#classic pit hair
christiangeistdorfer · 8 months
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race retirees ELIO DE ANGELIS & DIDIER PIRONI watch the cars go by
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haveihitanerve · 3 months
Four Times the Batkids Forget They're Adopted, and The One Time Damian Forgets He Isn't
It had started off as a joke, as most things do, and Dick meant nothing behind it, really. It was amusing to him, actually, to tell his coworkers things about Batman and pass it off as his father. “Oh my dad? Yeah hes not big on talking. He loves showing me he cares though.” (this was, of course, in reference to Batman doing three back flips and a kick split when Nightwing had patrolled with him the other day, a classic Nightwing move) But it soon…went deeper. Dick stopped making jokes out of it, and actually began listing things about Bruce. About his Dad. It didn't help that his police friends were actually interested. “So did you and the old man do anything fun over the weekend?” Dick thought back to how he had wanted to surprise Bruce by stopping by for dinner and instead had ended up in the sewer eating granola bars on a stakeout for killer croc, who had escaped. Again. “Oh yeah we had a picnic.” Dick nodded, smiling at Randy. “Yeah. He’s, he’s kinda bad at remembering when to eat a meal on time and all that.” Dick laughed. “Its something I share too. Must be genetics.” He rolled his eyes. Randy laughed, clapping a hand on his shoulder. “I hear you. My old man smoked all the live long day. I try to keep it down, but that addiction gene is just strong eh?” Dick chuckled. “Yeah I guess.” His phone buzzed in his pocket and he waved to Randy, turning to tug it out. It was one, simple message from Babs. “Ur adopted genius. What genes.” 
Jason didn't even know how they had gotten on the topic. But here they were. “Yes. I got my mothers hair, of course, but I get my temper from my father.” Artemis was saying. “I have parents.” Bizarro grunted. Roy laughed, smacking him on the shoulder. “Well you certainly didn't get Kal’s looks buddy. But you do have his killer hair.” Starfire laughed. “That is true. I, for one, share my parents hair and have my fathers powers. But truly the best gene I was given were my mothers eyes.” They all turned to Jason. “What about you?” Roy asked. Jason scratched the back of his neck. “Uh, I used to have my dads eyes but um after the pit y'know,” He waved to his now green eyes. “And actually I have my dads dark black hair, and he’s graying early too, which might be why my white streak is so prominent.” They nodded in agreement. “But yeah, hes actually a little taller than me so maybe I’ll still grow a few inches but uh yeah. I don't… remember my mother enough to talk about her.” “Dang man. I wish we could meet your dad.” Roy murmured, laying a comforting hand on Jason’s shoulder. “Then we could really compare. I mean-” He laughed. “You sound like his carbon copy.” Jason frowned at his friend. “What do you mean? You’ve met Bruce?” They stared at him. “Jason,” Artemis began slowly. “Aren't you adopted?” 
Tim hunched over the information form, eyes straining to read the small print. His hand reached up to stifle a yawn and he settled for a sigh instead. It was late, but Tim needed to get the form done before he went to bed, otherwise everything would be far too stressful in the morning. He reached over and grabbed his coffee mug, a dark black cup that had a red R painted on it poorly. Bruce had made it for him a few years ago when he had first become Red Robin. He sipped it, staring down at the medical form. “Gods I hate having to do this.” He muttered, but reluctantly grabbed the thick medical binder Alfred had obligingly gotten for him when he had asked for medical records of the family. Tim did not under any circumstances, want to have to sit at the doctors office the next day and somehow lie his way through all the medical questions relating to his family history. He didn't have the time nor patience for it, and it was crucial he was given proper medical advice what with his missing spleen. “Any history of heart issues Bruce?” Tim muttered, flipping back past Martha and Thomas to Bruce’s great great great grandfather. “Nope, guess not.” Tim was halfway through the form when he realized the blood coursing through his veins wasn't Bruce’s. 
Steph rubbed a hand across her belly, staring at the monitor. “Your baby looks good Ms. Brown. They’re at the proper stage. Due in about two months. We’ll see you back here for your next check up.” “thank you doctor.” Steph murmured, sliding off the bed and dressing quickly before hurrying out to her car. The car door slammed shut behind her and she breathed, pressing her forehead to the steering wheel. Her phone buzzed. She lifted it and pressed it to her ear, hitting accept. “Hello?” “hey Steph.” Bruce’s voice vibrated through the phone. “How was your doctors appointment?” Steph gave a bitter laugh. “Everything looks good. The baby will come in about two months.” “Thats good. Thats real good.” Steph nodded, eyes closed. “You doing okay Stephanie?” Bruce asked, voice soft. “I don't know.” her voice broke and she squeezed her eyes shut, fighting tears. “I just- I’m so scared Bruce. So scared.” Bruce hummed comfortingly through the phone. “I know Steph. Its scary. And parenting, its hard.” Steph coughed out a watery chuckle. “Was that a hit?” She muttered, rubbing a hand over her face. Bruce chuckled. “No. Baby it wasn't. And just think, you’ll get to see all the firsts I didn't get with you. Their first steps. Their first wave. You might even get to hear them say mama before i kidnap- i mean adopt him or her.” Steph laughed again, and it sounded less watery. “Yeah. Well, when do kids start walking?” She asked in interest, sniffing and sitting up straight again. Bruce hummed. “Well i started walking almost immediately, but Im special.” Steph laughed. “Of course.” “alfred said i first started talking when I was around thirteen months old, and Talia said Damian was walking by ten, but she could have been lying.” Steph nodded. “Tell me more.” She whispered. Bruce obliged, happy to distract her. “Oh and whats probably going to be your favorite, babies, or at least I did, start laughing at around four months.” “laughing?” Steph gasped. “Oh Brucie!!! Thats too funny! Little chubby baby you, the future batman, laughing!” She cooed. She could almost feel his eye roll through the phone and stifled her laugh. “So yeah..” Bruce finished. “You should expect your kiddo to start walking around then. And laughing probably sooner. I would have if you'd be in my life at that time.” Steph was quiet. “Thank you B.” He hummed. “Anytime Steph. I’ll always be here to help you.” “Wait wait wait-” a new voice joined in the background of Bruce. “Are you guys serious right now?” Steph identified it as Jason. “What?” Bruce asked puzzled. “B, Stephs adopted. Her kid is as likely to walk at the same time you did as when she did!” 
“Damian?” “Go away Drake.” Damian called back, riffling through the papers. “Dami?” Tim poked his head into his younger brothers room. “Oh hey kiddo. Whatcha doing?” “I am busy Timothy.” Damian countered in annoyance, shoving the box back under his bed and moving to his desk. “What are you looking for?” Tim asked puzzled. Damian ignored him. “Dami.” “Go away Timothy.” Tim crossed his arms, leaning against the doorframe. “Come on Baby Bird. Tell me.” Damian shook his head, covering the blush on his cheeks by poking behind the desk. “Damian.” Tim’s hand was suddenly on his back. Damian jumped. Tim held up his hands in surrender. “Just tell me. I’m sure I can help you find it.” Damian sighed in acceptance, cheeks pink. “I have.. Lost my adoption papers.” He muttered, staring at the floor. But Tim didn't laugh or ridicule him. In fact, when he looked up, his brother seemed thoughtful. “Well i know me and dick and jason have them hung over our beds…” His gaze drifted to the very clearly empty space above Damians bed. “I know.” Damian jerked his head in a nod. “That is why I wished to find it.” Tim nodded in understanding. “Well, lets go look in the den. Thats where Alfred keeps all the legal stuff.” Damian trailed after his brother to the living room and watched as he opened the cabinet and pulled out three boxes. “You look through this one, I’ll search these two.” Tim ordered. Damian nodded, accepting the box. It was where Alfred found them, two hours later, broom in hand. “My dear sirs, what are you doing?” The butler asked in bafflement. “Looking for Damians adoption record.” Tim answered, nose still in some papers. Alfred looked at them. “Master Tim. Master Damian.” The two boys looked up. “Yes Alfred?” Tim asked. Alfred's face was fond and utterly confused. “Master Damian is not adopted. He is Master Bruce’s blood son.” 
@nonepizzawithleftglitter @zombiewithaflowercrown
you asked and you shall recieve!
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fawnindawn · 6 months
Jason Todd smells like gunpowder, leather and old books. He’s always donning a leather jacket, the same one regardless of how worn out it is. It’s become soft due to the material stretching over his muscles, and it looks almost too small on him with the way the cuffs grip at his wrists. Refuses to get a new one, abandonment issues run strong even with non-animate objects. Has favourites when it comes to guns. Pats them occasionally, strapped beneath his jacket or on his thigh in habit. Names them and gives them a kiss after a mission well done. Ridiculously hot in combat, only cause he likes to show off. Swings his guns just for the flare. You think he’d be less of a threat without them. He just gets worse. Fist fighting with him is your worst nightmare because he enjoys the sound of bone-breaking from pure strength. Bandages over his knuckles always. Never heals with how often he gets into brawls. Large, veiny hands, scar-filled. Huge biceps. Thick neck. Even thicker thighs. He’s just huge. Getting pinned by him means it’s game over. Yet, somehow you never hear him approach till he wants you to. Black, tousled hair that casts shadows over his eyes. Turquoise eyes turned green from the Lazarus Pit. They have this unnatural glow, evident in the dark. Always running from place to place, cause he can’t stand coming back to an empty apartment. Adrenaline junkie. On the rare occasion he’s not plotting something to piss off Bruce, or crushing gang ops, he can be caught in a second-hand bookstore flipping through classic literature. Earphones plugged in with either rap or jazz, no in-between, he’s delicate with books as he flips through the pages. A startling contrast to any Gotham citizen, peering in and seeing a gym hunk hoarding the narrow space between bookcases, holding a miniature sized novel by Jane Austen.
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r-o-s-e-f-i-r-e · 1 year
idk i’ve been thinking for the last day about modern day corroded coffin, semi-successful in the local music scene, did a self-funded tour through six states last fall where they all lived in the van together and didn’t shower for four weeks, has a standing gig at the dive bar next to the highway and the strip club, they’re established, they have a small but dedicated local following, they —
“can’t play a WEDDING, are you fucking with me?” eddie says, when gareth shows him the text from his cousin who’s getting married in two weeks and who, as of last night, has no wedding band because they accidentally double booked themselves and gareth’s cousin had sent the deposit in late.
“i’ve explained to him so many times,” gareth says, furiously texting his cousin back, “we’re not that kind of band—”
except gareth’s cousin, instead of responding directly to gareth’s text outlining the musical thesis of corroded coffin or watching the youtube link gareth sends to the show last month where eddie got a black eye in the pit from someone in an inflatable garfield costume, just sends back —
“holy shit,” eddie croaks, looking at the string of zeros on the end of the number gareth’s cousin offers me to pay them in exchange for saving his ass and his wedding and his marriage, since his fiancé was demanding a live band. “that’s—”
“three months of rent for each of us,” gareth says, awed. “that’s buy actual fresh vegetables money. that’s go to the dentist money—”
“yeah, okay, give him my number,” eddie says.
so they spend the next two weeks practicing every white people wedding song they can think of. there’s no way they’ll be able to do, like, get low, tragically, but they can pull off the classics, especially after they bring chrissy onboard for vocals and keyboard. there are places where eddie draws the line — no fucking journey or especially insipid top 40 — but they can do some whitney. abba. fucking — mr. brightside. a lot of it is pretty simple, when you get down to it, “and people will be wasted anyway,” jeff reminds them. there’s an open bar at the six figure venue gareth’s cousin booked. hopefully everyone will be too hyped just hearing the opening baseline to i want you back to notice if they fumble anything hard.
rehearsal montage, chrissy takes the boys to the mall to buy suits montage (except for gareth who, like most transmasc dudes, already has a custom fitted and tailored suit ready to go in his closet; instead he makes catty remarks about brian’s tie choices.) chrissy makes eddie put his hair up and eddie makes jeff shave the experimental mustache he’s been growing and eventually the day of the wedding arrives and they load up the van and drive 45 minutes to the six figure waterfront reception venue.
they riff for about ten minutes while the whole wedding party makes their grand entrance into the massive tent set up on the lawn, ending with gareth’s cousin and his new wife dancing in, the whole crowd screaming and clapping. it’s cute, eddie thinks, vamping as long as he can while gareth’s cousin’s best man takes the mic and introduces the new couple and directs everyone to their seats for dinner.
and meanwhile: best man is frankly one of the hottest dudes eddie’s ever seen. he’s got longish brown hair that he keeps pushing out of his eyes, full lips, an insane shoulder to waist ratio, big hands. eddie sneak looks at him while they play a bunch of low key jazzy standards for people to eat their expensive dinner to. he’s sitting with his arm around the shoulders of a girl with shaggy auburn hair, and they keep leaning in to whisper to each other and giggle, so. oh well. but it doesn’t hurt to look, eddie thinks, watching the guy take his suit jacket off and roll up his sleeves and make a toast to gareth’s cousin and his new wife’s long and joyful marriage.
once most people have had their plates cleared away jeff turns to eddie and the rest of the band and nods, once, and while chrissy plays the opening synth chords to i wanna dance with somebody, jeff turns his front man showmanship deal all the way up.
it’s good. people are fucking hyped, so they throw themselves into it, feeding off the crowd’s energy, and almost no one is more hyped than mr. best man. he’s jumping up and down, his arms around gareth’s cousin and his wife. he knows every word to dancing in the dark (hot). when they transition into robyn’s dancing on my own he turns to the girl with auburn hair and points at her and screams. cute, eddie thinks, watching best man pick her up and spin her around while she downs her wine and shouts along. okay, really fucking hot, eddie thinks, when he finally pulls his loosened tie all the way off and unbuttons the top two buttons of his shirt and eddie can see a hint of chest hair peeking out.
they slow it down for the first dance. it’s the leon bridges one everyone always does, but it’s perfect in jeff’s range, and there is not a single dry motherfucking eye in the audience. they do a couple more slow ones, throughout the night. best man dances with his girlfriend and then gareth’s grandmother and then with every child under the age of 10, letting them stand on his shoes while he twirls them around. how is this guy fucking real, eddie thinks, which of course is when best man notices eddie looking right at him and their eyes meet. best man looks a little flustered, at first, and then grins at eddie, right at him, before spinning the flower girl around in dizzying circles.
jesus christ, eddie thinks.
they’re closing out the night on the only other request gareth's cousin gave them: the one from the end of dirty dancing. jeff thanks the crowd, offers his congratulations to gareth’s cousin, and then goes right into it. except as jeff sings the first line everyone absolutely loses their shit, turning to best man and jumping around him and one of the bridesmaids. what the fucking hell, eddie thinks, keeping one ear on jeff and chrissy’s duet and one ear on the crowd piling around best man “—you guys HAVE to, dude, you’ve GOT to—“ but whatever it is he has to do is not immediately apparent to eddie. best man dances in a circle with the rest of the wedding party and auburn hair and the bride and groom, shout-singing along, and then during the build up to the second prechorus gareth’s cousin’s wife and her bridesmaids start pushing everyone to the sides of the dance floor, so there’s a long space in the middle, so the bridesmaid with curly dark hair is at one end and best man is at the other end and oh my god is he actually going to —
the bridesmaid runs and then launches herself at best man, who lifts her perfectly, right on cue at the peak of the second chorus, his hands steady on her hips while she floats her arms out in front of her just like jennifer grey. they hold it for a few moments while everyone loses their fucking minds and takes a thousand pictures. eddie actually takes his hand off his guitar for a minute. he thinks his mouth is open. he can see the muscles in best man’s arms flexing under his white button up shirt as he carefully lowers the bridesmaid back to the ground, laughing, his eyes scrunched up in joy.
eddie is maybe a little bit in love.
they close it out. the whole crowd whistles and stomps and applauds for them, which feels pretty good, eddie’s not gonna lie. as they start packing it up and high fiving each other and a couple people come over to ask if they have a card, if they’re still booking for next year or the year after (what?) gareth’s cousin comes over and hugs every single one of them, almost in tears, and then adds another 2k to the check he writes for them. eddie pulls out his cigarettes right then and there.
“steve, come meet the band,” he yells, when steve and auburn hair walk past. “gareth saved my whole ass, oh my god —“
“you guys were fucking incredible,” steve says, grinning, shaking gareth’s hand. “best wedding band i’ve heard in years —“
“they’re not even a wedding band!” gareth’s cousin shouts. “they’re like metal — moshing — thrash, i don’t know, LOUD—“
“whoa,” steve says. he pushes his hair out of his eyes and then turns that blinding smile right on eddie. eddie feels struck by it, wants to stagger back like he’s taken an actual blow. “cool, so you guys — play locally, or —?”
“oh my god,” his girlfriend says, rolling her eyes; steve elbows her in the side.
“i like your guitar,” steve says, gesturing at the warlock eddie’s still holding in his non-cigarettes hand.
“oh, uh, thanks,” eddie says.
“it’s a cool shape,” steve says, stepping closer, flicking his eyes down and then back up to meet eddie’s. there’s sweat gathered along his hairline, dampening the ends of his hair. behind him, his girlfriend coughs something loudly that sounds vaguely like slut.
eddie feels his eyebrows go way up.
“uh, thanks, shapes are. you know. shapes are great,” eddie says, nonsensical. he sees gareth shoot him an incredulous look out of the corner of his eye.
“can i bum one?” steve says, looking down to the cigarettes in eddie’s hand.
“totally,” eddie says. “let me just—“ he holds the warlock aloft and gestures to the open guitar case.
“sure,” steve says. he waits around while eddie hustles through getting his shit sorted out and then turns away politely while eddie has a silent desperate telepathic conversation with the rest of the boys, who roll their eyes and make their way over to the still open, still free bar.
where auburn hair is standing and talking to chrissy, putting a hand on chrissy’s arm while she laughs at something chrissy says.
hm, eddie thinks.
“so,” eddie says, walking out from under the tent with steve, down towards the water, awash in the moonlight. he holds out his cigarettes. “you like springsteen?”
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aouiaa · 1 month
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barista!abby x trainee!reader
warnings and disclaimers included the following
## content of sexual wlw content [mdni 18+], a slight cameo of ellie williams and joel miller, a classic frenemies with ellie pie and abby bear, a mention of parental death, a mention of male genitalia, smut with somewhat plot, softdom!abby, sorta loser!abby (cutie pie), sub!reader, public sex (break room of coffee shop), usage of petnames (pretty girl), praising, orgasm denial (once), fingering, nipple play, cunnilingus, face sitting, cum eating, aftercare (fucking finally i write some), strong language.
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barista!abby who’s also a student in business dreams of opening her own coffee shop in aspiration of honoring her father and love for books.
barista!abby who argues that she’s killing two birds with one stone since she’s building skill and working for her degree.
barista!abby whose such a SHOW OFF in front of girls she finds attractive, it so feeds into her ego when it works, and the girls are all ogling over her mastery at coffee art. yeah, it’s totally not the arms that are doing it for them.
barista!abby who hates that little red or whatever color haired fuck, ellie. the two have curated non-verbally a competition on basically whose dick is bigger. who makes the best batch, who makes this, who makes that. it’s never ending with these two.
barista!abby who’s convinced ellie in another lifetime was a king’s jester with her profound tricks that amused no one, but herself. the tricks themselves could threatened the woman’s head off alone, finding herself in a fetal position, in a pit of her own laughter. when abby eagerly sits on a unsuspecting “prize” during lunch, only to hear what can be described as a gust of wind. her flushed countenance instantly transformed into anger when the palm of her hand held a whoopee cushion.
barista!abby who went so warm when she saw you talking to the manager after ellie confirmed you were a new employee that if you stuck a thermometer under her tongue in that moment, it’d earn a hospital visit. and with ellie on sidelines teasing her for the state she’s in wasnt helping, unnecessarily quoting if she’s under weather, then rain on your home.
barista!abby who at the end of your shift on your first day surprised you with a free pastry as a warm, warm welcome. a small gesture, unfortunately, came with the price of a dispute with her boss, and money taken out of her week’s pay. amidst said scolding, a surprising opportunity came up. a good one at that, to train you at the expense of ellie’s days off of work to visit in her father, joel in their hometown, wyoming. despite the fact that she hardly listened after the inviting words of you, buzzed her mind with endless possibilities. it had her practically salivating at the numerous scenarios swirling around in her head.
barista!abby who’s a few weeks into training you, was losing her MIND over the taunting questions of you flirting or not. the causal strokes of your fingertips against her biceps alone were making the job harder. she had to get to the bottom of this, and like a detective corner you and have you plead for mercy.
barista!abby who, with an ironic twist, was usually consumed with thoughts, now found her mind solely preoccupied with you. her gaze fixed on the firm grip you maintained on the wooden handle, watching how your movements harmonized with its every swing as you rigorously mopped the floor. the purpose once held by the rag now seemed inconsequential as she leaned against the counter, arms folded, absentmindedly chewing on her lip. she imagined those hands of yours grasping onto her with the same unwavering hold they wielded when she stretched you out.
"take a picture, it'll last longer." you quipped, confidence resonating in your tone, and looking over your shoulder to show off the smirk that truly sells it. you knew she had been watching the entire time, and now had the satisfaction of catching in her act. she scoffed lightly, attempting to cover up her evident embarrassment, clearly trying to play it off.
“my phone’s in the locker, care to help?” she taunts.
barista!abby who watches you, utterly mesmerized by your frenzied movements against her fingers, pinned against the locker, using your hands as support to hold yourself up. the sounds you emitted resembled a blender running at full speed, loud enough to reach the nation if anyone had been nearby. thank god, it was just the two of you for the closing shift, dissipating the risk of scaring any customers away.
her ring and middle finger slid diligently in and out of you, while her right hand teased your hardened nipple between her pointer and thumb. her chin rests on your shoulder, leaving a trail of kisses on the bruises that dotted your neck. the gorgeous blues remained fixed on your mouth, agape to let her hear the sweet sounds of your pleasure. the corners of her lips curl into a satisfied smirk as she watched you tremble at the touch of her curling fingers on your g-spot.
abby's precise movements brought you closer and closer to the brink, the sensation was almost too much to bear. but just as you were about to succumb to the pleasure, her fingers slipped from your grasp. confused and frustrated, you’re flipped onto your back against the metal, meeting the gaze of the master puppeteer.
"you think i’m was gonna let you come and not see this gorgeous face?" she teased, admiring your disheveled state.
you frowned in protest, "i was just about to cum, asshole."
"careful, or you won't at all." she warned, taking your hand and leading you to a bench nearby. "sit on my face, pretty girl. no holding back." she commanded, her eyes filled with anticipation.
this time, with no complaints, you willingly complied with this new plan. abby's capable hands gripped the plush of your thighs, guiding you down onto her waiting mouth. the moment her tongue made contact, a moan tore itself from your larynx as a newfound sensation washes over you. your hand streams through her mane, tugging at the strands as she laps through your petal soft lips.
your hip, limited to their range of motion, rut back and forth against her prominent features, your body orchestrating itself towards it’s imminent. it wasn't long before the tension building in your abdomen snapped, sending you through the throes of your orgasm. your release painting the lower half of her face.
talk about a clean up in aisle seven!
barista!abby who makes sure you’re beyond comfortable, delicate caresses and praises when taking care of you. she, even going the extra mile, makes you hot coco, watching the liquid slosh within the mug, as she approaches you with a soft “there you go.” in response, you flash a smile and gratitude. she stood there, hands on her hips, observing you savor the drink. a grin tugging at her lips as she took in the sight of her oversized jacket draped over your shoulders.
intrigued by her smile, you raise an eyebrow and playfully inquire, "hey, what’s got you smiling over there?"
she chuckles softly, a light hue of pink painting her cheeks as her gaze momentarily wavers. looking everywhere but you, she brushes it off with a scoff, scratching her cheek. “nothing, just…” there's a brief sight of contemplation before she inevitably hesitates, shaking her head with a sigh. "nothing, forget it.” she dismisses.
you let out a hearty laugh, setting your mug aside. leaning forward playfully, you tease gently. "are you really going shy on me? like werent you just eating me out a second ago.“ a smirk adorning your features as you tilt your head.
her smile grows nervous, scratching the back of her neck as her blush deepens. mumbling a curse under her breath, she gathers the courage to ask, "i was just wondering if you'd like to go on a date with me?"
i’ll let you be the judge of that. part two?
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PERMANENT TAGLIST, @dyk3ang3l, @elliesprettygirl, @les4elliewilliams, @r3starttt, @slut4mascss, @marsworlddd, @bready101, @abbysleftbicepp, @airenaa, @caraphernellie, @astralnymphh, @whore87, @kaiilectric, @sapphicontherun, @mikellie, @nihilisticangelbby, @be3flow3r, @ppuussyyy, @clairoscharm, @lvlymicha, @brackishkittie, @loveyru, @drunkonnatasha, @leosw0rld, @visupremacysstuff
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mercurycft · 4 months
## leah williamson & awfc x american!reader !!
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contains alcohol consumption, flirting, helpless bisexuals.
prologue - series masterlist - account masterlist
1.3k words
'yellow' is a pulsating hub of energy by this time of night, the air thick with the mingling scents of sweat, alcohol, and perfume. neon lights flash in rhythm with the beats of the music, drowning out any attempts at conversation. the bodies writhing on the crowded dance floor move in a synchronized frenzy. behind the bar, a flurry of bartenders frantically mix drinks, their shouts barely audible over the pulsating bass. laughter and shouts from the dancefloor, which you can only assume is a sticky mess of spilt alcohol, blend into a chaotic blur around you.
you watch from your seat at the friends in the crowd of bodies. any other night, you would probably be on the dancefloor too, surrounded by your increasingly drunk pals - butchering a whitey houston classic and finding it absolutely hilarious. but tonight, you sat tucked away from the chaos at the bar, the heat from the room causing the back of your thighs to stick to your seat.
the music pulsed through you, though from your position you felt detached from the room and its inhabitants. watching on from afar as your friends seemed to thrive in the group of sweaty bodies, whereas you were too consumed with the way your clothes hugged your figure a little too tight and your back ached from perching on the uncomfortable stool.
you lived in a small town, so you recognised a lot of the faces that littered the dancefloor ahead of you. some from highschool, others from college - a few who were friends of friends. you gave the crowd a once over, the straw sat in your glass no longer a vessel for your drink; instead now being contorted between your teeth in an attempt to busy your mind. then you spotted her, across the room.
her hair was pale, it cascaded down her shoulders in a tumble of curls. she was laughing, her head thrown back and a bottle of beer clutched in one hand. she was surrounded by who you can only assume are her friends, their bodies swaying to the music as they shouted over one another in a mildly-drunken exchange. something about the way she moved, the way she held herself, had your eyes locked on her with no hope of tearing them away. it was as if she were a part of the club, as if she belonged there.
you felt a strange pull towards her, your heart thumping behind your ribs as you studied her body, her movement. in the pit of your stomach raged an inexplicable desire to be near her, though intimidation enjoyed the game and filled your brain with examples of the worst possible scenario - you, alone, an intrusion to her group and her night.
there was a slight possibility you were staring, and as if she could sense your gaze, she glanced up and across the room - eyes meeting your own. there was a flicker of recognition when you could see her face as a whole - the lights changing and flashing weren't helping, but a spark of curiosity had already stolen your attention. no longer focused on the room, the world around you seemed to disappear and for a moment it was just the two of you. then, just as quickly she turned away and back to her group, laughter resuming.
you felt a mixture of emotions, disappointment and uncertainty - twisted and twined with a wicked kind of curiosity which had you gravitating towards her. the group around her looked to be having if not a better time than her and for a second, you considered leaving. returning back to your best friend's house and wallowing in your loneliness. but the illogical part of you - driven by the small amount of alcohol coursing through your bloodstream, urged you forward. you brought your glass to your lips and tossed the remaining liquid into the back of your throat, wincing slightly at the burn across your tongue. a little liquid courage never hurt no one.
you weaved your way through the crowd, spotting your friends in the centre - b-lining straight for olivia, who had her back pressed against some random she had met and a nearly-melted frozen margarita in her hand. she smiled when she finally saw you in front of her and pulled you in towards her ear - making it easier to hear you over the noise.
"can you be wing-woman? or are you busy?" you teased, head gesturing towards the figure behind her frame.
"i can always be wing-woman!" she shouted back, arms outstretching in glee. "where is he?" she added, looking behind you at the other bodies around.
"she," you shouted, smirking slightly "is over there!" you pointed, picking the woman from early out of the crowd. you saw olivia's eyes sparkle in the strobe lights, her smile pinching below her eyes and her tongue poking between her teeth - excited by the challenge.
your first mistake was assuming a very drunk olivia was a good choice of wing-woman. your second mistake was letting her out of your sight for two seconds. by the time you found her again, your fears seemed to have been confirmed when you spotted her beside the one person you hoped she would not be near.
the colour drained from your face and your heart rattled in your ears, embarrassment pricking at your psyche when you saw her point at you across the floor - leading the mysterious blonde straight to you, your eyes meeting for a second time tonight. do you run? do you hide? do you start praying for the earth to open and swallow the entire city into its firey pits?
you watched liv's hand flap in the air, encouraging you to journey towards them. what did you have to lose? so you did, running a hand through your tangled hair and pushing it off your shoulders - too aware of the extra set of eyes watching you. when you made it to the pair, now separated from the earlier group, you couldn't help but apologise.
"i am so sorry, liv-" before you could continue you saw liv's lips begin to move,
"this, is y/n! y/n is hot!" a drunken olivia shouted in a meek attempt of humour as she dragged you in, her arm slung around your shoulder awkwardly. "y/n, this is leah. leah is british." she paused. "and hot!"
there was that embarrassment.
"mingle!" she finally added, releasing you from her grasp and pushing you gently closer towards the woman you now knew as leah. with that as her parting word, she seemed to drawn back into the atmosphere - gone in seconds and leaving you to deal with the situation at hand. a situation? is it a situation?
this close she seemed more beautiful than before, if that was even possible. your senses and nerves had reached a fever pitch, unable to focus on anything other than the bright blue eyes fixed on your features - you were sure you could see a small but amused smirk spread across her lips at the sight of your very visible nerves.
"i am so sorry," you began, head tucking above her shoulder to closer access her ear. her perfume flooded your senses, the sweet smell of vanilla dancing through the air and blessing your nose. "liv is-"
"very drunk."
"a lot.."
the pair of you shared a laugh, the moment frozen and the rest of the room fading into the background once more as you moved to inject your hand into the space between you.
"i'm y/n,"
she met your hand with her own, and you mentally laughed at the presence of a watch tan line peaking out from beneath the sleeve of her jacket. "leah," firm shake, easy on the eyes and what an accent. your nerve endings were on fire. her hands were soft, a few rings littering her slender fingers.
you were too focused on her hand, still interlocked with yours when her voice graced you once more - her breath carressing the exposed skin of your neck. "remind me to thank olivia later," she pulled away to look at you again and the confusion on your face must've been conceivable even in the low light because she let out a breathy laugh and returned to her previous position
"for introducing me to the most beautiful woman in here,"
next chapter
i hope you enjoy guys! first chapter - lets see how many we can do - im so excited for this. love always - RG x
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malereadermaniac · 26 days
Nasty Dog ~ Wriothesley x Male Reader drabble
I lied (lol) i'm back in a small writing mood Here's a Wriothesly drabble cause he's hot. Nsfw / MDNI ~ amab m!reader / FDNI Word count: 433 Cw: sweat n scent kink
The fact that it's cannon that Wrio constantly has a scent of sweat and musk lingering around him is insanely hot
You can imagine how damp it gets in the fortress, and clean water must be more difficult to access even for the duke himself; so his grace defo chooses to save water by only showering once or max twice a week! He's so responsible
That in addition to the amount of work Wriothesley does for the fortress, the fights he partakes in, his own workouts, and his wolf-like genetics, his lack of showering just makes his natural musk more intense
You know when your boyfriend is near by just by his sexy smell; you may as well of been pavloved (classically conditioned for my psyche peeps) to recognise the man's scent and look for him
Hugging the man always gets you hard, just cause his manly smell floods you nostrils no matter where your head is pressed against his body; but if you're face smushes anywhere near the duke's pits, holy hell you get drunk off of his smell
When the two of you fuck, the room stinks even better than with anyone else you've been - the scent of his natural smell mixes so sexily with your own scent n cum
His T-T-T-Face is also another factor that adds to your boyfriends sex appeal - his sexy smirks, sharp features, piercing eyes and thin stubble just gets you going and moaning more that the monster he's packing
(His TITTES are also a bonus)
Wrio is real good with his hands too, his veiny, calloused hands spreading your cheeks n toying with your hole almost everynight; his thick fingers curling into your prostate and spreading your entrance for his dick
Oh and fucking hell, when your sweaty boyfriend works out he likes to have you near him - not only to sometimes work out together, but also because his grace loves to watch you squirm around from your uncomfortable hard-on due to your boyfriend's manly, sweaty, muscular body and more intense scent
Wriothesley just loves to tease you with his musk, he knows you reallllyy dig it so the taller man gets such an ego boost turning you on by getting you to 'accidentally' sniff his musky, sparsely haired pits
And his pubes are such a crazy turn-on; his dark, bushy pelvis stinking so damn good, Wrio's natural musk just so manly and intoxicating - the smell taking up half of your mind every time you blow the man!
Overall your boyfriend is just a nasty dog, and you fucking love it.
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horsegirl · 14 days
On Tumblr: Blood is overdone. Consuming the body as a whole is trite. Cock and pussy are classic. Hole, humorous. Of course body hair is either nostalgia-bait or feminist-praxis. What’s next for the erotic vocab of the blogger? Spit, pits, other orrifices? We will see
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girlboybug · 7 months
“my wicked tongue, where will it be, i know if i’m onto you, you must be onto me.”
or the one where it’s halloween at saltburn and you and farleigh ditch the party downstairs to celebrate with a little weed in your bedroom.
what’s playing 🎧: haunted by beyoncé
pairing : farleigh start x fem!reader (afab bodied)
word count : 6k
CONTENT WARNINGS : SMUT, virgin!reader, bi coded! reader, heavy petting, grinding and dry humping, oral f!receiving, mentions of fingering, mentions of blowjobs, little bit of tip sucking oops, handjobs, light hair pulling, boob worship, sub coded farleigh for two seconds, smidge of overstimulation
TRIGGER WARNINGS : both reader and farleigh are high when they engage in the sexual activity but it’s all consensual they’re both equally high, ummmmmmmm hints of slut shaming in the beginning by farleigh but it’s not fr fr bc his ass is mother slut let’s be honest
a/n : comments rlly motivate me so if you enjoyed this plz lmk down in the comments <3
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venetia and felix are nowhere to be found amidst the neon mess of bodies that inhabit every orifice of what was once an almost eerily quiet and empty corridor just this morning.
leaving you to be doomed to a fate of enduring a poorly put together semblance of…you think frankenstein, having a one sided conversation with you. “can i get you another drink?” he asks over the booming music and for the first time in the entire interaction you smile a genuine smile, nodding with urgency. “god yes—please,” you respond eagerly, handing him back your cup. he takes it with an undeserving great sense of pride, and you exhale with relief once he disappears from your line of vision, hoping he loses you in the crowd.
“interesting costume choice,” a familiar, annoying, voice comments behind you. without even turning around yet, you find yourself rolling your eyes. you give him a once over and scoff. his fangs protrude from his smile, and you wish it looked cartoonish and stupid, but alas, he unfortunately looks good. really good. but over your dead body would you ever admit that.
fake blood is dribbled from the corners of his mouth and two neat dots rest near his pulse on the side of his neck. a brow rises and crinkles your forehead, aiding in the faux judgment you cast upon him.
“rich coming from the guy who’s wearing the most generic costume known to man.” you retort back, subconsciously withholding a level of snideness. you like the build of veiled insults you two toss back and forth, it’s never fun if you start off too strong. you enjoy the way you both ease into it. it’s a flow you’ve both unknowingly created for each other.
his head shifts to the side when he rolls his eyes and exhales under his breath, and your heart falters just a little lower within your ribcage when you see a bright red kiss stain on his jaw.
“it’s in reference to bram stoker’s dracula, a classic piece of literature, but you?” his eyes flicker over you, a little upward curve growing in the corner of his mouth. “i thought you’d be better than defaulting to a sexy version of marie antoinette.” he folds his arms over his chest, peering down at you, unbeknownst to the excitement that bubbles in the depths of his chest as he awaits whatever response you’re brewing in your head to bite back with.
heat plants itself like a seed in the pit of your stomach and extends its branches through your chest and fans over your cheeks at his observation. a hefty cloud of pride quickly replacing it when his words ring through your head again.
he thinks i look sexy?
“i’m not a sexy marie antoinette. i’m just the normal version of her.” you reply with a sense of smugness, seemingly stealing his. a panicked look of ‘oh fuck’ flashes across his face, and he tries to save face, to seem cool and collected. but you didn’t miss it for one second. and you’ll be damned if you let go of the one time farleigh let himself falter in front of you.
“i meant slutty.” he replies cooly, and you nod, a stupid grin on your face that he wishes he could wipe off. “you called me sexy.” your grin only grows and he’s already rolling
his eyes once more. “i know no one compliments you like you wish they would, so anything that remotely sounds like one is enough for you to latch onto, but i promise,” he steps forward and leans his neck downward towards you, not bothering to bend down to meet your height. “i meant slutty.”
a rush of something you don’t want to distinguish floods the shoreline of your lower stomach and trickles heat between your inner thighs at the way he speaks to you, but you hide it, barely allowing yourself to even acknowledge it. “the biggest slut i know calling someone else slutty, that’s rich,” you internally groan, knowing your reply wasn’t as witty as you’d intended.
before farleigh can verbally retaliate, your name is called out and you recognize who it belongs to; your charming frankenstein. you panic for a moment, dreading being back in conversation with him and you glance up at farleigh, hurriedly switching your bodies around, successfully shielding yourself with his stature.
he’s confused for a moment before realizing what you’re using him for. he laughs and you smack his back, hushing him. while you hide behind him you take the fleeting moments you have to outline his broad shoulders with your eyes, and how they trail into a slim little waist. his perfectly tailored suit hugs him just right, and it makes your throat get a little tight. you never took the time to notice farleigh’s physique, rather opting to semi-playfully belittle him. you find hints of regret in that.
he turns back around to face you and you snap back into the present, not the paused moment in which saltburn was empty and all that occupied it was you and farleigh and his broad back and small waist. “coast is clear.” he says, switching his weight onto one foot. “frankenstein? really?” he seems unimpressed, almost… irritated? you’re unsure.
you grumble and smooth down the invisible wrinkles in your corset. “don’t start.” but he does anyway.
“didn’t know that was your type.”
“somewhat stupid looking, bumbling.”
“what’s it matter to you?” you ask, wondering how far he’ll go with his dissertation on why the guy he has zero knowledge on is an idiot. “it doesn’t. it’s just getting a bit sad seeing that the only people who are interested in you are so…lacking.”
you suck on your teeth and nod, shrugging before you reply. “least i’m not fucking my teachers.” he heartily laughs, sticking his tongue in the bottom corner of his lip. “and yet, they all still trump your sorry excuses of flings.”
you open your mouth to correct him but you shut yourself up before you embarrass yourself. instead you just shake your head dismissively.
you perk up when you remember a little secret pick me up you’ve been hiding. you reach into your cleavage, unaware of the way the sight stirs something inside of farleigh. you pull out the joint you tucked away for safe keeping, waving it with an offering smile. “wanna share?” you ask and he chuckles in shock at the proposition. “weed? you’re a pothead now?” you sigh annoyedly and glare up at him. “you wanna share or not? quick before i change my mind.” he smirks and nods, eyeing the joint then you. “i’ll oblige.”
he follows you to your room, holding your waist to wade through the pool of people, with you flush against him. you ignore the way his hands mold around your waist, his long fingers curled across your dress, and you especially ignore how you can feel his rings through the thin material of your dress. definitely not wondering how they’d feel on your bare skin.
no, definitely not.
you lean against the open window of your bedroom with the joint, not wanting to taint the air with the stench, knowing elspeth’s keen nose would immediately clock it the moment she walks into your room.
farleigh coughs a lot more than you would’ve expected him to and it makes you beam with a feeling of superiority. “you smoke like half a pack of cigarettes every day, how on earth is this making you cough so hard?” you snicker, handing him a water bottle you keep by your bed.
he glares at you, taking a hefty swig from your bottle, setting it down before extending his hand back out for the joint, determined to prove a point. “forgive me for not being used to smoking weed, unlike you, you addict,” he mutters through an exhale of smoke.
you actually guffaw at his snippy little reply, for once in shock of something he has to say. “me? an addict? weed is probably the most harmless drug like—ever, whereas you, keep a keychain of literal cocaine on you almost at all times.”
he hates that he happens to have exactly what you just said on his person in this very moment. he tucks it away into his pocket and huffs. “i just do it socially, you’re probably up here all the time smoking alone like a loser by the window,” he has an infuriating self satisfied smirk when he speaks to you and you laugh sardonically, nodding along.
“well,” you say, taking in a hit, and letting it gently fan over his face when you exhale. “no one’s forcing you to engage in something apparently so below you,” you motion towards the door with a lazy jab of your head. “doors that way if you’re not enjoying yourself.”
he remains unfaltered in your cloud of smoke, letting it envelope him. he breathes it in, leaning against the windowsill. “do you want me to leave?”
“i always do.” you don’t miss a beat, a look that tells him you don’t really mean it is thinly covered with a fake smile, eliciting a chuckle from him through pursed lips.
“i don’t believe you.” he murmurs when he inches back toward you, plucking the joint from your fingers. he takes another hit, it’s smoother, he’s more in control of it, and something flutters inside you seeing the way he closes his eyes as he exhales the smoke out the window.
“you’re insufferable,” you say hushedly, gently. he chuckles quietly, handing you the joint. “and yet you keep me around anyway.”
“not by choice.”
as the night rages on, the joint you both share dwindles down into a dull roach. you crush the bud into your porcelain ashtray, tucking it away and beneath your nightstand.
your legs feel a little wobbly, your body has significantly loosened up and your center of gravity feels a bit off, but you feel good, and it seems farleigh feels the same. his eyes are low and hooded, they look a little red — it’s cute, kind of endearing too but you keep that to yourself like a bashful secret. his face and overall demeanor seems to be relaxed as well, a lot more loosened up than he was just an hour prior.
you smile at him, and there’s nothing hidden under the action, there’s no cover up for anything. you’re just happy to be with him in a moment like this. and he returns it to you, full sentiment and all, filling you with a sense of contentment. “feel nice?” you ask breathily, collapsing onto your bed. he joins you, plopping down beside you when he replies. “mmhm. i like it,” he says, his voice sounding a bit rougher from the smoke, like he’s on the edge of a rasp.
you shuffle around to lay on your side, your palm supporting the weight of your head, settling into a comfortable position. he copies your actions, switching around on his side to properly face you.
he looks beautiful with the way the moon creeps in through your parted window, the pale light complements the highlights in his curls and makes them look golden; he looks golden. but when your eyes fall on the taunting red kiss splayed on his jaw, everything turns back to copper.
“who gave you this?” you question him quietly, sadly. like it physically hurts you to ask him. your fingers hover just above the lipstick stain, unable to get yourself to touch it. in your induced state you’ve convinced yourself that if you were to ever touch farleigh’s face, it won’t be in the spot someone else tarnished with their own touch first.
“why?” he answers your question with another question and you huff under your breath, your filter too worn out from the weed to hide your frustration behind a poker face. “why can’t i ask?” you push a little further and he snickers lazily. “why do you wanna know?” he counters and you roll your heavy eyes, letting yourself fall onto your back once more.
he scoots closer to you, angling his neck to look downward at you, and he pouts with faux concern. “you jealous?” he asks, perking up and leaning towards you with a beaming smirk. you scoff, swallowing the lump in your throat as you turn to look away. the proximity of your faces is too much to bear, but not for him, his index and thumb guide you right back by your chin to face him. he keeps your gaze on him in place, his wide palm cupping your cheek. your skin tingles under the coldness from his rings.
now you know what it feels like, you think to yourself.
“tell me which one it is,” he says through a hushed exhale, leaning on his elbow, his eyes still angled down at you challengingly. “are you jealous of me, because — why wouldn’t you be,” he hums, his fingers ghosting over your temple.
and when he speaks again, you find that he’s moved in a lot closer now. “or of whoever left it?” his gaze flickering down to your lips and back up to your eyes, waiting expectantly for you to answer him.
your mouth goes even dryer than you thought it could, and you’re unsure of what to say, what to think, and between the lack of space between both of your lips and the questions he’s asking, you’re left frazzled. scrambling for something, anything to say.
you’re not sure how to reply, you’re shocked he even asked that to begin with, and now it’s your turn to visibly falter in front of him. he looks at you expectantly, and a little part of him feels as though he’s won some mini challenge in your ongoing battle to embarrass the other. but there’s a different type of smugness in his small victory, perhaps a confirmation on something he’d been wondering about for awhile.
“i’m not jealous of either of you,” your voice falls upon a faint breath and his brows push together, nodding patronizingly. “oh i’m sure.” he pushes a little harder on your buttons, waiting for when you finally do something about it.
“why would i be jealous of someone who gets with just anybody?” you add, sitting up on your elbows, unintentionally leaning in closer, engaging him in the push and pull. he follows your flow in motion, inching in closer, just a little, keeping the space between you both minimal. he laughs softly from the center of his belly, flicking a brow up. “versus what? someone who doesn’t get with anyone? sounds boring.” he adds, tilting his head, your noses brushing against each other’s. “boring is better than whatever you bring back home at night.” his chuckle falls across your lips at your response, and you find yourself parting your lips to breathe him in.
“are you admitting to having a non-existent sex life? i’d say i’m shocked but i’m not,” he replies, his voice at the tail-end of a whisper. a hazy, knowing smile begins to rise in the corner of his lips.
you take in a deep breath, smoothing out the duvet beneath your palms as you reply without a second thought to what you’re confessing to. “i’d rather get none than contract every std ever by fucking everyone who roams the halls at oxford,”
farleigh laughs initially, taking your playful jab before he pauses and looks at you a bit more seriously. a little too serious for your liking. it makes you burn up and inwardly panic. did you say something wrong? go too far?
“but you’ve had sex before…right?” he asks to clarify, sitting up a little straighter now. the burning sensation in your cheeks only heightens now. “um,” you’re once again left wondering how to reply but your pause acts as his answer alone. he sits all the way up now and you groan when you begin to hear the gears in his head shifting.
he says your name like he’s awestruck and you grab a pillow, pretending to suffocate yourself with it. he tosses it off of you and pulls you up to look at him. “you’ve really never…done it?” he asks again, unbelieving to this revelation. normally he’d find this to be a jackpot, chock full of new material to use against you. but right now he’s in too much disbelief to act on any of it.
“no,” you huff, avoiding his stare. “why not?” he asks, lowering his voice in a softer tone this time. “dunno,” you shrug. “no one really caught my eye enough to actually want to do it, and then you know college rolled around and i was just too busy for it.”
he half scoffs half laughs but it all stems from shock. “it’s impossible to be too busy for sex,” he opposes seriously, and you laugh dryly.
“yeah for you, but i actually care about my grades,” he shakes his head, shooing any topic of academics away. “yeah yeah whatever,” he waves you off, as if he’s clearing the air for his next round of questions. “you’ve at least kissed someone right—“ you’re shutting him up with a pillow thrown against his chest and he laughs, pushing it out of the way. ”of course i have farleigh, don’t be stupid,” you laugh, embarrassment still blooming in the depths of your chest.
“i had to check!” he says defensively and your embarrassment grows when you realize he really was genuinely asking, meaning it’s plausible that no one’s ever kissed you.
you bury your face in the pillow that acted as your weapon just seconds ago, unable to face him.
his laughter rings pleasantly in your ears, his hands prying you away from the pillow, wanting to see you. “have you done…anything at all?” he asks, like it’s sensitive information he’s pulling from you. he’s gentler when he questions you, easing you into the topic. you nod, biting on your thumbnail as you recollect your sparse experiences.
“tell me about them,” he says, leaning back on both elbows, still turned to face you. you rest on your stomach, your forearms supporting your weight, situating yourself to share your run ins with fleeting intimacy. “well, it was freshman year back at oxford, some guy i think his name was theo—“
“theo wright?”
“uh yeah i think so—“
“well there’s your first mistake.” he says matter of factly, his words dying down towards the end when he sees your irritated expression.
“can i finish please?” you glare and he laughs, nodding. “is what you probably asked him right?” you stifle the laugh that almost slips out, opting to narrow your eyes at him annoyedly instead. “shush.” you huff.
“anyways, i’m not sure, i think it may have been at some dumb welcoming freshman’s party and we went upstairs and we kissed in some guy’s bed and he rubbed my inner thigh for like 5 minutes, completely under the impression he was touching my clit.” you can barely make it through the description of your time with theo without farleigh doubling over and laughing, nudging your arm with his head.
“oh my god that’s good,” he exhales at the end of his laughter, pretending to wipe a tear from the corners of his eyes. “you poor thing,” he sighs, patting your cheek. “and did you say anything? like…guide him to the right direction maybe?” you shake your head dejectedly. “no. i had to pretend to cum so he would stop.” you admit, the regret from that night pinging through you.
farleigh coos at you apologetically, stifling a laugh in the process, “poor baby,” he hums, patting your cheek. his ringed pinky casts away an imaginary strand of hair, finding any excuse there is to be near you, to touch you.
you melt under his touch, fighting the urge to lean into it. “that’s the closest thing you’ve had to a hook up?” he asks, fully focused on you, making you a bit nervous from all his attention being directed at you. there’s no audience to perform your shared act for, it’s just you and him, and you think you like this change of pace.
you shake your head, laying back against the headboard, resting your legs across farleigh’s, to which he welcomes without hesitation, throwing an arm over them casually.
“i had one more. it was with noa…” you trail off, a bit shyer expressing this particular experience. farleigh however is nowhere near shy, the word is nowhere near his vocabulary, instead his interest has been piqued and it’s visible in the way his ears just about perk. “wait, girl noa or boy noah—uh keaton or deacon?”
you’re silent for a moment, letting the muffled thrum of music fill the air before you speak again. “keaton.”
he laughs, shocked but impressed, his tongue poking the hollow curve of his cheek as he nods. “noa keaton, interesting...” he repeats back, mostly to himself, somewhat in awe.
“don’t be weird about it,” you groan and he shakes his head, rubbing your calf comfortingly. “no no i’m not i just wasn’t expecting that. good for you though,” he winks at you and you’re rolling your eyes.
“yeah. anyways she um…she fingered me in the library,” a fluttery feeling lines your stomach at the memory and farleigh catches onto your pauses, noticing a more positive physical reaction when you mention her. “yeah? was it good?” he asks lowly, his voice huskier than it was a moment ago and you nod, leaning your head against the cold wooden headboard. “it was—thankfully; she actually knew what to do, you know?” he nods, chuckling. “makes sense. did you get to finish that time?” he asks as if he’s actually concerned, and the way his hand keeps running up and down your legs makes you feel as if he just might be.
you’re not used to discussing such topics with farleigh, it’s unfamiliar and his bluntness and shamelessness in being open with how curious he is as to whether or not someone has made you cum is catching you off guard, but most concerningly, it’s making you ache. “no,” you finally answer, sighing sadly. “almost did. but we also almost got caught and then you know, she dropped out. haven’t heard from her since.”
you expect him to laugh, but he doesn’t. he takes a moment of silence and it acts as yet another surprise tonight; farleigh is capable of being quiet.
“so you haven’t had any experiences worth writing home about then, huh?” he verges on a whisper, his voice cradling the sides of your face, guiding your eyes back to his. you nod and he hums in tune to something similar of patronizing. “let alone any real ones,” he adds, his thumb swirling over your knee. you shrug lightly, anxiously fiddling with the ruffles at the skirt of your dress.
“do you want one?” he asks, his eyes keeping you still in place and you gasp silently, swallowing thickly. “want what?” you manage to reply, your nerves blanketing over you. “a good experience.” he answers lowly.
you stare at him for a second, unsure if he’s really just said what he said, but in the case that he did, you nod like you’ve been entranced by a siren song. but with the way farleigh looks at you when he speaks, with such an intensity and power that never allows you to look away, you feel as though you might as well have been.
he smiles at your agreement, sliding his hand down to your ankle and tugging you towards him. you gasp, yelping with low volume as you slide down your bed. he pulls you in close, climbing further into your bed until he’s on top of you.
his hooded eyes peer down at you, drinking you all in, so beautiful and pliable beneath him. he brings his thumb to your bottom lip, running along it and smearing your lipstick across your chin. he dips between your lips, smirking to himself when you kiss the pad of it.
he pulls away leaning downward until his nose nudges yours. “tell me i can kiss you,” he tells you, his words fanning out against your lips, and you nearly moan from the proximity itself. “i want you to kiss me.” you whisper back and you sweat you see a smile on his lips before they’re on yours.
you moan with relief, embarrassingly desperate to have farleigh on you. you’re chest to chest, lips interlocked with his cock pressed up against your clothed crotch, grinding lightly.
he groans in your mouth, sucking on your bottom lip as if it were secreting nectar. he’s starved from the weed consumption, and all those months of this incessant back and forth you two shared is all coming back full force. you can feel it in how hard he kisses you and the hunger that lies underneath it all.
his hand travels from the back of your knee, gliding over your leg and up your thigh, squeezing your hip when his hand finds purchase there. he ruts into you in waves, breaking apart from your lips, much to your dismay, to kiss and nip at your neck, rinsing you of the disappointment from the momentary lack of closeness.
“farleigh,” you breath out, your knees locking him in on either side of his hips, pushing up to meet his grinding motions. “what baby?” he mumbles, raspy and heavy and it makes your clit throb. “feels s’good,” you sigh lazily, arching your back into his chest. he chuckles, his ego rising with every little moan you give him.
“better than what theo did?” he asks, pushing his bulge right up against your clit, and you whimper, nodding stupidly. his signet ring tickles you through your thin panty hose when he inches closer between your thighs. your breath stops in the middle of your throat as he nears your cunt. “can i touch?” he whispers, his lips brushing against yours. you moan under your breath, nodding. “please?” you beg, heavy eyes of yours gazing at him from beneath your eyelashes, lips pouted desperately.
he doesn’t make you ask again, he’ll save that for another endeavor he hopes you two will indulge in again. for now he’ll give you what you want without making you work for it. at least, too hard.
he rubs you through your panty hose, sucking in a sharp breath. “fuckin’ soaked through baby,” he groans, kissing you hard.
the wind in your lungs has abandoned you, the air in the room playing cat and mouse with you amid your struggle to keep up. farleigh’s touches making the feat all the more increasingly difficult. he sends you one last kiss on your lips, sponging one to your chin, then down your chest, nipping at the swell of your breasts.
“can i take this off?” he murmurs, his chin just beneath your sternum, fingers toying with the laces of your corset. you rest on your elbows, looking down at him, the way he peers up at you alone could convince you to commit the most heinous crimes. you nod, reaching down to untie them, but he’s quick to stop you. “let me do it,” he says, grasping your wrists. you swallow thickly, glancing at how his large hand easily holds both your wrists with ease.
he takes his time unlacing your corset, wanting to savor this juncture in time. he’s slower than you thought he’d be, treating you like a ribbon wrapped present, if he’s too rough it may all fall apart and honestly you fear that you might if he doesn’t move any faster.
“farleigh,” you whine, sitting back up. “hurry up or it stays on,” you nearly growl and he laughs, tugging everything undone with one harsh tug, opening your corset and baring your breasts. you gasp, instinctively covering yourself. he shakes his head, tsking you when he pulls your arms away. “thought you wanted me to hurry up?” he bites back just a little, playfully, pulling a glare from you. he doesn’t care, he’s already lowering himself back between your thighs, holding you by your calves to spread you open.
he grips your calf, the other squeezing your thigh, using them to keep you wide open for him. his hands are warm and firm around your flesh, and his tongue is wet and hot against your clothed cunt.
the small act alone propels you into hedonism, reminding you of how good pleasure can be, how all consuming it is, and in this moment it feels as though farleigh is the only one who can provide any relief for the burning engine grinding in the pit of your stomach, aching to be satiated.
“farleigh,” you whine, throwing your head back when he mouths at your cunt, his tongue burns through your thin layers but it’s not enough, you want his tongue to brand itself right up against your clit.
your desires and needs are caught through your drawn out breaths, tugging at the air in jagged gasps. he reads through all your little sounds, and without any coherent words needed, he digs a nail into your pale pantyhose, ripping them in the crotch and pushing your panties to the side, burying his tongue right where you need it to be, searing your soaked flesh with every broad flick of the wet muscle.
you gasp almost like it hurts, but it’s quite the opposite. he laps you up and devours your cunt like he’s trying to reach your heart, grappling around your legs and gripping your hips to keep you in place, starved for something sweet. his eyes that have held you inside silent conversations amidst a gathering of people are now shut, tucked away behind his eyelids and long lashes, too focused on the way you taste and how he can’t seem to get enough of you.
he’s never been this hungry before, and maybe it’s the weed or maybe it’s the simple fact he’s fantasized about this more often than he’d like to admit. on more than just a singular off handed occasion, his hand has slipped beneath his boxers, jaw clenched, eyebrows drawn together and teeth gritted, almost begrudgingly to the act itself.
but he always gives in.
the fantasy is always the same, it’s prompted by whatever stupid argument you two found yourselves in, and he shuts you up with his mouth latched onto your cunt, erasing any quips or snarkiness left in you and replacing them with the sounds of you struggling to barely even moan his name. and now that it’s real, he can’t just stop now, he wants to prolong this moment for as long as he can.
his nose swipes across your clit, pulling a drawn out moan from the depths of your chest, and you shudder, trying to find something to hold onto for security, but farleigh’s a step ahead of you, eagerly offering his hands for you to take. you do so, desperately, lacing your fingers together and whimpering when he takes in a dull quick breath before pouring himself into your cunt, flicking his tongue right there, and moaning to himself at the way you just melt into him.
you roll your hips into his mouth sporadically, with no real rhythm, your body reacting with violent jerks as if his tongue were electric, and he takes it all in stride, squeezing your hands lovingly.
and when he sucks on your clit, it’s too much, you can’t take it, it pulls you into a state of thick molasses, gleaming and aureate, only to settle into the center of your stomach, pushing inward and arching you forward into pure ember, sizzling through you until it reaches your fingertips.
you can hardly hear or feel yourself breathe, everything’s buzzing and muffled, honey coats your skin and encases you in its sweetness.
you can’t help the twitching in your hips and lower stomach, whimpering in pleasured agony when you come back to earth and feel farleigh’s mouth still on you, moaning to himself and toying with your clit between his lips.
you’re untangling your fingers, and he grunts when you try to squirm away from his mouth, but he’s not having it, gently smacking your hipbone, silently chastising you.
you whine, taking in hefty gasps, it’s starting to hurt but in a way you can’t say is bad. it’s just so overwhelming, it makes you burn from the inside out and you can’t stop the thin stream of tears that escape from your heavy eyes. your bare breasts heave in the thick air, your mouth is parted with a choppy flow of pleadings with farleigh.
he slowly relents, planting one last firm kiss against your clit, peppering smaller ones across your hips and lower tummy, making his way back up to you. “hi,” he smiles as if he wasn’t just tongue deep inside your cunt. he swipes away the streaks of mascara tinted tears from your eyes, laughing breathily at the sight of your lack of coherence. “hi,” you exhale, grabbing his face and kissing him hard. his eyes shut when he leans into you, taking your lips in his. the taste of you is heavy on his tongue, heat fanning across your cheeks when you realize that bittersweet taste in his mouth is you.
your hand rests on his chest, slowly slipping lower and lower until you reach his bulge, palming him with fervor but maintaining some form of sensuality, albeit fueled with a sense of rushed desperation. you break apart from his lips and his head tilts forward, chasing after your kiss. you sponge a kiss against the corner of his lips, angling a downcast tilt towards his cock, mouth agape and eager to take him in. but he’s holding your jaw, stopping you and bringing you back to meet his gaze.
your eyebrows knit together with almost a betrayed curiosity. “why not?” you ask, almost naively, and he shakes his head, his thumb gently swiping across your bottom lip. “you don’t have to do that baby,” he promises, his voice left as a rich rasp from the smoke, and god he sounds so sexy, you want nothing more than to have his cock down your throat.
“i know i don’t have to, i want to,” you just about cross your heart and hope to die, to emphasize the genuine desire you have to suck him off.
“another time, i don’t want you to rush into something you’re not ready for,” he says softly, unintentionally sounding patronizing. it rubs you the wrong way, letting in a flood of embarrassment into your chest.
you scoff, hiding your insecurity with annoyance, folding your arms with a quiet huff. “i can handle it farleigh, if you think i’ll be bad just be honest and don’t hide behind fake reasons.”
he rolls his eyes, a faint smile on his lips betrays his act of annoyance. “you and your pride,” he mutters under his breath, a veil of adoration lacing through it.
“don’t be a brat,” he murmurs with a luster of playfulness, “i just don’t want to overwhelm you with too much too soon,”
you frown, moving away strands of hair from his face, sighing. “is this okay then? too much?” you whisper hotly in his ear, leaning up into him. you reach beneath his dress pants and boxers, wrapping your hand around the thickness of him and hiding your surprise at how big he feels in your palm, and how you can barely wrap around him with your fingers.
he falters above you, groaning in the crook of your neck with whimpers of please’s. you take this opportunity to guide him a little further on his side, lightly pushing him onto his back. you tuck yourself into his side, his arm pulling you in and holding you close.
you shove his pants down just enough to fully free his cock. arousal thrums all along your cunt once he’s freed from his pants. a twinge of gratefulness is in your gaze when you look back at farleigh’s low eyes. taking him down your throat admittedly would’ve been a difficult feat and you’re relieved he stopped you from doing so.
however you won’t admit to that, instead you wrap your hand around him, dragging your thumb around his tip, giggling when he winces with pleasure, curling into you.
you rest your chin on the top of his head, whimpering above him when he takes one of your nipples between his lips, swirling his tongue around them as you jerk him off.
“fuck,” he bucks his hips into the warm curl of your palm, running his fingers across your ribs, tugging you in closer towards him. he moans your name like its a saving grace into the valley of your breasts, inhaling your sweet perfume deeply. “does that feel good?” you ask softly, genuinely, and he groans, nodding.
“j-just, squeeze me right there,” he swallows hard, wrapping his large hand around yours when you travel a little further up his cock. you nod attentively, taking note of everything he likes. “tell me what else makes you feel good,” you murmur through kisses, planting them across his cheekbone. he fucking whimpers into your dampening flesh and your clit throbs at the sound.
“i like when you touch me right here,” he admits breathlessly, guiding your thumb to his tip. you nod, taking longer strokes, tightening your slickened grip and glazing over his sensitive tip.
“just like that, fuck,” he groans, panting heavily at the rhythm you’ve developed together. “you’re so cute like this,” you giggle lightly in his ear, teeth grazing his ear teasingly. you pump your wrist a little faster, feeling cocky at the way he falls apart in your hold, completely and utterly at your mercy.
he can’t help the way he tries to fuck your hand, grinding his hips desperately, neck bared for you when he throws his head back. you slide your arm a little further underneath his neck, cradling him close to your side, using your free hand to scratch at his scalp. his hips jerk and he moans, leaning into your gentle touches.
your eyes fall onto the wretched kiss stain on his skin once again, clenching your jaw. you smear it off of him, the flare up of jealousy sanctioning something in you to start dragging your wrist up and down a little faster, squeezing him a little tighter. pride rises within you when you see how receptive he is to it, trembling in the confines of beneath your wings.
you kiss the top of his head as he defaults right back into the sanctuary of your chest. his stubble tickles your skin, and you grow fond of the sensation. your poor hole clenches around nothing when your eyes peer down to see his cock weep in your hand, precum leaking and dribbling down your knuckles, agonizing over the same desire you possess.
the wet sound eliciting from your hand and his cock makes you ache, and you wonder what the tip of his cock would feel like rubbing against your clit. skin to skin. with each drag of your hand over him, you start to feel the familiar throb of desire settle back inside you, wishing your hand was your cunt taking him in. feeling each vein you feel right now but inside you, feeling his fat tip prod and hit right where your fingers could never reach. your fantasizing shows through the way you continue to jerk him off, growing hungrier and hungrier with each stroke.
“baby,” he groans into the thick air, as he lays helplessly beside you. “i wanna see you cum,” you whisper in his ear, unintentionally cushioning his face with your breasts and the act alone almost has him cumming in your hand.
he grips your lower back, burying his face in your chest, his body going rigid and firm, his cock twitching in your hold. “shit i think i’m— fuck baby tell me i can cum,” he begs, pressing needy kisses across your chest. you nod, pulling at the back of his curls forcing him to look at you. “you can cum for me farleigh,” you coo softly, lips pressed to the shell of his ear, your warm breath tickling his skin, and it’s all he needs to let go.
he can’t stop his eyes from falling shut in a tight pinch. his body locks up, his mouth parts open to pant in the air, his neck still displayed for your teeth to sink into, hips sporadically fucking into your pumping wrist.
you quickly release him, ducking down to wrap your lips around the head of his cock. you fight against the smile that wavers in your lips, feeling cocky over being the reason why he’s gasping loudly, whining your name as his cock twitches in your mouth.
you shut your eyes when he cums on your tongue, pleasantly surprised at the taste. he cums more than you would’ve expected but you take it all, eager to please him.
you gently lap at his tip, pushing your forearm on his stomach when he convulses from the sensitivity. “f-fuck, baby,” he breathes out, pulling you back up to him. he brings you down to his lips, guiding you onto your back when he kisses you.
it’s his turn to taste himself on your tongue and the thought of his cum gracing your mouth has his softening cock giving one last twitch. his hands run up and down your sides, savoring your skin and praying his hands and fingers memorize each curve and indent. “you’re so hot,” he whispers against your lips. you peck him, feeling warm. “i know.” he smiles, pecking you back.
he collapses beside you, straightening out the charm from your necklace back to the center of your collarbones and despite everything that transpired between you two, the small action still makes you feel flushed.
“would it be okay if i slept with you in your bed tonight?” he asks quietly, anxiously. you nod, turning to look at him with a delicate smile that tells him you’re more than happy to have him stay with you. “i’d be upset if you didn’t.”
relief floods him, in return allowing him to abide by his instincts to scoot closer towards you. he curls into your side completely, long limbs overtaking you and intertwining you two until you feel like you’re one.
“night.” he whispers, his lips ghosting over your shoulder, unsure if he’s still allowed to plant a kiss there. you’re too sleepy to notice, content enough with being in his arms. “goodnight,” you repeat back softly, pulling the blankets over your bodies.
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toxicanonymity · 1 year
Apple Blossom. Left in Lincoln, pt. 4
7.5k / dads best friend!Joel x virgin!Reader 
story master list / joel miller master list
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His cheeks turned a little pink and his eyes lit up. He handed you the rag.   "What?" you asked. “Nothin',” he said softly and shook his head. “You sure are pretty, darlin’. That’s all.” He dried his hands then gave your butt a squeeze. The moment of domesticity almost made you forget the town was rotting away beneath your feet. 
WARNINGS: I8+ mdni, slow-burn horror w/ potentially disturbing implicit content, big girthy age gap (20s/50s), plot, angst, toxic/dark fluff, gaslighting, manipulation, pressure, grooming, grinding, fingering, oral M receiving, pet names and praise.  Very TOXIC, dark Joel. Impaired editing.
You fell asleep in Joel’s arms and woke up alone in your bed.  The apple blossom was gone from your night stand. You showered and got dressed. You couldn’t find your baseball cap and realized the last time you wore it was in Joel’s orchard.  When you came downstairs, Bill and Frank's bedroom door was open.  Before you could investigate, you heard screeching outside, then cursing. You ran to the door.  Joel was waving his arms and a crow was flying away from him.  He had a screwdriver in one hand. He stood up and smoothed his shirt and a feather floated away from him.  He was wearing Frank's clothes with his hair freshly slicked back from a shower.    
You went outside and looked down at the open vent. You asked, “How’d you get it to come out?”
Joel shrugged with his arms hanging heavy at his sides.  "Nowhere else to go. Gotta be patient sometimes.” He bent one knee and put the hand with the screwdriver on his hip, looking up at the roof of the house. He squinted at the chimney.  “I reckon we left the fireplace vent open the other night.” 
You approached Joel and he extended his free hand for a hug.  He stroked your head and looked at you lovingly.  You were still taking that in -  the fact that Joel told you he loved you.  He gave you a kiss on the head and inhaled your scent.  Then he went to screw the vent back into the side of the house, and your eyes followed his ass.  That was one thing about Joel always having his shirt tucked in - You were very aware of his ass. He was so muscular, almost statuesque to you. His proportions reminded you of classic art. 
Joel glanced back as he bent over and your cheeks burned as you looked away from his body.  
“Can we plant the strawberries today?” You asked.
“Not the season, darlin’. Won’t survive.”
“Ours are still alive," you said. 
“Really?” he asked skeptically. 
"Yeah, they just never fruited."
“Show me.”  Joel finished screwing the vent back into place then stood up and brushed off his knees.  
You led him to the failed strawberry patch and showed him the plants. 
“Well I’ll be damned,” Joel said and squatted down to finger the leaves.  "You wanna bring’em, guess we can try it."
You were excited to surprise Frank and Bill with fresh strawberries. Once they fruited, maybe you could transplant them somewhere at home too. 
"Grab a spade and bucket outta the shed. Some of that cloth, too." 
You returned with the requested supplies and Joel said, "Alright, I’ll work on this and you can pick some veggies to take with us if ya want." 
“We’re not coming back today?” 
“Not ‘til we figure out what’s goin’ on, darlin’.” He put his hands on his knees and stood back up with a groan.  “Anything else you wanna plant from here? Arugula?”  
You were still processing the idea of leaving home for multiple days.  “Sure. Wait, what if we get the computers back up to check the cameras?” you asked. “Then we can see if it’s safe.” 
He wiped his brow with the back of the flannel sleeve.  “Just looked at ‘em. All static. Lines must've been cut.  Been down at least a few days." 
"What??" A pit formed in your stomach.  This whole time, you should’ve been even more scared than you were.  Joel sensed your fear. He stepped forward and put his arm around you.  He cradled your head against him.  He smelled a little like Frank.  
“It’s okay, baby. I’m not leavin’ you again," he reassured you.  The low vibration of his voice in his chest was an extra layer to the hug. 
You tried to shake off the dark mood that fell over you. "Can we make apple juice?” you asked.  
“Sure we can, peaches.”
Joel uprooted some strawberry and arugula while you picked vegetables then brought them inside.  You got out the empty apple juice jar to take with you and took the cider jar out of the fridge, too.  
Joel walked in and froze. “You’re not drinkin’ that, are ya?” 
“No,” you said, but you didn’t want to offend him since he brewed it.  “Not right now.”
“But you did?” He stepped forward and looked so serious.  Your face went cold.
“Well, no-”
"You shouldn’t be drinkin’ without me, darlin’.  It’s not safe.”  There was an air of judgment in his  voice. You were embarrassed, but shouldn't have been.  You were old enough to drink and your house was full of wine. You could have a drink alone if you wanted to.  Joel extended his hand and looked at you sternly. “Gimme that.”  You felt defensive as if you had done something wrong. Even knowing you hadn't.  You suddenly realized you had no idea where his bottle of whiskey was that he left there days ago.   He might have thought you drank it, too.  You were mortified. 
“I was just gonna pour it out so we could use the jar,” you explained as he opened the cider.  Joel's face softened and he poured it out in the sink. 
“Got plenty of jars at home, baby. Good idea though."  He rinsed the jar then patted the back of your head tenderly. It wasn't enough to soothe the feeling of being scolded, but the feeling would fade. You had bigger things to worry about anyway. He just wanted to keep you safe. 
On the walk to Joel’s house, you told him all about the night before.  How Abe didn’t come by, then you heard Abe's truck, but didn’t see him.  You told him about the songs playing on the radio station, which gave you chills to even think about.  
Joel heard the distress in your voice and stopped dead in his tracks, disturbed.  “Sorry I wasn’t there, darlin’.  Never shoulda left ya." He took a deep, ragged breath in. He cupped your cheek.   “Guess I didn’t wanna be a bother if ya didn't want me stickin' around.” 
You felt a wave of guilt for sending him home each night.  You imagined him walking alone in the dark worrying about you, thinking he was bothering you.  
"It's okay, Joel," you reassured him.  "I should've asked you to stay." 
"It's not okay, baby.”  He shook his head at himself, then looked at you with grave concern.  “What if somethin' happened?" 
"Well, I guess it didn’t.  I'm okay," you said. 
He sighed and cradled the back of your head.
"But I'm worried about Abe," you added. 
Joel dropped his hand, and looked off into the distance, jaw muscle flexing.  
"What if he's in trouble?" you asked. 
Joel took a deep breath and looked in the direction of Abe’s property.  "Tell ya what, darlin'. I'll go check on him today, how’s that sound?”
The distress melted away from your face. “Thank you,” you gushed and wrapped him in a hug.  He kissed the top of your head.
A bird cried and both of you turned toward the sound.  It was a crow.  It followed you the rest of the way to Joel's house, squawking obnoxiously.  
It was your first time being in Joel’s house.  It was about as neat and clean as you expected for the most part.  It smelled woodsy and nutty, like pine and almonds, and faintly of apples.  He led you upstairs to a spare bedroom and left you there to get settled in. He said to let him know if you needed anything.  
You walked around the room and picked things up. There was a dresser, a vanity, and a mirror.  On top of the vanity was a jewelry box and a hairbrush.  A stationary set.  There was a stool at the vanity and a box fan on the floor.  
Everything was so perfect and comfortable. It was what you imagined a hotel might be like. Clean and cozy. You sat down on the neatly made bed and took your shoes off. Joel came back a few minutes later and stood in the doorway, leaning against the frame. He looked around the room then nervously put his hands in his pockets.  He asked, "What do you think?" 
"It's amazing." 
He looked relieved.  He came over to sit next to you on the bed.  "Good," he said.  He smiled and his eyes scanned your body.  He caressed your neck and planted a kiss on your cheek.  
"Can we pick apples to make the juice today?"
"Not today, darlin'. Not 'til we're sure it's safe." He raised your hand to his mouth and kissed it.  "Got some apples in the kitchen, though." 
Joel made lunch and told you about the different improvements he made to the house and orchard in the past few years.   You asked for a tour and he said you could have one after he knew the community was secure.  He got up and took the dishes to the sink.  He turned on the water to wash them and you got up and volunteered to do them instead. It seemed only fair since he made lunch. You stood next to him at the sink and reached for the rag. His cheeks turned a little pink and his eyes lit up. He hesitantly handed you the rag with a slight smile.    
“What?” you asked. 
“Nothin',” he said softly and shook his head, looking at the floor.  He looked back up at you and sucked his bottom lip.  “You sure are pretty, darlin’. That’s all.” He dried his hands on a clean towel, then gave your butt a little squeeze. You smiled and giggled silently.  The moment of domesticity made you forget the town was rotting away beneath your feet. 
Joel moved to stand close behind you and put his hands on your hips.  He spoke softly into the crown of your head.  “I'll go take a look around the neighborhood and check on Abe.”  
You turned your head and nodded, “thank you, Joel.” 
His voice got low and serious, but remained gentle.  “Stay here. Don't go outside.” 
You nodded again. 
“You don't answer the door for anyone but me.  Real important, okay?"
You put down the dish in your hand and turned around to face him fully. "Okay."
"Even if you think you know 'em. Don't know who could be infected." He swallowed regretfully. 
You nodded in agreement, "Okay."
His hands on either side of your hips casually caged you against the sink.  He gently pressed his hips, then his lips into yours.
“Back before sundown,” he muttered. 
He put on a jacket, went down to the cellar, and returned with two firearms. He handed you a pistol, put on his jacket, and kissed you goodbye.  He winked as he left, then locked the door behind him from the outside.  
While Joel was out, you got curious and bored. You  walked around the house.  The first door you tried to open was locked.  The second one led down to the cellar.  You took a few steps down and tried to reach the light string that hung from the ceiling.  it swung away.  After another step down, the door behind you began to close.  You panicked and lunged up the stairs to keep it open.  That was stupid. You could have gotten locked in.  You scurried up the stairs back into the living room.  Once you caught your breath, you shut the door behind you and didn't go back.   
Another door was a closet.  Jackets, hats, boots. You saw an old Red Sox hat and your heart skipped a beat.  Your first thought was Jesse.  Your heart pounded in your chest and you weren’t sure why.  It was probably yours.  Joel must have scooped it up when you left it in the orchard.  It could have faded from the elements.  You had the strongest urge to touch and smell the hat, but you didn’t dare disturb it.  Joel seemed like the type to know exactly how things were. You didn't want him to know you were snooping.  
You didn’t try any more doors after that.  You went back to the kitchen.  You opened the pantry and there were two crates of jars, one of them locked. You looked around the opposite counter from where you had been doing the dishes.  A basket of apples, a jar of apple seeds. A fresh branch in a vase of water with a budding blossom.  You held up the vase and smelled the bud. 
You were startled from the moment by a faint scraping and clinking sound outside.  You fumbled the vase and almost dropped it but caught it.  Your pulse sped up and your eyes darted to the window.  You put the vase down and walked to the kitchen door which looked out into the backyard and orchard.  You put your hand on the knob, then changed your mind, Joel’s cautionary words fresh in your ears.  You stood at the window and looked.  You didn’t see anything.  You heard it again. It sounded like it was coming from the back of the orchard, which you couldn’t see.  All you saw was dirt, grass, a fire pit, neat rows of tree after tree, dead leaves tumbling across the ground with the wind.  Maybe it was the wind.  
When you heard it again, you were unsettled enough to step away from the window.  You went back up to the bedroom, figuring it was the safest place.  You covered yourself in the quilt and hugged one of several pillows, waiting for Joel's return, hiding, praying no one was around.  Hoping no one could possibly know you were there.  Grateful you weren't home alone at a time like this. You kept the bedroom door open so you'd be able to see trouble if it came. 
You dozed off and awoke when the back door to the kitchen unlocked downstairs.  Your heart raced and it took a moment to remember where you were.  It was almost dusk outside.  You quietly slid out from under the quilt and prepared to cautiously venture downstairs, assuming it was Joel who just came in the house.  A door closed downstairs, then the water heater turned on. You pulled the quilt back over you and turned off the light, waiting in the dark. After about ten minutes of lying there slowing your heart rate, the water turned off. A few minutes later, a door opened downstairs again. You wished you could fast forward to the next time you'd be in Joel's arms. 
You felt a presence.  "Joel?" It came out far quieter than you intended, but you were too afraid to repeat it louder. The stairs quietly creaked with padded footsteps. The creaking got closer and closer, then stopped.  You sat frozen, looking at a looming shadow in the hall, trying to make sense of it as Joel’s silhouette. The shape looked jagged, angry, nothing like him.  
“Peaches?” his voice made you jump; it was much closer than you thought.  Your hand came to your chest as he stepped into view and asked, “You okay? Thought you might be nappin', didn't wanna wake ya up.'” 
"I'm okay," you said and took a deep breath. "What's going on?"
Joel approached the bed and sat down with his hand on your knee. He was freshly showered and dressed in his own clothes again.  
"I think Abe left, darlin'."    
"Left?? Why??" 
"I dunno, sugar. It was like he just packed up." 
You were stunned. Abe couldn't possibly have packed up and left. This didn't explain anything at all.  You'd have to see it to believe it.  
"No. He wouldn't just leave," you said and got de ja vu. You were quiet. Nothing felt right.  You spent the whole afternoon scared and alone, and now this?
"Sorry, peaches. Didn't know you were close."
"We weren't. I just - I'm surprised. He didn't say anything this week, did he?"
"Sure didn't." 
"Just like Jesse,” you whispered. 
Joel inhaled through his nose as though calming himself. 
“I don't understand it," you said. 
Joel was quiet for a moment.  "People leave, darlin'. But I promise you I won't.  Not ever." 
You mustered half a grateful smile and indulged him. “Promise?”
"Never.”  He looked gravely serious.  “Not unless I take you with me,” he said softer. 
“Thanks,” you said. 
He shook his head.  “I mean it, peaches.  Nothin' in this world could take me away from you." He stroked your thigh and leaned in for a much-needed kiss. 
Then he put his arm around you, rubbed your shoulder, and leaned his temple against yours.  You sat side by side on the bed in silence for a minute, then Joel said, “been a rough day or two, huh?" 
You nodded pensively. 
"I know what we need." 
"How 'bout a special dinner?” he lifted your chin with his finger and your eyes met his affectionately. "There she is." 
"Put on somethin' nice, I'll get cookin'."
“Oh, I didn’t bring much,” you said, embarrassed. 
“Let's check the closet,” he said with a wink. "See what got left behind." 
He kissed you on the head and stood up. It was a shallow closet that rolled open from two doors to expose a single rack of clothes.  He rolled open the left door and there were five or six dresses. They didn't look like anything Ellie or Tess would wear and you didn't know who else could have left them behind. Whoever lived there before, you supposed.   
Joel pulled out two coathangers. A floral wrap dress and a low cut burgundy sweater dress. "See what ya like," he said softly with a sparkle in his eye.  "Take your time. I'll get cookin'." He winked and put the hangers back in the closet before leaving you to the task. 
You stayed seated on the bed and stared into space for a while, thinking about Abe.  Then you got up and put on the burgundy dress. It was a perfect fit. You stood in front of the vanity as the smell of fried rabbit wafted upstairs. You primped yourself and touched your neck, looking yourself in the eyes.  You wanted to be happy, but your eyes were sad.  You opened a dresser drawer looking for socks.  Sure enough, there was a small drawer full of socks and stockings.  Another drawer full of underwear, and even the same type of fabric washable pads you had to use for your period. You dreaded your period coming in a few days. That probably wasn't helping your mood.
Joel served a candlelit dinner at a card table in his living room. He said it was safer away from the windows at night.  He wanted to give it another day or two to make sure the community was safe.  He was walking to the table with a bottle of wine and stopped dead in his tracks when he saw you in the dress. He put down the bottle and said. "My lands, peaches." He wet his lips. "C'mere, gorgeous." He rubbed your forearms with his thumbs and looked you up and down. "You're so goddamn beautiful," he whispered. 
"You look nice, too," you said. He chuckled. He wasn't wearing anything out of the ordinary but he always looked nice. He took your head in both hands and kissed you softly.  Then he looked at you again, wrapped his arms around you, and kissed you harder with an "Mmm," into your mouth. 
He pulled out your chair for you at the table. He poured your wine, served you salad with no cucumbers, rabbit, eggplant, and applesauce. The salad dressing was incredible. He made it himself. "secret's in the basil" he said proudly. "Gotta mash it up real good, let the flavor out. If ya like it, we got more to plant out back.  Rosemary, too. Make us a little herb garden.” You smiled. The applesauce was amazing, too. 
He got up and retrieved a stone bowl from the counter. "Fresh cinnamon sticks.  I crush’em up dry first. Then add just a little apple to the cinnamon, mash it up so it’s all wet, then add that to the rest at the end."  He tasted the cinnamon mixture with his finger.  “Kinda spicy.”  He dipped his pinky for more and held it up to your mouth.   "Go on," he said.  You held eye contact with him as your tongue met his pinky. The cinnamon was strong.  Delicious.  He took a deep breath as you sucked his digit clean. "Good girl," he whispered, watching you in a trance. He put the bowl back on the counter.  “Use it for cobbler, too. We can make some if ya want.”  You never knew Joel was such a good chef.  
You ate quietly. You wanted to let Joel’s nice dinner take your mind off things, but it didn't.  You didn't want to grill him about Abe's house or say anything negative at all since he put so much effort into the meal. He put so much effort into making you feel good in general.  So you tried to pretend you were okay, but he sensed your mood.  
After cleaning up from dinner, the two of you sat down on his sofa in the living room.  He brought whiskey and a bag of pills and put them on the coffee table with two glasses. “Need a good night’s sleep,” he muttered as he sat down and poured a glass.  “How ‘bout you?” 
You didn’t say anything. 
“What’s wrong, peaches?”
You were quiet, but he didn’t let you off the hook.  He looked at you, expecting an answer.  Finally, you blurted out, “I’m lonely.”
Joel looked confused.  “We’re together now, baby."
The tears welled up over your eyes.  “Not right this second. I mean in general.”
Joel swallowed, then nodded.  “Must get lonely on your own.  Why don’t you stay here with me?” He took a sip, put down his drink, and scooted closer.  He rubbed your back.  
You ignored his offer, frustrated that he didn't get it or didn’t care. “Everyone's gone,” you said and started to cry.  “Everyone left.”
Joel’s face darkened and his jaw clenched. His body tensed and he stopped rubbing your back.  He sank back into the sofa and clasped his hands in his lap.  You turned around to face him, expecting more comfort, but he didn’t look at you or open his arms.  
“Not sure what to say to that, peaches," he said flatly.  He took another sip of his drink.  "You mean the world to me, and it sounds like I’m nobody to you.” 
“Of course not,” you said.  Your heart dropped at your foolishness.  Here was the one person you had left.  The best person who could possibly be left.  Someone who would take care of you no matter what it took.  Someone who cared more about you than anything or anyone else.  And instead of being grateful, you acted like he was nothing. 
Joel nodded slowly, looking down with a scowl.  He swallowed. 
You said, "I just miss them, that's all."
His eyes intensified and he took a deep, calming breath. 
“Bill and Frank, I mean,” you clarified, desperate not to make it worse. 
"I know ya do," he said in a near whisper, still looking down.  
You continued, your tears slowing but not stopping.  "It doesn't feel right here with everyone gone." 
“Doesn’t feel right here,” he repeated.  He raised his eyebrows and bit his tongue, sticking it into his cheek. 
You looked away, sensing that you hurt him but unsure what to do.   You sat in silence for what felt like several minutes, both of you looking straight ahead. Your back felt so cold without him comforting you.  
When you looked back at Joel, his eyes were glistening.  “You're enough for me, peaches.” His voice cracked.  “You’re all I need in the world.” He dabbed his eye and your heart broke. "Nothin' feels more right than bein' with you. I love you that much.”
No one ever made you feel that way before, like you were their entire world.  His affection overwhelmed you.  It felt like he cared as much about you as Bill and Frank, just in a different way.  
"I love you too, Joel." You squeezed his thigh reassuringly. 
“No, darlin'.  I’m in love with you. I don’t care about anything else.” 
You turned toward him and tried to meet his eyes.  “I’m in love with you, too.” 
He finally stroked your back.  “You might think so, darlin’.” He sighed.  “And I ‘preciate you sayin’ it. . . But when you say,  ‘it doesn’t feel right here’. . .” He dabbed his eye again.  “I gotta wonder.”
“I do, Joel.” 
“I dunno if you understand love, darlin’.  Or you wouldn’t say that.  And you wouldn’t feel lonely.” 
You were overwhelmed and confused.  It didn’t make sense to you. “I wouldn’t miss my parents?”
“Course you’d miss’em,” he conceded.  “But you wouldn’t feel lonely.” 
“Guess that’s what I meant,” you said.  He nodded and his face warmed slightly. "Plus, I'm worried about Frank," you said and started crying again. Something was tugging at your gut.  You felt worse, not better.
Joel started to say something, but didn't. He rubbed your back. “I know, darlin’. He poured you a glass of whiskey and composed himself. “They’d be proud of ya, how you’re doin’.”  
You laughed through your tears. “Sorry,” you sniffled. “I didn’t mean I was lonely. I’m not.” 
“Okay, darlin’,” he whispered
You couldn’t tell if he really forgave you.  Your whole face felt tense. 
Joel looked at you and a look of deep concern washed across his face, realizing how bad he made you feel.  “Hey, hey. . . . c’mere. . . “  He rubbed your back.  You scooted closer and hugged him from the side.  He brought your far leg into his lap so you were twisted over him. “Shhhh,” he said and kissed your forehead, but something was still off about him.  “It’s okay, baby.”  He softened but still felt more distant than usual, like he wasn’t sure he could believe you.  The distance made you panic. 
“I love you, I really do,”  you said.  
He drank the rest of his whiskey and bent forward to put the glass down, then stretched his arm out on top of the sofa.  You tucked one leg under yourself and rested the other leg over his lap.  He draped his hand on your knee, but didn’t make a move to pull you closer.  You climbed into his lap, suddenly more concerned about his feelings than anything else.  
You wanted to be closer to him, as close as possible.  You wanted him wrapped around you, inside you.  You wanted to be a part of him and for him to be a part of you.  You kissed him on the cheek.  He smiled but didn’t look at you, not really.  He looked at your eyes but it felt like he was looking past them.  “Joel,” you whined, eyes welling up at the lack of validation.   You cupped his face in both your hands and kissed him.  His lips pressed softly into yours.  You looked back and forth between his eyes, trying to connect enough to show him how much you meant it. 
“I wanna be with you,” you whispered.  “I don’t care about anything else.” 
Something behind his eyes flickered on.  “You mean that, peaches? You don’t care about anything else?” 
You nodded and pressed your lips into his again. 
He asked, “You sure?” 
“Yeah, I’m sure.” 
His hands embraced your back and the affection returned to his eyes full-force like it was in the morning.  He wet his lips. 
“Good,” he whispered.  “It’s you and me, darlin’. We only got each other.” 
You nodded. 
He looked from your eyes to your mouth and back, closed his eyes, cradled the back of your head, and kissed you deeply.  He held you and kissed you, the taste of whiskey fading after a few seconds as your mouths combined.  He pulled you closer into his lap and his jeans hardened against your dress and panties, making your core tingle.  He moaned into your mouth and your panties moistened rapidly.  His cock was big, and feeling it get so hard just for you made you feel special. Earlier, when you said you wanted him inside you, he said you were still being shy with him.  He said you hadn’t even touched it yet, that you weren’t giving him everything.  
You wanted to show him you could give him everything.  His big hands pulled you close and his hips lifted your body as he licked into your mouth. His hard cock pressed perfectly against your clit as his hips moved.  You reached down and unbuttoned his jeans, then tugged his shirt up and he let you untuck it.  He was truly in the moment.  He was yours.  You gently grabbed at the bulge in his jeans – it was more than a handful – and he thrust into your palm with a sigh. 
You broke the kiss to unzip his jeans, and he watched you like it was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen.  You slid your hand into his pants and softly gasped as you felt the stiff outline of his cock through his boxers.  His hips lifted into your hand with a soft grunt and he said, “Givin’ me everything, aren’t ya baby?”
You nodded earnestly.  He slid his hand between your legs, ghosting your clit over your panties, making you moan.  
“Wanna make you feel good,” you whispered, groping his hard cock and feeling a wet spot at the tip.  
“Always feel good when I'm with you, darlin’.” 
“Want it in my mouth,” you said.  
He inhaled sharply. “Fuck, darlin’.”  His eyes widened. “That what you want?”
“Yeah,” you nodded and got down on the carpet. 
You got out of the way while he took his jeans off for you.  
He spread his knees again and pulled the waistband of his boxers down below his balls.  He wrapped his fingers around the shaft with his thumb at the tip.  Butterflies swarmed between your legs at the sight of his strong hand holding his cock at attention for you. You nestled yourself between his legs.  
“You sure?” he asked and looked you over. 
You wet your lips and nodded without taking your eyes off his imposing cock. 
“Alright, darlin’.” He looked at you with pride and curiosity. 
You held his cock at the base and opened your mouth, hovering over the tip. 
“Just a little kiss,” he murmured. 
You pressed your lips against the tip and kissed it, sucking the salty precum into your mouth. 
“Good girl,” he sighed. “Now a little at a time.” 
You wrapped your lips around the tip and licked it, looking up at his face for approval.  The look on his face made you wet.  Joel sighed and tried not to lift his hips. “Good. Doin’ great, baby.” 
You sucked a little more of him into your mouth. He was so big, the head alone seemed to stretch your jaw. 
“Good, baby.  Nice and slow, not too much.” His velvety tip grazed the roof of your mouth.  You throbbed between the legs, wishing so badly to have him there instead.  But you had to show him you could give him everything.  
You braced the shaft at the base and the humidity of his salt and pepper hair made you throb more. You sucked and tongued his shaft and looked up at him for approval. 
“Good girl,” he nodded.  His validation made you slurp more of him into your mouth, a little too much, and you started gagging. 
“Easy, darlin’, hold on,” he chuckled.  “Take a breather,” he said.  
You were a little embarrassed.  “I wanna do it,” you whispered. 
“Okay,” he smiled.  “How ‘bout you lick it, get it real wet for us.” 
You salivated at the sight of his cock in his hand and licked him from base to tip three times -  once on the underside, and once from each side.  
“Now use your hand, darlin’.” You hesitantly wrapped your fingers and thumb around his shaft and he swelled into your hand.  His cock dwarfed your fingers, making you wetter. You were salivating.
You asked, “Are you sure you don’t want my mouth?”
“Darlin’, I love your hands.” 
He covered your hand with his and stroked himself with it. 
His hips thrust into your hand and it was so easy to imagine yourself impaled on his cock, it was all you could think about.  
“Give it another kiss, baby.” 
You brought the tip into your mouth again, then licked his cock from base to tip and sucked the head again, curiously tonguing the salty slit. You left as much saliva as you could.  
“Good girl,” he murmured and took your hand in his again. 
You ached to have him inside you. You wet your lips thirstily. 
He watched your face as his breath grew heavier. “Whatcha thinkin’ bout, peaches?”
You had a feeling he knew.  You looked down at his cock then back up at him, then away.  
“Don’t be shy, baby.” 
You looked up and made eye contact. “Putting our bodies together,” you said breathily and watched his face melt into a puddle of want. 
He inhaled through his nose, then murmured, “Want that real bad, don’t ya?” 
You nodded.
“Why’s that, darlin’?” His lips glistened and his eyes were half-lidded. 
“Wanna feel you inside me.” 
He breathed heavier as your hands slid up and down on his shaft.  He asked, “How ya think it’s gonna feel?” 
“I’m gonna be full of you. Attached to you.” 
“Yeah, you will,”  he nodded.  His grip tightened around your hand as he stroked himself. “You’ll be so full of me, baby. ..” 
“I really wanna be,” you whispered. You wanted it so bad you could cry.  “I need to be.”
“You will be, baby,” he said soothingly.  “You want your mouth filled up now?”
“Yeah,” you hovered your mouth near his cock again.  
“Go ‘head, baby.  Take it, it’s yours.” He took his hand away and put it gently on the back of your head.  
You sucked the tip of his cock into your mouth again and made eye contact as you sucked.  
He groaned and his thumb stroked the nape of your neck, then he lifted his hips and erupted in your mouth.  His warm, salty spend hit the roof of your mouth, then the tip slid back along your palate, and he pulsed again.  More cum hit the back of your throat.  Your eyes watered and you swallowed. 
“You did so good, baby.” 
He tucked his cock into his boxers and spooned you on the sofa.  
“Why’s it feel so good, doing that?” you asked.  
“Doin’ what?”
“Just having it in my mouth.”
“S’posed to, baby.  Your body’s gettin’ ready for mine.” His words sent a pang of desire between your legs. “Turns you on, right?” He reached under your dress and stroked your panties from the outside.  He felt the dampness and murmured, “Guess it does.” 
“A lot,” you said.  He began stroking your clit rhythmically over the cotton.  Your hips started to move on their own in his hand. You moaned softly. 
He slid his hand into the front of your panties and thumbed your soft curls.  “It’s ‘cause your special parts think I’m fixin’ to put mine right here.” He dipped his middle finger into the pool of wetness hanging at your entrance. 
“I wish you would,” you sighed.  
He groaned softly at those words, the blood already flowing back to his loins.  “You really do, huh?” His voice was low and soft. “You really wanna be full of me.” He wet his fingers with your slick and began gently circling your clit. “Attached to me.” 
“Yeah,” you said. “More than anything.” 
“Love hearin’ that, peaches.”  He held you tighter. 
“I wanna give you everything,” you said. 
“Gotta be ready, darlin’,” he said into the crown of your head.  
“I’m ready.”
“Your body too, angel.” You could hear the smile in his voice. 
“My body wants yours so bad,” you whined.
“Wantin’ it’s not enough, baby.”
You groaned in frustration. 
“Well. . . you tell me, darlin’.  You’ve had it in your mouth now.  Think it’ll fit in this sweet little hole?”  he swirled his finger around. 
“I dunno,” you sighed.   Your body didn’t care, it wanted whatever he would give you. “I’m sorry,” you muttered.
“For what?”
“Not having my body ready.” 
“Oh peaches, I’m glad you’re not.  It’ll be a privilege gettin’ you there.” He gently circled your clit. 
“Of course, darlin’,” he said softly. “Sometimes they bloom late for a reason.” He dipped his finger into your wetness again. “And this one’s just for me, ain’t it?”
“Yeah,” you whispered.  
“We’ll get there, baby.  We’ll get there in time.” 
“Okay,” you sighed. 
“Let’s see how much you can handle,” he said. “See what it’ll take to get there.” 
“Yeah,” you said.  “Please.” You lifted your thigh to make more room for his hand.
He slowly slid half his middle finger into your tight, wet heat. You moaned at his first intrusion. 
He sucked air in through his teeth.  “How’s that feel, baby?” 
“I want more.” 
He took a deep breath and pushed his finger all the way in.
You whimpered, “yeah,” as your body adjusted. 
“God damn,” he whispered as your cunt hugged his digit. 
He curled his finger just slightly and you moaned again. “It’s so thick,” you said.  
“See? Got a long way to go.” His cock twitched against your ass.
“No, it feels good,” you said as he slowly moved his finger inside you.  “I want more.”  
“You sure?”
“Yeah,” you answered impatiently.  
“Just one more.”  You squinted in frustration.  Why just one more? 
He took his middle finger out and flattened it alongside his ring finger.  He slid them up and down your slippery seam before slowly plunging them inside together. It was a tight squeeze.   “God damn,” he breathed. He paused half-way in. 
“Feels so good,” you panted.  “Keep going,” you begged. 
“Don’t wanna hurt ya.”
“Doesn’t hurt at all.”
He slowly sank his two fingers into you completely.  “Real snug,” he muttered. “You sure it doesn’t hurt?”
“Too snug? Is that bad?”
“No, no, not at all, baby. But it’s gonna take time to be ready.” He began to move the heel of his palm against your clit and you grinded back against it.  
“God, Joel,” you sighed. 
“Gonna take time,” he repeated.  “‘fore you’re ready for this,” he said with a thrust of his hips, grinding himself into your ass, already fully erect again. He thrust against you again with a soft grunt. 
You asked “You want it too, don’t you?” 
“Course I do, baby,” he panted. “Gotta feel good for both of us, though. Gotta do it right.” He kissed your head and curled his fingers inside you, digging the meat of his hand against your clit again. “Gotta be real special.”
Your clit twitched against his hand and he said, “C’mon, baby,” moving his hand at a slow rhythm. “Every time you come, gets us closer to what we want.” 
“Yeah, sugar.”  He breathed heavily with his body enveloping yours, pumping his fingers deep in your cunt, pressing his palm against your clit. 
You let your hips grind back unrestrained. 
“There ya go, darlin’,” he said, pressing his hard cock against you as he moved his fingers.  “Yeah, just like that.” 
You closed your eyes and pretended his fingers were his cock. You knew his cock would feel even better. 
“Can’t wait to be inside ya, baby,” he whispered. “Nothin’ I want more.” He slowly pumped his fingers deeper into you as your body opened up for him.  “Wanna slide into this tight little hole,” he panted, his cock rutting gently against your ass.  “Want you wrapped around me.” He rubbed his palm against your front. “Yeah. . .wrapped so tight around me, baby. Like ya can’t pull us apart”  Your hips grinded into his hand with your climax in sight. “Gonna have you so full of me,” he breathed, then he moaned with a harder thrust against you.   “Joined together,” he added. “Forever, baby. It’s forever,” he whispered in your ear.  “Me and you.” You whined on the edge of your climax.  “C’mon, baby,” he whispered, pumping his fingers, rocking his palm, grinding against your ass. 
He thrust against your ass with a grunt, and his grunt in your ear was enough for you to see stars.  “Joel,” you whined. 
“Yeah,” he said as your climax seized you. You whimpered as you came. “Yeah, I got ya, baby,” he whispered.  “Good girl.” He kissed your head. 
He held you and caressed you as you bathed in the afterglow. It gave you clarity on how wrong you were earlier.  You felt the things he felt.  You realized how hurt you would have been if he said the same things – That he was lonely, that it didn’t feel right there.  
“I’m not lonely,” you whispered.  “And of course it feels right, bein’ with you.”
“Okay, baby.”  He kissed your head.  
“Guess I meant the town didn’t feel. . .”  You meant the town. Your stomach dropped as you realized it.
The town. If Abe was really gone, you and Joel were the only two people left in Lincoln.  Joel was the town.  You couldn’t put your finger on why, but you felt like you might be sick.  
“I know, darlin’,” he said obliviously. “But in a way, it’s nice we have this time together.”  His arms tightened around you. “Silver lining.  Right?”  He sighed. “We’re together, don’t care about nothin’ else.” 
“Right,” you whispered and tried not to think about it.  You shivered and Joel rubbed your arms.  “It’s chilly down here. Let’s get you tucked into bed.” 
Joel showed you the restroom and your toiletries and towels.  He offered you a painkiller to help you sleep. You didn’t want to take it, but he left it on the nightstand with a glass of whiskey in case you needed it.  “Know it’s weird, sleepin’ somewhere new,” he said. He took a nightgown out of the dresser for you.  He kissed you good night, then shut your door behind him.  
You woke up in the middle of the night when you heard something metal clang then rumble outside.  You felt safer with Joel in the house, but you wanted his arms around you. Maybe he’d let you climb in his bed.  Surely he wouldn’t turn you away.  He was being a gentleman, offering you a bed of your own. You opened your bedroom door as quietly as possible and gathered the courage to go downstairs.  
Downstairs, you pushed his bedroom door open.  “Joel?” you whispered. He didn’t answer. “Joel?” There was a flickering glow outside his window, which made it harder to see the inside of the room until your eyes adjusted.  
He wasn’t in bed.  Not the bathroom, either.  You sat down on his bed and smoothed your hand over his pillow.  You dipped your nose into the cotton and inhaled his scent, closing your eyes.  It gave you a rush of comfort.  A metal clang jolted you back to the moment and the flickering light brightened for a moment.  Your heart raced.  You carefully peeked out the window and faintly saw what looked to be the silhouette of Joel standing over a burning barrel.  You felt like you should go back upstairs, as much as you wanted to curl up in his bed, inhaling his scent.  
Your heart was beating too fast to get back to sleep, and you didn’t know why.  You paced around the room and looked out the window.   You sat at the vanity.  You looked in the drawers.  You were waiting to hear the door open downstairs.  Then you could pretend to come down for the first time.  Joel would comfort you, kiss you, cuddle you to sleep.  But the door didn’t open downstairs.  You paced more and sat on the bed.  You opened the closet and looked at the dresses again. You held one up in the mirror. 
You opened the other closet door and something caught your eye.  In the back, on the very last hanger, there was a dress that made your breath hitch.  White with lace sleeves.  The longer you looked at it, the more butterflies gathered in your chest.  Maybe your eyes betrayed you.  It was too dark to tell.  You closed the closet, took the painkiller, and got back in bed.  You listened out for the door and tried to conjure the feeling of Joel’s arms around you. That was all you wanted. 
Thank you so much for reading and engaging! Thank you for your patience, too.  I love you guys!!!
I'm not sure if there will be one more part or two; I have to see how it writes. I feel like probably two, but it could be one long one with a little bit of a time jump.
All Joel: @ethanhoewke @silkiers @eiviea @evyiione @xdaddysprincessxx @queerly-anxious @chernayawidow @ambassadortotrilliusprime @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog @jasminespringtime @romanarose  @fandomsfallnomore @djarinxore @lokanda @blackvelveteen1339   @manazo @wolvesandvampires  @taeslarityy @str84pedro @kyloispunk @filthfairy @fieryglutenfreechickennoodles @harriedandharassed @moonlightdivine @worhols @fan-fiction-floozy @cutesyscreenname @weddingfairy @pedropascal-whore @spideysimpossiblegirl @feministfanboi @gracieispunk @prettypartyfavor 
Lincoln: @fan-fiction-floozy @ivyblxnde @lhymer1995 @sugarspiceanthrax @isimpforfictionalmen @zynbsblogg @swedishscumfuck @sadgirlstoohightocare @steveharringtonswh0re @skythighs @aoziety @leeeesahhh @jupitersmoon-cal @peekymoon @dtfawn 
(ct'd in comments or reblogs)
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floofeh-purpi · 2 months
Oh wow .... This will be mah first request but here we are! (⁠ㆁ⁠ω⁠ㆁ⁠)
Will it be alright to request a sagau but the reader can time travel? (Feel free to ignore this 🥹 if you don't want to)
Like for an example , the time traveler reader / y/n somehow can time travel and is excellent when it gets to time , or would sometimes use time traveling to scare the sh-t out of others.
Feel free to use any character 🥹
"And thus, The Creator wreaked havoc across Teyvat."
SAGAU! Some GI characters x Creator! Gn! Reader
『Beloved fluffball/s mentioned below! 💜』
@justmare @mc-cos-charm @keirennyx @fantasticarcadefan @catratnap
Warnings: Swearing, spelling/potential grammar issues, you being like a certain arsonist from modstandt is a way, I went back into the shitty ass writing style I had because I thought it was funnier like that, Me being a giggleshitter while writing this, this shit is so fucking short please.
You were the Architect, the Prime Mover, the Original Sin and Salvation all rolled into one cosmic entity.
The Creator.
And man, were you bored. So fucking bored you invented time travel just to spice things up. Like, be for real, who needs hobbies when you can mess with time?
Being way too op was kinda lonely. Keyword: Kinda. but hey, at least you had good hair. So you decided to be a cosmic prankster.
You turned Venti's lyre into a kazoo, replaced Zhongli's tea with lava just kidding, or am I?, and swapped Diluc's wine for apple juice. Classic. But way too damn basic. In your opinion.
Watching your creations scramble to deal with your shenanigans was pure gold. Like that time you turned the entire cast of Liyue into chickens. It was— way too literally— a feather-filled fiasco, let me tell you.
Oh! Amnd don't even get me started on the time you turned the Sumeru Akademiya cinto a giant ball pit. Yeah, those scholars were not amused. But deep down, behind the cosmic joker facade, you actually kinda cared about your little creations.
So you'd leave them little gifts. Like that time you gave Jean an infinite supply of pizza Jean doesnt know what pizza is but found it good, or when you turned Childe's delusions into reality for like, five and a quarter half minutes.
After a while, even messing with time got old. So you decided to increase the chaos you oh-so loved. Like the little shit you are/jk. You conjured up a giant-ass, angry space hamster to terrorize Teyvat. Just for kicks. Your creations rose to the challenge, and you were like, "Damn, I raised 'em right."
Then you cutely vsnished into the cosmic void, probably to plan your next world domination, or maybe just to binge-watch reality TV. Who knows? Not even you, probably.
So there you have it, the life of a bored, op ass deity. It's not all rainbows and sunshine, but it's drfinitely got its perks.
Published: July 26, 2024. 8:50pm. (What do you mean 74 likes?)
I knew resorting back into my old weiting style would make me the giggleshitter I am temporarily.
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sytoran · 2 years
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professor maximoff promises you extra credit on the condition that you make her squirt - let's just say you're a fast learner.
──── 📓 pairing. professor!wanda x cockystudent!reader
──── 📓 cont. smut (18+), college!au, powerbottom!wanda, top!reader, milf wanda cause why not, cunnilingus, who wouldn't want to bury their head between wanda maximoff's thighs, mild jealousy at the start
──── 📓 note. i wrote this is 45 minutes at 12am, (which is a record so far i think) so it's not proof-read or anything just a warning
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“stay behind after class,” professor maximoff voices. it pulls you out of a trance - taking your attention away from absent-mindedly playing with natasha romanoff’s hair. 
“since you clearly have so much time on your hands,” the sarcasm rolls off your professor’s tongue like dripping honey. you bite back a contented smirk. was she jealous?
you nod offhandedly, not bothering to meet her eye. instead, you turn back to natasha, opening your mouth to let her feed you some candy.
oh, the blazing fire of rage that is wanda maximoff is palpable to touch now. you love it. 
she’s absolutely stunning too - with the messy bun and thin-rimmed glasses resting on the tip of her nose. a cashmere-coloured blouse, alongside that classic head tilt, was more than enough to make anyone swoon.
throughout the course of the lesson, you’re relentless in your teasing - resting your head on natasha’s shoulder, letting natasha draw on your arm. wanda gets more and more agitated by the second.
the resounding bell is sweet relief, as a pit of excited desire builds within you. as the students file out, the burning gaze of your professor gouges holes into your back.
it’s not long before you’re in her arms again, behind shut doors and chaste kisses. wanda maximoff is your forbidden fruit.
“oh, i missed you,” you growl into flushed skin, hands going to the front of her shirt, skillfully unclasping buttons between heated kisses.
wanda only pulls you closer through your belt loops, an annoyed grunt sounding in the back of her throat. “you sure weren’t acting like it. you’re such an annoying brat, y’know?”
gripping the back of her thighs in response, you easily lift her up, smirking at her surprised gasp. her hands go to your shoulders for support. 
“stop acting like the daddy dom,” you whisper easily, pressing a fluttering kiss onto her neck. you set wanda down onto her desk. “we both know who’s the one who screams.”
you relish in the way wanda’s impatiently pulling down your pants now, cheeks blazing. she then spreads her legs, putting each of them over your shoulders, giving you easy access.
at the sight of the damp spot on her racy undergarment, you feel yourself salivate.
“look at that,” you whisper, in awe. “so soaked for me, mhm?” 
you can’t help but pin wanda’s pretty hips down, moving to flatten your tongue and dragging it across the fabric of her panties, over her entire cunt.
the moan wanda lets out in downright sinful. you sigh in content, going to suck the juices off her inner thighs.
you can smell her arousal in the air, and your brain goes fuzzy for a moment.
“extra credit,” she gasps through a shaky jerk, clutching onto your shoulders tighter. 
“what?” you ask, with a tinge of confusion, voice still muffled from being buried between your professor’s thighs. you slowly look up with disheveled hair, jawline damp with her juices. wanda nearly loses it.
“extra credit if you make me squirt.”
your jaw quite literally drops, and you struggle to compose yourself. an amused grin slowly takes over your features, and you smile devilishly at the embarrassed flush on wanda’s face.
“fuck, professor, quite needy, aren’t we?” you drawl, tracing a feather-light finger over her dampened panties. you tug it off in a painfully slow fashion, showing her the string of juices clinging onto the fabric. 
she whines, hips jerking. your pupils dilate.
“just- shut up and get to work.” wanda gasps. “i’m not letting you leave until i’m satisfied.”
“oh, don’t tempt me with a good time, professor.”
less talk happens when you dive back in. fueled by the idea of a challenge - ever the competitive spirit you are.
steadily holding your professor’s legs spread, your tongue laps at her pussy like it would be your last meal on earth. ravenously devouring, through the moans and the uttered curses. there was only one thing on your mind.
wanda’s not quite aware of what you’re doing anymore, mind only registering the hazy acknowledgements of a wave of pleasure after another.
you’re doing something with that goddamned sinful tongue - flattening out and thrusting in and out, then in a rocking undulation, against all the spots that make her go weak in the knees.
fuck, it’s so hot, and wanda’s getting so unbelievably drenched - yet you don’t slow down, not for a moment, and soon enough the coil building in wanda’s stomach is all too much to handle.
the stretch feels fantastic, when you shove your head a little closer, nose bumping against her stiff clit. wanda jerks in your arms, purple imprints marking themselves into her thighs with your rough hands.
wanda can’t even formulate words when your other hand goes to cup her breast, massaging and kneading.
she falls apart, faster than with any ‘experienced’ man she’d ever been with. 
wanda’s orgasm comes in streams, squirting all over your mouth, of which you lap up eagerly. 
your professor lets out a silent scream in doing so, and you let her clutch the back of your head, slowly rocking out the waves of the aftershocks.
god, it’s almost embarrassing, being brought over the edge so easily by her own college student, with the cocky smirk and ridiculously talented tongue. 
those doubts fade away when you gently soothe over wanda’s simulated cunt with ginger strokes, cupping her body delicately. the professor isn’t aware of how long you stay with her.
you get her dressed again, then soon you’re getting up to leave
“see you soon, professor?” you ask, hopefully, managing to bring in a cheeky wink at the last second. 
“it’s not the best grade yet,” wanda says, with as much steadiness as she can. she’s that image of composed professor again, and you couldn’t be more turned on. “could be improved. i don't know, more extra credit would be helpful.”
you only huff in amusement, smirking in victory. just as you open the door, with the knowledge that wanda's eyes are on you, you lick your fingers clean, being purposeful in trailing your tongue languidly.
you barely see wanda's jaw drop before you shut the door with a satisfying 'thud'.
on the other side of the door, wanda's cunt throbs.
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today feels like a day to be sad and gay
the headers are from pinterest and @u-uwin
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cagesofgold · 24 days
BOWS - Touya Todoroki / Dabi x Reader
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Touya’s never had to buy a gift before. He has vivid memories of linking flower stems together, pinching their petals at the ends with his fingers and placing them on Fuyumi’s head. Or that time he found a stray football discarded against a lamp post and brought it home beneath his shoulder for Natsuo. He had given a gift before, as he knew it.
But is that what you knew it to be?
The whiskey glass in his hand seemed to never end, the bottom tilted to one side with lashings of ice beginning to melt. Brown lurid liquid sloshing with every jolt of his hand, subconsciously anxious and consciously angered.
Touya thought he knew you pretty well. He knew that you hated mornings, and relished hot showers. He knew that your smile lit up every room you’d ever walked into and you hated cutlery against plates. He knew he could find you most often behind the bar, tucked away in the corner observing Kurogiri as he whisked around the shelves lined with liquor - your nose within a book, the pages water damaged and crinkled. He knew you loved to laugh, and hated those who took that from you. He knew you found it hysterical when Twice would perform his All Might impression, and rejoiced when Spinner would bring in fresh pork cutlet for dinner.
He knew that you loved the stars and the moon. And every celestial being within that sky, untouched by the brutalities of humanity, and holding the secrets we would always sought. You loved pointing out funky shaped clouds and insisting they looked like cats, when to Touya they just looked like blobs. You loved when he would bring you in snacks from his avid disappearances from the base, showing you were still at the front of his mind.
He knew your eyebrows would crinkle nervously when his hands would dust over yours, never wincing from their ragged appearance, but wincing from his touch. He knew you loved to dance, arms wrapped around his neck and fingers drumming along his nape to the rhythm - telling him to “Loosen up”, he never did. You never stopped telling him.
He knew that your lips were soft. He knew that they had no right to touch his, wrapped in wholehearted good meshing with the bearer of sin. He knew he shouldn’t come near you, but everyone knew that you had poisoned him from the minute you walked in that day. A shy grin tugged at your lips, intelligent and calculated words silencing dubious conceptions - and a white bow flailing behind you.
He loved those bows. You had one in every color. Some crimped, some satin, some cotton. Some with butterflies and some with strawberries. Some with small blue flames you had painted yourself and excitedly thrust into his face one day, a classical book still shoved under your arm and hair wild from the morning air.
They were apart of you as much as they were him. He was always finding little bows everywhere you went, like a trail, follow the bow, there goes Y/N.
He would never forget when he found you on the ground outside. A puddle of coalescing liquids, some crimson, some grey - seeping into your jeans as you held something crushed in your hands. Your favorite bow, doused in deep red stains - mauve accents polluting the pink stitched hem.
He knew you were upset, soul as crushed as that little piece of fabric. And as the days went by and your hair was absent of their astoundingly large presence for their size, he felt a pit of unease settle in his stomach.
The ice in the whiskey glass had melted, and Touya’s hood was pulled over his head as he transcended the steps to the front door of the bar, tugging it open with force and tearing down the streets. Each step he grew faster, careful to keep his face downcast in order to maintain his identity - to hide his scars you would always kiss. He dug his hands into his pockets, the hands you would always caress and wash, sweet whispers that he didn’t deserve, didn’t deserve for a fucking second, reassuring him that he was loved.
That you…
“Do you want that wrapped?” The cashier smacked her gum uninterestedly, bright blue eyeshadow on her waterline contrasting her dark eyes.
He nodded, keeping his voice wrapped away in the confinements of his true self that only you were allowed to see. He had some nerve, acting as if that was some kind of gift. You really had rewired his deprecating tendencies.
Cash slid across the table and the paper handles were clutched by burnt fingers, black boots sidling across squeaky linoleum floors - and a ten minute walk back to the hideout.
The moon hung low, and the stars peeked out from the blanket of black which hugged the sky. He wondered if you were looking at them, hanging out your window in that way he always hated, your laugh cutting straight through him as you glanced over your shoulder at him, that smile that went all the way up to your eyes. That smile which told him everything he begged to know his entire life. He never valued it before, and selfishly, the only reason he values it now is to make sure that smile never leaves. It stays to bless everyone who has the courtesy to see it.
His fist met your door, three raps and a slap. The order you made up whilst wrapped in a cloud of giggles, he swore to never do it. You thought differently. The door slowly creaked open, and he was met with a flood of emotions all crashing into him at once. Your eyes were deep set, rings of purple hanging below those vibrant colors he loved so much - except they’d flattened into something unrecognizable - and an instantaneous anger rose through him. Not directed at you, god, never at you.
Before his name could escape you he placed the box in your hands. Your palms were flat against the decorative box, a sweet pink fabric adorned with white ribbon. Lace lining each edge. You cocked an eyebrow, confusion clouding your eyes before he just simply tapped it with his pointer finger, shuffling around where he stood - one foot tapping against the floor.
Your gaze dropped downwards, opening the box slowly, careful and mindful of the wrapping. He found this incredibly endearing. And when you saw what was inside, saw it laying there, unspoken words between both of you laced within every stitch - He knew.
Touya thought he knew you pretty well.
He knew you loved him, and by god did he love you.
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eilidh-eternal · 10 months
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Today may have been a Holy day, but lord am I having some unholy thoughts about Simon and Johnny and their pretty little dancer who doesn't even know she's theirs. 18+ MDNI
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Johnny convinces Simon to go to the ballet, Swan Lake specifically, whilst home on leave for the holidays. They spend Christmas and the new year together, even make the trip to London to celebrate with Price and Gaz--just in time for the English National Ballet's opening night of their annual Swan Lake production. There are billboards and advertisements for it everywhere in the city, and Johnny pesters Simon relentlessly, always pointing out the pretty little bird the ballet company chose for their advertising campaign. Always saying "C'mon Si, it's a classic. Just this once, just so I can say I've seen it."
And finally he gives in. Tells him to get tickets and make the arrangements so he'll stop nagging him about it. The night of the ballet they go to a swanky bar at an upscale hotel because Simon needs a bourbon if he's going to spend the rest of the evening with Johnny at the London Coliseum, theater packed with unfamiliar faces that care little to hide their staring or to mind his personal space. And the Bourbon is doing wonders to take the edge off, the burn of the liquor as it slides down his throat warming him from the inside out and blanketing his mind in a similar hazy warmth. It's done the job so well in fact that it takes his brain a moment to catch up with his senses when someone who isn't Johnny presses into the narrow space between them at the bar to flag down the bartender.
You wave them over and step up onto the foot rail to lean across the bar top, half-shouting your order over the noise of the other patrons. When the bartender hurries off to mix your drink you take a step back from the bar to give the two burly men their space but lose your footing when another patron bumps into you unknowingly from behind, and you find yourself nearly falling into Simon's lap.
Johnny has his arm around your waist to hold you up, and a steadying hand on your shoulder. "Nearly took a tumble. Are ye aw'right hen?"
You try to form a response, tell him you're sorry, that you're usually not this clumsy, but the words can't seem to find their way past your lips as your brain stumbles over the sudden warmth in the pit of your stomach and you're left staring up into his concerned eyes.
Another large, warm hand splays across your back between your shoulders and an even deeper voice rumbles from behind, "Are ya hurt, love?"
The bartender appears to deposit your drink, snapping your attention back into startling focus, and you quickly right yourself, pulling away from the embrace of the bright-eyed and sturdily built man you're currently chest to chest with. And if he is sturdy then the only way to describe the man who's hand still lingers at your back is massive, a veritable tower of muscle who's staring down at you with the same concerned pinch of his brows. You wonder at the reasoning for the black surgical mask, but now isn't the time to linger on thoughts of handsome strangers in crowded bars.
"I- I'm so sorry, I didn't mean- "
"No harm done, lass, no need to get yer feathers ruffled. Here," the dark-haired man assures you and kindly passes your drink to you from the bar, eyes traveling over you in appraisal as you take your drink with a shy 'thank you'. "Interesting choice of attire," he says with a gesture to your athletic shoes, yoga pants and oversized jumper.
"I uh... I'm not staying long. Just came for a little liquid courage," you explain.
"That's a shame. 'S not everyday a pretty dove falls into our lap."
Our? You're suddenly aware of the hand still on your back and you feel heat creeping up into your cheeks. Oh- oh. You take a step back as that heat creeps all the way to the tips of your ears. "I'm sure all the- um... I mean- surely you could have your pick of anyone here." He laughs at this and leans over to his... friend?
"Ye hear that Simon? Pretty little bird thinks we'd want just anyone." His friend doesn't say anything, gives no indication he's heard him except for the subtle tilt of his head and the upward cant of a brow as he turns round to see you better.
You're about to apologize, say you hadn't meant it like that, when there's a hand on your elbow and a familiar voice calling your name.
"Come on! We're going to be late for call time!"
You look between your friend, dressed similarly in athletic attire and shouldering a small duffel at her hip, and the two men at the bar. If you don't leave soon you are going to be late and that isn't how you want to start this night. You down the rest of your drink and stretch forward to slide your empty glass on the bar top between them. "I um, I'm gonna be late if I don't- I hope... I hope you two enjoy the rest of your night," you manage to say before your friend is pulling you away by your elbow, leading you towards the lobby.
Johnny watches with quiet amusement as your friend, wearing an identical jumper to yours, drags you away and ushers you out of the bar. He turns to Simon and finds him still watching the same direction you had left in, a hint of shared amusement reflected in his eyes as they meet Johnny’s.
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Simon has a hand on Johnny’s back, guiding him through the crowd slowly dispersing from the theater. The ballet hadn’t been as bad as he’d thought it would be. He’d actually quite enjoyed the storytelling of it all and lamented that they hadn’t been able to see the orchestra in the pit. He’d have liked to have been able to watch the musicians, to see how they also moved in time with the music. And though he had certainly never seen the show before, not even on video, he couldn’t ignore the feeling that something about it had felt… familiar. Especially when he paid more attention to Odette.
“I dunno how they move like that, it doesnae seem natural,” Johnny rambles as the two of them make their way through the house doors. “I can barely get my leg up and over the hurdles for PT. Cannae imagine gettin it to go above my head, that looks bloody painful-”
Johnny stops speaking abruptly and comes to a halt beside Simon, nearly causing a collision with the older couple behind them. Just as quickly as he’d brought them to a halt he was moving again, but not towards the exit. He was pulling Simon towards a small crowd gathered near the promotional display for the show.
“Johnny, what- where are you going?”
He doesn’t answer, just keeps pulling Simon through throngs of people, shouldering a path forward until he reaches the edge of the small crowd. He lets go of Simon’s hand to move closer, and his brows furrow in confusion and growing irritation as people paying little attention to their surroundings bump into him.
A flash of movement above the heads of the crowd captures Simon's attention immediately, and his muscles tense, heart hammering in his chest, until he sees what exactly his attention has caught on. Feathers. White feathers. Johnny manages to shoulder his way to the front and Simon swallows his discomfort as he presses in behind him, but the feeling of unease gives way to something else when he see’s why Johnny’s dragged him here.
A dancer poses among the faux scenery, a small-scale recreation of the lake, wearing large, white wings, and smiling for pictures with small children. When the dancer changes position for another photo with another family, Simon sucks in a breath as he glimpses their face—your face.
The children smile and their parents take a few too many photos before scampering off to allow the next family their turn, and you shift from your pose, perched up on your toes with a leg high in the air behind you, akin to a swans tail, back down on two legs again and turn to greet the next family. Your eyes widen, and recognition flashes over your face when you have to look up at Johnny and Simon.
“Hello, little bird.”
Masterlist | Places!
©️Eilidh-Eternal.2024 ~ The intellectual property of Eilidh-Eternal is not permitted for reposting, transcription, translation or use with AI technologies.
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jenchan-writingmultis · 4 months
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Twisted Wonderland Boys x Fem Reader in their respective Fairytales (Series)
Leona's Part
Previous Part (Riddle)
─────❅───── A/n: I might have butchered Leona, I'm so sorry :(
Content Warning: This Fic will be tagged as 16+ since it is a bit suggestive along with mentions of Gorey themes (Azul), it’s very vague. I haven’t finished Book 6 and Book 7 because I’m stuck in Tartarus, but they’re not done here yet. Riddle (Suggestive Themes), Leona (Cussing, Blood mention), Azul (Obsession, Manipulation, Cussing once, Potential Cannibalism? (He eats merpeople who are turned into Polyps). The reason for potential OOC was cause I mixed both the classic Villains with the personality of our beloved boys
Due to the Tumblr Limit, Each one will be divided unfortunately, hopefully, it's an easy navigation for all of you!
First Batch would be: Riddle, Leona, Azul Second Batch would be: Kalim, Idia, Malleus
List of Villains interconnecting with each character:
Riddle = Queen of Hearts
Leona = Scar
Azul = Ursula
It’s hot, you thought to yourself, sweating bullets as if you were in the middle of a savanna, which, unfortunately, you were. Looking around; you only noticed a small cave that was a few feet away from you.
You could go there just by walking so without a doubt, you made your way to it, the closer you were the bigger the cave got, fanning yourself, you immediately went inside, sighing in relief as you felt cold water dripping to your forehead, it might be a wet pit cave. You were going to step further when you felt something squish beneath your feet.
“Urghk” a grunt was heard, causing you to jump back in surprise, the perfectly camouflaged man stirred up, sitting as he placed his tail on his lap, rubbing the part you stepped on. “Fuck, what the hell is a prey doing here?” snarling as he opened his eyes, piercing into your figure like he wanted to devour you here and there. “You’re lucky that I’m too lazy to eat you” he continued, sounding annoyed, standing up, he grabbed the collar of your shirt, pulling you roughly near to his face so that he could examine you better.
“You really are a prey,” he said amusedly, while you froze, not from fear, maybe a bit of that but also from surprise, Leona, your lover, was standing infront of you shirtless, with only just his pants, since when was he this bold?
“Leona!” you squeaked, covering your eyes to shy yourself away from the lion, who looked lost. “What?” he asked, crossing his arms, he found you looking like an idiot, covering your eyes like that, but instead of getting irritated, he found himself intrigued by how stupid the situation was.
“Put on some clothes please” you muttered, still not glancing at him, okay that was ridiculous, he grabbed your collar once again forcing you to look at him, “What kind of idiot would get flushed over a body?” he asked, after all, in this land, almost every beastmen and beastwomen were half naked, or fully naked, so why are you flustered? Huh, now examining your outfit, you didn’t seem to be a beast type.
"Hm," he murmured, pulling away to maintain a safe distance. "A human in the territory of beasts." He glanced lazily behind you, checking if you bought any of your herbivore friends with you. Finding none, he couldn't decide if you were bold or simply foolish. With a slight laugh, he added "You're bold. I'm surprised you weren't mauled and served as today's dinner on your way here."
“What does that mean?” you pouted, Leona somehow senses a feeling of familiarity in it, so he grabbed your hand, dragging you to his lair further as he sat down, placing you beside him, he draped himself on you.
Yeah, this feels familiar, he thought to himself, laying on your plush thighs, you didn’t even push him away automatically brushing your fingers in his hair. “I’m guessing you’re not from around here Prey,” he asked, eyes closing as he feasted on your affection.
“Yeah, I just happen to be here” you replied shortly, you didn’t really know what to say, this guy might not even be Leona, maybe he’s an evil counterpart, but the thing is he seemed to be fond of you, so what’s the difference? Was it the fact that the scar on his eye was bigger? Or the fact that he was littered with tattoos, unlike your Leona? The black ink spreading all over his arms to his back and neck was pretty, it suits him.
“When I take the throne, I’ll make you my little mouse,” he said so casually which caused you to stiffen. “Take the throne?” you asked as your fingers nimbly pushed the hair back that was covering his face, the moment he opened his eyes you saw the determination in his usually bored eyes.
“I will be king someday,” he said, grabbing your wrist you felt him pull it to his lips as he nuzzled it, so uncharacteristic of him, however, you’re not even sure who he is, so maybe not.
Pain suddenly surrounds your wrist, squeaking when Leona bit your wrist, letting the blood drip into his mouth; that hurt, you tried to pull your hand away but his grab on you was firm.
“I’ll be ten times the king Farena and his little brat will ever be” he stated, letting your wrist go when he saw the look you gave, fear, it suits you.
Yeah, He’s decided, the way you react, the way you stare at him with both love and fear. He’s going to keep you.   I’m sure you knew what he meant when he said he would take the throne right?
Azul Part one
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mustainegf · 17 days
OK SO SEOUL 2006. you’re up front watching Kirk do that solo after fwtbt, and holy shit you’re abt to freak, and he LOOKS AT U with this crazy ass look. after the show, security takes u backstage and Kirk fingerfucks tf outta u in the dressing room…
(If u don’t know what I’m talking abt btw I’ll send u the vid)
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𝐒𝐄𝐎𝐔𝐋 ²⁰⁰⁶
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It was finally Metallica day. For years I've waited patiently to go see them live in South Korea. I grew up listening to 'Master of Puppets' with my dad, always dreaming of being in a mosh pit and getting crowd-surfed during the classics. And here I am standing front row at Olympic Gymnasium Hall, one of the best seats I could possibly hope for.
They're just finishing one of my favourite songs, For Whom The Bell Tolls, when the lights go dark and Kirk's solo pierces the air of the stadium.
I'm hooked. My eyes shoot wide and I'm basically ogling at him as he drips with sweat, his head rolling back as his bare chest shone.
There's something about an older rockstar that turns me on- the mystery and sexiness. I know he's seeing me through his smoky haze of sweat and effort.
It felt like he was looking straight into my soul. Like he knew what kind of thoughts were racing through my mind.
Those dark eyes, usually so sweet and awkward, almost evil as he staring at me, his sweaty fingers bending at the string like a madman, his other hand pounding down in the whammy.
He plays like he means it, and you can't help but feel every note.
His tongue is dripping with saliva from biting his lips hard, trying to keep control of himself in a room full of girls going crazy.
I lick my lips and squeeze myself together, knowing exactly where I want those lips. As he makes this last note, every guy around us goes nuts. I can hear screaming, clapping, yelling... I don't give a damn.
My mind and soul are only focused on him for the remainder of the show, he looks the sexiest he ever has.
After the show finally concluded, I find myself in the grip or a security guard, a man leaning in a telling me something.
He nodded his head and pointed behind me. I turn around to see Kirk smiling, pointing over his shoulder, as if he wants to leave.
Its only seconds before I'm being led down a dark hall. This couldn't be real. I walk to the dressing room door, which had been left open and peek inside.
"Hey", someone shouts from the side of the room, I turn to see Kirk walking towards me. "Nice to meet ya"
"I- um. hi.." I greet him awkwardly, unable to suppress my goofy smile.
I'm a fan girl all over again. Kirk holds out his hands like a knight greeting his lady in shining armour. He's shirtless still. His hair slick with sweat, his muscles strained from singing and playing guitar.
"In the dressing room, now." he smirks, pointing into the room.
I didn't hesitate, stepping past him into the dimly lit dressing room, filled with sound equipment and worn leather couches.
Kirk follows close behind, glancing over his shoulder to check no-one is watching. He shuts the door softly and steps closer to me. He leans in and whispers, "what do you think?"
I lean forward too, smiling widely. He notices I'm not wearing any bra underneath my black t-shirt. My nipples poking against my tight sports bra.
"I think we should get better acquainted." I whisper. That set him off, laughing loud enough to make sure there's nobody outside the room, then smiling slyly at me, turning away to sit on the couch.
I watch him sit, taking in the view of his naked torso. Kirk snickers and pats his thighs, so I follow his order and turn, sitting in his lap and leaning my back against his chest.
Our hips pressing tightly together, grinding slowly. He runs his hands up and down my stomach, scratching lightly.
I love how rough his hands are, he keeps glancing over at my tits swaying back and forth, feeling his cock growing under my ass. He wraps his arms around my body, lifting me up slightly.
His mouth presses on my neck, sucking gently. I moan loudly, my legs twitching. He presses his crotch against mine, letting me grind into his rock-hard dick.
"Is that what you wanted to get better acquainted with? You're such a naughty little thing." I look over at him and kiss him deeply, feeling our tongues dancing.
A faint noise of kissing starts, along with some light voices from people outside. I grin cheekily at him, my hands rubbing up and down his strong arms, feeing his bare back pressing on my chest. "You like that baby? Huh?"
Kirk slides his hands down my breasts, over my waist and carefully unbuttoned my jeans.
His hand moved down, sliding under my underwear. Pressing firmly against my mound, rubbing his fingertips against my clit. I gasp, putting both hands over his, applying more pressure to my pussy.
His wet fingers slide smoothly inside me, fucking my hole gently. I shut my eyes and lean my head back against his shoulder. I let out long low breaths.
Feeling his fingers moving in and out of me slowly, making small circles with each movement. "Mmmhmmm." I moan in approval, turning my face and looking directly into his eyes, winking at him.
"Do you like my hands baby? Do they feel nice?" he asks, teasing me. I look at him with pleading eyes. It was getting harder to restrain myself. "Ahh yeaah.. mmm." I struggle to get words out.
His fingers were working their magic, massaging me deeper and harder until I felt a wave of pleasure radiate from my loins. "Fuck!" I shout, my eyes rolling back into my head. His hands never stop touching me.
"Lets get this sexy thing off of you," Kirk snickers into my ear before pulling his fingers out to slide down my lace thong.
I lift my hips to help him slip it down my legs. My panties crumpled in his fist.
Kirk tosses them to the ground and slides his hand back between my legs.
His middle finger finds my hole easily and slides right back in. I whimper at the sensations shooting through my core. "Ahh! Oh yeah..."
I groan quietly, arching my back, grinding my pussy hard against his hand. "Shit yes... Just keep doing that..." He spreads his thumb over my swollen clit and begins a slow circle motion.
God damn it feels good.
I grind harder, driving his finger deep inside my cunt as far as it can go. I breathe heavily, lost in the moment, my mind blanking out.
"Yesssss... just... oh god. don't stop." I pant desperately, feeling my orgasm building up from somewhere deep inside me.
"Do you want to cum for me baby?" Kirk growls in my ear. I shudder violently, my voice shaking. "Please,
pleaseeeeeeee" I beg him urgently. His index finger joins the other, stretching my walls even wider.
My clit tingles as he rubs feverishly. I can feel it coming, heat rising inside me, my skin starting to burn. His other hand holds onto my breast tightly, squeezing it roughly as he sucks on my neck.
His fingers pump wildly inside me as I reach my climax. The wave of ecstasy surges throughout my body, I cry out as every muscle in my body clenches hard, convulsing uncontrollably. I spasm all over the place. "Kirk!" I whine.
"That's it, love... breathe through it... oh yeah, I bet that feels real nice." he mumbled, giggling under his breath.
Slowly he slows down his rhythm and pulls out of me. All I could do was lie there completely exhausted. He pulled my back to him and held me close, nuzzling his nose in my hair.
Kirk kisses my temple with a sigh and a smile, bringing his fingers to his mouth and sucking off my juices.
"Good girl... real good.."
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