#by the way the next panel is just him worrying about Bruce
violentdick · 7 months
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-source: Batman (1940) #6-
Weapon of choice: "Jason killed the POS because he didn't save him when he fell over the balcony." -sips tea- "So is Dick a murderer too?"
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celaenaeiln · 1 year
Okay but you can’t just say “I'm not going to get into their brother relationship because that involves how Alfred treats Dick as a son rather than a grandson and is opening a whole new mansion of stuff so I'm going to wrap this up here” and not follow up with another post because that’s just cruel 😔😞 (aka this is me saying I really like & enjoy reading your interpretations and I need more of them HEHE)
Thank you!!!! <3333
I love thinking about how Alfred treats Dick more of a son than a grandson because their relationship is different from Alfred's relationship with the other kids. Furthermore, it also explains a bunch of his actions.
First of, I know when everyone saw that Alfred had left Dick his entire inheritance they went "What the fuck." There were a bunch of jokes and questioning about why Alfred would do that and a lot of people have wrote it off as Tom Taylor's writing. But here's the thing. Tom Taylor has done a lot of stupid stuff in terms of characterization but he's done quite a few things right and one of them was adequately explaining Dick and Alfred's relationship.
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I don't know how many people can read cursive but it says, "I invested much of this wisely and ethically...In fact, I planned to come to you for advice. Like Bruce, your mind is astonishing. You are a problem-solver and the world is full of problems." (There's actually panel during one of Dick and Slade's fight I have saved so lemme know if you or anyone is interested in Dick's innovativeness and how it makes his a terrifying opponent.)
Let me pause right there. This is Alfred's life savings. It's every piece of penny he's saved and every minute of his life is in that money. On top of what he says about Dick's intellect-and I agree and can prove it-he must've loved and trusted Dick an extraordinary amount to do this.
Alfred goes on to say, "I couldn't think of better hands to leave this fortune in. I believe you will see this, not as a personal gain, but as an opportunity. Because I believe in Dick Grayson."
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He continues praising him and- HERE IT IS- "I am so very proud to call you my son."
This is the cleanest, clearest panel where he explicitly says it.
Hold on-this is the cleanest panel that says it? Wait a minute, let me retract that:
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"Master Bruce was my son for a while. And then there was you."
THIS MOMENT HAS BEEN BUILDING UP ON US FOR YEARS. Tom Taylor wasn't doing lip service, he was just writing the inevitable!
I swear there's a panel where Dick refers to Alfred as his dad...
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Take the Ric Grayson arc for another example.
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Background context: Dick-Ric-was sleeping on the counter and all of a sudden he was startled out of a nightmare thus accidentally ending up bumping into the guy next to him who was drinking. Of course the guy doesn't mind only because it's Dick but anyways, here Alfred makes his entrance. Another thing I love about about this interaction is this is one of the few times Alfred has ever admitted to being in the military. The only other time I can think of him openly saying that is when he's slapping Bruce around.
The worry in the man's eyes for his wayward son...when Bea is snarking with Dick about his tab Alfred decides to pay for him instead.
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Not to mention, Alfred adores Dick in a way he didn't even with Bruce.
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"For a long time I would dread coming down to this dark hellhole. But the advent of young Grayson has forced an alteration in my attitude. The masters have made much progress in these few short months. I was opposed initially to the recruitment of the lad in Master Bruce's self-appointed 'War on Crime.' But I am prepared to admit my error. Master Richard has mad a difference for the better to our lives."
This is HUGE. Coming from Alfred, this is massive because Alfred LOATHES Bruce's "War on Crime." How much?
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So much that he slapped Bruce bloody for it.
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The pseudo-father and son beat each other to pieces over it. So after years of Alfred hating Bruce for what he's done, for him to say he only accepts it because of Dick-because of Dick's personality-is enormous praise and accomplishment.
Alfred loves Dick in a way he doesn't love anyone else. And before I get flamed by people for suggesting Alfred loves Dick more than Bruce, I want to say he loves Dick as much as Bruce but in a different manner. He doesn't see Dick as a grandchild who needs to be coddled and softened, he sees Dick as a son he can spoil and cherish.
Him paying off the tab was not only an act of kindness, but it mimicks the way a rich father gives everything to his youngest son. Bruce was the first born he raised but Dick was the baby of their family. This also ties in with how Bruce doesn't see Dick as just him son like he does with the others. To Bruce, they are just as much brothers as anything else.
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When Bruce fires Dick from Robin after two-face, Alfred couldn't take it lightly. Dick wasn't just the light of Bruce's life, he was the fucking sun to Alfred's.
I started crying when I read this because the emotions and the pain he's feeling is so visceral. A man who has been MI5 and SAS (Special Airforce Service), who has fought wars, who has fought his son, lost his best friends, is breaking down alone at the top of the stairs over not having Dick as Robin.
You might think that's not all that sad. Worse things have happened. You're overreacting.
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Tears are literally streaming down my face as I'm writing this review. Rudolph nose and ugly bloodstained eyes complete with it.
Can you ever imagine loving someone so much?
Crying in silence with a steady voice to never let them know your sorrow?
But sure, sure, he's cried when others were killed like this so I'll go into other special things.
Some of his best moments are with Dick:
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The pure adoration in his eyes as he watches his young son go 'flap' 'flap' 'flap' with his older brother's too big cloathes.
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He's laughing! Do you know the only times he laughs or grins like that?
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That's right-with Bruce! With his other son.
With Dick, he laughs, gets angry, and actually shows interest in things not related to people's health. Dick humanizes Alfred.
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Who is the only other person Alfred has gotten mad at? Oh yeah. Bruce.
There's another panel where Alfred just sits by his bedside holding his hand.
It's the little things that matter is a lie. When it comes to Dick, Alfred does things in fighter jet air shows level of affection which he learned just for this during his SAS days.
Their shared interests & mutual understanding
People always think Dick and Alfred have nothing in common between them. Dick is excitable, bouncy, and some other adjective while Alfred is calming, stoic, and butler-y. They actually forget that Dick and Alfred canonically bond of plays. Dick, as I said before, is a massive theater nerd. He loves plays. He really wanted to see that shakespeare play and Alfred said he would take him because he knows people there and then went on to complain about how his brother didn't even drop by to see him. I love their interactions because Dick brings out a different side to Alfred.
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Das Rheingold was a German musical drama that was performed as a single opera at the National Theatre Munich. This is the link if you're interested in reading a short synopsis of this complicated play by the Metropolitan Opera. It's like a mix of "The Lord of the Rings" and "The Rings of Power."
Also the fact that Alfred is tying his tie like a father would tie his son's.
I know they make a crack out of it by using Bugs Bunny (Bugs Bunny is a fantastic cartoon! I grew up on it!) but Alfred knows that Dick loves opera and theater and is only asking if this particular play will suit his interests. Okay, great, we know Dick likes theater. You've said that and posted about it before. But how do we know Alfred likes it too and not just because he's British and posh and whatnot?
He has preformed at the London Theater, and this is another way he connects to Dick emotionally. When Dick complains about being Batman, Alfred is the one that tells him:
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This is something Alfred understands about Dick that absolutely no one in the family does.
The two of them are show people. They know how to play the role they were given, and they know how to play it well. No one suspects Alfred the Butler of ruthlessly using firearms and no one suspects Dick the Light of the Universe to ruthlessly to manipulate allies.
Dick knows this about Alfred too and never presses for any answers. When Alfred's pulling out a bullet from Dick and performing high level medical techniques he should know nothing about, Dick asks him, "Where did you learn all this, Alfred." To which Alfred responds, "You would be amazed at what you can pick up by watching the Discovery Channel." Dick just gives a pained laugh retorts about his wonderful bedside manners.
They know.
What Alfred sees in Dick is a pure goodness that can't be emulated. He loves his son for how absolutely good he is and is devastated when Dick can't be with him. Of everyone, Dick is the one Alfred is closest to. Other members have their moments with him but no one continually seeks out his presence just for the fact they like him aside from Dick. The rest treat him as an important side character, not a parent. And Alfred responds to that devotion with overwhelming love of his own.
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Alfred and Bruce's optimism comes bundled up in the form of Dick. It's stunning how it's always Alfred of all people who admits this. Alfred who isn't supposed to show favoritism or bias is the one that consistently acknowledges how important Dick is to the family and him. This solidifies the fact that Dick is Alfred's favorite.
Other moments that differentiate Dick and Alfred's relationship:
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We're pretty familiar with this and many of us have laughed it off when Alfred scolded Dick (also Dick looks hot af here). But can you imagine even anyone else playfully mocking Alfred? THIS. BOY. IS. SPECIAL. Alfred doesn't even blink twice at the address, indicating how typical it is for Dick to act that way with him. You only do that to people you're best friends with.
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Casual comfort, the two of them.
Dick and Bruce were brothers and how that ties into Alfred:
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Adding to my "Light of Bruce's life" Robin Dick canon, Alfred told Dick that Bruce "would have self-distructed if he hadn't met me and learned responsibility. I made him laugh, and he was like the greatest big brother you could ever imagine...it was our town."
Bruce and Dick are so damn codependent.
Bruce would not have survived without Dick. That's all there is to it.
Robin Dick was the light shining through rain clouds, the glitter in the air, the angel with golden wings, the giggling sweetheart to Alfred and Bruce. He was sunshine, love, and joy and the men both adored, thrived, and cherished him for it.
And if Dick and Bruce were brothers then Alfred was Dick's father and he was Alfred's son.
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nightwings-robin · 9 months
Some of y'all act like Tim hated Jason when Tim was Robin and Jason was still dead but I disagree.
Not a lot of people do this but I've seen it enough times that it's gotten to bother me a little bit.
Let's take a look at some early Tim opinions on Jason.
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Detective Comics (1937) #618
"Just a boy like me... One day I'll be as good as Jason."
This issue came out in 1990, so it's rather soon after Jason died and Tim was introduced (which happened in 1988 and 1989 respectfully). This is what Tim thinks about Jason very early one. This doesn't read as even remotely like hatred to me.
But wait, there's more!
The very next issue shows Tim having sympathy for Jason.
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Detective Comics (1937) #619
Tim is noting the similarities between Dick, Jason, and himself. This issue is in the same arc when Tim's parents get kidnapped and his mom is killed. He has sympathy for Dick AND Jason, who both lost their parents. Tim is faced with the same pain and it shows his compassion for Jason.
Now this isn't to say that Tim was unaware of some of Jason's problems and maybe did blame him for his own death a bit, as shown with this panel:
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Batman (1940) #455
Tim knew that Jason had times of anger and says he won't let that happen to himself. I don't think Tim is being quite fair here in claiming that he won't let his anger get the better of him like Jason's did, but Tim is hardly the only character to think this way about Jason and, again, this doesn't read as hatred to me. If anything, to me this reads as a character with preconceived notions about how another person died and not wanting to make the same preconceived mistakes as that person.
Is he being a bit harsh and 'holier-than-thou' here? Yes. Do I think this is hatred or some other malicious view of Jason? No.
There is also that time Tim hallucinated Dick and Jason, and they gave a sort of "pep-talk" to him about being Robin.
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Batman (1940) #456
These are Tim's own thoughts manifesting through Dick and Jason. I do dislike that he imagines Jason blaming himself for his own death but think about why Tim would think this about Jason. Tim never met Jason. Wasn't there when he died. He only knows what he read and what he was told about Jason from other people. People like Bruce, Dick, and Alfred. And while those three loved and cared for Jason, they also unfortunately reinforced the belief that Jason was responsible for the Joker murdering him. It's not great but it does stand to reason that Tim would think this about Jason.
But it's not all bad stuff. Tim imagines Jason cheering him on alongside Dick:
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Batman (1940) #456
Tim imagines not just Dick but also Jason telling him he can do it. That he can figure it out and be a good Robin. I feel like if Tim really did hate Jason, he wouldn't imagine Jason rooting for him.
Tim goes on to imagine Dick and Jason later helping him out with a fight:
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Batman (1940) #457
Again, Tim imagines both Dick AND Jason encouraging him during a battle. He imagines that they both want him to succeed as a hero. Why would Tim want Jason's approval if he dislikes Jason? Because he doesn't dislike Jason. Tim respects him enough as Robin to think that he wants Jason's encouragement.
and then at the end when he officially becomes Robin:
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Batman (1940) #457
"Dick made it a symbol... Jason gave his life for it. Failing them... what they fought so hard to build... worries me."
Tim sees being Robin as not just carrying on Dick's legacy, but also Jason's. He wants to live up to Jason just as much as he wants to live up to Dick. He wants to be a Robin that both of them can be proud of.
Like none of this says to me that Tim hated Jason. Did he look up to and idolize Jason the way he did with Dick? No, but that also doesn't mean that Tim hated him.
I get the feeling that Tim viewed Jason's death as a tragedy but since they never met, he didn't have any personal feelings about him, only wanting to live up to the Robin name that Jason left behind.
Now I DO think that Tim did eventually end up hating Jason after Jason came back and tried to kill Tim and others multiple times but this post is specifically referring to the time before Jason returned from the grave.
And I guess I should make it clear that I've not read every single comic issue of Tim Drake ever so maybe there are moments that refute my claim that I just don't know about. I'm simply going off of issues that I have read and I've only read Tim's very early days as Robin.
Feel free to disagree and add on if you want.
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kat651 · 1 month
winter soldier mode pt2
word count: 973
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When you woke, you were in the infirmary. Bruce was in there as well. You slowly sat up, silently thanking Tony for his teck. “What happened?” you asked, looking around the room that you'd seen about a hundred times.
Bruce sighed. “Yesterday Bucky came running in carrying you, you lost a lot of blood. You wouldn't have survived if you didn't have that serum in your veins. It kept you alive until we could get you a blood transfer.”
You nodded. “Where's Bucky?” you asked, looking around.
Bruce pointed to a screen that displayed the security cameras. “He's been in there since this morning…” you watched as Bucky punched one of the bags hanging from the ceiling it suddenly broke and flew against the wall. His knuckles were covered in blood. He fell to his knees and screamed out of frustration before breaking down in tears.
“He's torn himself apart,” Bruce said quietly. “He refuses to let anyone near him. Even Steve can only talk to him for a few minutes at a time. He's terrified he’ll lose control again, he hasn't slept, he refuses to eat anything, the only thing any of us have seen him drink is beer, he hates himself for hurting you.”
You frowned and tore your eyes away from the screen and looked at your wound. “What?” you had a panel on your side that opened to show wires, just like Nebula. “What is this?”
“You had a punctured organ, the only thing that was keeping you from dying was that bullet… Tony and Vision replaced the organ with that machinery…”
“Does… does Bucky know?” you asked, worry in your voice.
Bruce shook his head. “No, not yet…”
“Ok, don't tell him, he has enough on his mind as it is, I'll tell him when the time is right.” you paused. “Am I- am I good to walk around?”
Bruce nodded. “Just take a crutch with you in case.” he held out a crutch to you which you gladly took. “And where are you going?”
“To Bucky, he’s gonna end up hurting himself if we leave him alone in there for any longer,” you said, limping out of the room and making your way to the elevator. You passed Steve and Nat on your way.
“y/n, how are you feeling?” Nat asked.
“Better, but I need to get to Bucky before he hurts himself.”
Nat walked with you and Steve gave you a smile before pulling out his phone to answer a call. “Hey, be careful. He isn't himself. I heard him talking to Steve last night…Bucky wanted to shoot himself, he hates what he did, just be careful.”
You nodded and stepped into the elevator, pushing a button and going down. You slowly exerted the elevator and made your way to the training room. You slowly opened the door, bucky was on the floor, sniffling softly. You grabbed a box of tissues and slowly walked over to him, kneeling next to him. You wrapped him in a hug and held out the tissue box.
“Steve, I told you to leave me alone.” Bucky looked over at you, “y/n?”
You gave him a soft smile. “I love you,” you whispered, kissing his sweat and tear-soaked cheek, you didn't care that he smelled or that he tasted like salt, you needed him to know that you still loved him.
Bucky went to pull away and you hugged him tighter. “I love you Bucky, nothing will ever change that.”
He trembled in your arms as you made him blow his nose. “I- I'm so sorry- I didn't… I didn't mean to, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry…” Another wave of tears came over Bucky and he sobbed into your chest.
You pulled your boyfriend closer so that he was in your lap. You then softly rocked left and right, whispering sweet nothings in his ear, “I love you… It's ok… your safe… were ok…”
When he had no tears left to cry, you gently tilted his chin up and wiped away his tears. “I love you bucky, and it wasn't your fault, you know that…right?”
Bucky finally put his arms around you. “I was the one holding the gun, I was the one that shot you… I'm so sorry…”
“No, the winter soldier shot me, no you, you would never hurt me… ever.”
“But I am the winter soldier…”
“No, Hydra is the winter soldier, not you. Don't you dare confuse the two…” you whispered as you placed kisses on his damp forehead.
Bucky sighed. “Y/n, I have his memories, I know that wasn't the first time I tried to hunt you…”
You kissed his cheek again. “The winter soldier has been hunting me, yes, but you? Never.”
“y/n-” you cut him off.
“Does the winter soldier love me? No. Does James Buchanan Barnes love me? Yes, I know you do…” you kissed his cheek as he trembled. “Does the winter soldier know my secrets? No. Does bucky? Yes. does he want me dead, sure, but do you? No. how can you be both if they want completely different things?”
Bucky had no answer.
You smiled. “Does Bucky Barnes need to eat, take a shower, then have me cuddle him until he falls asleep?”
Buck was silent.
“Does he?” you asked.
Bucky nodded, “Yeah, that sounds nice…”
You smiled and pressed your lips on his before reaching for your crutch. “No need,” Bucky whispered, lifting you. “I’ll carry you…”
Once Bucky had eaten and taken a shower, he snuggled up to you as a movie played softly in the background. “I love you,” you mumbled, pressing a kiss on his hairline.
Bucky smiled and hid his nose between your collarbone and jaw, “love you too…” he mumbled before he drifted off in your arms.
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kenandeliza · 6 months
untitled draft for future marvel family comic strip, (mostly crack)
Based on a discussion with a mutual. Doesn't take place in a specific continuity.
Mary is shown to go home after Wayne Gala, Billy is shown waiting for her back home.
Billy: "Welcome home Mary, So how's the fancy party?"
Mary: " if you ask me, it was a bit boring, but I met this one Boy-"
*thunder can be heard in the panel*
Captain Marvel with a serious/protective look on his face: "Tell me more.."
Mary: "Billy, he's not-"
Billy:"I just want to talk to him."
Mary sighed:"....Billy, relax, he only wanted me to pose for a portrait he's working on"
Next panel having him switch over to Billy: "oh.."
Mary:" Besides, I'll be fine, you don't need to be worried, I can take care of myself! I'm the older one after all"
Billy:"Yeah, By five minutes!"
Freddy appearing in the front door: "I saw the lightning, what are you two yapping about?"
Billy:"oh nothing, Mary met a boy in the Wayne Gala-"
Freddy frowned immediately acted protective, preparing his crutch: "who's the hoity toity brat that's been hitting on you!?"
Mary getting tired of her friend's and brother's overprotectiveness: "Not you too!!"
Reminder to insert more Dialogue of their shenanigans at the Wayne Manor, I haven't perfected the dialogue yet so only the timeline of events are shown
[Bruce expresses his relief for his son to finally have civillian friends, the son is revealed to be damian]
Freddy and Billy begrudgingly tagged along with Mary. Just to be safe
[Mary introduced them to Boy who asked for Mary to be his reference for a portrait, Meeting between Billy and Damian, they eyed each other suspiciously]
[A journalist vs a son of a high-profile billionaire playboy beefing?]
[Insert a line of Bruce wondering why his co-worker is there, The rest of the Family didn't know because they'll question why he let marvel join despite not being an adult. Billy doesn't know Bruce is Batman]
[Freddy eventually warms up to Damian after finding out their mutual love for animals? With Freddy and his monkey, Jeep and Damian with Batcow]
[After the trio left the manor, Damian began researching the suspicious Journalist that accompanied Mary.
Damian has A tango between "oh no a journalist" and "a journalist that mainly covers Marvel and is seemingly close to him"
"Father has recently been stumped on his identity, perhaps this journalist could be the key! I can finally do something Father has never done before, Discovering Captain's identity!'
Now its just a chess gamebetween billy and damian
Billy:'This hoity toity kid is getting too close with my sister, I must get more info on him" (maybe accidentally discovered that Bruce wayne somehow had ties to The league of assasins that way)
[He might eventually lead to this scenario:
Billy keep coming up with wild imaginations that doesnt reflect the reality
Bruce: "No, I build my manor in his attic."
Further brainstorming and sicovering plot bunnies needed
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gffa · 1 year
Okay, not to defend Gotham War or anything, but I think I'm talking myself into liking what I see it's trying to do. Starting with some great tags on this post:
#i get why people are hating on it i really really do. trust me#but TO BE FAIR... zdarsky has been making it overwhelmingly clear that bruce is SERIOUSLY unwell right now#like it's been nonstop Horrors for him for like. over a dozen issues straight. with no rest or time to process. and he doesn't have alfred#who was a HUGE part of his support system not to mention the finances etc etc#iirc there's even a panel that pretty much outright states that this is more of an issue of control than morality#and that includes the choosing sides thing like the batkids seem more concerned w how bruce is going off the fucking rails than#just the moral aspects#anyway (via @clownprince)
#Batman#Bruce Wayne#REAL#REAL REAL REAL#LIKE. Zur En Arrh is a LITERAL Defense Mechanism going Malignant at this point#Not only that but throughout Zdarsky's run there's been allusions to illnesses and Bruce Not Having A Good Time#Not Having a Good Time and Not Having Time At All to take stock of the sheer What The Fuck-ery that's been going on recently#Because it's been a CONSTANT steam of What The Fuck-ery nonstop#And the Worse is yet to come if one considers the future issues synopsis and the ''I am a Gun'' story by Zdarsky#(At most I'm a little bit concerned over how Zdarsky will try to wrap this up‚ but that's a normal concern especially about Comics)#(Especially Batman Comics considering how often Editorial likes to... do things) (via @kaosvrow)
I agree with so much of the criticism of Gotham War, especially that the arguments for or against Selina's plans are absolute garbage by characters who should be making better arguments and that the other characters are being used as bobbleheads instead of actually giving them their canon personalities--and, okay, I will also point out that in the VERY FIRST ISSUE, Selina's plan gets someone killed and so I'm willing to extend some grace that the story isn't trying to push forward that either way is actually right, I honestly don't think it's about that. I think it's a story about Bruce Wayne's mental state, because Zdarsky's been building this up for awhile now, like the issue immediately prior to Knight Terrors? Shows us Bruce's mental state is ALREADY absolute TRASH right then:
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Zur-En-Arrh was already leaking through the seams of his mind, he was already feeling the impending doom of everything he cared about being burned away, that his mind literally couldn't watch his kids being happy and together and getting along without feeling like it was all burning to ash.
And then Knight Terrors happened, which was one more thing digging hard, boney fingers into his trauma, and he handled it pretty well in the moment, but it's such a giant, non-stop pile of stress on a mind that is already damaged to hell and back because of his trauma.
Further, the very first issue of the Gotham War storyline? The very first panel, the one that sets up the stage of what's going to happen, makes a very clear point about how this is about Bruce fracturing:
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And then on the very next page, Zur-En-Arrh is literally stalking at the bars of the cage around Bruce's mind.
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And then Bruce wakes up and it's immediately more establishing just how worried everyone is about him because so much has been piled on lately:
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Bruce hides his missing hand from his family, just like he's trying to hide how scraped thin he is right now, and goes out on patrol.
Where his internal monologue is all about how defensive he feels lately, how he feels like the years are catching up to him, how nothing feels right but this, making it clear that Bruce is hanging onto Batman with a death grip because it's the only thing that feels stable to him right now.
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And all of this is in the first TEN PAGES of the first issue, this is our set-up, this is our foundation, this is what we're being given to understand what this story is about. Then Batman #137 happens and it's literally ALL ABOUT BRUCE'S MENTAL SPACE, that Selina's plan is the catalyst, not the driving point behind all of it. Again, I'm in 100% agreement that the Batkids are acting like cardboard cutouts because you will never get me to believe that they didn't notice crime going down or that they wouldn't be pointing out that Gotham's wealthy are just going to start making their security lethal in response or that the Court of Owls won't step in, that this is not a long term solution to giving these people lives beyond crime, or even that a lot of them should be agreeing with Bruce, that they don't get to decide who is an acceptable victim. But the story isn't really about changing up the way comics deal with crime, it's about even the Batkids are framing it in terms of how it's about Bruce. Jason is really the only one who seems onboard with trying out Selina's plan, but even his confrontation with Bruce isn't really about that, it's about all their baggage, their fight immediately becomes about how angry Jason is at the way Bruce has treated him. This fight isn't happening because Jason's a true believer in Selina's plan, it's happening because he's angry at Bruce and Bruce is in a shitty mental place, after all the non-stop horrors AND feeling like he's been betrayed by the kids who he thought understood that people being victims wasn't acceptable, and so he lashes out at Jason.
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When they fight, it's not because they're siding against Bruce, it's because he's become unstable and dangerous. The why of it doesn't matter, it's not about that.
(And I'm actually okay with the way that fight happened because I can buy that, for example, Cass might be holding back against him, she's a stronger fighter than he is, but he's being ruthless because of the state he's in, while she might be feeling more cautious.) When they fight, it's not because they're siding against Bruce, it's because he's become unstable and dangerous. The why of it doesn't matter, it's not about that. Even further, when Bruce fights against his kids, he's wrong and biased, especially in the fight with Dick, who he thinks has a sloppy offensive and doesn't know darkness like he does--to which Dick just immediately cracks him in the face because, yeah, Dick Grayson does know darkness and Bruce isn't as untouchable as he's trying to make himself seem (because being Batman is all he has right now).
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I think it's important that it's Dick who defies his expectations here, because this story is building off context of what happened between Selina and Bruce, that they were truly together for awhile, they were about to get married--Selina mentions that it the first issue, it's a major thorn in that conversation when she throws out how she doesn't believe that Gotham needs Batman anymore, it needs her.
She's giving him what he said he always wanted, she's giving him the thing that kept them apart, he should be happy, should they head to the church now? Saying that he won't because he wants to be Batman more than he wants to solve the city's problems.
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The failed wedding between them is important in part because of what Selina's saying here, illustrating that both of them are bringing a lot of baggage to the table but also because of what else happened during that storyline, why the context is so important. Because that storyline dovetailed into one about Bane wanting to take over Gotham and he needed Batman unstable and distracted, which was working after Selina left him at the altar, he was a mess. But you know what was saving him at the time, bringing him back from the ledge? THIS KID:
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Dick was the one poking and prodding at Bruce with jokes and warmth and care and it was working. He actually got Bruce to cry in front of him, to release some actual genuine emotion!
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Dick makes Bruce more emotionally stable, to the point that Bane had to hire KGBeast to shoot Dick in the head just because he was so good at stabilizing Bruce--this is also why Dick's the one who says he'll go talk Bruce down off his moral ledge in Batman #137.
So, it's Dick that has to be the one to defy his expectations in the fight, has to be the one who breaks through Bruce's offense and knocks him down in what feels like a betrayal even when it isn't, because this isn't a story about who's right and who's wrong, it's a story about Bruce isolating himself because he's mentally fractured to hell and back, because he's not trusting his kids, he's still hurt by Selina leaving him, he's still grieving Alfred's death, he's run ragged physically and emotionally and mentally by a series of exhausting horrors piled on him, he's lost his family's fortune, he's not even living in his own family home anymore. (I focus on Dick here as an illustration of tying this back to previous examples of Bruce crumbling and important context that the storyline is drawing on, but Gotham War isn't really specifically about Bruce and Dick's relationship, but more about Bruce's relationship with all his kids, like Tim and Jason and Damian all have equally important moments. But it's a very direct example of how his children are a huge part of his support system and draw him back from the ledge of being just Batman and back into being Bruce.) That's why the issue ends with Bruce getting the papers telling him that the bank sold Wayne Manor to Vandal Savage, because it's one more thing that's stripping Bruce Wayne away from the character, and leaving him with nothing but Batman and Zur-En-Arrh. Gotham War isn't actually a story about a war for Gotham. It's a story about Bruce Wayne going out of control and everything is written to serve that. The characters' fights are catalyzed by Selina's plans, but they quickly become about Bruce's relationship with the characters. The narrative makes heavy-handed points about Bruce feeling like he's losing his grip, that he's hallucinating and talking to himself, that he is extremely mentally unwell right now. Everything Zdarsky's been writing (like especially the "I Am a Gun" storyline right before Knight Terrors) has been building up to fracturing Bruce Wayne.
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yetanothergreyjedi · 2 years
Ghosts of Our Past: pt 11
DP x DC crossover
Danny Fenton and Damian Wayne sibling AU
Masterpost Prev Next
It's Wednesday my dudes, here you go
Constantine: Ya better not be asking because the pajama party managed to both find one and piss it off.
Batman: That is not the situation.
Constantine: Can you leave it alone? If yes: do that!
Batman: I am simply asking for information.
"Coffee buddy!" Danny called as Tim (or did he prefer Drake? He'd heard him called both so maybe it was just whatever?) walked into the cave shortly after Alfred. Who was liminal but in a weird way... Danny was guessing he was just your standard immortal. Anyway! Tim looked like he hadn’t slept in the time between now and when Danny had last seen him.
"Coffee buddy!" Tim shouted, as dramatically as he did, then in more of a whisper, "You have to help me! Alfred has cut me off!"
Danny glanced at Alfred, who had definitely heard him. Nope! Not worth the risk! "I can guess why. I might be half dead, but at least I don't look it,"
Everyone tensed at the joke, the opposite of what Danny had been going for. Scratch that, everyone but Jason tensed. Jason let out a snort. "They don't think those jokes are funny,"
Danny pouted almost as much as Tim.
Jazz chose boots instead of heels. Armored HAZMAT instead of a blazer. Hair pulled tightly back instead of free and unthreatening. If her roommate was still awake, she'd probably mistake her for an intruder, but she was not, and Jazz was gone before that could change. Gotham was over a days drive away— but only if she insisted on obeying physics.
Danny had waited until later in the night to tell Damian "We should talk." And had Damian stiffened but agreed. Because of the lateness someone suggested that Damian guide his brother back to the hotel. While, again, Damian agreed, the tension did not lift. They moved silently until he couldn’t stand it anymore.
"I'm sorry." Danny "I should've come back for you, I was a coward, probably still am, but—"
"No— you’re not— Stop apologizing! I should be apologizing!"
The air was a swirl of bitter flavors, Danny gave a nervous laugh before starting. "It's fine— I mean, it's really not, but we were little kids and like, super brainwashed. So it's not purely your fault... I mean I don't blame you for it... anymore..."
"Just like that?" Damian's voice was small. Doubt was sour like inedible berries, honey sweet hope did little to balance it.
Danny sighed, "Dami, I've spent the last seven years trying to sort this out in my head. It's not 'just' like anything."
He turned around, his back to Damian as he climbed. "Like this, it freaks me out, and at first I thought you'd been hunting me, but you weren't and intentions matter."
Like all the ghosts who'd been teaching him how to ghost by lightly punting him, or his parents before the ectouranium incident. Damian had waited a moment before following him, putting enough distance between them that Danny didn't feel like his heart was going to leave his chest. Even if Danny wasn't actually that worried about being stabbed, he would be fine, he wouldn't even bleed if he didn't want to. Trauma was dumb like that though, and he appreciated Damian's patience.
His younger brother pulled himself up after him. "But I did. I meant to."
Guilt was another flavor Danny couldn't describe with human terms, but this specific guilt satisfied something entirely in-human inside him, a part that still hadn't let this death go. "And you did. But would you do it again?"
"Then we're cool about that."
"And about you remaining hidden." Damian adds. "I would not have responded the same if you had returned to Nanda Parbat..."
"But you got out," Danny marveled. "I hadn't let myself hope, Dami... I'm so proud of you,"
Damian sniffled, and Danny pulled the younger boy into his arms.
Back in the cave, Bruce moved to the comms control panel, and silently hit mute. They didn't need anyone else listening in on this.
The league communicator buzzed.
Constantine: And you're sure it's a Doorway Spirit, not just a Barrier Spirit?
Batman: He said Doorway.
Constantine: Who said it?! Bats if someone is fucking around with one, ya lead with that!
Cleaning tears out of domino masks wasn't hard, but it did make one feel foolish. Danny seemed way too amused but the fact.
"They're designed to keep outside contaminants out. The usual amount of tears is minimal." Damian pointed out.
"It still seems dumb." Danny finished wiping his on the hem of his shirt. At least they both had hoods, otherwise they'd have to find a more secure location with fuzzy lenses.
"It is certainly an oversight." Damian agreed.
"Makes sense tho?"
"What does?"
"If you're having a crisis in the mask you probably should go home. And if you can't see, then it's gonna be hard to keep working."
"Sometimes we are still needed. It is something to improve."
Danny paused, mask still in hand. He looked Damian in the eye. "Even with all of you? It gets that bad?"
"There are times, it's not— Danny..." Damian took a step back.
"Is everything... oh, it's my eyes again isn't it." Danny flushed, and his eyes returned to blue. "That's just something that happens with me, it's not a sign I'm about to go all murdery or something."
Damian nodded slowly, Danny certainly seemed in control of himself, and earlier with Todd he'd focused on defense. That did not seem like someone under the influence of pit rage.
"I've got it on the list of 'things I need to explain at some point,'"
"You have a list."
"Yeah, I have a list, my life is weird. You should probably have a list too."
"I do not."
"I'm sorry?! Do you think I missed the Bat cave dinosaur?!"
Batman: Constantine. What do you know?
Constantine: for certain? Almost nothing. These guys are rare, and powerful.
"Why is there a magazine butt plate catch?" Jason asked, completely serious. Tim was too sleep deprived to not giggle.
"Replacement." Jason chided, almost sounding fond... Tim must be getting slap happy. Jason held up the offending piece of metal. "Where did this come from?"
"Probably from when Danny took apart the gun,"
Tim was already pulling up the mask footage. They watched the two minute explanation, then, gun bits on the pavement.
"He didn't even look at it..." Tim realized, considering that the part on the table wasn't that easy to remove. He was also 90% sure you needed tools to take a gun apart that completely.
"You know what, that tracks." Jacen said, like he was aware of something Tim was not.
Batman: Do you want to have this conversation in person?
Constantine: *Read 1:46 AM*
"So... Do you play Doomed?"
"Tt, Of course,"
"Oh, so you're good at it." Danny inferred, hopping down onto the fire escape.
Damian followed, noting how the metal had been silent for Danny, but made a soft clank when Damian stepped. The more Danny relaxed the more effort Damian had to put into tracking his movements. "Of course,"
Danny made a mock-offended gasp, "You're just saying of course to be annoying!"
Damian hadn't been, he had been distracted by the almost unnatural stealth. However he did not say this. He gave a sly smile. "Of course,"
"Well then, I don't suppose you'd want to come in and meet my friends?"
The game had been a trap. Damian was not going to admit defeat so easily... and well, he did want to meet the people his brother chose to occupy his time with. "Of course."
Danny beamed as he led Damian to the hallway window. He pulled it open in a too-smooth way and Damian knew that opening windows from the outside did not work like that. It did not, however, even surprise him at this point.
"They're going to love you," Danny said, right before pain exploded in the back of Damian's head. Then, the world went black.
I've made an executive decision that nights in Gotham are longer than nights in nearby locations. Most people won't notice or will think it's their imagination, Amity kids noticed immediately but shrugged and decided that technically meant they got to sleep in.
I don't think it's actually gonna come up in fic, but like nearly every plot point in Gotham happens at night, and I'm implementing a "magic" system, so Gotham gets quirks.
1. I was gonna have bats find out that Dami did the stab here, but then I realized how much potential there was in Danny just casually mentioning it.
2. Danny figures, he told them what he was, so he's done putting a ridiculous amount of effort into being human.
3. Cliffhanger
4. Why does Ao3 add in automatic spacing in the chapter text but not the notes section? It's weirding me out
Tag list:
@spectralstardustandphantomnights @avelnfear @idfk-man10 @blackroserelina @candeartist422 @mur-ururu @luer-mirin @insufferablecatenthusiast @skulld3mort-1fan @alonedustspeck @voidbornposts @meira-3919 @marshmello @aethernorwood @mimilikey @undead-essence @cloudminder @markus209 @everything163 @latheevening226 @roman4517 @moobloomrights @battybatbat @lumosfeather18581 @werv @ahyesanerd @pyramaniac @lexdamo @princessbelix @bun-fish @deeannthepan @edgyboi10000 @thatrandomsarahchick @busterkeel @aconitewolfsbane @spoopyspoony @bright-shade @spidey29phangirl @idontgetpaidenoughforthisshit @keimiwolf @u-a-wizard-jamie @gay-puff @bicerise @itshype @blackfoxsposts @icanneverdecide @lolottes @chubbypotato @jovialherringtacoghost @saltyladynightmare
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cantsomeoneelsedoit · 5 months
Ch 58: Eyes of the Dragon
This chapter starts with three lead pages before the title page, which I think is a new record for UU. Tozuka's like HERE TAKE THIS FLASHBACK, TOO! WE CAN MAKE IT FIT!
He really makes the best appetizers, too, bc Shen's origin story is guaranteed to be interesting. Unlike some of the other Negators, his life was already rough even before his ability awakened; maybe that's why he relies on his physical strength more than his ability since it's just second nature to him.
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It turns out that Shen was once a fighting street urchin with a heart of gold! Notice how Mei is telling him in this scene and the scene from the previous chapter that she already has enough and Shen doesn't have to fight. But Shen isn't easily satisfied!
Little Shen was a streetwise orphan who wasn't content to just exist. Something was always driving him to try to create a better version of himself and the lives of those around him.
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Unfortunately, Shen wasn't able to win the tournament. Still, his showing as the untrained-but-incredibly-gifted-kid was enough to gather the attention of someone.
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Shen has a Xianxia origin story: A plucky orphan who has some kind of unquenchable drive for strength, plus a dependent sibling and "eyes of the dragon," is recruited by an old master whose current #1 student is poised to become an unwilling rival, and so he joins his mysterious martial arts school to train to become the very best. We're still missing some Chinese magicians, alchemy, and immortal hermits to complete the genre lmao. Tozuka may yet surprise us!
His teacher's ability to sense strong chi/ki/talent will be important to the story later.
But first, the title page:
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Poor Shen! He really would've enjoyed training that way! He just can't sleep at night knowing that there might be strong opponents out there.
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"Hey, Shen, I heard you're pretty strong!"
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Shen's like a little brother trying to get all the JUICY DETAILS about Andy's EXCITING ADVENTURES and TALES OF COMBAT while Andy's like "Actually it was extremely traumatizing. So anyway, about the firework monsters..."
A mysterious staff appears! And is that Summer's core?
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The Summer arc has so many gorgeous panels. I really like the white space in the next one.
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It's Feng! And he's put the core into one of the Juniors before setting them loose to cause destruction.
The UMAs take off and shoot vertically up the skyscraper. Andy tells Shen to stay back and fight Feng, but Shen's already gone!
Fuuko and Mui both get caught in the crossfire of the guys yelling at each other.
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Feng scoffs at Shen because he eagerly chased after the Juniors instead of recognizing that Feng was the greater threat. It seems that Shen hasn't yet mastered the ability to sense a person's strength.
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Another zombie fight! Feng's prayer beads produce four jiangshi who take fighting stances. Shen hits that subscribe button right away.
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This is finally Shen's chance to fight the great fighters of the past, just like he wanted!! Just look how happy he is!
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The jiangshi attack at the same time with a variety of styles, kind of like the enemies Bruce Lee faces as he fights his way up the tower in the movie Game of Death. He also fights Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, which is totally worth watching.
Interestingly, Game of Death is an unfinished movie. I believe that fact gives us a clue about the Artifact of the same name in UU, but I'll have to come back to that later.
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Shen uses his ability in a fabulous double spread. He's literally punching their faces in! That's our boy!
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But something interrupts his smile...
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Even though he beat all four easily, both Shen and Mui are unsettled. He has a dark shadow on his face instead of his usual grin, and she's worried what this means for Shen's future.
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Holy shit! It's that guy who beat Shen at the tournament in the flashback! And Feng killed him at some point?! If Feng has already killed off Shen's old rivals, then Mui is right to be worried.
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This spread is so cool. Feng was testing the waters with Shen, asking if his emotions would affect his fighting. Shen reassured Feng that he was just here to test his own strength and find satisfaction in the battle itself, and Feng grinned right back at him. These two seem like a perfect match!
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braveclementine · 2 months
Yes, Let's Fight on a Flying Ship. That's a Great Idea!
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Warnings: None
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own my OC Elizabeth Lightwood. I do not condone any copying of this.
They were chatting with each other, Steve and Tony still going at each others' throats. You, on the other hand, was starting to feel nervous as Bruce started to look at the computer. You scanned the room, looking for threats.
There was a vent in the middle of the floor and you crouched down. Was it your imagination, or was there a beeping noise? No, there was so much equipment in this lab, of course there were plenty of beeping noises.
You shook your head, feeling frustrated with yourself. There was no reason for anything bad to happen, considering Loki was contained and there was no Code Green.
"Oh my God." Bruce said, and suddenly, there was a sound like an eruption. Your head turned towards the noise, before a flame explosion came up out of the same vent that you had been kneeling before. If you hadn't moved, you'd be dead.
As it was, you went flying, crashing against the table that the scepter had been laying on, glass falling around you, and the scepter hit the floor next to you.
"Y/N!" Tony shouted.
Steve was the one that hauled you to your feet, pulling you along to hand over to Tony and the three of you ran out the door. You couldn't help but have a bad feeling about leaving the scepter behind.
"Get to safety." Tony commanded you.
"I'm not leaving you!" You shouted back. "You might need me."
I could hear Fury shouting in my coms, along with Hill, talking about outside repairs. Tony said he'd take it. Romanoff said they were okay and so that was good.
You and Steve split off from Tony, who went to go and get his suit. The two of you made it out to where the engine was destroyed, watching the agents that survived head back towards safety. The entire engine had been torn out, leaving a huge gaping hole.
Tony told Steve to get to the control panel and you watched with a gaping mouth as he just launched himself billions of feet over thin air to get to the other side.
"What does it look like in there?" You heard Tony asked.
Steve sighed. "It seems to run on some form of electricity."
"Well, you're not wrong." Tony muttered while you giggled against your better judgement.
"Okay the relays are intact! What's our next move?" Steve shouted after a few minutes.
"Even if I clear the rotos, this thing won't re-engage without a jump. I'm going to have to get in there and push."
"Is that safe?" You asked over the coms at the same time that Steve said, "Well if that thing gets up to speed, you'll get shredded."
There was an awkward silence for a moment before you asked shakily. "Tony?"
"Bunny, don't worry. That stator control unit can reverse the polarity long enough to disengage maglev and that could-"
"Speak English." Both Steve and yourself yelled at him.
"You see that red lever?" Tony finally asked. "It will slow the rotors down long enough for me to get out. Stand by it. Wait for my word."
You were standing by the lever and Steve leaped back over, grabbing the railing so that the both of you were by it. Your pistol was starting to become slippery in your grasp.
"Hold this." You said with a shaky breath, thrusting the pistol at him. He grabbed it. You wiped your hands along your black leggings, before pulling black fingerless leather gloves and then held your hand back out for the gun, which he quickly deposited in your hand.
"He'll be fine." Steve muttered.
You just hummed in response, not entirely sure you believed him.
"Grenade!" You heard Maria shout through the coms.
"We have Hulk and Thor on Research level 4!" The intercom said.
You heard Maria engage the pilots to get his attention and get him off the ship. You exchanged a nervous glance with Steve.
Steve suddenly leaped across the chasm, kicking a grenade out of the way. You immediately pointed your pistol downwards and shot at the helmet you saw. It cracked the screen, but didn't hurt him.
Steve knocked the two out, before rejoining you on the raised platform, grabbing one of the dropped guns and shooting back. But neither his bullets nor the enemies hit.
Steve suddenly slipped as the plane starting to fall into a descent. You nearly screamed as there didn't seem to be anything that he could use to get himself back, before catching a wire that was part of the broken part. You knelt, grabbing the other end, hooking your back leg under the railing to hold yourself steady and pulled with all your might.
"Cap hit the lever." Tony's rang in your ears and you met Steve's eyes, yours widening.
"Go!" Steve shouted, though you pulled harder, pulling him in as much as you could.
Once Steve was back on the metal, you let him grab on and start pulling himself back up as you grabbed the red lever. You yelled out, ducking, as gunshots pinged over your head.
"Uh-oh." You heard Tony muttered and then there was harsh metallic sounds that weren't the bullets pinging off around you as he shouted, "Help!"
Gritting your teeth, hearing him groaning, you grabbed the red lever and pulled. It swung downwards easily and you heard Tony yell out. You shot off your own pistol as the guy continued to shoot at you and Steve.
Tony came flying out of nowhere, grabbing the guy around the middle and the two of them went straight through the doorway.
You sighed, heading downwards with Steve following you. Everything had apparently calmed down, until you heard Fury in your earpiece. "Agent Coulson is down."
You didn't stop to hear anymore, rushing past Tony and heading for the main room, Tony shouting your name after you.
Agent Coulson had helped you and Tony through a lot. He was your mentor and your trainer. If he was dead. . .
You could never forgive Loki.
🎃 :::::  🧡  ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━  🧡  ::::: 🎃
You paced back and forth while Tony and Steve sat next to each other in the main room. Fury was there was well, standing in front of the two of them.
Thor was gone, Loki having sent him crashing to Earth. There was no read on whether or not he was still alive. Probably though, considering he could fly.
Bruce was gone too, no sign of him either.
Nat was with Clint, who had been taken captive and was locked up in one of the rooms. You guessed that she was probably going to be staying by his side until he woke up. They were soulmates after all, and the separation between the two had been painful.
Maria was standing in the background, her hands behind her back, shaking. She too, had been extremely close to Coulson. In fact, Coulson had been her soulmate, and you felt pity for her.
Surprisingly, Elizabeth was still on the ship. Loki had grazed her with his scepter, so there was a long bloody gash up her side that would probably scar. Fur had already been removed around the area and stitches had been done. Looking at the cameras, she had tried to stop Loki from killing Coulson.
You let out a shuddering breath, waiting for Fury to say something. You felt numb, knowing that your best friend and your mentor were both seriously hurt and dead. And you hadn't been there for either of them. You had gone with Steve and Tony, even though you had known both of them were capable enough to hold their own. Elizabeth and Coulson had needed you more.
"These were in Phil Coulson's jacket." Fury said and you finally looked over to see he was holding some sort of cards. They looked like baseball cards or Pokémon cards, something like that. "I guess he never did get you to sign them."
Fury tossed the cards out, and they scattered along the glass table in front of Steve. You could see now that they were comic book trading cards, all of them were for the Captain America set. You felt tears prick your eyes. Coulson had always been a Cap fan.
"We're dead in the air up here." Fury said as you watched Steve slowly reach forward and see what society had created out of him. "Our communications, the location of the Cube, Banner, Thor, I got nothing for you. I lost my one good eye. Maybe I had that coming."
Fury started to walk along the table as Steve finally dropped the bloody trading card. You knew, however, that Coulson had been stabbed through the back. Even if he had the cards in his front pocket, he would never have gotten them bloody. If they had, they would've been pierced as well.
"Yes, we were going to build an arsenal with the Tesseract. I never put all my chips on that number, though because I was playing something even riskier." Fury was silent for a moment, sliding his hand on the back of one of the chairs. "There was an idea, Stark knows this, called the Avengers Initiative. The idea was to bring together a group of remarkable people to see if they could become something more. To see if they could work together when we needed them to, to fight the battles that we never could."
"Phil Coulson died still believing in that idea. In heroes."
Tony stood up very suddenly, saying nothing. He looked out at everything, looking at you very briefly, before he turned and walked out.
"Well," Fury sighed, "it's an old-fashioned notion."
He walked out then, with Maria following him. It was just you and Steve left.
You wiped your face of tears and approached the table, picking up the playing cards. You looked up at Steve, but he couldn't raise his face from the table. "Old-fashioned is good." You whispered, and then turned and walked out yourself. 
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fractualized · 2 years
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It's that time again: thoughts on The Man Who Stopped Laughing #5!
Spoilers below, of course, and a reference to suicide and some definite body horror.
If there was one thing I didn't expect this issue to start with, it's Joker emulating his boyfrenemy.
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The implied bat pun. The exposed midriff. … I def saw fan art like this once.
So it's been a few days since Joker escaped the hospital, and his getup indicates he's been investigating who his imposter is (if he is an imposter). And now he's in one of his old hideouts wondering why the Mad Hatter has set up shop there.
And of course since the Mad Hatter is usually relegated to Creepy Weirdo, there are some unfortunate kids here. Joker isn't worried about their welfare, but I'm pretty sure Jervis soon won't be in a state to do them any harm.
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Jervis says he got the key from Other Joker, who is back in town, and Jason's own investigation on where his clown quarry soon leads him to the same information, after ruining Killer Moth's night.
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So the Joker who ran off to LA is still seen as the real one, and word has spread there's an imposter running around.
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Uh oh! Whatever Jervis told Joker, it's leading him to a trap! But what helpful information for Ja— 
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LOL Poor Moth.
Over in the trap, we see some fun effects with the speech bubble.
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That's no reason for me to think Protag Joker is the real one but I do, okay, I'll take any hint
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It's not a subtle trap, is it?
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Joker looking at himself like 😍
And then…
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Lmaoooooooooo of course he did. Joker smelled a trap, of course, and even got a lock to keep the other Joker inside so they could burn together. He says he doesn't want to die but boy does Joker always have doubtful ways of showing it.
There's an interlude with Jason and Stephanie, in which she talks about Bruce like he's in the city.
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So I guess this takes place before the current Batman storyline. Or after. Or in some amorphous space. Maybe concurrently with the Punchline comic? Does DC actually give a crap about continuity?
Meanwhile back at the fire, the Other Joker's dialogue gets a little suspect.
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Protag Joker's had a water gun this whole time, and I thought it had gasoline in it, but…
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Well, acid works fine, and it gets him out of the cage. Though I assume he's not gonna jump out the new hole in the wall.
Back at the coffee meetup, we learn Bruce doesn't think Protag Joker is the real deal. :(
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Which implies that Bruce is aware of the Joker situation and just left Other Joker to do his thing in LA?? That raises questions that I sure hope get answered, because huh??
The fire gets big enough for Jason and Stephanie to notice it, as Joker walks out of the building and tracks his double down an open grate.
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I like the detail that Joker slides down the ladder. :)
And alright, here we go! Time to get some answers!
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Yeah, sure, Joker got run over by a train. See you next issue, buddy.
Well, I'm glad Jason got to shoot a Joker copy in a good comic.
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Oh whoa WHOA! The answer! Other Joker has been Clayface all the long! Well, that's a little overdone, but I've been wanting to know—
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DAMMIT, ROSENBERG! Why must you taunt me! 
But we end on this amazing beachside image:
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Okay, I forgive you, Rosenberg. The speedo, the flowy robe, the hat, the muscled manservant with the fruity drink… Di Giandomenico, I love you.
So apparently Other Joker is going back to Gotham for real now, but the end-title implies we won't see a real Joker-to-Joker confrontation next month. :( But I can deal so long as I'm still having a fun time.
Alright, backer time: we have yet another woman Joker is trying to woo, and yet another strange way to produce Joker copies.
Here the uninterested woman is Giganta, and my interest in this trope is waning, not helped by this joke:
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Joker's been pursuing women in most of these backers, and I've been able to set that aside because they're so ridiculous, but it makes it hard to see this pun as unconsequential. I'm gonna stare at that last panel in the main story to feel better.
There's no mpreg to be found in this backer, just Joker working regular jobs to convince Giganta he's not evil. And when that doesn't work…
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He calls up Etrigan, who doesn't think making a clown not evil is a good use of his time.
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Lol Etrigan's unfinished rhyme
The demon gets his revenge, though, when he tricks Joker into reading the wrong spell.
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I put this into Google translate and got:
"that his hands, head, and feet may be destroyed by worms, cancer, and vermin, and his medulous members may be destroyed"
Which sorta tracks with what happens, which is that Joker grows as big as Giganta, and then we get some body horror!!
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Giganta, uh, remains uninterested and leaves with Etrigan.
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I guess we can look at it as all of Joker's evil squeezing out of him like popped zits. 😬 But the marks are still left behind and so are all the little vermin. But at least they're supportive?
I have a feeling Fox News won't be interested in this one.
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huntingingoodwill · 3 years
if i love you, is that a fact or a weapon? - part ii
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part i
fill out this form to be in my taglist :))
a/n: i am not immune to the rivals dancing with each other at a fancy ball while making snippy remarks trope and hopefully you aren't too. i hope you enjoy and please consider interacting if you liked it! ily <3
Bruce slid his suit jacket off, tossing it in your direction. You caught it, slinging it over yourself and letting it hang loose around your shoulders, shielding your exposed skin from the pleasant bite of the cold air as the two of you walked toward the ballroom.
“You’ve gone soft, Brucey. Worried about whether I’ll catch a cold?” You teased. The two of you were making your way up to a charity gala. Bruce had benevolently offered you his plus-one invitation, allowing you to beat away the terrible boredom that came with being all alone in Wayne Manor.
He reached his arm over his back, tapping his shoulder. You slid the jacket down, turning to look at the reflection of your back in one of the wall’s mirrored panels. You saw the blue-black bloom of a bruise on your shoulder blade, just visible through your outfit.
“Strong for a scarecrow, huh?” Bruce joked, his eyes betraying frustration.
The memory of Scarecrow had become a constant fixture in both your minds. You sometimes felt like the wild flash of his blue eyes still lingered, his stare burning into your skull. You could remember the dig of his nails in your arm, the hardness of his forearm pushing into your neck, the scrape of his bared teeth. You couldn’t help but wonder where he’d gone, and you couldn’t get him off your mind.
You and Bruce stood on the outskirts of the sweeping room. All was bathed in the golden light from the chandeliers that hung far above you, glinting off the crystal glasses of champagne held by the guests as they swayed to the music from the big band.
He was instantly swarmed with reporters, beneficiaries and donors, all fawning over him. You allowed him to fend off the crowd as your eyes wandered across the room.
You froze, a flash of recognition moving across your face as your eyes met a cold gaze. Your heart sank. It was him. Scarecrow.
He eyed you like a predator and you controlled your urge to shove through the crowd and run away. You were surrounded by reporters and guests. You couldn’t make a scene here, it would arouse too much suspicion. You were cornered.
He cleaned up well, his hair slicked back, donning a clean suit, composed and sure as he strode toward you and Bruce, in tow of the woman beside him. The blaze of his eyes through his glasses made your stomach drop. His face had etched itself into your mind since your fight, but you hadn’t imagined seeing him again so soon, especially like this.
Your trembling hand clutched onto Bruce’s forearm as you pushed your mouth next to his ear, keeping your voice low, such that even the reporters who craned their necks to listen couldn’t hear.
“That’s him. Straight ahead. Scarecrow.” You whispered, voice saturated with panic. You saw the muscle in Bruce’s jaw twitch as he grit his teeth, eyes hardening. He squeezed your hand, prompting you to stay calm in front of the watchful eyes of the gala’s guests. A courteous smile fixed itself on his face as he dismissed the reporters with a polite wave of his hand, the crowd dispersing as the two of them made their way over.
“Mr Wayne!” The woman shook Bruce’s hand, gushing. “I’m the head of the psychology department at Gotham U., I had to come over and thank you for your generous donation last semester.”
Bruce flashed a tight smile at her.
“This is my colleague, one of our professors. Dr Jonathan Crane.”
A name. He had to have some sort of crazy courage to be bold enough to reveal his identity to you and Bruce, but he was safe for now. Surrounded by all these people, your hands were tied.
He grasped Jonathan’s hand, shaking it with a stronger grip than normal.
“I’d like to extend my thanks to you too, Mr Wayne.” Jon drawled, his voice laced with a venom indiscernible to anyone but you and Bruce. “I have only respect for someone who appreciates the power of the mind as much as I do.” He snarked. You felt your fist clench beside you.
“I’m sure you do.” Bruce shot back sarcastically. Crane returned his gaze to you and your breath caught in your throat.
“Would you like to dance?”
Your mouth dropped open a little in shock. Dance? With him, now? You wanted nothing more than to escape, wriggle yourself out of the strange power play he was trying to get you into. The suggestion seemed so ridiculous, the music from the band made you want to laugh and burst into tears simultaneously. No. You wouldn’t let him get in your head that easily. You glanced back at the head of department as she smiled expectantly at the two of you. You didn’t really have a choice.
“Sure.” You choked out, plastering a genial smile on your face.
Jon offered his arm and you begrudgingly laced yours through his, the soft fabric of his suit feeling like sandpaper against your skin, the warmth of his arm making you recoil.
“Are you a good dancer, Professor Crane?” You asked as he led you toward the dancefloor, trying to defuse the silence that fell over you two in an attempt to calm your nerves.
“How do you mean?” He responded, his voice steady and tinged with a bit of boredom. You looked at his profile, the placid, unwavering expression on his face much different from your first encounter. The adrenaline from the fight must’ve given him a rush of emotion, and standing so close to him without attempting to beat him to a pulp felt strange.
“Well… how do you dance?”
“Close.” He held onto your arms, yanking you toward him. You held in a yelp of surprise as he pressed you to his chest, face inches away from yours. Your heart filled with resolve, and you forced yourself to straighten up, looking directly into his eyes. He wouldn’t shake you that easily.
“Keeping your friends close and your enemies closer?” You retorted, entwining your hand with his, knuckles flexing as you dug your nails into his hand.
“Clever.” He wasn’t a particularly bad dancer, but he was undeniably mechanical as he led you around the room, smiling over your shoulder at Bruce’s glare as he danced with the head of department, skirting around the two of you. “But you’re hurting my feelings. Aren’t we friends?”
You smirked, stamping hard on his feet “on accident”. “Are you usually friends with those who kick your ass, Doctor?”
He trampled on yours in return, the grip on your hand getting tighter every minute, every movement more harsh than the last. “I believe I kicked yours.”
You rolled your eyes. “Let’s cut the shit. Why’re you here?”
Jon exhaled sharply through his nose. “(Y/N), can’t I dance without you assuming I have some sort of wicked ulterior motive?” You scowled at his condescending tone, his feigned innocence irritating you.
You narrowed your eyes, ignoring his question. “How do you know my name?”
His lips curved into a small smile. “I have my ways.” It took you everything not to wind your hand out of his grip and punch him in the jaw. He continued, fixing his eyes on you. “I’ve been watching you for some time. You’re an… interesting subject. Any other questions?” You felt bile rise in your throat. Watching you. You composed yourself. You weren’t scared of him. You met his gaze again, confident as ever.
“Just one. It’s cliche, though.”
“Is that a gun in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?”
He smirked. “Funny.” He said derisively.
“No admission of whether you’re armed, then?” You asked, raising your eyebrow.
He dipped you, leaning in to whisper in your ear. His arms supported your weight as he held you, his hot breath on your neck. You felt a blush spread across your cheeks.
“I wouldn’t use it on you. I like you too much.”
You moved back as he lifted you back up, glaring at him. “I’m flattered.”
He looked at you amusedly, and you finally pulled your attention off him for a second.
Something was wrong.
You were so caught up in your standoff that you didn’t notice the music winding down, eventually completely stopping. A sickening silence hung over the ballroom and your skin turned to ice under Jon’s touch.
Around you, the waiters that had been walking through the room, serving the crowd, halted, as if in a trance. They each picked up the bottles of champagne they held on their trays, smashing them on the ground simultaneously, the shattering of the glass ringing out through the ballroom, eliciting confused gasps from the guests.
A canister rolled out from the shattered green debris, the same red glare of the time sensitive device you saw in the warehouse flashing on each of them. You wrestled yourself away from Jonathan, attempting to sprint away when Jon hooked his arm around your waist, wrenching you back to him as he clapped his hand over your mouth and nose. The canisters exploded, clouds of his toxin blooming across the room.
Soon, the room was nothing but a grey mass of the billowing toxin, and you could only feel yourself struggling against Jonathan’s hold as he pulled a burlap sack over your head, tossing you over his shoulder, screams echoing through the fog.
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onmyyan · 2 years
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I’m sick so let’s do some sweet HC’s about who I’d love to take care of me😫🤚🏼❤️
So Dick immediately freaks out, but that panic is quickly followed by the thought of “omg I can take care of her?!?” And his babying mode is activated
He’s torn between laying beside you, holding a cold rag to your head and face, cooing over how small you look like this, how good you’re being for him, or briefly leaving you to sprint to the nearest pharmacy, buying everything he can get his grubby paws on. (Thanks for that platinum card Bruce)
Ultimately his need to be near you wins over his protective urge to make sure you have every possible medication, so he orders the stuff online, gives the poor delivery boy the meanest glare if he’s even a minute late, and is soon glued to your side once more.
He hand feeds you the soup Alfred brought over, blowing over each spoonful with a comical amount of care, he has that saccharine smile on his face the whole time, of course he’s not happy your sick!! He’s just thrilled to be able to care for you, to show you exactly why he took you home in the first place! He can’t even think about the possibility of you not having him here- so he doesn’t.
Instead he hushes your pained whines, brushes the hair from your face and continues to nurse his baby back to health.
In a rare coherent moment you jokingly call him your little nurse, the next morning he’s in full costume, cute little hat and all.
Pro!Bakugou has definitely calmed down in his aging, he’s still the same quick mouthed shithead we know and love but he isn’t so reactive anymore, he thinks everything through until the best solution is available.
That is of course except when it comes to you, yeah all rational thoughts go poof.
You’ve come a long way in your relationship, he felt secure enough in it that he’d started taking longer shifts, bigger missions, something he’d forgone for the “Adjustment period” you’d went through, he knew you needed to get that oh so important bonding time in before he’d feel comfortable leaving you unsupervised.
So naturally that’s when shit hits the fan
The cameras he’d installed throughout the home you two shared have never been so useful, something had told him to check on you and when he did he stopped dead in his tracks, you were sprawled out on the kitchen floor, a broken glass of water had pooled around your form a few inches away.
He took to the sky instantly, leaving behind two confused sidekicks. His brain was running a mile a minute as he speed through the sky, he’d never moved so fast in his life.
You were in the process of getting some water when your fever got the best of ya, you were prone to feinting when you were sick so this wasn’t too alarming, what was alarming however, was your 6’3 husband bursting in the door so hard the little glass panels on it shattered.
He looked wild, his hands were still smoking by the time he swooped you in his arms, the hot huff’s he’d been breathing into your neck were the only sounds for a few seconds.
“What the shit happened huh? You okay baby? You can’t scare me like that- fucking hell.” He was nervously rambling, not giving you a chance to answer as his hands inspected every inch of you.
Being a hero was his dream, but you came before everyone and everything. Queue him spending a week off making absolutely sure you were okay, makes the best food to help you get better, being that you can’t taste shit this is the only time you’d eat his food at his spice level, something he’d enjoy if he wasn’t so busy worrying about you.
You’d spend your days in bed, being absolutely pampered, he’d only ever leave your side to cook and even then the clingy bear of a man would have you on the phone, even if you weren’t talking he needed to hear you breathing. <3
Jason (Friday the 13th) is my BABY- anyway he is the sweetest murder machine you’ve ever seen. My interpretation is based on the latest Friday, in that one he’s more of a woodsman/hunter who’s only killing to protect his territory.
All that being said he doesn’t really get sick, he knows something’s off because you’re not following him around like his shadow, he never liked you to stray too far from him as he had booby-trapped the ever living fuck out of the campgrounds.
The cabin and its immediate area were safe, but you still liked to cling to him as he made his rounds, the only time he didn’t entertain it was when there were those pesky trespassers 😠
On a typical day he’d wake a good two hours before you do, make sure your sleeping soundly, then go about his first rounds, check his traps, and more recently, he’d water the small garden you’d started. By the time he was done you’d be up and ready to start your day with him.
So when he began the daily routine of making breakfast for the two of you, he was confused at your absence, by this point you’d be helping him set the table, but you were nowhere to be found.
He’d made it a point to lighten his footsteps, knowing if he hadn’t he’d be shaking the cabin with how fast he made his way to your shared room.
The gentle-only-for-you-giant was about as tall as the doorway, so he had to duck his head a bit to get in. Once he was there he all but falls to his knees by your still form on the bed. You’d curled into a ball, sweat beading on your forehead, his large hand came down to feel the skin there, only to pull back, his deep brown eyes would hold all the worry in the world, he knew you shouldn’t be that hot.
Jason has this connection to his mother, so strong he can still hear her long after her departure from this plane of life, and she always knew what to do, especially when it came to you.
“You must keep her cool Jason, lots of water and soup!” He’d hear her say as if she was in the room with you, and like the good son he was, he’d listen to her instructions diligently. You’d awaken with the behemoth of a man petting your hands, his head resting gently in your stomach as he sat in worry.
His love language was acts of service and this was the perfect chance for just that, so be prepared to be treated like a doll well after you’re better, heaven forbid some idiot decides to trespass, because he takes it as a personal affront to you, they’re taking him and his attention away from his baby😠😠 so whoever it is gets it extra good, I’m talking pieces of them everywhere it’s so romantic <3
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celaenaeiln · 1 year
Just how true do you think the sentiment of “bruce was still a child who didnt get to grow up/move on until he met dick”?
Very true! Actually-Alfred straight up says it-true!
This scene is when Dick was accepted by Batman to become robin.
I was actually going to use this for another Dick and Alfred post but let me just drop it here that Dick cares about Alfred so much!!
Like this boy is the sweetest, most caring person ever. He asks the butler if it's okay for him to become robin-who does that?! Who would think of doing that?! He's the most considerate, softest baby ever! The tiny, nervous, shy smile on his face in the second panel <33333
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Here's the answer: "And while he most certainly became a man...I don't think he ever became an adult."
But Alfred says it twice!
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"But Alfred always used to say Bruce would have self-destructed if he hadn't met me and learned some responsibility."
My other post about Bruce and Dick has a lot of images that talk about this idea too
That's why I love Bruce and Dick's relationship so much. They are so codependent on each other. While Bruce saved Dick (not from being angry. He wasn't an angry robin, istg.), Bruce also would have died without Dick.
Before Bruce met Dick, he was on a one way track to his own ending. He was reckless, didn't take precautions, and was on the verge of being consumed by the darkness of which he was fighting.
At this time, a boy came along that shined light down upon him (literally because of the circus stage lights lol) and he was taken by him instantly.
With a new partner-a child-by his side Bruce was forced to take precautions, learn how to operate as a human being, and was just happy to have someone who bright and cheerful. He used Dick as an emotional crutch from losing his mind.
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"Still, the addition of Dick Grayson into the Master's crusade has made a difference in him."
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"I do believe I saw him smile. There have even been occasions in the pantry when I could just discern the muffled sounds of laughter echoing up from the dreadful cavern beneath the manor."
There are so many occasions where Alfred talks about how extraordinarily important Dick is to Bruce.
Dick raised Bruce.
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To borrow a lyric line that explains this:
"Take a broken man right in my hands And then put back all his parts"
Dick's "i can fix him" issues which are a massive part of his relationship with Deathstroke come from acting as a child parent to Bruce.
But the greatest part?
He still is.
Again and again and again. Dick is the only person Bruce relies on. He never tells anyone his secrets or worries unless that person is Dick. And often he bears the brunt of the work by his family. Both Tim and Jason have gotten angry at him for taking Bruce's side or supporting Bruce but the thing is, he's the only one who can next to Alfred. Tim has accused and praised him of being too much like Batman sometimes but when you raise a kid (adult-sized) I think you're bound to forgive them while also admonishing them for their mistakes.
They also use Dick as the unofficial spokesperson to talk to Bruce
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"Hey. Tim told me about Zur. Are you alright?"
Side note: Tim tried talking to Bruce earlier but Bruce kept ignoring his concerns.
For each robin, Dick acts as the emotional go between Bruce and them.
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Jason's sad face :'(
That moment meant so much to him
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Another reason why Dick and Tim are so close is because Dick acted like the parent during Tim's robin era. It wasn't until recent comics that they had Bruce actually even caring about Tim.
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Also Dick and Damian father and son moment <33
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Dick the fixer upper. Always fixing everyone's family issues. With each other or with Bruce.
Also the scene of Martha Wayne thanking Dick
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There's a comic panel where Bruce says "Dick is the glue that holds the family together."
Dick is literally the light of his life. Without him Bruce would've lost it. It was the perfect combination of Dick's cheerful personality, strong ethics, and tragic backstory that caused Bruce to take him in and it was these same traits that helped him grow. Because Dick's distinguishable trait is that he humanizes people. And Dick humanized and raised Bruce.
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supermanshield · 2 years
Batman & Superman in World's Finest - The Silver Age Vol. 1
(Collects Superman #76 and WF #71-94)
I read this a while ago on comixology but want to post some of it here still. I'm also gonna try to post more as I read on, because I'm making my way through my own superbat reading guide.
This volume is very much a mix of some down-to-earth gangster stories and more silver-agey intergalactic ones. Lots of superbat interactions. I really enjoyed it. Some of my favourite issues include Superman #76 (of course lol), World's Finest #80 and #75. 
(I'll also say that this first volume definitely has way more Superman/Batman friendship interactions than the next one, which I'm reading now. They're still there, but much more sparse.)
Of course, everything starts off with their iconic 'there was only one bed' meeting in Superman #76. They find out each other's secret identity right away.
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The identity porn in the early comics is all Clark and Bruce coming up with the dumbest ways to stop other people (mainly Lois) from finding out who they are. Lots of costume switching, it's a good thing they look so much alike.
Also, Clark can't help touching the bat-boobie:
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I really loved WF #80! Clark and Bruce end up working at the Gotham Gazette with Lois as their editor. Bruce struggles quite a bit as a reporter which was funny, but still manages to get good stories. 
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Bruce is so clueless.
And they worry about their son of course:
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Finally my most favorite, WF #75, in which Superman and Robin team up while an out of commission Bruce can only watch from home but still helps them with the case. It is the source of that famous ‘superman hugging batman and robin panel’, and the interactions between Clark and Dick are very cute. Meanwhile, Bruce is stuck at home struggling with the fact that he’s not there to keep Dick safe, but sees that Clark is doing a good job at it instead! This issue really solidifies the ‘world’s finest family’ and ‘Dick’s two dad’s’ type of relationship in the books. 
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Dick is of course overjoyed he gets to work with Superman. Clark even lands him a job at the Daily Planet as copy boy.
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Just look at this little family:
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There are a couple other really great stories, such as the one where a young Bruce goes to smallville and is smitten with superboy, and finds out that he is Clark Kent (#84). Or #82 where Superman, Batman, and Robin travel back in time and dress up as the three musketeers, in their costumes. And that time in #89, when they can't stop complementing each other and recommending each other for chairman of the club. Although the complementing is not an isolated event :)
Anyway yeah read this. homework for superbat shippers.
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how they react when you walk in covered in blood and carrying a gun ~ mcu
request?: no
warnings: swearing, mentions of guns and violence
masterlist (one, two)
*only using the og six plus bucky, wanda and loki because there’s way too many marvel characters rn; also based off of a tiktok by anniedvorak!*
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The last person you expected to see when you entered Thor’s room on Sakaar with the intentions of saving him was your boyfriend, Bruce. He had been lost for so long, you had let your heart let go of him. But there he was, stood with a cloth wrapped around his waist after having turned back from the Hulk.
You were tempted to walk back out. This wasn’t exactly how you wanted Bruce to see you - an alien gun in hand and blood splattered over your face and clothes. But it was too late, he was already looking at you with wide eyes.
“(Y/N),” he said, turning to approach you but stopping halfway. You weren’t sure if he had stopped because of the blood or because he was still technically naked. “What are you...what did you...?”
“I’m trying to save Thor,” you responded. “Listen, we don’t have much time. I can explain everything once all of us are off of this planet. Put some pants on, we’re getting out of here.”
You walked in after a surprise run in with the Flag Smashers. Bucky already looked about ready to kill someone, but when you walked through the door of Zemo’s apartment, blood covering your face and your gun clutched tightly in your hand, his face turned red with anger.
“What the hell happened to you?” Sam asked.
“Flag Smashers,” you breathed in response.
“I’m gonna fucking kill them,” Bucky hissed, abandoning his drink on the counter and making his way to the door.
You put a hand up to stop him. “I think that ship has sailed. This isn’t all my blood.”
Bucky cupped your face in his hands, his face softening as he looked at you. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” you insisted. “I just need a shower, and maybe a visit to a hospital or something. They hit me pretty hard, I think I have some bruised ribs or something.”
He kissed your forehead and took your gun from your still shaking hands. Once it was safely put aside, he brought you into the bathroom to help you bathe and to start dressing your wounds.
You were extremely lucky that Clint worked with someone like Natasha regularly, or else he would’ve been much more concerned when you arrived home from work covered in blood and still carrying you gun. He barley looked up from the TV as you walked through the door, immediately racing for your bedroom so you could shower and change.
“Hard day at work?” he called as you passed by.
“That last target they sent me after put up a hell of a fight,” you responded. “By the time I finally got him, I realized how late it was and rushed home immediately. I’m glad S.H.I.E.L.D issues those SUVs with the tinted windows or else I definitely would’ve been pulled over for suspicious activity.”
Clint chuckled and rose from his seat. He walked into your shared bedroom as you were pulling off you bloodstained clothes and throwing them into a pile to be tossed out eventually. His eyes raked over your body as you looked up at him.
“Red looks good on you,” he said, a teasing smirk pulling at his lips.
“That’s gross,” you teased. “You’re gross. Just for that, you can’t shower with me.”
He groaned as you walked into the bathroom and locked the door before he could follow you in. 
The sly smirk on Loki’s face was enough to almost rid you of the annoyance you felt after what you just had to do. Almost.
You walked up to the panel that controlled his glass cage. You could’ve easily figured out how to deal with it, but instead you shot the control panel. Sparks flew from it before Loki’s prison sprung open.
“Seems like a bit of overkill,” he commented.
“Shut it,” you hissed. “You told me it was going to be easy to break you out. You failed to mention the entire team of guards that were watching this room, and, oh yeah, the team of super humans that were assembled to face you?!”
Loki walked free of his cage, taking a dramatic deep breath before smiling to himself. “Well, doesn’t seem like you had an issue with them, as I knew you wouldn’t.”
He approached you, arms out as if he were going to hug you and try to kiss you. You poked his stomach with the barrel of your gun, glaring up at him.
“Come one step closer and we see how much damage a mortal weapon can do to a God.”
Loki put his hands on your shoulders, keeping you a fair distance away to heed your warning. “I’m sorry for not giving you a proper warning. Thank you for freeing me, I do appreciate it.”
You allowed yourself to relax against his touch and smiled a little. “You’re welcome.”
“Now, let’s get out of here, shall we?”
“You’re doing all the work this time.”
It probably wasn’t a good idea, but you didn’t know where else to go. Natasha had always warned you about the Red Room, and you were so stupid to not listen to her.
Now you were stood on her doorstep, covered in blood that wasn’t yours, your gun dangling from your hand as you wished to drop it but also too scared to let it go. It was what Natasha looked at first when she opened the door - the gun, then to your blood covered face.
“Put the gun down,” she said, her voice calmer than you expected.
You gratefully allowed her to take it from your hand as you felt tears starting to well in your eyes. She pulled you in for a hug, where you started to sob on her shoulder. She took a quick look around to make sure you weren’t followed before bringing you into her house.
“Go get cleaned up,” she told you. “We’ll figure out your next step together.”
You showed up to Sam’s shortly after Steve had brought Natasha. You could barley keep yourself up, the fight had taken everything out of you. You were sure Sam was going to turn you away - you were a stranger showing up on his doorstep covered in blood with a gun in your hand. You were pleasantly shocked when he stepped aside and told you where to find Steve.
Poor Steve. He was already trying to help Natasha, who had been in the same situation as you just with a lot less blood. She was resting when you walked in, dazed and just wanting to also rest.
He was up in seconds, reaching out to wrap you in his arms despite the blood covering you.
“The Winter Soldier is one mean fucker,” you breathed, resting your head against Steve’s chest. “I think he finally got wore out and ran off. Unfortunately, I was wore out about an hour before he was, but I kept going.”
“You should’ve given up long ago, honey,” he said.
“I’m not a pussy,” you said with a slight laugh. “Although I am starting to succumb to the pain.”
He picked you up into his arms and carried you to the bathroom where he helped you to rinse the blood off of your body so you could finally rest.
It was a side of you that Thor had never seen before. He had lost you during the battle in Sokovia and was expecting the worst when he couldn’t get you over the coms. When you showed back up to jet, blood covering your tired looking face, he was overjoyed to see you were alright, but also a little shocked by your appearance.
“Those fuckers really thought they had me,” you said, a half laugh bubbling on your lips. “They were a little shocked when I got the upper hand on them. Even more shocked when I shot them dead.”
“I was worried for you, (Y/N),” Thor said, cupping your face in his hands as he approached you. “I truly thought they had taken you from me.”
You smirked up at him. “You really have no faith in me at all them, do you? Or you just underestimate me. I’m a little offended on both accounts, though.”
Thor smiled back at you. “Of course, I would never doubt you. Just a bit of fear is all.”
“When you two are done being gross,” came Tony’s voice from inside the jet, “we’d like to get back to the tower. I think (Y/N) needs a shower and a fresh change of clothes more than anything.”
“Miss (Y/L/N) incoming Mr. Stark.”
“Tell her to come back at another time, J.A.R.V.I.S, I’m busy right now.”
“I don’t think it can wait, sir.”
Tony looked up to see you walking through the door to his lab, your body trembling as you clutched the gun tightly in your hand. There was a splatter of blood over your shirt and some on your face. You looked up at him, looking like a helpless child.
He quickly walked over to you, his hand automatically reaching for the gun. You gladly let him take it, feeling like a weight had been lifted the moment the weapon was out of your hands.
“What happened?” he asked.
“I-I was attacked at-at home,” you stuttered. “I don’t know how they got in, I don’t know who they were. I walked into my house and was blindsided by these two men trying to attack me. I got the gun out of the hands of one of them and I...I...”
Your hands moved to mimic the action of shooting your attackers, but you couldn’t actually bring yourself to say you had done it. You didn’t want to admit to having shot anyone, even if it was in self defense.
Tony placed the gun aside and took you into his arms. You stopped fighting against the lump that had formed in your throat and began to sob into his chest. He ran a hand through your hair, calming you down.
“It’s okay,” he said, soothingly. “It’s alright. I got you now. I won’t let anyone else try to hurt you.”
You didn’t think of Tommy and Billy. You didn’t think about the perfect neighborhood Wanda had created. You didn’t even think about Vision, or the version of Vision she had created. Your only thoughts were getting to Wanda before Hayward and his people could.
She was horrified when she opened the door. Of course she was; you were stood at her doorstep, a ghost from the life she wanted to forget, holding a gun with blood splattered on your face.
“You have to get out of here,” you said before she could speak. “You have to break down that boarder and you need to get out of here now.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she said, her voice still in its sitcom mode. “Please leave before I call the police.”
You grabbed hold of her shoulders before she could walk away, startling her.
“Wanda, you have to listen to me. You know what’s happening here because you are controlling it all. I know that, everyone outside the Hex knows that. Including the S.W.O.R.D director Hayward, who is trying to break through your barrier right now to kill you. I know you don’t want to lose this perfect life you’ve made, but your are in real danger. You need to get out of here.”
It seemed like she was understanding. A hurt look passed over her face as she turned to look into the house where her perfect family was likely residing. She took a deep breath and turned back to you.
“Let’s go.”
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dick is nine years old, and bruce is staring at him with confusion: one of the rare instances he’ll show emotion in the cowl. robin is in proper form for the bust, had been perfect the whole night. he’d taken out all the stragglers who had tried to run while batman dealt with the ones with weapons and the guts to use them. now, robin was dangling from a ceiling bar, his expression bright despite the bloody bodies on the floor that he helped hurt. dick’s laughing, laughing like the beam of sunlight he is, and his words are practically chirps when he jumps to the ground, using the injured people as springboards, landing on bruce’s shoulder, a robin in every sense of the word.
dick is twelve years old, and bruce is sitting in the principal’s office. dick’s not hurt; knuckles a little bruised, but bruce knew that barely registered on dick’s scale of pain anymore. next to the two of them, martin grace has one black eye, blood pouring from both his nostrils, a couple broken teeth, and bruises on his side. his parents are screaming in hysterics, hurling accusations and insults and threats at the principal, who’s starting to look overwhelmed. bruce isn’t worried. with the amount of money he’s poured into the school, in donations and sponsorship, it’s practically in his pocket. what he is worried about is the way dick’s fingers are sitting still against his side, the calm way he looks the principal in the eye and tells him about the slurs martin had been spewing both at him and a couple other students. he’s a far cry from the jittery, hyperactive boy passive-aggressively irritating bruce all he could during dinner last night, in retaliation for batman benching robin.
dick is fifteen years old, and running off with the titans, having the time of his life. but living alone in a tower on the other end of the country is a far cry from having wally west over every other night, and the only thing keeping bruce’s paranoia at bay was the fact that dick had firmly told him to stop going all overprotective-parent. he checked the security cameras at titans tower near religiously anyway. it seemed, in the coming weeks, he didn’t need to. news stations and websites were alight with flurry, informing the public about robin’s move and the formation of the team. robin went out patrolling every single night, and shaky videos from grainy phone cameras showed dick taking down thug after gangster after rapist, swift and fast and sure, mercy a wish that dick had swallowed whole the minute the poor bastard opened their mouth to beg, before turning to give the camera a little salute. he looked happier than bruce had seen him in months.
dick is seventeen years old, chafing against every word that comes out of bruce’s mouth. dick’s become a deadly fighter in his own right, capable of taking down bruce almost every time they spar, but bruce can’t get the image of a tiny ten year old swinging on a balcony ledge out of his mind, can’t get the instinct to protect out of his head, can’t get the fierce love out of his muscle memory. robin didn’t go out as often as batman anymore, despite dick’s claims that bruce needed someone to watch his back. their latest shouting match had ended with dick screaming in bruce’s face, i need it! his face was as red as his complexion would allow and he looked two seconds away from throwing a punch. why can’t you just understand? i need it, i need to be out there, i need to help people! bruce had told him, i don’t think it’s the helping people part that you need. dick’s silence spoke volumes. 
bruce sifted through his memories, and tried to remember when exactly he’d gotten dick addicted to violence. he can’t come up with an answer.
inspired by these panels from nightwing 74
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tag list: @woahjaybird @birdy-bat-writes @anothertimdrakestan @catxsnow @pricetagofficial @screennamealreadyused @subtleappreciation @bikoncon @maplumebleue-blog-blog @sundownridge @thatsthewhump @xatanna-troy
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