or mother. “My prince, the queen specifically requested-“ one lady started but was soon cut off.
“I am sure I can be trusted to walk her down some stairs. I’ve not drank that much have I?” he chuckled as he placed his hands on your shoulders.
“I’ll be down in a few minutes. I promise,” you assured your ladies and finally they left the room.
When the door closed Aegon turned you around, “You look like mother,”
“Fix it,”
“Say no more,” Aegon said as he began to pull pins out your hair. Soon he was pulling and tugging harder than mother but it was all worth it when your hair began to resemble hair rather than a helmet. He still kept some of the braids in but now it was at least a curly half updo. “I’m not about to start tearing your dress so you’ll have to deal with that but dab some of that gunk off and lets go before mother finds out and fixes you.”
“Thank you,” you sigh as you dab off the excessive lotions, so your skin did not look so greasy. “I just wanted- “
“To look good for your boy toy,” He smirked as you began to splutter out incoherent sentences, “It’s fine. I’m hardly one to judge. Just don’t tell Aemond you fell for the eye snatcher,”
“It was an accident,” you snap and Aegon just laughed, “Besides he probably doesn’t like me,”
“If he doesn’t then I want to know why he wouldn’t shut up about you all morning so c’mon. Grab your shit and let’s rock this bitch. I wanna make an entrance,”
And that he did. Well kind of. you think the gasps were because it was the first evening all week the prince had walked into a room without stumbling. Aegon led you into the ballroom and presented you to your mother who struggled not to strangle her son in front of everyone. But all you cared about was Lucerys.
He was stood beside his mother and brother who were a mere feet or two away from the king and you tried your best not to stare at him, but you swore you could feel his eyes on you. After your father had greeted you, it was Rhaenyra’s turn.
“You look absolutely darling sweetheart,” your sister said as she took your hands in hers giving them a light squeeze, “I like your hair its very…interesting,” she smiled.
“It’s a new style im trying,” you said with heat rushing to your cheeks before turning to Daemon which honestly did not help your blush. “Uncle,” you greeted and he just nodded and smirked in return. Going down the line you finally got to Jace, “Hello idiot,” you grinned, knowing now it was far too personal to hug him in front of everyone though desperately wanting to.
“Dumbass,” he smiled back as he took your hand to kiss it and you swore you saw him glance at his brother as he did. “We’ve missed having you around,”
“I miss it too. You should visit more often,” you said before quickly moving down again to finally get to Lucerys. “Luke,” you beamed, reaching for his hand but he just bowed his head. “Im so glad your finally back,”
He gave a tight smile and nodded his head, “Happy name day princess. We shouldn’t keep you from your guests. It was lovely to see you,”
Even your sisters face was filled with confusion, but no one had time to question it when your mother rushed you off to great the next family. you looked back over your shoulder to see Jace taking his brother somewhere and Luke didn’t even spare you a glance. Tears threatened to spill from your eyes but you managed to keep them in as you bored yourself with the next guest.
The whole evening was a mix of watery eyes, cake, and dancing. Most of the lords were old enough to be your father but their were a couple age appropriate ones. Although you’d never pursue him Jace was one of them and soon approached you for a dance.
As you took to the floor, Jace leading the way and placing a hand on your waist and one in your hand, you finally could attempt to get some answers, “So do I have to ask why your brother hates me?”
Jace sighed as he spun you to the music before bringing you back in, “He doesn’t hate you he’s just a dumb kid,”
“Don’t call him dumb,” you snapped and Jace laughed, “I might hate him but don’t insult him,”
“You don’t hate him either. You both have the same problem,”
“And what’s that?” you asked, forcing yourself to smile when you felt your mothers gaze.
“Too many feelings and not enough courage. Its partly my fault,” he confessed, “I’ve been winding him up about it since I found out about this ball,”
“Winding him up about what?”
Jace groaned “Yous are just as bad as each other. You both like each other,”
“He clearly does not like me,” you frowned but refused to deny that you liked him anymore.
He glanced into the crowd, and you noticed Lucerys staring at you both, “Really? Then watch this,” Jace said and as the dance began to draw to a close he stepped in closer, his hand falling slightly closer to your hip and his face a mere inch away from you.
Your skin prickled hot at the closeness and you knew this must look incredibly suspicious to anyone else. Before you could pull away from Jace, Lucerys was pulling him back from you. He was glaring daggers at his smirking older brother. The room was growing more silent the longer you three stood. You could see your mother approaching out the corner of your eye. Jace nudged his brother who finally faced you. His skin started to glow pink around his checks and neck, “I think it was my turn to dance next,” he stumbled over his words as his eyes fell down, “If you would like of course,”
Finally a smile found its way to your lips as you stepped back from Jace and faced Lucerys, “I would love to,” you quickly turned and nodded to the musicians who had stopped during this whole ordeal. Soon music began to flood the hall and people soon began to move on.
Jace walked off leaving a still red Lucerys behind. “May I have your hand?” he asked, his eyes still not meeting yours. You simply responded by grabbing one of his hands and resting the other on his shoulder. Soon his other found your waist and a smile on his face as you began to dance the first dance you had ever learned.
You didn’t say a word as you danced but you didn’t need to. As you moved you both laughed and smiled and almost cried as he began to twirl you and spin you and pull you in. You didn’t need to think about your next step because you were both moving as one.
Eventually the music drew to an end and the people clapped as your dancing stopped. Now you stood still again in the middle of the dance floor. “Would it be selfish of me to ask for another?” he said with a bashful smile tugging at his lips.
“It would be selfish if you didn’t,” you said as you took his hand again for another spin.
Later that night as the ball was finally beginning to die down you managed to sneak off with Luke to the a hallway in the servants area that you knew your mothers would never check. You sat on the floor next to each other, resting your head on his shoulder. “Did you have fun tonight?” he asked.
You snorted in return, “Please I don’t think I’ll be able to walk again. I don’t understand why I had to dance with everyone,”
“You’re a princess,” Luke laughed, “Who wouldn’t wanna dance with you?”
“So you only danced with me because of my title?” you faked gasped, holding a hand to your heart, “I could cry,”
“Please,” he scoffed, “Oh please milady marry me so I can be prince of nothing,” he laughed and you joined, “Besides if we married you’d be the one reaching up,”
“Me?” you laughed even harder, “I’m a freaking princess. Your heir to some planks of woof,”
“Rich planks of wood. Think about how many frilly dresses you could buy,” he said as he pulled at the lace details of your admittedly frilly dress.
“My mother made me wear it,”
“It looks good on you,” this time he wasn’t laughing. Instead for once he was looking right at you.
“Thanks,” your voice was almost a whisper as you looked back into his eyes. The eyes that had been in your dreams for months. “I’ve missed you,”
“I missed you more,”
“I doubt it,”
“I didn’t eat for weeks after we left. I could barely bring myself to go on rides or practise. Nothing was the same without you there,” he said, his eyes still never leaving yours.
“Why didn’t you write me?” you’d been wondering for weeks but you were now scared for the answer, “I sent a letters but you stopped replying,”
This time he looked away. His cheeks were red once again as he stared at his shoes, “I didn’t want you to think I was an idiot,”
“Why would I think that?”
“Because as soon as we left, I realised I was in love with you,” Lucerys looked up from his shoes but still wouldn’t meet your gaze, “and every day I debated getting on my dragon and flying back. I almost did it once but Jace found me sitting next to my dragon, I couldn’t do it. I didn’t want to see the look on your face before you rejected me and sent me on my way,”
“Who could say no to that face?” you said and finally he looked at you again. “Ask me Lucerys. I at least deserve to decide my own answer,”
“Would you do me the honour of being mine (Y/N)?”  
“Of course, I will,”
A/N: This took me way too long to write. Life has been weird and my Y keytab broke. Who know how much I used the letter Y?
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Since I did NOT mean to make a hundred and seventy people cry and call out your repressed life trauma, I think uh I think it's time for some FUN NEWS! YES? NICE FUN, FUN NEWS, NO NEED TO CRY ANYMORE--
@good-usernames-were-taken SO VALERIE HERE HAD AN AMAZING IDEA, THAT WE SHOULD ALL HAVE WEEKLY GARTIC PHONE GAMES! I love gartic phone because it allows me to be absolutely unhinged. If you don't know what gartic phone is um please someone explain because I am too busy being concerned for y'all's mental health. Who volunteers to explain it--
So then I thought what if we have good omens themed gartic phone game? All the beginning sentences have to be good omens themed/lines from good omens/involving the characters idk we'll figure it out?
Anyone who knows how we can best organise and play this?
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Astro Observations | Direction and Synchronicity
If you feel 🏕 like you have lost your way 🏔 at this time ⛰️ and are looking for a synchronicity 🌋 or have maybe stopped seeing aligning numbers 🌏 i hope this helps 🦋
🧭sagittarius tend to do practices like reading tarot the most when they are mentally blocked as it helps them to do aomething practical
🧭venus can indicate how you respond physically and emotionally to multiple conflicting options in your life
🧭uranus in the 4th, 10th, 2nd or 12th houses can indicate someone who struggles with their own impulse to break the rules and go off the beaten track
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🧭virgo may feel stuck right now as the energy is at odds with their organised nature. they do not enjoy going with the flow and if they are looking for a sign right now it may come.once they have re established their borders, grounded themselves, and got into a better mental state for making decisions
🧭gemini may struggle with the expectations, rites of passage, and life milestones asked on them right now. look for signs of alternative options as well as check any transits of your natal neptune and natal uranus as these planets can be what make it hard for you to fit in with expectations
🧭earth signs may feel stuck, blocked, or like they are in the wrong location at the moment. look out for signs that you are not where you need to be as often the abswer will be in plain sight next to this and an alternative route will be presented
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🧭some signs may feel like synchronicites don't work for them, esoecially fire signs like sagittarius and aries. this is ebcauze often they are the ones creating them for other people due to their explorative nature as leaders
🧭water signs may have confusing dreams and feel unsettles about whether these mean they are on the right track. they can look out for signs that bring clarity over the next few upcoming days
🧭neptune placements in ANY of the 9th to 12th houses whatsoever can make your chart hard to fit into the modern world. those with these placementa can find themselves WAITING frustratingly for inspiration and success only to not have it turn up. Wait until full moons to try and get inspiration, don't force it, let it come to you and the answer will reveal itself 🦋
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🧭aries and leo may feel stuck at the moment but rest assured that you have only paused along the way
🧭capricorn may feel like time is running too fast for them to make the decisions they need to make and might be looking for a sign. right now, look for the answer in places you might not expect, by going outside of your comfort zone. normally you may find this difficukt, but it may become easier very soon
🧭Aquarius is most likely to physically travel or go to a new place at this time. If you feel blocked, it's likely your drive and inspiration won't come back until you get to your destinstion
🧭 Pisces may feel disconnected from themselves and the world at the moment. They can find the answers they seek by revisiting old places, people, or memories. If you are looking for a sign it may come from the past as opposed to the future.
-> Lastly. Reading tarot in pairs can help you break through stuff that you might not have been able to before. Or at least it has for me.
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ma3mae · 1 year
Hi, can I request? I'm actually doing an exam and yeah it almost finished but I didn't finished 100%. Can you do a scenario where the reader is overthinking about the exam that she submitted. When I didn't finished I was like overthinking that I'm useless, failed, worthless, etc. ( i did that because I thought I can upgrade this semester but turns out I'm failed.) Thankyou so much of you can write this thing for me! (Also can I get a cuddle from Chuuya 🥺🥺🥺)
"Exams are a hassle"
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Summary: Exams have been stressing you out for weeks now so how does your boyfriend comfort you? (Chuuya x Reader)
Genre: plenty of fluff but also a bit depressing ^ anon request tells u why
Warnings: a bit of self loathing and sleep deprivation bc exams are the best booster for self confidence I FEEL U ANON
A/N: thank you for your request!! I hope this will somehow be able to lift you up 😩✋ you can do it, anon!! Soon you'll be done and then u can relax and enter bsd brainrot again. Also didnt proofread this bc im writing this in a car so the nausea is lowkey kicking in 😩😩 hope this doesnt seem rushed omggg
Part 2 : In sickness and health
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Nakahara Chuuya
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our cheeto boy finally coming home after a normal day work
Like comepletely annihilating a mini terrorist organisation LMAO 🤡
he comes home to find yourself on the same spot and legit same position on the couch he has last seen you like FKING 12 HOURS AGO???
is instantly baffled and worried because??
"Are you seriously STILL preparing for your exam?? Don't you need a break??"
he immediately shuts himself up tho as he just sees the dark bags under your eyes and the red eyes and oh no :((
a sniffle follows as you bury ur face into your hands and this BOY IS JUMPING across the room to get to you
Jk but hes instantly by your side and cradling you in his arms
h-his light? the love of his life??? HATING HERSELF???? BC OF AN EXAM?????
u know what that means 🚓🚓🚓🚓🚓🚓
Jk no jail
Hes gonna come at you WITH FACTS THO 😤✋
Exhaustion was weighting onto you like nothing else. Your eyes were hurting at this point from having to look at the same screen for weeks now, only taking breaks to go to the toilet or either drown yourself in energy drink or coffee.
Your boyfriend would often be absent because of his work and he'd support you as always. You saw the worry in his eyes and he would ask if you'd like his help or if there's anything he could do for you.
But you kept refusing him since he had already enough on his shoulders in your eyes. He was probably even more tired than you yet still managed to shine so brightly whenever he'd look at you with so much adoration in his eyes for you, no matter how horrible his day went.
Slowly but surely felt something bubbling up inside you.
"No... I can't deal with this right now." you tried to convince yourself as you swallowed the lump inside your throat.
You looked at the time on the screen of your PC, trying to see through the blur infront of your eyes.
Fuck, you were tired. You just wanted to quit everything, cry yourself to sleep and finally be at peace but no. This shitty exam just had to be one of the most important events in your life and you really couldn't fuck this one up.
As you buried your face in your hands, you could faintly hear keys rustling outside the door.
No! I can't let him see me like this!
Yet your tears just wouldn't stop and soon enough you heard him enter.
"Hey, doll. What the hell, you're still awake? I told you to just go to sl-!"
You didn't want to answer him. No, you simply couldn't even if you wanted to.
Only mere seconds passed before you felt gloved hands grasp both of your hands.
"Sweetheart... Listen to me."
You merely shook your head as he watched your shoulders tremble.
Clicking his tounge, he lifted you up with ease, pulling a sudden yelp out of you.
"No, Chuuya. Please put me back, I have to g-"
"Y/N, just listen to me for one damn time."
How could you refuse him? When you could feel his warmth so close to you.
Yet your guilt was frankly consuming your whole being. You could hear it in his voice.
Was he angry? Annoyed?
Because of you?
You just wanted to get through this exam by yourself. How could you burden him when he had already enough on his own plate. He didn't need someome like you just adding more onto it.
"I'm sorry, Chuu..."
You felt him sit down onto the couch, the soft light of the screen illuminating the space.
"For what?" He whispered to you as he began to rub circles onto your back.
"It's just..."
A sigh escaped as you felt his hands grasp yours, finally letting him see you fully for the first time and yet the sight made your heart clench.
"No, none of that shit anymore, alright? If you want to rant about it then rant. If you want to cry about it then cry. But no way in hell can you expect me to sit back any longer. It already went on for long enough these past few weeks. You need a break, Y/N. "
There he was.
The love of your life, wearing his heart on his sleeve for you as he poured it out.
Always being honest with you and laying himself bare.
Its what made you fall in love with him but you couldn't deny that you envied that part of him too.
Yet he always managed to make it a part of you too with words alone.
"But I can't. I'm afraid, Chuuya. Afraid that I'll fail this. Because then what? I don't know what I'm supposed to do if the worst would happen. I just-!"
You couldn't see anything anymore. Eyes so blurry as you tried your best to look at him.
And he still managed to leave you breathless as he wiped your tears away, feeling as if you'd be looking at the sunrise itself.
Always giving the energy to let you see the next day.
"I just don't want to burden you. Anyone. Even myself. But what am I supposed to do? I feel so useless everytime I memorize something and I just keep forgetting it because I just don't want to fail. What should I just d-"
Soft lips met yours, a slight tinge of the cherry chapstick you had gifted him on your taste buds.
"You are not a burden, Y/N. Not to anyone, you or even me. I meant if for every time when I asked if I could help. Yet you would always tell me you'd want to do this yourself and if my girlfriend wants to do that then why shouldn't I let her? But everyone has their limit and you need to understand that. I know you've been crying yourself to sleep these past few weeks and I hated myself for letting something like this happen. "
He let his lips linger on your right cheek.
"It's okay to be afraid."
Linger on your left.
"It's okay to cry.
Linger on your forehead.
"But the last thing I'd let you do..."
And lastly return back to your lips.
"Is you feeling like a burden. Feeling useless and everything that comes with it because you are none of that."
You gently took his face into your hands, letting your shaken eyes gaze into his firm ones.
"But what if I fail?"
"You won't. I know you can do it. I've seen how you are, Y/N. Hell you're one of the strongest people I know. You'll stand up for what's right. Every time I come battered, bruised and everything else, you'd always be there to comfort me, tend to my wounds, even feed me when you have to. Your presence alone would make the weight vanish on my shoulders, yet you always carry it without any complaints. So let me do the same to you and help you. "
You tightly wrapped your arms around him, burying your face into his shoulder.
"But it's just an ex-"
"You better not fucking tell me that its JUST an exam. I'm not listening to any of that for tonight."
You felt his lips stretch into a smile as he buried his face into the crook of neck.
"Let's just go to bed and I'll help you rehearse everything, okay?"
"Are you sure about that? Is your patience gonna hold out long enough?"
You let out an "acK!" as he suddenly tightened his arms around you.
"Don't underestimate me, doll. You've seen what I can do so rehearsing for a puny exam won't be a challenge at all. So let's-!"
He lifted the both of you up with his ability, floating towards your bedroom.
"-just sleep already because we both deserve it after tonight, alright?"
You couldn't help but chuckle at his sudden silliness.
"Oi, what are you laughing at"
"No, nothing. Just appreciating my boyfriend, his handy power and the love he'd always give me."
"D-Don't be so sappy. Rest and save that energy for tomorrow."
"Hmm, oh well. But I still wanna say that I love you though."
"Out of nowhere... but I love you too. Always will."
Anyway yall rehearse that shit together and ur boy being the one to take breaks bc bro wtf have u been learning???? This some science level shit?? But he gives u snacks, cuddles, support and everything you need
bro's gonna pamper you as soon as you finally had ur exam and you gotta restrain him from showering you with gifts bc of how happy he is
HIS future wife deserves the best after all 😤😤😤✋✋✋✋
if u tell him that he doesnt need to buy you so much and that you'd be happy with him just being there then oh...
dont expect him to hold back after being so cute 🤡 especially after yall havent done anything for weeks probably so time to catch up 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️
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writingsofwesteros · 2 years
hi! can you write an imagine where the niece!reader passed out from exhaustion and malnutrition because she was too busy to take care of herself due to tourney preparations (viserys asked her to oversee everything personally). daemon only found out because he heard the commotion after giving rhaenyra the necklace so he's absolutely raging and scared for her, since he loves her
AN: Hi, I hope you like it x
You hadn’t realised how hot the weather had become. It seemed to come out of nowhere as you made sure your dragon was well watered. You even went to your uncle and sister’s dragons too. You spent a little more time with Caraxes than you should have before realising you were behind in your chores.
“See you.” You patted Caraxes with a giggle before racing back towards the palace just in time to help prepare the tourney. “You are late, Princess.” You rolled your eyes and began to place everything in their place. You ignored the slight pain in your head and blamed it on the sun shining in your eyes.
You wondered why your father couldn’t ask literally anyone else to do these duties but you had no energy to argue anymore. Hopefully, you could rest for a month after this. It seemed your body needed it. Not that anyone cared. You tried not to think more into that; you weren’t sure your heart could take anymore. The more you walked; the dizzier you seemed to become as you reached for the wall to steady yourself. “Are you fine, Princess?” A servant asked from the side of you, but you could hardly hear her. You only nodded your head and ducked it as you tried to keep your composure. “I’m fine.” You whispered out; hardly convincing anybody.
After a moment of taking deep breaths and calming herself; you finally felt good enough to begin again. You sweetly smiled at the servant and began to make your way back outside to fix everything for the tourney. You didn’t even go two steps before you began to see the floor coming to your face and it all went dark.
You didn’t hear the calls of your names as the servants rushed to your aid. The guards began to worry and call for order. You were soon carried into the Maester’s chamber and he began his diagnosis. It was quickly revealed that you were just exhausted and the heat had caused you to faint. Thankfully, there was nothing to worry about and all you would need now was rest. The commotion had still moved through court and reached the Prince’s ear. The soft emotion he had shown Rhaenyra vanished quickly when the information about you came tumbling from the servant’s mouth.
 “Why is she even organising this?” Daemon began to interrogate the servant as he left his niece in the throne room. “Her father knows?” The Prince continued as he was guided towards the room you were resting in. The servant’s nod only had him raging inside. The worry he felt had Caraxes roaring in the distance. The silence followed the pair before Daemon was finally faced with the door you were just behind. He had seen awful things in his life; the city watch was a dreadful, violent place most of the time but this was the only time he felt truly fearful. The servant looked at him and Daemon nodded to be let in.
The sight that greeted him nearly had his heart stopping as he motioned for the rest of the servants to leave the room. Those violet eyes of his only saw you as he stepped closer. His body hummed in concern. Daemon slowly moved to his knees and knelt next to you. His hand slowly moves towards your sleeping body. God, you were so beautiful he thought to himself as his fingers slowly stroked your cheek whilst he watched over you like a guardian angel. Daemon couldn’t help himself as he leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to your forehead. He rested his head against yours for a moment before leaning away, His hands moved to bring the covers around you to keep you comfortable whilst keeping watch over you. It wasn’t long before his eyes fluttered shut and sleep tightened around him. It was the first time he felt comfortable and it was in your presence. Time slowly moved on and you began to move in the sheets. Your eyes softly began to flutter open and a soft groan escaped you. Your hand moved to your head as it pounded. “Daemon..” You whispered out in complete confusion as the blurry vision bettered itself. His eyes flashed open quickly at the mere sound of your voice and he moved closer.
“Are you fine? Do you hurt?” Daemon’s questions of concern began to tumblr from his mouth as his hands gently stroked your locks. “I’m fine..” You whispered, still unsure of what actually had happened. “What happened?” You finally asked as you leaned into his touch without realising it. Your eyes flutter for a moment. “You fainted.” Daemon answered; stroking your cheek for a moment as your eyes finally locked onto his. “I did?” You whispered and slowly moved to sit up but he gently pushed you back into the mountain of pillows. “Daemon.” You gasped out but he wasn’t having any of it as he reached for the freshwater.
He didn’t listen and helped you sip. “You are resting.” He near enough ordered as he stared down at you. You could only flutter your lashes and nod. Your body still aches and you had to rest some more; you knew that. “I will.” You whispered, chewing on your bottom lip. Was he going to leave now? You thought to yourself.
Daemon could only continue to stare at you and as the silence carried on, he began to lean in. Your lips nearly met when the door opened with force. The Prince moved to stand as Viserys moved into the room. “What happened?” He began to speak instantly and you nearly flinched at the loudness.
“Nothing, father. It’s nothing.” You whispered and this time you did sit up even as the world around you spinned. “She's exhausted.” Daemon finally spoke and watched his brother turn to him. “Why is she running after you? You have servants for this.” He began to step closer to his brother. “I don’t have time for this.” Viserys hid his annoyance. “You’ll be at the tourney this afternoon.” Your father ordered and without another glance to you, he left the room. Daemon watched him leave with growing annoyance. He was already beginning to hate his brother and this only deepened it. 
“Stay with me…” You softly whispered into the room as Daemon turned back to you. “Of course. Always.” He promised.
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cozycottagetarot · 1 month
How Can You Manifest Your Wishes?
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This is not one of my favourite readings, but I hope you find something useful in it!These types of readings are always slightly difficult to keep organise but I tried my best. I'd love to know if you prefer paragraphs or bullet points as well! Shout out to the anon who recommended this reading!
‼️ This reading is in no way shape or form meant to act as or substitute professional advice of any kind. Please use your discretion, think carefully before you act and only take what resonates be it a little, some or none at all. ‼️
This PAC Includes:
This Might Resonate If Your Wish Is...
The Energy You're In
The Energy You Need To Be In
Extended Reading Includes
How Can You Open Yourself Up
What's Working vs What's Not Working
Additional Messages
Dividers From X
Reading Masterlist | Patreon | Paid Readings -- Open 🥂
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This Might Resonate If Your Wish Is...
Wishes for a full-life makeover. If it’s a wish (or goal) you feel blocked or burnout pursuing. A wish you keep coming back to or feels like a ‘higher calling’. A wish of the heart. A wish around love (of any kind).
The Energy You're In
It feels like you’re in this bright, playful energy and you’re just absolutely ready to go! You see all the possible laid out before you and you’re getting excited about it. You could be coming out of a rough period and you’re trying to rebuild your sense of positivity. You’re trying to move on to the next version of you. You’re expecting the best (or you should be) and are in this very attractive and magnetic energy right now. You have a card here the Flamingo which is all about fun and the vibes of this section make me think of Espresso by Sabrina Carpenter. The vibe of the music video feels very playful and fun and the line “my give a f*cks are on vacation” reminds me of the energy you're in at the moment. It all feels very warm like I can almost feel the sun on my skin.
HOWEVER, you may be focusing on these possibilities through the eyes of others… living vicariously through others. What I mean by this is viewing people through social media, books, even in person and believing you can do what they do (which is fine) but through their experience or as them rather than you… I hope that makes sense. You may hold onto the super intense aspects of love or pleasure. This can be especially important regarding relationships! I will make a post on this a little later (it’s drafted), but the energy you’re in requires you to take a look at what ‘work’ you’re asking others to do for you. You need to focus on how you’re channeling the vibrant passionate energy you’re embodying at the moment.
The Energy You Need To Be In
As beautiful as your current energy is, you need to slow your roll a little bit here. Yes, hold onto the belief that things are going great for you— but you also need to ground yourself and savour the small moments too. Enjoy ALL the good things… right down to the perfectly crafted beverage. Take chances but double-check your trajectory first. Don’t just rush in, you’re in need of a balance right now. You’re in a phase of transition but divine timing is also at play. However, I feel like if you try to force things then you might end up bringing a 'tower moment' on yourself (if you’re about to panic, relax!) where you’re forced to take a look at what is truly important to you.
Thank you for making it this far! If you're interested in extended reading which includes how you can open yourself up, what's working vs what's not and more then you can check it out here!
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This Might Resonate If Your Wish Is...
 Of personal strength. Wishing your wish will come true. Balance. Employment (especially self employment). A wish to remove a known block or a wish for a solution of any kind. Relating to being in between phases. Something that will bring you a sense of safety or stability. Gaining your wings. Wishes involving social connections.
*Relationships are such a strong theme here, but it seems as though it maybe experience from childhood that come up a lot in this reading
The Energy You're In
I think you’re in an energy of waiting and surveying your surroundings... Like when someone’s wounded and retreats to regroup and tend to themselves. Main themes relate to boundaries, relationships and self care. You’re trying to find allies but I think it’s a little bit hard right now. Very analytical mind, trying to determine what stays and what goes. Things are definitely shifting and you’re just kind of keeping to yourself. Communication is such a big thing for you here. I feel like you’re really just on the sidelines taking things slow. You want to ally with others but you need to tend to yourself first or at least that’s your focus right now. You’re mainly in an energy of taking stock it seems… on alert in changing circumstances. You might be ruminating on how you communicate with others? There’s a suggest to look at how you experienced communication growing up? You might be stuck in your head… seeing “people” as not safe.
Idk guys, like are you good? Usually Pile 3 is the one that messes with me but the energies here feel sooo off. Kind of wondering if you're fatigued, hung up over someone even? Not necessarily romantically but someone who was/is supposed to have your back and you’re just hitting a wall or something at the moment. The energy literally disappearaed once I moved onto the energy you need to be in so take that as a positive sign!
If it ain’t me — Dua Lipa kept coming to me and disco balls stood out from the cards.
The Energy You Need To Be In
I feel like you need to be in an energy where, yes you’re surveying/assessing your surroundings, but you have to get up and do so instead of sitting around. You need to take action and expand your horizons. Be bold and go for it... I think you’ve got what you need. The consistent message is that doing nothing is not an option. Take a chance on what will fulfill your desires. Accepting endings is important and being able to move on. Allow yourself to transition to a fresh start.
Consider your image and how you show up as/interact with authority. Leadership. Especially emotional leadership. Parenting oneself and/or setting the example for how you want others to treat you. Create a safe home ‘base’ (internal or external) but don’t get stuck in it. Maybe ask yourself what creates home? Makes you feel safe/secure? You also could need to take a look at sibling relationships or any with a sibling like dynamic and factor in how you those affect how you show up is important to look at too. I think this could relate to blocks. But you need to place your roots first and then explore.
Trust yourself and make a move. Focus on your strengths and believe that you have gathered enough data to move forward. Structure and strategy are going to be your friends. Honor those ‘above’ you but hold onto your power. Set boundaries and hold other accountable (and yourself too).
Thank you for making it this far! If you're interested in extended reading which includes how you can open yourself up, what's working vs what's not and more then you can check it out here!
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This Might Resonate If Your Wish Is...
Travel, adventure, family, community, friendships/found family, creative projects, diving intervention, exploring new interest, work-life balance.
The Energy You're In
Closing out cycles and actively transforming. Seeking out messages from the divine. You're open to receiving messages and guidance. Very calm and zen feeling. Maybe feeling like you're going through or have recently gone through a rebirth. You're ready to make moves. Strong willed. "What do you want to do?" is a question that should be potentially on your mind if it's not. Taking inspired action. Bring play into your life/how can you do so? This can even apply to relationships. Healing. Compare and contrasting how past events influence you and if how you're showing up matches your intentions. Heavy on the "level up" energy but this is a kind you're actively seeking. Exploring relationships, mentorships, ideas. Leaning on love ones. Generally being in good vibes.
Feels like a combination of pile 1 and 2 so if you were drawn to one of those as well I recommend checking them out.
This also feels like a very spiritual pile? I'm not sure how describe it but I kept saying 'the Universe' alot while I was doing this reading so of course just adjust it to whatever suits you and your belief best! 
The Energy You Need To Be In
It's slightly hard to organise the messages here. There's a need to ground yourself. Don't stop working on healing, but also maintain your stability. Expansion & communication. Abundance is coming in. Remember you're worthy of abundance and your manifestation skills are heightened. Big things are coming for you. Expanding your perspective as well. Where do you need to speak up? You can and should try to lean on others. Open your heart... you don't have to have an armored heart. Cultivate your wishes, the things you want to grow. Nurture your wishes and your heart. Make sure you're clear on what you want to manifest. Keep your motivation up by focusing on short term steps. Look to mentors for guidance.
Thank you for making it this far! If you're interested in extended reading which includes how you can open yourself up, what's working vs what's not and more then you can check it out here!
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This Might Resonate If Your Wish Is...
Nostalgia. Happiness. Needing motivation. Heavily charged emotional wishes. Something relating to others… not necessarily currently though. Like a wish that was formed because of someone years ago. If you have a vision board. Looking for a break. Or for a break to end. A wish where you’ve heard divine timing is at play. Direction. A waiting period to be over. Trying to break something you know isn’t good for you.
Pay attention to words, phrases or songs that come up often.
The Energy You're In
You’re very guarded. You’re wanting to break away from whatever is just weighing on you and you’re working hard at it but at the same time I feel like you just won’t let go??? Despite you working to break the chains or get a move on, it feels like they’re never ending but they are ending!! Don’t be fooled by appearances.
I think you’re very future focused and all about recreating yourself (I heard in entirety). You’re trying to expand your pov and I feel also kind of just nurture yourself internally. Very introspective trying to figure out who you are and what you want to do or who you want to be.
The Energy You Need To Be In
I didn’t really get anything specifically about money regarding wishes but I think it at least revolves around some kind of stability heavily. You need to be walking away from what isn’t serving you. Realise that you can create just about anything right now... anything goes.
You need to be doing what’s best for you regardless of if you hate it. Your day to day life is super important. I don’t know if rainbows are important to you but also I’m feeling like you need to fill your life with colour too. You need to become clear on resources and what they mean to you such as money, you body, other material possessions etc. get your financial life together. Do some deep cleaning. Like normally these readings are a matter of mindset and mental work but this pile feels very physical. Beautify your life and make it aesthetically pleasing without breaking the bank. How can you use art as well to make a masterpiece out of your feelings? How can you make your day to day life more enjoyable?
Thank you for making it this far! If you're interested in extended reading which includes how you can open yourself up, what's working vs what's not and more then you can check it out here!
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atlantis-just-drowned · 2 months
HI OH MY GOD. i love your writing style for pluto sm, can i get headcanons for a reader like Eulalie ??? i love her sm <3 ty !!
A/N: Omg thank you so much Anon that's adorable!! I made this a gn!reader haha sorry if that wasn't what was intended-
Pluto x reader who's like Eulalie headcanons
Please reblog this post to show support! Reblogs are what keep me going!
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Oh gosh you're his literal ray of sunshine
You don't even imagine, like
You're the optimist to his pessimistic side
Every time he sees you or hear you he can't help but feel like this world is suddenly a bit warmer and easier to live in
You make him smile
On a daily basis
He basically can't look at you without smiling
Even is he's in a bad mood his heart will melt a bit at your mere presence
I feel like he would be extremely protective of you too
Because you seem so oblivious he gets scared someone might trick you and hurt you :0
So as far as he's concerned, he's right by your side/behind you shooting death stares to any stranger who talks to you
Some will say he's creepy but to you this is the cutest thing in the world
He's your social support catboy
If you want some privacy tho he'll totally respect that and walk away
(but not without glancing at you with worried eyes for as long as he can see you)
But if he doesn't trust the person you're talking to, he'll stay close enough to be able to hear you if you scream or call for him
You know? Just in case anything happens
When he has a bad day he likes to hug you tight and hide his face in you chest or neck
Hug him back and he'll be in heaven
If you ask him what's going on he'll probably just mumble something unintelligible and hug you a little tighter
He likes your positivity and energy
But what he loves the most is to see you in a peaceful state
I'm talking, cuddling him or him cuddling you and you just
Close your eyes
And lay there
With his arms around you
Oh fuck oh shit oh damn he's so screwed his heart is melting inside
He would rather die on the spot than disturb you
He'll never say it out loud but in these moments he just hold you a little tighter and swear to himself that he'll protect you of harm and do everything to make sure you're happy
Even if your happiness doesn't include him, he wouldn't care as long as you stay as peaceful as you look right now for the rest of your life
He will. Literally. Never. Question. Anything that you say.
If you're in the middle of a dangerous situation and you ask him to bring you something
He won't say a word
He'll just do it
Even if it's absolutely useless
You have your reasons
And you must be granted what you asked for
I'm literally not kidding he would do anything you'd ask for, this little guy has an incredible determination
Even if he doesn't understand why you're asking something, he knows your mind functions a little differently from anyone else and he'll support you on that, no question asked
His only limit is that he won't harm himself or harm you in any way, shape or form. If you ask for something dangerous and one of you might get hurt because of it, he'll refuse
Also if you mess up with anything while getting focused on whatever you're doing, he'll make sure to clean up after you
You might not even notice it
But the next time you walk in the same hallway all of the knots you did with the curtains have been untied
Books are in alphabetical order again, no matter how many times you disorganize them
If you like to craft handmade things like necklaces or accessories he'll stay by your side and keep your materials organised
He likes to watch you while you're creating things, you look so sweet and relaxed
Sometime he'll chat with you while you're at it, but if you prefer to stay quiet he'll comply, silence doesn't bother him anyway
He'll remind you to pay attention to things too
Or if you forget you have something important to do
He'll be here to make sure you remember about it
Tho he'll feel a little sad if you forget about one of your dates but he'll understand really
On the other hand he finds it cute if you keep asking him just how long before your next date or hangout
The thought of you being somewhat impatient to spend time with him melts his heart inside <3
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pinkacademic · 10 months
Crunch Time Exam Prep
My girl @seliniteheart requested: “How to prepare for exams 3-4 weeks ahead while not going insane because they're the hardest exams in the entire major” and this seems time-sensitive, so I gotchu girly! I hope I got this to you in time!!
Break your time up effectively so that you can get as much information crammed into your brain as possible
Break it down also so thay you repeat the information on a good interval. Maybe, if there’s three weeks to go, repeat question x every monday and info y every tuesday, and do a practise paper every friday?
If applicable, figure out what’s most likely to be on the exam and focus on that
Focus also on your weak points. Don’t waste energy on the things you know and are good at, give them a go over but focus on the stuff you don’t like
Schedule productive breaks- if you’ve been elbows down on your desk for a bit and want to keep the study energy up but need a break, take a break for some kinaesthetic learning, for example.
Take 0% breaks- in other words, take some breaks to do absolutely nothing, where even thinking about the exam is BANNED. Life-Hack- inform other people of this strategy so that you don’t get your mum coming into your room like “how’s the studying going?” when you’re mid-meditation, or to be watching your comfort YouTuber when your bestie is like “girl, I’m so stressed for this exam on Monday!” This time is for 0 brain power, no stress.
Sorry to the girlies who also have to consider jobs and other priorities, but see if you can work with your employers, the aunt you babysit for etc to reduce your time, or if you can blend your studies. Eg maybe you’re studying for a maths exam, which means helping your little cousin with maths homework keeps you in the right mindset to study for an hour when you get home. Or maybe your retail job is cool and lets you study in the breakroom, or even take your textbook to the till when its quiet.
If your bosses aren’t cool, unfortunately, you just have to make the most of spare time, but as long as you’re maximising your study time to work for you, you can do this!
As mentioned above, schedule in breaks that keep the vibes up, and breaks that turn your brain OFF completely. Set yourself school hours eg 9-3 or even 9-5. Doesn’t matter, just pick a time in the evening when that’s it OVER and no more studying.
Make sure to go for water regularly, and eat at regular times- and DO NOT take your notes with you!
Taking Care of Yourself
Make your study experience as painless as possible by giving yourself a good environment. If you like the library, sequester yourself into a cozy corner; if you like a café, same deal. If you’re at home, make sure to keep your space tidy and organised.
I’m gonna mention going to get water again. Go get some right now, actually. Where I live, the hottest days of the year are exam season and back-to-school season. Christmas exams are a whole separate nightmare but you’ll still sweat through your fifteen million layers! Go hydrate!
If you’re hunched over your desk, you need to stretch. Find YouTube video you like, especcially if you’re not that familir with stretching. And go for a walk at least once a day, weather permitting.
If you’re a kinaesthetic learner especially, do a proper cooldown after exercising! That’s true anyway, but especially if you’re adding your brain as a muscle to train.
Actually, maybe we should all be doing warm-ups and cool downs… go over your favourite aspects of your subject in a quick five minutes at the start and end of your sessions!
The Actual Studying
Aka, the hard bit. Its so much mor fun to just organise your space, gather all your pens, and set up your instagramable study session, avoiding the actual “study” bit- God knows that’s me. How you actually study is so different person to person and subject to subject, so I’m going to give tips that are hopefully applicable to a lot of people, but may not all work for everyone!
Cater to your own preferences: I sometimes listen to classical music when I study, I sometimes listen to numetal, so what makes sense to you.
If you need to, block out all distractions: do not disturb on your phone, even turn off your wifi if you can.
If you’re like me and need distractions eg adhd: try pacing to shed any excess energy, listen to loud music (lol like my numetal ha), if possible, listen to your notes aloud while doing something else (I used to play solitaire in class). I find that if you have something else that you can focus on such as a pretty menial/repetitive game like solitaire, or a song with lyrics, your brain gives more energy to that so that instead of a hundred million thoughts distracting you, its only one extra thing.
Read your notes aloud to yourself and walk around your room- hit all three learning styles at once
Write and re-write things, condense it down, do past papers, and just keep repeating the same information until you’re sleep-talk in just the quadratic formula and/or you’re even dreaming in French.
Ok, that’s it for now. I hope that helped selineiteheart, and I hope it was useful to anyone else who needs this! There are a tonne of resources out there, and I’m sure you’ll find what works for you- lmk what you want to see next! Also, I hope you do well in your exams! Good luck, I’m sure you’ve got this!!
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barbwritesstuff · 1 year
i loooove blood moon and cant wait for your future ifs. i know you mentioned that you were planning on a mermaid/siren if (pls correct me if im wrong) but i was wondering if you plan on a sequel for blood moon?
Okay. I'm glad you asked this anon, because it's all a bit messy, and I think it would be good for me to explain this. Bear with me, as my brain is a bit disordered right now, so this may or may not make sense.
Will there be a sequel to Blood Moon?
I dunno. Maybe. I want there to be. But I don't know, which is frustrating (for me, as well as you).
See, it's not that I don't have ideas or anything.
I have this idea for a Blood Moon sequel that I really like. It's titled 'Thicker Than' and focuses on the vampires of the city, rather than werewolves. The MC would be a new vampire with a mission from the Night King: solve a series of murders targeting members of the Night Court.
Here's the problem:
I haven't been paid or seen any sales data from Blood Moon, in part because the Australian Tax Office is taking months to organise a document that they said would only take two weeks.
So... without any data, and with everything in life just getting more and more expensive, I literally just can't financially commit to another large project set in this world. I don't mean to be dramatic, but that's the honest truth.
I need to know how many people bought Blood Moon before I can consider writing a sequel (because a sequel is probably not going to sell better than an original). And I just don't have those numbers. I don't know when I'll get them either.
I'm really sorry about that.
Will there be a dark mermaid thing?
Again. I don't know.
I have this really cool idea for a dark mermaid thing that I think people would really enjoy. It involves pirates and ancient sea gods and cannibalism.
It'd also be another full length thing. Eg, around the same size as Blood Moon.
However, I'm holding off on using Choicescript for the reasons above (I need to have sales data).
I've been experimenting with some shorter Renpy games, the first of which I'll release next month on itch.io. If people like the style of those, I'll consider using Renpy as a tool to make the dark mermaid game... if no one buys the short games, then I'll reconfigure and try to come up with a new plan.
I'm sorry if all that was a bit blunt. I'm really trying to be forthright and honest about all this. I want people who read my stuff to know what's going on, and I wish there was more to say, but everything has a lot of 'hurry up and wait' energy, which is all a bit stressful.
I'm also querying a prose novel right now (asking literary agents if they want to help me sell it) which also has a lot of 'hurry up and wait' energy, which isn't helping. 😅
Despite all this admin-y stuff, I am still drafting and writing, but it might not be stuff that you get to see for a little while.
I really hope that all makes sense.
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distantlaughter · 8 months
‘I want to do something significant’: ex-F1 champion Nico Rosberg on his sustainable entrepreneurship
originally published by Joanna Partridge for The Guardian 13 June 2023 (x)
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The former elite driver has changed lanes from fossil-fuel-guzzling track cars to green investing and environmentally friendly racing.
In a parallel world, former Formula One world champion Nico Rosberg could be sitting at home in Monaco with his feet up, having set himself up for life, all before the tender age of 32.
After clinching the world championship in 2016, beating his rival Lewis Hamilton in the process, Rosberg shocked the world of motor sport by promptly quitting the pursuit that had been his life since starting competitive racing at the age of six.
Like many sports stars who retire relatively early, he has moved into punditry, commentating for Sky, but unusually he also appears to have effortlessly switched lanes from professional sportsman to entrepreneur, investor and philanthropist.
Sipping sparkling water in a hotel overlooking Hyde Park, the German-Finnish former champion has “got used” to talking about his retirement, despite being just 37. “I am so incredibly lucky,” he admits. “Thanks to the racing, I have financial freedom and I can do whatever I want.”
Despite sporting a tan, relaxed expression and understated navy clothing, Rosberg reveals a glimpse of a sportsman’s inner drive when he explains his motivation: “I want to do something significant, I want to contribute and I want to grow.
“I was always inspired by people who took that entrepreneurial path, investing to support or create something.” He rules out a return to racing, stressing he wants to use “the legacy of that, for my new endeavours”.
Rosberg now employs 15 people to work on his business and investment affairs, and his new endeavours include brand ambassador roles for German energy company EnBW – where he is the face of its electric charging network – and logistics provider Jungheinrich, but he describes himself on professional networking site LinkedIn as a “sustainability entrepreneur and angel investor”.
Rosberg has previously spoken about how he only gained a broader perspective on life after stepping off the international Formula One merry-go-round. Perhaps surprisingly, given his background in a fossil-fuel-guzzling sport, Rosberg now speaks with the zeal of a convert about sustainability and the importance of drawing attention to the climate crisis, something he admits he gave little thought to during his racing career.
This passion led him to found the Greentech festival, along with engineers and entrepreneurs Marco Voigt and Sven Krüger, in 2019. This year’s conference starts on Wednesday in Berlin, and the event is described by the organisers as a “global platform for pioneering and sustainable ideas”.
Rosberg says his wealth has afforded him the luxury to focus on these new interests, including investing in sustainability-focused startups, while also creating an endowment for his “grandchildren” (he and his wife’s two children are seven and five).
Indeed, one reason for this trip to London was a meeting with charitable foundation the Wellcome Trust, one of the UK’s largest philanthropic investors, known for its track record of impressive financial returns.
Forbes puts Rosberg’s net worth at just over $20m (£16m), although this seems a conservative estimate, given the earning power of the world’s elite racing drivers. He admits to having “software” that provides him with an exact figure, but will not be drawn on what that is, other than adding: “The top F1 driver earns $40m a year.”
Another of his ventures presumably comes with the need for deep pockets: He owns Rosberg X Racing, a team in the new environmentally conscious motor sport Extreme E. Now in its third season, the series sees electric off-road SUVs race in different locations around the globe that have been affected by the climate crisis.
The teams, each comprising a male and a female driver, are racing this season across five locations, from Saudi Arabia to Scotland, and Italy to the Americas. In an effort to limit their environmental impact, the series’ vehicles, logistics equipment and infrastructure are shipped, rather than flown, around the world aboard the St Helena, a former Royal Mail ship. The races are televised, but take place without spectators.
Rosberg’s team, now third in the standings, is sponsored by IG Prime, a division of financial brokerage IG, among others, and is considered an evolution of Team Rosberg, the motor sport outfit founded in the 1990s by his father, Keke. Other Extreme E team founders include Hamilton and former British Formula One driver Jenson Button.
The series claimed a global audience of 135 million in 2022, more than 30% up on viewership during its inaugural season. However, this pales into insignificance compared with Formula One, riding high and growing its fanbase, especially in the US.
Rosberg hopes Extreme E entertains viewers, while getting them to “do their part, and contribute, and think about their own lives” amid the climate crisis.
Rosberg says his own car is an all-electric Audi e-tron, extolling the virtues of the charging network in mainland Europe – and says he does not “like it any more” if he is collected by a fossil fuel-powered car when travelling abroad. He also says he takes the train in Germany, but skirts over whether he flies by private jet.
His focus on sustainability extends to his investment portfolio, which does not contain any oil, tobacco or defence companies. However, he is at something of a loss to explain the involvement in Extreme E of Saudi Arabia, which hosted the first race of the season, but is also the world’s biggest producer of fossil fuels, and home to the world’s biggest oil company, Saudi Aramco, which is 95% government-owned. “I would understand that there are some people, where it doesn’t sit too well with them,” Rosberg says. “All our partners in Extreme E are allowing us to do a lot of good, which we are very grateful for.
“Sometimes you need to go out there a little bit to do a lot of good.”
After the regimented existence of his early years, where his job determined his timetable, Rosberg clearly relishes being his own boss. He vociferously rules out a future return to Formula One, whether as a driver or running a team: “Never, ever, ever, because I value my freedom,” he says. “It was very intense.”
Rosberg still watches all the Formula One races but confesses the experience is not relaxing: “When the lights go off, I imagine I’m there.”
Few would imagine that investing could produce the same high, but he insists he has other ways to get his adrenaline fix: “In business, and on the tennis court.”
Age: 37
Family: Married, with two young children
Education: International School of Monaco
Pay: Undisclosed. “My income comes from representing brands, I am the face of the biggest electric [vehicle] charging infrastructure in Germany from EnBW, and Jungheinrich, the logistics mobility provider. That is one important source of income for me.” He says his income comes from representing brands, his investments in startups yet to deliver significant returns.
Last holiday: Ibiza, where his family has a holiday home and owns an ice-cream parlour. “It’s our favourite place to go.”
Best advice he’s been given: “My father said: ‘You always meet twice in life.’”
Biggest career mistake: “Investing into a great idea, but where the founders were not 100% convincing.”
Word he overuses: “Big bang,” according to his assistant Lena. He adds: “We talk about building reputation … I like to think in ‘big bang’ stories, such as winning the Extreme E championship.”
How he relaxes: Playing tennis; “I am average good.”
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