#chenya x y/n
bimboothefool · 2 years
Hello! Saw that your request status was open and if possible could you do some nsfw headcanons for Che'nya? The damn cat has taken over MY M I N D!!
| sᴡɪʀʟʏ: thanks for noticing! Oh hell yes I can, Chenya definitely deserves more love! Also thanks for your patience!! I apologize a lot has been happening in my personal life and I couldn't finish this asap. Regardless thank you so so much!!
| leveling up CHR file to level 25...
| level up complete!
| WARNING THIS FILE CONTAINS: Content not suitable for minors or people that are uncomfortable of n/s/f/w content. You must be 18+ it primarily has oral, overstimulation and multiple rounds. Reader discretion is advised. Don't come to me crying, this is you're only warning.
| booting up chenya.EXE
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| Che'nya is definitely a top leaning switch. He always likes being in control, but also wants to keep you guessing. As long as you're comfortable.
| Lingering touches, teasing love bites, Che'nya loves teasing you. Seeing you writhe and squirm. To your whimpers, it fuels him to either keep going or to finally relieve you of that tension.
| You can bet that he'll love overstimulating you, he loves seeing you temporarily loosing your mind and giving in to the pleasure he gives.
| Che'nya loves giving oral, he loves the warmth of your thighs as he holds them. He'll keep eye contact as he does so.
| Che'nya also loves switching into multiple positions especially when you want to go for more than just one round. From Missionary to a thigh job. Though he'll only do it if you're comfortable.
| After all that has been said and done, he's amazing at aftercare. He loves sleeping nude with you, wrapping his tail over you and cuddling closer.
| request completed! thank you for the request and your patience <3
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tswhiisftteedr · 6 months
The Cheshire Cat and The White Rabbit ☆ Headcanon
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☆RSA Student!Artemiy Artemiyevich Pinker(Che’nya) x White Rabbit!Heartslabyul Student!GN!Reader:
As you go through your day to day life as a Heartslabyul stundent, you begin to remark an odd/out of place presence lingering during unbirthay parties, or anytime you’re back on dormitory grounds. Unbeknownst to you and that unknown presence, your relationship would soon change to somewhat of a more intimate one…
Warnings: Non-Conseual Kissing??(Che’nya appears out of nowhere to kiss reader on the cheek), suggestive tones for the last sentence. Not proofread.
Note: This is based from this ask, this work is a bit a of a mix between Headcanon and Drabble, so sorry if this is longer than you wanted. But I hope you’ll enjoy it!!
☆ More under the cut. ☆
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As obvious as it sounds, Che’nya with a White Rabbit!Reader comes out as an odd pair up to anyone around able to see it. But despite the aloofness of it all, it is still a one of kind relationship that is precious to both concerned parties.
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First I’d like to elaborate on White Rabbit!Reader;
White Rabbit!Reader would definitely be assigned to Heartslabyul following the NCR Dark Mirrors’ logic.
White Rabbit!Reader just like the original in Alice in wonderland, would be a jittery individual.
White Rabbit!Reader would be the extremely cautious type, and very much so around troublemakers like Ace and Deuce.
They would automatically freeze up as they heard the duo’s familiar voices. Readers long ears would be wide and rigid along their back while their body is stiff, crouching down close to the floor. A natural reflex to seem less threatening, as one is scared.
White Rabbit!Reader is very submissive, despite not wanting to get in trouble they would often go along with anything anyone asked of them, if said person was persistent enough.
White Rabbit!Reader is definitely one of Riddle’s favourite dorm member, despite their willingness to go along with whatever is demanded as long as some pressure is applied. This is simply because of how much they follow the rules.
White Rabbit!Reader probably would have the rules all memorized half way into the first semester, if not sooner.
But this exemplary display of discipline doesn’t come by because the reader wants to follow the imposed rules. No, not at all, they even have beef with some of the 810 rules, not agreeing with them at all.
They just follow them because they get easily frightened by the idea of having anyone mad at them for doing something wrong, especially house warden Riddle. Oh boy, is he a scary one to our poor little rabbit!
White Rabbit!Reader is definitely the apologetic type, to an extent that they would repay any damage cause 10 folds.
Ex. They stepped on your foot by accident, and in addition to an extended apology, they would also bake you cookies for you to forgive them.
Also despite excelling in academics, in fear of disappoint anyone if not, White Rabbit!Reader is very naive. To the point of doing things way beyond deserved to repay someone.
I feel like they might have bumped into Azul some day, spilling WATER on his uniform. And obviously Azul being Azul, after seeing their reaction to the situation. Used their naivety against them, making White Rabbit!Reader work their bones off for a week at the Monstro Lounge, for ‘Damage of his personal property’.
Another thing about White Rabbit!Reader certainly has allegrophobia(phobia of being late). They would probably arrive to an event 4 hours early if anyone actually let them. But at last, to our little rabbit’s demise that time has been realistically reduce to 30 minutes, in some cases a max of 1 hour.
They most likely, once arrived 10 minutes late to the preparation for an unbithday party, and upon realizing it, they bawled their eyes out, profusely apologizing to Riddle and their fellow dorms members for their tardiness. Begging for everyone present for forgiveness after ‘they ruined the day with their latenesses’. Even after “Strict Housewarden Riddle” told them it was fine, they wouldn’t let it go for a month, apologizing to him and any Hearstlabyul students they encountered during that time.
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Now that we have established their character, let’s move on to White Rabbit!Reader with our favourite Cheshire Cat beastman!
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How they met;
Che’nya definitely had seen the reader around Heartslabyul before, after all how could he not notice them with their long white ears, puffy tail and constant trembling out of nervousness. But their official meeting didn’t happen until a little later…
White Rabbit!Reader would have met Che’nya during one of the many unbirthday parties that took place during the year. The encounter was one sided for the most part.
He had snuck in on campus from RSA, to spend some times with his childhood friends Riddle and Trey, maybe scare some freshmen with his signature spell.
But he instead found himself observing the reader. He watched as they would constantly look around before the tea party begin as some sort of nervous tick, and how they held their tea cup with two trembling, making it seem like they didn’t trust themselves not to drop it.
Honestly it was all really amusing to him.
Che’nya would’ve certainly decided to mess with the reader, by play with a strand of their hair, blowing down their nape, even resting his arms on their shoulders with his head on theirs, all that while being invisible. It really did mess with reader’s head, they felt stuff but no one was their to do them!
And that only made it more fun to him.
This would continue for about halfway through the party, he had then made the choice to reveal himself. Hugging the reader tightly from behind, as only his toothy grin was visible. Making the students around the reader freak out and Riddle sight in exasperation.
But how did the reader react you may ask? Well as they always do! They froze up, ears flat down, and completely at his mercy.
After seeing that, he bursted out in laughter, forgetting about maintaining his magic, now fully visible.
Having reader’s frozen self in his arms for a little while, he then release them from his tight grasp. Watching as they slowly unfroze, now fluster, with a blush creeping on their face(this is only if they have the skin-tone for it). They would babble incomprehensibly as they register fully how close they had just been to someone else.
They would then look up at Che’nya, grin plaster on his face, with a trembling pout as if they would soon cry from the overload of emotions.
That didn’t necessarily make him feel bad, well maybe a little. But he mostly though it was cute, and made him want to play and tease them even more.
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How it started;
After White Rabbit!Reader and Che’nya’s first official meeting, the mischievous cat beastman would frequent NCR more and more often, basically on a weekly basis.
Getting his dose of entertainment at the reader’s expense…
Things started small, from surprise hug attacks, playing with reader’s hair without their knowledge, doodling on them when they weren’t paying attention. All small and sorta sweet things, but they could still be completely considered platonic.
Than things started to shift a little, Che’nya would visit on the daily, actually chat with the White Rabbit!Reader instead of just messing with them.
He would of course still mess with them tho. His favourite way of doing so was by playing on the reader’s immense sympathy and willingness to fix their wrongs.
Che’nya would fake being offended by minor mistake the reader did to get them to do silly things to amend, such as;
Selfies with odd clothes on, dumb challenges like pranking riddle together.
But his upmost favorite ‘compensation’ was when he would make the reader do something they’re afraid of, so that they would rely on him.
Ex. Reader is afraid of heights; Che’nya is making them go on a broom ride so that they’ll cling onto him.
Reader is afraid of spiders: He’s bringing them to barn full of them, so that they’ll hide their face in his shirt.
Anything goes really, as long as they’ll into for him for comfort and protection. Even if it is something he’s also scared of, he’ll still continue with this tactic just to see the reader all squirmy and looking up at him with begging eyes, counting on him to chase away any danger.
Just the thought of it made him grin…
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A bit further into the semester, he started to switch things around. He would do this thing where he would chase the reader around, making them do embarrassing things as punishment if he caught them.
But this confused White Rabbit!Reader so much. Sure Che’nya had developed some sort of fixations with seeing them a bit miserable, but this was new, like did he seriously like them?
Now some might be confused by this train of though, but there is a viable background to it.
You see, in the wild, males rabbits chase females as part of “courting”. Sometimes, males and females chase each other.
Some of it is just fun and games, but sometimes it is part of the dominance relationship.
So to our dear White Rabbit!Reader, this was like Che’nya told them he was interested. After all he was already sharing a meal on most day with them!(probably just snacking on some chips). Which is another way rabbit show courtship.
White Rabbit!Reader liked how Che’nya focused his attention on them, and didn’t seem to care if they made a mistake despite him ‘faking’ offense. He always had a big warm grin on his face no matter what. This made them fall for him.
So White Rabbit!Reader had liked him for a little while by then, but were never sure if they should confess. ‘Because what if it offends Che’nya, or worst he doesn’t want to be around them anymore!’
So they kept it to themselves, but after Che’nya started chasing them around, they weren’t sure on what to believe.
So about a week later since the original events, White Rabbit!Reader talked about their feelings to Trey, a kind soul they had befriended. They explained to him all the behaviour Che’nya was displaying, and how it made them feel. They even admitted to wanting to date Che’nya if he’ll have them, but were to shy to actually confess.
But unbeknownst to them and Trey, Che’nya was listening in, as he had decided to pay a visit that day.
And after hearing about reader’s thoughts and feelings, Che’nya made the decision to take matters at hand. Showing them his own feelings, in his special way…
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The usual hug attacks would now be followed with a peck on the cheek, he would start nipping at them: nape, cheek, etc., he would hold their hands when dragging them somewhere.
White Rabbit!Reader little bunny brain was overwhelmed by the obvious display of affection, causing them to by pass their initial shyness and out right ask Che’nya about his feelings.
Of course the confident cat beastman answered without a problem, admitting he had been pinning for them for quite a while now, and that he also knew that they felt the same.
This made White Rabbit!Reader break away from their usual obedient and non-controversial self, replacing it by one that would proceed to call Che’nya mean and selfish for playing with their feelings, despite knowing they had difficulty expressing theirselves.
The cat only chuckle at this, grabbing the reader by their waist, hugging them tenderly to bring reassurance. Finally, the both of them ask each other out.
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How it’s going;
After Che’nya and White Rabbit!Reader start dating, the dynamic wouldn’t really change.
Reader would still be his favourite person to tease and play with. And reader would still fall for his tricks.
The only feasible changes would be reader being more open to reprimanding Che’nya for his mischievous acts, and a great augmentation of physical contact.
PDA would be at almost its max between the two, Che’nya would kiss and cuddling them in public.
But he would keep make out session for behind closed doors, only he should be able to enjoy his bunny’s sweet gasp and breathless panting!
And anything that follows~
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Thanks @chaoticsilly66 for requesting!
©tswhiisfttedr. dn translate, or plagiarize.
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veethewriter · 1 year
Che’nya dating a gn s/o who just loves to give him headpats and cuddle with his fluffy tail.
Of course!!
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He absolutely loves it, will try and take up any attention you'll give him. Definitely will have cuddling sessions at Ramshackle Dorm after school. Will also start clinging to you more while you hang out with others. Though he will also always try and tease you about how much you like petting him and touching his tail. He might even start patting your head as his way petting you.
Laying down, cuddling together after you both have had long days at your schools. Holding his tail to your chest, cuddling it as you look up at him. He'll give you his usual mischievous smile before saying in a joking tone...
"Sometimes I think you love my tail more than me, kitten~"
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red-viewe · 1 year
thoughts abt che'nya (hcs)
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-Che'nya's favorite time to visit you is lunch and dinner. Why? Because that's when you're eating something and he wants a taste of it too! He would and will get atleast one bite out of your food. And if you get him his own plate of food, he fully expects to be able to feed you some of his good too. (It's his love language)
-Will steal your clothes, (especially if you have oversized clothes or baggy jeans) not to wear, but to keep in his room. He might even leave some of his clothes in Ramshakle too. He'll eventually give your clothes back....right?
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yunarim · 1 year
It's me again, but hear me out:
Chenya asking out his girlfriend for prom that nrc and rsa share, with the help of Trey and Riddle
I'm just so in love with Chenya sorry—
- Reveluv anon
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☆ ͡ ݂ SYNOPSIS : CHENYA asking you out for a prom night held for an event shared with rsa & nrc (with the help of trey and riddle but it turned a little wild)
>。TAGS : fem reader (she/her pronouns), reader is yuu, fluff, crack a little, random allusion to 'feel my rhythm' by red velvet near the end just because it fits, implied features of prom nights are mainly based on the country where i live (they don't really contradict with the most popular ones but since in where i live we've got two prom nights, i decided to entertain you a little with the first one we have which is not even a prom night jdksajl) 🌸。NOTES : where i live, there is a dancing ball happening every year after high-schoolers graduate. students perform different types of dances and everything ends with a waltz they personally arrange during rehearsals. it happens by the end of spring, you can see students dancing everywhere, mainly in the city centre. this is the same for the fic! ~
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>。SONG : blooming day — exo-cbx (actually the whole album itself fits the fic vibe SO well) — W.C : 2.5k
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Chenya was always good at guiding people.
It could be his adorable underclassmen dwarfs getting lost in nrc’s spiral-looking streets during VDC and asking Chenya for help. It also could be senior citizens wondering where a certain building is located now that they live in a city resembling a plastic lxgo constructed dollhouse. Chenya would offer his help to anyone who was in need of that, and sometimes his naturally excellent sense of orientation in space wasn’t limited to directions only. He was also a great guide, helping out people to find a way out from the most difficult situations that happened throughout their lives.
Just like he once did when he first met Ramshackle Prefect from NRC. 
What an interesting otherworldly looking human it was! A little guidance carefully revamped to a riddle (pun intended), as if colorfully wrapped candy from Chenya was enough for Prefect to let a little ‘Ah!’ escape her lips before realization hit her. 
Group chat they had with Trey and Riddle reminded him of Ramshackle dorm Prefect told him about when he was secretly enjoying sweet tarts after the disarray situation that happened to Riddle was resolved. The chat was long ago abandoned like the Ramshackle dorm itself.
And was renovated just in the same way.
It was September when Chenya first asked for the Prefect's phone number and found out she didn't have a phone in the first place. What a wondrous turn of events! He kept up with newest technologies but also preferred to go to places himself, half-transparent or not. 
Chenya also remembered how Trey asked if he got a crush on magicless Prefect, but Chenya only grinned mysteriously, replying with one of his favorite riddles thereby letting Trey remain confused. 
To Chenya, it was even better. Prefect was a funny and interesting creature. What a joy it was to find out she was quick to catch on the hint he dropped. Not only did she figure out everything so quickly, she even thanked him for giving a hint on how to resolve Riddle’s case in a way he enjoyed the most. 
He sneaked into NRC once after that, finally witnessing the Ramshackle dorm and its self-proclaimed dorm leader… doing laundry on a sunny Sunday morning. 
How sweet of her it was to suggest them having a small tea party held only for the two of them. 
Chenya didn't notice how he started visiting her once in a while until he got spotted by the Headmaster. Sneaking out into NRC became a little problem, and even if he was highly interested in Ramshackle Prefect, he also couldn’t have let teachers and a headmaster know there was a girl in all boys school attending NRC without having a school record. Not mentioning she had that otherworldly aura around her and most certainly was from another dimension was no doubt, too.
He asked her out during VDC. Needless to say it was the most strangest confession ever made in world history (Chenya isn’t sure which world exactly) which got trended on MagiCam for its sweetness and now is a symbol of VDC held this year.
And now Chenya realized that maybe Prefect not having a phone could be a real problem. 
She was okay with Chenya sneaking out to see her but most of the dates they had by now were only his initiative since they couldn’t really contact each other. And now the guide who was excellent in explaining directions or giving advice realized he needs guidance himself.
Now that this year’s high-schoolers graduation was near and RSA with NRC being two the most elite colleges for students to try enrolling, Chenya was extremely busy. He already participated in a similar event with the only difference being that it was held by RSA only. He remembered Riddle sighing in disappointment when he mentioned that NRC headmaster is, how he put it, ‘can be rather greedy at times’, so this year a brand new program was about to be held.
So, according to the program both RSA (mostly RSA—) and NRC headmasters decided on, the main part of the event will be held on NRC territory with RSA’s promotions. Needless to say, Neige's upcoming performance alone was enough to attract a lot of visitors. 
The only problem was finding a partner for a dance ball.
Normally it was high-schoolers who danced around, enjoying their long-awaited escape from school and preparation to college. But of course this year just had to be different, so this time college students must have participated too. And if before they just helped arrange a stage and such, or performed occasionally (which only applied to Niege and Vil actually—), this year every first- and third-year student should have participated. Headmasters said something about first years welcoming their future underclassmen and third-years symbolizing their future graduation and role models to follow. 
It sounded fun. It really was, but Chenya also wanted to ask his girlfriend out to be his partner for the dance ball. 
Trite ways of asking her out were out of question: there’s no way he would casually sneak into Ramshackle and say ‘Hey, there’s a ball coming, want to be my partner?’— NO, that’s too boring! He wasn’t even sure if they would allow her to participate and if she had similar things in her world too. Not to mention Chenya himself was preoccupied with too many things to handle to the point it was only one day left before the event. 
So he came up with another plan and got a trick up his sleeve. 
“Does she knyaw there’s an event coming up?” Chenya asked, floating midair and stealing a cupcake Trey was preparing. No wonder he was part of a student group preparing snacks for people to have while they’re enjoying the ball.
“I don’t believe she’s aware,” Riddle answered, drawing his magic Pen in a scolding way and throwed a quick glance to Chenya, knowing perfectly well he can’t be stopped. “She’s been busy after, ahem… You see…”
Yep, she told him about recent Overblot happened but Chenya just nodded, helping Riddle to escape growing uncomfortable silence. He knew Overblots were dangerous and they should have remained unnoticed by RSA out of all people.
“I believe she can participate though,” Trey said, measuring milk milliliters needed for baking. “I mean, no one will suspect she attends NRC since we can choose partners from other colleges if colleges at all.”
“Seriously, I can just ask Ace and Deuce to find her and call here,” Riddle said, writing something in his notebook. Of course he was the one arranging something.
“Nya-h,” Chenya replied, his tail wiggling, showing how entertaining it was to plan asking his girlfriend out to be his partner. “Don’t, she needs proper rest. After all that happened, nya.”
Riddle blinked at him. It was a mystery how Chenya managed to drop something really reasonable out of nowhere and then continue his tangled charades. 
“Buu~ut, I also want her to rewind a little and have some fun tomorrow, which is why…” Chenya lowered himself to match Riddle’s height. “I need you to help me shape a road to take~”
“Wha–” Trey asked, confused. “What do you even mean by that?”
“Alice should enjoy her adventure, coming all the way through the looking-glass by herself~”
“What in the world do you even mean…”
“What I want to say is,” he snatched one more cupcake, and with that only his head and hand holding the sweet left floating. “Guide my Alice to the right place tomorrow. See nya until then!”
“He’s insane,” Trey sighed. 
“We’re all mad here.”
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You didn’t get the meaning of the “DRINK ME” bottle that suddenly appeared on the nightstand next to your bed. It was suspicious but you couldn’t really care less when you already somehow managed to survive almost a year here.
You’ve noticed it was weirdly noisy today. Everyone looked as if there was a world’s end coming up with what hurry they moved in the halls, as if practicing some sort of… a dance?
You’ve managed to spot Riddle heading your way.
“Just in time,” you realized he looked even more tired than he always was. “Excuse me for the confusion we might cause to you, but…”
“We?” You asked when Trey suddenly appeared behind you and gently put his hands on your shoulders, guiding you to the main street. “Hey, what’s happening?”
“Guys I can walk by myself, thank you very much, but also please elaborate.”
“Do you happen to have a strange-looking bottle by any chance?..”
You nodded when Trey let go of you and you just couldn’t help but follow them. “Yeah, why?”
“Good,” Riddle sighed. “Please drink it right when we arrive at the venue. It’s not poisonous.”
“Venue, you say?..” Somehow you learnt not to question when something they offer you to drink was poisonous or not. 
You’ve been really tired after the recent Overblot and apparently missing something really important.
When you finally made your way to the venue, you noticed how many neatly dressed students were laughing, taking photos and occasionally dancing here and there. You parted your lips, stunned, and couldn’t take your eyes off everything looking so colorful and fun. 
“Now it’s time for you to drink the potion,” Trey advised. “And then… how was it…”
“If you don’t know where you are going, any road can take you there,” Riddle replied instead of Trey, and you finally caught a note of something familiar in his words.
“Hey, this way of wording, are you perhaps…”
“You’ll get everything right after,” Trey smiled reassuringly. 
You shrugged your shoulders and decided to give it a try. The potion tasted like something sweet, but not extremely sugary sweet, and you suddenly felt ticklish. One blink, and you realized something happened to your uniform.
“He… he knew what he was doing,” Trey whispered to Riddle and received a nod in return.
“You two,” you giggled, finding yourself in a beautiful dress, so that no one would suspect you study in NRC. “Could have just told me in a normal way and not played charades.”
“And credits go to your bo—”
“Alright, alright,” Riddle interrupted Trey. “Will you obediently follow the plan, Prefect? You can go now. According to the quote, you’ll find the right path yourself.”
“I will,” you smirked. “Though I’m not sure if I’ll do it obediently, as you’ve said. Thanks for guiding me though. See you later?”
“Yes, see you,” Riddle nodded and turned to Trey, resuming conversation with him. “I hope we’ll see her not on the news hot gossip column when we first did during VDC.”
“I wouldn’t be so sure of it…”
You proceeded to wander around, occasionally taking photos with high-schoolers or other students who recognized ‘VDC Sweetheart’ in you, asking if it was okay to hang out with you later if your boyfriend would be fine with it. 
Was it kind of a… prom night? You happened to participate in one back in your world, but you never imagined something that grand. Popular Twisted Wonderland songs played everywhere and you even managed to jam to some of them. It’s been a year already since you got transmigrated here, not to mention your boyfriend always would hum a song or two when he dropped by. 
“Ah, my dear Ramshackle Prefect!~” A familiar voice caught you off guard and you noticed Crowley right when you turned around. “My my, why haven’t you told me you’re participating too! What a proactive kid you are, indeed. How wonderful!”
“Excuse me?..” You looked confused but also Crowley happened to ignore that little noise escaping your throat. 
“And with RSA student of all people! You’re truly remarkable, aren’t you? I can already foresee the great future with NRC finally putting RSA in the right pla— ahem, finally two schools getting to know each other’s customs better!”
“... Sure thing,” you smiled slyly. 
“Now come to the stage, they’re going to start soon.”
You dropped a little ‘thank you’ and rushed to the stage Crowley mentioned. Heart performed some spectacular flips right in your chest when you thought of Chenya… being your prom night partner.
You were a little late. Everyone was already standing on the stage with their partners, waiting for music to start and also throwing glances at Chenya, who was suspiciously alone right at the moment. 
A crowd gathered before the stage was trying to suppress you but you mumbled small ‘sorry, excuse me’ while trying to make your way to the stage, and when you finally did, music already started playing.
Pairs started waltzing, following a tenderly lovely rhythm, but you started panicking a little when you couldn’t manage to find Chenya from your position. The stage itself was a very high-placed platform which wasn’t really helpful for you at the moment. 
You thought of just rushing to the stage, maybe embarrassing yourself in the process, but suddenly an outstretched hand appeared before your eyes, and you looked up. 
“Chenya!” You exclaimed, not really noticing how everyone’s attention suddenly switched to you two. 
“Follow my heartbeat, would you be so kind?~”
You giggled when he helped you to get on the stage. One of his hands rested on your shoulder, while the other one went straight to the small of your back, as if guiding you. You noticed some of your friends dancing next to you, their eyes widening in shock when they saw you dressed so beautifully and having the best time of your life, your gaze fixated on Chenya only. 
“Didn’t knyaw you can dance~” Chenya said to you, pressing you a little closer to him. 
“I can say the same thing about you,” you smiled. “Actually come to think of it, it’s not unexpected. You can float so elegantly, it is no surprise your movements are so graceful on the land too.”
“I just have the best partner I could ever ask for,” his tail tickled your wrist when he noticed the song coming to an end. “Say, ready to do another mad thing?”
“For you? Always ready,” you giggled conspiratorially and loosen your grip on his shoulders, almost falling but Chenya was quick to catch you, drawing your hand to his face.
Everyone fell silent for a mere moment with the last song’s note finishing the performance, and Chenya left a little kiss on your knuckles before pressing sweeter one on your lips, welcoming audience’s applauses.
“You guys are so adorable!!”
“Imagine if those two would be idols, they would be so popular!!”
“Chenya, just reveal which college your girlfriend attends!!”
“AWWW VDC Sweetheart being so cute again!!”
You laughed, falling right into Chenya’s embrace. What was the last time you felt so free and happy?..
“Soo~ Would you like to see the other things we prepared? Also don’t think it was your only dance today~”
“Sure thing!” You answered cheerfully, grabbing his hand and guiding him off the stage. “There’s so many things I want to try today!”
Trey and Riddle watched you two running around like two little kids, small smiles plastered on their faces.
“And you expect that Prefect won’t go trending on MagiCam again?” Trey laughed.
“Never in my life was I so wrong.”
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© yushiiae 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝. 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭, 𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲, 𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐲, 𝐨𝐫 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝐚𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐨𝐰𝐧.
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hxjikonn · 1 year
A/N: To the anon who requested a Vil, Leona, Trey and Jamil x Fem!Reader who opens a dessert shop and gives them free stuff. Idk what happened tumblr crashed and I lost ur req while writing but here it is!! I hope you see this ><
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Sweet Tooth
☆Staring☆: Vil Schoenheit, Leona kingscholar, Trey clover, And Jamil viper
Synopsis: You open a dessert store and it’s pretty obvious there’s favoritism at play
Warnings: lil harmless Cuss words, some JP terms
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Vil Schoenheit
You better believe he’d be the first person to promote it on social media the moment you open it
He’d be posting the desserts, the store’s comfy aesthetic, YOU working cuz he’s so proud of you he could cry
He made your work uniform and makes you look pretty every single day before you open. Periodt.
Would bring the whole population of Pomefoire there and tell them to leave the best reviews or else they might just have poison in there tea
Usually limits his intake on sweets but when you feed it to him he just physically cannot say no.
He insisted on paying multiple times but when you smile at him and say no he just shuts down and agrees
Ace and deuce would notice it though and is hella salty about it
Deuce: Y/n why does Schoenheit-senpai not pay??
Ace: It’s called pretty privileges Deuce *gives you and Vil the stink eye*
You: Correction! It’s “pretty boyfriend privileges” :)
Vil: *smirks* Stay mad~
He doesn’t insist on paying anymore but he does pay you back when you two go and dates. It’s his turn to spoil you then.
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Leona Kingscholar
Three words: Smug. As. Fuck.
He would just walk behind the counter and point at the dessert he wants and you give it to him.
Doesn’t forget to say thank you and kiss your cheek though. That’s a must.
He enjoys the feeling of the first years glaring on him cuz he has boyfriend privileges😭
Would literally stand behind the counter with you while eating a cookie or a cupcake and grins at Ace and Deuce when they pay💀
Your shop is his new favorite spot to nap in, he’s always there, in fact he even “claimed” a spot for himself that only he gets to sit, sleep and stay on
Would always bring Cheka there when he visits, cuz one: he knows he’d be distracted with the desserts, and two: he can charge his brother for all the things Cheka ate
Is proud of you for being so hardworking but often pulls you away from the counter and FORCES you to nap with him.
He doesn’t like it when you over work. Usually he tells Ruggie or Jack to take over for you while you rest
Orders the entirety of Savannaclaw to go there at least three times a week and buy something or else they’ll be sleeping outside the dormitory
Would be clinging on to you when you’re baking cuz he likes it when you feed him the desserts you make and ask if he likes it.
He did want to pay but when you told him he could pay with cuddles instead he couldn’t pass off the offer.
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Trey Clover
He’d be the proudest boyfriend ever. Literally the loudest person cheering in the back when it was the grand opening
Brings his family there so they can meet you taste the sweets you make. This man would brag about you for HOURS.
Bring Riddle, Chenya and Cater there too.
Helps out with baking, serving and cleaning but asks you not to pay him. Instead your smart ass came up with an alternative
He washed dishes? Boom free cake. Takes order? You make him matcha latte. Helps you out in the kitchen? You feed him ice cream.
He noticed this of course, but when you defended yourself and told him you only want him to taste the desserts you made he couldn’t debate you any further.
Would notice that Ace and Deuce were glaring at him when you gave him free stuff so the humble part of him tells them that it’s because he works along side you, but the smug side of him ALSO tells them that it’s “boyfriend privileges”
Literally loves it when you’re in work clothes and you have icing or flour in your cheek🥹 he can’t help but take pictures and set them as his wallpaper
Would always complement you. It’s either he complements your skills, or your hard work, or just tells you you look pretty from time to time.
Just feels so proud of you and so happy you’re his girlfriend.
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Jamil Viper
This man would make sure you have anything and everything you need a month before you even open your store
He’d also tell Kalim cuz he know Kalim would probably buy everything and empty the store in a matter of minutes
Would take his sister there when he has time. He’d mostly brag about how great his girlfriend is to her (sibling things)
I believe this man would quite literally fight you so he can pay. Much to his demise though you keep on denying him.
Jamil: How much?
You: How much is what?
Jamil: my bill?
You: oh yeah about that…umm no.
Jamil: huh?? Wdym no?
You: I mean no you cant pay…this store has a “boyfriend doesn’t get to pay” policy.
Jamil: *puts money on the counter* take it.
You: *pushes it away* I don’t wanna break store policy baby.
Jamil: Love…
You: Yes?
Jamil: Let. Me. Pay.
You: Not. A. Chance.♥︎
Deuce: Me and Ace will take the offer-
You/Jamil: No.
Would use his signature spell on you, but you got mad at him for doing that and gave him the silent treatment for week.
You said you’d forgive him if he lets you give him free stuff. Defeated, he agrees and you happily indulge him with sweets.
You’re a smart ass but he is too. So instead of money he paid you with affection
He’d bring you water, give you a seat when you’ve been standing too long, massages your shoulders when you’re tired, kisses, would fix your hair and make it look pretty so it doesn’t bother you, and a lot more
He also takes over when you nap in the break room.
Is literally the proudest boyfriend, so if there’s anything he can do to make your job easier he’ll do it, cuz he loves you so much.
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A/N: DID NOT PROOFREAD THIS!!! plus this is my second time rewriting this since first attempt was failed cuz tumblr crashed on me😭 anyways I hope the anon who req this sees it!
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ferris-the-wheel · 7 months
nb!reader x beastmen characters (headcanons)
Scenario: First attempt at snuggling and petting their ears/tail.
ೃ⁀➷ Included charcters: Leona Kingscholar, Ruggie Bucchi, Jack Howl, Chenya
ೃ⁀➷ 💖
ೃ⁀➷ Established relationship
TW: None
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When you first jumped onto his bed while he was sleeping, he was very confused and very annoyed. You'd just woken him up from his nap. When you snuggled up against him, he grabbed your waist and flipped you to the other side to spoon you.
He didn't react much when you turned over to face him, he just readjusted. He only opened an eye when he felt your breath close on his face. He at first assumed that you wanted a kiss, but then he realized your gaze was elsewhere. Then he was confused when you reached your hand up until he felt your fingers stroking his ears.
Was honestly suprised for a minute, but recovered quickly. He never expected you to be so bold. But he chuckled and leaned his head down slightly so you wouldn't have to strain your arm to reach. He at first felt a little uncomfortable since obviously nobody had ever pet his ears before (he probably would've not-so-pleasantly removed them from his vicinity for their efforts), but he accepted it because it was you.
He noticed that your lips were level with his so he took the opportunity to snag a quick kiss. You were shocked, but you couldn't suppress a giggle. You went back to petting his ears for a few minutes, then your mind ventured to his tail. You'd never pet anything like a lion tail before.
Leona: "What?"
You: "Can I pet your tail?" *puppy dog eyes*
Leona: *slightly embarrassed but sighs* "Fine."
He manages to get another kiss out of letting you pet his tail. Content lion boy.
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Ruggie was in the botanical garden just minding his own business when you came up. He heard you coming from a bit away, so he wasn't surprised to have you tackle him from behind. After some play-wrestling, you both flopped down.
You saw his round ears and couldn't suppress the urge to pet them. Ruggie was used to playing around with the kids in his neighborhood so having his ears touched wasn't new to him.
He definitely teased you for it. He also demanded a kiss, which you obliged. He let you pet his ears for a few minutes, then he kinda got bored but he didn't move. He did expect some form of payment though.
Ruggie: "Y/N, I'll keep letting you pet my ears but it's gonna cost ya, shishishishi." You: *still petting his ears* "What?" Ruggie: "Hmmm... Every day you want to pet my ears... you gotta buy me something, like doughnuts!"
You thought it was a bit unfair, it was just petting his ears, but whatever. You happily went on petting his ears. You then thought of something. What about his tail? What do hyena tails feel like? When you spun him around, he was confused but was mildly curious. Was there something on his back or something?
When you started adoringly petting his tail, boi legit had flashbacks to that incident with Rook and jumped a mile. He had to explain that it wasn't something you did after noticing that you were upset and for the sake of keeping you happy, he let you continue petting his ears.
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His large ears and keen sense of smell alerted him to your presence behind him. He looked up from where he was pulling on running shoes, planning on going for a run. He readily caught you as you jumped into his arms he dropped you the first time and has had many times to practice.
He attempted to continue putting his shoes on but gave up because you kept shifting around to get into a more comfortable position (he was sitting on his butt with his legs straight out).
When you reached up to pet his ears, he wasn't sure what you were doing but didn't move away. When he realized that you were petting his ears, he propped himself against the wall so he wouldn't fall backward due to his sitting position with you basically in his lap. Was definitely blushing slightly and was embarrassed, made worse when you decided to scratch the base of his ears.
Jack: "I'm not a dog, you know." *huffy grumpy face* You: "Awww, but you're cute like one! And you have such a fluffy tail, too!" Jack: *Now thoroughly blushing and tail wagging*
He quite embarrassedly offered if you'd like to pet his tail too. He was very happy by how excited you looked and moved his tail for you to pet.
His tail wagged despite the embarrassment as you ran your fingers through his fluffy tail fur. Neither of you got up for a while. Jack didn't get to go on his run.
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You nearly had a heart attack when Chenya appeared beside you. He ruffled your hair playfully and generally was being an annoyance while you were trying to study.
You pretty much gave up trying to study and let him stay there. He poked around your room and moved stuff around, which didn't bother you too much. You eyed his ears while he moved around, watching them twitch and move.
You: "Chenya, if you get to stay in my room, I get to pet your ears."
Chenya: *grinning* "Is that what you wanted all along?"
You: *glare*
He sat next to you and you reached up to pet his ears. He eyes narrowed and he grinned. He wrapped himself around you and laughed at your surprise.
You couldn't really pet his ears anymore, but his fluffy tail was right there. You stroked the beastman's tail, which made him do a mischievous giggle. Yeah that didn't sound good.
Heyo, this is just a little brainrot that somehow managed to get posted. I'm not used to writing headcanons... or Chenya. So let me know how I did 😅
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Yandere Riddle Rosehearts x Little Brother Reader headcanons/short story(?)
Oh boy, am I nervous about this. I love TWST and I really hope that I do these characters justice. Okay, I wrote this and there needs to be a bunch of different warnings I realized. If I miss a warning that you think is important, please inform me. P.S. This is platonic and also I have a completely different idea for an older brother of Riddle's.
Warnings: Obsession, abuse, mild force age regress (Maybe? Not certain), gaslighting, overall not good things.
Riddle Rosehearts
As we all know, Riddle's childhood was rough growing up because of his mother.
He is her legacy walking.
But what does that make the second offspring?
A little more than servant to the first one.
Your mother engraved into you since birth to obey every word that your older brother says.
She forced heavier training regimens onto you instead of studying. Saying "You don't need to learn. Your brain is of no use to Riddle."
Because you both were very young, none of you understood that what she was doing was wrong.
You were only three years younger than Riddle but you already have more strength and endurance than him.
(By the way, you're shorter than him.)
But that doesn't mean that you were useless in magic either.
Your unique magic, "By Order of the King", creates a rosebush on the back of whoever disobeys Riddle's words. The rosebush reacts to Riddle's mood, if he's happy, roses bloom but if he's upset, thorns start growing. The only way to get the rosebush off is if Riddle forgives the troublemaker.
When Riddle met Trey and Chenya, that's when he started to realize that your mother's treatment of both of you was unnecessarily cruel.
He tried in his daily life to get you to be your own person but your mother made that nearly impossible, threatening your safety if you dare when against her orders.
When it was time for Riddle to go to NRC, your mother made you go along with him to make sure that he would be safe.
Dire Crowley welcomed both of you with open arms (Probably to get on your mother's good side) and for the first year, everything went decently fine.
Riddle quickly became the dorm leader and enforced the Queen's rules onto the rest of the dorm. He also made you basically a soldier to carry out his every whim. The power seemed to have gone to his head a little. His unique magic took care of most of the troublemakers but every once in a while, you were called on to use yours.
The dorm was terrified of disobeying Riddle too much and end up facing your wrath.
Then the second year rolled around and everything became different.
With a certain ginger, bluenette and a magicless prefect, the dorm was thrown into mild chaos.
Riddle was collaring people left, right and center, terrifying even you.
Then he overblotted.
"You fools! I'm always right!"
"You can't force people to just follow your dumb rules!"
"Yeah, dorm leader! Can't you see that your expectations are too high for anyone to reach?!"
"Why you-!"
Riddle was getting madder and madder to the point that I was starting to become scared of him hurting himself more. I quickly decided what was my best course of action.
"By Order of the King!"
I sent By Order of the King to the creature behind Riddle, effectively stopping it from attacking anybody. Sadly, this also got Riddle's attention.
"(Y/N)! You dare go against your Queen?!"
I only nodded my head, getting ready to fight. I never wanted to hurt my older brother but it seems that might be the only way to get him to snap out of this.
Riddle then lunged towards me and we got into a bit of a tangled position. His dress had thorns which were digging into my skin wherever they could. I got a few good hits on him but I overestimated how much the overblot would also improve his physical strength as well. It also didn't help that the ink that coated him was trying to take control of my limbs as well.
"If you're so willing to go against your Queen, then it's Off with Your Head!"
I felt his collar go around my throat, cutting off my oxygen, ruining my focus and overall, making this fight harder. While I was trying to regain my focus, I felt my head being lifted off the ground before slammed repeatedly onto the ground. The last thing that I truly remember was Riddle's cackling before losing my consciousness.
The next thing I knew was that I was in the infirmary with Riddle crying by my side and bandages wrapped all over my head.
Riddle then grabbed you into a hug, being wary of the injuries that he caused you, and promised to be a better big brother. Something sounded wrong in his tone but you decided to brush it off.
It took close to a month for you to heal completely but when you were allowed back to the dorms, Riddle was completely different.
"(Y/N)? Where are you going?"
I turned my head towards my brother.
"I'm just going to do my daily tasks for the dorm."
Riddle then walked up to me and ushered me into a hug.
"You're too young to be doing chores for the dorm. Let's just go outside and play around for a bit."
"Sorry, Riddle but I've got to do my part as well."
Riddle's face became colder while he glared down at me. I've never seen him this angry at me.
"(Y/N). That wasn't a suggestion. It was an order. You're going to stop acting like this and act your age."
Riddle then grabbed my uninjured arm before dragging me back to our shared room. He forced me to sit on the bed before grabbing me into a cuddle. I felt my body stiffen and freeze into place. I'm not used to this type of attention before.
"You, like me, have been denied familial love. I wasn't strong enough to protect you from that witch when you were younger, but now, I'm going to change all of that."
That's when your life was turned upside down once again.
When Riddle first realized that you shouldn't be ordered around, he didn't do it as much. But now, he does it all the time, knowing that you'll follow whether you want to or not.
Riddle refused for you to do anything that was considered "Too grown up" to him. Which meant anything that wasn't breathing, standing, walking, and sleeping.
He hand fed you, helped you change, and many other embarrassing things.
"You're my baby brother. That means that I have to help you with everything."
That's always Riddle's reasoning either against you or against anybody at the dorm who would try to help plead your case. The only difference between you asking and someone was the fact that if it was someone else, they would lose their head for the next three days.
Riddle was slowly starting to become more and more suffocating. He forbade you from talking to anybody in a different dorm and started limiting people in his own dorm.
Heck, Trey was now on thin ice with Riddle.
"What exactly are you doing here, Trey?"
"Umm, you asked me to serve you and your brother for this tea party?"
"Right. Apologies."
Eventually, the new suffocating nature that Riddle adapted became too much for you but you couldn't leave Riddle's side. Your mother's conditioning wouldn't allow you to.
"Why are you frowning, (Y/N)? You shouldn't be this upset."
"I'm sorry, Riddle. I'll try to be in a better mood."
"No, I want to know why you feel the need to throw a tantrum. I understand that it's natural for boys your age but you must let me know why you're upset, to fix it."
"Well, I don't like how you've become controlling."
"Brother, do you really think that I'm controlling? Look between me and our mother. I'm only trying to liberate you."
"By treating me as if I'm an infant?"
"You are not being treated as an infant."
"Yes, I am. You won't let me do anything for myself!"
"I'm trying to give you a childhood! If you think that you're being treated as an infant, then I'll treat you as if you're an infant!"
Riddle stuck true to his words.
He shrunk you down with his magic and started treating you as if you were only two years old.
Riddle was very close to raising you like how your mother raised you but thankfully, Trey was there to sway him from certain methods.
It took three whole weeks to convince Riddle to let you be your original height again and have small freedoms again.
"See, (Y/N)? Isn't this life much better? Are you still feeling like you're being treated like an infant?"
Yes, I thought bitterly to myself but I held my tongue.
"No. Thank you for giving me the freedom to be a child, Riddle."
"You're welcome, (Y/N). Now, how about we go and give you a bath? You've been playing outside and got mud all over you."
"Yes, Riddle."
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twistedwonderworm · 2 years
Unseen (TWST NSFW)
Pairing: Chenya x M!reader
Warnings: nipple play
Words: 274
Everyone in this fic is 18+
Y/N walked out of the bathroom, a towel around his waist. He had just gotten home and was waiting for his beloved to arrive. So he figured he would take a shower before Chenya came home.
He sat on the bed, still drying his hair with a second towel, though he jumped at a strange sensation. It felt like someone had gebtky pinched one of his nipples.
He looked around, confused for a moment. He was definitely alone, and he hadn't touched his nipples. His hands had been busy drying his hair. Y/N shrugged and went back to drying his hair. Then, it happened again.
This time though, it was the sensation of a warm, wet tongue swiping over his other nipple before it was engulfed in something warmer.
Y/N moaned loudly, and he felt embarrassed when the pieces fell into place in his head, "C-chenya…?"
Chenya pulled away and giggled, his head coming into view in front of Y/N, "Aww~ And here I was hoping I'd be able to have a little more fun~"
Y/N's face heated up as he flushed, "I just said your name… I didn't say you couldn't use your invisibility in bed.."
Chenya's usual grin widened, and his head popped out of sight again. Soon, he went back to his work, taking one of Y/N's nipples back into his mouth while his fingers worked on gently pinching and tugging on the other.
Y/N moaned, and his eyes closed as he let his lover have his fun. He never thought he would like Chenya using his ability like this, but it was amazing.
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linawritestwst · 2 years
Chenya dating a nrc gn s/o that ended up getting into a fight with some NRC students because they were going to fight chenya.
chenya x s/o who ends up fighting nrc students to protect him (headcanons) (gn!reader)
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okay, so i tried to make it more dramatic at first, but.. i think it ended up being more cute instead? i'm sorry if this is not what you wanted, anon hsdjsksl.
♡ you knew that dating someone fron rsa while being a nrc student would be a bit.. difficult. you would definitely have a lot of problems to deal with, nrc and rsa being rival schools and all that stuff. so you mostly tried to keep your relationship with chenya a secret, which was hard, considering how much this guy liked to suddenly appear in front of nrc students, especially heartslabyul dorm members, and then wink at you or simply go "oh, hey, y/n :D" 
♡ speaking of heartslabyul, the only students who knew about your relationship with chenya were ace, deuce, riddle and trey. ace and deuce knew about it, because you were pretty close with them and also even they were kinda suspicious about the way chenya looked at you and talked to you. riddle and trey knew about it, because they were chenya's friends, so yeah, they would naturally know about it and they were cool with it, i mean, they're also close with someone from rsa, not in that way, but they know what it's like. ace and deuce meanwhile.. they're trying to keep it a secret, they're really trying. but they're still afraid of chenya doing something bad to you, so don't mind them spying on some of your dates just in case. oh, what about cater? you can't trust this guy with your secrets. that's it.
♡ but again, you knew that most nrc students wouldn't support your relationship with chenya at all, so you just hoped that they would never find out.. but they did. it was nothing serious, you and chenya were just about to go on a date and you were sure that most, if not all, students were too busy to see you, but you were wrong. some random guys that you didn't know that well (most likely because they really hated rsa, so you tried to ignore them as much as you could) noticed you two and they were already not happy to see chenya, but when they heard him mention going on a date with you and saw him kissing your cheek, they couldn't just stand there and do nothing.
♡ so they walked to you two and you've immediately got a bad feeling about this. you just knew that these guys are going to insult your boyfriend and try to make him go away, and yeah, that's exactly what happened. chenya really didn't pay that much attention to them and they didn't bother him, he even found it kinda entertaining, really. but then you realized that these guys are serious and they're not just your average nrc students that will go "WOAH WHAT IS HE DOING THAT'S SCARY" when they see chenya's tricks, his sudden disappearance, his floating head, etc. these guys were actually gonna fight your boyfriend, because they thought he was annoying you.. well, at least that's what they said, but you were sure they just wanted to fight him because he's from rsa.
♡ even chenya realized that it was dangerous to stay here and just when he was about to think of a way for you two to leave this place as fast as you can.. you punched the leader of those guys, the one who wanted to fight chenya the most, in the face. before other guys could process what just happened, you quickly punched them too. they had no idea why you were doing this to them, like, come on, they're trying to save you from this creepy rsa guy! you just told them to shut up, you knew well that they weren't doing this "for your sake". 
♡ they tried to fight you too, again, "for your own good, because you clearly don't understand how dangerous this guy is", but you were just too strong for them. when you were done, you told them that you got used to nrc and rsa's complicated relationship, they can do whatever they want to prove that their school is better, but if they even try to actually hurt someone from rsa, not just chenya, but anyone from that school, simply because "they're from rsa, so they're bad".. yeah, that's too much for a simple school rivalry. now, can these guys just leave you and your boyfriend alone?
♡ and they finally do exactly that. you turn to chenya, asking if he's okay and then realizing that he most likely is, because you didn't let any of those guys to even look at him. this was the first time you've ever seen chenya look so shocked. he knew that you were strong and you were capable of many things, but he didn't expect you to just fight those guys like that. AND YOU LOOKED SO COOL?? he even feels kinda stupid right now, he didn't have a chance to protect you from them.. oh well, he didn't know it was even possible, but he loves you even more now, you're just full of surprises, he never knows what to expect from you! 
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tswhiisftteedr · 5 months
Hey there, I hope your having a nice night or day, I saw that you wrote nsfw and was wondering if I could request something for chenya wit a female s/o who has a hard time gaing any weight, and a very skinny and tend to become insecure due to it.. and chenya "cheers" them up 👀
(I have this problem ☹ and would like to feel a bit better w some indulgence you know 🤷‍♀️)
Sweet-scented pigeon wing ☆ Headcanon + Drabble
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☆RSA Student!Artemiy Artemiyevich Pinker(Che’nya) x Skinny!Fem!Yuu!Reader :
Feeling insecure and self loathing sucks, but luckily for you, your act beastmen boyfriend Che’nya is here for you. And he’s going to ‘cheer you up to the best of his abilities!’
Warnings: Mature content, Che’nya is aged up to 18+ and NCR is an actually college, fingering, begging, not anything graphic(violence) reader is just insecure. Not proofread.
Note: Hi thanks for requesting, I’m sorry if this wasn’t what you were looking for, I’ve never written comfort for subject like body image, especially people who are ‘skinny’ as I’m more on the chubby side my self. (Working on it girly pops, I’m about to become a slim thick queen and you won’t see it coming, hdhhdjd lol) So if this isn’t to your taste I’m sorry, but I real hope it is!! Also some crack halfway through the smut, I guess it was to make it more cheerful and comforting, though idk if it’s good \:<
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Before you two started dating, Che’nya had picked up on the fact that you were insecure in your appearance. Mostly wearing oversized clothes to hide your figure, and how you would panic whenever he hugged you out of nowhere, tensing as he fully embrace you in his warmth.
Back then, he used to think that the issues you had with your physic were temporarily, or mood related. ‘We all have those times we’re we feel low and unsure of oneself, right?’
Well to his somewhat ‘displeasure’ he was wrong. It’s not like he was mad at you for not liking everything about yourself, but more that it made him sad that you didn’t see ‘you’ the way he did.
Sure he understood the fact that being at risk of developing health issues like osteoporosis, higher chances for hypothermia and lower immunity system, just because of your weight, could make you insecure. And he also knew you did your best despite your struggle in weight gain.
The way he sees things, you can’t do much but you’re still already doing your max. So since you’re doing your best already, you shouldn’t worry to much about it.
He doesn’t expect you to change your opinion towards your body from one day to the other, even when you got together, he still saw the hesitation behind your eyes whenever he would compliment your looks.
But he did feel proud of the way your gaze slowly shifted through time, how you would look less ‘untrusting’ of his words after each time he would call you beautiful, cute, lovely, hot, ‘sexy mama~’, etc. The way you would wear clothes that were a bit more your size after each interaction, the way you felt more comfortable when he touch and caress you.
He knew your self doubts were still present, though he also knew that they were less dominant in your mind. As if every time he would hold your hand, hug you, kiss you, make out with you, those thoughts would be push further and further away.
Of course there were the days where those thoughts would resurface, hitting you with a wave of sadness and self loathing. Maybe someone had said something about your looks, maybe you weren’t so sure about you were wearing halfway through the day, or maybe it just one of those off day. The ones where you felt like shit no matter what you did, from the moment you awake, to the one you would fall asleep.
In cases like this, your lovely cat boy of a boyfriend would help by bringing your moral up, in his own very special way~
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☆ more under the cut. ☆
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You and Che'nya were hanging out in Heartslabyul’s rose maze, he had snuck once more to spend sometime with you. The both of you were laying down on the grass, staring at the clouds. When he turned to sneak a glance at your oh so beautiful face, he noticed a look of somewhat unease and despair on your face, so he decided to do something about it.
He knew what that faced meant, so he scouted closer to you slowly, his movement almost silent due to the soft grass under his body. His hands reached out suddenly, wrapping around your waist gently yet firmly before he lifted both you and himself off the ground effortlessly.
Now with you in his arms, without warning, he carried you towards the magic mirror in the dorm.
You soon found yourself back at your dorm, the ramshackle.
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Once inside, he placed you down on the bed, keeping hold of one arm over your head while using his free hand to undo your buttons and zippers without hesitation.
Within moments, he had ripped your clothes apart revealing your naked body in all its glory. The sight of your figure and softness sent waves of desire coursing through him.
"You know, its pretty inconvenient for me not knowing when you’ll be down in a slump." He told you in a cheeky manner, obviously not serious. You can always count on Che’nya to tease in any given situation. “But it’s not all so bad, after all, when your like this I get to play with you.” he murmured against your neck, nipping lightly at your sensitive skin. “Though I would prefer it if it just some random fun, not me having to fuck into you just how perfect you are.” He told you with a rather serious tone, different from his usual one. Thought the softness behind his eyes told you, he wasn’t blaming or reprimanding you. He just wish you could see what he saw when he would gaze at you. But before you could think on that for too long-
"Now, lie back and enjoy yourself." Che’nya spoke out in his usual oh so casual tone.
With that said, he pushed your legs apart wider than they wanted to go and started playing with your ‘sweet-scented pigeon wing’ as he would call it.
Wait- the hell?! “Sweet-scented pigeon wing”, where does that even come from, like what the actual f- oh, right, you remember now.
Sweet-scented pigeon wing from potionology, it’s also known as Clitoria fragrans hence their vaginal shape. What a fucking bastard that he is for calling your coochie that!
Well at least if you had any doubts about sex, your mind was now well off them. But before your mental insulting and name calling of your boyfriend could continue anymore, it was abruptly cut short, by the one you were previously cursing out.
As Che'nya touched your sensitive areas, you could feel a mix of pleasure and shock coursing through your body. His cold hands contrasted with the warmth that was beginning to spread between your legs. He teased you mercilessly, rubbing circles around your clit before dipping his fingers inside of you. Every move sent waves of ecstasy throughout your entire being, making it hard for you to resist him.
In response to his actions, you arched your back involuntarily, moaning softly as he continued to torment you. "Che’nya stop... please..." You begged, but there was no real resistance in your voice. Instead, it sounded more like pleading for more.
"Feeling good, aren't you?" he purred, nibbling on your earlobe playfully. "You know you want this." With that, he pushed two fingers deep inside of you, stretching you wider than ever before. The sudden invasion caused another loud moan to escape your lips, followed by a whimper as he began to thrust them in and out of you rhythmically.
Che'nya chuckled at your moans and whimpers, loving the power he had over you. He increased the pace of his thrusts, going faster and harder until you were on the brink of orgasm. Just when you thought you couldn’t take anymore, he pulled out suddenly, leaving you panting and yearning for more.
"Not yet," he purred teasingly. "I want you begging for it, and obviously you got to explain why you deserve it, also you being attractive must be one of those reasons, ‘Kay!” With that cryptic remark, he stepped back slightly, exposing his erect member to your eager eyes. It was throbbing with anticipation.
You couldn't help but stare at his thick, throbbing dick, your eyes widening in a mixture of fear and desire. "W-What do you want me to say? T-That I... need this?" Your voice cracked slightly as he stepped closer again, pushing his cockhead against your entrance.
"Good girl," he praised, before sliding the head inside of you slowly. "Now tell me why else you deserve it." His pace remained slow, allowing you to adjust to his size while teasing both of them.
You bit your lower lip nervously, trying to gather your thoughts. "I... umm... I guess because... uh... well... it feels so good when you touch me like this... And that I’ve been good ..” You managed to stutter out between pants.
"And, I suppose... that I'm somewhat pretty." You reply.
"You 'suppose' that you're 'somewhat pretty'? Hmm, I don't think that's going to cut it. You need to be confident about that sort of thing, especially if you want me to start pounding my dick into you." He tells you, giggling.
You blush bright red, feeling both embarrassed and aroused by his words. "I... I-I mean..." Stuttering again, you gather your courage and look him straight in the eyes. "I'm beautiful, okay? Okay?"
His grin widened as he heard these words leave your lips. "That's more suitable," he praised. He increased his pace little by little, gradually thrusting deeper inside of you. Each powerful stroke sent waves of pleasure coursing through your body, making it difficult for you to maintain composure.
"You smell so damn good," Che'nya groaned, burying his face in your neck and sucking on your tender skin. His hands moved downwards, once more, grabbing your legs firmly and spreading them wider apart, exposing your wet and needy pussy to his hungry gaze. "Yes, you are perfect, there’s no other way to think about it."
You blushed deeply at his words, feeling both embarrassed and aroused. "I... I mean, I—!"
Before you could finish your sentence, he thrust himself fully inside of you without warning, stretching your tight hole to accommodate him completely. A cry of pleasure mixed with pain escaped from your lips as he began to move steadily, claiming you body inch by slow but powerful inch. Each time he pulled out slightly, only to push back in deeper than before, hitting your G-spot just right, sending waves of intense ecstasy coursing through your entire being.
"That's better," he praised between heavy breaths. "You sound so much better when you aren’t worrying about how you look, but instead of how deep I’m fucking you." He said that last part with a snicker.
You moaned in pure ecstasy as he continued to thrust into you, his thick member stretching and filling up every inch of your tight passage. The combination of pleasure and pain was almost too much for you to handle, but somehow, you wanted more.
"Oh god, Che'nya," you cried out, arching your back towards him. "I want... more..." Your words came out breathless and desperate.
He picked up the pace even faster, pounding into you relentlessly. Each powerful thrust caused a loud slapping sound against your sensitive flesh, adding an erotic rhythm to their passionate dance. His hands gripped tightly onto your legs, leaving marks on your skin as evidence of their intensity.
"That's it, baby," he groaned, his voice hoarse with desire. "Take all of me." Owing to his size, each deep penetration felt like hitting a new level of pleasure that left you begging for more.
Feeling his orgasm building up inside of him, Che'nya slowed down slightly, savoring every moan and whimper that escaped from your lips. "I can feel how close you are too," he panted between breaths.
"C-Come with me..." his voice cracked as he spoke those words, urging you to reach climax alongside him.
The feeling intensified beyond anything you could have imagined, pushing you closer to the edge of ecstasy. And then, just when you thought it couldn't get better, another powerful thrust sent waves of pure bliss coursing through your body, sending you over the edge into a mind-numbing orgasm unlike anything you had ever experienced before. Your entire being shook with intense pleasure as wave after wave of orgasmic bliss washed over you, leaving you completely lost in the moment.
As for Che'nya, he held on tightly, his own release drawing near. With one final, forceful thrust, he let out a primal growl, burying himself deep within you to the hilt. Quickly pulling out, his hot seed spurted forth, painting your stomach and chest with thick, sticky cum. He stayed there for a moment, observing his work. “See, your such a lovely thing.” Was all he said while looking at your fucked out face and and cum cover body.
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Thanks anon for requesting!
©tswhiisfttedr. dn translate, or plagiarize.
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Reblogs help!!! (Request Are Open)
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imaginewithtearose · 3 years
Idk what your character limit is, so if you're only doing one character per request I get it if you only choose one, but can I request hcs of Chenya, Floyd, and/or Azul with a mute s/o?
Oh thanks for being considerate! I dont have a character limit for the moment, so im taking everyone here :) Such a cute Ask!!! Of course! I had fun writing this! I hope to see you again.
Chenya, Floyd, and Azul with a mute s/o (gender neutral)
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Pretty sure he noticed right away. One of the first that does notice it after meeting you.
Its not a big problem! He is a really talkative cat, so he will find a way to communicate with you.
If he has to learn hand signs, he goes right after his dear friend Riddle. Im pretty sure he knows about it. And then, one sunny afternoon, you found your cat boyfriend in a three, hand singing you a "Hello!" Way too excited.
If you can hear, great, at least he learned to understand you. A big win for you two.
Wanna ask about the reason, but he will just wait until you tell him. He is a prankster, yeah, but he isnt someone to get into your business!
If someone makes fun of you because of this, che'nya just makes a uncomfortable silence until all realizes that it wasn't a fun joke and just runs. In case that doesnt work, che'nya is ready to make that person so scared with his unique magic that he doesnt wanna go back! Never!
Those pranks doesn't make sense, thats what he says. But you know when he winks at you that its his form to say he loves you. Even if saying every day in every form was enough lol.
Anyways, that doesnt save you from his pranks. It just make them more personable!
He wants to see your expressions, all of them, fear, joy, and sadness. Well, not so much your sad face--
One time he just writed a sign that said "look up" and his head was just there, that how you meet him! You were the first person on all of hearstlabyul that falled in the prank! Hahaha!
A little disappointed that couldn't hear you scream but after he learned that you are mute he just went :00000
For your anniversary he makes the same prank and you do a big act of falling into it again. Seeing you smile dorkly makes him wanna hug you all day.
In general, a very supportive cat-boyfriend :)
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What does it mean that you cant talk???? Do you not want floyd to hear you???? Maybe if he hugs you with all of his force your voice will be out!!
Jade stopped him before he did this, dont worry about your health.
He is a little... Emm... He doesn't understand at first. Of the three, he just, cant understand.
Until he remembers that story with a mute mermaid! Ohhh! So you're like her!!
When you nodded, he just happily jumped to hug you.
Jade has to teach floyd how to read hand signs, he didnt do well. But when you offered to teach him, he was a little puppy behind you!!
He rapidly learned and used this to his advantage.
"look y/n this fish doesnt know what im saying to him!!!!!" He was just saying "dumb fish" lmao.
Aggressive agains everyone who makes fun of you. Even if you dont care or notice it. No one can say anything bad to his little shrimp.
Floyd just goes with the flow with this, he learns the basics and if you need something specific, you write it down.
A very supportive and funny eel. I can imagine him being your support and always going behind you so everyone know about his fabulous partner!!
Doesn't make you feel inferior tho, he is just excited about this
In fact, he didnt admit it at first, but you caught his attention because of this.
The curiosity didn't kill the eel, but instead give him an awesome partner :)
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Yeah he is a nerd and all but didnt notice that at first. He just thinks that you are shy and dont want to talk to everyone. Same tho, he says mentally.
Until he has to talk to you about something, and he sees you using hand signs.
“Oh, so thats why...”
Another one that doesn't stop comparing you to that little mermaid who lost her voice for love. Sorry y/n.
Makes everyone at the mostro lounge learn hand sign language. He already know btw. But he just wanted to make you feel comfortable in there.
Another one that if someone makes jokes or bothers you about this, well... Just might warn you that their reputation will fall until apologizes to you lol.
You never suspected about the octopus boi. Well not never but-
He just loves to take walks with you around octavinelle or the nrc, while making you take his arm like the gentleman he is. He likes see you express your day to him. And vice versa.
The way you two became close was because he wanted to take advantage of this condition to make you sign a contract for your voice back. But slowly, he realized that you didnt need something like that, you expressed yourself better than him.
And thats when he falls in love. And ironically, you are the one that confess.
This octo-boi will be with you all the way. A sweet boyfriend who will help you like a true gentleman, or that will cry like a little baby in your arms.
Hope you like this answers!! Have a good day!!!
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pandas-pandemonium · 3 years
Your sentient Twst and my discord got me thinking... what if MC was talking with friends while playing the game. Laughing and joking. Then one friend asks who their very first fictional crush was and current fictional crush is! How would they react to MC saying one of them or none of the NRC boys at all (like chenya, or one of the Mobs, or a character from another game/story)! My apologies if this is long😭
A/N: I'm going to go with both a.k.a MC says her first fictional crush is someone from another game (*cough* Obey Me crossover *cough*) and current one being one of the NRC mobs (Chenya). The characters I chose were completely random and was up to who I felt like writing.
(may or may not have butchered Chenya's name...I can't remember which is his surname lmao)
Yandere! Sentient! Twst x GN! Reader - MC is asked who her first and current fictional crushes are
Characters featured: Ace, Deuce, Riddle, Lilia, Trey and Vil
"So Y/N, who was your first fictional crush?"
It was a harmless question thrown out by one of your friends while you were all gathered around playing your own respective games. You were doing your weekly objectives in Twisted Wonderland while your friends were playing other games. While you were all doing so, the whole group somehow started talking about fictional crushes.
"First fictional crush? You mean like a childhood anime character or something?" you asked.
"Well, you can tell us that too...but since we're all on the topic of games, why not tell us your first game character crush?" they asked, a large grin on their face.
You pondered for a while as you glanced back down to your game.
Strange...why did it look like [Current Home Screen Character] was also listening intently? You shook that odd feeling off quickly though, as you answered your friend's question.
"Hm...I would say it has to be Mammon from Obey Me," you said. Your friends immediately began laughing.
"Seriously? That recent?" one of them asked.
"Yeah... what's wrong with picking someone from a recent game?" you asked, frowning.
You paused. For a second there you thought you heard an angry click of a tongue from your game. When you looked down however, nothing was happening.
Shrugging, you quickly clicked on a Magic History lesson to run on auto while you chatted with your friends. You'll take a closer look at the game later. For all you know, it could have been your imagination. In order for the game audio to not disturb your conversation as well, you muted it, not realising the freedom this gave the characters as they "sat through" the History lesson.
"Can you believe it? Their first fictional crush is some dude from some other game!" Ace complained.
"I know... it's kinda disappointing," Deuce replied, looking quite forlorn.
"Quiet, you two!" Riddle scolded. "I'll talk with Cater and Trey later about this. We'll have to find out if that other game is also in the same situation as ours..."
"Don't be so worried! Our player only responded to a question about their first love. Perhaps their heart lies in a different place now, fufufu," Lilia said, a fanged grin on his face.
As if Lilia predicted the following question, you were soon asked who your current favourite character was. But by then the History lesson was over and you had picked a different group of characters.
Oh well, they'll just have to ask the next group later.
"Your lesson's over, Y/N," one of your friends notified you. You looked down and sure enough the 'End' screen was displayed, to which you quickly closed it and randomly selected a character pair for Alchemy.
"Anyways, back to you again [Nickname]. Who do you like now?"
Oh, that was an easy one.
"Chenya!" you said happily.
"Chenya?" one of your friends repeated.
"Yeah, he's one of the supporting characters of the Twisted Wonderland cast. I'm really hoping he gets a card one day!" you said.
Trey nearly dropped his ladle in the cauldron (even if it wasn't possible). You like that cat?! How? He's only appeared a total of less than five times in the game! His eyes looked towards to Vil, who he noticed was frowning.
"Hey Vil?" he asked.
"Yes, Clover?" the man replied. "If you are going to ask me what I think about the potato's answer, I can only say that the potato's choice is not definite. Alchemivich has little game time, sooner or later, one of us will capture their heart."
Trey laughed to himself. Vil had a point; Chenya didn't even have a card in the game. The only way you could give attention to him is indirectly or if you played through all his chapters in-game all over again, which would be incredibly tedious.
Maybe he didn't have to worry after all. He couldn't say the same for the others, however. Trey was sure the moment he relayed this information, the first years would throw a fit.
And so, your conversations soon changed topics as you all became distracted and put down your phones though once in a while one of you would pick your phone up to show a funny meme or to look up a video. Aside from that, the weird glitches that first bugged you went forgotten. You were sure it was just your imagination anyways.
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yunarim · 1 year
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— ✦; for now i write only for TWISTED WONDERLAND ₊ ﹒﹒⟢﹒you can request twisted wonderland x other fandom (but i'll write for it only in case i'm familiar with the fandom)
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⟢ READER INSERT only ! ⇢ ˖⊹ gender neutral reader mostly, but i also write for female reader (she/her pronouns). if gender isn't specified, i'll go with gn reader (no pronouns or they/them will be used) ⇢ ˖⊹ SFW blog (may try mild suggestive themes but only for characters reached 18) ⇢ ˖⊹ ANGST is ok! ⇢ ˖⊹ headcanons/reactions/oneshots/series — ok! ⇢ ˖⊹ i won't write for something local culture related if i'm not familiar with it because i don't want to cause any misconceptions or misunderstandings (i'm slavic coming from muslim republic) ⇢ ˖⊹ may decline writing topics i find uncomfortable for myself or for others
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.ᐟ.ᐟ — WON'T WRITE : ⏤ problematic things (pedophilia/incest/racism/ableism and such) ⏤ yandere themes ⏤ bully au ⏤ cheating scenarios ⏤ gore (minor injuries and blood – ok)
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✧ ⎯⎯ WHEN REQUESTING please keep in mind that i use jp translation terms and my works may contain spoilers for eng version players! (will be appropriately tagged)
✧ ⎯ characters i write for :
– all NRC students (personally vibe more with 3rd years) – NRC staff (platonic only) – RSA (platonic and romantic content for Neige and Chenya, only platonic content for dwarfs)
✧ ⎯ only platonic content for ortho, cheka and grim. ✧ ⎯ request one group per post only (dorm leaders, overblot, 3rd years and so on) or 5 characters maximum ✧ ⎯ i avoid using 'Y/N', so reader will be named yuu (whether reader will be canon yuu or will have another role in the story will be appropriately tagged)
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© yunarim 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝. 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭, 𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲, 𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐲, 𝐨𝐫 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝐚𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐨𝐰𝐧.
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tswhiisftteedr · 6 months
RSA Students Masterlist
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ཐི♡⃟ཋྀ = NSFW ᬊ = SFW
ིྀ𖤜໋᳝݊ = Crack 𓈒ིུ𖤛 = Fluff ♬⃝ = Angst
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𖡎 RSA Students 𖡎
One shot:
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𓃠 Alchemi Alchemivichi Pinka aka Che’nya 𓃠
One shot:
𓈒ིུ𖤛ᬊ The Cheshire Cat and The White Rabbit : ☆RSA Student!Artemiy Artemiyevich Pinker(Che’nya) x White Rabbit!Heartslabyul Student!GN!Reader ᬊ 𓈒ིུ𖤛
As you go through your day to day life as a Heartslabyul stundent, you begin to remark an odd/out of place presence lingering during unbirthay parties, or anytime you’re back on dormitory grounds. Unbeknownst to you and that unknown presence, your relationship would soon change to somewhat of a more intimate one…
| Headcanon |
ཐི♡⃟ཋྀ ིྀ𖤜໋᳝݊ Sweet-scented pigeon wing ☆ Headcanon + Drabble : RSA Student!Artemiy Artemiyevich Pinker(Che’nya) x Skinny!Fem!Yuu!Reader ིྀ𖤜໋᳝݊ ཐི♡⃟ཋྀ
Feeling insecure and self loathing sucks, but luckily for you, your act beastmen boyfriend Che’nya is here for you. And he’s going to ‘cheer you up to the best of his abilities!’
| Headcanon + Drabble |
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❆ Neige Leblanche ❆
One shot:
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₊˚。⋆ Multiple ⋆。˚₊
One shot:
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General Masterlist
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